#i was already halfway asleep when i remembered i had to do this 😭
istoleyoursk1n · 8 months
WAIT WAIT HERES ONE! All companions drunk off their asses in a karaoke session while Tav is the only sober one😭
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Tav being sober while all the other companions are drunk off their asses in a karaoke session
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Says he's only there for the drinks and to watch everyone else make a fool of themselves.
Ends up being part of the people who are being absolute fools of themselves.
He’s the type to say “oh I can’t siNg” only to grab the mic out of your hands and start balling out the lyrics of Bad Romance like it's nobody’s business.
He’s tame at first, enjoying himself as he watches the shitshow unfold but four drinks in and he’s already hoarding the microphone.
I like to think he somehow becomes better at singing the drunker he gets.
Accidentally hits high notes and he makes it everyone's problem.
Probably slapped someone by accident when they were trying to get the microphone back from his drunken ass.
He becomes far more expressive and loud the more he drinks which only makes it all the more fun to be honest.
Tried to have a sing-off with Wyll. Somehow ends up with Astarion threatening to bite him.
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: ̗̀➛ GALE
Very confused.
He came here for bonding time with friends only to be surrounded by feral drunks.
He’s definitely not the one singing but Astarion kept giving him wine and he kept drinking and now he’s halfway into either drunk crying or drunk ranting.
He’s the type to start talking about his ex again once drunk.
Had a very informative conversation with the wall.
Fell asleep for about five seconds only to be woken up by the sound of loud screaming into the microphone wonderful singing.
He likes suggesting songs for the group to sing but he's not even including himself in said singing. The least he does is clap his hands.
Remember when I said he’d either drunk cry or drunk rant? Guess what, he’s doing both now and either Halsin or you are trying their damn best to support him.
Try to ask him what he's crying about and he wouldn't even know what the fuck he’s crying about. Proceeds to give you a long instructive speech about the importance of how one pronounces certain spells. (He accidentally activated said spell too).
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: ̗̀➛ WYLL
He drank exactly one bottle of alcohol and called it quits. He’s practically as sober as you right now.
The most tame of the group by far but he hardly has any complaints about the chaos, he's having so much fun!
If Astarion isn't hoarding the microphone, he’s the one singing and he’s really good at it. This man can sing and he figured now would be the best time to finally show it.
He’s being as humble as he can but you can tell he’s putting in more effort than he should for a drunken karaoke party.
This man is literally singing each song as if he’s performing his own concert. Ten songs in and somehow his voice box still hasn't given out.
Started having a sing-off with Astarion and he could hardly take it seriously. He wasn’t even drunk but he kept laughing and when he laughs Astarion laughs and they both ended up becoming a mess.
He and Astarion were probably the ones bickering over who’d get to hold the microphone.
However, he always ends up giving the microphone to both because of his gentlemanly ways and this man can't say no to Astarion even if his life fucking depended on it.
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Don’t ever give her the damn microphone or pick any goddamn song less you want your ears to bleed.
She loves metal/rock songs way too much and she will death metal scream every single word as if she was being dragged back down to the pits of hell.
She’s drunk off her ass as well and it gets worse because she keeps finishing people’s left over drinks.
She’s so unbelievably hyper when she's drunk and in a festive mood that during the whole karaoke session, she broke the damn table.
She laughed so hard right after that for a moment she forgot to fucking breath.
She constantly has to stand up and move about or dance to the music because she just has so much energy in her right now. It's damn well impressive how she somehow never tires.
The thing is, her laugh is contagious so when she starts laughing someone else probably starts laughing as well and it all becomes an even bigger disaster.
Broke the doorknob on her way to head out and grab more drinks.
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: ̗̀➛ LAE’ZEL
Didn't want to be there.
Everyone was so loud and obnoxious that it was honestly a tad bit annoying for her. She could have been doing something far more productive and instead-
Never mind that, now she's having a drinking contest with Shadowheart in the midst of all the screaming and singing.
Where did the shot glasses go?! Oh, its with her.
Suddenly, taking multiple shots of alcohol will help improve her tolerance to an array of different substances that may pose a threat to her bodily autonomy. That’s an excuse, she just doesn't want to seem unproductive.
Not the one singing at all but she keeps finishing the bottles before anyone else can even get a taste of them.
Surprisingly, she has a really high alcohol tolerance. She’d probably be 10 shots in and still appear as sober as you.
Though, please take the liquor away from her as soon as possible. When she actually gets drunk two things happen. She either becomes more aggressive than she ever was before or even worse, she becomes nicer.
