#StH 185
prowerprojects · 1 year
I love it when people draw Omega as this big hulking robot...
He's shorter than Vector.
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Top: STH #185 Bottom: Sonic Super Digest #2
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thankskenpenders · 4 years
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And so that’s it... nearly 200 issues deep, we’re done with the contributions of original writer Michael Gallagher. I’ve been asked in the past about the possibility of writing an article going over Gallagher’s run, like what I did with Penders. And I might still do that. But for now, here’s a shorter postmortem summarizing my feelings on the work of the original writer for history’s longest-running video game comic
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I think it’s easy to look back on Gallagher’s silly old stories with a lot of nostalgia, especially after seeing what the series would become in its Dark Age. I can’t blame anyone who feels this way. I feel that way sometimes, too. It was a simpler time, with short, self-contained stories and a ton of puns, and it was a lot more easily digestible than a lot of the teen melodrama and half-baked sci-fi that followed. But the thing is... that doesn’t mean that Gallagher’s writing was good
Gallagher was always an odd fit for Sonic. I can’t really blame the man for introducing lame concepts like Cal and Al that didn’t fit in with Sonic early on because it’s not like he had much to work with in the early days. The guy was expected to write a monthly comic series based on a couple 16-bit platformers with very little story and some snippets from a cartoon that wasn’t out yet. He also had no way of knowing that his work here would lay the foundation for the longest video game comic ever made. I don’t envy his job. Of course he’d do a goofball story where Sonic travels back to caveman times. It’s not like he had much else to do
But as the series progressed and the cartoons and games gave the comic writers more material to work with, Gallagher didn’t really play along. He gave us a few solid, fun stories like Mecha Madness, but for the most part he was off in his own world, trying to sell us on shoehorned characters like the Forty Fathom Freedom Fighters or the Downunda Freedom Fighters who existed almost exclusively to deliver new flavors of lame pun. One time he even worked with Jim Valentino to make a naval-gazing parody of classic Guardians of the Galaxy so they could make lame puns about a comic they used to write (that very few children in 2001 reading Archie Sonic would be familiar with)
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People generally pinpoint Penders as the guy who became obsessed with his own pet characters over the main cast as time went on, but really, Gallagher was just as guilty. And honestly, sometimes Gallagher doing it bugged me more. At least Penders had some prominent characters people actually liked, like Elias, Lara-Su, and Julie-Su, as well as some semblance of an overarching plot to work with. Meanwhile Gallagher was over here trying desperately to get people to care about a group of characters he had created exclusively as a vehicle for trite Australia jokes
Gallagher did introduce a few characters who stuck around, but he doesn’t really deserve much of the credit for that. Most notable would probably be Fiona Fox, who would become a major recurring character under later writers... except Gallagher only really invented her robotic doppelganger that Robotnik tricked Tails into falling in love with that one time. He created Knuckles’ grandfather Athair, the one comic character to somehow make it into a cartoon, but Penders helped out with that lore and did more with the character, meaning most people just assume he’s another Penders echidna. He created Tails’ parents, but Karl and Ian were the ones who actually did stuff with them. And he created the Ancient Walkers, who were kind of neat at first but quickly devolved into a tired plot device, only to be killed off by Ian almost immediately to cut down on the deus ex machinas. If you look at the list of characters Gallagher created, it’s mostly just randos he created for the sake of puns
And that’s really what most of it comes down to. Lame puns. I’m totally down for Sonic stories that go for a silly tone. I love Sonic Boom as much as the next fan, and I’ve been having a blast with the extremely goofy Sonic X comics. I’m not a cartoon snob who won’t watch a show that doesn’t have action and drama and lore, I’m out here watching shows like Apple & Onion. But while Gallagher could write good jokes sometimes, he mostly relied on groanworthy newspaper strip-level puns. (I guess it’s fitting, considering he’s related to both the guy who created Heathcliff AND his successor who makes those comics about the Garbage Ape.) I love me a good pun from time to time, and a lot of Gallagher’s are funnier when shared out of context, but when a story is just wall to wall puns it becomes agonizing. Puns should be a spice, not a main ingredient. And when Gallagher got a chance to follow an ACTUAL newspaper comic strip format in the Off Panel, he fared even worse. It was so rare for the Off Panels he wrote to actually be any funny
He WAS genuinely funny at times, though. I’ll give him credit for that. I don’t want it to seem like I hated ALL of his stories. (He did impress me with at least one political joke that’s sadly still relevant today, and in hindsight there’s something really funny on a meta level about the dark and gritty return of Cal and Al.) I think his best work came when he was paired with better artists. Scott Shaw’s more energetic Sonics really helped sell the cartoony comedy in the original miniseries, and obviously Spaziante’s work on Mecha Madness made that story legendary. When he was stuck with the less exciting Manak or Mawhinney, though, not so much
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Beyond the puns, there was also this undercurrent of nastiness, meanness, and general grossness in his stories that I don’t see as many fans pick up on. This was mainly evident in the many odd decisions he made with the female cast
We had his take on Sally, who was treated as little more than Sonic’s annoying, moody, bossy girlfriend who bickered with him, sat on a big throne, and occasionally got to be a damsel in distress. He added Bunnie to the cast early on, but it felt like he didn’t have many ideas for what to do with her except make her the butt of jokes about her being a southern belle, including literally making her say “the South shall rise again!” We had Barby Koala’s extremely creepy flirting with Tails, who was half her age. We had that tone deaf Off-Panel joke about turning the special dedicated to the female readers into a swimsuit special (which isn’t far off from what everyone else actually did). And we also had that baffling story where Dulcy killed her mother. I have NO idea what the fuck he thought he was going for with that one.
