#i would have even more fun if i could fucking DRAW pleaseee
tsukasageorge · 1 year
Art block posting as usual
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fakeuwus · 8 months
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now playing ☾⋆⁺₊🎧✩°。 guilty conscience by 070 shake
⁺ ⋆˚ genre: idol!jake x nonidol/femreader, just angst man am i sorry, established relationship
⁺ ⋆˚ warnings: lowercase intended, cursing, being drunk, infidelity, gaslighting(?), baby is used as a nickname, one suggestive text, jay is mentioned BRIEFLY
⁺ ⋆˚ word count: ~1.2k
⁺ ⋆˚ message from nic: i know i already did a piece ab cheating but all of my works are inspired by songs or i try to connect them to a song,,, i just feel it sets the tone of the story and its fun to connect a story to a song!! and since this song is one of my favs atm i HAD to write ab it. i definitely recommend u guys listen to the song while reading or even listen to it after. kinda ironic how cheating is one of my pet peeves (i fr despise it sm dont get me started) yet here i am writing ab it lmao. i promise i'll write something more lighthearted and/or anything that isn't angst soon LOL. but hope y'all enjoy and feedback is always appreciated!
"5 AM when i walked in, could not believe what i saw"
yn: JAKEY JAKE JAKEY pleaseee come tk the club rn i habent seen u since u got nack :(
jake chuckles at the message as he reads it. he glances over at the clock that reads 4:38 AM. he knows that clubs in korea don’t close until 8 but god damn how are you still partying with your friends this late? he figures that you must’ve had a little too much to drink and your party animals for friends don’t help at all.
jake: ik baby but we had schedules right when we landed and im so tired… how are u even still there rn???
jake: u make it rlly hard to say no to u
jake: ill be there soon<3
jake sighs as he rises from his bed, making sure not to wake jay who’s fast asleep. he envies how jay can be sleeping so peacefully when jake is experiencing the worst jet lag of his life. you being out at 4 in the morning and his racing mind doesn't help him try to get some shut eye either.
he dresses quickly, making sure it's quiet when he exits the dorms. it’s not his finest fashion moment but he could care less about what he looks like. he’s only going out to see you and to possibly save you from whatever crazy antics you and the girls are up to.
jake isn’t going to lie when he says he hasn’t made the best effort to see you after getting back from tour. but he also didn’t lie when he said his schedule was super jam packed these days. he should’ve immediately ran to you as soon as he landed but he just didn’t have it in him. guilt gnawed away at his heart as he hailed a cab to lead him to the club you were having the time of your life at.
jake enters the back of the club smoothly without drawing any attention. thankfully your friends secured a vip table upstairs in a secluded area, making it easy for clubgoers to not notice that an idol was going to a club at godforsaken hours.
approaching the table he sees you right away. it’s not hard to spot your beautiful red dress, hugging every curve on your body. your long hair flows as you sway your hips back and forth. jake smiles to himself. how did he manage to bag the most gorgeous girl in all of seoul, korea? it was clear you were having way too much fun, giggling and dancing with your friends and-
he quietly gasps. the scene before him makes him halt in his tracks. it was like time stopped and the flashing lights began to blind his vision. his heart rate slowed and his palms were becoming clammy.
maybe he was mistaken. there was no way you would do this to him, he thinks. but there you were cuddled up next to a man, drunk out of your mind. jake can't stand another minute watching you and the mysterious person grind up against one another.
in a blinded rage he rushes towards the guy and pushes him away from you with all of his power. “GET THE FUCK OFF MY GIRL!” you shriek and the guy stumbles backwards sending a few drinks flying off of a nearby table. “YOU MIND TO TELL ME WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE YN?!”
your mouth is agape and your mind is scrambling to figure out what to say. you know you can’t explain how you were practically dry humping a stranger, too shocked and the alcohol still strong in your system. you're struggling to say something, anything to try to make things right.
