#i wanted to draw more of these silly little blobs
kokokulto · 2 years
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Dinner time! 🍽️🥘 Sorry Octavio, it’s hard to say no to Callie. 
[TEXT]   Callie: Hey Grampa, can we have crabby cakes tonight? Octavio: Sorry squiddo, we already had those. We’ll have curry instead. (Callie then makes a really sad face) Octavio: !! Cap. Cuttlefish: So, what’s for di— Callie: CRABBY CAKE!
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fun-k-board · 6 months
Hi, may I request a headcanons of The Brotherhood(Quicksilver, Blob and Toad) whose crush is gn reader? How would they act?
The Brotherhood (X-Men: Evolution) X gender neutral crush
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Note(s) : Sorry it took so long, I was struggling to figure out how to write for them (⁠*⁠・⁠~⁠・⁠*⁠) I think I got it right though?
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Pietro Maximoff / Quicksilver
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'Hey! Over here, nooo, not there, silly! Here!'
Oh he's so annoying (affectionate)
Pietro's main goal is to make you think about him wherever you are, that means bugging you constantly.
Assuming you're in the same school, he's constantly switching out your homework with blank pieces of paper, drawing messages in your books, speeding over to poke you in class knowing you can't do anything about it, etc.
It only gets worse if you're an X-Man.
During missions if you're against each other he's constantly going after you, it's gotten him in trouble with Mystique more times than he can count because he refuses to acknowledge the main purpose of the mission, instead, he only wants to annoy you.
Sometimes it's just pushing you over then zooming away, other times he constantly taunts you while running so fast you can't catch him or tell where he's going next, whatever it is, he makes sure it's enough of a bother that you start to get frustrated.
If you're in the brotherhood he can at least get missions done but you know he's bothering you the entire time, you basically end up doing all the work.
Is he flirty? Absolutely.
Expect his arm around your shoulders or waist while he talks on and on so fast you can't even catch what he's saying, but when he does slow down he's all 'You're the only one for me.' 'I love your shirt, is it new?' 'Your eyes are so beautiful, I could stare at them for hours.'
Lance and Todd are throwing up in the background.
Wanda wants to punch her brother into a separate dimension.
Fred's just chilling.
Think of him like Lance with Kitty but more focused on teasing you rather than being completely smitten, don't get him wrong, he loves you and he'd probably even make you a sandwich if you asked, but he'll be an asshole about it.
'Oh, come on, that's so much effort! Can't you just do it yourself?' but before you can answer he zooms off to do what you asked of him. 'here, I guess.' he huffs, a grin on his face as he hands you the item you requested.
Frederick J. Dukes / The Blob
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'Do I have to stay with them..?'
Fred is under the assumption that it's impossible for you to like him back after what happened with Jean, of course he was pushy and unfair with her, but she also rejected him and all of the X-Men despise him. So, he doesn't exactly have many options when it comes to friendship, let alone dating, besides the Brotherhood.
Then comes you.
Whether you're an X-Man, member of the Brotherhood, Morlock, perhaps just a fellow mutant, or a human, student at school, he'll truly never believe that he has a chance.
While before he was fairly obsessive and pushy with his crushes, with you he's silent and very awkward, even if you're nice to him he expects backlash if he ever confesses.
If you're a member of the brotherhood his awkwardness is slightly less explainable and far more noticeable, you're his teammate, you spend almost all day together, yet he can hardly look at you and loudly complains when he's paired with you or left alone with you. It probably makes you feel like he hates you.
He's very embarrassed if you confront him about it.
Awkward, he stumbles over his words and is breathing a little heavy as he does so, trying his best to explain that he doesn't hate you, he's just. Well. You see.
It's a similar situation if you attend his school, human or mutant, he's very sweet to you and tends to avoid messing with you. Fred usually quiets down when you get near, almost shutting down in a way. The others tease him for it all the time.
He'll most likely try to avoid you, maybe Lance, Pietro and Todd will push him to interact with you just to 'stop him from bugging them about it', they totally just want to help him out, and it ends with him always running away in embarrassment or assuming, if you're quiet or not that reactive, that you hate him.
If you're paired in a school project, Fred will absolutely just skip school, he doesn't care, he skips class regularly anyway, no Pietro, it's not to avoid you, he's just too cool for class.
If you're an X-Man, it's very different.
Fred is under the assumption you both share a mutual hate for each other, you're enemies after all! The tightness in his chest that he's feeling is totally just violent urges, that's it, that's all, it's not the want to hold your hand, hold you, tell jokes and make you laugh, no, no, that's not it at all!
He tends to target you to try and avoid his feelings quicker, he hates hurting you, but throwing you away from him, physically, makes sure he won't get distracted by you.
Fred ends up crying in his room when he goes home because he's afraid he hurt you.
Heck, even the other members of the brotherhood just want him to get with you already. Lance is especially eager because he won't be the only one being made fun of for dating an X-Man.
Eventually it does spill somehow and I'd imagine he would try to run away from you, maybe you catch up or explain to him later on, whichever one, he'll get very happy when you confirm you share feelings for him. He practically fixates on you so hard that you're the only thing he talks about.
Todd Tolansky / Toad
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'Hey, how it's goin', beautiful?'
He proceeds to fall down on his face.
Todd is a bit of a creep, constantly following you around and showing off his nonexistent muscles, telling the most unfunny jokes and pulling pranks on people in an attempt to impress you.
He doesn't smell nice, he's been told this his entire life, that he's slimy, disgusting, every insulting name under the sun. As such, he decides to at least try and take a shower more often for you, to make you less likely to avoid him, of course!
Todd has a big grin on his face every time he talks to you, bouncing off his feet like he's just won the lottery. He's also very, very flirty, just not that good at flirting.
His pick up lines are very 'the immediate Google search results for pick up lines.' type of cheesy, very stereotypical and eye rolling.
If you're an X-Man, member of the Brotherhood, human, mutant, etc, it doesn't matter much to him, he treats you the exact same. The only real difference is how much time he spends around you.
In the brotherhood he does try to avoid flirting in front of the guys to avoid embarrassment or teasing, but surprisingly he does ask for a lot of advice regularly. It usually never goes well, Lance and Pietro tend to just give very wrong or confusing tips and Fred doesn't really have any to give in the first place.
If you're an X-Man he tries to impress you by fighting your teammates, usually he loses, but sometimes he does win! He'll pose and ask if he's just the coolest guy or what. Todd doesn't like fighting you but he will, because unfortunately Mystique is absolutely terrifying and he doesn't want to face her wrath.
In school he likes to ask for your help, constantly bugging you about how he just desperately needs your assistance to study for this test coming up, which to be fair he does. But, if you agree to help him, he doesn't actually try. He just flirts with you the entire time.
His crush is obvious, incredibly so, even the most clueless of individuals would know he loves you because he says it directly every single day. He doesn't exactly need to 'confess' per say, all you really need to do is accept his flirting or flirt back, maybe ask him out yourself.
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lostinelsewhere · 18 days
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Lust - Yautja x fem!oc
word count : 3139
summary : She was as stubborn as can be and ignored his orders to stay in the ship. Reia decided it was a good idea to wander off and bathe in a pond while he was on a hunt, he found her naked and when she disobeyed him again, his last thread of control snapped and she ended on his shoulders naked.
This chapter is the aftermath of ^
cw : interspecies sex, fingering, oral sex (f! receiving), biting, thigh fucking, size kink, claws?
a/n : You don't need to read this note but can if you want! It will set the story a little more and help understand their history as this chapter is further in the story.
Kahto’Iktei is a male who has been voyaging alone for centuries, the curiosity of planet earth has gotten to his youngest brother who was now in the hands of a human scientist who worked with the military.
Reia is a 24 year old woman whose father is said scientist. She was at the wrong place at the wrong time and was taken for leverage when Kahto couldn’t get to his brother. 
Now I don’t want to spoil anything but Kahto hates humans and Reia hates him. Down the road though, a tension grows between the both as they learn new things. 
This chapter is set around a month after the taking, so all the buildup has lead to this :P
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His chest rose and fell with each deep breath he took trying to calm himself down. Something in him stirred wildly at the sight of the naked female beneath him. 
