#i will reblog every single ask meme on this site if i must.
gaalee-events · 3 years
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What is GaaLee Hallo-week? How does it work?
GaaLee Hallo-week is basically a Halloween-themed ship week for the pairing Gaara/Rock Lee. Each day from Oct. 24 - 30th, there will be different prompts to fill. There are (at least!) two prompts per day: a spooky prompt and a sweet prompt, riffing off the idea of trick-or-treat. There is no sign-up and no obligation. Creations for this event can be fanfic, fanart, playlists, icon sets, panel edits, moodboards, memes, closet cosplay, or any other fannish pursuit you can think of! As long as it features the GaaLee pairing and fits a prompt, it counts!
Sounds great! How do I participate?
There’s no sign-up for this event, and it’s open to everyone. On the appropriate day, simply post your creation on Tumblr, indicate which prompt you’re filling, and tag the @gaalee-events blog! You can also use the hashtag #gaaleehalloweek, but be sure to tag the blog as well to ensure your creation doesn’t get lost. The GaaLee events Tumblr will then reblog your work for all to see! If you don’t have a Tumblr or would prefer to participate only on Ao3, that’s also fine. When you’re uploading your work, you can add it to the GaaLee Hallo-week Collection by typing ‘GaaLee_HalloWeek’ (without quotes) into the ‘Collections’ box. For people who choose to participate just on Ao3, the organizers will create a link post on Tumblr with a link to your fic. If it’s been 24 hours since you posted and you haven’t seen your contribution reblogged, please send an ask to @ghoste-catte, as it may have gotten lost in notifications.
So, what are these prompts you’re talking about?
Each day has a scary prompt and a sweet prompt associated with it! For a handy rebloggable visual guide, check out the prompts page!
Day 1, Oct. 24 - Haunted House -or- Hallowed Ground
Day 2, Oct. 25 - Demons -or- Deities
Day 3, Oct. 26 - Nightmares -or- Sweet Dreams
Day 4, Oct 27 - Fear -or- Wonder
Day 5, Oct 28 - Movie Night! (The Amityville Horror -or- The Addams Family)
Day 6, Oct 29 - Scary Stories (“I do not love men. I love what devours them.” - Prometheus Illbound, Andre Gill -or- “People don’t want to see what can’t possibly exist.” - Mort, Terry Pratchett)
Day 7, Oct 30 - Trick-or-Treat (free day!)
How do the Movie Night / Scary Stories / Free Day prompts work?
In the second half of the week, let your imagination run wild! You can be inspired by the suggested movies, images, or quotes, or you can create something for the overall theme of “Movie Night” or “Scary Stories”. For the final day of the event, you can create whatever your heart desires, as long as it’s scary or sweet, and GaaLee-themed! As with the previous days, you can also use “Trick-or-Treat” as your prompt and create something based on that.
What are the minimum requirements for a prompt fill?
This is left open to the individual participant’s discretion. If you feel that what you created meets the prompt, then it counts! A single creation can only count for one day, but it may be inspired by one or both prompts on that day. (For example, you could create something for October 25th to fit the prompt “Demons”, or “Demons and Deities”, but not “Demons” and “Nightmares”.) You can create multiple creations for a single prompt or a single day. If you make something that has multiple components, like a multichapter fic or a multipage comic, each chapter/comic page/etc. can be counted towards a different day/prompt, as long as they’re posted on the correct day and fit one of the prompts for that day.
Do I have to participate in all seven days? Do I have to fill every prompt?
Not at all! You can fill just one prompt on just one day, you can fill multiple prompts across multiple days, or you can fill all the prompts on all seven days. Think of this event like that bowl of candy on your neighbor’s porch that’s labeled ‘Take One’ -- you can do whatever you like with it; nobody’s going to stop you. That being said, if you do create something for all seven days, you’ll be in the Monster’s Ball, which sounds very cool but really just means that your creations will be listed at the top of the event wrap-up summary in a fancy text box.
Does everything I make have to be Halloween-themed?
Nope! While we’ll all be getting in the mood for Halloween, ghosts, ghouls, and pumpkins don’t need to feature in your creation. As long as you feel like your creation fits one of the prompts, it counts. That being said, we’d love to see the fandom flex their horror muscles and go full Spooky Season on us. Bring on the blood and guts!
I have something I’m already working on that fits one of the prompts, can I use it for this event?
Yes, with a couple of caveats! The creation must be new and posted on the date of the prompt that it was created for. If you already have a partially published project and something new you’ve created for it fits one of the prompts, that can absolutely count. For example, if you’re writing a 20-page comic about a haunted house, and you post a new page on Oct. 24th, you can count that for the prompt “Haunted House”. If you say you created something with this event in mind, we’ll take your word for it. The only other restriction is that if you’re creating your project for a different event (such as an exchange, ship week, theme week, big bang, etc.) and it also happens to meet one of the GaaLee Hallo-week prompts, you should check the other event’s rules to ensure they don’t have any restrictions on counting a single work towards multiple events.
Are there restrictions about what kinds of content can be created for this event?
Because of the Halloween theme, it’s to be expected that some works might be transgressive, upsetting, or triggering. However, we want this event to be enjoyable for as many people as possible! We ask that you use caution and consideration in your creations and be mindful of the ways that traditionally ‘scary’ tropes have been used to harm marginalized groups. Tag judiciously and use your best judgment. Be wary of ableism, such as using a person’s mental illness or physical disability as a scare factor or to make them seem more monstrous or mysterious. This does not mean you can’t create works with or about disabled or neurodivergent characters, simply be mindful of how those characteristics are portrayed and the role they serve in your work. Avoid transphobia, such as portraying a male character in a woman’s costume for laughs or using a character’s trans identity to make them seem villainous. (Lookin’ at you, Buffalo Bill.) This doesn’t mean your characters can’t explore gender roles! But it’s important to be thoughtful and intentional about how you portray transgender characters in a horror setting. Also, please be aware that the word ‘spook’ is an anti-black slur, and should be avoided in the creation of your works. (‘Spooky’, the adjective, is fine.) This is not a comprehensive or exhaustive list, and your judgment as an individual creator is important! If you have concerns about something you’re making, you’re more than welcome to message either of the organizers (@ghoste-catte or @puregaalee) for feedback. The organizers reserve the right not to reblog or republish work that is not appropriately tagged or that may not fit the spirit of the event.
What about sexually explicit (NSFW) content, is that allowed?
NSFW content is more than welcome, with some guardrails. NSFW content posted on Tumblr should be appropriately tagged and behind a ‘Read More’ cut. Any NSFW content hosted off-site should likewise be clearly labeled. If you choose to create NSFW images, be aware of Tumblr’s content guidelines. You may want to consider posting a cropped or censored image on Tumblr and linking to another site (Twitter, Privatter, Pixiv, Imgur, etc.) for the full image. Individuals under the age of 18 may not create sexually explicit material for this event.
