#i wonder how Marcos will convince anyone that he’s a beautiful woman now
I cant wait to see the options in book three for the reactions sidestep can have to Mortums betrayal
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mortemersgf · 4 years
hot couture: hazel nguyen x f!mc (arden moore)
summary: months after paris fashion week, a chance encounter reignites arden’s feelings for her former boss.
warning: suggestive themes.
word count: 2.2k
a/n: happy valentine’s day :D
click here for part two
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Arden strides into Cremona’s, bearing a polite smile as patrons cast discreet glances at her. She slides into her usual table, the one located in the snug corner by the windows. It gives her an excellent view of the whole restaurant, allowing her to pick out who’s a diner and who’s a paparazzi pretending to be a diner.
She peruses the extensive list of dishes Cremona’s has to offer, settling on an order of Cacio e Pepe and a glass of white wine and murmuring a quiet thanks to the waiter as he glides away to prepare her dinner.
Some months ago, her eyes would have bulged at the price of the pasta dish. Now, she only breathes out a quiet sigh, too worn out to be startled.
Arden started her own business after the events of Paris Fashion Week. Her success in the states led to the opening of another branch in Milan. Since then, she’s been spending time in this beautiful city, solely focused on the task of overseeing the whole process. Milan is stunning with its vibrant culture, but Arden is lonely without Luz or Marco by her side.
She feels especially lonely this evening being Valentine’s Day and all. When she takes a gander around the restaurant, she sees couples after couples. A table to her left is sharing a slice of cake waist giggling to themselves. Two tables down, a man watches with adoration as his lover nibbles on her dessert, affection practically oozing out of his lovestruck smile.
Arden exhales slowly and unpockets her phone, swiping through various social media sites to pass time. A small smile dimples her cheeks as she reads positive review after positive review regarding her new collection. Who needs love when you have public validation? … Okay, me, but still. Her designs are being featured on the front covers of a range of fashion magazines. So long was the starry eyed newbie who picked up modeling as a means to work at Hazel Boutique.
Hazel Boutique… That’s a name she hasn’t heard in a while. Arden sets down her phone, fixing her gaze towards the kitchen. She must really miss her former job because she swears she sees Hazel Nguyen seated in the far corner, unbothered and nursing a glass of red wine as the man sitting across from her stomps away.
It’s indeed her. She’s wearing a dark dress that hugs her soft curves at all the right places with a dangerously high slit that teases her leg. Arden always found her tantalizingly beautiful no matter what she wore, but under the dim lighting of Cremona’s where the yellow gleam casts an ethereal glow on her, she looks all the more bewitching.
Arden is moving before she can absorb the absurdity of the situation, a hopeful smile spreading across her face.
“Hazel,” she breathes in greeting, “Hi…”
Hazel Nguyen, just as alluring as Arden had remembered, looks genuinely surprised. Her dark eyes widen. Goosebumps appear on her arms, sending chills down her back, the good kind. The kind you get when you see someone who you’ve been longing to see for the better part of a year.
She sets the wine glass down, eyes moving up and down the length of Arden in careful scrutiny before her gaze finally settles upon her starstruck features. An amused smile blooms on her face.
“Arden,” Hazel finally says, “Hello.”
Arden looks to the empty seat, asking, “May I?”
“Please,” Hazel nods. “How have you been?”
Arden slips into the chair, clasping her hands on her lap to keep her leg from bouncing in elation. “I’ve been good. Haut Monde has been doing well, too.”
“I know. I’ve been following your work.”
“You have?”
“Are you going to tell me you haven’t been following mine?”
“... Touché,” Arden says, recalling the way her eyes widened when images of Hazel’s new designs emerged online. They were fashionably elegant to say the very least, but the real prize was the genuine smile on Hazel’s face in those photos. She was posed among a crowd of local designers in Majorca, completely in her element. It was more than delightful to see her fall in love with creating once again.
Arden glances at the plate of untouched food sitting in front of her and shifts her gaze to the nonchalant woman across the table, mustering a small smile, “So, was that a supplier? An exec? He looked pretty upset.”
“That was my sorry excuse for a date.”
A date. Arden brushes off the strained feeling that washes over her with a small smile, willing herself to not bristle. It’s not as if they were anything more than a flirtation no matter how badly she wanted to be more with Hazel.
“Oh, that’s—that’s good. It’s good to date,” she murmurs, biting back a grimace as those words leave her lips. ‘It’s good to date?’ Really?
“Not so much when he’s an egotistical imbecile,” Hazel says, noting the way Arden’s posture tenses.
She pauses, letting the moment hang for another second before a faint, mischievous smile spreads across her face, adding, “That was Darren, my production manager. I don’t go on dates with just anyone, and I much rather prefer your company anyway.”
A surge of confidence rushes through Arden at the remark. She relaxes into her seat, huffing out a small laugh of relief, “Is that your way of saying you missed me?”
Hazel hums lowly, eyes slightly narrowed as she considers her words. Finally, after a brief pause, she reaches for her wine glass, swirling the dark contents gently. “I did miss your enthusiasm,” she says, “What happened? You look drained.”
Arden fights to keep her composure intact. She wants to slump over the table, truth be told. Running a business is tiring. “I am drained,” she admits, “Been stuck in meetings all day.”
“That sounds all too familiar.”
“Yeah, you wouldn’t know a thing or two about running a fashion empire, would you? Any advice?”
“You have a team, don’t you? Utilize them, don’t pile everything on yourself”—Hazel pauses, noting the earnest look in Arden’s eyes—“Find the balance between leading and creating. Don’t get lost in the system, and don’t lose sight of what’s truly important to you.”
Arden nods, taking in her counsel with the utmost sincerity. “Thank you for that. I’ll remember it.”
As a waiter passes by, Hazel raises a hand, speaking coolly, “Another glass for my friend here, and clear this plate, please.”
“Oh, that’s…” Arden mumbles.
“Scared to share a meal with me?” Hazel questions.
“No, that’s not it,” Arden says. She bites her lip in thought, meeting Hazel's inquiring gaze. Something about her look coaxes Arden to straighten her spine, confidence filling her chest, spurring her on to speak her mind.
“I’m just still processing us, you know?” she says. “You said someday you could be convinced.”
An amused smile plays on Hazel’s face. She leans in and places her index finger below Arden’s chin, tipping the latter’s head upward. Arden swallows and pushes to keep her expression even, though her warming cheeks gives everything away. She catches the familiar scent of jasmine and vanilla wafting from Hazel being in such close proximity with the woman, and her heart drums with anticipation. It brings her back to Paris, back to the balcony.
“I did, didn’t I?” Hazel says, voice sultry.
Arden hasn’t got a clue as to what’s going on in Hazel’s mind. The woman is absolutely unreadable and she loves it, the mystery of it all, the unraveling of her thoughts. Right now, having her lips only a breath away, Arden doesn’t care to figure out Hazel’s intentions. Her legs feel weak. She’s sure she’d stumble if she were standing.
“Have you eaten, Arden?” Hazel asks, moving her hand to Arden’s cheek, grazing her face ever so lightly.
Arden’s face flushes with heat as she struggles to meet Hazel’s intense gaze. Her teasing touch leaves tingles in their wake, sending a thrilling chill down Arden’s spine. What is she suggesting?
“I—no, I didn’t eat yet,” she answers, “but I don’t feel like having dinner right now.”
“I don’t either. Come with me.” Hazel drops her hand, moving to stand. She places several hundred dollar bills on the table.
Arden follows suit and shoots an apologetic look at the waiter who’d just strolled out of the kitchen with her meal. He flashes her an understanding smile as if to say, It’s okay. I get it. It’s Hazel Nguyen.
They leave in a flurry with Arden tripping into the elevator. The ride down is silent, but there’s visible tension in the air. She waits with bated breath for Hazel to move, to push her up against the wall or even spare her a quick look, but the older woman looks straight ahead, face impassive.
Arden follows Hazel out of the restaurant and into the darkening streets of Milan. The cold rushes at her like a swarm of bees, leaving her shivering. She wonders how Hazel is able withstand the chill having only a faux fur shawl wrapped around her shoulders.
“So,” Arden begins, “where are we going?”
“Eager, are we?” Hazel answers, striding down the streets of Milan as if it were a runway, elegance laced in every one of her steps.
“Just wondering is all…”
After walking for another block, Hazel halts. They’ve stopped in the middle of a bridge that overlooks the canal. Arden breathes out a sigh of wonder at the sight of glittering lights reflecting off the water.
The sun is setting, painting the sky in vibrant colors of pink, yellow, and violet. It’s unbridled, bold, and stunning. The colors blend together so well, it tempts Arden to create an outfit, a new line, just something, based off of this sunset. She had been trapped in meetings that always ran long since she landed in Milan, which never gave her the chance to appreciate the simpler things the city has to offer. This scene before her envelopes her in serenity, and she wants to share that feeling.
Arden is inspired, but her trusty sketchbook is currently sitting on her nightstand in her hotel room to her utter luck. She didn’t expect to see such a sight nor did she anticipate running into Hazel, who is observing her carefully.
The sunset reminds Hazel of dusk time in Majorca. Half of the time, she worked in her beach suite with the setting sun as the backdrop. The other half, she was thinking about Arden, checking up on her work via social media whenever she had spare time. Hazel was invested, itching to message her a congratulatory text after her new collection sold out. Is. She is invested in Arden, and being away from the young designer has helped her realize that. Arden Moore is truly something else. She’s not just anyone.
“This is beautiful...” Arden breathes, “I bet I can do something with this color scheme.” She whips out her phone, snapping a couple of photographs at different angles.
“You haven’t changed after all,” Hazel comments. Her eyes trace over Arden’s beaming features before flitting to the water. The faintest smile graces her lips.
“That’s a good thing, right?”
“It is.”
“Does that mean you still like me?”
“You are relentless, aren’t you?”
Arden pockets her phone, looking at Hazel with a playful smile. “You didn’t answer my question.”
Hazel trains her gaze ahead, studying the horizon as she speaks. “I said you couldn’t handle me once. You were inexperienced, new to the fashion world, to this life. That was nearly a year ago, and I see that you’ve grown exponentially as a designer and a businesswoman while retaining your authenticity. That’s certainly invaluable. I admire your passion and drive, Arden”—she finally turns, meeting Arden’s hopeful gaze—“I pushed away all thoughts of starting another relationship after my divorce, but I may have to reconsider that.”
Arden is flushing with her mouth slightly ajar at Hazel’s confession. To think Hazel Nguyen, her ultimate idol and former boss might actually want to pursue a relationship with her is something she didn’t see coming. It’s a delightful surprise to say the least, one that makes her heart soar with glee. She decides to play coy though, just to get back at her for the months of lack of contact.
“Hmph,” she murmurs, “You never did arrange a plane for me to visit you, you know. I could’ve helped you come to that conclusion sooner.”
“You would’ve been a distraction to the creative process,” Hazel simply says, “Being in Majorca, creating and refreshing my perspective, was what I needed to remind myself why I do this in the first place.”
“That makes sense,” Arden agrees. A crooked smile finds its way to her lips as she adds, “But you couldn’t have sent me a text? Maybe a letter?”
“I’m willing to make that up to you.”
“... How so?”
“You’ll find out soon enough...” Hazel says, leaning in so her breath fans over Arden’s ear, adding, “in my hotel room.”
Arden’s face splits into an incredulous grin. “Are you asking me to come home with you?”
“Depends,” Hazel answers easily, the hint of a teasing smile resting on her luscious lips, “Are you accepting my invitation?”
As if Arden needed to be asked twice.
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beyondcanon · 3 years
fanfic: a family wedding
here i am, out of a 5-year retirement, back on my bullshit. a new offering, from a new fandom. enjoy:
wynonna earp/wayhaught.  Waverly and Nicole's wedding turns everyone into a bridezilla. Complete. Read on AO3.
Waverly rubs her temples. She wanted a quiet night in, to watch some RuPaul and hopefully later spend long moments sitting on Nicole's face.
The house has been full of people for the last three weeks, bustling with activity and constant bickering.
Nicole rubs Waverly's back and kisses just beneath her ear. It makes it a little better. "It's time for the contingency plan, baby."
Waverly sighs. "Why does everyone have to be..." She searches for the right words. "Like this?" She gestures around, defeated.
"I am the best cowboy!" Doc grunts, pushing past Mercedes. "I won't be made to wear a tux!"
"We're not all from the Old West, old man." Jeremy stands by Mercedes’s side, who gives her best I am always right smile. "We have to be color-coordinated!"
"You can go dressed as a magic elephant, for all I care." He sips his whiskey.
This is why she can't have nice things.
Nicole squeezes Waverly's shoulder. "You're a planner, aren't you?" She gives her that little adorable smile. "So let's plan our wedding. Make it amazing."
Wynonna arrives with cheap booze and Shorty's chicken wings. "Anyone want to try wedding samples?" She settles them on the table with a loud thud
No no no nononono—
"Enough!" Waverly stands up, stomps her foot on the ground, and claps her hands. "Everyone sit down!"
It shocks everyone enough and the house falls silent.
"Yes, baby girl?" Wynonna smiles pretty, like she's doesn't always have a fire burning under her ass.
“The madness stops now." Waverly walks to the cupboard and takes the bright pink folder she's been hiding for two whole days and nights. "It's my wedding." Her gaze softens when it meets Nicole, who winks at her.
"I'm going to lay some ground rules." She takes several papers and passes them around. "I have assigned you each a role in this mess."
Everyone starts reading, nodding, flipping through pages. They are taking it much better than Waverly imagined.
"You have our wishes and specific deadlines for each task." She looks at each of the lunatics in their eyes. "You'll stick to your role, and you won't make final decisions without me or Nicole present. Understood?"
They nod.
Nicole gets up from the couch to stand by Waverly's side, a comforting hand on the small of her back. "We have three months. Can we count on you?"
The entire house rumbles with cheer.
"A round of shots for everybody!" Wynonna shouts before rushing to grab the glasses.
It takes no time for everyone to be comparing assignments.
Nicole pulls Waverly aside and whispers in her ear. "That was so hot, baby."
"You liked it?" Waverly bites her lower lip, grabbing Nicole's shirt to pull her even closer. "I've saved the best for later."
Nicole smiles, that handsome devil, arms around Waverly, and leans for a wet, dirty kiss.
Nicole called it saving costs, but Waverly calls it porn:
A white tank top, dirty and clinging to her body, tight jeans, brown boots, drops of sweat on her glorious, exposed, lean, muscled back.
Power tools, gloves, woodwork? In the middle of her front lawn?
"I know." Wynonna shows up by Waverly's side, leaning against the door frame, and stares.
Doc, sexy if mustaches and Old West are your things, is cutting wood, black tank top, rough jeans, black boots, grunting in concentration.
"Oh yes," Waverly nods, half a glass of lemonade forgotten on her right hand. "I love a good DIY project."
Nicole is setting up the frame of the structure, drilling holes, and what else. She looks back and smiles, much like that first day on Shorty's.
Waverly gnaws her straw, short of breath.
Doc cleans his forehead. "I'm going to the store to get more supplies."
Waverly shows up, hair down and big, big smile. "Lemonade?" She offers the tray.
He takes a glass and Nicole settles down her tools with a content sigh, hair sticking to the back of her neck.
Waverly salivates as she extends her tray to her future wife.
One thing you can say about Doc is the man can read a room. He looks between the both of them before tipping his head as a thank you. "Be back later."
"Maybe you want to come inside and rest, after all your..." Waverly squeezes Nicole's arm," hard work?"
Nicole smiles, dimple and all, and takes a few steps closer. She smells like wood, grass, and vanilla. "There's a lot to do. We only have a few weeks."
Waverly looks up into Nicole's eyes. Grabbing her belt, she sneaks a few fingers between Nicole's jeans and her glorious warm skin. "Resting is so important when you work this hard, baby."
"You're not wrong."
Waverly, so coy and innocent, blinks and pulls them inside.
In appreciation, she waits for Nicole to finish her drink to only then go down on her on the kitchen table. 35 minutes later, she comes back for air and cleans her face with the back of her hand.
Now that's refreshing.
Mercedes, in a long white dress, looks every part like the socialite she is.
