#i will speak my thoughts into the void with no responces
gillgmesh · 2 years
Do you think spaghetti is a romantic food? And if yes, do you think Lady and the Tramp helped it become a romantic food? Or do you think it was already one before then? And what other food do you think is considered romantic?? What food do you think is romantic that may not seem romantic to everyone?
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mynameiscarat · 4 years
There for him
y/n is basically from @phenomenally-thrombey​’s headcanon 
Being Jacob’s older sister and being in College Included (Link:   https://phenomenally-thrombey.tumblr.com/post/610906383161884672/being-jacobs-older-sister-and-being-in-college)
Probably that’s the thing people call “tooth-rotting fluff”.
My English is broken, so dm me if you see any mistakes.
Sun was slowly setting, colouring pale winter sky rosy. Day ended, although clock just struck 7 pm. It was a beginning of December, time was closing to Christmas. You wanted to talk about getting a tree and decorations - you loved Christmas so much - but now, looking in faces of your mother, father and brother you understood it’s probably not the best time to do it. You all were having dinner... sort of. Donna and Walt were chatting crossly, eating their food without much interest. And Jacob was just staring into his plate, clearly disgusted. „Jacob, - you whispered, - eat, please. You didn't have anything at lunch.” He said nothing, as if he didn’t hear you. But the one who certainly heard you - your mum - looked at him and ordered: „Listen to your sister, young man. Stop making that face!” Jacob glanced at your parents and looked in his plate with even more disgust. „It's a junk. I won't eat it. - he snorted. - I want roastbeef. Roastbeef and yorkshire pudding with jam.” A terrible silence reigned in a kitchen.  „Son, - said Walt, barely hiding his irritation, - you know that we can not afford those dishes anymore. Be happy with that you have now. We’re broke. I'm currently trying to start my own publishing house, your mother is a civil servant. At small position.” „So what? Because of that I have to starve? Isn't it your duty to care about me? I’m so freaking done with it!” Walt let out a bitter chuckle: „Probably if you'd been a bit better grandson, we wouldn't have become nobodies. Have you even thought about taking responsibility?” „And have you, father? You were messing with grandpa, and eventually he fed up. Good job! I'm sure your goddamn publishing house will bankrupt in two month.” Walt became deadly pale, his hand slowly rising: „You little son of a-” „Dad, no! - you yelled, terribly scared. - Don't hit Jay!” Walt looked at you: „Y/n, I-” „Please, dad, no!! Don't do it!” - you were practically begging. Jacob was silent, staring at his lap. Another second passed. „Go to your room. Jacob Archibald Thrombey. - said Walt eventually through clenched teeth. - You won't have dinner today.” And your brother stormed from a kitchen, face pale from rage. Then you heared how door in his room slammed. You were still listening, when Walt said: „Eat, dove. You are such a good girl. We are proud of you, y/n” „Jacob has so much ambitions, but I don't think there's anything behind them. - Donna added. - Jacob wants to be rich, powerful and respected. But I don't think he is able to make his way to this position. But you! - oh, you will get respect. You're still planing to be an architect, right?” You smiled weakly, but your thought were with your brother.
Once youve finished fried eggs and sausages, you swiftly went out from the kitchen and approached Jacob”s room. Door was locked. You knocked gently: „Jay, may I-” „Fuck off, bitch!” - yelled he. No, not now. You sighed and made your way to your small room. It was a really small room. You managed to place there your bed and writing table only. Even your clothes had to be kept in parents room, which was slightly bigger. Jacob, actually, tried to occupy it but failed.  All your apartment, with kitchen, bathroom and three rooms could fit into one room in Thrombey's house... Martha's house. You didn”t want to be cross at her, you really didn't. You understood that she was there for Harlan when no one else was. That she was honest, kind and absolute goody-two-shooes. That she, eventually, deserved the house. But now memories about this wonderful house returned... Christmas memories.  In the hall a huge Christmas tree stands, bright lights everywhere. More and more presents are arriving. Wonderfull smell of turkey and  potatoes, stuffed in the oven, fills the house. And you and Jacob sits before TV, rewatching «How Grinch stole christmas» and eating candy.  „You're a real-life Grinch!” - say you, and Jacob smiles with this wide and evil smile... You sighed again and stared out. Snowfall begun.
