#i watched 26 minutes of Blade Runner 2049
disengaged · 4 years
ok its like 9pm and im in a troubled state. someone talk me out of giving myself yet another shitty stick n poke
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sebastbu · 5 years
My Top 40 Movies of the Decade
***just my opinion***this list is not set in stone either***
1. 12 Years A Slave (2013)
What Steve McQueen has managed to do with this movie in nothing short of the best thing art is capable of. He takes the horror of humanity and turns it into a heart shattering tale of the best of humanity. A film that could have sunk easily among the brutality it contains, instead soars with Solomon’s survival. It is one of the most life-affirming, uplifting works of art I’ve ever seen. It makes you cry, it makes you shout, it makes you cheer, it makes you breathless. In short, all the things movies are best at. Not just a definitive movie, but a definitive work of art.
2. The Act of Killing (2012)
This has my vote for the best documentary film of all time. What begins as a transfixing profile of the mass murders responsible for the 1965 Indonesian genocide quickly transforms into a Brechtian nightmare as director Joshua Oppenheimer somehow convinces these men to stage scenes for a fake movie reenacting their crimes. As the film progresses you can hardly believe what you’re witnessing. Horrifying, yet you can’t look away. Oppenheimer holds your attention for every second. What’s captured for film here is truly unique, ground-breaking, soul shaking. A statement about the banality of evil as profound as Ardent’s essays. 
3. The Tree of Life (2011)
Malick has reached his final form here. An organic art form, pure cinema, visual poetry, whatever you want to call it. Nothing but a movie could be this. The images he crafts here are as close to a religious experience as I’ve ever had watching a movie, and probably ever will. In exploring childhood memories, Malick’s style perfectly matches his subject manner. He use of ellipsis and fluidity mirrors the way memories flash through our heads. It is as if we are witnessing memory directly, unfiltered. This movie will move you in ways you didn’t know a movie could. 
4. The Social Network (2010)
That Facebook movie? Hell yeah that facebook movie. What Fincher and Sorkin have managed to do is take what could be a standard biopic, or dull tech movie, and made it into an epic tale of betrayal, greed, friendship, coming of age, and identity. Ross and Reznor’s score pulses, as does the dialogue. This movie starts the instant you press play and it doesn’t let you catch your breath for one second until the very end. Endlessly quotable, perfected acted. A masterclass.
5. The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014)
What can I say about this movie? Every shot is perfect. Every joke, beat, pan, zoom. Well, I guess I’ll say this. This movie disarms with its charm, its facade. But at its heart is a wrenching tale of loss, nostalgia, and the fleeting nature of everything, especially those we love. A jewel of a film. Anderson makes sure you’re cozy and then pulls the rug out from under you, and suddenly you’re crying. 
6. The Master (2012)
Career best performances from Joaquin Phoenix and Phillip Seymour Hoffman. Lushly shot. Greenwood delivers another ground breaking score. PTA has made an aimless film about aimless characters that nevertheless is riveting. At the end, you may not know exactly how far you’ve progressed, but you’re sure glad you went on the journey. 
7. Drive (2011)
This is not an action movie. It’s a love story. The now famous dream pop soundtrack. Ryan Gosling doing so much with so little. Refn’s breathtaking cinematography. Diluted dreams. Crushed hopes. Silent gazes, filled with more emotion than dialogue could ever render.
8. The Revenant (2015)
An achievement of pure cinematic insanity. I still have no idea how they got some of these shots. A brutal, thrilling story of survival among nature’s cruelty. Inarritu’s camera is like magic in this film, uncovering the previously thought not possible. 
9. La La Land (2016)
A reinvention of a genre that somehow manages to have its cake and eat it too: a nostalgia trip that also subverts expectations. Right up there next to Singin’ in the Rain, in my book at least. How on earth was that only Chazelle’s second ever movie? 
10. The Lighthouse (2019)
11. Parasite (2019)
Bong Joon Ho has made a beautifully twisted psychological thriller that is also hilarious, touching, and a lasting commentary on class and social mobility. 
