#i was going to continue this into the whole ownership process but i got bored
dravidssideblog · 5 months
"Hey, you there, human!"
"Yeah. You look super lost and/or nervous. You here for the Human Ownership Program?"
"Um... yes."
"Great, that's my job! Just follow me, my desk is right this way. So, what exactly are you after right now? Just looking for information, or do you have your paperwork all done, maybe got a demon lined up for you already?"
"I have the paperwork filled out. Here."
"Perfect, let's take a look... oh. You're from West Kingdom, eh?"
"I-is, um, is there a problem with that?"
"No, no, it's just- Jeez, no wonder you're so nervous. Basically, West Kingdom's government hates Demon Kingdom- Okay, well, all the kingdoms hate us, but West Kingdom especially. I've heard the propaganda there is intense, lots of misinformation about the ownership program. Like, you probably didn't even know about the three main types of ownership, right?"
"Uh... no, I've never heard anything about that."
"Yeah, exactly. Well, good news and bad news. The bad news is that, because your kingdom hates ours, this paperwork is horribly incomplete, so this is gonna take longer than usual. The good news is that you're probably gonna be a lot less terrified after this. So! Quick rundown, there's three main types of ownership, each having different expectations, different payment amounts, and different levels of rights and legal protections for you-"
"Humans have rights here?!"
"... Wow. Your kingdom REALLY hates us. So, I'm assuming you only know about the 'slave' type, so let's get that out of the way first. It's the one with the highest payment, at 5,000 gold per month... Uh, why are you looking at me like that?"
"... I... was told it was 1,000..."
"Oho, good news human! 1,000 per month is the MINIMUM that you can possibly earn from the program! So anyway, as a slave, your owner would be allowed to do basically anything to you, short of permanent mental or physical damage. You're also obligated to obey any commands. Mostly. There's wiggle room there, but if you disobey too much you can lose your payment- it's complicated. Anyway, I'm assuming you're more interested in the other options?"
"Yeah, this, um, 'slave' one is about what I expected..."
"Alright, so one level down is 'servant'. This one also obligates you to obey orders, but only reasonable ones. Again, complicated, you can get the details later. It's like how you humans have, like, maids? Or is it butlers? It's kinda like that. By default your owner isn't allowed to touch you without permission, details, we'll get to that. This one's worth 2,000 per month."
"That's... a lot more than what maids get paid back home."
"Heh, no wonder your government refused to tell you. Anyway, if you were willing to enter the program for just 1,000 a month, want to hear about the ACTUAL 1,000 per month option?"
"Uh, yes."
"That would be 'pet'! Unlike the others, pets have no obligation to obey orders at all, so you can just be a lazy bum and get paid for it! But your owner is allowed to, well, pet you, as well as generally control your life. Like a pet. Once again, details that'll be worked out later."
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a-libra-writes · 3 years
GoT Imagines - When You're Engaged to Someone Else
Woooo this is a doozy and I'm including new characters, mostly book ones! because i both love my followers and have lost my marbles.
In this preference, you'll be pining with: Ned Stark, Robb Stark, Sansa Stark, Jon Snow, Benjen Stark, Jory Cassel, Mance Rayder, Eddison Tollett, Pre-Reek!Theon, Yara Greyjoy, Victarion Greyjoy, Daenerys Targaryen, Jorah Mormont, Missandei, Grey Worm, Tywin Lannister, Tyrion Lannister, Jaime Lannister, Cersei Lannister, Sandor Clegane, Bronn, Jaquen H’Ghar, Petyr Baelish, Robert Baratheon, Stannis Baratheon, Davos Seaworth, Margaery Tyrell, Brynden Tully, Edmure Tully, Brienne of Tarth, Ramsay Bolton, Roose Bolton, Oberyn Martell, Doran Martell, Arianne Martell, Tyene Sand
Ned Stark
He’s already an expert in suffering in silence, so this should be no different. Although he’s very surprised at the sudden arrangement, and while he isn’t a man to throw his rank around… He wonders if he can’t convince your family to reconsider. If it’s simply impossible, Ned would resign himself to having to stop the relationship. He’s too honorable to ever consider an affair and he’s not a man to start a duel or cause trouble, especially since it would negatively affect your reputation. The heavy combination of missing you, pining after you all over again and feeling like he didn’t do enough is hard. Some days he entertains the idea of still having a friendship, but it doesn’t seem like a good idea. He doesn’t trust himself.
Robb Stark
The young wolf tries to accept it, even if his feelings become more and more angry each day. Robb never threw his name around, but… he was going to be Lord Stark. Wasn't that good enough for your family? For you? He tries to be the bigger man, but if you're miserable with your spouse and they don't treat you well, he can't keep his temper in check. Expect him to have a sudden outburst at a feast and cause a scene. The only thinking keeping him from an outright duel are his parents and his worry about your reputation. But if he was pushed to it….
Sansa Stark
She should've known this would happen. It's the fate of all ladies, yet there's a bitterness that tugs at her when she hears the news. Sansa tries to bury her feelings around others, but she's never done that with you. She expresses her disappointment and sorrow, and swears she'll help if your spouse turns out to be awful. She doesn't want them to be, but she doesn't want you beginning to prefer their company, either. She wonders if her affection for you would wane if she just pined from afar and tried to keep her feelings to herself.
Jon Snow
Ah yes, once again his bastardry is hitting him straight in the gut. Jon knew it was going to happen eventually, he already felt like the relationship was on a timer, and now it’s finally ended. He’s convinced there’s no getting out of it, because even if you did - you’d never be able to be with him in the open. It makes Jon glad he’s going to the Wall; hopefully the distance and cold will dull his feelings. In spite of that, sometimes he’ll tell Sam about you, and he speaks so mournfully it makes Sam think that distance hasn’t done all that much to help Jon’s pining.
Benjen Stark
He should be the bigger person and accept that this is for the best. He’s sworn to the Wall, and you two shouldn’t have been sneaking around. He should be relieved neither of you were caught. None of these thoughts are comforting. Ben tries to cope by making not-so-joking jokes about you running off to the Wall too, or perhaps he should take Yoren’s job and find his way to your court once in a blue moon. Then there’s no joking, and it’s just bitterness. He removes himself from your life after that, not wanting to hurt you with his own negative thoughts. He’d rather you keep the happy memories.
Jory Cassel
He accepts it, not that it brings him any pleasure. Jory's always been proud of his service to the Starks, but he's long understood that his landed seat is not a valuable one. Whenever he married, if he did, it wouldn't be someone as lovely as you. The announcement still hits him in the gut and he dejectedly tries to break it off (though it's easier on him if you do it). If he was in charge of guarding you, he'd switch shifts immediately and begin avoiding you, thinking it'll make things easier.
Eddison Tollett
This relationship already seemed too good to be true, so it’s abrupt end is not surprising. He’s sworn to the Wall and you both were sneaking around to begin with, so this should have been expected, but… it just makes him feel even more tired and dumb. Sam and Jon notice how little he sleeps and that he’s begun to skip meals, and he doesn’t have to explain why. They can do the math. Edd at least doesn’t try to bury any sad feelings or memories. It’s too exhausting to actively try, and it’s something to keep him company while he works. Maybe the feelings will fade… eventually.
Mance Rayder
It's one more reason for him to leave the "South" and go past the Wall. He knew a proper relationship with you wasn't possible because of his vows, but watching you go through this sham of an arranged marriage is just depressing. He'll comfort you best he can until he has to go back to the Wall, though he won't make promises he can't keep. Having to separate from you weighs heavy on him for a long time, and is one of many reasons he abandons the Watch.
Theon Greyjoy
What the hell is this? Hearing the news ruins his whole day, worse if he wasn’t able to hear it directly from you. He’s the heir to the Iron Islands, and his interest in you was clear as day! No, he hadn’t proposed yet… but he was getting to it! Now some mainlander beat him to it? Theon is absolutely seething. He’d prefer to duel your spouse to teach them a lesson in front of everyone, but he’s open to more boring methods like reasoning with your family. If he wasn’t able to change the engagement, he’d be bitter, and more than willing to carry on an affair behind your spouse’s back. He ought to just go the Ironborn route and kidnap you for himself.
Asha (Yara) Greyjoy
When you give her the news and you’re clearly distraught about it, Yara considers carrying you off to her ship right there. If you’re non-Ironborn, you’ll be her saltwife -- and if you’re Ironborn, she wants to have a discussion with whoever the hell planned this when everyone KNOWS you belong with her. You hadn’t expected this possessive behavior, but now you know Yara’s willing to fight for you as soon as someone takes you. No surprise, she’s more than willing to sneak around with you behind your husband’s back - maybe she can goad him into a duel. That would certainly solve a problem, wouldn’t it?
Victarion Greyjoy
He doesn’t understand at first. Victarion had made it clear that you were his, hadn’t everyone known that? No, he never made any sort of formal marriage, but not because he didn’t care. He felt like there was no need, hadn’t everyone known? If your family and spouse are Ironborn, he’ll immediately sail to their keep and raise all seven hells, and marry you right there in front of them. If you were sent away to the green lands, it would take the combined power of Balon, Yara and Aeron to keep him from sailing off immediately and just kidnapping you - preferably after killing your spouse. Victarion is pissed. Someone is going to pay for this.
Daenerys Targaryen
She’s just as mad at you as she is with whoever arranged this ridiculous match. Daenerys doesn’t often entertain arrogant thoughts, but… How could anyone think to match you with someone else, knowing your relationship with her? She feels she ought to be offended, though Daenerys knows this is hard on you as well, and you didn’t ask for it. She’ll think of some clever way to get you out of the arrangement, no way is this person getting away from stealing from her. And yes, that might as well be what it is! While she’s working out what to do, if she so much as hears murmurs of the possibility of your spouse hurting you… all bets are off. She’s taking you back with her, alliance be damned.
Jorah Mormont
The announcement of your engagement is a punch to his gut and a shock to his system. Jorah knew he wasn’t the best husband material, but he was planning to ask for your hand himself - then this happened. What’s worse, he knows as far as practical marriage goes, he has little to offer. He goes into a bit of a panic as he tries to think of what to do. There’s sensible choices, like trying to talk to your family with you. Then there’s not so sensible ones… Maybe running off, maybe just continuing the relationship behind your new spouse’s back, maybe dueling them… While Jorah is in emotional turmoil, he’d do anything for you. Even if you wanted to break off the relationship… or had a plan for him to follow. He’s nothing if not hopelessly devoted.
… Oh. Maybe she shouldn’t have expected you to stick around for so long. As close as she is to Daenerys, she really has no fancy titles or things to offer. She understood why your family chose the match, it was a good one, politically speaking… but that does little to soothe her. Quite the opposite, a strong, desolate feeling overcomes her, one she hasn’t felt in a long time. She isn’t sure what to do, if it’s her place to stop the process. Perhaps if you asked her, she could try to make plans. Daenerys would help as well, considering how fond she is of you two, and how much she despises women being forced into arrangements.
Grey Worm
The sudden news takes him off guard, and sends him into a bit of an existential crisis. He was starting to see himself as a person, with his own name and a path he chose to follow… then this arrangement happens, and he’s forced to face what the rest of the world sees him as. It’s not that Grey Worm has a sense of ownership over you, but for once he was allowing himself all these happy feelings and memories with you, and now it’s gone. Of course he wants you back, but he feels paralyzed. What if he makes it worse? Does this have to happen? He starts to become even more withdrawn and distant, worrying Missandei until she decides to help. Grey Worm finally returns to his old self when he has you in his arms again.
Tywin Lannister
His steady composure is hit with such a rage at the news, the servant delivering it goes into a panic. His interest in you was obvious, so anyone doing this was trying to spite him. He doesn’t take the insult well. Perhaps before you’re even able to tell him the news yourself, threats will be delivered to both the spouse’s family and your own - Tywin is especially furious towards them, and won’t forget this - and incidents will be arranged. He refuses to be a man who pines after someone or covets another one’s wife, nor will he allow some lesser lord to take what he perceives as ‘his’.
Tyrion Lannister
The angst hits him like a ton of bricks, and it’s even worse if this came out of left field. It hurts less if he hears it from you, but only just. He should have known your family wouldn’t have accept any proposal he made - and gods know he was ready to do it - it’s just one more log to fuel his self-loathing and bitterness toward this world. But if you knock some sense into him, he’ll snap out of that spiral and begin to plan with you. There’s plenty of choices before the two of you - scandal? Running off? - but rest assured, Tyrion is going to investigate the hell out of this person. He’d never forgive himself if you got stuck with a brute.
Jaime Lannister
The fact he knew this was inevitable doesn't help Jaime's irritation. He can't believe your family arranged for that person to marry you. Seriously? You'd better keep Jaime at a distance from your spouse, because he can't help himself from making snide remarks and sarcastic comments. If he riles up the guy into a duel, all the better. He'll do all sorts of reckless things to begin with, and it's only worse when he's upset. He's also very willing to have an affair behind your spouse's back - you were with him first. You’ll probably have to scold Jaime about you two almost getting caught, but he’s above reproach. His stubbornness and jealousy gets worse the closer you two are.
Cersei Lannister
She’s absolutely infuriated with your family. You were her handmaiden, someone whose been with her for years - and they have the nerve to go behind her back like this?! It smells like a scheme of Tyrion’s, or perhaps Varys, but she’ll deal with them in time. For now, she’ll work out what to do about your spouse. She’ll try to keep you around as much as possible, and her possessiveness comes out in full. You can’t possibly be interested in such a worthless man.
Sandor Clegane
When you tell Sandor, he’s quiet for a discerningly long time before the anger and arguments come out. And then the quiet bitterness. The thing is, he knew this was coming for a while. He knew your time together was limited, he shouldn’t have things like hopes and happiness because it’ll just get taken away. And it is. Even if you explain you’ll try to break off the arrangement, that there’s still a way to get out, he has trouble believing it. He’s seen enough ladies get chained to useless fucking lords, he’d rather not see it happen to someone he cares about, thanks. Sandor will push you away as much as he can, but you could still attempt to convince him to have an affair… or perhaps leave King’s Landing entirely.
Ser Bronn of the Blackwater
He’s only mildly annoyed at the inconvenience. It’ll be a lot harder for you both to sneak around now, and forget about it if you’re having to move somewhere far away. Guess that’s the end of that ‘relationship’ - he should’ve expected it. Bronn is way more willing to stay close if you remain in King’s Landing, and he expects you both to keep fooling around. Now, if he’s actually started to develop feelings about you… he’ll start to act differently. You don’t actually like your spouse, do you? Wasn’t that just some arranged bullshit? He’ll throw smirks and subtle insults your spouse’s way, as if trying to goad them into a fight. More then once you two will almost get caught because he decides waltzing up to your window is totally acceptable, or trying to have a quickie in the middle of the day. A surprisingly jealous side will come out and he’s in total denial about any feelings he might have.
Jacquen H’ghar
This isn’t alarming to Jacquen at first. He knew he could never have such a union with you, and since this Westerosi society is so insistent on marriage, it would happen eventually. Still, your pain hurts him as well. Jacquen would have a variety of plans … anywhere from easily disguising as a guard or servant so he’s always beside you, or perhaps whisking you away somewhere. This isn’t the end of your relationship for him - it’s just a challenge to overcome. He assumes you won’t send him away or break it off.
Petyr Baelish
You being someone else’s wife makes no difference to Petyr, though he’s surprised in himself. Usually he stays out of such affairs, it only causes trouble… But he’s been intrigued by you, and quite frankly, he’s offended that this Lord Whoever from Wherever didn’t take his interest into account. No matter. Petyr has plenty of plans to deal with this pest, though he’s annoyed at his own jealousy whenever he sees you together with your spouse, even if you’re miserable. While he doesn’t want you unhappy, it certainly makes starting an affair and/or disposing of your spouse much easier.
Robert Baratheon
He’s furious and everyone is going to know about it. Robert will complain endlessly to Ned and Lord Arryn about how he found you first, how that useless shit of a husband won’t know what to do with you. Since he does little to hide his disgust, rumors will spread all over court. Hell, he’ll probably say even stupider things when he’s drunk, or he’ll do something stupider, like actually try to aggravate the guy into a fight or a duel. If you’re actually able to get him under control, he has no qualms about having an affair with you… but he may not be subtle about it. So that’s another thing to keep in mind.
Stannis Baratheon
It’s depressingly impressive how willing Stannis is to bury and deny his feelings once he hears you’re promised to someone else. He’ll try to extinguish all the happiness he had with you, bottle up all the memories and feelings that went along with it. This will be fine. He’ll be fine. This iron resolve is easy to maintain if Stannis rarely sees you. If you both are forced to interact even semi-often, it chips away at him, and he can’t help himself from making biting remarks about your spouse when you both visit. He hates feeling this way, he’s never felt it before, and he carries a deep grudge against your spouse and family for making it happen. It’s easier if you write to him, but then Stannis starts keeping those letters and punishing himself by reading them over and over. Eventually he stops entirely, deeming it inappropriate, even if that feels like cutting off one of his limbs.
Davos Seaworth
The old knight is understandably saddened by news of your betrothal and marriage, but it makes sense. Politics-wise, Davos believes he isn’t much of a prize, even when he’s risen to Lord. He should’ve expected this would happen. He’d wish you genuine happiness… But if you were miserable, Davos would feel awful and powerless. If you truly wanted to continue the relationship behind your spouse’s back, his biggest worry would be the secret getting out and your reputation being ruined. He wouldn’t be able to resist forever, but he’d still try to talk you out of it and try to convince you to forget about him.