“and you,” jake turns and gets too close to the man’s face. “she’s clearly too inebriated to make the right decisions. how DARE you take advantage of her like that?!” you’re confused as to why he’s flipping the script and blaming the stranger but jake rips you away from everyone too fast for you to think another second. you stumble as you’re dragged away to a dark corner.
the two of you are standing in awkward silence, no one daring to say a word. your eyes are looking everywhere but jake. you’re too afraid to see what kind of expression his face has. “jake i-” “no. you don’t get to speak right now. there’s nothing you could say to justify what i just saw.”
ragged breaths begin to come out of your mouth and your chest is tightening. “jake please baby i just- i was so drunk and these guys came up to us and…” your sentence trails off, every word you’re saying just sounds so ridiculous at the moment. he’s right. you couldn’t say anything to excuse your wrongful actions.
“and to think i came here at fuck ass o’ clock just to come and see you. i’ve barely gotten an ounce of sleep these days but i gave that up to come because you were BEGGING for me to be here.” his voice is angry and you know he has every right to be screaming at you. at this point tears are threatening to spill from both of your guys’ eyes. “jake… i know i know and i’m so sorry i swear nothing like that-”
“NO. no just no,” he pauses carefully choosing the words he’s about to say next. “you’re right. there won’t be a next time… we’re done.” the tears that brimmed your lashes are now falling. the alcohol that once ran through you is now gone. you move to grab his hand but he takes a step back. the distance between you two grows larger and he seems out of reach.
“jake please we can work this out! please don’t leave me because of this.” your pleas are ringing in his ears but he ignores them. “we can’t come back from this yn. how could you think i’d ever trust you from now on?! don’t contact me ever. have a nice life.” the loud music pounds on the walls just like your heart is in your chest. you’re left alone sobbing, wondering how you managed to fuck up the best relationship you’ve ever had.
jake stumbles out of the club, trying to clutch onto anything to help him out. the fresh breeze of the night blows onto his face and helps him regain his breath. he struggles to get his thoughts together as he walks down the sidewalk back to the dorms.
maybe he was too harsh with the way he spoke to you but he knew it had to be done. seeing you cling onto someone that wasn't him was his ticket out. he knows that you're absolutely going to be broken for awhile but you'll be okay, right? he knows that you're going to blame yourself for this for who knows how long but you're going to be fine in the end, right?
he convinces himself that it's better you than him because now,
he'll never have to admit what he was doing while he was away from you on tour.
"i caught you but you never caught me, i was sitting here waiting on karma, there goes my guilty conscience."
© fakeuwus 2023 do not repost, translate, or plagiarize
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the-iceni-bitch · 3 years
PLEASEEE write more for august walker! i'm in love with the banter in "welcome home, walker" and how he's grumpy but has a soft spot for the reader. LOVE UR OTHER WORKS TOO <33
Aww, I love Auggie! And it has been a bit since I wrote for him. Soooooo...
Pairing: August Walker x fem!Reader
Words: 2145
Summary: You and Auggie go out with the graduating cadets to celebrate your new assignment.
Warnings: explicit language, explicit sexual content (innuendo, teasing, sex in a public place, fingering, unprotected vaginal sex), violence (fistfight, implication of gore and death), betrayal, protective!Auggie, TW- implication of impending date rape/mentions of drugs, SMUT, 18+ ONLY!!!!
A/N: This got away from me a bit if I’m being honest. I was just gonna do the teasing in the gym but I couldn’t stop myself, so please enjoy this little impromptu fic! And please feel free to send me an ask if there’s a character or kink or anything you’d like to see more of! 
Check out my masterlist and join my taglist here if you want!
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You didn’t know how he got you in this position. You could practically feel him beaming over you as you struggled to get out of the hold he had you in. 
“You keep moving like that, you’re gonna make me hard, sweetheart. You want me to fuck you right here on the mat?”
August ground his crotch against your ass to illustrate his point and you let out a moan. Your arms were bent back at your shoulders unnaturally as you scrabbled for some purchase to get out of his grip.
“Fuck off, Auggie. You know the only reason you’re on top right now is because I didn’t get any sleep.” Maybe if you arched your back a little...
August groaned in your ear as your ass rubbed against his growing erection. 
“Shit, Y/N. The director is right there.”
