#spencer reid boyband cut
violetrainbow412-blog · 10 months
New look [S. R.]
Spencer Reid x fem!reader
word count: 800
Summary: directly based on "The internet is forever" (5x22), when Reid's wonderful but short-lived boyband cut appears for the first time
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Most of you were sitting in the conference room when JJ got ready to present the case. That particular night you had slept very little and to perform at work you thought it necessary to prepare yourself a coffee Spencer-style, who, by the way, had not yet deigned to appear at the bureau's offices.
“This is Dorris Archer, she's the third woman to go missing in Boise, Idaho, this year, along with Paula Renmar and Samantha Rush” the blonde began to say, under the attention of the entire team “They went missing roughly 2 months apart …” suddenly she cut off her words and her gaze traveled behind you. Out of inertia you turned your head and your breath caught a bit when you looked at who it was.
Of course you were glad to see your friend finally show up, but you honestly hadn't expected to see him like this. 
"Well, hello," JJ sneered, grinning in astonishment and approval at the man's new look.
Spencer took a seat in the chair next to you and all eyes fell on him, especially yours and Hotch's, albeit for very different reasons. You had gotten used to seeing his hair falling over his shoulders, even a couple of times you had come to help the man hold it with one of your scrunchies, but to be honest, the cut at that moment suited him much better than it should. It made him look cute and at the same time so… sexy? Yeah, maybe that was the word.
Although you wanted to say something, the words didn’t leave your lips and your boss was the first to speak:
"What, did you join a boy band?" he, miraculously, joked. 
"No," Reid replied, genuinely confused, and that was reason enough for all of you, without exception, to start laughing. When he heard your laughter, he looked in your direction and smiled kindly in greeting, to which you responded with a friendly squeeze on his arm.
Emily mumbled something to follow up on the case, but even against your will your mind was occupied with a completely different matter; being more specific on a certain person right next to you. You kept blatantly staring at him for a long time and when he felt that attention you saw him turn his head towards you, an obvious sparkle of concern in his eyes. Out of respect for the unit, he didn't say anything to you, but as soon as JJ finished presenting the case and you both got up from the table, he walked over to you.
"What's going on?"
"What's going on about what?”
“You were staring at me a long time ago,” he pointed out, but it wasn't like you were hiding it “Do I look that terrible?”
When you realized the confusion that had been generated, you couldn't contain a laugh and that only increased your friend's nervousness. You two were the only ones left in the conference room, so no one would be able to hear what you had to say.
“Just the opposite, Spence. I was looking at you because I think you look very handsome” you confessed, smiling kindly at him from where you were, and one moment you saw him turn red up to his ears, because he probably didn't expect that kind of response.
"Are you serious?" he asked you timidly.
"Very seriously" you approached him to extend your hands up to his head so you could run your fingers through the strands of his hair. When he understood your intentions, he crouched slightly and simply enjoyed the contact "Although I've already gotten used to your long hair, I admit that I like this one too. It looks messier, like you're more rebellious"
"I was a little undecided about the shape," he told you, making his usual hand movements "but when I started to cut it, I thought it would be the best option and at the end I was afraid I was making a mistake, because I had never had it like that before"
“Did you cut it yourself?” you half squealed, looking at him in complete disbelief, and he nodded with a small smile “Handsome, smart, kind and now you're a barber. You're quite a jack of all trades, huh, Reid?"
"Enough, don't say those things" he laughed, turning all shy and silly at your flattery.
"Looks like I'll have to keep you away from the girls" you concluded playfully, while you winked at him and took your bag to get out of there "See you there, don't be late"
Spencer just chuckled to himself and watched you go, still internally debating whether he should take your shameless flirtations as a joke or if you really meant it. Whatever the case, he was grateful to have made that impulsive decision solely for the pleasure of hearing his little (not that much, really) crush call him handsome.
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taglist: @navs-bhat @reidwritings @tricia-shifting14 @spencerslove
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in-another-april · 15 days
ok hear me out, spencer doesn't like going to the barber that much because germs, so he asks his gf (or gn reader idm!) to cut his hair for him
- boyband reid's biggest fan
oh em gee this is so sweet and silly and domestic. im frothing at the mouth rn. warning: one non-explicit reference to sex (boyband reid makes me feral im sorry)
Spencer's had such a variety of hairstyles and you've adored every one of them. It's grown out so much recently, mostly because he hasn't gotten around to cutting it, but he likes it well enough.
Once he's tired of having long hair and ready to get it cut, he offers you full rein over his hair. You JUMP at the opportunity and yeah. the boyband haircut was very self indulgent. (and you're so real for that.)
He was a little nervous when he first looked in the mirror, thinking it would definitely take some getting used to. But then you're there next to him, kissing his face and telling him he looks soo good, and any doubt he had is gone.
Even after a few days with his new look go by, you've still been allll over him. You were clingy before, sure, but something about his new hair drives you insane (positive) and he's never been happier.
He's not really bothered by his coworkers (and Hotch?? surprisingly??) teasing him about his haircut. He likes it, and you've made it very clear that you like it, (if last night was any indication) so anyone else's opinion doesn't matter that much.
Plus, it gives him another opportunity to gush about you if anyone mentions it. Even if it's a kidding "nice hair" from Morgan, he gets to be all "thanks 😇 my s/o cut it for me 😊" Yeah, he loves it.
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"Let's get started," Aaron commented, letting Jennifer take over to start showing the case.
"Wait, two of our geniuses are missing." Emily turned to look at the two empty chairs across from each other.
"Reid and L/N are coming late." Rossi turned to look toward the door. There was no sign of one or the other showing up. They waited a couple of minutes before Hotch signaled J.J. to initiate or they would lose a lot of valuable time saving a woman.
"Okay, this is Dorris Archer. The third woman to go missing this year in Boise, Idaho." He paused to flick through the other images. "Along with Paula Renmar and Samantha Rush, they disappeared within two months of each other." He paused to notice in the distance a shadow approaching. "Well... Hello."
It was Spencer. But it wasn't the Spencer she knew.
His long hair had been cut short and, now, he wore his hair quite fashionable, a bit tousled, but giving him that youthful air that attracted the attention of all the women in the office.
The boy gave her an elongated smile, left the notebook he was holding on the table and sat down at his desk. His gaze wandered from Hotch, who was next to him, to the empty chair in front of him, where you sat.
Where was it? Spencer wondered.
The boardroom table was surrounded by silence, everyone focusing on the youngest of the group and his new haircut.
"Did you join a boy band?"
Laughter joined Hotch's sentence, causing confusion on Spencer's face but that didn't last long as the attention quickly dissipated as a new shadow approached, at great speed, all the way to the boardroom.