12. The Florida Project (2017)
Baker’s approach of setting this story from the viewpoint of children makes it a glorious romp through a world of innocence as well as tragedy, and also makes it all the more emotionally impactful.
13. Inside Llewyn Davis (2013)
It’s all about the cat. Alongside the Coen’s mastery of dialogue and the side character, as well as the beautiful folk music, this film acts as a deeply moving portrayal of depression, and how sometimes we are our own worst enemy. 
14. Moonlight (2016)
Expertly crafted. Expertly acted. Expertly shot. A gorgeously rendered coming of age story. I’m not really the person who should speak of its importance. I’ll just say: it is. Very. A movie that will stun you. 
15. Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)
Practical! Effects! Yeah, that really is Tom Hardy swinging fifty feet off the ground on a pole as explosions go off behind him. A feminist, post-apocalypse, road trip movie brought to you by the director of Happy Feet and Babe 2. What more could you want?
16. Moonrise Kingdom (2012)
A wonderful celebration of childhood and of fantasy. Anderson crafts a world you want to return to again and again. Anyone else get jump scared when they realized Lucas Hedges was in this??? 
17. Arrival (2016)
I love Denis Villeneuve’s films for so many reasons. The most important I think is that he balances entertainment and artistic depth so well. Like all great scifi Arrival is not really about aliens, it’s about us. 
18. Inception (2010)
A film that runs on all cyclinders. Smart, funny, jaw dropping, just plain fun. Nolan manages to build some surprisingly moving moments as well. 
19. Gone Girl (2014)
Ah Fincher and his twists. Rosemund Pike at the top of her game. Ross and Reznor return with another gripping score. Around the narrative, Fincher creates a fascinating portrayal of the media and marriage, one with endless twists and turns. You never quite know where it’s headed.
20. Sicario (2015)
A second thing I love about Dennis Villeneuve: he does point of view characters better than anyone else. 
21. Enemy (2014)
A third thing I love about Dennis Villeneuve: he plays with genre and narrative structure unlike anyone else working right now.
22. Incendies (2010)
A fourth thing I love about Denis Villeneuve: he’s given us some of the best female lead characters this decade.
23. Blade Runner 2049 (2017)
A fifth thing I love about Denis Villeneuve: he somehow managed make a Blade Runner sequel work. Here’s hoping for Dune. 
24. The Look of Silence (2014)
The companion film of The Act of Killing. Oppenheimer does it again, this time focusing more on the victims of the genocide. Groundbreaking cinema.
25. Shame (2011)
Slow clap for Michael Fassbender. Slow clap for Carey Mulligan. Slow clap for Steven Mcqueen.
26. Hereditary (2018)
Using horror to examine mental illness and family trauma. Aster has made a new classic of genre, taking it to new heights.
27. Under The Skin (2014)
How to make a movie about an alien descended onto earth in order to capture men and engulf them in her weird black room of goo? Make a very alienation movie. Chilling. Otherworldly. Haunting. 
28. Son of Saul (2015)
In making any holocaust film there’s always the risk of feeling exploitative. Nemes’s radical camera work, focusing almost entirely on the main character’s face in close up leaves this concern in the dust. The horrors enter only at the corners of the frame, while humanity is firmly centered the whole time. An important film everyone should see. 
29. Whiplash (2014)
As visceral and heart pounding as the solos performed, the film as a whole is a perfectly made portrait of a obsession. 
30. Amour (2012)
Haneke takes his unforgiving approach and lays bare a topic with incredible emotional depth. The result is deeply moving without ever being sentimental. I’m hard pressed to find another film about old age that is this poignant. 
31. Birdman (2014)
A whirlwind of a film. A high wire act. The long takes turn it into something more akin to a play. A pretty damn good one at that. 
32. Once Upon A Time In Anatolia (2011)
What’s Chekhov doing in the 21st Century? He’s in Turkey. He name is Nuri Ceylan. 
