#i want to write this eventually when life isn't so... [gestures]
honey-and-diamonds · 2 years
kinnporsche princess diaries au
okay but please consider an au where everything up to the finale happened BEFORE PORSCHE like the minor family coup and kinn taking over with korn lurking in the shadows. but the minor family needs a new leader. naturally this position should go to the long lost eldest son of the kittisawads. cue korn wearing his best julie andrews disguise and showing up at porsche and chay’s home.
porsche is still doing the same old same old pre-kinn routine of lore
he meets kinn differently though-- kinn comes into hum bar with time and tay and porsche flirts it up (for tips. not because kinn is hot. because he’s not.) kinn humors him and tips well
one day korn shows up at porsche’s door and says “youre the heir to this mafia family” and porsche says “shut up” in his best anne hathaway voice and tries to kick korn out
korn explains (threatens) porsche that people gunning for the minor family power will be trying to eliminate porsche now that gun is six feet under and vegas is no longer able to take up the position (read: korn wont let him)
porsche does not care
korn brings out the big guns: chay will also be in danger
suddenly porsche’s ears are open
korn says that if porsche accepts his new role then chay will be able to go to the best schools and have every opportunity open to him and he will be safe (he is not manipulative. he swears.) 
so porsche reluctantly agrees to try out this whole mafia thing. 
korn makes sure chay gets a “””scholarship””” to his dream uni, effectively keeping him out of harms way but also his way
porsche comes to the compound and lo and behold, there is kinn
i personally would like to see porsche stomp on kinn’s foot a la princess diaries 2 bc porsche is embarrassed and thinks that kinn knew about this whole mess when he came to the bar. (kinn did. he wanted to see what street rat his father picked up to take over the minor family. he didn’t expect porsche to be so charming.)
porsche is very bad not good at this mafia thing. he half asses all of his training with chan (who i imagine to be the very reluctant joe equivalent in this universe)
until things go really really badly one day. people die because of porsche’s mistakes, and he’s haunted by it. he wants to be better, because the weight of his responsibilities is finally hitting. he swallows his pride and goes to kinn for help. 
kinn basically says there’s no use trying because porsche is just a pawn in korn’s game anyway. porsche is the perfect candidate for the head of the minor family because he has no experience and can be easily influenced. korn couldnt control gun, so he got rid of him. korn thinks porsche will be much easier to mold. 
oh this makes porsche BIG MAD
you know who overheard that whole thing? tankhun
tankhun, who has been underestimated and undervalued for so long, and is SICK AND TIRED of his father’s games, sees porsche and decides thats his blorbo
cue revenge montage where porsche takes a minor family for dummies crash course taught by arm
porsche is supposed to attend his first major meeting with the heads of all the clans and tankhun decides that this is the time for a paulo-style makeover 
”tankhun is exhausted. because he takes this--” points to a picture of porsche mid sneeze, “--and this--” a picture of porsche asleep and drooling, “and give you THIS”
arm and pol, in unison, “a mafia boss”
pete claps from his spot on tankhun’s sofa
anyways porsche shows up to the meeting and it’s tense but he manages to hold his own, much to the chagrin of kinn
but the problems are only beginning!! because there is discontent among the clans that porsche is literally a civilian with 0 experience, and thinks either 1) kinn should just absorb the minor clan’s businesses into one theerapanyakul conglomerate or 2) bring vegas back somehow
tankhun, as always, has a suggestion: porsche needs to make an “”””alliance”””” with another heir to a clan.
cue that scene in princess diaries 2 where theyre going through eligible bachelors except it’s mafia heirs/heiresses that arm put together in a tidy powerpoint and theyre going through it on tankhun’s sofa eating caramel popcorn
porsche goes on a series of dates/meetings/whatever you want to call them, and accidentally ends up charming the pants off of all of them bc lets face it porsche is adorable and sexy all at once and it’s throws everyone for a loop. he ends up with a harem. because he needs that.
he is at uni and having the time of his life, ignorant of the fact that it is now paid for by the mafia
he makes friends with macau because thats what should have happened to begin with
cue kim appearing from the shadows to investigate the brother of the guy taking over the minor family. feels sus to him. and FRIENDS WITH MACAU???? mega sus.
except chay is pure sunshine and is so earnest that kim falls headfirst into love send help.
i mean it he’s really in the TRENCHES
anyways thats all i have so far. obviously kinn and porsche kiss kiss fall in love and realize that they are better TOGETHER and also the usurp korn and his schemes with tankhun’s help and they live happily ever after 
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penelopepine · 2 months
Don't be a stranger! Pt. 4
Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Simon "Ghost" Riley x FemReader
Content: Neighbors AU, fluff, developing relationship
Johnny has silently been sitting across from him for 20 mins now; his eyes were narrowed with a wide smirk on his face. It was clear that he had something on his mind that he wanted to bring up, but Simon is refusing to be the one to bring it up first. 
“So…Lt.” Johnny leaned forward, “Who did you meet?” 
Simon paused with what he was writing and looked up to meet Johnny’s eyes. The two of them were close, but he doubts that the other can read him so well to know that he met someone while away. “Why do you think I met someone?” 
"It's written all over your face, and I'm reading you like a book." 
"My covered face?" 
"It's written on your mask then, either way I can tell." 
Simon decides to do what he does best and ignores the conversation; if he doesn't react Johnny would eventually get bored of poking and leave him alone. This must be the most interesting happening in the sergeant's life though because he doesn't seem ready to let go.
"Is this mystery person a new friend or partner?" Johnny continued to stare at Simon as if he was actually trying to read him.
"Do you have anything you need to be doing right now or do I need to find you something?"
Right away he watches as Johnny jumps out of his seat and walks towards the door with his hands up. That grin hasn't dimmed even the tiniest bit though as he turns to Simon once more, "Oh by the way the reason I came to find you was that the mail room says they have a care package for you." With that Johnny is quickly out the door. 
Simon glared at the spot the other once stood. That explains what had Johnny so bothersome he supposes then. He'll also need to talk to the mail room about not announcing what he's getting to nosy sergeants. 
With a huff he stands from his seat and also makes his way to the office door. Simon isn't going to show it, but he is always very excited whenever he gets another package from you. He's been away for a little over a month now. The two of you have talked over the phone plenty of times, but there's something more intimate about exchanging letters and packages with one another.  
Once reaching the mail room he is quick to gather his things, and make his way to the confines of his private space. He would have made it there without any interruptions, but he just had to run into Price on his way. 
"Ghost." Price smiles and gestures towards the box, "What you got there lad?"
"A box, sir." 
"From anyone special?"
Simon wasn't sure how to answer that because you were special to him, but he really didn't want anyone knowing about you right now. He's not ready to share who you are and what you mean to him yet. It's bad enough that Johnny already has an inkling about who you are; bad things always seem to happen when everybody finds out.  
As if sensing his internal struggle, Price asks, "Is this the same person who gave you that bracelet?" 
Looking down at his wrist the bracelet was out for all to see. Simon swiftly moves his sleeve to cover it once again out of sight; giving Price a hard stare. "It might be." 
Price gives a small chuckle and as he walks past gives him a pat on the back, "Well then, I won't keep you any longer."
Not needing to be told twice Simon rushes to his room. Right away he opens the box from you; right on top is a note reading, “Facetime me, if you can, while you open the rest of the box!!!” 
Looking at the time you should be home already. Good, he’d hate to miss a chance to talk to you. Simon takes a few moments to make sure his space is presentable for you before calling.
You answer on the second ring. Your face appears on screen with a wide smile as you move about the room. “Simon!” 
There it was again the feeling of his heart threatening to burst from his chest. You’re able to stop all other thoughts as soon as you say his name, “Hello, love.”
"How have you been? Did you get my package? I put an extra special item in there for you!" 
"Oh really? Well let's see what's in here then." Simon pulls the box into the camera view, and takes out the first item. It was a large container of chocolate chip cookies. He had asked for more after the first time, and now you always add baked goods whenever you send him anything. 
"Those are to share by the way. I packed extra so your friends could enjoy some too!" 
That was another thing he really admired about you. You were always thinking of others and wanting to help when you could. He had told you all about the team; little stories of them around base or out at the pub. You also asked about them once in a while; wanting to make sure everyone was doing ok. "They're my coworkers." 
"You can't lie to me Simon. I know you care about them more than you would a normal coworker."  The camera view on your end now showed you in the kitchen preparing to cook dinner for yourself. "Take out the next one!"
"Whatever you say love," he reaches back in and in hands now sits a tin of his favorite tea. 
You gasp and lightly clap, "Here it is!" 
Simon had complained during one of the phone calls that he hadn't had a good cup of tea in ages, and whenever good tea does come onto base it's usually gone within the hour. "I don't deserve you, love, thank you. This is going to make my time here much more enjoyable."
"That's what I like to hear! Just let me know when you run out and I'll be sure to send more." Simon would do anything to make sure that the smile you're giving him never leaves your face, "There should only be one more thing in there now!"
Pulling out the last thing was a small envelope. At first he thought it was a letter, but after opening it he found that the envelope actually had several polaroid pictures inside. Carefully he pulled them out and examined them carefully. 
One of them was of a sunrise on the street he had always walked you to work on. Another was one of your hands in the shape of half a heart in front of his flat door. The next one was you; you were smiling at the camera, at him. 
"I got a polaroid camera just a bit ago, and thought you'd like some pictures of home." 
“They're perfect.” These were worth more to him than you would ever know, “What about you, love; did you get your package?” 
You grab the phone and start to walk again, “Yeah, let me show you what I did!”
The camera is soon flipped and there on your living room window sill are all the rocks he has been sending you. 
“What’s the story behind this one?” You hold up the most recent rock he had sent you. It was palm sized and vaguely resembled a mountain peak. 
“That’s the very stone that took down Johnny.” He couldn’t help but smile at the memory, “He was running away from Gaz, and before either could get very far Johnny trips and falls straight on his face. It deserves the honor of being in your company for that.”
The two of you continue to talk as you make dinner for yourself. Talking about your day, work, and future plans for about another half hour. He can’t stay with you forever though, and he still has things he needs to do today. 
“I’ll call you later love.” 
The two of you exchange goodbyes and Simon is left with the silence of his room, wishing that he could be with you right now. 
Looking at the time he noted to himself that Price has a briefing planned in just a bit. He placed some aside for himself for later before grabbing the box of cookies from you and started to make his way towards the meeting room. 
Taglist: @nexthyperfix @yourdaydreamerfan @tf141gloryhole @just-pure-trash @definitelynotaclown
@141tfsan @arminarlertssword @openup-yourmind
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illubean · 5 months
Can you write a scenario/headcannons where the hxh characters have a crush on Zoldyck!reader? (I think reader would have such overprotective brothers, killua and illumi lol)
HXH with a crush on Zoldyck!reader
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Characters: Kurapika Kurta, Leorio Paladaknight, Chrollo Lucilfer Type: Fluff?, Headcanons, Gn!reader
why is illumi the only one with eyebrows and a mouth in this photo
Warnings: none
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Kurapika Kurta
out of his two older friends Killua thinks Kurapika is the better option
but he still doesn't like the idea of you dating anyone
like his dear older sibling is giving their attention to someone other than him? unacceptable!
Kurapika is a lot more reserved with his feelings than Leorio, leaving not much room for Killua to meddle
so the younger boy just watches from afar
he gives the blonde glares and intense side eyes, and when he feels he's getting too close he won't hesitate to swoop in and steal you away
Kurapika is pretty smart so he's probably found a few ways to get around your brother
after a while of you two talking without Killua's knowledge you eventually get together
one day he caught you two holding hands under a table at the diner or sitting at a bench
he actually screams
with erratic gestures to your guys' hands he's like "WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN"
the boy is slack jawed
he thought he did such a good job keeping you separated
"watever just...don't hurt them or anything!"
Leorio Paladaknight
Killua's first reaction to learning this information is "No way, you're too old for my sibling!"
Killua babes he's only like 19
Leorio is by no means subtle with the way he feels about you even if he thinks he is
Killua makes it his life mission to keep you separated 💀
The group is splitting up and Leorio volunteers to go with you? So does Killua. He wants to sit next to you on the train? Aw too bad, your little brother is already sitting there
but if by some miracle you get away from your brother he doesn't waste a single moment in asking you out
after learning that his attempts to keep you separated failed, Killua gets a little pouty
"Seriously? You chose THIS guy!?" "What the hell is that supposed to mean you little shit!"
knowing you guys got together doesn't stop the boy from trying to get in the middle of things though
he's a pro at this point
he will find a way to crash literally any date you plan on going on soo you guys gotta be secretive about it
you probably had to come up with code words in order to plan dates 💀💀💀
Chrollo Lucilfer
the only way I see this working is if you were already part of the troupe so lets go with that
out of literally anyone on the planet he just HAD to have a crush on a Zoldyck
to say your family wasn't pleased would be an understatement
especially Illumi
the Zoldycks typically don't do -ships...like friendSHIPS or relationSHIPS so Chrollo pining for you is definitely an issue
and when two of your brothers end up joining the troupe after you
let's just say Chrollo isn't having the best time.
