#i watched this at like 10pm at night after a long week of school
kimpossibly · 2 years
REQUEST: hi can you do wednesday x gn normie reader who has a dark and mysterious past — anon
AUTHOR'S NOTE: I'M SO SORRY THIS TOOK ME SO LONG, my musical performances literally ended at like 10pm Sunday night and I had basically no free time for several weeks before that. Thank you so much for your patience with me and I really hope you enjoy this. I got your message describing the past and I tried to include as much detail as I could while still keeping this chapter-length. But thank you for responding, it really helped me get an idea of where this fic was going! Once again, I'm so so sorry it took me this long to get this one out, but I hope you enjoy! Much love <3
PAIRING: wednesday addams x gn!normie!reader WARNINGS: mentions of past trauma involving science experiments, child soldiers
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YOU HAD SPENT YOUR ENTIRE LIFE KEEPING SECRETS. Your sudden enrollment at Nevermore had given you a chance to start over with a clean slate, to leave your past behind you and move ahead.
Who knew that it would all come apart at the hands of a teenage sleuth?
Wednesday Addams was the last person you expected to be dating in your time at school. When she walked into the room, people shivered — literally. She invoked a slew of whispers and dirty looks wherever she went, and she didn't seem to mind it. In fact, she almost enjoyed it. She was an enigma in braids and dark clothing.
And yet, somehow, you were one of the only ones who could figure her out.
Dating Wednesday now meant that the whispers followed both of you. When you walked in together, everyone looked to see the poor soul that had cuffed themselves to Nevermore's most feared student.
Wednesday could tolerate whispers about her, but never about you. Those were the people she drew red X's over in the yearbook. Those were the people who woke up with spiders crawling all over their beds and snakes slithering around their backpacks. Wednesday was loyal — deadly so.
But, of course, you could handle yourself. She knew that, and, for the most part, she respected it. Still, Wednesday was always going to have a little overprotective streak in her. So when she noticed your face drain of all color as you looked down at your phone, she was already planning how to exact her revenge on whoever made you look that terrified.
You tried to recover quickly, swallowing hard and shoving your phone back in your pocket. "I'll be right back, okay?" you said, giving Wednesday the most calm smile you could muster.
She didn't buy it. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing's wrong," you replied, "I just...I have some homework to catch up on."
"I could help you."
"No!" you replied a little too quickly. "No, but thank you. I'll see you later, okay?"
Without another word, you got up from the table, walking across the courtyard and into the winding hallways of Nevermore. Wednesday watched you go with a confused frown hardening on her face. All of a sudden, Thing crawled over her shoulder and onto the table, tapping out a question: "What was that all about?"
"Not sure," Wednesday replied stoically. "I want you to follow them."
Thing hesitated. "That seems like a breach of privacy."
"Since when was your moral code so rigid?" Wednesday said. "And it's not for nefarious purposes. I'm worried about them. Tell anyone about that and I'll cut off a finger."
After some well-placed curse words, Thing scuttled off after Y/n, dodging those that walked the opposite way. He found her quickly, heading not to her dorm but to Weems' office, where a sharp knock on the door gave her entrance. Thing was able to scramble inside before the door shut, giving him the opportunity to hide behind a rather large house plant.
By now, Y/n was distraught. At the sight of you, Weems frowned deeply. "Y/n, what's the matter?"
You said nothing but showed the principal your phone. "Somebody knows," was all you said to explain.
Weems' face contorted with worry for a moment, but quickly recovered. "Y/n, this is likely nothing. A mean-spirited prank at the most. I can assure you that no one —"
She was cut off as your phone dinged again. You lifted it up to look at it, and once again your entire face went pale and panicked. You glanced at Weems again, and then slowly turned the phone around to show her what the next text said.
Now Weems face went from contained to terrified. She looked back up at you, eyes wide. "How is this possible?"
You just shook your head and shrugged, not trusting yourself to speak without either yelling or crying. Weems stood up from her chair, pacing behind her desk. "We will handle this. From now on, you will not leave campus for any reason — no exceptions. If any more texts arrive, you will come directly to me. Tell no one about this. Do you understand?"
You nodded, your face hardening like you were once trained to do.
And Thing, who had yet to know anything that was really going on, shuddered in the corner.
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Thing returned to yours and Wednesday's dorm to give a full report — one that left Wednesday even more confused than before. "So they're hiding something," Wednesday mused. "I'm surprised. Normally I can smell a buried secret from miles away. Y/n's kept me off their trail for this long."
"Maybe you should just talk to them?" Thing replied.
"I doubt I'll get anything. Based on the way they acted yesterday, I doubt I'll even get a response. We have to be strategic about this."
Wednesday turned away to her desk and Thing raced to stay in her eye line. "Keep in mind that they're your partner. If you treat them as suspect, you might scare them off."
Before Wednesday could retaliate, the door to the dorm room opened and Y/n walked in. They murmured some sort of greeting to Wednesday and sat down on their bed, immediately setting to work on their homework. It was odd behavior to say the least.
Thing gave a little motion to prod Wednesday on before slipping out of sight. Wednesday glared at Thing before turning back, acting nonchalant. "Y/n, would you like to come with me to Weathervane on Saturday?" Wednesday asked.
You froze, Weems' orders playing in the back of your mind. "Sorry, I can't, I have a test on Monday that I have to study for."
"Perfect. We can study together. At the Weathervane." she pressed forward.
"I don't think I could really focus there," you said, before quickly adding, "sorry."
Wednesday said nothing but turned away, revising her plan of attack. No, not attack. Wednesday would never attack you. She was worried about you, of course. That's why she was doing this.
Wednesday was a sleuth. She always had been. She hadn't been a girlfriend up until recently. Maybe that was why she wanted to treat you like a suspect. She had to change her angle.
So she got up, moving across the dorm and sitting beside you on your bed. You looked up, eyebrows raising. Wednesday's tone of voice stayed as stoic and monotone as ever, but her approach to the situation changed dramatically. "I know something is wrong. Thing followed you to Weems' office and heard your conversation — you can be mad at me later. What's going on, Y/n? I want to help."
You listened to all of this, a sense of dread rising up your spine. You have been trained, in every respect, to keep your true self a secret from everyone. No exceptions. But you couldn't quite see a way out of this.
You sighed, taking your phone and unlocking it in one swift motion. Without leaving a second for regret to sink in, you held out your phone and Wednesday saw a single text in all caps: I KNOW WHAT YOU REALLY ARE.
Wednesday read it and looked back to you. "I don't understand."
"I hardly understand it myself," you admitted. "But there's some things about me you don't know, Wednesday."
She just frowned, waiting for an explanation you were unwilling to give. But Wednesday was persistent.
"I didn't come to Nevermore because I wanted to. I didn't have a choice."
And so you told her. Everything. How the serum you had been administered your whole life had turned you into a superhuman soldier — the perfect soldier. How you were trained from infancy to be the greatest, most efficient fighting machine the world had ever seen. How your narrow escape had nearly left you dying. And last of all you told her how Weems had saved your life.
Wednesday listened to this all with a straight face. Her features betrayed no emotion as you recounted the story. It made you nervous as you searched her stoic face for some trace of a reaction, some indicator as to how she'd treat you after hearing all of this. Most of all you feared that she'd flee with the truth.
But Wednesday wasn't one to run.
"Whoever is after you knows your secret. Will they come after you?" she asked finally, breaking the tense silence.
"I can only assume so," you replied, anxious.
Wednesday's gaze was fixed on the floor as she gave the slightest shake of her head. "Then it's up to us to stop them before they can do any damage."
She got up then, walking across the room to look for something — most likely something sharp. You got up too, confused. "Wednesday, what are you doing?" you asked. "This is my battle, you don't have to—"
"Clearly they already know where you are. If they have your phone number, they can track you in a heartbeat. I'd say it's best if we leave as soon as we can."
You scoffed. "And go where, exactly?"
"Anywhere but here."
"This is the only place I'm safe, Wednesday."
"Not anymore."
She continued to rummage around her things while you stayed stock-still in the center of the room, unsure of how to proceed. Then, frustrated, you moved forward, catching Wednesday by the arm before she could grab any more weapons. "Quit being practical for one second and talk to me. I'm sorry I didn't tell you this earlier, but why are you jumping to help me now? This is my problem to deal with. Aren't you shocked? Or angry?"
"I'm aghast, can't you tell?" Wednesday said monotonously, her expressing rigid as ever. "I'll admit that this isn't how I was planning to spend my weekend, but anyone who threatens you threatens me. And I don't take well to threats."
Wednesday glanced over at Thing, who was already ready to leave at a moments notice. "This is our problem now. So would you like to keep talking about our feelings or would you like to start saving your life?"
Your heart warmed at Wednesday's words. A smile crept onto your face as you looked at her, and suddenly you leaned forward to press a kiss to her cheek. And even though Wednesday often looked as though she'd stepped straight out of a black and white movie, you could've sworn you saw a little flush of pink in her cheeks at your gesture. She gave a little nod, taking one of your hands in hers.
"I'll take that as a yes."
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lolahauri · 5 months
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Jealousy, Jealousy
Ship: Bree Van De Kamp/Reader
Type: F/F, Smut, One Shot. (MDNI)
Contains: Canon Divergence, Dom! Jealous! Bree, Sub! Reader, Arguments, Make Up Sex, Mommy Kink, Oral, Face Sitting, Smut.
Words: 1.1k
Requested?: Yes.
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A/N: My first couple drafts weren't working very well, so I ended up making this one a little short and fast paced. Hope it's not too OOC!😭
You yawned and rubbed your eyes, reaching for your house keys. It'd been another long night at Lynette's, you'd spent the last 2 weeks babysitting her children while she worked overtime to be able to afford the divorce she was currently facing.
Usually you wouldn't mind helping a friend in need, but you were staying at her house nearly all day. First watching Penny once Lynette left for work, then watching the twins and Parker after school, and then you'd almost always end up staying to help her with chores around the house.
And since you'd never had experience with kids like this before, it was becoming draining very fast. All you wanted now was to get home and go straight to bed.
As soon as you stepped inside though, you were surprised by Bree sitting on the sofa, arms crossed and a sour expression on her face. She glared at you once she heard the door close, standing up and walking angrily towards you.
"Where on earth have you been!?" you winced at her tone, "For God's sake (Name), it's nearly 10pm!"
Guilt was starting to creep up on you. "I know, I know. I'm so sorry hun, I was stuck helping-"
"Lynette?" She finished the sentence for you, giving you an accusatory look. One of her hands reached up to grab your cheeks, "You know, I really don't appreciate how much alone time you're spending with her lately."
A warm, tingling sensation began to spread over you. You weren't used to seeing this jealous, dominate side of her. It made you both very turned on, and a little scared. You eyes darted from her eyes to her lips, and back to her eyes. Her gaze was practically piercing through you.
"Well? Do you have anything to say for yourself?" Her head tilted as she asked you, her hand moving your head to force close eye contact.
"I'm... I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to ignore you." Your breathe hitched a little, quickly trying to squeeze your thighs together to relieve some of the growing arousal.
Bree smirked at your response, she knew exactly what she was doing to you. "Hm. I suppose that's a good start. But I think it'll take more than that to make it up to me."
You nodded slowly, "Okay, right. What do you, um, want me to do?" It was honestly embarrassing how fucking horny this was making you, but you just love when she takes charge.
"Why don't you just let me show you, hm?" as soon as you agreed, she grabbed your arm and lead you to the stairs. Butterflies swarmed your stomach as you got closer to the master bedroom. Tonight was going to be fun.
The second she locked the bedroom door behind you, you were all over each other, feeling so sexually starved that you didn't want to waste any more time. By the time you two reached the bed, you were both in nothing but your bra and panties, leaving all your clothes to be scattered across the floor.
Her hands were running all over your body, never taking her lips off of yours. Every little squeeze and grab was making you gasp into her mouth, gripping her hips and pressing them into you.
She eventually pulled her lips away to edge you towards the bed, telling you to lie down. Both of you were panting and stripping the last of your clothing off. Your cunt already soaked and throbbing at the sight of her fully nude body climbing on top of you. You weren't sure what to expect yet, but you didn't really care at this point, you just needed to fuck her already.
Bree leaned down to your ear, talking just above a whisper as she took one of your tits in her hand, kneading it just enough to make you squirm. "Be a good girl and let mommy use your face, okay?"
"Fuck, yes." You're already turning into a moaning mess for her, "Please, use me mommy."
She laughed a little at your desperation, leaving a few lingering kisses on your face before crawling up. Her cunt was soon hovering just above you, thighs on either side of your head, fully caging you in.
"Open wide for mommy." She cooed, slowly lowering herself down after you stuck your tongue out. You both sighed once contact was made. She tasted like heaven, it was almost making you dizzy.
You moved you hands up to grip the front of her thighs, pressing her down onto your face. She moaned out in surprise when your tongue started to swipe up and down her cunt like a zipper, barely grazing over her clit.
Seeing how eager you were, she took charge again. Rocking back and forth on your face. Letting your tongue explore her hole while grinding her clit across your nose. She was moaning and gasping loudly now, feeling a knot steadily tying up in her stomach.
Your mouth and chin was nearly dripping in her juices already, only becoming more soaked as she sped up her actions. She was putting all of her weight on you now, grinding harshly and crying out so beautifully from the pleasure.
It was clear she was getting close already.
You moved your hands from her legs to her ass and hips, squeezing roughly. Bree moaned louder with each rough grip on her ass, orgasm building up more each second.
It only took a few more rolls of her hips across your mouth before her climax erupted. Almost screaming as her juices flooded out onto your tongue. The electricity shooting through her body got stronger as she felt you lapping up every bit of her orgasm.
Once she began to tremble from overstimulation, she slowed down to a complete stop, taking deep ragged breathes and lazily pulling away from you, lying down at your side. Both of you stayed there in content silence, still trying to catch your breathe.
After cooling down for a moment, you turned and reached over to the nightside to grab a napkin, assuming Bree was doing the same when you heard the one near her open as well.
Instead, you were suddenly pinned down onto your stomach, making you let out a shocked gasp. You heard some shuffling behind you as she pressed a hand into your mid-back. Though your mind was still foggy from the lack of sleep and excess work, you knew exactly what was coming.
Your lower abdomen burned with aching arousal, whimpering out when you felt the cool silicone toy brush against your ass cheek. Bree pressed it against you harder as she knelt back down your ear.
"It's your turn now, dear." Her voice sounded sickly sweet, almost in a mocking tone.
You knew now it was going to be a long night.
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blysse-and-blunder · 10 months
in lieu of a rainy day
10pm, sunday, nov 26, 2023
went to a gig for a friend's band last night, but otherwise it's been an extremely lowkey and indoor weekend. living that housecat lifestyle. aside from the sunday scaries (but, like, for the semester....for the year....) all in all the past week+ has been Okay. whoever is in charge of my calendar (which is me) made a pretty big gamble booking three-four medical-esque appointments back-to-back-to-back this week, but it paid off, we got through it, and the decks are cleared (so to speak) for writing between now and the holidays.
reading i got briefly very into freya marske's books a marvellous light and now a restless truth, though i will admit to having calmed (slowed) down a lot in reading the sequel, after tearing through the first one like there was a deadline. the world building and magic system are very fun, i am a big fan of the aesthetic; they're extremely sexy but not at the expense of plot or dialogue or characters' having their own real personalities, flaws and hobbies and all. excited to read the third one.
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listening a quick skim of the previous few ilcb entries (have there really only been three all fall, dear me) to check i hadn't already posted this, and it doesn't seem like it? so, gregory alan isakov with the colorado symphony. the additional strings, the additional brass, it adds such a gorgeous dimension to this already pretty good song; the way things build from 1:20 on or so, to burst into full color and light from 1:59 to 2:14.... i've turned a few afternoons around lately just leaning into that orchestra swell in my headphones. wish it lasted a full 10 minutes, wish it had multiple movements.
watching more burrow's end; finished arcane season 1 with @hematiterings and began watching the first season of stranger things since she's never seen it; the nostalgia and affection i feel! the real satisfaction in how good season 1 is, how young they all are!! also started season 2 of slings and arrows with the housemates, which is new territory for me and which is similarly filling me with affection for characters i've known a long time, and fascination at seeing them doing new things and making new bad decisions. also started the second season of wheel of time on my own, as background while doing some unpaid graphic design/newsletter prep; my gratitude for this show making something so rich and visually interesting and real out of the books is unabated, even though i'm not feeling anyone's storyline very intensely at the moment. rand meeting logain was cool; perrin has been captured and that's bad; mat is now traveling with min, which is also cool because it's probably a set-up; i'm sorry that nynaeve had such a hard time in the arches but her romance subplot with lan has always left me extremely cold; moiraine is being frustrating! the show has a nice way of showing us other characters, minor characters, too-- moiraine's sister, for one, and starting that encounter by showing us her sister's morning routine, clarifying the difference in their ages where one is aes sedai and aging very, very differently. egwene and the daughter heir are in a magical boarding school subplot which is surprisingly delightful.
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playing dnd campaign a had a session for the first time in aaaaages not too long ago, and it was good. spoke to the gods briefly, got started trying to appease them with sports as opposed to human sacrifice, and ended the night beta testing a phone-based game a friend of the dm's wanted us to try which involved a lot of bluffing and bs and laughter. campaign b, meanwhile, is in combat with some were creatures; @dimir-charmer's character has maintained this whole time that she is Not a Werewolf but circumstances may be, in fact, conspiring against her...... worrying!
making not a whole lot. i bought a box of cards since the closest thing i've come to a hobby recently has been sending a few cards (well, one and a half); i feel the pull of stickers and sealing wax and stamps.... wandered through an art supply store only a little while ago and came so close to buying the vinyl stamp making kit, but the only paint i could find to go with vinyl stamps was metallic so i decided to wait. contemplating making potato stamps, like i do every year around this time, but again the ink or paint or whatever is the limiting factor there.
working on taught my second and final guest lecture of the semester! read back through the written feedback on my conference paper! have started to look at integrating said paper back into the chapter whence it came, and had to have a little lie-down, but that's the big project remaining. at the same time, the running commentary at the back of my brain is about lecture prep for the course i'm teaching in the spring, specifically, what i'll say to situate/contextualize/prepare students to handle the material, how i'll thread various needles, which texts i'm going to ultimately assign, and on and on. i've started trying to turn this background noise into brainstorming/writing/limited, focused bursts of work on said course, in the hopes that getting a little of it out of the way will let me brain settle back in to other projects afterwards. i've also realized i've started doing the Discretionary stuff first, i.e. the reading extra articles, the looking at post docs or awards or things to apply for, the stuff that won't happen if i don't allow myself 15 min to look into it, because the Actual Work will be enforced, it will have to happen eventually, and the discretionary stuff won't. jury's very much out as to whether this will pay off, especially when it's not discretionary work at all, but discretionary attending-a-lecture time, or -coffee-with-a-friend time, or discretionary-at-the-gym time. time spent with the cat, of course, is non-discretionary.
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alien-hybreed · 6 months
OVERTIME - Part 1: Extended Hours
Mike hates his boss, Laura. Mike secretly has a crush on his co-worker, Rhiannon. Laura has never been anything but rude and demanding. So when an argument keeps Mike at work with Laura instead of leaving with Rhiannon, he's fired up.
Fired up enough to do something stupid, like hate-fucking Laura.
But there's something different about Laura besides her sudden interest in Mike. Something otherworldly, something monstrous...
"Mysterious radio transmissions reported by several of the world's-" Click "Inside sources saying that it may have originated from beyond our solar system, there are concerns-" Click "The unusual reports of shooting stars observed across the city last night-" Click "Saw several properties damaged by the debris-" Click "As authority call upon citizens to-" Click "Keep well away" Click After cycling through several different news channels, Rhiannon finally settled on a community television channel that played very poorly recorded covers of popular jazz songs over stock photos of scenic photographs. It was dull but not half as dull as the 10pm news.
"You gonna leave it on this one this time?" Snapped her co-worker, snatching the remote from her. "I dunno Luke, am I?" She playfully retorted, playfully nudging him under the counter. Mike watched the two from the burger bench as he frantically tried to wipe the station clean. It was yet another quiet week night, Mike hated those. Because they were short-staffed, uneventful and tedious? Sure. But mainly because it meant watching his best friends flirt with one another. Jealousy was a terrible thing like that. Mike had a crush on Rhiannon, had done since he first met her working here.
They'd started at the same time, fresh out of high school, trying to make ends meet. Almost five years later and they were still here despite always talking about moving on to better things. Rhiannon was still working in this fast food hell hole because she didn't know what she wanted to do next. Mike was here because he didn't want to give up on Rhiannon. And Luke? Well he slept with almost every woman that worked here. Except for...
"You two! Will you close your mouth's and your registers already?" Snapped the whip-crack sound of their Store Manager's voice from the back office. Laura was a tyrant. A short, pretty woman with long blonde hair in a tight bun and piercing blue-grey eyes. Laura was only a few years older than them, but she behaved like she was decades above them and perpetually irritated by anything that didn't meet her unrealistically high standards. Mike had given up on trying to be friendly to her a long time ago. As far as he was concerned, she'd never even tried to be civil with him or anyone else outside of head office for that matter.
Not five minutes later, Rhiannon and Luke were at it again. Mike winced as he saw Laura come striding out from her office, scowling as one of her trademark tantrums was clearly threatening to break free.
"Pick up the pace Mike" She snapped as she stormed past him.
"Bitch" murmured Mike under his breath. Laura shot him a filthy look over her shoulder as if she'd heard him. Not wanting to get bogged down in a screaming match with her this close to getting out, Mike averted his eyes and scrubbed harder at the toaster he was cleaning.
Mike could hear her shouting at Luke and Rhiannon, her voice getting louder the more they protested. Finally, there was the loud crash of a metal tray getting hurled at a wall followed by Laura stomping back past Mike. She always did this once she started throwing things around. She'd walk off only to come back moment's later, twice as pissed. The only way to stop her was to be immediately working on what she'd demanded or she'd just get meaner. Mike knew better than to attract any attention to himself. Despite that, Laura glared at the bench he'd cleaned earlier.
"Not good enough, get your act together Mike!" She snarled. Mike went to respond but she was already lashing out at Luke and Rhiannon again.
"Alright love birds, you're fucking done. Go the fuck home. Mike and I have got this." She bellowed, stomping her feet for emphasis. "Oh what the fuck? No! No way!" Snapped Mike, throwing his scrubbing brush at the floor. Rhiannon tried to say something but Laura cut her off. "Home. Go. We've got this." "I don't think so, that's bullshit" pouted Mike. He knew full well there's no way he'd get out in decent time, Laura was always more hindrance than help when she started cleaning anything herself. She'd have Mike redo everything, for what? His friends flirting?
"Mike. Not asking. You'll get it done. You two aren't working so go the fuck home" Roared Laura. Taking the hint, Luke and Rhiannon dived for the staff room to get their things and make a run for it. They had an outland they'd seen Mike and Laura fight enough to know they needed to get out while they still could.
"Well I'm asking, Laura. How the fuck are we meant to get all this done!?" Snapped Mike.
"Well you won't get it done any faster arguing!" Shouted Laura as Luke slipped out the front door, followed by Rhiannon. Rhiannon paused on the way out to mouth 'Sorry' to Mike before ducking out.
"So what, they do less work and they get to leave early?" Replied Mike, raising his voice to match Laura's.
"Right! That does it! You, my office. Now!" Screamed Laura, going red in the face.
"What!? Now!?" Mike was no stranger to Laura's 'disciplinary meetings'. He was angry enough at the prospect if staying back. Throwing a half hour of Laura high-roading him about due process and performance improvement plans, sounded like hell.
"Yes! Office, Mike! Now!" She shrieked, stomping her feet again. Mike rolled his eyes and shuffled towards the office. As he stepped into the office, he turned to face her and huffed. "Honestly Laura, just let me get back to cleaning or we'll be here all night?" Pleaded Mike. "I'm counting on it" snarled Laura as she shoved Mike, pushing him backwards. Mike stumbled, falling into the office chair behind him. Before he even knew what was happening, Laura was sitting in his lap. Her legs were around his waist, her hands seizing him by the neck and shoulder as she clamped her lips around his. Mike tried to push her off him, but her grip was surprisingly strong. Her tongue darted between his lips and began stroking the insides of his mouth. By the time she finally pulled her lips free, Mike was gasping for air.
"Yeah" She whispered, her voice dropping to a husky whisper "We're gonna be here a long time" at that she pulled Mike's hair, yanking his head to one side as she pressed her lips to his neck. Mike frantically looked around as if suspecting a prank. Laura's tongue was stroking the side of his neck and Mike couldn't help himself as he leaned into it. Laura was a lot of things, but unattractive wasn't one of them. Maybe this late shift wouldn't be so bad at all... Mike winced a little as he felt her tongue grow rough, something about it almost felt like it was pricking his neck... At that Laura stopped and pulled away, briefly releasing him to start unbuttoning her the shirt of her uniform.
"Clothes. Off. Now." She commanded as she pulled her shirt over her head and cast it aside. "Shouldn't we go somewhere more... y’know" Panted Mike as he tried to catch his breath while marvelling at the sight of her. The swell of her breasts straining against her bra, the flatness of her stomach... why was she working here when she could have been a supermodel instead?
"I said clothes off. Now" she growled, gripping his chin tightly. Mike nodded and began tearing at his pants while Laura pulled his shirt over his head. Given how slender arms were and how little physical work Mike had ever seen her do, he couldn't get over how strong she was. He let out a sigh as her hands roamed his chest, tracing along the line of his collarbone and stroking his sides. He kept trying to reciprocate and touch her but she kept pushing his hands away.
"Clothes. Off." She growled, baring her teeth as she swooped in to press her lips to his throat again. Mike had got his pants to his knees before he'd become distracted but he knew she wanted more than that. While kicking his legs to work his pants down to his ankles, he slipped free of his boxers. His cock springing out to press against Laura's pants, already fully erect and ready for what must surely come next. Again Mike felt the prickle on his neck as her tongue pressed against it. His vision blurred a little as Laura stood up and stepped back to admire him. "Yes. Yes this exactly what we want, isn't it?" She said in a husky whisper, slowly unzipping her pants to let them fall to the ground, dramatically revealing her slender legs and a waistline that made Mike's heart skip a beat. A tiny black thong was all that stood between Mike and her womanhood.
"So what are you waiting for? Come and get it" snarled Mike. This changed nothing. He still hated Laura... didn't he? "Oh, I will" chuckled Laura. Maybe it was light off the nearby computer screens, but Mike swore there was a green glint in her eye when she said that. Laura turned around and unclipped her bra before cinching her thong down slowly, bending over to tease Mike with the sight of her ass and a glimpse of her pussy.
"Stay where you are" She commanded, stepping backwards and lowering herself into Mike's lap. "I'm not looking at you until we're ready" "I'm ready" said Mike as her ass cheeks slowly slid around his cock until it sat neatly between them, pointing up at her lower back. "Not yet. Until then, do exactly as I say" She snapped. "You can touch my legs now" she murmured. Mike immediately slid his hands over her thighs. She took a deep breath and arched her back, reaching behind her to grab Mike by his hair. Mike squeezed gently as his hands slid up and down her thighs. Slowly, her hips started to flex, making Mike's cock slide back and forth between her ass cheeks.
