#i was going somewhere serious w/ this but then i forgot
kiwichils · 4 months
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healing hands
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14dayswithyou · 2 months
Meowdy Saint! ^^ What sort of havoc does Teo get into? Like besides smashing taillights.... aka... what am I going to see when Im stalking checking up on him?
✦゜ANSWERED: He's quite literally tied up in your closet right now...... I fear he's not doing much!! /silly
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"Teo, I don't think this is legal..."
"Aw, don't get your panties in a twist, doll." Ignoring your words, Teo easily hoists himself over the chainlink fence and throws a casual look in your direction. "You're the one who said it was getting stuffy in the nightclub. Didn't you want to cool down?"
You glance between Teo and the empty public pool on the other side of the fence. "...I did. But this wasn't what I had in mind."
"No, but it's what I had in mind." Rolling his eyes at your hesitancy towards being rebellious, Teo throws a leg back over the fence once more and jumps off. He lands in his previous spot in the dirt with a grunt and offers you a hand. "C'mere. I'll help you over."
It takes one very large, noticeable moment before your feet start to move. Hesitancy is still thick in the air — and even in the forefront of your mind — but you somehow find it hard to say no to Teo when he's giving you those soft eyes and trademark smirk.
"C'mon. It'll be fine."
"We'll get in trouble." You manage to breathe out before you feel a pair of muscular arms around your waist. There's no time for you to react as Teo wordlessly hoists you over the fence and sits you atop the large steel bar that holds everything in place — before hoisting himself over as well.
However, he doesn't seem to wait for you to join him as the taller male takes a few steps toward the pool to suss everything out. And with a satisfied nod, he finally turns back to face you once more.
"We'll get in trouble?" With a scoff, he crosses his arms over his broad chest — making a point to flex his muscles and cock out his hip. "By who? That broken diving board?"
With an eye roll, you push yourself from the fence and jump down. "I don't know, but the... authorities... or something!"
"Don't see anyone around. Just you and me here, doll."
"W-Well... What about the cameras?" Even with nothing but the moonlight to illuminate your surroundings, you can still make out the shape of something circular in the corner of the main building.
"Oh, yeah. Forgot about those." Teo drawls as he begins to tug off his shirt. "Then we should probably give that lucky security guard a show, huh."
"Are you serious?!" You purposefully look away once he starts to remove his belt buckle. Suddenly, the questionable stain on the concrete was far more interesting than your half-naked companion. "No way!"
The sounds of something metallic hitting the floor ring in your ears before more rustling follows... Until the obnoxious sounds of water splashing everywhere drown out Teo's laughter and the rapid beating of your heart.
"Aw, you feelin' shy?" Teo's teasing lilt can be heard from somewhere within the pool as you fight the urge to look in his direction. "Gonna cry? At least let me see it."
At that, you whip your head and send him a sharp glare. It's your turn now to cross your arms over your chest, but Teo doesn't seem to acknowledge it with the way he dives back into the water and sloshes around without a care in the world.
Admittedly, it did look like he was having fun — and the droplets from all his splashing did feel nice against your bare skin.
But when your silence finally kicks in and makes itself known towards the dark-haired man, he turns to you with a serious expression and ceases his antics.
"If you really don't wanna be here, then I'll drive you home." Teo mentions offhandedly, "But the water's nice 'n cool. You're honestly missing out, dollface."
Not that you'd ever admit it out loud, but Teo did look all sorts of breathtaking as he casually waded through the water. His wet, tanned skin was glistening underneath the moonlight, and it was one of the rare occasions where he'd slick his hair back to give you the perfect view of his grey eyes — which seemed to be staring back at you with an intimate gleam to them.
Choking out a stutter, you try your best to brush it off by perching yourself on the ledge and dipping your feet into the pool.
"People have probably peed in here, y'know." You kick a bit of water in your companion's direction, but he easily brushes it off and splashes you back with his hand. You don't miss the way Teo fully turns his towards you, nor how he seems to be slowly inching his way closer to your spot by the edge of the pool.
"We can do something more indecent in here if you're up for it."
"Teo!" Your voice raises a few octaves, though you don't show any other signs of protest. "Don't you have your own pool, anyway?"
"Aw, where's the fun in that? Don't you wanna experience a new kind of thrill every once in a while?"
You despised the fact that he was right. Perhaps one of the main reasons you often found yourself drawn to Teo was because of how much excitement he brought into your life. Sometimes, it was nice to break the cycle of monotony... And Teo just so happened to be one of the very few people who could do that for you.
With a resigned sigh, you glance back at Teo and move to take off your shirt.
"See? Knew there was a reason I kept you around." He gives you a genuine smile this time, but you were too preoccupied with discarding your clothing somewhere safe to notice it. "This is why you're more fun than the others."
Teo swims closer to your side now — close enough to rest against the ledge and cage your thighs with his muscular arms. And had you chosen to look down at him, you would've noticed the soft look in his eyes and the faint blush on his cheeks.
"...Thanks for indulging me all the time."
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stinkysam · 11 months
Vinsmoke Sanji - Oh boy.
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Warning : none
Genre : fluff
Synopsis : "Sanji falling for an ftm „he / they“ reader and feeling conflicted not only because that’s the first time he ever realized he liked a guy but also because he never even FLIRTED with a guy (...) And all in all just being awkward and waaaaay overthinking this just because he’s very much a confused newly discovered bisexual as well as „first time trans ally“ and is trying his best. Extra points: Reader immediatly knows what’s up and is just like „lol. : )“ because he thinks Sanjis awkward fumbling is adorable, before he puts Sanji out of his misery and goes „I like you. Wanna go out on a date sometimes?“" - anon
Reader : male (he/they/you)
A/N : Part TWO
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Sanji likes women.
That's a fact everyone knows.
Or thought they knew.
So you can guess his surprises when he realizes his feelings for you ; a man. Not believing he could think such things with you !
Why is he caring who you're looking at ? Or why does he suddenly care about the way your eyes shine ? Or how you smile and how cute it is ? Why does his heart beat faster each time you compliment his cooking, your hand gently resting on his chest ? You could probably feel the way it was pounding under your palm.
He goes through a small stage of denial. And thinks he's being an asshole because he still sees you as a woman. Which he doesn't but his feelings make him think he's being transphobic and he absolutely hates it.
Because you're a man and he sees you as such. So when he finally realizes he's not transphobic but just bi he relaxes a bit.
And now he's scared. Because what if you don't feel the same ? Right ?
Or worse ? What if you think what he thought ? That he's being a transphobe and still seeing you as a woman ? What if he starts flirting and you see it disrespectful ?
Wait, how does he even flirt with a man ?
He doesn't know how to do it with any man, or with you, for that matter. You don't flirt with a man the same way you flirt with a lady. Right ?
Would you like to be called handsome ? Or perhaps pretty ? Or is pretty too feminine and you'd prefer handsome ? Or maybe you don't mind and like both ? Would you like flowers ? He wouldn't mind receiving them so maybe you wouldn't mind either ?
God, why is it so hard flirting with a man ?
He's really uncertain so he prefers to start with compliments. Your clothing, your hairstyle, your fighting…
He wants to start small in hope you see it as him being serious with you.
When he eventually starts flirting he's still really shy and unsure, fumbling on his words and stuttering.
The sentence he had prepared for you leaves his brain the second he opens his mouth.
But then !? You flirted back ?! You winked at him and invited him for dinner at a restaurant on the island you stopped at ?!
W h a t ! ?
He feels his heart burst in his chest. Just simply exploding. BOOM.
He's at a loss for words as he tries to smile. How does one smile by the way ? He's so happy he forgot. He's so sheepish he almost doesn't answer, giggling a little before finally accepting your offer.
Suddenly he's hoping he didn't read it wrong and you really flirted back.
"No, because, they could've invited me to be nice. Or maybe he also invited the others as well ? What if it's just not us two and I come with flowers like a fool ? I have to ask them. But will I look stupid if I do so ? …" He thought to himself.
"Um, just to make sure we're on the same page, [Name], it's a uh… d-"
"Date, yeah. Tomorrow night." You say with a small smile, slightly proud of yourself as you look into his eyes.
You swear you could see the way the air got stuck in his throat as he stopped breathing.
"Okay." He started, still sheepish. "Good." And with that he turns around and leaves. He doesn't know where he's going but he's definitely going somewhere. He needs a walk to calm down anyway.
Not that the food was bad the other times but you ate extra good this evening. You had plenty of choice and even Luffy didn't know where to start.
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webslingingslasher · 9 months
hehehe situationship peter and trouble where they’re going somewhere (to class or idk just out w the bros, OR she’s leaving in the morning after idk) but it’s raining like crazy and all she has is the tiny top/dress she came in so peter hesitates but gives her one of his hoodies to wear and her eyes are doe and filled with love and he knows exactly why😭 like “this doesn’t mean anything, I just don’t need you to get pneumonia bc then we can’t fuck”😒 but we all know the truth deep down <33333333
she gets so excited sjjdjdjs
'are you kicking me out?'
peter bounces the words around in his head. 'no, but i'm leaving, and if i leave, you have to leave. house rules.' you think the last part might be a lie, or a rule he's only enforcing at the moment because he wants to.
'fine,' you grab the small items you've littered around in your overnight stay. 'are you walking me home?' you glance through a window, it’s raining. looking down at your outfit from last night, you wonder if peter would mind if you stashed a pair of clothes at his place.
'no. but let me know when you're there, please.' a pout forms, you just wanted a few more minutes with him but, no. not allowed. you glance around, nothing forgotten. 'can i have a kiss before i go?' it's almost bruising, it's more than you expected, it's peter telling you, 'i'm not trying to be mean, and if it sounds like i am, i'm sorry.'
you give him a hug and feel warm from the inside out when it's returned. 'where are your shoes?' you peck his jaw, 'downstairs.' peter kisses your forehead before pulling back, 'with your jacket?' you shake your head, 'didn't bring one. i forgot.'
peter looks unimpressed, you bid him another goodbye before moving around him, he stops you at his door. 'wait, c'mere.' you perk up and follow him to his closet, watching him pick through hoodies.
you grin when you catch on, nodding towards one he was blatantly ignoring. 'i like the frat one,' peter snorts, 'i'm sure you do.' it's nothing special and you think that might be why he chose it, something simple that would try and make his offer any less meaningful.
a gray nike hoodie held out, 'here. wear this,' to make sure you knew he was serious, peter pushed it into your chest. 'why?' peter can see right through your smile. 'because it's cold and drizzling outside, and the last thing i need is you sick and whiny.'
you tug it on, it's soft and smells like him. it feels like peter's draped over you, now that you have it, you don't think you'll ever give it back. 'you care about me,' you hug yourself over the fabric and swear you see peter lift up the corner of his lip, just a small hint of a smile, but you saw it.
