#i will forever be confused by jj x spencer
unimportantweirdo · 8 months
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i made a meme
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luveline · 1 year
Omg I love the hot bombshell bau reader x Spencer!! Could you write a scenario with them when the team is out drinking and she’s flirting with him even more & she can take it a lil further because they’re not in work? Thank you🥰
thank you for your request! this isn't a perfect fit of what you asked for but I hope you like it! fem!reader, 1k
"Psst! Psst!" Your perfume floats his way. "Spencer!" 
Spencer turns to your whisper shouting, much less whisper than you probably mean it to be. You're as in his personal space as you can manage without falling into his lap. Luckily, the rest of the team seem to be more interested in the previously unheard story Emily's deigned to tell about a Sin to Win weekend in Atlanta, and no one turns to investigate your secret.
"What?" he asks.
"Can you get me another drink?" you whisper. You insisted on sitting next to him, your breath sharp with cherry liqueur. If you hadn't, he would've tried to make it this way anyhow.
It's not fair. You've drunk enough to get cut off and still you look so pretty, bombshell through and through —there's no other word for it. Your eyes are glittering and unsmudged despite an evening of laughter and a pitcher's worth of bourbon bombs, and they're looking at him with this weird pinching pleading that makes his stomach twist. 
"I don't think you should have anything else." 
"Spence…" You put your hand on his thigh. Not cupping it, nowhere inappropriate, just your fingertips pressed to the fabric of his pants as you twist in your seat to beg. "Please, Spencer. Please." 
He really likes you, and this tone you're using threatens to haunt him forever. Resigned, he moves your hand off of his leg and grabs your empty glasses. "A spritzer," he says, standing up from the booth. "That's it." 
"Hey, no," JJ says, her thin brows pinching as she smiles, perplexed. "She's cut off." 
"That's why Spencer's going to get it for me. He's my angel," you brag, words tipping, tumbling all over the place. 
Spencer looks at the disapproving expressions on their faces, Hotch, Emily, Derek and JJ all looking as though they learned how to frown from the same place. Only Penelope and Rossi seem encouraging. Penelope tipsy herself, and Rossi a self-professed believer in, "Living life to the fullest. Get the girl another drink, Reid." 
"A spritzer," Spencer says again. 
You smile gleefully and follow him out of your seats toward the bar. The barkeep gives Spencer a knowing look when he orders your drink but doesn't say anything when Spencer puts the change in the tip jar, which is questionable. Spencer secures your cold beverage and hands it to you, fully intending on walking you back to the booth. 
You pull him off course. He has little power in the situation, a yelp and a yank and you're dragging him toward the bar jukebox. Your spritzer paints your hand as you put it down, lips wet with it as you beam at him from over your shoulder. 
"Pick a song?" you ask. 
"I don't know if they'll have anything I like." 
"Pick one anyways." 
Spencer has to stand directly behind you to read the titles. "Why don't you pick one?" he asks gently. 
You sway. He doesn't know if it's down to the alcohol or the five seconds of music that plays as you scroll through songs. "I don't have a dollar."
Spencer laughs and gets his wallet out, handing you two dollars from the fold. "There. Pick two." 
"You're such a nice guy, Spencer, and I don't mean it like, oh, you're a nice guy, you don't mess girls around, I mean…" You fold the dollars he gave you mindlessly. "I mean, you're just nice. In the best sense of the word. You're gentle, kind…" 
You gasp, sounding pained. Spencer's hand leaps to the small of your back, "What? What's wrong?" 
"They have Out of Touch by Hall and Oates. Hold my spritzer, handsome, I need to put this on before I die." 
Derek comes looking for you both somewhere in the second play of the same song. Spencer's cheeks are bright pink, people staring in confusion at the repeat and the pretty drunk woman speaking the words. Spencer tries to flag Derek for saving, but when Derek sees the way you've wrapped your arms around Spencer's bicep, he chuckles and waves goodbye. 
You look up to Spencer eagerly. You're close enough to kiss him. "You know how to play nine ball?" 
"In theory," he says weakly. 
"Good! If I win you can buy me another spritzer, and if you win, I'll let you take me home." 
Spencer was always going to be taking you home tonight, but for a distinctly different reason. "If you win," he says, licking his lips, "I'll give you another dollar for the jukebox." 
"And if you win?" you ask.
"I'll take you home," he says slowly. "But only to take you home." 
"That's cute." 
No matter what drunken delusion you're under, Spencer does end up taking you home after a third round of Hall and Oates. You're not so drunk as to need help standing, and you manage to get to bed without help. He just wants to make sure you lock the door. 
You kiss him on the cheek, your hand behind his neck like you might turn his lips to yours. Spencer turns his face away. 
"I'm not gonna try anything, Spence," you say, stroking the hair at the nape of his neck. "Just wanted to say thanks. You'll stay, right? Don't get the train." 
Spencer sleeps on your couch. In the morning he wakes to the smell of eggs fried in sesame oil and the heavy scent of hot chocolate. Oh, and you in your tiny pyjama shorts at the helm, completely untouched by the copious booze intake of the night before. "Loverboy," you sing-song. "Come on! I'm gonna sit in your lap and feed you like a Grecian emperor. It'll be fun." 
It'll definitely be something. 
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secrets (Spencer Reid x fem!reader)
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Summary: Spencer has a girlfriend and the team doesn't know, but they have their suspicions.
Spencer has never been happier. He has a beautiful girlfriend who he is head over heels in love with. He keeps it a secret from the team because he wants to keep her safe and to himself, also because he doesn't want to hear any of their teasing and jokes. She is a social media influencer and keeps their relationship under wraps as well, her fans do not know who he is but they know she has a boyfriend.
Spencer: I love you so much and I miss you baby, I should be home soon!
Y/n: I love you and miss you too, I'll order in tonight for dinner!
As Spencer moves to respond to the message he feels someone walk up behind him and immediately shuts off his phone.
"Oooh who you texting pretty boy?" Morgan says with a huge smile on his face
"No one, I'm going home" Spencer says and leaves no room for argument as he practically runs out the doors and to the elevator
"What's going on with him lately?" JJ asks with a very confused look on her face
"I know that look on his face, he's found himself a pretty girl!" Derek responds 
Emily, Derek, and JJ all talk more about Spencer and their suspicions about how he has been acting.
"Let's all go to Garcia's office and have her do a little digging on this mystery girl." Morgan states and JJ and Emily agree with excitement
"Baby girl! I need you to do some digging, we think Spencer has found himself a girlfriendddd" Morgan sings
This immediately gets Penelope's attention and she starts digging and in less than 2 minutes she finds the girl on Instagram.
"Oh my goddddd she is so pretty! And she's an influencer! And look!!! Spencer is in some of these posts!" Garcia squeals
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Liked by spencer.reid and 102,312 others
Y/n: I never want to leave
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Liked by spencer.reid and 91,254 others
Y/n: Dates with my boy🩷 (please never go back to work)
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Liked by spencer.reid and 117,342 others
Y/n: I love you forever💞
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Liked by spencer.reid and 112,342 others
Y/n: Little getaway to Italy <3 (isn't he the best photographer?!)
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Liked by spencer.reid and 223,451 others
Y/n: I said my feet hurt and he carried me 2 miles back to the car🥹 
"He's got game!!" Morgan exclaimed
"So that's why he took a week off so suddenly last month! He went to Italy with her!" Emily gushes
"She's so pretty! And he is so cute with her! Carrying her for 2 miles does not sound like him at all, he is so in love" JJ says proudly
"We need to meet her!!!!" Garcia exclaims and everyone agrees
The same day at Spencer's apartment he walks in and is greeted with the lovely sight of his breathtaking girlfriend on his couch, in his clothes.
He walks over to her and pulls her into a kiss and a hug. "God I missed you so much baby" he says once they pull away.
"I missed you too angel" she replies 
Spencer stares at her lovingly and her cheeks turn red from the attention. 
"Stopppp" she says
"You are so perfect my love. What did I ever do to deserve you?" Spencer asks
"What did I do to deserve you?" She retaliates
"I am so in love with you Y/n." Spencer states as tears well up in his eyes
"I'm so in love with you Spence" she responds and pulls him on top of her and into another kiss.
They make-out for a bit with his hands traveling everywhere. Her waist. Her hair. Her hips. Her face.
He travels down her neck and leaves soft kisses all over her as she sighs in content.
Once they pull away they decide to head to bed as they both have an early morning. They get ready for bed, Y/n obviously stealing one of his sweatshirts to wear.
They fall asleep in each other's arms wishing to stay there forever.
The next day the team is so caught up with paperwork that they do not have time to ask Spencer about his girlfriend. 
Once it's time for their lunch break Spencer rushes out and yells a quick "see you later" to the team!
"We are following him." Morgan declares and everyone nods in agreement and follow him out the doors.
They are quiet and Reid does not notice the team following him to the cute little cafe he is meeting his precious girlfriend at.
Spencer spots her on the sidewalk waiting outside the cafe and runs up to her and engulfs her in a hug
"Hi baby" he whispers into her ear and kisses her head
"Hi Spence" she replies and looks at him with heart eyes
He leans in and kisses her passionately,  unbeknownst to him, his coworkers are watching from across the street in shock
"Ok who is that and what has he done with Spencer?" Derek jokes
Penelope can't help herself and sprints across the street to the lovey dovey couple in their own world.
"Spencer!!! When were you going to tell us you have a girlfriend?!!" Garcia yells
Spencer pulls away from his girl in shock and spits out "what are you doing here?!"
Derek, JJ, and Emily cross the street and explain to Spencer all that happened the day before and leading up to them following him to the cafe.
Y/n laughs and finds the whole story very funny. She introduces herself to them and they do as well.
"It's so great to finally meet you! I have heard a lot about you all!" Y/n says to them
"I wish we could say the same but pretty ricky has kept you all to himself!" Morgan teases
Spencer blushes and wraps his arm around her waist. "I just want to keep her safe." He states.
His coworkers look at him and are so shocked but so happy for him for finding love, he has never been like this.
They all decide to eat together at the cafe and talk.
"So you're the one that keeps Spencer on his phone at all times and makes him blush just from a text!" JJ exclaims
"I have seen your posts all over my explore page! I am obsessed with you!" Garcia says
Y/n blushes from all the attention and thanks Penelope.
Spencer grabs her hand from under the table and squeezes it while placing a soft kiss on her cheek.
"So how long have you two been together?" Emily asks
"9 months 12 days 7 hours and 12 minutes"
Spencer answers with a smile
"Well we can tell that you are amazing for Spencer, we have never seen him like this before." Morgan states seriously
"He's perfect for me. I love him so much, I don't know what I would do without him." Y/n says as she looks at Spencer.
He blushes and says "I love you"
They want to continue the conversation but sadly, their lunch break is coming to an end. 
The team says goodbye to Y/n, and Penelope exchanges numbers with her.
Spencer walks up to her and tucks her hair behind her ear, admiring her. She leans in for a kiss and he reciprocates immediately. The kiss goes on for a bit until Morgan whoops and they pull away quickly.
"I have to go, I love you sweetheart, I'll see you tonight" Spencer says 
"I love you too baby, see you later" Y/n replies and gives him one last hug before he walks away with the team.
"Pretty boy! I didn't know you had game! She is hot!" Derek exclaims
Spencer rolls his eyes and says "She's my girlfriend don't say that."
"Ok ok, I'm happy for you though! I'm glad to see you this happy, I can tell you really love her" Morgan finally says seriously
"Yeah I really do." Spencer responds.
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lis-likes-fics · 19 days
Pairing: Spencer Reid x adhd!bau!Reader Word Count: 2.9k words Warnings: Social anxiety, character with ADHD, crying, emotional hurt/comfort... A/N: I embarrassed myself a little bit and that day will haunt me forever. Enjoy!
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Spencer slows as he comes up on your desk. He furrows his brows and looks around, noting your absence with a confused look on his face. Closing his book in his hand, he shifts it under his arm and turns to Emily opposite your empty seat.
Before he can even finish his inhale, she's already speaking. “Last time I saw her, she had to go print something out.”
“When was that?”
Emily looks away from the bright light of her screen in favor of checking her watch. “About fifteen minutes ago?” She shrugs, “I assume she got caught up with something.”
She spins around in her chair in a rather dramatic manner, turning to face JJ in the desk behind her. “You seen my desk buddy anywhere?”
“Printer.” She doesn't even look up.
“That's what I said.”
JJ hums a little. “She probably just got distracted.” She looks over her shoulder at Spencer for the first time, though not for long. “I'd check the printer.”
With a spark of genius, Emily's brows lift as she turns back to her screen. “If she's not there, she could be with Garcia.”
JJ just points her finger over at Emily and hums, still lounging back in her chair as her focus glares at whatever she's filling out at her computer.
“Thanks, guys.” Spencer sets his book down on your desk, turning on his heel to find the printing room where you have supposedly been hanging out for the past fifteen minutes.
He doesn't know what would keep you that long. You're not social enough to have gotten caught up talking, and your distractions are so easy as to keep you from returning to your desk (especially not when Emily is there to keep you company).
Plus, you hate the printing room. The printers are practically always running, and there's this weird clacking noise from one of the machines that unnerves you every time you have the misfortune of having to listen to it.
As he expects, you're not there. There's one guy standing in front of one of the printers, beating his hand on the side to get it to work. Other than that, however, you're nowhere to be found and Spencer is starting to worry.
Realistically, he knows that he shouldn't. You're in a building surrounded by FBI agents, and you're smart enough to know exactly how to tip someone off if you're in trouble. You're so smart, you'd realize there was danger long before it actually hit (because you pay too much attention to little details and sometimes forget about the more obvious things in front of you). He's lucky enough that any UnSub striking the FBI is likely too intelligent not to be meticulous.
But anyway, it doesn't matter because you're not in danger, and maybe you're just with Penelope or using the bathroom or (not in the break room, he already checked) or even–
Penelope’s door was open, so he let himself in with a gentle knock on the door. Derek is there. He's leaning against one of her desks as she works. They're talking about something Spencer suspects to be too suggestive for his interest.
“Oh!” Penelope turns around in her seat with so much enthusiasm. She almost seems amazed as she looks upon him. “Spencer Reid, coming to visit me. Hello! How are you, my little knick knack?”
Derek chuckles, gesturing for him to join the two with a charming smile.
“I'm good,” he says. He asks about you.
Penelope’s brows join together as she shakes her head. “Oh, I don't know,” she answers matter-of-factly. “I have not seen her. Why? Is she okay?” Her worry creates a crease at her brows that deepens with every second that her question is unanswered.
“You lost your girl, pretty boy?” Derek gently nudges Spencer's shoulder.
“Not lost, just…” he shrugs, “misplaced.”
He hums. “She hasn't come by, no. Last time I saw her was early in the break room with you.”
Spencer scratches the back of his neck. Sorting through his mind about all the places you could be. If you left the building, you would've told someone, so you're definitely still here. You don't have any meetings either, so he's genuinely confused as to where you could possibly be hiding.
“I was hoping I'd find her here.”
Penelope raises a suggestive hand. “Well, I can look on the cameras, if you want.” She wheels around in her chair. She's already tapping away on her keyboard with a loud clickity-clack. “I'm sure we can find her somewhere in here.”
“When did you last see her?” Derek asks.
“I saw her at her desk twenty one minutes and thirty-seven seconds ago, but Emily said she went to the printing room about fifteen minutes ago.”
Penelope mutters to herself as she types in her perimeters. “Okay. Printers, fifteen minutes. And…” She clicks her tongue. “There she is!”
Spencer feels a wave of relief at seeing you standing by one of the machines. You're popping your knuckles, staring dutifully at the printer like you're determined to grab them and go.
“Okay, waiting on papers. Let's fast forward a bit, and then…” Penelope’s as fast as the cameras as she watches you leave the room with your stack clutched to your chest. Your gaze is following your feet, which are taking you down the halls and in the wrong direction of your desk.
When you turn into a room, all of them are a little confused. Derek most of all. “My office?” He turns to Spencer with a furrowed brow. “What's she doin’ in my office?”
“Cameras don't show her leaving. She should still be in there right now.” Penelope adjusts her glasses on her nose, turning back around.
“That’s odd,” he mumbles. “Thank you, Garcia.”
Spencer's already locked into his task when he turns around without another word. Derek calls him, interrupting his alertness.
“Whatever you do,” he tilts his head like he's warning him, his eyes narrowed playfully as he smirks, “keep it PG in my office, okay?”
Spencer almost blushes at the notion. Penelope smacks him square in his chest, looking up like he's scolding Derek for his behavior. But he only raises his hands high in surrender. “Hey! Mama, I'm just jokin’,” he laughs, his face split into one of his charming smiles. “I'm playin’!”
Spencer purses his lips in that dorky way that you always say you love. He excuses himself in favor of finding you. The path to Derek's office is an easy and familiar path. He ends up opening the door not long after.
He doesn't see you.
Spencer's eyes sweep the office once more and find Derek's chair further away from his desk than it's meant to be—that is, if he pushed it in properly to begin with.
With a gentle sigh, he takes slow, quiet steps to round the large desk. He kneels when he gets to the other side, feeling the worry dissolve and take another shape all within the same second.
“Hey, sweetheart.” His voice is so soft, this quiet little whisper that doesn't stir you too much.
You have your arms wrapped around your knees, your face buried away within them. You don't move, and you don't seem to be crying, so at least that isn't an issue. Your voice is muffled by your arms.
“Hi.” You don't look up. “How’d you find me?” you mutter, still not moving from your position.
You sigh, finally lifting your head. “Penny.” He almost laughs at the way you say it, like you're accusing her of a crime.
“Can I join you?” he asks gently.
You nod without a word. Spencer moves to sit across from you. He's so long, it takes quite a bit of maneuvering to fit himself into the small space. He's slouched over like some real life origami. His legs have no choice but to reach all the way over into your space and box you in with him. You don't mind much.
He lets you both sit in silence for a while. You seem to really need it. He doesn't decide to speak until you finally look at his face, your eyes flitting across it like you're trying to find something.
“What's wrong?”
You shake your head, looking away again. It breaks his heart to watch the way you huddle into yourself. “It's stupid.”
“It's not stupid,” he protests kindly. He reaches a hand out to cradle the back of your leg. His hand is warm, it feels good even through the fabric of your slacks. “Not if it's making you feel like this.”
You don't respond. Spencer's mouth twitches to the side. He taps your leg lightly. “What happened?”
You sigh, taking a moment before you lift your head to see him again. There's a tiny crease in his brows. His eyes are narrowed just a bit. He's genuinely concerned, and it makes you feel bad because the reason you're upset is so…trivial.
“We deal with death every day, and most of the time, I come out of it okay,” you say under your breath, shaking your head at yourself, “but this is what gets me.”
“What's ‘this’?” he presses gently.
You lick your bottom lip and speak slowly. “I went to print some papers, and this lady walked up and waved at me, so I waved back at her and…”
He thinks he knows where this is going. “Yeah?”
There’s an element of self-depreciation when you respond, and your words from earlier echo sadly in his head at the thought that you might be hearing it, too—it’s stupid. “Well, it turns out, she’s not even waving at me. She’s waving to this other lady standing next to me.” You shake your head, looking down as if to remember something. “And she kinda, like…gave me this look.”
“Was it a mean one?” He hopes not. He loves you too much for someone to be giving you mean looks. He wants you to feel safe and happy, and you don’t.
You shake your head. “No, she looked…maybe a little confused or even, like…apologetic, but it was a look.” He watches you bury your head again, hiding away in your embarrassment. “I should not be hiding because of a look.”
Spencer sets a reassuring hand on your knee. “You don’t have to feel embarrassed about something like that.”
When you lift your head again, he can see tears you’d tried so hard to keep back shining in your eyes. His heartstrings tug behind his ribcage. He thinks you’re gonna kill him one day. “I know!” you sniffle, refusing to let any of your tears spill. “I know, but I do, and it’s ridiculous.”
“But…” he says, like he isn’t finished, “it’s also perfectly okay to be embarrassed about something like that.”
