#i wish i could just slap everyone awake . shake them by the shoulders and just LOOK !! LISTEN FOR A SECOND !!! U CANT IGNORE THE CARNAGE !
faaun · 4 months
critical thinking not being taught as a skill rly rly has its impact on cultures long term like cultures where the education is based more on memorisarion rather than genuine problem solving/thinking for urself tend to be so clearly different in the way they approach their outlooks towards politics and society etc etc
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porchlightfairy · 2 years
Stone Cold
summary: You struggle to get on Wayne Munson’s good side.
content: Angst, breakup and makeup, Wayne is a little mean, Eddie doesn’t listen, heartbreak, apologies everywhere.
word count: 2.9k
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆──
You and Eddie were friends once, but you couldn’t keep your hands off of each other. Everyone around you could see from a mile away that the two of you were more than that. You played with his hair and he would steal food off of your plate. You would take his rings off and put them on and sometimes he would stick his head under your shirt and blow raspberries on your stomach. Sometimes you would kiss his cheek and sometimes he would hold your face in his hands. That’s kind of when the friendship stopped and the relationship started. It was still fresh, and there were many wrinkles to iron out about it; one being Wayne Munson.
You were spending the night at Eddie’s and you needed to use the bathroom. You detangle yourself from the sheets and the sleeping log you recognized as Eddie. He whines at the sudden movement but a peck on the cheek puts him back at ease. You get dressed and head out of the room towards the bathroom.
You close the door and spin on your heels in the small hallway. You nearly jump out of your skin when you see Eddie’s uncle, Wayne standing in the hall. He’s got a sullen look on his face when he sees you. You smile nervously, “Sorry, Wayne, you scared me. I’m just heading to the bathroom.”
He doesn’t say a word and just grimaces before walking back to the living room. You furrow your brows at his reaction before continuing to the bathroom. When you get back into Eddie’s bed, you shake him gently. “Eddie? Eddie.”
He slowly opens his eyes, “Hm? What babe? What’s wrong?”
“Your uncle frowned at me.” You say, “Do you think he’s upset I’m here right now?” 
He shrugs, “It’s probably just his face. You’re fine. Don’t worry too much about it.” He wraps his arm around you pulling you into an embrace, “Just go back to bed.” 
“Okay.” You weren’t too sure but Eddie knew his uncle more than you. So you closed your eyes and fell back asleep.
The next morning, you wake up early and decide to do something nice and make coffee for Wayne before he leaves for work. You pour it into a mug once it’s finished and just as you do, Wayne comes out of his room. “Morning Wayne. I made you some coffee.” You hold out the mug to him.
He doesn’t react at first. You feel your heart sink and your hands begin to sweat. He purses his lips and looks at the mug. “That ain’t one of the drinking mugs.” Your eyes go wide and your smile fades. You had accidentally taken one of the display mugs hanging from the cabinets. You thought since they were in the kitchen they counted for actual use.
“I am so sorry, Wayne. I’ll clean it right now.” You quickly dump out the coffee and clean the mug. You hold it out to him again.
“Now you’ve wasted a fresh cup of joe.” He sighs, “I’ll just brew some at work.” He then leaves the trailer for the day. You set the mug down, completely embarrassed at the interaction. 
You dig your nails into the counter before putting the mug back and going back to Eddie’s room. As quietly as you can, you start to collect your things. However, you were not successful and Eddie begins to wake up. “What are you doing?” He mumbles.
“I’m just getting my stuff together.” You tuck your stuff in your bag and sit on the bed next to him. He rests his hand on your thigh and smiles up at you, “Why are you awake so early?”
You sigh, thinking back to just moments ago. “I was trying to impress your uncle by making a cup of coffee for him before work. But then I accidentally used a mug from his collection. And so I panicked and dumped the coffee out and then he frowned at me again.” Your shoulders go slack, “I don’t think he likes me much.”
Eddie laughs a little, and you slap his chest, “Sorry, sorry, I don’t mean to laugh. I just wish I was awake to see it happen.”
“I’m kidding! Look, I am sure, he was just cranky about having a late night and an early morning. He gets like that sometimes. Don’t worry about it too much, okay?.”
“Okay,” You lean down and kiss him. “I should still probably go. I’ve got work later.” 
He pouts, “Fine let me get dressed, and I’ll take my baby home.” He sits up and wraps you in a hug, peppering your face with kisses. Without even knowing it, Eddie was making you feel better. He makes you a cup of coffee from what remained in the pot and some toast with jam. He holds your hand and helps you into the van. You were sure he was going to help you put your seatbelt on too.
As he drives, your mind can’t help but wander to the old man. How upset he looked from the night before and in the morning. Could he really not like you? Eddie didn’t seem worried, so you shouldn’t be either. 
You arrive at your house and you walk over to his side of the car. He leans out of his window and you kiss him. You feel him smile against your lips, “Come over tonight.”
“Again, Eddie, I was just at your house.” You giggle. 
“Well, I want to see you again. Come over and let’s watch a movie. We can watch one of your sappy romance ones.” He playfully rolls his eyes.
You smile widely, “Really? Okay then. Your uncle working late?”
“Like always. So stop worrying. I’m getting scared you’re thinking about him more than me.” He pouts. 
You squish his cheeks and kiss him again, “I promise, I’m not.” You absolutely were. That man had a stare that could see through lead. And he could stare into your soul. You just wished he could see that you were being authentic. That you loved Eddie and that you hoped to be together with him for a long time. You think about it all day and well into the night while watching a movie at Eddie’s trailer.
You rest against Eddie’s chest and watch the movie you chose. He’s fast asleep and you were on your way there too. Halfway through the movie, you hear the door open and you see Wayne come in. You give him a polite smile but it quickly fades. He lets out a heavy sigh before heading back to his room. You curl up a little and tuck your head under Eddie’s chin. “Is the movie over?” He mumbles, his eyes still closed. 
You hit the stop button and turn off the television, “Yeah, let’s head to bed.” You both make your way into his room. 
“Did Wayne come home?” He says as he changes into his pajamas. 
“Mhm.” You’re tight-lipped as you change.
He looks over at you, “Did he say anything?”
“Mm-mm” You shake your head.
He pulls you into a hug, “He probably had a long day and didn’t want to talk.” He kisses the top of your forehead. He then pulls you to his bed and holds you in his arms as he falls asleep. It takes you longer to close your eyes. Anxiety creeps up your back as you stay under the same roof as Wayne Munson.
The next day, Eddie gives you a ride to work and even offers you a ride home afterward. However, you decline and head inside. You worked at the general store downtown. All you did was take inventory and stock shelves while another woman, Loretta, worked the register. Easy job for easy pay.
You’re stocking cans behind a shelf when you see Wayne’s car park in front of the store. You slowly sink behind the shelf and hide and you hear the sound of the store bell chime.
“Hello hello, Wayne.” The ever-so-charming Loretta speaks, “what brings you in today?”
“Just grabbing some quick stuff. That boy is going to eat me out of house and home I tell you that.” He mutters. “Him and that little girlfriend of his.” Your heartbeat picks up. Quietly, you tuck your knees into your chest as you continue to listen.
“Oh yeah, how’s that going? He seems to be swooned by her.” Loretta says. You hear Wayne just in front of the shelf you were behind.
“Well she’s something, I guess.” He sighs, “never seems to want to leave my house.” For the past few days, that’s all she wanted to do. “Starting to get on my nerves, that's for sure.”
“Sounds like you don’t like her.” Loretta’s tone had shifted. She was no longer being nice, she was getting answers, for you.
“Well, honestly I don’t.” He scoffs. “She’s all in my kitchen, in my living room, in my bathroom. I can’t have anywhere in peace.”
Then peace is what he’ll get. Once he’s gone, you head to the storage room and call Eddie’s line to tell him you’ll be coming over later. You felt terrible at how methodical this all was. 
You drive over to Eddie’s house from your downtown apartment. Eddie throws open the door for you and takes you back to his room. “Okay, so today, I was thinking we could sit and listen to some new tapes I got from the store. And then maybe we head to the burger spot between Hawkins and Roane and then—”
“Eddie, I came here to talk to you.” Your voice is no louder than a whisper. 
He pulls you close, “We can talk all night.” He leans down for a kiss but you turn your face away, “What’s the matter?”
Your eyes begin to tear up as you pull from him, “I can’t do this anymore.”
You see Eddie’s face wilt, “Wh-what do you mean?”
“This relationship is just not going to work.” You avoid his sad gaze as you say those words.
“What do you mean? Did I do something wrong? Tell me if I did, so I can fix it?” His voice cracks as he speaks. He takes a step forward but you take a step back.
“It’s nothing you did, Eddie.”
“Then is this about Wayne?”
You purse your lips, “I just don’t think we can make it work.”
“No, we can, I'm sure we can. Let me talk to him, okay? Make sure he changes his attitude.” Eddie holds your arms. 
You push him away, “It’s not something that will go away so easily, Eddie. He doesn’t like me being around and I think it’s for the best if I wasn’t.”
“Why? We can figure this out.”
“There is nothing to figure out! He does not like me! He said it! He does not like me being in his house! And he is so willing to say it to other people and you are so willing to brush it off! God for days he’s been acting like this and you haven’t done anything, Eddie. I tried to ignore it but I couldn’t. Not anymore! I can’t be here. I can’t be around you knowing that I am not welcome.”
“Baby, I’m sorry, I didn’t know he said that. I didn’t know—”
“And that’s what makes it worse, I care about you a lot. And I don’t want to force you to choose.”
“So you’re making the choice for me?!”
“No, I’m making my own choice.” You wipe a tear that streaked down your face, “Goodbye Eddie.”
You exit his room and head out of the trailer. Outside on the porch, you see Wayne standing there. He looks at you awkwardly and he opens his mouth to speak. But he is interrupted by Eddie stumbling out of the house after you. “Wait! Wait! Please, come back inside. Let’s talk about this.”
You get into your car and stare ahead as Eddie taps on the glass. You can’t look him in the eyes. You take a deep breath and start the car pulling into the road and out of the park, leaving Eddie in the dust. 
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─── It’s been a week or so since you broke up with Eddie. You hadn’t seen him in a while since then. Not that you had been going out either. For you, it was home, then work, then back home again. You missed him so much. You missed spending time with him. The long phone calls at night, and the sleepovers. Waking up to his sleeping face and making him breakfast in your kitchen.
Your heart ached for Eddie during the day. You missed when he would come in and surprise you during work. Now your days feel monotonous. Stacking cans, taking inventory and working the register. 
You sit behind the register flipping through a comic when the door chime rings. You look up and to your surprise it was Wayne. You don’t say a word and look back into your comic. You assume he will move quietly through the aisles and go about his business.
You would be very incorrect. He comes over to the register and clears his throat. You peek over the comic again, “Need something?”
“Can we talk?” He asks, in all honesty, he looked worse for wear. 
“Is it about the stuff in the store?” You close the comic.
“Now you know it ain’t about that.” He frowns.
“Then there is nothing for us to talk about.” You pop open the comic again. 
He sighs, “I came here to apologize. Will you at least let me do that?”
“What is there to apologize for? I was eating you out of the house and home remember.”
He is taken aback by that statement. He lets out another sigh, “I didn’t mean what I said. I was just frustrated is all.”
“Frustrated that I was in your house?”
“No, I was frustrated with Eddie. And I took it out on you. That was wrong of me.” You put down the comic, ready to hear him out, “It’s like as soon as y’all got together, he forgot how he was raised. Letting you into the kitchen all by yourself that’s not how we treat guests. I was surprised you found the coffee grounds. And that day, in here, I greatly apologize. That damn boy can work a nerve when all he talks about is a girl he really, really likes.” You nod as you listen. “Now you don’t gotta forgive me so soon but Eddie misses you and he loves you to death. Don’t take it out on him.”
You purse your lips, “I’ll… I’ll think about it.” His eyes sadden a bit but he nods in understanding. He then leaves the store.
After work you head home, you think about everything Wayne says and it causes you to laugh. Eddie had annoyed Wayne so much he started to get annoyed by you too. Throughout the evening you eye your phone, debating whether or not to call. You chew on your bottom lip until finally picking up the phone.
You dial Eddie’s phone slowly and wait for the phone to ring. It rings a few times until you hear it get picked up. “Hello?” It was him. His voice was raspy and he must have been in bed.
“Eddie? It’s me. Can you talk right now?” You whisper. You didn’t need to but it felt like your normal voice would sound too harsh.
“Yes.” He lets out a breath, “Is everything okay?”
You smile at his worry, “I’m okay. Think you could come over? To talk face to face. I have a lot to tell you.”
“Yes! Yes. I’m on my way.” He tries to control his excitement, “I’ll be there in a bit.” You hang up and wait for him to arrive. Which isn’t that long a while later. He arrives with his hair damp and out of breath. 
“Did you shower before getting here?” You ask as you let him in
“Maybe?” He shoves his hands in his pockets, “What did you want to talk about?”
“Wayne came to the store today.”
“He didn’t bother you again did he?” He straightens up. 
You wave it away and shake your head, “No, no. He came by to apologize actually.” He relaxes again.
“That’s good.”
You nod, “He also told me you missed me.”
Eddie nods and shuffles his feet. “I do. But I respect your choice so I’ve been keeping my distance.
“Well, can I just say, I missed you too?” You take his arm and lead him to the couch to take a seat. He places his hand in yours and you rub your thumb over his knuckle, “I was so worried about impressing Wayne, I lost sight of us.”
“I did too. You were freaking out and instead of helping you I let it get worse.” He squeezes your hand gently. “That’s not how you take care of somebody you love.”
“It seems we were all in the wrong, huh?” You giggle.
“Some more than others.” He mumbles, “So does that mean we are okay?”
“Yeah, we’re okay.” You smile and press your lips against his. He makes a happy noise against your lips. “Could you believe this all started because you wouldn’t shut up about me?”
He shrugs, “I love you. I needed to tell somebody about it.”
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katnissmellarkkk · 8 months
A bookcomb I’ve wanted to do for a hot minute. For once it’s not Everlark centered. I decided to make a bookcomb for all the times Johanna and Katniss give off mean big sister / bullied little sister vibes. The vibes the films very much lacked, if I do say so myself.
Johanna Mason. From District 7. Lumber and paper, thus the tree. She won by very convincingly portraying herself as weak and helpless so that she would be ignored. Then she demonstrated a wicked ability to murder. She ruffles up her spiky hair and rolls her wide-set brown eyes. “Isn’t my costume awful? My stylist’s the biggest idiot in the Capitol. Our tributes have been trees for forty years under her. Wish I’d gotten Cinna. You look fantastic.”
Girl talk. That thing I’ve always been so bad at. Opinions on clothes, hair, makeup. So I lie. “Yeah, he’s been helping me design my own clothing line. You should see what he can do with velvet.” Velvet. The only fabric I could think of off the top of my head.
“I have. On your tour. That strapless number you wore in District Two? The deep blue one with the diamonds? So gorgeous I wanted to reach through the screen and tear it right off your back,” says Johanna.
I bet you did, I think. With a few inches of my flesh.
The other tributes begin to line up as well. I’m confused because, while they all are angry, some are giving us sympathetic pats on the shoulder, and Johanna Mason actually stops to straighten my pearl necklace.
“Make him pay for it, okay?” she says.
I nod, but I don’t know what she means.
“Lay off her,” I snap.
Johanna narrows her brown eyes at me in hatred. “Lay off her?” she hisses. She steps forward before I can react and slaps me so hard I see stars. “Who do you think got them out of that bleeding jungle for you? You — ”
We watch the water lap up over the undergarments. “So what were you doing with Nuts and Volts?” I ask.
“I told you — I got them for you. Haymitch said if we were to be allies I had to bring them to you,” says Johanna. “That’s what you told him, right?”
No, I think. But I nod my head in assent. “Thanks. I appreciate it.”
“I hope so.” She gives me a look filled with loathing, like I’m the biggest drag possible on her life. I wonder if this is what it’s like to have an older sister who really hates you.
“Tick, tock,” I hear behind me. I turn and see Wiress has crawled over. Her eyes are focused on the jungle.
“Oh, goody, she’s back. Okay, I’m going to sleep. You and Nuts can guard together,” Johanna says. She goes over and flings herself down beside Finnick.
“Get up,” I order, shaking Peeta and Finnick and Johanna awake. “Get up — we have to move.” There’s enough time, though, to explain the clock theory to them. About Wiress’s tick-tocking and how the movements of the invisible hands trigger a deadly force in each section.
I think I’ve convinced everyone who’s conscious except Johanna, who’s naturally opposed to liking anything I suggest. But even she agrees it’s better to be safe than sorry.
My fingers tighten on the knife handle at my belt.
“Go ahead. Try it. I don’t care if you are knocked up, I’ll rip your throat out,” says Johanna.
I know I can’t kill her right now. But it’s just a matter of time with Johanna and me. Before one of us offs the other.
Johanna, frankly, I could easily kill if it came down to protecting Peeta. Or maybe even just to shut her up.
“I should have never mentioned the clock,” I say bitterly. “Now they’ve taken that advantage away as well.”
“Only temporarily,” says Beetee. “At ten, we’ll see the wave again and be back on track.”
“Yes, they can’t redesign the whole arena,” says Peeta.
“It doesn’t matter,” says Johanna impatiently. “You had to tell us or we never would have moved our camp in the first place, brainless.” Ironically, her logical, if demeaning, reply is the only one that comforts me.
“I’m getting water,” she says.
I can’t help catching her hand as she passes me. “Don’t go in there. The birds —” I remember the birds must be gone, but I still don’t want anyone in there. Not even her.
“They can’t hurt me. I’m not like the rest of you. There’s no one left I love,” Johanna says, and frees her hand with an impatient shake. When she brings me back a shell of water, I take it with a silent nod of thanks, knowing how much she would despise the pity in my voice.
“Let’s each have three, and whoever is still alive at breakfast can take a vote on the rest,” says Johanna. I don’t know why this makes me laugh a little. I guess because it’s true. When I do, Johanna gives me a look that’s almost approving. No, not approving. But maybe slightly pleased.
“Wait, let me get Johanna up,” says Finnick. “She’ll be rabid if she thinks she missed something this important.”
“Or not,” I mutter, since she’s always pretty much rabid, but I don’t stop him, because I’d be angry myself if I was excluded from a plan at this point.
I give him a kiss and, before he can object any further, I let go and turn to Johanna. “Ready?”
“Why not?” says Johanna with a shrug. She’s clearly no happier about being teamed up than I am. But we’re all caught up in Beetee’s trap. “You guard, I’ll unwind. We can trade off later.”
The next thing I know, I’m lying on my back in the vines, a terrible pain in my left temple. Something’s wrong with my eyes. My vision blurs in and out of focus as I strain to make the two moons floating up in the sky into one. It’s hard to breathe, and I realize Johanna’s sitting on my chest, pinning me at the shoulders with her knees.
There’s a stab in my left forearm. I try to jerk away but I’m still too incapacitated. Johanna’s digging something, I guess the point of her knife, into my flesh, twisting it around. There’s an excruciating ripping sensation and warmth runs down my wrist, filling my palm. She swipes down my arm and coats half my face with my blood.
“Stay down!” she hisses. Her weight leaves my body and I’m alone.
The white curtain that divides my bed from the next patient’s whips back, and Johanna Mason stares down at me. At first I feel threatened, because she attacked me in the arena. I have to remind myself that she did it to save my life. It was part of the rebel plot. But still, that doesn’t mean she doesn’t despise me. Maybe her treatment of me was all an act for the Capitol?
“I’m alive,” I say rustily.
“No kidding, brainless.” Johanna walks over and plunks down on my bed, sending spikes of pain shooting across my chest. When she grins at my discomfort, I know we’re not in for some warm reunion scene. “Still a little sore?” With an expert hand, she quickly detaches the morphling drip from my arm and plugs it into a socket taped into the crook of her own. “They started cutting back my supply a few days ago. Afraid I’m going to turn into one of those freaks from Six. I’ve had to borrow from you when the coast was clear. Didn’t think you’d mind.”
“The impact ruptured your spleen. They couldn’t repair it.” She gives a dismissive wave of her hand. “Don’t worry, you don’t need one. And if you did, they’d find you one, wouldn’t they? It’s everybody’s job to keep you alive.”
“Is that why you hate me?” I ask.
“Partly,” she admits. “Jealousy is certainly involved. I also think you’re a little hard to swallow. With your tacky romantic drama and your defender-of-the-helpless act. Only it isn’t an act, which makes you more unbearable. Please feel free to take this personally.”
“You should have been the Mockingjay. No one would’ve had to feed you lines,” I say.
“True. But no one likes me,” she tells me.
The soreness from the bruised ribs, however, promises to hang on for a while. I begin to resent Johanna dipping into my morphling supply, but I still let her take whatever she likes.
I’m standing off to the side, clapping to the rhythm, when a bony hand pinches me above the elbow. Johanna scowls at me. “Are you going to miss the chance to let Snow see you dancing?” She’s right. What could spell victory louder than a happy Mockingjay twirling around to music?
Back in the hospital, I find Johanna in the same circumstance and spitting mad. I tell her about what Coin said. “Maybe you can train, too.”
“Fine. I’ll train. But I’m going to the stinking Capitol if I have to kill a crew and fly there myself,” says Johanna.
“Probably best not to bring that up in training,” I say. “But it’s nice to know I’ll have a ride.”
Johanna grins, and I feel a slight but significant shift in our relationship. I don’t know that we’re actually friends, but possibly the word allies would be accurate. That’s good. I’m going to need an ally.
After we stretch — which hurts — there’s a couple of hours of strengthening exercises — which hurt — and a five-mile run — which kills. Even with Johanna’s motivational insults driving me on, I have to drop out after a mile.
It’s a bad night in our room. Sleep’s out of the question. I think I can actually smell the ring of flesh around my chest burning, and Johanna’s fighting off withdrawal symptoms. Early on, when I apologize about cutting off her morphling supply, she waves it off, saying it had to happen anyway. But by three in the morning, I’m the target of every colorful bit of profanity District 7 has to offer. At dawn, she drags me out of bed, determined to get to training.
“I don’t think I can do it,” I confess.
“You can do it. We both can. We’re victors, remember? We’re the ones who can survive anything they throw at us,” she snarls at me. She’s a sick greenish color, shaking like a leaf. I get dressed.
We must be victors to make it through the morning. I think I’m going to lose Johanna when we realize it’s pouring outside. Her face turns ashen and she seems to have ceased breathing.
“It’s just water. It won’t kill us,” I say. She clenches her jaw and stomps out into the mud.
In the afternoon, we learn to assemble our guns. I manage it, but Johanna can’t hold her hands steady enough to fit the parts together. When York’s back is turned, I help her out.
When she tries to get discharged from the hospital, they won’t agree to let her live alone, even if she comes in for daily talks with the head doctor. I think they may have put two and two together about the morphling and this only adds to their view that she’s unstable. “She won’t be alone. I’m going to room with her,” I announce. There’s some dissent, but Haymitch takes our part, and by bedtime, we have a compartment across from Prim and my mother, who agrees to keep an eye on us.
She neatly returns my keepsakes to the drawer and climbs into the bed across from me just as the lights go out. “You’re not afraid I’ll kill you tonight?”
“Like I couldn’t take you,” I answer. Then we laugh, since both our bodies are so wrecked, it will be a miracle if we can get up the next day. But we do. Each morning, we do. And by the end of the week, my ribs feel almost like new, and Johanna can assemble her rifle without help.
I sit on my bed, trying to stuff information from my Military Tactics books into my head while memories of my nights with Peeta on the train distract me. After about twenty minutes, Johanna comes in and throws herself across the foot of my bed. “You missed the best part. Delly lost her temper at Peeta over how he treated you. She got very squeaky. It was like someone stabbing a mouse with a fork repeatedly. The whole dining hall was riveted.”
At the hospital room door, I watch Johanna for a moment, realize that most of her ferocity is in her abrasive attitude. Stripped of that, as she is now, there’s only a slight young woman, her wide-set eyes fighting to stay awake against the power of the drugs. Terrified of what sleep will bring. I cross to her and hold out the bundle.
“What’s that?” she says hoarsely. Damp edges of her hair form little spikes over her forehead.
“I made it for you. Something to put in your drawer.” I place it in her hands. “Smell it.”
She lifts the bundle to her nose and takes a tentative sniff. “Smells like home.” Tears flood her eyes.
Suddenly, she has my wrist in an iron grip. “You have to kill him, Katniss.”
“Don’t worry.” I resist the temptation to wrench my arm free.
“Swear it. On something you care about,” she hisses.
“On my family’s life,” I repeat.
She lets go and I rub my wrist. “Why do you think I’m going, anyway, brainless?”
That makes her smile a little. “I just needed to hear it.” She presses the bundle of pine needles to her nose and closes her eyes.
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angelamajiki · 4 years
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PARINGS: Shouta Aizawa x Reader
CW: yandere, stalking, rape/noncon, pain kink, pain play, mild scent kink, home invasion, gags, restraints, virginity kink, scumbag aizawa, pet play, humiliation, cum stuffing, fingerings, snowballing, voice kink
SYNOPSIS: You have been calling the same phone sex operator for months, creating stalker and CNC fantasies. What happens when he rings true to his words?
AN: this is very dark, be warned! just had to make a fic out of the little idea I had <3
It’s always you who requests him. He can tell you're a virgin, the way your voice wavers when you feel like responding to him. Sometimes you don’t, letting your breathy moans do the talking for you.
“Good little girl.”
“Getting off to a phone call from your stalker? What a whore.”
“Cum for me, pretty girl.”
”Do you like that, pretty little kitty?”
He never had a knack for giving nicknames, but he had to make it known that he remembers you. Remembers that voice. Hopefully, he’ll be able to remember your body one day.
Tracking you down was easy enough; you didn't bother to block your number and public records was just calling his name. God did he love untouched girls like yourself. So wet and pliant, so easily manipulated, so naive to believe everyone had good intentions.
Cameras were placed around your house so he could watch you when he couldn't hear you. If it was a stalker you wanted, he was going to give it to you.
You called often and asked for him always—such an obedient girl. The live feed from your bedroom streamed in front of him whenever you rang, but he was tired of playing games this week.
“Just look at the way you’re kneading yourself; you like to tease yourself. Don't you, kitty?”
Your breath hitched, but he knew it wasn't from pleasure. Looking around, he chuckled at your confused expression.
“You got a real cute face, you know that kitty? I can't wait to fuck it one day.”
Be rational, you told yourself. Its all part of the fantasy, right? He can’t actually see you.
“That’s a cute bed spread you got there, I didn’t take you for the type who liked lilies. You always keep roses in your kitchen vase.”
Okay, he was definitely listening to you now.
“Say, you live on 14th Street, don't you? Why don't I come down and give you an in person session?”
“What do you say, kitty? Or should I just break in like I always tell you I would?”
The phone hung up after that comment. Sure, you were up to the fantasy of being stalked and raped; that’s why you called him. It was too embarrassing to tell a partner your fantasies, not like you had one. Or roommates for that matter.
His voice is what soothed you after a hard day, but now it kept ringing in your ears. Listening to his breathy chuckles sent shivers down your spine, but you never expected to feel them there.
Three raps came from your bedroom door before it opened. You were buried in your sheets, hopelessly, desperately attempting to be asleep. Like that would stop him.
“I know you're awake.”
An “ah” of realization came from him.
“Unless you sleeping peacefully is part of the fantasy. This is new, but I can indulge you in that kitty.”
The bed dipped and creaked with his weight, fear sinking into your heart further as a hand smoothed itself over your shoulders.
“So tense.” He tutted. “I’ve got something that can help you relax.”
His tongue lapped at the outer shell of your ear; arm slung over your blanketed body.
“Such a naughty girl. Tell me, how many times did you get off to the sound of my voice telling you I was going to take your virginity by force.”
A hand snaked its way up to your throat, squeezing gently enough not to cause pain but enough to cut off part of your air.
“Tell me you want me to rape you, here and now. Or I’ll take you out to the alley and make a display of it.”
His voice barely reached above of a whisper the entire time, the same soft sound he used over the phone. Hot breaths tickled your ear and neck as you squirmed, gasping at straws for air.
“I promise to be gentle; I know you like a tender man who takes what he wants.”
Your throat restricted even more under the hand to the point where you felt light-headed.