"Unf... you're still such a bitch" grunted Mike. He felt her other hand come to rest over his left hand and gently guide it towards her crotch. "You love it" She sighed as she ran his forefinger across the folds of her entrance. "I really don't. You're a fucking bitch, Laura" whispered Mike, not sounding quite so sure of himself as he felt his finger slip into her slit. God, it was wet. So warm, soft and so fucking wet. Was that normal he wondered? How badly did Laura need this? "Oh and you're such a good boy?" She scoffed with a slight chuckle. "You will be once I'm through with you..." She groaned as she pressed Mike's finger to her clit. Mike went to speak but instead she pulled his head so close that it pressed his lips to the back of her neck. "Kiss me like you want to kiss her" She said with a lusty sigh. She knew about Rhiannon? Of course she knew. Laura was perceptive, there's no way she hadn't clocked it a long time ago. The thought of Rhiannon being here instead was more than enough to make Mike give her exactly what she wanted. He began working his lips around Laura's neck until he was passionately sucking and biting at it. Laura shuddered and began gyrating harder, bucking back and forth between pushing down on Mike's finger and continuing to massage his shaft with her ass.
Mike couldn't deny this was the hottest thing he'd ever done with a woman. The kitchen staff had often joked Laura was probably the kind of woman that fucked like a real dirty porno, but he'd never expected that to be quite so close to the truth. Satisfied she didn't need to hold his mouth in place, Laura stopped pulling his hair and seized his right hand and moved it up to cup her breast.
"Good isn't it? Go on, feel it. Don't act like you haven't thought about it, I've seen how you stare at them" She stated firmly. Mike did as he was told, kneading the luscious mound and slowly slipping his fingers around her rock-hard nipple. Mike's left hand no-longer needed any guidance from Laura as his forefinger swirled around her clit, his movements guided by her soft moans of ecstasy. He slipped another finger in to join it and Laura didn't object. If anything, her moans and movements began to intensify. Mike desperately wanted to plunge his cock into her while he still had the chance, he could feel it wouldn't be much longer until he came but there was no way he could get his cock into position in time. Laura had him firmly locked in position, was this her plan all along? To get him off and humiliate him for not going the distance? Again, Mike surprised himself by not being turned off by it. Maybe letting her win this one could turn things around between them? Mike could feel the pressure swelling up from his balls into his shaft. Any moment now... Mike felt something brush against his shaft, as though she had just licked it. He didn't have time to hesitate or think how strange that might be, he was already spurting cum over her ass and lower back. His fingers squeezed as his nerves briefly overloaded from the sensation. Laura let out a long, orgasmic moan that became a haughty chuckle as she slowed to a halt.
"Mmm... still thinking about Rhiannon, Mike? Or was that for me" She huffed as she caught her breath. "Sorry... I..." Mike stammered as he tried to apologise for his brevity. Laura slowly turned to the side and slid her leg around his waist once more. "Shhh..." She whispered, gently pressing a finger to his lips "I know you can do more. I'm counting on it." She purred as she pressed her chest against his, passionately kissing Mike. He tried not to flinch when again her tongue felt like it was making a prickling sensation on the inside of his mouth. "I asked you a question, Mike" She gasped between kisses. "Was that for Rhiannon?" She growled. Mike genuinely didn't know the answer. Laura was always horrid to him. He felt nothing but loathing for her. And yet... "Maybe... maybe not... no..." he rasped, clearly unsure of how best to answer such a loaded question. He still liked Rhiannon, didn't he? He couldn't be developing feelings for Laura, surely not?
"I thought so. Because you're a good boy now, aren't you?" Replied Laura, sliding off him and slowly moving to sit between his legs. "Would Rhiannon do this?" She purred, slowly dragging her tongue along his shaft, mmming and moaning as she flicked trails of cum into her mouth. Mike was fascinated as he watched her, the control she had over her tongue and how long it was... it was giving him some truly wicked ideas of what he'd like to see her do with it. Mike threw his head back and moaned.
"That's right..." She whispered seductively "Naughty, isn't it?" She continued, moaning between licks. Again, where her tongue touched him he felt his skin prickle. Weirder still was that his cock wasn't going down at all. Had she spiked his drink in the staff room? Is that what this was about? How else could he still be up? Again the light from the office cast a strange reflection in her eyes, making them seem almost entirely bright green, her irises glowing like the red eye effect on an old photograph.
"You're going to be naughty, but only when I tell you to Mike" She growled before sheathing his whole cock in her mouth. Mike whimpered as he felt a second, smaller load of cum burst into her mouth despite his best efforts to hold it back. Laura just chuckled as she stood up, licking her lips clean as she did. Mike also tried to stand up but he felt too tired to really work his feet, making Laura snicker as she watched him.
"I didn't say we were done, Mike" She growled, her voice dropping lower than he'd ever heard before. Her eyes still looked weirdly green and red, was Mike sure that was a reflection? "I said we were going to be naughty" She growled even lower again as she jumped on him. The chair squeaked and cracked as she landed on him, her legs straddling him as he felt her vagina slide up against his shaft.
"Do you still want Rhiannon?" She whispered into his ear while deliberately grazing the head of his cock with her folds "or just me?" "You..." Gasped Mike. "Only you..." he groaned as he leaned his head against her shoulder, exasperated by the whirlwind of emotions he was feeling. He'd spent so long obsessing over Rhiannon. But Laura felt right. Laura was controlling, powerful but also so sensual and proficient.  He'd never really thought too much about being submissive, but Laura made it feel so natural, so soothing. "I just want you Laura, please, while I still can..." he begged, imploring her to push down and take him into her depths before his erection would surely begin to wane. Laura shushed him and drew him into another passionate kiss. His hands slid up her sides and back to cling at her shoulders as he settled into it.
Maybe it was the exhaustion kicking in, but when she finally pulled away, Mike could have sworn Laura suddenly looked bigger. She was five foot six, but now she seemed taller than that, her legs and torso were almost the same as his and he was six foot. That couldn't be right? He didn't get to dwell on that before she shifted his attention elsewhere. Bracing herself on his shoulders, she rolled her hips forward, expertly guiding his cock into her sopping wet pussy. Mike gasped as he felt something long, wet and warm coil around his shaft and pull it deep into her. At that, Laura seemed to make a deep rumbling sound, she was purring like a cat.
"Hey, what just..." Mike protested, trying to put their tryst on pause for a moment. He felt the same sharp prickling sensation as before, but this time it was running up and down his cock. He was cut off from speaking further as Laura pressed her lips to his again. Mike bucked his hips and shivered with delight as he felt his cock moving in and out of her.
"That's all you need to worry about" She stated, gently clawing at he back of his head as she gyrated in his lap. "That's all you want, isn't it?" She moaned, licking at his ear as she spoke. Mike felt like it was a struggle to respond, he just tilted his head and let her keep licking. Eventually, she leaned back, burying his cock deeper in her. As she did, Mike's hands roamed her body. He lovingly caressed her sides and kneaded at her breasts, his fingers homing in on her nipples to playfully pinch and pull at them. All the while the stinging sensation around his cock intensified. It now felt like there were at least three separate lengths caressing and coiling around his cock as it throbbed inside her. But instead of concern or shock, Mike only felt more invigorated by the strange sensation.
As Laura leaned back  she ran both her hands through her long, golden waves of hair, sweeping it back behind her. As she did, her hair seemed to disappear while head seemed to be growing longer.
"What's... happening... to you..?" Panted Mike, surprising himself with how willing he was to keep fucking her despite what he was seeing.
"Remember that day I was off sick?" Snarled Laura, her voice growing unnaturally deeper once more. Mike remembered. Right now he felt bad for enjoying that day. He didn't want to enjoy not being around Laura. Not anymore. He loved Laura, he just couldn't see it at the time. There was also something else bouncing around in the back of his head. The news from earlier... something about meteorites...
"I got better" growled Laura as her entire mouth seemed to split open down the middle and open out sideways as a second set of jaws slowly slid into place behind them. The secondary jaws weren't split like the others but were lined with sharp teeth and fangs that looked more like the teeth of a cat. Mike bucked up harder. "You really did" he rasped as he gazed up at her in slack-jawed amazement. Her skin was shifting into what looked more like the scales of a snake, yet it was turning bright blue like some sort of tropical bird or fish. The scales were smooth to the touch and felt incredible on Mike's skin where she touched him. Her torso seemed even longer, she was surely six foot six now. Mike watched in awe as the back of her head elongated and swelled, becoming a two foot long, semi transparent tube. He could see through it to the elongated skull beneath which also seemed transparent like it was made of glass. Beneath, throbbed her brain, glowing with the same eerie green light as her eyes. There was something else in there, like snakes writhing between the pieces of her brain. The lips on her outer mouth curled into a ferocious grin as dozens of tentacles rapidly sprouted from the underside of her head, cascading around her back and chest as if it were hair that went down to her waist.
Part of Mike wanted to scream, part of him wanted to cum. He'd never been so aroused before. Whatever Laura had been before, however he may have once felt towards her. He loved her so completely now, no matter what she looked like.
"Our little secret" She snarled. It almost sounded like two voices speaking at once, Laura's feminine, human voice and the deep, guttural growling from before. She crossed her legs around Mike and the chair, locking him in place. Mike bucked up as hard as he could, the wet slurp of his cock in her and the sound of her thighs clapping against his was music to his ears.
Several tentacles draped across Laura's breasts slowly began to coil around Mike's arms as she shrieked and gasped. The warm, wet feeling of the tendrils felt like an incredible massage on Mike's skin that served only to make him buck harder. Mike splayed his fingers out nice more to squeeze her breasts as her nipples began to extend into tentacles of their own. Writhing around his wrists and snaking up his arms, these tendrils were different. Ribbed like vertebrae and ending with point tips that made his skin prickle wherever he touched them. She was incredible, the sensations she gave him were like nothing he'd ever felt before and he craved more.
"Can I... be real naughty?" Implored Mike "We'd really like that" growled Laura, again with the two voices speaking as one. At that, Mike pulled his arms back, using the grip of her tendrils to pull her close to him until their bodies pressed against one another. At that, Mike gave her a slobbery kiss, sliding his tongue past her outer mouth and into the jaw behind it. With all his might and no doubt a little assistance from Laura allowing him to, he pushed his legs to stand up, planting Laura on the desk without breaking contact. The desk creaked under their weight as Mike furiously thrusted into her, the tentacles around his shaft constricting and pulling every time he bean to slide out from her.
The two of them giggled and moaned as they kept this up for several minutes. Mike's eyes glazing over the longer he kept thrusting. Laura shrieked and hissed, stretching out her legs and flexing them to let Mike press his cock deeper in her than ever before. All the while Mike continually muttered how much he loved her and would do anything for her. Such enthusiastic devotion seemed to please Laura, her eyes fluttering and loud moans escaping her every time he did so.
Finally, Mike began to shudder. He clutched at her body as he felt a tremendous climb begin to race through his exhausted form. Laura tensed, tightening her tentacles around him as she sank her claws into his back and crossed her legs behind his back once again.
"Laura... I'm gonna... ah! Fuck! I'm cumming!" Mike gasped struggling to breath. "Do it. Fucking do it. Fuck me harder. Give me every drop, don't fucking stop!" Shrieked Laura in both her voices. Unable to refuse her, Mike dug deep and thrust so hard and fast that he began to drop with sweat. Laura's encouragement became unintelligible moans and roars as Mike's cock rammed into her. Finally, his whole body rocked, his hips spasming as he shot several thick loads of his seed into her before collapsing on her in an exhausted heap.
"I love you... I fucking love you Laura" he Droned, barely awake as he tried to snuggle against her. She chuckled, a low throaty sound as her grip on him began to tighten. "We're not done yet, lover" She purred, Mike groaned, not sure if he could muster the stamina for another fuck like that. But Laura had something else in mind.
The tentacles around Mike's cock continued to constrict, holding his cock inside her as it dribbled the last of his cum. Meanwhile, the tentacles from her nipples snaked their way up his shoulders and plunged into his mouth. Mike's eyes widened as the tentacles thrust their way down his throat. He tried to move but between how low his energy was and how tight Laura's hold on him was, he couldn't budge.
"Mmmf! Mmmhmm!" He tried to ask her what she was doing as he gagged on the rapidly swelling, ribbed tentacles. "Shhhh I've decided I'm keeping you because you're such a good boy..." She purred in a sultry whisper, gently caressing his cheek and temple with her clawed hand as she he'd him. A reminder of their newfound love, combined with the chemicals from her many stings throughout the night which were now flooding Mike's system, seemed to ease him into doe-eyed compliance.
The nipple tentacles began to undulate, pumping thick, viscous fluid into Mike. A warmth blossomed inside him like nothing on this earth and he relaxed completely into her grip. His lips slowly began to suckle at the tendrils as the warmth spread through his entire body. A sharp agonising twinge of pain was shooting through his bones and his chest ached as his ribs began to swell, straining at his skin as it began to turn pale blue and scaly. Mike groaned as his hair began falling out in clumps, the back of his head aching as it began to extend into a semi-transparent tube, half as long as Laura's. Unlike Laura, his ribs, spine  collarbone, hips and the bones on his forearms began sprouting through his skin to form a clear, glassy exoskeleton. His mouth remained the same, but his teeth grew long and sharp while his tongue seemed to grow long and narrow.
Laura happily purred as she watched him transform. The chemicals she was pumping into him were rapidly mutating every cell in his body, every fibre of DNA into a hybrid like her. Memories and knowledge of their species were artificially created in his altered brain, just like Laura had experienced when the alien parasite bonded to her. He would still be Mike, just like she was still Laura. But now he would think differently, feel differently. No human inhibitions to hold back his love for her. He would be a devoted, loyal drone for his queen and he would enjoy it.
Finally, his feet swelled to twice their size, toes becoming beast-like claws while his ankles thickened and his thighs swelled with tight, corded muscles. Satisfied the transformation was completed, Laura retracted her tentacles from his mouth and loosened her grip on Mike.
"How does it feel, my love?" She whispered "Better" growled Mike, now he too sounded like a second, monstrous voice spoke in time with his. "And who do you love?" She asked with a lusty moan "You. Only you." Growled Mike. "Show me" She commanded as her vagina began to relax, letting Mike's cock slide out with a thick, wet, slurping sound. He shuddered as he straightened up and slowly crawled off Laura, his chest heaving with every breath he took. With the utmost reverence for her, he gently placed his hands on her thighs as he slunk backwards. Lowering himself to squat between her legs, he looked up at her, savouring the sight of her as she stretched out to her full length. Even with his own monstrous enhancements  she was easily head and shoulders taller than him.
Laura's mouth's twisted into a wry smile as she watched Mike's eyes roam her body before settling on her pussy. Smeared with a mixture of his cum and her own juices, the three tentacles inside her pussy slowly wriggled where they were protruding from between her folds. Mike couldn't remember ever seeing a more beautiful sight.
"You want to taste me" She stated, her voice as firm as the muscles in her legs that Mike was lovingly massaging. Mike nodded slowly, his awkwardness being a mixture of reverence for Laura and adjusting to the size and balance of his elongated head. Laura tilted her head back and sighed as her pussy tentacles retreated into her. Mike leaned in and slowly pressed his lips to her folds. Laura let out a gleeful hiss, her outer mouth flexing outwards as she exhaled. Mike delicately prised her folds apart and began slithering his tongue up and down her slit. Laura shuddered and gripped the desk tightly as Mike began sucking at her, his head bobbing as he worked his tongue in and out of her. Hours ago, Mike wouldn't have dared go down on a woman he'd just pumped a load into. But this was different. No longer human, he didn't care about where their fluids came from, all he cared about was pleasuring Laura. He relished the slime oozing from her vagina as his lips pressed harder against her, after all this was the taste of their bodies combined. He yearned to be inside her again,  to create more of this delicious substance, to give her as much of it ad she could ever need and never stop. But he stayed where he was, massaging her vagina with his lips and tongue like she wanted, his mouth openng wider with each gulp as instinct drove him to prepare for something that would happen next. He did not understand ths sensation but accepted that he existed for Laura and would welcome whatever she would do to him. After all, he loved her with ecery fibre of his monstrous being.
Meanwhile Laura was stifling an urge of her own. As Mike's tongue pressed at her clit and writhed between her vaginal walls, her eyesight was growing strained and blurry. Her  claws and tendrils flexed involuntarily as herbody began to shiver. A delightful buzz was flushing through her abdominals as internal organs began to shift and squeeze. Was this how her orgasms would feel from now on, she wondered? There was so much about her new form she didn't fully understand, she just knew it felt good and right, that she wanted more and for it to never stop.
She could feel her vaginal tentacles straining not to plunge into Mike's mouth. She wanted something more than a climax. She struggled to keep her eyes open as she watched him hungrily lapping at her slit, it pleased her to see him so compliant and submissive,  yet so full of vigor. She wanted her tentacles in there, she wanted to force his throat open and sit on his face. She twitched her hips as she felt a set of mandibles unfurling from within her pussy. She wanted to snap at him with them, clamp them around his cheeks and hold him there... For what? Somehow she knew that if she did that, it would bring their tryst to a halt. There was something else slithering into place, ready to glide down his throat... No! that part must come later, she couldn't waste it now. Not without plenty of seed first... she had to intervene before Mike drove her over the brink of climax.
"Get... Get up!" She Panted, her twin voices gasping as the sensation wracking her body nearly made her lose composure. She wanted to let loose, to fuck with reckless, animalistic fury. To sit on his face and cum. But she wasnt ready yet, her drone had plenty to do for her first and if he was to do that he, she had to be in charge. Mike pulled free and stepped back, his maw dripping with their combined juices as he stood up like a soldier awaiting orders.
"As you command" he growled in a monotone voice, his arms hanging limp by his sides as he awaited further instruction.
"Good boy" She purred as she hopped up, giving herself a moment to stop shakiing as she regained her composure. Slowly, she prowled around him, running her hands over his smooth exoskeleton. "You are my drone now. The first of my beloved" She whispered "Yes my love, as you command" replied Mike in the same monotone, his twin voices so close to matching each other in tone and pitch. "I need your seed..." Continued Laura "Amongst other things, it nourishes me. Sustains this... our... my true form." She caressed herself as she spoke, her eyes fluttering as her hands slid over her crotch and up her chest. She hadn't known this until she said it but now it made perfect sense to her. She hadn't 'eaten' since she first became like this and she had not yet created any drones to sate her appetite. No wonder she'd felt so compelled to convert and fuck Mike, she was starving. Not that she minded, he'd proven to be an excellent choice.
"You do want to sustain me, don't you?" She purred, staring longingly at Mike's cock which now sported a segmented sheath of bone plates around its shaft. As she spoke, an erection swelled it once again, causing a fleshy length to begin extending from it. "I live for you" drawled Mike, excitement creeping into his voice as he anticipated another round of monstrous lovemaking.
"Yes, you do" chuckled Laura, pushing him to the ground. Wasting no time to pounce on him, straddling his waist as he lay beneath her. With a triumphant roar, she rammed her hips against his, impaling her womanhood on his hard, bony cock. Her hips bounced faster than she could have ever managed as a human. Mike tried to grip her thighs but she seized his arms by the wrists and pinned them to the ground. Mike didn't protest, instead he closed his eyes and leaned his head back. Relaxing his entire body except for his waist which bucked against Laura's just as hard and fast as it had earlier. He began to purr as her vaginal tendrils coiled around his shaft, the prickling sensation of their microscopic stingers serving only to further invigorate him.
For nearly half an hour she road him, briefly pausing when they would both begin to shudder and hiss as a thick load of cum would pour into her. Each time, Laura would fight off the general to move her hips to his face and let her mysterious fourth pussy tentacle do what it wanted. The niggling urge grew stronger every time, but she kept her composure and resumed fucking Mike cowgirl-style. She was still Laura and she was still in charge.
Eventually, even her superhuman stamina began to wear thin. She had feasted upon the seed Mike had pumped into her, but her body still needed to process it. Most of it would be used as an energy source, while a portion would be used for her reproductive functions. But neither of that was possible without rest. Coming to a shuddering halt as a final spurt of cm shot onto her, she looked up at the clock on the wall. Three AM. In a few hours, the sun would be up.
"It's time to go home, my love" She crooned as she slowly slid off of Mike. The thought of needing to leave the safety of the office seemed to be causing Laura's body to change again as she slowly got back on her feet. Her body was rapidly shrinking. Her inhuman features melting back into her skin while her slimy sweat seemed to congeal into regular human skin. Her head ached as it slowly compressed back to the size of a regular human skull, thick waves of blonde hair sprouting from it as it did. If it weren't for Mike locked in his monstrous form beneath her, an intruder would have mistaken her for her regular, albeit naked, human self. Finally, with a gasp, her eyes returned to their normal blue grey.
Wasting no time, Laura got dressed as fast as she could and gathered up the tattered remains of Mike's clothes and stuffed them into her backpack.
"Carefully now. I'm taking you to my car Mike, but you can't eternity anyone see you" She whispered, stroking his chest as she did. "Careful... as you command" he drawled in his monotone. "Yes, Mike. We're going to our home" She stated, affirming their course of action. "Home..." he happily purred. "Yes, our home" She chuckled, taking his hand and leading him towards the door "I need to sleep and you need to build a nest..."
* * *
The next day, when the opening shift arrived, there was no shortage of complaining. The place had been left in a mess, only half the cookware and workstations had been cleaned, some even still had last night's leftovers going off in them.
When Rhiannon and Luke arrived for the closing shift later that day, everyone wanted to know why they'd half-assed the close. Let alone how Laura had let them leave with it so blatantly unfinished. The conversation was awfully repetitive. "Laura sent us out, it was just her and Mike, ask him?" "Mike's not in today, nobody's heard from him?" "Well... ask Laura?" "Hah good one" or "Ask Laura? Seriously?"
The two of them couldn't help but worry how bad Mike and Laura must have fought if he wasn't in and Laura had made no comment on it. As they put their bags away in the staff room and moved towards their registers, Laura stepped out of her office. Perfectly normal, human Laura, her face in its characteristic frown. She snapped at them as abruptly as she had appeared.
"Luke, I'm going to need you to stay back late tonight. There's a lot we need to catch up on..."
Continued in Part Two - Home Time
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cameronfrye666 · 19 days
How I Unf*cked Myself (a digestive health story)
TLDR (yes a very long TLDR, but this post is proportionally long)
Chronically fatigued and sick as a kid
Repeated courses of antibiotics (probably 20+) and 2x Epstein-barr infection between age 8 and 17
Around age 18 started noticing really weird food intolerances
Couldn’t drink alcohol without insane hangovers lasting 2 weeks+
Couldn’t consume foods high in refined sugar without going into days-to-weeks long episodes of hyperactivity, insomnia & extreme stress
Felt relatively shit eating most carbs
Tried fixing with diet change and vitamin / mineral supplements. Helped some symptoms but didn’t fix the issue.
Tried fixing with various probiotics. Incredibly mixed results - eventually found a regimen that worked for a period of time but, again, didn’t fix the issue.
After a hellish reaction to prebiotic fibre supplements, consulted a gastroenterologist and was diagnosed with Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth, Gut Dysbiosis and an active H. Pylori Infection. Significant Improvement of symptoms following:
10x 14 days Rifaximin (550 mg 3x daily)
H. Pylori Eradication Regimen (one week amoxicillin, clarythromycin, metrodinazole and omeprazole)
2 years of:
Keto / SCD Diet
Either Candibactin AR&BR, FC-Cidal, Dysbiocide & ADP supplements, or Allimed Neem & Cinnamon, alternating every 2 months between them (two caps of each product 3x daily).
Occasional use of natural motility agents depending on symptoms (ginger / artichoke formulations and iberogast). 
This whole process sucked beyond description, if you have gut / digestive issues it is probably affecting your general health & wellbeing more than you realize. 
I don’t really have anything left to say other than that it was a more painful experience than I think I could ever accurately describe. Gut health seems to be one of the last remaining big frontiers of human health, and I hope they figure it out so no one has to experience this again. I am still moderately lost in the issue but it has at least gotten a lot better recently.
The Descent
February 4th 2012 is a day that I will likely never forget for the rest of my life. I woke up from a relatively short and disrupted sleep around 10am. A close friend of mine who had slept over the night before was sitting on the living room couch watching The Social Network with my dad. It seemed a sensible, logical thing to join them. So I sat down on the couch, and all of a sudden, I couldn’t.  It's hard to explain exactly why I couldn't, but I just felt this immense inability to relax and settle down. Every bone in my body was vibrating, like this immense persistent energy rush. 
I had also had a fair amount of red bull and other sugary soft drinks as mixer the night before, so I chalked this feeling up to a sugar / caffeine spike and decided to try and get on with the day. I had some breakfast, got showered etc., attempted to do some school work and participated in a family Sunday dinner. By about 10pm it began to become clear that this feeling of immense overpowering stress was not dissipating; if anything, it had gotten worse.
The next two weeks were an incredibly disorienting, painful and confusing experience. Rather than alleviate, the symptoms more or less persisted, although they would ebb and flow throughout the day. I started to notice that I felt the best first thing in the morning (important to note that "best" is a very relative term here) and worst from the late afternoon into evening, with a notable spike directly after dinner hour. I was living in a complete fog. I lost all emotional contact with the world around me. All I felt all day was this persistent restlessness and stress and a complete inability to get rid of it no matter what I did (showering, watching movies, lying down in bed etc.). I just felt like someone had mainlined adrenaline into one of my veins and wouldn’t turn off the tap. It is the most excruciatingly painful thing I have ever experienced, or think I am ever likely to experience. In some way, it is almost impossible to explain in normal words. 
It was at the end of these two weeks that I finally decided to consult a doctor. Everyone here will likely be unsurprised to hear that he suggested I was suffering from a temporary bout of anxiety. Although I have certainly been anxious about my fair share of things in the past (studies, personal relationships etc.), I could feel that this was something quite different. On top of that, there was just nothing in my life bothering me at that time. I had great friends, had already been accepted to the University of my choice and was staring down the barrel of four months of school where my academic results didn’t matter anymore and then a three month summer break. I was offered some tranquilizers or anti-anxiety meds for my symptoms, but I wasn’t really interested in trying them as I wanted to get to the root of whatever the issue was. 
The only other suggestion he had for me was to maybe take a look at my diet. He noticed I was twitching a lot and I offered that I had recently suffered some bad muscle cramps as well, so he suggested that after a bout of mononucleosis earlier in the year and a long winter with little sun, I may be deficient in a few things. He prescribed me a short course of magnesium and vitamin b-12 supplements and sent me on my way.
Over the next month, with the supplements only sort of helping and with me still watching my life essentially completely fall apart around me (barely able to attend school, permanently unwell, chronically stressed, insomniac etc., almost complete loss of social life) I consulted a few more doctors. They more or less all had the same response: you can try antidepressants and/or tranquilizers, but otherwise, sorry, we can't help you. A few also questioned the nutritional supplement prescription.