You scoff, rolling your eyes and looking to the side again. “Please.” A tear spills over, and you catch it quickly. You pull your bottom lip between your teeth and bite down hard. He’s worried you’ll draw blood. “I overreact or underreact to literally everything. When are my feelings ever reasonable?”
He would scoot closer if his body structure allowed it, but, alas, he is too long. “All the time. They never stop being reasonable,” he reassures. He sighs gently, wanting so badly to make sure you know how much he adores you. “Can I hold your hand?”
You look back at him, swallowing thickly as you slowly raise your hand for him to take. It means a lot, actually, that he wants to hold your hand. Too many germs. Your chest feels warm with your adoration of him. He gives you a smile, and you almost hide for a different reason.
Holding his eye contact is so hard sometimes. He has such pretty eyes, it’s a shame how hard it is to look at them when you get like this. You want to kiss him, to let him know.
Instead, you just squeeze his hand. “She probably already forgot it happened.” You chew on your bottom lip. “And I’ve been hiding under Derek’s desk for the past, like, ten minutes because I can’t forget about it.”
Spencer doesn’t want to tell you that it’s been twelve minutes and sixteen seconds. You hide your face once again more, dramatically this time. “This will haunt me forever.”
His lip quirks but he tries not to smile too much. “Hey.”
“I know. It’s childish.”
“That isn’t what I was going to say,” he smiles. He ducks his head in the hopes of catching your eyes, but he waits for you to look up first. “You know what I’m going to say?”
You do look at him. He’s so sweet, now you can’t look away. “What?”
He leans forward, feeling his back spine stretching as he does. His large hand sets against your cheek, and you lean into the warmth. He gives you a smile that you call charming, though he probably wouldn’t agree. “I love you.”
You can’t help it. The way he makes you feel is reminiscent of a teenager who just shared eye contact with her crush. He wipes your cheek gently with the pad of his thumb, clearing away any water left behind by the few tears that had escaped your clutches. “Stop,” you giggle, turning away.
He guides your face back. His grin is this huge, mushy thing on his face that squints his eyes until his lashes kiss. “Never,” he mutters affectionately. He loves to see you smile. “I love you. Especially when you care a little too much about an accidental wave.”
You catch him in his words, raising your brows accusingly. He’s helping your anxiety tremendously, and you probably won’t realize it until you’ve fully recovered. “So you agree that this is stupid?”
He laughs, shaking his head quickly. His voice, not as soft anymore, is filled to the brim with his happiness “That’s not what I said. I’m saying that I love you because you’re so amazing, and I want you to know it.” He traces the underside of your eyelashes, reluctantly slipping his hand off your cheek. “No matter how many times you wave at someone who isn’t actually waving at you.”
You’re still giggly. “Spencer.” You shift your legs, not without difficulty, to sit in a criss-cross position. Spencer mimics you (with even more difficulty than you). He has to bend down a little so he’ll fit.
“It’s the truth.”
“Well…” you try to dull your giggles to a simmering bubbly feeling in your chest, “I love you, too. Even when I think you’re crazy for loving me…” You think about that for a moment. “Especially when I think you’re crazy for loving me.”
Spencer holds your cheek again and pulls you in for a kiss. You savor this one, your noses brushing affectionately as you do. Spencer doesn’t kiss you at work.
“Will you come back to your desk with me?” he whispers, his lips brushing yours.
You nod gently. “Yeah.”
Spencer smiles, pecking your cheek. He lets go of you to untuck himself from under the desk. He has to stretch his body out before he offers his hand for you. You take it, hoisting yourself up to stand next to him. “Those are mine.” You gesture toward the papers on Derek’s desk as you brush off your pants.
He doesn’t wait for you, he just scoops them into his hands. “I’ve got them.”
“Thanks,” you grin. He sneaks one more kiss, this one to your temple.
You look up at him and hold your arms open, a quiet request. Spencer’s happy to answer your request, wrapping his arms around you in a hug that pulls you closer to him than you feel like you’ve ever been. He takes in a deep breath, closing his eyes and sighing longingly.
When you pull away, you walk with him. His hand hangs down by his side, and you glance at it as you brush your pinky with his. He smiles, but he doesn’t look over at you.
It’s been hardly ten seconds since you left the office, and your phone is ringing. You furrow your brow, fishing it from your pocket and glancing down at the screen. You sigh gently, silently appreciating her because she means so much.
You put her on speaker. “Penny?”
“Are you okay, sweet girl?” she asks immediately, her voice full of worry. You glance at Spencer, who still doesn’t turn to you. He’s smiling, though, so you know that he knows you’re watching him.
“Yes, I’m okay.”
“You’re sure?” she asks. “I can go to you. I’ll bring the squishy that you like!”
Your voice fades into a laugh. “I’m okay, Pen, really.”
“Did my desk help?”
The way Derek’s voice sounds when he speaks up makes you flush a little. You keep your voice level, still looking up to stare at Spencer. You trust him not to let you run into anything as he suppresses his smile with the thin line of his lips. “Yes, Morgan, it was very nice.” You raise a brow. “Am I going to hear Prentiss next?”
He laughs. “Just li’l ole me.”
“And me. I’m still here.” Penelope makes you laugh.
“Goodbye, both of you.”
“Bye, honey bun.” “Bye!” You hang up on them.
Spencer’s warmth seeps into your side. You resist the urge to lay your head on his shoulder because you’re supposed to be professional at work. Instead, you sigh and let your pinkies brush. “I love our friends.”
Spencer smiles. “Me, too.”
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Criminal Minds taglist: @queermaxwooo @mdanon027 @lilianhallee @hpstuff244444 @thegr8estpuff @niktwazny303 @bubbles2300 @hiireadstuff @chloelmao67 @feyresqueen @hbwrelic @princess76179 @hc-geralt-23 Dr. Reid taglist: @swwanlake Tag yourself here...
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godsfavdarling · 6 months
How could you? (pt.2)
my masterlist, part 1
pairing: Spencer Reid x gn!reader (established relationship) words: 1,8k summary: You're still hurt but you don't think you can let Spencer and your love for him go so easily. warnings: angst, hurt, spoilers for season 15! a/n: i'm so happy you guys liked the first part!!! i was asked to write part 2 and I was so flattered! thank you for all the love <3
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The following days felt like walking through a dense fog, each step heavy with the weight of pain. You couldn't shake the image of JJ cupping his cheeks, and pressing her lips against his. It was a scene etched into your mind, haunting you like a relentless specter.
His lips. Lips that had whispered sweet nothings to you, that had traced patterns of love and affection on your skin. Lips that had promised forever in each kiss, now tainted by another's touch.
You couldn't comprehend how it had come to this. 
How could he allow someone else to invade the sacred space you had built together?
His lips for years had only ever kissed and worshiped yours. But now, everything felt ruined, tarnished by the image of her lips on his.
The questions swirled in your mind, each one more agonizing than the last. 
How could he betray you like this? Did he ever truly love you, or was it all just a lie?
The memory of Spencer's confession played over and over in your mind like a broken record, each word etched into your heart with painful clarity. 
You knew about his past with JJ, how he had loved her long ago, only to have his feelings unreciprocated. He had moved on from that chapter of his life, leaving behind the pain and heartache to build a future with you.
But seeing them together, so close, her hands on his beautiful face, her lips on his, it was clear that his feelings had not been one-sided.
He had bared his soul to you, laying bare the events of that hostage situation, recounting every detail with a raw honesty that left you reeling.
You remembered how he sat close to you with his hand on your lap as you cleaned his wound. Tears in your eyes as you played with his fingers and soaked in saline solution gauze. Staring at his hand you listened to every word, as he reassured you of his unwavering love. He had made it abundantly clear that his heart belonged to you and you alone. 
But did it?
The doubts crept in like tendrils of darkness, twisting and coiling around your heart with suffocating intensity. 
Had he truly moved on from his past with JJ? Or was it merely a facade, a carefully constructed illusion meant to shield you from the painful truth? 
The thought gnawed at you, clawing its way through the layers of your defenses until it settled like a lead weight in the pit of your stomach.
What if he still harbored feelings for her, buried deep beneath the surface of his professed love for you? What if JJ's sudden confession had reignited the flames of their past, offering him a chance to finally grasp the love he had always longed for?
The thought was like a dagger to your heart.
You wanted to believe in Spencer's love, to cling to the hope that his heart truly belonged to you and you alone. 
But what if it didn’t?
As you grappled with the pain and confusion, a part of you yearned for answers, while another recoiled from the truth you might uncover. But one thing was certain: the image of her lips on his would haunt you for a long time to come.
Could you ever forgive Spencer for what he'd done? And more importantly, did you even want to?
You couldn't help but wish for a sign of remorse from JJ. Spencer had reached out, extending an olive branch of love and reconciliation, despite the weight of his own guilt and regret. He had shown humility, acknowledging his mistakes and expressing his desire to make things right.
But JJ remained silent, her absence a stark contrast to Spencer's efforts to mend the fractured pieces of your relationship. Perhaps she was too embarrassed to reach out, too ashamed to face the consequences of her actions. 
How could she have the audacity to remain silent, to act as though nothing had happened? 
It felt like a slap in the face, a cruel twist of fate that only served to deepen the wound.
The silence between you and Spencer was deafening, each moment stretching into eternity as Spencer waited for you to reach out. He knew he had hurt you, betrayed your trust in the worst possible way, and the guilt gnawed at him like a relentless beast.
He wanted to explain, to make you understand that it wasn't what it seemed. But every time he reached for his phone to call you a wave of uncertainty crashed over him, freezing his fingers before they could dial your number.
Spencer watched helplessly as you withdrew into yourself, your walls rising higher with each passing day. It tore him apart to see you in pain, knowing that he was the cause of it all.
He longed to reach out to you, to hold you close and beg for your forgiveness. But he knew that he had to give you space, to let you come to terms with what had happened in your own time.
As the days turned into weeks, Spencer found himself consumed by a sense of desperation. He would do anything to make things right, to earn back your trust and rebuild what you had lost. 
But deep down, he feared that it might already be too late.
Spencer's heart leaped with a sudden surge of hope as he saw your name flashing on his phone screen. Without hesitation, he snatched up the device, his fingers trembling as he answered the call.
The sound of your voice washed over him like a soothing balm, filling him with a sense of relief he hadn't realized he was craving. Your words, a simple request to meet and talk, sparked a glimmer of optimism within him, a flicker of hope that perhaps all was not lost.
But even as excitement bubbled up inside him, a familiar pang of doubt niggled at the edges of his consciousness. 
What if this meeting was merely a prelude to the inevitable, a final farewell before you walked away for good?
He pushed aside the nagging voice of uncertainty, choosing instead to focus on the warmth and sincerity in your tone. Maybe, just maybe, this was his chance to make things right, to lay bare his soul and beg for your forgiveness.
With newfound determination, Spencer agreed to the meeting, his heart pounding. He knew the road ahead would be difficult, but for the first time in days, he allowed himself to hope that perhaps, against all odds, you were willing to give him another chance.
The air was heavy with unspoken tension.
As you walked in, your eyes were immediately drawn to the spot where JJ and Spencer had kissed. Despite your best efforts, you couldn't look away.
You settled into the silence, your gaze drifting constantly to the spot where they stood. Where they stood when they kissed. This was the spot you saw them in as you walked through the door, the image of Spencer and JJ still burned into your mind's eye. Her lips on his. 
Spencer noticed the direction of your stare, the weight of your gaze heavy upon him like a silent accusation. 
With a gentle touch, he reached out and took your hand in his own, the warmth of his touch a soothing balm against the ache in your heart. Surprisingly, you didn't pull away. Allowing him to touch you, to bridge the divide that had grown between you, sent a rush of warmth through his veins, making his heart flutter with a glimmer of hope. 
In that simple gesture, there was a silent reassurance that you were still willing to give your love a chance.
"Hey," he murmured softly, his voice tinged with a vulnerability that mirrored your own. "I know things are... complicated right now. But I want you to know that I’ll do whatever it takes to make things right."
The sincerity in his words washed over you like a wave, eroding the walls of doubt.
Despite the pain and betrayal, a flicker of hope ignited within you, a tiny spark of belief that perhaps, against all odds, you could find a way forward together. You loved him too much to let go without a fight. 
When you looked into Spencer's eyes that night, the night of the kiss, even then you saw not just the hurt and the regret, but also the love. Just as you do now.
Your mind was racing, your heart heavy with pain, but even then, you knew deep down that this couldn't be how your love story ended. It wasn't over yet. There were still chapters left to be written. And you still believed.
With a steadying breath, you squeezed Spencer's hand, the warmth of his touch grounding you in the midst of the swirling chaos of your emotions. "I want us to be okay," you confessed, your voice trembling with a mixture of vulnerability and determination. "I believe you. I just... I don't know what to do, Spencer."
Spencer's gaze softened with understanding, his thumb tracing soothing circles on the back of your hand. "I know," he murmured softly.
You could see the turmoil in his eyes, the fear of losing you etched into every line of his face. And as much as you wanted to hold onto your pain and anger, you couldn't deny the love that still burned bright within you.
"But... I love you. Only you. And I don't want this to be over. If you don't want this anymore... I'll understand. Well, I don't, but I'll try to. But I don't want to. I love you too much. I want us to be okay too. And I'll do anything..." Spencer's voice cracked as tears welled up in his eyes.
Without a word, you wrapped your arms around Spencer tightly, pulling him close in a silent embrace. You could feel the tension melting away with each passing moment, replaced by a sense of warmth and security that only he could provide.
"I'm sorry," he choked out between sobs, his voice heavy with regret. "I'm so sorry, I never meant to hurt you."
You said nothing, letting your actions speak louder than words. Gently, you brushed away the tears on his cheek.
You couldn't walk away, not when his love still held you captive, not when you knew deep down that you couldn't bear to be apart from him. 
You couldn't walk away. His love had woven itself into the very fabric of your being.
As much as your mind raced with questions and uncertainties, a quiet voice within you whispered that you believed him. You believed in the sincerity of his words, in the depth of his love, and in the possibility of you two being okay.
With every fiber of your being, you clung to that belief. 
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moonstruckme · 11 months
hi there!! i have a request for youuuu
could you maybe do spencer x bau!reader where the reader is a year clean from self-injury and they have like a little get together with the whole team for it (the original crew, season 2) and everything is happy and okay lol
THANK YOU SM!! i am in need of comfort
Hi lovely! Slight betrayal of the prompt because it's been forever since I watched the show with Gideon instead of Rossi, so I hope that's alright. Thank you for requesting honey, I really hope you're doing well <3
cw: implied past self-harm
Spencer Reid x bau!reader ♡ 1k words
These cooking classes at Rossi’s are becoming a semi-regular event. He always claims it's because every one of you could seriously use the help, but he doesn’t really bother selling the lie to your team of profilers. You all just want to spend time together, and he’s nice enough to host. 
“You’re way too excited.” Amusement livens Spencer’s tone as you practically skip up the steps of Rossi’s too-large house. 
“You’re just jealous,” you say, “that last time Rossi called me his star student and said your gnocchi was as good as mashed potatoes.” 
“They’re not really very different from mashed potatoes,” Spencer mutters, but his hand is fond on the small of your back as he reaches past you to ring the doorbell. 
JJ is the one who comes to the door. “Hi!” She pulls you in for a hug, giving your shoulder blades a happy squeeze. 
“Hi,” you say back, slightly bemused. JJ is a hugger, but usually only on special occasions. You saw her just yesterday. 
Spencer rubs a gentle back-and-forth just below your waist at your confusion, encouraging you through the door. “Hi,” he says. “Did you guys start already? It smells like garlic.” 
“Rossi pre-made garlic knots.” JJ rolls her eyes, leading the way to the kitchen. “He said he didn’t want to give us the chance to botch it.” 
You laugh. “Course he did. At least we won’t all be salivating and trying to eat ingredients this time.” 
“See, she knows exactly what I mean,” Rossi gestures to you as you enter the kitchen. “That’s why you’re my star pupil.” 
You blush at the rare praise, and Prentiss and Morgan both stand. 
“Hey, gorgeous,” Morgan pulls you away from Spencer and into a one-armed hug. You pat him awkwardly on the back. “Glad you came.” 
“Of course I came,” you laugh as Prentiss comes over with a glass of wine. “Thanks, Em.” 
“Cheers.” She clinks the rim of her glass against yours, oddly smiley. You shoot Spencer a look which he very conveniently misses, and suspicion twitches to life in your head. 
“Cheers,” you echo. “So, what’re we making?”
“Lasagna,” Morgan says. “But according to Rossi, it’s extra Italian.” 
“It’s lasagne al forno,” Rossi corrects him, pinching his fingers and bopping his hand up and down with each syllable, and you have to suppress a smile at how completely unironic the gesture is. 
“It’s beef lasagna,” Prentiss simplifies, ignoring the look of offense the old man shoots her way as Garcia comes in the door.
“Hello, hello!” She beelines for you, wrapping you in a tight, warm hug. “Ugh, I’m so proud of you! How are you doing?” 
“I’m good,” you tell her, more and more confident you know what’s going on. “How are you?” 
“I’m amazing.” Garcia releases you but not really, taking one of your hands in both of hers and squeezing. Her eyes are downright twinkly with cheer. “Positively sublime, my friend. Ready to do some cooking!” 
“Same here.” You smile, squeezing back. “I’m just going to go wash my hands really quickly.” 
You don’t have to look behind you to know Spencer is trailing you. He’s hardly left you alone all day, relentless in his doting. You’d thought he was just in one of his more affectionate moods, but now it’s clear why. 
For a few moments, the only sound in the bathroom is the smooth sound of water running out of the faucet. Spencer brushes past you to get to the soap, and you push your long sleeves up so they won’t get wet. “You know what today is?” you ask him.
You can feel him looking at you in the mirror, but you keep your eyes on your hands as you lather soap between your palms. 
“Of course I do,” he says softly. 
“Does everybody know?” 
Spencer rinses his hands, drying them on the towel. “I think so. I didn’t tell them, but I’m sure they remembered the same as I did.” His hand finds the crook of your elbow, thumb damp where it slides over a fine white line just under the edge of your sleeve. The contact isn’t anything special; it’s gentle like all Spencer’s touches, an offhand brush of his skin against yours like there’s nothing wrong with you at all. Your throat clogs unfairly. “It’s an important thing, you know?” 
“For me it is.” Your voice is smaller than you’d like it to be. You stick your hands under the faucet, relishing the feel of the hot water. “I didn’t expect anyone else to remember, though. It’s kind of…I mean, it’s just a year of doing nothing.” 
“It’s not.” Spencer’s palm slides up the length of your arm to your shoulder blade. He rubs between them, quiet until you meet his eyes in the mirror. “It’s not,” he repeats, gently emphatic. “It’s a year of not doing something, and I know it hasn’t been easy for you. It’s an accomplishment, honey. You should get to celebrate.” 
“Wait.” You narrow your eyes, a new suspicion taking root. “Is this…are we here tonight because…” You feel silly for even asking, and your gaze drops back to your hands as you dry them on the towel. “Because of my thing?” 
Spencer shrugs, borderline sheepish. “I mean, not exactly. We did all want to be with you tonight, but everyone knew you wouldn’t want a party or anything. So it’s more…more of an excuse, really.” 
You sigh, turning and resting your head on Spencer’s chest. “How am I supposed to react to that?” you ask him, voice fragile. 
His hand comes to rest on the top of your head, a grounding weight as the other continues rubbing diligently between your shoulders. “You don’t have to,” he says. “You’re allowed to feel any way you need to, everybody knows that. They all just want you to know they’re proud of you.” He slides the hand on your head down to cup your face, working your face away from his chest to look you in the eyes. His smile is small but brimming with an affection too big for words. “You’ve been doing really great, you know that?” 
You laugh a little, pressing your knuckles under your eyes to dry your lashes of tears that never fell. “Thanks, Spence. For everything.” 
“Hey, you did all the work,” he tells you, hand finding its spot on your back again as you lead the way out of the bathroom. “We’re just happy you did it.”
