#i was enjoying a little too much during the interview fr
opshizt · 1 year
the latest interview of the straw hats by collider made me fall in love with the cast more!! seeing their overflowing chemistry during the interview is already a great success so far. the way they hype each other and appreciate every person involved in the making of the live action was very wholesome. iñaki, mackenyu, emily, jacob, and taz mentioned some of the best things regarding their portrayal of their respective characters. like you can really feel the straw hats energy that radiates from them. how they carry themselves as the straw hats cast is what makes me very excited to see what's stored for the live action. it's gonna be awesome to experience one piece with them at the helm for real!!!
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girlokwhatever · 2 months
omg would love if you could do famous!reader x paige hcs!!!
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paige bueckers x famous!reader hcs
‧₊♡₊˚ 🦢・₊✧₊˚ෆ paige with a famous gf,,
— you met paige on social media
- she’s literally your biggest fan
- you posted a video with the caption: ‘when she’s blonde and tall and plays basketball’ and it went VIRALLL (everyone tagged her)
— she ending up reaching out to you and the rest is history
— before you started dating she would always repost your videos or pictures whenever you posted
— you kind of dabble in everything (singing, acting, modeling, etc.) and she really respects that about you
- she calls it your ‘hustle’
— you were honestly a fan of hers too, all her tiktoks and edits would be on your feed
— no one even asks who her celeb crush is anymore cause she always says you (lowkey always has)
— you both hard launch each other
— paige loves your music (i’m imagining r&b but you do you boo) and will play it for everyone in any place at any time
- at church?? doesn’t matter: “have you heard my girlfriend’s new song?”
— you took her to her first ever premiere as your plus one
- had way too much fun together during the interviews
— you have to media train her because one time she leaked your new song on kk’s live
— everyone she knows will ask for her to get them an autograph
— her mom is a massive fan and kinda freaks out when she meets you (paige is embarrassed but you think it’s sweet)
— has watched every single film/show you’re in and saves every magazine cover you’re on
— defo gets a little jealous if you have to kiss someone else on screen
- you have to tell her beforehand so she can mentally prepare
— sometimes she’ll get insecure if the media ships you with someone else, but they rarely do it cause everyone knows the two of you are locked in
— she’s absorbed all your fans into her cult
— sometimes she’ll troll everyone and make up the craziest lie/rumor and watch everyone post about it
- “guys we got married last may”
— at first your demanding schedule was a bit of a problem cause you hardly ever saw each other
- you prioritize her more now, but there’s still sometimes where you’ll have to go months without being in-person together (you both have mental breakdowns)
— she always listens when you tell her celeb drama (she’s so into it)
- you make her promise she won’t tell anyone
— you’ve definitely made some songs about her
- they always make her cry cause they’re so beautiful and sweet
— paparazzi anytime the two of you go out (they do catch some cute candid pics though)
— she’ll be at EVERY award show to cheer you on, no doubt
— you get her free tickets to concerts cause of connections
— saves every edit she sees of you (movie scenes, media moments, concerts, you name it)
— sometimes you ask her for inspiration (she’s your muse fr)
— when you see each other again for the first time in awhile… be prepared. she’s bombarding you with kisses, smothering you with hugs, and never lets you leave her bed
— will cry if you ever have to do a sex scene (she prays it never happens)
— she makes sure EVERYONE knows you’re dating.
- she’ll wear shirts with your face on them
— will post the craziest off-guard and bts pictures of you and the fans go craazzzyy
— “so.. how does your next movie end? is it like-“
- “i’m not telling you so don’t even try.”
i feel like maybe i ate this down????!
i had so many ideas for this request you guys
hope you enjoyed!! 😋
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incogrio · 8 days
omg I loved your soobin fic btw! I was wondering can you do ot5 txt being jealous/protective of the reader?
ot5 - jealousy, jealousy
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pairing: ot5 x reader (separately)
genre: fluff, bit of smut and angst
synopsis: how the members show jealousy!
warnings: jealousy, possessiveness, smut, anger etc!
a/n: thank you so much for the request!! hope u enjoy!! this isn’t proof read don’t kill me pls!!
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i feel as though yeonjun would show his jealousy in a more whiney manner
like, he wouldn’t outright say anything to you or the person making him jealous in the moment
i imagine you’re also an idol, maybe even in txt and an interviewer makes comments about your appearance and how you’re the most desirable of the group
yeonjun, being ever professional simply smiles and laughs
lingers behind you as you reject the guy once the cameras are off
but after… he’ll come to you like a big baby all like
“he flirted with you right in front of meeeee..!!” he’d whine out with a slight high pitched tone as he tucked his head into your neck
“i rejected him, i only want you jjunie,” you’d reassure
only for him to respond with, “but i was right thereeeee!!! don’t i look boyfriend enough!!!!” and his perfect lips would form a perfect pout and you couldn’t resist but to kiss his sad face away :(
that would most likely lead to him smiling against your lips and the craziest sex ever.. like full on
“bet he has a smaller dick than me, huh? bet he couldn’t make you drool the way i do. he wishes he could see you like this doesn’t he? too bad only i can see you all disheveled.. only me, right baby? just daddy right?”
yes jjunie has a daddy kink argue with the WALL.
as for what made him jealous, i think he’s a little crazy and would be annoyed when someone so much as looks at you for too long
he would never blame you or your outfit, simply the pervs who wish they could have you
thinks it’s funny whenever you’re jealous, doesn’t really see that he’s just as hot as you
also finds it crazy that you’d think he’d want anyone else
just remind him that you only want him and kiss his pouty lips and maybe give him a blowjob and he’ll be fine…
until you do promotions again
sigh… loser soobie doobie.
i feel like soobie would be annoyed by it if anything
also VERY passive aggressive
let’s say you’re in a library, looking at a book that you might want
a rando comes up mansplaining the novel you’re holding and soobin comes up behind you like 😒🤨
yall know that clip of him during that live where he’s looking at the members w that disgusted look? yeah that’s him rn
the guy reaches forward to touch your arm all like “i just think this book might be too complicated for you”
ha. ha ha. soobin pulls you back into his chest before the guy can touch you and looks at him so angrily. “they’re fine. they can pick their own book.” he says it with such an eerily calm tone despite his aggressive gum chewing and fingertips digging slightly into your waist.
mf just gives an awkward smile, raises his hands in surrender and walks away
soobin literally mutters “pussy” under his breath LMFAO
he doesn’t really say much after that, only keeping a hand on you till you get to the car
“bunny, do you think i should read this book or this one first?” you ask, lifting up both books as he pulls out of the parking lot.
he rolls his eyes slightly, driving (hotly) and looking only at the road before saying: “dunno. ask your new book expert boyfriend.”
you literally have to stifle your laugh. for soobie, he’s a sucker for your cuteness
soooo u just pout at him cutely and rest your elbow on the console and your head in your hand
“don’t be mad bunny… only want you :(“
he does that thing where he smiles and pokes his tongue to his cheek in faux annoyance (i’m horny)
just smiles and shakes his head, reaching to you and holding your thigh tightly, you rest your hand on his
he may seem all tough right now, but don’t worry soon you’ll have him tied up and whimpering after making him cum over and over to make sure he knows his worth 💋
tbh seems like the type to bring it up randomly too LMFAOO
beomgyu… hehehe
i imagine this to happen outside of a food truck
he’s waiting w you, probably talking to you about something stupid and you suddenly get a poke on the shoulder
you turn around, and beomgyu looks with you and sees a guy
as you’re rejecting the guy, gyu is literally snickering and giggling to himself
you are so embarrassed by him this mf is literally cackling
you’d think there was a witch behind you
the guy is definitely STILL in earshot as he walks away dejectedly, and beomgyu immediately giggling and smoothly tugging you to be in his arms
“did you see his face???? he thought he had a chance w you???!!! my girl?? yahhhgh!!! he’s soooo stupid!” he says all loudly and dramatically. he has that little smirk on his face as he says this, but has his arms tightly around you as though the guy would come and kidnap you
you see behind the facade, simply reaching up and pressing a kiss to his lips. “only want you,” you mutter, and he hums and smiles against your lips
“ahhh i knowww!! that’s why it’s so funny!”
he’d rather die than admit insecurity in the middle of a goddamn food truck line.
probably doesn’t talk about it until it’s late at night and you’re cuddled in bed
he might even start crying :(
for gyu, i don’t see sex being a good reassurance thing for him
i think he’d prefer to just sit with you, watching a bad movie and making fun of it together
randomly kissing you and every time you know what he wants to hear: “only want you, bear”
if you were to fuck, he’d deffo want to eat you out
“only i can taste this pussy, only your bear,” he’d grumble as you twist his long hair in your fingers, tugging him closer to your sopping cunt
mickey mouse voice: oh boy!
if you think you’re getting any other reaction other than silence, you’re WRONG.
hmmm let’s say you’re at the gym, watching him work out bc wow free show
at one point he walks away to grab weights from the other side of the gym and you wait for him to come back
suddenly, a sweaty yucky man is getting closer to you, and oh wow look he’s staring at you
as taehyun turns around, he sees you talking to him but doesn’t really mind because he knows you’re his
but then he gets closer and hears the guy complimenting your body… he just pauses for a second, making brief eye contact w you and continuing to set up his little work out thing (i don’t work out can u tell)
he knows you’ll tell the guy why you’re actually here
“so… why don’t we go grab protein shakes after you finish working out?” you wanted to scream. you were wearing jeans. WHO WORKS OUT IN JEANS?? you hadn’t touched a single machine and you hate protein shakes. is this guy a dunce.
“oh no thank you, i’m here to watch my boyfriend. he’s right there,” you point at tae, who is now bench pressing over 100 pounds and woah.. hehe
yeah no the guy could not have left faster. tae still doesn’t say anything.
you keep watching him, now sitting on the floor until he gets up from the bench and sits in front of you
before you can ask, he gestures for you to hold his feet and starts doing sit ups
except, after the first one, he starts puckering his lips when he sits up
sit up after sit up, he kisses you as he comes back up
he literally did over one hundred and you were drunk on him by the time he finished
his way of staking his claim i suppose… probably made sure that the guy was watching too
tbh… that’s all the reaction you’re gonna get
after, you ask why he didn’t say anything and he just shrugs and is like, “i know you’re mine. and you know i’m yours. i don’t need to prove anything.”
then you’re like, “so why did you do the sit up thing”
“i was horny.” you literally choke on your smoothie
when you guys get home he definitely fucks you but not super roughly or anything… super romantically actually
his thought process, conscious or not, is: you could go out and fuck someone and they’d do it emotionlessly. he’s going to fuck you like you built the very universe your souls found each other in. (you did)
huening kai:
just a warning… he’s my bias so this might be a little crazy
you’re in a grocery store, he seems like one of those cringy bfs who’s steer the cart but have you in between him and the cart
i want him.
every few moments he’d press a kiss to your hair or simply lean down and have his face near yours until you got the hint
his chest is against your back… his huge broad chest… i’m ill.
okay so you guys stopped to look at the cereal because you wanted to get the one w his face
as you’re looking, hueningie squats down and checks the very bottom shelf
and thus, the worker that goes up to you does not see him
“hey! you need any help over here?” you look over, pointing to yourself in silent question. the guy nods. kai is immediately tuned into the convo as he pretends to look for more cereal
“hm? oh no! we’re good, just looking for a specific cereal,” you remain vague as to not reveal kai’s identity.
lol imagine you’re like “yeah my bf has a cereal w his face on it! yeah my bf who’s a famous idol!” LMFAOO
the guy nods, and you think the convo is over so you keep looking for cereal as you reach down and pet kai’s hair absentmindedly. you don’t know how reassuring it is to him.
“okay well… i just saw you and thought you were so super cute. like.. how do you not have a boyfriend?”
“i do actually,” you respond without evening looking at him. you tug kai’s hair, silently telling him to make himself known. he gets up, all six feet and muscles wearing a fitted top so you could see all of his strength and hard work as an idol.
“they’re not here,” he says plainly, without the usual sweet tone he’d give you. he also doesn’t even look at the worker.
the guy doesn’t even have enough time to apologize before kai’s leading you and the cart elsewhere. he gets quiet, but a different quiet to the other members. a sad one.
the moment you get home, he breaks down
he sobs, barely able to get out the fact that he doesn’t understand why you’re with him, why you wouldn’t want someone w a normal life, someone who’s more attractive (no such thing), someone who could love you publically
oh my baby :(((((
you pull him into a hug, his head ducking to be hidden in your neck, reassuring him quietly.
