#i woke up 5 AM today all up and ready from my long weekend to get back to work
bunnisari · 1 year
can you write plug!connie but he yo baby daddy, love your work btw <3
WARNINGS ✩ — mom!reader(i got insane baby fever n i wanna be a stay at home mom so bad 😔), fluff, nothing honestlyyy
YOU woke up to the blaring sun in your face, causing you to scrunch your eyes up. It was 8:45 am. The usual time you wake up on the weekends. Yes the weekends. Being a stay at home mom, you were always up on your feet. Taking care of things at home while Connie took care of everything else.
Your body was locked in place from moving. Your daughter, Celeste, was wrapped around you from the back, squished between Connie who was facing you, his long arm wrapped around you both. You shook your head, assuming Celeste climbed in the bed in the middle of the night like she always does.
You slowly pried their arms off of you, leaving them quietly sleeping in bed. You headed to the bathroom, getting yourself ready for the day.
After a steamy shower and you’re 5-step skincare routine, you went to go make breakfast, deciding to make a standard breakfast.
Meanwhile, an hour and a half later, Celeste walked down the stairs, her teddy bear locked in her arms. The sound of Destiny’s Child filled her ears as she approached the kitchen island, struggling to lift her five year old body onto the chair.
“Morning mama, want some fruit?” Your daughter immediately smiled at the kiss pressed onto her forehead.
Celeste loves both of her parents, of course. Even as a five year old she knows all the stress you endure. But she’s never seen you cry, well she’s seen you cry over heels but that’s besides the point. She’s never seen either of her parents give up or argue. Even if she saw you upset at her dad, you always resolved the issue.You and Connie set your daughters standards very high.
“Yes pleaseee” She flashes a smile, very similar to Connie’s.
After preparing breakfast, you finally prepared the plates. “Mommy can I give daddy breakfast” Celeste speaks from across the island, now standing. But you can only see her puff of hair as it shows over the island.
You nod, grabbing a tray from the pantry and putting Connie’s plate on it. “Be careful” You warned, handing her the tray.
“Of courseeee” She dragged out. Man was she obsessed with that word.
Celeste carefully walked up the stairs, walking very slowly and steadily. She made sure his fruit wasn’t touching his bacon and his bacon didn’t touch the whipped cream on his waffles, just how he likes it.
“Daddyyy it’s morning time” She sung out as she stood next to the bed. Connie stirred in the bed, feeling it empty.
He looked over to his daughter, seeing her hold a tray with food and a huge smile on her face. Always smiling.. “Thank you babygirl” He grabbed the tray from her, immediately digging in. “Where’s your mom?” Connie asked Celeste as she climbed into bed beside him, stealing a piece of bacon from Connie’s plate , earning a side eye.
“She’s probably in the garden now but like um..um..are we still going to the mall today?” She took her time, smacking her teeth multiple times.
Connie shook his head at the little girl, “You are just like your mom mhm”
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“DONT step on my shoes. My dad bought them and they’re custom made.” Celeste sassily crossed her arms over her chest, yelling at her distant “cousins”.
You and Connie decided to stop by the cookout Ony was throwing, Connie doing a couple of drops as well. There were kids there so nothing crazy would happen, Connie trusted his best guys with his two favorite girls so he felt okay with leaving.
“Oh yeah? My dad is like the biggest strongiest coolest ever!” One of the kids of a family friend argued. “Strongiest isn’t even a word” Celeste rolled her eyes. “That’s why my dad gave me this!” Celeste pulled out an one hundred dollar bill out of her pocket, causing the kids the gasp.
“Woah she’s like rich” One boy said from his spot on the floor. Celeste smiled, stuffing it back into her pocket. “Yeah so don’t act like I don’t have motion!” Celeste copied the word that she always heard her dad say around her.
Truth be told, Celeste was a bit….egotistical. I mean come on Connie Springer is her father. To her parents she’s an angel but once she’s around kids her age, she’s talking about how big the Eiffel tower really is and how clear the water is in Fiji.
She’s a spoiled brat, just like you, in every single way.
After playing for hours, Celeste dramatically laid across your lap. “When is dad coming back” Just then she jumped up, seeing the sight of her father.
“Hi daddy!” He lifted her up into the air before just holding her on the side of his waist. “Hey princess, you have fun?” She hummed, nodding her head before he placed her down.
“Hi A-armin” Celeste waved while looking up, her face growing hot. Armin was Celeste’s first crush. “Hey little one” Armin smiled down at the child, patting her head before handing her a $5 bill. “I hear the ice cream truck, why don’t you get yourself something”
Celeste couldn’t stop her smile, her kiddy crush feeling much more like true love. She ignored her fathers scowl and hugged the blonde’s legs before running off to the front yard with Onyankopon and a group of kids.
“Calm down boy, it’s just a silly little crush” You walked over to Connie, handing him your cup to sip out of. Your hand went around his waist, pulling him into a side hug.
“She’s only five. She doesn’t need any crushes, especially on Armin” Armin jerks his head back at the emphasis on his name.
“Acting like i’m ugly or something” He shook his head before greeting some other people. “Y’know she thinks he looks like a disney prince or something. Anyways how was your run?” You walk infront of Connie, grabbing his hand. He trailed behind you with the cup still in his hand. His eyes were glued to your butt in the skin tight sundress. “Hm baby?” You ask completely unaware. The weather was breezy and dawn had settled in, painting the sky purple and blue.
“Y’know I still want a son as well?” Connie completely ignored your question, his front pressing up against your back as his hand trailed down to your butt, lightly squeezing.
You jumped, gasping out “Connie there are innocent children here!”
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winchesterwild78 · 8 months
Chance Meeting pt 7
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Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
18+ Minors DO NOT interact
This is my first ever fan fiction. I adore Jensen Ackles and have no hate towards his family. In this he’s single. I’m not sure exactly how to do this so any suggestions or feedback is appreciated. Please be kind and all mistakes are my own. All work is mine. Please don’t copy it.
Warnings: fluff, angst, smut, Jensen being a sweetheart
Chapter/ Trigger Warnings: fluff, SMUT, unprotected sex (cover it up please), con rough sex, a little sadness (not too bad)
A/N: I’m working hard on making sure the chapters get done quickly. I don’t want to leave you hanging for too long. If you have any suggestions please let me know. Reader is older-not trying to alienate anyone, but I wanted the reader close to Jensen’s age and with children. This will make more sense in later chapters. This chapter will include a time jump. It will be noted. This chapter is a bit longer, but I couldn’t help it. Enjoy 😊
Jensen POV
I woke up and it was dark in the room. Looking over at the clock on the nightstand it read 4:23am. Ugh! Still too damn early. I look down and see y/n asleep laying cuddled up next to me. My arm is under her head and I run my hands through her hair. She’s definitely different from other women I’ve been with, but she’s so much more. She is sleeping so peacefully next to me and I can’t help but feel a warm feeling in my chest. How can I be falling in love with her so quickly? Yet here I am already falling so deep. I wrap my arms around her pulling her closer to me. Breathing in her scent. Her shampoo and body wash are so intoxicating. Y/n lets out a soft sigh and I kiss the top of her head. Today is the last day of the con and I have no idea how I’m going to leave her. We live in different states and have different lives, but damn do I want this, her. I have to figure it out.
The hours pass and daylight peeks through the window. You start to wake up and feel strong arms around you holding you tight. Your eyes flutter open and see Jensen asleep. His features are soft and his mouth is slightly open. You reach your hand up and rub it against his cheek. Jensen stirs and his eyes open. He looks at you and smiles softly. You lean up and kiss his lips. “Good morning sweetheart” Jensen says with a gruff sleepy voice. “Good morning to you too, handsome.” You said smiling back at him.
You nuzzled into his chest more and he gripped you tighter. “We’ve got to get up and start getting ready for the day baby.” Jensen said with a slight sadness to his voice. You leaned back and looked in his emerald green eyes. “What’s wrong, Jensen?” You said cupping his face. He looked at you and sighed. “I just don’t know what to do about us. I’ve been thinking about it all morning and I’ve got nothing.” You sat up and leaned against the headboard. The realization of what he was saying hit you like a truck. This weekend has been amazing, but in a few short hours it was coming to an end. What happens next? You both live in completely different worlds. He’s Jensen Freaking Ackles and you’re well, y/n. A regular person who works a Monday through Friday job, bills and some months living paycheck to paycheck. The longer you sat there with the thoughts in your head the more your heart broke. A single tear slipped out and Jensen sat up brushing it away with his thumb. “Shh, y/n, don’t cry. We will figure it out. I promise.” He said placing a tender kiss on your lips.
The day went by in a blur. All you could think about was how much you would miss Jensen when you had to leave. You leaned against a wall and pulled out your phone. You called y/f/n to get her advice. “Hey girl, how’s the con going and how’s Jensen?” She said while making a kissing sound in the phone. You laughed and said everything was going good, but you didn’t know what was going to happen after the con was over. “Y/f/n, I told him I loved him and he said it back. I know it’s fast but I feel it. When I’m with him everything feels in place finally.” You said stifling tears. “Oh, y/n don’t cry. Talk to Jensen. I know you two will figure it out. I’ll support you both no matter what you decide. I love you girl! Now go talk about this with your man.” “Thanks y/f/n, you’re right. I’ll text you later. Love you too girl!” You hung up and wiped away a few stray tears.
You slipped in the final Gold Panel with Jared, Misha and Jensen and took your seat. Jared saw you first and smiled. You smiled back and looked over at Jensen. His face lit up when he saw you. You both smiled at each other and he winked. Your heart fluttering just a bit more. You sat watching and listening to the audience ask their questions and the guys answering them. Your mind kept wandering back to what was going to happen with you and Jensen. It was time for the final question. A woman stood up and said the question was for Jensen. This pulled your attention back to reality. She introduced herself and the guys said hello. “So Jensen, we all saw the woman you kissed yesterday and the internet has exploded with the pictures taken. My question is who is she and where did you meet?” Jensen looked at you and smiled, cleared his throat and said “Well, honestly I met her here. We hit it off and as far as who she is, if she’ll have me I would like her to be my girlfriend.” The audience filled with awws and giggles. You looked at Jensen dumbfounded but nodded with a smile. He jumped off stage, ran to you and wrapped you in a hug. He pulled back to see your y/e/c eyes sparkle. Then he laid a tender kiss on your lips. The audience went crazy. Clapping, screaming and yelling. Jensen grabbed your hand and pulled you on stage with him and the guys. He waved at the audience and you gave a shy smile waving too. He pulled you off stage and to the green room.
“Did you mean it?” You asked him. “Yes, of course I did. I love you and I don’t want you getting away.” He said as he wrapped his arms around you. “We will figure everything out. I promise.”
<time jump 2 months later>
“Y/n are you finished packing your bathroom yet?” Y/f/n asked from the living room. “Just closing the last box now.” You yelled from the bathroom. “I still can’t believe you’re moving to Texas, y/n.” “I know. It’s hard to believe 2 months ago I went to a convention single and now I’m in love with an amazing man who loves me just as much.” You looked around your apartment and take in all the boxes and empty space. Years living here and now it’s time to move on. It’s bittersweet but you can’t wait to start your new life with Jensen. After the convention you both went back to your lives but talked all the time. He would fly in to visit and after about a month in he asked you to move in with him. You were hesitant at first because his kids are younger than yours and you were worried about their reactions, but you love his kids and they love you. You even get along well with his ex. Your kids were over the moon for you and encouraged the move. So now here you are packing up and moving across the country for the man who stole your heart.
“Hey, y/n I’m gonna order pizza for dinner and run by the store to grab some drinks. You need anything else?” Y/f/n asks as she heads towards the door. “Nope, I’m good. Just no mushrooms.” You say with a chuckle. “Fine” she says as she walks out the door.
A few minutes later you hear a knock at the door. You get up from the floor “did you forget something y/f/n” you say as you open the door. “Jensen! What are you doing here?” You squeal as you throw your arms around him. “Did you really think I was going to let you drive across country by yourself?” He said as he backed you into the apartment. “I didn’t think you could get out of work. I would have been fine.” You said as your legs hit the side of the couch. “I’m sure you would have, but I was able to work it out so I could help you move and make sure you’re safe.” He said as he kissed your forehead. Jensen looked around and noticed there wasn’t much left to do and he noticed you two were alone. “Hey sweetheart, where’s y/f/n?” “Oh she went to the store and to get a pizza. Let me text her and ask her to grab some beer too. I’ll also let her know you’re here.” You said sending him a smirk.
Me: hey girl can you grab some beer too. Jensen just showed up to help with the move. 😁
Bestie: oooh I’ll make sure to take extra time getting back. I’ll grab the beer and food. You two behave ;)
Me: thanks babe. You’re the best. Be careful
“So she’s going to grab some beer and the food. She said she’s gonna take extra time to get back.” You smile at Jensen and wiggle your eyebrows. He takes this as an invitation to lead you to the bedroom. The only thing left on the bed was your sheets and a pillow. You were only spending one more night here so everything else was packed. Jensen started kissing your lips and working his way down your neck. His hands roaming all over your curves. You start moaning and your hands make their way in his hair. Jensen pulls your shirt up and off and in one swift motion his shirt was off too. He hooked his hand around you and unhooked your bra exposing your ample breasts. His mouth was instantly on your breasts, licking and sucking each nipple. His hands grabbing and holding them. He laid you down and hooked his fingers in your leggings and in one quick move he pulled them and your soaking wet panties down. You spread your legs exposing yourself to him. “Mmm sweetheart, is this all for me.” He said as he ran his fingers through your dripping folds. Your breath hitched as he brushed against your clit. “Oh Jensen, please.” You breathed out. “Please what baby?” He said while smirking. “I need to cum, please make me cum.” That was all he needed. He grabbed your thighs and threw your legs over his shoulders and started lapping up your juices. He inserted one finger and you squirmed. His finger pushing in and out of you while hooking up towards your sweet spot. Your hips moved into his mouth and finger. He inserted another finger and you moaned, gripping the bed with one hand and Jensen’s head with another. “Yes baby, right there.” You moaned. Jensen was like a man starved. Taking you closer to your release. He picked his head up and said “cum for me baby.” That was all you needed and you felt yourself clenching around his fingers. He licked faster and helped you chase your high all the way down.
Once you came down from your high he stood up and you helped him pull down his jeans and boxers. His large l, thick cock springing free. You lick your lips and take his cock deep in your mouth. You lick a strip up his shaft causing him to moan and grab your head. He pushes his cock deeper down your throat hearing you gag a little. The sounds of panting and sucking fill the room. “Damn baby your mouth feels so fucking good right now, but I want to fuck your sweet pussy.” Jensen almost growls as he says it. You smile as you pull his cock out of your mouth making a popping sound as his cock leaves your lips.
You slide up on the bed as Jensen lines his cock up to your dripping wet pussy. “I don’t have a condom y/n” Jensen said almost sad. “It’s okay with me. I’m clean and I can’t get pregnant anymore.” You said. He smiled at you and said “well damn sweetheart let’s get busy.” You giggled because you realized his Dean was showing. Jensen lined himself up to your entrance and with one swift thrust he bottomed out and you let out a loud moan. Sex with Jensen was always amazing. He had length and girth that makes you feel him for days. He’s also a very talented and giving lover. You’ve never experienced sex like this before and damn did you feel lucky. He continued thrusting hitting that spot no other man ever hit. You felt that familiar tightness in your core. Your hand instinctively moved to your throbbing clit which made Jensen smirk. “Hands and knees baby girl.” Jensen’s voice deep and commanding. Instantly making you wetter and you happily obliged. You flipped over getting on your hands and knees. Your nice round ass in the air. You could feel your wetness running down your thighs. Jensen lines up with your dripping core and thrusts deep in you. The change of position makes you moan louder. He’s hitting another spot and you know you’re close. “Jensen I’m gonna….cum.” You say breathily. His hand wraps around and he starts rubbing your clit while slamming into your pussy. You cum hard around his length and he keeps rubbing. You try to pull away but he is so strong and before you know it you’re cumming a third time. Satisfied he pulls his hand away and keeps driving into your pussy. Jensen is bottoming out and you know you’re not going to be able to walk right for a few days. “Harder Jensen, fuck me baby.” You yell. Jensen starts to fuck you harder grabbing your hips and burying his cock deep in your throbbing heat. He brings a hand up and smacks your right ass cheek causing a yelp to escape from your lips. His thrusts start to get sloppy as he’s chasing his release. You clench your walls around his cock and he fills your empty womb with his hot seed. As he comes down from his high he slowly pulls out. You whimper at the loss of fullness.
You roll over on your back and he lays beside you. Sweeping your hair from your face he places a kiss on your lips. “Are you okay, y/n?” You smile at him and say “more than okay. That was amazing.” You smile and place a kiss on his lips. “I didn’t hurt you did I?” He asked with concern in his eyes. You cup his face “no baby, that was hot.” You snuggle into his chest rubbing your hands up and down his gorgeous torso. He pulls you close to him, kisses your head and whispers “okay”.
