#i was looping tainted love this whole doodle
intestinesauce · 2 years
I know you drew gene at least once and I’ve seen sasha a few times, have you drawn zenix? I know some people don’t like him bc of how he was in mcd or smth along those lines but he’s just a feral little guy in myst.
now i have a design for the guy :D tysm for requestin him
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galaxy-parker · 6 years
Show A Little Loving (Shine A Little Light On Me)
Pairing: Peter Parker x Female!Reader
Summary: Where you kiss Peter and then suddenly you’re dating him
Warnings: bad words, inconsistency, no editing
Word Count: 5K
A/N: to all the boys i’ve loved before au!
i rewrote this 5 times, i know it’s bad pls go easy on me life is hard ~~~
The day is already half done when MJ mutters the words under her breath, words that make your heart freeze in your chest and your thoughts clump together as if they were dipped in glue. ‘Flash is gonna ask you out.’
‘What?’ You whirl on her but the girl doesn’t dare to look up from her book. Her eyes roam over the yellowing pages and you glare at the side of her head. ‘How do you know?’
‘Heard him talking about it,’ She says with a certain nonchalance you wish you possessed. ‘Thought I’d let you know.’
Your throat feels dry and scratchy and you grab her arm, pulling her out of the way as a group of seniors barrels through the hall. She barely stumbles. ‘Yeah, thanks,’ You shake your head, trying to clear it from the incoherent thoughts threatening to drive you out of your mind. ‘I wasn’t sure he even knew I existed.’
The joke pulls a laugh from MJ and you let a triumphant smile slip onto your lips, but it falls twice as fast when you’re shoved into a locker. Michelle stumbles back, finally looking up and you wince.
‘Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t see you there,’ Liz Allen doesn’t deign to slow her stride as she calls the apology over her shoulder, flipping her dark hair back in the process.
‘Yeah, it’s no problem,’ You mumble, but the girl is already far out of earshot and the words fall on deaf ears.
MJ loops her arm through yours and pulls you forwards. ‘She has got to learn how to walk.’
You grin. ‘Rich, coming from you.’ Your friend rolls her eyes and bumps your shoulder softly and you shake your head. ‘Liz isn’t so bad.’
‘Maybe not, but she has the same energy as a Kardashian and they are crazy,’ She casts her eyes to the ceiling before glancing at you briefly. ‘Besides, I think she’s the one who doesn’t know you exist.’
You shrug, unable to disagree as MJ pulls you around a corner and releases you. ‘We’ve only been in the same classes for three years.’
She laughs and begins to walk backwards, offering you a two fingered salute. ‘See you after class.’
‘Yeah,’ You raise your hand, watching as she turns on her heel and paces to her destination. You book it to yours.
You manage to slip through the door of your classroom mere moments before the hoard of popularity reaches it, and you take your seat in the back monotonously- just in time to watch Liz and her peers flood in.
You lean your head on a hand as their shrill voices flood your ears- you’re quite sure that one day they’ll make you bleed.
Someone dodges through the door behind them, their gaze snatching to you almost immediately. Peter Parker shoots you a smile and you return the gesture before looking away and letting your gaze catch on the window.
Peter Parker was the first- and only- boy you’d ever kissed, and he used to be your best friend but post-middle school for reasons having to do with his popularity and your lack thereof, you are now decidedly not. Thankfully he keeps it civil, but whether or not that has to do with the fact that you know he’s really Queens’ own vigilante you can’t say.
The chatter dies down quickly after your physics teacher walks in, but despite the interesting subject you can’t help but keep your focus on the clear glass pane before you, on what lies behind it.
It’s only five minutes before the last bell that you finally snap out of your stupor and bolt upright. The rest of your classmates are chattering away, all indulging in their own conversations. You let your eyes roam across people and faces and you realize with a jolt that everything is the same. Everything is the same as it always was. You wonder if it’s the same as it always will be.
