#and in the end fuck daikon!
hanako-san · 6 months
all my posts about Daikon where I criticize her or hate her - Just read them if you want why
This post is being created so that I can simply copy it when the time comes for daikon. Honestly, I'm not going to make excuses for my hatred towards her. But I decided to do it because in the end I get one and the same thing. This post will be long because I wanted to write it when I finish a certain stage, and that's exactly what happened and I think this post is necessary and thanks to this I won't repeat myself when the time comes.
Daikon is hated, which is an unusual phenomenon apparently in this fandom, especially here. Actually, it's not surprising because I've never once seen a daikon being hated or anyone complaining about her actions and deeds. Only sympathy and all hatred for this 'evil' Hanako, making her a victim.
Yes, this 'sweet, perfect, charming, beauty' yashiro nene has haters or people who just don't like her, not only this 'evil' Hanako.I am one of them. I'm really not ashamed to admit it.
1) As Hanako Stan, I have no obligation to love the daikon and this ship. Why? Hanako isn't the reason I hate her. I know this fandom likes blames everything on Hanako and not the daikon, but it doesn't work that way. I'm not denying it, I hate her, I'm literally disgusted by the way she treats Hanako, but that's just one of many reasons for my hatred, and Hanako is just a factor in my hatred growing, but she doesn't really have anything to say about it. It's convenient to blame Hanako for this, but not this time. Take Hanako out of history and my hatred will remain with me. Why? Since the only person who arouses such strong contempt and hatred in her and literally disgusts me, and I hate her to my core, the person responsible for my such strong hatred is Yashiro nene aka daikon. Surprised? Because I don't. My hatred came with time. I used to love her and this ship, but there are things about her that really piss me off, and I'll give those reasons later when I finish everything I have to say. I changed my mind because I can't tolerate her behavior. I don't care about her personality and age, these are not enough reasons to give any pass, I don't feel sorry for her because she is a "naive girl". You can't count on my sympathy. I'm cold and ruthless towards her, but Hanako has nothing to do with it, so this "no one forces me to hate nene" is not true, the only person who forces me is yahsiro nene. Therefore as Hanako I have no obligation to love her, just because he loves her doesn't mean I should too. It doesn't work that way. I will not be nicer to her because she is a girl, because of her character or age.
There is absolutely no point in blaming Hanako for my hatred. It's time to look in the face and realize that it's time to put the blame on yashiro. Her cheerful, loving and naive nature doesn't appeal to me. It's funny to me that daikon stans have a problem with my hatred and daikon stans also contributed to the explosion of my hatred. so FTW XD
2) What Hanako did and what I think. This is my private matter. I don't need to be reminded of what he's doing because I know it and I completely accept it, whether I like his actions or not. Hanako always He has no problem apologizing, he takes full responsibility for what he does ,again has no problem admitting guilt, and I'm proud of him. He does something consciously, knowing that he is doing something wrong, but he KNOWS it and will not hesitate to do it. He's not a coward and that's why I admire him. He is not morally pure and has his flaws, but he completely agrees with that. Whether I like his actions or not is entirely up to me. I will support him no matter what I think because he deserves it. I understand why he does it and I don't think he's selfish, his actions are not selfish, it's complete bullshit, he always does something with someone he loves in mind, but I've written so many posts on this topic that you can really just go through it to find these posts. I wrote the last one a few months ago and I really don't intend to repeat it here - for me it's a closed topic. The only person who is selfish is me, because I only care about HIM, his feelings, making him happy, etc., I only pay attention to him and I will stand by his side. Hanako is important to me here, he is my number one and I will take care of him first and it's high time for it to be talked about. Just because I don't criticize him for his actions doesn't mean I don't have negative thoughts about his actions, but I do. I completely ignore it and don't care. I'm here to support this boy and I have no intention of stopping, no matter what I think. I'll support him, okay? And I know perfectly well what he did and I really don't need to be reminded. I think turning a cat's tail to whiten a daikon is pathetic. She also has bad deeds, and the narrative describes her attempts to whitewash her for her sins, but this will never happen. She also considers herself innocent, but that doesn't mean she is. She's guilty as hell there! But no one has ever done what I did and started pointing out at her, expressing hatred and venting about it. Everything went to Hanako. The fact that Hanako is also complicit in certain actions does not mean that the daikon is pure as a whistle, because she is just as guilty as he is, the fact that she is ignorant and does not listen is none of my business. I'm not going to put all the blame on him when I don't think so and I know he's not entirely to blame for the daikon's actions. Just because she's 'naive, sweet, amorous' doesn't mean you can let her do anything and ignore her because that's who she is. That's not how it works. She did a lot of bad actions and deeds before and she still does them and there is no problem and turning everything back on Hanako won't help. It's time to understand this. I've said it so many times and this is the last time I say it.
3) daikon and Hanako's relationship is one big joke. The more I re-read in English or in my language, the more I become convinced of it. I see these changes in daikon, but what's the point if they are only temporary. I won't tolerate her trampling on him and her 'love'. jokes. They shouldn't be together and I've been thinking about it since p.p. arc. I gave her enough chances that she didn't deserve and that's enough. My tolerance and kindness also have limits. Just because they are canon doesn't mean it's a good ship, as AR wants to show. Her care for him. If she was like that, she wouldn't rely on him all the time, she would start listening to him and stop blaming him for a lot of things that were her fault, but she never once apologized to him, and when she did, it was disingenuous because she went back to that behavior. She was too used to Hanako taking everything upon herself, which ultimately made her innocent. She can't even respect Hanako. And I really don't care about her temporary changes where the AR for the plot will show that she 'loves' him when later it is the way it is. I'm tired of waiting, it's over 100 chapters. Enough already!
4) It's none of my business if I frustrate or scare anyone with what I do with daikon. Seriously, not mine. Am I mean and rude? I do not care about it. I also had to go through my hell when I silently hated daikon and was indifferent to it. Writing such things is pointless and I don't know what the purpose is, arouse some sympathy in me that my posts hurt someone? Stop manipulating me with your hurts feelings in any way, it's pathetic. I don't care about it.
others posts - X, X,X,X,X,X and my FIRST POST is HERE
I often repeat myself in posts, and in the newest one at the top I added many of my thoughts. complementing the thoughts I said earlier, like n that I don't think Hanako is selfish because this witch wants to live. These posts are enough to send a clear signal that I despise her to the core.
Finally, I consider her and my hatred to be over. When I want to write something about her, now what I have done is enough. If someone still doesn't understand, it's not my problem. This collection of posts about ' the queen of innocence' will be on my blog in links.
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xxlady-lunaxx · 4 months
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Sanemi is ALWAYS the one cooking
I’m sorry but I can only see Giyuu fucking up scrambled eggs or something. Sanemi cooks (or bakes) like a professional
Giyuu having a bedhead (he’s adorable) and Sanemi waking him up by either:
throwing a pillow on his face
running his hands through his hair and a “good morning, shithead”
One or the other, no in betweens
Sanemi usually does the chores like laundry, cooking, etc (malewife<33)
Giyuu can do things if given clear instructions tho
Hmm showering together just as a habit
If either of them were mad at the other (or they js fought) before bed, they’ll probably distance themself on the futon
When they wake up they’re always cuddling though
ouugh yes they share a bed
(it was so awkward at first like “ok… i’ll have this side” but then they got comfy and steal each other’s pillows (so romantic smh))
Sanemi definitely holds a longer grudge
Giyuu gets upset if he gets ignore too long, though, and Sanemi eventually caves
Why do I feel like Sanemi would just take pictures or videos of Giyuu randomly
When he’s asleep, when he’s just woken up, when he’s eating, doesn’t matter
Because Sanemi’s in charge of meals usually, Giyuu only gets salmon daikon once a week (which is already a lot as is, but he begs Sanemi for it so…)
Sanemi used to braid/put up his siblings hair a lot and when the two are cuddling, sometimes he makes little braids in Giyuu’s hair, or pulls it up in a high ponytail (often Giyuu wakes up with braids and his hair gets a lil wavy when he takes it out later)
Giyuu’s the baby in the relationship you cant change my mind. He’s the little spoon; he’s being carried because he’s tired; he’s given breakfast in bed.
Sanemi honestly doesn’t mind (he’s used to this) but likes teasing Giyuu about it
Giyuu has a bow of Tsutako’s (he stole a spare) and wears it to formal places always. (job interview? bow. prom? bow. work? bow.)
Sometimes Giyuu helps Sanemi hang up the laundry but they somehow end up hugging always (Giyuu goes on the other side of the clothing line and ThEIr lEgS juST mOVed By THemSElf)
On weekends, when there’s nothing to do, Sanemi will just scroll through his phone and Giyuu watching TV
Giyuu can NEVER not fall asleep during a movie though. depends on the day but he’ll either fall asleep 20 mins in or half way through
Sanemi doesn’t really watch movies and just slowly turns down the volume then off to not startle him awake
I can see Sanemi just volunteering to babysit for their friends (for free<3) and just having a box full of children’s toys for when they come over
Giyuu once overfed a baby to near sickness (“I thought her grabby hands were for more :(“ - “YOU IDIOT, SHE WAS TRYING TO PUSH AWAY THE BOTTLE!!”) and was thereafter forbidden to care for the children (unless they were older than, like, 12)
After a stressful day at work, Giyuu likes flopping down on the couch and having Sanemi run his hands through his hair and hum a bit, maybe small talk
I think Giyuu is actually an open book and horrible at hiding his emotions (like canonically as a child he was like that, only the deaths changed him sooo) whilst Sanemi is better at hiding things
But like after years of living with Sanemi/js being with him, Giyuu has been able to see small telltales
When he’s lying, Sanemi’s eyes flick every so slightly away (so subtly that only a few have caught it before), when he’s upset, he’s a little clingier or his voice is calmer (though many people interpret it as tiredness), when he’s angry but trying to stay calm he’ll probably have a lot of clenched fists (his hand opening and closing x100) but behind his back haha
Why can I see them both as dry texters tho.
