#i will never get over domestic pokemon
ya-bug-boy · 1 year
Great! hhhhh its been awhile since ive seen more pkmn swsh raihan and piers x reader !
May i request raihan x piers x gn!reader where raihan and piers are like dating but suddenly has feelings for gn!reader and wanted to work things out with them? Like the reader was like their wingman or something in the past and now they just want the reader as their third!
Hopefully this works for you! Take your time! i have like another request but if its okay i’ll get to you once you’re done ! Hopefully it isnt too much pressure! thank you so much!
Raihan x GN Reader x Piers!
Everyone's got that same question to ask you, how did YOU date both Raihan and Piers, two of Galar's regions most sought after influencer boyfriends? Those two were always known as an exclusive set, having not sought after anyone in consecutive years!
Well first off the whole reason why the two idiots even started dating each was directly because of your influence.
Before you were put in the spotlight of dating two of Galar's well known leaders, you basically helped Piers get the courage he needed to confess to Raihan, having been his friend prior to his gym leader career.
Piers would always sigh and lament, forlornly staring out the rainy weather out from his room that he had fallen into a sort of, Beauty and the Beast situation.
Piers had his eye on Raihan for a while since both were picked to be gym leaders at around the same time from a list of candidates. The two were known to be close friends at the time, but after they became gym leaders, both of them had grown distant.
Piers took it as some kind of puppy love crush that he had on Raihan but it's clear that he never really got over it.
So you being the little investigative twerp you are, you decide to befriend Raihan to get to know him as well. Raihan agrees to be your friend cheerfully but you start to note that he asks a lot of questions about Piers.
How is he? Is he doing alright?
You ask Raihan why he cares about Piers though they don't speak anymore and Raihan reveals a secret about the selection process of being gym leaders.
Spikemuth is known to be the least popular city in all of Galar because there's no stadium to dynamax there.
There seems to be something more to this story though. You investigate and question your two friends a bit more about what happened.
On Raihan's side, when they were both selected to be gym leaders, Piers brushed him off and left him without closure.
On Piers' side, he thought Raihan looks down on him/pities him for being Spikemuth's leader after overhearing the other candidates complain about Spikemuth. He never willingly chose to be Spikemuth's leader but once he was selected he had to do something to help the locals, which led to his music career down the line. Due to his position, Piers was misled into thinking that Raihan thinks ugly of him.
You get the two idiots in the same room and just get them to talk.
Their dating starts off slow and steady, it had been a couple of years since they last saw each other outside of work, but they eventually did become an item because of your encouragement.
But eventually, they start asking you to tag along to their dates. You're weirded out by it but they're your friends so why not. You're more than happy to spend time with them, even if it's on their date.
but then they happen more often. The three of you together.
You eat together, you play together, you take care of your Pokemon together, it all starts becoming very domestic.
On an afternoon when you're sitting down, with the two coming to join you, you openly ask, "Hey are we dating," and Raihan immediately goes, "Yes."
You immediately turn your head to look at both of them. "Well it would have been nice if either of you told me!!!!" You start hurling sofa pillows at them. Raihan starts laughing while Piers immediately starts apologizing.
Since you couldn't decide who you should kiss first, they decide for you. Piers on your left, Raihan on your right, kissing your face cheeks at the same time.
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Living with Leon headcanons
ya girl is back with some galar-champ goodness! i gotta say, the living-with hcs have to be some of my favourite to write, i love the cute domesticity of it all. i wrote over 1k words of this to prove it! and i still probs have more to say
features gn! reader, a suggestive reference or two, and a wee bit of angst.
nsfw part 2 here
You jumped at the chance to move in with Lee
It meant you could spend way more time together
With his busy schedule, you could go a long time without seeing him in person
Five weeks at one point :(
Facetime just couldn’t cut it…
Your heart simply couldn't take it anymore!
Even just to see him briefly in the morning or at night
Share a quick kiss
Curl up against him in bed
You’d take any small, but precious, moments with your champion!
Truth be told, Leon's Wyndon penthouse wasn't much of a home before you moved in
It was picked out by Chairman Rose, paid for by him actually
Despite having lived there for YEARS
It never felt like home to Leon
Just a place to sleep, eat and workout
He never had the time (or motivation) to really just make it his own
With the exception of Hop's bedroom, which the two of them lovingly decorated together
He really wanted his brother to feel loved and comfortable whenever he stayed over
He wants you to feel that way too!
Lee lets you go as crazy as you want when it comes to redecorating
It's YOUR home now, and you'll be spending way more time in it
Even if it's not his taste, he still enjoys seeing your personal touch shine through the décor
Places you were not allowed mess with were Hop's room (duh), the gym and the master bathroom
Those last two are his sanctuaries! 
His gym isn't big by any means, but it has all his usual workout machines and free weights
A mat and bag for him to practice the fighting skills he learned from Mustard
Some stuff for his Pokemon to train too!
He likes to exercise in the mornings
At 5am eek
He invites you to join, though you usually just decline because that's VERY early and your bed is too big and cosy and warm and lovely
Sometimes though, you haul the covers into the gym and watch him work out all bundled up
Thoroughly enjoying yourself at the sight of his flexing muscles
While he thoroughly enjoys your shameless admiration
The one thing you do tend to join in as part of his work-out routine is the shower afterward ;)
Speaking of
The bathroom… omg the bathroom
There's a giant tub with jets
And he's got all the essentials
Bubble bath, bath bombs, Epson salts for when your muscles are cranky
He even has dried expensive seaweed from Hoenn if you want a seaweed bath that makes your skin so utterly soft
You swfinitely try and have a bath together once a week, it's the perfect way to de-stress, but also pamper yourselves!
His shower is also HUGE
And has jets too
Plus a waterfall option that makes it feel like you're in a sexy shampoo commercial
You have spent literally HOURS in there, it's so luxurious
And he can’t even complain because there’s plenty space for the two of you!
The drain gets clogged so easily from all his hair rip
Leon definitely takes care of appearance
His skincare routine is just perfection
His beard doesn't happen like that naturally either, he shaves quite regularly to keep the style neat
When you can, you love brushing Leon’s hair
He loves it too!
It’s so comforting for him, makes him feel all fuzzy
He likes when you style it too, even if it ends up a lil’ wonky
Like a lot of things about Leon his house, his TV is huge
He has a switch too!
Naturally, he gets competitive when you’re racing against each other in Mario Kart (but in a good-natured way!)
Cuddling on the couch while watching a movie is mandatory
If you EVER secretly watch the next episode of a show you’re supposed to watch together he will never speak to you again
His skill in the kitchen is not equal to his skill in battle, but he’s still pretty good
His meals tend to be on the healthier side, but he uses a lot of spices and seasonings to make them tastier
He makes a LOT of protein shakes be warned
Sometimes he even makes you breakfast in bed <3
He definitely has a secret stash of goodies for emergencies/when he doesn’t have to keep as lean during off-season
Of course, you do get curries from your local takeaway now and again!
