#i will HAPPILY be the cool aunt that plays video games with you and lets you eat Cheetos for dinner
dragonanon · 8 months
I love that when I start questioning my child free stance in life, the universe IMMEDIATELY reminds me of why I don’t want kids. 🙃
#i had to do a short visit with a woman today and got to listen to her baby scream for 15 solid minutes#i could BARELY focus on what i was doing because it was so distracting and i couldn’t even put headphones or something in#i ended up ending the appointment sooner than i would’ve liked because i couldn’t take the screaming#but even then they STILL stuck around for several minutes because she apparently simply had to nurse then and there#which normally wouldn’t have been an issue but i’m booked back to back all day today and NEEDED to get the room ready for the appointment#and you can’t really do that when you have someone breastfeeding and a baby daddy who did fuck all to comfort the baby#i will NEVER be cruel to a baby or small child#but i avoid them as much as humanly possible for this VERY reason#loud shrill noises like that fuck with my head#and it’s even worse when i’m in a position where I’m ‘’trapped’’ and can’t just leave and go elsewhere#the amount of rage and irritation i feel when i hear a screaming baby/child is actually scary to me#like i was getting close to snapping and demanding her baby daddy gtfo with the baby so i could actually focus#i could sense that feeling coming though and wanted to avoid letting myself get to that point so I ended the appointment early#it’s this rage that makes me staunchly child free#the LAST thing i want to do is create a life that will have to endure me resenting it for triggering my noise sensitivities#sorry if this comes across as overly critical i swear i don’t truly hate babies and kids#i just get FAR too overwhelmed and overstimulated around them so it’s better for everyone that i enjoy in small doses from a safe distance#i will HAPPILY be the cool aunt that plays video games with you and lets you eat Cheetos for dinner#but i could NEVER be a mother#at least not a GOOD mother that is and that thought distresses me more than the thought of kids themselves 😬#i’m fucked up as it is i couldn’t forgive myself if i fucked up some poor kid too#child free#childfree#sorry for the whole rant/ramble in the tags here#just REALLY needed to vent because that was stressful af for me
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enchantedbarnes · 2 years
Uncle Buck
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Single Aunt!Reader
Summary: You take your nephew to a Bucky Barnes and Sam Wilson Q&A event. The mischievous 8-year-old asks if he can get in line to ask a question. Against your better judgement you agree and let him go up by himself.
Word Count: 626
Masterlist: One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven
A/N: I had no intention to write anything on this account but here we are. Excuse the mess.
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A young boy - 8 years old, dark hair and eyes full of mischief - walks up to the microphone.
"Hi, I have a question for Bucky..." He asks shyly.
The moderator nods, "What's your question for him, little man?"
The boy looks over at the seats nearby behind him and smirks, turning back to the stage with some more confidence this time.
"Will you marry my Aunt?"
The crowd let's out collective gasps, giggles, and awws. There's some cheering and a loud "OW OWWWW."
You inhale quickly and choke on your own air supply, trying to compose yourself. "BENJAMIN!!!"
You're horrified and shrink down in your seat while pulling your hood up over your head for added cover.
While you contemplate the fastest way to snatch the little traitor and get out of there as swiftly as possible you hear Sam's loud laugh echo through the room.
"I assume that was your Aunt and you're Benjamin?" Bucky asks while smirking.
Tiny traitor nods while grinning ear to ear. "I'm Benji, Auntie's name is Y/n and she thinks you're sooo handsome," he exaggerates with an eye roll, "and she's super fun and pretty and you'd be the coolest unc--"
Exit plan secured you jump out of your seat and rush over to cover his mouth and pull him back from the mic. Your hood still up and head ducked down.
"You said you were asking about the mechanics of his arm, you tiny little punk," you mutter at him but the microphone still picks up what you said.
While you have him secured in a headlock you quickly speak into the mic, avoiding all eye contact. "I apologize, I've never met this child before... I'm going to return him to the proper authorities immediately."
Picking your nephew up as quickly as you can, you toss him over your shoulder. His fit of giggles exploding while he tries yelling out again, "But he hasn't answered yet!"
"He's free later tonight, Aunt Y/n!" Sam shouts while you retreat to the back of the conference room towards the exit. "Your future family seems nice," he jokes while nudging Bucky's arm.
Benji tries to shout back across the room, "SHE IS FREE TOO!! EVERY NIGHT!!"
You shove the exit door open, "You're so dead. On my pick up days for school I will be blasting every embarrassing song I can find with the windows down. I'm going to start saving now and I will be buying every ad space available in your future yearbooks and I will be plastering them with your baby photos. And not the cute ones." Like this kid ever took a photo that wasn't cute.
The two of you walk around a food truck area set up outside the conference space. Benji is happily eating a pretzel you only bought so your sister wouldn't kill you for neglecting her child. You grab a seat at a small table to people-watch while he finishes up his undeserved treat.
You let your hood down, setting your vibrant and wild hair free. The color is easy to pick out in a crowd.
Benji is explaining in great detail the plot to a video game he has been playing with his friends and how one level keeps tripping them up.
The chair next to you slides back, "Is this seat open?" A deep voice asks.
Benji grins, "Yes!"
You already know who it is, but you're still startled when you look over and see none other than Bucky Barnes sitting with you and the small trouble matchmaker.
"So... is the potential cool Uncle position still available?" He smirks, hand on his chin looking over at both of you.
This little punk might be getting free pretzels and ice cream for life.
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Alright folks! By popular demand, here is part 2!
Next: Uncle Buck Returns
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jarigui · 3 years
haikyuu boys babysitting with their s/o !
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genre/s: fluff
pairing: kageyama x reader, suna x reader, and atsumu x reader
contains: f! reader, timeskip hq boys, talks of having a baby and marriage
notes: n/a
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he’s a little hesitant in accepting your offer to babysit your 6-year-old cousin with him. he’s awkward with kids, and they aren’t that fond of him either. they wouldn’t approach him because they’re scared of him. but you assured him that your little cousin will like him.
they didn’t get along at the start. your cousin hid behind your legs when you introduced kageyama to him.
your cousin will only ask for your help and not kageyama. although he already expected it, kageyama still wants to put in the effort.
so when he saw your cousin playing with a ball outside, he took the opportunity and played with him. you were in the kitchen cooking dinner, while the kageyama approached your cousin.
“do you play?”
your cousin turned around and shyly nodded. “a bit,”
he crouched down so he’s at eye level. “what do you play?”
the little boy looked at the ground and shuffled his feet. “volleyball and um, soccer,”
kageyama grinned. “i play volleyball too,”
your cousin raised his head to look at kageyama. “really? i want to learn how but i don’t have anyone to play with.”
“i’ll teach you,”
with a wide grin, the little boy raised the ball to show to your boyfriend. “then play with me!”
kageyama’s grin got wider and ruffled the kid’s hair. he played with him in the backyard and even taught him the basics. your cousin was amazed by kageyama.
“wow!” the little boy jumped in awe. “you’re like those guys on tv! the ones who jump really high!”
they played for hours on end. after you finished cooking dinner, you went to the backyard to check on the two of them. you were surprised when you saw kageyama and your cousin laughing while playing volleyball. kageyama was on his knees, trying to get closer to your cousin’s height. the little boy was laughing and squealing while playing.
you called them both for dinner and your cousin came running to you. you crouched down to catch him.
“did you see him? he’s like those guys that i watch on tv! he was cool! earlier, he jumped so high and then he spiked the ball really hard like this!” your cousin placed his hands up in the air to imitate him.
kageyama jogged up to both of you while smiling widely.
“really? he’s that good?” you glanced at your boyfriend.
“yes! he promised me that we’ll play again when you visit me next time,”
you raised your eyebrows. they were already planning for next time. you smiled as you look at your boyfriend who was looking at the two of you fondly.
you told your cousin to wash up since it’s time for dinner. he happily obliged and ran upstairs. you walked up to kageyama to wipe his sweat with your hanker chief.
“i thought you said you’re awkward with kids,”
he placed a kiss on your temple. “maybe not with this one,”
suna is a natural with kids. since he has younger sister, he knows how to handle kids pretty well. this weekend, your sibling told you to babysit your 5-year-old niece and 6-year-old nephew.
suna let your niece play with his hair and even tie it with her pink clips and hair ties. you smiled at him and fished your phone out of your pocket.
“you look adorable, rin,” you snapped multiple pictures of him.
“babe, don’t send that to the twins.”
he kept the clips and hair ties on the whole day since your niece told him to not take them off. he glanced at you and smirked.
“how about we put some on your aunt’s hair as well? so she won’t feel left out.”
you whipped your head in their direction and saw your niece looking at you, as if asking for your permission, and suna smirking at you.
you sighed and nodded. both of your hair was filled with cute pink clips that day.
he also got along with your nephew. suna would play whatever game he wanted to play and watch whatever video he put on. you have a feeling that your nephew thinks your boyfriend is cool and looks up to him. you notice how your nephew looks at him, listens well to what your boyfriend says, and even copies him sometimes.
he also got embarrassed when you tried to help him take a bath.
your nephew looked away. “i can do it, i’m big now.”
“but i’m just helping you so it’ll be easier,”
your nephew noticed suna looking and his eyes widened a bit. “i’m not a little boy. i can do it.”
suna approached the two of you and crouched down. “how about i help you take a bath?”
your nephew looked at him for a long time before nodding. suna helped your nephew took a bath while you helped your niece.
during dinner, both of them were doting on your boyfriend. your nephew was curious about him and asked a lot of questions. they found out that he’s a professional volleyball player and appears on tv sometimes so their amazement just grew bigger.
by the end of the weekend, both of them were clinging to suna and hugged him tight while saying goodbye.
“how dare you steal my niece and nephew away,” you glared at him.
he smirked. “what can i say? they just love me more.”
you playfully roll your eyes. he wrapped his arms around you and snuggled to your neck. “you know they asked if i’m going to be their uncle,”
your brows furrowed. “what?”
he raised his head to look at you.
“they asked me if i was going to marry you so i can visit them more often,”
“what did you say?”
“i told them that their aunt has to say yes to my proposal first,” he mumbled against your skin.
atsumu was excited when you told him that you’ll be babysitting your 2-year-old cousin for three days. he was even the one who said that he wants to tag along. when you asked him why he said that it’ll be good practice for the two of you in the future.
taking care of a two-year-old kid is tiring, but atsumu was there to help you every step of the way. you taught him how to change the diaper, prepare the meals, and even how to put them to sleep. he was very eager to learn and was attentive.
there was even a point that he didn’t want you to lift a finger.
“just take a rest, babe. i’ll do it.” he stood up to soothe the crying toddler.
after that, you saw atsumu and your cousin sleeping on the couch. atsumu was lying on his back while your cousin is comfortably sleeping on your boyfriend’s chest. you secretly snapped a picture of them and then placed a blanket on him.
one night you saw him on the dinner table talking to your cousin like he’s talking to an adult.
“yeah, it’s kinda hard, isn’t it? not being able to walk properly. i’d be pretty frustrated too if i have to use a walker to go wherever i wanna go.”
your cousin mumbled something incoherent and your boyfriend nodded like he was agreeing.
“yeah, yeah, i went through that stage too. it just gets better from there.”
you tried stifling your laugh and walked towards them. “what are you doing?”
he lifted his head to look at you. “we’re having a heart-to-heart talk.”
you giggled. “what?”
you approached your cousin and saw that she’s already sleepy. her eyes are already half-closed.
“i should get her to bed,”
he immediately stood up and walked towards the two of you. “i’ll do it.”
“you already did everything today. you must be tired. i’ll do it.”
atsumu shook his head. “no, no. in the future, you’ll be tired from taking care of the baby too. then of course you’ll be recovering from giving birth too. then i heard that there’s also postpartum-“
“babe aren’t you taking this practice thing a bit too seriously?”
he sheepishly grinned at you. “there’s nothing wrong with being prepared.”
he scooped your cousin in his arms and carried her to her room while you followed behind them.
he gently placed her on her bed and sat beside her. you followed him and sat beside him.
“do you really want a baby soon? they’re pretty high maintenance,” you said quietly while looking at your cousin.
he turned to you and grabbed your hand to place a kiss on it.
“it’s okay. i’m sure we’ll both do great in maintaining them.”
while he was peppering kisses to the back of your hand, your cousin snuggled closer to atsumu. you saw him smile gently.
atsumu definitely had a baby fever after that.
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hinatas-sunshine · 4 years
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Synopsis: Babysitting with Kuroo, Kenma, and Kageyama was not something you’d expect to be so...weird?
Genre: Fluff I think yo no se
A/N: I’m trying to fit in as much writing so I don’t seem like a dead account when my online classes start up, but I really appreciate all the love you guys continue to give me thank u KITHES 🥺❤️
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• Kuroo had made plans to study with you earlier last week and you agreed, your boyfriend was a really good tutor after all
• Sadly, you wouldn’t be alone due to your sister showing up with your niece asking you to babysit last minute
• And again, you agreed because you love your niece and didn’t want your sister to struggle having to find a babysitter
• So when Kuroo showed up and you had a toddler in your arms, he melted at the sight
• He greeted you with a kiss after you put your niece down and then he continued to crouch down to your nieces eye level
“Hi there kiddo!”
• Your niece hid behind your leg and peeked out to look at the giant man in front of her
“Yeah I’d hide too.”
“Y/n! :(“
• You slowly stepped aside and your niece moved with you
“Lovebug you can say hi! He’s my boyfriend! He’s nice I promise and if I’m wrong you can have some ice cream.”
• Her eyes widened at the sound of ice cream and slowly waddled up to Kuroo and waved shyly
• He gasped in excitement and waved back
“Can you tell me your name?”
• And she nodded and told him her name before he lead her to the couch and picked her up to sit with him
• Now it was your turn to melt at the sight before you went to the kitchen to grab a snack for the three of you
• You returned with two bowls of ice cream, one for you to share with your niece and one for Kuroo, only to find your boyfriend showing your niece all about Chemisty
“She’s a toddler she doesn’t know how to read yet Kuroo.”
“She likes the pictures!”
• He showed her a bunch of cool things in his chemistry text book and her eyes sparkled with curiosity ignoring the ice cream you brought out
“A-Am I being replaced?”
“Uncle Ku!”
“Yes you are!”
• You giggled slightly as he picked her up and placed her on his shoulders, talking about all her favorite princess and how much she liked the stars
• You snapped a cute picture and ate ice cream feeding her some as she continued holding onto your rooster haired boyfriend
• Soon enough her eyes started closing and her blinking became slower as she fell asleep on your boyfriends shoulders
“Is she asleep?”
“Yeah, you’re so boring you put her to sleep Kuroo.”
• He pouted before placing her on the couch and draping his red Nekoma jacket over her
“She called me uncle ku. 🥺”
“Because you’re old. 🥺”
• You two laughed and whispered trying to let your niece sleep
• Your sister came in to pick up your niece and thanked you and Kuroo as she lifted her child up who woke up lazily due to the sudden movement
“Bye auntie y/n, bye uncle ku, you’re the coolest.” She rubbed her eyes
• Your sister laughed and said her goodbyes saying she PROMISED her daughter will be back soon to which Kuroo was excited to hear
• Once your sister was out the door Kuroo exploded
“She said I’m cool!”
• You giggled, getting on your tippy toes to kiss his nose
“You are cool!”
“Now I want one-“
“No ❤️”
• He definitely made a PowerPoint to explain why you two should have a kid - slide one: to have someone to call him cool
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• You often found yourself babysitting as an side job during summer break
• When Kenma made plans to hang out with you he didn’t expect to see you on the floor with a toddler across from you
• He walked right back out of your house 😃
• He sighed and walked back in as you held the toddlers hand and had the other on your hip
• The little boy looked at Kenma with wide eyes and walked over to him
“What’s it doing? Why is it coming over to me?”
• You laughed scooped the little boy in your arms walking over to Kenma who looked scared for his life
“Say hi!”
• The little boy reached out for Kenma who looked at you and then the kid
“He wants you to hold him.”
“I don’t want to hold that.”
• He then sighed and took the boy in his arms, you snapped a quick picture at the two, who were looking at each other
The toddler: 😃
Kenma: 😐
• You laughed before sending it to Kuroo who had a field day with it by the way
• After you put your phone in your pocket you looked up to see Kenma trying to talk to the tiny boy
“Do you like video games?”
“Do you like animal crossing?”
• Kenma handed him back over and shrugged
“I couldn’t do anything.”
• You laughed and lead your boyfriend to the living room who automatically sat down and pulled out his switch to play animal crossing
• The tiny boy gasped in your arms and reached out for Kenma again who looked up and shrugged taking the tinier boy in his lap
• The two played on the switch for a little, Kenma making commentary about the game
“Yeah I don’t like him either.”
• You looked over to see the tiny boy slapping the screen and Kenma nodding as if he was agreeing with him
• Kenma slowly warmed up to the smaller boy and let him play with his switch for a few minutes before you brought out some fruit for the baby boy to munch on
• Kenma stole some of his fruit
• The little boy began falling asleep with some strawberry in his mouth and nodding off on the table before you picked him up and wiped his hands and face clean to lay him on the couch to sleep comfortably
Kenma: Must be nice, Y/n doesn’t treat me like that
Y/n: Yeah cause Kuroo does
Kenma: Not the same
• You spent time cuddling Kenma who played animal crossing and you scrolling through social media before joining him on animal crossing too
• When the toddler woke up crying Kenma was the equivalent to the caveman spongebob meme
• He was shook he didn’t think it could do that
“What’s wrong with it?”
“HE is just waking up, it’s okay.”
• You helped the boy calm down, his little sniffles leaving his nose before making you put him down and waddling over to Kenma
• Kenma gave a small smile and picked him up setting him on his lap again and then continuing gaming until the little boys mom came to pick him up
• You two said bye before the little boy ran to Kenma and hugged his leg and running back to his mom
Y/n: Does this mean you’ll babysit with me more?
Kenma: No, but I’ll come over only if it’s that one
• The next time at practice Kuroo wouldn’t stop showing everyone the picture you sent him and now you have to beat Kuroo up Bc Kenma said he won’t babysit with you anymore because he’s embarrassed
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• When you got a call from your boyfriend you realized something was off
• Mainly because he screamed through the phone asking you to hurry and come over
• Worry filled your body as you ran to Kageyama’s house and reaching the door throwing it open and panting
• Kageyama sat criss cross with a baby in his hands, holding it at arms length
“Tobio-Kun I thought you were- d- holy crap I’m out of breath...”
• You took in a deep breath
“I am dead if something happens to this thing!”
• Kageyama then explained that his aunt had dropped off his baby cousin and his mom was out at the store so he was in charge
• You scooped the baby into your arms cooing and rubbing noses with her, she happily giggled and Kageyama fell back with a sigh of relief
“Thank god you came, I was ready to just leave it on the couch and let it sit there but it started crying.”
• You glared daggers at your boyfriend and sat next to him
“SHE is a calm baby, she just needs attention.”
• The baby girl babbled and held onto Kageyama’s finger to which he tried to pull back but she had a death grip on
• He started panicking again, but you gave him a kiss and reassured him he’ll be fine
“So... can it- I mean she- play volleyball?”
“Kageyama she can’t even walk yet?”
• he sighed before resting his chin in the palm of his hand
“So what do we do with her?”
“Take care of her? What else would you do with babies?”
“I don’t know I’ve never met one.”
• you spent a few hours taking care of the baby and bouncing her around to keep her entertained
• Kageyama would be lying if he said his stomach wasn’t doing flips and you looked like you could be a perfect mother one day
• You finally handed her to him and taught him how to hold her, and he did his best although he was extremely nervous
• You took a picture to send to his team mates
• Everyone was in aw except Tsukki who went on about how the King looked terrified
• You then prepared to give her, her bottle and he said he wanted to do it and you smiled handing the bottle to him for her have her milk
“So all the do is drink milk, get attention from you and sleep? I want that type of life.”
• You laughed at your boyfriend only to notice the little girl was almost done and you took her to burp her, he just watched and you two played with her a few more minutes before it was her nap time
• You were putting her to sleep when Kageyama’s mom walked in
“Oh thank god he called you, knowing him he would’ve left her on the couch and not looked back.”
• You laughed lightly at your boyfriends face that was now a deep red.
• His mom happily took the baby and continued to care for her while you and Kageyama walked to his room
• He lied down and mumbled something about how exhausting it was and you laughed crawling next to him as he wrapped his arms around you
“You’d be a good mom one day.”
• You smiled and looked at him, his cheeks a deep red and all you did was kiss him softly
• He smiled into the kiss before pulling away and cuddling his face into your neck
• You stroked his hair and kissed the side of his head
“Never call our child an it or I’ll kill you Tobio my love.”
• He laughed and lifted his head up to press another soft kiss on your lips
“Well you’ll for sure kill me multiple times because I can’t care for a kid to save my life.”
• You laughed and he picked up his phone to check it
“Why is everyone calling me Daddyama?”
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nctseren · 3 years
Kids Meet Foreign Member In Kpop Group (Feat. NCT) : SEREN!
[english in italic]
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A little boy is sitting on the floor, looking around. He was small and skinny. On his face, he wore the most adorable gummy smile.
He seemed excited.
He had been told, that he was meeting a foreign friend, and he loved meeting new people.
"Do you think they are cool?" he asks, looking at his mom and the staff. "I'll try to take care of what I say. My mommy told me to be respectful... But I always am."
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Seren approaches the boy, and instantly his gummy smile and aura make her feel welcome.
"Adorable," she cooed when he waves at her.
"That's English!" he says enthusiastic. "So cool!"
She sits across from him and sets aside the bag of candy she brought.
"How are you?" the boy looks at the staff, still as happy. "I'm Seren from Australia. What's your name?"
"Seren?" he repeats.
"Yes, Seren."
He looks back at the staff, but then something seems to connect in his mind. "Oh! Juwon! Name Juwon."
"Nice to meet you," she finally speaks to him in Korean, and his eyes widen in amazement. "Your reactions are so cute. I'm actually fluent in Korean."
"So cool!" laughs Juwon. "I want to learn so many languages."
"Really? I'm sure you will, one day." she sends him a friendly wink. "So, I'm supposed to have a concept, just follow me. I'm 13 years old."
He giggles. "So young! My sister is that age too!"
"Oh!, my sister too! We can all be friends!"
"She will like that — she doesn't have many friends." he frowns.
Seren thinks for a moment, frowning too. "Kids that age can be a bit mean, but I'm sure you're a great brother to her."
"Yes, I am," he assures. "Can I call you noona?"
"Of course!"
Again, he smiles at the staff and gave his thumbs up.
"Let me tell you," she says. "I'm from Australia — that's what I said earlier when I spoke in English — I came to Korea when I was... maybe 11 — no, I was 13 in Korean age."
"Noona, how old are you— No!" he covers his mouth. "Sorry, I shouldn't ask that."
She looks at him with amusement. "Okay, but I'll tell you that it's been almost ten years since I came to Korea."
Juwon thinks, doing the math in his mind. "Oh yeah yeah, I already know your age."
"You are very smart!" she claps. "Okay, so I brought you something from Australia."
"For me?"
Seren takes the bag and opens it. He quickly approaches excitedly.
"Candy!" he speaks in broken English.
She nods as she takes out a pair. "Yeah! But we call them different, lollies. It doesn't really matter that much, though, as long as they taste good."
Juwon, who is already opening a package from Freddo, nods happily.
"They taste amazing."
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"Were you scared when you came to Korea?" he asks with eyes full of curiosity.
"Scared? No, maybe... maybe a little," she chuckles. "But there was no need to, my family came with me. I think I was more nervous than scared because I was a timid girl."
"Really? You don't seem like that kind of person."
"Right? I've changed that."
He nods. "Why did you want to come to Korea?"
"Ooh," Seren pauses, thinking about her answer. "I want to be an artist. Like— have you ever heard of Wonder Girls? Or F(x)?"
"Yes," he hesitates for a moment. "I think— Yes, I think my aunt likes them."
"Well, I like them too, a lot. And I always wanted to be on stage, since I was little I was always singing and dancing."
"You would be a good idol."
"Thank you!"
"And are you happy?" he asks, once again with curiosity. "I mean, did you fulfill your dream?"
Seren looks at the camera for a moment and then looks at him again. "Of course, I'm happy. But— I still have that dream."
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"Do you like Korea?"
"Of course!" she responds happily, eating a bar of chocolate. "I like everything, the food, the people, the culture."
"And do you have a lot of friends?" Juwon questions, grabbing another candy. "I can be one of them."
She smiles at him. "I'd be happy if you were my friend. And yes, I have made some nice friendships. But," she pauses. "It was difficult the first years."
"Well," she explains. "Even though I knew — I know — many people, it's hard to tell the real ones apart. So when I came here, I was very friendly with everyone, but I couldn't exactly tell who my real friends were. It was until years later."
He seems to agree. "Right, right. My mommy always tells me that."
"Your mommy is a smart person. I know who you got it from," she laughs. "But Juwon, what about you? Do you have a lot of friends?"
He nods quickly.
"Yes, I am friends with many people, but best friends with only two of them," he replies. "We like to ride our bikes all the time. Sometimes we also play video games. Noona, what did you do when you were my age?"
"Your age? How old are you? About 8?" he nods excitedly. "Ooh, well, I always played hide and seek with my friends. I also went to the beach a lot with my family. I built giant sandcastles — okay, maybe not giant, but very pretty."
"So you didn't like bikes?" he seems disconcerted. It was his favorite activity.
"Yes, of course!"
Juwon smiles, relieved.
"Do you miss that? Australia, I mean."
Seren thinks before answering. "Yeah, I can't lie. My family went back to Australia like 3 years ago, so I miss it — and them — even more."
He opens his mouth, clearly surprised.
"Do you live alone? But that's dangerous."
"Oh, no, I don't live alone. Don't worry," she proceeds to explain. "I live with some good friends. They became like my second family. They are also chasing the same dream as me, so we kind of..."
"You're chasing your dream, together."
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"Actually," he tells her, pulling something out of a bag next to him. "I also have a gift for you, I was very excited when I found out that I would meet a foreigner, and the first thing I thought was about the adventures you should or are going to have." he shyly hands her the gift. "You can write all your adventures there, and that way you will remember them forever. I have one like this too, and so does my sister."
It was a notebook decorated with a bunch of colors and a lot of animated characters (probably his favorites). In big and highlighted letters, it said: Adventure Book.
"It's so beautiful," she hugs the notebook, a big smile on her face. "Did you make this?