"Sorry, sorry, sorry" The sole of your tennis shoes echoed in the room and was soon silenced as you situated yourself in your seat across from Reid. Your hand went to your hair, combing it before you could look straight ahead and feel the anticipation of the team for your reaction.
It was an open secret that the two of you had a clear attraction to each other, even more so coming from you when flirting was your way of responding to every comment Spencer gave you as flattery.
Your gaze lifted, stopping on the young genius and his new style. Your mouth opened slightly and, without thinking, you blurted out.
"Ay papi, who are you and what did you do with dr. Reid?" The rest of them laughed again at seeing the blush of his pink cheeks take over even his ears. "It looks good on you, very good. My compliments to the hairdresser." You gave him a wink and turned your attention back to the front when Derek muttered "Turn off Reid, or I'll have to call the fire department."
Spencer smiled as he felt his cheeks burn, perhaps his way of getting your attention had been a complete success.
a/n: A tiny boyband!spencer x reader blurb, because I've been obsessed with boyband!spencer for weeks now, my tiktok is full of it everywhere.
If you like it, don't forget to like and repost it.
a lot of love, alme. ❀
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rickgrimeswifey · 1 year
Boyband hair - Spencer Reid
A/n: Okay, so, 5x22, Spencer’s boyband hair, I just had to write a small blurb because HIS HAIR IS Y.U.M.M.Y, okay?
Category: Blurb
Pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!reader (written in second person)
Season: 5
Warnings: Talk about getting horny, nothing else really
Word count: 0.3k
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It was just another regular day of coming into work in your mind. You had your morning coffee and then JJ found you and told you there was a new case. You put the coffee mug in the sink before walking to the rest of the group where Penelope and JJ were going to present the case.
After taking a seat next to Derek, you realized that Spencer was nowhere to be found. He had a bad habit of being late in the morning but you missed seeing him. As it was monday and the team had actually had the whole weekend off. You opened the file in front of you, there was a woman in the picture who looked to be in her late twenties and her name was Samantha Russ, she had been abducted from her home.
JJ started giving out information while the team asked questions back and forth. You were so focused on reading the file that it almost went unnoticed when JJ said;
“Well, hello.” In a surprised tone.
The whole room went quiet and Y/n finally looked up wondering what was going on. The moment she laid eyes on the person in front of her she swore she felt wetness starting to pool in her underwear. It was Spencer, he had cut his hair. Who knew hair had such power to one's appearance?
“What, did you join a boyband?” Hotch questioned and scrunched up his nose.
Dereks laughter was heard in the room along with some other snickers.
“No?” Spencer answered adorably confused.
After that the whole team went back to gathering as much information about these women as possible, well everyone except you. You were sitting staring with your mouth, almost drooling. You couldn’t get your eyes away from Spencer. He looked so good in that hair. It was the perfect kind of hair to tug on, it just looked absolutely perfect and he was hot now. He had been cute before when you had a little crush on him but now he was HOT.
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// @nomajdetective​ // @spikedhe4rt // @andrea9 // @zuckker-blog // @haleyshue97 // @cyb3rdollq // @kylakins88 // @acornacre // @shine101​ // @alexa-33​ // @cynbx​ // —————————————————————————————
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pathologicalreid · 2 months
important question: which season is your favourite spencer haircut? (season 5 for me 😍)
i do have an oddly niche answer for this question. it's early season 12. like circa 'elliots pond'. there's just something about it that gets me feral.
ALSO ALSO season 9 like around 'rabid'. big, big fan. i think that cut really suited mgg's face shape.
i also like boyband reid and the prince charming look A LOT. like a disturbing amount.
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samuelsdean · 1 year
Can I request a Spencer blurb where the reader and him are in the BAU and bffs and they both have a crush on each other? Additionally, in that episode where Reid gets a haircut and Hotch is like “did you join a boy band?” the reader can’t help but think it’s really cute and also feels bad because he asked her to help do a trim on his hair and accidentally made it too short but she really likes it and because she likes it Reid likes it? and maybe Rossi teases him about it and he’s like “who’s your barber maybe i’ll get myself a boyband do” and he blushes and is like “Uhm… well Y/N helped me cut it?” and they bffs get together in the end?
hi anon! thank you for sending in this request ♡ i found this request so cute & i wanted to write it immediately but life got in the way. i had to go to school to get my grades & have my clearance signed. plus, i had to fly across the country for a much needed family vacation. anyhow, i finally got to write it which i'll be posting in a bit. thank you for waiting! i hope you'll love what i have written.
here's the blurb i wrote! enjoy ♡
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What is your favorite Dr. Spencer Reid (Matthew Gray Gubler) moment?
Oh my god, there are so many.
One of the first that comes to mine is when J.J.’s son dresses up as Spencer for Halloween and he just gets so happy and smiles so wide.
Another is at the end of the episode with the autistic child who witnessed his parents murder, Spencer went out and bought a piano because that was how he communicated with the child. I always thought that was very cute.
There’s the classic, “this is calm, and it’s doctor”, scene. And the “did you join a boyband” scene, after cutting his hair.
Him spinning around in the chairs. Him and Garcia have working out.
Like I said, there are many.
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mediabrainrot · 2 years
obsessed w mullet reid ESPECIALLY because as a flash back it’s still set in the timeline of the show and at no point did he ever have anything remotely close to that hair
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New ‘Do
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Summary: Reader has a sort of fettish for Spencer's new haircut, and Spencer then explains to the team and reader how he could tell.
CW: talk of hair fettish (obvi lol), describing sexual things, kissing, talk of sex, hair-pulling
AN: hey guys!! So I know this is my second blurby one shot in a row, but idc lol im lazy. i hope you enjoyyy <33
Reader's POV:
Spencer Reid and his hair will officially be the death of me.
Something about the way he styled it always got to me.
During our various sexual encounters, I would always tug his head back with his hair. And of course, he fucking loved it, which only fueled my..fettish for his hair even further.
That's why when he said that he was going to chop off his chestnut locks, I couldn't help but protest.
"But Spencer! I love your long hair!" I exclaimed, throwing my hands up in the air dramatically as he chuckled, walking into the kitchen of our apartment to grab a water bottle. He had just told me the news, and I felt like a part of me was going to go missing. I don't care how dramatic I sounded.. It was the truth and only the truth.
"Y/n, I'm just chopping off a few inches! It's gone on to be too long since my last cut.. I look like a nerdy Jesus." he said, opening his water bottle as I crossed my arms in front of my chest.
I walked closer to him, running my fingers through his hair as he took a sip from his water. I looked at his beautiful locks as though they had hypnotized me. "But it's so pretty...I love it. I love to tug on it! Spence, how am I supposed to play with it?" I whined, and Spencer sighed, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips as he put his hands on my waist.
"Baby, I promise you'll be able to play with my hair once I get it cut. I just need it out of my face for work."
