#i will change the narrative to whatever suits me lmao sorry
wannaeatramyeon · 10 months
Lookism as your Older Sibling
G/N. Fluffy and stupid. Goo with influencer sib, Gun with Yakuza sib, Protective big sib DG, general Ten Genius interaction (Crystal, Kouji etc.)
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Goo with Influencer Younger Sibling!Reader
Goo regrets introducing you to Crystal.
Especially when you talk work, NewTube and Influencer shit and he has no idea what's going on.
Especially when you two whisper and giggle like school children, excluding everyone else from the conversation.
Especially when you two gang up on him, the uncool older brother. Which is ridiculous by the way. Because by what measure on earth, in the goddamn universe, would Goo Kim be considered uncool? People would pay to know him!
Well. People would pay more to know you. People do pay for your meet and greets but whatever. Who's keeping count anyway.
(You and Crystal hated each other at first sight. Goo expected it and gleefully introduced you anyway, knowing Crystal hated attractive people. Hypocrite, much?
You had rightfully called her out on it, along with some other choice names. And though it didn't help with her prejudices, she did grow exceedingly fond of you.)
But, he thinks as he watches you both, it is nice to have the Business Genius take you under her wing. To have you two tittering away together and Crystal looking out for you.
"Come on loser, let's go for lunch!" You beckon your big brother over and Goo resists the urge to shove you out the window. Who's a loser?!
Not Yandere!DG with Younger Sibling!Reader
"And who is this school friend you're meeting at the arcade?" DG regards you coolly, eyebrow arched and arms folded.
"James!" you pout, "Can I go or not?"
"How many times must I tell you to stop calling me James."
"Fine. Diego," and a giggle bursts out of you. It does every time you have to say his stupid new name. "But it's so silly."
His cold demeanour cracks and his lips lift, "You picked it."
"Yeah when I was like, nine," you roll your eyes, "I didn't think you would actually use it."
It's the same song and dance you two do every time. A nice reminder of everything you have both been through. And though everyone tends to call him DG now, whenever someone calls him Diego, all he can think of is your wide smile and big eyes as you told him how much you loved that name all those years ago.
Now? Well. The years have passed and the wide smile and big eyes are replaced with a sullen teenage expression more often than not.
Still. It's you and him against the world. How can he not be protective over you when you're the most precious thing in the world.
"Dieeeeego, please!"
But it doesn't hurt to loosen the tether now and then.
"Fine but text me and-"
"Be back by 10pm. I know!" You reach up to give your brother a kiss on the cheek then sprint out before he can change his mind.
"9pm!" DG shouts, just before hearing the door slam.
Gun with Younger Yakuza Sibling!Reader
Power skirmishes between siblings are not uncommon. Even with the hierarchy and principles of the Yakuza, unrest and violent backstabbing is to be expected.
Gun realises this. Is forever grateful that he can leave all the troubles of Japan behind knowing that you are at the helm of the Yamazaki family.
That with stepping foot back into Japan, into the family home, power is easily and smoothly handed back to him.
No troubles, no quarrels, no headaches.
Gun hears your scream before your thundering footsteps. Barely manages to brace himself for you throwing your weight at him, hugging him tight and welcoming him back.
Honorifics and formalities completely forgotten. Just a brief moment between two siblings. Gun hardly ever returns your embrace, though he does give you a small smile. Two of the most revered and feared people known this side of Asia and yet-
"I've missed you big bro!" You grin at him, blood smeared over your kimono and now all over his white suit too. "Some guys were out of line. I put them in their place for you!"
He gives you a small nod.
To say thank you, I trust you, and it's good to be back.
You, the Lil Sibling of the Geniuses
(DG, Goo, Gun, Kouji, Crystal)
"Here," DG hands over a piece of autographed merch to you. From some k-pop flavour of the month, the current No. 1 in the charts.
He usually wouldn't do this but when he first said no, Crystal, Kouji, Gun and Goo whipped their head around at him.
(Frankly, it is eerie how in sync they all are when it comes to you.)
Individually threatening him with breaking every bone in his body (Gun), with dying his ugly hair uglier (Goo), with deep fakes (Kouji) and with plummeting his share prices (Crystal).
Fuck's sake. He was only joking. Like he ever says no to you anyway.
Crystal and Kouji exchange worried looks.
A four way brawl won't end well, especially when there's such a power discrepany. Sure, you're strong, but compared to Gun, Goo and DG. Well...
It's only a matter of time before someone, likely you, gets seriously hurt.
"I fucking told you," Gun snaps at Goo as the blonde holds his hand up in surrender, eyes darting over to you in concern.
"Sorry sweetheart!"
DG sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. As the eldest here he really should have foreseen this coming. But when you said you wanted to test your strength, to see how you measure up-
He really really should have said no.
"You fucking idiot," Gun turns on you, examining your broken arm carefully, "Did you forget when we broke your leg?"
"N-no," you sniffle because goddamn it. It really fucking hurts. In a small voice, "I thought I was stronger now..."
"You're not."
"Don't talk to them like that!" Goo snaps, joining your other side and patting your hair gently. "But," and he grimaces, "You're not."
"It's my fault," DG adds, taking in the scene before him as Crystal and Kouji now come rushing over with the on-site doctor.
If there's one thing Gun and Goo can agree on-
They both nod.
Yeah, fuck DG. It's not your fault (it is). It's all his fault (it's not).
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kirchefuchs · 11 months
Ceres help me it is 3:58am and I have been tossing and turning in my bed for the past 30 minutes and I can't sleep
Now that I've watched a few episodes (read: 2 episodes) of Trigun (the og 1998 anime btw–), I can officially deduce that the Trigun mf (I have no idea what to call him help ☠️ do I just call him Vash–) is 100% silly
I CAN'T TAKE HIM SERIOUSLY DUDE AND I LOVE HIM FOR THAT. REALEST ENERGY RIGHT THERE ☝️ I WOULD HUG HIM and probably get berated by the short-haired lady (I suck at names 😭) but wHATEVER I'D STILL HUG HIM ANYWAY and also give him a box of those donuts he got
but now
i have to ask—does Vash go Super Serious Mode™ in an episode that doesn't include a woman like Marianne (I think that was her name 😭❓ RAHHH I SUCK AT NAMES I'M SO SORRY)
if he d o e s tho,
and I ask you this politely–
describe why in the weirdest, most nonsensical way possible
"local florida man simply decided to wear a dino suit one day and was promptly screwed by the local government" type of nonsensical
and then type the episode
so that once I get to that episode, I'll finally understand the context and what you were trying to say :D
(context for this very unusual request: I tend to do this with @ann-aha (< on a temporary no-wifi vacation) whenever I get into a series that she is conveniently obsessed with (she also does this with me towards The Stanley Parable lmao–) andd I decided to do this with you cuuuz idk, ur a friend in my book)
— 🅰️non, on the very ungodly time between 3:58am and 4:14 am || 18/07/2023 [decided to change it lol– it's now DD/MM/YYYY]
I love my silly little guy so much. He truly means the world to me. And don't worry about the names, I suck at names too but you'll get used to them eventually.
(You have no idea how honored I am to have you consider me a friend ♡)
I couldn't pick just one, and maybe not all of them fit the "Vash going serious mode™" but most of them do so I'm putting of of then here. I just love Trigun so much. It's so good. I'm so excited to watch as you get further into it.
Anyways, here's those descriptions you asked for and the episodes they're from
Local blonde man shoots Goliath's fist five times to save moms that tried to kill him earlier that day. Episode 5
Hungover man and his supposed boyfriend (also hungover) win local quick draw tournament with the power of love and incredible amounts of guns. Episode 10
Supposed amnesiac strips naked and barks like a dog to protect found family from bandits. Episode 18
Wandering priest slaps victim of multiple bullet wounds, with the pretense that the victim is "just pretending" and "he's actually fine". Episode 18
Local priest has to be reminded of the commandment "thou shalt not kill" by infamous gunman toting a sixty billion double-dollar bounty on his head. Episode 18
Local priest and infamous gunman clear town of bandits in the most homosexual way possible. Episode 18
First person declared a human natural disaster has breakdown over donuts as he realizes his feelings for man doomed by the narrative. Episode 24
(I realize I did 4 for episode 18, but to be fair, it is one of my favorites)
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violetnotez · 3 years
Haaaaiiii! I don't know if you've done this before, but can you do a headcanon with Midoriya, Bakugou, Todoroki, and Kaminari (separately) dating a slim thicc reader who's waaaaay to kind to everyone for her own good? Sorry if that was specific lol. It just suits my life.