Jensen pulls away and goes into the bathroom to get a washcloth to clean you both up. Thank goodness you left one out. He returns to the bed and cleans you up then himself. He tosses the washcloth back towards the bathroom. “We need to get dressed before y/f/n comes back with the food. I don’t want to traumatize her.” You say laughing. Jensen laughs and groans as he gets up. He pulls you off the bed into his arms. He gives you a deep kiss and as he pulls away he says “I love you so much.” Your heart flutters and you say “I love you too, Jensen. So much.”
You both get dressed and walk into the living room just as the door opens. “I’m coming in, y’all better be dressed.” You heard y/f/n say as she walked in laughing. You grabbed the food from her and she looked between the two of you smiling. “Hey Jensen” she said with a smirk. “Hey y/f/n, let me help you.” He says as he grabs the bags from her hands. She looks at you a wiggles her eyebrows and you playfully hit her arm.
Dinner was delicious and the last of the boxes were packed. You gave y/f/n a huge hug and told her thank you for helping. She gave you a huge hug and told you she’d be back early to see you off. Jensen pulled her in for a hug and you all said good night.
Once the door was closed and locked Jensen took you in his arms. He knew you were looking forward to the move but you were also a little sad to say goodbye to the life you had here. He rubbed your back and you buried your face in his chest. He kissed the top of your head and said “come on baby, let’s get some sleep.” You sniffled and wiped a few stray tears away as you took his hand. You both walked to your bedroom one last time and changed for bed. You crawled in and snuggled to him. He held you and rubbed your back as you drifted off to sleep in his arms. Tomorrow was going to be hard and he knew it. He laid awake for a while longer listening to your soft snores and he smiled. How did he get so lucky to have the love of an incredible woman who was willing to give up her life to move in with him. He smiled and placed a soft kiss on your head and whispered “I love you, y/n” and he drifted off to sleep.
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2024 June 28 - August 20 Aoi (& others) Twitter:
Jun 28 "Working while listening to the sound of rain and jazz makes me feel a bit grown-up and cool… but I don't really think that///" "It's the weekendーーー🥁"
Jun 30 "Oh no, it’s here. The strong urge to cut my hair short."
Jul 1 "✋😄🤚" "👏✌️🫶🥴"
Jul 2 "Just before I woke up, I was thinking, 'Ah, it's a day off, I'll sleep a bit more,' but it turned out to be Tuesday. Good morning!"
Jul 4 "It's boiling hot." "But I got ice cream. I'm satisfied."
Jul 5 "It's the weeeekeeeennd =D" "As for this week's events, I read old newsletters at work. Among them, 'Majidao' was particularly interesting. That was my week. Thanks for everything┏○))ペコ" "Actually, right after the Heresy General Meeting, we talked about needing to revamp the newsletter, and a relay novel seemed interesting. We even discussed the possibility of having a serialized story in each issue. But based on reading 'Majidao,' my conclusion is that a one-shot was the right choice." "With that, thank you for your hard work this week. See you next week!"
Kai QT: "The reading of 'Majidao' from that punishment game is something I plan to take with me to the grave."
Jul 8 "Good morning ☀︎ Looking forward to this week too 🙌"
Uruha: "Man, this heat is getting out of hand."
Jul 10 "I forgot to say 'Good morning' 😢"
Jul 11 "The weather is pretty ambiguous… Good morning✋" "Speaking of which, it seems like the T-shirts and bears from recently are on their way. I really put a lot of work into the T-shirt, just as the bear. I’m happy many of you are receiving them." "※Thank you for wearing them ///"
Uruha: "I was worried that the screen of my Watch might be broken because it went dark, but I tried the method I found online, which involved pressing and holding the side button, and it worked perfectly. Thanks to the person who informed me."
Jul 12 "Heeeeey whazzup?🤜"
Jul 15 "I thought it was going to rain all month and felt down, but now the sun is shining.."
Jul 16 "Good morning ☁️ Once these rain clouds go away, will it finally be summer??"
Jul 17 "Good morning. I'm hearing something that sounds like a cicada buzzing."
Jul 18 "Looks like the classical guitar I ordered from Yairi Guitars is ready ❤︎" "yairi_kun Cool… 😭"
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Jul 24 "I'm watching a music video of the band the GazettE. My eyesight suddenly got worse, and everything looks blurry."
Jul 25 "Morning! 🖐️" "Oh man… the friendship between the young lady and the prince was so beautiful that I ended up crying…" "I was feeling a bit emotionally unstable, but I'm fine now, so please don't worry. As long as the GazettE is a valued entity and everyone continues to show their love, I'll keep being myself." "It's a typo, but whatever…I'm just the way I am…"
Jul 30 Kai: "Good morning, cicadas are scary, good morning."
Aug 8 "Hi. I'm feeling a little tired." "Maybe I'm not getting enough sugar, so I'll have a chocolate banana mustard crepe for lunch. Japanese crepes are delicious. : Q" "Even though it was supposed to be custard, it turned into mustard…"
Aug 10 Uruha: "I want to keep driving my beloved car for as long as possible, but no matter how many times I fix it, it seems like it never listens to me."
Aug 12 "It's Obon, how are you spending it?"
Aug 13 Kai: "Hello, the typhoon is coming, huh? I don't like it. I really hate sudden heavy rain."
Aug 16 "Good morning. The typhoon looks fierce…"
Aug 20 Kai: "Thanks for your hard work today. Lately, I've been missing that space where we can all headbang and rock out together... and share the GazettE experience with everyone. Let's keep doing our best together."
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crowtrobotx · 4 months
I need to rant about my FIL again.
This man stated multiple times that he “just needed a place to crash at night” and that we “wouldn’t even know” he was here because he was going to be out all day and would only reappear to basically go to bed. We told him that we had a lot going on this weekend both individually and together (which is true!) and wouldn’t be available to hang out/entertain him etc. which he indicated he understood and wasn’t bothered by.
Yesterday I (a morning person, regrettably) woke up and went downstairs at about 7 to relax and have breakfast and just enjoy some quiet time before having to go and set up and teach my class. This motherfucker came downstairs literal SECONDS after he heard me get up and followed me around as I’m trying to get dressed/put on makeup etc. asking me the most boring, asinine questions about “oh so how did you get into crochet” “my grandma used to crochet” “how many students do you have” “you know one time I did cross stitch in elementary school” HOOOLY SHIT. I ended up leaving without breakfast about an hour earlier than I needed to (my workplace/teaching spot is 5 min from my house) because I couldn’t deal with him on top of all the usual pre-class anxiety.
Taught class, came home ready to enjoy some lunch and relaxation time and go to a local event with my partner…. I see this man’s car still parked in front of my house. It is 12:30pm at this point. I come in and he’s just sitting on our desktop computer doing god knows what while my partner is sitting there looking like he wants to die.
Partner follows me upstairs and proceeds to tell me FIL “doesn’t really have plans” today and keeps implying he wants to come with us on our outing we had planned weeks ago. Fuck. No.
We got my brother in law to invite the guy out for lunch elsewhere to buy us some time but he still just sat around the house until after 2pm before actually leaving. We went out but he was back a couple of hours later and just SAT in our living room doing nothing but impeding us until he went to bed. Did I mention he nonstop guilt trips my partner about how he’s “gonna die soon” (this has been going on for years and nothing is wrong with him that we’re aware of. He’s not even 70.) and is totally hyper fixated on the most morbid shit??? My partner apparently tried to assuage him by inviting him to go out to dinner, just the two of them, and FIL was just like “nah.” 😵‍💫
Y’all. He doesn’t leave until Tuesday.
Today we have an honest to god thing we have to go to out of town so he’s gotta be gone by 11 or so and we will not be back until the evening but I still want to scream. I am so thankful I can leave for work Monday and Tuesday and have time away from this guy trying to insert himself into our plans and just generally making it impossible to relax in my own house.
I just. I’m not stupid. I know this is some cry for attention from his son and maybe me to some extent. But instead of flat out asking and PLANNING something, he shows up to our house from Idaho with zero notice and tries to squirm into our schedule. My partner is neurodivergent to some extent (he is functional and doesn’t care for a dx which I support if that’s what he wants) and is admittedly pretty bad at socializing and maintaining relationships long term if the person isn’t physically present in his life all the time and he really could do a better job of dealing with him but I also can’t blame him for not wanting to have this dude talking to him all the damn time! FIL’s wife left him explicitly because he never did anything or went anywhere, never had relationships outside of her, and was so flat and emotionless that it made her insane. And holy shit do I get it! This is agony!
I’m just… so tired. I’ve had so much going on and my anxiety has been a real bitch lately. The last thing I needed was someone invading my privacy and limited free time like this.
Again, this is a man who moved across the country with zero notice and then was mad everyone didn’t fly out to visit him. It’s manipulative at worst and straight up stupid at best. I already told my partner we are not doing this shit again and hosting him in the future, which maybe sounds insane considering he hasn’t “done” anything aside from being annoying but this is purely the latest in a long line of obnoxious behaviors that I am too old to deal with anymore.
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lucy90712 · 2 years
Fabio Quartararo- Dream come true
From just a few months into our relationship me and Fabio have talked about having kids but it was always at some point in the future but a few months ago we decided that we were ready to start trying seeing as we had been together for a few years and wouldn't want to create a family with anyone other than each other. We have been trying for a few months but this is the first time I've actually experienced any symptoms so I'm going to take a test in hopes that my dream of having a family of my own will have come true. I have been waiting to take the test so that Fabio is home because he has been away all weekend at a race and there was no way I was going to do this without him especially if I am pregnant I would never want him to miss out on finding out with me.
When we woke up Fabio was so excited and wanted me to do the test right away but I didn't have one so we needed to go to the store which he insisted we do as soon as I woke up and it took some convincing for him to allow me to get ready before we left but eventually he gave in and we left literally 10 minutes later than we would of. I've never seen him as impatient in the whole time we have been together as he has been as soon as we got to the store, he dragged me up and down the isles getting everything we needed as well as the test and practically ran back to the car after we checked out. Once we arrived home he pushed me to the bathroom and gave me the test which I had to laugh about for a moment before actually taking the test because he seems to be more excited than I am. Doing the test didn't take long but we had to wait 5 minutes for the result which was excruciating and each second felt like an eternity and Fabio's impatience made it even worse, he was pacing back and forth for a while before giving up on that and playing with my hair instead which he likes to do sometimes.
The timer went off and thats when the nerves kicked in for both of us and after all this time waiting to know neither of us actually wanted to look but in the end we agreed to go together. He took my hand and we walked into the bathroom together where I grabbed the test over the little window that would tell us the result waiting a moment before I took my hand off of it. As soon as we looked all I could do was smile because it was positive which meant me and Fabio were finally going to have the family we had been talking about for years. His reaction was slightly less reserved as he picked me up and spun me around which was fun but really didn't help the nausea I've been feeling over the past week or so.
"I can't believe it you're actually pregnant we're actually going to have a family of our own" he said
"I know I can't believe it either but can you please stop spinning it's making me feel very sick" I said
"Oh yeah sorry I'm just so over the moon right now" he apologised putting me down
He really was excited I could tell by the tears welling up in his eyes threatening it spill down his face although there was already tears running down mine. It's the most emotional I've seen him in a long time and he tried to hide it by pulling me into a hug but I could still hear him sniffle and felt the tears falling from his face onto my shoulder. The hug lasted a very long time before he finally let go and we actually left the bathroom to sit down on the sofa together and just take a minute to relax for the first time today. As we sat down his hands went straight to my stomach where he left them as well as rubbing them along my nonexistent bump which will only grow over the next few months which is a strange thought. While sat there we talked about how excited we were and we shared the different things we were slightly nervous about but overall we were just so over the moon.
Being so heavily pregnant isn't very much fun especially when every weekend you have to sit in a car for hours on end to travel to a different country which is what me and Fabio have been doing just incase I go into labour which is looking more and more likely every weekend. Before it was more of a precaution but now that my due date has come and gone it is looking quite likely that this baby will be born while we are in Aragon. So just like every Wednesday we packed up pretty much the whole house into the car because there was so many baby things we needed in fact the car seat has been installed for almost a month now which is kind of odd when you think about it. Once the car was packed it was time to start the drive which is always my least favourite part because by the time we arrive every part of my body hurts which usually happens by the end of the day anyway but I'm usually in more pain after a long car journey.
Fabio tried to make the journey slightly more bearable by playing music and stopping a few times to let me stretch my legs but it didn't really help in any way so my back and legs hurt quite a lot by the time we actually arrived so my walk was even more of a waddle than usual. As always Tom was waiting for us to help with bringing all of the baby things into the motorhome because as much as I want to help I'm not much use because I get so out of breath walking up the stairs just once on my own let alone a few times carrying things. Once everything was put where we have been keeping it we talked to Tom about our plan for if I was to go into labour because he's been sticking with me when Fabio isn't around so having him know was pretty essential to things going to plan.
After our chat it was time for Fabio to do all of his media things for the day but I wasn't up for following him around so I stayed in the motorhome by myself which was actually really nice because at the moment most of the time someone is always with me and I don't really get any time to myself. With my time to myself I sat reading a book having a peaceful moment to myself which I know won't happen once the baby arrives so I wanted to take advantage of it while I still can but by the time Fabio came back I was glad to see him. As always he came back and joined me right away on the sofa to cuddle which is what we spend most days doing at the moment because doing anything just exhausts me for the rest of the day which he loves because most of the time he is doing all sorts so he enjoys getting to cuddle with me but I hate feeling so useless.
We spent a good few hours just laying there together and talking about how much our lives are going to change possibly in the next few days which is a frightening but exciting thought. Over the last 9 months we have been waiting to meet our baby and finally we will get to hold them in our own arms and really discover their personality which we already have a good sense of but seeing it really come alive is just to exciting to me. Sadly our cuddle session came to an end when it was time for the team dinner and so he helped me up and we very slowly walked to the Yamaha hospitality one because I don't walk very fast and two because we saw a few friends and just had to talk to them quickly.
The team have been great throughout this whole journey and they have kind of become part of it as they have seen the bump grow and been there to find out the gender with us and even organised a little baby shower which was so sweet of them. That baby shower has been one of my favourite days because it was just to nice to do something different from my day to day life and everyone else was happy and enjoyed themselves which also made it so enjoyable. We were also given some really cute baby clothes with Fabio's number on them as well as some normal ones which will come in handy as we have been warned that we will go through a lot of outfits during the day which I'm not looking forward to having to wash.
At dinner me and Fabio were talking to Cal because he has kids so he was giving us advice and being brutally honest with us about what it will be like which was nice to know so that it's not as much of a surprise. There was a lot of things I knew from reading books but clearly I hadn't mentioned to Fabio because he looked horrified at some of the things mentioned which was a little funny. He seemed to realise just how scary birth can be not that he didn't have some idea but it seemed to sink in that at any day now I would have to go through that, the thought seemed to worry him slightly because he grabbed my hand under the table and squeezed not letting go. It was so sweet that he was worried about me but I have been hoping that he would be the calm one and stop me getting nervous but it seems that we might both be freaking out when it happens.
When we got back to the motorhome Fabio ran around like a madman organising things and setting something up and all I could do was watch as he went back and forth about 10 times doing who knows what. Eventually he stopped and took my hand and led me into the bathroom where he had ran me a bath with loads of bubbles and candles around the room as well as some comfy clothes for me to change into afterwards. He left me to relax in the bath which was really nice but I really wanted to just cuddle in bed with him while we still have the time to. So I didn't stay in the bath too long and went to find Fabio right away which was pretty easy because he was sat on the bed waiting for me and he helped me lay down and right away put his arm around me kissing behind my ear which I always love when he does. One of the things that I have really appreciated throughout my pregnancy is that Fabio always makes an effort to treat me like he always would so when we go to sleep he will have his arm around me and not just my bump and he makes sure that other people treat me like they normally would and not just a pregnant person which has really helped with the mental side of things during the last trimester.
Our little cuddle session was quickly interrupted by the baby moving around and kicking me to the point that you could see it on my bump which has happened a few times before but always when Fabio isn't around. Fabio put his hand on my bump to feel the movement which he absolutely loves to do because it makes him feel closer to the baby and he loves knowing they are doing good in there. I on the other hand enjoy it a little less as time goes on because it hurts more often than not and it always happens when I'm trying to sleep and it stops me sleeping but at the same time feeling the movement and knowing that its our child is pretty cool.
So far the weekend has been going pretty well with Fabio qualifying 3rd on the grid which he wasn't happy with but I thought was pretty good especially with how well the Ducati's are performing here, the only thing is I've been in a lot more pain than usual which is nothing like the pain I've felt before. With that we have been quite on edge because it's quite obvious that at any moment I could go into labour and I'm pretty sure the universe isn't going to be kind and wait for the action to be over seeing as I've already made it to Sunday without my waters breaking. Since Friday I can tell Fabio's not been in the right mindset to ride and I can see him being more cautious because he doesn't want to crash and injure himself even though I have been trying to tell him things will be fine but I know its hard.
