#i wasnt planning on posting this one but my friends said it was nice so?
threepoint14art · 5 months
Guy who is already incredebly abnormal about leaving his house gets plopped in a camp for literal weeks!! rip!
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he's not really having the best of times
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druidshollow · 1 year
infodumping about rain world ancient ocs- about that ask i just answered
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just in case the incredible @inkycorvid wanted me to talk about my ancient ocs instead of my ancient headcanons im making a post talking about my idiot guys in a very annoying structure. gotta cover all my bases
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he/him, bisexual, sometimes has beard barbells sometimes doesn't. middle aged (in genetically modified to live for a longass time terms), very much divorced. admin to eleven rivers, not very nice to eleven rivers.
-like never smiles, always looks either pissed off or miserable
-his mask is very wedge-shaped. big karma 10 symbols on sides
-practically every time red is used in the context of my rain world ocs it relates to him. either symbolically or literally. see red highlights???? probably flowers' fucking fault!!
-two strands of hair always fall in face
-wears wrappings often. once my bf said he probably wouldnt get divorced so hard if he wasnt dressed like a weird mummy
-no left ear
-comes from a considerably privileged background. family had incredibly high expectations
-traumatized by everlasting fire's attack and afraid of iterators. will not enter a puppet chamber unless entirely necessary
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-creates strong emotional attachments and reacts to rejection with self-isolation and bitterness
-late game, before he begins his plan to demolish eleven rivers and ascend himself but after the twins are awake he begins drinking an unhealthy amount and projecting his anger all over the place, especially towards rivers
-likes vultures. thinks they're crazy neat
-does not and can not have any comprehension of the ramifications his douchebaggery will bring about in the future (huge rammies. absolutely massive rammies)
-becomes an echo when he tries to ascend. his echo sits right snug over eleven rivers' chamber!
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she/her, bisexual, sometimes wears fancy shinies on her hair. middle aged in modified to live a very long time terms. flowers' ex wife. doing WAY better than him. admin to a fleck of flame, very nice to a fleck of flame.
-blue, cream stripes, frills on upper back
-short face, short hair, short body. short
-walks with cane after everlasting fire's attack
-implant in right ear later game, ear still there
-does in fact smile! makes lots of smug faces. she is in general very emotionally intense and expressive, and is also very morally headstrong. quick to jump to anger when she thinks lines have been crossed.
-she was named "flight to the sun, thirteen sparks" at birth, and changed it when she was enrolled in the school of solutions
-punk by ancient society terms. not big on ascension, very much a "don't we have it pretty fuckin good? why are we in such a rush to leave" kind of person
-stayed in the iterator project after fire's failure because in losing him she realized how human the iterators were. spent her life working to make their rights more solid and complexities more widely understood
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-very close friends with fleck. looks at fleck as her son, looked at fire as her son as well
-met flowers at the start of their schooling. they quickly bonded as they got to work together and were endorsed for esteemed position together
-left flowers in part because of the trauma surrounding the situation with fire, but more because she didn't like what she was beginning to see in flowers. he invented the first model of the demolishers after fire's attack, which descent hated. they would have split up eventually even if fire had lived and they'd continued work on him together. i think their political views and morals are too different, and their personalities too headstrong for it to've been avoided forever
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she/he/they, genderfluid and swaps pronouns often. pansexual. like in their late 20s early 30s equivalently. admin to glass incident. flowers' younger sibling, probably a nepotism hire
-shithead or confident expression
-lots of ear piercings, bridge piercing. no permanent ear implant
-three "bangs" fall on face. tends to let hair down when feeling more feminine and tie it up when feeling masculine
-frills on arms
-dresses a bit... revealing sometimes to be fully honest. wears a mask the least out of their group, doesn't like it for sensory reasons
-quite similar to flowers in shapes and colours, just with green stripes instead of red
-actually quite intelligent and insightful, but their primal need to cause chaos and keep everything lighthearted often overpowers this
-since flowers did so well in school and had his first project be a massive failure, lots of higher eyes were on wander throughout school
-joined the iterator project to stay near flowers
-was VERY happy to be selected to work with corners
-puts maybe too much energy into caring for flowers and trying to help him, when he pushes back so hard
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bark, cloud, smoke, west and journey are less important background characters! ive never even drawn bark or journey until right now, lmao
bark is a very old man who just wants to do his work in peace. cloud is an introvert who is very calm and professional. smoke is pretentious and self-involved. they're a teacher at the school of solutions and endorsed flowers and descent for the esteemed position. west is a hot guy flowers knew in school that he had a short-lived fling with after his divorce. journey was rivers' admin before flowers, but then she went to the void so she had to be replaced.
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hope this suffices and everyone is properly tired of seeing these guys!
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i-need-some-advice-on · 11 months
I need some relationship advice. Me and my boyfriend (both young sdults) have been together for about a year. What started as gay chicken has blossomed into a qpr of sorts since both of us are very aromantic and didnt expect to catch feelings for the other. I love him a lot.
The thing is, we have this problem. Both of us are extremely independent people and when something in our lite is going down and we dont feel mentally all together, we take to disappearing quietly. We are fine with this, mostly. See the problem arises is that usually he knows why i’m going away or whats causing the turmoil, but hes always reluctant to tell me about it, especially if he thinks it will burden me, but it doesnt and i get concerned and *slightly* offended by the idea i cant handle and know why hes upset, we have talked about this in the past before and how he expects more volatile reactions than i usually give.
Past week i wasnt feeling all that good so i wasnt talking much. Eventually i got over it and asked him how he was doing and inquired on his life but he kept dodging the question much to my chagrine. I confronted him about it and he said he wasnt feeling great but didnt want to talk about just so that i could “feel like i wasnt the only one talking”. I responded supporting but he didnt reply and ghosted me for a few days and im afraid to say my mental space didnt take that well. I respected it and sent him texts telling him about my day and telling him i loved him everyday, not too muchcto be annoying though, just to let him know i wws there, but behind the scenes my emotions took a turn for the worst and icwould have states where i was delusionally crying over a perfeived normal situation where he wws talking to me but it wasnt real.
A few days later, i went to a club to take my mind off it. I met some nice people there but all i could think about was my boyfriend and i didnt get drunk because i started thinking abt what my boyfriend would think. I ended up leaving early and crying on the train home and posting a few tweets frustrated at myself and my inability to cope with it before i blocked him from seeing my tweets. About 30(?) minutes later he texted me apologising and i got angry even though i had made a few tweets abt really wanting to hear from him. I didnt respond.
I didnt respond for a few days and he texts me that hes going to be offline for a few days which was ok but he added in the phrase “if i care” and hes just letting me know and i got angry again and i didnt respond and i havent responded since. Ive been offline for a few days, a lot of my friends are worried about me, but i feel so much emotional turmoil im planning to just keep quiet for who knows how long until it blows over. Am i an asshole? What do i do?
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guruan · 2 years
Triple Frontier
For some reason some of you reaaally wanted a commentary of this 😆
Sorry if I get too superficial, I got distracted 🙈🙈🙈
It was nice hearing so much spanish even from the start of the movie. From Santiago, it helped me imagining how would Jake sound 😆😆 Though I wonder if he's going to change his pitch for Jake. I tried to mentally compare the post credit scene with Santiago's pitch and I think it's slightly different.
(Here between the two Santiago's scenes, in Colombia and US, I said to my friend "He shaved... not that I'm paying attention to that"
To which my friend answered "I am" 🤣🤣🤣 and that "he looks better with stubble")
It was kinda sad how they presented their lifes, struggling so much to live after years serving. But it was funny seeing Pope trying to convince them all like "but we deserve this tho 👀"
(When they were back in Colombia Pope had a stubble again and I pointed it out to my friend 👁️ "it grows fast" he said)
I thought the movie was going to be a lot about the planning phase, so when they changed scene and were already there talking about the plan, only 30 min into the movie I was like "uuuuh, alright, something's going to go wrong".
When they didnt find the man nor the money I thought it was going to be about escaping, then trying again.
Then they found the money.
And the man.
So welp 😅😆, it's going to be about the money then, I thought.
At this point I was still calm, but from here everything started to stress and annoy me.
When Redfly got so excited about the money that he wanted to keep getting more of it, both my friend and I sent a message at the same time saying the same words: "Nooooo, greed!" (it was kinda funny😆)
Considering how much of a great mind for planning they considered him to be, he fell pretty hard. It wasnt just about the time to get it out, but how 😩 and I was so mad that they listened to him and decided to change the plan.
There's no point of grabbing a lot if there's only so much you can take with you 🤡
And yeah, through the movie we can see how that was just a terrible idea, and that anyway they need to get rid of bits and bits of it.
I don't understand the way Redfly goes through some kind of corruption? First not wanting to get involved, then only wanting to be there with the minimum, then wanting to participate but following his plan, then fuck his plan, then killing people but with a weird double shooting...
Like, it feels out of nowhere, I don't know, maybe it was justified but I got distracted by "someone's" cheeks 😔😒
As we expected, there's a lot of money and even before riding the helicopter Fish warns Redfly that it's going to be a problem to fly above the mountains with that much. But he listened to him? NOoooo
Them listening of what he says I don't know if it's blind trust because "he's so good at his job", or plain stupidity/greed
Then the crash, then again Redfly being weird about killing people, then getting out of the village with the mules.