It was at this point that I started to feel I was more or less on my own in whatever this was.
Part II: Ascent #1
The three months following the initial onset of my symptoms were probably some of the worst of my life, which, considering everything I’ve experienced over the last decade+, is really saying something. I was in a completely emotionally disconnected state, basically felt only stress on a daily basis, and had no idea what was going on.
The only real nuggets of information I had that I trusted were that (i) it might be nutrition-related and (ii) caffeine and/or alcohol were clearly bad for me. I started doing a load of research into what causes nutritional deficiencies and imbalances, how to correct them, and what a healthy diet looks like. Prior to this I had been more or less unconcerned about what I ate or drank in a day, although my diet was reasonably healthy mostly just due to my mother's cooking.
My readings on diet led me to make a few changes. First, I changed from a magnesium oxide supplement to magnesium bisglycinate, for better absorption. Then, I switched to an entirely refined-sugar free, whole grain diet high in unprocessed meats and vegetables. Lastly, I started taking almost nightly electrolyte salt baths (either epsom salt or dead-sea salt).
Although none of these changes cured me by any means, very slowly, I started to feel somewhat better. I could feel moderate improvements on a daily basis. Some days were better than others, but overall things were on an upwards trend. From this point onwards I became almost completely convinced that my symptoms were the result of a nutritional imbalance and that I would cure them through diet and supplementation.
Then, something very strange happened, which, in retrospect, should have pointed me in the direction of my ultimate diagnosis. I went into hospital to have my tonsils removed (as mentioned I had been very sick as a kid), and when I came out later the next day I had a very strange level of emotional clarity. Somehow everything was less painful, and although the crazy stress symptoms weren't totally gone, the improvement in just 36 hours felt drastic. At the time I thought maybe it was painkillers I had been given, perhaps the IV drip they put me on post-op? In retrospect, it was most definitely the high-dose amoxicillin I had been taking since the operation for reasons I can explain later on.
Part III: Stasis #1
That summer things more or less stabilized. Nothing was ever quite as good as the days and week following the tonsillectomy, but the insane debilitating stress didn't come back either, so overall I couldn't complain. From a mental point-of-view I was sort of able to return to normal life other than having to watch my diet and avoid substance. I started university in the fall and was successful despite the obvious social constraints that came along with my new health regimen.
The years following this were pretty up and down. I was able to get through my university courses, have some semblance of a social life, and never returned to the manic stress state of my initial descent. That being said, I never felt "quite right" again. It is hard to place, but my health just still felt very poor. I had low energy, slept a lot, often felt quite irritable, and had very poor performance in sporting activities despite previously being a strong athlete.
The main salient point that came out of this period was that I started to notice that high-sugar foods could bring on shorter-term episodes that mimicked the time period of the original onset of my symptoms. In one instance, I almost failed a university exam after consuming a jelly-filled donut the day before and becoming almost literally incapable of processing information for a few days afterwards. Suffice to say, I completely cut sugar from my diet from this point onwards.
I also tried a few Myers' cocktail IV drips (basically a mix of magnesium, calcium and b-vitamins) during this time period as part of my thinking on the issue being caused by nutritional deficiency. I would feel pretty great for a few days following them (improved sleep, able to focus while studying, good energy for exercise) but then go back to my same poor-health state afterwards. This only compounded my belief that the issue was purely nutritional in nature. Alongside this I consulted some nutritionists and diet specialists, and they recommended me some further supplements and dietary changes, but none of it made that overwhelming of a difference compared to the changes I’d already made. 
Part IV: Descent #2
For four years life went on in the position described above, at least from a health point-of-view. I had found a regimen that kept me functional and stable, and for the most part stuck to it and tried to forget about it all and get on with life. It was great to find some stability, but at the same time as an early twenty-something in University, having to stick to a pretty strict diet and lifestyle just wasn’t all that much fun.
So somehow I got the idea in my head that having found this stability, I must actually be cured of whatever it was and could go back to eating & drinking whatever I wanted. I got an 8-month research placement in France in 2016 and decided that I would just let loose and enjoy myself during that time. Upon arriving I quite quickly returned to being totally free with what I consumed, although perhaps still went light on very sugary foods. For the first few weeks, I felt great. I mean maybe not totally physical well, but it was just so mentally liberating to not think about this stuff anymore. I had a lot of fun going out with my new roommate, going on dates and just living life in a more free way. 
Around the second month of being there I started to notice some chronic unwelness creeping back in. My sleep was starting to become quite poor, I had terrible focus at work and wasn’t accomplishing much, and would feel really unwell after most meals. I ignored it for a while.
By the third month, it was almost panic stations again. I don’t know why I didn’t react to this sooner, probably I was just trying to deny how bad it was getting again, but by mid-March (I had started worked in January), I was bordering on being physically non-functional again. I couldn’t do much other than spend most days in bed when I wasn’t at work, felt constantly agitated, was achieving essentially nothing on a daily basis (thankfully I was working in a French R&D centre where very little was happening at the best of times), and just felt constantly ill. It was not quite the return to the extreme stress of the first episode but I was still really unwell and uncomfortable most of the time. 
I wasn’t really sure what to do, but I knew I really didn’t want to do another 6-months of diet control just to get back to a sort-of sufferable health state, so I started coming up with ideas for a quick fix. The only thing I really had was that those IV cocktails had made me feel pretty great, and since I was still in this mode of thinking it was all due to nutritional deficiency, I hoped that might be an easy solution (the logic being that alcohol and poor diet had lowered my micronutrient levels and I could just reverse it). It seemed this wasn’t available privately in Paris, so I went to London for the weekend just to get one. 
What happened after that infusion is one part of this story that I still do not understand whatsoever. Within hours of getting the Myers drip, rather than feeling great, I felt catastrophically unwell. I did not sleep that whole night and for most of the rest of the weekend, and returned to Paris in a complete fog. The feeling persisted for some weeks. I have a few ideas of what it could have been - too much B-complex which can give you energy rushes, some kind of micronutrient overdose / toxicity since I was still taking lots of supplements on top of the IV at that time, or some kind of immune reaction - but really I don’t know. Suffice to say I never took one again.
Part V: Ascent #2
The terrible reaction to that IV drip started to put the idea in my head that maybe this whole thing wasn’t just related to nutrition and / or a micronutrient deficiency. So I started doing a lot of searching online about what else can affect digestion, intolerance to certain foods, and associated unexplained chronic health symptoms. The thing that kept on coming up was the gut microbiome. I had heard of probiotics before, and knew that yoghurt was supposed to help your digestion, but outside of that I was pretty uneducated. All I could really tell was that it might be worth a shot trying a probiotic supplement to see if it would help.
So, being me, I went online and found the strongest, highest-dose probiotic supplement I could find, or at least on amazon.fr . It was the Renew Life Ultimate Care probiotic with a dose of 200 Billion live cultures (I didn’t know about vivomixx and other 400Bn+ clinical products at the time). The night it arrived, I popped a dose and went to bed, and then another first thing in the morning. By the time I had eaten breakfast and arrived at work around 9am, I felt violently ill. I was sweating, had a pounding headache and felt like I was going to vomit at any moment. I managed to hold it together for the morning, barely managed to stomach lunch and then went home as soon as people started to leave (around 4pm). 
I immediately went to google and started searching for what could cause this, and the main thing that came up was something called the Jarrisch-Herxheimmer reaction. I’m not sure what the clinical validation for this is, but the general understanding is that when something starts killing off pathogens in your body (which probiotics will do when they enter a pathogenic environment), they release toxins and inflammatory cytokines (can do a search yourself) into the body / bloodstream and you feel really unwell. Basically you are starting a fight between good & bad bacteria in your body and you feel the effects of it.
In some sense I was kind of excited that this had happened. The fact that I felt so violently unwell from taking probiotics perhaps pointed to the fact that I did have some kind of gut issue, which was a potentially useful revelation, although in the meantime I still felt horrendously ill. Most advice indicated that the reaction was temporary until you got “over the hump” but by day 7 I was still sick and things were only getting worse, so I stopped taking the pills altogether. 
After looking into how I could manage this better, it seemed like low-dose pills or small amounts of probiotic foods could be a way to manage the reaction while still improving, and as there was a health food store on my street, I decided to start experimenting with Kefir. The first night just to see I drank 2 cups of the stuff and of course felt violently ill again. I then embarked on a months-long journey of upping my dose from just tea-spoons to being able to tolerate about 1/2 to 1 cup per night. 
Within about six months I was able to dose freely with Kefir, and was eating other probiotic foods like sauerkraut and kimchi, all to positive effect. I managed to return to school following the end of my research placement, and although I still didn’t feel great, I would say I had made it back to another “stasis period”. 
My next hypothesis for improvement was to switch from probiotic foods to a supplement again, although just because it was simpler to take than cups of kefir and / or plates of sauerkraut every night. I experimented with quite a few that I found online. I tolerated most of them that had a dose of 100Bn bacteria or less, although somehow still felt better eating the fermented food. Eventually, I tried the Renew Life Mood & Stress probiotic (no longer in production) because it had some strains that were clinically proven to reduce stress levels, which had been one of my main symptoms in bad periods, and it seems to work quite well. I wouldn’t say it completely changed how I felt on a daily basis but it kept me stable to the point that I could stop having to drink Kefir all the time and things felt mostly alright. I felt as if I had found the answer at least for a little while.
Part VI: Stasis #2
This period was the longest in this whole mess. For six years from 2016 to 2022 I just took my daily probiotic supplement, kept a fairly clean diet, and once again got on with life. In this time I graduated from University, moved cities within Canada, and then moved to London to found a start-up which I am still a director of (it has nothing to do with gut health). Until 2018 I would occasionally drink when social engagements came up, but I still always felt somewhat sick after. After feeling ill for almost two weeks after drinking heavily at a company Christmas party, I gave up alcohol entirely. I also never really returned to high-sugar foods for how unwell they had made me feel in the past and also just lack of need (I always found not drinking much more socially inhibiting that not eating deserts and the like). 
It was in the spring of 2022 that, after 5-6 years of stasis, I once again became fed up with the whole thing. I was a young professional in my late twenties at this point and just didn’t understand why I had to take a probiotic supplement (of which I could only tolerate doses on the lower end) and eat a strict diet just to feel somewhat normal. I had considered longer-term solutions like getting a Fecal Microbiota Transplant to try and solve the issue once and for all, but most things like that were only offered privately, were expensive and the providers that did exist seemed a bit suspect (most FMT-type treatments are only available in clinical trials or for C-dificile infections at the moment). 
Somewhere in here a nurse I spoke to at an FMT clinic I had called told me to try going keto and see if it helped. I did it and felt pretty awesome for four months but lost a ton of weight (I was already very skinny) and found it very hard to maintain (especially socially). I eventually gave it up returned to a whole-grain high-protein diet. 
Part VII: Descent #3
After considering various options of how I reasonably could take action to improve my health and general life condition, I came up with the solution of finding a Nutritionist experienced in gut health issues. I had spent a lot of time avoiding medical professionals after my initial bad experiences with doctors and nutritionists either not being able to help or actually being actively unhelpful by questioning all of the symptoms and whether my reactions to foods were just psychosomatic, but I decided it was time to try again. I found a registered dietician in London who also had a PhD in gut microbiome research, which seemed like a great fit.
I shared my whole story with all of my symptoms and current condition, and although she had some questions about my sugar reaction and some of the weirder extended stress symptoms, she mostly accepted the story and that I clearly had some kind of untreated gut health issue. Her recommendation was that my diet was already positive (although could try introducing a few more carbs) and that the probiotic I was taking was as good as could be recommended by current knowledge in the field (noted that it is generally quite personal which ones work for some people and others not, and they don’t really know why). 
In terms of path forward, she recommended that I try introducing some more prebiotic foods and potentially a prebiotic supplement. Going down the list of my daily diet, it was already quite prebiotic / fibre-heavy, so we decided to try a supplement. The idea is that the prebiotic fibre helps feed and grow more of the probiotics you are taking in the supplement, and will improve your gut health. 
I started taking a daily dose (12g) of inulin, the best-validated prebiotic supplement available. The first few days I didn’t feel great and had pretty upset digestion, but nothing crazy. After about 3-4 days, I started having a reaction similar to the first time I ever tried high-dose probiotics. I felt pretty spaced out, generally ill, and hadn’t much appetite or desire for food. I interpreted this as being another Herxheimer reaction, so decided to stick with the supplementation. After about 1 month I still felt really unwell. Most days were a struggle to get through, I was in a total fog, and felt a lot of the extreme stress sensitivity of my initial low-points creeping back in. I spoke to the nutritionist and we decided that I would reduce my inulin dose or stop taking it all together. I reduced my dose by 1/2 and then by 1/3 but still felt increasingly unwell, so two weeks later stopped taking it all together. 
The next month was very uncomfortable. I felt quite ill most days, had general nausea / feelings of disorientation, wasn’t really tolerating most foods, and wasn’t sure what was going on again. In a last ditch, I decided to stop taking all supplements (at this point just my daily probiotic). For about two weeks after stopping the probiotics I didn’t feel all that different, but then somewhere around 12-14 days in, things started to go seriously south. Day by day, or even hour by hour at one point, I started to feel things degrading at first back to the all-day stress symptoms I had in the very beginning of this whole journey, and then to a version like 100x worse than that.
At one point I didn’t sleep for almost five days. My heart was permanently bounding out of my chest, and I was just in excruciating pain every single minute of the waking hours. I had to quit my job for a period of time, and my life was otherwise completely turned upside down. Without going into too many specifics, as I have tried to focus at first on the health aspect here, this is also the closest I came to thinking that perhaps life had just not really worked out for me and it was time to consider giving up on it. For whatever reason I still don’t completely understand, I stuck with it and suffered through the worst.
The greatest intensity of these symptoms lasted for about a month. I went back on the keto diet just because I had felt well on it in the past and didn’t really know what else to do, and after 5-6 weeks I was able to return to work, although only part-time, and somewhat get a handle on my life. I still felt pretty unwell most of the time, and had become quite isolated personally and socially because of it, but at least it felt like the adrenaline tap had lowered a bit and I could mostly suffer through each day. 
From a health-hypothesis point of view, I was a bit at wits end. I had contacted the nutritionist again and although she agreed the prebiotics can cause an adverse health reaction in some individuals for reasons not well understood, she didn’t really accept most of what I was saying around the extreme stress symptoms returning, and seemed a bit doubtful of me and what I was presenting. I decided that was about as far as we could continue together. Although I don’t deny I was in a terrible mental state at that time (which would be the case for anyone given the circumstances), I was completely convinced, and am unwavering to this day about the fact that the principal source of my issue was a serious, unadressed physical condition.
Part VIII: Ascent #3
All I felt I really had left was to go to a hospital and just accept whatever treatment they proposed (whether tranquilizers, sedation, some other drug or therapy I wasn’t aware of) or lay it all out for an experienced gastroenterologist / digestive specialist and just see what happened. I had often thought of seeking a specialist doctor, but was wary as pretty much all GPs and other doctors had been quite dismissive of my symptoms and assumed condition in the past. Here, however, we were quite literally in the “nothing to lose” position. With how things had gone the last months and my current life situation, I felt that if I didn’t fix this once and for all there was quite little point in continuing to live. 
Luckily, I am at least somewhat a person of means, and in the UK there is quite an availability of private medical specialists who will see you for a cash fee. I went to one I had found from a private doctor review website who seemed to have some experience in chronic digestive and gut health issues. I explained to him this entire story, perhaps not quite in such detail and with such emotional weight around specifics of how bad it felt, but largely my reaction to certain foods, how I had tried to manage it over the years, and my current situation. 
Firstly, he broadly accepted most of what I was saying, which was quite relieving in the first instance. His answer, although inconcrete, was that digestive health is, even for him and other experts, a very poorly understood area. He couldn’t say exactly why this was happening to me, but if I had the time and money he was willing to start looking into it with me and see if there were any potential solutions. For the first time, I felt as if an established member of the medical community was accepting their own blind spots in whatever this issue was , and willing to try and help.
His first suggestion was to run some tests to rule out more common and well-understood digestive disorders like Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Ulcerative Colitis. These all came back negative. Upon these results, he suggested that given my reaction to the prebiotic fibre and previous reaction to carbs and high-sugar foods, the most likely explanation was a chronic case of Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth or SIBO.  The way to diagnose would be a sugar or lactulose (another prebiotic) breath-test, and the treatment being a course of a choice of antibiotics to wipe out the overgrowth and try to correct the dysbiosis (gut microbiota imbalance). 
I was quite open that I didn’t really feel comfortable trying a sugar or prebiotic-fuelled test at that time, given how precarious my health and life position was and my previous reaction to both of those substances. He suggested that since the point of the test is to see if either the sugar or lactulose cook up any bad bacteria and produce gas, and I had already shown a very negative anecdotal reaction to both with associated gas production, he was happy to just prescribe an empirical dose of the antibiotics. 
This is now going back a bit, but as a child I was given a tremendous amount of antibiotics. I am fairly convinced that that is what caused all these issues for me, or was at least the main contributor. So naturally I was a bit wary of another doctor giving me more antibiotics, although I trusted this new one quite a lot. I eventually found online that there is some validation of natural antimicrobial and anti fungal substances being helpful in treating overgrowths and gut dysbiosis, so I decided to explore those options first. They are mostly all formulations of herbal oils and concentrates. It’s the sort of thing I would have been quite skeptical of before all of this started, but at this point I had had so many unexpected negative and positive reactions to different foods, supplements and treatments that I was more or less willing to try anything.
The best validated one is called Candibactin. It’s a combined treatment of mostly Oregano Oil and a Chinese Herb called berberine. I ordered some online and decided to give it a whirl. By my third dose, I was having an extremely intense version of what I experienced when I first took probiotics. Persistent headaches, sweating, lack of appetite, general unwellness and pain. It felt like an extremely intense flu and at some point I felt like I was spiking a fever. I chalked this up to the Herxheimmer reaction again and stuck with it. Once again, by about day 7, the symptoms were still extremely intense and I had to give up on the treatment. Interestingly, although I was in extreme discomfort, my digestion had normalized in this time (I will spare you the description). I didn’t really know what to make of this but it is interesting that the supplements had at least done something. 
Following the experience on the herbal supplement which I had no desire to repeat for the moment, my symptoms somewhat stabilized although didn’t return to what they were prior to starting them. I wouldn’t say I felt notably better or worse but just “different”. I decided it was time to give the pharmaceuticals a go and see if I could tolerate them or if they were helpful in some other way, so I took a two week course of Rifaximin (the drug they give for SIBO). Being on Rifaximin was an extremely painful experience, but not quite as bad as the herbal supplements so I managed to push through it and by the end it had had quite a positive effect on me. I still didn’t feel great after the Rifaximin, and continued to work only part-time, but it had definitely done something. 
Somewhere in here I also commissioned a microbiome stool test, which showed I had a quite significant dysbiosis (low levels of lactobacilli with almost undetectable levels of bifidobacterium, and a strong overgrowth of H2S-producing pathogens). It also showed I had an active H-Pylori infection and extremely poor absorption of fat and other macronutrients. Off the back of it the gastro prescribed me a triple-course of antibiotics to clear the H-Pylori and attributed the poor absorption to persistent SIBO. The triple-therapy for H. Pylori was a horrible experience and I actually ended up in hospital and was told to stop taking one of the drugs (Flagyl / Metronidazole) because it was giving me tinnitus, insomnia and general disorientation, which apparently can be a side effect, but the treatment otherwise worked. 
After this latest course of antibiotics, I was, as before, not in a life-ending position, but my health was still quite bad. I was not accomplishing much at work, and I had essentially no social life. I decided something had to change, so I told my work I would take two months off after Christmas and do whatever I needed to do to solve this thing. The two remaining options I had before me were to try the herbal formulations again, or eat a completely liquid diet for 2-3 weeks to try and starve the pathogenic overgrowth (actually a clinically validated method of treating SIBO).
I first tried a fat-based version of the elemental diet first (most are sugar-based and I didn’t want to test that again), but it caused extremely painful stomach-burning feelings, which apparently can be caused by caprylic acid in the MCT oil it is primarily composed of, and I stopped after two days. After meditating on it for about five days I decided to just re-start the herbal formulations and endure whatever pain it caused me until this thing was hopefully cured. 
So began two years of varied supplementation and antibiotics. I switched off the Candibactin formulation at one point to another called FC-cidal & Dysbiocide, as is recommended to avoid building resistance, although this is less common with the natural products, and also took multiple further courses of Rifaximin as things weren’t progressing as quickly as I’d hoped. The experience was painful but in different ways than it had been the first time around, and also took a lot longer than I expected, although I suppose after 10 years at it that shouldn’t have been surprising. I am not entirely sure why being on the herbals the second time around was less extreme than the first. I don’t know if they were less effective than at the first exposure, or that something about my situation had changed, but it was different in some way. It’s also worth noting that pretty much the whole time I was taking the herbal supplements & Rifaximin I stayed on a Keto or SCD diet (specific carbohydrate diet, basically no starches and reduced carb), although I’ve moved off this in recent months as I’ve started to feel better.
Part IX: Today
Something seems to have worked. I can’t point to it concretely or specifically, I am not a microbiologist or a gastroenterologist, but my life feels so much better now than it did when all this kicked off, and I feel very positive about the future. I am actually back on a 3-month course of Rifaximin that my gastro has prescribed me at the moment to see if we can totally kick the issue, and will probably follow-up with some kind of diet / supplement regimen for some time after that, but either way my symptoms are so much improved by what I've done in the last two years that that feels like a success. I can't say that the problem is gone forever or would never come back but I definitely understand it a lot better and have a lot of tools to make sure that my life doesn't fall apart again like it did those last three times.
I still don’t really know what this all means to me personally. The process of getting better (trying the prebiotic, having my health collapse, taking the various pharmaceutical & herbal antibiotics) almost destroyed me as a person. At some point I had distanced myself almost completely from my job, my girlfriend at the time, most friends and pretty much any semblance of a normal social life or any life at all. For the better part of a year life was really just an existence of suffering every day and hoping to make it to the next one. Despite that, and that of course things always can or could have gone differently, I unfortunately feel as if at a high level I had no other choice. I was completely unwilling to spend the rest of my life living below my full potential of enjoyment, and was always going to do whatever it took to get there. I am sometimes shocked that I managed to survive all of this, but I am here, still living and will try to deal with whatever the experience has done to me in the same way I dealt with the issue itself: by living it, experiencing it day by day, not turning away from it, and knowing that no matter how dark the world can become, so long as you are still here, it is not really over. 
Although the physical symptoms were and have been excruciatingly painful, one of the most difficult things about this whole experience has been the level of misunderstanding and invalidation, both from the medical community and from some friends, family, other personal acquaintances and the general public, around what happened to me. I understand that it is a difficult story to follow, but unfortunately it was all very real and somehow I managed to find a route out of it for now. One day the medical community will figure this out and understand what happened to me and others like me (because they are also out there in very sad corners of the internet - links below), and share it with the world to build our collective understanding and compassion. Until then it is strange to be one of the few people to know all of this and what this experience feels like and has felt like, but I am trying day by day to come closer to people and understand why we aren’t yet equipped as a society to address these kinds issues on multiple fronts. I don’t blame anyone for not understanding what was happening to me, but the few who did and were willing to listen at the time are angels and I’m not sure I would have gotten through it without them.
Eventually I hope I will fully recover from all of this. Physically, mentally, emotionally, because it has touched every aspect of my life over the last twelve years. Until then I am just here living every day in this strange situation of being a survivor of such a horrible, confusing and largely misunderstood problem. 
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blacktofade · 2 years
hi hello! i’m trying to get into wrestling, thanks in part to your excellent fics, & im not sure where to start—do you have any advice? should i just watch the next match & catch context where i can?? i’ve seen the hookhausen primer, but beyond that i don’t know much of the Lore…what do you think?
Thank you again for your patience while I was out of town and couldn't answer this! I'm now ready to settle down and show my whole ass and admit I don't really have any good advice, but what I'm about to talk about will be specific to All Elite Wrestling (AEW), which is trying (and succeeding imo) to be WWE's younger, more hip sibling.
I'm gonna stick this under a cut because this is a stupidly long reply to your question. And I'm also gonna refer to a generic "you" as I'm hoping this will help other people who are thinking about hopping onboard.
The first trick to enjoying wrestling is by following your pussy (or pussy equivalent). The second trick to enjoying wrestling is finding one or two people to scream at. I don't speak for everyone (obviously), but I've randomly messaged so many people in fandom and they've all been happy to yell about our favorite clowns at the circus.
(For anyone reading this, my messages are always open, or you can find me on discord @ blacktofade#2949. Just know that I have every notification turned off and I will see things when I see things lmfao)
For me, getting into wrestling (again, specifically AEW) went: reading fic on AO3 -> watching some content of one specific wrestler on YouTube -> watching what I could of the AEW weekly schedule -> finding more wrestlers I liked and reading more fic on AO3 -> rinse and repeat.
There's too much lore (and often content) to feasibly digest it all as a new fan, so don't sweat it. Just have fun watching what you have time for and figure out who you enjoy most. Just remember that you're allowed to like anyone for whatever reason. We're all just here for a good time.
Also, most of the lore is hand-wavy at best. Most match promos are basically one person going "you did my man dirty by looking to the east on a wednesday at 5pm, therefore I have no choice but to fight you" and the other person says "yeah okay let's settle this in Ohio in a week like adults". Just go with it. Sometimes even with context, shit just doesn't make sense. Your job is to sit there going "yeah! kick their ass!" and to love every camp minute of it.
The great thing is that a lot of matches are on YouTube. Just search "[wrestler name] match" and you'll most likely find 10 years of content waiting for you. Pick at random. Don't try to go chronologically, or you'll drive yourself insane. See a thumbnail that interests you? Click it.
If you're lucky, you'll pick a wrestler who vlogs a lot (looking at you, Mr. Danhausen) and you'll be introduced to other wrestlers by association.
My favorite thing is watching two people wrestle on one of the AEW shows, and then looking them up later and finding out they had a major feud between 2010 and 2014 on three different continents and I'm very late to the party. This is part of the fun. Their history plays as big (or as little) a role as you want it to. You make the rules for your wrestling adventure. Anyone who says differently is a huge fucking nerd and you can tell them I'll meet them in the parking lot after school.
Now, for actual helpful info on how to literally watch wrestling:
When/Where to Watch?
Wrestling nights are every night Mon, Tues, Wed, and Fri with the following schedule:
Mon – Dark Elevation on YouTube @ 7pm EST (midnight UTC) Tues – Elevation on YouTube @ 7pm EST (midnight UTC) Wed – Dynamite on TBS @ 8pm EST (1am UTC) Fri – Rampage on TNT @ 10pm EST (3am UTC)
The Mon and Tues shows are the easiest to watch since they're on YouTube and you can watch them whenever you want after they air. They usually save the meatier matches for Wed and Fri and there are plenty of ways to watch those while sailing the seven seas 🏴‍☠ and I definitely won't share info about these if you message me...