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corrodedcoffins-blog · 11 months
How each BAU member found out
main masterlist
spencer reid x famous!reader Universe
warnings: none
Penny obvi knew that they were talking
She was the one that gave Y/N Spencer's number
But although she was relentless in asking Spencer updates he would never give her any
So when she sees a picture of Y/N and what the media is calling her ‘mystery man’ who looks a lot like Spencer, that's when she demands answers
It was during a paperwork day and Penny was scrolling when she found an article on one of her favourite artists with a man that look remarkably like the BAU’s resident genius
So she hastily gets up and stomps out of her office to call for Spencer
When he comes to her office confused, not knowing what at all Garcia could want, he softly closes the door and turns back towards her stern face
“What did you-”
“How could you not tell me?!”
“Tell you what?”
“That apparently things went well with Y/N? And that the reason you stayed a few extra days in New York was to see her?!”
“Shhh… I don’t want the others to know, but yes.. Things are good.”
“So are you together?!”
“Um.. Yes, last week in New York we made things official.”
“Oh, I’m so happy for you!”
“Thank you.”
“But, why do you not want the others to know? I know Derek will tease you, but that won’t last forever. And Emily and JJ will be happy for you too.”
“I know.. And it’s not about that, it’s just that- that I haven’t talked to Y/N yet if she’s okay with that. And she’s going through a lot right now and I don’t want to add anything unnecessary onto her plate.”
“Awww, Spencer! That’s too sweet. I promise not to say anything, but you know I can’t keep my mouth shut that long.”
JJ and Emily
And not keep her mouth shit long she did
Penelope had to tell someone, she was quite literally dying
But she couldn’t tell Derek, knowing there was no way he could keep his mouth shut about Spencer having a girlfriend
So she went to someone, or someone’s she knows could keep their mouth shut, JJ and Emily
Penny had told them on one of their girls nights
“Okay, I have to tell you guys something, but you can’t tell Detek, and you definitely can’t tell Spencer.”
Penelope had said coming back to the table with drinks
“Okay, what is it?”
“Our boy wonder has himself a girlfriend.”
“What?! When?”
“I want to know who and how?”
“This part you won’t believe. Y/N L/N.”
“No. Way.”
“Good job, Spencer.”
Derek, unlike the others, found out on accident
He had gotten a call from Hotch while he was at a bar, saying they had a case
And given he was close to Spencer's apartment he said he would pick up Spencer on his way
But when he knocked on Spencer’s door, a woman opened the door
A woman he recognized, having been on the case of catching her stalker, not to mention that her face was everywhere at the moment
The popstar answered the door dressed only in a pair of men’s boxers and what looked like one of many of Spencer’s sweater vests
“Derek Morgan.”
“Um, you’re looking for Spencer.”
“Yes I am.”
“I’ll go get him.”
Y/N softly shut the door after their awkward conversation and ran into Spencer’s bedroom, where he was laying on his bed, clad in a pair of pyjama pants and shirtless
“To answer your question about shrimp, the mantis shrimp can see more colours due to it’s-”
“My love, I normally would never cut off your rants, because I love you and I love your brain. But Derek is outside waiting for you.”
“What? Derek? Why is he here?”
“I don’t know, I didn’t ask. I just tried to get out of there fast because I’m only wearing this.”
“Derek saw you like this.”
“Hon, don’t be jealous.”
“Why were you answering the door dressed like that anyway?”
“I thought it was our breakfast.”
During their playful ‘fight’ Spencer got dressed and began walking towards the front door
Opening it and coming face to face with Derek, Y/N staying out of view in the kitchen
“Hey, pretty boy.”
“Hi. Um.. Wha-What are you doing here?”
“Other than clearly disturbing your romantic morning?.. Hotch called, we have a case and I was close by so I said I would pick you up. I thought you would be alone…”
“Oh, well I’ll get my go bag and we can leave. Come in.”
Spencer left the door open, walking down the hall to his room
Derek walked inside, not even having a chance to talk to Y/N, as Spencer was speedily reentering the room
He presses a quick kiss to Y/N lips, they mumble their goodbyes, before Spencer ashers himself and Derek out the door
“Bye, Y/N”
“Bye, Derek”
Y/N closes the door behind them
“You’ve got a lot of explaining to do, pretty boy.”
Rossi and Hotch
This takes place directly after Derek finds out
When Derek and Spencer arrive at the BAU
Spencer had let it slip in the car that Penny already knew
“Babygirl, you knew pretty boy had a girlfriend?”
“Yes, we all knew.”
It was Hotch that answered
“How am I last to know?”
“I don’t know, you’re a profiler you should have seen the signs.” Hotch said not looking up fron the file
“Yes, it was quite obvious.” Rossi adds
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New look [S. R.]
Spencer Reid x fem!reader
word count: 800
Summary: directly based on "The internet is forever" (5x22), when Reid's wonderful but short-lived boyband cut appears for the first time
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Most of you were sitting in the conference room when JJ got ready to present the case. That particular night you had slept very little and to perform at work you thought it necessary to prepare yourself a coffee Spencer-style, who, by the way, had not yet deigned to appear at the bureau's offices.
“This is Dorris Archer, she's the third woman to go missing in Boise, Idaho, this year, along with Paula Renmar and Samantha Rush” the blonde began to say, under the attention of the entire team “They went missing roughly 2 months apart …” suddenly she cut off her words and her gaze traveled behind you. Out of inertia you turned your head and your breath caught a bit when you looked at who it was.
Of course you were glad to see your friend finally show up, but you honestly hadn't expected to see him like this. 
"Well, hello," JJ sneered, grinning in astonishment and approval at the man's new look.
Spencer took a seat in the chair next to you and all eyes fell on him, especially yours and Hotch's, albeit for very different reasons. You had gotten used to seeing his hair falling over his shoulders, even a couple of times you had come to help the man hold it with one of your scrunchies, but to be honest, the cut at that moment suited him much better than it should. It made him look cute and at the same time so… sexy? Yeah, maybe that was the word.
Although you wanted to say something, the words didn’t leave your lips and your boss was the first to speak:
"What, did you join a boy band?" he, miraculously, joked. 
"No," Reid replied, genuinely confused, and that was reason enough for all of you, without exception, to start laughing. When he heard your laughter, he looked in your direction and smiled kindly in greeting, to which you responded with a friendly squeeze on his arm.
Emily mumbled something to follow up on the case, but even against your will your mind was occupied with a completely different matter; being more specific on a certain person right next to you. You kept blatantly staring at him for a long time and when he felt that attention you saw him turn his head towards you, an obvious sparkle of concern in his eyes. Out of respect for the unit, he didn't say anything to you, but as soon as JJ finished presenting the case and you both got up from the table, he walked over to you.
"What's going on?"
"What's going on about what?”
“You were staring at me a long time ago,” he pointed out, but it wasn't like you were hiding it “Do I look that terrible?”
When you realized the confusion that had been generated, you couldn't contain a laugh and that only increased your friend's nervousness. You two were the only ones left in the conference room, so no one would be able to hear what you had to say.
“Just the opposite, Spence. I was looking at you because I think you look very handsome” you confessed, smiling kindly at him from where you were, and one moment you saw him turn red up to his ears, because he probably didn't expect that kind of response.
"Are you serious?" he asked you timidly.
"Very seriously" you approached him to extend your hands up to his head so you could run your fingers through the strands of his hair. When he understood your intentions, he crouched slightly and simply enjoyed the contact "Although I've already gotten used to your long hair, I admit that I like this one too. It looks messier, like you're more rebellious"
"I was a little undecided about the shape," he told you, making his usual hand movements "but when I started to cut it, I thought it would be the best option and at the end I was afraid I was making a mistake, because I had never had it like that before"
“Did you cut it yourself?” you half squealed, looking at him in complete disbelief, and he nodded with a small smile “Handsome, smart, kind and now you're a barber. You're quite a jack of all trades, huh, Reid?"
"Enough, don't say those things" he laughed, turning all shy and silly at your flattery.
"Looks like I'll have to keep you away from the girls" you concluded playfully, while you winked at him and took your bag to get out of there "See you there, don't be late"
Spencer just chuckled to himself and watched you go, still internally debating whether he should take your shameless flirtations as a joke or if you really meant it. Whatever the case, he was grateful to have made that impulsive decision solely for the pleasure of hearing his little (not that much, really) crush call him handsome.
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taglist: @navs-bhat @reidwritings @tricia-shifting14 @spencerslove
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ssa-atlas-alvez · 2 years
Hi Atlas!
Possible trigger warning? Head injury
May I request some BAU x reader where reader hits their head and the team (or just one character if that works better for you) is worried?
A little angst but being in fluff and potentially a hug from one or more characters?
I’d would be a plus if you could add a juice box in there somewhere. Thanks!
Gender neutral reader would be awesome. A short story, I think? Whatever works for you
You don’t actually remember hitting your head - which is probably a bit of a red flag. You remember getting out of the SUV, geared up and ready to go in and arrest the unsub. And then nothing, until you woke up on the floor, blood dripping into your eye.
You were new to the team, you had only been on a few cases but you quickly felt welcomed to the team - despite not knowing them fully just yet, From what you gathered, Hotch was the father figure of the team, Rossi seemed like the cool uncle, Derek and Emily acting as older siblings, Penelope and JJ as middle siblings, and Spencer and yourself as the younger siblings (at least that seemed to be the vibes you had gotten thus far). And so, when you woke up, still in the abandoned building, surrounded by the team, you weren’t overly surprised.
“Did you get the unsub?” You asked, forcing yourself to sit up. Hotch’s hand immediately went to your shoulder, steadying you. 
“Easy, kid,” Derek chimed.
“He properly conked me, huh?”
“Yep,” Emily responded, “You’ll bounce back in no time though,”
“The ambulance is on it’s way,” 
“The ambulance?” You looked at Hotch and Rossi, “I’m completely fine,”
“Actually, you were unconscious for at least ten minutes, which indicates that you are, not in fact, fine.” Spencer said.
You groaned, before wincing and placing a hand on your head. “Should not have groaned,” You mumbled. 
“Come on,” Hotch said, him and Morgan gently helping you stand. “I think the ambulance is here,”
“Don’t we normally have paramedics on standby?” You ask, voice a whisper. 
“We weren’t exactly expecting you to get injured,” Morgan teased lightly. 
Soon enough, you were all patched up and given the all clear to fly, as long as you got plenty of rest and took it easy for the next two weeks - getting in contact with a doctor if any symptoms got worse or if you developed any further symptoms. Turns out, getting injured came with its bonuses, one of which was getting the couch on the jet. Granted, Hotch and Rossi were watching over you like hawks, but you got to sleep on the couch (which was ridiculously comfortable, by the way). After just over an hour of sleeping, Hotch gently woke you up, telling you that you were back, you nodded and got up slowly. You tried not to flush red when you realised you were taking it so slow (to avoid dizziness) that five minutes had passed. 
“Oh god, I’m so sorry,” You mumbled. “I’m taking forever,”
“Take as much time as you need,” JJ reassured. 
Slowly but surely, you made your way down the steps. When you stepped out of the elevator, Penelope immediately lit up. 
“Oh thank God you’re okay!” Penelope exclaims, immediately bringing you into a hug. This was quickly followed by a hug from JJ, Emily, and then Spencer. You watched, curious (and mildly scared) as Penelope ruffled through her bag for a moment. She handed you a small object. “Have a juicebox.” She stated.
“A juicebox?”
“A juicebox.”
You continued to stare at her in confusion, “What?- I’m so confused,”
“Whenever someone is injured, or not feeling themselves,” Garcia started, “I give them a juicebox.” She gave a shrug. 
“O-oh, okay, thank you,” You stuttered out, unsure of what to do with this information. “Did you want some money for the juicebox?”
“Oh, newbie, you have so much to learn,”
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Stick Season
Pairing: Emily Prentiss x reader, Larissa Weems x reader
Warnings: angst, hints of miscarriage
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The team sat drinking in Emily's apartment “Oh and what about that woman you dated! The pretty one” Morgan laughed “Y/n?” She responded confused. “Yeah! What happened to her?” Penelope gasped wide-eyed “Um- she moved away” Emily swallowed.
“She was so pretty” JJ sighed leaning back on the sofa “I still remember her babysitting Henry for me” she smiled “She has talent” JJ tilted her drink. The radio played softly in the background as the group made Emily's ex the main subject "Imagine having to tell people how badly you fumbled" Morgan shook his head.
Penelope hummed along before starting to sing, JJ joined in until Spencer and Morgan hummed too "And I'm terrified of the weather, 'cause I see you when it rains". Emily closed her eyes listening to the music, Hotch and Rossi looked knowingly. This was you.
"Doc told me to travel, but there's COVID on the planes" They all stood to dance not realising the lyrics just yet or maybe they did. "And I love Vermont but it's the season of the sticks" Emily's eyes opened you always wanted to visit Vermont, that's where your mum was from. It had been two years almost since you had broken up "And I saw your mom, she forgot that I existed" Emily wanted to laugh.
"And it's half my fault, but I just like to play the victim" She knew it was partly a dig at her "I'll drink alcohol 'til my friends come home for Christmas". You never drank because your dad was an alcoholic "And I'll dream each night of some version of you!!!" Spencer's voice cracked.
"That I might not have, but I did not lose" Emily quickly stood, on a race to the bathroom, closing the door only making the music seem louder. "No, I am no longer funny 'cause I miss the way you laugh. You once called me forever now you still can't call me back."
She had to find you and it wasn't hard she knew you tried to contact her still Emily watched the phone ring through unable to face she had hurt you. Stick season was the name of your song. It came out a year ago but now you were posting some gorgeous blonde on Instagram,
You were finally doing everything you had always planned, you looked happy Larissa had proposed on your anniversary she seemed nice. The more she scrolled Larissa was a principal for what school it didn't say but your following had boosted. You'd made it just like you spoke about.
There was another picture- a few actually that stood out a picture of a dove but you were scared of birds the caption read Joanne Prentiss. Emily didn't know a Joanne and definitely not one with her last name, it was posted a few months after you broke up. Another picture closer to when you had moved out was two plates but only one set of cutlery. It flew over Emily's head, had you been seeing Larissa longer than the internet said?" she wondered still stalking you.
"I hope this pains just passin' through, but I doubt it" Emily slumped against the bathtub watching the last two years of your life in pictures. Everyone made sure to remind her how she let you go but back then it felt best.
You will marry Larissa who helped you gain your shine back and she'll rot at work, you will continue a family while hers will grow without her. You will be happy and that's all she could hope for until she accidently liked a post from when you moved to Vermont.
"Em? Are you okay?" you messaged not long after but Emily couldn't bring herself to say the truth "I'm great, Penelope was on my phone" she frowned. 'Okay, I'm just checking but it's good to hear you're still alive' Two years for this, Emily still lying. It's the alcohol she tried to pass 'Yeah I guess, I heard your song it's...' Emily typed only to delete it 'Yeah, I'm sorry I wasn't there' No Emily.
'I love you- no' 'yeah I guess so, I see you're well' the song was coming to an end "Now your tire tracks and one pair of shoes. And I'm split in half, but that'll have to do" JJ sang loudly. It took a moment for you to respond 'Yeah it took a while, life was tough but it wasn't anything I hadn't gone through before'.
'Can we be friends?' Emily was quick to text 'I'm not sure, you really hurt me but only time will tell. I have to go now Em, Larissa just got home but please take care'.
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Salvia Splendens Means Forever Mine - Part 1
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader
WC: 8.5k
TW: Guns, S2 E14/15 ie Revelations (lmao sorry gang), guns, police (acab), torture, character death, mentions of death, dead bodies, rabid dogs, loooots of bible talk, mentions of kissing, brief reminiscing of potentially more sticks to canon pretty closely meaning if you have issues with the Episode Revelations, then this might not be for you, neediness, crying, lack of crying, internalized emotions, mentions of cheating, mentions of past relationship trauma
A/N: So I'm pretty sure this reads as gn! Reid does quote a proverb that references women, but that's because the bible wasn't big on inclusivity when it came to shaming people who enjoyed sex...anywho! I love any and all feedback! Enjoy!
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You, Emily, Hotch, Derek, Gideon and the Sheriff sat around the computer, staring at a woman tied up in a barn, in her slip dress, mouth duct taped over. A figure, who had hidden his face, was reading out a passage of the bible. Your eyes were glued to the screen. 
A portion of Jezebel shall dogs eat the flesh of.
“No. no.” You turned around, not wanting to watch what was happening on the screen, just hearing it was almost too much. 
“Jezebel’s Death.” muttered Gideon, his voice filled with solemnity. 
“My god.” Emily turned away from the screen, copying your actions. 
Finally, Hotch told Emily to turn it off, but not before the Sheriff jumped up. “Wait.” 
You all looked at him, confusion written all over everyone’s faces. 
“You hadn’t seen enough.” Derek quipped. 
“Those dogs. Those three dogs attacked someone a couple of months ago. I would’ve had them impounded but the victim knew the owner.” The sheriff was sure about it, more sure about this than anything he had seen in his life. “A neighbor, he didn’t want to press charges.” 
Gideon stared at him. “You sure?”
“As god as my witness.”  The sheriff scrambled for his notebook, flipping to find something. “Three mangy mixes, I knew those dogs looked sick. I called in animal control, but I don’t know if they ever followed up on it.” 
“Here it is.” He looked up from the page.
“You have the owner’s name?” Hotch leaned over glancing into the notebook. 
Your eyes went wide. “Hankel?”
“Tobias Hankel.” 
“That’s where Reid and JJ are.” You looked over at Hotch, who watched several waves of emotion fly over your face, trying to control all of them. He nodded and looked at everyone. “Alright let’s go.”
The sheriff yelled out for people to grab their gear while you asked Hotch for a second outside. He nodded and followed you outside to the parking lot. It was cold out, only because of the night breeze, allowing yourself to enjoy the lack of sun and heat. 
Hotch was the only person who actually knew about you and Spencer’s relationship, not because you didn’t trust the team, but because the less people that knew about it, the better. You had watched agents lose their loved ones over and over, being used as pawns against one another, and you were terrified of that happening. The team knew you two really liked each other, and you would hope that it showed since you had been dating for almost a year. 
You were the team's newest addition, right after Elle, younger than Spencer by a year, but still boasting your own PhD. The two of you clicked right away. And to a room of profilers, it was obvious that you two would work perfectly together, and you did. 
So when you started dating a couple months later, you had kept it a secret, just to test things out, not make it public before you were sure. But then the whole “Fisher King” incident happened, and then Elle disappeared, which meant Emily had just joined, causing there to be really no time to just drop another bombshell on a team.
You didn’t mind though. It meant that despite the teasing, you got reassurance that Spencer absolutely had a crush on you, regardless of relationship status. Morgan teasing him over glancing at you one to many times had definitely boosted your ego a bit, but a little confidence never hurt anyone.
You looked up at Hotch, really trying not to freak out, counting your inhales and exhales, timing them so your heart wouldn’t give out. “Hotch if they aren’t…” 
“I know.”
“I’m not asking you to promise me that everything is okay and he’s going to be fine, because we honestly have no reason to believe anything is wrong in the first place, but I–I just need to know that whatever might go down, I’ll have your support because…” 
He nodded and put a hand on your arm, giving it a squeeze. “I know. I’m going to give you another minute out here, but then we need to go.” He went back inside, letting you close your eyes, breathing in the air, letting the coolness still your chest. 
It was hard to only have Hotch know at times like these, or at least confirm his suspicions. You had been alone for about thirty seconds when Derek came out to greet you, bringing you your vest. 
“Stressed out there Girl Genius?” 
You nodded and accepted the vest, sliding it on, remaining silent. 
“Hey.” You looked up at Derek who held his arms out, and you gratefully accepted the invitation. “Everything’s going to be okay. Maybe he’ll finally admit that he loves you if something bad happens.” 
His joke landed but not in the way Derek thought. You scoffed. Derek sighed and pulled away a bit. “He really does like you Y/N, you just have to be patient with him.” You almost felt bad for not telling Derek the scoff was because you already had told one another, quite recently actually. 
“Maybe Derek. Maybe. But for now, I want to make sure they’re both okay, and I’d rather it be sooner than later.” 