Kalluto is a lot less aggressive or opinionated on the matter than his eldest brother, but he still isn't fond of the idea of you ending up with the leader of the phantom troupe
he finds ways to draw your attention away from Chrollo
whereas Illumi isn't so passive
if he catches the head of the spiders so much as glancing at you he's going to stand in his line of vision with a stern "Stay away from my sibling."
and just to keep things easy on himself Chrollo heeds these warnings
well..until he's able to catch you alone
you guys are gonna have to date on the dl and be SERIOUSLY sneaky
dating while coming from a family of assassins is not an easy feat
In conlusion alongside being professional assassins, the Zoldyck boys are also professional cockblockers
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seruadoric · 3 months
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clinginess .
incl . medpoc , x , pavia , zima , horropedia , 6 (six)
synopsis . how do they deal with clinginess, how compatible are they with a clingy s/o?
content . romance , headcanons , ooc (??) , gn!reader
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MEDICINE POCKET is very clear about their boundaries; they do not take crossing them lightly. while you are their lover and significant other, they still make a line that you should not cross.
. though, a contrary belief is that medicine pocket would reciprocate your manner. i believe that either way, medicine pocket would find your behavior endearing.
. medicine pocket would often let you work alongside them - that is, if you don't mind. they would let you take notes for them, telling you to 'do as i say,' or 'write down what i say'.
;; OVERALL medicine pocket would be ( somewhat ) compatible with a clingy partner. just as long as you don't bother them as they're working, they would enjoy being in your presence and having you cling onto them.
X is rather indifferent to this. unlike medicine pocket, he does not necessarily have a sense of boundaries; he does not mind whether you cling onto him or not, he acts just the same.
. x is used to charming people with his personality and looks, so he did not seem to take notice of it at the start of your relationship. he found it amusing, and would oftentimes return your gestures.
. there is a chance of x taking advantage of this scenario to make you test his inventions for him ( of course, he makes sure they're safe to try first ) but otherwise, nothing serious.
;; OVERALL i find x to be a sort of 50/50 in this case. he could be considered more compatible, but there are some contradictions in my head. he is pretty questionable, really ...
PAVIA doesn't want anyone digging into his business. he doesn't want you asking him questions about his work knowing you wont get any answers, he would be happier with someone understanding of his boundaries and line of work.
. i have a headcanon that his wolves get clingy whenever they're hungry - so pavia is quite used to clinginess already. in general, he wouldn't mind if you were touchy with him. you could just lay your hands on his chest, sit on his lap randomly, and he wouldn't care all that much.
. the only problem that pavia has with this is the countless questions you ask him. about his past, about his work - he dislikes having someone pry into his personal life. other than that, he really just doesn't care.
;; OVERALL i don't exactly believe he's all that compatible with a clingy s/o. yes, he likes your touches and affection, but he does not need you smothering him! he needs to do his work as a mercenary, and prefers keeping you out of it.
ZIMA would have to take time to warm up to your clinginess at first. he appears awkward and gruff at first, but eventually would be willing to engage in it.
. he was but a lonely poet before he met you, with nothing but wild animals to keep him company - he considers himself lucky to have you in his life. about your clinginess, he does not mind it much.
. physical affection isn't something he's used to, and it's something that you introduce to him. he has no trouble in showering you with words of affirmation and small gifts, but he's quite iffy with other love languages.
;; OVERALL zima enjoys bathing in the warmth of his lover, a deep contrast to his life in the cold. i believe that zima is one of, if not the most, compatible with a clingy s/o.
HORROPEDIA is completely inexperienced, but that doesn't stop him from reciprocating your affection.
. he'd get caught off guard each time you touch him - he just doesn't strike me as the guy that's really used to physical touch. sure, eventually he wouldn't start to mind it much, but at the start of the relationship he's a bit sheepish with it.
. when he starts to get used to it, he likes to return your affections. he'll often have you by his side, but there are still times where he needs some time alone. if you can respect that, the relationship will be long-lasting.
;; OVERALL compatible! he enjoys your presence, and you enjoy his too. horropedia does not have any objections to your clinginess, and likes being showered with your affection.
SIX does not know how to deal with your clinginess. is he supposed to entertain you? he was more used to blending in with the background, he is unfamiliar with your touches and affection.
. six is curious by nature, and he starts to wonder why? he could understand it from a medical standpoint, and it's not like he would really mind your clinginess - perhaps you have some emotional wound that you would like him to heal?
. unless it bothers you, six wouldn't be as affectionate. he's been so closed-off and distant from his friends, learning how to love and be affectionate towards somebody again must be hard for him.
;; OVERALL makes a decent couple. while six takes a lot of time and space to get used to it, he likes your affectionate gestures, despite not returning them as much.
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before you ask ' wheres diggers !? ' DONT. HES TOO UGLY I JHATE HIM !!!! ( /j i don't understand his character and am too lazy to write for him ) i will be posting another part of this !! the next part will be including the girlies next :33
likely going to be editing this soon ... this has got to be my worst work broa 😭
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thoughtsforsoob · 3 months
txt - how they propose
a/n: I got inspo to write this when dates dropped for the tour! i am not officialy in posession of a pre-sale code and im hoping to get some good tickets!! i will come back with an update (LA moa's lets talk :) anyways, please enjoy! this piece was meant to be really sweet and even silly at times so please let me know what you think of it! as always, inbox is open.
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at a fancy dinner
yeonjun is really excited when it comes to fancy, romantic outings but this one was going to be the best one of all. Of course, that’s because of his proposal plans. He is definitely the kind of guy that sort of spoils it or gives hints because he tells you to go out and get your nails, hair, etc… done. especially emphasizes getting your nails done. He covers it up by saying he loves seeing you all pretty and pampered but deep down, you sort of know what he’s hinting at. Anyways, moving on to dinner. He takes you to a fancy new restaurant that just opened in the city. It was on the top floor of some fancy building. There was a view of the city from where you both were seated at a small booth. He was sitting right next to you and talking your ear off about the day he’d had at work. He didn;t even drink, opting to let you order a drink so he can drive home. He buys you whatever you want to eat and watches you enjoy your food with those adorable, lovesick eyes. You whine at him to stop watching you but he says he can’t help but watch the love of his life. Eventually, he takes you out onto the patio of this restaurant and it was pretty empty since there were only a few more couples around. He takes in the view with you and asks you to take a cute video with him. He sets up his phone at a good angle and presses the record. He goes back to you and kisses your cheek. He takes your distraction as an opportunity to pull the ring out of his pants pocket and when he pulls away, he gets down on one knee and proposes. “Will you do me the biggest favor ever and be my Mrs. Choi?” 
at home
Soobin was never one for big romantic gestures and he was happy that you were okay with it. His ideal date was at home, snuggled up on the couch or in a pillow fort, watching movies or playing video games together. sure, he did take you on little outings once in a while but he preferred staying home. When it came to his proposal plans, his logic was to stay home, plan and cook a little dinner and use all the extra money to buy you the prettiest ring he could find. He loved the whole ring shopping process “i know this probably isn't from some of the members. anyways, he tells you of his date plans for the night and you were into it. He tells you to dress normally with one of his hoodies and your favorite sweatpants or leggings (soobin loves your legs in leggings btw. he said so). you come in and he is dressed relaxed as well in those gray sweats you liked and a t-shirt you gave him as part of his birthday gift. He serves your dinners and then he takes you to his bed, getting comfortable together. after one episode of that new anime the both of you had started, he turns over to get something from his nightstand. he shuffles to sit on his knees and reveals the box to you, opening it shortly after. "i know this probably isn't the best proposal but we’ve had such a nice night. I love spending time at home with you. can we be homebodies together, forever?'' You nod and hug him super tight and he returns the hog. He gives you a sweet kiss after putting the ring on your finger and you two go back to watching your show and cuddling.
theme / amusement park
This man is so cute when it comes to a proposal. Let’s just say for the sake of this story that he takes you on an LA trip and you both have a knotts berry farm day! You two decided to skip out on disney because you two have already been together on a previous trip. You both also really wanted to see all of the snoopy memorabilia. You both have an amazing day getting on rides, drinking boysenberry juice and talking to each other the whole time. He loves seeing you so happy so he never says no to you not once that whole day. He lets you drag him to all of the performances happening at the park and even lets you take a picture of him with Snoopy, making finger guns at one another. As the day starts to wind down, you both decided to go souvenir shopping. Huening specifically requested a snoopy t-shirt so you both went to find him one. Beomgyu asks you to pick the t-shirt and he stays behind to find a snoopy plush to include in his proposal. He finds one and pays for it, as well as the requested souvenir you picked. He takes you back out to the park and you both take a seat to rest for a while before leaving the park. You take out your phone and dont notice when he turns around. He takes the plush out of the store bag and the ring out of his bag. He puts it in the plushies hand and turns back around. He taps your shoulder and you are met with a snoopy with an engagement ring in his hand. “Will you marry me, pretty lady?” he says in a high pitched voice and you gasp so loud that people turn around to look. You are absolutely red but you nod and beomgyu makes the plush put the ring on your finger. You call him a dork but he doesn't mind. He's your dork, forever. 
at the beach
you and taehyun went to the beach often. it was always so quiet, especially when you two visited at night. These outings were frequent, especially when you both went to travel somewhere different. In this case though, you were both home in Korean. Taehyun was on a small break during the summer time before their next tour and he decided that now was as good as ever to propose. He drove the both of you to your favorite beach at around 8pm. On the way there, you both made stops to get dinner and then to pick up some snacks to enjoy while hanging out at the beach. Once you both get there, Taehyun sets up your beach blanket and you both sit down, starting to snack on some grapes. Taehyun took about 30 minutes before he decided to ask you. He scoots close to you and pulls the little box out of his bag. you give him a confused look and he opens it, looking at your shocked reaction. He wanted to give a whole speech but his words got stuck in his throat when he saw your reaction. you say yes to him and he hugs you, slipping the ring on after.
huening kai
in your hometown / family dinner
I think kai is really big when it comes to family so having your family present for such a big event was important for him. Not only that, it was also really important for him to get along with your family and have their approval. So, during this trip to your hometown over a winter break, he sends you off to go shopping with your close cousin/sibling. He takes this opportunity to gather the rest of your family and ask for their approval to propose to you and of course they say yes! They even help him plan a whole thing. They were excited to see that he loved you a lot and cared enough to ask for their opinions and approval. This especially swayed your parents, who came up to him after and had a little chat with him about what they’d do if he ever hurt you. Moving on….you come back home from shopping and you show kai all your finds! Later on that night, your family is all gathered together in the backyard around a bonfire, having drinks and chatting. After a little while, your family gives kai strange looks and you’re sitting there absolutely confused. Kai looked over at you and smiled, “hey baby. I wanna ask you something. Will you do me a big honor and marry me?” he pulls out the ring and as soon as you say yes, he slips it on your finger and everyone cheers!
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shalotttower · 5 months
Fractalize (part 2)
Title: Fractalize Fandom: Hunter x Hunter Summary: "You do this sometimes," he continues, tugging a bit harder. "When I ask a question and it takes you longer to respond. When we watch a movie, and I'm sure you stopped following at least twenty minutes ago." Word count: 2100+ Characters: Chrollo x Reader (female) Notes: yandere Chrollo, kidnapped, depressed and miserable Reader, Reader is dissociating, morbid pondering, morbid imagery, psychological manipulation, intrusive thoughts, non-con touching, non-con kiss. I start thinking that sad is probably my favourite genre to write at this point. Part 1 Part 3 is in question. I have some drafts, but not sure if it'll become anything.
Fractalize - making things into smaller copies of themselves over and over again.
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Your mother always smelled of fresh linen and something powdery, like her face cream which you tried once in secret. The fragrance held you mesmerized, and when the jar accidentally dropped from your hand, shattering into pieces, it lingered everywhere: on the bathroom tiles, in the cracks and narrow space under the sink. Her silent disappointment was so overpowering that you cleaned the mess three times.
That scent clung to her knitting needles too when she sat with yarn on her lap. It made way into your mind place, waiting for the most inappropriate of moments to resurface: she would show you how to knit, loop after loop, and eventually you were able to create your own tiny scarf.
Hideous, that's what it was.
But also the first thing you ever knitted, so you cherished it, not caring for the holes and loose threads. She called it pretty, mothers do lie like that.
"I was thinking," Chrollo begins. Clean plates are stacked next to a dish rack, ready to be dried. You help him sometimes with this mundane chore out of boredom or a faint allusion to the life you had.
When you stand so close, his shoulder occasionally touches yours, and a lump forms in your throat, a very unimportant physical aspect of your being that you've stopped paying attention to long ago. You swallow it away, like every single morning before putting on the same shirt for the eighth day in a row.
Dry and repeat.
"Is there anything specific you'd like to do today?"
You pick up another plate. How odd. A few months ago this question would've made you ecstatic. Not that there was a real chance to sway Chrollo's plans, but it was a gesture, the pretence that your input mattered, and you took everything from it, until it started tasting stale. A shy kind of feeling, misplaced and fragile, would bloom in your chest, and prompt you say something soft, silly and naive: 'maybe we can have a picnic?', 'I'd like a carrot cake', 'yes, I want to watch that period drama for the hundredth time.'
And he would agree sometimes. Or suggest his alternative instead, which turned out more often than not to be less favorable, but you accepted it because what else was there? In-between the walls decorated with expensive paintings, books you already read three times, between Chrollo who listened intently to every word and a faint buzz of some high-end place, you chose to take whatever you could.
It doesn't bother you anymore, going or not going. Doing nothing or doing something. Being with him in a room or being alone, even though the last one is more compelling. The initial excitement that came with having small choices has passed. You think sometimes that if you took a knitting needle and sunk it deep into your chest, the surface around it would start crumbling and bare a hollow cavity with just ribs and dusty spaces.