I’m so excited, I just can’t wait! Can I post my creations early?
Please wait until the assigned day to post your creations for that prompt. Creations will not be reblogged until the assigned day for the prompt that inspired them.
Eek, I’m running behind! What if I created something for a specific day, but I didn’t get it posted in time?
Late postings will be accepted throughout the week, so if you created something for October 25th’s prompt but didn’t get it uploaded until October 28th, that will still be reblogged. The two weeks following the event will be reserved for ‘late posting’, during which time you can still upload your creations and tag the blog to have them reblogged. An event wrap-up will be posted after the end of the late posting period.
There’s an awful lot of words on this page, but none of them answer my question!
Please send an ask to @gaalee-events and we’ll get it answered as soon as possible!
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god, i am so fucking... Done with this site
i am so fucking Done with the majority of people not reblogging on here. it's been said over and over and over and exactly explained why reblogs matter, and yet the likes to reblog ratio doesn't change in the slightest
not just Done with the lurkers who think their reblog doesn't matter cause they have no followers so no one would see it (it still does matter tho! it matters a lot! it means you liked the content and want to share it cause you liked it!! the point isn't that you don't have a follower who'll see it, the point is that you showed support!!!), but also with those content creators who know exactly how important reblogging is and yet don't reblog the things they like themselves
the writers who get sad no one reblogs their fics anymore, and then only leave likes with no reblogs on other people's fics, the artists who don't reblog gifs and only like, cause idk?? it's not the same as art??? the gif makers who don't reblog fics bc... idk either??? bc it's text and not gifs and they only want gifs on their blog??? as if not every single content, be it fics or art or gifs or edits or headcanons or moodboards or memes etc. didn't all take hours/days/weeks/months of time and were made with passion and love! if you don't want something on your main, then create a side blog!
i am Done with looking at my notif page and seeing 90% likes with no reblog following. and i don't talk abt the queuers - if you appeared a few times in my notifs i know the post will be reblogged eventually - but the ones' that never reblog afterwards. Done with those who only sometimes reblog when the content is ~good enough~. there is no "good enough"!! either you like it, in which case you should reblog it, or you don't like it, in which case scroll past it and don't leave a like on the post!
and i hate that i'm still dependant on this site. where else am i supposed to upload my boards? on ao3??? sure, i could, but who on earth goes on ao3 to look at a board? i won't get any notice there.
i can't even post fics on ao3 only, cause i don't have enough of a follower count there to get notice, esp not when it comes to rare pairs. no one will notice the fic, i would need to post it here (and first doing all the formatting stuff, which takes extra time btw) if i want people to read what i wrote
not to mention how gif makers must feel??? where tf else are they supposed to post their gifs if not here??? and y'all just don't fucking reblog still???
no one said you must comment. is it nice to get some comments? fuck yeah it is, but god, we all know not everyone has the time/words for it. but reblog! that's all we ask you to do, that's all the support we want and need on tumblr!!! your like doesn't mean much to us - in fact, a lot of us don't even look at the likes. it's the reblogs that show support and show us that you liked the content! no matter your follower count!!!
and it's been said over and over and yet nothing changes. and i am so Done, and i feel no interest anymore in creating things cause i'm lacking motivation bc the majority doesn't reblog the things they like. and why should i put so much time and effort into anything when people on here aren't even ready to support it??
it's time y'all fucking listen to content creators, cause this behavior of only consuming and consuming and consuming and not giving a single thing back in return is sure as shit getting real fucking tiring
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andaleduardo · 3 years
Where, besides Tumblr, can people find you doing fannish things? (Obviously only mention sites and usernames you actually want to be found at. Don’t expose your secret identities on my account.)
What other names have you gone by on these platforms, including Tumblr, if any?
When did you join the IT fandom? And what got you into fandom, to begin with?
What are your favorite ships, or characters, if any, and why? What do they mean to you?
In what ways do you participate in fandom? (ex. Posting memes, reblogging/commenting on content, writing fanfic, making fanart, creating fanmixes, etc.)
Do you have any in-fandom inspirations? Other members of the community that drive you? (And if you have the time/energy, in what ways do they inspire you?)
Name and link some of your favorite works, please!
Do you have any works of your own that you feel particularly proud of, or wish more people would’ve consumed? Please provide links if possible.
Have you ever participated in a fannish event (ie. IT Week, a fic Big Bang) or applied to be a part of a fanzine? If so, which ones, and can you please link them?
Without any form of bashing or lashing out, what is something you feel this fandom is missing?
We’ve talked about it before but I wanna thank you one more time for all the thought you put into these questions and for sending them to me, honestly <33
Okay this is probably going to be a long post I’m sorry in advance,,
- Besides tumblr and AO3 (it’s the same username) I don’t have any more fannish accounts, I have a twitter so I can keep up with the IT content over there but my account is private I don’t really interact there I just observe 👀
- Jesus what a good question, my first name on tumblr was eds-spagheds, that was also my first name on AO3, but then the second movie came out and I had to make good use of that iconic line
- Okay buckle up I love this story. So, It chapter one came out in 2017, but I hate horror movies with a passion, I never watch them, so when my friends asked me to come see it with them I said no, right. Fast forward one year. One random day in high school I think I caught the flu or something and I was feeling like absolute CRAP but me and my friend (the same one that invited me to see It on the cinema) had already made plans for that afternoon, that were: watch IT chapter one at her house. I tell you, I was laying on her couch having fever dreams while we waited for another friend of ours to show up, I was thinking to myself, I’m gonna go home, I feel like shit I don’t want to watch a horror movie that I’m gonna have nightmares about tonight. Anyway, I didn’t leave, they convinced me because they said “you love stranger things you’ll love this too”. The three of us sat down to watch the movie. Me, a dumbass, said this on the first seconds of the movie: “Can you imagine how bad it must feel to enter a fandom based on a movie? Like, with stranger things you can rewatch all the seasons but with a movie it’s just, the same 2 hours to obsess over and over.” No, I didn’t know there was a book, mini-series, or a second part. Yes, I got to know them all in the following months because as soon as I finished the movie I knew that was it for me.
- Okay favorite ships? We’re all tired of this answer but reddie. However, I like every single ship imaginable between the 7 of them, to me they’re all soulmates and I love all the dynamics possible. I lovE all of them, ships and characters. I think I related most to Ben, because of the unrequited love, body image and food issues. That part on the book about Ben’s mom feeding him unhealthy things and him trying to eat better and then the guilt trip? man, that hit too close. But like many people say, we all relate to every loser in a different way.
