#i didn’t know it was cpn work lol
accio-victuuri · 4 months
May CPNs round-up! ❤️💛💚
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there is bonus content included here that i haven’t talked about separately in this blog so please enjoy!
• same apple headphones 🎧
• 5/6 zsww rumor
• genki forest ad silhouette similarities, and then it was replaced lol and sadly, they had to apologize.
• more examples of brands using the cp tactic ( allegedly lol )
• same city @ beijing 5/12/2024 but didn’t last long cause wyb had to fly to shanghai for the olympic qualifiers.
• jamy wee jeans
• fake story of wyb giving gifts to the ADLAD team and him visiting the crew which led to more people sharing some of their own szd stories that i didn’t add on the main post so i’m adding here instead. i think this started some conversation on what people heard irl about the two & how those who don’t really follow this pairing have encountered them. whether that means they are in a romantic relationship or not, we don’t know. these are all fake!!!! 💀💀💀
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Let me tell you a story. A friend of mine told me that one of her college classmates participated in a hip-hop dance competition (SDC). Although she didn’t get a particularly impressive ranking, she was one of the top 100. Then she saw Xiao Zhan, and everyone knew that they were in a relationship, so they didn’t hesitate to visit him on set. What I said is just a rough estimate. I don’t have a membership so I can’t send pictures. I can swear that what I said is true, not a single word is fake, unless my friend lied to me, but I believe in my friend’s character
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I'd also like to contribute a relatively old story, although many people should know it hahaha, that is, the two of them share resources. Someone around my friend is a staff member, and has read the confidentiality agreement of Zan Studio, which seems to say that there can be no conflict of interest with Bo, and to satisfy Bo to the greatest extent. Because Zan has a studio, resources are more free, and if there is something suitable for Bo, he will contact him directly. ( this was in 2020 )
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Then I will also share my own experience. I participated in a New Year's Eve party. The lady sitting next to me is from the industry. She is not familiar with Bo Xiao, but the artist she knows has a good relationship with Xiao Xiao. The artist told her that Xiao had a boyfriend in the CQL crew. The artist told Xiao not to date him. Xiao Zhan said firmly, "I will not break up with my boyfriend."
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I'll tell you one, my friend's sister is Jixiangkong's assistant, her sister doesn't like xx, um, she's a wyb fan, my friend knows I'm a fan and told me that her sister took a photo with wyb, I asked her indirectly to find out, she said her sister refused to tell, it was around 2019, she suddenly told me that her sister was a little bit abnormal, one day she said for no reason that wyb has turned gay.
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My friend is a director of a certain Spring Festival Gala, and his family also works in this field. He has some connections. He used to think I was a fan of him and told me not to be a fan because he likes men. (To prevent screenshots, I can't say whether he is older or younger)
I'll also contribute one. My friend's dance teacher has been with the CQL crew, and after knowing that my friend likes Xiao Xiao, she told my friend that they were dating in CQL. My friend was almost broken. (She wf) ( wf means weifen = solo fan )
• a more comprehensive post about the airpods max cpn 🎧
• 5/14/24 xz’s selfie candies and i forgot to add another bit here, particularly the view from the window— it’s the backdrop for yibo’s chanel magazine cover. i would imagine it’s a popular scenic view but i’m just putting it out there 📷
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then after the selfies, xzs released a short video of that day when it was taken. people did cpn of course but i’m just adding those here. so what we noticed is the two birds at the start, lovebirds? and then panning to xz who some say hid his phone or was looking at it then took it away because the camera was on him.
then a very galaxy brain one, and a total coincidence — outside the car, a police car passed by and people are like omg fpu ( formed police unit ) lol. but like if you watch that part, it was a perfect shot.
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then some fans noticed similarities with the shots from wyb’s b&w photography 📷
• this next one is not really a cpn but more of me being proud of them and the works they produced. their popularity/traffic is important & definitely has helped them get projects, but we know that they give it their all when it becomes to being actors. the photos below are of the chinese films booth in cannes with both their movies and then the May schedule of their dramas’ reruns in satellite tv networks.
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who would have known, they were once these two newbies who wanted to become actors and here we are — both of them have a solid body of work. 🤍
• clowning related to xz’s legend of zanghai poster
• 5/15 candies that revolves around wyb’s performance for the olympics opening. most especially his green + pink shoes 💕
• evisu x palace shirt that sneakily has their names on it
• 5/16 LRLG post and interpretations and then add-on speculation of relating this to the milan vlog and what some shots could mean
• their tissue endorsements matching so well. 💙♥️ and representing their cql character colors too!
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• 5/20/24 zsww fake rumor - new clothes for jianguo, bickering and eating spicy food
• numbers playing for 520. 9785 and 828
• palace x wedgwood collab 🍓
• cpfs having discussions and comparisons to yy’s scandal to prove that bjyxszd
• 5/23/2024 fake rumor house
• XZ’s look for an endorsement Ad ( Liushen ). the whole fit and even the brand used screams WYB! 😂
• rumor compilation from 给博肖加点小料bot. from the past dates 2/24, 3/3, 3/26, 4/3, 4/29, 5/21 and 5/29.
• xz buying mcdo toys 🍔
• in the li-ning video released 5/31 xz was asked if he plays badminton and what he does during off times and the first thing he said is talk to his friend(s). who is that friend? is this the friend from the crew? 😜 no seriously. then after that he mentioned playing badminton, running and keeping fit. but the fact that he said talking to his friend? wow.
• the pink wedding theme potential from xz’s evelom outfit 💕💕🌸🌸
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traumadumpjournal · 2 months
saw a new psych today, & the experience was actually quite positive. i’m kinda sad i won’t see them again as i’ll be transferring to another team soon (based on location). they were muslim too, & one thing we worked on was trying to alleviate the religious guilt i feel about having no contact with my family. one thing that was said that was a (much-needed) punch in the gut was: ‘if they didn’t care for you for 26 yrs, what makes you think they will start caring now?’ i mean, they were right but 🫠🫠🫠
they will also consult with the pharmacy about putting me back on medication, & what i can have. i’ve been unmedicated for just under a year now (by choice), so the decision to start taking meds again is not a light one. but i have to be v careful with what i can have, partly due to my history of stockpiling/od-ing & also how certain medications interact with my myasthenia gravis. sleep is also a big issue for me, but i can’t have medication for that as it will literally kill me 😅 i have been dealing with a lot of nightmares/unpleasant dreams, which is to be expected, but sucks big time.
they kept saying that i’ve been through a lot, a lot, a lot. it’s time to put myself first, & they are putting a lot of trust in me to be able to do that (re: reintroducing medications even though i am still having thoughts of sh/sui (passive)). i’ve also been told to not bottle things up, so here i am lol. i have to heal myself before i can think about healing family. esp if they are not ready to take accountability for their own healing. i know all of this ofc, but it’s important to be reminded.
i didn’t think i’d be divulging all my trauma today, i thought they would rely on notes from my cpn or previous psych, but i don’t feel too upset or triggered. i also asked them to pray for me.
thank you, dr k. ❤️
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jcisthebestfightme · 4 years
Can you please translate what they were saying in that cake BTS It seemed funny 🥺
Sure but I will add in my own thoughts just cuz....it’s more fun lol (CPN warning)
(cheering, clapping, dd blowing out candles)
Staff: What did you wish for?
dd: What? I’m not gonna say. Okay, it’s...
gg: If you say it, it won’t come true.
dd: I wish....I’m not gonna say. (I personally think he wished for something private he can’t say aloud, and wanted to come up with something work related on the spot but then got lazy or just sucked at lying and just gave up.)
dd: So big (the cake). Does anyone want to eat it? Zhan-ge, I’ll cut half of it for you.
gg: I’ll eat it, I’ll eat it. I’m hungry.
(dd is shocked cuz he thought gg would be on a diet and not want to eat cake at night.)
dd: Wow, you’re so bold about eating
gg: Aren’t we (he didn’t actually say we though but there as no other way to translate this) running tomorrow morning? (The tone/wordings really sounds to me that they have made arrangement to run together the next morning. They’ve said in a previous bts that they go jogging together in the morning so it’s something we already know about.)
dd: Oh (I think dd was disappointed cuz he wanted gg to say something like ‘I’ll do it for’ or something but gg is making up excuses)
gg: Also this store’s cake should be very tasty.
gg: Cut it (instructs dd)
dd: Where is my Bichen?
gg: Are you serious?
dd: Where is my Bichen?
