#i won’t be able to eat anything for at least 2 days 😭
s/o with cats hcs ; hunter
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requested by ; sillyraccoon (24/05/23)
fandom(s) ; the owl house
fandom masterlist(s) ; main | hunter only
character(s) ; hunter wittebane
outline ; “heyy! what are your thoughts about how would be the relation of hunter with a reader with 2-3 cats, where while 1 or 2 of the cats love him, the other one is ABSOLUTELY JEALOUS of it's owner. Like the cat will immediately jump on readers lap of hunter sits too close... I can full on imagine hunter scolding/arguing with the cat when the reader is not near, and being like "that's MY partner!" while the car is meowing back at him 😭😭😭”
warning(s) ; none, just fluff!
hunter absolutely loves cats and he loves you, so it’s definitely a win-win situation for everyone involves
he loves being able to come home after a long day of carving and just spend the evening snuggling with you and your fur babies without having to worry about anything other than what to make for your evening meal
well except for one of your cats who you’ve deemed the problem child for just how aggressive it is towards hunter and how protective it is over you
jumping onto your lap when he sits next to you
swatting his hands away and hissing when he touches you
screaming when he kisses you
getting between you at every opportunity
it’s just… very stubborn in its ways
hunter has tried basically everything to get this cat to like him and nothing as worked — it’s driving him mad!
it takes the treats he offers with a huff
refuses any affection and scoffs at any toys he buys
it won’t even start eating until it’s sure he’s left the room and has been known to outright refuse to eat if he was the one to feed them
its ridiculous
the poor man has even resorted to reasoning with it, kneeling beside the cat tree and talking to it
‘they’re my partner, i’m not gonna hurt them,’
‘I’m not! you’re being dramatic!’
it is not going well to say the least
so for now the two of you have to settle for the whole ‘leave room for cat’ level of affection and try to lock your bedroom door at night if you want the time to actually be able to hug without risking hunter’s life
a bit of a mess overall, but neither of you would trade your little family (rebellious child included) for the world
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yoohyeon · 2 years
I’m getting 3 wisdom teeth remove tomorrow and I wasn’t stressed…until now bfksbdjsn 😭
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mywjmc22 · 2 years
July 14th/15th
Yeah… I totally crashed last night, I was exhausted. Would not have been able to write coherently. But it’s the final day, writing this on the shuttle to the airport (😭), so I’m going to combine yesterday and today.
It was crazy yesterday- in the most amazing way. We started out by hanging out on Capital Hill until 3. I was able to meet with a staffer of my House of Representatives representative and talk with her about mental illness issues and policies in schools (specifically my own), which was such an amazing opportunity. Amazingly grateful.
She was super nice, and apparently their offices get stocked with local sort of snacks/drinks? I’ve avoided saying my location, but I WILL say I’ve got the World of Coke, but that’s as far as I’ll go. So, I got a can of diet coke! Believe me when I say I’ve kept that can and definitely will continue to do so.
After my meeting, I still had a lot of time, and my cousin who lives in DC came to eat lunch with me! She brought her absolutely adorable dog Yoshi, and we ate and talked for like 2 hours. It was a great time.
After that, we went back to campus to get ready for our gala! A bunch of the girls in our color group all got ready together, which was insanely fun! And once we got there…
Wow. First off, the food was absolutely divine. Amazing. Then the music and the dancing started… I had to take off my jewelry. An insanely fun time, literally indescribable. We stayed out until around 11! I have so many pictures- I’m going to need to make multiple instagram posts!
Like I said, though, I was passed out after I was so tired. It was a million times worth it, though.
And now it’s today! Packing up and leaving the room was so sad. And then we had one final speaker, Ben Wolfe, who was absolutely super cool (then he got relatable and made me cry).
Then they had the absolute audacity to make a video as a summary (to show you how tired I still am- I good only think of that word in spanish and had to use a translator to find the english word…) of the conference and it was so cute and sad!!
(To show you how tired I still am- I could only think of the word summary in spanish (resumen) and had to use a translator to find the english word…)
It was just sad because of it ending. This has been such an awesome one of a kind experience that I will literally never have anything like again. I’m so glad I decided to do this, even though I’ve never done anything like it before. I’m being so repetitive but it was just so irreplaceable.
It’s not quite a goodbye though! We’ve all got each other’s numbers and socials and a big silver group group chat, and plan to stay in touch. People always say that- but I think it will really happen this time.
When people online don’t stay in touch, it’s because both people aren’t putting in the effort. But everyone seems so determined to keep talking, and not lose this awesome group of insanely cool people, that I think we really will keep up. At least a little bit. And I hope I’m right.
I guess that’s that! Feels weird to not have to keep posting this daily… to quote Shakespeare, at risk of sounding so pretentious, “parting is such sweet sorrow”. And honestly I don’t remember the rest of that- it’s almost definitely not supposed to be used in this context.
Well, check the instagram soon! There’s definitely gonna be multiple posts. One last time!
I guess we won’t really be seeing you :(
-Toby o7
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