#im done with daikon
hanako-san · 6 months
all my posts about Daikon where I criticize her or hate her - Just read them if you want why
This post is being created so that I can simply copy it when the time comes for daikon. Honestly, I'm not going to make excuses for my hatred towards her. But I decided to do it because in the end I get one and the same thing. This post will be long because I wanted to write it when I finish a certain stage, and that's exactly what happened and I think this post is necessary and thanks to this I won't repeat myself when the time comes.
Daikon is hated, which is an unusual phenomenon apparently in this fandom, especially here. Actually, it's not surprising because I've never once seen a daikon being hated or anyone complaining about her actions and deeds. Only sympathy and all hatred for this 'evil' Hanako, making her a victim.
Yes, this 'sweet, perfect, charming, beauty' yashiro nene has haters or people who just don't like her, not only this 'evil' Hanako.I am one of them. I'm really not ashamed to admit it.
1) As Hanako Stan, I have no obligation to love the daikon and this ship. Why? Hanako isn't the reason I hate her. I know this fandom likes blames everything on Hanako and not the daikon, but it doesn't work that way. I'm not denying it, I hate her, I'm literally disgusted by the way she treats Hanako, but that's just one of many reasons for my hatred, and Hanako is just a factor in my hatred growing, but she doesn't really have anything to say about it. It's convenient to blame Hanako for this, but not this time. Take Hanako out of history and my hatred will remain with me. Why? Since the only person who arouses such strong contempt and hatred in her and literally disgusts me, and I hate her to my core, the person responsible for my such strong hatred is Yashiro nene aka daikon. Surprised? Because I don't. My hatred came with time. I used to love her and this ship, but there are things about her that really piss me off, and I'll give those reasons later when I finish everything I have to say. I changed my mind because I can't tolerate her behavior. I don't care about her personality and age, these are not enough reasons to give any pass, I don't feel sorry for her because she is a "naive girl". You can't count on my sympathy. I'm cold and ruthless towards her, but Hanako has nothing to do with it, so this "no one forces me to hate nene" is not true, the only person who forces me is yahsiro nene. Therefore as Hanako I have no obligation to love her, just because he loves her doesn't mean I should too. It doesn't work that way. I will not be nicer to her because she is a girl, because of her character or age.
There is absolutely no point in blaming Hanako for my hatred. It's time to look in the face and realize that it's time to put the blame on yashiro. Her cheerful, loving and naive nature doesn't appeal to me. It's funny to me that daikon stans have a problem with my hatred and daikon stans also contributed to the explosion of my hatred. so FTW XD
2) What Hanako did and what I think. This is my private matter. I don't need to be reminded of what he's doing because I know it and I completely accept it, whether I like his actions or not. Hanako always He has no problem apologizing, he takes full responsibility for what he does ,again has no problem admitting guilt, and I'm proud of him. He does something consciously, knowing that he is doing something wrong, but he KNOWS it and will not hesitate to do it. He's not a coward and that's why I admire him. He is not morally pure and has his flaws, but he completely agrees with that. Whether I like his actions or not is entirely up to me. I will support him no matter what I think because he deserves it. I understand why he does it and I don't think he's selfish, his actions are not selfish, it's complete bullshit, he always does something with someone he loves in mind, but I've written so many posts on this topic that you can really just go through it to find these posts. I wrote the last one a few months ago and I really don't intend to repeat it here - for me it's a closed topic. The only person who is selfish is me, because I only care about HIM, his feelings, making him happy, etc., I only pay attention to him and I will stand by his side. Hanako is important to me here, he is my number one and I will take care of him first and it's high time for it to be talked about. Just because I don't criticize him for his actions doesn't mean I don't have negative thoughts about his actions, but I do. I completely ignore it and don't care. I'm here to support this boy and I have no intention of stopping, no matter what I think. I'll support him, okay? And I know perfectly well what he did and I really don't need to be reminded. I think turning a cat's tail to whiten a daikon is pathetic. She also has bad deeds, and the narrative describes her attempts to whitewash her for her sins, but this will never happen. She also considers herself innocent, but that doesn't mean she is. She's guilty as hell there! But no one has ever done what I did and started pointing out at her, expressing hatred and venting about it. Everything went to Hanako. The fact that Hanako is also complicit in certain actions does not mean that the daikon is pure as a whistle, because she is just as guilty as he is, the fact that she is ignorant and does not listen is none of my business. I'm not going to put all the blame on him when I don't think so and I know he's not entirely to blame for the daikon's actions. Just because she's 'naive, sweet, amorous' doesn't mean you can let her do anything and ignore her because that's who she is. That's not how it works. She did a lot of bad actions and deeds before and she still does them and there is no problem and turning everything back on Hanako won't help. It's time to understand this. I've said it so many times and this is the last time I say it.
3) daikon and Hanako's relationship is one big joke. The more I re-read in English or in my language, the more I become convinced of it. I see these changes in daikon, but what's the point if they are only temporary. I won't tolerate her trampling on him and her 'love'. jokes. They shouldn't be together and I've been thinking about it since p.p. arc. I gave her enough chances that she didn't deserve and that's enough. My tolerance and kindness also have limits. Just because they are canon doesn't mean it's a good ship, as AR wants to show. Her care for him. If she was like that, she wouldn't rely on him all the time, she would start listening to him and stop blaming him for a lot of things that were her fault, but she never once apologized to him, and when she did, it was disingenuous because she went back to that behavior. She was too used to Hanako taking everything upon herself, which ultimately made her innocent. She can't even respect Hanako. And I really don't care about her temporary changes where the AR for the plot will show that she 'loves' him when later it is the way it is. I'm tired of waiting, it's over 100 chapters. Enough already!