The loud ringing signaling the end of the school day splits the air and it’s quiet for a moment until the sound of voices builds up once more, but this time accompanied with the sound of chairs scraping against the tiled floor. You wait for the class to drain of people before you stand yourself, pushing your chair against your table and following the river of people towards the school exit.
You grip the straps of your bag tightly and scan the crowd for Michelle, eyes jumping from face to face and searching for the familiar bundle of wild curls. You’re so focused that you don’t notice the scattered posters on the ground until you’re slipping on them and falling back towards the lockers. Your back connects with something equally hard and soft and you hear a grunt of distress that definitely didn’t come from your mouth before you’re falling back, farther back, towards the ground back.
You’d always imagined falling on a boy to be romantic, but you realize now that it kind of hurts.
‘Woah,’ Peter Parker catches your arm before you can meet your unwanted destination and you grin sheepishly, eyes cast up to meet his gaze.
‘Oh,’ You say, straightening yourself and brushing imaginary dust from your arms. ‘Hi, sorry.’
Peter furrows his brows but grins all the same, the warmth of his hand seeps into your skin and you try not to balk at his touch. ‘You should watch where you’re going,’ He says, not unkindly. You swallow hard.
‘Yeah, yes,’ You shake your head. ‘Uh, sorry.’
His head tilts down and he glances at you from under his eyebrows. ‘It’s okay,’ He cards his fingers through his hair. ‘Think you can walk yourself out without falling?’
You purse your lips and wrinkle your nose. ‘Yeah, I think I’ll be fine.’
‘You sure?’ He laughs, squeezing your wrist and your suck on your teeth and nod, humming in response.
‘I’m- I’m good, but thank you.’
‘Alright,’ He starts, and you think he’s about to say more until Liz walks by, effectively grabbing his attention and MJ pops up in the crowd. She’s smirking as you slip away, pulling your arm from the boy’s grasp.
‘Shut up,’ You mumble, taking her arm and pulling her towards the exit.
‘I didn’t even say anything,’ She laughs. You shake your head, pushing through the front doors and escaping the stuffy air.
You turn to look at her and she arches her eyebrow suggestively. You shake your head. ‘No, not even a little bit.’
‘Not even a tiny bit?’ She stops walking and you stumble at the sudden jolt. ‘Hey Ned,’
‘Hey,’ The boy pops up beside you and you startle, pressing a hand to your chest. ‘So, Y/N, you and Peter?’ He wiggles his brows.
‘No,’ You scoff, brandishing your hands in annoyance. ‘God, get out of middle school you two.’
‘Get out of middle school because our behavior is reflecting that of a child, or get out of middle school because that’s when you and Peter-’
You yell loudly, closing your eyes to try and block out the horrifying words. Ned and MJ burst into a fit of giggles. ‘You guys are so mean.’
‘And you’re so into Parker,’ MJ says, crossing her arms over her chest.
‘And you decide this because I fell on top of him?’ You bark out a laugh at the ridiculity of the situation.
The girl shakes her head. And Ned pipes in, ‘No it’s because you were looking at him like you were so into him.’
MJ points at Ned with a smile and taps her nose twice. You shake your head, opening your mouth to respond. ‘You-’
‘Y/N!’ Peter bursts through the doors behind you, clutching a paper in his fist and you wince. Ned and MJ smile devilishly at you.
‘Cinderella as fuck,’ MJ mutters and Ned snorts loudly, smothering the sound with his hand.
‘You dropped this,’ He jogs to meet you as your friends begin to shuffle backwards not-so-subtly.
‘We’ll just give you two a moment,’ Ned says, whirling around. MJ grabs his arm and pulls him away swiftly and you watch them go reluctantly.