Walking back from the pond with her hunched over his shoulder had turned his mind into a mere blob, his senses had left him and bringing her back to the ship had been the only thing he had thought about. 
Now having her in his nest bare had him frozen, unsure of what would now happen. 
The human girl covered herself with her small fingers but that didn’t hide her from his wavering eyes. He could smell what her body craved and she didn’t know he had any idea of it. 
They hated each other, there was no attraction between the both, those were mere words that flew in their vision when they thought of one another. How silly were those words when they were now so close, their bodies screaming for one thing, sex. 
He stepped back from the bed removing his helmet, the metal clunk on his desk making Reia jump slightly as her heart thumped hard against her ribcage.
She barely had time to react when rough hands grabbed her hips pulling her to the middle of the furrs, her body sliding against their softness.  
Reia squeaked as she reached to grab onto his tight hold as Kahto’s tongue slid across her cunt making her gasp at the sensation, it was so much smoother than a human’s tongue.
The sight of this male between her legs made her want him more. His tongue left her a moment after and she groaned, but quickly snapped her eyes open when she felt something probe against her entrance. Reia rose on her elbows breathing heavily. 
“Y-you’re not going to put those in me?” She stuttered nervously, eyes wide watching the clawed fingers near her entrance. 
Kahto chuckled looking up from between her thighs, eyes glossy with hunger. 
“I won’t hurt you, little human.” He purred, pressing his tongue against her leaking cunt. “They may seem sharp,” he slowly slid his finger against her thigh, “but they are only harmful with the right amount of pressure.” She bit her lips when he pressed harder knowing it would leave a mark. 
Kahto enjoyed the sight of her reddening flesh as he continued lower, never pressing hard enough to draw blood. 
“Only the best hunters know how to control their strength,” his eyes locked onto hers making her stomach flip, “lucky for you, I am one of the finest hunters I know. And I know of many.” He chuckled before biting her thigh, his tongue dragging until her folds were in his mouth. 
Reia moaned, arching her back as she felt his finger slip inside her, she was wet enough for him to easily enter and Kahto growled at that. 
She tasted so divine, better than he could have imagined. The little taste he’d had before she’d stopped him hadn’t been enough for him to realize how much he enjoyed it. He’d never gone down on a female, foreplay wasn’t something his kind did and a female Yautja would never let those mandibles near them, they’d have his head before he’d be able to even try. 
He felt her clench around him as he licked the little bud he’d learned was her clit, he had spent late nights researching about human females anatomy and had wondered if what was written had been true. The videos he had watched had seemed exaggerated at the pleasure one could get from this little organ. 
He was surprised when she moaned again when his thumb grazed her nub and the way she smelled different. The scent of her arousal was more potent as she seemed to near an orgasm that he didn’t know would come so quickly. 
Kahto wasted no time to set a pace her body seemed to fall apart under, his tongue flicked against her folds and up to her clit while he tried to insert another finger. 
The human girl gasped trying to squirm away at the stretch but groaned when he grabbed onto her hips with his free hand, laying it flat against her stomach holding her down. 
“You can take it, girl.” He rumbled against her, slowly pushing his finger in. He pumped in and out feeling her clench around him and picked up speed. Reia swore she saw stars when he growled, the vibrations against her cunt felt like heaven. 
Kahto felt his cock ache and grinded his hips against the furrs, he hissed lowly when his cock caught against his loincloth. He knew the human couldn’t handle him, but he knew he may not be able to control himself once she cums around his fingers moaning his name.
Everything was becoming too much for Reia, the assault on her clit and his two fingers, that weren’t small, fucked her with such desire that she felt that low feeling form in the pit of her stomach.
He could feel her coming undone, pride welt into his chest at how easy it was to get her into this moaning mess, but he wanted to hear his name fall from her lips, he wanted his name to be the last she’d ever moan. 
Fuck, he shouldn’t be thinking like this. She was still his hostage and he would still bring her back to the place she calls home once he gets his brother back. That was the deal and he had no plans on breaking it, or so he told himself. 
Kahto bit down on her thigh and Reia’s hands jolted to his locks, he growled as she held some sending shots of arousal straight to his groin. Her fingers wrapped around them as she squeezed harder making Kahto’s teeth sink into her skin as her cunt clenched around his fingers. The sudden pain of the mark and his fingers fucking into her senseless drove Reia to so close to the edge. He curled the pad of his fingers upwards filling the room with wet sound mixed with her cry as she came, moaning his name in a broken babble. 
Her hold was still tight around his locks, so Kahto licked the blood that leaked from his mark, lowering his hand from her stomach and circling her clit with his thumb. She squeezed again, tightening her thighs around his head and Kahto picked up pace, the hard bud pulsed as overstimulation came over her. 
Her mind was so lost in the haze of her orgasm, that it took her a moment of trying to push him away when she remembered that night she had touched his locks. How angry he’d become and what’d he’d growled at her. She hissed when his teeth scraped her flesh again and quickly let go as she recalled his words, “Touch me there again and I will have your hands. Only a mate is allowed to, not you. Do you understand me, human?”.
She had been taken aback at his sudden anger, but when he’d told her more about the meaning of it and how it affected them, she’d felt bad for her actions even if she’d loathed him. She still did, loathe him that is, even if he had his fingers inside of her mere seconds ago making her cry his name in pleasure. 
This didn’t change things. These little excuses danced in their minds on how one was bad and the other was intolerable, that this was just their body’s needs and things would surely go back to normal.
Only the foolish ones would believe that, and Kahto knew that thought was right, but he didn’t want to accept it. It seemed crazy to think how much his cock controlled his mind, it hadn’t been the same when he bred those females all those years ago. Maybe it had something to do with humans, which would also explain why his eldest brother had fallen for one many moons ago. 
He licked the bite one last time before moving himself up, licking her pink aching buds when he reached her chest. Reia moaned, digging her nails in his taut skin. She was tired from an orgasm that she’d had only with his fingers and tongue. She laughed in her head thinking about how she had never been this satisfied with human men. The amount of times she’d faked her moans and her quivering legs as they sucked everywhere but her clit, it was even more amusing to her how this alien male had found it having never touched a human woman before. He had turned her into a crying mess with a cunt that begged for more and that shamed her a bit, she shouldn’t have fallen so easily. 
They both breathed heavily and she could feel his hardness as he buried his head in the crook of her neck. She wanted nothing more than to touch him, see him fall under her touches and make him come to the human he despises.
Licking her lips trying to hide a smile he couldn’t see, she snuck her fingers between their bodies reaching for him. Kahto quickly shot up at the touch with his mandibles laxed as he looked at her twinkling eyes, she had that same look he’d seen when she'd drank the fhrag. That day he’d learned that certain Yautja beverages affected humans in a different way. 
“Let me, please.” She begged, stroking up and down his length that was covered by the thin material of his loincloth. Kahto began to purr, dropping his head back to her neck as locks spread across her collarbone. He’d been waiting so long for those fingers to touch him like this, for her to want to please him. 
He began to buck his hips, her hand matching his rhythm. He didn’t know how much he could take of this, of not fucking her pretty little cunt like he desired.
“You don’t need to pleasure me, little human.” He balled his fists in the furrs when her strokes tightened, sending shivers down his spine. 
“I want to see you come.” She whispered in his ear, tugging her lips between her teeth making Kahto groan. She slipped her fingers under the cloth and gasped when she wrapped her hand around his head, the warmth of it surprised her as she lowered her fingers over the ridges of his length. 
He was so big, he felt even bigger than he had looked that night when she had caught him pleasuring himself, but now having her fingers wrapped around his cock made her mouth water, she wanted to wrap her lips around him and make him lose control. 
Her nails gently grazed his throbbing length until she reached the bulbous end of it before squeezing hard. A deep growl rumbled through Kahto’s chest as he lifted himself up over her, his chest heaving in an anger he couldn’t control. 
He wasn’t angry at her, but angry at the situation. It was hard controlling the need to mate this female, painful even. It killed him even more knowing she had no idea what she’d just done, she was oblivious to what a knot was and how sensitive it became when the male was intensely aroused. 