“Please!” You gasped, using your nails to scratch at his wrapped fingers. The pressure withdrew.
“Please what, kitty? C’mon, you can do it.”
“P-Please rape me.”
A sharp laugh came from behind you.
“Is that any way to address me? I thought we were using special nicknames here.”
He let you have your moment, apparently amused to see you choke for air as he stroked your back.
“Please rape me...sir.”
“Atta girl.”
The hand made its way back to your throat, only resting there as the thumb stroked over your tender flesh. The other one snuck under the blanket and groped at your chest.
“You're a virgin, aren't you, kitty? Don't worry; your owner is going to talk you through it. Nice and slow so you feel everything I'm giving you.”
Fingers wiggled their way under your bra and began pinching at your nipples, tugging and pulling at the hardening nubs.
“Stop squirming, or I’ll have to tie you up. You'll get your treat soon enough, kitty.”
You yelped after a particularly rough tug, tears springing in your eyes. His one hand managed to rip your bra apart, giving better access to his perverted fingers.
“I know you like it, the way I knead your pretty little breasts. Come, take your clothes off. I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.”
Everything came off before he instructed you to stand at the edge of the bed for him. He circled you like a predator, making inspections.
“I have to make sure my kitty is well-groomed and taking care of herself.”
The weight of his hot breath on your skin weighed down on you, pulling you further under his spell. He lifted your arms and smelled your scent.
“Lavender deodorant? What a shame; I wished I could have smelled your natural musk.”
Humiliation flushed your face hot. Disgusting pervert, it seemed he was into everything as long as it wasn't consensual.
“Sit down on the bed, legs spread.”
The baritone of his voice shook you to your core, but not in the pleasurable way you're used to.
“Don't make me ask twice, pet.”
His command was hard to ignore after following them for such a long time; it was practically instinctual to do as you were told. Shaking legs spread as you turned your head to the side. Another tut rolled off his tongue as he gripped your cheeks with one hand.
“Don't turn away from me. I want to see the look in yours when I take you and make you mine.”
You hadn't even realized before that he had brought a bag with him. From it, he took a bar spreader, rope, and a spider gag, all of which he put on you. The gag made your mouth uncomfortably wide, leaving nothing to his imagination.
Rough fingers pull you tongue from your mouth, his own coming down to lick at before spitting down the back of your throat.
You did.
“Good kitty.”
The name didn't comfort you anymore. Nothing about him comforted you anymore. Not his voice, not his nickname, and certainly not his breath, which you felt like was burning all over your body.
“I’m going to be nice and leave your throat alone today. However, if I give you a treat, you will swallow it. Do I make myself clear?”
You nodded, terrified at the notion that he intended to come back after tonight. Crouching down in front of you, he inspected your wet pussy before spitting on it as well. Gingerly moving your lips, he circled your tight hole and stood up.
“That should do.”
Watching him undress himself seemed to make time move slower, knowing that he was about to take your virginity within minutes. His hard cock sprung out from his boxers and hit his happy trail, bobbing slightly against his abs. Not only was this man toned, but he was also huge.
“In we go, kitty.”
Not even taking the courtesy to gather some slick from you, he pushed in, taking his sweet time as he locked eyes with you. He went agonizing slow, grinning as you wailed in pain.
“Hurts, doesn't it? Let's see how painful we can make this.”
You were hardly prepped, only having wetness left behind from your previous phone call. It stung, and it stung bad. Your eyes wept as you looked up at him with a pleading gaze, hoping he would take mercy on you. He did no such thing, pinching your clit between his fingers and rolling it with intense pressure. Moaning, he watched as you convulsed and twitched in pain beneath him.
“Being such a good girl for me, kitty.”
Another glob of spit landed in the back of your throat, making you gasp and choke on your sobs. He loved that you were an ugly, messy crier. It only served to make his dick harder.
Once he bottomed out, he stayed there for a while, letting you feel the fullness of his thick cock.
“The name’s Shouta, by the way. I'm sure you must have been curious.”
He spoke so casually, so calmly. It made you furious how collected he was while you were a whimpering, sniffling mess.
“Don't worry; we’ll have all the time in the world once we’re done to get to know me.”
Goddamn, that voice. That hypnotizing, nauseating voice. It's the reason you're stuck here underneath a fucking phone sex operator that turned out to be your stalker. What a mess.
A tap to the temple pulled you back to the present.
“Keep your focus here, kitty.”
Hips drew back and snapped into you, not letting you take a moment to adjust as he set a brutal speed.
Oh, how you wished you could leave your body, but if anything, your senses were all the more enhanced, taking in every last drop of your surroundings. The sounds of the bed creaking under his pounding, his grunts and breaths, the skin slapping against skin, your own cries of misery. The feeling of his breath, how your once silk sheets now felt like sandpaper across your skin, the metal of your binds, and the burn of your rope. Everything and nothing all at once.
The minutes seemed to draw themselves out into hours as he continued his assault. He, or Shouta, you supposed, wasn't lasting very long. It didn't suit him; he seemed like a man of stamina. Maybe it was because he played out a sick fantasy of his that made him cum in minutes.
Unprotected, he came deep inside you before sliding out, giving your pussy a slap as he made his exit.
“Such a tight little kitty you've got there.”
Fingers at the ready, he stuffed his cum back inside you, toying with your clit all the while. He was quick to make you cum, making you see stars at the intensity of your orgasm.
“Don’t worry; I'll make you cum on my cock next time. I have plenty of games planned for us when I take you home.”
Pulling his fingers out, he pushed them down your throat to clean them before getting up and dressed again. He left you there, tied up and gone without a word.
In reality, he was just getting his car ready for you, but who was he to deny himself the pleasure of seeing your panicked face when he came back?
You were going to make a fine pet for him.
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4joonkookie · 3 years
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❈ Pairing: Jungkook x Reader (x Yoongi)
❈ Words: 6.6K
❈ Summary: (Smutty) Boyfriend!Jungkook can sense you and Yoongi are horny for each other and let's you indulge.
(Angsty) After being quarantined together in domestic bliss for a few months, Jungkook asks you to stay for good.
(Smutty & Angsty) Jungkook asks you to move in permanently. You and Yoongi almost set the house on fire when Jungkook makes an offer you can't refuse.
❈ Warnings/Tags: Plot, There's Plot., Smut, Established Relationship, Angst, Morning Sex, Dirty Talk, Loud Sex, Thin Walls, Blurred Lines, Masturbation, Oral Sex, Rough Sex, Unprotected Sex, Sexual Tension, Flirting, Face Sitting, Cumplay, Cum Spitting, Hair Pulling, Cum Eating, Doggy Style, Brief Ass-Licking, Arguing, Crying, Commitment Issues, Threesome, Female Character with Fuckboi Tendancies, JK has a lot of money, Quarantine, Writing is Hard, Cuckhold, Spitroast.
❈ Notes: -Can be read as Part 3 of the Mirror, Mirror Series or standalone:) -Takes place Summer 2020-ish.
You can feel his eyes on you before you even open yours.
Jungkook smiles next to you on the bed, head propped on his bent elbow. “I like this,” he says.
“Like what?” You yawn and stretch and coax yourself into staying awake.
“Everyday, when I wake up, you’re right here.” He brushes bed-head hair away from your face. “We should keep it like this.”
Rolling over on top of him, “You think so?”
“I know so,” he says, as you lean down to kiss him, morning breath and all. There was a time when neither of you would have ever allowed your mouths near each other before brushing.
It seems like some alternate universe now even though it was just 3 months ago. Drowning in work, living in hotel rooms and hoping you could sneak away for a weekend with your long-distance boyfriend, if your schedules would allow it.
Then the world came to a screeching halt. Your job had been cancelled indefinitely, you’ve hardly worn anything but hoodies and sweatpants for months and you’ve gone from a long-distance girlfriend to a live-in domestic partner.
You’d never thought you and Jungkook would end up this way. You integrated together effortlessly, as if it has always been this way. Any worries you had about meshing with the other members were unfounded too. You’ve never had friends so close. You’ve never had time for hobbies or doing things you actually like.
You never thought you would end up like this.
Straddling his hips, Jungkook rubs his hands on your naked skin. He slides his hardening cock between your unclad folds, still wet and open from the night before.
He continues thinking aloud. “You should stay here.” He pushes up, pressing his shaft on your clit. “We could start everyday like this.” He guides himself easily inside and you groan, still sensitive. “I’m serious. Don’t go back to work.” He slides in and out comfortably. “Stay here.”
“Jungkook, I can’t live here,” you scold, circling your hips a few times. You try to distract him and yourself, not telling him about the conversation with your work yesterday. You could be back as little as a week.
“But you do live here. He stops his motion and holds your hips still. “You just need to unpack your boxes.”
You’ve all but officially moved in yet your belongings remain in boxes. It would be easy to empty the boxes and put things in a permanent place. Also, equally as easy to tape the lids shut and ship them back to your old life.
You ignore his comment and brace your hands on the wall above the headboard, gaining traction to move your hips. He pulls your arms down and holds them to your sides.
“I've already talked to everyone.” Holding down harder, preventing you from moving.
“You did?” His words finally hold you still.
“Of course. They said it was silly I asked because you already live here. Everybody said they would love to keep having you here.”
He pulls you down to whisper: “Especially Yoongi.”
“Shut up.” You playfully slap his chest, embarrassed.
He is not wrong. You and Yoongi had become particularly close since being here. You have a lot of fun together, cooking, playing guitar, there’s a bit of tension there. It never goes beyond playful flirting but it’s been obvious for a while now. Jungkook is secure and is sure to openly poke fun at the both of you about it.
Jungkook laughs, moving his hips again. “You guys crush on each other so hard, it’s cute.” He continues whispering. “You know he can hear you?” He points to the wall above his head.
“No!” You whisper back in disbelief. Yoongi’s room is just on the other side of the wall.
“Yes, he told me. He can hear everything,” he still whispers but thrusts up into you harder, forcing a noise from you.
Jungkook is always one to tease but the way he keeps his voice at a whisper makes you know his words are true.
He continues his harsh thrusts as he whispers. “He’s probably still in bed right now, jerking his morning wood with his ear against the wall.”
“Jungkook, stop!” You continue to reprimand him but can’t prevent a grin at the idea.
“You love it.” He lifts your hips and drops you down hard. You try to stifle the moan it elicits. “You like the idea that he’s there right now with a good grip on himself, palming up and down to the sounds of your noisy moaning.”
“I am not noisy,” you defend yourself quietly.
“You are so noisy!”, he says loudly enough to travel through the walls.
The room finally quiets and Jungkook tries to keep his own breathing steady as your pelvises grind against each other. You close your eyes and let the fantasy swim in your mind. Yoongi, slipping his hand under the waistband of his pants, listening to you.
Jungkook continues to fuel the fantasy as your bodies set a rhythm. “He’s rubbing himself raw, wishing his spit and hand was as wet and slippery as this pretty pussy.”
Jungkook takes your prudish whimpers as a challenge and flips your body so you’re on all fours and places a grip around your hips that promises bruises. He sets a punishing, slapping pace. Probably echoing through the entire house, you bury your face in the pillows.
He pulls you up by your shoulders and holds you still as he pounds into you. “Come on baby, don’t you want him to get off?”
He continues his heavy pace and you surrender as the pressure builds at your core, cock slamming into your g spot, unable to stop the moans from escaping if you tried. Your legs shake when liquid begins to gush and drip down the inside of your thighs with every thrust.
Jungkook growls, happy with evidence of his skill and he comes to the sounds of your bodies slamming together.
You both collapse to the bed and catch your breath. You lay around just a little longer, taking each other in and reveling in your safe little world.
Eventually, you both roll out of bed, throw on clothes and head out into the kitchen.
“I would bet money Yoongi’s out there right now, in front of his laptop with a mug of coffee poured and ready for you.”
You roll your eyes and brush him off although you know he’s probably right. He stops you before you can turn the door handle.
“Hey.” He holds both your hands in his. “Think about it? Really? Before work tries to take you away from me again?”
You nod. “I love you.” There’s nothing truer and your job has done nothing for you other than keep you busy. Still, you try to prepare him and smooth it over.
“You know, if I go, it’ll only be like, half the time. We’ll still have way more time together than we did before, especially if you’re not touring,” you offer, persuading him.
He shakes his head. “No. I want you here. Not sometimes. All the time.” His gaze gets sad. “Unless that’s not what you want.”
You try to reassure him. “You know that’s not true.” He nods but you see the doubt in his eyes. “So is that an ultimatum? Stay here or nothing?”
“That’s not what I’m saying.” He wraps his arms around your waist.
“Then, what are you saying?” Wrapping arms around his neck.
He takes a deep breath in. “I’m saying… I know it’s not what we expected but I love this, it feels right. I don’t want to move backwards.”
“I’m scared, Jungkook.” It’s the only way to describe the doubt that lingers in your mind.
“I don't know why. But being scared is ok. Just please, please think about it. Before you make a decision.”
The words are stuck in your throat.
You can’t because it means it’s real. It’s not just circumstances, casual or reversible. It’s real.
“I love you.” He kisses both of your hands and follows behind you into the kitchen.
Yoongi sits at the kitchen island on his laptop, as Jungkook predicted. He pushes a mug of prepared coffee for without a word, a morning ritual.
Jungkook gives you a knowing look while Yoongi continues work on his computer.
“Thank You.” You take a seat around the island.
Standing next to you, Jungkook mockingly asks Yoongi: “Will you pour me a cup of coffee, hyung?”
Yoongi senses his jest, stands and turns to retrieve a carton of banana milk from the fridge. He pours it into a coffee mug and slides it to Jungkook over the counter. You do your best not to laugh.
Jungkook smirks, checked by his elder. He sips from the mug, his eyes moving from you and back to Yoongi. Yoongi catches his glance. He knows. He feels it. It feels like a million things are being said in silence. Yoongi picks up his own coffee mug to refill it from the pot, a chance to turn his back to Jungkook.
The tension makes you wonder if they’ve ever spoken about the “crush” before. Or, worse, this morning. You know the walls are thin so, sure, he can hear you. But you wonder if Jungkook exaggerated the rest to get you off. Is that why it’s awkward?
“Jungkook, please get the pork belly from the freezer.” Yoongi directs Jungkook with his back still turned, a silent directive to drop it.
‘Is this for the recipe you’re trying today?” Jungkook finally lets up and changes the subject, heading to the freezer.
“Yeah, a little later.” He closes his laptop and stands. “I have a meeting. Are you heading to the studio?”
“Yep. Back soon.” Jungkook kisses you on the cheek and they both head separate ways.
You finish a cup of coffee and lounge around alone for a few hours, the house quiet with everybody doing their own thing in the large house. You read a few chapters from a book recommended by Namjoon and manage to take a short nap.
You imagine this is what it would be like if you stayed here. The empty house is peaceful. At least, for a few hours. It’s no trouble being alone and keeping busy but you know it’ll be more like being in hiding.
Management has always viewed you as a threat and distraction to all the members. There was not much they could do about you staying the last few months. Jungkook has some leverage now and they have to work around his wishes. As the relationship progresses, the way they already minimize and diminish you will get worse. How far can it even go when it has to be a secret? Staying here means a life of full gag order and anonymity.
You attempt to distract yourself from generating a long list of reasons to decline Jungkook’s proposal by strumming a few chords on the guitar.
When Yoongi re-emerges to the common area, you acknowledge him but continue playing.
“You’re getting pretty good at that thing.” He sits next to you on the couch.
“Thanks.” You lay the guitar beside you as this better distraction presents itself.
“May I?” He holds his hands out to receive the guitar.
You pass it over and you watch and listen as he strums much more pleasantly and skillfully. Bare-faced, messy hair and wearing clothes just to lounge around in but he looks good.
“So.” He starts as he strums between chords. “Are you unpacking your boxes or will you live out of them forever?” He asks as casually as possible.
“How do you know?” You question, nearly holding your breath.
“Walls are pretty thin,” he says, even and casual, still strumming softly.
You try to contain the redness coming over your chest and face, all of the things he may have heard this morning, circling in your mind.
You shamefully try to come up with something quick. “I’m still figuring out the details with work.” You nod unconvincingly.
“Yeah?” He says, surprised. “Jungkook is really excited about it.”
“I mean, management will throw a fit but-“ he shrugs his shoulders. We’ll back you up. They have to get through all seven of us before they can get to you. ”
You feel a pang of guilt hit your gut.
He changes the subject, sensing he’s hit a nerve. “Anyway...”
You blurt the first thing to come to mind. “So, you can hear through the walls?”
“I hear enough,” placing the guitar at his side, He looks down and stifles a giggle.
You nervously bite down on your lip. “Jungkook says I'm loud.”
He nods and runs his hand over the back of his neck. “That’s true.”
You both take a moment to snickers before you apologize. “Sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry,” he says, sounding genuine.
“What else did you hear this morning?” You ask, curious.
“Not much.” He leans back on the couch with his legs spread. You try to ignore how inviting his lap looks. “Just you being loud. He offers a teasing smile. “And some things about unpacking your boxes and…,” he trails off. “How you have a crush on me,” he finishes, nonchalantly.
You give him a playful shove and he raises both arms to block, laughing.
You wonder what else he heard. You can see the details he’s left out in his face, trying to be safe with this boundary.
“Is that what I heard?” His voice lowers as he tries to confirm.
“Yes,” you respond. “But that’s not why I spend time with you. I just like doing those things with you, being around you.”
A smile washes over his face. “I enjoy doing those things with you too. They’re just sometimes more fun because I have a crush on you too.”
You don’t respond but look down as the mood changes. His eyes lay on you differently. He has a different kind of confidence about him hearing you say it. You do too, knowing you’ve both said it out loud and Jungkook said it before anyone else.
The tension sits too heavy in the air but you let curiosity get the best of you anyway.
“When did you get off last?” You ask with a stern eye on him.
He laughs, deflecting. “Oh, is this what crushes talk about?”
You keep your gaze steady, awaiting an answer.
He lets out a defeated sigh. “Jungkook told you. How embarrassing.”
“So, this morning?” you immediately probe, unable to help yourself.
“And last night,” he contributes, shifting in his seat.
It’s a relief Jungkook had the wherewithal to whisper all that filth this morning. Also, that nothing was a secret. Jungkook is so great in that way. Acknowledging what is without being threatened and getting his ego bruised.
“So, obviously, I don’t mind that you’re loud.” His smile fades a bit and his gaze gets dark. “It’s sexy.”
Your stomach sinks. There are so many questions you want to ask but you don’t. How long? How often? What do you think about? Who do you think about?
He continues. “You like knowing that.” It starts as a question and ends as a statement. His eyes scan your face and you observe his own restraint.
It’s getting too deep. You should stop before this conversation escalates any further. The house feels too empty and too many ideas race in your mind. He takes the action before you.
“Are you ready to cook?” He asks, nearly leaping off the couch.
You both head to the kitchen and the tension settles as you get caught up in conversation about nothing-too-serious. Yoongi perfects a sauce while you load rice into a steamer. He tastes the sauce with his thumb and has a bland, questioning reaction.
“Is it good?” You try to read his face.
“I don’t know, try it.” He adds some spices and whisks further, lifting to check the consistency. You watch one strong arm whisk the mixture while the other holds the bowl still. His lips are pursed, concentrated. The sight of his arms and lips start to make your body hot.
You’ve seen him hundreds of times in the past 3 years. You’ve seen him everyday for 3 months. Still, It’s like looking at him for the first time.
This is all Jungkook’s fault. He put the idea in your mind.
Really, he activated something that was always there. You don’t know how he does it. He’s good like that too, excavating every emotion you have, never letting one be covered up or denied. You’d never realized how often you’d done that. He’s made you better, even before living together.
Nevertheless, your now crush is evolving to an ache, a craving right in front of your eyes. Yoongi is unaffected, focused on perfecting his cuisine. He’s messy, stray sauce everywhere.
He approaches where you stand by the counter, bowl in hand and you can smell him. It nearly knocks you off your feet when it fills your nostrils. Stray sauce is streaked on his forearm. You grab a nearby kitchen towel to swipe at his arm when he gets close, keeping your hands busy. They have too many ideas.
Maybe laying your hands on him (regardless of what they were doing) transfers your horny energy but your hands linger on him now and the dynamic shifts. He has that look again, lips parted, a million dirty thoughts flash across his mind in seconds. A big metal bowl is the only thing separating your bodies.
His eyes dart down from yours, guiding your own eyes to his lips, intrigued. He takes a deep breath and leans in closer, nearly hovering over you. He uses his thumb to briefly flick across your bottom lip. All the indecency in his eyes directed at your mouth. He places the bowl on the counter next to him, closing space between you.
“Try it.” He reaches down beside him and coats his thumb in the liquid. He slides the palm side of his thumb between your lips. You let them graze over but resist the urge to wrap your mouth around him.
You run your tongue over your lips to taste. “It’s good,” hardly audible.
The slight gesture causes the intensity to surge so greatly that you both seem to repel from each other. Yoongi returns to the other side of the kitchen and you both continue your tasks in silence, adrenaline still rushing, making it impossible to have a conversation.
Right on cue, Jungkook enters the silent heavy room.
“Hey.” you both say in unison, not even looking up at him.
“Hey.” He says, already sensing the put-on tones and not buying it for a single second.
“What have you been up to today?” He pecks your lips but keeps his eyes on Yoongi.
“I took a nap,” you offer, weakly. He nods suspiciously. Yoongi still has his back to him.
“How’s your recipe coming?” he asks, shooting daggers into the back of Yoongi’s head.
“Sauce is done,” you say, wishing Yoongi would speak for himself.
“Ok, What’s going on?” Jungkook finally demands.
You and Yoongi answer in unison. “Nothing,” sounding rehearsed.
“No, it's something.” His expression becomes uncharacteristically worried. “I know you’re flirting but right now, I feel like I'm interrupting something. I don’t like that.”
“I’m sorry, Jungkook.” Yoongi cracks and turns around. “You’re right, it’s inappropriate.”
He raises his eyebrows, intrigued. “What’s inappropriate?” he digs.
Yoongi darts his eyes to you, mouth open but not speaking.
“What happened?” Jungkook’s voice gets louder.
You break next. “I ate sauce off his hand.” It comes out fast like one long word.
“Like, how?” looking puzzled.
“Like, off his thumb.” You extend your own thumb as if he doesn’t know what one is.
“5 minutes ago.”
He slowly nods in comprehension. “So, you sucked on his finger. Then what?”
You fight the urge to correct him as you put such deliberate effort in NOT sucking. “Then, here we are.” You nervously tap your fingers on the countertop.
Jungkook is silent for a long time.
“Show me,” he announces.
“What?” Yoongi finally speaks again.
“Sounds harmless enough. Let me see.”
Yoongi pleads. “Jungkook, you don’t have to do this, it won’t happen again.”
“I'd feel better if I could see how ‘inappropriate’ it was.” Jungkook glares at Yoongi, wrestling to decide if he’s betrayed him or not.
There’s no getting out of it. You and Yoongi drag your feet to re-create your positions and he dips his thumb into the bowl just as before. You repeat the gesture, locking eyes with him for just a moment before his thumb touches your lips again.
Jungkook guffaws at the sight. “Did she do it like that?”.
“Yeah.” Yoongi shrugs his shoulders.
Jungkook redirects his gaze at you. “You? Did it like that?”
You narrow your eyes at Jungkook. “Yes.”
You can’t tell if you should be offended or honored by his shock at your weak cleaning of his thumb. You opt to keep quiet.
Yoongi looks thoroughly confused. Jungkook chortles and approaches you both by the bowl.
“She can do better than that.” He pulls Yoongi's wrist into the bowl, isolating his index finger. He coats Yoongi’s finger and pushes it against your lips.
You take his finger and instinctively pull him in, down to the webbing of his hand. Jungkook lets his wrist free and Yoongi takes the liberty to push in again with 2 fingers and you suck them in and let them fall out slowly. His throat lets out a low groan through parted lips.
“That’s better,” Jungkook croons.
Jungkook guides you a few steps away to the living room so only you can hear. “Is there anything else I need to know about?” He asks with a forbidding look.
You reassure him with a hand on his chest. “No, Jungkook.” He nods and kisses your lips.
“Do you want to do this?”
You’re not sure what “this” is but the way he strokes his fingers along your crotch gives you an idea.
“We’re going to talk for a few minutes,” he starts, quickly glancing at Yoongi. “Get in the bedroom.” He tugs back at your hair with force, making you gasp. “When we get in there, I want you in one of your slutty outfits, waiting on the bed.” He kisses you hard and sloppy on the mouth before releasing his grip. Yoongi's eyes are nearly bulging out of his face.
You head to the bedroom as calmly as possible. When the door closes behind you, you begin a frenzy, digging through boxes for any matching pieces of lingerie. You manage to find a set, freshen up and wait on the bed. It’s been almost a half hour, you wonder what they’re talking about.
Yoongi follows behind Jungkook and closes the door. “There she is.” Yoongi looks a little nervous. The 2 stand in front of the bed.
“Lips stay below the neck, no kissing on the lips,” Jungkook announces. You and Yoongi nod at each other, his boner appearing through his pants at the sight of you. “Can he cum on your chest?”
Yoongi glances down shyly at the question. You nod again, heart pounding.
“Anything else?” directed at you now. You shake your head, still unable to form words. Jungkook leans down where you sit on the bed to kiss you. “Relax,” he whispers before his lips peck yours.
Jungkook’s easy breakdown of “rules” and the fact they’d talked so much about this already gives you an inkling about their past.
You speak so only Jungkook can hear. “Something tells me this isn’t your first time.” You glance back at Yoongi.
“Smart girl.” He kisses you again. “But this is different. We’re not sharing. He turns you on and I like it when you’re turned on. So. Relax. I wanna turn you on and get you off.”
Jungkook removes his clothes before crawling behind you on the bed and runs his hands over your body, groping in front of Yoongi as he watches, standing by the bed.
“Look how pretty you are for us.” He pulls you head back for a kiss and slides his hand under the hem of your panties, letting a finger slip between your folds. Your knees buckle.
“Mmm, She’s so wet for you already, hyung.” He pushes the fabric away and slips fingers in and out of your wet opening. Yoongi instinctively rubs himself on the outside of his pants, watching as Jungkook pulls his hand away and brings his fingers to your mouth. You don’t let our eyes leave his before directing Yoongi.
“Come here.” You scoot to the edge of the bed.
Jungkook sits behind you, rubbing your back as Yoongi approaches.
Yoongi’s eyes roll back immediately when you grasp at the bulge through his sweatpants and stroke beneath the fabric. He takes off his shirt while you pull down at the waistband of his pants and watch his cock fall free. Pale shaft with a swollen pink tip. Perfectly placed veins, just like his arms. You wrap your lips around the tip and let saliva drip down his shaft. He places an encouraging palm on the back of your head as you slide your lips to the base and gag, bringing moans from Yoongi. You wrap your hand around his shaft and work it with your mouth.
“Wait.” Jungkook places a hand on your shoulder. The sight has him eager for a place to keep his dick wet while you service Yoongi. He guides you to bend in front of him. Pushing panties aside, Jungkook slides in with ease, arousal pooled at your opening. You continue on Yoongi, running your tongue on the underside of his balls and licking up to the tip. Jungkook gropes at your ass and thrusts softly, careful not to disturb Yoongi. Then sensation causes you to moan around his cock and Yoongi eggs your head off, breathing away an orgasm.
Jungkook takes this opportunity to fuck you at a normal pace. After some time, Yoongi palms himself, watching. You relish in being a fantasy come to life.
You’re sore, being railed by Jungkook this morning and the night before. But that doesn’t stop you or him. He unhooks your bra and lets it fall to the bed. He pulls you up so your body is flush in front of him and exposed to Yoongi, who increases the pace he has on himself.
Jungkook pulls out while still holding you close. Yoongi slows and closes his eyes, teetering on the edge again.
The wet sticky panties cling to you.
“Your panties are ruined baby.” Sucking kisses on the line of your neck while the cold panties cling to you. “Lay down so we can get them off.”
Jungkook guides you to your back as Yoongi stands at the side of the bed, pulling you to the edge so you’re spread in front of him. Your head lays in Jungkook’s lap, he still faces Yoongi.
Yoongi palms at your center, feeling the crevices over wet fabric. It’s sticky and uncomfortable and you just want them gone. Jungkook strokes your head in his lap. Yoongi holds his cock between your clothed folds, watching your face as you twitch around him. He pushes the tip at the opening, blocked by the fabric.
