#i wonder if luffy feels that way about 17 sometimes
ace-no-isha · 1 year
one thing i can say is no one loves luffy like i do he is my baby forever i do not care
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idontknowanametouse · 24 days
Straw hats enbys (Law is here btw. Don't question it)
Tw: mentions of abuse and the trauma that comes with it
Autistic and non-verbal. Communicates mostly through sign language, but also does other stuff so more people understand him (this headcanon is originally made by @sailing-ever-west, all credits go to them). Shouts a lot, hyposensitive to most stims, absolutely no social cues get to his head, stimming in every way possible, big autism eyes, special interest in beetles and sonic ("it doesn't exist in one piece universe-" ssh shsh shhh) does not get sarcasm or lies at all, needs a caregiver to help him on day to day life, spends a lot of energy in simple tasks, has meltdowns that include self harm when emotionally overloaded (like in Sabaody and after Marineford).
Has ADHD, due to it has a really hard time when learning new stuff that are complex. Needs to have some medicine from Chopper so he is able to function without running or drifting away on his thoughts, as it is very severe and affects much his life (I don't know much about specific symptoms of ADHD, please forgive me)
Smaller than you'd think for a 17 years old, so people think he is younger due to his complexion and baby face. Has lots of scars, from childhood and pirate years. His skin is dark and black hair is always messy.
The absolute nonbinary (agender, but he doesn't care about that) and aroace icon, an AAAAA battery (autism, adhd, agender, asexual, aromantic). Romance? Sex? Gender? What's that? Never heard of it, can you eat those? He loves his crew! And he is Luffy! Although he got used to he/him, absolutely does not care about which pronouns you use for him.
So thin people could think he does not eat enough, but that's only because he is always running through the ship and spending A LOT of energy, so the amount of food he eats does not show off on his body type.
Favorite colors are red and white, this last one cause of gear 5 (it looks like freedom).
Makes a lot of noises, and has one specific for each nakama. They just know which is who, that way, he can call them without anyone else noticing. Also, when he doesn't like someone, just stops trying to talk and goes screaming towards them, which is a little terrifying to see.
Sometimes, after Wano, he can hear Nika. He told the crew about this and everyone freaked out ("WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN YOU CAN LISTEN GOD?????")
Calls Ace and Sabo frequently, and, after film Red, Uta, too. Those moments, a tired Usopp is grabbed to translate to the Den Den Mushi literally everything Luffy says, which is, like, A LOT.
Bros with Zoro, likes clinging to Nami and Law, makes very big puppy eyes to Sanji when he appears on the kitchen wanting food, teaches everything he knows to Bonney (everyone thinks he is a bad influence)
Listens to any kind of music, but really likes brazillian rap and funk
Always on the same fucking clothing, washes it once a month as Luffy himself barely bathes, always on flip-flops or chinelo how we call it in Brazil
Says he is scared of nothing, but is actually scared of one thing: carnivore plants. Those little motherfuckers.
Before he ate the fruit, he was already really good at gymnastics for his age, and now he uses it to improve his fight style (everybody keeps wondering how he does these sick moves. I mean, yeah, he is made of rubber, but even rubber has limits?????)
Only Makino cut his hair before, back at his village. After a few weeks when she entered the crew, Nami had to convince her to let her do it cuz it looked like shit. She is the only one to wash it and clean it, and even though he was makes it back to looking like a mess.
When he gets tired, he usually just lays on the ground and feels Sunny move through the waves below him. It's kind. Sunny is always very kind, so was Merry.
His favorite people are his crew. If you mess with them, prepare to fucking die. After all, a captain's role is to protect the crew, and he loves them.
Autistic, special interest in creating stuff. Hypersensitive to lights, no voice tone control, has lots of social scripts and mental notes about human behaviour, has a hard time telling if people are being sarcastic or not, has frequent meltdowns over visual stims that involve a lot of crying.
Has ADHD, BPD, anxiety and depression. Alongside his compulsive lying, it really makes it hard for him to build relationships that last long, as he feared being hurt, then sometimes ended it so it wouldn't hurt but it did anyway, and other times being abandoned. Thought it was his fault and has a lot of hidden self-loathing due to "screwing it up". Due to that, Kaya was his only friend before the straw hats, as she understood it was not his fault and also knew what it felt like to be left because of something you never asked for in the first place and didn't choose. Usopp has some downs episodes in which he really needs help to find again his will to stay alive, and those times he clings at Robin.
Even though his height is pretty average, just a bit short, his thin body makes him look smaller than he is. Is black, has many freckles, usually keeps his curly hair in a bandana because he doesn't want to spend much time with it.
Nonbinary, but just noticed now when he first heard of it. He feels like something, but it's not a man nor a woman. Very in love with Kaya, they started dating right before he left Syrup Village (I am taking this from the live action thank you very much)
Very good at fishing, one of the best ones on crew, only loses to Jinbei. Always complains that Jinbei wins just because he is stronger and can grab bigger fish.
Favorite color is yellow and orange. It's all over his room, kind of overwhelming.
Whenever he is sad, he speaks to himself as if his mom was there, telling her the adventures he and the straw hats had.
Always calls Kaya and always looks like he is about to melt in a puddle of honey because of how sweet his words are. He really loves her.
Besties with Nami, they like gossiping and being the only people with common sense on this crew. Usually creeped out by Robin, but likes her companion most of the time. Infodumps a lot with Franky about ships and building. Gets along very well with Brook for some reason absolutely nobody knows.
Loves rap and does some himself, is actually good (opposite to Franky. Sorry, dude).
Wears more loose clothes at the ship, but when he is out is always wearing the Sogeking fit in case of a battle (Chopper and Luffy were stunned).
Scared of way too nice people. Has never actually seen one before he entered the straw hats and normally they end up trying to kill them, so yeah, this kind of people doesn't seem very trustworthy.
Likes theater. This shouldn't be a surprise, but is better at it than anyone would think. Never shows his true skills and when he does, people are so stunned they don't get that's actually Usopp.
The girls use him to try make up. At the start, he protested, but ended up liking it. Now, they call him for the girl night outs so he can try their new make ups.
Likes telling the litte Merry the stories about the crew's new adventures. She is still there, after all.
Even though he calls himself a coward, is one of the bravest crew members and can and will fight you if you touch his nakama.
Autistic reindeer (don't ask). Does not get social cues, can't differenciate human faces for some reason. Special interest in medicine. Often struggles when showing love. Has a lot of flappy hands. Meltdowns involve overload of auditory stim.
Very little and furry (not like a furry tho). Is hugged by Bonney like a teddybear. His horns often fall for some random season reason, but they always grow back, don't worry.
What the hell is a gender? Literally does not know. Only knows about sex because of medical reasons, but has no knowledge about how it might affect or not a human's gender cause he doesn't know what's a gender. Couldn't care less which pronouns you use.
Even though he is the member of the crew with the lowest bowty, he is so cute he is the most well known of them, and SOLELY BECAUSE OF HIM they get recognized as the straw hat pirates. This ended up to the plan of a- pretending he is a teddy bear (Bonney loves this option) or b- pretending to be an itty tiny baby (Robin loves this option cause she is the one to carry him in this situation)
Favorite colors are red, pink and light yellow. A cutie.
Knows some light bad words, but everyone is very wary to not swear around him because they know Robin would kill them if she heard Chopper swear.
Very attached to his medical stuff as most of them are Hiriluk's. Whenever some of them breaks or has some defect, he panicks and starts crying and running to Usopp so he fixes it.
Constantly calls Kureha, even more than the other nakama do to their families, cuz he sometimes needs some medical advice from her on those super-specific-situations-that-can-only-happen-at-one-specific-rock-in-grand-line. She always knows what to do for some reason.
Besties with Bonney for being the only kids (he's 13 btw). Very attached to Robin and Zoro, once called them mom and dad and made both have a heart attack. Always likes to be around Nami, Usopp, Vivi and Karoo as they are the five weakest and the "coward gang". Trying to learn surgery from Law, even though he knows his methods might be a little unusual.
Likes musics he calls "soft". What that means, nobody knows. He just says if a song is soft or not soft at all.
Likes wearing human clothes, unfortunately, the only ones he finds in towns are those for babies. He is mocked by Bonney because of that.
Terrified of bats. If he hears one, he will probably faint. Vampires are the worst creatures to be ever born.
Likes sewing, even though it developed solely to create clothes for him that aren't for babies. Will patch the crew's clothes, but refuses to make new ones for them.
Has opposal thumbs because. Well, he ate the human fruit. And he needs them. It's very practical, actually.
Stims by jumping and rocking back and forth, it feels nice.
Very defensive of his nakama. Even though he is not the most threatening guy in the world, he definitely can become.
Autistic, special interest in music, stims vocally literally everytime he can, has no social understanding of others, does not get sarcasm or lies, never had different facial expressions, hypersensible to emotions.
Blind since childhood, carries a white cane with them, learned to use observation haki to feel better their surroundings. Literally nobody noticed until they asked for a book in braille, and then Brook was like "what do you mean you didn't know?"
Taller human (well, kind of human), when alive was black and has managed to keep their afro, always used round sunglasses but now doesn't because. Well. They got no eyes. Was already very thin, but now is even more due to. Yknow. BEING A SKELETON.
As they spent a lot of time alone, they could find out they were neither a man nor a woman, they are way too much amazing for that. They are just the crew's musician (and grandpa)!
Nobody knows how the fuck they manage to eat, sleep and poop. Chopper tries to find out, but still can't figure how this happens. Brook isn't bothered at all, Chopper poking around them tickles (another question Chopper has, how the fuck you feel tickling without nerves or skin?!)
Don't has a favorite color, but always says it's purple when people ask. Never explained why.
Does not swear, is startled by it.
Sometimes speaks to themself due to spending such a long time alone. These moments, some member of the crew will help them and stay around until Brook feels better.
Knows how to play every fucking instrument ever. It's REALLY impressive, and nobody knows how ("I'm such a mysterious person yohohohoho")
Besties with Jinbei, Franky and Robin. Likes bothering Law and making him try to kill them, it's fun. Lets Robin teach Bonney biology by letting her disassemble and try to assemble them again (Bonney feels bad if she assembles them the wrong way, but Chopper always calms her down by putting everything on the right place).
Loves every music ever made. Even bad songs will sound good if they play it, it's their superpower.
Wears victorian-like clothes that were fashion literally 50 years ago. Refused to change their closet even after leaving Thriller Bark, with just a few fun additions.
Very scared of ghost stories. Some will make them even pass out.
Very good at logic puzzles, those kinds of charades of, like, "A needs to sit on a bus with eleven seats but has fought with half of the people and B is in love with them and wants to stay near them and C", yeah, they rock this shit.
Sometimes ends up breaking a bone. The first time everyone panicked, but Chopper managed to put it in a cast and it was alright.
They love touching stuff that are making sounds at the moment. The vibrations feel really nice.
