#i was expecting them to do worse but they just poked him and looked goofy as hell
actionyak · 1 year
I recently watched the NIN Broken short film (which I somehow had never heard of? I haven't always been this out of the loop) and my recommendation is very don't.
unless you're really, really into new extremity movies then have a blast
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cookiegirlsstuff · 8 months
Hello there! I was wondering if you’d be willing to write a fic where BTS are back in their early debut days when Jungkook was like 15 and he was shy around the members, so Seokjin asks him to cook with him to try and make him more comfortable around him and then Jungkook is really nervous the entire time so Seokjin starts tickling him in like a goofy brotherly manner? I don’t know if that made sense but yeah. Have a good day :)
Nervous Kookie
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Lee: Jungkook
Ler: Seokjin
♫⋆。♪ ₊˚♬ ゚.♫⋆
"Jungkook, come here and help me cook!" Jin's voice echoed through the BTS member's dorm.
Surprised, Jungkook looked up from his smartphone screen. He was sitting alone in his bedroom, which he normally shared with Taehyung. Fortunately, his roommate wasn't there at the moment.
He was actually trying to kill as much time as possible until dinner, but apparently his hyung had other plans. Unfortunately…
Jungkook and the other members had only been living together for about two weeks and he still hadn't really gotten used to it. It felt strange living with six older boys. Jungkook just didn't want to do anything wrong in front of his hyungs and just felt very uncomfortable around them in general.
But for better or worse, he had to go to the kitchen and help Jin. So he set off immediately so he wouldn't keep his hyung waiting any longer.
"Hi Jungkook, nice of you to help me," he heard Jin's voice as he entered the small kitchen.
Jungkook secretly wondered if he had had a choice, but of course he didn't say that out loud.
"What should I do?" Jungkook asked. He wanted to be a good dongsaeng and do everything perfectly if he had to help.
"I wanted to cook japchae and it would be nice if you could cut and fry the vegetables," Jin replied before moving on to something else.
"Okay," Jungkook mumbled and took a carrot, which he then began to cut."
However, he couldn't avoid turning around every five seconds to look at Jin.
"Jungkook is everything okay? Do you need help?" Jin asked worriedly when he noticed Jungkook's constant glances.
"No no! Everything's fine… really," Jungkook said, almost panicked, and quickly returned to his task.
But the sudden question made him even more insecure and he nervously started to play with the sleeves of his hoodie instead of cutting the vegetables.
"Jungkook, are you not feeling well?" the eldest of the group asked again.
Slowly, Jin began to get seriously worried. Jungkook always seemed so lost and frightened, so he wanted to integrate the youngest a little, but for some reason his plan didn't seem to work out.
But he really wanted to help Jungkook loosen up a bit.
"Wait, I'll help you a little," he said firmly and took the knife from Jungkook's hand, which he was using to cut an onion.
"That wasn't so difficult after all," Jin announced once he had finished. Jungkook just gave him a self-conscious look, after all, he hadn't even managed to help his hyung cook.
"Jungkookie, don't make such a face," Jin laughed and gave Jungkook a playful poke in the side.
Jungkook hadn't expected that and let out a little squeal.
"Jungkook, is somebody ticklish?" he asked in a teasing voice.
Jungkook was too embarrassed to answer, but it was answer enough for the older man.
He immediately began to poke Jungkook in the side again and again until he was lying on the floor laughing.
But of course his sudden tickle attack wasn't over yet. It was only just beginning.
Before Jungkook could even realize what was happening, Jin had already taken a seat on the younger boy's hip and was running his finger along Jungkook's belly.
"Hyung…stohohop pleaasse," Jungkook managed to say between his giggles.
“Awww does someone have a ticklish tummy?” Jin smiled at his cute maknae.
After a few minutes, he began to tease Jungkook even more, making smaller and smaller circles around his belly button until he finally dipped his finger inside.
“Looks like I found the giggle button!” Jin said, feeling proud of himself.
“You’re such a ticklish little thing, aren’t you?” Jin said as he slowly moved his hands down to Jungkook's hips.
"Jin….nohoho….it ticklehehes!" gasped Jungkook desperately as Jin continued to tickle him.
He was trying so hard to squirm away from Jin's touches, but he followed every way that Jungkook managed to move.
After a while, Jin was finally done and Jungkook lay on the ground exhausted but happy. Jin helped the younger one stand up and gave him a welcome look.
“Well, that was fun, don’t you think?” He asked. When he got no response, he fluttered his fingers against Jungkook's stomach again.
“Yehehes! I-It wahas!”
"Let's keep cooking before the others complain," Jin grinned, and they both started their work again.
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Thank you for your request. I had so much fun to write it and I hope you like it 😉 (ok this saying is getting a little bit weird after a while but...yes) and sorry for being late again.
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feat: kei tsukishima x gn!reader
notes: fluff, short and sweet, 0.7k words
“Please, Kei.”
“No, Y/N.”
You’re currently splayed over top of your boyfriend on the couch, arms crossed over his chest and chin propped up on your wrists. Tsukishima lays beneath you, annoyed expression etched onto his features and bored eyes staring back at you. The two of you had previously been sleeping when you had disrupted him to ask a supposedly important question.
For the past five minutes, you’ve attempted and failed time and time again to convince him to let you try his glasses on. Every plead and promise is quickly shut down as he does his equal best to ignore your insistent pestering.
“I’ll be really careful! Just for a minute, then I promise to give them back.” You flash him your best set of puppy eyes as an extra attempt of convincing.
He pinches the bridge of his nose with a sigh. “How many times do I have to say it for you to understand the meaning of the word ‘no’?”
Lips pushing out in a pout, your once soft gaze turns sour. Tsukishima is hardly deterred, shooting back his own glare.
“Why won’t you let me try them on?”
“Because you’ll break them and I can’t see out of cracked lenses.”
“I’ve already promised I won’t!”
“I have no way of proving whether or not that’s true, and before you say it, no you trying them is not an option.”
Mouth dropping open, you scramble through your thoughts for a retort only to come up empty handed. Stumped, you click your mouth shut and bury your face in his shirt in defeat. His eyes bore into the top of your head like he’s waiting for something to happen. The longer he waits, the worse he feels for denying you something so trivial.
“Hey.” When you don’t pick your head up immediately, he nudges at your shoulder, grabbing your attention after a few pokes. Avoiding your sad gaze, he looks off to the side and mumbles almost too softly to hear, “You can wear my glasses.”
You instantly perk up, eyes wide and corners of your mouth stretching into a grin. “Really?” He doesn’t miss the cheery tone to your voice; it almost brings a smile to his face - almost.
“Only for a few seconds, and if you promise to never ask again?”
After getting a confirming nod, he reaches up to take his glasses off then hands them towards you for you to take. You gently pinch the temples between your fingers and flip the pair of glasses around. The earpieces slip behind your ears as you carefully push the glasses onto your face.
A delighted smile breaks across your cheeks. “How do I look?”
They don’t fit perfectly, as expected for not being yours. The bridge slides a small bit past the top of your nose, and the lens make your eyes look odd. And yet, with how mildly goofy you look with his glasses, he also can’t help but find you absolutely adorable.
Tsukishima lays speechless beneath, mouth slightly agape. How could something as simple as you wearing his glasses leave him this tongue tied? And even better question, why hadn’t he let you sooner?
“Tsukki?” A minute passes and no response. Sitting up slightly, you raise a hand and wave your palm in front of his face.
His eyes blink shut a few times like he’s snapping out of a daze. Clicking his tongue, he swats your hand away with a grumbled, “Stop it.”
“You blanked out on me. Are you not able to see without these?” Before he can say anything or stop you, you’re already sliding his glasses back into their place against his nose. You smile softly to yourself like you completed some big task. “There.”
Content, you place a quick peck to his lips, then drop your head onto his chest to resume your nap. He waits for your breathing to even out before whispering softly for only himself to hear, “You look perfect.”
consider liking/reblogging if you enjoyed :)
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tom-holland-parker · 3 years
I Hate You???
Summary: You’re convinced Bucky hates you. Bucky’s convinced you hate him. Steve is just tired of hearing you both complain and finally decides to set you both up
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Avenger!reader
Word count: 1569
You sat on the kitchen counter quietly eating your ice cream when Steve and Bucky walked in, whispering amongst themselves. It took a few seconds before they realized they weren’t alone, pausing when they saw you. Steve smiled, “y/n would you consider yourself a hateful person?” 
You tilted your head in confusion, Steve wasn’t known for asking weird questions out of the blue. You stood silent, trying to think of a good answer, “No really” You shrugged, “If anything, I think I’m too loving” 
Steve chuckled, turning to Bucky with a smirk. You glanced at Bucky, watching as he gave you an emotionless stare. You sighed as you hopped off the counter and walked out the kitchen. You hated the fact that Bucky hated you and to make it worse, you didn’t even know why he hated you. 
When you first met each other things seemed to go great. You guys got to know each other and joke around. Within those few months of getting to know each other you had developed a crush on the tall man. Which is why it hurt more when he stopped talking to you a few weeks after your first mission together. Whenever you walked into a room he would always find some excuse to leave, and when he couldn’t leave he would talk to everyone but you. Steve always said you were crazy whenever you mentioned it to him, but deep down you couldn’t believe him. A large part of you just knew that you liked a man who hated you.
As you walked out the kitchen Steve sighed, turning to Bucky, “I don’t understand what you’re talking about”. Bucky rolled his eyes, “She hates me, I just know it”
“The girl literally just said she has a problem of loving too much” Steve said as he grabbed a beer out the fridge, “In fact I think she has a crush on you”
Bucky let out a chuckled, grabbing a beer of his own, “No she definitely hates me, she won’t even look at me, she just walks away whenever she gets the chance”
Bucky leaned back against the counter, remembering the countless times you would walk out of the room when he was around. It really hurt him to know that the one person he’d had romantic feelings for in years, hated him. He sighed, finished his beer before getting up to walked out the kitchen, “It’s whatever, I’ll just find someone else”
Steve stared at his feet in concentration, trying to figure out ways to get the two of you together without actually spilling your secrets. He used to find it comically, how you both liked each other but thought the other person hated you. He would always find himself laughing whenever one of you mentioned it, but he became worried when he noticed how sad it was making you both. 
He smirked, coming up with a plan to get you two together. It was very simple actually, something straight out of a Romcom you forced him to watch. He just needed to wait for the right moment.
“Hey y/n remember when you asked me to teach you boxing” Steve said as he poked his head into your room. You looked up from your book, “Yeah” you said with a nod
“Well today’s the day so get dressed and meet me in the training room in about 10 minutes” he said, closing the door before you could respond.
As you got dressed Steve made his way to Bucky’s room, poking his head in without knocking, “Hey, Sam is planning on putting magnets and stickers all over your arm so you might want to get rid of his stickers before he gets the chance. He hides them in the training room” He said with a goofy smile as he walked shut the door. Bucky stared at the door in confusion but sighed, getting up from the bed to walk to the training room. 
Steve smiled to himself as he walked into the security room, watching from the cameras as you made your way downstairs. 
“Steve” You called out in confusion. You crossed your arms when you got no response, “Steve this isn’t funny I’m not wasting a new sports bra on your stupid jokes” you shouted as you looked around the room. 
Your head quickly turned when you heard the door open, your heart speeding up when you realized it was Bucky walking in. You stared at him in silence as he looked at you in confusion, “Where are the stickers?” He asked 
“What are you talking about?” You chuckled, “I'm supposed to -” you were interrupted when you heard a loud beep from the intercom. Steve chuckled quietly before clearing his throat, “You’re both probably wondering why I’ve bought you here today” He said through the intercom. You looked around the room at a loss for words. “Well it’s come to my attention that you both need to talk. So I've locked you both in here and you're going to stay in here until you talk things out. Think of it like a date" 
You let out a deep breath, frustrated with everything Steve was doing. Bucky sighed sitting on a bench against the wall. An extremely awkward tension filled the room, unsure who should talk first. The intercom beeped again, "I'm not seeing any talking. I could do this all day" 
You stared at the camera, sticking your middle finger to the screen. Your head turned as you heard Bucky chuckle, "What are we even supposed to be talking about?" He asked, crossing his arms 
"there's a bunch of things we could talk about" you shrugged, laying down in the mat, "he was never specific"
The intercom beeped again, "you need to talk about each other. Now stop wasting my time and start talking" 
You rolled your eyes, "piss off Tinkerbell"
"What happened to you not being a hateful person? You seem to be pretty hateful now" Bucky said with a smirk
"I don't appreciate being locked in a room against my will" You said not bothering to look at him. "Why are you here anyway? Thought that arm of yours could break through these glass doors" 
"It can but who says I want to leave?" He said as he got up, laying next to you. You chuckled, "oh so now you want to spend time with me"
His brows furrowed in confusion, "what are you talking about?"
You sat up slightly, propping yourself up on your elbows, "you haven't spoken to me in months. You constantly ignore me and alway look emotionless when you're around me. As if I suck all the life from you"
He head turned towards you quickly, "what are you talking about? You've been doing that to me"
"No I haven't. You've been acting like this since we got back from that mission we did" You rolled your eyes, it made you even more mad that the butterflies in your stomach fluttered every time he talked.
He scoffed, "that's not tr-"
"Bullshit and you know it" you interrupted, "I just don't get it. Why?"
"Why what?" He raised his voice slightly, clearly getting frustrated. You assume it was due to your attitude, however it was actually the fact that his heart was skipping a beat with every word you spoke. 
"Why do you hate me?" Your voice practically cracked from your frustration.
He remained quiet, all words seemed to disappear as shock took over his face, "I hate you? I thought you hated me. Do you know how hurt I was when I realized the one girl I've liked in years hated me?" It was terrible and now you think I hate you" he rambled, unaware of the words coming out his mouth. It took a few seconds for him to realize exactly what he said
Your eyes widened, "You can't be serious right now" you let out a stressed chuckle, "you're telling me that I've had a crush on you for months and you thought I hated you. I baked you a cake on your fucking birthday and you thought I hated you"
You wanted to pulled all your hair out at how stupid you sounded. The room fell silent again as thoughts took over both your minds. It was a few minutes later when Bucky spoke first. "I'm sorry" he said with a sigh as he ran his fingers through his hair. "I didn't even realize I was doing that. It's my first time having these kinds of feelings after years of being numb and alone. I just thought that if I hid them and ignore you then they would go away"
You slowly sat up, your eyes never leaving him, "I'm sorry too. I should've made an effort instead of just jumping to the conclusion that you hated me"
The room fell silent again, the two of you had not else to say but couldn't stop staring at each other. Both wonder where you go from here. 
You sighed, "Bucky-"
"Do you want to go on a date with me?" He interrupted. You were taken aback by his words, not expecting such bluntness.
"Yes" you chuckled, "preferably one where Steve doesn't listen to everything we say the entire time"
The intercom beeped, Steve's laughter filling the room, "you guys could've left at any moment. These doors don't have a lock".
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sageinacage · 3 years
could I request irl switch bench trio, they're exploring how the dynamic shifted with ranboo now there and it makes the tickles a lot more goofy with a third person in the roughhousing - 🦐
Fallen Fort summary: blanket forts are hard to make, especially when tommy, tubbo, and ranboo all like to mess with each other. a/n: sorry for the wait !! i hope you all enjoy :D warnings: swearing, slightly more intense tickles w/c: 1.5k IRL, Platonic
“Tommy, you’re gonna knock it down!”
The blonde growled in response. “No I am not, you are!” Tubbo shook his head, furrowing his eyebrows. “You’re flailing around like a fish out of the water, what do you mean I am going to knock it-”
“Guys! The more you bicker, the longer this fort will take.” Ranboo sighed, Tommy’s face lighting up. “Yeah, Tubbo.”
“You little-”
The two went off again, leaving Ranboo to shake his head and smile at his friends, bending down to pick up more pillows to put around the perimeter of the blanket fort that was in progress, just for extra support.
Nights like these were always fun. The three would build- well, attempt to build a pillow fort, and play on the Wii and even watch some movies together. They all loved it, as it was filled with laughter and happiness each time. A good stress reliever from the stresses of life, one might say.
Tonight, specifically, was extra high on energy; and it was obvious.
“If you don’t give me that blanket right now, Tommy, I swear to god-”
“Or whaaat? Why don’t you pick on someone your own size, Tubs!”
Tubbo let out a huff, reaching for the fluffy blanket his friend was teasingly waving over his head. That tall bitch. “You won’t like what happens if you don’t give me that stupid blanket.”
Tommy raised an eyebrow. “What’re you gonna do? Tell Ranboo on meHE- hehehey!” His arm immediately dropped down to the side, giving up the blanket in an instant. Though, Tubbo didn’t stop. He was intent on tickling the hell out of his friend.
“I drohohopped ihit- noHOHOT THEhehere!” The squeal Tommy let out made Ranboo jump in surprise, Tubbo devilish fingers finding his upper ribs. “Why nooot?~ I quite like it here, to be honest.” The brown-haired boy cooed, chuckling as Tommy squeezed his arms to his sides as his life depended on it, just making the tickles worse for himself.
Ranboo shuddered, a bright blush on his face; and he wasn’t the one even being tickled! He pretended not to see what was going on and tried his best to focus on the fort, but it was so difficult with Tommy’s stream of loud laughter and Tubbo’s relentless teasing.
He knew one thing, he did not want to get himself involved in the predicament that was happening beside him.
“RahanboOHOHOo, sahave mehehe!”
“Don’t do it, you’ll end up like Tommy, Boo!” Tubbo warned with a smirk, but Ranboo just shrugged, lunging for the smaller boy. With a small shriek, the two fell to the floor, completely crashing down one of the sides of the blanket fort.
“Nohooo, the fohort!” Tommy giggled, unable to be serious about it; as what happened was quite funny. Ranboo and Tubbo wrestled over the pillows that were previously laid down, Tubbo eventually getting the upper hand and massaging his thumb right into Ranboo’s waist.
Letting out a surprised squawk, the tallest immediately tried to curl up, evidently failing when Tubbo vibrated a claw hand into his belly causing him to arch his back. “TUHUhuhubbo, stohohoppit!”
Tubbo pretended to think for a second. “Hmmm, no thank you, mister! But it was very kind of you to ask.” He sassed, using his free hand to drill circles into Ranboo’s hip bone with his thumb. The shriek that left Ranboo was priceless, resulting in Tubbo and Tommy’s smiles growing even more.
“CRAHAHAP, TUHUhuhubbo!” Belly laughter continued to pour out of the tallest, completely distracting Tubbo as he was unable to foresee the charging blonde aiming right at him. Tommy lunged at Tubbo, instantly attaching his hands to the sides of his ribcage and vibrating them.
Ranboo moved his hair away from his eyes, to see what was going on after he heard the loud squeal that sounded like Tubbo- and he was correct. It was Tubbo.
“HEHEhehey! Yohou biHIHITCH- FUHUHUCK!” Tubbo’s hips bucked up as Tommy gently dug his fingers in the spot right beneath his lower ribs, giggling evilly as his fingers relentlessly tickled that specific area.
“Did you just call me a bitch? Huh?” Tommy demanded, poking around his sides playfully. “Nohohoo, I dihiHIHIhidn’t!” Tubbo pleaded, earning a head shake from Ranboo, who finally recovered from Tubbo’s tickle attack.
“Liars don’t get off the hook easily, Tubs…” Ranboo hummed latching his hands to the muscles right above each of his knees, squeezing repeatedly. “SHIHIHIT- FUHUHUCK OHOFF!”
Tommy and Ranboo dramatically gasped simultaneously.
“Oh, Tubbo…”
“What was that?~”
Before Tubbo could protest, he felt a sudden buzzy and tickly feeling on his stomach. Tommy planted a raspberry right above his belly button, causing the boy to start half-heartedly push at the blonde’s head.