"Yes, with my sister."
Seren's smile grows bigger. "Thank you. I love it. Also, thank your sister, I would have liked to meet her."
"I will tell her so much about you!"
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captain-josslett · 3 years
Enigma - Part Four
Summary: Emma Swan’s world gets turned upside down when her memories are altered, erasing her knowledge of a magical town and those she loves.
Things start to look up when Emma meets a striking redhead and a genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist.
Words: 4.7k
Warnings: Fluff, Period, Blood, slight angst? Maybe?
Pairings: Emma Swan x Regina Mills, Emma Swan x ??
This Part: Emma and Henry start to settle into their routine and Henry meets Nat.
Who is this Natalie Rushman? 🧐
Thank you for reading and let me know if you wanna be tagged or any general feedback will be greatly appreciated. Please! I like knowing your thoughts.
Taglist: (Let me know if you want to come off this one) @finleyfray, @life-is-hella-unfair, @natasha-danvers, @supergirl-writingz, @camslightstories, @thinking1bee, @aznblossom, @crispykidcookiebasketball
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The rest of the week goes extremely well for both Henry and Emma. Henry makes fast friends with those similar to his age, especially with two teenage boys he met on the first day of camp, called Peter Parker and Ned Leeds.
Emma had been surprised when she came home to find the trio on the sofa playing video games but she was pleased Henry was making some decent friends. She enjoyed hearing their banter as she made dinner and meeting Peter’s Aunt May and Uncle Ben when they came to pick Peter and Ned up from the apartment. May had even given her phone number to the blonde with the suggestion of meeting up for coffee. Emma gladly took it with the plan of taking the brunette up on her offer.
For her friendship with Natalie it grew stronger through the week, especially during training where Nat pushes Emma to her limits, helping her know what she can do and how to improve on any areas she was struggling with.
Natalie had been impressed with her shooting skills and didn’t need to give her many tips. Only that practice makes perfect, which comes to pass because soon Emma is hitting most, if not all, the targets during gun training.
Next were the assault courses and Emma couldn't help but feel a little bit pleased with herself when she had been able to keep up with Natalie as they ran through the course. Only stumbling a few times when she would get distracted by watching her redheaded friend.
They continued to spar throughout the week and finally Emma was able to win a few rounds against her partner. One time she had knocked Nat to the floor but when Emma held out her hand to help her friend up, Natalie kicked her leg out, causing Emma to fall onto her back and letting out a high pitched squeal.
Both burst out laughing as they lay on the floor and eventually had to abandon training because they couldn't focus due to crying with laughter.
Today was finally Friday and Emma is feeling very nervous about having her new friend round to meet Henry. Especially after the possible kiss that was interrupted and never brought up again.
But as Emma feverishly cleans the apartment she decides to leave things with Nat as they are. To figuratively brush the almost kiss under the rug.
After all this is the first real friendship the blonde has had for a long time or for as long as she can remember. Yes she has had friends but not with the easy connection she has with Nat and she doesn’t want to ruin it.
Finally Emma is putting the cleaning supplies back under the sink and she rushes to the cupboard by the door to get the vacuum. Henry is playing video games with his legs up on the coffee table, but will occasionally watch his Mom as she zips around the apartment. When the vacuum blares to life he pauses the game, annoyed he can’t hear anything.
“MA!” Henry yells, causing Emma to pause and look at him, turning the machine off.
“What Henry?”
“I can’t hear the TV!” He groans pointing at his game. But he gulps when Emma gives him an unimpressed glare.
“You know it would have been nice if you offered to help. But I left you to it.” Emma crosses her arms. “I am trying to make our home nice for our guest. Now can you please get changed while I finish up in here? And make sure you close your door so she doesn’t catch sight of your room. Which you will clean and tidy tomorrow.”
“Aw Maaa!!” Henry whines and slams his hands either side of him on the sofa.
“Hen-rryyy.” Copies her son before turning around, hiding the smirk on her face. Her kid was truly entertaining sometimes, though admittedly somewhat annoying. But what young teenager wasn’t?
Emma continues vacuuming the apartment, making sure it shines and smells fresh. When she has completed her task Emma happily gazes around to triple check it’s to her standard.
Satisfied with the result she hops into the shower. Afterwards she quickly dries herself and gets to work on her hair. Blow drying it but allowing the natural waves in her hair to show and putting some basic makeup on. She stands for a while in her underwear, debating what to wear. ‘Smart? No this isn’t a meeting! But I don’t want to be too casual…’ Emma goes back and forth through her clothes. Her eyes land on her skinny jeans a few times but something pulls her away from them.
Finally she settles on a dark green skater dress, finishing it off with a few accessories. Her swan necklace and some pearl studded earrings. The intercom buzzes by the door making Emma jump. She quickly gives herself the once over, spraying vanilla perfume in the air and walking through it.
She rushes to the intercom as it buzzes again.
“Please desist that awful sound! It is terribly annoying.”
A silky laugh resonates from the machine. “Well if you had answered the first time I wouldn't have had to keep pressing it!”
“True.” Emma grins into the intercom.
“So… you gonna let me in?”
“Maybe.” Emma quickly presses the button and allows Natalie into the building.
Emma gives the apartment another once over and nods at Henry who is getting up from the sofa. Showing he had changed into a shirt. Emma is at least pleased he’s put a bit of effort into what he’s wearing.
A loud knock echoes through the apartment and Emma flies to the door. Opening it to reveal a beaming Natalie wearing black skinny jeans, black boots and red wine sheer blouse. Her hair is tied back into a high ponytail and her makeup is subtle but makes her features pop.
“Hi.” Emma breathes out before hugging the redhead. For a moment her mind screams at her for diving in straight away as she realises this is the first time they’ve hugged. Though she is relieved to feel Natalie’s arm reach up and hug her in return.
Emma pulls away before waving the redhead into the apartment. “Welcome to our home.”
“Thank you. I didn’t know what you drank so I brought everything!” Nat laughs while bending down to pick up a case of beer and a bag full of jangling bottles.
“Aww you didn’t have too!” Emma smiles as she takes the goods off her friend and heads to the kitchen.
“Well I am the first guest around your apartment. Would be rude not to.” Natasha says while following behind the blonde. She smiles when she sees a teenage boy standing awkwardly by the sofa. “And you must be Henry.”
“Hi.” Henry says timidly.
Emma smirks at how shy Henry has gone. Certain that if she was standing next to him he’d hide behind her.
“I’ve heard a lot about you. Thay you are going to be the next Tony Stark of inventing?”
Henry beams at Natalie’s question. “That's the plan.” He moves to the other side of the island where the two women are standing by.
“He’s only a week in and already his coaches are impressed with him.” Emma says with pride while putting the drinks in the fridge. “What do you want Nat?”
“I’m happy with a beer.” The redhead responds, Emma passes her one and opens one for herself. Natalie takes a sip and focuses back on the teenager. “That is amazing Henry. It isn’t an easy camp to be in, they certainly don’t mess around.”
“Yea? How do you know?” Henry tilts his head curiously at her.
“I know a few people that work there.” She smiles at him as his eyes go wide.
“Do you know Mr Stark?” Henry can’t help but bounce on his feet, showing his excitement.
“I do actually.”
Both Mother and Son gape at her and Emma blinks at how she didn’t know this information. Nat sees this and her smile widens.
“But only from a few parties he has hosted.”
“That's so cool!! Did he get his Iron Man suit out?!” Henry continues to bounce on his feet and Emma grins at his enthusiasm.
“Not the full suit but he let me try his gauntlet on and shoot an ice sculpture.”
Emma laughs into her drink at how Henry’s eyes widen even more that they could almost fall out of his head.
“That-is- AWESOME!!” Henry whoops but Emma interrupts him from the barrage of questions she knew he was going to ask the redhead.
“So.” Emma claps her hands drawing the pair's attention. “What pizza shall we order?”
“Pizza!” Henry quickly zips over to the cupboard where they keep all their take-out menus.
“What do you guys normally get?” Natalie asks casually while sipping her beer.
“Well, we have a great pizza place down the road and we’ve actually been going through the menu. There are still a few we haven’t tried.” Emma licks her lips. “What do you say Rushman? Feeling brave?”
“Always.” Natalie says coolly, raising a sculpted eyebrow at her.
Henry bounds towards them and they look through the menu. Nat laughs at the ratings and notes the mother and son have put against the ones they have tried.
“How bout we try the BBQ supreme, the oceano special and the carbonara pizza?” Emma points at the different choices.
“Fish on pizza? Yuck!” Henry pulls a face of disgust, Emma rolls her eyes but Nat smiles widely at him and winks. Henry’s cheeks redden slightly and he quickly stares down at the menu.
“Okay-” Emma taps the island as she looks over the options again. Trying to figure out what her taste buds are telling her. “How about…”
“The Hawaiian?” Natalie asks seriously, noticing how no writings were near the selection, before bursting out laughing as Henry’s head snaps up, the disgust on his face deepening. “I’m kidding Henry.”
“Good!” Henry says with relief flooding his face.
The trio look back down at the menu. “How bout Granny’s pizza? That sounds nice.” Nat offers up as she points at the description of the pizza.
“Yea, sounds good.” Emma smiles at her and Henry nods. Emma picks up the phone and dials the number she’s learnt off by heart. Not surprised when her voice is recognised by the person answering.
She banters with the owner while she watches Henry guide Nat over to the sofa to show her Diablo III and make the redhead a character.
Emma grins at how the conversation between the pair flows easily. Especially when Henry asks her which superhero character she likes, ultimately getting into a debate about Supergirl and Superman.
When she hangs up the phone she quietly sighs in relief as she looks at the back of their heads, relieved that they are getting along, before walking over to join them.
-- -- --
The evening was a success and after Henry went to bed Emma and Nat stayed up talking well into the early hours of the morning. When they realised the time, Emma was adamant that Nat stays over and sets the sofa up for her.
In the morning Nat seamlessly fits in with the relaxed Saturday morning ritual of the Swans. Helping Henry with the pancake mixture while Emma cooked, though some flour did get tossed around between her and Henry. Both gave the blonde puppy dog eyes when she turned on them. Ultimately cleaning up after themselves but Nat gave Henry a mischievous look before placing her flour covered hand on Emma’s face. Causing Emma to shriek and chase after the redhead, promptly promoting Henry to chef.
After they ate they played a few board games and Henry couldn’t help but smile and laugh at how competitive the two women got against each other.
Eventually it was time for Nat to leave and both of the Swans were sad to see her go as they waved goodbye from their doorway.
When Sunday comes, the mother and son go for an adventure around New York and try a few places to eat that they have heard about. When they venture back into the apartment they feel truly stuffed and satisfied and ready for a Sunday nap.
The weeks pass and they fall into a comfortable routine of work and camp, followed by Friday nights with Nat, who mostly always stays over and sleeps on the sofa. Emma had offered for Nat to sleep in her huge bed with her, but Nat would always politely refuse. Stating she would probably kick Emma hard in the night.
Saturdays are filled with either Henry hanging out with his Mom and Nat or he would go out with Peter and Ned to the arcade or some other adventure. Secretly happy about this as it gives his Mom some time with Nat, who Henry suspects is increasingly becoming someone special to his Ma.
This becomes apparent when one early Monday morning Emma groans as she starts to wake up. She had been experiencing a good dream involving the brunette beauty she keeps seeing, but pain radiates from her stomach. Pulling Emma into consciousness with the feeling she’s being stabbed constantly. Sighing heavily, she slowly lifts herself up, whimpering at the pain and stumbles to the bathroom.
She goes to use the toilet and crack open an eye, her suspicions are confirmed.
Her period has started.
Normally she was on the pill but with the move she completely forgot about it. Sorting herself out with lidded eyes she manages to get back to her bed and collapses into it. She groans and curls up into a tight ball, gritting her teeth as another powerful cramp makes her whole body tense.
Somehow Emma falls back to sleep or falls unconscious, she isn’t sure, when a few hours later she is awoken by Henry knocking on her door but she doesn’t have the energy to answer him.
“Ma? Are you up?” Henry’s muffled voice calls through the door. Emma groans in response and starts to uncurl. Suddenly her eyes shoot open as she feels her stomach roll dangerously. She gags and stumbles to the en-suite, just making it before she vomits. “Ma?!” Henry’s panicked voice yells as he opens her bedroom door.
Emma wants to tell him she is okay, but her energy has been zapped. Instead she moans, her breathing becomes ragged and tears fall down her face as she continues to throw up. The cramps are becoming worse and worse. Her whole body aches and feels like she's been run over multiple times.
“I’m going to get help!” Henry is gone before she can say anything. Once her stomach has settled again she flushes and tries to get to her feet. But her body isn’t cooperating with her demands.
“Henry?” Her voice is weak and rough. She tries to move again but is horrified when another severe cramp causes nausea to bubble up and she’s throwing up again.
Gentle hands pull her damp hair back, making Emma jump.
“Sorry.” A soft velvet voice apologises. Nat grabs a hair tie from on top of the sink and ties the blonde’s hair into a loose bun on top of Emma’s head. She gently rubs Emma’s back, looking at her friend sympathetically.
“Grss-you-shnd’nt, be here.” Emma’s mumbles come out in strained gasps.
“That’s what best friends are for, right?” Nat says and looks up at Henry who stands nervously in the doorway of Emma’s en-suite. His worry etched on his face.
“Henry, can you get your Mom a bottle of water please?” She smiles comfortingly at the teenager and Henry nods, taking off towards the fridge. Her smile widens slightly when Emma flops back into her. The blonde’s head rests on Nat’s shoulder, but Nat's smile fades when she notes how pale Emma is. “Wow Em, what’s wrong?”
“Period.” Emma mutters and she swallows, trying to relieve the acidic pain in her throat.
“Poor Em.” Nat leans over slightly to flush the toilet. Causing Emma to whine with the movement. Henry re-enters the bathroom with the bottle of water. “Thank you Henry.” She says as she takes it from him.
“Is she going to be okay?” Henry's voice is small as he looks down at his Mom.
“Yea she’s going to be just fine.” Nat says, trying to reassure him. “Shouldn’t you get going?”
Henry nods looking at the time on his watch. “Will you stay with her?”
“Yes, I’ve already told Johnson we aren’t coming in today.”
“Okay, bye Ma, hope you feel better soon.”
“Bye Hen.” Emma groans out. The pair hear Henry move into the corridor and out the apartment door.
Nat opens the bottle. “Drink this Em.”
Emma sluggishly lifts her hand to take the bottle.
Nat frowns at the lack of energy Emma is displaying. “Are your periods always this bad?”
Emma nods her head. “When I forget to take my meds. Aren’t yours?”
Nat stays quiet for a moment and Emma turns her head to squint up at the redhead.
“Try and drink a few sips for me.” Nat says, obviously ending the subject and helps Emma manage to drink a bit more.
The redhead somehow even manages to grab some medication from a drawer nearby and not jolt the blonde. After swallowing them, Emma starts to settle back into the redhead. Resting her head on her shoulder again. But Nat knows she won’t be comfortable soon.
“Can you get up?” Nat looks down at the blonde but Emma doesn’t respond. “Em?”
A green eye slowly opens before another one.
“Hi there.” Nat smirks down at her friend as Emma’s eyes connect with hers. “Can you get up?”
Emma nods, slowly sitting up and reaching out for the sink. She’s almost up until her legs buckle, making her slip and almost hit her head on the porcelain. But two strong arms catch her.
“Wow, careful there Em!” Nat pulls the blonde towards herself and lifts her up carefully. If Emma was fully with it she’d be freaking out at how Nat easily lifts her. “Do you want to go back to bed or on the sofa?”
“Sofa, watch movie.” Emma sighs out, enjoying the feeling of being in the redhead’s arms.
“Good idea.” Nat says and carefully walks through the apartment, not wanting to jostle the blonde and lays Emma on the sofa, pulling a teal blanket over her. “What do you want to eat?”
“No food.” Emma groans with the thought of eating and places her arm over her eyes.
“Em, you need to eat something.” Nat says firmly while crossing her arms.
“Toast.” Emma whispers out and Nat moves towards the kitchen. “And I need my glasses.”
Nat quickly backtracks to the sofa and looks down at her friend. “You wear glasses?”
Emma moves her arm away and nods tiredly. “Normally wear contacts. Glasses are beside my bed.” Emma curls up as pain shoots through her. She hears Nat go into her room to get them.
“Wow Em you're blind!” Nat exclaims, amazed at how thick the lenses are and how blurry everything looks when she gazes through them. She carefully cleans them as she makes her way back to the sofa. “Here you go Em.” Nat holds the glasses out to her.
“Thanks Nat.” Emma says weakly.
“So, toast, anything else?” Nat looks down as Emma places the thick rimmed glasses on, making her eyes magnified.
“Apple juice please.”
“Okay.” Nat smiles at Emma and walks to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for the both of them. Already knowing where everything is she pops four slices of bread in the toaster. “I’m gonna have some scrambled eggs with the toast. Do you want any?”
“Yea please.” Emma’s weak voice calls out from the sofa.
After a few minutes Natalie places the food on the coffee table and looks over at the films on the bookcase. “What do you want to watch?”
“Erm… Before that.” Emma says nervously as she slowly sits up to face the redhead. Nat sees this and turns so she’s facing Emma as well, who fiddles with her hands and looks anxiously at Nat. Who tilts her head as she waits for Emma to continue. “Earlier you said, that’s what best friends are for and I…” Emma falters, feeling ridiculous and like a child for bringing it up.
“You what?” Natalie asks softly, but when it's clear Emma wasn’t going to continue her sentence, the redhead takes a deep breath. “Do you not want to be my best friend?”
“No! I mean I do! I just-” Emma runs a frustrated hand over her forehead, before flopping into the side of the sofa cushion. “I’ve never really had a best friend before. People have come close but I’ve never felt able to let them in or felt so at ease with someone before.” Emma panic when Nat just stares at her for a moment “And now I’ve ruined it and-”
“Em breathe.” Nat quickly cuts her off and takes Emma’s hand. Smiles fondly at her. “And I feel the same way. My work has become my life and it's nice to have someone I can share it and the other things with.”
“Other things?”
“Pizza, movies, walks in the park, kicking your ass in training-”
“Hey!” Emma protests weakly. “Not as much.” She grumbles and crosses her arms across her chest but winces at the pain.
“Okay, okay, not as much, not anymore at least.” Nat says while reaching out and unlocking Emma’s arms. “You need to stay relaxed.”
“Yes Mom.” Emma mutters and Nat chuckles, heading over to where the DVD’s are.
“So bestie! What is it you want to watch?”
“Tangled.” Emma says while playing with a loose thread on the blanket.
She smiles at the warm feelings radiating from her chest. Happy that her little confession hasn’t ruined anything with her friend, her best friend.
Emma is also relieved that she is starting to feel that the painkillers were taking effect in dulling the pain. Carefully she stretches her legs out and sighs heavily.
Nat reaches out for the DVD. “Tangled it is!” She quickly turns the Xbox on and puts the disc in. Walking back over to the sofa she lifts Emma’s legs so she can sit down. Gently places Emma’s legs on her lap and grabs the controller to start the film.
Soon the room is filled with Disney's intro music and the friends are whisked away on Repunzel’s adventure.
The waft of food reminds Emma she hasn’t eaten yet and she's pretty sure her stomach is beyond empty and will start to eat itself. Her stomach then growls, seemingly confirming Emma’s theory. Slowly Emma sits up removing her legs from Nat’s lap and sits cross legged.
“You can keep your feet there you know?” Natalie tells her softly, her attention momentarily moves off the screen and on the blonde beside her.
“Yea, but it would be harder to eat.” Emma gives the redhead a small smile.
“True.” Nat smiles back, especially when Emma drapes the blanket across both their laps and grabs their plates. Handing the redhead her portion.
The friends eat in silence as they watch Rapunzel and Flynn travel across the land to get to the Kingdom of Corona. They laugh at the jokes and Emma bounces along to the I have a dream song, causing Nat to grin at her.
Emma bellows with laughter when Flynn admits his name is Eugene. Nat doesn’t understand why it's that funny to Emma, but shrugs and chuckles with her anyway.
When Rapunzel and Eugene get to the Kingdom Nat notices Emma starting to get quieter. They continue to watch Rapunzel enjoy her birthday and get into a boat to watch the lanterns get released. When Rapunzel’s parents come on the screen, still devastated by the loss of their missing daughter, she hears Emma sniff. Nat looks at her blonde best friend from the corner of her eye and sees a few tears fall as Emma is transfixed by what is happening on the screen.
When the song begins and the King and Queen release the lantern, Emma’s tears fall quicker and she sniffs a few more times.
“You okay?” Nat asks softly. Emma nods her head and wipes her face under her glasses. Nat opens her arm out, beckoning Emma into her. Emma immediately shuffles over and falls into her best friend’s lap. She sighs in content as she rests her head on the crook of Nat’s arms.
The redhead gazes down at Emma and places her hand gently on Emma’s head. Softly moving her finger to stroke Emma’s head.
She looks back at the tv and sees the way Eugene watches Rapunzel. The adoration he feels for the blonde princess is clear.
Her hand and arm suddenly feels warm around Emma but she doesn’t want to pull away.
“I’d love for someone to look at me the way Eugene looks at her.” Emma says sadly with a sniff.
“One day, someone will.” Nat reaches down and squeezes Emma’s hand. Emma looks down at their joined hands and gives her a small smile through her tears.
“Yea, one day.” She wipes her wet face again. ‘Damn hormones!’
They continue watching the film and how things turn south when Mother Gothel makes Rapunzel believe Eugene doesn’t love her. Taking Rapunzel back to the tower, her prison.
Emma cheers when Eugene breaks free from the Kingdom’s prison after getting arrested by the guards and how Repunzel realises she is the lost princess.
But her mood soon grows solemn again when Eugene climbs Rapunzel's hair only to find her gagged and chained. She leans back further into Nat when Eugene is stabbed by Gothel and they watch the sequence unfold that leads to Eugene cutting Repunzel’s hair. Freeing her from Gothel who trips and falls out of the tower, becoming dust before she hits the ground.
Nat frowns at the tv as Eugene is dying in Rapunzel’s arms. She breathes a sigh of relief when Rapunzel’s tear gives Eugene another chance. As the scene switches to Rapunzel’s parents, Nat feels Emma tense up and feels her arm getting wet with tears as the parents rush to meet their lost daughter.
When Repunzel’s Mother slowly approaches Rapunzel, looking at her in awe and wonder and realising it is her daughter, Emma lets out a quiet sob. Her shoulders shake when the mother and daughter hug and Emma lets out another sob as the father joins the hug.
Emma buries her head into the crook of Nat’s arm and openly weeps.
“Hey, Em, what’s wrong?” Nat says concerned but Emma just shakes her head and continues crying. Nat carefully turns Emma over and lifts her slightly so she can hold her in a tight hug. Confused and worried at how Emma is reacting.
The blonde buries her head into the redhead’s shoulder, cursing her hormones. “It’s- stupid.” Emma’s muffled voice breaks as she continues to cry into the redhead’s shoulder.
“What is?” Nat rubs her hand over Emma’s back, trying to soothe her.
“My parents- do they- think of me? Do they light- a candle- on my birthday? Do they regret giving- me up?” Emma voices out her deepest thoughts to her best friend.
Nat sighs as she begins to understand what Emma is thinking. “Oh Em.” For the first time in a while Nat doesn’t know what to say. So she just continues to hold her best friend, looking down at the broken woman in her arms.
Soon Emma’s sobs fade and her breathing slows down. “Sorry.” Emma feels embarrassed and starts to move out of Nat’s arms.
“It’s fine Em.” She holds on, not allowing Emma to move. “I know you don’t really want to get up.”
Emma stops trying and nods. Settling back in the comforting embrace. Her eyes grow heavy and before she knows it she is asleep.
Nat smiles sadly down at Emma and places a gentle kiss on the blonde’s head before she reaches out to the remote beside her and settles back to watch some tv.
(Part Five)
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gay-salt-amber · 3 years
Where the hell is Kenma?!
Yuri on Ice x Haikyuu crossover
Just so you know, all the figure skaters kids are close with the other skaters so they consider ever skater they're close with family so the whole uncle aunt thing is just a friend thing
warnings: Gay, swearing, etc
Ships: leoji, yakulev, minotayuri
Пока= bye
All Russian is google translated
For the parents the kids will just be calling them by their names unless one parents is without the others then they will be called dad so it doesn't get confusing
Kenma pov
It was 10 alcock at night and I was up playing my video games as usual with Hinata, Lev and some other friends. We were playing a game that was a collaboration between Nerf and Xbox, it was quite good. Not my favorite shooter of all time but it was alright. When the match was over and the 20 second map and round type selection started, my phone rang. I was on a discord call with my friends so they saw the phone going up to my ear. Right when I was about to answer Lev spoke up,
"Who is it?" He asked
"Who's this Georgi?" Hinata seemed confused but curious.
"Just a family friend of ours." I answered, I don't wanna go into me and Lev being legally related right now.
"Oh, cool!"
I looked down at my phone and unlocked it to see the messages, "I might need to not play this round for a bit I need to respond to these texts." I said
The rest of them agreed and I went back to the messages.
Georgi: I was just wanting to remind you that the plane leaves at 7, so get some sleep kid.
Kenma: Thanks uncle Georgi, I'll try.
Georgi: Do you want us to bring the Russian team bus to pick you up from your house?
Kenma: Sure when are yall getting here?
Georgi: 6 prolly, depends on how long Lila and Yakov wanna take. Old asses -w-
Kenma: pfft xD
Kenma: Anyway, I need to get back to my friends see you later.
Georgi: K, get some sleep, my favorite nephew ☆⌒(*^-゜)v
I unmuted my mic on the call and spoke after like 5 minutes
"Back, hows the round going?"
I didn't hear my dear Shoyo but instead Lev, "Good, Hinata got tired though and had to leave."
When I was about to say I needed to leave to, Lev spoke again,
"Oh yeah! You should get going, you don't wanna miss the flight!"
Once I exited the game I turned back to my monitor that had discord and moved it back to my main monitor, "I was about to say that."
"Пока" I said, my Russian feeling a little rusty.
"Пока Kenma!"
Pressing the 'end call' button made me sigh with relief, standing up, I walked over to my closet and grabbed some clothes for a shower before bed. I grabbed some long, loose black pants and a old Russian figure skating team shirt that one of my dads got me. While I was walking to the bathroom I was looking through some notes for class and deleted stuff I didn't need since I was going to be in an entire different country for a while.
