#i won't apologize––  no one cares about this bullshit and therefor; I do not need to apologizE
nicxl333 · 1 year
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warnings: suggestive content, fluff, implied sex
cross posted on wattpad
i actually don’t know why it’s taken me this long to write about kaiser, i fucking love this man *moans*
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love was a concept kaiser could not understand nor wished to get involved with. he believed love clashed with his ideals to escape from noel noa's shadow therefore dissociating from the norm that he is second best where noa is concerned. in other words;
love would only hold him back.
well, at least that's what he thought before you came along.
it all started when he was out shopping with ness, picking out over expensive items he did not necessarily need but bought anyways to feed into his swelling ego as well as affirming within himself that if 'he can he will'.
he had chanced upon a clothing shop with a shirt that caught his eye, wanting to look at it briefly at a closer angle. while the shirt wasn't over appealing to him, he had no reason to not buy it, considering how rich he is. he started filtering through, selecting the right size, giving it to ness to hold and heading towards the counter. just as they was approaching the queue, he lightly clashed into something in front of him, looking down with increasing displeasure at whoever weren't looking at where the fuck they were going, seeing an extremely beautiful woman rubbing her shoulder. he didn't speak at first, allowing his anger to simmer. he didn't need to anyways, not when ness was present and apparently feeling more offended than kaiser himself who was actually hit.
"oi, watch where you're going you idiot. you just hit the Michael Kaiser!"
what they didn't anticipate however was you having the ability to stand up for yourself.
you took an airpod out of your ear, giving the most aggravated side eye both football players had ever seen.
"first off, i would watch who the fuck you're talking to. i don't care if his name is michael or fucking joey, i will not be disrespected by a pair of strangers when i clearly bumped into you by accident. you didn't even give me time to breathe, let alone apologise, which i won't be doing now for the record."
although stunned, kaiser was somewhat intrigued at your reaction. although he likes annoying people and baiting reactions, this was truly one of the few times he had actually been knocked down a peg in retaliation. he wanted to know more about you.
"damn. feisty."
"i'll show you fucking feisty if you want."
ness stood there, solemnly humbled and out of commission to spout any other bullshit from his mouth, while kaiser was stunned into temporal silence.
"whatever, leave me alone you freaks."
you turned to walk up to the cashier desk, letting the sales assistant scan your clothes items. they gave you the price and you reached into your purse to take your card. a hand beat you to it however, a beep resounding from the card machine. you looked up to see a tattooed hand retracing back to the owner's side, holding a black card. he looked to you with a sly grin.
"what, am i supposed to be impressed?" you quizzed with a raised brow.
well damn.
it was clear to kaiser that you were different from other women, who were always easily impressed by money.
"just an apology for how my friend acted towards you, meine liebe."
you ignored him and took the now bagged clothes from the sales assistant, muttering a word of thanks while turning back to the duo, opening your wallet.
"i don't wanna owe you anything, so how much was it? i didn't see the price."
"aht, aht, that's between me and my bank account now. although if you truly must repay me, how about dinner tonight?"
ness' eyes nearly popped out of his head with seething jealousy that kaiser was diverting his attention elsewhere. he wouldn't say that to him though, he valued his life and would prefer to not be embarrassingly degraded in public again.
you gave a calculated stare at kaiser in slight shock, not expecting the once hostile environment to transition towards one of romance.
you pinched the bridge of your nose, slowly inhaling before opening your eyes.
"if it'll get you to leave me alone then fine."
you held your hand out for his phone, which he placed in your palm, quickly typing in your number and saving a name. you promptly returned it back to him, to which he looked at the details.
hot girl from store
he looked back up, only seeing where you previously stood, now vacated. he smirked to himself in amusement.
• six months later •
it's safe to say in the time he had gotten to know you, he swiftly became enamoured. although you protested countless of times, he would make sure to take you to upscale restaurants, don you with high end clothing. jewels, diamonds, shoes, dresses, you name it, he bought it. you only had to be remotely interested in the item you were looking at to find it at your doorstep the next day. and don't get you started on the way he loved you during the night. he always made sure you were satisfied before he was.
it's safe to say you had him wrapped around your finger. don't think that's it's a bad thing, but what really had kaiser keening for you was the interest you had for him as a person, not for who he was. you were probably the only person who treated him as a human being and not just a notorious football player. you allowed him to be himself around you. and he valued you immensely for that.
in the six months you had been dating each of you treated the other equally as well. although you requested for the relationship to stay secret for the meantime, he never gave you less of his love. it got to the stage where he couldn't imagine doing anything without you.
it just so happened that one night while watching a movie on his couch he couldn't hold himself back anymore.
you head was laid on his lap, stroking his thigh while he stroked your hip. your face was illuminated by the soft glow emanating from the tv and you just looked so damn beautiful.
he didn't intend for it to happen, but he couldn't stop the words from slipping out.