You turned your head as much as you could to see Sloane standing at the gym entrance, surveying the cadets as they practiced their sparring. You wiggled your ass again, making Auggie growl at you.
“You’re not giving me a lot of options, baby. You know my brain doesn’t work when I’m sleep deprived.”
He grumbled and you felt him start to loosen the hold he had on your arms. You grinned to yourself as you wrapped one arm behind his neck, gripping the hair at the base of his scalp and rolling forward. You heard him give a small sound of surprise as you flipped him over, knocking all the air out of his lungs when you slammed him into the mat and wrapping your body around his shoulders, stretching him to the point of pain. 
“Damn it, I thought we were done.”
“I don’t remember tapping out, sweetie.” You gripped his wrist and stretched his arm even further as you squeezed your thighs around his neck. 
He wheezed for a second before a wicked grin spread over his face. “Y’know, when you get me in these holds, I can smell you, and it drives me fucking crazy.”
You almost loosened your hold at his admission but caught yourself at the last second. “August...” you growled in warning.
“I know you’re soaked under these sweats, sweetheart.” He turned his head as much as your hold would allow, running his nose along the inseam of your sweats until you released him with a hiss.
“Fine, it’s a draw.” You mumbled, drawing yourself to your feet as he chuckled darkly. “Equipment room in 5?”
“Walker, Y/L/N, with me.” Sloane gave a beckoning motion and the two of you moved to follow, sighing with frustration. 
You moved with the director as she marched back towards her office, shooting each other apprehensive looks as you considered what she may want to talk to you about.
“Good news you two.” Sloane announced as she closed the door to her office behind you. “We finally managed to get the heat off you from Interpol, and you’re set for a new assignment in Brazil.” She handed you your files detailing the op. “Looks like there’s a Syndicate group operating there, moving weapons through the black market there. You ship out in two days. Please do your best to remember, Syndicate members are assets, not targets.”
“Right, boss.” You murmured, flipping through your ID docs. August just grunted beside you.
“Alright, I heard the two of you are going out with the graduating cadets and trainers tonight to celebrate the end of the course. Don’t overdo it.” She gave you a knowing wink before you turned to leave the office.
“I think she knows about us.” August whispered as the two of you headed to your lockers.
You just laughed at him. “Auggie, honey, we’re the worst kept secret at Langley.” 
“Y/N, Walker, I hear congrats are in order! We’re gonna miss the two of you in training!” Melissa managed to find out everything as soon as it happened, you didn’t know how she got stuck in training instead of the field. “I’ll make sure everyone buys you a round at the club tonight.”
You groaned at that, those goddamn trainers would have you passed out if they got their way. You slammed your locker closed and turned back to August. 
“Meet you at the club, baby. Make sure to do your reading first!” You called over your shoulder as you headed out.
You arrived at the club 4 hours later to see August looking incredibly uncomfortable in the middle of a group of rowdy cadets. You tutted to yourself as you approached him, he always had a stick up his ass.
He saw you then, and his face relaxed as he walked to meet you.
“You’re late.” He grumbled as the two of you headed to the bar. “You know how much I hate talking to these kids.”
“Relax, grandpa.” You smiled before turning to order yourself a gin and tonic. “You gonna dance at all tonight, or just stand there glowering?”
He scoffed into his scotch as you grinned at him, moving closer and rubbing your foot over his calf suggestively. 
“Don’t you start something you’re not prepared to finish, beautiful.”
Just then, Melissa arrived with a tray full of tequila shots, and you let out a groan. This was the second time you got cock blocked today, and you were starting to get frustrated. 
“Look what I’ve got for you!” she said gleefully as the two of you winced at her.
“Melissa, I’ve told you a million times, I don’t do tequila.”
“C’mon, it’s your last night with us, just a couple.”
You took a deep breath and grabbed a shot for yourself, giving August a shrug before tossing it back. He hissed between his teeth as he downed his own.
“Fuck me, you sure this isn’t rubbing alcohol? Jesus, Melissa!”