33. The Favourite (2018)
Lanthimos turns down his style and turns up his humor. The result is the best of both worlds: a dark, twisted tale of power and a hilarious parody of monarchy and British costume drama. 
34. Phantom Thread (2018)
PTA delivers again. What could easily have been another tired tale of the obsessive artist and the woman behind him is instead a fairy tale-ish ensnaring of two people’s ineffable pull towards each other. 
35. A Hidden Life (2019)
Still fresh in my mind. Malick’s late style is given the backbone it needed in the form of a relevant tale of resistance and struggle. A meditative, prayer-like film about the power of belief. 
36. Prisoners (2013)
A sixth thing I love about Denis Villeneuve: his movies have layers, but only if you look. Otherwise, the ride is pretty great as well. 
37. Manchester By The Sea (2016)
A masterclass in doing less with more. 
38. Foxcatcher (2014)
Bennett Miller does biopics unlike anyone else. That is to say, maybe better than anyone else working today. 
39. The Witch (2015)
Eggers’s first foray into historical New England horror. A chilling commentary on the evils of puritanism.
40. The Kid With A Bike (2011)
The Dardenne brothers managed to make a gut-wrenching tale of childhood, masculinity, abandonment, the power of empathy, belonging, and redemption in 84 minutes. Here’s a suggestion. Watch this movie. Then watch it again. A better use of the same amount of time it takes to sit through The Irishman. Oh wait, no you still have 30 minutes left over. 
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elementzer0 · 7 years
20 followers I’d like to know
Tagged by @noctuaalba
1) Name/Nickname: Jody.
2) Gender: Male.
3) Star Sign: Scorpio.
4) Height: 5′7″.
5) Hogwarts House: 50/50 Ravenclaw or Slytherin depending on the quiz, but Pottermore officially says Slytherin.
6) Favourite Animal: Fox.
7) Hours of Sleep: Typically 5-7 hours per night.
8) Dogs or Cats: Dogs; but not because of any hatred toward cats! My mom is severely allergic to cats, so I never could have one growing up.
9) Number of Blankets: 1 comforter and 4 throw blankets. I like to bundle up.
10) Dream Trip: An Alaskan cruise, or Finland, or a tour across continental Europe (I’ve only been to England and France).
11) Dream Job: Actor.
12) Time: 12:30 pm (Started). Edit: I’m at work, so... 1:40 pm (Finished).
13) Birthday: November 2nd!
14) Favorite Bands: There are a lot more than this, but... Bastille, Coldplay, Florence + The Machine, Imagine Dragons, Karmin, The Killers, The Lumineers, Of Monsters and Men.
15) Favorite Solo Artists: Brandon Flowers, Jessie J, Kesha, P!nk, Vance Joy.
16) Song Stuck In My Head: Thunder, by Imagine Dragons.
17) Last Movie I Watched: Blade Runner 2049 as well, @noctuaalba!
18) Last Show I Watched: Last night’s new episodes of Dynasty and Riverdale. Technically, I watched a full episode of Dynasty last, but I missed the first 10 minutes of Riverdale and watched what I missed after Dynasty.
19) When Did I Create My Blog: Late 2013 or early 2014.
20) What Do I Post/Reblog: There’s BioWare-related stuff, favorite actors/actresses, other assorted video games, Game of Thrones, or miscellaneous things that I enjoy while scrolling through my feed. It’s a bit random, with very low original content.
21) Last Thing I Googled: "D&D 5e spells.”
22) Other Blogs: I made one for a trip to Canada two years ago, and another in 2010-2011 while living in France for school. I’ve sort of forgotten about them, including the logins.
23) Do I Get Asks: Not really. Like I said, my blog is pretty low original content. Maybe one day I’ll make a more personal one with less random reblogs.
24) Why I Choose My URL: It’s my gamer tag in pretty much everything that I have a username for. Why ‘Sanguinerin’? At the time of creation, I liked the word ‘Sanguine’ and needed to add something to it. and I had just enjoyed Rin’s character from an episode of Fate/Stay Night. I pronounce it “Sang-win-air-in” (1 word), but I originally conceived it as “Sanguine Rin” (2 words).