Amidst it all, you may see a snicker or two come out of her, one that she’d be trying so hard to hide. Truth be told, she would have grown to love her chaotic bunch of weirdo friends and she wouldn't have regretted a thing.
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Actually one of the people singing! When Astarion and Wyll aren't battling it out over the microphone of course.
Depending on her current mood, she's either going all out on Mitski songs or rocking it out with Karlach.
There is no damn way she went through the karaoke session without singing Washing Machine Heart.
Before she could sing another song, she was ever so quickly pulled into a drinking match with Lae’zel in which the winner was undetermined; because Karlach broke the damn table with the shot glasses on it.
There is no damn way she went through the karaoke session without singing Bring Me To Life, part 2.
When she gets really drunk she either becomes louder or eerily quiet.
She’ll just quietly sit in the corner and watch and sometimes it's just the creepiest thing ever.
But in the cases where she does get loud, she’s off laughing her ass off over the chaos unfolding right before her eyes. She would have been talking shit along with Astarion if it weren't for the fact that he was quite literally having a wrestling match with Wyll over the microphone.
Probably fell asleep after a while and somehow never woke up until the next day.
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: ̗̀➛ HALSIN
Very confused 2.0.
He tries to refrain from drinking as much as possible because he knows just how embarrassing he becomes so he kind of just smiles and sits there during the first half.
Besides he really doesn't want to burden you with having to be the only sober person in the party.
The least he’d be doing is very subtly dancing to the beat. Do you know how dads would do those little awkward dances during parties? Exactly that.
Either you, Shadowheart, or Astarion coaxed him into finally drinking and things began to go downhill from there.
The thing is, when he drinks, he can drink a lot, it's just that he prefers not to. However, the real reason he can drink a lot is that he forgets to set a limit for himself especially when his mind is so scattered.
Became oddly clingy towards you in ways that you’d never expect. Suddenly he’s blurting out random things he feels about you and the others in the most wholesome way imaginable.
If it isn't you, he’s confessing his “”undying love”” to the first person he sees.
Stared at a plant for five minutes.
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aetherdoesthings · 7 months
hi, I was wondering if you could do a romantic x reader oneshot on Roronoa Zoro for Valentine's Day!
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hi! sorry this took a while, but made it in time for valentine day before it ends!
forethoughts: remember that aforementioned crush i had? yeah really felt lonely while writing this bc ain't no way she's into girls 😭. anyways enjoy :,). also no i still haven't talked to her yet i still get anxiety when i open the chat because 🤷. sorry if the pacing is fucked i was in a rush trying to get this out before valentine's day ends (i'm still at my grandpa's house) so yeah.
notes: fem!reader, valentines day
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February 14 was rolling around the corner and time was ticking. You had spent the 13th worrying about what to do on the next day with your boyfriend, thinking about what to do on your first Valentine’s day after confessing to each other at the beginning of the year. Sure, it had been only a month of getting to know each other better and being comfortable around each other, but to the two of you (or to you at least) it felt like years. 
With the sun already halfway through its shift, you started to panic even more, as a ‘perfect Valentine’s day’ itinerary still has not been formed. Seeing you in such a manic state, Nami and Robin had whisked you away, quite literally carrying you by the limbs off the ship and into town to grab something to eat. You insisted that you did not need to eat anything and you needed to think and prepare, but with Nami’s glare and Robin’s arms threatening to incapacitate you, you reluctantly sat on the wooden chair across the two women as food was served to your table. You picked up your fork, taking a bite as you swallowed. Immediately, you were reminded of how depraved of food you were, and engulfed the entire plate within minutes. 
“Has planning your day tomorrow really stressed you out, dear Y/N?” Robin remarked, giving you a napkin to wipe the corners of your mouth.
Your cheeks flushed red as you took the napkin, wiping your mouth before nodding your head. “I just want to have the perfect day with Zoro… he means the world to me, and I just want to have a good Valentine’s day with him…”
The moment you had confessed to Zoro, you had basically confessed to the whole crew since Zoro loved to brag about you being his girlfriend in front of Sanji. Naturally, everyone was supportive of it (Sanji as well after a few weeks) and it was common knowledge you and Zoro were dating.
Nami chuckled. “Still, it feels like you shouldn’t be putting in that much work into one day just by yourself. Do you know if Zoro is planning anything to do tomorrow?”
Your mouth was open, but no words came out. You sighed, shaking your head. “He’s been silent for the past few days. I tried bringing up Valentine’s day to him, and he just said ‘what’s that?’”
“So you’re putting this much thought and stress into planning out the perfect day with him but he’s not putting any effort into tomorrow?” Robin said.