Like every Galarian household, tea is sacred in your home
Both of you know exactly how the other likes theirs, and you both make sure it’s made to perfection each time
However you do butt heads on what biscuit to pair with your tea (and even the dreaded dunking debate :o )
By nature of the Pokemon League being such a phenomenon in Galar
Sponsorships are a huge deal
Meaning you often end up with a ton of free stuff
Leon lets you go through the goodies and take what you like
Most of the stuff is battle/sport related
You also end up with a lot of those rich people kitchen gadgets that are so much worse than what you already have
Why is dpes the blender need to be connected to the wifi?
You are secretly trying to get him to get a squishmellows sponsorships haha
When he's had a rough day, coming home to you is simply heaven
He'll climb into your arms and bury his face in his chest
Holding you so tight in the security of your shared space
While you play with his hair
In here, with you, there are no fans, no executives, no great big titles, no legacy to defend within an inch of his life
It’s just two lovers, taking care of each other
While he likes the apartment well enough (especially now with you in it)
He certainly does not plan to stay there forever
After he loses the champion title, he moves you into a beautifully vintage townhouse near the Battle Tower
It's definitely cosier and more lowkey
With room for a (sizable) family if that's your plan
And ofc a home gym and fancy bathroom
Plus a garden too, which you didn't have before!
He indulges himself a little and gets a cottage in Postwick for you to escape to when the hustle and bustle of the city gets a bit too much
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aenor-llelo · 2 months
I've been reading foxfall off and on for like, the past month?? And I'm really invested, completely brainrotted, can I pretty please have more world building on the whole humans are pokemon thing? I have honestly never seen anything like it
well, starting with the assumption that "pokemon" is basically the world's version of "animal", it would make less and less sense for humans to not simply be a one-stage pokemon. from there, it was a simple narrowing down of what a human's type would be and what would make them mechanically strange.
based on what humans can do in the games and show, psychic made the most sense, and normal- because why would the move type be "normal" if humans didn't see it as default somehow?
humans just As A Thing are very intelligent and highly adaptable in the real life with a high mimicry capacity, and it seems that humans have a largely unique ability to domesticate/cohabitate with literally any other pokemon. so it made sense (to me specifically), if humans had a level of psychic communion/compulsion and a really REALLY broad moveset, albeit one only unlocked by the power of friendship. to an extent, it's possible egg moves may also be real, since things like advanced psychic powers can run in families.
a side note- the reason you get four move options in pokemon battles, in-universe, is because humans can only hold on to four moves at a time, and so use it as a sporting standard. the actual pokemon themselves could know more moves for work, tricks, or their own use, but the rule of the sport is four.
beyond the sygna move they can aquire from their pokemon partners, the rest of their moveset is usually a normal type non-combat move or a support move. people who have a moveset full of attack moves or self-harming ones is a sign of something kind of being psychologically fucked. someone's inherent Ability also says something about them occupationally or psychologically. moves and abilities are acquired and changed over time- what does it say something about a person to have the moveset they do?
the human niche, for foxfall purposes, boils down to the capacity to get along with anyone and make anyone get along with each other. from the ground up, human civilization and society is intertwined with the integration of pokemon. though in the time period foxfall takes place, they haven't yet figured out that they can do this to EVERY pokemon, so some are still seen as too dangerous/taboo to be safe.
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magewolf-the-artist · 6 months
Domestic K-9: The Worst Pokemon Evolutions Ever
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Oh boy, time to explore the ramifications of trauma and how it impacts people!
(Note: I do NOT have trauma or PTSD, although I've done a fuck ton of research on the subject for a different story and am applying the things I learned here. If anybody with any kind of trauma or PTSD spots any inaccuracies, please please PLEASE feel free to let me know. I wish to portray these issues with as much care and respect as possible)
So here I've display the three, I guess, stages of these fuckers. Life, the immediate response to, y'know, everything, and how they're holding up now. Except for Rosemary because I'm kind of an asshole to my blorbos. But obviously with Charles and Susan, they are not in any way "fixed" or even "healed" from their trauma, they moreso stabilized and got used to it. And now let's finally get into it!
SUSAN WOODINGS: So in life, Susan was generally closed off except for a select few amount of people and, while she could be snippy, she was actually pretty chill despite always looking like she wants to murder everybody in the general vicinity. Basically she looks a lot meaner than she actually is.
In death though, that's a completely different story. For the first year or so she had an EXPLOSIVE temper and would blow up over the smallest things, like a powder keg kept near sparklers. If the facility had a swear jar and money, she probably could've funded college for Sophie, Edd, AND Molly. She said many hurtful and cruel things to people she was close to (mostly Charles) that she now deeply regrets. It's all water under the bridge at this point but it still sometimes keeps her up at night.
As of the current point in the timeline, she's since calmed down quite a bit. She's less likely to snap over small shit unless it's Bon, to which she will gladly be just as bitchy as she was. She does have bad days though and is generally much more easily irritated and snippy.
CHARLES BROOK: In life, Charles is the ultimate dad. Easy going, friendly, very jokey, admittedly kinda naive, loves his kid. In death... well...
When they first got to the facility, he was an absolute wreck. He had resisted giving into Bon up until the point where he was starting to fade and, absolutely terrified of the idea of being Thanos snapped out of existence, reluctantly possessed the Boozoo animatronic. But even still he deeply regretted that choice. As well as that, he was extremely distraught about leaving his daughter and wife behind, on Lily's birthday no less, and that he was never found. He spent the first several weeks consumed by the intense misery and grief and was incoherent at best and delusional at worst. As previously mentioned, he got it into his head at some point that if he could just break down the walls, he could escape and constantly flung himself into the solid concrete walls. It didn't help that Susan wasn't terribly understanding and had little patience for this.
After a few weeks passed though, he began to stabilize and was generally able to recover a semblance of his goofy, friendly personality. That's not to say the trauma hasn't impact that though; he has to constantly distract himself or else he'll have a full on breakdown and desperately tries to change the topic whenever his death or his family is brought up. He and Susan have also since smoothed things over and Charles holds no resentment towards her now.
ROSEMARY WALTEN: Everyone's favorite sad mom!
So in life, Rose was generally kind, caring, humble, creative, and introverted, although she had come out of her shell since her younger years and was perfectly capable of being social.
But in death... hooooo boy, buckle up chucklefucks, 'cause this is gonna get SAD
As previously mentioned, Rosemary is a mess. Constantly crying, completely drawing into herself, rarely speaks to anybody but Rocket, and is unable to bring herself to do anything outside of draw, think, or cry. She's kinda just frozen in time, unable to stabilize like Charles and Susan, which is why she has no stage 3. The closest thing to that I can confidently say she's gotten is pouring herself into her art and caring for Rocket, but even still it's not much.