Margaery Tyrell
She seeks you out the moment she finds out - and that was quickly, because she often keeps tabs on you. Her grandmother warned her about getting so close to her favorite, but it still comes as a terrible shock. Margaery holds you close and promises she’ll make it better, somehow. Maybe she and her grandmother can reason with her family, perhaps you can marry into the Tyrell family, so you both can be together. She’ll fix it, she swears. The thought of someone else being with you is terrible enough, she’ll be even more worried if the person is abusive. Margaery won’t stand for it, and might take a few rare risks for your sake.
Brynden Tully
This stirs up a lot of complicated feelings in the old knight. He knew his relationship with you wouldn’t last forever, that you’d have to marry eventually, and he never wanted to marry…. But he feels like this is his fault, especially if you’re miserable. He could’ve prevented this. Brynden knows he ought to break off the relationship, and he won’t blame you if you do… but he’ll also consider the idea of continuing the relationship. And if you have to go somewhere far away, he’ll still appreciate you sending letters and having a correspondence. The relationship may not be the same long-distance, but he cares a lot about you, and it hurts having you cut from his life.
Edmure Tully
Woe and misery. How much wine is in Riverrun’s stores? He may end up drinking a dent in it by the time the month is out. He almost didn’t believe the news until he heard it from several people, or just you directly. How could this happen? Wasn’t he courting you properly, taking all the steps just the right way? Wasn’t his interest obvious to anyone with eyes? Edmure approaches your family with a bit of a hot head, almost demanding an answer for why they chose whoever over … whoever your spouse is. Edmure doesn’t even care who it is, he hates their guts immediately. More likely than not, he’ll do something foolish, like start a duel. If all else fails, he’ll make sad eyes at you at all the feasts and galas and go into a bit of a depression.
Brienne of Tarth
Brienne is immediately distraught, but also believes she deserves it somehow. This happy relationship just had to come to an end, didn’t it? Well, you two had to be discreet about it to begin with, which didn’t please her … but this alternative feels worse. Brienne switches between trying to stay frosty to make it easier for you two to part, and being unable to hold back her affection and sadness. The best solution she can think of is to stay as your sworn sword, independent of your new husband’s house guards. And gods know, she will come at him with a vengeance if he even dares upset you or lay an unwanted hand on you. That means the relationship could continue, but she dislikes the secrecy even more when you’re married. While she doesn’t like the idea of running away from problems, maybe in certain circumstances, she’d be open to the idea…
Ramsay Bolton
Ramsay is irate, to say the least. Even if you don’t actually know him, you’ve just caught his eye, he’ll become possessive. If you both were romantic before the engagement news, his anger and possessiveness would be even more dangerous. Woe to your spouse if he lives close to the Dreadfort - leave it to Ramsay to think up some “accident” for them to be involved in. And if he finds out they’re involved in some sort of treason or crime, that’s all the better, no matter how flimsy the “crime” is. If he’s feeling especially reckless, he’ll just arrange their murder and take you back right away. Ramsay is a terrible loser, doubly so if it involves one of the few things he actually cares about.
Roose Bolton
On the outside he doesn’t react to the news beyond a silent glare. On the inside, Roose is furious. He had plans for you, plans that may have taken quite a while to get to this point, and now it’s been ruined by someone whose actively working against him… or too stupid to realize what a massive mistake they just made. Roose thinks up various ways to circumvent this and have you to himself. In the meantime, he’ll gladly continue an affair behind your spouse’s back, but that won’t necessarily save them from death. You’ll notice him become increasingly possessive and jealous, even if you have zero interest in your spouse, and you can sense he’ll be holding a deep grudge against whoever arranged this in the first place.
Oberyn Martell
As soon as he hears about the news, Doran has to talk him down from dueling the man…Half his daughters support it, the other half suggest something more subtle. Overyn feels insulted, for one - your affection for each other was obvious, yet your family still made this arrangement. And if he doesn’t get his duel, he will spread all sorts of unsavory, salacious rumors about your spouse, in hopes of creating a scandal that makes your family break the union. Or better, lead to the man dueling Oberyn directly! Oberyn doesn’t even consider continuing your relationship with him an “affair”. You both were together first, and a farce of a marriage you didn’t agree to won’t change that. You just have to make sure he can be discreet.
Doran Martell
While the news of your engagement is depressing, it isn't surprising. He's quite aware of the politics of Westeros, even if his own family doesn't believe it, and he had wind of this engagement. He just thought he could stop it in time. He hides his disappointment, but his family can tell he's withdrawing. Oberyn argues with his brother to go get you and fight, but Doran is a man of silent plans. He'll still love to correspond with you, and you can tell by his letters that he seems hopeful. Maybe he's thought of a way to break it off …
Arianne Martell
Well, isn’t this irksome? Arianne loved having you in her palace and keeping you all to herself, but then this foolish arranged marriage happened… She doesn’t hide her disdain, and she’s annoyed at herself for not doing more to stop it. The princess will spend no small amount of time being angry at the unfairness of it. Once she’s calmed, she doesn’t see why you both can’t continue the relationship behind closed doors. You’re both used to sneaking around, anyway. And Arianne can’t resist ferreting around for some salacious rumors about your spouse… Wouldn’t it be a shame if she found out something that led you to your family cutting the betrothal off?
Tyene Sand
She’s beyond annoyed at this outcome. You were her favorite, in more ways than one, and while she didn’t delude herself into thinking you’d be together forever… well, couldn’t you both have spent your days in court in service to the Martells, or perhaps left forever on a boat to Essos? Why did this have to happen so soon? She’s despondent, much as she tries to hide it, even with her sisters trying to comfort her. She begins to think of plans, just little things … a rumor here, a scheme there. She’ll feel much better if you remain in the Sunspear court, so she can stay close and your relationship can continue.
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pretchatta · 3 years
tripping the light fantastic
The brief was simple: infiltrate an Imperial gala and steal a datachip from one of the guests. Hera's contact had procured them false identities as wealthy socialites as well as providing a description of the target, so all they had to do was show up. Kanan didn't see how this operation could go wrong.
Of course, that was before he knew what Hera was wearing.
Things became a whole lot more complicated after that.
that evening wear series i started in june? i finished it!
rating: teen; kanan jarrus/hera syndulla; 7.5k words
“Hera, the hovertaxi’s here!”
Kanan tried not to sound too impatient as he called to her from the cargo hold of the Ghost, but he was cold.
The thin, silken material of his shirt was cool against his skin, and his formal jacket was doing nothing to insulate him against the recycled air of the ship. Hera had told him he’d be fine once they reached their destination, but they would never get there if she didn’t hurry up.
“I’m coming!” came her muffled shout from somewhere above him.
He heard the clatter of heels against the deck and decided to believe her this time, so he walked back down the extended boarding ramp. The spaceport outside was no warmer, but it was a step closer to the extravagant Imperial gala they would be attending tonight. The impractical outfit had been provided by the same contact who had procured their invitations – or, rather, invitations for the two wealthy socialites they would be posing as.
Kanan waved at the taxi driver to indicate they wouldn’t be much longer and got a flat stare from the rhodian in response. He resisted the urge to rub at his eyes; Hera’s contact had insisted that they’d stand out if they didn’t follow fashion trends, and apparently the big one at the moment was glitter eyeshadow. It made his eyebrows itch.
He heard the sounds of someone coming down the ladder behind him and turned back to face the cargo bay.
“I’m sorry,“ Hera was saying, her voice clearer now she was closer. "The straps on these shoes are so fiddly, I don’t understand how anyone could have the patience to wear them every day.”
"You should have said something,” Kanan called back with a grin. Sometimes she really made this too easy. “I’m sure I could’ve helped, I’m great with my fing-”
He was cut off by the sight of Hera appearing at the top of the boarding ramp, the comment dying on his lips. Silhouetted by the light coming from inside the Ghost, one very accurate way to describe her appearance was stunning.
She was wearing a long, sleeveless dress made of the same silken material as Kanan’s shirt, and in the same deep burgundy colour. The V-shaped neckline plunged almost to her waist amidst the elegantly draped material, which clung to her hips and cascaded down her legs. The hem fluttered around her calves, revealing the impossibly high stiletto heels that were the reason for her lateness. They matched the colour of her dress, which contrasted beautifully against her skin.
Kanan gaped at her as all other thoughts fled from his head. He rarely saw Hera without her gloves, let alone the rest of her baggy flight suit; the combination of the dress and so much bare skin was almost too much for his brain to process.
She began to descend the ramp, hips and lekku swaying, apparently unaware of the effect she was having on him. As she drew near he could see she had applied a small amount of makeup – not much, but just enough to enhance her features, plus her own smear of glitter eyeshadow.
She came to a halt in front of him. “So, how do I look?”
He struggled to find an adequate response to her question.
“Words fail me.”
“That bad, huh?“ She gave him a knowing smile, then gestured behind him. "We should get going before our driver gets bored of waiting.”
The thud-hiss of the ramp closing jolted him back to himself. They were leaving Chopper in charge of the ship while they were gone, something that Hera seemed far more comfortable with than he was.
“Right, yeah, let’s go,” he said, shaking his head a little to clear it. He fell in step beside her as they walked over to where the taxi waited.
As Kanan opened the door for her, his hand automatically went to the small of her back to help her in. He aborted the motion with only inches to spare; her dress was completely backless. He jerked his arm back, feeling self-conscious about touching her bare skin, and managed to turn the movement into offering her his arm instead.
Hera took it with a smile as she climbed into the hovertaxi. Kanan followed, careful to sit so that there was still space between them, feeling suddenly warm despite his earlier discomfort. It was dawning on him that the evening ahead might be very difficult – and not just because of their mission.
Their false identities had them attending the gala husband and wife, and he was glad they didn’t need to start pretending until they got to the venue. He knew he hadn’t been subtle in his attraction towards her these past few months, but there was a line between casual flirting and going too far that he had been careful not to cross. Sometimes he thought he saw flickers of what could be reciprocation from her, but she had never given him any indication that she welcomed or returned his feelings and he did his best to respect that.
He had a horrible feeling that he would be getting awfully close to that line tonight.
When they pulled up to the venue, Kanan played the part of a dutiful husband, climbing out first and holding the door for Hera. She gave him a grateful smile as she took his proffered arm and let him help her out; now that the initial shock of her appearance had worn off, he could see that she was struggling without her usual flight suit and boots.
Their destination was a large private home worthy of the title ‘mansion’. It was made all the more impressive by the way it was uplit in the early evening twilight. Though it was in the middle of a bustling city, a narrow border of immaculately trimmed hedges surrounded the house, separating it from the buildings around it. A short flight of steps led up to the open front doors, warm light spilling out in welcome.
“Ready to put on a show?” Hera murmured from beside him.
Their brief was simple: infiltrate the gala and steal a datachip from one of the guests. Imperial suppliers often liked to finalise business deals at events such as these, and tonight ownership of a large consignment of weapons would be changing hands. Hera and Kanan were to locate the seller and swap the chip containing the manifests and shipping details of the sale with a fake, and then transmit the information to Hera’s contact. The shipment would be hijacked and stolen before the Imperials realised anything was wrong. It put fuel and supplies in the Ghost and took firepower away from the Empire, which made it Hera’s favourite kind of operation.
Unfortunately the guest in question was half the reason for the not-inconsiderable security force that was also in attendance tonight. Their disguises would get them in, but it would take a lot of skill and probably a fair amount of luck to grab the chip and then get out. The longer they could go without raising suspicion, the better.
Kanan turned to look down at her, his expression serious. “I’ll follow your lead.”
Her only response was to adjust her hold on his arm, linking them together more securely. He was happy with this; it struck the perfect balance of apparent intimacy, yet she could easily withdraw if she felt uncomfortable. He led her up the steps and to the doors.
The entrance hall beyond might have been described as small and modest by some. Those were the people this event was no doubt for – by Kanan’s standards, it was opulent.
Smooth blue stone lined the walls and contrasted against the golden tones of the floor. The gentle burbling of running water came from a small fountain in the center and echoed off the high, arched ceiling. Ornamental plants in intricately decorated pots lined the edges of the room, many with colourful flowers in bloom, their perfume hanging in the air. A heavy curtain in a rich, deep gold colour hung at the far end, and the faint sound of music could be heard from beyond.
“May I see your invitations?”
A sharply-dressed man in all black had been waiting just inside the door. Pale, slight and human, he couldn’t be a better example of an Imperial if he tried. That image was only reinforced by his companion; standing just behind him was a stormtrooper, silent and imposing.
Kanan affected a look of polite surprise. He had assumed they would give their cover names, maybe present their falsified chain codes. He flicked a glance at Hera, who was looking expectantly at him.
“Invitations?” he stalled, hoping desperately that her skintight dress might yet contain hidden pockets.
“I need to confirm that you are allowed in,” the doorman explained patiently. “You did bring your invitations with you, as requested?”
“Of course we did!” Hera assured him with a smile. “My husband wouldn’t have forgotten something as important as our invitations. They’re in your pocket, aren’t they, dear?”
Kanan tried to remain calm as he widened his eyes significantly at her. He hadn’t put anything in his pockets before they left, and he was pretty sure there wasn’t any chip or card in there already.
“Are they?” he asked.
Hera’s smile became fixed, and he got the distinct impression she was resisting rolling her eyes at him. She stepped forwards, right up to him, and then one of her hands brushed against his hip. Heat flashed through his core in response to her touch. Her hand continued downwards, slipping into his pocket, as her face moved closer to his. It took all of his concentration to hold still.
“Must we play this game at every event, love?” she murmured. There was a low, sensual quality to her already wonderful voice that only stoked the simmering heat in his gut. Before he could think of a way to respond, she leaned in further and her lips brushed the corner of his mouth. It was only the lightest of touches, but his skin still tingled even after she pulled away.
She waved the two slips of flimsi that had just been in his pocket at him, giving him a pointed look.
“Here they are,” Hera said airily to the sentry, passing him the flimsi. “You’ll have to excuse my husband – I married him for his looks, not his brains. But can you blame me?”
The man gave a forced chuckle and looked distinctly uncomfortable as he gave their invitations a cursory glance. Then he gave them a nod and waved them towards the curtained archway.
Kanan let Hera lead him across the atrium. He shook his head slightly; right now, he needed to focus. They had a job to complete, after all.
“I always knew you hired me for my handsome face,” he joked, quiet enough that the doorman wouldn’t hear.
He expected her to laugh it off as she usually did at his attempts at flirting, to gently remind him of the line that existed between them. Yet again, Hera threw him off balance.
She shot him a small smile as she took his arm. “Well, it wasn’t for your ability to check your pockets.”
He was unable to come up with a response as she led him beyond the curtain.
The gala was in full swing on the other side. A huge ballroom stretched before them, towering columns of more pale blue stone holding up the arched ceiling over a curved white dancefloor. The music came from a live band at the far end, and guests in gowns of all colours swayed and twirled over the dancefloor in time with the beat. Precious gemstones glittered under the soft lights, along with shimmering makeup and body paint akin to the eyeshadow Hera and Kanan wore.
Those who weren’t dancing were talking and mingling around the edges of the room. Small droids wove between them, carrying trays of drinks and canapés. Hera snagged them each a drink from a passing droid and they began to slowly make their way through the crowd.
Kanan caught snatches of conversation as they passed, mostly inane chatter with the occasional obsequious flattery or plain flaunting of wealth. He knew without a doubt that every single person present cared only about themselves; the whole event was a sickening display of the extreme inequality that was not just present but practically encouraged by the Empire. He almost felt disappointed that this was a stealth mission and not an opportunity to cause chaos.
They completed their circuit having managed to make only minimal interactions with other guests, and found a space to stand in. The part of the crowd nearest the entryway moved too much to allow them to survey the whole room effectively, so they ended up next to one of the columns about halfway around the dancefloor. It made watching the entrance difficult, but they had a decent view of the rest of the ballroom.
So far, none of the guests present were the person they were here for. Kanan didn’t have a description of their target but Hera had told him they would have a golden sunburst emblem displayed prominently on their outfit. The riot of colour made spotting something that would normally be so distinctive difficult, but they had both been looking and were yet to see the sunburst.
The curtain moved and Kanan craned his neck to see who the newest arrival to the party was, but the ladies’ matching black dresses held no additional colours.
“Let’s dance,” Hera said suddenly from beside him.
Kanan turned to stare at her. “What?”
She was scanning the rest of the room anxiously. “Everyone else seems to be having at least one, and I don’t want to stand out. Plus, we’ll have a better view of the entryway from the dancefloor.” She dumped her empty glass onto a passing droid-table and grabbed his hand. “Come on!”
Kanan barely had a moment to put down his own half-finished drink before she was dragging him towards the dancefloor.
“But I don’t know how to dance!” he protested after her.
It earned him a sceptical look over her shoulder. “How can you not know how to dance? It’s easy, just follow my lead.”
She found them a space amongst the twirling couples and turned to him, still holding his hand in one of her own. He briefly noted that they did in fact have a great view of the entrance from here, and then she stepped in close and his attention narrowed to only her.
The heels brought Hera’s face high enough to be very close to his; her breath ghosted over his cheek. She placed her free hand on his shoulder, and through the thin material of his shirt he could feel her fingers were still cool from where they’d been holding her drink. He didn’t know what to do with his other hand, and in his indecision it hovered awkwardly.
She rolled her eyes at him.
“Here,” she told him, releasing his shoulder just long enough to place his hand on her waist. His fingers brushed the soft, bare skin of her back and he had to resist the urge to touch more. His whole body felt suddenly very hot.
“Now try to follow my feet with yours,” she murmured.
It took Kanan a few moments to register her words. He could feel the heat of her body radiating through the thin silks of their clothes, and the sweet smell of her perfume filled his nose. He wanted to either push her away or pull her closer; it was agony having her so close, and yet not close enough.
Hera started to move, leading the steps of their dance, and Kanan’s brain struggled to keep up.