You didn’t even understand what happened. Glowing watches on a shelf showed half passed one. The room were dark, parents were snorting in their room, you could hear it very clearly.  But there was something else. Through cracking of a floor, parent's snorts and howling of the wind you heard another sound that really woke you. There was something like whimpering... very light, barely audible - but heartwreching even in slumber. That's why you woke up.  You jumped off your bed and run into Jacob”s room. He was tossing and turning in his bed, moaning, like he was in pain. You shook him: „Jacob, wake up! Please, dear, wake up, it's just a dream” And he opened his eyes, pure terror in them.  „I couldn't find the exit... - he croaked. - There were no exit, like only room and a hallway, but I couldn't go out, I-” „It's just a nightmare, - you whispered, helping him to sit. - You fell asleep hungry and had a nightmare. But now it's okay, I'm here. Do you want me to find you something to eat?” You didn't get a proper responce, but still went to the kitchen. You spred four pieces of bread with butter and honey and made two cups of milky tea.  You returned to Jacob's room with tray, proud of not waking your parents up. You found your brother in the same position, hugging his knees and staring blankly into the void.  „Here, - you said, - I've brought food. Don't you think it's cool to have a night snack from time to time?” Jacob said nothing. He ate his bread and butter, and then yours, but didn't touch his tea. „Come on, - you gently urged him, - your tea will get cold” He obediently took a cup and drank it in one gulp. You stared at him. You didn't like when he was sarcastic, or bitter, or rude to you, good god, you didn't - but this doll-like state of his was even worse. „Jacob, please, tell me, what are you thinking about? - you said, taking his hand. He firstly tried to pull his hand out, but this time your grip was strong.” And then he said: „How on earth we're going to live?” You blinked: „What?” „Am I speaking Russian, y/n? I said, how we're going to live? Don't you see where it's going? Dad is a crappy businessman, and mom will never earn enough for four peope! We don't starve now? But we will! I hate this old bastard so much, I hope he suffered before he died, how could he, how could-” „Jacob” - you started seriously, but then you noticed how a tear rolled down your brother's cheek. Your swallowed. You wanted to comfort him so much, to hold him close to you.  But you knew you have to act slowly and at ease to succeed - or he will kick you out. „Jacob, - now your tone was low and steady, - please, listen to me. It's only your fear. Your perception is a bit curved. We were upper-class, we lived in luxury. And now we will just become the middle-class. It doesn't mean starvation. I'm absolutely sure dad will establish his publishing house, because he's smart and knows so much about publishing business - and because he loves us. He doesn't want us, his family, to be poor. There are, actually, some virtues in our position. We don't have grandpa's money, right, but on the other hand we're independent now. We don't have to act nicely with anyone if we don't want to” While you were talking, you slowly moved closer, put your hands on Jacob's shoulders and then - on his back. And after that you hugged him tightly, unable to restrain a sigh.  You didn't expect much, but then this happened. Jacob, your nasty, supposedly heartless brother hugged you back and put his head on your shoulder. Such thing happened only once, five years ago, when you fell ill with a serious flu.  You could barely breath. You forgot when you were so happy last time. „Jacob, Jacob, - you whispered, rocking him gently, - do you want me to stay with you this night?” He nodded. You turned out the lamp and got into bed. There was a moment when you got scared he won't let you hug him again, but he snuggled to you eagerly. „Rest, honey. - you kissed his forehead. - We will be fine. Believe me. We will be fine, we will be happy. I can even built another home one day, just for us. I can do it. I will be an architect, remember?” Soon his breathing became slow. He fell asleep. And you stayed awake for a bit longer, stroking his hair and back. Jacob was a difficult person, but you knew how to handle him. You loved your brother more than anything.
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mizulekitten · 6 years
So uh, this au idea kinda evolved because of this art right here and it just... went places. There’s a more summerized idea/more concrete facts under the cut, so... yee. Have a sorta ficlet, sorta au talk:
Keith's never been truly alone in his lifetime. He's been scorned, hated, ignored, tossed away, but never alone. There's always been one constant in his life, a voice that spoke into his ear and kept him company. Even when he was younger, so young to not remember, he knows that they were there. That /he/ was there.