‘Uh, here,’ Peter shoves the paper into your hands and you glance down at it and balk. His face sits scribbled on the stray paper in blue pen, next to it the doodle of a heart that MJ had tainted the piece with. It was only for reference you want to say, but the words lodge in your throat and you think you might scream. Peter scratches the back of his neck. ‘Listen I’m flattered, really, but I just-’
You hold up a hand, affectively cutting off his speech. ‘Shut up,’ The boy nods, swallowing hard and glancing down at his feet. Your thoughts race a million miles a minute. ‘I have a really good explanation for that,’ You start.
Peter chuckles. ‘I’d love to hear it.’
‘But,’ You continue, glancing over his shoulder to see yet another figure appear through the door. Your heart stops in your chest and then spikes up ten times as fast. ‘I actually have to go.’
You turn around, pacing towards the front gate as Flash strolls out of the school. ‘Wait!’ Peter says, but you don’t.
Two voices call out your name now, mingling together and laced with confusion. You want to crawl in a whole and never crawl out. Peter grabs your arm, pulling you to a stop.
‘Hang on,’ He shakes his head. ‘What’s going on with you?’
‘A lot,’ Flash spots you over Peter’s shoulder and a sudden, rising panic fills your chest. ‘A lot, I am very sorry.’
‘For what-?’ He starts, but you’re grappling for a hold on his neck and pulling him down towards you before he can finish. Your lips crash against his and his hands land on your waist. A confused grunt sounds from the back of his throat when you break away a moment later.
You glance over his shoulder to see a smoldering Flash, already turning on a heel and walking the other way. The panic in your chest resides. ‘Right,’ You pat Peter’s chest lightly and start to walk backwards. ‘Thank you,’ You say, then furrow your brows. ‘And, uh, I’m sorry.’
He’s silent for a moment and you take it as your que to leave, but he speaks before you can make your escape. ‘Wait,’ You stop in your tracks. ‘What?’
You shrug and smile sheepishly. ‘I’m not sure.’
He furrows his brows. ‘Y/N, listen I’m really flattered, I am but-’
You laugh. ‘Are you really trying to reject me right now?’
He scratches the back of his neck again, a bright pink stripe settling on his cheeks. ‘Yeah, I don’t think you really got it the first time so,’ He trails off.
‘I’m really not trying to date you, Peter.’
He straightens. ‘Huh?’
‘I don’t want to date you,’ You cock your head to the side.
‘Okay,’ He nods. ‘Okay, well how do you explain this,’ He holds the drawing up for you to see. ‘And this?’ He motions vaguely to his face, then yours.
‘I just-’ You clear your throat. ‘The drawing was for a reference and I needed to throw Flash off of my scent,’ You suck on your teeth and hold out your hand towards you, in surrender. ‘Sorry, for jumping you.’
His brows are still bumped together and you’re almost afraid they’ll never relax again, until he laughs and leans forwards. ‘You didn’t really seem to mind.’
‘Oh please,’ You scoff. ‘I would have rather kissed Ned.’
He twists his face. ‘That’s kind of rude, Y/N,’
You roll your eyes and flip a lock of hair over your shoulder. ‘Because he’s my friend and I trust him.’ You shake your head. ‘But it seems I didn’t have much choice at the moment.’
‘You’re kind of weird.’
‘Thank you,’ You take a step forward and snatch the paper from his hand. He let’s you. ‘I’m sorry again,’ You nod before turning and storming towards Ned and MJ, both doubled over with laughter. You glare at the pair of them.
‘Wait,’ MJ gasps. ‘Did you say you didn’t have a thing for him?’
‘Shut up.’
Peter only waits two hours to come banging on your door, hard and insistent like he knows you’re there, he knows you’ll be forced to listen to whatever he has to say.
You groan, pulling your comforter from your legs and sliding out of bed. You shuffle towards the door on sockless feet, each sharp knock feeling like a nail being driven into your skull. You open the wooden aperture with a sigh.
Peter is leaning against the door frame, head bowed and hair falling into his face. His hand is raised to knock again and you lean back. ‘What do you want?’