This morning he seems extra nervous which I have been trying to help with but its pretty difficult when he can sense than I'm nervous too but luckily Tom is helping me as well by assuring Fabio that if anything were to happen he would take care of me which seemed to help his nerves slightly. We have been trying to take things slowly all weekend but on race day that isn't really possible so before I knew it Fabio had his leathers on and was getting ready to head out on the sighting lap, he was talking to mechanics for a few moments before coming over to me and pulling me into a hug looking into my eyes for a moment before leaning down to kiss my lips gently.
"Now little one can you hang on for another hour because then we'll be ready for you" he said leaning down to talk to my bump
"Don't worry about us you need to focus on the race remember we have plans for a situation like this it will all work out" I reassured him
"I know I just don't want you to have to go though any of it without me" he said
"I promise I'll be fine I can handle it plus labour can go on for days so you really won't miss much" I said
He laughed before giving me one last hug and checked in with Tom before heading out on his bike, usually Tom would go with him and be on the grid but today he stayed in the garage under Fabio's instruction which involved not to let me leave his sight which felt a little extreme but kind of fair at the same time. We watched the screen in the garage as the first lap began which is when all of the sudden I felt liquid going down my legs and I knew exactly what was happening as much as my brain tried to tell me it wasn't happening yet. I whispered quietly to Tom as not to alert anyone else in the garage who needed to be focused on the race but that lasted all of two seconds as he told everyone what was happening and people started to run around as I went to change into dry clothes. When I came back the team had got together all of the things me and Fabio had prepared to take to the hospital and they had made Fabio's seat into a more comfy space for me to sit.
The contractions started pretty quickly and I was timing them with some help form Tom when the odd one hurt more than some of the others. To distract from the pain I tried my best to watch the race but it got harder and harder as the laps went by, things were progressing quite quickly and the contractions were lasting longer and getting closer together. It was also weird to watch Fabio race while I was in labour and he had no idea, that is what I wanted though he needs to focus on one thing at a time so if he knew the race wouldn't be his priority and with the championship in full swing I couldn't have that happen. Everyone in the garage has been trying to offer as much help as they can although there was nothing they could do to help seeing as they couldn't stop the pain or get Fabio which is all I want.
Eventually the race finished and Fabio finished 8th which I knew he would be disappointed with but I'm sure he will forget all about it when he realises what is happening at least I hope he does. He came into the garage just as Tom warned me that my contractions were under 5 minutes apart which is when my doctor advised I should be going to the hospital so his timing couldn't have been more perfect. Another contraction hit as I tried to get up to go over to him so instead I had to sit back down and he came running over to take my hand and breathe along with me like we had practiced before even with his helmet still on.
"How long have you been in labour?" He asked
"Since the start of the race" I replied
"How far apart are contractions?" He checked with Tom
"Just got to about 4 minutes 30" he said
From then everything is kind of a blur but I know we went straight to the car and got to the hospital when my contractions were just over 3 mins apart. Apparently there was only 30 minutes in between us arriving and me starting to push but my god did it feel like hours especially with the pain but I got through it and delivered our beautiful baby girl after 10 minutes. It was the hardest thing I've ever had to do but Fabio was right with me the whole time full of encouragement and letting me squeeze his hand as much as I wanted even though it definitely hurt him. All of the pain was so worth it though when I got to hold our baby for the first time which has us both crying tears of joy, it was a truly magical moment that I hope to never forget in my life. Seeing the way Fabio instantly took to his new role as a father is another thing I will always remember, it just came so naturally to him and it made me realise that I definitely chose the right person to live my dream of starting a family with.
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snuggly little girl is finally allowed back into the bed after several weeks of being banished due to houseguests :) she is very warm and sleepy and happy about it.
it’s an overcast morning and I woke up feeling bleh but I’m trying to acknowledge the feeling and not get stuck in it. I am working from home today and my tasks are a little ill-defined so I do need to make sure I get up, get dressed, and sit at a desk at some point to ensure I actually focus. here’s what I’d like to do:
7:30-8:30 coffee, lounge, work from bed
8:30 get up and get dressed
8:30-11:30 work session
11:30-12:30 shower/get ready
1-2 ND mtg
2-4 windshield appt—second work session. call Cigna while waiting, finish other work tasks, schedule-send emails to four faculty for next week, make a plan for next week
4-5ish wrap up work if needed
walk the dogs… it’s time to get back into it. I have a hockey podcast to listen to and can start with an easy 40-45 min loop
eat leftovers for dinner & make cold brew to steep overnight
finish ninth house (I’m powering through but letting myself skim the boring parts)
bed by 10 (I’m slowly trying to reset my sleep/wake times to 9:15pm/5:30 or 6am)
okay. I also am open to doing some work over the weekend if 1) it’s fun, and 2) it consoles me (as it often does lol). but here are the things I want to prioritize in today’s work sessions:
review makerspace brainstorming notes and distill conversation into a core list of ideas
organize list by priorities (immediate, academic year, future/aspirational)
figure out some way of annotating priority list. I want to identify the big steps each one would take to research/create/implement, note who on the team we could delegate specific pieces of the work to, and identify the other people or units on campus we’d want to partner with. this will be so fun.
JG asked if I could give an overview of my big priorities for my program next year so he could better understand how this initiative fits into those priorities. I think that’s a great ask and a great opportunity for me to sit down and synthesize what I’ve learned in my first month in the role. one big amorphous thing I’m tasked with is increasing the number of faculty who are incorporating research into their courses, and I was thinking the other day that instead of trying to do this across all majors in a scattershot way, I could use this makerspace access initiative as a focusing lens for that work this year. and then since that project is naturally STEM + business-leaning, maybe I can look for a manageably sized humanities initiative to take on next year too, so there’s a good balance within my portfolio of projects. anyway I think I’m at the point where I have talked to enough people and said yes or tentatively yes to enough things that I am ready to sit down and start drawing up a summer + academic year plan. also I’m not quite there yet but I might almost be ready to start mapping out the calendar so I can do some initial thinking in that direction today if I feel like it. oh and I want to make a note for myself to look for specific areas where I can consult or bring in the person in our office who was handling aspects of my job for a long time before I started… I feel like I can bulldoze a bit when I’m enthusiastic about an idea or project and I don’t want her to feel like I’m undoing all the work she put into building programming etc. so I want to really consciously build in checkpoints where I’m asking for her feedback or drawing on her expertise in a substantive/meaningful way so she doesn’t feel like I swept in and changed everything to fit my own vision.
meet with ND to gather info about student employee development redesign (then spend time updating my earlier notes)
I don’t think I’ll get much deeper into the student worker redesign project today but it might be a thing I block off time for this weekend or next week.
schedule four emails to faculty/staff (should include YP, DH, MK, and maybe BW?)
I think that’s good!! wow and just working on a work plan for today has already put me in a much better & more hopeful mood. time to get started!
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wykedstories · 22 days
Chapter 4: The Coffee Shop.
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As everyday starts this one starts the same. I woke up this morning at a crisp four am, and got my makeup and hair done. I'll admit I was so lazy today even I'm ashamed. I can't even blame it on being tired, it's just pure laziness. Instead of doing the whole eyeshadow and everything I just slapped on some mascara, eyeliner and, my shimmer lip gloss to complete a simple look. It's so early and I'm ready to hit the road so that Darcy and I can have  breakfast. I slap my shoes on and make sure everything is packed neatly in my black backpack then I proceed to throw it over my shoulder and head downstairs. As I head downstairs I hear my mom and dad  talking to my little sister Mia.
 Mia has been at my grandparents since the weekend, she's finally home. I love Mia. She has the cutest little smile, let me tell you she's the cutest 5 year old ever! As for my dad he's normally out of state for work so he must have come home while i was sleeping! I walk into the kitchen where everyone is and I say my hellos and goodbyes quickly then head out the door to my car to pick up darcy! I hopped in the car and plugged my music in so that I could get the mood set for the day today. It's feeling like a Slipknot kind of morning. 
As I get everything set up and my first song picked I see that Darcy messaged me. As I look at my phone I see “ Hey babes, we're still on for breakfast im up and ready to go see you soon!”. 
I responded to her with “ awesome love i'll see you soon im on my way.” 
Back to duality by slipknot oh the wonderful sounds of metal in the morning. I casually roll up to Darcie's house and she's just as casually standing outside waiting for me to get here like she is waiting for the bus.
“Hey girl hey, I'm so beyond ready for that chai latte that's calling my name!” she squeaked as she waltzed over to my car.
“Girl, no coffee for me. I am really trying to lay off the caffeine so I think I'm gonna get a refresher and a nice breakfast sandwich.” I responded. 
“ Oh Leah common now after this week at school you definitely deserve that coffee. Get that caffeine girl you only live once! What happened to your large caramel macchiato with 4 shots of espresso and your bacon bagel?”.
“Yeah you are right fuck it im getting my coffee!” I sharply said back to her. 
“ That's my Girl,” Darcy replied. Then we made the mutual decision to crank that music up and jam all the way to the coffee shop. Darcy was dancing in the passenger seat and boy was she having the time of her life. I love seeing Darcy happy. It literally makes my whole day when she has that goofy smile on her face. I was paying attention to driving when I noticed something really odd. There was this guy in a black hoodie walking down the road who looked hurt. He looked as if he was limping but I am not one to stop for strangers.
 I thought about mentioning it to Darcy just because of the weird feeling I got from it, instead I just kept it to myself and onto the coffee shop I drove. We finally got to the coffee shop, not to mention traffic wasn't so hateful. I always complain about traffic but in reality I'm sure it's nothing like what New York City is. I couldn't even imagine driving in Vinces city. I bet driving is heaven here for him. 
“Hey do you want to drive through or go in?” I asked her as I simultaneously turned the music down. 
“I think we should go in and order if you're not opposed?” Darcy replied.
“Going in to order it is” I say loud and proud. We jumped out of the car like we haven't had coffee in months. As we walked up there was an older couple coming out so I stepped over by the door and opened it for them. You know it's the kind thing to do. I smiled at them when they thanked me and I told them to have a blessed day. Darcy and I walked in and ordered our coffee and breakfast that took about 25 minutes to long.
 As we walked out the doors of the coffee shop I felt this wave of uneasiness go over me, I looked around instantly to see if something was going on and that's when I looked on the other side of the street and saw the guy in the black hoodie limping towards the coffee shop. I glanced over at Darcy and she was sipping on her coffee unphased, so I continued to ignore those uneasy feelings and went back to the car to head to school of the day.
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krishnasangani · 2 years
WEEK 4: FEB 12 - FEB 18
Hello, This is my summary for Week 4, which started on February 12, 2023, and ended on February 18, 2023. This week, I aim to find alternatives for coffee, such as tea, hot chocolate, matcha, etc. I also aim to avoid binge-watching shows late at night and prioritize my sleep. I will still be using the SleepWatch application to track my sleep and the Health application to measure the average rest I have spent for week 4.
February 12, 2023
Slept: 1:00 am and Woke up: 10:00 am 
Total Hours of Sleep: 8 hours and 55 minutes 
Coffee Intake:  1 iced coffee at 6:45pm
Cause of sleeping at that time: I slept at this time because I was cleaning my whole closet, which took a lot of time. 
The effect after waking up: I woke up completely rested with no sleep disruption. Based on SleepWatch, my sleep efficiency was 99% good, which is progress.
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February 13, 2023
Slept: 2:10 am and Woke up: 8:10 am 
Total Hours of Sleep: 5 hours and 45 minutes 
Coffee Intake: none (replaced it with tea) 
Cause of sleeping at that time: I slept late because I was finishing up my research paper, and I also binge-watched shows and did not realize the time. 
The effect after waking up: I was a bit sick when I woke up, and my body was tired. I wanted to sleep more but could not because I had a 9am class. 
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February 14, 2023
Slept: 12:10 am and Woke up: 6:25 am 
Total Hours of Sleep: 6 hours and 10 minutes 
Coffee Intake: none (replaced it with tea) 
Cause of sleeping at that time: I slept at this time because I was helping my brother with his college apps. 
The effect after waking up: Based on the previous day, I slept early today and felt good. Although I had a hard time waking up, I somewhat rested. My sleep efficiency was  99% percent good. 
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February 15, 2023
Slept: 1:25 am and Woke up: 10:30 am 
Total Hours of Sleep: 9 hours 
Coffee Intake: none (replaced with hot chocolate) 
Cause of sleeping at that time: I came home pretty late from GALentines date with my friends. There was super traffic coming back home. 
The effect after waking up: I woke up feeling completely rested, and I was ready to start my day. I wanted my day to be productive. 
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February 16, 2023
Slept: 12:30 am and Woke up: 8:00 am 
Total Hours of Sleep: 7 hours of sleep 
Coffee Intake: Chocolate chip frappucino from Starbucks at 6:14pm
Cause of sleeping at that time: I Slept at this time because I was studying for a quiz. 
The effect after waking up: Woke up 30 minutes late from the alarm clock. But I felt completely rested and refreshed. 
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February 17, 2023
Slept: 1:10 am and Woke up: 7:00 am 
Total Hours of Sleep: 5 hours and 45 minutes 
Coffee Intake: none (replaced it with hot chocolate)
Cause of sleeping at that time: I slept at this time because I was helping my brother with his task. 
The effect after waking up: It was good enough to sleep, but I wished I had gone to bed earlier to sleep more.
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February 18, 2023
Slept: 4:15 am and Woke up: 11:15 am 
Total Hours of Sleep: 6 hours and 55 minutes 
Coffee Intake: 1 caramel macchiato from Starbucks at 1:22 pm 
Cause of sleeping at that time: I was out with my friends and slept over at their place. I pulled an all-nighter.
The effect after waking up: I had a big headache and felt unhealthy. I was not at all rested. 
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Sleeping Average for Week 4 - Using the Health App
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Based on the Average time I have slept this week, I should do this on the week onwards:
What I should improve on
Instead of scrolling over social media before going to sleep, I should replace it with reading or journalizing.
I should improve on finishing my academic work and task by 10:30 pm
I should improve on sleeping early and waking up early
What should I maintain on
I should continue to find alternatives to replace it with coffee
Using the SleepWatch and Health application to track my sleep.
Not taking long naps in the middle of the day.
What should I stop continuing
Stop sleeping super late and waking up super late during the weekends. Don't pull an all-nighter, as it is not healthy.
I should avoid oversleeping.
I should not binge-watch movies/tv series late at night and prioritize my sleep.
Recommendations/Suggestions for the week onwards
I should continue finding alternatives to replace it with coffee.
I should start meditating to have better sleeping rhythms.
I should start reading or journalizing instead of scrolling over social media before going to bed.
I should reach an 8-hour average sleeping goal from the week onwards.
0 notes
accio-victuuri · 2 years
CPN : xiao laoshi’s oasis post 🤍
Today, our lord and savior xiao zhan posted these photos. same disclaimer, it’s cpn and all that. It’s speculation & interpretation only.
So the place GG featured is in Hengdian, where he is currently at. The funny thing is, that place has framed photos of him and yibo. Lol. I wonder if he saw it while he was there. There are other celebrity photos there ofcourse but theirs is on the same floor and at one point were beside each other. It just makes sense ya know— the two main lead of the hottest drama that summer.
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Hello To Bobo whose Oasis interaction point increased from 0 to 2. Lol. What are you doing. How many coincidences of him going from 0 to a certain number every time GG posts on oasis. I don’t know why GG has to reduce swelling — he isn’t filming a costume drama where he has to be stick thin for the clothes to look good. 🥲 I just wish he can eat more.
Now let’s go to the photo of that billboard from the Korean tv series Liberation Notes. I read about this just now and it’s totally up GG’s alley. It’s slice of life and tells a story or life and relationships— not just romantic love of two people. The synopsis is:
My Liberation Note revolves around three siblings, struggling with their respective issues in life. While the eldest sibling Yeon Ki-jeong (Lee El) is heading into her forties, single but hopeful to find love, the second sibling — Yeon Chang-hee (Lee Min-ki) is struggling with making it big on the work front. Meanwhile, the youngest of the three, Yeon Mi-jeong (Kim Ji-won) is shown as an introverted, strong-willed person who feels empty inside. They live with a father who rarely speaks and a mother is ensure the peace is kept in place.
Why did he share it’s photo during the day/night? Well. Turns out, It's a billboard that the heroine sees on her way to work every day. Then she took a photo and sent it to the male lead to say that she would feel better when she saw it. Every time the male lead saw this sign, she would think of the heroine. In addition, because the heroine in the movie lives in Sanpo and is far from Seoul where she works, there is another meaning that although the journey is long, she thinks that something good will happen today, so the long journey becomes bearable. This just reminds me of the Hengdian to Hangzhou CPN. It’s feeling exhausted but still having hope cause you have something to look forward to despite the long journey.
and this specific line in the series: “Just imagine sitting here and working with you. Then even this bad thing will also become beautiful. So i can keep going. I'm acting as a woman who is loved. Play a woman without flaws. I'm in love with someone right now, being supported by someone. So I try to imagine it's a comfortable state. I've been living happily ever after with you. I want to hold this idea instead of feeling exhausted because you're not around.”