I got out of the shower, dried my hair and put on my clothes. Once I got to the door, I looked into the mirror and I had an idea, 'Should I put my hair in braids so it'll look wavy tomorrow? Yeah that'll look nice!' I reached over and grabbed two small clear hair ties and put my hair into two braids.
I finally opened the bathroom door and walked back to my room to call it a night and sleep. Once I reached my room I noticed something, "You mother fucker.." I didn't pack my bags for the fucking trip. I whipped out my phone and thought of who I could message, we were gonna be in a bunch of places for skating and I wanted to check for how long, but guess what?! I don't know whos awake!
Right when I was about to wing it, I remembered its like 9 in the morning for Leo de la Iglesia, who is an American skater which I consider family. I guessed he would be up since he and Guang-Hong Ji, his boyfriend typically wake up at 7 to eat breakfast and go on a run together, virtually since they live in different countries but I guess they try. It took a while to find this name in my contacts since my phone doesn't really sort through who I texted recently but instead it sorts alphabetically the only time I would see his name at the top is if I had an unread message from him, which I don't. I kept scrolling reading off the letters as I went. H,I,J,K....
I finally got to L and found his name since I only have like 3 people whos name start with L in my contacts, I opened it and cringed at the date of the last sent message, 'June 1st' which was a happy pride month message. My fingers tapped on the message bar and I started typing quickly.
Kenma: Hey uncle Leo ヾ(•ω•`)o
Kenma: Ik this is a weird time to text since I should be sleeping but, you're the only one awake.
Leo: Ey Kozume! 💅 What do you need?
Kenma: I was wanting to know how long the competitions are gonna be , I forgot to pack soo...
Leo: Ah! Well you're going to be on the trip for a week and Georgi's gonna take you back to Japan the Monday afterwards
Kenma: I- Isn't it longer then that? (⊙_⊙)?
Leo: Yes but we know that Neko-
Kenma: Nekoma?
Leo: How ever the fuck you spell your schools name 😑
Leo: Anyway, we know you have a game against Karasuno the next day and we know you would wanna play in that sooo...
Kenma: Cool, thanks.
Leo: Np, see you in America (。・∀・)ノ゙
Once I was done snickering to myself at Leo and I's conversation, I walked over to my clothes drawers and got out the clothes I wanted, one formal outfit, some pj's and some casual stuff. I put that stuff in one suitcase and put my miscellaneous stuff in a smaller drawstring bag that had a bunch of video game pins on it. I walked downstairs to put my stuff by the door and when I got there I saw someone come in, it were my dads, Yuri Plisetsky, Otabek Altin and Minami Kenjiro.
I walked up and hugged all 3 of them, "Hey kiddo."
Since I decided to say screw sleep and talk to my parents which is something I didn't get to do much at this time of the year often since they have practice all the time. So we sat on the couch and had dinner while watching tv as a family and talked about their practice
Yuri chirped up while eating some rice, "Mila was being a bitch."
"Oh? What happened?" I asked
"So you know her kid Tendō?"
Minami put his chopsticks down and joined in the conversation, "He's that kid that goes to Shiratorizawa Academy right?"
"So, he's gonna be joining the Russian team since the he doesn't like the Italian team."
"Yet his uncle and other mom is on that team." Otabek pointed out
"I don't get how she was being a bitch?" I said, trying to get the conversation back to the main point,
"Her ass was bragging about all practice, like shit I couldn't get 2 fucking works out without her interrupting."
We all laughed, and went back to eating.
After we were finished we all were doing the dishes, "Go upstairs and get some sleep kiddo, I'll do the rest of the dishes. Yuri, go get some rest too." Minami said
"Are you not going to America, Beka?" Yuri asked.
The black haired boy shrugged, "No, for some reason my couch decided I'm not going, I don't know why."
Minami was another one of my dads who was staying home, ever since they adopted me when I was 4 he always declined going to any skating competitions that weren't in Japan so that if I ever had an emergency someone would always be there. This meant that only me and Yuri, my blonde, sassy, Russian dad were going to America for the 3 back to back skating events that were happening there.
"I wonder why Lev's not going.."
"Your school doesn't want you both out when a game is so close." Otabek was right I still thought it was stupid since he was looking forward to this event, he's always wanted to go to America after all. But as compromise I promised to send him a lot of photos.
Minami who was still washing the dishes started shoving us out of the kitchen, "Yeah yeah, cut the chat get your butts upstairs and I don't wanna see you two down here until morning!" He said, waving a wooden spoon in the air as we walked up the stairs, laughing.
We reached the upstairs, both of my dads gave me a kiss on the forehead and wished me a good night. I walked into my room and instantly my tiredness from earlier came back to wack me in the face with 5 times the strength of before. I walked over to my bed and just.. flopped.
--In the morning--
My alarm for 5:30 went off and I got up, still tired but meh, nothing a bit of coffee wont fix. I walked over to my closet and got out a hoodie Shoyo gave me, it was a Karasuno hoodie with Shoyo's name and volleyball number, 10 on the back. I inhaled the scent of my lover. I'm gonna miss him but I still can call him. I grabbed a thin t-shirt to wear underneath and some soft black pants with red on the side, after I grabbed my clothes I walked to the bathroom and got changed. After that I took my braids out, my hair looked great!
When I left the bathroom right when I put my foot on the first step to head downstairs the scent of waffles hit my nose, I started to go quicker down the stairs since I fucking love waffles and I am starving! Once I got there Minami greeted me.
"Hey kiddo, did you sleep good?"
"Yeah." I nodded
"Are your other dads not up yet?"
"Nah." I shook my head getting out a plate.
"Before you eat imma wake them up."
I rubbed my forehead before sighing, "Oh god what are you planning, pops?"
"Nothing, let me just..." After finicking with his phone I heard a blast of noise from my parents room and the line I knew too well of "WELCOME TO THE MADNESS" blasted through the door. After like 2 seconds they were up and downstairs.
"You get creative when it comes to waking us up." Otabek yawned while Yuri wiped his eyes.
"I know, glad you're finally catching on~" Minami said, getting sassy, which he normally was this early in the morning.
"What'd you make for breakfast?" I asked.
"Apple waffles!"
I ran to the counter happily, grabbing like 3 fucking waffles.. What can I say? I love apple things!
"Goddamn! Leave some for us!" Yuri teased
"Nah~" I joked back.
When we had just finished our food, we were setting our dishes into the sink and just chatting, we heard a knock on the door. I turned to the clock, '6:00' almost on the dot. "Man when they say they'll be here at 6, they aren't kidding." Otabek said, looking at the bus through the window.
I snickered and got my shoes on, me and Yuri grabbed our suitcases and after my adopted dad kissed my other dads, we were out the door and on the bus. I stopped to talk to Mila whom was driving while Yuri went to go sit in the back by himself.
I tapped the red head on the shoulder, "Hey Mila can we make a stop before we go to the airport?"
She grinned "Yeah, of course, the flight was delayed a half hour anyway for whatever fucking reason."
"Ok, can we stop at Karasuno I uh.. Wanna see someone before we leave.."
Mila let out a quiet gasp before whispering, "Is this the boy you've been talking about?"
I nodded and Mila laughed, "Sure, I don't see why not!"
I gave a light smile and went to go sit down.
--When they stopped at Karasuno, Hinata pov--
"We aren't doing anything special today, hell do what you want if you wanna sit and chat do that, I am giving you a free day before we practice for our match against Nekoma." Couch Ukai explained
We all nodded with a 'yes couch' coming out of all us.
Me and Yamaguchi stayed chatting when our long haired ace, Asahi came in, "Sorry I'm late but there's a bus outside that says, 'Russian Figure Skating Team' outside for whatever reason."
"I wonder why..." I brushed it off though and continued talking to Yams
We kept talking before I heard a familiar voice, "Shoyo? Are you here?"
"Kenma!" I exclaimed before I jumped up and ran to give him a hug which almost knocked him over in the process.
"Hi Shoyo, its good to see you."
"What are you doing here?" I asked, releasing the hug and just holding his hands and I spoke again
"I mean there's a weird bus that says Russian Figure Skating Team or something outside but why are you here?"
"That's my ride." Kenma answered plainly.
"That's your- WHAT!" I was surprised and the others came over
Kenma laughed, "That's why I came here, I wanted to let you know I'm going to be gone for a week."
"Why? Did something happen?" Suga asked from the back
"No, no! I'm going to skate in America, I'll be back for our game though." His answer made me more curious
Noya's voice rang from the right, "When are you leaving?"
"Around 7:30, our plane got delayed but I get to talk with you more, right Shoyo?"
I was about to sit down when the door swung open and there stood someone who looked a bit like Kenma, but different colored eyes and plain blonde hair
"I'm hanging out in here with you kid."
"Yakov being annoying?"
"да ебать его задницу!"
"Who are you sir?" Asked Asahi who was putting away the few volleyballs that were used since most of the team was chatting, it was a free day after all
"This is Yuri Plisetsky, my dad." Kenma explained
I tilted my head, wondering what he said, I knew it was Russian just based on context but I didn't know what, "What was that you were saying?"
"He said, "yeah fuck his ass" My blonde boyfriend translated
"Well before we go might as well do this," Kenma sighed as he held my hand tighter,
"Dad, this is my boyfriend, Shoyo." Kenma looked nervous.
"As long as he treats you well, then I don't care."
"W-wait that's it?!" Kenma seemed surprised
Yuri clutched his chest in laughter, "I-I'm sorry! Just.."
"Are you forgetting who I am?"
"Kiddo, I am a trans gay man who has been married with 2 other men in a poly relationship for 2 years now, what'd you want me to say?"
Hinata looked surprised but also relived, "Really? That's so cool!"
Yuri looked at me and rolled his eyes and messaged the bridge of his nose, "Really? You went for the fanboy?"
"Dad, you're married to one."
"Meh, true."
We were talking for a while longer with me just being lovey as usual when someone else walked through the door and yelled "ITS JJ STYLE!" Which Yuri's dad looked pissed about
"I'll get him out give me a second."
"убирайся отсюда, канадский ебать!" Yuri yelled as he proceeded to shove the man I'm guessing named JJ out
"What'd he say?" I asked
"Get out of here you Canadian fuck."
With that a new people entered, "Kozume!" A voice called,
"Hi Gramps."
"Whos this?" I questioned with my hand still on Kenma's
"That's my grandpa, Victor Katsuki-Nikiforov."
"That's so cool!"
Kenma blushed and just nodded,
"Does my grandson have a boyfriend~"
"Yep, this is Shoyo."
"So he's the one I keep hearing Chris say you brag about?"
Before Victor could continue I heard a slam
"Двигай своей задницей, черт возьми, свинья!" (Move your ass fucking pig!) And in came Yuri kicking another black haired boy in through the door.
"Yurio be nice you your mother!"
Victor sighed, "Well we have 2 Yuri's here its confusing!"
The grey haired mans tone quickly changed, "Anyway~"
He helped Yuuri up and waltzed on back over to us, "Our grandson has a boyfriend!!!!"
"Awh that's great!"
"Aaand Shoyo, meet my other grandpa, Yuuri Katsuki-Nikiforov"
"It's nice to meet you."
We talked a bit before Yuuri spoke up,
"We should get going, the others probably wanna get coffee before we go to the airport."
"Oh, yeah, I guess so."
I was sad that they had to leave because Kenma noticed and his face softened because when they were getting up to leave, he gave me a soft kiss on the lips,
" I will call you every chance I get, Ok baby?"
"Alright, I'll see you next week at the game?"
"Yes, I love you."
"I love you too." Those were the last words I said to Kenma in person for a week.
When I turned around I heard someone yell, "KOZUME HAS A BOYFRIEND!"
Lev pov--
Kenma: We're having another fucking flight delay!
Lev: I still wish I could've gone with!
Kenma: I know, you were really wanting to come, right?
Lev: Ofc! I have always wanted to go to America! 😭😭😭
Kenma: Oof
Lev: Hold on the team is worried about you, give me a moment
Kenma: Gl Kuroos gonna be all like 'well why didn't I know?!' or some shit
Lev: mhm 😑
I turned off my phone and listened to the rest of the team freak out about the gamer boys missing
"WHERE THE FUCK IS HE?!" Yaku yelled out of panic
"Yaku, I am sure he's fine.." Yamamoto said, trying to keep the peace
"Well we don't know that! Hell! He didn't even tell me anything.." Kuroo was also pissed which just made me wanna chuckle since Kenma was right about Kuroos reaction.
"What Lev?"
"Well about Kenma being gone, I know where he is I just thought this was funny."
"So us worrying is funny?!"
"When I know why, yes."
Kuroo rolled his eyes, "Lev, Kenma never talks to you."
"Yes, yes he does, you don't know every fucking thing he does." I snapped.
"Are you sure?" Kuroo retorted
"Whos he dating?"
"See you dont even know that"
"Fucking- Whatever just where is he?" Yaku asked
I held out my phone and showed the texts
"Where the hell is he going?! We have a game!"
"Yaku, please shut the fuck up." I whispered.
"Yaku I love you, but please shut the fuck up, he doesn't care about the game right now, he will be back for the game with Karasuno, but he is with family and doing something that will contribute to his future. Now shut up пожалуйста, перестань любопытствовать и дай ему жить!" (please stop prying and let him live!)
I took a step back, I swore my boyfriend out... I even yelled at him in Russian!
I felt like I wanted to cry, I didn't wanna snap like that.. Then I heard the door open
"HA I KNEW HE WOULD CUSS SOMEONE OUT! Виктор! ты должен мне 20 долларов!" (Victor you owe me 20) I turned to the voice,
"Oh praise god." I sighed
Yurio was walking up to me, "ты в порядке? ты выглядишь напряженным .." (are you okay? you look tense)
"Я огрызнулся на своего парня, и я устал, угадай" (I snapped at my boyfriend and I'm tired, guess)
"What are they saying.." Yaku was confused
"Well apologize you fuck!" Yurio scoffed
"Sorry sir, but Lev is fine, I was the one who deserved it."
"I'm still sorry!"
"Even better question! Lev, you can speak Russian!?" Kuroo seemed surprised
"Yeah, I just didn't wanna hear the, 'oh! Say my name in Russian' or, 'say something in Russian!' that gets annoying fast!"
"Oh, Beka has the same problem whenever he says he's from Kazakhstan."
"Anyway, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at the airport with the rest of the Russian team."
"We would be in the sky by now is the plane would stop getting fucking delayed!"
"Well let the team rest in here! Its probably hot as fuck in that bus."
"Smartest thing you've said all day, Levochka." And with that he left
"And who was that?" Yaku's tone was serious so I beckoned the team over to the bench to explain
"So you know how I have left practice early?"
"That's because I do figure skating and I am hoping to go into it full time when I am older and that person who was here a bit ago was a part of the Russian Figure Skating team."
"Nice!" Someone commented from the end of the bench
"Levochka!" A voice called,
"DAD!" I raced to meet the voice and gave a big hug to my father, Victor Nikiforov and gave my other dad, Yuri Katsuki a hug when he entered short after.
Yaku came up from behind, and kicked me, "YOU NEVER TOLD ME YOUR PARENTS WERE FAMOUS SKATERS YOU FUCK!"
Upon seeing that the Russian team was pissed, "Держи свои гребаные ноги от него, ублюдок размером с муравей!"
"I still don't know what yall are saying.."
A voice came from the back, "Georgi said, "Keep your fucking feet off him, ant-sized motherfucker" I recognized Kenma's voice quickly
"Ey! I thought you would stay on the bus!" Yurio called
"Well, I finished my level and I have nothing else to play until a few daily bonuses roll in."
"Kid you run through games like me and Lev run through a thing of pirozhkis.."
"Meh I keep myself entertained."
"KENMA?!" Kuroo called, ran up and started to shake the boy
"Because it doesn't concern you, besides its not like I'm gonna be gone forever.."
"Kozume I am your best friend! You tell your best friend this shit!"
"Uh..." Kenma stuttered
"What?! Is there anything else you wanna tell me?!"
"1: I don't owe you shit and 2: Lev and Shoyo are my best friends, Теперь слезай с высокой лошади, ты трахаешься" (Now get off the high horse, you fuck)
"That's my boy!" Yurio cheered
Yuuri shook his head and turned to me, "Anyway, Lev can we pull you and Yaku to the side we wanna talk to you two."
I nodded and grabbed Yaku's hand and we exited the gym with my dads
"Levochka.. Are you sure he's the one you want?" My dad asked gently
"What do you mean?"
"I mean you said that this was your boyfriend when we talked about it before but are you sure he is what you want? I mean he kicks you and gets physical it seems a lot. I just want for you to be safe." My dad explained.
Yaku looked nervous as my dead continued, "Hell even Yurio when we adopted him, was never physical with anyone who didn't deserve it.. Minus Yuuri but you get what I mean."
I grabbed Yaku's hand, "I know but Yaku's trying and that's all I can really ask.."
Yuuri started to talk "Lev please be safe." His face was one of worry
"I'm sorry Mr. Nikiforov, I've been trying my hardest to not be as bad as I was, I am trying for your sons sake, I wanna make him happy.."
"I can see that and I hope you keep trying."
"I will, I care about Lev so much I wouldn't do anything to actually hurt him, I love him too much to do that."
"HEY VICTOR WE NEED TO GET TO THE AIRPORT!" Called Yakov's voice loud from the bus.
"Coming! Lets go!"
After gathering the others they left, till next week will we see them again.
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angelsswirl · 4 years
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"Cupid must have wrote a love story in the dark. Oh, sloppy Cupid. Doomed us from the start."
"Walk me through it one more time." Yeri's lip quivered as she tried not to laugh. And she was trying really, really hard.
"No, you're going to laugh." A petulant pout overtook Chaeyoung's lips. It's an odd look on her. She's sitting in a desk chair that anyone else would probably describe as something just shy of a throne. And she's dressed head to toe in an Armani suit that someone else picked out for her.
Yeri, her assistant, shook her head profusely. If she was going to laugh, she would have done it already. She was simply holding it in for Chaeyoung's sake. If it were anyone else she would have cracked up in their face, but her boss seemed quite miffed with the situation.
"I promise I won't." She insisted. Rosé narrowed her eyes, then sighed. She grabbed her heart-shaped stress ball off of her mahogany desk. She threw it into the air once, twice, three times before speaking.
"I saw her walk in and may or may not have dropped a 15 pound weight on my toe. She got on the elliptical and it wouldn't work, so I decided that was my opening. I walked over, kicked it with the same probably broken foot, then I asked her out. There." Rosé glared at her assistant who snickered profusely.
"Now hold on. You're forgetting a part." Yeri looked down at the legal pad that had been sitting in her lap. She perused the page before tapping on a particular spot.
"Ah hah! You pulled a business card out of your fucking gym shorts like an absolute psychopath." This must be the final nail in the coffin as she finally howled in laughter, "I'm surprised any of that actually worked. Are you sure she gave you her actual number and not someone else's? Like a cop's?"
"We'll address the fact that you're taking notes on my love life in your quarterly evaluation, but to answer your question I have no idea. I completely embarrassed myself in front of her, but she was smiling like she found it cute."
Yeri eyed the look on her employer's face, "You know I'm just messing with you, Rosie. I'm sure you completely charmed her. Besides, there's only one way to find out." Yeri nodded her head towards Chaeyoung's personal phone which had been haphazardly placed on top of a stack of meeting notes.
"You're right. I need to redeem myself." Chaeyoung grabbed her phone, and searched for your name in her contacts.
Yeri rolled her eyes. Alphas were so weird. She's about to leave the office and give Rosé some semblance of privacy, when a framed picture, sitting on one of the many counters in the room, catches her eye.
"Hey, Rosie. Hate to burst your bubble, but are we just supposed to act like Joy doesn't exist?"
Rosé gave a heavy pause, she sighed and looked up at Yeri, "We've been broken up for two months, so yes we are supposed to pretend like she doesn't exist."
"Yeah, but I don't know if that's how that works."
Rosé sounded tired when she spoke next, "Just drop it, Yeri." She ran a hand through her blonde hair.
Yeri sighed and shook head, "Fine. Don't forget you have a meeting with Spectrum at 12:30 this afternoon."
"I won't. Thank you." Yeri let the door close behind her.
"Could you knock for once? What if I was naked?" Jisoo frowned as she padded into her livingroom, wiping the sleep from her eyes.
"Why would you walk around naked? You're roommates with a two year old alpha. She'd most definitely try to punch you in the dick." The intruder exclaimed as she pushed passed Jisoo into the kitchen area.
"Roommate would imply that she pays rent. I keep telling her to get a job, but everytime I do she just stares at me then asks for more cheerios. I'm all cheerio-ed out!" Jisoo gripped her hair dramatically.
"Which is exactly why I bought you some real breakfast." As if on queue the sound of small feet slapping furiously against hardwood is heard.
"How do you keep escaping your jail cell?" Jisoo asked, peering down at her daughter with a confused glare.
"Stop calling her crib a jail cell."
"There's bars. I lock those bars. And she's supposed to not be able to get out of those bars. Sounds plenty like a jail cell to me. One time she even ran her sippy cup along the bars and started playing the harmonica."
"Aunt 'Rene!" Lia shouted. She had a wonderful knack for distracting her aunt so she didn't choke her mother to death.
"Hi, Lia. Are you hungry?"
Lia nodded happily.
"She likes to act like she'll starve here. I feed you, too." Lia just stared blankly at her mother as she chewed on a piece of pancake Irene handed her.
"Anyway. Why am I here?"
Jisoo's brows furrowed, "I don't know. You just showed up."
"No. You texted me last night asking me to come over."
Jisoo raised an eyebrow as she checked her phone. It was very plausible. Sounded like something she would do, but she'd be lying if she said she had any recollection of doing it.
The One With The Kid : v v upset. Told cutteeee omega me lifes storie. Wanna sEx her but Jenn3i look at me mean. Pls cum huggg my. Read at 10:03 pm.
"Wow. Drunk at only ten o'clock? I might have a problem."
"You think?"
"Well, it looks like I already told you why you're here. I told a very cute omega my entire life's story and I was totally going to go home with her if Jennie hadn't have ruined it. And I was like completely sober at that point."
"Do you still want that hug?"
"Will you try to choke me?"
"Then yes."
"Sometimes I wonder if your child is actually parenting you instead of the other way around." Irene rolled her eyes then got to setting up the rest of the food she had brought.
"So, what actually happened last night. I'm sure Jennie threw an absolute rager." Irene chuckled at her own joke.
"Y/N made the same joke."
"Who the fu-heck is Y/N?"
"The cute omega. She walked into the kitchen, where I was hiding. We got to talking and I don't know, I just started telling her things." Jisoo explained as she calmly pulled a piece of pancake her daughter would have most definitely choked on out of her hands. She handed it back to her after ripping it in half.
"Do you think-"
"You know, I hate that question."
Irene sighed and poked at her eggs, "It has to be asked, Chu. When was the last time you voluntarily gave any type of information about yourself to a stranger?"
"Exactly. Maybe she's the one." Irene shrugged, she eyed her best friend. Jisoo just sat silently and watched her daughter eat.
"I don't know. She saw my phone background and asked about it. And I only hesitated a little bit. She smelled great." Jisoo's eyes took on a bit of a dreamy look, and Irene just chuckled to herself.
"Did she recognize you?"
"Not at first, but I guess I said something and it jogged her memory. She said she had seen some of my videos in her classes."
Irene's eyes widened dramatically, "Oh my God, Chu. How old is she?!"
"She's friend's with Jennie and Lisa. Met them in college, so I'm assuming she's talking about Grad school." Jisoo laughed as the turmoil slowly drained from Irene's face.
"That was close. So, she knows about the kid, your job, and she still didn't run for the hills? Please, tell me you got this girl's number."
"....But you don't like it when I lie to you."
"Jisoo!" Irene admonished.
Lia, assuming this is just a game of word association yelled as well, "Mama!"
"What?! After Jennie walked in she just abruptly left. She had a class this morning." Jisoo shrugged.
"Chu, it's Saturday."
"Oh yeah."
"Then why did she leave? What did Jennie say exactly?"
"She glared at me a bit when she saw me with her. She said Lisa had been looking for Y/N, but Y/N didn't really seem to care. Then Jennie left. Y/N said that was weird, then she said she had to go. That was it. I think she noticed Jennie being weird to me, and it scared her off somehow."
Irene nodded as she listened, "Why was Jennie glaring at you anyway? I thought you guys were cool with each other again."
"I never try to venture into Jennie's mind. I imagine I'd go insane. I think she was just being an alpha really. She probably thought she had an obligation to protect her." Jisoo shrugged once more, "It's okay. If I really wanted her number I'd just get it from Lisa."
"You should really want her number."
Jisoo didn't say anything. She just chewed the inside of her lip as she continued to monitor her daughter's eating.
"Should I have dressed up a little more?" You asked, self consciously looking down at your sweater and skinny jeans.
"Oh, no! Sorry, I just came from work." Rosé gestured at her suit with a nonchalant wave of her hand.
"Well you look nice."
"So do you." Rosé smiled at you softly. She held the door opened for you.
"Did you want anything?" Chaeyoung gestured to the menu floating over the baristas heads.
"Um, sure a white chocolate mocha, please."
Chaeyoung nodded, "An excellent choice. I think I discovered the drug of coffee back in college. A white chocolate mocha was my gateway drug into plain black. I'm thinking about enrolling my self into coffee-holics anonymous."
You laughed lightly, "I totally understand. I don't think I'd pass my midterms if I didn't have at least two shots of espresso on study nights."
Chaeyoung placed your orders and patiently waited for it to be filled, "What are you studying?"
"I'm earning my master's in education. Would love to be an administrator some day." A big smile spread across your face and Rosé couldn't help but find it contagious.
"You'd make a wonderful administrator one day, I'm sure." When the order is ready, Rosé retrieved them and lead the two of you toward an alcove in the back of the coffeeshop.
"Thank you. Everyone thinks I'm crazy for staying in school so long."
"Do you think it will be beneficial for you in the long run?" Rosé asked as she took a sip of her black coffee.
"Then fuck what they think." Rosé said matter of factly. There's a spark in your eye that sort of snatched her breathe right out of her chest.
"That's a bit easier said than done. But, enough about me. What do you do that's got you so dressed up?"
Chaeyoung's eyes widened a bit. She was hoping that she could avoid that question. People always seem to freak out a bit when they realize she'd could probably buy a private island for them if she wanted to.
"I work at a marketing agency. Royal Collective."