He lowered himself mere inches from her face and her breath hitched. “Be careful what you wish for.” He whispered, pulling away as he  shredded the thin piece of material that covered him. Reia’s surprised gasp echoed in the walls as he pulled her closer, bunching the furrs and pulling her pelvis above them, angling her to his. 
He pumped his cock a few times before pushing her legs together placing them against his chest, his teeth grazed her ankles as he thrusted forward, the fat of her thighs squeezed his cock sending a shiver down his spine as he rubbed himself against her aching clit. 
Reia moaned as he grunted, setting a pace that had her tits bouncing with every snap of his hips. He was rough and she was sure she’d have bruises littering her skin with the grip he had on her. 
Her leaking cunt slicked his cock and Kahto knew if he tried, he’d be hilt deep in her with how wet she was. His mandibles flexed hard against his jaw as he bent his head backwards, his throat bobbing as he swallowed hard trying to forget the thought of her wet heat wrapped around him. 
Kahto felt his cock pulse making him thrust harder, he lowered his hands grabbing onto hers as she scratched against his toned abdomen. 
“Keep your legs tight, just like that. Good girl.” He grunted, lowering himself above her. He saw the pure lust in her features as her nose scrunched up, the new position making the whole of his length rub against her core. She whimpered as the bulbous base of his cock rubbed against her entrance.
“Fuck, I wish you could take me, I would breed you until my seed took and you were full of my pup. Round and beautiful, and mine.” He growled in his tongue gripping her hips and digging his claws against her flesh, small indents formed but he couldn’t control himself, he was close and so was she. 
She couldn’t think straight anymore, she didn’t care who was between her legs or everything that had happened in the last months, all she cared for was her release. “Please, Kahto. Fuck, keep going.” Her mewls filled his ears as his pace became sloppy. His locks splayed around her head and Kahto forced his eyes open seeing her dazed ones looking back as the world seemed to stop around them. 
This had been the most intimate he’d ever been with a female during mating, and he wasn’t even inside her. His mouth gaped when he felt his stomach tense, he pounded harder focusing on her expression as he tried to make her come before he would. 
Reia dug her nails in his forearms as her cunt began to clench around nothing, white bliss filled her vision and her legs began to shake against his body. He groaned, putting his forehead against hers as cum spurted from his cock in thick ropes littering her stomach. 
They both breathed heavily as Kahto pulled back letting her legs fall around his waist, he grabbed his cock and pushed his cum on her cunt smearing it around her folds. Reia inhaled, surprised by his action as he pressed the tip of his cock against her entrance. Just the tip would stretch her more than any other male she’d been with and he knew that. He however, didn’t know how much of this he could take without breaking. 
Reia thought about what would happen next, would things change or would they truly go back to before? She felt shame in her actions and disappointed that it came to this. She still loathed him, wished he’d be gone out of her life but a little part that hid in the back of her mind hoped they’d do this again. 
Kahto’s head was as conflicted as hers but he showed no emotions to it, his face was back to the blank expression she despised seeing. That face he always made when something between the both happened and it seemed like it didn’t bother him whatsoever, that angered her more than she’d like to admit and many times had she thought about smacking it off his face, but she knew he’d have her hands hanging like trophies on his walls. 
“I will bathe you.” are the only words that filled the silence and Reia hid her surprised expression. Bathe her? She repeated the words in her head, he surely didn’t mean that. The sensual moment had darted out of the room the second he came, surely he wouldn’t do aftercare?
She stuttered, still surprised she shook her head. “I don’t need you to bathe me,” she pushed herself back pulling the furrs over her naked body and cringed when she felt his seed sticking to them. 
“It is our custom.” His brows furrowed at her sudden distance, “when we mate with a female, we bathe her. It would be improper leaving her dirty with our seed.” 
“I will be fine on my own, thank you.” Her tone was quiet and Kahto watched her scurry to the corner where the shower was with furrs dragging on the ground. She hesitantly turned around silently begging him to leave. Kahto clenched his jaw, yanking his torn loincloth from the ground and tying it around his waist. It was no use but he didn’t care.
The human’s rejection bit him like a venomous snake and Kahto wondered what had happened in the moment between moaning his name and after they’d finished. He hadn’t said anything to her. What had upsetted her? Was she ashamed? Did she regret what had happened? 
Questions filled his mind but he pushed them far out. There was no going back from what they did, and that was something he hoped she understood. 
Kahto shook his head when he heard the water running, cursing to himself as he stepped out of his ship. He knew one day having the shower in his nest wouldn’t be a good idea, but he’d been alone for centuries and never thought he’d have a little female who’d tell him out of his own room. 
The air was crisp as the moon lit up his path, he hadn’t realized night had come but felt relieved. The male made his way to the pond that had started this whole ordeal and pondered on what would happen when he’d return. 
Back at the ship, the little human sat on the warming tiles with her hands on her head letting the water flow on top of her body. Reality was setting in and Reia tried to ignore it but knew it would only make matters worse if she ran from the truth. 
She had enjoyed what had happened between the both and that was a hard pill to swallow, but what was harder for her to accept was how much she wanted for him to fuck her. To feel all of him inside of her and watch him lose control. That little taste she had when he manhandled her before he fucked her thighs had made her wetter than she liked to admit. 
Would he even want to touch her like that again? Or had he truly been un bothered and disgusted by it all? It bothered her how quick his expression had changed and how closed off he became in a matter of seconds. 
Reia took a deep breath before forcing her mind to wander to other things that didn’t include him, but that was deemed harder than said. 
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a/n : I apologize if it was confusing! Like I've said this is a random chapter and their relationship is not best described here. I just wanted to post something about what I've been writing to see if anyone likes it! :)
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floralcrematorium · 1 year
Assorted FrUK/FACE Fam Headcanons
These are silly little thoughts I've had while drafting Migraines in Margaritaville, so these apply to the world of that AU (modern, human; FrUK parents raising NA bros in Massachusetts, US). Most of these involve food because I seem to think about them when I'm hungry???
• Francis and Arthur practice "one-parent-one-language" with the boys. Matthew took to French much easier than Alfred did, but both brothers managed to pick it up without much of a fuss. In elementary school the twins would use French to cheat on tests (they weren't allowed to sit next to each other after their schemes were discovered).
• Arthur set the grill on fire three times in one summer. Francis clearly doesn't learn from his mistakes and Arthur is too stubborn to let Francis do all of the work when it comes to preparing dinner.
• Follow up on the point above -- Arthur can prep vegetables and throw together food that doesn't require too much measuring or too many steps on the stovetop. He doesn't have the patience for most dishes and doesn't have a sense of what spices go well together/what is enough vs too much. Francis lets him help by chopping up vegetables and Arthur was usually the one to pack the boys' lunches. Sometimes they'd get leftover portions of whatever they had for dinner last night, but Arthur often defaulted to some sort of wrap with deli meat and assorted veggies/crackers for snack.
• Francis gives me similar vibes to those youtube moms who try to make homemade versions of popular American snacks. He may spend the weekdays at work in a kitchen, but on the weekends he's at home, still in the kitchen, trying to make homemade fruit leather and homemade cheese crackers for his sons.
• Arthur's the one more willing to let the boys get snacks from the store or take out. Francis is very much "we have McDonald's at home."
• Both Francis and Arthur would've been so excited to decorate the twins' nursery. They're both artistically inclined, be it in different ways. Arthur made blankets for both of them; Matthew is red and Alfred is blue. Francis paints floral designs on the furniture, in particular purple irises and both red and white roses.
• Because the twins were identical and because babies are kinda just blobs, they definitely accidentally mixed the twins up. The color coding might've come after the swap. They had a crisis about it. Francis "sacre bleu, we just gave two people permanent identity crises" Bonnefoy and Arthur "if we compare them to every picture we have of them we can figure it out" Kirkland. I'm imagining this happening before the twins have enough hair for their cowlicks to really form.
• It's tradition in the Kirkland-Bonnefoy household to have a box of Whitman's chocolates at every family party and Alfred is the reason why. One Christmas each twin got to pick out something special for the party and Alfred picked out the 22 piece Whitman sampler in the yellow box. They're not the best chocolates, but it became a tradition. Thankfully there's two layers in the box so Mattie and Al can have their own messenger boy pieces (the shaped chocolate that's the centerpiece of each layer).