Keith doesn't know when he became truly aware of Yorak's presance, one day he simply... was. He was playing and looked up to find Yorak, just as young as he was, watching him. They talked, and they played, and they've been together ever since. Sometimes Yorak would be in front of him, visible, and sometimes he'd only be a presence in Keith's head. His father had always assumed that Yorak was his imaginary friend (without any idea of what else Yorak could be besides that. His father was unnerved by the use of the name Yorak, the name Krolia wished to name Keith, but there had to be a reason. Maybe he had said it once? He doesn't know. None of them know.)
Keith and Yorak are very similiar, but they aren't the same. A younger Keith had brought it up once, "Maybe we're twins?" but Yorak had disagreed. "Twins doesn't feel right," and Yorak's feelings were /always/ right, at least to a childhood Keith they were.
Yorak was almost exactly like Keith (or was Keith almost exactly like Yorak?) except the yellow scalera of his eyes, pointed teeth like fangs, slightly elongated ears, retractable claws, and occasionally a tail (Yorak was never sure if a tail felt right or not, but he knew everything else did.) When puberty hit, Yorak had spiked several inches taller than Keith had, but otherwise, the same.
Their personalities also differed a bit. They had both become pessamistic of people, yet Yorak's pessimism ran far deeper. Keith, despite how many times his heart had been broken by "friends" and "family" alike, still felt an instinctual hope whenever someone tried to get close. He hid it behind defensiveness, a bite to his voice, and an indifference that fooled many - except for Yorak. Yorak always knew what Keith was feeling, thinking, and more. It was Yorak who had lost all hope. Yorak would remind Keith that everything came to an end, and that they'd be shipped out eventually. They had been hurt too many times for Yorak to dare hope again. At first, he hadn't done it that often, but as they (Keith, not they. No one could see Yorak, hear him, feel him.) got rejected again and again, he became more vocal about it.
Where as Keith was protective of people, despite their many wrongs, Yorak was only protective of /Keith/. When Keith got in trouble for something "stupid",  it was Yorak who would worry about him. It was Yorak who cared. He couldn't fight alongside Keith against bullies, yell at adults for being wrong, or even hug Keith after a long hard day. All he could do was console Keith with words the best he could.
When they met Shiro, when they got into the Garrison, Keith desperetly hoped that the other would stay, would be the one to prove him and Yorak wrong. He was still prickly, hard to approach, but Shiro built doors in his walls, and walked his way in. Yorak had no such responce. Yorak hated Shiro for the longest time, a fact he brought up more so in the beginning, less so as Keith and Shiro got closer, as Keith finally made an actual friend (Wasn't he a friend?). Generally he would sulk, count all the ways things would go wrong and Shiro would leave them (Keith, would leave /Keith/. Shiro, no one, knew he existed. He needed to get that through his thick skull already.)
When Shiro kept sticking up for them, he eventually, begrudgingly, began to give Shiro another pass, a chance to worm his way into his own heart as well. Hard to do considering Shiro didn't know Yorak existed, but it was his treatment of Keith that gave Shiro points. Yorak was dedicated to Keith, and to see someone else /finally/ care as much as he did was both a blessing and a curse. There was less of Keith's time dedicated to him, more dedicated to Shiro, but to finally see Keith florish? It had to be worth it. It had to be.
The Kerberos failure was met with grim numbness, an accelerated mourning than that of Keith's, as he was less attached (Part of him, a selfish, selfish part, was glad Shiro was gone. Keith's attention was all his again. His alone when they [Keith! Only Keith! You don't exist!] resigned from the Garrison.)
The year in the desert had its ups and downs. It was Keith and Yorak, together again and striking it out on their own, but it was also more than that. It was each of their mourning, Keith more so than his own, it was their occasional (more often in the beginning) fights, it was feeling all the pain Keith was experiencing and not knowing how to help. It was a blessing. It was a curse.
And now they're in space, Shiro's back, scarred but back, and Yorak has no idea what to do. He can feel Red curling around them (Or is it just Keith? He can never tell, hasn't been able to in years.) and can feel their bonds in Voltron, but where does he belong? It's a question both he and Keith have, but at the end of the day, where Keith is dedicated to saving the galaxy, Yorak isn't.
Yorak's dedication will always begin and end with Keith.
This accidentally became a sorta ficlet? I didnt mean to get into Yorak's head but like.. so be it.