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giratinapizza · 2 months
Well, it’s been almost a week since that weird Emio teaser-trailer-thing appeared on the Nintendo Youtube channel(s) for ungodly reasons, and since I’ve been obsessing with it over the past few days I suppose I could talk about that for a bit.
Seeing Nintendo’s new IP to be for a M17+ game - let alone a horror-based one - genuinely sounds so surreal, man. I know the fact that this company loves hiding dark stuff in their family-friendly games (e.g on Pikmin, Splatoon, Kirby, maybe Pokemon too… et cetera) and there are some Mature-rated second-party games that have become Nintendo’s staples (like No More Heroes and Bayonetta), but I have never wanted to see the day where there exists a M17+ horror game by Nintendo themselves. Man, how the turntables.
The Australian version of that teaser isn’t joking around either; there’s actual content warnings for themes/references to suicide and domestic abuse right at the start of it. Since I myself can get a little iffy at how darker themes are depicted and discussed in horror-oriented/mature media in general, I just really hope the game itself doesn’t take those contents too seriously to the point that it gets overblown and overtly edgy.
I also have a nagging feeling that Emio/The Smiling Man could be the next Tumblr Sexyman. I’m not going to elaborate why.
One last thing that I like to not that I’m all caught up with an ARG(?) for it in form of a Twitter account that sends out some cryptic messages and audio complete with that #WhoIsEmio tag for people to maybe figure out what’s the deal with them, I guess. Thanks, @cru5h-cascades! I recommend looking at their blog if you wanna check out the details of the ARG!
…Aaaaand I’ll just wait until this Wednesday where we’ll supposedly get more Emio stuff. I’ll see you guys tomorrow.
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pokemenlovingmen · 2 years
I love your blog!! Can I rq fluff for Arven with a masc reader who loves to dance with him and tell him how much he means to them?
Oh my god you’re so sweet stop!! And of course you can, Arven deserves to have a pretty man tell him how important and loved he is. We (the gays) cherish our boy so much.
Step By Step — Arven x Reader
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🥪 — Arven doesn’t know much about dancing. Arven, uh… doesn’t know much about a lot of things. If it’s not cooking and anything related to it, the Pokemon of Area Zero, or his dog, he really doesn’t know much. But he’s willing to learn, because you love it, and he loves you.
🥪 — When you do dance together, he’s often stumbling over himself like he’s got two left feet, and he’s definitely stepped on your toes plenty of times. But you always laugh it off. The little mistakes he makes are so adorable, and the way he gets all red-faced and huffy after you point them out is even cuter.
🥪 — Arven can’t manage much more than a simple box step, but that’s fine. It’s more than enough for your favorite pastime: slow-dancing in the kitchen at night. You can’t say why it’s the kitchen specifically. Maybe it’s the way the moonlight gleams off the tiles and countertops, maybe there’s something so domestic about dancing together there, or maybe you’re just a bit sadistic and like seeing Arven slip and slide when he’s wearing socks on the tile—maybe a bit of all of the above. Either way, it’s something you do often to decompress before bed.
🥪 — You two always fall into a slow dance, getting closer and closer to each other until one of you has the other held against his chest. And by that point you initiate phase two of your favorite activity and begin talking about him. About the both of you.
🥪 — You’re well aware he didn’t get much attention growing up, and Arven isolated himself from the other students at the academy for the longest time. He’s not used to being spoken to so kindly, so unashamedly adored. You remember one night, Arven interrupted your contented rambling about how much you love him to deliver a line that was absolutely sweet and heartfelt, but also the funniest thing you’d heard him say in weeks.
🥪 — “I used to be really scared about my sexuality. Now? I’m glad I’m gay. Seriously. I can’t even imagine being straight or something, and I’d be living my life never knowing how perfect loving a man like you is.”
🥪 — That was so sweet, a huge “awww” from you for sure, but at the same time you held the “I’m glad I’m gay” and “I can’t even imagine being straight or something” over his head for a long time, because that was so out of pocket and so comically worded and he needs to be reminded of it regularly because he doesn’t realize how hilarious he can be when he doesn’t try.
🥪 — He melts whenever you compliment him. Just melts. He’s so not used to it and you lay it on so thick.
🥪 — He’ll try and compliment you back, but again, he’s really not used to interacting with people like this and his compliments are anything but eloquent. You love him for it anyway, though.
🥪 — Your voice brings him so much comfort, you know? He hears you and everything is suddenly okay.
🥪 — Arven would prefer if the dances between the two of you stay in the privacy of home, both because he’s awkward being a recipient of affection at all, let alone in public, and he just knows he’ll trip and fall even more often than usual if it’s in front of people.
🥪 — He miiiiight want to ask for your kind words from time to time… but he’s too awkward and shy about it, it just comes out as 👉👈🥺
🥪 — All your words hang in his mind so often. Everything you say to him is tucked so lovingly away in his memories for him to smile to himself about later.
🥪 — Since your love language is so specific, he’ll be hitting you with his oddly specific love language. Cooking for you. Cooking for you all day, every day. You can hardly make your own meal in the house if Arven is around to have any say in it. Because he might not be good enough with words to return your compliments, but he’s plenty good in the kitchen to cook all your favorite meals.
🥪 — And even if he knows he’ll never be good at it, know that Arven wants to keep dancing with you for the rest of his life.
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charcadett · 2 years
Multiple Characters
Indirect Kiss HCs (Rika, Larry, Hassel, AI Turo)
General Kissing HCs (Katy, Brassius, Larry, Tulip, Grusha, Rika, Hassel, Geeta, Jacq, Saguaro, Clavell, AI Turo, and AI Sada)
Hugs From Elite Four And Gym Leaders (Katy, Brassius, Larry, Kofu, Ryme, Tulip, Grusha, Hassel, Rika)
Poly Hassel and Brassius With Artist S/O
Domestic Mornings With Larry & Brassius (Separate)
Hassel & Larry With And Alt/Goth S/O (Separate)
Larry & Hassel With An Enthusiastic S/O Who Likes Fairy-Types (Separate)
“Would love me if I was a Wurmple?” Responses From Some Scavio Characters
Poly Miriam and Raifort X Reader
General (Non X Reader Headcanon Posts)
Elite Four Celebrating Poppy's Birthday WIth A Visit To A Haunted House
TFW You Witness Horrors(tm) And You Try To Convince That One Miserable Looking Gym Leader To Buy You Dinner. General Headcanons.
Gym Leaders And Elite Four Holding A Baby For The First Time (Sort of. Kofu and Rika have experience)
Academy Staff Meeting Poppy After Thinking She's An Adult Surprise!