• Neither Arthur or Francis have favor for one twin over the other. They both have their own activities they can do with Alfred and Matthew separately. Francis will cook and bake with Alfred and draw with Matthew. Arthur teaches Matthew to garden and watches old (by his son's standards) movies with Alfred.
• Francis is the parent the boys can come to no questions asked. Arthur isn't apathetic, but Francis is more inclined to give more thoughtful advice for relationships and general fuck-ups. He won't press on why or how something happened, but will help his sons figure out the best way to solve a problem.
• When Alfred and Mattie turned 10, Arthur wanted to teach them the importance of personal finance. He would give the boys $5 each week to spend on snacks at the grocery store (Arthur does the couponing and the shopping for the house). They were allowed to hold onto the money to use for later and could help with the couponing.
• Arthur drags the family out to Salem every Autumn. Sure, they live in Massachusetts and are well aware of how bad tourist season is, but he's fascinated with the city. Alfred initially went because he really liked this one New York style pizza shop in the Witch City Mall (how they got Francis to step foot in there, I don't know), but eventually grew interested in the witchy stuff Salem has to offer. Francis only puts up with it because the city has an art museum and weekly art fairs in the Fall. Matthew dreads their yearly trip. He loathes it. He'd rather tag along with Francis to the museum.
• Until the boys were old enough to start protesting, they had family Halloween costumes. Francis thought it was tacky, but saw the appeal when Arthur got the twins (still babies) all dressed up in lobster costumes.
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ozzgin · 2 months
Hi ozz! I have a question
I'm a writer, but i used to draw before. I was never really good, but since i discovered writing i completely abandonned it.
But i wish to diversify my skills.
But my brain is wired in such a way that if i stop writing for only two days i lose all my writing skills and i actively hate my drawings because they are objectively bad and i am incredibly frustrated to not see improvement.
I Guess my question is how do you manage to both write and draw consistently without losing any of those skill? Whats your routine?
I have a similar issue, but the other way around! If I don’t draw frequently, I find it harder to spontaneously doodle from scratch and with the same speed.
Tough I can’t say I have a particular routine. Me writing and doodling a lot for this blog was entirely unexpected and unplanned. What keeps me into a sort of habit is answering things from my inbox which are not necessarily full-length requests.
I think that’s basically the main aspect: you don’t have to draw/write anything intricate or detailed on a daily basis. Maybe you found a funny photo of a cat and you want to simplify it into a blob with eyes. Or you want to draw yourself waving at the camera. Do that! I found that silly, lighthearted doodles still count as surprisingly helpful practice, because it warms up your hand and gives you more confidence in your lines. Same for writing. Just a little bit per day adds up in the long run, so don’t feel pressured to put out more.
Most importantly, don’t get lost in mistakes! Even if your aim is to improve your skill, it shouldn’t take away from your enjoyment. If you end a drawing with “this is bad”, you won’t be motivated to do it again next day, you know? Put your inner critic in timeout: if you heard someone saying “your drawings are terrible and you’re making no improvement”, you’d immediately call them out for being rude. Apply that same logic to yourself, pookie.
I wish you a fantastic week and a lot of fun with your drawing and writing! 💕
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firedragon1321 · 6 months
How to Spot an AI-Generated Tai in the Wild!
Because I am insanely obsessed with the blorbo and AI art is a hot-button topic right now, here's a silly thing. I'm sure most artists can tell the difference between real and AI art. But my autistic brain wants to pick apart Tai's character design a bit so here you go. This applies to all seasons, touching on basic traits Tai has between them. So I won't go too much into clothing here (people like to dress him up in different cool outfits anyway- keep doing that).
Note that this isn't true to all models, but works 90% of the time. AI art is advancing so quickly that this may be obsolete by tomorrow. Also, real art might "fail" these little tests simply due to lack of experience drawing the character. If you suspect someone is posting AI art, just block and move on. Report if you want, but you know how Tumblr feels about AI. Most importantly? Don't use this post to be a dick.
WARNING: This post uses AI-generative images found from around the Internet for demonstrative purposes. No credit is given because if the "creators" wanted credit, they should've learned how to actually draw. :)
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Tai has this nice, tanned skin tone that the rest of the Adventure DigiDestined do not have. While he keeps it in 02 and tri, he loses his color in Kizuna. A real fanart piece is most likely to reflect this, or even add color to his paler designs.
Most AI models have a generic pasty white skin tone for anime characters. This applies to any anime character, not just Tai. I believe this model might have gobbled up his Kizuna skin tone. But I've seen fake Tais even paler than this.
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There are some AI models that combat this. But the standard AI identification tricks apply. Here, the tongue is mushy, and the highlights on his goggles make no sense.
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Ah yes- my point of expertise. Tai's hair is a difficult thing to draw. I don't blame anyone for dropping the ball here. But AI does have some notable, repetitive failings.
A "legit" Tai tends to have fluff, rather than spikes. The bangs consist of one stripe over the forehead. The few spikes present designate messiness, but the general shape is actually curvy (look at the top right side of the head for the most wavy lines). The size of the floof ranges between adaptions and even storyboard artists.
AI-generators are convinced that all "anime hair" is spiky. Notice this AI Tai has more spikes and less curved lines.
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Then, there's this one, which drops the ball on Tai and Matt so bad that both characters resemble Bakugou from My Hero Academia.
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Eye shape and color has some leeway depending on the artist's style. Adventure/02, tri., and Kizuna supply three different eye styles. However, there are still some dead giveaways.
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Revisiting this AI-generated image, the eyes look...familiar. No?
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How about now? The modern Pokemon anime style has been completely absorbed by AI models. Sometimes, Digimon and Pokemon will be confused for each other, resulting in similar eye shapes and other traits (look at the noses, too).
There's some times you can look at an art and know with confidence it was human-made, such as-
MS Paint blobs/sketches on lined paper/anything showing layers/etc. They're too unrefined for an AI image creator to want to profit off of, so why would they make them?
Some fetish art. A lot of kinksters are using AI, which is why deviantArt made good ammunition for this post. But many have distinct art styles that AI has not copied yet.
Western-cartoony art with hard or thick lines. AI is allergic to these traits atm. Notice the softer, thinner outlines on all three fakes.
Clearly attempting to master Tai's unique traits, even if they don't translate well (e.g.- a dome vaguely shaped like his hair is more credible than a "perfect" hairdo with too many spikes).
All of this could change tomorrow, at the rate at which AI advances. I'm fairly good at deducing AI art from human-made art. But a recent piece almost tricked me (interestingly, it was Davis- not Tai- who looked off). These things are constantly evolving. But in addition to the usual tricks, knowing your blorbos can help identify AI images so you can freely block (or, when applicable, report) the idiots who made them.
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Did you get a request for fluffy Baron? Cause if not... May I request something just really cute and fluffy? Like maybe reader and Baron all cosy on his couch (like we see him in the movie) and they are eating ice cream, and drinking soda and just giggling about silly things, and he keeps stealing kisses from you?
hi hi! I did not and i’m so happy you did 🥹 ugh i love baron so much bye.
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Cooldown Kisses
“I done watched all of these before, there’s a guy with a funny hat and he takes the kids up the mountain. I don’t know what he does with ‘em up there but -“
He rambled on, ice cream coating the entire lower half of his face as he looked at the tv screen. As he spoke, the cartoon played a rickety old man in a cowboy hat taking a mining cart of wailing children up to the top of a canyon. I’d tuned out a while ago, more fascinated by the man cross-legged on the couch next to me. The curtains were drawn, but there was still a hazy orange glow around the room from the sunset outside, paired with a dim glow of the table lamp.
It had been a long day, I’d been doing voluntary work around town; crocheting with some of the old ladies on the street and keeping them company. On my way to the next residents home, I felt somebody poke my shoulder. Spinning round to see who it was, I saw Baron smiling widely on his bicycle as he held out a small package. “It’s for 5175, know you’re going there next.”