The claim Robin made was like a bitter pill you had to swallow. It was true; while you spent your day stressing about Valentine’s day, Zoro was probably asleep or drinking or training in the gym like it was another Tuesday. 
“Come on, don’t sulk.” Nami flicked your head, prompting you to get out of your trance as you looked at the two women with a defeated look.
“Perhaps Zoro is planning on surprising you tomorrow.” Robin spoke out.
“Zoro can’t surprise me. I mean, he can, he’s just… not good at giving gifts. I love him, but sometimes I don’t want a bottle of sake for my birthday.”
“Didn’t the two of you finish that bottle in one night?”
“No we didn’t!” You shook your head adamantly. “Still, even if he’s going to surprise me… I just hope he doesn’t get me a dead boar again.”
“Hey, it’s the thought that counts, alright? At least he’s planning on surprising you.” Nami smiled. “It’s better than him just forgetting about you completely.”
“Why not just spend the rest of the day relaxing? You’ve spent the whole morning trying to plan for tomorrow. Just take a break; I’m sure tomorrow will be a great day regardless.” Robin suggested.
“We could go shopping together! I saw some really good shops near this cafe!”
You chuckled at Nami’s words. “Alright, alright. Sure.”
So you went shopping with the women of the Straw Hats, until the sun finally retired. The entire time you were still worried about tomorrow, but with Nami and Robin’s constant and unwavering encouragement and determination to make you not worry, you soon forgot about tomorrow and spent the rest of today shopping for clothes, watching Nami argue with a clerk for the price of a dress, and going inside libraries with Robin to check out books for Chopper and herself.
Since you had spent yesterday relaxing, you had nothing planned whatsoever for today. You had gotten into bed with Zoro, asking him one last time if he had anything planned for today. He simply grunted ‘go to sleep’. So you did.
The moment you woke up, you immediately noticed the Zoro-shaped hole in the mattress, your hand placed on the hot surface. Zoro must’ve gotten up a few minutes before you. You let out a sigh, forcing yourself to sit up as you rubbed your eyes. Zoro always woke up before you; he liked to train in the morning and get his morning workout done before the crew woke up. 
So today is a normal day after all… You thought to yourself. Even though you were disappointed that there wasn’t going to be any grand plan or event that was going to happen with you and Zoro, you were still determined to spend the rest of your time today with him. 
To your dismay, you had spent your entire day in fact trying to find Zoro on board the ship that was nowhere near land, since Franky had raised the anchor last night. Frustrated and tired, you had locked yourself in your shared room with Zoro, looking at old pictures of the two of you together, not a shred of love or romance beating in your heart.
You didn’t know how long you were moping for when the door to your room suddenly burst open. The green haired swordsman was standing there, wearing a shirt you had never seen before. His swords weren’t strapped to his side, his bandanna still tied to his shoulder. He ripped the blanket off your body, grabbing your hand. “Come on.”
It was already dark out, your legs wobbly and shaky from not moving the entire day. A mix of emotions surged to your head, your mind deciding what you should feel. As that was all happening, Zoro had swung you over his shoulder, as he ascended to the crow’s nest, plopping your body next to his. 
“What-” You were sitting on a bunch of cushions and pillows, while Zoro took a blanket for himself. There were treats and food littered around your makeshift seat, all foods that were your favorite. Candles were lit and scattered haphazardly around, placed by Zoro’s boots and your barefoot, away from the blankets and easily flammable cushions. The swordsman’s swords were placed beside him, one hand on all three hilts. His other hand was already gripped onto the neck of a bottle of sake, as he began to chug it slowly.
“What is all this?” You finally spoke after your mind had finally processed everything.
“Did you really think I forgot about Valentine’s day, dear?” Zoro let out a low chuckle, looking at you as he wrapped his arm around your neck. “Look.”
He removed his hand from the swords to point at the vast sea. Suddenly, red sparks colored the air, then orange, yellow, coloring the dull sky with bright cheery colors. You sat there in your comfy seat, jaw agape as you stared at the fireworks like a baby, your ears filled with the sound of cracks and wind of the fireworks launching into the air. The show lasted longer than you expected, the last firework forming a heart shape.
Zoro planted a kiss on your forehead, looking you in the eyes with love and affection, compared to the dull and lifeless ones he gave you yesterday. “Happy Valentine’s day, Y/N.”
