#i will be adding an anonymous contact option to the discord as well just in case
al-archives · 2 years
to the anon in my inbox re: societyfm. i see you. i hear you. i have noticed this too and will be keeping a close eye on the situation and dealing with it. thank you for reaching out, and if you ever want to send me a message on discord off anon i am all ears as i don’t want anyone to feel uncomfortable in a space that i’ve created. i promise i will not be taking any sides, no matter how close i seem to a mun.
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behindthewox · 2 months
TRIGGER WARNING: addiction, mental health and potentially upsetting content if you're in a vulnerable state of mind. Click "keep reading" to read the post, or click HERE for some alternative fishy content :)
Anon says: I personally believe that some people need to understand that they are severely addicted to WoX. I understand that it is supposed to be a safe space for many, but people need to understand that sitting behind a screen to be on discord/WoX is not a healthy way to live life. Believe me, most people don't even realise how it drives them to insanity. I think there should be a healthy balance, which most people are missing because they are simply too young to understand. I finally left WoX behind me, but wanted to create this message to show people that life without wox can be equally as fun. Most people you talk to on WoX aren't even your 'real' friends, cruel as it may sound. I talked to MANY people, and now I only have contact with 2. Addictions like these are not even noticed that much. "Oh, but I write so it's not bad." but you are behind your screen for HOURS a day. It's simply not healthy. It can drive you crazy. It can shove you into cliques. It can make you create problems that are, quite frankly, not even real. You get stressed about other people their CHARACTERS, you get stressed about FICTIONAL relationships. You might think it's an escape, and if its simply that, then its great. However, I believe for many people it is becoming a whole new problem and adding more stress on top of the things you tried to run away from. You try to find distractions from home? Well, you managed, but now you have online WoX drama which also drives you insane. Point of this is, please, try to log of every once in a while. Try to find a healthy balance. Life is not WoX. WoX is not life. [submitted by anonymous, no edits made]
As far as addictions go, I'd argue that WoX is one of the least destructive and harmful addictions out there and if you're gonna get caught up in an addiction it's one of the safest addictions to get stuck in. That said, I agree: WoX can easily become an addiction and no matter how harmful or harmless it is, addiction is bad.
obligatory disclaimer: I'm relatively well informed on the subject but I AM NOT AN EXPERT.
I think we need to keep in mind that the WoX demographics mean that we have a lot of users who are at high risk of developing addictions, and we could do more to minimise the risks and encourage healthier practises. Being vulnerable is not a choice and it's not right to blame the users for falling victim to human nature.
Addictions are caused by multiple factors and it's often a symptom of other problems that we don't have the resources to resolve. When we can't fix the problems in our life, the next best option is to take a break from it every once in a while that's when we turn to things that help us escape and forget. It becomes an addiction when we start to rely on it in order to maintain a state of mental wellbeing and perceived functioning, which ironically often means it hinders us from functioning fully in society. The best way to solve addiction is to solve the problems that we're escaping from, and if that's an option that is the best way to go.
If WoX causes you more stress than stress relief, there is reason to be concerned. If the thought of going without WoX for a few days makes you anxious, it might be a good idea to do just that: take a break for a few days. It sucks but it's good for you. But most importantly: do the best you can with the situation you've got. Be kind to yourself and know that it's not your fault, and it's unfair to expect you to figure all this out on your own. Blame and guilt isn't going to help you pull yourself out of an addiction or mental ditch, what you need is a metaphorical rope and a good strategy. Maybe an excavator... It's easier said than done but it's worth doing and in the meanwhile, remember: as far as addictions go you could do a hell of a lot worse than creative writing.