“Kanan,” Hera hissed as he stumbled, almost standing on her foot.
This wasn’t working. He needed to focus, or they’d start drawing attention to themselves.
Kanan took a deep breath and cast his mind back to a place he’d sworn he’d never return to. He wasn’t touching the Force, not quite, but it still felt wrong to call on the old meditation techniques. He felt the wash of calm sweep through him as he emptied his mind and regulated his breathing. The Force hummed in response, so close and so ready for him to take it, use it, draw strength from it. But he held himself back from going that far. All he needed was to ground himself.
Emotion, yet peace.
How ironic that, after years of denying his past, it was the Jedi code that he most needed now.
Kanan ignored the irony of his predicament as he followed the movement of Hera’s feet carefully, trying to stay in time with them without getting underneath the sharp heels. Fortunately the steps were simple, and it wasn’t long before they settled into a rhythm.
He managed to keep it together as they slowly traversed the dancefloor. Between focusing on his breathing and on Hera’s steps, he had no awareness of anything else; the contact could have been dancing right next to them and he wouldn’t have noticed. But their cover remained intact, and Hera had eyes sharp enough for both of them.
Once Hera saw that he was keeping up with her, she experimented with something different. She released his shoulder and spun away, still holding his hand. Her dress flared out around her calves as she moved, revealing more of her smooth, slender legs. Her eyes sparkled with the joy of the dance. Kanan’s heart skipped a beat; she was breathtakingly beautiful.
She twirled back into his arms and he took another deep, grounding breath. He wasn’t sure if it was weaker from the dancing or if he was just getting used to it, but her perfume wasn’t as overwhelming now. This whole semi-meditation thing was getting easier, too; maybe he should try it more often.
“I still can’t see the target,” Hera murmured in his ear, and his concentration broke. That low, lovely voice would always be his undoing.
Fortunately, his feet seemed to have memorised the steps and didn’t need his brain to continue moving.
“Maybe they’re not coming,” he replied lightly, trying hard to keep his voice steady.
“No, this contact has never been wrong before. They’ll be here.” She sounded confident in her assertion, and Kanan really wasn’t in a position to argue.
“Though, if they take much longer,” she continued, “we should check out the buffet table.”
He felt an amused grin spread over his face. “You’re hungry?”
“Starving. I meant to grab a ration bar before we left, but getting ready took longer than I expected.”
Something about her admission made affection swell in his chest.
“I think this dance is almost over,” he said, hearing the song start to wind down and trying to hide his relief. “If you want to keep watch I can go find you some food.”
If she was lucky they might have Gruuvan Shaal kebabs, or even some meiloorun. His mind had already drifted to thoughts of what Hera might like to eat as he started to take a step back, but then her grip on him tightened.
“No – wait – I think that’s them!”
Hera’s arms were suddenly steel, holding him in place as she craned her head over his shoulder. Kanan felt frozen in place.
“Where?” He tried to turn to see for himself.
“Don’t look, just keep dancing,” she hissed. “I’ll try to move us closer.”
The band started up the next song, a slower one with a different beat. Hera let go of his hand to place both of hers on his shoulders. Somehow, she was now even closer than before.
“Put your hands on my back,” she murmured, her lips barely an inch from his ear. “Keep following my steps.”
He did as he was told, his short-circuiting brain incapable of anything else, both hands splayed against her bare skin. It was warm under his palms but he resisted the urge to stroke his fingers along her spine. She had moved closer to him so that her chin rested on his shoulder and her chest pressed against his. The silk did nothing to hide the curves of her body; combined with the touch of her bare skin, it would be easy to imagine there were no clothes between them at all.
Don’t think about that, he told himself sternly. He wondered if Hera could tell he was feeling a lot warmer than usual. He tried meditation again, hoping it would cool the flush in his cheeks, but it was harder than before.
Hera led him in the new dance, slightly easier than the previous one. It was slower and had fewer steps, so it wasn’t long before Kanan could let his feet continue for him. There were more distractions with this one, however; as well as Hera being much closer, every now and then the tips of her lekku would brush the backs of his hands. Whenever that happened it was like the light touch was igniting sparks over his skin. The meditation didn’t seem to be as effective now; he worried that at any moment his hands would start trembling.
“I’ve got eyes on her,” Hera whispered. Kanan felt her breath over his earlobe.
“Mikkian, middle-aged, blue skin. She’s got the golden sunburst on her shoulder; she’s definitely our target.”
He felt Hera slightly change the angle of their movement, guiding them across the dancefloor. The steps lengthened and Kanan needed to focus harder to follow them. If anything, the distraction helped.
The band began the final cadence of the song, and Kanan found himself desperately hoping that Hera would let them stop dancing. Maybe even step outside for a minute. Fresh air would be good.
“She’s going somewhere – this is our chance!”
A moment later Hera had slipped out of his arms and was moving away. It took his mind a few moments to catch up, but by then she’d taken his hand again and was leading him off the dancefloor.
With Hera gone, clarity returned to his mind in an instant. They were on the job now: hunting an Imperial for tactical data.
This, he could do.
They were on the other side of the dancefloor to where they’d started, and slightly closer to the curtained entryway. Kanan caught sight of the mikkian woman walking around the edge of the room, staying close to the wall. The sunburst was an oversized brooch on one of her shoulders, contrasting elegantly with the deep purple of her velvoid dress. She reached another curtain and, after a quick glance over her shoulder, she slipped through and disappeared on the other side. Kanan caught a flash of an ornate archway like the one they had entered through and guessed it led to the rest of the mansion.
Hera was still leading him after her, weaving around a table that was in their way. Something caught his eye and he reached out a hand to snag it as they passed, slipping it into his pocket. They reached the curtain that clearly marked the area beyond as off-limits to gala guests and Hera paused, turning to meet Kanan’s eyes. He nodded to indicate he was ready, and she wordlessly pushed it aside so they could follow the mikkian through.
Beyond was a grand-looking hallway. A lush strip of carpet ran down the center and ornately framed paintings hung along the walls. Kanan caught a flash of blue head-tendrils disappearing around the next corner, but Hera was already in pursuit. He wasn’t sure what Hera’s plan was when they reached her; pretend to recognise her and pick her pocket? Knock her out and rob her, hoping no-one would find her before they could get out? Whatever it was, he was ready to follow his captain’s lead.
Something caught his eye, and Kanan nudged Hera. She glanced up at the hidden security cam he indicated and tapped her temple, then winked. It took Kanan a moment to understand, but when he did he nodded with the dawning realisation. There were some types of glitter that scattered light in such a way that it scrambled any sensors trying to detect it; their eyeshadow was not just a fashion statement, but a way to conceal their faces on any security recordings.
Rounding the corner, they found the hallway split as a staircase led up to the next storey of the house. Hera silently pointed to a recent scuff in the thick pile of the carpet on the lowest step. Between the soft surface and the still-audible music from the ballroom their target had the advantage of stealth on them, but there were other ways to track her.
They ascended the stairs in a crouch, but needn’t have bothered. As they reached the hallway at the top they saw a door just finish closing. As quietly as they could, they crept to the door, past more doors, curtains and paintings. Hera was reaching for the handle when Kanan felt rather than heard a presence at the foot of the stairs.
He stiffened.
“Someone’s coming,” he whispered to her.
She quickly glanced around. “In here!”
She grabbed his hand and dragged him behind a heavy, floor-length curtain opposite the door the mikkian had gone through.
It turned out to be covering a small alcove housing some kind of ancient relic displayed on a stone plinth. Hera shoved him into the back of the alcove, wedging herself between him and the plinth and twitching the curtain closed again behind them. It was thick enough to let in no light, so they were cast into darkness.
When Hera didn’t move back, Kanan realised just how little space there was around the relic and its stand. It felt like every inch of Hera’s body was pressed against his, warm and soft and utterly maddening. It didn’t help that, in the dark, all of his senses seemed heightened to compensate for the lack of sight. His mouth felt suddenly dry.
He heard the muffled sound of several sets of heavy footsteps on the carpet, and then the soft swish of the door opening and closing. The sweet scent of Hera’s perfume was in his nose again, though this time there was something else underlying it, something familiar that made him think of home. That was strange; he didn’t have a home. Not beyond the Ghost, if that even counted. Muffled voices brought him back to the present situation, a man’s and a woman’s coming from the room behind the door and another one, nearer but tinny, as though it came through a comm.
“This must be the hand-off,” Hera breathed against his ear, and Kanan had to work to stop his knees from giving out. “Sounds like a guard outside the door.”
“What’s the plan?” he managed.
There was a brief pause as she thought. “On my mark, we stun the guard and then two in the room. I’ll grab the data, you keep watch, and then we get out of here.”
“Got it.” He gave a small nod, forgetting that she couldn’t see it. “Wait – we don’t have blasters.”
“I do.”
She shifted against him and then something warm and soft that felt suspiciously like skin brushed against his hand. He snatched it away like it had been burned
“What are you doing?” he hissed.
“Getting my blaster,” she replied in a calm whisper. “The only way I could conceal one in this dress was with a thigh holster.”
Oh. Okay. Just her leg. That was all it was, just her bare thigh pressing against his hip from where she’d hitched the dress up. Which he’d just touched. His heart was in his throat.
“On three,” Hera whispered, shifting again as she resumed standing on two feet.
Kanan felt the hard edge of her blaster against his shoulder as she brought it up to a ready position.
He reached out a hand, ready to pull the curtain back.
Kanan whipped the curtain aside and they burst out of the alcove. Hera squeezed two shots off at the single stormtrooper standing guard, and Kanan was at the door before they finished hitting the floor. It swung open, and Kanan dived into the room beyond.
He caught a brief glimpse of a pair of startled faces and made a split-second decision to go for the man. He was tall, human, and dressed in the crisp, dark uniform of an Imperial naval officer. A swift blow to the head sent him reeling as Hera shot a stun blast at the mikkian. Before the man could recover, Kanan had stepped to the side so Hera could take him down too. It was all over in seconds, the only sounds having come from Hera’s compact little blaster.
He turned to congratulate her, but Hera was already on her knees beside the mikkian patting her down for the datachip. Kanan strode to the door instead, hauling the unconscious trooper inside before stretching out his senses for signs of anyone else approaching.
A prickle at the back of his neck told him that was sooner than he’d have liked.
“Hera, we’re about to have company,” he warned her.
“Hang on – wait, I think it might be inside–”
His ears caught the soft thumps of heavy boots coming up the stairs.
“Got it!”
There was a click sound and he glanced back to see the mikkian’s sunburst brooch open in Hera’s hand, revealing a hidden chamber with a small datachip inside. Unfortunately, his next look to the hallway outside showed him a pair of stormtroopers cresting the stairs.
“Hey, you!” one shouted.
Kanan cursed as they started to raise their weapons. He ducked back into the room as a pair of plasma bolts hit the doorframe.
“Time to go!” Hera was already on her feet behind him, and he let her push him aside as she stepped up to the doorway with her blaster ready. She darted out just as the bootsteps reached the door; two shots later and both troopers were on the floor, unconscious.
Kanan grabbed her hand. "They'll have called for help; run!"
He half-dragged her in the opposite direction, continuing down the hallway and away from the scene they had created.
“There goes our stealth,” Hera panted from beside him.
They rounded a corner and found the hallway continued ahead, though there were also stairs leading upwards to one side. Kanan shook his head and led Hera so that they stayed on the same level; they wanted to be going down, not up.
“If we can get back to the main party, we can lose ourselves in the crowd,” he said to her, a plan for their escape already forming in his mind.
No doubt it would not be long before someone discovered the five unconscious bodies they had left behind, but they wouldn’t have a description of who to look for. As long as they weren’t caught anywhere they shouldn’t be there would be no reason for anyone to assume they were anything other than genuine guests.
“Good idea, but first we need to get there,” Hera pointed out somewhat breathlessly.
There was another corner up ahead, and if Kanan’s sense of direction was leading him true they should be on the other side of the ballroom now. If the mansion was somewhat symmetrical, then just here –
“There you go,” he panted as they turned the corner. "Our way back."
At the other end of the hall was a staircase just like the one they’d come up. They raced forwards.
Kanan only got a flicker of warning, but it was enough. He skidded to a halt and flung out an arm to stop Hera just as the tinny sound of a communicator reached them from the stairs.
“–assaulted guests and took out three troopers. Do not let them escape. Repeat, all squads to the Clovis wing, at least one attacker–”
The now-familiar sound of boots on carpet was coming up the stairs.
Hera tried the handle of the nearest door, but it didn’t budge.
"It's locked!" Hera hissed.
Kanan looked for an alcove like the one they had hidden behind before. There was a matching one here but it held no ornament, only an empty plinth, and so there was no curtain to conceal them. There was no way they’d be able to run back around the corner before they were spotted, and standing here, out of bounds and out of breath, looked far too suspicious for them to be simply wayward guests. After all, what else would they have been doing?
The white tops of a pair of stormtrooper helmets came into view on the staircase.
Kanan had an idea.
“You can forgive me for this later,” he whispered, pushing Hera by the shoulders into the alcove. He desperately hoped she would; it was a terrible idea, but it might just work.
This space was no larger than the one on the other side of the house. His chest pressed against hers as he yanked the tie out of his hair. His other hand still held her blaster which he offered back to her. She took it automatically despite the confusion in her eyes, but he didn’t release it, instead guiding her to hide it under his jacket as he raked his free hand through his now-loose hair.
The stormtroopers had reached the top of the stairs; they’d be spotted any second now. Time to sell it.
A brush of his fingers tilted her chin up towards his face.
Her words were cut off as he bent his neck and kissed her.
Time seemed to stop the moment their lips met. The world fell silent, the only sound his heart pounding in his ears, straining after their sprint through the mansion. His awareness shrank to Hera and only Hera. She had frozen against him, though only a moment ago he’d felt her breathing just as heavily as he was. Not that he was breathing any more; time had stopped.
It was a simple kiss, a press of his lips against hers. It was nothing. It was everything. It was Hera.
And then she kissed him back.
He knew it was just the surprise wearing off as her brain caught up to what they were doing. He knew she was just maintaining the cover he’d hastily created for them. But that didn’t stop how right it felt.
The hand still on her wrist gently stroked its way up her arm to her shoulder, while his fingers under her chin caressed the soft skin of her neck, down, until they brushed along her collarbone. Her breath hitched in her throat and her lips parted ever so slightly–
Time snapped back to full speed as they broke apart. The stormtroopers had reached them and one was pointing a blaster at Kanan’s chest. Well, it would be more accurate to say both of them, as there wasn’t much space in it.
Kanan was breathing again, even more heavily than before, and he knew exactly how he looked with his tousled hair and the startled, almost guilty expression on his face. What he'd intended as a charade had become all too real as his mind was still reeling from the kiss.
“Oh, uh, sorry–” the trooper faltered and pointed the weapon down. “This area’s off-limits to guests.”
Kanan simply stared at him blankly. Of course it’s off-limits, that’s why we’re here.
“There’s been a security breach,” the trooper tried again, “you need to go back to the main ballroom, sir. Ma'am.” He nodded at Hera while managing to not look directly at her; Kanan got the impression that if his helmet had been off, they would have seen his face steadily turning red.
“A security breach?” Hera repeated in a breathy, Ryl-accented voice. Smart; the confident woman she’d been at the door had helped them to get in, but now they needed to be unassuming and easily dismissable.
Kanan sighed. “Just as I was starting to enjoy this event,” he muttered, loud enough for the trooper to hear.
“We need to secure the area. Please move along.” The trooper gestured towards the stairs, but he was already moving to walk past them and his companion was a few more steps ahead.
Kanan stepped out of the alcove but kept one arm around Hera’s shoulders, keeping her close and allowing the hand that held her blaster to remain concealed under his jacket.
“I hope nothing has been stolen,” Hera said worriedly, still with the accent, as they began descending the staircase. “Our host was telling me earlier, he has quite the collection of old Clone Wars relics here. Very valuable to thieves.”
“Probably what the breach is,” Kanan said confidently. “I’m sure they’ll catch the thief.”
They reached the foot of the stairs and he glanced back over his shoulder; the troopers were out of sight. They’d done it. Around the next corner the archway that led back to the ballroom became visible, the music growing louder with every step. Hera made no move to withdraw her arm and stow her blaster.
“That was a nice bit of quick thinking,” she said, back to her normal voice though she kept it carefully neutral.
Kanan couldn’t quite bring himself to look at her. “I’m sorry there wasn’t more time to warn you. Or, y’know. Ask.”
“Don’t worry about it.” She stopped to let him pull the curtain aside, the noise of the music and the guests reaching full volume and washing over them as they re-entered the party. “It worked, and now we’re back to being just two more guests.”
“We’re not out yet,” he reminded her. “C’mon, our best shot is probably right out the front door.”
They weaved through the crowd, Kanan still with an arm around Hera’s shoulder as they made their way slowly back across the ballroom. It almost felt strange that the party had changed so little in their absence, but they couldn’t have been gone longer than half an hour. The band were still playing, the dancefloor was still in full motion, and people still clustered around the edges engaged in conversations.
They reached the curtained archway to the atrium feeling much like they had during that first circuit of the room when they’d arrived. No-one gave them a second glance, too engrossed in their own affairs to spare a thought for two people they didn’t recognise. In a place like this, that meant you were unimportant, which suited Kanan and Hera just fine.
A few scattered guests were lingering around the pool as they ducked around the curtain into the atrium. One of two wafted folding fans at themselves, trying to cool off after dancing. Kanan and Hera were completely ignored as they walked past. The open doors loomed ever closer, along with the freedom that lay beyond.
They were just passing the doorman when his stormtrooper bouncer spoke.