Staff: Cut all the way down
dd: It’s not deep enough
gg: Wow, you cut so much
Staff: Cut a piece first for yourself
dd:I’ll first....I’ll cut a piece for myself...a little bit
Staff: Wang-laoshi, just cut the piece for you and zhan-ge and that’s fine (as in someone else can take care of the rest)
Another staff: Yes, just cut yours and zhan-ge’s (staff already treats them as one unit lol)
gg: Give the first piece to the boss (director)
dd: For boss
gg: For boss (they repeated this a couple times)
(cake pieces given to their 2 bosses, note piece #1 have chocolate that fell off back on to the cake, dd was about to pick it up thinking the cake was for either him or gg but then when it was said to be for the director, he kinda just forgot about it. Piece #2 have chocolate that also fell off and stuck to side of knife. This will be important later. Also important to not let that there are only 7 pieces of chocolate on this cake. )
dd: Zhan-ge ( hand over piece #3)
gg: You should eat it yourself
(dd hold piece to him)
gg: Put it here (points to table)
(dd sees piece of chocolate stuck on the knife and was about to eat it off with his mouth on reflex but realize that would be inapprorpiate so he took a fork and put it on gg’s cake. This also gets me in a sense that, oh I was about to just eat this but I’ll give it to you and put it on your plate so in dd’s mind, there is no separation between himself and gg.)
dd: give you an extra piece of chocolate (cake #3 already has a piece of chocolate on it)
gg: thank you
(dd smiles proudly)
gg: Wow, all for wang-lao shi (as in, he would normally not eat cake this late because they worry about gaining water weight on their face the next day for filming but he’s willing to do it for dd)
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twolonesomestars · 4 years
I want to ask about YB and gg being at dd's house on 7/28/19. YB posted a picture of tv set at dd's house. Then gg posted a picture of YB with background blurred, that showed that gg and YB were together. Ppl speculated that they're at dd's house. On 8/3, dd confirmed this by purposefully posting a pic of his tv set with a skateboard. What I don't understand is that they're not alone? YB is also there so why are people so excited? Some ppl say YB left that early that night but how do ppl know?
Hey, I asked about the YB leaving early thing before. I already got my answer so you don't have to spend time digging for it. Sorry to add more load to your already full ask. Thanks!
I actually dismissed this one pretty quickly the first time I saw it because I didn’t look at the pictures close enough.
Warning: This is all fake. Don’t take what I say to heart. These are just my random thoughts.
But, I went back to it later on... and when I say I compared the pics and second guessed everything for a ridiculous amount of time...
After that, I can safely say that it’s the same place.
*anon refers to Yu Bin as ‘YB’ in their asks
Yu Bin’s post on 190728:
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He posted this late on a Sunday night, so BXG speculated that they were watching DDU... this would have been the 11th anniversary episode (the one XZ guested in).
XZ’s reply to Yu Bin’s post:
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The main question here is: why did he blur out the background, and a quite a bit messily too? Maybe it’s art. Or maybe he wanted to hide something.
Neither of their responses to each other reference anything about them hanging out together. But out of all pictures/ memes XZ could’ve responded with (or not even post a picture at all), he decided to go with one that he altered heavily, for seemingly no reason... other than to possibly hide something? Odd.
WYB’s post on 190803 that helped confirm that it’s the same place:
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WYB’s post further back on 190314 that gives us even more insight into how his place looks:
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Now to the actual comparisons.
Exhibit 1: Wallpaper (Yu Bin’s & WYB’s 190314)
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Look closely. Both are blue cheetah print. WYB’s older pictures show us that the wallpaper is behind the TV, so we can safely assume it’s the same wall.
Exhibit 2: TV stand decorations (Yu Bin’s & WYB’s 190803)
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The lighting makes this one a bit difficult to tell, but at the very least, we know that the actual shape of the decorations (what do you even call these??) is the same. The ones circled in yellow seem to have the exact same design. The ones circled in blue are more difficult to tell. I think they’re different, but I’ll leave that one up to you all to decide for yourselves. (It’s also not like WYB can’t change them, I would think?) As for the “SHARP” label, the decor is high enough to cover it when you’re sitting down/ taking a picture from Yu Bin’s point of view.
Exhibit 3: Flooring color (XZ’s & WYB’s 190314)
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XZ’s blurred picture has the same color floor as the floor in WYB’s pictures. Granted, this is a pretty common wood floor color but the placement of the color in XZ’s photo (it’s where the floor would be) along with the other two exhibits add to its credibility.
I think people were excited because the post(s) + responses give us pretty solid proof of them hanging out outside of work, even if it’s with another mutual friend, and specifically hanging out at one of their own houses. We are never going to get any sort of proof when they’re together alone (which is a good thing), so this is the next best thing.
I have no idea where that rumor about Yu Bin leaving early came from. I’ve also heard the opposite that said the two of them stayed over that night. Both sound like random talk/ what people wish would happen. If either one is a real recount, it’s sounds like a stalker and we definitely don’t need that. (Unless Yu Bin confirmed something, but I haven’t seen anything like that.)
Once again, all in good fun. CPN.
Also, please don’t worry about flooding my inbox. I always love chatting with you guys about this stuff... it just takes me forever to respond because I usually do this with posts lol
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Hello, I liked ur analysis of the cake 💗💗. But, I didn't give it a heart, I'm sorry. Your parents have a pastry shop, do u work there part time or something? Sorry, I'm curious, if u don't mind. I read the conversation of the problem u have, but I didn't give a heart either because you would surely know who it was, since you get along so well with the other two people. Thanks for answering 😊😊😊
Hey anon (〃'▽'〃)!!! I'm glad you like the CPN of the cake, I didn't really know whether to publish it, but it's already there. Have you been reading the conversation? Lol. Don't worry, I was angry this afternoon, but everything has settled. Don't worry about hearts, if you want to remain anonymous that's fine I don't see the problem.
On whether my parents have a bakery, yes, they do, anon. I don't work in it, I'm an assistant, working is winning money, right? They don't pay me for that, I do internships, practically.
About the two people I was talking to, I technically get along with them, I know them recently, Cake starting to talk to me suddlenly on facebook one day and I told him I would start posting ramdon stuff of bjyx (and other things) and suddenly he was already here, the other is his sister, I think ... well, I'm not telling you my life anymore, is that what you wanted to know? 😂😂😂😂
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wintersoldeer · 5 years
ok here's some totally incoherent thoughts about endgame that i just have to write down or i might explode spoilers: i loved it also actual spoilers spoilers very spoilery spoilers
1. Steve and the goddddamn mjölnir!!!!! FINALLY!!!!!! when thor, iron man and cap were like 'aw yeahhh we're gonna fight thanos' i was like what the heckie is steve even doing there, supersoldier or not he's just a human. then thor drops his hammer and i’m like oh my gods please literally crossing my fingers. then thor’s fight is not going so well and oh no he definitely needs someone to save him! i’m like ohhhhhmygooddss. and THEN IT FINALLY HAPPENS I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS FOR YEARS HELL YEAHHHHH
2. steve & peggy dance. yes. just yes. fucking finally. i love it. it was perfect i cried
3. clint should’ve died. (finally haha) he was my fave since before the avengers and i was so sure he was going to die back then, but then he didn’t and look what’s became of him since.......... i had a violent flashback to watching age of ultron for the first time and for the first time just hoping that my fave character (that would be clint) would just die, bc they’re screwing his character over so badly........ and most definitely it. should.  not. have. been. natasha. who. died.  that was such a bullshit i mean WHAT THE FUCK????  i mean maybe clint and natasha were the only remaining avengers that actually loved each other (?¿¿????¿¿¿?¿ tho that’s just flimsy, i’m just trying to....idek) and that’s why it had to be them on that stupid fuckin death cliff, but why did natasha have to die?? just because clint had a family (still with no actual characterization, not that i even care, or maybe i would if the movies had given me any reason to...) to return to and she didn’t??that fucking sucks and what sucks even more is that not only was natasha the only character that died (i’m not even counting tony, bc that was very Different) but she’s the only original female avenger AND it’s the same stupd fucking rock that the only original female gotg gamora died in such a bullshit way just last movie??? goddddd i hated that so much like maybe if she hadn’t been the first one to die and all the original avengers would’ve died as was i kinda hoping (tho i love happy endings so i didn’t actually hope that it would happen..), maybe then i would be okay with her being dead. now i am very much not okay, and that means very much not okay in a angry way, not in a sad way
4. speaking of death: to me tony’s was perfect. i might not be the biggest fan of how he always got the most screentime and a bigger role than other characters, but i can’t deny that he definitely is the heart of the whole mcu and it had to be him who saves the day in the end and what else could it have been that a very tony-like self-sacrifice..... god i cried. i loved that he got a funeral (even tho natasha didn’t...) and i loved his funeral with all the people and fricking harley and then the kid saying how much she likes cheeseburgers and the frickin ‘proof that tony stark has a heart’ and sfghkklkghhhh
5. i gasped audibly when i noticed that natasha was wearing the arrow necklace
6. i kinda forgot that vision ever even existed..... in the end i first thought that wanda was talking about pietro and then i was like ok well maybe not maybe she’s talking about tony or something WHICH MAKES NO SENSE LOL i don’t even remember what she actually said, but as was pointed out to me, she was probably talking about vision. who was a thing that existed... whoops
7. ugh i hate brucenat, i really thought we were over that shit already. i also very much disliked that they actually decided to go with professor hulk, but idk w/e i don’t care that much. but natasha’s death sucked tho and the one thing i do not want to see is bruce’s pain or whatever when the movie didn’t even give me the time or reason to actually grieve for her goddd that whole thing was such a bullshit
8. i did not like that thor was treated as a joke most of his screentime........
