#i wont the rest of the semester
bespectacledbun · 2 months
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infodump about the architecture of Crown Castle — first of all, HOLY SHIT. so far all the backgrounds in ikevil have been absolutely stunning but this one of Crown Castle just took my breath away. gothic and gothic revival sre some of my fave architecture styles so I was super excited to see the gothic revival elements in this particular bg. I like that the shape and structure make it immediately recognisable as neo-gothic tbh
the facade is right in front of two towers, both of which require immense structural support. they wouldnt be able to be directly behind the facade in a traditional gothic building because it would crumble in on itself from the weight. rather, towers in trad gothic architecture were built on the sides of the facade because they were the structural support (think of the design of mondstadt cathedral in genshin). trad gothic also had a lot of internal space due to thick walls and vaulted ribbed ceilings, both of which would create a long, rectangular space, which is much different from the compressed boxy structure in the bg
because gothic architecture also relied on timber frameworks, which did not have the capability of holding up all of that weight, majority of the structural weight would be supported by pillars and buttresses on the outside of the building. these buttresses were key features in trad gothic churches and castles, because they would distribute the weight so that the pressure did not crack the pillars. this building has 1) no space for pillars and 2) no need for external support pillars. neo gothic buildings were built on frames of iron, and later steel, which provided much more internal support and allowed for the buildings to stand on their own without support pillars on the outside. aside from those all the elements of a gothic structure are there: gable roofs, lancet windows, hood mounts, the rose window, and ribs on the tower's spires
also it's neo gothic cause there's no saints up in the niches
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nixoon-again · 2 months
they weren't kidding man that writer sure can block
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camelspit · 6 months
pray for me guys </3 just took a test and i am shaking
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acesammy · 5 months
i know i've bitched a lot today, but this stats class is also bad
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xmcu-fietro · 7 months
don't you just love when you reach out to a crisis chat line and all the responses feel like a literal robot is writing them because of how vague and unhelpful they are <3 /s
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orcelito · 10 months
Sometimes. Impulse purchases. Can be so personal.
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birbtails · 2 months
#gods#im .. in trouble this semester#which sucks bc i was doing so much better last semester#i stopped going to therapy!!#which i think i knew at the time was a Problem#but my therapist suggested it and i didn't want to but i couldn't come up with a better reason than im worried ill nosedive next semester#to be fair to me while i was feeling so much better i knew i wasnt .. stable i guess?#in her defense i can't tell anyone the whole truth even if my life was on the line#and by cant i mean some combination of wont dont want to and its instinctive#but the problem is im failing one of my classes and im at least a little bit suicidal and i havent told anyone really and gods i feel lonely#(and by a little bit suicidal i mean thinking of ways to kill myself 2 days ago. im feeling better now but i don't trust it)#(by feeling better i mean im not Actively thinking of methods but it definitely crosses my mind as a Possibility)#(although i guess its a bit less i want to die and a bit more i want someone to find me before i die and help me)#so anyways this semester might be replacing 10th grade as the worst year of my life#im just.. so tired#i don't want to keep living like this#and im sucking it up and making myself do better but i Hate this#and ive got to think about summer plans bc i don't want to go back to my parents house but i also Really want to bc i can see my brother and#maybe i can see my friends(?) and maybe if i tell my parents everything that's been going on theyll take care of me?#but i Really want to stay here bc i always regret going home and bc ive gotten used to living on my own and i really like all the freedom it#gives me?? but i need to get an internship or a job or something if i want to stay here but its So Late and now that im thinking about it im#worried that ill be so isolated here that ill feel worse? but if i get a therapist here then maybe itll be okay??#i don't know#and im almost done with my junior year and i don't know what i want to do with my future and#i just never thought id get this far yknow? i honestly thought i wasnt going to make it to 18 or college and now im almost 21 and so close#to graduating?? and i don't know how to face the rest of my life#im just tired and stressed and depressed#i just want a hug and a friend that i can tell everything to#ne ways im just tired and whiny and i need to suck it up and get groceries and do my hw
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toaster-selfships · 2 months
Quiting my job yall. Turns out getting a pit in your stomach every time you go in for work and when working 4 hours makes your brain geniunely think you've only been working the entire day and forgets anything else actually ISNT good
I'll give them a two weeks notice so if you see me bickering about it still then that's why XD
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transgaysex · 1 year
i thought i could get my schedule tonight at midnight but i only get it tomorrow at 8 pm....... devastated
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highvern · 4 months
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When I Kissed the Teacher
Pairing: Kim Mingyu x fem!reader
Genre: fluff, humor
Summary: Mr. Kim has a crush, to his students that much is clear. It's also clear that you like him too. What happens when a group of meddlesome ten year olds decide to play cupid for their two favorite teachers?
Warnings: science teacher mingyu, grammar teacher reader, meddling students, crushes, flirting, lots of candy and coffee
Length: ~5.2k
Note: it's here! thank you to @gyuwoncheol and @gyuswhore for beta reading and to my lovely @tomodachiii for fact checking my knowledge of primary school lol
read more here
This blog is intended for 18+ only! Minors/blank blogs will be blocked!
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Turning from the white board, Mingyu faces the room full of weary children. Mondays are hard. Early mornings are hard. Learning the difference between reptiles and mammals first thing on Monday morning is downright torture. But it’s nothing a little bribery (read: candy) can't fix.
"Alright class, today we're learning about animals! Who remembers what a mammal is?"
Mingyu barely finishes his sentence before a sharp knock interrupts.
“Mr. Kim,” you seethe from the doorway.
Mingyu turns around immediately, eyes wide in fear at your tone. “Yes?”
“Can I speak with you? In the hallway?”
The class of ten year olds “ooooh” as their teacher trails after you like a kicked puppy. If they weren't awake before they sure are now. He shoots a silencing look back before dipping out the door where you wait, foot tapping impatiently.
“Would you like to explain where all my printer paper went?”
Mingyu tries to play dumb. “I don’t know?”
“Oh really?" You blink. "Because I found the box in the workroom and guess what was on the printer? More of your worksheets for your class!”
“How do you know they were for my class?”
You don’t answer, in favor of shoving the animal themed coloring sheets into his chest harshly.
“Listen, anyone could have…” He trails off under your withering glare.
“If you need paper, ask!”
Mingyu burns under the reprimand. “Oh, like you asked to use my paints last month?” 
“That was an accident!" you argue, eyes wide. "And I replaced them.”
“Alright, then I’ll replace the paper I took.”
With a curt nod, you turn to leave; unaware of the blushing cheeks and heart eyes following your retreating form. But the gaggle of elementary students waiting for Mingyu's return see them clear as day; their fits of shrill giggles and whispers falling on deaf ears as he shakes off the stars clouding his mind.
Mr. Kim, their goofy science teacher, has a crush. And like children are wont to do, they hatch a scheme to help him out.
“Alright. Do we remember the difference between fragments and sentences?”
The classroom ripples with tiny voices shouting “yes” with varying degrees of confidence. Their last quiz grades are proof they haven’t quite grasped the subject yet but that’s why you’re planning for an intensive review with them today.
“Awesome! So our warm up today should be a piece of cake. I’ll help with the first one so let's all look at the boa—”
A knock at the door cuts you off. Mingyu stands in the threshold, looking positively mischievous. 
“Sorry to interrupt, Ms. y/l/n. But can I speak with you in the hall?”
Forcing a smile, you respond. “Certainly. Class, why don’t you all work with your desk partner on the worksheet and when I come back we’ll go over the answers?”
They break into groups, chattering about everything but the work you’ve assigned; most notably the way Mr. Kim beams as you follow him outside. However, once you’ve crossed beyond the border of the brightly decorated room, twenty pairs of ears strain to hear why Mr. Kim interrupted their morning lesson.
“What's this about?” you ask.
Mingyu smiles, eyes shifting to the floor. “Here's the paper I owed you.” 
“You’re kidding.”
Three hefty boxes are stacked next to your door. It’s far more paper than Mingyu used for his color sheets, and more than you’d probably need for the rest of the semester.