'if you get sick, you won't want to get me sick. i'd only be hurting myself by letting you leave here in poor condition.' you bring a sleeve to your nose and breathe deeply. 'weird way to say you care about me, but thank you.'
'yeah, yeah, yeah. i want it back next week.'
you don't give it back, and he doesn't ask for it either. 
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thequietkid-moonie · 1 year
Saw you write for corpse bride, im not sure if requests are open since your bio and pinned say different things but if they are could I get something for Victor? Im a sucker for friends to lovers so maybe something with that? 👀
Friends to Loves w/ Victor Van Dort
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[ HEADCANONS ] [ Corpse Bride ]
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OMFG thank you so much for requesting this!! I love so much the movie and finally writing for it is so amazing!!! Waaaahhh hope you like it as much as I did!!
Also, so sorry for confusing you, it was totally my bad, I totally forgot to change the one of the bio but thanks for checking both, I apreciate it a lot!! 🖤
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Getting to be Victor's friend could be either pretty easy or pretty difficult, he normally doesn't go out of his house and when he does is mostly with his parents, it could be that you two met because your families are friends or because you two agree somewhere
He could be pretty awkward and clumsy at first due not really knowing what to say but wanting to give a good impresion, but at the time pass he will start to feel more comfortable and will start to express more himself
He would prefer if you don't meet his parents right away (and actually prefer to avoid it as long as posible), not that he is embarrased of you but he is afraid for his mother reaction, and even if she takes it well is probably that will say something embarrassing about him and he doesn't want to scare away his probably only friend
Is more likely that Victor will accept you the way you are without much problems, not matter if you are more the shy or energetic type he just wants for you to feel free to be yourself (since you do the same for him, is only right in his mind and even if you would criticize him he prefers to just let you be). If you are more the shy or introvert type he tries to talk more and motivate you to do diferent things together as friends (even when is something new for him) but if you are more the energetic and extrovert type he tries to follow your lead and your rythm, he may complain a bit sometimes for being too much but he just get uses to it over time
It doesn't have to pass much time for Victor to fall in love but that doesn't make it less meaningful, his feeling grows faster that he can notice so it would take him a while to know what he is feeling, and when he does it will take him a little bit of time to accept it mainly because he is really nervous about the whole thing, he doesn't know if he will be enough for you or even if you will ever like him that way
Even before him realicing his feelings it start to be a little bit obvious, since, even if he had already got used to having you around he is more nervous and clumsy around you again, just like he was when you just met, but this time he tries to brush it off by laughing at it, as well he start to trip on his words and sometimes speaks before thinking (more than he used to). While having a crush Victor is stuck between being really nervous and completely comfortable around you
He isn't exactly planning to confess his feelings for you but there are moments where you two are talking in a more serious manner and he just start to talk from his heart and his true feeling slips a little (if he realice it in time he will try to apologize or cover it up). He will only confess if and when he is sure of his feelings for you and that are reciprocated because he doesn't want to risk your friendship, he wouldn't mind too much never telling you his true feelings if he knows you don't like him back
If you are the one confessing then it will take him by surprise, it actually take him a moment to fully process what you have said and is probably that he asks you if it is real, he will be all blushy and flustered, even triping on his words but at the end he manage to express his feelings for you too
It would take him a while for Victor to accept that this is for real and that he is in a relasionship with you and yet he couldn't be happier for it, he tries to be the best boyfriend, the one that you deserve, unfortunately his insecurities sometimes push him a little to much and make him think that you deserve better than him
It would take him a while to get used to being in a relasionship but once he does he will be actually pretty open with you and tries to have a lot romantic and meaningful gestures with you
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munsonsprincess11111 · 8 months
"Good" day
Eddie munson x reader
Summary: your having a but of a bad day so Eddie tried to cheer you up.
In your eyes everything that could've gone wrong. Did. Cheer practice. Absolute flop. Forgot the books you needed. Migraine coming and going. Forgetting to make lunch waking up late. And now your sat at the table with Cheerleaders and jocks while they talk about the game on Friday after school and how you all need to practice more.
Your head felt like it was spinning. "You OK y/n?" Chrissy askes genuinely concerned. You nod giving a weak smile pulling your hoodie jacket over your hands a bit more for something to fiddle with.
Someone approaches behind you and you see the basketball boys look pissed especially Jason and Andy. Your eyes get covered. "Guess who." The voice says. You let out a breath of relief as you heat who it is.
Eddie. Your Eddie. "Lemme think... Timothy?" You giggle. Eddie removes his hands from your eyes bringing his face centimetres from yours.
"What the creep in your science class with the snotty nose who tries to check you out n asked you on a date? No babe. I'm the creep in your math and biology class who's given you better lessons on biology then them teachers ever have maybe even some chemistry." HE smiles kissing you.
You smile as he pulls away and you both look eachother in the eyes. You almost forget about your migraine until Jason shouts. "HEY freak wanna fuck off n talk to her later were talking about are game this Friday. So piss of would ya." Eddie notices your flinch when he yells. He screws his eyebrows n kisses your head.
"What's wrong?" Eddie whispers to you. All you do is shrug your shoulders wrapping your arms around yourself. He bites the corner of his lip. "Wanna go talk somewhere else princess?" HE whispers again. You nod standing up taking Eddie's hand and he guides you out of the cafeteria.
"Y/n we need you were tryna arrange shit." Andy shouts. You ignore him and continue walking holding Eddie's hand. Eddie gives them all the middle finger as you both edit the cafeteria.
"Stop." Eddie says stopping you. He slips off the Hawkins high jacket your wearing chucking it over his shoulder. He then takes off his denim vest and leather jacket handing you them. Then slipping off his hoodie jacket.
"How many jackets do you need?" You giggle.
He smirks handing you the hoodie one which you gladly except giving the leather and denim jacket back. "Well the leather and denim for me and the hoodie is for you when your cold n need comfort babe." HE says slipping his jacket and vest on taking your hand again.
You walk down the halls hand In hand and Eddie takes you out of the school to the woods. You sit at the picnic table and Eddie sits opposite putting his lunch box on the table.
"Right got a few questions that OK?" HE askes. You nod.
"Cool. Why wasn't you eating?"
You look Eddie in the eyes seeing his concern n nod to yourself.
"I um woke up late and didn't have time to pack lunch." You answer twiddling with Eddie's jacket.
He slides his lunch box over to you. "EAT what you want don't touch the weed. You got a migraine?" Eddie askes knowing you to well.
You nod. He goes into one of his many pockets sliding you over migraine pain relief. "There should be water in the lunch box." HE say pointing at the plastic bottle.
"Whyve you got-" but he cuts you off.
"Cause you get migraines a lot and you never take anything so I've got stuff for when they get bad." HE answers sweetly. You nod taking the pill and drinking the water sliding rhe box of pills to him as he tucks them back in his pocket.
"When's cheer practice next?" HE askes leaning on the table
"Tonight." You mumble eating a piece of popcorn.
"OK your not going. Your coming back to the trailer n were gonna make dinner. Go to my room. Eat dinner. Have a shower. Lay in bed butt naked. And cuddle." HE says and you giggle at him knowing he's serious.
Over the time you've been dating you've come to terms there no point tryna argue with Eddie with this kinda stuff. He's gonna win. Stubborn asshole.
"I'm fine with that one question. Why are we gonna be butt naked?" You ask giggling at him
"SO we can compare boob sizes duh." HE says jokingly rolling his eyes as a smirk comes across his face. The real reason is so you feel safe and close to him. You both know it. Eddie just wanted to make you laugh.
"Thank you." You say smiling at him.
"Don't ever thank me for loving on ya babe." HE says. You sit on the table and swing your legs around to Eddie. He kisses your leg.
"Want me to deal with Jason and the others?" HE askes. You nod.
"I love you." You say kissing his head.
"I love you too." HE says kissing your leg.
It's after school and Eddie walked you to the van saying he'd be back. Now he's to deal with the dickheads as he called them.
"The fuck you want freak." Jason says throwing the basketball go Andy. The cheerleaders stop talking when they hear who Jason's talking to.
"Just came to let you dicks know y/n ain't coming to practice. She's got a migraine n don't feel great if she feels up to it she will be back tomorrow." HE says calmly hands in his pockets.
"Shut up you probably told her not to come so you can fuck her brain wash her with your satanic shit." Andy says.
"And you probably only want her here so you can perv over MY girl in her cheer uniform so you got something to jack off to later." Eddie says calm again. He turns around and walks out before he says something he's gonna regret.
Your sat in the van as Eddie jogs to the van around the front into the drivers seat. "Everything OK?" You ask playing eith Eddie's jacket.
"Yeah I may of just called Andy a pervert but oh well maybe he will stop bring a weirdo about you." HE says driving out of the school.
You smirk knowing Eddie defended you to all of them.
"Yeah?" HE answers hand sliding to your thigh
"I love you so much." You say looking at him.
"I love you so fucking much to." HE says leaning over kissing you at the stop light.
"Kays let's goto yours... and lay in bed butt naked." You says smirking tangling your hands kissing him
"YES I Knew you'd agree!" HE says smiling holding your hands up. And you immediately start laughing. No matter what Eddie could always make you feel better. N that's why you worked so well
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my-own-walker · 10 months
Someone You've Never Seen Before
A Kyle Spencer Fan Fiction
frat!kyle AU, fem!main character, sexual themes, mature language, use of drugs and alcohol, frat boy antics
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As if on cue, someone cleared their throat behind me. Shivers went down my spine. I turned my head and was met with the most piercing brown-eyed gaze. He looked at me with such intensity, I couldn't help but hold my breath.
He stood tall next to me, dressed in a Hawaiian shirt with a white ribbed tank top underneath and a pair of jeans.
"Hey Kyle," Lily greeted with a knowing smile, standing from her seat on the side table. She rubbed my arm as if to say 'This is who it was.'
"Hi. Mind if I steal Hannah from you for a second?" Kyle smiled softly. My eyes remained trained on him as he interacted with my best friend.
"Not at all," she replied, pushing my arm lightly as she walked away. I quickly cast a pleading look in her direction, but she didn't see. Turning my attention to Kyle, I said a quiet prayer that this was going to go well.