Not the biggest fan of killing people, but doesn't mind causing some heart attacks to those who have hurt their crew.
Autistic and nonverbal, used to communicate through sign language as a kid but then changed it to writing because of Cora. Special interest is Germa 66 fandom stuff. No facial expressions. Absolutely hates bread due to it feeling awful. Hypersensitive to touch. Does not know and does not want to social interact. Has shutdowns in which he can't move.
Has PTSD due to the destruction of White Town and Cora's death. Often has flashbacks and will sometimes go on a violent frenzy, at these moments needs to stay in a closed space so he can get out of it.
Has dark skin, but there are a few small white patches that look a lot like vitiligo as scars from the white lead. Black eyes, hair and goatee, has many tatoos and scars through their body, a little taller than average and kind of strong. Has a tatoo of the name Cora over his heart* (no, it's not corny, shut up).
Transmasc and nonbinary, found out a few months after leaving Donquixote Pirates. Chose Law as it was close enough to his deadname so it would still match with Lami's. Also aroace, very grossed out by romance, PDA and sex. Finds all of these to be pretty stupid.
Thought the straw hats were gonna hate them because of the whole "we are not allies" thing and just tolerate their presence because Luffy helped them after they lost the Heart Pirates. He was really surprised with how kind everyone (well, some were not kind, but still nice) was to them, and, for the first time in a long, long while, let themself cry, alone, on the bedroom, while thinking about their crew.
Favorite color is black. He is very emo. Vivi keeps calling him an e-boy in secret. He can never know.
Would swear a lot if he had the energy to do so solely by writing. These times, he uses his favorite sign, the middle finger.
One day, Franky saw him praying for his loved ones, alone. He didn't say anything, but nobody complain when he added a room to the ship for personal praying and paying respects to deceased loved ones.
Almost never makes noises, just when caught off guard (lil surprise exclamations), and because of his writing communication, also developed the habit to register everything that happened. Heard the stories of the crew and is now writing down everything, an unintentional diary writer.
For some reason, Yamato really wants a spar with them, but Law keeps saying no. He feels better around Robin, Vivi and Zoro, as they never bother him. Needs to keep his door locked so Luffy, Usopp, Nami and Bonney won't borrow (steal) his shit all the time.
Likes rock, yeah, but has a special love for indie, more fandom-niche songs, like the phenomenom of "Harpy Hare".
Wears solely emo, goth or punk clothes, nothing else (yes, his hat fits these styles perfectly). Spends a long time chosing their clothes, actually.
Scared of dogs. Just doesn't like the fact they are too hyperactive, unpredictable and have sharp teeth (maybe that's why he is a lil scared of Yamato too).
Learned to play some ukulele as a kid, but is not the best at it now. Has only played to the heart pirates and the straw hats, as he never had the chance to do so for Cora.
Uses eyeliner, but few people actually realize it. The girls did, and want him to teach how to do one so nice like his.
Due to being a surgeon, is VERY aware of diseases and dirt, and has forced everyone to take showers and change clothes regularly because his ass is NOT staying in a ship where people bath once a month.
Has lots of fidget toys he keeps on his pockets. Whenever they get nervous, they just pick them up and nobody asks.
Is afraid of losing this crew too, so gets even more merciless than before towards people that want to hurt any of the straw hats.
*I think I'm really clever because of that cuz Corazon is the spanish for Coração which is the portuguese for Heart so it's even more corny Law does not know about the romane languages logic and let it be visible for me mwahahahahahaha
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soulslimes · 1 year
the monster trio as dpr ian songs
bc the 'dear insanity' ep is coming out in literally a day and im insufferable for dpr ian and one piece....sue me
Peanut Butter & Tears | MV
peanut butter & tears is about two things: the highs and lows of existing and childhood
even though luffy still spent a good chunk of one piece as a child (bc a 17 year old is a child) he still tackled a whole bunch of things that adults could find 10000% traumatic and had to face it in a somewhat mature way
Specific lyrics that fit:
I hardly do as I am told I feel the magic in those times (We know, we know) I hate to see your tea get cold From leavin' the door open too wide
Sometimes I'm | ALBUM
there really isn't a clear cut explanation for this. this kinda boils down to this being a song of conflicting emotions and y'all know...zoro sometimes is an emotional brick.
i guess another reason why this would fit is because it all feels sudden. kinda like sudden whiplash? which very much was luffy and zoro's first interaction.
Specific lyrics that fit:
Sometimes I'm I'm wondering, how did I get this Gun to my head in the first place? I'm doing just fine
Ballroom Extravaganza | MV
the dpr ian song inspired by controlled chaos.
normally, this might fit luffy bc ~chaos~ but i chose it for sanji because of the chaotic purposelessness throughout the lyrics of the song
kinda like if you're getting told off by someone who cares about you deeply and are kinda introspectively evaluation your life and what's its true purpose....
also, sanji has hella self-worth issues, which is something this song also kinda tackles lyrically
Specific lyrics that fit:
How does it feel to be alive again? Stop holding on with your dear breath You're one step closer to me On the ballroom extravaganza
yeah, so that's it. i might do this with the rest of the strawhats but once the new ep comes out! this is just some stupid little brain worm give to me by hyper fixation, totally feel free to ignore it lmao
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sanjisock · 3 years
more than words
50 words; 50 sentences
#01 - Motion
A spinning kick, a swing of blade — the two meet and hit but don’t hurt, and Nami sighs exasperatedly at such a pathetic display of a mating dance.
#02 - Cool
Zoro stands his ground as his enemy — finally, finally — falls unceremoniously on his back, unconscious, and Sanji thinks for a moment that the sight of Zoro — wild and victorious and ready to take on the world — looks kind of, maybe, slightly cool.
  #03 - Young
Brook sees the two — dying to die for each other, the weight of their friends’ lives pulling down their shoulders — and he thinks too many people forget how young they still are.
  #04 - Last
The Cook is the last person Zoro would consider lending a hand in a fight — “who would want to work together with that dumbass anyway,” he lies whenever anyone asks, and doesn’t admit that it’s because he trusts Sanji’s ability to stand his ground, wholly and fully.
  #05 - Wrong
Sanji knows Zoro, like him, understands better than most — that this nakama thing isn’t just something you’d die for, but something you’d kill for, too.
  #06 - Gentle
Sanji manages to catch Kitetsu before it rolls off from the deck during a storm, and in that moment, Zoro knows, from the reverent way he regards the swords in his hands, that this isn’t the first time the Cook has wielded one.
  #07 - One
“Calm down, Marimo,” Sanji says with a dismissive wave of his hand when Zoro asks about the sword a few days later, “I’m not about to take your place as the ship’s swordsman; a cook doesn’t use his hands to fight, and I had a terrible teacher anyways.”
  #08 - Thousand
“I’m worth two thousand men,” Zoro grumpily says, almost sulking, and Nami can’t resist patting his head like she would to a little boy pulling the pigtail of a girl he has a crush on.
  #09 - King
You’re like the prince of Dumbass Kingdom, Zoro says, and it takes Sanji everything in him not to blurt out, Dumbass Kingdom sounds about right; wait ‘till you see the fucking king.
  #10 - Learn
Watching Sanji converse fluently with a couple of tourists in a Northern language, Zoro wonders when he will ever stop learning something new about Sanji — or if he ever will, at all.
  #11 - Blur
When Zoro finally comes to, the wounds from Bartholomeow Kuma is muted by Chopper’s medicine, a dull throb at the back of his consciousness; but the sharp pain against his heart feels raw still, visceral and razor-sharp, tucked alongside the ache of Sanji’s sacrifice.
#12 - Wait
“Wait,” he manages to croak out before Sanji flees the room, the word spilling out unbidden; he isn’t quite sure why, but he knows that he wants the Cook to stay.
  #13 - Change
“Have some fucking decency ,” Sanji yells, throwing a shirt at Zoro’s direction; the brute has been walking around the ship bare-chested like an eyesore ever since they entered the summer island, and Sanji is just trying to do everyone a favor — and definitely not because there’s a different kind of heat pooling at the pit of his stomach.
#14 - Command
Robin watches the two in amusement — Zoro could have easily refused to be Sanji’s pack mule, and she can hear him grumbling about it still; and yet, here they are, once again, together at the island’s marketplace.
#15 - Hold
Sanji is rough around the edges, bristling at the slightest touch; Zoro knows he needs to be gentle, but he doesn’t quite remember the last time he held something that isn’t a hilt of a sword, without meaning to hurt . It’s a learning curve. 
  #16 - Need
Sanji knows Zoro is a dumbass, but it takes a special kind of stupid to think he would never be good enough for Sanji, when he’s all that Sanji has ever needed.
#17 - Vision
Zoro never regrets losing his eye, but he wishes, sometimes, he could still take in the sight of Sanji with an unimpaired vision, just to see more of him.
  #18 - Attention
“You’re starting a fight, Marimo?” Sanji growls, voice low and dangerous, and Zoro thinks, yes, yes, anything to get you to look at me.
  #19 - Soul
He loves the kid like a brother, but sometimes Zoro hates how Luffy can easily see past his gruff words and feigned ignorance; the way Luffy only needs to take one look at him to guess, “you’re worried about Sanji, aren’t you?”
  #20 - Picture
He carries around everyone’s bounty posters, Sanji tells himself, and tries not to think too hard about how the only one he kept in his breast pocket is Zoro’s, folded neatly against his heart.
  #21 - Fool
“This is the dumbest thing you’ve ever done so far,” Sanji says when they part, lips still tingling from their earlier kiss, because Zoro’s love is fierce and consuming and Sanji knows, ever since he was just a kid with the iron mask, that he doesn’t deserve any of this.
  #22 - Mad
“Don’t you ever say that kind of shit again,” Zoro snarls, slamming the wall beside Sanji’s head, his voice trembling with a kind of anger Sanji has never seen him with before — frustrated, desperate. “You’re important to me, Cook.” 
  #23 - Child
Grow up and cast your dreams away, Sanji tells himself every day, the voice ringing in his ears; you stopped being a child deserving of a dream the moment you chained Zeff down to the ground.
  #24 - Now
Grow up and cast your dreams away, Sanji wants to tell himself, but the voice stutters, drowned out by the sight of the kid bleeding on the deck of Baratie — he’s a swordsman, too, acknowledged by none other than Dracule Mihawk himself — but a kid still, throwing himself headfirst towards the case of his dreams, steps unweighted by regrets.
  #25 - Shadow
Zoro doesn’t know which is worse — Sanji, forever running away from the shadow his brothers cast; or Zoro, chasing after someone who is no longer around to leave behind a shadow anymore.
  #26 - Goodbye
After Whole Cake Island, there’s a period of time where Zoro would follow Sanji around the ship like a lost puppy, unwilling to let the Cook out of his sight; Usopp definitely didn’t expect Zoro to have such a cute side, and crouches over his new invention to hide his smile.