25) Following: 725.
26) Followers: 123. Edit: After a review of mutuals, and a quick glance at some of these, I’m fairly certain a large majority of these may be spam blogs, and I may need to clean house sometime soon. 
27) Lucky Number: 3.
28) Favorite Instrument: Piano.
29) What Am I Wearing: Dress shirt and tie, khakis, vest.
30) Favorite Food: Teriyaki Chicken.
31) Nationality: American.
32) Favorite Song: I Want It All, by Karmin.
33) Last Book Read: Horus Rising, by Dan Abnett. My friend is trying to bring me into the Warhammer 40K universe.
34) Top Three Fictional Universes I’d Like To Join: Critical Role, Game of Thrones, or Mass Effect.
Tag @officialpeebee @demonandthedogstar @scrptrx @symetrii @spa-ace @trombonechurchill @silverqueen @addisonmotherfuckingmontgomery @guiltyhousewife @lightgetsout
So I was going to tag more people, using my 20 most recent mutuals. This is like 99% purely a reblogging place for me, so I understand not having a lot of them. I had a few more people tagged on here that I took off, because I realized I had scrolled all the way to notification tags 224 days ago. Um. Eek? So I removed those people, left a couple friends or mutuals that I have interacted with more, and a couple of people I’m familiar working with from commissions. That totals 10 people. I can live with getting down half.
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lux-morningstar · 7 years
30 questions
I was tagged by my talented friend @omelettedufromage-24601 to answer those 30 questions, and since I have one whole hour to spare here we go.
1 - Nicknames: too many, mostly variants and typos of my original name, but here are some I like: Smilie, Trusty, and Lux (no one actually calls me that but hey)
2 - Gender: female
3 - Star sign: taurus
4 - Height: 1m69
5 - Time: 4:25pm
6 - Birthday: May 7th
7 - Favorite bands: Gorillaz lately, but the list can go on for centuries.
8 - Favorite solo artists: oh boy don't get me started. On the top of my head I'm gonna say Bowie, but honestly there are so many others. Rest in peace Bowie you are missed.
9 - Song stuck in my head: lately, (You're The) Devil in Disguise by Elvis Presley. I've recently re-discovered Elvis and kinda got stuck into it.
10 - Last movie I watched: Blade Runner 2049 at the movies, which got me so shaken up I haven't been able to watch anything else. I might go see 120 battements par minute tomorrow (a french movie which has been highly praised), and I have seen before Blade Runner 2049 the fantastic Au revoir là-haut, which I recommand. Too many good movies lately!
11 - Last show I watched: Brooklyn Nine Nine's new ep and American Horror Story's. I'm also catching up on This Is Us and dying.
12 - When did I create my blog? If I remember well, november 2011. Oh man I've been here for 6 years now. Jesus.
13 - What do I post? Uhm.
14 - Last thing I googled? How to write "Pont-Aven", a french village of artists.
15 - Do I have any other blogs? no.
16 - Do I get asks? no.
17 - Why I chose my url: because I am fondly in love with the Lucifer comics. The series less, may I add. But the comics have changed my life.
21 - Average hour of sleep: 6 to 7 hours per night if I'm lucky, but it can go down to 4 quite easily.
22 - Lucky number: 7. I know, cliché.
23 - Instruments: the violin.
24 - What am I wearing? A pair of jeans and a grey shirt with a pic or Raphael's The School of Athens and with a text that reads "I had to take em to that ghetto university". I study art history.
25 - Dream job: I just want to be paid to look at art all day and write long texts about my feelings when looking at it.
26 - Dream trip: Italy! Rome! Florence!
27 - Favorite food: I don't have any.
28 - Nationality: French.
30 - Favourite song right now: Binge by Gorillaz.
If some questions are missing, it's because my friend who tagged me forgot to put them or skipped them. Thus, I don't have them. Sorry?
I tag in return: @castorlovescourgette, @piepito and @you-reawankernumber9 . Enjoy!
