#i wasnt even trying to use it it just kept popping up and almost crashing the app
crowithydoodles · 9 months
Still getting the hang of this style Sabrina belongs to @sadsoftserve
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really happy to finally draw her, been meaning to for awhile I just couldn't stand drawing on my old tablet for more than 5 minutes. might redo this in the morning its like 1:30 in the morning and not my best, but I had fun drawing her
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smolvampiregirl · 2 years
A twilight x supernatural fic
By smolvampiregirl
Word count: 4197
In a dark depressing corner of the Pacific Northwest lies a small town called Forks.
This town had to be the safest, most normal town in all of the United States of America. This town is where I had been banished by my brothers. My whole life and everything I had known was collapsing around me. My father was missing. My brother Sam had been dragged back into hunting. We had only done one case and while he was away his girlfriend Jessica died. I had been attacked by a Wendigo in Colorado. But the final straw for my brothers was when I was knocked out by a demon on a plane that was crashing and ended up with a concussion. It's not like I nearly died. It was just a concussion.
So here I was in the small cold wet town where nothing supernatural ever happened.
Well nothing supernatural had happened since my mom died, when i was six months old. I was born in Forks almost seventeen years ago.
Everyone told me I looked like her. The same thick dark brown curly hair, in the only photo I had of her she had long hair, I had cut mine short into a chin length bob a few years ago after I had gotten my hair caught on a hunt… It was easier to keep my hair short. My mom was also way prettier than I was, her milky skin was unblemished, she had deep chocolate eyes and from the only photo i had of her i could tell by her beautiful smile that she had a pure beautiful soul. I had my fathers swampy green-grey eyes and my pale skin was almost translucent aside from the splattering of freckles across my arms and face.
I had holed up in my uncle Charlie's bathroom trying to figure out how to be normal.
It was my first day at Forks High School. Normally I wouldn’t worry but now I had to, I was going to be here for two years while I finished my schooling. It hadn’t been too bad in Forks as of yet. Although I hadn’t been around anyone other than Charlie yet.
Charlie had been amazing, he was very quiet and kept to himself mostly. But he had welcomed me with open arms, he had even brought me my very own car… well truck to be more accurate. The truck was perfect for me, it was older probably late fifties or early sixties. I was expecting a nightmare when I popped the hood but the whole engine had been completely rebuilt and even the oil was fresh.
It had been almost ten years since I last saw Charlie. I knew he had always wanted to look after me here in Forks rather than having me live on the road with my father.
Charlie had been through a lot just before my mom… his sister died. His wife… now ex-wife… had run off with his three month old daughter. His parents were sick and also passed away leaving him all alone. I guess he was just glad to have someone else in the house.
A loud knock on the door pulled me out of my thoughts.
“Hey Mills… You alright in there?” Charlie called through the door.
“Uh… Yeah sorry” I quickly pulled the door to the shared bathroom open.
Charlie shifted awkwardly when I pulled the door open. He hadn't expected me to open it that fast. His face turned red with embarrassment.
Charlie looked just like my mom with dark curly hair and brown eyes. There was no doubt he and I were related.
I stepped past Charlie and across the hall to my room.
“Have a good day today” Charlie called back to me.
I nodded as I closed the door to my room.
It wasnt hard to pick out an outfit for my first day. All my clothes were hand-me-downs from my older brothers Sam and Dean. It was mostly flannels and t-shirts that were too big for me. The only clothes i had that were mine was a pair of dark wash blue jeans and one dress.The dress was short and dark blue in colour, and had spaghetti straps with a deep v-neck that showed a lot of cleavage. The dress was balled up in the corner of my room. I didn't have much use for it here.
The dress didn’t have the best memories associated with it. I had mostly worn it when I was hustling pool in dank bars and road houses. I had been groped by more boozed up old men than I cared to think about.
As I threw on my jeans and a tee-shirt and flannel I heard Charlie make his way down the stairs and out the front door. Leaving me alone in the house. I sighed and looked over at the clock. It was almost time for me to leave.
I grabbed my backpack and threw my cell phone onto the small desk in the corner of the room. I wasn’t going to touch it again. I didn’t need to hear from my brothers. I was here now and even if it was against my will I owed it to Sam to give having a normal life a go. He tried and Dean and I pulled him back into hunting. If I was truly going to give this a shot I couldn’t be in contact with them… no matter how much i wanted to know if my father was back or if they had any leads on his whereabouts.
The school wasn't hard to find, it was just off the highway like most things in Forks. It wasn’t much like any of the other schools I had attended and it was a long list.
Forks High School was a collection of red brick buildings connected by covered walkways. I pulled my truck into the large parking lot and pulled up in the back corner. I could do this I repeated in my head like a mantra. So what it people thought I was weird.
I stepped out of the warm dry cab of my truck and into the cold misty rain. I walked quickly across the lot towards the buildings. I found the office quickly as all the buildings were labelled. Most of the buildings just had numbers on the side but the office had a large plexiglass sign on the side reading Administration.
I stepped through the door into the warm room. There was a small plant in the corner beside the long desk that cut the room into two. The industrial carpet was flecked with orange. It almost matched the colour of the receptionist's hair. As the heavy door closed behind me she looked up over her thin rimmed glasses. Her face paled and she looked at me. Like she had seen a ghost.
She quickly composed herself and picked up some papers. “You must be Camilla?”
“Just Millie… Camilla is a granny name” I laughed.
“Of course Millie… You look just like your mom” She stared at me.
“I get that a lot”
The receptionist gathered my class schedule, attendance slips for my first day and a map of the school. The receptionist was overly friendly. She went through my class list and highlighted the best route to each one. I thanked her before I headed back out into the still misting rain.
There were more cars in the lot now. Mostly older models which I recognised as I had been used to helping Dean and Dad fix up on the rare occasion Dad actually worked as a mechanic.
The nicest car in the lot was a shiny silver volvo, I was probably only around a year old if that. I wouldn’t have a clue where to start looking if that car needed work.
I sighed and started towards my first class in building three. The building, like the office was easy to find, the building just behind the cafeteria had a large black number three painted in a white square on the side.
I followed two people in unisex raincoats through the door. They paused in the door and hung up their coats so I did the same. The people I followed were two girls. One had bleach blonde hair and the other was a mosey brown colour. They were laughing and chatting with each other.
I took my attendance slip up to the teacher… Mr Mason, he was a tall balding man. Mr Mason was wearing a brown tweed suit and had thick rimmed glasses. He took the slip from my hands and stared at my name and me wide eyed. I didn’t know what response I had expected after the receptionist this morning. I guessed my mom left a big hole in this town when she died.
After Mr Mason composed himself he sent me to a desk at the back of the room. It was harder for the students to stare at me when I was at the rear of the room. They still managed. I would look up from my notebook where I was copying the reading list into the back of the book. I had read most of what was on the list during long nights on the road or the many times I had been left alone in a cheap motel in whatever town we had a case in.
The bell rung, its high pitched nasal buzzing bringing me back to the present. I packed up my books and shoved them into my bag.
“Umm… You must be Camilla Winchester” A thin greasy boy with acne and pitch black hair was standing in the aisle next to my desk.
“Millie…” I corrected standing from my desk.
“Uh cool… Millie… What class do you have?”
I pulled out my crumpled schedule…
“Government with Mr Jefferson in Building Six” I said.
“I'm heading to building four, I can show you the way” He smiled awkwardly…”Im Eric… by the way”
Eric shifted his cross body bag.
“Thanks” I threw my back pack over my shoulder as Eric led me out of the room.
The rain outside had picked up now and was seeping through my jacket. I really had to invest in a raincoat. Maybe a parka.
“So… where are you from?” Eric asked
“All over, I grew up on the road” I shrugged
“Cool, so like have you seen the grand canyon”
“Yeah totally” I thought about the time Dean took Sam and I to the Grand Canyon while dad was out on a hunt.
“It must be weird staying in one place”
“I guess, i mean I’ve only been here for two days so far… and it’s different”
“Why did you grow up on the road?”
“My dad owned a carnival and he needed someone the throw knives at” I muttered sarcastically
Eric stared at me. He looked like he wasn't sure if I was joking or not. We had made it to the building now.
“Good luck” Eric smiled as I opened the door.
“Thanks” I stepped inside.
I couldn’t help but notice Eric walking off back in the direction we had just come from.
The rest of the morning passed in much the same fashion. I started to notice similar faces in my classes. Mr Varner, my Trigonometry teacher, was the only one who made me introduce myself to the class. I muttered some vague information about moving in with my uncle Charlie and sat down. Other than that the day was proceeding pretty well. In every class there was always someone braver than the rest who introduced themselves to me.
Most people just asked me how I liked Forks. I didn’t have much of an answer for them so I mostly just said it was fine so far.
I was glad I didn't need to use the map yet I was sure it was just as crumpled as my schedule if not worse.
A girl who was in my Trig and Spanish class walked with me to the cafeteria. Her name was Jess. I couldn’t help but think about Sam’s girlfriend, I knew this girl had nothing to do with her. I tried to pay attention to what Jess was saying. She was mostly blabbing about boys, teachers and classes. Jess was shorter than I was, which was hard considering I was only five foot one, but she had wildly curly hair that made her look taller than me.
Jessica led me to the end of a table full of her friends, she introduced me to all of them. They all seemed impressed by her bravery in talking to me. I looked around the large cafeteria and noticed the boy from English Eric waving at me from across the room.
Many of the people around me tried asking me questions, but there wasn’t really much I could say. Eventually they began to talk about assignments and the current drama between students. I glanced around the room again uninterested in these topics that I didn't know anything about. Then I saw them.
Five extremely pale students sat in the far corner of the cafeteria. The were just sitting, they each had a tray of untouch food in front of them and unlike all the other students they weren't staring at me.
There were three boys and two girls at the table. All of them were looking in different directions and they were not interacting with each other. Of the three boys one of them was big muscled, he reminded me of a weight lifter with curly dark hair. The next boy I looked at was leaner but still muscular, he had chin length honey blonde hair, he looked almost like he was in pain. The last was more boyish and lanky, less bulky than the others, he had messy bronze hair.