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aro-culture-is · 4 years
intro and rules
hi! this is a submission based blog centered around aromanticism as both a specific identity and an umbrella of identities. due to chronic illnesses, we post somewhat inconsistently, and would recommend not sending urgent questions our way. That said, you can send questions about being aro, though we would like to suggest checking out our tags #question (for general questions), #am-i-aro (for questions about if the asker is aromantic), and #advice (for aro-focused advice) first. Please be patient if you would like an individualized response to a situation.
submissions can be silly or serious. aromantic people are not a monolith, and your mileage may vary for each and every submission - know that even if you don't relate to many posts about your identity, that's okay. we don't relate to a lot of this either.
we will probably block you if you're rude about how "everyone can experience this, not just aros!" there are no "purely" aro experiences, and we hate to tell you, but we'd rather not just post increasingly niche definitions of aromanticism.
this is open for any aro-spec people (including questioning folks)! if you don’t see much for your particular aro identity here, feel free to send more :)
for those interested in a playlist of the submitted "music recs", @felixisaprince has made one here for Spotify.
Submission Rules - if you do not follow these, your submission will be deleted. If you submit via an account, I will attempt to contact you for re-submission.
Submit via the ask box or submit tab. Anonymous and user submissions are allowed. If you'd like to modify / not submit it, please dm @just-aro rather than sending a second ask that will not be seen in time.
Begin each submission with the phrase “aro culture is”, or something more specific like disabled aro culture, demiro culture, or whatever you’d like.
No discourse - We do this for fun, and that isn’t fun. Judging by our inbox, we need to explicitly state that shipping discourse is included in this statement. That said, we are radically inclusive. We are stronger together, and it's always worth listening to each other.
Please don't send replies to other submissions (ie, "aro culture is hating xyz thing", and sending "actually I like xyz thing"). Reblog the post with your addition if you care that much about it, please.
Exclusionism, ableism, racism, or anything of that like will get you a block. "Cringe culture” is inherently ableist. other people have described this better than we can, but the tl;dr is: most everything described as "cringy, cringe-worthy" behavior is something performed by neurodivergent folks, and generally harmless. Ask yourself it it bothers you because of harm caused or for not following a social norm.
Use of the terms “opposite gender/sex” will result in deletion of the submission. If needed, “other binary gender” or things like that can be used. You can also say that people have expectations of boys and girls, for example. Fight the genderqueer/agender mods by telling us our opposite genders if you think this is so awful, and listen to intersex folks as well.
NO IMAGE SUBMISSIONS unless they are credited and have an image description (link to guide on writing them, additional link for an image to text generator, discord help here). Credit your artists and/or photographers, don't steal their work. Provide alt text and/or image descriptions for those who are blind, low-vision, have other accessibility needs, and who are suffering from Tumblr's poor loading speed.
Thank you :)
last edit: 4/19/23. Notes on edit: Rewording, removed rule about "hating" media to replace with rule on replying outside of post. Added submit tab as option for submissions. Added description of cringe culture.
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Magica Witch Project Mod Competition!
Are you interested in becoming the new mod here at Magica Witch Project? We welcome anyone who is willing to apply for the position, so long as they fit a few simple criteria!
- Must be following MWP (obviously)
- Must be 16+: I know there are a lot of kids here, but I would personally be more comfortable working with someone 16 or older. It also stands to reason that you should also be comfortable working with adults, because I am in my 20s.
- Must be ok with darker/potentially triggering content: It just kind of comes with the territory, given the nature of this blog and its source material. Some of the wishes can tend to get dark/heavy, and while you will never be required to write a prompt that makes you uncomfortable, we try not to shy away from the harsher aspects of this material as many of the readers here enjoy that kind of content, and even find this material to be therapeutic in a way!
- Must have or make a Discord account: part of the mod position is becoming a mod on the official discord server! Should you become the new mod, you will be added to the server and given a mod role. You don’t necessarily have to talk on the server, but you will need to communicate with the mod team about prompts you take and announce new posts when you make them.
Now that the less-than-fun part is out of the way, let’s talk about the competition itself!
Every competitor will be given the same prompt- the idea is to compare each writer’s stylistic choices and interpretation of the prompt! What is the prompt you ask? Well, I think that the time has come to answer a question I have been asked many times- what would my magical girl/witch form be? That’s right: the time has come for me to take what I’ve been dishing out for the last 4 years. All interested parties will have until October 3rd to submit their entry for judging.
All entries should have a few components:
The submission must be shared from your blog. No anonymous entries! This is because, should you be chosen for the role, I will need your URL in order to add you as a user to the MWP account.