9. that stevepeggy dance tho. love it. it’ll probably take me at least another seven years to get over it
10. i fricking adored the whole going back in time thing, especially the 2012. the callbacks and the humor really worked for me, the elevator scene straight from cap2 but reversed and hail hydra and steve fighting steve and loki’s expressions when things go wrong and goddhhh i loved it all aaaaaaa, that was the moment when i was like ok i need to see this movie again immediately.... also the fact that their time travel rules were that they were just creating new paths or w/e i guess, and not actually changing what happened to them specifically... good. so many aus
11. that final battle was so perfectly epic
12. tho shouldn’t valkyrie’s (who really just doesn’t have a real name, now does she..) horse have died after being shot haha
13. i loved that clint had the gauntlet for so long, like he’s definitely the Least Qualified Person to keep it safe, why would that be his job, it was amazing
14. i hated natasha’s death with burning passion, but i loved how she and clint fought each other over who gets to throw themselves off that cliff. tho i really hoped that their ‘yeahh we know what we have to do’ would’ve rather meant that they decided to just throw red skull down bc who even knows if it even actually needs love sacrifice or w/e, a soul is a soul is a soul
15. i loved the human jarvis whatever-his-first-name-was cameo and i really need to finally watch/rewatch agent carter
16. i really liked the tony howard scene even if i thought it felt a bit iffy, bc i feel like there’s so much more to unpack w/ those daddy issues.... but maybe that scene means that there is that one universe where howard was actually a good dad. i want to believe that. yeah. (maybe not but let me dream)
17. i like how they totally forgot that sharon carter ever even existed
18. damn that moment when black panther comes through that portal
19. damn that moment when gi ant-man is giant
20. damn that final battle was so epic
21. damn that steve with mjölnir
22. this movie was SO GOOD when it was good and so mehhh when it was bad, and i’m really glad that it was just good enough that i can forgive overlook all of its flaws. (tho i will not forgive what they did to natasha, even if i can mostly ignore it when thinking about how good most of the rest of the movie was) but idk if it would’ve been perfect, maybe i wouldn’t have survived like there’s this One Huge Thing (natasha) that really brings down the movie that otherwise would’ve been just Amazing
23. i don’t know if my heart has ever beaten as fast as when steve finally picks up the hammer. never while watching a movie, at least
24. i love that carol has her short haircut, bc it bothered me so much in cpn marvel that she should not have been able to see anything when her hair was just constantly on her face haha
25. i feel nothing but seething resentment towards clint’s stupid family and that stupid family man role he is stuck with
26. why was natasha’s hair so weird and ugly. why can’t it just be red??
27. clint’s hair was weird and ugly too and i think i have finally kinda given up on mcu!clint (tho he has those small Very Good moments and i cry for what could’ve been.....we could’ve have it aaaaaalllll.... i think i’m going to watch swat (2003) again and still pretend it’s the clint backstory movie i deserve haha, it’s been ages since i’ve seen it idk if it would still work for me, i’m gonna try)
28. i love nebula tho
29. i loved the trip down memory lane! frigga!!!! the way the continuation of the avengers capturing loki just felt so natural and like it probably happened just like that! nebula and rhodey judging quill’s singing and dancing haha yes! everything! just as i was hoping it would be!
30. doesn’t really have anything to do with this movie but: i still firmly believe that coulson never died. i still firmly believe that pietro never died. 
31. falcon cap helll yeah!!
32. i guess i’ll never get my strike team delta movie with clintasha best friends soulmates and with buckynat and the red room.........  goddd there really should’ve been a black widow movie after cap2. like that was The Perfect Spot for a black widow movie, it’s really a crime that there isn’t one, and even if they make a black widow movie now, it’ll definitely be too little too late.
33. like..... a for effort..... for that female heroes girl power.... ughhhh.... scene, i guess, but that. does. not. cut. it. when you have just killed natasha
34. things i really wished they would say in some perfect moments: “hail hydra” “avengers assemble!” “i am iron man”. things they did say in those moments: “hail hydra” “avengers assemble” “i am iron man”, gogssgddd that was perfect (ok i also really did wish steve would’ve said the “i could do this all day” in the fight but couldn’t say bc the movie had just made fun of that.. i’m kinda sad but haha it’s not that big of a deal, maybe if he hadnt said it in civil war which i dont like but well...)
35. haha people are already complaining about the steve going back thing and how it’s definitely not moving on and erasing character development or whatever and HA. i finally got my stevepeggy dance i don’t care about anything else i am so happy!!!!!
36. i am so glad i managed to avoid any spoilers bc i hear that there was some pretty massive ones going around??¿?¿?
37. also: ok from here on out i am not here for any of you negative nancys complaining (probably very reasonable complaints idec) about the movie, god i really wish it was 2012 again
38. in final thoughts: i absolutely loved it and i love that it turns out that i’m apparently still very much marvel trash........ if natasha hadn’t died, especially in such a bullshit way, i would’ve been able to overlook everything else that was kinda meh about the movie and just purely and blindly loved it. i still did love it, a lot, but now there’s that bitter aftertaste.....
ok now, maybe that’s enough rambling and repeating myself....... i’m going to need to see it again asap
39. I FORGOT TO MENTION IT BC I FORGOT ABOUT IT but goooooooooodddd i loved nebula and tony playing that game in the beginning and tony letting nebula win ääääää
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vindonde-blog-blog · 4 years
Well, as i see myself from years ago, what i wanted, it seemed so impossible. After graduated, went back to J town, worked, not long after there was a testing for cpns. Friends were registering. Me? I wasn’t interested (that day). I had no idea why people were triggered to this opportunity (i was so dumb back then, lol). A friend said, “coba aja, siapa tau diantara 300 itu ada namamu”, so i was triggered by her words, but there was a trouble (i can’t say it), so in the end i didn’t even send anything to the committee. GAK JADI DAFTAR. Good news, my friends who applied, also got accepted. Hey, i’m a proud friend here hehe. 
So i just continuing my life and then i didn’t know where the hell was this thought coming from, i decided to continue my study and chose this subject. A subject which i used to love and think “huh impossible for me, i can’t make it, no way i could pass the tests....blablabla”. Can’t you imagine that, years. Since graduated i had already interested in that subject. But i kept it to myself and only few friends knew that i had a crush on this subject. Still rare and cool. So in the early of 2020 i applied, been through some tests in months and got interviewed by the experts....that bunch of sensations which i won’t forget...and thanks God, Alhamdulillah, i got accepted. Yey. 
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EPISODE 10: I’m aligned with idiots - Ruthie
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A little switcherooooo haha I wanted Seamus gone so badly. He was truly insufferable to talk to most of the time. Not because I don’t like him, but because he would constantly ask for info without supplying anything back. You learn valuable information in this game by strategically giving information. I feel like he just needed to be more upfront and I would have trusted him more. Instead he ended up looking slipperier than a wet lasagna noodle. So I love that Asya and Dane are building these targets on their back by using idols and stuff. I honestly see myself getting better than 7th (hopefully). I have been somewhat sliding under the radar but still being involved in these bigger moves without getting much blood on my hands. I think that as long as Asya and Dane continue to have this OTTN3, CPN kinds of displays, I can sit back, enjoy the show, and have clean hands for FTC. The thing that scares me though is that I will not have the direct moves that Asya made. But honestly my UTR game is something I’m working on and something I would reward with the win as a Jury member.
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i was so happy to meet seamus because i knew amanda already and liked her but i didn't know seamus and it was nice and new i love meeting new friends. i think he's FUNNY. COOL. NICE. LMFAO. and i thought seamus and i would be F3 like tight tight best allies. but every hoe coming out being like "love seamus, my best ally, i was so close to him" like bitch me too the fuck!!! little crackhead !!!!!!!! who was ur real f2??? what's this i hear about an alliance with anabel and dane???? still love him. 
* a little while later after that*
i miss amanda ugh we would be calling and stressing about votes and it's thursday night right now and i have friday saturday sunday off work and we could've called and had fun times and be rats. the game got interesting when we merged and then she died like i hate my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and seamus too ugh and they're both gone. and now all i do is talk to sweet john and get high hehe. i hate that i'm also on the opposite schedule of rtp and ruthie i'd like to get to know them more.
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As much as I miss my daily memes from Seamus...  I'm not too sad that he's gone.  If I made it to the final three with him he would have won HANDS DOWN.  he was playing hard and I respect that but I need to keep on keeping on! I'm now in an alliance that Seamus made with the Ryans and Linus.  I trust them all to and all but I trust John more than ANYONE else in this game.  I'm playing around with the idea of telling him I'm in an alliance.  I also kind of want to tell Dan but I'm scared then word would get back to Asya and Dane.   I just really want to keep playing both sides and see what happens! When I get caught I'll just deal with it, lol. I'm pretty sure Linus and Lachie also playing two sides.