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persephonebepis · 7 years
   I'm watching the making of documentary for the Phantom Menace and it makes me a little bummed because they don't make DVD special features like this anymore. I would love to see similar special features for new movies like Blade Runner 2049 and new Star Wars. For Blade Runner 2049 Weta workshop has done some of this behind the scenes content on their own with videos like this:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sLxxbfsj8IM   showcasing the miniatures designed by Alex Funke. Also Adam Savage has done a lot of really good behind the scenes content with Tested with Blade Runner 2049 showing the incredible record sized wave pool they made: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nsy7P48EL2o. Tested has also done a lot of really cool showcasing of practical props and effects with videos like this:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VhU_T463sU showing hela's headdress made for Thor Ragnarok and this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KosBvDyWgnAshowing the astouding craftsmanship by Weta workshop put into making mechanical Geisha masks for Ghost in the Shell. I haven't seen the Ghost in the Shell movie and most everything about it tell me I shouldn't, but there's really cool content like this that shows amazing art and work and craftsmanship and it makes so much more intrigued. I'm glad that there are channels like tested doing this content but I'm bummed that this content can't just be bought in a neat package along with the DVD for $19.99 and is yours to keep forever. It's obvious why in that no one buys dvd's anymore and the work it takes to make behind the scenes documentaries doesn't show it's worth, but without it these are just whatever silly stories and acting and director and that's all really good and valuable, but it's not the hundreds of hours of work that was put into making these stories come alive.    In this plight a lot of effects studios will show their breakdowns and show reels like this heckin cool one from Doctor Strange that stands as one of the most redeeming aspect of the movie for me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8YxF4yMDSkw&t=74sand this really cool animatronics show reel:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G1iVJExd5vA    Some of this stuff can still be found on the dvd and here I am destroying my own argument my linking to a youtube clip:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CT24bd2XPxQThis is a fun featurette done for Rogue One, but it's only 15 minutes. It pales in comparison to 26 hours of commentary and special features in the lord of the rings special edition box set. There is still some this as can be seen with the Twin Peaks: the Return box set that that just came out with 6 hours of special features, but I want more! ugh!     Back to the Phantom Menace: Like a lot of people rip on the prequels for having too much cgi and something that's revealed in the documentary is that Lucas was crazy ambitious with the visuals he wanted and the studio just didn't have the money for it. The pod racing shots were stacking up to cost 16 million dollars and they eventually cut it down, but when they went into the desert to shoot these life sized pod racers they had made and a big storm came through and broke them all so they had to go back and do more of it digitally. Just fun facts that have been collected and comodified into buzzfeed clickbait stuff when I could just watch on the dvd.
0 notes
sowhatisthisfor · 7 years
My top 50 favourite films of 2017
This is probably the year that I gave the most number of 10/10 movie rating. What a great year.
Of the 160 movies I watched this 2017 from 34 countries, here are the top 50 (including 2016 releases that I only watched this year) that made my cinema experience awesome.
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Yes, my list is kind of feminist, of course.