She just handed the two of you two more with a giggle, and clapped her hands when you swallowed them. Before you knew it she was dragging you towards the dance floor, your head fuzzy from the tequila as you instructed August to watch your cocktail. He gave you a grin before turning back to the bar, but that quickly changed once he noticed movement in your glass.
August clenched his jaw as his arm shot out to grab the cadet that was wandering away from the bar, wrapping his fist around his upper arm with a vise-like grip.
“The fuck you think you’re doing?” He growled, a menacing glare taking over his face.
“Get your hand off me, man.” The frat boy idiot actually looked offended as he glanced down at August’s hand.
Walker just tightened his grip as he patted the asshole down, cocking an eyebrow as he pulled a tiny baggie of tablets out of his breast pocket.
“Graham, right? What’s a senator’s nephew doing with… what is this? GHB? Molly?”
“Look, buddy.” The moron gave him a grin like he was his friend as August stared him down. “That piece of ass needs some loosening up. I bet she’s a tiger in the sack.”
August threw your drink in his face before hauling him outside. He considered letting you handle it yourself, but he wanted to let off some steam.
He didn’t say anything, just punched the smarmy bastard in the face. The idiot didn’t even try to defend himself, pathetic.
“What the fuck?! You broke my nose!” Graham held a hand to his face as he stared at Walker in disbelief.
“Yeah, that’s not all I’m gonna do to you.” He growled as he set to work.
Five minutes later he stood over his handiwork, wiping the blood off his knuckles as he let out a sigh. That had gotten a little out of hand.
“Fuck.” He muttered, pulling his burner out of his suit pocket and dialing. “Yeah, this is Lark. Send a cleanup crew to the alley outside Sketch. Yeah, some senator’s nephew.” He frowned over the phone. “Because it’s a fucking order.” He hung up, not bothering to wait for the Syndicate’s sanitation team before heading back into the club to find you.
He found you on the dance floor and a hungry sneer came over his face. He strode toward you and wrapped a possessive hand around your throat from behind, drawing you fast against his chest and growling into your ear. You whined as he pulled you away from the group, Melissa beaming at the two of you like an idiot.
“Have fun you two!” She called as August steered you around a corner.
He pressed you into the wall behind a column, his mouth devouring yours as he slotted his knee between your legs. You whimpered as he shoved a hand in the front of your blouse, squeezing your breast viciously before tweaking your nipple to the point of your pain as you arched into his hand.
“Fuck, Auggie. What happened?” You were panting with need as he moved his face down to bury in your neck, his teeth scraping over your throat.
“I’ll tell you later. Are you still drunk?” He moved his other hand to the apex of your thighs and groaned against your chest when he felt your slick coated folds. You weren’t wearing any panties.
“No, the dancing burned most of it off. Shit.” You hissed as he inserted two fingers inside you, stretching you open as he fumbled with his zipper. “Can’t even make it to the bathroom, huh?”
“Sorry sweetheart.” He mumbled as he freed his dick from his slacks. “Sure seems like you were expecting this, though.”
He moved his lips to yours and swallowed your cry as he dipped his hips and plunged into you. His hands wrapped around your thighs and lifted them to wrap around him as he started to move his hips. He tried to move slow so it wasn’t obvious what the two of you were doing, but those goddamn tiny whimpers you were making into his mouth were making it hard for him to control himself.
“God, this cunt feels better every time I’m in it. Fuck.” You were clenching around him with each thrust and your breath was coming in ragged gasps, letting him know you were close. “Jesus Christ, it’s barely been a minute. You’re so fucking sensitive.” He nipped at your bottom lip and stilled his hips for a beat as he teased you.
You slapped his bicep playfully and whined. “Shut the fuck up and move, asshole.”
He braced one hand on the wall and drew his hips back slowly before slamming into you. You buried your face in his neck to muffle your scream as you came apart. Your pussy fluttered around him as every muscle went rigid. He felt you sobbing against him as your muscles quivered in your release, his hips still setting a punishing pace as he fucked you through it.
“Shit, honey.” He murmured against your cheek as you came down. “You make it so easy.”
Your snort turned into a whimper as a particularly deep thrust had him kissing your cervix. “Fuck, Auggie.”