4) It's none of my business if I frustrate or scare anyone with what I do with daikon. Seriously, not mine. Am I mean and rude? I do not care about it. I also had to go through my hell when I silently hated daikon and was indifferent to it. Writing such things is pointless and I don't know what the purpose is, arouse some sympathy in me that my posts hurt someone? Stop manipulating me with your hurts feelings in any way, it's pathetic. I don't care about it.
others posts - X, X,X,X,X,X and my FIRST POST is HERE
I often repeat myself in posts, and in the newest one at the top I added many of my thoughts. complementing the thoughts I said earlier, like n that I don't think Hanako is selfish because this witch wants to live. These posts are enough to send a clear signal that I despise her to the core.
Finally, I consider her and my hatred to be over. When I want to write something about her, now what I have done is enough. If someone still doesn't understand, it's not my problem. This collection of posts about ' the queen of innocence' will be on my blog in links.
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sqlmn · 1 year
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Sebastian (pink hair) and Cornella (blue hair) meet as children and realize "ah, that's the kid my parents told me to avoid because of business reasons" and immediately decide "hey, we're going to be best friends and not fight". Which... in the long run helps a lot in regards to their parents companies because now the parents have to play nice around their kids.
long history below lol
So they're just bffs throughout their youth and a couple years before their high school graduation, Sebastian spots a kid with messy hair who looks really nervous. Since it's early in the year, maybe the kid needs help finding somewhere? So he goes over to offer to help him to class buuuuut the guy flinches and runs away. So Sebastian is ready to report to Cornella at lunch but she slams her hands down on the table saying "I JUST SAW THE CUTEST GUY EVER". And Sebastian puts his concerns on hold until he realizes they're about to talk about the same guy.
The duo then decide "operation befriend shy guy" and spend like an entire school year getting Matis to warm up to them. Good! Except now they're seniors and STILL both pining for the underclassman (only a grade below) and they have an agreement to not pressure Matis into any weird situations about picking between them.
Matis and Sebastian like to draw though and so one day as Sebastian is vibing and sketching Cornella while stealing glances at Matis, he decides to put little hearts around her head. It's fine, it's not weird, it's totally cool. And Matis sees and comments he must really like her and while he DOES really like her it's .... not quite like that. So he laughs it off.
The two graduate and then start to train at their parents companies while attending college and the years go on. They still sometimes think about Matis and go "wonder how he's doing" "wonder if he's more outspoken now" "wonder if he'd remember us" because they're both very normal about the lingering crush they have. Cornella walks into the building she works at one day and is going directly to her office in hopes no one sees her since she's supposed to be off when she hears her name.
"I'm not here, you didn't see me and you REALLY didn't see me if my dad's asking" is her immediate response but the guy's like 'oh, sure, understood. i am interviewing someone who said he went to school with you' and so she looks over and is just. Floored. Yup, still nervous looking, definitely remembers them, he's doing fine, and he's apparently now working at her company. Fabulous.
She does say hello and then nervously excuses herself to go to her office before anyone else sees her but hey see you around good to see you bye haha... and calls Sebastian with "He's hot now" with no context. So he asks who and she's like "oh only the cutest boy to ever plague our brains for years" and Sebastian is just "wait wait, Matis ? ? YOU SAW HIM? WHERE? HELLO? Why was I not invited to see him? Why did you not video call so I can see him? WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE'S HOT" and then they scheme how to actually meet up and involve Matis. And they agree while he's definitely handsome dealing with other people, the fact he still blushes and looks nervous around them and looks to them for approval is the absolute cutest thing on the planet.
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imakle · 3 months
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my fuckin thang ...
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kcrossvine-art · 5 months
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haiiii dungeon delvers! This is a quick one, gratefully both the materials and the dish-type are very close to their real life inspiration :D
As we speak, my favorite catgirl bestfolk is getting introduced to the anime and you haven no idea how much self control its taken to not immediately jump forward to be in sync with her, but theres SO many good recipes before we get there!!!
We will be making a Mandrake and Basilisk Omelet today!
(As always you can find the cooking instructions and full ingredient list under the break-)
SO, “what goes into a Mandrake and Basilisk Omelet?” YOU MIGHT ASKIts made from the egg of a basilisk, which isnt a large chicken egg but instead a large snake egg. Oblong shape, soft leather texture, and no eggwhites just yolk.
A large daikon
½ lbs fatty bacon
Chicken eggs
Arugula (for garnishing)
OPTIONAL; ketchup/hot sauce :)
You could try cooking this using actual snake eggs, but theyre hard to come by and reportedly quite bland compared to chicken eggs. I tried getting my hands on an ostrich egg for the pizzaz of it all. The zoo lady was kind in her dismissal.
AND, “what does a Mandrake and Basilisk Omelet taste like?” YOU MIGHT ASKOmelettes are standard fair but here we cook them like a french omelette and wrap it up like a burrito at the end.
Wetter eggs than im used to ( <- american)
Daikon and bacon r very tasty together
They end up having the same texture almost
Intensely savory. Heavy on the tummy
Chopped green onions would bring more levity to the filling
Ketchup pairs well
(but i prefer medium hot sauce)
Dark coffee pairs well
The acidity of the above 3 is what makes them work with this nutrient Dense dish
. In the show, decapitated mandrakes are more bitter than mandrakes left 'whole'. If you want that difference, using sweet/sour sauce on some of the daikon while it cooks will make the non-sauced daikon seem bitter by comparison. . Maybe ferment daikon too? . Adding a small amount of water with the bacon transfers the heat evenly, a small amount as to cook off before the fat/grease renders. Could also try cooking in the oven.