The police pulled up to the Tobias household, sirens wailing, lights flashing around. You jumped out the car, gun in your holster, following Derek and Emily. 
The sheriff stopped Morgan and told him about the barn in the back, and the three of you moved to the back of the house. You took out your gun and slowly followed behind Morgan and Prentiss, watching the door of the barn swing back and forth slightly in the wind. 
Derek clicked on the flashlight, and you two did the same, following behind him as he took the lead into the barm. You shined a light through the empty stalls, rocking back and forth between each side, looking for any sign of  either Spencer or JJ.
Emily’s light landed on one of the dogs, dead—shot. You swung your light the opposite way, finding another dog. Just then Derek took a step back, having found the mattress in which the remains of that poor woman was, or at least all of her blood soaked through the entire fabric of the mattress. You immediately turned away, not being able to look at it. You had a very strong stomach, unusually strong since you worked with the FBI and had seen plenty of inhumane things no human should be capable of, but something about this particular scene was unbearable to look at. 
“Damn.” Derek whispered before you all whipped around when you heard someone scream “F.BI.”.
JJ. Her hair was matted, eyes wide, chest heaving. She was shaking, eyes running between the people standing in front of her. 
“JJ!” Derek yelled her name as everyone had swiveled around to her, all twisting your aim to JJ. . 
“Don't. Move.” 
“JJ it’s us–Morgan. Prentiss. Y/L/N. Don’t Shoot, it’s okay” He slowly moved towards her, trying to calm her down, get her to put down her weapon. “Don’t shoot. It’s okay. Are you hurt?”
She lowered her gun, eyes quickly moving from each of you, you could watch as her mind tried to calm down, letting the adrenaline dissipate. You approached her, getting close, trying not to startle her. 
“It-Tobias Hankel is the unsub.” She let out, eyes still quickly scanning around her, almost searching for something. 
“We know.” Emily exhaled, as she placed a hand gently on JJ’s arm. The sheriff leaned over and informed Derek that they were going to call an ambulance for JJ. 
“W-W-We just thought he was a witness…” JJ holstered her gun before watching as Morgan looked around as the dead dogs surrounded all four of you.  
“I had to kill them.” Her eyes had glossed over. 
“JJ, where’s Reid?” Derek spoke, looking at her expectantly, but eyes filled with worry. 
“They just completely tore her apart. There’s nothing even left–” 
“JJ. Look at me.” You grabbed her hand, causing her to look up at you. “Look at me. Where’s Reid.” 
“We–We split up, he told me he was going to go around back.” JJ started to panic again, realizing he wasn’t with you. You also started to tremble, pulling your hand away slightly, exiting the barn before you could hear another word, gun drawn. 
You could hear as Morgan followed you, almost running to the back of the barn. You stopped once you turned the corner, slowly creeping forward, eyes scanning across the corn, but also listening in for potentially any sound coming from behind the barn. You saw some trampled stalks, and turned to look at Derek. 
“He followed him into the field Derek.” 
Derek saw your thought process, and the conclusion you reached as you reached it, which was a matter of seconds. As you went to dash into the field, following the very faint trail, Derek grabbed your arm and stood his ground, meaning you fought against him, and he struggled a bit, but ultimately won. “If you think for one second I am about to let you go into that field, you’re crazy.”
“That’s clearly a sign that someone got dragged. He’s not in there.” 
You huffed, biting your lip. You were trying so hard not to break in front of Derek, but every second you thought about what Tobias Hankel had been doing to people, meshed with every other second you thought about that happening to Reid, it was a miracle you could still even listen to Derek. 
“Go inside with Hotch.” 
You nodded slightly, holstering your gun, and running your hands down your face. “You’re not going to leave me alone until you watch me walk away from the cornfield.” You grumbled out, looking up at him. 
“Yeah.” He sighed and pulled you into a quick hug. “Look. I don’t know what has actually occurred between you and Boy Genius, but you charging off into a field we know he probably isn’t in, won’t help us find him. I’m going to talk to Prentiss and JJ.” 
You nodded and pulled away, running your hands through your hair, quickly walking towards the house as Derek moved towards the ambulance, not fully taking his eyes off of you. He was curious as to what the team didn’t know about you two, but pushed it aside since clearly pestering you about it wasn’t going to help any of you find Reid. 
The next morning, You had not slept, and were only slightly avoiding JJ, basically walking laps around the outside of the house, trying to let your brain get some oxygen and calm down. Or, you would be standing around a table with the team, sitting in front of the computers, and your leg would bounce, you would tap your hands against your arm, anything to keep yourself from breaking down. 
Obviously the team all picked up on it. It’s not even like they were microexpressions, you were just visibly anxious.  All your brain could think about were flashes of Spencer, and whether or not he was still alive, completely unaware of his whereabouts since the lead from last night turned out to be a dead end. Hankel was smart, which made you nervous. 
You were currently walking around the living room, wearing a circle into the rug, which was barely holding it together, reading Tobais’s diaries, trying to find anything. You heard JJ welcome in Garcia, and you paused to look up at Garcia with a brief smile on your face before continuing. Once they got her set up, Hotch tilted his head, requesting you come a bit closer so you all could talk. 
“So, I’m guessing nothing new since I left.” He started. 
“Not but,” Emily started. “The good thing is this guy documented everything second of his life. The bad news is we’re still unpiling.”
“From the looks of it, he hasn't left this place in years.” JJ sighed and stared down at all of the notebooks and papers strewn across the table. 
“He knew he could pretend to be looking for a motel and throw us off his trail.” Emily looked up at Hotch, but Gideon interrupted. 
“No no no, it’s more than that. Sheriff’s office, 911 calls. Every time he engages the police and gets away with it, he reassures himself. God’s on his side not ours.” 
You just walked into the kitchen and lightly dropped the notebook you had been reading onto the table, brushing past Hotch. “I need some air.” You mumbled to him, shoving the rickety screen door open and quickly hustling down the steps. 
You ran your hands through your hair, trying to breathe, trying to fight the urge to burst into tears and let yourself just lay on the ground. The only reason you hadn’t done so yet was because the urge to find Spencer was so much stronger. 
After a moment, you heard the screen door open and someone come down the steps. “Emily I’m fi–”
You looked up and made eye contact with JJ. Her hair was flatter, less knots, but you could still see she had been shaken up. It didn’t matter. You were trying, desperately trying to not blame JJ for Reid’s disappearance, and you knew she was struggling with it too, but the fact that they weren’t together meant that he got dragged off somewhere, technically on her watch. 
“JJ now’s no–”
“Please let me—”
“JJ.” You cut her off, arms crossed over your chest. You were only truly able to make eye contact with her for a couple seconds before you had to avert your eyes upwards. “Seriously. I’m fine. Go back inside.” 
Your voice was curt, and running along the line of unkindness, but you were restraining yourself, trying to give your coworker, your friend, someone who had become your family, an out in this moment, but she just wouldn’t take it. 
“You won't even look at me!” That got your attention back to her. “You haven’t spoken to me since the barn, and you’re avoiding me. I-I know what we did wasn’t…” 
You huffed, now only staring at her, challenging her. “I’m listening now, JJ. That’s what you wanted right.” 
She closed her eyes, pinching the bridge of her nose. “I know you blame me. I blame myself. But I can’t stand you being so distant and I–”
“Look. JJ.” You cut her off again. “I am doing everything in my power not to scream at the top of my lungs how stupid it was, for the both of you to split up.” Your voice was low, and steady—it was unnerving to hear since you had always spoken with such character, such lightness. “But right now, I can’t yell at Spencer. And I really do not want to yell at you. I think it is one of the stupidest decisions either of you could have made. But blaming you for a decision you both made, doesn’t help us find him any sooner. So please. Just leave me alone right now.”
You brushed past her, not making any actual contact with her, since the next person who touched you might actually be the reason you start sobbing. JJ was absolutely shocked, frozen in the yard, trying not to cry herself. You didn’t want JJ to cry, you really didn’t, but she was pushing on something that is usually completely surrounded by walls and locks and gates. 
You blinked away your tears and walked back into the house, towards the kitchen. Hotch and EMily looked up at you, both noticing JJ wasn’t next to you, and your face somehow managed to seem more frustrated and anxious than before. 
Spencer had bought you a necklace for your one year anniversary. It was a very simple chain, with a small pendant on the front. Inside it was a pressed flower, a small, pressed, red salvia in the center of the clear pendant. You loved flowers, it was very obvious from the way that you always had a small vase of a few fresh flowers in the corner of your desk, or you had a signature pair of floral converse you always wore when you went out. It took Spencer all of three seconds to figure out that you loved flowers, and all of one question later to find out if you knew, and liked, Victorian Flower language; of course you did. When you two had started secretly seeing one another, you had been updating the flowers weekly. It was a part of your regular schedule, so no one questioned it. But suddenly you were becoming deliberate in your mini bouquets, hints of longing (pink camellias), with pops of devotion (heliotrope), or secret adoration (gardenias) sprinkled with I think of you (blue salvia), eventually turning to bouquets of ever-lasting love (baby’s breath) and sunshine in his smile (yellow tulips). Every time you would update the weekly bouquet, the team would comment on how the new bouquet looked so beautiful, the colors brightening up the place. But when Spencer walked through the door, you loved watching his eyes immediately dart for the flowers, decoding the message for only him. The red salvia  on your chest was proudly proclaiming forever mine, for Spencer, and no one was the wiser.  
When you wore it happily the day after your anniversary, exchanging the previous bouquet for a new one filled with yellow lilies, Spencer cou;d’ve known right then and there that you were over the moon, if you hadn’t already told him, and shown him, the night before. When Derek watched you fiddle with the necklace all day, he had made a joke that clearly you have someone in your life and “Pretty Boy needs to step up his game”, he had misread your slight smirk as a tease on Spencer, and not on himself. It was not a month later that you were fiddling with it in Tobias Hankel’s kitchen, your biggest tell of all, that you were nervous about something. But to most of the profilers in the room, you were nervous and fiddling with your necklace, to Hotch, it was a clear sign that he needed to keep you at a slight distance to make sure your head stays clear. If any of them had been thinking clearly, they might have made the connection from the necklace to Reid, but no one really was. 
JJ followed a minute later, and quietly went back to her seat. It was clear she had been crying, or trying not to, but so were you, so it honestly didn’t make you feel as bad as it probably should have. 
“Hey guys.” Emily’s voice cut through your thoughts. “I have got a list of Narcotics Anonymous meetings. Someone’s name and number is written on it, but it looks to be about twelve years old.” 
“Try it. There are no bad leads.” Gideon answered. 
You sighed, but watched curiously as Gideon stared at the wallpaper. He peeled off a section of it, revealing what seemed to be the same phrase over and over and over again. 
“Honora Partum Tuum.” He read aloud. 
“Honor thy father.” You finally spoke up. For much of the team, it was the first time they had heard your voice in hours. 
Gideon looked over at you, realizing in his eyes, nodding. 
“Hey guys. I think I got something.” You heard Derek yell, which meant all of you rushed out of the house, running over towards Derek. He had his gun out, pushing hay off of doors to what seemed like a storm cellar. 
Derek pulled open one of the doors, shining his light into the darkness. “Tobias Hankel, F.B.I!” Hotch gave him the go ahead to slowly move down the stairs, then allowing Emily to follow. Hotch then gave you a small look, giving you the impression that you would not be allowed down into that cellar until it was cleared. You stood back slightly, not having the energy to have a bout in front of the others, still holding your gun, and scanning the surrounding area, keeping an eye particularly on the barn and the fields behind it. 
You heard Derek yell out “Tobias Hankel” a couple of times, making your pulse beat faster–maybe they had found him, maybe he was okay. There was no other sound than Derek though. Maybe he was dead. Maybe someone else had spencer. Maybe—Derek came out of the storm cellar, covering his mouth. 
You looked at him expectantly and shook his head. “Tobias’s father…on ice.” 
You exhaled, a wave of emotions crashing through your veins that only left you more stressed than before. 
Hotch came out of the cellar next, and motioned for you to follow him. You knew this conversation was coming, and the fact that it hadn't happened already surprised you. 
Once the two of you were out of earshot, Hotch looked at you, not as a friend, not as someone who helped you through some dark moments in your life, but as your boss. “Can you continue, or do you need to sit the rest of this case out.” 
His tone wasn’t harsh, quite the opposite. He watched as someone he cared for was slowly crumbling, closing off her walls to the outside, meaning you were more in your own head, than truly present. 
You nodded, sighing. “If I’m not here, then I might go out there on my own. I’m not telling you that you’re babysitting me.” Hotch tried to cut you off, but you barrelled through. “But I need to be here, because if a breakthrough happens, if any of us find a location, I need to be in that car Hotch. If we find Hankel, I have a full understanding that however I react is the fate of my job. I am well aware of that. And I love this team with basically everything I have, so I need you to trust me, the way I am trusting all of you to find him.”
Hotch watched you for a moment before nodding. His features softened and he placed his hand on your arm again. It was the most contact Hotch ever really gave, but it meant so much. “Are you okay?” 
You shook your head, managing to keep it together. “No. I’d be more concerned if I was.” You tried to crack a joke, causing both of you to smile before he nodded at you. “I’ll see you in there.” 
He left you standing by yourself, giving you a moment to collect yourself, before you followed him back into the house, back into the kitchen, back into the journals. 
Spencer being gone for so long meant you had a laundry list of things you missed about him. You missed the way he would ramble on about anything in the world that he knew about. You missed his sweater vests, how they never seemed to match his outfit, but somehow always pulled the look together. You missed his dorky smile at you from across his desk. You missed the notes he would leave you in your apartment when he would get up to get to work, knowing you always had arrived before him at work since you lived closer. You missed the feeling of his hands in yours. The feeling of the hand on your back, on your shoulder. 
But right now, you missed how fast that son of a bitch could read. Oh my god. If you had to read through one more of Tobias’ notebooks, you might lose your mind. You placed it facedown on the table and placed your head in your hands, giving your eyes a well deserved break. 
After a moment, Derek spoke up. “There’s something weird going on here.” He was slowly pacing around the table. 
“You think?” quipped the sheriff from across the room, and you snorted slightly in agreement and amusement. 
“No seriously, check this out.” Derek looked up at everyone in the kitchen. “This journal is full of religious ramblings. He notates hour by hour. November 15th, 3:17 – if ye offer a sacrifice of peace offering unto the lord, ye shall offer it of your own will. And it goes on and on. 5:04, 7:41, 10:22, 1:42, but then it goes blank for days.”
You removed your face from your hands, looking over at Derek. 
“Maybe he got sick of writing.” The sheriff offered up. 
“I think I got it.” 
“What is it?” Gideon prodded Hotch, all of you watching him. 
“Journal entry, December 6th, Father sick. Wants me to put him down. I say thou shalt not kill, he says honor thy father. Must pray for guidance.” Hotch looked over at Gideon. 
“So he kills his father as an act of mercy?” 
“This is two months ago. Tobias Hankel’s father had been dead for four months already.” Hotch raised his eyebrows, Gideon and Derek starting to realize what he was getting at. 
“That’s exactly it.” Derek moved one of the chairs away from the table. “Look at the floor. These scuff marks are fresh. I mean, it’s like two people were moving the chairs constantly trying to fight for control.” 
“This journal matches Charles Hankel’s handwriting, but it was written after he died. Upstairs, Tobias’ bedroom—it’s got junk piled from floor to ceiling but the other bedroom could pass a military inspection.” Derek was explaining to the Sheriff, who honestly was starting to get on your nerves with some of these questions. 
“So you’re telling me one of Tobias’ personalities was his father?” 
“Well, Tobias was raised with a strict religious code. Black and white, right and wrong.” Gideon interrupted. “When his father asked Tobias to kill him, something had to give.” 
“His brain couldn’t handle the moral contradiction so it split into two personalities in order to keep his father alive.” Hotch looked over at Derek, a conversation between the two of them happening silently and quickly. 
“So who is Raphael?” 
“My guess, he’s the mediator between the two.” You spoke up, watching hotch and derek before looking back at the sheriff. 
“Angels have no human emotions.” Gideon continued your thoughts. “Live or die, they don’t care. As long as it’s God’s will.”
“We need to start profiling Tobias’ father. He may be the one who chose where to take Reid.” Hotch quickly looked at you before looking at Derek. 
Derek nodded and started to head out of the room. “I’ll get Garcia on it”. 
“Any luck with the rehab contact?” You looked up as Emily and JJ walked in, hoping they would have some answer for you. 
Emily sighed. “Well he has no idea where Hankel might be, but we did learn that he has a serious drug problem. Dilaudid.”
“Well that could explain the psychotic fracture.” Hotch nodded over at Gideon. 
“What are you talking about?”
Gideon, who had been staring at the photos all along the mirror that they had taped up, looked over at JJ. “Tobias is living as at least three different people; himself, Raphael, and his father.”
“Well this could be some bad news.” 
Honestly, to you, it felt like all the sheriff did was bring more and more bad news. 
“A computer store was robbed in the middle of the night. A suburb outside of Atlanta Thief got away with four laptops, external hard drives, and a satellite.”
“If it’s Tobias that puts him right back in business.” Hotch cast a quick glance over at you, watching as you tensed up, knowing the images you were desperately trying to keep out of your head. In response, you stood up and left the room, heading over to Derek and Penelope in the next room. 
Penelope was sitting at the desk, typing and typing away. Derek looked up as you entered, giving you a small smile. You shook your head. “They think Tobias stole—” Just as you started, your mouth stopped. The screens in front of Penelope had changed, going blank with one cursor in the corner. 
“What happened?” 
“I don’t know.” Penelope’s eyes were wide. 
Spencer filled up every single screen, except for Penelope's laptop, and the one screen she was directly connected to. 
“Oh my god.” You yelled, one hand flying to cover up your mouth, the other immediately grabbing your necklace, eyes flitting from screen to screen. This wasn’t real, it wasn’t happening–it couldn’t be happening. 
Spencer was tied to a chair, his clothes disheveled, his hair a mess, he was missing both shoes and one sock. The left side of his head was soaked with blood, hair wet with it. 
This was your worst nightmare, and yet you could not look away. You watched as his chest rose and fell, giving you at least the calm that he was alive. But tears still pricked the corners of your eyes, breathing was becoming harder and harder, but you couldn’t shut down. Your body wouldn’t let you. 
Your yell had the others almost run into the room you were in, all of them barreling into the room, filling it up with bodies. Once they all looked at you, each one slowly realized what you were staring at. 
“He’s been beaten.” Emily so astutely pointed out. 
“Can’t you track him.” JJ was also struggling to breathe, guilt consuming her entire body. 
“Hankel’s only streaming this to his home computer.” Garcia said solemnly, still doing her best to find something, anything. 
Hotch turned to look at your face. At this point, most of the blood had left your face, leaving you pale, and nauseous. He tried to calmly gestured for you to leave, giving you an out, but you stared straight ahead, somehow becoming more pale, more sick, when Gideon pointed it out for you all. 
“This is for us. He knows we’re here.” 
Derek huffed and turned away for a second, trying not to bash the wall in. “I’m gonna put this guy’s head on a stick.” 
“Why can’t you locate him?” You could kiss Hotch for staying so level headed in this moment. Your eyes quickly tore away from the screens, looking at Garcia. 
“He’s rerouting to a different I.P. address every thirty seconds. I can’t track him.” 
Can you really see inside men’s minds?
All of you quickly found a screen to watch as you heard the voice take over. 
See these vermin? Choose one to die.
All you could do was stare at his face–his eyes. You had never seen Spencer so vulnerable, so tired, barely fighting at all. You watched as his eyes scanned across something to his right. All of you held your breath, waiting for Spencer to say something, anything. 
You choose one to live. 
“Oh my god.” You mumbled again as Spencer shook his head slightly, defying Tobias, or whoever’s wishes. 
I thought you wanted to be some kind of savior. 
“You’re a sadist in a psychotic break. You won’t stop killing. Your words aren’t true.” 
The other heathens are watching. Choose a sinner to die, and I’ll say the name and address of the person to be saved. 
“I won't choose who gets slaughtered and have you leave their remains behind like a poacher.” Spencer was staring into his eyes, challenging him. But Tobias, or Charles, picked him up by the collar, both hands, and brought his face really close to Spencer's. 