It took me the longest time to figure this out, but they film the YouTube matches on the same days as Dynamite/Rampage (which are live shows). For example, an episode of Dark might be filmed on Friday, but won't air until the following Tues. Which is why you might see the same outfits or people in the crowds, and also why you might see spoilers on socials from people who were there in-person for Dynamite/Rampage.
Live shows have a post show for people there in-person, too. It's typically along the lines of "let's bring out this wrestler and you can clap and they will tell you they love you". Sometimes, it's a lil extra kayfabe beef between wrestlers. And sometimes, very kind people record these and put them online for us to gobble down. Would definitely recommend searching YouTube or Twitter on weekends after shows.
Throughout the year, they also have Pay Per View (PPV) events, which are additional-cost shows typically on weekends and they're like 5 hour of pure nonstop wrestling for $50. They're a blast. Highly recommend if the brainrot is eating you alive.
Independent Wrestling?
I have dabbled only slightly outside of AEW, but for $10/month, you can get a subscription to IWTV (Independent Wrestling TV, not to be confused with Anne Rice's masterpiece lmfao), which has an insane amount of matches, an excellent search engine, and a video player that isn't pure trash.
This is a particularly fun investment once you've started to get to know the general AEW roster, because familiar faces pop up EVERYWHERE.
Finding Matches?
One of the hardest things is trying to figure out where to begin with finding matches for a specific wrestler or team.
CAGEMATCH is the single most important wrestling resource on the internet. Hands down.
You can search for any wrestler and it will compile a neat little list of every single match they've ever participated in. It will also tell you who won, how long the match was, where/when the match took place, and usually where you can (pay) to watch it. This can be extremely helpful for 1) writing fic and 2) finding lore between wrestling characters.
WTF is Kayfabe?
This also took me way too long to figure out, but kayfabe is the act of pretending what happens in the ring is real (real fights, real beef, real characters, etc). They're not doing fancy stunt work, they're actually kicking the shit out of each other. Most interviews are kayfabe compliant as they sit there and go "yes, on wednesday I will be murdering my enemy live on stage". It's very fun.
The "not kayfabe compliant" tag on AO3 is typically used when the fic uses shoot names (aka real names). For example, Donovan vs. Danhausen, Jim vs. Orange Cassidy, etc.
Fandom Etiquette?
Wrestlers are often easy to interact with, whether it's here, or Twitter, or Twitch. Don't. Don't even look in their direction if you're posting about ship-related content. Don't send them links. Don't @ them. If you want to keep your space safe, block them and stop them from seeing your content.
On AO3 you can lock your fic to give an extra layer of protection (and sometimes some cunt will send an ask to a wrestler here on tumblr telling them specifically how to get around it lmfao). Do what makes you feel comfy. I leave mine open because if anyone finds it, that's between them and god. I also haven't felt shame since the 90s.
ANYWAY. TL;DR: there are many ways to get into wrestling, but I hope you have fun on your wrestling adventure because that's the important thing.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out.
PS: For anyone who wants the Hookhausen Primer, you can find it HERE.
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coralinehecc · 2 years
Corals Monthly Update #2
Hello!! I almost missed the date but funny December update! >:D Before I jump into December however, let me quickly talk about November and to also say I’ll probably move these to the end of the month like the 30th or 29th since having to dip back into the previous month can get annoying. The only thing about November really worth talking about was the Walten Files Trivia Charity Stream I was in. It was super fun! You can find some clips on Waltenews’ twitch channel but this out of context screenshot is my favourite lmao. Overall November was a solid 8/10! It had it’s moments but I mostly had a good time hanging out with friends and mutuals >:]
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But anyhow, moving onto this month! December!  This month started off pretty strong, as I had my birthday on the 6th! I got a lot of art and goofy gifts from my friends and I love them all. I was off school a day before my actual birthday so myself and a few friends went out ice-skating and it was super fun!! I had so much fun I didn’t get many photos, though this one was really good hehehhe. I’ll scan it later down the line but here’s a photo of it for now.
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My good luck thankfully transferred to my actual birthday the next day as most of my actual busy classes were either free or we didn’t do any work. However that luck ran out like literally the next day. I wanted another day off school like last year (a huge storm hit and we got 2 days off school) but I guess I got monkey pawed as I then fell sick for like a week. Wednesday was the worst of it but I slowly got better as that awful week went by. Thankfully I can say I’m at least 99% better! I just still have a lingering cough though. I also got terrible nose bleeds. I’d show a photo but it’s gross so I’ll spare you the visual info lmao! After I got better things went back to normal until this Monday, when my school had it’s yearly 6th year fast! TL;DR you don’t eat for 24 hours and sleep over in the school itself to raise money for charity by collecting money from sponsors aka the people you asked to donate. Sit back for this one, as it’s a long story! I’ll start off by saying while it wasn’t bad per say, it certainly wasn’t good either. We arrived at school as normal (minus the extra sleepover stuff we all packed and not being in uniform) and it was overall a normal school day. Then we were all gathered into the canteen area for a role call and told the basic structure of how the night was organized. Girls slept in one room and since there were more guys than girls, the boys were split up into 3 classrooms. All the messers and annoying cunts went into one room, my friends and I went into the library and the rest of the guys went into the 3rd room to play Mario Kart n stuff. One of my friends and I both brought our Quest 2′s and we played Pavlov Shack for like an hour. It was fun! We spent another hour basically trying to bypass the schools admin restrictions in order to get Beat Saber mods Side-Loaded onto my friends VR. It failed sadly, but still fun to try none the less.  Here’s some photos of our spot hehehe (I hope my friends don’t mind me posting these here)
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After that is when the night begins to hit the fan as we’re all called back down to the canteen area and are forced to watch the TY (Transition Year for my non Irish followers) and let me say now that it bored me to tears. It’s got it all from the same basic Irish tunes you’ve heard since 3rd class to every single rehashed Christmas song. Mind you they were preformed really well but to be forced to sit there and listen to it for 3 HOURS is so mentally draining it’s not even funny. We arrived there at like 7pm and it ended at 9pm. Finally after like 2000 years somehow jammed into 3 hours went by we were finally allowed leave and head back upstairs. Only to be told we’d have a fucking mass session at like 10pm because catholic school. So me being mentally drained from the concert did the only logical option. Hid in the bathroom for the entire session with a friend. We were in the same stall for like half an hour and you know what? We weren’t caught! So finally we were allowed head back to our rooms.
All seemed decent for a bit after until the annoying fucks started going from having a rave in their room to outright anarchists in the span of like 20 minutes. At one point they burst into our room, turned the lights off and started throwing the tables around like they were Legos. After that they all ran out to the schools green house and tore that thing to shreds. I was able to get a glimpse at it coming home from town today and it looked like it was slashed with a knife with all the duck taped holes! Keep in mind, with two VR headsets, a couple of switches and someone's Xbox, there was probably over 1,500 euro in that room. So I’d say it would be reasonable that we all mutually agreed to go “DEFCON 3″. This basically consisted of barricading the door and basically black-listing people we didn’t trust. (The doors in our school don’t lock from the inside. This is in place because I’m pretty sure younger kids kept locking classrooms to stop teachers from coming in. So we had to settle for this.)
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Eventually the dumb cunts were found, dragged back in and the teachers said they’d charge them for the damage they caused if no one owned up. So yea after that we were all worn out and got ready for bed. Eventually I fell asleep at around 2:30am? Would’ve been fine until all the annoying fucks once again burst into our room at 3:30am!! This time it was because they had trashed their room so badly that they were forced out by teachers. That meant they funnelled into our room, talking as loud as humanly possible all without any consideration for the fact literally everyone in that room was fast asleep. Two of my friends and I got so pissed we grabbed our sleeping bags and just left to sleep somewhere else. Two assholes fucking mocked us as we were leaving and it took so much restraint to stop myself from turning around and stomping on one if them I swear. In total we got like 3 hours of sleep that night as they began to call us to wake up at 7am. We luckily got an extra hour as the teachers who came in that morning mistook us for teachers who supervised us. Eventually we all slowly get up, pack our shit and at that point I was mentally flattened. I was so exhausted I was basically had a full body resting bitch face. Eventually like an hour later I called home, was picked up and went straight back to bed. Overall that whole experience was like a 4/10 on it’s own. It had it’s good moments but they were overshadowed by the shit we had to deal with. I won’t rate this month yet as I still have Christmas and Softy and Vi coming over so I’ll rate it next month! If you read this far, thank you so much for reading! And I hope you enjoyed my wacky antics! See you next month! 
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potato-jem · 2 years
i just realised that i still have my notes from watching the mortal instruments movie for the first time in my notes app, because i wanted to share my thoughts with my best friend. 
so naturally, i’m going to put it on the internet. 
‘it’s my birthday, i wanna go to a club,’ don’t, you have no idea what you’re getting yourself into
oh hello jocelyn *tucks hair behind ear*
luke looks too old and too young at the same time
ok clary is a better friend than me, i would never attend a poetry reading
simon you couldn’t be more obvious if you tried
how did she do that in her coffee without looking
why does she want to get in a club just because it has a mysterious symbol on it
clary dearest, when we see mysterious people stab someone, we do not scream
jace looks like he’s sucked on a lemon (actually low-key what i thought tom riddle should look like)
clary you literally did this, why are you surprised about the symbols hanging up in your room
jace, when we like a girl, we do not show up at coffee shops in some thing that looks like an eBay cosplay knockoff 
jocelyn is so hot
why is jace standing like that
girlboss gatekeep gaslight
is the dog meant to be the lizard thing
okay why did jace kill it, clary needed her girl boss moment
‘okay, i did just save your life’ i may have giggled
why does jace immediately know it’s the cup
i don’t remember anything she’d want me to forget
of course simon makes a dnd reference
sorry, i cannot take the humping leg guy seriously, like his haircut, his accent
jace said acab
clary, girl. don’t just ask men to strip for you, especially himbos like jace
alec looks WAY too old
isabelle looks too dorky
not jace and my granddad saying the same thing at the cemetery 
oh there it is
they don’t have guns in the book ffs
alec is such a piss baby in this
when did this turn into fifty shades of grey
the gang of vampires looks like a scene out of a horror video game
fight scene to techno? a vibe?
nvm, jace is also a piss baby
‘my one true love is myself’ ‘at least you don’t have to worry about rejection’ ‘i turn myself down once in a while to keep it interesting’
the garden looks familiar 
jace stop being emo
why are they dry all of a sudden
‘why didn’t you say you had him in your bed? we wouldn’t all fit’ stop being petty jace
why does it take a minute for jace to take off all his weapons
i think you need your door fixed
um where’s simon’s archery skills
clary, hug jace too
fuck you hodge
why does valentine look like a pirate
how did luke get dressed that quickly
me @ children
has if hodge spoils the whole jace x clary plot line
i love how magnus only raises his hood a little: a warlock? *lifts hood slightly* MAGNUS THE WARLOCK?
‘can you see it?’ *looks up at burning orange beacon of light* ‘idk maybe’
tf why is jocelyn floating like that
okay why did you crave it on your hand
valentine doesn’t deserve rights
isabelle looks like a ghostbuster with a flamethrower
this sounds like a male tennis match
question, how did valentine do the pentagram with spears
sorry for laughing, but asking someone if they like to play music before slamming their face into a piano…
snow in da library, let’s go
clean up, clean up, everybody everywhere
some matilda type shit
not jace using pick up lines when he thinks clary’s his sister *cue sweet home alabama*
why isn’t the motorcycle flying
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ladymunson · 2 years
Is This Love
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Fic summary: Eddie’s band Corroded Coffin is playing a gig at the Metro Club in Chicago, Illinois. You’ve been a fan since you saw them perform at your middle school talent show, around that time you’d developed your crush on Eddie. Unbeknownst to you, Eddie had also been harbouring a secret crush on you for years. Will he finally shoot his shot?
This is my very first one shot, I hope you all enjoy it. Inspired by the Whitesnake song.
Word count: 3521
Warnings: Lots of SMUT, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it!), mentions of parents fighting, mentions of drinking and smoking, brief mention of fingering
I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated, copied or posted to any other platform. Support content creators by reblogging.
You arrive at the club early, you know that the headliners don’t go on until 10pm but you wanted to get there before all the screaming groupies.
You’d dressed in a black mini skirt, a Metallica sleeveless shirt, black leather jacket, fishnets and platform boots. You show that you’re a actual fan and not just there for the gorgeous long haired lead singer and guitarist.
Eddie Munson. Your middle and high school crush. The one you’d never had the courage to act upon. You didn’t avoid Eddie but you tried not to get too close, you were worried that you’d blurt it out one day. You didn’t belong to the Hellfire Club but you weren’t part of the ‘in crowd’ in school either, in fact those were the people who bullied you but you didn’t care. You’d spent your evenings and weekends listening to heavy metal, watching the Star Wars movies and reading fantasy novels.
Eddie was a year ahead of you in school but you ended up graduating the year before he did, as he failed twice. His band had been signed as soon as he’d finally graduated the year after you. You’d moved out of Hawkins straight after graduation, wanting to get away from your parents constant bickering. It didn’t matter much as your mom ended up staying with you at least once a month, and the phone calls made you feel like you’re back at home.
Your apartment wasn’t huge, but you’d saved up enough money from babysitting, tutoring and your job in the bookstore. You were very proud of your place, it was on the outskirts of Chicago so the rent was slightly cheaper. You had to travel into the city for work so you knew the place well. You’ve been waitressing at a diner five days a week during the day, and you tend bar twice at the weekend. You hope to save up enough to start night classes next semester.
You know the security at the bar, having been a regular visitor since you moved to Chicago, so you had no problems getting in. Once inside you went to the bar for a beer and headed to a table where you’d get a great view of the stage. You know Eddie always stood on the left, the right when looking at the stage so you made sure you were in his eye line.
He might not see you due to the lights but if he did, you hoped he’d recognise you. You’d tutored him in English when you were back in school. He’d passed that class but failed to graduate due to failing other classes.
You nursed that beer for an hour before the club started to fill up, you know the bartender Liv as well, having tended bar with her at another location. She sends a fresh beer over with another bartender that you know, Carrie, who isn’t working tonight.
Carrie approaches the table, two bottles of beer in her hands, one of them is your brand.  You look up at her with a cocked eyebrow. “Liv sent you another beer, said you’ve been sitting here alone for like 40 mins. Date stand you up?”
“Nah no date, not in months. Just here to enjoy the music.” You reply, accepting the beer with a smile. “I’ll settle up with Liv at the end of the night.” You clink bottles together and take a drink.
Eddie is backstage, smoking a joint and drinking a beer. He can hear the sounds of  Ten Seconds to Love by Motley Crue coming through the speakers, the walls are so thin. He has to be careful about bringing a groupie back here tonight.
He always picked a girl out from the crowd, the ones that looked at him with hearts and dollar signs in their eyes, and would dedicate a song to her. He’d always choose someone who looked like her. Then he’d invite the random girl backstage, to smoke and fool around, so she’d have a story to tell her friends. To make him seem like a real rockstar.
Lately though, he was tired of hook ups that meant nothing, that were forgotten almost as quickly as they happened. Tired of the girls saying his full name as his fingers were inside them. They didn’t know him, not really, they knew his stage persona. The one that’s full of confidence and sex appeal. Behind closed doors, he’s insecure, always thinking he’s not good enough. If he was he would’ve….
“Munson!!” The doors flew open as Gareth and Jeff burst in.
“Jesus H Christ! Are you trying to kill me?!” Eddie clutches his chest.
“Sorry but we had to….” Gareth says.
Jeff butts in, “Stop being such a wuss and tell him already!”
“I was about to but you cut me off…”
“Shut up!” Eddie yells, sick of the bickering that was just getting started. They stop and look at him. “Now… would you ladies like to tell me why you interrupted my pre show blunt?”
They look at each other, Gareth gulps before answering with his eyes on the floor. “Y/N is here.”
The room begins to spin. Either this weed is strong shit, or Eddie is having a panic attack. He hasn’t seen you in two years, since you left Hawkins after graduating. And yet the sound of your name makes him feel as nervous as he did the first time Corroded Coffin played at the talent show in middle school.
“Are you sure?” Eddie looks at both of them.
They nod. “Fuck!”
The first band came and went, you feel bad that they were so forgettable. They had some fans in the crowd but you couldn’t even remember their name.
Carrie had stayed with you, not wanting you to be alone. Guys have been giving you the eye all night but you’d not even noticed until Carrie pointed it out.
“What about him? He’s hot.” She says pointing to the guy standing three tables down from you. “He’s been staring at you since he got here.” He was good looking, blonde haired, tall and muscular. He was in a RATT vest and dark jeans, you could see the muscles bulging under his shirt.
“Not interested!” You give her the side eye.
“Okay well… you know that Liv is single?” You turn your head quickly, the serious expression on her face making you break out into a fit of giggles. “What’s funny?”
You can’t speak due to your laughter, Carrie  huffs and pouts, folding her arms across her chest. Your laughter dies down. “I’m sorry Caz, just because I’m not interested in any of these guys doesn’t mean…”
She nods, “I get it y/n, just giving you options.” You smile and thank her as the second opening band start their set.
Eddie pokes his head out of the door that leads to the backstage area to see if he can find you, he doesn’t even need to look very hard. He’d spot you during rush hour at grand central station. His crush having got to the point where he knew every freckle on your face, the shape of your lips, all the various colours in your eyes, the slope of your nose and of course the curves of your body.
The crush he had on you has festered over the years and he thinks it’s now more than a crush. He gazes at you, love in his eyes. You’ve grown your hair out since he last saw you, it looks the perfect length to grab. Eddie curses his mind, it had to go there. He turns back into the backstage area before his semi becomes a full blown erection and he’ll have to go and rub one out in the dingy bathroom.
He ignores the tent in his pants and goes back to the dressing room, relighting his joint and taking a long drag. He worries that seeing you when he’s on stage is gonna affect his playing…
“How do you guys feel about doing a… ballad tonight?” Eddie asks nervously. The guys smirk but say nothing, letting Eddie ramble on. “I mean I know we don’t usually, but you know that y/n is here and I’ve liked her for the longest time so do you think maybe…?” The guys burst into laughter. Eddie hangs his head in defeat.
They see how their laughing has effected him so they stop and look at each other. “What song were you thinking?” His head snaps up.
“You know we’ve jammed and played a few songs off the new Whitesnake album?” They all nod. “I was thinking Is This Love, it says all the things I’m afraid to say.” They all agree to play that song. Eddie has butterflies, he worries that you’ll reject or laugh at him but he tries to stay brave.
The lights go out in the club, except those behind the bar. You feel nerves start to bubble up as the headliners, Corroded Coffin are announced. The crowd goes wild and there’s a loud guitar riff as the lights go on and there’s an explosion as the pyros go off and they break into their first song.
Eddie steps up to the microphone and begins singing, his voice is silky and beautiful. The sound going straight between your legs, you cross your legs to gain some friction. You’re embarrassed about doing it in plain sight but the sight of him and the sound of his voice lights a fire inside you. But no one seems to notice, everyone is too busy mesmerised by the band performing on stage.
The song finishes and there’s a huge round of applause, cheering and screaming. “Wow, now I know what all the hype is about!” Carrie yells over the sound of the crowd, you don’t answer, you simply nod.
“We are Corroded Coffin and here’s one you might know!” Eddie says, and slams his hand down the strings of his guitar and the recognisable opening riff of ‘Master of Puppets’ begins. You almost fall off your chair, you’re wearing a Master of Puppets shirt! Has he seen you already? They play the song flawlessly, you’re on the edge of your seat the whole time and instantly on your feet at the end. Cheering and clapping for them.
“What’s gotten in to you?” Carrie asks as you sit back down.
“Nothing just…” you point to your shirt. “It’s my favourite Metallica song.” Carrie smirks but says nothing. The band play a couple more original songs, you clap and cheer along with everyone else.
“We’d like to slow things down for a moment, to catch our breath before our big finale. This song is dedicated to… y/n.” Eddie says, and the opening chords of the song began, you recognised them instantly. Your breath catches in your throat and tears form behind your eyes. And then Eddie starts singing.
I should’ve known better, than to let you go alone.
It’s times like these, can’t make it on my own. Wasted days, and sleepless nights. I can’t wait to see you again.
I find I spend my time, waiting on your call.
 How can I tell you babe, my back’s against the wall.
I need you by my side, to tell me it’s alright. ‘Cause I don’t think I can take any more.
Is this love, that I’m feeling
Is this the love, that I’ve been searching for
Is this love, or am I dreaming
Is this love, ‘cause it’s really got a hold on me.
“Did he mean you?” Carrie asks as there’s the instrumental after the chorus. You turn to face her but you didn’t need to answer, she could see it written all over your face. “So that’s why you didn’t want me to help you get a date…”
“We went to high school together but I haven’t seen him in two years.” Carrie’s eyes widen. “I guess this means that he had a crush on me too.”  Eddie locks eyes with you and continues singing.
Can’t stop the feeling, I’ve been this way before.
But with you I’ve found the key, to open any door.
I can feel my love for you, growing stronger day by day.
And I can’t wait to see you again, so I can hold you in my arms.
Is this love, that I’m feeling…
When the song is finished, you and Eddie stare at each other. The crowd goes wild. He turns to look at Gareth and nods, Gareth counts in for the final song. You don’t stop staring at Eddie and the way his fingers flow up and down the neck of his guitar, the light shining off his rings.
The song comes to an end and the band thanks the crowd. Eddie looks back towards the boys who grin nod at him, he flashes a grin back and jumps off the stage. Making his way through the screaming crowd, ignoring all the girls who are manhandling him until he gets to you.
He reaches you, grabs your hand and pulls you out of your seat. Your face is flushed as you stand, he flashes that stupid fucking grin at you. The one that used to leave you with damp underwear, and pulls you towards the door.
The air hits you as you get outside, a harsh change compared to the sweat inducing heat inside. Eddie begins to pull you towards his van but you stop him, leaning against the wall outside and reaching inside your jacket for your cigarettes and lighter.
Eddie grabs them from your hand, staring straight into your eyes, breath heaving. He drops them onto the floor and reaches for you, cupping your face and leaning his forehead on yours.
“Five fucking years, not waiting anymore.” Eddie says, brushing his lips against yours. You moan and grab the back of his head, pulling him closer. Your lips part, granting him access. He groans into your mouth as your tongue sweeps along his, taking in his taste. He tastes like beer, whisky and cigarettes. A combination you hadn’t even been aware that was your kryptonite. You let out a moan, your hands tangling in his hair.
He pulls away momentarily, catching his breath and looking around, trying to find a private spot. He spots an alleyway about fifteen yards from where you’re standing, grabs your hand, grins and drags you into the alley.
You’re pushed against the wall and Eddie’s mouth is on yours again, tongues and hands exploring. Your arms are around his neck as he kisses the life out of you. Eddie’s hands grab your thighs and he lifts you, your legs wrapping around his waist and locking just above the curve of his ass.
His hands wander underneath your skirt, playing with the gusset of your underwear. “Holy shit y/n! You’re fucking soaked!” Eddie moans into your mouth as you continue kissing. The urgency of your kissing making your teeth clash together. Eddie stops kissing you for a moment and fumbles to find his belt and zipper, finding them after a moment and undoing his pants.
A thought crosses your mind and you lean forward like you’re going to kiss him again, but you instead take his bottom lip between your teeth and nip him gently. You feel his cock twitch under your ass and he growls. He pulls your underwear aside, and lines himself up with your heat, coating himself in your slick.
“You okay with this?” Eddie asks breathlessly. You let out a breathy “yes” and he begins to slide inside you. Your eyes roll back, your mouth opens and you let out a moan as he begins to fill your dripping cunt. Your walls pulsating around him, making him grunt as he continues to slide into you.
‘Jesus he must be fucking huge!’ You think to yourself as he’s still not fully inside you. You revel in the stretch as he bottoms out, completely sheathed in you. You feel… complete, like he’s a part of your that’s been missing all your life.
“You’re so warm and wet, and tight… fuck it’s like you were made just for me!” Eddie moans as he begins to move, sliding through your wetness smoothly. Gliding in and out of your heat like a man possessed. Your hands are in his hair again and you pull his face to yours, kissing him like you’re starved for him. “I’ve waited so fucking long for this y/n.” He groans into your mouth. “It always took every fibre of my being to not bend you over the lunch table and take you right there in the cafeteria.” You grin at the thought.
“Shit!” Eddie’s hips falter. “I don’t know how much longer I can keep going.”
You look around the alley and spot a large crate in the corner and point to it. Eddie turns his head and nods, leaving his cock inside you as he grabs your thighs, holding you up and walks over to the crate. He sits on the edge, pulling himself further on while you’re still on him.
Your knees now on the crate and Eddie in an almost laying position, you grin at him. Leaning down for a quick peck on the lips before your hands press down on his chest and you lift yourself ever so slightly. A strangled sound leaves Eddie’s throat and you smile to yourself.
‘Holy fucking shit! She’s gonna ride me! I never ever thought this would happen our first time.’ Eddie thinks to himself as you lift and lower yourself into him again.
Your wet velvety walls squeezing his rock hard cock, he can’t remember the last time he was this hard. You begin circling your hips and Eddie almost loses his goddamn mind, he’s never known anyone like you. You’re not only caring about your pleasure, but about his too.
Most of the girls that he’d hooked up with backstage have always been his priority, none of them even got him remotely close so he just got them off so they would leave. But you… you were something else!
Variating between circling your hips, rolling them and lifting up and sliding back down on to his cock. He tries to sit up so he can kiss you but you hold him down, winking at him as you move faster.
“Baby… slow down.” Eddie whispers, you stop and look at him. “I want you there with me.” You move your hands off his chest and he sits up, his left hand cupping the back of your head as he covers your mouth with his. His tongue flicking all around as he devours your mouth.
His right hand reaches between you, finding your sensitive bundle of nerves, making shocks flow through you. Eddie can feel the little flutters around his cock, he wants you to cum, to make the memory of how you feel as your walls clench and pulsate around him.
He releases your mouth, and groans out, “come for me baby!”
His words instantly trigger your climax, making you cry out and hold onto Eddie for dear life. You’ve never experienced an orgasm this intense before in your life. It’s the kind that you’ve read about in magazines. The one that makes your eyes roll back, tears flow and your entire body shake all over. You thought those kinds of orgasms were a myth… until now.
Eddie comes with you, but he’d had never had his cock squeezed this tightly before. It’s like your cunt is trying to strangle him and milk him all at the same time, it makes his climax run longer than he’s used to. You hold each other for a while, coming down from your high and trying to catch your breath.
Is this what people mean when they talk about soul mates? Eddie cynical brain is starting to think that may be a very real thing. 
You smile, “that was… something else!” You breathe out.
Eddie looks at you with hooded eyes, “mine now?”
“I’ve always been yours Eddie.” He grins and lifts you off of him, sliding your underwear back into place.
Eddie looks at you and smiles, leaning in to gently brush his lips across yours. He pulls back just enough to touch his forehead to yours. “Marry me?!”