I took the package from him, his hand gripping my wrist and pulling me towards the handlebars. He’d leant over them to kiss me, almost falling off as he put one leg out to balance himself. “That’s better, I can work harder now.” He’d said with a grin as he pedalled away.
It was boiling hot, sweat forming on my brow as the crochet hook kept slipping from everyone’s clammy palms. But I’d made some kind of small crocheted coaster regardless, little lady Pat complimenting me on the needlework. I’d given her a sticky hug before telling her I’d see her tomorrow, desperate to get home to the goofy postal boy I’d only seen for a minute.
Here we were, a junky metal fan doing reverse psychology on the two of us as it blew hot air around the room, sitting on either end of the couch to try and get cool as the sun set. Ice cream was the only suggestion left as we gathered scoops and scoops into bowls, but mine had melted.
“You just wasted a good four dollars o’ strawberry swirl, hon.” Baron said suddenly, drawing me out of the trance I’d had on him. I looked down at the pink soup I’d unintentionally made in my bowl before looking up at him with a smile.
“Could say the same for you, darlin’, you’re wearing about two dollars of vanilla around your face.” His tongue darted out around his mouth, searching for any leftovers. But he was missing tragically. I shuffled over on my knees, sitting back on them next to him on the couch as he looked up at me with his silly big brown eyes.
“Want me to help you save money?” I giggled down at him, stroking his hair away behind his ears. He nodded, his mouth dropping open in that cute, dumbfounded way. Eda coughed a little, drawing both of our attention until she sighed and stopped. Turning back to each other, Baron’s hands gripped my hips, pulling me onto his lap before very quickly pecking my lips and taking me by surprise.
“You done got a pink nose now. Like ice-cream Rudolph.” He mumbled, looking over my face and then back up to my eyes. I giggled at his comment, my thumbs running over his sticky cheeks gently. I pulled his face closer to mine, but just as his eyes fluttered closed I stuck my tongue out, messily licking ice cream from across his chin and nose. He fought me off, chuckling and trying to hide his face from the attack.
“Problem solved, no more wasting that strawberry swirl.” I said proudly, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand. Those twinkling eyes looked at me with awe, though I didn’t know what was so entrancing about the blob of strawberry ice cream sitting on the tip of my nose.
With gentle hands, he pulled my face down closer to his before kissing the strawberry ice cream off softly. “See. Don’t have to be so goddamn violent about it.” He grinned, pressing his lips to mine.
“I was not violent. I’m just trying to get cool and save dollars, Baron.” I chuckled against his mouth, as his arms wrapped around my waist. The humidity of the room suddenly didn’t exist, just the taste of strawberry and the feeling of him. Minutes of kisses passed by, before he pulled away and looked me in the eyes.
“Yeah so, now the funny old man pushes the cart back down the mountain but the kids ain’t in there no more. Somethin’ ‘bout the silence used to give me the jeebies.” He spoke out of nowhere. I looked over my shoulder to see exactly what he was describing on the TV, rolling my eyes as I pulled his attention back to the cooldown kisses again.
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talenlee · 9 months
Don't Forget Simple Tools
I started this list, the list that became this article, about three years ago now and just added to it over time. Then I’d remove things when I saw I wasn’t using them any more, and I’d always call into question if I was being silly, right? Like, notepaper and pens, duh, obviously you know you can use those.
But you do know that right?
Like, if you’re making a board game you can take a piece of printer paper and draw your board on it. You can use a circle stamp to make the spaces if you want them reasonably consistent. You can just make things with pens and paper and sticky tape like you’re a little kid and nobody can stop you.
Still, if I’ve had the draft for years I either need to finish it, or delete it, and thus, I want to present to you a handful of cheap tools I’ve bought from the supermarket for making things that I have found useful.
Things Made Of Cardboard
Blank business cards
Index cards
Gift boxes
Cardboard is durable, and you can shuffle it easily. Because it’s firmer than typical paper, you don’t want to need to fold it, but it can absorb heavy pen texture. This makes it great for when you want something simple and bold and absolute. Lots of detail? You want a finer pen, but if you have like a laundry marker pen, get some index cards, because they won’t just soak through or risk being destroyed by absorbing the marker.
One technique I use index cards for is story structure. What I do is I write down the things I know I want – scenes I know I want, lines I know I want – and give each one an index card. Then I shuffle them up and look at them and then spend some time sorting those cards.
The process tends to present holes, and it tends to present clumps. Some things have to happen in some order, some things have to happen near one another, and some things have to happen without one being involved with one another at all.
This technique is useful for me when I want to see what a story has or what a story needs. Where are my gaps? What can I do to fill those gaps? How can filling those gaps present me with opportunities? And once I have some things clumped up, what can I do to make them relate to one another better? The cards can then have further notes added to them – like I can add notes on each of these things.
Ways To Write And Draw
Some high-contrast fine-tip pens
A big heavy sharpie style laundry marker that can show up at a distance
Some cheap coloured pencils or textas (markers, for Americans)
Some variety of erasable pencil
Speaking of writing things and writing on things, I recommend getting these, like, supermarket quality, writing implements. I have a pack of fine pens I got from Simggle for I think four dollars Australian that I have been using for years, because they have a nice range of colours that contrast with one another and stand out on white paper. I have a big chunky sharpie that I use for the index card titles, too.
Colour is useful because when you’re prototyping, you may know you want things to stand apart from one another but not know why. You don’t necessarily need to know the flavour of an interaction to want to see it in action. Thinking ‘well I’ll just write on them’ – it’s easier to just scribble a blob of colour on them, that gets out of your own way and you don’t have to spend time thinking of five different symbols when you start working.
Paper Things
Sticky Labels/Laundry Labels
Dot Stickers (coloured circles, you can usually get them in packets)
Cheap notebooks
Cheap cheap cheap, this is important, you don’t need to spend money on something nice and prestigious or good looking or transferable. Cheap means you don’t mind if you rip pages, cheap means you can scribble, cheap means that you when you use it to note something down you’ll know you need to transfer it somewhere soon.
I have a bullet journal, which I use to track things, but the thing with using that for me is that I want it to be constantly available to me. Using the thing I’m using every day, and making space in it for game designs is fine, it’s part of the diary sense of the whole thing. But for projects, things you want to hand to other people? Get a 99 cent exercise book and just fill it up.
Dot stickers fill the same role as the pencils, but they’re more consistent and a consistent size. Laundry labels are great for when you’re modding printed cards or misprinted things – just write the change on the label, and slap it on the prototype. It won’t look pretty but it’s not necesary to. Also can work as a ‘tape’ that you can write on.
Other Board Games
Chances are you live somewhere near a second-hand store, a salvos or what Americanese people are familiar with as a ‘thrift store,’ so named because there’s a weird kind of protestantism going on in everything over there. In these stores, you will usually find one or two board games. They will almost certainly be incomplete, and probably not something you care to own. It’ll be like Bible Couples Trivia The Board Game or Hectionary, The Pictionary With Six-Sided Tiles or something. These things can be seen as terrible games for a terrible price (ie anything) or you can look at them as a cheap way to get yourself a box, cards cut to a standard size, and some markers or maybe even a board.
When you’re digging into games as systems, when you’re trying to make something making something out of something else is a fine place to start. Dice are usually pretty good as just dice, and even if they say ‘lick ‘on one side you can still make rules about what ‘lick’ means. These are often extremely cheap and they come in their own box that contains them.
You don’t need these to be great or high quality devices. I’m confident you have your own level of what you tolerate, but the point here is not to give you a big pile of shopping list material to go buy that will make you a Great Prototype Designer. The point here is that there are cheap things you probably already have
Check it out on PRESS.exe to see it with images and links!
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dtupdates-archive · 9 months
♡—DREAM was active on DreamFanartAcc! He liked:
and by morning
when the flowers that we’d grown together died of thirst
and now i see daylight, i only see daylight
He's the spotlight
Thank you for being my friend
Bro seriously carries 💪
always been there for me
almost forgot to post this lol. as promised, dream team SCP Foundation AU. i’ll do character pages eventually :D
wondering how long his hair has gotten
Needlepunched 💚
She's making biscuits as fast as she can !!
he deserves the biggest hug 💗🫶
Hello ppl! Trying out new techniques✍️😎 Thoughts?
