#i wish Griselda got a character arc
violet-moonstone · 6 months
1, 6, 11, 16 for the HTTYD asks! Thank you for making them! 🫶
Thanks for asking!
Which part of the series was your introduction to HTTYD? How old were you when you first became a fan?
HTTYD 1! My social studies teacher showed it to my class instead of teaching us the Vikings unit, lol. I learned nothing about actual Vikings but gained a lifelong obsession. I was 10 when the movie came out, so I've been into this franchise for over half of my life. I find it kind of funny because I remember thinking the movie would be absolutely terrible when I saw the trailers (I thought it was a "boy movie"....yeah I was like that as a kid) and then I never shut up about it for 14 years, lol.
6. What are your favourite ships in the fandom and why?
Ok IMMEDIATELY Dagcup comes to mind. I LOVE ship dynamics that basically resemble the dynamic between a chaotic dog and an exasperated cat. (Although Hiccup is pretty chaotic too to be fair. He just seems so rational in comparison to Dagur) I've also got a huge crush on both Dagur and Hiccup so that helps, lol. Vigcup is probably a close second.
Honestly though, I'm a fan of most of the popular non-canon ships in the fandom and most of the canon ones -- and even rare or crack ships I can eventually get behind.
My current favourite rarepair (that I'm pretty sure only I ship...for the time being) is Drago Bludvist and Skuld the Sorceress. I also ship Chaghatai Khan and Griselda the Grievous (and I came up with some OCs to be their kids).
11. What are your favourite locations in the Barbaric Archipelago?
This is gonna sound like a cop out but...pretty much all Berk in movie 1 - the first film has my absolute favourite set designs, textures, and colour schemes. The forests, the houses, the great hall, the sea stacks...all of it is breathtaking. This photo in particular makes me wish I could visit movie 1 Berk in real life:
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The vibrant colours in the following movies are wonderful, but to me, they don't quite say Berk the way the first movie does. I understand that the art direction was probably trying to reflect how allying with the dragons brightened the lives of the characters...but I still think cold, dark Berk can still be a happy place.
I also very much enjoy Caldera Cay/Defenders of the Wing Island in RTTE. I like seeing how the architectural style of the Defenders of the Wing differs from that of other groups in the Archipelago. Their style is so utilitarian, it makes Berk look luxurious! And it makes the dragon-related decorative elements of their ceremonial architecture stand out even more.
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16. What is your favourite plot arc?
Ooooh that's a tough one. I don't have *one* specific one in mind, but I think I have to go with any epsiodes in RTTE that feature the rivalry between the riders and the Hunters. Watching Viggo and Hiccup constantly try to outsmart each other is so fun.
Thanks again for asking! You'll probably see some questions in your inbox from me soon!
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charmixpower · 2 years
ok, ok, so
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I feel like my ranking will surprise no one
S tier for Blorbo ranking, A tier for living rent free in my head, B tier for ones I like a normal amount, C for vaugely positive to neutral, D for fuck these guys, and I added a F row just for Darkar
Normally Faragona would be in C tier but I'm rewatching s1 and uhhhh. Well I see why she has anti's now
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darkpoisonouslove · 4 years
2020 in Words
After the total exhaustion and lack of motivation of the last few months, I have finally found the strength to review 2020. In terms of writing, that is. Otherwise, we ain’t touching that with a 100-foot pole. But anyway, let’s get to the actual good part of 2020 - the writing.
Word Count:
678, 105 words
And that isn’t actually all. I have started various things that 2021 caught still in progress so there are more words to be added to that number but I’ll count them towards whatever time frame I finish them in (I do not even dare assume that all of them will be finished this year).
A little over 1/7th of that word count was accomplished only in March when I wrote over 100k words. Wow, productivity where did you go? I know that the world is going to hell but do you mind coming back? I can use you. I have so many new ideas that I am really excited about but totally lack the energy to actually get to. Hope that will change in the next weeks because there is A Lot going on in my head that I am actually dying to share.
Winx Club has totally taken over for me. I have barely written five works this year that are not about that show and I just don’t know what is happening anymore. I have so many thoughts and things to discuss and fix about it and I have a feeling that some upcoming events will only reinforce that position. But what truly matters is that it has truly made 2020 more bearable to be in the fandom and write fic. The interactions with other fans have been lovely which is totally worth the brain damage that some experiences over this show have inflicted.