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parkerpeter24 · 2 years
warm confessions
pairing ➳ peter parker x reader
warnings ➳ SMUT. 18+, fluff, idk the description of the smut is not very good 😭
w.c. ➳ 3.4k
summary ➳ peter and you have always been great friends but when the radiator in your shared apartment breaks, the two of you are left with some things unfigured.
thank you to @glowunderthemoon for proofreading <33
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you woke up early in the morning that saturday to get started on your assignment because you knew it would never get done until you forced yourself to do it. december was already around and the wind took a few leaves with it as it went, colder and colder.
you had started your work at seven in the morning. you checked the time again once peter was up. 9:34 am. your work was halfway done. you could hear the brunette rummaging around his room before he came outside, carrying the blanket he was sleeping in draped around his shoulders.
“good morning.” he mumbled, sitting on the chair next to yours.
“morning!” you gave him a smile before going back to typing away on your laptop.
“what are you doing?” he asked, taking a peep at your screen.
“i’m working on what you’ve already finished.”
peter waited for a while, probably not to seem rude, but he was feeling extra chilly this morning and his mind was craving the one thing that could fix this, “hey, can you make us a hot chocolate.”
“sure.” you replied, making peter give you a big smile, “after i finish my assignment.”
since then, peter had asked you every minute if you were done with your work and to make him a hot chocolate, to which, every minute you replied, “the college degree isn’t gonna get itself.”
“please make me a hot chocolate.” he gave you his best puppy eyes. you sighed.
“why don’t you make it yourself?”
“i like yours better.” if this was any other day, you would have smiled and felt your cheeks warm up, but right now, your priority was the work, that you knew if you got up from that chair, would never get finished.
“i know. i know.”
“the college degree isn’t gonna get itself.” you both said in unison, making each other laugh.
“why is it so chilly anyway?” peter said, finally giving words to his thoughts.
“it’s the radiator.” you told him, “remember how you always forget to turn it off before leaving for college?”
peter scoffed at your question, “i do not!”
“exactly. you do not turn it off.”
“you’re using my words against me.”
“peter, that college degree-”
“oh my god, you really love that assignment.” peter chuckled, getting up from the table, “i’ll leave you but promise to make hot chocolate when you’re done.”
“will do! now, go.”
you were done with the assignment almost thirty minutes after that.
you walked into peter’s room, carrying two cups of hot chocolate, and found him buried inside his blankets from head to toe, his laptop in front of him, playing a documentary on serial killers.
“boy you’re really into criminals.” you quipped.
peter turned to face you with a smug look, “i’m really into catching criminals.” you shook your head at the your stupid, genius friend before placing his cup of hot chocolate on his bedside table, “come cuddle.”
you and peter had cuddled before, mostly on movie nights when you accidentally fell asleep over his shoulder and he had to carry you to bed– but those incidents had been unintentional most of the time. hearing him say those words so casually made your heart flutter inside your chest.
“i’m not watching your criminal documentaries.” you announced before getting under the blanket, carefully holding the hot chocolate cup in your hands.
peter sat up, resting his back against the headboard, similar to your position. he reached out for his cup, not before giving you pouty lips, “what do you wanna watch?”
“the big bang theory?”
peter gave it a thought before finally giving in and switching the documentary for the sitcom. the two of you spent the whole day laughing and chatting in between the scenes, sharing stories whenever you found something relatable to yourself.
at some point you fell asleep with your head on peter’s shoulder. when he looked over your face, a small smile settled on his face, a warm feeling in his chest. his heart picked up speed when he realized how close your faces were, so much so that his breath was fanning over your soft lips. he shook the thought out of his head and turned down the volume a little. before he could help himself, he turned his eyes back towards you, not expecting you to be looking right into his eyes, with part lidded eyes of your own.
peter froze, not knowing what to do. you seemed like you had woken up from a dream, your hair a little messed from where you had nestled it against the brunette’s shoulder. peter didn’t dare move a muscle but your eyes never left him.
and then it happened. you moved forward and captured his lips between yours. the kiss was so short-lived peter wasn’t even sure if it should be called a kiss. maybe it was a peck but that didn’t stop his heart from beating wildly.
then it happened again. this time your hand moved to the back of his neck and this was a real kiss. your lips moved lazily against his, humming softly. the vibration reached every nerve of peter’s body, pulling a sound out of him like yours. however, to his disappointment, you had moved back before he could place a hand over your waist. your “best-friend” noticed your eyes remained closed. you mumbled a few words and fell back to your peaceful slumber.
‘what just happened?!’ peter thought.
the next few days for peter were weird at a supreme level. he didn’t want to avoid you, but he couldn’t stand to face you either. he felt guilty for kissing you back, his hand was almost under your sweatshirt for crying out loud. ‘best friends aren’t supposed to do that!’ he told himself.
you, on the other hand, were extremely confused as to what was wrong with peter. every chance you found to talk to him, he found a way to run away from you. if you walked into the kitchen while he was in, he would just rush out making an excuse; and there was no way of reasoning with him.