Chrollo's suggestions are very thought out. Aimed to convince you that this arrangement isn't that bad after all, but also aimed to bring him something from it, be it sitting uncomfortably close to you on a sofa or holding your hand the entire walk. His presence is stifling in more ways than one, and you've been choking, choking, choking on it for so long, that finally all those cracks running across your insides started to feel liberating.
"No," you say. "Not really. Anything you want is fine."
Chrollo's been asking this more often lately. What you want to eat and what you want to do. Even whether you want to go out sometimes (with him, of course, never alone). Perhaps he's trying to figure any new preference you might have. Or a part of him can sense this deterioration that's slow to set in, but once it does - it stays.
"Dear," there's a tone in his voice. It's not worry per se. Chrollo doesn't worry for you, he worries for that little world of his, made of forced interactions, silk bed sheets and fake domesticity, which you're a part of, an intricate cog he can keep closely tucked to his side. Sheltered, protected, cared for - these words don't fit. So you use other instead, like imprisoned, kept, thing. He likes to have them, from trinkets he steals to human beings - you. Maybe it comes from years of owning nothing at all, having nothing at all, and now the allure of having much and more is like second skin.
You've heard stories about children abandoned to their own devices. Those who were left to roam the streets, scavenge through trash and fight other kids for a half-eaten sandwich or a can of beans. You wonder if he was like that, with messy hair, bony limbs and a desperate need to own something that no one could take.
Bit by bit you slip.
That tone means he's sensing it already, that bit by bit you're trying to leave him behind.
Chrollo always catches up with things easily. From the way he grips your arms, you wonder if that's what he did just now, caught up.
The dishes are all done, clean and sparkling. The sink shines too, almost mocking you with its perfectness - there's nothing to do anymore. Your mind space of fake wooden floors and wide windows is waiting to be occupied, but it would feel wrong to retreat there so soon. Chrollo will ask questions, and if you're not able to keep up, he'll notice too. He slides both palms down your skin, squeezing a tad harder at the elbows; and so you stare into the sink.
His hands aren't soft at all. They're a little dry from soap, callused around fingertips. How effortless it would be for him to break your bones, one by one, starting from the wrist, but that won't happen; no, all that comes from him is words whispered in your ear, caresses and cruelty wrapped in kindness - it sounds poetic when phrased this way.
Your reflection stares back from the stainless metal. She doesn't look bad. Chrollo takes good care of her, makes sure she eats balanced meals and drinks enough water. She looks alright, with shiny hair and healthy nails.
The eyes is what doesn't match this picture of okay-ness. Not empty. Not vacant. Just frozen in time and very, very still.
Chrollo presses closer until his chest is touching her shoulder blades. You wonder if he considers it a victory, this silent compliance. It's not acceptance really, because that should be accompanied by a sense of peace or fulfillment and none of the two are currently present. It's not even resignation - that requires energy to acknowledge defeat.
If neither of those, what is it then?
"You've been awfully quiet today."
A drop of water falls from the tap and slides down the drain.
"The whole week in fact," his thumb strokes her stomach through the fabric. Slow circles, up and down. Chrollo enjoys physical closeness so much that it should be surprising for someone like him - reserved, calm and collected - to thrive on such things, but you suppose when it comes to her there's an exception.
"Not that I mind it, but if something's bothering you, you know that I'm always ready to listen."
There is something bothering you actually. Many things. You want your cat back. You want him gone, away, to see your mother again and bake with her. Eat fresh pastries while listening to old songs on the radio and talk about silly things or whatever she liked to ponder over before you were swept off your feet like in those old fairy tales. You want your phone and accounts unlocked so you could message friends. You miss your grandmother with her apron, the way she laughed at corny jokes and told stories about her youth. You want many things that Chrollo would never agree on - you're well aware of that, that's why you keep them safely tucked away and rotting.
You also want him to stop pressing against your back, and this is far easier to achieve. Slowly you untuck yourself from between his body and the counter, then turn around. He watches your face calmly like always, with this unblinking gaze full of strange fixation; there are small lines in the corners of his eyes, barely noticeable ones. You count them - six in total, three for each eye.
Then you blink.
"I don't think there is anything."
"Really," Chrollo hums, playing with the hem of your shirt, and you wonder if he knows something you're not aware of him knowing. "You've spoken less than ten sentences in two days, yet there's nothing bothering you. I must say I don't believe that."
So this is how it's going to start. This is how the conversation begins, and it'll flow from here until Chrollo finds what he's searching for.
"I've been paying close attention."
You don't doubt it.
"And what did you notice?"
"Nothing pleasant," his finger finds a loose thread and wraps it around. The pull is light, as if testing whether it'll prompt you to move closer into his space. "Quite concerning things actually."
You don't budge an inch.
"You do this sometimes," he continues. "When I ask a question and it takes you longer to respond. When we watch a movie, and I'm sure you stopped following at least twenty minutes ago. Or when you go over the same page until it's clear that I'm looking."
Chrollo's collarbone is a crisp line with a faint old scar; your attention skims over it to the sharp edges of his jaw. No smile today.
"And I wondered where you have been going."
He tugs a bit harder and the thread snaps.
It should've stunned you how fast everything crumbled - the imaginary wooden floors, Miss Whiskerton on your lap and the lizard, the wide windows - but no, it's surprisingly anti-climactic. Nothing breaks dramatically, just splits the middle, leaving you with cold kitchen tiles underneath your bare feet. You thought about this scenario - Chrollo cornering you, many times, and the words you would choose when he did, yet they fail to manifest and nothing fills the silence except a mute sensation of acknowledgement which settles over your head and shoulders. Your knees don't buckle. Your breath doesn't hitch, there is no shivering, and perhaps that's the most terrifying reaction of all.
So what, you think. And it's such a simple thought, plain and ordinary, so what.
Chrollo has his ways, but you have yours; they are slow and small, and squeeze you very tight. You can't comprehend this new expression on his face, haven't seen it before.
"My dear," he says in a quiet voice, so unlike his usual smooth, charming tone. "Broken thoughts and forlorn dreams can't fix what you want them to."
He taps your forehead, as if to engrave those words into the soft tissue of your brain. They slip away though, like running water.
"Wherever you choose to wander, there's not a single spot where I'm not right behind. Delusions don't suit you and it's simply sad to watch."
The kiss comes without warning; Chrollo doesn't bother to say anything else, just cups your face. It's warm and deep, a full-mouthed kiss that tastes faintly of tea you two drank during breakfast.
It's rot, you realize with a ten minute delay; and this slack mouth he's caressing isn't yours. There's a plant behind his shoulder, some small cactus with white needles sitting on a windowsill. The sunlight creates patterns on the glass, soft yellow circles and lines. They shift every passing second.
He's going to do this now, isn't he. Kiss you when you slip too deep as a way to break the pattern and remind that this is where you're supposed to be - with him. In the kitchen wearing a thin shirt above the knee, with cracks that spread across your insides, seeking for every small space they can fill. You'll grow older by his side, he'll bring you material pleasures to compensate for the lack of mental ones - books, clothes, jewelry, a pet if you decide to ask (you won't). Chrollo is going to kiss you often until age creeps onto your faces, and you'll watch each other turn old together.
The plant on the windowsill looks so dry.
He pulls back a few inches. You meet his eyes.
You will let the rot dig under your nails and wait for it to eat away until his hands eventually become empty; rot is something to grab onto. It's slow to set, but spreads fast once does and never runs out of supply.
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cosmicanakin · 3 months
Hii! I saw that you were receiving requests, so I was wondering if you could write something with Clay beresford. So you know he’s like very reserved and serious, so everyone thought that Clay would be a very cold and distant boyfriend, but when the reader and him start dating, everyone’s speeches to see how sweet and loving he is. Just some fluffy scenarios. Thank you!! It’s okay if you don’t want to write it:)
proving them wrong.
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pairing. clay beresford x female reader.
outline. though known to be cold and reserved, when clay starts dating you, everyone is surprised to see the loving and affectionate man that he actually is.
contains. fluff, established relationships, mild social judging, marriage, and mentions of pregnancy.
authors note. thank you sm for the req anon muah <3
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after months of shy glances and nervously exchanged smiles from across the room at various work functions, you finally worked up the courage to give clay beresford your number. to your surprise, he called within the hour to ask you to dinner that weekend.
your friends were shocked at your news, warning you of clay's reputation for being cold. "don't get your hopes up y/n, we all know clay isn't one for emotions or commitment. just be careful, okay?" while their concern was sweet, you got the sense there was more to clay beneath surface assumptions.
the dinner went wonderfully, clay being the perfect gentleman pulled out your chair and listened intently to you speak. any awkward silences didn't feel uncomfortable but companionable. by the night's end as he walked you to your door, you felt a fluttering start taking root in your heart seeing his normally serious expression soften into a gentle smile solely for you.
more dates followed, each only increasing your connection and affection for one another. to everyone's surprise, clay proved a caring boyfriend always attentive to your needs, happiness and comfort. grand romantic gestures were replaced by tender looks and leisurely strolls enjoying each other's company without need for flashy displays.
the warmth in his eyes and tender caresses meant more than any elaborate showmanship ever could. for the first time you felt truly seen and cherished for who you are within rather than superficial assessments judging without bothering to peel back concealing layers guarding his heart. through patience and understanding clay eventually lowered all defenses with you alone.
slowly your friend's bigotry started cracking as well, catching how gentle yet strong arms encircled your form at gatherings without desire for bravado. simple intimate moments when clay would kiss your temple in passing melted cynicism into understanding why this reserved man captured your soul so wholly.
his wealth and inheritance mattered little to the devotion within warming your life to brilliance. words flowed freely, laughter liberating what stress accumulated through days apart soothing away in tranquility of each other's sanctuarying presence. in your arms clay discovered solace calming all turbulence of doubts plaguing mind when alone.
so it continued through months turning to seasons, love blossoming ever more vibrantly where commitment tended roots nourished by understanding alone waters true affections blossoms requiring only sunlight of smiles warmed by souls mirroring each other's radiance. misunderstandings faded beneath blossoms thriving where care sustains dreams nurturing lifelong partnerships amid life's changes.
two years finding bliss together passed in companionship's tranquil stroll, contentment's sighs breathing life afresh during stolen moments sheltering hearts entwined from turbulence beyond your calm port. talking late into nights after family dinners, fingers interlaced, remnants of days worries evaporated under tender caresses and kisses sweeter than any nectar reviving your soul to clay's humming rhythm.
his protective yet liberated spirit known fully by your heart alone rejuvenated purpose anew each dawn waking limned in his softened gaze sharing pillow talking until obligations reluctantly summoned you both from comfort's embrace. forever imprinted upon your soul remains memory of proposal kneeling upon sand caressed by ocean's susurrus, waves lapping celebration of love's permanence within clay's watery eyes reflecting your radiant smile mirroring joy illumining his normally guarded visage.
a summer wedding follows amid friends and family fully supportive now of your perfect union, witnessing love transcending surface levels carved deeply as roots anchoring two souls as one. traveling the world strengthening already unbreakable bond, learning of clay anew through wanderings unveiling pieces you fit to his mosaic glimpse by glimpse, deepening cherishing beyond any limit imaginable before love found your separate halves.
three fulfilling years later, you're cradling your newborn daughter within your arms as clay gazes upon you both with such emotion flooding watery eyes, your heart has never felt fuller nor purpose clearer than raising this miracle of pure love cementing forever your fate intertwined.
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boo8008 · 10 months
Three Months - Carmen "Carmy" Berzatto x Fem!Reader
Prologue | Chapter 01: Quadriller | Chapter 02: Mince
Notes: Its been one year since The Bear's soft open, and with everything running smoothly, Carmen's lost in his thoughts, until the final table of the night is seated.
Warnings: angst | fluff | ghosting mention | mentions of suicide | language | mental health | pining | unrequited love????? | substances (alc & weed) | overdose | yelling | grief | descriptions of panic attacks| eventual smut
Notes: This is my first time really writing so let me know what you think, I'm probably gonna do more just for me. If there's something I should add/remove from the tags please let me know. I hope you enjoy :)
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A year after their soft open, The Bear is like a well oiled machine, working perfectly as Richie calls out the orders and their corresponding tables. Carmen’s on auto pilot as he works, doing his best to not think about where he was this time last year: breaking down in the walk-in and subsequently breaking up with Claire. If you can even call it a break up, he still isn't sure if they were actually dating. 
He’s pulled from his thoughts as Fak enters again announcing the final table of the night was just seated. Almost from memory Richie calls out your name and party of one, doing more than trowing Carm from his thoughts; practically gut-punching him through the thick metal wall of the walk-in with memories of New York, not the asshole of an executive chef he worked for but of the calm and blissful three months he had from December to February with you. 
Before his life got uprooted. 
Before The Beef. 
Before Mikey…
He’s brought back as Richie yells at him before he looks up at him, looking at his face.
“Cousin, you good?”
“I’m fine.”
“You don't look fine, chef.”
“I’m fine.” Carmen insists again.
Richie rolls his eyes as he returns to calling out orders for a moment.
“You look like your gonna throw up,” Sydney mutters.
“I’m fucking fine, Jesus fuck,” Carmen snaps. Stoping his task as he looks up to Sydney then Richie, whose still scribbling something down.
“Take five chef.” Richie says, still not looking up.
