#i will fly to korea to become his personal trainer
fakeuwus · 6 months
what the fuck 😀 jay i need ur ass to go back to the gym RIGHT NOW 2024 is ur year to get MASSIVE. drink ur daily protein shakes. max out on ur weights. grow the jass and the jayceps. i am not playing this is so serious to me i need gymrat jay to return.
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neo-culture-mafia · 5 years
NCT 2018 as Mafia Positions
He was brought up in a Mafia family himself so once he came of age, he branched his own syndicate. His father was furious...using the word ‘furious’ was an understatement though. He broke the family branch and created his own: Neo Culture 
Leads the work day with an iron fist, yet doesn’t hesitate to unwind with his members during the night time. Always looks out for his members when they show weakness and fatigue with their day to day life. 
“Oh no honey, I’m an angel...I swear! The horns are just there to hold up the halo.”
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He was there to step in for Taeyong whenever he was needed outside of the country for business. He held a lot of power within himself and the younger and inexperienced members. He kept quiet until needed, yet he was always lurking in the shadows taking note of everything and everyone.
Once he was needed though, you sure as hell need to know that he will make his presence known and he will instruct fear into his victims when needed.
“At times I feel like giving up, but then I bite my tongue and realize I have a lot of mother fuckers to prove wrong.”
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The under boss who made his presence known from the beginning. He would always remind the others when Taeyong was out who they needed to be listening to. He would be by Taeyong 24/7 - ready. Ready to make the calls to blow something up or simply to call everyone to dinner. 
He holds the older members together and makes sure everyone has someone to go to if they needed it. Wouldn’t be afraid to get his hands dirty for the ones he loved and held close to him.
“Keep your head high...but your middle finger higher.”
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Lives up the Neo Culture branch located in Japan. Rules his own soldiers with an iron fist that has all of them shaking on the daily. Spends most of his time reporting tensions of the Yakuza and Neo Culture to Taeyong. He knows when to pick his men up and transfer them back to Seoul for safety. Makes his own plans for his branch yet will always have clear communication with his hierarchy.  
Isn’t afraid to ask for help from his higher-ups. Has his life on the line every day with being so far away from Headquarters...but you wouldn’t catch him talking about his problems to his men because he has an image to maintain.
“The hottest lives have the coldest ends.”
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He didn’t even mean to get caught up in the mafia. It was a fluke thing, really. He had met Taeyong at a coffee shop that he had been working to get through medical school. Taeyong had walked in late at night with a huge gash on his shoulder. Kun being the almost certified doctor he was, took Taeyong and got him fixed up and out the door in less than 10 minutes with a complimentary coffee. The next night at the same time, his shop was bombarded by men in fancy suits with Taeyong offering him a proposal: Leave college and this job for the Mafia and be guaranteed protection for him and his family in China.
As he thought about his family, he knew he couldn’t say no. He wanted a better life for not only himself but his mom and dad. He needed this even though he hated to admit it. When they come back from a mission or a run, he doesn't get nosy and ask questions...he just does what he was brought here to do.
“There is only one hell: The one we live in now.”
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Always had a thing for guns and knives...seems to call him. He makes sure everyone who is going on a mission or run is fully equipped for anything that may be thrown at them...literally. He makes sure everyone not only has weapons but also, safety gear that could withstand anything from a gunshot to a cherry bomb (which he also makes himself)
He has a cold exterior but once you get him out of his office and surrounded by his fellow members, he is very lively and very blunt in getting his point across in the most loving way possible. 
“If the enemy is in range...so are you.”
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He takes everyone under his wings. He works alongside Doyoung but in the opposite form: Hand to Hand. Ten makes sure that he teaches EVERYONE apart of Neo Culture hand to hand so just in case that a weapon fails or they are in close range, they know how to easily take out an enemy. He also teaches fatal shots to pressure points, temple hits, and body twists. Makes it so it seems as if when they fight, they are boneless. 
He is always open with his members from the get-go. He makes sure he is always available for his members...his family. 
“Your body is a temple...don’t let me knock it down.” 
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Jaehyun uses mental tactics to get inside his victims’ heads. Makes it feel as if he already knows what they have done when in actual reality he doesn’t even know what he’s supposed to be getting out of them. Yet when he meets a tough cookie that doesn’t fall for his mental tricks, he doesn’t have a problem getting physical with different instruments. 
Once off the job, he couldn’t hurt a fly. He relies on the care of his members to rid his mind of the horrific things he has seen during the day. Warm smile yet killer eyes that makes even the toughest man weak in the knees. 
“Do not let too much thinking paralyze the doing.” 
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This boy couldn’t hurt anyone from the get-go. He learned from pain and mistrust that he only has himself and his members. He joined Neo Culture when his family was murdered in a Triad hit and run. He tried to leave China after that so he went to South Korea. He lived paycheck to paycheck until he was taken under Taeyong’s wing. He was put as Foreign Boss of Affairs for the China branch. Like Yuta, he reports tensions of local gangs and Neo Culture to Taeyong. 
When it gets too much for him - being in China - he always welcomed back to Seoul along with his own men. His anger sits locked inside of him...just bubbling over in the pot labeled as his mind. He believes that he should treat his men with a kind hand at night and a firm fist during the day. Always welcomes his own into his office to talk about their feelings. He felt as if he had no one for the longest time and he doesn’t want others to feel as if they had no one either. He’s there.
“You can tell how dangerous a person is by how they hold their anger inside them quietly.”
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His steady hand comes in use when he is needed for roof-top duties. Always knows where everyone, why they’re there, and what they’re going to be doing 10 minutes from now. Yet, when he is needed on the ground, he is used to getting people to come with him. He is used to using people. Buys pretty ladies drinks just to get them back to headquarters to find out what their partner is planning, or he could become friends with another leader to get insights on what they are doing in cases of funds, attacks, or pop-ups. 
Is relatively hidden in the shadows for good reason. Once he’s recognized more than once then he has some explaining to do to the person he was trying to seduce. He isn’t afraid to aid the others on the smallest of missions just to make sure that they get out of their alive.
“Never start an argument with a man that can take you out from another zip-code.”
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He is ready to get into anything just to find out sought-after information. A car, a brawl, a bed - you name it. You name it, he’s probably been in it to get valued information that will put his team ahead of everyone else so no one can touch them.
During work, he doesn’t let his emotion get in the way of anything, yet when he’s around his members he lets all emotion go and unwinds. He is always changing himself so he doesn’t get recognized. 
“Keep yourself closed off for it won’t give me the opportunity to get what I wanted in the first place.”
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Mark...he’s the man that Taeyong goes to when he finds another kid that needs someplace to go. Mark usually goes on hits with the other members, yet when they’re at headquarters - you can find him training everyone younger than him. He is skilled in everything from explosives to money transfers in hacking. He’s paving the way for all the prospering youths to be prepared for when they become legal. Once they become legal, then Mark won’t have to teach them anything else and will expect them to prove their skills to all the other members.
Super caring and fun to be around with the members (to be) during training, yet when he’s out on a run - he’s as scary as Taeyong. He was a natural born leader so even though he’s younger than all the official members...he’s looked up to. He paved his own road that he’s traveling on so he can teach others to do the same for themselves.
“You better watch yourself, I did this all by myself.”
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He was the second child in his ethnic Chinese family. His parents were poor and couldn’t afford him. They left him outside an orphanage and he grew up there with his anger boiling inside of him. He had terrible anger issues so once so many homes wouldn’t take him...he was transferred to Korea where as soon as he arrived at the new home, he ran away. Taeyong caught him stealing random scrap supplies from their warehouse and decided to bring him in. 
He has a lot of anger so he makes sure to put everything into his actions as he trains and practices. He wanted vengeance at first but now he just wants a safe place where he knows people care for him. 
“When you get angry, count to ten...when you reach eight, throw the punch that no one expected.”
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Even though he’s still younger than most members, the members come to him asking for anything to drug a victim, especially Jaehyun. He always had a knack for making people go crazy in their own minds. He was a troubled youth which made his parents roam and eventually disown him. He carries a chip on his shoulder even though he has a family now: Neo Culture
He used to use his own Hallucination tactics on himself to escape his painful reality of being unloved. After meeting Mark and all of the other boys though, his own happiness became his drug he just couldn’t get enough of. 
“It’s not called dreaming when you induce it on yourself...it’s called a hallucination.”
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He uses his slyness and trickery to throw off others while on hits. He is used by the higher-ups in missions. No one would expect an innocent looking boy to be deadly and involved in such hazardous tasks. Whether it’s using prosthetic to disguise himself in the line of enemies, or stealing identities to get into elite social and business gatherings for other syndicates, he does it all. 
He always had an issue of figuring out who he was as a little kid. With this work though...he could be anything or anyone. Yet, once he takes off the fake body features and makeup, he becomes the classy and funny boy his friends have all grown to know. 
“Why be ordinary when I have the chance to be anyone?”
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Jaemin always loved the idea of fire. Anything that you created could be gone so quickly. He loved being in control of it though. He loved being able to manipulate it to the point where he figured out to burn a single space in a matter of 5 minutes. He works alongside Doyoung in the aspect of learning what it takes to makes bombs and do it safely. Yet, sometimes he doesn’t care and just lets it range free as he watches in awe of its power to destroy something it took so long to build. 
His family kicked him out at 13 once they found his stash of explosives and fire equipment. Taeyong found his ability and hobby a good use and asset to the team. He acts super badass and hard when in actual reality, he’s super soft and a huge nerd when he is surrounded by his friends. 
“The most powerful weapon on Earth is the human soul on fire.”
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He was always put in sticky situations as a child. He came from the same situation as Renjun, yet he was never taken in by anyone. When he finally was, he escaped as quickly as he could from that ‘home’. He was tied down by the people who were supposed to look after him, yet he got out. He uses his abilities to be able to get out of any situation. Whether he is in the situation, or he’s telling another member what to do, he is relied on to get them out of there in a safe and timely manner.
He uses his abilities in his day to day life. Whether Kun wants him to help with washing some bloody towels or Jaehyun needs help to scrub blood off the floor, Chenle will quickly, effortlessly, and seamlessly slip out of the room unnoticed. Once he escapes, he runs to his friends to hang out and play games.
“It’s not that I want to escape my life in itself, I want to escape the harsh reality OF my life.”
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Basically goes against Kun. If an enemy is brought in and Kun already fixed them up, he would be the one to go back in and reverse everything that helped. He worked under Kun for a while and learned everything he needed to in order to save someone, and then reversed it. Kun didn’t approve but he would never let Jisung know that. If it’s still confusing, basically: an enemy comes in all beat up and injured (shot) - Kun fixes said victim - Jaehyun gets information out of said enemy - Jisung comes in and takes out the stitches that held all his wounds closed. Slowly and painfully. He knows how to keep the person alive while still bringing the most pain as possible. 
His family kicked him out at age 11 for being ‘psychotic’. He learned how to fend for himself through the waves of wanting vengeance. Yet, with being the youngest, he has all his hyungs to lead him on a better path with the exception of his trained work. 
“I’m not afraid of monsters thanks to the one that lives inside of me.”
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wftc141 · 4 years
Blackwatch Chapter 4: The Star
3:40 PM, Local Time
Rome, Italy
Embassy of the United States
June, 2018
Marvel flinched as Genji landed a back kick to his stomach. He had a feeling Genji was going for the stomach but he didn't expect it this early. Marvel moved around the ring, keeping his steady pace. For the past two minutes, he was unable to land a proper hit on Genji. It was almost as if he could read his next move. Marvel wanted to test his luck again after his disastrous first time sparring with Genji, almost embarrassing himself in front of his team. He had experience with MMA training in between his time at the Air Force. He wanted to be better. He wanted to be perfect.