It wasn’t just the girls, though--Antoine was somehow even more of a punching bag in Gallagher’s early stories than he was on SatAM. At least in the cartoon Sonic was responding to Antoine’s’ massive ego when he poked fun at him. In the early comics, Sonic would constantly rag on Antoine at any opportunity he got. It was VERY distracting in the early issues, and it made his Sonic come off as way more of a jerk
Later writers would often talk about needing to fix certain characters. Penders, for all his countless insufferable faults, used his early stories to steer Sally towards the version of the character fans knew from SatAM. (He then ruined Sally in his own special way, but, you know.) Just about every writer who touched him spent years and years trying to fix Antoine and make readers stop hating him. The unspoken part here is that the original incarnations of these characters that everyone had to work so hard to fix... were Gallagher’s
Again, Gallagher didn’t have an easy job as the first writer on this series, and most of his stories were... fine. Nothing I’d recommend to non-fans, but they had their moments. They make for an amusing read for their sheer absurdity. But a lot of it ranged from not very good to outright bad. We’ll always cut him some slack for having so little to work off of when he started and for writing stories that were, in hindsight, better (or at least less grating) than a lot of the melodramatic schlock that came later. I’ll always have some nostalgia for those simpler times. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that Gallagher’s stuff was ever all that good
But I can’t hate the guy too much, because he gave me the greatest Sonic character of all time
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mobius-prime · 4 years
254. Sonic the Hedgehog #185
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Mogul Rising (Part One: Needful Things)
Writer: Ian Flynn Pencils: Tracy Yardley! Colors: Josh Ray
Mina is finally back from her world tour, having returned to New Mobotropolis rather than Knothole for obvious reasons. Sonic meets her at the airstrip to welcome her and Ash back, and she informs Sonic that she and Ash have discussed some important things while they were away. Ash reluctantly but sincerely apologizes to Sonic for his jealous behavior in the past, saying that it came from a place of truly caring for Mina and worrying about Sonic's influence in her life, and Sonic likewise apologizes for being an insensitive jerk at times. Back on good terms, Ash leaves to go check things out in the city, while Mina insists Sonic accompany her to the site of Knothole's ruins so she can see it with her own eyes. 
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Mina is happy, to see Freedom HQ still standing, though currently in the process of being rebuilt due to the damage Eggman's attack caused. Sonic reassures her that there's still a room for her and Ash to stay in if they want despite not being Freedom Fighters, and they enter, greeting Mighty and Tails, who are helping to fix up the roof of the main room. Sonic and Mina enter the lab to find Nicole on screen, calling Sonic back to New Mobotropolis, as apparently, Mammoth Mogul wants to meet with him in the prison. Sonic reluctantly heads back to speak with him, and Mogul wastes no time in arrogantly demanding that Sonic surrender to him, as he claims they find themselves in a "stalemate." Obviously, Sonic finds the idea laughable, as Mogul is currently contained within a cell that blocks all his magical and psychic powers.
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I mean, Mogul, can you really blame him for not taking you seriously? The vast majority of people are not gonna find any threats very convincing when they're made from within a cell. That night, Nack irritably talks about how annoying he finds Sonic's attitude, and when Mogul says he's about to be vicariously vindicated then Nack reminds him that Sonic is right and none of them are really about to go anywhere. Mogul simply informs Nack that he's had the foresight to make plans for exactly a situation such as this years in advance, and "marked" several individuals so they can be contacted by his psychic powers even from behind his cell walls. I'm… not sure how that would really work given that the walls are supposed to block all psychic abilities, but sure, whatever! First, he calls out to Mina, reminding her of a memory he erased from her a year ago - that when she was running for her life in Eggman's retaking of Robotropolis, he had projected a vision of himself to give her her powers of speed before removing that part of her memory to create an effective sleeper agent. She "lost her way" when she only used her powers to try to grow closer to Sonic, but now he's finally ready to use her for his own purposes. Second, he calls out to Mighty. We already know a bit of his past, like being imprisoned in the slave labor camp when he was a child, but now we get a little more insight into his backstory and how he ended up alone without his family in the first place.
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Well, how fascinating! Somewhere out there, it seems Mighty has a sister, as well as criminal parents locked up in a jail. This is important information, as it comes into play in some plotlines later on. Finally, we have none other than Tails, whom he of course marked when he was holding him prisoner as Turbo Tails while the sentient duplicate took his place. The three individuals wake up, brainwashed and with green diamonds on their foreheads to symbolize their mental enslavement, and simultaneously head for Sonic's room - hey, good thing for Mogul that his three marked subjects and his target are all sleeping in the same general area, right?