Once Upon a Time lurked until about the half of the year but I can’t say that I have been actively interested in it. I just rewatched 4A for the Frozen Swan interactions and 4B for Cruella De Vil and that was pretty much all of it this year. I think it’s safe to say that at this point I have more or less moved on from the show and I do not expect a miraculous comeback to it. Which leaves my rewatch dangling over the chasm of uncertainty but I have projects I am far more interested in rn to be thinking about that.
I actually joined the Lucifer fandom this year, though I cannot say that I am active in it at all. It was nice to challenge myself with the small contribution I made to the fanworks in the fandom so I am putting it here because I am not done with watching the show even though I don’t think I have a good enough grasp on any of the characters in order to actually write them.
Well, 2020 definitely delivered on that front. I have found myself piles of new ships to ship the hell out. Some I am more grateful about, others leave me slightly bitter over not knowing what to do with them but it certainly hasn’t been boring. Because this is my wrap-up and contemplation, I get to list them and maybe say a couple of words about some of them.
Griffin x Valtor - Not new but it was definitely the biggest part of that year.
Griffin x Valtor x Faragonda - New in the sense of me having written a fic about this now... and having several more ideas on my drives so... beware, future!
Griffin x Faragonda - Also not new but when the feelings catch up with me, they really mean it. Two major bursts of inspiration about them have left me with interesting results and I am looking forward to finding out where this goes.
Marion x Oritel - That was new. It was the first new ship of the year. I have more ideas about them but the muse has not visited lately. I am not giving up, though. Sometimes you gotta sail the ship even when there’s no wind.
Flora x Icy - That was definitely a surprise. I don’t know what happened but I do know that a goddamn look at Pinterest has brought on an entire epic about them (and the other Trix and Winx) so... thanks for that, Pinterest. I wish you could pin free time on Pinterest and go consume it later so that I would actually have the time to work on all of this.
Layla x Stella - Oh, yeah, baby! I have feelings and I really want to do at least an outline of what would be too long to actually write as a fic, especially since I have A Lot on my plate rn.
Griffin x Griselda - Well, that... happened. I have no idea where any of this is going, only that it is a major part of Griffin’s arc in my most major series so... I guess it’s headed somewhere. Just have to stay along for the ride.
Zarathustra x Griselda - So totally trashcankitty12′s fault... But I guess I am the one responsible for actually including it in already ongoing stories.
Ediltrude x DuFour - Okay, that one I totally roped myself into. Do I regret it? ... Maybe a little because it may need to remain just background thanks to everything else that I have going on.
Griffin x Marion - Almost forgot that which is a damn shame because it is one of my absolute most favorite ships.
Griffin x Valtor x Marion - Not gonna lie, this has been sneaking into some stray ideas too repetitively to be an accident. Will it ever exist outside of my head, though?
Samara x Erendor - I just wanted to make them more likable to me because they were my least favorite characters on the show. Worked too well and now I am in fic hell.
Bloom x Sky - I got ONE idea, okay? Too bad that I love it too much for my own good, especially considering that it is sort of a rewrite of the series. Like I didn’t have enough of those already.
There are more, actually, but we will be here all day if I have to list every stray idea that I have entertained so let’s just move on.
Winx Club - 80 (4 unfinished and 3 that I have been dragging with me since 2019 for a total of 7/111 incomplete.)
OUAT - 3 (all finished but I have two collections that are still open from 2019 and 2018 respectively)
Lucifer - 1 (it was a one-shot but I am glad that I managed to write it at all)
Original works - 1 (poem that I came up with at 4am)
That makes a total of 85 written works this year which is honestly astounding! My brain has been harping on me about not being productive since June but I have actually gotten quite a lot of work done! (Fun fact - my total for 2019 was 58 stories, and for 2020 it is 85 XD. We’re gonna need some new numbers in 2021.)
First fic of the year - Gold and Purple (Griffin x Valtor AU inspired by a Bulgarian folk tale)
Last fic of the year - New Warmth to Weave in Your Garden of Shine (Samara x Erendor + New Year traditions and worldbuilding on Eraklyon)
Favorite writing moment - that has got to be coming up with a wild idea for my season  rewrite that I will not be spoiling now. It was also inspired by Bulgarian folklore and I am so excited to reveal it (because it is so fucking grand) but we will all have to be patient.\
Wildest writing experience - definitely the entirety of chapter 4 from A Home You Never Knew How to Have. Man, that was... a goddamn ride. In every sense of the word. I still haven’t reread that bitch after posting it even though I have opened it probably a hundred times.