Grusha With A Dark-type Specialist
Grusha With S/O Whose Had Several Near Death Experiences
Grusha & Ghost-type Specialist
Grusha Taking Care Of Sick S/O
Grusha Enemies to Lovers
Wiping Your Lips After You Kiss Grusha
Grusha With A Chaotic Artist Reader Who Has A Grafaifai
Grusha With An Ice Skater Reader
Grusha Sees You Being Affectionate With His Cetoddle
Grusha As A Dad
Grusha With Touch Starved S/O
The Cold Never Bothered Me Anyway (Grusha)
Grusha Reacting To You Having A Crush On You
Grusha With A Short S/O
Larry With A Spouse Who Spoils Him
Livin’ Like Larry (Ft. Reader Who Quits The Elite Test Right Before Fighting Geeta)
Larry With Reader Who Is Too Anxious To Confess
SFW Showering With Larry Headcanons
Anniversary Present Where Larry’s Wife Temporarily Takes Over Medali Gym
Larry Smitten With Fem!Reader
Starting A Family With Larry Conversation
Larry With A Classical Musician S/O
Larry With An S/O Who Has All Of The Porygon Line
Larry As A Dad
Larry With An S/O Who Isn’t The Housespouse-y Type
Hassel With an Artist S/O Who Always Wants to Draw Him
Hassel With a Teacher S/O Who Likes Fossil Pokemon
Platonic Headcanons for Hassel and FlipNote Animator Reader
Hassel Catching His SO Asleep Inside Their Cofagrigus
Hassel As A Father Figure
Hassel Dating Headcanons
Hassel With A Teacher S/O Who Cries A Lot
Dating Brassius HCs
Getting Brassius To Laugh Headcanons
Brassius With An S/O Who Enjoys Embroidery
Brassius And His S/O’s Obsessed Pumpkaboo
Brassius Receiving An Applin
Cuddling With Brassius
Vampire Brassius Headcanons
Brassius And A Masc S/O Who Has A Primarina
Tulip With Fairy Type Specialist S/O
Tulip With A Dark-Type Specialist S/O
Being Tulip’s Little Sibling
Being Katy’s Adopted Child
Rika With A Reader Who Melts When Teased
Cuddling With Rika
Rika’s Partner Gets Hurt By A Pokemon
Rika With A Short S/O
Jealous Rika Headcanons
Jacq Crushing On Miriam’s Younger Sibling (Ft. Wing Woman Miriam)
Jacq As A Dad Headcanons
Your Cofagrigus Wants To Eat Ryme’s Gholdengo (Friendship)
LITERALLY Sleeping With Guzma
Dating Guzma After Team Skull Disbands
Salvatore With A Florist Reader
Splatoon & Pokemon SV Crossover: Jacq, Ryme, Kofu, and Grusha befriend a Smallfry Salmonid!
Fluff Alphabet
A - Grusha
G - Guzma
K L M O - Larry
L - Hassel
B W - Hassel
K L MO - Brassius
NSFW (MDNI!!!!!!)
NSFW Taking Care Of Larry After Work
First Time With Larry NSFW
First Time With Brassius NSFW
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brainshock-alpha · 8 months
Words: 4490 Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Pocket Monsters: X & Y | Pokemon X & Y Versions Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Zakuro | Grant/Zumi | Siebold Characters: Zumi | Siebold, Zakuro | Grant Additional Tags: Domestic Fluff, Light Angst, First Kiss, Getting Together, Friends to Lovers, Food, post-ultimate weapon, One Shot, Swearing Summary:
"I'm sure there are walls you could scale in your sleep where I'd struggle to get a meter off the ground." "You know, I've thought about it, and it's not like cooking for a living puts no muscle on you. I think you'd just have to get over your fear of heights first; from there it'd be pretty smooth sailing." Right, thinks Siebold, as if that will ever happen. …Hey, wait a second. "You say you've thought about it?" "Um—in passing." There's the sound of a chair scooting backwards. Siebold turns and sees Grant up and entering the kitchen. "I forgot to get the coffee started." In the wake of an apocalypse narrowly averted, there is time again for breakfast—and love as well.
[me suddenly remembering that one of my favorite things is taking two characters with the barest hint of interaction between them and trying to build a believable relationship from scratch by extrapolating the hell out of that 1 molecule of interaction, and also i get possessed by a demon who makes me do that to some tertiary characters in a pokemon game from three gens ago] Hello
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sleepingdeath-light · 9 months
relationship hcs ; jessie
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requested by ; anonymous (21/05/23)
fandom(s) ; pokémon
fandom masterlist(s) ; here
character(s) ; jessie
ok ok so uh may I request general dating hcs for both jessie and james please ? (maybe someone who has a good living since both are homeless 🥹) THANK YOU !!”
warning(s) ; none, just fluff!
if there’s one thing that jessie values it’s her appearance, flying into a rage if her face or hair are even the slightest bit damaged during a mission, and that goes tenfold when it comes to you — she’s constantly trying to look her best and can spend hours perfecting her look before the two of you go out on a date (stressing over her outfit and accessories, doing and redoing her makeup because it wasn’t symmetrical enough, and taking her time to style her hair perfectly) even if it’s something casual like a night spend indoors or a walk around the park, because she can’t imagine not looking her best for you (yes, even if you tell her that she’s beautiful regardless of what she wears as she does take pride in her appearance beyond just your opinion of it)
and, speaking of clothing and accessories, she will ‘borrow’ your things whenever she stays over at your home: using your toiletries to smell like you, borrowing your shirts to sleep in, wearing your hoodies and jumpers out and about, etc. — and you’re also the only person who she’s alright with sharing some of her own items (your stuff is hers and most of her stuff is still hers, she’ll let you know what you can borrow if you ask)
she has an extremely short temper and has a terrifying type of anger about her that is sure to make even those closest to her ready to run and hide — this can make arguments and disagreements between the two of you extremely volatile unless you’re able to appeal to her more vain side and sandwich your concerns between compliments to placate you, but it also means that whenever she’s in a jealous or protective mood that the issue usually sorts itself out before she needs to do anything drastic (aka the offending party runs away as to avoid her wrath)
on a related note: when jessie gets jealous she becomes extremely confrontational with the offending party and extremely clingy with you — externally she’s on the offensive and terrifyingly angry, but internally she’s afraid of you leaving her for someone ‘better’ which leads to her fury worsening (she has a lot of issues stemming from her childhood)
she loves attention and popularity, and at times this can lead to her brushing you off when she’s caught up in whatever wave of positivity she’s in the middle of, but she never goes as far as undermining your relationship — she’s actually fiercely loyal to you and will turn her nose up at anyone who tries to ask her out (she may hate rejection herself but she’s not above doing it to someone else; she is a taken woman, after all)
domesticity really suits jessie and when she’s staying with you between missions for team rocket she seems so very at home doing simple couple things with you: going out on random dates, running errands (and getting side tracked because she’s a shopaholic), doing chores like cleaning and laundry, cooking together, eating meals together, watching whatever crap is on the television whilst cuddled up on the settee, using her knack for sewing to repair any clothes/items that were damaged on her person during missions or at home when she was away, etc. — moments like this are the calmest you’ll ever see your girlfriend and her team mates (who will occasionally stay with you if they can’t find alternate accommodation) also quickly picked up on this and will tease her for becoming your ‘house wife’ (which inevitably causes her temper to return and an argument to start)
if you have any snake like pokemon then you can guarantee that jessie will be making every excuse to spend time with them: training, playing, lounging, and so on — and the same goes for any poison types (bonus points if you have an ekans of your own for hers to play with, or any dratinis or smoochums because she just really loves them)
as far as sleeping arrangements go, she loves being curled up on her side with her face buried in your chest as you wrap your arms around her — it makes her feel loved, safe, and warm, and she never sleeps quite as soundly when she’s away from you
her default pet name for you is ‘darling’, but she’s also been known to call you ‘sweetie’ and variations thereof — and the cuter the pet name you use for her the better as far as she’s concerned
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tickle-page · 2 years
Domestic Ship Hcs!!