HC: Slim Thicc + Overly Nice Reader | BNHA
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Music Genre: Pop | BNHA
Characters: Midoriya, Bakugo, Todoroki
Warnings: cursing, suggestive content
Music Collection | Tip Jar | Requests!
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚:
Shop Owner Note: The fuq how did you describe me in four words lmaoooo-I really liked this idea alot!!!!! Also I only did Bakugo, Izuku and Shoto caus emy brain got fried, so hope thats okay!
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Midoriya most definitely drink his respect women juice
He was raised by his mother after all
doesnt mean the boy cant be a little perverted-
He just loves your body!!!!!
How can he NOT love everything about it, from the way your school tights slightly squeeze your thighs to the point where he feel like he cant breath
Or when you wear his shirts and its tighter around the chest and flowy around you waist
Mmmmmm lets not forget your hero suit- this man would probably kiss the shoes of the person who made your suit
Cause DAMN they really made it as tight as possible and he just loves it sm
Lets be real this dude has probably popped a boner by accident just thinking about your hero suit 😶
He is very much respectful about you and keeps his raging hormones horniness to himself
He is ALWAYS making sure you feel comfortable in your relationship, whether its from holding hands to cuddling, he will always make sure you give your consent
Now, when it comes to your kindness, this is something Midoriya probably loves the most about you
But he does find it really concerning when he notices you say “yes” to everything somebody asks you to do for them
And running yourself down, not looking as energetic as yourself
He is very observant, so he notices little things that signal you are little overwhelmed 
Like your clothes arent as perfectly ironed as they used to be, you seem to be forgetting your own things while remembering to bring everybody else’s, your smile seems strained, and you just look stressed
He is so incredibly empathetic- it pains him to his s/o look so distraught 
It does anger him a bit that these people can so easily take advantage of you, and not even care that you arent feeling your best because of what they asked of you
But he swallows down the anger, offering to help you with whatever you need at your dorm room
He tries to make it as stress free as he possibly can, bringing your favorite snacks and playlist of music to calm your mind
But at some point hed give you a very gentle talk,,,,
He knows you havent been feeling too great, whether you deny it or not, and he wants you to know that its perfectly okay to not say “yes” to every person
He knows you mean well and you want to help everyone out of the generosity of your heart, and he loves that about you
But you as a person are important, and you come first over anyone
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚
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Like Midoriya, just LOVES your body
Like cmon, how can he NOT
Dude is a ass+boob man change ma mind 
At first he deifnitely denies it-
Him??? Stare at your ass??? Pshh he was looking at the oven baka, if anything your ass was blocking his view-
You would know you caught him red handed cause he face would get redder than Momo’s hero suit and he would actually stutter—-
Which would make him extrmeely annoyed and he’d be cussing a storm+be in a grumpy mood for an hour or two
But once you two get more comfortable in your relationship-
He will have use every opportunity to just be meannnn
And by mean
I mean turn slapping your ass into some sick game
Like if you dont yelp and cuss him out whats the point?
Once he slapped you so hard he legit left his big ass hand print on your butt cheek and you were about to slap his smug ass back....
But off a 50ft building  🙃
Also a big softie too
Like when you to cuddle he loves cuddling into your chest 🥺🥺
To him it’s just so comfyyyyyyyyyy
Honestly, Bakugo can’t understand at all how you can be so nice to people
It confuses him???? But he finds it really....nice???
Like half the stuff you do for people Bakugo wouldn’t ever dream of doing
He knows he’d either give that person an intimidating, dirty look or just laugh at them, cause yeah right he’d waste his time with their stupid problems
But you are totally different than him-you had a lot more patience and sympathy than he had, always coming to everyone’s rescue it seemed like
He finds it attractive and to him, it confuses the hell out of him how he does
But what bothers him is how much time you spend away from him
He won’t ever admit it, but he feels lonely when you’re not around
And what’s even worse-is by the time you do hang out with him, your too tired to even properly pay attention to him after running around and doing everything for everyone else
Bakugo the Attention Whore
One day this dude would have enough, as he’s been getting the bad end of the stick for a good couple of weeks——
He just barges into were ever your at, and doesn’t give to shits what so everrrrr
Bakugo has one mission in mind: getting his s/o back
Wouldn’t acknowledge anyone but you, grabbing your wrist and yanking you out of the room even if your protesting with him
“The hell are you doing Bakugo, let go-“
“No 😠”
“Pleaseeeeeee I was in the middle of working on something-“
“I said NO 😠😠😠”
Angry Pomeranian Activated
Once stop dragging you until he locks you in his room, forcing you to hear him out
He HATES being emotional or open, but at that, he starts spilling his guts through gritted teeth and choppy sentences,,
Saying that you waste too much time in thise “extras”, that they don’t deserve as much time as you give them, and that you have more “important” things than do all their work for them
*cough cough him being the more important thing
But hoenstly, you feel a little bad for him,,,,,
So you compromise with him and promise you’ll spend more time on him
He’s pretty happy with that,
but now he takes it one step further to make sure you deifnitely have enough time to hang out with him
If he’s around when someone asks you for help, he’ll cut them off and lie straight theough his teeth, saying you two have a “date” and squeezing you close to him with an iron grip
“Wait-Bakugo-we didnt have a date planned-“
“Tsch, now we do-“
Shoto Todoroki
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I have said this timeeee and timeeee againnnn
But Shoto really is the definition of innocence
So really, it wouldn’t ever dawn on him on how killer his s/o’s body is
He’s just kinda like....yeah I know they have a butt and chest? Doesn’t everyone?😶
This poor Boi someone help him
It only really sets it after a few months of being together that he’s actually really, really in love with your body
Like how did he never notice how good you look in leggings?
Or how soft and comfortable your chest is?
And why does he want you to squeeze him with your thighs? 😳
Hormones are ragingggggg
And also veryyyyyyyy protective over you
Shoto is very observant and quiet in social situations, usually opting to check out his surroundings instead of trying to be sociable
So he’ll catch from time to time classmates commenting on you and your figure, and it never sits very well with him
At first when these incidences happened he was very conflicted, not understanding this intense jealousy and need to protect you
But after a while of contemplating his feelings, he understood it was because he was protective of you
And ohohoohohoh
This man is PROTECTIVE
He does little things you would never reallly notice until you actually do
Like when he takes you home after hanging out or a date, he lingers a little longer outside your door to make sure you’re inside safely
Or when you’re walking together he will make sure your walking inside the street and away from the cars
Also has a tendency to grab your waist or your hand when a group of men come your way
He just gets paranoid okay 🥺🥺🥺
And because he’s so protective, he doesn’t practically like that you’re being taken advantage of sometimes because of your kindness
Especially when it comes to other men
On a few occasions Shoto has spotted you in a sticky situation with a guy who was being a little too close for comfort
It would make you uncomfortable of course, you had a boyfriend you already loved a lot-
but you felt kind of bad just being a total bitch to this guy who desperately wanted a chance
So you’d just awkwardly laugh and smile with their stupid pick up lines, trying your best to be polite but also show you weren’t interested
But Shoto at this point has radar for when your in trouble, and just pops out of nowhere 💀
He’s not the type to flaunt his relationship by impulsively kissing you or anything like that, but he’ll show it in subtle ways
Like calling you “dear” or wrapping his arm around your waist
Honestly, the look of pure relief and comfort in your face shows more than Shoto could have ever done,,,
And that Shoto was deifnitely someone that was more than just a “guy fiend” and soemthing like that
Also Shoto would give them a look that could kill and that instantly scares the shit out anyone lmao
These dudes faces would deflate like balloons real quick, cause at this point everyone knows who Shoto Todoroki is
And how the hell can they compete with that
Instant “oh shit my bad” type energy
After those incidents, Shoto locks down way harder
He practically has you glued to his side, and he doesn’t let go
Like at all
Get used to it cause for the rest of the day Shoto is gonna be following you around like some body guard 💀
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© Violetnote 2020
None of these characters or shows are my own, only the storylines and narratives I create are mine. Copying, stealing, plagiarizing, rewording, or using my storylines in other media, claiming to be your own, or reposting without my consent is not allowed.