I launched several series this year that will need a lot of work to be brought to completion. Naturally, my focus is not on finishing those but on starting new things. Because of course it is. So here’s a heads-up for another post that will be coming shortly with announcements of my ideas. I would like to call it a plan for 2021 but I fear that will be too presumptuous of me so I will say that it is my hope that those are things that are to be released this year but I will only lapel them as projects that I am looking forward to rather than “upcoming”.
Other Works:
This year actually bore a couple other forms of art so I am going to list my creations in other mediums below because they deserve the attention.
Ediltrude & Zarathustra
Siren AU:
Magic-Swapped Transformations:
Griffin Winx
Ediltrude Winx
Zarathustra Winx
Griffin Chamrix
Ediltrude Chamrix
Zarathustra Chamrix
Griffin Enchantix
Ediltrude Enchantix
Zarathustra Enchantix
Griffin/Valtor - The Devil I Know
Winx - Trouble
Marion x Oritel/Griffin x Valtor/Faragonda x Hagen - Savage
Bloom/Mitzi - Wicked
Samara - You Should See Me in a Crown
Bloom/Sky - Kerosene
Winx Rewatch:
I actually rewatched all 8 seasons of the show + the 3 movies and I have written out my thoughts on all of them. You can find them here:
Winx Club Season 1 4kids (Stream of Consciousness) (I am actually considering redoing this one because it wasn’t in-depth like the others are)
Winx Club Season 2 4kids Part 1 (Stream of Consciousness)
Winx Club Season 2 4kids Part 2 (Stream of Consciousness)
Winx Club Season 3 4kids Part 1 (Stream of Consciousness)
Winx Club Season 3 4kids Part 2 (Stream of Consciousness)
Winx Club: The Secret of the Lost Kingdom (Stream of Consciousness)
Winx Club Season 4 Part 1 (Stream of Consciousness)
Winx Club Season 4 Part 2 (Stream of Consciousness)
Winx Club: Magical Adventure (Stream of Consciousness)
Winx Club Season 5 Part 1 (Stream of Consciousness)
Winx Club Season 5 Part 2 (Stream of Consciousness)
Winx Club: Mystery of the Abyss (Stream of Consciousness)
Winx Club Season 6 Part 1 (Stream of Consciousness)
Winx Club Season 6 Part 2 (Stream of Consciousness)
Winx Club Season 7 Part 1 (Stream of Consciousness)
Winx Club Season 7 Part 2 (Stream of Consciousness)
Winx Club Season 8 Part 1 (Stream of Consciousness)
Winx Club Season 8 Part 2 (Stream of Consciousness)
Winx Club Special 1: Destiny of Bloom (Stream of Consciousness)
Winx Club Special 2: Revenge of the Trix (Stream of Consciousness)
Winx Club Special 3: The Battle for Magix (Stream of Consciousness)
Winx Club Special 4: The Shadow Phoenix (Stream of Consciousness)
I will not be writing any takeaways because I already talked about some of those in an ask and my brain is too fired at the moment to pull off some actual analysis and compose a proper conclusion. To be perfectly honest, I prefer not to think too much on 2020. It brought a lot of good things along with the bad but I still prefer not to look back on it if it isn’t necessary. I think it received enough of my energy already.
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the-crippled-god · 3 years
Ys: Memories of Celceta
This is the first SEVENS engine game I've finished. I played about 5 hours of Ys: SEVEN on the PSP, and didn't enjoy the combat system much. That carried through to this game, at least for the first half. It's too button mashy, and the AI partners are useless.
However, once you start getting skills, and enemies get tough enough you actually have to dodge/block it starts to be fun. Really wish the AI was a bit smarter, but I ended up enjoying the system none the less.
It really feels like you can break this game in half if you found a reliable way to farm gold and abused the weapon upgrade system. Only shame is that bosses are immune to all status effects.
As a general rule, I was struggling to get through this game up until I got to the Primeval Lands, then the story actually kicks off and the combat gets good.
As far as complaints, here:
- This is a PC port of a PS4 port of a Vita game, and you feel it. Everything works, but certain aspects of the controls, and all of the interfaces and menus, are designed for a touch screen. It's never really a problem, but it looks ugly. They tried to make the game look better with shaders and AA, but the models are really low poly and the textures are pretty low res, it looks fine most of the time, but sometimes cutscenes look really rough.