"This is unacceptable!" She shows her scary vampire teeth, and the poor catering people retreat two to seven steps. "Being vegan is not an excuse to serve us this rotten, tasteless..." Her mouth contorts, incapable of finishing the sentence.
Waverly opens her mouth to defend the catering, because what you'd expect from a small-town, backyard company — Mercedes lifts a commanding finger and grabs her phone.
Nicole, all parts, hero and sexy beast, places an arm on Waverly's shoulders, and whispers: "Let her do her thing, baby."
Every hair on Waverly's body stands. That's very convincing.
"Marco?" Mercedes smiles and tucks a strand of her behind her ear, vampire teeth concealed. "Yes, so long." She chuckles. "I know. Where's Ibiza when we need it?"
Looking at her own pristine, manicured nails, she sighs. "Listen, I need a favor. I'm organizing a wedding, and you know how food is essential to having a good time. But I can't seem to find good service in this town." She punishes the employees with a cold, cold glare.
"I was wondering if you could spare me Giovanni for a few days, so he can take charge." She smiles, nails running on the table. "I still remember that banquet in 2014, don't you?" She offers the wedding info and hangs up.
Waverly tilts her head.
She looks back to the catering employees and offers a plastic smile. "There you go. You will have a new boss."
Nicole clears her throat. "Excuse me?"
"My taste buds need something of a certain level, Nicole." Mercedes puts her phone on her Prada leather purse. "And you both deserve to know what good food is. Giovanni will take care of the menu, the supplies, and he will be here to avoid a succession of inevitable disasters."
Waverly leans forward. "Who's Giovanni, again?"
"A personal friend, an underwear model, and a rising star in Italy's high dining scene. Just opened his first franchise in New York, so. Right by our side. Lucky for us!"
New York City isn't exactly a short drive away, but Waverly isn't going to tell Mercedes that. Neither was Giovanni.
Thirteen dresses later, Waverly finds the one.
The store lights bathe her in the spotlight, with the seamstress fussing over the hem of the dress — flowing, pearl white, structured but still fluid when Waverly spins around.
She turns to Wynonna and makes a pose.
"Baby girl, you look..." Wynonna looks at her like she's everything, eyes already watery. "Perfect."
Waverly beams, cheeks flushed, heart racing. This is it.
She's going to marry the love of her life in this dress.
After everything. Despite everything. She's going to marry the love of her life.
She tries a delicate, golden necklace on. It shines under the gentle dressing room lights.
Even better. She touches it with the tips of her fingers. "I can't believe it."
Wynonna coughs, smirk back to her face. "Nicole’s panties are going to combust as soon as she sees you."
Waverly slaps her sister's arm. "Wynonna!"
She will, though. She totally will.
And Waverly is not going to be using any underwear, so.
Good luck to Nicole in dealing with that information.
The demon bar is closed, with only a few employees restocking on the back, under neon lights.
Rosita, cigar on one hand and whiskey neat on the other, raises her eyebrows and smiles as Waverly approaches with a pie.
"Peace offering?" She sets her drink on the table as a beautiful bartender drapes herself around her, a hand on her bare chest under her blazer.
Waverly focuses on Rosita's dark eyes. She will not stare at that gratuitous PDA nor the bartender sucking on Rosita's earlobe.
Rosita smirks and pulls the pie closer. "Smells good."
"There's more." Waverly takes a top-tier, aged whiskey bottle from her purse and places it on the table.
Rosita's eyes shine — she opens immediately and takes a sip. "That's the good stuff. Gonna save it for a special occasion." She leans back on her seat. "But my birthday is not in four months."
For a breath, Waverly hesitates. "My wedding is next weekend."
"I've got the invitation. Beautiful lettering."
The bartender leaves, looking at Waverly from head to toe and making her squirmish.
She clears her throat. "Can I trust there will be no supernatural shenanigans? For a whole weekend?"
Rosita looks at her, kinder than a moment ago, and finishes her drink. "I own you that, at least." She stretches her empty glass to the side and the bartender pops up with another, touch lingering before leaving.
The woman is living in her customized heaven.
She turns back to Waverly. "To be fair, Doc has already a. showed up with two shiny guns and b. chose a few demons for security. It's all settled."
Waverly's eyes widen. "He what?"
"You know he's a worrier, darling." Rosita takes a puff of her cigar. "Do you mind if I wear red? I've been meaning to ask you."
Waverly rolls her eyes. "Wear whatever you want. As long as you stay out of trouble."
Rosita pouts her pretty, full red lips. "Me? Trouble?" She purrs, full of mischief. "Never."
Jeremy shines when he has goals and deadlines.
He begins his Powerpoint presentation about the wedding, running decisions, costs, and purveyors.
"It's your wet dream, baby," Nicole laughs when he opens a detailed excel sheet.
"Oh, hush, you," Waverly nudges her to-be wife and shuts her up with a kiss. "Continue, Jeremy. You're perfect the way you are."
He’s dumping even more information when Waverly notices something. "Wait." She scoots closer to the computer screen. "My first rough budgets were at least two times what you're showing us."
"See, uh, the numbers," Jeremy stops, mumbles something, stops again.
Nicole raises an eyebrow. "Jeremy."
He gives them a sheepish smile. "Everyone wanted to chip in."
Nicole blinks, frozen. "What?"
"It was supposed to be a kind of a secret?" He gives them a weird chuckle. "But my graphs were so nice, and I thought Waverly would want to see them, and... now we're here."
"Everyone wanted to chip in," Waverly repeats, dumbstruck.
"Yeah, uh, Wynonna is paying for your dress, Doc and Nedley are taking over half of the booze budget, Mercedes said she had a special deal with some Giovanni man about the food, and I don't have much but there's enough for some of the flowers, and Contessa sent me a check, and then..."
"That's... very nice of you." Nicole pulls Jeremy for a hug. "All of you." Waverly follows them into a group hug.
Jeremy sinks into their embrace, relieved. "You should start this new chapter without debt."
Silly, silly people. Waverly sniffs. She's not crying.
Doc's scrubbing, sanding, and painting the fences. He smiles somewhere under his mustache when Waverly arrives. "Afternoon."
He's been fixing the property every day, and it shows.
"It's looking great, Doc." Waverly can't help but grin.
"Everything for our girls," he answers, never stopping his work. It's different, being taken care of.
Waverly looks at her own feet for a moment. That gets Doc to pause. "You didn't have to talk to Rosita."
"I know." He nods. "I'm sorry if I overstepped. I wanted to make sure everyone would be safe and focused on celebrating." A long pause. "We had enough suffering already."
"You didn't have to do that," Waverly says quietly. "Thank you."
Waverly enjoys a moment of peace on the couch, cuddling against Nicole as they each read a book.
Rachel walks in circles in the living room, white earphones over her ear, until she screams, "I GOT IT!"
Waverly enjoyed a moment of peace, that is. She closes her book, followed suit by Nicole. "Yes, Rachel?"
"Listen, a two-day ceremony is not easy, okay?" Rachel gesticulates. "There are so many moments, the music has fit the mood. So I made four different playlists."
Nicole pulls Waverly to her lap, equal parts gratuitous and welcome. Waverly rests her side against her fiancée, hand playing with gorgeous, silky red hair.
The closer they are to the wedding, the harder it becomes to stay away. She wants to be touching Nicole all the time, every time.
Rachel clears her throat. "You do make The Notebook look bleak."
They both smile, turning their attention to their unpaid DJ.
"Back to business!" Rachel sits by their side and shows her phone screen. "There are four playlists. I call them: Drunk in Love, Let's Get That Party Started, Soft Rock for Old People, and Live, Laugh, Love. Each lasts several hours."
Nicole nods, impressed. "I hope there's plenty of throwbacks."
"Yeah yeah," Rachel waves. "Plenty of the 90s and 2000s for old people do their old people dances." Her face turns very serious. "No Macarena. I have standards."
Waverly smiles.
They decide to get ready at Nicole's because they need a moment.
Waverly leaves the bathroom in a tight, golden dress that doesn't quite reach half her thighs.
Nicole, sitting on the edge of the bed, puts her phone aside. "Nedley says everything's going well and we should—" She looks at Waverly and stops dead in her tracks. "Oh. Baby."
"We should?" Waverly takes a few steps towards her high heels, putting her earring on.
"Baby." Is Nicole... breathless? Waverly turns to look at her future wife in slack pants and dress shirt still undone, sexy lace lingerie. A vision.
Nicole's lips part open, chest rising and falling quickly. "You're a vision."
Waverly dismisses her with a wave and a smile, face turning hot. "I haven't even finished my makeup."
Nicole gets very close, very fast. "We're going to be late."
We still have half an hour, and we're almost ready—" Waverly frowns.
Nicole pushes her against the dresser, bodies in full contact, lips grazing Waverly's. "We're going to be late," she says, voice dropping an octave, hand on the back of Waverly's neck.
Waverly's breath catches on her throat.
She places one hand on Nicole's chest, licking her lips. "Nicole..."
"You're the most gorgeous girl I've ever seen." She grabs the back of Waverly's thighs, and soon Waverly is sitting on the dresser, legs spread open. "I need to have a taste." She joins their lips in a slow, wet kiss. "I promise I won't ruin your makeup too much."
Heart pounding wild, Waverly lets out a shaky breath. "Take off your shirt. I wouldn't want it to get wrinkled."
Nicole obeys.
Waverly and Nicole walk into Shorty's, arms linked and sway on their hips. A pair of retired demon bartenders offer champagne, and they each take one.
The crew cleaned up the place nicely for the rehearsal dinner. There's a giant table in the middle of the room, candles all around, soft music playing on the speakers.
This is where it all began. This is where they would come together as a family before the big day.
They take their seats, Nicole's arm resting on the back of Waverly's chair. Her shirt is two buttons open too sexy.
Waverly stares like she hasn't spent the last hour kissing, biting, and licking those wonderful assets. Can anyone tell Waverly came two times in Nicole's car before arriving?
Wynonna looks at them with a very particular smile, eyebrows wobbling.
Yes, they can.
Nedley raises his glass. "Let the feast begin!"
The bartenders arrive in a choreography of endless drinks and trays of food.
It's lovely, and Waverly's heart could explode.
Belly full, head dizzy, Waverly looks at Nicole, who's talking to Wynonna like old pals.
She lays her head on Nicole's shoulder and her very nearly wife turns to kiss Waverly's head before returning to the conversation.
How did she manage to find someone like this? How does someone get that lucky?
Doc stands up, charming in his modern cowboy look. He clinks his glass. "It's time for a toast." Oh, man. Everyone falls silent, eyes darting between Doc and the couple. 
"Waverly, you're sweet as a summer peach. You're the heart of this ragged group of outsiders." A lengthy round of claps. "Nicole, you have some gut. You're not afraid to stand up for creatures much stronger than you and fifteen times as dangerous. You could have a quiet life, and still, you chose us. You're out of your mind."
They laugh and toast together. "To insanity!"
Nedley clears his throat. All eyes go to him. "Nicole, I'm so proud of the woman you've become and the family you made for yourself." He says it slow, gentle, measuring his words. "Waverly, you found yourself a good one. Every bit good and sweet as you are. You both deserve all the happiness in the world. Marriage is a wild ride and life can be tough: good luck."
Waverly nods and toasts with him, holding back tears.
"I made, uh, a quick chat about—" Jeremy begins before Wynonna boos and throws a grape in his direction. "Tough crowd," he says, standing up and getting a laugh out of most people. "Seriously, though. As the wedding planner, social media manager, and chapel coordinator..." He pauses and looks around. "Which are three of the most important jobs," he raises a finger and ignores Doc's huffing by his side. "Thank you for letting me live vicariously through you both. You are the gay unicorns. Thank you for not dying, several times."
Another toast! Can Waverly even hold this much alcohol? She giggles.
Wynonna stands up: tight black dress, plenty of cleavage and gun strapped to her thigh and whiskey on her hand. "Nicole, thank you for making my baby sister happy." She locks eyes with Waverly, so soft and content. Waverly smiles and squeezes Nicole's arm. "We've been to hell and back. We learned to like each other, even though you're a goody-two-shoes who fucked my sister on every surface available on my house." The whole table laughs; Waverly hides her face on the crook of Nicole's neck. "Oh yes, Sheriff, I know. I wish I didn't. One more reason I need therapy." More laughs. She raises her glass. "Thank you for putting up with us."
The bartenders serve their shots. "To sound insulation!" Wynonna shouts.
Waverly downs her drink, feeling it burn on the back of her throat. Oh, Nicole will have to carry her home if they keep this up.
Downing two shots in close succession, Wynonna looks at Rachel and gestures with her head.
The girl gets up from her seat, orange juice on a champagne glass. "Marriage is totally a failed institution, but—" She fidgets with her dress. "If anyone can make it work, it's the two of you. It's gross, really." She gets a thunderous laugh from the others and gives a small smile. "To lesbian moms!"
Nicole raises her champagne glass.
Gunshots and people screaming.
Of course.
Wynonna, Doc, and Nicole jump immediately, retrieving their guns as they out the bar.
Waverly huffs, reflexes slow, and no gun anywhere near.
"Stop right there!" She can hear Nicole scream, already outside.
When she gets to the action, four demons are trying to rob a store. Great. Talk about trusting Rosita.
Nicole points Peacemaker at them. "If I were you, I'd listen to the Sheriff."
They growl, posture wobbly as if drunk or drugged on something. "Can't a demon have some fun in this town?"
A thunder falls, and a deep voice echoes. "What did I say?"
Waverly looks and approaching at a distance: Rosita, red overcoat, and hair flowing in the autumn wind. She's almost floating right above the ground, the definition of power.
"Not today, boys," she orders, with an easy command. "Not tomorrow. And not the day after that." She's already very close. "Is that too much to ask?"
She looks at the humans trapped inside and the doors open. "Get out." The young family scurries away, no questions asked.
She slaps the demons in quick succession. "It's like you can't take a fucking order." They try to fight, but Rosita is quicker, stronger, and doesn't take a single blow.
It's a beautiful one and a half minutes.
Wynonna breaks a smile, gun still pointed at the group. "You go, girlboss."
Rosita rolls her eyes, a high-heeled boot on a demon's throat, a hand on another's throat, as two lie on the floor, passed out. "I'm sorry about the disturbance. You may go back to your festivities."
Waverly feels a bit guilty. Maybe Rosita's not so bad.
"See you tomorrow." Rosita drags the demons back to wherever they came from.
Nicole shrugs and sets her gun back on its holster. "C'mon, baby. Night's still young."
Waverly takes her hand, tripping just a little on the walk back to Shorty’s.
By the end of the night, Nicole does carry her to bed, with a big glass of water and some aspirin. -
Read chapter Two.
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leilabeaux · 4 years
Luck Be a Lady
Chapter Four
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Masterlist | One Two Three
Pairing: Alex x Reader
Word Count: 2161
Summary: Reader has some regrets and she learns something new about Alex.
Warnings: None
Author’s Note:  And this is where I leave you. ::tips hat and rides off into the sunset:: On a real note, sorry for the lack of updates. Work and personal life has been hectic and wearing your girl down.
The bright lights of the Vegas Strip illuminated the living room enough that you didn’t bother turning on any lights as you left your bedroom. Now dressed down in your worn-out, oversized hoodie and pajama shorts, you walked over to the wet bar and pulled a bottle of vodka down from the shelf, not caring how overpriced it was. You thought about grabbing a glass but instead shrugged and took a swig straight from the bottle.
Settling on the wide marble ledge, you looked past your reflection in the window to peer down at the sparse traffic on the streets. You felt so physically drained after all the tears you’ve shed. You rubbed your bare face in embarrassment, mortified over letting all your emotions get in the way and ruining what was otherwise a nice evening.
Now that you weren’t in the middle of a panic attack, you regretted reacting too quickly when you told Alex to leave. You wished you could have him come back or at least text him so you could explain yourself but you two never took a moment to exchange numbers. Not like it would make much of a difference anyway, you were sure he was grateful to get some distance away from your crazy ass.
You didn’t bother looking over when you heard the door unlock and open. The clicking of heels confirmed it was your best friend doing her walk of shame, or stride of pride as she lovingly called it. 