He glances up at you, the hint of a smile on his lips. His brows are bumped together. ‘Hello to you too.’
You breathe in deeply once more, steeling yourself and cocking your head. ‘What are you doing here, Peter?’
‘Can I come in?’ He asks, running his fingers through his hair- a nervous tick, you’d guess. You move away from the doorframe, motioning for him to enter and he nods, strolling past you. The door shuts behind him with a soft click. ‘We need to talk.’
You press your lips together and shake your head, crossing your arms across your chest. You tap your finger against an arm. ‘We really don’t,’ He laughs breathlessly and plops down on your coach, arms spreading out over the back of it. ‘Make yourself right at home.’ You deadpan.
‘Yeah I will, thanks.’
Your eyes roll on their own accord and Peter tilts his chin up. You join him on the plush cushion, perching on the edge as not to be too near to him. He clears his throat.
‘So, everyone thinks we’re dating,’ He starts and you shrug a shoulder.
‘Then set the record straight,’ You respond, tucking a lock of hair behind your ear.
‘Well, Flash will try and ask you out again.’
You furrow your brows and shake your head. ‘That’s not your problem, Peter,’ His head bobs up and down. ‘Besides, I can just tell him that I have a crush on you and he’ll leave me alone.’
‘Do you?’ Peter tilts his head towards you and bats his eyelashes mockingly.
You glare. ‘Not in the least.’
Peter scratches his nose. ‘Well that’s about to make this really awkward, then,’ He sits up straighter, laying his arms down beside him and faces you square on. You try not to feel intimidated. ‘What if we let them think we’re dating?’
You blink at him, the words barely sinking in. ‘I’m sorry,’ You shake your head. ‘I think I just hallucinated, what did you say?’
He laughs and his head bobs with the gesture. ‘What if we pretend?’
‘W-?’ You sputter, head buzzing with questions. ‘Why?’
‘Well for one thing,’ He grins devilishly. ‘When Liz found out you kissed me she went nuts.’
‘Oh, so you want to use me,’ You mutter.
‘For another,’ He continues. ‘It would give you some experience you know?’
You stare at him incredulously, then shake your head with a laugh. ‘Yeah, I think I’ll pass.’
Peter sighs deeply and leans his head against the back of the couch. ‘Y/N, please, for the sake of friendship.’
You brush your pants off, needing something to with your hands and stand up. ‘Hard pass, but thanks for stopping by.’ You wait for him to stand and he stares at you for a moment, nothing in his piercing gaze but hesitance before he gives in, albeit reluctantly.  
‘Alright,’ He says, moving towards the door. You follow closely behind. ‘I respect your decision.’
‘Thank you,’ You say, stopping by the door and pulling it open.
‘See you at school,’ Peter says, stepping through the frame. Doubt it, you want to say. You nod, sucking on your teeth and the boy turns, pacing down the hall. The door squeaks on it’s hinges as you push it closed, but you only get halfway through the task when your phone buzzes. You pull it free from your pocket.
A text from MJ flashes across the screen, bright and abrupt and it makes you want to drown yourself in your bathtub.
Someone told Flash that you kissed P on a dare, Your eyes roam over the black words, heart seizing in your chest. He’s still gonna go for it.
The urge to stomp your foot like a child fills your gut but you refrain, instead pulling the door back open and peering down the hall.
Peter waits by the elevator, bouncing on the balls of his feet. The lights of the lift flash brightly against the dimly lit hallway and- ‘I can’t believe I’m doing this,’ You mumble to yourself before booking it down the hall. Peter turns at the sound of your pounding footfalls, confusion flashing in his gaze. ‘Peter,’ You say.
‘Y/N,’ He answers, turning to face you fully. ‘What is i-?’
‘Let’s do it,’ You say, shrugging. ‘Let’s just do it, okay?’
