#i wish i could get top surgery
thepeanutbutterwizard · 11 months
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emdotcom · 3 days
In this hypothetical, the prosthetics are detachable, able to easily be modified or repaired, even customized for visual or fucntional preferences.
Getting them is about as safe as any other major surgery; certain amount of risk, yadda yadda. There's more details that would sway an answer, if this were something currently going on -- like the cost, can you sub out these prosthetics if they ever halt production, do you need medication to retain them, blah blah-- but, here? This is wish fulfillment. If you have something that hurts, or you wish you could just fix or swap out, you get to have it, just this once.
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cowboycunt · 4 months
someone give me quick easy no stress answer to all of life’s problems
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shleemies · 3 months
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It gets better
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d0d0-b0i · 1 year
it’s weird how much lighter my life feels now. not that i don’t have any issues (because there are many in my life, as i am sure there are in yours), but they’re just so much more manageable than they were a year ago.
​what’s more; i love myself now. i may not be perfect. but i am trying my best, and i can tell that i am! i see myself in the mirror, and sometimes i just examine myself, and my features, and i smile. i feel so much more authentic when talking to people, not worrying about how they view me, because i don’t have to anymore. i wish i could’ve told 15-year old me just how good it’s gotten so far, i know that he would’ve loved hearing about the shitty sideburns we’re growing out right now :’)
#it gets better :)#i used to think that transitioning medically wouldn’t lessen the sadness and depression i felt#and to some degree it is still there since t isn’t a cure all#but by the gods it is so much fucking easier to deal with everything#when a major reason for my mental health being the way it was has been abated#it’s like the fog cleared enough for me to actually see the road i’m driving on#instead of assuming blindly that i won’t crash#once i get top surgery.#idk. i wonder if things will be even easier?#i’m almost a year in and already my life feels so much brighter. yeah there’s problems with keeping the house. and yeah#i don’t have an income yet and i don’t know if the internship will even be in the cards for me#but. i just feel that everything will work out. enough for me to enjoy the time i have here :)#sorry i am being sappy but god! i love and i love! so much now!! i feel so much and i enjoy nearly every day despite the Issues#the world is getting worse but still i find reasons to love and live#so maybe one day it will get better? maybe one day my love will have helped even#if you’re reading. i love you. even if you’re just a follower#even if we’re mutuals that haven’t talked before#i think about you often. i wonder where my oldest mutual went after they stopped posting years ago#i don’t think i can forget. and i love you. and i wish i. could give you a hug. we all need one from time to time#i love the friends i’ve made and the friends i’ve had. i love. and this past year has opened up my floodgates of emotion
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lakesbian · 1 year
Your trans Alec fic is so good, makes me wish I could be a trans guy so badly….. like to just be a guy with a nice voice and good hair lol. I know it’s like not chill to appropriate identity but I’m with Aisha on that one, if cis people could get top surgery I would get it SO fast
oh buddy 😭... Well i'm the person to break this to you i guess. wanting to be trans is in fact a top all-time sign of being trans! and furthermore: you can be a trans guy if you want. you can do that. you're allowed. you don't need my permission, or anyone's permission, but permission granted to do whatever the fuck you want all of the time forever. go be a guy with a nice voice and good hair. nobody can stop you. the only qualification you have to meet to do that is wanting to do that! that's not appropriation it's just having a gender.
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straydogged · 5 months
ohhh did I have a dream about going on t last night???
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axiolotl · 5 months
hmm. got anesthesia & steroid shots today (monday) and spent most of the day napping or nauseous. havent been able to sleep and its 2am.....maybe............take off work tomorrow. lol
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yosh-iro · 6 days
i hope my new binder gets here before friday
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devilatelier · 8 months
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fawnnbinary · 2 years
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rate this geralt I did after drinking
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lesbiansanemi · 2 months
I’m so tired of ppl making art of trans characters and they literally just look 100% cis but with different genitals like how are we not grasping the problem here
#I see it A LOT with the kny fandom which is what inspired this post#like first of all you’re drawing characters from fucking taisho era japan….#no one is on hrt or getting top surgery like it’s just not happening#and like on the one hand I kiiiinda get the ‘but it’s wish fulfillment!’ argument but. when that’s ALL the art that there is of trans#characters…. yeah it’s. not great#i also don’t like the implication that the only conceivable way a trans person could be happy is if they pass perfectly/look 100% cis#even in a fictional setting#ALSO ALSO the fact that y’all seem to be allergic to bottom surgery????#or if you’re using some hand wavy magic thing nobody is swapping their vagina for a penis or vice versa???#like you make them look 100% cis somehow someway but then…. no change to genitals at all….#it feels fetishy imo lmao like idk#there’s a lot of layers to this and my point is that it honestly feels kiiiinda transphobic in a lot of subtle ways#like the fact that we can apparently only depict trans ppl existing if they look cis BUT not their genitals cuz genital change = bad or w/e#and again no even if it’s a trans artist or writer I really don’t think that absolves you from thinking about why this is the only type of#trans character you depict#wish fulfillment or ‘personal representation’ or whatever aside#I think this is a pretty good indicator that you’ve got some internalized things to unpack one way or another idk#kaz rambles
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gotjacobian · 3 months
planning to get the eyebrow piercing this weekend and I'm deeply curious if/how my advisor is going to react.
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kay-claire · 3 months
The whole thing of like, if you come out later in life you're going to go through a phase of being a teenager again is so true and I feel like I'm currently doing that. Like I came out as trans to my mom at 28 and started testosterone 6 months later, and I'm hopefully getting top surgery a month before my 30th birthday, and like. I'm watching Love, Victor (pirated, no money going to Dsiney) at the moment and getting so so emotional about it.
Like the episode where Victor goes to New York and meets a bunch of college-age queers and goes to his first gay night club got me SO emotional. I didn't really have a very exciting teenage or college experience - I really spent most of that time doing art. And I guess my queer experience is different in being (probably) autistic and (almost definitely) ace, so I don't actually think I WANT to go to gay clubs and that kinda stuff, but I also just have this FOMO that I've missed out on this kind of thing, and I want to experience it as like my true self, as a trans masc. But also like, I have to actually make queer friends to do that kinda stuff with and that's definitely the hardest part.
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erismourn · 3 months
I hate getting so angry upon seeing a thin person come out and get top surgery and t within like a year or 2 of coming out. Like. Totally not their fault, really happy for them, mad at the system that prevents anyone over 150lbs from getting access to gender affirming care
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daz4i · 4 months
i haven't weighed myself in literal years but my mom got an electric weight thingie bc she needs to document it daily for health reasons so i thought i may as well check too bc doctors keep asking me and i never know what to say
anyway apparently i lost like 15 kg/33 lbs. what. how
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