Kace’s Top 50
50. Tu Pug Imatuy [Arbi Barbarona, 2017, Philippines]
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Great. Everything here feels authentic, it’s powerful. 7.5/10  
49. Dunkirk [Christopher Nolan, 2017, United States] 
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Boasts Nolan’s technical superiority. 7.5/10 
48. I, Tonya [Craig Gillespie, 2017, United States]
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Despite Robbie’s knockout portrayal, I still need to connect more with Tonya Harding. 7.5/10
47. Loving Vincent [Dorota Kobiela, Hugh Welchman, 2017, Poland-UK]
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Focused too much on visual mastery, wasn’t impactful, narrative-wise. 7.5/10
46. Baby Driver [Edgar Wright, 2017, United States] 
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The ending blew it, but I had so much fun anyhow. 7.5/10
45. Everybody Loves Somebody [Catalina Aguilar Mastretta, 2017, Mexico] 
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Nothing much is special and new about it which is why I don’t understand why I love it to a great extent. 8/10 
44. La Tortue Rogue [Michael Dudok De Wit, 2017, France, Japan] 
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A dialogue-less animation that proves that silence speaks a thousand words and could even provoke deep thinking. 8/10 
43. Nocturnal Animals [Tom Ford, 2016, United States] 
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This is how a writer dies, and this is how a writer comes back with a kill. 8/10
42. L’Avenir (Things to Come) [Mia Hansen-Love, 2016, France]
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At this point, everyone should know that there is nothing Isabelle Huppert cannot do. 8/10
41. Lipstick Under my Burkha [Alankrita Shrivastava, 2016, India] 
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Comes with great intentions but lacks the powerful female characters the film supposed to have. 8/10
40. Ang Larawan [Loy Arcenas, 2017, Philippines]
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Has such polished musicality that it overwhelms you to the point of it defying the flaws. 8/10
39. Blade Runner 2049 [Dennis Villanueve, 2017, United States] 
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Despite its cringe-worthy attack on my feminist self, it actually has a rich cinematic vision of a bewildered 2049. 8/10
38. Mother! [Darren Aronofsky, 2017, United States] 
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It wore me thin down to the core then ended quite brilliantly. My social anxiety is triggered, I am petrified and annoyed both at the same time. 8/10
37. D'Ardennen [Robin Pront, 2016, Belgium] 
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Just about the right amount of violence and grim unpredictability paced quite effectively. 8/10
36. Hidden Figures [Ted Melfi, 2017, United States]
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For those questioning the existence of women figures in history, here’s a good start for you. 8/10
35. Hacksaw Ridge [Mel Gibson, 2016, United States] 
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Is one of those war films that stand out. 8/10
34. Moglie e Morito [Simone Godano, 2017, Italy]
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Could be the funniest film I have watched this year. 8/10
33. Personal Shopper [Olivier Assayas, 2017, France]
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A subtle but dreary take on grief. Slow but rewarding in the end. 8/10
32. A Gift [Jira Maligool, 2017, Thailand]
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One of those films that could effortlessly make you laugh and cry. Charming. Very very charming – definitely a favourite. 8/10
31. Paki [Giancarlo Abrahan, 2017, Philippines] 
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an illustration of how even the most prosaic narrative could be weighty through the power of storytelling and good direction. 8/10 
30. Krigen [Tobias Lindholm, 2016, Denmark] 
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Feels a little rushed in the end, but affecting overall. 8/10
29. Beach Rats [Eliza Hittman, 2017, United States] 
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Overall, a substantial commentary on the stigma of homosexuality and its effect on why people choose to hide. 8/10 
28. Chemi Bednieri Ojakhi (My Happy Family) [Nana Ekvtimishvili, Georgia, 2017]
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Paints quite vividly a life of a woman in a patriarchal society. Remarkable. 8/10
27. Paterson [Jim Jarmusch, 2016, United States]
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Poetic is an understatement. 8/10 
26. Changing Partners [Dan Villegas, 2017, Philippines] 
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uses strong dialogues and character play that makes it rare and magical. 8/10
25. Coco [Lee Unkrich, 2017, United States]
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Understands what La La Land doesn’t – relationships shouldn’t suffer when achieving our dreams. 8/10 
24. If Cats Disappeared From the World [Akira Nagai, 2016, Japan] 
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a tearjerker drama that examines the essence of living as opposed to just merely existing. 8/10
23. The Killing of a Sacred Deer [Yorgos Lanthimos, 2017 Greece, UK , US] 