"i love you."
your head rose slightly, making sure you weren't tweaking and he actually professed his love to you.
his face was alarmingly red and he was looking anywhere but you in the moment, having grown shy. you sat up from his lap opting to sit on him instead, wrapping your legs and arms around him, placing your head in the crook of his neck and giving a light peck, moving to whisper in his ear.
"i love you too handsome."
he turned his head catching your lips in a heated passionate kiss, quickly incorporating his tongue into the mix, tasting the salt from the chips you were eating during the movie. it quickly escalated, your hands threading into his blonde and blue locks, gripping them and pulling slightly, to which he moaned into your mouth.
he reached his limit, and so did you . he lifted your body and lay you down on the couch, taking off his shirt and caging you in with his arms.
"i'm about to show you how much i love you meine schönheit."
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hanako-san · 6 months
all my posts about Daikon where I criticize her or hate her - Just read them if you want why
This post is being created so that I can simply copy it when the time comes for daikon. Honestly, I'm not going to make excuses for my hatred towards her. But I decided to do it because in the end I get one and the same thing. This post will be long because I wanted to write it when I finish a certain stage, and that's exactly what happened and I think this post is necessary and thanks to this I won't repeat myself when the time comes.
Daikon is hated, which is an unusual phenomenon apparently in this fandom, especially here. Actually, it's not surprising because I've never once seen a daikon being hated or anyone complaining about her actions and deeds. Only sympathy and all hatred for this 'evil' Hanako, making her a victim.
Yes, this 'sweet, perfect, charming, beauty' yashiro nene has haters or people who just don't like her, not only this 'evil' Hanako.I am one of them. I'm really not ashamed to admit it.
1) As Hanako Stan, I have no obligation to love the daikon and this ship. Why? Hanako isn't the reason I hate her. I know this fandom likes blames everything on Hanako and not the daikon, but it doesn't work that way. I'm not denying it, I hate her, I'm literally disgusted by the way she treats Hanako, but that's just one of many reasons for my hatred, and Hanako is just a factor in my hatred growing, but she doesn't really have anything to say about it. It's convenient to blame Hanako for this, but not this time. Take Hanako out of history and my hatred will remain with me. Why? Since the only person who arouses such strong contempt and hatred in her and literally disgusts me, and I hate her to my core, the person responsible for my such strong hatred is Yashiro nene aka daikon. Surprised? Because I don't. My hatred came with time. I used to love her and this ship, but there are things about her that really piss me off, and I'll give those reasons later when I finish everything I have to say. I changed my mind because I can't tolerate her behavior. I don't care about her personality and age, these are not enough reasons to give any pass, I don't feel sorry for her because she is a "naive girl". You can't count on my sympathy. I'm cold and ruthless towards her, but Hanako has nothing to do with it, so this "no one forces me to hate nene" is not true, the only person who forces me is yahsiro nene. Therefore as Hanako I have no obligation to love her, just because he loves her doesn't mean I should too. It doesn't work that way. I will not be nicer to her because she is a girl, because of her character or age.