  #27 - Hide
“We’re not doing that here,” Sanji hisses, and forces himself not to laugh at the pout on Zoro’s face; the galley might be secluded enough, but they’re still on the enemy ship’s galley.
  #28 - Fortune
It is annoying, the way Sanji keeps reminding Zoro that he could have collected Mihawk’s bounty and lived the rest of his life in wealth; especially when Zoro would trade any riches in the world just to stay by the Cook’s side.
  #29 - Safe
It catches Zoro off guard when Sanji starts talking about his mother; it’s a short anecdote, a single happy memory, but Zoro can tell by the way Sanji tells it — guarded and hesitant, like he wants to keep the words close and safe — that he has never shared it with anyone else before.
  #30 - Ghost
Usopp starts shaking like a leaf as soon as they enter the abandoned, dilapidated house, and Sanji gently tells him, sometimes the worst ghost is the one you create yourself; Zoro feels the weight of Wado on his hip, and agrees.
  #31 - Book
“I don’t need this,” Zoro grumbles with a blush, pushing the book back into Nami’s hands, trying hard to ignore Nami’s laughter and the words ROMANCE FOR DUMMIES emblazoned on the book’s jacket.
  #32 - Eye
Shusui sinks into the man’s stomach, all the way to the hilt, and Zoro thinks of the way Sanji curled into himself as the man landed a lucky hit on the cook’s hand. An eye for an eye.
  #33 - Never
“This is my first time,” Zoro whispers, head ducking away as he feels his face flush at the admission; but Sanji’s hand rests on his cheek, encouraging, and he can feel the curve of Sanji’s smile as their lips meet and Sanji replies, “it’s mine, too.”
  #34 - Sing
Luffy cheers when Zoro and Sanji comes into view, and he lets them take on the next batch of enemies; a good fight is always fun, but watching Zoro and Sanji fight is even more so — like watching a dance that only those two know the melody to.
  #35 - Sudden
“What, are we supposed to be surprised?” Nami says, barely looking up from the map she’s working on; Sanji sputters, face redder than the tomatoes he served during breakfast, and Nami feels almost bad for him.
  #36 - Stop
“But we — Zoro and I — how did you know?” Sanji asks, and promptly stops asking questions when he realizes the rest of the crew aren’t surprised either; who could blame them, when his and Zoro’s sexual tension can be seen from a mile away.
  #37 - Time
Sanji knows they have to break apart soon, just to breathe, but right now all he cares about is to taste as much of Zoro as possible — he has waited two years for this, and it has been two years too long.
  #38 - Wash
They have their fair share of fighting — and how, considering the amount of repairs Usopp has to do for Merry just from their petty fights alone — but what the crew doesn’t know is that they also have this thing, this quiet thing, just him and the Cook and a stack of dirty plates between them.
  #39 - Torn
“In retrospect,” Robin observes, “dressing up our dear cook in a maid uniform would not only lower the enemy’s firepower, but also ours, considering how distracted our swordsman has clearly become.”
  #40 - History
“Why do you keep him around, mister?” The kid asks, pointing at the old swordsman with three swords and an eye scar by the peer; Sanji laughs, pats the kid on the head, and says, almost wistfully — “you can say we have some history.”
  #41 - Power
Sanji tugs at Zoro’s sleeve, and Zoro follows suit despite his complaints — Sanji thinks, distantly, how much of an honor it is, to have so much control over such a powerful man.
  #42 - Bother
“I didn’t have enough time to make this three-tier ice cream cake for our lovely Nami-san and Robin-chan because you distracted me!” Sanji says with a hard jab of a finger against Zoro’s chest, and Zoro thinks, good .
  #43 - God
Zoro does not believe in gods, but there’s a hymn of a noise when Zoro presses his lips against the crook of Sanji’s neck, the hallelujah of the world breaking apart as their bodies move together, and he thinks, close enough .
  #44 - Wall
 Zoro slams his fist into the wall of Polar Tang, and is taken aback by the depth of his own frustration; he knows Luffy and the others will get Sanji back from Big Mom’s place, but it unsettles him still, the way Sanji hides himself under layers of pretenses when Zoro has bared so much of himself to the Cook in return.
  #45 - Naked
“What the fuck was that for , Mosshead?!” Sanji shrieks, justifiably furious, leg raised and on fire after Zoro sliced his tray into two without preamble; Zoro can’t exactly tell the Cook he did it because he was too surprised at the sight of Sanji in a swimming trunk and nothing else.
  #46 - Drive
Why Zoro , people sometimes ask, but the answer is easy to Sanji — nobody drives him crazy the way Zoro does, and is that not what true love feels like?
  #47 - Harm
Zoro knows Sanji will be furious ; but as he faces Kuma, knowing at least the Cook is out of harm’s way, he knows he would do this a hundred times over, a thousand times over, a million times over.
  #48 - Precious
Sanji is sitting by the corner of the infirmary, face pale with red-rimmed eyes, and Zoro thinks he’s never had that, before — people who would weep for him, knowing that he is more than dried scars and calloused skin.
  #49 - Hunger
This thing we have is dangerous, Sanji tells him, but Zoro doesn’t care — he already has a craving, the same way he needs a booze when it’s been too long, except he thinks that this vice will surely kill him.
  #50 - Believe
This isn’t faith; this is the truth, Zoro’s truth, the same way he knows he will become the Greatest — Sanji will find that elusive sea of his, and Zoro will stay with him until it is the last thing he can do.
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imalemonthatrants · 3 years
Alien Invasion Apocalypse AU LawZo
Detailed summary fic style, because I can't write full fics without wanting to die. This one is pretty fragmented with my ideas, so it'll be choppy. I just wanted to put out my dark!Law and Zoro fic. Alien!Law and Human!Zoro
Part one, cause I didn't realize I was going to write such a long fucking world building opening. Dark Lawzo should be found in part two. I will admit, it does seem pretty zolu in this though.
Earth was invaded by aliens when Zoro was 18 and chilling at Luffy's place, a promise to the younger boy's older brothers to take care of Luffy until they came back. Not that Zoro needed to make that type of promise, as he saw the excitable, straw hat wearing boy as his own younger brother, but sometimes, it's the words being said that make his resolve that much stronger.
And his resolve to take care of Luffy and make sure he stayed safe and alive in the midst of an alien fucking apocalypse had to be strong when it came to the crazy boy.
At first, Zoro convinced Luffy to wait at home, in the throes of their city where the aliens have yet to descend to, that's protected by policemen and army men and all that jazz. It worked well for about a week before Luffy declared that they should just go to Ace and Sabo instead. Two people that were in two very different locations.
It didn't help that civilian communication lines have gone completely down, leaving them in the dark of how the two brothers were doing. And Zoro, though he KNEW that staying in a well guarded and protected place was the best course of action, was also secretly worried for the two men. Anyways, Luffy had him watching his back, and there's no way Zoro would let Luffy die in any way, shape, or form without him dying first. And he doesn't plan on dying.
So they leave. Literally having to sneak out the city turned base with a food supply that Zoro clumsily gathered and in an old beat up car. Luffy, of course the shitty brat, goes through what Zoro had thought would be a week's worth of food within a day, they're fucking lost as all hell, because the GPS obviously doesn't work, what with satellites being taken over by aliens, and neither of them really knew which way to go, and aliens could be at the next fucking exits they take, ready to kill and murder them or capture and enslave them or whatever the fuck the aliens were doing with humans. Fuck if Zoro knew at that time.
How they got from that fucked situation to it being a year later, Zoro, 19, Luffy, a young 17, and somehow, the kid is a beacon of HOPE to humanity in a world on the brink of destruction against another species far superior in all ways to humans. Through that year of struggle, as they go from city to city, war zone to war zone, trying to find Ace and Sabo, who's fled their original location as it was one of the first places to be attacked, Zoro's stuck by his promise without a hint of hesitation.
He's taken plasma bullet after plasma bullet for the younger boy. Clashed plasma swords (that he's looted or snatched off of unsuspecting aliens) against plasma swords aimed at his precious best friend's neck. He's learned to keep one eye open in the nights, as both of them slept like the dead, and grew experienced in battle, in fights against creatures physically stronger and faster than him. He's broken bone after bone, bled out pint after pint of blood, but he never hesitated to follow Luffy into battle. Doesn't hesitate to go through with Luffy's definitely-not-a-plan-but-Luffy-says-it-is plans and fully supported the straw hat wearing boy through all his choices.
But even then, Zoro knew that Luffy was wearing down. Through their travels, they've met people after people, saved hundreds and lost handfuls, and all of them grew to rely on the never faltering smile that was etched onto Luffy's face. But Zoro knew Luffy, and despite the insanity and seemingly unstoppable force that the boy portrayed, Luffy was still that.
A young boy.
And the fact that they've yet to see or hear about his older brothers were beginning to weigh on the boy. It's there, lingering in Luffy's eyes, when he's staring up at the skies, away from prying eyes. Luffy, no matter how naive he acted or seemed, knew what he meant to their current growing army. He was their source of strength, their rock, the anchor to weigh them on rocky ocean waves, and him showing weakness would only incite fear and incertainty.
One night, long after a wild party thrown for another close victory in a skirmish against the aliens, Luffy had shuffled over to his side. ("Zoro, let's have a sleepover!" Luffy said with his usual odd laugh. It's not much a sleepover, considering they've been sleeping next to each other for the past year, but Zoro lets the younger boy call it that.) Even though there was plenty of room to camp out in the worn and battered building, Luffy had slid his bedroll next to Zoro's, connecting the two with the zippers and slipping in to curl next to him.
Surprisingly, Luffy doesn't chatter away like he always did until he fell asleep. The boy doesn't fall asleep, either. Zoro knew Luffy wasn't asleep because they've slept next to each more times within the past year than they had in the other remaining 10 years that he's known the kid. He's stayed awake from the pain of his injuries, listening to his very much alive and mostly unharmed best friend breath in and out, a snore often times breaking the rhythm, and occasionally, some sleep talk.
So it doesn't surprise him when he felt Luffy's fingers grip onto his tattered shirt, head bowed against his back.
"...Do you think Ace and Sabo are alive?" Luffy asked quietly, then and there, his voice so weak, so fearful, that Zoro could be told it was someone else other than Luffy, and he'd probably believe them.
But Zoro knew that this was Luffy. And if he were to be honest, he would tell the boy that he didn't know, that with how the world was currently there was a high chance that they weren't. But he doesn't. Instead, he told him,
"Of course."
Because who was Luffy to rely on if not for him, the boy's best friend and the one who's followed him throughout this entire journey through a time of chaos and danger.
Luffy chuckled into his shirt, grip relaxing, the tension leaving his body.
"If Zoro says so, then it has to be true." Luffy said sleepily, his voice so calm and serene that Zoro doesn't regret lying. "Zoro never lies to me."
