#i wasn't satisfied with the previous one so I HAD TO redraw it
grangermonarque · 4 months
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New watermark dropped 💥
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cheesycaracal · 6 months
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Sketches from last year when I was redrawing my sweet Lashrael. It's kind of a yearly tradition, and I'm already working on this year's version of her, aand... I already see differences xD But I'm gonna talk about it in another post.
I know I struggled with this a lot, mainly because I was a bit burnt out, making every single stroke look kinda bad. She isn't my main OC for years now either (and probably never will be), so I could find neither inspiration nor motivation to just draw her. I wasn't satisfied with the poses, I wasn't sure about the clothes - it was a full negative experience from the get-go, so much so that I almost replaced Lash with Thilia in this tradition. But I pushed through - I was already drawing Thilia a LOT, and Lash deserved at least a little attention.
I redesigned her quarterstaff, because I didn't like the previous one anymore, and added caracals, since that's her main wild shaped form (and because I don't usually draw animals. Just had to kick myself with something :DD) Later on I also changed her outfit just a little bit, and I had such a difficult time figuring out how her living tree-arm works... BUT! In the end it was all worth it, 'cause I still like the end result <3
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eatingfireflies · 4 years
In a previous previous fandom I used to post comics I've done for fests in my own blog (this was in LJ, where all the posts remain where they are and you can only link and crosspost), but with my comments for funsies. Let me do the same for the comic I made for 夜明けの星をてのひらに, the web only event for dimireto held at Pictsquare on Dimitri's birthday. They made a site collecting the birthday anthology works posted on the tag and I wanted to take part in it. (I'm almost ROM when it comes to the 3H fandom 😔)
If you don't want to see my comments, you can find the tweets here.
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I've used that Oscar Wilde quote in a Free! fanfic I wrote before, as well as the final line. I plagiarise myself a Lot, but I'm not good with coming up with new ideas and the theme of the only is literally 夜明けの星をてのひらに, so I thought I could use it again.
I planned to just rely on screentones to create shadows but my skills weren't up to it. I had to paint everything instead to get the light and shadows effect I wanted.
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The lines are sort of fragmented because I wrote them with the thought of translating everything into Japanese. I have very limited vocabulary and grammar so I needed to keep things simple. (In the end, two friends helped me out ☺)
I'm actually really proud of that panel with Dimitri's back.
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I usually draw on SAI (and just use CS6 to clean up + add text), but I wasn't running any scripts that make it autosave. I also had no idea you can invert the preview without actually flipping the canvas for reals (now I know, please don't @ me). I got trigger happy inverting this one page and SAI crashed. I lost two hours of progress and had to redraw everything. (I was already in the 'inking' stage.)
I really had a lot of fun drawing Dimitri's hair.
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This last page was harder to colour because I didn't have the shadows that would hide my sins lol. The 3rd page got a bit brighter at the bottom to make way for this white page, but I'm not perfectly satisfied with it.
The first few lines reference how the 'holding the goddess's hand' conversation never happened with m!Byleth (it's in the goddess tower scene, which is gender locked). I'm still a bit salty about that. Anyway, I want to focus on Byleth's humanity anyway even though I choose to write him as immortal in my fics. 😅
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