“Richie, I said-”
“It wasn't a request Carm.” Richie finally looks up at him, ever sense that test night a year ago, and when Richie started wearing suits, hes been more final in his input. Telling and suggesting and researching rather than just complaining. Fuck he even learned to do more prep properly to help out on the busier nights. Why Richie even stayed after that night he isn’t sure, the shit he said was fucked. He wouldn't have blamed him, Syd, or anyone else for walking out on him if they did. 
“Syd take over for Carm, Tina for Syd, and Alex for Tina; Carm needs a sec.” If the uniformed call of “Yes Chef” from the kitchen doesn't do it, the sudden movement of the kitchen to function without him more than solidifies it. Carmen’s taking five wether he wants to or not.
Not wanting a repeat of a year ago, Carm takes to the office instead, seeing Sugar seated at the desk looking at paperwork, all shes been relegated to now that shes just had little Mikey. A name Carmen was surprisingly happy to approve of when Pete brought it up to the two of them, asking if it was okay. Nat had nearly bawled her eyes out thanks to the combination of pregnancy hormones and the normal grasp she had on her emotions compared to Carmen.
“You look like your gonna throw up,” she says, glancing up from the papers before her. A half hearted fuck off is all she gets in responce as Carmen flops back on the soft leather couch in the office. She tosses him the pepto before she turns to sign something.
“You wanna talk about why Richie kicked you off?” she asks, her back still turned.
“It’s nothing,” he says before taking a swig of the pink liquid as he sits up and faces her.  
“It’s not nothing if you look like that.”
“Like what?”
“Like that,” she says turning and gesturing vaguely at him. “Like you just found out Santa isn’t real or some-fucking-thing.” Carmen shakes his head avoiding her gaze and looking out the door with a huff. Crossing his arms trying to end the conversation. It wasn't that he never wanted to talk about it, he did. He just didn't have the time. 
The last time he had told any one about you, he had talked to Mikey about how awkwardly ended things with you. Mikey told him not to be a jagoff after hearing his rant. That was almost a week before he died. It became easier to not think about you because it always led to thoughts of Mikey. How Carm should have known or should have talked to him more about how he was, how the beef was doing, how ma and Natilie were, if there was anything Michael wanted to get off his chest or was stressed about or something other than Carmen's girl problems.
Then Carm had to worry about selling his apartment in New York, quitting his job, getting an apartment here and moving, running The Beef, which was its own massive undertaking, turning it into The Bear and worrying about Claire, dishes, codes, tests, money that was likely tied to the mob via Uncle Jimmy, chefs, the building, new hires, the test night and the the dreaded walk-in he had to thank for letting him rant until he talked out of his ass and fucked up his personal life even more.
“Fine whatever avoid it if you want but thats not going to make it any better,” Nat huffed out, rolling her eyes as she turned. Carmen knew she was right, but that didn't make it any easier. But if the Al-Anon meetings had taught him anything it was that talking about it did actually help. 
He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, leg bouncing with the nerves of from trying to find the words he wanted to say.
“When I was in New York,” he started, already feeling a nervous sweat breakout on his face, back, and hands. “There was this girl…”
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imonanotherlebel · 5 months
Heey, i saw ur asks r open and i think i might need smtng abt hoshi or woozi helping their s/o coping with life stress fam stuff university and work at same time cuz i feel exhausted and i'm serious need of a delulu tap on my shoulder
Oooooo I love this ask, babes. Let me write about Hoshi. I hope it's okay!
Personal note to anon: I hope you're doing okay babes. Life is very stressful and hard. But I want you to know that every storm ends eventually, and a beautiful time will come by soon. Hang in there!<3❤️
Genre: Tooth rotting fluff with abhint of angst.
Requested: I feel like Hoshi would step up and take all your life stress away as a partner. Like, he is such a sweetheart omg my heart! 😭❤️
Pairing: Hoshi x reader
Warnings: Mentions of food, i guess? WARNING, LOT OF LOVE AHEAD!
Hoshi breezed into your shared apartment, a playful glint in his eyes, ready to infuse the space with his trademark energy. However, a subtle change in your demeanor caught his attention.
"Hey, love, something's on your mind. Mind sharing with me?", he asked, his voice etched with concern.
You, caught off guard, offered a tired smile. "Just the usual uni and work stress, Hoshi. You know how it is."
Leaning in, Hoshi's playful expression shifted to genuine concern. "I know you better than that, baby. What's really going on, Y/n? Talk to me."
You sighed, deciding to drop the façade.
"Alright, family issues are piling up, and deadlines at uni are suffocating. Work isn't making it any easier. I still haven't completed my assignment which is due in two days. I don't know Hosh, I feel like I'm drowning."
Seated beside you, Hoshi gently took your hand in to his, rubbing them softly. "You're not alone in this, babe. We're a team. Tell me what's specifically bothering you."
You hesitated a little, then opened up about the complexities of your family dynamics, demanding courses, and the relentless pressure at work. Hoshi listened intently, his expressive eyes mirroring empathy.
"I didn't want to burden you with all this," you confessed, vulnerability seeping into your voice.
You have always been the person your family expected to be responsible and strong. You have gone through so many painful and difficult times on your own, never burdening anyone with them. Your tears had always been in between you and your pillow and the four walls of your room.
Hoshi cupped your face. "Love, your struggles are mine too. We face them together. Don't ever think you're burdening me.", he said concern and love written all over his face.
Hoshi, although usually is a playful, childish and funny person, knew when he had to step up and take the wheel so that you could let your guard down and lean on him for comfort.
Over the next days, your interactions evolved into a symphony of shared moments. Hoshi was extra careful with you, always checking on you without bothering you too much.
Hoshi surprised you with more than just grand gestures – little notes carefully placed on the fridge or tucked into your books before heading to practices. Each note carried words of encouragement, love, and even a few goofy drawings which never failed to make you smile.
One day, as you got home after uni, you saw a pretty little bento box cake with a note next to it which read "Pretty cake for my pretty girl. Eat it all and regain your energy okay? And I know you get pretty stressed with your assignments at hand, so I have bought some of your favorite ice cream for you. It's in the fridge, okay? Love you baby! - Hosh<3"
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Oh I wish I could eat this but my face is bloated and I feel like I might have gained some weight, so maybe just one bite. You felt so insecure as the stress from being so overworked kept you away from taking care of your body as you usually do.
You pulled out the little spoon and took a little bite off the cake before putting it into the fridge. You went back to your studies after a small shower.
A few hours later, Hoshi was back from his practice.
"Hey my beautiful girl!", he said brightly as he headed towards the fridge to get some cold water. "Hey, Hosh", you replied barely looking up.
"Hey..... Why is this still here?", Hoshi asked, concern etched in his tone. He sounded very hurt, you looked up towards him to see what's wrong. And there he was, with the bento cake in hand, looking at you sadly.
"I had a bite Hosh", you said, trying to sound cheerful and trying to hide the fact that you are slowly falling back into your insecurities.
"Liar.", he said furrowing his brows.
"Okay fine. Look Hosh, I've gained like five kilos these two weeks. I'm barely going to the gym. I think I should stop indulging, and cut my calories.
"Oh STOP IT!", he stormed towards you with the cake, looking mad as hell. One thing about this sweet boy, You never want to see him angry. He scary.
"Eat this. NOW", he said placing the cake infront of you with the spoon. He folded his arms and continued to give you a death stare. You slowly took the spoon into your had and picked at the cake. Bite after bite, Hoshi's anger seemed to fade away. When you were done with about half of it, Hoshi ruffled your hair.
"Baby, I know how important it is to take care of your body and be fit. But there are times in life when we can't prioritize it like before. But you should never be afraid of food. With more weight or not, you are you. You are working hard. You are trying your best. And you must eat, baby. That's all that matters. Okay?", he asked a hint of pain and lot of love filled in his voice.
"i'm sorry, babe. I just- It's just- I don't know...", you struggled finding words to explain your emotions.
"I know baby, I know.", he said softly as he came closer. Hugging you and pulling your head into his chest. Stroking it gently.
One evening on the balcony under a starry sky, Hoshi spoke softly. "You're resilient, Y/n. And it's okay not to be strong all the time. Lean on me when you need to."
Feeling a weight lift off your shoulders, you expressed gratitude. "Thank you for being my anchor, Hoshi. I appreciate having you."
He pulled you into a tender kiss, hugging you tightly afterwards. "We're in this together, always. Let's make this place not just our home but a haven where we face life's storms side by side. I want you to know that I will always be there by your side".
In the days that followed, Hoshi continued to shower you with affection. He would often sneak up behind you, planting soft kisses on your neck while you worked at your desk. "Just a little energy boost for my hardworking love," he'd say, leaving you smiling amidst your assignments.
One evening, as you prepared dinner together, Hoshi couldn't resist stealing a kiss, his playful tone accompanied by a mischievous grin. "Cooking is much better with a dash of love," he said, sealing the sentiment with another sweet peck that lingered just long enough to leave you blushing.
Your conversations became a blend of deep talks, deep connections and playfulness.... Hoshi, always the comedian, lightened the mood with silly jokes and goofy faces. He would sometimes try to pull you away from your studies, or overthinking a little bit and show his new dance moves or a choreo he just made with the boys.
"You're my favorite audience, Y/n. Your smile is the best reward," he admitted, punctuating his words with a tender kiss on your cheek.
Amidst the chaos of life, you both found solace in simple moments. One lazy Sunday morning, you both lingered in bed, wrapped in each other's arms. Hoshi traced patterns on your back, his voice, soft and filled with love. "You're my calm in the storm, Y/n. Let's stay in this moment forever." You can't lie, he is your only solace, your only medicine.
Your apartment echoed with laughter and the soft sounds of shared secrets. One day after you just finished completing yet another assignment, Hoshi, with an impish grin, surprised you with a spontaneous pillow fight. Amidst the feathers floating in the air, he stole a kiss, leaving the both of you breathless and laughing.
At night, as you curled up on the couch watching a movie, Hoshi whispered sweet nothings in your ear. "I love you so much, baby. Sometimes I feel like i'm going crazy. You're the script of my love story, and every moment with you is a scene I never want to end," he confessed, sealing his words with a lingering kiss.
Your love story unfolded like a beautifully choreographed dance, with Hoshi leading the way. You found comfort in him. You were there for him when he was vulnerable, and now here he is, being your knight in shining armor. The apartment became a part off of a movie screen; romance, painted with stolen kisses, whispered promises, and the shared warmth of your laughter.
As you guys were snuggled up in your bed, trying to fall asleep, Hoshi held you close, his eyes reflecting the depth of his affection. "Life is a journey, love, and I'm grateful you're my companion. You're the strongest person I know, y/n, and I would die without you." he declared, sealing the sentiment with a passionate kiss that left no room for doubt.
I hope you liked this babes!!<3 Take care!
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junghwcns · 8 months
ENCHANTÉ ☕️ so junghwan
☆ pairing: soulmate!junghwan x fem!reader
☆ genre: fluff, love at first sight, strangers to lovers, soulmates
☆ wc: ~0.7k
☆ summary: all it takes is a little tug in the invisible string, tying you two together
☆ warnings: junghwan and reader speak a little bit of french, junghwan calls reader "mademoiselle",
☆ note: the minute i saw these pics i knew i had to write a fic inspired by them .... i love u my paris boy, so junghwan ♥︎
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"And isn't it just so pretty to think / All along there was some / Invisible string / Tying you to me?" - Invisible String by Taylor Swift
You know soulmates exist, you can see it all around you, but you’ve never experienced the feeling of just clicking with someone until you met Junghwan. When you first saw him, it was your 19th birthday and you were reading in Parc Monceau, enjoying the beautiful spring weather. You met eyes with the pretty boy sitting across the path from you and he smiled. Oh, how you will never forget that smile. 
The time after that, you saw him while you were with a friend at a café. He walked by and when he saw you, a look of recognition passed over his face as if he had been looking for you all over Paris. You met eyes and you smiled this time.You knew nothing about this boy and yet, you still feel like you’re somehow fated to meet. 
Eventually, he became a part of your daily life. You’d see each other at the farmer’s markets on Saturday mornings, you with your tote bag and cardigan and him with his jean jacket and black backpack, and on the metro with his headphones in and brown hair, shaggy from a long day of whatever he seemed to do during his day. 
The day that he finally broke the unspoken barrier, you were sitting in your favorite café, which also happens to be the one he seems to be a regular at as well. He was sitting with his friends and when you walked in and passed by him, he stopped what he was doing just to look at you and smile, making it known to you that the recognition was mutual. Once you were settled, he got up from the tiny table adorned with empty espresso cups and half-eaten croissants and walked towards you.
“Excusez-moi mademoiselle… ce siège est-il occupé?”
You look up from your computer, confusion written all over your face but it immediately fades to nervousness as you start to recognize the person standing beside your table.
“Pardon, qu'avez-vous dit?” you say in broken French. You had just moved to Paris for university and your high school French classes were absolutely no help in your everyday dealings with the local Parisians. 
“Is this seat taken?” Junghwan repeats in slightly-French accented English.
“Oh, no, go ahead!” You gesture to the open seat across from you and he sits down in front of you. This was the first time you had ever seen him up this close. He was wearing the same fleece-lined jean jacket he was wearing the first time you saw him paired with a red and gray plaid button up shirt and black jeans. He had the softest looking long, brown hair and big, brown eyes. 
“So ……” you start to say but then realize you don’t even know this boy’s name.
“Right. So, Junghwan, what can I do for you today?”