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The three brainwashed friends tell Sonic as one, in Mogul's voice, that he was warned, leaving Sonic to face off against them and try to find a way to bring them all back without hurting them…
Misfit Badniks: The Salty, Soggy Sequel
Writer: Mike Gallagher Pencils: Dave Manak Colors: Aimee Ray 
Welp, we've finally reached Michael Gallagher's final story in the comic! Obviously he hasn't been head writer for many years now, but unlike other former head writers, he's come back every once in a while to contribute a story here and there, presumably just for old times' sake. However, this is his final story - after this, we won't be seeing any more of him. While his silly style isn't much to my taste, and I've definitely had certain problems with his writing, overall he did guide the comic through its earliest years and was the driving influence behind how the preboot's story, world, and characters started out, and I think he deserves a fair bit of respect from that alone. So with that, let's read Michael's final story and say our goodbyes!
So if you'll remember from his penultimate story, the Island of Misfit Badniks has been deliberately sunk to the bottom of the sea so that the badniks and Pseudo-Sonic could continue their evil plans undisturbed. We find out that apparently, Pseudo-Sonic was equipped with a switch that would allow him to grow to an enormous size, so the other badniks flipped it and allowed him to grow outside their submerged island, before getting to work repairing him so he would be operational again. Personally, I think it would be a much better plan to repair him before making him bigger, so you would have to use far fewer materials in the repair process… Anyway, I'm sure you already have an inkling, given the setting, of who's about to come along to save the day. It's the Forty Fathoms Freedom Fighters, of course, ready to murder some more sentient beings, because that's what they do! Several of the badniks charge in to fight them, while the others retreat to speed along their repairs on Pseudo-Sonic so he can defeat the F.F.F.F. properly.
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After a bit of fighting, all combatants find themselves being smacked aside by a giant metal-gloved hand, and the gigantic Pseudo-Sonic arrogantly claims that as the biggest thing on the planet, he declares war on all of Mobius! Unfortunately, he's forgotten that there's one last member of the F.F.F.F. that still has yet to show up…
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Beautiful. Fluke orders his friends to sweep all the badniks into a pile while he rips the head off of Pseudo-Sonic's metallic corpse for no reason, because really, I cannot overstate enough how bizarrely bloodthirsty these guys are. He then uses his tail to compress Pseudo-Sonic, the badniks, and the artificial island into a single, small cube of metal that can be easily disposed of. With that, the F.F.F.F. make a few last water-related puns, and the story is over. Goodbye, Michael - we've had some good times, and we'll miss your silly style!
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butwhyduh · 3 years
I've just read that my boi Jason is 5'11"(180.34cm) tall and weight 230 lbs (104kg). Like I knew that he's rather intimidating in size but that's fucking huge! I mean he weighs twice my weight! He could effortlessly pick me up with one hand I guess.
Like I believe that with a partner way smaller and lighter than him he would have moments when he just picks his s/o and move to the side when his partner is blocking his way to the kitchen cabinets or sth because 'it's faster than asking'
Actually he’s possibly up to 6’3 (190 cm) though he’s usually seen as at least 6’1 (185 cm)! To put this in perspective, I looked up celebrities with similar body shapes. Here is Jason Momoa (6’3, 220lbs) with his wife (5’3 160cm) according to various websites for perspective. So yes, a partner that isn’t extremely tall could easy be picked up. His wiki says he can lift a 1000 lbs(!!!)
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And I looked up other batfam sizes and many have 13 year old Damian (150lbs) actually heavier than 17 year old Tim (140lb) which is hilarious. Bruce is a brick house of 220lb 6’2. And they are cowards that all the women are like 5’8 (172cm) or taller and like maybe 125lbs (56.6 kg). They should be muscular. Women athletes are often 150-160 or more and pure muscle. They wouldn’t be light because they need to be strong. Would they be models?? I know for a fact that I could carry around someone who weights 125 lb for a little while and the people they fight are stronger than me! Olympic volleyball players have similar height and weigh on average 165 lbs (74.8 kg).
But anyways, Jason would be fit like this. 👀
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maggyoutthere · 3 years
Ok so since Tumblr 2021 Year Review isn’t working for me, I’ll write this shit down myself-
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I posted 1,082 times in 2021
696 posts created (64%)
386 posts reblogged (36%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 0.6 posts.
I added 1,932 tags in 2021
#maggy moment - 418 posts
#rb - 348 posts
#doodle - 220 posts
#metal sonic - 186 posts
#sketch - 185 posts
#sth - 145 posts
#sonic the hedgehog - 129 posts
#sth au - 112 posts
#sonic the hedgehog au - 105 posts
#white neo - 84 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
My Top Posts in 2021
Pyramid Head walked so Lady Dimitrescu could run 💅
617 notes  •  Posted 2021-05-14 15:19:52 GMT
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Dawko got a puppy
They're both baby-
702 notes  •  Posted 2021-01-12 14:12:50 GMT
Ah yes, the hot vampires of May 2021;
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731 notes  •  Posted 2021-05-16 22:23:30 GMT
Hi your friendly animation student just came here to remind everyone that Sonic Unleashed is from 2008
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These beautiful renders-
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That still hold up to this day-
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Are from fucking 2008
How did these age so well??? I remember lil' old me in like the early 2010s being absolutely blown away by how good this looked, but when I look back at it more than a decade later they still hold up incredibly well. Like what the fuck that's fascinating.
For reference, Prince of Persia came out in 2008. Its fully rendered cutscenes looked like this
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It didnt look bad for the time but holy shit Sonic Unleashed had some astonishing rendered cutscenes.