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I was gonna wait for an ask, but Creek is such a cute ship, I just have to do them <3
• What is their love language at home, from subtle gestures to bringing home gifts for the other and spoiling them?
Craig totally will just buy Tweek some fidget toys that’ll help him when he has an anxiety attack. Tweek, on the other hand, will freak out about what to give his boyfriend because he doesn’t want the gift to be shitty compared to what Craig gives him. And Tweek explains this to him, in which Craig will just comfort the other saying it’s ok and that he doesn’t need to be freaking out over small things. <3
• Who cooks, who cleans, and who makes the biggest mess?
Tweek usually makes the biggest mess, or mess in general, when he can’t find what he’s looking for, stressing out and flipping furniture around, until he finds that thing. Craig will help him find it as well, cleaning up his boyfriend’s mess, when they get done, and Tweek helps a little too, cleaning up that is. When Craig’s over at Tweek’s house, or Tweek’s over at Craig’s house, Craig usually ends up cooking just because it’s a fun thing to do with his boyfriend, and Tweek will help out to. The blondie is no where close to make his food taste better than Craig’s, but Craig eats what his boyfriend makes him, because it’s nice that Tweek was cooking for him.
• Their most occurring reason for having tickle fights, and who wins them?
Craig usually tickle Tweek to help him calm down, because the blondie finds tickling a cute and effective technique on relaxation. Craig is the most ticklish out of the two, but Tweek usually loses most of the time, while Craig wins them most of the time. The taller boyfriend hates getting tickled, so he rather tickle his boyfriend then be on the receiving end. There are times when Tweek gets his revenge on Craig, then that is when the older one will lose the fight.
• Who does the groceries, and what do they buy? (Healthy/unhealthy, unnecessary things, etc.)
Craig will do the shopping because Tweek dosen’t want to buy the wrong things or the wrong brand, so he’s always the one out and about getting stuff for the other. Craig will buy 60% healthy things, like vegetables and/or fruits, while the other 40%, he buys unhealthy and unnecessary things, like pokemon cards or some Vanilla ice cream for Tweek.
• The kind of movies they like to watch together, and who picks them?
They watch a lot of movies together when ever it’s movie night for the two, but two of their favorites are: The Mitchell’s vs the Machines and The storks, for Tweek. While Craig is more of a Disney type of dude, Aladdin and Strange World.
• ‘Their song’ - the song they often dance to and that played/would play at their wedding.
They would sing and dance to the song “Golden Hour” by: JVKE it’s such a good song😫.
• What kind of pet would they have and what do they name it.
They would so have a bunny, while Tweek would want to name it “Nose” while Craig would want to name it “Fluffy”, finally deciding on naming it “Buttons”.
• The most trivial things they fight over.
They usually never fight, but sometimes Craig, hc him having OCD, would get done placing something in the right order, like the pantry, and Tweek would either not put it back to where it goes, or not clean up after himself. This causes the blondie to have a stern talking to by his boyfriend.
• A wild spider appeared! How do they react? 
Tweek is terrified of spiders, it got to a point where he will call up his boyfriend to walk to his house to kill it, if his dad isn’t home, because his mom is also scared of spiders.
• Their behavior in bed (does anyone steal blankets, who wakes up first, etc.)
Tweek would go over to Craig’s place for a sleep over, and since Craig’s bed doesn’t have enough room for Tweek, Craig would place down blankets for him, letting his blonde boyfriend have the bed. Tweek would wake up in the middle of the night, wanting some cuddles, so he tiredly gets off the bed and go over to his sleeping boyfriend and snuggle him. Craig then turns over and snuggle his boyfriend back, then they just fall asleep in each other’s arm. In the morning, Craig wakes up early, with Tweek waking up late. On school mornings, Craig would wake his sleepy boyfriend up to get ready for school, but it never works, so he resorts to lightly tickling his boyfriend’s sides. So he can hear his adorable laugh, and for Tweek to not miss school. They are the best.
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ya-bug-boy · 2 years
I have a big pokemon villain brain rot right now could you please write Maxie, Archie, Ghetsis, and Colress with a Malewife reader?
Villains x Malewife Reader
He's not exactly the easiest man to date, due to his usual cold and calculated demeanor but the two of you are actually very sweet.
Maxie actually holds a lot of care for those who manage to get close to him, but he basically holds you on a pedestal.
It means a lot to him that anyone would find him that interesting enough to want to be considered as his romantic partner. But that doesn't mean he never pined for you back. Being the analytical person he is, he tried to confess to you via power point and a lecture presentation back when you two were in university. (He never showed you this. He's embarrassed by the number of revisions he did, never being satisfied enough.)
Archie is still rather reserved in showing you to other people. Like, yes, this is my boyfriend. Yes we've been dating for years. Stop screaming. Of course I can find love?!
But now, the two of you are much older. He finds comfort in knowing there's someone waiting for him at home. Someone that's willing to indulge in his fantasies of an ordinary, but loving domestic life.
Archie knows he's over the top. That's kind of his deal. So people are surprised when they find out he's YOUR partner.
It's obvious you have your own personality but people close to Archie swear they've never seen him calm down so quickly when you're near. You're the passive element he needed in his life, the calm in the storm.
Archie is the kind of guy who does things BIG and LOUD. He's a passionate dude! But a guy with a mighty strong personality as his becomes docile when he starts rambling about you, practically showing you off to other people. (this is my husband. He's better than yours)
He's very sweet around you, falling more in love with every sweet gesture you do, despite how ordinary they can be. He was texting you about a stressful encounter he had at work and comes home later that day with you cooking his favorite food. You help massage his back on days he gets too rough with his Pokemon.