Then they're found and Redfly dies. First I was sad, because I was thinking about his family and the scene with the daughter earlier in the movie. Then I was mad because it all was the consequences of his actions 😡😒 Both wanting to bring too much money, and then killing that people
So anyway, RIP. Now they have to drag his body too 😩
And they can't reach the boat with that much money anyway, so YEET money, and only bring as much as each one of them can pack. Godammit, all of this only to have even less of what they planned because they wanted to bring more than they planned 😩 And the man with of that brilliant idea is dead, ok
(Here one of my friends had to leave because it was late, he had already watched the movie and said "I just have to say: this is the 4th one, you'll see what I mean"
To which I was "You're joking☠️"- because we've been counting how often Oscar dies in everything we've watched. Fortunately he said he was actually joking, but I didn't like the joke 🤣 You don't play with my feelings like that)
So, the scared kid in the jungle finds them (and sorry, but I was 👁️👄👁️ at how Santiago was talking there. Can't explain). Then they get to the boat not before having a "meaningful" scene of how they didn't want to kill more people 😔👊
So then the end of the movie
Tbh I was really mad at it
Even with the few money they could bring with them, and what they spent washing it, they had 1 million each, even Redfly
When Will ripped the paper, I was confused for a second thinking what he was ripping was Redfly's agreement to send money to his family. So I was angry for a second, and then I was, oh ok.
But then everyone stared at each other and I was like "Pls don't" but they did
I was ok with Will donating his part to Redfly, his goldenheart and all
But the other ones felt like just plain moral and social pressure
And in restrospective, what is money compared with the life of a loved one. If only they had followed the plan. Now it doesn't feel like a difference if the family gets 1 million or 5 million.
I said to my friend, they ended the same way they started. But wait no, Santiago is even worse, because he spent 100K to start the mission 😩
Then Benny gave Santi the coords for later and I was EVEN ANGRIER
Like, if AT LEAST Santiago OR Benny kept their part, they would have had the money to try to find the rest later. AND THEN they could be all benevolent and give the family even more than 5 million, if they really felt that bad 😒 but no
Now they are all with no money and hoping "some day" the coords will be useful
Fck u aaaaaaaall
So yeah, anyway, this movie is very frustrating, and I dont think they really learned anything from it LOL
But excellent OI content, a lot of spanish and butt frames 👌
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tired-demonspawn · 7 months
netflix avatar episode 5-8!
(i binged the rest of it in one go)
funky lil thoughts on a funky lil show :)
fair warning i'm going to shit on it a lot for the majority of this post but dont be fooled into thinking i hated it, i just like to nitpick in long spanning paragraphs.
okay we are fully fully going into doing their own thing territory in episode 5 and somewhat episode 6, i tried and failed multiple times to guess which episodes are they going to do and it turned out they only took the base ideas from them and almost fully did their own thing. aside from the blue spirit bits
i actually think its nice, they were shaving the episode count to the point where they only mentioned some episodes, which i can just feel deep in my bones someone already getting mad about, but i think its fine that they did it this way. they make a little remix of it. :)
koh was creepy as shit man fr i hated the 2 jumpscares god almighty. it was awesome. i didnt like the weird cgi for his face, but i got used to it eventually. i think it was certainly a choice to have him appear in ep 5 instead of how they learn of the spirits. they changed his mechanics, apparently he can just???? steal faces??? whenever???? they make it a food thing instead of a "lmao i wanna impress my mom so imma steal the faces she makes"
also mother of faces mention! ...not smething i expected thats for sure. and the fog of lost souls too.
they make kuruk pick up his slack fr, did not expect that.
i love in episode 6 that zuko and aang are forced to interact, that they have to talk to each other and in a certain way influence each other, give both a lil bit to think about beyond "if we knew each other back then, do you think we could've been friends?"
i really dont like that zuko fights back in the agni kai, makes the shit ozai did i lil less impactfull, little less brutal in the audiences eyes i think. the execution style burn he got in the cartoon was more caroonishly evil, yes, but it also showed more of zuko's character yknow? he refused to fight out of principle, he was loyal, he was "the perfect fire nation citizen" and yet that wasnt good enough.
also we got robbed of "you will learn respect and suffering will be your teacher", which is kinda wild considering how many of the shows lines got put in verbatim. they felt so strongly about pippinpaddleopsikopolis the third that they used it somewhere else when they didnt use it in omashu. but this iconic line couldnt make it in?
I also dislike this version of him speaking out, this is the first time we are hearing of an agni kai, since zhao and zuko didn’t go at it. We don’t know what it is we haven’t been introduced to it, so it being invoked now means nothing to the audience.
And i don’t think the slight was big enough for ozai to justify a duel with a child. Like before he was supposed to be quiet and his outburst was a) disruptive b) immediate upon hearing the plan c) defended the soldiers themselves, “those soldiers love and defend our nation, how can you betray them” but now its about the honor of the officers which I don’t think has as big an impact. Plus I think its actually a less “egregious” position from ozai’s side yknow? In the first version he not only defended the lives of the soldiers but said the council was betraying them in doing what they were doing. Here he just said they deserve to die better than that. Sure cartoon ozai would’ve fucked him up for less, but this ozai? This ozai who invited him to the meeting? Who asked his opinion? Who actually acknowledges that him finding the avatar was impressive? No shot he invokes an agni kai over this.
was the bit about being impressed just for the sake of fucking with azula? yeah. but imma get to that later.
live action zuko and cartoon zukos are 2 different people, which while i respect, from the stance that the showmakers are doing their own thing, i also think caroon zuko was always good. he was always peaceful, always kind. its just he got that shit beaten outta him and he compensates by being angry. this zuko is less kind, more honour bound. which is ironic considering which one of the two was constantly talking about his honor. not that he isnt kind at all, but i think we got robbed of some of the character moments he had in the show.
as much as i love the ending of ep 6 where the 41st salute him(love that they made his crew the 41st btw), i would've liked to actually see the scene from The Storm, where he gives up on the hunt for the avatar for the sake of his crew's safety. he has these moments on his own, in irohs presence, but i do think we needed to see the crew also have this.
but they add new character moments! like the recovering post agni kai, being told of his banishment. absolutely god-tier scene. and the little moment with iroh after zhao takes away aang. very nice scene, i actually like that he already has treason on the mind. episode 6 is by far my favourite. did i know it was gonna be my favourite even before starting this show because my favourite book 1 episode is the blue spirit? yeah. but i dont think that diminishes anything.
now. ozai. my mans. mr god-sculpted cheekbones. conceptually im fine with him fucking with everyone, but i am ashamed to admit that it took zhao spelling it out for the audience for me to get that thats what he was doing. i was 100% convinced he was sincere, that he had just wanted the best heir to the throne of the glorious fire nation or something. and while i am tempted to say that that is on my dumb ass for being stupid, i actually want to blame the show a little bit, because where do we see that he's not sincere? nowhere. he's not cruel to zuko, he seems to mean it when he speaks with azula about him finding the avatar, he gives no indication to the audience that what he says to him about the whole toughing up the spirit with banishment isnt sincere. he comes across as a deeply abusive father that however at the end of the day wants his children to be the best but goes about it in the most horrific ways.
maybe that's what they were going for? a master manipulator that plays his own twisted little game noone but himself is privy to, but on the surface it seems like he cares in his twisted little way? im trying very hard to look at this without the cartoon lense, but its so unbelievably hard.
for a show that usually spoonfeeds stuff like this throughout their runtime its wild that they would decide to go "here comes the airplane" this "late"
ah now i see where all of sokkas cartoony sexism fled, it went to pakku. that's so whack. his character wasnt that good to begin with but you further masacre him.
mans says himself water is the element of change, so i thought oh alright his eventual training of katara is gonna be that much nicer if he already has this down. i mean i was fine with them not doing the neclace thing, it was kinda cheesy in the show anyway, but i was expecting that turnaround due to the students. i wanted to see pakku go "mmm yes perhaps i could teach you a thing or two" after he sees his students enamored with her skill.
also what was yagodas turnaround? she was just as much into the tradition as pakku was, but suddenly she's on katara's side? all the other women are too? sure okay.
also katara didnt need to be entirely self taught, come the fuck on, she loses to pakku the same way but suddenly with no further training shes takin down zuko, shes a commander of them other waterbenders.
being entirely self taught is nice and all, but there are just certain things you dont figure out on your own. i speak from experience on this, yeah sure i can draw some guy on my own, but even a short 3 week course taught me so much more in terms of composition, perspective, camera shots, things you wouldnt even think about because they just don't come to mind as even being relevant. its that way for everything. there are just certain dots that can only be connected with the guide of someone else.
now i have to mention something that kinda bothered me by the end: in avatar: book 1 - water(although to be fair i dont think it was marketed as such) the avatar... doesnt learn waterbending. the only thing he did with water was the giant koi and well that doesnt really count does it, that was la being angry at zhao for killing tui. speaking of: i wanted to see la get the W, i wanted to see zhao taken by the glowy sea. i wanted to see zuko reach out to him, despite them being enemies.
also they take away irohs part in the restoring of balance which i think nicely foreshadowed him being a white lotus member. yeah yeah it was to make yue's sacrifice more her own choice but i really wanted him to be at least present.
onto more positive stuff i actually like a lot of the changes made to yue. makes her not just be that one random girl at the end of book one that got turned into the moon, it was yue, this actual person with dreams and motivations that sacrificed herself for the good of the world.
was the character that got added to her written kinda badly? yeah. but does that negate my point? i hope not.
i was kinda on the fence with the removal of the betrothal thingy and making hahn a decent guy, but eh... it grew on me. however it did raise a question... how old is everyone? cuz she called off the marriage at 16, but she was 16 in the show, it certainly isnt a fresh wound or hahn wouldn't've been that chill with it. im thinking 2 years, that seems about right, for the actors too. yeah i can believe aang is 14 and zuko 18, id buy that.
perhaps their canonical age is somewhere but i sure as hell dont know where.
but that train of thought did kinda answer the fact that sokka went ice dodging. i was super confused about that. but if everythings the same, just the timeline is shifted 2 years then yeah he would go ice dodging. ofc that opens the other can of worms of why didnt he go fight in the war with them if he underwent the fuckin uhhh maturity test? was it because he failed just that spectacularly? fuck if i know. i dont think the show knows either.
as a more overall thing i dont like aangs dialogue, its a more broad issue. He just doesnt seem like a kid yknow? Like even katara and sokka are more childish, they act like children who had to grow up too fast, but aang didnt have to grow up too fast, he should be forced to grow up within the span of the series. Not be the most downer adult one of them. Especially with that he said to bumi in episode 4 about solvin shit like a kid
but okay. that was mega negative goddamn.
for my closing thoughts id like to say that i really enjoyed the show. and look forward to season 2. i like the little remix of the mythos they've got goin on and i wanna see how they continue that into book 2 and hopefully book 3.
it tries to do something original, it is an adaptation after all. if you dont like it you can still watch the cartoon series, but this is a nice lil alternate version of it and i wont say that i dont like it. do i have my nitpics? sure. is the dialogue mediocre? hell yeah. but i want to see where it goes next. :)
very cool series, overall like a 7 outta 10? masks(ep 6) is the best episode, its prbly the only one id rewatch on my own without friends.
thanks for reading :)
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jinx-blackout-84 · 1 year
For the ask game, 🛒, ⛔, 🙋‍♀️, 💖, 🦅, and 🤩?