"Consisting of a fluffy Basilisk egg omelet filled with minced Basilisk bacon and mandrake.If the mandrake used was killed with its 'head' still attached, it will be less bitter and more mellow" This dish is important as it marks the beginning of Senshi and Marcilles bonding, and the lead-up gives us our first glance into the school Falin and Marcille met at. Objectively the recipe is basic but it was challenging to write out.
Omelette making is muscle-memory, so having to learn the french variation and slow down felt like trying to ride a bike side-saddled.
It took about an hour and a half from laying out the ingredients, to eating the finished thing. I had to take a break in the middle of cutting veggies as my wrists are flaring up, so you could probably go faster unimpeded.
What would you rate this recipe out of 10?(with 1 being food that makes one physically sick and 10 being food that gives one a lust for life again.) Did you love it, did you hate it? What're your thoughts on what I could do different, and what would you have done instead?
1 large daikon, chopped
½ lbs fatty bacon, chopped
2 shallots
3 cloves of garlic
3 Eggs
Some arugula (for garnishing)
OPTIONAL; ketchup/hot sauce :)
Chop your bacon into roughly ½ inch squares. Cut off the ends of your daikon and cube the rest. Thinly dice your shallots and crush your garlic cloves.
Bring a cast iron skillet to medium-high heat. Once at temp, carefully add your chopped bacon to the pan with a very small amount of water.
Add your chopped bacon and stir-fry until almost cooked.
Add your shallots and garlic. Cook for about a minute or until the shallots have softened.
Transfer the bacon, shallot, and garlic mix to a bowl. Set aside. Lower the cast iron skillet to medium heat.
Place your daikon cubes in the cast iron skillet, you should still have enough bacon grease. Add salt and cook until lightly browned on each side.
Add roughly 1 tablespoon of water. Lower heat and cover. Simmer for 2 minutes.
Once your daikon are softened, transfer to same bowl containing your bacon, shallots, and garlic.
Crack your eggs into a seperate bowl and whisk for 2 minutes until 'frothy' with no egg whites visible.
Bring the cast iron skillet back up to medium heat. There might not be enough bacon grease left, so feel free to add butter! If the butter browns you've gone too hot.
Pour your eggs into the skillet. Use a spatula to spread the eggs, scraping down the sides of the pan. Sprinkle salt and pepper in, to taste.
Once your eggs are mostly solid, pour the bacon, shallot, garlic, and daikon filling into the center. If it starts to separate- stop touching and let it rest. Gently fold the edges of the omelette overtop the filling.
Lay a few pieces of arugula on a plate, and flip your omelette onto it :) enjoy!
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huhwhatyak · 2 years
A3! Autumn manga #1: Chapter 5 [ENG Translation]
Vol.1 (Chapters 1-5)  |  Vol. 2 (Chapters 6-9) [In progress] 
Please do not repost on other social media or websites! If you’d like to share it please just link it back to this post or this tag
You can buy the ebook version of the manga here on bookwalker!
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- END of Chapter 5 - Volume 1 Complete!
once again, please do not repost on other social media or websites! If you’d like to share it please just link it back to this post or this tag thank you!!
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pctaldrunk · 3 years
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@necrrot asked   :    👫 !!!   -    send a 👫and i’ll write four headcanons i have about our muse’s relationship (accepting!)
for the foxes <3
I don’t know why mischief as a love language is so comforting to me as a concept but these two definitely have it. Like, there’s something about knowing that you can mess with someone a lil and they won’t take it the wrong way / knowing they’ll play along and pretend they haven’t seen through your tricks, and these two definitely do it all the time and probably have from the moment they met. It’s their own brand of push and pull and it’s lighthearted and fun and a way of telling the other person “I’m comfortable with you” and also to another degree “I’m okay” without addressing the seriousness and gravity of those statements when they don’t want to.
Sort of building off that last one but there’s just something comfortable about existing in the same space as if it’s completely natural and instinctive, especially given who they are. Like, from the outside when you look they seem like they would stick out so much in each other’s worlds, but then you put them in the same place and it’s just...they figure it out, and it’s right and fine?
She likes to bury the sealed jars of wine she makes in his territory. Usually she makes flower and fruit brews, from peaches and peach blossoms and sorrowless flowers and whatever else is in season, and then when she makes her yearly trek to go stay with him she’ll bring these along and bury them - and say that in a couple of months they can dig it up and drink together. It’s just a nice tradition, and something that makes it feel a little bit like home too.
They can farm together!! Jiu has a lot of, uh, useful-but-pretty vegetable garden plans for any landscape she happens upon because she’s terrible and excited about planting her own food like that. They can plant things together and watch them grow and harvest them and cook for each other (even though he might accidentally burn her tongue off. she has no complaints she eats it even if she cries ajfkldjf;lsdf). 
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mako-neexu · 5 years
Hananene messing around but when nene takes hanako’s cap, places it on her head and tips it to the side while facing hanako, she says with a huff “Hanako-kun baka! You always win at this game!”
Nene leans toward hanako until their faces are merely an inch apart. Hanako’s breath hitches and Nene brushes back Hanako’s bangs using the back of her hand on his forehead and places it there.
“Eh? You’re a ghost but why are you red? Can ghosts get sick?”
Hanako collapses on the floor and Nene realizes a second later what she had done to cause a flustered reaction from hanako.
“Ehehe... its fine Yashiro! Besides, I got to feel how thick your daikon ankles are!”
hanako is left to die by the hands of the mokke while nene watches without remorse.)
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kazuhasluv · 4 years
"Shut up, I'm not a puppet."
"You're my puppet. Mine only."
(Part 2 of "You're under my spell and I'm never letting you go.")