What he wasn’t expecting were his ankles to be lifted and to feel scribbling nails right underneath his knees. What an awful day to wear shorts, Tubbo decided.
“IT TIHIHICKLES! PLEHEHEASE!” Tubbo didn’t even know what he was pleading, all he knew is the ticklish sensations wracking his body were almost unbearable.
He felt his ankles be dropped and the nerves in his legs began to calm down, but that damn sensation from Tommy’s playful fingers on his belly just kept going. Well, until Ranboo decided Tubbo needed a break.
Much to Tommy’s dismay, he felt fingers massage into his upper ribs yet again, causing the boy to instantly collapse on the now fallen blanket fort.
“Y- YOHOhou trahahaitor!” Tommy cackled, throwing his head back as the tickles began to move down his ribs, and turned into unbearable fluttering over his waist. “Whaaat? I’m not a traitor, I thought this was a free-for-all!” Ranboo chuckled, wiggling his nails into the crook of Tommy’s waist.
The high-pitched giggles that escaped Tommy made Tubbo wheeze, rolling over to sit up to help Ranboo. “Tuhubbo nohoho… gehet away.. Tuhu-HUHUBBO- NOAHAHA!” Tommy completely convulsed, the light feathery tickles on his waist mixed with the quick vibrations on his hip bones making butterflies and goosebumps spread across his whole body.
“You didn’t stop when I said ‘no’, so I don’t see how it’d be fair now!~” Tubbo purred, pulling an innocent smile like he wasn’t drilling his thumbs into his friend’s hip with no mercy. Meanwhile, Ranboo was cooing little teases while grazing and lightly spidering his nails along the sides of Tommy’s belly.
“D’awww, don’t tell me this already tickles too much, Toms! I’m barely even doin’ anything!~” Ranboo let out a low chuckle, sounding a lot more sinister than it should’ve, as his grazing nails turned into fluttering little menaces tracing around his belly button.
“FUHUHUCK- *snort* OHOHOFF! I HAHahate yohohou b- bohoth!” Tommy whined, snorts peppering in between his happy and loud belly laughter. “Alright, alright, someone else needs a taste of their own medicine I feel like.” Tubbo hummed, Ranboo’s eyes widening.
Uh oh.
Before he could attempt to dodge Tubbo’s incoming fingers, he felt a few squeezes on his hip, making the tall boy collapse back onto the soft pillows. Tommy retracted his hand, using it to help push himself so he could help his friend give Ranboo a ticklish treatment.
Tubbo’s hands found Ranboo’s lower waist, kneading and prodding into the muscle, immediately eliciting cackles from his friend. “Ohoho~ Already a giggly mess, Ranboo?” Tubbo teased, laughing lightheartedly at Ranboo’s embarrassed grumble through his giggle fit.
“I cahAHAN’T HEHehelp ihihit!” He protested, his laughter going up an octave as he felt another pair of hands squeeze his knee caps. Ranboo tried to pull his legs in, accidentally kneeing Tubbo in the back in the process.
Tubbo let out a surprised gasp as he jumped, before glaring back down at Ranboo, who was already giggling.
“Uh oh…”
“Uh oh, that's right.”
Before he could prepare himself, he felt cold air over his belly before feeling nibbles be placed over his hip. “NONONO- NOHOHOAHA- *hiccup* PLEHEASE!” Protests instantly bubbled up from Ranboo, weakly pushing at Tubbo’s head- making his fluffy hair fluff over his belly even more.
“Mmmm… nope!~” Tubbo mumbled, planting a raspberry where his waist and belly meet, Ranboo subconsciously arching up into it. Meanwhile, Tommy was slightly scritching claw hands over Ranboo’s knees, being mischievous and squeezing up and down his thighs at random, just to make him squawk through his laughter.
It was clearly quite entertaining to Tommy, as he laughed with Ranboo whenever he let out one of his signature surprised cackles and squawks. The boy’s laughter soon grew silent and more strained, signaling that he was almost completely worn out.
The two paused on their tickle attack, climbing off of their friend and just smiling at each other with big and fond smiles.
“I hahate yohou b- bohoth…”
“No you don’t, big man.”
“Take it back!”
Ranboo chuckled, shaking his head. “Fiiine, you are both wonderfulllll… definitely…” His sleepy and sarcastic tone wasn’t too convincing, but Tommy and Tubbo decided to spare him- for tonight.
They all decided that the blanket fort would stay collapsed, but no one was particularly complaining as the soft blankets and pillows were quite comfortable to lay on; especially with the warmth of all of them combined they knew they could keep themselves cozy. All settling down next to each other, Tommy looked at the others.
“So, which movie are we watching tonight?”
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outarizaki · 4 years
Lovesick. — Levi Ackerman.
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SYNOPSIS: In a world infested with mindless, horrendous human-chomping titans, you’d never expected that Levi taking care of you was how you’d go out.
WC: 2.3k
PAIRING: Levi Ackerman x Reader
GENRE: Fluff
A/N: this is my first time writing for levi/aot in general and just overall my first time in a long time from doing creative writing i hope you guys like it!
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In truth, Winter has never been your most favorite time of the year.
After all, those delicious hot meals, thick blankets, and cozy naps by the fireplace always came with a price for you every single year, wherein the same chilly weather that granted you those several pleasures only betrayed you and bit you in the ass annually, reeling you in again and again for recurring nightmarish sicknesses.
For as long as you remember, you’ve never fared well with such drastic change in weather. Ever since you were a little girl, your fevers were sky high enough to make your mother lose at least a year off her life with every time they checked your temperature around the dreaded season.
Thus even now, as a distinguished and mighty cadet in the Scout Regiment, there you lay, thrashing in wrinkled sheets with a spiking fever of 103° Fahrenheit.
It was quite an unraveling series of events. Perhaps you should have let it be known much earlier to your squad and superiors.
Maybe they would have taken your sudden, voracious collapse against a blushing Jean in the mess hall a little less seriously.
You could still recall those same goofy shrieks of surprise from your squad members with a grin. The look on Connie’s face was absolutely priceless.
But as you stared up at the ceiling, sweat beading at your hairline and mouth clammy with dehydration, your mind could only render and wring out the possible reactions that could have emitted from your Captain Levi.
Ever since you joined the squad, you’d been naturally drawn and fond of him. His cold demeanor seemed to be just a thin layer between a complex personality, and as much as you hated to admit, you desperately, secretly wanted to claw underneath that sheen.
It started with one sleepless night in which you brought yourself to the kitchen to rid yourself of your heavy mind with a book, only to find your captain sitting idly with a cup of tea.
You remembered the first encounter, how you babbled apologies like some sort of nitwit and he scowled and waved you off, uttering an, “it’s not like I own the damn room, quit being an idiot and do what you need,” before you dejectedly nodded and took a seat with a book just some feet away from him.
The insomnia seemed to grow only more and more, and a few more awkward nightly greetings later, it became a routine. He slowly began to acknowledge you, humming short replies and holding small talks every now and then.
Then on the field and during training he mindlessly complimented you. In his own way, of course.
A grumble of, “you didn’t get killed,” or, “you didn’t look like complete shit out there,” were some hearty examples of that.
Time went on as you began to loosen up even more around the squad, shamelessly poking fun at your members and joking around with them constantly. Even berating the Captain every now and then with snarky remarks that earned hesitant chuckles and gasps from your team, and even sometimes, if you looked really closely, a smirk from the Captain himself.
So with your poor little heart, ready to yearn, there was a spark of fondness towards him. One you wish would smother before it fanned out even more.
Damn him.
You wondered what he had thought when he saw you faint atop of Jean, that poor boy. How ridiculous you must have looked. How humiliating it must have been.
“God, I could die,” you groan aloud and fling your body on your side, hands coming to grasp at the roots of your scalp.
“That is quite an exaggeration, don’t you think?”
That voice. Speak of the devil.
Instantly, you spring up to meet his gunmetal gaze, hissing at the speed that caused your brain to seemingly rattle in your head with fatigue.
He tsks his tongue, brows furrowing together in an unamused manner as he walks towards the table across your bed. You swallow gently, gaze averting to the tray he holds with a small teapot, one teacup, and liquid medicine. You grimace.
“Oi...” Levi begins without looking back at you. You look to his stature expectantly. “You look like shit,” he says, finally twisting his torso to lock with your gaze.
A breathy, sarcastic laugh escapes your lips.
“Gee, you have such a way with words, Captain Suave,” you croak out with a roll of your eyes before easing your posture, allowing yourself to slouch.
“Don’t call me that.”
With his back faced to you once more, Levi feigns an aggravated grumble, yet the ghost of a grin still resides on his face. You watch in silence as he begins to move around the things on the tray.
You take your time to drink in the sight. His raven undercut, bangs slightly covering his handsome face, his white button-up rolled up at the sleeves showing off his veiny forearms, his black pants and leather shoes, the look of faint concentration on his sculpted face as he pours the contents of the teapot into the cup... and God, his hands. So slender and delicate, his fingers nice and long and—
Shit. What are you doing?
You take a deep breath and compose yourself in time before he turns at you again, bored look on his face as he approaches you with a cup of tea and the tiny bottle of medicine.
“Never thought I’d have to babysit one of my most promising Cadets,” Levi drawls out, handing you the teacup. Your fingers graze against his as you accept it, breath hitching in your throat slightly.
You fight off the gooey feeling by occupying yourself with his crude words.
Scoffing, you take a small sip of your tea, only to frown at the feeling of hotness. Levi’s brow arches in question.
“Who said you had to, Captain?” You say softly. “You’re busy. Why didn’t you ask Sasha to come instead? She would have brought me some good food, too.”
“Stolen you food, you mean. And what? You don’t like my tea?” He husks out, to which you perk up in realization.
Quickly, you shake your head to deny his question. “The tea is lovely. But I’m pretty sure my body is hotter than that teapot, and quite frankly the warmth feels suffocating,” you preach.
“Plus, you’re busy. And I look — indecent. You said it yourself,” you whisper the last part shyly, gulping down another sip of tea.
Levi feels taken aback. Surely you hadn’t taken offense to his comment, right? Brat, he thinks to himself.
“Tea is good for when you’re sick. You’re nauseated. Did you expect us to give you some sweet or cold crap while you have a fever?” He says sharply, squinting slightly.
You chuckle a bit at that.
Waving your hand, you grumble. “Yeah, yeah, whatever you say,” you roll your eyes.
“Quit rolling your eyes at me.”
“Quit giving me a reason to.”
“Oh, you want me to give you a reason to roll your eyes back, Cadet?”
Your gaze widens and you feel yourself choke on your tea.
Your arm bolts to set your cup onto the nightstand and you glare up at him. You swear you see the faintest hint of amusement glint in those stupid grey eyes of his.
Suddenly, you’re feeling a little too hot. And you’re sure it’s not your fever.
Levi raises his brows, unimpressed as he leans forward. Slowly, he brings his hand to your forehead and presses his cold fingers against you. You feel your heart stutter in your chest, holding in your breath.
“You’re burning up.”
Wow, I wonder why.
“Yea? Tell me about it. I’m literally feeling all of it as we speak, old man.”
He clicks his tongue in irritation, straightening his back before jolting his arm at you with the bottle expectantly. “You’re better off holding your tongue, Cadet. Now take your medicine.”
Your face scrunches up. He narrows his eyes as you cross your arms and look elsewhere.
“No! It tastes gross.”
His eye twitches at your defiance.
“God, this is like talking to a little kid. Take it or I swear-“
“Take the damn medicine. And that’s an order, Cadet.”
You look up at him with a scowl. Hesitantly, you take the bottle before unscrewing it, taking your sweet time until finally you down it reluctantly.
Meanwhile, your Captain stands with his arms crossed, albeit satisfied that you finally listened.
Once it goes down your throat, you gag slightly.
“God, this shit is vile-“
“It’s worse than what we usually take! What is this?”
“Higher grade medicine. I had to ask Erwin and a few of the nurses for even just that small dosage, you damn brat. I need you back on your feet ASAP.”
You blink. He went through trouble just to get you medicine? A fond grin starts to stretch on your lips.
“Thank y-“
“Don’t thank me. It’s my job to keep my Cadets at their best,” he practically half-lies through his teeth.
Oh. Right.
You nod, that fluttery feeling slightly dampening at his words. Of course. You’re just a young woman in his squad. His subordinate.
Levi notices. He doesn’t say anything.
“Now get some rest. I’ll clean up your room. It’s filth in here,” He scrunches his nose.
“Maybe ‘cause I’m sick, smarta- I mean, Captain,” you slur drowsily as you plop down onto the pillows. Whatever you took, it was strong.
The look on his face affirms he didn’t take lightly to your potential word vomit, though he allows to let it slide, much to your favor.
Levi groans, tidying up the teacups and the pile of clothes by the baskets, as well as the used bedsheets. He stops to think what in the hell he’s doing, going out of his way to care for one soldier.
He chalks it up to it simply being a better option than the inevitable mountains of paperwork he has to face later. That was it. Right?
A moderate amount of time had passed until he was satisfied with what he’d done. Levi’s eyes avert to your tiny figure on the bed. Laying flat on your back, arms sprawled beside your head, a dreamy smile on your lips.
The man walks up beside your bed. When you suddenly shift your head towards him, he startles a bit.
A breathy, twinkly giggle leaves your mouth as you look up at him. Levi swears he can feel his heartbeat in his ears.
You pout playfully, pointing an accusatory finger up at him. “Stalker. Are you here to watch me sleep?” You say almost so incoherently, Levi isn’t sure you’re speaking a language.
He can’t help the smile that tugs at his lips at your change of demeanor. So out of character, even for you.
The pout on your lips soon curves into a sleepy grin of your own, and your eyes gloss over with something that makes your Captain’s breath hitch in his throat.
Such gentle, comforting fondness.
When you urge him to get closer, he obliges, slightly bending over your figure despite the rouge in his cheeks. Levi holds his breath as you reach up, fingers threading through his bangs to pull them back.
“You’re pretty when you smile, you know?” You whisper gently, the smile never fading from your obviously far-gone face. “Such a handsome boy.”
Heat rises even more to Levi’s face and he gulps thickly as he watches your arms begin to drop, eyelids following soon after.
A delighted, snoozing hum releases from your throat, and only then does Levi allow himself to breathe.
His eyes glance over you once more.
Soft cheeks, pretty eyes, long eyelashes. The tank top on your torso still allowing you to look like the most stunning thing he’s ever seen. The unruly bed-head hair that sat messily, yet still appearing soft to the touch, making him want to rake his fingers through. Your soft lips, still stuck in that smile. Your flushed face.
Levi sighs dreamily and defeatedly. He brings his hand up to pat at the top of your head.
“Shitty girl,” he says underneath his breath, voice cracking like that of a young boy with an unwavering crush. “You look — decent.”
His brows knit together even more as he thinks it over, finally sighing gently.
“You’re much prettier, Y/N,” he whispers, mostly to himself.
Levi then exits your room, his face still hot with fluster, hands shoved into his pockets, and the giddy feeling in his heart still reigning supreme.
And at the corner of the hall reside the Levi Squad members, spying from afar.
“You owe me your next lunch, Connie. I told you they liked each other!”
“Shut up before he hears you!” Jean scolds quietly.
“Oi,” a voice sounds from behind them unexpectedly.
They all freeze. Their blood turns cold. Armin is sure he’s as good as dead.
“Give me fifty laps outside. All of you. Now.”
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“Not bad after feeling shitty for so long,” Levi nods at you as you return from combat training for the day.
You smile brightly, eyes twinkling as you catch your breath.
“Mhm. All because of you. Thanks for-“
“Don’t thank me.”
“I said,” you say firmly. “Thank you for taking care of me. You didn’t have to.”
Levi can only sigh and nod. “Sure.”
You beam at that, beginning to stride past him, before stopping midway.
“Oh, and Captain?” You begin.
He grunts in response, slightly turning your way with that same stoic expression.
“For the record,” you hum sweetly. “I think you’re the prettiest.”
And with that you walk away with a proud smirk, leaving Humanity’s Strongest with a pounding heart and the reddest cheeks mankind has ever seen.
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kaistarus · 4 years
One Bed Mix-Up
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Pairing: NishinoyaXReader
Summary: Nishinoya insists he’s the world’s greatest traveler, so you decide to visit him during your spring break vacation. But due to his inability to speak foreign languages Nishinoya messes up and gets you both a room with only one bed…
A/N: How could I not find a way to write the fanfic classic with my favorite boi? The fact that even took me this long?? I’m ashamed… Seriously tho I love this fic so much lmao
This could not be real.
You examined the room that had been essentially what Nishinoya explained-on the small side, but an open concept that made it more than comfortable. However, you immediately froze because where you were expecting some sort of living space was instead just one bed shoved against the wall. A detail that had been conveniently left out of his description.
You side-eyed Nishinoya’s amused smile with a glare.
“You did this on purpose,” you accused.
“I swear I didn’t,” he snorted, tossing his bag onto the bed nonchalantly. “Well, it’s possible I accidentally did, but it wasn’t on purpo-”
“What do you mean you ‘accidentally’ did this?”
“I’m not very good at Italian, okay?” Nishinoya threw his hands up. “I called last minute and there were so many words,” he crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes at the bed. “I guess ‘full’ meant bed size and not a room ‘full’ of beds, huh?”
“I feel like numbers would’ve been a better indicator,” you mumbled, pinching the bridge of your nose.
“In hindsight, probably, but here we are.” He fell back onto the bed. “I’d go to talk to them, but it’s late and I don’t think I know enough to haggle.”
“This sucks,” you groaned, placing your bag beside him on the bed. He grinned up at you seeming unbothered by your circumstance.
“It could be worse. We could have no room at all,” he shrugged, digging through his own duffel for night supplies. “I did that once in Thailand because I tried to last minute find a place but couldn’t. Now that sucked.”
You raised your eyebrow at how casually he spoke about the situation, and he just ruffled your hair before heading toward the bathroom. Your stare lingered on the bathroom’s door before flickering toward the bed, narrowing your eyes at it and giving it a petty kick. This was a worst case scenario you had never planned for when you agreed to this trip with Nishinoya.
When you casually mentioned you were thinking about taking an actual vacation for your last spring break Nishinoya jumped on it. He eagerly told you how his travel expertise made him the best guide and after several years he could make it the cheapest trip possible. You were a little skeptical at first, but you had saved enough for a round-trip to Italy and he swore he’d pay for the majority of your food when you got there. It was the best deal you’d get.
The only problem was even after over three years of not seeing him your heart still did acrobatics when he wrapped his arms around you at the airport.
You glared at the bed that the universe had planted for your demise and huffed, grabbing Nishinoya’s bag and dropping it on the floor before climbing atop the plush mattress. His words continued to echo throughout the small room as he rambled from the bathroom, but you paid little attention as you dug through your suitcase for your own nighttime supplies.
“Does that sound like a good plan?”
You glanced over and tensed, quickly snapping your eyes back to your suitcase. Nishinoya had poked his head out of the bathroom with his hair now plastered down on his forehead which had always been your kryptonite. You cursed yourself, rubbing a fist over where your heart pounded against ribcage.
It hadn’t even been six hours since he picked you up from the airport and you were already freaking out. How were you supposed to handle the next two weeks?
“Are you even listening?” He pouted, then pointing his toothbrush to his duffel bag. “Why is my stuff on the ground?”
“‘Cause you’re sleeping on the floor.”
He was silent for a half a minute before asking with genuine confusion, “why am I sleeping on the floor?”
“Did you actually think we were sharing the bed?” You looked at his puzzled expression in disbelief. “It’s barely big enough for one of us.”