Wiping the sweat off his forehead with his arm, Marvel went for swift hooks left and right rapidly. Genji covered his face against most of his hits and backed away quickly. Approaching him, Marvel lifted his leg for a roundhouse kick which Genji blocked quickly. Marvel then went for a spinning kick aiming for the head but Genji ducked under. Marvel didn't react in time to block not just one but two of Genji's kicks to his torso with the last being a back kick. It was inhumanly rapid that Marvel wished he had that too. Marvel clutched his stomach, enduring another one of Genji's attacks.
But it was way earlier than he had expected. Genji moved forward and delivered what he perceived was a tornado kick. The impact on his face made Marvel stumble onto the ground. He quickly recovered and moved away, punching the mat and cursing under his breath.
They continued to trade punches with Genji blocking most of them, almost reaching the three-minute mark by ten seconds. At that rate, he was starting to feel tired. Marvel stepped forward and swung a cross at Genji, only for him to push the punch away and wrap his arm over his. Then Genji turned his back against him and Marvel felt his feet lift off the ground. In just one motion, he found himself thrown to the mat with a hard thud. He had lost all of his energy to get up. All of his limbs went limp onto the mat and his heartbeat was twice his usual like it was about to burst open. Marvel sulked. He blew it. What would his young counterpart say? Genji appeared in his view and bent down, reaching a hand out for him.
"You overused your strength," He said. "This'll leave you vulnerable and open to your enemy's attacks. Use your mind, not your body."
Since when did he become my personal trainer? Marvel thought. He glared at his hand for a brief moment. Wiping his mouth, Marvel rejected Genji's hand and pulled himself up while gritting his teeth from the pain. He glanced at Genji while holding his stomach.
"Thanks. You fight well."
It came out dry and nasally. Genji didn't respond as long as he said something grateful enough, it'll do. Stepping out of the ring, he snatched his bottle and towel off the floor. Marvel noticed McCree and his Mexican hacker friend outside the ring, watching him leave. Both of them are either unamused or pitiful. Marvel looked away and went back to the punching bags.
3 Days Later
11:35 PM, Local Time
Busan, South Korea
After cleaning herself up, Hana Song walked out of the bathroom while tying up her hair. It was almost midnight and she still didn't feel like sleeping which Hana thought was both a good and bad thing. The press conference that afternoon wore most of her team out with most of the questions by journalists being boring and mundane. She already prepared herself for bed wearing a t-shirt and shorts.
Hana approached the bed where her friend Yuna Lee was on. Her jet black hair was slightly messy but any kind of hairdo she would try would still make the fans and the media swoon. The TV was still on, blaring music on a lower volume.
"Jesus, I'm so tired," Yuna yawned. "That session was so boring I almost fell asleep."
"Tell me about it. I'm lucky that I barely sleep all the time."
"I still don't believe you're not an alien."
Hana chuckled as she tucked herself in beside Yuna. There was only one large bed so the girls decided to share it. Hana reached for her phone on the nightstand and quickly put up an alarm. The noise from the TV shut off.
"So how're things with that DJ boyfriend of yours? " Yuna asked.
"Huh?" Hana glanced at her.
"Your boyfriend, Lucio. You guys doing fine?"
Hana paused for a moment. "We're going steady. Lucio's finishing up his tour for his new album so it'll probably be a few days until we see each other again."
Yuna nodded and clicked her tongue. Hana adjusted herself against the squishy pillow. There was silence.
"What about you? How's Su-ji?" Hana asked.
Yuna let out a sigh, tugging her crop top. A smirk crept up across her face.
"We're a thing now," she said, surprising Hana. "Su-ji asked me out last week while I was staying at his place. He got a bit nervous and all but-"
Suddenly, they heard muffled bangs. The two perched up and looked around.
"Is that what I think it is?" Hana asked.
More bangs followed up, collectively synchronizing. And it sounded like it was coming from downstairs. Yuna leaned forward to get a view of the door.
"You remember that incident in Seoul last year?" She asked. "I think it's happening again but we're in it this time."
"Oh my god," Hana muttered. "Oh my god, this is crazy. D-do you know where the others are?"
"They were at the bar downstairs."
Hana let out a distraught sigh. Her heart was racing and her breathing was fast. She silently cursed and tried to calm herself down. They were already off the bed at this point.
"C-can you call the police?" Hana asked, pacing across the room.
Yuna already had her phone out. "I can't. There's no signal. There was WiFi earlier and now it's offline."
"What? Oh my…what do we do now?"
She shrugged. "I don't know, wait it out, I guess? I mean, we're in a locked room after all."
"But what about them? They're still down there!"
"Hana, unless we had futuristic mechs capable of shooting lasers, I don't think we stand a chance against these guys. Who knows what they're capable of?"
They both stood in awkward silence, other than anxious breathing. Gunfire had already ceased at this point.
"What about the rooftop?" Hana said.
There was a sudden knock on the door. They both froze and spun, focusing on the door.
"Security! Anyone in there?"
Hana and Yuna exchanged glances. They both silently asked questions with no possible answers. Hana then agreed to approach the door.
"What is it?" She called as she neared the door.
There was no reply from the voice. Looking through the peephole, Hana noticed a man in a red polo shirt with a large vest standing in front of the door. He hardly looked like a security guard.
"A-are you security?" Hana asked.
"I'm off-duty," The man replied. "I was inside when I heard the gunshots. Are you alone?"
Hana quickly glanced at Yuna who was standing by the corridor. She had her suspicions and shook her head. Hana faced the door without looking through the peephole.
"Y-yes. I'm alone. My friend's…i-is the police on their way right now?"
There was a pause. Hana looked back at Yuna again who was now near her. She was still unconvinced the man was security.
"I can't tell. Communications have been cut off so it's not likely. Now can you please open the door so I can check if you're hurt or not?"
Hana looked through the peephole again to check on the man. There was no sign of a badge or a tag.
"Ma'am, this is very important," the man continued. "I have been authorized to bust into guests' rooms if I have to."
"Excuse me, sir. With all due respect, security doesn't take routine room checks and kick doors down...and you definitely don't look like one."
There was another pause but Hana thought she could hear the man mumble something. And then she heard a familiar sound. Hana's eyes widened. It was enough to convince them of his deception. Yuna grabbed her shoulder and threw themselves into the bathroom, dropping onto the floor. Gunshots erupted from outside as the girls slid away from the door frame. Hana's ears began to ring on the verge of deafness from the loud shots. She flinched over each shot that fired upon them. Years of gaming experience and shooter games hadn't prepared her for real gunfire. Was it her time? She wasn't ready for this.
Hana flinched as the door kicked off the lock and slam against the wall. Her breathing became short and detached as she braced. Hana noticed a shadow looming on the porcelain tiles. As soon as the barrel of the gun appeared from the door, Yuna stepped forward and went for the man's gun. Shots fired with one hitting the wall and the other two on the ceiling. Hana forgot how painfully loud the gun was, forcing her to cover her ears. They both pushed and kicked, knocking things off the counter as they struggled for the gun. Yuna managed to pin him against the wall, hitting him as much as possible.
"Go! I got this!" She yelled.
Hana was mixed with jumbled thoughts. She didn't want to leave her behind. She couldn't bear the thought of losing her to a killer. Everything was crowding up her mind she could only move slowly. Then, Hana noticed the gun fly off and land in the bathtub. Without any second thoughts, she reached the bathtub and got the gun. It felt heavy and big for her hands. Thoughts were swarming her head, making it hard for her to hear herself. When Hana turned around, Yuna was pushed back and pinned against the sink.
Hana held up the gun, aiming it in the direction of the man. She felt her hands shake uncontrollably as her finger touched the trigger. Hana pulled the trigger and recoiled to the crack. There was no splashy sound of the bullet hitting the skin. Only a hole left in the back of the man's thigh. Blood suddenly trickled from the hole, soaking the area. The man spun around, teeth gritted and was about to reach for her. It gave Yuna enough time to grab a hairdryer from the counter while he was distracted. She swung it to his face, hard enough to break herself free of his grip.
The man tripped over and fell onto the floor. Yuna didn't even give him a chance to fight back, let alone let him sit up. She was above him, hitting the man with the hairdryer without stopping. She was letting it all out on him. Hana could see faint splashes of blood projecting to the tiles. The man's hands fell limp and Yuna stopped. She was heaving loudly and her breaths were shorter. She got off the body and sat beside the bathtub, dropping the bloody hairdryer. Her hair was disheveled and drips of blood stained her top. Hana could notice her flushed cheeks and her bruised arms. Hana felt like a timid rabbit. She could still feel her ears softly ringing like an alarm.
"Y-Yuna?" Hana quietly said.
Her friend glanced at her while still visibly worn out. Her breathing was starting to ease up.
"I had this." Yuna whispered.
"You didn't look like you did so well." Hana replied.
Yuna didn't reply but she decided to pat down the man. Hana looked at the gun she fired. The slide was clipped back and there was no bullet inside. It was now useless. Shortly, Yuna stood up with a flip phone on her hand. Hana couldn't see her reaction but she was lingering to it for a while.
"W-what is it?" Hana asked.
Yuna turned around and Hana quickly noticed how staggered she was.
"It's them."
Hana was confused by her answer. "Who?"
Before she could ask more, Yuna moved past her.
"We need to get to the rooftop now." She said.
Hana wanted to ask who it was. But Yuna was already at the door before she could find her words. She eventually stumbled after her and followed Yuna out of the room. Just as she stepped out, Hana noticed three men in similar vests, armed with rifles, closing in on the two.
The Next Day
10:00 PM, Local Time
West Busan, South Korea
The flaps opened as the Blackwatch team entered the makeshift command center one by one where they were greeted by the sight of Gabriel and Amélie standing by the displays. Once everybody was present, Gabriel began the briefing.
"Alright, let's get into it," he said, turning on the TV. "Last night, a group of armed men stormed the Lijiang Busan hotel and took an unknown number of guests and staff hostage. Because no negotiations have been made, Salvatore has permission to declare this as a Blackwatch operation."
"But that's the ROK's job. Why are we needed?" Ray asked.
"Because intel NATO has provided us with theorized a possibility that the armed men are the separatists of North Korea, the Gwishin." Amélie answered.
The TV displaying the news article and footage then switched to a new slide, showing a black flag with a side view of a leopard skull and swords formed into a cross behind it.
"This group is led by radical, politically motivated terrorists who wish to see their supreme country rise, even if it means the downfall of South Korea. They have been orchestrating attacks on South Korea for the past decade every couple years and continued to this day." She continued, switching to another slide showing news articles about them from the past.
"Intel has also ID'd and confirmed one of the Gwishin members in the hotel as the number one on South Korea's watchlist: Hwang Gyeong-jae AKA. the White Panther." Gabriel added.
The display then switched to a new slide, showing a blurry photo taken from a security camera. The photo was cropped to only focus on the bald man with a large forehead seemingly ordering something. Another photo was a second cropped piece showing the same man posing with the others blocked out for comparison. There was a scar on his right eye.
"He's one of the lieutenants of the Gwishin and possibly more ruthless than the others. He was infamously responsible for the bombing of Major Myung Seon-ok during a diplomatic meeting in 2012."
"If these guys are separatists, then what are they trying to achieve by taking an entire hotel hostage? Doesn't make any sense." Marvel said.
"Whatever message they're trying to send, orders are orders," Gabriel continued. "We'll be going in as an anonymous counter-terrorism unit in corporation with the 707th SMB. Because we were never there, all credit for the raid will go towards them. Sombra, Marvel, Ray, you three hang back. The rest of you, gear up and be ready by 1010."
The rest of the team left the command center one by one while Marvel and Ray were left inside with Sombra. Gabriel looked behind his shoulder at the shrouded tent with light between the flaps before turning away and catching up with his team.