Giyuu tries to sound more upbeat by adding emojis/emoticons but overall it’s basically just “Ok 😁👍❤️😋😚✨🎆🎉🎊🎏🍩🔥” // 😭 yeah he doesn’t have a lot of people to text…
I can also see Sanemi being a little old fashioned in a way, idk… He knows perfectly fine how to use a phone and shit but for some time mostly sent letters (except for casual/small talk ofc)
ok that’s it i can’t think of anything else anymore!!
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aerodaltonimperial · 2 months
4 years of gardening in our backyard, and here is what i've learned:
i hate tomatoes and they get everywhere and you have to clean them up even when you have 1 plant because it produces like mad
we could plant the whole garden with okra and it would produce 4 grocery stores worth over the course of the summer, number one backyard crop, good thing my kid loves okra because good lord
our soil seems to not love peppers but by the end they will produce decently they just won't get very tall
both carrots and daikon do very well out there, our daikon were bigger than my daughter when she was a baby
cucumbers didn't love it at first and also i need a trellis for them i might try them again next year
cauliflower was a disaster
both the green beans and edamame last year were meh
first year doing peas this year and i had the hardest fucking time getting them to sprout from the seeds so i've put down the fall crop this weekend in hopes of them finally taking
every year i say i'm going to grow native stuff for pollinators and every year i'm exhausted by the time planting season rolls around and i don't
i might try broccoli next year
i'm planting the daikon and carrots in the next few weeks for a late fall crop
the thing that grows the best out there is the weeds!!! they are thriving!!! smh
i need to figure out a better system for wintering the soil. two years ago we did a leaf cover which made for great soil but we were fucking pulling the damn things out for the whole year, last year we used a bed cover cloth that worked better but made less abundant soil
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z-paladin · 4 months
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Alright so Kogu (Who I have given the Saiyan Name Aiko from the Daikon Radish - which Goku grows - cause I didn't wanna just use Kakarot again. This is a whole different flavor of the same guy.) And Turles
I messed with the things said in the actual episode, because I have some Thoughts. RHatAF is all about Mixin Shit Up, so I'm sure they won't mind me playing with their text right back.
Under the Read More cause I thought a Normal Amount about this concept.
Alright so - Universe 11 Saiyans If the Uni 6 Saiyans have Semi Roman aesthetics by Cabba's armor and Uni 7 Saiyans have Barbarian Aesthetics pre-frieza's "employment", then I wanted to nail down a Look for Uni 11 Saiyans. What better to contrast the major focus on the Pride Troopers to translate the Fighting Spirit of the Saiyans to Biker Gang Vibes. I imagine that they mostly fight among themselves for Zone Control on the planet. Mad Maxing it up all for fun and profit.
Now These Fucked Up Brothers While Aiko goin to Earth, if Universe 11 even has one of those, would be fun, I had a thought for something else. The boys? Twins - much to Turles' utter annoyance to be compared to Aiko. Turles gets his hand on a fruit of the tree of might somewhere and decides "Either we use this to take the planet over for ourselves or we just blow it up and get a new one." Aiko hits him with the classic "We Fucking Live Here Don't Do That" The fight still happens between them, but the way that Aiko absorbs the tree of might is getting punched in the chest will the fist Turles holds the fruit with. Being a shitty little brother and Not Wanting Their Home Destroyed, puts his own energy into the fruit to have it take root in HIM instead of the planet... Which he ends up destroying anyway once the seedling has his way with him. Oops.
Now for the shambling corpse in the room - Super Saiyan Gia. Figured if Rose got to have a fun name, this plant-y green form they described should get one too. I imagine rather than the hair going Up it's more, like, always Billowing in Unseen Wind, spreading the influence of the Tree of Might. How much of Aiko that's left is...not very clear. It's like if he stood still too long, the body would just fall right off the bones of wood. He must keep moving, keep fighting, if any piece of Aiko wants to live.
What Uub does to this thing that was once a Saiyan is frankly a mercy to not just all the universes but to what remains of them.
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hal-boy · 3 months
Character Profile: Miah!
The first OC I'm introducing is Miah (he/they/she)!
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[Image ID: A 3D model of a cartoon anthro bunny with blue fur. orange accents, and green eyes. He has a bright orange shirt on and neon green pants, as well as white gloves and brown boots. End ID.]
More info under the cut!
Most characters in The Child God's Domain (TCGD) were created as independent characters, and then stories were developed for them later. However, some were made to fill specific roles that canon characters fill with respects to their fan responses and cultural standing. Miah (and their friends) are one of these latter types: Miah is the protagonist of a mass-appeal video game series for kids: Miah's Adventure. It has the general setting of a mild-fantasy series featuring a lot of princesses and princes with themed kingdoms (so, think the Mario series), but with a storytelling bent and a large cast of characters (so, think Sonic). Miah's goal in their home media is typically to save the princess of the Daikon Kingdom, Princess Rutabaga (profile coming soon: his home media's damsel in distress).
I conceptualized Miah as being genderfluid (the name Miah being a corruption of the names Jeremiah and Maya/Mia) but in TCGD and in their source material she exclusively uses he/him pronouns. This is due to some themes of self-discovery that are present throughout TCGD, but also due to it being set in (or at least heavily influenced by) a child's imagination in the early 2010's, and I don't think that genderfluidity would have pierced the cultural consciousness for a kid back then. Oh also Miah is GNC in The Domain!
Miah is a general do-gooder (though notably bad with kids) with an upstanding reputation. They are brave, kind, and always looking to help others. She also has a little bit of a depressive streak but she will vehemently deny that.
In The Domain, they are a member of The Chosen, and whenever they aren't on an adventure they are typically getting into some sort of trouble with their friends!
Likes: her friends, carrots, mochi, most other snacks
Dislikes: cruelty, excessive violence, scary movies
Relationships: Miah gets along with most residents of The Domain. He is especially close with Princess Rutabaga, and the two of them are part of a broader friend group consisting of Webber, Aaron, and Sisbarro (profiles coming soon: an action hero/nerd combo, and an edgy stunt performer turned assassin). Miah does NOT get along with Sludgg (profile coming soon: a creepypasta version of Miah) or Dr. Kaelinth (profile coming soon: a guy who got magically mind-wiped and turned into a copy of Miah, it's fucked up.)
Serious theme: Every TCGD character has a serious theme alongside their personal stories. In Miah's case, they tackle queerphobic caricatures in kid's media, focusing on how young fanbases respond to said caricatures and discussing how that fan behavior has changed as queer identities have become more accepted.
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deniigi · 2 years
For the ask game: 5 and 30?
Love all your fics so much! they have gotten me into fandoms I never would've thought about otherwise and they are the first ones I reach for to reread after a bad day
Awww thank you. I am so glad to be there for you through these works on your bad days.
5. What do you wish someone would ask you about [insert fic]? Answer it now!
Not sure which fic you would like, but I think I'd love to talk about an addendum I made in my head to "chronic conditions" which, for those who haven't read it, is a fic about Obi-Wan having epilepsy.
I imagined the other day that the halls of healing, faced with an epileptic toddler, tried to come up with non-threatening ways to help him be prepared for seizures.
One of the things they did was give him a stuffed toy to carry around so that he would have something to put under his head or hold onto later for comfort in the case of a seizure or a cluster of them.
Most kids would choose a tooka pillow or a whale pillow for this purpose, but no. Not Obi-wan. Obi-wan wants a life-sized, fat Daikon radish pillow. He will accept nothing else.
So the healers make him a daikon radish pillow. He names this "Radish." Radish comes with him everywhere. He takes Radish to bandomeer and nearly loses it. He does not take Radish to Melida/Daan and Qui-Gon has to look at it everyday and suffocate in guilt over it.
Eventually, Obi-Wan temporarily loses Radish and its holy hell for everyone involved. Qui-gon is at his wits end with the seizures and his traumatized padawan with his Behaviors, so out of desperation, he makes a stand-in for Radish.
The stand-in is an orange version of Radish called Carrot.
Obi-Wan keeps them both to his death. They are still in his house on Tatooine. He kept them on his bed always, forever, and forced anyone who came to sleep in that bed with him to choose one to sleep with. Non negotiable. Pick one or get the fuck out.
30. Have you ever written something that was out of your comfort zone? If so, what was it, and how did it affect your approach to writing fic thereafter?  
Oh man. Yes, I wrote a fic the other day that was Dincobb. I knew fuck all about the pairing, had sort of tried it once but got nowhere. So I decided to do the damn thing and wrote it from Cobb's pov.
I think writing from Cobb's pov helped me process some ideas I have about community trauma and like, think about how Luke might exist in the star wars universe as an undocumented, first generation out of slavery person and how Cobb would feel about the erasure of those parts of Luke's identity in the greater Republic.
It makes me think differently about Luke and it also makes me think about how, as people age, people might seek out a sense of peace and stability only to be unsatisfied with it in a subconscious sort of way.
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giasparadise · 2 years
Tanjirou x reader, let’s bake together!(modern au!)
Fluff December day 2
Fluff December masterlist
warnings: none :)
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❤️‍🔥 Bro I’m literally listening to Stereo Hearts while making this 😭❤️
❤️‍🔥 ok Tanjirou is either incredibly bad at cooking (like burns air bad) or on snoop dog level of cooking. Because of him growing up with siblings I think the latter is more likely, but either way we all can agree he can bake like a god.
❤️‍🔥 I imagine that growing up he baked on special occasions for his siblings and was really good. And now that he has a day off for a change, his training with Urokodaki is long over, and it was a special holiday, I imagine him wanting to continue his little tradition.