“I guess… you’re right.” He avoided your eyes and you swore his cheeks tinted pink, but he turned away and threw a thumb inside the bathroom to signal you could get ready. You left him grabbing stuff off the bed and tossing them onto the floor as you walked away with supplies cradled in your arms.
Once finished you stretched your arms high above your head while exiting the bathroom. You cocked your head to the side as you took in Nishinoya lying on the hardwood, one arm tucked under a pillow and a flimsy blanket thrown haphazardly across him as he scrolled through his phone. The sight sent an ounce of guilt coursing through you as you crawled on the bed, wondering why he left the comforter regardless of the already uneven circumstances.
He mumbled goodnight before crawling across the room to flicker off the lights and you shrunk into yourself at the lopsided grin he sent you. As you wiggled under the warmth of the comforter you grimaced at the cold that filled the room outside your cocoon. Was Nishinoya freezing on the floor?
You frowned, turning toward the window that took up a large portion of the wall beside you. The moonlight crept in and illuminated the room in a soft glow that allowed for vision despite the hour. You closed your eyes, listening to Nishinoya’s uneven breathing which informed you that he was far from sleep-not surprising given his uncomfortable position. You groaned internally as butterflies tickled your stomach like you were back in high school.
It wouldn’t be fair to force him to be miserable because you still harbored immature feelings. You slung your arm over your eyes, taking a calming breath before crawling toward the edge of the bed and peeking your eyes at him. His already open amber eyes flickered to meet yours and after several moments of contact a wicked grin spread on his lips.
“You better not move around in your sleep,” you grumbled, shuffling over as far as you could without falling off.
“No promises,” he laughed, pulling the comforter back and wasting no time wiggling underneath. Your cheeks warmed as he adjusted his pillow, shoulder pressing firmly against your back.
He could at least pretend to be uncomfortable with the situation.
Unlike him, it hadn’t taken you long to regret everything. You spent every second he’d been there counting the bricks in front of you hoping that if you bored yourself to sleep you wouldn’t keep having a heart attack everytime Nishinoya adjusted his position. 
“Can you stop freaking out?” Nishinoya asked annoyedly, you felt him roll to face your back. “You're making it hard for me to sleep.
“I’m not freaking out,” you scoffed, tightening your grip on the comforter.
“You haven’t relaxed since I got up here.” He poked your side and you jumped obnoxiously, helping prove his point further. You furrowed your brow frustratedly and pulled the comforter higher up your face.
“You’re looking too deep into nothing,” you lied. “I couldn’t care less that you’re here, Noya.”
You realized that came out meaner than you intended as the room filled with silence. You opened your mouth to correct it, but it slammed shut when you felt his forehead rest gently between your shoulder blades.
“Liar,” he said slyly.
You didn’t know how to respond because you were lying, but you didn’t think Nishinoya would ever call you on it. You sighed, glancing over your shoulder before mustering the courage to shuffle around and face his crooked grin.
“You’re making this more difficult than it has to be.” You deadpanned.
“Well, you’re acting like it’s torture.”
You rolled your eyes, but internally you wanted to scream that it practically was torture. He had no clue how long you had liked him and apparently, despite all logic, still did.
Nishinoya poked your fist that laid between you both. “I’m really glad you came,” he said, barely above a whisper.
“Me too,” you whispered. It was bizarre how much he’d changed, yet felt exactly the same. A little taller, less baby faced, but still the exact same sense of humor and goofy smile-even keeping his signature hairstyle.
You furrowed your brow, staring at the blonde strip of hair that rested on his forehead. You used to think it was dyed until seeing pictures of him post-high school, doubting his upkeep abilities without his sisters’.
Perhaps it was the late hour or the soft smile that rested on his lips, but you were filled with an usual bout of courage as you slowly lifted your hand to run your fingers through the strands laying on his forehead. His eyes widened at the contact, but he did nothing to stop you-even leaning down to give easier reach.
“I missed you,” he confessed under the cover of night and your fingers faltered.
You frowned when you met his eyes filled with sudden adoration. “Is this a scheme, Noya?”
He blinked, taken aback. “A what?”
“Like, invite me to Italy and then uh-oh one bed? How did that happen? Now I’m gonna smooth talk you while we’re in bed. ” You rolled your eyes pulling your hand back.
“I swear I’m not smart enough to come up with all of that.” He said, grabbing your hand and placing it back on his head. “I would never rely on my ability to smooth talk.”
You narrowed your eyes, “I guess that’s true.”
“I’m way better than I was in high school.” He nodded proudly, which honestly wasn’t saying much. “I mean, if we were still in high school I wouldn’t be able to handle being in this room. Especially because I was, like, in love with you.”
Time froze as those words left his mouth. Your mouth hung open as you tried to process them and when he waved his hand in front of your face you sat up, pointing an accusatory finger down at him.
“What the hell do you mean you used to like me?”
“Uh,” he pushed your hand away. “I had a crush on you? It was pretty obvious. Everyone knew about it.”
“I didn’t know about it.” You stared down at your own hands in disbelief. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
He looked up thoughtfully, “well, the last crush I had was in love with my best friend, so I wasn’t on a great streak.”
“That’s a stupid reason,” you frowned, poking his chest angrily. “I’m not Kiyoko. You had no idea what would’ve happened if-”
“Why are you so mad?” He grabbed your hand and held it tightly. “This was like four years ago.”
“Well, it was just… I sort of liked you too so that would’ve-.” You felt your face heat up as Nishinoya’s grip on your hand tightened and he shot up, as well.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Wha-you liked Kiyoko,” you poked his forehead with your freehand and he clasped that one as well. “After she started dating Tanaka you were all ‘I’m gonna travel the world’. The timing never felt right.”
“That’s stupid!”
“It makes more sense than, ‘I was on a losing streak’.”
“No, because I just figured there was no point in trying!”
“Well, I assumed you were leaving forever and didn’t want to be dead weight that-”
You were cut off by Nishinoya pulling you down to press your lips together. Your eyes widened at the sudden contact, staring at his squeezed shut eyes as you stiffly wondered what you were supposed to do. Definitely not having your eyes open like a creep, and kissing back would be a good idea too.
Just as you started getting yourself together Nishinoya pulled back with a concerned crease to his brow.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have just… Was that okay?” He tilted his head, loosening his hold on your hands. You were too flustered to form a proper sentence and he took your silence as a bad sign. Panicked and without a plan you pulled your hands from his grasp to cradle his cheeks.
His eyes flickered down your lips and he leaned close; eyes drifting closed while he rubbed his nose lazily against your own, waiting for you to close the gap. The room’s silence felt deafening as you leaned the few inches forward to press your lips gently against Nishinoya’s. You felt the corners of his lips quirk upwards briefly before he wrapped his arms around your midsection to pull you closer against his chest.
Your heart reacted faster than the rest of you, leaping around your chest uncontrollably as you tried to focus on everything else: tangling your hands in his hair, matching the oddly skilled pace he managed to set, and remaining calm when he pulled you both back onto the bed. As the kiss’ languid pace grew in intensity you pulled back, catching your breath and he watched you lovingly, pressing his forehead against yours and rubbing his thumb against your cheek.
“You should visit more often,” he said with a dopey smile.
“Yeah, with all that money I have,” you deadpanned.
He pouted, wrapping his arms around your midsection to hold you impossibly closer while nuzzling his nose into the crook of your neck, “well, I should visit you more.”
“With all the money you have?” You snorted, running your fingers through his hair. He groaned against your neck, sending a vibration down your spine. Then he pulled back, his face lit up with some revelation as he smashed your cheeks together.
“You can just travel with me after you graduate,” he laughed elatedly.
You blinked once. Twice. “That’s a pretty bold suggestion.”
“You didn’t say no.”
Your cheeks warmed and a dopey smile forced its way onto your lips, “I didn’t say no…”
Another breathtaking smile covered his face and he pulled you back to his chest,nuzzling his cheek against the top of your head. “I can live with that.”
You rolled your eyes, but revelled in the warmth that filled your chest as you gripped the fabric of his t-shirt. You couldn’t believe it took all these years to work through your feelings, simultaneously with someone like Nishinoya this was probably the only way it would happen. And even if nothing came of this in the end you were more than satisfied to have these next few weeks with him.
You snuggled against him, closing your eyes with a content smile resting on your lips. Just lying with him like this? It would be more than enough.
Tags: @nathalie707
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miscellaneous-bnha · 4 years
A little “Christmas Magic”
Kirishima x Fem!Reader x Denki
This is my piece for @lemonlordleah-shinzawa-kitten’s Citrus Dome “Snowed In” Collab.
Link to the Collab: https://tomurasprincess.tumblr.com/post/637531853698547712/citrus-dome-server-snowed-in-collab
Warning: slightly Scumbag Kiri/Denki, dubious consent (at the start), Possessive/FeralDenki, Smug Kiri, some exhibitionism, lowkey yandere Denki if you squint, dumbification, a little tongue pulling, light cum play
Also, I write Denki as someone who pretends to be stupid but is actually extremely intelligent.
Being childhood friends with Denki had it’s perks; knowing how intelligent your best friend is compared to how stupid he likes to act is one of them, so you knew that it was no accident he kept you distracted long enough for the blizzard to roll in.
Effectively trapping you in his home with his roommate Kirishima.
“Aww come on! It’s not that terrible! We’ve got good heating, enough food n’ snacks. The world’s BEST portable charger,” he points to himself dramatically, “And, if you do get bored of me, Kirishima’s here too.”
“You say that like you were planning on excluding me from your plans.” Kirishima looks at his roommate unimpressed. You stifle a giggle.
“Even if he was, I wouldn’t let him.” You nudge the redhead with your shoulder, making him snort a laugh.
“Fair enough.”
“So you agree it’s not that bad?” Denki bats his eyes at you, causing you to push his face away with a scoff.
“Alright alright. It could be worse.” He grins.
“I’m glad you agree!”
The three of you spend the night talking about the latest games the three of you have been following. They had both just convinced you to download a multiplayer rpg when the power suddenly went out, leaving you all in the dark.
“Oof, unlucky. I guess even state of the art homes still get black outs.” You mutter.
“More likely than you think. Here, why not get closer before the temperature starts to drop.” Kiri offers.
“Sure, why not. I’ll be thankful for it later anyhow.” You sandwich yourself between Denki and Kiri laying on your back as the three of you bundled together.
“Everyone’s phones charged up?” Denki peeks at your phone, still going strong at 95%
“Yeah, it should be good for a while longer. Anyone up for some music?”
For the next 3 hours, you continue to talk until you find yourself growing sleepy. Comfortably warm, you can’t help the way your eyes slip close.
When you wake up again, you can still hear the wind whipping around outside. You grab your phone only to be met with the no battery signal. Both boys on either side of you completely knocked out.
You tsk at your own stupidity. ‘I should have turned it off when I realized I was getting sleepy.’ You thought to yourself, leaning over Denki to use his phone to check the time.
The numbers 9:27am stared back at you. Just as you move to settle back into your spot, Denki’s arms suddenly wrap around you.
“Mm… five more minutes…” the angle at which he grabbed you made it so you were lying on top of him, your legs straddling his hips.
“Uhm… Denks…” you try to shake him gently.
“Noooo… jus’ five mmm….” he starts to snore softly again, and you’re left stuck on him.
You sigh, accepting your fate. With your phone dead, you decide whether or not you should stick the charger into his mouth and plug your phone in or if you should just go back to sleep. Unfortunately, with how restless you felt, sleeping wasn’t an option, and you’d feel pretty guilty for disturbing him from what must be a good dream.
A really good dream.
Your face erupts into flames when you realize there’s something hard poking at you. The blush darkens when he groans and his hips jerk up to grind against you.
You would be lying if you said you weren’t ever attracted to your childhood friend; blonde hair, golden eyes, killer smile. You saw how popular he was back then, and you can see it in his hero ratings now. Even aside from his looks, his goofy, lovable, secretly intelligent nature made it impossible not to fall for him all those years ago.
But you also knew he tended to be a flirt, which made it hard to tell if he was genuine. Especially since his advances were never directed at you.
Wishful thinking made it easy to believe that he didn’t flirt with you because “he didn’t want to think the one person he cares the most about to think he was playing with them”, but reason told you otherwise.
You’ve met some of his exes, and none of them were like you.
So, in the friendzone you stayed. ‘Better than nothing’, you reason, and— much to your own surprise— you’re satisfied with that.
You shake your head and squirm. “Denki…! Wake up you idiot!” He snorts when you headbutt his chest, head sitting up as he let you go to rub at the spot you hit.
“Awww… I was having a good dream…”
“I’m sure you were!” You spit, embarrassed.
You make an attempt to hide it. “Also, I need a favor, my phone died while we were sleeping.”
“Ah, yeah. I tried turning your music off, but I guess that didn’t work.” You hum, but nod.
“Thanks for trying. Mind charging it for me?”
He taps a finger to his chin, pretending to think about it before he grins. “Sure, but it’ll cost ya.” You snort.
“Ha ha. What do I owe?”
“A kiss.” You roll your eyes. Even as a kid, Denki always liked to say stuff like that.
You lean down and press a kiss to his cheek.
“There, your kiss. Now can you charge my phone?” You have to bite your tongue to hold back a yelp when you’re suddenly flipped over on your back, Denki hovering over you.
“You can do better than that!” He grins when you snort.
“Oh really now?” You plant another, wetter, kiss to his cheek with a smack. “And is that good enough for you?”
“Oh come on!” You whisper-yell, fake exasperated, “I give! What more could you possibly want??”
“You really want to know?”
He pauses, eyes watching you for a moment before suddenly his lips are on yours. One hand cupping your jaw, thumb circling the underside of your chin, the other bracing himself over you.
You don’t expect it, nor do you expect the way he deepens the kiss so effortlessly even while you’re still floundering for steady ground. He almost seems to be intent on trying to keep you stumbling.
You gasp and pant when he parts from your lips with a wet smack; head foggy with confusion, you don’t have any time before his lips are back on yours, smothering you into another blissful, naïve cloud.
You whine when the hand cupping your jaw trails down slowly, fingers intertwining with yours and giving a gentle squeeze, bringing it above your head to pin it there.
“W-Wait!” You gasp, trying to come back down to reality, still not believing what’s happening.
“No.” He nips the side of your neck, making you groan softly, “Waited long enough.”
“Wh- what do you mean??” You don’t get your answer. Instead, he presses more hot kisses to your lips, each accompanied with a soft smack.
“Denki—!” You hiss through your teeth when he bites down on your neck again, harder this time. He covers your mouth with one hand, hushing softly.
“Waited too long for this. Should’ve just said something a long time ago.” His breath is hot against your ear, making you squirm when his teeth nibble on the lobe. “Should’ve told you how I feel ages ago.”
You can’t help the excited thumping of your heart, especially if his words mean what you hope they do. You gasp when you feel his hard on grind against you, sound stolen from you when Denki presses another deep kiss to your lips.
“Fuck, need you. Need you so fucking bad.” He borderline growls as his free hand disappears below the blanket covering the both of you. You’re just about to let the haze overcome you when you suddenly hear Kirishima snort from next to you, making your blood freeze.
“Denki..! Kirishima’s right there—!” He groans burying his face in your neck.
“Fuck..! I know! ‘S fine!” He flips you both again so that you’re on top, tugging at the pair of sweatpants you borrowed and your panties.
“We can’t!” He bucks his hips into yours, making you inhale sharply. He tugs you down so your chest is pressed to his. You can feel the way his heart is pounding through your thin shirts.
“For fuck’s sake, please, baby girl. I can’t. I can’t wait anymore.” He groans into your ear, hands pinning your hips to his, moving you to grind against him.
“But Kirishima—!”
“Kirishima—” He growls his roommate’s name with disdain, making you shudder with fear and arousal, “— won’t know if you stay quiet.” He hisses when he finally manages to slide the sweatpants off of you, bare cock nudging against your panty-clad pussy.
“Please. I need you so fucking bad it hurts. I will combust if I can’t fuck you right fucking now.” You shiver when you feel his fingers pull the crotch of your underwear to the side, fingers sliding through your slick and circling your clit.
“Okay, okay okay okay— wait!” You bite your lip when he shoves his leaking cock into you, growling into your shoulder.
“Fuck, fuck fuckfuckfuckfuck…” he groaned, hips fucking up into you with soft ‘paps’
“Den—ki!” You whine, grinding down on his cock as much as he would let you.
“That’s it, baby…. jus’ keep sayin’ m’ name.”
“Or maybe mine.”
The shock of hearing Kirishima’s voice right by your ear has you clamping down on Denki’s cock, sending you over the edge when he thrusts roughly into you.
“Kiri—“ Denki slaps a hand over your mouth, cutting you off.
“Seriously?” Denki growls, pissed. He doesn’t pull out though, opting to fuck into you still,
“Aww, come on. I’m not the one breaking promises around here, Denki. Don’t get a little salty because I wanted to join in on the fun.” You shudder and moan, overstimulated.
It’s hard to focus on the conversation as yet another orgasm builds. You can barely focus on the fact that you just got caught fucking your childhood friend by his roommate, at least until two hands grab you by your shoulders and pull you against a firm chest.
“Kirishima! Wh—” You whine when one arm wraps around your neck, not squeezing, but keeping you pinned to his chest, the other pinching and pulling at your nipple,
“Kaminari here can’t keep a promise, so I’m just having some fun touching you.” He laughs, seemingly unbothered. Then he whispers into your ear,
“But don’t worry; I’ll give it to you later.” You squeeze and clench around Denki’s cock at the sound of that.
Kirishima’s hand trails down your body, leading a trail of goosebumps until his fingers pinch and tug at your clit. He activates his quirk, the rough sensation of his hardened fingers add to your pleasure until you’re creaming on Denki’s cock all over again. You whine, trying to pull away from the stimulation, but Kiri just holds you there, letting Denki rut up into you until he’s cumming, hissing through his teeth until he can’t bring himself to pull out anymore.
You’re vaguely aware of the fact that he isn’t wearing a condom, but you don’t dwell on it. You don’t have time to as you feel yourself falling asleep again.
When you wake up, you’re cuddled in Kirishima’s arms. He gives you a bright, toothy smile when he notices your eyes opening.
“Well good morning, sleeping beauty! Well, good afternoon now.” You groan, feeling a little sore.
“What time is it?”
“About 2pm. You didn’t actually sleep that long.” You grunt.
“Where’s Denki?”
“Grabbing some snacks together. Your phone finished charging, by the way.
He presses the device into your hands and you stare at it owlishly until your brain catches up with your body.
“Ah, thanks.”
“Sure thing.”
You set it off to the side, sitting up and stretching. Your face twists when you feel something leaking out of you.
“Ugh.. I should go and get cleaned up… well, as much as I can anyway.” You throw the blanket to the side, but you don’t have the opportunity to stand before Kirishima’s hands are on your hips.
“About what I said earlier…” he murmurs softly. It takes you a moment, but you blush when you finally remember.
“Wh-what about it?”
“Do you mind?” He squeezes his hands gently.
You chew your lip. Everything considered, he’d watched and helped Denki fuck you, and you certainly were curious…
“... alright, why not?” Kirishima grins before patting his lap, pushing his shorts and boxers down. Your eyes widen when his cock stands,
“Have you been hard this whole time??” As smug as he’d been acting earlier, he seemed to get a little shy at your question
“Maybe, maybe not.”
“You were!” He sputters, but pulls you into his lap.
“Look, of course I’m going to be hard.” He teases the sharp points of his teeth against your neck,
“Thinking about all those noises you made, the way you looked on his cock…” he growls playfully, biting down on your shoulder until you whine softly.
“Shit... just hurry up then!” You grumble, giving his cock a couple of good strokes.
He flips you around so your back is against his chest again, slowly sinking you down on his cock as you both groan.