*two seconds later*
My big mouth just told Dan about the alliance I have with RTP, Ryan and Linus that Seamus made.  WHY DO I TELL EVERYONE EVERYTHING?? I am so bad at this LOL. I trust Dan but he's no fool, I know it is going to get back to Asya and Dane and then my alliance is going to disown me; Interesting though, he told me that he heard Lachie's name and I really thought that Lachie was with Dan, Asya and Dane. Part of me keeps wondering if I should have voted Ryan out that first merged tribal, I am so crackedt right now. I feel like the rat that is scampering off from group to group and I just have this feeling that my time is going to be up tonight.  I don't know who to trust and who not to trust at this point.  I talk to Dan and John the most and I do talk to Linus a good bit but like... I'm just in constant conflicted mode.   I do like the idea of Dan and I working together if he is with Asya and Dane and I stay with the others.  We could secretly feed each other information or something but hopefully I didn't just ruin my entire game.
I think??? I should be safe.  Dan told me that he ALSO is in an alliance with Dane, Asya and Pippa which Pippa being aligned with them REALLY surprised me.  I thought she was just doing her own thing and living her best life but it really makes a lot of sense.  I think that we will eventually pull John in and make an alliance with just the three of us.  Also I'm thinking that Lachie is going to go which would be the BEST case scenario for both Dan and myself and maybe starting next week we can start kicking members off of each alliance that isn't myself or Dan. I don't want to get cocky but I feel like I'm in a really good position right now and that Dan is officially my ride or die in this game.
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This vote seemed too easy???? Like it landed on Lachie and I’ve heard nothing else? I’m just like nervy. I opened up to Ruthie today about my position in the game. She and I compared notes..... and alliances. We figured out we were kind of on either side of the game. We promised to keep the info we told each other under wraps, which I intend to do. Ruthie is a likable person and down the line a sleeper threat to win, I just want options. She seems to be willing to cough up some info from time to time so we’ll see where this leads. I’m just paranoid bc I feel like it could very well be me this round? Idk. I also don’t really care lmao
*a half hour later*
So now it flipped to RTP? I love that but I’m always the last to know and I’m getting #overit
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ok so i cant make a video bc jacob is here but heres the rundown lost immunity, ryan m won who do i want gone the most? rtp fuck that man. however, lachie didn't even submit for the challenge so people are like ok lets just do him which like?? fine?? i guess?? fuck lachie too cause he's another traitorous ass bitch, but i'm not scared of him. i can kill him later. so when i hear john wants him to stay and for a royal to leave, suddenly he and i are best buddies again. he wanted pippa but like i just spent the last round telling pippa i would fight for her and so thats what i did! i told john that we needed pippa and that i could make her vote rtp, so now, what i'm being told is that myself, dane, dan, pippa, lachie and john are voting rtp. only guess what? the others aren't voting lachie anymore. no prizes for guessing who these bitches flipped onto (: anyways now that lachie isn't in danger it's very likely that he would flip on me, making it 5-5 instead of 6-4. in a tie, these bitches will absolutely flip on me. like i just know it. maybe i'd have dane and dan but thats it. and that pisses me off. i feel like i've been working my ass off and to have it end here is like... mentally i know it's good for me bc this game drives me crazy but like. i fucking deserve to get farther than people who don't even play the game. i just do. i owe that to myself. anyways. dane thinks he can get linus on board as well. i tried patching things up w linus and he left me on read so like i don't see why he wouldn't vote me. not hopeful there. if i'm voted out let it be known that i remain the baddest bitch in this game and i will be an incredible demon at ftc. thank u and goodnight. ps stream jackboot jump
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My alliance hoping for rocks?  I'm aligned with idiots. I've told Dan EVERYTHING I've been hearing all day and I really hope it doesn't all come back to bite me on the ass.  He's gotten very quiet and isn't the only one.  Suddenly everyone is quiet and that is never a good thing right before a vote is due, it makes me think that it has been changed to me.  SURELY these people would tell me right?  I've had the curtesy to tell people when it is them to be a suck up... SURELY people will tell me too... RIGHT? I don't know. Rocks is beginning to sound better and better though.   
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rrinart5-blog · 5 years
The Broke Story lol
I’m broke lol. The holiday is almost ends soon and I need to go back to Jakarta to work but I literally have no enough money to live my life there. My parent have no money either, but at least they can provide me food and house to stay. I feel so useless lol. But my work didn’t pay me enough even though I have work my butt off. It was Eid Fitr few days ago but I can’t even bought new dress for myself.
I’m so tired with my life honestly. The work I do is my dream work honestly, but I’m still at the bottom part. I feel like a slave to be honest lol. I don’t know if I stay and be patient, I would get to the top soon. But I feel like there’s no hope again there and I don’t feel to stay any longer. Moreover, I don’t like living in Jakarta. The city itself stressed me out. In fact, I’m a country girl who enjoyed woods, green scenery, nature, and calm place. So far from how Jakarta looked like.
So, back again, I’m broke and my job right now doesn’t help my economic situation at all. My parent also broke and have a lot debt. My siblings also still need help with money. I know I need to take action soon to help the situation. There’s CPNS entry soon and I considering to take it. But, it means I would give up on my passion and the job I want. And, seems like no one tried to encourage me to achieve my dream and stay with my passion. People mostly just agreeing when I said I might be would take the CPNS entry, because, you know, if I got in it means stable job and income. Do I really need to give up on my dream and passion and just take this chance for money? Well, my situation right now need money more than dream. How sad lol
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Dissociative identity disorder
This week has been terrible. On Monday night, I was close to killing myself I felt that low and in crisis. I couldn't pick up the courage to phone the crisis team though because I was staying at my Nan's that night. I was hearing voices (mainly Lilith) but I heard a man whispering to me too. Was well scary. I also saw flying skulls with glowing green eyes. It proper shit me up. Let's just say, I didn't sleep much that night and when I did, a ghost kept locking me in a pitch black room and I was too paralyzed to even move or scream. It was a dreadful experience. Tuesday wasn't no better either. Something happened that's never happened before. Lilith took over my whole body, developed her own personality and started texting my fiance winding him up saying that I'm going to get hurt etc. I don't remember doing it though, that's the problem. Luckily he knew it wasn't me because she sounded nothing like me but he argued back and they argued a bit before she disappeared. She also text my careworker saying that I won't be able to see her on Thursday (even though that wasn't true). Anyways she phoned me up later that day and I explained what happened and we agreed to meet up in town for coffee. While talking, she mentioned that I could have dissociative identity disorder which is also known as multiple personality disorder. I didn't think nothing of it at the time but when I read up on it, I realised that the description fitted me exactly!! I couldn't believe it!! The day didn't end there. Not long after I got back, Lilith came through again, cut my arm and written 'lol' on the wall in my blood and messaged Graham again teasing him about the blood on the wall. I was distraught when I came round so I phoned my careworker who told me to phone the complex care team so I did just that. They told me that they would email my CPN and explain what's happened and they'd get her to phone me the next day. Next day came (Wednesday) and it was the day of my depot injection. I got to the hospital early and I didn't have to wait long and it was done. It's the first time I've seen the needle and jeez it's massive!! Does the job good though. (I hope). My CPN phoned me later that day and I explained more about what happened and she mentioned dissociative identity disorder too. She said she will see me the following day and discuss things further. So today at 10 o'clock, my CPN came and I written her a letter explaining everything that goes on in my head, in particularly an alternative reality that I live in. It's hard to explain, I'll write it in another post. My CPN is really concerned about me and she's going to show the letter to my psychiatrist and try and get me an emergency appointment. I hope she manages to because I want to know what the hell is going on. I want an official diagnosis so I can work with it and try and live my life. My careworker came today and we discussed what's been going on etc, told her about my alternative reality too and luckily she didn't think I was a freak. She instead actually found it very interesting and suggested I write a book. I'm not confident enough for something like that though. So yeah, that's my week so far. Very eventful. Tonight was good because I was playing chase with my pony and we had some cuddles and kisses. Was well cute! Hope you've all had a good week! Xx
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accio-victuuri · 2 months
July CPNs round-up ❤️💛💚
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• xz as backing vocals for the song everything is lovely
• clowning about screen protectors
• both of their names together on hs for being posted by xinhua news agency
• same city in Beijing on 7/6 - there was some talk that xz’s flight out has been changed to the 12th, probably to spend more time with wyb who will leave on the 10th. which didn’t happen cause wyb left 7/8 but still got to to spend that time together. some were clowning about how his airport shirt had a crease on it & how that made it seem like it was folded like how xz does it so ya know, is it a sign? lol.
• 7/10 XZS paris vlog clowning: posting so close to yibo’s appearances and similar shots // the two bros focused in the video, paris olympics and torchbearer route.