“peter i-” the brunette was alarmed as soon as the words left your mouth, earlier today.
the same mouth he’d kissed two days ago.
he backed away from the stove, making his way outside the kitchen, “i gotta leave. um, for an hour, so don’t wait for me here.” he laughed nervously, “bye then.”
“what about your breakfast?” you ask, pointing to the egg that was still on the pan, getting cooked.
“oh, i-i want it to be well cooked, so.” he shrugged.
“for an hour?”
“you can have it.” he said, rushing out of the kitchen.
and out of the apartment, as you heard the front door shut behind him.
when he made it back home– two and a half hours later– peter cracked the door open as slowly as he could, peeking inside to see if you were in the living room. when he didn’t see you, he tip-toed his way inside, closing the door behind him as quietly as he could.
unfortunately, he was met with your frame leaning against the adjacent wall as soon as he closed the door. how had he not sensed you, was his spidey sense not working now? in all honesty, you weren’t a threat to human civilization or so peter guessed.
“y/n.” he mumbled, standing straighter now that you caught him.
“your omlette is burned, but if you still wanna eat it, it’s in the dustbin.” peter could tell you were pissed.
“look, i’m sorry, i-”
“why are you avoiding me?” you cut straight to the point.
“i’m not?” peter tried to reason but the look on your face told him to not beat around the bush, “the other night, when we were watching the big bang theory…” you nodded, letting him continue, “you fell asleep on my shoulder and… well, i think you were dreaming.”
“wait, did i- was i talking in my sleep?” you felt your cheeks warm up. that dream, it was printed in the back of your mind. you clearly remembered being in a library with peter, where he told you about the feelings he’d harboured for you since childhood– you two hadn’t even known each other since childhood– and then you told him the same, and pulled him in for a-
“no, no. you never said anything, you just. um well you did something…” peter’s cheeks were a shade of pink.
“w-what did i do?”
peter’s eyes were focused on the ground or at the walls since the beginning of this conversation, but as he muttered the next three words, he stared deep into your eyes, “you kissed me.”
“what.” your eyes widened, feeling panicked and guilty and ashamed and maybe a little hopeful, “that’s why you weren’t talking to me.” you realised.
“i-it isn’t like that.” peter said and you looked to him, “i’m sure you didn’t want to kiss me.”
“did you want me to want to kiss you?”
there was a moment of silence before peter mumbled out, “maybe.”
“good. because i did.” you said, taking a quick step forward and placing a quick peck over his lips.
that caught peter by surprise, but in under two seconds, you were pulled against him, his arms around your waist pulling you as close as possible. you ran your hands through his hair as your lips moved against each other.
when the two of you parted, heaving, you gushed out the words you’ve been meaning to say for the longest time, “i really, really like you, peter parker.”
“i really, really like you too, y/n y/l/n.” he chuckled, pulling your mouths together again. this time, the kiss was more serious than the previous one, more eager. you tilted your head, noses bumping, tongues clashing in a sweet battle that was resolved only when you two needed to breathe, “let me show you how much.”
you nodded, giggling when he intertwined your fingers and ran towards his room with you. the two of you made your way inside. you cupped peter’s cheeks, pulling him in for another kiss as he led the two of you towards his bed, lips never really leaving the other’s alone until you were on your back, peter holding himself on top of you in a planking position.
you always did like peter’s room a little more than your own. it was better organised and always smelled like fresh roses, thanks to his laundry detergent.
“hey,” peter nudged his nose against yours, grabbing your attention as you hummed, “you okay with this?” he asked, gently placing his lips against your neck.
scattering a few kisses along your neck, he reached your collarbone, sucking gently on the skin as you closed your eyes, a ghost of a moan leaving your lips. your hand was placed at the back of his head, gently tugging at his brown curls and subtly guiding him until he found your sweet spot.
he nibbled at your skin, sure to leave marks for later, before making his way back up to your lips.
peter’s hands finally made it under your sweatshirt and you more than welcomed the warmth of his touch, breath hitching when his hand reached the underside of your breasts, “can i take this off?” peter mumbled against your lips, breaking the umpteenth kiss.
you nodded.
“say it.” the words would sound like a demand but peter’s tone was honey. a request that you just say one word in case you wanted him to stop.
“please, peter, take it off.” you breathed out and he was on it. peters fingers slid the material up and up your torso, you helping him my leaning up on your elbows, until the cloth was discarded onto the floor. peter’s eyes raked over your body and he gulped, finding himself breathless.