752 notes  •  Posted 2021-03-31 21:39:00 GMT
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Metal Sonic | Sonic Colors: Rise of the Wisps (2022)
1115 notes  •  Posted 2021-05-27 16:44:04 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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frogfrogfro · 6 years
30 Questions
Tagged by @thebluestmage
Nickname(s): lajn, and for some irl friends karo/karol which feels weird when i write it down
Gender: female
Sign: aquarius
Height: 162cm
Time: 10:21pm
Fav band(s):  glass animals, u.s. royalty, the mountain goats, and more 
Fav solo artist(s): kishi bashi, bowie, aand more
Song stuck in my head: surprisingly nothing atm :’( but it was keep that body strong by dead or alive for a very. long. time.
Last movie I saw: the big sick?? 
Last show I watched: space dandy
When did I create my blog: is there a way to check that easily?? but maje said she created hers about 7 years ago, i’d say it’s ~6yrs ago for me
What do I post: a lot of animal related stuff, memes, then some anime, video games, and some of my art. so mostly reblogs
Last thing I Googled: oh, some title of a publication i was trying to find for my thesis
Do I have any other blogs: yes
Do I get asks: barely ever and mostly it’s spam when i do
Why did I chose my URL: dumb reasons, don’t really feel like explaining, i want to chaange it
Following: 185
Followed by: 540
Average hours of Sleep: 6-8
Lucky number: i used to tell myself 9 is my lucky number but i’ve never really believed in that
Instruments: unfortunately nope
What I am wearing: leggins and a t-shirt, comfy stuff
Dream job: probably sth related to video games but it will never happen
Dream trip: i’d love to visit as many places are possible :( but japan i guess
Favorite food: eh, this changes with my mood
Nationality: polish
Favorite song: i don’t knoooowww
Last book I read: the time of contempt, by sapkowski
Top 3 fictional universes I wanna join: hakuoki, fire emblem, mass effect (hah)
Tag: you!
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led123123 · 4 years
5G. too much power
this one looks kinda. like sssniperwolf’s sister.. sssniperwolf’s name is.. lia or sth
maybe because their hair are both cut
but they’re both arabian too. her skin 
she honestly looks like lia’s sister
lol she changed her username from ranya lasagna to “iced coffee”
she was like.. telling some.. stories.. about her life
omg my brother starts talking sh*t again.. 
she looks like her too
and.. she also made me think of nelly furtado
f*cking sunday.. I live next to a church so people are so loud. I mean.. so many people walk and it’s really annoying 
they talk like.. 
damn.. I need 2nd monitor
they talk like her
right.. this is japanese song
hiragana and katakana in title
I mean.. japanese letters mixed with chinese letters
why they make new letters.. or why they don’t just.. make all new letters.. it would be difficult to remember.. 
why do they add their own characters.. and.. their language would sound different than chinese..
korean and japanese sounds similar.. but.. I think chinese sounds different. at least different than korean I think
yes this is japanese song. not korean
they don’t use english. koreans use english
at least not as much I guess
does japanese and chinese sound similar? they use same characters. but does it sound the same?
so much different
this is japanese?? so the middle was korean
I don’t know if just this guy’s pronounciation. but actually korean actually sounds even more close to chinese than actual japanese langauge. even though they use different letters unlike japanese that uses same letters.. 
japanese sounds more different to chinese than korean
maybe this dude has some weird pronounciation idk
she also wears these blue colors
she talks like soul eater character
oh right.. today’s weekend.. so courier is not working today
this song also is funny
they make me think of.. you know. this woman with glasses.. 
screaming like a f*cking pig lol
fake obviously
this is like.. worse than a big brother.. 
I mean.. not worse.. but almost as bad I mean as big brother
like.. similar level
it’s almost as bad as big brother
it’s just as bad 
and they use this annoying voice..
I don’t know how they get views but to me it’s like.. this content is very annoying so I don’t know how they get these views but I don’t care
maybe valkyrae would be the only one worth watching.. 
who was I watching before?
who I watched.. hachubby daph39...
I think there was someone else.. daisymichele.. who else.. 
daisymichele looks like 
looks like.. I don’t know her name.. like.. cricket is not a name
was there someone else?
I don’t know.. there was a lot of streamers.. but.. like.. actually the one that I liked to watch
I don’t remember.. oh right.. sssniperwolf.. lia.. 
is she more popular than pokimane?
does she get more views?
yes. she has more views
very understandable
very understandable why she gets more views.
because she makes more better content
but.. like.. why does she have to go overline with lipstick..
does she want to look like a barbie?
she got.. she.. changed.. she improved her lighting and video quality.. camera etc?
she’s not recording in 4k.. so.. video quality is like.. I don’t know.. it doesn’t look like 1080p to me
she must have changed camera.. I don’t know I was using some low resolution display before maybe it’s because of the display.. but like.. it’s kinda blurry.. 
that’s not 1080p.. it’s blurry I mean
and I was using low resolution screen before I guess
I guess maybe I was using low resolution screen
wow. sweet drinking cocoa. just how I like it
when they’re adding these.. sound effects
“sorry but I was busy staring at my wall sleeping and .. like.. eating food”
“baby steals phone”
I wish I had different curtains.. I need to change.. ffs
bullsh*t window blinds.. that my mother installed..
so d*mb..