“They’ve accessed the surveillance footage from the halls – the intruders are disguised as guests," he said, his voice tinny through the helmet's comm. "One human and a tail-head. No-one can leave until they’ve been found.”
“Uh oh,” Kanan said softly. The exit was mere steps away.
“Hey, you!” the doorman called over to them. “Stop there!”
Kanan swore.
“Run!” Hera shouted.
They took off as one, tearing down the steps to the street beyond. Blaster bolts hit the hedges as they reached the end of the path and rounded the gateposts, breaking into a sprint. Or, at least, Kanan did; Hera cried out from behind him. He skidded to a halt
“These kriffing heels – I’ve twisted my ankle!” She was still trying to hobble forwards, though at nowhere near the pace she could normally manage.
Behind her, stormtroopers were starting to pour out of the mansion.
“Okay, new plan!”
There was no time for anything clever. Before Hera could protest, he scooped her into his arms and started running again.
To her credit, Hera adapted to her new situation immediately. She still held her blaster in one hand, and as he carried her away she took aim over his shoulder. She wouldn’t be able to hit anything with any accuracy like this, but he knew exactly what she was doing; her shots sent the stormtroopers scattering for cover, allowing him to increase their lead on them.
He darted into an alley. Adrenaline was allowing him to run with Hera in his arms, but it would only last so long before his muscles would register their strain. Now, with no-one watching, was the perfect time to execute part two of this improvised escape.
The Force had been waiting all evening, hovering just next to his awareness, and now he finally drew on it. Kanan leapt, higher than he would have even unladen. He landed on the flat, permacrete roof, and with the Force flowing through his body he was running again.
With no more targets to shoot, Hera's arms encircled his neck, holding on for dear life. Kanan raced over the rooftops, leaping from one to the next over the oblivious pedestrians on the streets below. He’d already oriented himself and was heading to the spaceport. One of the perks of travelling like this was that he could do so in a perfectly straight line. Even if the Imperials tried to shut down the port they’d have to take the long way around to get there.
The scream of a twin-ion engine gave him warning, and he dropped back down to another abandoned alley a few streets over from the spaceport’s entrance. The TIE swooped overhead, searchlights coming on as it entered the zone the Imperials calculated they would still be inside of. Kanan smirked triumphantly.
“Well, that’s one way to save on the taxi fare,” Hera said as he set her carefully back on her feet. He didn’t quite let go of her, aware that she was putting most of her weight on only one leg.
He huffed out a laugh between panting breaths. “Don’t start counting on rides for supply runs.”
She grinned at him. “Of course not, you have a terrible luggage allowance.” She elbowed him lightly in the ribs.
He pretended to look affronted. “Well, if you want your spacious cargo hold back I suggest we get moving.”
Her eyes lingered on his face a few seconds longer, her smile softening with a fondness that echoed in his chest. Then her expression turned serious as she looked towards her injured ankle and took a tentative step onto it. She let out a hiss of pain, but managed to limp to the other side of the alley.
“It’s not too bad,” she said, seeming to find it easier on the way back. Then she started to laugh.
“What’s so funny?” Kanan asked, confused.
“The whole op was actually not too bad.”
He raised an eyebrow at her. “Seriously?”
“Sure, we were seen, but they didn’t get our faces," – she gestured to her eyeshadow – "neither of us got shot, and we got what we came for. By our standards this was almost a perfect run.”
He joined in the laughter. She had a point; for them, it was pretty good.
“It’s just a shame we weren’t able to get any of that food,” she added wistfully.
Kanan felt a flash of guilt, even though it wasn't his fault. He'd said he would bring her something to eat, but then they'd been distracted by the appearance of their target. He remembered their pursuit of the mikkian, how Hera had immediately been focused on their mission as she'd led him off the dancefloor.
Kanan reached into his pocket for the item he’d swiped earlier that evening. They'd passed right by the buffet tables on the way to the curtained archway and until that moment he'd forgotten he had in fact kept his word to Hera.
He presented the meiloorun to her with a proud smile.
She gaped at him for a moment, staring between his face and the fruit in his hand. Then, her surprise softened to something he couldn’t quite read. It wasn't just gratitude; there was a warmth to it, an aching fondness in her eyes. She took a step forward, grabbed him by the lapel–
And kissed him.
For a second he was frozen with shock, one hand holding the meiloorun and the other hanging by his side. Then his mind caught up with what was happening, his arms slid around Hera, and he kissed her back.
It was the same as their kiss earlier, and yet it was also different. It was still Hera, her presence filling every one of his senses, but this time there was nothing held back. Her mouth parted easily against his, her tongue gently tracing his lower lip. His free hand caressed the bare skin of her back, his fingers softly stroking up her spine. She shivered against him.
When she pulled back an inch to breathe, he felt like he was floating.
“Definitely a perfect run,” she corrected herself in a whisper.
He gazed into her shining eyes with awe. It’s always perfect with you, he wanted to say. You’re amazing, you look beautiful tonight, I would do anything for you.
Instead, he kissed her again. Her lips were soft and eager against his.
She already knew.
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nasty-b · 4 years
No longer new at all
A Reader x Feitan Fanfic
Warnings: Non-con, Graphic, Abuse, Mindfuck
Heed the fucking tags folks
Requested by @bananaprincess0
Feitan wants to go ‘home’. Phinks has been riding his asshole this whole time about the last mission not going as planned when it wasn’t even his fault. It was probably everyone's fault but his. Did that matter? Apparently not, because he’s still sitting here and listening to the blonde chew his ass out for reasons he’s completely unaware of. He might as well just leave, it’s not like they’re going to solve whatever grudge is going around with this ‘conversation’. More like a one sided argument really.“Ey- Ey! Fucking pay attention when I’m speaking to you-“
Feitan continues to tune the other out and look to the side to watch the clouds roll past on the giant canvas that is the sky. Mhh.. he got more poetic. He supposes she rubbed off on him. It almost makes him giddy to think about them two rubbing off on each other.. The short man is faintly wondering what she was up to while he was standing here like an idiot and let Phinks yell at him. Maybe the h/c haired woman was making use of the toys he got her. Some gaming consoles and all for good behavior. He made sure to continue to use the ‘good behavior gets rewards’ tactics and it had worked wonders.
In almost any region at least. She was still repulsed by him touching her in any sort of manner, which was fairly understandable, but not an issue for him personally. Feitan did his remote best to not completely tear his woman apart but sometimes just watching her struggle made him tent his pants.. so maybe, he’s not admitting it but maybe.. he sometimes had a bit of a deathgrip on the woman on purpose to encourage a bit of wiggling. His mood sours at the faint realization that it’s his own fucking fault that she’d flinch every time he touches her. Maybe one day he’ll be able to remedy it, buy her with enough rewards. By now she’d know he’d never actually kill her but hurt her? Feitan’s still very open with that notion.
First week she tried to piss off and he broke both her legs in retaliation. That.. left an impression. After that y/n never tried to run away again but it also made any sort of interaction extremely unreal and fake. She smiled at him but it wasn’t real. She did it because he told her to and that made him only angrier. The man closed his eyes and frowned, his lip pulling tight as he tried to figure out why the woman was being so difficult. It’s as if she was retarded. Feitan could give her literally anything she’d want and here they were, playing cat and mouse because she’d rather cling to a life that didn’t appreciate her-
Then again. First time they met he did kick her in the stomach for no actual reason and more because he had the urge to.. Maybe that’s where he really missed it? The man sighed. Phinks wasn’t getting the program, he’s still talking and Feitan’s out of patience. Maybe leaving was going to be the best action here, if he had to sit through hours of this he’d rather do this later when his mood was better. Right now he’s really lacking the patience for this. Y/n was all alone too, he’d rather spend some time with her. Frankly, Feitan can stand letting off some stress. Heh.. His eyes open as he thought about the primal urge he felt going through his spine.. Oh yeah. He’s getting some ideas.
Whatever, Feitan tensed his legs and stood up finally, to his not extremely impressive height. Phinks gave him a sour look and they ended up staring at each other for a moment. Don’t antagonize him, he’ll only- “I wasn’t listening.” Great job. Phinks goes red like he was about to turn into a lobster but before he can blow up again, Feitan turned his body away and just left the situation all together. He’s ignoring the yelling behind him, the blonde knows well enough to not grab Feitan from the behind. That was like asking for an actual battle. He’s not in the mood for one right now, more into a mood of putting his cock into his girlfriend. Girlfriend. He makes a face at the word. That’s not what she is.
She’s more like.. his woman? Kind of, well not emotionally and not mentally either, they were way too off for that. More of a physical ownership. Not that it mattered, he’d get there eventually. Once he got back to her, he’d just beat it into her. Repeatedly.
She wasn’t bleeding anymore at least. Only the first few times, afterwards it was like her body just grew used to him. Frankly, she felt like a perfect mold around his cock. It’s probably not what she felt like though, seeing her sob and choke in despair as she just looked at him like she had learned the hard way how to do. If she didn’t he usually reprimated her. It was a steep learning slope, but they were slowly getting to a point where she didn’t cry as much. At first she usually would be in visible pain, now it ebbed off to just discomfort.
Feitan made sure she wasn’t in pain anymore. Y/N just loved to make a drama out of it because she was still unused to him. It hadn’t been that long that he’d expect her to realize how good she was going to have it yet. This was a long, wearing process of taming a wild rabbit. Sure, it thought freedom was the way of life but that’s because it didn’t know the comfort of a captivity in luxury and safety. She’s complaining that he’s hurting her, he knows he’s not. Take it from someone who hurt people a lot during his lifetime, he was pretty good at telling when someone was in pain and when someone was just exaggerating. Case in point, when he pulled back and then jerked his hip a bit upwards to slam as deep into her as he could he got a weak gasp instead.
His eyebrow twitches at the sound. It had been happening the past few times, once she had healed from their first time and he made sure to not tear her again. Feitan put a little effort into pleasing her sometimes and, while it was a normal biological reaction that she had little control over, it sometimes did manage to rile her up slightly. Not by much, the woman herself had never cummed while they were together. Mostly because Feitan didn’t care if she did. He tried to give her one at some point but she fought it so violently that he saw it reasonable to let her keep this for herself for now.
Eventually she’d give it to him willingly anyway. He tilts his head at her, slowly reaching up and grabbing her in a mock-gentle fashion by the side of her face and giving her horrified expression a warm and inviting smile as he slowed his pace and just began gently rocking into her. She was flushed and sweat, her h/c hair sticking to her half dressed body. She’s wearing a shirt, because he was not feeling touchy today. Maybe he’d feel it next time. “Even you should start getting bored of your temper tantrums.” They’re not tantrums. They’re realistic reactions to someone raping you but a good opportunity to scrutinize her and make it a huge lesser deal than it was.
It wasn’t that he was dumb enough to think her reactions were overdone, he knew they were valid in the face of what he was doing to her, but if he told her long enough that she was just being dramatic, eventually, whether she knew better or not, she’d feel like it too. The wonders of human mentality. Some people were stronger in that regard than others. Y/n? Not exactly a strong person altogether, the woman was so sensitive to pain just the threat of breaking a finger had her in almost hysterics. Considering she was a civilian that grew up in a normal environment, not that much of a surprise. The woman isn’t answering him. She knew better, unless she agreed with him being silent was her best option.
Feitan didn’t take protest well, in fact, he didn’t take it at all. The man felt his cock twitch when her walls clamped down on him in reflex and he closed his eyes for a bit, just relishing in the sensation. Work had been hard.. (No it hadn’t.) He deserved a break. Deserved some pampering, some indulging in his needs. It’s what he tells himself even though he knew that by moral standards he deserved nothing but a rope around the neck. Good for him that he didn’t care about morals. The need to listen to his had stopped long ago. Feitan pressed his slim body against her and exhaled, she’s shivering, trembling and just biting back wails. She won’t get used to this fast.
He’ll have to keep it up, otherwise this might take forever. Not that he didn’t have the time, or patience. He could muster it if he tried hard enough.
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greekbros · 4 years
"greek-Bros: The Return of an Old Enemy"
Chapter 8: A Sour Deal
After a full day of preparation, training and anything that shouldn't take less than 24 hours to do, the "Dionysian Games" were ready as soon as the sun rose. Which is when Apollo discovered, his brother was at it again.
Apollo rode his chariot arcross the sky, toting the sun along for the day to begin. To him it was just part of his daily schedule, as he glanced over, looking down on Delphi. "Wait a minute....isn't it early in the year for the games to start?", the thought stewed in his head for only a few seconds when it suddenly dawned on him the Olypmic games, in deed DID NOT, take place in Delphi. He looked down and was shocked to see that Dionysus broke his promise, "as soon as I'm done with the sun, I'm going to give Dionysus the dressing down of the millennia!", he angrily told himself.
Back in Delphi, the Delphians were preparing for the games. The teams have been set up into 5 large groups, in Delphian fashion, no can tell which team is which. Being a mock-Olympics game, there was nothing to worry about representing a country or anything, so it was just harmless fun. There was no prizes outside of bragging rights.
Meanwhile, Dionysus attempts to get a hold of Ares for the joust. Communication between the gods was always complicated considering that the gods communicate better humans than they do themselves. In Dionysus's case, the best way to get in touch with Ares...was to get him to come to you via the most complex ritual involving two of his favorite things: Aphrodite and dogs. He knows for the best results, he had to do the ritual in private.
Dionysus prepares the ritual at an effigy made to resemble Ares he had created the night before. As it turns out he woke up in morning remembering that he hadn't even talked to Ares about the joust. Using a small puppy he borrowed from one of the farmers and a plate of extra rare steaks, lights some candles and places a sensual picture of Aphrodite. ".....Come on Ares. Come out.", Dionysus spoke to the effigy, he waited a few seconds for anything to happen but nothing did. "Oooookie dokie, I'm just going to "enjoy" myself with this really sexy picture of Aphrodite", Dionysus taunted the effigy hoping it would get his attention. He takes the picture of Aphrodite and slowly hovers it near his groan, as he was about to even let the picture touch, the loud thunderous sound of an explosion echos outside of his winery shed. "Aaaaaand just in time." he grinned from ear to ear, now with the star of his joust just outside his door, he could finally get the event going. He walks to the door, opens it and sees Ares nearly towering over him with the biggest frown he's given so far.
Ares quickly gabbed the photo from Dionysus. "Ok you fat fuck what do you want?" He growled. He looked behind Dionysus to see the crudly made effigy, pushed him aside to at least eat some steak and make sure the dog was ok.
Dionysus didn't expect much from Ares outside of agreeing to joust. "So buddy, ugh I was wondering....you don't having any plans this afternoon do you?" Dionysus nonchalantly asked. He turned to see Ares chewing on the steak with his bear hands while sharing his steak with the puppy. "I know you're ugh.... busy man....but I know you're going to.love this." He continued.
Ares wasn't much for Dionysus's brand of fun unless it resulted in copious amounts of bloodshed. In fact, most of the time when he would come to Dionysus, it was mostly to get wine or get drunk before certain battles. He was skeptical, but than again there really wasn't any current wars he could participate. It had seemed the entire country was focused on other matters, so indeed he was very much bored. "Wut is it?" He spoke with a full mouth.
Dionysus grinned, "well... would you like to joust with me? For my little 'games'? I mean, I know it isn't much....buuuuuut the people will love it."
Ares was interested but not convinced yet. A joust wasn't going to satisfy him enough, there had to be more to it. "Ok....what's in it-", he swallows his mouthful of steak,"- for me?", He asked as took another bite of meat, giving a little piece to the puppy again.
Scratching his head at what could Ares possibly want, "well...I know that if I win...I just win. After all, the audience likes it when the local god wins right?", Dionysus bargained. "I mean, it's not much but that all depends on what you want, big guy.", he knew Ares wouldn't be creative enough to want something outside of anything material or in some cases bragging rights.
Ares paused to think of the best way to painful screw Dionysus over. He thought of how Dionysus prided himself for his wine, but what was a god of wine going to do with wine. He remembered Dionysus's love for his big cats, he could always get Dionysus to kill his precious leopards, but no....he wants something far more precious. "How about this...." he lightly scratched the puppy behind it's ears, "...if I win, I get to be the local god and keep Delphi, you stand down...aaaaaand I fuck your wife.", he said through a menacing smile.
The mischievous grin that Dionysus sported had died into a panicked look, "wait wait hold on man, this is for fun." he responded hastily. Never would he have expected Ares to actually name such conditions. "Seriously, you can't just take my town and my wife if you win, that's....just fucked up....plus NO, I refuse to agree to those terms.....", Dionysus was flustered, what started out as an innocent challenge between brother quickly escalated into something a little more mean spirited.
Ares stood there looking at Dionysus, mildly disappointed that he wouldn't agree to what he believed was completely reasonable terms, "ok whatever drama queen, than I'm leaving.", he walked out of the shed. "Fucking wasting my time with your little circus act and shit. I mean I thought you liked having fun, whatever I guess you're too much of a pussy." he continued.
As much as the ownership of Delphi, the safety of the residents and his wife's honor was at stake, he couldn't just let Ares walk out from the joust. He didn't care about why or what Ares thought of him in the second, he was already too deep into the situation given not only he was not allowed to sleep in his own bed until after the Dionysia, but he disappointed Ariadne with his stubborn attitude. "Hold on, ok if you're going to play "Mr.Edgelord", than if I win......I become the new god of war aaaaaand...you have to wear a dress....for an hour and I will NEVER let anyone forget that", unlike the rest of the brothers, Ares was too prideful of his masculinity to ever wear a dress and the idea of his title as "The God of War" would also be a stake. This was too juicy of a bet. Dionysus's whole world was either going to include the chaotic attributes of war....or he was going to lose everything.
