#i will never support michael and sabrina
This is the same image and it infuriates me in ways you'll never understand.
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#Anti-CastielxKellyKline #SupportLucifer
#Anti-MichaelQuartermainexSabrinaSantiago #SupportCarlosRivera
However, this image means everything to me.
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Joseph Rivera with Teddy Rivera and Carlos Carlos Rivera with Sabrina Santiago. AKA both Riveras holding the one thing that is keeping them together. Bonus:
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Okay, that's a little different but still... Point being- It's obvious.
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gghostwriter · 18 days
If You Love Me Right
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Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Part 1 || Part 2 Summary: Emily asks an all important question regarding the next step of your relationship with Spencer Trope: Fluff! Just fluff! w.c: 1.2k a/n: Back at it again with something Short n' Sweet. Unsure if this will be the last of this album inspired fics but so far the album is still on repeat. I think out of all the fluff I've written, this is the one where I could just feel how much of a green flag Spencer would be as a partner, if only he wasn't fictional. Comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated! 💗 masterlist
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“Have you thought about it?” Emily asked, wine glass on hand as she slid into the seat next to you.
The sun was just starting to set, covering the lush backyard in multitude of pink & orange hues. It was a Sunday and Rossi had invited the team and their extended families for an early Italian dinner feast. When Spencer inquired about your availability, it warmed your heart to hear who you are to him.
“Are you sure you want me there, Spence?” your voice coming out soft and muffled as you burrowed yourself further into the warmth of his slender neck. His invitation was a big step in further solidifying the relationship and having been in questionable situation-ships, you had to be sure where you stood.
He pulled back, doe eyes inquisitively staring into yours. His gaze had this way of making you feel known and at home. It was as if his soul has recognized yours from eons ago and needed no further introduction.
“Of course,” his calloused fingers softly pushing stray locks behind your ears. “You’re my person now and it feels right to have you there with me.”
Emily cleared her throat binging you back to the present. “Well?”
“Thought about what?”
She nodded her head in Spencer’s direction. “Having genius babies with our boy genius?”
You softly smiled, watching your boyfriend of one year perform magic tricks for Henry and Michael. It wasn’t like it never crossed your mind. If you were being honest, by the sixth date and the first time he stayed over for the night, the idea of growing old and starting a family with Spencer by your side had started to solidify. 
“Maybe,” you drawled out. A half truth that the seasoned profiler caught on right away.
“And has this—” she lifted her hands to form quotation marks in the air. “‘maybe’ been discussed with the potential baby daddy?” 
You brought the wine glass up to your lips, the outer corner of your lips tugging upwards your face as you took a sip. Dating a man of Spencer’s caliber had given you the comfort and stability to discuss any little insecurity, adoration, and realization without the unease of thinking he’d judge you for it. Gone were those nights of second guessing and reading too much in between the lines and in its place were honest discussions between two consenting adults. 
It was a real breath of fresh air.
“Do you think we should have a baby?” you casually asked, laying on his lap as he was propped up against the headboard with a book on hand. “I mean, not this second but—yeah, do you?”
There was a rustle of pages before a soft thud. “Sweetheart, don’t take this the wrong way but are you by any chance ovulating?”
He smiled, looking down at your slowly reddening cheeks. I—uh, have actually been keeping track—” he bit his lip before rushing out to explain himself. “—not to use the information for nefarious reasons but my brain just started to notice the patterns and it feels like an invasion of your privacy and—are you angry?”
“Oh Spence, no. Not at all,” your hand twining with his to stop its nervous movements. “It might be weird but I know you meant well. Now, will you tell me some facts about why you thought I was ovulating?”
“Well, studies had shown that women feel more flirty, sociable, and more physically attractive right before and during ovulation. Some studies also support the idea of increased libido which makes sense since that is the peak window for propagation of the human species.”
You giggled, always welcoming his rambles even if it had to do with your own reproductive system. “Right, but you know what else got me thinking about it?”
A slight scrunch in between his eyebrows appeared as his mind no doubt rewound the day for any trigger. His eyes brightening when it clicked. “Was it the picture of me holding Henry and Michael?”
“Definitely,” you breathed out, starting to feel warm just thinking about how secure his hold was to the newborn babies and that smile on his face that reached his molten hazel eyes and radiated from his whole face.
He pressed feather-like kisses all over cheeks and forehead. “There’s actually also a study on why that affected you so much. It all comes down to women seeing their partners acting as providers—” he cut himself off to land a kiss on your lips. “—I’m not saying no—I’d actually really like that but maybe we can revisit the idea again in two weeks? I want to make sure this is something you really want and not something your biology has dictated on you.”
“Okay, that sounds fair. I love you, Spence.”
“I love you too.”
Spencer’s laughter floating through the air brought you out of your reverie. A slight shiver passed through you—either from the wind or the imagery of him carrying Michael and holding hands with Henry on the other as they slowly made their way back to their mother.
You turned to face Emily, no doubt that the blush on your cheeks giving you away. “Maybe.”
“Huh,” she tilted her head slightly to the left—a subtle tick you’ve grown to read into.
Shaking her head, she leaned in to clink her glass with yours and a teasing smile forming on her face. “Nothing. Well—you’re welcome, by the way. And as a thank you, what do you think about naming the maybe baby after me?” 
You laughed. The trio had taken full credit for bringing the couple together—something that they had always brought up like it was their greatest contribution to earth.
A layer of warmth was added to your shoulders and a faint scent of books and wood wafted to your nose. Tilting your head backwards, it was Spencer sans his black coat that was now adorning your body. His garment effectively marking you as an extension of him, as if the necklace around your neck with his initials 'SR' wasn't enough already. A priceless jewelry that had a partner with your own initials that found its home around his neck. “Hi love.”
“Hi sweetheart,” leaning down to give your lips a kiss. “You looked cold.” 
You were both wrapped up in your own little bubble to notice Emily’s eyebrows arching towards her hairline. “It won’t be long now, I guess. So how many?” 
“One would be cute—” your eyes never lingering on his face as if you were tracing the all his angles and memorizing all the stubbles that had started to grow on his jaw line. 
Spencer without further explanation continued on. “—two would be better.” 
“You know, you both have to stop finishing each other’s sentences, it’s getting creepy,” Emily quipped.
You both laughed, turning to face her, and although your gazes were no longer meeting, the gentle caress of his thumb on the back of your hand was enough to communicate everything and anything in between.
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Comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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fanfics4all · 6 months
Request: Yes / No Thank you @badthingshappenbingo​ for my card! 
Requests are closed <3 Have a nice day/night
Lucifer Morningstar x Daughter!Reader 
Word count: 2236
Warnings: Mentions of kidnapping and manipulation  
Y/N: Your Name 
Y/N/N: Your Nickname
Y/F/N: Your First Name
Y/M/N: Your Middle Name
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If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you! 
If you enjoy my work, you could also show support by buying me a coffee! 
(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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*Lucifer’s POV*
Someone had the audacity to steal my daughter from me when she was just a young child. I tracked her for years, but I ended up losing her trail a few years ago. It was like she never existed in the first place. Whoever took her must be powerful in order to hide her from me. This is the only reason I had a second child with a mortal. Sabrina was an amazingly powerful witch and I knew she had amazing potential. Yet I never stopped looking for my first born. I will get my daughter back.  
*Y/N’s POV*
I woke up to my alarm and groaned. Another day, another training day… I got dressed quickly and went out into the kitchen where my Dad was cooking breakfast. He turned to look at me with a smile as I took a seat at the island. 
“Morning sunshine, hungry?” He asked and I nodded. He placed a plate of food in front of me and I quickly started eating. 
“Slow down, there’s plenty of food.” He said and I slowed a bit. 
“Your Uncle will be here in a bit.” He said as he took his own seat. 
“Which one today?” I asked after I swallowed a mouth full of food. 
“Michael, you’re gonna train with him today.” He saida and I nodded. 
“When is my training gonna be over? I’ve been working every day since I was like five.” I groaned and he chuckled. 
“When we’re sure you’re ready.” He said and I rolled my eyes. That’s the answer they always give me. 
“Ready for what? I don’t even know what I’m training for!” I said, getting annoyed again. 
“Y/N, watch your tone.” He said and I groaned, pushing my plate away. 
“I’m so sick of training! Can’t I just go to school like a normal kid?” I asked and he shook his head. 
“We’ve talked about this sunshine, you can’t go to school. Instead you train with me and your Uncles.” He said and I rested my head on the counter. 
“But what am I training for?” I asked. Before Dad could answer or reather not answer again, the front door opened and in walked my Uncle. 
“Morning everyone! Who’s ready for training?” Michael asked as he walked right into our kitchen. I looked up at him and groaned. 
“Someone slept on the wrong side of the bed.” He chuckled as he grabbed a cup of coffee. 
“She’s questioning her training again.” Dad said and I rolled my eyes. 
“Maybe if you guys told me what the hell I was training for then I wouldn’t have to question it!” I said and they both narrowed their eyes at me. 
“What have we told you about using that word?” Dad asked and I sighed. 
“Sorry…” I mumbled. 
“Listen, Y/N, you just need to do what your Dad and us Uncles say and everything will be perfect.” Michael said and I rolled my eyes again. 
“Whatever, am I actually going to be able to use my powers today or is it another pretend day?” I asked. 
“It’s still too early to use your powers.” Michael answered and I groaned. 
“Dad!” I said and he sighed. 
“Just listen to your Uncle.” He said. 
“It’s getting boring using them by myself…” I mumbled. 
“What was that?” Dad asked. I looked over at them and they both looked shocked and worried. 
“You’ve been using your powers by yourself!?” Michael shouted. 
“A little…” I sheepishly answered. 
“Y/N Y/M/N Anderson! You know you’re not allowed to use your powers unless one of us gives you the okay!” Dad scolded. 
“It’s not like anyone sees me since I’ve been locked in this stupid house forever and it’s just a little bit, what’s the big deal?” I asked. 
“The big deal is that’s it’s dangerous! There’s a reason you’re not allowed to use your powers.” Dad said. 
“Then tell me the reason! Dad I’ve been lost about this stuff my whole life! You weren’t even gonna tell me that I had powers until I did some magic by accident!” I pointed out. 
“Y/N you’re Dad and us are just trying to protect you.” Michael said and I groaned. 
“I’m so tired of that excuse!” I shouted and flung my hands back. When I did I accidently shot some magic out and broke the window and a vase. 
“Y/N, calm down.” Dad said while holding his hands up in surrender. 
“No! I want to know the truth!” I shouted. I felt my eyes change, but didn’t pay an attention to it. My Dad and Uncle looked at me with wide fearful eyes. 
“Y/N you need to relax right now.” Michael said and made his sword appear. 
“I’ll calm down when you two finally tell me why I need to do all this shit!” I hissed. There was a sudden noise behind me and I looked over. There was a portal in our livingroom and someone or something was coming out of it. 
“Y/N come here now.” Dad said in the most serious tone I’ve ever heard from him. I rushed over to him and he pushed me behind him. My Dad and Uncle stepped in front of me and Michael held his sword up, ready to fight. I tried to peek around them, but they did a really good job at blocking my view. 
“You’re not welcome here, Brother.” Michael said and I furrowed my brow. My Uncles wouldn’t show up in a portal like that.
“I should have known you were the ones that took her from me.” A voice I don’t recognize said. 
“Leave, now.” Dad growled. 
“Where is she?” The voice asked. 
“Not here.” Michael answered. Who the hell were they talking about? 
“Nonsens, I can feel her power.” The voice said and I could hear a smirk. 
“You’re not welcome here.” Michael growled and held his sword closer to the person. He lent forward to threaten the person, but he revealed me behind him a bit. The person looked past my Uncle at me and his smirk grew. 
“There she is.” He said. My Dad and Uncle both glanced back at me, but I was just staring at the strange man who seemed strangely familiar to me. 
“Come here, Y/N.” The man said and my Dad placed his arm in front of me. 
“She’s not going anywhere near you.” He growled. 
“How do you know my name?” I asked and he raised a brow at me, but kept his smirk. 
“Don’t talk to him, Y/N.” Michael said, his eyes not leaving the man. 
“So she has no memory of me?” He asked and I furrowed my brow. 
“She doesn’t need any, you’re just making our jobs harder!” Dad hissed. 
“What the hell are you guys talking about?” I asked. Dad sent me a look and I mumbled an apology. 
“Have you been keeping her in the dark on everything?” The man asked with a chuckle. 
“Get out now!” Michael growled at him. 
“Tell me darling, do you know that your so called Father and Uncles are angels?” He asked and my eyes widened. 
“What?” I asked quietly. 
“You’re ruining everything, like usual!” Dad shouted. I backed away from my Dad and Uncle. Dad looked back at me and he looked worried. 
“Y/N? Sunshine? Don’t believe a word this man says.” Dad said and I looked back at him with narrowed eyes. 
“Is it true? Are you and all my Uncles angels?” I asked and he looked over at Michael. 
“Y/N, you need to listen to your Dad.” Michael said. 
“Yes, she does.” The man said and took a step forward. Michael held his sword at the mans throat, but he didn’t look bothered by my Uncle. 
“Keep your filthy mouth shut!” Michael said through clentched teeth. 
“Why? All the girl wants to know is the truth.” He said with a smirk and my head shot over to him. 
“You know the truth?” I asked. 
“Don’t talk to him, Y/N!” Dad hissed at me. 
“I should kill you right now.” Michael hissed. 
“We both know Father wouldn’t be very happy with you if that happened.” The man’s smirk grew. His gaze found mine once again. 
“You my dear are my daughter and your so called Father and Uncles stole you from me when you were only five.” He said and my eyes widened. 
“W-What?” I whispered. 
“He’s a liar, Y/N, don’t listen to a think he says.” Michael said, glaring daggers at the man. I looked over at my Dad and he looked scared. 
“I-Is it true? Are you not my Dad?” I asked. 
“Y/N I-” 
“Don’t say a word! We can fix this as soon as we get rid of him! We’ll call the others and she’ll forget all about this! We’ll move her to another location and everything will still go as planned!” Michael said and I gasped. 
“It’s true?” I asked and my Dad couldn’t even look at me. 
“It was a valiant effort, but I’ll be taking my daughter back home now.” The man said. He took a step towards me and Michael tossed him across the room. 
“Father may have my wings if I kill you, but he won’t mind if I hurt you.” He growled at the man. 
“Get her somewhere safe.” He told the man I thought was my Dad, Gabriel. 
“No!” I shouted and I felt so much power coursing through me. I looked down and my hands had swirling red and black power around them. 