"That large as fuck building like right next to central park?!" You asked excitedly. You walked passed that place all of the time. And it was hard to miss, considering it was one of the taller buildings around instead of normal glass windows, the windows had curated, colorful graffiti all over them.
"That's the one." Chaeyoung prided herself on keeping her financial status private. Not many people knew who ran Royal Collective and it was going to stay that way.
"That must be so cool. Does your office have a nice view?"
"It does ac-" Rosé is cut off by the sound of her phone ringing. She sighed discreetly.
"I'm sorry. I have to take this." She stepped a few feet away, and answered the phone.
"I know you're on your little date but we're going to need you to come back in. The CEO of Spectrum is having a tantrum in your office." Yeri's voice does sound apologetic, but she can also hear the humor as she listened to the grown man in the other room scream and cry.
"I'll be there soon." Rosé hung up the phone, then took a deep breath. She turned back around toward you with a slight grimace.
"I'm so sorry. But there's an emergency at work and I have to handle it. Do you mind if we cut this short?"
You stood up quickly, "Not at all. I understand."
Rosé sighed in relief, "Thank you. I'll call you." She kissed you on the cheek before all but sprinting out of there.
You blushed heavily.
You hated Sundays. Somehow, they're your busiest day of the week. Which, doesn't make sense because you don't have classes on Sundays.
Though, this Sunday is serving to be a bit better than the rest. You were able to get the rest of your classwork done the previous day, so you were free to do whatever you wanted.
You eventually decided on going to your favorite pizza place. It's only around the corner from your apartment, and you've got cravings.
You walked into the small hole in the wall a bit preoccupied with your phone.
You all but rammed into someone just as you crossed the threshold. You're about to lose your balance, when the person grabbed your waist firmly.
"Where's the fire?"
Your looked up with a gasp. Maybe if you weren't so close you'd have something more articulate to say other than "Oh".
"Sorry, Jisoo." You breathed out. Jisoo just chuckled lightly before letting you go.
"It's okay. You might want to look up from your phone at least once next time, though."
You blushed heavily and looked down in embarrassment. It's then that you realized Jisoo isn't alone.
You smiled softly at the small girl hiding partly behind her mother's legs.
"Hello, I'm sorry I ran into your mom, but she's firm. I'm sure she's fine." Lia looked up to her mother for confirmation. Jisoo gave the child a thumbs up.
Lia waddled out from behind her mom. She seemed interested in you for about two more seconds before the claw machine tucked in the corner catches her eye.
"Hm. Normally she hates meeting new people." Jisoo watched as her daughter toddled over to the machine she couldn't reach.
"Kids can be odd." You shrugged, as if it was as easy as that.
"So...come here often?" Jisoo wondered if there was a set of subway stairs she could throw herself down, because what the fuck was that?
"Yes, actually. I live around the corner, and Sal here has the best pizza in this entire state." You nodded toward the owner of the restaurant.
"Never been here before actually. One of my friend's recommended it."
"Smart friend."
"Irene has her moments." Jisoo shrugged. Speaking of Irene, now was her chance. Irene would murder her in cold blood if she found out Jisoo had the opportunity to get your number and then didn't.
"Uh, did you want to maybe-can I get your number?" Those subway stairs have to be close, right?
"Yeah. If you hadn't have said anything, I probably would have asked for yours." Jisoo handed you her phone and watched deftly as you put your number in.
"I would have said yes." The pair laugh until they're interrupted by your phone ringing.
You pulled it out of your back pocket and took a glimpse at the screen.
'Rosé🥀🌹' flashed across it.
It's then that you realize you have a problem.
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lizacstuff · 4 years
My inbox was full again, so questions under the cut. Some of these are from today and some are from earlier. 
(asks under the read more)
Anonymous said: Random things that amuse me: 1. When they met, Serkan didn’t seem all that mad that Eda keyed his car but was way more angered by her disdain for him. 2. I always forget about Eda’s ex because I think Eda forgot about him too. Cenk cheated on her and brought his new gf to break up with her, and Eda was more peeved that he implied Serkan was out of her league. (1/2)
The only time he’s brought up again is when Eda pretends to be texting him instead of Serkan (because Ayfer would be madder at her talking to Serkan lol). 3. Whenever Melo is supposed to be mad at Serkan in solidarity with Eda, she just cannot bring herself to dislike him. (2/2)
1. I have always wondered about that. Even current, softer Serkan would get PISSED at someone keying his car. He keeps all of his things pristine. You know under normal circumstances he would be infuriated by that and not let it go. The car would have had to go to the body shop and everything.  I think the fact that he didn’t seem all that bothered, other than threatening to call the police of course, is that he was just so gobsmacked by this insanely beautiful, but also beautifully insane, lady yelling at him and handcuffing him that he couldn’t think straight. The fact that she had seriously vandalized his car became inconsequential. 
Additionally, I think when he found out ArtLife had cancelled her scholarship, he became embarrassed and didn’t want to make any more of an issue about it. 
2. I forget about him too. What a tool he was. It also seems a bit out of character for Eda now.  All of her friends and her aunt knew that he was ghosting her, and they made it clear they thought it by their reactions, but Eda didn’t get it? Eda was ready to marry a dude she hadn’t seen for a year? That does not sound like the Eda we know. Independent, fiery Eda? It’s true that she’s grown a lot, but that much? It seems like they designed that relationship to put Eda in the right frame of mind to kiss Serkan on the podium and then, thankfully, forgot about it. 
3. Yes, Melo is all of us. In the early episodes especially, Serkan could be a real jerk, but I know I never held it against him for long, just like Melo.  None of us can resist him, I’m sure we were all cheering her on when she was the one to give up Eda’s Saturday morning location.  And I love it when she calls him enişte. It’s also sweet that he’s fond of her as well. 
Anonymous said: What are your thoughts about Engin and Piril? Sometimes I think they are cute and sometime I just don't think they are meant for each other. I hope Piril's father brings a new story and dynamic that will help us see whether they work as a couple or not.
My thoughts are pretty much the same as yours. In the beginning I really thought they were pretty flat and wasn’t really rooting for them.  Partly because I loved Engin’s character and I was pretty “eh” on Piril. She was so laser focused on work that I didn’t like when she would try and guilt Serkan because he was spending time with Eda. I found that annoying and I thought Engin could have a more interesting relationship (like Melo!).
Alas, that wasn’t to be, however I surprised myself by actually cheering when he proposed, and I really liked their heart to heart talk in the NY episode. On the other hand I wasn’t really charmed by their disconnect when it came to entertaining people. They were SO FAR apart.  Piril was so uptight and Engin so lacksodasical, I think they’ll end up driving each other bonkers and it’s hard to see how that will work, and I’m not sure it’s something I want to watch all that much of. 
Same as you, I’m hope that Piril’s father turns out to be interesting. What’s going on there? Will we find out this episode?
Also, honestly, I’m still pressed they didn’t call Serkan to come to the wedding. (But I assume that had more to do with how quickly they shoot and needing to have scenes without Hande and Kerem in them. H/K were in tons of scenes that episode so it was probably tight with scheduling and they were doing A and B units etc.) 
Anonymous said:  Hi Liza, I hope you are well and you and your loved ones are staying safe. SCK really helped make 2020 better and I'm glad we have the show in 2021 too! Sometimes the letter count in these asks really get to me because I feel like I have so much more to say and ask but oh well. In this ask i just want to say I hope Seyfi and Melo both get their very own happily ever afters. They're my favs and totally deserve it. Leyla too! That actress is so pretty, I wish we got to see her dress up more!
Hello! I’m well, thank you for asking.  I’m not even joking when I saw that SCK was a highlight of 2020 for me. I’m so appreciative for the happy and joyous distraction it’s been over the last few months. 
I LOVE MELO AND SEYFI.  They are two of my favorite supporting characters, and two of the only ones that have stayed at the top since the beginning. Now Aydan is up there with them, but she wasn’t in the beginning, lol! 
Those two deserve all good things. Leyla is also a great character and I wonder what her feelings are towards Erdem. Does she really like him?  
Anyway, I’m not sure what they might be planning for any of them, but I can tell you I’m more interested in how they might end up, than I am with Ceren, Ferit, Fifi, or Piril.  
Anonymous said: This ask may not be worth answering but I've always wondered about Eda's family on her mom's side. I don't think they've ever mentioned it on the show and if they have I may have missed it but it's interesting. It's most likely that her grandparents died and her mom didn't have any siblings but it would be really cool if she did have a family member who understood her and supported her and Serkan unlike Ayfer.
It would be interesting to know, you’d think she would have some relatives on her mom’s side.  We’ll have to see if the show ever mentions it.
Anonymous said: Ok it may be the overthinker in me but unlike everyone else I'm actually worried seeing Serkan wear his engagement ring. If he and Eda reconciled and he knows the truth about her grandma threatening her, wouldn't their game plan be keeping their relationship a secret and not flaunting his ring. But then that's what the fans want, and maybe the writers have a different idea. I'm freaking out with worry that maybe Serkan and Bulca got engaged! But then it looks like his original ring! let's see!
Anonymous said: I'm the one who feared the engagement ring in a previous ask. Well today's pics/videos that show Serkan, Aydan and Seyfi at Eda's home with flowers seem like they are asking for her hand in marriage. It's an assumption but I feel much better. Lol!
See, this is why I always say not to borrow trouble by worrying about the disaster scenario.  Why would he ask Balca to marry him the day after he sexed up Eda? Even if they were hiding it and using Balca for subterfuge, why would they need to go all the way to engaged to do that? 
I’m glad you’re feeling better. I agree that the video posted today with them all at Eda’s house with the flower and the chocolate looks very much like they’re doing the traditional asking for her hand for serious this time! 
Can’t wait to see them with their rings back on, we’ve been waiting so long. 
Also, I have no idea why they are able to get away with this... maybe Eda found something while investigating that neutralized Babaanne?  At least for the moment? 
Anonymous said: Sometimes I hate being the audience, we know things that the characters don't and I want to yell at my tablet screen. I don't though because I don't want to confirm my parents thoughts that I am crazy, lol! Anyway I wanted to say that I appreciate you and the SCK community because none of my friends watch the show and I'm glad I have people to discuss this with, otherwise I'd actually go crazy. Edser & Hanker & the cast and crew make me happy! They're just amazing and I'm thankful for them!
Me too!  I appreciate the cast and crew AND I appreciate the fandom. There are some very lovely people here, and I’m thrilled that I have you all to discuss the show and ship with because none of my friends or family in real life watch either.  I’ve told many people about it, and sometimes I will drop words or phrases in Turkish that I’ve picked up watching and all they do is roll their eyes at me.  (I enjoy that) 
Also... talk back to that screen, I do. It’s fun. LOL. 
Anonymous said: Thoughts on the fan theory that Eda & Serkan are actually already working together to bring her grandma down? Not sure that I really saw any clues throughout the episode that a scene of the two of them talking together was cut out but guess we could always get flashbacks to show it. I think for me that might make a little sense because how does Serkan not suspect that Grandma flat out made Eda breakup with him? He knows she wants them kept apart, he got arrested and then magically released which coincided with Eda staying away from him, entry of a prince interested in Eda and Eda being chummy with her Grandma 🧐. Or maybe he does suspect all of that but finally understands the risk that she poses to all of them so he agreed to end things? Very interested to see how the show gets us from that heartbreaking breakup to Serkan & Eda being jealous at the restaurant.
My apologies, I know this ask was sent before some of the recent spoilers including the second promo with the... uh... explosion. (sex) So at this point I do not think they are working together, the break up appears to be real. So it will be interesting how the first 2 hours of this episode plays out. I assume the sex will be in the last 15 minutes. 
It looks like Serkan’s tact is to pretend he’s over her and moving on and let that drive her crazy. So I’d say that in order to do that, he has a pretty good idea why Eda broke up with him and knows it’s because of Babaanne and threats against him.
Anonymous said: Can I just say - I really dislike Ayfer. And I just realized that she has had like no growth at all in these 25 episodes. I guess she has an instagram business now? There is such a huge contrast between how they've developed her and Aydan, not only in how they view EdSer's relationship but on their own as well. Aydan is a new woman while Ayfer is still just a hater and a negative nancy about everything. You'd think they'd give her a better storyline with her mother in town but I don't see it
Since you sent this I’ve answered another ask about Ayfer here.  I very much agree with you.  She reacts negatively to everything, I’m not sure why the girls like to hang out with her so much, they have to hide everything and she is like a damp rag covering any bit of excitement. 
On rewatching some of the early episodes, I have noticed that she was negative  from the beginning.  She was even annoying in her first second on screen, when she was waking Eda up to go help with the soil delivery. I hate that shrill voice she uses to say Günaydın over and over again. 
You’re so right that she hasn’t had much if any growth.  Neither she nor Aydan were excited by the Eda/Serkan pairing from the beginning. Aydan was more vocal, but Ayfer was just as disapproving.  And frankly, even though between the two of them, Aydan might have seemed like the more formidable foe to the relationship, Ayfer actually always had more power.  Just because Serkan Bolat is going to do whatever he wants to do and he’s not going to be swayed by his mother’s disapproval, but as we’ve seen in episode 21 Eda is more susceptible to her aunt’s guilt and disapproval. Remember when she asked Eda if she could trust Serkan’s positive assessment of her work because he might lie if he has feelings for her!?! GRRRRRRRRR. 
The other big difference is that once Aydan saw how absolutely heartbroken Serkan was, she completely changed her tune and became supportive of the relationship. Her son’s happiness mattered to her. While Ayfer sat there last week and watched her heartbroken niece and reacted with glee.  Eda’s happiness is apparently not important to Ayfer.  
If indeed the Bolat’s have come to woo Eda, it will be interesting to see how Ayfer reacts.  Will she come around on her own or will Eda have to give her an ultimatum. I wouldn’t mind that, actually.  Give Ayfer a reality check on the way she’s been behaving, just as controlling as her mother. 
Anonymous said:bHey Liza! Thanks for your thoughts on ep25, was looking forward to them today cause you're always rational and I pretty much agree with all you've said lol. The number of ppl mad at Eda/saying her character is ruined is wild, did they watch the same episode?? Eda HAD to end things because of the shit her grandma was pulling, like it wasn't small things she has serious connections, obviously Eda isn't gonna endanger serkan!! I really hope the people being irrational read your answers lol. The only thing that's bothering me about the episodes is that this is supposed to be a romantic comedy and I'm missing that (gotta be honest I fast forwarded thru the Alex ayfer aydan stuff lol) but hoping for some funny Edser stuff at least lol. Also THE PRINCE REALLY DO BE CRAZY lmao
This was also sent before some of the recent schedules. It looks to me like we’re are in for a bit of romance the next few episodes. 
Anonymous said: the prince is very specifically credited as a guest actor, so i think that maybe he'll only be here for 1 or 2 more episodes max. which makes me think that this arc at least with him directly involved won't last very long. i'm excited about the bombshell to be dropped though because as of right now neither eda or serkan know exactly what babaanne's plan for him is in regards to eda.. and not to mention his other creepy motives that have to do with his dead wife.
I haven’t seen him mentioned in any BTS stuff for 27... maybe he makes his exit is 26? We shall see. 
Anonymous said:  while i understand where serkan was coming from in his decision to not tell eda the truth, it was coming from a purely selfish reason (even he says that) eda's decision is bc of a very real 3rd party threat that would have consequences for serkan's family, business, and his wellbeing. and eda has no time to prepare a plan or anything of the sort; she's basically backed into a corner. i really wonder why serkan is granted so much more understanding in the fandom than eda's character..
I don’t agree that Serkan was coming from a “purely selfish place.”  I don’t remember Serkan saying that and if he did, I’m sure it’s because he’s attributing all his motives to the one he’s most ashamed of feeling.  Because while there was something selfish in not wanting her to know the truth and not wanting her to think of her dead parents when she looked at him, I think it’s clear he was also trying to protect her from those thoughts. He was trying to protect her from the heartbreak of dredging up their deaths, protecting her from having to make the decision to leave him. It was a lot more complicated then just him being “purely selfish.” Remember he inflicted the greatest heartbreak on himself, you don’t do that for purely selfish reasons. 
It would be nice if anytime something went wrong, there wasn’t a knee-jerk reaction to vilify one or the other characters. 
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Survey #403
“ashes to ashes, watch me disappear”
If given the opportunity, would you like to star in a musical? Definitely not. I don't like musicals. Name one person you’d take a bullet for: There's honestly a lot, but Mom immediately came to mind. Any posters of a band on your bedroom wall? Yeah: Metallica and Marilyn Manson currently. I want lots more, especially an Ozzy one. Do you think you’ve already met your soulmate? I don't believe in soulmates. Do you share your bedroom with anyone? No, unless you include my cat and snake. Is your favorite color yellow? No, it's actually one of my least favorites. Were you born in a hospital? I was. Do you know the name of the person that delivered you? No, but Mom does. I think he delivered me and my two sisters, and I know Mom has seen him since for other reasons. Was your birth recorded? God no. Good call, Mom. Did you eat a peach this week? Would you believe me if I told you I had a small bit of peach pie for my sister's birthday? For some reason, I just really wanted to try some. It was okay, but the aftertaste sucked. Are you leaving the house tomorrow? Yes, for TMS therapy. Every weekday. Do you enjoy romantic movies, even when they’re cliche? I honestly do. If you could get free vocal lessons would you take them? Probably not. I don't like singing in front of anyone, and it's not like I wanna get anywhere with my singing, so. Is your mother diabetic? She is. Are you? No. Ever sang someone to sleep? No. Who do you stalk the most through Facebook? Nobody. Have you ever deleted your Facebook, then brought it back? No. What is your main responsibility each day? Be sure to take my medications. Do you feel like you fulfill those responsibilities? Yeah. There are rare mornings where I forget, but I almost always remember. I don't fw skipping out on meds that keep my mental health stable. When was the last time you used spray paint? Good question. Do you know the middle name of the last person you kissed? Yep. Who is the friendliest person you know? My mom, probably. Something that annoys you about summer: THE HEAT. THE HUMIDITY. UGH. Something that annoys you about winter: Hm. That's hard to say, given I love winter. I guess the fact it doesn't snow enough here. Are the doors of your fridge side by side or on top of one another? Side-by-side. If you’ve moved out of the house you were born in, do you know the people who live in that house now? Nope. Have you ever cried in a movie theater? Not sobbed or anything, but I've definitely teared up and gotten the sniffles because of multiple movies. Do you read comic books? No. Do you force your way into conversations in which you are not involved? No. Have you ever seriously pretended to be clinically insane? I didn't need to pretend; I'm pretty damn sure I was for a while. Might I add that it's EXTREMELY inconsiderate to pretend you're insane, btw. Insanity is not "cool." It's not "funny." It's not "edgy." It's a serious, confusing, heart-wrenching issue that can ruin lives. Do you know anyone with a stutter? Yes, myself included when I'm even mildly nervous. And sometimes just randomly. With a lisp? I don't believe so. What was the last board game you played? The Disney version of "Pretty Pretty Princess" w/ my niece and even my nephew, even though his sexist-ass dad didn't want him to. Like let your kid have some fun with his sister and aunt, goddamn. They had a blast. It was Aubree's birthday present from me, so I am SO glad she loved it. Did you win? Ha ha, no, I always let Aubree or Ryder win. I came super close once, but I let the kids bend the rules a bit. They don't like losing, and even though they definitely need to understand that just happens and is totally fine for it to, I wasn't about to be the one to make them sad about it. When was the last time you tried to speak with an accent? OH MY LAAAAAWWWWWWD. Also at Aubree's b-day party, at one point, I spoke in a snobbish British accent while I was winning at the aforementioned game. Ryder asked, "Why are you speaking Spanish?", and I fuckin DIED. Have you ever made up a word before? Yeah, I know at least a few instances for fantasy animals in writing. When was the last time you went to a museum? A couple summers ago when my brother and his son visited, we went to a science museum. My nephew was sooooo into it. Do you have a nice yard? If so, do you spend a lot of time outside in it? If not, where do you go when you want to relax outdoors on nice days? Our front and back yards are both small and honestly very boring. The grass is a pretty green, but that's the only nice thing about it. I don't go to sit outside here on any day. Do your parents enjoy any of the things that you enjoy? Do you bond over these things? My parents and I have very similar music tastes, so there's that. I also didn't know for the longest time that Mom likes to write, which I sure as hell do, too! She doesn't really write anymore though, and she's self-conscious of it anyway, like I am. She and I also love a lot of the same shows. What is the movie that you have waited the longest for/which film do you remember anticipating the most/are still anticipating? I think The Incredibles 2. I aaaalways wanted to know what happened after the end of the first film. Do you have any ideas for a story or movie you’re planning to write or you’d write if you had the time/had the talent? Please share a synopsis! I genuinely think some RP I've written is series-worthy, but I don't feel like re-writing the YEARS of RP into a book format, and I sincerely worry that the ridiculously dark parts could inspire people like serial killers and cause A LOT of controversy, crime-blaming, and just general hate. I don't want to be involved in that. What is something that an interested guy/girl could comment about you, that would make you instantly open to them (e.g., “That book you’re reading is from my favorite author”)? Compliment my Markiplier tattoo, obviously knowing it's a tribute to him, and we're essentially besties. Is there a person in your life (maybe barely) that you feel in constant competition with (even just in your imagination)? Maybe you feel they are consistently outshining you? Ugh... there's a local photographer that's much more successful than I am that I admittedly am very envious of. I swear to whatever god you may believe in that I mean it from a modest perspective, I really, really do, but I genuinely think my skills surpasses hers, and she's only more prevalent because photography REALLY is about who you know. She's talented, yes, but like... come on. If you are single, even if you are normally happily single, are there certain specific things you witness that make you wish you were in a relationship (e.g., people getting engaged)? I mean yeah. I miss cuddling, holding hands, kissing, just being cute together, and especially people getting engaged or having kids. It's such a trigger to me. Once upon a time, that's all I wanted with Jason. I wanted to be that beautiful couple that got married and had two or three loved-beyond-words children, but then he left so abruptly, and I feel like it was so brutally robbed from me. I don't want kids anymore like at all, but the point still stands that I felt like my dreams were just ripped away. Out of all your usernames for websites, which one is your favorite? Do you use it for more than one site? I use "Ozzkat" just about everywhere. Have you ever spent the whole day (or multiple days) just looking up one thing on the internet (e.g., videos of your favorite band, how-to videos, quizzes, etc.)? OHHHHHHHHHH YEAH. There have been a couple days or so where I was totally glued to looking up various tattoo designs, bingeing let's plays or conspiracy theory videos, etc. etc. If you ever think about getting married, what are some aspects of the wedding that you would like to see in a non-traditional manner (e.g., a different color dress or “partners” over “husband” and “wife”)? I WILL NOT get married in a church, first of all. I'm also not having the traditional vows, and I probably won't wear a white dress, but instead black. Salt & vinegar, barbecue, sour cream & onion, or cheddar? Ohhhh, I like all those options but barbecue. I think I've gotta go with sour cream & onion, though. Bow ties on guys, dorky or adorable? A D O R A B L E ! ! ! I think they're ordinarily geeky, but I mean, geeky is cute in my world. :^) Do you believe in demonic possession? How about ghosts? Angels? Angels, no. Spirits/ghosts, 100%. I don't exactly believe in demons, per se, but I do question if evil spirits can possess someone. What is one romantic movie that you enjoy enough to watch more than once? I've seen The Notebook numerous times. Name three countries you want to visit; why those three? South Africa to interact with meerkats at the KMP, somewhere up in Canada to see the Northern Lights, and Germany just because, really. I took German for four semesters, and the culture and all just interests me. Do you have a good luck charm? No, considering I don't believe they do jack. Do you use Skype to talk to your friends? Only Sara. Now that I have Discord semi-figured out now though, we'll probably use that for voice chatting. Are you allergic to any animals? I might be allergic to dogs. Do you usually spend your weekends out, or at home? I'm like... always at home. Do you think it’s wrong for people to say "retard/retarded" as an insult? Absofuckinglutely. Don't pull that shit when I'm around. Have you ever had to go to the police department? No. Have you ever lived through a hurricane? Plenty. Have you ever had a home-grown tomato? Yes, from my old friend's garden. We'd have delicious tomato, mayo, and bacon sandwiches. The only instance where I've enjoyed tomatoes. Have you ever held a real gun? The former friend I mentioned just before, her husband always carried a gun, and he just needed me to hold it for a sec for some reason I don't recall. I hated the feeling. Would you rather wear Converse or Vans? I like both, but I think I prefer Converse. Have you ever been called bipolar? Yes, because I clinically am. Have you ever made fun of a handicapped person? FUCK no. And like the "retarded" thing, don't you fucking DARE to do this in front of me. I WILL deck the shit out of you. Do you think it’s okay to have sex before marriage? Sure, as long as you're being safe and are very thorough in communication. Do you like to watch old sitcoms? I don't really watch TV as I say in like every survey it seems, but I do enjoy some old sitcoms I grew up watching with my mom, like The Nanny, The Golden Girls, The Munsters, etc. If asked, could you run a mile nonstop right now? Being completely serious, I don't even know if I CAN physically run right now. My legs are so incredibly weak, and I'm humiliatingly close to what my heaviest weight was back in 2016, so I can almost guarantee my knees would crumple if I tried. Do you wear those rubber wristbands? I used to. I don't really like bracelets nowadays. If a necklace/ring gives you green marks, do you still wear it? Nope. Have you ever driven an electric car? No. When was the last time you saw someone you went to high school with? Uhhhh idk. What breed was the last dog you saw? A fucking GOLIATH of a lab. I shit you not when I say my sister's roommate's dog Hudson is the size of a goddamn bear. How long have your parents been together (or how long were they together, if they no longer are): I wanna say they were together at the very least 20 years. What has been your most epic cooking failure? I once accidentally put something (I don't remember what) in the microwave for around 45 minutes I believe, and I walked away and completely forgot about it. I remembered a long while later, and safe to say, it wasn't edible, whatever it was, lmao. Have you ever been to Mexico? No. Have you ever had a parrot sit on your shoulder? No, but that'd be cool. Has anyone in your life ever treated you abusively? No. How long has it been since your last breakup? Somewhere around two years ago? My memory is so garbage nowadays. Can you concentrate well while listening to music, or do you find it distracting? It's distracting, usually. What’s something you’ve been struggling with lately? I've been pretty bad about drinking too much soda lately. :/
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doyouever-daydream · 4 years
Take me out to the ball game.