There's nothing better than coming home after a day of work and coming home to you, in the one place where he can allow himself to be quiet and only yours.
Life after Team Plasma has been odd to adjust to. He's under constant surveillance to ensure he doesn't plot to do his crimes again.
Meeting you has been the most fortunate and luckiest thing to ever happen to him.
Though you were somewhat ordinary, you had a positive charm and a knack for helping him relax and smile. He's never felt the need to impress someone before meeting you
You two don't start living together right away, you met him on the subway.
Since Ghetsis had never taken the subway before, in order to show up to his parole officer and not having a car, he had to use the subway.
He asked you for your help in knowing what station he gets off at. You were so kind to him by explaining where he needed to go that he felt compelled to keep conversing with you. He feels the need to impress you by boldly declaring the two of you would go to dinner sometime soon. He's confident but not smooth.
You laugh and decide to take him up on his offer. After some months of dating, you start to hang around his place some more and he realizes how much he needed someone like you in his life.
There was a lot of things to learn, having to learn how to live an ordinary life, but you teach him so compassionately and kindly, never degrading him for not having the knowledge.
His heart flutters every time he opens his lunch box, always looking forward to the handwritten note you leave him with. He collects every single love note you give him and puts in a box, going through it on days you're not here.
If it wasn't already obvious, Colress has lamented his past days working for Team Plasma.
After he realized the effect he had on the region, he became so disgusted with himself that he wasn't sure what to do. He knew he could stay in Unova, so he flees to Alola.
For a while, for as long as he could, he tries to live a quiet life, speaking to no one. He lives in fear of being recognized.
But over time, he began to note a repetitive pattern which was you.
The two of you always enjoyed your coffee at the same time, in the very early mornings. He would see you on your back porch, cooing at your Pokemon.
The occasional glance was met with a greeting. Then the greetings gradually became conversations. Colress expresses a curiosity in what you were eating, so you offer him some of your freshly baked banana bread. He returns the gesture back by gifting you malasada, apologizing meekly that he's not the type of person to bake, which explained the burning smell earlier last night.
You two start off with small exchanges of coffee and breakfast until one day, you confess (lie) that you made too much food and invite him over for dinner.
Once he steps inside your home, he's blown away by sheer polarizing contradiction it was to his home. Your home was warm and inviting, there was the smell of something delicious in the air.
when he bids farewell, he finds himself feeling empty when he's back inside his own home. His home is so...quiet and sterile, much like his former lab.
He finds himself needing more of not just your home but you yourself.
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asideofkimchi · 4 months
Gush about Yoosung for the ask game 💚
So I’ve put this off for days because…while this is FINALLY my chance! to gush! About the husband!! …i don’t know where to start. I’m definitely overthinking it, I know I am lol. And yet…!
Well, I’m on my way to the airport for my honeymoon rn. What better time than now to indulge in thoughts of the husband lol.
Hm… Yoosung and his route, I can confidently say that he altered my brain chemistry. I have several favorite characters, sure, we all have our little guys. But only two characters have ever fundamentally integrated themselves into my psyche, and goddam did Yoosung hit me hard. Without getting into too much detail (to try to keep this positive), my life was at an ideal spot to see myself reflected in Yoosung’s character arc. He charmed me with his silly but earnest personality and then the game hooked me with the realistic portrayal of his depression and loss. My emotional investment in this character was growing exponentially, and by the time he goes to Mint Eye, I started calculating the average times to expect chatrooms, I was so nervous for him! Legitimately anxious! Every chatroom moved me more and more, every sweet, genuine word he said went straight to my heart. I’m pretty sure I was tearing up, if not straight up crying, throughout this route, especially during his speech in the Good Ending.
Hm I mostly talked about the game and how it affected me. Let’s do some quick Yoosung bits that I love:
He dyed and styled his hair after Rika, after losing her. Characters who do that to remember their loved ones and keep them close, I eat that thematic shit UP.
Even when it’s not his route he has a mad crush on you, but he puts his feelings aside and wishes for you and the other person’s happiness.
I have SO many screenshots saved on my phone of messages with him. I don’t care if they’re the same thing over and over, every time I play I have to screenshot whatever sweet or hilarious thing is said.
I have so many screenshots because I play the game like about twice a year. It’s such a comfort game to me, and even when I should be trying to complete the bad endings (fuck you, Ray route bad ending 3), I just gravitate to Yoosungie.
So YOOSUNG is actually the reason behind Cutiefly being my favorite pokemon. When I first played moon I named my cutiefly Yoosungie, because of cutie-pie Yoosung. And that pokemon stayed on my team the entire time, all the way through becoming Champion. So me gushing about cutieflies is really me gushing about Yoosung.
He’s just so GENUINE about his emotions!! He’s not afraid to express any of it! He loves, he cries, he laughs, he rages, he doesn’t hide how he feels.
He’s so goddam cute and he KNOWS IT. He knows he’s fucking adorable!! And he isn’t ashamed of it! Others try to tear him down like no one wants a cute man but he owns it!
Man’s also bit of a freak and I want to devour him.
Speaking of devouring. His whole omelet thing. In the april fool’s dlc. Oh my fucking god. Oh my jesus christ. Picture this shitty meme I would make: me wearing a shirt that says “no vore kink” -> omelet!sung saying “i dream of someone tearing me apart in their hands and devouring me” -> my shirt “one vore kink”
SPEAKING OF april fools. I will never get over Punk!Sung. It was so fucking funny. Devastating that it never came back. I can’t remember anyone else’s deal but Punk!Sung is ingrained into my brain. I can never get rid of my icon. I’m stuck with it and I love it ..know what i’m sayin’?
Wait I’m going back to the omelet thing because he loves to COOK! He dreams of cooking his beloved delicious meals! He just wants a sweet and domestic life like that’s his big fantasy: Making a loving home environment through cooking and cleaning and doing laundry with and for his SO.
He feels bad that he doesn’t compare to like Zen or Jumin or Seven which is. Frankly ridiculous. Like he feels they’re more handsome and talented and rich and smart so there’s no way anyone would like him in comparison. But he is the sweetest, the bravest, willing to fight for his friends and put himself in danger and he’s happy to do so to protect his friends!! Wht the fucj!! He sees himself as some regular dude and still does this!! TRUE SUPERMAN YOOSUNG. BIGGEST HEART.
I am so sure I could come up with more but honestly. I started typing this at like 4am today and now it’s after 7pm, I’m heading to ANOTHER airport now after spending a day out with my husband, our honeymoon just getting started.