The end
Taglist: @sweetpeapod, @nycbaby21, @b-irock
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strawberries and cigarettes (m)
Jungkook x reader
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“For a biology project, you and your class are going on a field trip to collect evidence for your hypothesis. It is all going well until the dark haired nuisance called Jeon Jungkook decides to piss you off.”
Also - a nerd. The resident bad boy. The police. Annoying friends. A loose psycho killer. What could go wrong?
This is my first time ever uploading any fics !! im super nervous haha - i'll probably post a little of each one and see how it goes !!
Jungkook x reader.
This is your classic enemies to lovers but with a slight little twist!
This is set in the 80s/90s and is your typical bad boy/nerd girl trope- but , there is a killer on the loose. I mean this is kind of based on jack the ripper (serial killer) and my teenage fantasies of falling for bad boy jungkook. I hope you’ll give it a go and tell me what you think !!! <3
Tw : cursing, killings, descriptions of death and psychopaths, masturbation , making out, smut.
WC : 11K
also a big massive thank you to @ggukkiereads for helping me gain the confidence to write and dedicate time to finishing this ! ik its been a while since we spoke but much love to u angel <3 may u always have the best !
Begrudgingly the students lag off the bus at 10pm, finally having reached their destination.
Tired and sore from their journey the teachers find no trouble in distributing bedrooms for everyone.
When your name is called out along with Tiffany you internally groan - great you think one of the most plastic girls in the school all to myself.
You grimace but make no argument as you could have gotten worse you suppose.
As you grab your belongings and ignore her protests that she doesn't want to room with a loser like you, a dark clad figure pushes past you, almost tripping you over.
Angrily you shout
"Watch where you're going you prick"!
Yet he doesn't so much look in your direction.
Under the dim moonlight you can faintly make out the low blunt of a cigarette in a tattoo clad hand - so it was the infamous Jungkook.
Honestly you didn't understand why all the girls fawned over him when he was just a rude and ignorant asshole. Sure, he had a pretty face but no good soul to match.
Calming yourself, as it was unlikely that you'd ever receive an apology from the school rebel you just head to your new room.
The school had organised a biology trip so that you could gather authentic evidence on the correlation of birds and wood growth in a certain designated area and honestly you were excited- not having enough expenses to get out of town when you were younger meant that this was a treat for you and paired with you being a biology major your inner geek was surfacing pretty quickly.
You move into your room and begin unpacking your things ignoring the chatter coming from your new roommates.
You set everything nicely, precisely -just to your liking. Maybe some would call you fussy, but you like to think of yourself as organised and classy.
You don’t have many thoughts that night as you lay down for bed, but you do hear the news playing in the background.
" a killing has not been sighted for a time breaking the pattern of the 1-week intervals in which they have been happening, but police still advise to remain on high alert at all times. "
You shudder as you think about it, a killer on the loose in the country and everyone powerless to stop him.
He fed of the insecurities of people, the fear of not being safe. He did a damn well good job at it as well.
You look outside and see the police on night duty setting up, the country while terrified also was reluctant to admit the threat and instead of protecting you properly they had merely sent police force units as glorified bodyguards to ' keep you safe '.
You sigh, as you climb under your covers those problems seem like a long way away from you as you drift off with an empty mind.
It was morning, the sun was shining brightly through the windows giving an orange glow to the room.
You were up before your roommates, had brushed your teeth and were already preparing for your project.
You had to do well, you were depending on a scholarship for university, your family could simply not afford it otherwise.
When your first signs of morning hunger begin to strike you venture outside your room in order to satiate yourself. You find that it’s still quiet only a few students up like yourself, you find a coffee machine and immediately begin to make one for yourself.
“While you're at it could you make one for me too".
a deep voice drawls out.
You almost jump out of your skin at the sound his voice breaking the silence you had been enjoying. Jeon Jungkook.
You scowl at him, choosing to ignore him carrying on making your own cup.
He whistles under his breath.
“wow, edgy or a bitch? I can’t decide".
He taunts you.
You roll your eyes at him and sigh in annoyance, his eyebrows raise at this.
“you’re clearly not a morning person".
He speaks.
You mutter under your breath.
" or maybe I’m just not a YOU person, not everyone lives to be nice to you. "
He lifts his hands up in a mock surrender.
“Okay, okay I get it it's a bad time for you jeez.... I suppose I'll have to make my own coffee".
He moves closer to you, totally invading your personal space, clearly, he had never heard of a personal bubble! You scowl and try to move away but he’s faster and is hovering over you before you know it. He looks down at you with those pretty dark eyes.
They’re so gorgeous.
Not that it matters to you because he is still an asshole, and he still ruined your morning.
“get out of my face Jeon Jungkook".
You say between clenched teeth.
You’re not some sort of pushover.
Yes, you're clever, as society classes a nerd but you're not one to let people walk all over you.
If he’s shocked, he doesn’t let on, just hums and lets you walk away, which you do, a little aggressively. You got back to your room and let out a sound of annoyance, the girls are still sleeping.
You sigh.
This was going to be a long trip.
After an uneventful morning, the wait was over and finally the teachers had called you to gather in the common area. Much to your dismay however there would be no actual data collecting until the police had secured the area, which meant that your whole day was pretty much wasted. The other students were chatting and gossiping and being idiots as per usual.
It’s not that you thought you were better than them, it's just that they were so mundane, so lifeless. They were just living on with no sense of direction. You suppose that's what you get for attending a school for rich kids though.
You could never fit in.
So, you never tried. People took pity on you every now and then offered you a smile. You smiled back but that was it. Your thoughts are running and to clear your head you decide to go outside for a little breather.
There isn’t much, just a few abandoned train tracks that seemingly lead into nowhere, a few broken fences and lots of grass. Not much time after this you head to bed.
Finally, the day had arrived, you could collect your samples.
You are so glad that it’s an individual project because you honestly cannot even imagine working with one of those air heads.
You shudder at the memory of having to work with Taehyung last semester for a chemistry practical.
You had to basically pull all the weight for your grade.
So, you get on working your way through your work and proving or disproving your hypothesis.
You’re pleased at the work that you completed. Not entirely satisfied but satisfied enough, for now.
You let out a stiff yawn, you need to stretch and need a little fresh air since you had spent the last few hours writing up your data and making graphs to compliment them.
You forgo your jacket since the weather isn’t so bad.
It’s nice.
When you go outside there are quite a few students already there, goofing around. There is also a pretty scenery, that in all honesty you had not appreciated until right now.
“Wow" you mutter under your breath.
Maybe I should try living outside my own head sometimes.
You spot some students surrounding a police officer and the curiosity gets the better of you and your soon wandering around the outskirts of their conversation.
Alas, it was merely a fruitless conversation. The police officer telling the other about his escapades and how they will be good in hands.
You lose yourself to your own thoughts again and look at the scenery. Until a little scuffle, breaks you out of your thoughts.
“What was that? There was a movement down there!! “
A boy called Josh calls out.
The police officer had also noticed it, then a sound of a gunshot sounds through the air.
The police officers curse and begin to get ready to scout the area. They want you all to go away, be safe inside but you’re all young adults- you want to see what’s going on.
Everyone gathers, watching the officers.
You scan the area; you spot the balcony that looks over the area just in front of the cabins.
Perfect you think that’s the perfect spot to see what’s going on.
So, you begin to climb up the steps to that room, when you get there, you can see everything.
You see a dead dog, a dead bird and the gun which had killed them laid out to where the officers were heading.
Fear grips your heart; your heartbeat is erratic. You think you see the shape of figure retreating into the distance but before you can look again, you feel the ground give way under you.
You let out a shriek, feeling yourself falling.
Is this truly how my life end you wonder I didn’t even get to complete my PhD?
Yet, instead of the hard fall that your body had been anticipating; your landing is softer and lets out a low grunt.
You're sure you're dead and have entered heaven.
Slowly you register a warm feeling under your legs and a secure one at your waist.
oh, this feels nice.
you think, eyes still closed until you hear some chaos in the distance.
what's happening?
Why is heaven so noisy? Are they partying because I’ve arrived? Was I actually an angel all this time am I coming home?
Ah you think this must be the angels- I knew all those days spent doing charity would help me.
You open your eyes and you’re met with bambi eyes staring back at you.
Slowly you begin to piece the rest of your angel together.
“Jeon Jungkook? “
You try and raise your voice to compliment your surprise, but it comes out in a more whisper.
“But this, Jungkook, you were an angel all this time? “you say.
His eyebrows knot together in confusion.
“What are you talking about strawberry?”
You gasp.
"Do we all get code names in heaven? You’re a pretty angel Jungkook. “
Then your eyes zero in on the scar on his cheek.
“Aren’t Angel’s supposed to be blemish free? Is that? Are you fallen? Wait.... for me? Are you my angel Jungkook? “
His eyes, which had previously shown confusion are now coloured with amusement.
“You talk a lot don’t you my little strawberry”.
You vaguely hear the sounds behind you before you begin to feel drowsy and fall limp the arms of your unexpected angel.
Jungkook was, of course no angel, your delirious ass was just doing and saying delirious things. You were going to be mortified when you woke up.
When you come to your room in a dark room, tucked into a warm bed. Your headaches aches as if someone is using a sledgehammer to hit it every second.
‘Agh’ you let out a pained groan.
What even happened? you wonder in your head.
You move quickly, getting out of bed ignoring your protesting limbs.  You almost reach the doors until a pair of arms trap you.
‘woah woah where do you think you're going?’
You let out a scream, completely startled. A hand comes to cover your mouth.
‘man, you really do have a set of lungs, don’t you? ‘
You stop struggling in his embrace to match his voice to a face. Its familiar.
‘Jeon Jungkook?’ you let a little unsure and panic still evident in your voice.
‘your one and only’
You frown.
He smirks at you,
‘that's right yours strawberry’.
You shake your head.
‘are you smoking something? Are you high right now?’
He pouts a little then, it changes his look completely. He looks a little cute.
‘you don't remember? ‘ he cocks his head to the side and points to himself. ‘I'm your angel’.
You scoff.
‘Please in what world are YOU an angel? You're far from it’.
Then it all comes back to you.
Jungkook watches as the realisation begins to show on your face.
‘Oh my god I had a concussion, you cannot be serious right now ‘
He chuckles.
'The words still came out of your mouth' Jungkook counters, he leans closer to you, his face way to close for your liking.
You feel your face grow warm from his proximity, but you don't give him the satisfaction of knowing that.
You scoff and push him away.
‘You're insane’.
He accepts the distance you've placed between the two of you and he chooses to smirk at you from where he is standing.
‘And you're crazy for me’.
You let out an incredulous laugh, not believing him.
‘Oh, my lord, please shut up for the sake of my sanity’.
He chuckles at your flustered state and you scramble your brain to find a change of subject.
‘okay whatever now just excuse me because I need to go back to my room’.
You move to begin walking to the door, but his voice halts your movements.
‘This is your room now’.
You whip around to face him.
‘What?! Ha as if Jeon, why would they room us together- were supposed to separate for the opposite genders- which I totally get when you're involved’ you say disbelief painting your voice. You whisper the last part though.
He puts his hands into his pockets and shrugs.
You set him a hard stare.
‘Save your lame ass men superiority talks for someone else i am having a severe case of I'm not interested’.
Why the hell would you need Jungkook for protection, it reeks of patriarchy and you hate it.
He shrugs.
‘Listen princess I don't know why either really to be honest but I'm not complaining-’
You don't bother entertaining him for much longer.
This can't be true. You cannot be paired into a room with him. He cannot be your new roommate - heck now tiffany doesn't seem so bad. Flirting asshole, you mutter under your breath as you begin searching for your teacher.
You only learn a bitter truth, due to the collapsing of the room you had to be relocated into another room and the only person without a roommate was Jungkook. They ‘trusted’ you enough that you would be able to handle it and not to do anything you were not supposed to.
‘We trust you, y/n’ was what she had told you.
You spend your time cursing out both her and Jungkook as you gather your belongings to move into your new room.
You're so caught up in your own thoughts that you don't notice a foot that comes out to trip you.
You look up and see the faces of three stupid bitches.
Tiffany Jessica and Irene.
They seemed to consider themselves above everybody else, though you've no idea why. Aside from flawless looks they seemed to live pretty empty life in your eyes. They were living definitions of empty shells walking around.
You get up quietly from the ground, you'll gain nothing from engaging with them, maybe you'd lose a few brainless. You just want to go back and rest - your head is killing you.
But to your disappointment they begin to talk.
‘Well, well well, if it isn't the school's new slut moving into MY boyfriend's room’.
You have to let a little laugh at this. This one is seriously deluded. Jungkook didn't do relationships you knew that. Everybody knew that. They had hooked up about 3 months ago and even though he does his best to ignore her she still insists that he is her boyfriend. It's just pathetic and a bit sad you suppose. Her obvious attraction to him which he just does not reciprocate.
She becomes enraged at your actions.
‘listen here you little bitch you better not even think of starting anything with my man-’ she spits out at you.
You snap back then, unable to hold your tongue.
‘I am not a slut, and I will not go after your man- which fyi  he is not. He is a human and he doesn’t belong to you he never has’
She grows red at your words.
‘you little piece of shit-’
She raises her hand but just then a voice interrupts her and she halts her actions.
‘well if it isn't my new roomie, l’ll take that from you strawberry’ Jungkook says, too cheery for your liking, your still contemplating hitting Jessica.
Jessica begins speaking up, but he ignores her turning to you.
Your mouth almost drops open at his dismissal of Jessica but then again, she is annoying, and he cannot be immune to that.
‘Jungkoooook’ she whines when he doesn’t respond to her the first time.
He still doesn’t entertain her.
He moves to take your things from you, but she speaks again, latching onto his arm.
‘just leave her -cshe's just an annoying stuck-up bitch’.
He responds to this under his breath laughing.
‘reminds me of someone ’
She doesn't understand his comment.
‘huh?’ she says almost comically.
‘who baby?’ she pouts at him ‘my poor baby having to deal with such people, just leave with me and we can-’
‘no’ he sets her with a hard stare.
It's like she has forgotten that you're there, so you decide to use this to your advantage, letting Jungkook deal with them. You move to get your suitcase, but a hand stops yours. Its Jungkook.
‘I don’t think so strawberry - I'll be getting those for you’.
You turn to look at him scowl adorning your features.
‘I don’t need your help Jeon’.
He smirks at you.
‘no no - I insist’.
He dismisses Jessica with a wave of his hand and begins to walk away your suitcase in his hand, which prompts you to follow along.
‘What. Was. That. Jungkook?!’ you say when the door closes, you’re fuming because he had made it seem as though you were dating or doing things together which meant that they would keep bothering you, which is just something that you don’t want.
He turns around to face you.
‘oh, don’t get your panties in such a twist, I just needed to get the fuck away from her’.
He sounds angry and this is the Jungkook that you are more accustomed to. Not the flirty one you have been seeing. Hopefully he had given up on whatever he was trying to achieve with that. He was a rude asshole who was just to used to seeing things come out in his favour.
‘excuse me, you just fuelled her whack ass thoughts and next time don’t use me as your escape route’ you say matching his hostile tone.
‘oh, don’t be such a priss, it saved you as much as it saved me’.
An exasperated noise escapes your throat.
‘well maybe you should have kept it in your pants lover boy’.
He sets you with a hard stare.
‘oh, shut up - you don’t know me’ he grits out.
You cock your head to the side much like he had done to you earlier in the day.
‘hmmm I think I know you pretty well Jungkook, you're not as unreadable as you like to think, Jeon Jungkook the infamous bad boy who uses girls to fuel his ego and is used by girls to fuel their own ego and status quo among their own stupid--’
You do not get to finish you sentence however because you're harshly being pinned to the door. His grip on you is hard and it stings but you meet his gaze.
‘shut the fuck up y/n’ the tone of his voice is almost carnal, animal like.
You seriously had hit a nerve.
‘I go beyond your perceptions of me- you little miss goody two shoes’.
You spit back in his face.
‘I've yet to see you act more like a crazed rabbit Jungkook and to be honest I don’t plan on finding out the depths of your character either. I don’t fucking care about you’.
You push him aside and move to unpack your suitcase.
He mutters something under his breath that you can't hear, and he walks out slamming the door behind him.
‘well, that was fun’ you say and begin to take out your notes and books that you will need through the day.
When you wake up the next you feel like you’ve been hit by a ton of bricks. The painkillers had given you the illusion that you were okay. You look a mess, you're tired, you cannot believe that this happened.  You had been looking forward to this for so long, they had told you that another student would be collecting your data. Your new roommate. Jeon Jungkook. He was going to be collecting your data.
This is preposterous! He would probably sabotage you on purpose! This cannot happen, but they wouldn’t budge from their choice. You huff as you look out of the window, where you could be collecting your data along with the other students. Darn you and your curiosity.
They always did say didn’t they- that curiosity killed the cat.
Your walking around the room, pacing- that’s how bored you are. You had reorganised your things 3 times and colour coded all you notes, redrew your graphs, you had done everything that you thought would keep you busy but here you are sitting with nothing to do.  You look around the room see Jungkook's things laying on the ground.
You sigh into the empty room again and just lay down waiting for them to come back. You end up falling asleep.
You're stirred from your sleep, quite rudely by a book being thrown at the foot of your bed. You sit up, still groggy and look at Jungkook.
‘what the hell man’
He stares at you blankly.
‘There's your work priss’
You're not bothered by his hostile tone instead open the book and seeing what he had done, or you suppose looking at it what he had not done. The more you look at the work the more the frown on your face deepens.
‘what the hell is this Jungkook?’
He looks up at you annoyed.
‘the work? Thought you were meant to be a genius?’
You scowl at him.
‘this Jungkook? Is unacceptable a nursery kid could do way better than this !’
He rolls his eyes at you.
‘and? That’s what you're going to get priss so deal with it’.
You make an exasperated sigh.
‘you've used the wrong measurement and everything Jungkook’.
‘look - I don’t care. I didn’t want to do this for you anyway’.
‘like I wanted YOU to do it for me’.
You sigh,
You keep bumping into him everywhere, you know he is your roommate but he is always there at the cafeteria taking the last donut which you had been craving pushing in line, making unnecessary comments and he makes the room so messy!
It’s the same thing for the next few outings, Jungkook comes with the same half assed versions of the data you need.
You try, you really you try so hard to use the data sets he provided but its no use. They're absolutely useless, so you decide to take matters into your own hands.
Your going to sneak out early in the morning, you have to sneak past the guards which as you’ve gathered won't be as hard as one may think because they are not good or much invested in their job anyway.
You prepare yourself and head to set out in the morning. You quietly get up so as not to disturb or wake Jungkook. If he sees you, you know that there will be trouble.
You throw on a hoodie and grab a notebook, a pen and your watch. You have to be back before anyone can notice that you're gone.  You steel yourself one last time, giving yourself a pep talk and sneak out. You hold your breath as you walk past the room of your supervisor and out the back door of the cabins.
This isn't so bad you think. Once you're out of sight of the guards and you think your safe, you let out a sigh of relief and do a little shimmy out of your happiness. You are so pleased and proud of yourself. What you didn’t know that behind you, watching your every move was a boy covered in tattoos with a cigarette in his hand watching you with an amused face.
Jungkook was, not as you thought asleep when you had snuck out. He was also outside, leaning on the side of the building a cigarette in his hand, he couldn’t sleep that night, it happened to him on most nights so he routinely wakes up to have a smoke. On this particular day there is not the usual eerie morning silence that he is used to, but a few grunts and hisses to accompany it. He furrows his brows.
Is that? He thinks y/n!?!?!?!?!?
No way he thinks what the hell is she up to?
Then he catches sight of your notebook and pen.
'Oh, what a nerd' he mutters under his breath. Then he smirks.
He can totally use this to his advantage.
He stubs his cigarette, pulls his hoodie over his head and follows you.
Your heart is still racing you honestly cannot believe that you. l/n f/n are doing this.
‘What a badass’ you say into the silence.
‘Badass? Sneaking out to do bloody work is your idea of badass?’ a voice speaks up behind you.
You shriek startled and are met with Jungkook.
Why is it always him?
‘what in the bloody tarnation's.... are you trying to kill me Jungkook?!’ you say putting your hand on your heart.
He grins pleased at the reaction he had elicited from you.
He cocks his head to the side.
‘what the hell are you doing here ?!’ you hiss at him.
‘could ask you the same thing strawberry’ he replies.
You look at him.
You were so sure that you had been quiet, how could he be here to ruin everything.
‘you do realise that I actually have name, and it's not strawberry’ you say to him.
He shrugs.
‘Yeah but you always smell like them’.
You scoff;
‘and you always reek of cigarettes.’
He frowns but then asks you again.
‘what are you doing here?’
You think of excuses,
‘I'm - I'm on a walk’ you say.
He lifts his eyebrow up.
‘a walk?’
You nod.
‘that's right for my daily exercise its been a pain to be stuck indoors’.
He snorts.
‘you're on a walk with your graph paper pad and pencil case?’
You curse inside your head.
‘yeah I am a nerd after all’ you say, hoping and praying that he’ll just let you go on your way.
He doesn’t
‘I don’t know, you look awfully suspicious to me, do tell why you're heading to the sight of our data collection points when the trail track is in the opposite direction?’ he says.
You rack your brains for an answer.
‘well, I like an adventure’ you say, standing straight.
‘oh, is that so?’ he says laughter infiltrating his tone.
‘yes’, you say meeting his eyes.
‘hmm’ he says ‘I don’t believe you’ he says.
‘do you wanna know what I think?’ he continues.
He takes one step closer to you.
‘I think that our resident miss goody two shoes is sneaking off when told specifically that she can't’ his gaze burns into yours
You feel yourself going red out of embarrassment.
‘I literally have no idea what you're talking about Jungkook' you say breathless.
He leans closer and you can feel his body heat, he continues to bore his eyes into your own and you almost fall into his gaze until you feel your book being snatched out of your hand.
‘HEY!’ you say reaching for it.
But he holds it higher than himself, opens it to the last written on page.
‘new data collection points’ he reads out ‘and oh would you look at that ! It has todays dates written on it’ he says looking down at you with a squint in his eyes.
You huff.
‘well obviously I had to do this because how on earth could I let your lame ass results and data reading be used for my final piece – I'm not looking to fail’ you say venom laced in every word.
He scowls at you.
‘there was nothing wrong with my results princess’ he grits out.
‘oh, please save it’ you snap back ‘you didn’t even use the same measurements – your hopeless’.
‘well, if I'm so fucking useless you should do my work for me’ he says.
You set him a level stare.
‘you heard me’ he says with a roll of his eyes.
‘and why in the hell would I do that? I don’t care if you fail Jungkook, heck I don’t care if you get kicked out’ you tell him.
He shakes his head.
‘well, I mean I could go back right now and tell Miss Taylor-’ he begins.
You narrow your eyes at him.
‘You wouldn’t dare’.
He holds a staring contest with you.
‘oh, wouldn’t I?’ he says.
You both hold each other's gazes before you give in.
You cannot believe the audacity of this asshole.
‘fine whatever asshole’ you say folding your arms and turning around.
He grins in victory and places your notebook back into your hands.
‘chop chop partner get to it’ he says.
You glare at him.
‘partners pull equal weight Jungkook ‘
He rolls his eyes.
‘I don’t really care – you just need to get a move on’.
You turn around no longer wanting to deal with his annoying ass.
You make it forward a few steps before you stop and turn around.
‘why are you following me?’  you ask him.
He rolls his eyes at your apparent dumbness.
‘well smartass, there is a killer on the loose if you didn’t know’.
You freeze up for a second,
You had almost forgotten. You don’t let him see that you're scared.
‘and? ‘ you say feigning composure.
‘what the hell are you going to do if he pops out of the woods anyway?’
He shrugs.
‘I dunno actually a lot more than you could do anyway’
You stare at him.
‘I could be a black belt in karate for all you know’.
He laughs.
‘okay princess whatever - I just need to make sure that you're not going to fuck this up’.
So, you turn going to the place you need to, to collect your data pieces.
With having to do Jungkook's work as well, it takes a lot longer to complete than you would have liked.
He is surprisingly bearable in the mornings that you both sneak off though. He doesn’t say much. Just watches you – pretends he isn't though.
You catch him once. Its been about 2 weeks since you started this godawful task, and Jungkook's notes and work were in dire need of help so its taking you time. This time however you meet his gaze before he is able to pull away.
You cock your head to the side.
‘what are you staring at?’ you say placing your hands on your hips.
He says something inaudible under his breath.
‘what was that?’
He snaps at you.
‘do you think you have tie to stand around making idle talk with me? The work ain’t going to do itself princess.’
You huff in annoyance.
How dare he! This was just plain wrong anyway I should not even be doing this, but you knew it was the only way. You couldn't risk getting caught and with Jungkook you wouldn't be surprised if he really did rat you out you to all the teachers. And if he did well, you wouldn’t be receiving a very good reference.
It was during an early morning that you hear Jungkook walk off into the distance. Probably to smoke, such a bad habit you tsk.
But you're also done for the day – so you begin to head back on your own.
You feel the grass brush against your feet as you walk back. You’re humming along to that song that was always on the radio, when you hear it. A little whimper - then a cry. You know that you shouldn’t go to look, you know that you're paying for your curiosity already and you don’t need another thing to happen, but you just cannot help yourself!
You follow the sound, going on a detour from the track.
You do consider yourself somewhat of a badass but a serial killer? Yeah, they kinda scare the shit out of you. You hold your breath and walk as quietly and slowly as you can. You hear the whimper again to your left but its deeper into the woods.
As you walk closer you see a pool of blood - your eyes widen, and your heartbeat becomes erratic.
‘what the fuck?’ you whisper into the silence.
You walk closer to the body of the animal and you can feel your knees grow a little weak you can see a white paper which has been tainted red with the blood of the animal that was killed.
You gasp, taking it up in your hands. Your hands also become stained with the redness.
It's in Morse code.
-.-- --- ..- / ... .... --- ..- .-.. -.. -. .----. - / -... . / .-- .- -. -.. . .-. .. -. --. / --- ..- - / .- .-.. --- -. .
You look at it for a while and rack your brains to be able to translate it but no such look. Your mind is busy running at 100miles per hour. As you try and clear your head and look at the note one more time, but a noise in the distance pulls you way from any semblance of concentration that you could have obtained.
You frantically look around trying to locate where the sound had come from. Your senses are all on a high right now. You shove the piece of paper into your pocket and begin to go back the way that you came. After the first few steps you begin running your head running wild with the idea of being found dead in ditch. Your nearly at the main path which you had strayed from. You make it onto the path, and you bend over catching your breath when two arms encircle you from behind.
You let out a scream.
A hand is placed over your mouth.
‘shut the fuck up y/n’.
You recognise THAT voice. Its Jeon Jungkook. Why is this motherfucker always trying to scare you? Your turn around and hit him on the chest,
‘what the actual hell Jeon, you gave me a bloody heat attack and a half’.
He doesn’t respond. He is looking at you, his eyebrows are furrowed and his eyes have a glint of anger. He is furious.
‘where the fuck did you go y/n?’ he says, he holds your wrist stopping you from hitting him again.
He holds it in the air holding your gaze.