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Does this remind you of someone? This whole thing just screams GG and Web. Or probably GG saw this and thought of his relationship with Yibo and how he truly feels sometimes. I’m so happy their filming sites are so close right now. 🙏🏼 ( what the girl in here is going through is different from GG of course but the sentiment is similar. Wishing someone was there. )
And like the “main couple” that audience loved in this series is Mi Jeong and Mr. Gu. There are a couple of line from these characters that just scream BJYX to me! 😭😭😭 like this one:
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I’m getting flashbacks from these two cheering each other one from when they were filming TU in 2018 and beyond that. There were a lot of outside voices who didn’t believe they can amount to something— but they had each other that time. 🤍
and this line too :
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some more lines that made me 😭😭😭
“I get weird when I’m with you. I keep saying things I never thought of.” – Mr. Gu
“This man. He’d never let me hit rock bottom. He’s stopping me.” – Mi Jeong
This one reminded me of Yibo :
“He has no shell. You know, there are people who are very polite, but it feels like it’s just their shell. A shell so hard that it feels like you’ll never be able to reach the person inside. But this guy has no shell.”
– Mi Jeong
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Anyway, I love the idea that GG still gets to watch dramas and movies in his own time ( probably when he was in quarantine ) and shares it with us. I like it when he gives us a peek of what he likes at the moment and probably some of his thoughts. I truly hope, along with the other clowns here that the something good is Chen Yu. Lol.
That’s all! Have a good week everyone! 🤍
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dysfunctionalcrab · 4 years
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pairing: georgenotfound x reader
pronouns: gender neutral
description: george is left to babysit your niece
warnings: mentions of a future family? just in case that makes you uncomfortable.
[y/n/n] - your nieces name
[y/s/n] - your siblings name (gender neutral too)
note: i’m not too sure about this imagine, please a like or reply if you actually enjoyed! - niss
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you woke up to the sound of your alarm blasting your ear off, if you hadn’t turned it off right there you probably would have gone deaf.
george was sleeping like a baby beside you, you could hear his quiet snores. you were surprised he didn’t wake up to the sound of your ear-piercing alarm.
turning on your phone, you glanced at the time that read 12:30. you sighed in annoyance as you registered that you only had half an hour before you had to be on your way to university. so you got up and began your normal morning routine, brush your teeth, shower, have breakfast and finally get dressed. however, as you were packing your bag, almost ready to go, you received a notification from your [sibling]
[y/s/n]: we’re 5 minutes away!!!
[y/s/n]: thank you so much for agreeing to do this :)
it completely slipped your mind. you had promised to take care of [y/n/n] for today, your 7 year old niece, while your [sibling] was at their job interview. regardless, you texted them a quick ‘no problem’ before rushing upstairs to wake up george.
he was still sleeping, but now he was completely hiding under the covers with one arm sticking out. you hated to interrupt his beauty sleep but this was more important. you began to shake him awake.
“babe,” you shook him
“wake up,”
“george,” you removed the covers off his face
“wake the fuck up!” you started poking his sides. usually, you would be a little less... harsh, but you were panicking.
finally the boy rose from his slumber, groaning and stretching all his limbs. he blinked a couple times before meeting your eyes
“good morning,” he said softly, as if he completely just disregarded your tone of desperation and worry.
you pulled him by his arm and he sat upright,
“you need to get up right now,” you told him
“what’s going on?” he questioned, clearly confused as you weren’t giving him any context
“you need to take care of [y/n/n] for today, i have classes today, and i need to leave in 5 minutes and [y/s/n] has a job interview and there’s nobody else to take care of her,” you rushed out all in once sentence.
“are you serious?” he narrowed his eyes at you. “you know how bad i am with kids, especially [y/n/n] , she hates me,”
that was partly true. unfortunately, your niece wasn’t exactly fond of george. ever since you even started dating,m, [y/n/n] acted cold towards your boyfriend, it only got worse when you moved in with him. she always refused to play a game if george was going to participate, or never accepted any high fives or hellos from him. you felt sympathy for george. this child despised him and now you were asking him to look after her.
“please, i’m begging you,” you looked at him with pleading eyes. his eyes softened up after recognising the urgency of the situation.
“fine,” he agreed. you sighed out of satisfaction that you didn’t have to stress out [y/s/n] over finding a new baby sitter.
“thank you so much,” you pressed a small kiss to his lips appreciatively.
right at that moment, you two heard the doorbell ring. you urged george to get ready as fast as he could while you went down stairs and greeted your [sibling] and your niece.
“auntie/uncle [y/n]!” [y/n/n] yelled as you opened the door, immediately rushing into your arms. she looked a lot taller than the last time you saw her
“how’s my favourite girl?” you picked her up and swung her, before placing a little kiss on her head
you gave your [sibling] a quick hug. they handed you a bag full of toys, teddies and colouring pens, along with a spare set of clothing just in case [y/n/n] got a little messy throughout the day. and some quick reminders about her favourite foods or how to get her stop crying. you’d looked after her before, so all of it was pretty familiar to you
“again, thank you so, so much, you have no idea how much you’re helping me.” they told you. your [sibling] gave [y/n/n] a kiss on the cheek and told her to be a ‘good and kind little girl’ before finally exiting the household.
george, at last, made his way down. wearing a decent pair of jeans and a hoodie, giving an awkward wave to [y/n/n]
you checked the time and knew you had to get going. you had to explain to her that uncle george was going to be the one looking after her today. and after one whole tantrum, you managed to convince her to be a good girl by promising to give her a big reward afterward.
finally, you kissed [y/n/n] and george a goodbye , then shut the front door behind you.
george and [y/n/n] stood opposite each other. there was an uncomfortable silence in the air. george felt so...he didn’t even know. what do you say to a child who hates you? [y/n/n] tightly clutched her bag of toys.
“so, [y/n/n],” george cleared his throat, he bent down to her level. “i hear you like toy story?”
[y/n/n] pouted “i don’t like you” she said, and stomped away.
george sighed. this was going to be a long day.
and it was.
it started off with [y/n/n] innocently using her colouring pens and drawing random things, you know, as children do. but when she ran out of paper, she made her way to your office, where all your uni work was. she grabbed the closest piece of paper that was sitting on your desk, deciding it was going to be the next canvas for her art. this paper just happened to be a very important assignment.
when george caught her in the act, he had to physically tear her away from your office, in defiance of all her kicking and screaming.
then, when george accidently left the door to your shared bedroom open. [y/n/n] waddled in without him noticing, she started playing with all of his devices. his computer, his microphone, and somehow she got a hold of his headphones, and took out the battery. george didn’t realise until he noticed the cover missing. he tried to ask her nicely where she threw the battery. but she insisted that she wasn’t going to give it back unless he stopped being ‘mean’
when lunch time rolled around, george put a pizza in the oven, he remembered clearly that [y/n/n] loved pizza, specifically pepperoni. nothing could go wrong here.
but when he called her to the kitchen so she could receive her lunch. she just stared blankly at the pizza, and then at him. she crossed her arms
“[y/n] usually makes a smiley face with the pepperoni”
george just felt all his will to live just disappear
coloured pens and toys were spread out all across the living room floor, [y/n/n] was sitting in front of the tv, george put on one of her favourite shows which thankfully distracted her for a bit, allowing him to relax. he pulled out his phone and texted you
to [y/n] <3 : help me please
to [y/n] <3: i cant take this anymore, i’m literally dying rn
to [y/n] <3: come home quick
he exhaled heavily, throwing his phone to the side. he was so exhausted.
[y/n/n] was roleplaying with her toys, making them move around and doing squeaky little voices. george smiled at the innocence
“purple bear doesn’t play with us anymore. princess giraffe, mr. george took her away from us,” she spoke in a high pitched voice
george’s ears perked up. how funny that she had a teddy named ‘mr. george’. curiously, he watched the little girl.
“koala george, is a meanie, he stole purple bear and now they don’t want to hang out with us!”
it didn’t take a genius to find out what [y/n/n] was displaying through her role playing teddies.
that was why she didn’t like george. before they got together, [y/n] mentioned they almost spent every weekend with [y/n/n], playing with her and having fun with her.
she felt abandoned by [y/n] and felt as if george had taken them away from her .
george felt at fault as he noticed the girls eyes started to water.
“does purple bear love us any more?” she continued to play.
george decided it was enough and he switched off the television. he joined [y/n/n] on the floor and grabbed the teddy that was supposedly ‘koala george’
“[y/n/n]” he spoke softly. the little girl looked up at him expectantly. he held up the teddy.
“is this supposed to be me?” he questioned her.
“that’s a koala bear,” she answered
“no-, [y/n/n],” he said. he thought about how to ask her, and just chose it was best to be flat out with the child,”
“did i steal auntie/uncle [y/n] away from you?”
the question took her by surprise. she gazed at him with big wide eyes. she thought about her answer and grabbed the purple bear, which was supposed to be you.
“they don’t play with me as much anymore, they’re always with you, because of you, they don’t love me anymore,” she pulled a face, it wasn’t angry, it wasn’t annoyed.
it was a genuinely sad face.
george was sure he physically felt a pang of guilt in his stomach. he never even comprehended the fact that a child could feel so rejected.
“listen... [y/n/n],” he said gently. he thought about his words. comforting someone wasn’t exactly his strongest point, particularly not a child who detested him “[y/n] will never stop loving you, okay? they love you very much, and i’m sorry you feel like i stole them ”
[y/n/n] continued to listen.
“but don’t forget that [y/n] has so much love to go around! look, they love you, and they love me, they love grandma and grandpa too! they will always love one another even if they can’t see each other often,”
[y/n/n] stayed silent. she fiddled with the purple teddy, folding its ears and patting its head. she loved that bear. it was actually gifted to her by you, when she was first born. she brought it to her chest and hugged it. george tried a different approach.
“listen, how about- this weekend, we can all go to the park together, and have a picnic. you, me, [y/n], and your parents too,”
she continued to just stay silent. george didn’t know what to expect, she was unpredictable, was she going to throw another hissy fit? or start to cry? he wasn’t sure
“can we also get ice cream?” she asked
george smiled and felt himself relax. thank god. “all the ice cream you want,” he told her
[y/n/n] stood up and giggled. like her whole entire mood did a whole fucking 180. “okay! let’s go play dress up now!”
7:45 pm. you finally arrived home. you were tired out of your mind. [y/s/n]’s interview was delayed by two hours and was currently half way back home, meaning you had enough time to spend with [y/n/n]
you unlocked the door, expecting to see a giant tsunami of toys and colouring pencils and pens, but what you saw was the most heart warming thing ever.
george was sleeping on the couch, his head resting on the armrest. he had a couple pink bows in his hair, his lips were painted a hot pink, he was wearing a couple sparky bracelets and a purple floral necklace.
in his lap, [y/n/n] rested her head, she was wearing a fairy costume with matching pink bows and sparkly bracelets.
you quickly snapped a photo of this wholesome moment. because, who wouldn’t? you spent a few minutes just watching the two sleep, they were probably just as tired as you.
moments like these made you really appreciate the people you had in your life. the people you love so dearly much.
you didn’t want to disrupt the ambience but you felt it was better for your [sibling] to collect your niece when she wasn’t covered in glitter and an overload of pink accessories.
you quietly woke george up,
“baby, wake up.” you shook him awake, gently. in a very different way than you did this morning. he opened his eyes. and immediately smiled upon seeing your face. you ran your thumb across his cheek
“it looks like you two had a lot of fun,” you teased.
he quietly chuckled. “she’s okay,” he told you. looking down at the little girl sleeping in his lap.
you slowly and carefully picked her up, removing any accessories you thought may seem uncomfortable to sleep in. she was a heavy sleeper.
you carried her upstairs, tucking her into you and george’s bed and placing a kiss upon her forehead. you turned back to george and rushed in for a bear hug
“thank you so much for doing that,” you said. “i love you so much, i know it probably wasn’t easy, she can be quite the handful,”
george chuckled. “handful is an understatement,”
“you’d better be willing to dress up like that with our own kids one day.” you stated, hugging him tighter.
his face broke out into a small smile, having thought of an image of you two playing with you future kids. he kissed top of your head and then your nose
“maybe one day”
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migilini · 4 years
Hi!! Can you do another request for Charlie Gillespie? Can it be the 5 times he tries to propose and the one time he actually does? Thank you!!
Fifth Time Works A Charm - Charlie Gillespie
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a/n: I loved writing this, especially because I’m procastinating to write the next Chapter for my Luke ff. I hope you like it as much as I do.
Requests are open!
Words: 3k
He knew from the moment he kissed you goodnight on your second date that you were the one he was gonna marry one day. He loved the way you always complained about back pain, yet you never sat normally in any chair and the way you still paid attention to him when he talked about a topic you had no clue on. The spark in your eyes and the curve of your lips when you laughed at one of his awful jokes. Every Morning he woke up next to you was a good one and he loved you more and more everyday. He was totally and completely whipped for you that wasn't the hard part, finding the right moment to propose was. 
The two of you were on vacation in Hawaii at the same resort the two of you accidentally met a couple years ago and learned that you actually only lived 30 minutes away from each other. You were laying on the beach, the soft towel brushing your skin slightly, a big sun hat shielding your eyes and face from the hot sun. 
Cold drops of water hit your exposed stomach “Baby look, the water is so nice!” more water hit your warm skin. Screeching you sat up and saw your boyfriend standing over you, with a big smile while he wrenched out his hair, letting all the cold water hit you. 
“It's cold.” you giggled. “And you're warm!” He dropped on top of you, instantly cooling you down with his cold skin. You tried to protest but he was faster and stronger than you are. Putting his elbows around your face, he lifted some weight off of your chest then he stared at you. 
“Hmm? What are you staring at me for?” you asked, amusement evident in your voice. “You just look very beautiful right now. You look relaxed.” 
Blushing, you cupped one of his cheeks and responded “Thank you handsome. I am relaxed, really needed this getaway.” He smiled and leaned down a bit to kiss your forehead, your nose and then your lips. You savoured the saltines that lingered on your lips for a second longer before he pulled away. He got off of you and rested on his own towel. 
Sitting up a bit more, you pulled out your book and read for a bit, when suddenly something made your toe wiggle. Looking over the border of the book, you noticed that Charlie wanted your attention. You looked at him for a moment, taking in his small smile. 
“I have something planned for tonight.” He said and buried your foot in the sand. “Yeah? Care to tell me what it is?” 
“Nope that's gonna be a surprise! Let's get back to the room and get ready.” 
He told you to get dressed casually yet fancy so you wore your hair up in a bun, light makeup with a bold red lip and a flowy maxi dress. You were sitting on the hotel bed when you heard someone vomiting.
“Babe? You okay?” you questioned and walked to the bathroom door. “Did you eat something weird?” the door opened and you were faced with a pale Charlie. “Oh baby.” a small frown sat on your face when you saw him. “Let's stay in. We can do your surprise tomorrow when you feel better, okay?” Pouting, he shook his head “No. I feel fine, let's go.” he went to grab your hand but you took a small step back.
“Charlie, you're sick. There's no harm in staying in today. Health first, adventures second okay?” His shoulders dropped in defeat, there was no way he could convince you to still go out, so he nodded and followed you back to the bed. But before, in a second that you went to grab a water bottle, he pulled a small black box from his pockets and stuffed it back into his suitcase.
Unfortunately he was sick for the rest of your trip.
You and your boyfriend Charlie were chilling on the couch in the living room. Charlie was responding to some emails while you scrolled through instagram. The radio was on in the background, filling the room with soft music. It was late evening and you put some candles on and turned up your little lights that were scattered all over the place to make it cozy.
Your ears picked up the familiar tune of ‘It's been a long long time by Harry James’ and a big smile spread on your lips. You jumped up, throwing your phone somewhere on the couch and started pulling on Charlie's arm. “Dance with me.” 
“Baby I’m working.” he said with a grin, already closing his laptop.
“Please just dance to this song. It's our song babe! Then I won't annoy you the whole day.” you pleaded, jumping from one foot to the other, while still pulling on his arm.
“Okay. Just this song. I know how much you love it.” He stood up, his arms finding your waist as you interlaced your hands behind his back. Your manicured fingers immediately start playing with his longer hair. The two of you swayed to the music, he was humming along to the music, while you closed your eyes. He dipped you, waking you laugh. Then you twirled him around your arm. The song came to your favorite part and you wholeheartedly sang along, beaming up at your boyfriend.
‘Kiss me once’ You gave him a kiss on the shoulder and he kissed the top of your head, pulling you closer into his chest.
‘Then, kiss me twice’ You stood on your tiptoes and kissed his forehead and the tip of his nose.
‘Then, kiss me once again’ finally you kissed his lips. Charlie hummed in approval, tightening his grip on your waist.