“I thought you could use extra since you’re too stingy to share.”
“I’m not stingy!” You scoff.
Mingyu simply flashes another self-satisfied smile before heaving a box into his arms and carrying it into your classroom. He could certainly carry all three boxes at once; anytime there were desks or anything else remotely heavy to be moved, Mingyu did so with ease. But the kids don’t think anything of the way he so obviously drags out the torture.
The kids watch Mr. Kim weave through the maze of tables towards the back of the room.
“Lia, can you open the door for me please?”
The little girl jumps from her desk and bolts for the supply closet, braids bouncy with each step.
“In here okay?” Mingyu asks.
Blinking from your stupor, you turn back to your desk as you answer. “Yeah, it’s…whatever.” 
Your class stopped their work to focus on the unfolding drama between their two favorite teachers. They don’t know why you can’t seem to stand their science teacher, and it’s anyone’s guess why Mr. Kim has decided to interrupt their grammar lesson for something so silly. But it’s clear that whenever you two meet an argument is clear to follow. And in the guidebook of elementary school, if you like a girl, you always argue with them.
So enthralled in your silent battle of wits with the peppy man, you miss the two girls plotting in the corner.
Hana turns to her friends with breakneck speed. “Did you see the way Mr. Kim smiled at her?”
“He’s so in love,” Arin sighs dreamily.
“And Miss y/l/n is blushing! We should help them.”
Their whispers are cut off when you clap. “Alright! Back to work!”
Mingyu lingers by the front until you forcibly shoo him away, huffing at the permanent smile stretched across his lips even when the door slams in his face.
“Meet at the tree during recess.” 
The two girls nod and return to their worksheets.
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A new week comes with new challenges. Today’s is the universe’s determination to make your life as difficult as possible.
Your alarm didn’t go off, your shoddy dryer left you with damp clothes, and your car battery decided a short strike would be a great way to start the freezing morning. There was barely time to wash your face with cold tap water let alone put on makeup or style your hair. To top it all off, the green lunchbox with leftovers from your favorite restaurant sits on the shelf of your fridge which means the crumbled granola bar at the bottom of your purse will finally see the light of day.
Flicking on the lights, you rush to prepare for the day. By the grace of god your first period is planning time so no students witness your near breakdown from the absolute shit storm of the morning. Not much is to be done since you already organized everything you needed Friday afternoon but the tense events of the day leave you feeling off. Not even a cup of coffee with the creamer you reserve for days like these helps the overwhelming unease rippling in the back of your throat.
Your allotted private time washes by and before you know it, a gaggle of students filters into your room, giddy on holiday spirit and sugar. The first five minutes of class are spent reminding them their butts belong in chairs at their own stations, that the warmup is for them to complete on their own, and if they aren’t feeling well enough to do classwork they need to go to the nurse.
Twenty minutes into the lesson and the worksheet for their quiz on Friday finally manages to capture their attention. A few students struggle but most are sailing through. Its the same material as last week just with a new puzzle for them to complete once they have all the correct answers.
“Alright, who can tell me what word fits for number six?” you ask.
The attentiveness you’ve sweated to cultivate all morning dissolves when a volunteer knocks to distribute candy-grams.
“Delivery!” a young woman sings as she enters, dressed in red from head to toe with heart shaped sunglasses and a sparkly headband. Her wicker basket flows with candy bars wrapped with shiny ribbon and cardstock penned with confessions.
The shrill symphony of oohs and ahhs as the kids receive pieces of candy raises the vein on your temple. 
“And for Ms. y/l/n!” the young woman sing-songs, heart headband bouncing as she approaches your desk.
The cardstock reads one of the cheesy messages the school provides for the Valentine cards they sell as a yearly fundraiser.
‘I like you a choco-lot! - your secret admirer’ 
You throw it into a drawer in your desk, oblivious to the crestfallen faces of two little girls watching with rapt attention. 
“I don’t think she likes chocolate,” Arin whispers.
“No. Remember during Halloween? She said her favorite candy is Twix. She gave Gabi an extra point on the spelling test when she brought in her halloween candy and gave them to her.” 
“Well maybe she’s mad because it wasn’t a Twix!”
“Maybe. But Mr. Kim didn’t react to the note on his desk this morning either,” Hana huffs. “But he was late so maybe he didn’t see it.”
Your second attempt to put class back on track falls flat. Instead of group review, kids come up to your desk one by one to check their answers while you nurse your headache until the bell dismisses everyone to their next destination. Another crop of students flood the seats, emotions running high from who did and didn’t receive candy in their last class. Two students end up arguing about who knows what and then proceed to break into frustrated tears.
You bite your tongue to stop from doing the same and put on one of the movies you reserve for days like these.
When Mingyu walks into your room after school ends and all the kids are dismissed for pick up, you give him a look that sends him turning around and exiting the way he came without a word.
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Tuesday brings a better attitude. Mostly because you get to take all of your class to the library for silent reading. But the homemade stirfry sitting in your lunch box in the teacher’s lounge helps too.
Your second period kids spread out through the room, some sprawled across the worn rugs on their bellies while others curl up in the much coveted bean bags; a few choose to hide between the imposing bookshelves, crowded on all sides by the smell of old paper. 
With an overly sweetened latte sitting in one hand, and a new novel in the other, you perch at the long table near the librarian's desk to ‘supervise.’
“How did you manage to get a copy of The Gate? I couldn’t even get the pre-order before it sold out.” Elise, the librarian, asks. 
You smile into your coffee cup before responding. “Eh, I know a guy.”
“You do? I thought you didn’t date?”
“I don’t.” You nod. “But it doesn’t mean I don’t have connections.”
“Well whoever your ‘connection’ is, send them my way when you're done with him.”
You pretend to ponder before answering, “I’ll think about it.”
Snapping your book shut, you rise to gather the kids to return back to class. It takes several minutes as a few refuse to join the line until their current chapter is finished and Kai pulls out the puppy dog eyes, begging to stay all day to finish his book. 
You corral them out the door with promises of more reading time on Friday if they behave well the rest of the week. Some roll their eyes but most nod enthusiastically at the opportunity to skip on their weekly quiz.
Unlocking the door, you unpack your things and find a basket of Valentine’s on your desk to be passed out. Almost all the kids receive at least one, some find two or even three heart shaped sugar cookies on their desk. Your heart squeezes when some of the students decide to divy up their cookies and gift them to the students who didn’t receive a note. 
The last cookie at the bottom of the basket has a note with your name on it and a message in the same swirly script as yesterday’s.
We go together like milk and cookies. - your secret admirer
As far as cheesy Valentine’s go, you’ve seen worse. But free snacks are free snacks and the confection tastes great dipped in your coffee.
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Your fourth period class focuses on their worksheets, silently deciphering the reading and ticking of questions. You promised whatever group finished first with the most right answers gets a special Valentine treat; full sized candies and extra credit on Friday. 
Whatever it takes to keep them focused while you work through grading everything for your other classes.
You don’t notice the man waiting at the door until one of your kids greet their science teacher; a ripple of tiny ‘Hi, Mr. Kim!’s following. 
“Sorry to interrupt,” Mingyu announces from the door. “But, ugh, the volunteer accidentally gave me this.”
“Oh! Thanks Min—Mr. Kim.” 
You take the can of orange soda from his hand and skim the note.
I have a ‘crush’ on you. - your secret admirer
None of the students can read the note from their seats but you and Mr. Kim look equally bashful. 
“What are you guys working on? Mingyu asks, hoping to diffuse the tension.
A cacophony of voice race to explain their assignment. Mingyu pretends to understand, smiling at their enthusiasm and grabbing a worksheet for himself. 
He plants himself in one of the tiny plastic chairs next to your desk meant for ten year olds rather than a grown man of his size. It’s comical the way his knees brush his chest and any small move across the slippery seat threatens to land him on the floor.
Reviewing the sheet, Mingyu announces, “Alright, how about if you guys finish your work before me, we can have a pizza party in my class on Friday?”
More screams bounce off the walls.
“You guys can’t finish if you’re talking to Mr. Kim,” you remind them.