“Christ... I see why he wasn’t keen on sharing.” Kiri raises you by the hips, slamming you back down on his cock with a hiss,
“So fucking tight baby girl…” he groans as you whine, falling back against his chest. Your body shakes with his laughter.
“Awww… already stupid from my cock stuffing your tight little hole?” He groans, but you can feel the way he grins against your neck,
“That’s alright, baby. I’ll take care of ya.”
Your whines and moans do eventually attract Denki, pulling him away from his task. He scowls at Kirishima, who only continues to lazily bounce you on his cock.
“You could have at least waited until I came back.”
“And miss a chance at fucking her cute little pussy? I don’t think so.” You whine when Kiri forces your hips to still, instead rotating your hips so his cock grinds deep inside.
You feel Denki grip your jaw with one hand, the fingers on his other hand slipping inside your mouth. You yelp when you feel him pinch your tongue, tugging it out and forcing you to tilt your head up to look at him.
“You’ve always had such a pretty little mouth too…” Denki says more to himself than to you, letting go of your tongue in favor of tugging his cock out of his sweatpants.
“Mind if I use it?”
He taps the tip of it against your tongue, groaning a soft “good girl” when you suck on it, only for you to choke when he pushes more of his length into your mouth.
“Hey, take it easy man.” Kiri starts to bounce you on his cock again, making you moan with each drop of your hips. Denki grunts, cupping your cheeks with his hands,
“She’ll be alright, won’t you baby?” You whine softly, too busy focusing on the rising heat in your core.
“Either way, I don’t think she’s coherent enough to even notice if my balls smack against her chin.” Denki says as he snaps his hips forward again, making you gag.
“Well… don’t make her sick.”
“She’ll be fine.”
You moan and gag with every drop and rise of your hips respectfully. In some ways, Denki was right when he said you’d hardly notice him shoving his cock down your throat; come later, it’ll be sore as hell, but for now, it added to the curling pleasure that only seemed to build the more roughly they treated you.
You feel Kirishima reach forward to pinch a nipple, making you gag out a yelp around Denki’s cock. Both of them hiss in unison.
“Shit, I think she liked that.” Kirishima gives it another painful tug, causing you to whine and your cunny to flutter.
“Fuck.. keep doing that.” Denki groans out, forgetting completely about your comfort for a moment when he shoves his dick all the way down your throat, making you choke when Kirishima buries himself balls deep.
You feel like your head is floating aimlessly by the time they start to lose control. Between Kiri’s thick, heavy cock splitting you open and Denki fucking your face, your eyes roll back as you cum hard, whining and moaning through your choked noises.
“Fuuuuuck, that’s it baby! Just tighten up like that!” Kirishima growls as he abandons your nipple, opting to rub your clit instead to keep you cumming.
Denki hisses and pulls his cock out of your mouth, instead leaving the tip on your tongue as he strokes himself to completion.
Both men are loud when they cum, and you can only whine when you feel your body turn to gelatin again.
You grimace when Denki pushes his cum around on your tongue, only removing his finger when he’s satisfied with the look of it. “Swallow for me, yeah?” He pets your cheek when you comply, smiling in satisfaction.
You can feel Kirishima’s cum leak out of you the second he pulls out. He lets out a low whistle, lightly patting your ass. “What a sight to behold.”
You flop back against Kirishima’s chest, groaning softly. “Now can I get cleaned up?”
“Of course. Just give us a sec, yeah?”
“Or you could just stay like this for-“
“No thank you, Denki.”
“Party pooper.”
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forever-rogue · 4 years
Hey☺️ I was wondering if you could do 14 & 90 from prompt list 1, for reader x Javier. I think it would be cute if they were on about to head home or something and reader convinces Javi to go to the carnival. They play the carnival games that are almost always rigged (maybe I just sucked at them lol) and reader gets competitive over it. It’s a very fluffy request but it would be so cute to see javis playful side come out a bit🥺 thank you so much and I love your writing❤️❤️🥺
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14. “But the carnival is right down the street! Can we please, please go!?” 
90. “I didn’t know you were so competitive.” 
I think Javier deserves some softness, don’t you?
Also not necessary, but I picture this being Javi and his Dulzura from AGM 🥺
Javier Peña x Fem!Reader ; warnings: language 
Javier Masterlist
»»————- ♡ ————-««
It was a warm evening in Laredo, and the sun was starting to go down, casting the sky into brilliant hues of purples and pinks. It was warm still, the end of summer was slowly turning into fall, but warm enough where you could get away with wearing short sleeves and summer dresses. On this particular day, you were strolling hand in hand with Javier, taking your time as you walked home from dinner and back to Chucho’s house.
You’d come down to spend some time with Javier’s family, staying in town for a while for a wedding, and finally getting to relax and unwind for a while. You’d both been incredibly busy and it seemed like you hadn’t had more than a few minutes of alone time together. That’s why neither of you minded taking some extra time off and just being together. 
On this particular evening, Javier had taken you to one of his favorite places for dinner; it was nothing fancy or extravagant, but it had been his go to spot since he was young. You’d worn one of your - and Javier’s - favorite sundresses, not minding in the slightest as he eyed you up. Despite having been together for a few years now, you appreciated the attention. He always made you feel like you were the most beautiful thing in the world, like you were the one that personally hung all the stars in the night sky that he loved to watch so much. 
You couldn’t help but grin when you felt his thumb gently brush over the engagement ring that you now sported - soon enough it would be joined by a wedding band. He never thought he’d admit that he was exciting to get married, especially after his first engagement had ended in disaster, but fuck. He was excited to marry you - so excited to call you his wife. And you were just as excited to call him your husband. Javier was a good man - the best man - and to even think about spending the rest of your life with him was enough to set your soul on fire.
You grinned as you swung your hands back and forth, a little pep in your step as you noticed a commotion up ahead. Poking your head around, you tried to figure out what it was, but the laughter, music, and noise quickly provided an answer for you. Javier looked over at you, watched as your eyes widened in excitement, a smile tugging on the corners of his mouth.
“Javi,” you tugged on his hand lightly, “the carnival is right down the street! Can we please, please go?”
“Hmm,” he pretended to muse softly as he quirked a brow at you. Your mouth formed a small o as you quickly realized he had known that it was here, “what a complete surprise...I had no clue. Definitely didn’t plan on walking this particular way at all, or anything…”
“You planned this,” you looked at him with soft eyes, watching as his own crinkled in the corners as he nodded with a smile, his dimple making its appearance. Before you could stop yourself, you leaned over and quickly kissed him, letting your lips linger against his own, “look at you, always managed to surprise me. How very romantic of you, Javier Peña.”
“I don’t know if I’d call it that,” he shrugged lightly, relishing in your praise as a tinge of pink, similar to the color of shirt he was wearing, crept into his cheeks. Reaching over, you ran a hand through his dark locks, sighing contentedly as he keened into your touch, “but I thought you might like the idea.”
“I love it,” you agreed, giving him a quick kiss,  “I love you. Now - come on! We have to go; I want to go on the ferris wheel and those silly little games, oh! Cotton candy! No, no, no, funnel cake!”
“Don’t worry, Dulzura, it’s not going anywhere, we have plenty of time,” he insisted softly as you pulled him along with an excited bounce in your step. He couldn’t help but laugh as he followed after you. It was times like this, watching you get so excited and happy, that made him realize just how wonderful the little things were. Maybe it was just because he was so in love with you, maybe it was because he had softened with time - whatever the reason, he didn’t mind. He was happy; truly, truly happy.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
You couldn’t help but giggle as Javier grabbed the bright blue cotton candy out of your hand. His fingers wrapped around your wrist as he brought your hand to his lips and licked your fingers clean of any of the sticky sweet residue. Your face flushed at the naughty little gesture, especially as he shot you a cheeky little wink.
“Behave Javier,” you warned, playfully slapping his cheek as you watched all the people around you. You’d been walking around, taking in all the sights and sounds as you watched the various people. Naturally, you’d already dragged him to the ferris wheel first, wanting to watch the remainder of the sunset from the top. You’d caught part of it, but the rest was cut off by Javier gently grabbing your face and kissing you until you were both breathless and grinning at each like lovestruck teenagers.
“What was that for?” you asked as you thoroughly lost the battle to keep the smile off of your face.
“No reason,” he promised, “I just really love you is all.”
“Penny for your thoughts?” Javier gently interrupted your thoughts as you pulled you back into reality. You hadn’t realized that you’d zoned out and were staring at a small family that was nearby. It was a couple, flanked by their small daughters, both of which sported dark curls and soft dark eyes. You couldn’t help but think about yourself and Javi; perhaps one day that would be you as well. 
“Nothing,” you shied away from his question as you finished off the beer you were sharing while he polished off the sugary treat, “it’s silly.”
Almost as if he was able to read your mind, he turned to look at the happy little family as they started to walk away. You gave him a sheepish smile as he reached over and grabbed your hand, giving it a gentle squeeze, “hopefully they’ll take after you.”
“Nope,” you grinned at him, “I hope they take after you, Javier Peña! Especially with those curls and those soft eyes, and that smile. Whatever way - they’d be lucky to have you as a father.”
“Nah,” he shook his head, “they’ll be lucky to have a mother like you.”
“One day,” you said softly as he nodded in agreement, “one day.”
“Yes,” he promised, his heart already fluttered at the idea of your future children. He’d never given much thought to children, not before you anyway, but now? Now it was something he wanted just as much as he wanted to marry you. Who would have thought? Then again, he’d never expected you to make an appearance or just an impact on his life either. But here you were…”come on, let’s go play some games. I saw you eyeing that little hedgehog earlier!”
»»————- ♡ ————-««
"All I have to do is throw the silly little ball into one of those big cups?" you asked, looking between Javier and the game attendant, as both men nodded. You took the bucket of balls that Javier had purchased, sure this would be an easy win. Plucking out the first one, you spied the lucky cup as you got lined up your shot.
"Don't get too confident," Javier smirked at you as he leaned against the counter. You scoffed lightly before dramatically pulling your arm back and making a show of shooting your first shot. It had to go in, there was no chance that it wouldn't and yet...nope..it bounced off the rim of the cup and landed in the space next to it.
"No way!" you groaned in disbelief as Javier tried not to laugh too loudly, his shoulders shaking with effort, "that totally should have gone in!"
"Try again, Dulzura," he insisted softly as you huffed lightly, "I'm sure you'll get it."
"Duh," you insisted with a smirk as you took another shot. This one, just like the last, hit the rim of the cup and then fell away from it, "umm...this is rigged! It has to be!"
"You've got plenty more tries," the attendant nodded towards your bucket, "surely one of them has to go in."
"It can and it will," you huffed as you tossed another ball, this one missing even worse than the last. Biting your lip, you held back a groan as Javier watching in amusement, "fuck!"
"Baby, there's children around," he almost doubled over in laughter at your reaction but you quickly flipped him the bird as you went back to your little game, "I didn't know you were so competitive!"
"Always," you insisted, "I always get what I want - I got you after all didn't I?"
"Yeah," he agreed with a goofy little grin, "you did. Go on and win big."
Even with his best wishes, you couldn't seem to get it right. It was another 17 tries and none of them got close. It seemed like it kept getting worse and worse with each successive throw. 
Once the balls were all used up, you groaned heavily, as the attendant took the empty bucket back. 
"Fancy another round?" he asked as you pouted at Javier. He shook his head as he came over and put his arm around your shoulder.
"We're good," Javier kissed the side of your head as he led you away and you sighed lightly, "its alright, Dulzura. Those games are set up for you to lose."
"I know," you looked around at some of the other games, a smile working its way back on your features as you watched all the kids laughing and screaming. Your eyes quickly found another game that intrigued you - this one where you had to aim water from a blaster at a small target in order to fill up the meter first. You weren't about to say anything, deciding it wasn't worth the time, and were ready to move on.
"Do you want to play?" Javi nudged his head in the direction of the game as you slowly nodded, "I saw that look in your eyes."
"I wasn't going to ask!" you laughed as he took your hand and led you over. 
"Because you know I'll kick your ass," he insisted as plopping down on one of the worn stools before beckoning for you to do the same. You quickly obliged as he paid, taking a hold of the mounted water pistol and aiming and trying to line it up with the target, "ready? Whoever fills the meter with water first wins."
"You're going down," you stuck your tongue out at him as the attendant unlocked the pistols and water began shooting out.
Quickly enough the two of you were laughing and giggling like maniacs as you both tried to win, playfully cursing each offer. It was hard not to get lost in Javi's laugh and excitement; it was also nice to see him so carefree and unfiltered.
"You're losing baby," he teased as you pulled yourself out of your head and adjusted your aim. His meter was almost at the top as yours was filled a measly halfway. You should have known better than to challenge a man with copious shooting experience. 
"You're a cheater," you insisted when he won a few seconds later, looking over at you with a victorious smirk, "this was a set up!"
"Nope," he insisted as he leaned over and pressed a kiss to your lips, "you got distracted."
"Ugh," you teased as he helped you off the stool and the game attendant told him to pick out a prize. Javier feigned great interest as he walked around the whole booth, looking thoughtfully before calling the woman over. He whispered something in her ear before she nodded and he dashed off. You watched him in confusion, but stood there and waited.
It wasn't long before you heard footsteps behind you and he whispered, "close your eyes."
You obliged, making a show of holding your hands to your eyes as he shuffled around, "Javier…"
"Fine! Open," you slowly opened your eyes back up and when you did, all you saw that stuffed little hedgehog that you had spotted earlier in his hands. You looked between the plush and him as he slowly nodded and you grabbed it, holding it tightly to your chest, "I can play nice."
"Javi," you whispered softly, "you're too much. Thank you...I-I love you. So much."
"I know," he put his arm around your shoulder and you wrapped yours around his waist, "I love you too. But right now you're just saying that because of the hedgehog."
"I love you before then," you laughed, "and long after! Now, there's one more thing I want to do."
"The tunnel of love!" you insisted with a wicked grin, "and excuse to sit in the dark on a dinky boat and make out like horny teenagers."
"Perfect," he agreed as he threw his head back with laughter, "fuck - I love you, baby."
"I love you, Javier Peña," you promised as you grabbed his hand and practically ran towards the line, "now come on!"
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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thankskenpenders · 4 years
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And so that’s it... nearly 200 issues deep, we’re done with the contributions of original writer Michael Gallagher. I’ve been asked in the past about the possibility of writing an article going over Gallagher’s run, like what I did with Penders. And I might still do that. But for now, here’s a shorter postmortem summarizing my feelings on the work of the original writer for history’s longest-running video game comic
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I think it’s easy to look back on Gallagher’s silly old stories with a lot of nostalgia, especially after seeing what the series would become in its Dark Age. I can’t blame anyone who feels this way. I feel that way sometimes, too. It was a simpler time, with short, self-contained stories and a ton of puns, and it was a lot more easily digestible than a lot of the teen melodrama and half-baked sci-fi that followed. But the thing is... that doesn’t mean that Gallagher’s writing was good
Gallagher was always an odd fit for Sonic. I can’t really blame the man for introducing lame concepts like Cal and Al that didn’t fit in with Sonic early on because it’s not like he had much to work with in the early days. The guy was expected to write a monthly comic series based on a couple 16-bit platformers with very little story and some snippets from a cartoon that wasn’t out yet. He also had no way of knowing that his work here would lay the foundation for the longest video game comic ever made. I don’t envy his job. Of course he’d do a goofball story where Sonic travels back to caveman times. It’s not like he had much else to do
But as the series progressed and the cartoons and games gave the comic writers more material to work with, Gallagher didn’t really play along. He gave us a few solid, fun stories like Mecha Madness, but for the most part he was off in his own world, trying to sell us on shoehorned characters like the Forty Fathom Freedom Fighters or the Downunda Freedom Fighters who existed almost exclusively to deliver new flavors of lame pun. One time he even worked with Jim Valentino to make a naval-gazing parody of classic Guardians of the Galaxy so they could make lame puns about a comic they used to write (that very few children in 2001 reading Archie Sonic would be familiar with)
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People generally pinpoint Penders as the guy who became obsessed with his own pet characters over the main cast as time went on, but really, Gallagher was just as guilty. And honestly, sometimes Gallagher doing it bugged me more. At least Penders had some prominent characters people actually liked, like Elias, Lara-Su, and Julie-Su, as well as some semblance of an overarching plot to work with. Meanwhile Gallagher was over here trying desperately to get people to care about a group of characters he had created exclusively as a vehicle for trite Australia jokes
Gallagher did introduce a few characters who stuck around, but he doesn’t really deserve much of the credit for that. Most notable would probably be Fiona Fox, who would become a major recurring character under later writers... except Gallagher only really invented her robotic doppelganger that Robotnik tricked Tails into falling in love with that one time. He created Knuckles’ grandfather Athair, the one comic character to somehow make it into a cartoon, but Penders helped out with that lore and did more with the character, meaning most people just assume he’s another Penders echidna. He created Tails’ parents, but Karl and Ian were the ones who actually did stuff with them. And he created the Ancient Walkers, who were kind of neat at first but quickly devolved into a tired plot device, only to be killed off by Ian almost immediately to cut down on the deus ex machinas. If you look at the list of characters Gallagher created, it’s mostly just randos he created for the sake of puns
And that’s really what most of it comes down to. Lame puns. I’m totally down for Sonic stories that go for a silly tone. I love Sonic Boom as much as the next fan, and I’ve been having a blast with the extremely goofy Sonic X comics. I’m not a cartoon snob who won’t watch a show that doesn’t have action and drama and lore, I’m out here watching shows like Apple & Onion. But while Gallagher could write good jokes sometimes, he mostly relied on groanworthy newspaper strip-level puns. (I guess it’s fitting, considering he’s related to both the guy who created Heathcliff AND his successor who makes those comics about the Garbage Ape.) I love me a good pun from time to time, and a lot of Gallagher’s are funnier when shared out of context, but when a story is just wall to wall puns it becomes agonizing. Puns should be a spice, not a main ingredient. And when Gallagher got a chance to follow an ACTUAL newspaper comic strip format in the Off Panel, he fared even worse. It was so rare for the Off Panels he wrote to actually be any funny
He WAS genuinely funny at times, though. I’ll give him credit for that. I don’t want it to seem like I hated ALL of his stories. (He did impress me with at least one political joke that’s sadly still relevant today, and in hindsight there’s something really funny on a meta level about the dark and gritty return of Cal and Al.) I think his best work came when he was paired with better artists. Scott Shaw’s more energetic Sonics really helped sell the cartoony comedy in the original miniseries, and obviously Spaziante’s work on Mecha Madness made that story legendary. When he was stuck with the less exciting Manak or Mawhinney, though, not so much
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Beyond the puns, there was also this undercurrent of nastiness, meanness, and general grossness in his stories that I don’t see as many fans pick up on. This was mainly evident in the many odd decisions he made with the female cast
We had his take on Sally, who was treated as little more than Sonic’s annoying, moody, bossy girlfriend who bickered with him, sat on a big throne, and occasionally got to be a damsel in distress. He added Bunnie to the cast early on, but it felt like he didn’t have many ideas for what to do with her except make her the butt of jokes about her being a southern belle, including literally making her say “the South shall rise again!” We had Barby Koala’s extremely creepy flirting with Tails, who was half her age. We had that tone deaf Off-Panel joke about turning the special dedicated to the female readers into a swimsuit special (which isn’t far off from what everyone else actually did). And we also had that baffling story where Dulcy killed her mother. I have NO idea what the fuck he thought he was going for with that one.