❤️‍🔥 So here’s the situation. It’s a winter festival, so the kocho sisters are hosting a party as a potluck. They invited all of the hashira and all the hashira and the gang are invited. There was a sign up sheet for what everyone is bringing so nobody brought the same thing.
❤️‍🔥 Shinobu volunteered making ginger Tsukudani while Kanao made miso soup. while the oldest one of the brothers didn’t want to go, Genya and Sanemi bought some sushi from a local shop and brought it. Gyomei had elected to buy some Takikomi Gohan while Muichirou bought some furofuki daikon from the same place. Mitsuri brings dango while Obani is that mf who brings plates. Tengen and his wives brought a bunch of random side dishes and booze, claiming,” It would be Unflamboyant if the biggest group didn’t bring the most.” Giyuu was surprisingly invited, so he did his part and brought some small side dishes Urokodaki taught him how to make. Kyojuro and shinjuro brought their favorite sweet potato dishes. Inosuke didn’t quite understand what he was supposed to do so he kinda just brought a bunch of rocks. Finally Zenitsu somehow convinced Nezuko to bake with him, and they actually made some really cute mini peach tarts.(if you want my oc in here they brought taiyaku but I know it can sometimes be annoying to see oc’s in x Reader fanfictions)(also if you don’t know these foods please look them up they are so fucking delicious 🤤)
❤️‍🔥 so that just left you and your boyfriend. What to bring, what to bring 🤔. You guys decided to just make some of your aunties special bread recipe from when you still lived with her.
❤️‍🔥 Tanjirou followed the recipe to a t and somehow even managed to make it better than the original.
❤️‍🔥 While mixing dry ingredients you two got into a bit of a flour fight before inosuke came in screaming, carrying nezuko while zenitsu came in, got on the table, knocking off all of the flour and tackling inosuke to the floor. Flour got everywhere but you still where able to save what was left in the bag for the bread. Luckily it was just enough to work with. Lucky Zenitsu.
❤️‍🔥 These interruptions happened a few more times but after a few “talks” they finally took it outside, and you finally could bake with your boyfriend in peace.
❤️‍🔥 the night of the party came the next day, and everyone was hanging around and having a all around good time. And everybody, I mean everybody, loved your bread. But even more than that, they loved being together as a family
Tengen ended up drinking all the booze he brought and ended up twirking with Obani. And yes they got it on camera.
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ripperdoc-is-daddy · 2 years
Corpo Trash
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Militech Arms Dealer Sanemi Shinazugawa waits for his contact on a newly sourced product.
TW: Sexual Situations, Violence, Classism, Betrayal, Dark Content, Deceit, Blood, Gore, Chrome, Exposed Wires, Altered Eyes, Cyberpunk2077 terms, Night City, GN reader that is AFAB, Mild Smut/Erotica, Sadism, Alcohol, Drugs, Sanemi is an asshole, dude play the fuckin' ttrpg already, Crude Language. MINORS DON'T INTERACT! NO PERMISSION TO REPOST, READ, OR TRANSLATE! NO COPY!
Ty @animupiglett for reading it over. <3
Sanemi waited out by the docks of Pacifica in the early morning. Sun's rays bouncing off the exposed chrome on his chest and face. Areas where the pseudo skin had been torn off, revealed the shiny blueish-tinged metal along with RGB-wrapped wiring. The damage was never repaired because he believed it added to his intimidation factor. And he wasn’t wrong. Other operatives within Militech and Arasaka gave him a wide berth. His temper was legendary. Not as legendary as some in NC but enough that people gave way when they saw him coming.
Which is the only reason he could stand out so openly and with so little protection out by the old mall. Animals and Voodoo boys curious but not interfering in his business. He took another drag of his cigarette, flicking the ash onto the ground staring over the ocean waters. He looked serene with the soft amber glow from the sun caressing his face and giving him a natural contour.
The ash white-haired man flexes the fingers on his free hand. Black sclera, violet static pupils glance down to where his custom Daikon Nt’s by Arasaka resided. Thermal, enhanced blade, and non-lethal mods added on. He had three other slots available but at present, he didn’t feel the need to do anything extra. His thin lips form into a snarky smirk as he remembers with amusement how insulting it is to use them against his opponents, them expecting him to give them death only to find out that the blades cannot do that with the mod attached. Their fury gave him a sadistic sense of pleasure that did things to him. Which he in turn took out on his output. Much to their enjoyment.
A sneeze to his left brings him out of his thoughts. His eyes narrow and he sneers at his lackey. “Cover your fuckin’ mouth. Unsanitary gonk. Even the filth that lives here knows better.” his words are venom and the man ducks his head down, cringing. Sanemi looks back over the water and growls. “You are fucking late.” he hisses. Not moving.
Behind him, a blond woman with her hair done in a tight undercut with a 1980’s crown rolls her starred out pink and purple eyes at him. “Whatever man. I got the goods and that is what fuckin’ matters right? Not like you Corpo trash got anything else to do besides ruin other people’s lives anyways.” she dismisses his agitation with her flippancy. Sanemi takes a deep breath then flicks his used cig onto the ground.
“Show me.” He orders calmly. Head turning slightly to put more of her body in his line of sight. “I am a busy man. I don’t have time to waste on trash like you,” he adds on, emphasizing with the twirling of his fingers in the air. The woman flips him off in her tacky gold, teal, hot pink tracksuit and picks up a massive black briefcase off the ground. “Here ya go. Skimmed it off a scav site. Looked like Maelstrom busted ass to get out of there if they left this baby behind. “She kicks the case towards him. Giving him finger guns with her pink and teal chromed phalanges.
The lackey intercepts the product and picks it up. Plugging in to check out the authenticity of the product and its condition. “Chip is intact and complete. Doesn’t appear to have any stragglers,” he informs his boss. Sanemi nods and motions for the man to pick up the case.
“Thank you. It’s a shame that you couldn’t be honest on your end of the deal. I mean bringing the product was a nice touch. Buuuuut…” He drops off as his other hand waves. From underneath the underpass emerges two other men. Completely chromed out looking like Metal Jack from Tekken. Held in between them is a raggedy-looking nomad. He looks terrified, piss staining his ripped jeans. Shirt long since gone. Blood dried over his right eye, across his lips, and crusted on his nostrils.
The woman stares on in horror. She is raises up a hand, a DB-2 SATARA. Nice choice. If only she had the chance to get it off. Unfortunately for her, he had a Sandevistan MK.3 with Arasaka Software and Tyger Paw mods. She never saw him coming. Literally. He was around and behind her, blades out and pressed close to her neck. Heat from the thermal mod splitting the realskin and melting the chrome underneath. Sanemi purrs, warmth growing in his belly as he imagines what he is going to do next.
“We found your netrunner a while ago. You really should have given him a better suit. I would have thought Pacifica trash like yourself would have gone to your beloved Mr. Hands or the Voodoo Boys and gotten a competent person for you. At least have some gold to cover that meat inside your skull. But no. Stupid is as stupid does.” The two Jack-looking men smirk and walk the beaten and bruised nomad up to the woman. The pair of street punks sobbing as they realize their end is near. The frosty-haired man shrugs, retracts his blades, caresses the woman's face, and steps away.
“7 minutes. That is all the time you will get for each other. I’m not completely without mercy.” he says with mocking affections. The netrunner is released and he limps forward into the arms of his input or was she his output? Didn’t matter. They weren’t going to be anything soon.
A smile forms on Sanemi’s face as he straightens out his Jinguji black neo-militaristic pants. Red and silver streaks woven into the fabric, just barely visible. Knee-high Jinguji boots on his feet. Modeled after English Riding boots from around the early 20th century. He calls his output and waits for them to pick up. A deep feminine voice hums over the line after a few rings. “Mm, sup baby? I thought you were busy?” The man smiles wider. “I was, but it looks like this is wrapping up a lot nicer than I thought. Was thinking we could do something nice. Go to the sky lounge. Have a few drinks. See where the night takes us?” He replies lovingly.
The femme voice hums again. “That sounds nice and all buuuut….” they drag out the but and his face falls. Hairless brow quirking up. “But?” he growls out whilst glaring death at the couple in front of him that is sobbing and professing their undying affections for each other. “I am already here in your office in nothing but the chrome I bought and the meat I was born with. I am feeling like some pretty fuckable meat right now. Care to partake?” they tease.
The scarred man moans audibly. “Fuck yes, baby. I’ll be there soon.” The femme voice chuckles and ends the call. An image is sent soon after. Hastily Sanemi opens it up and brings his fist up to his mouth and bites his fingers. His output is in his chair playing with theirself. Hands cupping their natural breasts while playing with their chromed nipples. Legs spread out fully exposing themselves to the drone that took the image. They looked delicious and he couldn’t wait to devour them. The pants that were already tight now ridiculously tighter than before.
“Cut the crap. Times up!” he barks out around his fist. Refocusing on the people in front of him. “But our time isn’t up yet! It’s only been maybe five minutes!” she whines! “Whatever. Don’t care. I plan on getting my dick wet here in a bit so if you could hurry this up?” he motions for them to speed things along while he summons his airlift.
The Kitsch street punk’s eyes begin to water as she sobs desperately holding the other man’s face. “I’m so sorry baby. I lo-” she is cut off by a quick pop. Looking down she sees her life’s fluid along with the lubrication that operated her joints leaking out of a hole in her chest. Her eyes snap back to her lover and he has the most malicious grin on his face.
“Never liked living out in the badlands. Too fucking dusty. Always scrapping by. Life ain’t much better than being a scav. I’m tired of that shit. Sorry babe, you know how it is.” He pats her on the top of her head and laughs as she slowly drops down to the floor. Sanemi watches on impressed. He kind of expected the ruse to continue but whatever. No skin off his bones.