Even with those words slipping out of the boy's lips as he went to sleep, Zoro does not regret. Instead, he simply believed in his own words, silently reminding himself of a promise to two men and pressing himself back against the younger boy as he fell into a light sleep.
It was weeks later, when their close victories were slowly becoming closer and closer to losses. Not quite losses, as at the end of the battles, it is they that come out on top, the aliens forced to retreat back instead of scouring the area for stragglers to kill or enslave. But the increasing number of casualties, the way the aliens were beginning to become stronger and more powerful than before, now with unique abilities that Zoro had believed only to have existed in fiction, and the way Luffy was beginning to exit battle more and more battered, as Zoro is unable to defend the boy's back as much due to the increasingly difficult opponents, told a different story.
Then it finally happened. The end of yet another close battle, Luffy, weak and wobbly, perhaps from lost of blood and blows to the head. A falling water tower loosened by the battle around them. Zoro doesn't hesitate, as always. Doesn't hesitate to rush over, forcing his battered and destroyed body over to knock the boy out of the way pounds of falling steel.
A broken corner of a steel plate jammed into his body, knocking him down to his back. He's clumsily trying to resist the weight of gravity and steel with his arms, trying to stop the mess from completely cutting him in two and he could feel muscles and tendons and ligaments snapping, bones succumbing to a weight that his battered body could not longer support. Vaguely, he could feel support pipes stabbing through him like a pin cushion in his stomach and his thighs and something crushing parts of his ankles, guaranteeing that he would not walk out of this alive.
There's water, too. Dripping onto his face, but Zoro wondered if it was sweat or blood, and knew for a fact that the warm liquid he felt pooling under him was his own blood.
When everything finally settled, when the fog of exhaustion clears a little to every single bit of his body screaming of pain, he made of Luffy's voice. Shrill, distressed. He could hear the boy banging at the steel that's piled on top of him, could feel parts shifting, making him wanting to scream as metal dug deeper into his body with every movement.
"ZORO." He could hear Luffy scream. The boy repeated it over and over, and Zoro gritted his teeth, because moments before this, he saw the telltale signs of reinforcements coming in. Enemy reinforcements.
"Luffy." Zoro forced out, his voice more steady than he had expected.
"Zoro, you're okay!" Luffy replied back. "You're okay. I'm going to get you out of this." And Zoro gritted his teeth at the relief in the boy's voice, glad that the other cannot see the state his body was in.
"No, Luf." Zoro said. "You have to go."
"...What?" Luffy said, small and frightened.
"Luffy, you have to get away." Zoro repeated.
"No!" He could hear the boy scream, anger and desperation in his voice. "No! I'm not leaving you here! I can get you out!" The metal moved some more and Zoro held back his scream, even as tears pricked at his eyes, blurring his vision more than it already was.
"Luffy." Zoro choked out. "There are more coming. I saw them."
"It's fine! I can beat them." Luffy shouted. "I can get you out of this!" The metal shuffled more violently, stars dancing in Zoro's vision.
"Luffy, no." He gasped out. "You can't stay. Everyone needs you, Luf. You need to get them out of here."
And this paused Luffy. Zoro knew it would, because he knew Luffy felt responsible for the lives standing behind him. A responsibility Zoro never wanted to use against the young boy. But he had to, to get Luffy to live.
"...I can't leave you here." He heard Luffy whisper. And Zoro squeezed his eyes shut, guilt hurting him far more than the physical injuries that he had.
"I can get out of here on my own." Zoro lied.
"You're lying." Luffy said, his voice shaking. Zoro forced out a laugh.
"When have I ever lied to you?" Zoro said. Luffy doesn't respond, and Zoro pushed once more.
"Just go on ahead, I'll be right behind you."
"...You promise?" Luffy asked, voice as small and weak as the night of their sleepover many nights ago.
"Yes." Zoro said, without hesitation. "I promise."
There was the sound of shuffling, but to Zoro's luck, no shifting of the metal.
"You promised, Zoro." Luffy said, his voice low. "So I better see you again." And then there's the sound of Luffy's footsteps as it grew quieter and quieter as the boy went further and further away.
No doubt, Luffy would try to come back with others, but Zoro is also damn sure that they'll stop Luffy from doing so, because they've probably seen the signs of reinforcements coming in as well.
And because Zoro promised Luffy, he truly did try to escape his steel cage. He forced the snapped muscles and crushed bones of his arms to uselessly push at the steel plate stuck jabbed into his body. Even as it caused the feeling of blood to pool more and more underneath him. Even as his vision goes black for brief moments from the pain. Because as long as he was still breathing, he had to try.
He doesn't know long he had left. Doesn't know how long it'll be for the alien reinforcement to arrive and cut out his possible escape, despite his inability to move anything. He does know when they arrive, though, because he could feel the strange pressure the stronger ones emitted, oddly enough, gathering around him. There's the faint murmur of alien language, that's mostly drowned out of the sound of his own gasping breaths, as he felt his body slowly give up despite his urging not to. And that's all he remembered as he felt the spike of the deadly pressure sending him into what he thought would be eternal darkness.
Zoro doesn't expect to wake up, later on, well and alive, chained naked onto a cold, steel table. Nor the inhuman golden eyes staring coldly at him as he awoke.
"For a human," the alien said, shocking Zoro as he never expected them to speak their language, "you're rather durable." The humanoid creature walked over to him, a needle filled with an unknown substance in their claws. "Perhaps my efforts in keeping you alive will reward me with a subject that won't die within minutes."
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purplehairedwonder · 4 years
Hearts With(out) Chains Chapter 2
Fandom: One Piece Rating: PG-13 Pairings: Gen (eventual Lawlu) Words: 3297 Characters: Trafalgar Law, Penguin, Shachi, Bepo, Jean Bart, Boa Hancock, Emporio Ivankov, Jimbei, Silvers Rayleigh, Donquixote Doflamingo Note: I’m taking my turn at the Corazon!Law AU because my brain won’t leave me alone until this is written down. Tags will be updated as the chapters come out.
The story title is based on the Ellie Goulding song “Hearts Without Chains.”
Summary: Law is reclaimed by the Family when he’s 17 and, with Doflamingo holding the lives of his crew as collateral for his good behavior, eventually becomes the third Corazon. Years later, trapped by his impossible situation, Law can’t help but resent Monkey D. Luffy for offering a glimpse of something he’s repeatedly had ripped away from him: hope.
Previous chapters: Prologue | 1
Read also at AO3 / FF.N
Law stared out over the Calm Belt, the forbidden land of Amazon Lily at his back. His crew puttered about around him, regularly complaining about not being able to go further onto the Isle of Women. Law, for his part, had bigger concerns; despite being on the Calm Belt and in the territory of another Warlord, he still half-expected the familiar sails of one of Doflamingo’s ships to appear on the horizon.
The aged straw hat in his grip felt fragile somehow—like its owner currently was—as Law absently turned it over, the crackling of the woven straw grounding him in a way he couldn’t explain. He wasn’t sure why, but he hadn’t let it out of his sight since it had been thrown his way as the Polar Tang prepared to dive in its escape.
It had been two weeks since Law had rescued Straw Hat Luffy from the battlefield of Marineford; the boy was still unconscious, though Law suspected that was more to do with his spirit than his body at this point. Though Straw Hat’s recovery still had a long way to go, Law felt confident he would survive—physically, anyway. Immediately after the surgery, Law would have given his chances at, optimistically, fifty-fifty, but each day his heart continued to beat in his repaired chest improved his odds.
As for when he’d wake up, well… the teen had suffered an immense trauma, his body falling into unconsciousness as a defense mechanism before Law had even arrived. The emotional pain of losing his brother wasn’t something Law could do anything for. (He was hardly the poster boy for healthy coping mechanisms anyway.)
And so, an entire island waited with bated breath.
The more stable Straw Hat’s condition became, the less Law needed to monitor him, which gave him more time to think; according to his crew, that was never a good thing. They were probably right. Law still had no idea how to explain his actions to Doflamingo. He knew neither he nor his crew would escape this unscathed, but Law found himself contemplating how to minimize the inevitable punishment.
On the day of the execution, Law and his crew had waited aboard the Tang at Sabaody in case Doflamingo called for them, watching the broadcast in the meantime. The moment Straw Hat Luffy had burst onto the battlefield, something had startled in Law’s chest. The revelation that he was not only Fire Fist’s brother but also the son of Dragon had sent shockwaves through the entire archipelago, but as Straw Hat fought for his brother’s life, all Law could think of was that middle initial he’d taken note of at the auction house.
Monkey D. Luffy.
“There have often been people who have the name D. who gained public notoriety, and old people would frown and mutter, ‘D. will surely bring us another storm,’” Cora-san had told him. “And in some places, there are people who call the Family of D. sworn enemy of the gods.”
There was one specific “god” that Law very much wanted to take down, though he was in no position to do so himself.
But maybe…
Well, a storm sure seemed to describe a boy who would punch a Celestial Dragon in the face for harming one of his friends, damn the consequences, and would fight every single Marine, if necessary, to rescue his adopted brother from execution.
And when the broadcast of the battle was cut, the feeling in Law’s chest turned into a tug so insistent that he’d ordered his crew to set sail for Marineford.
“Did Doflamingo call for us, Captain?” Penguin asked once they had submerged.
Penguin shot him a confused look. “Then why…?”
But Law hadn’t been able to explain the feeling in his chest, the absolute certainty that he was needed there, until the broadcast returned, and the Hearts watched Fire Fist fall and Straw Hat mortally wounded.
Law knew he’d drawn attention once the Polar Tang surfaced, undoubtedly looking like reinforcements for the Marines as the second-in-command of the Donquixote Pirates, but then he’d called for that idiot clown to give Straw Hat to him—and it had taken less convincing than it probably should have for him to throw Jimbei and Straw Hat down to the Tang. (Coward.) Law had no idea how anyone else, particularly Doflamingo, had reacted, as he’d been hyper-focused on getting his patients below deck with that tug in his chest demanding he act. The arrival of Red Hair had given them room to escape.
Other than removing Amber Lead from his body as a dying teenager who’d only had his Devil Fruit for a few days, the surgery to save Straw Hat was the most difficult of Law’s life. Operating for sixteen hours with Room activated nearly the entire time had completely drained Law—two weeks later, and he was still feeling the effects, his Rooms flickering out quickly when he summoned them—but he knew somehow that nothing less would satisfy the pull in his chest, whatever it was.
Though he would have liked nothing more than to sleep for days afterward, the presence of a Marine ship when the Polar Tang surfaced had forced him to stumble onto the deck and meet the wary eye of Boa Hancock. As he approached the door, he could hear her asking his crew about Straw Hat’s condition.
“I’ve done all I can,” Law said, wiping his hands on a towel as he came out on deck, willing himself upright in the face of another Warlord. “He was in bad shape. It’s up to him and his will to survive now.” He suppressed a grimace as he considered the damage he’d repaired in the boy’s chest. It was a miracle he was still alive by the time Law had gotten to him.