I would change it ten thousand times
that’s.. the grill who worked as a flight attendant
5000$ per month for software
I wanted to sell but I’m kinda lazy.. and I don’t have.. any.. like.. good ideas to invest money into.. so I don’t really need to sell stuff.. kinda.. like tech becomes obsolete.. but. it’s kinda.. I mean.. like.. the graphics card that I haven’t sold.. I mean.. I mean.. I could sell it but I don’t know what to do with money that I get for it.. so I just let it sit.. instead.. kinda.. 
I liked this card. it was more quiet than this one.. better heatsink and better fans.
so it was a lot more quiet than this one
there’s more heapipes on heatsink
I though it’s “coronavirus” not carnivourous
0 notes
poopingthoughts · 7 years
Sentences And Words I Would Steal From Issac Asimov’s Foundation #1
Page numbers depicting my copy for self reference.
* marked things are important to memorise right away. 
With a little dread curled gently in his stomach. (p—10)
It ended up being nothing more than a trifling jar, a little internal kick which ceased an instant before he could be sure he had felt it. (p—10)
He hadn’t expected to have to wait longer: (p—12) [because I’d have written he hadn’t expected he’d would have to wait longer]
Gaal moved, seeing the flowing twists of air suspended high in
nothingness and reading ‘TAXlS TO ALL POINTS’.
He said, ‘I am Hari Seldon,’ an instant before Gaal’s befuddled brain placed the face alongside the memory of the many times he had seen it in pictures. (pg—20), similar - point 2.
There was a rising buzz of conversation at that which swept the tanks of the peers in the audience and invaded even the row of commissioners. (pg-32)
There were expired breaths in the gathering (pg-36)
Negligently, he turned the papers upon his desk with his fingertips, so that they would face Sheldon. (pg-37)
Haut Rodric nodded through the smoke of his first lusty puffs.
Hardin groaned in spirit. (59)
He lifted the corner of this mouth in a sour half smile (69)
He stared from one to the other and they gazed fixedly at him. (75)
Hardin fumbled for a cigar almost automatically, but thought better of it. (79)
He’s foaming at the mouth with eagerness to attack foundation (97)
His voice chocked off at the twist of his uncle’s lip. (106)
* Salvor Hardin didn’t travel to planet Anacreon - from which plane the kingdom derived its name - immediately (the word immediately was a big sentence turner based on how story was going).
collapsed into a chair with a windy sigh (137)
ward off attacks (138)
A week to wind a weary way (144)
Careful and nauseating milking for the flourishing signature that was the pathway to the next official one higher up (144)
Ponyets winced without showing it (145)
The Askonian ruler sucked thoughtfully at his lower lip (147)
There’s no merit in discipline under ideal circumstances (177)
Commdor’s house’s approaches (doors) were guarded (185)
Brown arms were thrown up and out, and the muscles tautened into a stretch, then faded into repose (state of rest) (207)
a scene sprang to view, in colour, in three dimensions, in every attribute of life but life itself. (218)
Stretched his claws upward, while falling sleeves hung half-way (220)
Mallow shouted over the tumult, roaring against the noise. (221)
Clamber — Climb or move in an awkward and laborious way.
They ought to start as soon as they‘re weaned and have the trip once a week — accustom to food other than its mother’s milk. (p—18)
Coterie - a small group of people with shared interests or tastes, especially one that is exclusive of other people. (pg—23)
Wilt — become limp through heat, loss of water or disease / droop / lose energy, vigour or confidence. (pg—25)
Gaal ground (also minded ) his teeth — pp. and simple past of ground.
Quibble - A slight objection or criticism (pg-29).
His words were heard by the hissing of the voice carried a certain asperity - harshness of tone or manner
The sound was that of a mellow gong. When the reverberations ceased, the gabble of the audience also did. - gabble - talk rapidly and unintelligibly.
Vicissitude - a change of circumstances or fortune, typically one that is unwelcome or unpleasant.
Interregnum - A period where normal government is suspended especially between successive reigns or regimes (pg-34)
Lore - a body of traditions and knowledge on a subject or held by a particular group, typically passed from person to person by word of mouth (pg-34)
Vagaries - An unexpected and inexplicable change in a situation or in someone’s behaviour. (pg-35)
Peevish - Having/showing an irritable disposition.
Querulously - complaining in a rather petulant (childishly sulky and bad tempered) or whining manner. (pg-46)
Phlegmatically - compose, calm; not easily excited into action or display of emotion. (pg-46) also see 76
*Complaisant - willing to please others or accept what they do or say, without protest. (pg-49)
*Complacent - showing smug or uncritical satisfaction with oneself or one’s achievements. (65)
Acumen - The ability to make good judgements and take quick decisions. (pg-50)
Disconcert - disturb the composure of; unsettle (pg-50)
Detest - dislike intensely (pg-50)
Teetering one’s chair back on two legs - move or balance unsteadily, sway back and forth.
Nub - the crux or central point of matter. (pg-54)
Sneer - A contemptuous or mocking smile, remark or tone. (pg-55)
*Insufferable - too extreme to bear, intolerable
Fiendish - (informal) - extremely awkward or complex.
Devious - showing a skilful use of underhand tactics to achieve goals (pg-57)
Capitulate - yield (pg-57)
Pliable - flexible (57)
Pomposity - self importance.