“Yeah, right there?”
You nodded vigorously as your face screwed up in bliss, leaning it back against the wall as he picked up the pace.
His cock was dragging against that sweet spot inside you with each thrust and it was all you could focus on. Your thighs squeezed around him as he brought you closer and closer to another orgasm. He loved watching you take it, getting completely lost in your pleasure. And knowing he was the one doing this to you was just icing on the cake.
“You close, gorgeous?” He asked, feeling his own imminent release looming.
“Shit, shit!”
He was extremely grateful for the loud music as you screamed in your release. He swallowed a shout of his own as his cock twitched and his cum spurted into you, painting your insides as his hips faltered and he collapsed against you.
“Jesus.” You whispered as you set your feet on the floor, August still sheathed in you as he softened. “Public sex, who knew?”
You felt his chest rumble against you as he gave a low chuckle, sliding out of you gently before he tucked himself back into his slacks. He ducked his head to give you a tender kiss as he drew down the hem of your skirt over your thighs.
“We should go back to your place.” He whispered after he released you, leaving you breathless.
“I don’t know what’s gotten into you tonight, but I’m totally fine with it. Lemme just say goodbye to Melissa.”
He grinned as he watched you saunter away, your gait a little wobbly as you tried to keep his cum from leaking out of you. He was really looking forward to your new assignment. The thought of being cooped up with you for several months was making him hard already.
@slothspaghettiwrites @stargazingfangirl18 @starlightcrystalline @jack-skellingtons-stuff @drabblewithfrannybarnes @captain-asguard @harrysthiccthighss @bonkywobble @dslap65 @stanallstarks @macgruberrr @blackestpinkworld @wanderinglunarnights @sebslut @allinhishands
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kiribakuhappiness · 4 years
pleaseee the pocky-challenge i need kiribaku pocky-challenge <3 I love how you write
(Kiribaku Drabble Prompt) ahhh pocky challenge is soo cute! i’m a bit sick when finishing this one but i hope it’s still enjoyable and fun! <3
Katsuki has been headstrong for as long as he could remember.
When his sensei instructed lessons on learning to write with a dominant hand, he stubbornly spent hours at home retracing his right-handed lettering with his left hand until he could adequately write with them both.
When Deku still needed help from his mother tying his laces, Katsuki had already learned to tie his own shoes so he wouldn’t have to rely on anyone else.
When Bakugou Katsuki found any sort of challenge or hurtle in his path, his one and only course of action was to barrel through it with an unrelenting brute strength and come out the other side with a hard-fought victory to add to his collection.
But this?
Katsuki had no idea how he found himself wrapped up in this dumb shit.
Actually, that was a lie. There was a fairly simple explanation for all of it. The classmates who called themselves his friends were complete and total assholes, but they were assholes who knew how to pull at Katsuki’s strings like he was a goddamn puppet.
They said irritating things like; “I bet you can’t jump.”
And Katsuki always snarled back; “Fuck you, how damn high?!”
So really, he supposed he only had himself to blame for this. It was just so much easier to blame the bumbling band of idiots currently surrounding him, instead.
“Okay!” Kaminari yelled, standing on the couch in the common area. From his pajama pants pocket, he pulled out an already opened box of matcha Pocky and thrust it into the space between Katsuki and Kirishima, who stood facing each other like two contestants about to step into the octagon ring and fight to the death for the championship title. “The rules are simple to our beloved Pocky Challenge, but for our new feral guest, I’ll explain them anyway!”
The rest of their classmates that were present whined in unison from their spots scattered around the room. Kaminari waved them off with hardly a pause as he reached into the box and procured a single Pocky stick, which he then held up in the space between Katsuki and Kirishima again like a knight with a sword.
“Two eaters, a single Pocky stick! Each of you will start at one end, whoever breaks away first is the loser!”
Katsuki clenched his hands into tight fists by his sides, purposefully ignoring the unsettling amount of sweat that had begun to coat his palms, and he glared Kirishima down over the Pocky stick still being thrust into his face. Kirishima beamed back at him from the other side with a wide, toothy grin that barely covered up the fact that his cheeks had been growing steadily closer to matching the color of his hair since this whole thing got started when Katsuki had walked through the door after being at the gym.