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gettin-bi-bi-bi · 3 years
I'm sorry I know you've gotten a billion questions like this, so feel free to ignore this or tell me to just look up the other answers on your blog but I think I've recently nade the realization that I might be a lesbian as I've not been entirely interested in men and my previous interests in guys might have not been that genuine, but I have trouble with that, remembering what I'd felt previously--as my interest in guys have all mostly been in like kid and teen years. It's possible that they have been genuine and I've considered the labels of like bi-lesbian or maybe homoflexible but I worry that they're homophobic or biphobic labels. Maybe even just no label and let myself feel things for people and if it happens to be a man then so be it but yeah. I guess I didn't really ask a question sorry it's still a really confusing time and I wish I had the answers lmao.
let me get one thing out of the way first: labels like "homoflexible" or "bi lesbian" are not homophobic or biphobic! Some gatekeepers like to argue that "homo-/heteroflexible" are bisexul erasure but that's bollocks. You are not biphobic for choosing a label that suits your sexuality better than "bisexual". Sure, someone who is homoflexible could also say "bisexual with a strong preference for the same gender" but that's nine (9) words - "homoflexible" is one. It's a quick and easy way to express that kind of sexual orientation and if it feels more precise to you than "bisexual" then go for it.
And there's been a lot of useless gatekeepy discourse about "bi lesbian", most of which is led by people who do not even want to understand why someone might like to use both of those labels.
The truth is that there's not a strict line between bisexual and lesbian and for some people their own identity fluctuates somewhere in between those labels. So why not use both? If both feel right to you?
Go with whatever word(s) feels right to you at the moment and if that changes some time then you can always change the word. Maybe you feel like a lesbian right now - so be it. Maybe some day you realise that you do feel attracted to multiple genders and want to change your label to something that expresses that (homoflexible, bi, pan, whatever). Who knows? Change and growth is part of being human and it's nothing to be afraid of. Try not to place too much importance on this whole label-thing. Labels are supposed to be a helpful guide and a communicative tool to express yourself but you don't have to follow a narrative or try to "stick to your label". Language is limited and all you can do is use the words that are the closest approximation to how you feel. Sometimes they match better than other times, but that's up for you to decide and find out.
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platonic-prompts · 3 years
Okay, time for your daily dose of wattpad drama
There was a person who dropped a random spoiler into my comment section. It had nothing to do with the book or fandom. It was a random, unprompted spoiler with the name of the show attached to it. So I was like ‘hey, you know that’s a spoiler right”
And they said yes lol
You do realize you just could have spoiled a show I wanted to watch, right?
“What’s the big deal spoilers are inevitable? Several plot points for the shown are all over articles---” Etc
Anyway, this went on for a while, since I was trying to convince them it was a crappy thing to do, since I have my comments on so I can reply to questions about the story. If they had said, oh, sorry, that would’ve been the end of it. 
But no, no, that couldnt be the end of it. Time went on, and they twisted my words “Go ahead, call me an asshole to my face. I dont care”
Even though I never once called them that, instead referring to a kid I went to school with who spoiled endgame because he’s an asshole. More comments, and more of them acting like they’re not at fault, that people ‘don’t mind spoilers because they enjoy the shows more’ and ‘i didn’t know you watch the show’
I don’t but I was planning to and you spoiled a big plot point.
Anyway, time skip to this morning because I muted them and deleted the comments last night so I wouldn’t have to deal with them anymore. Now this is where the drama comes in. This person has a habit of, if they mute me i make a post about it.
Samples include: This person just came at me all posh and whatever cause I called their portrayal of Zoë Nightshade OOC. She was also OOC for no reason whatsoever. I get it if she's like that because of some background story or smt but not without reason. It just seems like a bad writer to me and they're just coming up with excuses.
So…aparrently I offended someone because of something petty. This Wattpad user muted me cause I did something they didn't like (pretty sure they're a 'she' cause her profile description said 'lesbian' but I'm not assuming). I was reading one of their books and saw something interesting that wasn't canon. Something about demigods having golden specks in their blood. I was confused and curious. So naturally, I asked a question. Then this user who took people questioning them to a whole new level, muted me! (In referral to a person who has stated that they don’t like it when people do so and to please refrain from doing so)
And there’s also another one, but they drop the username of a twelve year old because they muted them for calling what they do annoying. But I’m not showing that one because again, child.
How does this factor in? Well, my dear dear children
Lmao this person petty af. They muted me after I ACCIDENTALLY spoiled something that I didn't even consider as a spoiler since the fanfic was unrelated to what I was talking about. I felt no need to apologise because of this and they acting to serious like I've commited a crime. Just get over it. There are worse problems to deal with than spoilers. Why so triggered?
I was replying back with no emotion whatsoever. It's hilarious at how angry they are and how long their comments were. I didn't even bother reading them.
Let’s break this down piece by piece. It is not an accidental spoiler when you drop a major plot point into an unrelated piece of media along with the name of what its from. They admitted that they put the name in there because people might not understand it, but the people who wouldn’t understand it would be people who haven’t seen the show or aren’t up to that part yet. 
The equivalent to this would be going to a random BnHA fanfic on Ao3 and saying *SPOILER FOR THE BARTIMEUS TRILOGY* I just finished reading Bartimaus being forced out of Nathaniel’s mind so he wouldn’t die too, In Ptolomy’s Gate! and then the (girl’s name) summons him at the end and it was so sad. 
Even if it was an accidental spoiler, which  highly highly doubt considering they showed no surprise at it being a spoiler and literally said yes lol, it’s still a crappy thing to do. 
Next: No need to apologize. Really? I straight up said I was planning to watch the the show and that I had avoided spoilers for years so I could watch it blind. And then they proceed to say ‘I didn’t know you watched the show” which again, i have not and now never will because my enjoyment of closely serialized shows hinges on not knowing what happens next. Soap operas are boring for me, and downright cringe worthy because they repeat the same plot points again and again. But then when they throw in a new plot (Or victor decides to be a good grandparent) I find myself enjoying it. Only for that to be yanked away if someone were to say, oh yeah x goes to jail for murder and then y breaks them out and they go live on an island somewhere. 
Also their reason for not apologizing is because people are still mad at you afterwards, also that it doesn’t change anything, but I share that so first part only. People are no obligated to forgive you just because you apologize. Sorry doesn’t wipe away their emotions and free will. Even if you don’t mean it sorry shows that you recognize you did something wrong. (Although I fall into a pit where my sincere apologies seem insincere which is not fun for me)
Next: As for why I kept replying to them. Because they were acting like they did nothing wrong and pushed the blame onto me. I wasn’t acting like it was a crime, I was saying it was a crappy thing to do and maybe dont do it because you can ruin a piece of media for something. But oh no, now I’m triggered I guess. I guess having concern for other peoples enjoyment is a crime now, take me away officer.
Next point: So, if they didn’t bother reading my comments, how did they know I was ‘angry’ Oh, I know. Because they assumed I was getting upset after they shoved words in my mouth. I don’t really get angry. Upset, sure, but not really angry. And even better? Those long comments? less than 1000 characters. Characters, not words. Just because I’m trying to point out that they did something crappy, I’m an angry person. Also???? Replying with no emotion. No they weren’t. I get that tone doesn’t translate in text, but by god they were one of the most combatant and defensive people I’ve seen on wattpad.