• 7/12 XZS vlog - possibly texting wyb and little prince figures + snowy mountain ; jacques tati films bgm used
• 7/14 xzs vlog clues! more symbolism and that goose laugh
• walking in the streets of paris
• similarity between tao and yibo showing off a photo of their significant other
• continuing on with the off white with “painting” shirts that xz wears, which is already strike 3 && kind of proves the sdc 3 clowning. he wore this during his off work hours. ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
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it follows the pattern 👀👀👀
• 7/15 xzs vlog clowning continues - same place different time / confirmation of the bystander lyrics connection and E142 cue
• NOT TOTALLY CPN BUT ME BEING EMOTIONAL. LOL. SEEING YIBO do that torch really in that simple outfit everyone was wearing. mostly bare faced and all eyes on him. that moment — and then you see him wearing that bome necklace makes me go somft. 🥹🥹🥹🥹 he will go to so many places and experience a lot of things but he will always have a piece of xz with him.
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some are getting excited about them with silver jewelry necklace but xz’s is boucheron which he is endorsing. as much as i love jewelry cpns, i always get picky when it’s something they endorse, unless there is an additional clue. but i understand why people got 👀 when they saw that silver chain with GG. unfortunately, this is not the necklace we think it is.
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another one is this “couple” / same style jacket they both wore when they went abroad. RBS already explained this and i totally agree with their stand on it. i guess what makes this cpn-y to me is the “style” it, showing how their preferences overlap in clothing. and that’s why we think they have a “shared closet”.
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• On 7/19, the booting ceremony of XZ’s new film DeXian JinZhi, the cast was revealed and we learned that Yin Zheng is there. Yin Zheng is WYB’s very close friend, so we will definitely keep an eye out on how he will interact with XZ 😂😂😂😂 and oh, Peng Yucheng is also there! who is Bobo’s friend and someone he fake kissed HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! so many common friends!
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• some minor cpns from xzs 7/20 vlog + something i forgot to add, same acne studios plain shirt. HAHAHAHAHA! twinning! 👯‍♀️
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• xz vlogs appear to be countdowns 🤔🤔🤔
• BJYX related hs on them speaking goose language! HAHAHAHAHA! we shall remain relevant forever!
• what a nice magazine! our boys! side by side! and it’s like a fanfic cover for pairing wei ruolai and chunsheng!
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• them posting for public welfare and in support of the olympics for CCTV ( here and here ) also with mengniu’s short film. i love seeing them supporting the same thing and hopefully they get to collab someday for a common cause 🌎 if there is any type of project they can work together, this may be it, cause fans can’t even be outwardly toxic especially if it’s a government project.
• 7/26/2024 xzs vlog candies
• 7/28 coco crush posts clowning
• 7/29 throwback video uploaded by rufeng
• 7/30 XZS vlog clowning time: dancing like wang laoshi, possible mv for bystander and wonderful world lyrics.
plus some more ⬇️⬇️⬇️
ohhhhh. a snowy mountain or is it? i mean who wouldn’t be taken by that and especially someone like xz. love how he took pictures of it and drew it too. in the post by xzs it’s in the c-position, probably cause it’s drawn by xz but also it’s photo #5/18 WYB.
p3 is also our colors! green (ish), red and yellow!
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accio-victuuri · 8 months
Bojunyixiao’s Weibo night 2023/2024 🎉🎉
can you believe we’re here again. no matter how problematic sina weibo is as a platform, their awards night is a day cpfs look forward to because our boys will be attending. even if we know they won’t interact or anything, the fact that they get to attend the same event is enough for us.
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i will just include the recap for the past years on here, the 2019/2020 being very short cause i feel like that has been widely speculated and talked about already. then 2021 and 2022. this post will discuss the event and stuff that happened + some commentary + cpn clownery. enjoy!!!!!
I. CPFs team building and showing strength
It would not be fair to exclude this feat that cpfs achieved with the free tickets for Weibo night. Even if we had no idea if both of them will attend, cpfs tried to grab tickets just in case it happens so we will be prepared. In the first round, we surprised all other fan groups with how we dominated and it set the rhythm for the next rounds. Trust cpfs to set the trend and make other fandoms “wake up”. lol. They can say what they want about cpfs but we all know that part of the hate is because they do not understand why we’re still here. They don’t get why we are this strong and a happy group.
My favorite thing that happened was when the top profile photos spelled out BJYXSZD + heart with a mole. It doesn’t stop there tho, the next week/round, we still dominated so Sina Weibo tried to save face by doing some tactics to suppress us. Nevertheless, every week, more of us got tickets because of the help of our little turtle fandom.
There were also efforts to get top comments on Weibo Night posts but I won’t get into that anymore cause we usually do that. But the thought of showing strength “online” as what the boys advertised is sweet.
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Years later, we are still as strong as ever and shall remain that way. and that’s all thanks to each and every turtle out there who chooses positivity & makes sure our community remains a safe space.
II. The anticipation and announcements
It’s safe to say that this year, XZ is a sure attendee cause he always tops the voting at this event. However, some were still not sure cause he did not attend other public events last year like 10c starlight or NYE events cause he is busy with filming his projects. On 1/10 evening tho, a rather unsavory rumor made it on HS which was a signal that weibo night was getting desperate and wanted some noise for their event. lol. maybe there are other parties involved, but the intent is the same. I will also just mention the issue that happened on 1/9 with Chunzhen and them withdrawing lottery tickets supposedly won by certain fans. But the next day, Weibo lottery decided to honor the win and gave the tickets. I have no reaction to this tbh, and that’s why i didn’t talk about this separately and at length on my blog. It’s the brand / fandom that i have nothing to do with’s issue. As a turtle, we all know how CZ is with certain things so i’m not surprised that this happened. LOL.
I honestly feel for XZ, he is out there working hard and minding his own business but people and circumstances keep dragging him into irrelevant incidents.
As for WYB, everyone thought he wasn’t gonna attend. This is the same energy as last year. People are busier with grabbing tickets for his SDC6 finals and completely ignored weibo night ( as they should ). There was still some hope tho, cause if you think about it, he attended a lot of platform events. Tencent, IQIYI, GQ MOTY and 2 NYE shows. So why not Weibo Night? I have said it before, but one thing that I loved about WYB attending multiple events by the end of last year was it’s a show of his position and professionalism in the industry. He can go anywhere and be welcomed — he has good relations with almost everyone and that is important in their industry.
I know he is not fond of public events, but i’d like to think he says yes because of his professional relationship with these platforms/companies. I was never a fan of when people flex that their fave “will not go to xx because they did something to him etc.” LOL. That’s not how any industry works. You can’t burn bridges and I’m happy that WYB doesn’t do that. It’s also a testament of how much of a good boy he is 🤍
Anyway, back to the timeline. On 1/10, Weibo announced some winners and the boys are on there. I guess One & Only winning was a clue that WYB will go. Then a so/o account gave a tip that WYB will announce his attendance to an event on 1/11 @ 13:00. So by the evening of 1/10, it was mostly confirmed that WYB will be going.
The next day, 1/11, Weibo Night account started posting emoji clues for the remaining celebrities to be added in their guest lineup. A few hours later, both the boys announced their attendance. What’s different this time tho is aside from the usual copy-paste caption, there is a reminder for everyone to not do any fan activities at the venue. more details was also added in the comment. I guess they don’t want a repeat of what happened last year with the crowds. It caused a delay & cancellation of the red carpet. Both XZS and YBO reposted with more guidelines to follow like no gatherings and light signs etc.
i know weibo dictated the posting time but the 13 kadian is sending me! yizhan! 🫶🏼
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The BJYX ST mods also sent out a message to not do any offline support.
There are more fandom drama after the announcement with other groups but i won’t add that here anymore cause it will only rot our brain. && it’s so much better to focus on the boys!
III. Pre show discussion
On the eve of Weibo Night, GG attended an awards show and it gave us some sweet candy. The most interesting to me is the choice of Alexander McQueen and the first two celebrities tagged by the brand on their weibo in 2024. This is giving me Dsquared vibes. Also how it almost mirrors the wedding-ish vibes they had last Weibo night. I know we as cpfs are somehow programmed to seeing connections but honestly, they don’t make it hard.
Late at night too, Weibo started showing opening screens of attendees and of course they didn’t put them in the same group/frame. This is understandable cause they wouldn’t put the top male celebrities together and knowing how both their fandoms hate each other. Also, how the grouping went, WYB’s was more of the “movie group”. That won’t stop me from being a bit better tho. lol. Cause if they can’t put them in the same frame like that, there is just no way they will be on the same stage or even sat remotely close to each other.
A photo from inside the venue also showed the projected commercial on stage is WYB & Chunzhen 😂😂😂😂😂
I can just imagine XZ smiling when he sees.