Slowly the song came to an end when your phone started to ring. Charlie looked at your expectantly, waiting for you to pick it up.
“If it's important they'll call again.” you muttered with your face pressed against his shoulder. Sadly for you both a second later it began to ring again. Groaning the two of you left your little bubble as you picked up your phone.
“Oh hi grandma. How have you been?” You excused yourself with a swift kiss on his cheek and left the living room, leaving behind a lonely boyfriend.
“We got a special request to play this song today.” The radio host announced “I hope she said yes man!”
You just finished your last exam of the last semester of college. You were done. Finished. Now you only have to wait and see if you're actually gonna graduate or if you have to repeat the semester. Still, you felt like celebrating. Charlie had interview after interview scheduled for today so you didn't tell him right of the bat. You spent the day doing some mundane household tasks and grocery shopping. The moment your boyfriend was finished for the day, he ran out of your office to search for you.
You laid on the couch, watching a new netflix series when you heard footsteps approach. “You’ve done it baby!” he pulled you off the couch and twirled you around. Giggling you answered “I haven't graduated yet.” 
“And? You will, I'm sure of it because I have the smartest girlfriend in the world and she just finished her last test. This needs celebration!” he left small kisses all over your face. 
Due to the pandemic, you had to stay in the appartement to party. You didn't care though. Charlie ordered something from your favourite italian place and you pulled out the wine from your kitchen cabinet. Somehow the food took ages to arrive and to pass the time you decided to open the bottle.
Wine always had an interesting effect on the two of you, especially on an empty stomach. Charlie got very needy and you always blacked out during the night (He does too but he won't admit it). But the one thing both of you had in common was the touchyness. It wasn't like you two were not always touching when you were sober, it was just that wine drunk Charlie and you took it to a whole other level. By the time you were on your third glass, you wondered if Charlie even ordered the food.
“Could I have this dance with you ma lady?” Charlie held out his hand and bowled a little. You put down your now fifth glass of wine and stood up, taking his hand in yours.
“Oh, yes of course.” This dance was different from the dance you had a couple of nights ago. It was more of a makeout session than a dance. At some point he picked you up, so your legs were wrapped around his torso, yet he still swayed to the non existing music. 
“I love you.” You murmured against his lips. 
“I love you more.” he said and pulled away slightly.
“No way that's possible.” 
“Oh really?” he raised his eyebrow. 
“Marry me then.” he whispered looking you in the eyes with a spark in his.
“Yes! I do!” You slurred and kissed him harshly. A smile spreading on both of your lips.
You woke up the next morning with an aching headache and practically no memory of the evening before. You turned over to see Charlie sleeping next to you. You slowly traced the outline of his face. He opened his eyes and smiled at you.
“Hi” he croaked out in his morning voice that still made butterflies rise in your stomach. “Hey. How much do you remember?” You asked him sheepishly. He pulled you in with his arms, hiding his face in the crook of your neck. 
“Not much to be honest and i'm guessing you don’t either?” You only shook your head. 
“I remember that our food somehow didn't arrive.” 
Next time Charlie should really read the text of the restaurant he orders from, because there was a perfectly cooked meal waiting in front of your door.
Charlie missed his best friend and you knew this. So you arranged a little get together with Owen and Jeremy at Owen’s new apartment. Your plan was to drive down from Canada, make a quick weekend stop at Owens and then make your way to your apartment in LA.
Currently it was a monday morning and you were still at Owens. His guest bed was just so comfortable it was harder than normal to get out of bed. On this particular morning, you woke up to an empty side of the bed and some talking from the living room.
Lazily, you put on one of Charlie's hoodies, some cozy socks and a beany. You shuffled to the living room where you assumed the boys would be sitting, not realising that you interrupted a conversation. 
“I don't know man. Everytime I have something planned it goes wrong.” 
“Look Char, In my experience the chance will… morning y/n.” Jeremy was quick to notice your figure shuffling towards them, your eyes scanning your phone. The boys tensed up and quickly tried to do a normal activity. 
“Morning everybody.” You smiled at them. “Am I the last to be up?” you asked and only got noods in return. Still too sleepy to notice the atmosphere, you made your way over to your boyfriend, who was standing at the kitchen aisle, wrapping your arms around him from behind and nuzzling your head into his back. Your hands instantly go under his hoodie and on his bare skin to warm your hands. 
“Kofe…” you mumbled into his back, barely audible.
“What?” Owen asked, confused while he sat on the kitchen counter, eating a toast.
“She wants some coffee.” Your boyfriend translated with a smile. 
“Oh.. I just used the last capsule... I’m so sorry” Jeremy apologized and offered you the last sip of his cup of coffee. 
“I’m fine, I'll survive thank you though Jer.” You yawned, releasing yourself from cuddling Charlie, knowing you're not gonna be fully awake without a cup of coffee. Your boyfriend also knew this and eyed you closely, then he leaned over to whisper in your ear that he's gonna get you a coffee after his workout. He looked at you lovingly and pressed a kiss to your temple.
“Jesus Christ man, you're whipped. Just ask her.” Owen said while rolling his eyes. The second the last words left his lips all the boys looked at eachother with wide eyes. Owen went to cover his mouth with his hands. 
“Ask me what?” You asked in a soft tone and turned to your boyfriend who had a really panicked look on his face. 
“I- I-uhm…” he stuttered, fiddling with his fingers.
“Charlie here wanted to ask you if you would mind staying one more day.” Jeremy came to the rescue and sent Owen a mad look, while he pulled one of his arms over Charlie's shoulder, who gave him a thankful nudge.
Your face softened “Of course bubby! If it's okay with Owen it's okay with me, we have no hurry to head to LA. I love spending time here. Gotta teach Owen a few tips and tricks of living alone.” you sent a wink in the blonde boys direction.
At this point Charlie nearly gave up on asking you to marry him, maybe it was a sign from the universe that the two of you weren’t ready for that commitment yet. You were both still so young and just started with your careers. 
He looked over at your mess of curls that spread all over the pillow case. The peaceful up and down from your chest and the small smile on your slightly opened lips as you slept. He had to ask you to marry him, there was no way he wouldn't. 
The sunlight peeked through the curtains and illuminated the bedroom on this sunday morning in a pretty yellow. You opened your eyes as you heard something shift beside you.
“Where are you going?” You asked, squinting your eyes that still needed to get used to the light. 
“Just for a walk baby. Go back to sleep.” He pushed some hairs back that touched your face. Pouting, you put your much smaller hand on his hand that laid on your face. 
“Noo. Don't go. Come back to bed.” you whined, leaving kisses on his hand. He sat there for a while, contemplating if he could say no to your face. In the end he sighed and you felt the mattress next to you go down. 
“Thank you for staying.” you whispered and pulled him closer, letting your head rest on his chest. His arms wrapped around you and he shifted in a comfortable position, so that you were basically laying on top of him. With the tip of your fingers you drew little constellations on his chest and he played with the strands of your hair. 
“Charlie?” You broke the silence and went to look at his face, propping your chin on your hand.
“What's on your pretty mind?”
“When will you ask me to marry you? Or should I ask you?” You finally asked the questions that have been running through your mind for months now.
He stopped breathing for a second, stunned at your declaration. A wide smile broke out on his lips and he started laughing. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. 
“Is that such a funny concept?” You asked, slightly hurt. “I thought you wanted to do it in Hawaii but then you were sick and I also heard you and the boys talking about something. Plus I found the ring.” you admitted. 
Charlie shifted again so you were both sitting up and facing each other. “You found the ring?” he asked quietly. 
“Yeah I put some of your stuff into the drawer and it fell out. I didn't look at it though! I still wanted that part to be a surprise. But you never asked, so im gonna do it, fuck the gender norms. Charlie Jeffrey Gillespie will you...”
“Oh my god. Baby no.” he chuckled and cupped your face, making you stop in the middle of the sentence. “I had so many different ideas planned but something always came in between me actually asking you. So let me do it right.”
He got up from the bed and pulled out the little black box from one of the drawers in your bedroom. 
“Uhm… could you maybe stand up?”
You obliged eagerly, your hands shaking like crazy.
And then it was finally happening. Your boyfriend got down on one knee and looked up at you with tears in his eyes.
“This wasn't at all how I originally wanted to do it but now thinking about it, it's just perfect. I knew pretty early on that you were gonna be the girl I marry one day. I know we’re both still very young but I couldn't imagine myself spending my life with anybody else other than you. You're the person I want to wake up next to every morning and the person I miss the most when I’m away. So would you do me the honours and make me the happiest man alive by marrying me?” he took out the ring with shaking hands, while you tried to stop the sobbing. You got on your knees as well and cupped his face, whipping away some tears.
“Yes! One million times yes!” You kissed him softly, afraid that this was all a dream. Charlie pushed the ring on your finger and lifted you up, kissing you again and again with a tear soaked face and a smile that hurt his cheeks.
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the-bau-quinjet · 3 years
A Song For You
Steve Rogers x Singer!Reader
Summary: Snippets of Steve and Reader's life together as she sings a song she wrote for him.
Warnings: mention of car accident, parents dying, mostly just fluff though
Word Count: 6413
a/n: this is a mess, but I'm happy with it. It's basically a series of blurbs that are not in chronological order so I could follow the song. It's inspired by Like My Father by Jax. :) Sorry if it's confusing, hopefully it all makes sense at the end
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Steve had been gone for months on a mission. It wasn’t often his missions lasted that long, so of course one of the few times it happened Y/N needed to tell him something important.
She shook off the annoyance as she got ready for Tony’s gala. He wanted to celebrate the successful mission as soon as Steve and Bucky came home. Of course, everyone tried to reason with him that waiting would be better so that the two super soldiers wouldn’t be exhausted, but Tony refused to listen to logic.
“Nonsense. We’re having the party as soon as they arrive.” He stated matter-of-factly before turning to Y/N. “And you, my dear, are going to sing.”
“Tony, maybe you could at least pretend to phrase it as a question?” Pepper scolded, eyeing the woman in question apologetically.
“Sorry. Will you sing at my party?” He grinned, knowing Y/N would say yes since Tony probably already told everyone she would be performing.
“Tony, you’re a menace.” She eyed him before nodding.
“I am, and you’re wonderful!” He exclaimed. “I happen to know you’ve been working on a new song. Care to sing it for Steve at the party?” He grinned.
“I don’t know how you know about that song, but fine. I think he would like it. Avengers only though! I’ll sing something else for all the guests.”
She rolled her eyes at the memory as she finished getting ready. Luckily she was ready early because Tony came running into the room in a panic.
“He’s here!” Tony’s smile widened as he thought about the nights events. “Let’s go!” He practically pulled her from the room, far too eager to share news that wasn’t his.
Tony had Y/N set up on stage right in time for Bucky and Steve to arrive. She sat behind a piano, ready and waiting for Tony’s cue.
As the guests of honor entered the main ballroom, Tony stepped up to the microphone. Steve stared at Y/N with questioning eyes while ignoring Tony’s speech. She smiled lightly, shaking her head at Tony in an effort to explain.
Steve laughed to himself, wishing for nothing more than to hold her after a long 5 months away.
“Give it up for Y/N L/N!” Tony’s introduction came to a close, signaling for her to start playing. It really was over the top considering he was only introducing her to the people who have become family to her, but she let him do his thing.
“Thanks, Tony.” She smiled fondly at Steve before introducing the song. “I wrote this song for someone special. As you all know, my parents died in a car accident a few years ago. Don’t worry, the song’s not that sad.” She earned a few laughs from her friends before she continued. “Ever since I was little, I wanted a love like theirs. It seemed so magical. Well, I found that love.” She smiled at Steve again.
“This one is called Like My Father.” With the name of the song announce, she started singing. Her eyes never left Steve’s.
I wanna come home to roses
Today had been the day from hell for Y/N. First, she woke up late due to accidentally setting her alarm for 6 pm instead of 6 am. She rushed to get out of the tower on time, only for the subway line she was supposed to take to be closed for repairs, making rushing a complete waste since she was going to be late anyway.
In her haste to leave on time, she forwent breakfast which only made her more irritable. By the time she made it to the studio, she had missed her morning meeting and had to play catchup.
The day only got worse from there. Something went wrong with every song she was meant to work on. Sometimes it was a small thing, like a guitar being out of tune. Other times, the song just didn’t feel right. No matter how many different ideas she tried to work on, she just kept running in circles.
By lunch, she was ready to give up and just go home. Unfortunately, her label was having a meeting to discuss progress for the next album’s lead single. So instead, she tried to cheer herself up with her favorite lunch. Just when she was sitting down to eat, someone bumped into her and spilled the entire meal onto the floor.
Suffice to say, by the end of the day, she was ready to collapse into her boyfriend’s arms and sleep the weekend away. However, her boyfriend was currently on a mission out saving the world, so not even he would be able to lift her spirits this time.
She trudged down the hall toward their shared apartment, eager to take a shower and lay down. It wouldn’t be as comforting without Steve, but it was still better than nothing. Finally reaching the door, she turned the key and shoved her way inside. Instantly, she stopped in her tracks.
The scent of tomato sauce filled the air. The soft sounds of Steve’s old music floated through the air, further adding to the welcoming atmosphere. She stood frozen, eyes filling with tears when Steve noticed her. He smiled, too far away to notice the tears, before turning around to get something from the counter. He held whatever it was in both hands behind his back as he walked up to her, a frown slowly forming as he noticed her expression.
“What’s wrong?” He questioned, hands instantly moving around his body to hold her only to be impaired by a beautiful bouquet of white and peach colored roses. Her tears fell despite her smile. She eagerly took the flowers, throwing her arms around him in a tight hug.
“I’m so happy you’re home.” She took a few deep breaths, calming herself before leaning back to press a soft kiss to his lips. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” Steve replied easily. “Do you want to talk about it?” Despite not knowing exactly what happened, Steve could tell she had a bad day.
She shook her head, her small smile growing as she inhaled the scent of the roses. “No, I just want to be with you.” She leaned further into the embrace, relishing in the comfort Steve always provided.
“That can be arranged.” Steve smiled, carrying her to the couch to eat.
And dirty little notes on post-its
Three weeks. It had been three weeks since Steve left for his mission and Y/N was still finding his notes around their shared apartment. Every time she added a newly found note to the box, she read through all the previous notes as well. It never failed to cheer her up.
Most of them were simple comments about how much he loved her. Little sayings like “I love you to the moon and back” or “My love for you is as endless as space.” Despite the cheesiness, she couldn’t help but smile with each new note found.
But this newest note was… different. The 21 words scrawled on a bright blue post-it had her flushing instantly.
“I miss the way you feel pressed up against me, can’t wait to come home and pin you against the wall”
Suffice to say, Steve couldn’t come home soon enough.
And when my hair starts turning gray, he’ll say I’m like a fine wine better with age.
“Oh my god.” Her voice was flat as she emerged from their shared bedroom dressed for another one of Tony’s galas. Steve turned to look at her, eyebrows raised.
“What? You look amazing.” He smirked when she blushed.
“Steve. I just found a gray hair.” She pouted, holding the offending piece of hair between her thumb and pointer. “Is this what it feels like to be old?”
“You’re not old.” He chuckled at her dramatics. “And even when all of your hair is gray, I’ll love you even more. Like cheese…” He paused, trying to think of a better comparison. “And wine, you just get better with age.”
“Yeah, whatever.” She rolled her eyes before moving to throw the hair away.
“I mean it. I’m going to love you for the rest of our lives.” He smiled, a familiar fondness in his eyes. She moved closer to embrace him.
“I love you too.”
I guess I learned it from my parents, that true love starts with friendship.
She was nearly running down the street, doing her best to slow down the dog pulling her forward.
“Hudson! Stop!” She tried to speak calmly like her manager- the dog’s owner- instructed, but it was no use. Hudson would not stop running, no matter how hard she tried to make him. “Hudson!” She yelled his name again, surprised when he actually halted.
So surprised in fact, that she was still hurtling forwards, tripping over the now stationary animal. She braced herself for impact, eyes squeezing shut and hands sticking out to catch herself, only for the impact to never come. Instead, two warms hands caught her mid-fall.
Her eyes shot open, heart racing and breathing labored. The man who caught her helped her steady herself on her feet before letting go, smiling sheepishly.
“Thank you.” She breathed out, still taken aback by the turn of events.
“You’re welcome.” He replied kindly. “You’re dog’s pretty strong.” His grimace at his own awkwardness went unnoticed by her as she looked at the dog in question.
“My friends’ dog actually. I’m dog sitting this week.” She smiled, relieved to shift the topic of conversation from her to the dog. “He normally listens really well, but I guess he really wanted to get to the park. I’m Y/N, and this here is Hudson.”
“Nice to meet you both, I’m Steve.” He shook her hand, blushing slightly from the contact. Before she could reply, Hudson leaped at a squirrel, pulling her off balance again. Steve reached out to steady her again.
“Here, let me help.” He shifted the leash from her hand to his own, having a much easier time resisting Hudson’s pulling.