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A/N So…  This is the result of me being sad over Opening Day being postponed, the MLB livestreaming game 7 of 2016 WS when my Cubs won, and having watched yesterday the episode where Rossi talks about this and puts up the W in his office wall *cries thinking about it* (I thrive everytime David Rossi of Criminal Minds or Nick Miller of New Girl make a reference about the Chicago Cubs lmao) Also in my head the Simmons family are huge Nationals fans just for the sake of the story lmao. Hopefully you’ll enjoy it.
Summary: It’s MLB’s Opening Day and since the Cubs are playing against the Nationals, Rossi invites the whole BAU fam to the Nats Park. (Please remember I suck at summaries)
Pairing: I guess there’s a little Spencer Reid x SSA (y/n) (y/l/n) there but it is mostly bonding time between the BAU fam.
Warnings: None.
“Well, this isn’t Wrigley Field but at least our Cubbies are playing” (y/n) said to David as they got to their seats.
It was MLB’s Opening Day and David had invited everyone to go and see his beloved Cubs playing against the Nationals, he was particularly excited that he finally had another Cubs fan in the team. They were both wearing Cubs jerseys and hats.
“Aren’t you supposed to be on the field playing? There’s enough of you to be a team” Prentiss teased the Simmons family, who were proudly wearing Nationals gear, all six of them had jerseys, even little Rose Mary.
“Very funny, Em, but actually we’re incomplete, there are nine team members on the diamond” Matt said with a laugh.
“Better start working on triplets then” Will said while he and JJ put sunscreen on their boys.
“Not a chance” Kristy was quick to answer braiding Lily’s hair.
The whole BAU family was there, even though not all of them were baseball fans, they felt it would be a good memory attending Opening Day all together.
“I have an extra Cubs hat if anyone wants it, maybe you Luke, come to your senses, come on” (y/n) teased Luke and he jokingly gasped while adjusting his Yankees hat.
“Haha, very funny, (y/l/n)”
“I’ll take it” Spencer, who was conveniently sitting next to her,  spoke and everyone hid their smirks, they knew he was doing it so he could impress (y/n), truth was he didn’t know much about sports, he had been busy with his lectures so he couldn’t do proper research on the sport but he was willing to learn as the game progressed.
“Yes! That’s the attitude, Spence” She happily gave it to him.
“Usually I’m more into hockey and football but this could be nice” JJ thought the weather was beautiful and the atmosphere at the park was nice.
“Wait, till this lasts 4 hours or more” Kristy joked with wide eyes.
“This is the king of sports and now I could finally prove it to you” Rossi was ecstatic being there.
“I love you, Dave but if this goes on for more than three hours I’ll leave you up to it and I’ll go to the house, or anywhere else”
“Yup, I want to tag along if that does happen” Penelope chimed in and Luke laughed.
“Count me in, I’m mainly here for the food and the beer” Emily added with a beer already on her hand.
“Amen to that” Tara was also holding a beer and putting on her sunglasses.
“I want a hot dog!” Michael got hungry at the mention of food.
“Sure, buddy, I’ll go grab you one”
“I’ll go with you, the kids also will want food any second now” Matt was quick to follow Will and soon Tara, Emily and (y/n) joined them to buy snacks for the rest of the team.
Soon they were back with a lot of food and drinks for all nineteen of them.
They all chatted about different things, they were seated in two rows so that they weren’t that far from each other, the game started and Matt, David and (y/n) were immediately lost in the game, the three of them talking about what their teams were doing good and what they could work on.
Kristy noticed Spencer was a little bit anxious, he moved his foot and every other minute he looked at (y/n), probably wishing he knew something about baseball so he could talk to her.
“First game, Spence?” She bounced Rose who was sitting in her lap.
“Uh, yeah” He turned to her and little Rose who was having the time of her life with a foam finger, that was almost as big as her, his uncle Dave had bought for her.
“Do you want to know more about how baseball works?” She offered and Spencer nodded desperately.
“Ok, so…”
And so Kristy began to explain to Spencer everything she had learned of the sport from her dad, brothers and Matt, she enjoyed watching the games before she started dating Matt but when they started dating, Matt’s love for it rubbed off on her.
It was the middle of the fourth inning and the Presidents race was happening, the kids were excited to see it. Soon JJ and Will had their sons on their shoulders, Matt had Jake, Luke had David, Kristy had Chloe and (y/n) had Lily while Penelope carried a happy Rose.
The scene of all of them cheering on the presidents was adorable, Krystall decided to take a video to capture the scene. The race ended and the kids were on their seats again talking about how cool it was to see the presidents run.
“I want my own giant foam caricature head” A tipsy Emily declared “Let’s all make our own foam heads and have a BAU race, woo!” She screamed and everyone laughed.
“It’s a good thing she didn’t drive here” Penelope said still holding Rose.
“I’ll take her home, I’m taking Spence too” (y/n) offered as she noticed a very quiet Spencer “Are you having fun?”
“Uh, yeah, this is nice, it’s my first baseball game but Kristy helped me out understanding the rules” Reid nodded as he ran a hand through his hair nervously.
“That’s great, you should’ve told me and I could’ve explained it to you on our way here”
“Don’t worry, it’s ok” His smile made (y/n) melt, his eyes looked particularly beautiful with the sunlight above them.
“Maybe it was best that Kristy explained it to you, I can get intense as I’m sure you noticed”
“I would say you’re passionate and it’s… It’s- really nice to see you talk about something you’re so passionate about, you know, besides work” He looked at her with a shy smile on his lips and noticed she was blushing, as she was going to say something Lily tapped on her shoulder.
“Aunt (y/n), are you gonna sing with me the baseball song?” She asked with a sweet voice.
“Of course, I’ll do that, maybe uncle Spencer can sing with us too” He looked terrified because he had no idea what they were talking about “We’re going to teach you a song so you can sing it with us during the middle of the 7th, ok?” More than asking, (y/n) was informing him he was going to sing with them and he nodded.
Soon  it was the 7th inning stretch and everyone were on their feet ready to sing, while Emily and Penelope didn’t know all of the lyrics they did their best, the rest of them happily sang “Take me out to the ball game”, Reid had Lily in his arms as she and (y/n) waved their arms in the air to the rhythm of the baseball classic.
“Take me out to the ballgame, take me out with the crowd, buy me some peanuts and crackerjacks, I don’t care if I ever get back, let me root, root, root for the home team, if they don’t win, it’s a shame, for it’s one, two, three strikes you’re out at the old ball game”
At the end of the game the Nationals had won, leaving the Simmons family, especially the kids very happy, so David and (y/n) weren’t that sad their team had lost if it meant the little ones being happy. 
The rest of the gang was also happy at how the day had turned out, as they expected they had a great time, after all, it wasn’t everyday they were able to do this kind of things all of them together.
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intoanothermind · 5 years
Snow - Jack Frost
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Word Count: 3665 words
- Jack Frost x reader
Synopsis: What if you had someone to look out for you, even if you didn’t know it?
It was easy for my younger sister to piss me off. Extremely easy. The days when children would go out to play in the snow or have imaginary friends are gone. Nowadays children were too busy with their video games and computers to live the best part of childhood. Caitlin, however, still seemed to believe in what she called Guardians of Children, and that was extremely annoying.
"Come on in, Cat, you'll get a cold!" I shouted my sister from the window, taking refuge in the cozy and comfort of the house. "If Mommy sees you out there, I'm the one who’s going to hear a lecture!"
Caitlin stopped laughing and jumping over some snow and turned toward me.
"Just a little bit more, Y/N, please!" - she asked.
I sighed, knowing pretty well that if it was up to her, she wouldn’t return any time soon. I closed the window quickly so that the freezing wind would no longer bring snow into the room. Not that I didn't like snow - because I did - but I didn't want my mother complaining to me. I adjusted the heavy overcoat around my body before facing the cold outside the house.
“Come on, Cat!” I stopped just a few feet from the seven-year-old, hugging myself in a failed attempt to warm up as my short curls hit my face because of the wind.
Caitlin looked sadly at me, nodding. She turned somewhere between a large snowman near the garden exit to the street and me.
"Sorry, Jack, but we can play tomorrow again." She said, grimacing.
I took a deep breath, trying to be patient. When I was younger, my childhood was not filled with imaginary friends and children's legends, but neither was it because I was busy playing video games. I was actually taking my time trying to hide from a drunk and abusive father. Caitlin was lucky that our parents broke up shortly after she was born and he never showed up again. But my past left a mark on me that wouldn't be erased any time soon - and I was grateful Cat didn't have one either.
"I can try, Jack, but you already know she's a hard head." Caitlin spoke into the air, and I frowned. What was happening?
“Cat?” I caught her attention, confused.
“Y/N, Y/N!” She came running to me, jumping happily. "Jack Frost wants to try to make you believe him! He said he has something important to tell you for so long now!”
I shook my head in denial, suddenly wanting to throw myself into the snow and scream that I couldn't stand her talking about this Jack Frost anymore. Instead, I counted to ten.
“Caitlin.” I crouched in front of her, taking her little hands. "You have every right to create an imaginary little friend, but I don't see him." I tried to soften my words when what I really meant was that this was all a made up story from her mind.
"I said she was a hard head." Cat spoke again with the empty space beside us. She was silent for a few seconds while I only felt a sadness flooding me as I thought that in a few years she would not believe any more of this. "I promise I'll keep trying, Jack!"
"Let's go in, Cat." I tried to convince her once more. ”Before Mom arrives with Aunt Jenny. You don't want to get grounded for being in this cold, do you?”
Caitlin shook her head. I got up, still holding her little hand, and walked together toward the door of the house. A stronger gust of wind hit me and I cringed into my clothes that no longer felt so warm.
“Y/N.” muttered Cat beside me and I looked down at her. She looked back before speaking again. "Jack wanted me to ask who do you think sent the blizzard when you were ten."
I stopped walking and Caitlin almost crashed to the floor.
No one knew what had happened ten years ago, not even my mother, and Caitlin were still inside her womb. When I was ten, my mother still didn't know anything of what my father did to me. She spent most of the day in the magazine office and only came back at the end of the day. One day, my father appeared earlier and more drunk than usual and found me on the backyard swing which was almost impossible to see from the outside. It was the first and only time he'd crossed the line of beating, almost sexually abusing me. By the time I was almost completely undressed, crying and screaming, a blizzard came in mid-fall, and my father was so drunk he could barely stand the strong wind. I had time just to run and lock myself in my room until my mother arrived. Later the news reported that there had been snowfall only in a small area of the city.
“W-What do you mean?” I stammered at Caitlin, looking around us, startled.
"Jack says he saved you more often too, whatever that means." Cat laughed softly, as ignorant of the real story as she should be.
As I turned to her, I glimpsed a silhouette next to both of us, but it was so quickly that when I turned my gaze to it, it was no longer there. I hugged Caitlin against my body and leaned in to kiss the top of her head as I felt a lonely tear trickle down my cheek.
"That's my story, Cat" I whispered, closing my eyes as the pain in my heart intensified and a huge wave of tiredness hit me hard. “We'll talk another time.”
“Faith, but Jack ...?” She tried once more, but a sob escaped my lips.
“Please.” I muttered.
She looked where I thought I saw the figure and smiled too sadly for a child her age.
“Don't give up, Jack. I wish I could tell her, but this is up to you.”
I didn't argue with her; we simply walked in and left her watching some movie of any of the princesses while cuddling me into the comfort of my bed. I didn't care if it was Christmas Eve and my mom and aunt were coming for supper, I just wanted to forget about it for a while.
~ * ~
As much as I rolled in bed, I couldn't sleep. I had decided to come down and have supper with my family, but that didn't last long. Since there was a child in the house who believed in Santa Claus, she made us go to bed early so we wouldn't stop him from bringing her toys. Any other day I would be complaining but my head was so heavy that I just accepted her request and stayed in my room. The conversation I had earlier with Caitlin when I picked her up outside was always playing again and again in my head, and it took my sleep from me. There was no other way to know what had happened seven years ago. No one but me knows, because my father was so drunk he never remembered when he beated me.
Was what Caitlin was telling me true? Was the Jack Frost expression really more than an expression?
"Y/N ..." I heard someone calling me and looked at the door.
Cat was there, in her long pajamas and a stuffed penguin in her hands that had been mine when I was younger.
“Can't sleep, love?” I asked, sitting on the bed and indicating that she should come to me.
Caitlin climbed into my high bed, even with a little difficulty. She tucked herself with me under the cover and we settled into a pile of pillows.
"You could try to believe Jack." She said softly in a sad voice.
I sighed. “Come here, Cat.”
I sat cross-legged and placed my sister sitting on them in front of me. I hugged her tightly, resting my chin on her small shoulder. She hugged my arms reflexively, leaving Luckey the penguin aside. I felt that I needed this hug more than she did.
"It's a little difficult, but I think I'm starting to believe it." I muttered to her, and with amazement I realized I was being honest. She was smart for her age, wouldn't invent something a boy who controls snow when she could be doing something more productive.
“Really?!” Cat turned to me with a giant smile on her face.
“Perhaps.” I laugh softly at her animation.
Caitlin smiled somewhere near the door. I felt the room temperature dropping slightly.
“He is here?” I asked, looking around, but I still saw nothing.
“He's leaning against your bookshelf.” She said and I immediately turned my gaze to my bookshelf.
Nothing looked different, and I still couldn't see anything.
But it was my bookcase ... No one comes close to it!
"Tell your friend that if I see any snowflake in my books, he'll suffer the consequences." - I shouted.
Caitlin laughed, and for a second I thought I heard a second laugh, which wasn't mine.
“Can you see him?” Cat asked, turning her head and looking at me with wide, hopeful eyes.
I sighed again. "Not really, but I thought I heard him laughing."
“What made you believe so suddenly?” - she asked.
“It was not suddenly.” I answered. "But no one knows about the blizzard of ten years ago."
“He knows.” Cat pointed to my bookcase. “What had happened?”
I felt my eyes water.
"I'd rather tell you when you're older." I laid a kiss on top of his black hair. I didn't really mean to tell her.
“You're right, Jack!” She shouted, startling me and jumping off my bed. “She needs more proof!” She ran to the door and closed it. “Do that cool window drawing thing!”
I frowned in confusion as Caitlin ran back under my covers.
“Cat, what's up?” I asked, confused.
“You'll see!” She exclaimed excitedly, pointing at my bedroom window.
I followed her gaze, wondering if my sister really was crazy and I was even more for believing what she says. But as I looked out at the window, something surprised me. The glass was slowly freezing from the edges to the middle. I widened my eyes, startled - this was not common, no matter how cold it was. Something was being drawn on the ice, and when I was ready, I realized it was a boy holding what looked like a staff.
“He's drawing himself.” Cat murmured beside me, looking marvelous.
I glanced at her quickly, and when I looked back at the drawing, there was a hole in the window ice and the doll was in the air, as if flying. And he flew. It circled the room until it stopped just above Caitlin and me and finally exploded into thousands of snowflakes.
I no longer knew if I was amazed in a good or bad way.
"That's ..." I muttered, feeling the snow fall on us.
I looked up and finally saw it.
I saw him.
He looked about my age, wearing brown pants and a blue sweatshirt and holding a stick-like staff. Snow-white hair and ice-mesmerizing blue eyes. He was charming.
“Can you see me now?!” He asked with a smile that almost took my breath away.
I smiled too, unable to avoid it, and nodded.
“Finally.” He smiled even more and I felt my cheeks burn. He stepped closer and held out his hand. “Can I show you something?”
I looked at Caitlin, as if wondering if it was okay for me to go with him and leave her alone.
“Come on, Y/N!” Caitlin almost pushed me off my bed.
“Easy, easy, I'm going!” I laughed at her, accepting the hand that Jack held out to me. The icy touch of his fingers on my skin made me shiver and I hoped neither of them noticed.
Jack led me to the window, but I stopped him from going on and turned to my sister, who came with us, still in awe.
“Cat, I'll try not to stay out too long.” I promised.
“Just try to believe him, please.” She begged and I kissed her forehead. I didn't know what he would say to me, but I would try to believe it. “I'll be waiting for you here.”
“Okay.” I said finally.
“Hey, little one.” Jack caught her attention. “Merry Christmas, and don't forget to leave the cookies with a glass of milk. North likes those with lots of chocolate chips.”
Caitlin's eyes sparkled and she nodded fervently. Jack smiled at me and I felt my heart racing. He opened the window wider enough for two bodies to pass without any problem. He wrapped my arm around my waist, pulling me tighter against his body, and I hugged his neck, afraid of what would come.
"Jack, what are you ..." He flew off before I completed my sentence.
I looked down, realizing we were very far from the ground, and I hugged him tighter. I heard his laugh in my ear, a laugh that ready. Shortly after he did some maneuvers in the air. In one of them, Jack was throwing me up, still holding my hand, and for a second I felt like I was flying by myself - until I started to fall and seconds later I was already over his body, safe with his arm around me again. I never stopped screaming at him to stop scaring me.
"You, Jack Frost, definitely don't know the meaning of a safe flight!" I shouted, but not really pissed at him, and heard his laughter once again.
“But that's the funniest part!” He flashed a childish, mischievous smile.
“Not when I almost had a heart attack!” I exclaimed.
“It wasn't even that much.” He still had the smile on his lips. “But we're coming soon.”
Before long, Jack landed on the roof of one of the big houses in a part of town I had barely passed by. He sat down and indicated that I should sit between his legs. A little embarrassed and with cheeks possibly redder than a clown's nose, I sat where he asked and settled me against his chest. Leaving the staff beside him, he wrapped his arms around me. I barely cared about the cold I felt after that.
“It's almost time.” He whispered against my ear and I shuddered.
“For what?” I asked.
Jack laughed softly. “You'll already see. Trust me and believe your sister's stories.”
I closed my eyes tightly, forcing myself to believe everything I thought was Caitlin's imagination, and finally opened my eyes.
And then I saw it.
Golden sand rising over the horizon and spreading across the sky. I was confused at first, but soon my mind lit up.
“Sandman?” I asked, turning to Jack and seeing him smiling at me.
“The one and only.” He answered and mumbled some things I barely understood. “... 3 ... 2 ... 1! Merry Christmas, Y/N!”
I smiled and felt Jack's icy lips lay a long kiss on my cheek - he hugged me a little tighter. In the distance I saw something I expected even less - a reindeer sleigh.
"Jack, that was ..." I turned to Jack, wide-eyed and almost speechless.
“It was North, yes.” I saw in his blue eyes that he wanted to laugh at me.
“What's he like?!” I asked, unable to hold back.
"He's an impulsive Russian, a little scary, and the Behaved and Naughty lists are tattoos on his arms."
“Wow!” - was all I could say. After several minutes in silence, I finally had the courage to say. "What was that Cat said you had to tell me?"
Jack sighed, and for a minute I thought he wouldn't say.
"I wish you knew that I was always by your side, protecting you from your father."
I shuddered at his mention. "Why, if I didn't even believe you?"
I noticed that he swallowed hard.
"Because I broke one of the most important rules of being a spirit." He muttered, and I turned to him, confused. His blue eyes sparkled as he analyzed my face. “I fell in love with a human.”
I lowered my head, confused, surprised and shy. I had no idea what I could say.
“Sandy!” Jack exclaimed and I noticed someone ahead of us. He was short and chubby, with spiky golden hair. He was very cute. “Can you do that again?!”
Sandman nodded, waving at me. I waved too and he waved his hands, spilling golden sand. The sand went high and exploded in fireworks.
It was truly beautiful.
~ * ~
Jack dropped me at my bedroom window around one in the morning. I wasn’t sleepy, but he said he was afraid my mother would appear in my room and realize my absence. I fell silent, thinking Caitlin was still sleeping. As I stepped on the floor, however, the lamp light came on.
“Cat?” I muttered.
“You took too long.” She muttered, holding Luckey in her arms. He took a few steps towards us and hugged my waist tightly. I hugged her back, placing a kiss on the top of her head.
"Did you stay up all this time?" I asked, and she nodded. “Did you get to see him?”
“No, but I saw when the cookies were no longer there.” Caitlin said, and we laughed. “Can we open the presents?!”
"Why don't we just open tomorrow?" I asked.
“Caitlin, Y/N, I need to go.” Jack interrupted, and I turned to him immediately.
“Already?!” Cat and I asked, and I ignored the burning in my cheeks.
“Sadly, yes.” He replied, looking straight at me as he waved his staff.
“Can we play tomorrow?!” Cat bounced up to him, hugging him shortly after.
Although a little surprised, he reciprocated.
“Of course, I had promised, didn’t I?!” He flashed another smile that seemed to lighten my mood.
Caitlin released him and came to my side. Jack looked at me with a look I couldn't decipher and nodded. When he was half out, I decided to take action, whatever it was.
“Jack!” I exclaimed and he turned his gaze to me.
I ran up to him and wrapped his arms around his neck before sealing our lips. He looked surprised at first, but wrapped his free arm around my waist and pulled me close. When I parted my lips, I felt hot. No matter how cold his touch and his kiss - everything about me seemed to boil. I buried my fingers in his soft strands and lightly scratched his neck, almost smiling as I felt him shudder under my touch. As much as I knew - as much as I felt - that this was his first kiss, he kissed well, it was something I had to admit. I relaxed completely and I felt finally at easy.
When I was already short of breath, I realized that something was falling on us.
I pulled back, a little breathless, and Jack gathered our foreheads, laughing slightly.
"Sorry about that, I couldn't control it." He murmured against my lips.
I pulled back slightly, still in his arms, and looked around.
“Are you kidding me that whenever you kiss my sister you will snow?!” Caitlin asked indignantly not far from us. When I looked at her and saw her with a lot of snow on her hair and shoulders, I realized the reason for the indignation.
“Sorry, I said I couldn't control it.” Jack apologized again, kissing my cheek shortly after.
I hugged him tightly, feeling his cold temperature controlling my heartbeat.
“I'll be back, Y/N.” He murmured against my ear making me shiver again.
“Promise?” I murmured against his ear too.
Jack stepped back to look into my eyes and I was mesmerized by his blue eyes again.
“Promise.” He said, and his eyes flashed. "I will always come back to you." He said, then pull me for another unforgettable kiss.
I didn't want to let him go, but I needed to. So when he was blown away, all Caitlin and I did was run to the windowsill.
"You know that was my gift, don't you?" She said and I looked at her confused.
“My gift to you.” She smiled at me as she hugged my waist. "It took me a long time to convince Jack to finally declare himself to you!"
I was so surprised that all I did was laugh as I hugged her shoulders and looked back at the horizon.
“He'll be back, Y/N.” Caitlin said as she followed my gaze. "He'll come back for you, sis."
“Yeah, he will.” I opened a sincere smile. I had not opened one for a long time.
I stared at the fading silhouette in the distance and finally realized how crazy Christmas had been that year and how much my life would change.
Jack Frost has changed my life.
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krat395 · 4 years
Bravery, Justice, and Laughter
Happy belated Easter, everyone! :D And as my Easter gift, I proudly present to you a story featuring my depictions of the two humans that represent the BRAVERY and JUSTICE souls! Yes, after all this time, there is finally a story featuring one or more of those six human characters from Undertale whose appearances are left up to interpretation! So; enjoy, everyone! Enjoy a story that for once doesn’t feature Frisk, Chara, Asriel, or MK as the main characters! Or Toriel, Asgore, Sans, Papyrus, Undyne, Alphys, Blooky, Mettaton, Muffet, or Gaster for that matter!
Undertale(c) Toby Fox.
 A month has passed since the magical Barrier was destroyed; the barrier that kept all of the monsters trapped in the Underground for so long without any hope of ever reaching the Surface. And by some miracle, Asriel Dreemurr, the prince of all monsters that died a long time ago and got resurrected as a soulless flower, was given a chance to be himself again; in his original form with all of his emotions and feelings; and is now living happily on the Surface with all of his friends and family. And not only that, several individuals that passed away during their adventures in the Underground were resurrected and given chances to be happy along with Asriel. And two of those individuals consisted of two young boys named Bradley and Justin. Bradley aka Brad is a young African American boy with a soul that represents Bravery and Justin is a young Caucasian boy with a soul that represents Justice and once the two boys themselves were brought back to life, they were both immediately taken in by a woman named Harriet, who cared for Brad for three whole months after he was separated from Justin and Isabella aka Izzy (Justin’s cousin and a young Caucasian girl with a soul that represents Integrity who was resurrected along with Brad and Justin and others). Harriet and her family cared for Brad until they could no longer protect him from a threat that cost him his life and after a tearful reunion with Harriet and her family, Brad has been spending his days living on the Surface with them in their new home; in a similar fashion to how he did so during the good old days before his death. Only this time, his best friend, Justin, is part of his family as one of his adopted brothers; and so is Izzy, who was taken in as a new family member by Harriet’s sister, Heidi, the same day Harriet reunited with Brad and took Justin in as a new family member. Justin and Izzy have been friends of Brad’s before all three of them could even walk and since the three kids were all orphans prior to their adventures in the Underground, it makes sense that those who cared for Brad would want to adopt Justin and Izzy as well. Especially after hearing so many good things about them from Brad during the first three months he lived with them!
 It is a Friday night at Brad and Justin’s house; early November; and soon-to-be 11-year-olds, Brad and Justin, are currently in their rooms relaxing and playing video games together in two bean bag chairs after eating a delicious supper with their adopted mother, Harriet, and siblings, Benny, Robbie, and Heather; and on this particular night, Brad is feeling rather playful, wanting to do something rather amusing with his best friend and new brother, Justin, after the two of them are done gaming… or while they’re gaming; something they haven’t done together in a long time.
 Brad: Hey, Justin, I gotta ask you something; after one month, how do you feel about Harriet, Benny, Robbie, and Heather? Do you still like them? *asked Brad curiously while playing video games with Justin*
 Justin: Oh, Brad; you’re darn tootin’, ah do! Hehe! *replied Brad’s blonde-haired best friend and newest brother in a Southern accent with great enthusiasm* Ah love em’ all so much! Bettermost fuh-amily Izzy and ah have ever had after thuh deaths of our original folks. Speakin’ of Izzy, it was mighty fahn of Aunt Heidi and Uncle Harvey to adopt her. That way, she and ah ahr able t’ be thuh cousins we usta be!