To highlight details: Keith can see and hear Yorak, but no one else can. Keith can't touch Yorak, and Yorak can't touch or interact with anything/one besides Keith. Keith used to speak aloud to Yorak, but when that gained too many questions (and a forced trip to a psychiatrist by an over concerned family, who returned him not long after, because "a kid his age shouldn't have imaginary friends anymore") he began to keep the thoughts to himself, knowing Yorak could simply read them. In the desert he gave up that habit because he /needed/ to speak. There were days where, despite how quiet he tends to be, not speaking felt like a cage, like he'd forget a piece of his humanity. This is becoming another mini ramble/ficlet xD
Red is well aware that Yorak is there, and is... a tad confused at first about him? Red’s embraced him because of how similar he and Keith are, and because he cares so deeply for Keith. Their mini connection is a bit a result of them both being connected to Keith, and both being creatures of similar descent (ie. quintessence eating and psychic connections).
Most importantly: Yorak isn't, for me at least, a stress response. Yorak is a real... creature. He feeds off quintessence much like the Lions, Sincline, and the Void Monsters do, but he doesn't feed mindlessly. He also doesn't know /what/ he is (so he kinda is feeding mindlessly, but not in excess). He doesn't know that he feeds off quintessence or anything. They don't have any idea what he is. My idea was, that given enough quintessence (whether on accident or on purpose), Yorak would become more physical, and thus be able to interact with his environment and have other's see and hear him, but this is all my idea around it.
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Conflict: 3/4 (kill us, this drabble was supposed to be only 2 parts)
Shuichi suppresses his worry with a gulp, and knocks. “Can I come in?” The detective manages to ask coherently. Now that both parts were together again and working in some semblance of harmony, it felt pretty close to normalcy; with an added shot of anxiety. I wonder if he heard at all through the walls? I don’t know if I like that.
Kokichi had been in his void for that last couple hours though it could have been longer. He wasn't sure. He had herd Kaito's banging but didn't feel like moving. He would just call Shu anyway.
The kistune was surprised at all to hear their voices not long after. He couldn't really make out what they were saying. Suddenly Shu's voice was right outsaid the door. All he herd was muffled noise but he didn't need to know what was said to know what was going on.
Popping halfway out of the hole the fox raised his voice only so the other could hear him through the door. "This is your room. You don't need my permission to enter." He pulled himself completely out of the hole and just sat on the floor in the dark room.
“I-I...” The detective stops and chooses not to argue the point, slowly turning the door open and stepping inside. He closes the door behind him immediately, and regrets it, since he can no longer see. Shuichi just quietly drops his briefcase to the side and shifts his weight between his feet. “Um... S-so I...” His throat’s already threatening to close up on him. Shit, this is hard Let me out... The male swallows and tries again, each second that passes feels like daggers digging into his chest. “I’m sorry. I wasn’t-... N-no, no there’s no excuse. I’m sorry, I pushed us both away without giving a reason...” Shuichi hangs his head, honestly he’s not even sure where exactly Kokichi is in the small room. 
Kokichi just shrugged his shoulders even though he knew the detective couldn't see him. He, himself could see perfectly fine.
"Like I've said many times before. Everyone has their secrets. I just didn't think you had any. Guess I was wrong. I mean its not lying if you just don't talk about it." The liar made sure to keep his voice void of emotion. He just stayed sitting next to the others desk.
Is he seriously not going to ask? Maybe we can just coast this one out- He’s distant. He doesn’t like not knowing everything. Tell him. But- Get out of my way, plebeian. Shuichi stumbles over seemingly nothing for a moment, luckily catching himself before he could make too much of an ass of himself. “Ugh... Okay. I get that you’re not in the greatest mood right now, but I’m still going to sit and tell you something important.” His anxious appearance was gone now, replaced by mild annoyance, rolling his shoulders out before stepping over to sit on the edge of his bed. “Weather you listen or not is up to you, but I recommend you do.”
Fox ears twitched at the sound of Shuichi stumbling. He looked at the detective slightly paniced but was relieved to see he had caught himself.
Then Shu was different again. Hes noticed this a few times but it was usually only small incidents. He listened to him talk. Wow this new side was really demanding...
Shaking his head out to try and rid the small blush on his face, the liar stood up and walked over to his roommates bed. He just sat down next him and kicked his legs slightly to pretend he was okay. "Hmmmm. I always listen to you. Well, almost." A small smirk spread across his face for a few seconds before it was gone."But when it's important. I do listen. I may not obey depending on what is said but I do listen."