The girls were complete opposites, one was a tall blonde who looked like the girls I had seen on the cover of some of Dean's dirty magazines. Her long golden blonde hair waved perfectly and hit the middle of her back.
The other girl was short and pixie-like. Her black hair was cropped short pointing in every direction, she was thin to the extreme and even all her features were small.
Despite how different they all were they were all exactly alike. The same straight features, chalky pale skin, paler than anyone else i had seen here, and they all had dark eyes. They all looked tired with dark circles under their eyes.
As I watched them from across the cafeteria the small girl stood up and almost danced across the room and dumped the tray into the bin. She was like a dancer in the way she moved. I looked back to the others at the table, none of them had moved. I couldn’t decide who was more beautiful. Perhaps the blonde model-like girl or the bronze haired boy.
I turned to Jessica and asked “Who are they?”
Jessica looked up but by the tone of my voice I guessed she didn't need to. As Jessica looked up the smallest boy turned and looked at us. Jessica and I looked back to our table quickly avoiding his eye contact.
Jessica giggled before she answered, “Thats Edward and Emmett Cullen and Rosalie and Jasper Hale… The one who left is Alice Cullen. They all live together with Doctor and Mrs Cullen” Jessica said under her breath.
I looked back at the table, the boy who had looked at us was now picking a bagel apart with his long thin fingers.
“They are all… uh.. Really hot” I let out an awkward laugh.
“I know right but they are all together… like together… together” Jess whispered “Emmett and Rosalie and Jasper and Alice. I mean… and they live together… it's totally weird.”
It was quite the drama, even in the big city they would cause a stir.
“Which ones are the Cullen’s? They don't look related”
“Oh they aren’t, Doctor Cullen is really young like twenties or thirties, they’re all adopted… the Hale’s are twins, brother and sister… the blondes… they’re foster children”
“Aren’t they a little old for foster children”
“Well yeah, they are 18 but they’ve been with Mrs Cullen since they were 8, i think… they are her niece and nephew, or something”
“That's so nice of them too look after so many children when they are so young”
“I guess so” Jessica admitted, reluctantly “I don’t think Mrs Cullen can have kids”
I got the impression that Jessica didn't like the Cullen’s. I glanced back at the strange family, all sat looking at different walls.
“Have they always lived in Forks?”
“No they moved down a few years ago, i think they were somewhere in Alaska”
I looked back again and stared at the youngest boy, he looked up and made eye contact with me. It was strange, he looked frustrated and confused as he stared at me. Like he was expecting something but he couldn't find it.
“Who’s the one with the reddish hair” I turned back to Jess
“That’s Edward Cullen” Her tone was bitter as she said his name. “He’s gorgeous of course but don't waste your time he doesn't date apparently none of the girls here are good looking enough for him.”
I wondered when he had turned her down, she was obviously still bitter about it.
It was unsettling to watch the Cullen’s as they stood and left the cafeteria, they were too graceful.
I had sat at the table longer than I would have if I was alone. One of my new acquaintances had Biology II with me in the next hour. She kept reminding me her name was Angela. She was considerably taller than I was.
Angela walked to class with me. It was refreshing walking with Angela, she wasn’t asking me a million questions, she just walked next to me in silence.
When we entered the classroom Angela headed straight to her seat at one of the black top lab tables. I looked around the room and noticed there was only one empty seat. Next to who I recognised as Edward Cullen from his untidy hair and pale skin.
I made my way up the aisle to the desk where Mr Banner was sat. As I made my way past Edward I couldn't help but look at him. As I did Edward stiffened in his seat. He glared at me his eyes were pitch black, and the way he was looking at me was hostile, furious.
I walked quicker towards Mr Banner who signed my slip and directed me to the only free seat. The seat next to Edward who just looked at me like he wanted to kill me.
I placed my book onto the desk and sat down, letting my hair cover as much of my face as it could. I couldn’t help notice the way Edward looked away from me like he smelt something bad. I moved my face and sniffed the collar of my shirt worried I hadn’t washed it. But it smelt like laundry detergent.
Throughout the lesson Edward never relaxed; he kept his fist clenched on his left leg. I couldn’t understand his reaction to me. It wasn't just him being a loner or socially awkward. This was something more. This was a deep hatred and it confused me, I had never met this strange boy before.
Unless he was possessed. Maybe I should call my brothers… No this was Forks, there were no demons or monsters here. It was safe, there were no mysterious disappearances or mutilated cows. I was looking for a sign that there were demons here so I was finding whatever I could that fit the model I had made in my mind. It was just confirmation bias. That was all.
The bell rang and Edward disappeared from the room quickly. I stared after him shocked that someone I had just met could act like that.
“Hey aren’t you Camilla Winchester?” A blonde boy asked.
“I just go by Millie,” I smiled.
The boy was cute. He had a round baby-face with cool blue eyes. He had his blonde hair gelled into spikes. He was leaning on the lab table next to me.
“I’m Mike.”
“Hi, Mike”
“So do you need help finding your next class?” He smiled softly at me.
“Ooh, I actually have gym next… I don’t think i will have any trouble finding it” I picked up my bag.
“No way… That’s my next class too.” Mike seemed thrilled. But it wasn’t much of a coincidence in a school this small. I had lots of different classes with the same students.
Mike and I walked to Gym together. He talked a lot. Mike was originally from California and had moved to Forks when he was ten. His parents owned the hiking store just outside town. As it turned out Mike was also in my English class.
Mike was the nicest person I had met today.
“So did you stab Cullen with a pencil or what?” He asked as we entered the gym.
“Was that the boy I sat next to in biology?” I decided to play dumb.
“Yeah” Mike smirked. “He just looked like he was in pain… don’t worry about it the Cullen’s are weird”
“I didn’t even speak to him,” I shrugged.
Mike lingered next to me instead of heading into the locker room.
“If i was lucky enough to sit next to you… i would have spoken to you”
I smiled at Mike as I headed into the girls locker room.
The gym teacher Coach Clapp managed to find me a gym uniform but didn’t make me change. I sat in the corner of the room and watched four games of volleyball playing simultaneously.
Finally the last bell rang signalling the end of the day. I made a quick get away and walked slowly to the office. It was cold now, my damp jacket didn’t protect me from the wind that was now picking up.
It was pleasant stepping back into the warm dry office. My bliss didn’t last long, at the counter stood Edward Cullen. I stood against the back wall of the office and watched as he argued with the receptionist. He didn’t even acknowledge my entrance. I quickly gathered the gist of the argument. He was trying to change from sixth period biology to any other time. His voice was low and attractive.
As I stood pressed against the back wall of the office the door next to me opened, the girl who entered letting the cold breeze into the room. My hair flew around my face. I gently brushed it back and watched as the girl dropped some papers into a basket and quickly left again.
Edward was looking at me now, the same hostile look in his eyes. He turned back to the receptionist stiffly.
“Never mind then… I can see it is an impossibility” His voice was like velvet and honey.
He turned quickly on his heel and left the room.
The receptionist smiled at me warmly.
“How was your first day dear” She gently took my slips from me.
“It was okay I guess” I shrugged.
I could tell by the look on her face that she didn’t believe me.
By the time I made it back to my car, I was one of the last in the lot. I hated Forks and didn't understand why my brothers sent me to this hell hole of a town. I could be out there helping them find dad. But instead I was stuck here alone trying to be a normal teenager. I drove back to Charlie’s annoyed at the situation I had ended up in.
The next day was better and worse. Better because it wasn’t raining yet so I didn’t start the day off already soaked to the bone. Better because Mike sat next to me in English and walked with me to my next class while Eric glared at him the whole time. I found it amusing.
It was worse because I was forced to participate in gym class, I had never seen the appeal of sport… Most of my exercise was in the form of running from monsters and fighting… volleyball used none of those skills. And it was worse because Edwards wasn't in school at all. I had psyched myself up to confront him, find out what his problem was and if he was possessed. I had holy water in my drink bottle. I was going to spill it on the desk and hopefully him, but if he wasn’t here I couldn't do that.
In fact Edward wasn’t at school for the rest of the week. Perhaps I wasn’t the reason for his absence. It must have been something else that caused him to act like that. As the week passed I realised Forks wasn’t as bad as I had initially thought. I began to settle in and get into the groove of things.
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For the Love of Cake - bakery au, as in the y/n is a baker, and they’ve noticed someone has been taking their thrown out baked goods. It’s Mikey, cause he sees no reason why such delicious treats should go to waste! Of course y/n catches him in the act. What will happen next? That’s up to you XD
2014/16 TMNT (Bayverse)
Content warnings? Dumpster diving? Bad puns? Some violence? Some mention of injuries? Possibly very minimal swearing? (It's been a while since I read it okay!?)
Word count: 2344
For the love of cake
Today had been busy. On the bright side, the day flew by! However, being so busy often meant being so distracted that mistakes happened. Big ones. So, as you marked down the overstocked pastries unable to be kept overnight, you have heaved a sigh, shaking your head.
At least the sales would balance out the waste. You set aside one; reluctantly two donuts for yourself to take home, and sadly dumped the other trays of pastries into a clean trash bag. Once you finish cleaning up and doing a final sweep of the bakery, you headed out with your things and the large bag of dumpster-bound sweets. It sucked that they'd go to waste, but, rules were rules. You hefted it into the bin on your way past the alley, unaware of your small audience.
* * *
Mikey loved when he got to patrol this area of New York, the bakery always smelled so good! Usually, things always picked up before they closed. Tonight though he bore witness to the most wonderful and terrible sight all at once. There had to be dozens of delicious looking treats in that trash bag. He felt himself drool at the same time his heart dropped. The baker, they just, they threw them all away!
A travesty! A disaster! A crime! How could anyone toss out something so delicious!? His mind made up, he watched them leave. Once he was sure the coast was clear, he dropped down into the alley and zipped over to the dumpster to grab the bag of goodies and take back to the rooftops.
He beamed at The spoils of his, admittedly small, efforts. He couldn't wait to take these home and scarf them down. Of course he'd have to share.
* * *
And so things went for the next couple of weeks. Even if he wasn't set to patrol that area, Mikey always made a stop at the bakery dumpster to collect treats, no matter how big or small the waste was. Tonight was no different for him. What Mikey failed to take into account was the new hours they developed in the past few days.