"I've been trying to find you all night," he spoke lowly, looking deeply into my eyes.
"W-why?" I stammered. I looked quickly to my left, hoping to find comfort in Lily's presence nearby, but instead, she was nowhere to be found. She must've known what he was doing, otherwise, she wouldn't have left me.
"I saw Julian try to talk to you earlier. I wanted to make sure you were alright," he mumbled. "We uh, also - Hannah, need to talk."
"I don't disagree with you on that," was all I could muster.
"Do you wanna, I don't know, maybe go somewhere more quiet?" Kyle suggested. "That sounds creepy, I just mean-"
"No, yeah, I'm okay with that," I murmured. I could see that my change of heart was unexpected. I could tell he expected me to tell him to fuck off. 
"Let's just uh, leave, I guess," he stammered. I nodded, then proceeded to follow him outside, past Lance, and down onto the sidewalk. I walked alongside him for a few moments before he paused. "Wait, where are we going?"
"We could go to mine," I offered. "It's literally one block this way." I pointed to my right.
"That's fine."
I shot Lily a text on the way there, letting her know what was going on, although I think she had it all figured out. Kyle nor I spoke a word for the rest of the walk.
We got to the door of the apartment and I nearly forgot how to work a key to open the door. When I finally got it open, his eyes widened slightly at the sight of our place. He had never been, so I was sure it was jarring for him. 
He settled in on the couch. I discarded my angel wings by the door and turned on some music to ease any tension, but it seemed unnecessary. Or maybe distracting. We really did need to have a serious conversation. I noted how soft he looked in the warm lighting of the room. I crossed the floor and sat on the opposite end of the sofa from him, my feet planted firmly on the floor in an attempt to keep them from running away.
"This is a - uh, nice couch," he muttered, running his hands over the upholstery next to him. I cocked an eyebrow
"Yeah?" I laughed wryly. "I, -uh stole it off the side of the road. Cleaned it, of course. Loved the color. Purple's my favorite." Overexplaining my couch and its origins. Nice going, Hannah.
"It's soft, uh, I don't know," he chuckled. "I'm just a fan of couches." He shifted uncomfortably and shook his head at himself while looking down at his lap.
"L-look-" I started.
"I just-" Kyle spoke at the same time. He exhaled and looked up at me. "You first."
"I was just going to say that, uh, thanks," I uttered, unsure how to string my words together. "Thanks for, like, the other night. L-lily told me what you did."
His eyes softened. He sniffed, rubbing his nose with his thumb and index fingers. "I'm just glad you're okay," he replied, his voice barely a whisper. "Timing was good on our part."
"And you somehow knowing where I went," I jabbed, slightly sarcastic.
He cleared his throat and laughed slightly. "I may have seen you go in there, yes."
"Spying on me, Spencer," I taunted, poking his bicep. Except, he didn't smile. In fact, he sobered, his expression changing to one of complete and utter seriousness. He looked down at his hands in his lap.
"I'm sorry, Hannah. I can't even begin to explain how sorry I truly am," he spoke, his voice catching on his words.
"No, I know. I know it sounds like bullshit. I know that sorry is what I should say. I know that no number of apologies will take away what I did," he interrupted. "Listen, Hannah," he leaned forward to better meet my eyes. "I'm so tired of the frat act. I'm some blonde guy who wears frat polos and khakis. I hang around with douchebags. You're, like, so fucking cool. You're so above all of the college social politics. The bullshit I deal with every day." 
I couldn't help but scoff at his words. I pulled my feet up from the ground to sit cross-legged on the sofa and turned to face Kyle entirely.
He continued, after a beat of silence. I didn't speak. "You're cool without trying. That's the thing. You just have it all figured out. And I know you're above all the frat garbage. You know it, too. I see the way you looked through me from the beginning. You still do. But worse now."
"Kyle, that's not-"
"You've always been someone I needed to know. I have never wanted anyone's approval more," Kyle spoke lowly. "Do you realize that your smile is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen? You don't give it out easily. Not many people get to see it. But when you smile at someone, it's like- the greatest reward in the history of the world."
I shook my head, bewildered. "I- I guess I didn't realize you'd noticed me before."
"Noticed?" he scoffed. "This is going to sound so lame, but I felt like I wouldn't be able to win you over. I'm an insecure frat guy. That stupid fucking bet meant nothing. I wanted to know you. All along. My pride was hurt when I agreed to it. When you, uh, yelled at me at that party."
"But I wanna be someone you've never seen before," Kyle professed, leaning forward and putting a hand on my knee. "I want you to know the guy behind what you see. Behind your preconceived notions of me. The guy that totally hates what he did to you."
"I don't know what to say, Kyle I-" I trailed off, shaking my head, staring deeply into his genuine gaze.
"When I saw you in that room with him on top of you, god, I could have murdered him," he murmured. "But I realized in that moment just how strongly I feel toward you. It hit me that somewhere along the way, I fell so fucking in love with you. My heart is so full of you, I feel like I can't even call it my own."
I leaned into his face and pressed my lips to his. There Is A Light That Never Goes Out by The Smiths started playing over the living room speaker. Kyle relaxed into my touch and scooted closer to me, wrapping his arms around me. We made out hungrily for what felt like both a second and an eternity.
He then leaned forward even more, guiding me to lay back, and positioning himself on top of me. I pulled at his overshirt, encouraging him to take it off. He looked down at me as if to say 'You sure?' then pulled the fabric off smoothly and threw it across the room.
Kyle's body was way more athletic than I had imagined. We had made out many times before, but we had never gone this far. The muscles in his toned shoulders were apparent. His biceps were large and the veins in his arms protruded visibly. His strong hands found their way to the top of my dress, and without thinking, I sat up slightly to tug the straps off and pull it down, exposing my bra.
Suddenly feeling exposed, showing my bra in the front room and all, I stopped kissing Kyle. "We uh, we should move to my room," I whispered, smiling. "Just in case Lily comes home."
"I don't know that I can wait," he rumbled, stooping down to pepper kisses up and down my neck and chest.
It was in my best interest to protest, but the feeling of his soft lips upon my breasts put me in a trance. I pushed his head back, though. "I will simply die if she walks in on this. Let's go," I demanded. He hopped off of me and helped me up. I led him back into the apartment and opened the door to my room for him. He walked through and swiftly grabbed me, pulling me in roughly behind him.
I gasped as he pushed me backward, pinning me up against the door, and clicking it shut with my body weight. As his lips met mine, I fumbled behind me, locking the door.
I felt my way down to his pants and palmed his erection through the fabric. He whimpered at the touch. I undid the button and unzipped his jeans, and Kyle took the work of pulling them off of himself. I took that time to slide my dress all the way off, tossing it behind me. He stopped to regard me in just my underwear. He chuckled and shook his head.
"You're so fucking hot," he breathed wrapping his arms tightly around my waist and walking me over to my bed. We both flopped down, I on my back and Kyle on top of me once more. I continued kissing him and put my hand down his boxers. 
"Okay?" I asked. He nodded in reply, inhaling sharply when my fingers wrapped around his cock. I pumped his erection, reveling in his moans and whines. 
"Fuck," he spat. I removed contact, making Kyle grunt loudly. 
"One sec," I whispered, reaching back to the side table next to my bed. I fumbled with the drawer, opening it to grab a spare condom. I handed it over with a smirk. "Didn't think I'd ever use these but damn am I happy to have 'em right now."
"Thank god you remembered," he sighed. He slid his boxers down and opened the package with his teeth, guiding the rubber over his member. Then, he pulled my panties down and guided my legs apart. I yelped when I felt his dick enter me. It was much larger than I anticipated.
"You okay?" he panted, beginning to hit his stride.
"Mmhmm," I affirmed through gritted teeth. I threw my head back, feeling my walls tighten around him. His thrusts got deeper, hitting the innermost parts of me. We both grunted, gasped, and moaned at the contact.
"Shit, I'm gonna come," Kyle groaned. He stroked a few more times before coming with a whimper. I felt warmth spread in my middle. He pulled out and stood to clean up. I laid on the bed for a moment, watching his toned back ripple under his thin tank as he pulled his boxers back on. 
He handed me my own underpants upon his return, a shy grin on his face, and a pink flush in his cheeks. I chuckled at him as I slid them back on. He spun around and continued searching the floor for something.
"Are you looking for your shirt?" I asked, noticing his struggle. "It's in the living room."
"Ah, fuck," he replied quietly. "I don't need it." He joined me back in bed, snaking his arms around my middle.
"Holy fuck," I gasped, something dawning on me. I whipped my head to face him. "Your costume tonight. You were Romeo. 1996 Romeo and Juliet."
"Your best friend tipped me off," he said with a wink. "It's a favorite of mine as well."
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renloveskai · 1 year
yeonjun calls you clingy/annoying
genre ~ angst w eventual fluff
warnings/tags ~ some cussing, talks about job insecurity, y/n and yeonjun are both bad at communicating (typical young relationships)
a/n ~ this is my first fic so please lmk what you think! im open to criticism and suggestions! also not proofread because im lazy
song of the fic ~ this is how you fall in love, Jeremy zucker
“y/n please leave my office I cannot deal with you right now” your boss says to you sighing and shooing you off
“understood sir, I apologize for the mix up”
you turn around and walk out the office with tears brimming your eyes.
between balancing your work tasks whilst accommodating to your bosses requests, your hands were very full at work today. your boss had asked you to hold on to important documents containing company intel, but somewhere between taking care of your own work you had lost track of the documents. begrudgingly you notified your boss about your mistake.
he did not take it lightly, instead he blew up in your face even threatening your job and adding on more things for you to do by the end of the day. safe to say you’ve had a stressful day. only one thing you want to do to destress, go home and spend quality time with your boyfriend.
you open the door to your apartment and drop your bag and jacket on the floor not even bothering to put your stuff away. you look around the living and don’t see yeonjun assuming he’s in his office.
lightly knocking on the opened office door you greet him “hey junnie, what you up to?”
he doesn’t respond to you so you walk up to him standing behind him at his desk. “hey what are you doing?”
he gives a short hum to you and responds “what do you need?” somewhat used to his lack of responsiveness you reply back “just wanna spend some time with you”
“cant right now, I’m busy”
you can see he’s playing video games, an fps to be specific. you put your hands on his shoulders rubbing them slightly. “you can play your game later let’s go hang out now”
“y/n can’t you see I’m in the middle of so- hey beomgyu watch flank!”