Can you really see inside my mind boy. Can you see I'm not a liar. He chucked Spencer back into the chair, causing Spencer to flinch from another bruise you probably couldn't see. Choose one to die, and save a life. Otherwise they’re all dead. 
“All right. I’ll choose who lives.” You inhaled sharply, Derek tensing up next to you. 
They’re all the same. 
You all waited, in silence, as Spencer scanned what you assumed were the laptops that had been stolen. His eyes flickered to the camcorder, shame in voice, looking back at Tobias or Charles. “Far right screen.”
Marilyn David, 4913 Walnut Creek Road
“You got that?” 
“Marilyn David. My name is Jason Gideon with the F.B.I. I need you to close your laptop screen right now. Someone has been connecting into your laptop’s camera and watching you. For your safety, you need to close it. 
The computer screens went black. 
“Garcia, get him back.” 
Derek turned away, slamming the door against the wall as he stalked out of the room, beyond pissed. 
“Garcia, get him back.” You repeated, absolute horror dawning on all of your faces. Your eyes were frantically running over every screen every ten seconds, hoping that maybe one of them would still hold the image of Spencer. 
“I’m t-trying.” She whispered, furiously typing away, trying to hack into something, or find Hankel, anything really. 
“So now what. Wait for a 911 call?” The sheriff's voice rang out in your ear, and it grated against you. “And hope we get there in time.” 
Once you had gotten the 911 call, you, JJ, Emily, and Derek were told to stay at the house with Garcia. You heard Derek and JJ in one of the other rooms, but you were just standing next to Garcia’s chair, not moving an inch. All you could do was stare at the screens, eyes flitting from face to face on unexpecting potential victims. 
JJ walked in, looking more like she had in the barn–disheveled, guilty. “Any more signs of Reid.” 
Both you and Garcia shook your heads. 
“He just posted the last murder online.” Garcia’s voice was grave, eyes dark. “It had over 17,000 hits in the first twenty minutes.” 
“I want to see it.” 
“No you don’t.” You answered JJ, not turning to look at her. 
“Don’t tell me what I want and don’t want.” 
You tore your eyes away from the screens and over at JJ. 
“If I can’t watch this…I have no business being in the field.” 
“J-ge, it’s not a competition.” Garcia whispered. 
“I-I need to see it.” 
You shook your head and walked out of the room, not being able to watch it again. You walked into the kitchen where Derek and Emily were, discussing something. Derek’s eyes quickly flicked over to you, surprised slightly by the fact that you had left the screens. 
“We can trace their whole family history. Here we got happy smiling pictures of Tobias. Report cards all A’s and B’s. But at eight years old, we got nothing.” 
“That’s his mother leaving.” Emily shot you a quick, yet sympathetic smile, before looking back at the mirror. “Six months later, on the other side of the board, we have a form from child services saying they paid a visit.”
“Then Charles starts keeping journals about punishing sinners and needing to remove the devil from his son.” Derek continued. 
“Which corresponds to Tobias’ drug use. He’s trying to escape.” You watched as Emily and Derek worked through the profile again. 
“So wherever Reid is, It was Tobias’ choice, not his fathers.” Derek sighed and scanned over the pictures, trying to find maybe a common location amongst them. 
“How’d you figure?”
“Look at these two lives. They’re like inverse graphs. One’s getting weaker while the other ones getting angrier. Tobias would run away while his father would have stood and fought.” Derek looked back at Emily. 
She nodded. “Okay so Tobias uses drugs as an escape. I’ll go back through the journals and see if I can find anything connecting his drug use to a hiding place 
“Uh where’s Gideon.” You finally spoke up. 
“He’s upstairs. Why? What’s going on?” 
“Hankel just posted the latest murder.” JJ walked out of the room that you had just been in. 
You watched as she quickly called out to Gideon that the newest murder had been uploaded, and as he quickly made his way into the adjoining room. You heard him panicking, trying to come up with a solution to get people to stop watching the videos. 
You were fiddling with your necklace, mind lost on the day before all of this started. It had been sunny in DC. Something you didn’t get all the time, especially when you were only there half of the year. You had gone over to Spencer's apartment, picking up your favorite take out on the way over. He had been teaching you how to play chess. You already knew the basics of chess, which pieces moved where, and how to analyze a board on a move to move basis, but Spencer started to teach you strategies. He would explain every single move he was making, and how he was able to predict a check in three. It was adorable. In return, for every game you would learn together, Spencer would watch a movie with you. He would watch movies if you had asked him in the first place, but this time, you gave him what he thought was the most enthralling commentary the entire time. You would put on your favorite movies and ramble on and on about a certain actor getting sick during this shot, or the fact that the two romantic leads hated one another, or even someone breaking their toe during one scene—he adored listening to you ramble, in the same way you loved listening to him. That night was movie night. You had picked cult-classic “Rocky Horror Picture Show.” you were absolutely enthralled to explain to Spencer the interactive portions of the movies, the screaming at the screen, the details of the pink triangle on Dr. Franknfurter’s smock, the repetition of certain musical themes. You two hands ended up tangled on the couch, giggling about something, drunk on each other’s company—it was perfect. 
But the sound of Spencer’s sob ripped through your thoughts. It took you three strides to be back with Garcia and Gideon, watching as Tobias slammed his fist across Spencer’s face. Your hands moved to your mouth as your eyes watered. 
You heard as he begged Tobias to help him, bruises flowering across his face, a cut across his lip breaking the once smooth skin. 
He can’t help you. He’s weak. Confess. Confess your sins. 
You watched as Spencer’s chair was chucked to the ground, while he was still tied to it. Every single atom of air had left your lungs. You could feel the pit of your stomach drop, unable to move, unable to blink. Tears welled up in your eyes as the love of your life was being beaten to death, and you couldn't do anything about it. 
Several studies have shown that plants can feel pain. Whether or not they are completely and one hundred percent credible is something you and Spencer have jokingly argued about multiple times. You liked to think that they didn’t considering you managed to bring in a fresh crop of newly cut flowers each week. But these scientists claim that plants can feel pain. They can feel the pain of being cut from the vine or stem, and they can feel themselves dying as you watch them wilt in the vase. You and JJ were quite similar in feeling like you had to prove something to yourself, that if you couldn’t handle what was happening, maybe you shouldn’t be in the field, shouldn’t be in the BAU. 
Watching Spencer have a seizure on the ground, unable to run to him, unable to save him, unable to do anything but just watch in horror, made you feel every single ounce of pain you could have ever imagined. When his body stilled, and Tobias exited whatever building they were in, you were still standing there, completely and utterly in shock. Hotch took your arm and wordlessly tugged on your arm, but you couldn’t move. Your feet were cemented to the floor. Even if you wanted to run the other way, you couldn’t. Hotch tried again, but you just stared at the screen, constantly flipping the necklace over and over and over and over again. If you moved, you might start sobbing, you might collapse, you might have just died on the spot. 
Spencer's lips were still. His lips would ramble when he had something he found quite interesting to speak about, they would fidget when he got nervous, they would form quirky expressions when he had a moment of realization. But not once have they ever been this still. And it was dissolving your heart. Moment by moment another small section would boil down to dust, not even letting you have the chance to have your heart ripped out, because that would mean your heart would still be together, still be beating, just not with you anymore. Your heart was dying because Spencer was dead. 
The first stage of grief is denial. All you could do was hope, pray, anything that this was some sick and twisted joke, that Spencer was okay. That Spencer was alive. That you weren’t staring at Spencer’s body on the screen, not knowing where he was, and if you would ever find him, or his body. 
Lucky for every single person in that room, and lucky for Tobias Hankel, you watched as he burst back through the door, dropped down to his knees, and tried to resuscitate Spencer. Your eyes widened as you watched every single chest compression, every single moment of mouth to mouth. After the longest thirty seconds of your life, Spencer convulsed, air filling his lungs, coughing. 
“Oh my god.” You almost threw up into the hands that were covering your mouth because you were so grateful for the fact that Spencer was breathing, that his dead body was somewhere you might never have found it. 
“Wait. Wait a second.” Emily leaned over to Garcia. “When was the video of the last murder poster?” 
“And what was the time of death?” 
“The 911 call came in at 9:04, and the murders must have been moments later.”
“That's only a 19 minute difference.” You spoke up, figuring out what Emily was getting at. 
“How long would it take to post the mpeg.” Derek chimed in. 
“2, 3 minutes.” Garcia looked over at you all. 
“Lets call it 2. You figure a maximum of sixty miles per hour in a residential area, that means Hankel has to be within a seventeen mile radius of the crime scene.” Derek reasoned, looking over at Hotch. 
“Garcia, can we see it on a map?” Hotch leaned over Garcia. 
“Call Farraday. I want that area locked down like it’s martial law.” Gideon turned to Derek, ready to give more instructions but you interrupted. 
You came back to life. 
Spencer was looking up at Rapheal now. The complete shift in tone from Charles to Raphael to Tobias always made your hair stand on edge, but you could hear the anger that Raphael held. 
There can only be one of two reasons. 
“I was given CPR.” Even after he was just given his life back, he still managed to crack a joke.  
There are no accidents. How many members are on your team? 
You paused, ready to speak up, but Tobias beat you to it. 
The seven angels who had the seven trumpets who prepared themselves to sound. The first sounding followed hail and fire, mixed with blood and they were thrown to the earth. 
“He thinks it’s revelations. The seven archangels versus the seven angels of death.” Hotch explained.
“Hotch there are eight of us on this team.” You spoke, this time garnering the attention of everyone in the room. “He’s lying to Hankel, that's considered a sin right? If Hankel finds out—”
You were interrupted by the sound of a chair hitting the ground. Hankel had yanked Spencer’s chair upright, watching as he was jostled around. 
Tell me who you serve.
“I serve you”
Then choose one to die
Your team members choose one to die. 
“Kill me” 
You inhaled sharply causing one of Derek's hands to find the small of your back. You had already watched him die once, but you can’t give CPR to a bullet through the brain.
You said you weren't one of them
“I lied”
Your team has six other members. Tell me who dies. 
All of you watch as Tobias pulls one bullet out of his pocket, and clicks open the revolver. He placed it in, and spun the barrel, letting it close with a click. Spencer playing Russian roulette was not on your bucket list of things to do this year. Maybe force him to go kayaking with you, let him teach you some other game like Go, maybe even take a few days off for a real vacation and work each other up so desperately. But you could guarantee, this was not on that list. 
Each time Spencer refused, and you heard the empty barrel fire, your heart gave out, again. 
Choose, and prove you’ll do god's will. 
And again.
“I won’t do it”. 
And again.
Life is a choice. 
And again.
Spencer’s pause made everyone hold their breaths. He had a 33.33% chance of getting shot, and luck had to run out, it always did. 
“I-I choose…” You all waited, no one truly knowing what he could possibly be thinking. “Y/N Y/L/N.” Derek's hand on your back tensed up, all eyes looked at you, and all you could do was stare at Spencer on the screen. He wouldn’t just hand out your death sentence like that, he wouldn’t do that to you. Right? Right?
“Adulterer, cheating on my for months now. Puts their own needs above others and their feelings.” Your brows furrowed, hand immediately at the necklace you were wearing around your neck. This accusation confused the absolute shit out of you, since you had revealed to Spencer your history with a previous partner who had chea–oh. He was speaking to you. 
“Oh my god.” You whispered. 
“I would come home to bouquets of crimson roses and rosemary, or there would be begonias and clematis. I've only ever bought red salvias with baby’s breath—their favorite.” Spencer chuckled, putting on an act for Tobias. 
“Pen! I need a pen.” You yelled, everyone now concerned you had lost your mind, but Garcia had quickly handed you hers as you tried to write down the flowers Spencer had listed off. Once you had all of them written down, you quickly ran out of the room.
“Genesis 23:4, For the lips of an immoral woman are as sweet as honey, and her mouth is smoother than oil. But in the end she is as bitter as poison, as dangerous as a double-edged sword.”
You only paused for a moment when you heard a gunshot, but you kept going, hoping and praying that you were right. You had found one of the empty pages of Tobais’ journals and wrote down the flowers:
crimson roses - mourning rosemary - remembrance clematis - poverty begonias - beware, watch out
You looked at the list of the flowers, over and over. “Mourning…” You mumbled, when it hit you. Quickly, you grabbed the bible on the table, flipping to find Genesis 23:4. 
Morgan walked into the room, placing a hand on your shoulder. "Look I don't know about this potential relationship that you and Spenc-"
“I’m not a cheater.” You cast him a quick look, still flipping to find the page. 
Derek started. “He’s not in his right mind Y/n.” 
Gideon quickly followed. “Come on, look you can’t think anything of that..” 
“That’s not what I’m talking about. Well, yes, it is, but that’s not–”
Hotch cut you off. “He’s panickin—”
“Everyone. Stop.” They all obliged, watching as you picked up the notebook you had been writing in. “What is my worst quality?”
They all just stared at you.
“Okay I’ll start, I can be a total bitch.” 
“You miss a concerning amount of briefings.” 
“You can get overly emotional sometimes.”
“You’re extremely stubborn.” 
“You don’t trust anyone easily.” 
“Okay good, I’m all these things, but none of you said that I would ever put my needs over anyone. Especially over other’s feelings. Reid and I had a conversation about two weeks ago about my ex who would repeatedly cheat on me, among other things.” You took a little breath before continuing. “And he knew I would obviously remember a conversation like that. He also knows I love Victorian Flower Language, it’s one of my favorite interests. Some of the flowers he listed off,  correspond to flowers you send in mourning, when someone has died, not the flowers you send someone to admit their love or hide it.” 
You handed the bible to JJ. “And he also quoted Genesis Chapter 23, verse 4, Read it.”
JJ read out: “I am a stranger and a sojourner with you. Give me property, forbear a place among you, that I might bury my dead out of sight.”
“Spencer would never get it wrong unless it was on purpose. He’s in a cemetery.” 
“I don’t see a cemetery” Garcia had pulled up the 17-mile radius again, looking between you and Hotch. 
“Call up the first time we saw Reid.” Gideon was rubbing his hands together, trying to remember something. 
“I won't choose who gets slaughtered, and have you leave their remains behind like a poacher.” 
Spencer had looked right at the camera, fucking brilliant man. He had been trying to contact you all since the first time he was on camera.
“Check to see if there are any reports of poaching in the last couple of days.” Hotch nodded at Gideon while Garcia speedily typed out her parameters, getting a response almost instantly. 
“Okay uh, a farmer reported two sheep being slaughtered on his property.”
“Where are we talking?” Derek was behind you, watching as Garcia zoomed into a five mile radius around the farmer’s land. 
“It would be someone that was old, dilapidated, run down. Clematis is a sign of poverty.”
JJ pointed to a small section on the screen. “What’s that patch of green there”
“Marshall parish, I think it's an old plantation.” 
“Wait.” Emily quickly flipped through a journal, trying to find what she had remembered. “Tobias wrote in his journals about staying clean and keeping away from Marshall.”
“Guys. There's a cemetery on the grounds.” 
“Alright.” Hotch nodded at all of you. “Let's go.” 
As you all headed out, Hotch stopped you, pulling you past the kitchen and into the living room. Derek shot you a sympathetic smile as he and the rest of the team exited the building. The living room would be far enough away from Penelope's prying ears, but it’s not like it mattered anymore—it was pretty obvious you and Spencer were sleeping together, if not dating. 
“You’re not going.” 
You scoffed at Hotch, expecting nothing less, but still willing to fight him about it. 
“I’m serious Y/N. I need everyone out there to be as level headed as possible, and you and I both know that the second Spencer put his life on the line, second time round, you were about to raise hell and earth to get to him. If you can promise me, right here, right now, that your head is completely clear, then I will let you go with us, no questions asked.” 
You pinched your eyes, letting out a hefty sigh. “Hotch I cannot be here in case he needs me.” 
“If he gets hurt, you will not be able to function as an agent, and that is a risk I am not willing to take.” 
Hotch is right. He almost always is.
The porch door swung open with the loudest screech yet, Derek appearing in his bullet proof vest, holding Hotch’s in his hand. “We’re heading out.” 
Hotch nodded at you, a brief hand on your arm, before walking to the door. 
He looked over at you. 
“The last flower? Begonias?” He nodded at you, not sure where you were going with this. 
“If you were sent begonias…it was a subtle warning that you were in danger. Please, be careful.” 
“We will.” 
And with that, the door slammed shut, and suddenly you were stuck in a ranch house, wondering whether or not Spencer was okay, and whether or not your team would even make it on time. You clutched at the necklace, twirling the pendant, watching as the headlights faded into the darkness, with the very real possibility, someone might not come back. 
Next Part
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dr-spencer-reids-queen · 11 months
Nothing More
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Maeve Donovan
Word Count: ~700
Warnings: unrequited love
Summary: You find the courage to tell the man you love that you love him, but he does something that stops you in your tracks and breaks your heart.
Square Filled: maeve donovan for @spencerreidbingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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Okay, today’s the day. Today is the day you’re going to tell the guy you like that you like him. This could go one of two ways: he likes you back and everything is right with the world or he doesn’t like you back and you’ll forever sit next to him in total embarrassment. The only reason why you’re doing this is because you believe he’ll reciprocate your feelings.
Not only do you two work well together by playing off ideas of one another, always know what the other is thinking, and genuinely love each other’s company, but there’s been subtle flirting between the two of you since he got here. You’ve been at this job a lot longer than he has, and everything changed when he got into the office. He does things for you without asking such as file away paperwork, get you coffee, etc. that he doesn’t do for anyone else, and he has all the telltale signs of someone who likes someone else.
The pen you’re holding is in your mouth since you can’t contain your nerves. Yes, all of these positives are on your side that clearly outweigh the negatives, but the small negatives are so heavy that they actually outweigh the positives. You’re not the kind of woman to make the first move; you’ve always waited for the guy to do it. However, everyone knows Spencer is completely clueless about a lot of things.
You’re so sure he likes you back, so why is the pit still in your stomach?
JJ walks into the office in a rush since she was the one to drop Henry off at school, but she pauses when she sees you.
“Did you do it?” she asks excitedly.
She knows you like someone but she doesn’t know that person is Spencer.  No one knows the man you’ve been pining after is none other than Dr. Spencer Reid. If Derek knew about this, he’d tease you endlessly. If JJ and Pen knew about this, she would try to get you two together instead of letting it run its course naturally. If Emily knew about this, she’d make all kinds of innuendos that would just confuse Spencer.
It’s best if you keep this little crush to yourself until you and Spencer make it official.
“No, not yet.”
“When are you gonna do it?”
“Soon. Today, actually. I’m gonna do it today.”
“Tell me how it goes,” she grins and walks off.
Spencer walks in ten seconds later, and you’re out of your chair before you can talk yourself out of doing this. You bounce over to him with a smile on your face and give him a quick hug which he gives back.
“I’ve been waiting for you to come in. There’s something I need to tell you.” Before you can another word out, a young woman follows Spencer inside. A young, brunette woman who is beautiful. She stops by Spencer a little too close for your liking. “Who is this?”
“I was gonna wait until everyone was together, but you’re here right now. Y/N, this is Maeve Donovan. She’s my girlfriend.” 
Just like that, your entire world comes crashing down. Your chest tightens painfully, your vision becomes a bit blurry, and you have to hold yourself up on the wall to keep yourself from falling down. Everything you thought you knew is completely wrong.
“It’s nice to meet you,” Maeve says and extends her hand to you.
“I have a girlfriend,” Spencer smiles proudly.
“Yeah, it’s nice to meet you,” you say hollowly and shake her hand.
“Are you okay? What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” you snap out of your funk. “Nothing. I’m happy for you.”
“What did you want to tell me?”
“You said you wanted to tell me something. What is it?”
You open your mouth to tell him the truth but you think of the smile he had on his face when he introduced Maeve. He looks so happy. What kind of friend you’d be if you took that away from him?
“I completed your files for you. I wasn’t busy. I thought I’d help.”
“Thank you.” He turns to Maeve with a smile. “That’s why she’s the best coworker here. She’s a really good friend.”