- Sighs. I don’t really participate anymore... First 2 years I was on fire with content, I did fanart and wrote prompts, one shots, full fics.. now I literally just reblog things and try to give love to the artists. I guess you can say I’m retired
- That’s a difficult question, all of the art I see inspires me, all of the fics I love inspire me, before, I guess they inspired me to create my own content for the fandom but since I don’t create anymore, they just, make my day really much better. I appreciate every single content creator of this fandom, you don’t know how much joy it brings me
- Okay okay!! This is impossible to get right because I will forget many many people for sure but over all this time there’s some works that really stick with me and that I think about every other day:
a (number) neighborhood of seven by  BookRockShooter
I Might Be Dreaming (I Might Be Dead) by batwake
two falling sparks  by zach_stone
Predicament Bondage  by dgalerab
Now What I'm Gonna Say May Sound Indelicate by IfItHollers
& That's For All Time  by  tossertozier (rednoseredhair)
In Over Your Chest is Way Too Deep (AKA Surf Bois) by speakslow
5555 by weepies
- Yes! I wrote a handful of things but my absolute favorite one is this: Late at night when I like who I am, in the dark where I’m finally me
- No :( Sadly I never participated in any fandom event as a creator, but I love to see everyone’s work when one happens ! I bought the loser’s zine and it’s my most prized possession
- Hmmmm tough question, I think a little more empathy? There are so many kind and amazing people here but there are also some people who are... not. I see a lot of discourse over useless things like adults being in the fandom is somehow bad because the losers were once kids? like, are we forgetting this story follows these people from their childhoods through their adulthoods? And are we supposed to stop liking things after we turn 20 or? And when people who write Richie’s parents as bad parents are regarded as edgy teens who just want to cause Richie pain??? like what the....? so many people have only watched the movies and i’m sorry but in the movies there’s nothing that shows Richie’s parents as good parents, that’s only in the book, why do we attack these people then? maybe they relate to Richie and they have bad households, don’t we all project ourselves on our favorite characters?
Anyway, that’s all from me, if anyone reads this far I’ll be impressed but I had a lot of fun with these 👉👈
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madasakuweek · 5 years
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(A special thank you to @jingmcastle for providing the gorgeous artwork for the event!)
MadaSakuWEEK0320 takes place between March 15 – 21. As soon as it’s March 15th in your timezone, feel free to start posting! The event will officially end once March 21st is no longer a day anywhere.
Early submissions will not be reblogged here until the after event starts and the day your submission is for begins.
While the event will officially end when the 21st does, that’s not to say it’s really over. Here at @madasakuweek, we want to cultivate great content and support content creators. That means trying to keep things low stress, and so late submissions are not just accepted, but welcomed.
(As a side-note, if you need rigid deadlines in order to motivate you, please treat them as such. If you need someone to nag you about why you aren’t writing, I will tag you in procrastination themed memes from my main blog. As the moderator of this event, I am here to help in whatever ways you need).
You may post your work wherever you like, in as many places as you like. However, in order for your work to officially count as part of MadaSakuWEEK0320 you must make a tumblr post containing, or linking to your work, or it cannot be shared by this blog.
You do not have to create something for every single day in order to be a part of MadaSakuWEEK0320, or any multiday event hosted by this blog.
On the flip side, you may make multiple submissions per day, if you want to! Create your heart out!
Unlike past events, you must use one (1) or more prompt(s) per submission for your work to count as part of this event.
You must tag @madasakuweek and use the hashtag #MadaSakuWEEK0320 within the first five tags of your submission
please also tag any and all prompts you use, to make it easier for me to sort through all the works. 
There are three prompts provided per day; an AU, a word, and a piece of dialogue. You may use one of them, or all of them, whatever inspires you.
YOU MUST USE AT LEAST ONE (1) PROMPT PER SUBMISSION!  While past events have accepted works not using any prompts, that is not the case for this one. The only exception to this rule is if the medium you are using is something in which using a prompt is not possible (ex. a statistical analysis, meta posts, etc). Posts will be judged on a case by case basis. We want to try to be as inclusive as possible, while still being fair to everyone.
Along those same lines, if you want to combine prompts from different days, that’s fine too! If you combine prompts from different days, it’s your choice for which date to post them.
Dialogue prompts don’t have to be word for word, or grammar for grammar, so to speak. If you need to change the punctuation, or add a word, that’s fine, just try to keep to the essence of the dialogue.
Prompts can be found here
Acceptable Media
All the things!
Seriously, if you can create it, then it is acceptable. That means everything from art and fic to translations, moodboards, songs, comics, headcanons, meta analysis, research papers, interpretive dance, you name it.
Please only submit your own works unless given express permission by the creator to post their work in this event. That means that if you find something that fits the prompts on another website, and which is not already posted on tumblr, or a friend is asking you to post their work on their behalf, you need permission from the creator not just to repost their work, but to participate in the event. Please contact this blog privately in order to confirm that the creator is fine with participating in the event, or make it clear in your post.
Adult and Dark/“Problematic” Content
Smut/18+/NC17/explict works are accepted! However, in the tags, and at the top of the work, you must indicate the content is nsfw/smut/18+/NC17/explict, etc.
Dark works are welcome, but in order to be included in the event, as well as to protect people from things they don’t want to see, they will need to be labelled and tagged appropriately.
In the tags and at the top of the work, you must indicate that the work is dark, as well as any triggers and warnings . If the work is not labelled and tagged properly, it will not be reblogged until it is. If a work is deemed as lacking the appropriate tags/disclaimer, you will be contacted privately and asked to provide the appropriate warnings. Once that’s done, your post will be shared.
If posting a link to a work hosted on a different site containing dark/nsfw material, it must be tagged and labelled appropriately before the link is provided, in the same way as other submissions.
Additionally, dark and nsfw content must be placed under a “cut” or “read more,” unless you are simply providing a link to another website. If you don’t know how to use a cut/read more on tumblr, please see this resource. The link explains how to use the “read more” feature on desktop, but if you’re on mobile, I can show you a trick for that. If you have any questions/need help, feel free to contact this blog privately.
Here is an example of how you might label and tag your work:
Prompt: [chosen prompt(s)]
Warnings: nsfw, smut, dark, dubcon, dead dove: do not eat
[your content here]
#madasakuWEEK0320 #nsfw #smut #dark #dubcon #dead dove: do not eat
While we don’t want to stifle creativity and self expression, or police works, it is important to have a safe environment for everyone to enjoy. It’s a delicate balance, allowing and promoting the exploration of dark topics while keeping people safe—which is why tagging things appropriately is imperative.