He continues letting his tip run up and down until he eventually grips at the crotch of the fabric and pulls it up and taut against your clit. He rhythmically lifts and releases, your pelvis rising a little bit with each pull. He continues faster and you’re now grateful for the sticky fabric that offers friction until he stops and let’s it slap back to your skin, just before you come. He’s edging you with your own underwear.
He finally pulls them down and around your ankles, playfully tossing them at Jungkook sitting behind you. He slithers his tip around your bare entrance, teasing your opening and sliding up. Squelching fills the air.
You’re eager to get him all the way inside, pushing your core down each time he’s at your opening. You whine when he pulls his cock away completely and moves to kiss at your bare breasts. He lets his teeth graze over your skin, sucking. Jungkook uses his foot to push at Yoongi’s shoulder.
“Don’t mark her,” he warns. Yoongi heeds his warning and opts to leave the area completely. He lines himself up and bottoms out inside, wetting his entire shaft with you.
You moan louder and Jungkook tugs at your nipples. Yoongi bottoms out with each thrust.
“Are you gonna come just like this, Noona?” Yoongi teases, between thrusts as if you weren’t being turned on and teased for the last hour.
“I’d rather come on your lips,” letting your finger flick across his mouth.”
A little shock flashes across his face before Jungkook laughs. “Mmm, I love a good slut that asks for what she wants.” He praises as he strokes your hair.
Jungkook makes room for Yoongi to lay back on the bed again.
“I like this “crush” thing,” Yoongi says as you hover over top of him and he attaches his lips to you straight away. His arms are hooked around your thighs as he sucks and flicks his tongue over your swollen clit. He lets out deep little moans underneath you, happy to have you squirming and whimpering above him. You rock your hips back and forth on his face and the vibrations from his voice bring you so close again.
Jungkook lines up flush behind you. “I told him how good you taste, baby. And I know he loves hearing your pretty voice.” He slips his fingers under your bum to push fingers into your opening. Yoongi moves his mouth up just slightly to make room for him and you still. He continues, “Come for us, baby,” kissing your neck.
Yoongi squeezes at your breasts and He holds you down tight on his face when you come.
You’re shuddering above him still when he instructs you to bend over, guiding you off of him. Jungkook moves to sit at the opposite end of the bed.
You present yourself to him and instantly fall to your elbows when he licks a long strip from your opening all the way up to your tailbone. Jungkook giggles at your reaction.
“Do it again.” Jungkook orders. Yoongi does, and you’re so sensitive that your thighs shake. He moves to your opening and laps at this new angle, insatiable. Just as you begin to lose yourself on his tongue again, he lines up behind you and slams you on his cock. He fills you in a different way, hands on your hips as he slides your body over himself again and again.
Jungkook doesn’t waste a moment before positioning himself so he can gag you on his cock while Yoongi thrusts mercilessly, both taking everything they want from you.
Jungkook pulls your hair back to see your face. “Such a good slut, stuffed full at both ends.”
Yoongi grunts at the words. “Fuck, I’m gonna come.” You’re suddenly empty as they fumble to change positions. Jungkook instructs you to turn over and sit up on the edge of the bed.
Yoongi stands in front of you and ribbons white on your chest, grunting through his orgasm.
Jungkook pushes your back to the bed and runs his flat tongue over your messied chest, collecting cum in his mouth. He grips your jaw from above you, signaling to open and you readily obey. He purses his lips and lets the liquid fall into your mouth, laps up more and repeats all while strokes himself.
When your chest is clean, He climbs over you so his thighs straddle your face.
“Mmmmm… show him who my sweet cumslut is.” He praises before he throws his head back and groans, stroking himself into your open mouth.
You hold your mouth open while he spills into you, swallowing and licking your lips. You hold out your clean tongue and he spits from high up once more for good measure. Yoongi sits in your peripheral vision on a nearby chair. Spent cock resting between his legs, hands laced behind his head, taking in the sight.
“Good Girl,” Jungkook whispers.
The three of you sit up straight when you hear the screaming.
“Yoongiiii!!” Seokjin’s voice wails through the thin walls.
Yoongi puts on pants and nearly flies to the kitchen. You and Jungkook quickly dress and follow behind.
You walk into Seokjin scolding Yoongi about a pot boiling over and scorching on the stove.
“You could’ve set the house on fire!”
“I… I’m sorry I got distracted.”
“Doing what?!.” Seokjin’s fury fades when he notices Yoongi is shirtless and the 3 of you have triple fucked-out looks.
“You know what? I don’t want to know,” he announces, as he scrubs the burner.
Yoongi and Seokjin finish cooking and everyone sits for the meal. You’ve done this many times now, sitting around a table talking for hours. Sometimes everyone is up all night and you reluctantly agree to go to sleep. Other times, members slowly trickle away and wake up to the same remaining people talking. Oftentimes, it was you and Yoongi.
The plates are nearly clear when Taehyung declares: “Noona, I emptied our part of the closet downstairs so you have room for your things.
You glare at Jungkook.
“Don’t look at me, I didn’t tell him to do that,” taking a final bite. Taehyung assumed.
“Actually, I’m going back to work,” blurting out, threatened by Taehyung’s (and everyone’s) assumption. “But, thank you.”
“You are?” Jungkook looks only half surprised.
“Yeah. I fly out to San Francisco next Thursday.”
Jungkook stands from the table and calmly walks to the bedroom. You politely excuse yourself and follow him. He’s not even looking at you yet but starts off before the door even shuts.
“So when I left this morning, you were thinking about it. You fuck my friend. Now, you’re leaving next week.”
You close your eyes and scoff. You can just imagine the six others just outside the door, darting eyes at each other, wondering which “friend”. It’s an unfair and irrelevant comment but you choose to ignore it, he has his own share of “unfair”.
“Jungkook, lower your voice.”
Ignoring you, “Did you even think about it?”
Blood heats under your skin. “Why think about it when everyone has just assumed? It’s like everyone gets a say but me.”
“And what’s your ‘say’?”
You pause before speaking, trying to calm yourself. “We both knew this arrangement was temporary. The way it was before was working for us.”
“It won’t work for me, not anymore.” “And this is not just an ‘arrangement’ anymore, you know that.”
“You know management does NOT want me around.”
“I don’t give a fuck WHAT they want. I’ve made it very clear that you’re not going anywhere. At least if it’s up to me.”
Your attempts to soothe yourself and convince Jungkook are failing. “So, what? I just hide out here, some house gremlin while you’re gone for weeks, months at a time? Having to be your dirty little secret? We can’t even be together in public.”
He glances down and gets closer to you. “That will be hard. I’m sorry. I wish I could change that.” His voice gets lower. “But when I’m gone…I mean, you’ve been cooking and writing and playing the guitar and you love that. You could do that. Or not. You could do whatever you want.” He stands firm. “If one of us is not bound by work, we’re officially together twice as much. Next?” He trudges forward, seeking to eliminate all of your ideas.
“I would have to move to a different country.”
“What about it? Tell me, where do you consider ‘home?’ and wherever you think that is, tell me why you chose to come here when you had to choose a place to be 3 months ago? The apartment is yours too. You could be here or there, whatever you want. What else can you come up with?”
You get sucked into his attempt to exhaust your excuses. “They offered me a raise to come back.” It sounds stupid coming out about half way through.
“Money?”, he laughs erratically, sounding unstable now. He pulls a billfold from his pants pocket and begins launching credit cards and different types of cash on the bed. “Here. Here. Here. And there’s more where that came from.”
“Ok, Jungkook,” you turn, agitated. He circles the bed to get face-to-face again.
“I’m just saying you have no excuse!” His voice gets somber and tears well in his eyes. The pain on his face makes you do the same. “So, why not then? Just tell me why. Because, when you’re here, the way you look at me, I know you feel the way I do. So why don’t you want to?”
You shake your head. “It’s not that I don’t want Jungkook. You just don’t know how things will turn out.”
He’s gripping your arms, trying to get his sense into you. “There is nothing that I'm worried about as long as you’re here. No matter what, it’s going to be fine.”
You coldly shake him off. “How do you know?!” You're yelling and crying now, really wanting to know where he gets his faith.
“I don’t know how anything will turn out, I just know that I want you there anyway!”
His face drops with realization.
His voice gets very quiet. “I guess that’s the difference between us.”
You’re too drained to argue that point. Maybe he’s right.
You make a final plea. “Please,” as you hiccup through sobs. “Can you just give me time to think about it? Instead of deciding for me?”
He pushes his forehead to yours. “I'm sorry I pressured you. I love you. It’s better when you’re here.” He tucks a strand of hair behind your ear. “There is no ultimatum here.” His forehead wrinkles. “Sometimes, I think if it’s something you really wanted, you wouldn’t have to think about it. But if time is what you want, take it.
“Thank you.” You hold onto each other like you might just slip away. Your sudden comfort is quickly snatched when he finishes.
“But if you’re not staying, you should go now.”
He squeezes you tight and whispers. “I love you.” Before you can reciprocate, he leaves and disappears into another part of the house. You haphazardly pack a bag and exit the bedroom, wiping tears from your face.
Yoongi approaches you as you head for the door, Seokjin following just behind. The others have gone after Jungkook.
“Noona, I'm so sorry, I didn’t mean to…”
You try to reassure him right away, hugging him. “Hey...it’s not you. This…” You search for the words to describe the situation, no fault on Yoongi. “This has been a long time coming.”
“Why are you leaving so soon?”
“It hurts Jungkook that I'm here so I need to go.” It sounds silly coming out of your mouth. If you just stayed, he wouldn’t be hurt. And neither would you.
“Do you need a car?” Seokjin asks. You nod he is on the phone right away.
You continue with Yoongi, “Could you send my boxes? I’ll have an address in a few days.”
“Of course.” He hugs you again. “Why do I feel like I’m never going to see you again?”
You don’t tell him that it feels that way to you too. “Would you just make sure he’s ok, please?”
He nods and with that you leave, severing ties with that safe little world.
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8bitscarlet · 3 years
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Summary: You've found yourself falling deeper into a certain witch's spell. But no matter how strong the magic is, it seems that the two of you just keep missing each other.
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Genre/Warnings: Angst/Fluff (minor cussing)
Word Count: 3.5k
A/N: This is a fic for @marvelxreaderfanfictionfest writing exchange. This one is for @mrsromanoff and the prompt: "I can't keep kissing strangers and thinking they're you." Hope you like it!
*please do not repost or translate my material or claim as yours.*
You never thought your three month assignment with the Avengers would've extended as long as it has. Missions went by with minimal injuries and maximum wins. You found yourself settling well into the chaos of the compound; the echoing boasts of Thor, the competitive edge of Danvers and the snark between Romanoff and Stark. When your three months were up, it wasn't a surprise to anyone that you immediately signed the contract from Stark, an official placement on the team.
Despite all of the alien blasters, Hydra experiments and Tony's benefit parties, nothing could've prepared you for a single person to rock your world. It started innocently enough; stolen glances at meals and ensuring you two were on the same mission team. As time continued, things turned less innocent; sneaking off during charity balls to suck face in the broom closet, you could recall a few times you were nearly caught in the back of the Quinjet. There was something about this woman. The way her fingers slithered through your hair, how those green eyes made your heart say yes, she stripped you bare.
You had convinced yourself it was witchcraft. It had to be.
Sitting with your cheek pressed against your fist, you find yourself doodling as Steve drones on in the background. Someone nudges you and as you turn, Wanda raises her brows when your eyes connect. With a groan, you raise the pen in your hand. Steve notices, stopping his spiel to look at you with a clenched jaw.
"With all due respect, Cap, we all got in at four this morning. Do we need a recap of the mission right now?"
Steve sighs, glancing at everyone and seeing them agreeing with you. You all had barely had time to unpack, let alone write your after action reports.
"Alright, Y/N. We'll go over how your pants tore mid-fight on Monday."
You point your pen at him, warning him as you watch his stupid smile fill his face. Bucky slaps your shoulders in gratitude, picking up Alpine onto his shoulders as he strides out to find Sam. Wanda's fingers gently brush yours as you walk side by side, sending an electric charge through your body.
"You know, when someone says 'with all due respect,' they really mean, 'kiss my ass'." Wanda glances at you with a sly smile.
Walking backwards towards the couch, you outstretch your arms with a grin, "Because that's what I meant, darling."
Chuckling, you roll over the back of the couch and plop down onto the cushions, your head landing perfectly on a pillow. Wanda lets out a scoff, knowing how many times it's taken you to actually land on the cushion and not the floor.
Flipping through the pages of her book, you watch her through half-closed eyes. A year ago you'd be asking what she was reading. A year ago, she'd curl up with you and explain it all. A year ago, you didn't have guilt eating at you.
Things a year ago were more than good between you. There might have even been a chance beyond friends with benefits. You knew you wanted that. Every time you looked at her, you couldn't stop your pounding heart or the warmth that grew in your stomach.
But you were stupid.
Chickening out every chance you had to ask her on an actual date rather than sneaking around to make her moan. You both had set ground rules, no strings attached. If it got too messy, you both had to call it quits. So, you convinced yourself it was better to quietly love her and keep her, than to tell the truth and lose her.
That was before the year long mission with Carol and Bucky. Before you realized how big of a mistake it was two months in. Before every day texts and video chats diminished to every other week, then every other month. Before you got back to the compound and saw her kissing up on some random benefactor at the Welcome Home Party. It was definitely before she started dating that walking toaster, Vision.
Luckily, he hadn't been around much the past month so watching them kiss and stare into each other's eyes was doable, mostly because you turned whenever you saw that stupid spark plug.
Four months since coming home, you've tried to fill the void the witch had created in your body, your soul. You went out with Carol and Bucky, prowling the town and the bar. Matching shot for shot some nights, waking up in random apartments other nights. Eventually Bucky did what you never did.
He asked Sam on a date and that left you and Carol. Until she started hooking up with Maria and dragged her along so you wouldn't be hitting the bars alone. You had made yourself a pity case.
"Do you need something?" Wanda cocks a brow at you, making a face at your prolonged staring.
You clear your throat, feeling the heat rush through your face, "You look a little sunburnt."
With a shrug and a chuckle, Wanda bookmarks her page as she places it down on the coffee table. Standing, she sits down on the couch, your body automatically scooting over to accommodate her. Holding out her red and glowing hand, you watch her pull off her rings, displaying the radiating tan lines running up and down her fingers. A laugh escapes you as you feel her hand slap against your chest.
"I didn't have anyone to put sunscreen on me!" She groans, "It burns!"
You guide your finger gently down her exposed arm, pressing in slightly to her warm skin. As you lift, you see the true color of her skin before it's bombarded with the glowing red of her burn. Glancing up, her green eyes watch you carefully, both of you not acknowledging the weight of her hand still on your chest.
"An aloe vera massage would do wonders," You whisper, "And I'm all out."
With a roll of her eyes, she leans back into your legs, "You really are a pain in my ass, y'know? When I tell people about you, that's the first thing I say."
Watching her float the remote to her awaiting hand, you grin, "Oho, so you're telling people about me, huh?"
"Please, check the ego there."
For the next moment, the two of you sit peacefully in each other's silence. Wanda was one who clung to those she trusted. When you came back, it was like she had superglued herself to you any time you walked into the room. It didn't help that you were still madly in love and she was taken.
Right now though, you watch her delicate fingers play with yours. Her eyes squinting with laughter as she watches her sitcoms, glancing to see if you're laughing as well.
A commercial echoes through the living room and Wanda lets out a sigh for attention, patting your thigh as she drops your hand. You don't move it as it lands atop her thigh, only gently stroke your thumb against the silky skin you wish could press against yours. Letting out a noise that you're both awake and paying attention to her, she glances over at you.
"Since you got Captain America to actually give us a free weekend, what's your plan tonight, casanova?"
You shrug, "I have early training with Bucky and-."
Wanda moves her whole body to face you, your hand slipping from her thigh as confusion spreads across her face. She lets out an unbelieving scoff,
"You're joking. You used to show up half drunk to training and still kick ass."
She's watching you carefully and you try to keep a neutral look on your face, she knows all of your quirks. Glancing up at her with a small grin, you pull your legs into you. Shifting yourself, you sit properly on the couch and run your hands through your hair.
"Just don't want to go out tonight. It's boring." You chuckle, trying to swallow the lump in your throat.
Wanda rolls her eyes, "Why, no one catches your eye anymore?"
Another playful nudge and you sigh. All this playful teasing, these light touches. She has to know what she's doing.
Trying to keep a steady and nonchalant shrug, you shake your head,
"No one out there."
And you might've gotten away with it. Instead, you fell into the magnetic pull of those green eyes that cause you so much trouble. As your eyes land on hers, you can see the dilation within her pupils. Then the realization across her face. Her playful grin falls as she stares at you, blinking slowly.
"Y/N," She says slowly, "If you're doing what I think-."
You stand up quickly, your feet taking you to the other end of the coffee table. In two days you'll be gone and you'll be back in the place you hate being in right now. Placing your hands on your waist, you look up from your tapping foot.
"Wanda, I can't keep kissing strangers and thinking they're you."
Silence meets your face. You watch her as she slowly nods at you, "That's exactly what you're doing."
Groaning, she slides her fingers through her hair, pinning it from her face. Wanda lets out a careful breath before looking up at you, "What happened to no strings?"
Slapping your hands against your thighs in frustration, you let out a scornful chuckle, "Come on, Wanda. You know those rules were bullshit! No strings means not going on exclusive trips to museums and restaurants!" You watch her eyes flicker around the room, trying to find a way to disprove what you're saying. "It means not staying up all night when the other is sick!"
Wanda stands up quickly and you can see the look on her face, she knows what you're getting to. Waving her hand to get you to shut up, she tries to get to the stairs but your words blurt from your mouth,
"It means not falling in love!"
Her feet stop carrying her towards the stairs, her body frozen in the middle of the compound. Carefully, you step towards her, leaning ever so slightly to try and catch her eyes. They're glazed over from your confession, trying to understand the implications.
"I left. I..." You suck in a shaky breath, "I thought it would be easier if I wasn't here. You were so adamant about no strings, Wands. I broke the only rule, why would I stay?"
Her head jerks back at your words, her brows furrowing deeply down her face. Without another second to keep talking, Wanda's feet pivot as she shoots a finger into your face. You jerk away from her advance, seeing the growing mist within her eyes as she shouts,
"That's why you left?"
The crack in her voice sends one through your heart.
She turns quickly, her hands violently wiping at the tears that have broken free. You clench your brows. She's angry at you? You're the one who's had to watch her prance around with Vision, you just a memory of romance. Just before she can grab her bag and leave, you call out,
"Well, you seem to have fared better than me!"
As the words leave your lips, you bite down hard and shut your eyes. A surprised choke exits Wanda's throat as she throws her purse back onto the side table, knocking over the decorative bowl of rocks. They scatter across the ground but she doesn't notice, all of her rage is pointing at you. Her fingers run violently through her auburn hair, looking like she wants to rip it out.
"You are infuriating!" She jabs a fingers at you, "Why think that?! Because I'm dating Vision? He's filling a void, dumbass!"
Her words stab into you as her stomps draw nearer, you can feel the heat of her anger. She's not done, she's not letting you off easy.
"Every time he touches me, every time he kisses me. God, Y/N! All I can see is your dumb face."
Wanda's heavy breath washes over you as she finally stops her assault, so close you can see the blue in her green eyes. Her body radiates out to you and you have to force your hands into your pocket to not grab her and kiss her. Your eyes dip to her lips but you see sadness that has quickly replaced the facade of anger. Making a small fist, she slams it into your chest as her head bows. Her arm slides down your body, hanging limply at her side as she looks to you.
"Why didn't you talk to me?"
Wanda's fingers twitch forward, wanting to grab onto you. You sigh, taking your hands from your pockets and resting them on your waist. Your confession was supposed to be more romantic than this. Instead, you brought up issues you both were trying to ignore. You were angry now at yourself, taking it all out on the person you loved. You'd spent too long with all of this pent up emotion though, and it was all pouring out in waves.
"I have to finish my requisition forms. Get my gear ready."
You don't have to look up to know what face Wanda is making at you. It's the same face she had when you left the first time. The way her brows clenched together in disbelief, the pain behind her reddened eyes that threatened to spill more tears, how her chin trembled as she tried to breathe.
Her voice barely passes a whisper but standing so close, you hear every broken syllable, "You're leaving again."
You sigh, rubbing your throbbing temples as you feel your nose stuff up.
"You drop all of that on me and you're just going to turn around and leave?"
Shaking your head, you want this conversation to end. It's obvious where she is and it's not next to you.
"Don't you have a date or something?" You ask.
Wanda's been around you too long to not see exactly what you're doing. She lets out a chuckle, a lethal look in her eyes.
"No, you're right. And that date seems a hell of a lot better than this." Without another word, she snatches her purse from the table and starts to climb the stairs, leaving your feet frozen. Just as she reaches the middle of the staircase, she stops. You can feel her stare burning into you and as you look her way, you wish you hadn't.
"You're a coward."
Those words burn into your brain, rising through your ears and torture you for the rest of the day. The only thing you could think to do was slam your fists into the closest thing. The punching bags. People came and went, eyeing you try and punch away your frustrations to no avail. When the sun finally had sunk below the horizon, one Avenger had enough of your pity party.
"You know she's right." A voice comes from behind you.
You don't respond to them, just dodge the swaying bag. They walk into the room, stopping just inside of your peripheral.
"You're an idiot, you know."
With a chuckle, you sidestep the bag, "You need to be a little more specific."
"You're losing her again."
Another punch, "Uh huh."
Carol sighs next to you, "And you sent her away on her date."
She steps in front of the bag, stopping its movement and stares at you with determination in her eyes, "And you're not going after her?"
Avoiding her stare, you start to unwrap your hands, wiping at the sweat that pours down your face. Stopping, you can feel the cramp in your side and the throbbing of your knuckles. Chucking the wrap, you let out a shrug,
"Is there a point?"
Carol shoves the bag into you, grabbing your attention, "I am not going on another mission with you while you sulk. Do you know you talk in your sleep? Yeah. Guess what name I heard that whole year?"
You shake you head, licking your chapped lips as you search for water, "She didn't say it back."
You hear an exasperated chuckle from Carol, "Y'know Y/N, I'm going to go on a limb and say she wasn't expecting all of that to be thrown in her face."
Shooting her a glare, she keeps talking, "I'm saying this once. If you think this is going to be some cheesy Rom-Com where she bursts through those doors and confesses her love, you're more of an idiot than I thought." A finger jabs hard into your chest as you grimace, "You need to fix this."
Carol leaves you there with your head filled with more thoughts than before. Wanda was happy with Vision wasn't she? She hadn't talked about him much but you knew she had to be. Who were you to go and screw that up?
Night turned into morning and after staring up at your ceiling, you knew you weren't getting any sleep.
Sneaking down the stairs, you see everyone is still asleep. You take the opportunity to sit in more silence and wait for the coffee machine to finish steaming. The sun was just beginning to shine its red hues into the kitchen as you stood at the counter, twirling your empty mug. Lost in thought, you failed to hear the padding of feet coming down the stairs.
"I thought you had early training."
With a quiet chuckle, you lean into the counter, "You caught me."
In silence, you watch the witch pour in her coffee. The same amount of creamer and sugar every time, the same motions every morning since you've noticed her. Turning, she sees your mindless fingers twisting and turning your empty mug. Wanda raises her brows and holds out her hand,
You hand over the mug and watch her work her magic on the black liquid, turning it into the caramel drink you love. Breathing in deeply, you watch the bubbles swirl around the liquid. You furrow your brows,
"I can never make mine taste-."
"We broke up."
Her words slam into you, your breath catching inside of your throat. Looking up, Wanda stands there in the middle of the kitchen, unsure if she had truly spoken or not. She looks up at you, her mouth closing as she realizes she doesn't know what she's doing.
"What? Wands, are you okay?" You start to stand to go and comfort her, you know they had a date yesterday. Did the son of a microwave hurt her?
Wanda's hand rises, stopping you in your tracks before she takes a quiet breath, "We broke up almost a month ago, Y/N."
Nodding at your obliviousness, you knock your knuckles against the counter as you press your lips into a thin line, "We're both liars then."
"Tell me you lied about the mission," She whispers, leaning into the counter. Her fingers laying gently across yours.
Your chest constricts as you sigh, "I didn't."
You watch her sullen nod, curling hair falling out of her messy bun as you gently graze your thumb across her knuckles. She quietly chuckles,
"We just missed each other."
Stopping your thumb, you clench your jaw. This isn't going to happen again.
"Wanda," You whisper, listening to the sad hum she gives you as she glances up with bloodshot eyes, "I'm sorry. I was scared and... I was an idiot."
Wanda pats your hand with a loud sniff, "I appreciate it, but-."
She doesn't continue. She doesn't want to believe that you're leaving. The love you feel wouldn't be strong enough to survive that time apart again. There's broken support beams and one thing will send it falling down. A far away mission isn't the nurturing this budding feeling needs.
Wanda tries her best to flash you a grin, "Let me teach you how to make coffee."
Before she can turn, you grab her hand quickly, "I'd prefer if you made it."
As you walk around the counter, you gently rest a hand on her waist, watching her carefully. Her handgrips your arm tightly, words stuttering from her lips as she tries to remind you that she's not going. You're leaving her again.
Without hesitation, you press your lips against hers, feeling her breath wash over you in a sigh. You pull her in tighter, leaning your head back to speak,
"Sam's going stir crazy. He can have it."
A smile tugs at your lips as you see her furrowed brows on her face, you place a kiss at the center of the wrinkles, pulling back to see the scrunching of her nose. A scrunch just for you.
"Wanda Maximoff. I love you. And I'm not losing you twice."
Without warning, her lips smash against your as she wraps her arms around your shoulders as you hoist her up. Wanda's legs wrap around you as both of you are smiling so wide that you can't kiss properly. Feeling her cold hands press gently against your face, you look into those green eyes that complete you life.
"I love you." Wanda whispers as her witchcraft wraps around you once more.
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saintlike78 · 3 years
Ok so... I have a little request : Bill is not with Fleur, but he meets Harry's cousin (Dudley's sister, who is the complete opposite of her family and loves Harry as her own brother) and she arouses his interest, and from here you can continue as you wish, if you could do a little smut if you are comfortable.🤗🤗🤗
I know Dudley doesn't have a sister, but I like the idea. And sorry for the mistakes, but I don't speak English so well.
Never seen anyone like you [B.W.]
A/N: Thank you so much for your request! I’m so sorry for the long wait, but I loved this idea so much, but I just didn’t know which direction to go with it, but I hope you like what I came up with. Reader is the same age as the twins and is also a muggle. This is also kinda paired with another request, where the person just wanted a Bill Weasley smut, which is also included.
Pairings: Bill Weasley x Fem! Muggle! Reader
Words: 3.6k
Warnings: NSFW 16+, vaginal sex, fingering, unprotected sex, age gap (7 years), mention of death, mention of nightmares, mention of injury.
The wind hit your back and made a chill run up your spine, making you shiver. Standing in the driveway of nr. 4 Privet Drive, you and Harry were watching your mother, father and brother leave because of the wizarding war threatening their safety. Your mother had tried but failed to get you to leave as well, but you couldn’t imagine leaving Harry behind and not being able to be there for him and to protect him, even if you had no magic yourself.
You had always loved Harry and saw him as a closer family than your actual family. You never understood what the problem was with him or why your family seemed to despise him so much, that was until he got his letter and he left for Hogwarts. You were so happy for him, but not being able to see him and only during the summer was tough because without Harry there to take all the slander from the Dursleys you, unfortunately, became the family's punching bag. When you turned 18 and finally moved out, you let Harry stay with you in your flat instead of going home to your family.
The house seemed eerie with only you and Harry and no future. You sat on the kitchen counter, Harry was pacing around the kitchen whilst you were waiting for the order to come and transport you both.
“Are you sure you want to do this? It’s not too late to leave and go into hiding yourself,” Harry said looking at you with worry.
“I’m sure, Harry, I want to be here with you and make sure you’re alright.”
A knock sounded on the door and you jumped down from the counter, following Harry to the door. Harry opened the door and inside stepped many familiar faces and some you hadn’t seen before. Having had Harry stay with you, you had met all the Weasleys (except for Charlie and Bill), when you had gone to visit The Burrow.