🛒- one thing that i have put in both fics is alternate universes and a Narrative of some sort. I picture all of my fucs as alternate versions of cannon, where the Narrative is controlling things. It's a greater force that is trying to force the characters to mirror the events of the cannon universe and follow similar arcs. I think its a pretty cool concept. I also do chhose your own adventure endings/ alternate endings, because i love writing hearnreakung endings but hate reading them, so I want my readers to have something nice to read.
⛔️- I have scrapped about eight fics, one of which is about 50,000 words. I didnt end up liking them or lost interest in the media and just never finished them. I probably have 80,000 words of my hero academia fanfic that i never posted, and i have 5 dsmp fics that i havent posted. One is a platnoic rainduo ballet AU with some crimeboys and TNTduo that is about 15,000 words, one is a high-fantasy crimeboys AU that has about 17,000, one is a benchtrio vigilante AU that has like 22,000 words, one has sbi benchtrio rainduo (platonic) and some tntduo and it's a band/rockstar AU with about 41,000 words and one is a benchtrio movie star AU with like 12,000
I also never planned on posting a crown so heavy on the head of a child but my beta reader said she would air fry ny eyeballs if I didnt so here we are
🙋‍♀️- i have one friend who lnows i write fanfic (my beta reader) but shes not in the fandom. I love her so much and she is so fucking awesome and so great and wonderful.
💖- i have pretty much always loved writing, and have been making short stories since i was four or five. I have been writing songs since i was seven, and poems for about three years now. I have always loved it. I started writing fanfiction when I entered the my hero academia fandom, but never posted any of it because i tend to be very anxious. I started writing the fics I am working on right now because i wanted to examine the character arc of each character and how they affected them, and how the characters would have behaved without all fo the trauma. I really was so starstruck about the individuality of each bbhsmp character that i just started writing and didn’t stop. The only reason they ever got posted is because of encouragement form my mutuals and the irl friend i takked to about it.
🦅- okay, so its 50/50. I ahve a few character arcs that i knoe i'm going to put in the fic, (the quackity gets trauma arc, a few death arcs, wilbur gets trauma arc, tommy gets caught up in all of it arc, a few more death arcs, and some healing arcs) but for the kost part I just sit down on a friday or saturday afternoon and type out a few chapters that i feel like push the plot forwards. The Narrative was never supposed to exist, i sorta threw that in 30 minutes beofre posting the first chapter i mentioned it in. karl wasnt supposed to be in the fic, but i needed an opener for chapter 6, Wilbur wasn't supposed to know Tommy, the House wasn't supposed to be significant, all sorts of thing that i just sorta said "wait that would be cool as fuck" and then duct taped into the fic.
🤩- so i have about 16 chapters written in advance, and Wilbur is in the middle of a villain arc. It is so fun to write him slowly losing his grasp on reality, descending into madness. I also like writing Tubbo's POV, because he is a character i don't write from often.
Please excuse the poor grammar I don't have the energy to edit 😅
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xx-neon · 1 year
july 4th
hi again.
i was planning on writing more. the whole point of this was to get my feelings out everyday to cope but its been awhile.
again, if youre not me reading this. good luck.
so my ex broke up with me right? so much happened that i didnt know about. im tired of talking about it really since its been such a hot topic (my ex and i work together too and share a lot of the same friends) thats the cherry on top lol.
he has a new girlfriend. they started dating the day he left.
another ouch? 
im her manager at work
looking at it now. this is all one giant hilarious cluster fuck LOL.
im not going to go into details of the messy stuff since its a dead horse at this point.
do i seem happier?
i actually tried killing myself. 
not because of him though. hes a loser with nothing going for him so that would be a waste. i did it because of all the emotions after what happened. i didnt have enough time to find somewhere to live. i couldnt bring my cat with me if i moved with my parents far away. i felt like the whole world was against me and i didnt do anything to deserve it. and it wasnt going to get better. i talked about being in a hole and trying to climb out in my last post. this hole extended 1000 ft in the ground and there was no sign of light. i had no sign of light in me. i didnt eat for a week. i drank everyday. i couldnt sleep. why me? what did i do wrong? is this my karma for being me?
so i really did it.
obviously it didnt work lol. im still here. i spent 6 days in the hospital. one in the ER and 5 in the BHU. i was diagnosed with an eating disorder, major depressive disorder and psychosis. i got help for my drinking too. whoo 
this sounds cringy. but i feel reborn. i didnt mention in my last post but i have BPD (boarderline personality disorder). ive been diagnosed for about 10 years. most of those spent unmedicated and out of therapy so i was really rawdogging life LOL. if you know anything about BPD its probably the worst thing to deal with. thankfully im self aware so i havent ruined my life but fuck man everyone else ruins it for me. 
im in extensive therapy. im on like what... 4 medications?? and i just feel like life is great. ewwww so cringe LOL. but seriously. it is. i dont think ive ever felt so normal in my life. my anxiety is gone. paranoia is gone. my head feels so light now im not bogged down. idk its just so nice. i smile at work now. i smile when i see my friends that i never knew i had. i just know how great life can be.
but then theres this.
its a german word for basically feeling happy off of someone elses misery.
thats how i feel towards my ex
i know i know its fucked up. but what he did to me isnt?
i never said i was a good person LOL.
i love i just LOVE hearing about how miserable he looks and how happy i look. i revel in it. i cherish in it. i frolic in a field of flowers in it LOL.
okay. we get it. but seriously. i knew karma would come. thats why i learned to stay silent. yes i did lash out and have a mental breakdown wouldnt we all? but he lost friends over this. people think hes fucked up. that in itself makes me feel better. ya know schadenfreude. i do wish he could be a better person but i dont wish him the best. him feeling like this is good. he’ll learn from it. he’ll learn he cant always get away with being an asshole. karma will continue to come his way and she wont hold back. 
ill try to write more now that im happy. 
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mikeyfuckinway · 1 year
looking back at all my old crush blogging posts and girl. she had no idea what kind of person she was about to meet. that guy who i was freaking losing it over? we have like. a mildly antagonistic but loving sibling relationship now and its awesome i still really love him but jesus christ i do not want to date him. even a little bit. we kiss each other on the head and cuddle when were drunk and thats our relationship and it awesome. but BUDDY
i met this person and i thought they were so cool and theyre also best buddies with one of MY best buddies from middle school and they also have a similar gender as me and i wanted to live with them. i was like man. i would like to live with them bc i just wanna be around them more i wanna be able to wander into the living room and find them and i was like yeah thatd be nice but didnt entertain it further but THEN. GIRL THEN. we were talking about our housing plans for next year and i was like yeah im just gonna live at home until spring term and then live on campus and they were like my relationship with my parents is kind of dependent on me not living at home and then i said yeah mine kind of is too i was just planning on sucking it up and dealing with it and then they were like do you wanna get an apartment and i felt like my brain exploded like literally LAST WEEK. THE WEEK BEFORE THIS i was like auhhww i wanna live with them auauauauau but it wont hapen auauauauau" and THEN BOOM
we were hanging out at my friends formmy other friwnds birthday and i was just calling people bc i love them and there was another crew hanging out at another friends place. so i called my other friend and said hiiiii and then i called this guy my Guy that i want to kiss and i was like hiiiii and they said where are u and i said im just at [friends] for [other friends] birthday and they said ok im gonna come and visit and they did and then we somehow got onto the topic of well anyways i was like man i havent kissed anybody in a while and i was a little past tipsy so i was just sayin shit. but then they asked who i wanted to kiss and i said idk bc i wasnt about to say you and then theu were like do you wanna kiss me and i said yeah sure and then they said were gonna be such good roommates and i was like yeah and so. i feel like jm exploding. at this point. abd then i had to follow up and be like hey
you know more what you want generally and im still figuring it out. and i still want to kiss you and thats all i really know right now and they wrre like ok we'll figure it out and then thag night a BUNCH of unrelated stuff happened and then finals snuck up on us and every thing has kind of been a little on hold since then bc i dont think either of us hve the capacity to have to conversation that i want to have with them so im just chilling for now but i feel like im about to like achieve self actualization
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rrxnjun · 2 years
tbh i love when people tell me their fav artists/music cuz i feel like i just learn a lot about them or like get to know what they are like. and also i just love it when people say/throw in something that i wouldn't expect them to say it's just so fun!!! AND YES TOTALLY AGREE WITH IR TAKE UR MUSIC SHOULD MAKE U HAPPY!!! ahh i love jack manifold he is actually one of the coolest and funniest people out there his streams are just🤌 (okay cool might be a reach but.. /j)
idk my friend says she just skips a lot of parts from episodes with the ones she doesn't like but even if i like or obsess over a show i just can't get my self to finish it (me with the owl house rn;-;) so that method (?) just doesn't help me out😭😭 yeahhh i looked up what it was actually about after i sent the ask cuz i was curious and i didn't really remember hearing about the movie and then i kinda regretted the way i phrased my question🥲but i'm glad it wasn't that bad of a movie!! IM SO HAPPY U KNOW THEM!!! TRUE R5 STAN ISTG😌😌 red velvet is just such a great song i was so obsessed with ittttt but their music just slaps in general
ooo dammnnn slovak drama:oo but i might look up a translation for the song then cuz now im curious:o (and also thank u still for telling me about this song i vibed so hard to it while writing my essays) i feel like slovak arists like them have to be outthere somewhere they might just not be that well know or something but if there actually isn't at all i hope there will be soon!!!!!