“Thank you… again.” She smiled.
The two walked around the park with Hudson every day that week, becoming fast friends. She wasn’t offended when he didn’t recognize her as one of the biggest names in music, just as he wasn’t offended it took three walks for her to realize he was that Steve Rogers.
They understood each other, despite the wild differences in occupation. Steve could easily relate to Y/N’s aversion to the media. Y/N knew what it felt like to have a team of people relying on you. The two just clicked, and thus a beautiful friendship was formed.
A kiss on the forehead. A date night.
“Hey Steve.” She greeted him warmly when they met up for their weekly coffee. He smiled, but didn’t verbally respond.
The two got their coffee, sitting at a table hidden towards the back. Steve’s replies were short, as if he was thinking of something else during their conversation. By the fifth comment of hers that he merely nodded his head or hummed in response too, Y/N decided to address it. “Are you okay?”
“Go out with me.” He replied quickly, eyes going wide when he realized what he said. Her own eyes widened in response, taken by surprise. “Sorry! I just, I mean- let me start over.” He pleaded, relief filling him when she nodded.
“We’ve been friends for a while now…” She nodded along, eyes still wide. “But, I want more. Let me take you to dinner. And not like we’ve been doing. Let me take you on a date?” He smiled nervously, hands fidgeting with the lid of his coffee cup.
“I’d like that.” She replied simply, unable to form a more complicated sentence due to the butterflies in her stomach.
“Yeah?” He released his breath, unaware he had been holding it. When she nodded, a wide smile appeared on his face. “Good. I’ll pick you up at 7 tomorrow night.”
“You mean I have to wait?” She pouted playfully as they both stood up to leave. He laughed, moving his arm around her shoulders to guide her out of the cafe.
“Just until tomorrow.” He smiled fondly, pressing a kiss to her forehead before helping her into her car.
“Tomorrow then.” She smiled. Tomorrow couldn’t come soon enough.
Fake an apology after a fight
“Y/N?” Steve questioned as he entered their apartment. He looked around, unsurprised to see her covered in blankets on the couch. “I’m sorry.” He tried for a small smile, knowing it was of no real use.
“No you’re not.” She pouted, rolling her eyes. “But I forgive you anyway.” She gestured for him to join her on the couch. He jumped at the chance, quickly moving to hold her close to him.
“I am sorry we fought.” He spoke up after a few minutes, still trying to clear the air.
“Me too. It was stupid.” She shook her head, cuddling closer to him. “I just don’t understand why you like it.” She made a face, grimacing at just the thought.
“It’s good! Pizza has really taken on a whole new life since the 30s.” Steve quipped, smiling when you laughed.
“That doesn’t mean pineapple is an okay topping.” She could fell herself getting worked up again, but ultimately the two burst into a fit of giggles. What a stupid fight.
I wanna road trip in the summers
“Steve! You were supposed to turn there!” Y/N laughed as Steve grumbled about the GPS and his preference for maps. “This is why you should’ve let me drive.”
“Nope, because then I couldn’t surprise you.” He smirked, briefly looking at her in the passenger seat.
“What surprise?” She smiled fondly, knowing he wouldn’t tell her.
“You’ll see. Now turn off the GPS, we’re not actually going home.”
Steve drove for the next few hours until the two arrived at a small house just off the beach in Maine. He pulled into the driveway, turning to find Y/N asleep with her head pressed against the window.
“Y/N, we’re here.” He smiled at her groggy state, laughing when her eyes lit up.
“Are we in Maine?” Her eyes filled with tears, a combination of nostalgia, Steve’s surprise, and residual sleepiness the cause.
“We are. As close as I could find to where you used to come when you were little.” He responded, a shy smile on his face. Despite how long they’d been together, Steve was always nervous about surprising her. “I talked to your manager, and you’ve got the weekend off. We’re going to just relax on the beach for three days.”
“It’s perfect.” She gave him a watery smile, pulling him from the back of his neck until her lips met his. “I don’t know what to say.”
“You don’t have to say anything, just-“ Y/N cut him off with another kiss. It was passionate and heated despite the limited area for movement in the car.
“I love you.” She breathed out the words quickly, but meant it with her whole being. “I love you so much. This is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me.” Tears still burned in her eyes, but the overwhelming happiness she felt made it worth it.
Steve looked shocked at her proclamation, but quickly recovered. “I love you too. More than I’ve ever loved anyone.” Y/N knew exactly what he meant with those words, and it filled her with so much happiness she thought she might combust. He kissed her again, and again, and again.
They shared a few more quick pecks before finally getting out of the car.
I wanna make fun of each other
Meeting Steve’s friends was nerve wracking for a multitude of reasons.
Steve was the only person Y/N had outside of her career. All of her friends were somehow tied to her music, except Steve. Her parents died a few years ago, and she didn’t have any other family. If things went poorly with Steve’s friends, would he leave too?
Plus, all of his friends are superheroes. That’s an intimidating group of people to meet even if you aren’t trying to win them over so you can keep dating their friend.
“Just relax, they’re going to love you.” Steve whispered into her ear as the two rode the elevator up to the main residential floor. Steve did what he could to keep the event simple. It was just drinks with his friends, who happened to be Avengers.
“If you say so.” She smiled nervously, laughing to herself. Before Steve could reply with more words of encouragement, the elevator doors were opening. Steve lead her down the hall to a room that resembled a lounge in a fancy hotel. Bars lined two of the walls, a mixture of blue and white furniture sprinkled throughout the room.
“Ahh, here they are!” Tony Stark quickly rose from his seat, ready to meet the woman stealing away all of the Captain’s time.
“Tony, this is Y/N. Y/N, this is-”
“Tony Stark, I know.” She quipped. In her stress to meet all of Steve’s friends, she forgot to mention that she had already met the billionaire. “It’s good to see you again.”
“Again?” Steve questioned a the same time Tony recognized you. His jaw dropped as he turned back to Steve.
“We met at a fundraiser a few years ago-“ Tony jumped in before you could finish the explanation.
“You’re dating Y/N L/N? The Y/N L/N? Famous singer-songwriter, been topping the charts for years, Y/N L/N?” He balked, eyes rapidly flicking between Steve and Y/N.
“Um… yes?” Steve questioned Tony’s reaction, unsure why he was so surprised. “I told you her name already…” He shook his head, waiting for the teasing he knew was incoming.
“You didn’t mention it was actually her! I just thought it was someone with the same name!” Tony nearly yelled, still thrown off by the surprise.
“What’s going on over here?” Natasha walked up to the trio, one eyebrow lifted at all the noise.
“Y/N L/N!” Tony gestured to her. She nervously waved to Natasha, sticking her hand out in greeting.
“Nice to meet you.” She mumbled, one hand still holding Steve’s in a death grip.
“You too, I’m Natasha.” The two women shook hands, giving Tony time to finally find his words.
“I have to know, did Capsicle recognize you when you met?” Tony lead everyone back to the couches, foregoing the rest of the introductions to start pestering you with questions.
“I think he’s a bit outside of my target audience age wise. I don’t hold it against him.” Y/N replied, laughing when Steve rolled his eyes.
“Oh snap, she just called you old.” Sam chimed in, reaching out a hand to introduce himself. “Sam Wilson.”
You smiled at him, introducing yourself as you shook his hand.
“Here’s the real question. Did you recognize him?” Bucky questioned, already knowing the answer. Steve introduced Y/N to Bucky early on in their friendship when Bucky followed him to one of their weekly coffee dates.
“Bucky, you already know the answer to that.” Y/N deadpanned, not eager to share her lack of knowledge on world events. Steve cut in to answer before Bucky could reply.
“She did not. Told me the name sounded so familiar, but she couldn’t place it.” Steve laughed as he teased you.
“You make me sound so stupid! I knew who Captain America was, I just didn’t realize it was you.” She huffed, annoyed with how quickly the tables turned.
Steve changed the topic by moving to introduce her to the rest of the avengers in attendance; Wanda, Vision, Thor, Clint, Bruce, and Peter.
Y/N continued to share stories with the group, laughing and joking at both her and Steve’s expense. Steve smiled fondly as he watched her interact with his friends, getting along just as well as he knew she would.
I wanna rock out to Billy Joel
“Stupid. All of these ideas are stupid. How am I supposed to put out another album when I can’t even write one decent song.” Y/N huffed to herself, unaware of Steve’s presence in the room.
He moved silently through the room as she continued writing down and crossing out ideas. Suddenly, the sound of Billy Joel’s We Didn’t Start the Fire filled the room.
“Steve?” She jumped at the noise, smiling when she found him next to the record player. “Billy Joel?’ She questioned.
“You played me this song after a bad mission. Told me to think about it whenever I needed a reminder that the world’s problems aren’t my fault. Thought it might help.” He shrugged, a small smile on his face.
“I love you.” She got up from the couch, eager to pull him into a bone crushing hug.
“I love you too.” He returned her hug, careful not to actually crush her bones.
The two of them spent the next few hours playing Billy Joel, dancing and singing around the apartment.
And flip our kids off when they call us old
“Okay, grandpa.” Sam chuckled.
“Hey! I’m the only one allowed to make fun of how old he is.” Y/N playfully glared at Sam, enjoying their newfound friendship. “Plus, he’s younger than Bucky.”
“Rude.” Bucky called from the other couch, mostly ignoring Sam and Y/N’s bickering. It was a bit weird for him to hear someone else yelling at Sam, but he appreciated it nonetheless.
“Everyone calls him old.” Sam narrowed his eyes, confusion playing across his face.
“Yeah, but when it’s not me I have to defend him. Like when Pepper defends Tony from Morgan.” She easily compared her and Steve’s relationship to the couple, not realizing the weight of the moment.
“You see your relationship like Tony and Pepper?” Bucky questioned, now completely focused on Y/N.
She shrugged casually, unaware of the tension she created. “I mean, yeah. I think that’s where we headed.” She would be the first to admit she loved Steve more than she’s ever loved a boyfriend before. She likes to think Steve feels the same. “Why do you ask?”
Bucky shook his head, trying his best to seem casual. “Just curious is all.” He waited a few minutes before leaving, allowing Sam and Y/N to start up their conversation again. As soon as he was out of the room, he asked Friday for Steve’s location.
He had news to report.
He’ll accidentally burn our dinner
“Honey, I’m home!” Y/N called as she walked through the door. She was in a surprisingly good mood after a mediocre day.
“You seem happy.” Steve greeted as he walked into the living room from the kitchen. He pulled her close, kissing her before resting his chin on top of her head.
“I am happy. You’re here, what’s there to be mad about?” She squeezed him tighter, enjoying the feeling of his arms wrapped around her.
“You make me happy too.” He pulled her onto the couch, eagerly kissing her after the day apart. He had returned from a mission just before she left for work, and seeing each other in passing was not enough.
“I missed you.” He mumbled against her mouth.
“I missed you too- is something burning?” She leaned away from him, sniffing the air.
“Shit!” He jumped from the couch, running into the kitchen as you laughed at his antics.
“Steve, language!” She called out in mock shock, laughing harder as he whined about burnt pizza.
And let me be the Scrabble winner
“Steve, sucks at Scrabble? Since when?” Wanda questioned as she ate brunch with Y/N and Nat.
“Um, always?” Y/N replied as if it was obvious.
“I have never seen Steve lose a game of Scrabble.” Nat chimed in, smirking as if she already knew what was going on (and lets face it, she probably did).
“Well, I always beat him.” She shrugged. Wanda smirked, clearly forming a plan.
“Well, you’ll just have to play Scrabble tonight and Nat and I will check if he can play better words or not!” Nat nodded along having seen this plan coming.
“Fine.” Y/N agreed, knowing there was no way of talking them out of this.
“Steve! Let’s play Scrabble!” Y/N smiled knowing Steve would give her anything she asked for. He walked into the living room with the box, a grin on his face.
The two of them set up the game and drew letters, immediately jumping into the game. After a few turns, Y/N texted Nat and Wanda to come into the living room to enact their plan. She watched from the corner of her eye as the two women watched Steve rearrange his letters.
When he played CAT for 7 points, Wanda gasped. Steve jumped slightly, turning around to investigate the noise.
“Oh my god.” Y/N’s jaw dropped as she realized Steve’s been letting her win.
“He was all set to play ADEQUATE, for probably a billion points, and he played CAT instead!” Wanda pointed accusingly at Steve while Nat just grinned.
“You’ve been letting me win this whole time?” Y/N threw a pillow at him, upset with the confirmation.
“Not every time! Sometimes I have bad letters.” He rubbed the back of his neck shyly. “You just look so happy when you win.”
A small smile took over Y/N’s frown. How could she be annoyed when he was just trying to make her happy.
“I love you.” She rolled her eyes at his puppy dog look. “But don’t go easy on me this time!”
“I love you too.” Steve smirked knowingly and suddenly Y/N was rethinking everything.
And when my body changes shapes, he’ll say ‘oh my god you look hot today’
“I look fat.” Y/N huffed as she plopped down on the couch, still trying to find a dress to wear out with Steve tonight.
“You’re beautiful.” Steve commented from the kitchen, causing her to shriek.
“You’re not supposed to be home yet!” She placed her hand on her heart, feeling the rapid beating from Steve scaring her.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. But you do look beautiful.” He smirked as he walked closer, easily lifting her from the couch. “You look hot everyday.”
He kissed her passionately to convey just how much he believed what he was saying.
I need a man who’s patient and kind
“Steve, I need a few more minutes!” She called as she ran into their bedroom from the office. The two of them were meant to be leaving for dinner 45 minutes ago, but Y/N’s manager forced her into a last minute meeting with a potential collaborator.
“That’s fine.” He called back, a smile on his face. “Take your time, love.”
“How are you so patient.” Y/N huffed as she quickly changed clothes, annoyed with herself for delaying their plans.
“Hey, it’s okay.” He came up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and holding her to him. “It happens. I’ve missed dates for mission before.”
“Yeah, but that’s important.” Y/N replied, leaning into his embrace.
“So is your work.” He chuckled as she rolled her eyes.
“Not so important it couldn’t wait a day.” She closed her eyes, taking a moment to just breath. “Thank you.”
“For what?” Steve questioned, genuinely confused.
“For being so kind and understanding. For never making me feel like my job is less important than yours, even though it totally is. For being you.” She replied, easily listing things she’s thankful for.
“Thank you for being you.” He replied casually, still holding her to him. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” She smiled before wiggling from his arms to finish getting ready.
Gets out of the car and holds the door
“I’m finally ready. Let’s go!” Y/N called, fully letting go of her annoyance at her manager for delaying her dinner plans.
“Perfect.” Steve grabbed his keys before turning to look at her. He sucked in a breath, eyes slowing gazing over her body. “You’re perfect.”
She blushed, kissing him on the cheek in response. Steve lead her to the car, opening the door for her, pressing a kiss to her lips before jogging around to the driver’s side.
“Where are we going?” She questioned, eager to finally be able to focus on him.
“Dinner.” He replied, a cheeky grin forming.
“Fine, don’t tell me.” She deadpanned, smiling as he laughed.
They discussed anything and everything they could think of as Steve drove to the restaurant, topics ranging from new songs they both liked to what a T-Rex would have for breakfast if it could cook like a person.
Eventually, the car pulled to a stop outside of a small, family owned Italian place. The lights were on, but there was nobody seated at any of the tables.
“Are you sure they’re open?” Y/N questioned, confused by his smile.
“They’re open… just for us.” He smiled shyly. “I wanted you to have a peaceful dinner, so Tony helped me find a place I could book for us for the night. No Y/N L/N or Captain America fans to interrupt.”
“Steve…” She trailed off, unable to form words. She hadn’t even gotten out of the car yet and she was speechless. He walked back around the car, opening the door and guiding her inside. She let him lead her all the way through the building until they reached the outdoor seating.
A string of tapered lightbulbs was strung across the patio, lighting up a single table in the middle. A few candles littered the area, adding to the romantic atmosphere.
“It’s beautiful.” She smiled, leaning in to kiss him before sitting down. Before she could say anything else, a familiar face greeted her.
“My name is Sam, and I’ll be serving you this evening. Can I get you started with something to drink?” Sam smiled at your shocked expression.
“Sam? What are you doing here?” She laughed, confused and overwhelmed with joy.
“I told you, nobody to interrupt us tonight.” Steve smiled, glaring at Sam for playing around. “Sam, I already told you what to bring out.”
“Couldn’t resist.” Sam winked, quickly returning with the drinks Steve requested. Y/N and Steve thanked him before returning to their conversation.
“You didn’t have to go to this much trouble.” Y/N spoke softly, still blown away by the effort and planning Steve must have put into this.
“I know. But I wanted to. You deserve it.” He smiled, taking her hadn’t across the table. “Now, I’ll bet you’re hungry since we were supposed to eat an hour ago.” As if on cue, Sam returned with Bucky, both carrying plates of food. “Let’s eat.”
The two of them continued their conversation from the car as they ate, topics again roaming all over the place. Before she knew it, Y/N had finished eating and Sam was back with dessert.