“yeonjun, have you even eaten anything today”
he doesn’t respond to you again so you push further beginning to become irritated. “hello, did you hear me?”
“yeah I heard you, I already said I’m busy let’s do what you wanna do later ok?”
“yeonjun I had a stressful day, i just wanna relax with you”
“y/n please we see each other almost everyday, we should have some time to ourselves too”
you scoff at his ridiculous statement “are you being serious right now? a video game is more important to you than me?”
“god I didn’t even say that! can you just let me breath for a second? you’re so damn clingy, fuck!”
you took you hands off of him standing there in shock. you can’t believe he just said that to you. tears brimming your eyes for the second time to day. you clear your throat and try to remain calm, feeling too tired to argue further.
“please can you just try to understand how I feel right now?” you pleaded with him.
“y/n im sick of dealing with your shit! can’t I just relax for once?”
“ok yeonjun I’ll leave you alone” you quickly turn around and walk to leave his office with tears threatening to spill.
“y/n wait!”
you turn around to see yeonjun still focused on his computer. “Could you shut the door ?”
any glimpse of hope you had that he would take back what he said was gone. you quietly shut the door and walk back to the front door to grab your bag. leaving the apartment you feel tears running down your face uncontrollably. it was like an involuntary reaction that you had no control over. it felt as if in this moment you weren’t allowed to feel any sense of relaxation, so you just decide to take a walk hoping some fresh air will relieve you a bit.
the cold air hitting your skin was bittersweet in a way where it hurt but made you feel alive. the sudden gush of wind made you realize you forgot to bring your jacket. fuck. oh well it’s too late to go back.
it was getting late, the tears had finally began to dry. you look at your phone
20% battery
damn I should head back. you didn’t feel like facing yeonjun right now. despite the uncomfortable sensation of the burning cold air, it still felt warmer than how yeonjun acted towards you. you put your phone on do not disturb to try and preserve your battery and walk into a cafe rest your tired legs.
finding a corner in the cafe where no one would bother you you decide to pull out your laptop and try to get a head start on your work for the next day to prevent any other mishaps. time flies and next thing you know the cafe worker taps you on the shoulder.
“hey, sorry to wake you but we’re closing in 10 minutes, no rush, just wanted to let you know” she gives you a sweet smile. “and here’s a cup of tea to go it looked like you were having a rough day”
“thank you I’ll be out soon, I just need to pack up” after she walks away you let out a big sigh dropping your hands in your face. great I’m visibly distressed. you feel tears beginning to form in your eyes again and try to resist the urge to cry. letting out a shaky breath you stand up and grab you stuff and quickly walk out of the cafe after leaving a $10 tip on the table to prevent any further embarrassment. you pull out your phone to check the time again
no battery
shit. okay where’s the way home. you eventually navigate your way home after taking a couple wrong turns. walking in your dark apartment you leave your things by the door and head to the bathroom for a quick shower. after your shower you go into the bedroom to see yeonjun sound asleep in bed and check the clock
he didn’t even check to see where I was. not feeling up to sleeping with your boyfriend you opt for the guest room.
you wake up early unable to sleep due to all the thoughts running through your mind
two hours to kill before work. you decide to make breakfast, eggs as pancakes. you make yourself a plate and leave some for yeonjun in the fridge. eating breakfast alone was something you were used to nowadays. after yeonjun went on hiatus for work, he stopped waking up early with you and started to stay in more. some days you would wonder if he got bored of you. does he even love you anymore? you cut the meal short and decide to take another shower, suddenly needing to rid yourself of negativity.
You come out of the shower and look at the time
another hour. checking in on yeonjun he’s still asleep on the bed. beginning to become tired again you decide to take the day off work. you needed to work things out with two in anyway. you sit in the guest room desk completing any remote work waiting for yeonjun to wake up.
he should be awake. you head over to your shared bedroom and peak inside, he’s sitting up scrolling through his phone. he’s surprised to see you, looking at the time then back at you.
“hey, no work today?”
“no I’m feeling kinda under the weather”
“are you sick?”
“No, just tired”
“tired of what? did something happen?”
You filling walk inside the room and sit at the edge of the bed facing him. his face had a puzzled look watching you carefully make your steps. why is he acting so normal? does he not remember what he said to you?
“yeonjun, are you happy?”
“am I happy?”
“yeah, are you?”
“I mean of course I am, Why wouldn’t I be?”
“I dunno just wonderin”
“y/n that’s a weird question”
“yeah sorry ive just been thinking a lot”
“thinking? about what?” he removes the comforter from his lap and comes closer to you sounding more concerned.
“d-do you still love me?” you voice is unsteady and you look down to avoid any judgement from him.
“what? what are you talking about? where is this coming from?”
“look it’s okay if you don’t, i just would really like to know” you explain to him with shaky hands
“of course I love you, why are you suddenly acting so weird?” he comes closer grabbing your hand in his to try and reassure you.
“then why did you say what you said to me yesterday” eyes starting to tear up at the recollection of the scene.
“I’m sorry what did I say?”
you get up from the bed and scoff. “god you don’t even remember”
“remember what?”
“it’s nothing, nevermind. I’m gonna head out” you say while walking to your closet to grab a change of clothes
“what, to where? can I come?” yeonjun quickly scrambles out of bed to follow you.
“not today jun, i just need some time alone” you say not looking at him in order to keep your composure. it seems like he only cares when push comes to shove. you’re tired of being the only one in the relationship who tries to even spend quality time together. you begin shuffling through your clothes feeling yeonjuns stare at the doorway of your closet. he’s standing in the middle of the frame watching you dumbfounded trying to figure out what he could’ve done. then it clicks. he fucked up. but instead of trying to console you he tries to get you to explain the problem.
“y/n you always do this. please stop being so passive, can you just tell me what I did so we can work through this?” he says frustrated while running his fingers through his hair.
“im tired yeonjun. if you can’t see what you did wrong then i dont know how it can be helped.” you say still shuffling through your clothes, only this time you are mindlessly looking at your shirts with no intention of picking one out.
“y/n stop looking through your clothes look at me, how is our relationship gonna work if we can’t even communicate with each other?” He says getting more irritated
you turn to him, seeing his face making you start to tear up. You look at him wondering where the man you fell in love with is. the guy who would hold your hand while you walked down the stairs so you wouldn’t trip, the guy who would ask you for cuddles after dinner every night, the guy who would send you lunch every week reminding you to eat. now all you feel is a burden to him. someone he has to tend to because he locked himself in a relationship. he’s since stopped his loving actions and you feel like a mere roommate to him. you see him for an hour a day max. endless days you wonder if your relationship was meant to be, if he still feels satisfied by you. hell he could be with anyone he wanted, big hot superstar with millions of fans. but he chose you, why?
you feel your heart rate rising getting more nervous to confront him about your feelings. you’re scared he’s gonna confirm all of your worries. you let out a shaky breath and ask him “yeonjun, are you satisfied in our relationship?”
“y/n is everything ok, why are you asking me this?” he begins to walk closer growing more concerned instead of irritated.
“please just answer the question”
“of course I am, why would I not be?”
“Well m-maybe because you don’t pay attention to me anymore. everytime i get home from work you’re too busy to even give me the time of day. you stopped having breakfast with me. you don’t even look me in the eye when we’re talking sometimes. and you called me clingy yesterday. im sorry if i did something to upset you, but i just wanna spend time with my boyfriend. is that so much to ask?” you didn’t even realize it but you were full on crying at this point. tears streaming down your face at an uncontrollable rate.
you look up at him and he’s looking at the floor with a guilty expression. “well?” you throw your hands up in impatience “do you have anything to say?”
to your surprise he begins to cry as well. “y-y/n im so sorry. fuck i can’t begin to say how sorry I am. i don’t deserve you, I know I’ve been such a shit boyfriend. i-i i don’t even know what to say. please I’ll make it up to you. I’ll start being better now. it’s just that after we went on hiatus my manager told me that the company doesn’t currently have future plans for our group a-and so I guess I really let it get to my head. i don’t what’s wrong with me, baby please forgive me. i promise I’ll do whatever it takes, just please don’t leave me. i love you so much, everyday im so grateful to have you as my girlfriend.” you can hear the panic in his voice. And that only makes you more emotional.
“what? yeonjun, what did you say?” you walk up closer to him, tears still in your eyes. you look up at him to try and get him to look at you.
he makes eye contact with you “what do you mean?”
“why didn’t you tell me? about the company?”
“I don’t know, I guess I was just scared.”
“scared of what?”
“scared that you wouldn’t want to be with me anymore. so I just kinda shut off. i dunno I started to distance myself, telling myself if you broke up with me then it would hurt less.”
“junnie i would never leave you because you’re not an idol anymore. I don’t care if you quit your job right now and became unemployed. that’s not why I fell in love with you, I love you for you, okay?”
he sniffles and tries to wipe away his tears “im sorry, I love you so much, I don’t know where I would be in life without you.”
you pull him in for a hug, feeling the warmth of his touch for the first time in a while. “im sorry too, I should’ve told you about how I felt” you feel him hug you tighter.
“thank you y/n, for telling me about this. im glad we got this off our chest.” he says while rubbing you back and giving a kiss on the forehead.
you hum and smile to him “I missed you so much. i just wanna be in your arms forever”
“come to bed with me” he says breaking your embrace and pulling you to bed.
he lies down with you next to him and pulls the sheets over the two of you, entangling this legs with yours and wrapping his arms around your waist resting his head on your chest. “im never letting go of you”
you giggle at his cute actions and run your hands through his hair. resting the other hand on his arm drawing little shapes on it.
he looks up at your face and smiles “oh and about the clingy thing, please don’t ever stop asking for my attention. i will drop anything for you. i love when you’re clingy”
you smile at him and again and lean down to kiss him “I love your cuddles”
you feel your stomach start to grumble “but can we order some food, im kinda hungry.”
“nope, im not letting you go”
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ga-yuu · 8 months
A Date At The Mysterious Otherworld Rikka Story
He showed up one day out of blue. Yukijoro Rikka.
An old friend of Tamamo. He is now living at the Shogunate as a member...
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(Hm? That's Rikka, right?)
While shopping, I happened to see Rikka in town.
Woman 1: "Ahh!! Onii-san, you look so cool!!"
Woman 2: "Hey, do you want to play with me?"
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Rikka: "Mm. I don't mind....how about the three of us together?"
(....What should I do? Is he okay?)
(Rikka is Tamamo's friend and he also seems like a friendly demon towards humans)
(Honestly, I still don't know much about his personality)
Despites my doubts about whether to interrupt him or not, I still called out to him.