There is absolutely no point in blaming Hanako for my hatred. It's time to look in the face and realize that it's time to put the blame on yashiro. Her cheerful, loving and naive nature doesn't appeal to me. It's funny to me that daikon stans have a problem with my hatred and daikon stans also contributed to the explosion of my hatred. so FTW XD
2) What Hanako did and what I think. This is my private matter. I don't need to be reminded of what he's doing because I know it and I completely accept it, whether I like his actions or not. Hanako always He has no problem apologizing, he takes full responsibility for what he does ,again has no problem admitting guilt, and I'm proud of him. He does something consciously, knowing that he is doing something wrong, but he KNOWS it and will not hesitate to do it. He's not a coward and that's why I admire him. He is not morally pure and has his flaws, but he completely agrees with that. Whether I like his actions or not is entirely up to me. I will support him no matter what I think because he deserves it. I understand why he does it and I don't think he's selfish, his actions are not selfish, it's complete bullshit, he always does something with someone he loves in mind, but I've written so many posts on this topic that you can really just go through it to find these posts. I wrote the last one a few months ago and I really don't intend to repeat it here - for me it's a closed topic. The only person who is selfish is me, because I only care about HIM, his feelings, making him happy, etc., I only pay attention to him and I will stand by his side. Hanako is important to me here, he is my number one and I will take care of him first and it's high time for it to be talked about. Just because I don't criticize him for his actions doesn't mean I don't have negative thoughts about his actions, but I do. I completely ignore it and don't care. I'm here to support this boy and I have no intention of stopping, no matter what I think. I'll support him, okay? And I know perfectly well what he did and I really don't need to be reminded. I think turning a cat's tail to whiten a daikon is pathetic. She also has bad deeds, and the narrative describes her attempts to whitewash her for her sins, but this will never happen. She also considers herself innocent, but that doesn't mean she is. She's guilty as hell there! But no one has ever done what I did and started pointing out at her, expressing hatred and venting about it. Everything went to Hanako. The fact that Hanako is also complicit in certain actions does not mean that the daikon is pure as a whistle, because she is just as guilty as he is, the fact that she is ignorant and does not listen is none of my business. I'm not going to put all the blame on him when I don't think so and I know he's not entirely to blame for the daikon's actions. Just because she's 'naive, sweet, amorous' doesn't mean you can let her do anything and ignore her because that's who she is. That's not how it works. She did a lot of bad actions and deeds before and she still does them and there is no problem and turning everything back on Hanako won't help. It's time to understand this. I've said it so many times and this is the last time I say it.
3) daikon and Hanako's relationship is one big joke. The more I re-read in English or in my language, the more I become convinced of it. I see these changes in daikon, but what's the point if they are only temporary. I won't tolerate her trampling on him and her 'love'. jokes. They shouldn't be together and I've been thinking about it since p.p. arc. I gave her enough chances that she didn't deserve and that's enough. My tolerance and kindness also have limits. Just because they are canon doesn't mean it's a good ship, as AR wants to show. Her care for him. If she was like that, she wouldn't rely on him all the time, she would start listening to him and stop blaming him for a lot of things that were her fault, but she never once apologized to him, and when she did, it was disingenuous because she went back to that behavior. She was too used to Hanako taking everything upon herself, which ultimately made her innocent. She can't even respect Hanako. And I really don't care about her temporary changes where the AR for the plot will show that she 'loves' him when later it is the way it is. I'm tired of waiting, it's over 100 chapters. Enough already!
4) It's none of my business if I frustrate or scare anyone with what I do with daikon. Seriously, not mine. Am I mean and rude? I do not care about it. I also had to go through my hell when I silently hated daikon and was indifferent to it. Writing such things is pointless and I don't know what the purpose is, arouse some sympathy in me that my posts hurt someone? Stop manipulating me with your hurts feelings in any way, it's pathetic. I don't care about it.
others posts - X, X,X,X,X,X and my FIRST POST is HERE
I often repeat myself in posts, and in the newest one at the top I added many of my thoughts. complementing the thoughts I said earlier, like n that I don't think Hanako is selfish because this witch wants to live. These posts are enough to send a clear signal that I despise her to the core.
Finally, I consider her and my hatred to be over. When I want to write something about her, now what I have done is enough. If someone still doesn't understand, it's not my problem. This collection of posts about ' the queen of innocence' will be on my blog in links.
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livredebelle · 1 year
I WAS STUNNED--I HAD NEVER IMAGINED he would get on his knees for me, let alone be physically capable of it at all. The man was all about his pride, I knew all too well. Too much between us was changing, too fast, all of a sudden. I started feeling uncomfortable.
"First off, you have to know that you mean everything to me. I care only for you. That means no matter what bullshit comes our way, promise me that if your feelings are true, you won't ever try to leave me."
"I don't want us to start off on the wrong foot. You want me to be completely candid and honest--so here I am." He took my hands gingerly in his. "I'm saying your sister has no hold on me whatsoever. So let us drop that issue between us, here and now."
I found that incredibly hard to believe--all my life, people in my family had preferred Rosalie over me. She was prettier, kinder, softer--everything a proper lady should be. Me? I was the degenerate daughter who they were ashamed of, someone who had let down their hopes from the very beginning.
What was I so afraid of? Heath was confessing his love to me, and promising me that he had no feelings for her. If I loved him too, I should believe him. Shouldn't I?
'You can never trust what men say. They may promise you the world, but what they really mean is you'll only ever be a fraction of the world to him.'