The bakery was now open later. Something you weren't too keen on, but honestly, this bakery was one of the most pleasant places you'd ever worked. You weren't about to cut out over a couple extra hours a night. The owner had even been so kind as to hand out a couple of self-defense items, just in case.
You didn't anticipate needing to use it of course. You knew this area. It was pretty much always quiet. So when you rounded the corner to the alley to throw away today's leftovers you weren't prepared to see a large, green...was that a shell? Standing there with the dumpster open.
Okay, don't panic. You kept your eyes on him as his crystal blue eyes stared back, easing the lid down and raising his large...three fingered...? Hands to show he wasn't a threat. Similarly, you slowly set down the trash bag and backed off.
Whoever, *whatever* they were, it didn't really matter. They weren't hurting you and you had no plans to pick a fight. Once you made it across the street, barely looking away, you slowly put your hands down. Mikey had stepped forward cautiously once you were a comfortable distance away (at least he thought so, since you didn't bolt) and picked up the bag before he ducked back into the shadows and hurried back to the rooftops.
Once he was gone, you hurried home, sure that you I had imagined it. You had to have! He...he was a giant, bipedal, turtle! You shook it off, got cleaned up, and headed for bed, certain sleep would make things clearer.
* * *
Sleep had been difficult to attain, those eyes haunting your dreams with an indescribable expression swimming in them. You shook it off. It was another closing shift for you tonight, you had to get yourself ready.
* * *
Mikey was somewhat shaken from being caught, but it wouldn't stop him from going back. After all, you didn't freak out, so it couldn't have been that bad that you saw him, right? Of course he wouldn't tell his brothers about his run-in. They'd freak out and he'd never get more delicious baked goods!
So, when he spied you through the bakery window from across the street, he almost felt relieved. It was probably just a random late close last night. He knew pizza places had that happen when they got crazy busy sometimes. He continued his patrol until he was sure you'd closed up shop.
He was wrong. Caught once again. He was faster to back off. Before he got a chance to ask about the reason you hadn't freaked out or fainted last time, you spoke up.
"You okay?" Was all you asked of him. The first thing that you said to him wasnt 'what are you' or some accusation of him being a monster or anything even close. Even if your tone wasn't invested, you showed concern.
"Oh, uh, yeah! Fine! No problems here!" He chuckled nervously, waving you off with a smile. Well, you now knew you weren't crazy. He was real.
"Okay, um...here." You set the bag down and backed up a couple steps. "Have a good night." You nodded before heading off home, and firmly wrapped around the mace in your pocket, just in case.
"Thanks!" He called, obviously happy, you weren't entirely sure why. Mikey was just hyped that you were so nice! Maybe he was making a new friend all on his own?
* * *
You weren't sure why, but you felt the need to put the remainders away neatly tonight. After all, your dumpster-diver didn't seem to mind them being all messed up. Blame it on your kind heart. You left a few dollars to pay for the boxes from your tips and slid them carefully into the usual trash bag.
After your final sweep, you headed out, locking up per usual and carrying the surplus delicacies in both hands so as not to mess them up for once. You looked around a bit, wondering if he was already there. But it seemed you were alone this time. You carefully lowered the bag into the dumpster, glancing around one last time before walking home.
* * *
Mikey was in awe when he found the nicely packaged pastries. He actually teared up a bit. as far as he knew, you were the only one who knew he did this. It *had* to have been you who did this for him.
He hurried back to the lair carefully to make sure he didn't mess up your hard work. His brothers had questions. Obviously he must have been spotted.
"Nah guys! They musta just saw they were gone in the morning! Who doesn't forget to take out the trash sometimes?" He laughed it off, hoping he was convincing
* * *
It had been a month since he had started taking dumpster confections. Two weeks since you'd started boxing them up for him. You'd even invited him down a couple of times when you'd spotted him up on the rooftops. It was easier to just hand them to him than to set them in the dumpster.
"You, *do* eat more than just these, right?" You had asked one night. He'd out right laughed around the bite of donut in his mouth. You weren't sure what was funny.
"Of course Angelcakes! Pizza, pasta, stew, all kinds of stuff. We-uh, *I* just really like your guys' stuff, ya know?" He stumbled, hoping you wouldn't ask who the others were.
"Oh, so it's more than just you eating these." You nodded. "Okay well, it's late, enjoy." You started to leave with a wave.
"I'm Mikey by the way!" He blurted. "Thanks for being so nice." He was blushing from his outburst, but it didn't diminish his smile when you looked back at him. You couldn't help but smile back. His warmth was contagious.
"Y/N. See you next time, Mikey."
He swore his heart stopped when you said his name.
* * *
He didn't mean to get attached, and to be honest, neither did you. But you both became accustomed to your short interactions. So, when you didn't come out at close, Mikey was worried to put it lightly. He waited for a few minutes, hoping things had just been busy today, maybe you were just behind.
He had a bad feeling though. It didn't take long to have a loud crash confirm his suspicions as he lept into action. "Y/N?" He called as he burst through the window pane. The place was a mess. "Y/N!" He shouted, making his way deeper into the bakery. He alerted the others just in case whoever was here had backup.
"Back off!" Your voice had him rushing to your aide. You were there, back in the far corner, surrounded by three common thugs. You already had a bruise blooming over the left side of your face, but according to the knife in your hand, you didn't plan on going down without a fight. Internally, he was furious.
"Fellas, it's not very sweet of you to try and rob a bakery. Kinda leaves a bitter taste in my mouth if I'm honest." Mikey commented, standing not three feet behind the ruffians. They hadn't paid him any mind originally, thinking he'd be just another easy target.
Now that he was calmly, chipperly even, addressing them, their attention divided between him and yourself, then focus solely on him. "What the hell is this?"
"Some weird freak creature." The smallest of the trio cracked, his voice nasally. Obviously, he wasn't the brains of the operation.
"Ah, that stings." Nike feigned injury as he pressed a hands to his chest, his other hand lazily twirling a nunchuk. "I'll forgive you and give you a head start if you get going now." He offered with a smile, pulling out his other nunchuk.
You watched wide-eyed. You'd never seen him in good lighting, and you'd never expected him to come to your rescue. You were scared for him when he first popped up, but he seemed calm as could be, peppy in fact. The trio declined his generous offer by way of charging him.
He evaded them fluidly, even in the confined space. As they kept on him, you shakily pulled out your cell phone to call the police. Mikey on the other hand, got them to the front of the store. With so much space, he took them down with ease. He couldn't help but give them a couple pies to the face when the opportunity presented itself.
"Doing okay Mikey?" Leo's voice came through the shattered window as the other three made their appearance. They'd rush to help him without hesitation. But it was clear to see he had it covered.
"No sweat." He beamed, the trio tied up on the floor for the police to take care of when they arrived. He had meringue splattered over his plastron and on his face from the scuffle but he didn't pay any mind as you peeked out from the back room.
"Mikey?" He smiled brightly, reassuring you.
"It's safe, c'mon." He waved you over as the last of the turtles made their way through the window. "Guys, this is Y/N. Y/N, these are my brothers. Leo, Raph, and Donnie." He introduced as he took your hand in his, wrapping his opposite arm around your shoulders to keep you steady.
"Uh, hi...um..." You took everything in. It looked like a tornado had been through the place. Before long, sirens could be heard headed your way. "You guys should probably go." You commented, figuring they probably wouldn't want to be seen.
"What? No. Donnie's gotta look at that bruise." Mikey insisted before you could reason with him. Leo and Donnie easily saw your concern for what it was. You were trying to protect them.
"You don't need to worry about that." Donnie assured as he stepped up to check you over. He asked a few basic, and a few more in-depth questions, not allowing you to argue with any of them. It wasn't long before the police pulled up, turning off their sirens and meeting Leo halfway.
To your surprise, they seemed completely unfazed. So that's why they weren't worried about being seen by them. They made short work of collecting security tapes as Donnie finished looking you over. Once the turtles were gone, the cleanup unit would be there to take care of the disaster that the bakery had become.
"Well, according to the results of my evaluation, I'm fairly certain you have a significant concussion. Do you have anyone that can watch over you for the next week or so?" Donnie asked. It wasn't severe enough for you to need hospitalization, but you would need to be supervised to assure your condition didn't deteriorate.
You shook your head lightly, but even that added to the pain of your injury. "I live alone, moved here from out-of-state not too long ago." You admited. He hummed and thought on that.
"I do recommend you get a professional opinion and get these gashes stitched up-" You'd been so hopped up on adrenaline you hadn't realized you didn't bleeding as well. "But I really insist someone watch over you until you're in the clear. Perhaps a co-worker-"
"I'll do it." Mikey volunteered quickly. Donnie and you both looked at him. "For real, just tell me what to look for and I'll come get you if something isn't right." He looked serious about it.
"Are you sure Mikey? It's no small task." Donnie pointed out.
"Yeah shell-fer brains, ya gonna be able to keep up tha whole time?" Raph asked, hefting the last of the thugs to his feet so he could be hauled off.
Mikey looked to you and gave a bright smile, sparking a flutter in your chest. "Piece of cake."
@wacheypenaart @wacheypena @acelikesturtles @lady-ella1 @bayverse-turtle-power @kawaiibunga @ai-kizu-rp @scarlettross @moonlightflower21 (I don't have everyone's tags 😅)
I'll have you know I'm 100% unashamed of any and all puns. Hope you enjoyed!!!
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mystrangerfics · 6 years
The Dirty Mix
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A/N: This is a dirty-minded, flirty story with fluffs galore. All songs titles in this fic are linked so you can play as you go if you want. Hope you enjoy it!
Pairing: Billy Hargrove x Reader 
Description: This was a request by @kaitlinlexiexx asked: can you maybe do a Billy x reader where the reader is really shy and punk rockish? she likes rock music, leather jackets, all that jazz. and then she bumps into Billy or something in the hall at school and she befriends him. then they start talking and she opens up more and is actually really dirty minded and it shocks him?
Work Count: 6291
Complete Story Warnings: Abuse Mentioned, Language, & Dirty Talk.