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There were also talks of the both of them being on the second row. XZ was already seated way before the ceremony started, and their names are so close but cpfs were anticipating since WYB was not inside yet. We were all waiting to see if it will happen. WYB is supposedly next to YZ but then we see that Jackson sat there. We joked that he should stay there so WYB’s place will be taken and he will have no choice but to sit next to XZ 😂😂😂
IV. Red Carpet shenanigans
🟢 WYB’s red carpet walk
I honestly didn’t get the whole look tho when some people pointed out that it’s the glam version of what he wears when he plays golf — i kinda got it. For his past platform events like GQ, IQIYI & 10C, his red carpet were really casual. I guess that’s what he wants — to be comfortable walking the carpet. There were also some praising him for going against the norm. Well, I have to say tho that his face really stood out. Minimal to no make up look. He was so handsome! 🫶🏼
🔴 XZ’s red carpet walk
I love his outfit! It’s black but still got that something special to make him stand out. &&& I honestly love the hair! I thought I would cry because of how short it is now but it suits him. I mean, he looks gorgeous in anything but you know what I mean ☺️
CPN: XZ signed his name beside/very close to WYB. granted, there are so many signatures there but i’m wondering if he recognized his husband’s signature. lol. In this simple way, they can be next to each other!
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V. Weibo night links
Photoshoot for red carpet look
Photoshoot for second outfit
Xiao Zhan winning Outstanding Actor of the Year
Photoshoot for red carpet look // Photoshoot BTS video
Yibo winning popular filmmaker of the year
Yibo-Official post for Weibo Night
* This is incomplete cause we still don’t have ( at the moment of posting ), the BTS for XZS photoshoot + their photos while receiving the awards.
• WYB’s personal post of him and the caption. The freakin caption. Look, i know that WYB’s brand is all about being the “cool guy” so maybe that’s why he said in the caption that he likes the HS about him. But the thing is, it’s totally out of character. How many events did he attend with him going so high up the HS with much more interesting tags but he chose this? Also, he really needed to do so that he used his own account??? For a couple of years now, yibo-official is the one that posts for him when he is at an event. So the speculation is this one is personal and amused him so much, seeing that their HS for the same event they are both at matched! Also, when WYB posted that, CPFs flooded the top comments! Understandably so. 💛
• The signed photos which i’m not sure about. I actually saw someone post that earlier and people were clowning about how it can’t be real.
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But then, an account posted a giveaway with all the other attendees and it included the couple photo. I’m putting this down as clownery, cause on their end there will always be deniability. The autographed photo was also deleted by the account a bit later, which is actually expected cause it will bring trouble. lol.
• XZS and YBO matching again! Look at how they arranged the photos. How a few of the snaps are not in theme with the rest. Nothing new here!
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• The same song and dance of them missing to see each other. As soon as XZ was gone, WYB came in to sit down. Good thing he had Jackson to talk too a bit and he was gone again after 10 mins! Hopefully they could spend time together backstage away from the cameras. 📷
People are pointing out that XZ was checking his phone lol. probably checking if WYB is giving him a signal to leave so they can do their usual operation. These two! Honestly!
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• Not really CPN, but a similarity. In the red carpet, both of them didn’t do the “activities” that others were supposed to. If you watched the red carpet, there is a point where they have to choose something from a wall with numbers. there is also a choice to take a photo from one of the “themes” by they both bypassed it. I was rolling my eyes cause a WYB anti was trying to make a big deal out of it, but then XZ did the exact same thing. Some people just don’t understand how celebrities like them operate. Not to say that they are above everyone else, it’s just that they do things differently.
• ZSWW fake rumor account posted at 19:21. At this time the red carpet was already finished. It doesn’t say who is saying which line. I’m interpreting this incident to be something that happened today backstage 🤡🤡🤡
"A kiss, a kiss...
"Oh, okay, let's talk about it later when we get back.”
"There will be a surprise when I go back 😏”
“You'll know when you go back”
Then they posted again, at 21:05 with a much longer one but it doesn’t seem be pertaining to today’s events.
• There is a photo/video of XZ talking to Huang Bo! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! and now we’re thinking about how they haven’t cooperated with each other but seem familiar. Yes, we don’t know all their relationship and friends off camera but my mind immediately went to the SDC 3 clowning. That’s most likely when they became close. lol.
• Heaven’s choice cause WYB was sat at #23 ( Love Zhan )
• This time, both of them left the venue after they received their awards. XZ didn’t stay like he did the previous years. Good for them! It’s better to spend time together 🤍 I know that most of us expected what happened today, them not being in the same place at the same time. Tho some may see that in a negative way, I actually see this as an example of trying to keep their private life separate from the public. Tho a big part of their lives are on camera and that’s how they met. I think what they are doing is really to reserve the time they have & are seen together in private. Maybe some can’t see it that way and will be frustrated but at the end of the day, we have to respect their choice.
• XZ’s 2nd outfit is by Balmain! He tends to wear this at events that they both attend 🥹🥹🥹
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• It’s now XZ’s turn to see the cpf headband light signs! Lol. I hope he saw it. We all know that he is near sighted sooooo….
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If there are post event CPNs, i will do a separate discussion. See you in the next Weibo Night! ✌🏼
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accio-victuuri · 10 months
NOVEMBER 19 : The Full Story 📝
oh well sort of, cause this is what is known and shared publicly with tons of filling in the blanks by cpfs. someone made a side by side incidents during this day and time for the past years 2017 to now 2023 and it’s good to see it all laid out. it’s hilarious to see the realization among turtles that we could be wrong about their anniversary date. for years, we always talked about the month of June but now, November is making a great argument 😂
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( these freakin masterminds are so naughty! I swear!!! 🤣🤣🤣 )
source of the compilation i’m using to outline is 圣衣雪琳 cause they perfectly summed up the key points very well. I already talked about some of these in my previous post but this is for the “11/19 lore” exclusively and so we can expand on other years.
I’m a sucker for timelines so let’s go 💪🏼
2017: At this time, they already know of each other and depending on who you ask might have already been low key stalking the other. LOL. WYB’s was about Just Dance and ZZ is a selfie and hotpot ; the latter post about going home.
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I don’t think that this holds much significance in terms of an actual relationship and stuff happening behind the scenes. However, it feels like fate that they both posted on this day even without that significance being there. We cpfs love to talk about how they are fated and certain things, no matter how mundane, turned out to be a piece that completed the puzzle. There is some push back with some turtles saying this shouldn’t be included cause it seems like the start of this 11/19 is 2018 but again, just leaving this here. I could probably add 2015/2016 if we really wanna back track lol
2018: THIS IS THE KEY CPN IN ALL OF THIS. I have already explained it here. The infamous Japan trip. How both of them seemingly making references to their post from this year vs today (2023) especially XZ who even posted on the same time. There are so many rumors about this timeline, even going as far as saying the next day, they started living together. How this was WYB saying it’s WYB, not LWJ. So the relationship they have now is not between fictional characters but the real one.
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I’m eating this candy whole. No one can tell me otherwise. I’m sold 🤣🤣🤣
Have we been wrong? did they officially become together 11/19/2018. Some are even pointing out that one of GG’s photos shared today appears to be him traveling back from IM to Beijing.
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and who is in Beijing? His home. Yibo. 🏡
We love to think about them sharing photos to each other and i’m imagining this is ZZ sending something similar to WYB and saying that he is on his way back.
2019: Bazaar video was released, it’s message being a favorite among BXGs. Going by the assumption that this is their anniversary of sorts, it makes sense to have a message like that to be delivered.
how he met his love in a dream ( presumably that summer and playing wwx opposite wyb’s lwj ) and when he woke up, his love is still there. meaning even in reality, he still feels the same. no. it was not scripted, the one who shot it said it was xz’s answer and he was shocked too.
They posted some work related stuff on that day, with WYB’s being audi’s. the part of the caption we are clowning about is : Don’t blame me for not reminding you. Which in the original post and context is about the benefits you will get if you buy an Audi. but in cpn speak it could mean that ZZ probably forget, but he actually didn’t cause that bazaar love confession was clear.
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2020: I already talked in detail over here #2 with was going on at the time.
It’s also the start of the whole Thursday is a good day to see you, in reference to WYB’s vogue post. Then it snowballed into a whole CPN of it’s own.
I forgot to add one important thing tho, around this time 11/18 there schedules were public and both are supposed to go back to Beijing. WYB was from Hangzhou and ZZ was from Nanjing. The incident of WYB changing his flight 3x so he can go back to Beijing is this time 11/18. We clowned that he was so eager to be in the same city with ZZ but with what we think now, it could be he wanted them to be together badly because it’s their anniversary the next day 11/19. 🤯
2021: Both of them posting a Douyin video that involves changing clothes. Which is a very common transition trend on the app but seeing it done on the same day was a treat and unusual. GG’s was posted 11/17 and WYB was 11/19.
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I wanna remind people too that this is the same month we got the mysterious “voices” both in Shenzhen Vlog ( his husband wang yibo ) and talks of ZZ being at the Luoyang press conference filming. The same month the whole Ximalaya CPN started too. So they were definitely “acting up”.