"Then put it in a little bun!" I squeaked, my hands still tangled in his curls. Truthfully, I knew what I was doing was childish, but something about his longer hair made my whole body light into a beautiful flame.
Spencer rolled his eyes jokingly, pulling me to him for a heated kiss to nicely say, shut up. After a moment, he pulled away, leaning his forehead on mine before kissing the tip of my nose.
"I'm getting it cut tomorrow. End of story. So say goodbye to my 'Jesus Reid' haircut," he said, cupping my jaw with his right hand, as he ran his thumb gently along my lips. I sighed in defeat, tugging on Spencer's hair slightly as a whine slipped past his lips.
That's when I got an idea.
I tugged his head all the way back, littering kisses on his neck and sucking on the soft tissue of his skin lightly. Spencer whimpered softly, the sound and his hair woven between my fingers making fire burn course through my veins.
"Aren't you gonna miss me yanking on it?" I asked innocently, showing off my best puppy eyes before I kissed the column of his throat.
"You'll be able to yank on my new hair." he stated simply, gripping my hips with more power.
"But it won't be the same!" I groaned, throwing my arms loosely around his neck. Spencer laughed once more at my dramatics.
"Y/n, I'm getting my haircut tomorrow. There's nothing you can do about it! Now, we have the whole night ahead of us, and if you want to get one last yank on my hair, I suggest we begin now." he said smugly, and I giggled bashfully; following Spencer to the bedroom to begin our fun 'adventures'.
Let's just say: he and I didn't get much sleep that night.
The next morning, I awoke to Spencer shutting our apartment door as quietly as possible.
That's when it hit me.
He got his haircut!
I hopped out of bed, rushing into the living room to find Spencer. His beautiful hair had obviously been cut a few inches shorter, giving him a sort of prince look.
And I swear to all things holy, my heart stopped beating.
I felt heat flood throughout my body as he turned around, his hair sort of messy-- although extremely charming.
I walked up to him, running my fingers through it as he laughed.
"Well good morning to you too." he greeted, planting his hands on my waist before asking me a quick, "How do you like it? I think I'll change it soon but it's good enough for now."
"No!" I squeaked, feeling my cheeks warm up as I pulled him to me, kissing his lips fervently as I whimpered against him.
Spencer was about to put his hands on my face before we heard an incessant ringing from his bag.
"Fuck," he breathed, kissing my lips softly before fishing for his phone that was hidden away in his satchel. He retrieved it, flashing me the screen to show me who was calling. Damn it! It was Hotch. 
Spencer answered it, holding the phone up to his ear as I made my way to him, beginning to suck on his neck and collar bones as he spoke. "O-Okay, yes I-I'll tell her. A-alright. Bye."
He hung up, groaning softly when I sucked on the sweet spot of his neck. "Y-Y/n, we have a case, baby."
I sighed, kissing my way up to his lips.
"So I'm guessing you like my hair?" he chuckled, and I nodded fervently, biting my bottom lip. 
Spencer smiled, bending his neck down a bit to lightly kiss my lips, before telling me we had to go as soon as possible.
I reluctantly agreed, wanting more from him but turned around and walked back to our bedroom as I began to get ready.
A few minutes later, we each grabbed our things and headed out the door to the BAU jet to do the briefing of the case.
Oh, boy.
This was going to be a long one.
We had made it on the jet, the team's reactions to Spencer's haircut full of hilarity.
JJ was the first to say something, who did a swift, "Well, hello."
Spencer had pressed his lips into a thin line, a confused look on his face as he looked around; seeing the team member's stare.
Hotch was next to say something, in which he furrowed his bushy eyebrows together to prompt the question that made the whole team burst out laughing: "What, did you join a boyband or something?"
Spencer's eyebrows crinkled together as he spouted, "W- No."
"Awe, come on guys I love it." I said, taking a hold of Spencer's hand under the table as he smiled at me, his cheeks a light pink.
"That's because you're in love with him, pretty girl." Derek teased, flashing a toothy grin at me as I felt my face get warm.
The team laughed a bit more, agreeing with Derek's sentence before Hotch began the briefing.
Our case was based in Boise, Idaho.. Apparently, a serial killer had been revealed to have been posting his murders on the Internet, accumulating quite a collection of fans in the process.
Now, we were about an hour into the plane ride, and I tried distracting myself with my book, but I just couldn't.
I couldn't stop myself from staring.
He was so addicting to look at.
He noticed my gaze on him as he looked back at me. 
"What?" he laughed, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand.
"I think Y/n likes your new hair, Reid." Emily said, causing the others that weren't asleep to look up from what they were doing to joing in on the conversation.
"Ooh, I think pretty girl has a hair fettish," Derek chuckled, poking me in the ribs as I narrowed my eyes at him.
"Wh-! I do not!" I exclaimed, feeling a blush color my face.
"No, I think you do." JJ smirked, laughing with Emily.
Thank God, Rossi's asleep.
"She definitely does," Spencer piped up, his face and tone completely innocent.. As though he was about to state one of his fun facts. Which I guess in a way this was a fun fact.. Fun for everyone else except me.
I looked at him incredulously, hitting his chest lightly.
"How do you figure?" I asked, crossing my arms in front of my chest, daring him to say another word.
"Well when I got home this morning from the parlour and you saw me, you did this thing you do when you are about to orgasm," he explained, beginning to talk with his hands.
"Oh, what does she do, boy genius?" Emily asked, leaning over to get in on the fun. I could not believe what I was hearing.
"Her breathing gets heavy and she has to hold onto something.. Usually that 'something' is my hair, but when she first saw me she gripped the back of the couch. Then she was kissing me alot and running her fingers through my hair. She whimpered a little bit too, which is something she also does when she is about to-"
"O-kay! Can we stop talking about me and orgasms?" I asked, hiding behind my hands in embarrassment.
"You asked me how I knew you had a fettish and I explained." Spencer said in a sing-song tune, the team member's laughing which eventually woke Rossi up.
"Wh-what are we laughing at?" he asked in a dazed state, his eyes barely open.
"I don't think you want to know," Hotch said, arching an eyebrow as he looked back down at his case files.
"No, I want to know." he shrugged, nodding his head. 
My eyes grew wide at Derek's response:
"Apparently, when Prettygirl is about to have an orgasm she whimpers. Oh, and she also has a hair fettish...Specifically with Spencer's hair."
"Dio mio! I did not want to know that!" Rossi cried, making me slap myself in the face as I groaned in embarrassment.
"Oh my God!" I exclaimed, cringing as I realized that Derek had practically told my grandfather about my sex life. "I'm going to get more coffee."
"Ooh, can you get me some?" Spencer asked.
"No." I said simply over my shoulder, throwing Spencer a pointed look.
I poured myself another cup of much needed coffee before Spencer walked up beside me.