The nomad cackles as he walks away. The woman on the ground hisses and swears. She turns around to watch his back moving away from her as he walks towards the MILITECH-branded craft. Sanemi gives her a pitying look and starts his own walk towards his vehicle. Suddenly the woman roars and lunges forward. Picking up a piece of rebar from off the ground. She raises it, jumps into the air then brings it down solidly on top of the nomad’s head. Crushing his skull. Brains, chrome, wire, and whatever else was in that casing he called a head exploding around. She smashes his remains a few times before tossing the bar away and glaring over at the bare-chested, scarred man that had brought this misfortune onto her.
“I will fucking end you!” she declares. He tilts his head in curiosity then shrugs. “You can die trying. Or.” he pauses and motions to the craft. “You can join me and we can forget this bullshit. I train you and you will work for me in the arms deal division. Your other option is I disable you and leave you for the Animals to have their way with. Maybe they’ll take you to a Ripperdoc so you will last longer. “He continues into the craft. Sitting down he picks up one of the champagne glasses and twirls it. Bringing up the image of his output sent to him earlier.
The two chrome men and the lackey follow suit. The last passenger is the gaudy woman who had tried to double-cross him. She looks guilty? No, that isn’t it. He can’t put a name on it but he wants to say that it is scorn. She looks at his dark eyes. Stars meeting the night sky. In this moment he knows what it means to have the stars cross at you and it makes him even harder. Her hatred an aphrodisiac. The lackey motions to one of the flutes in the center console as the doors lower and the craft rises.
“Welcome to MILITECH.” Sanemi purrs. Not even bothering to hide his lust as he manspeads in his seat. The woman looks away in disgust. Her focus on the wrecked corpse laying on the pier. Citizens of Pacifica already moving in on it to harvest what they could for resell. She shakes her head. “Feels like shit,” she mumbles as she leans back in her seat, closing her eyes and sighing. The sadistic man across from her smirks and leans forwards. Bare elbows on his knees. “It doesn’t have to feel like that. Give it time. You’ll come to enjoy it just as much as I do. If not more.” He licks his bottom lip while he gives her a predatory gaze that she cannot see.
An hour or so later the white-haired man finally makes it back to his office. Swearing under his breath as he undoes the button to his pants as he walks into the lavishly decorated monochromatic black office. Giant Great windows sit behind an ebony tech desk. On the far left wall are 20-some-odd monitors showing all sorts of different deals. Meetings of government officials, a pornographic brain dance, some of the harder black-market shit, corporate stock exchange, etc. A deep chuckle is emitted from his chest as he saunters into the room. Making his way to his desk to sit in the Jinguji brand office chair. Legs spread as he takes himself out.
“I don’t care if you took care of yourself. I expect to be satisfied,” he announces to nobody in particular. He reclines in his chair and stares out the windows, down and over at Night City. The giant koi fish of Corpo Plaza swimming along their projected paths. His legs spread out wide and he feels the familiar warmth of his output settle between them. A call is connected and he smiles a genuine smile this time.
“Hey baby. Show me how much you missed me. You can see how much I missed you.” he says into the call. Hands coming to wrap into their hair, grip tightening around the strands to give himself purchase. “I thought you said you would be here sooner. I worked myself up for nothing waiting on you. You don’t deserve my mouth.” they say as they lap up his long, thick, girthy, veiny shaft. Ripping a salacious moan from his mouth. “Ah, you bitch. You know how it is. A couple of gonks thought they were smarter than they were. Was im-mmmm-pressive really. He thought he was betraying her but she smashed his meat in. Beautiful really. So much splatter.” he purrs as their mouth wraps around his head. Fingers sinking into their scalp.
“Fuck I love you baby.” he moans into the call. His output chuckles. “I don’t believe you.” they taunt. Their tongue began to vibrate against the underside of his cock. “Then allow me to show you,” he growls out as he shoves their head down fully on his shaft, choking them. Sadistic grin on his face as he gazes from the top of their head to the rest of Night City behind them. “Let me show you everything.” His grip on their head is brutal as he begins to roughly and without mercy face fuck that warm, wet, vibrating hole. His output reaches into his pants. Their delicate, well-manicured hands pull out his heavy sack and a thumb caresses the seam in the center. “Then show me,” they say before ending the call.
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hexjulia · 1 year
arrrgh looking at tillage daikon for my garden which i know about as an alternative for ploughing better for soil health from a permaculture context, where it was iirc developed
Anyway coming across this article aimed at commercial farmers and it recommends them...and then recommends killing them with fucking. Glyphosate. And other harmful herbicides. At the end of the season to be sure they're dead so you can be sure they won't keep growing between your cash crops.
parody of itself.
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whiskeynovember · 1 year
it doesn't seem like i did much, but i kinda did?
i think the garden might need to be watered every morning and maybe every other evening... it gets dry so fast. i could probably make due with some hay or something to try to cover the soil to keep it moist. it just seems like on the days it doesn't get watered, it's bone dry.
fixed the second large planter...
my dad... bless him, he set them up years ago and put a bunch of rocks on the bottom as drainage and stability... but forgot to take the bottom cap off so the water has easier access to drain through. 😆 i fixed that. took the rocks out, filled with leaf litter instead, amended the soil, and repotted. i found another pot and did that one as well. so now i have 3 empty pots to throw things into. my new seeds should be here tomorrow or the next. I'm thinking Daikon radish... I'm still hoping a ground cherry seed will sprout so i can set that up out front... and I'll probably put the nasturtiums in the pot instead of directly in the ground. I'll need another pot for that so i have one in each side next to the squash.
we're going to the store today so i may buy 2 just for that and use the extra pot for my leeks that I'm currently propitiating. i forgot how much i love leeks and then realize the reason i haven't gotten any is because they're fucking expensive. $3 for 2. 🙄
i figured out i set my trellises upside down with the pointy end on top so i fixed that and tied some twine through to make more places for the beans, peas, and squash to latch onto.
threw some extra moist soil into the garden. covered up my rehab purple basil and habaneros. i don't know about 3 of the basil plants, they seem very witty, but they perk up fairly quickly. i gave them a sugar/ peroxide boost earlier before i covered them. it took my Thai basil over a week to get strong so I'll know for sure by next week. i thought they'd have an easier time since the sunflowers give them a bit of shade, but i think the shock in itself was too much.
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mizuhashira · 2 years
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     @kazehashira asked: The final part of the day, after spending most of it snuggled underneath the warmth of the kotatsu reading the final novel of their beloved series, Sanemi begin preparing dinner. The day before, he had gotten a fresh piece of salmon, and all the ingredients into making Giyuu's favorite meal. It's something that Sanemi cherishes the most, when Giyuu takes a bite into the daikon and his face lights up like fireworks in the night sky. Sanemi tries to make the meal for him as much as possible, because it never gets old seeing the pure look of joy on his husband's face. With a kiss, he leaves the warmth and walks into the kitchen. It's a simple dish, and there are times when he wonders why Giyuu enjoys it so much. He comes up with his own conclusions. It's the pickled bitterness that Giyuu enjoys, or the tanginess from the salmon mixed with the radish. Either way, Sanemi doesn't mind making the dish for his husband. And there are never any leftovers. Sometimes Sanemi thinks Giyuu has a second stomach for salmon daikon alone. He finishes the dish, and sets it in front of him. Sanemi gives him a look. "You better not be reading ahead," he says, sitting beside Giyuu. "I wanna know what the fuck happens between the dude 'n the queen." They eat, read a few more chapters, and then Sanemi takes him to bed, where he shows his husband how much he really loves him.
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     They're nearly halfway through the final book in their favorite series by the time Sanemi says it's time for a break to make dinner. It isn't even a question about what he's going to make — Giyuu's favorite, of course — but it was hard to say what he was more excited for. Sanemi had read aloud as his husband had asked, Giyuu nuzzled against his chest as he listened. The pace had been slow, occasionally filled with pauses for Sanemi to ask what a specific kanji meant, but he wanted nothing more than to spend as long as possible just like this.
     Dinner smells incredible and Giyuu cannot help but smile widely as he watches Sanemi cook. Maybe in another life, one not filled with demons and heartbreak, he would have made a wonderful chef.
     ❝ I'm not, I promise, ❞ he says, looking at Sanemi affectionately. To prove his point, the book had been left exactly where Sanemi had placed it on the kotatsu. ❝ Thank you for the meal, Sanemi. ❞ They can continue after they've eaten, bellies and hearts full.
     And they do. With an oil lamp lit, the kotatsu refreshed with warm coals, and bundled in the quilt keeping the heat safe and close. Giyuu listens to the story until the flame runs low and they share a few slow kisses in the last of the remaining light. Their book is marked to continue in the morning and Sanemi isn't shy is letting Giyuu know how the night is going to end when he's thrown over his husband's shoulder like a burlap sack and taken to their bedroom.
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littleoanh · 2 years
Hiii Albie how are u doing?? I hope you’re doing good💖 Ur work is so amazing I can’t get enough of it!💖💖💖 It started with a smile is so well written i just-asksjdjkwwk🥰
So i got a request if you’re not too busy could u pls make a kakucho fluffy but dom smuttyy smut (like do one u did with ran in the series), i crave this man sm ugh😫 We need to know why he’s the number one boyfriend 😳 Could u make it about him being an absolutely sweetheart like literally obsessed with y/n so whenever someone flirts with her *haitini’s or sanzu’s crackheadass* he gets so feral and into zaddyyy mode real quik that makes y/n never looking to another man ever again.. And rest of bonten are really jealous that kaku is with y/n, she is also superstrong (bonten nr 4) and rlly gorgeous and joined bonten soo this all happends at a meeting or event. He needs to destroy me and then cuddle me afterwards hihi✨
Tysm for ur time🙏🏼💖
A/N: Hello anon darling ❤️! I wish I can say I am doing alright, under the weather atm 😷 but I wanted to post this before passing out again. And thank you for your kind words 🤗. I’m glad you enjoyed my first series! Hahaha, yes I can turn our best boi Kakucho into a dom like I did for Ran. I hope you enjoy this piece!