__ __
The school day had finally ended and you were so ready to go home. You clicked on your Walkman and the loud rock music filled your ears. You walked through the halls of people and kept to yourself like you did most days. You didn’t make conversation if you didn’t need to and tried to avoid it in general. Your headphones were your safe haven, your calm and the loud music coming from them helped you zone out. People would smile and wave to you but they knew you well enough to stop with that, you would return the gestures and that was nice enough. People understood you were shy but that you also didn’t let people take advantage of you. You were pretty well liked, even if you didn’t go out of your way to talk with others.
You zipped up your leather jacket before walking outside into the cold air. Your boots tracked through the snow as you made your way to the parking lot. You hummed quietly with your music and when someone banged into you out of nowhere, you felt the headphones fall from your ears. You slipped on the ice and almost fell before someone grabbed your arm. You managed to get your footing and then glanced to the person still holding your arm. Your eyes met with Billy Hargrove’s who was looking at you a little.
“Fuck,” you said suddenly, seeing your Walkman on the ground in pieces. “Shit,” you hissed as you picked it up and looked at it. You tried playing it after fixing the cassette cover but when it didn’t work you sighed.
“I don’t think I’ve ever heard you speak,” you heard and looked up to Billy. “Sorry about your Walkman.”
You gave him a crooked smile and just kind of shrugged. “Thanks for helping me. See you around,” you said quietly before you made a waving gesture with your hand that held the broken music player. You messed with it as you walked to your car, the headphones around your neck.
Billy continued to watch you walk to your car. He had seen you in school a few times, always with your headphones on and you never spoke. He had made eye contact with you a few times but it never went any further. He didn’t know if you were shy or just didn’t care to socialize with people. Either way, you had peaked his interest. He hadn’t meant to run into you, he had turned, trying to find Tommy but crashed into you instead. He got into his car and sighed as he waited for Max to finally come.
__ __
Walking through school for the day felt really odd without your music but you hadn’t been able to afford to replace your player. You knew you would have to soon or you would go crazy. Standing at your locker and hearing everyone talking almost gave you a headache. By the end of the day, you just wanted to get in your car and blare music. You knew it wasn’t Billy’s fault but you were still a little irritated.
You quickly made your way to your car and stopped suddenly when you saw Billy standing in front of your door. You adjusted your bag strap on your shoulder before you scrunched up your face at him. “What’s up, Hargrove?”
“Uh, I felt bad yesterday,” he admitted before he pulled a box from his messenger bag. You looked to it and saw it was for a Walkman. “I couldn’t find the one you had but this one is the best. That’s what the guy at Radio Shack said,” Billy said before shrugging like it didn’t matter. He held the box out to you. “We good?”
You hesitated for a second before you took it and looked at it. You smiled a bit before looking up at him. “Thank you, Billy. This is great,” you admitted, glancing back down to the box again. “See you tomorrow,” you said before giving him a little wave when he began walking back to his car. He nodded and sent a wave back.
__ __
Billy came out of school the next day and sighed as he trudged up to the parking lot. You stood by his car and swayed awkwardly for a moment. He spotted you and raised an eyebrow, showing his uncertainty.
“I made you a tape,” you mumbled and held the cassette out. “As a thank you for the Walkman,” you added with a shrug.
Billy took the tape from your hand and glanced at it for a moment.  “Thanks,” he said, looking at it.
“I don't know if you'll like the music but it's some of my favorites. So hopefully there's something on there you'll like,” you said before shrugging. “Later,” you said before heading to your car.
Billy lifted three fingers as a wave and nodded his head. He got into his car and looked at the tape for a minute before pushing it into his player. He turned his Camaro on before turning up the volume dial a little. Guitar riffs started filling the car as the beginning of ‘You Shook Me All Night Long’ by AC/DC started playing through the speakers. Billy raised his eyes a little but smirked, he wasn’t expecting the song as one of your favorites but was pleasantly surprised.
Billy continued to sit in the car and wait for Max. The next song started and he hadn’t heard it before. It started a little slow but the chorus had him nodding his head and tapping his hand mindlessly against the side of his thigh.  He figured the song was called ‘Feel Like Makin’ Love’ and found an amused smile on his lips. He glanced around the parking lot to see if you were still around but your car was gone.
Billy snapped his head back when he heard his passenger side door open and saw Max climb in. “Hey,” Billy said before he paused for a moment, Max raised an eyebrow at him. “Do you know a (Y/N)? She goes to school here?”
“Headphones?” Max asked, Billy nodded a little. “Yeah, we know her. She walks around town all the time. We heard her name once but we already named her Headphones.” Billy nodded before he put his car in reverse and backed out of his parking space.
__ __
Billy had gone out on a date Friday night that had proved to be about as exciting as all his other dates. They went to the diner, caught the newest movie and Billy had her home by ten like her father had instructed. He hadn’t even been able to get up the gumption to kiss the girl goodnight, he had remained in the car and took off before she even made it to her door.
Billy glanced around the dark streets of Hawkins before he pushed the cassette tape back into his player. His date had popped it out at one point, complaining about the music. He heard the beginning strums of ‘Night Moves’ by Bob Seger and nodded his head a little to the music. Billy drove around mindlessly, boredly hating how Hawkin’s never had anything to offer for entertainment.
It was about eleven o’clock when Billy spotted someone crossing the street ahead of him a ways. He saw the figure walking down a path in the woods and slowly brought his car to a stop, squinting into the trees. The figure had disappeared and Billy told himself to leave it alone but he found himself shutting off his car and getting out. His breath came out in huffs in front of him as he walked through the snowy woods, following the footprints. He went a little ways and was about to turn back when he saw a clearing up ahead. He slowly walked up to it and saw a bunch of abandoned cars and a large, rusting school bus. He glanced around before he saw someone sitting on top of the bus, facing the opposite direction.
Billy came closer and then shook his head as he could see the headphones resting on your ears. You were looking out over the distant lights and seemed calm. He looked for something to climb up on before he managed to get on top of the bus. You didn’t seem to notice him until he sat beside you, letting his legs hang next to yours, over the side of the bus. You jumped and gasped before you sighed in relief and then just gave him a crooked, awkward smile.
“Aren’t you cold?” Billy asked, he saw you push back one of your headphones and lean your head, showing you hadn’t heard him. “Aren’t you cold?”
You kind of shrugged and shook your head. “What are you doing out here? I don’t have many people bother me at this hour,” you said with a little smile, pulling your headphones down around your neck.
“I was driving around, thought I saw a damn ghost,” Billy admitted before he folded his hands together and leaned forward, looking over the fields and trees. “What are you doing out here?”
“Thinking,” you said plainly and tucked your hands into your jacket pockets.
“You don’t have a warmer place to think? What about your car?” Billy asked and glanced back at you.
“I’m only allowed to use it to get back and forth to school,” you explained. “I don’t mind walking, it helps me clear my head.”
You both sat in silence for a few moments, nothing but the sound of the faint music coming from your headphones. “I listened to your tape,” Billy said after a moment and an amused smile fell onto his lips. “I didn’t know you were so into rock,” he quipped before smirking at you. “Or that your music taste is completely in the gutter.”  You seemed to look at him like you didn’t understand what he was saying. He listed off a few of the songs you had recorded, all pertaining to having sex in one way or the other.
You snorted before laughing a little and nodding. “I suppose I did give you the dirty mix,” you said with a smirk. “What’s wrong with that?”
“Nothing,” Billy said, turning his head back to look at you again. He placed a pleasant looking smile on his face as he stared.
“Who doesn’t like to listen to songs about getting laid?” You laughed and shook your head a little.
“I guess I just wasn’t expecting it,” Billy admitted before he looked back over the trees, glancing to some of the lights in the distance.
“They’re good songs to listen to. Especially at school when you walk by,” you said before smiling a bit. Billy could nearly see the blush on your cheeks but was taken aback a little. He hadn’t expected you to be so blunt about liking him and found a small laugh leave his throat.
“Well, for a shy girl, you definitely speak your mind,” Billy muttered with a smirk finding its way onto his lips.  
“Well, as you said, it’s always in the gutter,” you said before giving him a playful smirk, shrugging your shoulders. You checked your watch for a moment before looking around. “It was really good to see you Billy. I have to go,” you said before shooting him a little wave. “See you Monday?” You asked, stopping and turning back to look at him.
“Yeah, uh, I’ll see you then,” Billy said, surprised by you suddenly parting. He was going to ask if you needed a ride but decided against it.
You shot Billy a wave before you hopped down onto the hood of the bus and then onto the ground. He watched you walked out of the junkyard before he turned back, looking over the trees again.
__ __
Billy had a shit day, there was no other way to describe it. His father had yelled at him the entire morning before school and when he showed up late, his teacher had given him detention. He wasn’t overly excited about the idea of spending his Saturday at the school or telling his father about it but he didn’t have much of a choice.
Billy saw you in the hall, walking ahead of him with your headphones on. He knew calling you would be no good so he tried to catch up to you before you left for the day. Someone stepped in front of him and he looked down, seeing his date from Friday night. “Hey,” Billy said but glanced over her head, sighing a little when you went around a corner and he lost sight of you.
“So, I thought you were going to call me?” The girl said and Billy racked his brain to remember her name.
“Oh,” he started and it finally came to him. “Yeah, Ally. Sorry,” he mumbled. “Had a crazy weekend.”
“Was something wrong Friday?” She asked and hugged her books a little. “I mean, you just didn’t seem too interested.”
Billy sighed a little and let his tongue run over his bottom lip. “Yeah, Ally. I’m sorry. I’m just not in a good place right now,” Billy said, trying to let her down gently.
“Well, did you want to hang out later?” Ally tried and bit her bottom lip.
“Maybe. I’ll see how I feel in a few weeks,” he said. She didn’t seem to like that answer too much but just nodded before heading on her way down the hall.
Billy finally made it outside but when he reached the parking lot he didn’t see your car. He frowned a little and leaned back against his Camaro with a sigh. Digging for a cigarette, he leaned back off his car and turned to light it before his eyes noticed something on his windshield. He reached down and lifted one of the wipers, holding up a cassette tape. ‘Dirty Mix Part 2’ was scribbled on the small label and he smirked before he got into the car and put the tape in. ‘Need You Tonight’ by INXS started playing through his speakers and a smirk covered Billy’s face. He was really thinking it was about time to ask you on a date.