The post should tag @magica-witch-project somewhere. This is to make sure I can easily locate your post and reblog it to the page. Once you post your entry, it will be reblogged to my page so that your wonderful work can be seen by all!
The post should include a brief introduction to yourself, including some basic facts abut you, your favorite character from PMMM, and why you want the role of mod for the blog!
The post must include both a magical girl and a witch based on the prompt in the format of a typical post on MWP. This doesn’t mean it has to follow my stylistic choices exactly, though! You are encouraged to include your own touches to the material- just make sure the second-person storytelling style is kept intact. After all of the submissions have been collected, judging will begin. This will have two phases to keep it as fair as possible! I will read through every submission and, depending on the number of entries received, will select the top entries to move on to part 2. If we receive fewer than 10 submissions, the top 3 will move on. If we receive more than 10, the top 5 will move on. I will create a post listing the top choices with links to their original posts so that the readers can go back through and read them over. I will also create a poll so that readers can vote on their favorites out of the bunch! This poll will not allow multiple submissions to keep the numbers fair. Whichever post receives the most votes will be crowned the winner and will become the new mod! A few final questions, and their answers: - What if there is a tie for the winner? In the event of a tie, I will choose my favorite of the two options. - What happens if the winner changes their mind about taking the position/doesn’t answer? If this happens, the runner-up will be contacted and offered the position. - Can I write a response if I don’t want the position/do not fit the criteria? Absolutely! Just make sure that your response is clearly marked that it is not a competitor somewhere so that I can categorize it as such and make sure it doesn’t end up in the runnings. - Where can I ask any follow up questions? Please send any questions you have about the competition to @mwp-help and I will respond as son as possible! Without any further ado, here is your prompt: “I wish to be able to befriend everyone I meet. I am a very motherly person, but I tend to struggle with anxiety most of the time. I lack confidence in myself, but my love for other people gives me the strength to push forward and do what I need to do. I enjoy baking, writing, and singing in my free time, and I’m a huge nerd. I have long red hair and green eyes, and my favorite color is green.” Have fun and good luck to all of the competitors! I eagerly await your entries!
-Mod Mami ✏️
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Interest Check FAQ!
Hey everyone! We were absolutely blown away with the response to our Reverse Bang interest check—we can’t wait to get signups open tomorrow! There were some great questions asked on the interest form, so below the cut you’ll find some answers and explanations about things people have been confused about, plus a full explanation of how we’ll be running writer claims at the very bottom.
What happens if I don’t get claimed / get a piece during claims?
The DIWS mod team is committed to making sure everyone gets a match during claims. If you sign up, you’ll be able to participate. All writers will be given a piece of art, and all artists are guaranteed that at least one of their submitted pieces will be claimed. There’s a detailed explanation about the claims process at the bottom of this post, but rest assured, we will get everyone matched up.
Can I submit more than one piece as an artist?
Short answer: YES!
Longer answer: Yes, but with some specifications. Since we won’t know the exact balance of artists to writers until sign ups close, we’ve created a system that allows us a fair amount of flexibility, so we can adjust with the numbers.
Artists may submit up to 2 pieces which will be guaranteed to go onto the claims slides for the writers to look at. We only guarantee that one piece per artist will be claimed, but it is likely that any piece on the claims slides will be claimed.
In addition, artists may submit up to 2 pieces which will not be guaranteed to go onto the claims slides. Depending on how many art submissions we get and how many writers sign up, we will dip into this list of extra pieces at random to make sure we have enough art to go around. If you submit 2 extra pieces, you’ll be able to rank them, and we’ll go through everyone’s first extra piece before we start adding second ones.
We know this is a bit complicated, and as always please ask questions if you’re not sure about something. It all comes down to a matter of numbers. There’s no way for us to ensure there is exactly the same number of art pieces as there are writers, so we need this flexibility to make sure everyone ends up happily on a team.
What if I’m an artist and a writer?
If you’re signing up as both an artist and a writer, you may submit one initial art piece and one extra.
Is there a theme?