“huening… i promise you, you are the most attractive man on earth to me.” you say sternly, “the universe, even. it pains me that you can’t see that. i don’t want anyone else, just you, hyuka. and i love you enough to endure the fact that you can’t be public with us.”
he’s just whining now, not responding. he’s holding you so tightly that you’d think you’d turn into thin air.
after a lot of cuddles with his plushies, he’s okay :)
but then his members come home and see the tear stains on his face
they don’t know what happened and call him a baby and make a bunch of maknae jokes
yeah that’s the last straw. he takes you to his room and shoves you onto the bed (makes sure that not only are you comfy, but also that all his plushies are turned away)
he fucks you until you’ve both cum at least 4 times, and he’s borderline shooting blanks.
he’s moaning so loud, hips are shaking as he keeps pumping into you, filling you up
you’re even louder, legs shaking and hands pushing against his stomach in a faux plead for him to stop
every so often, he’d say something like, “not a fucking baby,” oh negative kai i want you.
“could a baby maknae fuck you like this? oh fuck honey, clench me like that. could that guy at the store make you shake like this? hm?
yeah neither of you can walk after that. and the members for SURE heard your moans and are now never calling him a baby ever again
unless he does aegyo bc come ON he’s baby then
probably becomes an inside joke between you guys
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aquariuswritersblog · 8 months
Give Me A Chance (Hawks Fanfic) Pt. 1
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Hi everyone! This is my first real post ever! Pls read it and let me know what you think. Hopefully, the next parts will be spicier fr. Also, in my head Hawks is tall, and I know mha is supposed to be set in like Japan, but girlie still has an English degree. ENJOY
It’s another tiring and monotonous day at y/n’s barista job dealing with sticky syrups and impatient customers. Y/n works at a cute cafe in the heart of the city, and she is a hardworking barista who usually tries to make small talk with customers and be as polite as she can, but talking to people all day can be tiring. Today brought something different, more interesting than y/n’s everyday. 
During a slow part of her work day, y/n looked up from the counter when a customer entered ringing the shop bell. A tall-ish man with his hair tucked into a stupid looking-black fedora walked up to the counter with all too much confidence for simply walking into a coffee shop. As he approached the counter with a smirk, he called out in a cocky voice, “Nice hair, barista.”
Y/n could feel herself turning red as the man in black stood in front of her. Umm what the fuck? Is he talking to me? There’s no one else here. Is something wrong with my hair, thought y/n. Y/n usually can’t be bothered, but dressing up a little makes her feel lighter and helps her get through the day. She thought she looked cute today with her cat-eye, cute braid, and coffee earrings. Hot shame flooded through her as she felt the man’s insult. She shot the man with an accusing look as she checked her braid resting on her shoulder, and, sure enough, the curly ends were coated in white, whip cream. Y/n gasped and started to clean the cream off her hair, and when she looked up at the man again, she saw him glance at her hair, then back to her eyes, and he said, “So… how’d that happen?”
Y/n definitely let herself get a little too flustered (she is nervous around guys with hot voices), and she replied snarkily, “Well, your fedora looks stupid.”
A loud chuckle erupted from the man and after the small moment it took for him to recover, he asked, “Could I get an americano please?”
Y/n almost received whiplash by how quickly he changed topics. She honestly could have gone back and forth with this guy all day, but she was too flustered and felt like keeping her job, so she sucked it up and replied, “Of course, sir. Could I get a name for that order?” 
The man frowned and quietly answered, “K.”
“Thank you, sir,” Y/n replied as the man paid. Y/n walked away keeping her annoyance to herself.
While y/n was busy making his drink, the disappointed look lingered on the man's face as he waited for his drink to be made. After a while, y/n finished making the drink and called out, “Americano for K,” while staring down the man with the stupid fedora. She quickly walked away from the drink after she placed it down, trying to avoid another interaction with the man. Back at the register waiting for customers, she watched the man walk out of the shop with admittedly less cockiness than he entered with. Glad I knocked him down a peg, she thought with a smug look on her face. He was actually fun to talk to. And hot. 
Suddenly, with one foot out the door, K turned around and said, “You look really cute, y/n.” Then, the door shut behind him. Left with just the ringing of the bell, y/n’s face turned red again. How did he know my name? She tilted her head down and found her name tag pinned to her apron. K can’t be his real name.
***Flashforward a few weeks***
Y/n stood in front of the steps for a large, corporate-looking building. Today was her chance to start her career and get out of the cafe. Today was her interview with the writing team for a PR company for different hero agencies. Her interview was at noon, and she prepared all morning. She knew that this particular company, Heroes PR, worked with heroes like Endeavor, Mirko, Best Jeanist, and even Hawks! Being on this writer's team would mean that she would help with projects like creating storylines for comic books and movies surrounding the heroes but also write public statements given by hero agencies or general communications that need to be written up. Being on this writing team would be a dream career job. Y/n has been working towards this goal since college, and now that she has an English degree, she needs to start making her moves. Standing outside of the building, she built up her confidence to walk in. The writing team interviewing her had already seen a portfolio of her writing, and she knew that her writing would speak for itself. However, that did almost nothing to calm her nerves about the interview. Even if her writing was amazing, if she flops this interview or does not vibe with the team, there is a very good chance that she will not get the job. Writing positions like these, where the writers get to work with pro heroes, are highly competitive. She was ready though.
About 10 minutes before they were expecting her, she walked in through the front entrance and made her way to the interview room which they had emailed to her previously. Making her way up the elevator and through the building, Y/n repeated talking points in her head that she thought they might bring up. As she was about to open the conference room where the interview would happen, she heard a familiar voice for a split second as a gust of wind zoomed past her in the hallway. She turned her head to see what it was that practically flew past her, blowing her hair awry. Right as she lifted her hand to fix her hair, the door to the conference room opened right in front of her. 
“Miss L/N, are you ready for the interview?” a tall man in a plain suit asked, lacking any kindness or politeness. 
Already flustered, y/n quickly answered, “Of course, sir!!” She tried to enter the conference room, but the plain man who was supposedly on the writing team was blocking the entire doorway with his stocky body. 
“Actually miss, we’ve read your works and we think you are an amazing writer. However, we are looking for a more… assertive fit for the position,” said the man with a deep voice while blocking the doorway. His eyes roamed over her body, pausing too long on her breasts and hips. What a perv, she thought. 
“Wait, sir! Please at least hear me out, give me a chance to talk about what I can bring to this team! I promise you won’t regret it!” pleaded y/n, trying to preserve any ounce of dignity that she had left. 
“Sorry miss, maybe you can try with another—” Suddenly a second gust of wind hit her and the man in the doorway, and another man with a confident, playful manner and voice appeared next to her.
“Hey guys, I overheard some voices talking about a writing position here. As that job is directly related to my position, I figured that I could offer some of my own input today,” said the man who just flew over here— Wait, that’s not any man, thought Y/n. That’s Hawks. Like THE PRO HERO HAWKS. And there he was, standing in his full uniform; wings taking up a huge amount of the space in the hallway. Seeing as THEE Hawks was standing right next to her, y/n was definitely freaking out internally. He was tall, and his blonde hair was just as striking in person as it is on TV. Y/n is a Hawks fan for life, and that was another reason she wanted to work with heroes. 
The interviewer man started, “Sorry, but this decision is ours to—”
“Yeah, no. Sorry,” said hawks over the interviewer man. “But if you refuse me any further, I might just have to contact my team about this,” said Hawks in a playfully worried tone. Hawks positioned himself behind you and placed his hands on your shoulders lightly and moved you forward so that both you and hawks were walking towards the man in the doorway. He was literally pushing you into the room, and using the fact that he is Hawks to get the man blocking the door to back up. Each step Hawks walked you closer into the doorway and into the room, the man who was blocking the door backed up. Eventually, Hawks had moved both you and him into the conference room where the entire writing team was sitting. Now, Y/N, Hawks, and the formerly-blocking-the-door-man were all standing in front of the writing team that was supposed to be interviewing her. 
Looking around, she thought, Ugh, of course it’s a room full of men. Hawks, who didn’t stop talking to the interviewer man the whole time, continued by harshly declaring to the room, “Shame on all of you for not even giving this pretty writer a chance. You all are going to give her a proper interview right now, and I’m gonna stay here for all of it!”
Y/n was a mess of emotions at this moment. Hawks hands were still on Y/N’s shoulders as hawks stood a bit away from her while looking over her shoulder to scold the writing team. His hands on her shoulders, Hawks being that closer to her; yeah, safe to say she was pretty flustered. The entirety of the team was dumbstruck at Hawk berating them, and Hawks using the word “pretty” to describe her distracted her for one second. This is so embarrassing. I have to get out of here, she thought. Quickly, Y/N walked a few paces away from Hawks, faced the room with teary eyes and a red face, and said, “Thank you for the opportunity.” Then, she practically ran out of the room with her bag in hand. She headed straight to the elevator, and the wait for the doors to open felt like hours. When she finally stepped in and pressed the 1st floor button, Hawks flew down the hallway at almost a sonic speed, stopping in front of the elevator. Y/n was extremely embarrassed to see him again and started smashing the close door button. As he was standing there, she stumbled out the words, “I’m so sorry for causing a scene, Hawks sir.”
Right before the elevator door closed, he spoke, “Please don’t be sorry Y/N. You let me walk all over you in that coffee shop; don’t let them walk all over you. And call me Keigo.”
The elevator door closed, and y/n stood alone as the elevator descended. Realization hit y/n. Oh my fucking god. K from the coffee shop is Keigo. Without his wings and with his stupid hat, he didn’t look the same. Wow. Wait, what does this mean? Does it mean anything?
***Later that night***
That interview went so horribly. It’s been like 8 hours since then, and it’s still the only thing I can think about. Y/n sat down at her little desk that took her ages to assemble in her apartment. At her desk, she opened her computer and thought, May as well start job searching again, I bet I can line up another interview with another company. As she checked her email, there was an email from Hawks’s team sitting right there in her inbox. She fully stood up and walked around her room to calm down until she could sit back down and read the email.
The email read: “Greetings Y/N L/N! We are so excited to offer you a position at the Hawks Hero Agency! Your position will be to act as a writer and liaison between the PR Company and our agency. You will, unfortunately, still would have to work with the writing team of Heroes PR, but you would get to conduct your operations out of the Hawks Agency building instead of the Heroes PR building. We await your response! Tomorrow, you should receive an email with more specific information on this position. Cheers, Team Hawks.”
Damn, thought y/n. They really gave me a chance. I guess I don’t need to job search anymore.
Let me know what you think and pls like or reblog if you want! Or follow me!
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alonetogether · 11 months
andy am i allowed to yell about peterick brainrot in your askbox? im not waiting for an answer.
i. am so not. normsl about patrick showing pete the bass notes. how did he know pete was lost?? could he hear it? the way he turns towards pete, shakes the neck of his guitar a little to get his attention, but he doesn't even need to, because the minute he turns pete's coming over, the way pete knows patrick is showing him. they've must have done it a million times during rehearsals. like this is such a little thing that's nbd but it's driving me literally insane???