"I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable, I was just explaining facts to the team." he said softly, and I began to feel bad for making him think I was angry at him.
"Spence, it's okay, really," I laughed, and I saw a wave of relief wash over his features. I kissed him gently, tugging on his hair as he whimpered. "I guess I could always just tell the team that you whine and beg when I pull your hair." I whispered, untangling my fingers from his hair as I kissed him softly on the lips, Spencer's face a bright red.
"I must really like your new 'do, Spence."
And with that, I walked away, smirking at Spencer immediately throwing the washroom open, locking the door behind him.
He didn't open it until fifteen minutes later.
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reidyoulikeabook · 3 years
The salon is now: open
(except in this case i ended up writing a full on blurb oopsie i didn't mean to do that but alas, i did! it kind of fulfills an ask i had a couple of weeks ago for headcanons about cutting spencer's hair so it's okay. also i wrote this all in one go in about 10 mins with no editing or proofreading so go easy on me okay)
Ship: GN! Reader x Spencer Reid
Warnings: hair cutting, mention of scissors,
Word count: 1.2k
"The salon is now," You drum your hands on the table, much to the amusement of Spencer who gives you a wry smile, "Open!"
You mime turning over an imaginary sign, and he shakes his head.
"Are you sure you can do this?"
"Do you want to go to the hairdressers?"
He sighs, "No."
"You have a lot of hair," You tell him, ruffling it with your fingers, "So at least in a worst case scenario you just end up with it a little bit short."'
"I want it short anyway," He says, turning his head over the chair to look at you, "I think it got way too long. I kept avoiding going and now it's almost as long as JJ's."
"I think it suits you."
"Do you?"He quirks his eyebrow.
"Yeah. I really like it, but if you'd be happy with it a little bit shorter."
He nods, "It keeps getting in my face during cases. I'd tie it up but," He smiles ruefully, "I think it might be considered unprofessional."
"If it's not unprofessional when JJ or Emily does it then it's not unprofessional when you do it," You reassure him, weaving your fingers through it carefully, "Although the curls are harder to manage when they're longer. How short are you wanting it?"
He gestures, and you gasp.
"That short? You're getting rid of all your luscious locks just like that?"
He wrinkles his nose, "I'm not sure luscious is the word I'd use to describe them."
"It's the word I'd use to describe them."
He smiles, picking up the mirror you'd bought especially for the occasion. He can see your reflection in the back of it, and although it's a bit silly he waves. You grin, waving back.
"Okay, I watched some youtube tutorials on how to do this," You say, tucking the towel under his neck and looping it around so it should in theory catch all the hair at the back, "And I bought hairdressing scissors."
"Oh well youtube videos, I'm sure that's better than a qualification," He says, his tone purely playful.
"You heard me say scissors and thought it was a good idea to start mocking me?"
He pretends to look thoughtful, "No?"
You shove at his shoulders, gently, and he looks offended. He opens his mouth, almost definitely to make some kind of snarky comment and without thinking you loop your arm around, cupping your hand over it.
"Nope. In my salon we don't critique the stylist."
You can feel his lips stretching into a smile against your palm. Shooting him a warning look via the mirror, you take your hand away again, "Okay, now make sure you sit still."
Spencer has to resist the urge to stare at you the whole time. He's been tasked with holding the mirror up, supposedly so that you can see all of his hair at once. He's unsure if that's the reason hairdressers do it, and it does briefly occur to him that perhaps he should have looked up how to do it rather than solely entrusting you and Youtube. In all honesty though, he'd trust you with his life without a second thought. So the hair feels like nothing in comparison.
Your tongue pokes out of the side of your mouth a bit, your entire face the very picture of concentration. You chop away, sculpting. There are some moments where you have to swallow your panic, reassuring yourself that he wants it short.
The fringe is the hardest part. You lean over him, holding his jaw in your hand. You can feel his heart beating, faster and faster, against the pad of your thumb.
"Do you not trust me?"
"I do," He rumbles, his response coming in a breath that you physically feel as well as hear.
You're so close to him. The line of his jaw could cut glass, or your fingers, and you're lucky that it doesn't. You press on it, manoevuring him the way you need him. The breath catches in his throat. He swallows. You can feel his eyes boring into your cheekbones, and risk a glance. His pupils are almost entirely dilated. Whether that's from the scissors in your hand or your proximity to him, you just couldn't call it.
It crosses your mind that you should make a joke, to ease the tension. But your mouth is too dry.
You should probably warn him to keep still, the fringe is the most finnicky part after all. It's unnecessary though. He could stand in for a statue with the way he's frozen. Responding only to your touch. Moving only when you move him.
"I'm done," You manage finally, swallowing as you take a step back, "If you want to look in the mirror."
He picks it up, self-consciously scrutinising himself. He fiddles with the fringe, with the length of it, and to save him the embarassment of your staring you busy yourself with sweeping up the masses of hair on your laminate.
"Do you think it looks okay?" He asks, quiet.
"I think it looks really great Spence. D-Do you not like it?"
"No!" He blurts, putting down the mirror, "No you did a really good job, you um, you did exactly what I asked. I was just worrying if maybe it looks silly or it doesn't suit me."
"You look really pretty," You tell him, the words escaping you before your rational brain is able to place a blockade in your throat to stop them, "Um, I mean, you know, it really suits you."
He's tinged a faint pink colour. His nose scrunches, and he swallows, picking up the mirror again and fiddling the fringe back into the position you'd put it. Maybe, just maybe, it does suit him. If you think he looks pretty. That's the most important assessment to him, after all.
After a moment or so, he places it down again, turning to face you with a sheepish smile and the ghost of a blush on his cheeks, "So what do I owe you?"
"Oh, pizza at least," You reply, finishing the clean up and throwing the hair in the trash, "Maybe a movie if you're feeling up to it."
"Of course," He nods, putting his hands on his knees and pushing himself to his feet, "I can do that."
"Did you join a boyband?" Hotch's question is cut with an undertone of amusement, the faintest grin tugging at the right side of his lip.
He frowns, his lips pressing together firmly, "No?"
It's not the first or the last of the teasing he hears that day. Though it doesn't even bother him. Every time somebody says something, his eyes flicker over to you, wherever you are. At your desk fiddling with paperwork, making coffee, leant against the door of JJ's office chatting to her about something or other.
You look pretty.
It's hard to be bothered about any teasing at all when the most important person in the world thinks he looks pretty. And if the blush returns whenever the memory does, everybody else is kind enough not to point that out at least.
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casual-witch45 · 2 years
To Spence
Pairing: spencer reid x reader
Warnings: angst, major character death
Summary: y/n writes letters to spencer
Dear spencer,
Today i went to the movies for the first time in years. I saw the MoM doctor strange movie, i had a wonderful time. It would have been better if you were there whispering facts about the actors and sfx facts into my ear. I think about you everyday. I still have all your clothes untouched in the closet. I will write to you later, i love you my dear.