YEAH IM SO SAD ABOUT IT☹️but i think it might be better cuz i just have too much school work rn to just go on a trip☹️☹️☹️ PRETTY BUILDINGS ARE THE BEST THERE IS SO MANY OF THEM IN BUDAPEST AND I TAKE A PIC RVERYTIME I SEE A PRETTY ONE ITS THE BEST EVER ITS NOT A WEIRD OBSESSION!!!! and i really hope i will be able to visit the city another time☹️☹️☹️
it won't really be easier until like the end of june so i just hope i survive;-; but thank u though 💞💓💕 and i hope u have a nice and lovely day as well!!!🥳💖💘
(also i saw that tell me who u ship me with post and i just want to say like many other people did that u and haechan would just be very powerful🫢🫢hoping for ur baekhyun concert date with him🫡) (liebestraum anon💕💓)
EXACTLY!!! music taste says so much about a person. and wild unexpected music tastes are so fun like i have a friend that listened to exclusively heavy metal but then played lucifer by shinee on aux and i was like um....what in the- also jack manifold is so dear to me i dont watch his streams but his existence in other ppls videos is always so comedic i love him
WHY WOULD U SKIP PARTS IN EPISODES WHATS EVEN THE POINT OF WATCHING THEN??? thats the same as forcing yourself to watching something 😭😭 if i hate something i just stop bc life is too short yknow what i mean. AND ITS OK u dont have to know abt it djdjdj but i get your concern 😶
AAA if u really want the translation i can translate for u 🥳 i think i looked up the translation for a friend before and wasnt pleased w it bc it didnt really fit the energy so im just gonna do it myself to give the lyrics justice AHAHA if youre interested ofc! glad it helped w essays 😌😌 i physically cant listen to music when writing essays bc then i cant focus so i applaud you HAHA and you are right there must be artists like that here but idk them:((( im gonna try looking for some to appreciate my home country more
I WANNA GO TO BUDAPEST I WAS TALKING ABT THIS W MY FRIEND THE OTHER DAY WHEN WE WERE MAKING PLANS FOR THE SUMMER‼‼ i said i wanna take a train there and just look around and shit she didnt seem convinced but im gonna do it anyway so feel free to be my tour guide we should meet up actually
awh i hope june comes fast for u!! i am chilling rn ((even tho i have 6 essays to write until the end of april) but then i have exams may-jun so i get the stress😩😩 im rooting for u mwah!!
IM SCREAMING. CRYNG. EVERYONE SHOULD STOP TELLING ME THEY SHIP ME W HYUCK BECAUSE I SIMPLY CANNOY DEAL. me @ hyuck: baekhyun concert date when?? or we can just make out in your room and listen to the bambi album instead i dont mind either-
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firehousewithaview · 2 years
Hello! I woke up to my notifications absolutely swamped with likes and replies, so I used the absolute euphoria of that to finish this, which has been mocking me for the better part of a month in my drafts and was about to be abandoned. @ajunerose this is for you 
Cross posted to AO3
"Well?" Eddie demands, eyes flashing in a decidedly not human way. He's been tense since Buck walked in, but only now is he starting to feel defensive too. He's been steadily growing closer to snapping since it happened almost 24 hours ago, and Buck has had the audacity to spend the last exactly 22 minutes going through their normal kidless hang out routine. "Aren't you going to say something?"
"Oh uh," Buck starts, looking down at his plate then back to Eddie, bite still in his mouth and caught look on his face. "This is really good, Eds. Good call?"
The flat unimpressed look Eddie levels at him is probably sharper than usual, especially since Eddie's teeth have decided to join in on the 'decidedly inhuman' party. "Seriously, Buck?"
Buck's eyebrows are making a valiant attempt to join forces. It's absolutely adorable but Eddie always wants to smoothe it away because Buck once spent too long making that face and gave himself a headache. "I'm gonna need a little more to work with."
With a gesture to his now mostly sideburns face, Eddie huffs, "You saw me!"
"I..." Buck starts, a lost look on his face. "I see you every day?"
"No." Eddie growls back, closer to animal than human. "In the fire yesterday!"
Understanding dawn on Buck's face. "Oh!" He exhales, and Eddie thinks they're finally having the same conversation. "Nice save!"
Eddie thinks this must be what it feels like to be going insane. "Not that!" He's still gowling and Buck still isn't reacting to his best friend transforming into a werewolf at the kitchen table. "You saw me like this!"
"I mean, yeah?" He gestures to Eddie's face with his fork because he's still. Fucking. Eating. "It was kinda hard to miss."
What the actual fuck. "That's it?" Eddie demands, face returning to human. "That's all you have to say?"
"Am I... supposed to say something else?" Buck asks slowly, caught expression coming back, only this time suffused with guilt. Eddie had planned on this conversation going so many different ways, but somehow complete indifference wasnt one of them. "Did I mess up some sort of traditional thing? We can start over."
"Start ove-" Eddie sputters before accepting defeat. Obviously, he's underestimated Buck's ability ro roll with life altering revelations. "Okay, clearly my being a werewolf isn't a surprise to you, so I guess we're good." His food is getting cold, so he sits down to eat now that they're past... whatever that was.
"Oh," Buck's looking at him, dawning realization breaking across his face. "Eddie, I knew you were a werewolf like a year ago"
"Yeah." He shrugs, taking another bite. "Your eyes flash when you sneeze."
"They do not!" Eddie defends. That's basic control stuff, he had that mastered before he was in school.
Buck hums. "Not always." He concedes, smiling fondly. "But a few times when you're still mostly asleep, they do. S'cute"
Oh God, his sisters can never know. "Fine, maybe they do." He grumbles, ears buring hot. Definitely from shame and definitely not because Buck said he's cute. "But there's a huge jump from flashing eyes to werewolf."
With a sigh, Buck puts his fork down, finally giving Eddie his full attention. "Eddie, I've met wolves before." He grins. "Actually, I've probably met more wolves than you."
Eddie snorts, spearing a dumpling with his claws. Just because he can, relishing in the fact that he doesn't have to hide from Buck anymore. Or appearently he hadn't needed to. "Kinda doubt that."
"First off, rude." Buck grumbles, but goes back to his food. "Most of the guys I worked with at the ranch were wolves." He pauses, chewing thoughtfully. "Actually, I think was the only human most of the time."
Eddie squints at him. "You worked on a werewolf run ranch in the middle of Montana." He can't even find it in him to be surprised anymore. The total lack of reaction to his revelation has left the conversation feeling surreal. "Of course you did." He sighs, taking a bite. "Well since you're all caught up on werewolves, I'm declaring this a date."
There's a moment where he can tell Buck clearly hasn't actually processed what he just said because he just nods along. Eddie actually witnesses in real time the journey his words take along Buck's brain as he freezes. "Wh-what?"
"The last barrier I had was being of a different species and hiding it." Eddie shrugs, leaning back in his chair to get far enough from the food so he might catch a whiff of Buck's scent. His face is flipping through emotions too fast now for Eddie to catch. "So unless you have something else...?"
Buck, for lack of a better word, blanks out for a moment, face going entirely slack, before flushing from collar to the roots of his hair. "You're telling me," he growls in a fairly impressive imitation of a werewolf, "that if I had,-" He gestures widely, missing his own water cup by a hair. "- I don't know, made a dog joke or something to let you know I know your furry secret, we could have been dating this whole time?"
"I mean, yeah, on my end."
Out of nowhere, Buck pushes to his feet, toppling his chair behind him as he scrambles to the other side of the table. Eddie just watches, confused but too happy to stop Buck from doing whatever he's set his mind to.
"Then I'm going to kiss you now." He declares, scooting Eddie's chair out just enough for Buck to climb in his lap. "And then for the rest of the night too. For, you know, reparations or something."
Eddie lets out a hum, only a little lower than a human's and Buck tips his chin back. "Or something." He grins, playfully sliding his fangs out. Just because he can now. And maybe just to see how Buck reacts.
Of course the man just sees his fangs as the perfect invite to kiss him.
Because sometimes, when it really really matters, Eddie gets lucky like that.
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fckwritersblock · 3 years
More Than Therapy
Bucky x black!reader
Warning: sooooo there is smut ahead. Okay like, not complete filth but it’s there! Who even knows what this is, but enjoy it!
Pic below from post by @afriendlyblackhottie
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“Look, I’m not saying that she’s not a great therapist, I’m just think that she’s not your style.”
Bucky didn’t hide his eye roll.
For the past 2 weeks, Sam had been trying to convince him he needed a second option. Ever since he had his own encounter with Bucky’s therapist, which consisted of being forcefully included in one of their sessions, he could see it wasn’t really helping Bucky at all. Not that Sam was an expert or anything, he just knew his.....friend.
“Alright Sam, fine.” Bucky sighed tossing the wrench to the side. “So what. I kick my therapist to curb, then what? You got some kind of recommendation or something?”
Sam just smirked before turning and making his way off the boat.
“Actually I do.”
Now here Bucky was, waiting on another person to come and try to break down all his walls and get in his head and help him with through his ‘issues’.
“Waste of time.” He mumbled to his self.
However, when she walked in the door, that thought quickly left.
“I’m Y/n.”
“It’s nice to meet you James.”
For the first time in a very long time Bucky felt comfortable almost immediately. The conversation didn’t feel forced, he didn’t feel pressured, it was just easy. Y/n didn’t push and pry. She simply let him answer the way he want and what he wanted. She let him sort of control the conversation. It was refreshing.