The room descends into a cozy calm; the sound of pencils on paper, your keyboard clicks, and the soft jazz from the computer speakers blending together.
You don’t look up to grab the answer key from the corner of the desk, Mingyu huffing from his seat at being caught.
“No cheating,” you smirk under your breath.
“Creative strategy,” he argues.
Instead of answering you shake your head and continue to focus on your own tasks. 
Ten minutes and twenty emails later, two groups of students rise and approach your desk at the same time. 
“We finished first!”
“No, we did!”
“Guys,” you interrupt them. “I’ll grade them both and whoever has more right wins. Besides, Mr. Kim owes you a pizza party anyway.”
The entire class cheers at the news while Mingyu playfully pouts. Maybe if he hadn’t given up on his worksheet to snoop through the basket full of snacks on your bookshelf, he wouldn’t be eating his own words.
The second group of students to approach your desk ends up victorious. You mark down their candy orders to pick up on your weekly grocery shopping trip on Thursday night before sending them to back up their belongings so you can all head to the cafeteria.
“What’d you bring for lunch?” Mingyu asks as he walks with you to the teachers lounge to retrieve your lunch boxes.
“Pasta salad.”
“Wanna trade?” 
“What’d you bring?” you ask, handing him the black grocery bag you know carries his lunch.
“Pasta salad.”
You roll your eyes and kick the fridge shut.
After lunch you have another free period. The printing room is empty so you take advantage and make enough copies for the rest of the week. Perhaps Mingyu wasn’t wrong to bring you three boxes of paper.
Lugging the stack in hand, you turn down that hall only to find a familiar face standing guard outside your classroom.
“Arin? Why are you in the hallway? You should be in class.”
“I was just…going to the bathroom!”
“Really? Because there's a bathroom right outside Mrs. Lee’s classroom if I remember correctly.”
“It was gross!”
Considering Mrs. Lee’s classroom sits on the main hallway and intersects with two other grades, it probably looked more akin to a battlefield than a restroom at this time of day.
“Okay…but hurry back. And I’m gonna let Mrs. Lee know what took you so long so she isn’t worried.” 
You side step around her but she moves right into your path. And then again. And again.
“Arin, what are you doing?” 
“Sorry, Ms. y/l/n. I don’t feel good. Can you walk me to the nurse?”
Crouching to her height, you rest the back of your hand against her forehead. Arin never admits she doesn’t feel well even when she’s tinged green and hacking up a lung. It’s the perfect admission to keep you from peering past the threshold of your classroom and blowing the entire operation.
Until a loud crash and high pitched scream breaks the silence of the hallway.
You jump back up.“What the—”
“Wait!” Arin shouts, throwing her arms and legs wide to block your path like a three foot tall ‘X’.
“Arin, what is going on?” 
“Mr. Kim said animals make themselves bigger to be scarier,” Arin says, tiny face scowling.
“And why are you trying to scare me?” 
Another bang echoes out the classroom forcing you to pick the little girl up by her armpits and carry her inside with you. She slips from your hold as you stare with a wide mouth at the scene. A desk is pulled up to the board allowing Hana to balance atop it as she scribbles across the chalkboard.
Wil you be my Valintin? - Mr. K
“Hana! What are you doing?”
“Arin!” Hana huffs indignantly.
Arin opens her mouth to respond but the look on your face silences both girls. You help Hana down from the desktop before crossing your arms in front of you and taking a deep breath.
“Sit. Now.”
They trudge to the seats next to your desk; heads hung low, tears brimming in their eyes. Neither has been on the receiving end of such a reprimand before; they’re usually your best behaved students.
You allow them to stew in silence as you right the two chairs Hana knocked over. She doesn’t look injured which is a relief but your nerves are shot from the perplexing situation. Hana and Arin can be troublemakers but they’ve never done anything like this before.
Once you're certain the urge to yell at them is quelled you approach your desk and take a seat. You watch them expectantly. Arin chances a glance up and swiftly looks back to her lap while Hana focuses on the picture at the edge of your desk, blinking away tears.
“Girls,” you sigh. “What were you doing in here?”
“Ms. y/l/n,” Arin blubbers.
Presenting the tissue box, you wait several moments while they both dab their eyes and blow their noses before speaking again.
“We just thought…” Hana starts, glancing at the other girl.
“Thought what?”
“Mr. Kim’s in love with you and we wanted to help!”
“I see.” You nod. “Did Mr. Kim tell you that?”
They look at each other before shaking their heads ‘no.’
Your temple throbs from the situation. A measured breath through your nose sends the girls into a frenzy.
“We can tell!”
“You’re perfect for eachother!”
“And did Mr. Kim ask you to sneak into my classroom while I wasn’t here?”
“No ma’am,” they mumble in unison.
It dawns on you that the two girls have been behind all the gifts you’ve received this week.“Are you two behind all the Valentine’s I’ve gotten?”
“We were just trying to help!” cries Arin.
Moving to crouch in front of them, you wait until they both look up at you.
“It’s very sweet what you were trying to do and I’m sorry I yelled at you. But you can’t sneak out of class. What if something happened and you got hurt climbing the table?”
“I’m sorry,.” Hana says.
“Me too.” 
You pass them more tissues to wipe their noses.
“How about we get you two back to class?”
“But what about Mr. Kim?”
“Yeah! He needs to know how you feel.”
“That’s between Mr. Kim and I. Understand? Those are grown up things.”
The repulsion painting their faces forces you to bite back a snort. Instead you offer your hands, pinkies extended towards them both.
“How ‘bout this? I promise to talk to Mr. Kim if you two promise no more meddling. Okay?”
All three of you share a smile as you intertwine their pinkies with your own. 
“Now,” you say whilst jumping to your feet. “You are supposed to be in Mrs. Lee’s class. And you are supposed to be at the library.”
Escorting them both back to where they belong, they can’t help but giggle when you pass Mr. Kim’s room and he waves. The question is clear on his face but you shrug your shoulders. 
You’ll explain everything later.
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You smile knowingly at the corner of the classroom where two little cupids sit as the volunteer brings you a lollipop with a note reading ‘I’m a sucker for you.’
Part of you feels guilty they pooled their own money together to supply you and the teacher next door with treats all week in an effort to play matchmaker. But another part can’t help but laugh. And when you get the chance to tell Mingyu what they’ve planned you’ll no doubt laugh harder.
But because the universe somehow knows you lied to your students the day prior you find your reckoning in the cafeteria.
It was Mingyu’s fault. Or at least that’s what you argue. You barely made it three steps inside the room before the large man bulldozes you; sending his lunch and your own down your fronts in a palette of greens and browns.
His eyes widen in horror as a slice of tomato peels off your shirt and flops to the floor. “I am so sorry!”
“Seriously?” you choke.
The entire school watches with baited breath. Students and teachers alike watch with abject horror as you skirt around the taller man and flee with shaking shoulders and your chin dipped into your chest. Mingyu gapes like a fish as you run by, frozen in place. As hundreds of eyes settle on him, he realizes they all saw how he drenched you in salad and coffee. 
Mrs. Lee dismisses him with a nod, silently agreeing to watch his class so he can trapeze out to his car and find something suitable to wear.
Mingyu watches the game of kickball unfold across the field, keeping an eye on the rowdier students as they pick teams. But even from a distance he recognizes one face is notably absent.
He finds Kai slumped on a bench at the far corner of the playground using a stick to draw lines in the dirt at his feet.
“Hey, buddy. You feeling okay?” Mingyu asks. 
Kai never misses a game of kickball. Even when his arm was in a cast at the beginning of the year, he insisted he only needed one good arm to play defense and neither to play offense. Kai’s mom simply laughed at Mingyu’s concerned email and said her son was exactly like his dad and there was no stopping him if he was set on something.
So to have the little curly haired boy isolated on the far edge of the field is serious cause for concern.
Kai looks up briefly at Mingyu’s approach before returning to his mud art. “Mr. Kim, have you ever liked someone?”
“Liked someone?” Mingyu drops onto the bench next to him.