10:29 PM, Local Time
As the chilly night brewed, the Blackwatch team in the KUS-VH unmanned helicopter flew past the skyline of Busan where the sight of the brightly lit Harbor Bridge was easy to spot. Another helicopter flying with them held the SMB team, shrouded in all black gear. The Blackwatch team were suited up in uniforms with masks, covering their identities. They were only a few minutes close to the hotel. Faint siren lights were still flickering from the bottom outside and a news helicopter hovered around the hotel for a shot.
"글라이더 1, AO 접근 20 초 남았습니다. (Glider 1, approaching AO. 20 seconds out.)"
"Copy. Get ready for landing." Gabriel replied.
As the helicopters reached the hotel, the helicopter began to descend to the rooftop with the SMB following. Once it was a few inches off the roof, Gabriel and the team hopped off and started moving. With their weapons ready, Gabriel led his team towards the door while the SMB unit got their rappelling gear set up by the balcony. They wanted to breach the upper floor for the gunmen.
Entering inside, the Blackwatch team descended down the emergency stairway, floor by floor. Their body cameras were attached to their plate carriers as surveillance for Sombra and the others back at their post.
"Shadow 1," Sombra's voice from the comms buzzed. "I've hacked into the security surveillance system and the hotel is swarming with the Gwishin and I mean, a lot of them."
"Not the first time. Any sign of the hostages?" Gabriel asked.
"Still on it. No sign of the White Panther yet."
Gabriel ordered McCree and Moira to sweep the first floor, leaving himself with Amélie and Genji. They reached the ground floor and stacked up by the door. Gabriel slowly opened the door and the team moved out, approaching an integrated cafe. It was brightly lit yet dead quiet. Most of the furniture was toppled over in the midst of the rush. Gabriel stopped by the table once he noticed a pair of men with matching rifles patrolling the cafe several feet away from each other.
Gabriel mounted his Scar L on the edge of the table and made some hand signals with his right hand. Amélie nodded and raised her K7 at the figures. Once Gabriel got their line of sight, he pulled the trigger twice. The suppressor pulsed as the muzzle let out a small flash. The gunman on the left dropped immediately and the other fell in half a second. They were about to stand up when they heard a thunderous burst erupt from the ground. The group froze. Faint noises echoed from afar. Gabriel cursed under his breath.
"Hope you guys got a plan B," Sombra said. "Cause the entire hotel knows something's up."
"Just find the hostages! We'll deal with the rest!" Gabriel replied.
Once the group moved out of the cafe, gunfire from above erupted across the hotel. The SMB must've breached once they heard the discharge. So much for keeping it quiet. As they reached the lobby, Gabriel caught sight of four gunmen from across the lobby near the stairs. He fired a couple of suppressive bursts at them before taking cover behind the reception counter as retaliation gunfire barreled upon the group.
Gabriel chanced a glance through the counter and bolted back as soon as gunfire focused on him. Objects and paper from the counter popped and flung around like confetti. Amélie fired back from behind the wall near the barricaded entrance, taking out one of the gunmen running low in the middle of the fight. Gabriel stood out of cover and returned fire, taking down another gunmen beside the Lijiang label statue. The remaining gunmen were taken out by Genji.
"Clear!" He called out.
"Shadow 1, I found the hostages. They're in the function room next to the restaurant on the first floor." Sombra said.
"Copy, Shadow 4," Gabriel replied as he moved out of cover. "Let's go. Hostages are in the function room upstairs.
As he led his group up the wide stairs between the escalators, gunfire erupted from behind with bullets pelting the stairs. The group quickly spun around and returned fire on two gunmen from below, taking them down without a hitch. Once they reached the first floor, they noticed three gunmen at the hallway shops with one of them carrying a pistol. The team took cover from the hail of gunfire behind the wall. Bullets sprayed at the walls, piecing off dust and small shards of material.
Gabriel leaned over slightly and returned fire, hitting the gunmen with the pistol in the stomach. As he fell onto his stomach, Gabriel slipped away from another barrage of gunfire. He ejected the empty mag and fitted it with a new one before retracting the bolt. Gabriel could hear the cries of one of the gunmen he shot. Amélie got out of cover and managed to hit the second gunman running across the hallway and the last one as soon as he peeked out from behind the leather couches.
Once gunfire ceased, the team moved out and headed towards the hallway. Gabriel finished off the fallen gunman before he was able to raise his pistol. They reached the restaurant to their left where they noticed another group of gunmen near the buffet counters. Gabriel immediately shot the gunman on the right and took cover from oncoming gunfire. While his group hid behind the bar counter, Gabriel mounted his rifle on the edge of the couch and opened fire at the scurrying gunmen. Plate shards and glass sprayed across the restaurant and furniture tumbled over. Three more gunmen arrived from the back, suppressing the group hard enough to make Gabriel take cover.
He took a flash grenade attached to his plate carrier, pulled the pin and tossed it out into the open. A loud bang erupted and gunfire began to cease. The group took that chance to return fire, taking out several gunmen before the rest dropped. Gabriel glanced to his right where the other entrance was and noticed McCree, Moira and the SMB unit entering the restaurant with their weapons' muzzles letting out smoke.
"Clear!" He called before noticing Gabriel. "Reyes, you okay?"
Gabriel simply nodded. Then his comm buzzed.
"Shadow 1, the rest of the terrorists are holed up in the function room with the hostages. And the White Panther's with them."
"Copy," Gabriel replied. "All units, on me."
The team followed Gabriel past the restaurant until they reached the door leading to the function room. Gabriel could hear faint voices through the wall which sounded like a shout. They were possibly waiting for them to come through.
"Plant the charges." Gabriel ordered.
As the team stacked up by the door on each side, one of the SMB operatives set up an explosive charge before stepping away from the door's sight. Once everybody was clear from the door, the operative set off the charge on Gabriel's mark. A bright, deafening blast erupted, engulfing the door in smoke and dust. As soon as the door was blasted open, Gabriel and the team tossed their flashbangs into the room without throwing it too far to blind the hostages.
They stormed into the room and managed to put down the rest of the terrorists hiding behind makeshift cover without difficulty. Gabriel caught sight of the White Panther who seemed to be unaffected by the flash, reaching for a girl nearby. Before he could even touch her, Gabriel fired several rounds to his chest before going for the head. With the smoke fading and the gunfire ceasing, Gabriel glanced at the hostages lined up on the back of the wall. They were relieved and alarmed at the same time. He tapped into his earpiece.
"This is Shadow 1, all hostiles neutralized. White Panther is down. Hostages secure."
"Copy," Sombra replied. "That was kinda genius on the breach thing by the way."
Gabriel bent down to check on the body. The face was similar. Black eyes, large forehead and bald but something was off. His scar was absent. He got back to his comms.
"This is Shadow 1, negative ID on the White Panther. I repeat, negative ID on the White Panther." Gabriel said.
"Are you sure?" He heard Marvel ask. "Our hacker can use a facial scanner on him."
"Don't bother. It ain't him. Intel was wrong."
"He's right," Sombra said. "I'm good with identifying people's faces and that's definitely not him."
Gabriel cut off the comms and growled under his breath. If they were told the so-called 'White Panther' was just a wannabe terrorist, this would've been the army's job and their time would've not been wasted. Sighing, Gabriel turned to where his team was and helped tend to the hostages. At some point, he will have to tell the rest of the team.
11:00 PM, Local Time
"So that wasn't the White Panther?" Amélie said, after hearing Gabriel's news.
"Yep," he replied as they walked past police units and paramedics. "The guy was just someone who looked like him. He hardly bothered to fight back."
"It's not possible for intel coming from Salvatore being wrong."
"Well, he must've made a mistake. This was just a random attack. We weren't needed here."
Gabriel was able to predict his team's disappointment over the news of the White Panther. All this for something the Korean government could've dealt with instead.
"(I'm sorry, ma'am. You must step back from military personnel.)" Gabriel heard one of the police officers say.
"(Please I need to speak to them.)" a woman's voice replied. "Sir, I need to speak to you! It's urgent!"
Gabriel and Amélie turned as soon as they heard the woman speak English. She was trying to get past the police officers blocking her way. The woman looked concerned and desperate like she was trying to warn them of something. After ordering the guards to move aside, Gabriel watched as she approached them. She was slightly short and her long hair was messed up.
"Can I help you?" The leader asked.
"My name is Hana Song and I have information you need to know."
Gabriel and Amélie exchanged glances before turning back to the woman.
"We're listening." He nodded.
"The hostage situation was a distraction by the Gwishin so they could get close to Chung Nam-il without police interference."
"The Prime Minister? What happened to him?" Amélie asked.
"They kidnapped him from his home. This happened at the same time these guys took the hotel hostage but the media didn't report on it."
"So this was the Gwishin…"Gabriel muttered. "What are they planning to do with him?"
"They're going to execute him back in North Korea so they can start the New Korean War." Hana replied.
She paused. Hana looked as though doubtful of what was next. Gabriel and Amélie were both waiting for her to continue.
"Keep going…" Gabriel asked.
Hana took a deep breath. "He was one of the officials for the North Korean army until he defected to the South fifteen years ago. All the attacks they've been doing was to divide the union and they believe executing him in North Korea would be enough to give South Korea a reason to declare war. Everything else they've planned is on this phone I got from one of the terrorists."
Hana then pulled out a flip phone from her pocket, handing it to Gabriel. Although it looked to be broken, Gabriel could see it was intact.
"I don't know what else to say but if the war happens, it could drag other countries into this and the damage could be catastrophic." Song added.
Gabriel could feel her desperate tone. If what she's saying was true, this would be something worse than the fight against terrorists. It was an act of war. They needed to act now and fast.
"Do you know where he's held?" Gabriel asked, looking back at Hana.
"Hwansang Port. They're planning to smuggle him out by ship tonight." She replied.
Gabriel then nodded before slipping the phone into his pocket.
"Thanks, Ms Song," he said. "We'll take it from here. Go and get some rest for now."
"Thank you, sir." Hana replied which almost sounded like a whisper before allowing police to take her back.
"I'll go with Shadow 7 and 8. We'll keep in touch." Amélie said.
"Fine by me, go." Gabriel nodded.
Amélie began to walk away and out towards the road. Gabriel stayed and looked back at the scene where the paramedics continued to treat the hostages with the police questioning some of them.
After the call from Lacroix, Marvel slipped on the plate carrier over his hoodie with exposed forearms and fitted himself with his own Glock 17 while Ray did the same and armed himself with the UMP-45 fitted with a red-dot optic from the last mission. They were also provided with some neck gaiters for concealment. Once they were ready, they headed out and got into a black unmarked SUV before driving off to the Port. Marvel did a press check of his Glock as they entered the highway.
"Do you have any guns other than a sidearm?" Ray asked as he drove.
"I have an MCX but that depends on the mission. I prefer to carry light." He replied, putting his pistol in the waist holster.
"Well, you might wanna bring that one just in case. Any mission can go sideways at any time."
Marvel didn't reply but he wasn't wrong. He had never been on a major mission before. As they continued down the almost empty highway, Marvel had a thought of the situation.
"Makes sense now." Marvel said.
"What does?" Ray asked without glancing at him.
"The Gwishin's plan. They never liked the whole truce thing in Korea."
"Wouldn't make sense that the ROK knew about this."
"That's the point. The ROK didn't know it was them because they don't have enough proof that it is them. The Gwishin wanted the South Korean government to break the truce and they think killing the Prime Minister on North Korean soil would convince the government to raise hell on the North so they could retaliate with bombs and shit, just like the old days."
"I don't think I will understand these guys." Ray said.
"Maybe that's what they're trying to make us think."
A few minutes had passed and the two passed the gate leading to the Port. The place was empty for the late night with all the stacked containers locked up and secured. They reached the entrance to an area of the Port at the very end. There was a blue two story building nearby with a warehouse at a distance. Ray parked the SUV at the parking lot beside them before killing the engine. There was no sign of Lacroix anywhere but she could be taking position from afar.
"This is Shadow 8, we have reached the destination, over." Ray said to his comm as he got out.