From then on, he saw her twice a week. Their first two weeks together was just them getting to know one another. Establishing trust on Buckys end. He appreciated that for once the woman so much pressure for him to be OK so soon. Finally, after about a month or so, they were doing a little exercises here and there to work through his trauma. The first assignment, it was actually pretty similar to the last psychiatrist he had seen. To get out and make at least one friend. Find an activity or something that he enjoys.
“So have you been getting out like we discussed?”
“Yeah I’ve gone out.” He nodded carelessly with a grin as he sat across the table from her.
Y/n raised an eyebrow. “To places besides the bar.”
“Liar.” She said and it was her turn to grin as she held her hand out.
He sighed and rolled his eyes, handing over his phone. Bucky watched her click a few buttons knowing she was checking his contacts. This was like Deja vu.
“You have the same amount of numbers in your phone as last week Barnes.”
“Not true Doc, I have you.” He smiled sheepishly.
“I hardly count Barnes.” A small smile graced her face nonetheless.
She was quiet for a moment and he took that opportunity to study her. In deep thought. Y/n had a tell. She’d bite the corner of her bottom lip on the right side every time she was trying to figure something out. Usually before she came up with his homework before the next session.
“I have a thought but you’re not gonna like it.” She began after while.
“Lay it on Doc.”
“I don’t feel like you are actively trying to be a part of society. What you’ve been doing, trying to right your wrongs of the other guy...” she drifted for a moment. “It’s futile. You don’t need to do that. That-“
Y/n paused taking a deep breath.
“That’s not you.” She spoke softly.
“But that is me! I am winter soldier!” He yelled on his feet quickly.
Anger. He was familiar with the feeling. Angry was something he just couldn’t seem to stop feeling. Even if he didn’t show it, it was like he was angry all the time. However feeling it with her was unfamiliar. And he could feel the inner turmoil of him taking his frustrations out on her as he tried to push that anger back down.
“Were.” Y/n stated with finality, voice strong. “You were the winter Solider. And that wasn’t you. That’s just a couple of dark chapters in the book of your life. That’s it.
“You don’t know m-“
“But that is not you.” She repeated a little louder commanding forcing him to look her dead in the eyes. “That’s not who you are, James. And while I may not have known you pre-hydra, or during, but I’m knowing you now. And that’s just not you.”
Y/n leaned back in her chair.
“I know that here, Bucky.” She grinned a little placing her hand over her heart and tapped twice. “And deep down, so do you.”
“. You, James Buchanan Barnes, you are not the bad guy.
The anger he had been feeling had subsided and I was replaced with something that was completely unfamiliar to him. Something he longed for couldn’t quite the grass. Something that he didn’t even realize was in within his reach until noon.. The feeling, regardless of how unfamiliar it was with something Bucky didn’t think he wanted to go away.
The silence between them was comfortable. Y/n could tell that he was processing her words. It was a good thing, she could because he was no longer good tense and his stance was relaxed instead of defensive.
“You know what? We’re finished for today. I’ll see you tomorrow.” She declared.
“What?” Bucky snapped out of his tranced and frowned. “Doc, come on. I shouldn’t be seeing you til Thursday.”
“Yeah tomorrow,” she nodded with a smile. “I want to try something different.”
The next day but he showed up at their usual time, 11 AM. When he stopped at a reception to ask for Dr. Y/n they informed him she was out for the day. He frowned and turned to leave only to find her approaching him from the elevator.
“Hey! You ready to go?” Y/n offered a gentle smile.
“I thought we were-“ he asked went fo point back toward her office but she stopped him.
“We are. We’re just doing things differently today.” She informed him, before nodding her head toward the elevator. “Let’s go.”
Their day together was eventful to say the least. Their first stop was her favorite coffee spot. It was actually a little hole in the wall called Hippies Brew in the downtown area. A cool modern place full of friendly and eccentric individuals. It was comfortable. Homey. It wasnt one she’d typically recommend clients, but she would recommend it to friends. After that they were too the aquarium followed by the park where they sat on a park bench for lunch. Lunch being tacos from the El Gordo’s taco truck parked near by. Well a lot of the time at the park or spit in silence, it was still comfortable as a people watched together. While Bucky hated to admit it, this is the first time he really just felt at peace. There was no one looking over him with some unrealistic expectation of him to be Steve, and become so hero he wasn’t. There was no pressure to get his shit together right then and there. He was just simply allowed to be Bucky. Unapologetically.
“Walk with me?” He asked.
Y/n raised an eyebrow, surprised he initiated doing something together, but agreed with a smile.
Soon enough they easily fell into conversation of as they began to walk the lake.
Before they knew it, the sun was beginning to set. Their time together lasted longer than Y/n planned but either was it was nice. She enjoyed today, as did he. Bucky’s offered to walk her back to her car, savoring their last few moments together.
“Are you sure I can’t give you a ride home?” Y/n asked as they got closer to her car in the now empty lot.
“Yeah, Doc, lm sure.” He smiled back at her, her smile and laugh being infectious. “I like walking. It gives me time to think. it’s peaceful. Kind of like today.”
Y/n’s smile widened at his confession. So her idea did work. He was making progress.
“ That’s what you deserve James peace. I can’t promise every day is gonna be like this.” She turned away approaching the driver side door. “I mean, it is life there are going to be some bad days. But you do deserve some peace. Some happiness.
She turned to see that he was a lot closer than she thought saying that he was preparing to open the door for her. She swallowed, suddenly feel in the air around them shift. As she ran her tongue over her lips, Bucky’s eyes zeroed in on the action.
“You just have to let yourself have it.” She said softly.
It was in that exact moment where James decided he was going to do just that; let himself have happiness. And without thinking, he leaned forward and connected his lips with her.
He pulled away almost as soon as it happened eyes wide.
“James…” y/n finger tips traced her lips as she stared at him.
“I am, i, I don’t know-“ Bucky stuttered.
He went to take a step back but was stopped. This time it was her who initiated the kiss.
What started off as gentle, turned into her fisting a handful of his shirt put him closer with his hands wrapped around her waist. The heat that washed over them both, was like a moth to a flame. The passion poured into the kiss from both ends quickly consuming them both. The two fighting for a dominance, it wasn’t until they both harshly pushed against her car setting the alarm off that they snapped out of it.
“Oh my God. I’m so sorry wh-“ Y/n’s eyes were wide as she looked around anxiously.
Bucky could sense her panicking.
“ I am so sorry. That was highly inappropriate of me-“
“Breathe for me doll-“ he reached for her but she pulled her hand away shaking her head vigorously.
“I can’t, we can’t, I have never.” She took a deep breath, her next words still coming out shaky. “I’m so sorry. To take a vantage of you like that-“
“I was the one who-“ he attempted once more to no avail.
“I have to go. I’m sorry. Please forgive me.” She rushed out, flinging her door open and getting in the car.
All Bucky could do was watch as she wasted no time peeling out of the parking lot.
That was the last he had seen or heard of her. It had been almost two weeks and she had canceled both his weekly sessions and hadn’t answered any of his calls or returned any of the messages he left both at the office and on her cell phone.
And boy, was he stressed about it.
He had never felt that kind of passion before. To be honest it was something he didn’t think he was capable of feeling. He had been consumed by anger for so long, he wanted to cling onto whatever else, anything else. Bucky would be lying to himself if he said he didn’t feel the chemistry between them. He came to the conclusion he’d been falling for her for a while, and was clearly in denial until that day they spent the day together. It’s not like he was trying to fall for his therapist. But now that he had...Ge had to at least try. Make sure what he was feeling wasn’t one sided.That spark. It was a feeling, a high he had never felt. One he knew he’d forever be chasing and he wanted it again and again and again. So when the third week approached he decided to take matters into his own hands.
A knock her door tore her away from Grey’s Anatomy.
Pulling her dress down, she went and answered the door.
“Bucky.” She said his name breathlessly.
“Y/n.” He breathed out, happy to be in her presence even though it hurt slightly to hear her suddenly calling him Bucky.
He quite liked when she called him James. He liked the way she said his name.
“What are you-, how.” She tried to control her breathing. “You can’t be here.”
“I need you,” he signed. “To hear me out.”
“James.” He corrected her. “Look, I know this totally inappropriate but I-“
James paused taking in her appearance, noticing the purple bruising around her lower right eye above her cheekbone.
“Who?” He questioned through gritted teeth.
He huffed pushing past her and moving in and around the apartment as if someone would come out and confess. He turned toward her a wild look in his eye.
“Give me. A name, Y/n.”
“James....” she signed.
While he knew she was talking seeing as her lips were moving, It was like he could hear her but he wasn’t hearing her. Bucky couldn’t focus on anything other than a bruise on the side of Y/n’s beautiful face. It had been along time since Bucky had thought of actually hurting somebody, save for John Walker last week which was another story entirely, whoever did this to her face though, he wanted to hurt them bad and he was going to enjoy it. His eyes traveled down toward her lips and he still couldn’t hear her. All he could hear was his fist repeated smashing into said individuals face. Over, and over, over-
The sound of her voice finally resonated and he finally focused on her words.
“Come back to me James.” Her voice was gently. Inviting.
Everything he noticed both her hands on the side of his face, her thumb rubbing soothingly.
“It’s fine.” She said slowly removing her hands away as she explained. “There’s no need to hunt anyone down. Just a regular 50150 patient and things got out of hand. It happens.”
“No one should touch you.” He stated with seriousness.
Y/n stared at him for a moment, the right side of her lip pulled between her teeth, eyes pooling with something he hadn’t seen in her before. She shrugged nonchalantly.
“I kind of like it when you touch me.”
Her voice was barely above a whisper but he heard her loud and clear.