She looked down at the peach cobbler, laughing to herself. “You know me so well.” She smiled, grinning even more when he offered to share his chocolate cake. “The best of both worlds.”
When she finished eating and looked back up at Steve he was missing from his spot across the table. Instead of sitting in his chair, he was kneeling on the patio beside the table, a velvet box in his hand.
Her eyes widened as she took in the sight before her. Suddenly everything made sense. The lack of rushing, the completely private restaurant, not even having servers in the building. He wanted this to be a private moment.
“Y/N, the day I met you changed my life. I’ll have to thank Hudson for dragging you into the park that day, because I’ve never met anyone as special as you. Every moment with you is like a gift, and I want to spend the rest of my days experiencing life with you. Will you marry me?”
She nodded for a few seconds before finally finding her voice. “Yes.” It was barely above a whisper, but it was enough for Steve to delicately place the ring on her finger. “I love you so much.” She smiled, throwing herself into his arms the second he stood up.
“I love you too.” He replied, framing her face with his hands before kissing her.
I wanna slow dance in the living room like we’re 18 at senior prom
The ride home from dinner was filled with hand holding, giddy squeals, and hundreds of “I love you’s” from both Steve and Y/N. They eagerly ran back to their apartment, giggling like teenagers, high on love.
Steve quickly pulled her into the living room, kissing her over and over. She reciprocated, eager to share her happiness.
“Steve?” She questioned between kisses, waiting for him to hum in response. “Will you dance with me?” She smiled at him. Surprisingly, the two had never really danced together before. The only opportunity would have been at one of Tony’s parties, but they’re always so busy mingling with everyone.
“I’d love to.” He replied, that same fond smile on his face that she’d grown to love more than anything. She clapped, running over to the record player. She chose the first love song she could find, Cheek to Cheek by Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong.
As the music played, the two swayed together, feeling more in love than ever before. Steve quietly sung the words in her ear, expressing all the raw emotion he’d been feeling since she said yes.
“Heaven, I’m in heaven. And my heart beats so that I can hardly speak.” Y/N joined him, singing along to convey her own happiness as well.
“And I seem to find the happiness I seek, when we’re out together, dancing cheek to cheek.”
They danced around the living room for a few songs, letting the record play through. It wasn’t until the music stopped that they even realized the song changed, too lost in the feeling of being together.
And grow old with someone who makes me feel young
I need a man who loves me like, my father loves my mom
“We’re getting married tomorrow.” Y/N floated through the halls, humming Cheek to Cheek again. After dancing to it the night of their engagement, the couple decided it would be their first dance song. Steve walked up behind her, picking her up and spinning around until they reached the kitchen.
“We are.” He replied, just as elated as her. She giggled playfully, smiling wider than ever before. She was just about to say something when Nat and Wanda bust into the room.
“C’mon. It’s time to go!” Wanda called, gathering Y/N’s belongings.
“Where?” The woman questioned, still wrapping in Steve’s arms.
“You’re getting married tomorrow. It’s bad luck to see each other before the wedding.” Wanda spoke as if it was obvious.
“Nat?” Y/N questioned, hoping someone would understand it was just a superstition. Nat just shrugged, helping Wanda as she pulled you out of the room.
“I guess I’ll see you tomorrow.” Steve called after her, a smile on his lips as he thought about seeing you again.
Standing at the altar, looking into Steve’s eyes, everything she prepared to say dissolved from her mind. She got lost in his blue eyes, listening to him recite his vows. All the love she felt exploded in one quick statement.
“You make me feel young.” She blurted out the words without thinking.
“Is that another old man joke?” He crinkled his eyebrows, confused by the exclamation. The onlookers chuckled.
“No! That’s not what I meant at all.” She laughed, burying her face in his chest. “I just mean, we’re grown adults.” He nodded, still confused. “But when I’m with you, I feel like a kid again. Like all my problems go away and I can just be in love with you. Like my parents were.” Tears formed in her eyes as she thought about the gravity of her statement.
Steve knew how much her parents love influenced her life. She had multiple songs inspired by their relationship and happiness.
“Oh, sweetheart. You make me feel young too. Like how I should have felt as a kid.” He decided against further explanation, not wanting to weigh down the ceremony with talk of war and his sickly youth.
“I just, I never thought I’d actually find a love like theirs, despite how much I wanted to. I think they would’ve loved you.” Steve wiped her tears as they rolled down her cheeks. He pressed his forehead to hers just feeling the need to be close.
“My ma would’ve loved you too.” He replied, his own throat getting tight. They cried as they finally said “I do”, no place they’d rather be.
And if he lives up to my father, maybe he can teach our daughter
Y/N rose from the piano as she sang the last line, exposing her growing belly to the group of Avengers, but more specifically to Steve.
What it takes to love a queen, she should know she’s royalty.
Everyone cheered for her performance, but her eyes were only on Steve’s. His jaw hung open, tears pooling in his eyes. She made her way to him, everyone moving out of her way.
As soon as she reached Steve, he pulled her into a gentle hug, eagerly kissing her.
“I love you so much.” He whispered, holding her close.
“I love you too.” She replied, just as emotional as he was.
“Are you really pregnant?” He leaned back, chuckling at the “duh” look on her face. She wiped his tears as they fell.
“I found out just after you left.” She smiled, leaning into him as he lowered his forehead to hers.
“We’re going to have a daughter.” He sounded breathless, overwhelmed with the news.
“I would’ve told you in private, but Tony insisted on having this party.” She laughed when he rolled his eyes at Tony’s antics.
“You wrote me a song.” He smiled, still holding her close.
“Oh, baby. I’ve written you dozens of songs.” She laughed when he leaned back in confusion. “They’re not all good. I wanted to finish the album before I played it for you. This was the last song.” She smiled, still overwhelmingly in love with the man in front of her.
“I love you. So much.” They spoke at the same time, swaying together as Tony invited all the remaining guests into the ballroom. They missed the song, but it was clear to everyone the room how much the two loved each other.
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1234-angelika · 3 years
an:Hey y'all! I am back with a regularily scheduled update. This is the seventh installment of the Happily Ever After series for Aaron. As always, hope y'all enjoy.
words: 1.1k
warnings: n/a
summary:"A parent's love is whole no matter how many times divided." -Robert Brault
masterpost|taglist|have an idea
You and Aaron just got back from your vacation, a whirlwind three-day trip to New York. It was short, but it was long enough for the two of you to relax together and get to know each other as romantic partners instead of just work colleagues or friends.
You were following Aaron down the hall to your bedroom, where he was taking your luggage for you. He put it down just inside the doorway and turned around, heading for the front door. He stopped to adjust his coat and ready himself to leave.
“See you Monday,” he said, kissing your cheek and then opening the door.
A chilly breeze forced its way into the once warm apartment. You went to say good-bye, but with your brain going a mile a minute, you said,
“Aaron, when can I meet your family?”
This stopped him in his tracks. He stepped back inside and gently closed the door before he turned to look at you, surprise written on his face. Aaron had already met the most important people in your life so, you felt like it was a natural next step. But his reaction worried you a bit. He walked back, so he was standing in front of you.
“You really want to meet Jack?”
“Of course Aaron.” You said, pausing to look at him, so he could see you were sincere. “I’m in this for the long run.”
Slightly shaking his head, he said, “I just wasn’t sure how long I should wait before introducing him. He was so hurt when Beth left and he didn’t really understand what happened.”
You nodded as he spoke, really understanding the difficulties of bringing a partner around when children are involved. Although you introduced nieces and nephews, you loved them and treated them like they were your own.
After a moment of thought, Aaron said, “I’ll set it up.”
You walked him to the door, and with a quick kiss, you said, “Okay, goodnight Aaron.”
“Goodnight Y/N.”
The weekend flew by quickly. You busied yourself, tidying your home and finishing work that was cast aside in favour of your holiday with Aaron. And before you knew it, the weekend was over.
Slowly you opened your eyes, squinting angrily at the harsh morning sun that flooded the room through the window, which you had forgotten to cover with the curtains the night before. Grabbing your phone, you checked the time. The screen read 5:45, surprising you because you woke up before your alarm. Deciding to be productive, you quickly changed and then went into the den for some morning yoga. An hour later, you stepped out of the shower and got ready for work. As you were finishing up, your phone alerted you to a new text. It was from Aaron.
‘Hey Y/N, if you’re 100% sure about meeting my family, I thought we could do it this afternoon. I’ve booked us both the afternoon off so we could do it today. I thought Jack and I could meet you at the zoo. It’s his favourite place at the moment.’
You were quick to reply. First, you told Aaron you would love to meet Jack, and then you quickly finished getting ready for work, including re-packing your go-bag to include a change of clothes for your afternoon plans. The workday passed quickly, you blew through your piles of paperwork at a record-breaking speed for you, and before you knew it, it was time to meet Jack.
The drive was smooth with very little traffic, which got you to the zoo a little earlier than the agreed-upon time. You checked the passenger seat to make sure you had everything with you, the present for Jack included. On your break this morning, you popped over to the toy store for a gift—Aaron had told you that you didn’t need one but, for young kids, you knew a gift always helped. Present in hand, you got out and waited at the entrance, bouncing on the balls of your feet out of nervousness. Since you had arrived early—like you usually would—you kept scanning the crowd anxiously.
Just as you were about to text Aaron, you spotted him casually walking to the entrance, his son eagerly bouncing beside him. Aaron caught your eye and smiled. You returned it with a nervous smile and a bit of an awkward wave. You had been dating for almost a year, but you hadn’t met Jack yet. You usually avoided the ‘family nights’ at Rossi’s because you didn’t want to rush Aaron.
He walked towards you, holding tight to Jack’s hand. Eventually, the pair reached you, and you tried to mask your nerves as much as possible. But, of course, since he was a master profiler, he knew. So, swiftly but subtly, he placed a gentle hand on your arm to try and calm you. It worked, and a genuine smile took the place of the nervous one previous.
“Hi Jack, my name is Y/N. I’m a friend of your dads.” You said, giving him a small wave and warm smile.
He looked to Aaron, who gave him a slight nod and a smile, before turning to you with a sheepish grin.
“Hi Y/N, I’m Jack.” He said with a frantic wave.
After the ‘awkward’ meeting, you felt yourself begin to relax. The three of you walked into the zoo and explored; Jack, excited to show you all of his favourite animals. Hours later, you were getting ready to leave the zoo. Aaron had to use the bathroom, so you and Jack were waiting outside. After a couple minutes of waiting and you felt a light tugging on your hand. You got down to his level before speaking to him.
“What’s up buddy?”
“Can I have a piggyback please?”
You gave him a smile and walked over to a nearby bench so it would be easier for him to get on. Once he was all settled, you walked back over where Aaron had left you. He walked out of the bathroom, and when he saw you two, a rare Aaron Hotchner smile appeared. Together, you walked out of the zoo and to Aarons’ car. A sleepy Jack lifted his head from your shoulder and said;
“Thank you for today Y/N, it was fun.”
You smiled to yourself before helping Jack into his car seat. Then, after calling a friend to come to pick up your car, you climbed into the passenger’s seat—Aaron had invited you to dinner with his brother and some other family. Turning to see if Jack had fallen asleep—he had— you shared a quick kiss with Aaron before settling into your seats and heading off to dinner.
taglist: If there is a strikethrough it means that Tumblr wouldn’t let me tag you.
@multixfandomwriter @gspenc
@ssa-morgan @myescapefromthislife @honeyofthegods
@sparklykeylime @romanogersendgame @j-cat
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clandestine (chapter 6)
PAIRING: Tom Holland x fem!Reader
SUMMARY: Y/N is an up and coming actress, married to a once hotshot actor, Harrison (Haz). What happens when her co-star, Tom, makes her realise that she is stuck in a loveless marriage. A marriage starts crumbling and a new romance stars brewing.
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chapter 6: beautiful songs always end
A/N: i do not encourage cheating. i hope you guys like this chapter!! we are so near to the end. only one chapter left!!! feedback is always appreciated. thanks for reading <3
warnings: drinking, cursing, mention of pregnancy and miscarriage 
word count: 1.8k
important: bold and italic are character thoughts
series masterlist   main masterlist   chapter 5   chapter 7
It was the first Monday of September, the beginning of an eleven-day affair, that is, TIFF. The air was slightly chilly in Toronto but full of possibilities. It was Y/N’s first time at a major film festival. Her film was to screen on the second day. The main cast and the director were invited to MTV’s opening night party. Just an ordinary girl between Hollywood’s A-listers, saying she was intimidated, was the understatement of the year.
The party was at a downtown bar. All her friends had left her alone, well, the other two people who were attending the festivities with her. The only place she could find to calm her nerves was the bar.
Two old fashions will do the trick.
She ordered both of them together, saving her the time. She was about to finish her first drink when she picked up her second, with the first glass still on her lips. Her eyes were shut with the pleasure of a burn in her throat by the whiskey.
“Easy tiger”, a grinning Harrison said, standing by her side, resting his arm on the bar counter.
She laughed in her glass, Y/N opened her eyes to see who said it.
“Oh my god, you’re Harrison. I watched your movie today, it was so good”
His ocean blue eyes really pop in that navy shirt.
His grin turned into an unadulterated smile filling his face, his cheeks turning red from the compliment. “Thanks”
Y/N picked her drink number two again, “and you might be?” Haz asked.
“I’m Y/N, enchanté”, she raised her hand to meet his.
“Are you here with a movie too?” He seemed genuinely interested.
“Yeah, I’m the lead in a little indie movie called ‘Midnight Love’”, she pinched the air, a gesture to show how small the movie was.
“No way! When can I catch it?” his excitement was noted.
“It’s screening some time tomorrow morning I guess, I’m not sure”
“Can I give you my number so that you could text me with the time of the screening? I would love to see it”
“Yeah sure”, she handed him her phone.
Someone had clicked a photo of Haz and Y/N kissing at Washington Square Park, and had uploaded it on the internet. Nobody really knew who Y/N was, so they dubbed her as the ‘heart throb stealer’. Haz didn’t truly realize the gravity of the situation, the situation being a toy for the media, dating a seemingly normal girl from New York.
Haz had an early call time, so he left Y/N’s apartment before she even woke up, stopping at a deli near her flat in Sunnyside, Queens. When he came out with his breakfast, he noticed that the day started early for New Yorkers too, especially those who considered selling pictures of celebrities as honest work. They were hounding for his flesh.
Maybe I should go back to Y/N’s so that they would leave me alone. No. I can’t go there, they will get to know where she lives. I can’t let her live like me, locked in a golden cage.
Later that day, Haz came around Y/N’s place in the evening. He had planned on a quick ‘get in and go’. He even had a whole speech prepared. She opened up the door. Y/N was in her sleeping shorts and a bra, with a spoon in her mouth. She was clearly not expecting any visitors.
Man, why does she always look this perfect.
Before Y/N could say anything, Haz started his speech by clearing his throat.
“Y/N, I think we should break up and before you say anything, hear me out. I live in the public eye and the opinions of people have locked me in a bird cage. I am alone in here and that is fine with me, but you dating me will be your one way ticket inside this circus. You live a normal life, you are so grounded, and you get me back to earth whenever I’m on Saturn. I love you for that, but I can’t give you the peace you deserve to live a happy, healthy life. I don’t want you ever regretting us in the future so, it is for the best that we draw all our cards”, Haz said that all while still standing in her door frame.
“No”, she turned on her heel and walked towards her melting ice cream, leaving the door open for him.
“What do you mean ‘no’?” he finally entered the house and followed her.
“Are you insane? I’m not going to fucking leave you because of some stupid bird cage you live in. There’s nothing in this world that could stop me from loving you, ever”
It was late at night, Y/N and Haz were lying on their new bed, exhausted from a hard weekend of labour. Moving in was no joke. Only their bedside lights were on along with Y/N’s salt lamp which she had brought from her apartment. She was reading ‘The Picture of Dorian Gray’. Haz was making circles on Y/N’s stomach.
“You are distracting me”, Y/N spoke softly.
“Oh, am I now?” Haz started tickling her around her stomach.
“Harrison. Stop. Please”, she said between giggles.
“Never darling”, he travelled up to her neck.
She tried to catch his fingers with her chin, “what do you want from me?”
He stopped. Haz placed his hands on her shoulder to calm her down, locking his eye with her he said, “I want to wake up to you every morning and fall asleep to you every night”
“Well you can do that now”
“I want to do that every day for the rest of my life. Marry me, Y/N.”
Y/N was walking down 5th avenue, unaware of a photographer following her across the street. She rang her mother to tell her all the new developments in her life.
“Hello?” her mother answered the phone.
“Hi mum, how are you?”
“Oh hi Y/N! I’m doing fine, what about you?”
“I need to tell you something”
“What is it darling?” Y/N could hear her father in the background asking her mum whether it was Y/N she was talking to.
“Put the phone on speaker, I want to talk to you and papa both”
“Okay”, before heading underground for the subway, Y/N stopped at a small café to finish the conversation.