"Copy," Lacroix replied. Her feed was shared with Marvel too. "Counting multiple hostiles near the warehouse. No sign of the PM. They seem to be waiting for something."
"Probably waiting for the PM." Marvel added.
"Guess we're gonna have to see for ourselves." Ray commented, finishing up on his weapon check.
Once they were ready, the two moved out and headed for the warehouse with Ray taking point. They passed a yellow truck parked in front of the boom gate and reached the stack of containers a few feet away from the blue building and near the office. They eventually reached the warehouse near the end where a large cargo ship was moored to the side.
Marvel watched through the window of a car with Ray behind him. He moved over to the front and counted about five men in balaclavas and dark uniforms with ballistic gear. They were carrying what appeared to be smuggled weapons. He heard a door creak and turned to the warehouse where a masked separatist went down the platform while taking a cuffed person with a bag over his head with him. Blood was stained at the front of his messy suit with his blue tie partially ripped off his shirt.
"There's the PM. They must've roughed him up badly." Marvel whispered.
"Copy. I see him too." Lacroix replied.
Shortly, they heard the sounds of a car engine closing in. Faint headlights began to enlarge from the side and a white van stopped. The doors swung open and a familiar face emerged. The tall, bald man with the scar near his eye. His muscular appearance was quite noticeable.
"Shadow 8 to Shadow 2, I got visual on the White Panther, over." Ray said.
"Hopefully the real White Panther." Marvel commented.
They watched him as three more men appeared from the van with smuggled ARs. The White Panther began to approach his team and conversed in Korean. Marvel couldn't understand what they said but it could be about the PM.
"What do we do?" Ray asked.
"Wait for it. Let's see what they're gonna do to him." Marvel replied.
Shortly, one of the separatists grabbed the PM and pushed him towards the White Panther. As he held the PM, the White Panther then stopped and looked around. He was scanning the area as if he was looking for something. He then faced their direction but he didn't look to have spotted them.
Just as the White Panther checked the PM, Marvel heard a faint sound of sirens wailing from a distance, seemingly closing in. Once they turned towards the sound, the White Panther suddenly winced and stumbled back, clasping over the temple of his head and letting go of the PM. A thunderous crack followed up. His men began scrambling towards the White Panther while others got into defensive positions. That must've been Lacroix's sniper shot.
"Shadow 7 and 8, you are clear to engage. Repeat, clear to engage." She ordered from the radio.
Without any second thoughts, Marvel stood up and mounted his pistol on the hood, aimed for the unsuspecting separatists and opened fire. He managed to down one of them, grabbing their attention. Ray followed his lead and fired at the separatists. Bullets pelted at the car the two hid behind and a tire popped, letting out a hiss. Ray leaned over to the other side of the car and fired back. Marvel noticed two separatists fall before catching sight of the White Panther and the remaining Gwishin members heading for the van while dragging the PM with them. One of them fell onto the front hood with blood splattering on it and a familiar crack erupted from the distance. Then the van's engine rumbled.
"Shadow 7 to Shadow 2, targets are trying to escape by vehicle, over!" Marvel called out as the two emerged out of cover and chased the van.
They managed to find the van reversing it's way out and opened fire. The bullets sprayed the hood and reached the windshield before hitting one of the tires. The van began to slow down as Marvel fired at another tire, completely immobilizing the vehicle. As the two approached the van cautiously, Marvel heard the back door open and footsteps distancing themselves. Marvel's predictions of a surprise realize when a separatist appeared from the side with his rifle raised. He quickly fired two shots to his chest before going for the head.
"Shadow 7 and 8, I lost visual on both of you. You'll have to find the PM fast, over."
The two reached the van and found the back doors swung open and empty inside. Then Ray's weapon fired upon, prompting Marvel to turn to where he was shooting at.
"Over there! At the cargo containers!" Ray called, running after them.
Marvel followed him to the containers, stepping on a puddle across the road. Once they reached the containers, they were immediately willed back by suppressive gunfire. Marvel slid behind the containers away from the volley of bullets bolting between and noticed Ray across him. He heard one of the separatists shout through gunfire.
"Cover me." Ray said.
Marvel shook his head. "No, you cover me. I'll flank them."
Ray nodded and leaned over to provide cover fire. Marvel moved away from him and headed to the left, raising his pistol. Moving between containers, he aimed his pistol at the separatist hiding from Ray. Just as he turned around, Marvel fired at his stomach. He held onto the body and aimed over his shoulder, shooting the last separatist in the torso. As he fell onto his knees, Marvel finished him off with a shot to the head. He then placed himself in a clinch with the wounded seperatist before pivoting on his heel and throwing him to the ground with his hip. Once he was down, Marvel fired a well-placed bullet to the temple, making it the last round. The cartridge bounced off the cement with a metallic clink.
Ray appeared past the container and noticed the bodies. Marvel unloaded his mag, inserting a new one before pulling the slide back. Ray glanced at him, impressed.
"Nice." He said.
"Thanks," Marvel replied, standing up. "Let's go."
The two then made it out of the containers with Ray taking point. They reached the road across the blue building where they caught sight of the White Panther and the last separatist stuffing the PM into a car. The two opened fire at them, only managing to penetrate the car before taking cover from return gunfire. As Marvel aimed past the sides, he caught sight of the separatist's head peeking out from the side and fired. He then noticed his body slump to the side.
Marvel noticed the White Panther firing at Ray's position near him and fired back, only hitting the hood. He ducked down and changed mags as gunfire focused on his position. Suddenly, they heard a click. Marvel and Ray exchanged glances and he gave him a nod. Ray got out of cover and managed to fire several rounds at the White Panther before he could get down. Marvel stood up from cover and approached the car with Ray behind. He peered past the sides and found the White Panther on the ground. There were several holes to his plate carrier and blood was soaking his clothes. However, he was still alive for some reason. Marvel quickly placed a round to his large forehead before he could try any moves on him. He kept his gaze on his body as the thin smoke escaped the muzzle. Marvel activated his radio.
"Shadow 7 to Shadow 2, the White Panther has been neutralized, over." He said.
"Copy, Shadow 7," Lacroix replied. "Secure the PM, over."
Marvel got off the radio and checked on the White Panther's body while Ray tended to the PM inside the car. There was nothing false about his face. He was definitely not a double this time. Marvel turned around as Ray got the PM out of the car with the bag taken off his head. He was still shaken but relieved to see his rescuers.
"Shadow 8 to Shadow 2, PM is secure. We're moving out, over." Ray said.
"Copy, Shadow 8. Exfiling now. Out."
Ray then glanced at the White Panther's body before looking back at Marvel.
"You sure he's the real one?" He asked.
"Yeah. No other North Korean would have a large ass scar like him."
Ray nodded and the two walked away from the body, heading back to their vehicle with the PM in their protection. Eventually, this would make the headlines of Busan by the time the workers arrive.
5:53 PM, Local Time
Rome, Italy
After a long day and being dismissed, Marvel returned to his apartment outside the Embassy. Unlocking the door, he entered his unit and placed his backpack on the coat rack beside him. His place wasn't much of a luxury house but it was enough to feel comfortable. Wide rooms for bigger furniture and a balcony overlooking the district which was enough comfort for him to take advantage of.
Marvel took a quick shower before slipping on some comfortable clothes. Walking out of the bedroom, he got himself a can of beer from the fridge and a before heading into the living room. He crashed onto the couch and turned on the T.V. However, he wasn't interested in what the T.V had to offer so he just left it on to keep the noise on. Popping off the cap, he took a swig of the ice-cold refreshment.
Then, one of the news reports caught his attention. He didn't understand Italian but he could tell they were reporting on the incident in Busan and the police identifying the bodies at the Port last night as the Gwishin separatists, as well as one of the bodies being the White Panther. Additionally, there was CCTV footage of two masked figures opening fire at the Gwishin from a distance in which Marvel recognized himself. A smirk began to grow across his face. Then, the footage of the South Korean Prime Minister in the hospital bed making a statement played on the screen. Afterward, the rest of the news wasn't too important for him.
Taking another swig, Marvel lifted the controller and changed channels.
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cassie-babyz · 7 years
[170706] Korepo - B.A.P, 2nd Album “UNLIMITED” Released! Revealing Episodes About Overcoming Boundaries & Their Current State!
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B.A.P have released their 2nd Japanese album “UNLIMITED” on 6/28 (Wed). Since the release of “Best. Absolute. Perfect”, it has been 1 year and 3 months till this new album release. The title “UNLIMITED” refers to their ‘limitless’ potential. 
The album includes Japanese releases like “FEEL SO GOOD”, “FLY HIGH” & “WAKE ME UP” along with their coupling songs, as well as Japanese versions of Jongup’s solo composition “NOW”, and of “SKYDIVE” & “1004″ which were released in Korea and popular in Japan too. Furthermore, the solo ballad “YOU” which Daehyun wrote for the Japanese fans is included as well, bringing the track total to 13 for this album that truly is filled with the charms of ‘limitless B.A.P’. 
With that, B.A.P who began promotions in Japan with their new album talked to us excitedly about their album, impressions on the first half of 2017 promotions and what they’ve done lately in their private life. 
- It’s been 1 year & 3 months with the release of your 2nd Japanese album “UNLIMITED”, how do you feel? DH: It’s meaningful because many fans have waited for it and we worked hard on creating it so I’m happy.  YJ: It’s been a while since [we’ve released] a full album, so thinking that we can meet the fans with it makes me excited.  HC: Being able to promote like this makes me happy and blissful. We have many chances to meet the Japanese fans so I’m looking forward to it very much.  YG: I’m very happy. I hope we can have many more performances from now on. ZL: It excites me that I can meet with many fans again, so much that I can’t sleep (laughs). JU: I also feel really good. I want to go on stage quickly and perform for everyone. 
- The release date was 6/28 which was also Daehyun’s birthday right? DH: Yes! ALL: *applauds* DH: It feels really good. I think this album can be a big hit in a great way (laughs).
- By the way, did the members celebrate Daehyun’s birthday? DH: Himchan hyung treated me to drinks. Then before anyone else, Jongup messaged me and congratulated me first.  JU: With “happy birthday”. DH: I was on my phone and suddenly his message came. He was first!
- Messages from the other members came of course too right? DH: We have 6 members, so there are 6 birthdays in the year, and because we can’t properly celebrate sometimes, there are times when that [birth] day is much like any other one (laughs). 
- The album’s title “UNLIMITED” contains the message that ‘B.A.P has limitless potential”, it’s a great title.  DH: I think the word “limitless” itself is perfect for us and I really like it. YJ: The meaning matches and is deeply etched within us so it’s a great title isn’t it.  YG: It’s an album that shows through its 13 tracks how B.A.P have no boundaries and our ability to master various genres of music. 
- Please tell me the songs you feel strongly about out of the 13 tracks. DH: I guess it’s my solo track “YOU” after all (laughs). JU: I too find meaning in my own solo, so it’s “NOW”. YJ: “SKYDIVE”. Because it’ll be the first time to show it to everyone after creating a Japanese version and putting it into this album. ZL: Same. Yongguk hyung has returned and we can be on stage anew and perform the Japanese version for everyone so it’s “SKYDIVE”. HC: “WAKE ME UP” is good. In this song, we can show a more mature side on stage and it’s a new song as well.  YG: There are many good songs so it’s difficult to choose one. I love all of them.
-Yongguk, you often participate in lyric and compositions, but were there any tracks in this album that were completed quickly, or on the reverse, took a lot of time to create?  YG: “BE HAPPY” was completed quickly and “FEEL SO GOOD” took a while. 
- Why was “BE HAPPY” completed quickly? YG: If I knew that, I think I’d be god (laughs). I want to know too
- Hahaha. Was there a part of “FEEL SO GOOD” that concerned you so that it took a while? YG: There’s no right or wrong in music so creating it to my satisfaction is what took up the time.