“She’s so much more powerful than you ever thought.” The man said with a smirk. 
“Y/N, stop, we don’t want to hurt you.” Gabriel said to me. 
“No! I want the truth and I want it now!” I said and my voice sounded a bit distorted. Micheal and Gabriel looked at each other giving the man time to make his way next to me. 
“They stole you away from me, my darling girl, I’m here to bring you home.” The man said, touching my shoulder. 
“I want the truth!” I shouted and my power pushed everyone away from me. 
“Okay, just calm down! We’ll tell you the truth.” Gabriel said. 
“What are you talking about! We can’t-” 
“Do you want her to lose it to her powers?” Gabriel asked, cutting Michael off. Michael shut his mouth, but he didn’t look happy. 
“Just take a seat, sunshine and I’ll tell you everything.” Gabriel said, taking a seat himself. I shook my head and crossed my arms. 
“I’m staying right here.” I said and he nodded. 
“For once he’s telling the truth. Your Uncles and I-” 
“You’re not my Dad and they’re not my Uncles.” I said with narrowed eyes. 
“You’re right, but we raised you since you were a child.” He said and I rolled my eyes. So what? 
“We took you from your real Father because he’s not a good man and you’re destined to destroy him once and for all. God told us we needed to take you from him and raise you to kill him.” He said and my eyes widened. 
“You’re the strongest being we’ve seen in centuries and God knew you’d be the one to take care of Lucifer once and for all.” He finished and I took everything in. 
“Lucifer? As in…” I trailed off. 
“The Devil, yes my darling girl.” The man said and I looked at him. 
“You’re my Dad?” I asked and he gave me a smile. 
“I’ve been looking for you for years.” He said, taking a step towards me. Micheal went to stop him, but I used my magic to push him away. The man smirked at him and made his way towards me. 
“You are very powerful, dear, I can teach you how to use all of them.” He said. 
“You’ll let me use them?” I asked and he nodded. 
“Y/N please, you need to understand that he’ll use you for evil.” Gabriel said. 
“Listen to your- Listen to Gabriel.” Micheal cut himself off. 
“Why would I listen to the people that kidnapped, manipulated, and lied to me? Lucifer is the only one that’s told me the truth!” I hissed at him. Lucifer placed his hands on my shoulders and pulled my back against him. 
“You were wrong for ever thinking you could manipulate my daughter into killing me.” He said to them. 
“Y/N, please.” Gabriel begged, but I shook my head. Lucifer moved his hand and the same portal he used to come here appeared. 
“Come, darling, it’s time you return home and meet your half sister.” He said and I smiled at him. 
“I have a sister?” I asked and he nodded, offering me his hand. I took it and both angels rushed over to us. 
“Y/N stop!” They shouted, but they were too slow. Lucifer and I jumped into the portal and he quickly closed it behind us. When we stepped through we were in what looked like a throne room. 
“Welcome home, my darling daughter.” He said and I looked around in awe. 
“I still can’t remember anything though…” I said sadly. 
“Don’t worry, dear, we’ll get whatever they did to you out of your head.” He said and hugged me. I hugged him back and everything just felt right.
Tag list: @les-bio-lie @tashy-bear @ashwarren32 @hollie-blogs-blog1 @lover-of-books-and-tea @nerdygaloresposts @teenwolfbitches28 @kmc1989 @drw0301bieber @lady-of-lies @ravenmoore14 @ravenempress101 @cillianchamp @rowanthomasknapp @rachelxwayne @ready-4-fanfiction @lover2448
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abigailnussbaum · 5 months
Dead Boy Detectives
I'm sure this will be all over my tumblr feed in a couple of days, but I just wanted to get in early and say that Netflix's adaptation of the Dead Boy Detectives comic is extremely charming and fun. I went in with zero expectations, given the track record of previous Neil Gaiman-based series (Good Omens, carried on the backs of David Tennant and Michael Sheen's performances and charisma; American Gods, a glorious mess at times but still a mess; Sandman, meh), not to mention Netflix's rather low bar when it comes to fantasy adaptations, but I was very quickly won over.
The key, I think - and this probably has something to do with the production team overlapping with the Arrowverse/Doom Patrol people - is that this is a show that does monster-of-the-week extremely well, spinning elaborate and often whimsical supernatural mysteries. There's a bit of a Pushing Daisies vibe in the quirky small town setting and fun guest characters (note: this show isn't nearly as good as Pushing Daisies, but even making me think of it is a feather in its cap). And the supporting characters are really well done, and manage to make the setting feel rich and multifaceted in a very small number of episodes.
It's not a flawless show by any means. The dialogue is pretty unimpressive, and like most Netflix shows these days (and again, most Netflix fantasy shows especially) every frame looks like it's been run through a murky-grey-and-boring filter. Most importantly, for as good as the show is at guest and supporting characters, the main characters - the titular dead boy detectives and the living girl who joins their partnership - are also its least engaging. Maybe this is because these characters are where the bulk of the show's melodrama lies, but while it was clear these people would die for each other, I never really believed that they were genuine friends who enjoy each other's company and like doing stuff together. They all ended up being more fun to watch with other, supporting characters than each other.
Still, that's made up for by the fact that the show is never too self-serious - unlike other recent, youth-oriented fantasy shows on Netflix like Sabrina or Wednesday, it doesn't lose its light touch even when the plot gets heavy. And with only eight episodes, it still manages to tie up a lot of plot and character threads while maintaining its episodic structure. The resulting season ends up feeling satisfying and delightful, but also leaves you wanting more.
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imsparky2002 · 2 years
Miraculous Twins AU - Meet the Other Classmates
Adrien Agreste
Only recently became rich due to Chloe's mother discovering his father's work last year. He was used to being relatively low-middle class, so all this money is a new thing for him.
Still a sunshine boi, but has more of a backbone. Not taking anyone's crap, whether it be Chloe or his father.
A lot more like Cat Noir, despite not having the Miraculous. He was known as the class clown for the longest time. Adrien's always in the mood to crack jokes and makes his classmates smile.
Uses his newfound wealth to try and help his classmates, as well as the rest of Paris.
Still dresses the way he did when he wasn't rich. Always wears casual and unassuming clothes.
Him and Marinette are good friends (no attraction to each other in this AU).
Loved his mother and fell into a depression after her passing. He wants to use his new found fortune strictly on others, since he sees no value in it for himself.
He was just seen as the class clown for years at DuPont, but becoming rich has boosted his social status at the school. He doesn't like this, and wants people to just see him as the same old Adrien.
Alya Cesaire
Still a newsy-type girl, Alya is a lot more professional. She always makes sure to have sources, and presents the Miraculous blog as less of a fan site, and more of a unbiased news channel. She also runs a more passionate subreddit for Miraculous info.
Always looking for the next scoop, but knows not to get too close to the action. She doesn't want to put herself in danger.
A fan of Ladybug, but finds Paon to be more intriguing to catch on camera. He always seems to be evading her when she asks for interviews.
Marinette is supportive of Alya's plans, but Marc openly shows skeptiscm about her ideas. He is terrified of anyone finding out about his and his sister's identity.
Very much against finding out the identity of the heroes. Believes that they have a right to their privacy, and if they wanted to reveal themselves, they would've done so already.
Doesn't accept any info about the Miraculous wielders without a source. You wanna say you're best friends with Ladybug? Ok! Show a source. No? Then get outta here. (There will be no Alya salt in this house.)
Nino Lahiffe
Possibly the chillest dude in the world. Nino's a fun-loving guy who's goal in life is to make tunes and movies. He doesn't care about being popular, or what people think of him, he just follows his own groove. (The best I can describe him is like a mix of Michael Mell from Be More Chill and Ron LaFlamme from Silicon Valley.)
Despite being a party guy, Nino takes school seriously. He's got a knack for English. It's not that he really likes school, he just knows he has to graduate so that he can diverge to a career path he wants.
Unlike his girlfriend, he doesn't see the big deal about Ladybug and Paon. He appreciates them and all, he just sees them as "a dude and dudette" going out and helping people. Ladybug and Paon actually appreciate Nino, since he treats them like ordinary people instead of idolizing them.
Has a strained relationship with his little brother Chris (Who's 12 in this AU.), but for different reasons. Chris is the opposite of Nino. He's high strung, extremely intelligent, and sees himself as more of an adult than Nino in certain cases. He also feels insecure about his small stature and the fact he still sounds like he's 8.
Chloe Bourgeois
In a way, she is a million times nicer than Canon Chloe. For instance, she never bullied her classmates, treats Sabrina with respect, and never acted like a spoiled brat.
However, she's still not the kindest one in school. The best way I can describe Chloe is like Tony Stark but without the Iron Suit. She's snarky, arrogant, and always has a smart-ass quip for everyone she interacts with. She has an ego the size of Jupiter and will always be willing to show off for the adoration of others.
Despite this, she never uses her money to hurt others. She genuinely wants to be friendly to others, and has never sought out to hurt them.
Her classmates have a better relationship with her. Of course, they still see her as arrogant and obnoxious at times, but she doesn't have any enemies.
If a classmate has a birthday party, she will make sure to send them an extravagant gift, and throws the best sleepovers and hangouts at her house.
Her and Marinette are more friendly enemies than rivals. They love upstaging one another, but they never cross the line into outright hurting the other.
Tries to get in close with the Miraculous Twins and sees them as a way to gain popularity with Parisians. She doesn't worship Ladybug, but sees her as a opportunity to gain influence.
Hates her mother for treating her and her half-sister Zoe like garbage.
Luka Couffaine
The only person in the world who could be chiller than Nino. He's a nice and easy-going dude with a love for rock and roll. Makes sense that they're best buds who collab on musical projects together.
He's a little more easy to anger in this AU, but only if he feels his family or friends are in danger, or if he's being lied to in a way that he doesn't understand.
Very sage-like for a 15 year old. He does meditation and other breathing exercises to maintain a feeling of zen.
The Dupain-Cheng and Couffaine Siblings have a friendly and long history together. They can relate to each other when it comes to twin problems. Luka was Marinette's pretend boyfriend throughout elementary school.
Tries to give more confidence to his twin sister, Juleka.
While he's friendly with everyone, he really likes to have quiet hangouts with Ivan and Nathaniel. Also likes to hang with Kagami.
Has a hatred for corporate culture, and wishes that Chloe would stay away from his music career, though he still holds no ill will towards her.
Is upset with his mother for not revealing the truth about his father.
Max Kante
The smartest kid in the class, and has a love for technology and math.
Helps out some of his classmates with homework for free. He makes sure that other kids at school promise not to pick on him if he agrees to be their tutor.
Loves to share trivia and statistics about various things to everyone at school, but will stop himself from doing so if he thinks the situation doesn't require that.
When Marinette beat him at a video game, it excited him. Finally he could face a worthy opponent!
He is fascinated by the technology used by Ladybug and Paon. Wonders where it came from.
Alix Kubdel
An athletic tomboy full of spirit and drive. There's nothing that's too dangerous for Alix.
Aside from roller skating, she loves street art and works on projects with fellow artist and friend Nathaniel.
Though she's asexual and aromantic, she gives advice for Marc on how to win Nathaniel's heart.
Shares her father's love for history. Her and Max have frequent discussions about historical events.
Her and Kim are always doing dumb and thrill-seeking dares.
Has a rocky relationship with her older brother, Jalil. He has gone down the rabbit hole and become a conspiracy theorist.
Le Chien Kim
He may be confident and hotheaded, but Kim is a jock who has a soft side.
His best buds are Max and Ivan. Kim and Ivan have protected Max from bullies since elementary school.
He can be a bit insensitive at times, but he means well.
Kim has a love for pop culture and all things nerdy, despite being a jock.
He shares a bond with Marinette and Marc, since they all share an Asian heritage (Kim is Vietnamese, while Marinette and Marc are half-Chinese).
Mylene Haprele
A meek and kind girl who has a love for activism. Wants to create a greener and brighter future for Paris.
Has a passion for acting, loves taking part in school plays. Prefers to act in more realistic roles.
Prefers Paon over Ladybug, she likes that he has a personality similar to her, and that he doesn't get involved with the media.
Not as much of a coward as she is in canon. She still gets scared, but it's more over Akumas than anything else.
Her and the rest of the Girl Squad serve to be Marinette's voices of reason when it comes to making Marigami a reality.
She is Afro-French in this AU (I felt it insensitive and cultural appropriation for a white girl to be wearing dreadlocks.)
She may be small and shy, but you don't wanna make her angry.
Rose Lavillant
A bubbly and friendly girl. She has a heart of gold and her supply of optimism is endless.
Rose is bisexual and is dating Juleka Couffaine.
She's a pastel goth compared to her girlfriend who is a traditional goth.
She likes ballet and knows a few moves despite not wanting to become a professional ballerina.
She is perky and sweet, but god help you if you mess with her loved ones or friends.
Her and Juleka help each other out with family issues or Rose's illness.
Rose suffers from chronic migraines, meaning that Rose avoids areas of stress or loud noises.
Rose is the only person that Juleka can never scare, this just makes the goth love her even more.
Juleka Couffaine
Still very shy, but a bit more confident thanks to her twin brother Luka being in the class. Still part of the Girl Squad (Rose, Mylene, Alix, Alya, Marinette), but also has a friendship with Nathaniel, Marc and Ivan. There's also the fact that she's dating Rose.
She would not get akumatized for feeling invisible. She feels accepted and appreciated in the class. She would probably get akumatized due to family issues.
Holds resentment for her father who abandoned his family before the twins were born. Wishes she could find him, and only wants to get revenge if he knew her mother was pregnant. Also holds worry for her mother, who has started talking like a pirate all the time.
Is very close with Luka, even if they bicker and fight sometimes. Their favorite thing to do together is writing music.
Embraces her creepy vibe in this AU. She loves all things horror, and likes to playfully scare her brother, girlfriend, and classmates. Never takes it too far though, except on her enemies or bullies.
Rose and Juleka have a YouTube channel where they roleplay as the villainous couple Reflekta and Princess Fragrance. They were the ones who allowed Marc and Nathaniel to use their villains for the webcomic. The goth girlfriends love acting like evil clowns, and Marc and Nathaniel agree that the two would be perfect to play their villainsonas in a live action adaptation.
Sabrina Raincomprix
Chloe's best friend and second in command. A lot like the Pepper Potts to Chloe's Tony Stark.
Advises Chloe on social situations, what to say and how to keep classroom PR in a positive direction.
A lot more openly intelligent here, she's the one who makes sure Chloe doesn't embarass herself, or negotiating with other classmates to help them out with problems.