Right, coworker… friend. That’s all you’ll ever be, you guess.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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raekensluver · 1 month
rekindled bonds (introduction)
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introduction, part one, part two,
description: reuniting with your old childhood best friend, spencer reid, in the most unlikely of places, the fbi's behavioral analysis unit.
pairing: spencer reid x bau agent!fem!reader
contains: fluff!!, spencer and r reuniting after a decade, childhood best friends to lovers trope.
song rec: pretty boy by the nbhd- "pretty boy, you did this with me, boy."
w.c: 870+
an: if you want to be added to the taglist for this series lmk! i'm planning for this to have at least three parts !!! also i haven't watched criminal minds in forever so, i definitely think i messed up on what agents are on the team in this era....(my bau team is prentiss, morgan, rossi, jj, reid and garcia)
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"you know, i never expected to end up here," you murmured to yourself, glancing around the bustling office space filled with a mix of familiar and unfamiliar faces. the hum of conversation and the tap of keyboards created a comforting rhythm that was almost soothing. the walls, lined with case files and maps, whispered tales of a world you had only ever read about.
"you'll fit in just fine," a voice said from behind you, and you turned to find emily prentiss, her eyes gleaming with a knowing smile. "this place has a way of growing on you." she began to lead you through the maze of desks, each one a miniature universe of clutter and chaos, until you reached one that was shockingly neat. "this is where you'll be working."
as you took in the organized space, she continued, "i'm emily prentiss, unit chief. i've heard a lot about you." her hand extended in a firm, confident gesture. "it's an honor to finally meet you."
you took her hand with a warm smile, feeling a sudden rush of excitement. "likewise," you said, your voice steady despite the racing thoughts in your head. "i've followed your work closely. i'm thrilled to be joining the team."
emily's smile grew as she gave a nod of approval. "i have no doubt you'll be an excellent addition to the team." she turned and began to lead you through the office, her heels clicking against the tiles with a confidence that seemed to resonate through the room. as you walked, you couldn't help but feel like you were stepping into a dream - a world of law enforcement and psychological profiling that you had only ever watched unfold on television screens.
each desk you passed had its own story to tell, with case files piled high and personal mementos scattered among the paperwork. "this is where the magic happens," emily said, her voice carrying a hint of pride. "every member of our team brings something unique to the table, and together, we solve the unsolvable."
as you followed her, you noticed a man in the corner, his eyes glued to a computer screen, his fingers flying over the keyboard. something about him was eerily familiar, but you couldn't quite place it. his hair was shaggier than you remembered, and he'd filled out a bit, but the intense focus was unmistakable.
"spencer," emily called out, and the man's head snapped up, his eyes darting around the room before landing on you. "i want you to meet our newest member."
you felt your heart skip a beat as the realization dawned on you. it was him - the boy from your past, now a man with a sharp intellect and a reputation that preceded him. "reid," you murmured, a mix of disbelief and excitement coloring your voice.
spencer reid looked up from his computer, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion before recognition lit up his eyes. "you," he said, his voice a perfect blend of surprise and delight. he pushed back his chair and stood, a warm smile spreading across his face. "i can't believe it's you."
you couldn't help but laugh at the sheer absurdity of the situation. "small world, huh?" you stepped closer, feeling a mix of nostalgia and nerves as he closed the distance between you.
"indeed," he said, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "i never thought i'd see you again, especially not here."
you chuckled, feeling the weight of the years that had passed between you. "life has a funny way of working out, doesn't it?"
spencer nodded, his smile never wavering. "it certainly does. how have you been?"
you felt a flush rise to your cheeks, not quite knowing where to begin. "i've been… good," you managed, trying to keep your cool. "i studied psychology in college, like i always talked about. it's what brought me here."
his eyes searched yours, and you could see the curiosity in them. "i've missed you," he said, his voice sincere. "you were always the one who could keep up with me."
you blinked, surprised by his candidness. "you too," you admitted. "i always wondered what happened to the kid who read encyclopedias for fun."
just as the conversation was starting to flow, emily cleared her throat, her eyebrows arched in curiosity. "you two know each other?" she asked, looking back and forth between you.
you nodded, unable to wipe the smile from your face. "we're old friends," you said, still slightly in shock. "we grew up together."
emily's eyes widened. "really?" she looked intrigued. "i had no idea."
"yes," spencer said, his smile growing wider. "we were practically inseparable until i left for college. she was the one who could actually understand what i was talking about when i went on one of my…rambles."
emily chuckled. "well, that's a rare skill around here. we could all use a little more of that." she turned to you. "i'd love to hear more about your history with reid, but we're on a tight schedule. we have a case briefing in ten minutes."
you nodded, feeling the excitement of the moment give way to the reality of your new job. "of course," you said, trying to compose yourself. "i'm ready."
edited 8.20.24
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aperrywilliams · 2 years
Lost and Gain... and Lost Again? (Spencer Reid x Fem!BAU!Reader)
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(Not my gif. Credit to the creator)
Author Masterlist
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!BAU!Reader.
Summary: Reader and Spencer’s bond strengthens after the team receives devastating news. But what happens when that bond becomes an agreement that ends up confusing them more?
Word Count: 10k (Ouch!)
Warnings: MINORS DNI. NSFW. 18+ ONLY. Reference to a character’s death; crying, feelings of regret; mention of nightmares and ideas about drug use (doesn’t happen); mention of wounds and blood (superficial); strong language; penetrative and unprotected sex; oral sex (f and m receiving); fingering; rough sex with chocking; crying after sex; oral and penetrative sex in a public place; voyeurism (from a third person); size kink; gagging. If I forgot something, let me know.
A/N: I wrote this one for Smurph’s Birthday Challenge. Happy birthday, my friend!!!! (a bit late, I’m sorry). If you haven’t read a @smurphyse fic yet, I recommend you do! You’ll find a great writer (Room 405 has the top 1 of my heart). On top of that, one of the best human beings I have had the honor to know. For the challenge, I used the prompt “Get on your knees and show me.” (Category 2); and Choking, Deepthroating, Public sex; Voyeurism; Size Kink (Category 3). Thanks for reading, and keep sending me requests!
Do you want to be added to the taglist? Go HERE
Reader’s POV.
Emily Prentiss is an extraordinary woman. Smart, determined, brave, tough, compassionate, and the best friend you could ask for. But when she faked her death and disappeared for seven months, it started a series of events that hit my life forever.
‘Devastation’ falls short of describing our emotions after getting the news. The team crumbled. Nobody could believe what had happened. Not to our Emily.
I remember being in my apartment crying for days. I barely made it to Emily’s funeral. I was a complete mess.
Hotch granted us time to process, but we didn’t think it would be enough to overcome our loss.
I knew the other team members were grieving Emily’s death too, but I felt it harder. Maybe it was because I had known Emily for eight years back then. We worked together before she joined the BAU.
Two years after she settled there, a suggestion from her to Hotch gave me the chance to join the team. Once me there, we got inseparable.
So you can guess how hard it was to assimilate that you would never see your friend again.
Morgan and Spencer weren’t okay either. Derek leaned on Garcia for support, showing his anger whenever he could. Spencer leaned on JJ in a more reserved way, although he thought JJ couldn’t fully comprehend his pain.
He told me about this feeling when he knocked on my door one night.
“Spencer?” I looked at him, puzzled. It was near midnight.
“Hey,” he mumbled. “I’m sorry I came here like this all of a sudden. I - I thought that -” he trailed off. His hands were shaking, eyes glassed, dark circles under them, and he looked pale. I knew that face. I saw this in myself plenty of times in the last weeks. Nightmares.
“It’s okay. You don’t have to apologize. Come in.” I pulled him inside the apartment and led him to sit on my couch.
That night we talked until the sun rose. We talked about everything and nothing. He told me about the nightmares, the headaches, and the cravings. I knew about what happened after Hankel. But never did someone tell me the details, and I didn’t ask. It wasn’t my business.
We never were that close before, but I guess circumstances did the job. Grieving the loss of our friend, we realized that we were struggling in a similar way. So why not lean on each other?
That way, nights like that kept happening in the following weeks. Some days at my place, others in his.
Sometimes we just sat to talk. Other times we watched a movie to turn off our thoughts. We could even sit on the couch without talking and staring at the ceiling in comfortable silence.
Gradually the pain gave us a truce, and the company became nice by itself.
I never thought of Spencer as a close friend, at least not in a sense Emily was, but the time we spent together gave us a chance to get to know each other better. I was pleasantly surprised that we had more in common than I had imagined.
We hung out a lot, and we liked it. But there was something more there that I couldn’t explain. Yeah, we could talk, cry, and laugh, but why did it feel like something was missing?
I couldn’t pinpoint what it was until one particular night.
After a messy unsub takedown, Spencer got some cuts and bruises, but he didn’t let the paramedics check on him.
On the flight home, I saw Spencer hiss every time he brushed some spot on his left side.
When we landed in Virginia, I persuaded him to have dinner and a movie at my place. Secretly I was worried that he would go home without anyone checking on his injuries.
As we put a foot in my apartment, I required him to sit on my couch while I went to get my first aid kit.
“Okay, now let me see those cuts,” I said, inspecting his face as my hand clutched a gauze dipped in alcohol.
“You are being dramatic,” he pointed.
“Oh yeah? Well, prove me wrong then,” I challenged, cleaning one of the cuts on his forehead with the gauze. Spencer hissed at the contact.
“Who’s the dramatic here,” I teased.
Spencer rolled his eyes, knowing I could be as stubborn as he.
“Whatever,” he mumbled.
Once I finished wiping his face, I took another piece of gauze.
“Okay, now let me see your left side.”
“What? Why?”
“I saw how you sizzled whenever you rubbed your left side, Reid. Don’t argue with me.” I instructed. I could see his cheeks turning pink.
With hesitation, Spencer unbuttoned his dress shirt and slid it from his shoulders.
My eyes immediately focused on the scratches on his torso and the dark bruise on his ribs.
“Holy shit Reid. That must hurt,” I said, using the gauze to give attention to his skin.
Then is when I felt it.
A change in the air. It became thick and difficult to ignore. I met Spencer’s eyes, and there was an intensity in them I didn’t see before.
Honestly, I never noticed how beautiful Spencer’s eyes were and how desirable he looked, licking his lips as he watched me methodically sweep the dried blood off his wounds.
Feeling the nearness between us ignited in me a spark I didn’t know was there. When did Spencer’s lips start to look so kissable?
I tried to put that thought in the back of my brain, but touching his skin - even indirectly through a gauze - made it almost impossible.
Chastising myself, I did my best to concentrate on whatever could move me away from my salacious thoughts about my coworker and friend.
‘A Friend. A Friend. A Friend.’ I repeatedly told myself as I finished bandaging the cuts I had just cleaned up.
Little did it help that he was looking at me with those doe eyes.
I wanted to kiss him so bad.
I wanted to fuck him so bad.
I could feel the warmth in a specific spot on my body. My cheeks tinted in dark crimson when I realized what was happening to me.
“Are you o-?” Spencer tried to ask, but before he could finish the question, I silenced him with my lips on his.
I felt Spencer frozen in his spot as I kissed him. Surely he wasn’t expecting that. Neither do I, but I couldn’t help it.
When the senses returned to me, I pulled away.
Shit, I had fucked it up.
Stuttering, I tried to apologize.
“I’m sorry. This was so inappropriate. I - I shouldn’t have done that,” I mumbled, scooting back on the couch and entirely baffled.
Spencer seemed surprised. But something in his eyes told me that he wasn’t upset, quite the opposite. The confirmation came from the very Spencer. Not saying a word, he cupped my cheeks and leaned to kiss me this time.
It didn’t take me long until I let loose and kissed him back.
Quickly our lips started to move frenziedly—all tongues and teeth. The kiss turned heated fast, and our hands began to wander. Just running my fingertips on his bare chest sent shivers down my spine.
Without a second thought, clothes flew from our bodies to land somewhere on my living room floor. I was on Spencer’s lap only minutes later, grinding over his massive erection.
“Fuck,” he muttered. His hands gripped my hips as he bucked up his to increase the friction between us.
Desperately I grabbed his dick to pump it a few times before aligning it to my entrance.
I looked at him, and his full-dilated pupils told me everything I needed to know. He wanted this as much as I did.
Feeling him stretching me was like heaven.
He was big, and his girth perfect enough to have me trembling around him in no time.
That night we fucked on my couch once and two more times in my bed.
I didn’t know if my lack of sexual activity at that time had to do with it, but those were the best orgasms I had had in a long time.
Panting and looking at the ceiling, we agreed not to do it again. It would be weird, and we didn’t want to feel that way at work.
But it happened again. And again. And again.
Some people say that when you get the ‘taste,’ there is no return. If I stick to that, Spencer Reid turned out to be my favorite drug those days.
And I had the feeling I had become the same thing to him.
We settled a new agreement: the typical friends with benefits. How cliche is that? It didn’t really matter to me at the time; we needed the release, the sex, and neither he nor I wanted to pursue a romantic relationship. Let alone when it all started as animalistic sex.
Fantastic, marvelous, extraordinary, necessary animalistic sex.
Thanks to Spencer Reid, I got laid considerably more times in three months than in the past years.
Not that I would complain about it, quite the opposite.
The rules - because, of course, we settled rules - were not to tell anyone, keep it as only sex, not stay the night, and not jeopardize our friendship. If any of us suspected this arrangement could put our friendship in danger, we would call it to quit with no resentment.
It seemed pretty easy.
Having clear rules, we used every chance we got to fuck. His place, my place, sneaking to our hotel rooms during cases. Even at work, we had our favorite abandoned office in the basement.
I found out a lot of things during these months. For example, I didn’t know I could be that horny all the time. Okay, thinking better of it, scratch that.
I did know I could be that horny, but kind of I forgot how it felt until then.
What I truthfully didn’t know was that Spencer could be that horny and touch-starved all the time.
You would say the boy genius that doesn’t shake hands avoids any kind of touch. Wrong. He loves it. Spencer adores cuddling after sex. He likes me playing with his hair and drawing soft patterns on his skin with my fingertips.
Could you believe that Spencer Reid is a boob man? I do now. Sometimes, he lays his head on my chest and hums comfortably between my breasts. I’m pretty sure he would do it if he could always use my boobs as pillows.
But all those displays of affection - or lust, if you want to call it - were only reserved for the bedroom. As soon as we left bed, we returned to our traditional roles as friends and coworkers.
It was working for us. And nobody had to know.
After Emily ‘died.’ Hotch thought we could be fine without another agent, but Strauss had another opinion. That’s why Alice Brown joined the BAU. Strauss herself brought her directly to the team.
As you can guess, we weren’t very enthusiastic about the decision, but the poor girl hadn’t any fault. Young and inexperienced, Alice came to a team with a fractured heart.
The first one who showed friendly with Alice was JJ, who took her under her wing.
Brown did her best to fit into the team. Not much time passed until Morgan and Penelope warmed up with her. Rossi acted like her loving father and Hotch like an understanding boss.
Spencer, the gentleman he is, was way far nice to her. He usually talked to her about books and facts about our cases and the BAU history.
That’s how Alice seemed welcomed after a couple of weeks.
But with me, things didn’t come easy. I knew the poor girl wasn’t trying to replace Emily. I truly understood that, but for me, something about her didn’t fit. I never was deliberately harsh or not polite to her, but we didn’t get that groove she had with the rest of the team.
I thought it was a matter of time.
But maybe I was wrong.
With Hotch away for months, JJ moving to another division, and Rossi barely present, the job weight laid on the remained team members: Morgan, Garcia, Reid, Brown, and I.
Only four agents in the field made things a little bit rough. Rough enough for me to be irritable very often. The bad thing was that my sour mood tended to land on Alice most of the time.
“Why do you go so hard on her?” Morgan chastised me once Alice ran from the conference room crying after I said something a bit sharp.
“I don’t go hard on her. It’s just she should be in tune by now,” I explained.
“Pretty girl, you already forgot when you joined the team?”
“No, Morgan. Don’t play the sentimental card with me. It’s not going to work,” I warned him. Morgan only shook his head.
“I’m just saying you should be more understanding. That’s all.”
Yeah. Maybe Derek was right.
That’s why I gathered the courage to talk to her and apologize. But when I reached Hotch’s office, where I knew she was, I saw Spencer hugging Alice.
The girl was fully crying with her head buried in Spencer’s chest.
I halted in my tracks. Spencer noticed my presence and gave me a disapproving look.
What? Now everyone blames me?
Huffing, I left the room without saying a word.
I didn’t know what was more upsetting: that people accused me of being a bitch with Alice or that she played the victim role. Because that’s what she was doing. She was in Spencer’s arms, looking for comfort, and the bastard provided it with no question.
How does SHE dare? How does HE dare?
That last thought made my heart stop for a second.
Why was I so apprehensive? Was it because of her nearest to Spencer? No. It couldn’t be.
Spencer was only my friend and my fuck-buddy.
And maybe that was the problem. I didn’t want Alice to steal my friend AND my benefits.
“It’s not - fuck!- it’s not I dislike her,” I managed to say to the man with his head between my legs.
“Yu-shul-be-nice-tho,” Spencer mumbled from his spot as he lapped my clit with his glorious tongue and used his slender fingers to pump them in and out of my pussy.
“I am - Oh my God! - I’m nice to her, really - Spencer! Please! Right there!” I whined.
“No. Yu-not,” Spencer rebutted, muffling his words in my core. Feeling my heavy breathing, he sped his fingers’ movement and sucked on my clit hard. Fuck, I was so close.
“Okay! I’m not, but- would you - fuck! - can we stop talking about our coworker? I’m trying to have an orgasm here!”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Seven months ago, I made a decision that affected this team. As you know, Emily lost a lot of blood after her fight with Doyle. But the doctors were able to stabilize her...”
Hotch’s words reverberated in my head as we were in the conference room discussing what to do about Declan’s kidnapping.
‘Stabilize her’? I was still trying to make sense of those words when I saw a ghost at the entrance.
Emily-fucking-Prentiss was alive.
It wasn’t my imagination. I pinched myself to be sure. I locked eyes with Spencer and Morgan, looking for confirmation.
Of the three of us, I was the nearest to faint.
The lack of oxygen made me feel dizzy.
Why didn’t JJ seem surprised? Why Rossi hadn’t the same shocked expression we had?
A lot of those questions were kept on standby as we focused on getting back Declan.
Emily was cautious and didn’t approach anyone just yet.
I worked on autopilot most of the time. I barely spoke a thing in the twenty-four hours the case was open.
After finishing Doyle’s ordeal that night, we returned to the BAU. Emily tried to talk to me, but I ditched her attempt by sneaking into the kitchenette.
I was pouring coffee on my mug for the umpteenth time that day and so lost in my thoughts that I didn’t notice Spencer standing on the threshold.
He cleared his throat but kept silent as he decided what to say.
I spared him the trouble.
“You don’t need to say anything, you know. There are no words to make sense of this.”
Spencer sighed.
“Eventually, we should,” he pointed.
I met his eyes so that he could see the bitterness in my gaze.
“Should we? I was prepared to miss her forever,” I confessed, sensing tears pricking my eyes.
“I guess I was prepared to do that too.”
Spencer didn’t look better than me. His eyes were as glassy as mine. His lips were tightly pressed like he was holding back.
Truth be told, both were holding back emotions.
That’s why when I asked him to help me to unravel, he was quickly in the same boat as me.
That night we fucked harder than we had been doing in the past five months.
We were angry; we felt betrayed, and this was the way we thought could help us to navigate those emotions.
I needed to lose control. I needed to stop thinking, so I gave him the reign of my body and, maybe, something else.
Spencer understood what I was looking for and didn’t waste time. He gave me what I craved.
Dark hickies and bite marks on my skin would prove that the next morning.
“Please, harder!” I begged, clasping his wrist as he put more pressure on my throat. Spencer’s kept his rough thrusts, grunting each time his hips snapped to mine.
“You want me to let you dumb, uh? So fucking needy,” he panted, his pace not faltering.