Yoshino: "Rikka. Don't you have to go back soon?"
Rikka: "Ah, Yoshino."
Rikka noticed me and tilted his head. Then he turned to look at the women.
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Rikka: "That's right. Sorry, but I forgot I had plans."
Women: "Awww..."
(Maybe I did something bad)
Rikka: "See you later. ...Let's go, Yoshino."
I quickly bowed at the women who looked disappointed and Rikka takes my hand.
Yoshino: "Y-Yes. Please excuse us."
I started walking as Rikka pulled me by the hand.
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Rikka: "Were you worried about them? Do you not trust me?"
Yoshino: "Sorry! It's just that, it's rare to find demons like Tamamo who likes humans."
We stopped in a deserted alley and I bowed to Rikka.
Rikka: "........"
Rikka: "You're so polite. You don't have to bow your head down to a demon."
Rikka: "I was just thinking of taking those women in a locked room, let them have their way with me and send them home after they're satisfied."
Yoshino: "H-Have their way w-with you..."
His sexy smile made my cheeks heat up.
Rikka: "What are you thinking?"
Yoshino: "......You're just teasing me, right?"
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Rikka: "I guess."
(Rikka.....is so hard to grasp)
Rikka: "Yoshino, thanks to you I have some free time....play with me."
Yoshino: "You won't take me to a locked room, right....?"
Rikka shrugged his shoulders as I step back cautiously.
Rikka: "Okay. Then let's go on a date."
Yoshino: "Date? But I feel sorry for the women who approached you earlier. If they see us..."
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Rikka: "Let's go somewhere where no one can find us."
And before I knew it, we were at-----
(The Otherworld!?)
Rikka: "Yes. This is reasonably a safe place. Don't worry. The only trouble is, we might get attacked by some weirdo."
Yoshino: "Rikka is always so languid, but not very pushy.....!?"
Rikka: "You're quite easy to please, huh?"
Rikka: "If you get yourself kidnapped by an unknown demon like me....you never know what they might do to you."
I felt chills when I saw him laughing and I couldn't tell if he was being serious or not.
(Rikka doesn't have ears or wings like Tamamo or Kurama)
(Despite looking like any other human, why does the Otherworldly atmosphere...suits him so well?)
It feels like, I'm going to be swallowed by that ominous atmosphere.....
Yoshino: "I trust Tamamo, so I want to trust his friend, Rikka too."
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Yoshino: "If that's not enough, can you tell me more about you from now on?"
Rikka looked straight at me, when I boldly held out my hand.
Rikka: "........."
Rikka: "When you bring up Tamamo, I guess I feel a little weak."
Rikka takes my hand and kisses my fingertips.
Rikka: "Okay. Then, can you tell me about you too?"
Yoshino: "....! Sure!"
(Thank god. Now I think I can get along well with Rikka)
Looking at me happily, he murmurs something under his breath.
Rikka: ".....In the human world, fighting over a woman with your best friend is considered 'a bog', right?"
Yoshino: "....? Did you say something?"
Rikka: "Haha, no. Nothing."
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Rikka: "Come Yoshino. I'll....show you something, you haven't seen before."
The prospect of a stimulating encounter, with cold fingertips entwined, made my heart race-----
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cookie-crumblr · 11 months
Hype Train! Little Mouse~
F!Streamer Reader x M!Yandere Streamer OC
Part 1~
His Info: 📹✨
Part: 1 2
Hype Train! 1, Part 1, here!
CW: !F reader, use of she/her when referring to reader, reader has a vagina, YANDERE, DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT, pet names ( pretty, pretty girl, little mouse, mousy, ), option for multiple partners(not poly or romantic, purely sexual) knife play, chase/primal play, blood play, blood consuming, almost oral on f!,
from this point on anything on “Hype Train! Caged Birds” will be the pregnancy path! i will be posting “Hype Train! Little Mouse!” parts as well, which will be the NON pregnancy path! Love y’all! hope you will enjoy 😚✨
“Are you serious?”
Jasper’s smile reminds you of a cat about to play with it’s meal.
“Really? What’s your plan anyway?” You swallow, “And…” you pause, looking over the cute gray and pink ears and tail. “Why a mouse…”
“You’re perfect prey, pretty. Why not a mouse~” His voice takes on an almost growl, fueled by a rapt starvation.
You take a deep breath in fruitless effort to calm your pounding heart, “O-okay… But then, why the maid dress…?”
“Personal preference” His grin widens showing off those fangs again.
At least he’s honest.
“Well… W-what if i can’t tell you apart?”
“Isn’t that part of the fun?? hmmm?”
“Oh! sorry, forgot my eyes!” Dev.In chimes in, and their eyes dim…
You can no longer tell them apart at all. You know Jasper was on the left…. Wait… O-or was that just Dev.In on the left. Their left? or your left… Wait no that doesn’t matter. Fuck.
“If you can do that why even have glowing eyes in the first place?!” You’re just frustrated and find the first thing to complain about.
They both shrug in unison and say “Personal preference,” in the same voice… With the same tone and stupidly hot inflections.
You grunt and spin on your heel with the box in hands to go change somewhere, before you feel a hand on each shoulder stopping you…
Your eyes glance between each… Sure the hands look the same. same paleness, mirrored veins and black painted nails, even rings on the same fingers.
But you know they belong to two separate beings. Your sigh is shuddery and drawn out, before they both step around you, boxing you in between them.
Oh gods…
They could’ve even switched places now that you looked away.
“Why don’ cha change righ’here, Pretty little mouse~”
You look between them both as they lean around you into your peripheral veiw, and you swallow over a swiftly growing nervous lump.
“kiddin’ pretty, we’ll go and give ya a head start. Jus’member, say avocado nd sall over. Kay?” The one you’re assuming is Jasper, grabs your jaw to roughly kiss you before the both leave.
A minute later you’re changed and ready. You walk around the house, it’s huge, with floor to ceiling arched windows, looking outside as the sun is setting through the trees is nice, but you’re trying to not get too distracted.
They’re on the hunt for you.
You didn’t think it would be that fun, or scary at all… but the anticipation and the knowledge they could be anywhere is really getting you there.
They aren’t gonna hurt you, hurt you. But every slight creak in the old building, makes you more and more on edge and alert.
Your hair stands on end.
The echoing clicks of your kitten heels on the wood.
Your beating heart in your ears, to almost swearing you can even hear your blood pumping through your veins.
Just the thought of them popping out around any corner is positively… Thrilling.
Your panties are cool from the dampness in the open air beneath you.
Suddenly a thunderous cacophony of thick glass shattering erupts from behind you!
Shards falling throughout the hall are so loud, and they sound close enough to touch you, though none even get close.
SHIT! It’s really happening!!
You don’t even turn to look where that sound came from, or what it even was.
Or who made it.
You break into a sprint down the hall and through an uncountable number of doors into darkened rooms.
They did say they had a couple surprises, yet you definitely did not expect property destruction!
Eventually you find yourself at a dead end… A room with only one door in or out.
You have to hide!
Quickly your eyes scan, falling onto a large wooden desk.
You crouch under it and catch your breath. Enough time passes that you almost stand, before…
*Bang* You flinch. *Shriek*
*BANG* it’s closer this time. *SHRIEK*
*BANG!* your body is trembling. *SHRIIEEK*
something is hitting the walls outside this room.
It sounds like…
A knife?
Stabbing the wood panels in the hall, and being ripped slowly back out. You cover your ears at the screeching, shredding of wood chipping.
You feel tempted to look.
Slowly and shakily you peer around the edge of the desk.
It’s one of them, entering the room, with a sinister cat mask now adorning their face.
It really is a knife! A huge freakin knife!!!
That wasn’t in the game description either!!!
What the FUCK.
Eyes wide you wait for them to enter the room all the way and then make your move to dash out.
There’s only a few places to hide in here, they would have found you eventually.
Luckily their back was turned, they’re looking into one of the other hiding spots; a closet. Giving you yet another head start.
“Haa haa” you puff out air as you run through more hallways.
*CRASH* You hear the sound of a window shattering only seconds before an arm yanks you by the neck and knocks the air from your lungs!
“Got chu lil mousy~”
You gasp for a minute, unable to breathe from the sudden shock. You kick into the air as they hoist you up by your upper body.
You land a kick to their shin, your heel makes them hiss, and you hear them laugh lustily.
They let you go long enough for you to run, by them time you turn your head forward to look where you’re going—*SMACK* right into the other Jasper’s chest.
They’re both here now, both with the same cat masks, and both with knives.
Footsteps behind you cause you to spin. Once you’re looking away from the one you ran into, they grab you by an arm and hold their knife up to your neck.
You freeze.
Eyes wide, you contemplate the safe word…
The one that’s walking towards you freezes, as if waiting for you to say it.
When you don’t, they continue their approach.
You lock eyes with their mask.
Once they’re close enough they push the knife against your stomach through your dress.
You feel the poke and suck in reflexively.
They trail it down, down, down so slowly to your middle. Every muscle in your boxed in body tenses.
They put a little pressure down there, and you feel the point through the fabric pushing up between your folds.
You push your body back taught against the Jasper that’s behind you, making small little grunts, and twisting to get away.
The knife moves away and you breathe.
The blade against your neck presses harder and you suck in again, as if you forgot it was there.
The Jasper behind you slowly trails the arm that held yours down your body. They lift you by your left leg, you hop helplessly before your right leg is just hovering slightly above the floor.
You feel the coolness of metal on your thigh now. Front Jasper is using it to lift the fabric of your frilly skirts.
The Jasper takes your panties and cuts them open.
Your wet pussy gets hotter when the cold air roughly slaps it.
“When you say stop now, it means
be rougher, kay?”
How rough will he actually get with you?
The blade’s tip ghosts over your flesh, he gradually applies more and more pressure until you feel it slice your thigh.
You let out a hiss, as the liquid creates a warm river trickling down your leg.
The Jasper lifts his mask enough to lick your blood straight off the sharp blade.
He crouches down in front of you, and you feel a little embarrassed as he ogles your cunt.
Barely able to even wiggle in the other Jasper’s grasp, you turn your warm face away.
The one on the ground, leans forward, he squeezes your thigh hard before slapping it.
Small drops of your blood splatter across his exposed lips, he licks them, savoring your flavors.
He brings his lips to the still bleeding cut, and swipes a slow stripe up with his flattened tongue to collect as much as he can.