Her and Nathan share the same father in Roger, but have different mothers. Roger had agreed to be a surrogate father for Nathaniel, since his own father was sterile, and had gotten Nathaniel's mother and Sabrina's mother pregnant around the same time. They have a more connected relationship as a result, and this means they hang out more frequently.
One of the smartest kids in school besides from Max.
Ivan Bruel
The gentle giant of the class. He's a big guy with a soft voice and a gentle soul.
Extremely emotional intelligent, is able to read all of his classmates' personalities and understand how they would act in any situation.
Shares a love for activism with Mylene. She was his first ever friend in kindergarten, and they are currently dating in school.
He and his buddy Kim are taking part in a secret school wrestling group. They share a love for exercising together.
Has very little self-love for himself. Whenever he gets angry, it's usually directed at himself.
Loves to drum, but is a terrible singer.
His father is Russian, and named his son after the character of Ivan Drago from Rocky.
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bushleaguereviews · 2 years
Top Movies of 2022
Solid year for movies, particularly with ensemble casts.
10.  It’s a three-way tie between three horror films: Smile, Barbarian, (pictured below,) and X.
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2022 was a great year for the horror genre fan.  Tons of great examples ranging from big budget, to micro budget, from a movie like Smile, which examines the anxieties of day-to-day life, to a classic “Don’t go in there!” movie like Barbarian, which also has a social commentary to make about the state of relationships between members of the opposite sex, or X, which on the surface is a sexy slasher, but in reality has a fair share of commentary as well, talking about society and individualism.  All movies are subversive, offering up much more than meets the eye.
9. Ambulance
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Never thought I’d see the day where a Michael Bay movie would top my list, but here we are.  This is arguably the most understated Michael Bay films of all time, and considering it’s less-than-impressive box office, arguably the most underrated.  That said, it has all of the flourishes that make Michael Bay films impressive, with flashy camerawork, and larger-than life explosions, and has a little bit of everything you’d want from a movie like this: it’s a heist film, it’s a car chase film, it’s a shoot out film, it’s a buddy comedy, it’s a drama about two brothers, and has more than the usual amount of emotional depth in a Michael Bay film, showcasing a star performance from Jake Gigglesandall.
8.  Confess, Fletch
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Jon Hamm, combining his effortless charm with a Chevy Chase sense of sarcasm, starring in a movie from the director of Superbad and Adventureland, that is an old fashioned sort of murder mystery comedy.  They don’t make ‘em like this anymore, but I wish they would.
7.  Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris
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Another old fashioned movie that they really don’t make anymore: a feel good movie.  Plain in simple.  The movie takes place in the 1950s and feels like a movie from the ‘50s, about a lower class Englishwoman who saves up her money and goes on an adventure to Paris to go a buy a Christian Dior dress.  It’s got hints of Cinderella, Sabrina, and a dash of Pretty Woman for good measure.  Just delightful.
6.  The Fablemans
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Steven Spielberg making you feel all the feels.  That’s all I feel I need to say about that.
5.  The Menu
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Rising star Anya Taylor-Joy is an outsider restaurant patron going toe-to-toe against Ralph Fiennes’ obsessed chef, in a social satire thriller taking place over the course of one epic dinner.
4.  Glass Onion
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Daniel Craig leading another great ensemble cast, (including Kate Hudson, honoring the legacy of all the bubbly characters her mom brought to life through the 70s, 80s, and 90s,) in a sequel whodunit that surpasses the original.
3.  Scream
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Another classic Scream movie with all the wit, suspenseful set pieces, and intelligence of the original.  The O.G. cast is still great, particularly David Arquette, and the new ensemble is great is well.  Props to Jenna Ortega who between this, X, and Wednesday, had a great year and became a new scream queen.
2.  The Batman
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It may not rise to the greatness of the Nolan trilogy and be a half hour too long, but after Zack Snyder’s tenure at the helm of the D.C. universe, this was a welcome addition to the Batman franchise.  Battison was great, (though his take as Bruce Wayne is probably my least favorite, as was the rest of the cast, most notably Zoe Kravitz, who easily joins the esteemed company of great Catwomen, Michelle Pfeiffer and Anne Hathaway.
1.  Top Gun: Maverick
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Yep, I went with the obvious, mainstream answer.  Don’t care.  This is everything you want from a movie: you’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll be thrilled, Tom Cruise being a movie star, Jennifer Connelly being everything you want in a love interest, the young cast is great, the visuals, sound design, the younger ensemble cast lead by Miles Teller, the older supporting cast lead by Jon Hamm, the soundtrack...a great, mainstream American popcorn movie that was one of the few long-awaited sequels that was well worth the wait.
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Week in Review
05/19/2024 – 05/25/2024
Week 15 of missing Cipher Academy
Had to head out on a day trip, but before I did I quickly read the new Undead Unluck chapter. This was mainly a set-up chapter, disseminating the information we’ve learned from the Language fight and preparing for the next arc, but wow I never expected that we’d see Fuuko’s parents… I have a feeling that the next arc is going to be pretty emotional…
Oshi no Ko 149: I think Kana and Akane should just get together instead. Seeing Akane pull her Machiavellian schemes is funny, though.
Dandadan 152 and 153: Dammit the mangaka has got me again with the tragic backstory. I think they’ve really perfected their craft in this regard – they don’t get too long-winded about it, instead focusing on presenting specific images and moments that tell a much bigger story. Seeing the myriad of stickers in the apartment on the doors and counters at kid-height was so…the place just felt really lived in and realistic, making the tragedy hit even more as Zuma’s mom begs to stay. Zuma covering his little brother’s ears was also a nice touch, and we understand right away what their brotherly relationship must’ve been like. But then the silence as his little brother loses his umbrella…and we just see Zuma’s desperation and the aftermath… His mom’s cold grip around his wrist and then those last few panels are just so so horrible, especially the one where you can see Zuma trying his best to hold his mom back… I also appreciated this thematic thread of “people placing the blame on individuals rather than the lack of support infrastructure and the ways modern society crushes the less fortunate under its heel”, it makes sense why Zuma would feel angry towards the entire world and how it’s failed his family.
Magilumiere fine. Feels like textbook final fight stuff.
Chainsaw Man fine. The narrative just feels so…aimless and vague.
Rewatched some Succession episodes just to feel something. Season 3 episode 5 will always be a favourite for the absolute chaos it brings, but this time I really enjoyed Tom likening him and Shiv to sorority sisters whose cycles have synced up…he’s so girlcoded it’s insane. And then I watched season 4 episode 7 for the satisfaction of watching Tom and Shiv’s marriage blow up – I have their argument almost memorized by now.
Against my better judgement, I stayed up and read The Unusual Suspects by Michael Buckley in pretty much one sitting, and was fairly underwhelmed. As with the first book in this Sisters Grimm series, I love the premise and setting of this story, but the actual writing leaves a lot to be desired. Finding out that Buckley’s writing career started in TV makes so much sense, because his book writing is so bland and uninspired. The characters are fun and have decently enjoyable dialogue, but the descriptions lack any real finesse or artistry. Things just happen one after another like a TV writer marking out a beatsheet, and the comedic bits are the kind of wacky hijinks you’d find in the platonic ideal of a 2000’s Saturday morning cartoon. At least Sabrina had a semblance of an interesting arc, I guess…? In that she has to grapple with racism LMAO? And I guess Prince Charming’s gesture and her realization that her anger/racism was literally powering up the bad guy was a decent resolution, but I do hope the narrative stresses the importance of seeing “the other” as people in future instalments (and maybe throw in a human culprit for one of the mysteries). Also, I remembered the Puck/Sabrina romance as being more of a slowburn, but here they basically fall in love with each other on the flimsiest of basis and are doing the whole bickering/flirting thing right away…I think kid me was really excited at each crumb of ship content, but adult me wishes their romance had a subtler hand.
Went outside and had a life event, heh
Read a lot today, mostly just bits and pieces of various books in my search of a good one, but the only one I started in earnest was Between Two Fires by Christopher Buehlman. The hook was immediately gripping – a horror story set during the Black Plague – and I’m happy to find that the writing is evocative enough to match. The prose sets me in the time period and atmosphere immediately, and there are so many striking visuals that have stuck in my mind thus far. Unfortunately, in an inverse of Buckley, the dialogue writing is so bad it nears comical at points. Some of the passages literally read like bad sitcom banter, and it completely takes me out of the moment with its anachronistic tone. The only saving grace is that the conversations are usually short, I suppose.
DunMesh with leftover stir-fried lamb from a restaurant I went to on Wednesday. Episode good! Food good! Fun to see the Canaries make their anime debut at last.
I got fully invested and finished Part I of Between Two Fires. The dialogue still grates on me at times, but the wonderful prose keeps me going, as does the dreaminess of the plot – it really feels like an early canon work in how it moves between different locations and their self-contained stories, and while I saw some people say that they didn’t like the episodic nature, I think it really fits the tone. I was pleasantly surprised to see the priest join the party, I was really expecting the story to just revolve around Thomas and the girl, but the priest’s presence is welcome for how it adds another dimension to the group dynamic beyond the girl annoying Thomas with her innocent and inscrutable actions. I also didn’t expect so much gayness? I can’t tell if it’s just being used as a way to cast the priest as a sinful man (like with his drinking), but I’m going to enjoy the fujo crumbs regardless. Thomas’ fight against the river creature and the men’s stint in the illusory castle felt truly hellish, and you really get the sense that their world is pulling apart at the seams.
I started reading She Who Became the Sun by Shelley Parker-Chan today because I like to have a few books going at once, and I’m becoming cautiously optimistic that some actually good adult fiction books exist in the world. After some deliberation, I think I’ve come to the realization that what I really want in a book is for things to happen. As in, I’m sick and fucking tired of the 340523rd treatise on the fucking “human condition” – I’ve been through enough human condition and I don’t need to read 400 pages of melodramatic waffling as characters talk and talk and talk but actually do very little of consequence. But if I want to find a book where an actual journey occurs, my best chances are in the fantasy or sci-fi genres…which I also kind of hate reading lol. I hate being bombarded with impenetrable names and countries and factions before I even get the chance to care about them, so I usually avoid high fantasy/high sci-fi like the plague. But She Who Became the Sun is set in historical China, which I’m already familiar with and interested in, and the fantasy elements have been fairly light so far, so I’ve been greatly enjoying it. I especially like Parker-Chan’s prose, and how they build Zhu’s inner turmoil in Part One and her struggle between identity vs body and the central thesis of greatness vs nothingness. But once again, I’m floored by just how good the writing is when compared to some of the other books I’ve tried reading this week. I used to think that maybe adult fiction as a whole just wasn’t for me, but now I’m regaining hope that there are good books out there, I just have to find them…it’s a process, to be sure, when literally no other critics or BookTubers I can find share my tastes, but I’ll keep trying…
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augerer · 3 years
@littleplant1998 tagged me for my favorite books i’ve read in 2021!  This hasn’t been a great reading year for me (i think i tallied 15 or so books?) but here we are.  I’m tagging @outlaw-baby @lowbrw @huilannie @ismenes @underthegibbousmoon @aurorean and anyone else who wants to do this (feel free to @ me in your post).
Go Tell It On The Mountain, James Baldwin. Definitely the favorite thing I’ve read this year, by a country mile.  I’d never read any Baldwin before but I definitely will read more.  There’s a real . . . vitality to it, or heart, or maybe a momentum?  Which makes it riveting and a page turner for me in a way that other entries in the “historical fiction centering the downtrodden” genre usually are not (even if I also like them).  All the female characters are drawn with a lot of care and attention and kindness, and are allowed both vulnerabilities and bitter edges. . . I enjoyed also the shifting POV structure, getting all of these perspectives on the tragedy of a family, but also its hopes and its loves.  It’s been a while now since I read it and I don’t think I’m doing it justice.
In Other Lands, Sarah Rees Brennan. A portal fantasy about the most annoying little bisexual boy in the world escaping a deeply sterile home life for a world of elves!  and mermaids!  and... fantasy racism?  I read it and then immediately caused sabrina @lowbrw to read it and then we spent endless hours strategizing about how with only 8 small to medium sized edits we could fix her i.e. convert it from “charming but flawed romp” to “one of our favorite ever books”.  edit entries vary from “slightly better prose” to “more interesting subversive elf gender” to “more coherent worldbuilding to support more consistent revolutionary ethics”.  ultimately though despite thinking that the way the book treats its fantasy war crimes is unrigorous, probably nothing else i’ve read this year has beat it this year for sheer amount of enjoyment directly or indirectly brought to me.  so here it is.  and thanks sabrina, for everything, mwah.
Shards of Honor, Lois McMaster Bujold. While we’re on the topic of fantasy war crimes!  i don’t know how much this really stuck in my brain, but i’ve always meant to read more of the vorkosigan saga and i’ve been on a huge space opera kick recently.  the momentum of this book is so fun. . . cordelia’s a really magnetic protagonist and i enjoy how cordelia and aral’s experiences surviving together in the beginning of the novel are like a secret (to other characters) emotional core for the rest of the book.
Forugh Farrokhzad Poetry (assorted) I read selections from her Michael Hillmann biography, as well as from this website.  Like the Baldwin, it’s a little blurry to me now and I’m not going to do it justice.  But her work is really silky stuff, really suggestive of hm.  The feminine urge to have a decadently rich internal world.  Speaking of poetry, the other poet I really enjoyed reading last year is Frank Bidart, who I’m intending to read more of this year. . . I also read the Kochan chapbook by Jack Gilbert, which I’ve been meaning to post my scans of online when I have the time because it’s hard to acquire (I borrowed it from my university library).
the beast in the jungle, henry james
i’d read turn of the screw before, by henry james, and not been particularly into it, so i wasn’t expecting too much from the beast in the jungle.  and it’s truly frustratingly dense, and the sentence structures he uses can be torturous.  but the types of observations he makes, the way he describes human tendencies, is very interesting and specific.  Also fundamentally its a story about a self-obsessed guy ruining his own life which is fun.
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magnusetdona · 3 years
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Hello there family! Back from the dead and ready to kick things into gear. Please bear with me as I update Brina's bio and her page but to help with plotting and to explain what's going on with our most elegant and wonderous badass babe of science and medicine I humbly present this to you! Below in are the current state of mind / things regarding Sabrina Mackie:
*** i tried to make it small that didn’t work so thank you so much for reading <3. gore tw, death tw, blood tw & mentions of these.