I’m not sure exactly where to draw the line between “acceptable” versus “inappropriate” dark content—there are too many variables to say absolutely “this is or isn’t okay.” Additionally, I don’t want to stifle anyone’s creative expression. However, I’ve been a part of the MadaSaku community for several years, and I have found it to be a place of respect and good judgement, filled with great people. Therefore I am trusting you to judge for yourself what is and isn’t appropriate in terms of what you create, and more importantly, what you choose to consume.
That being said, and just to be safe, while I don’t expect to have to do this, I maintain the right to disqualify submissions if I feel they do cross that line.
If you have any questions as to whether your work is appropriate, please feel free to contact this blog privately through the messages, or you can contact me directly at @purple-possibilities. I doubt there will be any issues, but if you’re worried then I am available for consultation.
That should be it! Please don’t hesitate to ask any questions you may have. Have fun, and remember, to
tag @madasakuweek and use the hashtag #MadaSakuWEEK0320 within the first five tags of your submission!
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edenslostwallflower · 4 years
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well i figured out there's a tag limit so i'm gonna  repost that entire mess as it's own thing if anyone wants to read it. it's in response to the post i just reblogged. if anyone wants the 2 gil of a female OC
Saying this stuff is usually not gonna change anything, but speaking as a female OC on this site since 2012... it's nice to see when other people get it. I've been here for 8 years, you wanna know how many followers I have? About 53. I've never even gotten in the ballpark of 100. And only about the first page of those followers are active anymore. I can't even fathom people who have like 300 or more people following them. Cause I no longer believe more than a handful of people would ever be interested in me. And it's something I've learned to just settle with.
I'm gonna be passed over all the time. Back burnered. Especially if the other person’s blog is popular with hundreds of followers and always getting asks. That's just how it is. IDK if anyone's noticed but if you look at my blog for the past few months, it's mostly me talking to myself. Because if I don't keep myself entertained on here despite being mostly ignored, Leanna would have gone inactive back in 2013 and I wouldn't have touched her blog since. 
And it makes me super grateful to the people who do notice my blog, and actively interact with it. Like dang I'm being noticed, this is so nice. Even if it's just a like on some post I made, I'm just 'wow someone saw me on their dash and went 'yes, I like what this nerd is doing.'
Which feels great because I constantly feel like I’m doing something wrong and that’s why no one bothers with me. 
This character is 15 years of development (I wrote her for FF7: AC when it came out) and it feels amazing when other people notice it.
And I don't wanna be ungrateful but I do wish I could get more people interested. Like a constant group of people who are always there and actively interacting with my blog. Because I know I have so much to offer writing and OOC wise.. but it feels like no one else sees it.
But again.. I'm used to it. I have to be, otherwise I wouldn't be here.
And sometimes I can't even follow like.. other female OCs, especially if they get an abundance of attention cause I get SO salty. It's not their fault but I sit here being latched onto by the envy monster like 'what cheat code did u use to get people interested.' And I just feel like I'm stuck on the other side of this big playground by myself because no one's interested in what I have to offer 
I reblog my plotting call about 3 times a day, and those memes I reblog were actually from me sitting down weeks prior to when it posted and having it queued up to that specific day at that specific time. That usually takes a few hours to set up and schedule. And I do it because I hope someone will find something interesting in one of them and send it in. Because that one small action just makes my ENTIRE day. You might just be throwing a headcanon meme at me but on my end I'm reading it as someone who's interested or at least allowing me to talk about some aspect of Leanna I haven't gotten a chance to. 
Like be more attentive to female OC blogs. Don’t just say or reblog posts talking about stanning them if you don’t actually live up to it. If you find a blog and go down their dash for a little bit and see they’re just talking to themselves and all their posts have 0 notes and they’re reblogging memes constantly just......... actually interact with it. Pick a symbol and throw it at them cause it’ll make them so happy... Or maybe I’m just speaking from my own experience IDK. I get sad going down my blog and seeing all my posts I make that don’t get any recognition and my memes that never get sent in... it hurts and it’s really exhausting.
And even if I should have learned my lesson, every time someone follows me I like zero in on that number and go ‘Yay! A person who’s interested in writing with me!!’ and then they just turn into a silent follower like ‘hhhhhhhhhhhh ok i guess. i hope you at least enjoy my aesthetic posts or something.’
Some people have even messaged me telling me like 'oh I get what you're feeling but you should really try to reach out to people then and put yourself out there.' Like I’ve actually gotten anon people telling me this if I ever have the gall to complain about how my blog is treated. 
Ok, How, Susan? Please give me a step by step guide on ‘How To Put Yourself Out There’ cause I must be doing something wrong. And I'm just 'that sounds great but what do I do if I try say 50 times and get back burnered/pushed aside 46 of those times and the other 4 go inactive shortly after contacting. Do I just do that all over again? And if it repeats itself, am I expected to just keep trying over and over? Am I always expected to be the one busting my ass for a shred of interaction from people who aren’t giving me the time of day of their own accord? Is putting myself out there meaning I send in memes and like starter calls and plotting calls and never get anything returned? That I give and give and give so much and only hope for even an ounce in return? Every single time I come back from a break? Which I take like 15 times a year because no one is interacting with my blog (there’s a horrible cycle there innit) ..What if I'm...tired. And getting more tired every time the cycle starts over.'
Like.. I get tired. I get really... tired of trying so hard and getting next to nothing in return. But I log on every day and ignore all that so I can have a good time. At least for today. And then I go to bed and wake up tomorrow. And do it all over again.
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munjade · 6 years
do not reblog
finally making the post for mobile. let me know if the cut doesn’t work
Before we interact you must…
have a properly displayed muse
have easily accessible posted information regarding your muse in a section or page
have easily accessible posted rules / guidelines in a section or page
for AU’s, you must have posted information regarding your muse within the fandom universe in its own section or page
make sure I am following you
cut threads
I Won’t
roleplay sex, generally. there may be a few exceptions, but keep the standard that i probably won’t. sexual content, perhaps, if all muns involved are over 18.
tolerate any sexual advances toward myself ooc
roleplay inserts
always follow back, nor will I follow personals
tolerate pressuring, be it to rp in general or consistent pestering to answer threads
answer everything in my inbox. It’s not often I ignore asks, but I won’t answer something if it violates my rules. If I have difficulty answering something, I will privately message senders or make public inquires about anonymous messages.
Please Don’t:
reblog meme asks. I don’t mind this so much, but it keeps things cleaner when they’re moved to a new post.
reblog inbox answers for non starter memes. examples would be mun opinions and the like but extend to headcanons and other writing. violators will be asked to delete the post and may be blocked.
reblog threads you are not a part of. warnings will be given to violating rp blogs, but personals will be instantly blocked.
reblog personal posts, especial images of myself. violators will be instantly blocked.