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Only One
Characters: Kakucho x fem!Reader
Warnings: Kakucho treating reader like a goddess, kisses, minor violence (not towards reader), Sanzu degrading reader (in a flashback), reader is flirty with the Haitani Brothers and Sanzu, Kakucho display jealousy, smut (pet play, collaring with a belt [A/N: remember this is fiction, this kink should not be used for newbies], degrading (Kakucho calls reader “stupid pet” and “dumb pet”), face fucking, cum swallowing, sloppy makeout, spankings, unprotected sex [wrap it up people], squirting, biting, hickeys, and creampie), and fluff ending
Special Thanks: EB for proofreading, correcting and beta reading!
Like, reblogging, and kind comments are appreciated.
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You’re dangerous. Drop dead gorgeous. Formidable. Kakucho has found his purpose again in life which was to serve you. He treats you like the goddess you are and worships the ground you walk on. Anything you want, he will make sure you’ll have it.
“Angel,” Kakucho softly caresses your sleeping face, “it’s time to wake up.”  He places gentle kisses on your eyelids, your cute nose, and your lips. You stir and let out cute little moans that are only meant for him to hear. Your eyes fluttered open, trying to adjust the dim light shining through the bedroom window. 
“Mmmm, Kaku.” Your adorable tired voice makes him feel warm inside. You wrap your arms around him to snuggle closer to his chest. “Good morning.” You close your eyes again and he chuckles, he keeps kissing you to wake you up more.
“Good morning, my love. I made breakfast for you.” Your eyes shoot open, staring at him for him to tell you more, “I made some salted salmon, miso soup, tamagoyaki, spinach salad, and pickled daikon.” A beautiful smile spread upon your pouty lips.
“Kaku, you’re the best.” You return small butterfly kisses on his handsome face before you press your lips onto his. Moaning how good his lips feel on yours, wanting to feel him more but Kakucho lifts you up in his strong arms and carries you out to the kitchen and sets you on the chair where he has breakfast laid out for the both of you.
“No Angel, you are the best.” He kisses your forehead before taking a seat next to you. You give  him a thankful peck on the cheek before digging in.
This is your usual morning routine with Kakucho whenever you spend the night with him. Waking up to his loving kisses and him making a healthy breakfast for the both of you. While you are getting ready in his bathroom, he is busy packing a bento box lunch and making your favorite coffee. When he feels your radiating presence in the room, he finds you wearing a sexy pantsuit. Your hair is styled, your makeup (which he thinks you look better without) is flawless, and your confident stance is alluring.
“Ready, my love?”
“Ready.” Your seductive smile sets his heart beat at a blistering pace. 
Kakucho never carried a briefcase with him before, but ever since he started dating you he has. The reason is because he wants to make sure he has everything in there to take care of you. Spilled coffee on your shirt? He has a stain remover stick. Lipstick faded? He has your shade. Your hair tie snapped during a fight? He has extras. Cut yourself? He has a basic first aid kit. Too tired to walk in your high heels? He brought your flats. He even has extra feminine products in his briefcase in case you have your monthly cycle during the day. Also your favorite chocolate bars. 
He will open doors for you, walk on the side of the curb, has an extra blanket or jacket in his car in case you get cold… just the perfect gentleman. 
Stepping into the Bonten building, all eyes are on you. You exude confidence, fierceness, and attractiveness that always grab everyone’s attention. The moment you and Kakucho step into the conference room, someone comes to surprise you by trying to trip you backwards. You hold your steady stance, grabbing your supposed “assailant” and flip them back, knocking them on their ass.
“Better luck next time, Sanzu.” Your shit eating grin appears on your smug face. Normally Kakucho’s natural instincts would come to your aid but this is a normal occurrence between you and Sanzu. 
[Flash Back]
“This is… our no. 4?” Sanzu approached you, eyeing you up and down. Sure you are attractive, he looked at you once more… okay, really attractive. Maybe you have wit. But to be no. 4 in command, you need to be ruthless and strong. Your appearance did not show that. “All you have is looks, sweetheart. You’re better off working at a whore house.” 
Kakucho was about to come into your defense until something took all their breath away. It was so quick that it happened in a blink of an eye. You knocked Sanzu’s ass down without hesitation and with great strength. The ground even shook from the impact. Sanzu was groaning in pain, he didn’t see this coming. Mikey displayed a small proud smile. 
You turned to face the rest of the executives with your deadly aura and terrifying stare, “Anyone else believe I would be better off working at a whore house?” No one dared question you. Kakucho was immediately enamored with you. He never liked Sanzu in the first place and the fact you taught him a lesson made Kakucho respect you. 
“You really took me by surprise, sweetheart.” Sanzu was staggering to get back up, “Your strength is exhilarating!” His droopy eyes showed some excitement. “As Bonten no. 2, I will not hold back and put you back in your place, No. 4.” He towered over you, your quick eyes noticed his movement to try to use your technique and you counter it flawlessly.
“I would like to see you try, Pinky.” You walked to sit in an empty seat next to Kakucho. The moment you two made eye contact, he knew he found a reason for living.
[End Flashback]
“Ahhh, so close!” Sanzu happily admits his defeat and pulls himself up from the floor. Rin and Koko scoff while you roll your eyes and stare into his dilated blue eyes boringly.
“Not even close, Pinky.” You and Kakucho saunter to your usual seats, he hands you your coffee and you thank him before taking a sip of the delicious taste. Kakucho always makes the perfect amount of sweetness. Ran has been observing both of your interactions with his amusing eyes. 
“Spend the night with our little Kakucho?” Ran playfully asks with his arm plop on the table and leaning his head against his hand. Rin snickers when he sees the look of embarrassment on Kakucho’s face. Mikey, Koko, Mochi, and Takeomi flicker their eyes in your direction, it’s obvious that you did but they still want to see how this plays out. 
“Why? Are you jealous, Ran Ran?” You match his playfulness with a seductive smile, Kakucho frowns when he sees you flirting back. He doesn’t like it when you do that, especially when you smile like that. It should only be for him. 
“Always.” Ran gives you a flirty wink, “My bed is so cold without you. Come over to warm it up sometime.” Kakucho hands ball into fists. He is close to wanting to punch Ran, not like how you are flirting in front of him.
“You’re always welcome in my bed too.” Rin joins in the little fun, you let out that cute giggle of yours that Kakucho loves but not when it’s towards someone else. 
“If you want me, you need to come and claim me darling.” Your seductive smile didn’t falter, upsetting Kakucho even more. Why are you going along with them? 
“Oh?” Sanzu arches one of his eyebrows, “Is that what Kakucho did? How is he in bed?” He boldly asks you in front of everyone, Kakucho’s cheeks are heated. “From what I can tell,” Sanzu’s droopy eyes land on Kakucho, “it doesn’t seem like he can tame a brat like you.” Kakucho’s eyes glowered at him. “I mean if it were me,” He tilts his head to the side with a sadistic smile, “you’d be collared and I’ll show everyone what an obedient pet you are.” 
“Is that right?” Your eyes challenge his statement, “You think you can handle a brat like me?” Kakucho’s fists clench tighter, imagining the Haitani brothers and Sanzu claiming you. This does not sit well with him.
“Come to my office after this meeting and I will gladly show you.” Sanzu’s smirk.
“Why wait until after the meeting? Don’t you want to show everyone what an obedient pet I am-” Kakucho abruptly stands up and everyone stares at him, bewildered. Nobody gets to call you their pet, except for him. He grabs your wrist, yanks you out of your seat, and drags you out. “Ah! Kaku-” He faces you with a dominating expression you never saw on him before.
“Shut. Up.” Your eyes widen in surprise and immediately close your mouth. Everyone is surprised to see this side of Kakucho. He stares at everyone else down with a glare, “We’ll be back later.” He pulls your wrist and takes you out of the conference room. 
“Um… is it alright for them to leave?” Mochi asks this puzzling question. Everyone looks at Mikey, who is eating his taiyaki. 
“He needs to tame her.” Mikey glances over the rest of them, “Commence the meeting.” The rest of the executives are jealous of Kakucho who is excused to teach you a lesson.
The car ride is silent, deathly silent. Normally, it’s a comfortable silence. But this, you are afraid to look at him. You can feel how pissed he is. Kakucho has never been this mad at you, actually scratch that… he’s barely ever mad at you. He parks in front of his place, you open your own car door for once and step out. He walks ahead of you which is completely out of the norm and you follow him behind. The elevator ride is also silent, he wouldn’t meet your eyes. 
Closing the front door behind you, you expect him to say something but instead, he walks into the kitchen leaving you alone. You hear him rummaging through the kitchen drawers. Hesitantly, you call after him. “Kakucho?” He ignores you and continues doing his own task. In several minutes, he steps out with his belt in his hand. That’s strange. 
He approaches you with an unreadable expression. “Kakucho, what-” He grabs you by the jaw, pulling you towards him. Your eyes go wide, yelping at the sudden force.  This is not like the Kakucho who has always been a gentleman.
“Strip.” He demands, pushing you away. You stumble back, still shocked but you do as you're told. You don’t want to upset him even more. Plus, this is getting interesting… His hungry eyes watch you strip naked in front of him. When you’re finally bare, Kakucho wraps his belt around your neck, sticking the prong into a new hole he must have made in the kitchen. He tugs on his new makeshift collar and leash, making sure it isn’t too tight. “How does this feel?” His voice is monotone but stares at you sternly.