…also I brought Yoosung to the honeymoon with us. I suggested it as a joke but well. He was represented at our wedding last year, he’s joining us now for the honeymoon. I’ll try to take pictures of him later.
Anyway. I love Yoosung Kim, thanks for coming to my tedtalk. I’ll try to be more coherent next time.
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torment-deviser · 1 year
In the case of Vidar for what I mentioned earlier today about the Celebi anomaly: I haven't thought about his team specifically. But rather, his mom's. See in the original timeline her Pokemon ended up in his care after her death before the main plot happens. They are a Mr Rime and a Drifloon. However, since they were used to being more domestic Pokemon, Vidar never had them on his team. He only started using them more once he got a home to help take care of it.
However, these pokemon basically helped raise him and his brother. As his mom was a single mom supporting two kids for at least half of his life.
Mr Rime specifically was his mom's first pokemon. So I imagine him meeting the pokemon would probably get him teary-eyed. Because he can see how old Mr Rime has become in his appearance. Having lost the remaining family of his original trainder , probably also affecting it.
I think Mr Rime would end up under the care of Saphira. Maybe because he stuck to her, maybe bc she knew the significance of this Pokemon. And with Elias also gone. She took care of him, and he was in return. Sice Mr Rime was more of a homemaker Pokémon
I think it would also be a way others would see how close she was to Vidar at the point of his disappearance. Since I think they were kinda getting closer and im that nebulous stage of establishing a more romantic relationship. So for her to take on the care of a Pokemon whose typing is almost the complete opposite of what she usually trains. It is very significant for her to take him.
Drifloon probably ended up with Ace, helping at the circus. Since his mother got them to watch over Seth and Vidar and entretain them when they were little, so they probably helped deal with kids at the circus.
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pokentomology · 1 year
Fellow Bug type enthusiast here! I’m stuck sitting in the Pokécenter waiting room because my girls (a Heracross and an Orbeetle) broke into my food pantry and gorged themselves on berries and honey! Nurse says they’re fine, just paying for their hubris, lol.
Anyway, got any fun work stories or trivia facts about Heracross or Orbeetles? - V
Heracross is actually one of the few bug-types I'm not super familiar with! I still know quite a lot by virtue of The Entomology but I've never had the pleasure of meeting one in person :(
one time my coworkers voted me "most likely to turn into an orbeetle" and I still don't know what that means. anyway
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while a dark, semi-metallic blue is the most common variant, they can vary from a lighter aqua to a dark indigo in color
that horn is no joke. I've seen videos of heracross hurling huge boulders with them to knock vikavolt out of the sky
they can and do fly! they just can't do so too well or for too long, and are easily outclassed by most other flying pokemon—plus, midair they dont have leverage to use their horn—so they usually keep to the ground.
its antennae serve the purpose of smelling, because this pokemon's enormous horn is not in fact a nose
unlike many other exoskeletal pokemon, they spend their entire larval stage inside the egg! for this reason female heracross will only lay one egg at a time, and wait until it hatches to lay again—something quite uncommon in non-domestic bug types!
Linda just showed me a video of her cousin's heracross flinging a Rhyperior. wtf
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bzzt bzzt (your brain is microwaved)
LOTS of theories that they're either a) displaced from the future or b) not from this planet
it is actually one of the most powerful psychic-types I have ever had the displeasure to experience in the wild. alakazam has nothing on her
So they don't use their wings to fly, being so psychically powerful that they can just levitate for fun, but they DO exist and are REALLY pretty. I've only ever seen them used for mating displays and even that's rare, because they're so intelligent that they'll just. Have a conversation on whether to have eggs together
The spotted shell lifts up, revealing two beautiful iridescent wings resembling those of a Ninjask, and underneath those their soft body looks like a Dottler's shell, but significantly darker in hue
Theorized that the wings are a vestige left over from chronological evolution (as in the generational kind, not the pokemon kind), which is part of the whole "displaced from the future" theory
Those legs are Sharp. They don't exactly use them for walking so they're just weapons
The eyes are the windows to the soul blah blah but do not make eye contact with an upset wild one, you WILL wake up miles away and not knowing where you are or what you did for the past three hours. I am totally not speaking from experience
Their eyebrow-type things are actually antenna that function like a radio antenna, catching psychic waves. It's very confusing i had a quantum physics professor explain it to me in layman's terms and I still don't get it
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chryzure-archive · 2 years
whats some media that is soooo chrysijacks/chryzure? what would their fave pokemon be.... any random assorted thoughts you've been thinking abt them lately? and ofc any new songs you found that are chrysijacks/chryzure...
chrysijackscoded media:
moulin rouge‼️‼️‼️
the princess bride
ella enchanted too <3
tangled (i want jacks DEAD)
wicked :)
the scarlet pimpernel
all those early 2000s barbie movies. jacks makes an excellent pretty barbie <3
the phantom of the opera, but i also have a chryzure au for this, so i’m putting it in both of their categories
chryzurecoded media!!!!:
beauty and the beast (for reallllll)
the bone witch (azure is coming back to life to be w chrysi… peak chryzure)
the night circus <3
the corpse bride!!!!!
the addams family
nightmare before christmas
haunting of bly manor…
legend of zelda, but esp twilight princess
phantom of the opera !!
the velveteen rabbit… i can make it work, i can MAKE IT WORK
fablehaven <3
the nutcracker….. i will not elaborate.
chrysi’s fav pokémon is probably phantump, since she can see ghosts and talk to them… this is jst another ghost. she has adopted a new child.
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my friend showed me a purugly and i literally gasped and said, “AZURE WOULD LOVE IT”, so there’s THAT answer! i’ve never seen a more azure-coded pokémon in my life
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jacks i’m less certain of, but i looove espurr’s design bc it’s sooo little creature + i think jacks would take one look at it and jst keep it at all times. he’ll never admit it, but he’d die for this creature
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misc chrysijacks thoughts consist of how funny it is in most aus that they’re already divorced. it’s jst a question of them getting back together. why are they trying out this relationship again when chrysi would’ve gladly thrown jacks out a window? who knows! they’re kissing so hard rn though!!!!!!!!
then come the other half of the aus where they’re childhood friends and it’s like. yeah no it’s totally normal for friends to have napped together since they were in middle school, all bc chrysi got nightmares when she slept on her own. it’s totally normal that jacks kisses chrysi regularly. friends do that, esp when one friend is immune to the curse. and then jacks has the gall to be shocked when ppl call him out for being in love w chrysi. okay, darling, don’t worry your pretty little head over that.
misc chryzure thoughts are fkskgkskcjsjzkjfkkdkckfjwksmcnekzmdndns……. like??!!? sticking a fork into the wall outlet rn because i am sooo!!! jst down to the simple day to day domestic life, it’s so clear how much they love each other…. they’re comfy w preparing each other toast and teasing each other for the way they like their tea and they’re both teasingly mad when the cat picks one of them over the other.