Nope! As long as it’s a Good Omens fanwork and does not include RPF (Real Person Fiction) or one of the Archive of Our Own major archive warning tags without prior approval from the mod team you’re golden!
Are crossovers allowed?
To a certain extent. Fusions, where you take another source material’s setting or aesthetic or inspiration from the plot are allowed, but full crossovers involving characters from other sources are not. A good rule of thumb is if someone could understand the piece fully without knowing anything about the non-Good Omens source material.
What’s the required word count for fics?
Minimum word count for all fics is 5k. There is not a maximum, BUT we strongly encourage you to plan a piece which you can complete in five chapters or less. This isn’t a hard limit, especially since once you’re working with an artist both works may grow from the collaboration, but please base your initial plans around keeping your work relatively small.
Are languages other than English allowed for fics?
Unfortunately no. We can’t guarantee matches for non-English works, and on the moderation side we won’t be able to do check-ins or claims effectively, so all fics must be written in English for this event.
How can I help out as a beta?
Because we don’t require beta readers or do beta claims, we won’t have beta signups for this event. We did for the Mini Bang and then didn’t use the list of signups much, so have decided to forgo it this time. However, we do have pingable beta roles for both fic and art in our discord server, so if you’d like to help out as a beta for the Reverse Bang we suggest you join us over there so writers and artists can contact you if they want help!
What does the timeline for working on event pieces look like?
You can check out our schedule right here!
Also, keep in mind that while posting begins on January 17th, it will go on for several weeks, likely until the end of February. And we don’t require the entire piece to go up on your posting day, so it doesn’t have to be completely finished by then, either.
If you aren’t sure that you’ll be able to commit to this timeline right now, you can also consider joining us as a pinch hitter, for either writing or art, and jump in to help a group that’s lost a member later on.
We’ve had a lot of really good questions about claims, which makes sense! Claims are complicated, and we totally get that they can be a bit anxiety inducing, so we decided to just give you a walkthrough of exactly how we do claims from start to finish. We’ll be using essentially the same system we did for the Mini Bang.
Before claims, artists will submit a draft of their piece along with some extra info: a working title, tags, warnings, the rating(s) they’re comfortable with, and, if they’d like, a loose summary or concept for a fic they imagine relating to their piece. The mods will collect this info, anonymize it by assigning each work a number, and then put them all into a doc. That doc will be shared with the writers, who will have about a week to peruse them and decide which pieces catch their eye the most.
(A note on anonymity: it isn’t going to be perfect this time. Art styles are much more immediately recognizable than written ones, even in a drafting stage. We are confident though that the randomization element of our claims system should solve any issues recognizing artists could cause.)
During claims, all writers will be sent a google form to fill out. On this form, we ask for a ranked list of the artworks the writer is interested in working on. Last time we asked for a minimum of 7; we’ll decide what this event’s minimum will be after signups have closed and we know what our artist to writer ratio is.
Once the claims form has closed (after 48 hours), the mods will get to work pairing people up. Our system has a lot of moving parts, so bear with us while we go through this.
To start off, we assign every writer a random number. We do not do claims first come first serve, so this random number gives us our sorting order. Writers who are under 18 are given the first numbers, to make sure they can be paired with SFW only artwork.
Our first goal is to make sure everyone gets paired. To facilitate that, we start off by pairing up any art piece which was only claimed by one writer. We continue to pair solitary matches throughout the process when new ones appear as matched pairs are removed from the list.
Once there are no more solitary matches, we start at the top of our randomized writer list and give them the first artwork listed in their claims form. Then that writer and that art piece are removed from the list, and we continue on. As works are removed from the list, new solitary pairs may occur, and we pair them as soon as they show up, then continue down the numbered list.
As an example:
Writer #1 listed arts: 6, 4, 18, 22, 94, 38, 2, 71, 64, and 40 Writer #2 listed arts: 71, 83, 49, 22, 41, 17, 46, 60, 81, and 3 Writer #3 listed arts: 6, 71, 38, 94, 71, 62, 6, 18, 30, and 13
Writer #1 gets art 6; Writer #2 gets art 71; Writer #3 gets art 38, because the first two on their list are already assigned.