Mother's education had encompassed many topics, her favorite of them all being relationships and men. Because of her own failures in her love life, she felt the need to impart her 'wisdom' to her daughters, mostly me because I was the eldest and therefore carried the higher burden of expectations.
Maybe I had subconsciously pushed away dating potentials all my life because of that. At least in part. I figured from the very beginning, I shouldn't get into relationships if it only meant getting burned. I was too prideful for that; I didn't want to feel inferior to anybody, nor give anyone the right to make me feel that way.
More so than I already felt.
So I hesitated. And Heath noticed.
"I'm different, and you know it deep in your heart. I'm not the kind of foolish lad to believe in silly things like fate. But the way our paths are intertwined--I would say at this point, it would almost be silly not to believe in it, with you before my eyes."
God, he had such a way with words. It almost made me want to cave, but I held my tongue to his evident dismay.
"What more can I do to prove my loyalty to you?" he asked with a twinge of pain in his voice. I flinched. Hurting him had not been my intent, but I also had no intention of apologizing for it, because I was prioritizing myself over him.
"I don't think there's anything you can do," I confessed. "I just... need more time to process things between us. But... I'll do my best." I paused, then blurted, "So what did Rosalie's text say?" I wanted to change the subject to a less serious one, true, but he hadn't answered that part of the question yet.
"She wants to meet," Heath said carefully, probably not wanting to antagonize me. He knew my sister was a sensitive subject, especially right now. When had the axis on my world become so tilted? "For what reason, I can guess: she knows that I met with Pete. And she's probably going to ask about it--which will confirm whether she's helping her father or not--while also trying to act weak in front of me so I feel sorry for her." The steel coldness in his eyes told me her plan would not work, which made me feel relieved.
"Does it matter? I'm not meeting her," he said, one of his eyebrows rising. "I'm not leaving you alone when things are so risky as it is."
"What does Pete want with me, do you think...?"
That was the real question, wasn't it? I was confused as to what he'd want to see me for--we hadn't spoken in years; besides that, we had never had a good relationship for the brief moment in history we'd been acquainted under the title of 'family.' I could understand him wanting to meet with Rose, but...
Seeing Heath's expression harden made me realize instantly that no matter what the reason, it was definitely sinister.
But why? I hadn't done anything to him! I wanted to scream it, but would it change anything? No. So what was the point of throwing a tantrum like a child? I bit my lip in frustration.
"Don't worry. I'll take care of it," Heath promised, squeezing my hands tighter in his. "You are not alone in this."
My heart warmed at his words. How desperately I wanted to believe him wholeheartedly. But there was always that 1% that would doubt. It was simply in my nature.
"Maybe I should meet him after all," I suggested after thinking for a bit. "You know, use me as bait and set up a trap."
"Hell no. Do you seriously think I'd consider that option for even a moment?" His tone dripped with disapproval. "I'm perfectly capable of cleaning up someone like him."
"Wait, what do you mean, 'clean up'? Don't tell me you--"
"What, surely you can't seriously expect me to let him live?" Heath's baby blue eyes twinkled with malice. "He is a risk otherwise. He'll keep coming back, and we'll forever be running away or hiding in the shadows. Why in the nine hells would I allow that?"
"But... but that would be--" I stammered.
"Murder?" It was like he was really saying, "So?" He couldn't be serious.
"You're talking about killing somebody. It's a crime!"
"What solution would you suggest, then?"
"I don't know... but... There must be something else. I don't want to think of that as our first option."
"You wouldn't have to be involved in anything; I'll take care of it all."
"You've already implicated me by telling me! How could I let you go on when I know...?"
He was really going to drive me crazy. I mean, it made sense. I had always known that Heath Ashford was a crazy, fucked up guy. I had fallen in love with him regardless, and now I was going to have to pay the price.
How to make him see reason?
"I would do anything to protect you, Rina," he said solemnly. "It doesn't matter who or what they are. I'll make sure it can't be traced back to us. Just... don't ask me to change myself for the sake of someone as grotesque as Pete. Don't I mean more to you?"
"Trust me on this. This problem won't go away until and unless I nip it in the bud. It would also send a message to the real mastermind behind the plan, whoever that is--"
That thought made me feel ill. The mastermind contenders were either my mother, or my sister. Maybe, just maybe, Richard too--but he was less likely. It didn't matter; they were all from the same circle--my family. What a sick joke. I closed my eyes, almost willing myself to be okay with the fact, and then to just completely forget it had ever happened. I wanted to reset everything in my life--go back to a better time. But when would that be? My childhood? I had no memory of ever being really happy. My life was an empty shell; it was so plain and unremarkable that I wanted to scream. Had I been born as anybody else, maybe my life would have meant more.