Love, Y/N 11/21/22
Dear spencer,
I miss you a lot today. I took one of your shirts from the closet and pretended you were here with me. I wish you never went on that flight to texas. Emily came and checked up on me yesterday, we talked about you a lot. I can tell she misses you. The whole team does. I hope the afterlife treats you right my love.
Love Y/N 12/1/22
Dear spencer,
Merry christmas! I bought a frame and put the photo of us from new years in it. You looked so cute with your boyband hair cut. I would give anything to run my fingers through your hair again. I decorated the tree, you would have hated how asymmetrical it was. I love you always,
Y/N 12/25/22
A/N thats all for now, let me know if you want me to write more letters or something!
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Fluff ☼
Angst ►
Smut *
Hearts ☼
An intern pesters Spencer to get his attention and you help him get rid of it a bit, benefiting in the process
Hearts part 2 ☼
Morning coffees become the special moments between you and Spencer, but you also discover that he may have more competition for his love than you expected
Bolinus brandaris ☼
Reid loves the gift you just gave him and the whole team can notice
Exchanged clothes Bolinus brandaris part. 2 ☼
A small act of kindness leads to a rather peculiar confession
Memories ► (☼)
The case of the self-appointed Fisher King comes with too many sentimental implications and you discover that you and Spencer had more in common than you imagined.
Between your arms (wife!reader) ☼
After a hard day Spencer returns to his safe place
Decoy (+16)
When you go after an unsub who catches students making out, the unit is called upon to resort to desperate measures. Or in other words, where you and Spencer become the decoy to catch a voyeur
A (not so) little secret ☼
Even though you and Spencer have kept yours private pretty well, one night the universe seems determined to let everyone know
Dear Theodosia (Dad!Spencer) ☼
Spencer stays one afternoon to care for your three-month-old twins and reflects on how much he loves them
White lies ☼
You meet Spencer thanks to a nice coincidence and you become recurring chess partners, but he leaves out a small detail
Andy ►
You and Spencer have to learn to deal with grief without losing your marriage in the process
Devil's night ☼
Spencer is excited about his Halloween plans and you join him
Wearing pink (bimbo fem!reader) ☼
Your boyfriend introducing you to the squad!
Emergency room* (exes to lovers) (+18)
Spencer forgot to mention that you're still his emergency contact. You wouldn't have had a problem with it if you weren't his ex of over a year and the hospital took you out of the bed because he had a car crash
Nocturnal ballads ☼
Your boyfriend is too tense and you imagine that a little dance and music will make him feel better
New look ☼
Directly based on "The internet is forever" (5x22), when Reid's wonderful but short-lived boyband cut appears for the first time
Cigarettes (hurt/comfort)
Spencer comforts you after you learn some bad news about your relationship
Birthday wishes ☼
Everyone seems to forget Spencer's 30th birthday, but he only cares that you remember it
Wishes fulfilled (BW part 2) ☼
After an unfortunate event, Spencer questions what he really feels about his childhood best friend
Morning surprises ☼
When you find Reid lying under his desk your heart stops, but it turns out he was just taking a nap
Wheels up (hurt/comfort)
Spencer has just been released released from prison and things seem to get complicated when Mr. Scratch attacks again. You want to know what's going on with your boyfriend, but when you confront him, you don't expect him to yell at you like he does
Hogsmeade (Hogwarts!AU) ☼
The whole group pays a visit to Hogsmeade during the winter, where you and Spencer end up having a pretty interesting conversation
Lovely Christmas 🎄
The entire team gets together to celebrate Christmas and Spencer gives you a pleasant surprise
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kylo-reid · 3 years
Take Care of You
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characters: dr spencer reid x gender neutral reader
word count: 852
summary: you comfort spencer when he returns home after a stressful case
warnings: allusions to depression/anxiety, spence is a stressed boy, swearing, some angst, mostly tooth rotting fluff though!
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you sit on the couch of your apartment. you nurse a glass of water as you take a peek at the clock, noticing that your boyfriend, spencer reid isn’t home yet. you’ve been up waiting for him all day since he called and told you this case was completed. you could tell from his voice on the phone that it took a lot out of him. you were prepared to make him feel safe and loved.
at four in the morning, you hear the door unlock, causing you to jolt up from the couch. it’s spencer though, he looks exhausted. at first he doesn’t even notice you standing in front of him.
“spence?” you whisper, voice raspy from sleep.
he looks at you and smiles softly, nodding. “hi… it’s me, i’m sorry i wasn’t home when i said i was going to be. we uncovered more information and —“
“shhhh…” you step closer to him and look into his eyes. “just relax… i’ll take care of you. no case talk, at least for tonight okay?”
he nods and sets his bag down, kicking off his shoes. “i had dinner plans, but you didn’t show up so i canceled…”
“im so sorry…” he whispers, looking at his feet.
you wrap your arms around him and bury your face in his chest. “baby… it’s okay… i can make us some pasta?”
“it’s late… maybe i should just go to sleep.” he pulls away from your embrace and walks in the direction of your bedroom.
“doctor spencer reid, do not walk away from me! i don’t care how late it is! i promised to take care of you after a tough case, i promised jj especially, im not letting you walk away like this…”
he stops and turns around, looking at you with tears forming in his eyes. “i’m sorry…”
you nod and take your hands in his. “i laid out pajamas on the bed for you. but first im going to draw you a bath. then we’ll have pasta and go to sleep watching whatever foreign film you want okay?”
he cracks a smile and nods. you head into the bathroom and start a warm bath, adding bubbles to the water. spencer walks in slowly, taking off his clothes and putting them gently in the laundry basket, the pajamas are set on the counter. you can’t help but look over his body, he’s gained a lot of muscle, but he’s still the tall and lanky man you fell in love with.
he steps into the tub and sinks in to the best of his ability. his long legs don’t fit, so his knees and calves stick out. a plastic cup from the kitchen is filled as you take water out of the faucet and dump it gently over spencer’s head. his hair is short, in that “boyband cut” as hotch called it. you run shampoo first through his hair and use the cups of water to rinse it out, and repeat with conditioner. his eyes are closed and he has his arms wrapped around his knees.
“you look like a little kid spence.” you say, cracking a smile.
he opens an eye and almost glares at you, but then closes the eye and smiles softly. “mhm.”
you let him sit in the water until he’s practically shivering, draining the tub and helping him stand. he’s a bit shaky as you dry him off, which he is ashamed of, but you argued with him and told him you wanted to take care of him.
he dresses himself and you walk into the kitchen, starting to boil the pot of water for the pasta. you hear the floor creak and spencer behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and kissing your shoulder.
“thank you for the bath. it was amazing.” he whispers, and walks into the living room.
you smile and look at him on the couch, since you can see him as you cook. “tomato sauce or alfredo?”