As an extra precaution to make sure everyone gets a pair, we’ll be offering writers the option to act as a wild card instead of giving us a ranked list of art pieces. Wild card writers will be assigned wherever we need to fill in once the main process is done. Wild card writers will still be allowed to tell us which ratings they are comfortable with and to give us a no-go list of things they would not like to be paired with, which we will respect when giving them their assignments.
This is a complicated process, we know. It took us about 3 days to figure out how to make all the moving pieces work last time, but in the end it went fantastically, and we’re confident it will work just as well this time. If you have any questions about it please don’t hesitate to reach out; we want everyone to feel comfortable with the game plan before we dive into it!
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pcgamesandupdates · 4 years
Among us Download Pc Version
Among us Download Pc Version
About Among Us
Among Us is an online multiplayer social deduction game developed and published by American game studio Innersloth. It was released on iOS and Android devices in June 2018 and on Microsoft Windows in November 2018, featuring cross-platform play between these platforms.
Initial release date: June 15, 2018
Developer: InnerSloth
Artist(s): Marcus Bromander; Amy Liu.
Engine: Unity
Publisher: InnerSloth
Platforms: iOS, Microsoft Windows, Android
Among us Description
Among Us[c] is an online multiplayer social deduction game developed and published by American game studio Innersloth. It was released on iOS and Among Us System Requirements
Among Us System Requirements (2020) — full specs, system checker and the gaming PC setup you need: Can I Run Among Us?
Among Us developers InnerSloth have released a patch for the game that adds options for anonymous voting, among other things. The new features are available in an update that has rolled out for Android, iOS, and PCs via Steam. Other features introduced in the update include added task bar modes, new symbols for the fix wires task, and cosmetics to meeting screen. The update also fixes various bugs. InnerSloth co-founder also revealed on Twitter that the game will soon support 12–15 players per server.
Along with the updates, InnerSloth also announced a ‘small roadmap’ for the game. Among Us is expected to get accounts by December, which will let players report accounts that are hacking the game or are toxic. Players will also be able to create friendlists.
Players will be able to vote anonymously in the update for the game, where all votes will appear as grey. The new task bar modes include a meeting mode, which only updates the bar during meetings, an invisible mode which removes the task bar entirely, and the always mode which works as it currently does. The Among US update also contains a first pass on colourblind support.
Among Us system requirements
Memory:2 GB
Graphics Card:NVIDIA GeForce GT 610
Among Us CPU:Intel Core i3–2120
File Size:1 GBMemory:2 GB
Among Us minimum requirements
Memory:1 GB
Graphics Card:NVIDIA GeForce 510
CPU:Intel Pentium 4 2.00GHz
Among Us File Size:250 MB
OS:Windows 7 SP1+
Automatically test your computer against Among Us system requirements. Check if your PC can run the game with our free, easy-to-use detection tool or enter your system manually. devices in June 2018 and on Microsoft Windows in November 2018, featuring cross-platform play between these platforms.[14]
The game takes place in a space-themed setting, in which players each take on one of two roles, most being Crewmates, and a predetermined number being Impostors.[d] The goal of the Crewmates is to identify the Impostors, eliminate them, and complete tasks around the map; the Impostors’ goal is to covertly sabotage and kill the Crewmates before they complete all of their tasks. Players suspected to be Impostors may be eliminated via a plurality vote, which any player may initiate by calling an emergency meeting (except during a crisis) or reporting a dead body. Crewmates win if all Impostors are eliminated or all tasks are completed whereas Impostors win if there is an equal number of Impostors and Crewmates, or if a critical sabotage goes unresolved.
While initially released in 2018 to little mainstream attention, it received an influx of popularity in 2020 due to many well-known Twitch streamers and YouTubers playing it. In response to the game’s popularity, Among Us 2 was announced in August 2020. However, the planned sequel was canceled a month later and the team shifted their focus to improving the original game, with a release on the Nintendo Switch in December 2020 and planned releases for the Xbox One and Xbox Series X and Series S in 2021. Among Us has inspired internet memes and achieved a large following online.