Can I put my trust in you? 💜🌌
Small little doodle of them in the snow :D 🫶🫶
the silly! 💚
our vacation…
✨Holiday Dream✨
Twitter died last night and I couldn't share all these lil guys
want this kind of merch
A blob?
more c!dream art act surprised!!
hi dream fanart
cafe doodling bc i miss him
happy holidays :)
Back to watch dsmp recently so I will draw more about it I guess 🫶
:') <3
because i'm
i miss him aaaaa🥲
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lullabytaeyong · 1 year
Decorating - R!🐰🐧
✦✧✦✧ Ageretober Day 3 ✦✧✦✧
Summary: Soobin and Kai get into some creative mischief when left on their own.
Word Count: 1,708
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Soobin and Kai were determined to create the best decorations the world had ever seen. They had a stack of colorful craft paper, glue sticks, scissors, markers, ribbons, glitter, and paint. They essentially dumped the entire box of craft supplies that they owned on the table. It was just the two of them for the day and they wanted to surprise everyone else with halloween decorations. Soobin was watching over Kai at first, since he regressed first thing in the morning, but as the day went on he noticed himself acting more childish and carefree. He eventually tumbled fully into his headspace when Kai started pretending to give him a haircut.
Now, they were about to get creative.
“Ah! No, Kai! No glitter, it’s too messy. Appa’s won’t be happy.” Soobin scolded his little companion, snatching the tube of black glitter from his hand. Kai whined and watched him put it in the sink. Out of sight out of mind.
“That’s not fair…” He sulked, sifting through the sheets of paper with a pout.
“I’m older. So, I’m in charge.” Soobin stated proudly, plopping back down in his chair next to Kai. Even little Soobin knew that glitter would only end in disaster.
Kai stuck out his tongue at him and grabbed a white crayon to use on a black paper. Soobin took a piece of bright orange paper and traced a circle-ish shape on it. He got right to cutting it out and continued glancing over at Kai to see what he was doing. It looked like the maknae drew a squiggly blob in an abyss of darkness.
“Uhhh, what is that?” Soobin asked, as he searched for a black marker to give his paper pumpkin a face.
“A bat!” Kai gleamed. He took the scissors from Soobin and carefully snipped around the shape. He made the smallest little snips, one at a time, making sure it would be perfect. By the time he finished cutting it out, Soobin had made three pumpkins.
“I’m gonna put these two on the windows and this one on Beomie’s mirror.” Soobin said with a mischievous glint in his eye. Kai didn’t quite understand what his plan was with the mirror. He was too little.
Soobin ran off with his pumpkins and a roll of tape. He put the two happy pumpkins on the tall floor to ceiling windows in the living room, and the scary pumpkin on Beomgyu’s mirror. Meanwhile, Kai was adding some detail to his bat. He pasted on some googly eyes and gave it two sharp teeth for a mouth. The creature looked more like a weird bird than a bat, but not to him! It looked spooky and fun. He giggled happily at his masterpiece and waved it at Soobin when he returned.
“Haha! Cute!” Soobin cooed, giving Kai’s cheeks a squish. He thought the attempt Kai made was adorable.
“Ee! Ee! Gimmie string so it can fly!” Kai chirped, imitating bat screeching sounds.
Soobin liked his idea, so he taped one end of a long piece of string to the back of the bat and the other to the ceiling by standing on a chair. Now, a silly bat was floating right over the table. Kai clapped and laughed, insisting that they make more, so they did. Four more bats later and they were back at the table after hanging them up in various places.
“Hmmm…What do we make now?” Soobin wondered. He was all out of ideas. Drawing a simple picture didn’t count as decoration and Halloween was a unique holiday. What else was there besides pumpkins and bats?
“Ghost foot!”
“Ghost foot!” Kai cackled.
“What’s a ghost foot??”
Through his giggles, Kai managed to explain that way back in preschool he remembered making ghosts out of his footprints at school. It was easy! All they needed was dark paper, which they had plenty, and white paint. Soobin was hesitant about the idea. He could hear his big self saying no, but chose to ignore it. Him and Kai yanked off their socks and gathered everything they needed on the floor.
“Okay, baby’s first.” Soobin smiled. He shook up a tube of white paint and squirted it on a paper plate. He told Kai to sit in the chair so he could step on the paper properly and grabbed his ankle.
The cold paint brush dragging on the bottom of his foot made him shriek and flail about with laughter. Soobin yelped and tried to hold him still. White paint spattered around him, as Kai endured his giggle fit until his foot was covered. Soobin pushed a piece of purple paper in front of where the boy sat, and helped him stand on it in the right place. The footprint left behind, once turned upside down, did sort of look like a ghost. They both laughed.
“My turn! My turn!” Soobin cheered. They went through the same process a second time and admired their ghost paintings.
They needed to dry before they could add faces, so both boys wandered off to the laundry room and placed the papers on top of the dryer. The logic was that by the paintings being on the dryer, they would dry faster. It was Kai’s idea. Soobin simply went along with it.
“What’s your ghostie’s name?” Kai asked, staring at the papers.
“Hmm, maybe Spooky. What about yours?”
“I think just ghostie.”
“That’s silly.” Soobin smiled, grabbing Kai’s sides with his fingertips. Kai screamed and Soobin started to attacked him with tickles.
They chased each other around, shouting and screaming with laughter again. It was so much fun that they almost didn’t hear the door open. They both gasped and ran to the kitchen, giggling like maniacs.
“What the- ?!” At the entryway, where their shoes and coats piled up, Beomgyu was met with a dark paper to his head. He shook it away from his hair and stared at in confusion.
“What is that?” Taehyun chuckled, dodging the thing. Yeonjun scrunched up his eyes brows and got a closer look.
“Definitely the works of Kai.” He concluded.
“Hey guys, we’re home!”
“Oh my god-”
The trio was left speechless at what greeted them. Up and down the hallway was an array of white foot prints. It was like a snowman grew feet and went on a stampede through their home. They followed the trail around, finding pumpkins on the windows and more weird shapes hanging down from the ceiling. To say they were confused was an understatement. The footprints lead back to the kitchen where two disheveled looking boys sat on the floor, surrounded by even more white footprints.
“What on Earth did you two do??” Yeonjun gawked, taking in the state of the kitchen. Scraps of paper were all over the place, crayons and markers had rolled off the disastrous table onto the floor, and Soobin and Kai were covered in paint.
“Made ghosties!” Kai said innocently, holding up a paper with a white footprint on it with a proud smile. Beomgyu and Taehyun tilted their heads at each other and couldn’t help but laugh.
“Ghosties?” Yeonjun echoed.
“Yeah! When you flip it it’s like a ghost.” Soobin explained, demonstrating what he meant by taking the paper.
“I made a bat!” Kai grinned. He pointed over the table where the first bat hung.
“So that’s what those are…” Beomgyu observed under his breath.
“You two are never being left alone again.” Yeonjun sighed. He would spend the next hour mopping away the (thankfully) washable paint from the floors.
Taehyun and Beomgyu took on the task of clean up when it came to Soobin and Kai looking like inverted Dalmation puppies. They laughed as they scrubbed paint off Soobin’s face and Kai’s arms. Both boys were very ticklish, which made for an entertaining ten minutes. Once they were squeaky clean, Taehyun brought them to their new play room and pulled out an old, worn game of checkers from the closet. He was in charge of distracting the little ones while Beomgyu dealt with the table. Soobin and Kai bickered about what moves to make, since they were teamed up against Taehyun, but it quickly devolved to them blatantly cheating.
“Hey, you cheaters. You can’t jump over three of my pieces in a row!” Taehyun pointed out lightheartedly.
“But we won!” Soobin smiled. Kai gathered all the game pieces and shook them around in his hands.
“By cheating.”
“Nuh uh!”
“I’m not so sure about that.”
While Soobin started debating Taehyun, Kai decided that he wanted to hang up their ghost paintings. He scampered off to find someone who could help him. The floors were damp, but nice and shiny and clean. Kai wished Yeonjun left their footprints there. He thought they were cool. Old people were so boring. Kai made his way to the kitchen and found Beomgyu at the sink. He ran up behind him and scared him with a big hug.