Hancock eyed him, her expression suspicious. It probably should have concerned him, having her full attention like that, but he was too tired to care.
“And why did you help him?” Her eyes narrowed. “Is this another one of Doflamingo’s plots? What does he want with Luffy?”
“I acted on my own.”
“Why?” That was Emporio Ivankov, who’d jumped down from the Marine vessel. Law, long past the point of wondering where these people were coming from, idly marveled at Straw Hat Luffy having friends like a current and former Warlord and a high-ranking Revolutionary (in addition to a father leading the Revolutionaries) that they would track Law to check on his condition but pushed it aside for another time. “Are you a friend of Straw Hat Boy?”
“No.” Law frowned. He might not be a believer anymore, but he’d been raised with religion and those teachings had never fully left him. The pull in his chest had felt like a sign—something the sisters at school would have said was important to follow. But these people didn’t need to know that. “It was a whim, nothing more.”
“A whim,” Hancock echoed flatly.
But Ivankov chuckled knowingly in a way that made Law feel transparent somehow. “Sometimes instinct drives us to do unexpected things.”
Despite her—entirely appropriate, Law knew—misgivings at working alongside the second-in-command of another Warlord, Hancock had brought the Hearts to Amazon Lily, leaving Straw Hat’s treatment in Law’s hands. It was likely Jimbei’s presence that gave Hancock any peace of mind at Law’s presence.
Law looked up when he heard a light cough. He shook himself as Jimbei came up next to him; he’d been so caught up in his reverie, he hadn’t noticed the former Warlord’s approach.
“May I sit?”
Law grunted, which Jimbei took as acquiescence. He sat down and allowed silence settle between them before breaking it.
“Will you be in trouble with your boss for helping Luffy?” he asked.
Law’s eye twitched. “I fail to see how that’s any of your concern.”
“I was thrown in Impel Down for refusing to fight alongside the other Warlords at Marineford,” Jimbei said. “The World Government won’t appreciate another Warlord’s second-in-command rescuing two enemies out from under their nose.”
Law found his grip tightening around the straw hat in his hand and loosened his fingers. Jimbei hadn’t said anything Law didn’t already know. “What is your point, Jimbei-ya?”
“Doflamingo won’t be pleased.”
“Unlikely,” Law agreed.
“But you will return to him.” It wasn’t a question.
Law looked out toward the Tang, where the boy still slept. “When Straw Hat-ya is well enough, yes.”
“Is that a good idea?”
Law huffed a humorless laugh, returning his gaze to Jimbei. “Whether it’s a good idea or not is irrelevant. When Straw Hat-ya no longer requires my care, I will return to Dressrosa and my captain.” He knew better than anyone that there would be consequences for his actions—and that he had no choice but to face them.
Though he knew there would be consequences for what he’d done, it was Doffy’s silence over the last two weeks that left Law the most off-balance. He’d expected the man to bombard Law with calls, if not follow Law himself; the Calm Belt would be little more than an inconvenience in the face of what he wanted.
But there had been nothing.
He supposed this was one of Doflamingo’s mind games. He would force Law to reach out to him first, to crawl back to him, draped in repentance. Doflamingo undoubtedly felt secure in Law’s eventual return because he forced Law to leave at least three members of his crew behind whenever he went out on a mission. Currently, Ikkaku, Clione, and Uni were back in Dressrosa. Law had felt comfortable leaving them since he’d expected the trip to Sabaody to be quick, an errand he could handle with minimal backup. That had been nearly a month ago. And Doflamingo was right; Law wouldn’t abandon his nakama, so even if he went dark for weeks, the Warlord could be confident his second would return.
Law just hoped those three hadn’t already been punished for his actions.
Jimbei frowned and opened his mouth to say more, but he was interrupted by a banshee scream coming from the Polar Tang.
In mere moments, Straw Hat had somehow escaped the infirmary on the Tang (Law tried not to think about what he would find when he boarded his ship again) and made his way to land. As Straw Hat rampaged through the camp, Law caught a look at his face and flinched. The wide-eyed, glassy expression of grief over a pain too great to process was one Law was intimately familiar with; he’d worn it himself, first after Flevance and again after Cora-san.
“Where’s Ace?”
Law’s crew chased after the raging teen, trying to calm him down. Law exchanged looks with Jimbei.
“What’ll happen if we just leave him like that?” Jimbei asked as Straw Hat threw off Law’s crewmates and stormed further inland.
Law sighed, weariness hitting him square in the chest. “It’s simple. If he reopens his wounds, he could die.”
Jimbei grimaced and pushed himself to his feet. “I’ll go.”
“Your wounds could also reopen,” Law pointed out. Not that anyone seemed to care about his professional opinion.
“Better me than him.”
Law blinked at Jimbei’s back as the former Warlord followed Straw Hat’s path. He shook his head, once more wondering at the allies Straw Hat found himself with, and turned away. He continued looking out over the water, clenching his jaw at the sounds of Straw Hat’s rampage in the forest. He suppressed the urge to cover his ears, the pained sounds echoing through him and digging at Law’s own shallowly buried grief.
Eventually, the cacophony faded out, leaving the cliffside eerily quiet. His crew started moving around once more, though they were subdued in the wake of what they’d just witnessed.
“What the hell is that?” Shachi said suddenly, pointing out over the water.
Law frowned. There was some kind of commotion in the bay. What the hell?
“Is that a Sea King?” Penguin asked, joining Shachi.
“Is something fighting it?” Shachi yelped as Bepo and Jean Bart came up behind him.
The commotion came to an end almost as quickly as it started. One moment, the beast was thrashing violently, the next it was still.
“It’s dead,” Jean Bart murmured. “What could do that in the Calm Belt?”
There was a splash just below the cliff. Looked like they were going to find out. Law readied himself to make a Room—it wouldn’t be as big as usual and wouldn’t last long, but it would be something—but dropped his hand as Silvers Rayleigh climbed over the ledge, dripping water. Law watched the man warily as he explained that he’d swum through the Calm Belt. Monster.
Eventually, Rayleigh’s gaze turned back to Law. “You’ve created quite the stir, saving Luffy like that.” He smiled, though there was something in his eyes that made Law straighten. “Luffy is here, right?”
“I doubt you would have come all this way unless you knew the answer to that question already, Rayleigh-ya,” Law replied.
Rayleigh chuckled. “Fair enough. How is he?”
Law studied the older pirate for a moment then made a decision. “He just woke up. He’s still in rough shape; he’ll need to rest for at least two more weeks so his wounds close properly.” The grief, on the other hand, would take much longer to heal, but Law left that unsaid. Someone like Rayleigh would know that well.
Rayleigh nodded thoughtfully. “But his life is out of danger?”
“As long as he lets his wounds close, yes.”
Law’s lips twitched. “I take it we’re being dismissed, Rayleigh-ya?”
Rayleigh outright laughed at that. “Well, that’s not how I would have put it.”
“But you’re here to take over,” Law surmised.
“I’m here to offer Luffy a proposal.”
“And you expect him to accept. I get it.” Law pushed himself to his feet and closed the gap with Rayleigh. He held out the straw hat.
Rayleigh’s expression turned distant for a moment before he came back to himself and took the proffered object with understanding.
“Two weeks,” Law reiterated. “If he pushes it, he could die.” And Law didn’t want the danger he’d selfishly put his crew into to be for nothing.
Once the Polar Tang had set sail, Bepo setting their course based on their eternal pose to Dressrosa, Law grabbed the long-range Den Den Mushi and retreated to his cabin. He placed it on his desk and stared at it as he debated how to approach the call. He wasn’t sure how long he sat there, but he started when there was a knock at his door.
Law’s shoulder’s slumped at Bepo’s voice. “Come in,” he replied.
The door opened, revealing Bepo, Shachi, and Penguin. The trio filed into Law’s room, shutting the door behind them. Law swiveled in his desk chair to face them.
“Calling him?” Shachi asked, gesturing at the snail.
Law nodded. “Can’t put it off any longer.”
“What will you say?” Bepo asked.
Law’s mouth moved but nothing came out. He shook his head. “I don’t know,” he finally admitted. “I caused him a lot of trouble, and he’s going to be furious. But he won’t take it out on me.” Not all of it, anyway.
“We’re with you, Law.”
Law blinked at the use of his given name; he was so used to hearing his title, even from his crew, that his name sounded odd even to his own ears. It made the already-tight ball of guilt in his chest clench.
“I made a selfish choice, and now you guys are going to pay for it. I’m sorry.”
“Why did you save him?” Bepo asked. There was no judgment in his oldest friend’s eyes, just curiosity and trust.
“It was…” Law cast about the best way to describe the tug in his chest because if anyone deserved the truth, it was these three. “It was just a feeling,” he finally settled on. It sounded lame to his own ears as he said it. “I don’t know how to explain it. Like something was telling me it was important.”
The other three exchanged looks, and Law felt his stomach drop. It wasn’t good enough, not for the danger he’d put them in…
“Okay,” Bepo said after a moment.
“Okay?” Law echoed, taken aback.
“Okay,” Penguin confirmed.
“If you thought it was important, then we trust you,” Shachi added. “You’re our captain, Doflamingo be damned.”
“The others feel the same,” Penguin added. “We’ll be okay, Captain. Whatever happens.”
Fuck. What had Law done to deserve them?
Once the trio left his cabin, Law turned back to the Den Den Mushi on his desk. He took a breath and dialed the familiar number. It rang longer than Law expected, but he knew this was another of Doffy’s games, making sure Law would stay on the line—as though he didn’t have the ultimate bargaining chip for Law’s loyalty already. Finally, the other man picked up.
“Well, well. If it isn’t the prodigal son. I was starting to worry, Corazon.”
“My apologies, Young Master,” Law replied, deciding deferential was his best tone at the moment. “I called as soon as I was able.”
Doflamingo snorted. “I’m sure you did.” In other words, he knew Law was lying, but he didn’t care enough to challenge the lie. “Where are you?” he asked instead.
“En route to Dressrosa,” Law said, debating how much to reveal of his whereabouts for the last two weeks. Would Hancock reveal Law had been there? Doflamingo would be furious if he heard it from her first. On the other hand… Law decided to err on the side of sharing as little as possible; it made the most sense for Hancock to keep Straw Hat’s presence a secret, as allying—or even appearing to ally—with a rival pirate crew was enough to cost a Warlord their status. “We should be there within the week.”
“And Dragon’s son?”
“Alive. As is Jimbei.” No point in lying about that.
Doflamingo made an impressed sound. “Straw Hat took direct hits from Kizaru and Sakazuki, and you were able to save him? I should really stop being surprised by your abilities after all these years, Corazon.”
Law hummed in response, recognizing the trap in Doflamingo’s words. Nothing he could say here would turn out well for him, whether he accepted the praise or demurred; no response was his best option.