and then the whole reincarnation curse makes me go insane go wild. the number of lives they hold, where they loved each other unabashedly and wholly, only for them to die tragically? and the fact that both chrysi and azure have started to look forward to their next life, because the agony will stop, for just a little while… they get to be happy for a fraction of time in each of their lives, and that’s enough. that has to be enough. oh, the agonies…
also, azure’s hickey game is insane + chrysi wears off the shoulder shirts a lot. what’s she supposed to do w these, blue??? knock it off!!!!!!!
chrysijacks songs:
summer // circadian clock, baethoven
love song // sara bareilles (i’m not justifying my choice. jst know this is the same era of chrysijacks as the era when i first discovered his hair would be blue and i was horrified for the next two hours)
casanova // allie x
oh l’amour // erasure (i’ve mentioned this before but it’s sooo chrysijacks to me)
chryzure songs:
tether // sleep state
below my feet // mumford & sons
divine créature // la femme
see you tomorrow // evgeny grinko
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normanbased · 2 years
i’m curious as to what influenced your choices for the pokémon AU!!
in exchange i offer some notes on an anthro AU (that i may or may not ever get around to 💀):
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I LOVE YOUR LIST SO MUCH!! I absolutely love your choices for Duke and Tracy especially (Tracy gave me Columbo vibes so her being a bloodhound is just perfect) - and a striped-hyena just fits TOO well for Duke - better than the animal I chose anyways. AND THE LAHORE PIGEON FOR MARY!! I WOULD NEVER HAVE THOUGHT OF IT BUT IT'S PERFECT????? I might have to draw something for your AU tonight if I start feeling better.
In return, my anthro headcanons are:
Norman: Loggerhead Shrike - An unassuming passerine, also called the 'butcherbird'. As a result of it's inadequete predation adaptations, it must use barbs, brambles, and spikes to impale it's prey. This means that it has killing grounds where it displays it's kills. It's endemic to California as well as other parts of North America and Europe.
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Mary: Red Satin Rabbit - A domestic breed. I don't have any particular reason for choosing this breed aside from aesthetics, but I wanted Mary to be a rabbit to suggest innocence as well as deceit.
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Duke: American Badger - Aggressive, powerful, and underhanded, American badgers are capable of mutual hunting with coyotes, and are so self-assured that they are rarely predated on by the country's larger predators.
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Bill Raymond: Bernese Mountain Dog - A hardy working breed more commonly seen on farms, Bernese Mountain Dogs can also be trained in mountain and water rescue. They aren't as common to see in mountain rescue as St. Bernards or Retrievers, but I just think they fit his character better than those breeds :]]
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(I never got around to deciding any other animals :]] )
And sure! So my Pokemon list is here for reference - and I'll give a quick explanation for each choice below :]] (under cut)
The important one to start with is Absol. It's territory encroached on the land that the motel was built on. It stalked the Bates family for some time, and Norman is convinced that it was responsible for the death of his father. Norma on the other hand - as a result of losing her husband, embraced Absol's habitation and encouraged it to stay near their home. As it goes, Absols are harbingers of disaster, and it still has a cryptic, looming presence over the land over forty years later. Norman doesn't see it very often, but when he does, it frightens him and sparks another bout of paranoia.
Next is Norman's Staraptor. He found it as an injured Starly when he was still a boy. He spotted it in a nesting flock because it's colouration was different, and when all the other Starly's flew away, his remained. He secretly nursed it back to health, moving it from his room to the kitchen and the motel parlour to avoid his mother finding it. By the time it fully recovered, it grew attached to Norman, and even evolved as a result of their friendship. It was too big to hide at that point, so it spent most of it's time outside after that. It only evolved into a Staraptor after Norman made the decision to kill his mother and step-father - promising that it would protect Norman from harm if it needed to. By the time it meets Mary and Duke, Staraptor is rather old and spends most of it's time roosting or on lookout. It's still a very capable battler, though!!
Minccino showed up as a result of Norman's twenty-year absence. Toomey had completely trashed the motel during his time as manager, and so Minccino was instinctively attracted to the mess once Toomey and all the loud, unsavoury guests had vacated. It spent most of it's time timidly cleaning the grounds around the motel until Norman noticed it's presence, and encouraged it to help him look after the motel with him. Now it spends almost all of it's time happily tending to the rooms and the office, and it keeps the place as immaculate as it can. It was frightened of Staraptor at first, but when the old bird showed no interest in eating it, they became tentative friends. Minccino doesn't tend to hang out with other Pokemon, only ever really seeking companionship with Norman.
Marion and Lisa recieved a Minun and Plusle respectively from their mother before she died. They were supposed to represent sisterhood and family, and symbolised the two of them sticking together and looking out for one another. Ironically, the two Pokemon don't really get along very well. Marion also has a Delcatty that Sam gave her as a gift.
Sam has a Kecleon that helps him look after the hardware store!! It changes colour to show different paint swatches to customers :]] and it's really good at keeping track of inventory.
Arbogast has an Arcanine that acompanies him on his detective work, and an Unown that helps him to figure out puzzles and mysteries.
Mary has a Shaymin and a Poochyena as her partner Pokemon. Shaymin is a pretty moody, independent Pokemon, which goes against their appearence. They act pretty dejectedly in their Land Form, spending most of their time in quiet, dark places. In their Sky Form, they become really rebellious and bold, and isn't easy to command. It's terrified of Staraptor at first, but it soon warms up to the older Pokemon, and the two of them often do fly-overs of the motel together. Poochyena is a little bit short-tempered. If you could imagine a 'Scrappy-Doo'-type of personality, that fits Poochyena to a T. All three of them - Shaymin, Poochyena, and Norman's Staraptor, get along really well.
Duke has three electric pokemon, Luxio, a Manectric, and a shiny Jolteon. They can all bark/roar with sounds that compliment that of an electric guitar, so they're INCREDIBLY noisy and are constantly rocking out. Duke sometimes takes the cord for his electric guitar and gives it to Jolteon to hold in it's mouth, and then it uses an electric-type move to boost the amplification. They're bullies, but loyal to Duke. He uses them to threaten people, and the three of them enjoy pushing people around. They ocassionally have infighting, but Jolteon (their leader) usually puts Luxio and Manectric in line. Everyone elses' Pokemon utterly hate being around them, and it takes a really long time for them to actually behave in a friendly way around anyone besides Duke. Out of the three of them, Jolteon is the most serious. Luxio is the second dominant of the three, and Manectric is sort of the "idiot grunt" of the pack. Manectric tends to be the one that gets pushed around when the three of them don't have any other Pokemon to target - and so it's the most likely to have brief moments of camaraderie with Norman and Mary's Pokemon.
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