Since I can’t see the activity that led to the other things on their message board i can’t say what happened there, but based off of my own experience with them, I’m assuming they’ve twisted the narrative to suit their own needs. Which by the way, can be insanely damaging
I’ve had enough interaction on my account with people, and enough A/Ns for people to get the general vibe i give off, so this probably won’t be much of a problem for me. But if they had dropped my username and I had like 10 followers? It’s a lot easier to trash a reputation than it is to build on. “Oh hey, I like a book by this person” “that persons a jerk didn’t you see that one post” 
People fall into a false sense of security that wattpad is sunshine and rainbows because its mostly young teens on it, but there are plenty of jerks who will twist your words and reactions to fit their needs.
Sorry for the long post, but I can’t reply to the message on their message board unless I want to implicate myself with either of my accounts. So you get this because otherwise my side of things is unknown to the world.
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queenofeden · 4 years
okay so look, i wasn’t going to make a post about this because i genuinely didn’t think it was anything worth making a post about “publicly” but apparently some people disagree and i’m petty enough about this to not want there to be any confusion on where i stand.
i really enjoyed the new prologue update, and the changes made to the routes (minor ones, and i’ve only play tested nadia and julian so far to see them but they are there) to reflect them. i really enjoyed the last update they made to it as well. i always enjoyed the prologue, clearly it’s what got me into the game in the first place. i found it engaging and fun to play and i enjoyed the characters immediately off the bat. 
however that prologue was written a long time ago. 2016 if i remember correctly, and a lot about the game has changed since then. the prologue, even up to yesterday, was still full of what i would consider hanging plot threads and characterizations that simply no longer reflected or suited the game that we have today. a game which i love very much and still actively enjoy the direction of.
i really want to thank @raquellle-arcana for their post on the matter (linked here) because it was the first one i saw that reflected my same excitement amidst and field of far more negative feedback, but especially for this quote, 
“I love that they went back & changed it, like that to me, shows how much they still care, & that the creators genuinely want to improve & nurture their game”
this is what it comes down to for me. as a creative and a creator, i think it’s really important to be able to look at work u have made, work you’ve been proud of, and still acknowledge that it can be improved. this is not a published novel that lives in perpetuity, this is an interactive narrative game. as the narrative progresses and matures and expands, things that used to be priority no longer are and that is okay. looking back on where the characters and the story were based on the information given in the art book vs where they are now is fascinating to me, and i love seeing how the game has evolved and grown. i agree wholeheartedly that it does show a genuine love and care for the game on their part.
it shows that they want and continue to want the game to be relevant and enjoyable, that they want the “new” routes to have more substantial representation, that they wanted to integrate the new plot lines into the prologue in a way that made them make more sense as potential outcomes as opposed to “well they just had to make them different from the original 3″. i don’t know a single writer or artist or any creator that doesn’t look at their old works and wish that they could change things or, if they had known then what they know now, go back and adjust for it. the devs have the opportunity to do that, and i’m glad that they continue to take those opportunities to make their game, a living document if u will, the best version of itself that it can be.
(cut for length bc i continued to ramble and also potential spoilers for the new content)
i love that asra and mc’s relationship is well established now, i love that so much of the story and lore feels organically given and much more show and not tell. i love that asra’s characterization feels more consistent with how he is in his and other routes instead of the hinted but never actualized “ominous, dark, and vaguely spooky” angle (which don’t get me wrong, is a really valid and interesting version of asra that i do love to play with but tonally it just didn’t work with where he’s ended up now). 
i love that julian is no longer so bent on a revenge angle that is never concluded in his route bc it was no longer relevant. i love that his background and involvement is more well integrated. even so far as his acknowledgement of malak, not as his magical familiar obviously, but just in that he’s clearly important to julian specifically. the wanted posters were one of the things i loved best about the first prologue update, just that little bit of information felt like the sun parting the clouds so far as world building and i’m glad that kind of thing was expanded upon even further with him.
i love that nadia’s motivations are much clearer, and that her characterization is much more in line with her morals given in the text. truly, i felt that she read as so much more competent in this newest version, something i never doubted about her, but really seeing it so early made a huge difference to me. i’ve always been a nadia main and i have loved her from the moment i set eyes on her, but i i’m well aware that many people do not feel that way and never get to her route where many of the criticisms no longer hold water. i’m hoping that this is no longer the case. it makes me happy to see her relationship with lucio cleared up, that thirst to prove herself is made very apparent, but at the same time so is her genuine compassion and kindness. the explicit statement that the masquerade is no longer a celebration hinging specifically on the murder of julian makes SUCH a big difference. nadia states over and over in her route that that is not the kind of ruler she wants to be so it’s lovely to see that reflected. she is a woman searching for the truth, no matter what it is, something that the high priestess would be proud of i think. 
i could go through and itemize everything that i loved about what they’ve done, but we would be here for 12 hours and nobody wants to read a post that long, i know. to mobile users, i’m already sorry lmao.
but listen, much as i am excited about the new stuff and the updated stuff, i do understand being disappointed at things that have been taken out. i do, i really do. i also loved feeling julian up, but on the whole i also acknowledge that scene as deeply fanservice-y. that’s not a problem by any means, but it’s also something that i think shows the devs and their growth as writers to potentially be able to look back on that and say, “this was fun and we liked it but it doesn’t actually serve the story in an appropriate way anymore”. that takes a lot of maturity, and i think that maturity is reflected by the state of the prologue now. it feels much less at times like a “silly, horny otome game” and more like a proper visual novel with a lot of meat to it. and there’s still plenty of room for the fun horny stuff. it’s littered throughout the routes and not at all absent in the prologue, just, i think, integrated in a far more natural, gracious way.
i felt, on the whole, at least so far as my MC’s personal characterization, that in the old prologue i was much more wont to pick paid scenes bc i had bought them and i wanted to see them over whether they actually made sense narratively in my version of the story, or whether my apprentice would actually do them. i didn’t feel that conflict anymore, anything i wanted to do, i felt i was able to do and with a level of choice i was comfortable with. not only did the canon characters feel more “in character” now, but i would argue that MC feels more like a real character far more quickly than they used to.
i’m sorry to the people who feel disappointed by the new updates, or that in some way the game has been “ruined” for u. your opinions are yours, and your decisions with what to do next are your prerogative. media consumption and how someone interacts with it is a deeply personal thing. i only wanted to speak my mind and make this post if only because these attitudes were all i was seeing, and i was suddenly inundated by the negative reaction and it was upsetting to me. it made me angry. i’m still a little angry, and i could certainly cite and quote a bunch of the nonsense i’ve seen spouted off in just the last few hours alone but honestly, i’m too tired for it and i’m liable to get catty and petty.
what it comes down to is this, the new update made me excited about the game again, it made me want to replay everything with fresh eyes, it made me want to dig my fingers into the lore again, it made me want to talk and play and enjoy canon for what it is after being very much more consumed with aus lately. i want to openly thank NH and @thearcanagame for continuing to make a game that is fun to play, a story that is engaging and keeps me on my toes, and for sharing something that they’re clearly proud of and want to continue to be proud of. that level of responsibility and dedication to their work is inspiring to me as a creator and as a fan, and it makes me proud to be even a tangential part of the whole of it. i hope that over the months and years, the game continues to update and improve and build upon itself, even if for whatever reason i’m no longer around to see it.
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kinetic-elaboration · 4 years
October 25: 1x20 Court Martial
Now that Chopped is done I am free to watch TOS again. Today’s ep: Court Martial, a wonderful combination of two of my favorite things: Captain Kirk and Legal Stuff.
Look at that backdrop. I forgot how many Very 50′s backgrounds they had in this show.
The Intrepid is here for repairs! Such a lost opportunity to show more Vulcans in Starfleet.
I don’t entirely get why the Commodore has his own special transport pad. I guess it must allow him to beam himself places without the use of a ship but like... to where is he beaming?