Bram Mackie: Supporting her brother's decision to become a supernatural in order to avenge their family and level the playing field in that regard what is done is done. For a moment it felt like she would lose him, like she had the tiniest doubt ( and still does ) that Bram would die and not complete the change. Now that he has and he's no longer in the hideout there is a stronger pull to make the journey into were-territory to do as she's always done and that's make sure he's alright and to take care of him. Brina has been trading in the black market for hard to find items like bacon, smoked ham hocks and specialty meats and things and plans on making a large spread as promised for him in his new home. The bacon/smoked ham hock / meat ( likely used for a polish hunter's stew - eden's heritage is showing ) will draw a decent crowd if not most werewolves in a decent radius. Bram hadn't approved of this sort of dealing before and certainly wouldn’t now knowing how often she’s frequenting insanely dangerous places to get these things but mackie’s tend to do what they want. ( she’s not told him the detail of her experiments or how she’s come up with a system to sneak into bite clubs and shady af places to collect samples that we will touch on later ). its her plan to make those who will now be involved with his life aware she is still a huge part of his and she still loses sleep over him knowing he's not in the other room now and how can she save the big bad werewolf from dying if she's not there?
Cardelle Mackie: With the injuries Cardelle has endured, both mentally and physically from his last altercation with a high vampire and their last conversation... Brina is concerned about him. With their older brother now a werewolf and on his own personal quest she'd holding the pieces of a tattered playing card and the tattered soul of her other elder brother, the much more handsome one she will aways tell him not knowing how to patch the latter up completely. Brina's ad a front seat to the differences between Bram & Card and now with Bram gone is again worried about how Card will react to this void knowing he's always competed with Bram to be better at everything instead of loving himself. Brina's noticed the uptick in drowning his sorrows and this has in turn made her push herself in the repair of the playing card and her brother. She's currently thinking of ideas on how to possibly help him out in all aspects of his life and quietly harboring deep resentment towards the vampire that so thoroughly wrecked him. Additionally she's torn between asking Card to move in with her or just move her things into his place and tell him she's living there now to take care of him and help him back to where he was and then better than before. She looses a ton of sleep thinking about how she can watch out for him and give him all the good things he deserves. If anyone can make steal ten seconds of happiness, Brina would steal them for Card not matter their cost.
Rory Mackie: She is still missing the other half of her soul. the chaos to her genius and its like losing part of herself - the phantom limb. Being twins she feels a special connection with her that is hard to explain that causes her not to give up in the search when so many others have moved on worrying about her. Brina didn't see her at SRS and since then I don't imagine the brothers with their own issues have had a chance to update Brina on this revelation. So for the moment every time she goes out to gather samples, wander the city discovering things and every chance she gets to speak to black market vendors Sabrina is looking for Mackenzie Rhys picture and all. The connection is fraying, not severed but if Rory were dead Sabrina would feel it and she dreads the day she might and then its one more step closer to being the last Mackie left alive and Sabrina even then would probably seek drastic measures to get her sister back. In short her family keeps her up at night wondering if they are safe and Sabrina doesn't give up on making sure they are okay and this connection out of every other is the one if she looses it will likely kill her. Brina would be lost if she loses Rory entirely.
Lucky Jones Adams: Lucky though not blood is a Mackie through and through. To the end of time and that last days to where eternity falls off into nothingness this is her sister for life. It's not like the connection she has with Lorelai where their souls are bound by some inexplicable twinness and a sixth sense though the way she feels about Lucky is the same. Her sister. A woman that helped raise her into the woman she became and while Sabrina is the first in a long line of Mackie's to hunt search for an alternative solution Brina would wrestle gods and slay demons if it meant Lucky would stay. She understands the disappearances, knows the struggles of the other without the exact detail. There are pieces Sabrina knows that the other one keeps close to her chest - Lucky is the lone wolf of their family but that doesn't stop this member of their small clan from worrying. Sabrina won't push it knowing she too disappears into her lab for days on end or travels about the streets of calamity slipping through crowds and what not and she admires Lucky for all she is. With her being back now and back to herself thanks to the Mackies and their hand Brina would love for one of her brothers to tell Lucky they love her. Brina is unaware that Bram has said this and Brina just wants to keep kindling their relationship. If anything were to happen to Lucky or hurt her with everything its not likely Sabrina would let her disappear again and Brina would be there constantly, earnestly to help Lucky keep a handle on all the things or just be a comfort. When the world is spinning she knows she can count on Lucky but Sabrina wants to extend the same love and care that she's always felt from Lucky now Lucky is around and back to being themselves.
Michael Fothergill: Sabrina's first and second encounters with Mike have been rather interesting ones. Meeting her brother's best friend and now fellow werewolf. He's crazy she'll give him that and the type of crazy her sister would readily enjoy but Brina has strange feelings about Mike. Having declared herself the defacto matriarch of their family ( she thinks this not that it's actually true ) accepting someone new into the fold is a task. She's not against him no - quite the opposite she is entirely grateful to Mike for all that he is. He's just the type of off the wall the family melds well with and during Bram's turning he was there and he held her hand while she was afraid for Bram's life and kept her safe in case something went wrong. Admiration. That is what she feels that and gratitude for him now that he is part of their lives and there for her eldest brother when she can't be. Goodness she has questions though about werewolves and the life they live and wants to be sure she can trust him with the life of someone she loves and by extension Mike is now someone she also cares and worries over and will when she stops by Bram's new place bring him food and be on him too to make sure he's doing alright. Brina plans on having lunch with him or asking for some time to better understand what Bram is going through - he's not blood but he has no choice in the fact he is now part of the family at least in her mind.
on the current state of the human faction: Brina has been keeping to herself, flying under the radar and honestly operating on auto-pilot. She does her work, eats, works, has a snack and then holds up in her lab for days. That or she switches out on the day she's not working to checking her plants and finding some other way to do something to keep busy. Or she's out on her own little scouting trip, wandering the city collecting more things, mapping more or spending time in the black market meeting interesting people or having dinner there trading there as well becoming quite the regular.. However hearing their commander has become a vampire now ( however unintentionally ) and Axel's moving up in the chain of command she's got a lot to think about. They are in a shambles really, she feels and she worries without a stabilizing force what will become of her entire life or the safe haven they built here. Brina might speak to Axel about moving locations now or even becoming Head Medic or more. Brina could never fully leave them - never abandon them because everything she does is to gain knowledge to better help them all and one day make it so they no longer need to hide and can roam around safely. Brina want's to help but she's not sure where to start knowing most everyone there and knowing everyone needs a hand. Tis stressful coming out of ones lab to find the rest of it in some form of chaos. These are her friends and they are like family and Sabrina is only one person who can’t do it all, patching everyone up and watch them go through it without suffering a little herself. She’s currently thinking of ways to help but has yet to approach anyone yet to do this officially If anything the recent happenings in short have inspired her to take on a more intensive role within the faction and work harder on the projects she’s got going on to protect those who are left. If anything she’s going to crack into that massive journal and have a plan to pull things together to help her human family.
regarding vampires:  brina is considerably guarded on her feelings on them around most people. truthfully she wouldn't have a problem with them knowing this is their form of sustenance and most at a base level are surviving like everyone else. she wouldn't have a problem if they didn't show a complete disregard for humanity both of those they drain and themselves. she can understand some of it but what for a woman driven by facts and knowledge, a need to understand the world and in turn make it better all of that is speculation. Adding in the general sentiment a hunter family has around vampires who they steal humans, keep them as feeders and show little regard for the lives they take even indirectly by robbing them of that person and all the knowledge of hundreds of years they refuse to share and hoard to themselves it angers her. Mostly because she wants to know why because her life is built on knowing why and making plans and fixing things. It wouldn't help either by the fact people she's cared about have been turned and they are different people now. all in all though she has a healthy fear of vampires, she won't go volunteering to be bitten but would show respect to one if one respects her and would like to have an honest and frank conversation with one to understand why they are the way they are, what drives them, what their weaknesses are and yes then how to fix them. She doesn't wish to kill any of them because they were yes once human even if they no longer remember. In all honesty her protectiveness even extends to them in some odd way and there are a few who inspire her to continue her journey. The only one she would gladly see dead is Demetri for what he did to Cardelle - this is one thing she hasn't voiced to anyone. 
regarding fae: There has always been bad blood between humans and fae and Sabrina isn't sure why. She can assume its because at one time humans were horrible creatures and some still are and to have soured a potentially incredibly fruitful relationship troubles brina. Again a being of understanding, hungering for knowledge and a way to build and protect their mutual interests ... she's wary. Wary only because of the way she's been raised and the way they have been raised knowing she herself is a rarity among humans who's interest is in science, medicine and understanding of the world reach farther than just helping humanity and they don't know her enough to trust her. Sabrina would like to cultivate closer relationships in hopes to seek a more harmonious discourse and stronger ties to heal old wounds and learn more about them to lend assistance. Would it be so terrible though to admit Sabrina is curious about magic, eager to study the small sciences and mysteries of a world that humans are denied access to? . Brina is still careful how to approach this thought knowing the power fae have is no joke and regardless of their classification any angered fae, pissed off is deadly and some are simply cruel for shits and giggles. She has a healthy respect for them knowing she if admitted into one's friendship or even tolerance is a gift.
regarding werewolves: She has a new found love and respect for them as Bram is one now. Growing up as a Mackie and the spawn of generations of hunters being told not to trust them and how dangerous they are now with an in via Mike and Bram she'd like to know more about them. Their transformation, their drive how they live and exist to understand more. Brina is no fool, will suffer no fools either and is perhaps the most careful of the Mackie. She's got plenty of things in her bag to protect and defend herself from every sort of being but she is excited quietly to meet more of them and this new part of Bram's life. They will see her quite often after all as there is no separating her from his life and in her expanding understanding to know worlds of knowledge hidden from her and perhaps share some of hers to help Bram's new family.
regarding witches: Sabrina while silent on most things as she is extremely quite on making her above opinions known ( while this is changing ) she is appreciative for witches though the sentiment is not always shared by others. She appreciates them and their craft again having a healthy respect and fear over their powers knowing she is mortal and they are in a way but supremely gifted. Were it not for Zyler Fane would the sickness that had been continue on and effect more and in the black market, Sabrina, has been gathering hard to find items for some of the witches there in exchange for this or that but never magic spells or curses but to gain their trust and ask for help finding persons she needs to. They are dangerous if they are dark and the magic they manage is nothing Sabrina balks at and she'd like to know more and plans on asking questions to understand slowly the witches thought process and again help make bridges and secure protection for a faction that needs it.
regarding merfolk: Sabrina understands merfolk and humans don't have the greatest history but she finds them infinitely fascinating. She too has heard of their wealth of knowledge and while she would jump at the opportunity to know it knows that is theirs and not a line to cross as mer are notoriously private creatures. Their desire to keep such knowledge private is what she admires being herself an incredibly private person. Perhaps that is why whenever she encounters one Sabrina feels honored and special. Heck, she even has dinner with one once every few weeks while both wander the black-market whenever or wherever it pops up. Brina would want to study and learn more about them with their permission though she is unsure how to do that since there is the matter of logistics to consider. Her previous dealings with mer would have her trust them sooner than she would most other species.
regarding demonic beings: The one thing Sabrina is deathly terrified of are demons. Memories are still burned into her mind, haunt her dreams and are the main reason she hardly ever sleeps. They have brought her constant nightmares since she was a child after having watched her parents meet their end at the hands of one. She's met a few before and it has always been the greatest struggle to remain calm around them, to hide all evidence of fear knowing Demons would chomp at the bit for a soul such as hers or to end her life. Yeah demons are a touchy, touchy subject and while she's grown bolder venturing into the outskirts of their territory and would love to free feeders / breeders alike she's know we'd get a full on panic attack. 
regarding angelic beings, Her experience with angels, Nephilim ( enlightened or otherwise ) and fallen angels is extremely limited. She's met them, spoke with a few but not had enough interaction with any of them to form an opinion one way or another. Truthfully, she has doubts about their being a god and as much as she is curious to understand and uncover divine mysteries she's not had the desire to go looking but is none the less thinking about looking further into them for scientific purposes.
regarding her experiments / personal projects Sabrina is when she is not in the infirmary/medical wing of the hideout is experimenting somewhere and is never ever without her satchel and its contents which is where that journal of hers is housed. Brina is currently working on several little experiments. Vampire repellant, studying hematology not necessarily for a cure but multiple applications, hybrid plants that are resistant to disease, medicines, salves and cooking recipes. She also sneaks out to observe, map and draw parts of the city studying that too. They are a way of escaping her own thoughts by filling her head with other thoughts not focused on her problems and on things she can figure out and analyze. Good god though Sabrina more often than not is risking her life just to collect samples. Heck, Sabrina has even snuck into places most humans wouldn't want to get caught dead or alive in and into places if she were caught would mean a fate worse than death. After all what human has been into a bite club and not gotten nibbled at just to collect blood since its laying all over or a girl that has tailed the worst persons. If people knew what she did to get her selection of samples they might faint out of sure shock. Bram at the very least would drop a brick. What remains a constant though in any of this, Brina is willing to go to the ends of everything risking her own life in the process if it means protecting others and ushering forth the day where humans don’t have to hide and her children if she ever has half a mind to have any don’t live in fear as centuries of persons have.
regarding her quarters in the hideout and potentially finding her own place: It's just an idea. Its a thought that has been floating around her head about looking for larger quarters or perhaps even leaving the hideout to set up her own home some where. With Bram where he is now, with the level of care she wants to see Cardelle given and if no when they find Rory again and if any of them ever expand the family or if she find love which she highly doubts a home as always been the dream. A place to raise the next generation and to have large family dinners and to be at peace. For now she just wants more space to expand her lab or just find a place to sleep in her current lab and more books
in general ...
her ringtone in general is the harry lime theme from the third man
she’s got a collection of rare books 
is studying midwifery thought a senior medic 
brina cooks for people she likes to make up for not being constantly around
if you’ve passed through the hideout, brina is one of the first to great you and she knows everyone there
cares entirely too much and remembers everyone’s birthdays. makes an effort while giving tough love most of the time to make people feel loved and seen
won’t tell you she doesn’t like to sleep because she has nightmares 90% of the time
is an insomniac ^
works way too much
her journal is HUGE, likely enchanted to keep stuffing more pages and is like the mary poppins bag but in book form. 
even though she barely remembers her parents she’s mastered her mother’s knowing look
has a solution for most things 
smol, stealthy & deadly science woman with medical knowledge ™
keeps whiskey on her not for herself but for medicinal purposes 
doesn’t know how to flirt and hasn’t been in love, doubts she will be or find someone she tolerates in that way.
her love language is theft and arguing.