“Oh, it’s you. Can you tell me why this is in here?” Beomgyu said casually. Kai peeked over his shoulder to see what he was referring to.
“Binnie took the glitter away. He said it’s messy.”
“So, he put it in the sink?”
“Mhm! I’m hungry.” Kai stated, forgetting why he went out there in the first place. He turned around and saw Yeonjun in the doorway.
“I don’t care where Soobin put it, I’m just glad we didn’t come home to a glitter explosion. I might’ve really lost my mind.” He dramatized, wiping his forehead.
“Glitter ghosties!” Kai gasped. What a wonderful idea!
“No! Nope! Glitter is banned from this house. Beomgyu, find a way to ‘g-e-t r-i-d’ of it, please.” Yeonjun said. He knew Kai well, and that boy was a borderline hoarder and would burst into tears at the sight of the glitter being thrown out. By spelling, it went right over his head.
“Gottcha.” Beomgyu chuckled.
“Can we hang up the ghostie pictures, please?” Kai asked sweetly, his eyes glowing.
“Yes! Where do you want them to go?” Yeonjun pounced on the opportunity to redirect Kai’s attention. He walked over and scooped Kai into his arms and carried him off to grab his art work.
“See ya.” Beomgyu muttered, dropping the glitter in the bin with a little laugh.
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bakarrot · 7 months
seeing so many people talk about how toriyama inspired them creatively, or how his art was the beginning of their own art or story-telling journeys really just struck me with this profound sense of loss, and also gratitude for the creative minds his work birthed. dragon quest set itself apart from other jrpgs at the time (and even now honestly) by never forgetting the whimsical aspect of fantasy stories with his silly and adorable character designs.
never forget that the slime went from a mostly formless blob to the iconic little waterdrop-shaped friend that dominates the isekai genre today. that time I got reincarnated into a slime, campfire cooking in another world, the amount of stories that all revolve around the core concept of the slime being this weak and adorable starting enemy is endless at this point, and it all came from toriyama decided to add a little silliness to what was essentially a monster players would encounter upon starting up dragon quest with no experience or strength.
even dr slump, as niche as it is outside of japan, inspired a generation of mangaka and brought us the powerhouses we love today. oda started out drawing arale. the creator of one piece started out with fan art of a gag series, and drew the main character so much that even all these years later he can draw her from memory. dr. stone, a manga about humanity rebuilding after thousands of years, featured dragon ball as one of the series that persisted through humanity’s collapse and a symbol of hope.
outside of japan, one of the most important concepts in steven universe, the fusion of two or more characters through a silly dance, is directly inspired by fusion in dbz. even shows not directly inspired by dbz, when the subject of anime was involved, always used it and goku’s super saiyan transformation as a template for what anime was. toriyama’s influence really changed the creative landscape forever, and me waxing poetic or listing examples really can’t cover even a sliver of what he did.
i became a fan around the time super broly released, utterly wowed by the movie’s animation and the lovable character design of the titular character broly. and as i watched and played more of his works from dragon ball to chrono trigger, i found myself falling in love over and over again with the fun and wild character designs. he clearly loved what he did and the work he put out, and you can really feel it in how alive his covers feel. characters on overcomplicated mechas or vehicles, characters riding dinosaurs, even characters in lush and overgrown landscapes. he just loved drawing, and that love really touched me and pushed me to try drawing again after years of disinterest. I don’t know what else to say other than thank you, for the making the world you wanted to make, and giving the push everyone around you needed to make their own worlds and stories. i truly hope you rest in peace.
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For the Trick or Treat event, may I request a Symbrock Trick please? Thank you!
Of course you may! I hope this tickles your fancy!
Read here, or on AO3
“How do we always end up back in the sewers?”
Stop complaining Eddie. 
“I’m not complaining, darling. I’m just-” He stepped in something that went crunch, and somehow that was infinitely worse than something that went squish and he drooped. “Okay, I’m complaining.” 
Offered to take over. 
“I know, and I appreciate that.” Eddie stopped to rub his hand over his chest affectionately until his Other was all but purring behind his ribs. “But I want you to stay where you are until we know what we might be coming up against. If it’s just a scared kid down here, I don’t want them to get even more freaked out if they see you.” 
Not scary! Venom protested. He peeked out over Eddie’s shoulder, a tiny head on a stretch of tendril. He looked horrified that he might frighten a child. Not even doing the Scary Face. The little blob rippled then solidified into a round, innocent looking teddy bear before vanishing back inside of his Host. 
“Okay, how’s this? If we do find a kid, I’ll let you play with them. Fair?” 
The deep voice in his head hummed for a moment and Eddie let him mull it over as he tried to figure out how to avoid the greasy puddle in front of them. He gave up after a few seconds and simply stuck close to the edge where it was shallowest and made a mental note to just burn his boots when he got home. As it was, he’d already be taking a wire brush to scour off the outer few layers of his skin. 
He’d really gotten soft. There had been a time not too long ago that he would be down in a place like this, looking for a place to catch some shut eye. The grime never bothered him then. 
New York sewers, Venom pointed out. Slimier than San Francisco. 
Eddie chuckled in agreement. 
They were down there responding to an alert Eddie had seen online from the NYPD about sightings of a monster in this stretch of the sewer off the Crosstown Line subway. Most people had dismissed the reports, but Eddie knew monsters. 
If it was something putting his city at risk, he wanted to deal with it. And if it was something scared and lost and alone, he wanted to help it. 
He knew monsters. He knew that as often as not, they were gentle and loving and made silly faces at babies on the train. 
Love you too Eddie. 
They came to a fork in the tunnel and Eddie let Venom cover his face to give him better night vision to see into the gloom of both. In the one on the right, there was a pile of debris tucked against a wall that looked like something had been sleeping there. 
“Looks like we go right,” he said, drawing Venom back into himself so his senses weren’t overwhelmed. 
What they found was definitely a nest. Under the pile of leaves that had been swept down the gutter and crumpled newspaper were a clutch of palm sized oval eggs. 
And they were peeping excitedly to one another and rocking from side to side. 
Babies! Venom hollered in Eddie’s head, loud enough that he instinctively clapped his hands to his ears. His Symbiote flowed out of him to stretch down for a better look at the nest. He twined around the eggs, vibrating slightly to make sure they were warm enough. Babies babies babies babies babies. 
There was something familiar about this that was itching at Eddie’s brain. The faint peeps and squeaks from within the shells felt like something he had heard before, though he couldn’t quite place it. 
One of the eggs split, and a tiny scaled nose poked out to alert its nestmates that it was the first hatched. The others called back, a chorus of high pitched grunts as the rest of the eggs began to tear open. 
And Eddie remembered where he had heard it before. 
“Sweetheart… I need you to get out of the nest.” 
But Eddie! Tiny babies! 
“And giant, scary mother.” 
In the darkness came a deep rumble that Eddie felt as much as he heard. “Get out of the nest get out of the nest get out of the nest!” He twisted his hands into Venom and hauled him away from the eggs as the rumble approached hard and fast and Eddie learned that crocodiles not only did live in the New York sewer system, but that they could fucking gallop. 
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dennydraws · 2 years
The importance of doing something different
Hello, hello! Good Morning \o/ I was in a bit of a rut some weeks ago. I'm sure we all get those waves of insecurities where we think everything we do is just ... bad, everything we say is bad and everything we think is bad, our friends think we're bad too! Ironically thinking all that is also bad... lol And usually in a couple of days the clouds move away and we see the sun once more. But I'm here to talk about the clouds and all the "It suuuucks and you suuuuck" moments our brains like to slip in our every day life every once in a while.
I found the best way to deal with them is to ...actually do something different! My brain was super against the idea though, at least at first. The brain just wanted to, ya know draw something it perceived as poorly or say something that it perceived as poorly to someone, and then agonize for hours about how bad it was, and the loss of meaning to all existence!! Woe is me...!!! And I was right here about to end it with a "ok but let's try something different."
And... I think you should try something different in such moments as well!
I pulled my lil block of sculpey, which thankfully was still in stellar condition, and started to just do little figurines of random favorite blorbos. And let me tell you, I had a blast.