Among Us Performance Guide
As a game with such low requirements as this due to the simple graphics is unlikely you’ll run into any major performance issues unless your PC is absolutely ancient. If you are here are some things to try.
Shut any unnecessary background applications to free up RAM
Disable hardware acceleration in applications such as Discord to free up graphics card bandwidth.
Try turning down some of the few graphical options available.
Can I Run Among Us?
Among Us system requirements are very low. You will need at least 250 MB of free disk space to install Among Us. Among Us system requirements state that you will need at least 1 GB of RAM. The cheapest graphics card you can play it on is an NVIDIA GeForce 510. To play Among Us you will need a minimum CPU equivalent to an Intel Pentium 4 2.00GHz — a 20-year-old CPU!
So, this game will run on any computer, providing it has the minimum operating system required, Windows 7.
How to Install Among Us
It is strongly recommended to disable any security or antivirus program before extracting or installation of the game.
Extract the zip file using WinRAR or WinZip or by default Windows command.
Open Installer and accept the terms and then install program.
If packed file require password its always uniquegamez,xyz
if installation is not working or stuck every time please try moving your setup files in simple directory like D:\Games\GameSetupFiles.
If you still need help you can always ask for help on our Contact Us page.
If you have request for a game to be posted please visit our Request Page.
Among us Free Download
Click on the below button to start Among us. It is full and complete game. Just download and start playing it. We have provided direct link full setup of the game.
Google Drive Link:
Download Click here
Media Fire link:
Download Click here
Download Click here
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subukunojess · 5 years
SNJ’s Writing Commissions Summer 2019
This is my first time doing this, let alone having a PayPal. I want to try opening up writing commissions not only to earn cash for myself and to help out my mom, but also to get some experience both career and writing-wise. Plus my mom always said that I should be paid for writing online. Since this is my first time, this might be a little similar to other writing commissions and things might change later on depending on how things go. Without further ado, here we go.
$1 per 100 words generally applies Drabbles- $5 for 500+ words below 1,000 One Shot Stories- $10 per 1000 words, $5 every 500 words Two Shots- Double the price for double the work (Ex. You paid me $20 for 2000 words, you have to pay me another $20 for the second part)
- Archive Of Our Own - Writing Tumblr Tags One and Two - Ask me directly for specific examples
- I would prefer contacting me directly through Discord if possible. If not, there are other alternatives. - I have accounts on:   - AO3   - FanFiction (PM)   - Tumblr (DM)   - DeviantArt (Notes)
Rules and Payment
- Here is the process: 1) You contact me with what you would like and we will both discuss it in detail such as the specifics, what type, the length, etc. 2) I will give you ONE sample paragraph and/or dialogue before we proceed so that we are both on the same page and that it's the type of story you are looking for. 3) You pay me via PayPal in any currency and upfront please! The email associated with my PayPal is [email protected] 4) I will begin immediately or as soon as I can depending on real life circumstances. 5) In order to provide my best work for you, I will take my time with my writing. I have a life outside of my computer and I am a full-time college student at the moment. There will be delays in my work, so please do not rush me. Generally, I will allow myself at least one month (or two depending on the commission) to write the commission. If there are any delays, I will contact you. 6) Once completed, I will post my commission in all four of my creative accounts unless you specify that I only do it in one. 