“Like,” the little boy inhales trying to explain himself. “Like a girl?”
Mingyu snuffs out his chuckle at Kai’s innocent question. “Yeah, why do you ask? Do you like a girl?”
“I–My friend does!”
“Okay,” Mingyu nods.
“And he doesn’t know how to tell her.”
“Well that's tough.” 
“How’d you tell the girl you liked?”
“Well,” Mingyu drops to a whisper. “Once upon a time, I had a crush on this girl. And she was the prettiest girl I ever saw. Smart and funny too.”
“Did she run fast?”
The question confuses Mingyu at first but then he remembers he’s talking to a ten year old and the rules of attraction hinge on who gets the swing the highest and jumps off.
“She ran really fast,” he nods. “And she made me so nervous I couldn’t talk to her. My palms got all sweaty and my face turned red.”
“That happens to m—I mean my friend!”
“And it feels like there's a bunch of frogs jumping around your stomach?”
“Yeah,” Kai nods. “So how’d you tell her?”
“Well one day, I finally decided to introduce myself. Walked right up to her, opened my mouth and…poof.”
“Poof.” Mingyu hangs his head. “I forgot everything I was gonna say to her.”
“What happened after that?”
“She waited a few minutes and then said ‘okay, I’ll meet you at 6:30 for dinner.’”
“She knew you liked her?”
Mingyu nods gravely before imparting his most sage wisdom. “Girls are very smart, Kai.”
“So I should try and tell her I like her?”
“Your friend should at least try,” Mingyu shrugs.
Kai blushes, having been clearly caught. “But what if she doesn’t like him back?”
“That’s okay. It just wasn’t meant to be.”
“Thanks, Mr. Kim. You’re the best!”
“You’re welcome, buddy.” Mingyu gives him a fist bump before shooing him back towards his friends. “Now go play kickball, the boys need your help.”
Kai runs off but a new presence fills the vacant seat on the bench. 
“I thought we agreed to keep our romantic life a secret at work.”
Mingyu smiles sheepishly before turning to look at you. “Oh, you heard that?” 
“Yeah, I heard,” you smile. “They already think you have a crush on me.”
“Smart kids.” He says, enjoying the way the worn sage button up swallows your figure. 
Mingyu loves when you wear his clothes, he told you this morning when you stole his favorite jacket. Which is why you both took almost twenty minutes to gain your composure after he spilled an entire tray of food on you. 
Mingyu swears he didn’t do it on purpose. How could he have known you were coming through the door at that very moment? But he’d do it again if it meant seeing you in one of the spare shirts he keeps in the truck again. Even if it meant he’d also sustain minor coffee burns.
“They think I have a crush on you too.”
You watch the way he traces your collar bone, catching the twinkle of the diamond pendant resting at the hollow of your throat; his birthstone. It was the first piece of jewelry he bought you when you started dating almost a decade ago. 
You hadn’t taken it off since the day he gave it to you with shaky hands and red ears.
“Do you?” He asks.
“Do I, what?”
“Have a crush on me?”
“Oh Gyu,” you coo at him. “I have the fattest crush on you.”
“Damn right you do.”
Sitting outside with an entire audience of other teachers and students doesn’t allow either of you to fall into the familiar comfort of adorning kisses or airtight hugs. But Mingyu’s pinky brushing yours in the ample space between your figures is enough for now.
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Friday is Valentine’s day which means all the kids don red and pink outfits and prepare for a day of candy filled fun. You spent all morning helping the art teacher set up paint stations. Why she cashed in on the long owed favor with such a simple task was beyond you but the monotony is a nice change from the chaos you’ve experienced all week. When second period rolls around, you shuffle back to your classroom; welcomed by the line of students waiting outside your locked door. 
“I swear! I saw Mr. Kim and Ms. y/l/n at the grocery store last night.”
“Hana, Ms. y/l/n said its grown up business. Maybe you just saw people that look like them,” Arin shrugs. “And I don’t wanna get in trouble again.”
“It had to be them!”
They quiet down as they walk past your figure, smiling like cherubs when you greet them.
Students file in one by one, shrill voices echoing from excitement. Most cheer about their pizza party with Mr. Kim later that afternoon, a few squeals about the set of Valentine’s their parents sent with them to handout. 
Your ears catch a few other snippets of conversation as you wait for the stragglers to make it by. 
“Oh my gosh those are so pretty!”
“Those look like the flowers my mommy likes!”
Curiosity gets the better of you, forcing you to step into the room and see what the kids are talking about. 
An explosion of pink camellias resting on your desk. Huge blossoms with pale pink petals spill over the sides of the vase, slips of greenery sprinkled throughout. Approaching your desk, the floral aroma fills your nose. The blooms feel like soft velvet under the pad of your finger tracing the largest one in the center of the arrangement.
Who on earth?
As if on cue a mop of black hair peaks in from the hall. Mingyu eyes the bouquet and the pleased look on your face before allowing his own to break into his infamous smile.
“Just wanted to make sure they got here safe,” he calls.
You whip your head up, eyes wide and mouth open at the can of worms he just spilled.
“What?” Mingyu asks innocently. “Can’t a man buy his fiancee flowers?”
He disappears with a wink but his laughter at the chaos he’s stirred up can be heard miles away.
“MISS Y/L/N YOU’RE MARRIED?” Mark screams.
Another shrill voice answers, “Fiancee means they’re almost married, idiot!” 
“You lied to us!” Arin and Hana chorus.
Dropping into your chair, you hide your burning face in your hands. Coincidentally it also hides your shy grin from the hoard of ten year olds jumping in their seats at the news.Mingyu is in so much trouble.
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A few weeks before the new school year starts, a group of nearly eleven year olds crowd into the pews of the massive church at the center of town. Stained glass reflects patterns over the marble floors, casting them in a rainbow of colors. 
Some sit on their hands to calm the adrenaline pumping through their tiny veins. Others rock back and forth in an effort to watch Mr. Kim strut down the aisle in a fancy looking suit. 
But all of them gasp when you turn the corner.
You look like a real life princess in your wedding dress, floating towards their science teacher waiting at the altar with tears and a smile matching your own.
When you and Mr. Kim kiss, the girls squeal and the boys blush.
Several rows ahead sits a small group of older students, who’ve long graduated elementary school and are headed to college in a few days. They exchange satisfied smiles and pat themselves on the back for getting their favorite fourth grade teachers together all those years ago.
Maybe now your new classes won’t try playing Cupid like they do every year given Mr. Kim finally married their favorite teacher.
Fic taglist: @tacosandbitch @leechanniee @syprosight @prettygyuuu @itza-meee @cottoncheol @ashluvy @jkslvsnella @xuimhao @vanishingboots @miujunhui @viciousdarlings @imprettyweird @akeminy @sana-is-ms-rmty @jayfrvr @watermelonsugawara @bouclesdefeu
Permanent taglist:
@cvpidyunho @miniseokminnies @tomodachiii @ddaengpotate @arycutie @gaebestie @gyuguys @primoppang @mine-gyu
© highvern. copying/reuploading/translating my work anywhere is strictly prohibited.
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sweetwriter · 3 months
hey y'all I'm taking spanish this semester, so I'm trying to get better at my grammar- please let me know if it doesn't make sense, I did most of it without translator so I could be off ok bye enjoy!
“Con, this is getting just sad, just talk to her.” eren rolled his eyes at his friend.
Connie took a long exhale of the smoke he held in his lungs, closing his eyes,“I do talk to her, I talk to YN everyday: throughout the day.” 
Connie does, matter of fact, he was on the phone with you on his way over to Erens. You and Connie have been close since Highschool- you joined the friend group through Eren: you met Eren at the vending machine. You thought he was funny and Eren knew Connie would love you.
“Bro you know what I mean.” Of course Connie knew what Eren was talking about, connie and the rest world knew he was in love with you. Well everyone, but you, knew Connie was in love with you. 
“Yeah yeah” relighting the joint
“You wont win her over if you act like it doesn’t matter”
“It do matter, me le quiero pero no puedo.” eren and connie grew up together, Eren damn near was always at Connie's house, Eren learned to speak spanish a good as he does in English. He also knew, Connie doesn’t speak spanish unless its something truly he wants Eren to only know. 
