#cw weight loss
dollya-robinprotector · 2 months
(personal health issue)
I just realized... i lose too much weight. This is definitely unhealthy. Look at this short, they were too TIGHT for me few months ago, now they barely hang onto my thigh...
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Jfc my ass is not fat and my thigh are not thicc anymore!! I'm slowly becoming a REAL skinny betch™!!!
This is a disaster. I need to gain weight ASAP
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muckyschmuck · 6 months
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a little problem
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ayeforscotland · 7 months
I don’t post much on Instagram on my personal account or my AyeforScotland one so when I updated it with a recent photo from WASD the last photo I’d put up was one from WASD back in March.
And while others might not see a big difference, I’ve dropped 10kg since then. Still a work in progress but quite nice to see a comparison and a difference in my face.
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mightymizora · 1 month
Everywhere else on the internet is fucking hostile to fat people again everybody is having surgery which means you could literally starve to death or taking drugs away from diabetics and the fat influencers I used to follow are all getting more into exercise or changing their diet and I gotta say, for disabled people who can’t exercise more and already eat just like those people this fucking sucks. It sucks.
I would prefer a life where I could prioritise exercise and rest but all my energy goes into working to survive capitalism and now we are back to the time of my youth where every cunt wants to tell me to risk my life for thinness. I wasn’t even disabled back then and I was maybe 100lbs lighter so can you imagine the fucking daily vitriol we are back to?
I don’t care about being attractive I don’t care about living to be over 100 I just want you to give me some fucking dignity or fucking fuck offfffff
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prince-liest · 3 months
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kicks my feet and sighs contentedly
I saw the old Voxtagram post about Val getting Angel Dust a dieting video as a "present" right after Angel had a nice day out with Cherri and brought a pastry home, and it grew permanent roots into my gray matter as any fucked up disordered eating shenanigans always do
anyway, did you know that ballerinas and idols in training in some places have to literally weigh in every week at their respective schools, and if they're a couple pounds over, they get in trouble for it? atrocious! /jazz hands
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myfatfuckingface · 3 days
The beauty of practicing fat liberation & radical self love is that “scare tactic” ads like this don’t work on my anymore:
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Like what are you talking about “lose 37 pounds”, this person is gorgeous & has many people’s preferred body type, if this photo was unaccompanied by weight loss text I would reblog it without any critical commentary. Like I was legitimately confused when this scrolled onto my dash.
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toyourstations · 8 months
How to lose 50 pounds in 16 months without really trying
note: this isn't a weight loss guide it's a poem about my experience with a weird phenomenon affecting my body.
Eat whatever you find in the cupboard at your parents house.
A handful of crackers, a peanut butter sandwich, an egg toastie, muesli for breakfast. switch from soy milk to oat milk about eight months in when your mum realises how much better the carbon footprint on it is. A whole pack of toffee pops in one night, a block of chocolate over two days, the occasional ben and jerries dairy free ice cream because despite the last two entries you are actually lactose intolerant. No fruit, you're allergic. Vegetables when your parents provide them (not that often). Mostly beige food.
Do between one and 2 thousand steps a day, on average. Probably. Only bother checking your steps 10 months in when your new meds give you heart palpitations and you start wearing a smart watch to make sure your heart hasn't always been that fast.
Sometimes walk between 5-8 thousand steps. Regret it for 1-3 days, lying in bed wracked with physical exhaustion that makes it hard for you to move.
Get a dog. Walk her 3 days a week. She could use more, but see the previous stanza if you want an excuse for my laziness.
Have a semi regular conversation with your parents that goes "have you lost weight?" "You say that any time I look happy" "Well you look better, anyway"
Ask your dad if you can borrow his belt, the jeans you ordered to your custom measurements are falling down.
Dig the pair of jeans from before those ones out of your drawer. Finally you're justified in keeping the jeans you grew out of.
Buy a new pair of jeans another size down (those are slightly baggy now too)
Finally weigh yourself, and think at first the scales are broken. There's no way you've lost 15 kilograms since moving home. You normally only weigh yourself at the doctors, on their orders.
Out of curiosity, weigh yourself again a few months later. Another 5 down. What the fuck. Calculate what percentage of your body weight that was (17%).
Think about the rheumatologist who told you losing even 5% of your body weight would help with your pain. Laugh through the pain (it's worse than ever).
Do research. Listen to a podcast about the science of weight loss, disproving scams and exposing diets as breeding grounds for unhealthy, disordered eating. Listen as they explain that your metabolism will fight very hard to stop you losing weight, adjusting even if you're doing it on purpose, so that you maintain your fat reserves. Read about how sustained weight loss is basically impossible (it's been a year at this point, and you're still steadily dropping).