He grins and the sight makes your heart beat three times as fast. ‘Great,’ The elevator opens the moment the words leave his lips and he walks backwards until you’re on one side of the frame and he on the other. ‘What made you change your mind?’
‘I just did,’ The doors begin to close. Peter nods his head.
‘I’ll walk you to school tomorrow.’
‘Okay,’ You start to say, but the doors are already closing and suddenly you’re alone.
True to his word, Peter appears in your apartment complex the following morning, two cups of much too sweet coffee clutched in his hands. He hands one to you. ‘I got you coffee.’
‘Oh,’ You smell, the beverage and try for a sip. The flavours explode on your tongue and you think you may have to get used to Peter and his frilly drinks. ‘Uh, thanks.’
‘No problem,’ He takes a long swig of his own before taking a step down the street. You hurry to keep pace with him. ‘So gameplan,’ He says. ‘How much relationship experience have you had?’ He glances at you.
‘Right,’ You grasp the warm cup with both hands and inhale the deep scent. ‘Well, remember that time we kissed in seventh grade?’
Peter chuckles. ‘Yeah.’
‘That’s about it.’
His pace stalls for half a beat, the only sign of a startled reaction. He swallows hard. ‘Okay.’
‘It’s bad,’ You cast your eyes to the clouds and breathe deeply through your lungs. The cool air stings your nostrils. ‘I know it’s bad.’
‘It’s not that bad,’ He tries to reassure you. Then shakes his head. ‘It’s a little bad, but we can work with it. Just follow my lead.’
‘Follow your lead,’ You repeat. ‘I can do that.’
So when, ten minutes later, Peter takes your hand and slots his fingers through yours, you let him. And when he takes your empty coffee cup and tosses it in the trash can right outside of school, you let him. And when he holds the door open for you and whispers nothings in your ear as you pass, you let him.
‘You’re doing great,’ He says, voice low and you look at him incredulously.
‘All I did was hold your hand,’ You whisper back.
‘Okay, sorry for trying to be supportive,’ He rolls his eyes but it’s playful and you laugh, head tilting back. Peter smiles down at you, squeezing your hand. You squeeze back.
Convincing the rest of the school and your friends of the relationship is surprisingly easy, MJ and Ned shooting each other knowing looks. Peter hits it off with the latter almost immediately but MJ sticks to your side, whispering I told-you-so’s between breaths.
‘We’re gonna have to kiss at some point, you know,’ Peter says around a mouth full of pizza, you whip your head up to stare at him. The early afternoon light hits him perfectly, and you’re sketching him during your lunch hour when he speaks the words.
You purse your lips. ‘Why?’
He laughs, taking another bite. ‘Who’s gonna believe we’re in a relationship if we don’t kiss?’
‘Maybe we’re just private,’ You shrug, your pen drifting over the paper.
‘Doesn’t have to be much,’ He says. ‘Just a peck before class or something.’
You can feel your cheeks heat up at the thought. They shouldn’t, you’ve kissed Peter before. Twice before but still the thought of pressing your lips against his in a way that has to seem almost normal feels strange.
‘If you’re really not comfortable we don’t have to,’ He tilts his head down to meet your eyes and you press a smile onto your lips.
‘It’s- it’s fine, Peter.’ You lay your pen down. ‘Follow your lead, right?’
He smiles gently. ‘Right.’
The warning bell rings a moment later and you stand, shoving your things into your bag while Peter throws your trash away. You wait for him by the picnic table you’d been seated at and he takes your hand, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
‘Ready?’ He asks. You nod.
Peter’s lips are soft, you realize, now that you have time to enjoy it. His hand is warm against your cheek and your eyes flutter shut for half a moment before he’s pulling away again, and you’re stepping back.
‘See you in seventh,’ He runs his thumb under your eye. You don’t respond, too breathless to even blink but he’s gone before he can notice. You shake your head, wiping the dazed look from your face. Can you really do this?