“¿Por qué?” Eren replied. 
“Por que, ella es mi amiga mejor no mi amante”
“Pero, ¿ quieres que ella sea?”
“It doesn’t matter” 
“¿no es así?” 
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liyawritesss · 1 year
riri x reader going to a game or playing video games together late at night
ᴊᴜꜱᴛ ʀᴇʟᴀx ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴍɪɴᴅ
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Characters: MCU!Riri Williams x Black!Fem!Reader
Type: Drabble
Synopsis: Finals are here and you've been studying non-stop for the past few weeks. Riri gets you to unwind in the only way you can’t refuse.
Warnings: cursing, riri gets a bit upset cuz you're not taking care of yourself, one mention of the word 'depression'
A/N: a mix of a drabble + textfic style that I thought would fit for this request. It's also been a minute since I actually wrote for riri but I have engaged in a lot of the his floating around for her. Particularly the stud!riri ones....if you squint you'll def see the inspiration lmaoo.
Tags: @6-noir @playhousedistee @shuririsdefenseattorney @shuriszn @zayswriting @wrendermedone @writingintheshadowsforever @mbakuetshurisprincess @verachii @slytherin-34 @the_lesbian-fangirl @itsmaniiiiiiiii @strangefishflapturtle @cuddl3s4shur1 @shuriislut @dejaonline @babyboiboyega @badass-dora-milaje @inmyheadimobsessed @aaliyg @cafehyunji @chunkybabygorl @rosielovesfamily @lulu-network
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Ten forty-seven.
That was the time on your phone, printed in white against the background of your lock screen. You had been studying for four hours, since the second you got back to your dorm after your last class ended for the day. There had barely been a moment’s rest for you, and after the realization hit that you had been sitting in your seat for four fucking hours rereading the same study guide and notes over and over, you became increasingly aware of the sting your eyes and the soreness of your butt in your desk chair.
Finals were around the corner, and quite frankly, you couldn’t afford to not study. This semester had been exceptionally hard course wise, with the materials for many of your classes being dense and intense. The professors as well were not the kindest, and would make it all too easy for a student to slip up and fail, and you refused to be one of those students.
Your phone buzzes against the wood of your desk, and against your better judgment, you choose to pick it up and see the notifications you have. As you suspect, ignoring your phone and all other electronics for four hours straight garnered you a lot of notifications from the various apps you used on a day to day basis for entertainment and communication. And the first to sit at the top of your notifications column was from none other than your precious girlfriend herself.
riri baby ❣️
let me know you’re alive goddamn
like a lot
you know you wouldn’t be stressing like this is you just let me help you study
you know im a good teacher :D
pls answer your goddamn phone
you act like i wont spam your shit you know i’m crazy like that
…..now if i send you sumn imma be in the wrong
jesus christ ri
riri baby ❣️
wooooooowwww so you respond to the threat of me sending you nudes but not me being lovey dovey n shit
i see how it is
you know what they say
a tit pic a day keeps the depression at bay
riri baby ❣️
I wish my phone wasn’t fucked up so i could send that raven simone gif of her saying ‘ya nasty’
cuz that’s what you are
n a s t y
you offered??????
riri baby ❣️
pls tell me you’re not still studying
you been doin that shit since last week 
did you even eat anything when you got back to our room
I can neither confirm nor deny either of those questions
riri baby ❣️
Really (Y/N)?
that's not my name :(
you make it sound like i’m in trouble or sumn
riri baby ❣️
cuz you are????
bae its finna be eleven at night and you aint eat or take a break since you got back
ik ik ik
i tried to take one i really did
but i was just starting to understand some stuff and I didn't want my stupid brain to forget it just as i was already beginning to relearn it
and I still have so much to go….
riri baby ❣️
put you sumn on
im finna come pick you up and we finna go get sumn to eat
then i’mma spend the night with you and make sure you chill tf out on that studying shit bc you gon fuck around and make yourself sick from all that stress
can we get
riri baby ❣️
yes we can get tacos pretty girl
And baby?
riri baby ❣️
i love you
you’re doing great
thank you….n I love you too
can we also play the game when we come back?
riri baby ❣️
yes baby we can play the game
im suppose to be teaching you how to play 2K anyway
i’m downstairs mama
hurry up campus security be out here actin shady n shit
You were thankful that Riri had texted you in the end. You probably would be past out in your desk chair right now if you chose to ignore your phone again, but knowing Riri, she wouldn't have let that happen anyway. The trip to your favorite taco spot wasn’t long, and the cashier there who had memorized your orders made the process swift and painless. 
Returning to your dorm room, Riri wasted no time in shoving your study materials into the drawer of your desk to be forgotten about until tomorrow. You just sat on your bed, as you watched her move about your room with precision, cleaning up your discarded shoes, jacket and backpack, and turning on your gaming console, slipping the 2K23 disc into the game disc slot and loading up the application.
“C’mere,” Riri mutters as she takes you by your hand and pulls you onto her lap after you’ve finished eating. The warmth from her hoodie warms your body that's littered in goosebumps, and she all but ages you against her by wrapping her arm around her waist to connect with the other handle of the controller. You find yourself paying much more attention to her tutorial of the game than any of the course material from any of your classes, her soft voice coaxing relaxation into your mind. And of course, as the ever so appreciative girlfriend you are to her, you make sure to feed her as well while she’s teaching you. 
You’d save study for tomorrow. For right now, you were content with your girlfriend holding you close while she played her game, and you watched attentively, delivering her a victory kiss for every match she wins.
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seobstarr · 19 days
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Y/n was always the type to think Logically.
Or at least she would like to think that she’s the type to think logically rather than on a whim. Hyunsuk had always taught her to follow her intuition even though he, himself, was never really like that. She had grown fond of the fact that she was always ready to agree with things she was comfortable with and she was very delighted with the way she would do and not think, even though it got her in trouble most of the time.
So why when a random girl with straight bangs came up to her and Theo, starting to make conversation with the taller; did she feel in distress. Why was she thinking this random women was a threat to her.
It had started out normal enough. Since Theo forgot about the previous events it had felt like a new start, even beginning for Y/n. They had both gotten over the volleyball incident, Theo was being more productive in the Journalism club and Y/n, even if she didn’t think so herself, was one hell of a Volleyball manager. As they had walked through the streets of the university campus Y/n had felt off, like a distant voice was telling her to be itchy with uncomfortableness.
When Theo handed her the frozen desert from the parlor that’s when she realized it. Somebody was watching them. She scanned around quickly, looking for any lingering eyes, any intense glares but nothing had come about “Y/n!” The muffled sound alerts her back, Theos hand waving slightly in front of her face “Are you alright? You seem spacey..” His questions linger through her ears “Yeah, I just—“
“Theo?” That was not Y/n’s voice. It was more higher pitched, almost forcibly made out to earth a tone that would catch the humans hearing. Y/n looks at the fast moving feet “Omg It is you!! Cora, remember?” Her face was shaped like a feline, the full bangs that laid on her forehead were somewhat stiff and the rest of her hair had been straightened, giving her a glamorous look that completed her features perfectly “No way! Cora what are you doing here, I thought you went to a different Uni?” Theo casually announced, going in for a friendly hug “Yeah, but i decided to transfer here this semester because they had a lot more courses centered around my major” Cora giggled.
Y/n was confused, awfully confused. Who was cora? How does she know Theo this well? Is she here to stay? A million thoughts had circled through her head as the ice cream in her hand melts from the warm friction of her palm “Y/n, This is Cora. She was my teams manager back in high school!” Theo explains to the very ditzy Y/n who stood there almost shell shocked “Nice to meet you, I’m Y/n” Her free hand goes out to shake Coras.