2022: No actual posts but a parallel. 11/17, Guangdian appeared on the itunes chart because of fan’s effort. 11/18, WYB released a song ( government related ) called Light Chaser. So spotlight = light chaser has similar element and theme of light. Then on 11/20 WYB’s shared a douyin with 👀.
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2023: Probably making up for how quiet last year was, they decided to give us a big hint/s of what 11/19 is all about. 😂😂😂
This is all fake and cpn talk. I do enjoy when candies go years back! This journey of trying to piece things together is a bxg’s strength so we’re really thriving today— with all the possibly unrelated events we have managed to stitch together into this! 🙃
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accio-victuuri · 3 months
a part of this may have been washed already, who cares lol. that won’t stop us from doing some mental gymnastics to make it sweet cause it’s all cpn anyway. for me, i’m already happy with their unintentional ( or is it? ) couple outfit at the airport. and yibo wearing a shirt that says “sporty & rich” which is well — a fact. lol. and feeds into the whole “young master” vibe that fans are seeing with him lately.
take this as an exercise on how clowning works. and once we get more information, it gets “washed” or feel free to take what you want. this is related to xz’s post on weibo. i love analyzing his posts because it’s personal and i feel like it gives us more clues. the first thing will be the gorgeous flower arrangement. 💐
i was thinking maybe it was his drama wrap-up bouquet, but we didn’t get to see it in the bts.
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the choice is interesting because it combines flowers and that same ( i forgot what it’s called sorry ) red/circular things we saw years back. that has it’s own cpn/backstory that i discussed here. basically, that’s not his bouquet from the OOL team when the show wrapped but that’s the photo (p1) that he shared. so we think it’s from Bobo. and now he shared (p4) that has lots of very expensive flowers. the other arrangement on his post was from Tod’s and looked more appropriate for Dragon Boat Festival. but this one looks more romantic if i do say so myself.
and the rose (juliet) given is esspensive!!! who could it be from? a certain sporty and rich guy? 😏😏😏
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next is the damn plate with the fancy bite of zongzi. this one is what i think has been given some explanation ( washing ) from what we initially thought.
so we know xz is mister “centered” photos and everything. so it was weird that the one he shared is not. add the other element of it not being the same size etc meaning it was taken via wechat camera and probably sent off. another point is, we think it was taken by someone else. someone whose shadow gets included in photos he takes (p3 = yibo).
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so is yibo sending what he is eating abroad? i mean it looks fancy!
but the people tracked down where this is from. it’s something that’s available at the blvgari hotel in shanghai. but you know what, if you still wanna clown that xz sent this to bobo and shared with all of us— then feel free 🤡🤡🤡🤡
the last one i find cuteeee cause remember when xz went abroad and he was wearing GUCCI re-web shoes? I swear even toxic solos picked up on that and hated on him. now you have WYB going abroad and wearing rolex DAYTONA ( very close to DAYTOY. yes i know he collect rolex watches like nikes but it’s a nice coincidence.
bonus, another closer look at their couple outfit. the shoes. look. I can’t. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
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accio-victuuri · 10 months
11/19/23 updates cpn 🎂🍦🍪
for some reason, today, both of them decided to share on their social media. for wyb, it’s his douyin. for gg it’s weibo + douyin. xzs also posted on their weibo. they didn’t even bother splitting it up like one will post in the morning and the other afternoon/evening. nope. it’s all in the same afternoon.
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we were hoping for some 24 hr relay, but these gremlins are like nope. we will just post very closely to each other. for wyb it’s definitely a part of his homework completion. lol. and the fact that he is wearing something evisu related again. how many things did he do during this shoot? 😂 as for ZZ, it seems like he is trying to catch up too? ( douyin stuff are from yuguyao promotion ) nonetheless, we are happy to get stock content.
doing this made them both go on HS. i love seeing their names on HS for stuff like this. (?FYI for wyb it’s more of the “cross dressing” meaning switching clothes.)
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now let’s see what else is there….
1. The same use of emojis as captions on there douyin posts as if they really have no time to think of even a word or line to use. lol. tho this kind of caption is not exclusive to them, it’s just nice to see them matching like this on the same day.
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2. There are a couple of guesses on what they are “celebrating” today ; what could possibly be the reason for doing this specifically on the 19th.
(p1) it’s wyb’s 105th post on douyin. 10.5 which represents zz’s birthday, so it’s special. that’s why they both posted today. (p2) the day zz shared his japan trip. i think this doesn’t need any more explanation, japan trip cpn is notorious on this fandom. (
(p3 and p4) this one is kind of reaching but it’s one of those 2020 candies that i love and it happened around this time too. 11/18 - 11/19 it was speculated that they spent time together. for those who were here during that time, WYB shared a video (11/20) of him skating and his caption was like i wish i could go skating everyday and then the three dots. WYB loves skateboarding and i don’t doubt that he wishes he can play everyday, but the cpn-colored glasses is wondering if what he is really talking about is skateboarding. or maybe, maybe he was wishing he could spend time with GG everyday or more often. and the three dots, which in turtledom means i miss you just adds fuel to this CPN. The penguin photo was shared by XZ on 11/18 and it’s a piece that people are adding, it is making the heart gesture and could be because XZ is happy to be with WYB.
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There is a CPN timeline from that period in 2020 so lemme just refresh people’s memories even if it’s totally irrelevant ( probably ) to this post. I love myself some cpn archaeology. 🔍
11/17 was luoyang opening ceremony so he was kinda busy here but they still got to spend time together. In hindsight, this is very telling, cause there was some heavy speculation that GG was present during Luoyang presscon. If he was there during the opening ceremony for the filming, he might have been introduced to select cast and crew. So it was easier for him to tag along for the press con before the official release cause he knows the people. 11/19 was the release of the wolf and WYB attended the chanel x vogue event. 11/22 GG released a douyin video and we CPN about the curtains and how it’s similar to one of Bobo’s. Again, hotel curtains are not the most reliable measure, i know, but that’s how CPNs work.
11/25, YBO posted alluding to the douban issue of downvoting works. basically manipulating data — look at YBO calling out this practice years before, they know how unreliable DB is. everyone knows. the point is, around this time, The Wolf was getting downvoted by antis.
11/29, an episode of TTXS was aired where WYB said “i can’t give up what i like”. A sentiment that is true in everything he does, from dancing to his other hobbies. No matter how hard it is and even if it seems like everything is against him, he will not give up. The same is true (probably ) with his relationships. 🤍 this episode was filmed 11/22 which was very close to when they allegedly spent time together so the feeling is there ( and there is a whole different cpn for that day too lol ).
In 2019, GG’s Bazaar promo was release where he said that he saw his love in a dream ( i don’t think this needs any explanation ) and 2021 they also posted around the same time and both are transitions.
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This is all guess work, they could be posting for the simple reason of KPI or their studios scrambling to get their bosses to be visible online 😂😂😂 BUT THE POINT IS, there seems to be significant things happening during this time and always including 11/19 between them. ✨ It fits the pattern we have been seeing for years.
3. WYB’s 105th post on Douyin and GG’s 1050 post on Weibo. 🤡🤡🤡
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4. The use of a light in their hands as an element to their post. For WYB it’s a transition to change clothes and for GGs it’s more of a sunshine/light.
They share the same brain cell. Lol. and BXGs are so good cause there is already an art for it.
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5. I love how XZ was like i don’t wanna be doing this while filming the Douyin. goes to show what happens behind the scenes and how similar he & WYB are. in the video, XZ was asking his staff “is this viral?” and they respond with “really viral” and he proceeds to make faces like he can’t believe 🤣🤣🤣 If he only knew, the most random things go viral. and he probably didn’t want to do it cause it had the cute vibe to it.
Similar to WYB, he prefers the cool transitions and he is someone who will not be willing to do a douyin trend. Both of them would rather share things they love like photos of places or their hobbies.
The lyrics for GG’s video is:
oh no oh no i haven’t talked to my baobei
baobei, what are you doing?
muah are you there? are you asleep?
baobei, what are you doing?
why aren’t you replying?”
Going by the theme of the song, missing someone, his baobei who is not replying lol is this a shout out to WYB? 😅
Anyway, it’s being linked to WYB’s post. The whole transition with the phone light he is doing was said to be popular in 2021. There is a couple version, which means two people are doing it and the BGM used is a song i will still miss you.
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Looking at the lyrics, I understand why he didn’t use it and went with the cool tune instead. It’s a bittersweet song and about missing because the couple grew apart. WYB still wants to match the missing theme but probably scrapped it cause GG’s is more on the cute type of missing someone. 🙃
6. Going back to the Japan Trip, their posts seem to echo that time. 11/19/2018.
From WYB’s use of his phone and the shot. To XZ’s most obvious posting on the same day and SAME TIME 🤯🤯🤯
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THIS IS WHY JAPAN CPN WILL FOREVER BE RELEVANT!!!!!! Happy 5th anniversary i guess! 💟 Dude I can’t fuckin believe Xiao Zhan did this the fuck he is insane for this.