Just like before, it started off with light kisses, which soon turned into a bit of teasing, a little lip nipping, before things got extremely heated. Both his shirt had been discarded while the straps of her dress were pulled down revealing her black Savage Fenty bra. They had somehow moved from the living room to the kitchen island. Bucky stood between her legs one hand tangled in her braids while her hands held the sides of her face, gently caressing the stubble. Her legs were wrapped around his middles as she began grinding her hips into him. He pulled her closer, the both of them on a high from the friction. Bucky’s metal hand traveled up her bare back giving her goosebumps. They broke apart for air and as soon as Y/n had enough oxygen in her lungs, she went back to licking, kissing and sucking on his neck.
"Shit, Y/n.” Bucky unconsciously tilted his head back giving her better access, his hands palming her ass as his hips bucked into her.
"James." Y/n pulled back panting, lips swollen. " I want you. Now."
Bucky made quick work of removing her panties that coated in her juices , and in return y/n quickly unbuckled his pants using her feet to aid her in pushing them down.
“Shit.” He groaned immediately as she whimpered slightly at the feel of him sliding into her.
Her arms were wound around his neck while his hand gripped the top of her ass to keep her in place as he begin to slowly thrust in and out of her.
Bucky was on a high. He couldn’t remember the last time he felt this level of intimacy. Euphoria. He was sure this feeling should be illegal.
The way she were wrapped around him, he knew if he didn’t take it semi slow he wasn’t going to last.
“James,” she moaned, clawing at his back, walls clenching.
He wasn’t sure what sounded sweeter; her moaning or his name leaving her lips.
“Doll?” He responded, kissing the at the base of her neck.
I’m clos-“ Y/n sucked in a breath of air. “Right there.”
“There?” He asked spreading her ass cheeks apart so he could go deeper.
“Yes! Right there!”
It was a bit sloppy from there as Bucky shifted for a better angle. Her ass halfway off the table as he picked up the pace bit her her closer to the edge. He was bouncing her up and down on his shaft effortlessly. Her arms wrapped right around his neck, kiss sloppy as she bit her lip to keep her moans at bay.
“No,” he breathed out, reaching up with one hand forcing her to kissing him, her moans filling his mouth instead. “I want to hear you.”
“James, I’m-“
“I know.”
The sight of Y/n coming undone before him was a glorious one . He couldn’t wait to make her cum again.
Once she came down from her orgasm, she placed her lips back on his, tightening her legs around him once more. He shifted their position a bit and begin again when suddenly the front door opened and in walked Sam.
“Oh shit!” Bucky pulled out of her and struggled to pull up his pants and turned to shield her half naked frame.
“Sam!” Y/n squealed pulling her dress up to her chest as best she could.
“What in the entire fuck!” Sam screamed while covering his eyes.
“What the hell are you doing here?!” Y/n yelled.
“You told me toy were off!”
“I’m am off!”
“Well I thought I’d bring you dinner! I didn’t know id find this!” Sam said exasperatedly.
Y/n and Bucky were decent informing Sam he no longer had to cover his eyes. Immediately he pointed an accusatory finger at Bucky.
“You! What the fuck did I tell you about my sister?”
Bucky stared at him confused.
“You said not to flirt with your sister.” He repeated Sam’s words. “Sarah’s not..”
He then turned toward Y/n, things finally clicking.
“You’re Sam’s sister.” Bucky concluded.
“Baby sister.” Sam. added.
“I’m grown as hell Samuel!” Y/n fussed.
“Really bruh, my baby sister?!”
“Well how i suppose to know you only refer to her as baby!”
“Once again! I’m grown as fuck-“ she stopped hearing the front door creek open again.
“Who’s that?!” The woman’s eyes were wide with horror as she whispered.
“The boys!” Sam exclaimed in a whisper.
“Why didn’t you say they were here-“ she began frantically washing her hands.
“I’m sorry I was a little fuckin preoccupied with the fact my sister is fucking an assassin-
“Former assassin!” Bucky corrected.
“Hey TT!” Sarah’s boys greeted simultaneously with smiles as they bent the corner.
“Hey my babies!” Y/n instantly put a smile on her face pulling them each into her arms.
“Hey Bucky!” Cass waved
“Hey Bucky!” AJ addressed the solider as well before turning back toward his brother, “Cass , come on.”
“Wait let me put the pizza on the counter-“
“No!” The three adults exclaimed together.
“No boo, I’ll take it.” Y/n smiled again at her nephew taking the pizza.
“why don’t yall go in the living room and get the game set up?” Sam suggested.
“Yes! Let’s take the pizza in there while they bleach the kitchen?” Y/n hinted at the men while telling the kids to follow her.
“Oh yeah! TT, Uncle Sam got us two new video games!”,AJ informed her. “He also said we can watch a scary movie tonight since moms not here.
“Yeah! Andddd, he said we can door dash ice cream!” Cass added as the two kids followed their aunt into the living room.
Though he was silent, throughout the entire interaction but he couldn’t help but want you living room interact with the two kids. Back in the day, if you would’ve asked him if he believed in love at first site he would’ve said no. But he was pretty sure he was in love with Y/n already.
Once out of sight, Bucky took that opportunity to speak after a beat.
“Have I ever told you I’m glad you treat your nephew’s so well, Sam?” He asked after clearing his throat.
Sam sighed, and pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Yeah? Why’s that?” Bucky turned to him with a huge grin on his face.
“Cuz I’m gonna give you another one.”
Slowly Sam began to laugh, albeit one full of sarcasm, Bucky joined in sincerely. They laughed together for a moment before Sam ceased, his face expressionless.
“Yeah Sam?”
“I’m going to kill you.”
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ghxstlypuppet · 2 years
So as i posted earlier the short comfort fic got out of control and i decided to write more of it, i wrote two chapters today, i'm not sure if i like the third one tho but i might post it anyways.
And i also don't have a tittle for this fic *dabs and cries*
•Eddsworld comfort fic pt.2•
(Please give me feedback , this is my interpretation of the characters so its kinda of a au? If you have any suggestions or questions send me a ask!)
~ Enjoy ~
Genre : Uh...fluff and a tiny little bit of comedy (i tried) and two shots of v- angst
Warning : Some cuss words
Gender neutral reader
Word count : i have no idea again around 10/11 pages on my phone notes
After you and Tord finished running around the house and breaking a lot of stuff , you were feeling better the bad and intrusive thoughts werent bothering you anymore , you just felt tired now but a sleepy kind of tired , the others were downstairs preparing the things for a movie night and you decided to grab your stuff and put it on the guests room aka tom's room , you were used to sharing the room with one of them everytime you went there so neither you or them cared about the situation that have happened more times than they could remember. You put your baggages there , just a big back pack that Edd always wondered how that never gave you a back pain it looked too heavy even for you that were much stronger than you looled like,then you grabbed a towel and you pjs , a pair of sweat pants and a comfortable t shirt , it wasnt cold so your hoodie wouldnt be needed , you decided to take a shower you had a long day after all a lot had happened and you were more than ready to relax and have fun with your friends, you took a quick but very relaxing shower and changed into your clean pjs, it felt like a reward , you giggled with yourself remembering of that one "its like a reward" meme and steped out of the bathroom, you went downstairs to find Edd  , Matt and Tom in the kitchen preparing snacks and popcorn and also the drinks while Tord was on the living room setting up the movies you guys were going to watch, Tord liked horror stuff maybe that was one of only things you two had in common but since earlier it felt like you guys were starting to get a long a bit better, you didnt noticed you were starring at Tord while thinking about it,that until a pillow hits your face
- HEY!
You exclaimed annoyed throwing the pillow back at Tord who caught it very easily
- Just....why???
- You were just standing there staring at me not even blinking , thought you were possesed or something, everything okay?
At first you were kinda mad but , did he just asked if you were okay?? And seemed to be genuinely worried?? You blinked a few times not even being able to hide the silly little smile you had your face now  it felt nice to know you had people who actually cared about you
- Yeah.. im good , thanks i was just thinking.. Im gonna go see if the boys need help bringing the food and drinks
You said smiling a bit and heading to the kitchen, Matt and Edd smiled widly when they saw you there and Tom just waved being too busy chuggin a bit of smirnoff to smile at you now, not that he was a very smiley guy
- Already drinking Tom?
Tom only nodded putting the bottle on the table
- Don't plan on getting wasted but everyone needs a little somethin' to start the day...not for now at least , want some?
He said pointing to the smirnoff bottle , you didnt even thinked twice before going to grab it but someone grabbed you first, it was Edd grabbing you by your waist almost hugging you while pulling you up and turning you on the other way
- No no no no....nu uh, you remember damn well how you got last time you drank that...
- Hey!  Don't talk like this about my baby
Tom said annoyed even angrily pouting , you on your side were pouting too after Edd put you back on the floor , he was tallen than you so picking you up wasnt hard at all
- But....that time i was  on a competition!
You said , Edd kept starring at you
- You drank less than a shot...
He said making Tom laugh from remembering   you glared at him who tried to hide his laughter but his face was even red , maybe from the alcohol as well even tho he wasnt drunk at all at this moment, even Matt gave out a little chuckle, you sighed
- Fiiine..... Anyways i came here to ask if you guys need help bringing the stuff to the living room
- Oh you could help with the bowls of candy , i will bring the doritos ones, Edd and Tom will bring the drinks
Matt said , grabbing the two big bowls of Doritos and going to the living room, Tord already had the movies set there, you got the three smaller but still big bowls of candies , they had m&m's in one ,fummy worms and gummy bears all mixed in the other and one full of mini marshmallows , you headed to the living room setting the snacks on the little tabble there , Edd and Tom carefully placed the drinks there , Matt grabbed a blanket that was already placed there, it wasn't cold that night but it was comfortable to stay with a blanket while watching the movie , you sat where you always used to exactly on the middle of the four of them, Matt and Tom on your right , Tord and Edd on your left , you were pretty much comfortable there , Edd gave you a can of cola and Tom kept the bowl of doritos closer enough so you could get some as well, the movie startedz and of course it was Insane Zombies Pirates from Hell , Tord set all the movies for you guys to watch, you didnt minded watching those movies again it was like a classic to watch with them.