 Hardin snickered below his breath - give a smothered or suppressed laugh.
* Ponderous (voice (in the book)) - slow and clumsy because of great weight (61)
Fara had a trick of uttering the most obvious platitudes (a remark or statement, esp. one with moral content that has been used too often to be interested or thoughtful) with great profundity (great depth, insight or knowledge)
Pontifical: Overblown, pompous
Whereat - at which (pg-63)
Intercede - Intervene on behalf of the other (67)
Drivel, Balderdash - nonsense (73, 92)
Sibilant monosyllables - making or characterised by hissing sound.
Virility - The quality of having strength, energy. (80)
*Bristly yellow moustache - (of hair or foliage) having a stiff and prickly texture (87)
Alacrity - Brisk and cheerful readiness (89)
Morbid interest - characterised by an abnormal and unhealthy interest in disturbing and unpleasant subjects such as disease and death (90)
Perfunctory - Carried out without real interest (93)
Putsch - a violent attempt to overthrow a govt., coup
Epigram - A Pithy (terse and vigorous) saying or remark expressing an idea in a clever or amusing way.
Apocryphal - of doubtful authenticity although widely circulated as being true. (94)
Saunter - Walk in a slow relaxed manner.
*Inveigh - persuade to do something by flattery / deception
*Egregious - Outstandingly bad; shocking.
Derelict battle cruiser - in a very poor condition as a result of disuse or neglect. (98)
Trifle - a thing of little value or importance.
Nebulous - hazy
And then only because he, Verisof, had balked at further appeasement - hesitate or be unwilling to accept an idea or undertaking. (101)
And not one had left without at least one effort to pit his skill with air speedster and needle gun against the feathered flying fortress they call the Nayakbird (103) - set someone or sth in conflict or competition with.
Sardonic - grimly mocking on cynical (105)
Machination, stratagem - plot / sheme (107, )
* Peremptory - insistent on immediate attention or obedience, esp. in a brusquely imperious ( arrogant and domineering ) way (110), also see 59.
Dissent - the holding or expression of opinions at variance with those commonly or officially held.
Officiously - assertive of authority in a domineering way, esp. with regard to trivial matters. also see, 57.
Assiduously - with great care and perseverance (113)
* Muff (v) - handle situation, task or opportunity clumsily or badly
Incipient dawn - beginning to happen or develop (116)
lumbering effort - moving in a slow, heavy, awkward way, also see 31
Exalted nobility - at a high or powerful level. (120)
shouting oneself to near apoplexy - unconsciousness or incapacity resulting from cerebral haemorrhage or stroke.
Dowager - a window with a title or property derived from her late husband.
Lorgnette - a pair of glasses or opera glasses held in front of a person’s eyes by a long handle at one side. (121)
* Discommode - cause (someone) trouble or inconvenience. (123)
Interdict - an authoritative prohibition in particular (124)
Exhort - strongly encourage or urge to do something.
* Bespangle - cover or adorn with sth that glitters or sparkles
Din - loud unpleasant and prolonged voice.
Rabble - Disorderly crowd or mob (126)
Miasmic - filled with vapour. (131)
Mountebank - Charlatan
Hardin listened stolidly - having or revealing little emotion or sensibility; not easily around or excited. also see 15
Whereupon  - immediately after which (134)
Rout - a disorderly retreat (135)
Tenuous - very weak or slight
Snug - comfortable, warm and cosy. (141)
Ponyets could have handled them at a pinch (idiom) : said of a challenging but a potentially workable situation. (144)
Deplorable - deserving condemnation, completely unacceptable.
Straggled red moustache - grow, spread or be laid out in an irregular, untidy way (151)
* Ponyets felt himself botching it - carry out a task badly or carelessly
Facile - superficial.
* Affront - an action or remark that causes outrange or offence. (153)
* Overhaul - take apart (a piece of machinery or equipment in order to examine it)
Gibber - speak rapidly and unintentionally, typically through fear or shock.
* Inviolate - free or safe from injury or violence. (166)
Disaffection - a state of feeling of being dissatisfied esp. with people in authority of a system of control.
Stolid - calm, dependable, and showing little emotion or animation, also see 15, 76
Flank, v. - to be on each or one side of (176)
Husky - sounding low pitched and slightly hoarse (177)
Supplication - The action of asking or begging for something earnestly or humbly.
Raucous - disturbingly hard and loud voice. ( native browser search for voice) (179)
His breath was a harsh rap in his nostrils - a harsh grating noice. (180)
The speaker blared and forestalled Mallow’s answer (...) - prevent or obstruct by taking advanced action.
* Snuffle - breathe noisily through the nose due to cold or crying. (182)
* Inordinately - excessively 
Unfitting - not suitable
Plaintive whine - sounding sad and mournful
Blazon - display prominently / vividly (192)
Legerdemain - skilful use of one’s hands when performing conjuring tricks. (192)
Garrulous - excessive talking (195)
Iniquity - immoral or grossly unfair behaviour (199)
Odious - extremely unpleasant, repulsive (221)
Coddle - treat someone in an indulgent and overprotective way (221)
Asper Argo, the Well-Beloved, Commdor of the Korellian Republic greeted his wife’s entry by a hangdog - having a dejected or guilty appearance; shamefaced
Epithet - an adjective or phrase expressing a quality or attribute regarded as characteristic of the person or thing mentioned (223)
Dotage - period of life in which person is old and weak (224)
Avakim smiled frostily, and it turned out that there was room for it on his thin face after all. His cheeks wrinkled to make the room
‘But then’, interposed Sutt, (...) - place or insert between one thing and another.