Then he moves his face over just a little to your exposed pussy, you can feel his breath against you, and you push yourself harder into the other Jasper.
His breath is so hot against you, the anticipation has you whining and whimpering and you hole squeezing nothing.
You crave the contact so, so bad! “Stop! Please! St-stop!!” you groan, and writhe, hoping he’ll take mercy and fuck you right now, you don’t even care with what.
He trails his blood soaked tongue up your slit before pulling away again.
He brings his face to your dripping hole, and you sigh, shuddering with excitement. “Oh my god, please,”
“Y’almost sound like ya wan’ me to continue~”
Your brow furrows. YES. You do. You let out a grunt, and switch your focus wholly to the knife against your throat, and that Jasper. “N-no! Stop! Lemme go!” You squirm.
The knife presses harder, goosebumps rise over your body, if you squirm even a little now, it feels like it’ll cut you. Your body stiffens, and you hold your breath.
You feel Jasper’s hot breath grace your quim, again “haah” he finally leans in to tease and suck at your lips, before moving to swirl around your hardened clit.
He was right. Being chased and exhausted, and just wanting it so bad, leading up to them catching you. It feels like ecstasy, it feels like a well deserved reward.
You’ve been so good!
And good girls get their rewards, don’t they.
The heat in your core becomes unbearable until—
He pulls away, “Ya know, you got us both too excited t’day, Pretty. Wha’do you say? want both our dicks inside you?”
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artdcnaldson · 2 months
had a thought….. was thinking….
senior year of high school with artrick…. ur best friends… you have this thing w patrick where you guys sneak out at night and sit in the grass somewhere or maybe at the beach or something. and just smoke and drink and have these deep convos. art gets rlly obsessed w studying the last year of high school so he doesn’t sneak out with you guys as often as he used to. so patrick feels like he can be vulnerable with you in a way he can’t with art. at least not all the time yk. (not bc he doesn’t want to or doesn’t feel close w him or whatever obvs but bc he feels like he has to put on this cool guy persona)….
but anyways…… need to sit out with patrick drinking some dumb vodka he stole… sharing a cig. listening to patrick talk about his childhood and his father and how he feels like a fuckup and how he’s always been in love with art… and u (he gets rlly drunk……….) . need to tell him about how you feel like ur gonna be alone forever and ur wasting ur youth and you won’t ever have ur first kiss etc (PROJECTING!!!!!!!). just. kinda angsty heart to hearts with best friend pat:(
i’m so sorry miss cat this was a novel as usual…….. i love u…….
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But ohhh :((( him not remembering makes it even sadder bc you Know so much he’s hiding and what he’s feeling but you can’t let him know that you remember because he’d be mortified. You know so much about his dad and how successful and great his siblings are and Oh his little sister is a fucking prodigy at golf and wins all of her tournaments and is probably going to go pro. And his older brother ran for DA and got elected, just like dear old dad. Doesn’t matter how much Pat wins, he’s never going to be seen as serious enough, driven enough. There’s always so many ways for him to be better.
And he confesses that the only people that make him feel normal or decent are you and Art, and you’re both going to forget about him when he leaves but he’s scared if he doesn’t go pro he’ll lose his spark at college and have absolutely nothing left that’s special about him.
How are you supposed to look him in the eye the next day when he’s forgotten all of that? (If he even forgot. Wouldn’t put it past him to pretend he doesn’t remember so you don’t bug him about it too bad)
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xxsycamore · 2 years
—𝘈𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘖𝘯 𝘔𝘦!
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When his nunuche wanders off at the Christmas fair too much and ignores him, Napoleon comes up with the perfect method of keeping her close.
He also wins himself a kiss out of it.
▍napoleon x mc ▍rating: G ▍tags: fluff; christmas shopping; sharing a scarf; kissing ▍wordcount:  949
▍a/n:  Hehee these napoleon fluff fics simply write themselves now don't they... Hope you enjoy!
Written for mine and @voltage-vixen’s ‘Tis The Season For Love challenge!
PROMPT: Sharing a scarf
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If Napoleon wasn't already all about the magic of Christmas lingering in the icy air of the fair, people buying gifts with a smile and someone in mind, couples walking hand in hand, children singing; he'd be here because of his Nunuche. He has this unique trump card of his, for making any and all locations, scenic or urban or whatever, a thousand times more worth the visit - simply by taking her there. She is like a mirror of the energy of the place; emotions projecting on her face in pure, unadulterated honesty - gentle tears rolling down her cheeks at the opera, laugher ringing in his ears at the cabaret. A mature and tranquil smile to match his own while welcoming the dawn somewhere alone for miles. A giggle of innocence when their hands bump while laying the picnic.
Here at the Christmas fair, keeping her in his gaze proves to be a little difficult. And while a moment ago they were too a part of those cute couples walking hand in hand (that's one hand less freezing in the cold! It's very important!), now there is an unacceptably big gap between them. A gap of a whole stall, or two, or three. When did she managed to get all the way there?!
"Oh! Napoleon! I almost thought I'd lost you here for a moment!"
Napoleon groans, and the gesture is visualized in the form of a white puff of air. "Yeah. I thought the same. Don't wander off on your own like that."
He emphasizes his warning with a quick ruffling of her hair, which successfully binds her attention on him for the grand duration of three seconds, but not her eyes. They're too busy looking at the goods on display. And so Napoleon takes his own eyes off her, busy fixing the scarf which end fell off from where it was swept behind his back. This thing seems to be a bit too long, after all… he should consider going out with a different one next time.
And she's gone.
His brows come together in the middle in a frown, steps coming faster and heavier. And yes, he does call her by her actual name too, in case she forgot about his existence altogether and everything related with it, including his loving nickname for her. He spots her beige coat before any of his calls do the job.
"Come here." He comes with an idea and hurries to put it into action before she can escape again. The excessively lengthy scarf is suddenly coming in handy because Napoleon guesstimates correctly that it can be used by two. Unhooking one part of it from around his neck and looping it once around his puzzled nunuche, they're suddenly connected by the soft red cashmere. Almost like an improvised red string of fate.
"Napoleon!!! W-what is this!! Do you realize how we look from the side-"
"Like two lovers obsessed with each other's company. I know."
If it wasn't for his even tone and matching expression, MC would take it as another one of his teasing remarks. But now he sounds… serious. Somehow mad with her. Huh. She wonders what that's about.
The absurdity of Napoleon having to precisely keep up with her step AND struggle with the height difference at the same time aside, she manages a sincere pout. "I was looking for a present for YOU, you know!"
"And have you asked me what I wanted?"
Ack, she hates it when he answers that quick. "What do you want, Napoleon?"
"A kiss in front of the Christmas tree."
The Christmas fair, strategically situated in close proximity to said tree, would naturally have a path leading there. A path that Napoleon led the way to, without her noticing. And, just like that, they're at the perfect wishes-come-true location, if your wish includes a kiss from a person who's face is already forced close to yours.
MC doesn't need the scarf connecting them to shorten the distance. She'd even love having a stall or two or three worth of distance between them just so she can run all the way here and press her lips on Napoleon's, right now. Just so he could see how deep her intention runs. But it's fine.
His lips are cold, remarkably cold. For a second she wonders if they're going to be stuck like that, glued in an awfully perfect kiss. But they're not, and Napoleon sports a stupidly wide grin in the next second.
And they wouldn't have to worry about these things if they were to kiss again! Suddenly MC's lips are warm, because her cheeks are warm, because her ears are warm, because her heart is warm. But Napoleon is not kissing her anymore. She considers going once more around every single stall and booth from the first to the last, right this instant. Just because.
"Well, Napoleon, have YOU asked me what I wanted for Christmas?"
The staring contest is concluded, but even when running away from it Napoleon always comes out triumphal, somehow. It's very irritating.
"No need. I already got you something, by the way."
A sudden tug by the neck is seeing MC clinging to Napoleon's side, linking arms with him just in order not to stumble and fall with that scarf forbidding any distance to be kept between them. She wants to be annoying and pester with questions just to see if she can soften him into letting away some of it, but she already knows he won't say a thing. Or maybe ask him if he planned sharing the scarf ever since they went out. Suddenly, he is all she can think about.
Taglist: @arsnovacadenza @ale-teodora @kimi00twin @otomelady @privilegedpancake @g-kleran @pumpumnnnp @thesirenwashere @ravenarld @kimmy-banana @devonares @animeworldsposts @randomanimatedhusbandoseeker @galaxyprison @sadshaxk @starshards26 @pro-cat-stination @acethephoenix256 @ikevamp-shrine-2 @nad-zeta @crystal13unny @keen19thcenturygoatsstudent @lordsister @ikemen-banshou @themysticalbeing @canaria-blackwell @otome-scribbles @rhodolitesrose @coornn @kpop-and-otome @queen-dahlia @kisara-16 @chaosangel767 @ikemenlibrary @queengiuliettafirstlady @aurora-morning @aquagirl1978 @ikemenlover24 @violettduchess @mcofthemansion @tiny-wooden-robot @joy-the-reader @katriniac @ikemen-prince-writers-posts @atelieredux @cilokgoang let me know if you want to be tagged/untagged!
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gyuzpurizzn · 11 months
spelling ate queen pur! 💅
warnings: the L word, beomgyu jealous ??, cringy LOL, taehyun being a little baddie purr
wc: 815
*author’s note under*
ignore timestamp.
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after texting beomgyu, you got ready.
putting on a simple outfit.
you then went to your brother’s room letting him know that you are going out somewhere.
“taehyun, im going out somewhere with my friends, please let mom know.” you said.
“oh, right i forgot to tell you. mom said we going to the choi beach house on saturday for the summer. she said that you can bring your friends.”
“how come she told you? not me.”
“maybe because im the favorite haha.”
“you’re not.”
“i am.”
“ok bye, i hate you.”
“yeah sure you do, i love you too, lil sis.”
“im older!”
“you don’t act like the older one.” taehyun said with a giggle.
“im going to drop kick you right now, kang taehyun.” you said in a serious tone.
“i’m also going out, have fun yn!”
“you too!”
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beomgyu had texted you, notifying you that he’s outside of your house.
you soon got up from your bed and got you stuff.
“bye taehyun, love you!” you shouted hoping that he heard you.
“bye yn, love you too!” he shouted back.
as soon as you stepped inside of beomgyu’s car, he ruffled your hair.
“hi yn!”
“beomgyu stop. i just did my hair.” as you said trying to sound angry as possible, but the smile in your face gave it away.
beomgyu lets out a laugh and went over to fix your hair.