- The game is about creating a map. But the map you're trying to fill in is offset from the terrain, so to get those last few percentages you need to hug the walls in certain areas, and it really feels like they should've either caught this in QA, or patched the game when they ported it from the Vita
That's pretty much it. Other complaints are a lot more subjective or petty (combat starts a little too hard, but becomes too easy, gold feels too scarce up until you no longer need it, etc.).
Story wise, this is a lot beefier (or at least wordier) than previous games, so I'll skim just the important bits, and bit I found charming:
- The framing device of the series is finally made explicit: What we're experiencing are re-tellings (from several centuries later) of travelogues left behind by Adol, and that Adol was a legendary adventurer who brought about the 'Age of Discovery'
- Adol finally has a personality: He's inquisitive and curious to the point of it being a character flaw, he can't help but stick is nose into everything and constantly hound people with questions. He also really likes lame jokes. I found him actually charming, which I wasn't expecting.
- The era of the world is much more clear: It's less medieval, and more early age of conquest type stuff, large empires are sending armies and explorers to frontiers in attempts to map and rule the enitre world.
- Duran is a fun companion, if only because he gets to be the butt of every joke. The twist with his background is a good way of giving the character depth when he's also the only character without his own arc in the story.
- Karna is boring. Maybe this is just because I read the (5 chapters available in english) of the Mask of the Sun manga and she's much more fun there. Her and Remnos's story just being a redo of the Fact brother's story from Origin didn't really help. I like Remnos though, which he had more presence in the story.
- Ozma is also boring. He's just kind of a type or character I don't like. The whole one with nature / compelled by sacred duty thing always feels tedious to me. He also has the least personality, he never really has conversations with the other compansions, he's just kinda there.
- Calilica is adorable. Precocious and snarky and thinks she's way smarter than she is? Fun. Every scene with her in it is a good scene.
- Frieda is cool, but the game doesn't really give her enough time to shine. Her snarking at Duran and fooling with Adol is good, and her fairy embarassing her is also good, but there's just not quite enough of it. I'm assuming both her and Duran come back in another game, because boy do they leave a lot of open plot threads lying around in Danan.
- I get that the game is trying to portray Eldeel as benevolent, but he's so weirdly patronizing in how he treats humanity that I wanted to kill him before he turned evil.
- Griselda also needs more screen time, for such a cool design it's a shame she's relegated to only a couple inconsequential scenes.
Okay, very quick high level story summary (mostly just the bits that matter to the over all series):
At the start of the game Adol has lost his memories, he's already been through the Great Forest once, but doesn't remember it. The new Governer General of Casnan/Celceta (okay this is confusing, is Celceta just the ancient kingdom, or is it also the new one run by the Ronoms? Casnan is certainly the city, but characters are inconsistent on the name of the country), Griselda, arrives and sends Adol and Duran on a quest to map the Great Forest. They set out to map the forest, and see about recovering Adol's memory. They evenutally meet Ozma and Karna, and help them with some problems their respective villages are having. In solving these problems they encounter a beast tamer and a magician, who are up to no good. Reporting on map progress to Griselda, and trying to work out where to go next, Adol runs into her new aide, Gruda. Duran recovers a journal Adol wrote before losing his memories (spoilers: presumably recovered from his grave by Frieda), that hints at how to cross the rives and reach the Primeval Lands. Upon reaching the Primeval Lands Adol and company encounter Adol's own gravestone, and the village of Highland. Highland worhips the 'god' Eldeel, who lives in a tower nearby surrounded by storms. Adol was brought there previously by one of Eldeel's apostles Leeza. Highland is surrounded by a barrier field that causes anyone who leaves it to forget anything about it. This is how Adol lost his memories. The people of Highland found his belongings at the foot of a waterfall, and assumed he drowned. Adol had previously met with Eldeel and been given something. Eldeel is a god who imparts knowledge onto various humans in order to guide civilization, because although people forget highland upon leaving, they'll eventually be inspired by the knowledge he gave them, and believe they came up with the ideas themselves. The example he gives is granting the losing side of an ongoing naval war access to a more advanced ship design, evening the odds. The game aggressively skims over how that likely just massively increased the death toll of the conflict, but don't worry Eldeel is a good guy, promise.