Weary Patience
He indulged in a dry chuckle
Rebellious silence (109)
Wienis said thickly, ‘we can hold out, devil. We’ll last the day. Let the mov howl and let the power die, but we’ll hold out. (128)
Laughed tearingly (135)
Animated discussion (136)
down curved smile (154)
he muttered soundlessly to himself (200)
Cooly contemptuous (204)
giggled nervously (205)
stripped to the skin (207)
cold lack of appreciation (208)
spoke with difficult lack of anger (210)
eyes which seemed to retreat into their sockets.
being at sea (218)
She said in a voice as sleek as her hair and as cold as her eyes (223)
shuffled feet wearily (225)
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thankskenpenders · 4 years
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Mina being supportive of Nicole’s new form is such a cute little interaction. Mina Mongoose, trans ally of the year
That little Nicole on the monitor is also cute, but I might be biased because it reminds me of the way I draw eyes
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mistressemmedi · 3 years
On the height thing: yeah they're all fairly small and then you have the Williams line up with both being 185. The only lineup that I know of that would have been bigger was Alex' and Nicholas' line up in F2 (with Alex also being 186) and the maybe future line up of George and Esteban. It's also why the taller drivers tend to be skinnier in comparison to the beefier guys like Lewis or Max or sth, because the tall guys can't affort to gain much more muscles bc of the weight (it's also lead to taller drivers being more prone to eating disorders in the past I think JEV talked about it and I think I remember discussions of Hulk not being far off)
JEV ended up being hospitalized for it, as he couldn't match Dany who was skinny af.
But yes, what strikes me about these drivers is that, if you have the chance to see the irl, they are so... Petite? Not an ounce of fat on them. I could sneeze and break them in half 😂
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royalnovels-blog · 7 years
STH Chapter 185
Chapter 185: Duke of Tianyun
Translator: StackThatCoin  Editor: Hitesh
After tidying up the remains of the seven Human Immortals, emptying all seven storage rings of theirs and hanging them around his neck with a chain, Wu Qi rode on his sword beam and left Meng Mountains, rushing to meet Lu Chengfeng in Green Sun City. The city had been thoroughly purged now, and a new mighty city would be…
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williamemcknight · 8 years
Thrive care home gardening project praised
Care home staff in Hampshire and Berkshire have praised the charity Thrive for teaching them good ways to garden both indoors and outdoors with their residents.
Thrive, which is the leading charity in the UK that uses gardening as a therapeutic tool to help people with disabilities or ill health, has just completed a successful project at 14 care homes.
Often working with activity co-ordinators, a trained horticultural therapist from Thrive took gardening activities into care homes working directly with the residents and passing on skills to staff so that gardening session could continue once Thrive had left.
Activities included table-top gardening where residents would create hanging baskets, take cuttings, pot on or sow seeds.
Results from the project, which was funded by Comic Relief and The Rayne Foundation, showed high numbers of residents took part and there was a great level of enthusiasm shown by staff.
Thrive designed a weekly programme of activities which took into account the varying needs of residents thus ensuring there was maximum opportunity for inclusion and participation. Gardening proved to be an excellent “draw” for both residents and staff.
Using Social and Therapeutic Horticulture (STH) in this way shows gardening as an accessible and inclusive activity for many who thought it was no longer possible to take part. Thrive used indoor and outdoor spaces to show what can be achieved.
More than 100 gardening sessions were held at care homes in Berkshire and the charity visited care homes in Bracknell, Hungerford, Kintbury, Newbury, Reading, Thatcham and Wokingham. In Hampshire Thrive went to Aldershot, Alton, Andover, Basingstoke, Bishops Waltham and Winchester.
Project manager Paul Scott said: “We wanted 112 residents to take part and the actual number was 185 so we were delighted to have had such a high level of participation. The project had a number of aims. We wanted to see increased activity amongst residents and physical benefits such as an improvement in peoples’ gross and fine motor skills. We witnessed psychological benefits too. These were achieved through residents gaining a sense of hope, meaning and purpose through gardening, and the chance for positive reminiscence facilitating the trigger of happy memories.”
Charmain Jarvis, an activities co-ordinator in Basingstoke, said: “We’ve been able to enjoy conversations about fields of bluebells, flowers that were in their wedding bouquets, the scent of certain flowers like lavender and the memories they bring.
“And we also noticed that some of our residents enjoy coming to the session but are very happy just sitting watching other plant seeds and pot on, listening to the conversations.”
An activities co-ordinator at The Willows, Reading, said: “C was less anxious and held attention for an hour. We were very happy with his participation.”
At Bishops Waltham Care Home in Alton, we were told that “D was very focused on the task and well-motivated. ‘D’ remembered gardening with parents.”
Thrive knows that gardening in this structured way also leads to residents feeling a sense of accomplishment with the ability to undertake and achieve activities independently.
Paul said: “There was a definite increase in social interaction for both residents and staff at all care homes and many said that for them, this was one of the key benefits of the programme.”