In mid-step, Ares turned around, his button has definitely been pushed, but the challenge was too irresistible. "Now you're talking fun.". He walked up to Dionysus, took his arm and gave it a sportsmen's shake. "Fine, I'll join your little circus. When...and where?", he stared down Dionysus hoping to throw him off even before the joust.
Dionysus wasn't really sure what Ares was doing and why was he staring at him for so long, but now he had to put up some effort in the joust, perfect for a performance. "Ha, you're on...just ugh go over there in the meantime...chill...I don't know it will be hours before we do it.", he informed. He pointed at tent in a field that was overlooked by the winery shed, it was prepared for the participants of the games, which was loaded with all the essentials any Dionysian needed.
Glaring at the overly lavished tent on the field, then his glance glazes over the rest of the field, it really was a bit like a circus. Ares takes a deep breath, rethinking if it would be worth winning given he will have to wait for a few hours before the joust, than be remembers he gets to turn this land into a training ground for an army fit for a king. "Ok.....do...you have anything I can do?", he asked.
He looked at Ares and said in a serious tone, "if you're planning on lifting bro, you're shit out of luck....you can....drink, you can.....fuck.....you can......eat.....you can take naps.....some of the folks are doing improv....I mean THATS something you do....I don't know. Just....relax or something.", Dionysus knew nothing worsened Ares's mood then a lack of exercise and anything he liked. "Aaaalso there is only wine.", he added. If Ares was going to be serious about his wager, he needed to insure that Ares was going to lose.
"Dude...that's ..... fucking lame.....I'm just going to take laps, can't wait to fuck your wife.", Ares left without saying another word. Dionysus was a bit floored, but the day was young and there was plenty of time to make sure he would win the joust. He was about to run to find some of his more "violent" maenads when he heard someone shout his name from the field.
"DIONYSUS YOU ARE NOT GOING TO FUCKING BELIEVE THIS!", it was Hermes, he ran through the field, up the hill passing Ares (who apparently didn't even notice him) and right up to Dionysus. "Ok holyshit you're never going to guess what me and Artemis found a few days ago! I was going to tell you about it but I had to find dad and I can't find him than I had to run around Greece looking for him an-" he felt Dionysus placing his hand on his head in attempts to calm him down.
Dionysus unfortunately wasn't in the mood to hear Hermes, but he was in the mood to ask him for help. "Hermes.......I've made a horrible miscalculation.", he told him, looking at Ares angrily uses a log to do bench presses. ".....I got what I wanted...but my....fucking self....I am in quite a pickle.".
Hermes was still processing all he has been doing the past four days, but somehow he had to know what happened. ".....what....are you talking about?", he calmly asked. He looked at the field, than looked at Ares, than he looked at Dionysus. "Why is there a circus in front of your house?", he can see Dionysus's face.
Taking a deep breath, "Hermes do you remember that time I joked about the idea of me and Ares.... jousting or something?", Dionysus asked.
"ugh....yes I think.", Hermes was now starting to worry if there is something even worse than semi-immortal wolf people. "But seriously man there's some weird fucked up things happening.", he continued.
Dionysus chuckled a little, "well....I hope you're ok with cheating. I really need your help.", he looked at Hermes in hopes he knows he serious. Hermes however, whom just arrived, is getting a terrible feeling there will be hijinks.
End of Chp8
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The Timeless Children review.
There’s a lot to say about the Timeless Children, but setting aside discussion about what that new lore dump means for the show, and trying to keep things about this episode...
A bad episode with okay lore, and some noted improvements on Chibnall’s part. 
I’m okay with retcons. It’s Doctor Who. Nothing is sacred. (I mean, except the core values of the main character. Having the Doctor selling the Master to the Nazis as a POC is so much worse). Things will get retconned/modified. Are certain retcons bullshit? Yes, but that’s another matter. Fundamentaly I don’t think Who canon, if there’s even such thing, should be kept safe. Like it or not, the showrunner is in charge. There’s no such thing as respect for the fans, or for the previous eras. 
And like I’m the first to complain but really if Chibshow wants to stick the middle finger at Moffat show, that’s his godamm right. The showrunner has full ownership of the show, otherwise it would hamper the creative process. We can discuss why the changes made are bad, but saying “How dare Chibnall retcon the deep lore” is idiotic. 
So kudos to Chibnall for daring. I mean The Timeless Children left a bad aftertaste in my mouth, but hey it was engaging. I wanted to know more, which compared to Series 11 is a vast improvement. 
So yes lore was okay. 
Did I like the reveal/retcon ? Not really. 
Is it possible to make something interesting out of that? I’ve seen some good takes about it, so yeah. On the downside this is Chibnall we’re talking about, so trust him to pick the least interesting idea.
Will I come to terms with it? I did not like the idea of the War Doctor, or the fact that Doctor saved Gallifrey at first. I’ve come round since, and even like it now. I expect I’ll have digested all of it in the coming months, and I’ll be able to make it fit with my own headcanons/continuity/personal conception of Doctor Who... 
Does it really change anything? The Timeless Child, not so much. All the pre-Hartnell Doctors and the fact that the Doctor worked for the CIA (or the Division, whatever the fuck the difference is), yes, a lot, and I like it even less. 
Are there ways to go around it? Yes there are. And also the scope of Doctor Who is so big, you can comfortably ignore it. 
The episode was bad.
Bad because the lore was infodumped in the most boring and unimaginative way, with the Master just doing exposition for 60% of the runtime. Also the Matrix looks boring. Fucking grey background.
Ashad is perhaps the Chibnall villain with the most potential. I’m still thinking voluntarily converted Cyberman is a great idea that deserved a lot more of exploring. There’s really some fascinating implications... And all of that got flushed down the toilet, because Ashad got unceremoniously killed by the Master. 
Also, hello big MacGuffin death particle. Chibnall, would it kill you to make the effort to introduce the great big “plot-resolve” button in the previous episode?What a convenient reveal with no groundwork, that feels telegraphed from a mile. 
Worst of it is probably the moment where the Doctor awakes, ensues some excruciating moments, where the Doctor tries to figure out the Master’s plan, while we, the audience have already been informed, by means of exposition. And then we get more exposition for the death particle we already got 20 minutes ago, with bad dialogue to boot. “There’s a myth...” Oh ffs! Why use myth? Nothing in that dialogue is mythic, Chibnall is not lyrical enough for it. That’s imitation of mythic.
Also unclear on the specifics of how the death particle works. Per the Master and Ashad, it erases all the life in the Galaxy. And then during exposition n°2, provided by Ravio, we hear it only erases life on one planet, which is what the Doctor tries to do at the end. 
But “all organic life”... By all account had Ashad activated it, it would have killed the Cybermen as well, or at least him. They’re not pure robots and we can clearly see with Ashad that there’s organic living bits underneath. So all that big ascension will be without Ashad. Of course you could make the case that the Ascension is really the Cyberium’s aim and that it does not care the slightest about Ashad. 
Also we shall have dominion... Over what, if you killed everyone? Again, poorly thought out motivations for Ashad. Mostly it sounds cool, but it’s empty when you take a closer look at it. 
And speaking of the Cyber Time Lords. Well, we’re told they were made with the corpses of dead Time Lords the Master kept. If they’re dead, we’re assuming it’s permanent death, otherwise they would have regenerated... So where the hell does the regeneration ability comes from? And if they are corpses in Cybersuits, how come they would be affected by the death particle, as they are definitely not living?
I mean it’s Doctor Who so I’m willing to overlook this details if there’s a good story told behind it. Like, the Daleks’ plot in The Dalek Invasion of Earth is fucking stupid. Let’s mine the Earth’s core, to replace it with a motor and then drive Earth around in space, like a big spaceship. But then that’s a small detail in an episode whose purpose is elsewhere : presenting a dystopian vision of England, a post apocalyptic, facist world. It’s about the pure dread for the spectator of seing his world overrun by space Nazis. It’s the first episode of the show’s history with an alien invasion. It’s also about Susan. And there’s also quite a chunk devoted to mostly Barbara, but also Ian for a bit: how they react to that world that seems familiar and at the same time, completely alien. 
Here there’s no story behind it. It’s basically a dressing for the big lore reveal. 
It’s a bad Cyberman story. Nothing about the Cyberzealot is really explored in a meaningful way. He’s supposedly conflicted... Yeah because we’re told so by the Doctor in Ascension. Show not tell, yadda, yadda, yadda... So Cybermen are nothing more than your generic evil robots... And even the Master sees how stupid that is and takes the piss (rightly so). 
Supporting cast is there for nothing more than exposition, or action sequences that do nothing more than distracting us from the lore reveal, because that’s the only thing really going on in that ep. 
And yet again we have a final that does a piss poor job with the companions. Second in a row. To be fair, Battle of Raging Avatar tried to give some closure to Ryan and Graham... It just did it so badly it does not even register as a try. 
This time Yaz is the better served with three(!) character bits. Tis only fair after Series 11. But still feels underbaked. I mean I think it will all depend on whether she leaves with the Christmas Special. She still has been massively underserved by the show. The last episodes, starting with Praxeus she did get some good content, but that‘s a bit late and still not enough, when you compare it with the other New Who companions. And well one of Yaz’s traits is her need for validation from the Doctor... and here she gets it from Graham??? In itself it’s a really fine moment. but underwhelming if that is to be the conclusion of her arc. 
And again, there’s only minimal progression in terms of development for the fam. Yaz has perhaps the most significant one, going from   Doctor is the best person -> I’m the best person. 
Graham has mostly been stucked with comic relief this series, and goes from. Decent bloke that married Grace to ... You’re okay?? 
Ryan... I feel this season really did not know what to do with him. He doesn’t have anything to do in the final, just fire at a bunch of Cybermen. That bit with the bomb is one of the most half-assed excuses for an arc I’ve seen. So Ryan beats dyspraxia, said dyspraxia being only mentioned when it’s convenient, or when we need to establish the character, because he really believes in himself and focuses??? And yet I had so much hope after Woman Who Fell To Earth and that really good bike scene. 
Also the relationship between the Doctor and her fam is again unresolved... My fam, I need them... That feels unearned after a whole season of agressively pushing the Doctor and the companions apart, and with the Doctor becoming more and more distant, and sometimes an asshole. I was waiting for the show to adress that... And it peters out.  The episode fails on an emotional level. 
The big climax... Sigh... Is yet another riff from RTD, this time from that super good scene from Parting of the Ways... Except less well done, because we’ve seen all that before, what else is new? Also the resolution of that in Series 1 was a moment of grace and love, and just beautiful, and felt satisfying, and paid off the Doctor’s arc... Here we have wannabe-Obi-Wan/Luke-from-the-sequel conveniently sacrifying himself. Again, the less well done remix of the RTD years. And that final cliffhanger would have been charming had we not been coming from a season that consistently mined the RTD-nostalgia. 
That bit with Ruth was lovely, and gives me some hope for the way the lore is going to be treated but... Doctor!Ruth is magnificent and yet again upstages Thirteen a bit. And I think it’s a bit of a problem when your incumbent Doctor gets upstaged by other incarnations...
Another problem here is that the Doctor remains totally passive, ineffective, and with limited agency throughout the episode, which was... eh. Doesn’t make for a good story. 
Still some things were good
The Master was definitely the best thing about this episode. Maybe unpopular opinion but Chibnall nailed the Master. So many good moments
the whole kicking himself for not thinking of a good one liner before zapping the Ashad
his whole motivation: I’ve seen some really good posts going round, but of course everything is totally in character for the Master. Jealousy at being upstaged by the Doctor, again. Hint of race supremacy. Cannot bear the fact that his not from the Master race, because all his claims to superiority have gone up in smoke. He’s not a renegade prince anymore. He’s a renegade fake. 
That really good bit where he’s sad his gamble paid off, and he did not died when killing Ashad. This is a suicidal Master, a bit like Simm, but Simm had the rage to live, while Dhawan!Master... Just wants to sow destruction, doesn’t matter if it’s his own. Mostly really broken, with an identity crisis no less than the Doctor’s and going on a destructive rampage instead. 
The carped is red because it’s drenched in the blood of the Time Lords. That line and its delivery is one of the highlights of the episode. It’s so perfectly ridiculous and bad on purpose and over the top. 
Also Dhawan has a really great voice and I could here him speak forever. Does he narrate books?
Interesting how even if he’s Thirteen’s Master, the Dhawan Master just screams Eleven. The clothes. The mannerism, the lines and the delivery... I could see Smith in his performance. 
Another good bit is Ko Sharmus... Finally someone to articulate why the whole take “guns=bad” that was going on these two series was bad. Because yeah sometimes people try to kill you so you have to fight back. 
I was afraid that Ko Sharmus would be undermined... And he’s the hero of the episode. And I’m really glad that Thirteen failure to fire the bomb was depicted for what it was... A failure. Because then Ko Sharmus gets his hero moment and saves the day, by firing it. 
Criticism of the Doctor’s position for what it is: self righteousness and hypocrisy?? In my Chibshow??? That’s more likely than you think.
And finally the Cyber Time Lords were ridiculous and I loved everything about the design. 
So really, my problem is not the lore. My problem is that Chibnall is going balls to the wall, firing from all cylinders, doing big lore... And still fails to tell an engaging story. 
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queenscharacters · 3 years
May 11 - Aisle
Ever since Sasha was a little girl, she had dreamed of her wedding. She had a Pinterest board she started when she was 14 years old that now had over 300 pins, she watched wedding reality shows when she was bored, and had a bad habit at popping into bridal boutiques when she passed them by.  The year her mom got married to Robbie had been one of the most exciting times of her life.  To say that she was living her best life now that she was engaged herself probably would be an understatement. 
So it was no surprise that she was being as extra as humanly possible. She wouldn’t consider a bridezilla by any standards, but she was putting in way more effort to the wedding and all of the plans that revolved it than a normal bride probably would. Sasha had already stayed up late numerous nights with her Cricut, already starting her DIY process. 
Most people would think she was crazy, but this was the most fun she had in a while. It was therapeutic, almost. She spent a whole day packing up her bridesmaid proposal boxes for Niko’s sisters and her best friends. Those little bad boys were customized for each girl, all with a variety of goodies that took another ungodly amount of time to research. Did she care, though? Nah! It was worth to see the look of shock and delight on all the girls (and Lachlan) she was closest to. She event went out of her way to ask them all individually, so each moment could be a little more special. 
And if people thought she put a lot of effort into her bridesmaids, nothing compared to the time she put into her mama’s box. She wasn’t asking her mother to be her bridesmaid, although she easily could have. Instead, she was asking her a much bigger question, in her opinion. So she might have gone a little overboard…her mother’s box was at least 3 times the size as the other ones she had made. It had a new purse, sparkling juice (her mom was pregnant with her second brother), her favorite candles from bath and body works, various chocolates and other sweets, a personalized MOB robe and champagne glass, earrings for her to wear the day of the wedding among other smaller things.
Now that Sasha was living with Niko full time, Sunday brunch with her mom was more of a consistent affair.  Since they didn’t see each other every day, this was the one time of week they knew without fail that they knew they’d be together.  Sasha didn’t hint at this day being any different from other days they met up.  
“So,” Sasha began, pausing to take a sip of her mimosa.  One of the perks to having a pregnant mother when you were drinking age was that Sasha knew she didn’t have to pay for a ride home.  “The wedding isn’t that long off…”
Blair clapped her hands together.  “Robbie and I just got the final sizing of his suit and my dress.” She grinned, then patted her growing bump.  “Hopefully Frankie is the same size as Cami and Bobby at 26 weeks.” 
“Now that you’ve said that, watch him be even bigger.” Sasha teased.
Her mother gasped.  ‘Don’t say such things!” She tutted, even though Sasha knew she really wouldn’t mind.  Her mom truly was the most amazing person she knew.  
Sasha stuck out her tongue, stabbing a piece of her mom’s french toast for extra measure.  She was fighting a grin as she chewed and her mom stared at her incredulously.  Sasha took her time cleaning off her hands, her smile wide.  
“So, as I was saying, the wedding is pretty close...almost 10 weeks to be exact.” Sasha continued, as if she wasn’t just the worst.  “And almost everything is planned...but I realized I technically don’t have a father.” 
Her mom straightened a little bit, her playful expression becoming ever so slightly more serious.  “You know, I was thinking about this too…” She chewed on her lip, “And if you’re comfortable with it, I’m sure Robbie would be honored if you asked him.”
Sasha nodded slowly, trying not to seem dismissive of her mother’s idea.  Robbie would have been touched if she decided to ask him, she knew that.  And she genuinely loved her stepfather, but asking her had never been the plan.  Niko and her had already decided that gender norms were going out the window by making Lachlan her man of honor and Nadia and Vera Niko’s best women.  Maybe, just maybe, if they were trying to be traditional, she would have asked Robbie.  Ultimately, if her mom really insisted that it be him, he’d walk her down the aisle.  She wasn’t trying to boycott her stepfather by any means.  
“I thought about that, but it’s not really what I want.” Sasha’s voice was gentle.  She waited long enough for her mom to frown ever so slightly before she reached under the table and pulled out the box her mother clearly hadn’t noticed.  “The whole notion of the father giving his daughter away is supposed to represent the transfer of ownership between men…” She wrinkled her nose.
“Niko owns my heart, but he doesn’t own me  Nor has any man.  I’ve proudly been an English since I was born and while I’m not hyphening, it will still be part of my legal name.” Sasha was beaming.  “And anyways, I am your daughter before anything else.  You raised me, you sacrificed for me, you were willing to put your own marriage on the line for my happiness...if anyone is giving me up, it’s you.  If anyone deserves that honor, its you.” 
Both of them were crying at this point, but neither of them called attention to it.  Sasha opened up the box she decorated with all of her mother’s goodies.  The lid was decorated in pictures of them throughout the years.  ‘Will you walk me down the aisle, mama?” 