‘I was.... walking back’ you didn't want him to know what you had found. He would probably tell you it was a bad idea to even translate it. Which it was, but what is life if not for taking risks?
You yank your hand from his grasp.
He looks at you an unreadable expression on his face.
“you’re a fucking liar “he says.
You scoff.
“oh please, what’s it to you anyway jungkook, you left me first “
He doesn’t say anything, but observes you, trying to look for signs of what you’re hiding.
He had found one too, a dead animal and a note written in Morse.
But he could read it and he knew he was in trouble
“Be careful, or your little girlfriend may be snatched from right under your arms “
He swore under his breath as he read it and immediately began to make his way back to you.
“strawberry?” he calls out but you’re not there.
You’re not there and he hates the feeling of dread that sits in his stomach.
He runs back the way you came, but he still finds no trace of you
“fucking hell where did she go?”
He almost gives up and is going to tell the police when you appear before him, out of breath and you look terrified.
He knows you’re lying, if you were where, you said you were, he would have seen you.
He narrows his eyes at you again.
“I left for two seconds and you ran off. Where the fuck did you go? “
He asks, he wants you tell him, needs you to, he’s overcome with this sense to protect you but you don’t trust him. He needs to change that.
He lets you believe that you have him fooled, that he believes your story and he begins to walk back to the cabins right before the call for breakfast is sounded. You follow after him breathing in a sigh of relief that he had believed you.
That night you find it difficult to sleep. You need to find out the meaning of the Morse code, but you don't have access to a book that will help you translate, meaning that you will have to ask around without looking too suspicious.
You decide that a police officer would do nicely, if you seem overly invested in their job, they would just give you the information.
You spot the officer who looks younger than most, you remember his name.
Park Jimin.
You approach him cautiously.
“Officer park?”
He turns around to face you, smiling softly.
Oh, he’s cute you think.
“yes miss?”
You smile at him warmly.
“nothing serious it’s just that I was wondering if you would like some company, it must be a little boring for you out here on your own “
You say to him and you’re glad you asked him because either way his face breaks out into a smile that has your heart fluttering.
“how very kind of you miss! And yes, a little company wouldn't hurt “, he grins at you.
As you strike up conversation, with the officer you fail to notice a figure dressed in black listening in on your conversation. Jungkook listens in as you try and get information out of officer. He knew it. You had also come across the same note, as he had. He wonders what yours said.
He leaves after a bit, leaving both of you oblivious to the fact that he was even there in the first place.
When you get back to your room, you see Jungkook sitting at the foot of his bed frown on his face.
You ignore him and write down the information you'd just got given by Officer Park. You felt a little bad manipulating him when he was so nice but you just had to know what it meant.
Jungkook speaks up.
“that was a nice conversation you were having with Officer Park “
He says,
You whip you’re head up to look at him and closing your notebook harshly.
“What? Were you eavesdropping on my conversation?”
He rolls his eyes
“Why would I be listening to the conservation of the school nerd with a cop? No, I just happened to hear in passing “
You let out a breath that you didn’t know you were holding.
“That’s mighty rude of y-" you begin to retort before he cuts you off
“what’s a biology nerd like you need with Morse code?” He asks.
Your mind malfunctions for a moment until you bring yourself back together.
“A little extra knowledge hurts no one you know?” you say appearing nonchalant.
He narrows his eyes
“I know it”
You look at him
“you do?”
He nods,
“why need something translating?” he tries.
You think about it, but ultimately decided against showing him the note you found.
You have no clue what it says. You don’t want him understanding before you do.
You shake your head,
“No, I don’t “
You say, deciding enough is enough and you need to sleep now to be up in the morning.
The next morning you sleep in, meaning that you couldn’t do the work that was set out for you. You stretch and moan as you get out of bed when you sit up and open your eyes fully your locks onto the Bambi ones from across the room. You let out a shriek!
‘What the hell why were you watching me you creeper!’ you say pointing a finger at Jungkook.
He rolls his eyes at you.
‘oh, please don’t flatter yourself’.
‘why didn’t you wake me up? Its so late !’ you question him.
He looks at you and says words that you don’t think that you would hear.
‘I think that we should lay off for a bit strawberry’
You look at him in shock
‘but why!?’
He doesn’t really give you much of an answer in his usual Jungkook manner.
You sigh.
Over the next few weeks, you rarely bump into Jungkook, you see him sometimes in the cafeteria and you can always feel him just watching you it makes you grow warm when you notice his staring.
Jungkook is also going crazy. You drive him crazy.
You guess that you'll have to work at the same pace as everyone, truthfully you had actually caught up with your work that was missed a while ago, you were just doing extra readings to stay ahead. One step ahead of everyone. But you guess that that is going to be changed now.
It had been a while since you had been on your morning trips with jungkook and though you hate to admit it, you kind of missed it.
He wasn't as bad company as you thought he would be, he was oddly quiet which meant that without him talking as much, you really got to admire his beauty. And good lord was he handsome, you understand why people are attracted to him, when his mouth is closed, he’s fine. Basically, you became a little horny when you saw him, it had been ages since you had had sex even masturbated, since you now had room with him.
Jungkook has such strong sharp features which sometimes go all soft, if he pouts while he’s thinking or a bird catches his attention, his eyes will go big and doe like. It's cute. Everybody had two sides you suppose, yours was your horny side (lol what)
Okay maybe, more time to admire him was a bad thing, you did not need to have sexual fantasies with him, no, that was a big no no.
It's been a few weeks since Jungkook had asked you to lay low for a while and in that time, you had been asking around about the killer to the police. You tried your best not to seem suspicious about it though, if they caught on – well it wouldn’t exactly end well. So, you make slow progress, you did make progress though, however.
You could now understand the note and while it scared you, it also ignited something in you that you didn’t even know that you possessed inside of you. You wanted to outdo him, you want to find him, lead him into a trap or something like that anyway. You want to catch him.
Something in the back of your mind is telling you begging you to stop being so stupid, but you ignore and continue to daydream about catching this bastard.
But it can only cure your boredom for a while – you get bored and what better to do when you're bored than to read erotica novels?
You had packed this book with you – the secrets of the alluring painter in France. You had taken to reading at night time on some nights.
Like tonight.
You need a wind down, so you pull out your book, and it has such racy scenes that leave you clenching around nothing.
Your sexual imagination goes wild when you read the erotica in the book and the way they make it seem so fiery, you were no virgin - you knew what sex was like, but never has it been close to the way it is in the book.
You’ve allowed yourself to fall into this horrible habit, at night, when Jungkook is asleep to touch yourself, play with yourself, pretending it is you who is being touched by Kim Taehyung the painter with many secrets.
You feel yourself growing more frustrated with each passage you read, it becomes a little irritating and, you have to touch yourself or you'll go crazy, the man in the book was doing it so well, so hot.
Kim Taehyung, he was described as an utter beauty, soft black hair and soft eyes, a deep voice that just made the reader swoon, you close your eyes and reach your hands down to your shorts, they slip past the hem.
You wish you could moan, wish that you could be vocal, like you were in your bedroom when it was just you and your pillow, but there was one big problem and that was Jeon Jungkook.
Why did you have to room with him?
You lighten your breathing and listen for signs of him being awake, but he seems to be breathing really deep, he is asleep you assure yourself.
You turn the lamp off, at the side of your bed, setting the book on the bedside table.
You trail your hand down your stomach, much like Taehyung had done to the main character, he slowly lets his fingers flutter over the top of her shorts, and you do the same. You build the tension, like it's his beautiful hands working against you.
You pause and let your fingers slip past the hem of your panties, you trace over the fabric covering you - first over your mound, stroking sensually.
How had Taehyung done it?
Right yes, he had used his nails slightly and grazed over lightly, a slight pressure but nothing that hurt - it was just enough to make you squirm under your own touch.
You feel your own wetness, feel how obscene it is in the darkness of the night.
Jungkook is right there, and while it scares you, it also thrills you, you feel a new wave of arousal and adrenaline when you remember he is there.
Slowly and as quietly as possible you shuffle, moving to take your shorts off, it's a little loud but you think that you're okay, Jungkook is out like a log.  After a moment you continue to tease yourself.
Running your fingertips over your lips, pressing down on your hole and clenching, withholding the need to hiss.
You raise your hand further and your fingers land right at the centre of your pleasure.
Your clit. Oh, the beautiful bundle of nerves.
You cover your mouth with a hand to stifle the moan that you almost let out when you begin to rub small circles around the sensitive nub.
When you can’t get enough your panties are next to go, and when the cold air hits your wet centre you have to hold your breath, shaky.
You reach down and gather your slick slowly, spreading it all over your centre, making yourself drown in your own arousal, you use your middle and ring finger to slide up and down at a pace that leaves you edged and eager for more, you need to bring yourself to the very edge to get yourself the release that you’re after, you free hand travels up to your ever sensitive boobs, you play with them, brushing over the nipple, making them perk and then groping them while you rub at your clit.
A dirty thought crosses your mind, when you remember the boy who was asleep across from you.
What if, he was the one to touch, the one touching you, with those beautiful hands of his, those big hands.
You stifle another moan, as you think about him, hovering over you, giving it to you just right. You had heard that Jungkook could actually make a girl cum while having sex, that made you a little interested. It’s just he always opens his mouth and is an ass and ruins everything. But right now, in your imagination, only his looks and reputation matter, you twist and turn his character to be someone that you can gain pleasure from.
You can the pleasure increase and you begin to fasten your speed until you feel the signs of your orgasm and then you pull away. Edging yourself.
Your breathing is a little heavy and your work on controlling it, both your hands go to fondle your breasts and you unconsciously lift your hips, humping the air, you lean down again and enter three fingers easily into your own heat.
The squelching sound heard is deafening in the silent room, your cheeks burn red and you pull out slowly, so that was a no no, you would have to focus on your clit for you orgasm. Which was fine because you were so sensitive from playing with yourself, you know that it would only take a few more strokes to get there.
You press the fingers that were just inside of you, against your sensitive bud and you rub in slowly circles and then fastening your place and then slowing once more.
Jungkook comes into your mind again, ugh, now his lips, his pretty pink lips and the way he licks them, and the way they glisten under the sun. What if they were attached to your clit, if he was using his face to give you pleasure, like Taehyung had done to the main character of the novel, God it was so filthy.
Its driving you insane and you love it, the frustration will only make your release all the more powerful.
After a while you feel the fire blooming in your bottom of your stomach, and you quicken your pace to the point where you feel light and the waves of pleasure rack over your whole body.
You press your hand to your mouth again to conceal the gasps that are escaping you, you sigh and fall back onto your pillow feeling so much better and lighter.
Gosh did that feel good. You were aware that in your mind alarms were going off in your mind. You had thought of Jungkook while masturbating. It was a line you have no idea why you crossed. How would you look him in the eye now?
After a while, you pull up your panties and shorts and you promise yourself a shower in the morning.
What you didn't know was that the raven-haired boy of your fantasies was in fact awake and now painfully hard as he listened to your filthy little moans and gasps, he grabs his own member in his pants, strokes slowly. He spreads the pre-cum over his member before setting the fast pace that he liked, his breaths through his nose – to conceal the way his breathing has become strained. His hair becomes damp from sweat and it sticks to his forehead. He came much faster that he would care to admit the thought of you right there yet unreachable the fact that you were so NAUGHTY under all that good girl.
Turning him on, making him needy.
He breathes heavy, thinking of you under him as he squirts out cum into his pants, Jungkook too showers in the morning after you.
After this Jungkook stays up at night, listening to you, seeing if you would do it again, you do and, on those nights, Jungkook cums at the same time as you. He feels a little pathetic, he knows that he can fuck a lot of girls in the class right, but it wasn't you, God he wants it to be you writhing underneath him.
It’s the next morning and you're getting ready for your shower.
You're gathering your clothes and shampoo and creams into a little bundle and are about to open the door to the shower, when it is opened for you. The song that you were softly humming gets stuck in your throat when you register that the door was opened by Jungkook.
A very naked Jungkook.
Your face grows red, and your eyes wander over his gorgeous body, the tattoos that trail up his arm and a few on his waist, God they looked amazing.
Your ogling comes to a stop when he clears his throat. Oh, shit you think - I was staring. You quickly look up and your eyes meet Jungkook's.
He is smirking at you and as soon as you meet his gaze, he lets his own wander over body – taken in the skin that was exposed in your pyjama shorts and a t-shirt that had been small for you since you turned 13 years old.
He looks up and down your body brazenly before meeting your eyes. He licks his lips, and you zero in on it. God it was so annoying that he was this hot.
How could this be happening now? When you had spent a while avoiding him? And him you? Why did this happen after you were thinking of him last night? Oh god you grow red again and you think what if he had heard you? God, that would be embarrassing. You look at his lips again, avoiding his gaze again but maybe his eyes would have been a better option because as soon as you look at his lips, the same filthy thoughts come back to you - you shift uncomfortably trying to calm yourself. In that time, you don't notice but Jungkook has come closer to you.
You register his closeness when a water droplet from his hair falls onto your cheek. You move away slightly.
You don’t realise it but in your extended silence of checking each other out the both of you have moved closer to each other. There is no longer what people would call a healthy distance between the two of you anymore. He looks down at you and licks his lips again. His hair is wet and the way he runs his hand through it – he looks so good like this. Your dirty thoughts run wild again. Its only when another water droplet from his hair falls onto your cheek that you finally snap out of it. You move a step back.
“You look a little hot strawberry is anything the matter?” He asks you, a teasing lilt on his voice.
It’s way too early for this, you cannot be dealing with this right now, not when your mind has gone on a memory flashback to last night and he was right here in front you, so very naked.
Still, you feign your ever composed self.
“I’m just fine” you say through gritted teeth.
“I need to shower and your kind of standing in my way” you tell him.
He chuckles, a deep chuckle, gosh how are you this horny in the morning? Stop it y/n you think.
“I don't think you really mind though do you strawberry, you seem to have a very different secretive side” he says, cocking his head to the side.
You blush, shit had he heard you?
“I have no idea what you're talking about Jungkook” you say to him “I need to shower though”.
You move to get away from his hearted stare but just before you enter the washroom, a hand grabs onto your wrist and pulls you back.
Jungkook looks at you, a deep and confusing stare.
“Be careful, it’s quite wet in there” he says and then his tongue pokes into the side of his cheek. Then suddenly, he lets you go and walks off to his side of the room, your left in shock at his words and quickly scurry to get into the bedroom before more heated tension breaks through.
You shake your head of all thoughts and quickly go into the shower, what you don’t realise is that you accidently drop something, the note with the raven-haired boy who you had left in the bedroom.
Its later on during this day that Jungkook approaches you.
'Hey strawberry’ he says to you.
You raise your eyebrows at him, what’s with his sudden kindness.
‘hey’ you reply voice dipped in surprised.
‘Oh, shut up, I just came to talk to you’.
You look at him.
‘I didn’t say anything but okay…. talk then’ you gesture your hands between your two bodies.
He lets out an exasperated gasp.
‘The note – did you find one?’ he asks. You still in the next sip of coffee that you were going to take. You feel yourself grow cold. How did he find out?
He looks at you.
‘So, you did’.
‘I didn’t say that’ you say tone slightly higher than normal – you were a terrible liar.
He laughs at you
‘Hmm is that so?’
‘I have no idea what you’re talking about Jungkook’.
He looks at you, more serious this time.
“Listen y/n there's no point playing dumb, I found your stupid note anyway”.
You watch mortified as he pulls out the note that you had thought was in your pocket. Well shit then.
“I- I have never seen that before in my life Jungkook” you can't let him know; he would ruin everything - you convince yourself.
He looks at you, he’s getting annoyed that you're lying to him. He pokes his tongue against his cheek again.
“I suggest you stop lying”.
You scoff.
“Why would I ever need to lie to you your nobody to me Jungkook”.
Something akin to hurt flashes across his face for a few seconds before he slams his hands on the table.
“I don’t think you know what you're even getting into strawberry”.
You gather your belongings getting up, you need to get away from him.
“And I don't think you know what the fuck you're talking about Jungkook”.
You walk off leaving him there, but he follows after you,
“Listen I found one too, you don't need to be miss hero or anything”.
You carry on walking, not bothering to give him an answer, he would want to tell the teachers and everyone, they would cancel the trip and then how would you finish gathering your evidence? No, he was insane.
“I don’t know what you're talking about”.
‘you think your so fucking slick, don’t you? Asking around and acting unsuspicious but your wrong I could sense your stupid plan from a mile away’ he says to you, pulling you on your arm effectively stopping you so you can't walk away from him anymore. You struggle out of his hold.
‘and so, what? So, what if you know? What the hell are you going to do Jungkook? Tell on me? Are you going to threaten to tell the teachers because you know what? I’ve been thinking about it and I think they would much rather take my word for yours and all this work I’ve been doing for you – I could easily go right now and show the teachers and say that you forced me to do it!! ’
He looks at you angrily, looks like he is going to swear or curse you out but then his face relaxes.
‘you say that baby, but the truth is I have money and you don’t if I want to manipulate something I can because I have the means and power to do so, my dad's made himself something while yours totted away in the fucking garbage can’.
You feel the anger come over you and he smirks at you.
‘real fucking classy Jeon, yeah insult my parents – like it's their fault they were born into a world where people are born with silver spoons on their mouth, and at least my parents love me Jungkook’
His eyes flash with hurt
‘how do you now my parents don't love me you little bitch?’
You laugh an empty laugh at his face.
‘just look at you – you’re the very definition of boohoo my parents don't love me so I'm going to kick up a mess, so they notice me for once’.
He groans in frustration at your words then.
Somehow amidst your confrontation with Jungkook you had managed to reach your room, why are you here? Why did your feet have to leave you here?
You walk into the room and as soon as he gets in, Jungkook grabs you by the wrist and pins you against the door, your books and pencils fly across the room and while your mortified - he doesn't even bat an eyelid.
Your breathing is both heavy as you look each other in the eyes, waiting for the other to say something.
You struggle against his hold, uselessly, curse him for doing his workout routine every morning.
“You found the fucking note y/n when you went missing in the woods that day, the note that’s in Morse code, the note that you spent a week trying to decode, don't act fucking dumb” he grits out.
You still try and keep up your act,
“I have no clue in the world what you're talking Jeon, I think you're going fucking insane” you seethe out
He growls, yes, he growls.
“Your seriously fucking pissing me off now, I know you did, I know you found it”.
“Fuck off, Jungkook does it look like I care if I am fucking pissing you off”.
He looks into your eyes again and whispers something like “fucking priss” before he is connecting your lips in a kiss, a kiss that is full of ego, passion and heat. You can feel in searing through your body so fiery, setting your nerves alight.
He is relentless in his pace. His mouth against yours and God indeed Jungkook is good kisser. Before you knees grow weak you move your hands to tangle in his hair and you pull at the end causing him groan against his lips, when he does you swipe your tongue into his mouth getting a taste. You pull harder, and he groans again. It was a sound that you know you would like to hear again.
His hands move from the door and one tangles in your hair while the other presses harshly on your waist. You gasp at the pleasure and at this he takes over, he fights your own tongue for dominance and once he wins, he is rough, he wants all his saliva in your mouth, wants his taste on you, wants you to feel him in every way.
When he knows that your just as enthralled by his kisses he pulls back to taunt you - whispering the words against you bruised lips.
“You act like such a fucking little priss don't you? Act like your better than me? Lying to me? Fuck you drive me insane”.
He attacks your neck now, leaving open mouthed kisses along your ear and neck. He nibbles lightly at a few areas and when he gets to just the right place - where your breath hitches and you move your thighs together he bites down harshly without warning and you try you best to suppress your moans. Not wanting to give him any satisfaction.
“I am better than you” you say to him breathlessly, “I don’t just act like it, I am”.
He bites harder at that and you wince - Jungkook is painting you skin wine and purple and your letting him and it feels so goddamn good. He pulls you back by the hair to look at him,
“You don't look much better than me when you are bending at my will, when you're looking so fucked out and I’ve done is fucking kiss you”.
Your answer is swallowed by a moan that you let out as he takes you breasts into his big hands, and squeezes hard, you pull him up from your neck and kiss him again, his lips, your lips bruising and fighting against one another.
He trails his hand down further and dances around the hem of your pants for a while, and you place your own over his, just as your about to lead him further down a knock is heard at your door.
You both freeze
“y/n?” A voice calls out.
You calm yourself before answering, still a little shaky.
“Our guest speaker has arrived, I just thought you might like to ask him a few questions before he gives his talk”.
Jungkook swears under his breath, raking a hand through his hair.
“You fucking nerd”.
He pulls you back by your pony tail and the back of your head lands on his shoulder, he tilts you slightly, so he has better access to kiss and leave more marks against your skin.
“Ah- I thank you, I’ll come in an ah- while” you say, and you hear the footsteps walk off, Jungkook spins you around and he goes to kiss you again, but you pull away.
“No, just, stop I have to go and talk”.
He looks at you “you fucking nerd” he kisses you once more, like he can't get enough of your mouth.
You pull away again.
uh what in the fuck just happened you think.
This was not meant to happen.
“Look Jungkook, I did, that is my note and I- I’ll, we can talk just not now, okay? I-I have to go. This is important"
He doesn't say anything, just watches as you fix your appearance in the mirror, an appearance he had ruined, and he smirks a little in triumph. He watches as you gather your books that had been thrown onto the floor and he watches as your ass is on display for him and God, he wishes he could grab a handful, but he doesn’t. He just watches.
You walk out the room, without so much as looking at him again and he feels oddly rejected.
He knows that you had felt good, he had heard you groan against his mouth, grind against his clothed member but he hadn't ever been walked out on before. He's not sure what exactly he is feeling. Its not a good feeling - that he was walked out on and for some old ass lecturer too.
He watches the door close, and he sits and waits for you to finish being a nerd. But truthfully it is a little hot to him that you’re so independent, you do things for yourself, your confidence and your wit, it makes you fun, you piss him off, but your company is nicer than the ones that he is used to.
He sighs what the fuck is he getting himself into.
You take a breath as you exit the room,
What in the fuck just happened? you think.
Well, when you promised Jungkook that you would talk to him you hadn't been in your right mind.  Why did you agree to that like fuck? You have no idea what to even say. How do you even start that conversation like...?
"Hey, was just wondering if you would like to you know? Go on a hunt for a serial killer with me?"
Gosh this was so stupid and the kiss, gosh your face heats up as you remember the way he had kissed you - oh so sweet and so naughty!
Gosh you were in bad, as an adult you decide to deal with the problem logically, you'll just ignore him. That will work, Jungkook had a small attention span anyway. You're sure he would forget. You really hope he does.
371 notes · View notes
Class Drama and Anger Issues
Hey besties this will contain swearing, violence, catcalling/ sexual harassment, blood and just horrible behaviour so please take care reading this, love you all <3
You had always been very protective of your friends
It wasn’t like you didn’t think they could stand up for themselves
You understood that 100%
However whenever anyone insulted them or talked bad about them you were the first person to throw hands
You were sure that your jaw had locked from how long you had been tensing it. You see, being sat at the back of the classroom was great, you could see everyone and hear everyone. Which means that whenever someone decided to bitch and moan about the people in the little group you had managed to join, that you would be the first person to hear it. Like right now for example, Liz and Peter had broken up a few days ago and she didn’t take it so well and had taken up talking about him behind his back. Which had led us to this: you at the back of the room, fists and jaw clenched in an effort to not walk over to her and her little friends and wipe that smug look right off her face. “And he isn’t even that smart, God knows how he got into Stark industries” nope that was it, that was the last straw. You pushed the stupid science lab chair back so hard it fell to the ground, heads turned to you as you stormed over to where Liz and her group where currently at which just happened to be at the front of the classroom. God, were you lucky that the teacher had left to go grab some more textbooks from some cupboard down the hall, otherwise you would have been dead when you said “Listen Liz. Peter is an amazing and smart boy who cares more for others than he does himself. He works harder than anyone else I know and he still manages to make sure others are okay. He is twice the person you will ever be and if you don't shut up in the next 2 minutes you won’t have to worry about being bitter over a breakup, you’ll be too worried about getting a set of new teeth”. If this was a cartoon steam would be pouring from your ears and your face would be blood red, which wasn’t too far from what you looked like now. Peter had taken a sick day and thank god he had, otherwise he would have killed you for even saying anything, however Ned was still here and he was waiting to see how far you would go before having to step in and calm you down. “Oh how sweet L/n, you think you’re all strong and scary” her and her friends' sickly sweet laughs echoed in your ears as you clenched your fists even harder. “Y/n come on Peter wouldn’t want this” ned tried to reason and even in your rage filled stupor you realised he was right and took a breath to try and calm yourself down “say anything again and you’ll see just how strong and scary I can be” you spat, stroming away, grabbing your bag and walking out of the room just in time for your teacher to walk back in, “where’s L/n?” he asked. 
Okay maybe you did tend to overreact 
You just really cared about your friends
They were there when you needed them and you wanted to do the same 
You couldn’t help it that you got angry when people decided to talk about them 
In some situations though it was acceptable to get angry
You, Mj and Betty had been coming back from the Cinema late one night after deciding that you deserved to spend some time together after exam week to treat yourselves. Unfortunately walking through the streets at 10pm meant getting some very unwanted attention from older men. “Hey mama looking good” one man slurred as you walked past him grabbing the girls hands a little tighter in an attempt to ground yourself and reassure them that you would keep them save, “hey don’t be like that, we just want to talk” another man added, honestly what was it with them? Couldn’t they see you obviously didn’t want to “talk” to them. You hadn’t even realised your feet had stopped moving until Betty gently placed her hand on your shoulder and whispered “It’s fine just let it go” and tried to give you a nudge in the direction you had originally been going. “Hey! Don’t just ignore us! We know you want some attention” you didn’t know who had said it and at this point you didn’t care, worrying more about teaching them a thing called respect than about who voiced their unwanted thoughts. Letting go of your friends hands, turning around slowly and walking towards the men with a smile on your face so sweet it was almost scary. “Didn’t anyone ever tell you that women aren’t your submissive little toys?” you sung punctuating your sentence with a kick to one guy's nuts and a punch to the other's nose. “Because someone really should” and as the men were recovering from your atack you stalked away along the dimly lit street and continuing your journey to Mj’s house.
Okay so we have clearly established your hatred towards people who disrespect your friends 
The Avengers new about your strong feelings and respected the fire that you had 
Of course they did have Bruce try and teach you some breathing exercises 
Spoiler alert they didn’t help very much 
So when Bucky got a call from your school telling him that he would have to pick you up as you were suspended for a week
He couldn’t say he was surprised
“I’m going to pick Y/n up from school, be back in a bit” Bucky called to the rest of the team who had been watching some sort of reality show on the new Tv Tony had no reason to buy but did, “why? What happened?” Steve replied, a look of concern on his face “They got into a fight and so they are suspended for a week” the supersoldier sighed, grabbing the car keys and whispering “what did you do this time Y/n” to himself.