“I can still breathe.” He nods in approval.
“Then get down on all fours.” Your eyes gape in surprise.
“Wh-what?” Kakucho pulls the belt to bring you closer to his face.
“I said. Get down on all fours.” Your legs shake, but this is kinda exciting to see this side of him. You did as he told you, looking up to see what he wants you to do next. “Take off my pants.” You use your hands to unbutton his pants but he slaps your hand. “Use your mouth. Since that’s all you’re good for.” You know you shouldn’t get turned on by his degradation but you can feel your pussy throb. You did your best to use your mouth to unzip and unbutton but you are not able to do it. “Useless. Can’t do anything by yourself.” He unbuttons his pants then pulls out his semi hard cock and dangles in front of your face. You stare at the pre cum leaking from his tip. “Do I have to tell you everything? You know what to do.” Kakucho pulls on his belt and you gasp.
You lean forward to lick a long stride from the base of his balls to the tip of his cock. You twirl your tongue around his head, teasing him and he pulls on the belt again.
“Fuck, stop teasing me, bitch. Open your mouth and stick out your tongue.” You did what he told and he shoves his cock down your throat. You feel him in the back of your throat and you gag. “Relax your throat and breathe through your nose.” You follow his instructions, able to breathe normally but not for long. He roughly fucks your throat as if you are his personal fleshlight. Your tears are run down your face and spit is dripping down your neck. You moan and gag every time he goes too deep. “Fuck this is what your mouth is good for. Being stuffed with my cock.” Your pussy is dripping down to your thighs.
He tugs the belt to pull you closer to have your nose touch his abdomen and he spills his cum directly down your throat while groaning. Forcing you to swallow every drop. His cock stops pulsating inside your mouth and he pulls out. You try to catch your breath, your jaw is sore and your lips are swollen from the rough treatment. Not that you’re complaining. Kakucho pulls the belt to have you stand up and he messily makes out with you. His tongue invades your mouth, dominating your tongue. He breaks the kiss, spit connecting both your lips.
“Crawl over to the couch and bend over on the arm.” You get down on your hands and knees and crawl towards his couch with him following you. Then you pull yourself up and bend over on the arm of the couch. Kakucho removes the rest of his clothing and stroking his cock.“Spread your ass cheeks.” Your cheeks go red with embarrassment. Kakucho spanks your ass, “Spread them.” His stern voice commands you, you shyly spread your ass cheek. He leans down, feeling him inspecting your pussy and he blows air making your pussy clench at nothing. “Pathetic hole.” Kakucho drags his cock up and down on your wet slit before ramming it hard against your cervix. 
“AH!” You cry out. He punishes your pussy and tugs the belt, making your back arch. The couch squeaks, your tits bounce, your pussy is making wet lewd sounds and you hear Kakucho’s breathy moans. He lifts your leg up, forcing you to let go of your ass cheeks and fucks you even deeper. “Ah, fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Kaku-” He yanks the belt harshly and it cuts off your moans.
“Master.” Kakucho corrects you while continuing to brutally thrust into your cunt. You can’t hold out much longer and you feel you are about to burst.
“Ma-Master! ‘M gonna cum. Need to cum!” 
“Beg your master.” 
“Please, please, please please! Let me cum!” Your tears are dripping from holding out your pleasure. Kakucho dips his hand down to rub your clit and you squeal.
“Cum.” You release the knot in your stomach, squirting clear liquid on the arm of the couch and the floor and your eyes roll back. This is the first time you squirt and you are in bliss. Once you are down from your high, Kakucho tugs his belt, “We’re not done yet.” He drags you around the couch and he sits down on the cushion. “Fuck yourself on this cock like the stupid pet you are.” 
Your jelly legs straddle over him, you hold his cock to sink down on it. And holy fuck, he’s fucking deep. Too deep. Making you feel full. Kakucho slaps your ass with a cold look in his eyes, telling you to move. You bounce on his cock, feeling every inch of his length and girth. Kakucho harshly sucks on your bouncing tits, biting them and marking them. Your legs are growing weak, you resort to grinding and feeling his cock move inside of you. 
“Tired already? What a dumb pet.” His cold words spat, but it didn’t register you since you are dumbed out. Kakucho holds your hips and fucks into you, making you moan and scream in pleasure.
“Master! I-I need’a cum! Please lemme cum!” Feeling another orgasm building up. 
“Do it. I’m going to cum inside this pathetic hole.” Your pussy squeezes his cock so hard, it nearly pushes him out but he prevents it. The moment he bites hard on your neck, clear liquid gushes out, wetting his cock and abdomen. He continues to fuck into your wet pussy, feeling close to ejaculation. You whine from overstimulation, your clit is too sensitive. He lets out a deep sexy moan and thick ropes of cum shoots inside your gummy walls. Kakucho holds you tightly, not wanting any drop of cum to spill out. 
You both try to catch your breaths, sweat dripping from your bodies. Kakucho notices his markings on your tits are bluish purple and he softly caresses around it.
“Did this hurt?” His voice is now back to a gentle tone.
“It stings a little but I’m alright. That was a lot of fun.” You reassure him with a blissful expression, Kakucho carefully removes the belt around your neck. There is a slight marking around your neck, he winces a little for manhandling you. He lifts you up and carries you to his bedroom. He cautiously lays you on his comfortable bed and cuddles you from behind. His strong arms wrap you in a tight but a safe space for you. 
“I’m sorry for hurting you.” Kakucho’s eyes see a dark hickey forming on your shoulder too and lightly kisses it. “I got jealous, I didn’t like it when you or the Haitani brothers or Sanzu flirt. I know it’s selfish of me because we’re not officially together-”
You turn your face and kiss him deeply, in hopes to wash away his jealousy. “You are the only one I want.” You turn your body back around to face him completely. “Don’t ever be jealous of them because they will never have me.” You kiss him passionately, Kakucho runs his rough fingers through your disarray hair.
“Please… let me stay by your side no matter what.” Leans his forehead against yours.
“Don’t ever leave my side.”  
“Never, my love.” You share another passionate kiss, feeling each other’s unspoken love. 
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2022 © littleoanh — do not repost or translate my work on this platform or any other platform. likes, reblogs, and kind comments are welcome. must be 18+ to interact.
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serenevenene · 3 years
Any Bones (2/2)
Tomioka Giyuu x Fem!Reader | 01, 02
Requested by @muzanskimono
After being saved from the Water Pillar, the only thing you could do to repay him was to let him stay in your little cottage as he recovered from the wounds he sustained from the fight. Giyuu found himself enjoying your company, and grateful for the care you gave him. He was even more grateful for the food you served him. Eventually the tables turned, and the Water Pillar found himself wanting to satisfy you.
Vanilla, slow, long, burn injuries and scars, trauma, hurt/comfort, mating press
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It had been months since you last saw Giyuu. He kept his word and stayed until the morning, but just as the sun hit the center of the sky, a black crow landed and perched on your window. Giyuu was to be sent on another demon slaying mission.
You didn’t try to stop him that day. You knew your pleas would fall on deaf ears. “Come back often, Giyuu,” you said, again, as he left.
One day, you went into the village to purchase groceries. There was a surplus of salmon that day, and you decided to take some come to make Salmon Daikon. Even though you were confident that Giyuu wouldn’t show up, the dish made you remember him, and that was enough for you.
You started to make your way back to your little house, when you noticed that you had started squinting. How did it get so dark, so fast? The hairs on your neck stood on-end. Your pupils dilated. Danger.
With your cotton bag wrapped against your back, you started running. You knew that you were on the path to your cottage. If you could only get there, you’d be safe. You cursed yourself for not having exercised in so long. You heard a growl coming from behind you. You didn’t want to look back, but you needed to confirm what it was.
A demon.
Fear paralyzed you. You stood there, looking up at the tall, slender demon. It raised it’s ugly, jagged arm, meaning to strike you. You couldn’t do anything but fall to the ground, hands covering your face, preparing for the impact.
But…it didn’t come. You heard the demon growl, groan, and shriek at a terrible pitch, then…nothing. Again, you didn’t want to look…but you did. Your hands dared to move away from your face. The monster was gone.
That wasn’t true. It was on the ground, in pieces. Fear gripped your heart again, afraid that whatever killed it would certainly come after you next.
That’s when you heard a cool and familiar voice coming from the darkness. “Y/N.”
You turned your head towards the sound. It came from a man wearing a mixed-fabric haori.
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You were so shaken up by your encounter with the demon that Giyuu insisted that you take a hot bath as he prepared a meal. You didn’t realize that you had been so traumatized by that fire demon that you’d be completely helpless against another one. Once you were in the bath, you started to sob. Your shaking hands covered your face and you sat there, feeling just as helpless as before.
Giyuu placed your bowl of food next to his, knowing you’d want to sit next to each other rather than across. He started to worry that something might have happened to you when the food started getting cold. He quickly stored the pot in a place where it wouldn’t spoil (A/N: did they have refrigerators back then?), and walked over to the bath. He stopped at the door, hearing an unfamiliar sound coming from the other side of it. His hand already at his sword, he kicked the door open.
To Giyuu’s relief – then immediate regret – he realized that the sound he heard was your sobbing.
“Fuck, you scared me!” you yelled, jumping out of the bath. You grabbed your kimono and wrapped it around you hastily. You tried to control your breathing as your hand clutched at the fabric around your chest. “Sorry, this…is just a lot to deal with.”
With a worried look on his face, Giyuu pulled you close to him. “It seems I am not the only one who suffered wounds from that fire demon,” he said quietly into your ear. Your wet hair stuck to his cheek.