“See my friends over there?” he asks, pointing to the group of teenagers sitting at the table he formerly occupied. They all smile and wave, to which you smile and wave back.
“I told them how I happen to see this beautiful girl everywhere I go and that she even happens to be here today in this very café and somehow they convinced me to come over and talk to you.”
“Well, here you are.”
“Here I am…” he looks over at his friends who are gesturing for him to keep talking. He gets a surge of courage, something he’ll later tell you was fate, pushing him towards the girl he was connected to by an invisible string and says, “What’re your plans for today?”
“Nothing. Why?”
“Would you possibly want to go on a tour of Paris with me? I’m going to guess that you just moved here, based on your French, and who better to take you around Paris than a local?”
“And why would I do that? You haven’t even asked me my name yet.” You respond, trying your best to fake some suspicion into your voice.
“Oh shoot, you’re right. Let me try this again.” Junghwan gets up and walks back over to the table his friends are, pauses briefly, and walks back over to you.
“Excusez-moi mademoiselle…¿ce siège est-il occupé?” 
“Non.” You reply through giggles that seem to keep bubbling up whenever you’re around him.
He sits down in the seat he occupied only a few minutes ago. “Comment t'appelles-tu?” 
“Je m’appelle Y/n. Et toi?”
“Enchanté, Y/n. Je m’appelle Junghwan.” He pauses. “Is that better?”
Another laugh escapes your mouth. “Yes, that’s better. So, where are we going?”
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galraluver · 1 month
How would Morvok, Sniv, Ulaz, and Regris try to impress a reader they’re interested in? Would they talk about their exploits or do something they’re skilled at?
That is an interesting question. Here's how I believe they would go about impressing the woman of their dreams (aka all of you, the readers)
~ Ulaz ~
~ Honestly, Ulaz is the kind of person who would observe you first to make sure that you're interested in him before he tries to impress you
~ To him, romantic relationships should take time to develop in order for the romantic tension to build up, but once he's 1,000% positive that you have a crush on him he spends more time with you
~ Ulaz likes to show off his skills to you whenever you're around and he's always careful not to make any mistakes, the last thing he wants is to embarrass himself in front of you
~ If the castle is parked on some planet, Ulaz definitely goes out on a hunt so he can impress you with his hunting skills
~ He's also always there for you whether you need someone to talk to or hang out with, in order to show you that he's interested he's always present while he's around you
~ Ulaz also impresses you by learning about the things you love or are passionate about, that way he can do those things with you on a regular basis
~ Will definitely get a little shy and blushy if you do or say something, anything, that implies that you're very interested in him
~ Ulaz is a hopeless romantic and will impress you with various romantic gestures, but he won't love bomb you or come on too strong bc he doesn't want to overwhelm you
~ He's also affectionate with you, which works like a charm while he's trying to impress you
~ Another thing Ulaz does to impress you is fire dancing; he's never done it before, but with how flexible he is, he does it perfectly without setting himself or anything else on fire
~ He's also got regular dancing skills, which are extremely impressive
~ With time, he learns how to make you swoon for him and all of his methods work because it isn't long before he begins courting you
~ Regris ~
~ Regris is still a young adult, younger than Ulaz, and even though he's serious most of the time he can get a little awkward around you, his love interest
~ Regris doesn't know what to do or how to impress you, so he does several hours of research to see what humans liked and found attractive
~ He begins working on various tech projects specifically made for you; whether it's something to make your life easier or something akin to an mp3 player that holds thousands of songs with headphones, you can bet he'll make it
~ In order to really woo you, Regris tries writing a poem and giving you flowers
~ He's definitely not a poet, but his attempt to impress you definitely confirms your suspensions about him being romantically interested in you
~ Regris definitely tries to impress you with his fighting skills
~ Just to be clear, he might try fighting someone if it impresses you unless you don't want him to
~ He also likes to impress you with how sweet and cuddly he can be, but he also treats you well just as any future significant other should
~ Regris once tried to perform a traditional dance for you from his father's people, but even though he probably messed up a few steps he could tell that you were still impressed
~ The fact that he can use his tail to lift things is impressive enough, if the two of you are out shopping he uses it to carry some of the bags
~ Thankfully Regris eventually figures out how to impress you without being awkward about it and is successful in showing you that he's romantically interested in you
~ Morvok ~
~ Morvok knows that he's not the highest ranking commander in Zarkon's military, but he can be charming and to him, he thinks he's the best
~ The problem is that when he's around you he gets shy and blushy because he's never been around such a beautiful woman before
~ However, he makes it his mission to impress you after he catches one of the foot soldiers in his ranks flirting with you
~ Instead of fighting off a monster or bringing you the biggest kill he can find, Morvok impresses you with how charming he can be
~ He definitely brags about how many planets he's successfully conquered and how big his territory is, although he leaves out the part when he needed help conquering one planet in particular
~ Morvok also doesn't tell you about how the paladins defeated him, it's too embarrassing bc of the whole ‘Victory or Death’ thing
~ Because of his size, he's avoided most dangerous situations throughout his life, although Morvok knows how to play a few different instruments and he impresses you by showing off his mad musical skills
~ While he's around you, Morvok becomes a little more humble since he doesn't want to scare you away
~ Ultimately, whether you and Morvok end up together is up to you
~ He is cute and fun-sized tho, and he's huggable too
~ Sniv ~
~ One would think that Sniv would keep pestering you when he realizes that he's romantically interested in you, but he doesn't want you to resent him if he comes on too strong
~ However, he does get more lovey and affectionate
~ In order to impress you, Sniv proudly tells you of his exploits and how many planets he's conquered in order to snag a place at the main hub
~ He also brings fresh kills for you on a regular basis and he shows off his fighting skills
~ However, he understands that humans are different and he impresses you by also showing off his sensitive side and how much he truly cares about you as a person
~ Sniv learns about your interests, even the fandoms you're into so that you both can ‘fangirl’ together when one of your favorite artists/directors comes out with something new
~ Another thing he impresses you with are his dancing skills when Zarkon throws a royal ball for only his highest ranking commanders and their plus ones
~ He's funny, too, and knows how to tell hilarious jokes to make you laugh
~ Expect him to make the fur on his head look extra fluffy because he wants to impress you in every way imaginable
~ With how impressive and charming he is, Sniv easily manages to impress you
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spacecowboyhotch · 2 years
Illusion (requested)
Tumblr media
gif credits @wysteria-clad
request: Hello I would like to request protective!marc Spector ?!?!?? That’s my pretty boy and I love him.
pairing: f!reader x college!marc spector, implied eventual f!reader x steven grant & f!reader x jake lockley
contents: college!au, mention of DID if you squint, trauma response to abuse, anger issues, alcohol consumption, male dominance, guy disrespecting reader’s boundaries, fighting, kinda friends to lovers, hurt comfort, fluff, kissing
AN: sorry this took me a while @romanarose, but thank you so much for requesting, i hope you like it <3
word count: 3.6k
mcu masterlist | requests are closed
A perfectly crisp autumn day. That’s how Marc would describe you. Comforting and colorful, and the muted smell of pine and cinnamon. He’ll always remember the moment he saw you for the rest of his life; it’s unique to his relationship with you— Steven and Jake have their own first impressions. There’s something he enjoys about having that memory all to himself.
When he meets you, he’s been channeling his anger into a variety of things for as long as he can remember. It’s easier to lean into the rage and self-inflicted criticism. His voice echoes harshly in his head, just like his mother’s had. Sometimes it hurts, sometimes he’s numb to it but it always tells him what he already knows. He’s unworthy of anything but the way people write him off. In turn his behavior might as well help him live up to his reputation.
He can pinpoint the moment he wants all of that to change. It’s not when he first sees you, it isn't even the first time you say something to him in class. As the weeks pass you always sit a few chairs down from him and murmur some variation of hello. He finds comfort in it, the way you smile at him and treat him like he’s anyone else.
You can’t deny that you’re drawn to Marc. There’s something about him, something soft and permeable underneath all that hardness. On the days you truly catch his gaze you feel like you can see him. You want to crack him open, bask in that warm gooey center that no one but you tries to get to. But it'll take time, you know that there's a reason he keeps people at a distance. In time, you hope you won't be on that list, that you’ll be an exception to his antisocial rule.
Mid semester, there’s a group project, and the professor has been kind enough—for Marc, cruel enough—to allow students to pick their own partners. He knows that he won’t get picked, people would rather do the project alone than work with him. While you’re kind to him, he doesn’t expect you to ask him to be your partner.
But that’s exactly what you do. You lean over the two seats between you, a gentle smile on your face when he looks over at you.
“Do you wanna pair up?”
Marc looks at you like you’ve grown two extra heads, and if you weren’t so confused with his reaction you would’ve laughed, “You wanna work with me?”
“Yeah, of course. Why wouldn’t I?” You look at him with genuine bewilderment.
“My reputation?” He suggests, glancing around the room as other students in the lecture hall pair up with each other.
“I like to come to my own conclusions. And you and me…we’re friends.”
With each day that you work together, Marc grows happier with his decision to pair up with you. You’re a breath of fresh air, the heavy weight that’s always sat on his chest feeling lighter when he’s with you. The two of you always meet up in a cozy corner of the library, and you always have coffee and snacks— sweet chocolate, salty pretzels, and an ever changing fruity option. You wanted to be thorough the first time you brought some and he’d dug into all three so you keep bringing them. His coffee order was easy to guess, black, two sugars and none of the frills.
Halfway through the process Marc starts to overthink your gestures, feeling guilty that he’s given nothing in return and starts to bring food himself. Pizza, burgers with all the fixings on the side, tacos. And through this language of food, your feelings for him grow deeper.
He knew he never stood a chance, that the skip of his heart the moment he saw you walk into class was an indicator of how he would feel for you if you ever got close, and he was right. He was right, and it stings, the pain of knowing he’ll never have you burns deep in his gut. But you couldn’t want him, not with who he is. It’s hard for him to imagine that, even when you dismiss his statements like that.
Friendship is one thing, a relationship? Another realm entirely.
After working together on the project you sit right next to him now in class, and when you’re handed your grade of a 100% you turn to him with this sly smile on your face.
“We should celebrate our phenomenal grade.”
“Should we?” He asks skeptically but he’s grinning because your smile is infectious.
He doesn’t let himself think of it often, but he could get used to this. The sight of you smiling and happy at his side.
“Yes, absolutely, and I know just how.”
“How’s that?”
“There’s a party this weekend.”
His mouth turns down into a frown of disgust, “You lost me.”
“C’mon, we can meet up there, huddle up in a corner and make fun of people,” You lean in, wagging your eyebrows at him.
“Parties aren’t really my scene.”
“Nothing’s your scene, you’re a recluse. Please, Marc?”
You give him full on puppy dog eyes, clasping your hands together. The pout of your face is impossible to resist, and for a moment he thinks about what it would be like to press his lips to yours, kissing it away. If he’s being honest with himself, it wouldn’t have taken all of that. Even with his complaining, he planned on saying yes because he wants to spend time with you.
“There’s no other way we can celebrate?”
“If you come and you absolutely hate it, we can go to my favorite diner.”
“I’ll text you the address and time. See you then?”
“See you then,” He replies, a mixture of nervousness and excitement in his chest.
Your nerves are all over the place as you get ready for the party. You want to wear something that’ll get Marc’s attention. A short skirt with tights underneath and a long sleeved shirt with just the right amount of cleavage. And while you love the way you look by the time you leave the house, once you make it to the party, you realize that you’ll draw the attention of multiple men, not just Marc.
You entertain the guy who’s slinked up to you at first, he seems nice enough, and happy enough to pursue the drinks and food with you in the kitchen. You’ve never seen him before, which isn’t uncommon at a university of your size. Jason’s a political science major and talks a good game so the two of you chat back and forth easily between sips of stale beer and pizza. It isn’t until after someone convinces a lot of folks, Jason included, to do shots that he starts to get handsy.
“You’re so hot, did I tell you that before?” Jason asks with a smile that makes your stomach turn. He’s waltzing towards you with another beer in hand.
You try to move away from him, but after just a few steps back you’re against the wall, “No, you didn’t. And maybe you should sit down, you seem a little wobbly.”
“Oh, I’m okay. Thanks for being worried about me baby,” One of his hands finds your waist, groping the skin exposed.
“Maybe you could back up,” You suggest softly, but your throat is getting a little thick, your chest tight with anxiety.
“Come on baby, let’s get to know each other a little better,” He goads, pressing his lanky body against yours.
He reeks of alcohol and is unbearably hot. You attempt to push him away with the success, “Jason, come on, have some class.”
“You teasing little bitch, you think I wanted to sit here with you and just talk?
“Take your hands off of her. Now,” Marc barks from the other side of the kitchen, startling you.
And though you’ve always enjoyed the sound of Marc’s voice it’s never sounded better than it does in this moment.
“Marc,” You breathe, relieved by the sight of him.
Jason glares at Marc and then you, “Who the fuck is this? Your little boyfriend? Listen, your girlfriend’s a slut, she was making eyes at me all night. Now when it’s time to pay up she’s confused.”
“I won’t say it again. Take your hands off of her.”
“Or what?”
Marc takes a deep breath, shrugs, and then moves with a quickness. It all happens so fast, you’re in his arms, and across the room in no time. When you look over at Jason, he doesn't seem as if he’s been hurt at all, but there’s a nervousness in his eyes that wasn’t there before.