Blair was incredibly choked up as she found her words.  “Of course!” She finally exclaimed, clearly very touched.  She squished Sasha’s cheeks, looking her in the eyes.  “Are you sure, baby?”
"Of course!” Sasha gushed, throwing her arms around her mom so she could hold her close.  “You have been my mother and father since birth, why would that change now?” 
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phgq · 4 years
#LadyBoss: Building a Filipino organic bath goods company
#PHnews: #LadyBoss: Building a Filipino organic bath goods company
MANILA – From what started as a project to ease her kid's eczema problem at home, Angelica Chongco's Mayumi Organics has grown into a company known for locally-made shampoo bars and bath products that have since attracted more and more people to join the "green" movement and make hygiene sustainable.
But like any other start-up company, Angelica said she also had to come from scratch. More than eight years ago, she was forced to leave her job at a business process outsourcing (BPO) firm to look after her children in the absence of the nanny she hired.
"The first 6 months, I enjoyed being a stay-at-home mom and the normal routine [since] BPO workers like me have graveyard schedules to follow US time. Then I started to get bored and looked for something to do while enjoying the best of both worlds - earning while at home," she shared.
"I tried reselling at first but failed because I did not know how to sell the products. So I started studying how to make my own. One of the catalysts of this business is my daughter's eczema problem. She became my case study. I was able to control her flares [and] being able to tell the story of my successful control of my daughter's eczema problem, I was able to sell products," she added.
Angelica raised enough money to study organic skincare formulation and to travel to the United Kingdom to attend crash courses and conventions, which shaped what she wanted for present-day Mayumi Organics.
"That travel to the UK was a gamechanger for me. I came back a whole different person; my soul was on fire!" she said.
Mayumi Organics' handmade soaps (Photo courtesy of Mayumi Organics FB page)
The challenge at that time, however, was the cost and availability of ingredients locally so she had to focus on soaps and soapmaking classes until she got her first break in 2017.
Mayumi Organics was tapped as one of the suppliers for the 2017 ASEAN Summit and Related Meetings, bagging a contract for 21,000 pieces of her organic soaps as souvenirs for attendees and delegates.
"That was my big break. That time I was actually on the verge of quitting because the sales were so low to none. I have an autistic child and at that time, I was his shadow teacher. I had to be inside the class with him, so I did not have the time anymore for business. But God has different plans for me, it's as if He told me 'Do not quit.' Here's a big project," she shared.
The earnings were decent enough to set up a physical store and get business permits.
In 2018, Mayumi Organics switched to zero waste personal care and was one of the first brands to introduce locally-made shampoo bars. Now, the company also sells various bath and body products such as organic dry shampoo, balm, lip scrub, deo bars, and others.
"The reason why I focused on sustainable products is that apart from producing quality products, we also wanted to be known as a brand with a purpose: conserving the environment," Angelica said.
Angelica admitted that doing away with the traditional and aligning with the relatively new zero-waste movement also meant missing out on some opportunities.
There are even times she had to turn down a lot of non-zero waste projects that would have helped take her business to a higher level.
But Angelica and her team stick to Mayumi's vision -- a business that also contributes to the environment.
"Yes this is business, but I didn't chase money. I always told myself to make good products that people will feel compelled to share with others. If we have good products, money will come. I am proud we have a good base of repeat and loyal buyers," she said.
Continuing to move forward, this lady boss is now looking at combatting the "sachet culture" or buying products that use single-use plastics.
"Right now I have this ambitious, small test project to combat the sachet culture and I am asking assistance from DOST (Department of Science and Technology) to improve the production system. We still have a lot of market to cover," Angelica said.
Mayumi Organics is one of the first brands to introduce locally-made shampoo bars. Now, the company also sells various bath and body products such as organic dry shampoo, balm, lip scrub, deo bars, and others. (Photo courtesy of Mayumi Organics Facebook page)
For other Filipinos who want to start a business similar to Mayumi Organics, Angelica's advice is to have an "entrepreneurial mindset."
"Entrepreneurship is a way of life, a form of discipline. To constantly overcome challenges, make difficult decisions, sacrifices and take ownership of the outcome. To have a constant desire to learn and improve. To not be afraid to fail forward," she said.
Angelica's inspiring story was also featured on a podcast about entrepreneurs and professionals titled Kakayanin: Filipino Success Stories available on Spotify and Apple.
"An entrepreneur has to have the ability to self-motivate and must have a laser focus on the goal and purpose," she added.
Before her success, Angelica noted that she had "no purpose or direction". Having no solid background also triggered her insecurity and self-doubt as to how she'll be able to compete and put herself out there.
But her "burning passion" and perseverance kept her going despite the challenges of running a non-zero waste company.
"I often get asked what is my competitive edge among others. I can't think of any other answer but my burning passion for formulating and product development. It's so intense, I was able to make a living out of it and support my family. There are times I cry when I think of all the internal and external struggles I faced. I still couldn't believe it," she said.
"My greatest achievement perhaps is knowing that my products can help other people uplift their self-esteem and solve problems affecting their quality of life." (PNA) 
* Philippine News Agency. "#LadyBoss: Building a Filipino organic bath goods company." Philippine News Agency. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1132814 (accessed March 08, 2021 at 04:48PM UTC+14).
* Philippine News Agency. "#LadyBoss: Building a Filipino organic bath goods company." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1132814 (archived).
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casinoindia01 · 4 years
Rules for winning big at online gambling platforms
Betting may be a fun side interest. It gives you a chance to elude. You'll disregard approximately work and other commitments you might not be so energized almost. It’s sort of like observing TV, or playing video recreations, but with the possibility of winning money. Sounds extraordinary, definitely? It is – but as it were on the off chance that you are doing it right. Do it off-base and betting will expend your life. Think Gollum, but with a space machine rather than a ring. Presently, I’m no Moses, but I’d like to think the rules I’ve come up with underneath will not as it were permit you to have a incredible time betting online or off, but will increment your chances of coming out the other side in one piece. You’re not assumed to drive whereas tall or tanked since drugs and liquor impede your capacity to think and respond. You gotten to be a threat to yourself and those around you when you’re beneath the influence. If that’s the case, why the hell would you bet whereas inebriated? In case you can’t think or respond, chances are you’re planning to do something doltish. Don’t bet with cash you’re assumed to utilize for something else – such as paying your contract, auto advance or school lunches. Gambling may be a diversion most individuals lose playing. So, knowing that, why would you chance cash that’s assumed to put a roof over your head, nourishment on the table or get you from point A to B? Sheer idiocy, that’s why. Another way to look at it – betting could be a frame of excitement, like planning to the motion pictures.
Would you hazard your lease cash on popcorn and a movie? Most individuals would jeer and say “no way, that’s dumb.” So why would you think it’s affirm to do it with gambling? Gambling to recover losses is senseless. Each house amusement is setup so players lose within the long run. There’s a reason you lost your cash within the to begin with place. But, for a few reason, individuals get it in their head that another time will be diverse. Or, that they as it were got to get fortunate once. Or, that they have this modern fool-proof strategy. Hate to burst your bubble, but nope – that’s not genuine at all. For that reason, you ought to see each dollar you spend as cash misplaced. In case you win a few cash, incredible – truly – but never lose locate of the truth that each dollar bet is as great as gone. For that reason, you ought to never attempt to recover your misfortunes. Since chances are you’re as it were getting to lose more cash within the process. Which is how it works out for most individuals who attempt. I see gambling sort of like how I see nourishment – it’s great in moderation. But once you do something out of boredom, it ordinarily leads to undesirable side impacts. On the off chance that you eat at whatever point you’re bored, you’ll get fat. In case you bet when you’re bored, the best-case situation is you’ll lose money. The worst-case situation? You’ll bet to soothe boredom, which strips absent all the fun. This too sounds like somebody heading down the dull and turned way that leads to compulsion.
Most casino games’ chances are stacked against you. So why not take each opportunity you'll to diminish the houses’ edge? Like learning essential strategy. Basic procedure is an ideal way of playing a specific diversion. You learn what hands to play, when to play them, and frequently when and how to measure your bets. Blackjack may be an awesome case of a diversion that contains a fundamental methodology. It’s not sufficient to dispense with the house edge, nor will it diminish it as much as learning to check cards will. But fundamental methodology is Distant less demanding to memorize than tallying cards. You'll be able to discover fundamental technique for most recreations online (a few you’ll discover on this location). Either way you go, the reality is you abhor cash on the off chance that you don’t learn and utilize essential technique at whatever point the casinos let you. It may as it were shave a couple of rate focuses of the house edge, but each point includes up. Particularly over the long run in case you’re somebody who wagers hundreds or thousands of dollars per round. It’s one thing on the off chance that you connect a web casino not knowing they’re progressing to take advantage of you. That’s not your fault. But a few players need to bet so badly, or need this or that tremendous reward so severely, that they’ll sign up in any case of the site’s notoriety. I cruel, think almost it. On the off chance that a location includes a notoriety for settling their recreations or not paying their clients, what makes you think they’ll treat you reasonably? What makes you think they won’t take your store and run? The truth is, they won’t. And there’s no deficiency of frightfulness stories online demonstrating this point.
Tip to successful betting
Are you trying to find sports wagering tips that work? We have fair the thing: our few tips and traps are here to assist you make more brilliant choices and dodge mistakes. Many wearing fans may wagered on their top choice sports, be that as it may, as it were many of them are successful within the long run. All bettors have to be aware that when it comes to sports wagering, there's no ensure for victory but there are ways merely can increment your chances and diminish the likelihood of botches. Since wagering may be a diversion of chances, your victory will be affected by your level of information when it comes to choice making, as well as, the ins and outs of the wagering prepare. Here are our best wagering tips for nowadays that will make strides your wagering victory. Sometime recently you'll take portion in any wagering, you first require a wagering account. You will be disallowed to as it were one account per bookmaker, be that as it may, nothing anticipates clients from opening accounts with several wagering suppliers. This permits you get to all the leading wagering sorts and reward deals. It is exceptionally unlikely simply will come over a bookmaker that does not offer modern clients a welcome reward.
Typically a common offer merely will nearly continuously be given one upon joining a modern supplier. These rewards tend to be very grand in arrange to advance the likelihood of fruitful wagers. Reward offers cruel that you just are more likely to put wagers which clearly implies that your chances of victory are way better than not being within the diversion at all. Rewards are incredible; be that as it may, you wish to continuously examine through the prerequisites and conditions some time recently tolerating an incredible looking offer. In case the deals prerequisites are intense to meet, at that point your encounter will be disillusioning, and you may more likely not be fruitful in claiming the reward. Usually why being intensive and inquiring about offers could be a must as rewards are implied to be advantageous. If your goal is to be effective within the world of sports wagering, you ought to not as it were know the essentials. This can be not to say that the essentials are not important, they are, be that as it may, they are not all you should be educated approximately when it comes to sports wagering.
To extend the probability of getting to be a successful bettor you would like to be able to bargain with the subject, managing with modern wagered variants, guarantees, seeking after improvements, etc. The foremost imperative portion of wagering is the likelihood of victory. The whole handle of sports wagering includes various conceivable outcomes that are communicated by wagering chances. Unused clients tend to as it were see the multiplier for their potential win within the chances. Though players that are more progressed see a likelihood that the wagering supplier partners with the specific wagering occasion. The trap here is to memorize how a quantity increments and what the increment implies for you. What are the right shares? Effective bettors frequently discover themselves fruitful due to being in ownership of an advantage over the bookmaker – progressed information. This implies that you simply would have get to later news with respect to perspectives like a vital player or how a group is looking, fundamentally data that relates to the result of the amusement. Such pieces of information have not been taken into thought by the wagering supplier when making the standard. On the off chance that you've got made a wagered based on the gathering of such data, this would be known as an esteem wagered. The perusing and inquiring about news with respect to the don is where the esteem comes in.
Out of the foremost common three wagering sorts: framework wagers, aggregator bets, and single wagers, the foremost well-known wagered could be a single wagered. With the notoriety of gatherer wagers dependent on the player, most experienced bettors will concur that framework wagers are not as pined for. For this reason, single wagers are more commonly utilized. It may take a small luckiness and broad information, but these wagers tend to be worth it. When it comes to live wagering methodology, live bets often offer energizing opportunities which make considering sharing in them a great thought. On the off chance that you're somebody that can examine a diversion well and have an thought of which way the amusement will go, at that point typically the kind of wagering for you. Live wagers permit the user to respond instantly to current occasions. In the event that you turn out to be great at foreseeing the results of live diversions, at that point you'll discover extraordinary victory. Be that as it may, be cautioned that typically a challenging procedure to choose up. Rather like in other businesses, time is money within the world of betting. This can be why we have made this list to assist you make well-researched choices that diminish the chances of time-consuming botches. Other than knowing the esteem of your time, another time-sensitive angle of sports wagering is when the wagering chances ended up accessible on the advertisement. The sooner you hop on the more alluring wagers, the superior. In the event that you miss your window, these wagers may as of now be settled.
With this in mind, be mindful that early wagers hold their claim dangers at the same time. For occurrence, in the event that a player injury happens after you've got made your wagered, the result of the diversion, as well as, the esteem of your investigate may be influenced. A great tip is to be substance with indeed the littlest of benefits. This can be a basic thing to keep in mind as no matter how little – a benefit is still a profit. A great way to begin on the off chance that you're modern to the world of betting is to have more than one little bet on different diversions, this may not make you wealthy, but you may learn to urge a feel of how things are done, as well as, learn a number of lessons without risking large amounts of cash. When it comes to sports betting, it is imperative to know that quick comes about regularly lead to quick misfortunes. In the event that you're trying to find a get wealthy fast conspire, this can be not it. On the off chance that you're willing to have persistence and learn the tips of the exchange, at that point you're more likely to see a benefit. Fast wagers are regularly careless wagers, keep your head clear and you'll maintain a strategic distance from a part of botches. Once you get into the swing of things, sports wagering gets more fun and energizing.
Other than the excitement of winning cash, there's a surge that players get when they have made the proper call that's best portrayed as exhilarating. Man winning playing and winning online in his garden even in spite of the fact that sports wagering is fun, you ought to remember that it is implied to be a pastime. To guarantee simply don't get as well devoured, you ought to set a restrain on the amount of time you spend on sports wagering, counting the inquire about and analytical steps of your wagering prepare. Keep in mind that there's such a thing as well much of a great thing. There's a bunch of other reasons that relate to your wagering victory as well so take our word for it, donate yourself a break and let your intellect rest – your wagering methodology will be all the superior for it. With the correct approach, everybody has the potential to be fruitful in sports wagering. Take after these tips and traps and you'll be well on your way to turning a benefit. Keep your head within the diversion and keep in mind to be logical, sports wagering begins to urge truly fun after you know what you're doing.
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newscheckz · 4 years
Popular Mistakes People Make While Buying Land
New Post has been published on https://newscheckz.com/popular-mistakes-people-make-while-buying-land/
Popular Mistakes People Make While Buying Land
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Land ownership can be a great investment, as long as you enter the deal with awareness of all of the risks and pitfalls.
By conducting careful research, investors can take advantage of low property prices and purchase land that will be worth much more down the road.
Before i tell you the common mistakes that makes people loose money while purchasing land, i would also like to summarize most of the land related questions that my readers have been asking concerning the same topic.
Below are summarized Q & A concerning land matters:
Is it better to buy land or property?
If the current housing market just isn’t offering what you need, then purchasing land and having your own home built according to your specifications may be a much more viable option.
Buying rural land also affords you more freedom and less intrusion from nearby neighbors and costly HOAs.
Why Buying land is a bad investment?
Most knowledgeable real estate investors agree buying land is not a good idea. There’s just way too much risk. …
Most knowledgeable real estate investors will agree buying land is not a good idea, and this includes buying small and/or potentially investing in a large land deal. There’s just way too much risk.
Do you pay taxes on land you own?
Property taxes are based on the assessed value of your land and any buildings on it. As long as you own the property, you continue to pay real estate taxes or land rates.
Is buying land and building a house cheaper?
Whilst building a brand new home can take some time, and you’ll have to budget for more than the cost of the land and the build.
It can still end up being cheaper than buying an existing house.
How can I make money with 10 acres?
Ways to Make Money Off Your Land Almost Immediately
Rent plots to groups looking to build a community garden. …
Start blogging about your newest farming adventures. …
Sell local honey at farmers markets. …
Sell plant seeds online. …
Offer indoor or outdoor storage. …
Create fishing lakes or ponds for local fisherman or groups to rent. AND many more things. You can consult your property manager on the best venture to take depending with the niche.
Can I buy land and not build on it?
The benefits of investing in land can be substantial but only if you play your cards right. Land (raw land) refers to undeveloped land usually without a property built on it.
If you’re not building, banks see it as a “speculative investment” and may not approve your home loan. Discover how to qualify.
What should I check before buying land?
6 Things to Consider Before Buying Land to Build on
Location. The absolute most important factor to consider before buying land is its location. …
Property Setbacks. …
Zoning Requirements. …
Natural Hazards. …
Easements. …
Utility Sources. ETC
How long does it take to buy a land?
Typically a land loan appraisal is between 2 to 4 weeks. It is not uncommon however, to sometimes have to wait as long as 6 to 8 weeks for a land appraisal to be completed. 3.
The title work usually does not require more than a week to complete and be ready for closing. However, it might take longer in some countries. Check out with your country land department.
How long does a land sale take?
Is there a typical time frame between offer and closing? Lewis: Well, between offer and closing is going to vary, depending on your negotiation time.
So, between buyer and seller actually agreeing and actually getting a contract, until closing, that varies between 30 and 90 days, usually, in my experience.