I am open to
multiple threads
duplicates of other muses (i do not rp duplicates of my own muse, but I usually have other muses in the fandom which I will be more than happy to interact with there, no twins etc)
shipping, though I will be highly selective, possibly exclusive. I will not instant ship, but I don’t mind developing our muses’ relationship privately over DMs.
mutli verse and/or polyshipping as befits all the muses and muns involved
rping toxic relationships of any sort
angst and/or triggering threads, though I would prefer to discuss  the thread and tagging beforehand
crack threads
select AUs
ask/tagged initiated threads/starters but I ask for some warning if they are not from a meme or other prompt
responses of any length, so long as it is enough to reasonably work with for the pace of our thread
group threads
generally questionable plots. regardless of whether or not I approve of such practices ooc isn’t usually relevant. this is fictional, exploration of an idea– not a real-world execution of that idea. Feel free to DM for details.  
Please Also Note:
I do not require length to be matched and may not always match partner’s length. I will respond as much as I feel I am able to or that I feel is necessary.
If my response is inadequate, difficult to respond to, or otherwise distasteful, FEEL FREE to ask me to redo my response.
Understand that my selectivity will depend on my comfort level and that I am not obligated to explain myself.
I tag all my threads as “thread”
I tag my partner’s url
if partner’s url changes, I will tag both old and new urls for the first response then only the new url going forward.
I generally tag triggers as “trigger tw”. same with general cw’s. i’m not the best with tagging, so let me know if I should watch for stuff in particular
my activity is generally a joke, but I’m constantly lurking, so feel free to drop a message
I am incredibly anxious. It doesn’t matter if we have late night conversations for like a month straight i will still be afraid to talk to you every. single. time. so always feel free to come whack me on the head or smth
while I can be very laid back / crack-ish, I do prefer to explore darker themes and my thread responses are much more serious than I come off as.
Blacklisted / Ask to Tag:
nsfw (for general safe scrolling)
“little space” related
“daddy,” “mommy,” etc
a/o/b related
pregnancy related
vivid depiction of sensory / memory alteration (particularly in images, but not excluded to)
unreality (also especially, but not limited to, images)
Of course I can’t require people tag these, but I will most likely not follow you if your post these regularly and do not have some warning which will be picked up by blacklist applications.
In regards to the sensory alteration, I mean things like seeing/hearing/etc things that aren’t there, mis-remembering or outright tampering with memory, etc. It’s kind of situation to situation on what gets me, but when it does it tends to hit me pretty hard. If you have any questions about it, fire away! [ example text post ]
On unreality, this somewhat relates to the above, I use this as a catch all phrase for images, vivid descriptions, and most especially videos/gifs of things that basically don’t behave or seem to behave as they should. Sometimes, I’ve seen these things tagged as “trippy” and the like, but they those posts tend to be too…idk how to put it. Extra? What tends to get me is when things are going fairly linear and then suddenly go for a loop. That’s not the greatest description, but here’s a few posts that have triggered me the worst that I’ve slowly gotten used to.  There are also things which should seem fine or normal but aren’t. If anyone has a better description for this, by all means let me know! example posts [ one ] / [ two ] /  [ three ] + a weird image that also gets me for some reason. hmvent is actually a blog I use to store things that trigger me so I can slowly get used to them or try and figure out what it is / why these things get to me.
Name: Jade/Cova Age: 19 Birthday: April 1st (no joke) Height: 4ft 8in Residence: California Timezone: GMT -8
Pronouns: he/him (rarely, she/her) Gender: genderfluid Romantic Attraction: panromantic, polyamorous Sexual Attraction: fraysexual, aegosexuality Ethnicity: Filipino-Italian
MBTI: ENTP Horoscope: Aries Sun, Capricorn Moon, Scorpio Rising Alignment: Chaotic Neutral HP Houses: Slytherin Ennegram: 3w4 Force Alignment: Sith
A few other things to note;
I have very little time to access a desktop but can access most things through the tumblr app, mobile site or mobile version of the desktop site.
I am, at any given time, at least working 1 full time job and 1 part time job but I have gone up to as many as 2 full time, 2 part time and one as-needed jobs at once. That being said, my responses / activity may be slow.
on my main fandom blogs, I tend to make a lot of original shitposts / ooc posts.
I am usually quite willing to give out my PM apps and such (Discord, LINE, SnapChat, etc) but do not roleplay on them.
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sheithdirectory · 6 years
The Sheith Directory (Mobile Version)
❤️🖤 Direct Sheith: Events ❤️🖤
Big Bangs:
Sheith Big Bang ★ Big Bang with minimum 10k for writers and at least 1 artwork for artists. First ran from Winter 2016 to Summer 2017. Second round from February to August 2018.
Sheith Reverse Bang ★ Reverse Bang with 10k word minimum for writers and at least 3 artworks for artists. First ran from Fall 2017 to July 2018.
Sheith Prompt Bang ★ Big Bang in which writers and artists will be matched based on criteria of interests, and given a set of prompts to choose and create a work for. Run from August 2018 to April 2019.
Event Weeks:
Sheith Week ★ Sheith-centered week that ran on Twitter from August 21st to the 27th, 2016. Included SFW and NSFW (prompts)
Sheith Week Unlimited ★ Sheith-centered Week that ran from January 27th to February 2nd (prompts). Second round March 18-24 (prompts).
Sheith Positivity Week ★ Sheith-centered weeks. Sheith Summer Week ran from July 24-July 30th in 2017 (prompts).
Sheith Quote Week ★ Sheith-centered Week featuring relevant quotes as prompts. Ran on December 17th to 23rd 2017 (prompts, explanation of quotes.)
Sheith Participation Week ★ A week where all Sheith fans can participate such as sharing headcanons, favorite fics, and so forth. First run May 2018. (prompts)
Sheith Anniversary Week ★ A week celebrating the ship’s name with prompts. First run from May 28 to June 3rd, 2018. Hosted by SheithNetwork.
Sheith Summer Week ★ A Sheith-centered week for summer-themed fanworks. First run July 15-July 21, 2018. (Prompts) 
Event Months:
Sheith Month ★ A full month celebrating the relationship of Sheith, with a prompt or two for each day of the month. First ran on August 2017. Second round July 2018.
Sheithlentines ★ Valentine’s Day Exchange. Posting of gifts from 14th to the 24th.
Sheith Flower Exchange ★ Exchange centered around the language of flowers. First ran during Spring 2017. Second round from March to July 2018.
Sheith Birthday ★ Celebrating Keith’s birthday; run on VLD Exchange during the Fall Season 2017. Postings on October 23rd. AO3 Collection.