“Yes! Make me dumb! Use me!” I cried out, feeling the air leaving my lungs. The dizziness was welcoming as I allowed the tears to run free—a mix between the pleasure and the past hours’ pent-up emotions.
I didn’t need any other stimulation to trip over the edge for the third time that night. After a wild scream, I let myself go, clenching my walls and sending Spencer to his own end.
Collapsing on top of me, Spencer hid his face in the crook of my neck as we tried to catch our breath.
But my body started to shake, and sobs left my lips. That alerted Spencer, who immediately pulled out and leaned back to inspect my face.
His concerned hazel eyes met mine. I could see the panic in him.
“Did I hurt you? Was it too rough? I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have-” he trailed off. I shook my head, resting my palm on his cheek.
“No. No, Spencer. You did nothing wrong. It was amazing, actually. It’s me. It’s just- I don’t know what-” I couldn’t end the sentence because of the lump in my throat.
“Hey,” he mumbled, engulfing me in a tight embrace. It didn’t matter we both were naked and spent; I needed his solace, and he didn’t hesitate to supply it.
Kissing the top of my head and tracing delicate patterns on my back, he took his time to whisper sweet nothings until I calmed down.
It’s weird, but this was the first time I showed myself so vulnerable to him, and it scared the shit out of me.
We leaned on each other when Emily died, but this was different.
Our relationship was different now; even if I didn’t want to admit it, Spencer became an essential part of my life. As a friend. As a confidant. As the man who has seen beyond my defenses and knows me in the most intimate way.
When I regained some composure, Spencer put his boxers on and helped me to reach the bathroom. Then he went to the kitchen to grab me a glass of water and a snack. Once I was dressed in my pajamas and under the covers, he looked at me to ensure I was okay.
“Thank you,” I mumbled, sipping the water.
“You are welcome. Uh- well, I think I should go now? You need to sleep,” he said, hunching to grab his clothes scattered on the floor.
I couldn’t conceal my disappointment, although it was a reasonable thing to do. Our agreement worked like that: Don’t stay the night.
But I wasn’t ready for him to leave.
Maybe I didn’t want him to go ever again.
That last admission wasn’t clear to me at that moment, though.
“Spencer? Would you stay tonight, please?” I asked, my voice small as if I was begging for something forbidden. In some way, it was.
He halted his doing to look at me. I cleared my throat.
“I know it’s not what we agreed on, but I don’t feel I could stay alone now. I’m sorry if-” I stuttered.
“It’s okay. You don’t have to explain to me. If you want me to stay, I’ll stay,” Spencer offered.
“Thank you.”
Spencer joined me on the bed, wrapping us with the sheets and comforter and switching the lights off.
I fell asleep with my head on his shoulder and arm over his naked torso.
Waking up the following day, the first thing I noticed was the grip of a strong arm around my waist and a soft fan of breath on my shoulder. A warm sensation filled my senses.
Not wanting to wake him up, I slowly turned in bed to find Spencer asleep. He stirred a little but did not wake up. Soft snores escaped his lips. He looked so beautiful sleeping. By far the most attractive man I have ever met.
My stomach clenched as I analyzed the potential consequences of my thoughts.
What was this feeling? Of course, there was infinite gratitude for the best friend I could have found. But a friend who also became your sexual partner? Someone with whom you have been able to experiment, and is willing to please you, just as you would do anything for him to please him?
This was moving to another level.
I was falling in love with Spencer Reid.
Neither Spencer nor I mentioned the morning we woke up together in the days that followed. I assume it was just a one-time thing, and I thought Spencer considered it the same way.
As the cases kept coming, we had no chance to chat about that. So we let it slide.
But I couldn’t get out of my mind the idea there was something more. Was it just me imagining things?
Spencer’s POV.
It was the perfect arrangement until it wasn’t.
I must have known that it could happen. I’m not that experienced in that field.
I only kissed a few people in my life.
I had sex just a few times before her.
And non just a few months passed until I broke the rules. At least one of them: no mixed feelings.
We were friends, and we fucked.
That was all.
In theory.
The rule was clear: if we saw this could put in danger our friendship, sex had to end.
But this was more than that for me. And it had been that way for months, yet I didn’t dare to call it to quit.
Having her by my side is the best thing that happened to me. I didn’t know I could fall so deep for someone, but she made it easy.
After the long talks and hanging out a lot, it wasn’t difficult to notice our connection.
But that was a friendship means. Or that is what I thought until we had sex.
God, it was amazing. I didn’t feel like that with anyone before.
What did she do to me?
I thought I had it under control, but I lost the last ounce of self-defense the night he asked me to stay.
How couldn’t I? She was vulnerable and needed someone. A friend. Me.
Watching her in my arms sent me into a spiral of overthinking. I wanted this for the rest of my life, but I would never have the nerve to confess that to her. That would mean I’ll lose her forever.
She didn’t feel the same way I did. Why should I bother then?
Sure, we were attracted, but keeping it physical was the agreement. No other feelings should have been involved.
I screw it up. What do I do now?
It became worse when she started to act a bit cold around me. I mean, not the same friend affection we used to have daily.
God, I was losing her as a friend too, and I couldn’t let that happen.
Two options came to my mind: play it cool or finish the friend with benefits bullshit. I needed to decide something, but I delayed it. Like if things could resolve themselves magically.
She knew something was happening yet didn’t say anything. Instead, she tried to keep it casual.
“What are you doing?” I complained when one afternoon, she dragged me to an abandoned office.
“Hey, relax. I only want a moment alone with you, okay?”
“Somebody could see us!” I scolded. Honestly, it wasn’t an issue in the past five or six months, so why would it be now?
“Don’t be paranoid, Spencer. We are in our usual abandoned office. Nobody walks here. You know that” she reassured me, kissing my jaw, but I was still tense, with my hands to the sides. Hands that, in another time, would be pulling up her skirt to squeeze her delicious ass.
She wrapped her arms around my neck to kiss my lips hungrily. I couldn’t help but gasp, kissing her back and gripping her hips. I was almost lost in the feeling and about to give in until my senses returned.
I rapidly used the grip on her hips to pull her away.
“I think we should come back.”
She frowned and parted entirely from me. I could see the anger rushing in her.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” She spat.
Well, I couldn’t tell her truly what was wrong with me, so I tried to play ignorant.
“What do you mean?”
“You’re avoiding me.”
Her voice sounded annoyed and something else that I couldn’t decipher.
“I’m not.”
A lie, of course. Excellent, Spencer Reid.
“Yes, you are. We haven’t fuck in two weeks. You tell me what our statistics are. A week at most?”
I knew that: six days and twenty-one hours. I opted for a nonspecific answer, though.
“Sort of. I guess.”
“Why then? Don’t tell me it’s because of work or anything like that. You know we managed before.”
She was trapping me. Every remark she made was pushing me to tell her the truth. I wasn’t ready for her to know, though.
Maybe I will never be. I needed to escape from there.
“We should end this,” I blurted out.
She frowned again. “End what?”
“This arrangement. It’s not working.”
I saw her demeanor change. I couldn’t exactly pinpoint what it was, but my first guess? Hurt. That broke my heart.
“Why? You... You don’t want to be my friend anymore?” She asked. Her voice was small. Why could she think I didn’t want to be her friend anymore? Not in a million years. I would like to be more than that, but I knew it was impossible.
“No! No that! I’m talking about the benefits thing. I - I think we should end that,” I hastened to explain. I prayed she could agree with me without any question. Too much to ask?
She kept silent for a couple of seconds, contemplating her answer. I knew this would happen. I knew that doing this would mess up everything between us. And the people assume I’m a genius. Waste of genius I am.
“So it’s true you found someone else. You want to fuck someone else.”
‘No! I want only to fuck you!’ I wanted to scream, but instead, I repeated myself: ‘Calm down, Spencer. Calm down. Stay focused’.
“I’m trying to keep our friendship, that’s all.”
“So you can fuck someone else. I get it,” she insisted. Why was that so important? I mean, she could have any man in the world to feed that need. I’m not that special.
“It’s not - I mean, not that I - “ I tried to explain, but she cut me off, putting a hand over my shoulder.
“Spencer, it’s okay. I know. She is pretty and a smart girl. Not to mention she’s head over heels for you.”
Now I was confused. Who the hell was she talking about?
“What? You - she, who?”
“Alice. You are talking about Alice. I know.”
Alice? Our colleague Alice? Does she think I want to fuck Alice Brown?
“I’m not thinking-” I stuttered.
She sighed.
“Spencer. I’m so sorry for my outburst. We knew this would happen eventually. One of us would find someone and want to be in a relationship. You have the right to get that,” she said, shedding some tears. I was so confused that I couldn’t determine the real reason for her tears. Was it because she was happy for me? Or because she didn’t feel she deserved the same? Damn, why am I so incompetent at interpreting this kind of thing? Either way, she was giving me a friendly outing. Wasn’t that my initial purpose?
“Thanks,” I mumbled. (Y/N) gave me a tiny smile and kissed my cheek.
“She is lucky, you know? But if she hurt you, I’m going to kill her,” she sentenced before leaving the office.
I would like to say that after that conversation, I was more relieved. I would like to say that it was the best decision I have made in a long time. But I would be lying.
Yeah, we’re still friends, but things were weird between us, though. She avoided me more often, and our conversations were more superfluous than before.
It didn’t help that Alice was always around because when she saw Alice, she definitely stopped talking to me or left the room.
That’s where the jokes started too. Morgan jumped at every chance he got to suggest - in a not subtle manner - how interested Alice was in me. I didn’t think so, but JJ even ventured out once and asked me when I would do something about it.
Little did she know that Alice was not the woman my heart and desires gravitated around.
God, I missed (Y/N) in my arms. But I needed to be strong. Hopes weren’t an option in this case.
And it seems that peace of mind wasn’t an option either. When (Y/N) started flirting with other guys, I felt the blood boiling inside me.
I shouldn’t have felt jealous; I didn’t have any right, but I couldn’t help it. Knowing she could have some of those guys in her bed, the bed I used to be in for a solid six months, made me sick of my stomach.
I didn’t know that part of me—the possessive one. That part that yearned for her and was desperate.
Another local case closed, and Prentiss convinced us to go for drinks.
After Emily’s return, it was rough to settle for the idea of having her back, but she managed to coax out of us any resentment we could have, even with (Y/N) and me. We didn’t take pretty well Emily’s fake death. Not after grieving her for months. Of course, rationally, we understood her reasons, but it hurt. It hurt a lot.
But they say time helps, and they are right. At the end of the day, Emily was alive, and slowly we got used to that.
Garcia picked the club this time.
Only Hotch and Rossi were excused for not going.
Instantly Morgan pulled Garcia and JJ to the dance floor, leaving Emily, Alice, (Y/N), and me at the table, sipping our alcoholic drink of preference.
Sitting by my side, Alice laced her arm with mine, leaning her head over my shoulder.
“I’m so exhausted, Spence. This case was so draining!” Alice sighed. I returned a hum in response, more focused on how she clutched my arm. When I shifted my gaze to (Y/N), she quickly averted her eyes from me. In a matter of seconds, she stood and strolled to the dance floor, joining Morgan, Garcia, and JJ.
Emily narrowed her eyes as she realized something.
“Alice?” Prentiss asked. The girl looked at her with full attention. “Can I ask you something from the bar? I would go to bring it myself, but I don’t want to be abducted by Morgan.”
Convinced enough, Alice complied and headed to the bar.
“Okay, what the fuck is going on between you and (Y/N)? Or should I say between you and Alice?” Far from Alice’s eardrops, Emily asked immediately.
“Spencer, I’m not stupid. (Y/N)’s behavior with Alice around? Your eyes on her?”
Profilers. Not that I had been subtle about it anyway. I cleared my throat, Emily’s gaze on me the entire time.
“I - we - uh. We had sex.”
“With (Y/N)?”
“Yes,” I admitted. Prentiss didn’t look surprised. Of course, she wasn’t.
“And what’s the problem?”
I spit in thirty seconds what had happened between us in the past six months.
“That kind of agreement never works. But sure, you already know that.”
“Believe me. I know that” I sighed.
“Tell her.”
“What?! No! She’s my friend on top of everything. She doesn’t feel like I do. I can’t tell her.” I assured Emily, who didn’t seem too convinced.
“How do you know? I bet she’s jealous of Alice.”
“I don’t think so,” I mumbled, pointing to the dance floor. (Y/N) was grinding against a guy who seemed too enthusiastic about it.
“That means nothing,” Prentiss scoffed.
But for me, it did. (Y/N) was enjoying the night and that guy’s company. And I was stuck in the same shit I wanted not to. I needed to move on from her. Try, at least.
Alice came back with some drinks. Emily took hers and stood to talk to someone who greeted her from another table.
I sipped my beer as Alice smiled and scooted to my side.
“Well, it seems we are alone now,” she pointed.
“Technically, no. The team is scattered between the dance floor and the -” I tried to explain, but Alice’s giggle cut me off.
“You know what I mean, Spencer. In fact, you know what I have been trying to do in the past months,” she asserted, looking at me with a smirk on her face.
“Do I?”
“Yeah. Flirt with you. I want you, Spencer. And I know you want me too,” Alice said, brushing some hair I had over my face. I didn’t know how to respond to that, so I didn’t say anything, seeing how she moved closer and closer. I darted my gaze from her eyes to her lips, which was her cue to close the remaining gap between us, pressing her lips to mine. It was a foreign feeling, but I told myself, ‘why not?’ so I kissed her back.
I cupped her cheeks and cocked my head to deepen the kiss. Wrapping her arms around my neck, she pressed her body against mine. I swept my tongue over her lips, and she complied and opened her mouth. Our tongues were fighting for dominance.
But it was wrong. I was kissing Alice, and I was thinking in (Y/N). How different she kissed me, how I missed her touch. The way she plays with my hair on the nape of my neck. The sounds she makes when I touch her.
I ended the kiss because of the guilt for what I was doing and the lack of oxygen. We both were panting, but Alice was the one who had a grin plastered on her face.
“I’m sorry. I - I shouldn’t have done that,” I apologized. Alice looked at me with a frown.
“Why do you say that? That kiss was amazing.”
“Alice. I’m sorry. I can’t do this. I just can’t. You are such a beautiful and intelligent woman; any man would be lucky to have you.”
“But I want you to have me, Spencer. Why not? You are single; I am too. And I know we’re attracted to each other,” she reasoned.
“But I love someone else,” I blurted out. Alice sat straight in the booth, scoffing.
“It’s (Y/N), right?”
I nodded. I really didn’t care right then if the whole DC finds out.
“Yeah. It’s (Y/N).”
“Come on, Spencer. She is not the one for you. I know you have been friends for a while, but you? with her? In a romantic relationship? Not a chance.”
That judgment took me aback. Why was it so difficult to believe?
“Why do you say that?”
“You need a person who cares about you, for real. Not someone that is constantly bossing everyone around and ditching your feelings. I saw how she was treating you lately. The cold shoulder and everything. She doesn’t deserve you, Spencer.”
“(Y/N) is not like that. You’re mistaken,” I shook my head. Alice didn’t understand. It was all my fault.
“Well. If I am, then please tell me what you see right now. That’s the woman you love?” Alice mocked, pointing to a corner where (Y/N) was making out with the same guy from the dance floor.
They both were getting handsy, and my blood started to boil again.
I couldn’t stand it anymore. I barely heard what Alice said when I stood up and marched where (Y/N) was.
Reader’s POV.
Kissing that bitch. Spencer was kissing that bitch. But why was I surprised? He was the one who told me that our agreement should end because he wanted to fuck Alice.
It shouldn’t hurt the way it did. Not when I had another human being roaming my body with his hands and whispering praises into my ear.
Fuck you, Spencer Reid.
I took my fuck-mate prospect’s hand and made him follow me to a more private corner. I needed to forget what I saw, and if that meant getting lost with another guy, so be it.
We were heavily making out when I heard someone clearing his throat. I recognized that sound immediately.
“I need to talk to you,” Spencer sternly said, tapping my shoulder.
I parted from the kiss, and my buddy didn’t seem happy about the interruption. I wasn’t either.
“Hey dude, we’re busy here,” Randall - I’m sure that was his name - told him.
“Yeah, get lost, Reid,” I snarled. It was dark, but I still could see the redness on Spencer’s face.
I was about to resume my kissing session with Ryan when Spencer cleared his throat again, speaking louder this time.
“I will not go. We need to talk (Y/N). Now.”
Did I hear correctly? Was Spencer Reid demanding something from me?
Raymond was pissed off right now and turned to face Spencer with anger in his eyes. I should have felt bad for Spencer, but he deserved it.
“You heard the lady. Get lost!” Reggie grunted, but Spencer didn’t move from his spot, preparing himself for the worst.
When I saw Rendell fisting his hand to land a punch on Spencer’s face, I felt like I should do something.
“Hey, hey, Richie. Calm down. I had fun with you, but my friend needs me now. I’m so sorry,” I said, quickly grabbing Spencer’s wrist and dragging him to the back exit.
“Call me! And it’s Robbie. My name is Robbie.”
The poor guy spoke out before I disappeared.
Once outside, I looked at Spencer deadly.
“Spencer, what the fuck was that?!” I yelled.
“That guy only wanted to take advantage of you,” he spat back.
“How the hell do you know that?” I asked him, my hands on my hips and my best-annoyed look.
“He was touching you!” Spencer cringed as if he were talking about the world’s more disgusting thing.
“Oh! Is that a problem?” I mocked. Spencer looked frustrated with my sarcasm.
“Yeah, it is! You were going home with a stranger!”
“Good observation, genius. Maybe it is what I wanted to do.”
“To fuck that guy?” Spencer asked in disbelief.
“Yes! Since I don’t have my fuck-buddy anymore. Does it make sense to you?”
Spencer opened his mouth to say something, but no words came out. I huffed.
“You did end our agreement, not me!” I reminded him.
“So that is what you miss. Your fuck-buddy,” Spencer pointed, his voice pained as if I said something hurtful.
“Yes. I mean - yes! Of course, I miss you,” I added, but Spencer shook his head.
“No, you miss the sex. Not me,” Spencer corrected.
“What the hell are you trying to say? Just say it, Spencer!”
An awkward silence fell between us. Spencer had his hands fisted as if he was holding something back. As if I had struck a chord in him.
“It can’t be that I was the only one who felt it! All this time was just sex for you?” He asked, and I saw the hurt in his eyes.
“No! That’s why we are friends too. You are not a stranger to me, Spencer. You could never be a stranger to me.” I tried to explain.
“And what if it was more than that? What if I broke the main rule of this whole thing?”
This time I was speechless. How could it be?
“You did not. You have feelings for Alice. That’s why you ended it.”
“No! And no! I don’t have feelings for Alice, and I didn’t end it because of her.”
“Oh please, you were devouring her in that booth minutes ago!” I scoffed.
“Yeah. I - I did kiss Alice, but because I wanted to forget how you were rubbing your body with another guy!” He argued.
“What? Why does that bother you so much?”
Spencer ran his hands through his hair. He was holding back something. When he locked eyes with me, I could see his struggle inside.
“I’m jealous, okay?” He yelled out, and I stepped back from the impetus in how he said it. “And not only because another guy was touching you. I’m jealous because I realize you can go on with your life without me. And not a day goes by that I don’t regret telling you we should have ended our arrangement without explaining the real reason.” Spencer said, averting his gaze from mine.
“And what is that real reason?” I asked in a whisper. I was afraid about what he would say.
Spencer returned his gaze to me.
“That I fell in love with you.”
I was taken aback. I didn’t expect Spencer would say that. I thought that I would be the one who would say it. My surprise seemed to deflate him.
“I know. I screwed up. We said this couldn’t jeopardize our friendship. And I really tried. I swear. But it got stronger every day, and I didn’t know what to do-” he rambled until I pressed my hand on his cheek. Spencer looked at me with doe eyes.
“If it makes you feel any better, I broke the rules too. And I’m not only talking about the night I asked you to stay with me. Although that night, I realized I had already loved you for a while,” I confessed, feeling my cheeks burning at the admission.
Spencer looked at me in utter surprise.
“You – you what?” I let out a nervous chuckle, like a teenager confessing to her crush.