(I'm naming this series "The Knife")
Previously, we found out that Aoi was the student who had found out about Nene's lifespan and was the one who handed Nene a knife to exorcise Hanako. (I'd say kill, but I remembered he's dead-)
We also found out that she was the one who Kou aimed the knife at. (Nice aim Kou)
But then again, are there more killers working behind the scenes, covering up Aoi's death and/or framing a student for it?
Tags: @trish-chan @wisteliazen @bloodredruby @daikonsenpai @certainyanderecatperson @eijimadison @quackeydoodles @bitsuba
Character/s used: Nene, Hanako, Tsukasa, Kou, Mitsuba, Teru, Akane, Tsuchigomori, Yako, Sakura, Natsuhiko (and other characters- there are too many so-)
Warning/s: Few to none angst
Chapter 2: Investigation
"I think Daikon-Senpai knows that we, or should I say, Lame Ass Traffic Earring, killed Aoi-San" Mitsuba cited, emphasizing Lame Ass Traffic Earring.
"H-Hey! I didn't know that until the hood fell off when she fell!" Kou testified.
Hanako sighed, "Well, we have to find out why she did this. Our first suspect, however, is Yashiro."
A few minutes later, our beloved group sat in a circle, (or square- since- you get my point-) eating donuts and drinking smoothies.
"So Yashiro..." Hanako started, "What were you doing when Aoi-San bumped into you?"
"I was about to go to the garden to check the plants, when she bumped into me" Yashiro answered.
Kou raised an eyebrow. "If you were heading to the garden, why did you have cooking books and materials?" he added to Hanako's question.
Yashiro's face turned beet red.
"W-Well..." she started, which lead to a gulp.
She covered her face with her hands and said, "I was about to make a gift for Hanako-Kun..."
Now it was Hanako-Kun's turn to be beet red.
"WH-WHAAAAA?!" he said bolting upright, nearly dropping his donut, "SERIOUSLY?!"
His smile was so wide, Yashiro also couldn't help but smile aswell.
"Anyway, back to the interview!" Kou interrupted. (WHY RUIN THE MOMENT 👀👀👀)
"What was Aoi-San wearing the time you bumped into her?" Mitsuba asked.
"She was wearing a hoodie over her uniform" Yashiro answered.
After a few more hours of interrogating Yashiro, the group decided to clean up and end the interrogation for the day.
Hanako and Yashiro left the rooftop, while Mitsuba and Kou were left.
"Do you have any lead?" Mitsuba asked after a couple minutes of silence.
Looking at the papers he did, Kou sighed, "Sadly, I don't."
Mitsuba leaned closer to Kou to see the papers closely.
(i had to do this XD- it's hard to explain XD)
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"It's a huge piece of sticky note, and yet you only manage to write that?" Mitsuba scoffed.
"H-Hey!" Kou protested, "Atleast the paper isn't a waste!"
Mitsuba rolled his eyes and clapbacked, "We could've used it for the next interview."
Kou and Mitsuba then chased each other.
Meanwhile, Hanako and Nene ended up in a cuddling session, talking about their day other than what happened. (BHhavHYagzh im turning soft-)
"Hanako-Kun, did you really know about Aoi being the student who knew about my lifespan?" she asked after minutes of Hanako playing with her hair. (THIS IS TOO WHOLESOME AAAAAAA-)
"I didn't know until the hood fell off. Her disguise was really well done, so maybe that's why you didn't recognize her" Hanako answered.
Nene thought about it for a while, which led to silence.
It was a few hours of silence, until Hanako kissed Nene. (this is de crap we need UWU)
"Wh- HANAKO-KUNNNN!" Nene exclaimed, turning into a puddle of daikon tomato soup.
Hanako chuckled, "Sorry, I had the urge to."
Kou came rushing in with Mitsuba.
Hanako shot his grin and said, "Nothing."
Chapter 3: Trial (Part 1)
"M'lady, you'll help us ri- OW!"
"Shut up."
"*yawns* I just wanted to sleep"
"What are we here for?"
"Spider-Face, what's this about?"
Hanako's voice boomed, "I've called all of you today for a trial."
People started to protest.
Hanako sighed, "To see if Aoi-San is working with someone else."
"I feel like you only feel bitter that Aoi-San tried to exorcise you" Teru pointed out.
"I-" Hanako started, but shook his head after.
"We'll begin with the alibis" he said.
I added some HanaNene fluff for y'all shippers out there uwu
I'm making this into a series coincedencely I-
Anyways, enjoy your day!
Sneak Peek:
"No... It wont happen. I'll never let Aoi-Chan do that."
"It'll happen boy. She'll do it no matter what."
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ishades · 5 years
truten hcs 1/?
trunks catches videls bouquet with his face at her and gohans wedding. (she sort of accidentally threw them at him on purpose) goten laughs and picks them up for him
trunks was the first to fall in love. hed liked goten since he was 8 but it was just a crush he didnt actually consciously recognize. he first realizes hes in love with goten after goten goes on his first date at thirteen and comes home broken-hearted. 
he comes out as bi to his grandma paunchy first. and she laughs and just says “oh you really do take after your mother.”
he comes out to his mother next and she tells him she figured and that it was fine. she still loved him there was no need to worry about rejection over something like sexuality in this family
he comes out to his father last. hes reassured his father won be mad at him at this point. but that fear of dissapointment hes always carried when it comes to his father persists. vegeta takes is surprisingly well
“its none of my business the nature of your attraction.” and they continue training together. after theyre done and taking a breather, vegeta pats his back and says in his gruff voice “love is what makes a person strong. loving another is the most powerful thing anyone can do. much more powerful than super saiyan 3. im proud of you.” he wont look at trunks but he can see his fathers a little red in the face, eyes misty. he doesnt try to make fun of his father for it.