“So I didn’t see any sign of your Lover Boy when I snuck out of Marco’s room,” Bianca teased. You could hear her plop down onto the couch and then soft thuds of what you assumed were her shoes being dropped on the floor. “Is he here? Did you wear him out? Why are we sitting in the fucking dark?”
Light had filled the room after she clicked on a lamp. Although you were no longer crying, you knew your red, puffy eyes would give you away when you turned to look at her.
“Oh my god! What the fuck happened?” She rushed over to join you on the ledge. “What did that fucker do?”
“He didn’t do anything,” you gave a small smile, trying to put her worries to rest but as all the emotions from the night went through you again, you couldn’t stop your eyes from welling up.
Bianca wrapped her arms around you, comforting you until you were ready to talk. Her hand rubbed your back as you softly sniffled into her shoulder.
“What happened, sweetie? Are you sure he didn’t do anything? Because I won’t hesitate to put my shoes back on and kick his ass if I need to.” 
“No, Alex was sweet and a total gentleman the entire night. So you can calm down with all of that.” You pulled away from her, drying your face with the back of your sleeve before giving her a quick run through of your night.  “We were kissing and everything was good and...I don’t know. It felt familiar.”
“Familiar how?”
“It was like being with Trevor again. I know him and Alex couldn’t be anymore different but it somehow felt the same. And then all I could think of was him and how much I missed him. I just felt guilty like I was cheating on him.”
Bianca shook her head as she took your hand in hers. “Y/N, you have nothing to feel guilty about. Trevor's been gone for almost two years now. It’s perfectly fine to move on whether if it’s a relationship or just sex. I know he would want you to be with someone who makes you happy.”
“It still feels too soon, maybe I’m not ready to be with anyone. Ugh, as if being with Alex would be possible especially after I freaked out on him,” you clasped your hand on your forehead, grimacing over that memory. “And I basically told him I was married.”
“What? Why?” Bianca looked at you like you were crazy.
“He saw my ring and asked how long I was married. So I told him eight years.” It technically wasn’t a lie. You had been married for about eight years before a deputy stood at your doorstep, telling you that your husband would never be returning home. “You know I hate the pitiful look people give me when they hear I’m a widow. And I thought it would be easier to push him away if I pretended that I was a faithful wife. But fuck, man,  I couldn’t even keep that up!”
“It’s not too late to tell him all of this. I think I might remember what room they’re staying in.”
“Okay, even if he doesn’t think I’m crazy after all of that, I don’t think me and him would work. He’s young and I barely had the patience to deal with Trevor when he was that age. And he doesn’t even live in this country,” you tried to reason with her and maybe with your heart.
“Okay, he’s young and he doesn’t go here. So what?”
“I just think getting into a long distance relationship after losing your husband is a disaster.”
“Or it could be something beautiful. I’m sorry, Y/N. But if this boy could give even a fraction of happiness that Trevor gave you, then I’m all for it.”
You gnawed on your lip as you considered what she was telling you. You were too scared to take the risk. You were convinced that it would only end in heartbreak and you weren’t sure if you had enough strength to deal with another one of those again.
“I think I’m just too tired to deal with any of this right now...or ever.” You turned toward the window, staring at your worn down reflection. Definitely too damn tired.
The snow outside of your kitchen window was coming down hard and didn't show any signs of stopping. You sighed to yourself while emptying the remainder of the wine bottle into your glass, silently praying that you wouldn’t find yourself snowed in in the morning.
You sat on the couch, pulling the cozy throw up to your chin and trying to get comfortable while your lovable dog and cat duo, Dallas and Leeloo, were busy fighting over the spot next to you. Unfortunately for the young feline, it seemed like the elder Labrador was coming out to be the winner.
You sipped on your wine as you scrolled through Hulu for something to distract you from your headache of a night—your first and definitely last Tinder date. 
You had spent twenty embarrassing minutes waiting for your date to return after he excused himself to the restroom. There was no devastation on your part. You didn’t feel the same chemistry in person that you had over messages but you were willing to at least wish him a good night like a decent person. You deleted the app on your way out, already convinced that nothing good would be coming from it.
You weren’t even mad at this guy. All of your annoyance was aimed at Bianca who had spent the last six months encouraging—nagging and begging—you to go out and start dating. She claimed that it was officially time for you to start moving on but you suspected she just wanted you to see how wrong you were for letting the potential Mr. Right in Vegas get away.
You’d never tell her but she was right and you didn’t need a string of bad or mediocre dates to find that out. The nights you used to spend in bed wondering how life would be if Trevor was still alive were now spent thinking of what could have been with Alex. From the small amount of time you spent with him, you knew he would be the caring, supportive boyfriend who’d hang on every word you said and whisper into your ear to ease any of your self doubts and do anything to make you smile.
You had tried to search for him with the very minimal details you knew about him, during one very lonely night spent with a bottle of whiskey, but none of the Copenhagen based photographers named Alex turned out to be the one you were looking for. It shouldn’t have been too shocking but your drunk self still took it a bit hard, spending part of the night lying on the kitchen floor and crying into Dallas’s fur.
You gave up on finding something uplifting to watch and settled with the historical drama you had been slowly working your way through the past few months. You originally didn’t think a show about Vikings would be your cup of tea as you were more of a sucker for the period pieces with more extravagant, vibrant costumes but it came highly recommended by your Vegas fling. He said it was a pretty good show. After three seasons and nine episodes, he definitely wasn’t wrong.
You were down to the last ten minutes of the episode where Bjorn was going up to his brothers’ cabin. You had downed the rest of your glass only to spit it all out, your pets scurrying away to avoid the spray, when grown Ivar rolled over to show his face.
“What...the fuck?” You whispered to yourself as the scene cutaway. Your mouth hung open and your eyes were glued to the screen. 
“What the fuck?” You repeated again when you saw Marco on the screen next to Alex. “Why would they do that to his hair?”
As soon as the episode ended, you sat still with your brow furrowed. You went through all the conversations you had and didn’t remember him saying he was an actor nor that he starred in this “pretty good” show.
You grabbed your phone to do a quick google search of who played Ivar. Alex Høgh Andersen. This entire time you had access to his name. If only you had given in to your urge to binge watch the show in one sitting you would have had it sooner. 
You pulled up your Instagram and typed in his name. As you were about to click on his account, you quickly changed your mind and threw your phone next to you on the couch as if it scorched you. You weren’t seriously going to stalk this man on the internet, you were a whole grown woman who was definitely too mature to be drooling over some pictures. 
Getting up to get ready for bed, you left your phone where it was so it would be less of a temptation. But you found that you couldn’t help but stare at it through the mirror as you aggressively brushed your teeth. Your curiosity was beginning to get the best of you.
You quickly rinsed out your mouth and walked toward your couch but then turned around, shaking your head as you headed down the hall to your bedroom. Leeloo and Dallas sat next to each other in the living room, both looking down the hall and not bothering to follow as if certain you’d be back.
“I’m just going to look at a few pictures. Just see what he’s been up to,” you explained to no one when you returned for your phone. Standing in the middle of your living room, you looked through his posts from the funny videos to his beautiful photography. You thought maybe you spent too much time scrolling through when you found yourself unable to stop staring at his well defined arm as he hovered over a mattress.
It wouldn’t be too crazy if you sent him a message to catch up and see how he was doing. Or would it? What would you even say? “Hi, remember me? The woman you ate out in Vegas. You know the one who broke down before you got a chance to get it in? Oh, and remember how I said I was married? Surprise! I’m actually a widow and lied because I got scared over you being so into me and even more scared when I realized I may have felt the same.”
You kept going back and forth over what you should really say to him, typing one thing only to immediately delete it. Seemed like anything you wrote came out sounding awkward or just dumb.
“Hi, I’m not sure if you remember me? It’s Y/N. The baker you met in Vegas.” It was enough to start a conversation but would he think you’re only contacting him because you now knew he was an actor. Your thumb hovered over send as you contemplated your choice.
You looked up at the clock and sighed out loud. You couldn’t afford to waste anymore time on this unless you wanted to be a zombie when you went into work in the morning.
You brought your thumb down and hit send. Fuck it.
End Notes: This is the last chapter of this part but not the end of their story. So don’t be too mad at me. Will Alex read her message? Will they ever meet again? Does Reader need to tell Bianca that she was right? 
Tags: @castielsangelsx @xbellaxcarolinax​ @didiintheblog​ @jzr201​ @kaitieskidmore1​ @eroguroshoujo
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Once Bitten, Twice Stupid prt.51 prt.1
Luis was a douche. Luis was a douche and Lisa was sick of his shit. Taking Keith with him to see Miriam, Luis tried to intercept the pair of them, Lisa not having it as she towed her husband away from the doorway, hissing at them both not to make a scene. Lance could only roll his eyes mentally at it. Luis had tried taking him off his Mami’s visitors list, it sucked for Luis because unlike him, he’d never pulled that shit and treated the staff with respect they deserved. Having bought flowers the day before, today’s gift was himself and Keith. Luis going through the five stages of grief as he realised Keith was with him. Hooked up to a nasal cannula and BP machine, his Mami looked tired but thankfully awake, her face lighting up at the sight of them
Keith froze in the door. Maybe he should have mentioned Lisa to him. Honestly, after breakfast, he didn’t feel like bringing the mood down. Taking him by the hand, he tugged Keith along and over to his Mami’s side. Leaning down, he kissed her on the cheek
“You’re looking beautiful today, as always”
“And you’re a terrible liar. I see you brought your boyfriend along”
Lance wasn’t sure if Mami had forgotten Keith’s name or was teasing him
“Yep. Keith spent the morning being harassed by the gang, so we escaped to Platt to see the most beautiful woman this side of the equator”
“Keith, don’t fall for his bullshit. He’s a sweetheart but he’ll never make for a good liar”
His Mami started to cough, Lance’s heart ached at the sound. He could hear the congestion in her chest
“I’ve noticed. But he’s alright”
Keith’s voice trembled. He wasn’t used to this. And needed an out
“Keith, this Luis and Lisa. Lisa is Luis wife. Lisa, this is my boyfriend Keith. He knows, so we don’t have to skirt around the whole evil bloodsucker thing”
Lisa flashed Keith a very tight smile
“Nice to meet you”
“Yeah, you too”
And then it was awkward again. Recovering from her coughing, his Mami wiped at her lips with her handkerchief
“Don’t you four start fighting. I might be sick, but I will yell if I need to”
Lance snorted
“Mami, the only fighting going on here today will be Keith fighting to steal me away from you”
“He can have you”
Ouch. Mum burns were the worst, but he smiled wider
“I’m wounded. Your youngest and you kick me to the curb like that. Good thing Keith’s a good man”
“I know. I wouldn’t trust my mijo with a hunter if he wasn’t. Now, Keith, tell me honestly, how hopeless is he?”
“I don’t know I can. Coran’s my boss now, and he seems to like Lance... gotta keep the peace”
“Ah, Coran. He popped by again. Him and that lovely young Allura. Then sourpuss came”
Mami glanced to Luis who did not look happy
“You’re my mother. I’m worried for you”
“I seem to have raised a family of worriers. Marco called, then Veronica. She’s bringing the girls for a visit, Rachel too. She seems to be doing better”
Okay. So maybe Lance hadn’t told Keith that he wasn’t the only gay in the village... well, family. Though Veronica was bi, and Lance was kind of certain she had a girlfriend right now, Lance kept his nose out of it. It hurt less being on the outside when he didn’t know everything he was missing
“We’re allowed to worry. I’ve spent 44 years perfecting my worrying. Keith will tell you that I am a grade A worrier. Honour student and all that jazz”
Keith squeezed his hand
“You really are”
“Pfft. Like you aren’t”
“Shiro’s worse than me”
“Fair point”
His Mami started coughing again, Lance trying not to step back into Keith’s arms. Trying not to show anyone he was terrified. From the other side of the bed, Lisa fussed over, straightening up the nasal cannula and pulling the quilt up higher. As his mother regained her breathing, Lisa grabbed the glass of water off the bedside table, holding it and the straw so their mami could take a sip, before collapsing back against her pillows
“Now, who’s Shiro? And is he as cute as you?”
His mother was unstoppable
“Shiro is Keith’s older brother. He hunts too. He lives at a like a Hunk level of worry”
“So he’s a sensible worrier?”
Keith sighed
“No... He’s... complicated”
“I’m sure he is dear. Family is a complicated thing. It’s a warm and loving thing, and it’s a hard thing. I can you love him”
“He’s like my only family”
Lance’s heart melted. Pulling Keith closer, he then let go of his hand before wrapping his arm around his boyfriend’s waist
“I think someone’s trying to tell you you’re not alone. My son does have good taste, at least as far as looks go”
This was true. Keith had been ogled as they sighed in. He’d made the day of more than one old aged pensioner
“You should have seen when we signed in. thought I was going to have to have to steal a walking stick and start smacking kneecaps to keep them back”
“Jokes on you, most of us have had knee replacements”
Mami liked to joke that having a teen looking son kept her young and “on top of the lingo”. Lance blamed the lunchtime soap operas for being a bad influence. And Pidge. Definitely Pidge
“Then walkers are going to have to go walking. You should have seen Mrs Pennox. I think her teeth literally fell out. Is that a courting thing here? Taking your teeth out and giving them to your crush?”
“At our age it’s all about the pills. The better the pills you have, the more sway”
Luis sounded angry as he scolded their mother. The wanker was jealous. Maybe if he’d been around more, he would have been able to joke like this
“Stop being as stiff as a toilet brush. You tell him, Lisa”
Lisa didn’t want to get involved. Lance didn’t hate her for being a protective mother bear to their kids
“Now, now, Mami. They told you not to get too excited or exert yourself”
“Phooey. My boys have come to visit. Now, Lance, you take good care of this man. Poor dear looks ready to faint”
Keith was all peopled out for the day. Hopefully Lisa would convince Luis to leave for a few hours
“Pidge asked him about his intentions this morning. He got the full experience of her crazy”
“She certainly is energetic. And Hunk? He’s such a good boy”
“Yeah. He was happy Keith came to see me last night. He’s totally worrying though. Filled my fridge with enough food for a week”
“You be sure to thank him”
“I have. Though, I’ve got the feeling my fridge will be literally full when we get home again. Even with two... guests under the roof, Hunk manages to keep them fed”
His Mami looked confused. They’d talked about this more than once. It probably wasn’t smartest to talk about living with werewolves
“Matt and his girlfriend, they’ve just come back from being in Rome. He’s the whole reason Pidge was sleeping on my sofa”
“Oh. Yes. Yes, that’s right”
Mami was upset that she didn’t remember. She was covering, but Lance knew she was. Old age was so fucking cruel
“Enough about them. Wanna hear how Keith came down to surprise me? I had no idea he was coming. But Coran went and gave him the whole weekend off. So he was already there by the time I got home last night”
“That was certainly a very nice thing of you to do. I hope he isn’t giving you too much trouble”
Lance wondered if his Mami had another UTI she’d been really muffled the last time she did. He’d have to check with the staff over it. Keith probably didn’t have any idea why they were going there again
“No, ma’m. I mean, he’s trouble and you can’t help but wonder how he’s managed when he’s been left alone, but he’s been fine”
“I’m very happy to hear that. He talks so much about you. I seem to remember he said you’re living here now”
“With my brother. It’s nothing like Lance’s house”
“That must be nice. Family is important. These two are always butting heads, but deep down they still care about each other. They seem to inherited their stubborn streaks from me”
“Pfffft. You, stubborn, no way, Mami. I simply can’t believe it”
“There he goes again. Tell anymore fibs like that and you nose will grow”
“It’s been the same way for long enough that we both know that’s not going to happen”
Luis scoffed
“Must be hard never aging. You can do what you want to who you want, then skip town when things get hard”
Greeeeeat. Here they went again
“Yep. Being a bloodsucker will do that. No cares. No responsibility. No growing older than looking like jail bait, oh let me count the ways that this isn’t a great life”
“You’ve never taken anything seriously, have you. You’ve always had everything you wanted handed to you”
Lance bit down a groan. Goading his brother would only upset Mami
“Yep. Had my boyfriend delivered to my house. Only cost me a hole in the wall and a new coffee table”
Luis couldn’t admit he was to blame for bringing Keith into Lance’s life. His brother clenching his hands into fists... like that was supposed to scare him or something. His Mami started coughing again, and Lance kicked himself for being petty. Luis just knew how to get under his skin and push all the wrong buttons
“The new coffee table is nicer”
Lance smiled at his boyfriend over his shoulder, Keith smiling back. Thank god for Keith changing topic
“I know right. The new toaster is pretty sweet too. Curtis hasn’t killed it, so that’s nice”
“It must be a nice life not working for everything”
Nope... he wasn’t going to take the bait... And Luis could go jump for making Keith’s happiness shift like that. His boyfriend didn’t deserve to put up with Luis
“Don’t talk about your brother like that. He was in court not that long ago”
Damn. Mami had had enough. Wiping her lips again, her coughing fell between her words
“It’s okay, Mami. It was just a custody and restraining order thingo. All sorted now. Mum got full custody and the dad got his arse handed to him by the judge”
“There you go again, making a joke about those people’s lives”
Lance rolled his eyes mentally. If the father could put down the bottle and straighten himself, and maybe not threaten his ex, then they wouldn’t have ended up in court
“Look. I don’t know why we have to be like this when we’re all here to see Mami. I’m tired of fighting with you. I love Mami. I’m here for Mami. Can we stop fighting?”