- Continuing with “UMLIMITED”, please tell us if there are any episodes about you overcoming boundaries. DH: Originally it wasn’t in my nature to be in the spotlight and do well, so there are parts where I rely on my group members, but recently I’ve begun rehearsals on the musical “Napoleon” and because the members aren’t there, I’ve learnt and felt many things. In that sense, I think I’ve overcome my limits and learnt how to express my honest feelings.  YJ: When we released our first album, I practised like crazy and I think I overcame my boundaries then (laughs). ZL: Recently I’ve began training again and I’m in the midst of doing various sports. At first I didn’t have much arm strength and couldn’t do pull-ups well. But now, I can do about 100 after getting a personal trainer.  YJ: At once? ZL: No. Not 100 continuously.  YJ: Ah~ Splitting it up into different sets.
- What’s your purpose for doing pull-ups? ZL: If I had to say, more than the front of my body, I wanted to work on my shoulders and back and such. That shows through more when I’m dancing or just wearing clothes, so I’d thought to train my back, but it’s really tough. *The members start moving their arms up and down like doing a pull-up* ZL: I feel like doing stretches now~ (laughs) HC: When I drink. I feel like I’m always passing my limit (laughs). 
- When you [Himchan] drink, when do you feel is your limit? HC: When my memory becomes foggy. So I stop when I feel like it’s dangerous to drink more and go home. JU: His pupils slowly dilate.  HC: Always, my eyes go like this when I’m drinking. *Narrows eyes* ALL: *laughs* JU: Please pass me for this question. HC: You always do that! JU: Because everything has no limits for me! ALL: *laughs*
- The first half of 2017 has already gone by. Looking back, you held your 2nd Japan tour in January, released your 7th single “WAKE ME UP” in April, and now released your 2nd album. In Korea you had a comeback as six in March which led onto your world tour; Americas in April and Europe in May, continuing on with various different countries. I think it was a half-year filled with substance; were there any memorable moments? YJ: We are still in the middle of our world tour, but I think this world tour that started off in Korea is the most memorable. It’s tough to prepare for a concert, but to us, it’s also a chance to see the wider world and a very precious time. Whichever city we visit, they all have their own charms and we can feel it in our bones. Honestly, all the countries are great. ZL: We do world tours yearly and whilst we make great memories, when we go again the next year, the we make even better memories. Receiving energy from everyone and feeling that energy, I think it’s got to be the world tour. YG: *nods* I feel the same as the members. HC: So far into this tour, the outdoor concert in Budapest, Hungary was good.  ZL: Previously, we had an outdoor performance in a Korean festival, so I was really anticipating it when I heard it was going to be an outdoor concert since it had been a long time. I was able to relive the feeling that I felt before and it was really fun. 
- Did the food match your taste in all countries? DH: All of us like to look for the famous and delicious foods of that country so we go to search for good restaurants whenever we go. It’s the same when we come to Japan. We often go to “Tsurutontan”, but we also like sushi and tonkatsu so we go looking for those restaurants too. 
- The 6 of you have spent a long time together already, what do you talk about between yourselves? DH: Right now, we’re at the point where we’ve finished Korean promotions and taking a short break in the world tour, so we’re all doing our own things and recharging so... But, when the 6 of us gather together, we get hyped up over little things and have fun, and I think that’s a sign of exactly how close we are. When we’re together, anything we do is fun isn’t it. 
- Talking about which, when you broadcast the “boy night in Hakata” on the live broadcasting app, you were playing various games and there were punishments too. Is there a member that often loses when you play games? ZL: I think that would be me (laughs). DH: Youngjae’s always strong. YJ: But from some point in time, I began losing.  JU: You lost your greed.  YJ: Maybe (laughs).
- Isn’t Youngjae the smart one? YJ: In the games we play, it’s not about using our brains but it’s dependent on luck. I used to win almost all of them, but. It seems like I’ve used up all my luck (laughs). 
- Well then, please tell us about the interests and things that you do in your private time. YJ: Recently, I’ve started composing with my friend. It was fun once I started trying to do it, so when I have the time, I’ll write lyrics and compositions. I just finished 1 song and finished recording it as well. If there’s the chance, I’d like to reveal it since I think it’s a good one.  ZL: I recently too wrote songs in preparation for the new Korean album, and adding to that, writing songs for the sake of challenging myself. I’m composing with the thought that it’d be great if I could include them in a B.A.P album.  HC: I’ve been meeting people. Chatting and having drinks. In terms of Japanese drinks, I like nihonshu, but Japanese whisky is also nice so I like Japanese whisky too.  ZL: I like “horoyoi”. My favourite (laughs). JU: Lately I’ve been watching movies. I watched “King Arthur”.  HC: I watched it with him the other day.  JU: Yeah, together at the dorm. We had to pay but there was a service that showed movies on the tv.  ZL: I watched it at the cinemas! I went to watch 4 movies with my older brother. He wanted to watch them, so [we saw] “Transformers: The Last Knight”, “The Villainess (Ak-nyeo)”, “Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales” and “Get Out”. Generally, I like to watch what’s trending at the time and I like action movies, but I also like romantic comedies too.  YG: When I have the time, I’ll go ride my scooter. I like driving slowly whilst enjoying the scenery.
- What was the reason for starting to ride your scooter? YG: I’m a big fan of Audrey Hepburn and when I watched the movie “Roman Holiday”, there was a scene with her riding around Rome on a scooter, and because I wanted to enjoy myself freely like that, I bought a scooter as a birthday present to myself and started riding it. Just recently, at the start of June, I did a bike tour in Indonesia. In Japan too, I want to bring my own scooter and try riding it. 
- Where do you go usually when you’re riding your scooter? YG: To where I want to go at that time and where I’m attracted to. I go wherever I feel like so there’s no set destination. 
- Everything that Yongguk said today is so cool *Jongup & Zelo laugh* No?  JU: I wanted to say that too. ZL: The place I want to go is the destination! ALL: *laughs*
- Daehyun mentioned earlier that he started rehearsals for the musical “Napoleon” so I guess you’ve been busy? DH: Yes. I think acting in “Napoleon” is a new start and since I want to learn many things, I haven’t done anything else but immerse myself in rehearsing. 
- When the musical starts, will the members go and watch Daehyun’s brave venture?  YJ: Probably. HC: I’ll think about it. Judging on his behaviour.  DH: Hahaha, you don’t have to force yourselves to come, it’s ok! (laughs) HC: I want to go but I’m busy. I need to find the time. 
-  Also, Daehyun and Jongup promoted their solo songs in Korea too. How was it? DH: It was the first solo activity for our group and I wanted to show that B.A.P can do plenty well even for solos. Luckily, there was a good response, and I was satisfied and learnt various things.  JU: Me too, I think I was able to show what I had prepared so I am satisfied. At the same time, there’s a part of me that thinks I could’ve done better. Additionally, because I went to the tv station by myself, I felt anew how big the presence of the members were.Well, although I had solo promotions this time round, it was more like a special stage for the fans than an official solo debut, so through this experience I was able to get a feel of what sort of music I want to do, not as B.A.P, but as myself.  DH: When we were promoting solo, Himchan hyung came to support us.  HC: It felt like I was the one promoting (laughs). I went 4 times within 2 weeks. DH: You only came once for me but you went 3 times for Jongup? HC: Your promotion times overlapped. DH: *lightbulb moment* Ah~
- From the leader’s perspective, how were the member’s solo promotions? YG: I think it was praiseworthy.  HC: But, there were parts that still could be improved on.  ZL: I too had my attention drawn to the fact that they were inexperienced. DH: Hahaha. You mustn't let the words of people that sound like internet trolls get to you! ZL: But, since they are our members, I was monitoring them the whole time. 
- Zelo is the youngest in B.A.P right? (laughs) ZL: Yes, the place I want to go is the destination! ALL: *laughs*
- The second half of the year is starting, please tell us how you’ll wrap up this year and your thoughts about future promotions! HC: After the Japanese promotions finish, we plan to release an album in Korea so we’ll get into preparations for that.  DH: Also, the musical, “Napoleon”, that I will be in will be showing from July till October, so please look forward to it!
Different to their cool charisma that they exude on stage, the B.A.P members were in a relaxed state, and I was able to witness this gap at the photoshoot studio where someone was always singing in the background, and where they bared themselves and showed their unfaltering spirit towards musical exploration. 
Source: Korepo Translation: cassie_babyz
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coolkoreamag · 7 years
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Supermodel Soo Joo Park talks perfectionism, insomnia and accidental fame to the EveningStandard.
Model of the moment @Soojmooj showcases Chanel’s new haute couture collection and talks fame with Amy Verner. 
Despite the fact that she is this evening dressed down in skinny jeans and a Stevie Nicks T-shirt, sporting a messy mop of peroxide-blonde hair, Soo Joo Park is still an unmistakeable presence when she glides into the lobby bar of Paris’s glamorous Le Roch hotel, near the Place Vendôme. But if even off-duty she seems to exude an outward air of confidence, in person she is unassuming. 
‘I was worried, I was in the car and I was like, “Do you have any powder?”’ she says, when I make a (positive) comment about her complexion. ‘There are little breakouts. I’m wearing a little bit of make-up right now but underneath are very dark under-eye circles… I was thinking I wasn’t looking so normal.’
If she does not exhibit the same self-assuredness as a Kate, Naomi or Christy might do, Park has still managed to follow them into mononym status. And though the Korean-American supermodel may not have been around for as long, she’s a regular on the Chanel catwalk, and has been an agent of change in the beauty world as the first Asian model to land a multi-million dollar contract with L’Oréal.
It’s thanks to Chanel that we’re meeting today. Park counts the house’s creative director, Karl Lagerfeld, as one of her greatest supporters and has spent the day shooting at the grand Château de Vaugien, south-west of Paris, clad in the fashion house’s latest couture collection, all flamboyant frothy gowns and pastel-hued tweeds.
This is a world in which Park is now in control. Millennial models such as the Hadid sisters and Kendall Jenner might have had to walk in show after show this year alone, but Park, 31, can decide how busy she wants to be — partly because ‘I’m a horrible perfectionist. I’m almost never happy with anything I do, 100 per cent.’ Compared with previous seasons, this most recent month of ready-to-wear shows was a breeze; aside from appearing in the Baja East presentation in New York she only walked the Chanel show with its unforgettable simulated rocket launch within the Grand Palais.
The trade-off of such success is that she has outgrown the desirable niche of newness. ‘Even though there are a more diverse group of [models], you still are categorised as a person into a certain type; and a lot of the time, they want something new. I had my time, the blonde hair was new and refreshing to the scene at that point,’ she says, matter-of-factly.
In many ways she still doesn’t fit the traditional model mould. The industry might give the impression of pursuing greater diversity but she remains among a small group of internationally known, in-demand Asian models that include Liu Wen and Fernanda Ly. Unsurprisingly, models.com has ranked her one of its ‘Money Girls’, a benchmark of the size and quality of her contracts. This puts her in the company of the ‘new supers’ such as Karlie Kloss, Cara Delevingne and Joan Smalls.
Park made history in 2015 as L’Oréal’s first Asian-American spokesmodel (the French beauty behemoth dates back to 1909) and she is the face of Redken, making her the first Asian-American to front two large beauty brands. Her hair happens to be a pearly shade of white, which defines her from the above  group, imbuing her with a non-conformist edge. Only after dyeing her hair did she end up on Chanel’s radar thanks to former French Vogue editor-in-chief, Carine Roitfeld. The bleaching takes its toll to be sure, but it has helped maintain her visibility. And Park is unlikely to run out of defining moments soon. The current issue of W Korea features three covers of her shot by three top Korean photographers; unbelievably, this is the first time the magazine has devoted the cover to a single Korean model. She realises all these firsts have a cumulative effect. ‘It means something more and more,’ she explains. ‘And that, in a way, shows who I am in this industry, especially because it’s an opportunity for me to kind of make my culture; and I am.’