“you pick.” he says, eyes drawn onto the early morning news.
“i do have vodka sauce i think.” you mutter to yourself, standing on your tip-toes to reach it in the cabinet.
thankfully, you pull it down without the glass shattering and the rest of the meal goes smoothly. looking at the clock you let out a laugh. “pasta at five in the morning…”
spencer stands up and walks back into kitchen, sitting at the small table in the space. he inspects the red wine on the table. “no wine, just a juice please.”
plating your dishes, you nod and set them in your places, fork and knife already placed. he thanks you and you go to the fridge, getting both of you juices.
handing it to him, he smiles. “i love you… thank you for all of this, i’m sorry i wasn’t back when i said.”
you take a sip of the juice and shake your head. “baby, it’s alright. as long as you’re here now.” you take a bite of the pasta and smirk up at him. “oh, i guess i love you too.”
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specialagentsergio · 4 years
only if you knew
summary: Spencer’s in love with you, but you’re in love with Emily.
pairing: spencer reid x f!reader (unrequited), emily prentiss x f!reader
category: angst
content warnings: description of a panic attack, mentions of bullying and homophobia, swearing
a/n: my take on a fic inspired by heather by conan grey. writing is a hobby i've had for years, but this is the first time i've posted any of it. i hope you enjoy it.
a/n 2: bi!reader, fem!reader bc emily is a lesbian
word count: 3.5k
song: heather by conan grey
series masterlist || masterlist
Spencer isn’t looking for a relationship when he meets you. He wants a relationship someday, but he likes his life the way it is for now. He doesn’t want it to change yet. He thinks that’s why it took him so long to realize he was in love with you.
You join the team a few weeks after Rossi does. Hotch has been wanting to add another profiler to the unit for a while. The fiasco with Gideon’s loss of Sarah and subsequent disappearance, then Emily’s sudden resignation, finally convinces the board that it might not be a bad idea to have more than five profilers on the team.
Morgan and Hotch already know you. You come from the sex crimes unit, and the BAU had worked a case with them a month before he joined. You were just an agent trainee at the time, but Hotch saw promise in you, and has kept an eye on your work ever since. (Spencer wonders how he never ran into you at the academy; you’re only a year older than him and you both joined the Bureau in 2003. Eventually he realizes it’s because you weren’t remediated.)
Despite an awkward introduction (he gives you his spiel about handshakes and how it’s safer to kiss, and you respond with, well, if you insist, prompting laughter from Morgan and Prentiss, and leaving him at a loss for words as his face turns red), you quickly become friends. Your mutual love of reading is how you initially connect. Then he notices you only ever cut off his infodumping when you’re working on a case, and it’s always with a gentle, “redirect, Spence.” Outside of work, you seem genuinely interested in what he has to say, even going so far as to follow up on things you had to interrupt earlier.
You also bond over your shared love of Doctor Who, and begin to join him at Penelope’s place each time a new episode airs. It’s not long before he considers you his best friend.
Spencer tells you things he rarely puts a voice to. He tells you about his kidnapping and subsequent Dilaudid problem (he still struggles to call it what he knows it was—an addiction) after the South Padre Island case, when he doesn’t pick up on Adam’s dissociative identity disorder until it’s just a bit too late.
On the one year anniversary of his solving of the Riley Jenkins case, he recounts what happened the day his dad left in a wavering voice and you run your hand up and down his back when he cries.
He even tells you about the goalpost incident and the real motivation behind that act of bullying, a detail he omitted when he told Morgan about it. (He didn’t have a crush on Alexa Lisben, the prettiest girl in school. He had a poorly concealed crush on the football team’s quarterback.)
You also open up to him in a way you seldom do to anyone. You tell him about the bullying you experienced in high school over your shared sexuality. You tell him about the worst cases you saw in the sex crimes unit, and on a day when you’re struggling, you tell him what the worst day of your life was.
He’s had great friends before, and still does, but he’s never had one quite like you.
Spencer can’t say what the moment he fell in love with you was. He can’t pinpoint when your friendship became something more to him. But he knows the moment he realized he was in love, and he doesn’t need an eidetic memory to recall it perfectly.
It’s such a small thing, nothing big and grand like film and literature portray. He’s showed up to the roundtable with a new haircut. Hotch asks him if he’s joined a boyband, which he doesn’t quite get, but Morgan finds very amusing. You catch up to him on his way out of the bullpen and say, “I liked your hair long, but it looks great like this, too.”
That’s when he knows.
The realization is like a punch to the gut, yet it’s not unpleasant. His world feels turned upside down, but upside down is looking like a fine place to be.
And you just carry on like nothing’s happened, like you haven’t just irreversibly changed his life with twelve words.
Spencer spends a few weeks sitting with this new information, mulling over his feelings and weighing his options.
Does he tell you he loves you? The FBI holds annual seminars discouraging fraternization between employees, but it’s mostly aimed towards preventing relationships between supervisors and their subordinates. There’s nothing in the regulations preventing two agents in the same standing from dating (which he knows because he’s read the entire handbook). A visit to HR and a form filed away makes that perfectly acceptable.
But as much as he wants to be with you, he’s terrified of losing your friendship. It’s one of the most important things in his life. If he confesses and you don’t return his feelings, it very well could ruin it. Things would never be the same between the two of you again. He can hardly tolerate the thought of that.
He has everything to lose, yet also everything to gain.
All of his speculation is operating under the assumption that you’re single, but he’s confident in that. You tell each other everything—there’s no way you wouldn’t mention seeing someone. You’ve always told him about any dates you’ve gone on in the past. And if, for some reason, you’d keep it a secret, he’s a profiler. He studies human behavior. He’d notice something going on.
Spencer finds out he’s wrong in what he thinks must be the worst possible way, because you don’t tell him yourself. He finds out you’re taken by accident.
It’s only a few weeks after JJ’s forced departure. They’ve just wrapped up a case in Connecticut, and Hotch postpones their flight home to the next morning so they can all get some solid rest after a grueling three days. Rossi offers to take them out for dinner at the hotel’s restaurant, and everyone takes him up on it.
You and Emily excuse yourselves a bit earlier than normal, but he knows he’s not the only one hurting over JJ, so he chalks it up to that. He finds himself following suit not even five minutes later when he fails to stifle his seventh yawn of the night. He steps off the elevator to the fifth floor and hears some quiet giggling from down the hall, but doesn’t think anything of it, just heads towards the room he’s sharing with Derek. It’s the door right after the one leading to the room you’re sharing with Emily, so there’s no way for him to avoid seeing what breaks his heart.
Emily has her hands on your waist as she presses your back against the door. You’re trying to scan the keycard and open the door from behind, a task you’re struggling with because she won’t stop kissing you.