 Justin is HUGE fan of westerns and cowboys and due to his love of westerns and cowboys; the long-haired boy himself has adopted a rather amusing southern accent and often dresses up like he’s a cowboy himself; donning a short-sleeved yellow and gray plaid cowboy shirt, a brown vest, a red bandana around his neck, a brown cowboy hat, blue jeans, a belt with a yellow heart buckle, and brown cowboy boots. But as of right now though, he has tossed his hat, bandana, vest, and boots aside and is only wearing his short-sleeved shirt, belt, and jeans with his feet encased in gray socks. And as for Brad, he is currently wearing his usual attire minus his all-black sneakers; an orange t-shirt with three dark orange horizontal stripes, a brown jacket with a single orange stripe, a pair of black jeans, and black socks.
Brad: Hehe. I’m so glad to hear that, man! Really, I am! And expect many more great months with them too; only this time, without the fear of ever having to leave them or being taken away from them!
 Justin: Oh, ah will! Don’t ya worry bout that, pahrtner!
 Brad: Hehe. Perfect. *said Brad while munching on a carrot stick*
 Justin: Heh; another carrot stick, Brad?! You’re not full after all that chow an cinnamon buns?!
 Brad: Pfft. Oh come on, man! They’re really good! And they’re good for you too! If you’re gonna be a part of this family, you better get used to eating carrots!
 Justin: That may tayk taahm. *stated Justin, reminiscing all of the carrots he’s eaten during his first month with his new family*
 Brad: Hehe. Well, time is certainly the one thing you’ve got these days. Especially after being brought back to life and all!
 Justin: Hahaha! You’re darn tootin! Ah hope thin’s stay jus’ like this for a mighty long taahm!
 Brad: Hehe. Me too, man; me too. *said Brad sincerely with a smile*
 About 30 minutes later, Brad and Justin reached a stopping point in their game; and immediately after saving their progress, Brad abruptly turned off the game, leaving Justin in a state of both confusion and disappointment.
 Justin: Woah there, pahrtner! Why’d ya shut off that there game?! *asked Justin disappointedly, who wanted to play a little while longer* Ahr ya upset that I was whoopin’ ya fuhr once? *he then asked curious, under that impression that Brad is being a sore loser*
 Brad: Pfft. Me?! Upset about losing a game to you?! Hahaha! No; of course not!
 Justin: Then why’d ya shut off that there game then?
 Brad: Hehehehehe. Because, dude, I know something we can do that might be even more fun. *replied Brad cheekily, moments before crawling slowly and creepily towards Justin*
 Justin: Oh yeah? And jus’ what would that be, you buzz-killin’ whippersnapper?
 Brad: Oh, nothing special, dude. Just nothing other than a little… TICKLE FIGHT! *exclaimed Brad as he latched on to Justin’s sides and wiggled his fingers up and down every single inch of them, eliciting numerous squeaks and frantic laughter from the young boy in response as well as making the young boy’s amusing Southern accent temporarily vanish* Hahahahaha! Coochie coochie coo, dude! Hahahahaha!
 Ever since their resurrections, Brad, who had countless tickle fights with Justin in the past, has been dying to tickle Justin again. But he didn’t do it until now because he wanted to allow Justin enough to adjust to his new family and home first; and now that Justin appears to have done so, Brad felt that it was the perfect time to tickle his best friend and new brother and let him know that he wants to have tickle fights just like they used to when they were younger. Brad absolutely loves tickling and by extension, play fighting. And more often than not, he would be the one to start such fights with his friends as well as his siblings.
 Brad: Hahahaha! No, I will not stop, dude! Not unless you make me stop!
 Brad: I think it looks cool! *Brad casually answered, moments before he began unbuttoning Justin’s shirt and tickling his ribs at the same time* Plus, it’ll help protect my torso from your fingers and long hair, I think!
 Oh my god, what a cheater! Brad purposely left his jacket on to give himself a huge advantage in this tickle fight; if you can even call it that; because if Justin doesn’t retaliate anytime soon, then what’s the point?  
 Brad: Hehehehehehehe! *Brad just chuckled in response, relishing in the sweet sound of his blonde-haired brother’s adorable laughter as he continued tickling each one of his ribs*
 After about 90 seconds of rib tickling, Brad began wiggling his fingers all over Justin’s now exposed bare stomach, causing even more laughter to spill from the young boy’s mouth in response. Justin is pretty ticklish on his torso and while his stomach may not be ticklish as his ribs and sides are, it’s still ticklish enough to get him laughing hard. Hard enough to elicit several squeaks, at least!
 Brad: Heh. Who are you and what have you done with Justin?! The Justin I know would’ve tried to tickle me back by now! What’s your deal, man? *asked Brad in disbelief, right as he began blowing numerous raspberries on Justin’s belly and over his naval*
 As Brad continued laughing due to neck tickles, Justin was provided an opportunity to swiftly push him back into the bean bag chair to the right of him to tickle him some more. Then, while continuing to tickle Brad’s neck with his left hand, Justin swiftly used his right hand to unzip Brad’s jacket to dish out some serious tickling to the front side of his torso in about a minute or so; right after tickling Brad’s neck some more with both of his hands.
 One minute later, Justin did as Brad asked and stopped tickling his neck, much to Brad’s relief. But shortly afterwards however, he lifted up Brad’s t-shirt and began tickling his belly hard with all 10 of his fingers, sending the young African American boy into pure hysterics in response.
 Justin: Really? *asked Justin sarcastically with a giant grin on his face* Well, shucks, ah hadn’t noticed! *he then said sarcastically, before twirling a strand of his long blonde hair inside Brad’s bellybutton to REALLY get Brad laughing hard*
 The moment Justin twirled some of his hair inside Brad’s bellybutton, Brad’s eyes shot open as wide as they possibly could; and then not too long afterwards, some of the most maniacal laughter just poured from his mouth. Why, the poor boy laughed so much that tears began forming in his eyes!
 Justin: Hahahahahaha! Man, oh man, ah love havin; long hair! Hahahahahahaha!
 Justin: Hahahahahahahaahaha! *Justin just laughed in response, relishing in the sweet sounds of Brad’s laughter and squealing with every passing second*
 After about 2 minutes or so, Justin stopped tickling Brad with his hair and then went back to tickling him with his fingers; this time, on his armpits on the outside of his shirt; to give him somewhat of a breather.
 Brad: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!! Oh, thank god!!!!! *stated Brad through laughter and some occasional giggles, relieved that Justin was no longer tickling him with his hair* Heeheeheeheeheeheeeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeeheeheeheehee~!!!!!
 Justin: Hahahaha! Ya beder hold on ta that there thought, partner; cuz in about a minute or so, imma reckon you’re gonna go jus as wild and loco as before!
 After one whole minute of armpit tickling, Justin then moved his fingers down to Brad’s sides and began scribbling his 10 fingers up and down every inch of them. And just as predicted, Brad began laughing frantically once again; though not as frantically as he did when Justin tickled him with his hair not too long ago.
 Justin: Hahaha! Of course, they ahr! Hahahahaha! And do ya know what’s even more ticklish than your sides? *asked Justin rhetorically* …YOUR RIBS! *he then exclaimed as he began poking and prodding Brad’s ribs as well as the spaces in between his ribs; in a similar fashion to how Brad tickled his own ribs earlier*
 Justin: Hahahahahahaha! And do ya know what’s more ticklish than your ribs? *asked Justin rhetorically once again* …YOUR BACK!! *he then exclaimed, swiftly removing Brad’s jacket and tossing it aside a few seconds later.
 But then, just before Justin could once again tickle Brad, Brad swiftly pinned Justin onto his stomach and tickled his back instead, eliciting frantic squeaks and adorable laughter from the young blonde-haired boy once again in the process.
 Brad: Hehehehe. I got you now, cowboy! Hehehehehe~
 3 minutes later…
 Brad: What? Or else you’re gonna what, Justin? *asked Brad with a mischievous smile while inadvertently moving his right hand into grabbing range of Justin’s own right hand as he continued ticking him*
 Justin: HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHHHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! OHOHOHOHOHOR ELSE, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, I’M GONNA… HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, TICKLE YOUR, HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA, PALM!!! *exclaimed Justin ferociously through his laughter, hurriedly grabbing his friend and brother’s right hand by his fingers with his own right hand and then tickling his palm with his left hand fingers shortly afterwards* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHAHAhahahahahahahaahahahaha~ *he laughed some more until stopping entirely while tickling Brad’s right palm*
 Brad’s most ticklish spots are his palms and as Justin tickled one of them; he managed to give himself an opportunity to push Brad off of him and then swiftly pin him on his stomach against the floor, gaining the upper hand once again in the process. Then, as Justin positioned himself directly on top of Brad, he then had a decision to make; 1. He could continue torturing one of Brad’s palms or 2. He could tickle Brad’s second and third most ticklish spots. Decisions, decisions; but seeing as how he’s pinned Brad on his stomach, he may as well choose the latter. And after five seconds of thinking, that’s exactly what he did too. Very swiftly, he scooted on down towards Brad’s legs, pulled off both of his black socks, and then proceeded to tickle the soles of his feet; skittering his fingers all of every ticklish inch of them.
 Justin: Hahahahaha! Kitchie kitchie kitchie kitchie koo, pahrtner! Yippee, yippee, yeeeeeeee- haw! Hahahahahaha!
 Justin: Yippee, yippee, yee-haw! *shouted Justin once again as he proceeded to tickle Brad’s toes in addition to his soles*
 After two minutes of feet tickling, Justin took the tickle torture a step further; by turning around and tickling Brad’s back, his second-most ticklish spot! Every inch of Brad’s back is considered very ticklish but there are two spots on his back that are slightly more sensitive than others; and those two areas happen to be his shoulder blades. So, for the next while, Justin focused on those two particular spots with every single one of his fingers.
 Justin: Hahaha! Nothin’ like a good ol’ back tickle to really get you buckin’! Hahahaha! Giddy up, horsey! Giddy on up now! Giddy up, giddy up! *teased Justin as he dug all 10 of his fingers into both of Brad’s shoulder blades* Hahahahaha!
 Justin: Woah there, horsey! Easy there, horsey! *teased Justin* Hehehehehehe.
 Justin: No? Then why do ya sound like one then? *asked Justin, stopping briefly to pull off both of his gray socks* Hehehehehehe. *he chuckled while wiggling his toes* Now; dun, duh duh dun, duh duh dun, duh duh dun! *he sang as he began tickling Brad’s lower back with his fingers with his fingers and his neck with his toes* Hahahahahaha! Neigh for me, horsey! Dun, duh duh dun, duh duh dun, duh duh dun! Hahahahahaha!
 For three whole minutes, Brad was at Justin’s mercy. His back and neck are very ticklish and as Justin’s wiggled his fingers and toes all over them, Brad just couldn’t help but laugh… and squirm… and thrash… and squeal in Justin’s clutches. It all appeared to be too much for the young African American boy to handle. But after the three minutes were up however, Brad worked up enough energy to put an end to Justin’s ticklish assault. After three minutes, Brad, while still lying face down on the floor, grabbed both of Justin’s ankles with his hands, startling Justin in the process as he tickled Brads neck with his toes. Then shortly afterwards, he began tickling the tops of Justin’s bare feet, which are surprising more ticklish than his soles! Albeit only slightly more ticklish, but still!
 Brad: Ha! Pig?! No, no, no! I’m not a pig! *said Brad confidently as he hurriedly pinned Justin against the floor on his stomach* You’re a pig! *he shouted as he positioned himself directly on top of Justin’s legs* And I’m about to make you squeal like one! In… 10… 9! *he shouted once more, beginning a ticklish assault on Justin’s bare soles without even finishing his countdown* Hahahahahahaha! Coochie coochie coo, widdwe piggy* Hahahahahahaha!
 Brad: Hahahahahahahahahahahaha! Good! Hahahahahaha! Now keep squealing for me, widdwe piggy! *exclaimed Brad as he began ticking Justin’s toes in addition to his soles* Hahahahahahahahaha!
 After two minutes of feet tickling, Brad spun around and scooted up towards Justin’s torso, giving Justin a small breather in the process. But then, just mere seconds before Justin could even begin to retaliate, Brad began scribbling his fingers all over the young long-haired boy’s neck, his second-most ticklish spot!
 But he didn’t though! For two whole minutes, Brad tickled the bejesus out of Justin’s neck, going so far as to use the young blond-haired boy’s own long hair against him in addition to his 10 fingers!
 Brad: Hahahahahaha! I know! *said Brad with a sinister smile, super proud of himself for gaining the upper hand against his best friend big time* Hahahahahahaha~
 After the two minutes were up, Justin made an attempt to grab Brad’s wrists; to try and tickle one of Brad’s palms once again. But once Justin did that though, Brad immediately began tickling Justin’s armpits, HIS MOST TICKLISH SPOTS!!! And once Brad starting tickling Justin in those 2 places, it was all over for Justin!
 Brad: Hahahahahahahaha! Oh yeah! Now I’ve got you! I’ve got you good now, man! And I’m not gonna stop either! Not until you admit that I beat you! Come on, tap out! You know you want to!
 Brad: Heh. Never, you say? Well we’ll just see about that! *stated Brad with an evil smile, digging his fingers into the hollows of Justin’s armpits a bit harder in an attempt to break the young blond-haired boy even faster*
 It truly is all over for Justin at this point! His armpits are most certainly his “death spots” and as Brad tickles them, all Justin can do is laugh… and laugh… and laugh… and laugh… and laugh… to the point that he will laugh in his dreams during the next couple of nights! But he doesn’t want to give up though. Though very unlikely, Justin feels that there’s a chance that he can gain the upper hand against Brad once again. But HARRIET, who had been watching the boys tickle each other for a while now outside of their bedroom in the upstairs hallway without them knowing, doesn’t think so though. And because of that, she decided to step in and take matters into her own hands! But in reality though, she just wants to playfully tickle both of her adopted sons. X3
 Harriet: (Heeheeheehee! Hope you boys won’t mind if I “hop” in! Heeheeheeheehee!)
 Brad: Hahahahahaha! Just remember, man! If you want this to stop, all you have to do is admit that I won… and that you lost! *stated Brad confidently* Hahahahahahaha… AAAAAAAAAAH! *he shouted nervously a few seconds later when he felt someone’s left arm wrapping around both of his ankles, forcing him to stop tickling Justin entirely* HEY! WOOOOOOAAAAAAAH! *he shouted once more upon feeling his legs being pulled towards Justin’s and then falling flat onto his stomach next to Justin*
 Justin: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! Oh, thahahahank god!!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! It finally stohohohohohopped!!!! *stated Justin while giggling due to phantom tickles, relieved that Brad was no longer tickling his armpits* Hahahahahahahaahahahaha… WAIT! WUT IN TARNATION! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH~!!! *shouted Justin nervously upon feeling the same individual’s left arm wrap around his ankles in addition to Brad’s*
 After shouting nervously for a few seconds, Brad and Justin then turned their heads to see the individual who was responsible for startling them so much. When they turned their heads, they saw a 42-year-old female rabbit monster with PURPLE FUR and big, always bare 3-toed feet that’s currently wearing a PURPLE SUMMER HAT, a black necklace/choker, a lavender tank top with a black corset(?) underneath of it, and black mom jeans. THEIR ADOPTED MOTHER, HARRIET!!!
 Brad and Justin: Mom?!?!
 Harriet: Heeheeheeheehee! Hello, boys! Having a tickle fight, I see. Heeheeheehee! Got room for one more?
 Brad: Hehe. You know it! Help me tickle Justin, will you? He’s gotta pay for tickling my back AND one of my palms!
 Justin: What?! No! Mom, help me tickle Brad! He’s gotta pay for ticklin’ mah armpits and neck so mercilessly!
 Harriet: Heeheeheeheehee; no, my sweet cinnamon buns. *said Harriet cheekily, declining both of her adopted sons’ requests* I’ve got a better idea! A much better idea! *she then said with an “evil” smile, moving her right hand right next to Brad and Justin’s trapped bare feet* Heeheeheehee! And all I need is my fingers and your bare feet! Heeheeheeheehee~
 “And all I need is my fingers and your bare feet.” Once Brad and Justin heard Harriet say that, their eyes widened and their happy smiles turned into nervous smiles.
 Brad and Justin: *nervous gasps* O-oh n-no!! *Brad and Justin shuddered*
 Harriet: Heeheeheeheehee! Nothing to be afraid of, boys! I’m the friendly SNOWDIN SHOPKEEPER, remember? And quite the professional at tickling little boys! Like you! So, tickle, tickle, tickle! Tickle, tickle, tickle, my sweet cinnamon buns! *teased Harriet as she began scribbling her right hand fingers all over Brad and Justin’s bare feet one by one; starting with Brad’s left foot and ending with Justin’s right foot as the two boys lied face down on the floor* Heeheeheeheeheehee!!
 OMG, THE SNOWIN SHOPKEEPER!!! HARRIET IS THE SNOWDIN SHOPKEEPER!!! :O But not just that though; she also happens to be same woman that cared for Brad for 3 whole months after he was separated from Justin and Izzy during their adventures in the Underground. Sure, Toriel may have cared for Brad during his adventures in the Underground but Harriet cared for him longer, until she could no longer protect him. After Brad died, Harriet kept his memory alive by making several Tough Gloves and Manly Bandanas by hand to sell to customers (primarily kids) in her shop. And that happens to be something that she continues to do to this very day. Regardless of the fact that that once dead boy is now back in her life!
 Harriet: Heeheeheehee! *sniffles* Oh, how I’ve missed tickling your cute little feet, Brad! *said Harriet with a huge smile, crying tears of joy due to being given a chance to tickle a boy she never thought she would be able to tickle again* Heeheeheeheehee! Kitchie kitchie koo, my sweet cinnamon bun! *sniffles* Kitchie kitchie koo! *she teased as she began tickling Brad’s right foot*
 And he does too! Despite all of his pleads, Brad is enjoying himself immensely! And Justin has been too for that matter; even during that moment when Brad tickled his hyper-sensitive armpits. And Harriet knows it too! She’s tickled Brad before; on multiple occasions; and right now, she is tickling both him and Justin in a similar fashion to how she used to tickle her two biological sons, Benny and Robbie, years before they became a ROYAL GUARDSMAN and the NICE CREAM SALESMAN respectively. ;)
 Harriet: Heeheeheeheehee! Ooh, yeah, I can tell! Heeheeheeheehee! I can definitely tell! *said Harriet as she began scratching Brad’s right heel* Heeheeheeheeheeheeheehee~
 After ticking Brad’s feet for about three minutes; alternating between tickling his left foot and right foot with every passing second; Harriet then switched over to Justin’s feet; starting with his left foot as he continued lying face down on the floor next to Brad.
 This is the first time that Harriet has ever tickled Justin; and so far, he is not disappointing her. His laughter is just so pure and adorable and as she tickles him, she finds it rather amusing how his Southern accent just plain disappears. It’s so weird! One moment, he’s talking like a natural-born cowboy and then the next moment, he’s talking like someone that appears to show no interest in Westerns whatsoever while laughing his head off.
 Harriet: Heeheeheeheeheehee! Gitchie gitchie goo, my other sweet cinnamon bun! *teased Harriet as she continued tickling Justin’s left foot* Heeheeheeheehee! Sweet carrot cakes with cream cheese frosting, your laugh is so cute! Heeeheeheeheehee! Oh, I could just tickle your feet all night, Justin! And throughout all of the following morning! *she said with a heartwarming smile as she switched over to Justin’s right foot* Heeheeheeheeheehee! Gitchie gitchie goo goo goo goo!
 Harriet: Heeheeheeheehee! Well, we can always find out. *said Harriet cheekily, giving Justin the impression that she might tickle his feet during the last few hours of the day* Heeheeheeheeheeheehee! Gitchie gitchie goo! Gitchie gitchie goo goo goo goo! *she teased, tickling both of Justin’s feet in a crazy fast manner; left sole, right sole, left sole, right sole, and so on* Heeheeheeheeheeheehee~
 After tickling Justin’s feet for 3 whole minutes, Harriet stopped to give him a much needed breather.
 Harriet: Heeheeheeheehee; having fun, boys?
 Justin: Hehehehe. You’re darn tootin’, Mama Bunny!
 Brad: Hehe. Oh, yeah, fo’ sho’!
 Harriet: Heeheeheeheehee! Terrific! So that means we can do this again tomorrow, right? When the three of us have the house to ourselves?
 Brad and Justin: *excited gasps*
 Harriet: Heeheeheeheehee! FANTABULOUS! We’ll start sometime after breakfast tomorrow morning! After Benny, Robbie, and Heather leave to do their things!
 While a family tickle war with all 6 members of the family does sound tempting, Harriet would first like some more tickle time with her two adopted sons; and luckily for her, tomorrow will give her a perfect opportunity to do such a thing since her three biological children will only be home long enough to eat breakfast the following morning.
 Harriet: Speaking of Benny, Robbie, and Heather; you should know they’ve been watching you boys tickle each other too. Not the whole time; but for a while, anyway. Heeheehee.
 Just as Harriet was talking, a tall soon-to-be 19-year-old rabbit monster with blue fur and big, always bare 3-toed feet wearing a yellow shirt and red pants entered the room briefly. IT WAS ROBBIE aka THE NICE CREAM GUY!! :D
 Robbie: Hahaha! It’s true, we have! Hahaha! And when you crazy kids get done in here, feel free to help yourselves to some free Nice Cream! It’s the frozen treat that warms you heart! *said Robbie out of habit with a BIG SMILE on his face* Or share a bisicle, whatever you cute kids prefer.
 Brad: Haha! Will do, Robbie! You’re a real COOL brother, you know that?
 Robbie: Oh, Brad, you! *said Robbie all flattered as he exited the room* Hahahahahaha! You flatter me, young man! Hahahahahaha~
 Harriet: Heeheeheeheehee! Good idea, Robbie! *said Harriet despite the fact that Robbie was no longer in the room* But before you boys do that though, heeheeheehee, there’s just one teensy tiny little thing I’d like to do first. *she then said cheekily with a giggle, wiggling her 6 furry toes against the bedroom floor during the next few seconds* Heeheeheeheehee~
 Brad and Justin: Oh yeah? What’s that? *asked Brad and Justin curiously at the same time*
 Harriet: Heeheeheeheehee! *giggled Harriet as she proceeded to sit on Brad’s bed* Lie down on the floor with your legs under this bed and I’ll show you. Heeheeheeheehee! *she giggled once more, wiggling her 6 toes against the floor a second time*
 Brad: (*excited gasp* Yes! Yes, I used to love this so much!) *said Brad excitedly to himself, knowing very well what Harriet wants to do*
 With that said; Brad and Justin then proceeded to position themselves on the floor; Brad mere inches to the left Harriet and Justin mere inches to the right of Harriet. Then, once they were officially lying on the floor, they slid their legs underneath Brad’s bed, just as Harriet asked them to do.
 Brad: Hehehehehe. All right, I’m ready, Mom. *said Brad with a smile after pulling up his orange t-shirt* Justin, open your shirt. *he then said to Justin*
 Justin: Huh? What’d you jus’ say, pahrtner? *asked Justin confusedly*’
 Brad: You heard me. Open… your shirt.
 Justin: Oh, well alrighty then. *said Justin, nervously opening his shirt to expose his bare torso* Ok, ah done opened mah shirt, pahrtner. Happy?
 Brad: Hehehehehe. Heck yes! Because that means that Mom is now able to…
 Harriet: TICKLE YOU WITH MY TOES! *interrupted Harriet in a singsongy voice, mere seconds before she began tickling Brad and Justin’s stomachs with her 6 furry toes; Brad’s stomach with her 3 left foot toes and Justin’s stomach with her 3 right foot toes* Heeheeheeheeheehee! Gitchie, gitchie, goo, you absolutely precious little boys! Heeheeheeheeheehee!
 Brad and Justin: HAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHHAHAHA~!!!!!!! *the two boys laughed both hysterically and preciously the moment they felt Harriet’s furry toes glide against their stomachs, quivering and quivering with every passing ticklish sensation they felt in their upper bodies*
 Harriet: Heeheeheeheehee! I know. *said Harriet with a sly smile, knowing exactly what she’s doing* Isn’t it just fantabulous, boys? *she asked cheekily, before proceeding to drum her toes against Brad and Justin’s stomachs* Heeheeheheeheeheehee!
 After 2 minutes, Harriet finished it all out by wiggling her toes against Brad and Justin’s stomachs; every single inch of them, not leaving a single area untouched.
 Harriet: Heeheeheeheehee! You boys are just so cute! Heeheeheehee! Oh my gosh, I could just tickle you boys forever and ever. You know that, don’t you? Heeheeheeheeheehee!
 Harriet: Heeheeheeheehee! You most certainly do. Heeheeheeheeheehee~
 Harriet wiggled her toes against Brad and Justin’s stomachs for two whole minutes, relishing in the sweet sound that was their boyish laughter all the while she did so. It was music to her long, beautiful ears and by the time she stopped tickling her adopted sons, Brad and Justin themselves pulled their legs out from underneath Brad’s bed and gave her big hugs, thanking her for tickling them and for being such a wonderful mother.
 Harriet: Awww! I love you too, boys. *said Harriet, crying tears of joy* Oh g-gosh; words cannot describe how happy I am right now.
 Brad: Hehe. I know. It’s all just so much to take in, isn’t it? *asked Brad, referring to his and Justin’s resurrections*
 Harriet: *sniffles* Uh-huh. But I’m most certainly grateful for it. And this time, I’m going to do everything I can to protect you; both of you… and Benny and Robbie and Heather. No matter what!
 Justin: Oh, yeah, we know ya will, Mom; jus’ like Aunt Heidi, the INNKEEPER, will do everythin’ she can ta protect Izzy… and Bastian and Bekah and Bebe.
 Harriet: *sniffles* I’m happy to hear you think so, boys. *sniffles* ………Ha… ha… Well, anyhoo, who wants ice cream? After all that tickling, you’ve got to be hungry for some, right? I know you are, Brad; heeheehee; but what about you, Justin? Do you want any ice cream?
 Justin: Hehehe. Yes. Yes, ah reckon ah do. Hehehehe. But, ah’m not sure if I want a Nice Cream or a Bisicle. …Hmmm…
 Harriet: Heeheehee. How about both? Heeheehee.
 Justin: What?! Really?! No foolin’?! Hehe; thank ya, Mom! Thank ya!
 Brad: Hehe. Oh, wow; thanks, Mom!