They all stepped inside one at a time and greeted you. The twins had made a huge show about picking you up and spinning you around telling you how much they had missed their ‘favorite muggle’, you slapped both their arms lightly and let them pass you. The last two people to enter was Arthur Weasley who you greeted, and one person you hadn’t met before. He had red hair, letting you know he was a Weasley as well, he was tall and had scars running down his face like Remus Lupin. You were almost at a loss for words when he stepped inside, your mind completely blank after looking at how handsome he was. You could already feel a little crush starting to form and you got butterflies when he made his way to you and stuck out his hand for you to shake.
“I’m Bill Weasley, a pleasure to meet you, at last, my family has told me much about you.” He said as you shook his hand. “Y/N Dursley, lovely to meet you too,” you said knowing you should be letting his hand go, but letting it linger a little longer.
You both just stared at each other, completely forgetting where you were and that you had things to do. That was until Fred and George came up on either side of you, each placing a hand on each of your shoulders, prompting you to let go of Bill’s hand.
“Well, now you’re just missing Charlie and then you’ve met the whole Weasley-clan,” Fred said with a laugh.
You just laughed and nodded your head.
“I’m going to go find Harry,” you quickly smiled at Bill and got out of the twin’s grasp, leaving them alone with Bill in the hallway.
“Blimey, why did none of you tell me!” Bill exclaimed in a low voice.
“Tell you what?” the twins said in synch.
“Tell me about Y/N,” he said as if his statement was obvious.
“We did, we said she was really nice and that she came round the shop and by the house a couple of times,” George said, still not really understanding what their brother meant.
“Yes, you said she was nice, but you didn’t tell me she looked like that.”
Both Fred and George let out a laugh, “Well mate, we didn’t think it was important to say that she doesn’t look like the other Dursleys.”
Bill hmphed like a child, “you could have told me. She’s the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.”
“Alright alright, calm down Bill,” Fred laughed.
“But if you must know… she’s the same age as us, so a bit young for you eh? But she’s also single, from what we’ve gathered,” George informed their brother.
Bill just nodded and was about to ask more about you, but Moody’s voice was heard from the lounge telling everyone to gather around.
Entering the lounge, Bill spotted you and came to stand beside you, but slightly behind you. You felt his presence and turned your head slightly to give him a smile, one that he returned.
Moody briefed you all on what was going to happen, not without an objection from Harry. When Moody told everyone that he wanted there to be seven Harrys’, you had volunteered, since you felt kind of useless, being a muggle and all. This also didn’t go over well with Harry, telling you that this was out of the question, but you being just as stubborn as he would not let him talk you out of it. You told him that you wanted to help and that this was the only way for you to help with this situation.
After much convincing from not only you but everyone, he finally agreed.
“Alright, all the Harrys’ have a companion to ride with except for you Y/N.. you can ride with Bill,” Moddy informed you.
You nodded and felt a hand fall on your shoulder and giving it a squeeze. You looked back at Bill, whose hand it was, and smiled again. He kept his hand on your shoulder as a form of comfort and encouragement, squeezing once in a while. You could feel the butterflies swarming around in your stomach and you felt all warm and tingly all over, just because of his small touch.
Not long after, you were clinging on to Bill as you made your way to The Burrow. You didn’t know what you were thinking volunteering, since you couldn’t really protect yourself against the swarm of death eaters that followed you through the sky. Bill was trying his best to steer and fight back against them all. Moody was trying to shield you from the other side, but then suddenly a green spark hit him, and he tumbled towards the ground.
You let out a scream and buried your head into Bill’s back.
“Don’t worry, the worst part is over, we’ll be there soon,” Bill shouted against the wind so you would be able to hear him.
Arriving at The Burrow you were met by Molly attacking both you and Bill with a gigantic hug.
“Are you alright?” she asked looking between Bill and yourself.
“We’re alright mum, but Alastor… he didn’t make it,” Bill said looking down.
You put a hand on his back, slowly rubbing up and down trying to soothe him. You knew everyone was close with Moody and that his death would hurt the Order.
“How is everyone?” You asked Molly, hoping she would bring you some sort of good news.
“We’re still missing Fred and Arthur, but it would be best for you to come with me inside… George was hurt, he’ll be fine, but I need to keep an eye on him,” Molly informed you both.
You were startled awake by the image of Alastor crashing towards the ground. You were trying to catch your breath, your hands shaky and sweat running down your back. You decided you needed a glass of water and perhaps some fresh air to calm down. You quietly got out of your makeshift bed on the floor and tried your best not to wake Ginny and Hermione, as you made your way out of the bedroom and down the creaky stairs towards the kitchen.
The cold water slid down your throat and you instantly felt better, but you still needed some air. You quietly opened the door to the garden and walked outside, the cool summer air instantly lowering your body temperature and relaxing you. Finding a nice spot, you sat upon the grass looking up at the stars, you hoped everything would turn out alright, but you weren’t so sure with how intense everything had been last night and that was just a tiny mission. Your head raced with millions of thoughts you didn’t notice the scar-faced ginger looking at you from the door and making his way over to you when he noticed the number of clothes (or rather lack thereof) you were wearing.
“Are you alright?” he asked quietly as to not startle you with his presence.
You looked up at him and nodded. You patted the spot beside you, indicating for him to sit.
You couldn’t help but admire how handsome he looked in the moonlight, even if he was just wearing some casual plaid pajama pants and a knitted jumper, which you could tell was a Molly original.
You sat in silence as you both stared at the moon, the cool air having finally cooled you down, your temperature was now a bit too low, and you could feel goosebumps rise on your bare arms and legs. Bill who had been watching you making sure you were comfortable quickly removed the knitted jumper and handed it to you.
“Here, you’ll get ill if you don’t warm-up,” he said and you didn’t argue, pulling the jumper over your head. It smelled good and was already warm from leftover body heat from Bill, which made your stomach do a flip and fill with butterflies.
“Thank you,” you said with a smile, “please tell me if you get cold and want your jumper back.”
“No problem, and it’s fine, I don’t really get cold,” Bill said.
Putting his hands behind his head, he laid down looking up at the stars. Your eyes were instantly drawn to the way his muscles flexed in the grey t-shirt he had worn underneath the jumper. Your mouth watered a little, but you quickly pulled yourself together and laid down as well.
You laid in silence and looked at the stars, it wasn’t awkward or uncomfortable, it was like you had known him your whole life, it felt so right.
A couple of minutes passed before Bill broke the silence.
“Why’d you decide to go with Harry instead of your family?”
You were a little taken aback by the bluntness of the question, but nevertheless answered quickly, not needing time to think about your answer.
“Harry is my family, and I couldn’t just leave him, especially now… I want to be there for him, even though I’m just a muggle, I..I’m going to be there until this war is over.”
Bill nodded turning his head towards yours, your head already turned towards him meeting his eyes. Your breath caught in your throat when you realized how close your face was to his, the way his eyes flicked between your eyes and your lips made your stomach do flips. Suddenly he started leaning in, “I know this is very sudden, but may I kiss you?” Bill said lowly, almost a whisper.
You nodded and leaned in the rest of the way connecting your lips with his. You knew it was so cliché, but you felt instant sparks of electricity shooting through your entire body.
The kiss was slow and gentle, but then you felt Bill’s tongue on your bottom lip asking for permission to enter your mouth, which you granted. He leaned upon one of his arms, so he was above you, his free arm cupping your cheek and keeping your face towards his.
This went on for a while, but begrudgingly you pulled apart for air.
You stared at each other, both taking deep breaths trying to regain a normal breathing pattern.
“wow,” Bill sighed out, “you are unbelievably beautiful.”
Your cheeks turned red with the heat of the blush settling on your face.
“Thank you,” you whispered and reached a hand up to caress his cheek.
You ended up talking until the sun rose on the horizon, the morning dew settling on the grass, making everything damp.
Your head was on Bill’s chest, hugging him to keep warm, but also just to be close to him.
“You don’t think I’m too old do you?” Bill asked, gently stroking your back.
Your headshot up from his chest to look into his eyes, “of course not,” you laughed and shook your head, laying it down again. Bill just chuckled and mumbled “alright.”
You ran across the lawn as the black smoke figures landed around you. You tried to find Harry or Bill.
One of the figures shot a spell towards you and you ducked and covered your face, even though you knew that wouldn’t help. You waited for an impact, but it never came, instead, you were yanked by your arm into a broad chest. You looked up and saw Bill already looking at you, a concerned look on his face.
“Okay get ready, love,” he said quickly.
You didn’t get a chance to ask for what before the air was knocked out of you and the world spun around you.
You landed with a ‘thump’, eyes closed, still holding on tightly to Bill, afraid you were going to be sick.
“It’s alright now, you can open your eyes now,” Bill said quietly.
You opened your eyes, and you were met with the bright sun shining down on you. The light breeze caught in your hair and the smell of the ocean met your nose.
You looked around, the ocean was in front of you, and behind you was old, but cozy-looking, cottage.
“Where are we?” you asked, still not letting go of Bill.
“Shell cottage, it’s my family’s place… I took us here because we’ll be safe here,” Bill explained.
You nodded, but the relief was quickly replaced by worry and fear.
“But what about Harry and the others? They’re not here!” you rushed out, also leaving Bill’s arms to pace in front of him.
He pulled you back and pushed a strand of hair out of your face.
“The rest of the family is fine. Harry, Ron, and Hermione all went somewhere, where I’m not sure, but Ron promised he would let us know that they’re safe.”
You sighed out, still very concerned, but relieved that you were safe and hoped that Harry would be as well.
“Let’s go inside, love,” Bill whispered, taking your hand and leading you inside.
He first showed you around the house and then showed you to your room and let you freshen up or take a nap, just letting you calm down in your own space.
You were startled awake by the images that played behind your closed eyes. You focused on the room, the moonlight bleeding in through the window, lighting up a part of the floor.
Your breathing was heavy, and your body was sweaty.
You tried to calm down for about 10 minutes, but you just couldn’t find a peaceful enough state to let yourself go back to sleep.
Your feet hit the cold floor and the wood creaked beneath your feet. You made your way out of your room and across the small hallway to where Bill had let you know his room was.
You opened the door slowly, peeking inside.
Inside you were met with a sleeping Bill, his shirtless figure on his back. You closed the door behind you and tip-toed your way over to his bed.
“Bill,” you whispered, already feeling guilty for disturbing him.
He stirred a little, not opening his eyes, but letting out a little “hmm?”, indicating that he was awake enough to hear you.
“I can’t sleep,” you mumbled shyly.
He didn’t say anything further, he only moved his blanket to the side and opened his arms for you to crawl into. You didn’t hesitate before crawling into the bed and curling up close to his body, already feeling calmed by his steady breathing.
“thank you,” you whispered, breathing in his calming scent.
He wrapped his arms around you and held you close, you could feel his breathing even out and you knew he had drifted off again.
You closed your eyes and listened to the steady beating of his heart, lulling you back to sleep.
You woke up, your entire body warm from being wrapped up in Bill’s arms. Your legs tangled with his, his arms still holding you tightly against him.
You looked at his calm sleeping face, you felt so at home with him, and you let out a content sigh.
“I can feel you staring, you know,” Bill said, startling you.
“I’m not staring,” you fired back too quickly to sound convincing, causing Bill to slightly smirk.
“Whatever you say, darling,” he said and hugged you closer.
He opened his eyes, looking over your face and smiling.
Bill leaned in and pecked your lips slightly, gauging your reaction. You just smiled and leaned in again kissing him longer.
Bill deepened the kiss, moving so he was above you. You spread your legs slightly allowing him to get between them on top of you. The kiss turned more passionate and heated as Bill slowly ground his hips into yours, causing you to softly moan into his mouth.
Bill broke the kiss and looked into your eyes, “Is this okay? Do you want this?”.
You whimpered slightly, “please Bill, I want it.”
Bill let out a groan at your words and reconnected your lips, hips grinding into your own.
The small whines and whimpers that left your lips egged him on and went straight to his cock.
Bill reached one hand between you feeling your wetness through your panties. “So wet for me and I haven’t properly touched you yet.”
You whined at his words, craving more of his touch.
“what is it you want, pretty girl?” he asked, teasing you.
“please touch me, Bill,” you whimpered out, eyes big and begging.
“Such a good girl,” he praised before moving your panties to the side and finding your clit drawing slow circles on the nub.
You moaned at the feeling and grabbed his arm that wasn’t working on you.
His fingers moved down, and he slowly pushed a finger into you causing you to let out a small gasp.
“I just need to get you ready for me,” Bill said softly, leaning down to kiss your forehead. He then added a second finger, creating a delicious feeling because of the slight stretch. Bill used his thumb to rub your clit bringing you closer to your release.
He curled and scissored his fingers making you clench around his fingers, Bill’s lips curled up into a slight grin.
“Cum for me, my beautiful girl.”
His words made the coil in your belly snap and you came on his fingers as you shook and closed your eyes in pleasure. You were panting as Bill worked you through your orgasm. He removed his fingers and brought them up to his lips sucking them clean and releasing them with a ‘pop’.
“absolutely divine.”
He made haste work of removing your panties and the shirt you had slept in, as well as his own boxers.
When you were both completely naked, he stroked his cock a couple of times before running it through your folds to gather your arousal as a lubricant. Bill slowly started pushing into you and you both released simultaneous gasps at the feeling. He pushed all the way in and bottomed out in you but didn’t move as he waited for you to adjust.
“I’m okay, you can move,” you said and moaned when he pulled back his hips and snapped them back into yours, and set a steady and pleasurable pace.
Leaning down so your chests were pressed together, he sloppily kissed you drinking up all the moans that spilled from your mouth to his.
He broke the kiss and leaned up slightly to snake a hand between your bodies to rub your swollen clit. You didn’t have time to process before you came for the second time that morning. Your whole body shook, and your legs tightened around Bill’s hips.
“Such a pretty sight… think you can take one more?” Bill panted out.
You whimpered and nodded.
“Ah, use your words angel.”
“Yes, Bill, I can take another,” you moaned out as he kept pounding into your sensitive cunt.
“Good girl,” Bill said as he pulled out of you and laying himself down, guiding you by your hips to straddle him.
He positioned you above his cock and guided it into you again.
“There you go, my pretty baby, go own ride me,” Bill encouraged, and you wasted no time in obeying him.
You rocked your hips, circled them, and bounced on him until you felt yourself nearing another release and you moaned loudly.
Bill’s hand found your clit again and rubbed it until your knees quivered as you came again.
When you had finished, Bill grabbed your hips and angled you so he could fuck up into you, chasing his own release.
Not long after, his thrusts faltered, and he stilled as he emptied himself in you.
You collapsed onto his chest trying to catch your breath. Bill rubbed your back slowly, before pulling out of you causing a whimper to fall from your lips.
“You did so well,” Bill praised, kissing your forehead.
“I’m never going to let you go, my pretty girl.”
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Defense and Love
(A rewrite of that scene in Chain of Gold where Cordelia does not defend her brother when James calls him unworthy of his sister's love. Because I was angry. Because CC knows zero things about sibling interaction.)
Lemme know if you like it!
“I know you hate me for how I treated you in school, and rightfully so,” Alastair said. It was a wonder his voice was not shaking. “But however much you hate me, do not take it out on my sister.”
Please, the word hung from the very tip of his tongue, unspoken and desperate. His heart was galloping inside his chest with an almost painful intensity, even more so under Cordelia's watchful gaze. He couldn't break now. Not in front of her. She would ask, and how was he going to explain why he'd distorted into something he didn't recognize himself?
“Alastair," said Herondale in that low, cruel voice that took him back to the Academy, his own past coming back to haunt him, "you made my life a living hell at the Academy. But I’d never take it out on Cordelia. That’s something you would do, not something I would do.”
So he thought Alastair would hit his own sister. Good God. You don't know anything, rich boy, he wanted to snap. You have no idea what you're talking about. 
Perhaps it was his own fault. He’d hurt so many people in his quest to guard his family. His life had turned into one horrific, monotonous nightmare. Protect them. Protect Layla. Let her be happy. Let my mother be happy. Let Father never come back.
The rational part of his brain had taken over the reins. He stood up straighter, schooled his expression into blank, icy indifference, the mask he’d perfected at school. Let Herondale think what he wanted. Alastair had a job to do and he wasn't about to let patronizing sermons get in his way.
“I see how it is. In school I had the power, and here you have the power to lord it over me. What’s your game? What do you want with my sister?”
“Your sister,” James said, speaking with a slow, deliberate coldness. “Your sister is the only thing keeping me from punching you in the face. Your sister loves you, Angel knows why, and you aren’t even the least bit grateful.”
The words were more powerful than any Shadowhunter weapon. They ravaged the remains of his heart over and over again.
He was ten and watching his father trip on the floor of his bedroom as he collected the brandy bottles littered around. Elias had been too drunk to tell who’d been into his room.
He was twelve again and practicing the iratze. It will help Baba, he'd thought then, childish hope still guiding him through the dark descending over the horizon of their lives.
“You have no idea what I’ve done for my sister." His voice came out rough and shaking. Horror of all horrors, Cordelia was still looking at him as though seeing him in a new light. Did she agree with James? She could. She was thriving here. "You have no idea about our family. You don’t know the first thing—”
He was fifteen again and refusing to train with Layla for the hundredth time because his body ached like one giant bruise. It was Pounceby. His jaw and neck tingled with the sting of the phantom bruise. He was watching the hope in his sister's eyes die. I am sorry, he'd wanted to say then. I truly am. But I can't let you see this. Live, Layla.
Something knocked against his shoulder. Hard. Only his training, both physical and mental, kept him from stumbling back in surprise.
It was Cordelia. She’d come to stand in front of him, the way Alastair had done when they were kids whenever their father had been home. Like a shield, he realized in disbelief. He wanted to push her out of the way, but her outstretched arm only resulted in him shifting to the side so he could catch her expression.
He'd seen his sister annoyed. He'd seen his sister frustrated. He'd seen her distressed. He'd seen her scheme and calculate, always finding a way out of anything with her brilliant mind and ambition.
But never before had he seen her like this: dark eyes aflame, hands curled into fists, shoulders bunching up as though she was preparing to land a blow.
Oh. Oh no, no, no, no. A number of curses flashed through his head in all the languages he knew. Farsi. French. English. Urdu. 
He looked down at her, and his expression visibly softened. Alastair tried not to narrow his eyes. 
"James," Cordelia was saying. Her voice sounded normal. "You'd better go."
“Are you sure?” he said in a low voice. “I won’t leave you alone, Cordelia, not unless you wish me to.”
She seemed to rise taller, and in that moment Alastair was reminded why Cortana had chosen her. His sister looked the way their mother was, fire and embers and a gaze so piercing that the other person was left stuttering, though they'd originally come to scrutinize every inch of her. The colour of her eyes, her skin, why she covered her hair with a roosari.
He wished he had their courage. He wished he hadn't withdrawn into the shadows.
Thorns in your way, Esfandiyār, whispered Baba's voice inside his head. Why look back when you can look ahead?
But that would've entailed far worse consequences than a sermon.
Ahead? His thirteen-year-old, iratze-fumbling himself had wanted to snap as he'd stared at the glass sticking out of his foot, blood dripping on the floor. Ahead at your next bottle, Father? 
Cordelia's voice rang out in the hall, sharper than the crack of a whip. "I will say this once and only once, James Herondale. So listen carefully." She took another step closer and Herondale's eyes actually widened. In surprise? Or in whatever the hell had happened between them before coming home? Alastair thought dryly. 
"Do not for one moment think that you are my saviour," Cordelia said through her teeth. The words sent a jolt of surprise through him. "I am thankful for all your help, believe me, but my love for my brother has absolutely nothing to do with this."
A faint smile curled on the edges of Herondale's lips. "You still don't know what he did?"
Cordelia raised her brows, and oh there it was. The sibling resemblance. Clear as day in the anger cloaked behind disdain and a smile. "Why does my love for my family have to come between your feud?" she demanded. "Do I require your blessing to love them? You have notions about my brother that I would have expected from the Pouncebys."
He looked like she’d slapped him awake. "Daisy,  I—"
She took a step back, and the anxiety on his face heightened. Cordelia herself was trembling.
And Alastair? He still couldn't believe his eyes. He couldn't move, save to draw breath. The scene unfolding before him seemed like a fever dream. Cordelia didn’t know how he’d tormented Herondale and Fairchild at the Academy. She had no idea of the bomb going off when he’d been mere inches from the building. She didn’t know why everyone hated him so much. He knew, and perhaps he was a greedy monster for making his sister choose between her love and her family.  
She raised a silencing hand when Herondale opened his mouth. "You assume that you know my brother better than I do. You assume that I am still Daisy—the girl with pretty ribbons in her hair, who needs your help to distinguish right from wrong. I will find out what happened at the Academy, but I will not stand idle while you say Alastair doesn’t deserve my love. You don’t get to choose who does or does not deserve me." She smiled, eyes glittering with the storms of the night. "You hurt my family, Mr. Herondale, and you will face my blade.”
Silence descended. Herondale’s eyes narrowed slightly as he glanced between Alastair and Cordelia. A flicker of longing passed across his face as he saw Layla, there and gone. Alastair was gifted with a long, hard, assessing look. 
“You may take your leave now," Cordelia said coldly.
James's expression shuttered. Was Alastair the only one who noticed his sister's wince? Guilt twisted in his gut.
"Very well, Miss Carstairs," Herondale said in a low monotone. "As you wish."
As soon as he was out of sight, Cordelia seemed to shrink, deflate. 
Alastair snapped back to his senses. There were a number of things demanding his attention but he crossed the room to catch his sister by the elbow, older brother once more. His head was still reeling with the impossible absurdity of what had transpired. 
"Layla?" He tested out the name hesitantly. "What? I mean, you shouldn't have—"
"He said you don't deserve my love." She turned to face him, and to his horror, her dark eyes gleamed with tears. Tears on my behalf, he thought dizzily. 
What was this day?
In all the eighteen years of his life, he’d been used to working from the sidelines, slow and quiet. People did not need to see his tears, his frustration at himself. Only the anger and the sneering indifference he put up to keep them away. It had always been that way, ever since he had held Cordelia in his arms as a confused two-year-old. 
She is so small, mâmân!
I know, joon. Will you promise to help her?
“Why, Layla?” he snapped, and she flinched. He wanted to hit himself all over again. “Why did you do that? Herondale is not wrong. I have hurt people. I have done horrible, despicable things. You’re going to lose out on potential allies because of me, do you realize that? How will you save Father then? I thought--” He broke off, not wanting to say the dreaded word.
She lifted her chin and glared. “You thought what, dâdâsh?”
It was jarring to have heard her defend him, even more jarring than hearing the language of his home, the language he’d spent years shoving down because it tended to attract the wrong sort of attention. It was jarring that she’d even noticed his trembling hands or the tears that were clawing at his throat, begging to be let out. It had been years since he’d truly cried but London seemed hell bent on breaking him. He'd never really thought how much he'd needed Cordelia by his side. How many years had passed with just pushing and pushing and pushing people away until time sped by and they simply grew out of their love for you.
His sister was no longer a baby. She was nearly as tall as him, looking him in the eye, silent and waiting. 
"I thought you-you... loved him."
She closed her eyes. "I do. I think so. It doesn't mean I stand by idly while he goes on insulting my brother. It certainly does not mean that I hold back on my own feelings." Her eyes opened. A wry smile played on her lips. “You keep forgetting that only I am allowed to insult you, Alastair.”
Hoarse laughter escaped him, and Cordelia looked delighted to have been the cause. 
Taglist: @youngreckless @eugeniaslongsword (look, your annoyance inspired me lol), @cant-think-of-anything @reesecarstairs @cherilyn-rose @carstairs-hopelessly
156 notes · View notes
kashimos-hajime · 3 years
gold dripping down your wrist (2/8) | r.b.
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summary: His breath flutters against your skin, and you wonder if he feels your heart tripping over in your chest. Or, despite every instinct telling him to run, Reiner gives in.
WARNINGS: ptsd nightmares, swearing, slight angst, otherwise,,, hmmm relatively unscathing besides a whole lot of yearning. dont worry next chapters will be sad as hell! pairing: reiner braun x fem!reader word count: 5.4k
a/n: hehehe biting my lip like a chad for isabel ( @luciilferss​ )
crossposted on ao3 x
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Shooting up in a silent scream, your hand flies to your neck as the last remnants of your nightmare dissipate. Breath coming in sharp, rapid inhales, you glance around the barracks and find no one else awake. Soft snores fill the room, and you shake your head to yourself, rubbing at your eyes.
No good to fall back asleep, now. 
Your entire body covered in cold sweat, you pluck at the front of your shirt, fanning yourself out as you swing your legs off the bed. A chill travels up your pants and through the holes of your shirt as you glance out the windows. Lunar light is streaming through but the moon itself is already fading. You get up, meandering over to the windows to look out. Some of the Scouts are on guard duty, as always, but other than that—tranquility.
So weird to think they have that when outside the walls, it’s a lawless land. 
Leaning forward, you move until your nose nearly touches the glass, and someone else in the room shifts with a grunt. You look over your shoulder, trying to decipher the shadows when a rough voice calls out right next to you. 
Slapping a hand over your mouth so you don’t scream, you look down. Reiner.
“What are you doing up?”
“Did I wake you?” you question warily, and he leans into the moonlight, squinting at you as he rubs at his face. Shaking his head briefly, he studies you with a narrowed glare and you almost want to shift back into the shadows at the perpetually annoyed expression on his face but you’ve learned that he just looks like that. “You can go back to sleep.”
“Are you cold? You look like you’re shivering.”
“No, I’m okay.” Liar. You think even your bones are chattering. 
He sits up, tossing his blanket off. “I can get you another blanket from the supply closet,” he mutters wearily. Standing, he pushes himself up and nearly into your personal space but he stops right in front of you, placing a hand on your shoulder. “C’mon. Back to bed.” He flashes a quick smile before brushing past you and words bubble inside your throat as you turn to watch him sink back into the darkness.
You whisper after him: “I had a nightmare about Marco.”
It is all it takes to make Reiner freeze. He turns around immediately, and you see his eyes before anything else. Wide with guilt, with grief. You lower your own head in shame.
“I’m sorry. I know I should try to move on, but he died all alone. It’s all I can think about. He must’ve been so scared” Keeping your tone as quiet as you can, you turn your face back to the night as he returns to your side. You stare at the stars and point absently at the one twinkling down at them both. “This older kid at the farm used to tell me all that every new star is another soul joining the heavens. Do you think…” Your arm falters and a weak sigh pushes past your lips as Reiner catches your falling hand in his own. You feel the calluses on his palms against your fingers as you swallow tightly. “Maybe that one is Marco?”
Your fingers interlace with Reiner’s as he wraps an arm around your waist, and you let him pull you towards him as he presses a rough kiss against your brow. The motion makes your entire being freeze in motion as he sighs, lowering his head. His breath flutters against your skin, and you wonder if he feels your heart tripping over in your chest. The tip of his nose brushes along your forehead, before he lets go of your hand, and you feel like ice digs into the fingers when his heat leaves. His arm around your waist falls and your head ducks.
The moment’s passed.
“That’s a good way to see it.” Stepping away, you watch his figure slouch, the way his shoulders cave in, and you can’t help the next words that come out. 
“I miss him. All the time. Him. And Thomas. Mina. Like they’re watching me on my shoulders, weighing me down. I can’t see them,” you continue, “but I feel them. All the time. I’m doing everything wrong and I’m letting them down.”
“Hey, don’t think like that,” he commands sternly, eyes flashing up to meet yours. It’s chilling, how much you’re inclined to believe him, but you don’t even nod as he grasps your shoulder. “You did what you could, alright? You just keep going, one foot in front of the other. You were one of the best in our class.” 
“I wasn’t even top ten,” you snort.
“Grades doesn’t make a soldier. Annie should’ve told you that it was all bullshit,” he says and you wince to yourself, lips pressing together You know he’s partially right, but you don’t have the strength to argue the rest. Guiding you back to bed, Reiner gently pushes you back down onto the cot and you fall back, lacing your fingers over your stomach. 
Craning your head up at Reiner, you look at him looming over you, silhouette outlined in silver. He stares down at you, his expression shrouded, and you wonder what he’s thinking in that mind of his.