It wasn’t just the girls, though--Antoine was somehow even more of a punching bag in Gallagher’s early stories than he was on SatAM. At least in the cartoon Sonic was responding to Antoine’s’ massive ego when he poked fun at him. In the early comics, Sonic would constantly rag on Antoine at any opportunity he got. It was VERY distracting in the early issues, and it made his Sonic come off as way more of a jerk
Later writers would often talk about needing to fix certain characters. Penders, for all his countless insufferable faults, used his early stories to steer Sally towards the version of the character fans knew from SatAM. (He then ruined Sally in his own special way, but, you know.) Just about every writer who touched him spent years and years trying to fix Antoine and make readers stop hating him. The unspoken part here is that the original incarnations of these characters that everyone had to work so hard to fix... were Gallagher’s
Again, Gallagher didn’t have an easy job as the first writer on this series, and most of his stories were... fine. Nothing I’d recommend to non-fans, but they had their moments. They make for an amusing read for their sheer absurdity. But a lot of it ranged from not very good to outright bad. We’ll always cut him some slack for having so little to work off of when he started and for writing stories that were, in hindsight, better (or at least less grating) than a lot of the melodramatic schlock that came later. I’ll always have some nostalgia for those simpler times. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that Gallagher’s stuff was ever all that good
But I can’t hate the guy too much, because he gave me the greatest Sonic character of all time
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 4 years
𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙇𝙚𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧 (𝙎𝙤𝙣𝙜 𝙈𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙞)
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Pairing: Song Mingi (Ateez)× Reader (Female) ft. Park Seonghwa (Ateez)
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Humor.
Word Count: 3.5K
Summary: Mingi has liked Y/N for the longest time and works up the courage to confess to her.......until he witnesses her confessing to someone else.
Tag: @seacottons . Happy birthday my tiny goofy goober.
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"Scribbling away another love letter that you'll end up throwing in the garbage bin yet again?"
Mingi quickly covered the paper in front of him with his large hands, startled by the voice of his friend who silently came in the room.
"Yeosang don't freaking scare me like that! Seriously, I'm going to ask Seonghwa to put a bell on you."
Adjusting the glasses on his nose, Mingi carefully folded the paper before placing it inside a pink colored envelope which he ended up wrapping a string around it. For the final touch, he attached a small flower on it like he did on all the other ones, this time it was a mini red carnation, which he gently kissed before placing it in the stash with the others.
Yeosang simply shook his head and sighed.
"Mingi, I'm no relationship expert, but don't you think it'd be better to tell Y/N how you feel instead of pouring your heart out into a piece of paper and storing it in a cold corner?"
The taller male sat still for a couple seconds, thinking about his friend's words. Maybe he would....and yet-
"No I- I can't do that! I mean, look at me. I'm just Mingi and she's Y/N."
Yeosang rolled his eyes.
"Yes, glad to see you know both of your names. But what's keeping you from telling her? Like seriously?"
Kicking himself off the chair, Mingi slumped onto his bed, sprawling all over it and groaning dramatically.
"She's super cool, funny, kind, caring and has eyes to die for..."
Lifting his head up he smiled goofily at Yeosang who just scrunched his nose at how lovesick Mingi was. Coming back to reality, Mingi rolled over onto his back. Clutching a nearby pillow, he hugged it as he looked at the ceiling.
"And I'm just me.......she'd never fall for someone like me..."
Yeosang sat next to him. Patting his arm in an effort to comfort him, he suggested:
"Why not try still? Who knows? Maybe you'll end up being surprised yourself."
Mingi pondered over his Yeosang's words long after he was gone. He looked back at the stash of written confessions he had drafted over the past months.
"Why not? After all, it wouldn't hurt me to try......"
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Y/N paced back and forth around the living room, feeling extremely anxious and agitated.
"It's ok Y/N. Just breathe and you'll be fine. The worse he can do is reject you right? No biggie." She mentally told herself.
Looking back at the cake on the island, she double checked to make sure it looked perfect and even. She had to remind herself to thank Yunho for telling her what his friend's favorite cake was, even if he had demanded a cake of his own as payment for the information. She got startled when she finally heard the door open.
"Don't panic! Don't panic!" She couldn't keep herself from fidgeting with the sleeves of her sweater.
Maybe there was still time to back out of this, maybe she could pretend she dropped the cake for all of them, even if he was the only one there at that moment. She was so frustrated she actually leaned her forehead against the wall in front of her and whined lowly.
"Y/N?" She finally heard him speak.
Without turning around, she lifted a hand behind her to signal him to not speak. Taking a deep breath she declared:
"Listen! I'm only going to say this once so hear me out...."
The man behind her stood there, eyeing her curiously, wondering what she'd say. He was pretty shocked when he heard her continue.
"I've liked you for the longest time now...... like seriously like you. Every time I see you, I feel like my heart is about to jump out of my chest..."
Sighing softly, she got to the final part.
"I understand if you don't feel the same, if you'll see me as nothing but a friend. After all, you're an idol and have so many pretty faces constantly surrounding you, and you're so handsome, so perfect and sweet and cute and- ugh! I just wanted to let you know that I really really like you ok?!"
She felt so embarrased by herself and actually contemplated banging her head against the concrete in front of her. She already could feel the rejection coming, the silence being the huge indicator. Not able to bear the silence anymore, she turned around.
"Stop dragging it on and just tell me- Seonghwa?!"
She was beyond mortified when she saw the eldest Ateez member in front of her, who was now poking at the cake.
"I mean........ I appreciate the sentiment Y/N, but you should know my favorite ice cream is strawberry. Not .....whatever this is..."
Y/N snatched the cake away from him.
"It's not for you idiot! And the confession wasn't for you either!"
Seonghwa pretended to be hurt by her words.
"Ouch. You hurt me so bad." He mock pouted, causing her to roll her eyes.
"But honestly, thank God it wasn't for me. I was about to get a heart attack from thinking about how to let you down gently."
Y/N looked at him and raised an eyebrow.
"I mean, no offense Y/N. You're cute and all but I just see you as a friend." He explained.
"None taken. You're cute and all but I just see you as the other's nanny." She teased him.
"Hey you take that back!" He swatted at her, causing her to laugh and almost drop the cake.
"Ok but if you weren't expecting me to come by the door? Who were you expecting?"
Leaning his elbow on the wall, Seonghwa looked at Y/N with a mischievous twinkle in the eye.
"Tell me. I must know who among our members is it that makes your heart pound so much?"
"That's my secret." She pretended to zip her lips tightly.
"Awww come on! I hardly get any excitement anymore! Tell me! I wanna know!" He continued pestering her to dish it out.
She bit her lip before deciding she could trust him.
"It's.....it's Mingi. ..."
Seonghwa immediately got a shocked look on his face which terrified Y/N, but then it confused her when he started smiling widely.
"Are you serious?! That's great!" Seonghwa actually hugged her tightly.
"Why is that great?"
Seonghwa leaned in, pressing his lips to her ear.
"Because, he may or may not be also crushing on you....hard."
Seonghwa chuckled at her reaction.
"Cute. Super cute."
Seonghwa couldn't resist the urge to nuzzle his nose against her cheek, making Y/N make gagging noises at his affection and jokingly attemp to escape his grasp.....
Yet neither of them noticed the heartbroken pair of eyes that was watching them.
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Mingi was upset for the next few days and didn't even try to hide it. He couldn't get that image out of his head. He could still hear Y/N's voice say:
"I've liked you for the longest time now...... like seriously like you. Every time I see you, I feel like my heart is about to jump out of my chest...
I just wanted to let you know that I really really like you ok?!"
He was so shocked to hear her say that. For the longest time he had wanted to hear her utter those words....
But they weren't for him, they were for someone else.
He couldn't stay anymore. He quietly exited the dorm to give them both the space they needed. Waiting for several minutes outside, he debated whether to go back inside and see what happened or just go back to the company to practice the choreography once more and hopefully get his mind off things. Curiosity getting the better of him, Mingi slowly opened the door again and silently peeked his head back in.
He instantly regretted it and wished he had just gone back to practice. It absolutely destroyed him watching his Hyung be lovey dovey with the girl of his dreams and he knew he'd hate the coming days. Which was why he stayed in his room or just went out to practice to keep his mind occupied.
He wasn't in the mood to play with Yunho, mess with Hongjoong and especially not eat what Seonghwa cooked. It started to worry the others and of course, it also worried Y/N to no end. She tried to cheer him up, make him his favorite foods or try to get him out of bed, but it was all in vain. Mingi would end up shutting down more and just dismissing her attempts, sometimes harshly.
"Y/N please just leave me alone! I don't want to see you!" He yelled at her one day when he just couldn't control what he'd kept bottled up inside.
He instantly felt bad when he saw her sad and disappointed eyes, but didn't apologize. He simply grabbed his coat and went for a walk, leaving the poor girl in total disillusionment. Y/N sat down on his bed, her hand gently stroking the throw blanket he always kept.
"Now you've got a long face. Don't tell me it's contagious."
Usually she'd chuck a pillow at Yeosang's comment, but she didn't even feel like doing that.
"What's with you?" Yeosang asked as he took a seat next to her.
"I'm just....hurt.." She admitted.
"Why?" He continued his interrogation.
"I just......wanted to help Mingi but instead he lashed out at me and it hurts because I care about him a lot and it hurts to have the person you like treat you so coldly."
She didn't even realize she had just told Yeosang her secret, but she was too hurt to even think about the words coming out of her mouth. Yeosang however seemed intrigued by what she said, and knowing how Mingi was pining for her as well, couldn't understand either why he'd make her feel that way.
"If it's any consolation..... he likes you too."
Although Seonghwa had already hinted that Mingi liked her too, she couldn't really take his words seriously because Seonghwa tended to misinterpret things. But she knew Yeosang was straightforward and honest in everything, plus he wouldn't make something like this up.
"He does?" She looked at him incredulously.
Yeosang nodded. Remembering the box Mingi hid, he got up, not caring whether it was ok or not to do this, but something had to be done. Picking up the red box he placed it on Y/N's lap.
"Read them. They're Mingi's. Maybe there you'll find a clue about what's bothering him."
Ruffling the top of her head, Yeosang exited the room and closed the door behind him, knowing she'd probably want the privacy.
Snapping the latch up, Y/N was more than surprised to see several letters neatly laid out in the box. There were at least a dozen of them, all addressed to her and stacked by the order they were written in. The envelopes were all different colors, and each had a unique flower attached to it, some already dried out from how old they were, but others were still fresh and vibrant. Picking up the first one in the stack, she noticed it was dated 1 week after she had just moved into the apartment next to them.
"Dear Y/N,
I know you'd find it odd to hear me say this, but I think you're so pretty and nice and I was wondering if one day you'd like to go on a date with me? Let me know."
She giggled softly at how cute he was. She poured over the next letters one by one, each time they were getting longer and longer than the last one, and they certainly became more romantic.
"Dear Y/N,
It's been only a few minutes since we all went to bed cause New Year's is over, but I honestly can't sleep. Not when my head is filled with images of you at the party, looking absolutely gorgeous in that dress you wore. Let me tell you, I could hardly keep myself still when the fireworks began. I seriously wanted to kiss you right then and there, and I would have, but that would have probably freaked you out and I can't have that. Admiring you was enough for me and I know I will get to kiss you, even if it's only in my dreams."
Y/N fondly remembered that. She recalled how she fantasized about Mingi kissing her as well. She desperately wanted him to cup her face and just plant his luscious lips on hers. She could feel herself blushing as she thought about how they would feel and what would they taste like. It was well an hour later but she finally reached the last letter, which was actually written up just yesterday. This time it was in a dark blue envelop and it had a tiny stem of Forget-Me-Nots on it.
"Dear Y/N,
I know it's foolish to keep writing these things when I now know you can never be mine, when I know your heart belongs to someone else. But I need to get it off my chest and finally say this:
I love you..."
She clutched her heart when she read that, tears already forming in her eyes.
"I love you, but I can never have you. Yet I hold no resentment towards you. You're free to love who you want. I wish you and Seonghwa Hyung nothing but happiness and I hope he treats you like the princess you are.
Forever yours, hoping you never forget me,
Song Mingi."
Y/N furrowed her eyebrows, wondering what he meant by being happy with Seonghwa. Then it hit her. Mingi had started acting strange the day after the misunderstanding with Seonghwa happened. Which meant he must have seen something and thought-
"Oh my God!"
Y/N quickly ran out the room, almost bumping into San who dramatically slammed his back on the wall, holding his beloved baby high above any danger.
"It's ok my precious Byeol! Your father has saved you from this heathen who doesn't know that she shouldn't run in the house especially when I'm with child!"
San shook his head and held the feline close to him as he walked into his room to play with her, singing an unintelligible tune that wasn't exactly pleasant to the siamese' ears.
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Y/N was once again sweating nervously. She kept looking and shuffling the plate of macarons in the middle of the table. She specifically poked at the pink one, hoping it wouldn't fall apart or anything. She could hardly take a sip out of her own coffee as she waited for Mingi to get there. She was beginning to worry he wouldn't show up at all, but Yeosang promised to make sure he did. She took out her phone to text Yeosang, ask him if he succeeded or should she just think of something else.
"Y/N? Did you call me here?"
She fumbled with her phone that almost dropped out of her hands when she finally heard Mingi and saw him standing there in front of her.
"Uhm...yeah. Please sit."
She gestured for him to sit which he hesitantly did. He kept his glance on the table, not even looking at the drink or treats in front of him. Wanting to break the ice, Y/N shifted the cup and plates closer to him.
"Look. I got your favorites."
She hoped to get a reaction out of him, but nothing. He barely batted an eyelash at them.
"Oh.....thanks...." Still made no move to take anything.
Feeling impatient, Y/N shoved the plate of macarons closer, making it touch his hand.
"Mingi.....won't you please take one?"
He sighed in defeat, and as expected, he took the pink one.
"I appreciate your effort Y/N. You're a good friend. But don't you think your boyfriend might get jealous of you doing this? We all know how Seonghwa is with his possessions."
Y/N wanted to refute that statement right then and there, but instead, she chose to wait. Mingi took a bite out of the macaron, or at least attempted to but it felt oddly hard and weird. Examining it closely, he accidentally broke it apart in two pieces, and out came a tiny folded paper. Mingi looked at Y/N, who just pointed to the paper, her eyes urging him to open it. Mingi carefully unfolded the paper and his eyes went wide as he read the contents:
"I love you too♡"
Confused and wondering what it meant, he was going to ask Y/N about it, but she began explaining:
"That day.....that you saw me and Seonghwa..... I thought it was you who was standing behind me."
If they weren't sitting in a booth and had instead been at one of the tables with high chairs, Mingi would have seriously fallen out of it.
"That confession....was supposed to be for you.."
Mingi couldn't believe what he was hearing. He actually pinched himself to make sure it wasn't another beautiful delusion his mind was making up.
"Are.....are you serious?" He had to be sure.
Y/N nodded her head.
"Then....then why was Seonghwa kissing your cheek afterwards?"
Y/N giggled softly.
"That wasn't a kiss. He was just being the little shit he was and teasing me about you."
Now it all made sense. Seonghwa did enjoy teasing Y/N and that teasing was always followed by a pinch to her cheek, a squeezing of her nose, or even messing up her hair.
"So it was all a misunderstanding?" Mingi asked.
"Yeah. A rather big and painful one if you ask me." She added sadly.
Then Mingi's eyes shot up as he realized something.
"Wait! What do you mean you love me too?"
Now it was Y/N's turn to blush.
"Well...... Yeosang kinda showed me all the letters you wrote."
Mingi thought he was about to have a heart attack.
"Please tell me you didn't read them all."
When she bit her lip, Mingi grimaced and covered his face.
"How embarrassing. I want to die now."
"Well.....I thought they were really sweet and romantic. I loved every one of them."
Peeking out through his fingers, Mingi squeaked out an "Really?"
Y/N couldn't resist the urge to uncover his face and coo at him.
"Yes I did, almost as much as I love you."
Mingi blushed intensely at her words, both of them bursting out into little giggles.
"So that cake you made.......those words you said..... it is for me?" He looked at Y/N with hope in his eyes.
"It was always you Mingi."
Pouting, Mingi held out his pinkie.
Linking her own pinkie in his, she promised:
"Promise it was you and it will always be you."
Mingi was happy once again now that everything was cleared up and he found out the girl he loved reciprocated his feelings. They left the cafe together, both shy and quiet as if they were a newlywed couple. Mingi kept glancing over at her, wanting to say something, but didn't know what. Unconsciously, he brushed his hand against hers.
"Sorry!" He apologized when she whipped her head at him.
"I swear! I wasn't trying to-"
His words got caught in his throat when she held his hand and continues walking as if it was totally normal. Mingi couldn't stop himself from smiling at their physical contact.
"So uhh..........when is it an acceptable time to have our first kiss?"
His question made her burst out laughing. He however didn't find it funny.
"I'm serious! I just want to know when it'll be an acceptable time to kiss my girlfriend!" He complained.
Stopping in their tracks, Y/N faced him.
"Ok you really wanna know?"
Mingi nodded. Feeling bold, Y/N got on her tippy toes and pecked his lips so quickly it took Mingi a couple seconds to register what happened. Y/N began running back away and laughing at his dumbfounded expression. Once he got over the shock, Mingi began sprinting over to her.
"Hey! No fair! Come back here! I wasn't ready! Let me kiss you properly!"
Having longer legs, he easily caught her and threw her over his shoulder.
"That was so mean." He huffed as he began walking again, not caring if people looked at them weird.
"Ok what can I do to make it up to you?" She offered.
Humming softly, Mingi answered:
"I want you to cuddle me while we watch movies."
Y/N shrugged.
"Done. It's a deal."
Not hiding the smug smile on his face, Mingi added:
"And I want to kiss you."
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bibbykins · 3 years
So, I just caught up on the mafia series having been offline for a few months (immaculate, as with everything you write) and I have a question if you don’t mind. What's it like when Namjoon and Jungkooks partners interrogate someone together? I want to hear about them wreaking havoc together because we stan strong female relationships
Hi! Welcome back and thank you! And in short? A bloody nightmare and I’m so glad you asked! This turned out waaay longer than I planned but it was fun to write anyway!
Edit: Let me add Namjoon's and Jungkook’s fic for background
Words: 1.7k
Warnings: gore, sadistic women, misogyny sorta (man thinking of woman as a bitch), blood, knives, talk of pain, manipulation, torture, mention of smoking
“Alright, so you won’t talk?” Jungkook huffed at the silent middle-aged man before him, looking at his watch as he clicked his tongue, “Well, I have a meeting to get to.” He shrugged, a small smile creeping onto his face.
“Ah, looks like our time with you is up.” Namjoon concealed his smirk.
“Luck you, Seungwon.” Jimin mused, but it almost seemed sarcastic, “Well, do you want to tell us where you funneled the cash? Last chance.”
The man, scoffed, “Or what? You’ll kill me? Leave me here to starve for a night?” He mocked, knowing if he died the money would be lost, and leaving him for a night is nothing compared to the elusive plastic lining the walls and floor of the dingy basement room.
This made Namjoon break into a clean smirk, “No, no, we’ve... evolved.” 
A knock at the door made all the men turn to the thick metal of it as the silver doorknob turned. He expected some lackey to gather the men for a meeting, or really anything other than the smiling girl that peaked her head in, “Koo?” She called and the man in question broke out into a goofy smile as the girl basically skipped inside, wearing a pink sundress with a light green cardigan.
“Hi, baby!” He scooped the girl up, giving her a twirl and a kiss on the lips as she giggled, “How’s my Honey doing?” He cooed as he nuzzled into her neck.
“Good! I got up early today, made your lunch- it’s in the fridge, don’t forget- and Junebug and I met up with the wedding planner to work on invitations and whatnot, she’s such a doll!” She gushed and Seungwon scrunched his nose as the engaged couple fussed over one another. 
He always wondered what made such a ruthless man like Jungkook bend to the will of someone like her. He had only ever seen the elusive “Honey” in passing, never introduced since Jungkook kept his fiancee’s identity limited to him and his brothers. Although he did understand why he hid her away, she was obviously delicate. Seungwon wasn’t even a fighter but he was sure he could break you in half.