“gorgeous.” he met your eyes and your heart picked up speed. pulling him back on top of you by his science pun t-shirt, you kissed him again, tongue sliding past his lips.
“you’re gorgeous.”
“we can have a competition on that topic.” peter chuckled as his hands went around your back to the hook of your bra. his voice dropped deeper than you’ve ever heard him talk, “can this go next?” sending shivers down your spine.
“i think it’s your turn now.” you whispered back, tugging at his t-shirt.
“makes sense. why don’t you take them off?” peter pulled back, sitting on folded legs as he waited for you to get up and do him the favour.
you sat up, pushing his jacket off his shoulders, piling it on top of your discarded piece of clothing on the floor, his t-shirt was next. your eyes raked over peter’s toned chest and the taut muscles of his abdomen, “dude. you don’t go to the gym?”
“i don’t.” peter confirmed, chuckling a little sheepishly.
“oh please, there’s no way.” you wondered, running down a hand over his sculpted muscles.
peter pushed you onto your back once more, blushing when your hand refused to leave his chest, “now your turn.” you raised your eyebrows in mock offence.
“alright, perv.”
“i’m not-”
“i was joking, i was joking, i know.” you chuckled before cupping his cheek with one hand, scattering soft kisses all over his face.
peter’s hands were around your back once again, trying to get your bra to unhook, “easy, mr. i-don’t-go-to-the-gym guy.” you nudged his nose this time, your hands sliding back to pull apart the hook, leaving it up to peter to take it off.
peter did just the thing, pulling away the fabric gently, giving it a place on the floor as well. his eyes took in your sight, partly naked in front of him. his heart did a little flip, thinking about the intimacy of the moment. you were just his in this moment. and he was yours.
his hand reached up, cupping one of your breasts, kneading the skin gently. this time it was the loop of his jeans which helped you pull him back closer to you, “god, y/n, you’re so beautiful.” he mumbled, making you gasp when his thumb brushed over your nipple.
peter, once again, worked his way down your body. his lips leaving kisses along your clavicle before he reached the curve of your breasts, lips latching onto the swollen bud. you moaned, feeling his hot tongue against your skin, “peter, p-please.”
“please what, princess?” he looked up at once, making your eyes meet.
“i-i want more.”
peter nodded and complied faster than he had to any command in his life. his lips trailed against your skin, down and down until he reached the hem of your lower, hooking his fingers under the material.
“are you sure, this is okay, baby?” your heart melted at that question, and these new nicknames– you had to admit– were sounding like they were only meant to said to you by peter parker.
“yes, please take it off, pete.” you mumbled quickly.
he nodded, working the lower down your legs. to you, it was a painstakingly long process but the moment it was finally off, peter was situated between your legs, fingers now tugging at your panties. you let out a shaky sigh, feeling his breath fan over your sex.
peter focused on your heartbeat and noticed that it was faster than it was a few seconds ago, “everything okay?” he crawled back up in his previous position, face to face with you, “just tell me to stop and we can.”
“n-no, it’s not that. i just… i haven’t shaved, or anything.” you admitted.
“oh. that’s totally normal though.” peter’s voice felt genuine, making you believe in his words, “but if you don’t want to-”
“i want to.” you nodded, placing another kiss on his lips.
the next time peter’s fingers hooked underneath the hem of your panties, you lifted up your pelvic slightly, helping him slide them off. his lips never left yours. his hands, however, traveled down, getting used to every curve of your body, passing over the patch of hair until his fingers were in contact with your clit. you moaned against his lips, him swallowing each one of them.
he flicked over the bundle of nerves with his thumb, two fingers traveling further into your core, making your back arch. your best friend? pushed you back into your place, fingers finally moving in and out, spreading the wetness from your arousal around your cunt.
his fingers curled gently when he was deep inside, stroking that spot inside you perfectly every time he pulled them back and pushed back in again. you would be a whimpering mess if peter wasn’t connecting your lips in a kiss every five seconds. he knew you were looking for a release, leading him to speed up his fingers, thumb nudging at your clit every time he moved. you finally came undone over his fingers, a moan, louder than the previous ones, leaving your throat.
your breathing was heavy when peter rested his forehead against yours. he could feel your pulse where his fingers stilled inside your warm hole. the feeling sent something animalistic throughout his whole body, feeling himself twitch inside his trousers.
when you finally came down from your high, peter gently pulled out, getting up slightly to lick his fingers clean. you watched the very scene unfold in front of you and felt yourself get even wetter. peter sensed your need, unbuttoning his jeans while your hand quickly travelled to the drawer of his bedside, pulling out a condom.
the remaining clothes were finally thrown to the floor and there were the two of you. completely vulnerable. you eyed him stroking his length a few times and couldn’t help yourself from biting your lower lip, “p-peter, need you.”