“Feel free to back out now,” Kirishima goaded playfully still, pretending to pick at an imaginary lint from the shoulder of his tank top. “I’m the Pocky champion around here.”
“We’ll see about that, dumb hair,” Katsuki snapped, eyes narrowing further.
“This is so intense,” Mina mumbled, clutching at Jirou’s arm tighter and watching the two with wide eyes. Jirou nodded wordlessly from beside her, blindly reaching for the popcorn bowl on the ground in front of them and missing it several times.
“Here we go!” Kaminari tilted the Pocky stick horizontally and offered it out.
Logically, Katsuki’s heart should not be racing this quickly at the prospect of playing (and winning, dammit!) this dumb fucking game, as he moved a bit closer and took hold of the end of the Pocky stick between his teeth just as Kirishima did the same on the other side.
Rationally, his face should not feel this warm as Kirishima bit down onto his side before shuffling a step closer, further reducing the distance between them and causing Kaminari to make some kind of strangled noise into his hand that Katsuki really couldn’t focus on right now.
Realistically, he probably should have figured out the end result that this game would produce before they had even started playing - that he and Kirishima were both far too stubborn to ever back down first, and so they were going to kiss. Right here. Right now. In front of all these people.
Fuck. Katsuki wasn’t ready for that, and that thought only made him more determined as he chomped a large section from his side of the stick and stubbornly slotted himself on Kirishima’s side, standing so close that their chests barely brushed against each other, hoping the aggressive display might be enough to make Kirishima back off.
It didn’t - judging by the amused smirk that Kirishima was so desperately trying to hide, as he mimicked his own outrageous move that had their faces millimeters apart.
Katsuki had never been this close to another human being who he wasn’t trying to demolish with his bare hands, and his lips quivered on the stick with the force of his restraint not to lurch away when they both fell incredibly still a moment later - a sliver of Pocky left and no more spaces between them.
“Ah shit! I didn’t think they’d make it this far!” Kaminari yelled as he collapsed onto the couch and pushed his face into a pillow. “I was sure Bakugou would’ve backed down by now!”
Katsuki glared out of the corner of his eye at that. Fucker - as if he would ever lose something so trivial.
He straightened his shoulders and prepared himself, ignoring the tightening sensation in the pit of his stomach and the fact that all of his senses were resolutely being bombarded with everything Kirishima; from the smell of his hair to the warmth of his body radiating off of him in waves that threatened to make Katsuki explode even without the use of his quirk.
He had never kissed anyone before, but he supposed if he had to do such a stupid thing, it made some kind of sense to him that it would end up being with Kirishima.
It was the last thing he thought before he took a breath and moved to close the distance between them - just as Kirishima jerked away in the opposite direction; face blazing as he hunched over at the stomach and pressed his hands over his eyes.
“Okay, okay! You win!” Kirishima said, voice wobbly and embarrassed.
Katsuki blinked at him stupidly, the last bit of Pocky hanging from between his lips as the uproar of their classmates deafened him.
“What! NO! Kirishima!”
“Ahhh, you were so close!”
“We can’t let Bakugou be the Pocky Challenge champion of Heights Alliance! That’s so... so redundant!”
“Uuuugh, is there anything he doesn’t win?”
Kirishima straightened and dragged his hands from his face up into his hair before he rested them behind his head and grinned at him, despite the furious flush that was still clinging stubbornly to his cheeks. “Congrats, man,” he stuttered out.
Katsuki scowled as he ate the rest of the Pocky.
“Whatever. Like I said, ‘s just a stupid game,” he grumbled, shoving his hands into his pockets and turning on his heels before he pushed his way out of the common area and started on what had been his original route for the elevator.
He didn’t understand why he felt so... disappointed. He had won their dumb game and proved them all wrong, just like he said he would, just like he had wanted to, and he didn’t even have to kiss anybody to do it. Which was good, cause that kind of shit was a waste of time, anyway. So then why did he still feel like this?
