#i was short and skinny
rookflower · 7 months
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the fun thing about warrior cats having no set designs is seeing a design like this and having to deduce via context clues in 0.5 seconds whether it's ashfur, cinderpelt, crowfeather, bluestar, cinderheart, or perchpaw
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cable-salamder · 2 months
“I want a kids cartoon with more diverse main character body types than just skinny teen” you guys couldn’t even handle Steven Universe
(Or Dead End Paranormal Park, or She-Ra)
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carpe-noctvm · 5 months
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1st of May and it’s already too hot 💀
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creations-by-chaosfay · 6 months
If you're interested in textile art, please understand it will not end at one of the arts. Interested in weaving? There are many different types, so now you're learning about the culture these styles come from, and with that comes learning about their clothing. Now you're interested in learning how to sew clothing, and much of it has some kind of embroidery. So you do research and see how beautiful it is, and different types of embroidery exist. You decide to learn embroidery and get curious about lace because often they're seen together.
Prepare for a journey and get real good at organizing. You'll soon lose space because of supplies and tools.
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getvalentined · 2 months
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He is, in fact, MORE STACKED than SEPHIROTH based on the respective curvatures of their chest harnesses!
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Fun fact, this specific feature is based directly on Gackt, an actual human man who looks like this in real life:
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Genetits Racksodos Appreciation Life.
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cthulhu-with-a-fez · 4 months
other people have probably already said this but like. it's been a shockingly nice experience to watch the dungeon meshi fandom go absolutely NUTS over falin. just this unbelievable wellspring of thirsty romantic eye for her, and not only is she chubby in canon, most of the fanart i've seen has skewed towards drawing her even chubbier? i... genuinely do not think i've ever seen that before. i don't think i've ever been in an anime fandom where someone both looks like me and is the subject of such enthusiastic adoration BECAUSE she's fat before.
it's... it's really nice.
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rosielefay · 2 months
Hetalia Appearance Headcannons ʚɞ
His pretty eyes, almond and upturned, with thick, long lashes. Always looking up at people through them, like peeking through the blinds, wary of the stranger in its town - and there are so many strangers, so few friends. Soft lips and pale skin, so easy to colour a pretty pink. Freckles if one looks close enough, hiding under the eyes, often lost under the natural blush of the cheeks.
He has long fingers and sharp cheeks and pronounced collarbones. Green eyes, green of old English rainforests, and reeds below the endless sea, and greed, endless, infinite greed. He's skinny, all bones and sharp edges. He eats no mortal food. The green eyed demon, devourer of souls and people and nations. Those awful eyes always dry, always itching, he has a quirk for rubbing them when anxious. Trying to scratch away the demon within them, that unsatiable greed he suffers from.
He's a small man, but has a large presence. An undeniable bravery, a fierce intellect, a cleverness so tricky and brilliant. Yet a tentativeness, a strong feeling of otherness plagues him. The outsider of Europe, the youngest child of Rome - a terrifying, unexpected thing that ate the whole world in an attempt to taste the nectar of the Gods. Unchosen one. Defier of fate. Wretched thing. It crawls its way through the earth into the garden of paradise. Green eyed viper, corrupter of man and nature. With him comes fire and steel and blood.
The youngest, the smallest, the runt of the litter. A terrible boy with something to prove. Godless heathen, he tears the Gods in two to embellish his own crown. His pride will be the death of them all.
The English lion and the shiny golden God, the laser upon the wall. Always chasing, unable to stop itself from trying to grasp it in its claws. A shadow in the cave of Plato or the light of salvation. In the realm of the heart where its great intelligence cannot pierce, those lovely eyes so blind and unsure.
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Chiron says that Percy is a size 5 in The Lightning Thief and we know that he's canonically short but this would mean that at 12 years old, Percy weighs a maximum of 52 pounds?
He's just a little guy.
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lychgate · 4 months
I'm not trying to be rude or anything, but, like, why do you draw all the clones so big and then Rex is this wet, pathetic, gay thing in the corner shaking like a kicked dog? Why did you choose to do Rex like that? I ask this lovingly, I think your art style is really cool. I'm just kinda confused.
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logan-the-artist · 4 months
i love men oh my GODS i love men if you’re a man i love you so much
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whetstonefires · 2 years
funniest thing the novel-centered part of the mdzs fandom misrepresents to cql viewers is the whole Smol Twink Mo Xuanyu bit.
like i know the donghua is majorly at fault here but 'five centimeters' guys. you know how much that is in the imperial system, it's almost exactly two inches. the breadth of my index and forefinger stacked together.
just enough height difference to be casually noticeable, that's how much.
mo xuanyu was also a tall guy.
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cheese-in-space · 2 months
My fashion sense is so goofy idk how I haven’t been punted into the sun by now but I like it
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seancosy · 13 days
If you are using a dating/hookup app, you should provide a clear photo of yourself
The picture should be of you, not someone else!
The picture should be recent!
The picture should show your entire face!
The picture should show your smile!
The picture should show your hair/baldness!
The picture should give a general idea of your body type!
Please also be truthful about your height, weight, age, and job, if you are choosing to include those bits of info in your profile.
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horatio-fig · 7 months
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I think the reason a lot of us love Kallus’s glow up is because we lived through a similar thing. We used to wear all black and squeeze into skinny jeans/jeggings. Some of us even wore big ass belts too and would over gel and style our hair to look cool and edgy. 
Then we grew up and realised we’re just fun little dorks with sexy soft tummies and we don’t need to be doing all that. We also discovered cargo pants are the best because not only do that have lots of lovely pockets, but the inside thighs don’t wear down from out perfectly juicy and healthy sized legs rubbing together. 
Also we all have a favourite jacket we always wear, never do anything with our hair, and hate faccism. 
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dollya-robinprotector · 7 months
(personal health issue)
I just realized... i lose too much weight. This is definitely unhealthy. Look at this short, they were too TIGHT for me few months ago, now they barely hang onto my thigh...
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Jfc my ass is not fat and my thigh are not thicc anymore!! I'm slowly becoming a REAL skinny betch™!!!
This is a disaster. I need to gain weight ASAP
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bleaksqueak · 6 months
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Paula helped me thumbnail a scene in this chapter and, without context, here’s some of my favorite shorthand faces.
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