BFHJUIDKJNG love that you didnt wait for an answer cause like if you HAD i would have resorted to begging on my knees for you to yell at me about peterick. its what i enjoy oh so the most
BUT YEAH THATS EXACTLYYYYY why that moment makes me insane, not just the act of patrick showing him the chords but the fact patrick Knew he either wasnt playing and/or wasnt playing correct AND obviously struggling enough that patrick called him over :,-))) PLUS also patrick smile afterwards... he's just been so happy this tour and pete is Definitely a factor in that !!!
also i will exchange with you a peterick meltdown ive been having like all day cause i was rewatching some of the stardust like promotional interviews etc and i was watching the siriusxm mini game they did where they had to guess what songs of theirs were playing backwards and theresss sooooo much in there, like when pete guesses thnks fr th mmrs and then is discussing how babyface worked on it with them, he is trying to remember a movie they saw when they found out about babyface and he turns to patrick while trying to remember the movie like. oh so you guys went to see it together or at least watched it with just each other otherwise andy wouldve been able to help too. inchresting. like i initially thought maybe they went as a group to the premier but the movie is from 2001... so x AND THEN theres the "pep in your answer" thing and its just. so good to see this silly flirty energy continued with literally every riff with patrick on the tour. i wuv them. AND THEN!!! theres a moment of cryptophasia i swear no one talked about!!!! where patricks talking about other side and he says "i wanted something that spelled out the kind of journey that people are gonna go on with this album and then pete jumps in "of SIGHT" and then patrick AND pete both say in the same fucking inflection at the exact same time "and SOUND" like. you both are crazy and fruity. fuck off NHJIOGLKSJM
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boba-beom · 1 year
it's probably also because of grieving. i lost my grandfather nearly a month ago and he was my everything, so it's a little hard to keep going forward nowadays, but i'm trying my best❤️ but thank you for wishing me luck on my other exams, i really appreciate that. i only have two more left!! i was really thankful to only get 3 exams this semester since the usual load is 5-7💀
the huskiness in beomgyu's voice is something i don't think i've heard before in kpop and it's always drawn me in. i love all of txt's vocals, they're all so beautiful in their own way and style, but beomgyu's have always stood out to me and will always be my favorite❤️ but fr his range is insane this album - he was the one switching most often from his lower register to falsetto within the same line and his transition was so seamless like wow. it's insane how good his vocal tone and texture is, especially during the high pitch parts where he still manages to remain so airy without straining. but omg when he was performing farewell neverland i could literally feel all of the emotions pouring out with each word he sang, he's just such an amazing performer.
pls soobin is so cute and the yellow sweater made him look like a ball of sunshine. i love him sm he's so 🥺🥺🥺
you could tell hueningkai was definitely in his zone, enjoying the whole ride (badum tsssss). you can easily tell he always gives it his all and these two performances were no different. he has such a beautiful voice too and his ability to always sing so full of emotion and power never fails to surprise me. he's such a good vocalist and i wish people recognized that more🥺
soobin's and beomgyu's voices go so well together and i think it might have to do something with the fact that their tones are slightly similar. i just absolutely loved hearing their verses one after the other in farewell neverland and that bridge HONESTLY. i have ascended yet again🥺
omg yes, it's exactly that tonality that's so pleasing to the ears and also very unique! girl, i swear, when taehyun sings, he sings with his whole soul and you can most certainly feel it. he's such an amazing vocalist with such a good range (i think he's a baritone, but he's proven more than once that his range extends to tenor ones) and the raspiness adds to the charm of his vocals🥺
this comeback truly proved just how much they've grown these past few years and how there's no concept they can't embody. the amount of content we got this comeback with the shows and interviews was the most i think it's ever been and i enjoyed every second of it. i especially love seeing them go on variety shows🥺 they're honestly so funny and i love seeing them interact with the staff as well, it's always so sweet❤️ i can't believe it's already been four years though, how does time fly by so fast😭
thank you bestie omg, i'll join u in manifesting that🥺❤️
I'm so sorry to hear that, april, I know how difficult that can be losing a grandparent, but take every little day as a small step.
as for exams, that's actually pretty good that you've only got 3 instead of your typical 5-7 exams. it'll go by quick and update me on those when they're done!!
literally so true, I love how unique their voices are. and they're progressing too! or even so just starting to show us what they're capable of doing!! I'm always going to be excited for their future albums, even their songs for OSTs. of course their voices always exceeds our expectations, we can never expect less from them, truly.
they are so precious when they're on variety shows, and it just shows how much effort they put into these things. it's one thing to be respectful to hosts, it's another to be able to take up a challenge and be a good sport during the show. and it's never a dull moment with them too :<
the fact that their anniversary is next week is genuinely scary omfg but I'm happy knowing how much the fandom has grown and they very much deserve it <3
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imyourbratzdoll · 1 year
This also needs to be told (for fun)
The team doing the whole interview things even they just do the work for everyone to be safe . They dont mind this just not too much . Imagine the team and others versions of interview is alot like their actors and The epic of puppy /kitten interview lol like we cant unsee the cute reaction of the people there esp fr c evans but imagine this point its steve in the puppy interview enjoying the pups even not listening to some questions and at awe of it all sure he answers questions etc. To bucky and sam on the twitter thirst bucket with bucky "THIS IS WHY I DON HAVE TWITTER " sam is all "thank you for having me as your horny thots"
This time its gf dose makeup on bf they chose y/n and steve . During y/ns free time or when steve is away y/n has a youtube for fun and help in makeup/beauty/cosplay etc tips and she dose avant garde makeup while if not that also has a side job as a makeup artist when shes not doing avenger work .(like peter in a journalist/ student work)
The two were doing the video and fluffy couple irl dorks also the power couple tony and pepper dang they soft too
Steve:this feels nice *y/n putting primer*
Y/n:helps moisturize and a nice base like your paintings
Steve:yep *looks abit on the side* feels like your painting
Y/n*snickers*creams powders and liquids little diffret yet the same*doing color mixing to get the right hafe foundation
Steve:later can i do yours doll
Y/n*while applying the foudation mix* ofcourse stevie^~^
*later a look inspired by his hero side
Steve:Woah this is cool! :D
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she-is-tim · 5 years
Will you catch me if I fall for you?
Elu Marvel AU 
mostly written for @anxetyt1me and everyone else that are going to enjoy this 
Eliott is an ambitious archer boy who decides to join the Avengers when an opportunity crosses his way. Little does he know that his heart is going to be captured by one of the twins HYDRA experimented on. Lucas and his twin sister Manon just survived the attack of Ultron in Sokovia, but they are already training to become Avengers. The boy is a cheeky bastard who likes playing games. This time his target is Eliott and he can always get what he wants. 
Enjoy *finger guns*
Eliott knew the compound will be huge, he saw it on tv, but he was still in shock as he got out of his taxi. He paid for the ride, it wasn’t cheap, but he was willing to sacrifice all he had just to get here. He grabbed the strap of the quiver attached to his torso, feeling the weight of the steel arrows and his bow pulling him down. It felt like his legs were turned into concrete, heavy and immovable. Every step was like an eternity, his palms started sweating as he made his way inside the gigantic front yard towards the Avengers building. There was a chopper on his right, just waiting on the parking spot, ready to fly away at anytime. He knew the people who lived inside wouldn’t use it, they had flying supersuits, special wings, superpowers and quinjets. They liked to make a fancy entrance, especially Tony Stark. Not like any of this mattered in this exact moment. 
He swallowed the lump in his throat, continuing his road towards the front of the building. Feet still heavy, heart thumping, threatening to burst out of his chest. Now that would be a good introduction. 
As he got closer, he had to squint his eyes, protecting it from the piercing sunlight that was reflecting from the gigantic windows. The weather was nice, not too hot, soft clouds swimming through the endless, blue pool above. He stopped, looking at his outfit. Black leather, tight and well fitting, belts snaking around his waist, his thighs, keeping his throwing knives - silver ones with handles carved out of bones - safe. Boots perfectly melted on his feet, thick sole, strengthened with steel. Hands covered in leather gloves that let his fingers free, except the index and middle finger on his right one. Designed especially for professional archers like him. 
He got kicked out of his thoughts rather literally when a blue flash appeared out of nowhere. During his years of hard practice and training, it was clear that his senses were extraordinary, just like his reflexes, but he still had problems focusing his attention. That’s what made this situation possible where he was laying on the ground, the handle of his bow hardly pressed to his back as a feet on his chest placed pressure on him. Gasping for air he tried to open his eyes, which wasn’t so easy considering the sun was shining right at his face, but then a shadowy silhouette leaned over him. His eyelids fluttered open, trying to take in his surroundings and for a second Eliott was sure it would be less blinding to stare at the sun. 
The boy was gorgeous. Fluffy brown hair surrounding a beautiful, smooth face with perfectly curved nose, pink lips and those damn blue eyes. Eliott wasn’t a poetic boy, but he could write long essays about the beauty of just those irises alone. He knew he was staring, mouth agape, not able to form the words, but it seemed like the boy had a clue who he was. With a slight movement he tilted his head to the side, cocking an eyebrow. The smirk that appeared on his face was probably the most beautiful thing Eliott had ever seen, hands down. 
“You are the boy Clint is waiting for?” He spoke up and fuck, his voice was soft and smooth like warm honey, having a slight french accent, which just made him 1000 times more attractive. His foot was still pressing the archer boy down, not like he had any problems with it. He could put a leash around his neck, there wouldn’t be a complaint coming from his side. 
After long minutes of just staring into each other’s eyes, Eliott realized that there was a question he needed to answer. The boy above him didn’t seemed to be annoyed, on the contrary there was a playful spark in those ocean blue eyes. Trying to take a deep breath wasn’t a good idea considering he was pinned to the ground, but he did anyways, just to help himself find some confidence to speak with this angel. 
“Yes…” he muttered, voice sounding rather raspy. “My name is Eliott.” He managed to say it, but he kept finding himself at a loss of words under the gaze of the person above him.
“Welcome to the Avengers compound, pretty boy.” He said, leaning down even more and with that placing more pressure on Eliott’s already hurting chest. “You are going to have fun.” He added with a cheeky smile on his pretty face. Eliott knew he would already do anything for this boy without a single question just to see him smile again. He was pretty much fucked. 
“Lucas, what are you doing?” The high pitched voice came from where the entrance of the gigantic building was. Eliott could see the outlines of a girl, slim body, wearing black skirt, a grey shirt with a scarlet red jacket. Her curly hair was like a brown waterfall, surrounding a pretty face. Eliott could notice the similarities between her and the boy, Lucas’ features, not mentioning the soft French accent of both. 
“Nothing.” He replied and within a blink of an eye the pressure was gone from Eliott’s chest.
He could only see the blue flash as the angelic boy returned to his sister. Now he knew who they were, the Lallemant Twins, Lucas and Manon. Orphans that were used by the psychopath HYDRA scientists, experimenting and torturing them, making them have special powers to then use them as weapons against their enemies. But they got out, sided with the Avengers and helped them defeat the army of Ultron, the crazy robot that tried to drop the city of Sokovia on the Earth to destroy humanity with it. Of course Eliott didn’t know the details, but he had seen a lot of videos, read articles and interviews with people who were there during the battle. Lots of the citizens died or got hurt, it was a hard price to pay for saving everyone else. That’s what it means being an Avenger, Eliott knew it. 
He slowly got up from the ground, being sure that his back has a bow handle shaped hole now. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t take his eyes off the boy, who was now having a quiet conversation with his twin sister. He just realized what Lucas was wearing and he just didn’t know how to process that sight. The pants were fine, loose ones, black colored with two white stripes on the sides of his thighs, but the top… He was wearing a well fitting, long sleeved shirt, a combination of dark blue and grey mixing on it with lighting bolt shaped white stripes just on the place where his stomach area started. And it was tight, like really tight. 
Without realizing that he started walking forward, he suddenly found himself being close enough to catch some of their talk. It turned out to be difficult to focus on the actual words being said while seeing and hearing Lucas speak. The boy was just so soft and beautiful, Eliott couldn’t believe he actually fought with an army of lethal robots alongside big names like Clint Barton, Thor or Captain America. It just seemed impossible for this soft looking boy to hurt even a fly. 
“-cking care what he said, I’m going to handle this one.” Lucas sounded just a little bit frustrated as he was talking to his sister. Manon looked at Eliott over her brother’s shoulder and then let out a frustrated sigh. 
“Fine, but I am not going to save your ass from Clint again.” She said and with a smooth movement she spun around on her heels, disappearing behind the glass door. 
Eliott just stood there dumbfounded, as the other turned to him, wide smirk plastered to his face. Realization hit like a truck, only noticing now how small the boy in front of him actually was. He could hug him from behind, resting his chin on the top of his head easily. And damn if that didn’t make him want this brunette even more. 
“So, why are you here actually?” Lucas asked, trying to sound nonchalant with little success. He opened the door for the tall one who nodded as thanks, walking inside. 