Lol that absolutely terrible sailor suit outfit on the little girl. I can only assume it’s a school uniform as it’s the only thing she ever wears.
Can you believe how this whole episode is based, essentially, around allegedly broken regulations? I mean I know it’s more than that and they do a good job explaining why it’s bad to eject the pod early (”when there is no emergency”) but like, essentially, the underlying conditions of emergency are not in Kirk’s control. It’s possible to just skip officially calling the emergency while nevertheless acting in a way that is appropriate for an emergency, and so it comes down to “did he first declare the emergency officially and then act in accordance with the declared emergency or did he just skip the first step?” rather than “did he act too quickly?” since HE was the one who determined if the conditions warranted an emergency.
Having said all that I still don’t get what an ion pod is or where it was or why it had to be ejected at all. Or how Finney got out of the pod if it was ejected.
Vulcanian expedition?!?
Kirk’s default voice is just flirty; I’m sorry but it is. Even talking to his old school classmates, who are VERY quick to judge him harshly and hate on him, implying they were probably never friends, he’s All Charm by default. And he doesn’t drop the charm even when he starts politely fighting with them.
Bones using Jim to flirt--with Jim’s ex-girlfriend! “Did you see that guy over there, he’s pretty famous, and we’re friends!”
I love Areel Shaw and I’m just gonna say I think she’s my favorite Kirk girlfriend.
Charged with culpable negligence. As opposed to...not culpable negligence?
When he was a midshipman...
What’s with all these professor & student friendships??
I cannot believe part of the Finney & Kirk backstory is that he literally named his daughter after Kirk. Like that’s so intense! I feel like it kind of changes everything but I can’t entirely untangle how.
This “I can’t believe you filed a report about my error” backstory is literally the beginning of STID except Kirk is the Spock of this scenario.
Star Trek: Law and Order. Bum bum.
This whole idea of pitting Kirk against a computer is clever in that people to this day are like “but computers are infallible?” but also dumb because Kirk >>> Computer obviously.
Having drinks with the ex and he turns the charm up to 11.
All of this is wildly unethical, from her telling him about the prosecution’s case, to her BEING the prosecution.
I actually read an article recently about this isn’t, or shouldn’t be, her job as prosecutor, to drum him out of the service in disgrace. Her job should be to find the truth in a more neutral way.
Wtf are all these totally useless federal reporters doing here?
I’m a pro-book person but this is a HILARIOUS anti-computer speech. Like--the law is in the computer dude! It is! It’s the same law as in the books. Intergalactic Westlaw is available to you. And then he goes off on this weird rant about Moses, like--dude, Moses isn’t in the reporters OR Westlaw OR whatever Starfleet code is actually at issue here.
Kirk likes him though.
Shaw in the dress uniform with the long skirt hot damn.
Not even the computer can pronounce Spock’s full name. And he’s been demoted again.
Vulcanian Scientific Legion of Honor.
Spock isn’t having any of this. “I don’t dispute it. I just... actually I do dispute it because it’s nonsense.”
His entire testimony is the equivalent of “You don’t have all the facts.” / “Which are?” / “I love him.”
The defense doesn’t need to question him because he’s already testified for the defense.
This is such a hilarious use of McCoy. For the first time ever we’re told he’s actually a psychologist on top of being a surgeon and GP and then his whole testimony isn’t even really medical? It’s just like wild speculation, which being a doctor and an “expert in psychology” somehow qualifies him to provide?
I love how Kirk’s service record just goes on and on and on. Areel doesn’t do herself any favors objecting to it; that just draws attention to it. As the defense lawyer knows by insisting it continuing and then cutting it off for being comically long.
Kirk: “I can be level-headed in an emergency. This wasn’t my first rodeo.”
This chair design is SO BAD. I know it needs to be like this for the plot but omg putting the pod release button on the chair at all (like does the captain have to jettison pods a lot?) and then especially directly under the red alert button, and then putting both of them just out there without any kind of cover or anything--that’s just waiting for someone to lean on his chair arm and make a deadly mistake.
Also nothing else is even labeled lmao.
This is a very impressive deep fake.
This whole ion storm does not really seem like a scary emergency situation lol. It seems like Kirk and everyone else are basically keeping their heads.
“You may be able to beat your next Captain at chess” Kirk as chess master confirmed.
“I didn’t realize how close you and my father were even though I was literally named after you.”
Obligatory Bones accuses Spock of not caring about Jim scene.
“Why thank you, Doctor, my blood is very cold.”
I can’t believe Spock programmed the computer to play chess with him. Probably so he could practice for Jim.
The lawyer’s outfit is hilarious: little pocket for a pen in front. Is he... a civilian lawyer? Is that even allowed?
Here is talking about the Bible again. And the Magna Carta. First, it’s always funny when a bunch of real things are followed by some fake science fiction things. And second, he’s pretty obviously just talking about the Constitution, and like maybe a very tiny bit about the Magna Carta. There’s no right to counsel in the Bible.
Really glad to know the Martians care about the right to an attorney though. And that the Alpha 3 Colonies protect the right of confrontation.
I bet Spock is unimpressed with this Drama.
Why did they change out of their dress uniforms?
How convenient that Finney was one of only three people who could change the computer. I mean I guess this is a permissions thing--but why would the records officer have that? Not that I know what a records officer is.
“White noise device” you can’t fool me, that’s a microphone.
Also another hilarious use of McCoy. Do they really NEED the ship’s surgeon to put a microphone against people’s chests? “Don’t mind me, just stealing your heartbeats.”
Like the general concept of this is nifty story telling but some of the details are....uh.... funny.
Captain’s log: “We brought a young girl onto the ship even when it’s in a dangerous position so we could use her against her father.”
Finney really was playing the looooooong game of revenge lol. And yet it still doesn’t seem well thought out. What was the next part of his plan? Somehow get back OFF the ship once Kirk’s career is ruined, and then live the rest of his life under an assumed name? Never seeing his daughter again? No Starfleet career even though it’s allegedly so important to him? Seems a little bit like everyone loses.
Lol not letting Spock leave the bridge because the court martial’s not ever. “Sorry, we all might die, but court IS still in session.” Even though they ALREADY KNOW the alleged victim is still alive!
I love that Uhura is essential personnel. They didn’t keep the navigator on board, even though they apparently need one, but they did keep Uhura.
Oh no, Kirk’s flimsy shirt, falling apart again!
“Beaten and sobbing, Finney told me how to fix the ship.” Bitter much?
Kirk, being a badass, fixing the ship all by himself.
Honestly I just really love a narrative in which an upright man plays by the rules, does the right thing, and behaves in good faith and is ultimately vindicated and rewarded.
Now everyone agrees there’s no crime and thus no point to continuing the court-martial.
He’s defending Ben Finney! Good luck with that.
I love how Kirk’s face goes from full-on-romance to slightly-embarrassed-serious-Captain as soon as he remembers, hey, I really AM on the bridge!
“She’s a very good lawyer.” / “Obviously.”
This was such a good Kirk episode, both for showing off all his good qualities, and for getting some interesting insight into his character. He strikes me as the kind of person who, because he’s so by-the-book, and because he’s smart and successful, inspires jealousy in other people, and thus has a lot of strained acquaintanceships--like with the other men at the bar. But he also has these really, really strong friendships and relationships: Areel Shaw, Spock and McCoy, and even Finney. I feel like he’s probably rather awkward with most people, but then when the relationship is established, he’s ride or die. And, he doesn’t hold grudges. I don’t think he really knew how upset Finney was about what happened literally 10+ years ago--especially if he had any say at all about Finney serving on his ship, and I suspect he could have at least vetoed him. And even after Finney tried to disgrace him and then actually kill him, he still didn’t seem to upset about it, or about his lawyer turning around and defending Finney.