 Harriet: Heeheeheehee! You’re very welcome, my sweet cinnamon buns! X3
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Big Hero 7: The Series
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Big Hero 7 S2
*The day is normal at the Lucky Cat Café with Fred spreading jam on his piece of toast, Baymax standing by and Hiro playing a new game on his phone. Across them is Kage, Cora's uncle, getting a fresh cup of joe from Cass as they chatted lightly over minor topics such as family life and work. Needless to say its been rather peaceful since the Globby incident. On one hand they helped Globby prove his innocence and he became a dad to a new globby like figure who he named Rosie. She appeared like her father but smaller, her color being a light shade of Rose Gold with green eyes. But on the other hand... after they returned home Commander Carter had informed them that due to his actions Chief Cruz has been suspended from police duty and will be for at least a couple of months unless otherwise. They do feel guilty for costing Chief Cruz his job but after being reassured that he will be paid despite his suspension and the only things taken from him were his police privilege's; the guilt is still there, though it's lessened, especially since commander carter commented that this experience will make Chief Cruz, Diego Cruz now that they learned his name, think twice about his role as a police officer. Its there that they look up to see him. Diego Cruz... wearing a dark grey hoodie and jeans instead of his police uniform. He goes towards Aunt Cass as she's fixing up her work space while he checks his breath. Finally Cass looks up and notices him.. but she sports no smile.*
Cass: Oh... hey...Diego, do you want your usual?
*The usual warmth and cheeriness was absent from her voice as she sees that its Diego. Kage turns his attention to the temporarily former police chief, a glint of mistrust ringing through it to which Diego flinched before he continues talking with his confidence.
Diego: Yeah! Thanks Cass.
Cass: Got some ready for you..*Starts pouring a cup of joe in a mug*
Kage: So... how is your job?
Diego: I'm-
Kage: Oh wait, I just remembered that your little debacle with Big Hero 7 has earned you a suspension didn't it?
*This gets Hiro's attention. he turns around to see Diego receive a cup of joe and giving a glare at Kage for his words. Cora must've told her family about what happened at Akuma island; possibly to explain that Globby is now a new parent and will need Kaguya's and Mizuchi's advice. And there's also the fact that Kage is now equally protective of Big Hero 7 and Cora. This also brings back memories of when Kage was Obake, back when his words were as effective as his plans... which was very. To which Diego meets eyes with the teen boy.*
Diego: *Luke warm* Morning...*Slight glare* Hiro..
*Hiro quickly turns his head away back to his game, to which he quickly lost. As Diego sits down he notices that some other patrons were looking at him with suspicious glares, to which he flips up his hoodie as Cass comes over to bring more coffee over.*
Cass: Still surprised that you'd come over here after the news exposed what you've done.
*This now gets Hiro's and Fred's attention at this. What news? this causes Diego to flinch.*
Diego: So.. you've heard?
Cass: I have. I couldn't believe the fact that you, a police officer who is supposed to provide additional support and help to Big Hero 7 would stoop that low. You're lucky to only have your job suspended instead of being fired. *Concern grows on her face* Is Megan OK?
*This brings Hiro's eyes up as he recalls his friend. Megan... oh god... how is she? He quickly makes a note to himself to check on Megan along with Cora over her well being because god help them if they learn that Megan is being unfairly harrassed by her peers... harassment that Hiro is all too familiar with.*
Diego: *eyes turn to concern and slight guilt* Yeah... Megan's is doing OK for herself. She's a strong girl.
*Hiro's worry slightly comes down, but still keeps that note in mind. *
Kage: On another subject; as if Big Hero 7 truly needed your help anyway. The crime rate is still admirably low thanks to them... I guess it just shows just how useful you and your police force truly is... which is sadly none.
*Diego's fist tightens as it slightly shakes from his growing anger while Hiro slightly cringes at Kage's shade directed to him. This is definitely giving him Obake vibes. That is when Cora and Miyuki arrive through the door and sees everyone there.*
Cora: *sheepishly waving at them* Hi...
Miyuki: What up?
Cass:*Warmly* Hi girls! What would you two like?
Cora: Hot green tea would do fine.
Miyuki: And my usual is good enough.
Cass: OK, that's one green tea and one sea salt caramel frappuccino coming up!
*As Cass walks away the two girls join the table with the boys as Kage walks over and hugs Cora.*
Cora: *Hugging back* Hey Uncle Kage. You doing good and taking your pills?
Kage: I have Cora. I've been doing fine... though I wouldn't say its going the same for Diego over there..
*Cora turns her head to Diego as he sighs frustratingly at himself before he sips his coffee, cringing at the taste to which Cass notices but chooses not to comment on it.*
Cora: I still feel bad for costing him his job...
Hiro: Yeah, I mean he was only doing what he thought was best. And now everyone can't seem to stand him, even Aunt Cass... And as if we were any better. We hid globby instead of bringing him to the super hero program to help him there instead.
Kage: Hiro, he was the one who disobeyed direct orders to not get involved with Globby. You merely looked for a solution to rid Globby of Nega Globby. While it is true that you had disobeyed Commander Carter, you've also proven Globby's innocence. In other words... the humiliation and glares that Diego receives *Glaring at Diego* are directly his own fault.
* Diego takes another sip of his coffee, turning his eyes to the team across him... and at that moment, his finger nails had just pierced the skin of his palm.. making it bleed.*
*Later one Hiro and Cora are at his room as the blue hair teen looks at the video game her boyfriend is playing. Baymax is look at them as they do.*
Baymax: What is the purpose of this game?
Hiro: Just blowing off steam I guess.
Baymax: * Scanning the room* I do not detect water vapor.
Cora: Its another expression Baymax.
*That is when Hiro gets frustrated as he reaches a difficult level as Cora looks over with slight worry as he battles off his new virtual foe.*
Baymax: My scan indicates your stress levels are elevated. That is the opposite of relaxation.
Hiro: Its fun Baymax. And not to brag but~... I always win because I build the coolest weapons.
Cora: *Noticing a notification* Hey, you got an invite from someone.
Hiro: Reading the note* Hardlight? OK?
*Hiro accepts his new challenger as he faces off this Hardlight. The hardlight avatar chooses a sword to play against Hiro's avatar.*
Hiro: A sword? Oh what a noob.
*He selects his weapon, a huge gun, and plays his game to which he soon finds out that this Hardlight is a rather resourceful and experienced player as it quickly deflects and destroys Hiro's gun.*
Hiro: Oh wait whoa! What the?! That's not fair!
*He gets up from his seat, indirectly pushing off Mochi who was laying on his lap, as he moves around as he battles off HardLight. Cora stands next to Baymax looking at her boyfriend before turning to Baymax as he scans Hiro. Mochi then moves around in a panic as he jumps around, first jumping on Cora's head then jumping Baymax's arm and scratching the vynel, thus letting out air.*
Baymax: This does not seem relaxing.
*The end result is Harlight beating Hiro, thus proclaiming him as the new winner. Much to the displeasure of Hiro.*
Cora: How about we go ahead and hang out with Megan for a while? We hadn't seen her lately.
Hiro: *Remembering his mental note* Yeah! That sounds cool.
*He pulls out his phone and calls Megan, who at this moment is working on her homework as she answers it.*
Megan: Hey guys, how are ya?
Hiro: We're doing alright. We were just wondering if we could have the time to hang out tonight. Does the arcade sound good?
Megan: Ya know what? That sound good. I've only got a couple assignments left then I'm ready to go. Talk to ya later.
Hiro: K, see ya Megan!
*She hangs up her phone as she focuses on her homework, keeping her mind off the harassment she's enduring from her peers lately. She shakes herself out of it.*
Megan: *To herself* Come on Megan, you can do this. Its not the end of the world.
*As of while Krei is currently talking to the police department where the new chief of police temporarily replacing Diego is requesting to buy some buddy guards, with a scrawny young man standing behind him working on some of the buddy guards.*
Krei: Alright! I'll have it ready for you this time tomorrow.
(New Chief of Police): Today sounds better.
Krei: Today sounds great! We can do today.
Scrawny man: *Speaking up* Actually, M-Mr. Krei I don't we-
*But Krei walks away from his employee as he talks on the phone to the new chief. Meanwhile at the mansion, Fred is working on painting his own action figure as Heathcliff comes by with a glass of water.*
Heathcliff: It is done Master Frederick.
Fred: *Distracted with his action figure* Actually it needs a little more lightning.
Heathcliff: I was referring to the appointment you asked me to make with Roderick Blaire. The esteemed architect behind Boss Awesome's secret super chamber.
Fred: *Smiling widely* You did it? You did it! Tell me he said yes!
Heathcliff: He said yes sir.
*Fred runs around happily over the news before he tires out and leans on his table.*
Fred: OK, I'm done.
*Fred grabs for his glass of water as Heathcliff continues talking.*
Heathcliff: You're appointment is this afternoon.
Fred: Wait! I got a few more joy screams in me!
*He runs around screaming for joy while Heathcliff picks up the mess from Fred's joyful running. Afterwards Fred contacts Gogo, Honey Lemon, and Wasabi to meet up at the abandoned factory to meet with Roderick Blaire. He had contacted Hiro and Cora but they informed him that they would be hanging out with Megan today so he agreed to it. Now he is looking out for this man behind his father's secret den while the others sit around at the steps of the old Candy factory.*
Wasabi: Why are we wearing our gear?
Fred: Because Roderick Blaire can't know our real identities. Its super hero/outside contracter 101.
Gogo: Your guy's late.
Fred: Well that makes sense.
Honey Lemon: what do you mean Fredy?
Fred: I bet he's doing something covert to make sure he's not being tracked here by our enemies!
*He stands around waiting for any signs of enemies.*
Gogo: Unlikely.
Fred: *Gasp* You're right! He might already be here! Secretly watching us to make sure we're legit!
*Fred flips up his head to properly suit him as the others stand around. that is when an old truck drives up and parks in front of them. After that the driver reveals himself to be pot bellied, middle aged, red head in front of him.*
Man: Whoa, sorry I'm late. Bridge traffic almost busted my chops out there. Roddy Blaire, king of lairs.
Wasabi: OK... not what we were expecting.
Roddy: So, which one of you is Fred?
Fred: I am -wait hold on. You know my name?
Roddy: Oh, your dad , old friend, me and him go way back. He told me all about you. What a guy your dad, Boss Awesome. You're throwing a different vibe maybe not awesome, more uh... adequate?
Gogo: Yep. That's him. Boss Adequate.
Roddy: Well its hard these days to come up with a handle but the choice names are taken, am I right?
Fred:... No.
Roddy: *Looking around the factory and giving a low whistle* What a dumparoo. Guess I better get to work! Secret bases don't build themselves!
*Later on that evening the whole gang are doing their thing. Wasabi, Honey Lemon, Gogo, and Fred drive back home from their appointment with Roddy while Hiro, Cora, and Megan exit out of the movie theater happily chatting about their lives and such.*
Fred: I though he be cooler.. and well.. nicer.
*With the three teens they are walking their way back to Megan's house to the crosswalk just as Wasabi's car stops at the red light, allowing the pedestrians and the three friends to cross the street... but just as the crossed a dark masked figure is revealed in the middle of the road. And that figure quickly catches everyone's attention.*
Megan: Who's that?
Wasabi: That is not normal.
*The masked man summons forth his own virtual menu to the air.*
Honey Lemon: *Nervously* Maybe he's a street magician and this is a show.
Gogo: Gross, I hate street magic.
*After the masked figure selects his options, virtual enemies come out and are brought to life.*
Masked man: There we go...
Wasabi: Uh... are we supposed to clap now?
*Hiro and Cora stand by Megan as they hold tightly to their phones, ready to call skymax at the helm just in case.*
Masked Man: Now.. lets play.
*And so his virtual monsters start to terrorize the city, blasting lasers as the citizens run away. One of the lasers hit the traffic light ready to hit Wasabi's car.*
Gogo: Back up!
*The car gets away just in time.*
Honey Lemon: I'm calling SkyMax right now.
Gogo: Right.
*Honey Lemon pressed the button as Wasabi drives to a nearby ally so they can suit up and face this new foe. But Hiro and Cora don't have the same luck as their friends. They can't just leave Megan alone and risk her getting hurt by this man, so all they could do is stand back and watch and hope their friends will get to the bottom of this. That is when the masked man brings out his virtual sword, moving around with skill and flexibility. Just as the gang are dressing up, the police arrive with their new chief.*
New Chief: Put the weapon down!
Masked Man: *Laughs evilly*
New Chief: I'm warning you! Till Big Hero 7 comes you'll have to face us!
Masked Man: That is exactly is exactly why I'm here...
*That is when the gang emerges from the shadows and stand.*
Masked Man: I want to face Big Hero 7.
Gogo: Well we're here right now, so scram!
Masked Man: Hold on... There's four of you... you're missing three. Aqua Girl, Omega Danger... and Electro Magnetic Alpha.
*Hiro's and Cora's eyes widen at the masked man's observation as Megan glares heatedly at the masked man. The new chief brings out his buddy guards to destroy the virtual enemies to which it succeeds, but the masked man quickly takes them out with the swing of his sword.*
Masked Man: Ah ah ah! You aren't the main players, they are! *To the gang* And you're not all here. I want to fight the whole team!..and one additional super.
Honey Lemon: Who are you?! And what do you want?!
(Masked Man): Hardcore, High score... I am Hardlight!
Cora: Hardlight…*Thinking* Why does that name sound familiar?
Hardlight: Game master, Weapons builder, under appreciated genius! Hardlight.
Cora: I swear that name sounds familiar!
Hardlight: As for what I want... I want the whole team of Big Hero 7 and one certain... Ice Frost~.
*He drawls out their friends name as a miniature virtual replica of Ice Frost appears with a small heart around her... much to the growing concern of Big Hero 7 and the teens.
Hardlight: For a IRL challenge instead of NCP cops. After all, Who would take you seriously after what dear old Chief Cruz did?
*This causes Megan to growl as she shouts out to Hardlight.*
Megan: I know what my dad did was incredibly stupid, but he is a good police officer and cares deeply about everyone!
Hardlight: Yawn. *To Big Hero 7* I'm gonna steal the biggest diamond in the city tomorrow night at the museum... and you better come delivering the goods.
*With that he disappears in a flash and without a trace, leaving the team, the police, and the teens wondering what will happen next.*
*The news is playing on Baymax's stomach as the whole team watch it from the old candy factory while Roddy is working on the blue prints for their secret headquarters. In the mean time they are facetiming Miyuki over to discuss what to do from Hardlight's demands since he also wants her involved. Fred looks over the plans Roddy is drawing up and could not help but make some few comments.*
Fred: How do you feel about a zero gravity game room?
Roddy: *Focused on his plans* seems useless.
Fred: Hmm. Uh.. zero gravity snack room?
Roddy: More useless.
Fred: How about a zero gravity storage room? Or~ a zero gravity training room? Wait wait, lets just go with a vault! But... with zero gravity.
Roddy: Are you delirious right now?
Fred: So.. are you just super pro gravity or just anti my ideas?
Roddy: Yes.
Fred: Yes to what?
*With the rest of the gang and Miyuki they look over Hardlight's weapon to which Cora's eyes light up.*
Cora: Hiro! You said your game records all the battles right?
Hiro: Yeah?
Cora: I think we saw that weapon before! Look it up!
*Hiro pulls up his phone where he scours through the recordings and finds an exact match.*
Hiro: Its the same weapon. He has to be the same guy I played in Mind Smith but he's like champion level.
Baymax: Yes, *Pulling up the recording* He defeated you with extreme efficiency.
Hiro: I wasn't that bad!
Baymax: The total time elapsed in your match was 4.25 seconds. Way to go.
*Hiro blushes as he pouts to which Cora pats his back in reassurance as Miyuki chooses to talk.*
Miyuki: So we know that Hardlight is a pro gamer and has the tech to back up his playing experience. But how are we going against some advanced force field tech b that makes his video game real?
Wasabi: Isn't that impossible?
Hiro: We'll it should be. Krei Tech has been working on something like it but, we hadn't cracked it yet.
Wasabi: He must've figured it out first.
Honey Lemon: Hey, it looks like theres some metal on his gloves.
Gogo: Hiro, could you use your magnets to pull them off?
Hiro: I got to get really close to do that, and its gonna be really hard with his sword. We have to beat Hardlight at his own game.
Miyuki: Alright then, then we'll do what he wants and give Hardlight an instant game over-
*That's when behind Miyuki shows a scrawny young man with chin hair, brown hair and green tinted glasses appear behind her and holding some books.*
Scrawny student: O-Oh! Hi Miyuki.. How are you?
Miyuki: *Sighs* I'm OK Ian. Just talking with some friends. You came over to check over the midterms project? I could send you the file later you know.
Ian: I-I know Miyuki, b-but I was wondering if you have any plans tonight and if *Blushing*… W-Would you like to grab a bite at Yaki Taco with me for an early dinner?
Miyuki: I do have plans, with my friends. I'm sorry Ian.
Ian: Oh... its alright. I have plans too, Krei Tech and all. S-See ya...
*He walks away from the cafeteria room they were in as Miyuki sighs frustratingly.*
Gogo: Who's Ian?
Miyuki: My assigned partner for the midterms project in 3D character design. Visual effects major, focusing on video games. And works part time at Krei Tech.
Honey Lemon: It sounds like he really likes you!
Miyuki: Except I don't like him back. *Sighs*  I’m just not interest in dating anyone for a while...
*The gang take a moment as they recall her feelings for Tadashi Hamada, Hiro's brother. Its clear that Miyuki isn't ready to put her heart back out there.*
Cora: Hey, its OK Miyuki.
Miyuki: Thanks guys..*Shakes head* Either way I'm not gonna date him. He's nice and all but he gives off these vibes... especially since he also has.. a massive crush on my alter ego.. Like, Massive.
Gogo: How bad?
Miyuki:..One time I left my charger at my place and I asked Ian if I could borrow his. He gave it to me but I so happened to catch a glimpse of his home screen...
*The face she was making gave clear indications that what she saw gave her concerns.*
Cora: OK... So.. you cool with tonight though?
Miyuki: Yeah, so where do we meet?
*Later that night the police arrive along with Big Hero 7 and Ice Frost, making nods to understand that they are in this together. As of while Diego Cruz is watching it Live on TV as he glares at the team and the additional super go into the building. Megan just so happened to pass by with a glass of milk in hand when she sees her dad.*
Megan: Dad? You OK? I can see steam coming off your ears.
Diego: I'm fine Mihijita.
*Megan rolls her eyes before she sits down next to her dad.*
Megan: Dad, you know that Big Hero 7 wants to help the city just as much as you do. You gotta let it go.
*But Diego doesn't respond back, now focused back on the TV where it just showed the supers enter inside the building. With the team they appear inside where they see the biggest diamond laid in front of them.*
Gogo: Yup its a big diamond.
Miyuki: Now alls that left is Hardlight.
Hiro: Then stay alert. Hardlight could come at us from-
Hardlight: Anywhere! Welcome Challengers! And Hello to you my Ice Princess~
*miyuki cringes at the pet name as Gogo and Honey stand by her side.*
Hiro: Give up Hardlight! You're not scoring this diamond!
Hardlight: Calm down, this is just the opening cinematic. Lets build the hype a little.
Gogo: What language is he speaking?
Baymax: It is English.
Hardlight: Did you guys bring any special weapons?
Hiro: W-Well, no-
Hardlight: No? *Buzzer sound* Players fail to equip their party.
*Miyuki then sends an ice shard at Hardlight which just so misses him by an inch.*
Miyuki: How's that for a weapon?
Hardlight: Ah~ There it is! The burning fire from my Zelda! But alas my ice princess you merely have your skills along with them. That's too bad. Lets hit start!
*He swing his sword towards them to drive them apart as Gogo skates over to take down Hardlight but she misses along with Wasabi. Hardlight flies over to Hiro, cora, and Baymax.*
Hiro: Omega Danger! Rocket Fist!
*Baymax fires his rocket fist towards Hardlight as the villain merely directs it to the rood of the museum. The TV catches that on as Diego growls. The buddy guards show up to help Big Hero 7 and Ice Frost as the police prepare their weapons. But with great ease Hardlight uses his sword to disable them all as he walks over to the team, where miyuki skates behind him, ready to encase him in ice only for Hardlight to flip up and use his sword to stun Miyuki causing her to drop to the floor.*
Cora: Ice Frost!
*Miyuki groans as Hardlight picks her up and holds her in one arm.*
Hiro: Let her go Hardlight!
Hardlight: Let go of my Ice Princess?...hmm.. Nope!
*Hardlight then walks over to the glass case where he cuts through it and grabs the diamond from his other hand.*
Hardlight: This level is an extreme let down! Felt like a tutorial! There weren't any cool easter eggs!
*That's when the police show up and join Big Hero 7 for support.*
Hardlight: I'm not here for NCPs either officers.
Officer: What does that even mean?
Hiro: Its a non player character, obviously.
*Summoning forth his own hover disc he hopes on with the unconscious Ice Frost in his arms.*
Hardlight:Alright Big Hero 7, you are such a terrible treasure quest! Maybe you need higher stakes... like my Ice Princess here! Same time tomorrow! Night Market square!
*And so he flies away with Miyuki in his arms, leaving behind the police and Big Hero 7 to stare at the sky.*
*That following night Hiro is at the old abandoned factory along with Cora and Baymax as he tries to think up on how to bring the weapons from the video game to life. They had explained to Esme about her roommates disappearance as to not make her panic and reassuring her that they'll rescue Miyuki and bring her home safely.*
Baymax: Hiro, body language cues suggest you are frustrated. May I be of assistance?
Cora: Do you want some water Hiro?
Baymax: Perhaps some posture exercises?
Hiro: This is just like mind smith! If we're gonna beat Hardlight and rescue Miyuki I have to design a better weapon! I have to get inside his head.
Baymax: Excellent. Will you use Nanobots?
Hiro: I mean I need to anticipate what's he gonna do... but there are so many options. Should I design a long distance weapon or a close up weapon? Or a shielding weapon?
Baymax: Perhaps you can think this analytically through open communication-
*That is when Roddy steps in.*
Roddy: *Coughs* Alright, hate to butt in... but I'm butting in.
Hiro: You know what kind of weapon I should build?
Roddy: Kid your over thinking this.
Hiro: Oh, really?
Cora: What do you suggest?
Roddy: I do what I know worst, simplify the job and pad my hours.
Hiro: I can't simplify, this is a complicated situation. Especially since one of our friends had been kidnapped.
Roddy: Nah, its only complicated cause you're playing the other guy's game. He's better at his game. Play your game.
Hiro: Aren't we both playing the same game?
Roddy: Look, your buddy Fred wants everything zero g's for some reason. That's his game, not my game.
Cora: So what you are saying is...
Baymax: Hiro should capitalize on his strengths?
Roddy: Yes! I love this guy!*Gets up and punches Baymax's belly*
Hiro: *Idea forming* Maybe you're right.
*With that the rest of Big Hero 7 suit up and go on their search for Hardlight.*
Honey Lemon: Night Market Square is huge! How will we know where he is?
Cora: *Looking beyond* I don't think it'll be a problem..
*Right in front of them is a giant tower made of pixels standing tall and proud in the middle of night market square.*
Honey Lemon: Whoa..
*The Police stand by as Big Hero 7 once again make for a landing and enter the tower, the doors shutting tightly behind them. The tower only contain stairs that lead up to the top where in a virtual cage is Miyuki with her hands tied up with chains.*
Hardlight: Welcome to the raid! I have to tell you, I redesigned this tower like eight times since yesterday. You like?!
Hiro: Lets go Omega Danger!
*Hiro, Cora, and Baymax fly up to the top only for a barrier to come stop their path.*
Hardlight: Ugh, you didn't think you could just fly through the floors did ya?! No bonus points for that Big Hero 7! *Pulling up his virtual menu*
*With that he creates the same virtual enemies to fight off Big Hero 7 below. The ground enemies were taken care of easily but the flying ones capture Fred easily. Thankfully Gogo frees Fred with her disc which allows Fred to drop to the floor. With the rest soon taken care of they unlock the first door to lead to the second level ahead.*
Cora: Chem Princess! Velocity!
Gogo: Right!
*Gogo skates up through the walls while Honey Lemon uses her chem boots to stretch herself to the second level. Once the girlfriends are reunited they throw their weapons at the barrier above them, which so happens to contain Hardlight and Miyuki. The Video game villain summons forth his new enemies to fight off Honey Lemon and Gogo to which they are quick to dodge away. Gogo hits first to then discover that they have a life bar and thus will need more attacks to finish them off. With one clean stroke they strikes though the first enemy, sending it flying though the air. Honey Lemon, having encased herself in a gummy bunny suit stretches her arm to catch the flying disc and cut through the enemy she was facing all well. that is when Fred and Wasabi arrive as they hop over to face their own monster enemy, a slightly larger one at that, as they dodge out of its punch. Fred uses his lights to blindside the monster which so happens to add some damage, then quickly cut through by Wasabi's lasers and the fire finishing it off. Now the second floor is unlocked, allowing Hiro, Cora, and Baymax to face Hardlight and free Miyuki.*
Cora: Let Ice Frost go now!
*He pulls up his sword and is ready to fight back.*
Hardlight: Ah ah ah! You still have to fight me first. And as if I'd let you take my Ice Princess so easily from me!
Hiro: Why do you keep calling her your Ice Princess?
Hardlight: Because this super is my dream girl! My muse whenever times go tough for me! My shining light that-
*Baymax fires his rocket fist at Hardlight to which Hardlight uses his reflexes to hit the fist and send it punching them instead. They teeter for a bit before they stable their flight.*
Hardlight: *Evil laugh* You sly dog! You got me monologuing!
Hiro: Blades Master! Fredzilla! While he's distracted-
*The two supers hop off and go to Miyuki's cage where Wasabi uses his blades to start cutting through the virtual bars.*
Wasabi: Heights cannot hurt me, heights cannot hurt me, heights cannot hurt me!
*But Hardlight notices this and pulls up his menu to bring forth an enemy to fight them off.*
Hardlight: Oh come on this isn't even nightmare mode!
*He pulls out a block that knocks Wasabi off the platform and falling down to the floor.*
Wasabi: falling can hurt me! Falling can hurt me! Falling can hurt me!
*The block turns into a virtual spider creature to which Wasabi has the misfortune to land inside its mouth, effectively eating him.*
Wasabi:*Within the spider* What?! No! This is not cool!
Fred: *Hops to kick its head* Let him out of there!