I always like listening to you... Momo-chan too.
He kept those two thoughts to himself. The kitsune wasn't sure how the detective would react to that plus he was still a little mad at him. He was also slightly afraid he'd actually truly angered the taller boy. He was somewhat anxious so he continued to kick his feet.
Shuichi grins with a little scoff, "Of course you do. You can be a thorn in my side, but I can't deny that there's an... Appeal there."
The male sighs after that, leaning back into the bed with a grunt. "Okay, talking about My Shit time. Now, I've only ever told Kaito-kun and that was back in high school. Maki-chan heard it from him, so it'd be preferred if you kept this to yourself. I won't forgive you if-" He cranes his head up to look at the kitsune- eyes having since adjusted, and uses his fingers to make quotations "You 'Spill the tea', as some simpletons say." The detective appears to dismiss his own warning with a wave of a hand and a grin that doesn't quite reach his eyes.
Kokichi was not expecting him to be confident. He liked it but had no idea how to respond to him. He finally figured out to deal with him when he was shy and that obviously was out the window now. He was at a loss and he really hated it. It was as if he was talking to a completely different person which really didn't help his fight or flight responce.
The kitsune's head snapped up at being told he wouldn't be forgiven. He just stared at the detective laying next to him. His face was a mix of anger and confusion. He let his face express his inner feelings as he was confident that Shuichi couldn't see them.
It took almost a whole minute before he could figure out a responce. His voice went back to being devoid of any emotion. " I... Uh... I don't see why I would do that." He looked forward at his legs again and furrowed his brows.
While the room was silent, the detective was at war internally once again. No no no! You're screwing this up! Why?! Quiet down, you're giving me a headache- You give me one all the time! And I could throw you back in the driver’s seat and let you deal with all this. ... Thought so, yellow-belly. Why do you insult everyone you meet? Why do you cower? ... I still hate you. Shuichi snaps back to attention, gripping his head painfully "I'm s-sorry. He wants to lock me away because of the wreckage I cause, not that I completely agree with him on that point." He knows he's stalling. "Ugh, fuck it. The sooner I explain, the sooner I can sleep this pain away." The male slowly sits up, wincing at the ice-pick stabbing into his brain, grunting out “I-I have D.I.D... Dissociative Identity Disorder. ‘Other Specified Dissociative Disorder’, is what’s written in my med chart ‘m pretty sure... Shit, this hurts...”
Kokichi listened to him talk. He didn't like that this was hurting him. "D.I.D..." He mumbled it slightly under his breath only to look at him with a worried look. He grabbed onto the detectives arm without thinking as he asked. "Is this hurting you? I-Is there anything I can do to help?" He hesitated before noticing he was holding onto his arm and let go before asking. "A-Am I causing the pain?"
The detective doesn’t flinch away and shakes his head vehemently, earning himself  enough pain for black dots to dance across his vision. “N-no, the fact you’re not running away or blowing up my head with questions is m-more then we could ask for. Switching can hurt like a bitch. It’s really bad righ’ now for some reason.” It takes a few seconds but Shuichi does manage to explain why, scratching gently across his scalp; trying to ease the pounding between his ears “P-probably because I blew up not long ago. Everyone who knows me agrees that I need to stay away from people when I do that.”
Kokichi let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. He looked at the detective still worried. "Why would I run? And no I don't really. I may not know much about it but I'd rather learn by watching you."
The kitsune tilted his head. "Blow up? Uh okay. But this really doesn't seem normal and you seem fine to me. Your more confident but thats all I have gotten so far." He lets out a shaky breath. "but I am causing you pain cause I am keeping you out. I'd rather you go back to normal so you can stop being in so much pain." He then added very quietly "I... Don't like it..."
Shuichi grunts, holding his tongue. This is my normal for fucks sake! No one likes you, that’s why I’m always out. “I don’t have complete control over that but... I’ll try.” He speaks with a distinct air of exhausted resignation. Shuichi lays back down slowly and curls up into a ball. And there he stays for a while with his eyes shut tight, motionless.  Take it. Take the wheel back. I’m done. I’m only concerned for Kokichi-kun... A little later, the detective’s body twitches. “... Oww...” He whimpers.