“And now you’re weaselling your way out”
Lance sighed. He wanted more time with his Mami, but this was only going to stress her out when she didn’t need it
“Keith and I are headed out to lunch, is there anything you’d like us to bring back?”
“Just some soap, dear. And something to read, if you don’t mind. I don’t want you going out your way for me”
“Mami, I could walk around the whole planet to see you, and that still wouldn’t be an inconvenience. I love you, and I’ll be back after lunch”
The hug goodbye he gave his Mami, really drove home how frail she was at the moment. He was terrified of squeezing her too hard, but he really didn’t want to let go of her, despite the fact he was trying to look all adult and responsible. Mami wanted a hug from Keith, who obliged, barely holding her because his poor boyfriend didn’t know how good a hug from a mother could be
“I’ll take care of him”
“I know you will. He’s got a good one in you”
Keith blushed, and Lance’s mood picked up for all long enough to leave the room.
Then Luis followed them out.
Lance didn’t need to turn around to know his brother was standing behind them. Counting to ten, he turned to face him
“Do you need us to pick you up something too?”
“I can see what you’re doing. It’s disgusting playing on Mami’s guilt like that”
“Look, Luis. Ya hate me and I know it. I ruined our whole family by being turned. I know. I watched it all happen. I heard every single damn fight. I begged god to kill me off when trying didn’t do anything. Mami is sick. Mami is sick and we’re all fucking scared that this could be it. We all love her. We’re all worried about her. I know you hate me, but I still care about you. I’ve always cared about you. You were my big brother and like the coolest person I knew when I was a kid. We’re past all that now. I’m the nasty family secret. But I have never, ever, wanted to harm any of you. I know having brother with PTS ruined things. I know I scared the fuck out of you with my fangs and fucked up face. But this isn’t about us. This is about our mother. She’s not well. I think she’s picked up another UTI too. So while you hate me, I’m going to use my energy trying to be there instead of sharing that feeling. I’m done with you making me feel like this”
Luis looked furious, switching to Spanish so Keith couldn’t understand
“You think you have everyone fooled, but I know you. You can’t be trusted. You bring pain to everyone you know. You lie to them. Manipulate them. Then throw them aside. I won’t let you do that to her. She’s pretended she’s loved you all this time, but you have no idea what she’s gone through because of you. What she’s had to sacrifice for you”
“I know. I know all of it. And Mami knows I know. I’ve always been your dumb kid brother, no matter how little I mean to you now. I loved you Luis. I loved all of you. I’ve never stopped. I won’t hurt you, so can’t we get along? Even Lisa isn’t laughing anymore”
“You scarred our fucking kids. You and those fangs. Stop pretending you’re something you’re not. You’re not human and God has no love in his heart for your type”
Keith took his hand
“I don’t know what you two are saying, but we’re going. We’re here for Miriam. I don’t know how two brothers can be like this... My brother is an arsehole and he’s done some messed up shit, but I love him. I could never treat him like this. If you keep this up, Miriam will die with none of this being fixed”
Keith made himself a target of Luis’s rage
“What do you know? You’re dating a monster. You’re as sick as he is”
“Don’t you dare turn this on Keith. He’s human. He’s not like me. He was supposed to kill me and after everything he’s lost at the hands of vampires God knows he still deserves to. Vampires, witches, werewolves and demons all exist. And how many of do you think want to be this way. I was attacked. I was tortured. I screamed for someone to help and they never came. I’m stuck in this limbo watching everyone I love grow old and die. Leaving behind friends. Moving and changing my name. I’m sick of it. I never dated. I never felt allowed. I let you drive me away because I know what I am. Keith isn’t like me and I won’t stand for you standing there bullying him because your hearts racing with fear. Never have I told Mami what you did. And I intend to keep that secret for the rest of my life. Even my 22 year old friend has more brains and tact in her little gremlin fingers than you do in that head of yours. Now go back to Mami. She’s worried we’re out here fighting”
Lance considered the conversation done. He hadn’t cried and he hadn’t yelled. He was just so done with this. Fucking Luis. God. He wanted to grab him by the shoulders and shake him until he saw sense. This wasn’t about them. This was what’s happened with Papi all over again. He’d never been able to say everything he’d wanted to tell him towards the end. Kept on the outside until it was too late... The things left unsaid were always the hardest. Tugging Keith, Keith insisted on being a good boyfriend. Wrapping his arm around him, he kissed Lance’s hair
“I’ve got you. Let’s get out of here”
Lance was off in space. Keith didn’t know where to take him so they could talk. He wanted to take him to the apartment, but Lance would protest over Shiro “not wanting him there”. There wasn’t a whole lot of places he knew around town for this kind of conversation... So maybe it was for the best that Lance was driving and he was keeping his mouth shut, offering support silently by was of his hand resting on Lance’s thigh as he drove.
Pulling into the underground parking of the shopping centre above, Lance remained silent until he finally cut the engine. Letting out a long groan, his boyfriend slumped forward to hug the steering wheel
“I know. I know I shouldn’t provoke him. I know it and I do it and then this shit happens”
Keith wasn’t quite sure what to say. He’d never really talked to old people and Miriam was not old only but sick. Her memory not working as they repeated pretty much the same conversation
“It’s okay. I know. You’re wondering what to say right now. It’s just... god. God knows I get it. But Luis has no idea how much I want to be a normal human”
“He’s a dick”
“Kind of. Maybe. Okay, yeah. But he’s my brother... I’m so tired of fighting. It’s like, what does he want from me? To bare my god ugly teeth so he can scream “Monster!” at the top of his lungs? And where does he get off judging you? He doesn’t even know you! You’re like the best dude out there, and he’s all like... ugh. Argh! I’m sick of this”
Keith undid both their belts, sliding over to wrap his arm around Lance
“Don’t let him do this to you”
“I can’t help it. I hate that it hurts Mami. And you. Today was bit over your head wasn’t it? Mami’s memory is a bit... so we have the same conversations again and again. I really do think she’s got another UTI. Then again, she’s sick... Anyway... I guess we’re getting lunch. Thanks for putting up with me... and everyone at breakfast”
Keith had enjoyed breakfast. He’d gotten to learn more about pretty much everyone there. He wasn’t sure he’d enjoyed Pidge and Hunk climbing into bed with them, but breakfast was fun
“Breakfast was fun. It was nice feeling included”
“That’s because we all like having you around, idiot”
Keith didn’t think he deserved being called an idiot, but Lance’s version of idiot didn’t always mean what everyone else meant. Yeah, he had next to no social skills, but being with the others he found he didn’t need to, they just... seemed to accept him
“I’m not the idiot. You’re the one who chased the cat for pats”
Lance sighed at him
“It was a cute cat. So fluffy... Blue would be disgusted”
“She wouldn’t like you cheating on her with other cats”
“Luckily this was before her. My poor princess. Her whole house has been invaded. I should get her some treats for being such a bad parent”
Seeing he was dating Lance, Keith guessed that kind of also made him a “cat dad”. He loved Blue, secretly jealous when she’d make a fuss of Matt or Curtis, because he’d never gotten to have a pet of his own. He, Shiro, and Adam, proved hopeless. They’d had goldfish for all of three weeks before they’d turned belly up and Adam had flushed them down the toilet
“I don’t think she cares as long as she gets her wet food”
“That’s true. If she had opposable thumbs I’d be useless. Still, she’s my baby”
Keith knew that, even before Lance had spammed him with photos of Blue and “her precious toe beans”
“I know. Maybe we could find something for her together”
Lance tilted his head to look at him, glasses skewed by the angle
“I’d like that. I know you’re not keen on shopping, but this place has the soap Mami likes best. She probably doesn’t need it, but extra won’t hurt anyone”
“I don’t see the point of walking up and down each isle. It’s like, go in, get what you need, then get out”
Lance smiled at him, and Keith’s heart gave a flip
“Remind me not to bring you when I go with Hunk and Pidge. Pidge likes touching everything, and Hunk can never make his mind up”
“Shiro makes puns. The worst puns you’ve ever heard”
“There’s no such thing as a bad pun”
“He bought a vampire bobble head for our car because we’re dating”
Lance snorted
“I kind of want to see that now. So we’ll go in, get the soap, get some lunch, then hit up the pet store? And you’ll tell me if this gets too much?”
“I should be saying that to you with your super senses”
“It’s fine. I know that it’s only for a short while and when someone’s with me, I can focus on them. Which means you have my full attention”
Keith felt himself blush. Having Lance’s attention sounded awfully like a date, but this wasn’t a date
“Don’t say it like that”
“Why not? It’s true”
Keith wasn’t sure if he wanted his first date to be a shopping trip. Maybe if thought of it as a practice run for the real thing... What if Lance thought this was a date? Nah... His boyfriend would have called it that to begin with
“Just don’t. You ready?”
“As ready as one of two men casually going shopping can be”
Keith opened his mouth, before promptly shutting it. Sometimes it was like Lance was in his head
“Keith, I’m teasing you. It’s okay”
“Shut up. I’m not used to this”
“I know. Let’s go”
This wasn’t a date. This was not a date. Not at all... unfortunately. Keith was the perfect distraction as they shopped, and fuck if Lance wasn’t kicking himself for reassuring Keith this wasn’t a date. Sure. He had huge plans for the first time they went on a date. He knew where he wanted to Keith, what he wanted to show him, how he’d surprise him with a hotel room at the end of the night, not for sex stuff but for cuddles and room service in bed... but this not date... was kind of a perfect dry run for the real thing. Like how they’d gone on Hunk’s practice date with Shay.
Buying soap for Mami, and the guest bathroom, and a few other things that Lance thought Shay and Rieva might appreciate, they’d ended up in the food court... being ridiculous. Snagging one of the too few booths, Keith was to blame. Lance had felt like sushi until Keith had bought himself a burger... with wedges that were begging to be be shared. Keith didn’t want to share. Lance didn’t want to buy his own when Keith’s were right there... His sushi looked sad in comparison. Stealing a wedge, his boyfriend glared. Stealing a second one, he moved it away, Lance “forced” to reach past him. The hunter was totally hinting he needed to be hugged into cooperation. Clinging to Keith, Keith tried to ignore him until Lance slung his leg over his boyfriend’s legs. Groaning at him, Keith finally gave in, stabbing Lance in the nose as he tried to feed him a wedge without turning to face him in defeat.
So yeah. They were definitely being that gross couple. When Lance had to throw lunch back up, Keith kept watch on the bathroom door for him. His boyfriend even kissed him when he finally emerged, regretting his choice of wedges and sushi. Sure, the kiss was on the cheek, but Lance damn near swooned on the spot. He wanted to kiss him more, but that’d have to wait until they were home again. Keith’s touch was like a drug to his body. A spark of life that soothed him, no matter the situation. He wanted to fool around with him more. He wanted to touch him more, but they couldn’t do that at home without an audience. Hell, he wasn’t even sure he didn’t want to keep waiting to take that next step. People did dumb things when they were in love, and Lance was fast falling head over heels for Keith. Not that he’d tell him. Forcing Keith into his mess of feelings wasn’t what he wanted. He wanted to nurture and grow this thing between them... but it was hard when he could still remember the last time they’d been intimate so vividly. He was ashamed of how good Keith made him feel. He wasn’t sure he would have protested if Keith had slipped and something more had happened. Yeah. He was stupid and he knew it. He wanted that first time to be special, and with Keith, he knew it would be. Spacing out in his thoughts, he’d come back to reality when Keith tried to wipe his mouth for him. He might be stupid, but his boyfriend was an idiot.
Not for the first time that day did their good mood slip. This time it happened in the pet store. Looking at collars for Blue, Lance found he was watching Keith more out of the corner of his eye, than he was at the actual collars. He knew Keith had a shit childhood, but he hadn’t thought about the fact he’d probably never grown up with a pet. In the crowded store, he couldn’t reach out and kiss Keith until he felt better. Instead he followed his gaze to the display box where the puppies were. Despite the countless number of kids, that Lance personally thought should be in school even if it was the weekend, there was this one puppy no one was paying any attention to. He might have mentally referred to Keith a big dog himself, but Lance could see how the neglected pup was something Keith could see himself in
“Wanna go say hi?”
Keith jumped, Lance hadn’t meant to scare him
“No... it’s okay”
“You’ve never had a pet, have you?”
“We had goldfish for a bit, but they died. A couple of homes had dogs... but kids would get jealous”
“Let’s go say hi. I won’t even tell Blue you were fawning over a puppy”
“I’m not fawning over it”
Keith grumbled, crossing his arms as he glared at the floor. Wrong choice of words on Lance’s behalf. Everyone loved puppies, there was nothing to be embarrassed over
“Sorry. I mean... If you want to look at the puppies, I won’t judge... I’m making this worse. I’m sorry. I’m just saying that puppies are cute. I’m going to grab some catnip treats for Blue”
Separating from Keith, Keith wandered around seemingly lost until he ended up near the puppies. The same little puppy was trying to get Keith’s attention, Keith wanted to give in. Lance could see he wanted to give in. The puppy was as drawn to Keith, as Keith was to the little longer with big paws. He was caving. He was caving and he knew it was a terrible idea... but all the puppies and kittens were rescues. Maybe if Keith could cuddle the puppy, both of them would be happier. Yep. He was about to do something very stupid.