*But the enemy starts to move as Honey Lemon fires her chem bazooka purse at it Gogo zooms in to rescue her girlfriend as Fred fires directly at it. Once the girlfriends are at a safe distance Gogo returns to the fight where she throws her discs at it, but it had little effect on it or on its health bar as it knocks out Gogo, Honey Lemon, and Fred out of the way. As of while Baymax is fighting off Hardlight as he pulls up his virtual shield and sword to fight back.*
Hardlight: And how are you feeling my Ice Princess? After I beat them up how about we visit over to L'Ardoise for dinner? My treat~
Miyuki: No!
Hardlight: Its OK my princess! I'm totally up for whatever you decide for our date.
*Miyuki's eye twitches at the delusion the villain is playing at. Hardlight resumes fighting where in a few slashes and swings he brings forth pixels to immobilize them mid air. Seeing her friends in danger made her hands slowly make the metal cuffs on her hands slowly crack. And the spider creature has also effectively pinned down the remaining members of Big Hero 7.*
Hardlight: Way to whiff the big boss battle Electro Alpha and Aqua Girl! Time to end this!
Hiro: I agree..*takes out his glove* Ice Frost!
Cora: Think fast!
*Hiro throws it over to Ice Frost who had managed to break through the metal and put it on, directing her aim towards the metal gloves of Hardlight.*
Miyuki: Game Over Hardlight!
*Finally the metal glove is removed to which Miyuki freezes it to the point of it crumbling to pieces. Thus freeing her from her cage, destroying the creature that had Big Hero 7 captured and destroying the tower overall. Miyuki and Hardlight fall to which Baymax catches her easily as Hardlight is caught by the chem cushion provided by Honey Lemon. And so Big Hero 7 drops the landing as Miyuki gets on her feet, smirking at the guy.*
Hardlight: *Growls* You cheated! The Princess is supposed to be the prize! Not a challenger!
Cora: In your game maybe.
Hiro: But not in mine!
Hardlight: Fair enough... your win! But that was just my first life!
Gogo: What does that even mean-
*A light slowly wraps around Hardlight as he points to Miyuki.*
Hardlight: One day my ice princess...you will be mine!
*And with that Hardlight vanishes into air. The gang then look over Miyuki as she makes a grossed out expression.*
Fred: Looks like we reached a villain where he has a very creepy crush on one of the heroines.
Gogo: As if we'd ever let him get that far.
Cora: *Hugging Miyuki* I'll give ya pointers on dealing with kidnapping if ya want.
Miyuki: *Chuckles* Thanks guys. I owe ya one.
Hiro: That's what a team does.. we look out for each other.
*From the Cruz's tv Diego's eyes lowered down as he though over Hiro's words... to which he returns back to his hateful glare.*
Diego: This changes nothing.
*Later on that night the whole team and Miyuki arrive back at the abandoned candy factory where Roddy is ready to tell them some news. Needless to say they did not expect a yoga pose of Roddy to be the first thing they see.*
Freddy: Shouldn't you be working?
Roddy: I get a mindfulness break every 90 minutes. Plus I finished the first room. Take a look.
Fred: This better be-*Hits the wall of what appears to be a tank* Augh!
Roddy: Did I forget to mention that its voice activated? Its voice activated!
Baymax: Hello, I am Baymax.
*That is when a pad comes to light with a face similar to Baymax.*
VA: Voice authenticated. Hello Baymax, I am Basemax.
*The door opens automatically in front of them.*
Fred: Basemax?! Oh like Baymax I love it!
*They enter inside to reveal an amazing secret headquarters for Big Hero 7, amazing them all, even Miyuki.*
Basemax: Welcome to the conference room.
*One side of the wall has their classic suits on display while the other side shows Basemax, in the smack middle being the a floating table with floating chairs for all seven of them.*
Fred: We have a conference room! I mean, it doesn't have zero gravity but theres logos on the chairs! its still amazing!
Cora: I agree! This is just flat out amazing! *To Roddy* Thank you so much for making this Mr. Blaire!
Fred: I kinda thought you were just a little bit mean, but if that's the price of genius *Hugs Roddy* I'll take it.
Roddy: * Leaning away from the hug* Whoa. I'm not a hugger champ.
Fred: Shh.. Let me have this.
*Hiro sits at his seat where Cora takes hers that so happens to be next to his. Miyuki goes over where she crafts her own ice chair to join in the team.*
Hiro: OK... first order of business.. Find out who hardlight really is.
Cora: While you were held hostage did he ever remove his mask?
Miyuki: No, I was mostly unconscious before tonight.
Hiro: Doesn't mean we're completely info less. We do know that he is an experienced gamer, had succeeded in creating a virtual metal glove that could make his game a reality, and... has a rather creepy obsession with Ice Frost...
*Miyuki sighs as Hiro recounts that tale.*
Cora: But who fits all of that in San Fransokyo?
*Somewhere at Krei Tech that night, Ian from SFAI is hard at work in his office when Alistair Krei comes by to check on his progress.*
Krei: Ian progress report. Hows that force field tech coming? The police are knocking down our doors for more buddy guards.*Notices the ma-ka weapon hologram* Ooh~ Is that a Ma-ka? Tell me everything!
Ian: Well, I had some p-pretty significant breakthroughs.
Krei: Those are the words I love to hear!
Ian: And also, you know some major setbacks...
Krei:.. those I don't like. Ian first rule of business, no bad news.
Ian: Its getting there.. just not fast enough.
Krei: *Sighs frustratingly * I'll just see what Hiro's cooking up.
*As he walks away from the cubicle Ian gets up where he enters a code to his drawer, revealing a candid picture of Miyuki sitting on the bench drawing, Ice Frost from the news clips with hearts doodles... and the mask of Hardlight. Ian places his flashdrive for safe keeping, his mind running to how he will beat Big Hero 7 and win Ice Frost all in one... and hopefully gain the affections of one certain animation major student too.*
A.N: Bet you didn't expect this one till later huh? Well here it is! Hardlight BH7 style! Next up is to write up some original chapters to pass the time before the season resumes back! And I'm thinking up a couple ideas to go, but we'll have to see. ;)
Either way, thank you so much for reading and following Big Hero 7 the series! Love you!
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youngbloodseavey · 6 years
it started with a spider... // zach herron
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moodboard by @tempus-ut-luceant
request: none
summary: while balancing superhero life and normal life, teenage superhero zach herron suddenly has a new variable swing into his balance. a love life.
pairing: spiderman!zach x fem!reader
triggers: cursing
disclaimer: this is NOT a direct copy of spiderman homecoming. there will be some parts that mirror the movie, but the dialogue and plot will not be the same. so like don’t expect this to be the same as the movie okay i’m glad we got that cleared up lmao
*imagine their secret best friend handshake to be the one peter and ned do in homecoming okay thanks
zach herron was the last person anyone would think to be a superhero.
he was goofy and clumsy, not to mention a bit oblivious at times. he was an outcast in midtown high school, despite his charming personality.
“hey zachy-boy,” flash’s familiar sneer made itself known, the rosy-cheeked boy letting out a deep sigh. his chocolate brown eyes removed their gaze from the dirty linoleum floor, looking up at flash. he didn’t say anything, he knew that opening his mouth would just make it worse.
“what? too scared to say anything? you’re such a pussy, heroin,” flash scoffed, calling zach by the nickname he had dubbed him. “now get out of my way you little bitch.” flash didn’t give him any time to move, instead opting to shove zach out of the way and into the lockers.
the laughter of flash and his cronies echoed in zach’s ear, and his gaze met the tiles again as he began to scurry to his locker.
zach could feel the gazes from other students locked on his back, the pity and the judgement. the stares he knew all too well.
“zach!” the brown-haired boy jumped, his stride being stopped by a hand grabbing his shoulder. zach was whisked around, now facing his stopper.
“what do you want corbyn?” zach didn’t mean to sound irritated when talking to his best friend, but it simply came out that way. zach was having a very shitty day. he turned away and began walking to his locker again, corbyn jogging beside him to keep up.
“geez, what has your panties in a twist? was it flash again?” corbyn’s jogging came to a halt, slowing down to a casual walk.
“when is it not flash?” zach grumbled, finally arriving at his locker and putting his combination in. he opened it, the door of the locker slamming into the others, creating a resounding bang.
zach put his math textbook back into the locker, using the other hand to retrieve his ap chemistry textbook as corbyn kept talking.
“i’m sorry dude, you have to start defending yourself against him though. you can’t keep letting him push you around like this,” corbyn’s voice softened, but zach didn’t respond. “here, i know what’ll make you feel better. wanna play fortnite later?” zach perked up at the mention of his favorite video game.
“sure! do you wanna come over to mine? i can have aunt may pick up some pizza and i just got this dope new skin-” zach’s smile began to grow as his ramblings went on.
“you had me at pizza dude. i’ll be there at 7.” corbyn replied. zach finished retrieving his supplies, and turned back around to face his best friend.
“i’ll see you then.” zach and corbyn did their secret best friend handshake, before corbyn ran off to his calculus class.
zach took in a deep breath before closing his locker, beginning to walk towards his ap chemistry class. he located the classroom in no time, taking his seat in the back of the room.
an array of beakers and lab equipment laid before him, signaling that they were going to be doing a lab in class. his eyes trailed up to the clock on the wall, seeing that he was a minute or two early for class.
he pulled out his notebook, retrieving a pencil from the front pocket of his backpack. he quickly flipped to a page titled “web fluid”, and the numbers and elements began working in his brain.
he scribbled down notes, remembering how his fluid had performed the last time he had used it and how he could improve it.
ideas flew through his head in a pace so rapid his hands could barely keep up.
maybe if i switch up this with this then the structural integrity will-
zach’s thoughts were cut off by someone sitting next to him, and he quickly closed his notebook. his eyes flew to the figure that sat next to him, and he simultaneously relaxed and tensed up when seeing who it was.
“hey zach!” y/n’s melodic voice rang out, sending a shiver down his spine.
“h-hi y/n,” zach’s cheeks flushed a deeper red, and he turned the other way. y/n y/l/n was the only person in the entire world who made him feel this way.
she was the epitome of perfect to zach. from the way her hair bounced as she walked through the hallways to the way her eyes sparkled when she smiled. she was completely, utterly, perfect.
and to his luck, she was assigned to be his lab partner for the entire school year.
y/n took no notice of zach’s flustered expression, pulling out her notebook and a pencil.
“how are you?” y/n asked, a soft smile still painted on her face as she flipped to a blank page in her notebook.
“i’m doing-” so much better now that i’m here with you. “-good! how are you today?” zach responded, gaining his composure back.
“i’m good.” she shot him another stunning smile. “so zach, i was wondering-”
“okay class,” y/n was cut off by the sound of mrs. schwartz’s voice, the teacher’s heels clacking on the linoleoum as she strolled into the classroom. “today we’ll be doing a lab.” mrs. schwartz began to explain the lab, taking a whiteboard marker and beginning to draw out diagrams and instructions.
“what were you going to say?” zach whispered, his eyes flickering from the board to y/n.
“i’ll tell you later.” she responded, beginning to copy down mrs. schwartz’s words into her notebook.
his mind couldn’t seem to focus on whatever bullshit mrs. schwartz was spewing, instead focusing on the fact that y/n y/l/n had something to tell him.
“-you guys have until the end of the period to complete the lab, and your lab reports will be due next week. get to work.” with that mrs. schwartz sat down at her desk, beginning to grade papers or whatever teachers did as the class began to work.
y/n and zach got to work, beginning to measure and add components to their mixture. his mind worked quickly, working out equations and elements in his brain.
soon enough, class was over and y/n and zach were left with a perfect experiment and a half-written lab report. 
zach stuffed his notebook and pencils in his backpack, beginning to make his way out of the classroom when he felt a soft hand grab his arm. he spun around, seeing that the hand that had grabbed him belonged to none other than y/n.
“hey, i never got to ask you that thing earlier,” she started, and zach’s pulse began to pick up.
“oh yeah, what was it?” he managed to choke out, sounding at least semi-cool while doing so.
“so i’m throwing this party at my house tomorrow,” she bit her lip, tucking a few strands of hair behind her ear. “and i was wondering if you wanted to come?” zach’s heart stopped.
holy fucking shit. y/n y/l/n just invited me to one of her parties.
y/n’s face faultered at his pause. “i know parties really aren’t your thing but i just thought it’d be fun if you could come but you don’t have to if you don’t want to i-” she began to ramble, her face turning a shade of crimson.
“n-no! i-” he cleared his throat. “i’d love to go.” y/n’s face lit up at his response. a wide smile spread across her gorgeous features, setting zach’s stomach into a flurry of butterflies.
“cool! i’ll text you the address-” she paused. “wait, i don’t have your number.” she pulled her iphone out of her back pocket. “put your number in.”
zach gingerly took her phone, shakily typing in his number into a new contact. he handed her back the phone, and she happily saved his contact with the name ‘zach :)’.
“i’ll text you tonight! see you tomorrow zach.” with a smile and a wave, y/n began to walk out of the room, leaving zach stuck in his tracks. “oh!” she turned back around. “bring corbyn too, my friend christina thinks he’s cute and i think it’d be fun to have him there.” with a final grin she walked out of the room, zach left practically starstruck.
i was just invited to a party by y/n.
his heart raced at the realization, and a grin spread across his face so wide it hurt. zach nearly whooped out loud, and he pumped his fist in the air.
he practically sprinted out of school, taking a quick look to make sure no one was around before leaping over the front gate to the school, doing a front flip before landing. 
he could barely contain his excitement, running to his special alleyway and beginning to change out of his school clothes to his spiderman suit. 
he stumbled over his feet a few times, accidentally hitting his funny bone on the dumpster. zach let out a short yelp, his feet tangling together. he nearly fell over, but managed to stay on his feet. 
he slipped his feet into the legs of the suit, pulling the fabric over his boxers and bare torso. he quickly slid his arms into their respective places, pulling the suit until it loosely covered everything but his head.
zach pressed onto the spider icon on the chest of his suit, and the fabric immediately shrunk to perfectly fit his body.
it’s go time.
zach quickly tossed his backpack into the air, webbing it to stick to a brick wall in the alley. with a final jump into the air, zach pulled on his mask and began to swing through the air.
time to be a friendly neighborhood spiderman.
“and some nice old lady bought me a churro!” zach said, taking another bite of said churro. he was on his daily phone call with happy hogan, who was mr, stark’s right hand man. 
zach was currently sitting on the fire escape of his apartment building, still clad in his spiderman suit. his mask was off of course, so he could eat the churro without the fabric getting in the way.
zach always called happy every day to update him on what he had done that day, from stopping bike robberies to helping cats out of trees. he thought that maybe, there was the smallest possibility that happy would see what good he was doing, and call him for a mission.
of course, that was a very, very slim chance.
“anyway, i hope you listen to these, because if you didn’t it’d be a waste of time,” zach paused. “well, if there are any missions you need me on, i’ll be there in a millisecond. have a nice day happy.” and with that zach ended the message, staring at his phone as he finished his churro.
he dusted off his hands, balling up the wrapper to his churro and tossing it off the balcony, the wax paper landing a couple streets away. zach shrugged and began to climb down the fire escape to his bedroom window, trying as silently as possible to open up the window.
he managed to open to window, climbing in and carefully shutting it. he crawled onto the wall, making his way across the ceiling to where his bedroom door was, the door wide open. zach skillfully closed the door, sighing in relief as he heard it click shut.
he began to crawl over to his bed, when he heard the sound of an xbox controller hit the floor. zach’s heart stopped, and he slowly looked over to meet the wide, azure eyes of corbyn.
zach immediately fell off the ceiling, landing on his feet.
“y-you’re spiderman,” corbyn stuttered, not even caring that his fortnite character had just been killed. “you’re that superhero on youtube,” corbyn’s brain could barely comprehend the fact that his clumsy, goofy, awkward bestfriend was motherfucking spiderman.
“n-no i’m not!” zach said, hitting the spider icon on his chest. his suit loosened, falling off of his body as he quickly kicked it off. “i’m not spiderman!”
“you were on the ceiling,” corbyn exclaimed, his eyes widening even more. “the fucking ceiling! you’re fucking spiderman!”
zach sighed, deciding to accept the fact that corbyn now knew his biggest secret. he stayed silent, allowing his best friend to soak in the new information.
“my best friend is a superhero,” corbyn breathed out, plopping himself down on zach’s bed. “a superhero.” his eyes widened again. “wait, how did this even happen?”
zach let out a breathe, walking over to his dresser and pulling out a random t-shirt. he pulled the fabric on, also taking out a pair of joggers and putting them on. he then walked back over to where corbyn was sitting and flopped down next to him.
“i guess it all started with this spider...”
taglist: @heyowdw​ @boomboomboomwayhoo​ @corbynscabbitch​ @daddy-avery @ashaverykuwonumara​ @samithepixie   @guadalupeguac @underoosmarvel @socially-awkward-xox @limelightmendes @onmywaymarais @why-dont-we-everything @seaveygirl  @dailydoseofherron @lynaminroll @74limelight @brini144@jacieesewell @vxxn128 @saving-seavey @hoobii @bambixcx@kittkatt-03 @loveherron23 @jasmin3k @peachyherron @wdw4forever @danieljames1998 @yagirlcammmm @toomanydamfandoms @xxx-allison-xxx @alyssaah15
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Writer’s Month 2019
Day 6: Word Prompt: kids 
Mark loved his son. Tim was his world. Especially after all the hassle he had gone through during the adoption process; there was the question of stability around Mark’s main source of income coming from his YouTube channel and as well as how he would deal with travelling when con-time came around due to him being a single parent. But in the end, the case went through and Mark found himself with the adorable little Timothy. Tim was only four years old when he came to live with Mark and, in the two years that they had been a family, both Tim and Mark had settled into a comfortable routine.
           Each morning, Mark would wake up early and go for a run or walk with Chica before he prepped for breakfast. Mark would then wake Tim who would pad through to the kitchen, clamber up onto his seat to eat and watch cartoons on the kitchen TV as he ate his breakfast. Mark would then drop his son off at school with money for his lunch in his pocket and his little rucksack on his back before he drove home to record some videos for the day.
           On the days when recording would take longer than planned, Mark relied on one of his friends to pick Tim up. Most of Mark’s friends didn’t mind picking up the now six-year-old as Tim had a way of charming everyone he met, especially his pseudo-aunts and uncles, who all adored the little boy.
           Then when all videos had been edited and uploaded to the channel, the little family would get together and eat dinner before spending quality time together; watching a movie or playing games until it was time for bed.
           Mark would then tuck Tim in and whisper a “Sleep tight, Little Biscuit.” followed by a kiss to Tim’s hairline before Mark left the room switching off the lights as he went.
           Life was good for the Fischbach’s.
 “So, did you have a good time today?” Mark asked as he entered the dining room carrying two plates of chicken with mash potatoes and mixed vegetables. He placed one plate, with a slightly smaller portion pre-cut into mouthful-size pieces, in front of his son before he settled down in his seat opposite.
           “Yeah, Daddy! It was really cool! We went to the park! But it wasn’t Kyle’s mom or dad who took us, it was his big brother, Jason! He pushed us on the swings and he spun us on the roundabout! And we went super super super fast! It was awesome! Then we played hide and seek in the trees and bushes around the park! And I won because Jason helped me climb a tree and Kyle couldn’t find me for ages!” Mark smiled as he listened to his son’s tale. He expected there might be a small bit of exaggeration concerning how long it took Kyle to find the other boy but so long as he was happy.
           “Remember to eat your dinner before it gets cold.” The adult in the room pointed out when Tim took a pause for breath.
           “Yes, Daddy!” Tim exclaimed, suddenly gathering a large amount of chicken and potato onto his fork and trying to shove it all into his mouth.
           “Not so much, Tim. Just what you can chew. You can talk after.” Tim nodded his head and began to take smaller, more appropriate bites of food. After managing to eat a few mouthfuls, Tim made a show of swallowing before taking a deep breath to start talking again.
           “Then, Jason took us to McDonald’s and I got a chicken nugget Happy Meal! And then! And then! Then we went for ice cream at Scooby Doo’s!” Mark smiled at his son, knowing that ‘Scooby Doo’s’ was Tim’s way of saying ‘Scoopy Doo’, a little cafe and ice cream shop in town that sold homemade ice cream in a wide variety of flavours from the normal and expected to those unique to the cafe.
           “That sounds like fun,” The adult remarked as Tim shovelled another forkful of food into his mouth. “Did you get your favourite?”
           “Yup! I gots a large cone and a flake!” Mark knew all about the flake, when he had picked Tim up, the boy had flecks of chocolate smeared into his t-shirt along with the large ice cream drip stains. “Then we went back to Kyle’s house and we played in his garden all afternoon! We played pirates and guarded our treasures from the evil shark that wanted to steal it! It was so much fun! We pretended that the treehouse in Kyle’s garden was our ship and Rodger was the shark!” Rodger being the other family’s pet dog; a small, excitable beagle. “And then Jason came outside and played with us in the treehouse! He was Davey Jones! And he tried sink our ship by controlling the shark! But then! We fed the shark Davey Jones’ hand like Captain Hook in Peter Pan! And we won!”
           “Well, it sounds like you had a very exciting day.” Mark smiled fondly at his son as the boy scraped the last bites of food into his mouth. Tim then carefully put his fork and knife together in the centre of his plate, copying his father’s actions. “So, I guess that means that it’s an early night for a certain little boy?”
           The look on Tim’s face evolved from a big smile to a look of horror and he suddenly yelled in protest, “But it’s movie night! We always stay up and watch movies on deh weekends!”  
           “But surely you’re too tired from your long day of being a pirate?”
           “Alright, well how about we go and run you a bath, then once you’re in your PJs, we can put a movie in?” Tim quickly nodded and scurried from his chair as Mark stood up and carried both his plate and Tim’s plate over to the sink, to wash up as Tim took his bath.
           The running footsteps alerted Mark to Tim’s presence and when he turned around, he found his son donned in his bathrobe, hugging a clear plastic box to his chest. Mark led the way through to the bathroom, where he filled up the tub with warm water and helped Tim to get settled. He then gave Tim his bath crayons and dropped a couple of toys into the water before he said, “I’ll just be in the kitchen, so just shout if you need anything.” Tim nodded his head though he seemed to be already engrossed in creating his first piece of artwork on the tiled wall.
           For the next fifteen minutes, Mark washed up the dishes and wiped the countertops before he retreated to Tim’s bedroom to set out the boy’s pyjamas. Once Mark had completed the few tasks he needed to, he rejoined his son in the bathroom.
           Tim had been busy during the time Mark had been away. The white tiles on the walls now held a collage of colourful pictures. One was, Mark assumed, supposed to be Tim and Kyle on a pirate ship, with a strange beagle-shark hybrid cresting the spiky waves, jagged teeth gnashing. Another image, Mark guessed, was supposed to be Tim’s family; Tim in the centre with Mark next to him, and then gradually scattered all around was Mark’s close friends who had all begun to fulfill large roles in the young boy’s life. Then the other images seemed to be a collection of rainbow animals, though if you asked Mark to identify them, he certainly would have struggled to give any definite names or labels.
           “Hey, Squishy, ready to wash your hair?” Tim turned his attention away from his latest drawing, something that used a lot of green, and nodded to his dad, dropping the crayon into the plastic box. Mark reached out for the children’s shampoo and set about washing his son’s hair for him. “Ready to get out now, or do you want to play some more?” Mark asked once Tim had finished rinsing the product from his hair.
           “Play more!” Tim exclaimed, enthusiastically, suddenly thrusting a shark toy into his dad’s hands, “You’re the shark, Daddy!”
           Mark laughed, glad he was already wearing short sleeves as he plunged his hands into the water to make the shark swim. “Okay, ten more minutes then we’ll get you ready for bed before we watch a movie.” Tim nodded and grabbed the boat toy, talking as though he were the pirates aboard the boat.
 By the time the Fischbach’s were ready to settle down and put on a movie, it was almost eight thirty. Tim had been changed into his Spiderman-themed pyjamas, had brushed his teeth and was hugging his favourite teddy bear; handmade with black button eyes and a little pink moustache, dressed in a little red-and-white striped jacket. Mark had similarly changed into his pyjama pants and a comfy t-shirt and was happily curled up under a blanket with his son under one arm and Chica under the other. The movie played in the quiet of the living room, the only other sound being the rhythmic thudding of Chica’s tail as it wagged happily against the fabric of the sofa.
           It wasn’t even half an hour into the film when Tim was out cold, snoring lightly. Mark sat in place for a while, ensuring that the boy was fully asleep before he carefully untangled himself from the blanket and lifted Tim into his arms. Chica padded behind the man, happy to follow along behind as Mark made his way to Tim’s bedroom. Carefully, he balanced the small boy against his chest with one arm as he pulled back the duvet to tuck Tim in.
           Tim stirred for a moment but showed no sign of waking. Mark smiled and bent down to kiss Tim’s forehead, whispering a good night into the boy’s hair. He turned back towards the door to see Chica staring at him, head tilted to one side. She sat at the end of the bed and lightly pet at the floor with her front paws.
           “Come on, Chica, out. Maybe when he’s older.” Mark whispered, gently urging the dog out the door. “Okay, bed, Chica.” Chica seemed reluctant but eventually she padded out the door, followed by Mark after he had switched on the night light on the chest of drawers.
           Mark then walked with Chica to the sliding door leading out to the patio and back garden and let the dog outside. He flicked on the outside lights and left Chica to her business as he set to work cleaning the bathroom.
           Half an hour later found Mark locking all the doors and checking the windows. Chica was back inside and likely to be upstairs in Mark’s bedroom, curled up on the dog pillow. On his way to his bedroom, he peeked his head into Tim’s room to check on his son and smiled as he saw the small lump shuffle. Mark smiled softly, pulling the door mostly shut but leaving it slightly ajar.
           Mark brushed his teeth and did his night time routine in the en suite of the Master bedroom. Chica raised her head to look at him as he made his way over to the bed. The dog bed was positioned at the end of the double bed, pressed up right against the side. Mark pet the dog’s head lovingly as he passed, leaning down to press a quick kiss to the dog’s nose. “’Night pupper.”
           Climbing under the covers, Mark got himself comfortable before running through tomorrow’s plan. Tim was back at school. He’d gotten his homework done on the Saturday – Tim had sat with Mark as he edited some videos in the home office, working through the sheet of symmetrical shapes and looking for real-world examples - and his backpack was all ready to go by the front door. Mark had already planned out which videos he would be recording and which games he would play, he usually aimed to try and get two or three filmed, even if they weren’t all edited straight away.
           It didn’t take Mark long to fall asleep, listening to the slow huffs from Chica.
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