Another knock made him roll his eyes as a woman he did recognize sauntered in and he gulped slightly. Namjoon’s wife carried herself with an air of unchecked power, and rightfully so as her husband’s eyes softened as he glided to her, “Junebug, welcome.” He purred as he placed a loving kiss on his wife’s lips, “Having a good day so far?” He asked, genuinely curious as the most powerful man in the country clung to her every word.
Namjoon’s wife was, in Seungwon’s opinion, a bitch. Seungwon was a golden boy, a rising man in the syndicate. He was gaining more responsibilities, and more money, at a quick rate. It was Namjoon’s wife who took one look at him for the first time and whispered in her loving husband’s ear. She never smiled at him or spoke to him. The bitch probably looked down on him, there was a theory that she was in an arranged marriage with the boss as a girl born with a silver spoon in her mouth. Either way, the next thing he knew was an audit was done on all the finances and all of the money he had been stealing was discovered missing.
He grit his teeth as the woman spoke, adjusting her pencil skirt, “Wonderful day, actually.” She grinned, “The wedding plans are going wonderfully, makes me want to renew our vows using that planner.” She looked at Namjoon with nothing but love, “Wouldn’t that be nice, my love?”
He hummed, “Sounds lovely, my darling.” 
Jimin scoffed, “Don’t we have a meeting to get to?” The man rolled his eyes as the couples giggled at him, knowing he was just jealous.
“Right, right.” Jungkook sighed as he turned to his lover, “Your raincoat is in the bag.” The girl hummed as he handed her a suitcase, “I love you.”
“I love you too.” She beamed at him, “Have fun at the meeting!” She chirped and he cooed at her before kissing her forehead.
“You know the drill. Be safe, be ruthless,” Namjoon murmured to his wife before they kissed each other, “Call me when you’re done.”
Her eyes flickered to Seungwon for a split second as a malevolent smirk found its way onto her face, “It’ll be quick I’m sure.” She stated simply, “Love you, baby.”
“I love you too.” He spoke as the men left the room. 
Seungwon heard shuffling next to him and he turned to see Jungkook’s fiancee, who he only knew as (and was unable to call her) Honey, bending over as she shuffled a clear raincoat over her outfit.
“You’d be wise to watch where your eyes land.” Junebug, another name he was not allowed to call the woman, spoke with sharp eyes catching his, “Honey isn’t here for you to look at.” She sneered and before he could even open her mouth, she cut him off, “So, before we do our thing, would you like to tell us to what account our money is?” She raised a brow and he rolled his eyes.
“And how do you know I didn’t spend it?” He challenged and the woman simply laughed.
She looked him up and down like he was trash, making his skin flare with rage, “You’ve been wearing the same pair of sneakers since we met, have been using the same hair products, and your home and car have remained the same.” She deadpanned and he cursed himself internally, “If you spent it, you’d be dead.” She stated simply, “Now, last chance before things get ugly, where’s the money?” 
Seungwon heard the leader’s women were participating in business, but he didn’t expect interrogation to be something they handled. He gulped, not enjoying surprises or not knowing what exactly they can do. He knew how the leaders made people squeal, but the women? He had no idea. However, he remained silent, jaw clenched as he held his silence and her gaze in spite of the metal clinking next to him.
She raised a brow before clicking her tongue, “You’re gonna make me put on a raincoat?” He remained silent as she rolled her eyes, “Fine, Honey, you’re up.”
The cheerful woman hummed as she walked up to him, face behind a shield and hands with pink gloves on as she held a thin knife, “Okay, so you tell me where the money is, and I’ll stop, okay?” She held up the symbol in her gloved hand before giggling, “Wow, usually it’s just for inside info but now I’m like ‘where’s my money?!’ like a real mafia person!” She turned to Junebug with a childish grin that the woman returned, now donned in a raincoat and patting the woman’s head.
“So cute.” She cooed, “Now, be safe, be ruthless.” She spoke softly and Honey nodded.
“What are you gonna do? Take my finger off?” He scoffed and the way he made the woman giggle unnerved him.
Her eyes landed on him, much darker now as she scanned his form, stopping at his forehead, “Hey mister, you’re sweating quite a bit now. Are you nervous?” She asked and he remained silent, “Did you know stress can make pain worse?” She leaned forward, lips close to his ear and she sniffed lightly, “Uh oh~ we got a smoker!” She sang, stepping back and sinking to her knees, “Nicotine hinders blood flow to joints, making healing so slow.” She pouted and he suddenly felt extremely uncomfortable with the way she glided a sharp knife along his legs, “Okay, here we go!”
The pain was blinding, but the cruelest part of it is that it was not fatal. He never saw where she stabbed him, he couldn’t bear to open his eyes as the pain radiated throughout his body, most concentrated in his left knee. He couldn’t breathe as he focused on not saying a word and heard a chuckle from one of the women, “Didn’t you hear her, old man? She said stress makes the pain worse.” A wicked cackle followed as he pressed his lips together.
“The beautiful thing about pain is that it’s all in your head.” Honey taunted, “The brain doesn’t feel pain, chemicals from it tell you that it hurts.” She explained with a wicked lilt to her voice, “I could be poking you, but if I have a big enough reaction-” She gasped loudly and pain shot through him like a bullet but there was no gunshot, “You’ll cry your little heart out.” She chortled, “Like a baby.” 
“You think I like wearing a raincoat waiting for pigs like you to squeal?”Junebug spoke, “I don’t want to be doing this to you, Seungwon, I really don’t.” Her voice was softer, almost pitying, “But you forced my hand, Honey’s hand.” She clicked her tongue like she was scolding a child, “We don’t like to hurt our family, so why do you like to hurt us?”
He panicked, the tenderness in her voice getting to him, offering solace from pain. This went on for what felt like hours. Each time Junebug would speak, Honey would cease her torture. They were training him, like a dog. They were getting him most comfortable with speaking with Junebug, just so he would salivate at the chance of talking with the woman. Junebug spoke honeyed words about how important he was, how vital he was to their group, making it seem like they were doing him a favor by torturing him. It had to have been a whole day by the time he gasped out the account he put the money.
He was delirious, and mercy was a greater reward than any cashout as the blood from the slit on his forehead seeped into his eyes, “Good choice.” Junebug praised as she wrote down the info, “What’s our time, Honey?”
The girl simply beamed, raincoat off, not a speck of blood on her pristine outfit, “Twenty minutes.” 
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xgiannax · 4 years
Hey❕ I’ve just felt so terrible for the past few days, I have a head cold😕 which kinda scared me at first because with everything going on with the virus I kinda forgot that it was possible to be ‘regular sick’ if that makes sense? Idk 😭
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🦋The Dare Master🦋
“Hey, Y/N!” Kaminari pulled you in for a side hug and you gasped feigning shock
“Woah dude, what is that?! There’s this really strong force surrounding you. Almost like...The Force” he looked at you as if you were insane which made the girls relaxing in the lounge behind you snicker silently
“The Force? Y/N, what are you on? That stuffs not real-“
“Of course it is, why do you think magnets move toward each other so strongly?” You stumbled 100% sure that you would fail, there’s no way he’s going for this you groaned biting your lips.
“Yeah right, Y/N! Magnets come together because of magnetic force-.....FORCE! HOLY COW” Jirou almost cracked laughing loudly into a pillow on the lounge couch, You ignored her and shushed him quickly pulling him in by his arm
“Shh Shh! Listen, Denki. I don’t know how to say this, but I think you might have The Force” his eyes went wide looking around the room “Here, let’s start small. You see that empty cup in front of Ashido? Knock it over”
The two of us turned toward the group of girls and they quickly acted ‘natural’. He stared intently at the cup, Momo nudged the corner of the coffee table near her sending the cup flying to the ground rather convincingly. He quickly paled, you looked up at him stunned
“What if my power falls into the wrong hands? Does this mean the fate of the world is up to me?! *sigh* I guess today I’ve become a man. I’ve got to go, Y/N. I’ve got some..thinking, to do.” He brooded almost comically and disappeared toward the boys hallway, when he was out of ear shot all the girls erupted into laughter and a few cheers
“There is no damn way you actually just pulled that shit off!” Jirou shouted through laughter, you smirked
“I told y’all, truth or dare master. At this rate, I’m gonna be rich” your smug reply made Ashido squint mischievously, and something told you you weren’t gonna like what came next
“Hold on, hold on before the next person takes their turn... since you’re the ‘dare master’ your turn isn’t over, let’s make it all or nothing? “ you nodded skeptically
“Okay? What’s the dare?” Her grin widened
“Ignore your boyfriend, for the rest of the day” You paled, mouth instantly falling open
“What?! It’s only 3 o’clock now, so for how long?!”
“Until 9pm” all the girls ‘oooo’ed “Yep. She can’t do it”
“I can!” You protested
“Bet money you can’t, if you loose you owe us each 3$” she countered pulling out 3 singles from her pocket and slamming it on the coffee table, all the other girls followed doing the same thing.
“So? What’s it’s gonna be? Better choose quick here comes Kirishima now, you know Bakugou isn’t far behind him”
“Fine!” You hissed at her through clenched teeth
“Mhm. Meet here at 8:30, so that we can prove that you didn’t cheat. If you even make it that long”
“You’re on-“
“Y/N! Hey, how’s our gourgous girlfriend doing!?” You heard a angry growl and a thud shortly after “Ouch, okay okay I was kidding she’s only yours!” When you turned back all of the other girls had vanished accept for Momo, a witness you guessed. You piped up instantly and glanced at the clock
3:22 pm
“Hey, Kiri! What have you been up to?” He sat in front of you while your boyfriend slid comfortably beside you and grabbed your waist, nudging your neck with his nose to greet you. You wanted to melt. Even though the man was aggressive and angry most of the time, when it came to you touch was definitely his love language. Maybe this wouldn’t be so hard, he didn’t seem to be in a talking mood today. Pshh I got this. You thought smugly
7:00 pm
You absolutely and positively do not have ‘this’. This was unbelievably hard and was only getting worse as the day progressed, he sent you meme after meme and it was taking everything in you not to respond to his text messages. You picked your phone up off the table and felt a pang in your heart, 30 missed text messages and 9 missed calls from him. There was a knock on your door and you knew it was him, so you forced yourself not to open it. But of course, he let himself in with the spare key and saw you laid across the bed
“Hey, dumbass. What the hell are you doing that you can’t text me back or answer me?!” He asked in his typical aggressive voice, you didn’t acknowledge him and continued to scroll through you phone. He slammed the door behind him and stormed in
“What is your issue, Y/N seriously” again, nothing. “Did I do something?” He asked gruffly, only slightly lowering his voice in concern. No response, he growled in frustration and stomped over to the bed hovering over you and trapping you with a hand on either side of your head
“If I did something just-just say it dumbass, I mean it!” The genuine concern in his voice almost made you break and hug him so he knew you weren’t actually mad. Instead, you turned your head away from him and bit your tongue
“Tch, fine! Fuck it then! You wanna ignore me? I can ignore you too” you half cheered and half frowned because now he was mad at you, but at least it would make ignoring him easier if he was ignoring you. The door to your room slammed shut and you let out a relieved breath.
8:30 pm
Feeling completely untouchable you sat in the dorm lounge area cross legged on the couch, Jirou was sulking slouched in a chair knowing that she only had 30 minutes. After Katsuki left earlier you left your dorm room so he wouldn’t be able to find you, you hung out with a couple of your classmates. The less you saw him the quicker you won.
“You wanna just give it up now, Jirou? I told you, I’m a legend at truth or dare” she glared at you, then her face suddenly lit up
“No way, don’t get too cocky we still have 30 minutes. Wait here...” she disappeared down the hall and you scoffed sinking comfortably into the cushions. About 15 minutes had gone by before you heard something that sent a chill down your spine
“Y/F/N FUCKING Y/L/N YOU BETTER RUN BECAUSE IM ACTUALLY GONNA KICK YOUR ASS!” Your boyfriend boomed from down the hall, Jirou came running in out of breath. She bent over with her hands on her knees
“Better start gathering the money up, Y/N!” You glared at her
“What did you do-“
“Hey, out of my way!” He stormed in the room and locked eyes with you, to say he was fuming was an understatement “Wanna tell me why you went out with everyone but me?” You snapped your mouth shut and looked at the wall above his head, trying your hardest not to loose when you were so close
“UGH WHY THE HELL ARE YOU NOT TALKING TO ME? ACTUALLY, I DONT CARE YOURE GONNA TALK TO ME WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT-“ he was storming toward you and your eyes fell on the clock. 8:52. You couldn’t hide the grin that covered your face, he stopped his angry persuit and stared at you with hard eyes when he saw your goofy smile. He turned to Jirou, then turned back to look at you.
“What is it that you aren’t telling me, Y/N” he asked with a raised eyebrow stalking toward you, he smiled evily and you knew what was coming next. You grabbed a throw pillow and used it to cover your midsection, he pounced yanking it away from you with an evil laugh and you grabbed his wrists trying to hide your shocked giggles
“Come on, take the easy way out and just confess. Or I can get it out of you the hard way baby, you know I can” He growled, your eyes fell on the clock. 8:56. While you were distracted he pushed you back and dug both of his hands into your exposed armpits
“NAAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHA” You screeched thrashing around insanely with your arms clamped to your sides. He was merciless as he drilled his fingers deep into the hollows of your armpits and wiggled them quickly, there was no way you could take much longer of this. You shook your head side to side violently and arched your back trying to throw him off but of course failing. Just as you expect he didn’t let up or budge one bit
“ I don’t even feel bad for killing you like this dumbass, you’ve been ignoring me all day! Had me thinking I did something wrong- nope come here you’re not going anywhere! Move your hands, you deserve this!” Katsuki pulled you back on the couch and forced your hands to the side blowing raspberries all over your stomach and wrecking your armpits at the same time, after about 4 raspberries you lost count and fell into silent laughter. Through your teary eyes you saw the time and you felt more relief than ever. 9:02. Any relief you felt washed away almost instantly when he ruthlessly squeezed and poked at your knees and thighs, by now you had no energy to fight and you just laid weak and completely wrecked screaming your head off. Bakugou would usually tickle and tease you often and could be pretty relentless.
But this time, he completely destroyed you which you no doubt deserved for taking the stupid dare, you tried to scold yourself mentally but couldn’t think about anything other than how incredibly crazy he was driving you kneading into your inner thighs
“STOHOHOP I CANHAHAT TAKE ANYMORE! AHAHA ITWASADARE” he stopped looking down at you with a glare
“What did you just say?”
“It was a dare. I was *hiccup* supposed to ignore you for the dare” You slurred completely out of breath and tingling from his attack. Jirou crossed her arms swearing
“Shit, well I guess you won Y/N. I’ll tell the girls, we’ll bring you the money later” she sulked off and your boyfriend stared down at you pretending like he was mad at you
“You mean to fucking tell me that you ignored me all day for a damn bet?!”
“No! I mean yeah, but not on purpose?” Your nervous talking was a result of the look he was giving you that told you he wasn’t done with you yet or anytime soon.
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imissjoongsmullet · 4 years
Too Far, Seriously
Pairing: Bang Chan x reader
Genre: smut
Summary: Part 4 in a very dirty Bang Chan series in which a one night stand leads do a friends with benefits type of relation.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 5
In this part: you and him have been fucking around for quite a while now and it’s great, until certain feelings start getting in the way.
Warnings: graphic sexual content (duh), swearing, fuck buddies, sex toys, overstimulation, praise, alcohol, romance, angst
Word Count: 4K
Author’s Note: I debated on whether taking this story in this direction or not but I guess in the end, I couldn’t help myself. This one’s a little less dirty (still dirty tho haha) but I hope you still like it. And I’ll be posting the final part in a few days!! Love you all!!  ♡
The air is heavy with the familiar smell of sex. Skin slapping against skin in a rhythmic fashion, intertwining with the sounds of his heavy breathing and your desperate moans. It's ecstasy. He's pulling your hair as he pounds into you from behind and you're once again desperate for him, responding to his every request with an eagerness that makes him want you more with every passing second.
The hand previously holding onto your waist moves between your legs and you cry out. The vibrator he's wearing on his index finger presses into your clit, jolting you into pure madness.
"Chan," you whine out at the touch, "too much, I-"
He only responds by pressing harder, never letting up his merciless thrusting.
The stimulation is overwhelming and you can’t help but cry out to him, begging for release. You start to shake under him, moaning out his name when you feel his tongue licking a wet trail up your neck towards your ear. When he arrives there he groans lowly into your ear.
"It's okay baby,” he says between pants, “you’ve been good for me tonight.” He bites into your ear before whispering, “come for me."
The feeling of his breath in your ears and those words echoing through you empty head make your whole body tremble with sudden intense waves of pleasure. You whine and clench around him, letting your orgasm take over at last. It feels like the whole world is falling apart around you and you love it. You would let it all go to shit as long as you can feel as amazing as you do right now.
Your limbs go weak under him as your sensitivity starts to highten. You let out another string of moans, for Chan is not planning on letting go of you soon.
"Fuck, you're so hot," you hear him pant somewhere above you.
He grabs a tighter hold of your hips, fingers digging deep enough to bruise, and bounces you fiercely onto himself.
"Baby," he mutters darkly and you know by his tone he's about to blow. His breathing hitches and his hands squeeze your hips a dark red. You feel him release, the sensation of him filling you up adding to the afterglow of your own orgasm. He continues to rock you for a few more seconds before slowing and releasing his grip.
"Fuck," you let out after he’s pulled out. You curl into the sheets and turn to him.
A goofy smile spreads across his face.
"Don't look so proud, you ass," you say, burying your face into a pillow.
You feel a light smack against your butt, stinging only from the fact that he’d been spanking you before.
"Did I, or did I not make you see stars just now?" His voice is positively drenched in smugness.
"I hate you," comes your muffled reply from behind the pillow.
"Yeah right," he laughs and his hand is at your shoulders, pushing you playfully.
"Yeah, right!" you reply, raising your head, trying your hardest to scowl but breaking out into laughter instead.
It's nearly 3am. Most of the city is fast asleep but the two of you are still up, doing nothing much but not really making any moves toward sleep yet either. You'd been in and out of sex for hours. Limbs tangling, chasing pleasure together, losing yourselves in one another.
With him, often, it's dirty as anything and he calls you names, pulls your hair, bites you, chokes you, spanks you until you beg for release. But more recently, he fawns over you, growling little pet names into your ear, squeezing you close as he rides into you. He’s still undoubtedly conceited and annoying as hell, but you’ve also noticed other sides of him that have surprised you, making being with him a lot more bearable than you’d initially expected. And the sex is good, moreover, it has stayed good. It’s still as exciting as the first night you ended up in bed together - and you’re in bed together a lot. You're so used to him on you it feels odd when he isn't.
Now as well, you feel an emptiness at the loss of him.
Not that you're planning to mention that.
He's looking at you with that telltale grin, eyes twinkling with mischief and you know he's not about to let you sleep just yet.
"Shouldn't you be heading home right about now?" you say, stifling a yawn.
"I don't wanna go yet," he replies, grinning and he starts to crawl towards you. You eye him suspiciously as he slowly comes to hover above you.
"Do you really wanna be a zombie tomorrow?" you ask, raising your brows at him, "I'm sure the others are getting suspicious too."
He breaks out into a chuckle, "those guys wouldn't know it if we were doing it right in front of their noses."
"Whatever you say," you respond, "but you'll be in big trouble if you're not on time tomorrow, just saying."
"That," he answers, getting all the way on top of you, "is something for future me to worry about."