Giyuu could feel your hands trembling on his shoulders. You were trying so hard not to appear weak in front of him. “You took care of my injuries, but no one tended to yours.”
Your hands tightened around his shoulders. You were going to cry again. “You can’t fix something like this,” you retort.
Giyuu didn’t respond. He knew you were right, but he still had the overwhelming urge to somehow make you feel better. “You’re right. But…” he ducked down to nuzzle your neck, “I can help put you at ease for tonight.”
The next thing you knew, you were both naked on your bed, with Giyuu straddling you. Trying to avoid staring too long at Giyuu’s impressive member, you looked at his rather large burn mark. Your fingers traced the outlines, from his hip to just below his pectoral muscle. Your eyes must have given away your sadness, because Giyuu grabbed your hand and kissed it.
You wanted him. No…that wasn’t exactly right. You wanted the bad feelings to go away, and Giyuu was going to help you do that.
“Are you ready?” Giyuu asked.
You swallowed. “Yes.”
And he was inside of you. You gasped for air, not realizing how much you had craved the stretch he could provide. It had been months since you last saw him and you were tight. Slowly, but surely, he started rocking his hips back and forth. He was being gentle…just like the first time. Your heart swelled, finding his motives endearing.
But you needed more.
You wanted to replace all the bad memories from earlier today, and you weren’t going to get that with his delicate movements. “Giyuu…harder.”
Giyuu pulled your legs over his shoulders and leaned over, so that the front of your thighs rested on your chest. He pushed into you again.
“Ah!” The sound escaped your lips. Now, you could feelsomething. In fact, you could feel every contour of his dick. You bit down your bottom lip. “More,” you asked him.
Using all his strength, Giyuu pounded into you again and again and again. You thought you’d lose your mind. He was determined to satisfy you, determined to fuck those crippling feelings away.
You grabbed at his hands, which were currently holding your legs in place. “Don’t stop.”
With his constant total concentration breathing technique, you knew he’d be able to go at it all night. Giyuu dropped a hand down to your clit and started running his thumb back and forth against it. A whine left your lips.
Before you were completely lost in your own pleasure, you looked up at Giyuu. His cool, blue eyes were on you. At that moment, he thought that if you had the time to look up at him then he wasn’t getting the job done. He pulled you up and turned you over so that you were on all fours. He reinserted himself into your now-messy hole. Fuck, did this angle feel good. “Hahh…Giyuu…”
Giyuu reached around you to rub on your clit again. Your elbows gave out, and the top half of your body buried itself in the sheets. Giyuu didn’t like that your moans were muffled, so he pulled your arms back towards him, lifting your body upwards. He groaned, liking how you were responding to his movements.
“Ahn!” you moaned, filling the darkness of your room with lewd noises. “Giyuu! Please…please…please…”
At this angle, Giyuu was hitting a good place. You clamped down hard, trying to feel as much of him as you could, trying to chase down your high. You ignored the feeling of your fluids dripping down the sides of your thighs, focusing only on the spot Giyuu zoned in on. You heard him begin to pant behind you. He must have lost control of his breathing.
You pulled your arms away from his grip. You steadied yourself with one hand and started rubbing on your clit with the other. You were so close! You only needed a little more. Giyuu smacked your ass so hard that it left an imprint. It was just the push you needed to be sent over the edge. Your back arched as you reached that sweet, sweet peak of euphoria and let out a sound that was reminiscent of a scream.
Giyuu held you in place even as you tried to pull away from him. He wasn’t going to let you cut the stimulation short. It was too much, him pushing into you again and again even as you were coming down from your orgasm.
“Giyuu! I…can’t…” you pleaded for him to stop. He pulled out for a moment, only to turn you around again. In that short reprieve, you caught sight of his hard cock, slick with your release. He was trying desperately to find relieve himself of his painful-looking erection. He dove into you again. Even though the other positions felt better, you liked how your faces were close in this one. You kissed him gently.
Giyuu’s hand wrapped around the base of your skull, deepening the kiss. You wrapped your legs around his waist as your tongue explored his mouth. You felt his muscles tense against you. He was going to cum. You tightened your grip around him again. You moaned into the kiss. He…moaned back. Giyuu broke the kiss, only to groan loudly as he released all he had to offer into the depths of your folds. You felt so warm inside.
Giyuu pulled away and collapsed at your side, trying to catch his breath. Turning in the sheets, you brushed the hair away from his face. Now his hair was sticking to his face. Before you could ask if he’d still be here in the morning, you succumbed to sleep.
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The sunlight woke you up. To your utter dismay, Giyuu was nowhere in sight. Worriedly, you got up from bed. As you took a few steps, you noticed that your legs were wobbling a little – a sensation you were unfamiliar with. You had to engage all your core muscles to at least attempt to look like you were walking normally. Eventually, you found yourself in the kitchen, where Giyuu waited for you with breakfast.
“Breakfast? I didn’t think we had any ingredients for a morning meal,” you said, quickly finding your seat at the table so that you could hide your strut.
“It was supposed to be last night’s dinner,” Giyuu answered.
You sat at the seat next to him and took a bite.
“How is it?” Giyuu asked. You looked at him with a surprised expression, never having expected him to ask for your opinion on his cooking.
You smirked at him. “Well…there aren’t any bones.”
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haru-chan702 · 3 years
𝓡𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓸𝓶 𝓱𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓬𝓪𝓷𝓸𝓷𝓼 (𝓱𝓾𝓶𝓪𝓷𝓼) {𝓰𝓷!𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻}
• Giyuu:
He thinks the salmon daikon you make for him is the best ever and he's particularly mad about it. He just doesn't want to bother you to make you do it on purpose when he sees you're already cooking. But you get it, so there are times, especially after a complicated workout, where you let him find a nice, generous portion of this dish. 
• Obanai:
He is jealous because he sees you always being with Kaburamaru and, due to his training, you have very little time with him as he is always tired. So, Obanai thinks you love the snake more than him and when you ask him what he has, he gets backed up by saying he has nothing. 
• Rengoku:
He finds you cute with little flowers on your head, although he doesn't know how to put them on. So, every time he makes a mess and you find yourself having to clean your head from various petals. Despite this, you keep letting him to do it since, deep down, you don't even mind that much.
• Tengen:
He wants to wear makeup, but you categorically refuse to let him do it. He tried once and it ended badly. Since then you won't let him get close if you see he has a brush and some paint in his hand. 
• Gyomei:
He thinks he's not good enough for you. Because of his blindness, he doesn't spin a real man, so he's always afraid he won't do much as a boyfriend. One day, you asked him if this was true and, after seeing his assent, you hugged him reassuring him that you don't care if he is blind or not. After that you had to console him for half an hour since he cried. 
• Muichiro:
He likes to have his hair done by you. It relaxes him to feel your hands running through the raven strands and he could snooze for two days if you don't. 
• Sanemi:
He has a penchant for cat ears. He hates to admit it, but when you wear them you drive him crazy and you can safely make him do whatever you want with the promise that you will wear them later. 
• Shinobu:
After a workout, she loves to come to you and be pampered. She doesn't care if you're busy, don't feel like it or anything. If she wants pampering, she'll take you for exhaustion until she gets it. In case you are tired, then he will sleep with you and you will fuck each other. 
• Mitsuri:
She loves it when you do the puppy face, because to her you are kawaii just when you smile. So let alone when you do something to be kawaii on purpose. Once you do that, he would go around his entire estate screaming that you are super kawaii. 
• Tanjiro:
He keeps a letter you wrote to him on a mission under his pillow so that when you're not around, he can take a piece of you with him.
• Inosuke:
Let's say he wants to fight with you to test your stamina both in battle and in bed. He knows that you are not dominated by anyone and this challenge is very attractive. To date, he has not yet managed to beat you in battle, although he has read asserted his role as a dominant male.
• Zenitsu:
He sniffs your clothes. Because? Good question. You've asked him many times to stop because it's creepy, but he continues and you don't know where to hide your clothes anymore. 
• Nezuko:
She keeps asking you to pat her head even when you've done it for two hours straight. When you happen to not give her the attention she needs, she ties it around your finger and keeps you up all night to get all the attentions she hasn't had and more. 
• Kanao:
She doesn't talk much and you know it. Therefore, when you are together, there are long moments of silence in which each of the two carries out some activity or cuddle each other. There is no awkward silence, on the contrary, sometimes you think that if one of the two spoke in these moments, the atmosphere created would be ruined. 
• Genya:
Knowing that you are crazy about [favorite food] and spending little time with you due to training at Tsuguko, he always tries to cook your favorite dish whenever he gets the chance. The first time around, he wanted to surprise you knowing that you had had a really hard workout so he had gone to get all the ingredients. Not knowing the correct recipe, he tried to improvise. The problem is that he got the quantities wrong, so he screwed up. When you got back, you noticed all the commotion in the kitchen with a disconsolate Genya slumped on the table. After he explains what he wanted to do, you console him by telling him that the next time it would be better and you start cooking together, so he takes the opportunity to learn. 
• Aoi:
Even though she always seems so composed, respectful and polite, she has a childish side that only comes out with you. In fact, when she spreads the sheets and you happen to pass through the Butterfly Mansion, you inevitably start playing hide and seek and you always have to chase her between those white pieces of fabric. When you manage to take it, you hug it starting to fuss over it even if it was your stuffed animal when you were little. Being both very proud and terribly composed, you don't want anyone to know what's going on in these moments, or they could be pissing you off forever. But don't you know that, in reality, Shinobu is witnessing all these little moments of tenderness between the two of you.
• Senjuro:
Since he lost his brother, you are the only person who makes him feel good. You have lived in his house since the Flame Hashira brought you there and you and his brother quickly got along. When he has bad dreams or feels lonely, he comes to you and gets his hair stroked with a whipped puppy face that makes it impossible for you to resist him.