Mention how much weight you've lost to your parents (wow!), your nurse (congratulations!) your doctor (wow you must have been big before! - hang on let me confirm this. Hm. I'll send you for some blood tests).
Your blood tests are fine, you must just be lucky.
Track your calorie intake for a couple of weeks. Maybe you're undereating (no). Google unexplained weight loss (cancer).
Go back six weeks later, you've lost at least another kilo. "Wow!" she says again. She's surprised and confused. You mention if it keeps up you might apply for a top surgery referral, because you know there's a BMI Limit. You never thought you'd qualify. She looks at her notes again and goes "... yeah" in a way that makes you think she's still wondering how this is happening.
You get more blood tests.
And wait for them to come back normal.
You're done being anxious about your health, you think while you walk the dogs. Fuck it.
then you think up this poem while you munch on a couple of gingernuts in the kitchen where the dog can't beg them off you.
Congratulations on the weight loss! You look great!
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Hmmm yes Reflection makes me feel things.
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eightyonekilograms · 6 months
As my back gets better and I ramp exercise back up to improve my so-so shape, I want to pick a handful of representative metrics for overall health and physical fitness and test them monthly. Here are the 9 I came up with after a little research which strike a good balance of "predictive of overall health outcomes" and "easy to measure". LMK if you have any suggestions though.
Resting measurements
Resting heart rate
Resting blood pressure
Physical dimensions
Waist-to-hip ratio
Sit-and-reach test (that thing you did in middle school with the box)
Number of push-ups in 1 minute
Number of squats in 1 minute
(In theory I'd like to include some kind of maximum strength test like max deadlift, but that seems tricky to measure precisely)
Cardiovascular health
12-minute run (how far can I go)
3-minute step test (measure heart rate recovery after 3 minutes of moderate exercise)
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lastoneout · 1 month
Neurology appointment was once again a mixed bag. Long story short I actually have occipital neuralgia, not regular migraines, but she didn't actually give me any treatment options and just told me to lose more weight. Full rant under the cut.
But yeah she looked at my CT scan and said she doesn't see any signs that my intracranial hypertension is being caused by my cervical spine alignment compressing anything, which is kinda a bummer bcs thats what I hoped was going on, but alas I guess I will have to continue to pray something gives and we can figure out what's causing it bcs despite being on a very high dose of the medication used to treat the condition for like 4 years and losing 20lbs nothing has gotten better or worse.
Aside from that it does seem like I probably don't actually have generic migraines, I have occipital neuralgia. Which would explain why all of the different migraine medications I'm on have done fuck all to actually help and why my migraine-like symptoms don't 100% line up with typical migraines(no auras, very little sound sensitivity/moderate light sensitivity, they last for days if not weeks, are extremely resistaint to treatment, even when they do respond half the time they just come back within a few days or so, I don't have any noticeable triggers aside from lack of sleep, ect.).
The only problem with that is I can't get another nerve block bcs of the steroid issue, and when I asked her what my other treatment options were she just said "well do it without the steroids then" and didn't let me get a word in edgewise about how my pain doctor said he wouldn't do it without steroids and I know just the lidocaine will wear off within 3-4 hours anyway so how would that help outside of diagnostics(which I no longer need) BUT she did refer me back to my previous pain clinic so I am simply going to ask them to help with this bcs they have a great track record of actually finding alternative treatments for my pain when the usual stuff isn't an option. But still, it's so fucking annoying bcs I did a LOT of research about this once the nerve block worked and there are TONS of other fucking treatments. Just...such bullshit.
Sadly she also told me to lose more weight, bcs she's super convinced me being under 130lbs will magically fix my hypertension despite the fact that I've done my research and about 10-15% of your body mass is the recommended ammount to lose that apparently sends it into remission in almost every case, but I've lost about that much and it didn't do anything at all. So like, idk ma'am I don't think knocking another 3lbs off is going to do jack shit, but whatever I guess.
I'm seeing my primary in a few weeks and at this point I'm demanding a new neurologist. But in the meantime I at least never have to see that fucking pain specialist again and instead can go back to my old one that didn't suck and I'll count that as a win.
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metalhead-maglor · 2 months
Going thru a fat art blog and I get these ads. This is heinous, frankly.