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swanqueeneverafter · 5 years
What Dreams May Come, Pt.17
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Henry's Dreamscape. The Bottle Yard Tavern. (Henry and King Richard sit at a table together, drinking heavily.) Henry: "You must have felt awful. Drink up, drink up." King Richard: "And you know the worst thing about it? Madelena and I never even... Well, let's just say she never let me walk through her garden." Henry: "I don't follow?" King Richard: “I never pollinated her flower.” Henry: “What? Are we talking about the same Madelena?” King Richard: “Yes!” Henry: “But you were married. You didn't insist?” King Richard: “I'm not an animal. I mean, sure, I'll kidnap a woman and force her to marry me, but after that, I'm all about a woman's rights.” Henry: “Good for you. Cheers to that.” King Richard: (They clink tankards:) “Thank you very much. You know, the truth be told, I've always sort of felt that that business should never happen until two people really love each other, you know? I never loved anyone until I loved Madelena, and so that's why I'm... I've never actually walked in anyone's garden.” Henry: “But you're the king?” King Richard: (Standing:) “That's right. I am the king, so watch your mouth, boy. (Sighs:) I'm sorry I barked at you. (Sits back down:) See? This is why I don't have guy friends.” Henry: “Hey, it's all right, it's all right. (Refilling Richard’s tankard:) You're under a lot of pressure.” King Richard: “I know.” Henry: “Your brother's trying to steal your kingdom. He's trying to steal your lady, put you against your best friend. Times are tough. Drink up. Here, let's... let's play a game.” King Richard: “Hmm?” Henry: “Let's just say there's this standing king.” King Richard: “Mm-hmm.” Henry: “And his evil, treacherous brother comes into town, and we wanted to sort of ‘take care’ of him.” King Richard: “Mm-hmm.” Henry: “I don't know, like, say, tonight.” King Richard: “Mm-hmm.” Henry: “Do you think anyone would care?” King Richard: “I don't follow.” Henry: “Kill your brother.” King Richard: “What?! Have you gone absolutely mad? What do you expect me to do, just sneak into Kingsley's bedchamber and slice his throat while he sleeps? What, in this outfit?!” Henry: “Yes.” King Richard: (Gasps, then stands:) “Everyone, I'm going to kill my brother! Drinks are on me! (The other patrons all cheer as Richard sits once more:) Right. Fill her up. (Henry obliges, several times:) There we go.” Enchanted Forest. Past. (The Evil Queen opens the door to a rowdy tavern, and she and Hook enter.) Hook: “Ah, finally. I could murder a goblet of wine.” Evil Queen: "I think you've had enough. I want you sharp for what you must do next.” Hook: “Aye. I will kill your mother, and in exchange, you will bring me to a land without magic, where I can finally get my revenge on Rumplestiltskin.” Evil Queen: “Indeed. But first... I need to know what kind of man you are. You don't know my mother. She's an expert at one thing: exploiting weakness. And I need to make sure you have none.” Hook: “Well, she sounds lovely. So, a test, is it? I've been a pirate for over one hundred years, and my hook has tasted the blood of dozens. Whatever your test, trust me... I've got the mettle for it, love.” Evil Queen: “I want you to kill a man.” Hook: “A man. That's the only description I get?” Evil Queen: “Oh, I'm pretty sure you'll know which one I mean. Face him, and you'll prove you have what it takes to face my mother.” Hook: “I'm not sure I see...” Man: (Interrupts:) “Pirates ain't welcome here!” Hook: “Ah.” (Hook walks forward confidently but stops when a giant of a man blocks his path and Hook looks slightly shocked at the size of him.) Man: “Get out, pirate.” Hook: “Well, it seems we are at an impasse.” (Goes goes to strike the man with his hook.) Evil Queen: (Rolls her eyes and scoffs:) “Oh, for heaven’s sake. (She uses her magic to snap the man's neck and kill him:) Not him. (She grabs Hook and turns him to face the person he is there to kill:) Him.” Hook: (Shocked:) “Father?”
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Storybrooke. Present. (Snow White and Emma are walking to work together while Emma explains how shared dreaming works.) Emma: "...So because you and Dad share True Love, it should be real easy for you to find each other." Snow White: (Distractedly:) "Mmhmm. Then we walk through the door, right?" Emma: "No, Mom, haven't you been listening? The door was just how Xanax did things. All you have to do is fall asleep together and... well to be honest I'm not totally sure how it works. It's sort of like, one of you starts to dream and the other can follow inside that dreamscape and boom - you're dream sharing. And I mean, if anyone can find each other, it's you two. (Watching Snow closely:) Mom, is everything all right?" Snow White: "Oh, Emma. There's something you need to know and something you need to hear." Emma: "Okay..." Snow White: "Your father and I, when we entered our dreamscape, we did come to a door. A door that lead us to you. Or rather, the younger you." Emma: "You don't have to tell me this, dreamscapes are meant for the dreamers. It's a very personal thing." Snow White: (Nods:) "I know but... at first I didn't want to go in. I told David that I thought speaking to you as a child would somehow screw things up back here. But David convinced me that we had to, and he was so right. We talked and hugged and cried and talked some more. And, although I know none of it was real, it made me realise just how alone in the world you were. Because of the choices we made. The choice I made." Emma: "Mom, you gave me up to save everyone. I was destined to be the Savior. I understand and it... it took me a long time, but I accept it now. It was-" Snow White: "It was an awful, terrible thing to do. I sacrificed your happiness to save us all." Emma: "Mom-" Snow White: "No, please, let me get this out. (Sighs:) When I woke from the dream, I felt wonderful. But ever since, my head has been filled with memories of the conversations you and I have had since you broke the curse. How you tried to tell me how you felt for all those years and all I did was stand there justifying myself to you. It makes me so angry just to think about it. I-I even did it again in Neverland, when you told me how growing up in the foster system, you felt like a lost little girl who didn't matter. A little girl who cried herself to sleep unable to understand why her parents gave her up." Emma: "Mom, that's all in the past." Snow White: "No. It's right here and now. Do you know the worst thing? I let you apologise to me for how you felt. For what my choice made you feel for your entire life. It took a dreamscape for me to finally understand how much damage I did to you. And how I have never, truly apologised for any of it. Not even once. (Tears falling:) I am so sorry, Emma. For making you feel worthless, for giving you up. For never once putting you above everyone else like every mother should. Can you ever forgive me?" (Emma doesn’t answer, merely staring at Snow for a long moment, before closing the distance between them and enveloping her mother in a heartfelt embrace.) Henry’s Dreamscape. The Bottle Yard Tavern. Exterior. (Henry and Richard leave the tavern, both stinking drunk.) Henry & Richard: ♪ Oh... ♪ ♪ We're off on a secret mission ♪ Castle Armoury. ♪ We've got us a secret plan ♪ Henry: ♪ We're going to go and slay your bro ♪ King Richard: ♪ As quietly as we can ♪ Castle Hallway. Henry & Richard: ♪ We'll sneak up and then surprise him ♪ ♪ Before he has time to think ♪ King Richard: ♪ We're off and away ♪ Henry: ♪ But first, another drink ♪ Henry & Richard: ♪ Da-Da, Da-Da, Da, Da ♪ Wine Cellar. Henry: ♪ We're off on a secret mission ♪ King Richard: ♪ A totally secret scheme ♪ Henry: ♪ We'll slyly do in your next of kin ♪ King Richard: ♪ And quietly make him scream ♪ Henry: ♪ We've got to be swift and stealthy ♪ King Richard: ♪ So none will raise a stink ♪ Henry & Richard: ♪ We're off on our way, but first, another drink ♪ ♪ Da-Da, Da-Da, Da, Da ♪ Raised Walkway. Henry & Richard: ♪ A secret, secret, hush, hush, hush ♪ ♪ Secret, secret ♪ Throne Room. (Richard and Henry sneak silently across the throne room behind the guards backs.) Hallway. Richard & Henry: ♪ Oh, we're off on a secret mission ♪ Henry: ♪ It's some kind of secret plot ♪ King Richard: ♪ We're gonna go ♪ Henry: ♪ Yeah ♪ King Richard: ♪ And then... ♪ Henry: ♪ Exactly ♪ King Richard: ♪ Who are we? ♪ Henry: ♪ I forgot ♪ King Richard: ♪ Ooh, ooh, we're gonna go kill the... ♪ Henry: ♪ Someone ♪ King Richard: ♪ My brother! ♪ Henry: ♪ The rat ♪ King Richard: ♪ The fink! ♪ Henry: “Shh! Lower your voice!” (They come upon a line of men.) King Richard: “Hey, w-what are all these dudes doing in front of Madelena's room for?” Henry: “Yeah, what is it? A party?” Man: “T-the queen's interviewing new consorts.” Queen Madelena: (From inside her chamber:) “Next!” Henry: “Oh, God. She's the worst.” King Richard: (To the Man:) “Hey, you know what? (Nudging Henry:) The queen is really proud of her feet.” Henry: “Mm. Yeah, yeah. Ask her to take her socks off.” King Richard: “Ask to kiss her feet. (Laughs:) That's an order from your king.” Henry & Richard: ♪ Oh... ♪
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Storybrooke. Past. Mayor's House, Regina's Bedroom. (Regina wakes up once again. She looks out of the window and smiles.) Storybrooke General Hospital. (Mary Margaret leaves flowers in John Doe's room. Regina is standing behind her, smiling.) Main Street. (Regina is walking down the street and sees Marco struggling to repair a sign.) Marco: “Maybe this time, you won't fall.” (Ruby and Granny argue again.) Ruby: (To Granny:) “This is the last time I'm working the early shift.” Archie: “Good morning, Madam Mayor. Beautiful day, isn't it?” (Not looking where she’s going, Regina bumps into Mary Margaret.) Regina: “Oh!” Mary Margaret: “Oh, Madam Mayor, I'm so sorry.” Regina: “You should be! Watch where you're going next time.” (Mary Margaret nods and walks away. Regina smiles.) Mayor's House Regina's Bedroom. (Regina wakes up.) Storybrooke General Hospital. (Mary Margaret leaves flowers in John Doe's room. Regina is standing behind her, but she looks bored.) Main Street. (Regina is walking down the street and sees Marco struggling to repair a sign and Ruby and Granny arguing. She looks bored.) Archie: “Beautiful day.” Regina: “Save it.” (She bumps into Mary Margaret.) Mary Margaret: “Oh! Mayor Mills, I am so sorry.” Regina: “I ran into you. Why are you apologizing?” Mary Margaret: “No, I should have been looking where I was going.” Regina: “You're not even going to fight back?!” Mary Margaret: “Fight back? Why would I do that?” (Walks away.)
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Mr. Gold Pawnbroker & Antiquities Dealer. (Regina enters, while Mr. Gold is dusting one of the antiques.) Regina: “I'm not happy.” Mr. Gold: “I believe Dr. Hopper's office is down the street.” Regina: “Oh, I don't wanna talk to him. I wanna talk to you.” Mr. Gold: “Very well, Madam Mayor. What is it you wanna talk about?” Regina: “This town. This isn't the deal we made.” Mr. Gold: “I'm sorry. I don't know what you're talking about.” Regina: “You don't, do you? I was supposed to be happy here.” Mr. Gold: “Forgive me, but, um, you're the Mayor. You're the most powerful woman in the town. What is there to be unhappy about?” Regina: “Everyone in this town does exactly what I want them to!” Mr. Gold: (Smiles:) “And that's a problem?” Regina: “Well, they do it because they have to, not because they want to. It's not real.” Mr. Gold: “I'm sorry, what exactly is it you want?” Regina: “Nothing you can give me.” (Regina walks away, pulling the gift from Owen out of her pocket and smiling at it. Outside, she walks to a phone booth and dials a number.) Regina: “Hello, Kurt? Mayor Mills. Good. You're still here. I would love to see Owen before you leave. Would you two like to come over for dinner tonight? Great.“ Enchanted Forest. Past. (The tavern is now closed, and Hook is the only remaining ‘customer’. Sitting at a table, he is tapping his hook impatiently, taking another sip of his ale. Brennan, who is still behind the bar, spots him. Brennan steps out from behind the bar, but still keeps his distance.) Brennan: “Look... I don't want any trouble, but we're closed, mate.” Hook: “Why might I cause trouble? Because I'm a dirty pirate? Or because I'm a boy whose father abandoned him on the high seas?”
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Brennan: “Killian?” Hook: “Aye. (Slams his tankard down and stands up:) But it's Captain Hook now. You once told me I had to decide what kind of man I wanted to be. Well, Father... this is who I became!” Brennan: “How is this possible? I left nearly a century ago.” Hook: “We both found a way to cheat death.” Brennan: “That we did. Your brother?” Hook: “Liam... was not so fortunate.” Brennan: (Sighs:) “But you... look at you. You grew up. Where have you been?” Hook: “Neverland. I was biding my time until I found a way to kill myself a crocodile. It's a tale of woe and revenge but one that you don't need to be concerned with. It's your tale that matters. So, tell me, father, where does a scoundrel like you run after he's sold his sons into servitude?!” Brennan: “Oh, I'm sorry, Killian. Truly, I am. I ran. I didn't get far. Not long after I left you and Liam, I got caught and put under a sleeping curse.” Hook: “A sleeping curse? How the bloody hell are you awake now?” Brennan: “How does anyone break a curse? True love's kiss.” Hook: “Who could ever find a way to love you?” Brennan: “My nurse. I could hear her speaking... as I slumbered. Her voice was so kind, so gentle. She made me see the error of my ways. I fell in love with her. And she with me. She changed me. I just... I just... wish... that I'd known her when we were together. You could've had the father you wanted. The father you deserved. I'm so sorry.” Hook: “Where is this woman?” Brennan: “A few years... after we married... she fell ill. (He sits down at one of the tables:) The plague. She never recovered.” Hook: “I came here to kill you, Father. Your life was the price I had to pay to finally get my revenge. But we've both lost too much.” Brennan: “You're going to spare me?” Hook: “In a manner of speaking. The world must believe you're dead. The queen, everyone must think I killed you. I can secure you a letter of transit to take you far from this place. Maybe you can start again.” Brennan: (Stands up:) “You'll come with me?” Hook: “No, you see, I had a love, too. And she was taken from me. You can't destroy the plague that took yours, but I can destroy the plague that took mine. I must continue on.” Brennan: “I hope you find peace... Son.” (Places his hand on Hook's shoulder.) Hook: (Shrugs it off:) “We must hurry. Any delay will arouse suspicion. I'll bring the letter of transit tonight.” (Begins walking to the door, but the sound of his father's voice stops him.) Brennan: “Actually... would it be possible... to bring two?” Hook: “Two?” Brennan: “My wife and I... we had a son.” Henry’s Dreamscape. The Dungeons. (Henry & Richard stumble down into the dungeons.) Henry & Richard: ♪ Secret, secret ♪ Henry: ♪ 30th verse, same as the first ♪ King Richard: “Whoa. There's some serious acoustics down here. Hey, everybody! Whoa. (Notices a prisoner tied to the rack:) It looks like someone couldn't do anything if I went like this!” (King Richard laughs as he begins tickling the prisoner.) Prisoner: “Stop it! I'm ticklish!” Henry: (Leans on the bars of Ella’s cell:) “Hi, pretty Ella. Oh, you're so pretty. But not just your face, your brain. It's like your beautiful brain exploded all over your face.” Ella: “Are you drunk?” Henry: (Sighs:) “I should have just kissed you. I should have kissed you ages ago.” Ella: “Yeah, well, um, maybe we should talk about this tomorrow. Okay, bye-bye.” Henry: “Yes, and we will, and we're gonna kiss, and it's gonna be one of those forever sort of kisses. (Reaches through the bars and touches Ella’s nose:) Boop! Okay, I've got to go kill a king.” Prisoner: (Richard continues to tickle him mercilessly:) “I beg of you, sire, stop it!” (Henry pulls Richard away from the prisoner and they leave the dungeons.) King Richard: “Bye, everybody! Echo! Echo! Oh, it’s fun! You try it!”
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Storybrooke. Past. (Regina, Owen and Kurt are eating dinner at Regina's house.) Kurt: “This is delicious lasagna, isn't it Owen?” Owen: “Not really.” Kurt: “Owen.” Regina: “It's okay. I know I'm not the greatest cook. Unless it involves apples. (She chuckles and turns to look at Owen:) Speaking of which. How would you like to help me make turnovers for dessert? There's a bunch of apples sitting in the sink. Why don't you go pick out some red ones?” (Owen gets up and leaves.) Kurt: (Laughs:) “Owen is a bit of a free spirit. Like his mom.” Regina: “Is she back in New Jersey? With the boss?” Kurt: (Smiles:) “With the boss. She uh... she passed away six months ago.” Regina: “I'm sorry.” Kurt: “That's why I brought him here actually. I thought that camping, new surroundings, that might help him take his mind off of things, but...” Regina: “I came here looking to start over too. It hasn't turned out quite the way I'd hoped.” Kurt: “And why's that?” Regina: “What good's a new life if you don't have anyone to share it with?” Owen: (Yelling:) “Hey! I thought we were making dessert!” (Regina gets up and heads to the kitchen. She helps Owen make the turnovers and puts them in the oven.) Regina: “Voila.” Owen: “So, how come you're not a mom?” Regina: “It... just didn't work out that way I guess.” (Removes her apron.) Owen: “It's too bad. You'd be really good at it.” Regina: “Thank you, Owen.” Owen: “So how much longer?” (He points at the oven.) Regina: (Chuckles:) “Patience. They're almost done. (Leans on the counter, speaking to him at eye level:) How are you liking Storybrooke so far?” Owen: “It's better than New Jersey.” Regina: “You don't miss your home? Your friends?” Owen: “I hate it there! All the kids at my school treat me weird now.” Regina: “Because of what happened to your mother?” Owen: (Nods:) “Nobody gets it. It's like-” Regina: “There's a piece of your heart missing.” (Regina smiles and puts a comforting hand on his arm.) Kurt: (Walks into the kitchen:) “How's dessert coming?” Regina: “Great! Owen and I were just talking, and I know this might sound crazy, but how would you too feel about sticking around town a little longer?” Kurt: “Uh, stick around? As in?” Regina: “Move here! I could get you a job with the city, and there's a great school for Owen.” Owen: “Please Dad, can we?” Regina: “It could be a chance for a new start.” Kurt: “Look, I appreciate everything you've done for us, but our life is in New Jersey. It's not here.” Regina: (Disappointed:) “Of course.”