just hugs him as tight as he can and vegeta makes a big stink about it grumbling at first but letting it happen. he rests an arm around his sons shoulders and they just sit like that together for a minute. 
its just like the first time his father hugged him. but different. because this time he really knows his father loves him
vegetas more than a little miffed about trunks being in love with “kakarots spawn” and insists goten “seduced my son”. he gets over it soon enough and becomes on of his sons biggest supporters only rivaled by gohan and paunchy. goku... gokus really up there too tbh
gotens really scared to come out to his mother but chichis really understanding and accepting. “i want you to be happy son. i married an alien and had two children with him. you being in love with a man is small potatoes. love is love.” much like vegeta shes kind of disappointed in his taste in men but gets over it quickly. shes known trunks since he was a baby. life goes on. she gets trunks and goten to join that years couples holiday picture 
goten works at a zoo in his teens but later becomes a nurse. if the zoo ever calls him for help hes on it though no questions asked. he loves feeding the baby raptors
also worked at a wcdonalds... can no longer eat food from wcdonalds
their first kiss is in trunks’ room. when theyre 16. theyre listening to a daft punk album while goten vents his dating woes to trunks. “she told me i kiss like a drunk walrus. its not my fault it was my first kiss” trunks asks if hed like some practice, palms sweating. 
trunks leans in, heart racing and goten doesnt pull away. instant crush plays in the background. gotens date was right: he does kiss like a drunk walrus.
“have you kissed other boys before?” goten asks when they separate, cheeks red. trunks wipes his mouth with his wrist.
“have i kissed boys before? youre kidding right? im irresistible, and dont you forget it son goten” he strikes a silly pose and all the tension evaporates in the room.
they eat dinner with trunks’ family that evening and they try not to think about the kiss. trunks does pretty well on that department until he gets back to his room after goten leaves and just holds a pillow to his face screaming. 
the two fake practices afterwards are really anything but. goten finally admits the third time that he wished they did it more often.
trunks asks him out after like a week of internal and external debate (vegeta keeps telling him to get to it). he ends up blurting it out when theyre playing video games one afternoon
they literally get married the day after goten graduates. goten argues he should get two cakes instead of one. chichi doesnt budge
theyre completely functional apart but hate being separated for long. theyre each others best friend! just being in the same room togethers bliss.
when they argue... boy. trunks yells and then clams up and gets really quiet. goten has a mix of goku and gines temperament so stuff usually... takes awhile to build up for him. 
they make up really quick.
trunks is trans bi and gotens cis bi.  
trunks springs the question on goten randomly one day. (”hey. do you wanna have a baby? with me.”) and goten really really does he wants a family with a kid.
asks trunks to let him think about it (he goes over their finances and checks out how long they could be on paternity leave for their respective jobs)
then they go see shenron. and ask for a baby of their own who takes after both of them. it takes shenron a day to magic up that baby but then theyre literally holding their own child swaddled up in their arms by the time dinners ready.
they name her son korusetto daikon vegeta-briefs (korusetto like corset and daikon like the radish. vegeta gives her that name) yes shes got liek three last names and she owns it
she has black and purple hair because shes literally a fusion of her fathers.
tfw you and your husband have to perform the fusion dance to get your daughter to stop crying for thirty minutes but vegeta can hold her and shell perk up or calm down immediately.
bras 15 when they make the wish and she launches into aunt / big sister mode immediately.
gohans best uncle hands down
they make uub and marron little daikons godparents and theyre both so excited. 
trunks and videl have lunch dates like once a month and just kind of bond. videls the older sister he never had and now that hes older shes not the gross girl dating his best friends brother. shes a cool woman with a wicked sense of humor he can vent about what a hassle it is to date a son with.
they renew their vows ten years after they get married and its mushy. they terrorize the party goers 
theres more but thats just a little bit
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guren-no-shishio · 5 years
Black Clover Guidebook Q&A (1-96)
Source [@Zayxil]
Q1 When is your Birthday? July 30th, 1984 
Q2 What is your blood type? It is type A 
Q3 Where are you from? Koga, Fukuoka Prefecture the same place as Daikichi Hakata 
Q4 What kind of kid where you like? He used to draw at home and hunt insects outside. And He didn't get angry. 
Q5 What were your favorite subjects? Japanese language, PE and art class 
Q6 What were your worst subjects? English and Math 
Q7 What are your favorite manga? Dragon Ball,One Piece,Slam Dunk and Yu Yu Hakusho 
Q8 What was the trigger that made you want to become a mangaka? Someone in my class brought Dragon Ball and I was moved by it. 
Q9 What kind of job would you have done if it's not a mangaka? I don't think it would happen but i would become a school teacher 
Q10 Did you get to learn from another mangaka and get experience? Yes from Tamura Ryuuhei (Beelzebub) 
More under the cut 
Q11 What other Mangaka are you friends with besides Tamura Ryuuhei? Daisuke Miyata. Naoya Matsumoto, Atsushi Nakamura, Taku Sakamoto
Q12 Right now do you want to draw another genre that's not black clover's? Can't really draw anything but Fantasy manga, But would like to do a sports something like Soccer 
Q13 What are your Hobbies? It was Basketball and Karaoke 
Q14 what is your favorite movie? Castle in the sky 
Q15 what is your favorite song and Favorite Artist? I like alot of things, Jpop? My Life ,B'z and Bump of chicken. As of right now its Yonezu Kenshi 
Q16 Do you have any BGM on when you are drawing? If so then what? If I am alone i listen to what is mentioned above 
Q17 what is your schedule for a normal day? Drawing and Admire my wife and dog 
Q18 what do you do in your day off? I don't have a day off! 