I think Kirk likes the military in part because it gives him this very strict set of rules about interacting with other people, so he doesn’t have to make up his own. I bet the intensity of the service also allows him to form these stronger relationships, which do seem to suit him better. And when he doesn’t have anything else to fall back on, he INVARIABLY pulls out the charm: he does it with old classmates, random 21st century pilots, immortal teenage girls, and actual love interests. It’s his default mode. I think that makes sense for someone who’s very ambitious, very precise, very nerdy, very rules-oriented, and whose default mode as a young man, by his own admission, was “grim.”
Wow it is so much later than anticipated... I need to get to sleep!
Next ep is Return of the Archons, which I’ve only seen once and don’t remember super well. I think it’s a ‘society ruled by computers’ thing, which is fine. Maybe not as much of a classic as some other S1 eps, but it should be fun anyway.
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spoilers etc. yada yada yada i’ve been waiting for this for fucking EVER.
this is fucking massive, for the record.
“The one and only” lmao suuuuuuure whatever you say dirk.
i fucking adore his metal scuba suit though holy SHIT
“[talking in meatspace] isn’t exactly my forte” akdfsljkadsfhksadf you bet your ASS it isn’t mr. strider. (at this point i’m assuming this is actually hal, wouldn’t be the first time that we met “dirk” and it turned out to be hal)
the power of his own “voice” is almost too much for him MY CHILD.
i fucking KNEW it i fucking knew that was hal lmao
“The use of the speaker system is new, but it makes sense he’d up his game for interfering with relationships I’m busy forging in 3D. I guess I should go ahead and be proud of him for it.” god i really wish dirk and hal could get along but they both hate themselves and therefore each other way too much for that...
“Every line of muscle in his body is held in excruciating placidity. You’ve never seen a jaw so purposefully unclenched” dIRK!!!!
“you’ll prove it to him with your deeds. it seems like that might be his love language” BOY FUCKING HOWDY IS IT. also how did i never put that together before ofc dirk’s love language is acts of service practically everything he does is an attempt to serve his friends in some capacity and he’s SO BAD at telling them with words.
(his secondary love language is gifts, evidence: brobot and detective pony)
god i’m so excited and so nervous lmao
i love this sprite with the verrrrrry slight smile he looks so sweet.
hell yes the fucking ROCKET BOARD.
“this is a much more comfortable thing for him than the conversation was” I’LL FUCKING BET IT IS.
“with Dirk it’s almost like he’d be less penetrable without [his shades]” oh well now THAT’S an interesting thought/observation.
holy shit that’s a cute fucking smile holy shit holy shit look at that grin AHHHH I’M DYING MY BOY IS SMILING.
“Not sure how well my deep, personal beef with the imagery of the sea will land for you, but there it is.” WELL THAT CERTAINLY MAKES THAT ONE LINE FROM HOMESTUCK 2 A LOT MORE EMOTIONAL, WHICH IT ALREADY DEFINITELY FUCKING WAS.
“Ace Attorney monologue” OMFG HAS DIRK PLAYED AA??? WHO’S HIS FAVORITE CHARACTER? WHAT’S HIS FAVORITE GAME?? i mean he’s definitely got the hair to be a fucking ace attorney character especially in pesterquest lmao
“He’s leaning forward, laughing, dimples carved into his freckled cheeks. There’s a small twist in your heart about it, and you can’t place why.” A *SMALL* TWIST? A SMALL TWIST? TRY A TWIST THAT’S WRENCHING MY HEART WIDE FUCKING OPEN AND SPILLING ITS CONTENTS ALL OVER THE FUCKING PLACE.
“I can just fold [my hand] and hope your shit works out instead.” Ah yes, dirk’s incessant and almost pathological need to be in control at work again.
“I want to be the only one in charge of endangering my own life. You got me.” oh dirk. oh honey.
“How much has this boy wanted to be known?” oh okay yeah that’s fine i didn’t need my heart anyway pesterquest, you can have it.
oh. hi ultimate dirk. i fucking knew this was gonna fucking happen.
“i can’t believe i was ever this pathetic” LEAVE HIM ALONE. (but also i know you can’t because you fucking hate yourself and it’s fucking tragic)
also holy shitting christ ultimate dirk is swole. ‘twink ass bitch’ my ass, he’s at least a twunk.
“You fuck off and let people live their arcs.” NO FUCKING WAY, NOT IF HIS IS GOING TO END UP AS YOU, DICKHEAD.
“Oh fuck.
You remember it.
You remember Homestuck.”
well, probably not all of it, it’s pretty goddamn long, and very hard to remember all the details. i should know, i’m currently re-reading it.
oh no.
oh no, this looks like regular dirk but ominous “beatdown” is playing which makes me very fucking nervous.
“You cared about him before you knew every tiny fucked up detail about his life, and now, with a reminder of where his story leads leaning smugly against the railing, you find you still do.” YOU BET YOUR FUCKING ASS I DO!!!! HOLY SHIT!!!!!!
“He’s intense and pushy and profoundly complicated, and right now he is helping you to your feet, his hand steady and firm on your back as you find your balance.” I’M CRYING.
“This isn’t as simple as an evil Dirk and a good one. If you’ve learned anything from your travels it’s that everyone has the capacity for hurt inside them, and everyone the capacity for love.” I’M STILL CRYING.
“The combo of all splinters of Dirk, fermenting in his flesh container and not holding onto his shit nearly as well as he likes to pretend” an apt and succinct description of ultimate dirk.
“No, I can see it. If anyone was going to pull off an “I’m you, but stronger,” it would be all of me, combined.” DIRK I LOVE YOU SO MUCH.
“Your allegiance is not to the story, but to the people within it.” A-FUCKING-MEN MSPAR!!!
“The ends always justifies the means, Dirk.” I feel like that’s the breaking point there. IDK what’s going to happen next but that line sure was a line about philosophy, aka one of Dirk’s biggest special interests.
“[Ultimate Dirk] doesn’t have to work overtime to create more pain just so he can feel like he’s in control of how much punishment he gets and how badly he deserves it!”
oh wow.
oh WOW that’s hitting it on the fucking nose, MSPAR.
“He’s going to drown in [longing and loathing and Ultimate Dirk] if you don’t do something” STOP COMING BACK TO THAT GODDAMN LINE PESTERQUEST YOU’RE FUCKING KILLING ME HERE.
“You know how he loves -- though it’s fierce (to a definite fault), he does not do it easily.” STOP MURDERING MY HEART WITH PERFECT SNAPSHOTS OF DIRK AS A PERSON EVERY TWO SECONDS MSPAR I CAN’T HANDLE IT.
“you look like someone ironed the mayor so that’s a million more points in your favor” DAAAAAAVE!!!!
“Dave pulls him into a short, back-thumping bro hug which Dirk weathers like a wet cat not trusting a towel to dry him off.” AAAAAHHHHHHHH I’M FUCKING DYING I’M DYING I’M DYING HELP I’M DYING GOD HELP HOLY SHIT, FIRST OF ALL, THE SPRITE/ILLUSTRATION, SECOND OF ALL, THAT DESCRIPTION OF DIRK, THIRD OF ALL I’M FUCKING DYING
you deserve so much better than the raw hand the candy epilogue dealt you jfc.
“Bringing fucking guns to a knife fight here.” I mean, did you really expect MSPAR to play fair when the health and happiness of all their best friends is at stake, UD?
“Be good to that me, will you? Treat him right?”
dirk, this is yourself. you’ve never treated yourself right. ever. tbqh you probably never will. ultimate dirk is absolutely no different.
(but also this makes me wonder if we’re gonna see “Trust yourself” timeline Pesterquest Dirk showing up in Homestuck 2? That would be fucking wild I’d love to see that.)
“are we anti-ocean here”
“Oh yeah, extremely.”
oh, of fucking course ultimate dirk’s a sore loser, he’s ultimate dirk, fucking duh.
“You did it. You got him a good end.” i fucking love that this game is literally just. explicitly saying exactly what i was freaking over and desperately wanted.
like i’m just gonna take a moment here to admit that i was really nervous that dirk would end up like candy timeline dirk and just off himself. i was really afraid that a good end just straight up wasn’t possible.
i love that it’s not. and i equally love that the game acknowledges that a FUCKTON of us really wanted to give him that.