“As impressive as your skills as a doctor are,” Doflamingo went on when he realized Law wasn’t rising to the bait, “they’ve caused me some serious problems.”
And there it was. Law needed to tread very carefully here.
“I had to convince the World Government that my subordinate acted on his own and that I was still a good little Warlord.” His voice had turned into a sneer, and Law could picture the bulging vein in his forehead. “And promise my subordinate would be appropriately disciplined for his indiscretion.”
“Of course,” Law said. “I’m sorry for causing you difficulties, Young Master. I will, of course, accept my punishment.”
Doflamingo chuckled, though there was no warmth to it. “I’m sure you will. You’re ever the loyal one, aren’t you, Law?”
Law’s breath caught in his throat, his body going cold.
“See you in a week.” With that Doflamingo hung up.
Doflamingo had stopped using Law’s name when he became an executive four years ago, even in private, so hearing it now… His tone was such a contrast to the way his friends had used his name less than an hour earlier, theirs so full of warmth and trust while Doflamingo’s was full of implication and threat…
Law ran a tired hand over his face. “Fuck.”
Next chapter
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wordsdrippinginink · 8 years
Marco/Ace # 20, 2, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 23, 13, 17
We’re gonna go in numerical order and under a read more. Be prepared!
2.“You love me as if I deserve you.”
“You’re staring at me again,” Marco states, eyes still closed. “Why are you doing that?”
“Why do you do it,” Ace asks sprawled across Marco’s chest, head resting on his arms.
“Do what?” Marco asks in confusion finally looking at Ace. “I’m not sure what you’re asking me.”
Ace tilts his head, “You really don’t know?”
“I don’t actually know how to read your mind, love, you do have to tell me what you are thinking.”
“Love me as if I deserve you.”
Marco frowns, “You think that you don’t deserve to be loved?”
“Because I love you? Because the way you smile and the way you laugh make my heart ache. Because I want to cause them both and stay by your side as long as you let me.”
“I don’t deserve you.”
“You deserve me. You deserve someone that will always be by your side and who will love you and do anything that you need. Until then, stay with me, won’t you?”
“Just because I don’t deserve you doesn’t mean that I’m ever going to let anyone take you from me,” Ace says smiling. “You’re mine.”
Sometimes Marco wonders if he’ll ever understand the way the fae purrs the words and his eyes flash with something beyond human, like they mean something more than he could ever understand.
7.“I never say no to a picnic.”
“Where are we going?” Ace whines. “We missed lunch and you wouldn’t stop and now we’re in the middle of nowhere!”
Marco blinks, “I didn’t tell you?”
“Ah,” Marco shakes his head. “I, we were headed out to have a picnic.”
Ace sits up in his seat, eyes going wide and excited, “A picnic?”
���I never say no to a picnic! Why didn’t you say so? We’re going on a picnic!”
Marco grins, “So are you still upset?”
“No way, this is all for a picnic! Where are we going are we close?”
“We’ll be there soon. There’s a bit of a walk, but Haruta says it’s pretty.”
Ace bounces in his seat as Marco pulls the car off the road onto a dirt trail, already out the door and demanding the trunk be open before Marco could turn the car off.
“Whoa!” Ace whispers when they reach the clearing that Haruta had described to Marco. The stream and flowers everywhere. “This is awesome.”
“Worth the wait for lunch?” Marco teases.
“Well if you had said it was for a picnic,” Ace says grinning. “I love it. Thanks Marco.”
8. “There’s only one bed.”
Ace has been actively been avoiding the obvious since Marco opened the door to the hotel room that the company had booked them for the conference. It was glaringly obvious and he knew that Marco had noticed, but he couldn’t bring himself to say anything.
“Do you want the bed?” Marco asks finally. “Since there’s only one.”
“You can have it,” Ace offers.
Marco raises his eyebrow, “You’re the one that has to present.”
“Well, I mean.”
“This is a yes or no questions, Ace, don’t worry so much about it.”
Ace nods and knows that his face is flushed, “We could share?”
“Are you offering?”
“I,” Ace takes a breath. “It’s a big bed. If we put some of the extra pillows in the middle then we won’t even touch each other.”
“If you’re sure?”
Ace regrets nodding when he wakes up the next morning and finds his face pressed against Marco’s chest and Marco’s arms around his waist. He is going to die before this conference is over.
9.“You don’t remember last night at all, do you?”
Marco’s head hurts. It throbs like the time in college he had been dragged to a Greek party by Thatch and his mouth tastes like something died inside it. He winces when he opens his eyes and jerks back at the sight at another face far too close to his own.
Ace mumbles in annoyance and is back in Marco’s space in moments, making soft tired noises as he settles back into sleep.
“Fuck,” Marco whispers. “Fuck, what?”
“You’re so loud,” Ace whines yawning. “Why are you so loud, Marco?”
Ace must hear something off with his answer before he shifts back enough to look at Marco, eyes still unfocused but concerned, “Marco?”
“Oh,” Ace says softly. “You don’t remember last night at all, do you?”
“I’m sorry.”
Ace shakes his head, “No, I probably should have noticed you were pretty drunk. This is really awkward.”
“What did we?”
“You stripped and demanded that I sleep with you because you were gonna tell Izo that I threw up in his lunchbox when we were six if I didn’t,” Ace says grinning. “You passed out as soon as we were both in the bed.”
“Ah, that’s not so bad.”
“Before that,” Marco can feel himself paling. “You proposed to me with your class ring. Which I mean it’s nice but it’s too big for me to wear.”
Marco makes a sound like he’s dying, “I’m so sorry.”
“Why? I said yes,” Ace smiles at him. “I just want a different ring, unless that’s a deal breaker.”
“I can get a different ring.”
“Good, because Sabo says he’s fighting Thatch to be my best man and I already bet that he would win.”
10. “You’re wrong and I’ll prove it.”
“Ace, love, there are no such thing as aliens,” Marco states refusing to look up from the medical report that he had received for their newest case. “I’m sure we would have seen some before now.”
“They’re real!” Ace shouts from his side of the small office that the FBI had shoved him into years ago. “Look at all the evidence we have to corroborate it!”
“That was a frisbee.”
“You have no imagination!”
“I have plenty of imagination, Ace. Aliens aren’t real.”
“You’re wrong and I’ll prove it!”
Ace frowns, arms crossing over his chest as he thought, “By finding Luffy.”
“Your younger cousin that’s been missing since you were children?”
“He was kidnapped by aliens!”
“Of course he was, love. Please eat your lunch.”
(Ace does prove himself right when he drags Luffy and his alien crew to Marco’s house for introductions. Marco has never suffered such a humiliating defeat before in his life.)
13. “I made the mistake of thinking ‘This can’t get weirder.’ Sorry.”
“What the hell is this?” Marco demands staring in confusion at what could only be Silvers Rayleigh and Gol D Roger walking towards them. “The fuck?”
“I made the mistake of thinking that this couldn’t get any weirder. Sorry,” Roger laughs as he moves closer. “What are you doing here, Phoenix? Last I heard you and Edward were closer to Fishman Island.”
“That was almost twenty years ago!” Marco says glancing back to where Ace was frozen and pale. “It’s been years.”
Roger blinks, “Ah, I really shouldn’t have thought that. Is he new?”
“Considering he only looks about twenty years old,” Rayleigh mutters pinching the bridge of his nose. “He looks upset?”
“You could say that,” Marco agrees. “Ace? Love? You alright?”
He ignores the whispered, ‘Phoenix is dating?’ from Roger as he tried to make Ace focus on him. Smiling when Ace blinks and finally says something.
“I don’t like this island.”
“I can tell.”
“Where did you get a boyfriend!” Roger demands. “Marco! Stop ignoring me!”
Ace snorts, “He really does remind me of Luffy.”
“I live in worry about your little brother.”
“Marco!” He glances back at Roger. “Where did you get a boyfriend? We’re friends and it’s not like it’s important to the future!”
“Gol D Roger meet Portgas D Ace. Ace this is Roger, you’ve heard of him.”
14. “We’re in love with the same person. Friendships have been built on less common ground.”
Sabo sighs watching Marco walk away from their study table, “Why does he wear such tight pants?”
“Becuase he’s trying to torture us.” Ace answers dropping his head to the table. “I’m dying.”
“If I pay Koala to turn up the heat do you think she would?”
“Only if Robin was in the building.”
“Shit, I’m texting Luffy. He’ll know where she is.”
Ace hums, turning his head to the side, “I wonder if that will make him unbutton his top.”
“I don’t know but Robin is here and I have to bribe Koala,” Sabo says already moving. “I’ll pick up some water while I’m gone.”
“That’s is a plan. I’ll let Marco know when he comes back.”
17.“I know what I want, when I want it. So get over here.”
“Ace, I don’t know if this is a good idea,” Marco says slowly. “We could-”
“I know what I want, when I want it. So get over here,” Ace orders.
Marco sighs, “If you are really sure?”
“I want my fucking lockpicks, Marco, and you best be getting them into my hands!”
20. “You should see me in my old uniform. I’m pretty sure it still fits.”’
“This is your old uniform?” Marco asks leaning forward slightly. “Really?”
“The skirt is new,” Ace admits smoothing it like he had seen Nami and Robin do previously. “But I think I like it more.”
“And the thigh-highs?”
“Are you saying you don’t like them?”
“Those words never came out of my mouth.”
Ace laughs, “I think my brothers did something or I mixed my stuff up with Robin when we were moving out of the apartment we shared.”
“How mad do you think she would be if you kept it?” Marco asks tugging Ace closer. “Or if it got dirty?”
“You have something in particular in mind?”
“No, just a thought.”
Ace grins, “I’m sure that I don’t care what Robin has to say, she use to dress me up in this when we lived together.”
“Oh good,” Marco says sliding a hand along Ace’s thigh. “Because I think you should keep it.”
23. “We bet and you lost, so you have to do it.”
“You lost,” Ace says from the safety of the kitchen. “You made the bet and you lost, so you have to do it.”
“Your brothers are terrifying.”
“You lost.”
“Lost what?” Luffy asks curiously, Sabo on his heels. “What did you loose?”
“A bet,” Marco answers.
“With Ace?” Sabo says grinning. “He almost always wins, the cheater.”
“Sore loser!”
“What did you loose?” Luffy asks. “Did you loose meat?”
“I’m dating Ace.”
Sabo snorts, “Tell us something we don’t know. You aren’t subtle.”
“I lost and I had to tell you,” Marco says quietly. “Ace thought it was a secret.”
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purplehairedwonder · 4 years
Hearts With(out) Chains Chapter 6
Fandom: One Piece Rating: PG-13 Pairings: Gen (eventual Lawlu) Words: 4125 Characters: Trafalgar Law, Vergo, Donquixote Doflamingo, Bepo, Penguin, Shachi, Monet, Caesar Clown, Sanji, Nami, Chopper, Franky, Smoker, Tashigi, Monkey D. Luffy Note: I’m taking my turn at the Corazon!Law AU because my brain won’t leave me alone until this is written down. Tags will be updated as the chapters come out.