Spencer freezes, his own keycard dropping from his fingers onto the plush carpet.
“Emily, Emily,” you whisper against her lips, trying and failing to suppress your laughter. “You have to let me open the door.”
“Mmm, fine,” she relents with an exaggerated sigh. She presses a kiss to your nose before taking a small step back so you can turn and scan the card.
Your eyes leave Emily’s face and land on his. You just stare at each other for a moment, unmoving.
Emily notices, of course, and asks you, “what’s wrong, baby?” before following your gaze to him.
That finally snaps Spencer out of his daze and he blurts out, “Sorry!” His voice cracks and he clears his throat as he bends down to pick his keycard back up. “Sorry! I didn’t mean to, to—disturb you. I’m just, just really tired and I’m gonna go to bed now.” He keeps his eyes on the carpet as he passes by the two of you, ignoring you when you say his name.
“Reid—” Emily starts, but he’s already letting the heavy door fall shut behind him and pressing his back against it. His breathing is shaky and he grips the strap of his satchel tightly. He doesn’t bother to turn on the lights—he knows they’d be too much right now—and starts to sway from side to side in an attempt to self-soothe.
It doesn’t work, so he begins pacing across the room, back and forth and back and forth until he stumbles over Derek’s go bag and any semblance of control he had breaks. His tie feels too tight and the way his bag is thumping against his thigh as he walks is maddening. He pushes his satchel off of his body as fast as he can, then claws at the knot of his tie, pulling on it until it’s loose enough to slide off over his head. He throws it across the room.
He starts pacing again, unable to stop one of his hands from flapping as his breathing grows erratic. He trips over Derek’s bag again and kicks it in retaliation, just barely holding back a shriek of frustration and agony and panic because oh god oh god I can’t breathe it’s all too much, too much, I can’t breathe.
Spencer can’t breathe because he loves you, he loves you, he loves you, and you don’t love him back.
He loses time.
It happens, sometimes, when he has a shutdown.
One moment he’s pacing across the hotel room floor, trying in vain to catch his breath, and the next he’s letting out an involuntary whine when the room lights turn on. Whoever flipped the switch turns them back off immediately.
Slowly, Spencer comes back to himself.  
He’s sitting on one of the beds, hugging a pillow to his chest as he rocks back and forth. His back thumps lightly against the headboard with each motion. He can breathe again, but they’re the wobbling breathes that come after crying. He touches his face and it feels wet.
It’s a whisper from across the room, and he tenses on instinct.
“Reid, it’s Morgan,” it continues, and Spencer relaxes. He recognizes his friend’s voice now. He makes a small humming noise to indicate that he’s listening.
His eyes have adjusted to the dark now and he can see the vague shape of Morgan walk forward and sit on the bed across from his. “Are you okay, kid?”
Spencer’s breath hitches as he tries to respond. “I.... no,” he whispers. He hasn’t remembered what happened yet—something else that can happen when he spirals—but he feels all hollowed out inside, like someone has scooped out everything that’s him and left behind only a deep, aching pain in their wake.
“What happened?” Morgan asks quietly.
“What happened,” Spencer repeats under his breath. He presses the heels of his hands into his eyes as he thinks. What happened.  What happened, Spencer?
“You left dinner,” Morgan prompts. “You said you were tired and were going to go to bed.”
That’s right. He left the table and headed to the elevator. Got off on the fifth floor. Walked down the hallway to their room and found—
It comes back in a rush, without warning.
You’re laughing as Emily kisses you, the hand not struggling with your keycard tangled in her hair. Emily places an affectionate kiss on your nose when she pulls away. You freeze when you see him, and Emily calls you baby.
The memory takes his breath away again, and he feels hot tears falling down his cheeks.
“Reid, Reid.” Morgan’s voice interrupts his thoughts. “Stay with me. You’re okay, kid. You’re okay.”
All Spencer can do is shake his head, because he’s not okay, he’s so terribly far away from okay right now.
“Tell me what happened, kid,” Morgan urges. “Then I can help you.”
Spencer lets out a humorless laugh. Can’t Morgan see that there’s nothing he can do, can’t he see that Spencer’s in a thousand pieces on the floor? “You can’t help me,” he says, his voice hoarse from countless tears he doesn’t remember shedding.
“You don’t know that. How about you tell me what’s wrong, and then I can decide?”
“No, I do know that, Morgan,” he snaps. His rational brain recognizes that he’s acting out, that Morgan doesn’t deserve his anger; he’s not who Spencer’s actually angry at. But his emotional brain is the one running the show right now, so he continues, “Did you know?”
“Did I know what?” Morgan asks calmly. He’s keeping his cool, trying to deescalate the situation, and that makes Spencer even more upset. He doesn’t want to calm down, he can’t calm down, not when his world is falling apart.
“Did you know that Emily and (Y/N) are—are fucking?” he spits out. He can’t bring himself to say that you’re in love, despite the fact that the way you were looking at Emily can’t mean anything other than that.
“I... No, I didn’t, Reid,” Morgan replies. He’s not lying, but Spencer almost wishes he was, just so he could have someone to yell at right now. “Why is that upsetting for you?”
Spencer doesn’t answer. He’d never admitted his feelings about you out loud before, not even to himself, and he sure as hell won’t do it now. He knows the moment Morgan figures it out, because he can hear him sigh.
“I’m sorry, kid,” he says. “I know how you feel.”
“Oh, right,” he scoffs. “Derek Morgan, god’s gift to women, knows how I feel right now.”
“Come on, Reid. Being able to leave a bar with someone on my arm doesn’t make me immune to the pain of liking someone who doesn’t like me back.” Derek’s voice is gentle, so much more gentle than he deserves right now, considering all Spencer’s done since he stepped foot in their room is lash out at him.
“I don’t like her, Morgan,” he says quietly. “I love her.”
Derek doesn’t say anything for a while. He doesn’t try and reassure him that he’s okay, that he’ll get over it. He doesn’t use that awful line of there’s plenty of fish in the sea. He just sits in silence with him. It’s exactly what Spencer needs. He doesn’t know how Morgan knows this when he didn’t himself.
Derek always seems to just know.
The morning comes before he’s ready to face it.
He wakes up to the sound of the shower running. His head hurts and his eyes feel puffy and sore. A beam of light is cutting through a gap in the curtains, landing on his face.
Spencer rolls over in bed and curls in on himself as his memories from the night before catch up to him. He stays like that, a lump under the covers, until Morgan comes out of the bathroom freshly showered.
“Hey, kid,” he says. “You awake?”
Spencer just grunts in response, unwilling to do anything that isn’t staying wrapped up in this cocoon of blankets. You’ve always called him a “Spencerrito” when he does this. He pretends to hate the nickname, but really, he finds it endearing. Now, though, it just hurts.