What are the risks of buying land? Environmental Issues!
A third risk of buying raw land is you do not know what lies beneath the soil. You could encounter high levels of radon or asbestos.
The soil could be unstable and unfit to build on. If you build on soil that is not stable, it could cause the foundation of your property to crack.
How does buying land to build a house work? Construction Loans
If you already own the land, you may be able to use equity as collateral for the loan. If you’re using the construction loan to purchase the lot and build the home, the closing of the land purchase and the construction loan will take place at the same time.@ Denis hope i got your question right!
What is the cheapest type of house to build? Contemporary House Design for a Narrow Lot
The cheapest house to build doesn’t have to be small. With two stories of living space, this contemporary house plan would work great on a narrow lot.
The super-simple design and open floor plan give you a spacious feeling, while cutting back on costs.
Does land ever lose value?
Land, although a tangible fixed asset, does not depreciate. Land cannot get deteriorated in its physical condition; hence we cannot determine its useful life. It is almost impossible to calculate land depreciation.
The value of land is not constant on a long-term basis – it may enhance or may as well deteriorate.
How can I make money by buying land? How to Make Money Buying Land Using These 7 Ideas
Sell the land. You can hold on to the land and sell it in the future. …
Boat storage. A simple way to make money off of your land is to allow others to use it for storage. …
Foresting the timber. …
RV storage. …
Campground. …
Solar energy. …
Horse stables.
  Is it smart to buy a lot of land?
Zillow Tools. Most knowledgeable real estate investors will agree that buying land is not a good idea.
There’s just way too much risk. … Most knowledgeable real estate investors will agree that buying land is not a good idea, and this includes buying small parcels of land and/or potentially investing in a large land deal.
Can you build a home for 50k?
Yes, it’s definitely possible. Without the benefit of financing, you can still build a basic 3 bed/2 bath house around 1000 sqft to code for that much in rural areas or even a little larger in the most undeveloped areas.
With financing, you can build a 4 bed/3 bath house around 2500 sqft.
What size house can you build on 1 acre?
You could technically fit almost 44 single-family homes on an acre (assuming each house is 1000 sq ft per floor and there is no space between them).
However, in practice, you get an average of between 2-3 single-family homes built per acre in most subdivision building lots.
Why do you pay taxes on land you own?
Yes, your real estate taxes are based on the value of both your land and home and any other structure you have on your property.
The value is adjusted annually. You will also owe the tax even if you no longer owe any money for the land or home you built. This is how your local government will be able to continue providing essential services to the area where your land is located such as electricity, roads, security , sewerages etc.
Is buying land profitable?
While it may not be the most glamorous real estate investment, buying raw land can be a good investment.. if you understand how to invest in land properly like a real estate developer. 
Land investments can produce high returns, passive income, and large profit margins.
More women are investing in Land which is a very good thing. However, remember statistics show 8 out of 10 people get conned while buying land.
Here are the most common mistakes people make while buying Land in Kenya;
  1. Failing to secure a copy of the Original title deed from the seller: Remember this the way you will know the original owner of the Land, the acreage and whether the land is encumbered.
  2. Failing to conduct an official search at the Land registry: This is the best way to know the status of the land. However most people skip this part.
  3. Failing to do a land visit of the land they intend to buy: I know you have heard stories of people who have bought land that is full of rocks or does not even exist.
4. Failing to involve the right professionals in the land buying process.
  5. Failing to do the necessary research or conduct due diligence:
Remember Leaseholds reverts back to the government after 99 years if it is not reapplied for by the original owner.
Ensure you do your research to avoid buying Land that has reverted back to the government.
  6. Dealing with brokers instead of seeking out the actual land owners.
  7. Assuming that sellers from the village or remote arrears cannot be cons: There is a reason 8 out of 10 people buying Land in Kenya get conned.
  8. Paying the whole purchase price of the land from the beginning: There is a reason the law stipulates you pay 10%at the beginning then the rest in 90 days.
  9. Hurrying the land Buying process: Again there is the reason the law gives a completion period of 90 days.
  10. Failing to secure a spousal consent: A spousal consent is required both for obtaining a Land Control Board consent and transfer.
So ensure the spouse is in agreement with the transaction from the beginning. This is for married sellers of course.
for sale sign
Land Searches and inspection of the title, Preparation of offers and price negotiation, Sale agreement and deposit payment, Payment of land rates, Transfer documents and consent to the transfer, Payment of Stamp Duty, Registration of transfer, Exchange of documents, should always involved your most trusted lawyer(s) and a family person who is of trustworthy to you to help you throughout the entire process.
It will be more blessing if your kids or spouse(s) get involved too from the beginning. This will help to avoid try and errors which might be a life regrettable mistakes. Don’t be the next victim on the line.
No matter how the seller looks genuine or you have known him or her, just always know money and property knows no friendship or blood: it can be your dead wish too if mishandled.
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neuxue · 7 years
Oathbringer thoughts
I was hoping to be able to liveblog Oathbringer, but it turns out I was too optimistic by half. Well, by about 5/28 anyway, given that I have two and a half WoT books left. I thought about just waiting to read Oathbringer (if there’s anything liveblogging WoT has taught me it’s patience) but I’m going to the Sanderson signing tomorrow so I was running out of time. Anyway, here are some thoughts upon finishing, for the 2 or 3 of you who are interested. I was reading probably a little too fast, so probably missed everything and will at some point need to reread, but here you go.
In no particular order (but there are 10: a nicely Vorin number to go with my coincidentally Vorin username)
1. Talenel. Taln. Talenelat’Elin. Stonesinew, Herald of War, Bearer of all Agonies. 
That guy.
Taln was a Problem for me literally from the moment he was introduced in the Prelude (offscreen! He didn’t even show up on-page! Why am I like this?!) with the line “Taln had a tendency to choose seemingly hopeless fights and win them. He also had a tendency to die in the process”. A doomed last stand in the form of a character. Why would you do this to me. 
So I’m sure you can guess that Chapter 38 (‘Broken People’ what a chapter title) thoroughly broke me. I mean, it wasn’t even anything we didn’t already know, really. But... “The nine realised that one of them had never broken.” And “The Bearer of Agonies. The one abandoned in Damnation. Left to withstand the tortures alone.” And the fact that it took four and a half millennia for him to break.
I’ve long had a fascination with the idea of ‘everyone has a breaking point’ (when I was 11 I tried to write a novel based entirely on the concept of someone who does not - or cannot - break; the ‘cannot’ turned out to be a rather interesting thing to explore, but the story overall was terrible because, amongst other reasons, I was 11) and with the idea of breaking characters, and what it would take to break certain characters, and what the result would be. 
As I mentioned, I also have a thing for doomed last stands, so basically Talenel was created to be my breaking point, it would seem. (“Herald Talenelat during several of his many, many last stands...” just @ me next time)
And then. And then 
“Four thousand years?” She held his hand tighter. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” [...] “Four thousand years?” Taln asked again. “Ash...” “We couldn’t continue--I...we thought...” “Ash.” He took her hand again. “What a wonderful thing.” Wonderful? “We left you, Taln.” “What a gift you gave them! Time to recover, for once, between Desolations. Time to progress. They never had a chance before. But this time...yes, maybe they do.”
And then...lucidity abandons him, because he is broken, and it’s been four thousand years. But in that one moment, in the moment when he is briefly himself, it’s as if he isn’t broken at all. The fact that this still exists within him, even if the rest of the time he’s found a refuge in madness or forgetting or in the recitation he gives over and over, the advice he needs to give to humanity, the duty he has to them. It’s like name, rank, serial number. It’s very probably the thing he held on to throughout those four and a half thousand years, the thing he could not allow himself to let go of or forget, even as he broke. And the thought that the one point he fixed on, the thing he held fast to even as he broke, was his duty to humankind, is...a lot.
2. Speaking of Taln, let’s talk a little bit about Kaladin
There are plenty of things I could say about Kaladin, but I mostly just want to throw a few quotes out there For Your Interest. Because...I don’t know if there’s anything to this but here.
Quotes about Taln:
“The one who wasn’t meant to have joined them in the first place, the one who was not a king, scholar, or general” 
“One of them had never broken.”
Quotes about or by Kaladin Stormblessed (surgeon’s son, neither king nor scholar nor general):
“That granite will, that warrior’s poise.” 
(As an aside, how do granite and obsidian exist on a planet with no tectonics? How???)
“Ten spears go to battle” [Kaladin] whispered, “and nine shatter. Did that war forge the one that remained? No, Amaram. All the war did was identify the spear that would not break.”
One unbroken, of ten. 
Eight months. Eight months as a slave, eight months of slop and beatings. It might as well have been an eternity. --from Way of Kings
An eternity of torture? Also Taln’s Scar is high in the sky during Kaladin’s time as a slave. Maybe meaningless. 
Why were they going through all of this? What was the point? Why were they running so much? They had to protect their bridge, the precious weight, the cargo. They had to hold up the sky and run, they had to... --Kaladin’s thoughts, WoK
Take that just a little out of immediate context and that last part especially sure sounds like someone tasked with endless agony for the sake of the world
Yet the sheer glory of what he did seemed at odds with the desolation he caused --Kaladin’s thoughts, WoK
Somewhat less relevant to the thing I’m sort of vaguely postulating but still an interesting choice of words, and the Desolations happen when the Heralds break and return, so.
“His body dead, but not his will” --Hoid, WoR, telling the ‘Fleet’ story
Taln dies a lot. It’s sort of his thing. But his will takes four millennia to break.
“Then I hope I end up in Damnation.” --Kaladin, WoR
I’m just saying.
Maybe it’s nothing. Maybe it’s leftover from one of the things I got hilariously wrong when first reading WoK - obviously Kaladin was gaining the powers of a Radiant but I really, really wanted him to somehow be Taln. (Amusingly, I read Way of Kings before I started Wheel of Time, otherwise it would be easy to see where this notion came from). Maybe it’s Maybelline. Regardless, it’s an interesting set of possible parallels.
3. Wow, he just up and told us what caused the Recreance in book three. 
And it felt like the perfect time for it. It’s the sort of thing you’d normally expect an author to sit on for more or less the entire series. I was tentatively prepared to wait for at least the first five books before getting this much stated outright on-page. 
I’m so glad Sanderson gave it to us now, instead. For one thing, it felt oddly refreshing to have such a big question answered so early. Playing the long game with reveals can work, obviously, but it’s fun to mix things up a bit. It also plays into some of what I ended up talking about in the ‘Dalinar’ section of this list regarding plot twists and the execution thereof. The Recreance is a good example, because it was revealed in full at the point in the story when it could have the impact it needed to have. In-story, it was both the probable and logical time for the secret to come out - it would have started to strain suspension of disbelief if that many characters had some knowledge of it, and none of them ever put it together on-page either in their own thoughts or for the other characters. For the reader, it brings everything together at a point when it’s all very relevant, and at a point when there’s enough information to figure it out if you’re careful and lucky, but not so much that it loses all surprise value whatsoever (For the record, I was close about a lot of it, but there were some pieces I missed and/or put in the wrong place. It did, however, satisfy the one thing I was really hoping it would). 
Narratively and thematically, it makes sense alongside the other questions that are being asked or otherwise addressed - the issue of colonisation and ownership and agency, the question of war and protection and the justifications for either or both, the contrast of unity and division, and of course the question of oaths and honour and betrayal.  
Answering this question now also makes the whole story suddenly feel so much bigger, because when something set up to be this much of a central question is almost just handed to you, it serves to put it into perspective. It makes the rest of the story, and next set of questions we’re starting to ask, and the questions we don’t even yet know to ask, seem so much larger, and the story so much vaster. 
I breathed an actual literal sigh of relief. I hate love triangles so much, mostly because I usually struggle to maintain ‘bored indifference’ rather than outright irritation at romance subplots in general, so love triangles are almost always intolerable because not only do they double the romance but they turn it into a point of conflict and miscommunication and angst and I cannot fucking stand it. If I had a dragon for every unnecessary love triangle I’ve had to read, I’d have been able to take over the world a long time ago. Or have the world’s most epic bonfire. 
Anyway. Through WoR (and I guess WoK but to a lesser extent) I was torn between trusting Sanderson to avoid or subvert that particular cliche and...not trusting him to do that. There are a lot of things I do trust him with as a storyteller (especially one who has clearly evolved in his writing, storytelling, and awareness) but I wasn’t sure if I could trust him on this. He earned quite a bit of trust from me for how he ended up writing this, actually.
The exact moment I breathed that sigh of relief? It was the conversation Shallan and Kaladin had about her particular coping mechanism. Specifically: 
“No. No, Shallan! I wish I could do the same. [...] How nice would it be, if I could simply shove it all away? Storms.” [...] “This way, I’ll never face it,” Shallan said. “It’s better than being unable to function.” “That’s what I tell myself.”
Because this was the moment when it became exceedingly, abundantly, absolutely clear that Sanderson was doing this on purpose. I had hoped he was, because this was something that felt off about Kaladin and Shallan during their chasms conversation in WoR as well (the ‘she smiled anyway’ thing), but then there was the possibility that it was...accidental. Now, though, I have significantly more faith in Sanderson, because this is a really...I can’t think of the word but I’m glad he did this the way he did.
And I am SO INCREDIBLY GLAD THE LOVE TRIANGLE DIED. And the way in which it died. And the fact that everyone involved respected its death. And that it didn’t stop the characters involved from communicating with and trusting one another. And also that said death included the line “Shallan. he can literally fly.”
(Adolin Kholin is not straight. Just tossing that out there).
(Shallan consistently using the word ‘passion’ when thinking about or describing Kaladin is interesting, though, in light of certain other reveals. Not sure if there’s actually anything to that, but it’s just a thing that stood out).
5. Dalinar
So the identity of Odium’s Champion was one of the things I saw coming as soon as the champion idea was mentioned in this book. (It was brought up in previous books and this was one of my theories but I definitely wasn’t certain, and I was also Distracted by what I wanted to have happen, which is not something that would ever actually happen. I’ll write the fic at some point). 
Anyway, it was predictable...but that didn’t matter, because it was beautifully executed. “You cannot have my pain” is a cool line out of context, but in context it was magnificent. 
I like the way Sanderson does plot twists, because unlike with some authors, it doesn’t feel as if his sole intent is to be able to say ‘ha ha, tricked you, aren’t I so clever’. His goal, it seems, is to tell a satisfying story. Rather than withholding all of the information relevant to the ‘twist’ to make it actually impossible to guess (which doesn’t make you a master of the plot twist so much as it makes you an asshole), he includes the necessary and sufficient foreshadowing to allow the ‘twist’ to make sense and not feel like it came out of nowhere. 
This means, of course, that some readers are going to guess it in advance. That’s just how it works. If you put the information out there, some people are going to put it together correctly and completely. Some people are going to put some of it together, and have a sense of where things are heading. Some people are going to be absolutely sure of where it’s heading...and then be completely wrong. Some people are going to have absolutely no clue. The truly impressive plot twist, I find, is the one that can satisfy people in all of those categories. YMMV of course, but having been in each of these positions at least once while reading Sanderson’s books, I feel like he manages this impressively well. It’s fun if it’s at least a little bit of a surprise, but even when it’s not, it’s satisfying because it’s written as part of the story - as a point of emotional or narrative impact, or a turning point for the characters - well enough that it still has the desired effect. Mostly because ‘gotcha’ isn’t the (only) desired effect.
I digress somewhat.
So before we move on, I’d also like to point out that Dalinar Kholin and Lews Therin Telamon clearly need to form a support group for men who murdered their wives in a fit of madness and fucked with the psyche, memory, and identity of their future selves.
6. “The apocalypse is coming; we don’t have time for bullshit gender roles”
Adolin being absolutely here for Shallan-with-Shardblade. Kaladin going ‘yeah okay’ to women joining the Windrunners. Dalinar learning to read. Jasnah as queen because honestly was there ever actually another choice? 
This is another one that’s just so refreshing to see, especially because it’s clearly something that’s being deliberately examined and played with, but is also integrated into the story. It doesn’t stick out like a sore thumb the author didn’t know what to do with, but it also plays a very real role in the story. It’s not just there so the author can point to the one sword-wielding woman in a cast of thousands of dudes and say ‘but I gave you a Strong Female Character’. 
This ties into something I really appreciate about Sanderson, which is his demonstrated ability and willingness to learn and grow when it comes to issues of representation - not just in terms of including it, but in how he includes it. 
7. Venli
I don’t have a lot to say about her except that I was genuinely surprised by this one. So well done on that, Sanderson.
Also, given his propensity for writing brothers in love with the same woman, I’m almost surprised we didn’t get some sort of reveal about Venli and Eshonai loving the same person.
8. Cosmere convergence
There was a lot more than I expected at this point in the...series? Continuity? Mass of interconnected stories that have evolved into a semi-eldritch being? I enjoyed it and had no problems with this, but I’d be curious to know what someone who’s only read Stormlight thought - does it still work? Do they just play as intriguing and mysterious characters alongside all the other intriguing and mysterious characters, or has it reached a tipping point where you actually need to have read some of the other books?
Also Cosmere-related...Hoid. He’s sure getting more and more screen time, isn’t he? I’m Interested. I have Thoughts. I need to think about them more but I definitely have some Thoughts on who and what he is. Regardless, any character who can say “if I have to watch this world crumble and burn to get what I need, I will do so. With tears, yes, but I would let it happen” is going to Interest me. Not to mention the sheer number of times he tells various characters not to trust him. And then there’s “you turned your back on divinity.” Which is...um. Yeah I’m fine this is fine.
9. Odium
Has to be number 9, because of reasons. Odium was great. Nice subversion of imagery there, and to great effect. 