The story title is based on the Ellie Goulding song “Hearts Without Chains.”
Summary: Law is reclaimed by the Family when he’s 17 and, with Doflamingo holding the lives of his crew as collateral for his good behavior, eventually becomes the third Corazon. Years later, trapped by his impossible situation, Law can’t help but resent Monkey D. Luffy for offering a glimpse of something he’s repeatedly had ripped away from him: hope.
Previous chapters: Prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
Read also at AO3 / FF.N
“And where am I going?”
“Punk Hazard. We’ve had reports of some unwanted pests on the island. I need you to take care of them.”
Law frowned. Punk Hazard was meant to be off-limits to pirates and Marines alike since Caesar Clown’s poison gas bomb had turned the island into a wasteland. The fight between Aokiji and Akainu had only further cemented Punk Hazard as a place to avoid, as their abilities had completely altered the landscape. It shouldn’t even be accessible by log pose. Which, of course, made it the perfect location for Doflamingo’s purposes. Who would be there now?
“What kind of pests?” he asked.
Doflamingo waved a hand. “Vice Admiral Smoker is sticking his nose where it doesn’t belong again.”
Law’s lips curled upward once more, and he inclined his head as he looked at Vergo. “Shouldn’t you be keeping your men under better control, Vergo?” He tsked. “No wonder you can’t handle this yourself.”
Vergo’s expression tightened. “You insolent—” He cut himself off as Doflamingo cleared his throat. “Smoker has been a concern since he transferred to G-5,” Vergo admitted as he turned back to Doffy. “I’ve been waiting for the best time for him to have an accident.” He glanced at Law. “And that’s Vergo­-san, to you, boy.”
“It’s Corazon to you, Vice Admiral,” Law retorted, still smirking, “not ‘boy.’”
“As I am unfortunately reminded,” Vergo sneered. “Truly, my successors have left much to be desired.”
Law’s grip around Kikoku tightened at the reference to Cora-san. He knew Vergo was trying to get a rise out of him and that Doflamingo was watching his reaction, so he forced his fingers to relax and left the smirk playing at his lips.
“And yet,” he drawled, “only one of us can go on this mission.”
Vergo opened his mouth to retort, but Doffy interrupted. “Enough bickering.” He turned to Law. “Smoker and his men aren’t the only pests Monet has reported.” He gave Law a long, searching look, which set Law’s teeth on edge, before elaborating. “The Straw Hat Pirates are also on the island.”
Law’s breath left him in a rush, the name so unexpected on Doffy’s lips that it struck him like a blow. There had been no news of the Straw Hats in two years; what were the odds they would reappear in Doflamingo’s territory?
He thought again of the pull in his chest he’d done his best to bury over the last two years and the urgings of the Sisters back in Flevance to always look and listen for signs of something bigger than ourselves in the world. Even Bepo, when they were younger, had talked about Minks’ connection to the Earth and how they looked to her for signs.
Law swallowed.
“That won’t be a problem, will it, Corazon?”
Law, with no little effort, schooled his features into something he hoped was apathetic. “No problem. I will take care of it.”
Doffy nodded. “I know you will.” Though Law couldn’t see his eyes behind those glasses, he could still feel the intensity in the Warlord’s gaze. “You know how important it is that the SAD production not be interrupted.”
“Of course,” he said, bowing slightly. “I’ll make arrangements to leave immediately.”
“There’s an SAD tanker heading for Punk Hazard in an hour. You can take that.”
Law nodded his understanding and turned to exit the office.
Law paused and looked back at Doflamingo, wary.
“I’m counting on you.”
Law stiffened at the implication in the tone, and memories of Doflamingo’s fingers around his throat sprang unbidden to mind. Over the last two years, Doffy had taken an… interest in Law’s neck, as though seeing the marks he’d left behind that day in the Suit Room had awoken some primal urge. Sometimes he touched gently, almost reverently, while others he squeezed hard enough to leave bruises blooming across the abused skin. Once, Law had been forced to sign to communicate for several days as his throat had healed from Doffy’s attentions.
And sometimes it wasn’t bruises left behind but bites. Law regularly sported some type of mark from Doffy’s affections, but the neck markings in particular were nearly impossible to hide the next day, making them Doffy’s favorite way of reminding Law who he belonged to.
As though Law needed any further reminder.
He nodded at Doflamingo. “Young Master,” he said in acknowledgment then left the room.
“You allow him too much,” Vergo said once the door had closed behind Law.
Doflamingo raised an eyebrow at Vergo. “Oh?”
Vergo’s lips curled in disdain. Those two just could not play nicely. “He’s insolent.”
Doflamingo snorted. “That he is. He has been since he was a child.” Once a boy with bombs strapped to his chest looking to destroy the world, Law had risen to second in command of a Warlord and king. Doffy had to admit that he was rather fond of Law’s insolence.
In moderation.
It had taken time and numerous lessons since his return to the Family to break down the boy’s more rebellious instincts, but the Corazon he had become was exactly the second he’d always thought Law could become.
It was too bad that one day his reign as second would have to end in sacrifice to Doflamingo’s immortality, but Law wasn’t ready yet. Doflamingo was patient and more than happy to make use of his Corazon until Law learned it was his fate to die for Doflamingo.
Vergo eyed him for a moment, clearly weighing what he wanted to say to his liege.
“Speak freely, Vergo,” Doflamingo said, leaning back in his chair. Vergo was one of the few people he truly allowed such liberties, as he had been with him since they were children.
“He will betray you. Just like my successor did.”
Doflamingo scowled at the mention of his brother, but Vergo had earned that familiarity. It was an old argument they’d had since Law had returned to the Family nearly a decade earlier. Vergo remembered the boy in the snow helping Rosinante in trying to bring down the Family. And Vergo’s loyalty lay entirely with Doflamingo, so he did not forgive treason.
“I’m well aware of the influence Rosinante had on him,” Doflamingo replied, thinking back to a teenage Law’s snarled defense of Rosinante the day they’d reunited in the North Blue: Cora-san saved me. I am alive today because of him. Little did he know, his precious Cora-san had condemned him by feeding him that Fruit; Doflamingo had never intended for Law to eat the Ope Ope no Mi because Law was more valuable to him as his future second than as a sacrificial pawn. But now there was no choice.
“That’s why I’ve taken precautions to ensure his continued loyalty.”
“He betrayed you at Marineford,” Vergo pointed out, “even with those precautions.” They had argued for days after Law had saved Straw Hat and Jimbei. Despite Vergo’s protestations, Doflamingo hadn’t been willing to rid himself of the potential he saw in Law.
And he’d been right, of course.
“I made sure he learned his lesson,” Doflamingo replied. “His loyalty has been impeccable since.”
Doflamingo could not have planned a better lesson in loyalty than one of Law’s closest friends losing an arm in the Colosseum. Something, it seemed, had broken in Law then, all ideas of rebellion washed away in his friend’s blood on the Colosseum’s stone ring. He’d been the ideal subordinate since. He’d withdrawn from his crew, devoting himself entirely to the Family—to Doflamingo—and Doflamingo took every opportunity to assert his complete ownership of his Corazon, his Heart.
Perhaps Doflamingo liked Law’s insolence because it was a reminder that, even as Law submitted to Doflamingo, he was still in there, the boy who wanted to destroy the world after it had destroyed his.
Still, Doflamingo saw the presence of the Straw Hats on Punk Hazard as the perfect test to make sure the loyalty he now displayed was real.
Vergo was clearly not persuaded by Doflamingo’s assertions, so the Warlord shrugged.
“You know I’d like you to stay,” he said. They never had enough time together with Vergo’s duties to the Marines keeping him away. “But if you’re so concerned about Corazon’s loyalty, go to Punk Hazard to keep an eye on him.” Vergo straightened, surprised but pleased. He’d wanted to be the one to take care of the mess in the first place. “But don’t blow your cover. You are too valuable to me.”
Vergo nodded and rose to his feet. “By your leave, Young Master.”
When Law returned to his room, he found a folder on his desk with a copy of Monet’s reports about Smoker, G-5, and the Straw Hats. He flipped through the pages then closed the folder; he’d look at them more thoroughly during the ship ride. Caesar’s lab was on the snowy side of the island, so he changed into warmer clothing and grabbed his heavy coat from his wardrobe.
Punk Hazard was only a few hours from Dressrosa by ship, and Law did not expect this errand to take long so he didn’t pack anything else. After putting his Den Den Mushi in his pocket, he hefted Kikoku to his shoulder and took the folder and his coat. He thought about stopping by his crew’s wing to tell them where he was going but decided against it. He didn’t have much time before the tanker left.
As he approached the front gate of the palace, he slowed at the sight of three figures. He grimaced as Bepo, Shachi, and Penguin came into focus. They looked up when they heard him approach.
“Captain,” Bepo greeted hesitantly.
“What are you three doing here?” Law asked, looking between them. He had his suspicions about who might have ratted him out.
“Going somewhere?” Penguin asked, nodding at the folder and coat in Law’s arms.
“By yourself?” Shachi asked, frowning.
“This shouldn’t take long. Just a quick clean up,” Law evaded.
“We could help make it go even faster,” Penguin said.
Bepo nodded. “We want to help.”
Law frowned. “It’s not necessary. I should be back by tomorrow.”
“But—” Bepo started.
“Captain’s orders,” Law interrupted, voice harsher than he intended.
Bepo shrank in on himself and murmured an apology. Law knew Bepo didn’t deserve that—none of them did—but it was the only way he could keep them safe.
“You want to pull that,” Penguin said, crossing his arms defiantly, “maybe you should start acting like a captain again.”
Law recoiled as if Penguin had struck him.
“We haven’t seen you in weeks. And when you do stop by, you barely speak. You don’t take us on missions, even though we’re way more useful than that idiot Buffalo,” Penguin went on.
“I know you spooked when I lost my arm,” Shachi added, voice more neutral than Penguin’s. “But it’s not your fault.”
“Of course it is,” Law snapped, feeling suddenly fragile as his best friends confronted him. Two years’ worth of guilt and frustration had left his emotions jagged and broken, and it was inevitable those sharp edges would hurt them—and here they were. “I made the choice to go to Marineford and save Straw Hat-ya. I made the choice to stay on Amazon Lily for weeks, knowing you all would pay the price. I was selfish and look what happened.”
“No, Law,” Bepo said quietly. Law startled. “That wasn’t being selfish. You saved Straw Hat Luffy and Jimbei when no one else could have.” Bepo swallowed. “And I’m sorry, but you’re being selfish now.”
Law sucked in a breath.
“Locking yourself up in your guilt and pain—”
“And not letting us help!” Penguin interjected.
“—that’s self-centered,” Bepo finished. “I’m sorry.”
“You’re not this person you’ve let yourself become,” Shachi added fiercely. “They might think of you as Corazon,” he said, nodding toward the palace, “but to us, you’re Captain.”