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Not only I hadn't touched sclupey for like over 10 years and some but I hadn't touched acrylic paints in about 10 years either. There was an absolute childish glee in me the more messy and into the craft I got. I think my favorite part was getting acrylic paint on my hoodie lol I felt genuinely so happy that I got so lost into the process I splatted paint on my pristine clean clothes xD; I know it's silly but now looking at the stains, it just reminds me of a very crafty evening I had.
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And the next day... I felt recharged. The clouds weren't all gone but they were mostly moving away and I learned a good lesson. Burn out happens so quick, so fast - sometimes even from things we thought we enjoy doing. But by doing something new we strip away the expectations of being 'good' and so we are pleased by whatever the outcome is. Do an origami, paint a little pebble, do a little scrapbooking, drop blobs of watercolors and see how the colors mix - do something different for fun, for yourself, without a purpose beyond to just try it.
Now that I have a mini set of acrylic paints, I think I will splat some colors in my sketchbook next time I get the glooms and dooms cause I've never used them for drawing. I've only used them for coloring figurines :D I hope I make a messy page in my sketchbook that will spark joy whenever I see it, just like the stains on my favorite hoodie lol
Thank you for stopping by, dear reader and hopefully this was a useful little ramble from yours truly. :D
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Group E Round 1
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[image ID: the first image is a pencil drawing of Monmouth, made by the submitter. Monmouth is a man with short hair, wearing a cloak with a clasp against his neck. behind him is a tree branch with leaves. the second image is of Goo, a blue blob with a 2 little black eyes and a half smile. end ID]
a young wizard in the service of the villain, the witch Nimiane of Endor, who defects to the side of the heroes in the second book. Monmouth is a pauper son and green man (seventh child born with nature-based magic) and had to hide his talents among the wizards who raised him. biggest claim to fame is transforming an entire slave ship into a floating aspen grove in order to free the captives. also, he has a knife
okay so goo . goo is like the silliest little goofball ive seen on a web series . he dances with PINECONES and makes and says weird wacky analogies and keeps all of them in little notebook for later use and also made a 3-5 hour film for his best friend bot after they said they wanted a new identity BUT he single-handedly spent like 30mil dollars or something for that but it’s okay hes trying his best !!!!! also he did NOT deserve to be voted out for that i really hope goo and bot reunite btw because they didnt get to talk much right before goo’s elimination and not ONLY that but literally goo got eliminated BEFORE he got to see bot’s transition he doesn’t even know that their name is bot he still thinks its tbd (…like literally. he still thinks their name is literally “tbd” because they said their name was tbd. yeah he’s kinda dumb like that but it’s okay i love him for it/p) as far as i know anyways their silly little meaningful conversation before his elimination that made me cry "yeah,, i liked it !! but.. it was,,. a lot :[ listen goo,, i-i dont need this new identity to be such a big grand spectacle , i just want you to treat me like. llike me . with all the uncertainty lately, it helps everything feel just a bit more,, normal , yknow .?" “oh,, ohfor sure ,! i get it !! it’s like,, you just wanted a slice of cake, and i went and gave you the whole bakery ,:D !!” “hehe, yyup, nailed it !! ,:)” UWAHHHHHHH😭/LH/POS and also he’s apart of an alliance with his bestie called the cheer factory !!!! and they focus on cheering people up and theysure as hell do well at it !!!!! they cheered up clover and the floor ithink yes the floor is a character ssshshshshhsshh / and goo literally lost one of the challengesbecause he laughed at the floor’s joke in order to cheer him up AND HE DID NOT CARE he was just glad he got to cheer somebody up !!!!! “another satisfied customer at the,, CHEER FACTORY !!! :D” LITERALLY HE WAS SO HAPPY and also when goo and bot were separated into two seperate teams goo is IMMEDIATELY sad when he notices bot isnt with him “sigh… i guess the cheer factory has become the.., cheer llc. :[“ I FELT SO BAD FOR THE BOTH OF THEM / but ahemem anyways goo is a silly little goober and that’s why he should be in this competition !!!🎉🎉 also a few extra bonus facts about him (sorry not sorry/lh/silly) 1 . he doesnt have limbs but like he also doesnt write with his mouth . his voice actor said he dances on top of the paper until it leaves a smudge 2 . did i mention he dances with pinecones/silly 3 . he likes fudge sundaes 🎉🎉 4 . his voice actor has made him diss subway before due to a request on one of his livestreams ( “lalalalala- SUBWAY⁉️eat fresh my butt‼️>:[[” ) 5 . hes blue
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howdytheresam · 1 year
Silly and goofy idea but what if one day Q!Slime goes to log on and goes to meet up with Q!Quackity and there’s an egg. A green blob egg. Whose name is Gegg. And they’re both just in utter horror at the realization that there’s actually an egg now named gegg and it’s no longer just Q!Slime having funny little roleplay and Q!Quackity being a thief. Now they’re stuck with some sudden fever dream that this is an actual egg now from who knows where and that they have to keep up this lie.
Make it a little more freaky by saying this Gegg has the same memories of Q!Slime pretending to be an egg. Gegg already knows the other eggs, he already knows the parents, he already knows how to backflip and water clutch. He somehow knows more than enough to ensure their lie doesn’t get out. But Q!Slime and Q!Quackity have moments of an unsettling feeling, like they really want to tell the other parents but by saying ‘yeah Slime was pretending to be an egg tricking all of you’ they rat themselves out as they haven’t gotten any better at all.
Now they have to take care of this egg. An egg who technically shouldn’t exist but somehow does. Q!Slime probably doesn’t tell Q!Mariana the full truth, he just says that he was posing as an egg and suddenly that egg is real. He doesn’t elaborate much more, just wants to ensure he’s saying he wasn’t cheating, but he probably wants to tell Mariana what really was happening. They probably end up being the primary parents of Gegg while Q!Quackity only occasionally steps in. I feel like he would be more concerned or freaked out by the scenario, that or try to use it as an advantage. And maybe the idea of Gegg is a little tainted since previously it was his friend who literally wanted to be an egg and now it’s a literal kid.
Despite whatever their feelings are on the matter they both have no choice but to not say anything. They don’t know what problems may come from this, specifically, who Geggs real parent creature is and they don’t know what they’ll do the day the dragon comes and maybe something else joins on the collecting party. So they just try to hide it. After all Gegg from the very beginning was always an egg, always. It’s not too different now. Right?
I may turn this to an au of sorts. I like the idea of Gegg being a separate entity from Q!Slime and I feel like the shock that would happen if Gegg really did become an egg would have a lot of interesting questions. Maybe I’ll play around with this idea more? Maybe draw stuff for it?
*Final thoughts I’d love to see Gegg be an actual egg. Like this weird outlandish little creature. Being able to be one of the best worst eggs out there, with the best worst family (because I totally think Q!Slime and Q!Mariana would be raising him mostly), and this strange newfound autonomy. Charlie playing as an egg was extremely entertaining though, like you could tell he was genuinely having so much fun with this. But I also think chaotic child Gegg and chaotic parent Q!Slime would be a fun mix. And Juanaflippa if she does come back as his sister.
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tri-stay-doodlin · 8 months
Hi, I'm Tri!
Main blog | Insta | Artfol | Artfight I Toyhou.se | Bluesky |
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| They/Them | 24 |
I'm a traditional and digital artist tho I'll mainly post digital art. I draw cute, silly things that aren't taking itself seriously and "crack treated seriously" stuff.
I post occasionally and sometimes it'll be VERY inconsistent (like months at a time).
I'm a fan artist first and foremost but I'm trying to post more about my OCs. My interests are vast and varied so if you follow me for one thing, be prepared to see MANY other things too.
I also have commissions open if you wanna support financially (⁠人⁠*⁠´⁠∀⁠`⁠)⁠。⁠*゚⁠+
My main interests are:
My Little Pony (mainly G1, G3, & G4)
My Little Pony Tales
DreamWorks Trolls
Monster High
Poppy Playtime
Garten of BanBan (the characters are my silly blorbos eff everything else)
De Blob
If you want more in depth knowledge about me, I recommend looking at my updated Caard ^-^
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