Eliott was glad when they arrived to the training room where Clint Barton waited for them. Their walk was really awkward, at least to him, Lucas seemed to enjoy circling around him, asking the most random things. ‘How old are you?’ ‘Where are you from?’  ‘Are those knives on you thighs?’ ‘Wanna try throwing one at me?’ ‘Is this your natural hair color?’ ‘Can I touch your hair?’ ‘You wanna touch my hair?’ Of course he could barely stutter out a few words, completely embarrassing himself. This was the first time he felt so nervous around someone that he lost his voice and wasn’t able to speak. Usually he had too much confidence, being aware of his looks and skills, but this very short and also very fast boy seemed to make him turn into a shy, stuttering mess. 
As he stepped into the huge, empty room made out of steel and concrete. Half of the floor was covered in what looked like auburn linoleum, while the other half had epdm rubber flooring. In the middle stood the guy himself. The person Eliott looked up for ever since he heard the rumors about him. Clint Barton aka Hawkeye, the best archer in the whole world. Hair perfectly styled, oil green shirt loosely hanging on his well trained body, tight jeans wrapped around his legs, tucked into black boots. Suddenly his nervousness got doubled, hands getting sweaty. Lucas stepped forward, putting his hands on his waist. The man squinted his eyes at him before his face broke into a wide smile.
“There you are, you little bastard. I was looking for you.” Cint said, walking to the boy and patting him on the shoulder. “I see you found my visitor.” his eyes wandered towards the tall boy, who had to swallow, wiping off the sweat from his palms.
“Yeah, he’s fun, but very quiet.” Lucas responded, now turning around, another pair of eyes landing gazes on Eliott. 
“I… My name is Eliott.” he managed to force out the words. This would be much more easier, if that angelic brunette wouldn’t be there with them in the room. 
“Yeah, I know.” Clint said, looking at the boy next to him now. “Leave us alone, Lucas. I think you have training with Nat and Manon today.” he said cocking an eyebrow, sounding like a father who’s talking to his rather stubborn son. It was endearing to see this kind of relationship that Eliott could never had in his life. 
His father left him and his mother when he was just a baby, not even bothering to pay child support or visiting his son. He grew up in bad circumstances, struggling with money, which lead his mother to borrow cash from the most shady people. That’s why she ended up with a bullet in her head, that’s why Eliott got captured when he was 12, being tortured and trained to be their deadly assassin. To their bad luck, they couldn’t erase all the memories he shared with the mother they killed, so he waited. When the perfect opportunity came, he killed them all and escaped. Since then he was roaming the countries, leaving Paris and all its filth behind. Until he found out that the Avengers are looking for rookies, training them to become fighters. So he called the number, talked to a few people and now he was here. After long years of suffering, loneliness and fear, he found the place where he can get a reason to live.
He got dragged out of his spiraling thoughts when a blue flash, probably Lucas passed by him, leaving with the feeling of soft fingers brushing through his hair. It was so sudden and unexpected that he almost lost his balance, barely saving himself of landing on his back yet again. That boy really liked to play with him, using his speed to get maximum advantage. 
“I’m sorry about the kid.” Spoke Clint now, walking closer to Eliott, who quickly shook his head as weak try to get rid of the clinging feeling of the brunette’s touch. “I guess he’s excited. He is not allowed to leave the compound, so he doesn’t really have the chance to meet new people.” He explained with a soft smile on his face. 
“How old is he?” Eliott decided to ask, because he was genuinely curious about the boy. It felt like something inside him was pulling him towards Lucas, like they were connected. 
“He’s 17, too young if you ask me.” 
“Life doesn’t care how old you are, it just throws shit at your face and expects you to handle it.” Eliott replied, looking at his personal hero, who seemed to be impressed by his words. 
“I can’t wait for you to meet Nat, I think she would like you.” He said smirking. 
A whole week passed, filled with long hours of training with either Clint or Natasha. They were really good, like real professionals, which made Eliott realize that his skills weren’t much above average compared to them. But this just kept fueling his determination to become stronger, faster, never missing a shot. 
Sometimes as he met Lucas on the hallways or in the kitchen, but they didn’t have much time to talk both of them occupied with their own training. It still couldn’t make the archer boy forget about that soft touch or ignore the way sometimes the other was looking at him. Those ocean blue eyes haunted his dreams, chasing away the usual nightmares he had ever since he slaughtered his torturers. He knew they were bad people, that they deserved to die, if not for their other crimes, then just for killing his innocent mother. And still flashes of spilling blood, echoes of death screams and the sight of lifeless bodies were the only thing he could hear and see once he closed his eyes. Up until he met this gorgeous boy. 
It was Tuesday, his usual training were canceled due to a mission both Natasha and Clint had to participate in. Something happened that involved a guy named Brock Rumlow, so Captain Rogers decided to follow the leads. Eliott only had the chance to see the actual big names from afar considering both Tony Stark and Captain America were busy people. He once had a chance to chat with Sam Wilson, he’s a sympathetic dude with great humor, Eliott liked him a lot. Then there was Manon, the quiet one out of the twins. She’s spending most of her time with either Vision, the android with crazy powers or Natasha, trying to learn how to use her abilities in battle. 
Since there wasn’t much thing for him to do without training, he decided to spend his time outside by the river. He sat on the side of the wooden platform, back resting to one of the pillars that held the roof above his head. He looked at the sketchbook placed on his lap, opened on two blank pages, pen laying on his right ear. It was a long time ago since he had time to actually draw something, but he knew exactly what - or more like who - he wanted to draw. The person that got stuck in his mind ever since they met on the driveway of the compound. Someone with eyes so blue that the sky feels jealous, the ocean wants to hide by the sight of them. 
He let out a deep sigh, dragging his eyes away from the sketchbook to the calm water, trying to enjoy the quiet. There wasn’t any noise coming from inside the building like always, no one was arguing with F.R.I.D.A.Y. or training with explosives. There wasn’t a thing that could ruin this perfect moment. At least he thought so, until a certain fast boy appeared out of nowhere, creating a wind that almost flew Eliott’s sketchbook out of his lap into the river. Thankfully he had enough consciousness to catch it in time, saving it from getting soaked. He shot an angry look at the short boy, who was standing in front of him now, innocent smile plastered to his face. He was wearing sports grey sweatpants and a white shirt with the word ‘Désir’ written on it. Eliott hated the fact how he looked fucking gorgeous in those clothes too. 
“How’s it going?” he asked, running his fingers through the already disheveled hair. Eliott rolled his eyes, clutching his sketchbook to his chest to protect it from the chaos that this brunette was. 
“I was doing fine just a second ago.” Eliott replied. Just because he had a crush on this demonic angel, it didn’t mean he can’t be annoyed with his behavior. During the time he had spent here, it became crystal clear that Lucas lived on annoying the hell out of everyone. Which wasn’t that hard considering his abilities. 
“Wow, someone’s grumpy.” he smirked and crouched down just so their eyes could be on the same level. “I didn’t know you are drawing.” he said, nodding his head towards the sketchbook. 
“Only when I have time.” He said, his sudden anger starting to fade away, giving more space to the fucking nervousness again. This boy was affecting him in ways no one ever did before, which was a tad bit scary. Like the way he smiled made his heart beat crazy fast. “What do you want anyways?” he managed to ask.
“Well, since we both have some free time, I thought we could hang out.” he shrugged and sat down now too, pulling up his knees to his chest, resting his arms on it. Eliott tried not to focus on the veins that were clearly visible on his hands and forearms like this. 
“I would prefer to be alone.” He mumbled and that was the biggest lie in the history, because he wanted Lucas to stay, even if they don’t talk. 
“Yeah, I don’t care. I am going to stay.” He said with a wide smirk, resting his chin on his arms now, long eyelashes fluttering at him. Eliott was afraid that his heart is going to burst out of his chest. “So… you are an archer boy and an artist? What other talents you have?” He asked curiously, wiggling his perfectly curving eyebrows. The tall one sighed and dragged his eyes away from the boy, just to make talking easier. 
“That’s all basically. I am good at shooting and throwing stuff. I rarely miss my target.” His eyes followed a piece of grass floating down the river. This place was so calming and peaceful. It was a long time ago since he got a chance to appreciate nature and its beauty in any kind of way. He forgot how nice the summer breeze can feel on a heated day. How beautiful water looks when it’s mirroring the cloudless, bright blue sky. Everything in this world seemed to be so nice, innocent and sweet in this very moment, almost letting him forget about all the horrors he had seen in his life. All the things he had done. People he killed, tortured and hurt. These just faded away in the bright sunlight, the soft wind taking them far away, leaving nothing but serenity behind. 
“What about the drawing?” Lucas voice dragged him out of his thoughts so suddenly he got startled, letting his sketchbook go that was falling towards the water. Everything happened so fast, but within a blink of an eye, his sketchbook as home from his sight. He turned his head towards the boy in front of him, the black notebook in his hands. “That was close.” 
“Can you give me back?” He blurted out instead of saying thank you, which was not very polite, but he couldn’t care less. That sketchbook was too important for him. 
“What will I get if I give you back?” Lucas asked, playful smile appearing on his face as he got up and took a few steps back, keeping the notebook behind himself. Eliott squinted his eyes at the boy. 
“Nothing, that’s mine!” 
“But I saved it for you, therefore I deserve a reward, right?” He kept grinning as the archer boy got up, trying to get his sketchbook back, but he started just swaying around quickly and flawlessly. 
“No, it’s not how it works. Give it back, Lucas!” 
“Come and get it, Robin Hood!” He smirked, sticking out his tongue, slowly backing towards the building. Eliott walked forward with a determined look on his face, but deep inside he kinda enjoyed this little play. Lucas was adorable as he used his speed to get an advantage over him every time he tried to get back the little book. 
“You are so annoying! Give it back!” 
“I want a reward!” 
“What reward?” Eliott sighed, stopping now, placing his hands on his waist. The other one also staying put, looking at him mischievously. 
“Stay there and close your eyes.” he replied, bouncing on his feet excitedly. It was just so fucking adorable that Eliott couldn’t resist him, so he just let out a defeated sigh, closing his eyes slowly. He could feel the wind brushing through his hair, his nose filling with a scent he couldn’t recognize at first. It was like the smell of air right after the storm. Then before he could react, soft lips touched his own ever so slightly and carefully like being afraid of rejection. He opened his eyes just a little, taking in the sight of Lucas being so damn close, his features seemed even more beautiful, eyelashes casting long shadows on his pink cheeks. Hair falling to his face, making him look like the young, innocent boy he actually was. And fuck if Eliott didn’t fell for him in that exact moment. 
His hands moved on their own, grabbing the brunette’s waist, pulling him so close their bodies were almost pressed at each other and he captured those cherry lips with his own. He could feel the boy gasping into the kiss, the notebook falling out of his hands, landing on the wooden floor with a soft thump. Soft hands were snaking their way up on Eliott’s back, grasping into the black shirt he was wearing. Their kiss started off slow, searching, trying to see how far they can go with the other. In the next moment Eliott found himself pressed to a wooden pillar, the rough material digging into his skin, while a soft body was grinding on his front side. That was probably the best thing he had ever felt. With one hand he kept holding the boy’s waist, while the other was sliding down to grab his thigh, pulling him even closer.
After long minutes of kissing and trying to eat up the other’s face, Eliott pulled back, examining the boy, his flushed cheeks, swollen lips and his ocean eyes that were filled with desire. At least his shirt was accurate, which made the older one smirk. Lucas smirked back at him, fingers gripping into Eliott’s messy locks, pulling him down for an open mouthed kiss this time. Tongues swirling around each other. Not even the soft summer breeze could cool down their bodies now that they were burning in passion. 
Their heated up making out session was disturbed by the sound of the Avengers quinjet landing not too far from them. The boys broke apart, looking into each other’s eyes, smiling like idiots. Before Eliott could say a word, Lucas grabbed his hand, squeezing it slightly and started to walk towards the building with him. 
“Let’s go and welcome the others.” he said on a cheerful tone, trying to fix his mess of a hair with his free hand. Eliott let out a heartfelt laugh and placed a soft kiss on the top of his head. 
“Sure thing, Sonic.” he muttered into his hair to which he got a disapproving look from the boy.
“Fuck off.” 
“Nah, you convinced me to stay. Now you gotta deal with my shit.” his smile didn’t seem to disappear anytime soon and damn if that wasn’t feeling good. Lucas gasped, placing his hand over his heart, faked shock plastered to his face.