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wondereads · 4 years
Personal Recommendation (2/14/20)
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The Sisters Grimm by Michael Buckley
I’m doing something new this week! I’ll be reviewing every book in The Sisters Grimm series. Each will get a small paragraph and get a rating out of ten, and then I’ll rate the series overall. Hope you guys enjoy it! Please keep in mind this will contain spoilers for the later books, so don’t read ahead if you don’t want some major spoilers!
#1: The Fairy-Tale Detectives     9/10
The very beginning! Sabrina and Daphne Grimm, after a year in foster care with some dubious caretakers, are being sent to live with their grandmother, who, until a few days ago, they didn’t know existed. Granny Relda lives in Ferryport Landing, a typical small town in almost all aspects except for the significant population of fairytale characters or Everafters. The first book serves as a good introduction to Buckley’s world. The sisters have been shielded from fairytales their entire lives, so it’s easy to insert explanations for the inexperienced reader. It also very quickly sets up Sabrina and Daphne’s characters by using their reaction to Granny Relda and her fairytale reveal. Daphne, being a younger, more sheltered child, accepts it wholeheartedly and is excited to get involved in solving magical mysteries. Sabrina, after protecting her sister from nutcases for a year, has a much more cynical outlook, and it takes an actual giant scooping Relda up for her to believe. There’s also some memorable introductions for other important characters such as Mr. Canis, Puck, Mirror, and Mayor Charming. In terms of the plot, Buckley consistently creates mysteries that have twists but aren’t too difficult to follow for late elementary students.
#2: The Unusual Suspects     7/10
Things are starting to get a little more intense. Sabrina and Daphne are required to go to school after being preoccupied with chasing giants around the countryside. Unfortunately, especially for Sabrina, who wants to regain some semblance of normalcy, something is killing the teachers at school. I forgot how gruesome the murders were. I also forgot that Sabrina is in sixth grade. This particular book always got on my nerves. Sabrina is clearly having some issues; her parents are missing, she’s trapped in a town with fairytale characters, she can’t see to escape humiliation either at the hands of Puck or her classmates, and now people are being killed left and right. And yet, her family refuses to see that she needs help and decides to reprimand her constantly instead. The villain for this book is particularly disturbing. I must warn readers-child manipulation and abuse is a common theme in these books. If you couldn’t already catch on in the first book, it becomes obvious here that Sabrina has some grudges against the magical community.
#3: The Problem Child     7/10
This book has a sort of in-between feeling to me. Sabrina comes upon a maniacal little girl dressed in red who is holding her currently enchanted parents captive. The little girl, obsessed with recreating her family, is convinced they are her own parents and controls a jabberwocky, her ‘kitty’. All she needs is a granny and a doggy-Granny Relda and Mr. Canis. Everything in this book pours into the next ones, while, unlike the other books, there isn’t much of a self-contained plot. Red comes more into play in Tales from the Hood and The Everafter War, the election sets up Magic and Other Misdemeanors, and the vorpal blade and Puck’s injury lead into Once Upon a Crime. This book, however, introduces Uncle Jake, one of the most interesting characters in terms of development, and it also begins the problem of Sabrina’s magic addiction. The events of this book contribute to Sabrina’s distrust of magic after she has some run-ins with her addiction. It is also when you maybe start to develop some affection for Charming, despite his over-inflated ego.
#4: Once Upon a Crime     10/10
This one is my personal favorite. After Puck’s run-in with the jabberwocky, the Grimms take an emergency trip to New York, Sabrina and Daphne’s old home. There they plead the king of Faerie, Oberon, to heal Puck. Unfortunately, Oberon is poisoned within hours of their arrival, and Relda, of course, takes the case. This book is so much fun because in Ferryport Landing they just sprinkle the whole town in forgetful dust. In New York, Everafters need real jobs and a way to cover their tracks as beings who don’t age. The Wizard of Oz works at Macy’s, Ebenezer Scrooge makes a living as a medium, and pirates such as Long John Silver feed off of Wall Street. It also addresses the downsides of that. Everafters don’t age; some of them don’t even look human. It comes as a shock to Sabrina, but her mother, Veronica Grimm, was secretly working with the New York Everafters to fix their problems. I feel that Sabrina finding a connection to her mother through the Everafter community is the first step she takes toward accepting her role as a Grimm.
#5: Magic and Other Misdemeanors     8/10
The conflict between humans and Everafters starts to take center stage. Someone in Ferryport Landing is stealing powerful magical artifacts, causing rips in time, but the Grimms have to split their attention with Mayor Heart’s new tyrannical rule. This is where the series begins to take a darker turn. The new mayor, the Queen of Hearts, and Sheriff Nottingham are set on running every human in Ferryport Landing out of town, and the divides between human and Everafter are becoming more pronounced by the day. The rips in time are particularly interesting, especially Sabrina and Daphne’s trip to the future, which really raises the stakes going forward. Also, the idea of a past Grimm arriving in town, giving Heart and Nottingham a chance to end the entire family, is very nervewracking. Also, the concept of Everafter-human relationships and how that would work presents some interesting conflicts.
#6: Tales from the Hood     10/10
There’s nothing I love more than a fractured fairytale. Intent on getting rid of the Grimms’ staunch protector, Heart and Nottingham put Mr. Canis, or the Big Bad Wolf, on trial. Some investigation in order to clear his name reveals that the story of Little Red Riding Hood might not be all true. Technically, the entire series is based on fairytales, but this is the first book where those stories are actually challenged. The actual story of Little Red Riding Hood is amazing, and it also ties into all the other stories the Wolf is present in. Also, I love Red, the sane Red, and I always get so happy when she’s cured. Once again, Sabrina clashes strongly with her family in this one, for understandable reasons. I’m less inclined to side with her on this one, but she definitely learns her lesson.
#7: The Everafter War     8/10
The Grimms are finally united! Henry and Veronica Grimm are woken up from their magical sleep, but Henry, having too many bad memories, wants to leave town immediately. Unfortunately, the Scarlet Hand has taken over all of Ferryport Landing and only a small resistance stands in their way. There’s a lot of family drama in this one. The dynamics of Sabrina, Daphne, and their parents are all out of whack after spending over a year apart. On one hand, they now have parental support again. On the other, Henry can’t seem to conceptualize that Daphne is, in fact, not five anymore. If that isn’t enough drama for you, Puck finds out he and Sabrina are married in the future, and Snow and Charming are caught up in a soap opera of their own. Also, not to mention the plethora of betrayals in this book. The plot is really picking up here.
#8: The Inside Story     8/10
This one took quite some imagination. After the reveal of the Master’s identity as their own beloved Mirror, Sabrina, Daphne, and Puck pursue him and Pinocchio through the Book of Everafter, a living book filled with fairytales that could actually change history. I find it absolutely hilarious that the kids absolutely refuse to follow the story no matter what. Also, this is where Sabrina starts coming into her own. She’s going through a rough patch in this book. As would anyone whose best friend turned out to be the leader of a magical terrorist organization. By the way, if you are connected to these characters in any way, Mirror’s betrayal will hit you like a punch to the gut. She’s having trouble trusting her judgement, which will have her come back stronger than ever. Also, it’s nice to see her and Puck get through a couple sentences without a barrage of insults. Finally, Relda was such a badass in this book. If you didn’t love her before, you definitely love her now.
#9: The Council of Mirrors     9/10
It’s time for a happily ever after. With Mirror running loose in Ferryport Landing and the rebellion in tatters, things are looking bleak. Especially when the twenty-four remaining magic mirrors issue a prophecy putting everyone’s fate in the hands of Sabrina and Daphne Grimm. Sabrina starts out pretty broken in this book. She’s been betrayed, her grandmother is possessed by an evil mirror, and now everyone is expecting her to lead an army. I absolutely love that when she gets the push she needs from the mirrors it plays to her strengths. She’s a master of planning and subterfuge, and it’s so nice to see it come out. On a less chipper note, I hate Atticus with everything in me, and I was so happy he ended the way he did. In terms of Mirror, I found it poetic, but also so typical of a kid’s book, that he was defeated by the one thing he never had: love. Finally, the reason this book doesn’t get a 10/10 is because I felt the epilogues were kind of rushed and unrealistic. However, they don’t have much impact on the book overall, and I still loved most of it!
Overall 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
The Sisters Grimm is one of my favorite series from childhood. The characters are realistic, relatable, and get great development. Kids books are great because there’s no worries about the idea being too juvenile. This book could never be an adult book, the ideas in it are too silly. However, that doesn’t mean it isn’t amazing, and I find the crazy ideas and cheesy lessons absolutely charming. It gives some unexpected sides to some well-known characters, and the amount of thought that went into incorporating classic and even more obscure characters into the modern world was crazy and very amusing at times. I also suspect that this series is the root of my fondness for fractured fairytales. I would recommend this book to people who like modern fantasy, sibling relationships, and fairytale characters in a decidedly un-mystical setting.
The Author
Michael Buckley: American, 51 years old, also wrote N.E.R.D.S. and Undertow
The Reviewer
My name is Wonderose; I try to post a review every two weeks, and I take recommendations. Check out my about me post for more!
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memes-saved-me · 5 years
My weekend working at Liverpool Comic Con😆
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So I volunteered at Liverpool Comic Con this weekend and instead of being a guest handler, helping guests at autograph tables I ended up doing lunches and anything else any of the guests needed for three days. Meaning I got to sit in the greenroom/guest room and meet everyone.
I know you're all here for David so I'll start with him. Obviously, I won't be saying anything personal or private as that's not right and an abuse of the position I was given. So anything that attendees didn't know I won't be mentioning, e.g. business talk and intimate or personal conversations that did not involve myself.
Anyway, he didn't come until Saturday and Lily and her daughter came with him. I had to get his food order so I went to find him and they were all in the greenroom. I almost tripped on a chair trying to talk to him, then couldn't explain what an onion bhaji was and thankfully Lily did😂. My savour. She was lovely by the way.
Later I had to open the door when someone was knocking and nearly jumped when he stepped in and said hi. I thought it was a staff member lol.
He went out for lunch so I didn't get to hand him it but I did end up eating my own lunch a few feet away trying not to invade his space as he was extremely popular and wanted to chill when he could. Sunday I ended up getting him multiple coffees which I gracefully handed over and received a "ah thank you" in return.
He chatted with the other actors and was super friendly to everyone. At no point did he become fed up or annoyed at requests from staff or fans.
Now as a sort of reward for volunteering you get a photo with a guest and obviously I picked him. Me and few others got checked off the list and cut through the VIP queue and got our pictures. It was quick as the queue was massive so we said hi, took the picture and then I thanked him and he thanked me. It was great haha.
All the other guests were super nice and I got to meet some real childhood stars of mine such as Sabrina the Teenage Witch who was lovely. You can check the line up if you want to know everyone I met and practically fed haha. I also met Elijah Wood and he was the nicest.
He was up for anything he was asked for, quick fire autographs, taking pictures with staff and other actors. His queue was the longest and he spent most of his time signing and talking to fans but didn't complain the entire time.
At some point he ended up talking about babies with my sort of supervisor and was so invested in her birth story. It is interesting tbf but still he was genuinely interested in the conversation and never tried to cut it off.
The American Pie actors were absolute gems. Lovely. Chris Owens chatted with me for a bit about the after party as I made him a coffee which he was very grateful for. Thomas Nicholas was so friendly.
"Hi, I can I get your lunch order for today and tomorrow?"
"Yes but only if you tell me your name".
"Oh, it's Alice"
"Well, nice to meet you Alice"
A darling haha.
Chris Klein was over the top nice. We had trouble getting his soup from the hotel so he ended up with a tesco ready meal soup and he was so happy with it and grateful that we managed to get him it. Also a darling.
Most, well except one but I'm not going to call anyone out, of the voice actors were just so friendly and understanding when it came to what I had to offer them. A mystery person kept throwing coins at Doug Cockle/the voice of Geralt but he found it funny and he did the voice while talking to me and I was shook😄.
J Michael Tatum is also a darling. I offered him fries and he started laughing and wouldn't order them until I said "chips". I got an autograph for me and my sister as well and he was lovely about that and thanked me for my support. Shook that I met him honestly.
I met literally everyone and it was overwhelmingly amazing. It'll probably kick in at some point😂. If I listed every interaction we'd be here forever so I listed my favourites but feel free to ask about any more!
Overall it was the hardest weekend of my life. 5am wake up for three days, travel an hour, run around all day and then get home for 8pm and sleep at 9-10pm. I'm glad that part is over but the helping actors and their family and friends was brilliant and I cannot wait to do it again.
Ask any questions you have!
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magaprima · 5 years
Part 3 Episode 8
Wait SABRINA IS TRAPPED IN THE STONE IN BETWEEN LILITH AND LUCIFER. PARENT VIBES AGAIN?? LIKE GO TO HELL LUICIFER, BUT I’M HERE PARENT VIBES FROM LILITH. So they’ve all be trapped there decades apparently? And Sabrina has gone back in time to save herself? Wait, they’re stuck in a loop? Wait, what’s HAPPENING???
So lots of time has passed and now Sabrina is free she’s finding hell in chaos, because in the story at the beginning we’re told the Pagans fought off caliban an took over earth for themselves and everyone is dead?
Hell was invaded by the archangel michael and all the devils are gone and everything’s gone to shit and Sabrina is walking around where everyone is fucking dead, including Salem. 
But not Ambrose he managed to make a safe haven out of the Kinkle mines. He still has the time egg so we might be able to undo all this I think
Ooh big confrontation with Blackwood, but I’m less enthused about this episode because Lilith, Zelda, Hilda aren’t alive at this point, so it’s just Sabrina fighting alone and I always find that less entertaining for me.
And now Blackwood has snapped the necks of Sabrina and Ambrose but oh no he’s not he’s trapped in a dream by Batibat because Sabrina released her on him. Nice tactic
So Sabrina has done a Back to the Future and is warning everyone to fuck off quickly before Blackwood arrives
Also Sabrina is realising Hell is pulling her away from what matters so maybe Lilith’s unborn child shall rule unchallenged? That would be nice
Zelda has been saved and has woke up and apparently has the answer to everything. But Hilda hasn’t resurrected from the Cain Pit and Zelda is insistent because she’s seen the future and knows Hilda lives
EVERYONE IS AROUND THE CAIN PIT CALLING ON THE TRIPLE GODDESS AND IS SAYING THAT SATAN IS A LESSER GOD, THAT THE TRIPLE GODDESS IS THE ULTIMATE DEITY OMG YES. wait, hang on zelda, Lilith told you Satan wasn’t a God. So don’t say this is new info. Yep, they’re calling on Hecate, the ultimate of Witch Goddesses. I am loving this scene because it’s the magic I was raised with and I am LIVING for it. 