“Maybe [Doc Scratch] and Ultimate Dirk were working together the whole time.” maybe doc scratch has been ultimate dirk this whole time. or vice versa.
“There are just so many details to remember” lmao i made that point like a dozen paragraphs up.
i.... do not recognize the text style of whoever just say “hey. we can talk about this.”
i....... don’t know who that is? the woman?
is this like. the person who’s been running pesterquest?
it totally is.
i don’t know who that is i don’t know enough about the homestuck machine to know who that actually is.
lmao ultimate dirk and the irl director are fighting over how incredibly self-indulgent this metanarrative is, which is fucking amazing. i kind of love this? i really kind of adore this.
i can’t help but notice that the director has blank white eyes.
i.e. the Author is already dead, yo.
“They’re just an artifact of the medium” HOLY FUCKING SHIT THIS IS FANTASTIC. I AM HAVING SO MUCH FUN HERE.
“I’d say thanks but I feel like you all got more out of it than me” I’M DYING I LOVE THIS HOLY FUCKING SHIT THIS IS SO FUCKING FUNNY.
“Stop flirting with my audience you anime ass motherfucker” LMAOOOOOOOO
“I actually let the artists have a lot of creative license” somebody’s horny for ultimate dirk.
eridan DESERVES that gender arc and i’m excited for him.
“Happy people don’t get stories told about them.” I’m sorry, I’ve read enough Domestic Fluff fanfic to tell you that’s just blatantly not true, Ultimate Dirk.
wait wait wait wait.
pesterquest is a RETCON???????????
THAT was not something i was expecting
you click “don’t” betray your friends and pesterquest just fucking closes like this is fucking undertale jesus fucking christ.
i don’t wanna betray my friends.
but i wanna see what happens....
god dammit this is exactly like the murder run of undertale, i don’t wanna do it but i have to know.
“Andrew Hussie would never do this to me” yeah well, Andrew Hussie barely ever interacted with you soooooo...
and if i throw the beta in the sewer again pesterquest quits. again.
i mean, i knew it would but... *sigh*
that’s a fucking depressing ass ending.
... except that “Savior of the Waking World” still hasn’t been unlocked...
I’m... gonna see what happens if I start John’s route over again.
oh duh, of course it’s a retcon, MSPAR touched the Homestuck juju. i forgot about that.
(a big part of me wants to look up the process of getting the true ending. but a bigger part of me wants to figure it out for myself.)
hmmm. okay so replaying john’s ending once didn’t do it.
i guess i coooooould try replaying the whole thing? that sounds. like a lot of effort.
or i could try not betraying my friends approximately five million times let’s see what happens if i do that.
i’m going to do that experimenting in another post cuz this is already huge. see ya in part two.
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makeste · 6 years
BnHA Chapter 032: Round 1 Brackets
Previously on BnHA: Shouto told Deku about his tragic past of being abused by his shitty parents. Unbeknownst to them, Kacchan was secretly listening in. Shouto basically figured out that All Might is Deku’s dad, but let it slide. Deku declared war on Shouto, but this being a shounen manga, it actually just means they’re friends for life now. Endeavor was cancelled. Mineta was cancelled, again. The final event of the festival was announced, and it’s a good old-fashioned tournament bracket, so I am loving life right now.
Today on BnHA: Ojiro and another dude drop out of the tournament due to having been mind-controlled by Shinsou in the previous round. The round one matchups are announced. Deku finds himself facing off with Shinsou right off the bat. Ojiro warns Deku not to do anything stupid and get himself mind-controlled. The match begins. Deku immediately does something stupid and gets himself mind-controlled.
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’ve read up through chapter 68 now, so any ETAs will reflect that.)
I should be in bed but here I am!! come to see who’s paired up against whom for round one of the tournament!
Ojiro, I think I’ve been misspelling your name as “Ojuro” on several occasions. good thing I don’t think I’ve posted any of those recaps yet lol
(ETA: I had indeed misspelled it, and I went back and changed them all, so basically I almost got away with it, and now here I am calling my own self out. smh)
look at Ojiro and his solid beefy tail
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there’s not really much to this guy so far
I can’t believe he made it to the third event honestly
he has problems with sitting. sucks, my friend
on to the chapter!
...am I to understand that we were this close to having everyone fight each other with foam swords, then?
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I can’t fucking believe all we got was a stupid tournament
all I know is that Shouto will make it to the finals and fight either Kacchan or Deku, probably Deku
disclaimer: I don’t actually know, I’m just running my mouth
do we really have to sit through some other random activity before the main event
OH!!! TWIST!!!
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Ojiro is dropping out?? why
he says he doesn’t remember anything about the cavalry battle at all. fucking knew it. MIND CONTROL
so he feels like he didn’t earn his place
in reality his quirk is just too boring to make for an interesting one-on-one fight. he’s better suited to background action. no offense Ojiro, I’m just being 100% real here, son
the girls are trying to convince him to stick around, but he says it’s a matter of pride. eh, if it were me I’d stay in the game and try to get back at the mind control guy during the tournament, but eh. he seems kind of shaken up, honestly, so maybe this is better for him in the end.
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aww. Ojiro. looks like you need a hug, buddy. why does everyone in this fucking arc need a hug
just to keep things even, this little roly poly from class B is withdrawing too
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godspeed, little man
Midnight’s like, eh whatever
doesn’t this fuck up the brackets, though? now they have 7 and 7. does someone get a bye in round one then? I guess they can determine that with the random lots too. hopefully whoever gets the byes won’t suddenly get all noble like these two idiots
oh, we’re not going to do byes but we’re going to replace the two that didn’t make it
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fuck this means one of my favorites will be eliminated right off the bat
lmao Kiri and Tetsu got matched up right from the get go
damn, Momo has to go up against Tokoyami. that one’s gonna be good
no idea who Aoyama is fighting
(ETA: lmao it was Mina. for some reason I hadn’t processed her last name)
Iida’s going up against Mei. good luck Iida
Kami vs Shiozaki... I think that must be the Poison Ivy chick? interesting
Todoroki vs Sero... nice knowing you Sero
oh my god. can we, uh. just skip ahead to that one. !!!!!
also, Deku and Todoroki out here fucking up my predictions right from the start. the two of you had to be in the same bracket half. just had to be
wonder who’ll end up winning it all and facing off against my girl Ochako :’D
lol I can dream
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this guy has “future villain” written all over him tbh
(ETA: I should just stop assuming that new characters are going to be villains. I don’t think I’ve been right about a single one yet.)
I assume the only reason he didn’t make it into the hero course is because he couldn’t use his mind control against the robots. sure, he could have possessed his fellow examinees instead, but they probably would have retained any points that they “earned” under his control
I wonder if the bags under his eyes are just a character design thing or if they actually reflect something about his character/personality/quirk. like is he an insomniac or something
he must have to do something in order to control people, right? maybe don’t let him touch you at any point, Deku
Ojiro’s warning him not to talk to him. I wonder if it’s less mind control and more hypnosis, in which case maybe if Deku blocks his ears or something... idk
lmao Bakugou literally has no idea who he’s fighting
Ochako knows though, oh damn
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I believe in you!!  but be careful though orz
“are you Iida?” “indeed I am Iida.” take it easy on this middle aged bloke, okay Mei
oh good, we’re skipping all of this
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hopefully even the anime will skip it, since BnHA doesn’t seem to believe in fillers and time-wasting!