Interestingly, modelling was an accidental career for Park. She grew up in Seoul until the age of 10 when her family moved to California. Before fashion, she had studied architecture at the University of California, Berkeley (she can wax poetic about Bauhaus and Mies van der Rohe). She is also a keen linguist: ‘I speak Korean and English fluently. I picked up French when I was studying in high school [and] speak a tiny bit of Japanese, because it’s very similar to Korean.’
It was in 2010 that she was first scouted in a vintage shop in the Haight-Ashbury district of San Francisco. She recalls a woman approaching her with questions about her height and age. Upon learning that Park was 23 at the time she apparently said, ‘You’re a lot older than I thought.’ Park’s reaction: ‘What a terrible thing to say.’
Was there ever any resistance from her parents over dropping out of university and pursuing modelling? ‘They’re very proud of me. At the same time, I think as parents they worry about the next step, because modelling isn’t a lifetime thing for most people.’ This might be why she hasn’t, she says, missed a single Chanel show since she started. When Lagerfeld presented his Resort 2016 offering in Seoul, Park opened the show and took the final loop with the designer and his godson, Hudson Kroenig.
Spending time in a lower register — listening to music, watching Netflix or practising meditation — is critical to staying equalised, Park insists. She’s swapped the West Coast for New York and is currently based in trendy Bushwick while she has her apartment in the East Village renovated.
At one point, she says that she was experiencing severe insomnia — an occupational hazard primarily, but also because she says she has a tendency to get caught up in her own thoughts. ‘I was flying from one place to another, and every successful model has to learn how to cope with that; mine was even worse because I just get too in my head.’ She admits that her perfectionism doesn’t help: ‘It takes a lot for me to just kind of pat myself on the back.’
Enter meditation, kundalini yoga and breathing exercises, which complement her fitness routine that includes kickboxing and floor exercises with a trainer friend who owns Rumble Boxing in New York. ‘I’m trying to diversify my regimen,’ she says, citing regular facials and massages as additional essentials. ‘I’m more low-maintenance than most people,’ she says, before clarifying, ‘not most people — most models, I guess.’
Indeed, there is a grounded nonchalance in her attitude, which she chalks up to having a sense of who she was before she began. ‘This industry can make you very disillusioned, but I started later so I think I was able to kind of forge who I was a little bit more. I also have really good people around me whom I love.’ This group includes her boyfriend, photographer Jack Waterlot, and an architect university friend who is currently overseeing works on the East Village flat. ‘It’s going to be sick,’ she enthuses, name-checking Paris architect Joseph Dirand as inspiration. Certainly, for someone who is fast becoming a global fashion icon, a sanctuary-type home feels as much like a necessity as an indulgence.
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jercythesiscrying · 5 years
Power Registration Form (Rev. Ed. 20XX) | Misc. Haikyuu!! Characters, G, 2.6k
NaNoWriMo Day 23: Superhero OR Supernatural AU Day Six of AU Week! Posting a new AU fic every day for one week.
Summary: A superpower phenomenon spread throughout Southeast Asia. The following are a collection of snippets from Japan’s Miyagi prefecture.
I took major inspiration from the virtuous people ‘verse by Metis_Ink, so there will be similarities. Also, this fic is best read on browsers and not the Tumblr app!
Read on Ao3
A/N: I was gonna do a serious story for a friend but got frustrated and decided to do this instead  /o\  Additional explanations about each power in my end notes on Ao3! Thank you to Lori for the beta!! All of your comments my night oh my goodness /);3;(\  ♥♥♥
PYONGYANG — Since the first confirmed report of superhuman abilities in North Korea, over 9 million people have officially registered gaining a superpower. These superpowers are a phenomenon impacting populations across the world, however most affected regions are still within Southeast Asia.
Superpowers have been observed only in humans so far, manifesting in different ways. The United Nations has required that governments register their population to confirm if individuals have a superpower. Forms vary between countries.
Activist groups have advocated for more inclusivity in registration forms to specifically seek for accommodations...
Name: Sawamura Daichi Age: 18 Class: 3-4
Please describe how your superpower functions as detailed as possible. I can change the density of my body, but only to make it denser than it actually is (I cannot become less dense). I get much heavier, sometimes 3x than my normal weight when I activate my superpower, with minimal changes to my appearance (I get a little bulkier and taller). I can move around okay even though my weight has increased.
Will your superpower impact your education at KARASUNO HIGH SCHOOL? YES / (NO)
If yes, how will your superpower impact your studies? n/a OFFICE COMMENTS: ———
Do you have trouble controlling your superpower? YES / (NO)
If yes, please describe your situation. n/a OFFICE COMMENTS: ———
What kind of support do you need? Check all that apply. [  ] Costume/Apparel [  ] Technical/Mechanical [  ] Physical [X] Emotional [  ] Other, please describe:
If you checked any of the above, please describe how you would like to receive these supports. I keep having dreams about the vice-principal’s wig flying. OFFICE COMMENTS: This is not a support necessary for your superpower, Sawamura.
Please give any other remarks you have regarding your superpower. Your homeroom teacher will assess these comments to best accommodate you. Suga keeps making comments about my weight. I think they’re compliments (he keeps hugging my thighs??), but I’m very self-conscious. OFFICE COMMENTS: This would have been a better answer for the previous question. We can help with bullying and micro-aggressions against superpowers.
[FOLLOW UP NOTE FROM: Sawamura Daichi Suga’s not bullying me. I think he just really likes how bulky I am. OFFICE COMMENTS: That’s a personal problem for Sugawara, Sawamura-kun. REVIEWED BY: Takeda Ittetsu]
(Vine: Outside in the fields, Azumane sonic screams, “DAAAIIIIIICHIIIIII!” at the Karasuno captain, who stays in place with his arms crossed. Even though the camera is a considerable distance away, Azumane’s shout is still very loud.)
directorennochika, Jun 08, 20XX Unstoppable force vs immovable object #senpais #miyagipower (Don’t worry, @daisan31 had earplugs on so @glassheart_ace3 didn’t burst his eardrums.) 
Name: Shimizu Kiyoko Age: 18 Class: 3-2
Please describe how your superpower functions as detailed as possible. Strength Manipulation. I can increase my own physical strength for brief periods of time but it takes up a lot of energy. I also recently discovered I can control other people’s strength if I have physical contact with them.
Will your superpower impact your education at KARASUNO HIGH SCHOOL? (YES) / NO
If yes, how will your superpower impact your studies? I understand that I can increase my strength for PE classes and I do not want to get in trouble for using my superpower. OFFICE COMMENTS: We can adjust your PE rubric to your abilities. Thank you for the honesty.
Do you have trouble controlling your superpower? (YES) / NO
If yes, please describe your situation. I can manage my own strength fine but I don’t know how to control other people’s. OFFICE COMMENTS: Please work with trainers in appropriate environments to test this aspect of your superpower.
What kind of support do you need? Check all that apply. [  ] Costume/Apparel [  ] Technical/Mechanical [X] Physical [  ] Emotional [X] Other, please describe: Please see my comments below. 
If you checked any of the above, please describe how you would like to receive these supports. I activate my superpower often to keep up with my duties for the boys’ volleyball team, but even with my stamina it’s very draining. OFFICE COMMENTS: We can set you up with a trainer to help increase your endurance, as well as look into meal plans that might help with the physical repercussions of your superpower.
Please give any other remarks you have regarding your superpower. Your homeroom teacher will assess these comments to best accommodate you. I accidentally scared my kouhai (Yachi Hitoka, 1-5) by giving her super strength one day and she’s been very distraught. I’ve tried to reassure her by myself but I think she needs some support. OFFICE COMMENTS: We can speak to Yachi about her distress, thank you for informing us.
OFFICE ONLY REVIEWED BY: Ono Minaho (FACULTY NOTE: Check up on Yachi Hitoka for support and side effects resulting from Shimizu’s superpower.)
Name: Koganegawa Kanji Age: 16 Class: 1-1 
Please describe how your superpower functions as detailed as possible. my entire body can stretch a lot. i mostly activate my superpower on my legs and arms but i did it with my face once and i found out can do it with my stomach too!!
Will your superpower impact your education at DATE TECH HIGH SCHOOL? YES / (NO)
If yes, how will your superpower impact your studies? / OFFICE COMMENTS: —
Do you have trouble controlling your superpower? (YES) / NO
If yes, please describe your situation. my face stretched by accident during volleyball practice and it freaked out futakuchi-senpai. i don’t want to do that during a game!! OFFICE COMMENTS: We’ll set you up with trainers so you can learn how to control your superpower better.
What kind of support do you need? Check all that apply. [X] Costume/Apparel [  ] Technical/Mechanical [X] Physical [  ] Emotional [  ] Other, please describe:
If you checked any of the above, please describe how you would like to receive these supports. my school uniform and volleyball ones won’t fit when i stretch my body. i’ve ripped through a few of my pants now OFFICE COMMENTS: We’ll give you a few regular uniform pants as a free replacement this time, Koganegawa. Once they’re made, we’ll also provide you with uniforms that can stretch with your superpower, but please try not to ruin them.
Please give any other remarks you have regarding your superpower. Your homeroom teacher will assess these comments to best accommodate you. is it considered cheating if i use my superpower when i play volleyball?? OFFICE COMMENTS: I will look into this. The team will adjust regardless if you can use your superpower or not. (–Coach Oiwake)
sakukoukuns • 1 hour ago apparently he can stretch his face too!! lol @kogane_giantsetter
(Image: Koganegawa taking a selfie with Sakunami, who’s pinching one of Koganegawa’s cheeks and pulling the skin almost a foot away.)
kenjifuta_     that freaked me out so much. please use it during games. kogane_giantsetter     @kenjifuta_ r u SURE senpai?? wont it scare other ppl?? kenjifuta_     @kogane_giantsetter that’s the point koganegawa maisnametsun     Do NOT listen to Futakuchi, Kogane-kun! @kogane_giantsetter
Name: Misaki Hana Age: 18 Class: 3-6
Please describe how your superpower functions as detailed as possible. Teleportation. I have to cross my arms and think of a place I want to be, and then I can transport there along with anything I have on my person. I need to have visited the location in the past for it to work.
Will your superpower impact your education at JOHZENJI HIGH SCHOOL? YES / (NO) 
If yes, how will your superpower impact your studies? x OFFICE COMMENTS: –––––
Do you have trouble controlling your superpower? (YES) / NO
If yes, please describe your situation. I have to concentrate really hard on the place I want to go, or else I end up somewhere in between where I am and where I want to be. OFFICE COMMENTS: Please work with trainers in appropriate environments to practice using your superpower.
What kind of support do you need? Check all that apply. [  ] Costume/Apparel [X] Technical/Mechanical [X] Physical [  ] Emotional [  ] Other, please describe:
If you checked any of the above, please describe how you would like to receive these supports. Using my superpower is very helpful but equally tiring. Also for club, I help transport things from different places if we can’t fit it on the bus. If there was a way to secure items on me while I teleport that would be very appreciated! OFFICE COMMENTS: We’ll provide physical support for the side effects. We can also come up with a temporary device while we look into something more permanent.
Please give any other remarks you have regarding your superpower. Your homeroom teacher will assess these comments to best accommodate you. The boys’ volleyball team became more mischievous because they knew if they got into trouble I could teleport to their location to help them. They stopped after I give a lecture but they’re still quite a handful. OFFICE COMMENTS: Thank you for letting us know. We will look into getting you extra help to assist with your managerial responsibilities over the team.
Name: Azumane Asahi Age: 18 Class: 3-3
Please describe how your superpower functions as detailed as possible. Sonic Scream?? When I yell I’m really really REALLY loud and at first it was very frightening but I think I’m slowly getting used to it
Will your superpower impact your education at KARASUNO HIGH SCHOOL? (YES) / NO
If yes, how will your superpower impact your studies? I’m on the volleyball team and we shout a lot when we play. Sometimes I accidentally yell too loud and it interrupts the game OFFICE COMMENTS: This is not related to your classes, Azumane, but we can help with your issues during club activities.