I’ll tell you what happened
You had been on your way to English when you had seen Flash taunting Mj, waving her book above his head and laughing hysterically about something. Instantly you dropped your bag to the floor and stormed over to them “Hey Flash, what are you doing there buddy?” you shouted loud enough to seem intimidating but not loud enough to capture the attention of the teachers and students who were already in class. “None of your business Y/n, move along” he spat back, if looks could kill he would be six feet under and halfway to hell as you ripped the book from his grasp and slammed him into the lockers “really? Because to me it looks like you’re being rude to my good friend Mj and I don’t take that very lightly”. Gripping him by the collar and pushing him even further into the lockers that he was sure his body had made a dent in the metal, however flash was never one to give up like the shaking leaf of a man he was. Pushing you hands off and shoving you by your shoulders he said “aww look Mj your angry little guard dog has come to your rescue again. How sweet” if there was one thing you hated more than stupid boys and disrespect it was being called a dog. You weren’t gonna let him call you that. Quicker than he could say “Don’t hit me” your fist came flying straight into the boy's noise, a satisfying crunch being made upon impact. Now throughout all of this no one had heard the commotion and they wouldn’t have if Flash didn’t scream out in pain and then faint at the sight of his own blood.
That’s how you ended up getting suspended 
It was what you had told your dad when he picked you up because you had no reason to lie
No matter how proud of you he was he still gave you a talking to 
You both had a long talk about how best to go about controlling your anger and instead of going back to Bruce you decided to take a few anger management classes
And so far it’s going great
(Until flash decides to open his mouth again)
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witchyweasley · 4 years
Love Potion - Ron Weasley
Pairing: Ron Weasley x fem!reader
Summary: You can’t really have sex in the burrow, but there are other options. This is a bit of an AU. Instead of knowingly prepping for war, the only pressing matter is Bill & Fleur’s wedding.
Word Count: 1.9k 
Warnings: smut, 18+ themes, thigh riding
Spending school breaks at the burrow is always nice. All of the Weasley’s are very welcoming, especially now that Ron and I are officially dating now. I was hoping to get more free time with him during this break, given that Fred & George had moved out, but there were more people than normal at the burrow. Ron had failed to mention that it was time for Bill and Fleur’s wedding, so now all of the Weasley’s were back under the same roof again.
“Well, so much for any alone time,” I sighed, leaning my head on Ron’s shoulder. We watched as Fred and George kept trying to get Percy to try one of their products.
“Well actually, I’ve got an idea,” Ron said.
“Oh yeah? What’s your idea?” I asked.
“Well Harry and I were talking. What if, once everyone else has gone to bed, you and Harry trade rooms?” Ron suggested, wrapping an arm around my waist.
“Do you think we could get away with that? I thought you guys were worried that your mom would catch us?” I said thinking it over. As I said this, Fred had somehow convinced Percy to try the small potion. Percy’s hair turned bright green and then turned into moss. Molly was soon  chasing after Fred, telling him to get the antidote potion if he wanted to attend the wedding in a couple days.
“I think she’s got her hands tied with everyone being home. I feel like we are the least of her worries,” Ron laughed.
“Fair point, what about Hermione though? She’s also rooming in Ginny’s room right now,” I pointed out.
“She’s going to sleep in Charlie’s room. He won’t be here until tomorrow evening so she will chill there tonight,” Ron answered.
“How long have you and Harry been planning this?” I asked, a bit shocked at how much he had thought into this.
“We planned it last night. I’m not exactly thrilled with him staying in Ginny’s room, but it means that we can at least spend one night together,” He said, squeezing my hip.
After dinner, Harry, Hermione, Ginny, Ron and I went on a walk around the yard, trying to get away from the chaos. We decided to settle the plans whilst away from everyone, the only somewhat alone time we’ve had so far.
“So, what time are we all moving rooms?” Hermione asked.
“Well, mum and dad usually go to bed around 10pm, so probably 10:30, to make sure that they’re both asleep,” Ginny answered.
“Are we all moving at the same time, or do we need a plan?” Harry asked.
“What do you mean?” Ron asked.
“Do you want to move one at a time? Act like you’re going to the bathroom, and then just go to the other room? And then that person go get water and switch rooms? Or do you just want to be ballsy and move all at once?” I asked.
“That plan sounds good. I think Percy still thinks he’s head boy, so if everyone moves at once he will sense trouble and snitch,” Ginny said.
“Works for me,” Harry said, wrapping his arm around Ginny.
“Harry, can I talk to you for a second?” Ron said, grabbing his arm and pulling him away.
“What’s that about?” Hermione asked.
“Who knows, honestly,” I shrugged.
“He’s probably getting onto Harry for holding me, he acts like I’m a child,” Ginny whined.
“I’m sorry, I try to talk some sense into him, but he can be a bit dense at times,” I laughed. Soon Harry and Ron caught back up with the group and we all decided to go back inside, getting ready to execute our plan.
At 10:30, I went down to the kitchen, grabbing myself a glass of water. As I was pouring the glass, I heard someone coming downstairs. I looked over to make sure it wasn’t Harry going against the plan.
“Oh, hi George. How are you?” I asked, silently relieved it was him and not Harry or Percy.
“I’m doing alright, how have you been?” He asked, grabbing a snack from the cupboard.
“I’ve been pretty alright, despite Ron completely forgetting to mention that Bill’s wedding was this week,” I answered.
“Yeah, that sounds about right. Speaking of which, you two are officially a thing now, right?” He questioned.
“Yep, as of a few months ago, we are officially a thing,” I said.
“So I have a question. Fred and I have been looking for couples to try a new product we were looking to release. Are you down to try it?” George asked, leaning against the kitchen counter.
“What is it?” I asked, a bit skeptical. Though, I trust George far more than Fred in regards to trying products.
“It’s just a potion. We don’t like to tell testers what it’s supposed to do though, because we don’t want a placebo effect to happen,” George explained.
“Why not have Ginny try it? She and Harry have been dating longer?” I suggested.
“Fred and I are a little uncomfortable with the idea of giving her this to be honest. Yes, she’s an adult and she and Harry are very cute together, but she’s still our little sister,” George explained, cringing at the idea of giving his sister the potion.
“Fine, I’ll try it,” I sighed, giving in.
“Lovely, so are you going up to Ron’s room right now?” George smirked.
“What? No…why would you think that…” I was never a good liar.
“Expendable ears work wonders,” George winked. Sliding a small pink vial towards me.
“You’re lucky I like you George, had Fred asked me it would be a no,” I sighed before taking the potion like a shot. It tasted like strawberry roses, making it one of the more pleasurable potions to take.
“Yeah, I’m sorry about Fred. I told him not to prank you in our 6th year but he doesn’t always listen to me,” George said as he finished up his snack, “Now, go sneak up to Ron’s room, I’ll ask you about the potion in a few days.”
George walked upstairs and I followed suit, heading into Ron’s room instead of Ginny’s.
“There you are! I was worried you had forgotten,” Harry said as I came in.
“I’m sorry, George was in the kitchen so I had to talk to him,” I said as I sat down on Ron’s bed. Harry headed over to Ginny’s room, leaving Ron and I alone.
Ron wrapped his arms around me, pulling me down next to him. He pressed a kiss to my temple before nuzzling into me.
“You know Ron, when I said we should have some alone time, I wasn’t expecting to cuddle,” I laughed.
“I wasn’t either, but I kind of made a promise to Harry,” He said slowly.
“What did you promise?” I asked.
“Ummm, basically I promised that we wouldn’t have sex because I asked him to not do anything with Ginny tonight,” He said, bracing himself.
“Ronald Weasley! Why would you do that!?” I said, smacking his chest.
“She’s my little sister!” He argued.
“Who’s been in a relationship with Harry for about 6 months now. Not to mention, she’s of age,” I pointed out.
“It just makes me feel weird,” He said. “Plus, I like cuddling you.”
“I like cuddling you too, but I also like having sex with you,” I sighed, tracing my finger along his chest.
“I’m sorry darling, I wasn’t thinking,” He sighed, tracing small circles on my hip.
Soon, my skin was far more sensitive than usual. The small circles on my hips felt like heaven, and I could feel myself getting turned on by the action. I shifted around, trying to relieve some tension. I settled down with one leg wrapped around Ron, my core pressed up against his leg. His arm moved down to trace circles on my thigh, driving me crazy.
“Are you alight?” He asked as I took in a deep breath.
“Yeah, I’m just...honestly I’m just incredibly turned on right now,” I admitted.
“Oh? You’re that turned on by my touch, I was trying to keep this innocent,” He said, a bit confused as to how turned on I am.
“Fuck, I think this is George’s fault,” I sighed.
“Not making me feel any better here babe,” Ron said, grabbing my thigh. I grinded against him slowly, trying to relieve some of the tension his touch has caused.
“No, no, that’s not what I meant. He asked me to test a product and I agreed to it. He didn’t tell me what it was, but he said they were looking for couples to try it out,” I said, my breathing getting deeper as Ron continuously massaged my thigh.
“So it’s a type of love potion?” He asked, watching as I grinded against him subtly.
“I guess so. Fuck, why’d you have to make that promise to Harry,” I whined.
“Well, there is something we could do…”Ron started.
“What? What is it?” I asked, desperate for some release.
“Well, you could get off on my thigh. You’re sort of trying to right now anyways,” he said.
“So you want me to ride your thigh?” I questioned, a bit too excited about the idea.
“Yeah, I think it would actually be really hot. And I technically wouldn’t be breaking my promise to Harry,” Ron said, his hand now running up and down my thigh.
“Mmm, I think it’s a great idea,” I said, pressing a slow kiss on his lips.
“Do you want these on or off?” He asked as I kissed down his neck, pulling on the waistband of my pants.
“Off, and I want yours off too,” I said, standing up to slide them down. Ron shimmied out of his and sat down on the edge of the bed. He grabbed my hips and pulled me on top of him, kissing me deeply as I straddled one of his thighs.
Small moans left my mouth as I lightly ground my covered pussy against his thigh. Ron kissed me deeply, using his mouth and tongue to try to muffle my moans.
“You’ve gotta be quiet baby,” he said quietly. I nodded, holding back the moans as my hips grounded down on his thigh. His hands grabbed my hips tightly, and slowly started guiding my hips on his thighs. I bit my lip and threw my head back, breathing heavily as I try to not make any noise to wake up anyone.
“You’re so beautiful,” Ron groaned out softly, watching my hips move against him. I buried my head into his neck, sucking on his skin so I could muffle the moans escaping from my mouth.
“Fuck, Ron,” I moaned out quietly as he started bouncing his leg a bit. His hands continued guiding my hips, going faster and faster.
“Are you going to cum, baby? Are you going to cum on my thigh?” He whispered in my ear. I nodded and grinded my hips harder on him, chasing my high.
“Be a good girl and cum for me,” he whispered, knowing it would push me over. My legs shook and I bit harshly at his neck to suppress my loud moan as I came over his thigh.
“That was...fuck that was hot,” he breathed out.
“Yeah, um, I really enjoyed that,” I sighed out, laying down on the bed. Ron wrapped his arm around me, pulling me close.
“For once I’m glad you tested out one of the twins products,” he laughed.
“And for once I wish you didn’t have such good morals, because I’m still incredibly horny.”
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writemekpop · 4 years
Lipstick On Your Collar (Part 1) | Nakamoto Yuta
Pairing: Nakamoto Yuta x Reader
Summary: Till death do us part... But what happens when he cheats?  
Genre: Husband!Yuta, Angst
Word Count: 1.9k
Warnings: Infidelity, Sexual Content, Body Image
Gif: @yuthereal​
Part 1 ⭐| Part 2  | Part 3 | Part 4
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“Ten more minutes, then it’s homework time, alright?” you called to your two older sons, eight and four years old. Caught up in their wooden sword fight, they didn’t even look up.
You smoothed your hand over your face, eyes bruised from lack of sleep. Between your banking job and your three kids, sleep was a rare thing.
Just then, you felt a waft of chill air. Yuta strode in through the front door, his feathery black hair in disarray.
“Hey babe,” you called, shoulders relaxing.
Your husband had this calming presence, your island on a rough ocean. Your chest ached for Yuta’s warmth. You hadn’t hugged, kissed… touched in months.
“Hi, Y/n. We need to talk,” Yuta deadpanned.
You picked up your baby daughter Ayumi. She needed her nappy changed. Bad.
“Alright. What’s up?” You placed her on the changing mat, blowing your fringe out of your eyes.
“I mean in private.” You saw that Yuta’s face was stretched and white. A knot curled in your stomach.
“Nappies?” You lifted your hand. He begrudgingly handed them over.
“Y/n. This is serious.” Yuta’s voice quivered like a taut string.
“Can’t you see I’m busy? What is it?” you snapped. You instantly regretted it. Nowadays, you were always on the edge of an explosion.
“Okay. Fine. I’ve… messed up. And I’m sorry, and I didn’t mean it, but… it’s happened.”
You bin Ayumi’s old nappy, then pull her into your arms. “Is that all? Look, if you’ve broken something, we have insurance.”
“This isn’t a bloody plate! I’ve- I’ve done something awful.”
“Right. Well done. Anyway, I have to help the kids with their homework.”
“Just look at me, Y/n! I’m trying to fucking tell you something!” Yuta’s yell turned your head.
Yuta’s eyes were red-rimmed and wide, like he was in shock. “I… cheated on you, Y/n. I slept with someone else.”
Your heartbeat slowed to a crawl. Instinctively, you pulled your baby close.
“Who is she?”
“Diya. From the school.”
Your lips went numb. You put Ayumi down in her rocker and started rinsing plates in the sink. “How long?”
“Just once. It was a mistake, I swear… it’s just, she was there, and… I didn’t plan it!”
Your chest folded in on itself. While you were kissing your babies to sleep, Yuta was kissing someone else.
“When was it, Yuta?”
“The… day you… went to stay with your sister.”
You’d never forget that day.
It was a few weeks after Ayumi was born. You couldn’t seem to get out of bed, let alone be a good mother. So you’d escaped… just for a day.
While you were breaking apart, Yuta searched out another woman.
“Where?” You picked up the cutlery, letting the hot water scald your skin.
“Her apartment. We met up after work, and one thing led to another… I swear, that was all.”
Images burned into your mind, like a flashed camera. Yuta’s fingernails scraping the back of her neck, like he did to you. Their naked bodies gyrating, sweaty, the smell of sex saturating everything…
Your throat convulsed in a retch. For a second, it was like a brick was hitting your chest.
Then, everything stopped.
You felt a curtain dropping. You didn’t have time to deal with this. Not now. As quickly as they came, the feelings slowed. Drooped. Vanished.
You looked down. You were clenching a table knife so hard it had drawn blood. You let go.
Everything blurred. You felt like a kid again, staring up at yourself from the bottom of a pool.
Your voice was a croak. “Obviously, we’re not telling the kids. My parents are coming next week – so we can’t tell them either.”
You dried your hands and looked up at Yuta. His mouth was hanging open, like a cartoon character’s. It was almost funny.
You continued speaking, bunging toys into a basket.
“If you want a divorce, tell me now, because we’ll have to borrow money. For tonight, I’ll take the bed, you have the couch.”
“What the hell, Y/n?”
You jolt and look up. “Fine! You can have the bed.”
Yuta grabbed your shoulders, knife-cheekboned and wild. “I don’t care about the fucking bed! I just told you I cheated on you. Why aren’t you mad?”
You stared at his hands on your skin, like you didn’t recognise them. Yuta spotted your gaze, and slowly let go.
“I’m really sorry, Y/n. I want to fix this. But you need to let me in.”
You looked into his chestnut eyes and frowned. Why was he being so obnoxious?
Slowly, you spelled it out. “You cheated on me. It was with our kids’ tutor, while I was sick. You’re sorry. You won’t do it again. Now can I go and make dinner?”
Yuta blinked. Slowly. Then, he gulped and gave you a slight nod. “Yep.”
You pushed past him, and called out, “Whoever helps mummy with dinner gets ice cream!”
You ushered your eager kids towards the hob. You didn’t look back, but you felt Yuta’s gaze on the back of your head. Stunned.
You plastered on your brightest smile all throughout dinner, whilst laying out bedding on the couch for yourself, even whilst tucking your children into bed.
Now, you were sitting in your children’s room, with the lights out. You’d just finished reading their bedtime story. They were fast asleep.
Finally, you let the iron screen lift from your heart. Instead of fighting it, you bared the most vulnerable part of yourself.
It was a memory: you were in Paris with Yuta on the first night of your honeymoon. You were in a mid-range Travel Lodge – the best you could afford – with rain pelting at the windows.
You had woken up at 11AM, tangled up with Yuta from your cuddling. You’d talked, worried, agonised about it, but you’d never had sex with him before.
Yuta opened one sleepy eye and felt your body with his hands, as if he was checking if it was there. You tingled with lust to the tips of your toes. Suddenly, you knew the moment was right.
For once, you didn’t care about your tummy that you always tried to hide, you didn’t care about your thighs which rubbed together when you walked.
You didn’t think about anything, except the feeling of Yuta’s slow kisses, the feeling of him inside of you, the feeling of his hands reaching to the very ends of you.
You were in a hazy, golden pool of completeness. As you gasped your worries, apologies, in each other’s ears, you became whole in a way you’d never known before.
Then, the memory shattered. And in its place, before you could stop it, was the image that was burnt into your eyelids.
It played over and over again, the trailer to a movie of your shame. Yuta in her apartment, the thumping of the bedposts, him between her legs, her exclamations of ‘yes!’, that were only echoed by him moaning her name…
You screamed silently into your fist.
You knew the real reason Yuta cheated on you. Whatever excuses he made, it wasn’t a mistake or a drunk one-off.
You grabbed the soft flesh around your waist. This was why. You thought of the nights you’d told him you were too tired, that you weren’t in the mood. That was why.
You couldn’t even blame Yuta. He was only compensating for the fact that his own wife would never be attractive enough, good enough, just enough for him.
The tears rose up your throat, making your head pound and your cheeks stretch with sobs. You wanted nothing more than to drown yourself in these tears, though you knew they wouldn’t wash the pain away.
Then, you caught a grey glimmer in the darkness. Your youngest boy, Nico, was wide awake and watching you with saucer eyes.
“Hey baby… go back to sleep,” you whispered, quickly smoothing away your tears.
“Are you crying, mummy?”
The softness in his gaze was like a punch in the stomach. You choked down another wave of tears. “No, sweetie, I’m fine. Go back to sleep okay?”
Obediently, he closed his eyes. You didn’t deserve such beautiful children.
You were doubled over, silent in the darkness. You pressed your palms into your eyes, so hard they hurt, and forced the tears back.
You couldn’t even make your husband love you.
What hope did you have with your kids?
Three days had passed since that terrible night.
It was 10PM, and the house was unusually quiet.
You and Yuta were sitting at the far edges of the couch, the Netflix episode you never missed playing on the TV.
Both of you were pretending like nothing had gone wrong.
“So… how was work?” Yuta’s cautious voice broke the silence.
You sighed and shook your head. “Just get me a drink.” You couldn’t be bothered with this charade. But at least you could drown your feelings.
“Are you sure that’s a good-” Yuta began.
“Just get it.”
He returned with a whisky, with two ice cubes. Your heart twisted. “You remembered?”
“How could I forget my wife’s favourite drink?” Yuta gave you a thin smile, and for a second, you forgot to ice him out. You smiled back.  
That was two whiskies ago. Now, the gap between the two of you on the sofa had shrunk.
You were laughing so hard your eyes were teary.
“Do you remember, Y/n? Your shirt was on backwards, my pants were on the other side of the room, we were moaning so loud half the theme park could hear us!”
You dried your eyes, sighing. “I bet we scarred a few kids for life that day…”
Yuta’s lip curled up in a smile that sent your heart racing.
You looked down. Subconsciously, your hand was massaging Yuta’s denim-clad knee. You retracted it.
“God, we really knew how to have fun, didn’t we?” You could barely remember the time before you had your three children. It was rose-coloured.
“I mean, Disneyland was nothing. Remember Taeyong’s attic? The nightclub bathroom? I could go on…”
“Ahh!” You mimed blocking your ears. “There are kids in the house, you know!”
In doing so, you lost your grip on your whisky glass, which was balanced on your knee. Yuta grabbed it before it fell, and his hand was suddenly on your thigh.
He let go, and you cleared your throat.
That was hours back. Now, you were having difficulty sitting straight. You’d lost count of how many whiskies you’d downed.
You grabbed Yuta by the shoulders and shook him. “Look! Let’s just get it out of the way. ASAP, straight, completo. No regrets.”
For the first time in ages, your blood was running warm with more than alcohol. The worn denim of Yuta’s jeans was pulling your gaze southward.
“Get what out of the way? You’re not making sense, Y/n.”
You pulled the pin out of your hair and let it fall over your shoulders. “The big three-letter.”
Yuta looked at you, still bewildered. “What?”
The glass fell from Yuta’s hand.
To be continued…
Part 1 ⭐| Part 2  | Part 3 | Part 4
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likesrandomstuff · 3 years
Avalance Fic Recommendations Part 4
The final part of this series. Thanks to everyone who reblogged and liked, and a huge shout-out to @heywhereisperry who encouraged and motivated me into doing this.
As I said in Part 1, feel free to add any more stories you think should be recognised to any of these posts, and my ask box is open if you would like more detail on anything.
Part 1: Bite Sized
Part 2: Snacks
Part 3: Meals
Banquets (Over 75,000 words)
When you do not have anything you need to do in the next couple of days
You're My Miracle by bihexualmess
My tags: Ava is FBI, Sara is a Private Investigator, Rip brings Sara on for a case
This just got updated the other week and ruined multiple nights of sleep for me. At almost 350k words, still going, I don’t know how to explain without spoiling stuff that happens a long way in. There are so many layers to both Ava and Sara here, and the trauma, and the issues, and the fact they will not talk to each other about anything. I jumped on this a bit late, as the title and description didn’t grab me, but oh boy, I was missing out. I did get to read a heap of it in one go, but that doesn’t help the slow burn. I would start this even though it’s still a WIP, just because it will take you a while, to read, and also the storylines need time to settle in, because they are heavy, but just amazing. It is now the longest Avalance fic with the latest update.
this is the way that we love (like it's forever) by CoffeeAndArrows, moonlitprincess
My tags: College Avalance dated and broke up, five years later they meet again, Ava’s dating someone else
This fic had me crying in the lunchroom during my second week of work because I couldn’t not read during my lunch break, and it was hitting me so hard. That was after starting it at 10pm, reading to 2am, sleeping until 6am, reading until 11am a couple of days before. Warning for major character deaths; the funeral for one is alluded to in the description. If anyone says something bad about Jordan, I will not be happy; one of the best original characters I have ever read in a fic. Sara’s not in a great place initially, but she gets there. And there’s some cute flashbacks to college Legends too.
you make me smile (please stay for a while now) by CoffeeAndArrows, moonlitprincess
My tags: High School Rivals AU, Ava’s class president, Sara is the superstar soccer captain, they have more in common than they thought
I just looked at the word count for this, and it must be the first time I have, because wow! It is a journey! There’s a couple of prequel, sequel and interjection stories in this universe too. Ava has to deal with her family not being super supportive when she comes out. Sara has to deal with Laurel struggling and their mum having a clear favourite (Laurel). Most of the Legends have really great arcs in here as well. Ava’s family is great. I wanna hang out with her little sister. Don’t be like 2018 me who gives up after the first chapter because they are mad about what Laurel is going through. She’s fine, and there’s a heap of great Sara and Laurel moments. I recently re-read the last 10 chapters, and I still couldn’t stop myself from reading like it was the first time.
i am who you used to love (and you are just a memory) by justpalsbeingals
My tags: The Vow AU, but Ava makes some better choices early on, they’re married, Ava gets into an accident and loses all memory of Sara
I hate the movie this fic is based on. The movie’s fine, and it was a delight seeing Tatiana Maslany in it while I was watching Orphan Black, but basically it is my worst-case scenario, losing my memory. The fact that this fic kept me hooked despite that, is a testament to the quality. The fic itself says “light angst”, I say it’s much, much heavier than that, but that’s just me. Warning, there are some intense twists in here, and everyone is a bit OOC to me, memory loss being considered, which might not be your thing.
and i will stumble and fall (i'm still learning to love) by lucylikestowrite
My tags: SwanQueen kid fic AU, yes, I know go with me on this, Ava adopted Sara’s unexpected baby, said kid finds Sara years later
In general, as I’ve mentioned before, I don’t like kid fics. Fics with future children coming back to meet their parents, or the couple going into the future? Some of my favourites ever. This has no time travel, but I trust Lucy. This story is under 75k, but the sequel is almost as long, so combined they’re over. The sequel is a WIP. I didn’t watch Once Upon a Time, but it’s the plot of the start of that, except the gay actually happens. There are a lot of issues our girls have to work through here, but the kid is so cute.
and we could try by plinys
My tags: it’s a story mostly told on twitter through fake screen shots of social media, Sara drunk messages Ava, Ava doesn’t block her
I’m sure this format of storytelling is not for everyone, and that’s okay! I was so confused by it at first. I would recommend starting with the shorter one, I can be your hero (in Part 2), just to see if you like it, before jumping into this. I read this when the epilogue, the fic, was released, and I was up until 5am because I couldn’t stop. It became part of my personality. Story wise, Sara and Ava are on different coasts, but both know Nate, Ray and Nora. Ray and Nora get engaged, and Avalance have to deal with planning that wedding, and whatever is going on with them.
take my hands now by plinys
My tags: Another Social Media twitter AU, Sara is The Canary, Ava is trying to arrest vigilantes, Nate accidently gives Ava Sara’s number
Another brilliant twitter story. Some of our gang is trying to arrest the other half. Sara knows who Ava is, Ava doesn’t know that Sara is the person she’s chasing. Everyone has public twitter accounts. Sara actually gets [spoiler villain] to stop an attack by sending them money for a drink.
your eyes, they shine so bright by plinys
My tags: Social Media AU, everyone works for not Buzzfeed, a colab series is pitched, Sara and Ava’s teams have to work together
Ava makes factual videos, Sara does not, they are forced to work together. Nate is everyone’s boss technically, but they do what they want. Nate and Ava are non-biological siblings, and Satan Camp is a running gag. Oh, fake dating is in there too!
right to the top, don't hold back by SJAandDWfan
My tags: American Ninja Warrior AU, Sara’s a veteran and the Legends train together, Ava’s a rookie, rivals to training partners to friends to …
I re-read this every year when the new Australian season comes out. It’s so burned into my brain that when I was watching the speed climbing at the Olympics I genuinely thought “I wonder how Amaya would go in this?”. Amaya’s pre-Ninja experience is rock climbing in this fic. I learnt so much about Ninja Warrior and how the show (at least in this universe) works, and it’s fascinating. Would recommend watching some clips if you’re unfamiliar with the concept. The story goes pretty in detail about the courses. For recommendations, either Jessie Gaff, who was a S1 Supergirl stuntwoman, or Australia’s own Olivia Vivian, who is just stages better than our next female.
biding our time (until tomorrow) by TheTruthAboutLove
My tags: Period setting AU, Ava’s too noble for her own good, Oliver’s dad is the villain
This was a really cool experiment. Basically, told in lots of mini chapters like a soap opera. I do not know much about this period of American history, but it did not matter. A lot of different Arrow-verse peeps show up along the way. I’m sure I complained out loud “you’re allowed to want things Ava!” at some point. There’s an attempt for fake dating, and it’s not the homophobia but the second daughter problem that gets them.