“She’s actually our manager, she started a few months ago” Theo explains and Cora lights up at the Idea “That’s so cool! Hope him and Kyo aren’t giving you any trouble” She even knew Keehos nickname. The nickname that was only given to his close friends or personal family members
“You should totally come and watch us practice on wednesday…We’ll if you’re free—“
“Of course I will! Wont want to miss an opportunity to see your growth…” Cora chuckles softly, her hand going out to stretch itself on Theos shoulder. Through her smile her eyes open up, to pierce into Y/n “And to see Y/n’s coaching skills” She laughs it off, pretending it was a harmless joke but Y/N knows better.
She knows the crazed look in the taller girls eyes, the piercing fierce gaze that had shot through her own eyes like arrows on fire
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tags!: 🍰: @inthesunnn @captivq @nini-04 @hopeless-romantic-mentality @222brainrot @therealbobbyshloby @miyukisv @beommii @soobiverse @blossominghunnie @cyberpunksunwoo @sleepyxxhead @vehaez @jilxe
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keb notes: HEYYYYY! did y’all miss me?🤭 if you didn’t then….we aren’t friends igz :(. jkjk but now that i am a free women (graduated from hs) I CAN FINALLY UPDATE REGULARLY EVERYBODY SAY YIPPIEEEE!!!
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yankstrash · 6 months
they're just cuddled up on gabes bed and this thought wont stop consuming her head
and it's overwhelming her and gabe looks down when he hears sniffling
"meels?" he asks with scrunched eyebrows "hey,"
he puts his hand under her chin and lifts her face up so he can see her
he frowns when he sees a few tears falling from her eyes
"i don't want to leave you over break." amelia says so quietly
gabes heart cracks at her words
"i really, really don't want to leave you." her voice cracks and more tears fall
gabe puts his hand on the back of her head and moves her head to his neck, holding it there
"it'll go by so fast, baby. and you know i'm coming to see you over break." he says softly
she sniffles, "i k-know.. but that's only for a little while. the rest of the time you'll be in illinois, or europe for hockey. so far from me.."
gabe rubs her back, trying to soothe her
"trust me meels you're gonna come back from break and be so happy to have had a break from me" he jokes, but amelia isn't laughing
she lifts her head out of his neck and looks up at him with glassy eyes
"no. i'm not. i'm going to miss you so much. and i don't want to be without you."
gabe puts his forehead on hers
"you are the sweetest ever. i'm going to miss your face so damn much." he says
she sniffles, "a-are you still going to l-like me when we get back?"
gabe laughs lightly at her words
what does she think.
"i'm probably going to like you even more. and i'm sure, like always, you'll only get prettier over break."
"a-are you still going to be my gabriel when we get back.." she says so softly
gabe smiles and nods
"i'll always be your gabriel."
"a-a month is a long time.."
he nods, "it is. but we will both be so busy, it's going to fly by and before we know it we'll be right back here for second semester. it'll be okay baby."
meels nods her head slowly, tears still brimming her eyes
"my sweet girl," gabe coos, bringing her in closer and kissing her head "i'm going to miss you so much."
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thegreencanary · 2 years
Hands off
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Based on this request!!
TW: This is a HEAVY one. Please take these seriously! Sexual Assault, drugs, smoking, Cursing, Fighting, Blood, light Smut; MINORS YOU BETTER GET OUT OF HERE. This is not for you. DNI
Summary: Jason Carver has his eyes on you and no matter what you do, he wont stop until he has you…or so he thinks
A/N: This is a pretty dark one guys, so please, please, please take the trigger warnings seriously. I will not be offended at all if you skip reading over this because it may be too upsetting. Mental health is more important babes!! It’s a lot of fluff with a bit of angst.
Just one day, for the love of God, you wanted just one day of school where the basketball team didn’t swarm your locker or harass you at lunch. You’d managed to get by most of your semester without anyone paying attention to you; until Billy Hargrove started dating you. There was some weird rivalry between him and Jason Carver. They fought over tables at lunch, parking spots, game plays and most of all: you. There was no competition in your eyes, Billy was clearly the better option. Most people didn’t understand that because he was a bit of an asshole but not to you. Robin Buckley was one of your best friends and the two of you got dragged into the Upside Down drama, and Billy started to trust you more and more. Long story short, you were there for him through Neil, Max trusted you and he learned how to be vulnerable around you. Jason Carver made Pussy jokes and groped you at any given moment, to you it was a clear winner. Billy was the right one for you, but no matter how much you told Jason to Fuck off he just came back harder and harder. Today, he was leaning against your locker and waiting for you, you always got to school early to tutor some kids. Billy would usually meet you when the other kids showed up but Jason decided to be early today.
“Move Carver.”
He smirked and moved so you could open your locker, leaning on his shoulder he grabbed a strand of your hair and you smacked it off.
“Hello to you too Y/N”
“Fuck off Carver”
You pulled your locker open and grabbed a few things, there was a Polaroid of you and Billy that always made you smile, and Jason grabbed it.
“Give it back Asshole.”
“Make me.”
“Jason I swea-“
“Carver. I know you’re not bothering my girlfriend. Especially at her locker when I told you to never talk to her again.”
You chuckled and smiled as Billy came up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist. Relief and safety washed over you, there was something about his arms that just made you feel untouchable to the outside world. Jason dropped the picture and scoffed.
“I’m just reminding your bitch what she’s missing out on.”
You tightly held Billy’s arms to you as you felt him try to pull away after Jason called you a bitch. He wasn’t worth getting into a fight with and you just wanted to spend the rest of your morning with your boyfriend. Jason walked away as if he had won something and you rolled your eyes, finally letting Billy release you.
“One day I’m gonna shut my locker on his face.”
You chuckled as you bent down to get the photo. Billy hadn’t seen it before, he never liked being photographed; and you didn’t either but this one photo of the two of you laughing in a hug was special. Billy looked so carefree and you looked so in love with him. This time Billy grabbed the photo and you rolled your eyes.
“Can I please have that back?”
He was quiet as he looked at it. Pulling his wallet out, he put the photo in there.
Billy smiled and pulled you in for a kiss. It was the kind of kiss that made you wish you were in the privacy of your own room. He had a way of making your body react with the simplest of actions. The noise of the school starting to fill with students faded away and all you could focus on was Billy’s body on yours. He pulled away and you stood there breathless.
“I’ll pick you up tonight for Tina’s party okay? Don’t…I know Carver will be there so, don’t wander too far from me okay? We both know how fucking stupid he is.”
You nodded, still not fully able to speak. Billy smirked and kissed your cheek, winking at you. He whispered in your ear and you almost smacked him.
“You look good today baby.”
“Billy I swear to God, unless you’re going to pull me into a room and fuck me right now you better stop.”
He chuckled and stood there considering it. You grabbed your books and shut your locker.
“Oh my god that wasn’t a suggestion!”
You laughed and kissed him shortly, then headed to your class. You could feel Him staring at you with a smile as you walked away.
You sighed as you looked at your two outfit options. The cute short leather skirt and Def Leppard shirt looked great with it but Jason’s annoying ass voice was in the back of your head. He as uncomfortable confident wandering hands all day at school and it made you want to go with option two, a sweater and some jeans. Yea it was hot but you’d planned on staying inside for the party. You were pissed that a stupid boy made you so uncomfortable that you wanted to change what you wore. Shaking off the thought you grabbed the leather skirt and put the outfit on. The mirror reminded you that you didn’t need to worry about what Jason Carver thought. You were hot, and this was Billy’s payback for teasing you in the morning. You were going to have fun with him tonight, other basketball Jock’s be damned.
You heard your door open, your little brother must have let Billy in the house. He let out a low whistle as you tied up your doc martens.
“I think we can skip the party…”
You chuckled at his comment. Standing you fluffed your hair one time and turned towards him.
“Where’s the fun in that? Am I driving tonight or are you?”
You two always picked a DD. He’d had enough issues of drinking too much and driving home, almost killing the both of you after one party. It shook him enough to change how you two went out together. He shrugged.
“Up to you. It’s early so we can both have a few and if you want to go hard I can ease up.”
You rolled your eyes, that meant you’d be driving. It didn’t bother you because you didn’t like getting drunk at Tina’s parties anyways; but he could at least just own up to wanting to get drunk.
“Cool, give me your keys.”