- Things to note: 1) I have the right to decline any commission if it's uncomfortable for me. Usually, I am an open person. However due to personal reasons, there are things I really cannot do. Please do not pressure me into doing something I do not wish to do. Other than that, please ask me if it's okay and we can discuss. 2) Please respect my time, limits, prices, and myself as a person. I value myself as a writer who wants to earn my craft. 3) As of right now until I could get this commissions to work for me, you would have to pay for the word range. This is going to be the first time I will do a story based on word count. Normally, I will let the story unfold itself, then when it is completed, I will count the words. However, I want to work on word limits. This is one of the reasons in advance that I was to discuss the commission in full detail in order to determine what type of work it is. For you, the customer, I will do my best to get to the word limit you request. For example, if you paid me $20 for a 2,000 word story, I will do my best to get within that range. I won't be a stickler if let's say I wrote 1,999 words or 2,015 and be like "You owe me 15 cents!" 4) If anything should arise, I will contact you. You can also check with me to learn of any progress, but please do not pester me. 5) Since this is my first time for commissions, I cannot do private ones yet. However, you have the option of posting the commission anonymously (ie. Permission to post it, but do not include your username). 6) No refunds for work. Another reason why I want to discuss what you want and what I can do in advance to payment. If there is anything important for the commission or if I have any questions regarding it, that is the chance that we could discuss your commission directly. Ultimately, I will start and finish the work I was asked to create. If there's anything wrong that I didn't catch once I post the commission, please let me know and I'll do my best to alter or rewrite the content.
Now for the fun part, What I have to offer!
Types of Stories:
- Canon: Canon characters from different franchises/fandoms. (If I'm not familiar/not too familiar with it, please provide information and I will decide whether I can do that fandom or not.) - OC content: Please provide plenty of information so I can write them as in character as possible. I will let you know if I don't have enough information or if the character doesn't fit for me - Improvised: This is usually for made up scenarios such as G/T and other items of the like. I (and possibly you as well) make up a character(s) for the provided scenario.
Some Fandoms I Can Write For:
Nightmare Before Christmas
Little Shop of Horrors
The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals
OK KO: Let's Be Heroes
Bendy And The Ink Machine
Victor and Valentino
Gravity Falls
(Just ask for a fandom and I will let you know where I stand on it!)
Will Do/Won't Do (In General):
Will Do: - Fluff, angst, adventure, romance, horror, slice of life, any genre. Ask if unsure! - Anthros, Gijinkas, Ferals, Humans, Monsters, etc. - Crossovers (Please ask me and we will discuss if it's the right fit for me) - Dark topics and themes (Death, abuse, blood, gore, violence. Please ask first). - Giant/Tiny content - If you know me or if you are curious, please ask me for certain themes
Won't Do: - Rape - Incest - NSFW sexual content (I will allow flirting and hints, but nothing past that!) - Underage NSFW content
The list will be added on later. Ultimately, please just ask me and I will tell you if I can do it or not.
I will open three slots for now to get started. Depending on how things go, I might open up more slots:
1) 2) 3)
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youngtravelerchaos · 4 years
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Tips & Tricks
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SafeIP Description
SafeIP is a free privacy utility that hides your device's IP address to give you anonymity and security as you surf the web.
SafeIP Free & Safe Download!
SafeIP Latest Version!
Works with All Windows versions
Users choice!
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How to uninstall SafeIP?
How do I uninstall SafeIP in Windows Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8?
Click 'Start'
Click on 'Control Panel'
Under Programs click the Uninstall a Program link.
Select 'SafeIP' and right click, then select Uninstall/Change.
Click 'Yes' to confirm the uninstallation.
How do I uninstall SafeIP in Windows XP?
Click 'Start'
Click on 'Control Panel'
Click the Add or Remove Programs icon.
Click on 'SafeIP', then click 'Remove/Uninstall.'
Click 'Yes' to confirm the uninstallation.
How do I uninstall SafeIP in Windows 95, 98, Me, NT, 2000?
Click 'Start'
Click on 'Control Panel'
Double-click the 'Add/Remove Programs' icon.
Select 'SafeIP' and right click, then select Uninstall/Change.
Click 'Yes' to confirm the uninstallation.
Frequently Asked Questions
How much does it cost to download SafeIP?
Nothing! Download SafeIP from official sites for free using QPDownload.com. Additional information about license you can found on owners sites.
How do I access the free SafeIP download for PC?
It's easy! Just click the free SafeIP download button at the top left of the page. Clicking this link will start the installer to download SafeIP free for Windows.
Will this SafeIP download work on Windows?
Yes! The free SafeIP download for PC works on most current Windows operating systems.
More info
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Developer:SafeIP, LLC.
File size:2.41 MB
Operating system:Windows 10, Windows 8/8.1, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP
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