10. Ideals and Oaths
I mostly find it amusing how a book called Oathbringer is the first to plainly exhibit failed Ideals. Elhokar. Kaladin. (My best guess at the Windrunners’ Fourth Ideal would be something along the lines of “I will protect those I can, and forgive myself for those I cannot” but I’ll have to reread and see if that holds up). The broken Oathpact (there’s a part of me that really wants the gem-encrusted probably-a-fabrial-of-some-sort pillar to be the Oathpact; its manifestation or sealing or what-have-you. Not sure that holds up though). It’s a fun little irony.
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placetobenation · 6 years
Hey-hey! It’s finally time to post up another PTB Power Rankings for the 2018 MLB Season. So, dust off those cleats, pull your bats out of storage, and find a glove that still fits because we are BACK and ready to, uh, well, rank 30 teams in opinionated order of performance.
Shit, well, it’s good to get back to it anyway.
Yes, Miggy, the first PTB MLB Power Rankings of the year are FINALLY out!
Editor’s note: Truly sorry about my lack of sports/baseball stuff, Nation. Grad school, unemployment, re-employment, and a lot of busy-ness at work have a way of sidetracking things. And once out of a habit, well, you know…
All records and stats are current as of Saturday, June 9, 2018.
1. New York Yankees (42-18) — The Bronx Bombers have won nine of their last 10, they’re playing .700 ball, and are the only team in MLB that has yet to lose 20 games. Ridiculous.
2. Boston Red Sox (44-21) — Personally, I find it quite boring when these two superpowers lead MLB. However, with the BoSox ripping up the league with 5.22 runs scored per game (second to the Yanks at 5.54), 600 team hits, 144 doubles, and 95 home runs, the offense is in *ahem* full swing. Solid support for Chris Sale (2.83 ERA), Rick Porcello (3.59), and David Price (4.00) and what has been a pretty good bullpen.
3. Houston Astros (41-25) — The defending champs are allowing the fewest runs in MLB (3.02 per game) while offensive core stalwarts Jose Altuve (142 OPS+), Carlos Correa (130 OPS+), Alex Bregman (136 OPS+), and George Springer 145 OPS+). Oh, and Justin Verlander (262 ERA+) and Gerrit Cole (176 OPS+) are posting best-ever seasons.
4. Seattle Mariners (40-24) — Listen, there are only four teams with 40+ wins to this point in the season (Milwaukee, see below, is at 39 as of this writing). The AL has all four them. The Mariners are probably the least likely to maintain, but, hey, those 40 are in the bank.
5. Milwaukee Brewers (39-25) — Raise your hand if you figured the Brewers posting the NL’s best record this far into the season. The offense has been alright (4.39 runs a game) as has the pitching overall (3.72 runs allowed), but that bullpen has been great (2.54 ERA). Josh Hader, in particular, is out-of-this-world. Getting ace Jimmy Nelson back soon could put the Brew Crew over the top.
6. Chicago Cubs (37-24) — Just half a game behind the Brewers, with six everyday batters posting OPS+ numbers over 100 (average). The bullpen features a whole bunch of sub-3 ERAs and Jon Lester (7-2, 2.22) has been great atop the rotation. While all those arms could regress, the solid showing at the plate from the Cubbies should keep them in the midst of October talk.
7. Washington Nationals (36-26) — The injuries have mounted for the Nats, but Max Scherzer has been healthy and continues his march towards Cooperstown. Teen phenom Juan Soto has been awesome in his 19-game introduction (.328/.435/.552) with a very promising 11-10 BB-to-K ratio.
8. Atlanta Braves (37-27) — The Bravos seem to have arrived a year ahead of schedule, but this team looks real good for a dynastic run, with Freddie Freeman (28), Ozzie Albies (21), Dansby Swanson (24), Ronald Acuna (20), and top hurlers Mike Foltynewicz (26) and Sean Newcomb (25) all well ahead of the curve.
9. Los Angeles Angels (37-28) — Mike Trout. We need to appreciate him more. Here’s his current line: .306/.439/.646, 1.085 OPS, 198 OPS+, 52 runs, 70 hits, 15 doubles, 19 homers, 13 steals (no caught stealings), 53-53 K-BB rate. And the dude is still only 26. Insane. Now, how the Halos hang around with Shohei Ohtani’s elbow woes remains in doubt, but the dominance of the Millville Meteor is of no question.
10. St. Louis Cardinals (35-27) — Only Jose Martinez (145 OPS+) and Tommy Pham (118) are really raking for the Redbirds, but strong starts from Miles Mikolas (2.27 ERA), Michael Wacha (2.47), and Carlos Martinez (1.83) are keeping the Cards alive in the Central and in the thick of things for a postseason spot.
This guy is really, really, really, amazingly good at baseball.
11. Philadelphia Phillies (32-30) — A week or so ago, these guys would rate much better, but the Phils have got 1-7 in June. The talent is there, but the next big test for rookie manager Gabe Kapler will be righting the ship.
12. Arizona Diamondbacks (34-29) — Remember back in April when Arizona was the toast of baseball with a 28-8 record? Yeah, well, going 14-21 since has certainly put that in the distant past. Of note, though, Paul Goldschmidt seems to waking up (13-for-20 with four homers over his last four games). It’s a thoroughly mediocre division to this point, so the winner of the NL West may well wind up being the team that takes best advantage of when its best players produce.
13. Cleveland Indians (33-29) — The lowest-rated division leaders here, the Tribe has played well at home (20-11) but been the pits away (13-18). While they’re still pretty odds-on to win the Central, that vaunted bullpen (worst in MLB with a 5.82 ERA) has a chance to torpedo anything beyond that. Of note, Cleveland could be the first team since 1920 to lead MLB in bullpen ERA one year (2.89 in 2017) and then finish dead-last the next.
14, 15, 16 (tie). Colorado Rockies, Los Angeles Dodgers, San Francisco Giants (32-32) — The Rockies’ regression was expected from last year, while the Dodgers have been hit by more injuries than a clown car at a demolition derby, and the Giants have managed to hang around via a great home record (19-11). With a little luck and health, any of these three could challenge for the division crown, or a wildcard berth.
17. Detroit Tigers (31-35) — They are not a good team, but also not as bad as once thought. While they should still look to trade guys like Shane Greene, Michael Fulmer, and a few others, this is a very fun team to watch when they are playing well. Ron Gardenhire deserves a lot of credit here. He won’t get many (any?) votes, but this is what a Manager of the Year looks like, folks.
18. Oakland Athletics (33-32) — Trevor Cahill. Blake Treinen. Matt Chapman. Matt Olson. Mark Canha. Raise your hand if you knew these were five members of the 2018 Oakland A’s and not the roster of some non-descript mid-90s boy band. Personally, I prefer Matty C. over Matt O. And that Trevor. He’s so good to his mother.
19. Minnesota Twins (27-34) — Injuries, starting with Ervin Santana in February, have not stopped dogging this team. It’d be a real shame if we don’t get to appreciate Byron Buxton fully because of his health. However, Eddie Rosario (.318/.355/.566) with 14 home runs has been a real breakout star for these erstwhile preseason darlings.
20. Pittsburgh Pirates (31-33) — The Pirates have a talent core of players. They have a gorgeous ballpark. They have a devoted fanbase. But they also have a shitty ownership group that refuses to give said fans what they want — a winner. The hard part should be developing your supporting cast, not paying for the top-tier talent.
21. Toronto Blue Jays (29-35) — Oh, well. That window sure closed in a hurry. A selloff could bring some much-needed youth ot the Jays, as well as adding intrigue to the wild-card races around the league.
22. San Diego Padres (30-36) — I can’t believe I’ve got them this high, either. Clearly, Eric Hosmer’s will-to-win-veteran-presence even affects mid-season rankings. In truth, the Friars have a great bullpen, which, if they wish to sell off, could bring in some depth to an already-well-liked farm system.
Hey Eddie! Yeah, you. Sorry about your team. But hey, great season so far, mate!
23. Tampa Bay Rays (29-34) — The “opener” trend seems like grasping at straws to be innovative, like Kevin Cash wants Michael Lewis to write a book about him or something. That said, despite a horrid start to the year, and a veritable Who’s That? roster, these guys are not all that bad. They are not good either. They are the bologna and cheese on white bread of the American League. Mustard optional.
24. New York Mets (27-34) — Well, they did the right thing by dumping C— Harvey, but this team is still just Mets-ing all over the place. Losers of eight straight, with whispers they might deal deGrom or Thor. I’m sure if those trades happen, this organization will find a way to Mets those up too.
25. Texas Rangers (27-40) — It’s nice to see National Treasure Bartolo Colon pitching well. He’s old and fat, so we should adore him. I guess. I’m actually a bit lost on his precise appeal.
26. Cincinnati Reds (22-43) — The mere fact that C— Harvey shares a team with Joey “The Last Angry Canadian” Votto, and Tucker “What A Great Last Name” Barnhart, boils my blood and causes me night sweats. Also, the pitching stinks.
27. Chicago White Sox (21-41) — Lucas Giolito lead the Pale Hose with four wins, but has a 7.08 ERA. Meanwhile, Jose Abreu (139 OPS+, team-high 24 doubles) is an island unto himself.
28. Kansas City Royals (22-43) — The Royals are giving up 5.52 runs per game. The Yankees have scored 5.54 runs per game. That’s right, folks! When the Royals are in town, it’s just like watching the Yankees!
29. Baltimore Orioles (19-44) — It’s pretty clear Buck Showalter doesn’t care anymore, does it? While we all know Manny Machado is great at baseball (166 OPS+) and will be traded, just gander at the awfulness of Chris Davis’s season (.152/.232/.232, four home runs, a 30 OPS+). It’s soooooooo gross!
30. Miami Marlins (23-41)  — No, the Marlins are not last because of my spite over how they have been a joke forever, constantly screw over fans, and make a mockery of competition. No, it’s not because their current and former owners are emblematic of the excessive awfulness of capitalism . No, it’s not because they plead “process” over “results” whenever someone rightly gives them a second look. It’s because they suck. Last in runs scored per game (3.48) and tied for fifth-worst in runs allowed (5.14) should do.
And with that, we are back in the pink with our Power Rankings. I hope to bring you guys more MLB goodness throughout the rest of the year when time allows. Until then, it’s batter up and play ball!
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newscheckz · 4 years
Popular Mistakes People Make While Buying Land
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Popular Mistakes People Make While Buying Land
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Land ownership can be a great investment, as long as you enter the deal with awareness of all of the risks and pitfalls.
By conducting careful research, investors can take advantage of low property prices and purchase land that will be worth much more down the road.
Before i tell you the common mistakes that makes people loose money while purchasing land, i would also like to summarize most of the land related questions that my readers have been asking concerning the same topic.
Below are summarized Q & A concerning land matters:
Is it better to buy land or property?
If the current housing market just isn’t offering what you need, then purchasing land and having your own home built according to your specifications may be a much more viable option.
Buying rural land also affords you more freedom and less intrusion from nearby neighbors and costly HOAs.
Why Buying land is a bad investment?
Most knowledgeable real estate investors agree buying land is not a good idea. There’s just way too much risk. …
Most knowledgeable real estate investors will agree buying land is not a good idea, and this includes buying small and/or potentially investing in a large land deal. There’s just way too much risk.
Do you pay taxes on land you own?
Property taxes are based on the assessed value of your land and any buildings on it. As long as you own the property, you continue to pay real estate taxes or land rates.
Is buying land and building a house cheaper?
Whilst building a brand new home can take some time, and you’ll have to budget for more than the cost of the land and the build.
It can still end up being cheaper than buying an existing house.
How can I make money with 10 acres?
Ways to Make Money Off Your Land Almost Immediately
Rent plots to groups looking to build a community garden. …
Start blogging about your newest farming adventures. …
Sell local honey at farmers markets. …
Sell plant seeds online. …
Offer indoor or outdoor storage. …
Create fishing lakes or ponds for local fisherman or groups to rent. AND many more things. You can consult your property manager on the best venture to take depending with the niche.
Can I buy land and not build on it?
The benefits of investing in land can be substantial but only if you play your cards right. Land (raw land) refers to undeveloped land usually without a property built on it.
If you’re not building, banks see it as a “speculative investment” and may not approve your home loan. Discover how to qualify.
What should I check before buying land?
6 Things to Consider Before Buying Land to Build on
Location. The absolute most important factor to consider before buying land is its location. …
Property Setbacks. …
Zoning Requirements. …
Natural Hazards. …
Easements. …
Utility Sources. ETC
How long does it take to buy a land?
Typically a land loan appraisal is between 2 to 4 weeks. It is not uncommon however, to sometimes have to wait as long as 6 to 8 weeks for a land appraisal to be completed. 3.
The title work usually does not require more than a week to complete and be ready for closing. However, it might take longer in some countries. Check out with your country land department.
How long does a land sale take?
Is there a typical time frame between offer and closing? Lewis: Well, between offer and closing is going to vary, depending on your negotiation time.
So, between buyer and seller actually agreeing and actually getting a contract, until closing, that varies between 30 and 90 days, usually, in my experience.
What are the risks of buying land? Environmental Issues!
A third risk of buying raw land is you do not know what lies beneath the soil. You could encounter high levels of radon or asbestos.
The soil could be unstable and unfit to build on. If you build on soil that is not stable, it could cause the foundation of your property to crack.
How does buying land to build a house work? Construction Loans
If you already own the land, you may be able to use equity as collateral for the loan. If you’re using the construction loan to purchase the lot and build the home, the closing of the land purchase and the construction loan will take place at the same time.@ Denis hope i got your question right!
What is the cheapest type of house to build? Contemporary House Design for a Narrow Lot
The cheapest house to build doesn’t have to be small. With two stories of living space, this contemporary house plan would work great on a narrow lot.
The super-simple design and open floor plan give you a spacious feeling, while cutting back on costs.
Does land ever lose value?
Land, although a tangible fixed asset, does not depreciate. Land cannot get deteriorated in its physical condition; hence we cannot determine its useful life. It is almost impossible to calculate land depreciation.
The value of land is not constant on a long-term basis – it may enhance or may as well deteriorate.
How can I make money by buying land? How to Make Money Buying Land Using These 7 Ideas
Sell the land. You can hold on to the land and sell it in the future. …
Boat storage. A simple way to make money off of your land is to allow others to use it for storage. …
Foresting the timber. …
RV storage. …
Campground. …
Solar energy. …
Horse stables.
Is it smart to buy a lot of land?
Zillow Tools. Most knowledgeable real estate investors will agree that buying land is not a good idea.
There’s just way too much risk. … Most knowledgeable real estate investors will agree that buying land is not a good idea, and this includes buying small parcels of land and/or potentially investing in a large land deal.
Can you build a home for 50k?
Yes, it’s definitely possible. Without the benefit of financing, you can still build a basic 3 bed/2 bath house around 1000 sqft to code for that much in rural areas or even a little larger in the most undeveloped areas.
With financing, you can build a 4 bed/3 bath house around 2500 sqft.
What size house can you build on 1 acre?
You could technically fit almost 44 single-family homes on an acre (assuming each house is 1000 sq ft per floor and there is no space between them).
However, in practice, you get an average of between 2-3 single-family homes built per acre in most subdivision building lots.
Why do you pay taxes on land you own?
Yes, your real estate taxes are based on the value of both your land and home and any other structure you have on your property.
The value is adjusted annually. You will also owe the tax even if you no longer owe any money for the land or home you built. This is how your local government will be able to continue providing essential services to the area where your land is located such as electricity, roads, security , sewerages etc.
Is buying land profitable?
While it may not be the most glamorous real estate investment, buying raw land can be a good investment.. if you understand how to invest in land properly like a real estate developer. 
Land investments can produce high returns, passive income, and large profit margins.
More women are investing in Land which is a very good thing. However, remember statistics show 8 out of 10 people get conned while buying land.
Here are the most common mistakes people make while buying Land in Kenya;
1. Failing to secure a copy of the Original title deed from the seller: Remember this the way you will know the original owner of the Land, the acreage and whether the land is encumbered.
2. Failing to conduct an official search at the Land registry: This is the best way to know the status of the land. However most people skip this part.
3. Failing to do a land visit of the land they intend to buy: I know you have heard stories of people who have bought land that is full of rocks or does not even exist.
4. Failing to involve the right professionals in the land buying process.
5. Failing to do the necessary research or conduct due diligence: Remember Leaseholds reverts back to the government after 99 years if it is not reapplied for by the original owner.
Ensure you do your research to avoid buying Land that has reverted back to the government.
6. Dealing with brokers instead of seeking out the actual land owners.
7. Assuming that sellers from the village or remote arrears cannot be cons: There is a reason 8 out of 10 people buying Land in Kenya get conned.
8. Paying the whole purchase price of the land from the beginning: There is a reason the law stipulates you pay 10%at the beginning then the rest in 90 days.
9. Hurrying the land Buying process: Again there is the reason the law gives a completion period of 90 days.
10. Failing to secure a spousal consent: A spousal consent is required both for obtaining a Land Control Board consent and transfer.
So ensure the spouse is in agreement with the transaction from the beginning. This is for married sellers of course.
for sale sign
Land Searches and inspection of the title, Preparation of offers and price negotiation, Sale agreement and deposit payment, Payment of land rates, Transfer documents and consent to the transfer, Payment of Stamp Duty, Registration of transfer, Exchange of documents, should always involved your most trusted lawyer(s) and a family person who is of trustworthy to you to help you throughout the entire process.
It will be more blessing if your kids or spouse(s) get involved too from the beginning. This will help to avoid try and errors which might be a life regrettable mistakes. Don’t be the next victim on the line.
No matter how the seller looks genuine or you have known him or her, just always know money and property knows no friendship or blood: it can be your dead wish too if mishandled.
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