He just chuckled and threw the keys at you.
“God I…you’re great.”
“I know.”
You got goosebumps because you thought he was going to say the L word finally, but not yet. He smacked your ass and you let out a giddy Yelp as you two end to the car and drove to the party.
Holy hell party was an understatement. It was a fully blown rave damn near. How Tina got away with this shit blew your mind but there had to be kids from other towns and schools because the front lawn was even packed. You parked Billy’s precious car a few houses down, just in case someone wanted to try and get stupid and do something to it. The pair of you walked in, his arm around your shoulder and your arm around his waist. Part of the benefit of dating Hawkins royalty was the sea of kids parting for Billy to get inside. Almost immediately the two of you had a beer in your hands, you’d have 1 maybe 2 while Billy would round out 15-20. You felt uneasy for a moment and looking around you couldn’t figure out why, so you tried to shake it off. Tonight was for Billy and you.
Billy was getting cheered on as he did his famous Keg Stand. You were right there cheering alongside him but you had to pee.
“Hey Steve, if he finishes can you tell him I’ll be right back? I need to go to the bathroom.”
“Sure thing. Want me to hold your drink for you?”
“No, it’s almost empty and I don’t want anyone giving me another so I’m just gonna act like it’s full. I’m driving tonight.”
“You’re a freaking genius you know that?”
“Just looking out for the people I care about.”
Steve smiled at you and nudged you to go. You hit one more cigarette puff and headed inside. People knew who you were but they didn’t part for you like they did for Billy; instead they swarmed you and all tried to talk to you. It took about 3 minutes but you managed to get to the bathroom. Filling your drink with water after peeing, you took a deep breath and headed back out. Someone bumped into you and spilled your drink all over your shirt.
“What the fuck!”
No one around looked like they were responsible, and a perky young freshman girl came up to you with another drink.
“Oh my God that guy was an ass. Here!”
You sighed. Two beers should be fine, you took it and thanked her. She looked like you just gave her $1,000. Chuckling, you tried to find your way back to Billy.
7 minutes had passed, maybe, but you were on the floor. The drink had to have had something in it. You couldn’t stand, or even talk. Everyone just chalked it up to you being drunk but you felt like everything was blurry. Leaning against the wall you sat trying to make yourself small, if you just waited it out…
“Well well well. The queen of Hawkins on her knees.”
No fucking way. You tried to cover your face with your hands but Jason was bigger than you and he just picked you up.
“N….o. Help….me.”
You tried to reach out but your body was moving too slow. Jason just shushed you and took you upstairs, the place you would go with Billy when you two got heated at the parties. Jason opened a door and a couple was already topless but Jason kicked them out. He locked the door.
You tried to roll away when he threw you on the bed but again…your damn body wouldn’t move. You felt him rip your shirt open and hot tears flowed down your face. He groped you, pulling your bra up so your chest was fully exposed. His lips attacked you and you did all you could do…cry.
Billy was fucking mad. You were supposed to stay with him the whole night. Harrington said you went to the bathroom but that was like 20 minutes ago. Billy’s buzz was gone, he’d sobered up looking for you, and even had Harrington looking. People seemed to forget you even existed, until Billy noticed a freshman girl looking scared shitless when he approached.
“Hey beautiful, you haven’t seen my girlfriend have you?”
He tried to ease her nerves by flirting a bit. She was fuckin shaking.
“Umm. She was over in the corner on the floor. I think Jason is taking care of her. He took her upstairs. She looked really fucked up.”
Billy’s heart dropped.
He YELLED. Most people didn’t stop partying but Billy didn’t see him, he had to still be upstairs with you. Running up, Billy began damn near kicking doors down until he got to a locked one.
His hands were tougher than Billy’s. He toyed with your skirt and pushed it up, exposing your lace underwear.
“For me? Oh baby you shouldn’t have.”
His hand ghosted over your core when the door was broken open.
“You’re dead Carver.”
Billy wasn’t a musical man but his voice sounded like a choir of Angels. You managed to pull yourself up after about a minute and a half. You were 1/2 naked and exposed, red hickies on your body from Jason’s unwanted kisses. It was all so god damn blurry but Billy and Jason were fighting. You tried to cover yourself but you were too weak.
“Oh my god Y/N….”
Robin. Thank fucking God Robin was there. Steve must have found her. She put your bra right and pulled your skirt down. Whoever’s room you were in had a closet and Robin grabbed a random t-shirt. It was 4 sizes too big but it covered your ripped clothes.
The boys were still fighting. You felt sick. Robin was trying to lift you when Steve came in. He didn’t need context to know what happened. Everyone knew, Jason drugged you and tried to rape you. Steve’s job was to keep Billy from killing Jason.
“Billy! Stop! He’s fucking unconscious man!”
“I. Don’t. Fucking. Care.”
Each word was emphasized with a punch. Billy was plenty bloody from Jason’s hits but he was the Hawkins king for a reason. Steve grabbed Billy and forced him to look at you.
“Fucking help her get home man. We will deal with Carver.”
Steve wasn’t the best of friends with Billy originally but after Starcourt they got pretty close. Billy would never admit it, but he liked Steve, and god damn he was smart for focusing Billy on you. Robin was holding you, trying to calm you and you were crying still.
“I got her Robin.”
He felt in your skirt pocket and grabbed his keys. The adrenaline washing any excess alcohol out of him, he picked you up and carried you to the car. Leaving Steve to make sure Jason wasn’t dead. Billy didn’t care. He’d go to jail for you…but you’d be left without him, unprotected. He couldn’t do that to you.
“It’s okay baby. I’m here. I’m here.”
It was settling in. The image of Jason over your exposed body…his hand almost in your pants…Billy was the one crying now. He reached the car and gently placed you inside. You reached for him as he went to go to the driver side.
Billy brought his lips to yours, bending down to kiss you deeply.
“You did nothing wrong baby. NOTHING. I should have been there. I shouldn’t have let you get….I should have been there.
The drive home was silent and thankfully your parents were asleep when he got you home. Like most parents in Hawkins, they never cared if Billy spent the night or where their daughter was on nights. He gently removed your clothes and A fresh set of tears hit you both as the red hickies painted your skin. Billy got you in the tub and bathed you, cleaning your hair and helping take your makeup off. He knew you’d feel dirty anyways but he just wanted to help. You mumbled apologies and cried as he took care of you. His only response was soft kisses and kind words.
“I… love you.”
You mumbled as he tucked you in, wearing one of his big t-shirts to bed. He smiled at the words, but they were for the morning.
Sure enough the morning came and you woke up with a pounding headache. Running to the bathroom you almost put your stomach into the toilet. You felt Billy’s hand on your back, and after successfully removing your entire contents in your stomach you looked to him.
“How did we get home? I’m so sorry I must have gotten plastered last night… I don’t remember pretty much anything after I got my second beer.”
It didn’t register how wounded he was until after you stopped talking.
“Billy? Baby what happened? Are you okay?”
You felt like shit, by far and away the worst hangover you’ve ever had. You got up and brushed your teeth, patiently waiting for Billy to tell you what happened. He just hugged you from behind.
“Billy? Honey who did you fight?”
Normally his name had some hate attached to it but this time Billy said it with venom. You sighed and turned, sitting on the sink and pulled Billy to stand in between your legs. You tilted his chin.
“Well he got a few good ones in, but you don’t look too bad. What did he do this time?”
Jason face filled your mind but it was an expression you didn’t remember. You shook it off and refocused on Billy. He’d only ever looked this upset when he was in the hospital after the mall incident.
“Baby? Are you okay?”
Your voice was so soft and Billy began to cry again. You were shocked, but you didn’t know what he had to tell you. He had to tell you that you were drugged because he wasn’t with you. He didn’t find you in time and Jason had gotten to you first.
“You went to the bathroom…I figured you’d be back, Harrington said you’d be back… but you weren’t. I went looking for you, and someone…someone said you upstairs with Jason.”
He felt you go rigid. His arms wrapped around you tighter, and his dropped gaze moved to your shoulder as he rested his head on you. He couldn’t see your face as he told you.