You wanna roll your eyes but he captures you with a kiss instead. It's slow and deep and the sensuality of it takes you by surprise. His beautifully toned torso slides against you as he goes in a second time and a soft moan topples from your lips. He finds his way from your mouth to your jawline, kissing down your neck with that same languid pace. It's slightly ticklish where he presses his lips, breath playing against your skin but you don't want it to stop. Another involuntary whine escapes you when he suckles the crook of your neck, creating another pretty little bruise for you to have to hide later.
"Not there," you manage to say as your hands come up to his shoulders.
He lets go and looks down at you, lips all pout but eyes full of joy. It's adorable. The thought passes through you for the fraction of a second before you pull yourself together.
"I don't wanna have to wear another turtleneck tomorrow, get off!" You shove him and he rolls onto his back beside you, laughing.
"Maybe you just don't want your other lover to see."
The sarcasm wasn't lost on you.
"I could have another lover, you know," you reply, acting casual.
He shakes his head, smiling. "I don't doubt that." He runs a lazy hand through his hair, mimicking your casualness. "But I don't think you need another lover after everything I do to you."
"You're so fucking full of it," you say, closing your eyes. He was right of course: you definitely weren't in need of another, but he didn't need to know that.
"You're blushing," you hear him say.
"I'm not."
"I like making you blush."
You open your eyes to find him lying on his side, with a face that’s just begging to be punched.
"I hate you." It's all you know to say at this point. You're pretty sure you mean it too.
"Come on," he shoves you softly. "you know you're lying."
His confidence continues to baffle you. You decide not to react and instead, pull the sheets over your face.
"Why so shy, baby," he chuckles and you feel him move. His head pokes in underneath the blanket and he's wearing the stupidest grin. You want to move further away from him but before you can he's crawling on top of you under the sheets. His hands move over yours pinning them on either side of your head.
He's smirking down at you and all of a sudden, for no apparent reason whatsoever, you feel yourself go hotter than ever. Something about the twinkle in his eyes irks you and you wish he'd move away but stay at the same time. He does neither. He does worse. He starts to lean in and his face has changed, mischief replaced with something more subdued.
When his lips brush against yours you go weak. It's nothing special, the kiss, but it wipes your mind clean of all reason. A million tiny feathers tickle just underneath your skin and you feel a panic coming up. With a last soft peck to your lips, he pulls away and at last, it seems like he's arrived at the place you are.
He's looking at you, brows slightly furrowed, eyes stark with confusion. And it's quiet; too quiet. You can hear the humming of the air-conditioning, the soft flow of his breathing, the uncomfortable thumping of your heartbeat.
"Maybe we should go to bed after all," he says, rolling off of you.
You're unsure of how to respond but glad he's at least done something to end that awkward moment. Your mind is still blank. You know you should probably say something to lighten the mood and let him know everything is fine but nothing comes out. He’s already reaching for the bedside lamp.
“You ready?” he asks in a tone as if nothing particularly strange has just happened.
“Yeah,” you manage to respond, hoping to sound the same.
The lights go off and, as you feel him move around in the sheets beside you for a minute, you start to wonder what the fuck just happened.
You wake up feeling perfectly comfortable and you sure as hell are not planning on opening your eyes yet; it's too nice. A warmth presses into your front, radiating through to your whole body. Your limbs feel heavy, sluggish and sore; you can’t even bring yourself to scratch the slight itch on the side of your nose. Then you notice the arm that’s slung around your waist lazily, fitting you snuggly into the warmth in front of you. That’s when your mind starts to clear up and-
Something stirs around you. You open your eyes, only to come face to face with Chan. You’re nearly nose to nose, which is, at the moment, a bit too close for comfort. He seems to agree. He’s looking at you half asleep, half startled for a second before he moves away.
“Oh god,” he groans, “what time is it?” He reaches for his phone and curses at the numbers on the screen. “I’m gonna be so late,”
You want to shoot him an ‘I told you so’ but decide against it, as he’s now scurrying around the room picking up pieces of clothing and throwing them on in absolute chaos. He stumbles into his pants, not bothering to button them, worms his way into a black T-shirt and runs to the mirror. He brushes a hand through his tousled bed hair, curses some more, picks up his bag and heads out the door without another word to you.
You’re not bothered, you tell yourself as you get dressed as well; he’s probably already getting in trouble for being late. It is his own fault and he could have said goodbye to you at least but you’re not going to hold that against him… probably.
Everything is fine.
The sun is blindingly bright when you exit the hotel but you don’t have your sunglasses with you. You peer at the ground, feeling more agitated than necessary as you make your way home. Your thoughts flit to Chan. He might be getting yelled at by his manager right now, you think wickedly. Serves him right.
Pain shoots through your side as you hit the street sign of your local coffee shop and, for some reason, that’s also Chan’s fault. You’re all sore from the night before and this isn’t helping, you think in disconcert, hugging your arms close to yourself. You still feel him all over your body, from the bite marks at your shoulders to the muscle pain in your thighs - not to mention the state of your pussy - and for some reason it bothers you. Perhaps it’s the way he left in the morning. His eyes had held a coolness behind them you weren’t used to. Those eyes linger for a while as you walk the empty, early morning streets. They bring you back to the night before and, without warning, an uncomfortable sensation rolls over your shoulders, down into the rest of your body. It makes your head buzz with questions you’d rather not ask yourself right now, so you quicken your pace and try to shake it off. Not that it works. All it does is feed into the frustrations you were already growing, so, by the time you arrive at your tiny one bedroom apartment, you’re positively brooding.
For once, you wish you had work to go to. Where the thought of staying home all day with nothing much to do usually elates you, today, it’s nothing but a reason for you to continue to over-think things. You do not want to think about things right now, especially Chan-related things because the uncomfortable feeling that arose on your walk home has now started pressing its way into every little nook and cranny of your brain.
You try to numb yourself with TV and snacks, putting a stopper on your brain so the feelings stay put, and, after a few attempts, find something on Netflix that manages to hold your attention for more than five minutes. Somewhere deep down, you know you should probably be thinking some things through; your brain keeps trying to shout at you to, but you refuse to listen. You turn up the volume of the drama you’re watching, drowning out the desperate pleas of reason. It’s blissful escapism and you’re planning to keep it up all day. It almost works too, until you receive a text.
It’s not even anything special. He’s just sent you a funny video of a goat dancing to one of his songs. Entirely unnecessary, you think, but fine. You’re just about to turn your attention back to the TV when he adds a message.
[Same time next week? ;)]
And with that, the stopper on your brain pops off and the uncomfortable Chan-related feelings run rampant, taking over your entire being. There’s so much going on you can barely make sense of it at first. You let out a frustrated groan, kicking your head back against your couch.
Your phone buzzes again and even the sound of it fuels your anger. You press a pillow over the screen and get up, not knowing what to do with all of this strange energy. The phone buzzes once more, muffled but still audible under the pillow.
It’s a complete impulse; you grab the phone and start jabbing at the screen. There, you whisper hotly to yourself. His notifications are now muted. Not forever, of course. You just need some time to calm down; today is just a bad day. You’ll deal with him once all of this has subsided.
Only it takes a lot more time than you’d initially thought to get him off your mind. The next couple of days pass irritatingly slow. You try to distract yourself with work and friends but at the end of the day you’re still peeking at the messages he sends you, agonizing over whether to reply or not. The thing is, you feel like you owe him an explanation for not responding at this point. His messages have changed from flirty jokes, to concern, to what you can only interpret as annoyance. But you have no idea what to even say to him. You don’t exactly know how you feel. It seems silly but you just can’t face him, so, when push comes to shove, you do not text him back. You will, you keep telling yourself, once you’ve got yourself figured out.
By the weekend, you’re going mad thinking about him and you’d kill for any proper distraction. That’s when your friend invites you to a party at one of her friends’ apartments.
There it was: the perfect opportunity to forget the mess you’re in.
On the day of the party, you find yourself oddly nervous. This wasn't like you. Luckily, your friend had the wonderful idea of meeting up at her place before the party for some getting ready and, more importantly, pre-drinking.
You haven't told any of your friends about Chan and you're not about to change strategies now. But when you're sprawled out on this particular friend’s bed while she drags a brush through her hair, she turns to you with a frown.
"What is up with you lately?"
"Nothing," you lie, staring at the ceiling and praying the alcohol will start to do its job soon.
"Yeah sure, whatever," she laughs, "you look fine."
You sit up to face her. "It's really nothing big. It's stupid."
"So it's a boy."
"I'm not talking about this with you," you say, shaking your head and falling back onto the bed. You reach for the bottle on the night stand.
"Always so mysterious, you are," she says, putting down the hair brush and coming over. She takes the bottle out of your hand and takes a sip. "But listen, if you're suffering because of this boy, I have one piece of advice," she hands you the drink back with a wide grin, "tonight, you're gonna forget all about him."
By the time the two of you arrive at the party, you're just the perfect amount of buzzed; just lightly, so your emotions are mostly numbed but you still know what you're doing.
The apartment is huge for a place in Seoul and there are already enough people for you and your friend to enter completely unnoticed. It's a modern, open-plan space and there’s a buzzing in the air that excites you. The main lights have been turned off, leaving only a couple of warm mood-lights. Some hip hop song plays softly from speakers at the far end of the room, the beats mixing with the murmurings of the crowd and you feel right at home.
"Do you wanna go find us a drink?" your friend says, leaning into you.
You shake you head, starting to smile.
"I wanna dance."
You drag your friend towards the speakers, where a group of people is already moving to the music.
This is great, you think. You should have done this days ago instead of spending your time staring at your phone. The music goes through you like a delicious breeze, willing your body to curve its way through the motions. You close your eyes and smile, swaying your hips, bopping your head and, oh yes, your head is completely vacant by the way. It feels a-ma-zing. It’s light and fun and easy, exactly the way you like things. All is well with the world, at last, until you open your eyes again and see something that makes your heart give a sudden painful pull.
You have to do a double take because you simply cannot believe your eyes.
Why is he here?
Chan is standing a bit further away, in front of a large window overlooking the city, with another girl. He’s looking down at her with his signature grin and she’s noticeably falling for it. It’s actually him. You can’t fathom the fact that he’s here, let alone with someone else. To make things worse, he reaches out and his fingers come to the girl’s side, lightly playing with the fabric of her dress, not unlike the way he did with you that first night.
You feel your insides start to boil. Your first instinct is to charge over there and give him a piece of your mind, but then you realize how dumb that would be. He’s in his complete right to do whatever he wants with whomever he wants… just as you are. And maybe that was the answer you’ve been looking for. He doesn’t look troubled at all. Maybe you should be going about things the same way he is.
You scan the room until your eyes land on a tall guy with dark hair, looking at you over a glass of wine. You walk over, mentally throwing out all worries, and introduce yourself.
“I saw you dancing before,” he says, leaning down towards you. He smells faintly of wood and tangerine.
You smile up into him. “Did you now?”
You’re amazed how naturally you fall back into flirty behavior. You run your hand up his arm before taking his hand and leading him back towards the speakers.
Dancing feels a whole lot different now, with this guy’s hands on your hips and his eyes all over you. You can’t say you dislike it. He turns you around, pressing himself softly into your back. That’s when you start heating up. You don’t know why but it feels a bit strange, being this intimate with someone else. He knows how to move; his front smooth against your back and there's just the right amount of contact for you to get excited. One hand holds your hip and gently guides you through the song. You feel his breath on you from time to time, tickling your ear, sending chills down your spine.
The night ticks on by as you dance. You've soon forgotten all about your problems as you sway and sway and fall deeper into the form behind you.
Something soft grazes your ear.
"Shall we go get a drink?"
You turn around, looking your mystery man in the eyes and nod.
He grabs the both of you some drinks and leads you to a more secluded part of the room, where the music won't bother you as much. You lean against the wall and allow him to envelop you.
"So," he begins, "where did you learn to dance like that?"
"I'm a bit of a pro actually," you reply, unable to hide a smile.
"You sure are," he grins down at you, sublty moving a little closer.
You're glowing. God, you love flirting! You don't even really care to know about this guy in great detail. You're just having fun talking about nothing, knowing very well where things might lead at the end of the night. And he's good at it too, bouncing off of your energy with boldness and wit. You notice him drawing nearer and nearer as time goes on. A hand comes to your side, his face drops a little lower, but he doesn't kiss you; not yet. He draws it out like he knows you want to, so an hour and a half later, when he does kiss you, you’re aching for it.
His lips are soft and taste of alcohol. You take him in gladly, sliding a hand around his neck and pulling him close. His hands roam your back slowly, but with a force that lets you know he’s not going to let you go any time soon. His tongue trails over your lip swiftly and you open up for him, deepening the kiss. Adrenaline rushes through you, enhanced by the alcohol already in your system, and you feel yourself growing needy for more. You moan into his mouth when his hand arrives at your ass, squeezing possessively.
"What the fuck!"
The voice is startlingly loud compared to the hushed conversation you'd been in for the past few hours. Before you can even see where it came from you’re pulled from your new lover’s arms. Realization hits you like a dreadful bomb when you see the dark haired man you’d been kissing crash into the wall, after being pushed by a shorter, blond haired guy.
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i-may-be-stupit · 3 years
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Shigaraki x Silly!Reader
As usual, this is rather gender-neutral and the horny got me because I fukn love Shiggy 🥵😍 but yeah, enjoy!
You typed up a report of the latest incident between Endeavor and the league of Villains. Well, actually, you were just editing your boss's writing. She was a journalist and you were her assistant. You rolled your eyes, reading through it and fixing any grammar mistakes or typos you came across. Why the hell is she making Endeavor seem so god damn perfect? I mean, when you first met him, you told the guy a joke and he hasn't stopped glaring at you ever since. You rolled your eyes at just the thought of that fuck-faced jackass.
Not only were you the editor, but you were also the secretary in the news office building which is a whole different job as it is. You blew a bubble from your gum and turned your music in your earbuds up a bit more, since the day was going slow. Yeah, there'd be a scoop here and there but not a lot.
You looked up to see a guy with red eyes and a black hoodie grinning evily while saying stuff to you. You just stared at him until he finished talking. He looked at you and you looked at him. You spat your gum in a tissue then took out your earbuds. You smiled softly at the man. "I'm sorry, you said you wanted a visitors' pass?"
The man looked at you with a blank stare at first. "You didn't hear anything I just said?" You shook your head. He frowned and tilted his head in annoyance, "I was talking for like 3 minutes straight." You just blinked. "I just explained my whole reasoning for kidnapping you for information on Endeavor."
You smiled at him, "Im sorry sir, I'm just the secretary, but the information desk is on floor three, just take that elevator to the right and-"
"What the fuck, bitch?!" He opened his arms wide in anger, "Do you not recognize me from the news?!"
You put a finger on your chin and tapped it in thought for a moment, before clicking your tongue and snapping your finger, "Ah, you must be a pro hero or something!" His jaw dropped. "Wow, no wonder youre so handsome!" You took the bottle of lotion out of your desk's drawer and offered him some. "If you're going on an interview you could use some of this though!" He glared at you before snapping his fingers, and thats when you found out who he is.
The entire League of villains showed up and your eyes widened in fear. The man known as Shigaraki Tomura laughed harshly with a gleam in his eyes, "Recognize me yet, (Y/N) (L/N)?!"
You stared at him again in fear. You then snorted, "Hank the handy man?" And thats when he lunged at you, only for Shigaraki to fall into one of Kurogiri's portals. You laughed with tears in your eyes as the burnt up goth boy snickered. Kurogiri elbowed Dabi and Dabi wiped away a bloody tear in his own eye as he held your arms behind your back.
Dabi chuckled quietly in your ear a small, "You gotta teach me some insults if you live." And you snorted as you consentualy walked into a portal, not even mad at being kidnapped.
You were in what seemed to be a lounge area, seated on a chair with your arms handcuffed to the back of you. You looked around, innocently smiling, "Wowie, nice place you guys got here!" Spinner looked at Dabi confused as you started humming. "So, uh, whatcha need me for?"
Mange spoke up, "Wait, how are you so calm about this?"
You chuckled, "Hey, this chair is comfy, I'm off from work now, and I got to see a cute guy up-close and personal!"
Dabi looked at you with a straight face. "No thank you."
You rose an eyebrow at him, "Dont flatter yourself, Rat, I'm talking about the one that tried to kill me." Shigaraki walked into the room, slightly pissed off as Kurogiri rubbed his back. "There he is! The handsome one!"
Shigaraki glared at you. "Don't patronize me." You were about to speak, but he cut you off before even getting the chance, "You're working with Yuki Ino, the Journalist who's been interviewing pro heros, including Endeavor." You nodded, not understanding if that was supposed to be taken as a question or not. "Tell me everything about what's happened to All Might, why he retired, and how to end Endeavor, including the Pro-heros' plans to take down my organization."
You stared at him for a good minute before sneezing, "Sorry, what did you say? I disasociated."
Shigaraki twitched before scratching his neck violently. "What do you know about the number 1 pro hero?!"
"What?!" You looked at him in utter confusion. "I cant even remember what I had for breakfast, how the fuck do you expect me to remember anything about Enslaver?"
The red eyed male scratched his neck faster. "Endeavor."
You looked in even more confusion, "What the fuck is that?"
Shigaraki pulled you by your shirt closer to him in pure anger, "His hero name! Its Endeavor, not Enslaver!"
You blushed and fluttered your lashes, "Wow, the way your crimson gems glisten even in such dim lighting is so mesmerizing..." You puckered your lips and moved forward, but Shigaraki just let go of your shirt in utter disgust.
"I dont speak Wattpad."
You smiled at him happily, "I mean, I know that I should be scared because you're hella intimidating, but geez louis, your eyes are pretty! If you don't end up killing me can I be your boo thang?" You grinned and thats when he lunged at wwnnaqqa again, only for Kurogiri to put himself in front of you, again, so Shigaraki just fell into his portal, again.
Kurogiri just quietly mumbled out a small, "Lets take a break." Before going to the bar and throwing back a shot of some alcohol.
Shigaraki crossed his arms in front of the League with you in another room. "She was trying to seduce me like a slut to get out of death! Playing with my emotions?! Like I'm an ,idiot?! How dare she?!"
Dabi sat back, watching as Toga practiced her knife throwing on Twice. The burt man shrugged nonchalauntly, "She seemed legit to me."
Toga and Twice both nodded with a little, "Mhm," as Toga threw a knife at an apple on Twice's head.
Shigaraki just frowned. "Have you people seen me?" They all stopped what they were doing, looked at their boss and then put their hands up to their faces while cringing.
Kurogiri walked in, dragging you in a chair behind him. He placed you right in front of Shigaraki and you smiled awkwardly at him, "Sorry if i made you feel uncomfortable, Mister Shigaraki, I just can't help myself when I see a cute guy like you, though!" You giggled and shrugged as Twice awed at the nonexistent budding romance.
Shigaraki looked at you with disgust and concern. "You seriously think that I'm cute?"
You tilted your head cutely with a small smile"That's why I asked you out, what the hell?" You chuckled softly and Shigaraki blushed with a frown as he stared at you.
He scratched at his neck, took a shot of alcohol and sighed. "Just tell me everything you know about Endavor, okay?"
You frowned deeply with a small groan, "Ugh! He's kinda a asshole! I told him "Good morning, Teletubby Sun" and he just glarred really hard at me!" You frowned and pouted before mumbling out a small, "I mean, it was just a joke..."
Shigaraki pinched the bridge of his nose in utter frustration while Dabi fucking died of laughter in the background, "Anything actually important?"
You furrowed your eyebrows, "Hey! That's totally important!"
A weak, hourse, "it is!" came from Dabi and you grinned.
"See, he gets it!"
He glared daggers into you and got closer to your face. "Do you not understand the danger you're in?" He snarled. "I can kill you right now if you dont submit."