Here's where the game gets a little odd. Eldeel is blatantly the same race as Reah and Feena. Adol I guess doesn't talk about this because he doesn't remember Ys? You eventually get memories back of Dogi, but never any of what happened in Esteria. Just seems weird to me that even after you recover all your memories, you can't ask Eldeel about where he came from.
Eventually we work out that Eldeel is sick, and sneak into his tower to check on him, there we find evil Eldeel, who demands that Adol return the Mask of the Sun, something Eldeel gave to him the last time they met. We now know how Adol lost his memories. Eldeel gave him the Mask, for some reason (I think to destroy it, but we'll get to that), the his sickness took over, turning him bad, where upon he chased Adol down and knocked him off a waterfall. So, the Mask should be in his grave, right? Nope, we already investigated the grave for other reasons, and found it empty.
Upon returning to Highland we find it under attack by Ronom soldiers, specifically Gruda, the soldiers are using strength enhancement masks that was being trialled on people from Karna's village. Karna's brother Remnos, also appears to be working with Gruda (along with the two shady people we'd already encountered). Gruda is also looking for the Mask, and his team quickly take control of the tower while Adol and co. are distracted saving the town. Soon after, we find that Gruda and Eldeel have both fled the tower, headed for the ancient kingdom of Celceta.
Somewhere in here we learn the purpose of the Mask of the Sun: it enables the wearer to read the Akashic Records.
Eventually our journey takes us to the hidden city of Danan (Dana? Unclear, map calls it Danan, so), Danan is populated by descendants of people who betrayed the gods 800+ years ago. Eldeel brought them here and forgave them, but the people of Danan continue to maintain records of forbidden knowledge in order to keep the world safe. Duran (and Frieda) is an agent of Danan. Duran saved Adol and brought him back to Casnan at the beginning of the game, intending to leave him, but ended up helping him out. Frieda also recovered the Mask of the Sun from Adol's grave, and it's being kept in the village.
Leeza shows up and takes the mask (believing she can use it to save Eldeel), she has a giant mech, so we can't exactly stop her. The mask is quickly stolen from her by Gruda. This is where we learn that Gruda is also from Danan. He became obsessed with forbidden knowledge a few years back, and left Danan, taking up the old (disgraceful) mantal of the Danan people, calling himself a Darkling. When he left, Frieda's fiancee also left with him, pursued by his younger brother (I'm assuming this will come up in another game).
We chase Gruda and Eldeel (now basically fully evil) to the Temple of the Sun, where the Akashic Records are stored, however we can't follow them inside because it will only open for the wearer of the Mask.
Through the Roos/Roda Tree we learn of the existence of a second (less powerful) mask, the Mask of the Moon, and seek it out. While hunting down the mask we learn some stuff about water dragons that makes Ozma happy, and learn that Remnos was just pretending to be evil (no duh) and save his life. Later we meet the ghost of the old king of Celceta, and learn that Leeza is his descendent. He explains that we can use the Mask of the Moon to surpress Eldeel's dark side, at least for a short while.
We enter the Temple, fight Eldeel, use the Mask of the Moon to make him good again (temporarily), and pursue Gruda (who now has the Mask of the Sun) into the Akashic records. We eventually kill him, but destabilize the records as a result. So, we take the Mask of the Sun and throw is into a volcano (this section is so obviously LotR that it's not even funny), destroying the Akashic Records (and thus freeing humanity from it's pre-written history) forever.
Everyone lives, and Eldeel goes off to kill himself, remarking in much the same way Feena/Reah did in Ys II, that Humanity is much better off than they were in the age of the gods.
So, a few good hooks in there for stuff to come later. The Danans obviously have a lot more going on. There's details about Eldeel and the kingdom of Celceta that hint at the same incident as Ys Origin did (a people betraying the gods, etc.). The confusing piece to me is timelines. Ys fell 700 years ago, Celceta fell 800 years ago, when Celceta was founded, Danans already no longer called themselves Darklings. So, where was Dalles and crew from? Is Eldeel actually one of the God race? Or is he like Reah and Feena, among the betrayers, but stole technology from them in order to help humanity? What's the difference between these betrayers and the Darklings? Hoping the next couple games will answer some of these questions.
Up next is the only Ys game I'd already beaten before starting this. Ys: The Oath in Felghana. I remember really enjoying this game (it's what got me in to the series), and not finding it too long or difficult. Which is weird, because looking it up, it has the repuation for being the most difficult in the series. Let's see how it is on the revisit.
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