“I got there as fast as I could…he had drugged you. You were…he ripped your top. He touched you, I didn’t let finish though.”
A heavy silence sat in your small bathroom. You felt claustrophobic, like the walls were suffocating you; but your crying boyfriend pulled you back. Jason tried to rape you, and Billy saved you. He was blaming himself for everything.
“Oh baby. Billy it’s not your fault. You can’t be with me every second of the day. Baby… look at me.”
Billy hesitated but he pulled his head from your shoulder. You were crying but your eyes were full of patience and love. God he loved you so much.
“Jason will get what he deserves. I’m okay because of you. Nothing that happened is your fault but I’m okay because of you.”
Billy kissed you softly. The air around you two got lighter.
“You kept apologizing. Like it was your fault. I wanted to kill him. I…I don’t know if I did or not.”
“We will cross that bridge if we get there, for now; we’re both okay. Alright? Billy, baby, I’m okay. I mean I feel like I just got hit by a train but I’m okay.”
He chuckled softly at your joke and you smiled. His desperation in his hold on you changed to a much more loving hug as he pulled you in again. Lifting you off the sink he took you back to bed.
“Y/N…I, last night you said something I wanted to say first, but I’ve been too scared because I can’t handle it if you don’t say it back.”
You chuckled. Looks like drugged up you is a lot more fearless than you are normally.
“I love you Billy Hargrove.”
“Thank fucking God. I love you too”
The day was lazy. The two of you spent it in bed eating and watching movies. He did most of the eating because you felt awful, but he was there the whole time. Steve called at one point; Jason was alive but in the hospital. He wasn’t going to say anything because he would be responsible for attempted rape. You were still going to press charges. Steve and Robin would be witnesses, Billy would probably be charged with assault but it was for protection so it would be dropped. You took a moment to look at the love of your life.
“Thank you Billy. For everything.”
“Shut up idiot. You’re the one I should be thanking. Stop being mushy and watch the damn movie.”
He smiled and kissed your forehead, and you laughed. The dark night was over and it was a beautiful sunset on the horizon.
A/N: This is my work and I don’t give anyone the permission to post it anywhere claiming to be someone else’s. Thanks for reading!! Please interact ❤️🖤❤️
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heeracha · 2 years
ep 20. / ep 21. — the whipped y/n. / ep 22.
buy one, take me. — l. heeseung
synposis: with his best friend asking him for help because said best friend was scared he wasn't "boyfriend material" enough, heeseung looks for flower shops for his best friend's girlfriend. thankfully, jake knows someone from the university who has an aunt that owns a flower shop, you. now, heeseung messages you and shyly, but shamelessly asks if he can get any promos or discounts to which you shamelessly answered him, "buy one, take me". heeseung doesn't pass on this, of course. after all, you are pretty damn cute.
pairing: heeseung x flortist!fem!reader
content/genre: college au, slowburn, fluff, angst and crack, smau.
warning(s): swearing, of course. two idiots aka heey/n. heeseung sulking about jaycha,, unproof read :D
note: and the third update is here <3 ,,,, hopefully (even though its impossible) hee slander wont come back,,,, see u on ep 22 <3 btw,,, im not sure,,, but i think botm will be a bit longer,,,, but im not sure,, i just think :D
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your eyes leave your notes, looking up at the cause of the shadow on your notes. heeseung silently sits on the chair across from you and it was weird. heeseung would usually annoy you by poking your shoulder a lot of times before sitting, giving you a goofy grin. plus, you never told him you were here studying and it wasn’t like he texted you either that he wants to join you to study. he only pulls his book and notes out, opening them right away to study peacefully.
five minutes passed by and you knew something was definitely up. on usual days, heeseung would close his book right away and pull you out of your studying so you two could go somewhere to relax your minds, but now, none of that. he focused on his book, his cheek on his palm as he wrote important notes.
you remove one earbud off your ear, silently holding it out to heeseung. he looks at it and he wordlessly takes it, putting it on his ear. he doesn’t even spare you a glance. something really was wrong. you reluctantly go back to your studying, letting heeseung be for now.
after an hour, you couldn’t take it anymore. you wanted the loud and goofy heeseung back. you stand up, transferring beside him as you take the bud off his ear and yours, putting them on the table. “what happened?” you ask and heeseung finally spares you a glance. he shakes his head, going back to his book and notes. you sigh, grabbing his pen, putting it in his book and closing it as you cup heeseung’s cheeks, forcing him to look at you. “what happened? i’m so bothered, you’re so quiet.”
“they’re moving in together.” he mumbles and you press your lips into a thin line. “when the semester is over, jay’s moving out and yeah. they found an apartment nearby.” he explains, looking down as you remove your hands off his cheeks, resting them on his knees as you watch him. “they’ve been talking about it for weeks and…” heeseung softly chuckles. “i thought it wouldn’t happen because… i don’t know—i hoped that it wouldn’t.”
“come here, honey,” you softly say and heeseung wraps his arms around your waist, resting his cheek on your shoulder as you put your arms around him, one hand on his head, softly brushing his hair with your fingers. “i’m sorry.”
heeseung shrugs. “i’m pretty sure even if she and jay never got together, i still wouldn’t confess.” he softly chuckles and you look at him as you run your hand up and down on his back. “but honestly,” he softly says and you hum. “i don’t know, i feel like i’m more upset at the fact that jay won’t be my roommate anymore.”
“well,” you softly say. “it’s their loss, hm?” you say as heeseung pulls away, sitting up as he looks at you. “jay just lost the coolest roommate he ever had. and ae-cha never had the best boyfriend she could ever have—who, may i add—” you softly chuckle, putting a finger up as the corners of heeseung’s mouth start to twitch. “is the funniest, smart, kind, loving, and, and, and!” you enthusiastically say and heeseung only raises an eyebrow as a sign for you to continue. “puts up the best flower arrangements ever.”
heeseung laughs as you put emphasis on the word “best”. you smile at him and he shakes his head. “we’ve only been friends since the term started, but you always knew how to get me to smile.” he says and you wink at him causing him to chuckle.
he lets out a sigh as if weight lifted off his shoulders, a smile coming up on his lips. “wanna go to the movies?” heeseung says, looking at you and you scoff, standing up to go back to your original seat. “oh, come on, we’ve been studying for an hour already!”
“heeseung,” you groan. “the dumb finals are on thursday up to saturday, it’s already a tuesday!”
“see, we still have tomorrow,” heeseung says and you look at him. “wednesday!”
you groan in frustration. oh, no no no. you’re not frustrated at heeseung’s request. you’re frustrated at the fact that you know you’ll cave in and let heeseung drag you to wherever the hell he has in mind. “come on, y/n.” heeseung whines and you frown, putting your earbuds on and ignoring him as you continue to study.
gently, he tugs on your sweater paws and you look up to see him smiling causing his cheeks to go round. you just want to pinch it, he was fucking adorable. “one hour.” you say and heeseung grins in victory,
but only 30 minutes pass by and he’s already tugging on your sweater paws again. well, what the hell are you going to do? just like jeongin said, you were fucking whipped.
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au taglist [open]: @jongsaengseong @fairybangtan @viagumi @nyfwyeonjun @msxflower @cyuuupid @pluviophilefangirl @denyelee @tomorrowbymoa-together @sophhloaff @duolingofanaccount @precioussoulofmine @lhsng @deeznutsriki @starzvrse @atrirose @aalwaysreading @yabukkura @artstaeh @rrinsluvr @j4d @taeyongslilkitty @andii711 @markleepooh @poipoi01 @enhasengene @jjongsha @hannabugblog @raimbows4u @calumsfringe @kunhye @sodafy @skyvwonie @wtfhyuck @sungookie @leeis @kimmchijjajang @tnyhees @fadingera @lost-leopard-beanie @sonjuyeonnie @sim-kissed @vantxx95 @xyxlyn @harperwasstaken1 @maybee-may @liliansun @heeliopheelia @nomurahayami @ang3lpxtch @renaishun @cupidrwm @ckline35 @knownunknown345
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