“Oh, mon dieu! What have I done to myself?” voice dripping from sarcasm, while he was still holding Eliott’s hand. The tall boy laughed, pulling him closer and disentangling their fingers just so he could throw his arm around Lucas’ shoulder, realizing how well he fits there. 
“Just shut up.”
“Make me!” Lucas retorted, stopping in their tracks, turning his head to the side. That expectant look on his face was so alluring and sweet, Eliott couldn’t resist. Why would he resist? Therefore he closed the short distance between them, locking their lips together in a soft, slow kiss. 
When the weight disappeared from under him alongside with the soft mouth that was pressed to his just a second ago, he almost lost his balance, landing on the floor. He heard laughing from afar, turning his head towards the sound. Lucas was standing in the doorway, leaning to the frame, swinging Eliott’s sketchbook in his hands victoriously.
“Come on, Robin Hood! We have to go.” he said with his cheeky smile that made the tall boy’s heart beating faster. He shook his head with a soft laugh, jogging towards the building where the other was waiting for him. 
Now in this very moment Eliott felt like his life had a reason, that all those things happened to him in the past weren’t just to fuck him over, but to lead him towards this moment. He was meant to be here, meeting Lucas, falling for him. It sounded cheesy, so he would probably never admit it out loud, but in this playful boy he found his reason to keep going. And so he will, because he is not gonna let anyone take this away from him. Not this time.
Make sure to leave a comment or your opinion on this ficlet! I am super nervous, cause I can’t decide if this is a good one or not, but I really wanted to publish it already. 
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iamrajivmehrotra · 3 years
How to prepare for and how to attend your job interview ??
Are you going to face job interview in near future and looking for some tips so that you can win that dream job ??
Interviewing is a two-way process. On one hand, the company uses the interview process to evaluate candidates and their credentials to determine if they are a solid fit for their company’s needs, but on the other hand the interview provides the candidate an opportunity to evaluate how well the company and the position matches the candidate’s requirement.
You must understand that the company wants to know if you are the right person for the job, what is your potential to perform & grow, and to decide whether you will fit into their company environment.
A good preparation for interview can increase your chances of success.
As preparation, preparing a list of well-thought out questions in advance of the interview will not only help you draw out desired information form the interviewer, but also demonstrate your intelligence and sincere interest in the position at hand.
Think about the possible questions the interviewer may ask you and prepare the best answers to those questions. Prepare the questions that you will ask them. Research the company in advance.
Some example questions which company may ask and suggestion of answers are mentioned as below :
·         Example question: How would you describe yourself?
o   Your answer : Should describe attributes that will enhance your suitability for the position. Have some ready in advance.
·         Example question: Why did you leave your last job?
o   Your answer: Could be more responsibility better opportunity increased income. Do not be detrimental to your previous employer. He could be the interviewer's golfing partner.
·         Example question: Why do you want this job?
o   Your answer: Your answer should be: more responsibility or better opportunity or similar. Not: because it is closer to home or the gym.
·         Example question: What are your strengths?
o   Your answer: Should highlight accomplishments and experiences that relate to the position for which you are applying. Also give examples of situations where your strengths have been demonstrated.
·         Example question: What are your weaknesses?
o   Your answer: Should not be a list of deficiencies. Don't mention anything that could make the interviewer question your ability to do the job, for example "I am always late for everything." Instead, discuss a weakness that could also be a strength such as "I am a workaholic!"
·         Example question: What are your long-term goals?
o   Your answer: Should be career orientated. Make sure you have goals to discuss.
More Examples of Interview Questions :
·         Tell me a little bit about yourself.
·         Describe your current / most recent position.
·         What made you want to make this change?
·         What do you most enjoy doing in your current /most recent position?
·         Describe your future ambitions.
·         How would you describe yourself?
Questions that you can ask from the company during Interview
Don’t be afraid to ask questions during the interview process. In fact, make sure that you do. If you don’t ask questions, you will not get all of the information you require and you may even come across as overly confident. Even worse, you may come across as apathetic. Therefore, show your interest in the job and ask questions at every opportunity.
Asking questions at interview has a number of positive effects:
·         It helps you find out more about the company and the position.
·         It can be used to divert the interviewer away from a subject you may wish to avoid.
·         It can help build a rapport with the interviewer.
·         It demonstrates an interest in the job and the company.
·         The questions must be about the position and the company.
Avoid questions about salary, benefits and facilities until after you have been offered the job. You should already have researched the company and it's products and services. Your questions should demonstrate knowledge of the company's history, successes and problems. If the interviewer is a representative of the personnel department the questions should relate to the company and be general. Specific questions relating to the position should be kept for the line manager who will have a more detailed knowledge.
Example questions relating to the position
·         What are the main responsibilities of the job?
·         What are the most difficult aspects of the job?
·         How did the vacancy arise?
·         What is the career path relating to this position?
·         How will my work be assessed?
Example questions relating to the company
·         What is the company hoping to achieve in the next 12 months?
·         What new products are the company planning to introduce in the future?
·         Are any major changes planned for the department/company?
·         Who are your biggest competitors?
Search and go through in advance about the company you are going for an interview. Information relating to companies, financial data, industries and business trends is available in business magazines which often publish on the World Wide Web. Companies often have their own web site. Newspapers - search on-line press reports including archived articles.
Travel tips for Job Interview
·         Arrive 15 minutes early.
·         Make sure you have the correct address and know how you will get there
·         Parking? Public transport access?
·         Do a dummy run if you are not sure.
·         Make sure you have a mobile phone and a telephone number so that you can ring ahead if circumstances beyond your control are making you late.
·         Be polite to everyone you speak to; it could be the Managing Director's cousin!
Getting Ready
·         Obviously you should be clean and smart in appearance but you should also dress appropriately for the position, for example: a student placement that is more expensively dressed than the Managing Director may have a negative impact.
·         Clothes should be on the conservative side, which is more acceptable to people of all ages, cultures and backgrounds. After all, you are asking to be accepted into the company. Therefore always avoid extremes in hair, clothes, make-up and jewellery. Taking trouble over your appearance shows the employer that the job is important to you.
·         A great tip to remember while on an interview is to turn off your cell phone or pager. There is nothing more annoying to an employer than a potential employee that has a cell phone ringing every five minutes during an interview. Plus, continuous interruptions may be a sign of unprofessional behavior so it is best to either turn off your cell phone or leave it at home.
·         Have a copy of your CV with you.
How to Present yourself during the Interview
·         As you settle back in your chair, trying to look a lot more relaxed than you feel, the interviewer picks up your resume or application and starts to ask for details about your prior experience.
·         Pay attention to the interviewer while you are being interviewed; this tip is essential and cannot be overrated. An interviewer’s tone of voice, their demeanor, their style of speech and their body motions can indicate to you how you should respond to the questions they pose. For instance, if an interviewer is stern with direct, to the point questions, you should respond with to the point answers. Conversely, if an interviewer prompts you to tell them about yourself, your hobbies or your likes and dislikes, feel free to elaborate—just don’t go overboard and begin rambling about your favorite pastimes!
·         Don’t be too eager to answer questions while on an interview. Overly eager individuals tend to cut off the employer while they are speaking and interrupt the employer during their questions. Wait until you are sure the employer is done asking the question before you provide your answer. If you wait until the employer is finished speaking, you will also give yourself time to reflect on the question being asked and an insightful employer will see that you have seriously considered your responses.
·         If you have a resume that specifies quantifiable results, now is your chance to expand on that. If you increased sales by 20% per quarter or completed a departmental reorganization that resulted in a budget reduction of 10%, you are on your way. Obviously such achievements outlined in your resume impressed the potential employer enough to call you in for an interview, so your amplification of the details of actions you took will be eagerly welcomed.
·         Unfortunately, most of us perform work where the results are less obvious. If you have worked in production or customer service or retail, it is very difficult to tie your efforts directly to company results. In such a case, try to highlight any personal successes or management recognition that demonstrates your competence.
·         If you have worked for one employer for an extended period of time, you don’t have to stress your stability, the interviewer already knows that. Instead, concentrate on answering the unasked questions in his mind, his fear that you are set in your ways. Stress your flexibility and desire to learn new skills and procedures. If you changed departments or job title or responsibilities during your long tenure, give the details and how well you adapted to change.
·         If your work history is varied with many jobs for short periods of time, explain how much you learned from each separate job and stress your current desire to blend your experiences into a long-term, stable career. Describe how you are looking for a company where you can hunker down and commit for the long haul.
·         Any promotion is excellent, even if only to a lead position or being put in charge of a special project. Describe what you did so that the interviewer can appreciate your prior employer’s belief in your ability to take on new responsibilities.
·         If no promotions were made (often none are readily available), identify any situations where you were singled out for recognition. That may range from being employee of the month to being asked to train new coworkers or receiving a written or verbal recommendation from a customer you assisted. If you received positive feedback from supervisors, describe the details.
There are literally hundreds of Interview tips on the Internet. Nevertheless, not all interview tips are excellent tips and it is important that you logically weed out the good tips from the bad ones. Therefore, if something doesn’t sound like a good idea to you, then simply refrain from taking the advice. Finally, the best advice you can get is to remain true to yourself, relax and be calm throughout the entire interviewing process.
Above views are taken from writer's own experience 20+ years of recruiting and from articles written by others on similar topics. Writer is available for personal consultation also to the people who desire that. You can reach at https://www.edujobsunlimited.com which also has  huge job bank for sarkari naukri / government jobs and private jobs.
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thirstyfortom · 7 years
wow, you write very well and detailed! the plot is amazing too. can I request a scenario of rfa (and v + saeran if you can) being yanderes while they're dating mc?
Oh, thank you so much! So… I didn’t intend to go full yandere because I wasn’t sure I was comfortable with (not because of the theme, I just wasn’t sure if I knew how to do this), but that kept getting darker as I wrote, and it turned out really abusive and angsty. I’m not proud about Jumin and Saeyoung ones tho, they’re not that great, but I hope that’s what you wanted. :)
RFA + V and Saeran being yanderes ANGST
Whenever you hang out in public, he'll always have an arm around your shoulder or waist
In bed, he enjoys fucking you in front of mirrors, he loves to watch himself giving you pleasure
Won't let you cum till you tell him how great he is at everything and how no other man you've ever been with could ever be compared to him
He won't forbid you of wearing certain clothes, but he won't pretend he's not bothered, he'll pout and insist you have to change because he was the only one that deserves to see you at your best
If he's not able to convince you, expect to find dark hickys all over your neck, collarbones and thighs after sex, that way you can't wear low cleavage tops and short skirts
He's not afraid of getting into fights if someone approaches you, fuck the scandals, you're his
You always have a seat reserved on the front row during all of his musicals, and he makes sure the seats by your sides are empty, he doesn' t want anyone distracting you from giving all your attention to him when he's performing
At first, he would never let you be photographed or give interviews, HE is the public person here and anything concerning your relationship would be answered exclusively by him
He used to say this was for your protection, but you knew he just didn't want you getting the same kind of attention he gets
But then, he realized  he enjoyed to show you off to media, so he'd spend days training you to say the right things and find the right clothes, so he'd dress you up like a doll
He was determined to turn you to a modern day princess and your relationship should always come across as a fairytale in the public eye
But he started actually believing in this, so any attitude of yours that didn't meet his expectations would be harshly scolded
You didn't feel human anymore, everything you did felt so robotic, made only for other people to see
He was the actor here, but you felt you were the one always pretending  to be this perfect princess
Neither of you knew what was real now, not even your love
He will hold hands with you in public and tight the grip everytime some guy (and girls, eventually) look at you and smile
In bed, sometimes his insecurities get the best of him and he can’t hold an erection for long, your warm touch makes him lose control of his body immediately
You would always reassure him it was fine, the sex was still great, anyways, and you loved him so much
But he didn't like your tone. To his ears, you sounded like you felt pity for him, and he hated!
Still, you always managed to praise him a lot, and you just hoped he could notice that every moan and compliment you gave were sincere
He could almost read people's mind on the streets when you went out. "What is she doing with him? Poor girl can get someone so much better" He was always wondering when you would realize that too 
He wasn’t strong enough to fight for you, so the only thing he could do was make himself weaker and weaker, so you would feel obligated to take care of him
So he’ll hurt himself everytime you get late from work/school, everytime you talk to another guy, everytime he feels you’re not giving him love and attention enough
He hates your pity, but if this will make you stay, he doesn’t care
Trust always was a low point in this relationship, even though she would never admit to you and to herself
You were always so sweet to everybody, sweet… or were you just flirting to everybody?