“Are you okay?” He tries to ask it in a comforting manner but his voice cuts through the air like a knife.
It’s in his eyes though, his concern for you and you give him a nod, soft smile, “Yes, thank you.”
“Good, sit tight.”
He tries to step around you, and get closer to Jason but you put your hand on his chest and he flinches, something you’ve never seen before. If he weren’t so angry he would crumble under the fear that bloomed in his chest from your move. He keeps his focus on Jason, removing your hand and maneuvering you in a twirl with ease.
“Marc, don’t,” You call, whirling around to watch him charge at Jason, who takes a few steps back towards a door that leads out of the kitchen and onto the porch.
“No, this guy thinks he can get away with doing whatever the fuck he wants. Not gonna happen,” You can’t see his face but you can feel the anger radiating off his body in waves as he pushes Jason into the wall, his grip on his shirt firm.
“Marc, please,” You plead softly, voice unsteady. “Please, can you just take me home?”
His hold on Jason stays tight as he looks back at you, getting a good look at your face. All he sees is fear and his heart sinks into his stomach; the last person he’s ever wanted to frighten is you. He knows first hand what it feels like to be afraid of someone like this. He moves quickly, letting Jason go and grabbing your hand to leave all in one move.
You hadn't driven here knowing that you’d have a few drinks, but Marc’s completely sober– he’d only showed up at this party because you’d asked him to. He leads you to his car in complete silence, opening the door for you and checking to make sure you’re in before he closes it.
The anger is rippling off his skin in hot waves, and you aren’t sure if he’s just mad at Jason or if he’s mad at you. You spend most of the ride in silence, picking at an invisible piece of lint on your tights. He doesn’t look at you, doesn’t turn on any music, just focuses on getting you to the address you whispered to him when he slipped into the driver’s seat. The silence starts to creep into your lungs and you feel as though you’re choking on the words stuck in your throat, so much so that you finally have to say them even if he is mad at you.
“I’m sorry I got you into all of this. You were sure you didn’t want to go and I made you.”
“I’m just glad I was there to make sure nothing happened to you. That’s what matters. Don’t worry about me,” He doesn’t spare you a glance but you can hear the sincerity in his voice.
The atmosphere in the car changes, and the rest of the drive is filled with a new, comfortable silence now that you know he’s not furious with you. He offers to walk you in once he parks in the lot of your complex, following you up the single flight of stairs to your door. You can feel his eyes on you, watching your every move and you fumble with the keys a few times before letting him in. He stands in the middle of the room with his hands in his pockets, watches awkwardly as you sink into the fuzzy blue couch. He isn’t sure what to do or what to say, he doesn’t want to leave but you look overwhelmed, eyes closed as your arms circle you. He’s about to announce his departure when you sigh, and he waits for you to say whatever’s on your mind.
“Will you stay?” You ask softly, keeping your eyes downcast. When he stays silent you hurry to say, “Just for a little bit.”
It’s the last thing that he expected to come out of your mouth. He looks at you for a beat, surprised before sitting down on the couch, training his eyes on the floor, “I’ll stay as long as you want.”
You don’t move toward him, but you don’t move away and some of the tension leaves his body.
“I’m sorry I scared you,” He murmurs once he feels the silence stretches too long.
You over at him like he’s offended you, “You didn’t scare me.”
He makes a disagreeable sound in the back of his throat. “You don’t have to lie.”
“I’m not lying.”
He has to look at you then, to make sure that your eyes match your words. To his surprise, all he finds is sincerity and relief rushes through him. He can’t remember the last time anyone looked at him the way you are right now, not even when his father tried his best to comfort him through all the pain.
“I’m not afraid of you Marc, I never have been. I told you, you’re my friend. I care about you.”
He wants to say it back to you, wants to take the next step and say that he wants you as more than a friend. But given everything, he stays silent, continuing to regard you with that guarded expression on his face. He can’t let his mask slip, needing to keep the invisible wall between you intact. Being vulnerable doesn’t come easily to him anymore, not when he was violated by someone who was supposed to love him unconditionally.
When you realize he isn’t going to say anything back, you continue, “I just didn’t want you to be who they think you are. That’s what I was afraid of.”
His eyes narrow, “Who’s that?”
“Some angry guy who doesn’t care about anyone.”
He feels exposed, knowing that you know the dichotomy of his makeup. That you know him.
“Maybe that’s who I am,” He says it defensively but both of you can hear the lack of conviction. He’s pushing you away with the last of the smoke and mirrors, and there isn’t much left.
To Marc’s surprise you laugh, shaking your head at him, “You wouldn’t be here with me, apologizing for scaring me if that were true, would you?”
“No,” He breathes softly, almost sounding confused.
You train your eyes on his, as you move closer to him, your leg brushing up against his. Your voice is even softer than before, “Marc, I don’t know what happened to you, and I’m not asking you to tell me. But I’m here for you. I’m not going anywhere.”
He makes no move to break the contact but his frown sets deeper into his stunning features, “What makes you think something happened to me?”
You raise your hand, just to caress his face and he flinches hard— it’s not something that either of you could brush off. Your eyes soften, tears welling up in your eyes as you lower your hand. You know the signs, understanding exactly what that means. The two of you continue to look at each other, the room quiet and still.
“You can touch me,” He murmurs, his voice low and rough.
“No, it’s okay, it’s-“ Before you can finish your sentence he takes your hand into his, presses it firmly to his cheek and closes his eyes with a shaky breath.
You’re incredibly warm, your scent so saccharine and delicate, and the comforting touch of another is something he hasn’t had in years; he instantly melts into it. With that, you begin to explore, running your fingers down the curve of his cheek, trailing the slope of his chin. You follow that all the way up to his forehead, pushing your fingers back into his curls, your eyes widening at how soft his hair is.
So enthralled in being able to touch him like this that you don’t notice how he watches you. He’s drinking in every detail, watching the way your eyes shine in the dim glow of the moonlight. He’s always found you captivating, but this might be his favorite expression on you yet, eyes full of wonder, a tender smile on your face.
“You’re so beautiful,” He doesn’t mean to say it, but he’s thinking it over and over, it pours out of him.
He says it so gently, it takes your breath away for a moment and now all you can do is look at him.
“Did I say the wrong thing?”
A sheepish smile pulls at your lips as you shake your head. “No, I just…” You take in a shuddering breath, “…can I kiss you?”
He blinks a few times, digesting your request with a furrowed brow. When his eyes refocus on you, his expression changes, his tan cheeks staining with a soft pink flush, his eyes clouding with a hunger that shoots straight to your libido. You’re getting ahead of yourself there, especially with how he reacted to just a simple caress of the cheek.
“Marc?” You prompt gently.
“Yes. Sorry, yes. Please.”
You plant yourself firmly in his lap, cupping his cheeks with a caring touch, and his hands find your waist with a firm grip that makes you want to grind against him. The kiss starts sweet, but as your tongues twist and caress each other it morphs, growing steamy. There’s an undercurrent something erotic pulsing through spirit of it. And while you both feel it, neither are ready to go that far.
You want to take your time, get into every crack and cranny of him so that you can eventually take him apart. Marc’s just scared, terrified that taking charge in anyway will fuck this up. That’s all he’s ever known, destroying everything he’s ever held dear.
“Sorry we didn’t get to go to the diner like I promised,” You murmur when you pull away and he chuckles, greedily pressing his lips against yours again.
“I don’t know, this is pretty nice too.”
That’s an understatement but he can’t seem to find the words to convey what this moment means to him.
“Yeah, it is,” You lean into him, tucking your face into the crook of his neck. You're a little nervous to ask the question on your mind. Hiding your face and breathing in his clean, minty scent gives you a confidence boost.
“Do you maybe…wanna stay? We could go in the morning and get breakfast.”
“Really?” You hear rather than see his surprise.
“Really,” You tell him, pressing your lips to the skin of his neck.
“I would love that,” He whispers into your hair timidly, and your heart squeezes for him.
You lean back to look at him, “Let’s head to bed then, yeah?”
You rise up first, holding your hand out for him with a toothy grin and he takes your hand gladly, his head spinning a little from how tonight’s events have gone. Once in your bedroom, you start to strip, facing away from him and he turns away, wanting to give you your privacy. You peek over your shoulder as you slide into an oversized t-shirt, can’t help but huff a laugh at how much of a prude he’s being, standing there in his jeans and t-shirt.
“You gonna get ready for bed?” You ask gently, turning to face him.
“Are you done?”
“Yes I’m done, baby,” The term of endearment is like soothing water on his hot skin.
As soon as the words are out of your mouth he turns towards you, his eyes roaming your body before flicking cautiously over to your bed. It’s been a long time since Marc has slept in the same bed as anyone. Sometimes with his little brother, later on once he passed with his father. He’s been away from that type of vulnerability for a few years now.
“Do you want my help?” You offer, your expression patient.
“Yes,” He replies after a beat, his voice uneasy.
Slowly, you walk over to him, making sure he can see all of your movements and that you make no sudden moves. You run your hands down his chest and stomach soothingly before reaching for the hem of his t-shirt, wagging in a silent question of on or off.
“You can take it off.”
Scars. Not many, just a few here and there litter his torso, and you don’t let your eyes linger. Your touch stays tender, gentle, eager to explore. Marc’s grateful for that.
“Off, please.”
You reach for his belt, unbuckling it with no hurry before unbuttoning his pants and sliding them down. And once he’s just in his boxers you grab his hand, lead him over the bed and slide under the covers. When you look up at him he hesitates for a moment, and you hold your hands out in encouragement. The soft look on your face puts his mind at ease and he slides in next to you, turning you around and tucking you into his arms with a pleasant hum.
He likes your warmth. Your comfort. He could drown in it.
You let out a sigh of contentment, snuggling further into him, “Goodnight, Marc.”
His mouth dips to kiss the skin beneath your ear, arms giving you a squeeze, “Goodnight, baby.”
if you’d like to be on my moonknight taglist, let me know!
moonknight taglist: @laurensprentiss, @angelfxllcm, @in-between-the-cafes, @honeybrowne, @ninebluehearts, @rmoonstoner, @hotchs-bitch, @later-gators12, @foreverinwanderlustt-blog, @aleeb, @julydaydream, @mona-has-friends
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antiquepearlss · 1 year
If I ever get around to it, I'd love to write novels/make comics about Greek mythology. But, I'm busy. I've always wanted to write about Hades and Persephone since people are so divided on them and their relationship. Either they're couple goals, or it's an abusive and awful marriage. And Demeter almost always gets villainaized or seen as weak in various interpretations.
So here's what I would do if I wrote about Hades and Persephone...
Persephone isn't that young, Zeus and Demeter made her before Zeus even married Hera, so she's old. (Persephone actually predates Hades in history) but stays with her mother. (They're very close) Part of her character is that she doesn't really want to grow up, she just wants to stay an unknown nature goddess, but she also desires something more deep down. (she's not goddess of spring, spring doesnt exist yet) Demeter also doesn't want Kore to grow up and doesn't like change. She is happy with her life with her daughter. Demeter is also against marriage since she has seen so many marriages fall apart.
Hades and Kore meet when Hades visits Demeter. The two become instant friends and Hades develops a crush on Kore due to her quiet and contemplative but dark and morbid nature. And that she loves the fact that he rules the underworld. Kore begins to fancy him because she has always been fascinated with the underworld, and she finds his introverted and morbid and shy personality cute. Hades becomes part of the reason Kore begins to desire something more with her life. (At this point Demeter and Persephone are still worshipped as a duo, just like in history)
Demeter and Hades don't hate eachother but they're not very close. She knows of their relationship but encourages (not forces!) Kore to drop the crush because of what she's seen happen to Hera. Kore begins to bottle her feelings and is conflicted by her love for her mother and her desire to stay with her and not change anything, and her desire to be with Hades or to be her own goddess.
Kore confides her feelings to Hades and since Hades has never had anyone love him, he decides to ask Zeus for Kores hand in marriage. Zeus agrees, Hades wants to ask Demeter because he respects Demeter and Kores relationship. Zeus convinces Hades not to because he thinks Demeter will deny it and Hades agrees.
Artemis and Athena visit Demeter and Kore and whilst picking flowers, Kore runs off to pick a narcissus flower (Hades used this flower because it's Kores favorite) Hades comes out of the earth all dramatically and kidnaps Kore.
Kore is obviously distraught and does not accept Hades' marriage proposal. Instead of sleeping in his room she holes herself up in one of the dungeons in protest. Hades tries to bring her various gifts (jewelry, fancy clothes, pets, wilting flowers,) but he refuses to give her what she really wants, to go back home.
Hades wants to return her but he's worried she will leave him, so selfishly, everytime she asks to go home, he just brings her a lavish gift. I'd write him having a mental battle, where he wants Kore to be happy but he also wants Kore to be happy with him.
Hades tries again to make Kore happy. She comments on one of his visits that the underworld is unfair to those who did good in life, so he let's her create Elysium. Kore is moved by this gesture and eventually moves out of the dungeon and into Elysium and helps to judge which of the dead will get to move to Elysium.
After this, Kore decides to accept Hades' proposal of being Queen of the Underworld, but continues to refuse his marriage proposal. She begins to grow up and changes her name to Persephone. She enjoys judging mortals but becomes harsh with her judgement. Word begins to spread of how fearsome she is. She doesn't hate Hades and doesn't forgive him, but can manage to stay in the same room as him for more than ten minutes. She's finally fulfilled her wish of becoming more than just a nature goddess.