Do you have trouble controlling your superpower? (YES) / NO
If yes, please describe your situation. I’m usually okay but the other day I tried to say something to Hinata and he flew across the court like the time I spiked a ball in his face OFFICE COMMENTS: Please see the comments below for superpower support.
What kind of support do you need? Check all that apply. [  ] Costume/Apparel [X] Technical/Mechanical [X] Physical [X] Emotional [X] Other, please describe: I’m unsure but I need a lot of help
If you checked any of the above, please describe how you would like to receive these supports. Is there a way to help me control how loud I am?? OFFICE COMMENTS: We can come up with a temporary device to help with your volume for now while we look into something more permanent. We’ll also enroll you in voice classes for intensive superpower training.
Please give any other remarks you have regarding your superpower. Your homeroom teacher will assess these comments to best accommodate you. I worry a lot about my superpower even outside of school and volleyball. I’m not a loud person but now I’m really hyper-aware of how loud I am or else more people will be afraid of me, even though the girls in my class already think I’m kinda weak and then get themselves disappointed after thinking I look really tough. Also what are the rules for using *cut short because he ran out of space* OFFICE COMMENTS: Please see a counsellor for personal concerns unrelated to your superpower, Azumane. If you need assistance finding one, contact the office.
OFFICE ONLY REVIEWED BY: Ono Minaho (FACULTY NOTE: Check up on Hinata Shouyou if any injuries resulted from Azumane’s superpower.)
M-Sta Miyagi @msta_miyagi_ch • 1 hour ago Local high school students use powers to make classmate “fly.” Karasuno first year, Hinata Shouyou, tossed into the air: msta-miyagi.co.jp/local/20XX-07-07/Local-high ...
1.9k Retweets • 2.3k Likes
  the next little giant! (aka shouyou) @littlegiant_10 • 39 minutes ago @msta_miyagi_ch lol that’s me!!! i can fly but i wanted to fly HIGHER!
2 Replies • 11 Retweets • 67 Likes
Name: Tendou Satori Age: 18 Class: 3-2
Please describe how your superpower functions as detailed as possible. heightened premonition, but in a good way! i can accurately predict small events that will happen in the future. my opponents in volleyball dislike me a lot and it’s quite enjoyable! i’m not always right though, i think 1 out of 4 times about my predictions are wrong 
Will your superpower impact your education at SHIRATORIZAWA ACADEMY? (YES) / NO
If yes, how will your superpower impact your studies? i usually know what’s on pop quizzes and exams without studying OFFICE COMMENTS: Thank you for your honesty, Tendou. We’ll give you alternate assignments for tests.
Do you have trouble controlling your superpower? (YES) / NO
If yes, please describe your situation. i just get a gut feeling and they turn out right. i don’t know how it works OFFICE COMMENTS: It may be possible to control your superpower depending on the kind of training we provide. We’ll set you up with a trainer to help you figure it out.
What kind of support do you need? Check all that apply. [  ] Costume/Apparel [  ] Technical/Mechanical [X] Physical [  ] Emotional [X] Other, please describe: emotional support, but a different kind
If you checked any of the above, please describe how you would like to receive these supports. it really is a gut feeling, i get stomach aches sometimes. also because of my superpower sometimes i know what happens in weekly jump and the surprise is ruined for me! OFFICE COMMENTS: We’ll provide physical support for the side effects, and also mental support in the future if necessary. However, knowing what happens on Weekly Jump is a personal issue we cannot help with, Tendou.
Please give any other remarks you have regarding your superpower. Your homeroom teacher will assess these comments to best accommodate you. it’s not “cheating” if i use my superpower when i play volleyball, right? because i’m very happy with it! OFFICE COMMENTS: Currently, uncontrollable superpowers are allowed during athletic competitions when declared openly and are within reason. Because you have admitted your predictions are sometimes wrong, Coach Washijou can vouch for you to play.
Name: Sugawara Koushi Age: 18 Class: 3-4
Please describe how your superpower functions as detailed as possible. I can shift in size. Only my height is affected—the shortest I became was 150cm and the tallest was 232cm. It requires a lot of concentration to activate so I don’t use it often.
Will your superpower impact your education at KARASUNO HIGH SCHOOL? YES / (NO)
If yes, how will your superpower impact your studies? None OFFICE COMMENTS: ———
Do you have trouble controlling your superpower? YES / (NO)
If yes, please describe your situation. None OFFICE COMMENTS: ———
What kind of support do you need? Check all that apply. [X] Costume/Apparel [  ] Technical/Mechanical [  ] Physical [  ] Emotional [  ] Other, please describe:
If you checked any of the above, please describe how you would like to receive these supports. I need help with my uniforms (school uniform and volleyball jerseys) because they won’t fit when I activate my superpower. OFFICE COMMENTS: We can look into uniforms made out fabrics to accommodate size changes.
Please give any other remarks you have regarding your superpower. Your homeroom teacher will assess these comments to best accommodate you. The only time I am taller than my kouhais is when I use my superpower and it is very frustrating. Also Daichi somehow looks even thicker now and it’s very distracting. OFFICE COMMENTS: These are both personal problems unrelated to your superpower, Sugawara. Furthermore, please refrain from commenting on Sawamura’s appearance because he’s expressed discomfort.
[FOLLOW UP NOTE FROM: Sugawara Koushi I convinced Daichi to accept my compliments and he’s very satisfied when I talk about his body now. OFFICE COMMENTS: This was an unnecessary follow up, Sugawara-kun. REVIEWED BY: Takeda Ittetsu]
(More notes on Ao3.)
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newstfionline · 6 years
China’s 200 Million Singles Are a Big Business
By Katrin Kuntz, Der Spiegel, Aug. 3, 2018
Many people in China who want to get married are having trouble finding a partner. The country’s decadeslong one-child policy led to the country having more young men than women, and their growing prosperity is making them pickier.
The fate of eight young men will be decided today inside a cool, neon-lit shopping center in Hangzhou, its façade emblazoned with a sign for “Intimate City.”
On their first day of the course, the men fan out in different directions, wearing ironed shirts and gelled hair. Some hook their thumbs into the loops of their jeans, strutting around like peacocks as they try to impress women. Dr. Love, their coach at the seminar on flirting, taught them how.
One of the men is Liu Yuqiang, who works at a Chinese supermarket. He wanders the shiny corridors, wearing wiry glasses, a jacket and polished shoes, all intended to hide the fact that he comes from a village of only 80 families. A man from a rural area would be out of the question as husband material for China’s attractive urban women, that much Liu knows. Besides, he’s 27, fairly old to be single here.
Liu puts one foot in front of the other and moves shyly. He gazes at young women with shopping bags. They seem to intimidate him. Dr. Love is trying to get him to talk to them, to “go hunting,” as they call the exercise here at the Feel Love Flirt Academy.
China is home to around 200 million singles. As a result of the government’s decades long one-child per family policy and a preference for boys, an imbalance of the sexes has developed. For every 114 men in China, there are 100 women; overall, there are 30 million more men than women. And no Chinese person wants to end up at the end of the line in the family tree. Those who remain unmarried die a quick social death in the country.
At Intimate City in Hangzhou, Dr. Love, 26, teaches his students how to hunt for their prey. “Walk sideways toward the women,” he whispers, looking sternly at Liu. “Think of the safe distance of 5 feet. Pretend you have an appointment, but say you find her enchanting. Take down her phone number, and keep moving.”
“I got it,” says Liu. You can see the fear and admiration in his eyes.
“Just let her be nice,” Liu whispers before jaunting past the stores. He walks and walks without talking to a single woman. Ten minutes pass. “Hello,” he whispers to one. She carries on without noticing.
Dr. Love quietly observes him. Three times he gives him a gentle nudge toward giggling Chinese women. But every time, Liu acts as though he has tripped. He just can’t do it.
Love has become a complicated matter in China. The country’s economic boom is estranging people from one another, tearing them out from their villages and small towns. For centuries, parents paired their children with partners who had the same socio-economic background. But the boom has dramatically changed the love lives of the Chinese, and the country is developing faster than many people can cope with. The combination of freedom of choice and social pressure has become overwhelming for many. Thousands of flirt trainers, marriage brokers and love gurus are now employed in China’s quest for happiness.
Baihe, the largest online platform for people looking for someone to marry, has over 300 million members and 3,000 would-be matchmaker employees. Baihe’s psychologists fly around the country to hold the hands of crisis-stricken singles; its love experts deliver bouquets of flowers to the beloved, and they sneak around, prying like detectives on people suspected of cheating. They review the solvency of marriage candidates and arrange loans for men who otherwise wouldn’t be able to afford a home. China’s matchmaking businesses have revenues of several hundred million dollars a year. So, why are millions of singles having such trouble finding a match?
The lesson on “Talking to Women” is ending at Intimate City in Hangzhou. One of the eight course participants has succeeded in getting a vague agreement for a date for that evening, but the others are going away empty-handed. “You’ve got work to do,” Dr. Love says in a serious tone before releasing his students.
An hour later, Liu leans against the wall in a café and takes hasty sips of water from his thermos flask. His parents are pressuring him. When he recently visited them in the countryside, he kept taking bites of pork just to avoid their questions. “They’ve worked hard,” says Liu. “Now, I have to make them happy.” And it would be a shame not to respect their wishes. Liu is, after all, their only child.
His fate was determined in 1979, long before he was even born. At the time, China’s Communist Party began its one-child policy, a radical experiment that lasted 35 years. Until the 1960s, Mao Zedong had encouraged his citizens to have as many children as possible. But then reformer Deng Xiaoping announced that China’s rise could only succeed with fewer births. Women were subjected to forced sterilizations and female fetuses were aborted. China’s strategists created a population that will be too male, too old and at some point too small to feed its labor market.
For many men, their preponderance isn’t the only handicap. “If you’re going to be a man, then you certainly don’t want to come from Jiangxi,” says Liu. The fact that he comes from this relatively poor provincial region in the southeast significantly diminishes his prospects for finding a match. The origin of a potential husband is extremely important for well-educated Chinese women, who value prestige and status: things like an apartment and a car. China is a country of ascension, and nobody wants to be seen as sliding backward.
This makes life especially difficult for millions of unmarried migrant workers. They’re separated from love by “three high towering mountains,” says Liu: a lack of money, time and connections.
Liu’s parents also migrated around the country. And like many other children, he grew up with his grandmother. When his grandfather came home, his grandmother would put rice on the table, but she never showed her husband physical affection. “People who survived China’s Great Famine have little time for romance,” Liu says, adding that he never had any role models when it came to loving relationships.
He also didn’t have any girlfriends as a student. Teachers and parents discouraged teenage flirtation--they didn’t want anything to distract their expensive only child from learning. And so it was that Liu slipped into the marriage market with a typical Chinese inexperience with love and relationships. He should have long since been married by now, but instead he has no experience with women at all.
After school, Liu migrated to the city like millions of others. Increasing numbers of brides from North Korea or Cambodia began arriving in the typical “bachelor village” in the provinces they left behind. Parents are seeking foreign women for their sons out of sheer desperation. United Nations workers note that there has also been an increase in human trafficking in China’s rural areas.
Liu moved into a tiny apartment in the city. He sells instant noodles for a supermarket and is on the prowl for a wife on the side. He has seven dating apps on his mobile phone, including Tantan, China’s answer to Tinder. His profile photo shows him doing archery, even though he has no clue about the sport.
He doesn’t seem to know that even the rich struggle with love. Indeed, there are men in China who invest hundreds of thousands of dollars in their search for a bride. They also suffer as a result of their status, striving for perfection that matches their wealth.