She gets it, ok? You’re a little younger than her, you’re pretty and bubbly, there isn’t a single person who wouldn’t fall desperately for you like she did
But she knew those guys would be coming to the cafe just to see you, they didn’t care about coffee at all
So hiring another person and putting you on paperwork felt like a natural move to protect you and her feelings for you
You missed talking to people, seeing their smile everytime you would hand over their delicious and beautifully made drinks
But you would never complain, you didn’t want to upset her, she would be so cold when she was upset and the sex would feel so awful
Because this would be clearly about her pleasure only, and sometimes you could swear your frustration would turn her on more and more
In fact, making you feel frustrated was an habit now. She would make you overwork so you’d always look frustrated, stressed out and tired. If you’d be like that, you wouldn’t look that cute to other people now, right?
She became what once hurt herself so much, but she couldn’t even realize it, she just wanted to be the only one to see your true beauty and sweetness that would be hidden behind those dark circles under your eyes and the ill aspect of your skin.
You didn’t remember the last time you went out by yourself, if he wasn’t with you, at least two bodyguards would
His arm is always around your waist, he wouldn’t let his guards down not even around his own father
He is very possessive and demanding on bed and this is a huge turn on for you at first
But you could always tell when something went wrong at the office, because he would take it out on you very roughly,. Most of the times, you would feel the pleasure through the pain, sometimes you wouldn’t, it was just that scary pain
In the beginning, he was very understanding that you had different habits from his, but it got really perceptive when he was slowly pushing his eating and sleeping habits onto you. It was for your own good, he would say.
Controlling you was for your own good, he would say
Things started to get weirder when you went out by yourself for a couple hours. A friend of yours was in town, she was going through a tough time and could use a friend now, she seemed so sad and afraid, you felt that taking the bodyguards could be intimidating
When you returned home, you never seen his eyes that dark and never heard his voice this low and husky. “Where were you?” “Why didn’t you take my calls?” “Are you leaving?” “Are you trying to escape like Elisabeth did that time?” Oh no, not this again…
He got you a bracelet with a tracking device, the bodyguards got very detailed instructions about never leaving you alone if he was not around, a female bodyguard was hired exclusively to watch over for you in the bathroom, that was the level of insanity going around that penthouse
You and Elisabeth were his precious little kittens, but if you’d gonna behave like an wild animal, he’d need to tame you at all costs
He is not too clingy in public, but he’s always by your side or a little behind you
In bed, he will make you scream his name out loud and tell you’re his, only his
If he was too busy, he would hire Vanderwood to keep an eye on you when you’d go out
As much as you enjoyed Vanderwood’s company, it was uncomfortable, and you told him. He didn’t like it, but dismissed his services on a very passive-agressive way.
“I’m just worried about your security, MC, it’s a shame you don’t care about yourself as much as I do… but I won’t tell you how to live your life”
Still, he needed to know if you were always ok, so he attached GPS devices on your clothes and would always hack security cameras on the streets to watch you
He also installed cameras and wires at your apartment, but he didn’t tell you.
Hacking your laptop and phone started as a hobby , but quickly became a habit, he’d love to trace patterns in your interests
But everytime you ‘d search something he considered inappropriate (like photos of that cute guy on that boy band) he would take down the internet at your home or send you a virus, this also worked as an excuse to go to your place or make you go to his, 
This happened so often that you felt you were actually living together, but not in a very natural way
He got obsessive about your online activities, he felt he could know you better like this than actually talking to you.
Everybody is more honest when nobody is watching, and although you were so special, you weren’t any different . Watching you like this would make sure you would never lie to him.
He just wanted to be the one who knows you the best, it was the least he could do after pushing you away like that. Now he wanted you closer as possible.
None of  the tasks he did for his previous job felt filthier like this one, and he got surprised how much this satisfied him
Like Saeyoung, not clingy in public
But he showers you in compliments in front of others, and gets slightly angry if people don’t respond in a way he considers adequate
Even when you don’t take his compliments as he desires, he will get frustrated. “You need to start seeing yourself as the magnificent person you are, MC. It really bothers me you’re uncapable of”
He puts you on a pedestal, and everytime you do something that doesn’t go according to how he pictured you should do, he will scold you for not reaching your full potential
Takes tons of pictures of you doing several activities during the day, and sometimes, he takes pictures of your reactions when he touches your body and praises you, those ones became a collection
A very prestigious art critic pointed out how the model would look despaired in some of the pictures, which V hated
Now he was determined to only get your joy in his photos, so he would create every possible situation that could make you smile. But still, nothing was good enough for him, you never looked happy enough, and he would be very clear about how frustrated he was with you
You watched as your boyfriend was only seeing you through pictures, you didn’t feel like a real person who could show her emotions genuinely
But what hurt the most was that you didn’t see your boyfriend’ eyes anymore, they were always behind the camera lens
He’s too shy to show affection in public, but he’ll walk with beside you, glaring at people like a hound dog
In bed, he is very instable. Sometimes he treats you like a porcelain doll and touches you like you’re gonna break, he feels so guilty for everything he did, so treating you like this feels like he’s finally doing the right thing
Other times, he’ll be rough, very rough. You’ll have dark bruises due to hard hickys all over your body, he enjoys tasting your blood, he says is the most delicious thing he ever tasted
He can be like this out of the bed too, the shy and quiet Saeran or the loud one who’ll snap at you over the silliest things. You never know which Saeran you’re gonna face
He hates it being like that, he feels like shit and knows this is too much for someone so bright and lovely as you to handle.
But he’s so afraid you’ll see you’re making a mistake being with him, it’s probably a matter of time for you to notice you’re too good to him
So, before you realize that, he has to find a way for you not to feel so good, he needs to lower you to his level
His snaps will be more aggressive, he’ll tell you how useless you are at everything, you’re stupid, futile, you’re so lucky that he’s patient with you, you ‘d never find a guy who could bare you like he does
And slowly you start believing in that, you never noticed how much you and him are alike. Yes, you’re lucky you have him, if you two  are so wrong for the rest of the world, at least you can be wrong together.
He  feels like shit, the only way to make you stay is if you feel exactly like him
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jazzinuptheworld · 7 years
First Abroad Update (first email)
Hello Friends and Family,
My first month in Madrid has come and gone in the blink of an eye! And I can't believe it! I'm writing to let you know what I'm up to, how I've been, and what it's been like here in Madrid.
My Host Family
My host family is absolutely wonderful! My hosts parents are Pilar and Jesus, and I have two host sisters Maria and Andrea who are both in their twenties. They are all so kind and welcoming, and it's been an absolute blessing receiving them as my host family. I have my own little room that's painted a very happy orange, with a bed, a desk, drawers, and a closet. My room is so cozy and nice, it's a great place to come back to at the end of the day. I have two housemates from SLU that share the other room, they're both nice, but I don't see them much outside of dinner time. My host parents make the best dinners! There hasn't been any dinner that I haven't liked (knock on wood, we still have 3 months to go), but they are very considerate of our likes and dislikes and try to only make things that they know we'll enjoy. I have heard horror stories from friends about the dinners they are served, so I'm glad I haven't had to experience that (yet?). The only downside of Spanish dinners is that they're at 10PM!!! Being that I'm American (or from the US @Facundo), I eat my dinners around 5/6 or 7 at the latest, so 10 o'clock dinners have been quite the struggle! Although I've found ways to last until that time, like grabbing tapas or bocadillos at my favorite place: Cien Montaditos.
Learning the Language
Although I have dipped my toe in the Spanish language at home or at Mexican restaurants in LA, I have a very limited ability to speak the language. As many of you know, I'm able to understand a lot of what is spoken to me, so it's been easy getting around and understanding some things here and there, but the real struggle is actually saying something. I am usually able to string along some words and people will understand me, but I still have a lot of learning to do. Not to mention that Castilian Spanish is different than the Spanish I'm used to!! You know how people say as long as you know how to say "Where's the bathroom" you should be fine?? Well SURPRISE the one word I thought I knew for sure was "baño" but they don't use "baño" here they say "aseos" !!! Did anyone else know that?? Bc I didn't. AND YOU KNOW WHAT ELSE THEY USE HERE.... VOSOTROS! Which every Spanish teacher ever told me not to worry about because we'll never have to use it (insert upside down smiley face emoji). And the cherry on top, is the lisp they have that makes it the slightest bit more difficult to understand what they're saying. (Rant over). The point is, I've been on the struggle bus, but not to worry I try to practice with my host family because they only speak Spanish, and my friend and I try to practice our Spanish with each other which helps. Also, what I'm trying to say is... don't expect me to come back to the states knowing how to speak Spanish (although hopefully I'll be much better).
The "Study" in "Study Abroad"
Oh yeah, I almost forgot that I'm here to go to school! What a concept. Long story short, it took about two weeks here to get a final schedule of classes. During my first two weeks here, I was switching in and out of classes, getting on and off waitlists, collecting syllabi and trying to construct a schedule that won't make me want to pull my hair out while abroad. At the start of my third week, I finally got my schedule figured out. Most of my classes are pretty lame tbh, but you gotta do what you gotta do. They seem pretty manageable which is good, but it is only just the beginning. My Spanish class is probably the hardest, and the one that pushes me outside of my comfort zone the most. It's an intermediate Spanish class, which I thought would be fine, until I realized I don't actually know Spanish. The other classes I'm taking are things I'm used to like two theology classes, a philosophy class, and a Language and Linguistics class. I had to pack my schedule this semester to ensure that I would graduate on time in the Spring, otherwise I would gladly be taking an beginner's art class or a flamenco class. Hopefully I just pass the classes that I'm in, and I should be fine (C's get degrees, rightt???).
Outside of the Classroom
Madrid is such a beautiful city! And the streets are always buzzing with people! There's so much to see and explore, and I've tried my best to experience all Madrid has to offer, whether that's going to the museums, the Royal Palace, the beautiful parks, or grabbing tapas after class with friends. (Although sometimes, I choose siestas rather than walking all throughout the city). Other than exploring the city, I've also found other ways to spend my time. Being that church is my hobby, my friend introduced me to some other girls that were all interested in creating a Bible Study group, so we picked a meeting time and thus a beautiful thing has begun. We've had two meetings so far, and they have been wonderful, it's just been a space to reflect, pray and share about our lives. They're all such kind, genuine people and I look forward to building better relationships with each of them. The Sunday after our first meeting, we all went to church together and it was so much fun! Some girls in our group have a host mom that knows a priest at the parish we went to, so she made a cake for him and gave it to the girls to deliver. So, after mass, we went back into the sacristy, and met him and then he took us to the top of the church which had a beautiful view of the Royal Palace! He talked to us about his trip to the Holy Land, which he had just returned from! Then, he showed us the residence and other chapels within the church. Finally, as we said goodbye, he blessed us with Myrrh that he brought back with him from the Holy Land and said the Irish Blessing over us (which is significant to me because it is a tradition at LMU to say the Irish Blessing at Welcome Mass as a freshman and then at Graduation), then he sent us away with gifts! So basically, it was a wonderful day. Besides church related things, I have signed up to teach an Advanced ESL (English as a Second Language) class! I have only had one class, and it was a bit stressful, but hopefully it will get better!
My First Trip
We took our first trip out of Madrid to London and it was.... memorable. lol. Long story short, the housing situation was kind of crazy, and I feel like I didn't get to see a lot of London, and everything was really expensive. But on the bright side, I got to see my friend Kateri (who has been my friend since kinder, and also goes to LMU), and I got to go to the Warner Bro's studio and see sets from Harry Potter which was pretty awesome. I think the best part of going to London was missing Madrid. (Whhaaattt?? What do you mean by that Jazmin??). Well, after arriving in London, and spending the weekend there, I realized I really missed Madrid! Which was awesome, because it made Madrid feel like home. Being away from Madrid made me appreciate it even more, and I was so happy to go back!