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I'm not fat, and neither is the artist. I'm going thru this blog because I wanna see fat people and body positivity, because I find fat people to be beautiful in a way that thin people will never be. I don't want to see how to lose weight. Not just because I don't have weight to lose, but because I see weight loss ads everywhere else and I'm very tired of seeing and hearing about it. I want places where I can appreciate fat people without hearing about how to remove that beauty for the hundredth time that week.
And with the amount of data that they collect, I'm sure these advertisers are fully capable of avoiding fat positivity blogs with their targeting. They're either ignorant or don't care to.
I know fat people have complained about this targeted advertising before, but as a thin person, I'm fed up too.
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shrikeseams · 1 year
Between incipient Graves disease and medication suppressing my appetite, I've lost 15 pounds in the last four months. I'm not eating healthier. If anything, because I have no appetite and therefore don't want to cook, my diet has gotten worse. (For the record, 15 pounds is about what I lost in a YEAR when I was actively trying at 17-18. Now compare that to four months, including the winter holidays, at middle age without trying.)
And yet my primary care doctor congratulated me about this today. We were literally talking about the Graves diagnosis, and she was saying how glad she was that we caught it early, because I'm not really symptomatic.
Except unintentional weight loss like this IS one of the symptoms.
But I'm fat, so it doesn't count. Weight loss isn't a symptom when you're fat. It's an achievement.
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murielsbottombitch · 9 days
cw: rant, addiction, weed, restrictive food intake, severe weight loss, anorexia
yes, it's very ironic I chose to post this on 4/20 💀
I wanna quit weed for at least a few months, just to see if it would be the right decision for me, but I highly doubt my body can handle it.
I mostly use it to medicate my severely low appetite, which I'm also on prescribed medicine for, and I don't think I could go that long struggling to eat. I'm aware weed probably affected my appetite over time but I can't deal with being that repulsed by food again, let alone if it goes on for multiple months. I can deal with the chronic pain, fatigue and insomnia being worse, probably. I just can't deal with a fundamental human need being a waking nightmare. I can't deal with my body rejecting food again. I can't. I don't know how else to cope with it other than weed, physically and mentally. my appetite traumatizes me constantly and it's hard to confide in people when the horrible thing happening to my body is touted as a good thing. I'm thin. who cares how badly my health deteriorates? it's so much easier to cope with it when I'm high. even if I still can't make myself eat, at least it's not eating away at my psyche.
at the same time, what if being sober helps? what if I go through the horrible pain, the trauma and come out better for it? I don't know who I am without weed anymore, I smoke nearly constantly and have since I was 18. I've changed and grown so much in that span of time and weed has been a huge aid in that. I don't know if I still need it or if it's hurting me now, though. I don't feel like it's hurting me but I'm not going to fool myself and pretend I'm not an addict. I do almost everything high, which makes it hard to tell if it's even still helping. I think it's helping my executive dysfunction but what if I'm wrong? what if I'm more passionate and headstrong than ever sober? I want to see what's on the other side so bad but the tunnel is full of booby traps.
weed was exactly what I needed during my anorexia recovery. of course the munchies but it made me so much less ashamed of eating. I'm terrified of being that ashamed again. I'm terrified that I might let my appetite take it's course. it's taken me so long to get to the point where I make myself eat, even if I don't want to. I'm terrifed of that being undone. I'm terrified of relapsing. my body can't take it, not after the damage I've done to it.
I just don't know if it's worth the risk just to see what I'm like when I'm not self medicating. my brain can handle not being high. my body can't.
typing this now cause I'm gonna have a dry spell for the next few days and am considering using it as an opportunity to just not get more weed. however, I have eaten 3 grapes today and am running on less than 2 hours of sleep. this is the start, the easy part. I'm not even irritable yet. I'm just scared. my body makes me really, really scared.
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softartemisart · 1 month
hehehee realising that i gained back the weight i lost when i started my meds and some!! i don't have scales or anything to check but it's THERE and it's SOFT and all that icecream was WORTH THE STOMACH ACHE
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dee-the-red-witch · 2 months
So, Dee, how was your Valentine's Day?
Oh, y'know. Stress ran my way through four simultaneous fieldbook bills while dealing with DDA emails, grocery shopping, and apprentice scheduling.
Adjusting still to day three of deliberate intermittent fasting, on top of half an hour in the gym this morning and finishing off a full hour now, because surgery BMI requirments fucking blow goats.
And given the stuff I posted about my marriage earlier this month, tonight I'm thinking on doodling my way through a Three Of Swords variation for the tattoo flash collection and for personal use. I'll let folks guess which interpretation I'm designing for.
The weird part is I'm mostly okay. Mostly because I somehow got used to functioning on this level after the last decade or so.
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