But you soon realize that fake-dating Peter is easier than you think. The stolen kisses in the halls before class, holding hands any chance you can get and movie nights almost every weekend, more often than not.
But despite the sweet gestures and almost real feelings you can’t help but constantly feel on edge, just waiting for him to break up with you, tell you it’s over and it’s enough. But he doesn’t, and you don’t tell him any different. You barely notice three months pass until Halloween is right around the corner.
The sun beats down harshly on your back and despite the blinding rays of heat the air holds a chill that outlasts even what should be the warmth of a burning sun and you suppress a shiver, pulling the sleeves of your sweater farther down your arms.
It smells of mint and oranges and you almost forget that the piece of fabric used to be Peter’s rather than your own before you swiped it from his closet near a month ago. The frosty air had been too cool for your thin t-shirt, but he never did mind.
You pad up the concrete steps leading to the rusty doors of Midtown Tech and shove them open clumsily. They squeak on their hinges, the frozen metal making your fingertips feel like ice but the heat emitting from the school halls hits you square in the chest, banishing most of the excess cold from your body.
You can barely hear anything beyond the chatter of students, mulling aimlessly around the school until the warning bell rings. You almost want to join them until you spot a familiar mop of brown hair over the crowds, leading to a lean body leaning against your locker.
Peter’s back is to you, but that doesn’t stop him from whipping around when you’re close enough, a lopsided grin plastered on his face. You do your best not to start.
‘Nice try,’ He jokes, crossing his arms as you skip past him to open the metal compartment. You feel his eyes follow you the entire way through. ‘You should know by now you can’t sneak up on me.’
‘Ah, but you have an unfair advantage,’ You grapple for your textbooks, fingers wrapping around the worn covers and pulling them to your chest. You close your locker door with the swing of your hip. ‘Radioactive blood? I never stood a chance.’
‘Hasn’t stopped you before,’ He falls into step beside you as you swing your ratty bag to the front of your shoulder and shove the books inside.
‘Can’t blame a girl for trying,’ You shrug, a grin playing on your lips.
Peter rolls his eyes and pulls on the edge of your collar. ‘This looks awfully familiar,’ His voice is teasing and you catch the glimmer in his eyes at the sight.
‘Does it? I found it in a dumpster, it’s garbage chic.’
He narrows his eyes and grumbles, ‘You’re a jerk.’
You laugh, bumping his shoulder before you link your arm through his and pull him along through the thickening crowd. ‘I’m kidding, Pete.’
‘Yeah, yeah,’ He stumbles after you, speeding his pace to match yours and squeezes through the classroom door beside you. You release his arm and take a seat in the back right corner of the class and he plops down beside you, eyes landing on the pretty figure perched in the front. ‘Is Liz wearing a new top?’
You narrow your eyes, looking the girl up and down before humming. ‘Think so,’ Peter glances at you. ‘Should I be worried that you notice that?’
He smiles, lopsided and boyish. ‘I notice a lot of things.’
‘Like?’ You press.
‘Like how this is the third sweater you’ve stolen from me,’ He shakes his head. ‘Am I ever getting them back?’
You pull the fabric over your fingers and grin cheekily. ‘Nope, say your goodbyes Pete.’
He snatches the edge of the sleeve and grips your hand under it, pressing his lips against the soft fabric. ‘Goodbye,’ He whispers dramatically. You pull your hand back quickly and shoot him a sarcastic grin.
‘You’re annoying.’
‘But you love me anyways,’ He winks.
You shake your head. ‘Gross,’ You mumble jokingly but Peter’s attention is already elsewhere. Elsewhere being the back of Liz Allen’s head.
You feel a twinge in your chest and look away. ‘You still on that?’ You ask.
He whips his head to you, eyes wide in question. ‘What?’
‘Nothing, nevermind,’ You try to backtrack, but Peter’s eyes are glued to you now, and they won’t let go.
‘Are you okay?’