Sheith Halloween ★ Sheith Halloween gift exchange. Run on VLD Exchange during the Fall Season. Postings were between October 24 to the 31st. AO3 Collection.
Sheith Secret Santa ★ Winter holiday exchange. 2016 round hosted here.
Kink Memes:
Sheith Kink Meme ★ Hosted on Dreamwidth. NSFW.
Sheith Kink Meme on AO3 ★ Hosted on AO3. NSFW. 
Silver & Gold ★ Sheith zine that ran during Spring 2017 by Amegafuru.
Guiding Light ★ Sheith zine that ran during early months of 2018 by Amegafuru.
Infinite: Sheith Zine ★ Charity zine that ran during Summer 2017.  
Between Two Points ★Collaborative zine between writers and artists that ran during Fall 2017.
Stargazing: Sheith AU Zine ★ Twitter-run zine being run during Winter 2017-2018.
Hanakotoba ★ Sheith zine centered on the language of flowers. Profits to benefit charity: water. Being run during Winter 2017-2018.
Lightning Strikes ★ Numerous Sheith zines on sale 2018.
Sunkissed ★ A Sheith zine by Owlette. On sale during Spring 2018.
As Many Times/When You’re Away Zine ★ A Sheith zine by rou-tan-tan (and guest artists and writer) 
Heartlines ★ Sheith wedding-themed zine. Preorders to open on June 23 2018.
This And Every Other Universe: Sheith Edition ★ Sheith-centric zine happening summer 2018 on the theme of whatever universes the creators enjoy. Preorders opening June 16, 2018. 
Sheith Prompt Party ★ Give a prompt. Take a prompt. Create fanworks based on your prompt. Run from May 2018 to October 2018.
Sheith-a-Palooza ★ Prompt fest. First run from August 2017 to October 2017. Hosted by SheithParty on Dreamwidth.
❤️🖤 Direct Sheith: Resources & Other Sites ❤️🖤
Shirogane Network ★ Shiro-centric network
Kogane Network ★ Keith-centric network (gen and ships)
Sheith Network ★ Sheith-centric network (gen and ships)
Fuck Yeah Sheith ★ Sheith-centric blog
Fuck Yeah Shirogane ★ Shiro-centric blog (gen)
Fuck Yeah Kagone ★ Keith-centric blog (gen)
Positively Shiro ★ Shiro-centric blog (gen and ships)
Positively Keith ★ Keith-centric blog (gen and ships)
Pics of Sheith ★  Screencaps of Sheith from the series.
a Sheith Every Day ★ Sheith Pics every Day for your Twitter timeline.
Songs That Are Sheith ★  Sheith-centric blog of songs that are Sheith. 
Wreath of Sheith ★ Sheith-centric blog; part of the Shance Support Squad, Klancin’ Around network!
Sheith Fic Ideas ★ Sheith fic ideas looking for a good home.
Sheith Fiction Catalogue ★ Blog dedicated to categorizing Sheith fics into a A-Z library based on genres and tropes.
Sheith Fanfics ★ Blog dedicated to fanfic recommendations.
SheithParty ★ Sheith Community on Dreamwidth
Sheith Tag ★ on AO3
AO3Feed_KeithShiro ★ AO3 feed on Tumblr
Sheith Tag ★ on Tumblr
The-Sheith-Tag ★ Tumblr blog that reblogs all relevant content from Sheith Tumblr tag.
Shiro-x-Keith ★ Sheith community on DeviantArt
Sheith Community ★ Sheith community on AminoApps
Sheith Network ★  Sheith-centric message board! 
Sheith Fanlore Article ★ Sheith page on Fanlore, preserving our history. 
❤️🖤 Indirect Sheith ❤️🖤
Keith Baby Bang ★ Keith-centric bang, with works posting beginning on Keith's birthday. Sheith welcome. Running from May 2018 to October 2018.
Alt Shiro Big Bang ★ Big Bang focusing on all alternate versions of Shiro (such as Kuro, Kuron, Sven, Ryou.) Sheith welcome. Running from July 2018 to January 2019. 
Event Weeks:
Shiro Ship Week ★ Shiro-centric event week focusing on all ships. Sheith welcome. 2018 week runs from June 24 to June 30th. (prompts) 
Desert Keith Week ★ Event week focusing on Keith's time in the desert. Sheith welcome. 2018 running from July 2 to July 8th. (prompts) 
Shiro Birthday Exchange ★ Shiro-centric exchange centered around character’s birthday. Sheith and all Shaladin ships allowed. First ran from January to February 2018.
Voltron Secret Santa ★ Fandom-wide winter exchange that runs annually from September to December. Sheith welcome.
Shaladin Secret Santa ★ Winter exchange for all ships with Shiro. First ran in winter 2018.
Shklance Summer Exchange ★ Summer exchange for the ships of Shklane, Sheith, Shance, and Klance. First run between May to July 2018.
VLD Ship Exchange ★ Exchange that encourages ship exploration. Create a work for a ship you haven’t explored or shipped before. Sheith welcome. First ran in 2018.
Monstertron Exchange ★ For works involving horror and monsters. Sheith welcome. First ran in summer of 2018, from May to August.
AO3 Gift Exchanges ★ This is a special section for all AO3 gift exchanges where you can nominate, request, offer, and create fanworks for Sheith. Each AO3 exchange has its own exchange focus and rules, eligibility requirements, minimums, and other information so do please go to the DW community link provided to familiarize yourself with any exchange you’re interested in. I will only provide a brief summary here. These exchanges are all multifandom, meaning you will need to request/offer multiple fandoms (the numbers vary by exchange rules.)
Chocolate Box ★ Can request Sheith as ship. Theme is Valentine’s Day. Short minimums for fic (300 words) and art (sketch.) Runs from December to February of every year.
Worldbuilding Exchange ★ Can nominate/request Sheith as characters but may request ship in your letter/optional details. Focus of the exchange is worldbuilding such as Galaxy Garrison, History of the Blade of Marmora, or Mechanics of Shiro’s Galra Arm. Runs from January to March every year.
Age Gap Exchange ★ Can nominate/request Sheith as a ship. Focus of the exchange is for all pairings with an age difference. Runs from January to March.
Unusual Bearings ★ Can nominate/request Sheith as a ship. Focus of the exchange is on any pregnancy fanworks that is not cis man impregnating cis woman. (Mpreg of cis man, trans man, nb man are all allowed, as are oviposition, tentacles, and so forth.) Runs from January to May.
Space Swap ★ Can nominate/request Sheith as a ship. Focus of the exchange is on space canons. Runs from February to April.