The elite agency Diamond Love has its headquarters about 200 kilometers from Liu, in Shanghai, China’s shining business metropolis. It has 5 million members, with the especially well-to-do paying up to $15,000 a month for “custom services” promising them the wife of their dreams. Two hundred consultants and 200 full-time matchmakers are at the disposal of the top tier at six locations across the country.
“We need four women between 5 foot 4 inches and 5 foot 6 inches, a degree from a top university, very white skin, extravagant,” Ren Xuemei says to two employees scouting for women for her on the streets.
Ren is a professional matchmaker. The elegant 42-year-old woman, with a canary yellow blazer and shiny hair, studied psychology. She knows the romantic problems of the upper class like few others.
“Our customers have lost their compass with China’s rise,” Ren says, speaking in a Starbucks café in Shanghai. “They think they’re running the world.” She opens her MacBook and shows the questionnaire clients must fill out before the agency commences its matchmaking services for them.
For women, the questionnaire distinguishes between “hardware” and “software,” between appearance and character. Ren says the trend is toward “very white skin with soft texture,” “a fine, oval face and a degree from a top Chinese university.” A woman, she says, should be under 30, “warm and hardworking.” She says most people want “as little past relationship experience as possible.” Ren smiles. “In other words, she should be a virgin.”
Ren’s trickiest case is a 47-year-old man she calls “Mr. Rich.” He paid 1 million yuan, the equivalent of almost 130,000 euros, to find the right match. On the phone, he asks excitedly when there will be “fresh resources.” He thought all 50 of the women Ren matched him with were boring. “You’re sending me the wrong ones!” he would say after each dinner she organized for him at the Ritz-Carlton.
Mr. Rich is one of the Fuyidai, as the first generation of wealthy Chinese are called. He comes from a modest background, and he began investing overseas. It’s impossible to speak with Mr. Rich, but if one spends time with his agent for several days, a certain worldview emerges. “China’s elite are used to always being the boss,” says Ren. “Their expectations are immeasurable.”
Mr. Rich, she says furtively, isn’t particularly good looking. She says he’s skinny and smokes too much. Still, she says, he believes he deserves the most beautiful wife, and he has signed a yearlong contract with Diamond Love, through which he is entitled to meet five women per month. She says he treats her matches like luxury cars with unsightly rust marks.
Ren is an extremely polite woman, but her clients’ behavior can be so extreme that her anecdotes about them can be free-flowing. One client looked at 3,000 women in the agency’s database and rejected them if an eyebrow was too high. Another complained about every skin imperfection. The Fu’erdai, the children of the nouveau riche, she says, are demanding. “We failed in our attempt to pair up a couple because neither of them wanted to compromise about the location of the date,” says Ren.
She says the one-child policy was a catastrophe that has led to the rise of impossible-to-please narcissists.
Diamond Love’s matchmakers drive their red Minis around in nine cities, scouting universities, academies and luxury boutiques for women who stand out in the crowd. Once, they organized the “Oriental Lady” contest in which hundreds of women took part and did singing and dancing performances. They didn’t know the contest’s head juror was himself a client looking for a wife.
While Ren waits for results at Starbucks, love scouts run after attractive passersby in the shopping quarter. One, wearing skinny jeans and a bomber jacket, stops. “Hey gorgeous, are you single?” the scout asks. “We organize events through the agency for you.” She unsuspectingly passes along her information, having no idea that she might soon be drinking tea with Mr. Rich.
The “resources,” as Ren calls the women, don’t immediately need to know that Diamond Love is screening them as potential wives. “Mr. Rich would like a young wife, who isn’t overly successful,” says Ren. “But after the first meetings, he complained they weren’t mature enough.” When the agent sat down with him again, she remembers how he said to her, “I would like you.” She answered: “I have 12 years more life experience than the woman you chose, and I’m married.”
Since then, Ren has smuggled in a few older “B-women” among the twenty-something “A-women” who fit Mr. Rich’s criteria. She says it was a “battle” for him to recognize it. She calls it “re-education.” After six months with Mr. Rich, she says, she has had one success. “He has raised the age limit.” His future bride, she explains, can now be up to 32 years old--up from 30.
They have less glamorous problems at the school of flirting in Hangzhou, where Liu is sitting at a table with five other men, his hands holding a glass of tea. All the students come from poorer rural areas. They work in restaurants or in construction.
Dr. Love straightens his Indian necklace. “What’s wrong with you guys?” he asks.
“I don’t know which subject I should choose when I talk to a woman,” says one. Another responds: “As soon as I ask for a meeting on a dating app, the women block me.” Liu says, “When I meet a woman, I get so nervous that none want to see me again.”
“You need to talk on their level,” says the trainer. “The women, after all, aren’t meant to be marrying you for your wealth.”
A person’s social status in China is determined by the authorities. The so-called Hukou system of household registration, splits all people into two categories: rural or urban. The place where a Chinese person is registered determines their access to doctors, schools--and also to urban, middle-class women. No date takes place in China without someone politely asking about the other person’s Hukou status. Someone who moves to the city can, with some luck, attain the same privileges as the people who were born there. A yearslong rural Hukou, however, is like a scarlet letter. At the flirt school, the men are taught how to compensate for their origins through charm.
The syllabus for the course also includes a “one-on-one critique of chatting.” Liu is interested in a colleague. But every time he would like to make a move, she leaves the chat.
Dr. Liu connects Liu’s mobile phone to a projector, which he uses to read Liu’s chronology of failure out loud. Sometimes Liu starts a conversation about their company in the middle of the night. Then he wants to play “truth or dare.” He copies a sentence from a dating advice text: “I have something secret to tell you,” without any follow up. Dr. Love shakes his head.
Late in the evening, when the course has ended, Liu steps out into the night. His mind is running in circles. How could he forget how a woman once described him as a “triple zero” and said that a relationship with him would only result in a “naked wedding”--no celebration, no ring, no financial gifts, no car, no honeymoon. Of course, who would even want that in a China where there are wedding studios everywhere in which you can pose in front of islands, skyscrapers or a home you have allegedly purchased?
The next day, Liu calls his colleague from the chat. A meeting? Suddenly, she doesn’t have any time after all.
The Chinese government long ago recognized that the hordes of frustrated men migrating to the cities are a problem. What is to be done with the prospectless, aging, single men from the country? The party now wants more children and is organizing mass group dates across the country that are attracting hundreds of people. It is launching online dating sites and holding romantic game nights in areas where loneliness is particularly prevalent. Managers at state-owned companies have even taken to arranging dates for their employees without being asked.
It is difficult for women to resist this push for marriage, especially those who aspire to being more than just a wife.
“My parents looked for a husband for me,” says Hui Xue, unable to conceal her embarrassment. She’s at a marriage market in Shanghai where frustrated parents offer up their single children. Hui is 29, very beautiful, an economist. She has studied in London and the United States, and she now jets between Europe and China in the employ of a large company. And yet her chances of finding a husband are, despite the excessive numbers of men, bad. From a Chinese perspective, she is too career-oriented for a woman.
Since dawn, about 500 mothers and fathers have been fighting for the best spots to place their open umbrellas, to which they have pinned their children’s resumes. A female doctor is looking for a partner. A designer wants to get married. A banker is looking for love. Every resume is like a top-level application. Almost all parents are touting daughters in their late twenties. They call these women “Sheng nu” in China, leftover women.
Chinese parents often invest a large part of their money in raising their only child, pampering him or her like a prince or a princess. They’re only happy once their project is crowned with the arrival of the perfect spouse.
Hui says her visit to the wedding market is mostly meant to calm her parents. “My parents are asking about a husband,” she says. Many parents have been coming with their umbrellas for years, without any success. It makes them feel better to confront their children’s fate together.
The state-run women’s organization All-China Women’s Federation has defined “leftover women” as those who remain unmarried and are over the age of 27. In its official view, women need to “fight” starting at the age of 25, and women between the ages of 31 and 35 are considered “high-ranking leftover women.” Beyond the age of 35, a woman might have “a luxury apartment, a car and a company,” but is still “left over.” The government is using these verbal attacks to encourage women to have children.
Hui’s father pushes his daughter to the unremarkable corner where sons are being presented. A doctor gets the family’s attention. The father finds his basic parameters acceptable. Hui’s mother dreamily looks at the umbrellas. “A marriage,” she says, “is a union between two families.”
Three days later, when the marriage market has ended and Hui is once again sitting in her office, she calls the journalist. Now that her parents aren’t listening, she would like to correct something.
“A marriage,” she says, “is a union between two people.”
Unlike Liu from the flirting class or Mr. Rich from the elite agency, she believes that feelings are more important than status. After decades of the one-child policy, she says, as a woman, she can choose. “I can afford to wait,” she says. “I don’t need to feel pushed.”
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Peer Review
Compare this movie to other James Franco movies
Movie Review “Why Him”
 We have for some time now been lucky enough to love a growing list of elite actors who make a name for themselves by appearing constantly on the big screen. These stars bringing us laughs, excitement, joy, and sorrow in many of their movies. With the best actors often playing completely different roles in different movies, it has always amazed me how someone can learn to[RJ1]  portray one’s self in different ways so convincingly. James Franco has acted in many movies over the last decade and has become very well known for them. However, the character in which he plays is often very similar and has not changed over the years.
He recently starred in the movie “Why Him” directed by John Hamburg, and like many of his other movies his character creates some interesting scenes due to the fact he has little to no filter. In “Why Him”, Laird (James Franco) is a filthy rich video game designer, who lives by no rules and no schedule. His personal assistant and trainer trains him for sneak attacks and other odd scenarios by ambushing him daily. It just so happens he has a girlfriend(Stephanie) who has not told her family about him. When she eventually tells her parents about him they decide to come up for Christmas and meet this new boyfriend. In Lairds excitement he decides that in honor of getting to meet her family he should get a tattoo of her entire family on his back. As you can imagine they were very surprised when he pulled his shirt up revealing all their faces on his back. Throughout the movie many awkward and gross events occur which ultimately result in Stephanie’s family leaving on Christmas eve. While Laird is portrayed as someone who doesn’t know any limits, he does have a huge heart and ends up flying Stephanie all the way back home blind folded so she can be with her family for the holiday.  
To compare a few years ago James Franco also acted in a movie called “The Interview”. He co-starred in this movie with Seth Rogan. The two are a producer and host on a popular TV show “Skylark Tonight”. The show interviews celebrities on some topics you wouldn’t typically talk about at the dinner table. Eminem appears on the show and during the interview admits that he is gay. The world of course is shocked and the station[RJ2]  blows up instantly. A few days later the Seth gets a letter from North Korea inviting them to come conduct an interview with Kim Jong Un. If the movie sounds normal so far it takes a turn for the worse. The CIA recruit the two to kill the supreme leader. In the process of killing Kim, James sings Katy Perry with Kim in his tank, Seth’s sticks a package up his rectum that was air dropped in from a drone, and they both accidently kill one of Kim’s personal bodyguards. It’s no surprise the movie is rated R, nor is it a surprise the movie is filled with vulgar language. The two slur more vulgar language than a drunk sailor.
 In conclusion, James Franco continues to make popular movies among both fans and the box office. All the while, making little to no change in his character. Are people just attracted to James Franco’s stand-out personality? Or do they just like the movies he is in[RJ3] ? Either way he has become very successful in his acting career, regardless of whether or not he plays the same character or a different one in the movies he is a part of[RJ4] . Overall I would give “Why Him” a rating of 7/10. The movie is very funny and enjoyable to watch but it is defiantly not a family movie or anything you would want to watch without just your friends.
 [RJ1]Add in the director and more information about the movie itself, not just James Franco
 [RJ2]Probably do not need a whole paragraph on another movie. Try talking about a category related to “Why Him’ and why you enjoyed it.
 [RJ3]Give a final review of the movie. What would you rate it out of five stars?
 [RJ4]Some grammatical errors throughout the paper
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