Q19 is how do you get refreshed to do your job? I get my wife to make me laugh 
Q20 I want to hear a memory about your previous editor? Before the change Katyama, My wife and the staff went to Spocha (An amusement center)and moved until i reached my limit 
Q21 What do you like to eat for each season? Winter Daikon Spring Bamboo Shoots Summer Nanban-zuke and Sōmen Fall Hoiru yaki Curry rice is my fav year round 
Q22 What is your favorite dish your wife make? Oyakodon 
Q23 Other than missions,what other duties does a magic knight have? Something like Patrols 
Q24 Is there a limit to the members of a magic knights squad? There is no limit but there are at least 50 in a Squad 
Q25 At what time does the Wizard King retire? If the Wizard King dies or the Current Wizard King chooses the next one 
Q26 In general are there a lot of  people with high magic power amount Nobility and Royalty and Is magic power something that is inherited? Yes Q27 If you don't get a grimoire in the grimoire ceremony, can you keep participating until you can? Yes, however, if you don't get it there is no other way to get a grimoire 
Q28: What happens if a grimoire is damaged or lost? A grimoire is a magic book made by mana so it can't be damaged unless you die, if your book is stolen and taken away it won't react, however snatching someone's grimoire and hidding it isn't allowed due to a fight code (?) it's an offensive behaviour 
Q29 Is it it possible to cancel ownership of your gimoire? No 
Q30 how do you decide on the cover design of a grimoire? Mostly random but fits the character 
Q31 Where do grimoire bags come from and who makes them? I think there is job for making them, some Commoners make their own 
Q32 How do you come up with Character names? Do you use a dictionary? Yes in some case i do and in other cases it's random but related to the character in some way 
Q33 You have a lot of characters with strong personalities is there a model you based them on? With some characters yes but with the majority no 
Q34 How do you decide a character's birthday Their birthday is the day that they are created 
Q35  How do you decide a character's blood type? It's random 
Q36 How do you decide on a magic's name? The Attribute is random but with the spells i use a reference
Q37 Can training your magic also change other physical characteristics like Finral's hair? It is possible that changes can appear 
Q38 Does your magic Attribute effect the type of jobs you can get and can not get? It should be person's choice to pick a job compatible to their type 
Q39 In the Black Clover universe, At what age can you get married? It is legal as soon as you get your grimoire 
Q40 Please tell us how did you come up with Black Clover? I just wanted to draw what i like the most
Q41 What process of creating the manga do you like the most? Hmmmm Inking....No wait coming up with characters and naming them 
Q42 What is your thought process when it comes to the story? I have parts of what i want to do then i come up with a way to link them together? 
Q43 What do you do when you are stuck creating the manga? I go to the Editor 
Q44 What is the easiest character to draw? To draw Henry, to emotionally connect is with  Asta 
Q45 What is the hardest character to draw? To draw Fanzel, to connect with Yuno 
Q46 What is the most intense scene from the manga? Here & here
Q47 What is your favorite color page? Here
Q48 Who is your favorite character and why is that? Charmy because she is fun to draw 
Q49 Are Asta and Yuno going to visit Hage anytime soon? they aren't for the time being 
Q50 Is Asta going to get taller than 155cm? There is a chance he'll grow 1cm  
Q51 In the hideout we see Yami reading a newspaper, what article is he reading? A normal article that a father would read in the morning 
Q52 Im curious about the shape of the Spiky Bug from the Mimo Amazon that Yami mentions? It looks like a ball just like Sekke's Sekke Magnum Cannonball 
Q53 Is Magna's hair color natural or dyed? It's natural 
Q54 Where did Magan get his sunglasses? He got them from the black market 
Q55 Where did Luck get the name Cheery Berserker? From his Magic Knight entrance exam
Q56 Finral goes to a lot of group dates, does he have another affiliation other than being a magic knight? Its different from one woman's preference to another, its suppose to be pleasant but in Finral's case, it goes very well in the beginning but in general, it ends bad
Q57 What color is Vanessa's Underwear? Wine Red
Q58 Why doesn't Charmy gain weight? Because she is that type of being 
Q59 I want to know how deep Charmy's stomach is? How do fit that much food in a small body? In this world there are better things left unknown
Q60 What did Gauche do to get sent to jail? He got into a fight in a noble house 
Q61 What is Grey's shyness level? If a normal human's level was a dog her's would be an elephant
Q62 Gordon really looks Marilyn Manson, does Gordon like western music? Does Tabata-sensei listen to western music? I unintentionally made Gordon like him, so he doesn't really like western music. I have 10 odd songs on my ipod
Q63 So Zora is a black bull, was it decided that Zora was going to be a black bull member from his first appearance? Yes it was. I had some wavering moments but in the end he is a black bull
Q64 Are there any Backdoor members besides Zora and Noelle? Most Black Bull members are backdoor members: Vanessa,Grey,Charmy and Gauche 
Q65 If the Bulls had an earnest fight (Magic allowed) Who would win that? For the time being, it's probably Yami
Q66 In what order did the Black Bull members join? Does it effect the story? I think it's going to affect the story 
Q67 What is the biggest difference between Fuego and Mereo? One fits well in Society, the other doesn't 
Q68 Who does Nozel's Braid? It's obivious, a servant
Q69 Will Charlotte's love wish be granted? I wonder 
Q70 When does Dorothy wake up? It doesn't seem to affect her life? She is asleep unless she is using magic 
Q71 How did you decide on Kirsch's personalty? It was according to my mood (I was excited)
Q72 Is the color of Rill's painting based on the element that he is using? No the color is decided on his mood 
Q73 Did William's mask design change? Yes, I made his mask look more mature
Q74 Is there any temporary member exchanges between magic knight squads and are there any current captains who entered in the same year? They can work together in the battlefield, for example, Yami, Jack, Gueldre are from the same entrance year
Q75  Are there any rules or restraints on love between magic knights? There aren't any in particular but if you act all lovey dovey on duty you will get scolded 
Q76 Who are the Top 5 best cooks? 1 Jamo (Salt bae), 2 Rebecca, 3 Domina, 4 Sister Lily, 5 Charmy's sheep
Q77 Who are the worst cooks? 1 Noelle, 2 Charlotte,3 Vanessa, 4 Sol ,5 Nebra 
Q78 Besides Asta, is there any character that resembles tabata? Mereo and her fighting spirit. Zora and his anger. 