KNY Masterlist
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Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Subaru Route ー Sub Scenario w/Yuma
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–> In between the main route chapters, the player is taken to the area map of the Parade where you can freely roam around. There are four different places to visit, each with different mini games and sub scenarios to enjoy.
ー The scene starts in the mountains
Yui: Oh? Yuma-kun, what are you doing over here?
Yuma: Oh, ya guys arrived just on time.
I was told legendary, super-sized vegetables exclusive to the Demon World grow in this forest.
I was just ‘bout to go look for them. Ya two should join me as well.
Subaru: Haah? And why would I do that...?
Yuma: Didn’t ya hear me when I said ‘legendary super-sized vegetables’, I could use a lil’ extra manpower.
I’ll share some with ya two if we find them.
Subaru: I don’t exactly care for vegetables.
Yuma: ...Have it your way. Then it’ll be just the two of us.
Yui: Eh?
Yuma: The shut-in’s not comin’ it seems.
Subaru: Oi! She’s with me!
Yuma: Then all ya need to do is tag along as well, no?
Subaru: Fuck...! Fine!
Yui: Say, Yuma-kun. Do you know where those vegetables grow?
Yuma: Ah? I’m pretty sure they mentioned somethin’ ‘bout the darkest part of the forest...
Subaru: Actually, which part are we in right now anyway? 
Yui: Now that you mention it...
Yuma: Umー We came from the...Wait, which way was it again?
Subaru: We obviously came from the...Ah?
Yui: ( It’s dark around, so I’m not sure which way we came from... )
Yuma: ...We’re gonna have no clue how to get back like this.
Yui: No way...!
Subaru: Fuck off! You’re the one who dragged us along! Do somethin’ ‘bout this!
Yuma: Haah!? Aren’t ya also to blame for not keepin’ an eye on the path!?
Subaru: What did you just say!?
Yui: This isn’t the time to fight, you two!
We have to think of a way to get out of the forest...
Yuma: Easier said than done...
Subaru: ...Oi. Isn’t that tree over there odd? 
Yuma: Ah? 
...Now that you mention it. It’s shaped kinda weirdly. Almost like a daikon...
Subaru: ...Could that be one of those super-sized vegetables?
Yui: Ah...! Hey, seems like there’s a path right behind it!
Yuma: ーー ‘Kay! It’s settled then. Oi, we’re gonna pull this bad boy out of the ground!
Subaru: Guess I’ve got no other choice. You better don’t stand in my way!
Yuma: That’s my line! Okay, ready, goー!
*Rustle rustle*
Subaru: Fuck, it won’t come out...!
Yuma: It definitely lives up to its name. Come on, one more try!
Subaru: Uwoooooh!!
Yuma: Haaaaah!!
Yui: You pulled it out...! Way to go, you two!
Subaru: Haah...Haah...
Yuma: Heh, you’re stronger than I thought. ...Oh, is that the Parade’s venue over there in the distance?
Subaru: Haah, we can finally go back.
Yuma: My bad for draggin’ ya two along. However, ya really helped me out back there.
Subaru: I-I didn’t really...
Yuma: I don’t mind sharin’ this one with ya. I can’t say anythin’ ‘bout the taste or side effects tho.
Subaru: Haah!? No way I want that shit!
Yui: ( One definitely needs some courage to eat those. Putting that aside, I’m glad we safely made it back out of the forest... )
ーー THE END ーー 
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Hi!! Can you do Nene and Kou with a s/o who was replaced by the Red House(oneshot please)? Like, they were separated and when Nene and Kou finally find their s/o something feels wrong in the way s/o acts. Thank you <3(sorry if there are any mistakes, English is not my first language)
Nene and Kou with a s/o who was replaced by the red house❣︎
Warning: Manga spoilers, harsh words
A/n: Hello Anon!!<33 And your English seems really good! Great job!!
Please I hope i did this request right- I made it where s/o was with Kou and Nene- and I also hope this is what you mean- Kou x reader x Yashiro-
Kick me if I did it wrong-
I hope you enjoy and have a great day or night!!
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“Ah!!” You opened your eyes and shouted, looking around the dark room. You woke up to a loud thud and found yourself in this room. You stood up as you tried to remember what happened before.Then it hit you. 
‘I was with Kou and Nene… and Hanako’s ancestor! But where are they now…?’ You thought to yourself. You slowly walked to the door, opening it you braced yourself for impact that never came. You opened your eyes and continued down a hallway that only led you to another door. 
“Kou… Nene… where are you…?” You opened the door and peaked your head inside. You brightly smiled seeing your creamed haired daikon and blond exorcist. 
“Nene, Kou, I’m so happy to see you!! I just woke up in this dark room eheheh it was kinda creepy!” You ran up to them, scratching the back of your head in embarrassment. 
“Ah, Y/n! We thought we would never find you!” Nene smiled, running up to you and holding your hand in hers. 
“Yeah! Don't scare us like that!” Kou smiled as he approached you as well, grabbing your other hand in his. 
“Also…” The tealed haired girl gave you a sadistic grin “We wouldn’t mind if you did disappear…” 
“W.. what…?” You tried to process her words, smiling as if you didn't hear her correctly. 
“Oh sweet Y/n… you are so naive…” Her words cut you like a knife.
“You are so weak and defenseless… you are always having someone save you… pathetic..” Kou said harshly, glaring down at you like you were nothing. 
“You are so ugly… worse than my ankles.. Horrible..” 
You felt your hands shake by both of their cruel words. The two people you loved the most in life were now insulting you for all your insecurities, reflecting everything you didn't want to hear. 
“You should just end it already Y/n…” Kou finally ends it as he chuckles low to himself. 
“Kou.. Nene.. this isn’t really happening…!” Tears formed in your eyes as their words sinked in.
“Why can’t you accept the fact its true… we always hated you but you never got the subtle hints we been giving you so now we have to say it bluntly… you fucking idiot..” Nene smirked at your crying form. 
“You are utterly worthless…” 
Those last words broke you as you walked out of the room, covering your ears so you wouldn’t hear them. You slammed the door behind you so they wouldn't follow and fell on your knees crying as you leaned against the door. You soon wiped away your tears, not wanting to let them know they got to you.
“Y/n!!” A familiar voice shouted your name and looked up to see the teal tipped daikon you loved. “We were looking everywhere for you! We were so worried!” 
“Nene…” You mumbled not knowing whether to hug her or not. 
“Y/n! Are you okay?!?” Kou ran into the room, holding Hanako's ancestor by the clothes on his back. 
“You look like you saw something… Oh! We learned that the child is actually Tsukasa Yugi and that this house makes illusions of things you want and tries to hurt you with it! The house called my ankles fat…” Yashiro looked like she was about to cry saying the last sentence. 
“Illusions…?” Realization set in. 
“Yeah! Did you see any?” 
“Oh… no i didn't! Weird ahaha!” You giggled, not wanting to tell them what you really heard come from the house. 
“That's good! Let's go then!” Kou smiled, dropping the kid and holding his staff. 
“Okay!” Yashiro stood up and reached her hand out for you to take which you did. Once you stood up the child ran into your leg, hugging it. 
“Ah, Tsukasa…?” You looked down at him, a bit confused at his antics. 
“You saw them didn’t you?” He giggled, his eyes dark as he looked up at you. You looked over to see the other two looking for another exit to this room. Before you could say anything the child ran back to the other two, laughing to himself. 
You sighed as you approached them but couldn't get fakes words out of your head. Even though they were fake you couldn’t shake the thought that thats really how it felt. You always felt like you were in debt to the two… lucky they even look your way. It wouldn’t be much of a shock After a while, Kou and Nene started to notice your distance and soon got worried. 
“Is it just me.. or is Y/n acting different…?” Yashiro asked Kou, her pink eyes filled with worry. 
“Actually, I noticed something as well… do you think they saw something…?” He questioned.
“Probably.. We should talk to them about it” Yashiro grabbed Kou’s hand and dragged him to you. 
“Y/n… is something bothering you?” She asked, sadness being heard in her voice. 
“Hm? No, nothing is bothering me..” You smiled brightly, hoping they would buy it. 
“Are you sure you didn’t see anything Y/n?” Kou’s voice was soft, wanting you to open up. 
“Well… I did see something…” You confessed “but they are illusions so it's fine..” 
“Really?” Kou’s comforting smile turned into a frown “What did you see…?” 
“I.. saw you two…” Your hands lowered to the end of your shirt as you played with it, embarrassed at the fact you let illusions get to you. You knew they were fake but you couldn’t erase the feeling you had when you didn't know they were fake. 
“Us? They are illusions tho…” Yashiro made an attempt to comfort you. 
“I know but… I just can’t help but question… Yashiro do you think I look ugly and Kou… do you think I’m weak…? Do you both want me to disappear…?” You felt tears fall down your cheeks as your bottom lip shook slightly, scared to even hear their answers. 
“Eh?!? Of course not Y/n! You are perfect just the way you are!” Yashiro cupped your cheeks, bringing her face closer to yours. 
“But Nene…” You felt more tears fall down as she used her thumb to wipe them. 
“No buts… what they said is not true at all..! We love you so much.. You are perfect and we don't want you to disappear…” 
“Yeah Y/n! You mean so much to us both… you are amazing and I don't think you are weak at all! You are very strong!” Kou smiled, giving you a thumbs up before his aura became more serious. “But Y/n… we would never want you to disappear… so please never do so.. You are too precious..” You fawned over Kou’s words, feeling your heart beat faster. 
“Thank you so much Kou..” You pulled him into a hug.
“A-ah! Of course… anything for you Y/n..!” He blushed as you hugged him tight, soon wrapping his arms around you as well. 
You were always grateful for the two in your life, knowing they will be there for you. 
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