__ __
Billy had practice the next day after school and he noticed he felt a little bummed that he couldn’t try to bump into you in the parking lot. He had almost grown used to your little meetups, even if it hadn’t been that long of a habit.
“Where you been, man? You’ve been a ghost this last week,” Tommy said as he came up to Billy on the court.
Billy shrugged a little and kind of just smiled. “Just been around, messing around,” Billy said before he shot a basket.
Tommy laughed and Billy looked up to him before he looked past him, someone catching his eye. He saw you sitting on the bleachers, your headphones on and your toe tapping. You were staring at him, flatout your eyes were on Billy and he could only imagine what was playing on your Walkman.
Tommy followed Billy’s gaze before he snorted a little bit. “Headphones? Really?” Tommy mumbled and Billy broke his eye contact with you and looked at Tommy.
“Why do people call her that? She has a name,” Billy snipped as he dribbled his ball a little.
“She doesn’t talk to people,” Tommy said before shrugging. “She walks around the halls and does nothing but listen to her stupid Walkman.”
“Just shut up, man,” Billy said after a moment. He wasn’t sure why it bugged him so much but he didn’t like Tommy talking bad about you.
“What are you fucking her or something?” Tommy laughed and shot his ball at the rim of the hoop.
Billy angrily took a step towards Tommy before he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned to see Steve Harrington looking at him. “Hey, man. Ignore him. He’s got a big mouth,” Steve said, trying to get Billy to calm himself. Billy wasn’t sure why Steve was stepping in since Billy had knocked Steve out before, quite badly. “Not worth it. He doesn’t think about what he’s saying,” Steve said, urging Billy to relax with his words.
“What’s it got to do with you?” Billy asked bitterly, wondering why Steve was being stupid enough to interrupt.
Steve sighed with his hands on his hips before he glanced over to you. Billy watched you smile and wave at Steve for a moment and Steve returned it. Tommy snorted and came up behind Billy with his arms crossed. “Probably because Harrington is fucking her,” he added.
“Dude, no,” Steve argued but Billy’s angered face told him he wasn’t buying it.
Billy shoved Steve back a little and glared. “Is it true?”
“I just told you it wasn’t. Are you deaf?” Steve asked with his hands up, trying to remain innocent and undefensive.
Billy shoved Steve again and he tripped up before he fell. Your head snapped up from where you’d been mindlessly doodling, the music having kept you from noticing the argument. You saw Steve on the ground and Billy standing over him, looking angry. You didn’t want to draw attention to yourself but Steve had been a good friend since you were young. You walked out onto the basketball court and stepped in front of Steve, blocking Billy’s path. You could tell he wasn’t expecting it because he nearly fell back as you reached down and helped up Steve.
“Told you,” Tommy said into Billy’s ear.
“Shut your trap, Tommy,” you snapped, glaring at him. Tommy had never made your life easier, he always tried to make it harder. The gym wasn’t too full since the practice hadn’t fully started yet so you didn’t feel too anxious.
“Back off, bitch,” Tommy retorted with his own glare and stepped towards you. You saw Billy’s arm come up in front of Tommy, it was subtle but you saw it. You glanced to Billy and gave him a small smile.
Steve thanked you quietly and you turned to him before you gave him a little hug. “I’ll watch the next one,” you said to Steve and Billy. People were beginning to stare at you and it made you uncomfortable. “Bye, guys.” You gave a small wave before you replaced your headphones and left the gym.
“She came to watch you?” Billy asked, nearly glaring a hole through Steve.
“Well, she never has before, so I don’t think that was for me,” Steve said honestly. Billy found a small smirk on his lips as he turned around. He decided to let it go but kicked himself a little. He wondered what you had been listening to while watching him play, he wished he hadn’t ruined it. __ __
“I’m sorry about the other day?” You looked up from your lunch to see Billy sitting himself across from you. You pulled off your headphones and gave him an awkward smile, showing you hadn’t heard him. “I’m sorry about the other day,” Billy repeated. You scrunched up your face, showing you were a little confused. “In the gym. When I shoved Steve,” he elaborated.
“Oh,” you said, finally understanding. “Yeah, I was a little disappointed. I was enjoying watching you run around shirtless,” you said with a little smirk and Billy raised an eyebrow at you as he smirked.
“What song were you listening to?” Billy asked, leaning across the table a little. The thought had been in his head since he saw you there and he really wanted to know.
“While watching you?” You asked to confirm and saw Billy nod. You blushed a bit but smiled. “’Lick it Up’ by KISS,” you admitted.
Billy shook his head but had a huge smile on his face. He really had never imagined you to have such a filthy mind but he was beginning to really like it. “I think we need to go out,” Billy said like it was a known fact.
“Oh yeah?” You asked and glanced up at him through your eyelashes. “Like go out to eat or to reenact the KISS song?” You dragged your tongue over your spoon and looked him in the eye.
Billy felt a pull between his legs and breathed out heatedly. “Are you busy Friday night?”
You smirked at him for not answering the question but then pouted in a playful way. “I’m out of town this weekend and most of next week,” you said honestly. “Next weekend I’m available though,” you offered.
“Next Friday around seven?” Billy asked, hopeful you’d agree. The thought of waiting almost two weeks to take you out was long enough, he was hoping it wouldn’t be longer than that.
“Sure,” you said with a bit of a smile. “See you later, Hargrove,” you purred as you got up with your empty tray, beating the bell that rang a moment later. Billy barely heard it as his eyes followed you out of the cafeteria.
__ __
Billy heard a dreamy sigh from behind him at his locker and turned around, he smiled when he saw it was you. “I'm sorry, some days I just have to stop and stare at an ass that gorgeous,” you said before you giggled.
“You know, a mouth like that, could get you in trouble,” Billy said before he leaned against his locker and fixed you with a dreamy stare.
“A look like that makes me think I wouldn't mind,” you said with a little smirk. “Besides, I'm good at using my mouth for more than just running it,” you said as you leaned into him. Billy felt his skin warm all over as he looked to your mouth that you left slightly parted. You purposely left your lips parted and ran your tongue over them.
Billy looked like he was coming undone in front of you and it made you giggle a little. “See you around, Hargrove,” you purred before leaning close like you were going to kiss him and walked off.
Billy's eyes ran over you and he watched you walk down the hall, he had to swallow to wet his throat. He couldn't deny how badly he wanted to find a bed and put you in it.
__ __
Billy had found himself returning to the junkyard after your first meeting there. He wasn't sure what it was but the area was quiet and he could think there. He turned suddenly when he heard a noise on the hood of the bus and turned to see you climbing up onto the top.
“I can't believe you didn't hear me walk up,” you said, seeing that you had jumped him slightly.  “How's it going?”
Billy held his gaze straight, trying to keep the other side of his face hidden. He'd gotten into it with his father again and didn't want to have to explain the busted lip. “Alright,” Billy said before shrugging. “How was your day? I didn't see you at school,” he commented.
“I was there, we must have just missed each other,” you said with a small shrug and pout.
“So where are you going this weekend?” Billy asked and leaned forward a little, letting his elbows set on his knees.
“Visiting family,” you mumbled and shrugged a bit. “Mom's parents live about five hours away and we go see them once a month.”
Billy nodded his head a little and tried to place the song coming from your headphones that laid around your neck.
“‘Africa’ by Toto,” you said with a little laugh when he mindlessly leaned closer. He made a slight face at you and you laughed. “Hey, it's gonna be a classic,” you said with a smile. You turned the volume up so he could hear it better. “Gonna take a lot to drag me away from you!” You loudly sang, dramatically dragging out the words that the song did.
Billy found an actual laugh come from himself and shook his head. “Yeah, let's never speak of this again,” he joked and you playfully hit his shoulder.
“Can’t believe you're hating on Toto,” you said with a grin before you sighed out and looked over the trees.
“Fine. It's not a horrible song,” he mumbled before smirking a bit at you. It was at this moment Billy realized he was showing his split lip and turned back forward. He was waiting for the inevitable, for you to ask what had happened and what was wrong.
“Can’t hate on a future classic,” was all you said, your tone still light and Billy was grateful to you.
“I suppose not,” he said with a shrug and smiled a bit. Billy didn't know how long you planned on staying out on the bus but he knew he wasn't leaving until you were. He was prepared to stay the rest of the night.
__ __
Billy didn't want admit it but not seeing you in the halls all week made him feel a little down. He missed your witty banter and your occasional dirty comment.
He had returned to the junkyard a few times and on one of the nights he had accidentally fallen asleep. When he dragged in early in the morning his father started on him. Yelling about him being gone all night and asking who he had been sleeping with.
“So which was it? A whore or a guy?” His father asked and Billy stood by the door, his keys in his hand. He didn't move and tried not to listen, he was tired of being treated like he was worthless. “You know, maybe you wouldn't think you were such a pretty boy without that hair,” Neil barked and went into the kitchen, pulling scissors from a drawer. He grabbed Billy's hand and slapped the scissors into them. “Cut it,” Neil hissed.
“Dad,” Billy tried but his father just glared at him, his gaze telling him to be quiet.
Billy looked at the scissors for a moment before bringing them up and grabbing the end of his hair. He forced down his emotions as he made the first clip.
__ __
“Well, damn Hargrove. What happened?” Tommy asked, coming up behind Billy.
“Just wanted a new look,” Billy snipped and kept his eyes on his books in his locker as he pulled them out. He was feeling really self-conscious about his short hair but trying to pull it off.
“I liked the mullet better,” Tommy said, leaning on the locker beside Billy, Carol under his arm.
“Yeah, was definitely a hot look,” she agreed.
“I didn’t ask for your fucking opinion!” Billy barked before he slammed his locker closed.
“Jesus,” Carol said and raised her eyebrows. “Sensitive today?”
“Just get the hell out of my face,” Billy remarked before he turned and walked down the hall.
Billy felt everyone’s eyes on him the whole day and it left him on edge. He kept his gaze down and kept quiet for most of the day, he just wanted to go home.