Law’s chest tightened as his friends spoke, his face heating. “I…” He swallowed, unsure of what to do with the twisting in his chest. “I have to go.”
And like the coward that he was, Law fled.
It was mid-afternoon when the SAD tanker anchored at Punk Hazard. Law eyed the island curiously. While he knew about the production going on in the lab, he’d never been to the island. He didn’t bother waiting for the gangplank, switching places with a pile of rope on the dock. According to the map of the lab in his folder, there should be a back entrance Law could use to gain entry. From there, he would need to find Monet and Caesar Clown for any updates before completing his task.
There was gas on the air, so Law opened a small Room around himself to keep the poison out as he walked toward the back door. He Shambled himself inside and made his way down the hallway. The sound of approaching footsteps alerted him to Monet’s presence before he saw her.
“Corazon, you’re here,” she greeted.
Law nodded and she turned to lead him back to the lab. Law fell in step with her.
“Well?” he asked. “What’s happening?”
She gave him a level look, one that belied the apparent chaos happening elsewhere on the island. “Half the Straw Hats are inside the building, trying to remove the children. We have soldiers confronting them, but G-5 is also in the building.”
Law didn’t think she sounded particularly bothered by this, but that could also just be Monet’s overall flat affect. He’d always had a hard time getting a good read on her.
“And the others?” he prompted.
“They’re somewhere on the island. Caesar sent the Yeti Cool Brothers after them.”
Law didn’t know much about them, other than that Caesar employed them as assassins. He rarely needed their services, considering the isolated nature of the island.
“But you don’t think they’ll be successful.” Otherwise, why was Law here?
Monet shrugged. “Hard to know, considering the Straw Hats have been inactive for two years. We have no way of knowing how strong they might have become.”
And as far as Law knew, Straw Hat had been training with Silvers Rayleigh—though he’d done his best not to think about that—for the last two years. There was no telling what he might have learned from the Dark King in that time.
They stopped in front of a large door, which slid open to admit them into the control room. Inside, Caesar stood watching monitors. The clown turned as Monet and Law entered. He brightened when he saw Law.
“Corazon!” he greeted. “You’re here! Finally.”
“Joker sent me to clean up your mess, Caesar-ya,” Law replied, disinterested.
Caesar prickled at that but knew better than to argue with an executive. He nodded at the monitors. “Half the Straw Hats and G-5 have overwhelmed my men in the Biscuit Room.” On the screen, numerous figures in gas suits were scattered across the floor. “They just went running toward the front entrance.”
“Together?” Law asked, raising an eyebrow as he studied the monitors, getting a sense of the scene.
“It seems they both want to retrieve the children,” Monet said, also looking at the monitors. “They must be working together temporarily.”
Caesar waved a dismissive hand. “No matter. The children will be begging to return in no time. But the pirates and Marines are a problem.”
“And the others?” Law asked. He didn’t see Straw Hat on any of the monitors. He wasn’t sure if he was relieved or disappointed.
“In the mountains somewhere, probably dead,” Caesar said. “We don’t have a feed out there.” He shrugged and chuckled. “Shurororo. The Yeti Cool Brothers have never been defeated.”
“Don’t underestimate them,” Law murmured as he studied the monitors. Caesar made an irritated noise, but Law ignored him, having made his decision. “I’ll cut the Straw Hats and Marines off at the front gate and take care of them there. I’ll find the rest after.”
If Caesar or Monet had any objections, Law didn’t stick around to hear them; he opened a Room all the way out of the building and switched places with a snowflake. Without dropping his Room, he stood outside then, waiting for his targets to come through the open front gate.
He didn’t have to wait long.
“There’s the door!” a female voice echoed through the hall.
“Hurry!” another yelled. “We’ll get on the ship and take you home!”
Law shoved any concern for the children’s wellbeing down with all his other inconvenient emotions, locking it down in the box he’d created after Marineford. He had a job to do. And it wasn’t like his childhood had been spared either. His had ended the moment Lami had collapsed at the festival. The world was a cold, unforgiving place.
The mixed group of pirates, Marines, and children poured out of the gate moments later but slowed to a halt on the steps when they saw Law blocking their path. At the front of the group, Smoker and several Straw Hats were eyeing him. He briefly noted the presence of the samurai, Kin’emon, who had been mentioned in Monet’s reports as well; unlike the others, he was meant to be kept alive, though Law didn’t know why.
“What the—” Black Leg growled.
“I recognize him from Sabaody!” the cat burglar said, eyes wide.
“Corazon,” Smoker said. “That explains a lot.”
“What does it explain?” the tanuki asked.
“Corazon is the second in command of the Donquixote Pirates,” the swordswoman said. “If he’s here, that means this place must be one of Donquixote Doflamingo’s operations.”
“So, you’re behind this?” the cat burglar sneered. “You can’t have the children back, you monster!”
“When did you get here?” Smoker demanded.
“Just now,” Law replied. “Word was there were some pests on the island that needed exterminating.” He unsheathed Kikoku, the blade humming in anticipation. “And I’m afraid you know too much, White Chase-ya, so I can’t let you leave.”
Smoker drew his jitte, and the swordswoman unsheathed her blade. The soldiers of G-5 drew their rifles. Black Leg and the cyborg stepped forward. Law might have laughed at the futility of their actions; they were in his Room and at his mercy. Despite the reputation he’d earned for himself, though, he wasn’t interested in pointless violence. He’d take care of this quickly.
The soldiers fired a hail of bullets first, but with a twitch of his fingers, he switched the bullets with snowflakes; they fell harmlessly to the ground.
“What the hell happened?” the soldiers yelped.
“How about some bigger ammo?” the cyborg declared, firing a large blast.
Law Shambled out of the way, allowing the blast to destroy a boulder in the distance.
The swordswoman jumped into action, charging at him. “Corazon!”
Smoker yelled a warning at his second, but she ignored him.
Law let her get close before swinging Kikoku. She gasped as her upper and lower halves split in two, falling to the snowy ground. The top of her sliced sword clattered away, useless.
“Tashigi-chan! Are you alive?”
Black Leg growled and jumped into action. “How dare you do that to a beautiful lady?!”
Law rolled his eyes and threw up Kikoku to block Black Leg’s kick. Black Leg jumped back, and Law sliced his blade. Black Leg and Smoker jumped out of the path of the cut, but the remaining G-5 soldiers suddenly found themselves in pieces. They yelled in surprise at still being alive. Law ignored them, turning back to his remaining opponents.
“What kind of power is that?” the cat burglar asked from where she and the tanuki stood protectively in front of the children.
“The Ope Ope no Mi,” Smoker said. “It gives the user the ability to create an operating room and operate on the world around them. As long as we’re in his circle, we’re at his mercy.”
“Where’s the edge of the circle?” the cyborg asked, looking around for the edge of the blue dome.
Law’s lips twitched. He’d pushed himself over the last two years to drastically increase the size of the Room he could create and the length of time he could hold it. His Room now extended into the water.
“If we take him out, it won’t matter!” Black Leg declared, racing at Law once more.
Law dodged his kicks, deflecting them with Kikoku. He realized too late that he was being driven, though; his haki flared, and he barely dodged Smoker’s strike, the jitte grazing his cheek.
“That nasty energy,” Law hissed. “There’s Seastone on the end of your jitte.” Dangerous. Law had gotten cocky, and it had almost cost him. He wouldn’t make that mistake again.
Smoker swung his jitte again, and Law deflected it. His haki flared again, and he jumped to avoid another blast from the cyborg then Shambled away to put some distance between himself and his opponents.
“Corazon,” a growl came from his side.
Law looked down, surprised to see he’d Shambled himself near the halved swordswoman. There was fire in her eyes, despite her defeat.
“At least kill me if you’re going to cut me down,” she snapped. “You’ve shamed me.”
Law gave her an unimpressed look. He couldn’t look at a Marine without seeing the carnage of Flevance in his mind’s eye. “Your shame isn’t my problem,” he retorted coldly. “Remember this well: the weak don’t get to choose how they die.”
Doflamingo had beaten that lesson into him more times than Law could count; Law himself wasn’t given that choice. He knew Doflamingo had plans for his death, though the Warlord didn’t know Law had overheard his words on Minion Island.
She snarled her rage and tried to jump at him with just her upper body and her broken sword. Law raised Kikoku, ready to cut her down further, but his blade was kicked aside by Black Leg. Kikoku flew from his grip, and Law cursed under his breath.
“Don’t you know how to treat a lady?” Black Leg barked.
Law threw up his hands, feeling the charge grow in his hands. As Black Leg’s momentum brought him close to Law, Law pushed his thumbs into Black Leg’s chest and let the burst go. Counter shock.
“She’s no lady,” Law hissed as Black Leg flew backward and hit the ground, rolling. “She’s a Marine.”
“Sanji!” the Straw Hats yelled in alarm.
Black Leg tried to push himself up but dropped back down to the ground. Law turned away and walked over to his sword. He picked up Kikoku and surveyed the scene. The swordswoman, Black Leg, and the G-5 soldiers were out of commission for the time being. That left Smoker, the cyborg, Kin’emon, the cat burglar, the tanuki, and the children. The children simply needed to be returned to the lab. Smoker, the cyborg, and the samurai were the most dangerous men left standing.
“Corazon!” Smoker roared and charged Law once more.
Law braced himself for Smoker’s frontal attack then started when Smoker turned partially to smoke. The jitte came at him from behind; Law dodged but the end of the jitte still slammed into his shoulder. Law immediately felt his strength disappear and his Room drop from the effects of the Seastone tip.
Law hit the ground and rolled away, his strength returning. He pushed back to his feet and immediately threw a Room back up. He cursed himself; he’d shown a weakness his enemies could exploit.
Smoker followed Law, stabbing his jitte again and again. Law dodged as Smoker chased him. Law Shambled a bit farther ahead then whirled around, throwing up a hand. He lifted a finger and a rock pillar erupted from the ground. Smoker’s eyes widened but he dodged. Law lifted one pillar after another until Smoker was right in front of him. Smoker raised his jitte to strike, but Law lifted one more pillar, pulling Smoker up short. With Smoker off-balance, Law used Mes to cut straight through the rock and into Smoker’s chest.
Smoker wheezed as his heart was ejected from his body and collapsed against the pillar.
“Smoker-san!” the swordswoman cried.
Law straightened and Shambled the heart into his hand. The heart of a vice admiral could be a good bargaining chip. He pocketed it.
“Is that…” the cat burglar gasped.
“His heart!” the tanuki confirmed, eyes wide.
Law turned back toward the steps, where the remaining figures stood. The samurai put a hand to his sword while the cyborg stepped in front of the group. Law hefted Kikoku but froze at the sound of a familiar voice, that pull in his chest jerking hard enough to steal his breath.
“Oi!” Straw Hat called. “What’s going on?”
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