Your hand lifts from your stomach, and taps on the open space beside you. A soft thump-thump, like your pulse, like an invitation. 
He turns away to glance back at the bed, and the moonlight hits his pale face blindingly. Squinting, you try to discern what emotion plays at his face as a sinking sensation begins to drag at your insides.
He’s going to walk away, a voice inside crows. Who do you think you are? Seducing the guy you have a crush on? As if.
You want to take it back. Excuse it as a moment of weakness. A brief, Can we forget I just did that? They could just move on with their lives knowing some lines are better left uncrossed.
But then, there is a weak: “This one time, alright?” 
Every word turns to dust in your mouth.
He turns back to you before you can respond and crawls into the space next to your own. Your heart lurches in your chest as he settles beside you with a silent groan.
He lifts an arm and you scoot closer, your head resting on his shoulder. Ear pressing into his chest, the soft thunder of his heart fills your entire body as he pulls you tight. Glancing up at him, you watch as his eyes slide shut tightly.
Your own face crumples and you bury it in his chest. “She’d say,” you continue on quietly, “that the the brightest stars were the fiercest warriors.” He stiffens as you twist the fabric of his shirt in a tight fist and your stomach twists as you try to find the words. The shadows are closing in on you, and you can only anchor yourself to the arm swathed around you as you whisper his name. “I was pretty much all alone after she left to find work a few years back. It’s part of why I joined the corps, but I heard she’s back there, now, and—”
“Don’t. Don’t tell me.”
Head jerking up to look at him, you meet a strong jaw clenching in a sharp scowl. His hand on your arm traces smooth circles and a drowsiness begins to flood your senses as he lets out a soft groan, rolling onto his side and pulling you flush against his chest. A leg slipping between his, you tilt into his chest as his arm wraps around your waist and it’s so tight you can barely breathe. Your arms crushed between their chests, your fingers twist the collar of his shirt and your nose brushes his chin when you shift against him.
“It just makes all this harder,” he explains hoarsely. 
A heat blooms in the small distance between their bodies as you nod. You understand. 
The wooden bedframe creaks beneath their weight as the hand on your back migrates to your shoulder blade and he buries his face in the plane of your shoulder. The searing skin of his temple against your jaw and your stomach in knots, you nuzzle yourself closer.
“I really am sorry for waking you,” you whisper, freeing your arms so you can loop them around his neck, thread your fingers in his hair but he doesn’t acknowledge your words. Their every breath is shared, and you swear their hearts are touching through the thin walls of their skin and sinew.
A gentle wave crashes over you when he hooks his fingers onto your shoulder, so unbearably close that you wish he’d either come closer or push himself away. You want to sink into his chest, hold onto him for the rest of the night as your eyes begin to flutter shut. His arms tightening around you, you think for a moment, you can finally relax. He’s just so warm.
“I know since Annie joined the MPs, there’s a sort of emptiness in you. You miss her. I get that.” Reiner lifts his head, arms withdrawing a bit. “I’m okay with you using me to fill whatever space she used to, but I can’t—” You hear a soft inhale above and you look up. You wonder if he can feel your racing heart under his palm. He’s already looking at you, and when your eyebrows rise in silent question, he shakes his head and looks away, lips curling into a scowl you barely see in the darkness. “I can’t.”
You can’t what, Reiner? Why won’t you look at me?
Then, he shivers, eyes shutting tight as he ducks his head again, and his cheek presses against your temple. Your eyes widen when his arms seem to pull you infinitely closer. “Shit.” More softly to himself: “Never mind. I’ve gotta go back to my bunk.” His breath is warm against your skin. A shudder shoots through you. “I can’t sleep in your bed.” A squeeze of your waist. Your leg slides against his thighs and he only hugs you tighter. “This isn’t right. I shouldn’t—”
“I’ll let go in a minute,” you tell him softly. 
Hs hand flattens along the top of your spine, spreading as if he’s afraid you’ll disappear if he doesn’t catch you. Cradling your head, his hand burns your skin.
When you wake up, it is alone to a mattress underneath your back, but Reiner waits until everyone leaves the room before he kisses your cheek good morning. It’s a one-time occurence, you know, but still, it’s nice.
Walking towards the edge of the internment zone, Reiner spots the newspaper cart milling with people, no doubt buying the new papers relaying the Marleyan victory in Fort Slava. The crowd is cheering to one another and his hands roll into fists as the line shifts forward. Meandering nearer, he can’t help but think of Paradis.
It was nothing like the hell they’d described. There were just tall walls, and people. Sure, they were behind a couple of years, technology wise, but they were relatively the same.
One thing that’s different though, was that there had never been the need for papers within the Walls. And if there was news to relay, you would come with the fresh news from Section Commander Miche, or Captain Levi. He’d always read your face as you gave the news—if your eyes still had a spark in them, that meant it had to have a hint of good news.
And you had been so relieved once you reached Utgard Castle you had hugged him so tight that he couldn’t breathe when he caught those eyes glimmering in the dawn. He remembers holding you tight against him with his ‘uninjured’ arm and the way you had just…
You had gone to him first. Not Bertholdt, not Connie.
And he had gone to you first, when he had seen you swaying in your seat atop a horse who hung his head low. He couldn’t even remember anything else, except seeing you and breaking away from his group, galloping towards you and Bertholdt. You were bloody, a corpse sitting up—his entire body had felt his heart drop into the depths of his stomach, the seizing in his gut. Even after he had thrown your confession into the dirt, stepped on it, told you it couldn’t be—he had betrayed that all in an instant seeing you with Death’s hand on your shoulder.
He used to be so much stronger. How else could he still let you go for a mission that’s brought him nothing but ghosts?
“Excuse me.” The words pull out of his mouth as soon as he feels someone collide with his arm. Something falls and his hand shoots out to catch it before it can crash to the ground, his other hand grasping onto their bicep. Paper crunches and he straightens up, immediately finding who he bumped into. Purple hat shrouding a ducked head, she doesn’t look at him, frozen in space. You, he thinks dazedly. You again. “I’m sorry, I wasn’t looking where I was going,” he continues quietly. “Are you alright?”
A short nod, and then she breaks off, clamping a hand over a plum sleeve where a white armband rests, taking off past him, back deeper into the interment zone. Reiner glances down at his fist, at the paper still clutched tight in his own fist, and his head shoots back up to search for the figure.
Gone. Shit. How did they even disappear so quickly? The road behind him stretches for a distance that would take more than two damn seconds to cross.
Fitting a palm to his brow, Reiner’s expression tightens as he looks down at the paper and he sighs, whipping it open to the sight of their so-called victory.
He’s seeing things. He’s… he’s just tired, and tormented. That’s all. Even the letters of the paper look a bit strange to his straining eyes, and he sighs, lifting his head again to look at the empty road behind him.
“This is really crunchy,” you mumble. Krista smiles, pleased. Swinging the axe you’d been using to chop wood into the stump, you swallow and set a hand on her blonde head, rubbing it fondly before taking another bite. “Where’d you get this? We haven’t gone to town this week.”
“Bertholdt, Connie, Sasha and Armin went to go pick some fruits surrounding headquarters while Eren trains. I thought I’d bring some back for you gys.”
“That’s nice.” You grin, taking another bite and letting out a noise of surprise when juice dribbles down your wrist. Good thing your sleeves are rolled up. “You should take one to Captain Levi. I think apples are his favourite.”
“How do you know that?”
“Who doesn’t like apples?” 
Krista shrugs as another shape lumbers over to you.
“What’s going on over here?”
“Reiner, catch.” You grab an apple from Krista’s basket and fling it at the guy who catches it easily with a grin. Taking a bite, his eyebrows rise and you laugh as a delighted expression spreads over his face. “Good, right?”
He nods. His whole body is coated in a fine layer of sweat, the evidence of his labour staining the front of his shirt as he stops next to you. Your heart stutters at the heat radiating off his skin as he looks at Krista. His shoulders rise and fall with his breath, and you swallow to yourself, taking another bite of your apple so you have an excuse to keep your mouth shut.
“You should bring some to Eren and the others,” he suggests. “They’ve been working hard.”
“I will.” Smiling charmingly, the blonde girl adds that there’ll be some left in the mess hall later and waves, departing. You watch her go with another crunch of your apple and you let out a small sound when golden juice dribbles down your wrist. Without thinking, you lift your arm to your mouth, sucking the trail off before it can continue down to your elbow. Something burns into your cheek, and you turn your head.
Catching Reiner staring at you, a mortified feeling strikes through you and you let out a choked sound, dropping your hand. Averting your eyes, you stammer, “Sorry. Habit. Not used to people watching me eat. Mostly ate during work hours back home, so…”
His lips pull into a flustered smile. “N-No. That’s fine. You worked on a farm, right?”
“Yeah. With other orphan kids.” It was so lonely. You look up at him bashfully and he rubs the back of his neck with a hand as he bites into his apple. Unable to help the pleased tone seeping into your voice, you say, “You remembered.”
“Of course I did. You mentioned it,” he replies, waving it away, looking away. His face is red, and you squint against the sun. “You said there was an older kid there. Talked about the stars.”
“Yeah. Yeah, she was like family. Until I joined the corps and met you, Bertholdt, and Annie, that is. You guys just… I dunno.” You rub your elbow, smiling at him. “Times like these make me miss Annie. She’s a better friend than everyone gives her credit for, y’know? We always said when the time came we would work together in the MPs.”
“Uh-huh.” Reiner looks away, eyebrows furrowed together. “It’s getting hot.”
“Yeah.” Your brow crinkles but you let his diversion slide. “We should take a break.” You gesture to the shade nearby and he takes the lead, heading over to collapse against a tree. You rotate the apple between your fingers, you take another bite, nose wrinkling as a wind sweeps against your face.
They continue to eat in silence, not much to be sad. Your heart begins to slow, even as Reiner shifts closer, one of his knees bent, the other crooked flat on the cool grass. Smiling to yourself, you just watch the sun touch everything you can see, and in times like this, of absolute nothingness, you can finally remember how beautiful the world is. 
The sky is blue enough to drown in, the clouds are infinitely fluffy, and the grass gleams white underneath the heat. Even if you’re sweating your skin off, the wind is cold like a kiss, and you feel a delighted shiver course through you.
“It’s so beautiful,” you sigh. “The world. I wish we could see more of it, but what we have here… I think I take it for granted. How truly perfect it all is.”
“Yeah.” His voice rasps against your ear and you inhale the summer wind deeply once again, feeling it fill up your entire chest. “I think I do, too.”
Looking at Reiner, your lips part in a response before rough fingers cradle your chin and tug you forward. Apple core falling to the ground, your arms crumple against a strong body and you barely resist holding him with your sticky hands as a mouth presses against yours. Body melting against his own, your stomach flutters and you let out a soft moan as his hand travelled along your chin to cup your face, thumb stroking your cheek. His other hand rests on your knee and your eyes slide close as a tongue traces the seam of your lips, dips in tentatively. Arm wrapping around his neck, you pull him in deeper by the crook of your elbow and sigh into his mouth.
The soft warmth floods your entire body, cools you down somehow, and you swear you can’t feel the ground beneath your legs. Hours seem to pass—the gust caresses your sweaty skin, the leaves seem to chime. 
It’s idyllic. 
It’s perfect.
It’s only a few beats more before he draws back sweetly, hand falling away from your face and he searches your expression.
“You, uh, missed a spot,” he whispers hoarsely, clearing his throat and drawing back. Smiling dopily to yourself, you wipe at your mouth with the back of your hand but not even that can erase the tingling sensation spreading through your face. Looking into your lap, you chew on your bottom lip, trying to prevent the ginormous smile from spreading while he leans back against the tree, looking out into the distance.
“Hey!” Heads jerking up, the two Scouts spot Ymir glaring at them by the entrance to the headquarters. “Didn’t know some of us were having a day off!”
Mikasa carries a near-passed out Eren into the building while Section Commander Hange and Section Commander Miche wave them, gesturing for them to come back in. You sit up straighter and Reiner lets out a displeased grunt as you tear up some grass by your leg.
“Get that wood and get back in here,” Miche calls. “That’s more than enough for the week.” You find yourself nodding as Reiner pushes himself to his feet and you look up as he walks back into the sun. Their superiors head in, but Ymir lingers, watching them, and you stare back until she seems to let go of her crossed arms, shake her head, and turn back inside.
You blink. Scrambling after Reiner, you catch up with him and wait to see if he’ll see anything. When he only steps towards your pile of firewood and slings the frame to hold bundles of firewood in onto his back, your hand shoots out before you can stop yourself.
He stiffens at your touch.
“Shouldn’t we talk about what just happened?” you ask quietly, a swirling sensation swimming in your chest. Confusion tinted everything as Reiner pauses, glancing at you out of the corner of your eye. “We… kissed just now.”
He ducks his head, lips curling back in a grimace. “Yeah. We did.”
Pangs hitting your chest, you take a step away from him as he bends down to collect the firewood. The sun’s already beating down on the back of your neck as you glance at the pile of wood. “Do you not like me?” 
“What?” He freezes mid-way through grabbing another bundle and you busy yourself with slinging your own carrier onto your back. Your body is burning, and it’s not because of the sun.
“I like you, Reiner, but… if you don’t like me, then I’m okay with pretending that never happened.”
“Of course I like you. You’re a great friend and soldier and—”
You shoot him a furtive look before putting it bluntly: “I like you in the way that I want you to kiss me like that all the time.”
The silence that follows will haunt you for the rest of your life. Your heart pounds in your skull, echoing like the sound of death drums before his shoulders slouch forward and he sighs heavily. You stand upright, head tilting and he grabs the back of your neck and pulls you towards him.
This time, it’s almost devouring the way he kisses you—messy, and warm, and his thumb brushes the underside of his jaw as you bend into his chest, your hands fisted, twisting his shirt at his waist tightly and you barely hear the words he murmurs into your mouth over the pounding of your heart.
“You’re so pretty—“
Panting, he kisses you again and again as you crumple in his arms and you can’t help the stupid smile on your face as you kiss him back, quick punches that last an eternity until they rip themselves off each other. More, Reiner stumbles back, and you tear yourself off of him, just so they remember how to breathe.
Your lungs scrambling for air, your fingers press against your mouth as your gaze falls to the firewood, and Reiner’s heavy breathing can be heard just a few feet away as he falls to his hands and knees. Watching him, your heart cracks into pieces, and there’s a sinking sensation in your stomach. 
Reality slams into you like a fucking horse.
“We shouldn’t,” he whispers hoarsely, fingers digging into the dirt. Your eyes wrench to him and he looks up at you harrowingly. “We’re soldiers. We shouldn’t. We could die tomorrow, next week on that expedition even, and this would be for nothing.”
Falling to your knees, you glance down at the dirt. “I like you.”
“You shouldn’t.” 
You clench your jaw. Your gut cramps as you stare blankly at the grass. “So… what now?” you ask, chest lurching. “I don’t want to lose you.”
“I know. I just…” A harsh swallow. Your breath burns in your chest. A strange pain stitches into your ribs. “We should stay friends.” Everything inside you drains, and you nod, eyes not rising. Your lips still tingle with the sensation of his mouth against your own, and you swallow the hard knot in your throat, but it only lands like a boulder in your stomach. “It’ll hurt less.”
I don’t think it will, you want to argue. I’ll still want you just as much as I do now.
But you don’t say any of that aloud. 
Instead, you try to make it sound joking as you murmur, “You’re the worst.” You flash him a quick smile that you hope dulls the edge of your words, but he merely looks at you numbly.
For a moment, Reiner’s hard frown slips into something more fragile, and he turns away with a hard swallow, whispering out a soft, “I know,” as he gets to his feet and gathers the rest of the firewood. Once his load is on his back, he half-turns to you and he looks at your hands rather than your face. “I’ll see you at the meeting.”
You wait until you can’t hear his soft footsteps cushioned by the grass until you pull yourself together. Lifting your face to the sun, wind chases away the heat clouding your cheeks, and soothes the swollen skin around your eyes.
Grabbing the wood, you rub at your face with the back of your hand and when you get back inside, Connie doesn’t seem to notice anything wrong.
Reiner pays the vendor and looks at his cousin, smiling uneasily as she bites into the sandwich. He wouldn’t have much more for the day if they kept going at the pace they’re going, and although he doesn’t mind (not that he could say no) a part of him just wishes he could go home. But Mom had insisted so Gabi could have some supervision and that he needed to get out, she wasn’t getting any younger and he’s so glum! 
“You need to find a nice girl, Reiner.”
He doesn’t know what about his appearance when his mom walked into his bedroom screamed romance, but apparently it was what she read between a soaked shirt and wide eyes and pale skin. 
He’d woken up in a cold sweat, as he does most days, but this time it’d been haunting.
Because it wasn’t flashes of blood, screams, the glint of metal underneath the grey sun. There was no yellow lightning, no deafening crashes.
It was almost like it wasn’t a dream. Trost had been so real, alive around them as you paid for the honeycomb and as you snuck a bite while you thought he wasn’t looking, he remembered…
The way his heart fluttered, the way he couldn’t stop looking you. There was not a moment he remembers your hand was far from his, when their elbows did not brush, when they left each other for a moment. When did he ever stop thinking about your hands, your laugh, the way you could send him into a flurry thinking what every other word you said meant?
“Reiner? You coming?”
Blinking, he looks over his shoulder to see the others already moving on. Pieck lingers near the back of the group, tilting her head at him and he clears his throat, pocketing his wallet and walking towards her.
He never meant for this. You were never meant to be more important than him than breathing. How does he carve away the prints you’ve left on his lips and eyes? Does he even want to? It’s hard to decide. 
Sometimes, he wants to scratch you out of his brain just so you can stop laughing at him. Other times, he wishes he could dig inside his skull and put the memories together in a collage the shape of you just so he has someone to talk to.
“This is so good!” Gabi cries out as Porco sets a hand on her head and Reiner suppresses the smallest smile teasing at his mouth, but it feels tired, and he lets the urge melt away easily. Walking after them slowly, he watches the festival around them, so loud with clowns and buskers and people just talking to one another that it makes his head pound.
His legs feel like they’re about to give up, and his head is heavy as he trails after them. 
“Eat slower,” Pieck censures as they migrate through a thicker crowd, “or you’ll get a stomach ache.”
“They might get a stomach ache either way,” Galliard teases. “Do you see how the slobs are eating?” Walking against the tide, Reiner makes sure he doesn’t knock anyone over going too fast in the opposite direction. The energy would be electric if he didn’t feel so bone-tired. Sun warming his face, Reiner lifts his chin to the sky just as the sound of someone’s voice teases his ear range and his head snaps to the sound, eyes widening.
Stopping in his tracks, he searches for the source and his eyes fixate on the same woman in the purple coat. His mouth opens on its own accord and his eyebrows furrow together as she pays the vendor. He tracks her figure with a quick sweep before turning away to make sure he isn’t trailing too far behind the others.
When he glances back, she’s gone.
Fucking ghost.
He shivers, catching up with the group.
“You’ve got something on your mind,” Pieck observes as he empties out his wallet for the last food stall of the afternoon. They’d just finished their slices of something the man had called pizza, and Gabi had insisted on dessert to finish the day. Explains why he’s standing in front of a portly woman who insists on the kids picking which tart they want.
“It’s fine, Pieck,” he assures, closing his wallet and slipping it back into his pocket, significantly lighter than this morning as Falco grabs a pastry glazed with honey and Reiner’s heart seizes in his chest at the golden sugar glistening in the warm sunlight. “They’re growing kids.”
“I don’t think it’s your wallet that’s the problem,” she says. Galliard grabs a tart with flecks of rose petals within the filling and glances over at the two and Reiner arches an eyebrow at the strangled expression on the guy’s face.
Weird, he muses to himself when Porco grabs another tart and begins to walk over to them.
“You seem a bit lost. Did something happen earlier?” Pieck probes. Reiner sighs, crossing his arms, watching the Candidates switch tarts so they can try all the flavours. It’s so effortlessly… innocent, in a sense, in that gesture. Shit, when’s the last time he ever felt like that?
Gold dripping down your wrist… “I can see you eating the honeycomb, you know?”
God, did he want to kiss you then.
“Nothing happened.”
Pieck frowns, but doesn’t argue it further as Porco finally reaches them.
“Which one do you want, Pieck?” he asks, not waiting for an answer before shoving the rose tart into Pieck’s hands. She smiles fondly, reaching forward to flick Porco’s forehead. Reiner rolls his eyes. “The lady said it’s a popular flavour with… the ladies.”
“Thank you, Pock.” She takes a big bite, the sugar glistening her lips and Reiner’s watching Porco’s face which only opens at the pure delight on their pretty little colleague. Mouth snapping shut, Galliard looks away as if that’ll help the faint redness of his ears, and Reiner shakes his head. He chews on his cheek to prevent the soft smirk edging onto his face before he claps Pieck on the shoulder and heads towards the kids. 
Behind him, he hears a laugh that could only be Pieck’s followed by grumbling and harsh hushing that could only be Galliard’s.
When he glances over his shoulder, he swears he must’ve imagined Porco kissing the corner of Pieck’s mouth, sugary syrup on his lips, too.
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muness · 2 years
wilted flowers - chapter three (peter ballard story)
a/n: holy fuck, i haven’t been online for a looong time. i guess i was letting you breathe after stranger things part two!
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summary; eddie is finally safe in amelia’s arms. but the girl is pretty convinced on who’s the murderer of chrissy. broken limbs, eyes pulled from inside, all of this sound pretty much like peter. the lovely and sweet orderly himself.
pairing; peter ballard x oc warnings; none! words count; 1,0K
------------------------ Sweet sweet souvenir
someday in hawkins lab, the memory of a little girl. I can perceive the light below the reinforced door but i know he will come and wake me up, so i wait patiently. as expected. the door opens on a lovely orderly, checking if i'm awake. he walks to me and softly shakes my shoulder as i growl. today, i really don't want to get up and leave my bed, even if this one is not very comfortable. the man in front of me chuckles when he hears my sound. he's used to my little morning comedy, as our routine has been going on for the past few years. he kneels to my head's level and moves the covers off of my eyes.
"-Wake up sleepyhead, you know you can't stay here, even if you want to. I would gladly let you sleep off the day, but your Papa won't be so happy about it."
I frown my eyebrows and pulls the covers down completely.
"-Hello Peter, sorry... -I don't mind, but be careful sleepyhead, Papa will search for you if you don't get quickly to the Rainbow Room." I nod and walks to the corridor, as Peter follows me. He's my angel guardian out here, i don't know how i would be if he wasn't here in the first place. maybe i would be Papa's perfect puppet, trusting every word, even the trickiest. but Peter always learned me that Papa doesn't always tell the truth, sometimes he lies. and lies are bad, very bad. bad people tell lies, good people doesn't. Peter told me that, and i trust Peter.
Everyone trusts Peter, he's the best orderly out here, he's so nice with us. i wish i could be as kind with others as him when i grow up. and he's pretty too. one day, I made a drawing of us and I portrayed him as an angel. because that's what he is, he's the vision of an angel i will always have. i look at him behind me, shyly smile and walk faster to the Rainbow Room, where all the other children are.
my vision is a bit blurry, as my memories bring him up again. everything in my mind turns to him when i shouldn't. maybe because little me, hurt and alone, would always forgive him, whatever it takes from me. because in my heart and in my head, i will always look up at him. i'm pretty sure Eddie realizes that my mind is somewhere else because he slowly shakes my head, trying to squeeze a reaction out of me. and it works because i jump and look at him. 
"-Ame, are you really okay?"
Ame. this is the surname he gave me when i told him my name for the first time. he told me it was easier that way, but when i tried to call him Ed, he slapped my head with his guitar. I mean, gently slapped it, he didn't want to hurt his sweetheart. when I say sweetheart, i mean his perfect, fabulous and talented guitar.
Ame means soul in french. i know it because Papa used to make us learn a lot of languages, and i'm also really smart. again, i'm not throwing myself flowers. i used to think i didn't have any soul, because of my powers. i'm an unnatural creation and i got used to it eventually. but Eddie came into my life and it has been his duty to make this thought disappear from my mind. I don't think he will ever succeed.
"-Ame? -Yes. Sorry, I'm just very worried about the situation, I really don't want you to go to jail for something you didn't do." I lied. "-Don't worry stupid girl, I will never. I will outsmart them. I take my examples from the best."
He winked with a big silly smile on his face, making me giggle and relax a little bit. He always says I'm the smartest person he ever met, not that i doubt that for any matter.The group decided to go find some food for Eddie, so I decided to stay with him, i can't let my best friend out here, all alone and scared. he tries to hide it but he is frighten. even if all this world isn't new to him, i didn't want him to witness it by himself. i didn't want him to witness anything, actually.
"-I'm so sorry, Eddie. For bringing you into this world. My world, and everything that follows. Chrissy, the girl... You seemed to care about her. I remember, you told me that she asked you to sell her drugs, and that it didn't seem like something girls like her would buy from a freak like you. I should have go with you both. Maybe I could have... -Use your powers ? What if it would have bring attention on you instead of her? Of course I cared for her, she was very kind and lovely. Chrissy was a good person. But I would let anyone die, if it let me save you. I'm nothing without you."
Tears slowly fill my eyes, but i can't let him see my emotions. "-Even your sweetheart?" I joke. He giggles and softly hit my arm. "-Yes, even my guitar Ame. Don't let your ego grow on you though, I will if it's an emergency case."
We laugh for a bit and look at eachother's eyes. i seriously don't know what i would do without this idiot in my life. 
suddently, as the door slams, Eddie's first reflex is to put his arm in front of me, to protect me from the foreign people. I look up at him with my eyes wide open, i guess he isn't kidding when he says he's ready to let anyone die for me. even himself. i'm not the one searched by the police here. 
But fortunately, it's only the group, coming back from their little excursion for food. Steve waves at us with a big smile and Eddie let out a big sigh of relief. 
"Delivery service!"
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shirophantomvox · 3 years
Chrollo, Hisoka, and Illumi Headcanons
Chrollo, Hisoka, Illumi, and Leorio headcanons
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Hello, anon! I am so sorry for taking longer than usual to respond to this post. I have been so busy with A LOT lately but I have time now! I don’t know if you want N/SFW, romantic or non so I’ll go based on what comes to mind! I know many Tumblr users have made these types of assumptions for them a lot but I wanted to join in. I started writing this last night so forgive me if there are any unbearable grammar errors. I hope you like it anon, I tried my best. I have to work on my headcanons for them because I try to keep them in character. Since we don’t have much background info on ⅔, I have to keep it as realistic as possible. FYI N/SFW content is mentioned.
Discord for Voltron and HxH fans
Let’s start with Chrollo.
Chrollo (SFW)
I’ve seen on here that a lot of you headcanon Chrollo to be an understanding man when it comes to feelings for his significant other. Given his soft voice and calm demeanor, I’m sure that is somewhat true.
It seems like Chrollo isn’t on board with over-the-top PDA meaning he would agree to hand-holding and his arm around you but nothing more. He saves the...other stuff for when you two are alone. Because of Chrollo’s past, it seems like he wouldn’t want to be seen in public that much because that can cause him to get caught by the authorities.
He takes your safety very seriously. You understand that when he is with the Phantom Troupe that you are not to interrupt until the business is over. He doesn’t allow you to get involved with the missions because of how dangerous they can be (example: the auction). He knows you can handle it, he prefers for you not to be involved. Feelings and work can make things difficult.
Although Chrollo hides in the shadows, I imagine he lives in a penthouse with expensive furniture, white and black color pattern, and large windows that have an astonishing view of Yorknew.
After you both have worked long and hard, you open the door just to see the lights dimmed so dark that it matches the night atmosphere. There are rose petals leading to the bathroom where a bubble bath is waiting. As you enter the bathroom, your boyfriend is waiting there, submerged in bubbles sticking his arms out. Candles light up the tiny room casting a romantic shadow from your body. You grab his hand and gently sit in the tub. The warm water felt amazing; it helped your aching muscles (from exercising) feel better. Chrollo gently grabbed your arm and pulled you into a warm, loving embrace. He wrapped his toned arms around your body and rested his chin on your shoulder. He didn’t say a word but instead breathed heavily, kissed your shoulder, and leaned back against the wall. On days like this, he didn’t say much but his actions spoke louder than words.