You breathe in deeply, trying not to snap and turn to him. ‘Don’t you think people will think it weird that my boyfriend keeps staring at another girl?’ You emphasize boyfriend, as if it’s a foreign subject, one that you don’t understand. ‘Peter, we should stop this.’
‘What?’ He leans towards you, sliding his hand towards yours but your fingers barely graze before you’re pulling away. ‘Y/N, you can’t do this in the middle of class-’
‘Then I’ll do it after,’ You whisper. ‘What does it matter, Peter? This was bound to end at some point.’
He shakes his head, as if it’s the last thing he expected to hear and turns to the front of the class. Neither of you speak for the remainder of it, a heavy silence settling over you. It’s safe to say you bolt out of the room the second you’re able, and Peter doesn’t follow you. You don’t know why you wish he did.
You’re almost asleep when three sharp knocks against your window send your blood racing and your heart pounding. It’s dark, too dark to see and with the thin curtain pulled across the window pane you can barely see but a dim figure outlined behind it.
You slip out of bed quietly, grabbing a book from your floor and hefting it high over your head. Steeling yourself with a deep breath, you rip the curtain back with a flourish.
Peter sits perched on your fire escape, his mask in hand and he looks startled for a moment before a confused grin splits his face. You slide the window open. ‘What the hell are you doing here?’
‘Is that a book?’ He laughs, leaning towards you. ‘Y/N, what is a book going to do?’
‘It was the first thing I could find,’ You whisper harshly, stepping back and tossing it on your bed. Peter grips the top of the window frame and swings in, bouncing on his feet before standing still. ‘What are you doing here?’
‘We need to talk,’ He says, you roll your eyes.
‘No, we really don’t.’
‘Sounds familiar,’ he tilts his head and you glance away, trying not to think of how this horrid charade began. He furrows his brows. ‘Please?’
‘Peter, what is there to talk about?’ You breathe. ‘Flash lost interest, Liz is sufficiently jealous,’ You shake your head. ‘There’s no point anymore.’
He darts forwards and takes your hand, you try to pull away but he holds fast. ‘No, listen,’ He squeezes your hand, dropping his mask to the ground in the process. His eyes are filled with desperation. ‘There is a point.’
You glance up in ridicule, huffing out a breath and pulling away. ‘Well I can’t see it, Peter,’ You step backwards. ‘And it’s only gonna end up hurting one of us because-’ You choke on your breath, not daring to speak any farther.
The blue of Peter’s suit looks grey in the dim light, but the red is ever so bright. Peter swallows. ‘Because what?’
You shake your head again. ‘Because this is stupid, Peter. And hardly your typical relationship,’ You press your lips together tightly. ‘Please leave.’
‘Because I don’t want to see you anymore,’ You can feel your eyes brim with tears, whether from fatigue or heartbreak you don’t know. ‘I’m tired of being second best to- to someone who’s never going to see you that way,’ The words sting as they come out. ‘Go home.’
But Peter doesn’t move, he stares at you with nothing but pain until he’s surging forwards. Until he’s pressing his lips against yours in a very real way. Your hands clasp the back of his neck and his arms are tight around your back.
You’re kissing Peter Parker in a very real way, and you don’t think you want it to end.
But it does with a gasp and a grin. Peter nudges your nose. ‘You were never second best,’ The words are whispered against your lips like a prayer. You kiss him again and realize with a jolt that everything has changed. Nothing is as it was.
@minnie-marvel @celestialparker @lokis-sunflower-anna @magic-marvel @quxntumvandyne @lokiisragnarok @highlady-ofthe-summercourt @secondsineternity @sadicallyrad @laurfangirl424 @hedwigthelegend@spiderdudeparker @hazzyhollander @dontpanc @signed-potato @propertyofmarvel @awkwardnesshabitat @spideyboipete @thelivvylovegood @yoinksholland @moonkissedtom @candycornparker
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