Smut Swap ★ Can nominate/request Sheith as a ship. Focus of the exchange is on smutty fanworks. Must be of age to participate. Runs from February to April.
Fandom 5k ★ Can nominate/request Sheith as a ship. Focus is to give your recipient a fanfic of at least 5,000 words. Runs from March to June.
Multifandom Drabble ★ Drabbles (100 words.) You request by fandoms but can request ships in your optional details. Runs from June to July.
Nonconathon ★ Nominate scenarios as “A noncons B” or “A noncons B & C” or “A makes B noncon C,” and so forth. Focus of the exchange is on noncon/rape fanworks for any darkfic needs. Runs from May to July.
AU Exchange ★ Can nominate/request Sheith as a ship in any AU setting of choice, from Bee AU or “what if it was Keith who went on the Kerberos mission.” Focus of the exchange is all on AUs. Runs from June to September.
Darkest Night ★ May request single character or pairings. Focus of the exchange is on dark subjects. Runs from July to October.
Trick or Treat ★ Can nominate/request them as character but may request ship in your letter/optional details. Short minimums for fic (300 words) and art (sketch). Focus of the exchange is Halloween: may ask for Tricks (dark work) or Treats (fluff works.) Runs from September to October.
Multifandom Tropefest ★ Can request them as ship. The focus of the exchange are tropes, trope variations, and trope subversions (such as: soulmates, hanahaki, hurt/comfort, and so forth.) Fics must be at least 2,000 words long, and art must be at least a clean lineart illustration on unlined paper. Beginning in August and reveals are Thanksgiving weekend. 
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franeridart · 7 years
None of these strong amazing boys actually needs protecting but is that gonna stop me from trying? Is it?? (the answer is no)
Anon said:Hi! If you haven't already answered this, would you mind listing the tags/ships you aren't comfortable with people tagging your art with?
Ohhhhhh what an interesting ask, I’ve been thinking about how to answer since I got it and?? I’m not sure, so let’s put it like this: generally, if the art is obviously meant as platonic I’d prefer it if you didn’t use the ship tag on it, but as a general rule I don’t actually mind people tagging ships anyway? I know how this site works so if I’m really uncomfortable with the idea of it being misinterpreted as romantic I’m just not gonna post anything with those characters in it from the start
That said, sometimes people tagging ships confuses me a lot??? For example the majority of people who’ve reblogged my latest bnha comic have tagged it with the bkdk tag and? There’s nothing romantic about it?? Bakugou is literally off to kill Deku why is that romantic we just don’t know, bkdk shippers seem to have an understanding of romance completely different from mine haha
Ah, also I’ve been having people tagging my bokuro and akaken arts with the ot4 tag, even if I rarely ever draw all of them in the same place. Please don’t do that. Like. Seriously.
As for the general tags, there’s a lot of tags I don’t understand, but from there to saying I’m uncomfortable with them is a bit of a huge step... the one thing that comes to mind is people trigger-tagging Bakugou’s mom. That’s. Hm. I happen to really like that woman and my drawings depict her in a positive light always, so if people could stop that it would be very nice? That’s about it tho~
Anon said: Bakugou smiling omg bless your soul
!!!!!!!!!!!!! Smiling Bakugou is a happy Bakugou and happy Bakugou is a happy Fran so you can 100% expect more of it 👍👍
Anon said:I'm rooting for Kacchan as his hero name. I feel like it would be a huge step personality wise for Katsuki, just like 'Deku' was for Izuku. I feel like they might become civil with each other and hopefully even friends. For Shouto it would be amazing if he could find a name that shows he's accepted who he is but that he isn't a prisoner of his blood...... even though I have no idea how to show that with a name lol
Ah, I’m sure in the future Bakugou and Izuku will be on civil terms, but here’s the thing anon. Deku was a name with a negative connotation given to Izuku the degrade him - someone Izuku holds dear changed the meaning for him, made it something positive, and Izuku took the name back and made it his own, like a phoenix reborn from its ashes. It was a positive thing because it used to be a negative one, you follow me? It also didn’t have anything to do with Bakugou. Izuku took that name away from him, he didn’t accept Deku as a name to show some sort of positive change in his relationship with Bakugou, it was more about him cutting Bakugou of a source of power he had over him. It was distancing himself from Bakugou, not growing closer
Kacchan doesn’t have anything like that tied to it, it’s just a childish name Izuku has been using since he was four, most probably because everyone used to call Bakugou that - Bakugou doesn’t actually care for the name, or else he would have found a way to make Izuku stop using it. He doesn’t like it, but he doesn’t actively dislike it either, he just does not care, right? So there’s no way him accepting it as the way the whole world knows him as would be some sort of positive change for him, imho
What I meant when I said that I really hope it doesn’t happen is that all it would be for Bakugou is just yet another smack on the growing list of things gone wrong for him - there’s no way Bakugou would willingly accept such a childish name as his hero name just for the hell of it, one thing is growing up and a whole other thing is him making a 180° on his personality like that. So, like, I really don’t want it to happen because I want Bakugou for once to have things go as he wishes, but considering the amount of times the narrative has punished Bakugou and how often his plans have gone on the opposite direction compared to what he was working for, would I be surprised if that choice too were to be taken from him? Absolutely not
As for Todoroki, as I said I have never spent time thinking about his hero name? I kind of assumed he actually wanted to be known as Shouto, but you really never know with him! His character is always going in directions I don’t expect one bit, so his hero name too, if it comes, is probably gonna be something I hadn’t seen coming at all haha
Anon said:I love your ring hc for that last post omg it's perfect
OHHHHHHHHHH I’M GLAD YOU BOTH LIKED IT!!!! I hope you’re having the best days too!!!!!!!
Anon said:dude, your art output is simply incredible, you post something pretty much every single day, and its not even just single pictures, its comics! with lots of poses! and anatomy! ahhh, bless you, youre a gift!!! A GIFT!!! your comics are adorable and funny and so in-character u
Thank you!!!!!!!!! So much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my gODS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Annnnnndddddddddddddddddddd.............. actually............... I kind of............................. not do much aside from drawing................................. r i p
(The thing is that I draw to make myself feel happy when I’m sad. I’m. Always sad. So.)
Anon said: Fran why are people shipping Todoroki with Kaminari ? i mean the pics are nice but i was wondering if there was an interaction between them ?
They were on the same team during the cavalry battle! And!! That’s about it!!! Horikoshi has doodled them together now and again in his twitter sketches but as far as canon goes that should be the only significant interaction they’ve had. I don’t mind the ship? They could be cute, but I don’t exactly ship it. Then again I lowkey ship Todoroki with Sero so who am I to talk
Anon said:Ao3 dealing with a wildcard
I don’t!!! Understand this ask!!! Anon help me out please!!!