Q79 If you were to enter a squad, which would it be? Black Bulls
Q80 What character do you want to be the most from Black Clover? Julius because of his drifting nature 
Q81 Have you ever surpassed your limits in something? My deadlines that my editor assigned me
Q82 What moment makes you think " man I'm tired" before a deadline? When I continuously nod off and start adding mysterious lines. 
Q83 What do you do when you want to stay awake? I drink coffee, Lipovitan D, and Redbull
Q84 How do you like your coffee, high or low on sugar? I like it low on sugar, but when I need to stay awake, I drink it high on sugar. 
Q85 If anti magic birds were close to you, tabata, how many will you follow you? As many as Asta would have.
Q86 What is the most relaxing place in your house? My bed I guess?
Q87 I know that you draw extraordinary breasts for your female characters and I can see you pay strong attention and love to their softness; Isn't that right? (If it's not I’m sorry) EXACTLY!!!!!!!
Q88 What's your current relationship with Amelie (his dog)? I think I’m being looked down on in a good way 
Q89 What is a commercial item you were given and thought was amazing? 2 grimoire battle cards (cards use for the Black Clover Arcade Game)
Q90 What was your reaction when you heard about the anime? Please tell us what you thought at the time? Before I was told in very melancholic mood and then when I heard I was like 'WA Finally!!
Q91 What did you feel when the VA's were chosen? Lots of the VA's were famous, I am grateful. Even tho Asta's was a newbie but i was impressed by him
Q92 What would you say to yourself from 10 years ago? You want to get serialized but don't underestimate it
Q93 What would you say to yourself 10 years from now? If you don't get faster at drawing, I'll send you flying 
Q94 What is something you want to say about the future events of Black Clover? We will save them! Our country and our friends
Q95 What is something you want to say to Yuno and Asta? Please take care of Asta, Please take care of Yuno 
Q96 Anything you want to say to us? For you guys who gave me the opportunity Thank You very much!
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radio-charlie · 5 years
lil recipe brainstorming
soaked and rinsed salted mustard greens sliced finely, gently sauteed in oil with julienned ginger and chopped garlic until fragrant. can add sliced red chillies if want spicy
add vegetarian protein of choice (here i would prefer a soft tofu with brown “cooked” skin so it holds together, but still has a gentle and cozy feeling, and is soft enough to absorb flavors). stirfry while adding shaoxing wine, and then some vegetable broth. mushroom stock preferred
let it simmer until all the flavors have gone into the mustard greens and tofu. maybe can even add daikon or turnip if u want. personally i like to keep it very plain. if u want to add mushroom u must already have done so in beginning sauteing stage. once done with simmering, add a little bit of sesame oil ( ? i know u are not supposed to fry stuff in this, but the hokkiens i know have always done that, and personally im wondering if the ingredients at the beginning should be fried in it. feedback is welcome) then serve
eat together with rice congee with a cube of fermented beancurd on the side. hooray
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luvdsc · 4 years
OK HI I FINISHED I’m so sorry I usually take a month to read but I realised Sweeter Than Honey deserved better and now I. AM. SPEED. You know what rhymes with speed? Peed. Like what I almost did in my pants reading that masterpiece. I swear you got me feeling some type of way, Miss Cat. I want me a Jisung. Because one, who DOESN’T? And two, who am I supposed to wipe MY boogers on? But seriously though that fic was EVERYTHING my heart hurts 💓🩹OK IM RUNNING OUT OF SPACE ILL SEND MORE LMAO - 💕🦟
It’s me again. I know, I know, no need to clap HAHHAHA jk ok so: Sweeter Than Honey. That made me so happy I’m not even joking and the awkward situations were caught so PERFECTLY my stomach was hurting so much but I loved every second of it (please don’t worry it always hurts when I read fluff lmao) bhjsbsjebs I’m so fulfilled holy moly it almost felt like I really was talking to a BOY so that itself was cRaZy HAHAHA ok basically I love it and I love you even more + im sending more of these yay
GASP I might have not made it anonymous in my previous ask lmao oopsie daisy I have been exPoSeD 🐷 o i N k this shall be my last one because I feel bad for bombarding you lmao I just remembered I was reading Sweeter Than Honey and chewing gum came on and I CHOKED i started laughing so hard because I was thinking of lil jisung and I- also for my favourite Singaporean dish it’s carrot cake but it’s a SCAM there’s no carrot OR cake but it’s fire so 10/10 OK DONE LOVE U - 💕🐜 anon
✿ ✿ ✿
omg honey bee, please take your time and you don’t even have to read it if you don’t want to!!!! please don’t feel obligated to read my fics! but nevertheless, thank you so so much for reading sth, lovebug 🥺💖🌷 it really means so much to me and aklsjdhfaksljd LOL speed / peed, i really laughed out loud at that!!! i’m so sorry for almost making you do that, pls feel free to send me your dry cleaning bill :’) jisung is a cutie patootie who deserves the world, and we all want one ): or at least, i want one as a younger brother, not a love interest asjdkaskjdlf he’s too young for me, forever a baby to me 🤧💗 
i’m gonna give you a standing ovation :’) but seriously, thank you sooo so much for reading that whole fic, and i’m over the moon that you liked it, sweetpea! 🌸  i’m so glad that i was able to describe the awkward scenes perfectly for you and make you happy and that you loved every second of it omg like !!!!  i’m gonna tear up, you’re the sweetest 😭💝  i’m so happy that you were able to immerse yourself into the lil universe i created in my fic, and ilysm thank you so much for this!!!! 🐝💘  you have no idea how happy your messages make me :’)
don’t worry, you made it anonymous, lovebug!!! it’s all good, all of your messages were on anon! 💞 and please don’t feel bad for sending in messages, you’re always welcome to send in as many as you’d like! i’ll always answer them all (unless tumblr eats them rip) ✨  oh my god if sth jisung looked like chewing gum jisung..... no we aren’t doing this ALJHSDLFKA he was literally in 8th grade or something in chewing gum era 😭😭  wait omg i just looked up singaporeean carrot cake and it looks so good!!!!! 🤩🤩 oh my gosh it looks sooo yummy, and it’s made from daikon? i love that vegetable!! 💕 i’m missing out on all the yummy singaporean food, and i’m so jealous kajdhfkasjf also how have you been? what have you been up to, lovebug? do you have any weekend plans? and ily too!!!! 💐
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ovenbirdonwheels · 8 years
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Fish Kettle Poached Salmon (Miso base) with Kewpie Mayo
I bought my first fish kettle after having stared at one at the local kitchen shop for the best part of the last 5 years, give and take a few. As far as cooking implements for fish go, the fish kettle has got to be as classical as any European classical cooking. 