Any thought of you and the little things you do, the special things you do, the things that make butterflies sprout in his stomach, things that just yesterday made him feel warm inside, now make him ache all over.
“The jet’s set to take off in about an hour,” Morgan tells him. “If you don’t wanna fly, we can drive back together.”
The offer is tempting; spending an hour in close quarters with you and Emily knowing what he knows now, is not his idea of a good time. But he knows what he has to do. He’s known from the moment he saw the way you looked at Emily last night.
About a year ago, you’d come to his apartment on a Saturday night, looking truly downtrodden. You had been on a date, but it didn’t go well. “I’m scared I’ll never find someone,” you’d confided in him, your eyes filling with tears. “What if there’s no one out there for me, Spence?”
He hadn’t been sure how to answer. After all, he often felt the same way. So he’d put your favorite movie on the TV, dug some ice cream out from the back of his freezer, and stayed up late with you, watching one movie after another until you both dozed off in a tangle of limbs and blankets on his couch.
Slowly, he pushes himself into a sitting position on the hotel bed and looks at Morgan through the strands of hair hanging in his eyes. “You can’t tell her.”
Morgan raises his eyebrows in surprise. “I wasn’t going to, Reid.”
“I mean it,” Spencer insists. “(Y/N) can’t know. Emily, either. They... I don’t want to ruin this for her.”
“Hey,” Derek says, raising his hands in a placating gesture. “My lips are sealed, kid. I wouldn’t do that to you.”
Spencer sighs. “Thanks,” he mutters, then attempts to rub the sleep from his eyes. “An hour, you said?”
He sequesters himself in one of the corner seats on the jet. He gets multiple worried and confused glances from everyone, including you, but no one pushes, as his body language just about screams, “leave me alone.”
Twenty minutes into the flight, someone slides into the seat across from him and he reluctantly looks up from his book. It’s Emily, looking properly nervous, folding her hands in front of her on the table.
He’s not sure if he’s relieved or disappointed that it’s not you.
He is sure that he doesn’t want to be talking to Emily right now, though. She took you, she took you, she took you, she took you, runs relentlessly through his mind. He pushes the thought away, glancing down at his book and running his finger across the pages to try and keep himself calm.
“Reid,” she starts hesitantly, and he drags his eyes back up. “I know you’re mad that (Y/N) didn’t tell you about us.”
Well, you’re not wrong, he thinks bitterly. It’s just not for the reason you assume, Emily.  
“But, um, that’s not on her,” she continues. “I asked her not to. And it wasn’t just you. We didn’t tell anyone. Only Hotch knew before last night, and that’s because we had to tell him.”
“Why?” Spencer asks bluntly. He does, technically, know the answer. Emily is very private when it comes to her life outside of work. It makes sense that she wouldn’t want to go around announcing her relationship status.
But Spencer doesn’t understand it. He doesn’t understand how she can be in love and not want to shout it from the rooftops. It doesn’t make any sense to him that she wouldn’t want to show you off and introduce you as my girlfriend. He can’t comprehend how she can have you, be loved by you, and not want everyone to know it.
Emily’s slightly taken aback by his question, and she bites her lip as she considers how to answer. “I just... really prefer to keep my work and personal life as separate as possible,” is what she settles on.
“Kinda impossible to do that when you’re seeing a coworker,” Spencer shoots back, then mentally scolds himself. You said you wouldn’t ruin this for her, Spencer. Don’t ruin this for (Y/N).
Her chuckle is nervous. “Well, yeah,” she concedes. “But we make it work.”
Spencer then asks a question he doesn’t really want to know the answer to before he can stop himself. “How long?”
Emily’s eyes fall to her hands as she poorly hides a smile. “Eight months.”
Eight months. Eight months. You’ve been with Emily for eight fucking months, and you never told him, never even hinted at the fact that you were seeing someone. You kept him in the dark for eight months.
You let him fall in love with you when your heart already belonged to someone else.
He doesn’t want to be mad at you. He knows he’s not being fair. He really, honestly, wants to be happy for you, happy that you found what you’ve been searching for, but reality seems hellbent on making that as difficult for him as possible.
“Please,” Emily says, “if you’re going to be mad, be mad at me. I was the one who asked her to do this.”
He stares down at his book for a full three minutes before finally muttering, “Alright.”
He sees her shoulders slump in relief in his peripheral vision. “Thank you,” she whispers, and then she leaves.
Spencer watches her walk across the jet to the couch and sit down next to you. He looks down before you can look at him because he knows he won’t be able to handle what he’ll see in your eyes. It’ll be love in your eyes, but love that’s not directed at him.  
Emily took you from him, she took you, she took you, his mind repeats until Spencer makes the first of what’s to be many attempts to accept the truth.
Emily didn’t take you from him. You were never his to begin with. 
tell me what you thought here!
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safespacespence · 2 years
hii friend!! i'm so happy for you!! you deserve all of this love and more, you're one of my fav people here 💜
im so sorry if i sent too many but i'm curious and all of your ideas are great, so how about...
🌈 - light blue!! if we're being specific here, it's cornflower blue
💇‍♂️- i am so petty when it comes to competition/bets. for example, at 8yo i memorized over 300 figures of pi because a boy in my class told me i wasn't smart enough. also, i stayed awake for 3 days straight in uni to learn how to juggle bc my prof said he bet no one could learn a specific trick that fast (and i did it)
🤨and 🤷‍♀️ bc i'm so nosy and curious
come join my 200 party!
jay i love you so fucking much UHGURTHG ALSO feel free to send more ofc!! responses below the cut !
🌈oh wow, cornflower blue. i'm gonna have to give you all i want by kodaline. it's just such a soft, gentle song that makes you feel so safe and at home. i think the cover is also what i thought of when you said that shade of blue, bc the cover itself has a lot of pretty blue tones. i also love that it's your favorite color because i think it perfectly encapsulates your vibes. you just make everyone around u feel safe and calm MWA
💇‍♂️ oh my god you absolute nerd and overachiever. you will get season 5 spencer, specifically boyband reid. this man is beginning to be cocky asf. enemies to lovers trope? yes. i just know that the both of you would try to outdo each other with the facts you could tell the team, and one day when the competition gets a little too much, hotch asks oblivious reid to apologise to you--therefore resulting in a confession.
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🤨 god where do i begin? first off, i remember your explanation for choosing "jay" as your name on here. your sweet personality that wins me over, YOUR PRETTY EYES WOWOWOWWO, the nicest tags that you leave on fics too <33
🤷‍♀️ for your name here, jay, i think of the color blue and ofc the bird! i think of loose cotton t-shirts, the spring to summer transitioning as seen in the weather, and the days when it rains but it's still sunny.
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jpegjade · 4 years
i want a spencer reid type to breeze into my life with a boyband hair cut and a freshly ironed cardigan
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