Anon said:BRO, that last comic with Bakugou's hero name is PRICELESS! I know you said you actually would prefer him to have a cool name, but could you imagine if this happened in cannon?! I would DIE of laughter! Or worse, imagine if Bakugou did end up with the hero name Ground Zero, but everyone in the public decides to call him Kacchan ANYWAYS, because it's adorable and if deku can call him that, then why shouldn't anyone else? XD I just can't!
Bakugou spending the rest of his life trying to make people use his actual hero name and failing miserably is the single most rational and canon comment I’ve gotten about that comic I’m not even gonna lie hahahaha
Anon said:As soon as I finished reading your Teacher!Bakugou post, I couldn't help but think of that meme/twitter compilation. The one where the teacher is going over safety procedures only for the students to show how much they love their teacher. Like, one student says they'll avenge Bakugou if he ends up getting hurt while another says they'll go after the perpetrator's kids. This idea is gold~!
The problem here is that I can’t really see Bakugou giving a straight “no you can’t do that” answer to those suggestions oh my god what a disaster lmao
Anon said:I just wanted to say that I love your terushimas and your bokuroos and especially your kiribakus (actually the hole bakusquad) and that I'd love to see tokoyami more in your art style (as he's my fav in bnha)
Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!! More Tokoyami is definitely coming!!! I love him so much and he’s so much fun to draw!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:Hey! I love your art, seeing it on my dash always makes me happy! I'm sorry you have people demanding things from you and not respecting your work, you don't deserve that
Anon you’re so sweet onot fine but I’m used to it? Sadly. Haha.
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madasakuweek · 5 years
Tumblr media
(A special thank you to @yomi-gaeru for providing this beautiful banner for the event!)
MadaSakuWeekEND2019 takes place on December 27, 28, and 29. As soon as it’s December 27 in your timezone, feel free to start posting! The event will officially end once December 29th is no longer a day anywhere.
Early submissions will not be reblogged here until the after event starts and the day your submission is for begins.
While the event will officially end when the 29th does, that’s not to say it’s really over. Here at @madasakuweek, we want to cultivate great content and support content creators. That means trying to keep things low stress, and so late submissions are not just accepted, but welcomed.
(As a side-note, if you need rigid deadlines in order to motivate you, please treat them as such. If you need someone to nag you about why you aren’t writing, I will tag you in procrastination themed memes from my main blog. As the moderator of this event, I am here to help in whatever ways you need).
You may post your work wherever you like, in as many places as you like. However, in order for your work to officially count as part of MadaSakuWeekEND2019 you must make a tumblr post containing, or linking to your work, or it cannot be shared by this blog.
You do not have to create something for every single day in order to be a part of MadaSakuWeekEND2019, or any multiday event hosted by this blog.
On the flip side, you may make multiple submissions per day, if you want to! Create your heart out!
You must tag @madasakuweek and use the hashtag #MadaSakuWeekEND2019 within the first five tags of your submission
please also tag any and all prompts you use, to make it easier for me to sort through all the works. You can also label them as day 1, day 2, and day 3 if you wish.
There are three prompts provided per day; an AU, a word, and a piece of dialogue. You may use one of them, or all of them, whatever inspires you.
Along those same lines, if you want to combine prompts from different days, that’s fine too! If you combine prompts from different days, it’s your choice for which date to post them.
Dialogue prompts don’t have to be word for word, or grammar for grammar, so to speak. If you need to change the punctuation, or add a word, that’s fine, just try to keep to the essence of the dialogue.
Prompts can be found here
Acceptable Media
All the things!
Seriously, if you can create it, then it is acceptable. That means everything from art and fic to translations, moodboards, songs, comics, headcanons, interpretive dance, you name it.
Please only submit your own works unless given express permission by the creator to post their work in this event. That means that if you find something that fits the prompts on another website, and which is not already posted on tumblr, or a friend is asking you to post their work on their behalf, you need permission from the creator not just to repost their work, but to participate in the event. Please contact this blog privately in order to confirm that the creator is fine with participating in the event, or make it clear in your post.
Adult and Dark/“Problematic” Content
Smut/18+/NC17/explict works are accepted! However, in the tags, and at the top of the work, you must indicate the content is nsfw/smut/18+/NC17/explict, etc.
Dark works are welcome, but in order to be included in the event, as well as to protect people from things they don’t want to see, they will need to be labelled and tagged appropriately.
In the tags and at the top of the work, you must indicate that the work is dark, as well as any triggers and warnings . If the work is not labelled and tagged properly, it will not be reblogged until it is. If a work is deemed as lacking the appropriate tags/disclaimer, you will be contacted privately and asked to provide the appropriate warnings. Once that’s done, your post will be shared.
If posting a link to a work hosted on a different site containing dark/nsfw material, it must be tagged and labelled appropriately before the link is provided, in the same way as other submissions.
Additionally, dark and nsfw content must be placed under a “cut” or “read more,” unless you are simply providing a link to another website. If you don’t know how to use a cut/read more on tumblr, please see this resource. The link explains how to use the “read more” feature on desktop, but if you’re on mobile, I can show you a trick for that. If you have any questions/need help, feel free to contact this blog privately.
Here is an example of how you might label and tag your work:
Prompt: [chosen prompt(s)]
Warnings: nsfw, smut, dark, dubcon, dead dove: do not eat
[your content here]
#madasakuweekEND2019 #nsfw #smut #dark #dubcon #dead dove: do not eat
While we don’t want to stifle creativity and self expression, or police works, it is important to have a safe environment for everyone to enjoy. It’s a delicate balance, allowing and promoting the exploration of dark topics while keeping people safe—which is why tagging things appropriately is imperative.
I’m not sure exactly where to draw the line between “acceptable” versus “inappropriate” dark content—there are too many variables to say absolutely “this is or isn’t okay.” Additionally, I don’t want to stifle anyone’s creative expression. However, I’ve been a part of the MadaSaku community for several years, and I have found it to be a place of respect and good judgement, filled with great people. Therefore I am trusting you to judge for yourself what is and isn’t appropriate in terms of what you create, and more importantly, what you choose to consume.
That being said, and just to be safe, while I don’t expect to have to do this, I maintain the right to disqualify submissions if I feel they do cross that line.
If you have any questions as to whether your work is appropriate, please feel free to contact this blog privately through the messages, or you can contact me directly at @purple-possibilities. I doubt there will be any issues, but if you’re worried then I am available for consultation.
That should be it! Please don’t hesitate to ask any questions you may have. Have fun, and remember, to
tag @madasakuweek and use the hashtag #MadaSakuWeekEND2019 within the first five tags of your submission!
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