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also Ojiro appears to be talking to Deku, and Deku looks like he’s mildly freaking out. is he freaking out because OH NO TOURNAMENT, or because Ojiro is telling him what Shinsou can do? given how well he’s managed with the first two events, I’m guessing it’s the latter, or else he wouldn’t be looking so disturbed
okay I actually do like this picture of the girls cheerleading though
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just because Hagakure, Mina, and Ochako look really into it, and Momo and Jirou are just like, blargh. and Tsuyu is an enigma to me
Cementoss is building the ring for them all!
wow it looks really good
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I wouldn’t quite say they’ve been through “hell”... actually it was a lot less hellish than I thought it would be
is Deku in the first round? I guess they go from left to right
he’s giving Deku a thumbs up and says he’s finally getting the hang of One for All
Deku says he still has trouble controlling it and it makes him nervous, like one false step could still fuck him up
well good. narratively, I like this level of control. it keeps each move risky, but also doesn’t necessarily mean that he’ll end up incapacitated at the drop of a hat
wow. All Might says that right now Deku can only handle 5 percent of One for All’s true power
you know we’re getting into some real shounen shit when we start talking about power percentages
Deku says he’s just gotten lucky with everything so far, and All Might’s response may just be his most dadlike behavior yet
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I love it. the awkward pat on the back (head? shoulder?). the affectionate nickname. and the genuine compliment, because you know All Might admires the shit out of Deku’s hard work ethic
and he’s telling him to smile, especially when he’s feeling nervous or scared. because you’re a big damn hero, Deku! you got this my man!
here we goooooo
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not even Present Mic the mighty chatterbox can think of anything to say about Shinsou. bang-up observation about Izuku’s weird face, though
so now the question is, does Deku know about Shinsou’s quirk or not?
typical tournament rules: knock your opponent out of the ring, immobilize them, or make them cry uncle
yikes, they’ve got Recovery Girl on standby for this one. well at least they’re taking things seriously. but that means shit’s about to get lit the fuck up
“fight dirty if you must” how fucking heroic. I guess that’s the part where they test everyone’s willingness to get into the nitty-gritty huh
although they do say that going for the kill is frowned upon, and Cementoss will supposedly stop you (uh huh. just like All Might was going to “stop” Bakugou in chapters 9 and 10, I assume)
oh shit. this means Shinsou can win just by making Deku say that he quits... I think that’s what this is hinting at:
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(ETA: I actually don’t know why he didn’t just have Deku say “I give up” rather than making him walk out of the ring. maybe he can’t control speech? but at any rate, on my reread I realized just how sneaky Shinsou is being here by trying to get Deku to answer him before the match has even started.)
Deku he called poor Ojiro a monkey. punch him in the face please
Deku’s making a face at that
and he’s charging in!!
-- uh oh
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and Ojiro’s saying that he warned him
shit. Deku looks like he’s completely under his control already
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aaaaaand the chapter ends
well shit
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this girl looks exactly like Matsuoka Gou from Free!. it’s fucking uncanny
like I seriously want to get a picture and compare them side by side
you know what, never mind though, because while I was combing through google image search for a good pic, I kept getting distracted by pictures of Rin. why is he so pretty
what the hell was I doing again
oh yeah
anyways so Kendou here is apparently the class representative from class B. good for you girl. I wonder what her quirk is
there’s not much else to her aside from her being a motorcycle-loving coffee-drinking class rep who looks like Gou lol
but I hope we’ll get to see more of her
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11 Questions
Rules: Answer 11 questions, ask 11 questions of 11 people
I was tagged by @timetravelingpigeon, thanks!
1. If you had to change the genre of your WIP, what would you change it to?
Horror. Easily. I’d keep the relationship dynamics but I would make it more of a horror. I wanna lean in the sci-fi/horror direction for the later books anyway once the real big baddies become main players. Not too much, but some psychological nastiness comes into play so I’m trying to make it chilling.
2. What’s your favorite writing POV? First person? Third person limited? One or multiple POV’s?
I’ve answered this before but I want to answer it again because my answer has slightly changed. I’d said first person POV was my favorite (or preferred or something, I think) but third person is a lot easier to work with in my opinion, because first person is so limited and you can’t really get a feel for what’s going on outside of the narrative character’s field of understanding. That being said, the Thriving series is third-person limited anyway, so, like, what do I know, lmao
I generally don’t like reading things where the POV switches characters if it’s first-person. Third person POV changes don’t bother me, in fact, I’ve had to do that for the end of book 2 and the beginning of book 3 (what?? why?? spoiler alert: I’m not telling)
3. Have you thought of a title for your WIP? How did you pick it?
I call this the Thriving series or saga or whatever. I chose Thriving in particular because it’s kind of a play on the fact that Warren calls the alien “Thrive,” and it may or may not foreshadow things to come for some of the characters, and I just like how simple it is.
Each book (bar the first one) gets a second title, and they’re all one word summing up the events that take place, whether it’s the main event or a b-plot, if you will.
4. How easy is it for you to come up with outfits for your OCs?
Oh gosh...I was gonna say super hard but come to think of it, they pretty much dress themselves. The stuff I have the most trouble with is the cultural alien outfits. The form suits and the human clothes are very easy to describe for each character. Especially for someone like Warren, who pretty much just wears plaid shirts, jeans, and/or baseball tees all the time, or Guetry, who wears enormous shirts and tight pants or futuristic casualwear. Or his own band merch lol
5. Who is the oldest OC in your WIP? (Either in-universe or when you made them.)
In the books, the oldest character is Thrive without a doubt. He’s approx. 8,042 years old at the time of the first book, and boy, sometimes it just hits me that that is a very long time, holy shit
6. Have you ever written fanfiction (even if it wasn’t posted online?)
Uh...that reminds me, I have a website to take down lmao *propels self into the sun*
I don’t wanna talk about that but yes, I have written fanfiction, and I have posted it, and I have even created a website for some of it, and I want it erased from everyone’s memories hahahahahaha. I mean generally I’m not ashamed of having written fanfics but it’s the content I’m more concerned about lmao
7. What are your OC’s favorite colors? (List as many or as few as you want)
Warren’s favorite color is turquoise! Guetry’s is purple (you don’t spend every waking minute looking at a purple glow inside of your eyeballs from your service AI and not grow to love it, unless you grow to hate it, in which case I’m sorry). I don’t think Thrive has a favorite color. Sussa’s is pink, I think. I have no idea what everyone else’s favorite colors are tbh
8. What is the most significant/important/often-appearing object in your WIP? Or, what is one object that one of your OCs cherishes?
Technically there are two that Warren cherishes dearly. The first and most important, the one he carries with him throughout the entirety of the series, is a letter his mother wrote to him before she died when he was eight. He’s never read it, and though it’s been ripped to pieces once, and opened and read by another character another time, he can’t bring himself to read it quite yet. But he has to have it with him or in a guaranteed safe location no matter what.
The other object is kind of spoilery and isn’t as sentimental as the letter. I can only tell you that Thrive constructs it and uses it. Then it’s later destroyed in a big way. I’m still trying to decide if I want to bring it back or let it be.
9. What’s that one word that you can never seem to spell correctly?
Restaurant and exercise, both of which I just now spelled correctly on the first try. Out of all the times....
10. Which arc do you like better/think is more interesting: a hero who starts slowly slipping into evil, or a villain who decides to try to be good?
Mm! This is a tough one. I personally think the villain-to-good arc can be overplayed, but frankly, I also think that’s okay. Hero-to-bad is very interesting because it begs the question of if they had that villainous quality lying dormant within them the whole time, or what event or circumstance could’ve been strong enough to push a good person into becoming evil.
I think I prefer villain-to-good because there’s always room for it to be a fake-out, or for there to be a betrayal where the villain maybe wasn’t good after all, or didn’t want to become all the way good. And then it can be played with guilt/remorse or nothing at all. The reverse can be done with hero-to-good, but I don’t think that’s as entertaining in my opinion.
11. Do you have any minor characters that are trying very, very hard to become one of the mains?
Actually yes, but I can’t say anything about him because his existence is a spoiler. I’ll just say that his name is Calen, and he’s a lot more fun to write than I thought so he kinda keeps showing up lmao
Unfortunately, I’m where this particular tag game goes to die since I a) don’t have a lot of mutuals to tag and b) have tagged people for this before and no one felt like doing it, which is fine, but I figured I’d save some trouble lol
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