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empresskira · 7 years
Hello dear, was wondering if I could request a mafia au for Lawlu and MarcoAce xD thank you~
I will try my best~! It may be just short little ones though, hope you don’t mind~! Excuse any mistakes!
“We are in a partnership with Traffy!”
His group wasn’t too happy about his decision to join up with Law, but he already knew about the things he had delved into. They both sat down with discussions of a partner ship for their territories, also placing himself in a neutral stance with Whitebeards territory as they were on good terms with the Strawhats. Luffy had been excited to meet the Hearts leader and knew he had just pulled away from the Dressrosa territory led under Doflamingo. They took the land on the other side of Foosha where the Strawhats resided–giving a distance. 
“Are you sure about this, Luffy?” A man with green hair smoothed back and a scar over an eye had asked. The green eye viewed his leader in slight scrutiny of such a decision without him present, but also knew when Luffy was being observant or not. “He doesn’t have the best background.” Zoro continued to clarify his concern as the others were festering in shock at the news and were skeptical.
“It’s okay, Zoro. I trust him.” Dark eyes peered to his second in command and immediately the green haired man knew his boss was speaking the truth.
“Very well,” the reply came back while straightening himself from his slightly leaned position. As he was back to where he was, Law had come back in and placed a hand to the small of Luffy’s back, making a green eye twitch. “Though, I would like to forewarn our new partners to keep his hands to himself.” Zoro claimed sternly with a glare of protectiveness over his boss; his respect for his friend running deep, but not too deep that crossed a line, just enough that showed he would hurt anyone who hurt his best friend.
“I do apologize, do you wish for me to remove my hand, Luffy-ya?” Law asked with grey eyes flickering over the other who beamed a grin up at him.
“I don’t mind!” Luffy spoke out with a laugh and soon patted to his best friend. “It’s alright, Zoro! Traffy is our friend now!” The cheer was there as the leader was happy to have such a cool person along with them and Zoro cooled himself with a watchful gaze. Law already showed his interest and the second in command would make sure that his boss would tell him about approval before he would step back.
MarcoAce (this ended up being more angsty than necessary, heh)
It was technically forbidden with their ranking, but lips never could cease as bodies were pressed along each other and enjoying the high of their activity. A soft moan was there as Ace soon let those lips kiss along his neck and how they carefully didn’t make any markings. 
If anything, the dark haired male hated the sneaking around, but Marco had asked for it since most would think he was swayed by Ace. It wasn’t too much of a ranking difference, but even if Ace had some means to pass along orders as commander with seven others, Marco will always be the right hand man. The blond’s word came second to Whitebeards and if the boss wasn’t around, you listened to Marco. It was plain and simple.
It wasn’t long before they had to clean up as they heard a call for a meeting and was quickly making their way to the meeting hall. Ace had cleaned up better in the bathroom before making it there to sit through the meeting. He was sure that Izo and Jozu were well aware of his relations with Marco, but never voiced against it. Most of the time you had to ask permission through their leader, but Ace had also been told that Marco never entered a relation with anyone in the family that fought or in any position. It would have been fine if Ace was a woman, not involved in the business, but he wasn’t a woman and knew the dangers it came with on being with the blond.
The meeting quickly ended with Ace having to stay back, making the male nervous like every time he had to be alone with their boss. Whitebeard insisted his sons to call him Pops, but he was still a bit new and didn’t feel right to do such a thing, especially with what he was doing with Marco.
“Is something the matter?” Ace asked with a curious gaze and got a slow shake of the head before a hum.
“Not per say, my boy.” The name usage somewhat eased the young male and just waited for the man to contemplate. “It’s more of a means to help with Marco settling down,” Ace’s heart sped up at the mention and kept a straight face with a confused look soon showing as he had to make sure to keep himself collected. “I am planning to arrange something for Marco, he needs someone, but he is stubborn. So, I wanted you to warm him up to possibly meeting with one of the two if possible.” The conversation was serious and as pictures were laid out to the table, it started weighing heavily on Ace as he noticed the two beautiful women in the pictures. “You are close with him, so I wouldn’t doubt you could convince him.” A smile was there and the dark haired male nodded with a smile–albeit fake, but it was there.
“Of course,” the only reply Ace could give as his heart was breaking more by the second. 
It fully began to shatter when Marco had picked one to meet.
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artgirllullaby · 8 years
Chapter 10: After Confession
I wanted to upload this earlier, but due to some troubles I decided to wait until the 3 chapter were ready so I could avoid not having it completely checked out to post :3
Huge thanks to @dreamilydeepestobject, @scarletsunrise14, @allancutrim, @emmahamburger, @jlizza1997, @doyouevenlookatthename, @sparkly-eyed-dork, @manifisto42, @skjccla27, @damlittleunicorn, @im-still-waiting-for-it, @hurtbyme, @valentine1604, @banannah-h, @aliyaperez, @cartooniste2z, @lovelyponycom, @heavybond56, @goldenjokster27, @nachov196, @xphilesculder, @jafet-ceballos, @potatothedog33, @officallytrash, @zenfinshu33, @mrevaunit42, @fluffyoceangirl, @grayhalls-imagination, @littlelemon-ade, @theonealwayswatching, @articstics, @ladyxgilex, @laineluvsowls, @secretlyinthestars and @geekingout1228  for the comments, reviews, likes and favs! They are lovely <3
Huge thanks to @mrevaunit42 for beta-reading this for English corrections, you’re the best! :3
So, now, you may want to grab tissues, popcorn, chocolate, hold your feels and be ready for it.
And most important: Enjoy!
PS: To those who thought this was ending... *snorts* You know nothing, Jon Snow.
Chapters: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20
You can read Ever After at Ao3 | FF.net | DeviantArt and on Tumblr, feel free to go read where it pleases you the most :)
Chapter 10: After Confession
It felt like he was the last man on Earth. No scratch that, he felt the only man in the universe. Really, Marco felt that way in every part of his own being, like the whole universe disappeared and there was just him… and her.
Always her.
He didn’t have a first thought, but that was because the information itself was so heavy, deep and important that there was no space in his mind to get any thoughts about it, only to keep thinking of the words and his best friend in front of him.
“I love you, Marco.”
Those words were so simple, but also too much complicated for his mind get to any conclusion from it on the first moment; he just stood there, looking at Star with a blank face and trying to make his brain go back to work so he could dissolve it all.
And Star? She was freaking out.
She broke him, didn’t she? Normally in a situation like this, he would laugh and say something like “I love you too, bestie”, but now? He was there like he was one of his games and it was loading the saved data. And for heavens, it was taking so long and it was so slow! Her heart was racing like a train with no breaks and his silence definitely didn’t help at all. She confessed without thinking!
This was not how she thought it would happen after Ponyhead and Angie convinced her, to tell the truth.
“Star you must tell him!” Ponyhead exclaimed from the mirror.
The princess went back there frowning. “No, I don’t have to.” She took off her dress to put the other one since she already took a bath.
“Then what?” Her friend snapped. “You’ll live the rest of your life wondering how he is, if he felt the same, what would have been his answer?”
“Things changed, Ponyhead,” Star said, pulling the dress up on her shoulders. “I won’t get Marco along this war menace we have on Mewni.”
“He should be the one to decide either to get into it or not.”
“I’m the princess, it’s up to me.”
“He loves you, Star!”
“He has a girlfriend. Marco doesn’t love me in that way.”
“If I know my son, I say he may do.”
Star looked at her and blushed when she saw Mrs. Diaz closing the door and walking in her direction. “Mama Diaz!”
“I know, Star.” The woman said with a reassuring smile, turning her around to help her to close the dress “I have always known. I also know you and Marco had that fight because one of you did something regarding this matter.”
Star pouted and looked away “How everyone knows my secrets?”
The woman smiled, adjusting the princes's dress. “You two are too transparent and oblivious, dear.”
“You should get prepared in these situations when you get the Crown,” Ponyhead observed. “Hello, Mrs. Diaz, by the way.”
“Oh, my apologies!” Mrs. Diaz said bowing slightly to the princess in the reflection “It’s my pleasure to see you, Flying Princess Ponyhead.”
The other rolled her eyes “No need for formalities.”
Mrs. Diaz turned to Star again, looking up and down her dress to see if there were any imperfections; after that, she took a chair and gestured to the princess sit down, grabbed a brush to make up her hair.
Star tried to object “You don’t have to…”
“I want to.” Mama Diaz replied brushing the blond strands. “This may be the last time I’ll ever do the hair of a girl.” Star nodded, agreeing to the wish of the woman. “I agree with your friend, you should tell Marco.”
She sighed. “And say what? That I love him like I never did before, that I’ll leave to never come back and he won’t even know or the part that there may be a war in Mewni soon?”
“Everything” The woman replied. “Marco deserves to know it all just as the rest of us.”
“See?!” Ponyhead exclaimed from the mirror. “Star this may be the one and last time you have with him… Wouldn’t be better to have everything clear?”
“I want to tell him I’m leaving… But I can’t say anything else.” Star sighed while her eyes went to the floor without moving her head.
“Star…” Mama Diaz stopped brushing her hair to hold her shoulders while looking at her eyes in the mirror’s reflection “I raised no fool. Marco loves you, but only he can say if he’ll let himself go or choose to be safe.”
“B-fly” Ponyhead called her. “You never know what may come of it. Marco may be the answer to the threat, and you may be happy either he agrees or not, if he loves you or not. You’ll have answers instead of wonders.”
Star looked to both women, then at the ground as Mrs. Diaz went back into brushing her hair. She didn’t want to admit, but they were right. She could at least try… Even if she was about to mess up, Marco would forget her anyway; he would forget the confession and go on with his life just as she would do. It couldn’t hurt and it couldn’t be so bad.
Both women smiled when Star gave a sigh and said her final decision “Ok. I’ll do it.”
This was definitely not part of the plan! This was not how she thought it would go! She was sure if anyone got into her mind, her little Star mind-insiders would be running everywhere, all the alarms buzzing, papers flying, screams, fire on the walls and someone screaming at the speakers “Mayday! Mayday! She just confessed! I repeat! She just confessed! This is not a drill! Repeat: This is not a drill! Everyone get desperate and be ready to bury yourselves in shame and embarrassment!!!”
Even if on the outside, all Star did was smile like a nervous fool that didn’t know any other face to make to pretend she wasn’t internally screaming.
She just told Marco she was in love with him! There was no way she could make out of that! Star had told him she loved him before, but all those times it was like a brother or best friend. Love in the way she said meant a whole new thing that she surely wasn’t ready to face the consequences of this! If she was ready, her mind wouldn’t have all these thoughts per minute and she would know what to do with the fact he gone silent…
The silent like “Marco.exe stopped working, please reinstall the software.”
“Ha ha…” She tried to laugh it off, but she got no response from him. “I mean… I… We… You…” How you make the words out to make a phrase and speak again? “I… Really do.”
Oh well, what it’s done it’s done. So just jump on it, right?
“I don’t know when or why, all I know is that I have these feelings for you and I like them. I like to feel secure and safe, but also into adventures and fun things. And I know I shouldn’t have because we’re besties and that’s all, I know but I can’t help it! You’re my best friend, but also so much more…”
She was rambling. Like a lot, but she couldn’t stop anymore, her pacing from one side to another begun and, could a crazy guy summon a meteor to fall on her and save from this embarrassing moment?!
Wait, that was Marco’s game story, nevermind.
Star didn’t even know what was getting out of her mouth; she just kept it on and on, getting everything out her system. All the times she felt like getting him to herself, to kiss him, to be the one in his heart.
“I didn’t plan this!” She said at some point. “This is not supposed to be how I told you this or the other thing, but it slipped ok? I just needed to tell you, but it doesn’t mean you have to be with me or anything, even because…”
She looked up at him; he finally found his voice, his mind working again. He didn’t listen to anything she said after her confession, but he could tell she was freaking out. Her hair looked like it never has been up minutes ago on how much she was moving it and pulling on her fingers, even so, she looked beautiful.
He wished things were simple as that. Her statement was something serious and a lot more complicated on both of them.
“Yes?” She hesitantly replied.
“I am with Jackie.” His voice wavered and died out while to reassuring her that fact.
His stomach hurt like a troll had punched it when he saw her shoulders flopping down and her eyes averted from him, her hands holding the Wand tightly close to her chest.
“I know that…” She nodded. “I know, but…”
“But what?” Marco asked annoyed.
“I needed to tell you this because I wouldn’t have another chance and I wouldn’t be able to move on without knowing your answer.”
“My answer?” He inquired raising his eyebrows annoyed, “What kind of answer you were expecting?!”
“I don’t know, ok? I just needed one!”
“What do you expect me to answer?!” Marco replied raising his voice “Do you expect me to break up her or something like that? This isn’t a movie, Star!”
She raised her voice just the same amount as him. “No! I didn’t expect anything from you! I didn’t even plan on saying all this!”
“Is this why you were acting weird these weeks?”
Star put a strand of hair behind her ear. “Kinda. It’s way more than this…”
Marco let an annoyed laugh escape his lips “So you have been lying this whole time; Kingdom issues, princess duties, and pheromones? Why all that?”
“There were no lies!” Star snapped “Mewni has a situation there and I am the only one able to solve it; I have duties to accomplish and then I found out these feelings for you and it didn’t help anything!”
Marco pointed to himself as he raised his voice again “So now it’s my fault? I tried to talk about it with you! You were the one always running away from this, you never told me anything and now you expect me to be fine with it?”
“I was the one always running away?!” Star said in disbelief “Ok, so let’s talk about when you avoided talking about the times you wanted to kiss me.”
He frowned at her “We talked about this already.”
“You talked!” She replied, “I tried to listen and understand, but I can’t!”
Why was all of this happening? This isn’t how she figured out to be, she never fought it would happen like this. At the best scenario, she thought he would talk to Jackie and maybe (just maybe) he would be with her. Jackie even said she would be ok as long they talked it out with her, that the final choice was Marco.
And it was true. It was in Marco’s hands if he would keep it up with Jackie or try it out with her… It always has been.
On the worst scenario, they would be awkward and Marco would still be with Jackie, a bit more distant, but still friends. After a time it would be fine again, she would be able to move on and so would he; they would still being a best friend for life…
But now everything was a mess. Things were falling into an abyss, a black hole that led to a void that there was no taking back. They were hurting each other with everything they were saying; she knew that, she felt it hurting on her skin and heart.
But even so, they couldn’t stop it.
“You were the one that begun this mess when you asked me to kiss you!” Marco exclaimed.
“I ever said anything like that!”
“You did!” Marco exclaimed pointing at her. “On the first time it happened, you said it was pheromones and now you say it’s my fault!”
“Because I thought ‘this is a pheromone thing, it's fine’, but then you said you wanted to kiss me. The pheromones wouldn’t allow you to think about it, only to react! It changed everything because if you thought that it’s because you feel it too, even if just a little!”
She was nearly screaming at him. Something inside her was twisting, pushing into this situation, but also telling her to stop. They were wrecking each other right now; she could feel they would break into something and destroy it completely. It could be their friendship, their love.
It could be her.
“Why do I have to feel anything?!” Marco screamed back at her “Because of a prophecy? A Moon thing? I’m not obligated! You’re from another dimension why do you think this would even be possible?!”
Her chest felt heavy suddenly, stinging coldly through her whole body. There was no shield for her and no way to get prepared for what is was coming. It was scary and she knew it would hurt.