“Are you both here?” They hummed a yes.
Y/N took a deep breath, “I’m getting married to Harrison”
“What!?” both of them exclaimed.
“Honey you are too young to get married”, her mum said.
“If I’m old enough to do my own taxes, then I’m old enough to take this decision on my own”
“Kid, I just want to give you one piece of advice, I don’t think you should announce your engagement to the world just yet, you both haven’t been dating long enough and they already call you a gold digger”, her dad said.
“Where did you hear that?”
“On the internet”
“Dad, you shouldn’t be Google-ing your child. The internet only feeds you poison. And, lucky for you, we haven’t yet decided when to announce it”
Haz was stirring the sauce in the pan, next to the pot of boiling pasta. Y/N was sitting on the kitchen floor, with her back using the cabinets for support, reading a script.
“Babe, can you pass me the salt?”
Y/N carefully got up and opened the spice drawer. “There you go”
“Thanks” he took the glass jar of salt from her.
“We should watch ‘A Quiet Place’ tonight,” Haz suggested.
“No. we are going to watch ‘Letters to Juliette’.”
“Y/N, we have seen that movie a hundred times”
“Well make it hundred and one because we are watching it again, tonight”
“Why do you get to choose the movie?”
“Because I’m the pregnant wife here, Haz”, she got on her tippy toes to kiss his forehead.
“I want a divorce”, she whispered, loud enough to be heard.
“What?” he looked up at her with the most polarizing gaze.
He heard her. She knew that. She refused to repeat it, she thought if she did, he would win, in some weird way he would win the fiercest fight of their marriage.
“Is this what you do every night when you are not at home, with me? Stay out and drink your pettiness away?” Y/N said, pulling her hair down.
“Is this what you do every night when I’m not home, go to fancy shit with him?”
“Do not bring him into this”, she was stern.
“Come on, say it. Say his name. Say that you are in love with him”, he was poaching her.
“Fine. I love Tom, more than I ever loved you. But this is not about him. He has nothing to do with this sinking ship.” The claws were out.
“Oh honey, you punched the hole. You hurt me”, a mad man said. “You mean to say that you fucking him has nothing to do with us?”
“You should be more hurt that I had a good laugh with him”
She took the dagger out of his back and plunged it straight into his heart. He said nothing. Bleeding out on the floor, no whimpers were whispered.
“When you lost the kid, I was there for you. I took care of you” he said softly.
“Did you ever stop to ask me whether I wanted this kid or not?”
He looked at her confusingly.
“When I lost our child, I was honestly relieved”, she sat down on the floor opposite to him. “I was not ready for it but you were so joyous that I couldn’t say anything. I realized that I was so toxically in love with you, that I was ready to grow a piece of you in me, that I wanted to lose. Our love that seemed so healthy was just in shambles.”
Tears were streaming down both of their faces.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” he moved forward and rubbed her knee.
“I just couldn’t” she said between sobs.
“And now you have to go. It’s okay. I get it.” He took her in his chest, letting Y/N cry her heart out.
“Hey, just like Passenger sang, ‘you’ll only know you love her if you let her go” he tried to be funny for her. And it worked. Y/N scuffed out air, a sad attempt to laugh.
“I will always care for you, Haz”, she looked him in the eyes, the stream of tears never stopping.
“I know”, a deep sigh heard. “I know, I know.” He said stroking her cheek.
@mysticapples17 @storybookholland @flqwsome @hollandstanevans
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Arcane - Part 11
Ø  Meaning: Secret, Mysterious, Understood only by few. MAGIC
Ø  Pairing: Panther Hybrid Min Yoongi x Reader
Ø  Summary: Some secrets are kept for the good of people. Some secrets are kept for abuse or power. Yoongi had been a victim of abuse and power, and he wasn’t going to let anyone else use secrets for that purpose. So, when Y/N comes into his life with secrets, he doesn’t want to fall into that rabbit hole again. He doesn’t want to give all his trust to someone who will abuse their power over him. But maybe Y/N’s secrets are a good thing.
Ø  Genre: Hybrid!au, fluff, angst, eventual smut
Ø  Warnings: I know in the last part I warned that it was more intense this part but I somehow left that out and wrote it in a way that it isn’t bad, Of course dealing with this subject there is a small trigger warning... What the character did is not right, and no one should ever have to be put through something like this!! Stay safe out there!
Ø  Word Count: 1625
Ø  A/N: Hey guys… here is the next part of my Min Yoongi fic!! I am back with another part of Arcane!! It has been so long since I posted anything or written anything so I really hope you all like this part and understand that sometimes I just don’t have inspiration to keep writing!! So, I really hope you guys love and support this fic like you did with GOLDEN TIME!! If you want to be added to a tag list, message me or leave a comment or ask!! I would love and appreciate your feedback!! Thank you so much
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Y/N couldn’t concentrate.
She wouldn’t lie to anyone and say that she was interested in the paperwork in front of her. In actuality, she couldn’t tell anyone who asked what it was she was supposed to be concentrating on. Her mind was completely preoccupied with the events of her tragic and questionable weekend.
Monday mornings were always hard, coming off a good weekend. Try a Monday morning coming off a horrible weekend. It was currently 11:02 on Thursday after the horrible weekend and no amount of coffee, even the 8 cups Y/N had been through since 5am when she woke up, or distractions would take her mind off of her Hybrid at home.
Said hybrid had been hiding, completely avoiding the outside world, more importantly avoiding Y/N, for days now. Saturday, Sunday, Monday, all the way until today being Thursday and Yoongi still hadn’t come out of hiding.
Every morning Y/N would knock three times on Yoongi’s door, letting him know she was there. She’d leave him a tray of food outside his door before leaving for work, texting him routinely through the day at 11am, 1pm, 4pm just before she would return home to what was pretty much an empty house. It was always so cold, all the lights were always off, no heat, no Yoongi at the door to greet her home.
Every afternoon Y/N would hang her coat and bag, walk to the hall, and see that the tray off food she’d left in the morning had been completely untouched. It was concerning, Y/N didn’t know if Yoongi was eating or not, and from the looks of the cold, untouched food, it didn’t look like he was.
After taking the food back to the kitchen and throwing it out, Y/N would start to fix dinner for the both of them. Leaving a tray at Yoongi’s door before going back and sitting by herself at the table, hoping that maybe Yoongi would join her.
He never did.
And she could blame no one except herself.
Y/N was supposed to help him, protect him. She had promised that no harm would ever come to him. And yet, she was the reason that he completely hid from her, from the world.
She could see it as if it were happening in the moment. Pushing open the door, seeing Yoongi laying on the bed, arms up, eyes wide, begging for help. She could see Hye-Jin looking annoyed as Y/N stood in the door, straddling Yoongi’s waist.
Y/N would never forget the panic that flashed through Yoongi’s eyes, even as Y/N acted. Y/N didn’t waste any time in pulling Hye-Jin off of Yoongi, not saying anything as she threw the girl out of her house, slamming the door in her surprised face as she raced back to Yoongi’s room. She wanted to check on him, make sure he was okay, reach out to him.
But when she finally got back to his door, it was shut, closed off from the world.
Y/N was pulled out of her constant worrying by the ringing of her phone. Shaking her head, she looked at the caller ID, not recognizing the number.
“Hello?” Y/N spoke into her phone, thanking the fact that her office door was closed.
“Hello? Miss Y/N?” A familiar voice asked, though Y/N couldn’t place it.
“This is her? May I ask who this is?”
“Miss Y/N, it’s Jung Hoseok, from HOPE Sanctuary.” The voice cheerfully answered.
“Oh, J-Hope, right?” Y/N smiled widely at the memory of the man who helped her to adopt the hybrid currently hiding from her
“Yes. How are you? How’s Yoongi?”
The question was a dangerous one. How could Y/N explain to the man that had entrusted one of his friends to her, that she had completely and totally fucked up? She didn’t like the thought of lying to him, didn’t like the position she was already in, but how could she tell him what had happened? How could she tell him she was probably the worst thing that could happen to Yoongi?
“Y/N? Are you still there?” J-Hope asked.
“Oh yes, I’m still here.” Y/N forced a laughed. “Sorry just a lot on my mind with work. But I’m good, Yoongi is good.”
“Well that’s good to hear.”
Y/N could hear movement in the back of the phone call, J-hope wasn’t alone, and she could guess just how many were there. 5 hybrids missing their panther and a human who was so much better equip to this job then she was.
“Hyung, ask her…” Y/N heard a small, muffled voice.
“It would seem I have some impatient hybrids with me.” J-Hope’s cheerful voice came through with a laugh. “But they were wondering if that offer still stood? If they were able to come and visit their Yoongi Hyung?”
“Hey, I’m his Hyung!” Y/N heard a protest coming from behind J-Hope.
“Of course, you can.” Y/N heard herself saying without missing a beat. “I’m sure Yoongi would love a visit from you all.”
“Really?” Someone else spoke, seeming to have taken the phone off J-Hope. “We can come visit?”
“Of course, you can visit.” Y/N really just couldn’t stop herself, anything that will ease Yoongi would be welcomed. “I know Yoongi has been thinking about you guys. I was actually going to offer Yoongi if he would like a trip back to the city to see you all.”
“Oh perfect. It seems I have good timing.” J-Hope’s voice was a little distant from the phone, meaning the phone was on speaker now. “When would be the best time for us to come down?”
“You can come down any time you’re ready to.” Y/N moved around some paperwork, looking for her journal.
“We could fly in tomorrow afternoon?” J-Hope proposed, she could feel the nerves of them all.
“Perfect.” Y/N wrote a little note into her journal, noting they would be here. “I’ll clear out the other rooms for you all tonight. Will you be coming with them J-hope?”
“If it’s not too much trouble? I would like to be with them?”
“Of course.” Y/N hoped she could talk to Yoongi tonight. “I’ll make sure to have lots of food ready for you all. I know Yoongi will be happy.”
A cheer rang through the phone, letting Y/N know they were excited for the chance of a trip. She would just hope that Yoongi would be excited to see his brothers after nearly 2 months.
“We should let you get back to work now Y/N.” J-Hope seemed to have finally taken the phone back, placing it to his ear. “I’ll text you the details of a flight, so you know when to expect us.”
“Sounds good.” Y/N smiled, nodding. “I’ll see you all soon.”
“See you tomorrow, Y/N.”
Finally hanging up, Y/N let out a deep sigh, her head in her hands on the desk in front of her. She didn’t know what to do, she had a problem to solve at home with Yoongi and now his brothers were coming to see him. Finally sitting back up she pushed her hair out of her face, picking up her phone and ringing the familiar number, only for it to ring out.
Said hybrid sat in his room, staring at his phone as Y/N’s name lit up the screen in his pitch-black darkness. It’s not like the darkness actually affected him anyway, but still it was dark. Dark enough that he knew if Y/N was home and had walked through his door, like the many times he’s hoped she would in the past week, she’d have tripped.  
Yoongi would never straight up admit it, but he seriously missed Y/N. He knew it was his own doing, hiding himself away from her after what someone else did. But he couldn’t help but feel betrayed that she had let someone like that into his territory.
She had to know. Yoongi couldn’t help but think that Y/N had to know that he wanted to do nothing but protect his territory, and that meant her as well. He just wanted to protect the woman who gave him a change, but she was the one bringing dangers into his territory.
He couldn’t exactly forget it, what that girl felt like pressed against him. Yoongi could never really forget the pure look of lust in her eyes as he tried to get away from her. She had stalk him as if he were the prey and she were the predator, she had used his past against him, and it had won.
He would truly never be able to forgive himself for falling, failing to stop himself from feeling sorry for himself. He already knew that hiding and curling in on himself was wrong, and yet here he was, lying in the dark, staring at a black screen, hoping, praying for Y/N to reach out to him.
They were truly words that would haunt him, words that were whispered into his ear. Words that he had buried deep within his mind and now…
“Your just a pet… this is what your made for.”
“She’ll never please you the way I will.”
“Come on, this is what we got you for.”
“She’ll never love you.”
Again, and again. It was like a broken record playing for his downfall.
Hye-Jin’s words weren’t the first to tell him that, they were a constant in the last few homes he had been in. He just never thought they’d be words he heard while here with Y/N.
Now he just stared at the screen as it lit up again with Y/N’s name. He couldn’t bring himself to answer it, couldn’t bring himself to hear the broken words leave her mouth as he tried to call for him.
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Tag List
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Not a morning person
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A/N : Just another little fluff piece for the weekend. 
Pairing : Tom Hiddleston x Reader
Word count : 983
Warnings : None.
You weren't a morning person. Not in the least. You never understood people who woke up all peppy and ready to take on the day. That just wasn't normal. It took you twenty minutes to half an hour and a strong cup of coffee or tea depending on your mood that day to jump start your system into proper functioning mode.
Today was no exception. It was a Saturday and your alarm had been turned off the night before, however, you were being gently nudged awake by some unknown and very persistent source.
You groaned a little, eyes still unwilling to open, as you turned onto your side in an attempt to get away from it. Sighing, you had almost started falling asleep when the nudging returned before turned into poking your sides coaxing you into consciousness. 
You managed to open your right eye just enough to see a hazy silhouette of Tom hovering over you, along with the blinding sunlight pouring in from the window behind him. You shut your eye right back before pulling the sheets over your face and mumbling, "No thank you". 
You knew what was about to happen. 
Still you hoped Tom would leave you to sleep and that you’d manage to some more peaceful minutes in bed.
 The man had other plans.
Soon enough the sheets were stolen from your body and a beautifully annoying Tom called out "Wake up wake up my love, it's a beautiful day!" in a sing song voice. You brought both your hands to hide your face, rubbed your eyes while saying, "That’s too much optimism for 5 in the morning." voice still heavy with sleep. "It's 7:30 am and I just got back from my run darling, hoping to find you awake. I made you breakfast and everything! Now up!!" Tom exclaimed. The breakfast comment made you finally open your eyes, and you looked at Tom through your fingers still covering your face. "By breakfast you mean....." you wondered out loud, still not wanting to move from your place. "There’s eggs, some fruit and your precious coffee" Tom smiled down at you.
Begrudgingly you sat up and put your feet on the floor, in search of your slippers. You found them and put them on and stood up, making your way to the bathroom slowly. Becoming aware of the soreness in your muscles, thanks to last night’s....activities. Tom had returned home after three long weeks of filming. You had made sure he got a proper welcome home from you as soon as he stepped in the house. That welcome home party continued on the couch. And in the kitchen. And in the shower.
You stumbled a little when you reached the door, realizing that you had put them on in reverse. Sure. Wasn't the first time. You walked to the basin to find your brush, frowning slightly when it wasn't in it’s usual place.
"Here you go, little one" Tom said handing you your brush with toothpaste already put on. "Little one? What am I five?" you asked raising your eyebrows. Tom gave you a wide grin before saying, " Would you like a reminder of what happens when you brush still half asleep??" Knowing what incident he was hinting at, you rolled your eyes and snatched your toothbrush from him, "That was one time! Let it go already!!" "You put hand wash on your toothbrush (Y/N/N)!!" Tom replied, laughing at the memory. "Get out" you mumbled with your brush hanging from your mouth, shoving Tom out the door. - 
After cleaning yourself up, you walked into the kitchen to get yourself a big cup of coffee. Still feeling slumberous you sat on the island, closed your eyes and sipped on your piping hot black coffee.
"Hey! Where’s my good morning kiss?" Tom walked in and stood right in front of you. "Hmm" you said, eyes still closed. "Are you still incoherent?" Tom leaned closer, placing his hands on either sides of the island where you sat. "Hmm" you repeated, pointedly looking into your coffee cup. "Can I have a sip of that coffee?" Tom asked, trying to get you to talk. Wordlessly you handed your mug to him. He smelled it and made a face. "How you drink black coffee without sugar first thing in the morning is beyond me" he said, handing your cup back without taking a sip.
You unsuccessfully stifled a yawn before replying, "Milk coffee is for the weak." You took the cup back from him and said, "Hello darkness my old friend" rather dramatically before downing the cup.
You jumped off the island and from under his arm making your way into the living room to settle on the couch.
“Am I seriously not getting my morning kiss today?” Tom exclaimed from behind you. “You would have if you had let me sleep some more, now you’re not!” You replied with a smile. Your back to him as you walked around the the armchair to sit. He walked up to you with a plate full of scrambled eggs and cut up fruit and placed it right under your face. The smell made your stomach grumble. “Not even if I feed you your favorite breakfast?” Tom whispered in your ear from behind. You pretended to think for a bit and shrugged, “Okay”
Just as you were reaching to take a bite of the strawberry, he snatched the plate away, holding it behind his back. You turned to look at him, feigning shock and whined, “Give me the food!” “Give me my kiss” Tom retorted. You huffed standing up, “Fine. Get your fine behind here please”. “Yes ma’am”, Tom said as he made his way back to where you were with a victorious grin, knowing he’d won. 
The day couldn't start on a better note, even if you lost a little bit of precious sleep you thought. 
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