Zelda is asking for powers from Hecate rather than from Satan! OMFG she’s game changing. I am loving this because it’s saying witches were blinded by Satan’s trickery and promises and turned their back on Hecate, the original one to give them power and I am just YES I AM HERE FOR THIS. I think even Lilith is here for this, especially as I headcanoned that my Lilith got her powers from Hecate and not Satan, so this fits in VERY nicely with my headcanon theories
Sabrina is defending Ms Wardwell about the shooting Zelda thing, so I think she presumes that Lucifer was involved, 
So Robin has brought Mary to the Pagans for the sacrifice, but I suspect, since he was just with Sabrina etc, this is all a trick
Mary is calling out a lot of religious christian stuff much like the scottish policeman did in the Wicker Man. I feel this is too much of a reference not to be on purpose. And now Mary is being eaten by the Green Man, absorbed. But I’m not buying any of this. I don’t think it’s really Mary
The Green Man is rotting because that ain’t no virgin. So it’s not Mary. Ah, it’s the disease and decay witch!!! Glamoured as Mary. And Sabrina wiped the real Mary of the memories she was given and the whispers she was given by Lucifer
Zelda sending everyone to drive every last Pagan Monster from the place. The coven are going crazy for it. Having a grand old time
Hilda has caught up with the woman who turned her into a spider and caused her to kill Dr C. So she’s made the poppet and she is going to torture the fuck out of her. You go, Hilda, you go! And then she snaps the bitch’s neck.
Omg, Prudence just full on killed the God Pan. Hardcore
The Aunts getting upset about Sabrina having to be Queen of Hell. 
I feel this second power-hungry Sabrina is gonna be the daughter Lilith never had, haha. 
‘Lilith in your last act as Regent, will you prepare our young Queen?’ Last act as Regent, but definitely not last day in power. 
However, Dorcas and Agatha are both dead. Prudence found them butchered in a cupboard. The poor woman is broken and she thinks if she’d killed Blackwood instead of bringing it back none of this would have happened, which is true. NONE of it would have happened, because Lucifer couldn’t have jumped. She blames Ambrose because he’s the one that stopped her killing him
So now Zelda is running the Order of Hecate. And Mambo Marie says there’s a bigger evil coming and they need to prepare to fight it. Zelda just asks if that means she’sn staying and then they snog.
‘you’re the glory and pride of satan, the face of the hell bound hordes. Strike down your enemies by tooth and by claw, bathe your skin in their blood. Every Queen must be made battle ready, every girl must prepare for war. Gird your loins, let nothing touch you let no MAN hold power over you. And when they cry out for mercy, the Moringstar must show them none’ Lilith is telling Sabrina while she gets her ready for her coronation. This sounds more supportive than resentful and like she’s teaching her. I’m hoping this means that we are going to continue the Satanic Godmother role thing, especially as Lilith is getting her ready in a very gentle way. There’s definite maternal energy there which I HOPE gets explored
“Your crown and throne await you, first lady of pandemonium, maiden of shadows, behold the Queen, Sabrina Morningstar” Sabrina puts her hands on her shoulders there and it’s all touching and tactile and there’s definitely something supportive and familial there. And Lilith is carrying Sabrina’s sibling, so that does make them family officially now. Now THAT part I like.
But I do think having two Sabrinas is a major cop out from the writers. Also Lilith has way better hell fashion going on. And I don’t like the implication that this means we’re not going to have hell in the show anymore, which means we won’t have Lilith in the show anymore, especially as Sabrina openly said ‘we’ll never see them again. Lucifer, Lilith, Caliban....who needs them?’. Well, I need them. One of them. Bring them back.
 But then Sabrina has created a time paradox so shit will hit the fan hugely. So I imagine Lilith will have to sort shit out again. Ambrose is like what if the aunts find out but Sabrina says they never go to hell. He says what about Lucifer and she says he’s such a narcissist he won’t notice and then Ambrose has the killer argument
‘What about Lilith? Lilith notices EVERYTHING’. He’s not wrong. Sabrina even admits it
“Lilith could be a problem, yeah....”
So I presume that means Lilith is gonna be back
Sabrina 2 is being crowned and Lilith and Lucifer do look like parents waiting for her. But they kind of are, because this is secondary sabrina, she’s the Morningstar, not the Spellman so....? But Lilith is so going to notice this isn’t the usual Sabrina. Sabrina-obssessed with her mortal friends- Spellman spending 24/7 in Hell? Yeah Lilith is gonna click
And now Blackwood is doing something with Agatha and his kids, because Agatha apparently isn’t dead. Wait he’s summoning ELDRITCH HORRORS TO USE HIM AS THEIR VESSEL??????
the beginning of the end? The end of all things??? Right, Lilith, get that fucking mark off him right the hell now
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fallencrackships · 5 years
Requests Update
Alycia Debnam-Carey and Andrew Lincoln as Rick Grimes, father and daughter - Anon
Alexis Bledel as Rory and Tom Holland as Peter Parker (siblings) - mystic-scripture
Anna Kendrick and Alex O'Loughlin as Steve Mcgarrett - hawaiianohana31
Ana De Armas and Timothée Chalament - Anon
Ana De Armas and Andy Samberg - Anon
Ana De Armas and Penn Badgley - Anon
Ana De Armas and Danneel Ackles - Anon
Ana De Armas and Sebastian Stan - Anon
Ana De Armas and Ryan Gosling as Holland March (The Nice Guys) - Anon
Adelaide Kane and Alex O'Loughlin, married - martyredmotheraesthetics
Adelaide Kane as Mary (Lyah) and Bradley James as Arthur - lyah-malik
Adelaide Kane and Joel Kinnaman - Anon
Adelaide Kane and Summer Fontana with Jacob Tremblay - hope-andrea-marhall
Amber Heard and James McAvoy - Anon
Amber Heard (30 Days to Kill or Drive Angry) x James McAvoy (Wanted) - Anon
Amber Heard and Luke Evans- Anon
Anna Diop and Eddie Cibrian - Anon
Bailee Madison and David Mazouz, couple - Anon
Bailee Madison and Robert Downey Jr as Tony Stark, father and daughter - Anon
Blanca Suárez as Alba Romero (Cable Girls) and Cillian Murphy as Tommy Shelby (Peaky Blinders) - Anon
Brie Larson as Carol Danvers and Odette Anable - clary--jackson
Brie Larson and Jake Gyllenhal (not as superheroes) - Anon
Brit Marling and Pablo Schreiber - curlykoalas
Bella Thorne and Scarlett Byrne - Anon
Cody Christian and Colin O'Donoghue - Anon
Courtney Eaton and Dylan O'Brien - Anon
Chelsey Reist and Robbie Amell - Anon
Cara Delevinge (long hair) and Matthew Daddario - Anon
Crystal Reed and Charlie Rowe (older) as Partners - Anon
Crystal Reed (Not Gotham) , Dylan Bruce and Ben Affleck (Not Batman), love Triangle - Anon
Camila Mendes as Veronica Lodge and Benjamin Wadsworth as Marcus Lopez Arguello - multixxfandomxx
Chloe Bennet as daisy Johnson x Justin H. Min as ben hargreeves - Anon
Chloe Bennet and Mark Rufflo as spouses - Anon
Chloe Bennet and Sam Claflin - vweasley15
Chandler Riggs as Billy Kaplan/Wiccan and Issac Hempstead as Tommy Shepard/Speed, the sons of Wanda Maximoff. - Anon
Claire Holt and Sasha Pieterse - Anon
Danielle Campbell and Claire Holt as friends - iamgamidova
Danielle Rose Russell as the daughter of Ginnifer Goodwin and Josh Dallas (OUAT) - Anon
Danielle Rose Russell as a SHIELD Agent - Anon
Danielle Rose Russell and Dylan O'Brien - Anon
Danielle Rose Russell and Ksenia Solo as sisters - Anon
Danielle Rose Russell as the daughter of Chris Pratt and Angela Sarafyan - lxvelikelegends
Danielle Rose Russell and Marvels Cloak and Dagger cast - Anon
Danielle Rose Russell and Isaac Hempstead Wright - Anon
Danielle Rose Russell and The Guardians of the Galaxy - Anon
Danielle Rose Russell and Erika Linder - Anon
Danielle Rose Russell and Herman Tommeraas - iamgamidova
Danielle Rose Russell and Hero Fiennes-Tiffen - Anon
Danielle Rose Russell as the daughter of Piper Halliwell and Leo Wyatt - Anon
Danielle Rose Russell and Tom Holland as Peter Parker, happy couple - Anon
Danielle Rose Russell and Tom Holland as Peter Parker, training - Anon
Danielle Rose Russell and Tom Holland - liebleu
Dianna Agron and Avan Jogia - Anon
Dove Cameron as Ruby Hale and Tom Holland as Peter Parker - Anon
Emma Mackey and Gregg Sulkin - Anon
Emmy Rossum and Stephen James - littlemisshiddleston
Emmy Rossum as Bilba Baggins (female Bilbo) and Richard Armitage as Thorin - Anon
Emilia Clarke as Dany and Luke Goss as Nuada - Anon
Emeraude Toubia and Margot Robbie as friends/roommates - anewchapterlove
Emeraude Toubia and James McAvoy - Anon
Emeraude Toubia and Jake Gyllenhal - Anon
Emma Watson and Joe Mazzello - Anon
Eliza Taylor as Clarke and Keith Allan as Murphy - Anon
Gender bent - Ellen Hollman (Saxa) as Hercules and either Ben Barnes or Avan Jogia as Meg - Anon
Ellie Bamber and Haley Lu Richardson as lovers - Anon
Ellie Bamber and Mark McKenna - Anon
Elizabeth Gillies (undercover) and Eric Dane (stalker) - Anon
Elizabeth Gillies and Skeet Ulrich- Anon
Elizabeth Gillies and Tyler Hoechlin - Anon
Freya Mavor and Alfred Enoch - Anon
Felicity Jones and Jeremy Sumpter (Adult) - justcalldibs
Gabrielle Wilde as Constance and Santiago Cabrera as Aramis - atinkerbellstuff
Gal Gadot and Nikolaj Coster-Waldau - Anon
Giorgia Whigham and Callum Turner - Anon
Gemma Arterton and Jonathan Rhys Meyers (Dracula or modern) - Anon
Holliday Grainger and Moon Ga Young - Anon
Hayley Atwell and Tom Ellis - songbirdsfallenembersandgolddust
Hayley Atwell and Henry Cavill - songbirdsfallenembersandgolddust
Halsey and Andre Hamann - happyhostforsymbiotes
Hayden Panettiere and Jude Law - Anon
Holland Roden and Hunter Parrish - themaravismari
Imogen Poots and Jake Gyllenhal - danielcvmbell
Ivana Baquero and TWD Cast (Rick, Carl, Glenn, Negan, Daryl, Maggie) - Anon
India Eisley and Sky Ferreira as enemies - ask-little-red-wolf
Jaimie Alexander and Rosario Dawson married - Anon
Jaimie Alexander as Jane and Norman Reedus as Daryl - Anon
Jessica Stroup and True Detective season 1 cast - Anon
Jenny Boyd (blonde) as the daughter of Tony Stark and Pepper Potts - Anon
Jenny Boyd as Lizzie and Tom Holland as Peter Parker - scrumptiousponyghostpeach
Jenny Boyd (Vikings Quest) and Aaron Jakubenko (Roman Empire or Shannara Chronicles) - elenacarinandherfandoms
Jenna Coleman and Tom Felton as Draco Malfoy (Half Blood Prince and Deathly Hallows) - Anon
Jenna Coleman and Chris Wood - Anon
Kat Denning and Matt Bomer with Colin Ford as their son - Anon
Kiernan Shipka (Sabrina) and Jessica Lange (AHS Coven) - Anon
Kristen Stewart and Lee Pace - Anon
Kristen Stewart (Personal Shopper/Still Alice) and Michael Trevino - Anon
Kaylee Bryant as the daughter of Chris Wood - the-selfless-bash
Kaylee Bryant as Josie, Chris Evans as Steve Rogers her mentor and Tom Holland as Peter Parker as her best friend - Anon
Katie McGrath and Tom Hiddleston (medieval) - lady-crowned-with-stars
Katie McGrath and Grant Gustin with Bruce and Selina from Gotham as their twin children - Anon
Katie McGrath and Michael Fassbender? 1940-50s era (He was a soldier). - lady-crowned-with-stars
Kristine Froseth and Benjamin Wadsworth - Anon
Letitia Wright as Shuri and Tom Holland as Peter Parker, best friends au - Anon
Lily Collins as Clary Fray and Tom Felton as Draco Malfoy - Anon
Lily Collins and Grant Gustin - Either lovers or stalker au - Anon
Lily Collins and Charles Melton "If we'd never met, I think I would have known my life wasn't complete, and I would have wandered the world in search of you, even if I didn't know who I was looking for" - meaniebeaniecrackshipper
Lily James and Jessica Chastain - Anon
Lily James and Jessica Chastain - thesound-of-myvoice
Lili Reinhart and Daniel Sharman - Anon
Lili Reinhart and Tom Holland - youweremyworstx
Lili Reinhart and Tyler Posey - Anon
Lyndsy Fonseca and Keanu Reeves as John Wick - katrena7
Lyndsy Fonseca and criminal minds cast finding out she's Spencers sister not including Derek - lyah-malek
Lyndsy Fonseca and Luke Mitchell - lyah-malek x2
Lyndsy Fonseca and Harry Shum Jr as Magnus Bane - lyah-malek
Lyndsy Fonseca and Emilie Ullerup - lyah-malik
Lyndsy Fonseca and Katherine McNamara as Clary Fray - lyah-malik
Lyndsy Fonseca and Scott Caan as Danny Williams - lyah-malek
Lyndsy Fonseca and Alex O'Loughlin as Steve Mcgarrett - lyah-malek
Lyndsy Fonseca and Matthew Gray Gubler as Spencer Reid - lyah-malek
Lyndsy Fonseca and Matt Bomer as siblings - lyah-malek
Lyndsy Fonseca and Wilson Bethel - Anon
Lyndsy Fonseca and Robert Downey Jr as siblings - lyah-malek
Madelaine Petsch and Aaron Taylor Johnson - bambifatale
Madelaine Petsch as Cheryl Blossom and Kat Barrell as Nicole Haught as sisters - cherylishaught
Maisie Williams and Aaron Taylor Johnson as Pietro - strawberrycake-z
Maria Avgeropoulos and Harry Treadaway - novaleecarter
Margot Robbie as Annie and Ryan Gosling as K - Anon
Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling as a couple - Anon
Margot Robbie and Ryan Reynolds - nixiestyx
Maisie Richardson Sellers as Charlie and Paul Wesley - wicked-laugh
Maisie Richardson Sellers and Anna Diop as sisters/friends - wicked-laugh
Maisie Richardson Sellers and Jesse Lee Soffer - wicked-laugh
Marina Laswick and Brenton Thwaites - Anon
Melissa Benoist and Keanu Reeves - Anon
Melissa O'Neil as Lucy Chen and Samuel Caleb Hunt as Mouse - Anon
Melissa O'Neil from Dark Matters and Sebastian Stan as Bucky Barnes - Anon
Melisa Asil Pamuk and Joseph Morgan as Klaus Mikaelson - Anon
Natalie Dormer and Richard Armitage - Anon
Nina Dobrev as Rose Hathaway and Blair Redford as Dimitri Belikov - posterofamyth
Olivia Wilde and Hugh Dancy - Anon
Olivia Wilde and Michael Fassbender, friends with benefits - Anon
Olivia Wilde and True Detective season 1 cast - Anon
Odette Annable and Sebastian Stan - alexwit1325
Odette Annable and Joseph Morgan as Klaus Mikaelson - alexwit1325
Phoebe Tonkin and Tom Ellis - beforewewerehopeless
Phoebe Tonkin and Keanu Reeves as Constantine - katrena7
Phoebe Tonkin as Hayley Marshal and Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock - Anon
Rachel Weisz and Alyssa Milano - Anon
Rachel Weisz (The Mummy movies) and Tom Hiddleston - Anon
Rowan Blanchard as Cleo and Benjamin Wadsworth as Marcus - Anon
Sasha Pieterse and Rachel Taylor - Anon
Scarlett Johansson (blonde) and Eric Dane - Anon
Shelley Hennig and Richard Armitage - Anon
Sophie Turner and Gavin leatherwood as Nicholas scratch - Anon
Sophie Turner and Hayden Christensen - feniah-394
Sophie Skelton and RJ King - Anon
Willa Fitzgerald and Lucas Till, couple - Anon
Phew! I'm hoping that's everyone.... If I've missed your request then just shoot me a message or if you want to stay anonymous then just shoot me another message Friday when I open 😊😊 as always thank you for your patience and support. I might get one or two done today but not sure. My muse tends to come and go, he's a fiesty little fucker who likes to come and go as he pleases!