You were awake until the third movie, when you started feeling sleepy and didnt even noticed that you were putting your head on Edd's shoulder almost doozing off , he smiled looking at you
- Hey the movies aren't over yet!
Tord said kinda annoyed , Edd glared at him
- Can't you see that they are tired?? Unlike you , y/n had a long day
- They always fall asleep on the third movie ...
Tord said grabbing the rest of the gummy bears and eating them, you opened your eyes , blusbing a bit when you noticed that you were almost sleeping on Edd's shoulder
- Oh ahm...sorry about that i didnt noticed i was that tired....
Edd laughed a bit
- It's fine don't worry about that besides you are not the only one sleeping
He said trying to show you that Matt was sleeping very comfortably the same way you were before , you giggled a bit until you felt a pair of arms around you , you looked the other way just to see Tom doozed off grabbing you like a plushie, and even to comfirm your suspicious about him thinking you were a plushie he mumbled a bit drunkly
- Tomee bear...
You couldnt hold back the laugh but tried not to be noisy , you didnt minded him hugging you like that he would probably die before aggreing that he did it on the next day but you didnt cared , you looked at Tord for a second and could swear that he smiled a bit at you  , you smiled back
- Hey , sorry for falling asleep i know that you like those movies but im feeling tired after today..
You said , Tord just looked away , he was blushing a bit feeling bad that he made you feel bad but he would never admit it
- Yeah yeah...whatever  its fine you can sleep ..
He said not even looking at the tv at that moment , you did your best to stay awake  a bit longer but before you could notice you were sleeping again, your head on Edd's shoulder , Tom still hugging you and you were awkwardly hugging Edd the same way while Matt slept on the other side , Edd was basically trapped but he didnt minded , he looked at Tord that had a annoyed expression
-What? You're jealous?
Edd teased with a smirk
- You dont need to be still have space for one more cuddle buddy here
He said , Tord almost growled with anger even tho he was blushing a bit
- Fuck you Edd...
He said , making Edd laugh a bit
-Maybe if you learned to get along with y/n better you wouldn't be alone there now Tord
- Shut... i'm working on it
He admited (oh lawd he did admited one thing regarding y/n once oh lawd) Edd looked surprised to hear that  but didnt said anything anymore.
Eventually even him and Tord where feeling sleepy but still much more awake then you, Matt and Tom with the (forced) help from Tord , Edd put you and the others in your rooms , you were sharing the room with Tom , so Tord put you there leaving quickly, Edd rolled his eyes and entered the room with Tom putting him on his bed and putting a blanket over both of you guys
- Good night guys
He said softly before leaving to his own room, that night sure was a bit fun, but you guys still have two more days of fun stuff to happen, what will be the next one?
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blxetsi · 3 years
HIIIII!! can i get a pieck finger dating headcanons if that’s alright with you of course? your stuff makes me soft, stay safe!
yuh ‼️ tysm for your request
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pieck finger dating headcanons (modern au)
pieck finger x gn!reader
warnings: literal fluff, no angst or anything i love pieck
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- bc pieck is assumed to be like 23-26 this wont be a uni au or anything
- idk i rlly think you guys wouldve met in a mundane way
- like you bump into her on the sidewalk and try to the really awkward "oh im so sorry i didnt see you there- no really it was my fault- are you sure youre okay ?- okay great- no im not hurt- yeah- okay have a good day and again im so sorry !!" thing with her
- and then maybe you guys see each other again at a coffee place, youre there with your friends and shes there with hers, and you dont wanna talk to her obv bc that would be awkward
- then ur friend makes u go and order another coffee for them, and while youre waiting for your order pieck comes and stands beside you
- and shes very observant yknow ?? if she sees a face its very hard for her to forget it
- so she immediately recognizes you and blurts out "its you !"
- and you have to be like "oh yeah ! it is me ! its you too"
- she finds it quite cute and giggles about it
- a very laidback person but also a very blunt person
- she doesnt find any harm in asking "can i get your instagram @" look she doesnt wanna be a creep and ask for ur number right at the start
- and it gives her a chance to find out what kind of person you are
- it would absolutely suck for her if such a cute face was posting fishing pictures and alt right propaganda yknow ??
- so you two do and then both of your orders come so you two give awkward goodbyes before going back to your groups
- her instagram is very pretty, nice themes
- she posted a couple of hours ago, with her and her friends in a park, taking a couple of posed photos while some looking like they were natural
- shes adorable and you cant help but feel your cheeks go warm as you basically stalk her page
- she dms you and says "are you too busy looking at my feed that you havent followed me yet ?" and you see this mf staring at you across the room like 👁️👁️
- okay nosy lets calm down now 🙄🤚
- you try to defend urself but ur typing so quick you keep making errors in your writing, she ends up saying something else
"you know, i was doing the exact same thing. youre beautiful you know"
- thank you pieck 🥰
- over the next couple of weeks thats how you two communicate. she'll send you instagram memes and edits of her favourite shows, movies, games etc. and you find yourself having a lot in common w her
- you check her story so frequently it becomes one of the first accounts on the top of your homepage
- and FINALLY, when she feels she can see you as a friend and not just some pretty stranger she met on the street she asks you out
- it was a simple thing, just to the movies, and she even let you pick which one !! (imagine its pre covid idfk)
- you two go and its an awkward hug before you both head inside
- you pay for your tickets and she gets an extra large popcorn and a drink
- you assume shes just v hungry but before you can order yourself something shes like "what are you doing i got this for us !!"
- rlly cute bitch omfg
- during the movies, after she eats literally most of the fucking popcorn, she pulls your hand out of your lap and holds it with her buttery one 🥰🤚
- this bitch had crumbs and didnt even think to wipe them off
- you still held her hand tho anyways
- after that night you parted ways in front of the theater after making sure you two would be getting home safe
- and that became routine for a couple of weeks, not going to the movies obviously bc thats expensive but watching movies together !! youd go over to her apartment or she would come over to yours
- one thing about pieck is that shes very touchy
- one way or another she will end up cuddled with you on the couch
- it doesnt matter if its you being forcefully pulled on top of her body or her draping herself over you like shes a blanket, you two WILL be cuddling and you WILL enjoy it
- but finally, as if the gods gave you mercy, she finally kissed you
- it felt so nice, her lips were soft and sticky from her lip gloss and she tasted like the swedish berries you had gotten for her to munch on
- and the rest of the movie you two just sat there, kissing each other and giggling like teens
- she ended up staying the night, and complimented your bedsheets
- your relationship moved pretty fast after that
- she had already told all of her friends about you, they werent very surprised
- when you got officially introduced her friends zeke and porco tried to do that whole "if you hurt her.." speech before she slapped them and had marcel pull you away to safety
- other than that the night was very fun, you got to talking about your career, why you moved to the city, and other mundane topics
- pieck is actually a graphic designer, and everytime she comes to sleep over she just HAS to bring her laptop with her
- its basically just her laying in between your legs while she types away, youll pet her hair and lay soft kisses on her neck, and occasionally ask what shes doing
- she likes to tell you, has no problem in answering the questions you have, even if you think theyre stupid ones, shes very soft with you
- also a bit of a trickster
- for your first april fools together she slept over, you didnt have anything planned for her bc youre a good person and wont hurt the ones you love
- she stuffed your breakfast muffin with mustard 😁👍
- you gave her the cold shoulder for the rest of the day until she apologized by getting you a new muffin
- now she always dropped the l bomb to you, but she never needed you to say it
- thats why, when you were helping her cook dinner at her place you softly said "see ? and thats why i love you" she kind of,,, stopped what she was doing
- you realized why she wasnt washing the knife she used to cut your vegetables and tried to backtrack, but it was too late, she was already tackling you into a hug and taking you down onto the floor
- she just gave you kisses while repeating "i love you i love you i love you" over and over again
- bc of her you burnt ur fucking chicken smh
- you spent that night eating junk food and watching movies
- piecks a very observant person, so she always knows when youre sad too
- when you give that little huff when you come home to your (new !) shared apartment she knows something is up
- she'll slowly trail behind you as you walk to your bedroom, stripping to your underwear and changing into your pajamas
- you crawl into bed just wanting a nap to forget about the day, and she'll crawl in with you and hold you
- you never like to cry but youre so frustrated and upset at your coworkers, at that rude customer, at those deadlines, that you just breakdown
- and she lets you, she lets you almost suffocate yourself in her chest with how much your pushing your head into it, she strokes your hair while you choke on your own cries and hands you tissues when you need to blow your nose
- "what do you need my love ?" "i just need you" "okay baby"
- communication is a big thing in the relationship, and because shes been so open and honest from the beginning, talking about how you feel has never been easier
- in fact, you like talking about how you feel about your relationship, or how you didnt like what pieck said to your friends the other day, this and that, you feel comfortable and safe with pieck no matter what, which makes talking about even the most hardest things seem so simple and natural
- all in all, even when she wakes you up with spontaneous ice cream dates or asks that you put raisins in the popcorn during movie night, even with the fights and the crying and the exhaustion the next day, life would be much duller without her, and you only have to thank your clumsy self
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uhh i feel like this is very short but yeah ❤️ requests are open so go crazy mfs ‼️
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goofyman3434 · 3 years
havent been feeling well lately so i watched season four of camp cretaceous (a show i love) and uhh..
well okay. my opinion isnt so important that i NEEDED to make a post, but i feel like people might agree with me- and itd be nice to know if people feel the same way i do.
about brooklynn and kenji...
im sort of bummed out. and it isnt just because i ship dinostar and benji. though id be lying if i said it didn't contribute to my feelings about the ship, i dont want this to just be me yelling about those two ships here.