Kokichi crawls over to the other male. He lays down on his side just watching the other for a couple seconds before letting out a sigh. Well, that had gone terrible... He moved to laying on his back now watching the ceiling. He wondered if there was anything he could have done to make that go better. He probably had just had made that other part pissed at him. He was good at doing that no matter how hard he tries not to. 
Hearing the detective whimper the kitsune rolled back onto his side. He furrowed his eyebrow's as Shuchi still seemed to be in pain. “It didn’t help...” He let out an annoyed huff and was back onto his back glaring at the ceiling. He wasn’t mad at the other, it was more cause he was at a lost at what to do. He just wanted to help Shu... He let out another sigh and sat up. “I’ll get Momota. He’ll be able to help you at least.” He then moved to start getting off the bed by trying to climb over the half ghost. 
Shuichi laid there, usual consciousnesses ebbing back into his bones. Until he heard Kokichi’s words and then movement. “Noo...” The male tiredly reaches out for the kitsune, loosely grasping at the other’s shirt, “Y-you don’t need t’ go... Don’t...”  No, don’t bother Kaito-kun... Stay with me... Too unstable... White, hot emotion swells up in his chest and the detective sobs quietly, releasing his shaky grip a second later. “ ‘m sorry. You sh-shouldn’t be dealing with m-me...” Shuichi covers his face, unable to handle the other seeing his tear-stained face “D-damnit, damnit all...”
Kokichi blinked as his shirt was grabbed, keeping him firmly above the other. He ignored the heat to his face and chose to listened to the detective below him. The sob had erased any red from his face in seconds however. He moved back and laid back down next to the taller male. This time he laid down in away so he could pull his Shu into a hug. 
“I am here cause I want to be Shu.” He took a deep breath and decided telling the other his own thoughts would be better. “Look we both suck at this shit but I am over my petty anger. I really had no right to even be angry in the first place but that’s not important right now.” Another intake of breath before he continued. “I am not mad at you. Not at any part of you. I just want to help but I don’t know how. It’s really annoying and stupid.” He snorts slightly. “an’ being a leader and all it’s down right shameful!” He huffs in pout trying to be a little playful. 
The detective desperately clings for a moment before relaxing for the first time since walking into the room and nods his head in response to Kokichi, too emotional to even try to use his voice right that second. 
Shuichi’s receptive to the kitsune’s joke, a choked puff of mirth escaping his lips. He sniffles pathetically but starts pulling himself together. “Th-thank you. I wish I-I could tell you something you could do b-but... There’s no quick f-fix for... This.” The brief, lighter feeling his chest was extinguished after saying that. “I’m sorry... ‘made this worse again... I just need painkillers and sleep...”
Kokichi relaxed himself feeling the taller male relax. He huffed at the quick fix comment. “That’s not what I meant. You don’t need fixing. I got to see a small bit of a side of you that most don’t get to see. I do wanna see that side again but only when it’s not gonna cause you pain. I was talking about the headache.” 
The kitsune flipped his tails in annoyance, shaking his head. “Nope! You didn’t do a thing! I just need to learn how to deal with all of you and not just this part. Once I do this won’t happen again cause then I won’t activate my stupid fight or flight response.” Honestly he was more annoyed that, that even happened. He acted like Shu was a stranger but he’s not! He just saw a side he wasn't use to nothing more, nothing less. 
“But-” Shuichi gives up on whatever point he was about to make. He pulls away from the hug to wipe his eyes, “O-okay. I won’t try to rebut any of that... Except, just... D-don’t blame yourself.” He wants to prove that he’s finally feeling better, and the only way he knows how to do that, is to smile. It’s small, but he tries.  I wonder what he was doing... No, I’ll ask him another day. “My head still aches but I think I’m stabilizing.” He stares at his hands, adding mindlessly “He went to sleep, so my head’s going to be a little empty for a while. hehe...” 
Kokichi just grinned up at him. “all right! It’s a deal!” His two tails thump against the bed as he was glad to see the other was feeling better. He nodded his head. “Then you should too! And I’ll be your guard fox!” He still hasn’t let the detective go from the hug liking his warmth to much.
"A-a guard fox?" He tilts his head in thought. Shuichi was becoming aware that dispite letting go, Kokichi was still holding him. And it didn't feel terrible, either.
The male hums, which turns into a yawn, "If that's what you want then, okay." He relents easily.
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