Chrollo NSFW
I think Chrollo is a passionate lover. This assumption comes from his calm demeanor. He seems to be incredibly patient so if you aren’t positioning yourself the right way or something, he’ll work with you to make sure you get it and you are comfortable.
He is touchy. That means during the nitty-gritty, he likes to touch your face, chin, lips, and your torso as a way to show more affection.
When he is in the mood, he moves slowly then very fast. He cannot resist the urges and feelings he has for you.
He loves to do this while the drapes are open although you have expressed that you like your privacy. It’s ironic. He doesn’t like extreme PDA but is ok with sleeping with you while the lights from the city shine near your penthouse window. Ah, guys are confusing.
After the climax, he lays flat on the bed and pulls you close. He leaves about an inch in between because heat is still radiating off your bodies and it’s summertime.
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Hisoka (SFW) If his significant other was shy.
People have mixed feelings about Hisoka, feelings, and whether or not if he is gentle or not. I don’t think that Hisoka is gentle but begins to lay off the harsh jokes or pranks as he sees that you both have fought before and you’re not as weak as he thought.
Unlike Chrollo, he is all for PDA. This ranges from hand holding to playful kisses to passionate kisses. When I saw Hisoka for the first time, I immediately thought he was a fuck boy. A fuck boy is a boy that is only interested in sleeping with someone and doesn’t intend on pursuing a relationship.
He’d take the pleasure of appreciating your presence as well as testing your patience. If you are shy and are easily flustered, he will change that. He’ll do things like kissing you, calling you affectionate names, or anything that will cause you to respond. You hit him jokingly. Still not getting the message, he continues and you hit him harder. This is where he releases a medium moan which causes everyone to look in your direction. You freeze; face flushed and he’s laughing his ass off.
“What’s the matter,” he asks, covering his mouth. “You look flushed~♥.”
“You’re doing too much. Stop playing around! People are staring~💯.” You cover the side of your face. True enough you were a little mortified but in a good way. You knew he did this because he liked you but sometimes he played too much.
This is when he pulls you closer to his face, your ear next to his mouth, and whispers something in your ear that sent chills down your spine that made you blush more than before. He nearly puckered his lips as he spoke. He took his index finger and thumb to caress your cheek.
“Raising your voice at me? That simply won’t do. Aren’t you aware of the consequences~♥?”
You knew better than to not say anything because he would cup your cheeks and pull you into a deep kiss, and wouldn’t let go until he was sure that everyone was looking.
Both of you enjoy red, white, and rose wine. To him, wine equals classiness and sophistication. After fighting each other for hours (which he considers training for you and exercise for him) drinking wine and watching Lifetime (television for idiots) is a great way to end the night.
As stated above, I originally thought that Hisoka was a fuck boy, so I am going to roll with that thought. This man has the potential of being rough and if he is too rough this is the time where you can speak up and say so. He’ll listen to you. Similar to Chrollo, he can be very romantic if he wants to. The rose petals gimmick was played out.
Instead, he hides in the darkest part of the living room waiting for you.
You turn on the lights and immediately head to the kitchen to drink a bottle of ice-cold water. Summer nights in Yorknew were hot and humid, almost unbearable. It felt like you were being suffocated. Becoming impatient, Hisoka clears his throat loudly causing you to nearly jump out of your skin; choking on the water you were drinking. He released a sexy chuckle. When you turned around, there stood your chiseled buff boyfriend bare with a ribbon tied in various directions around his body. Your birthday was two days ago and he was your gift. Although you have seen him like this before, for some reason you were too flustered to make a move. He already knew that you were tired from work, so he carried you in his arms to the Exercise Room and laid you gently on the floor. You smiled as a rush or passion took over your body resulting in you tearing off the ribbon tightly wrapped around his body. Since this was your birthday gift, he made it a night you’d remember forever! Surprisingly, no roughhousing, just soft and gentle. This proves that Hisoka has the capability of being humane. His strokes were to your liking and the gazes that you both exchanged were mind-blowing. Why couldn’t he be this way all the time? After it all, you fell asleep at her quickly. You were on the floor but now on top of your king-sized bed, with the message control on high. He stayed awake, watching TV, and thought about how he was going to pick a fight with you at the crack of dawn.
Hisoka’s ability to flirt and send the intended person swooning is a talent of itself. Lots of people do not possess this talent. Sometimes it's intentional and sometimes it's not. He speaks softly and smoothly, are he has to do is ask and it shall be done.
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Illumi SFW
Illumi gives the impression that he is a “quiet” freak. This means that true enough he is focused on his job but if the moment comes along he will give in. He isn’t into PDA at all and if he does feel like showing some affection it will be done in private. Even though he appears to be a zombie, laying on or even cuddling with his significant other will help him relax for once. Imagine having to complete many missions in a day, exhausted, and have a wonderful person waiting to act as a human pillow for your weary head. Even Illumi can’t resist that.
If he likes you and plans to marry you, he will make that known to everyone to avoid confusion. Illumi represents the stereotypical shy boy; he is anti-social, prefers to only be around people he knows and trusts, and carries out the duties of his job.
After everything has been completed for the day, he wouldn’t mind ( and secretly begs) for silent cuddles with his significant other and to just fall asleep. At this point, you are used to it so this is all you want and you are satisfied. When he does talk, it’s usually about something he found out from work that he knows should be kept quiet but he tells you anyway. Late nights are the time of day where Illumi vents for a few hours. The details of these vent sessions could range anywhere from “I wish you were there to see it” to “No, it would be too much”. As quiet and reserve as he is, his love is shown in a unique way that you have grown accustomed to.
When the urge slaps him across the face like a sack of rocks, he cannot resist. Usually, he fights off the urge by exercising (mainly because you are out of the house or sleep) but this time he couldn’t shake it.
Before he gets started with anything, he styles his long hair in the shape of a bun so it doesn’t get in the way of action.
Although he is portrayed to be an emotionless zombie, he has some feeling deep inside him that he unleashes just for you. This is shown by gentle moist kisses being placed along your neck and once he reaches your shoulder that is when you wake up. Halfway through your sleepy eyes, you see a man with a devilish smile painted across his face. Who is this man? This couldn’t be your boyfriend. No way, no how.
Once he sees your sleepy smile, he just releases so many kisses that you throw the blanket off and he pulls you in closer.
Illumi will allow you both to switch the roles meaning he is in charge one time and you are on another day. Since you were still asleep, he decided to take on the role. He is surprisingly gentle in the beginning but as soon as it takes off, your ride him like a donkey. It ironic; he releases more noises than you! You have to remind him that noise travels! Great, you’re doing your job well! While it is important to take your job seriously, you need to have time to release that stress.
He uses his large eyes to stare into yours; you always found yourself lost in his gaze.
After it all, you lay back down waiting for your boyfriend to return from the kitchen. Illumi craves food like crazy after a good session. What’s better than donuts at 3 AM? COMFORT FOOD!!
These urges also come when you two are training together. Several times he’s had to guide you from behind on how to aim his needles. This time you noticed the packing of his pants which surprised you.
“Any questions,” he asked in a monotone voice.
“Yes. Why did you wear jogging pants? You’re giving yourself away.”
It was at this moment, he knew he fucked up. But let’s be honest, ok? He is standing behind the most beautiful person in the world, nostrils full of perfume, hair tied up, and has his left hand placed loosely on your thigh?! What was he thinking by wearing jogging pants when he was with you? He acted as if he didn’t know what you were talking about.
“You really don’t know?”
You kicked your backside out against him causing him to fall to the ground.
“Wow! Your legs are like jelly!”
“Why tease me,” He asked breaking out a small smile.
“You’re the one denying it.”
“Just get to it. I can’t wait any longer or else I’ll explode.”
The quiet ones are always the freakiest.
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smutandfluffohmy · 4 years
His Sweater
From: Smutandfluffohmy Pairings: George X Slytherin!reader A/N: This is written a bit weird? Uuu tell me what you think of the writing I’m trying something out. Summary: Slytherin! reader wonders around the castle and comes across George and Fred.
Read Part 2 here
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I had a nightmare that night. I’m sure it was a horrible dream but I didn’t remember or perhaps I didn’t want to remember once I woke up.  The morning was not there yet but I could feel it, it was not early enough for others to be awake nor was it late enough to go back to sleep. I rose my head looking around the room hoping my roommates would for some miracle be awake; but everyone was still fast asleep. 
I got myself out of bed slipping my feet in the slippers. My pajamas bundled awkwardly around my thigh and knee, using my foot to tug it back in place. The dorms were warm but so quiet, I felt that this is what it must feel like to be the only person in the world. 
Walking out of my dorm and making my way into the common room I expected to bump into someone at any second, but I didn’t. I was the only one awake me, the kraken and the fire. 
Making my way out of the Slytherin common room I looked around the stretched out halls.I wondered who was awake at this time, why they were awake and what they were up to. Perhaps they were always early rises and they will be surprised to see me.
The usually loud halls were deadly quiet. I wonder if I’m dead, a curious thing it would be if I was because I don't remember dying.Looking around the halls, watching all the sleeping paintings that framed the tall halls. Despite walking down these halls hundreds of times they felt too big, too old and my bunny slippers felt too out of place. 
My mind started to wander, not enough that I didn't know it was wondering but enough to not keep my wits about me. 
Someone bumped into me , making me stumble backwards before a hand reached over and kept me on my feet. Looking up at who it could possibly be that bumped into me with the entire hall free. I looked up to see George Weasley’s eyes that were filled with worry and confusion as to who would be awake at this hour as if he himself wasn't awake at this hour as well.“Jesus Weasley you nearly gave me a heart attack.”
“If you want I could finish off the job.” Fred sneered appearing from behind his brother.
Shooting him a glare I tried ignoring the burning spot growing where George was touching me “Haha very funny. What are you guys doing up.” I said straightening my already straight pajamas, cursing myself for wearing my green pajamas and white bunny slippers, I looked like a walking Slytherin banner.
George looked from me to his brother to my slippers before speaking “Could ask you the same thing.” he said.
“I asked first.” I retorted, scrunching my eyebrows together.
“Shame you’re outnumbered.” Fred shrugged hiding something behind his back. Technically they’re outnumbered if they would only count my bunny slippers.
Shrugging my shoulders I looked between them “Had a bad dream.”
“So you got out of bed to wonder the halls.” Fred said scrunching his nose at me.
“Your turn.” I said 
“Counting the paintings wanted to make sure they hadn’t hopped off the walls.” George said with a face splitting smile that seemed too bright and too happy for an hour when the sun wasn't even out.
“Fine I’ll just follow you two around if you’re going to be like that.” I said, maybe I’ll get another smile from George even if I had to put up with Fred.
“No.” Fred said spinning around walking in front of me, his hands still behind his back hiding water it was.
“You can’t stop me.” I answered confidently, as confidently as someone with no wand and no socks could sound.
George snickered beside me “We can.” he said. But his threat was empty, a sweet empty like an empty sweets wrapper.
Fred seemed to catch on to the tone in his brothers voice because he rolled his eyes before saying “Whatever hurry up we have lots to do, places to be”
George shifted uncomfortable besides me, Fred rhythmically tapped the thing in his hand, the silence too loud for us to ignore.I shivered from the cold and the awkwardness.
Fred laughs “Did you think Hogwarts was warm at 3am? In the winter? A bit dense aren't we.” he says stretching his arms over his head, my embarrassment spread across my face.
George broke my silent embarrassment “Don’t mind him he’s upset were awake this early.Here you can borrow my jumper” he said tugging the jumper off, messing his hair in the process. 
The color returned to my face, was it possible for someone to be attractive with bed head? Apparently it was. I just wish I realized this in a less compromising moment “Are you sure? Aren’t you going to be cold?” I said hesitant to take the offered jumper.
George smiled “I’m sure. I hardly get cold” he said putting my head through the jumper, the flappy arms hanging off my shoulders.
My thoughts left my head, I couldn't even remember what it felt like to have any. “Thank you I re-” I mustered out
Fred sighed making George and I jump, forgetting he was there at all “Barf. Can we hurry up.” He said. Putting my arms through the sweaters arms, smoothing out my hair trying to get rid of the static.
“What are you guys doing.You never said” I said speed walking trying to keep up with their long strides.
“Feeding the narwals the live around the castle I reckoned they were a bit peckish.” Fred said pointing at deep dark corners in the hallways.
“Narwhals live in the ocean.” I said, far too serious and far too matter a factly that made me wince inside.
“It doesn't matter they’re not real.” George said with a laugh tugging at his shirt collar.
“Mate...” Fred said with a mix of bemusement and a horrified look before laughing, shaking his head and continued making his way to wherever they were going.
“What?” George said looking from his brother to me, trying to figure out the punchline he felt we’ve hidden from him.
“George narwhals are real animals.” I said quietly to him.
“Oh.” George murmured his face getting as red as his hair, a task I didn't know was possible.
“Besides can’t tell you, you might go on and tell your boyfriend Malfoy.” Fred said waving me off. Now it was my turn to turn red.
“Yea can’t say we can trust a Slytherin with our plan.” George said with a hint of something in his voice and a different spring in his step.
“First of all Malfoy isn’t my boyfriend. Second I love a good laugh come on Weasleys spill.” I said, excitement running through me at the thought that I could be part of one of their pranks.
“I still don't think we can trust them.” Fred said looking over my head to talk to George.
“I don't think so either, feel like she’s a secret spy sent out.” George said pretending to whisper.
“Just tell me.” I said looking up at them, as they averted their eyes up to the ceiling. 
George let out a laugh “Slytherin and Gryffindor quidditch game today so we’re hexing Slytherins area to turn into-” he said
“Gryffindor colors.” Fred said finishing the sentence his brother had started. 
“Hmm brillant but-” I said cracking my fingers, wincing at the loud sound promptly dropping my hand.
“But?” Fred said cocking his eyebrow at me, wanting and not wanting to hear what I had to say.
George mimicked his brothers expression looking down at me “I don’t think it gets more brilliant than that.” he shrugged.
“BUT.” I said poking both of the on the arms. “What if you changed our horns to cheer for Gryffindor instead.” I said, unsure if it could work or not but I’m sure if it could be pulled off the people to come to was the Weasley twins.
“Well take it into consideration.” George said, side eyeing me perhaps sizing me up or perhaps a bit crossed he didn’t pitch the idea first. I could feel myself beam at the thought I might have possibly contributed to a great Weasley prank.
Steps echoed through the empty halls. Stiffing at the sound the three of us froze, too unsure or afraid of the volume of our own voices afraid they might come out too loud and give us all away.
“Fucking hell someones coming.” George said barely above an audible whisper but it felt like he was shouting at the top of his lungs in that moment.
“Told you they’re was a mole” Fred scoffed at his brother eyeing me with fake anger and trying to hold back a laugh. Or perhaps he was in fact a bit crossed with me.
“Shut up. Go on I’ll take care of it.” I said stepping in front of them, shooing them away to continue on. Offering myself as a sacrifice, I only wonder if I was going to be a eye rolling encounter or an after class eraser dusting sacrifice.
“I knew they weren't a mole.” George smiled from me to his brother.
“Perhaps.” Fred said dragging out his s, not believing me until I proved it.
Rolling my eyes I took a step backwards “Go on carrot tops.” I smiled up at them.
“Oi no need to come after the hair.” Fred said in moving his hands up in defense, a laugh threatening to leave his mouth and running his aloof demeanor.
“I’ll be cheering for you Wesley. Even if you don't hex the horns.” I said smiling at George, I wondered what smile wouldn't give my crush on George but it didn't matter because I couldn't see it.
“Thanks glad to see I’m finally being appreciated.” Fred said puffing his chest out pretending to throw a bludger, a faint smile spreading on your face.
“Oh guess I’ll cheer for you too carrot top. Now go hurry” I said shoving them as I started running towards the source of the sound, my bunny slippers ears bouncing in different direction with each step.
Harshly stopping, and turning around “Wait George your jumper.” I shouted, a shouted only above a whisper but still too loud.
“Give it to me later!” George whisper shouted towards me a lopsided smile on his face, a smile I don't think I’ve seen on others.
“Earth to George hurry up.” Fred said slapping his brothers arms to get his attention that I’m sure he had as soon as he said his name.George turned to his brother as they ran side by side. “I think you’re carrot top and I’m Wealsey.”
“Ha whatever makes you feel better.” George laughed shoving his brother before running towards the Quiditch field.
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remsmoonlight · 3 years
— title : just drive
— word count : 1.6k words
— pairing : rick grimes x reader
— summary : never had the inability to drive been a reason to divulge, nor had it been a problem. until a horde of walkers are trailing behind you, that is.
— warnings : swearing, implication of anxiety, mentions of death / potential car accidents, mentions of blood and gore
note: two imagines in two days i can’t believe my productivity, i thought it would be funny that being unable to drive in a zombie apocalypse would be funny because it would be such a useful ability to have ( ahem ahem my non driving ass ) this was meant to be like 500 words but it got away from me, anyways enjoy three hours of my nonsense!
                               ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*   requests are open ! *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Burning. The sensation is fierce as you fight your own body to force more oxygen into your airways, to power you along to escape the deathly growls that follow behind you. Paranoia stokes its own fire, the feeling that walkers are much closer than they actually are push you to lighter steps in the barren dirt, the only tracks laid into its path are the ones you are currently forming with every inch you put between you.
Exactly how you’d gotten into this situation is not something you mind wants to visit currently, more concerned with your current predicament.
“ We’ll turn left up ahead, we passed a few cars a while back. “
“ That's as good a plan as any. “ You rush out in one breath, the words with a ghostly tone while you try to find your voice. Everything hurts, the idea of more running is not something you find appealing.
You wonder if the walkers are able to run, any thought to distract yourself from the aching your muscles feel at the physical exertion you’re being put through. For a fraction of a fleeting second, you turn your gaze backwards, your eyes running across the line of walkers that want to make the sky above you rain with your blood across the greenery as you flee. They do a very good job of speed walking, the amount of energy they have for being dead is something that unnerves you. Even after you have caffeine in your bloodstream, you have never had this much energy. What is their secret?
Tears blur your sight as you set your eyes on a graveyard of cars, dust that covers every inch of the metal machines show their age.
“ Rick! “ You exclaim, a new flower of hope blooming in your voice as your finger shakily raises to point in the direction of the car park. “ Over there! “
Both of you split instantly as you reach the space, your hands tugging at the handles of the vehicles, wishing with every fibre of your beings that one is unlocked — or at the very least, there is a key to unlock them nearby. Extremely nearby.
“ This one! “ Your voice carries over the distance resoundingly, the door opens with a click that blesses your hearing.
“ Yeah.. We’re lucky today. “ Rick mumbles to himself, flinging the bags that had been weighing on his shoulders into the back.
In the suddenness of the situation, your heart plummets below with a steep drop that you swore will not end. I can’t fucking drive. You gasp at the realisation of it, desperation twisting and contorting around the entirety of your body.
“ Rick.. “ Turning towards Rick swiftly, you pause in your confession. An uncomfortable heat warms your cheeks as you study him, unsure of how he would react during the worst possible moment for the disclosure. “ We need to switch places! “
“ What? “ His brows knit together as he asks you, confusing misting him completely. “ Why? Start the car! “
“ I do — I can’t drive! “
The confession leads Rick to momentarily splutter in response, his words cowering under the veil that is his tongue. Colour drains from his features, a continuous slap against the back of the car’s window from a lone walker ahead of the horde pushes him into a brisk movement. The action is awkward, the lack of space threatening to cause harm in the form of bruises from knocking limbs against various parts of its interior.
“ Just drive! “
With a haggard start, you examine the way your surroundings appear to move, realising that the vehicle is awake and increasing with speed as it puts space between you and the dead. You lean your head against the window, one of your hands moves towards the temple of your head to message some of the tension of almost being eaten away. That had been too close for comfort.
“ Uh, y’know I gotta ask — “
“ How I can’t drive, right? “ You finish, your eyes roll in response, you know he’s going to  find too much amusement in making fun of you.
“ And how you made it this far. “ He drawls, humour embedded in his response as his eyes continue to survey the road ahead.
Your teeth bite the side of your cheek, with strength that almost is able to draw the crimson liquid that lays beneath your flesh. Lips purse at the enjoyment you can feel radiating off of his body, as it wishes itself into existence.
“ I don’t know! “ You grumble loudly, your shoulders lift temporarily in response. “ I’m just always with someone who knows how to operate one of these things. “
“ You never learnt before? “
“ I mean.. I always had a fear of driving. No reason, just the thought that one wrong move and.. “ a shudder rips through your body with a blinding pace, your fingers lay tapping at your thigh. “ I could cause an accident, or even be in one would scare me to death! “
“ That’s understandable. “ Rick nods, glancing in your direction before breaking out in a grin. “ Kinda. “
A heavy groan vibrates inside of the car, you throw your hands up in the air as you realise he’s one of the worst people to divulge this information to. Your addition to the group hadn’t occurred as earlier as most of them, they’d been kind enough to accept you into their family after escaping Terminus. On a rare night, nightmares of that cursed location shatters the mirror of a dreamy slumber into a thousand shards that scar your mind for the nights that follow. Echoes of screams from those captured, treated no more than a prize cow that awaits its slaughter to service those with the butcher’s knife.
Truthfully, you’d gravitated towards the man. With the amount of trauma you’d been through, the way that when he speaks, you craved the comfort his words never lost. Certainty and confidence are still with him today, often leading you to believe everything will be alright. Even if the road between Georgia and Alexandria had been filled with gore and tears, everything has turned out fine. So far.
“ You are being so annoying right now. “ Cursing the man, you show him your middle finger.
Rick says nothing, he merely chuckles in response. You almost allow your mind to tread into the murky waters of the man you used to know and the transformation into the man he is now.
“ I just.. “ shaking his head, the cheeky glint in his eyes only sparkles more as it grows in size. “ How d’you not run into this problem earlier? “
“ I don’t know! “
“ It’s nothin’ short of amazin’. “ a gust of air is released from his lips, only now does he realise they’re dehydrating from the amount of running done that afternoon.
Trees and bushes blend into one another, creating a vivid merging of shades, providing a soothing palette to paint the most tranquil of artworks. You envy the way life has flourished under the lack of human traffic, trampling the environment without a care, you wish you could undergo the same change the way it has. The human mind has a way of making obstacles difficult for itself.
“ I just.. Can’t help but find it funny. Drivin’s.. It’s a way of survivin’ when you got more than one of them on your ass. “
“ Well I guess I am an outlier to that rule. “ your brows move with the motions your head makes as you try to muster an air of superiority over the notion.
You find yourself wishing you hadn’t succumbed to your fears, that you’d bit the bullet and studied and practiced as much as humanly possible. The fear of driving hadn’t been the only thing that stopped you from pursuing the ability, but the idea of having to take a written exam and an actual driving test? The two often colliding in an infinite clash of wills that left your insides in a constant, battered wreck every time you thought about the idea.
All you want is to be able to do that one thing, after all, so many had done so before. You’re sure that everyone, minus the children, are able to drive. Such a simple thing, you’d never thought would prove to be such a thorn in your side when you’d take the train to work. Life has a way of stitching together a set of circumstances only to treat them like dominos, destroying the work with little regard as it watches them fall one by one. The carefully nursed structure is a shell of what it used to be, the resting place of what could have been.
“ You didn’t give up, y’kept fightin’. I’ve seen people able to hotwire these things taken down. It ain’t the car that keeps a person alive, it’s them. “ He assures you warmly, as much as he wants to continue to find amusement in lacking what is now deemed as a life skill, it doesn’t take a genius to realise you’re becoming annoyed by the poking and the prodding his humour brings.
“ That’s oddly.. Uplifting. “
“ I do say these things from time to time, no need to sound so surprised. “
“ They’re so rare I forget. “ A smirk lifts the corner of your lips as you eye the man from the side. It is your turn to laugh now.
Light hearted chatter fills the limited space, conversation flowing just that little bit more freely now that danger no longer pursues you in earnest. You’re thankful for a drop of normalcy in a sea of skeletons that surround the world now, you can pretend that — even for a little, it’s a normal day.
“ What d’you say to havin’ some drivin’ lessons? “
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"Rings" - Din Djarin x female!reader
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(GIF by Me ... this was a hassle to create, I tell you guys)
Summary: You give something up that is very important to you to save Din's life.
Warning: injury/blood, a bit of violence, near-death experience, death of someone close to the reader (only mentioned)
Disclaimer: I normally try to give the reader as little backstory as possible but that wasn't an option here. So, please just roll with it.
Category: angst/fluff
Words: about 8.000
Note: Today’s my birthday (it’s already the 30th December where I live) so, have this piece of my writing as a sort of present from me to you! I must say I’m very proud to have finished this before the end of 2020. Letting you decide what I should write next and just reading your interest in my ideas definitely motivated me to write. So, thank you! <3 Note 2: I hope y’all enjoy it, I was a bit nervous because I rewrote a lot of it since it always felt like something wasn’t right or missing. The first draft was 4.000 words and I only wanted to check for any grammar mistakes and … well, you see what happened xD I also wish y’all a (early) happy New Year! I hope 2021 will be better for all of us.
“Rings” – Din Djarin x fem!reader
You sat on the pilot seat of the Razor Crest, staring outside at the dark void of space speckled with star streaks. Mando was sleeping, the Child too, so you had some time for yourself that you didn't know how to spend efficiently. The autopilot was on and the ship wasn't in the need of any repairs, so you didn't even need to be awake right now but you didn't feel tired enough to fall asleep either. Absentmindedly you twisted one of your rings in your fingers to pass the time. It was a metallic-silver ring that looked like two intertwined ones, nothing engraved into it, no jewels on it, quite uneven. It was an unremarkable ring, a simple ring. Still, from all the rings on your fingers this one meant the most to you. This ring was your go to distraction when you were bored and your comforter.
 "What are you doing?" a modulated voice asked behind you. Flinching you dropped your hands in your lab and spun around in the chair to face the Mandalorian. You furrowed your brows at him to silently scold him. How was he able to move without making a single sound in that metal armor of his? After a while you shrugged your shoulders in answer. "Nothing, really." Turning back around you stared out of the window again with a sigh. "I'm just ... bored." A small smile found its way on your lips as you crossed your arms before your chest and leaned back in the chair, knowing fully well that Mando stood dumbfounded behind you because you were sitting in 'his' seat. Though as long as he wasn't saying anything there was no problem, right? You had to suppress the small snort that would have threatened to spill over your lips otherwise. "Is the Child still sleeping?" you asked instead after a while in which you hadn't heard the Mandalorian move at all. But for all you might know he could have already walked back down or he could stand right behind you. "Yes" he answered shortly, his voice still sounded like he stood in the doorway to the cockpit. So, he hadn't moved. "Good" you retorted before standing up, thinking you had tortured the silent Mandalorian enough, and sat down on one of the co-pilot seats. Mando stood still for a few moments longer before also sitting down in his seat. You two stayed silent after that and after a while you resumed back to twisting the ring between your fingers in boredom.
"Do you ever take those rings off?" His rough voice startled you once more. Perplexed you looked up to see him slightly turned towards you in his chair and just blinked at him a few times. Then you raised one eyebrow at him with a mischievous spark in your eyes. "Do you ever take that helmet off?" you shot back with a grin. You of course knew the answer and Mando knew that too so you didn't expect more than a short huff from him. He let out a snort and shook his head in what you guessed was amusement. Sometimes it was hard to read his body language but you were proud to say that you slowly got better at it. "What do they mean to you?" he tried again. "Awfully chatty today, aren't we?" you teased but you had to note that you were grateful for him seemingly opening up to you more. Mando shrugged in answer. You looked back down at your hands and the many rings adorning them as your smile fell. "Most of them mean nothing" you explained. "I just think they're pretty. I like shiny metal." You shot the man in shiny armor a side glance and a sly grin, trying to fall back into a more carefree attitude. If he understood your teasing he didn't react, though you could swear he had wide eyes underneath that helmet of his. But maybe you were just projecting. After a while he cleared his throat which made you giggle. He had understood it after all.