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aethucyn · 5 years
All the Comics 2019
Series I read as they came out:
Archie Assassin Nation Batman Universe Black Panther By Night Catwoman Die Exorsisters Ghosted in L.A. Ghostspider Giant Days Gwenpool Strikes Back Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy Invisible Kingdom Laguardia Last Stop on the Red Line Lazarus: Risen Lois Lane The Magnificent Ms. Marvel Man-Eaters Monstress Ms. Marvel Once & Future King Paper Girls Pretty Deadly: The Rat Redlands Sabrina the Teenage Witch Sleepless Spider-Gwen: Ghost Spider Spider-man and Venom: Double Trouble Steeple Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl The Unstoppable Wasp West Coast Avengers The White Trees The Wicked + the Divine
Graphic Novels & Trade Paperbacks
The Life of Captain Marvel Margaret Stohl Carlos Pacheco Batgirl Vol. 4: Strange Loop Hope Larson Sami Basri Jessica Jones: Blind Spot Kelly Thompson Mattia De Iulis Doom Patrol Vol 2: Nada Gerard Way Nick Derington Kim Reaper: Grim Beginnings Sarah Graley Batman Vol. 8: Cold Days Tom King Lee Weeks Hilda and the Troll Luke Pearson Batwoman Vol. 3: Fall of the House of Kane Marguerite Bennett Fernando Blanco X-23: Family Album Mariko Tamaki Juann Cabal Andre the Giant: Life and Legend Box Brown How to Understand Israel in 60 Days or Less Sarah Glidden Get Your War On David Rees March Book One John Lewis & Andrew Aydin Nate Powell Barbarous Vol 1 Ananth Hirsh Yuko Ota Barbarous Vol 2 Ananth Hirsh Yuko Ota March Book Two John Lewis & Andrew Aydin Nate Powell March Book Three John Lewis & Andrew Aydin Nate Powell The Real Folk Blues: A Cowboy Bebop Fanbook Anthology ed. Zainab Akhtar Batman Detective Comics Vol 2 The Victim Syndicate James Tynion IV Alvaro Martinez Off Season James Sturm Kiss Number 8 Colleen AF Venable Ellen T. Crenshaw Cleopatra in Space: Fallen Empires Mike Maihack Batman Detective Comics Vol 3: League of Shadows James Tynion IV Marcio Takara The Hero Business Season Two Bill Walko When I Arrived at the Castle Emily Carroll The Weather Man Jody LeHeup Nathan Fox The Girl Who Married a Skull & Other African Stories ed. C. Spike Trotman ed. Kate Ashwin ed. Kel McDonald ed. Taneka Stotts F*ck Off Squad Nicole Goux Dave Baker The Breakaways Cathy G. Johnson Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up With Me Mariko Tamaki Rosemary Valero-O'Connell Batman Vol. 9 The Tyrant Wing Tom King Tom Taylor Mech Cadet Yu Volume Two Grek Pak Takeshi Miyazawa Sincerely, Harriet Sarah W. Searle The Legend of Korra: Ruins of the Empire Part One Michael Dante DiMartino Michelle Wong Avatar The Last Airbender: Imbalance Book Two Faith Erin Hicks Peter Wartman Snotgirl: vol 2: California Screaming Bryan Lee O'Malley Leslie Hung Skyward: Vol 1 Joe Henderson Lee Garbett Shuri: Vol 1: The Search for Black Panther Nnedi Okorafor Leonardo Romero Crowded: Vol 1: Soft Apocalypse Chrisopher Sebela Ro Stein Ted Brandt I Hate Fairyland: Vol 1: Madly Ever After Skottie Young I Hate Fairyland: Vol 2: Fluff My Life Skottie Young I Hate Fairyland: Vol 3: Good Girl Skottie Young I Hate Fairyland: Vol 4:  Sadly Never After Skottie Young California Dreamin' Penelope Bagieu Runaways: Best Friends Forever Rainbow Rowell Kris Anka Exit Stage Left: The Snagglepuss Chronicles Mark Russell Mike Feehan My Brother's Husband Gengorah Tagame Rice Boy Evan Dahm FTL Y'all ed. C. Spike Trotman ed. Amanda Lafrenais Gothic Tales of Haunted Love ed. Hope Nicholson ed. S.M.Beiko The Immortal Hulk: Or is he both? Al Ewing Joe Bennett X-23: X-Assassin Mariko Tamaki Diego Olortegui Ant-Man and the Wasp: Lost and Found Mark Waid Javier Garron Power Man and Iron Fist: The Boys Are Back in Town David Walker Sanford Greene Iceman: Thawing Out Sina Grace Alessandro Vitti Iceman: Absolute Zero Sina Grace Robert Gill Song of Aglaia Anne Simon Batman Detective Comics: Vol 4 Deus Ex Machina James Tynion IV Alvaro Martinez Harley Quinn: Broken Glass Mariko Tamaki Steve Pugh The Immortal Hulk: The Green Door Al Ewing Joe Bennett Power Man and Iron Fist: Civil War David F. Walker Flaviano Cosplayers Dash Shaw Bad Machinery: The Case of the Modern Men John Allison Is This How You See Me? Jaime Hernandez a city inside Tillie Walden The Immotal Hulk: Hulk in Hell Al Ewing Joe Bennett Slowly but Shirley Catalina Rufin Stage Dreams Melanie Gillman Homunculus Joe Sparrow Verse Book One Sam Beck Laid Waste Julia Gfrorer Gorgeous Cathy G. Johnson Cosmoknights Hannah Templer The Hard Tomorrow Eleanor Davis Pumpkin Heads Rainbow Rowell Faith Erin Hicks Funky Town Mathilde Van Gheluwe Pleading with Stars Kurt Ankeny Avatar The Last Airbender: Imbalance Book Three Faith Erin Hicks Peter Wartman The Love Bunglers Jaime Hernandez Spider-man Life Story Chip Zdarsky Mark Bagley Are You Listening? Tillie Walden November Matt Fraction Elsa Charretier Rusty Brown Chris Ware Dangerously Chloe Volume 3 David Lumsdon Jason Waltrip The Astonishing Ant-Man: Small-Time Criminal Nick Spencer Ramon Rosanas Doctor Aphra: Aphra Kieron Gillen Kev Walker Moonstruck Grace Ellis Shae Beagle
Maids no. 1 Katie Skelly Frontier #18 Tiffany Ford Two of Us Jessi Zabarsky Visiting Alivia Horsley Sobek James Stokoe Resort on Caelum Wren McDonald Boogsy Michelle Kwan Frontier #19 Hannah Waldron Maids no. 2 Katie Skelly Frontier #20 Anatola Howard Minotaar Lissa Treiman Pass the Baton Hana Chatani Cry Wolf Girl Ariel Ries At the Edge of the Stream at Dusk Jen Lee Cavity Michelle Theodore Hsthete Melanie Gillman David, I Love You Eileen Marie The Cutest Curse Laura Terry Churn Amelia Onorato An Eye for an Eye Kimberly Wang Women on Paper: 3 Stories Anna Christine Liminal State Maria Photinakis Melusine, The Collector and the Gift of the Pearls Edie Voges Infinite Wheat Paste Issue 3 Pidge Anew Dillon Gilbertson Anastasia Longoria Big Wally James McGarry Sam Bennett Frontier #21 Derek Yu Frontier #22 Tunde Adebimpe
Graphic novel is a stupid term that often encompasses things that are not novels, but I used it as a blanket term for anything comics I read that were bound rather than stapled. Minis are shorter works, stapled, and generally self-published by the artist, or done by a small press like Shortbox or Youth in Decline. I was totally lazy about crediting creators on series because my actual list for that is a grid, keeping track of each issue. Similarly, when listing creators on trades, I tended to only list writer and artist which is enough for some books, but sometimes there are many more, inkers, and colorists and letterers, and maybe I’ll do better next year.
Support your local library, your local comic shop (especially Hub Comics if you’re in the Boston area), and indie comic shows like MICE. 
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deutchmendes · 6 years
below the cut you can find a compiled list of 100+ problematic fcs and receipts to support the claims as well. we are by no means telling you not to play these fcs, (apart from the obvious racists, abusers, etc.), however, it is necessary to acknowledge that everyone on this list is problematic, thus, they should all be held accountable for their actions. it is imperative the community is aware of who they’re using and then they can make an informed choice of whether or not they would like to continue using said fc. without further ado, here’s the List™ you’ve all been anticipating / dreading from us.