"Okay, fine, whatever--I don't want to talk about this anymore," I sighed, plopping backwards on the bed. "I want to rest."
"You should. In the meantime, I'll go meet your sister and scope her out. Report back to you soon." He leaned forward to leave me a kiss on the forehead, and I felt my cheeks flush in response. I was seriously going to have to get used to his affectionate side--my heart drummed excitedly in my chest.
As I heard him leave the room, I sat up abruptly. Maybe this was a chance to witness things for myself instead of merely leaving it up to someone else--not that it meant I didn't trust Heath, I assured myself quickly. But because I had to see it with my own eyes if it was true that my sister had been wearing a mask in front of me all our lives. The possibility made my hands sweat, and I almost decided against it, but I powered through. No more inactive Irina. No more complaining when things don't go my way. No, I was going to take action. I had nothing to lose, now that I had a partner in crime by my side.
Maybe almost too literally.
I had followed behind Heath carefully, instructing the taxi driver to trail his Audi as inconspicuously as possible. Thankfully, the driver didn't ask any questions, so long as I paid the cab fare. His Audi had parked in the lot in front of a small mom-and-pop cafe near the university; it was obvious Heath had picked the place, not wanting to alert Rose to the location of my whereabouts. The sincerity reflected in his actions made me hopeful that maybe, just maybe, Mother had been wrong. Maybe she was just shitty at finding love, and I shouldn't take her words too seriously.
But again, old habits die hard.
I had a dilemma: how was I going to trail him further than this? It wasn't like I was wearing a disguise or anything; if I entered the cafe to eavesdrop, I would be found out immediately by the both of them. So I decided against that plan, deciding instead to stay put in the taxi and pay the meter while it was running. Again, the driver was happy to oblige so long as the fare was taken care of. I wished the window glass was tinted to allow myself better cover, but this would have to do; it was the best I was going to get.
Rosalie was inside and waiting already--she was clearly visible, as she was sitting on a table right next to the cafe window. As Heath entered the cafe, I could see her beaming. Like she was really in love with him. It was hard to see, but I forced myself to watch. I wanted to verify everything with my eyes, even if I couldn't hear what was being said.
He sat across from her, and she pushed the menu across the table to him, which he refused. When she insisted, he tossed the menu to the floor, and I nearly laughed. I loved his attitude towards her--if he kept this up, he was going to get rewarded well for it later. She smiled sadly, then he barked a question, or an accusation, at her. Her face crumpled, but she maintained her calm demeanor for the most part and her hands moved about as she explained her side of the story. Heath didn't look pleased, but I couldn't read anything but sternness from his body language. Then, Rosalie reached across the table and grasped his hand in hers.
I almost bolted out of the taxi, ran across the lot, and punched her in the face. The audacity of her to be doing this, when she clearly knew... Wait, did she? Had I ever confessed to her--or anybody for that matter--how I had felt? No. So then, this was my fault once again. I sank back in my seat, dejected. I should have been more honest; then it wouldn't have come back to bite me in the ass later like this.
He shrugged her off, and said something with a blank expression on his face. She flinched at his words and reclined in her seat as well, her doe eyes fixated on his face. It was painful to watch. Even with this weird conflict between us, I found it hard to suppress the feelings of wanting to protect my little sister--it was automatic at this point, embedded in my body as if second nature.
How pathetic this whole situation was. It was like I was the worst protagonist in the story, idly waiting to be rescued while not doing anything to better the situation herself. I had always despised fairy tales because I hated the weak portrayal of women in them; but perhaps all this time, I had been jealous of their ability to skirt responsibilities and get away with it, all because they were beautiful. And because they were princesses. Why should those automatically grant you a license to be a nuisance to others?
After a couple more exchanges, Heath stood, and I saw Rose burst into tears--it was clear she was begging him to stay, or begging him for... something. My breath caught in my throat. Even in my eyes, my crying sister was too beautiful to ignore. If I were a guy, or Heath even, I would find her difficult, if not impossible, to resist. This was the moment of truth. I held my breath, resolved to release it only when it was safe to do so.
But Heath left the table after all. I let out my breath, relief flooding over me. But that relief was so shortlived as I realized he was sauntering over confidently towards me. In the taxi. I cowered, trying my best to disappear or assimilate into the car seats. But no dice.
Knock, knock.
"Hello, love. Missed me already?"
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