Billy walked out to his car and dropped down into the seat before he saw a cassette tape on the windshield. He rolled down the window and leaned forward, grabbing it. He had a smile on his face for the first time that day as he read the label, ‘Dirty Mix Part 3. Did you miss me?’ He looked around the parking lot but didn’t see your car. He glanced back to the tape before putting it into the player. ‘I Love Rock N’ Roll’ started blaring through his speakers and Billy found a smirk on his face.
__ __
Billy walked out into the opening of the junkyard when he saw you standing up on top of the bus. Your hands were in your jacket pockets and you were gently nodding your head to the music he already knew to be playing in your ears. He smiled for a moment before he felt a wave or insecurity and looked down a little. He didn't know how you would react to his new look. A few people had made some comments about his hair that left him feeling insecure. Naturally, he played it off like he didn't give a fuck but he did. He had liked his hair and wasn't really sure how to style his current haircut to look good.
You turned a little, just glancing around when your eyes landed on him. Billy's uncertainty washed away instantly when he saw the large smile that appeared on your face. You slid your headphones down around your neck and jumped down onto the hood of the bus before you got down.
“I didn't know you were home yet,” Billy purred and found a small smile on his lips. Billy wasn't sure why but he found a calm come over him whenever you were around. You made him feel at ease, like he didn't have to act a certain way or be someone for you to like him.
“Got back this morning,” you said with a little smile. “I like the new hair, very sexy,” you said after you had looked it over, a smirk on your lips. “It’s so cute. I liked the mullet too but this is a good look,” you said with a smile.
Billy felt okay about his hair for the first time since cutting it and he smiled a bit. “Oh, yeah? You like?”
You adored the little smirk on his lips and nodded before you wrapped your arms around him, hugging him for a moment. “Nice little surprise to come back to,” you purred. You had missed Billy during your time away.
Billy couldn't help himself as his arms came around you and it felt like an electric charge surged through him. You being this close to him and looking into his eyes the way you did made his heart race. He leaned down and pressed a kiss to your lips, you returned it and the fire inside him was ignited.
You both stayed close for a moment before you pulled back from him and smiled. Billy watched your tongue run over your bottom lip and found himself staring. “You’re going to have to wait til our date tomorrow,” you teased before smirking.
“I can’t wait,” Billy said before he wrapped an arm around your waist. He pressed a soft kiss to your lips and looked down into your eyes, “but I will.” You smiled and for a moment, let your head rest against his shoulder.
__ __
It was seven, you were ready after fretting over your outfit, makeup and hair for about two hours. You didn’t want to overdo it but you still wanted to look nice. You excitedly sat by the door and tried not to be nervous, you kept your headphones on to stay calm.
You ignored the tightness in your chest when your Walkman popped open, signifying that you had completed all of Side A, you flipped it over and put it back in. You clicked ‘Play’ and sighed out your nerves before you looked out the window again. When the player stopped again you looked at the clock and saw that it was eight.
You got up and grabbed your bag, trying to keep your feelings calm. You could hear your mother coming from the other room and quickly darted out, not wanting her to know that you hadn’t gone on your date. You felt stupid, you had gushed and got excited, now you looked like a fool and felt like one.
You didn’t really have a plan so you just walked, soon enough you were close to the junkyard. You climbed up on the bus and wiped at your face before digging into your bag. You sniffled and found the casette you were looking for before you put it in your player and turned it on. The loud music filled your ears and you wiped at your face, cleaning yourself up. You hadn’t meant to start crying but you had been disappointed and embarrassed. You angrily put up your hair, getting it out of your face. It was a reminder of your failed date and you wanted to forget it.
You sat in the junkyard and at first tried to dream up a number of excuses for Billy before you gave it up. You let yourself listen to your mix of sad songs on your Walkman and just feel bad in general for a little while, wanting to get it all out. You hadn’t expected this of Billy. Things had felt real, was it all some sick game he had played as a joke? Was he laughing about you with his friends right now? You didn’t want that to be the case but your mind was racing. You checked your watch to see it was around ten and figured it was late enough that you could go home and lie to your mother, saying you’d gone on your date.
You stood up from the bus and turned only to bump directly into something. You gasped and nearly fell back off the bus before you felt someone catch your arm and looked up to see Billy. “Fuck, you’ve been crying,” Billy commented with a frown, you only heard him because your headphones had fallen back from your ears. You looked at him, his eye was darkened and his cheek had a split. “I didn’t mean to miss the date. I’m sorry I’m late,” he said before sighing a little. “I fucked this all up,” he rambled.
You didn’t really speak, you just stared up into his face a bit. You were angry, sad and too many feelings to voice into one sentence or anything that made sense. You didn’t know what was going on, he was banged up like he’d gotten into a fight, three hours late and at the junkyard.
“I went by your house…,” he mumbled. “I knocked and your mom said you were gone on your date” he explained. “So I wanted to try and find you. I figured you were here,” he said and motioned around.
You weren’t used to Billy rambling, normally he had everything so well planned, mapped out. This was a different side of Billy, almost a nervous wreck. “What happened?” You managed to put your anger aside as you saw how bad Billy’s face looked.
Billy seemed to start and stop about ten times before he sighed out a bit. “My dad got pissed about me going out,” he said and shrugged like it was nothing, “It’s whatever.”
You frowned and had a heartbroken expression for a second. You had honestly had no idea that anyone could be hurting Billy. He’d always appeared so strong, you couldn’t imagine him being hurt by someone else. You had noticed his occasional split lip or slightly bruised cheek from time to time and had wondered but you hadn’t said anything.  You realized now how stoic he really seemed but you found yourself wrapping your arms around him. He hesitated for a second before he wrapped you up in his arms and pressed a kiss to the top of your head.
“Are you okay?” You asked, your voice saddened and you pulled back, looking up into his face.
“I’m okay now,” he said quietly before he leaned down and pressed a kiss to your lips. He stayed close for a moment before your sad music reached his ears. “I’m sorry that I hurt you,” he said after a moment.
“I’m sorry I got upset. I should have just waited until I heard from you,” you said as you tucked a stray piece of hair behind your ear.
Billy leaned back a little and glanced over you as one of his arms remained around your waist. “Damn you look really pretty,” he said, almost sounding guilty, saddened. “Fuck, I can still take you out. It’s not that late,” he tried and checked his watch.
You smiled a little at him, seeing him being sweet, a rare occurrence for Billy somedays. “It’s ten. Unfortunately, there’s not much to do in Hawkins at this hour.” You pouted a little, wishing there was something to do but knowing there wasn’t. “Do you wanna just sit with me for a while?”
Billy looked back to you from his watch and a small, fond smile formed on his face. “Yeah, I do,” he said and you smiled before you sat and he sat beside you.
You sat still for a moment before you leaned over and Billy wrapped his arm around your shoulders. The night hadn’t gone how he had planned. Most girls would have cussed him out and yelled at him about how long it took them to get ready. They wouldn’t have listened or wanted to see him but here you were, curled up beside him and understanding.
You swapped out your cassette tape and turned up your headphones so Billy could hear the music with you as you both stared out over the trees. He reached over after a moment and grabbed your hand, lacing your fingers together.
“Best date ever,” you said after a few moments and smiled shyly. Billy smiled back at you before he pressed a kiss to your lips.
You kissed for a moment before he seemed to pull away with a face like he was thinking. “Is that Queen?”
It took you a second to understand what he was talking about before your music returned to your senses. You giggled, “Yes. ‘Get Down, Make Love’.”
“Thought you'd never ask,” Billy purred before he smirked and pressed his lips back to yours as you giggled.
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writeouttaluck · 5 years
A story about Racing, Police ignorance, and Love Ft. This Corny Ass Title.
((Wrote this over two days. little editing, lots of writing.))
The camera in my hand could hardly hold steady and I had a grin ear to ear on my face like a village idiot. From the passenger seat, I could see the excitement on Jessie’s face as she brought the car to a slow. It was 1:00 AM and she had somehow gone undefeated, back to back, in a series of drag races on the street. Five races, five wins, and a whole lot of promised money would probably make anybody grin ear to ear.
I turned the camera to her and without missing a beat, she turned and stuck her tongue out at me.
“Tell me, Jessie, How does it feel to win three grand without lifting a finger for work?” I asked in my best fake news anchor voice.
“Feels fucking good!” She shouted, slapping the steering wheel in joy.
I was caught on a laugh and it almost felt like that teeth chattering cold feeling running up my spine. Pure electricity. We were both having the time of our lives and I felt closer than ever to her.
“Woah, what the hell?” She murmured under her breath.
I must have held the camera on her longer than i thought because when i turned to look out the windshield, the crowd was dispersing fast. All the people that were once watching were now either running to cars, their friends with cars, or just plain running. They scattered like ants before us. I zoomed my camera in and followed two people as they ran and hopped a fence into someones backyard.
Thats when we both noticed the bright red and blue flashing lights up ahead. Fuck.
A portly man jogged through the crowd and towards our car, reaching to his hip. He stopped in our headlights and yelled something. To our suprise, he drew his gun and aimed at us through the windshield.
I looked to Jessie who seemed to be weighing her options. She stared at the cop infront of us and chewed her lip, a nervous tic i've noticed over the years. Illuminated by the flashing lights, she grew a small smile.
“Put on your seatbelt” she said quietly.
“Its already on” I replied.
She shifted the car into reverse and stuck her hand out of the window, raising her middle finger.
I didnt even have time to laugh at her tenacity before I was thrown forward in my seat. She had hit the gas so hard that we spun the tires going backwards. She turned around in her seat to look out the back window and I raised the camera out the windsheild. The cop knew that pointing his gun was useless since he had no real reason to use it. He wasnt about to kill us over a drag race.
He started talking into his radio and I laughed. I laughed hard. One hand on the steering wheel and one on the top of my seat, Jessie watched the road behind her as she drove backwards at high speeds. I watched her through my camcorder. Her eyes said determination but her lips said fun. I looked at her skinny form admirably. Her dyed hair fluttered in the wind and her silver lip piercing caught the dashboard light just right. Watching her in her element like this was stunning. She did it all with such a natural grace. Her motions sharp and accurate like a blade under flesh.
She dropped back into the drivers seat and wrapped her hand around the e-brake. With one hand grabbing the ‘oh shit’ handle above me and another on my camera, I braced myself.