And again, there was nothing she could do about it.
“You’re a freaking magical princess while I’m just an Earth boy!” Marco kept screaming. “There’s no way this is going to work, this can’t even happen! You should go back to your castle and magical kingdom while I stay here as it should be. I have to stay where I belong and you should go back to where you always had belonged!” He shouted back.
Marco was looking at the ground between them, so he didn’t see her taking steps back to get a safe distance from him; like she could escape the pain his words were causing her. Star couldn’t feel or see it too; the hearts on her cheeks losing their colors, fading until they were a light shade of gray. Like a ghost of what it once was.
“Maybe it’s better to everyone, maybe you shouldn’t have come to Earth at all!”
There is was. The something the train would hit and destroy to pieces; with no way to return to what it once was. And she was right…
She was the one breaking.
A hand cupped her lips, trying to keep the sobs to herself together with a scream of the suddenly unbearable pain she felt smashing her being. She was hurt enough, this humiliation wasn’t needed, those words weren’t needed. It hurt all at once, the pain, the agony, the humiliation, the fight, the words, the rejection…
And suddenly, as fast, hurtful and painful as it had been, it was gone.
Star couldn’t feel anything more. No agony, no pain, no hurts, no sounds, no cold, no air, nothing. Everything had been taken away as if the pain was so great that she stopped feeling it in order to survive that. She couldn’t hear anything, but an empty hum through her ears and the slow beats of her own heart. Everything was a blur of black and white for a moment, silence and void were all she could feel for that moment.
She blinked a few times and everything was normal again; well, almost. The princess could hear her surroundings again, the colors had come back and so did her perfect vision, but she still couldn’t feel anything. Star looked at the Wand on her hands, white knuckles from the force she held the Wand like it would be the one thing to save her.
Then she realized it was her escape boat, she could use to go away from there.
Falling for him was sweet and wonderful, but now she had hit the ground and it broke her. It hurt so much… It was enough. Star wanted to wake up, she wanted to take it back, she wanted to get away from him…
Star wanted to go home.
“Marco…” She called without looking at him.
Whatever it happened while she had that little breakdown, it calmed Marco. Star noticed she could hear again; he was rambling something, but the princess couldn’t comprehend. Once she had said his name, he got silent to hear what she was about to say.
“I’m leaving.”
He sighed, clearly exhausted from the heated fight they just had. Marco scratched his neck and looked at the sky. “Ok. Maybe it’s better for us to chill out and talk later”
She gave her back to him, extending the Wand ahead of her, the wind waved through the blond strands and dress-skirt gracefully; the portal ahead of her glowed and obligated him to close his eyes briefly because of the light.
Star took a last glance at him, head up, a tear escaping without her noticing. His eyes widened and the look he gave her it was like he was in pain by her miserable state, eyes pitiful for her. She didn’t need that look either. She was tired of all the drama, angst, tears and pain from those weeks.
Suddenly her cheeks went numb, but she couldn’t care less.
“Goodbye, Marco.”
Thus, without any further ado, she got into the portal and went home.
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Can you guys believe my tea was actually nicknamed TEArs?! Absurd *drinks TEArs* 
I know things look bad, but trust me, it will be fine... one day... soon... or late... maybe... No Spoilers.
See you in the next soon :D
(song 1 / song 2)
>>>>>>>>>>>> Chapter 11: After Shattering >>>>>>>>>>>>
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owen-jackson · 5 years
Slipping || Jackson & Amabella
Date: April 4th, 2019
Location: Amabella’s Cell
Summary: After caving and getting high with drugs that he stole from Noah (self para here), Jackson goes to the only source he knows of to get more: Amabella. After making him beg and agree to do her bidding, Amabella gives Jackson what he needs. 
Amabella: Amabella still loathed her sad excuse for a room. However, she had done things in order to make it a little more tolerable. The bunks had been pushed together by Kalani. At the end sat a full set vanity complete with lighting perfect to do her makeup in front of. It had been something she had manipulated a master to obtain her. Truly, if one looked in the cell they could be reminded of Al Capone's cell. The authority that both wielded while still prisoners spoke in volumes. Amabella sat in front of the vanity applying foundation. It was all too easy to see his reflection hovering outside her cell. Oh, her sweet little fire cracker! He was almost adorable when he radiated nervousness. Amabella gave no sign she had seen him. He was here for something he desired and her ego dictated that he be the one to speak first. Ah, finally he spoke her sweet name. With a smirk she turned around on her cushion. "Yes, mon petit pétard?"
Jackson: His head was reeling at the fact that he was even there, but the pale sickliness of his skin and the way the sweat broke out over his forehead showed he was definitely in need of something, anything. Somewhere, in the back of his mind, he knew, he just knew that this was going to happen. He knew he'd fall of the rails, and he knew that the moment Amabella had mentioned being able to get drugs, he was done for. So here he was, moping around the doorway to her cell, the one that looked far less like a cell than most, but he wasn't focused on that. He takes a step into the cell, his eyes glossy and tired, rimmed with dark circles that looked worse than ever. "You know why I'm here." He says through gritted teeth, as if he could get away without her making him beg for it.
Amabella: Even in the reflection at this distance she could see quite clearly how pale and sickly he looked. Truly Amabella did not even need her keen eyes to know that he was suffering from the beginning of withdrawal. What a delight to see such disease in him! Amabella could manipulate him and use him however she pleased now. As she supplied the drugs to him she would only get him more addicted. Then she could use that addiction to further his loyalty to her. Really, Amabella was in need of a good minion. Of course she had other weak willed slaves and masters she had dominated to get as she pleased, but there was no true minion. Jackson could be such a person to her! She turned around and made no move to cover the lingerie she wore with her fine silk robe. How did one ever think she was simply a slave by looking at her? She smirked very dangerously. "Oui, I can guess, mon petit pétard. However you will speak the words out loud."
Jackson: Jackson's breath is laboured, amazed that even after the small amount he'd been able to steal from Noah enough to give him barely two highs, and already his body was craving it like nothing else. He felt cold and hot all at once, staring at the woman with a mixture of hatred and need. He hated the way that she clearly knew what he needed, and yet she needed to hear it. A hand comes up to run over the back of his hair, hating the way the buzzcut feels under his fingers, sharp and scratchy. Fuck. He looks at her with hatred and disgust when she turns around, but the expression probably comes across as more pathetic than anything in his current state. He looks down, defeated, because he knows what he needs, and he knows he's not going to get it without asking, hell, begging probably. "Please. I need a fix. Anything. Coke, pills, anything, fuck if you can get your hands on heroin, please." He says, glossy eyes glance back up looking at her with a pained expression.
Amabella: How pathetic the human body was! Amabella had been one of course, but now she was powerful and the being she was always meant to become. You did not fault someone for being a baby once and shitting itself. So one could not blame her for being human once either. Of course she would make them pay if someone ever tried. Amabella could clearly see his signs of withdrawal. Of course she was curious where he had gotten his fix. Those who worked for Marco were not to sell to Jackson without her permission. “You have had drugs, Oui? Where did you procure them?” Amabella crosses one slim leg over the other. She observed him in a manner that predators did. Hearing him speak brought a smirk to her painted lips. “Oui, of course I can obtain anything you so desire. My connections run very deep indeed. However, my price is not cheap. Those in this organization know not to sell to you without my permission. See, you have been very rude to be before. You have not shown me the respect I deserve. Why should I sell to you?” She smirked and beckoned him closer with a dainty finger. “Convince me.”
Jackson: Jackson looks at Amabella with tired eyes, hating the way she watches him like a kicked dog who's just coming back for more. "I didn't buy them." He says, because he sure as hell isn't going to drag Noah into this. "I stole them. Don't worry I can't get anymore." He says, rubbing a hand over the back of his short hair, hating the way it feels, dropping his hand to his side. Of course she'd made it so that he couldn't get anything elsewhere, and that makes his jaw tense with anger. But the anger drops because what else is there for him to do? He couldn't steal more from Noah, there was no way Mercy was going to supply him with anything, and he sure as hell was in way too deep now. He looks at her, feeling the most broken he's been since he's come here, his body aching and tired. "Because I'm asking nicely." The words were meant to have far more bite behind them, but instead they just sound weak. He takes a step forward, dropping his gaze, running a hand over his face. "Please, I am begging you. I really just need something."
Amabella: His answer was not satisfactory. The simple fact was that he has secured drugs. Of course she had to find out if he had gotten them from the organization Marco left behind. “Where?” She demanded again, her smirk falling away. “Did you steal them from my organization?” If he had would he admit such? He would have to pay if he had stolen from her. How foolish and stupid he must be! Did he think being angry with her would entice her to sell to him? Amabella laughed though it sounded harsh. “Nicely? Non, mon petit pétard, you are not asking nicely. How stupid are you? I hold you only fix in my hands and you dare come here to demand your drugs? Non, you will beg. You will treat me like a queen.” She smirked when he drew closer. Oh how wonderful and alive she felt wielding this power. “I said convince me. Kneel. Beg me for your fix.”
Jackson: "From a friend." He says, shaking his head. "I can't get anymore." He says again, this time his voice a little weaker, because of course he'd rather get what he needed from a different source, but he was out of options and desperate. His gaze shifts upwards, the anger lost and replaced with need, and the pain of knowing he'd have to beg. Of course he'd have to beg. Jackson was prideful, but stripped away as he was, left as nothing more than the shell of a broken man, there was not much else he could do. He looks off to the side for a moment, his expression pained and conflicted before he sniffs, looking back forward. Two more steps forward and Jackson sinks to his knees in front of her, gaze casting down, his usual gruffness lost and replaced with desperation. "Please... I will do anything you want, I just need something, anything to make me stop feeling like this. Please."
Amabella: It seemed he would not give up a name. How sad. However, as she observed him he did not seem to have stolen it from her organization. it was perhaps the tone to his voice that alerted her this was an avenue he could no longer use. That was perfect for her! He surely did not think that she would not make him beg? Not after the respect he had refused to show her in the past. No, he would beg. Jackson would be reduced to her minion in return for his drugs. How delightful it was to watch him kneel! "Anything?" She echoed with a smirk. "Now that is delightful to hear. Still, I am not convinced. You have refused to show me the respect I deserve in the past. How do you intend to make such a slight up to me?"
Jackson: Jackson was a proud and angry person, and there was very little that reduced him to this. He was disgusted by himself, the way that he gave in so easily, so quickly. He'd made a promise and that promise was all but gone, quickly ebbed away by his vices that had a stronger grip on him wanted. He looks at her with wavering eyes when she asks if he'll do anything. "I won't hurt anyone I care about." Because he knew he'd be doing enough of that on his own, he didn't need to be doing it for her. "Other than that. Yes." He knew it would take great lengths to get what he wanted, and he was desperate for it. "I'm sorry." The words taste bitter in his mouth, but his voice is weak. "I'll do whatever you want, and I won't... disrespect you anymore." The last part he has to force past his lips, because in his eyes Amabella definitely did not deserve any of his respect.
Amabella: Oh how she adored seeing him so angry! He was weak and it clearly showed. His addiction would be the downfall of him. Of course she had spotted that during their initial meeting. Amabella has quite the talent for leaning someone’s weaknesses and exploiting them to her advantage. The sight of Jackson kneeling before her delighted her so much! Truly this was the thing of beauty. “Non, I do not think you are in a position to set terms. You will do as I say whenever I give you an order.” She smirked. “In return I will supply you with whatever you desire.” She purred in delight. “That is such a sweet thing to hear, mon cherie. We are about to enter into a wonderful partnership. You will become my little minion.” She leaned forward and tilted his chin up with her finger. “You look so wonderful on your knees.”
Jackson: Jackson could have growled with the way she spoke to him, and looked at him. He knew to her he was nothing more than a possession for her to play with. But for once he knows better than to let his anger take hold, and instead he remains silent, his eyes cast downwards. His jaw clenches when she says she’ll state the terms, and he knows he has nothing left to barter with. He had his limits sure, but those would stretch the more desperate he got. His chin lifts easily under her finger, eyes looking up now to meet her gaze, broken, defeated. She’d won. He wanted to spit in her face and get as far away from her as he could, but he was in too deep now. “Thank you.” He says through gritted teeth because there was no more room for sarcastic comebacks or wise ass remarks.
Amabella: Let him be angry. Sooner rather than later he would learn she held all the power. Soon he would realize that he was lucky, no blessed, that she would supply to him what he needed. So, let him be angry. The stray dog was always angry until it learned who the true master was. Then it became obedient and submissive. Amabella would break him with his addiction to turn him loyal to her. Amabella laughed. How sweet it was to hear him speak like that. “You’re welcome.” She purred. “What is your poison?” Of course she held everything he could ever want.
Jackson: He couldn't look at her too long, his eyes drifting down to avoid her mocking gaze even with the finger pulling his chin up. The laugh from her lips made him want to curse, but instead he stays still, on his knees like an animal. Hell it'd be one thing if she was a mistress, who held real power in this place, but he'd been dwindled down to begging someone else that had a damned collar around their neck, and it all left a sour taste in his mouth. "Heroin." He says, his voice gruff and quiet because this was it, this was his downfall and there was no turning back. He'd tried so many times to get clean, but they never seemed to stick, and he had no hope in hell in a place like this.
Amabella: She laughed. How delightful! He truly thought avoiding her gaze would make this all go away? No, he belonged to her now. He may hate her now but she would get his loyalty in the future. The collar surely meant nothing. Amabella was able to procure power from him. She was above Jackson. “Heroin.” Amabella repeated and nodded. Yes, she could easily procure that for him. “Oui, I can sell you heroin. Of course, my price is very steep. I am not interested in money. Tell me, what can you offer me?”She had demands in mind but would you with him first and hear his ideas.
Jackson: Jackson wasn't sure if he was more disgusted by Amabella or himself at this point, eyes focusing on a spot on the floor while she mulled it all over, of course taking the time to make him squirm. His jaw was clenched, biting back his smart tongue that would threaten to ruin all of this. He glances back up, brows furrowing, resisting the urge to roll his eyes. "What do you want?" He says, a pained look on his face. "If you don't want money, what is there? Sex? Someone to boss around? What do you want?" He says, forcing himself to keep his voice from coming out angry or sarcastic.
Amabella: How delightful it was to watch him squirm! She leaned back and smirked at her prey. Yes, he was angry but it was of no bother to her. His jaw clench betrayed him. It was such a simple way to bite back ugly words. However, he was proving to be learning. He was smart enough to know that if he disrespected her again she would make him pay and further delay his drugs. “Non, I asked you what you can offer. I can obtain money from others. Sex as well. Though perhaps some day I would not mind sleeping with you once more. You were quite spirited.” She giggled. “I know what I want. However, what can you offer?”
jackson: Jackson focuses on his breath, looking at her with eyes that are filled with anger, distress and desperation. "I don't have anything. Nothing of value." He says furrowing his brows a little more. "It's just me, that's all I've got." He says, hands rising and falling quickly with a shrug, because he never really thought of himself as someone that had all that much to offer. "I can do whatever you want, okay? Is that what you want? You can boss me around and shit, you can feel like big slave on campus."
Amabella: Amabella was not distressed by the anger in his gaze. Why should she be? She was the one in control who held all the power over him. If he desired his drugs then he would continue to crawl to her. She smirked. Oh, he was sometimes so delightfully foolish at times. Did he not see that it was him that she wanted? Her smile faltered for one fleeting moment. “Remember to respect me. If you do not, I will deny you your drugs.” Amabella did not like his tone as he described her the big slave on campus. “You will serve me in some manners, though. I do need someone to gather information for me. Anything else I ask of you of course.”
Jackson: Jackson nods a little, because what else could he do? He was at her mercy if he wanted what he needed, and fuck, after everything that had happened lately, and the fact that the small amount he had been able to steal from Noah was leaving his system, he knew he needed it. "I'm sorry." He blinks down, knowing he needs to get his anger and his rage in check. He wasn't much of an actor, his fury always shining through at the worst of times, but this was different, and he knew he'd have to behave, even if it was reluctantly. "What kind of information?" He asks, working to keep his tone even and calm.