“there. there. i fixed it. are you happy now?” beomgyu rolled his eyes accompanied by a giggle.
you guys arrived. finally.
you then texted the groupchat, to see if anyone has arrived.
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“kai and chaewon are there already, and yunjin is on the way! let’s go beomgyu, hurry up!” you said with excitement and then pulling his hand to go inside the coffee shop.
litlle did you know, beomgyu was blushing when you held his hand.
you guys then found hueningkai and chaewon all the way at the back of the shop, it was a cute place and quite simple which you loved.
“kai! chaewon!” you said as you hugged them.
“hi yn and beomgyu!” chaewon said.
kai and beomgyu did their little handshake and bro hugged, while beomgyu hugged chaewon.
minutes after, settling down.
hueningkai then saw yunjin coming in.
“yunjin, right here!” hueningkai shouted to get yunjin’s attention.
yunjin then goes up to them.
“hi guys, i’m so sorry im late!” hugging you guys.
“honestly, im not suprised.” beomgyu said.
“oh shut up.”
“anyways, do you guys wanna order now?” chaewon asked.
“sure! i’m so excited to try out their coffee.” you responded.
“what yn said.” huening kai said.
after ordering, you got a iced mocha macchiato.
you guys then sat down in the same seat you guys sat before.
you guys were just talking about anything, honestly.
“yn, can i try your drink?” beomgyu said with a pout.
“why..? you have your own.”
“please!” dragging out the word
“ugh, youre so annoying. fine” you said jokingly while rolling your eyes.
“dude yn. no way.” yunjin said.
“do not turn around.”
you then turned around.
“dude, i just said don’t turned around.”
“what’s he doing here?!?”
“i don’t know.”
you heard the bell ring.
“oh my god. oh my god. i hope he doesn’t see me.”
you looked at them, they were at the counter ordering their drinks.
you then made eye contact with taehyun.
“what are you doing here?” you mouthed.
taehyun shrugs.
taehyun had a light bulb moment.
“yn, is that you?”
which caused soobin and his friends to look at you guys.
soobin and taehyun went up to you guys’ table, after telling the guys to order for them.
(yeonjun is not there, he modeling guys duhhhh. sunghoon is also not there, due to ice skating practice.)
“hi yn and beomgyu! and friends!” soobin said with a smile.
“hi soobin!” you said with a blush.
“yeah hi to you too, yn.” taehyun said unamused.
everyone greeted taehyun and soobin.
“what are you guys doing here?”
god why would you say that.
“ah, you know, to check this place out! fancy seeing you here!” soobin said
“yeah haha.”
“we should probably get going, soob. you know don’t wanna disturb them.” taehyun said.
“yeah, we should. anyways it was nice seeing you guys. also, beomgyu, mom said to be back before dinner. bye guys!”
“okay, see you later.” beomgyu said.
“bye yn and friends and beomgyu!” taehyun said.
everyone said their goodbyes to soobin and taehyun.
then after that, you guys went back to talking.
you may not have noticed it, but beomgyu’s mood turned a little sour after they left.
hueningkai definitely noticed beomgyu’s mood change.
“bye beomgyu! thanks for the ride. drive home safe, i love you!” hugging him as you guys got to your doorstep.
“bye yn. i had a lot of fun! i love you too, take care!” beomgyu said.
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SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG TO DO. i had to do some school work but yeah, im back :33 i am also thinking of like double posting today but i don’t know. im trying to get like 4-5 chapters posted before this week ends so yapppp! ALSOOO three day weekend! woooo! do you guys have any plans? let me know !!!!!
©️ gyuzpurizzn. all right reserved 2023. please do not copy, translate, nor repost my post unless asked and have given perms.
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boypussydilf · 2 years
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i was not kidding. after hours of work over days i have made ayame mikotoba REAL!!!!!! and thusly joined the ranks of dgs fans who go “…so does this count as an OC or what.” also bonus susato who turned out really well. the joke in the second image i stole from @vacuumtan
bonus & design notes under the cut <3
thats the right way to introduce people to a character you made yourself and barely know anything about right? OK now ill ramble about her design a bit
thats the right way to introduce people to a character you made yourself and barely know anything about right? OK now ill ramble about her design a bit
i decided very early on i wanted her main color to be purple to go w susatos being pink and yuujins being blue but everything else was up in the air until i came up with the impressionist painting-style kimono design… and then i made the maple leaf design and realized i liked it way better. but my first design deserves some love too
the sleeves of that first design are supposed to look like stars. in both my outfit designs for her she has kind of a nature theme going on. i guess that works!
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i went looking in susato’s concept art for inspiration right away and some of the poses i drew were referenced from concept susatos. her hair specifically is based on stuff from concept designs, the way it looks from the front is taken pretty much directly from one. the ponytail also was inspired by some concept art
speaking of which i was never able to decide between the ponytail and the bun or if i should give her another hairstyle completely… when i was coming up with them i worried the ponytail would make her look too young and the bun would make her look too serious, but i think i like them both
oh yeah i gave her a hairclip bc i thought she should have the mikotoba family crest on her somewhere and also bc im addicted to giving characters fun little accessories, but then i only drew it once lol
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designing her face i wanted her eyes to invoke That Kind Look Susato Gives as, like, a perpetual state. i don’t think they really turned out like THAT, but i’m really happy with how the design for her face turned out still. if only i had been able to draw it again after this one time.
OH YES! i forgot to actually talk about Her.
We know… literally nothing about her in canon, so I have to build her from the ground up completely, but there are two places ive looked for personality ideas: the other mikotobas, and mary morstan. because. sure, there’s no reason to make an equivalency between ayame & the wife of john watson from ACD canon. but there’s also no reason Not to? and the kickstart is helpful. not that we really know a ton about mary, either, i think.
but we do know some! she’s described as “sweet and amiable”, “refined and sensitive”, and as the sort of person other people turn to when dealing with Big Painful Emotions. this isn’t much but applying these ideas to ayame makes her slot in nicely with the other mikotobas. family made entirely of beacons of kindness.
being an ace attorney character she will, of course, also be distinctly Weird. i’m just. still figuring out what kind of weird, exactly.
i think that covers everything??? if you read this far thank you i love you
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stacywaters · 9 months
Seeds of Hope (JHOPE) CH6 - A Traced Reflection
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As I wake up, I reach for my phone to text Hoseok. Except I don't find it on my nightstand where I left it last night.
Opening my eyes as I sit up in bed, I find myself in a completely different room. This isn't my bedroom...
I find a phone on a desk. Walking to the far side of the room, I pick it up and open the recent texts:
April 8, 4:35 pm Namjoon: Hey this is Namjoon from the cafe! Now you have my number too!
Me: Ah! Thank you :) were you able to finish the song you were writing?
Namjoon: Well, there's still quite a bit of work to be done on it, but I showed it to some higher-ups and they loved it!
Me: That's great! I'm happy for you :>
Namjoon: yeah... hey, are you open to meeting again? Maybe at the same cafe?
Me: Without spilling my latte on you? That'd be lovely.
Namjoon: Great! Does this Saturday sound good?
Me: Yep! See you then!
Namjoon? Cafe? Yesterday I was having dinner with Hoseok and my mom... what happened? Where am I now?
Frantically I run out into the hall, a studio apartment awaiting me. It was nice, but it wasn't mine. I walk towards the calendar.
April 4 - meeting with board directors April 7 - Final Project Due!!! April 9 - Dinner w/ mom April 12 - Date with Namjoon!!!
Hearts were drawn all around April 12. Was today Friday? Was today the day of the date? Or another day?
I run back into the room to grab the phone. Unlocking it, I notice the date. April 12, Saturday. I run my hands through my hair in panic, trying to form a game plan as a new message pops up:
Today, 8:53 am Namjoon: We're still on for later, right?
Shoot. That's today. Cleary I was very excited to meet this man, and he seems kind, but how do I tell him I have no idea who he is? Much less who I am!
I scramble into the bathroom. In the mirror I find the same face I've always had. At least some things stayed the same. Bringing my hand to my face, I notice faint markings on it. Looking closer, I discover that it's the same number Hoseok had previously written there. As it was in permanent ink, it was going to take a while to wash off.
I start cleaning up the lines with a new pen to ensure I have it in case I wake up in another new universe. After that, I go back to the phone.
To Hoseok's phone, I send a quick message:
Me: Hello! Is this Hoseok?
Going back to Namjoon's chat I face a harder situation:
Today, 8:53 am Namjoon: We're still on for later, right?
Me: The date later?
Within seconds, he responds:
Namjoon: Yeah, it's Saturday? Did you forget ㅠㅠ
Me: Well.., I did forget, but would you believe me if I said I forgot everything else too?
Namjoon: What do you mean? You forgot you're identity haha
Me: Kinda...
Namjoon: Don't tell me you're serious?
Me: I woke up this morning and didn't know anything about this world! Who I am, where I was, who you are!
Namjoon: ..this world? Namjoon: what was the last thing you remember?
Me: being at my house with my parents last night and my friend...
Namjoon: okay, do you have anything to prove it? Maybe any of their phone numbers so you can ask? Maybe you just got a small concussion and they can tell you what happened..
Me: I have one of their phone numbers, I already reached out to him. But it was real! My memories, my life, I'm sure this girl is nice but she is not me!
Namjoon: okay... relax. We'll figure this out together. Can you meet up a little earlier? I can give you directions
Me: yes!
Looking around the bustling cafe, I tried to find the face of the man I'd never seen.
"Stacy! Over here!" A voice called.
I looked over to find him. He was tall, very handsome. He seemed way too good for me. Somewhere I felt like I'd seen him before, but maybe it's just a head injury. Clearly I'm not thinking clearly.
He walks up to me, "Ah, I guess you wouldn't know. I'm Namjoon, nice to meet you"
I shake his hand, "did she look like me? How did you know?"
"I've been thinking of your face since we last spoke" he smiled.
I just stared up at him.
"Er-,.. I guess that's a weird thing to say, considering...."
"It's okay, Namjoon. I'm sorry, you do seem really nice. I think I must've really liked you"
He spoke, "well, maybe you still can"
He noticed you bite your bottom lip, looking down.
"I know, it's just," I gulped, "I don't want to lose everyone I've ever known"
The two of us sat down at a table after ordering our drinks. We discussed simple things. He was easy to converse with.
"So, you said you had a friend that you'd messaged?" He asked.