She yanked the handle back and spun the steering wheel, throwing our momentum to the left. As the car spun, She grabbed the shifter and threw it into first. She dropped her foot into the gas pedal and the car caught traction. I sank back into my seat as we took off again. The engine roared in a fury, drowning out all noise around us. A light flashed on the dash and she hit the clutch, shifting again. The car lurched and went faster.
She was grinning wide as the blue lights became distant behind us. She shifted again and gained more speed. The houses, trees, sidewalks, all became a blur as we blasted through the neighborhood.
All of a sudden a police car with the blues on pulled out infront of us and stopped, blocking the intersection ahead. Jessie laid the gas into the floor and shifted again. I looked over at her like she was crazy. She smiled and concentrated on the car ahead. We must have been going at least 80 at this point.
The car was getting closer when all of a sudden i felt our momentum swing again. Jessie had pulled the e-brake again and hit the gas, sending us swinging around to face where we came. I could smell the burning rubber around us. The smell got worse as Jessie put the car in first again and slammed the gas, taking off in the opposite direction of the cop car.
I looked behind us to watch as the cop car turned to follow. Of course, considering how Jessie was driving, I wasnt sure If it would be able to keep up. The car lurched as Jessie shifted. The mustang revved hard and kept pace, sending us down the street.
Two more cop cars showed up in the distance. I could see their blues before i could see their headlights. They were headed straight for us, side by side. No way around them.
I watched Jessie analyze it all. She was quick like this. She knew the curb was too high to climb without popping any tires. She also knew that these dumb ass cops werent backing down.
One cop car behind us, two infront of us.
She took her chances with the one behind us.
She slammed on the brakes, coming to a skidding stop in the middle of the street. The cop behind us, who had been picking up too much speed, had no choice but to either crash into us or swerve around us.
The cop car swung itself around our vehical and came a stop in the center of the intersection. This also blocked off the two cop cars ahead. Jessie threw the car in reverse once more and hit the gas, sending us backwards. She looked behind her for an opening and as soon as she found herself in a spot with no cars parked on the side of the road, she swung the mustang around again and put it in first, launching off for the final time tonight.
We peeled out and we were gone.
The street lights strobed through the windshield as the mustang flew down the street. Tunes poured from the radio and filled the car with good vibes. Every so often the car would lurch as Jessie shifted, but otherwise it was smooth sailing. Cops were long gone, probably trying to pull the fingers out of their ass so they could keep harassing people like us.
“Fuck the po” Jessie stated, turning down the radio a bit.
“They really are fucking worthless around here” I replied in earnest.
“You think theyre still stuck in that intersection trying to figure out how to get around one another?”
I laughed a bit at that.
“Probably” I said.
It was quiet for a bit with no other sounds save for the engine and the semi quiet radio. I stole glances at her from the passenger seat and I could tell she was thinking kinda hard about something. It made me wonder what the next step in the night would be.
“Tonight has been fun” she started, “but it kinda sucks that im gonna have to have my car painted again”
“Why is that again?” I asked
“Well, I cant exactly drive around freely in this thing when the police are on the look out for a red Ford Mustang. Kinda beats the point of running from the police”
“I get that...Still, you made a good chunk of change tonight. I imagine it wont run you too much to paint it, will it?”
“Nah” She replied, “but I dont know… I liked the red. I thought it looked nice…”
“Well I think you look better when youre not behind bars…” I said softly, almost wishing she didnt hear me at all.
“Yeah, its not exactly something I wanna see in the mirror every morning”
We sat in silence for another moment before i could scrape up the words to keep the conversation going.
“What color?” I asked.
“What color are you gonna paint it this time?”
The corner of her mouth twisted in contemplation.
“Well it was black, then that color got too hot...I liked red but this just isnt gonna do anymore…”
“How about pink?”
“Ew, no” she grimaced, “Talk about a big red flag saying ‘Im a female and i think its important above all that everyone should know that””
“I think thats a bit of a stereotype”
“Yeah? Well stereotypes exist for a reason.”
“Ok, ok, what about something fancy?”
“Well, ive seen a few cars do a sort of sunburst color. Im not sure how expensive it would be to get that, but i think it could look nice. Besides, you could still use the red on your car for either the top or bottom depending how you do it.”
“Hmm...ya know, thats not a bad idea….”
“I also think it would be cool if you made the center black. Like a zero sun or something”
“Im gonna have to have someone sketch something but… I think i dig the idea of it…”
Jessie pulled the car to a slow and turned into her driveway. Hitting the button she had strapped to the visor, the garage door slowly rose open. She drove the car inside and hit the button again, closing it behind her.
With that, she turned the car off and opened the door, getting out. I followed suit.
As I stood from the car, the first thing Jessie did was pop the hood and walk over to the mini fridge in her garage. She leaned over and opened the door, grabbing two beers from the rack before shutting it. She brought one over and put it in my hands before cracking her own and taking a sip.
She sighed deep and walked over to her tool box, grabbing her socket wrench and bits, before standing over the engine bay.
“Timing is always a bit off with this thing…” she muttered as she went under the hood.
I cracked the top of my own beer before sitting down in the office chair she had lying around. I took a hearty drink from the bottle as I was quite parched. Moving fast and dodging cops really worked up a thirst, even though i was only filming it.
I watched Jessie tinker with the motor again. I don't think she will ever be satisfied with it even though it does the job just fine. Thats one part of her that really gets me. She loves her car a lot, Almost too much. She loves it to the point where I sometimes wonder if she really can really love another person beyond a one night stand. I can almost understand such a fondness for something inanimate, I mean, I love my camera to death and I use it almost as much as Jessie drives her car, but it almost makes me feel... Jealous. And even thinking that makes me cringe a bit. The idea that I would be jealous over the way someone treats an inaminate object over me is just silly. But god damn it if sometimes i dont get frustrated.
Ive had a crush on Jessie for nearly 2 years. She means the world to me and im not sure if she even knows that. I spend most of my free time with her. Ive loaned her cash many times either to put into her car or on tools. I mean she always pays me back and thats fine, but i just wish that I could say the thing that I wanna say without coming off as some weirdo. I dont even think she sees me in that way and it hurts.
It hurts really fucking bad.
I take another long drink from the bottle until its empty. I place the empty bottle on her work bench and grab another from the fridge, quickly popping the cap off.
Its not even her fault. Its not her fault at all. Its my fault for always being such a chickenshit anytime the moment arises. She even teases me about getting a girlfriend so she can steal her. (She is bi, but i dont think she would actually do that to me. Jessie is a good friend and if anything, she would probably act as my wingman. Shes cool like that.) It really blows that she pretty much sees me as a brother...or a lamp.
I dont wanna be a fucking lamp.
I watch as she cranks away at some form of machinery under the hood. Youd think after all this time spent around her, talking about cars and racing, that i would learn a few things. And i cant tell you that youd be wrong. I. Am. A. Dumbass. When it comes to cars.
Ask me about film or editing or what-have-you and i can pull answers out of my ass all day long. But anything beyond a standard oil change? No idea.
I watched as she went to take a sip from her own beer only to find it empty.
“Hey nerd boy, wanna grab me another beer?”
And like the whipped dog i am, I got right up and grabbed her another bottle.
I set it down on the car just a tad harder then i intended and winced when she took notice. It did not damage the car or anything, but there was a notable change in mood.
She set a hand on my shoulder before i could go sit back in my pity corner.
“Is something wrong, dude?” The way she looked at me pierced me. I was stuck. And if i didnt say something soon i was gonna look like a weirdo.
I sorta shook my shoulder, the one her hand was on, a bit to see if she would remove it. She didnt.
“Its nothing, really. Im just thinking about something shitty that youtube did, thats all.” I spoke quietly before looking away.
Her hand stayed on my shoulder, firmy clamped. Not enough to feel pain, but enough to know she was squeezing it in consolement.
My lonely ass practically shivered at the touch. Ive been starved of human contact for far too long.
“Yeah, im not buying that. Look at me” she said firmly.
When i didnt move my head from the side, she set the tool in her hand down on the car and grabbed my jawline, moving my head to face her.
She stared at me in something mixed with concern and...i guess something like motherly instinct?
“Why dont you tell me whats really going on? I know you too well to know that something small would bug you this much.”
I decided that I could probably get away with a half lie. Probably.
“I uh… Ive been having trouble with this girl…” I started sounding more unsure than id hoped. Motherfucker…
Her eyes lit up for a second. Shock? Suprise? Yeah I wouldnt believe me either.
“You actually found a girlfriend?” She asked quickly, somewhere between suprise and excitement.
“Well, I uh...No… Its more like I have a...crush…on this girl.” I spoke slowly trying to keep my tone even.
She then let go of me and speed walked over to grab both of the wheelie chairs and set them so they faced each other. All in one motion, she made sure we both had bottles in our hands and we were sitting down facing each other.
“So…” She started, “Tell me about this girl…”
I sat and thought about the most vauge things I could bring up so that I could wiggle out of this.
“Well, uh, shes got shorter hair. Not quite short, but about shoulder length. She has these beautiful eyes. Amazing, stunning, eyes…. Shes uh, a bit on the shorter side but i think thats adorable, really…”
“She sounds cute!” Jessie started, bouncing her legs in place excitedly. “Whats she like?”
“What do you mean?”
I knew what she mean.
“Ya know… like her personality or whatever…”
“Oh, yeah” i said rubbing the back of my neck nervously, “She uh...Shes real tom boyish, likes to play rough and have fun on the wild side of things...She also isnt afraid of anyone or anything and could probably take down people twice her size anyday of the week...She also has a really cool music taste...Shes one in a million, really”
I saw something flash real quick in her eyes before switching back. Oh fuck. She knows…
“Well she sounds like someone special” She said taking a sip of beer, “Have you thought of how youre gonna tell her?”
My heart started pounding. It was pounding harder than it was when the police were on our ass less than an hour ago.
“See now, thats the frustrating part. Im always trying to figure out how im gonna tell her...but im afraid she will be put off by me…”
“And whys that?” Jessie asked me.
“Because...uh...because…” I stammered trying to think of something to say.
Her eyes shined brightly and bored into my own. She concentrated on me like I was the only thing visible to man. I could feel my palms start to sweat.