Hecate comes down to the underworld and talks to Hades. She tells him how selfish and cruel he is. Hades' character flaw in this story is his self centeredness. He thinks he knows what's best for Kore and that the second he let's her go, she will hate him, and he will be left alone for eternity. He's too selfish to realize how he's hurting her, and that his pain isn't more important than hers. He begins to realize these flaws through Hecates speech and realizing that he doesn't want Persephone to be miserable because of him.
Meanwhile, Demeter is incredibly distraught. She lost her daughter and Artemis and Athena didn't see what happened. Demeter spends days looking for her until Hecate takes her to Helios who sees everything. He tells Demeter that Zeus arranged the marriage and tries to convince her that maybe Hades would be a good husband but Demeter is having none of it (rightfully so) she angrily destroys the home and land she and Kore lived in, where most of the gods' food came from. Now Zeus is cut off from the best food.
Demeter repeatedly goes to Zeus but he refuses to annul the marriage. She goes to Hera who's her closest friend but Hera sides with Zeus, seeing that Hades and Kore would make a very good couple. Obviously Demeter is angry that the three of them conspired behind her and her daughters back. She refuses to grow more food for them and cuts off her and Heras friendship.
She goes to Hecate and Hecate tells her she will try to convince Hades to give Kore up.
Demeter travels to a nearby town and disguises herself as a servant and begins to care for the child of her "owners" she sees Kore in this child and grants them immortality by throwing them into a fire every night. Obv the parents object to this but she reveals herself to them, and in apology for their reaction and in pity for her condition, they build her a new temple. Hera will try to talk to Demeter but Demeter refuses to have anything to do with her.
Hecate comes to Demeter with the news of Persephone and how she is becoming the accustomed to being queen and her new name change. Demeter is upset by this and worries that she may lose Kore forever.
Demeter causes winter, this is her final card in getting Kore back. As the mortals die and he sees how upset Demeter is, Zeus begins to take pity on her, but is angered by the death of the mortals and doesn't budge on his decision. Hera decides to back Demeter up and begs Zeus to let Demeter have Kore back. When Zeus realizes how genuine Hera is Zeus, and how badly he hurt Demeter, and that Demeter will not budge, he relents. Zeus sends Hermes to convince Hades to let Persephone go.
Hades by this point is ready to let Persephone go and be happy, but Persephone wants to stay queen of the underworld. She learns to love her home and enjoys being able to help the dead mortals and punish the wicked ones. She is reluctant to go back home and just be some nature goddess. She doesn't want to be Kore, she wants to be Persephone. But she still hasn't forgiven Hades at this point and isn't sure if she still loves him. And while she loves the underworld, she misses her mother and wants to calm her down. Shes conflicted, but wants to see her mother at least one more time. She makes all this clear to Hermes and Hades overhears.
Hades finally realizes what he must do, and he agrees to let Persephone go to see her mother. He gives Persephone the pomegranate seeds and lets her decide whether or not she wants to be bound to the underworld. Persephone is moved by this gesture and kisses him on the cheek. Showing she forgives him.
Persephone travels to her mother. Demeter is so happy she immediately causes spring. A new season which is bright and colorful, but rainy due to her tears and slightly chill due to how emotional she is. Demeter vows to protect Persephone and to build her temples and wants to devote this new season to her.
Persephone is overjoyed to see her mother but eventually (I'm thinking like, a week after) she tells Demeter about how she ate the seeds, and she needs to go to the underworld.
Demeter is not happy.
The two go to Zeus and he decides that since Perse only ate six seeds, she will only stay six months in the underworld. Demeter objects and keeps begging Persephone to ask Zeus for an annulment. She doesn't want things to change for her and Kore. And she doesn't really want Kore to grow up yet, or be miserable in an unloving marriage.
Demeter and Persephone have a conversation on how Persephone has grown up and that she doesn't want to stay a nature goddess forever. That she forgives Hades and does want to be around him. Demeter eventually relents and accepts that Persephone has grown up and is happy for her. She realizes that things eventually change and people move on. And right before Persephone goes back down to the underworld, she gives Persephone the title of the Goddess Of Spring.
Demeter is still upset when Persephone leaves and causes winter due to her grief. But as the years go on, she creates fall, to better help humans adjust to the cold. Nowadays, Persephone leaving isn't as jarring and she doesn't need to cause winter, but humans have gotten so accustomed to it that they need it for their cycle of seasons.
Eventually, Persephone accepts Hades marriage proposal and falls in love with him. He tries to make up for the pain he caused her by making her an equal ruler, and promising to be the best husband he can be to her.
The end.
Holy heck this was long. But yeah, this is how I'd turn The Hymn To Demeter into a novel. I'm tired of everyone interpreting this story as having a clear "bad guy" either Hades is an evil cruel man and Demeter is a spineless grieving mother, or Dem is an overprotective and abusive mother and Hades is a spineless uwu innocent boy.
No, Demeter is a loving mother averse to change, Hades is a selfish but well meaning guy, and Persephone is a woman who is conflicted in her desire to grow up.
When I write these novels I don't plan on changing any of the details in the myths, just add more and make them a full fledged story. The only thing I "changed" in this is that Perse ate the seeds willingly. It's kinda mixed on whether she knew what they would do but in this she does, it's important to her development.
Obviously nowadays forgiving Hades would be unspeakable, but remember, this was ancient Greece. So it was looked down by some but not all. So he's not a complete monster because of this. But its still not okay. So to all the Hades simps and apologists, he was not justified in kidnapping Persephone. No matter the context. And he still needs to overcome his flaws like the rest of them. Don't kidnap your wife kids.
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2smolbeans · 9 months
Yandere COO (Chief Operating Officer) Headcanons
Tags: mentions of nsfw/dubcon, murder, emotional manipulation, gaslighting, denial, possessive behavior, desperation, amputation, hostage keeping.
*This is an old writing- so most of the things here are changed or out of date
Note: I had to repost this again to fix some writing issues- I will edit this post here and there- so sorry if some things seem a bit weird!
Your first impression of Marco is positive, to say the least. No matter what, he always had a knack for making people smile around him. His personality at best was a hearthrob, always affectionate and sweet with his words.
He was the company's favorite security guard. Everyone knew him, and he knew everyone. Like a golden retriever, he was friendly, always excited to talk to new people, and desperate to make new friends!
You could've met him when you were at your absolute worst, crying on the sidewalk edge from being dumped or depressed from life's daily tasks. But remember it as one of the happiest moments of your life when Marco was there.
You found it funny how he had that power to take your feelings and mold them into something else with his words and comedic gestures. It's no wonder why everyone adores him.
Everywhere he goes in public, people floak to him like a moth attracted to a lamp. You don't blame them, though. You also find yourself following him whenever you can.
Something about Marco just seemed...Addicting.
His strong tall muscular build, those red round eyes that would beem so brightly in the sun, that smile that would melt your heart, his laughter and witty jokes that would make you fall head over heels for him.
Those amazing traits he somehow possessed made him both emotionally and physically appealing.
For someone so perfect, they had to be faking their personality, right? But to your surprise (even when his true colors show eventually), he was always honest with how he felt.
So when he's holding you hostage in the comfortable confines of his home, you feel some reassurance knowing what you were dealing with. He was always predictive, after all.
But you won't see that side of him at all, at least if you don't push him too far.
Marco is a part of the most powerful, rich, cruel, and successful Sangwook family. A family who is known for building up the financial (and allegedly blackmarket) business. But funny enough, he wasn't apart or even aware of that family until he found his older half-brother who happened to be the CEO of the company he was working at.
So after finding his biological family in his early 20s, life started to change for him. Although a huge and tedious process, somehow in a blur with enough training and his god given talent with numbers, mathematics, excellent people skills, and a buisness mindset, Marco was given the opportunity to work alongside with his brother as the COO.
The money started flowing, and with this new position, so did the power..
So when he told you this, calling you on the phone excited, pacing around as you gave him words of encouragement, you were happy for him at first.
But then it started happening.
Marco was always clingy, but never to the extent of being suffocating. But ever since he got that 'promotion', Marco seemed a bit more..Insecure.
He's always frantically texting and calling you, asking if he's missing out on anything.
As the CEO's right-hand man, you'd expect him to be upstairs on the highest floor inside his office, but no, everywhere you go, he's always there.
You've confronted him about this, but he excuses it as being lonely and isolated in his office in comparison to being around people when he was just the security guard.
You get it, Marco was never a big fan of change to begin with. But it was getting out of hand..
It's gotten to the point that even the mention of his name was suffocating to you. You just wanted some space, just a day where he isn't mentioned, but god was Marco so persistent on being by your side.
He became more menacing. Jokingly saying he could get you fired if he simply felt like it. Laughing about how he had everyone wrapped around his finger, how easy it would be to ostracize someone if he were to show any sort of public displeasure towards them.
But of course, it was under the guise of "wow.. My position is scary.. I wasn't able to do this back then. But man, no wonder why people hate the rich !"
So don't worry about it!
Marco is the type to fall HARD for whoever he befriends. He's a hopeless romantic waiting to find the one.
So when you come in his life, befriending him, getting to know him personally, giving him that wonderful dopamine rush, he's over the moon.
He spoils you as a result, devoting his whole time and attention towards you, always on your beck and call without any fuss or complaints.
It gives him a sense of entitlement to your absolute love.
It's why when you try explaining to him out of frustration that you just want some space, that his constant clingyness is making you uncomfortable, that your co-workers whom you desperately want to get along with are starting to avoid you because of his presence- that you NEED some goddamn space..He gets angry.
Which surprises you. You've seen Marco get upset, but this seemed different. The curious and worried expression that he had on his face quickly contorted to an annoyed and clearly pissed expression. His hands clenched tightly as his eyes narrowed, not daring to look at you.
"Nono, I get it. I've done so much.. I'm so stressed, it's not easy, you know that, right? If you want nothing to deal with me, then don't talk to me anymore."
"No wait Marco that's not what I meant-"
"Nono it's fine! I understand what you mean. Don't waste your time, I'll stop bothering you now."
It wasn't your fault, you know this. All you told him was that you needed some space. That he was being too much.
Maybe you were too harsh? Were you too bitchy? No, you stood your ground, you were just setting up your boundaries.
But those thoughts began to waver as the weeks went by. People asking you about Marco, giving you glances as they whispered about the 'company's sunshine' barely showing up to greet people like he used to, gossiping rumours about you breaking the poor man's heart.
"Man, wonder what they said for him to leave like that.."
The young woman quietly spoke, her body turned towards her co-worker. Her voice filled with curiosity, her heels tapping against the floor while she held a cup of instant coffee in her left hand.
"I don't know, must've been bad. Cause it's been at least almost a month since he's shown up to at least say hi or something"
Your other co-worker spoke, his voice dissmissive and sleezy as he rolled his eyes as if it were expectant of you to be the main problem.
"Yeah...And not gonna lie, they do seem a bit..Well, they sometimes act like a pretentious asshole. So yeah I wouldn't be surprised if it was something they did pft-"
"Fern, wait- Ohhhh hey there dude! Sorry we were just waiting for something, gonna head out now"
You just stared at the two, awkwardly standing there as they swiftly brushed past you. You felt like shit, god were you really that bad?
Shit, maybe you weren't fair to him.. Looking back on that moment, you felt guilty about your actions.
Does he even want to talk to you?
Regardless of how you were feeling, you decided to send Marco a small text. To your comfort and shock, he immediately replied back to you.
Sooner or later, the two of you were alone at your apartment with the both of you on the couch. Your head rested against his chest as something played in the background of the TV. You forgot how you both made up with each other, but it didn't matter. You had your best friend back.
"Marco, you don't think I come off as rude all the time, right?"
"Mhn..I mean it depends"
"I mean you have that resting bitch face, you're too blunt when it comes to expressing things, and it takes a while for you to consider other people's feelings"
"Oh..Haha..Thanks for the brutal honesty Marco. Always straight to the point.."
"I know!"
He chipped happily.
"But it what makes you..What's it called? Mhn..Genuine? I don't know if it's a good word to explain it, but it what makes you trustworthy. You don't lie about what you want, and I don't have to worry about you stabbing me behind my back! It's why I'm proud to consider you my only friend"
You sniffled out a cry, making Marco smirk as he felt you grip onto his shirt, dramatically using him as your personal tissue.
"..Aww..Marco..God I was about to punch you, but Jesus you always find some way to make yourself so fucking cute"
"Haha I know~"
It wouldn't take long for Marco to ask you out. At first, you were a bit taken back.
Was this a good idea? Maybe if he was still just a simple security guard, then yeah, it would be fine dating. But no, this man was literally the boss of your employer and everyone around you at your workplace.
Though Marco promised you that he'd make sure that his position wouldn't interfere with the relationship.
You were still hesitant, but with his sweet words and a soft kiss planted on your forehead, you were swooned to the idea of being his.
I mean, what could go wrong?
So much, so much went wrong.
The two years of dating were blissful, though you noticed that ever since you started dating Marco, not a lot of people tried talking to you like they used to.
Marco would always come home late. Exhausted and sweating with an equipment bag always in his hand. Always heading somewhere hidden in the house before disappearing for hours.
You also found it weird how he had a list of peoples names hidden in his journal.. How you remember accidentally stumbling upon it before being scolded at by Marco.
How he had a collection of hydrogen peroxide, bleach, acids, and all sorts of powered and liquidfid chemicals hidden in his garage....