 "You said most of them, so which do have a meaning to you?" You grew quiet, staring back down at the ring you had twisted in between your fingers until now. The grin vanished from your features and only left a frown behind. Your throat closed up. You have never told anyone about this but some part of you wanted to share this with the Mandalorian you had grown closer to after all these months on the Razor Crest. "It's sentimental and stupid" you began and removed the ring from your finger. You held it over your face and turned it in the dim light. "My father made it." "Is he a blacksmith?" You felt your body stiffen up and slid the ring back on. "He was." The silence was awkward and filled with tension as your eyes hardened in an desperate attempt to hold back the tears. You wanted to tell him this but you refused to cry. You wouldn't cry in front of him. Everyone had lost somebody. "I'm sorry." You shook your head, quickly wiped the wetness round your eyes away so he wouldn't notice and leaned back into the chair, crossing your arms before your chest once more and closed your eyes. "Don't be." You heard the Mandalorian busy himself with switches and buttons after that. Opening one eye you saw him facing away from you, shoulders tense and squared. Another small, and this time more strained, grin formed on your lips. You forced to look more cheerful again. "And as you just saw, I do take them off, tin head." The Mandalorian huffed a short, modulated laugh as you closed your eyes again, twisting the ring, your comforter in between two fingers once more.
  "Where is it!?" Your desperate cry echoed through the Razor Crest, alarming the Mandalorian who immediately jumped up from the pilot seat and climbed down the ladder. When he turned to face you, his heart beating painfully against his ribs, he saw you kneeling on the floor, your hair still wet from the shower you had just taken, damping the shirt around the area of your shoulders and neck. He paused, furrowing his brows in confusion. "What are you searching?" he asked perplexed, his heart slowing down again when he realized you or the kid weren't in any danger. "My ring!" you exclaimed panicked. "I took them off to shower and now I can't find the one I- the one my father made." The Mandalorian's gaze followed you as you scanned the floor, worrying that it might have rolled away. With all the boxes standing around it would be impossible to find it if it really had rolled into the clutter of materials. You huffed under your breath. Mando let his eyes trained on you before a delighted squeak caught his attention. Slowly he turned to face the kid who was sitting on his cot, admiring a shiny metal ring in his tiny hands with big, round eyes. You, however, continued to mutter under your breath, cursing yourself and swearing to never take it off again. Only when you heard Mando's chuckle did you pause and stood up to face him. You stared at him in confusion, your eyes wide. You had never heard such a soft sound leave his modulator before. He did laugh around you sometimes, that was nothing new, but it only ever was a short snort of a laugh or a dry one. Never such a soft, pure sound of delight. And then it had to be the moment your heart was racing and your hands were shaking in fear of having lost something forever. You furrowed your brows. "What's so funny?" you asked irritated. Thinking about how he would react if he couldn't find a piece of his armor, or his helmet even. You knew it was petty. After all you had only lost a ring and Mando's armor was part of his creed, deep-rooted within his beliefs. You couldn't help feeling slightly angry though.
 The Mandalorian didn't answer and instead tilted his head to his cot, your gaze following his movement. And when you laid eyes on the Child holding your ring, you had to control yourself to not slap your hand against your forehead hard. Instead, you buried your hot face in your hands and groaned. How wasn't this your first instinct? You straightened up and sat down in front of the kid "Kid, give me that please" you demanded nicely with your hand outstretched. The Child tilted his head and looked at you with his big, round eyes in curiosity. "Please" you pressed staring at the ring that hovered dangerously close to the kid's mouth. You could try to snatch it out if his grasp but you didn't want to risk him accentually swallowing it if he refused and defended his newly found treasure. Mando watched you in silence, arms crossed before his chest. He was almost about to speak up, he wanted to remind you that the kid wouldn't give it back so easily. He as well as you knew that because of the small ball from the switch in the cockpit the little one always stole. But before he could even open his mouth the kid let the ring fall into your palm, leaving the Mandalorian in a loss for words. The Child looked at you, his eyes saddened as if to apologize. You slipped the ring back on immediately, staring at your fingers that now all had their respected ring back. Then you squished the Child's cheeks in thanks and he squealed in joy. "I almost had a heart attack" you jokingly said and looked at the still silent Mandalorian as a breathy laugh left your lips. It was this moment did he realize what a strong bond you and the Child had built over those months you had now been on the Razor Crest. And it left him with a feeling he couldn't quite place in any category. Was it joy? Pride? Maybe both, maybe something else. He shook his head, directing his attention back at you as you straightened up with the kid in your arms, an exhausted smile on your lips. "Crisis overcome" you joked, the relief in your voice however was unmistakable.
  After that little incident you never took that ring off again. All the other ones weren't that important, you didn't care if the Child grabbed one of them but the ring your father had made was of limits. But you knew that Mando was interested in it, about its story and the importance it had to you. He hadn't told you much about him so you hadn't told him much about you either when he had first approached you with the proposition to you give you a job on the Razor Crest. Back then you didn't really care who he was, you just needed some credits and the Child was cute so that was a plus. You were mostly a mechanic for the ship and the weapons at first but you soon fell for the little one’s charm and became somewhat of a caretaker for him as well. Mando had offered to raise your wage many times since you took on more than he had planned but you always had and always would refuse. You cared for the Child because you wanted to not because you were paid for it. And to be honest, the credits he did gave you for repairs on the ship and looking over the weapons every once in a while, you always ended up spending for the kid or for something that was needed on the ship anyways. So, it really wasn't that much of a job anymore to you and rather ... a strange companionship of sorts. And because of that you decided to offer a deal to the Mandalorian because you also grew more interested in your mysterious travel companion. After months on board, you wanted to finally get to know him more.
 "Since you seem so interested in my ring, I'm going to propose a deal" you proclaimed, straightening up in the co-pilot seat you had sat down earlier. The pilot seat turned to you so Mando could face you more comfortably, his helmet tilted in question. You grinned, proud to be able to at least distinguish the different head tilts he had. "I'm going to answer the questions you have if you tell me something about you in return" you continued after quickly shaking your head to sort your thoughts. You weren't obviously to the way the Mandalorian tensed in his seat, seemingly expecting to have to answer the questions that were burning on your tongue ever since you grew to like him more. So you shook your head at him as an answer to his silent question. "I'm not going to ask you something directly so you can choose what you want to reveal about yourself. I'm satisfied with anything." He nodded, agreeing to your proposition.
 You removed the ring from your finger and grabbed Mando's hand, he stiffened up again immediately. You let out a short chuckle. "Relax" you snorted and placed the ring in his palm. His head shot from his hand to your face in what you knew was shock and confusion. With a toothy grin you shrugged your shoulders. "I know you want to know more about it. You aren't that hard to read after a while" you explained with a grin. "And I know you won't eat it, unlike the Child." That made the Mandalorian laugh in agreement before looking back down at the sliver ring in his palm. The soft sound of his real laughter and not the stifled snorts he would normally only let out made you shiver for some reason. For a while he just stared at the ring in complete silence, obviously not knowing where to start. Then he cleared his throat and tilted his helmet only slightly upwards, almost unnoticeably but you caught it, knowing that he was now looking at you. "You said your father made it?" You nodded but knew he wanted to ask more, however, he seemed unsure of how far he could go so you decided to elaborate a bit more. "Yes, he did. He was mostly an armorer, though" you declared. "That ring was the first and only jewelry he ever crafted which is why it's so bumpy." You let out a short laugh and leaned back into the seat, staring out of the window and only glancing at the Mandalorian from the corner of your eye from time to time.
"He taught me a lot about different kind of weapons which is why I'm so good at repairing them, not so much with creating them from scratch like he was though." You crossed your arms before your chest and bit your lip, just letting yourself think for a moment and trying to hold back tears that threatened to spill again. "Back then I never thought all that knowledge would come in handy. I often complained because I wanted to go out and play with my friends and not look at melted metal all day" you resumed, trying to distract yourself with it. "I never thought I would need the things he taught me to save a Mandalorian's ass." That made Mando laugh once more but this time in protest. "If I recall correctly, I save you much more often" he pointed out. "You recall incorrectly" you teased but knowing the truth in his words. You would never admit it out loud, though, you liked to joke around with him too much.
 "Something else you want to know?" you asked, distracting him from your teasing since he had grown quiet after that. The Mandalorian nodded. "Yes. You don't have to answer if it's too personal or you don't want to but-" he started, seeming conflicted. "How did he die?" You gulped, not having expected that kind of direct question from him. Your gaze returned to the large window, staring at the sparkling void that was space again. "He was killed" you stated, your voice suddenly sounding rather strained. You took a deep breath and forced yourself to carry on. "He got caught in the crossfire of some stupid criminal organizations on my home planet." You saw Mando slowly nod from the corner of your eyes before he stretched out his hand to you for you to take your ring back. You straightened up again and turned to face him, reaching for it. "I'm sorry" the Mandalorian said in a soft, quiet tone. Even fainter than the chuckle you have heard from him before. You froze mid motion before shaking your head and swiftly grabbed the ring, sliding it back on your finger. "As I said once already, don't be. It's been forever ago." You suddenly felt a bang in your chest and a tightness in your heart. It still hurt. And before you could prevent it you let out one sharp sob, clutching the finger with your father's ring on it with your other hand and bend over. You missed him, even after all this time you still missed him more than anything. After that one sob only silent tears dropped down your face but you didn't hear the Mandalorian standing up. Only when you felt his hands on your shoulders did you realize that he was in front of you. Your head snapped up to stare at the black of his visor through your tears. The touch felt soothing and you realized that you craved more. You didn't feel like you were allowed to hug him tough, so you stayed put, lowered your head and tried to calm down under his gaze and touch. When the tears finally ran dry, you nodded to tell him that you were fine and he could sit down again but he didn't move. You glanced up, raising one eyebrow at him in question. He didn't say anything and just stared back from behind his visor. Then he moved his hands from your shoulders to your face, cupping your cheeks. You froze with wide eyes as he wiped away the last traces of your tears. For a few moments you just stared at him, mouth agape but before you could form any words -even though you had no idea what you wanted to say anyway- he moved away and let himself fall stiffly onto the pilot seat. You two just sat there, still facing each other but neither dared to speak up. You were shocked and flustered. And the Mandalorian probably felt the same way. Out of instinct you began to twist the ring in your fingers again. Your mind was blank. Did this really just happen or had you hallucinated all that? You shook your head and cleared your throat. "So, ehm ... what did you decide to share with me?" you asked, changing the topic and distracting yourself from your thoughts. "What secret do you want to expose?" The Mandalorian didn't move or react, probably thinking about what to say, what to reveal or still wondering about what he had done just now. After many moments in which your heartbeat was the only thing you could hear echoing in your ears he finally spoke up, saying one single word.
 Confused you furrowed your brows at him. "Din?" You tested the foreign word on your tongue, weighting it as if you could understand its meaning that way. But you couldn't recall ever hearing it before. You shook your head, signaling him that you didn't understand. "Din Djarin. It's my name." Your eyes widen in surprise, your mouth opened and closed without producing a sound. You didn't expect him to reveal that. "I thought you would tell me something like, I don't know, you secretly like to dance or something like that" you stammered, caught off guard. The Mandalorian laughed. Not a small, soft chuckle but a load, heartfelt laugh that made his shoulders shake as he leaned back into his seat. You joined in, his laughter was too contagious not to, you didn't hear it often enough to not enjoy it.
 "Din..." you tested the word, his name, again after the laughter had died down. A sly grin found its way on your lips, the tears from before already forgotten but the ghost if his touch still lingered. "I wasn't that far of with ‘tin‘ head then." This made the Mandalorian snort. After that the ship grew silent once more and the two of you were staring out the window. After a while you leaned forward to steal a glance at him. "Do you like to dance?" you asked curiously with one raised eyebrow, shattering the silence without a second thought. "Wouldn't you like to know" he teased back, his grin audible by the challenging tone of his voice.
  You stood there, the Child tightly pressed against your chest in a protective manner, body frozen, your eyes wide in worry and disbelief. You couldn’t remember how you ended up there, everything had happened so fast. One minute you and Mando stood next to each other near the arena of the dirty rust planet you were on (you had just wanted to get some more food and supplies) and spoke to some guy that had approached you. His eyes had something in them that made your skin crawl and the hairs on the back of your neck stand up in uneasiness but you couldn't even open your mouth to share your concerns. The next moment the guy had pressed a button on his wrist band and Mando fell down a hole, ending up inside the arena. You ran to look over the railing to see him standing in the mud in the middle of the stadium that was halfway full with hungry eyes of spectators. Even from the distance you could see the anger radiating from Din by the way his shoulders squared. With an equally as angry glare you turned to the guy. "What do you think you are doing?" you snarled, pressing the kid against you protectively with one hand and grabbing your blaster with your other one, aiming it at the guy's head. "Release him this instant!"
 "If you shoot me" the man growled, pressing another button. "Your friend will be eaten alive." You heard the screeching of a metal gate and when you turned to look at Din again you saw a huge beast had entered the arena. The thing was at least three times larger than a mudhorn and immediately aggressive towards the intruder, towards Din. The beast ran towards him, it didn't even bat an eye when the Mandalorian aimed his fire thrower at the beast’s face. It clawed at him, grabbed him and hurled him across the stadium. Din landed on his back many meters away. Slowly he rose again, probably groaning in pain but you were too far away to hear anything except for the beast’s roars. He was only barely able to dodge another attack of the monster. You turned back to face the guy, your blaster slowly lowered until it was aimed against the floor. "What do you want with him? With us?" you asked, placing your blaster back into its holster on your hip. You needed to figure something out, fast. Or Din would get seriously injured if he wasn't already. "Do you know what a spectacle this will be? Spectators will come weeks after his defeat, hoping to see something equally as thrilling!" You shuddered, wondering what kind of sick planet you once again ended up on. You couldn't believe the audacity that guy had. Trapping a Mandalorian? Did he know what the Mandalorian could do when Din would get his hands on him? You turned to look down at the stadium in concern once more, just able to witness the beast pinning Din down with one of its claws. Any sound he could have made, very cry for help that could have been directed to you was drowned out by the cheers of the audience. Any bleeding injury he might have had was covered by mud, he might have suffered a concussion too by the way the beast had slammed him against the ground but you couldn't do anything and only watch in horror. The Child in your arms grew restless, obviously worried about the Mandalorian, too. You instinctively began to rock him in your arms and shielded his eyes with your body. He shouldn't have to watch this.
 "What do you want?" you questioned, spinning back around. "There is nothing you can give me" the man stated with a disparaging look. "What do you want? I'll give you anything if you just release him!" you yelled, your eyes wide in worry. Your heart beat against your ribs so fast you feared it would spring free any moment. You had never sounded so desperate in your life before. You had never feared so much for Dins' life before. The ringmaster took his time, however, stroking his chin theatrically. Seconds seemed to last for hours as the cheers of the audience echoed in your ears, your eyes tearing up in frustration. "Please!" you pressed, desperately reaching one hand out to the man. His eyes landed on it. "How about those shiny rings on your hands? Shiny metal is rather rare here on this rusty planet" he proposed. You froze, staring down at your outstretched hand. He wanted ... all your rings? "Deal?" he asked just when another roar of the beast shook through your bones. "Deal!" you yelled immediately, anger heating up your eyes. The man nodded and pressed a few buttons. You turned and saw the beast suddenly slumped over, lying unmovingly in the mud. The audience grew silent. Din didn't move. You grabbed the railing, leaning over as your eyes darted over his unmoving for still underneath the beast claw, unable to focus as your heart hammered against your ribs. "Mando!" Your scream echoed through the arena, your blood ran cold. Oh Maker, what if you hesitated for too long? You opened your mouth to scream again when you saw movement. Din freed himself from under the monster’s claw with huge effort. You sighed, your body almost falling completely limp and only help upright by your grip on the railing. You only dared to breathe in when he stood on his legs again. "Time to pay up, girly" the guy demanded as two guards walked up to Din to probably bring him out of the arena. You slowly turned around and gritted your teeth. The sleezy man had stretched out a hand for you to put your rings in it. With your eyes hardening you began to remove the rings from your hands. You heart seemed to break when you slid the last ring from your finger and laid it in the guy's hand. But you didn't hesitate, even though you felt like you just lost a part of yourself. The man nodded satisfied and put them in his pocket.
 "(Y/N)?" You span around when you heard Din's faint voice behind you and immediately ran towards the Mandalorian. You held the wriggling Child against your chest with one hand and put your other one on Din's chest in a small attempt to steady him. "Are you alright?" you asked in a hushed tone, looking him up and down with in worry furrowed brows. You couldn't see any blood, just mud. But that didn't have to mean anything. His ribs could be broken for all you knew. Your eyes landed on his side where his clothes were ribbed. Din winced, answering your question that way. Without another second to waste you stepped to stand beside him and wrapped your free arm around his middle. He didn't even protest and just leaned against your side, as you led him away from the arena and back to the Razor Crest. "Let's get out of here. Fast."
 Back on the Razor Crest you put the Child in his orb, closing it so he wouldn't have to see his adoptive father in that state. When you turned you saw Din slumped against the wall of the ship, his chest heaving. "For the love of- Din, sit down!" you yelped, grabbed his shoulders and pressed him down against the wall so he could still lean against something. He winced again as you ran to get the med kit. You kneeled down in front of him and scanned his body for wounds but you still couldn't see anything with his mud-covered armor in the way. Your eyes focused on the whole in the clothes by his side. "I need to take your armor off" you announced, your voice wavering even with your efforts to suppress it. "Not the he-" Din began but you cut him off. "I know! Maker, I know. Save your energy, please!" You didn't mean to sound so harsh but you were unable to control your voice as you felt the panic rise in your chest. You began to try and take off his armor but your hands were shaking so much you could barely hold onto the pieces. "(Y/N)" Din mumbled and grabbed your hands. You head snapped upwards, you opened your mouth to ask him what he needed when he suddenly slumped forward. "Din?" you asked with wide eyes and shook his hand that was still loosely around your own. "Din!" He didn't react. Cursing and with tears already threatening to spill out your eyes you let go of his hands and instead sneaked two fingers underneath his helmet and to his neck, searching for his pulse. You sighed. It was still there, he was just unconscious. You swallowed the panic down, put your arms underneath his armpits and heaved him away from the wall so you could lay him down on the floor. Not the most comfortable place but the most practical. Then you quickly removed his armor. When he only wore his shirt, pants and helmet you had to force yourself to keep going as you saw the blood had already covered most of his side in a deep red. With no time to lose you opened the med kit, grabbed the scissors and cut open his blood-soaked shirt. Your breath got stuck in your throat when you saw the deep cut going down his side. You couldn't even curse, you just froze. The scissors fell down to the floor with a clutter. You could stitch up wounds and treat smaller injuries but you weren't medically trained for this. You weren't qualified... How were you supposed...?
 The squeak beside you made you jump. Your eyes darted around aimlessly until they finally locked into the Child who was standing next to you. "How did you-?" you were unable to complete the question as the kid walked towards Din. Your eyes widen in realization and you immediately held the Child in your hands to get him closer to Din's wound. He stretched out his tiny hands and closed his eyes in concentration. At first nothing happened, the silence in the Razor Crest was deafening. Then the wound on Din's side finally began to close up and your heart leaped into your throat. The kid whimpered before he went limp after the wound had closed up completely. "Good job, kid" you praised and pressed him against your chest, your voice strained but relieved. You didn't put him in the orb this time and instead in the hammock above Din's bunk. "Get some rest" you whispered and stroker over his head. He would be fine. You furrowed your brows in worry and glanced at Din. You weren't sure about him yet. You patted the little one’s head one more time and then kneeled back down next to the still unconscious Mandalorian. You took a deep breath and began to look for more injuries he might have. But luckily you didn't find any more open wounds, only bruises that would continue to hurt for a few days if not weeks even with the bacta you could put on them. And even though he wasn't in mortal danger anymore, you still had to force yourself to keep going, your hands were still shaking violently.
 After you had treated his bruises and had made sure none of his ribs were broken you somehow managed to get him into his cot where he could find some rest. With a heavy heart you had decided to retreat into the cockpit. You had set a curse and activated the autopilot after that. With a sigh you slumped into the pilot seat. There was nothing left for you to do and even though you felt the tiredness in every fiber of your body you couldn't find any rest. Your hands were still shaking from all the fear and adrenaline and your mind was racing in tight circles. You were still worried even though the kid had healed his otherwise fatal wound and you had done everything else you could have. Absentmindedly you reached for the ring, wanted to twist it in your fingers like so many years prior to get some sense of comfort only to grab nothing. You flinched and stared at your hands in shock. For the first time you really felt the absence of your rings against your skin. You gritted your teeth and tried to blink the tears away. The frustration and anger rose inside your chest as you grabbed your hair, tearing at the roots as sobs tore through your throat.
 You must have fallen asleep at some point because the next time you opened your eyes and moved in the pilot's seat pain shot through your back, making you wince. What even woke you up and why were you in the pilot seat? Confused you let out a groan and stretched your back. "Are you alright?" You spun around in shock. The moment your eyes fell onto him you remembered what had happened. "Din!" your voice was sharp but your face was painted with worry. "I should ask you that. Why are you even up here? You should be resting!" You stood up, looked him over and were about to place your hands on his chest when you froze. With your hands hovering over his chest, you stared up at him. The only armor he was wearing was his helmet still but he had put on another shirt. "I'm fine" he said but immediately let out a wince after that. You rolled your eyes. "Yeah, right. Sit down" you commented and grabbed his arms to carefully direct him to the pilot seat. You let your hands on his arms as your eyes looked him up and down. "What is still hurting?" you asked and directed your gaze back to the visor. "It's fine" he repeated and let out a strained cough. You shot him a glare that made him clear his throat. "It's just the bruises." You bit your lip, holding your breath as you feared you would start crying again. You let go of him and wanted to sit down onto the co-pilot seat to take some deep breaths before heading down to get him some medications. But he caught your hand in his before you could, pulling you back to him. His visor lowered and he stared at your empty hands, not one single ring was adorning your fingers now. He knew what you had done to get him out of that arena and to say he felt guilty would be an understatement. "Thank you." You shook your head. "The kid healed you, I... I didn't do much" you explained, patting his gloved hand that was still around yours. "No" he shook his head. "Thank you." You stared at him in confusion before your eyes fell down to your hands. You furrowed your brows as you looked at your empty hands in sadness. "You gave them all up?" his voice was quiet, barely a whisper his modulator struggled to pick up. You nodded, eyes hardening. "Yeah? They were just stupid metal anyway, don't worry" you blocked with a shrug of your shoulders. You freed your hands from his. "I'm going to check on the kid and get you some painkillers. Don't move" you warned him with a small and what was supposed to be a playful smile but it turned out more like a strained grimace. Even with the false cheerful tone in your voice, you both knew that you had lied about the rings. The traces your tears had left behind were enough prove for that.
  To say you didn't notice the absence of your rings, the absence of one in particular, would have been a lie. Even after weeks you still missed the metallic clank they would make whenever you touched something on the ship. You missed absentmindedly twisting the one ring between two fingers. You felt their absence more heavily than when they had been on your hands. You distracted yourself as far as that was possible. The first days you busied yourself with tending Din's bruises. You had already used all of the bacta on him but you had found some salve that should help against the swelling and pain. After maybe a week he was fit again so you had to find another distraction, which was the kid. And when the kid was asleep you busied yourself with repairs on the ship until you would pass out in your own bed. Din wasn't oblivious to your state and you knew that he felt guilty. After all you had traded them in for him. And even if you told him it was alright, you knew he didn't believe you. He would continue to feel responsible for it no matter what you told him which was stupid because his life meant more to you than some worldly possession. You still missed them but you would always act the same. So, you tried to not show him your gloomy state. But he noticed it anyway. He knew what that ring meant to you after all.
 You laid in your makeshift bed -too tired to busy yourself with any work today- while the kid played by your side with something he had found. You only paid attention halfheartedly, just enough to be able to react should he try to eat it. Din had gone out to the nearest town's market, asking you to stay on the ship with the Child. You didn't put up a fight, nodded and laid down immediately after he had left. The less you had to move the better. But Din had been out almost all day now, it was already getting darker and you began to worry. You wanted to grab your comlink you had placed next to you only to find nothing. Sitting up you scanned the floor, but the squeal of the Child attracted your attention. Slowly you turned to him and stared at the thing in his hands: your comlink. You smiled at him and stretched one hand out. "Can I have that back, please?" The Child stared up at you with his big, dark eyes, tilting his head in curiosity. "You can have it back after I called Din" you added. And if he understood you or not was open to debate but he let the comlink fall into your hand either way. "Thanks, buddy" you said and stroker over his head with a strained smile before booping his nose. He squealed in delight. Chuckling you placed him on your lap and let him play with the fingers of your free hand while activating your comlink with the other. "Mando, come in. Where are you?" you asked. No answer. You waited. You were about to repeat your question when the device sprang to life. "I'm on my way back" was all he said before the comlink in your hand fell silent again. Shrugging your shoulders, you gave it back to the kid, watching him play with it more closely than before.
 You were still sitting on your improvised bed, the Child had fallen asleep in your lap, when the ramp on the side of the ship opened up. Unmoving you watched as Din walked in, the ramp closing up behind him again. He didn’t address you but he seemed strangle energetic as he put the supplies he bought away. You raised one eyebrow at him in question but he didn't look your way. Only when he was finished did he walk up to you, coming to a halt a few inches before you. Tilting your head upwards you just watched him questioningly. "I have something for you" he said and by the sound of his voice you were pretty sure he was smiling. With a puzzled look you furrowed your brows. For you and not the Child? He nodded as if he had heard your silent question. Still confused you stood up, sitting the still sleeping kid down in Din's sleeping pot. "What is it?" you asked intrigued, unable to suppress the childlike wonder shining in your eyes. The Mandalorian didn't speak up and instead just opened up his hand. You froze. "What?" With wide eyes you stared at the small silver ring lying in his palm. A ring that looked like two intertwined ones. Your mouth fell open as your eyes shot up to meet his dark visor. "What is this? It's not the original one, it's far too shiny, unworn and too skillfully made but- what?" you rambled before your eyes fell back down. Hesitantly you reached out, grabbing it with two fingers and inspected it in the artificial light of the Razor Crest. The ring was fairly similar but... "It's ... heavy" you stated. Not necessarily 'heavy' just ... it weighted more than the metal rings you had worn before.
 "It's made out of beskar." Your mouth fell open once again as you stared into the black visor. "I let it be made out of a piece of my armor" he sounded strangely flustered, body stiff and unmoving. You were unable to say anything so you just smiled at him. It was small but grateful, the first real smile after you had traded them in. You realized that this was his way of thanking you for your sacrifice. You couldn't suppress the rolling of your eyes. Then your attention went back to the ring in your palm when you suddenly noticed something engraved into the inside of the ring. "What is that?" you asked him, tilting the ring so he could see it too. He chuckled slightly. "May I?" he asked as he reached for the ring. You nodded. He took the ring to read the words out loud to you. With a puzzled look you just stared at him. "It's a phrase in Mando'a" he added. For some reason you felt your face heat up. He let something engrave in it in his native tongue? "What does it mean?" "It translates to: 'I'm still alive, but you are dead. I remember you, so you are eternal.' It's supposed to be in remembrance..." he didn't finish but he didn't have to, you knew what he meant. You froze, blinking unmovingly up at the Mandalorian. He stretched out one hand, signaling you to put yours inside. When you did that, he pulled you a bit closer to him and placed the ring on the finger where you had always worn the one made by your father. You were stunned and opened your mouth to thank him but he spoke up first. "I know it won't replace the actual ring but I wanted to give you something because I ... I feel responsible." Your face fell as you drew your hand back. "Din!" you scolded him harshly, making the Mandalorian flinch. You would have laughed at that if you weren't so frustrated. "Stop that! It's okay, they were only metal. Even with the sentimental value it was still just an object." The Mandalorian shrugged his shoulders and tilted his head down as if he was embarrassed. With a heavy sigh you stepped closer to him and grabbed both his hands in between yours. "It hurts to have lost something my father had made" you continued, staring unblinkingly into the black of his visor. "But do you really think I would have let you die for it? You mean more to me than some stupid ring!" Without a second thought or any hesitation you wrapped your arms around Din and hugged him tightly. The armor was a bit uncomfortable but that didn't matter to you in that moment. Burying your face into the cold chest plate you furrowed your brows. "Sometimes you're such an idiot" you mumbled into his chest, tightening your clutch on him. The Mandalorian stood there like a rock, frozen in place and probably with wide eyes. Then, very slowly, he wrapped his arms around you too. And in that moment, everything felt worth it. Silent tears dropped down your cheeks. "I thought you would die, Din!" you pressed out between gritted teeth, burying your fingers into the fabric of his cape. "I thought I-" you couldn't continue as a lump formed in your throat.