“Because….me and her...got really close over the past two years...and i dont think she shares the same feelings...thats why its frustrating.”
Jessie leaned back in her office chair and drank down the rest of her beer before continuing.
“I see…” she started, “And would this girl happen to own a red ford mustang that she enjoys racing with and using to run from the police when the occasion arises?”
I looked down at my feet and nodded my head yes.
I heard the glass of her bottle clinking against the concrete floor before she rolled her chair closer to mine. I felt her hand around my jaw line again. This time it was more of a caress than a grab. She slowly lifted my chin up to meet her and my first expectation was to get laughed at for my burning red cheeks.
Once we were both staring at each other, I saw her move in closer to my face.
Her eyes drifted shut and before i knew it, her lips were against mine. It was a light kiss with hardly any movement. Timid and testing, like a deer investigating something new in the wild. I felt her head tilt more to the side and i did the same in the opposite direction.
I….I didnt really know how to feel. I was overwhelmed, trying too hard to read the situation at hand. My brain was going so fast i felt like my head was gonna explode.
And before i realized how amazing this moment truly was, she broke away from the kiss.
To my suprise, her breath was actually a bit laboured. And she stared at me with a big smile on her face.
“Ive been waiting....two long years for that, nerd boy.” she whispered so softly.
This time, I grabbed her chair and pulled her too me as I met her with my lips again. Our faces came together and this time it was all a lot messier. She moved her lips against mine, roughly, hungrilly even. I tried to mirror what she did but to be honest, my experience with kissing was minimal. Then I felt something poke between my lips and at my teeth.
I opened my mouth a bit more to accept her tongue. I could feel her reach behind my head and grab on, shoving us closer together. I ran my hands up her back, watching not to cross any boundies.
It was like a dance, really. She lead and i followed. And what a dance it was.
We broke apart for air and stared at each other. My hands had rested at her hips and she had a hand on each shoulder. We were both just about hanging off the edge of our chairs.
Out of breath she spoke quietly.
I nodded frantically, like my life depended on it.
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livtries · 4 years
love at first... flight? c.h pt 2
love at first... flight? part two
parings: calum hood and female reader
summary: your friend asked you to be a bridesmaid out of nowhere, so now you have all of these extra things to do. you think you’re crazy, because you think you see calum around... maybe you aren’t as crazy as you think...
warnings: swearing, and mentions of partying and talk of drinking.
a/n: so so sorry that i’m posting this now! i just haven’t been able to find time to sit down and actually be able to write the second part, but it’s finally here!!
I got my luggage from the baggage claim, and went off to my hotel for the next week.
i went outside, the fresh air slapping me in the face harder than i thought it would.
a small child came running up to me. their parent wasn’t far behind.
“hi, ma’am. would you like a lei?” the little girl babbled to me, holding a pink flower lei up to me.
“hi, honey. thank you.” i cooed and smiled at the little girl.
“you look like a disney princess.” she beamed at me.
“oh, thank you.” i bent down to be eye level with the child as she wrapped her arms around my next, giving me a hug.
her mom had finally caught up to up.
“honey, don’t bother the nice lady. she’s probably tired.” her mother spoke. i looked at up her and smiled. i had some candy from my flight that i didn’t open.
i bent down and handed her the candy.
“thank you, ma’am.” she smiled at me.
her mom smiled at me as i got up and walked away, turning around to wave to the little girl.
i went to my hotel, and got my stuff settled, but i kept thinking i saw calum around… i was probably just tired from the long plane ride.
i went into my room, and crashed. i took a nap at around 4 and woke up around 7:30. i had a missed called from emily, so i got up and called her back.
“hey, y/n! i have a huge favor to ask you.” emily spoke, as i was walking into the bathroom to check out my hair.
“ok, what’s up?” i smile a bit.
“one of my bridesmaids got really sick, and she doesn’t think she’ll be able to make it to the wedding… i know that it’s two days from now, but i just was wondering if you would fill in?” she asked me, she sounded desperate.
“em, of course i will. I’d love to!” i smiled a little, and waited for her response.
“Really?? Thank you so much, y/n. I truly don’t know what i’d do with out you. Thank you, thank you, thank you.” she thanked me, and i smiled again.
“When are we all getting ready on friday?” i asked her.
“Around 3-ish.” she responded, her voice audiobly more giddy.
“Ok! Sounds good. I’ll be there.”: i smile once again and hung up the phone.
At this time, it was almost 9, so i figured i should probably get some comfier clothes on, and try to get some sleep. The rehersal dinner was tomorrow, and the actual wedding was the day after, so i was definitely gonna have an eventful few days…
I went to go get some pjs on, and then climbed into bed, not long after, falling asleep.
In the morning, i woke up around 8ish, and laid in bed for a little while. All of a sudden, calum pops into my mind. I had convinced myself that i was never going to see him again. I mean, did i get his number? Yeah. but, he lives in australia. I live in LA. thats wayyy too much distance, if we even decided to talk more. I laid there and thought about him, about the way his hair kept falling out of the hood he had on, and how he swore when it annoyed him enough to the point where he had to fix it. The way that he snored softly when he fell asleep, about the way he sowre that he didn’t snore when he woke up and i told him about it. I pulled myself from the thoughts, and got out of bed to get ready for the rehearsal dinner.
I arrived at ther ehearsal dinner, i saw all of the quests, and the bridesmaids, and groomsmen. I looked around for emily, and she came running to me.
“Hey! You made it!” she smiled and hugged me.
“Hi! You look amazing!” i smiled at her, looking down at her dress, and her makeup.
The rehearsal went great, and everyone was super tired after. We were all walking out of there like we were all just hit by a semi. I went back to the hotel and took a LONGGG nap.
I woke up in the middle of the night, around 2am. I wasnt tired, because i had just slept for nearly 10 hours.
“Well, shit.” i looked around, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. “What am i gonna do now?” i said to myself, looking around.
I decided to try to burn some of my energy, and get myself to be tired again by running from one end of my hotel room to the other.
I did that for nearly 15 minutes and then crashed again, until aroubd 8am. I, once again, laid in ebd for 20 minutes, thinking about calum. It definitely wasn’t healthy, and frankly, a little creppy. I barely know the guy, and im thinking about him every moring when i wake up…
I got up and got ready, and decided to go get coffee, and then go over to emilys.
I arrived at emilys place, and knocked on the door, waiting for a response.
“Hi! You made it.” she squealed as soon as she opened the door and saw me.
I hugged her and she let me into the house.
Her mom rounded the corner, and looked shocked. I had been childhood friends with emily for as long as i could remembe,r but when we started getting older, we grew apart, but now, we’re back together.
“y/n, oh my goodness. I havent seen you in forever.” her mom hugged me.
I hugged her back, and we talked for a second. After we finished our conversation, i went into the living room, where all of us girls were getting ready,
I looked around, seeing some girls with towels wrapped on their head, their hair wet. Some girls were doing their makeup, and some were just talking to each other. We were all telling some stories, just about random stuff, and then i decided to tell them about the whole calum thing.
“Ok, guys.” i started telling the story.
I settled in and did my makeup. I finished my makeup after a few screwups and maybe a little too much champagne.
Emily handed me the dress, and i went to go put it on. I looked at myself in the mirror of the bathroom. “Damn, i really do look good.” (a/n - positivity ladies. You gotta hype urself up every once in a while. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL) i spoke to myself, and opening the bathroom door. I felt so different, i had never felt like this before. I was going to a wedding, and i was a bridesmaid,,,
All of us girls went to the venue, and got situated. you looked around and saw the same face that you saw on the plane only a short while ago.
“well, hello stranger.” he spoke, sitting down next to you.
“well, hey. fancy see in’ you here.” i side hugged him, and the dinner started.
“hey, hey. wanna get outta here?” calum whispered to me.
“shh, this is your friends wedding. you have to stay at least a few hours.” i smiled and whispered back to him.
around an hour and a half later, we were still at the wedding.
emily was throwing the bouquet as i turned around and saw it flying at me.
“umm…” was the first thing i said. calum was standing behind me, and cheered along with everyone else.
“wooo!” emily said, walking over to me.
“i’m so glad you guys could be here!! and i’m so thankful that you were able to be my bridesmaid.” she hugged us both and hugged me after calum again.
around 11:30, i was starting to get tired and decided to say my goodbyes, and make my way out.
“hey, wait!!” i heard a voice behind me and turned around.
“um, i was wondering if you wanted to, maybe go back to my hotel? have some drinks, and talk? it’s just that i think your really cool and-“ i cut him off.
“of course, calum. i’d love to.” i got in my car and drove back to my hotel, which also happened to be calum hotel.
i got out of my car and calum was nearly inside.
“cal!” i yelled and he turned around and stopped.
about 10 minutes later, we were in calums room, watching a movie and sipping on some drinks i made.
we were about three drinks and 4 shots in, and he was about passed out. we finished the movie, and he laid down.
the next morning, i could’ve sworn i was in my own hotel room. i could’ve sworn i walked back, but turns out i stayed in calums that night.
“holy shit.” i rolled over and saw calum sprawled out next to me.
“huh?” he mumbled, half awake.
he opened his eyes “jesus.” he said. “why are you in my bed?” he asked me.
“i must’ve not went back to my room last night. go look in the kitchen and see how much alcohol we drank last night. i’m surprised i even woke up this morning.” i joked and he got up out of bed.
“yknow, havin’ a bed partner isn’t the worst thing in the world.” he said from the kitchen/living room.
“oh yeah? i wish i could say the same. you about knocked me out of bed last night with all the thrashing you did.” i smiled and sat back down on the bed where he was sitting once again.
“hey, uh…” i started to speak, but was quickly interrupted by him kissing me.
“that was uh- definitely unexpected.” i pulled away, trying my best to read the expression on his face.
“i’m, i’m sorry. i didn’t mean to her too forward…” he said.
“hey, no no. it’s okay. i was actually kind of hoping that something like that would happen…” i admitted, smiling at him.
“who knew, a 7 hour plane ride and a wedding would bring two people together, huh?” he said to me, and went to lean in again.
a/n (ok, i know the ending wasn’t all the great, but it’s the best i could do. i’m just happy that i was able to finish this lol, hope you guys liked this! lmk what i should do next!!)
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