“i’m right here, baby.” you hummed, ripping open the packet of condom and handing it to him and he rolled it over his cock before climbing on top of you once more, “we make such a good team.”
you chuckled at his quip, “we definitely do.”
“tell me if you’re not comfortable with it and we’ll-”
“i know, peter.” you smiled at him reassuringly, “that goes the same for you, okay?”
“yes.” he nudged your nose with his one more time, positioning himself with your core, pushing himself in, inch by inch until he was completely inside you. the two of you took a few minutes to get used to the feeling of each other, your legs wrapped around peter’s waist, his head resting against your forehead, “you feel so good.”
“you feel so good too.” you said, wrapping your arms around his shoulders, as if pulling him closer was even possible.
“c-can i move now?”
you nodded, “yes, please.”
peter pulled back gently at your request, before pushing back inside, setting a slow rhythm for the two of you until you both had adjusted to the feeling. eventually, peter sped up his actions, his hips rutting against yours, pulling out lewd sounds from both your lips as well as your pussy. his hand travelled down to stroke your clit, your moans only growing louder. you could hear peter curse under his breath and muttering sentences like, “can’t believe you’re finally mine.” mindlessly.
it wasn’t much later that you felt yourself pulled closer to the edge. your head was too much of a mush now to comprehend whether you said your thoughts out loud but the way peter’s thrusts grew deeper told you that you might have, his thumb relentlessly working on your clit was enough to send you spiralling into your second orgasm.
peter felt you clench around his cock, senses going on an overdrive and his thrusts too faltered for a second before he released into the condom, groaning loudly. his hips came to a stop, still inside you as you placed butterfly kisses all over his face, “you okay?” you asked and he nodded.
“i’m great.” you sighed in content, which turned into a low whine when he finally pulled out of you. maybe you weren’t ready to feel that because you missed him filling you up the next instant.
“i’ll clean us up?” he asked, pecking your forehead before he took care of the used condom.
“i’ll miss you.” you called out after him, watching him disappear into the bathroom.
you smiled thinking back to the time you kissed him thinking it was all a dream. the radiator breaking might have led to the coldest day of winter, but the two of you would remember it for some warm confessions.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
taglist : @spideyspeaches @prancerrparkerr @usergarfields @theglitterymess @quaksonhehe @lowkey-holland @starlight-starks @piscesparker @incorrectsourwolf @wildxwidow @annab-nana @blankspaceblankday @kelieah @arvinsvintage @parkersdahlia @icarusafety @raajali3 @tommyfroggie @saturnpeter @ellabellabus07 @comfort-reads @holland-styles
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verxn · 2 years
Dad joke
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Description: Thor tells a dad joke while you two are having a movie night.
Pairing: Thor Odinson x Black fem reader
It’s been a while don’t beat me up pls- I lowkey lost some inspiration + been caught up with hella work and papers to write but now we are back and better !!! - v!
I took the popcorn out of the microwave and poured it into the big silver bowl and threw the bag away, while I was walking to the living room I saw my boyfriend rushing down the steps with more pillows and blankets.
He does this everytime just to make sure that I’m comfortable, which I already am…I just don’t want to fall asleep on the movie….like how I usual do.
“honey that should be enough blankets and pillows” i said putting down the bowl of popcorn to help him. “You have to be more comfortable though” he said with a small smile “I seriously don’t think that’s necessary” i replied back in a demanding yet sweet tone
One thing i learned about my current boyfriend is that he doesn’t take no for a answer, I don’t know why I set myself up like this.
Thor snatched the covers from me and started to lay them down like I didn’t just say anything. I sighed in defeat because who wants to argue when we got movies to catch up on?