I flipped my hand to show him the writing on my palm, "yeah, he had written his number down a week or so ago. Luckily I could copy it while it was still visible"
"What was his name?"
"Oh... his name wasn't Jung Hoseok, was it?"
"Yeah, it was! Yeah, he was a trainee for a K-POP group? Also with two other guys, Jimin and Taehyung"
He stares at me, his mouth wide open.
"Was their group's name BTS?"
I think back to when I saw them practicing, back when I first met them, "hmm, I'm not sure. I don't think I ever got the name of his group"
He pulls out his phone and starts typing, "I'm telling Hoseok to come over right now, this is crazy"
"What? You have Hoseok's number too?"
"Yeah? I'm in his band? Of course I have his number."
Namjoon quickly texts back the friend. And yet, Hoseok still hasn't responded to me. He sets down his phone.
"So, Stacy, how do you feel about going on a little trip?"
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softguarnere · 2 years
Like A Girl (Like A Man)
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Like A Dream (Like A Plan)
Shifty Powers x OFC
Two: Wouldn't Call This Place a Happy End
Summary: Marilyn always seemed to think that Beckie liked trying to make Zenie feel bad. She’s never given much thought to it until now.
A/N: The fact that I had to spend an hour uploading this mood board feels like a sign from some sort of Tumblr deity that I should not be forcing Beckie upon the world 😬
Title is from Opening Up from Waitress 🤭It seemed appropriate based on Zenie's job. Also I got so frustrated with uploading the moodboard that I have not proofread this lol
Warnings: brief allusion to death, terrible childhood friends
Taglist: @liebgotts-lovergirl @latibvles @lieutenant-speirs @mrs-murder-daddy
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June 1942, North Carolina
Walking into the diner when she’s not working always feels strange. It’s a bit like making it halfway to school and then wondering if you forgot your homework. Without the familiar feel of her uniform’s fabric against her skin, she’s stepping onto the stage without her costume. How is she supposed to remember her lines?
Because that’s how she’s gotten through her job so far – she puts on a fake smile and acts like it doesn’t kill her to bring milkshakes out to the people she graduated with who are doing so much better than her. The second that she steps out from behind those kitchen doors with her tray, she’s giving the performance of a lifetime. She should have been the one to go to New York.
This is just another role to play, part of her mind insists. She has to walk in there and pretend like her feelings haven’t been hurt. Which she can do. Beckie will probably have a good explanation for why she hasn’t been in contact with her since she left. Well, that’s not true; there is a post card of New York with Merry Christmas! written in loopy letters shoved in a book somewhere . . . maybe it’s under her bed.
She pauses in front of one of the large windows, pats down her hair as she stares at her reflection. Her life hasn’t been as exciting as Beckie’s – or even very pleasant, as of late – but she doesn’t have to feel inferior to her friend. Marilyn always seemed to think that Beckie liked trying to make Zenie feel bad. She’s never given much thought to it until now. She has to swallow down the bitter memory of that stupid Christmas party as she pushes open the door and strides into the diner.
Bobby whistles at her from behind the counter. “What’s cookin’, good lookin’?” He jerks his head toward a booth in the back. “She’s waiting over there.”
“Thanks Bobby.”
“Hey Zenie, wait!” He leans across the counter to stop her and lowers his voice. “Just . . . let me know if you need anything, yeah?”
Serious is not a word that Zenie would use to describe Bobby Dills. The absence of a smile on Bobby’s face is a strange sight. Jarring, even. He looks like he wants to say more.
“Well Zena B, as I live and breathe!” A voice exclaims from across the diner, causing the few other occupants to glance up at them as Beckie struts across the floor, arms outstretched and a big smile on her face as she comes to greet Zenie. She squeezes her in a quick hug. “You look well.”
“Beckie, it’s so good to see you!” All thoughts of worry over Bobby’s reaction vanish from her mind. Despite all the time that’s passed since Beckie left for New York, despite the fact that they haven’t talked, it’s nice to see her best friend again.
Beckie laughs, rolls her eyes a little. “Oh come on now, Zena. Don’t you think we’re a little old for that?”
They’ve just been reunited, and already she’s messed something up. She was never quick when it came to catching on to Beckie’s rules – they always had to be explained to her. With all the time that’s passed, Beckie has probably picked up some new things in the cities up north. Zenie is going to have to learn quickly.
Her smile falters. “Old for what?”
“You know . . .” Beckie winces, bobbing her head from side to side. “The nicknames. Zen-ie. Beck-ie. It’s so . . . childish. We’re women now. Zena and Rebecca. That just sounds so much nicer.”
Women? The thought almost makes her snort. They’re hardly women. They’re barely grown!
Beckie sweeps them off into the booth she’s selected, jabbering a mile a minute about how strange it is to be back in her hometown, and how different everything feels now that she’s experienced life in the big city, and about how she never noticed that Zenie has an accent – even though it’s something she used to tease her for when they were younger and Beckie first moved into town. She doesn’t slow down. Zenie’s not even sure how she’s breathing.
Occasionally she jabs the air with a French fry to punctuate a point she’s trying to make. Other than the piece of salty potato being poked in her direction, Zenie can’t be sure if her friend even notices that she’s there. Five minutes in, she gives up hope of saying anything, after even the slightest suggestion that Zenie might interject so much as an oh wow! prompts Beckie to speed up and raise her volume. She is center stage and Zenie is her captive audience – no talking during the show.
Finally she sits back and smiles broadly. “So, what’s new with you?”
“Oh, well I – “
“How’s your Granny?”
Tears prick Zenie’s eyes at the mention of Granny. “Actually, she – “
“You still work here?”
“Yeah, for the moment. But I’ve been thinking – “
“That’s so sad.”
Zenie blinks. “What is?”
“That you still work here.”
The diner is one of the best in town. It’s the closest one to her house, anyway, which makes it convenient for Zenie, since she either has to walk or catch a ride with Bobby. The pay isn’t half bad, either.
Zenie blinks again. What if the manager, or one of the other waitresses hears them? She could lose her job!
“What’s wrong with here?”
“Zenie . . .” Soft, slender hands reach across the table and take hold of her own. Beckie squeezes them, looking sad for her. “You’ve worked here since high school.”
“So? I need the money.”
“There are other places to make money. Other towns to make money in. For someone who disliked this place so much, I’m honestly shocked that you still live here. It’s . . . sad.”
How am I supposed to get out of here when I don’t have any money?! Zenie can taste the words on her tongue, sour and ready to spill out and make a mess of everything. She bites her lip. Beckie wouldn’t understand.
Mr Sadowski, Beckie’s dad, had moved his family from Connecticut to North Carolina when Beckie was seven. He was a doctor, like Bobby’s dad, and good at it. Zenie may have disliked the place that she grew up, but Beckie had always been disgusted by every part of it. “The farms are ugly,” she used to say. “You sound funny when you talk. Everyone is so poor . . .” But at least when she begged her parents to send her to New York to live with her aunt, they could afford to do so. And they could afford to be there for her if show business didn’t work out for her. Zenie has no such luxury.
“I guess I shouldn’t really be surprised, though.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” It seems like all she’s done since she got here is ask questions.
Beckie lets go of her hands. Her eyes still hold that same sad look as she musters a little laugh. “Well Zena, no one ever expected you to follow through with all your talk about moving away some day. You’re too much of a baby for that. You always have been.”
Heat rushes to her face. Under the table, her hands wad up the fabric of her skirt.
“Everything okay over here?” Bobby sets two milkshakes – that they didn’t order – onto the table with a little too much force. His smile doesn’t reach his eyes.
“Just perfect,” Zenie mutters at the same time that Beckie says, “Actually, the fries were a little cold.” She could slap her. Which doesn’t seem like such a bad idea. Zenie could probably run out of the restaurant and halfway down the street before Beckie got over her shock and decided to go after her. Zenie has always been faster, stronger. She might be a baby, but Beckie has always been a wimp.
Bobby tosses their ticket onto the table before turning on his heel, mumbling something that sounds like “I’ll tell the kitchen” as he goes. Beckie is not subtle in the way that she watches his limp.
Zenie reaches for the ticket at the same time that Beckie snatches it up, flashing her a blinding smile.
“My treat!”
“Beckie – “
“ – it’s fine. I want to –“
“No, no!” Beckie insists. “You need the money. I’m happy to do it! After all, I’m practically swimming in the stuff after the contract I signed with that last modeling gig. Have you seen it? Oh here, you can have this copy! It’s even signed.” That launches her back into a story about her life up in New York, and then she’s off in her own little world again as she reminisces about the first time someone recognized her from an ad.
When they leave, Beckie stops outside the diner and pulls Zenie into another tight hug. “I missed you so much, Zena! I hope I’ll get to see you the next time that I come visit.”
“Or you could, I don’t know, answer my letters to keep in touch this time instead of ignoring me.” It was supposed to be a thought that stayed firmly in her head. Hearing it tumble past her lips is startling.
For her part, Beckie doesn’t seem to care, or even notice, the tone in Zenie’s words as they part ways.
Because no one ever notices me, Zenie thinks as she watches her childhood friend go, strutting off down the street and back into a fabulous life that’s far, far away from the place that they both hate.
Bobby would drive her home if she asked. She wants to be alone though. She wants to think.
She’s been thinking, actually. Talking, too, with Bobby. Her siblings have joined the war effort already. So have all the boys their age. Even some of the girls have joined the Red Cross or the WAC to do their part. Meanwhile the two of them have done nothing.
She read something once for school about a woman who disguised herself as a man to fight in the Revolution. It’s been years since she read it, yet it’s been stuck in the back of her mind ever since the war broke out. It’s not like she could get away with something like that . . .
Except that she and Bobby have joked about it. Once or twice – nothing serious. Just talking about how that kind of thing would be nearly impossible to do today. Although Bobby thinks that it would be possible, if done carefully.
No, that’s ridiculous. It would never work. She would be found out immediately. There would be trouble. No one would ever trust her again. Then she would really and truly be alone.
Does that really matter? She’s felt devastatingly lonely ever since Granny –
She pushes the thought firmly from her mind as she turns onto the gravel road that leads to her family’s farm. It’s not that she’s a baby or that she’s scared. She just has to be realistic. Another thing that’s been stuck in her mind is the question of how she might get out of here. The only conclusion that she can ever come to is that maybe somehow she could get incredibly lucky and have a handsome man fall in love with her. Then he could take her far, far away to live happily ever after, just like in a fairy tale . . . Except that’s not realistic.
After all, who could ever love a person so much that they would save them like that?
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