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alex pettyfer - domestic abuse
alexis ren - n word
alissa violet - n word
arnie hammer - in a movie that glorifies pedophilia adapted from a novel written by a straight man
ash stymest - dated a minor for 2 years (lily rose depp)
bella hadid - n word, racist tweets
bella thorne - n word, made fun of eating disorders, cultural appropriation
blackpink - mocked native american culture in their boombayah song, jennie’s use of the bindi in ddu du ddu du video
blake lively - got married on a slave plantation, said woody allen empowers women
brendon urie - rape / racist jokes, fat shamed
bts - did a photoshoot with nazi symbols at a holocaust museum, said the n word alot, colorism, general racism, misogyny, lyrics contributing to rape culture, fatphobia, made of eating disorders, rm wore dreads once and more
camila cabello - n word, bullied normani
camila rowe - dressed as a pregnant sharon tate for halloween and idolizes both manson and roman polanski, n word multiple times
cardi b - transphobic, racism
chantel jeffries - accused of allegedly stabbing someone
charles melton - fat shaming tweets
claudia tihan - n word
cole sprouse - made insensitive/racist jokes about tyler the creator, compared blm to cannibalism, emotional abusive to ex girlfriend, discredited jughead’s canon asexual identity
colton haynes - blackface  
demi lovato - sex worker prank to her bodyguard involving sexual assault
dinah jane - made fun of black women / dark skinned woc on her twitter, claimed she was black despite not being black, culture appropriation, and supports trump
dom sherwood - said a homophobic slur
donald glover - made rape jokes / said a man can't get raped, fetishizes asian women, ableist, said the f slur & r slur
dove cameron - said depression is a choice
dreamcatcher - profits off native american culture
dua lipa - appropriated gay culture with “homo” shirt, n word
dylan o’brien - stole native american artifacts and laughed about it, starred in american assassin (an extremely islamophobic film)
dylan sprouse - racism
eddie redmayne - played a trans chara despite being cis
eiza gonzalez - blackface
elle fanning - worked with woody allen, played transgender teen despite being cis herself, refused to apologize for working with woody allen
emma roberts - domestic abuse
emeraude toubia - culture appropriated, lashed out when ppl were trying to educate her
exo - multiple instances of racism, colorism, homophobia, blackface, ableism and more
gal gadot- zionist, accused of emotional abuse
(g)i-dle - used henna in their latata music video  
gigi hadid - made fun of asians, other general racism
gregg sulkin - said n word in snapchat, dated bella thorne while she was still a minor
hailey baldwin - n word, racist tweet
halsey - kissed underage fan
harry styles - white feminist, ignored a black fan and only interacted with their white friend
hayley kiyoko - n word, general racism
herizen guardiola - dated a minor
hilary duff - multiple instances of culture appropriation, dressed as a pilgrim with her husband as a native american
holland roden - racist
ian somerhalder - threw away his wife’s birth control without her consent, sexism
jack gilinsky - verbally abusive to his ex, madison beer
jared leto - is cis and played a trans person, sexual assault
jared padalecki - rape jokes
jason mamoa - made comments/jokes about rape
jennfer lawrence - sexism, transphobia, misogyny, ableism, culture appropriation, fat shaming and more
jensen ackles - rape jokes
julianne hough - blackface
justin bieber - animal neglect (left his monkey in germany and never claimed the monkey after being told he needed the proper documentation), wrote he would’ve hoped anne frank would’ve been a belieber when he visited the holocaust memorial, pissed in a mop bucket, egged his neighbor’s house, cultural appropriation, dreadlocks, punched a pap, almost ran over a pap, said “being gay is a choice”, doesn’t believe in abortion, used the n word and the word kkk in a song, spat on his fans, spit in his neighbors face and threatened to kill them after being told to drive careful, made prince’s death all about him, pretended to be in a wheelchair to cut lines at disneyland and has a diu
keith powers - said men can’t be bisexual
kelsey chow - claimed to be native american and she isn’t
kendall & kylie jenner - racist pepsi ad and victimized herself after being called out for it (kendall), offensive wheelchair photoshoot (kylie), stole designs (kylie), cultural appropriation: used pictures of tupac and notorious b.i.g. (without permission) for their fashion line, appropriated chola culture for their fashion line, designed a handbag shaped like a chinese takeout box, used a tan emoji despite being white (kendall), wore dreadlocks, wore cornrows multiple times despite being called out (kylie) and for a photoshoot (kendall), blackface (kylie), put the n word on a birthday cake for her friend (kylie), wore a bindi (kylie), wore indian nose ring to coachella
kiko mizhuara - blackface, culture appropriation
kj apa - liked fat shaming comment, posted a misogynistic picture, dating a minor, liked a slutshaming post
lana del rey - culture appropriation and more
lauren jauregui - rape jokes, homophobic slurs, n word, henna photoshoot, called psychiatry a joke and tweeted vaccines give autism and more
kristen stewart - worked with woody allen
lili reinhart - discredited lesbians by calling them “fanfic”, queerbaits fans, minimized depression on twitter
little mix - culture appropiation for their salute tour, culture appropiation again, perrie has multiple counts of culture appropriation, jesy wore dreadlocks
lily macapinlac - racism
lucky blue smith - trump supporter
lucy hale - bodyshamed herself on instagram, appropriated baby hairs
machine gun kelly - n word, sexualized black women
maggie lindemann - accused kesha, a rape survivor, of lying of rape
mamamoo - multiple instances of blackface, culture appropriation and more, hwasa said the n word in irreplaceable cover
marina diamandis - culture appropriation and blackface
megan fox - biphobia
melissa benoist - homophobic comments about ship ‘supercorp’, played a muslim character in islamophobic film, patriots day
melanie martinez - accusation of rape, problematic lyrical content
michael fassbender - abuser
momoland - culture appropriated in their baam video, nancy made jokes about eating disorders
naya rivera - domestic battery assault charge
nct - jaehyun sang along/mouthed the n word
neels visser - trump supporter
nicki minaj - shamed sex workers, culture appropriation/fetishization of kimino, racist stereotypes in song and snl performance of chun li
nicola peltz - dated a minor (anwar hadid)
nina dobrev - johnny depp supporter, culture appropriation
noah centineo - claims to be latino and took a latinx role when he is in fact white, supports logan paul,
rihanna - multiple instances of culture appropriation
ronni hawk - trump supporter
sabrina claudio - n word, racist remarks
sara sampaio - n word
selena gomez - all lives matter, woody allen supporter, wore a bindi multiple times despite being called out and more
shay mitchell - n word
sophia turner - made a joke about coming out as pansexual on instagram, n word
tana mongeau - filmed dead body and later deleted the video
taylor hill - made fun of indian accents, made fun of a muslim man with her bf, culture appropiation
taylor swift - cultural appropriation, romanticized imperialism, victimized herself at the expense of a black man, white feminist, posed w someone wearing a swastika on their shirt, more culture appropiation, slut shames constantly in her music, said in a song, picture to burn, she would tell her friends her ex was gay as if it were an insult
thomas doherty - said depression is a choice
timothee chalemet - worked with woody allen, in a movie that glorifies pedophilia adapted from a novel written by a straight man, lied about his contract forbidding him from speaking out on woody allen
tyler posey - came out as a joke on social media
uriah shelton - alm, abuse allegations
vanessa hudgens - countless instances of culture appropiation
wendy (red velvet) - made fun / stereotyped black girls
wjsn (cosmic girls) - appropiated indian culture
zayn - alm, racism, fat shamed, appropriated black culture and more
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surveys-r-us · 5 years
it’s 2019 and i still do these
Do you know people with these names? For each name, say if you know someone with that name and how you know them.
Aaron: I know multiple Aaron’s. Two of them are former coworkers. The other one is someone I know of but haven’t really talked to much.  Adam: A jerk face.  Aisha Alanna Alex: Off the top of my mind, I think of someone I matched with on bumble a few months ago.  Alexa Alexandria: A girl from elementary school Allegra Allie: Someone from high school who had a baby.  Allison: A girl from my sorority (that I quit)
Amanda: One of my early college friends who transferred. I don’t even follow her on social media anymore.
Amber Amie Ana: Another girl from my old sorority lol.  Anaïs Andreas Andrew: I know a few.  Angela: A girl I used to play soccer with in middle school.  Angelica Anna: Someone from high school. Think she moved after graduating college.  Annie Ari Ashley: Not the biggest fan of because she gets involved in other people’s business (including mine) but we’ve had some fun memories.  Ashna Audrey Austin: cute guy from my hometown who I talked for like a week senior year of high school Becky Ben: A friend I’ve never actually met in person but we talk every few months.
Berkeley: Someone who studied abroad in Ireland with me. She might’ve spelled it differently.  Beth: One of my first friends in college. She’s one of the nicest people I’ve met. Bobby: Another person from college. He can kinda be a dick.  Bolor Brendan: My friend who plays guitar and sings. Super talented. We bonded over our music tastes being relatively similar.  Bridgid Britney: I think it was spelled Brittany but a girl in the grade below me in high school.  Brooke: My little cousin. Cal Callie Cam Cameron: I had a brief crush on him back in high school.  Camille: One of my old roommates’ close friends. I’ve only talked to her like twice.  Camryn Carmen: A distance cousin.  Caro Caroline: I know like 5 Caroline’s. My old roommate is one of them.  Casilda Cecile Cecily Chanel Chloe: The first person I thought of was a friend’s little sister.  Chris: Super liberal, obsessed with Game of Thrones and listens to Talking Heads Christina: One of my sister’s friends.  Christopher: Someone from high school. I’ve known him since kindergarten.  Claire: One of my best friends.  Claudia Claudine Cole: Was just wondering about him the other day since he deleted all his social media. Wonder what he’s up to. I know he’s a pilot.  Connie Connor: He plays football and writes for our student newspaper.  Courtney: She’s hilarious.  Cyrus Daisy Dakota Dana Danielle: Someone from my high school who also went to my college. She was older than me though. David: This cool guy from the Netherlands I met my last night in Ireland. He was apparently super into me according to my sister. He deleted me on snapchat though so now I don’t know how to communicate with him.  Delilah Diane: My aunt.  Diego Donald Doug: A family friend Duncan Dylan: My best friend’s ex. Pretty sure he got busted for selling drugs lol Eleanor Elijah Elise: My sister Eliza Elizabeth: One of my sister’s friends.  Ella Elle: Another girl from my sorority. She tags her boyfriend in things a lot on facebook. Ellie: Another person from high school. She’s like me and got the fuck out of this town.  Elliot Emerson Emily: Man I know a ton. One that comes to mind is my friend who we can go months without talking and pick things up like no time passed.  Emma: Someone from college who deleted her social media recently. I applaud her for it.  Eric Erika: Erica. Went to middle school with her. She’s had two kids.  Ethan: Dude I knew of in college but never really talked to. Faith: One of my old coworkers. I would see her out at parties and be surprised since she didn’t seem like someone who drank.  Fiona Francesca: Franz George: This short kid who’s sorta friends with one of my old roommates. I had class with him and didn’t even realize it until 3 weeks before the semester ended haha.  Ginny Giselle Grace: My beautiful cousin Graham Hadley Hailey: One of the few people from high school I’d still hang out with. 
Hannah: Wasn't a big fan of her.  Havana Helen Henry: Someone else from high school. He’s super smart.  Hugo Huma Ilana Indra Isabel: One of my favorite coworkers from this past year. Such a sweetheart. However, she can talk too much which was especially annoying at our mandatory meetings at 9 PM (college jobs suck) when I just wanted to go home and go to bed.  Isabella Itza Ivy Izzy: Think there was a girl with that name on my floor freshman year Jackie Jacob: Old neighbor. He got busted buying weed before it was legal here. Not sure what he’s doing now James: My uncle Jamie Jason: A family friend. Actually saw him the other day.  Jennifer: My former aunt.  Jenny: see above Jess: One of my closest friends.  Jhadha Joe: My old manager at work. I miss him. He’s so funny.  John: My music soulmate.  Jonathan: He plays football. He and his girlfriend are super cute together.  Joseph: An asshole.  Joyce J.P. Jude Julia Julie Justin: A distant relative.  Kaan Kai Karina Kat Kate: One of my cousins.  Katherine Kinaya Kira Kristie Lanie Laura: She’s from Hungary. She’s low key insane.  Lauren: Aye that’s me. Also one of my best friends.  Leah: My old supervisor. She’s hilarious. León Lexxi Liberty Lisette Louisa Luca Luis Lynette MacKenzie: Spelled differently but this girl who’s somehow a Trump supporter lol.  Maddie: A really complicated friendship but think we’re good now.  Maggie: Actually one of the funniest people you could meet. She uses tinder just to send stupid messages.  Makena Manlio Margaret Margo Maria: My old roommate.  Marianna Mariely Martha Martin Mayuri McKinley Megan: The person I think of is a friend from college.  Meredith Mia: One of my really close friends.  Michael: My ex boyfriend lol Michelle: One of my oldest friends. I’ve known her since 1st grade.  Mike: This dude who gets insanely drunk at the bars and does stupid things. I don’t know how he hasn’t been arrested.  Minah Miranda: This artsy girl from high school.  Molly: Another old neighbor. She lives in Chicago I think.  Morgan: One of my close high school friends. I don’t really see her often.  Nadia Nancy Natalie: A mutual friend with different people. She studied abroad in Ireland when i did.  Nathan Nathanael Neoma Nichole: She was my camp counselor.  Nico Nikki Noah Noelle: Pretty sure there’s a girl from my hometown with that name.  Octavio Olivia: My locker buddy throughout high school. Would see her every day.  Orion Owen: Went to college with him for a bit. He transferred and then dropped out. No idea what he’s been up to. He’s really into theatre.  Paige: My little cousin Pam Pat Patrick: My old high school crush. He unfollowed me on instagram a few months ago which sucks because we were actually decently close friends at one point.  Paul: A family friend.  Paula Pauline Peter: I definitely know a Peter but can’t think of one.  Phoebe Phong Price Quinn Rachel: Another person from high school I’d actually still hang out with.  Rai Railey Raquel Ray Rayne Rebecca: Known her since 2nd grade.  Rebkah Regina Reilly Remy Ren Rhianna Robert: My friend’s brother.  Rohini Roither Rose Ruby Ruilin Sabrina Sakura Salim Sally Sam: This super buff guy from high school. Literally could be a bodybuilder for all I care. Sapna Sarah: This really religious girl I went to high school with. I don’t think she ever left our hometown.  Savanah Sebastian Shani Shannon: One of my good friends from middle school. I haven’t seen her in years.  Siena Snigdha Sofia Sophie Soren Spencer: Think a guy from my high school has a younger brother with this name.  Summers Sydney: She just got married and had like a two week honeymoon at Disney. Taran Taylor: Talked to one for like two weeks. His current girlfriend hates me but we kinda mutually ended things so I don’t get why.  Tessa: One of the nicest people from the nicest family in my entire town. Thea Theo Theresa: I’ve met a couple in college.  Tim: My uncle Tom: I’m not really a fan of him. He likes to show up to things uninvited. Tori Ural Victoria: Someone from my floor freshman year. She’s vegan and is getting married in like a month. I can’t wait to see her wedding photos. Her dress will probably be really beautiful.  Viviane Walter Will: Some kid from elementary school Willa William Yujin Yuta Zac Zoe Which names do you prefer?
Alice or Allana? Alice Allie or Andie? Andie Alexandra or Anastasia? Alexandra Anna or Angela? Anna Annie or Angelica? Angelica Ana or Ashna? Ana Audrey or Ashley? Audrey Ansel or Annika? Ansel Brooke or Britney? Brooke Berkeley or Bella? Bella Bo Chao or Beatrix? Beatrix Camille or Camryn? Camryn Cristina or Casilda? Cristina Chloe or Courtney? Courtney Charlotte or Carol? Charlotte Cleo or Chanel? Chanel Davin or Dillon? Dillon Delilah or Dutra? Delilah Erin or Elina? Erin Emin or Emerson? Emerson Emily or Emma? Emma Erika or Estelle? Estelle Faith or Frannie? Faith Fernanda or Francesca? Francesca Georgina or Gracie? Gracie Gabriela or Gina? Gina Hailey or Hannah? Hailey Hadley or Havana? Hadley Indra or Isabel? Isabel Indiana or Ivy? Indiana Jenny or Jessie? Jessie Julia or Joyce? Joyce Jasmine or Jackie? Jasmine Jamie or Jennifer? Jamie Kimia or Karina? Karina Katerina or Kate? Kate Kira or Kristie? Kira Lia or Lily? Lia Lauren or Lynette? Lauren Liberty or Leila? Liberty Margaret or Martha? Martha Michelle or Mackenzie? Michelle Mia or Michaela? Mia Morgan or Maddie? Morgan Maya or Mayuri? Maya Megan or Makena? Makena McKinley or Margo? Margo Nikki or Natalie? Natalie Nadia or Nancy? Nancy Nicole or Olivia? Olivia Rachel or Rebecca? Rachel Remi or Rosie? Remi Ruby or Reine? Ruby Ren or Sakura? Sakura Sapna or Snigdha? Sapna Sally or Stella? Sally Sophie or Sydney? Sophie Sophia or Solana? Sophia Skye or Sierra? Sierra Serena or Savanah? Savannah Sarah or Sabrina? Sabrina Tara or Taylor? Tara Vittoria or Yahs? Vittoria Yoonju or Yukine? Yukine Aidan or Austin? Austin Alan or Andrew? Alan Aldo or Alexx? Alexx Ben or Brian? Ben Billy or Brodie? Brodie Corey or Carlos? Carlos Coleman or Connor? Connor David or Dylan? David Eli or Eric? Eric Franz or Fernando? Franz Gabe or Graham? Gabe Holden or Hudson? Hudson Jacob or Justin? Justin Jack or JP? Jack Jimmy or Jared? Jared James or John? John Karm or Kian? Kian Lou or Lenny? Lenny Michael or Mickey? Michael Nick or Nathan? Nick Peter or Pierson? Peter Rai or Rafael? Rafael Sanjay or Supawat? Sanjay Will or Wynn? Will Zachary or Zack? Zack
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