when i started this season (season 4) i was wondering why everything felt kind of dry. ironic, because they were all on a boat. but especially with kenji and brooklyn talking to eachother, it felt stiff and a bit awkward.
you know why i think this is? they had little ROMANTIC buildup. he flirted with her once three seasons ago and then stopped after she shut him down. and yes, they hung out with eachother alone a few times as the show went on, especially in season 3, but heres the thing-
i couldnt sense any romance from those scenes at all and it felt like basic friendship development( like yaz and kenji had, or darius and yasmina, or sammy and darius)
so if i couldnt pick it up, i doubt others did too. it wasnt anything like yaz and sammy, growing to love eachother over the course of four seasons and doing anything to help eachother
or darius and brooklynn, always being on the same brainwave and working well with eachother, devising plans together and knowing eachother exceptionally well
or even ben and kenji, who lacked content in season 3, but had so much potential- theres the way that KENJI was the one to keep bens fanny pack on him, the way that kenji constantly dozed off thinking about ben and had to be snapped out of it, and ben could have learned about how much kenji had missed him, more than the others seemed to, and that could have developed from there- but i wont go into these ships more. i can always make a different post.
my point is, kenji and brooklyn didnt seem like anything special and i could never have guessed that they would end up with eachother.
im still going to keep an open mind. if they make a 5th season, i actually encourage the writers to show me more brooklyn x kenji.. as long as its in a way that makes sense. and maybe we can learn when and how they started to like eachother, and you know what? maybe ill like it eventually.
for now though, im just upset. along with the lack of significant buildup, and barely any hints that they felt that way for eachother, im also sad that kenjis arc from the last season was basically ruined.
instead of him growing to care about his friends and him being mad at darius for putting any of their lives at stake just for dinosaurs, which would have been such good development for him, he got mad at darius because he (kenji) had a crush on brooklyn.
like... hello? if it wasnt brooklyn that was in danger, would he have not snapped at darius like that? or even cared as much? is that what this is saying? what if it was like.. sammy or something instead? would he have been LESS mad about darius' choice? with that in mind, i believe now that kenjis recent development has been erased.
i dont hate brooklyn x kenji , i just wish it was executed a little better if it HAD to be a ship at all. thats all. of course i would have liked my other ships to be canon this season, and i feel like they would have made more sense- but i dont want to be horrible about it, i just wanted to explain why i dont like this ship that much.
ship what you want, i dont know. its fine. this season was pretty good if you look at the main story and not the romance subplot. i still want a fifth season. three cheers for awesome dinosaurs and also for dave and roxie lol
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ablackfangirlwrites · 4 years
Hello! Can I request an angsty fic with Aizawa that he forgets his S/O birthday and instead go out to a bar with Mic. His S/O asks him why is he not home yet that they were waiting him and he tells them that there is no reason to be early at home today and that he is with Yamada at a bar so he's going to be late. Everything with Mic was fine until he saw his S/O's birthday post on Instagram and he felt so guilty and sad and went so fast to there shared house with gifts and food to apologize (he found his partner sad on the couch)
Thankyou so much!
As someone's whos family has forgotten about my birthday on several occasions this one hits home and it ended up with a sadder ending oops😅 but I do hope you enjoy this one!!! 😘😘
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You sat there waiting and watching the clock all dressed up and ready to go
Aizawa wasn't usual late, but you kept in mind murphy law anything that can go wrong will
And today would be a day you expected that to happen
It being yout birthday
The two of you had planned to go out for dinner a few nights before after got he off work to celebrate
And you figured he'd get held up
Thats why you reserved the table later into the evening rather then early
But it was three hours after he was supposed to be off and you were getting worried
First you sent him a few text but got no replay
But when you finally called you got a response but it wasnt who it was supposed to be
"Hey y/n!" Yamada answers loudly
"Oh...hey..mic.." you say confused "where is Shouta?"
"Hes right here!" Present mic says passing Aizawa his phone
"Hey y/n is everything okay." Aizawa asked you
Your even more confused as you hear the loud background but you speck up
"Where are you?"
He sighs, "Mic draged me to this bar, Ill be home later."
So he was at a bar? Did he forget what today was? Was he serious?
You were going to ask him about your previous plans
But Aizawa spoke up again, "Anyway I can barley hear you, Ill see you when I get home don't wait up for me."
Just like that he hung up
You sat there dumbfounded
He forgot about your birthday
Aizawa hung up looking back at Yamada and his other friends
They were all having a nice time
It was nice to relax after a day of hard work and this night drinking was much needed
He would rather be at home with you but mic always insists he join them and you always encourage him to be with his friends so he thought it should be fine
He watched the hour go late and later into the night
And eventually found himself just scrolling through his phone
His eyes went wide when he saw the small notification that he had missed eailer that read
'Y/n birthday dinner."
"Shit." He said out loud
Yamada and the others looked at him
But without any explanation to them he hurried and left
It was after 12 so it wasn't evem your birthday any more
And all he could do was curse himself
How could he forget that? You two had made plans! That's what you had to be calling for eailer, and he brushed you off
Aizawa was sure you would hate him for this
He stopped to get some of your favorite flowers as an apology before he got home
Hoping that they would ease some of the pain you no doubt felt
He got home to a dark house with no sound
He headed straight to the bedroom only to find it empty
Worry washed over him as he called out to you
Where did you go?
But the panic quickly went away when he heard you call out from the livingroom
He walked in and you turned on the lamp
If Aizawa already felt bad now he felt worse
You had obviously fell alseep on the couch
Still im your nice outfit for the dinner he forgot
And your makeup a mess from all the crying you had to have been doing
"I am so sorry y/n." He said crouching down next to you
"I forgot, I dont know how. I got caught up in today, but I didnt mean to forget-"
"Its fine." You cut him off
Aizawa sees how tried you look and he wants to keep telling you how bad he feels but decides against it
"Let me make it up to you," he says
You just nodded, "sure tomorrow."
You laid back down after that leaving him standing there with nothing else to say
And him feeling sure you hate him now
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raspberryranpo · 3 years
Can I request BL....anniversary with them? Something fluffy and cute post ts please? Playing crimson flower and my heart is hurting.
celebrating your wedding anniversary
fire emblem three houses: blue lions
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i wasnt sure what anniversary you wanted, but i ended up doing wedding anniversary headcanons!! i hope these are ok!!
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anniversaries before dimitri met you were just about his dead family or his dead friends, and they were all incredibly sad days
but whenever someone mentions an anniversary now, he immediately thinks about how he’s going to celebrate his wedding anniversary with you & genuinely looks forward to it
takes you out for a nice walk around the castle’s grounds, occasionally picking a flower and putting it in your hair
bonus points if you pick a flower and put it in his hair. he feels so pretty
makes flower crowns with you because he’s cottagecore like that
side note please imagine cottagecore dimitri i can’t
makes you the best meal that you’ve ever had. you think he’s made nice meals for you in the past? think again
you dine like the royalty you are on your wedding anniversary if dedue has anything to say about it
of course, it’s both of your wedding anniversary, but dedue doesn’t expect a thing from you
if you do decide to give him a present or do a little something extra, he’s literally on the verge of tears - he’s eternally grateful
a bouquet of flowers is mandatory. he will give you the biggest bouquet of flowers you’ve ever seen
every flower is hand grown by him in your garden and somehow you’d never realised
he debates cooking for you himself but eventually decides to just take you to the fanciest restaurant around
will surprise you with breakfast in bed though!! just don’t get your hopes up. it’s more of a sad dinner than breakfast in bed, but it’s the thought that counts
all day long he’s telling you all about how he doesn’t and will not ever regret marrying you, and that your wedding day was the best day of his life
the day ends with him reading to you one of his favourite books, stopping whilst turning the page to gently kiss your forehead
definitely the one here who’d forget… or he’d just think that it’s merely an anniversary and isn’t anything important
at least, he makes it out to be that way
in reality, he’s been sweating about this anniversary for the past two weeks and he literally cannot stop worrying about it and he’s beyond help at this point
gives you a very shaky kiss in the morning and almost drops your breakfast because he’s determined to make your anniversary the best day
he’s planned a surprise date with you in some secluded beach part of faerghus, where it’s colder than expected but he’s pretending that it definitely isn’t
he’s trying his best. he’s not romantic, but he just really cares about you
you wake up to a load of pastries in your face and a very joyful looking ashe
“look, i baked you every single pastry you’ve ever looked at in your life!” “ashe, it’s seven in the morning”
does a lot of weird things on your anniversary because he doesn’t actually know what he’s supposed to do
he knows he’s supposed to be showing you how grateful he is to be married to you but he just doesn’t know how to
ends up just taking you to the library & reading the rest of the day away. later on he apologises for being boring, but the stupid jokes he cracked and the evil game of footsies you played under the table said otherwise
actually succeeds in making you the nicest breakfast in bed. you can taste the pure love in each bite and it’s so wholesome
constantly holds your hand or has a hand around your waist, or even makes sure that your hand is around her waist all day long
makes a cute little picnic and you both go to a meadow nearby, sitting in between some flowers
jeritza is invited but his eyes wouldn’t stop watering from the flowers. regretfully, he took off very quickly
she gives very soft kisses to you under the stars afterwards, whispering about how grateful she is to have you
you both go to the theatre!! it’s one of those singalong ones in which annette can sing her heart out to her favourite songs
theatre kid annette anyone
the people in the theatre end up paying more attention to her out of tune singing and you both end up getting kicked out but it was worth it
you both sing all the way home and then start singing inside too, annoying anyone else at home
also acts like it isn’t a big deal & them surprises you with a ride on her Pegasus at sunset, during which she shows you the entire city
the sky is painted with pretty pinks, reds and oranges, and all of the lights are on in the city - it’s picturesque, and so is the peaceful look on her face
has her hands securely around your waist the entire time & she plants small kisses up and down your neck whenever the pegasus isn’t moving
carries you off of the pegasus when you land and back into the castle, refusing to put you down
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