Amabella: It was so dearly satisfying to see him silent for once! Truly, it proved that any dog could be trained no matter how angry it was. She smirked and saw the desperation take over in order to promote his good behavior. It would be rewarded and then that would only cement in his mind that he would be rewarded when he pleased her. “Good boy.” Amabella purred. She reached for her phone to tell one of the drug deals under her to bring heroin to her cell. He would be here in a few minutes he was not far. “Your heroin is on the way.” She informed Jackson. How delightful this whole arrangement was now! “Whatever I desire to know on whoever I want. I know the power of good information. You will be at my beck and call to do any errand I want. Of course you will be discreet about this whole affair.”
Jackson: He could have screamed with the way that she called him a good boy, like were a dog or something. He half expected her to pat his head like one too. Though when she speaks next his heart lurches slightly fingers curling against his legs as he keeps his gaze low. “Okay.” He says with a curt nod, biting down hard on the inside of his cheek. So far it wasn’t too bad. Sure his pride was hurt and he’d have to get over that, but it wasn’t too bad. “Anything else?” He blinks, his gaze not wavering from the spot where he stares on the floor.
Amabella: In time he would accept his place below her. Amabella would train him to be a good little minion for her. How wonderful it was to see the way he reacted to the drugs. Surely it was like one of Pavlov’s dogs. She smirked and leaned back to further survey him. “Do you fully understand that you will not tell anyone of anything you do for me?” He did seem dense at times so she had to make sure. There was a knock on the bar and she glanced up. Ah, there was the dealer. He looked at Jackson kneeling before Amabella and chuckled. “Good luck kid.” He already knew how dangerous Amabella was. Handing her the heroin he then left. She twirled the package in her hands. “Is this what you crave?”
Jackson: It was painful, mentally, to kneel there like an actual slave, especially to someone that had a collar around her neck just like him. He swallows, eyes focused ahead of him, doing everything in his power to keep his cool. "I understand." The words lack his usual punch, his heart rate a little quickened in anticipation of what he knows is on the way. He jumped slightly at the way the knock sounds against the cool metal of the cell bar, eyes shifting from their spot to stare back at the man who walked in. His jaw clenches, nostrils flaring slightly, tongue ready to spit venom, but he keeps his lips shut. Eyes flicker to the small baggy that's handed over to Amabella, fingers curling at his sides, wanting to reach out and grab. And sure, maybe he'd be able to grab it, run, and get away with it this time, but he knew it was only a matter of time before he'd need more, and more, and more. He looks up to Amabella, eyes locking on the bag in between her fingers. "Yes." He breathes, feeling the sweat prickle at the back of his neck. "Please." He manages to spit out because, now, with it in his sights, it is the only thing he can think about, and he needs it.
Amabella: If he was truly upset about kneeling to her he truly needed to understand that Amabella Dufour was no slave. The collar may adorn her neck but that was simply where it ended. She was no weak slave below anyone. Amabella smirked. How pleasant it was to see him like this! As the heroin was delivered she could do nothing but chuckle at his response. It seemed the dealer truly understood Amabella and saw nothing amiss with Jackson kneeling before her. She thanked him and dismissed him as her prey became her focus once more. “You may have it then.” Amabella smirked and held it before him. “I would like information about a certain guard named Ale. What is his schedule everyday. Who does he often talk to. You will report back to me each day.” Amabella dropped the baggy in front of Jackson with a smirk. He belonged to her now.
Jackson: Jackson keeps his eyes low as the other man leaves, and he could have sworn he heard snickering under the other's breath, and it made him want to turn around and pummel the guy into the ground. But it was neither the time nor the place, and his eye focus on the baggy of what he really wanted. Eyes widen when the bag is held out to him, and he hesitates for a moment, because this was just another step in the path he was on, and he was quickly realizing that there was no turning back. "Fine. Okay." He says quickly, nodding, fingers reaching out and snatching the bag before she could decide otherwise as it was dropped onto the floor in front of him. "Is that all? Can I go?" He asks, because his skin is crawling for various reasons and he wanted to be far away from Amabella.
Amabella: If Jackson made trouble for her or any of the people who worked for Marco, he would find himself in trouble. Amabella would be sure of it. Jackson was her minion, her stray dog now. He looked so terribly desperate as she dangled the heroin in front of him. Truly she wanted to laugh! What a treat this was to see him act truly like a begging dog. “Good boy.” She smirked. Amabella leaned back once more. “If you get caught and you ever utter that I supplied you or you were gathering information for me, I will cut you off. I will make sure no one ever sells to you again. You will not approach anyone in my organization for another fix. They are aware that only I will supply you.” She smirked. “You may leave. Say thank you for what I have provided you. I did so enjoy our last tryst. I would so enjoy another go with you. The next time you feel the need to engage in hate sex, you do know where to find me.” She smirked at him and allowed him to go.
Jackson: The good boy was something that almost made him snap. He wasn't a dog, or a child, and yet, here she was treating him as such. "I won't." He grimaces, knowing that right now, she was quite literally his only option, and he hated that with every fibre of his being. He grits his teeth again, the baggy clasped between his fingers tightly, as if she could reach out and grab it away at any second. He knew it wouldn't last forever, and he'd have to return to her again and knowing him, he'd be even more desperate than this time, with how quickly he was slipping. "Thank you." He says, keeping his gaze down because he couldn't bare to see the smugness in her eyes. Appreciation given, no matter how begrudgingly, Jackson pushes himself up to his feet, face flickering with annoyance, because in this moment, sleeping with Amabella again sounded like the worst thing in the world. He gives her no more words as he quickly turns and leaves without looking back, his hands shoving into his pockets as he huffs off to find somewhere more private.
0 notes
bestfriendforhire · 7 years
Entry 292
 “Blame Mila if the size is wrong, but each of you have one suit for the moment.” I stated once most everyone had gathered in the ballroom.
 “Man-slave, this isn’t remotely cute.” complained Emma.
 “Come on… looks kinda badass to me.” argued Brandon.
 “Only you would think that.” stated Brenna.
 Staring at me intently, Portentia said, “I prefer my other suit.  What are these even for?”
 “They’re prototypes of enhancement technology designed by Jarod and enchanted by me.  They should make each of you faster and stronger.  Alma, Jarod, Mila, and Aurora have already tested their suits and found them quite satisfactory.” I explained.
 “Who’s Aurora?” asked Emma and Brandon nearly simultaneously.
 Oops.  I needed to focus more instead of letting my mind wander.  I had been wondering what Alma was doing that she’d miss this and considering when Jarod and the twins would be back from their honeymoon.  “Aurora’s a student through Best Friend For Hire who has a great deal of potential.  For those of you who are willing, I’d like you to get changed and meet me out back afterward.  You’ll find getting there much quicker, but please don’t injure yourselves or anything else goofing around.”
 “What does Aurora look like?” inquired Emma with a grin.
 “A girl.” I stated, frowning at her.  “No, Emma, you can’t date her, and I’m fairly certain you wouldn’t be interested.”
 “But man-slave…” started Emma.
 “No, woman-slave.  This really isn’t up for discussion.” I told her.
 “Woman-slave?  Are you calling me some sort of tramp who sells out her body and mind to the highest bidder?” she teased with a grin.
 “Sharing a profession that started your nickname for me, I thought it appropriate.  Just go get changed if you’re willing.” I told her.
 “We could all just change here.” she suggested.  “I’m sure no one would peek.”
 Raine had been using her suit as a pillow, but Emma, Raine, and their suits were now gone.  Arguing with Raine when she’d had enough was difficult, so I didn’t really think Emma would pursue her course any further.
 Cosette giggled and said, “Raine’s so adorable.  I sometimes wish she’d stay a kitten all the time, but then she does something so cute as a human.”
 “Can you become a kitten?” I asked.
 She winked and asked “Wanna see?”
 “I was merely thinking that would give you another way to bond with Raine, given that she really does seem to adore cats.” I explained.
 “You’re no fun.” she pouted.  “But yes, I can become many sorts of cats.”
 “I hope the suit’s effective for you.  If I figure out how to tweak the enchantment’s design a bit, you and Brandon should be able to transform while wearing it.” I told them.
 “Cool.  Why aren’t you wearing one if these are so great?” asked Brandon.
 I sighed before saying, “The magic gets cancelled out by my innate abilities.”
 “Ouch.  Sorry, dude.” he replied.
 Cosette’s form seemed to melt and then jump into her suit where she became her normal self again.
 “This… James, this is amazing!” she exclaimed.
 “Huh?  You’re just standing there.” stated Brandon.
 “You’ll see!” she exclaimed, suddenly darting to him.
 She was much faster than she had been.  The suit worked on vampires!  I had thought everything should work fine, but I was very pleased that it did.
 “Whoa.” stated Brandon, leaning back from her.
 “I’m convinced.  Brandon, you should forget about yours.  You don’t need one.” teased Brenna as she hurried out the door at a jog with her suit under her arm.
 “Psh.  She wishes.  I’m totally trying one of these things.” he replied as he followed after her.
 After seeing Cosette move, Portentia seemed to be caressing hers.
 Moving to her, Cosette said, “You need to try this.  The difference is too incredible to miss.”
 “What if it doesn’t work?” she muttered.
 I stepped over to her and waved my hand to get her attention.  “What if it does?” I asked.  “I assure you that we can make one to suit your nightly activities.”
 Her smile was beautiful.  I knew that was bothering her.  Portentia absolutely adored her Calamity costume.
 Mila appeared across from Portentia on the mirror and started signing as she said, “The enchantment works for me.  If something’s a bit off, the master can always tweak it further until everything’s working as it should.”
 “Let’s be off then.” I told them.
 Cosette quickly grabbed my arm before saying, “We’ll be a bit.  I need to feed if we’re going outside.”
 “Yes.  Sorry.  Good point.  I’ll tweak the lighting a bit out there for when you arrive.” I assured her.  “Meet us when you can.”  Then I paused again, turned to her and said, “I think I have an idea that might help.  I’ll see about making the next version for you count sunlight to some extent.  I don’t think I’ll be able to make one that won’t cause an odd visual effect, but we’ll see.”
 Smiling, she told me “Thank you, James.”
 “I’m going to go take Marco his.” I told them, before grabbing the suit and walking off.
 Marco was in the kitchen, working on something that smelled of lemon.
 “Ah!  Boss, sorry I did not make the a meeting, but I cannot stop in the middle.” he told me.
 “I understand completely.  Mila had told me that you were indisposed.  I’m not sure if you’d be interested, but Jarod and I did some interesting things for enhancement technology.  I think you could get use of it as well.” I told him.
 “Oh?” he asked, looking up.
 “You’ll be able to move faster, which might allow you to work on multiple things with even greater ease.  You also won’t need to use a potholder ever, since there are spells that will protect you from heat.  You’ll just have to be careful not to break anything, since the increased strength is substantial.  If you decide not to keep it, I’ll dispose of it for you.  I just thought everyone might get some use out of it.” I explained.
 “Sounds impressive!” he assured me.  “I will be sure to a give it a test.”
 Smiling, I said, “Thank you.  Feedback would be appreciated.  If you have any trouble with it, I can attempt to adjust the enchantment on it.  Jarod can probably make some more adjustments for a better fit if necessary.”
 “No problema.  I am always grateful to be here.  You have made a wonderful home.” he told me, grinning.
 “I’m glad.  The rest of us will be out back if you finish early and care to join us.” I told him.
 He nodded and thanked me again, so I headed out.  When I stepped outside, Raine jumped up from the ground, her suit was shredded on the fresh snow.  I walked over to her while watching Emma do acrobatics across the yard.
 “I-I’m sorry.  I-it... c-couldn’t...  k-keep up.” she told me.
 “No need to be sorry.  Looks like your fur did a number on it when you transformed.  I should’ve guessed.” I assured her, patting her shoulder.
 “S-sorry.” she stated.
 Smiling, I said, “Don’t be.  Really.  I wouldn’t have troubled you with it, but I didn’t want you to be left out.  Mine didn’t work out for me either.”
 She nodded, saying, “I-I heard.”
 I wondered how far away she was by the time that was mentioned.  Her hearing was so incredible.
 “So why did you take Emma away earlier?” I asked, feeling curious about her motives.
 Raine blushed as she mumbled “I-I… s-she… B-b-but w-what s-she…  N-no.  W-we c-can’t.”
 “Don’t panic.  I was just a little surprised.  I can try getting her to restrain herself a bit more around you.” I suggested.
 “B-but… s-she w-wouldn’t be Em-Emma.” muttered Raine.
 “Fair point, I suppose.  I just don’t want you to feel uncomfortable.” I told her.
 “G-good luck.” she told me with a small smile.
 Emma ran over and hugged us both, saying, “You two are adorable!  I mean, Raine’s obviously more adorable, but you’re really not so bad yourself, man-slave.”
 “Thanks?” I asked.
 “Don’t mention it.” she told me with a wink.  “I’m loving this suit.  I obviously can’t keep up with you still, but I feel sooo fast!”
 “Care to do a little exercise while waiting then?” I asked.
 “Only if Raine’s up for it.” she replied.
 Raine fidgeted, obviously uncertain of what she wanted.
 “Please, Raine.  You need to practice too.” claimed Emma.
 “F-fine.” agreed Raine.
 The two of them started play-fighting, and I dimmed the light in the area for Cosette’s arrival.  Anyone who was able to see them clearly could tell.  Even with Emma enhanced by the suit and Raine in her human form, Raine wasn’t putting in any effort.  I was happy to see that she was implementing proper technique for the most part.
 Plants started growing up through the snow in a large area around the two, and Raine started giggling.
 “N-no f-fair!” she exclaimed as she laughed.  She fell to the ground.
 “Emma, what did you do?” I asked.
 “Would you believe someone spread Nepeta cataria seeds every few feet throughout your yard?” she inquired.
 Staring at her, I said, “Huh?  What’s that?”
 “Catnip.  There happens to be a number of other plants with similar effects as well.  I wonder who would’ve done such a thing?” she asked.
 “Gee.  I wonder.” I stated, trying not to smile.  Only Emma would have tried catnip on Raine.  I turned around to see who was coming out, and found Brandon and Brenna looking nervous.
 “Sorry, man.  We kinda goofed.” stated Brandon.
 “Sorry, James.” muttered Brenna.
 “What’s wrong?” I asked.
 “We kinda broke a wall.” explained Brandon.
 “Don’t worry, master.  Replacement panels have already been ordered, and both culprits will be docked pay until the expense is covered.” stated Mila from my phone.
 “Oh.  I’ll cover the replacements.  I could’ve been more clear about needing to be careful.” I told them all.
 “As you wish, master.” replied MIla.
 “You really don’t need to!” exclaimed Brenna, waving her hands as if to tell me to stop.
 “It was our bad.” stated Brandon.
 “I’m not worried about the money.  Everyone slips up occasionally.  Just come out here and start really testing those suits out.” I told them.
 “Thanks, man!” exclaimed Brandon.
 “We really are sorry.” stated Brenna.
 “Relax and have some fun.  Oh, and try not to step on Raine.” I warned them.
 “What happened to her?” asked Brandon.
 “Emma’s using biological warfare.” I explained.
 “Come on…  she’s enjoying herself!” exclaimed Emma, now tickling Raine.
 “S-stop, y-you b-bully!” exclaimed Raine, though she didn’t even attempt to push Emma’s hands away.
 “James!” exclaimed Portentia as she ran out of the house.  “It works!  Can you have my new suit ready for tonight?”
 “That may be a little difficult.  I need a little break before I enchant another one.  The spells were a bit complicated, and I… I really just don’t feel up to it at the moment.  Sorry.” I told her, unwilling to mention that I didn’t want to think on how I enchanted most of them.
 “Oh.  It’s okay.  I might do something with this one for now.” she told me, obviously disappointed.
 Cosette put her hand on Portentia’s shoulder and said, “Don’t feel bad.  You’ve already taken out so many baddies without the suit, so the city can wait for bit.”
 “I’ve also been late at times.  Even with Mila guiding me, I’m just not fast enough all the time.” complained Portentia.
 I lifted her chin and said, “I can’t be fast enough all the time either.  We can’t save everyone, but be thankful we can save some.”
 Just keeping the ones closest to me safe helped make my world a better place.
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