If you want more details on London, feel free to contact me lol
Valencia was AMAZING! 10 out of 10 would recommend to a friend. The whole city just felt so relaxed and chill, and it was a nice contrast from the ever buzzing Madrid. My friend Cristina, has a friend in Valencia and he showed us around the entire city, telling us fun facts, and history! He was so fun and nice, it was great to have a local show us around! On the second day, we spent the entire day at the beach which was incredible! I was really starting to miss the beach, so it was nice to spend the day there. I was just floating and swimming in the Mediterranean Sea and it was FANTASTIC, the water wasn't too cold, and the waves were calm, and the water was clear, and I was so at peace. Then we ate some bomb paella, and then went back into the city and had some BOMB gelato. It was truly a wonderful day and trip.
Missing home?
As much as I try to be present here, I've had one foot at LMU, for reasons mostly out of my control. Since I'm trying to graduate in the Spring, I've had to be in contact with LMU for various reasons. For one, graduation pictures are happening, and I'm obviously not there, so I was contacting the photographer and the yearbook editor to see if I would be able to take pictures when I go back in the Spring. It's not a huge deal if I'm not in the yearbook, but it would be nice, so I've been trying to figure all of that out. Additionally, I was in constant contact with my advisor to make sure I was picking the right classes, how many units I would need to finish, which cores counted and which didn't, sending transcripts and constantly checking my CAPP report (which probably doesn't mean anything to you unless you're from LMU). I'm also attempting to try and finish my Catholic Studies minor, so I've had to be in contact with Fr. Marc, sending syllabi and course descriptions. And in addition to that, I've been thinking about doing another Spring Break trip, so I applied to both IC and AB trips, and have already had one skype interview and I have another one to come (tomorrow!!) And looking towards the future, I've been looking into some post grad service options. I've been researching, and reaching out to people, and keeping in contact with TK. So it's been crazy! As if that isn't enough to think about, soon registration will come around, and I'll have to reach out to my advisor again and then apply for my degree (but we're not there yet, so we'll cross that bridge when we get there). Besides that, I really have been missing home! Both homes: Santa Maria (shocking I know) and LMU, I miss familiarity and comfort, but I know I have so much to gain from being outside of my comfort zone here in Madrid.
If you made it this far, thanks for bearing with me! I know that was an absurdly long update. But that's what happens when you leave a month's worth of content in one email, and there's been so much left unsaid!
Anyway, I love you all so much and I miss you!
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jennyleeworks · 7 years
Interview: Justin Kwak
1.21.17, 1:30pm, 00:15:27
 Me: Tell me a story.
J: What kind of story?
Me: Any story.
J: Any story?
J: mmmm…
J: What do you wanna know?
Me: Anything.
J: Anything?
Me: Yeah.
       Any story. Just tell me a story.
J: A story?
Me: Yeah.
J: …Real or fake?
Me: It doesn’t matter
J: Really? Mm..
  I don’t know.. I’ll talk about my family cuz that’s the easiest thing for me.
   Um…. I’ll tell you a story about myself.. eh..
    I was.. I was.. alright..uh.. I was born in Seattle, um.. but I moved to northern Virginia, like, two years after, and.. from there my dad started his, uh, his-- he started practicing law in Virginia. But then.. uh, not really but then, but it’s really.. I moved around a lot. So.. this is weird.
    Um.. I started out and I was predomnily—pre-dom-i-nant-ly raised in Loudoun County. um.. the.. I.. even within Loudoun County, because school districts changed a lot. Uh.. I lived in different.. mm I went to different schools, so.. it was interesting. Um.. my parents are both music majors, so they love music, and they’re like-- they’re-- like, borderline prodigy for music. And, uh, when I was, um, born, when me and my sister were born, they were both really really hyped about, um, us because they thought we would be like ~musical prodigies of the world~, but then, uh… they found out that that was not true the first practice
  When I first played piano, uh, my dad walked into the practice room and was like.. “you suck”
-muffled laughter-
  So I literally, from that day I was like “I’m not playing anymore,” so I quit piano. My mom, uh, she taught violin to me. Um… during practices, when she leaves the room, I would use the violin as, like, a biolax (?) with, and the, or like a shield, and use the bow as a sword and I would fight off imaginary things inside the library. Um.. so I knew violin wasn’t it, either.
  So, my parents gave up on me in terms of musical talents.. but.. I think….. there.. I.. I wanna say i..i.. I’m not really musically talented but I really enjoy music.. um.. not really so much instrumentally, but more so vocally? Or just… in terms of listening to music? Um..
  I got really involved within choir starting from middle school.. um.. I had a, I had this really… really.. I don’t know what else to say but fat –chuckling- choir director, um, he was like a, this, he sa-- he sang like an angel but he looked like… he looked like a—like the girl from Willy Wonka that ate the blueberry.
  but, um.. he taught me a lot about singing and music, so I really really enjoyed choir, uh.. so, like, that was in middle school.. um… I- I got really into singing and I did districts every year, um.. it was to the point where, where one year I actually got number one in districts, in terms of score, but.. uh.. and then my, my choir director, the chubby guy, he let me, um… he didn’t let me fr-- audition for regionals, but he let me do states. I got into states, but.. I don’t think he thought I was good enough for regionals, so then, after that, uh, a-after getting into states, I thought that was kinda the end for me, but I really really enjoyed that experience, um… I think… I think now since we’re kinda on the theme of music.. um..
  I don’t know… I don’t know what else to say…. But.. I really enjoyed music
  Oh, when I was growing up in music, I think, um.. the two biggest things for me and my family was music and food, um… if we’re not eating or cooking, my parents’d be practicing, um.. my dad would sing and play piano and my mom would play violin.. um… I wouldn’t really be practicing cuz im just eating, but
  um.. yea, uh…. All the time… we spent together is.. uh, even when we go out, its like we go to see concerts. Not like rock concerts, but we’d go to.. my dad always took initiative to take us to Kennedy Center or, um, different musical events, so that we would be more cultured, and also enjoy the things they enjoy, um.. cuz they’re both uh, mas – they both have masters in music.. um.
-long pause-
  I think..
  ..the best part about having musical parents is that.. uh… they can express how they feel not only through how they speak to you, but how they play. Like, when my mom gets frustrated sometimes, she would just throw a little tantrum and just pick up her violin and play, like, angry music, but, like, its, like, angry but its so beautiful and that’s cuz she’s so good, so, its really fun to see how, um.. they use music in their daily lives, um.. and I think also.. music and their relationship has.. been.. it empowers the relationship, uh.. because the connections they make by playing music together is really, is really pretty, uh.. like, back in, uh.. back in NOVA, we had l—we had.. a really nice piano, and, every night my parents would play together. Uh, my room was upstairs like right above the music room, uh, every night I would hear my dad sing and my mom play violin to, like, worship songs, or just any classical music, so..
  I think... music has the ability to really strengthen relationships, and..
  now we’re talking about relationships, interesting.. uh.. speaking of relationships!,.. that’s kinda weird but, er- anyways, uh.. I think.. my mom and dad’s relationship is really special, um… they’re not particularly like, the stereotypical movie love, or like they’re head over heels for each other, but.. um.. they’re very consistent, um.. everyday they see each other.. like.. they don’t hug, they don’t kiss, they don’t hold hands, they’re more like brother and sister, but, um.. they.. they really show that they appreciate each other, um.. I think... that’s ideal? But, um..
  I’ll talk about my dad and my mom. I don’t know, I can only talk about my family right now, cuzilovemyfamly, um.. my dad.. he’s really hard working, um.. he makes so many sacrifices for us, and.. my mom, she makes so many sacrifices for us, she gave up her music career just to raise us, um… I think, as m-- as sm--.. whuh…  I feel—I feel bad for both my mom and dad cuz they did so much, like my dad, um, like, at one point in Korea, we were—we were like, so like ninth grade we moved to Korea, um.. I went to an online high school called George Washington Online High School, and… it was so expensive. like, it’s more expensive than the tuition here. Like, one year of that online high school is, would be like 8 years here.. so literally, my dad was struggling so much to, uh, provide financial support for that, and it was to the point where, um…
  its kinda down low but he sold all his valuables to provide for my education, um.. like, he gave up his watches, his rings, except for his engagement ring, and.. um, he didn’t—he didn’t even tell me until, like, like a year later; we were freaking out. Wer—we thought that when he packed the—his stuff, like, the Chinese people took it or something, like, umm.. he—he doesn’t like making us worry about anything so he would do everything behind the scenes.. and then.. my mom too, um…
  she never complains about how, like.. how.. she w—she—I guess she does regret not starting a professional career in music, because she coulda gotten really far, but she chose not to. So.. I think that’s.. a very big burden to me, um.. especially starting college now, like… I wanna do really well so that, um.. later on, they don’t have to make any more sacrifices, mm.. like… I promised my dad that I would work really hard so that everything he pays back we pay back ten times more. My mom, I wanna-- I wanna be able to, um, make her travel more cuz she loves traveling, um..
  So overall, I think… growing up… I got to see th—the highs and lows of my parents, um.. I’ve seen how… how f—money plays a part eh—and—how relationships, and how family, and, uh.. is a lot more important than anything else, uh, even though, uh.. we lived here broke, even if.. we eat, like, the same thing every single day, it’s all through love, so, I think, uh, family is a huge part of my life, uh.. and, I don’t know, I don’t know what else to say.
  Mmm.. my sister! I have a sister!
  and I have a dog! I got my dog in Kor—I’ll talk about my dog first. I love my dog. Her name is Kiwi, she’s about… - gestures to arm- the size of my forearm, um.. she’s 10 pounds—she’s 9.8 pounds, she has like golden slash brown fur, she’s a… she’s a mix.. we’re not exactly sure but we think she’s a little bit a everything, but, we got her in Korea, uh..
  I think she hates me.. but,
  I don’t know, she loves—it’s a love-hate relationship. Um, in Korea, when she wasn’t potty trained, she pooped in—SHE ONLY pooped and peed in my room.. I don’t know if she hates me but,
  At one point I hated her, but then, um, I think, she’s a big part of our family, she always makes us smile, um.. she’s really lazy, she loves to eat like us, uh, she sings along when my mom practices violin, um.. that’s my dog. I love my dog.
 Uh my sister.. she’s really needy, like.. she’s—she’s exact opposite of me, she loves—she loves, like, giving hugs to me, she loves, um, taking pictures, she loves, um.. she’s very…. Clingy?.. but..I guess that’s how she shows her affection towards me?.. but, I feel kinda bad cu—we talked about this yesterday, uh, she messaged me yesherdey—yes-ter-day, about how, how she feels
-laughter followed by pause-
  she feels as though I don’t love her, and the only reason why I love her is because she’s family and if she wasn’t family I wouldn’t care for her. So, I felt kinda bad but it was kinda late so I told her to go to sleep cushe—I thought she was—she was going weird. She has these moments where, um…. I… she just becomes really weird. Like, uh... Sh—there was this time this summer, we were just sitting down doing homework and she would grab, like, the nearest fruit and, like, throw it at me, and she like… she’s weird. Um.. she played a really big part in how I was raised, uh.. cuz my dad’s always working, my mom taught a lot of violin, so, um.. a lot of the days it was just me and my sister, so, I think she raised me a lot.. she’s…
  Yeah she raised me a lot, in terms of, um.. being proper, being more.. um.. like controlling my behavior while my parents were more.. discipline, um… but.. sometimes I feel bad about not giving her enough affection, but sometimes I don’t because I feel as though, like, if I give her affection… then, um…
  I don’t know.. I feel.. it’s—it’s a very interesting relationship between me and her, uh… I think, right now, the closest person I am with--.. like the closest.. I am.. t—mm – nuh.. what do I say? How do you—how do you phrase this? The closest person to me right now, in terms of, um, comfort, um, and…
-phone vibrates from text message-
  It’s my sister.
  um.. in terms of everything is actually my sister, uh.. what’s next?
  goinof.. (?) okay! I talked about my family, I talked about my sister, I talked about my parents, I talked about my dog, um... what else… Do you have any questions? About my family?
Me: I think while you were talking you answered all the questions I had.
J: Oh really?
Me: Yeah.