7. In usual turtle clowning fashion, some of em commented xz or wyb’s photo on their douyin. These might be buried now cause solos are doing the most to make sure the top posts are theirs.
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Disclaimer: this is all CPN. meaning, it is interpretation/speculation from a cpf’s perspective and uses lots of symbolism and past events that are known and understood by cpn-inclined turtles. this is not the place to wash things cause again, it’s all cpn anyway. I don’t make these posts to be picked apart, it is for fun and to enjoy. Okay? Okay. If you wanna complain, do it on your own blog.
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accio-victuuri · 7 months
February CPNs
hello! it’s that time of the month again that i compile the sweets brought to us by the boys! this month started out very quiet but in this fandom will mean that things will take a turn in the next week/s. you just never know what will happen next. i have added some commentary here on certain incidents that i didn’t talk about separately on my blog to have “bonus content” for this round-up.
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• XZ’s GQ cover and collaboration sweets + additional ones connected to fake rumor
• not really cpn, but our boys continue to make it in the weibo hot search trend report - i still hate sina weibo but i understand how it’s relevant for them.
• XZ’s wedding suit from the AV festival. yes, this was made for him but we just had him wear that white backless wedding suit by jacquemus for GQ and now this? hmmmm. me thinks he has a preference? lol. he prefers white and that’s fine, but the choice of what looks like a wedding suit is 👀. i am on standby, let me see if this continues.
pair it off with WYB! and it’s perfect. tho i would prefer it if they are both in white. 🤍
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• xzs has the same caption as a cpf
• yibo’s watch and gg’s GQ props connection the number 91 and 3.
• chinese new year candies - gg’s weibo post, wyb’s red envelope cover clues etc
• rufeng shares new thailand fm rehearsal footage
• tencent video posting their new year vcr so close together! they could have easily posted it one after the other but maybe they didn’t want some solo fan drama. i’m happy that bobo continues to collab with 10c, and ZZ is not exclusive to 10c anymore— so hopefully this means in the future they can work on a project together <3
• clowning over XZ’s song in spring festival gala as you wish + same composer as wyb’s singles and how wyb was listening to a song from this artist lately.
• this parallel between their looks. it’s not just their characters that match each other, but their outfits from certain events. so classy!
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but i think this one is the best. seeing them get recognition for their acting in the past few months has been very rewarding. all the hard work and challenges are bearing fruit. remembering them talking about wanting to become professional actors and really take that path — studying and dreaming together. now here we are 🫶🏼
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• a cute tidbit, but the cat xz is playing with is called xiao wang. that’s because on it’s back looks like the character for wang! what a coincidence!!!! 🥹
• Bottled Joy stirring the CPN pot again by posting this on 2/13. As You Wish. The context of the post is that, as you wish — fans can get these wallpapers and photos of Bobo. but it’s a coincidence cause it’s the english title of the song GG sang @ BRTV Spring Festival Gala. 👀 the colors too, white and silver which is the same color combination of GG’s outfit. This may be meh to some, but knowing Bottled Joy’s cpn history, you can’t blame us.
• Golden Hour and Eason Chan songs @ yibo’s playlist
• Small weekend roundup - includes mention of asian pop magazines where the boys are both mentioned, supplement to xz using tickets for his spring festival photos last year as support of bobo’s movie and the phone card case appears.
• Rumor of Wang Yibo being in Hengdian - one / two / three ( i feel like this one is up there with the leica camera and gg’s bday cpn but this one is more risky on their part. as i have said in my posts, what is important is they are safe and happy. it’s their personal life. their relationship is between the two of them. as cpfs, we should be protecting them and not be people they are wary of. if we are not careful, we are no different from ss and yxh. )
• On 2/20, Yuehua & YBO have posted about the slander recently going around related to WYB and that they have reported it to the police. This went really high on HS and was widely talked about, even Du Hua reposted and reacted to it. Hours later, XZS has posted their own reminder to fans in relation to people disturbing his drama filming. What made it more important is that XZ reposted it too and put in a very firm reminder to everyone.
to give some context, the horrible rumor regarding WYB was spread around by mostly XZ fans. There was a melon that said “X” has STD and then toxic people started saying it’s WYB ( cause toxic xz fans doesn’t want it linked to XZ because of the clue given so they throw it to WYB. i know it sounds stupid, but it’s actually a common tactic done by both sides ) and even fabricated some photos. another actor, xukai was also implicated and he also reported to the police.
so this can be read by so/os as XZ&XZS trying to cover up for the toxic solos and what they did. i get why other people will think that and i personally wanted them to address the bad things his solos do. however i also understand why xz and his team can’t “betray” the solo fans. that’s just how it goes. however, in cpf interpretation, this is XZ’s way of taking away the heat from wyb and a way of putting a stop to the conversations about that horrible lie. it worked in a way that it went on HS, but not as high as WYB’s. I was also surprised that XZ reposted it himself. i am aware that the leaks and everything else is a serious issue and XZ is someone who hates being a bother to the crew. but he usually doesn’t do this. he usually leaves it to XZS or the drama account. This tells me that he personally wants to lend his name and his weibo account, to get more of the heat. The last line he said can also be a message to his toxic so/os: respect others and respect yourself.
• On 2/20, there were tarot readings some BXGs have enjoyed. One is this that is a new year CP reading done on 2/4. What made fans 👀 are:
1. this card, where OP said it’s them being hand in hand and don’t get tired of each other. and in the background is a sacred building, which symbolizes them having a vow to each other.
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more cpn was added into it when GG did MFW and people realized not to take this literally cause it could be representing the Duomo.
2. Here is the part that was v interesting to cpfs cause this person gave a prediction that followed what we cpn and happened in the next couple of days.
The two of them haven’t had many official activities recently. So from February 4th, there is a chance for the two of them to meet each other in the past few days. And as soon as the two of them meet, they won’t be going out. Yibo knows he is active but he will close up and be willing to hide at home for XZ.
this is so close to what we speculated! that they spent a quiet cny break together. 🥹🥹🥹
3. Next one is so on point it’s scary cause i have already discussed the bad rumor going around and was directed at WYB before this entry. OP was sort of right. tho i don’t know it this will be another hateful rumor, i hope not.
My prediction is that it will be in March 2024, around this time, I feel that WYB will have a a force of public opinion surrounding him. It's unfriendly to him. This power of public opinion including but not limited to WYB. If we use the 8 of Swords to understand the external environment, it is a relatively sharp. There is some public opinion about the two of them that may cause some trouble
If something happens to WYB, XZ will immediately rise up and have to rush out to protect him. XZ will work hard behind the scenes silently in his own way and are some practical actions.
I don’t think i need to further explain. It fits what happened in 2/20. 👁️👄👁️
4. WYB’s resources for 2024 will be very good. In the first quarter, the number of resources was not very large but the quality of the resources is very good. Then the Queen of Pentacles in the third quarter. In the fourth quarter, the Queen of Cups.
For context: The Queen of Pentacles, therefore, depicts a certain level of success and prosperity. But the rabbit at the bottom cautions us that we should be careful of where we leap when we are chasing that success. Queen of Cups - Generally speaking, this is a positive card for both career and finances, suggesting you're "in tune with yourself, have a good work-life balance going on, and overall a positive job experience.
The reading is close to 1 hour long and I just can’t translate it all so i’m going off what CPFs are highlighting.
• XZ’s pre Milan flight Gucci & camcorder cpn
• Fake Rumors : getting caught kissing / spending time during CNY
• XZS first post in Milan is the invitation given to XZ by Tod’s for the show. Those who had the same time as Milan saw the actual time stamp which is 1823. A beloved kadian number!!!!!
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• xz’s collar and whole look for GUCCI MFW gave us so many thoughts. lol. i know sexualization of the boys is a complicated issue in the fandom but when things like this happen — how can we stop? lol. no. but seriously. it is what it is.
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• checking their fingernails + similar pose to HB
• a comment that implies xz went to zhuhai with wyb to ride a motorcycle
• their photos match so well. 🌅
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from zz’s post in milan. it’s filled with the elements they love like the moon and a beautiful sunset background. gg was also showing off his re web shoes which is of course, because he is a gucci ambassador and all that but the “web” cpn is getting stronger. however, i am personally losing my mind over the implications in the caption he used.
• clues in zz’s mfw interviews, matching talismans on their phone cases and similar ads for shu uemura & loreal
• 8 fake rumors from CQL shoot/era that i posted about 📝
• A place CPFs landmark lol
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• spotted same mannerism! twins ☺️☺️☺️☺️
see you all next month for another round up of sweetness! just continue to support the boys and ignore the toxic moves of irrelevant people. fandom is supposed to be fun and a safe space so i hope we all fight to keep that love & peace here 🫶🏼
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