The concept of a fish kettle-cooked dish is dead simple. Poach a whole fish, usually a salmon, in a stock, serve fish. Drink stock or use it to make sauces. 
So that was exactly what I tried to do. Except that I landed a 5.5kg Norwegian Sashimi-grade salmon that was way too large even for the mammoth fish kettle, and ended up having to cut the head off, and parts of the tail, then use one side of the fillet. 
I made a Japanese-influenced court bouillon, cooled it down, and then poached the fillet of salmon in a cheese cloth. After that fish was done, I added some delicious vegetables to the court bouillon and served it as a separate dish. Two in one basically. 
Will I use the fish kettle again? Absolutely! I’m already thinking of poaching kingfish, threadfin, and a variety of local fish and using the court bouillon to make fish porridge! 
Ingredients (Serves 14)
1 2.2kg fillet of salmon (pin-boned, skin on)
For the Court Bouillon
1 large onion, sliced thinly
2 carrots, diced
4 baby carrots, halved
3 leeks, sliced thinly
3 sticks celery, sliced thinly
1 daikon, cubed
1 strip Kombu soaked in 2.5 liters of water overnight
1.5 tbsp premium Shoyu
1/2 cup and 3 tbsp good Sake (Junmai or Daiginjyo)
2 tbsp Mirin
1 tbsp sesame oil
3 tbsp white miso paste
1 tbsp Yuzu vinegar
3 sprigs thyme
1 sprig rosemary
3 sprig parsley, stalks crushed
5 sprigs of Mizuna
4 stems of spring onions
50g unsalted butter 
2.5 liters water
For the Kewpie mayo
3 egg yolks (freshest you can get)
1 tbsp Yuzu vinegar
1 tbsp white wine vinegar
1 tbsp SB Japanese mustard
1 tsp salt
1 tbsp mirin
1 tbsp Japanese white sesame oil
1 tbsp sake
4 tbsp boiling dashi stock
500ml canola oil
Instructions for the Kewpie Mayo
Crack 3 large egg yolks into a bowl and add the vinegars, mustard, salt, mirin, sesame oil, and sake. Whisk to mix well. Then proceed to drip-drizzle the canola oil into the egg emulsion, whisking as you go. Meanwhile, prepare a small quantity (1/4-1/2 cup) of instant dashi and bring it to a rolling boil.
Once the mayo has reached the desired consistency (it’ll be more watery than usual mayo - that’s fine as it’ll thicken in the fridge), transfer 4 tbsp of boiling dashi into the bowl, stir well. You can thicken the emulsion with more canola oil if desired. 
Transfer the completed kewpie mayo into a squeeze bottle or two, and store in the fridge. Give it about 3-4 hours to cool down and thicken. Stores well in the fridge for up to 5 days at 3 deg C. 
Instructions for the Kettle-poached Salmon
The night before cooking, soak one large strip of Kombu in 2.5 liters of cold water. 
Sweat the onion, carrots, celery, and leeks till translucent in butter over medium heat. Add cubed daikon, and sautee for 5 minutes. De-glaze with 1/2 cup sake, reducing to about 3 tbsp of liquids. 
Add the kombu and the 2.5 liters of water, plus another 2.5 liters (total 5 liters) of water into the pot, and add the sauces plus the 3 tbsp of sake. Introduce the herbs, and bring the liquid to a slow simmer. Simmer for 45 minutes, adding the Mizuna and spring onion stems at the last 10 minutes of the process. 
Strain court bouillon over a sieve and filter paper, and cool down to room temperature. Pour the court bouillon into the fish kettle.
Wrap salmon in cheese cloth - this keeps the flesh intact and makes it easier to transfer to a serving plate later. Lower the salmon into the fish kettle, add the baby carrots, and turn the heat up to a slow simmer, around 75 deg c, for 30 minutes, or when the fish is done. 
Lift the fish out of the fish kettle and allow it to drain first before setting on a serving dish. Unwrap the cheese cloth and prepare to serve with the kewpie mayo. Meanwhile, you can add additional vegetables into the extremely flavorful court bouillon (I added more baby carrots, broccoli, and a sliced red onion) and make a soup. 
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