Should you call the police? Fuck..Even if you did what would you say? And would you really want to assume that your lovable boyfriend was a serial killer as a hobby??
What proof did you have though?
Throughout your relationship, you were happy no matter what. Being spoiled more than before, kisses and praises being a daily routine, money practically being showered onto you - oh, did I mention that the two of you moved in together?
Sure, it was a bit too fast, but with Marco suggesting it, explaining how it would be cheaper to live with him rather than wasting hundreds on a small apartment, it made sense.
Plus, you could always move out whenever you could afford it. You weren't poor, but it would be helpful living with your rich boyfriend for free while you were able to save up money.
It didn't help that his place was luxurious, the floors clean and practically shining, your spare room spacious for your things, the kitchen equipped with the highest quality of utensils and gadgets.
Marco often expresses his thoughts.. What's the point of working if he always takes care of you? Don't get him wrong, he's not saying not to let him take care of you, but you might as well just let him do all the hard work while you stand there and look pretty.
The two of you will eventually get married, so you also might as well let him manage all of the money and daily tasks you have. What do you mean you're not gonna marry him?
It's not controlling or possessive! He's not saying you're incapable of not doing things without him - why is this so hard to understand??
Huh, It's too fast?! You've known each other for 5 years. Sure, it's only been 2 years of dating, but those other 3 years still count! Plus, Marco knows you both would have a wonderful married life.
Regardless of how you feel, it won't matter, Marco will get what he wants anyway. It's not like you'll know when it happens.
A lot of issues start forming in your relationship..
Every single time you express any worries or concerns about Marco's possessive and toxic behaviours, he ignores the accusations- instead leaning onto you as he softly speaks, telling you to relax and to let go any stress.
It makes you more stressed as you know he isn't listening. You already know where this is going, and you try pleading with Marco frustrated.
You try scolding him, but you find yourself melting against his touch. Sooner or later in a blur, you forget about what you were even angry about as he's fucking you against whatever surface your on.
Smothering you in kisses, leaving fresh marks on any visible part of your body for all to see, taking pride as he watches your expressions.
Finishing all over your body before giving you the utmost aftercare, he smiles as he plants a kiss on your cheek before tending to your needs like a delicate flower as if he wasn't rearranging your insides 10 seconds ago.
You enjoy it.. But does every fight always have to be resolved through sex? You hated how the two of you could never address things properly. There always had to be some loop or 'sweeping under the rug' as you call it.
It wasn't healthy. You knew this relationship wasn't going to last. So, of course, for your own well-being, you tried leaving.
More than twice to be precise...
"Honey what are you talking about? Are you not happy in the relationship?"
Marco looked at you with an expression you couldn't read. He wasn't upset. He was sad, but he also wasn't shocked - almost as if he was expecting this.
"No..No! It's not that!"
"Then why? What did I do wrong?"
Marco pleaded, his voice pitifully quivering as he ran his fingers through his hair, trying to soothe himself.
You were at a loss for words. You seemed so clear on what to say. But looking at Marco, you forced yourself to speak, even if you were second-guessing it.
"Marco..It's over. I'm sorry but this, this isn't normal. Maybe it's best for us to split up, maybe find new people"
He was crumbling at the seems, dropping to the floor as he cradled himself, his eyes widened as he spoke to himself manically, his mouth crooked into a frown as the tears began to stream down his face.
"Nononono, this can't be happening. I did everything. You were supposed to be different. You are different! Fuck. Fuck. FUCK!"
You were growing more concerned for your safety as he began to stand up, walking towards you, lost in his own world as he ignored your quiet panicked pleas.
"No, I will make this work, you love me, don't you? No, you do. I've done so much. Maybe you're just confused. Maybe someone told you the wrong thing. G-God... I can make this work, haha..10th times the charm, right?"
"Marco, what are you doing? You're scaring me. Marco back the fuck up, Marco, Marco nono wait I'm sorry- MAR-"
When you woke up, you found your head pounding painfully. Fuck, he hit you hard in the head didn't he? Carefully once you were ready, you staggered yourself to the front door, only to release that he had changed the locks into a pinpad in order to lock the door from opening.
Now you were panicking as Marco had essentially kept you locked at his house. You tried searching for ways out, but it was useless as Marco had too many security measures, almost as if he had planned this before...
You heard the pinpad make noise as you were searching the kitchen. Scrambling as you heard Marco, you searched for a large butterknife, only to see nothing but plastic utensils avaliable to you.
"I knew you would try that, so I locked and hidden all the knives and sharp stuff you'd try stabbing me with. Pft, it's funny how all of you guys always try that."
Marco laughed, snickering as he walked towards you, leaning against the wall closest to you.
"Is your head okay? Do you want any water or food?"
You sighed as you glared at him, forcing a smile, the corner of your lips strained upwards.
"Actually yeah..Also..What the fuck? LET ME OUT YOU FUCKING PSYCHOPATH-"
"Honey relax..Please..It's not good for you stress"
"Bitch shut the fuck up, you literally knocked my head upside down for no reason!"
"You were being hysterical...I had no choice"
Needless to say, your stay with Marco wasn't pleasant for the both of you.
He found it frustrating how you fought back against him.
He's tried everything to fix the relationship. Giving you a pet, spoiling you with gifts, buying and cooking your favorite foods, loving you, letting you out the house here and there to go on dates. But nothing seemed to work..
Marco was on his last straw, he really wanted to make things work with you, but you were really pushing it. You kept pushing him away, trying to run away, hurting yourself in the process.
He hated it, he felt awful doing it, but he had no choice. So consulting with a private surgeon his brother connected him with, he scheduled a meet-up regarding 'your needs'.
He thought after that things would change, but it just seemed to make it worse..
You were almost dead, in a lifeless state staring blankly into space. You never spoke, barely blinked or moved.
The mounds of flesh that were once your arms and legs at least kept you from hurting yourself and running away.
He enjoyed it at first. You weren't talking back at him or running away. But eventually, it got tiring.
Maybe you were right, maybe it would be best to break things off..Maybe you two weren't meant to be.
So cleaning his hands, he thanked you for the time you gave him. He won't forget you, he'll always love you.. God, it hurt so badly..
He was just thankful for his brother comforting him and helping him remove you from any company records while creating the perfect explanation for your disappearance before continuing company plans...
No. No. No.
That won't happen again. Marco will make sure of it. He can't do that again, never. He promised himself that he wouldn’t let it come to that.
He reassured himself that it would only happen in the absolute worst-case scenario.
He's been through so many partners, so much heartbreak, he can't go through that guilt again.
You're his final hope.
So please just be good to him. Love him with no fuss. Stay with him forever. Let him take care of you. He has the money and body to do so. So, just please.. Don't be so greedy and selfish, and just accept him.
So when you break it off with him, he just accepts it at face value. Hugging you as he just lets you walk away.
Of course, he won't truly let you go that easy. But maybe with this time apart, he could perhaps try something different. Maybe figure out other ways to keep you close to him, rather than resulting in.. What happened to his exes.
Just thinking about it made him cringe. Sure, it was effective at keeping you at bay and at his full control, but he doesn't want you becoming a lifeless doll.
He thought that after you broke it off with him, there was no way you would ever want to contact him ever again. That he'd have to start from scratch, earning your love and trust again.
But when you texted him that paragraph after you left him, explaining how you still loved him and that you wanted the relationship to work. How you just needed some time away from him. That even if the two of you weren't dating, he could always call and text you here and there.
God knows how happy he was. You still loved him! He still had a chance! He knew that you were different from the others.
Who knows, maybe he'll actually work it out and get married to you!
But until then, he'll just hire private investagators to keep an eye on you while he forms a plan. He just needs to do things right this time.
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streaminn · 1 year
Stream ? Could we have a lil bit of Wednesday pov in the Elderich farm au please ?
Give me a sec
I had to, think for a bit in how tf will I write this
She isn't a god.
It's a usual thought most people have when they first meet her, but they're wrong.
God? They'd ask.
She would shake her head.
What are you then? They would continue.
She pauses everytime because the term was off when spoken. Was she a diety? No, to claim to be one meant to have divine status. A status mortals give and mark to other spirits. She had no needs or wants for such things, so she clearly wasn't a diety. God? Again, no. It felt close but not close enough.
In the end, no matter how many times this conversation will go, there truly wasn't a way to say what she was.
I can show you, she settles.
They stop asking after that.
The last time someone asked, the question was different yet the purpose was the same.
A blond lady asked her it, with eyes like the sky above. She looked a little bit inebriated, a flush along her cheeks when she stumbled onto the fields and came upon Her.
Her name is Enid, a farmer.
"who are you?" farmer asks, leaning onto a stick.
She tilts her head. "a wanderer," she settles, for that was what she was, one who wanders this lands. She forgotten how long to be frank, the times passing by with every step.
"No name?" Enid wonders, blinking slow and her shoulders are low.
"i don't have one." titles yes but a name? That felt different. Numerous have given one but none have ever stuck.
The farmer blinks again. She does that alot, she notes.
"o.. Okay," Enid murmurs and then her eyes are up in the skies, thinking before she snaps her fingers and points her index fingers at Her. "what about Wednesday!"
She tilts her head, curious. What an odd name, she hasn't heard that before. "like the day of the week?"
The farmer laughs, shaking her head and she's smiling.
Peculiar, most of the mortal's She met usually held some form of tears in their eyes. Then again, most couldn't even look her in the eyes in the first place.
"No silly," Enid giggles and she leans onto the stick, her arms cushioning her head. "I meant the poem! Something about Wednesday being woe day."
Woe? What a description.
"why would such a name fit me?" She wonders, finally the one to ask questions.
The farmer shrugs, squinting a little in the dark. "you look like you're a woeful wife, ma'am." her hands gesture to all of Her. "maybe it's those dark cloths you're wearing but it looks like you're grievin' that one lucky person."
A wife?
That was a first time someone would ever say such a thing. Warrior, yes. A demon or a vengeful spirit, absolutely. But a wife?
What is a wife but a companion through life?
That doesn't sound so unappealing now that she thought about it. She wonders why it hasn't struck her through all these years.
An idea pops in Wednesday's head, one that makes her step forward.
"do you think of yourself a lucky person, Enid?"
The farmer humms, her eyes dropping low for a moment before she nods.
"I mean, it's pretty lucky for me to kickstart this farm without help yknow?" her smile is lazy, a sign of her wish for slumber yet her eyes shine with pride. "like it would've been easier to have someone but yeah! I like to think I'm a bit lucky."
Wednesday steps closer.
"would you like someone?" To have someone? to be your wife?
It would be nice, Wednesday thinks. Wandering for all time would've gotten boring eventually.
Enid nearly slips off her stick if it weren't for Wednesday grasping at her arm and keeping her upright.
The farmer blinks, slow and unfocused before she nods, brows furrowing for a moment as clarity settles in.
"I think that'd be nice," Enid agrees and for the first time in ages, Wednesday smiles.
The next morning, Enid wakes up with a wife because well.. Isn't she that one lucky person?
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666writingcafe · 7 months
It was Diavolo's idea to throw a farewell party, but I didn't think it would be at The Fall. To be honest, it's a bit much for me. The strobing lights and bass-filled music are bad enough, but then everyone else has decided to act like complete animals. Even the more dignified members of our group are succumbing to the influence of the ever-flowing Demonus.
I try to put on a smile and pretend that everything's okay, but eventually I hit my limit. I have to get out of here. I can't go too far, though, or people will start wondering where I've gone.
A side door leads out to a small garden. When it shuts, most of the noise gets muffled, replacing it with a much-needed quietness.
"You too, huh?" Looking over, I discover MC sitting on one of the benches, a kind smile on their face. I nod, and they gesture me to sit next to them.
"I'm surprised you were able to slip away," I tell them. "Considering you're the guest of honor and everything." They shrug.
"It doesn't take much to distract them."
"True." MC rests their hand on top of mine.
"I'm worried about you." I would ask why they feel that way, but I already know the answer. I sigh.
"As soon as I return, Michael wants me to write a report on everything that happened during our recent crisis."
"Did he say why?"
"Standard procedure." Mostly. Based on the words he used when issuing the order to me, I don't think he's entirely convinced that MC should have the Ring of Light.
Which is weird, because he would have had to give them his blessing in order for them to wear it. Of course, he's always looked down upon humans. Claims they're nothing more than mere toys that can easily be manipulated. The only reason he's tolerant of Solomon is because the "witty sorcerer" isn't entirely human anymore. Living thousands of years past your original date of death wears down on one's humanity.
"If you had the choice, would you go?" MC asks. An understandable question, considering what I've told them. If they asked me that a few days ago, I would have had difficulty answering it. It's getting harder for me to consider the Celestial Realm my home, and I find myself wondering more and more what life would be like if I wasn't an angel anymore.
However, that changed when Luke told me he wanted to be MC's guardian angel. That takes a lot of training and paperwork, and someone has to fill the position in the meantime.
"Only because of you." I turn my hand so that it's now holding MC's. "You have the power to accomplish things that are beyond even us. You have the ability to change those around you. It's not just Lucifer and his brothers who need you. We need you, too." I pause, taking a deep breath. "I need you, MC."
I've always understood why Lilith did what she did, but I never agreed with her decision. Surely no human would be worth breaking one of the most sacred rules, right?
Oh, how wrong I was. How very, very wrong.
I would do anything to ensure MC's safety at this point. Dangerous, I know, considering where my allegiance is supposed to lie, but it's the truth.
I love them.
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