I picked up the popcorn from off the table and went back to the living room and sat down, he sits down next to you with the remote and a huge smile
“Let’s watch some movies!” He says in a childish tone
halfway through princess and the frog— I demanded for this to be watched, I had to get my get back someway somehow. I turned to Thor to see him interested in the movie like he’s hypnotized by it, I looked back at the screen and saw that a commercial had come on
At this moment I was about to get up and get some more beverages. I turned to Thor and asked “do you want anything to drink?” He had to think for a moment, he’s gotten pretty familiar with the brands of drinks etc only stuff that me and him like anyways
“Can I have soda?” He replied, I nodded and went to grab two sprites, when I came back the commercial was still playing, I mentally took note that I have to change my subscription plan. I sat down next to Thor while handing him the soda
He opened it and drunk a bit of it then sat it down on the coffee table, he turned to me and said “wanna hear a joke?” I should mention that he’s gained a bit of humor from Bruce, Steve, Tony and Scott
“Sure let’s hear it” I replied while turning my body towards him
“My wife asked me to stop by the grocery store after work so I did and she gave me a list of things, but here’s the catch she wanted six sprites and it wasn’t the usual six pack, it was all together so I grabbed six of them. when I got home I realized I picked 7up” he started laughing at his own joke
“Thor who told you that joke” I replied
“I think it was either Bruce or Steve I can’t remember” he said still laughing
“7up..” then it clicked “OH LIKE THE DRINK?” I said to him and he nodded chuckling
“I feel so dumb for it to not click right away” i said face palming myself and chuckling a bit “oh it’s fine sweet heart I was just like you when I first heard the joke too” Thor replied while kissing your forehead
This was….terrible don’t mind my dad joke I think it was kinda funny 😭 but how have y’all been? Hopefully it’s good. Anyway love you all bye!!
Also happy black history month 🤞🏾
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hard-core-super-star · 11 months
do you have any Kate fics that make you feel exactly like this? melting from so much cuteness and giggling and stuff like that. oh okay, so this happens more when you reread it than when you write it down, noted, it's just that it seems hard to keep a straight face while writing things like this mostly smut or maybe the cutest life-changing, heart-warming thing in the world. lmao, I think you can steal this. I mean, give it a try???jshakksks. yes, it does. 🫠
I don't know if it would be fair for me to say it since you didn't say some things either- yeahhh I won't get over it. I'm here to see what would happen. It wasn’t a good surprise tho😭😭
SEE?? how can this be a problem? this is something cool. you can literally claim 19 as your lucky number. you still remember what she replied??
YEP LMAO, it's okay, I didn't expect superman tho, if that's any use. tumblr is the social media you use most? It literally has nothing to do with the subject of tiktok but I was curious. “I feel so old” — said a 19 year old. I feel like that too hdkska. sometimes it's strange to feel like a grandma, but not just anyone... those with conservative beliefs, this is the peak of rock bottom.
yeah, you can call that a win. now I don't know how to create a context to let this person know, and my brain can't work right now lmao.
poor rubix's brain, besides melting and freak out almost all the time, it works all the time- I don't think I've ever heard of 8 Ocean 🤔 stop, that shouldn't sound that funny skehwjkak. NO???? I MEAN, SAYING THEY'RE NOT IMPORTANT DOESN'T HELP AT ALL!! mhmm, I just did it 🙃
– 🌟
ask me again in the morning and i might be able to pull enough braincells together to give you a list of fics that aren't just my own lmao. weirdly enough, writing smut can sometimes be easier than writing fluff 😶 it’s definitely hard to keep a straight face with both and, if i’m at home, i usually have to take breaks and walk away before i start giggling at my own lines. it’s easier to appreciate what i write when i don’t wait until the last minute to write it. great, it’s halfway to going on my wall 👍 it sounds both hilarious and awful lmao.
i think it would be extremely fair. and in return i’ll spill some more of my very obvious thoughts. you just love to cause chaos and make my heart stop every few sentences, don't you?
i don't know, i’m still not convinced but i’m glad you find it entertaining and not weird. and yeah, of course i remember, i think it's going to be engrained in my brain forever. i basically just sent something saying how cool the music videos for the Crybaby singles had been so far and she thanked me [and called me by my name which was quite the experience] and talked about how fun the music videos had been to shoot. it's nothing like super significant but it was unexpected and i still think about it to this day because…well, it’s tegan. i don't think i have to say anything else.
it certainly does help me feel a little better so i’ll take it. a win is a win. yeah, Tumblr is mainly it, i still use Instagram but the things i post are random af and basically just for my self and my before mentioned only friend. i know i’m technically not old but damn, people my age are annoying af. with a few exceptions of course but 🙃 is thinking kids shouldn't be allowed to have phones at such a young age really a slightly conservative belief? i think it's just common sense tbh.
something tells me the person will know so you don't have to worry too much about it 👀
not this again akskdjdjsjsj yeah, my brain is quite overwhelmed all the time, it's not as fun as it sounds. i can't recommend it enough, fuck the critics. here are two reasons to watch it, ready? sandra bullock and cate blanchett. what more do you need??? if you need gay subtext, it's definitely there, btw. I ALREADY APOLOGIZED FOR THE MISUNDERSTANDING, WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT FROM ME??? thank you for this, i’ll be thinking about it until i fall asleep.
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nutelly · 4 years
i did it guys....i filtered # dreamcatcher 😔✌️ no more........
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