Click here to see all the parts
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macnevercries · 4 years
Intoxicating(Sero x F!Reader)
Genre- fluff, friends to lovers, smut (mostly smut but with storyline)
Word count: 4250
Warnings- drug use, shotgunning, fingering, penetrative sex, praise kink, stoner hanta, hand fetish, mutual pining, sero being a gentleman, size kink?
Notes- This is my first fan fiction so I’m sorry if it’s bad, please enjoy! This was  inspired by High Enough by K.Flay https://open.spotify.com/track/1qwno7xb5mJe71xtMS6jl2?si=-5ErHlgtTo-WD_SHyGL6uw  
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
“Are you on your way yet?” Mina spoke over the phone, pressuring you into coming to a hangout for once. You had missed all of the bakusquad meetups for a week and Mina was tired of being the only girl there.
“Minaaaaa, it’s awkward. I can't face Sero and the rest of them after I confessed to him” you spoke shyly.
“Y/N, you were drunk, He was drunk. We were all drunk. I don't think he even remembers it, I barely even remember that night.” she said convincingly. It was likely that Mina didn't remember it, she was a lightweight after all. 
“Even if he doesn't remember, I do. And I can't do it.” you spoke, holding your ground.
“You haven't shown up for a week. If you don't come tonight I’ll tell Sero what happened so it won't even matter if he remembers. Be there at 7, it’s movie night.” Before you could answer Mina hung up the phone.
“Mina wait-” you spoke hurriedly. Shit, Now you actually had to show up. And worst of all the movie was at Sero’s house tonight. Despite not going to see any of your friends this week, you had the group's schedule memorized and knew where the bunch would be tonight. Sighing, you got out of bed and checked the clock, 5:04, I’ll hop in the shower and have a light dinner before I go over, You thought to yourself before walking over to the bathroom and hopping in the shower, closing the glass door. You looked in the mirror through the door watching as the hot water poured over your bare skin. If Sero does remember, would he even return my feelings?
You pulled up to Sero’s apartment complex, fresh damp (H/C) hair and PJs on. It was already 7:15 and you were basically running up the stairs to ensure that Mina wouldn't do anything stupid. You barged in the door and five pairs of eyes turned to look at you as your chest heaved, soft black shorts ridden up your thighs, cream-colored tank top straps falling off of your shoulders and a dark green oversized zip up hoodie barely hanging on your arms. It was mid-summer so you had dressed lightly, Sero’s small apartment didn't have very good ventilation and having five extra bodies sure didn't help.
 As you calmed down, walking into the room you scanned your friends for shocked looks or anything that would point towards the fact that Mina had spilled. You saw nothing out of the ordinary, Sero and Denki were standing by the counter, rolling joints. Bakugou and Kirishima chatting calmly, which was out of the ordinary for the usually enraged blonde. Mina was looking at you, seeming relived and happy. Sero stared at you extra long after everyone acknowledged your presence. You looked beautiful. Cheeks red and flushed from the running, (H/C) hair messy and disheveled, (E/C) eyes boring into him. Oh shit you were looking at him. He quickly looked away and continued where he was before, clearing his mind of the way you had looked at him. Trying to focus oh his joint, rolling it carefully between his thin and long fingers Denki spoke 
“Real smooth bro, what was that look about? Is she mad at you or something?”
“I have no idea, I don't remember at least.” Sero returned, still confused.
“Weird,” Denki mumbled, lighting his joint and walking over to the couch plopping himself down in between Mina and Kirishima. Sero walked over to his hammock, the joint in his hand looked incredibly small, carefully placed between his fingers as he took a drag, light gray filling the space around his head. As he sat down, swinging a little you looked around and noticed there were no more seats. You had always known Sero’s apartment was small but with the tension in the air it felt ten times smaller. Having the old brown leather couch covered in Sero’s tape from rips being filled by Mina, Denki, Kirishima and Bakugou, you opted to sit on the floor. 
“Wait wait wait, (Y/N) you don't have to do that, come sit in the hammock with me.” Sero spoke, smoke billowing out of his lips. You clenched around nothing and your heart beat frantically. You had always thought Sero was so attractive, but when he smokes? Don't get me started, he was like another person. 
“You sure?” you asked. “I don't want to invade your space and I’m really fine with the floor.” 
“I’m sure, you're my guest and my friend. Don't be stupid.” Sero said flatly. He was confident in his answer and he knew he had done the right thing when you started walking over, slowly climbing into his hammock. Swinging back and fourth he got a nice view, his lazy dark eyes settling on your ass, shorts riding up as you stretched over the lanky man. You scooted around and settled between his legs, there wasn't really anywhere else to go. 
Turning around, you looked him in the eye as if to ask if where you were sitting was okay. He looked back at you, his signature smile settling on his face, he took a quick puff from the shortening joint in his hand and blew it into your face. You coughed, waving the smoke away as your eyes started to water. You punched Sero in the arm turning back around and looking at the TV. You felt him chuckle, sending vibrations through your body. Your heart thrummed and you squeezed your thighs together. 
Sero laid back, pulling you to his chest. The smell of citrus, sage, and weed filled your nose. As you lay there feeling more comfortable than you had been in weeks, you couldn't help but wonder if Sero had heard your confession the other day. You pointed your eyes towards the screen avoiding Mina’s prodding gaze as she clicked the play button. 
You settled back into Sero’s chest and you could feel yourself drifting asleep. The up and down of his chest, the warmth of his body, his overwhelming smell, the soft cotton of his flannel, all mixed with the sounds from the TV and Sero’s occasional laughs sending soft jolts of excitement and nervousness through your body all lulling you to sleep. Before you knew it, you were out cold and flipped over, hugged into Sero’s chest, your breath tickling his neck. He couldn’t help but feel excited. He had had a crush on you since high school and here you were, your soft breasts pressed up against him, legs entangled with his while your now dry hair brushed his nose.
The movie ended and everyone slowly shuffled out. It was now 10pm and you were dead asleep, now slightly drooling on the black haired man’s shirt. Oh man, how he wanted to tilt up your face and kiss you. Your soft pink lips were right in front of him. But he knew he couldn't. There was no way you felt that way about him. “You're so beautiful” he whispered into the top of your head, nuzzling his face in your hair and smelling your shampoo before scooting up into a sitting position and carefully wrapping his arms around you as to not wake you. He carried you to his room, his strength had always been startling despite his fairly lean build. He set you on the bed in a mound of pillows, throwing a light blanket over you. As he detached his arms from you, you mumbled “mmm Hanta don't leave, you smell so good.” His breath hitched. He knew you were asleep and probably had a second hand high but he couldn't help himself. He kissed your forehead and retreated to his shower, intent on reliving his now growing issue.
You wake up, feeling a little fuzzy but well rested in a mound of pillows. You could hear the shower running in an adjacent room, through the wooden door to your left. You didn't recognize where you were but you could assume it was Sero’s room. You had never been in here before, looking around it wasn't anything like you had imagined for years on end. There were red LED lights and twinkly fairy lights around the ceiling, circling the room in a soft haze. Band posters littered the walls and there was a mandala tapestry behind the bed. The floor was hard wood, like the rest of his house, but in here, it felt different. Everything was more comforting, Sero was comforting. Sitting up and realizing what bed you were in, you immediately laid back down and enjoyed the softness of his pillows. His usual citrus and sage scent enveloping the room, this was your heaven. 
You sat back up as you heard the shower turn off, the bathroom light flickered out as the door opened, Sero exiting. He looked delicious. His wet black hair clung to his neck, one of his long pale arms reaching up with a towel to dry it. Sweat shorts and a baggy t-shirt, water dripping off of him. You still felt a little dazed, you almost pounced on him except for the small amount of self control that you still had in you. He walked over to the bed and grabbed your chin, you heart halted. “How are you feeling? Still tired?” He asked, tilting your head from side to side in his enormous hands, checking your physical wellbeing. 
“I-I’m fine Hanta, let go of me” you mumbled, embarrassed by how red you had gotten. You hoped it would be drowned out by the lighting. 
It was not unusual for you guys to call each other by your first names, you had been best friends since high school and now you were in college, aspiring heroes. Still, whenever his first name came out of your lips, he was done for. The way you looked right now, clothes strewn and hair progressively getting messier over the night, your foggy mindset obvious in the way you slurred out your words. He wanted to know if he could make it worse, if he could wreck you beyond recognition. He wanted you, messy, broken, calling his name like it was the only word you knew. Letting go of your face, he slowly traced his fingers down your jaw. He sighed, reaching into his beside table, pulling out his stash. 
He sat down on the bed across from you and started rolling his second joint of the night. You didn't see it well before, so you paid attention now. It was his art, every small movement of his digits and the rolling of the paper, it was obvious he had been doing this for years. Ever since you guys reached legal age, him and Kaminari had become stoners. Sero was dedicated to it, but Denki just kinda did it when he felt like it. No matter how often you had seen Sero do this, pinching the smoke between his large fingers, the small paper roll making his already large hands look gigantic, you would never get used to it. You had memorized everything about this man, especially including his hands. His slender palm rising from his even skinnier and boney wrist, long and rough fingers, scars here and there. The tendons in the back of his hand, emerging when he moved, light purple veins tracing his whole upper arm. The placement of his knuckles, his chipped black nail polish topping everything off. You had long imagined these hands being inside of you. Looking at him bring his right slowly to his face, moving his fingers accordingly to take a drag, you wanted them. You wanted to reach out and touch them, trace them, feel them, praise them.
He looked up at you, half lidded with his lazy eyes, “Wanna hit?” he asked, noticing your lingering gaze.
“Yes” you agreed, reaching out before you knew was was happening, desperate for skin on skin contact with him. 
“Woah woah woah, wait, did you say yes? You've never done this before, are you sure? I don't mind sharing but I was only joking” he said rushed, suddenly more awake from your shocking statement.
“No, I wanna try it, I’ve wanted to for a while” you said, your eyes looking into his to convey your seriousness. He looked you over, and handed you the joint. The tightly rolled cylinder looked so much larger in your hands, were his really that big? You brought the joint up to your lips, closing them where Sero’s had just been. You took a drag and he watched in amazement before you started coughing wildly. Concerned, he quickly moved closer to you, patting your back and rubbing small circles, taking the joint back from your shaking hand.
 “Oh my god- I’m so sorry I forgot it would be hard for you at first, let me bring you some water” he mumbled, getting up from his seat next to you. You grabbed his arm before he could leave, dragging him back towards to you. “I’m not thirsty, I wanna try again” you said defiantly. He looked back at you, concern now covering his previously laid back and calm face. 
“Okay.. “ he started hesitantly. “well if you wanna try it again can I help you? There's an easier way for beginners. Ever heard of shotgunning?” You shook your head, looking up at him confused. He sat back down on his bed, this time closer than he ever was. He took a long drag from his joint and lightly grabbed your face, his grip gentle on your soft skin. He looked you in the eyes, searching for uncertainty or hesitation but couldn't see any. Instead, your eyes were dark, an emotion he couldn't quite place. 
He brought your face close to his and pushing your lips open with his finger, your breath hitched. God did he love seeing you like this. He closed the gap, opening his mouth to yours, the smoke entering you. You inhaled it, you inhaled everything about him you possibly could. Slowly, and regretfully, he pulled away. “Just like that, basically I just transfer smoke to you so you don't have to take it directly since otherwise it can be pretty harsh.” he said, mesmerized in the way you looked at him with wonder. 
“I don't feel anything” you mumbled childishly. 
He chuckled at your confusion “It takes a second, tell me how you feel in 10 minutes.”
“I want to do it again, I want to kiss you.” you whispered softly, peeking up at him through your lashes.
Shocked, Sero leaned back “Y-you what? (Y/N) are you okay? was the smoke too much?” he asked frantically, confused by your sudden confession. 
“Hanta, I feel fine” You assured him. “You're telling me you don't remember what happened last time?”
“Last time? What do you mean? Oh shit did I do something when we went out? (Y/N) I'm so sorry is that why you've been avoiding us?” he asked.
“No, you didn't do anything, I did.” He looked bewildered so you continued “We all got really drunk and I told you I loved you.” Sero stopped moving, his panicked fidgeting coming to halt. “Did you mean it?” he questioned, his voice deeper than before. “Mean what? Oh, yeah-” Before you could finish your sentence he was on top of you, his mouth on yours as he slowly pushed your frame back onto his bed. “I love you too” he mumbled against your lips, resuming his attack on your face. You were flustered but kissed back. There was no time to question it, both of you were high and needy, years of longing built up. 
He sat back and looked you in the eye “I know I’m not exactly sober but I want you to know that I mean every word of what I’m about to say. You’re absolutely intoxicating, you leave me feeling higher and happier than weed ever could. You are the drug that I need to survive.”
“Hanta, I only have eyes for you. It's always been you.” You stated, your heart bloomed at his confession. He looked you in the eye, studying you, confirming to himself that what you were saying was true. Sero had never been very confident of himself, he was always seen as average and you were the most beautiful and kind girl he knew. By the look on his face you could tell he accepted what you said.
Diving back into you, his hands met your body, dragging, pinching and squeezing everything within his grasp. It was everything you imagined. His body heat melting into you but his fingers still had a cool touch to them. He traveled your body, memorizing it and making a map in his mind. His nimble fingers slipped under your shirt, smothering you. He felt your smooth skin as his hands went up and down on your waist and hips. He lowered himself, pushing his rock hard length against your shorts, slowing grinding into you, finding friction. “mmm Hanta, you feel happy.” you mumbled into his ear, nibbling on it as your hand traveled down to his sweats. He groaned in your ear, rutting against your hand, desperate for your touch.
Suddenly he pulled back and looked at you. His already dark eyes were darker and clouded with lust. A light pink dusted his face. “you're absolutely beautiful” he stated, absolutely confident in his words. “Hanta, you're just high” you whined, never having been good at taking compliments. He was on you again, pulling your shirt up, glancing at you before doing anything to make sure it was okay. He ran his hands up your chest, gently cupping your breasts. “No I really mean it... I’ve loved you for years... And not just for your body” He said in-between kisses, his lips were soft against yours. Slowly his head moved down, pressing open-mouthed kisses into your jawline and collarbones, sure to leave marks. You moaned quietly and he bit down, surprising you and causing louder sounds to erupt from your chest. Your whole body was throbbing. “Don't be quiet, I wanna hear the sounds you make pretty girl” he growled into your shoulder. The nickname made your core throb. You wanted him so badly.
You pulled off his shirt, running your hands over his chest, admiring his lean muscular build. The man looked like a god. His skin was clear and glistening from his shower, his body dwarfing yours in sheer height. He had already been tall in high school but now he towered over all of his friends. His hands slowly unclipped your bra, pressing soft kisses on them. His tongue swirled around one of your already hard nipples, his fingers pinching and playing with the other. Switching breasts, he moved his available hand down to your shorts to pull them down. Realizing this was harder than he thought, he detached his mouth from you with a wet pop. He used both hands to pull down your shorts, looking at you adoringly. 
His hands traced the outline of your panties, and then palming your mound. You moaned and arched your back towards him, in desperate need of relieving all of this tension. “Hey pretty girl, we’ll get there, slow down” he chuckled. Your eyes popped open and glared at him. “Hanta, I need you. Now.” 
His breath hitched at your bold statement. He yanked your panties down quickly, surprising you and getting a gasp from you. He grinned as a string of arousal connected your now disposed panties to your exposed core. It glistened with wetness, you had been waiting so long for this moment. Sero couldn't tear his eyes off of it, slowly he reached out his large hand, sliding a finger over your slit and then softly stroking your folds. “Is this all for me sweet girl? You're too kind.”
 You arched your back, done with his teasing. Before you could even complain he stuck a finger inside, your velvety walls wrapping around him. You needed more. He could tell by your face, years of observing you closely now coming in handy. He stuck in another digit, pumping them in and out slowly as his thumb reached up to circle your clit. You let out a long whine, music to his ears. At that he went faster, still watching you closely. The way you stopped breathing when he hit one spot, he knew he had found it. Focusing all of his energy on that spot, going quicker and harder. He simultaneously hit your g-spot and rubbed your clit, getting you unraveling under him faster than any man ever had. He guided you through your high, slowing down and eventually pulling out his fingers, leaving your thighs shaking and your cunt clenching around nothing. 
He observed his slick coated fingers and licked them clean. You stared at him in shock, baffled at his actions. “mmm (Y/N) you taste so sweet, I’ll have to explore that another time though” He groaned, palming his painful erection. You swiftly pulled down his sweat shorts and boxers in one motion, his cock springing up against his stomach. You had never really thought that dicks were pretty, but everything about Sero was beautiful so you weren't surprised. 
He had average girth, but an amazing length. He had a few prominent veins that you traced, leaving him shuddering at your touch. His slight left curve looked delicious. You moved your hand towards the head, red and glistening as you traced a finger over his slit, dripping with pre-cum. You tried to wrap your hand around his base, but your fingertips barely touched on the other side. You did a few experimental pumps, you were afraid that even with your preparation it might be too much for you to take. You bent your head down, swirling your tongue on the tip, giving small kitten licks. He tasted salty, but better than other men. You weren't surprised about that, you knew he took good care of himself. You ran your tongue along the bottom, dragging it slowly and tracing all of the bumps and ridges.
He couldn't take it anymore. He pushed you back onto the bed, grinding himself against you, using his small amount of restraint to not push into you there and then. “Condom?” he asked desperately, looking around. “Don't need one, I'm on birth control” you spoke softly, hushing him with gentle kisses. He sighed contentedly at your response. He ran the head up and down your slit, getting ready to line himself up with your small hole. Your kisses crept up towards the side of his face, you licked a strip up his jaw and whispered directly against his ear, warm breath fanning his neck, “Plus, I want to feel you when you're inside me” you blew lightly on his ear and giggled. He didn't think it was funny. 
Before you could say anything he lined himself up with you and pushed inside in one motion. Your walls hugged him in all the right places.The stretch burned but when he leaned down to say “So tight. You're so good for me, taking all of my cock like a good girl” all the pain faded into pleasure. As he mumbled praises int your skin, he rutted into you, his previously gentle motions now rough and fast. Want, need and lust filled the room. The smell of weed fading, covered by the smell of sex and your overwhelmed sense of mind. “Hanta, you feel so good inside me” you groaned. This seemed to spur him on, he went faster, if at all possible, attaching his thumb to your clit and rubbing harshly without hurting you. He could feel you clenching around him and he knew you were close. He was barely hanging on.
“Where should I-” 
“Inside. Come inside me. Please” you cut him off, begging.
With a few final strokes you spasmed around him, and as you fell down from your high, he chased his own. Whispering your name over and over like he was praying, he spilled his seed inside you, white thickness covering your insides and dripping out onto your violently shaking thighs. “Oh, my god. That was amazing. You're amazing.” Sero ranted. You smiled brightly at him, too tired to move and your voice a little hoarse from all your whining. 
The black haired boy got up and went to his bathroom. He returned with a warm washcloth and a cup of water. You sipped on the room temperature water while Sero cleaned you up. He always treated you so well, even when you were just friends. He grabbed one of his clean t-shirts and a pair of boxers, helping you get dressed. Sitting up, you faced him while he beamed down at you. 
“How are you feeling?” Sero asked, genuinely concerned for your well-being.
“I’m good, it felt good.” you hummed contentedly. 
“What does this mean for us? Are we gonna tell the rest of the guys that we are dating? That is only if you want to date of course, I wouldn't want to pressure you into anything” Sero mumbled, saddened by his own assumptions.
“Is this your way of asking me to be your girlfriend?” you grinned.
“Depends, are you saying yes?” Sero smiled back, your positive reaction upping his mood. You answered his question by pressing a chaste kiss to his lips. “Yes, always.”
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poedameronloverx · 3 years
Changes and Surprises
Hiiiii! Finally posting the intro to the series I’ve been on about the past few weeks. 
Life In Lockdown - Series Masterlist
Summary - A stay at home order is issued, you now need to work from home. Your best friend and house mate throws a spanner in the works when she invites her boyfriend and his best friend, who just happens to be your long time crsuh, to move in with you for lockdown.
Warnings - Mentions of Covid
Word Count - 1545
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Lockdown, quarantine, whatever you wanted to call it. It was going to be your new way of life for at least a month. The stay at home announcement had gone live and your work had sent everyone home with whatever they needed to do their jobs remotely. The stay at home notice started at 10pm, giving everyone the chance to sort out what they could. You were lucky, you had a nice house that you shared with your best friend Rose, there was a good sized garden and the house was big enough that you and Rose would both be able to work from home without getting in one anothers way. Rose’s job consisted of her making a lot of phone calls and doing spreadsheet work so she’d texted you and said she would set up her work station in her bedroom, leaving the desk in the living room for you to set up. You were happy with your new work space, it was right next to the large French doors that led out to the garden, giving you a nice view for working. You’d just finished setting up when you heard Rose arriving home. She’d said she would do a food shop on her way home to stock up the fridge and freezer for the first week or so.
“Hey, could you give me a hand with all this stuff?” she shouted from the door.
You threw a pair of shoes on and headed out to her car. You helped her bring her work stuff in then started taking the shopping out of the car. There was double the amount of stuff you normally had for a week.
“Rose, why did you buy so much food?” you asked as you set the last bag down in the kitchen.
“Well… you know that you’re my best friend in the entire world right?”
“What have you done?”
“I resent the fact you think I’ve done anything” she replied “But yeah I have actually done something”
“Which is?”
“Well, we don’t know how long this staying home thing is going to last right? I mean four weeks at least”
“So I maybe, kinda asked Finn to move in”
Rose had been seeing Finn for a year and a half. You adored the guy, he was one of your closest friends and had been for longer than him and Rose had been together. Finn had stayed over plenty of times with Rose but living with him constantly would take some getting used to.
“Right, I mean thanks for asking” You replied, rolling your eyes “I’ll get to play third wheel in my own home”
“Well, about that…”
“He said he would move in, but only if Poe and BeeBee could as well!”
Poe Dameron. Your friend, Finn’s best friend and house mate. Also your long time crush. Living with him would absolutely take some time to get used to. His corgi BeeBee was the cutest dog you’d ever come across so you were at least looking forward to one of your new house guests.
“Poe is moving in?”
“Yeah” Rose nodded “Look, I’m sorry I know you have a thing for him and I’ve probably put you in an awkward position but I can’t go weeks on end without seeing Finn. I know I should’ve told you first but when I heard the announcement while at work I panicked!”
“I’m surprised you haven’t asked Rey and Ben to move in as well!”
“Y/N no offence, but nobody apart from Rey would want to live with your brother!”
You glared at her “Not the point here Rose”
���I know and I really am sorry” she replied “But it’s done now and I really hope you can be alright with it”
“When are they arriving?”
“Anytime now” she replied “Finn said he’ll bring takeout with him for tonight”
“I’ll let you put the shopping away then and I’ll go and sort the spare room for Poe”
You went upstairs and quickly cleaned up the spare room and put fresh bedding on. The room was practically spotless already but it gave you something to do to take your mind off the fact you were going to be living with your crush. The spare room was nice, it was spacious, it had a comfortable double bed and plenty of storage space where Poe would be able to put his stuff. There was also plenty of space in the room for BeeBee and his things. You’d just put the cleaning stuff back into the cupboard when you heard the door. You could hear Rose running along the hall to open it and let them in. You ducked into your room to check you looked alright before going downstairs to face them.
“Y/N” Finn beamed when you made it into the living room “Thank you so much for agreeing to this. I don’t know how I would’ve coped without my girl”
You caught Poe’s eye and he dramatically rolled his and made a face, you smiled.
“No problem Finn, it’ll be fun to have you guys here”
BeeBee was sniffing round the room, getting used to his new surroundings before he ran over and jumped up at your legs
“Hi BeeBee, have you gotten even cuter since I last saw you, I think you have!” you said, bending down to tickle the dog, his tail wagged excitedly with the attention.
“We brought takeout” Finn said “I didn’t know what anyone would want so we got Chinese, Indian, Taco Bell and some stuff from the new Italian down the road”
“I’ll get some plates” You replied
You all sat down at the dining room table and helped yourselves to all of the food Finn had brought with him, everyone chatted away about how strange life was going to be for the duration of the lockdown.
“So what sort of space does everyone need for working?” you asked “I’ve already stolen the desk over there and Rose is going to work from her room but what about you guys?”
“Well I need quiet for my job” Finn replied, he was a high school teacher “I’ll be doing classes online so ideally I could use someone’s room”
“I don’t need privacy or anything” Poe replied “I could set up at this table if that was alright”
“That would work” Rose said, “Y/N over there, Poe here, Finn can use Poe’s room and I’ll use mine. Keep the kitchen clear and we can all eat there together at lunch and use it for dinner for the time being so Poe doesn’t have to re-set up his work station everyday!”
“Sounds good” you nodded “I’ll wash up”
“No, I’ll get it” Poe said, taking hold of your wrist before you could get up “You’ve been so kind to let me stay here so it’s the least I can do”
“Let the man do it” Finn said, seeing you about to protest “It’s one of the rarest things you’ll see in your lifetime, let it happen”
“You’re hilarious Finn” Poe said, making sure to elbow his friends head as he picked up the plates
Finn smiled “Well I’ve always known I’m funny but thanks man, I appreciate it”
After the dishes were done you all watched TV for a while, eventually Finn headed off to bed. He wanted an early night so he was fresh for his classes the following day. He knew it would be a struggle to keep his students motivated whilst they were at home. Rose headed off to bed with him, she gave the excuse that she was tired but you knew she wanted to cuddle with Finn. Poe had been upstairs for a while before Finn and Rose went to bed, he wanted to set up his bedroom space and make sure he left enough room for Finn to work. BeeBee had gone up with him for a while but had since come back down to join you in the living room. You were curled up on the couch, watching a few episodes of a show you loved. BeeBee had wandered over for some attention and you’d lifted the cute dog into your lap where he slept peacefully. You heard the floor boards in the bottom stair creaking. Poe made his way into the room.
“Can I join you?”
“Sure” you replied
“I see the best boy is making himself at home” he chuckled as his dog opened one eye to glance at him before settling back down to sleep. “Thanks again for this. I know it must’ve come as a surprise to you that we were moving in. It certainly came as a surprise to me when Finn sprung it on me when I got home from work”
“Yeah it was a bit of a surprise but at least they’re happy right”
“Yeah” he smiled fondly “I would’ve stayed at home. I didn’t push to come here”
“I’m glad you’re here” you replied “Rose was right, we don’t know how long this is going to go on, but I’m certain it’ll be more than the 4 weeks they’ve said so I’m glad you won’t be on your own”
Poe smiled. It was certainly going to be interesting having him living with you.
A/N - So here’s the intro. Please let me know what you thought. I’m still really new to this, and I’m not totally confident with writing so I’d love some suggestions of how to get better and what you liked :)
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