You poked your lips out jokingly before giggling out, "I get it, but who's to say I don't wanna die?" You winked at him.
Shigaraki stared at you calmly, not leaving your goofy grin. "Everyone out of the room. Now." And everyone did as they were told and left, all praying for you.
Shigaraki silently cut your restraints and you started rubbing your wrists while smiling, "Thank you! You know, that was starting to hurt-"
He grabbed you by your hair and flung you onto the floor. The wind was knocked out of you and to make matters worse, he placed a foot on your chest, glarring down at you. "This isn't a game, you stupid fucking cunt." Shigaraki laughed darkly, seeing your jokester smile twist into a horrified grit as you struggled to breath. "I mean, are you dumb or something?! Your worthless life is on the line and you really couldn't care less?! "His hands covered his mouth, holding back another laugh, though you could hear it in his voice, "You're so fucking pathetic, I don't even feel like wasting my time killing you~!" He pushed his foot down harder.
You gasped for air, clawing at his foot to pry it off. "S-Shigaraki, sir-" A crack was echoed as he pushed his foot down harder on your now broken sternum. You scream out as tears fell from your face from the pain, "Please, p-please remove your f-foot..."
Shigaraki only laughed harder, cupping a hand over his cheek, ring finger raised, "Oh all of a sudden you care about your life, huh?" He straddled you, pinning you down with your wrists in one hand, and your neck in his other. "You think you can just flirt with me like the little slut you are and get off Scott free, huh?" You choked and Shigaraki drew closer to your ear, "Where's that attitude gone now, huh? Oh, can you not speak anymore? Tell me, please, how many dicks have you taken already. How the hell did you get a job," his face scrunched up in fury, "at a god damn Hero News agency without knowing shit about any heros, huh?! You probably slept with everyone there. Didnt you? Flirting with them to get what you want just like with me?"
Your face was hot and you were crying and choking at his words and actions, "N-No! That's not-" you gasped hard, unable to breath properly, "not me at all!"
Shigaraki loosened his grip on your neck. He glarred deep into your soul. "Then why the hell were you flirting with me back there? I'm not dumb, (Y/N), I'm a very fucking capable man!"
You smiled awkwardly, thankful that you could breath a little better. "I just think you're HANDsome!" Shigaraki's cheeks tinted pink as he glared at you. He let his grip go completely as you choked and coughed before looking up with a smile, "And this position... w-with you on top of me is really lewd, so can you maybe..." You trailed off as he just stared harder at you.
Shigaraki blinked, expressionless. "I'm pinning you down on the verge of killing you and the only think you can think of is getting fucked by me?" You looked away, struggling a bit with the feeling of awkwardness and arousal. He smirked, feeling your neck get hotter. "You really are a little fucking whore aren't you?" And with that, he softly kissed your lips.
Your face went hot as you looked up at him. "What was that for?" He kissed you again, this time longer. "S-shigaraki..." You pouted and looked away. "Theres something I should tell you..."
"Hm?" He tilted his head with a smirk, waiting for you to tell him that you're still a virgin.
"You shouldve taken my lotion earlier." You laughed out and he started choking you again. "Joking- J- Joking!" Shigaraki glarred down at you before tongue kissing you much more rough. You moaned as it thrashed against your tongue, saliva dripping out the side of your mouth. Shigaraki bit your lip softly before dragging his tongue down your chin and onto your neck. He licked and sucked on it as you bit your bottom lip. Tomura came back up and tongue kissed you for only a second before grabbing your shirt with all five fingers. You gasped and covered up your bra. "H-Hey! Gentlemen ask for permission first!" You frowned and he just grabbed you by your jaw.
He mocked you with a fake pouty voice, "Oh, that's my bad for not being a fucking gentleman. Can I pwease fuck you??" Tomura rolled his eyes, "Now shut the fuck up and let me suck on your nipples." Shigaraki's mouth immediately locked with your left nipple as his fingers played with your right. He laughed, hearing you softly mumble his name. His mouth left your chest with a small pop and he looked down at you with a smirk, "Dont be shy saying my name, (Y/N); I'm gonna need you to get used to screaming it anyways." And with that, he licked his lips then placed his tongue on your torso, dragging it all the way down to your work pants.
He decenigrated your pants and underwear happily. Shigaraki brought his face to your slit and took a hard lick, a finger shoving itself inside of your tight hole. You moaned loudly, confused. "Tomura, a warning next time!?" He just pumped his finger inside of you slowly as his tongue played with your privates. You moaned while holding his head down on you, your fingers twisted in his hair, as he sucked you off like a cherry. You panted heavily and he stuck another finger in you. Shigaraki then lifted his head off you.
"I'd warn you that time, but you're kind of suffocating me, so maybe, don't fucking push down so hard!" You frowned and just pushed his head back in between your thighs. He kissed and licked more, groaning whenever you'd thrust into his mouth deeper. Shigaraki chuckled at how you'd only get quiet when hes making you moan.
You shivered and groaned, coming closer and closer to your climax. Shigaraki noticed and immediately pulled off of you. He wipped his mouth with the back of his hand and grabbed you by the hair. "Alright, slut, you've had your fun." He pulled you towards him and you fell on the floor, right in front of his groin. Tomura sat, grinned down at you with one leg up, "You gonna just stare or are you sucking me off?"
You rolled your eyes before pulling his pants and boxers down. Oh wow, you were not expecting this... You put a hand over your mouth and blushed hard. He was only semi hard and already a good 8 inches, what the hell?? It was thin, but long, kind of like the rest of him.
Shigaraki frowned down at you, blushing hard, "What? Is something wrong with it?? I-I've never done this before, asshole, so stop making me feel bad!"
You felt a smile rise onto your lips. Is he... getting flustered? You chuckled and looked up at him, pumping slowly, "It's just intimidating." You licked the tip and gulped, feeling a bit nervous, "But, I'll try to take it all in, okay?"
You placed your lips on his tip and suck it as your hands jerked him off. He groaned, grabbing your head with 4 fingers. You gradually took more and more into your mouth, using your hands for whatever didn't fit. You bobbed your head up and down on him, speeding up. Shigaraki groaned your name.
"F-Fuck, Y/N, you really know what you're doing!" He pressed his hand on the back of your head harder, forcing more of him into you. You gagged and choked as Tomura just laughed, "God, you're taking it all in like a good little sex slave, aren't you?" You moaned at the name and shigaraki shuttered, "Mm, your moans feel so fucking good on my cock!" He breathed harder, "Fuck, Y/N, I need you to touch yourself while sucking me." You brought your hand to your slit and rubbed at it, moaning. Shigaraki groaned, "Fuck, Just like that!"
You gagged and moaned on his dick, feeling it twitch in your mouth. A lewd little 'pop' echoed in the room as you let off. Shigaraki frowned and you gave him a cheeky grin, "No sticky icky for you!" He groaned in annoyance.
"God, why are you like this?!?" He grabbed your arm and threw you roughly on the bed. Before you knew it, Shigaraki was already inside of you. Your face went hot as he fucked you doggy style.
You screamed, "A warning!!! We've been over this!!!" He responded with a slap on your ass.
Tomura rode your ass, grinding into you and groaning while doing it. "Fuck off, Y/N, you're a horny mess just like me, dumbass!" You screamed his name as his thrusts became faster and deeper. Shigaraki pulled both of your wrists back and down, making you kneel, your back pressed against his chest as he fucked into you. "Fuck, you're so fucking tight..." Shigaraki sloppily kissed your neck. You breathed harder as his dick hit the spot over and over. Shigaraki flipped you over onto your back. You laid underneath him as he paused. Tomura blushed harder and looked away, "I-I wanna really savor this..." he smirked, glaring in your eyes, "Plus I wanna know what you look like, full of my cum!"
You were flustered and giggling, "Its the ✨mood switch✨ for me-"
Tomura placed a hand over your mouth, "No. You just lost your speaking privileges."
Shigaraki grinded into you slowly. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head and drool seeped from your lips. Shigaraki held your waist, pulling you whenever he's press himself deep inside of you. You were speechless from the pleasure. You moaned and whined as his body slowly moved with yours.
You pressed the back of your hand to your face, feeling a bit embarrassed at the change of atmosphere. It was so easy to just enjoy him fucking you silly and laughing and everything, but you couldn't bring yourself to feel any other emotion rather than pleasure muxed in with something new.
Shigaraki placed his forehead against yours and breathed harder, "I-I'm getting there, Y/N..." He let out a breathy moan and your legs shaked. Tomura kissed you softly as well. "A-Ah, you're almost there t-too, right?"
You nodded, feeling a knot in your stomach. You moaned and Shigaraki pulled out, cumming all over you. You moaned, climaxing too.
You were covered in cum and panting. You couldn't even find words to say. It just felt so good. Shigaraki cuddled up to you. He smiled and kissed your cheek. "I'm giving you your speaking privileges back now." You stayed silent, your face hot. It was hard for you to be serious, but God damn. Tomura looked at you a bit concerned, "You okay-"
"That was amazing."
He looked surprised before laughing hard. "Did I really leave you speechless?" You nodded, silently. Shigaraki kissed your lips, "That sucks because, even though you're annoying, I kinda like you."
Your eyes widened. He liked your jokes and stupid comments?! Your mouth became ajar. "I-I..." You just closed your mouth, staring at him.
Shigaraki placed his arm over you. He smiled, "Lets hang out tomorrow."
You smiled back.
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A Way to Behave
I just wanted to say thank you again for actually liking and reblogging my post! I was really surprised ❤️
Also, bit of a warning: it's been a long time since I've watched assclass, so I'm sorry if it's a bit out of character.
Summary: Koro Sensei thought he was able to get a grip on every student, until he met a certain slippery redhead. However, one day he discovered something... interesting.
It was slightly irritating. No, scratch that. Very irritating.
Koro Sensei thought he was able to get Karma under control after catching him from the cliff.
He was dead wrong.
At this point, he wasn't even sure if the redhead cared if the pranks really harmed him or not. But it was certainly getting on his nerves.
He tried, and he means really tried to look at it from a bright way. That he was... he was just expressing his intelligence and creativity.
But, this drive can only last so long.
The last straw was at the final class. As he was teaching the class as diligently as ever, something caught his eye.
A certain magazine on his desk.
What no-
"Oh teach, I saw you dropped it. So, I thought it'd be kind to return it." Karma smirked leaning even more from his desk. "Call it, a sign of gratitude for all you've done for the class."
"YOU- you! I cannot believe how absolutely shameless-" The teacher was cut off from the ring of the bell. Koro Sensei sighed in defeat. "Class is dismissed. Karma-kun, please stay for a bit."
Karma just grinned, calmly leaning forward on his desk; resting his head on the palm on his hand.
That was just adding more burn to the cut. The octopus could feel the steam burning through the hole of his ears. He allowed himself to calm down and politely ask for Karma to follow him outside.
"Is there an issue?" Karma asked feigning the worried look on his face. "I was just trying to be helpful."
"Karma-kun, I do appreciate you trying as many ways to assassinate me. But, I must ask for you to not pull such stunts that would make the students think of me like a..."
"A pervert?"
"But Sensei, if you can't pull someone down physically. The best bet is to tear down their pride. It only makes them more vulnerable." Karma said, tilting his head down ever so slightly down as if he was challenging the octopus.
Who was he kidding?! He can't change this... this devil!
Koro Sensei just placed two tentacles on Karma's shoulder.
"You must also learn to pace yourself, Karma-kun. You may have more chances to kill me, but you can burn yourself out more easily." Koro Sensei then begin to massage his shoulders for emphasis. "You need to be able to take breaks to allow the brain to recuperate. That could make you more vulnerable in turn."
"Sure, sure." He tried waving his teacher off.
"I'm serious Karma-kun. It could make it easier for someone to find your weakness instead of the other way around." He said as he was releasing his tentacles from his student's shoulder lightly.
He accidentally brushed his neck, not thinking about it until he heard a squeak.
What was that?
"You know what?" Karma said suddenly walking off scratching the back of his neck. "I think I'm gonna head home, it's getting late. I do need to make some more fun ways for me to express my gratitude. See ya!"
He then ran off leaving Koro Sensei... confused? Did he hurt him? Perhaps he doesn't know his own strength.
It was the next day and he saw Karma casually sitting on a desk talking to Nagisa.
Koro Sensei wondered if Karma had forgotten about the strange exit he made yesterday. Koro Sensei hadn't, and he was still curious.
So, he decided to do a little experiment. He quickly went through the classroom, and as soon as he was close to Karma, he made sure to brush his neck again.
He was able to catch Karma make a strange strangled sound and then coughing.
"You okay?" Nagisa asked worryingly patting Karma's back.
"Yeah, just breathed through the wrong tube." He responded casually.
"Awe, those sucked." Nagisa smiled.
Interesting, very interesting.
He decided to try it again, to see if it was just a coincidence or a cover.
The next time Koro Sensei decided to try was the class before lunch. He saw the redhead not paying attention to the course. And, the material was important.
Karma had however, seem to think that leaning back in his chair and twirling his pencil was more interesting.
So, Koro Sensei decided to quickly go to Karma. This time, swiftly poking his sides.
"Karma-kun, as intelligent you are-"
He cut himself off as he finished the movement, causing the redhead to shriek leaning a bit too far from his chair, falling to the floor.
He heard laughing from Terasaka and some chuckles from others. Karma just quietly pulled up his chair glaring at both Terasaka and Koro Sensei as his face started to burn.
The teacher just kinda froze, certainly not expecting the kid to actually fall off his chair.
"Uh, well, Karma-kun. Please pay attention to the lesson, it's very important."
Perhaps, he has found a way to make Karma actually behave.
It was now break, and Koro Sensei heard arguing. Well, Terasaka yelling.
"Hey, I thought you'd be good. Don't get offended because you're shit, it's nothing I can control." Karma smirked.
"What's going on?" Koro Sensei asked seeing Karma smirking and twirling a badminton racket while Terasaka was fuming.
"HE'S JUST TRYING TO WOUND ME UP SO HE CAN WIN THE STUPID GAME!" Terasaka yelled pointing the finger to Karma.
"I was just telling the truth." The boy shrugged.
"Karma-kun, please apologise to Terasaka-kun."
"Why should I? Maybe you should consider-" Karma was cut off by a yelp, freezing. He felt a quick poke to his sides. He looked to see Koro Sensei smiling even wider than he thought possible. "My most sincerest apologies." He bowed sarcastically. "May we finally continue the game?"
Terasaka nodded proudly as the others were shocked that the redhead relented.
"Are you sure you're doing okay? Are you sick?" Nagisa asked getting more worried.
"Just peachy." Karma mumbled glaring at Koro Sensei, who was ecstatic at his new bit of information.
The big and bad Karma Akabane was ticklish.
Oh he is so going to use this finding to his advantage, without a doubt.
And he did. He only did it one other time, but it was already to the point where he could just get close to Karma and he'd tense up.
It was honestly quite funny. But then, after a class from Bitch Sensei, the redhead was nowhere to be seen. Apparently he skipped.
Koro Sensei decided to give Karma a little visit when it was break time.
Who the hell did this slimy yellow octopus think he is?
That he could just poke a prod him as he pleased?
Karma was just brainstorming the many ways to cut off the teacher's tentacle if he tried to touch him again. He was sitting underneath a tree instead of usually climbing and sitting on a branch.
He often went to the woods to clear his head and when he was stressed-
But this wasn't even a stressful situation! It was idiotic and stupid, not to mention really embarrassing.
He was tempted to just sleep it out. But it seems like the universe wasn't on his side and he felt yet another poke.
He yelped out a curse turning to see a goofy ass octopus laughing.
"Shouldn't you be in class?" Koro Sensei asked behind Karma's shoulder. He vehemently ignored the shiver down his spine.
"It got boring, I already know the material and I'll ace the test tomorrow anyways."
"Perhaps, but I feel you shouldn't be skipping so often. You understand these actions come with consequences." He said as a tentacle wiggled a bit too close to Karma's side.
He jumped, standing up growling feeling heat rise to his cheeks.
"The hell's your problem?!"
"Haven't I told you to be careful to not exhaust your tries? It makes it easier to spot a weakness." Koro Sensei said smiling wider than the usual.
Karma for once wasn't entirely sure what to say. He was about to ask what weakness but immediately clamped his mouth shut. He was about to speak but Koro Sensei already beat him to it.
"I must say, I certainly wasn't expecting you to be ticklish." He chuckled, especially seeing Karma's face go from bright pink to full on red.
"No I'm not." He said without thinking.
"You sure?"
"Certainly." Karma huffed, turning around and began walking away.
"Uh huh." Koro Sensei then wrapped a tentacle around Karma's waist, pulling him close to the teacher.
"What the actual hell?!" Karma yelped and started to wiggle around, pulling at the tentacle around his waist.
"Then surely this shouldn't bother you."
The octopus then began to wiggle his tentacles to the redhead's sides, and the reaction was instant.
He began to giggle hysterically moving around as much as he could, making it more difficult for Koro Sensei to control him.
"S-stohop!" His giggling started getting more heavier as the prodding turned to full on squeezing.
"But I thought you weren't ticklish! Surely, this shouldn't be bothering you."
The teasing was making the situation worse. He squealed as he felt two more tentacles wiggle to underneath his arms, rendering him absolutely helpless.
He just couldn't stop laughing and the strange tingling feeling was making it really difficult to think properly. He opted to just kick aimlessly and arch his back as his underarms and sides were being viciously attacked.
He was laughing full on already like a mad man. Much to Koro Sensei's shock, his laugh was less evil, but really adorable.
How come he hasn't heard him laugh like that before?
"FUHUCK OHOHOFF!" He laughed not being able to handle this whole situation. How was he supposed to come back from this? His pride basically crashed out the window.
"How rude, I'm simply putting a smile on your face!"
He released his hold from his underarms but then moved to tickle his stomach. This made Karma shriek very loudly doubling over and thrash.
"STOPSTOPSTOPSTOP!!" He begged laughing going up an octave.
"Is this a sensitive spot?" Koro Sensei chuckled, moving his arms to hold Karma's to his chest and attack his defenseless belly.
At this point, Karma couldn't form any proper words laughing and thrashing. It was honestly surprising.
"I was expecting you to be ticklish, but not this ticklish. You've got to be the most ticklish person I've ever met! It's quite adorable." He chuckled seeing Karma's face get more red if it was even possible.
It really was an adorable sight, Karma's smile was more wide than he's ever seen. Not to mention, the dimples at the side of his face. His eyebrows were also pointed upwards from the laughter instead of the normal neutral or furrowed brows.
Koro Sensei decided to give the boy a but of a break by just tweaking his ribs. He thought Karma would calm down a bit more but he was still giggling heavily. Seriously, how ticklish is he?
"So, are you ready to go back to class and behave?"
"Heheget ohoff me you asshohole!!" He giggles, still trying to wiggle his way out of the teacher's grasp.
"That's not the answer I'm looking for." He said, teasingly inching a tentacle closer to Karma's stomach. He laughed at seeing him suck in his stomach and giggle in anticipation. "Well?" He asked as he just tapped his stomach making a flood of giggles poor out his mouth.
"Okayokahehey, I'll go back to clahahss. Just stop, plehehahahase."
"That's better!" Koro Sensei beamed letting the boy go who plopped on his bum panting, wrapping his arms around his middle protectively. He was still giggling slightly.
Koro Sensei thought he heard Karma mutter 'asshole'.
"Does someone need to be taught another lesson?" He threatened poking at the boy's side making him stand up immediately, actually looking somewhat frightened.
Karma just glared at Koro Sensei that promised death, but he just chuckled.
"Oh, and don't worry about this little weakness if yours. It's our little secret as long as you behave. Who knows what some people could do with information like that?" He chuckled turning around heading for class, fairly certain Karma's face was as red as his hair.
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