0 notes
thegroovethief · 7 years
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#TGTfeature 003: ATOMGA [Denver, Colorado, USA] After an intriguing discussion about beats, bass, and boom with renowned American dubstep DJ Joe Nice, #TGTfeature 003 gets Afro-funky with Colorado nine-piece ATOMGA. This and forthcoming #TGTfeature articles will highlight dedicated musical talents by featuring their recent work as well as an in-depth interview. Equally known for their high-energy performances and dedication to Afrobeat authenticity, ATOMGA have been making a name for themselves well beyond Denver through headlining shows and supporting the likes of Seun Kuti & Egypt 80. Having previously reviewed their Black Belt album, it was great meeting up for a chat at Grandma’s House with band members Frank Roddy (Tenor Saxophone) and Leah Concialdi (Baritone and Soprano Saxophone, Flute, EWI), who shared their love of the music while also discussing the wider American Afrobeat scene, their namesake beer, and the benefits of playing in a larger project. A bit about ATOMGA [pronounced uh-TOM-guh]: - arguably Colorado’s leading proponents of Nigerian Afrobeat, ATOMGA have been performing a unique blend of authentic Afrobeat/funk music since 2011 - have released two studio albums: a SELF-TITLED 2014 EP followed by 2015’s BLACK BELT, mastered by Craig Welsch and Grant Phabao, respectively - HEADLINING this Saturday, January 21, at Cervantes Masterpiece Ballroom's The Other Side with Sisters of Soul and The Sextones
TGT: How did you first get into Afrobeat and Afrofunk-related music, and why has it become such an important part of your lives? FR: I’ve been playing guitar for years, so I grew up kind of in Detroit, I was playing rock primarily. I put a bunch of rock bands together and had a lot of fun doing that. Interestingly though, when I picked up saxophone, shortly after that one of my friends – and I was in Nashville, I was taking lessons – gave me a Fela Kuti record. He goes, ‘now that you’re a horn player you need to listen to Fela Kuti.’ I had never heard of him before. This had to go back, fifteen/sixteen years ago, somewhere in there, and I listened to it and I liked it and it got shuffled around and I forgot about the CD for a while and then the CD kind of found its way to the forefront when we were talking about putting a new band together – what should we do? I started listening to Fela Kuti and I’m like ‘God, this is what we should do,’ right here you know. So, that’s how… when ATOMGA started I had never played the genre before, and it was really interesting to kind of learn how it operates. That genre is so far removed from just the three or four-piece rock bands that I was doing… a hugely fun challenge, it was amazing. And especially the dynamics with the big band and the horn section and the percussion section. For a long time the horn section had four horns in it, and that was bigger than most of the bands I ever had – just the horn section! The original conversation was Casey [Hrdlicka; guitar] and I were talking – that kind of gets in to ‘how did the band start’ – but me and Casey were just kicking it around, and he was kind of asking me what I was thinking about musically, and I brought up that Fela Kuti CD, and I’m looking around Colorado – there’s a couple of bands dabbling in Afrobeat, and some of them were all Afrobeat – but it didn’t really look like too many people were just like seriously paying homage to Fela Kuti... we wanted to share the music, and possibly give the audience something that they wouldn’t normally be able to listen to live. LC: I play in several other groups, where I might be the only horn or might play the EWI, the electronic wind instrument. You have some liberties there, but I’d rather play in a full section than by myself… I’d say not even putting a label on it [ATOMGA] – it’s a dance music, you can shake your ass and have fun, and get down with other like-minded people. Try it, you’ll like it! FR: You can’t really explain what [live] afrobeat sounds like… just come out, see a show, have fun and shake your booty, get sweaty with us – that’s the only way you’re gonna hear how we sound like from a live standpoint.
Black Belt by ATOMGA
TGT: What’s the band’s approach to song-writing, both lyrics and instrumentation? There’s obviously personal (“Sly Devil”) and political (“Alaskan Pipeline”) overtones. How do you wear your influences proudly while avoiding being ATOMGA Kuti? FR: I feel like you can get a really strong message out there without being so belligerent, in-your-face… LC: So many of our songs aren’t brazen, in-your-face, harsh, ‘stand with us or else’… like we have one song, “New Currency,” like, love is the new currency: don’t count money and possessions, let’s just all love each other… treat love as a currency and pay it forward and be good to your fellow man and woman – we’re all going to thrive together. It’s just something that we naturally do, and Kendra [Kreie] – our vocalist and primary lyric writer – I think that’s her natural direction as a songwriter. She’s not looking to write about politics, and she’s not looking to write about social injustice, but what’s in her heart, mind, and soul at all times – it’s just what comes out, and I think it’s super genuine and approachable and relatable. Lots of people take note of those lyrics. FR: She does a great job at actually creating a message, but she’s not – even as an individual – she’s not the type to smash you over the head with two-by-four to get the message across. She doesn’t need to do that, but her set of lyrics she can – not softly, either, it’s kind of a medium approach… LC: … it’s balanced and authentic. [On “Alaskan Pipeline” specifically] FR: All the lyrics aren’t about this pipeline, it’s weird – that song it seems about two-thirds of the lyrics aren’t… she really doesn’t even bring up “Alaskan Pipeline” that much you know? But when she does, it is, it’s just like *boom* – nice little strong jab in there. LC: Unofficially we renamed that “Dakota Pipeline”… FR: … we did the benefit, we call it “Dakota Pipeline"… LC: … it was at the Oriental Theater… FR: … that was the Stand Up For Standing Rock, a month ago. TGT: What advice do you have to up-and-coming bands, especially those that are looking to play African-influenced music? LC: Really play into each others’ strengths. Everyone needs to contribute in some way; it can’t be one or two people pulling all the weight. If you have people that are really good at production and pseudo-stage management and loading – have them go in that element of the band – if like one or two people want to take control of marketing, PR, booking, all that – have them handle that. You know, making sure everyone contributes; everyone feels their worth, and all that good stuff. PR and social media and digital marketing are my day job, so might as well apply it to my band, and I geek out over it… it’s cool, Frank does a great job – I’d kind of call him CFO – of handling money… handle shows, work with the CPA. Some guys in the group are great at Tetris-ing instrument cases together, where I’m just like ‘here’s my horn, put it somewhere!’ FR: Yeah, I cannot load a trailer [laughs]. LC: And as far as those looking to play African-infused music, or bigger bands, just always remember that you’re doing it for the love of it. As kind of cheesy and cliché as that sounds, you know, when there’s that many people individual pay isn’t that high, but I’d much rather make music playing my favorite style of music – afrofunk – with these eight/nine other people depending on the night, then be a trio or by myself... I’d rather play in a full section than by myself, it’s kind of awkward being a single bari[tone], it’s like a low timbre horn – ‘can you even hear me?’ FR: [chuckles] Right. To add to that, it’s impossible to create the sound of a big band if there’s only three or four people in the band. You have bass guitar and drums and guitar, and a vocalist, you just can’t reproduce that kind of sound. And then when you add on percussion and you add on some horns… as the band gets bigger you’re able to do more things, but when it comes down to brass tacks, there’s just no way you can create this sound without that many people in the room. And I love it. LC: Just keep that in mind, always have end goals and remember why you started to begin with, just in case you ever lose sight of that…
TGT: What’re your thoughts on the Afrobeat scene like right now in America (especially away from the coasts)? Related, what bands are you particularly enjoying right now? LC: I think it’s cool – it’s so global now. I completely unnecessarily geek out over the internet and research: I have literally a map of the United States and I write Afrobeat bands out of Lord know where… it’s like Phoenix Afrobeat Orchestra, Chicago Afrobeat Project… FR: … Boston Afrobeat… LC: … our friends Afrolicious in California. And it’s cool, from like a music industry standpoint, if we go through these markets we could link up with these people; but from more of a lover-of-Afrobeat perspective , it’s going on everywhere. Like who would think Phoenix is somewhere with an Afrobeat band, or even Denver! On a more global perspective… Bixiga 70, they're out of… FR: … Brazil. They’re really amazing, they’re actually one of my favorites on the global market. LC: Yeah… Antibalas – I’m so mad I’m going to be out of town during that – actually, I might be back – I’d buy a separate plane ticket for that! FR: What I like about it, especially what’s going on nationally in the Afrobeat genre, so to speak, is that each of the Afrobeat bands are kind of like… some of them are a little more afro-jazz, some of them are more funky, some of them are more rockin’, some of them are like more Latin jazz… but they’re still an Afrobeat category because of how they approach things. Some of them are Afro-Cuban – everybody just finds their little niche and we all have fun, and we’re all creating some fun music, but I don’t feel like any of the bands sound like each other, to that degree where… if you look in the rock genre, you see like a thousand bands and they all sound good but they might sound very very similar. It’s interesting how the Afrobeat, they’ll take a little bit different approach. LC: And then it’s crazy too, musically and stylistically, Frank has a good point. We sound completely different from Polyrhythmics from the Pacific Northwest and Hard Proof in Austin. But it’s cool when you sit down and discuss what got these other groups into it and how did we get into it – discussing those common ties – social and political influence and standing up for injustice, it all is at that root, whether it is musically inspired and rooted in Fela and then socially we also were so tied in to that message… FR: Yeah, it’s similar stories why we want to do it. LC: Not all these bands have vocalists or do any songs with lyrics – just hearing how they’re similar – I don’t know one single Afrobeat band ever internationally that’s like writing songs about breakups or going to the pool or what you did last night in the club… FR: Or ‘I’m on a boat.’ [laughs] LC: [Locally]… so there’s Paa Kow’s band, they probably started around the same time as us, and he is from Ghana. We’re talking about two completely different styles of music rooted in the same style more or less. The Contraband, they’re really good, they do kind of an AfroSka type thing, so that’s another spin on the style of music. You know, Motet, they’ve kind of refocused back to funk, they’re kind of like Colorado’s house band and have been around years and years, but their earlier days they were rooted in Afrobeat – they do more funky stuff now, but you still hear that influence in their music no matter where they’re at. Or Euforquestra we play with a lot… they’re all across the board: funk, reggae, Afrobeat, just a happy melting pot of influence people love and enjoy. TGT: We’re talking in advance of your first Denver show of 2017, headlining Cervantes with Sisters of Soul [which features members of Euforquestra] and The Sextones in support. How did the lineup come together, and any unexpected hints about what’s in store for the gig? LC: So, me and Kim Dawson, who leads Sisters of Soul, we’ve actually known each other since college and we share the same birthday, so four out of the last years we’ve done… a show together, so we’ve kind of always done this co-bill thing, and then Scott Morell, the talent buyer at Cervantes, suggested The Sextones for support that night, that they were coming through town; and they fit the style and the bill and seem to have a really good thing going on so I think it’s a cohesive and solid lineup and I’m excited to hear everyone. About half of our set’s completely new material, that Denver hasn’t heard before. FR: Through the fall we kind of lightened up our show schedule a little bit more so we could focus on composition and focus on getting some of these new songs up and running, which is always exciting. LC: There’s a couple of deep cut covers we’re throwing in there that no one’s ever heard before, a weird contrafact – that jazz musicians did, they’d borrow the chord changes of another song and then write their own melodies, kind of bebop thing. TGT: ATOMGA and beer: I read that the collab began via Bodebrown Brewery in Curitiba, Brazil – but how did the Atomga Brazilian Imperial Stout (9.5% ABV) come back to Colorado, and how well does the beer represent the band? FR: So Chris Kirk, who’s part owner of Banded Oak Brewery [and a friend of Casey's] – I guess it was maybe three or four years ago or so – right when the first EP came out… he’s going to Brazil to collaborate on a recipe, and Casey gave him a whole stack of CDs – ‘you’re going to Brazil, just pass them out to anybody’ – to spread the music around. Long story short, the recipe they were creating, the owners of Bodebrown listened to our CD and got excited about it, and wanted to name the beer after us. Like, man, I never would’ve dreamed! So far the beer’s won two gold medals, international gold medals, and now it’s on tap at Banded Oak. They’re also – I want to say there’s another few weeks or maybe a couple months left – they’re aging some of it in oak barrels here in town as well. LC: Yeah, Banded Oak on 4th & Broadway, so anyone stateside in Colorado who wants to try it… FR: It’s a nice stout though. I’m not a big beer drinker but it’s got a lot of flavor. It tastes good. LC: It’s robust. It’s representative of us as a band. Upon first sip, I’m like ‘well, this is what we’d taste like if we were a beer.’ So good job! STAY LOCKED IN WITH ATOMGA: Website Facebook Bandcamp Soundcloud Twitter Event: Saturday, January 21
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