“Yeah. I love you.”
Spencer didn’t seem to get the whole idea yet.
“But you were - I mean, that guy over there-”
“I was jealous too. And what could I do? You told me that we should end it. I thought you would fuck Alice and start a relationship with her,” I shrugged.
“God, no! In a million years. You have to believe me,” Spencer hastened to say.
“I don’t think that’s such a bad idea. I saw you excitedly kissing her a while ago,” I pointed matter-of-factly.
“You would think that even if I tell you I was thinking of you when I was doing it?”
“Liar.” I jeered, looking anywhere else but him. Spencer’s hand on my chin guided my gaze to him again.
“I’m not lying. Alice will never kiss me the way you do. She won’t give me goosebumps like you do when you touch me. Much less could she make me – you know – make me that hard, like when you kiss that special spot on my jaw,” he said, now stroking my cheek. I chuckled because I knew that sweet spot so well.
“I bet she couldn’t suck you off as I do,” I dared to say to see his reaction.
Spencer groaned, and I knew he was picturing the scene. Me on my knees, my lips around his shaft.
I was sure that my sultry voice filled him with pent-up desire. He missed me. He wanted me. He needed me the same way I missed him and wanted him.
“Kiss me,” I begged. I couldn’t take it anymore.
Spencer didn’t need to be told twice. He leaned and complied, with one hand on my cheek and the other on the back of my head; we crushed our lips together. I tried to ground myself, grabbing Spencer’s coat lapels, but the kiss was so fierce that I felt my knees weak. It was sloppy and full of passion.
I could feel Spencer’s erection pressing on my thigh. Maybe this was heating us faster than it should, but I didn’t care, and Spencer didn’t seem to care either.
When we broke the kiss, we were both panting. I could see Spencer’s eyes full of lust, which turned me on more than it should have. I was going to kiss him again, but he stopped me, holding me in place with his hands on my cheeks.
“Did you say she couldn’t suck me off as you do?” He asked me, and I fastly nodded. A smirk emerged on his face.
“Then get on your knees and show me,” Spencer demanded, running his fingers up and down my cheek and jaw.
Wait, what? Was he asked me to give him a blowjob in the back of a club? A public place?
It’s not that we haven’t talked about something like this before, but it was left as a fantasy that could happen in the future. Well, it seems that this moment could happen now. The idea made my panties absolutely soaked.
Without a second thought, my hands worked on Spencer’s belt.
I quickly unzipped his pants and freed his cock from his boxers. Before I got down and started my task, Spencer stopped me, took off his jacket, and hunched to put it on the ground, where I would put my knees.
Quite a gentleman, worried that my knees would not touch the dirty floor. Sure, a gentleman who was going to get a blowjob, but a gentleman nonetheless.
Once ready, he leaned against the wall as I pumped his cock with my hand. I could see the precum on the head, which I spread with my fingers.
Jeez, no matter how often I did this, the man was packed, and it was always a challenge to give him a blowjob.
A groan of satisfaction left his lips as I took him into my mouth.
“Fuck, (Y/N),” he muttered.
His hands immediately landed on my head, stroking my hair while I sucked on it, trying to take it whole. I hollowed my cheeks to take more and more of him as I bowed my head to increase his pleasure. And it worked. Spencer’s moans were all I needed to go on.
“Baby, you take it so well. You don´t know how pretty you look with my cock in your mouth,” he praised, coaxing a loud moan from me.
My eyes were fixed on him. Seeing him so lost in pleasure turned me on, throwing his head back, grabbing my hair to hold me in place, and pushing his hips up to fuck my mouth.
As he quickened his pace, I couldn’t help but gag when his cock hit the back of my throat.
“Come on, (Y/N). I know you can take it. This big cock is made for you,” he encouraged me. That way, it helped me relax my throat to take more of him.
I could feel him twitching, a sign that he was close. I loved knowing that I was the one who could push him to the limit, that I was the one who could give him so much pleasure. I wanted to do this for the rest of my life.
Spencer yanked on my hair to stop me as he was about to explode. Panting, he gazed at me adoringly as he helped me to my feet.
“I think we’ll leave this kind of ending for another time. Come here,” Spencer panted. I grinned, sweeping my lips with my tongue.
Spencer collided his lips with mine in another heatest kiss. He could taste himself in my mouth.
In the dark alley now was Spencer, who caged me against the wall. The cool bricks didn’t cool down the fire running through my body.
“Please, Spencer. I need you, baby,” I moaned on Spencer’s lips. He didn’t hesitate to act for his desires. His fingers toyed with the hem of my skirt, pulling it up enough to slip his hands under the fabric, caressing my thighs up and down but still not touching where I wanted him the most.
Feeling me squirming, he knew I was growing desperate for more.
“Are you greedy right now, sweetheart? Tell me what you want,” he taunted. That little did help me to stay still. His low voice and the teasing only made my arousal grow.
“You. I want you. Now. Please,” I mumbled. My eyes shut, feeling Spencer’s hands traveling upper my tights.
He took pity on me and reached my covered center with one hand. He started to circle my clit over my damped panties. A growl escaped my mouth.
“So wet, and I barely touched you,” he teased.
“Umm. It’s all for you. Keep touching me, please.”
I purred, feeling the pleasure of his thumb circling my bundle of nerves.
His lips sucked the skin on my neck, making me moan. My hands tugged the curls I had in my reach. Spencer grunted as his hand pulled the fabric to the side, letting his thumb work on my clit without any barrier. He added his middle finger, pushing it between my folds. A silent scream told him that it was what I wanted, quickly adding a second finger.
“Fuck! Spencer!” Still dizzy, I bucked my hips to feel his fingers deeper and deeper.
“You like that, uh?”
I couldn’t manage to let words out. But Spencer already knew the answer, speeding up his pace.
The poor light in the alley let Spencer see my face. Sure I looked like a mess, moaning and taking what he was giving to me.
“Spencer, baby. I’m so close,” I whimpered.
“I know. Do you want to cum in my fingers? Here, where can anyone see us?” He was openly teasing me, but honestly, he was just as worked up as me.
“Yes! Make me come. I want to give it to you because I’m yours—nobody else. Yours.”
That encouraged him to work faster, panting praises in my ear, circling my clit, and fingering me. That was enough to push me to the edge.
A loud moan and my walls clenching around his fingers told Spencer I was almost there.
“Let it go, baby. I’ve got you,” he whispered in my ear.
“Spencer! Fuck!” I whimpered as I came.
He helped me ride my orgasm, moving his fingers slowly and kissing my lips tenderly. Carefully, Spencer retrieved his fingers, brought them to his mouth, and sucked them clean. The sight made me moan, pulling Spencer by his lapel to kiss him again. Now I could taste myself in his mouth.
“Are you okay?” He asked after breaking the kiss.
“Yeah. But I need more,” I panted, still regulating my breathing. Although the poor light, I saw him smirk.
I wanted to feel him so bad. It didn’t matter that we were in a dark alley where anyone could pass and see us.
Spencer pumped his shaft a couple of times before aligning it at my entrance. He made eye contact with me to confirm if I was ready.
“Fuck me, please,” I whined.
It was the answer he needed.
“Fuck!” Spencer groaned when he slid the head of his cock between my folds, pushing inch by inch until he bottomed out.
“Oh my God. Yes!” I moaned. The feeling of him filling me up has always been so intense, no matter how many times he had done this.
“Baby, you’re so tight. I don’t know how I can fit in you,” he panted, stilling there and basking in the feeling of my warmth and wetness.
“You’re so big. I love how you stretch me. I love to feel everything of you,” I whimpered. Spencer let out a grunt trying to keep still and not move until I was ready.
“You - you can move now,” I whined, urging him to oblige.
Spencer pulled out almost entirely, only to slam into me right after.
“Shit!” I cried as Spencer set a pace. Ragged breaths erupted from both of us.
It was like being at home. I’ve never felt like this with anyone else.
“You like that? Uh?” Spencer grumbled, increasing the speed of his thrusts.
“Yes! You feel so - so good. I love the way - ah! - the way you fuck me,” I said.
“That’s why you were flirting with that asshole? You - you wanted me jealous?”
“Uh - yes! Yes! Yes! I wanted you so bad. I missed you so bad!”
Some tears pricked my eyes. A mix between the pleasure Spencer was giving to me and the realization that I missed him, and I couldn’t stand the thought of losing him.
People might say it’s strange that such a collected, shy, and socially awkward man could have such an animalistic side. For me, it is part of a whole. Spencer is all that and much more. People are multifaceted, and our social side often seems to be the opposite of our intimate side. Honestly, that’s not a problem for me. I love Spencer in all his different ways: the nerd, the fact-spouting young genius, the Dr. Who fan, the good friend, the one who’s by your side when you need him, the one willing to sacrifice for you, the man who is self-conscious when he receives compliments, the lover, the one who can mark your body with lovebites and who can make you see stars with his tongue or his fingers.
They are all the Spencer I love, my Spencer.
Spencer grabbed one of my legs and looped it around his waist. I held onto his biceps for stability as he speeded up his thrusts. Our moans were loud enough that it was a miracle no one had seen us yet.
Though perhaps I spoke too soon.
I opened my eyes, looked over Spencer’s shoulder, and saw someone looking at us. That made the adrenaline rush in a different direction than it was at that moment.
“Spencer. She’s - she’s watching us - she’s there. Fuck!” I managed to say between whimpers. Spencer didn’t seem bothered by my announcement, as his thrusts remained in the same delicious way.
“Who? Who’s watching us?” He asked, panting in my ear.
“Alice. Fuck! Should- should we stop?” I barely could form coherent words at this point, but I needed to warn him. We were in a public place, after all. The realization made my arousal grow somehow, so I only could close my eyes and feel Spencer’s cock stretching me most delightfully.
Almost forgetting that I told him what was happening around us, I swear I feel Spencer smirk on the crook of my neck.
“No. No. Let her watch if she wants. So she knows I’m yours. That you’re the only one - the only one I want to fuck in my entire life. Every time, everywhere. Let her see us. I - don’t - fucking - care,” Spencer emphasized each part with a deep thrust. I was a moaning mess, eyes shut and clinging to Spencer’s biceps for some balance as I lost myself in the pleasure.
The coil in my lower belly built it faster and faster.
“I love you so fucking much,” I panted, bucking up my hips to feel him deeper if that was possible at this point.
We both knew it was animalistic, lacking all rationalism. But we need it. We craved it in the most primal essence, where the words were not enough.
“I love you too. Look at me. I want to see your eyes when I’ll make you come. That’s it, my love—my good girl.”
“Repeat it, please,” I begged, arching my back.
“I love you, my good girl—only you,” he said, struggling to keep his eyes open.
“Yes! I’m yours. Spencer! God! So so good,” I babbled. I didn’t know it was something coherent, but who cares anyway?
“Are you close? Are you going to cum on my cock? Let her see how I fill you up?” He asked, a twisted smirk on him. Oh, fuck, how I love this man.
I didn’t know if Alice was still watching us, but the thought of her realizing that Spencer only wanted me and I only wanted him made me delirious.
“Yes! Please! Let me cum. I’m so close, baby.”
The feelings must be shown in some way, expressed, and offered in the form of actions. This time it was the possessiveness: the fact that reminded us that the fire was there because we belonged to each other.
At the top of our climax, mouths only served to moan our names, curses, and praises.
“Spencer! Fuck!” I yelled, shutting my eyes in pleasure.
My muscles tightened around Spencer when I came, pushing him to the edge. Spencer groaned as he emptied himself in me.
“Arg! So good, so good for me,” he muffled as his head nestled in the crook of my neck.
The moment and the place made the feeling more powerful. So powerful that we got lost in the dizziness of that post-coital bliss for a minute or two.
“God, I love you,” Spencer mumbled, kissing my neck. I giggled, feeling his stubble on my skin.
“I love you too. You’re more than my fuck-buddy, Spencer. And more than my friend too. You’re the man I love. I mean it,” I reassured him, tracing my fingers between his locks. He hummed contentedly. Parting from my neck, Spencer focused his eyes on mine.
“I know I should have said something before, but I was scared,” he confessed.
“Me too. But here we are. In a dark alley, in the back of a club, after fucking the shit out of us. I guess we are okay now.” We both giggled.
“Yeah, we’re more than okay,” he said, pecking my lips and hugging me tightly.
Well, maybe Emily Prentiss faking her death did bring something good to my life, after all.
Spencer Reid’s Taglist: @dreatine​ @nomajdetective @jayyeahthatsme @rosalinasam2 @averyhotchner @tvandfanfic​ @lovelyxtom @princessmiaelicia @pastelbabygirl19  @reidsbookclub @alexxavicry @gspenc @spencerreidisbae123 @calmspencer @thebloomingeagle
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wintergreen28 · 2 years
Coming Home
Aaron Hotchner x Reader
The flight was easily one of the longest ones I had ever been on. Despite hating planes, I was buzzing with anticipation the entire way home. It had been a long six months in Afghanistan, witnessing more trauma to talk about in therapy. It was honestly a miracle I had made it out alive. Exhaustion made my body sag slightly, but I was determined to make it to the team eventually, for a surprise. Admittedly, it was later but I knew they would all be at the office. They practically lived there. I landed in Dulles without much trouble, meeting JJ at the airport. Before she saw me, she was on the phone, a very concerned look on her face as she reacted to whatever someone was telling her. 
I slipped out of the gate, my bag hiked up on her bag, and she immediately hung up with a grin when she gained sight of me. As soon as I made it past the barrier, she tackled me into a hug, her arms looping around my middle tightly. I gripped her shoulders, and tried to fight back tears, my hat falling off. Letting me go, she brushed my BDUs off, and led me out towards where her car was. 
“How are you? I’ve missed you so much.” I got out, practically hopping to the car in excitement.
“I’ve been pretty good, everything’s been good at the office--but fair warning, the team is just getting back from a rough case.”
“Okay, okay, I’ll be a little muted, but I still want to surprise them.”
It was only a little while later that we were sitting in the BAU, having pulled out two chairs, catching up on previous cases, and her trying to set me up on yet another blind date. Before long, the elevators chimed as they opened, and a very tired-looking team dredged out. Derek immediately perked up when he saw me within the doors, prior to everybody else noticing and rushed into the bullpen. He practically pulled me up out of my chair in a bear hug, spinning me around the room, fighting back tears. I held onto him tightly smiling and laughing. 
“God I missed you, Hot Stuff.” He said, loosening his grip and pulling back to cup my face.
  “I bet I missed you more.” I cooed, as he placed a kiss on my forehead. Spencer came up behind him as he let me go, and I wrapped my arms around him, taking in his depressed, and shocked state.
“I love you kid. I only heard briefly what happened, but I’m here now. I promise.” I whispered, holding him to me, my hand finding a place on the back of his head.
“I love you too. Please don’t leave again,” He deflated a little, presumably in relief, “We missed you so much.” I moved away from him after placing a small kiss on his cheek, when I was confronted by Gideon. He gave me a quick hug, welcoming me home in his own little way, clapping my shoulder as he moved to his office. Penelope was up next, bouncing on her heels and covered my face with kisses before hugging me, and whispering her version of sweet nothings in my ear. Letting go, she moved to circle her arms around Derek’s waist, the happy tears and smile never leaving her face.
Aaron all but tackled me when he hugged me, the tension releasing out of his shoulders as I tightened around him. He kept me in a tight hug for what felt like forever, and I gripped the back of his hair, scratching his scalp gently a little. He leaned into my touch and sighed brokenly. 
“Welcome home.” He said quietly, and I relaxed into his touch, bringing him in tighter. It was only reluctantly that either of us let go, and only briefly, him wrapping his arm around me to keep contact. I wrapped my arm around his back, playing with the hem of his suit jacket. 
A dark-haired woman stared at me, confused before reaching her hand out. She was young, her clothing well put together, and obviously new. It was in the way the team was around her, still unsure but a generally welcome addition. 
“Emily Prentiss.” She said, as I took her hand.
“Elizabeth Walker. Call me Liz.” 
“Liz is a part of our team, another profiler,” JJ explained expertly, “She’s been on a tour in Afghanistan for the last six months, as a combat medic.”
“Nice to meet you. I’ve only heard good things.” I say, tightening my arm around Hotch minutely, before letting go, to avoid further profiling--I could see Morgan’s questioning gaze. 
“Oh, so they’ve told you about me?” Emily laughed, crossing her arms over her chest.
“Only good things, I promise,” I said, raising my hands, “We’re allowed to use Skype over there, and I try to talk to the team as much as I can. I’m impressed with your work in Guantanamo Bay. You even got Gideon’s praise.”
“Jeez, Gideon’s praise? That’s a lot.”
“You’re getting off on the right foot, Emily I’ll tell you that.” 
“Well, I’m glad-- but I best be off, I need to catch my train.” 
“Okay, it was nice meeting you!” I called after her as she walked away.
Slowly, one by one the team began to leave, until it was only Aaron and I in the bullpen. I had been completing paperwork for coming back, still dressed in my BDUs, and when finished I brought it up to Aaron’s office.
Knocking gently on the door twice, he waved me in, and I came in to place the paperwork on his desk. He nodded to thank me, and finished scribbling on his page, before rising from his desk. He came around from behind it and encased me in another hug. I looped my arms around him, welcoming the contact. He dropped his head on my shoulder, nuzzling into my neck slightly. I smiled, leaning into him. 
“I’m so glad you’re home.” He said, his voice low, and just above a whisper. I could feel him almost shaking with relief.
“Me too.” 
“It was absolute hell without you,” Aaron murmured, huffing slightly with a laugh, “Things with Haley have been getting worse, and when Emily came in I thought they were replacing you and my heart just broke.”
“I’m not going anywhere. I promise. They told me that I’m free from tours for the next five years. It’s not even a guarantee they’ll call me back for a while after that.” 
“I was so worried about you-- after you told me what happened to Thad those years ago, I--” He went quiet, drawing me in closer.
“I’m here now, and I’m safe, okay? I’m here, I’m not going anywhere.” His shoulders dropped with relief. “I promise.”
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blushingbucky · 2 years
even my phone (misses your call) | spencer reid
pairing: spencer reid x f!reader
word count: 339 (she is SHORT i know)
summary: both man and technology forever waiting for your call.
warnings: allusions to sex, pure angst with a mysterious ending
author’s note: in honour of harry’s house (and the beautiful album she is), we have a spencer drabble !! this was inspired by harry styles’s ‘from the dining table’, providing lyrics and the title of this fic. send your requests straight into my inbox if you want to see more :)
Woke up alone in this hotel room
Played with myself, where were you?
Spencer wakes to a lonely bed and lonely soul.
The phone buzzes on the bedside table and he reaches for it almost desperately, fingers closing around the metal and voice answering with an embarrassingly breathy, “Hello?”
JJ’s voice comes through the line and his sleep-muddled mind mistakes it for yours, just for a second. Just for a blissful second, before he registers her urgency and throws off the sheets with a sinking feeling that can only mean disappointment.
Woke up the girl who looked just like you
I almost said your name
When you’ve gotten used to sleeping alone, your brain is confused when you wake up next to a girl resembling your ex-lover. That’s exactly what happens when Spencer wakes to a warm bed, body gently breathing beside him.
He’s not alone, not in the sense that he has no one, but he is lonely. Lonely in the sense that every day, his phone boasts no missed call from you. Lonely in that his eyes mistake her hair for yours, his nose mistakes her perfume for yours, his ears trick his brain into believing her breaths are your snores.
Your name escapes Spencer’s lips before his mind catches up to his mouth.
She doesn’t stir, and he runs a hand over his tired eyes. His phone rings, the sharp trill cutting through the silence of the dawn, and he doesn’t bother pretending it’s you. Instead, he turns away from the girl who warmed his bed for the night and answers Hotch’s call.
Maybe one day you’ll call him, and say you made a mistake. Say you think of him every day, dream of him every night.
But until then, his phone remains full of calls from everyone but the one he still loves. Both man and technology forever waiting for your call.
Maybe one day you’ll call me and tell me that you’re sorry too
“Spencer? It’s me. I’m… sorry. For everything.”
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