#i was boogieing. i was singing totals. i was saying dumb shit like ‘i’m behind you with stuff’ as if that was a sufficient warning
fingertipsmp3 · 1 year
I think the worst part of falling down today was that it was such a weirdly enjoyable shift up to that point
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xander’s harem
- made up of xander, tal, therai, pippin, hatch, glo, and warren
- aka the Trans Your Gender (minus therai) Party
- why is it called xander’s harem, you ask?
- w e l l
- individual characters under the read more
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- full name is Alexander Gentleharp
- half-elf fighter, he/him
- trans and probably gay
- he’s a total himbo. he’s so stupid omg.
- pretty chill dude. always willing to lend a hand, be it with mending a gate or protecting someone with his life. fiercely protective of those he loves and anyone that’s under his care
- pretty open about being trans. doesn’t really keep it a secret from anyone in the party, but also doesn’t go around announcing it
- dog person, but thinks all pets (as long as they’re legal and safe to have) are pretty cool
- current relationships: hatch, glo, therai, tal, warren (in love); vik (depending on the au) (lover); eve (twin); pippin (stepfather); olive, evan, ash, avery, and anya (uncle)
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-Taliesyn Elias Arvulf, Tal for short
-High-Elf Warlock-turned-Wizard/Gunslinger
-Trans Male, He/Him. Demiromantic and probably bi
-Chaotic Neutral
-Suffers from nightmares of an apocalypse that never was
-Almost died in a fire once- not how he got his scar though
-Renounced his patron in a fit of delirium brought on by prophetic visions of his death, spent the next few weeks stumbling around with the party in a daze before saying “I’m tired of this shit” and vanishing one night
-Came back a few years later much more mentally okay and also doing a wizarding thing now, nice!
-Survived two (2) situations that should have, by all rights, killed him three times over. Also spat in the face of a god and (somehow) lived
(Romantic): Xander, Eve, Therai
(Best Friend): Warren
(Friends): Hatch, Glo, Chaym
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-Full name is Therai Aldrovanda
-Tiefling Fighter who prefers an axe or two over swords, though he’s been known to pick up any blade he can reach to protect himself and his party.
-Fluctuates between gay and bi- he’s not entirely sure himself.
-True Neutral
-While intimidating on first glance, this war-hardened tiefling has a naturally goofy and gentle demeanor, though he keeps it hidden under a cold, quiet shell. His shell is easy to crack, given patience and understanding, or a good amount of alcohol on the right day.
(Romantic): Taliesyn, Alexander
(FwB): Intem (their relationship is complicated, and fluctuates between fwb and romantic)
(Qpp): Eve
(Family): Pippin (adoptive child), Avery (child), Clover (child-in-law)
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- that’s their name. that’s it
- halfling rogue, they/them
- chaotic neutral
- nonbinary and aroace
- gremlin. absolute fucking goblin child
- like a stray cat in that they’re distrustful of new people, but once you have their trust, you’ll Never lose it (unless you do something to fuck up, and then it’s back to square one)
- they might be kinda standoffish at first, yeah, but. once they feel comfortable around someone, they let themselves be a kid, like they never got to be
- what are you? horrid nasty child. what’s your gender? crime. what’s in your pants? knives.
- younger than the rest of the party (closest in age would be xander, maybe?)
- relationships: therai (he’s their dad. boogie woogie woogie); xander, tal (dads in law)
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-Heim, a changeling. Takes the form of a drow named Hatch’dyorr Drvynski
-Changeling bard!
-Trans Male, He/Him. Very much gay, yes.
-Chaotic Good
-Jolly Sailor Bold
-Aesthetic is the ocean and Dragons
-Has the voice of a scottish sailor singing shanties on the open sea
-A storyteller at heart, he likes to weave tales of adventure, love, lust, revenge, y’know, the usual stuff. Recently his stories have gotten boring though (in his opinion), and the best way to find new inspiration?
(Romantic): Xander, Glo
(Best Friend): Glo
(Friends): Warren, Tal, Therai
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-Aerglo Jett, goes by Glo for short.
-Air Genasi Wizard
-Trans Male, He/Him. Doesn’t care much for putting a label to his sexuality.
-Lawful Evil
-Formality is everything to him. Doesn’t do nicknames with anyone in public. Behind closed doors is a different story.
-Sharp both in mind and tongue, Aerglo likes to ruffle feathers and push buttons, just to study others’ reactions. He’s a scientist at heart, and treats people like subjects to his experiments.
-Inkstains on his hands from writing so much
-Hatch and Xander are exempt from the detached treatment, as he considers them more than just subjects to his games. He loves them, in a twisted, perverted way, and has a hard time expressing his feelings with them.
(Romantic): Hatch, Xander
(Best Friend): Hatch
(Friends): Koirit, Tal
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-Warren Peace
-Drow Barbarian
-He/Him. One very gay, very trans, very good himbo.
-Chaotic Neutral
-He’s a barbarian I promise. He just… doesn’t look like it
-Very Stupid, oh gods is this lad Stupid
-Pretty sure his INT is like, 6
-Pure of Heart, Dumb of Ass
-Absolute good boy who’s doing his best
-Like a short, stupid puppy who’s here to make friends and toss bitches
(Romantic): Xander
(Crush): Tal
(Friends): Therai, Val, Chaym
(back to party list)
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