Din hummed in an attempt to soothe your tears but it only made you sob more. Slowly he pulled you off of him. Your gaze fell to the floor, silent tears still dropping out of your eyes. When you felt his gloved hands cupping your cheeks you let him direct your gaze back onto him. He had bend down a bit, so your faces were almost level. "I don't know why I'm crying" you said helplessly, your eyes darting over his helmet, searching for an anchor. "It's okay, (Y/N)" he whispered. For a few seconds you just looked at each other in silence before he pressed his forehead against yours. The coldness of the beskar made you shiver as you stared at him wide eyed. "I'm fine." You couldn’t hold back the sobs as you cupped his helmet like he cupped your face. Pressing your forehead against his, you closed your eyes. And suddenly you realized that those tears were all the words you didn't say since that day at the arena. All those worries and fears you had felt in the moments you thought he could be dead already. All those pent-up emotions finally broke free. Only now did your brain realized that Din was alright. And when your tears eventually ran dry, did the fear clutching your heart for all those weeks vanish.
  Later that night you sat in one of the co-pilot seats again, watching Din closely as he started the ship and left the planets orbit. Or at least you tried to because your eyes often fell back down to your hand, to the ring Din let be made for you. You two didn't talk much after your tears had finally dried out but you didn't have to. Everything that needed to be said had been with that little gesture of his. With a sigh you sank back further into the seat and took the ring of, twisting it in the light to look at the engraved words once more. A soft smile found its way on your lips. "Hey, Din" you spoke up after a long time of silence in the cockpit. The Mandalorian hummed, tilting his helmet in your direction. "I want you to know that you didn't have to do that for me" you said, staring into the darkness of his visor. "I don't blame you, I never have. I would have gotten over it eventually..." "I know" he answered, turning the seat so he could face you fully. "But I wanted to." He fell silent again but because he was still facing you, you suspected he wanted to say more. So, you waited. "Do you like it?" he finally continued after a long pause. "The ring, I mean." Your smile grew as you nodded. You straightened up and reached for his hand, squeezing it lightly. "I love it" you whispered, your eyes filled with honesty and gratitude. "Thank you."
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bts-reveries · 3 years
expect the unexpected | 24
TW: Mentions of death & miscarriage
italicize = flashbacks
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
“What happened?” Rina asks, running to Jin who’s pacing back and forth in the waiting room. Sian and Jungkook were running behind her. 
“I don’t know, Minseok found her unconscious in our room,” he says, running his fingers through his hair.
“Is the baby okay?” Jungkook asks him, in a low voice. Rina looks at him with wide eyes.
“Baby?” She asks, turning to Jin.
“The kids don't know about it yet, but yeah. She’s pregnant. Which is why I’m freaking out right now,” Jin says, staring down the hallway where the doctor went. 
Jungkook turns to where the kids were sitting, Minseok and Soojin were just sitting on the waiting room chairs, watching videos on Jin’s phone. Haneul was resuming his nap on the chairs next to them. 
“It’s going to be okay hyung,” Jungkook says, putting a hand on Jin’s shoulder. “By the way, Yoongi hyung, Hobi hyung, and Jimin hyung will be here. They’re worried too. The others aren’t able to come but told me to let you know that they’ll be here when they can.”
“Thanks Jungkook. Hopefully the doctor comes soon and gives us good news. We may have to stay overnight.” Rina and Jungkook nod. Sian plays with his hand and looks up at Jin, wondering what was going on.
“If anything, one of us will take the kids home. They can stay over our place if they want,” Rina says, looking back at the kids. “Unless they want to go to Taehyung’s or something, I’m sure he wouldn’t mind either.”
“Okay, thank you,” Jin says, turning to the kids. “We can ask them about it later.”
“Mr. Kim?” Jin hears, his heart suddenly stops, turning to the doctor that was walking up to him. 
“Yes?” Jin says, although unable to move his feet to walk towards the man. “I-is everything okay? Is my wife okay? What- what about the baby?” Jin says, speaking quickly. “She’s had a miscarriage before a-and--”
“Mr. Kim, don’t worry, everything is okay. Your wife and the baby are fine,” The doctor tells him. Jin sighs in relief, although Rina and Jungkook look at him with wide eyes. The mention of Yn having a miscarriage was never brought up before. Neither of them knew about it. “We’re going to have her stay here overnight, to make sure she gets some rest. It looks like she has been stressed the past few days, and also hasn’t been eating much, which we already know is not good for a pregnant woman. So I would suggest you stay here and take care of her. She’ll be able to go home tomorrow.”
“Is everything okay?” Yoongi asks, walking into the room you were in. Hobi and Jimin came right before him.
Jimin furrows his brows, putting his pointer finger to his lips. “Shh.” He points to you asleep on the bed and Yoongi puts his hand over his mouth. 
“I’m sorry,” he mumbles. He sees Jin asleep on a chair next to you too, he has his head laying on top of his arms, resting on your side of the bed. “What happened?” Yoongi asks the boys. Jungkook was holding Haneul in his arms. He was awake now, but he kept his head resting on his uncle’s shoulder. Rina was on the side, braiding Soojin’s hair, and Hobi brought books and toys for Minseok and Sian to keep themselves entertained with. 
“Jin hyung and noona have to stay overnight to make sure Yn gets the rest she needs,” Jimin informs him. “She has been overworking herself, stress built up, and she hasn’t been eating well either so Minseok found her unconscious in her and Jin hyung’s room. They rushed her here and that’s what the doctor told them.”
“The baby is fine though, both Yn and the baby,” Rina adds. “Jin was super worried about both of them, even mentioned a miscarriage that Yn had before.”
“Miscarriage?” Yoongi asks. He didn’t know about it either.
“Apparently she went through one before Haneul. Jin hyung said he’ll fill us in with that later,” Jungkook says. Yoongi nods.
“Okay, will the kids be staying here with them overnight? I think we should bring them home, no?” Yoongi says, looking over the kids.
“Yeah that’s what we were saying, it’s their choice who they want to come with,” Hobi says.
“So, where do you kids want to go?” Yoongi asks them, the three kids look at each other before looking up and saying all at once.
The Next Day
You and Jin stayed at the hospital overnight. You woke up at random times in the evening, your heart beating fast. 
“Are you okay?” Jin asks, pushing your hair back. “Do you need anything?”
You shake your head no. 
“W-where’s the kids?” You ask, seeing that it was just you and your husband.
“They’re at home with Taehyung, Bora, Jungkook, Rina, and Sian. Don’t worry, they’re okay.” He says, reassuring you.
“W-what about our other baby,” you say, holding onto your stomach. “I couldn’t understand the doctor well when he was talking to me before you got here. I was too tired, I- I--”
“He-- or she--’s okay,” Jin says. “The doctor says you and the baby are fine. Don’t worry.” You nod, relaxing your shoulders and laying back into your pillows. 
“I’m sorry, by the way,” Jin starts. “I didn’t mean to react that way when I found out. I was just overwhelmed at the time and you know what happened before, I was just scared. I’m sorry, it’s my fault you’re here right now, I’m sorry.”
But now you’re coming home. The doctor told you not to overwork yourself, to make sure you rest and eat regularly. This is also your fifth pregnancy and it could be risky so they reminded you to be more cautious.
“Everyone’s here,” Jin says, he’s driving up the driveway and into the garage. “Taehyung said everyone came over because they wanted to see you.”
“Oh how sweet,” you say, eager to see everyone. “Do they all know?” Jin nods.
“The boys all know, I’m not sure about the girls. Other than Sarang and Rina.”
“Aw,” you pout. “I wish we could’ve announced it to them in a more special way..” A tear started to fall from your eye and you quickly wiped it away with the back of your hand. 
“It’s okay,” Jin says, parking the car. “I don’t think the kids know yet, we could still do it for them. Our kids and all of our nephews and nieces. I’m sure they’ll all be excited.”
“Mommy’s home!” Soojin yells, running up to you. 
“Hi princess,” you say, picking her up. “How are you?”
“Umm, the real question is, how are you,” Sohyun says, walking up to you. “Come here,” she says, pulling you into a hug. “I got so sad when I heard you were at the hospital. What happened? Yoongi didn’t tell me much.”
“I’ll explain everything, but let’s get the kids in another room.”
“So you are pregnant!” Byul says, putting her hands over her mouth. Jin had all the kids go into your room. He played a movie for them and they’re all sitting on the bed calmly watching. He made sure the older kids kept watch of the younger ones. Aka Haneul and Mingyu.
“I’m so excited,” Byul says, slapping Namjoon’s leg next to her. “I’m buying her-- him-- it? Whatever-- I’m going baby shopping.”
“Wait, can you tell?” You ask surprised. “I’m not really showing yet.”
“No, well,” Byul tilts her head to the side. “No, because we’re usually in sync, like with our period, and that one time I texted in our group chat how I was dying from my cramps because I was on my period, you didn’t say ‘omg me too!’ like you usually do. And I know you two did the--” She wiggles her eyebrows at you rather than saying the actual word. “-- during your anniversary trip because what else would you two do on a getaway without your kids? Anyways, I connected the dots,” she says pointing to her head. 
“I’m sorry, she’s been watching a lot of theory videos on YouTube lately,” Namjoon says. 
“Hey, but I was right!” Byul retorted, making you laugh.
“Wait,” Jungkook says. “So let me get this straight, because I’m kind of confused.” You nod your head, telling him to continue. “You two fought about it,” he says. “About the pregnancy when hyung found out. Why? I know Jin hyung told us about it but I was still confused because he said he does want the baby, but then he was stressed out with three kids alone and told noona he only wants three kids and,” Jungkook sighs. “I couldn’t even give him any good advice because I was confused!”
“He watched TedTalks to prepare for the moment,” Rina says. “Then came home saying he didn’t know what to say.”
Jin sighs, scratching the back of his neck.
“It’s a lot,” he says.
“Well the movie the kids are watching is almost two hours long,” Yoongi says. “We got time.”
“Okay.” Jin says, about to start. “So before Haneul, we obviously only had two kids right? Well Yn and I wanted to try for our third baby and honestly, I was already so scared for that one because...” Jin was leaning over, his elbows on his legs as he sat next to you on the couch. He looked over at Namjoon before he continued. “Well, luckily we were able to get pregnant right away and we were both happy, but we had to wait before we told you all about it-- well the ones that were already with us. Umm.. I’m sorry I have to mention this,” he says, looking at Namjoon. Namjoon caught on to what Jin was trying to say and he nodded at him, letting him continue. “Well we got pregnant a month before Moonji was due. We wanted to wait until after she was born to announce to you all because we wanted to wait the three month mark before announcing to everyone that we were happily expecting. 
But then, Moonji was born a little earlier than expected. Of course we were happy for our friends, but when we found out that Eunji passed away during the birth, I was terrified.” Jin looks down at his hands. “I never told this to Yn until last night when we were alone at the hospital, but we were the next couple to have a baby after Eunji’s death and I don’t know… I was just really scared. No one wants that to happen to their significant other, I was scared something might happen like that with Yn but then we lost the baby instead.”
The two of you were with the rest of your other friends in Namjoon’s house, helping him pack up Eunji’s things. It was a sad time. Meanwhile, you were in Moonji’s nursery, feeding her with a bottle as you sat on the chair you and Jin gifted Eunji on her baby shower.
You hummed to little Moonji as she was starting to fall asleep with the bottle. You were still pregnant at this time, you were a lot more sensitive than usual and you just started crying. 
Eunji was a close friend of yours, you never expected her to be gone so soon. No one did. But the thought of her leaving right when her daughter entered the world hurt you even more. It’s something no one ever wants to happen for… well.. anyone. You were actually scared as well, you were currently pregnant and you didn’t want what happened to your friend to happen to you. You didn’t want these thoughts but yet they were there, circling around your head. 
If anything were to happen, you’d leave two of your babies behind. Even a new one that you’ll never meet. 
And of course, Jin.
You’ve watched how Namjoon is now that it’s just him and his daughter. It’s obviously a lot different. He never imagined this to happen, but it did. You can tell he’s trying his best to be happy. 
But you know it’s hard for him.
You only began to wonder if Jin is worried too. Considering if anything happened, it would be him and the three kids. 
“Are you two okay?” Namjoon asks, peeking into the room. He had a smile on his face. Quickly, you wiped the tears away.
“Yeah,” you say, your voice wavering. “We’re okay.”
“Uncle Taetae come home with us pwease,” Soojin says, pulling on Taehyung’s hand. You all just finished helping out Namjoon with Eunji’s things. 
“I am coming,” Taehyung says. You asked him previously if he could help out with a client. The client was looking for unique paintings to decorate her living room but couldn’t find the perfect one. Of course you recommended your artist friend, none other than Kim Taehyung himself. “Imma help mommy with work stuff, so I’ll be at your house.”
“Yay!” Soojin yells happily. 
As you five headed to the car, you started feeling a bit sick. 
“Are you feeling okay?” your husband asks you when you two got seated in front. “You don’t look so good.”
You shake your head. “My stomach is hurting,” you say. Jin’s heart skipped a beat. 
“Where? Where’s it hurting?” He asks, putting his hand on your stomach. Taehyung furrows his brows as he watches you two. 
“Lower,” you say, moving his hand down to your lower stomach. “Here.”
“Is everything okay?” Taehyung asks from the back seat. 
“Are you sure you don’t just have to go to the bathroom?” Jin asks. 
“I- I don’t know,” you say. 
“Well while we’re still here at Namjoon’s, why don’t you go to the bathroom first? I’ll come with,” Jin says. 
“Okay,” you say, stepping out of the car. 
“Where are you going!” Minseok asks, watching you and Jin walk out of the van. 
“Mommy’s not feeling well,” Jin says, running to the other side to help you. His eyes widen when he sees red. 
“Honey,” Jin says, pointing to her bottom. “There’s blood.”
“I understand why you never told us about it,” Yuna says. It was already a sad time, you two didn’t want to add more to it. Not only that, but you and Jin didn’t like to bring it up. The thought of it hurts your heart even more.
“Yeah, well I wasn’t there,” Bora says. “But I understand, I’m guessing only Taehyung was the one to know then.” She says, putting her hand on Taehyung’s hand.
“Yeah he helped with the kids when we went to the hospital. But, even so, we still wanted to try for another one. You know? Which is why we always say it’s always three, we thought it would end with three considering how hard it was to conceive Haneul. We had a lot of trouble with him,” you say. You glanced over at Sarang who was quiet this whole time. 
“It was a hard time, we were scared for the miscarriage to repeat if we were ever to get pregnant again. We worried a lot during that time. It was a confusing time, really,” Jin adds on, looking at you. “It was like… we were scared to get pregnant because of what happened previously and then we were scared that we wouldn’t be able to get pregnant again, you know?” 
“So don’t worry too much,” you say, looking at Sarang. “I know you two are working hard to try and conceive but maybe if you stop doing it as if it was a chore… it’ll come when you least expect it.” Sarang smiles softly at you. She nods.
“Expect the unexpected,” Hobi says with a small laugh. “I guess that’s what happened huh.” Jin nods.
“Now and before,” he says. “We didn’t expect Haneul to come. Right when we were about to give up, we found out we were pregnant with him.” 
“Is that why you named him Haneul?” Sohyun asks. You and Jin nod. Minseok and Soojin both have names coming from their dad whilst Haneul didn’t. Haneul instead meant sky, your special rainbow baby.
“So what about now?” Jimin asks. “What about this baby?”
You look over at Jin, waiting for his answer. I mean, you already knew. 
“So why did you react that way?” you ask Jin, the two of you unable to sleep now. This was at the hospital. It was past midnight and you couldn’t sleep anymore. 
“I was scared. Haneul was hard enough. His pregnancy, I mean, you know? I was in that constant state of fear and worry. Thinking if at the end of those nine months if it’ll just be you or if it’ll just be him. After what happened to Eunji, I realized how it can happen to anyone. I didn’t want that to happen to us. Then after we lost our baby, it hurt a lot you know? I know it hurt you more since you’re the mom and you carried that baby inside of you… but I still feel like there’s a piece of my heart that’s missing,” he answers. “I know how hurt we both were after that happened, I was scared it might happen again. It’s too good to be true. 
Not only that, but on top of things, I had a really hard week with the kids. I started to think I wasn’t good enough that I couldn’t balance my time with all three of them and work with you gone. But then I found out you were pregnant… The worries and the thoughts flooded my mind that it blocked out any happiness I would’ve felt at that moment. I didn’t want what happened to our baby to happen to this one because I knew how it would be. Even worse, I didn’t want what happened to our friend to happen to us… Not only would I lose you but our three-- four kids would be stuck with their dad who can’t even handle a week without his wife, then what would happen if that was forever?”
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
expect the unexpected
♡ part twenty-four: if anything ♡ 
pairings: ceo, dad!jin x interior designer, mom!reader
a/n: okay it wasn’t as lengthy as i hoped lol
taglist: @silentlyimpractical @jillianmarie @waddlebby @cecedrake2217 @ddofa @samros95 @sope-and-shine @joonjoonsmiles @codeinebelle @aianloveseven @Chamchamcham @princessjazzyjazz @notvantaes @casspirit0705 @ramyagovindraj @brinnalaine @ephyra1230 @betysotelo18 @thoughtfultaledreamer @salty-for-suga @cosmicdaylight @dreamcatcherjiah @kookoo-kachoo @justinetingball  @josierosie @jayhope88 @butterflylion @hobiismyhopeu @momma-said-that-it-was-oke @ygbubs @catspancake  @somewhereofftheglobe @strawberryforever25 @rjsmochii @prdshobi @beeeb05 @eatjeanjin @taekookcaneatme @Cheeely14 @kookietsukkie @anpanman-sonyeondan @glitteringcoffeefreak @chocobetterknot @alpaca1612 @ohmy-fandoms @liljooniecutie @Jikachoo @preciouschimine @fan-ati--c @Joondala @httpmuffin @dammit-jjk @jikooksgirl19
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miss-smutty · 3 years
The Destructive Secret
Chapter 6
Summary- Has Karma finally caught up to you?
Word count- 2.1K
Pairing- Chris Hems x You x Liam Hems
Warnings- Smut, cheating, swearing
Disclaimer: This is an entire work of fiction/AU and has no affiliation to real life what so ever! This is a fictional story about fictional characters who happen to share names and faces with some real people.
Posted: 21st July 2021
Taglist:- @innerpaperexpertcloud @pandaxnienke @chickensarentcheap @jjpogueprincess @longlostinanotherworld @mostly-marvel-musings
The Destructive Secret Masterlist <<<
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He turns on his side, looking at you, his leg wrapping around yours. Holding you close, afraid to let you go.
"I want to be able to take you out and show you off, instead of hiding away in hotels rooms. I want everyone to know you're mine, not Liam's." 
You struggled to sleep that night, tossing and turning while Chris slept like a baby next to you. You couldn't stop thinking about the many possible outcomes of your secret being out in the open, while you knew it was going to have to happen sooner rather than later, there would be no way you could avoid the utter turmoil that would follow. You couldn't think of one possible outcome that wouldn't cause complete destruction for everyone involved which understandably left you feeling completely anxious.
Your phone buzzing on the bedside table, roused you from the light sleep you'd finally managed to fall into. Tiredness washed over you like a thick lead, your eyes heavy and blurred as you blinked at the screen of the phone and realised you hadn't called Liam like you said you would.
You answered the phone quiety, getting up to go into the bathroom, your usual tactic of running the water while you spoke but this time hiding your voice from Chris not Liam.
"Hi babe." You whispered. Stepping over the piles of clothes scattered across the room, glancing over your shoulder to make sure Chris was still sleeping.
"Why are you whispering?" Fuck.
"Sorry I've just woken up." You said in your normal tone, whincing at how loud your voice sounded in the peaceful room. Cringing even more when Chris woke from his sleep, his eyes opening, sitting up and spotting you across the room. Realisation flashed before his eyes as you put your fingers to your lips, gesturing for him to be quiet, cursing yourself for not making it to the bathroom in time.
"Sorry, you're usually awake at this time. I just phoned to make sure you were ok, you didn't call last night." Liam says.
"I know sorry, I was shattered and fell asleep more or less as soon as I laid down. I didn't sleep well though. How are you?" You turned your back on Chris, not being able to stand the faces he was pulling.
"Aww you never sleep well in hotels do you? I remember that trip to New York, we didn't sleep all night." 
"Yeah I remember although that was for different reasons." You could hear Chris stirring behind you, getting out of bed.
"That's true, we need a trip like that again soon, where we spend the whole weekend in bed." He laughed, you rolled your eyes at the irony, little did he know that's exactly what you were doing at that moment in time. Chris confirming it when he slid up behind you, his naked warmth pressing against you, the heat of his morning glory resting against the swell of your ass. 
"Yes we do, anyway I'm going to have to go I'm going to be late for this conference." You could hardly concentrate as Chris began planting feathery kisses all across your shoulders.
"Ok babe, I'll speak to you after. Love you." Liam says.
"Love you too." Chris pulled a disgusted face at you, his expression contorting his handsome face, before taking your phone from your hand, ending the call and discarding it on to the bed.
"Who do you love?" Chris asked needily, his breath heavy in your ear while he pushed your knees apart so his hand could slip in between, stroking your wetness with the pads of his fingers.
"You." You sigh as his thumb meets your clit, circling slowly. 
"Good girl. Now back to bed, i intend to make the most of our last full day together for a while." He slaps your ass as you move to the bed, squeeling as you fall down on to it.
He falls down next to you, making you squeel again when the bed bounces you up and then his hands are all over you. Gripping and squeezing all your curves while his lips attach to your fever hot skin.
You lift yourself onto him, straddling him, your wetness soaking his thighs.
"Sit on my face." He says excitedly, his face lighting up at the prospect.
You move to hover over his face, while his tongue reaches out to lick smoothly up your folds, flicking against your clit and making you moan with pleasure.
"When I said sit on my face I meant literally clasp your thighs around my head and smother me with that perfect fucking pussy."
You whine at his words, grinding yourself against the roughness of his beard. Leaning forward to hold the headboard as Chris's tongue dips into your opening, swirling around, his nose adding friction to your swollen clit. He groans against you, the vibration sending you to the edge as you lean back, your hands resting on Chris's hips, your thighs clasped tightly around his face. From this position you can see him perfectly, his expression locked with lust as he eats your pussy so good. Your legs shake as the gripping rises through you, tingles throughout your body as you come so hard on his tongue.
A hum of approval from Chris as he laps up your juices, smiling triumphantly while you pant, biting your bottom lip, your legs still trembling. You roll over next to Chris, cramp seizing up your muscles due to the intensity of your orgasm.
"Fuck Chris, you're too good at that." You pant, laying on your back in the middle of the bed, Chris lying beside you his hand gently tickling your arm.
"Fucking too right, I'd eat your pussy every day if I could." 
"Well if that isn't a reason to tell Liam, I don't know what is." You laugh, turning to face Chris. Hunger still flaring in his eyes.
"You're so fucking beautiful." He says while squeezing your thigh. "Shower? I've got unfinished business to attend to." Tipping his head towards his straining erection.
You'd barely made it to the shower before he's already bending you over, muttering in your ear about how hot you are. One hand cupping the nape of your neck, the other gripping onto your hips as he shoves his dick deep inside your tight walls.
Your hands slipping down the wall of the slick shower, trying to find something to cling on to while he relentlessly pounds into you from behind. His thighs slapping against your ass, the sound of skin connecting echoing around the tiled room.
Watching his cock dipping in and out of your greedy cunt, mesmerizes him, his thumbs digging into your cheeks as he pulls them apart for a better view.
He groans when you tighten around him, your muscles gripping against him as the sensations travel through your body like fire. Your head dizzy, full of only pleasure as you gush around him. His hand smooths up your back, tangling around your hair as his thrusts get sloppy, smashing against you with a grunt. Satisfaction washing over you both as he finishes with one last thrust.
"You're a machine. Fuck.". You pant, resting against the cold tiles.
"I aim to please." He stands under the water, washing himself. You're hypnotised watching the water drip down his body, drops resting on the ridges of his toned stomach.
He looks down at you, his hands smoothing through his wet hair, his mouth slightly open as the water runs off of his face. Proud of the way your legs are still like jelly, that just fucked look still painting your face.
"Shall I order room service? I've definitely worked up a appetite after that." 
"I'm gunna wash my hair and then I'll join you. Order some pancakes." You slapped Chris on his taunt ass as he stepped out the shower, winking at him as he turned around with a faked shocked face before leaning in to kiss you.
"Anything for you."
You took your time washing your hair, enjoying the bliss of silent thoughts. Finally lost in the moment and enjoying your time with Chris without having to think about all the other things. This is how it should be all the time, easy, nothing to worry about, this is how you wish it would be.
You wrapped a towel around you, the steam in the room making you lightheaded. Holding on to the sink to steady yourself, you caught your reflection in the mirror. You studied your face, noticing how the stress had started to age you, little lines by your eyes that weren't there before. 
The thought played in your mind as you left the bedroom, freezing in shock when you realised you weren't alone.
Talk about bad timing, you'd walked out of the bathroom at the same time room service was delivered. The tall, dark hotel worker still stood in the doorway as Chris closed the door behind him. You saw his eyes light up when he saw you, recognition flash through his eyes when he saw your shocked expression. He knew exactly who you were and exactly what you were doing here, half naked in Chris's room. Fuck, fuck, fuck.
"Chris, what the fuck? You could've warned me not to come out." 
"I shouted through to you, did you not hear? Relax, he won't say anything. It's company policy." 
"Fuck. Do you think he cares about fucking company policy with the measly rate of pay he gets?" You start to panic, of all the things to go wrong this was probably the worst. You couldn't help thinking it was karma getting its own back, finally catching up to you.
"We'll be fine, he probably didn't even recognise you." Chris was calm, nonchalant as usual.
"He definitely did, didn't you see the look on his face?" You saw the look in his eye and knew what it meant.
"You're paranoid. Relax, we're fine." He pulls you into his arms, his hands travelling up your towel. "Do we need this?" He pulls away your towel with a frown.
"Chris how are you so calm?" You stand up, pacing the floor in front of him.
"Damn, you look sexy as fuck when you're angry." He sits back on the bed, admiring you as you glare at him then holding his hands up in defeat. "Ok, ok but would it be so bad if we were found out?" 
"Yes. Yeah it fucking would. I don't want Liam finding out like that and why would you?" 
"I'm at the point where I don't care how he finds out as long as he does, I just want this everyday. You. I can't stand giving you up again after this weekend and having to wait weeks to have you back." 
"Yeah I know but not like this Chris. You need to go track him down and give him some money or something. Please." You plead, tears prickling your eyes.
"Fine, told you I'd do anything for you and I meant it but can we eat first?" He raised his eyebrow, patting the bed next to him.
"Hi it's Mr Hemsworth in the penthouse suite, is it possible for you to send the guy who just delivered our... I mean, my room service, back up to my room please." Chris said, on the phone to front desk.
"Of course, is everything ok with your food Sir?"
"Yes fine, I just forgot to tip him." He rolled his eyes at you.
"No problem, I'll send him up for you now Sir." She laughed.
"She's sending him up." Chris said to you, putting down the phone and sighing.
"Shall I hide?" You ask, unsure what to do in this situation.
"Well yeah, he might not've seen you in the first place." 
"He did." You say over your shoulder, already making your way to the bathroom.
You stand by the door, it open a little so you can hear them talking. Your heart beating fast as you waited patiently, leaning against the wall with your ear to the crack in the door when you hear a knock and Chris's heavy footsteps going to answer it.
"Hi, I forgot to tip you earlier. Let me just get it for you, come in." Chris says.
"Oh it's fine Sir, you don't have to tip me." 
You peeked your eyes through the crack in the door, spying the guy stood awkwardly by the door while Chris went through his wallet.
"I hope you will respect my privacy and I can rely on your discretion?" Chris said while handing the guy a huge wad of cash, looking like he was making some kind of dodgy deal.
"I'm not sure what you mean Sir but thank you." 
"I think you do." Chris glared at him, his face expressionless making the guy uncomfortable, looking at his feet.
The guy turned to leave before looking back over his shoulder at the door, his hand on the door handle.
"If it makes any difference I would choose you over your brother any day." He winked as he left the room.
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