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Yet another solid psychological thriller by the master of contemporary enigma. 8/10 
22. Love You to the Stars and Back [Antoinette Jadaone, 2017, Philippines] 
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Kind of wants to make you believe in destiny, kind of succeeds in that sense. A tender take on teenage love and loss, so pure, it’s precious. 8/10 
21. Battle of the Sexes [Jonathan Dayton, Valerie Faris, 2017, United States]
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Makes me feel bad for not being alive yet when it happened. Ace. 8/10
20. El Acompanante (The Companion) [Pavel Giroud, 2016, Cuba]
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Distinct character pairing in an equally distinctive tales of adversity. 8/10
19. One Week Friends [Masanori Murakami, 2017, Japan] 
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There’s a good reason for my sunken eyes right now, right? 9/10
18. Birdshot [Mikhail Red, 2017, Philippines] 
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Beautifully shot, it swims along two storylines at par – both in search for impunity in a corrupted society. Too relevant. 9.5/10 
17. First Girl I Loved [Kerem Sanga, 2016, United States] 
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a tender coming-of-age drama that tackles discovering self-identity and the fear that comes with that realization. So raw, it’s thrilling. 9.5/10
16.  Les Innocentes [Anne Fontaine, 2016, France]
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a battle between religious order and moral conscience, one whose importance cannot be omitted. 9.5/10
15.  Bad Genius [Nattawut Poonpiriya, 2017, Thailand]
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Brimming with excellent editing and direction, it is a thriller and an ingenius commentary on how social class inequalities lead to inevitable corruption. Brilliant. 9.5/10
14. La La Land [Damien Chazelle, 2016, United States]
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Is really technically excellent, but is also really disconnected. Kind of something you adore rather than love. 9.5/10
13. Manchester by the Sea [Kenneth Lonergan, 2016, United States]
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a quiet yet profound drama narrated too effectively resulting to a mournful yet beautiful symphony. A film that brings the kind of sadness that is both painful and alluring. 9.5/10
12. On Body and Soul [Ildikó Enyedi, 2017, Hungary]
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Too cold yet too heartfelt in all its complexity. 9.5/10
11. Thelma [Joaquim Trier, 2017, Norway]
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Meticulously-crafted film that questions fundamentalism as a basis for joy and purity. I yearn for films as poetic as this. 9.5/10  
10. Beats Per Minute (BPM) [Robin Campillo, 2017, France] 
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Goosebumps. This is a film clear of its objective, it is exhilarating and exhausting in the good kind of way. 10/10
9. Respeto [Treb Montreras II, 2017, Philippines]
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Uses the power of words to compare past and present. Shows the cycle of oppression in a well-crafted film of bewitching artistry. 10/10
8.  Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri [Martin McDonagh, 2017, United States] 
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Too much hate and too much heart both at the same time. It is as shocking as it is enchanting. 10/10
7.  Moonlight [Barry Jenkins, 2017, United States] 
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A rare impressionistic film on a man’s struggle to finding himself, something so rich in poetry and visual excellence, it’s spell-binding. 10/10
6. Salvage [Sherad Sanchez, 2017, Philippines] 
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A film that’s meant to look like a found footage, with one single camera perspective. It used unconventional, long continuous odd angles and silence that made it feel so raw and real, it’s haunting. 10/10
5. Arrival [Denis Villanueve, 2016, United States] 
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An admirable sci-fi thriller where aliens teach humans about humanity. 10/10 
4. Your Name (Kimi No Na Wa) [Makoto Shinkai, 2016, Japan] 
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Star-crossed love at its smartest, warmest, and vividly-made anime. Something highly satisfying, I have no words. 10/10
3. Bliss [Jerrold Tarog, 2017, Philippines] 
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Touches the fine line between dreamland and reality, and examines dreams or aspirations as mere illusions. It is wicked. It’s well-crafted. It’s a mindfuck. It’s deeply, as in deeply affecting 10/10
2. Call Me By Your Name [Luca Guadagnino, 2017, Italy, Brazil, France, United States] 
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Its authenticity is incredibly palpable, I can taste it in my mouth. Something made with much love, my heart aches. Timothée Chalamet is remarkable. That last frame is unforgettable. 10/10
1. Lady Bird [Greta Gerwig, 2017, United States] 
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Small scale with great impact. It’s the type that doesn’t want to make you cry but makes you cry anyway. I love it with all my heart. 10/10
Here’s the trailer for Lady Bird:
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