Thrive also enabled staff to understand the value and benefits that gardening activities can provide, giving them the confidence to carry on gardening with the residents.
Thrive worked with 46 members of staff at care homes with 87% saying the gardening programme had improved their knowledge, skills and confidence and most importantly  100% said they felt confident enough to run gardening activities programme for residents.
One activities co-ordinator said: “We have a lot of gardening tools, but lacked the knowledge…we have hugely benefitted from this programme.”
Paul Scott added: “Gardening is a very flexible medium and the project has clearly demonstrated that gardening as an activity is highly valued, benefitting both residents and staff.
“For many residents their gardens were so important in their lives. The project has allowed people to reignite their interest and we’ve been able to show how they can continue to garden.
“There were some residents who understandably did not want take part, but who wished to observe and join those participating residents in a social context. This passive involvement was encouraged and greatly appreciated by residents and staff.
“We know this successful programme could continue if funding were to allow as we have consistently been asked by a number homes engaged so far to extend the period of programme delivery beyond the 8-week schedule of activities.
“Whilst this has not been possible each home has been left with a range of resources including plants and an information folder with CD which shows how to set up and run a gardening club for residents. This includes a range of seasonal activities, easy maintenance plants list and a guide to choosing tools.”
“We are able to run sessions on a paid-for basis if other homes are interested and we offer a training and consultancy service if homes would like advice on how to develop their garden space, help with designing therapeutic gardening programmes or training for their staff, contact [email protected].”
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myeffetcs · 8 years
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sth new by elzaaa featuring white coffee mugs ❤ liked on Polyvore
Red sweater, 315 ARS / BCBGMAXAZRIA mini skirt, 15.475 ARS / Gucci white shoes, 7.625 ARS / Gucci purse, 9.640 ARS / Arme De L Amour chain necklace, 4.145 ARS / Charlotte Russe palette eyeshadow, 125 ARS / Wall art, 93 ARS / Large Chocolate Dipping Adventure, 675 ARS / White coffee mug, 185 ARS / Pink mug, 385 ARS
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led123123 · 4 years
I told this ajuma girl a joke too.. that’s yo mama joke.. and it went like this. “do you know this joke? your mom is ajuma”
185 damage in 15 shots
fire rate is.. like.. what??? on prowler?? is it slower than r-99? by how much
it must be like. around 1000 at least
I think it’s 1200 because volt is 800 already. it must be like r-99
so.. like.. lets say 1000. that means.. like.. no.. it can’t be 1000. dps should be around 200. so.. like.. volt damage is 16. I don’t know what prowler damage is.. it’s like.. 12 or 13 or sth
10 shots. is.. 150 damage.. so.. it’s 15??? damn that’s so high
185.. 15 x 15= 225.. what the heck.. it’s supposed to be.. oh right.. it’s 1000 rounds per minute.. not per second.. so.. it’s.. like.. 17 rounds per second.
okay then that makes sense. but like.. 17 x 15.. it must be like. almost 300 dps
wow it’s really 15 damage. but only 800 rpm. I though volt was 800 rpm and prowler seems a lot faster
wow volt is actually almost the same rpm as prowler
I though prowler had higher rpm
I though it’s a lot higher than volt
volt felt a lot slower 
wow there are some groups in chrome now?
so it’s.. like.. 13.33 rounds per second
13.33 x 15 = 200
my math’s correct
nobody gave a shit about my reports few years ago.. like.. people still don’t care most of the time I think
lol they are reading hunger games in school these days lol what the heck.. this book is about violence.. what the 
really they teach hunger games in school now?
tut mir Leid. lol. this word actually sounds french
my tooth seems like it’s getting better
feels like it’s a lot better. like.. it got really a lot close to the final state
it looks like it’s really close to be sitting properly 
it’s kinda.. stuck.. it is kinda stuck.. and I move it around so it gets unstuck and gets in position. deeper in its socket
it seems like it’s getting close to being in good position
I had the worst problem with one side.. bottom side on one side
but it looks like it’s getting close to end 
what was other song
was it this one?
lol nobody steals all books??
you think you can beat me 123
damn this english 
f*ck you all
passing by NPC
I was just sleeping today.. fortunately there was someone else to help at work so I just slept and didn’t have to work too much
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thankskenpenders · 4 years
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Next up on the list of characters “marked” by Mogul is Mighty. Apparently Mighty made some sort of pact with Mogul to gain his super strength in an attempt to save his family, although this obviously didn’t go well. But again, this is neat! If Mammoth Mogul is supposed to be this ultimate evil mastermind, tying him in to past events like this helps sell him as a character who’s constantly laying the groundwork for future exploits
And while Mighty’s family has been mentioned in the past, I believe this is the first time Ian has mentioned Mighty’s sister. And boy, SHE’S sure gonna end up being relevant
As for the other members of Mogul’s new Fearsome Foursome, #3 is Tails, who we obviously know has ties to Mogul in the story due to all that chosen one crap and the thing with the two Tailses that I’d rather forget about. (Mogul didn’t give Tails his flight or anything, though, unlike Mina and Mighty.) And with the cliffhanger ending of this story, we learn that the fourth is... Sonic?!
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Yep, looks like Sonic’s got a good old-fashioned fight against some mind controlled friends on his hands
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