“Bakugou!” Kirishima’s arm hardened as he thrust it in between the elevator doors just as they were about to close, effectively halting his escape, before he jumped in after him.
“The fuck you want?” Katsuki snapped as he reached out and slammed the button to close the doors again.
“I just...” Kirishima moved his hands around in a stilted manner, as though that would somehow explain his sudden disappearance from the gathering downstairs, before he dropped them to his sides and curled his fists. “Just... don’t explode me, okay?”
“Hah?” Katsuki's stomach tightened all over again when Kirishima stepped much too closely into his space. “The fuck are you doin’, shithead?”
Kirishima licked his lips nervously and Katsuki scolded himself for even looking at them. “I... you trust me, don’t you?”
He wanted to say that he didn’t, if it meant that Kirishima would back the fuck up and he could finally breathe again, but even he knew that would be an outright lie. He did trust Kirishima; trusted him with his life, since the idiot had proved it time and time again that he could.
Instead, he rolled his eyes and tried to ignore the warmth spiraling up the back of his neck as the elevator took them to the fourth floor. “Don’t ask dumb questions you already know the answers to,” he grumbled.
Kirishima smiled at that, as though the answer was genuinely surprising, as though he really didn’t know how important he was to him.
“Such a manly response, Bakugou,” he chuckled, before his face became serious again.
And then he was leaning in, and Katsuki probably should have seen this coming, and he should probably be doing something to stop it because they didn’t have any more Pocky to bite on and they weren’t playing some dumb game anymore and he’s really honestly never fucking kissed anyone before, but he didn’t.
Kirishima’s lips touched his like he thought Katsuki might be made out of glass, which normally he might take offense to, if he didn’t honestly have to work to keep his hands from exploding at the subtle brush of contact that seemed to send an entire bolt of adrenaline rampaging down his spine.
“Why did you do that?” Katsuki asked when the brief interaction was over far sooner than he thought it should have been.
Kirishima laughed sheepishly and rubbed a hand up and down the back of his neck. “I guess... I was disappointed that I didn’t get to do it downstairs.”
“Not very manly of you backing out like that,” Katsuki goaded, more so to draw attention away from his own furious blush than anything else. “If you want to kiss me so bad, then just fucking do it.”
He didn’t need to say it twice, didn’t even have the time to take a breath afterwards, before Kirishima had closed the distance between them again. As much of a waste of time as it might be, Katsuki couldn’t deny that kissing Kirishima was well worth being tricked into playing some dumb Pocky game.
Although - he supposed he wouldn’t say no to a rematch, if Kirishima really wanted one.
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k0kichiimagines · 2 years
Omfg board games with the RFA IM CRYING AJDBWJDH-
One of my favorite headcanons is the Choi twins playing video games together. Remember how in the hospital Saeran threw the gaming console at someone? ;-; but that moment with Saeyoung saying that games are fun and leaving it beside him so he could play as well I'm- omg the feels ajdbabdbwbs
I can imagine Yoosung being kinda decent, Zen and Jumin are always arguing but it's low-key funny, Jaehee is tired but she has fun playing with everyone, Saeyoung is OVERDRAMATIC AND IT'S F U N N Y AS FUCK- and Saeran just goes with everything, thinking that you and Jaehee are probably the most normal ones here lmfao
CAN YOU IMAGINE VANDERWOOD JOINING TOO?? He would be so done with everything but still crack some sarcastic jokes I'M-
I like to think that he visits often or even lives with the Choi twins and you akdhahdhsh I like to imagine him one day joining the RFA as well.
Vanderwood actually gets along with you so he might usually talk to you or even Saeran the most lmao, IMAGINE THEM GETTING REVENGE ON SAEYOUNG FOR THE PRANKS HE DID BAHAHAHAHA
Also I agree with the after ending. It kinda made me sad that the RFA didn't really talk much and everyone went their separate ways but they are all okay and you basically live with the Choi twins somewhere away. I personally like the Secret Endings more because the RFA is still together and does more parties in the future tho V ;-;
Goshhh don't even get me started on V in the Secret Endings, I was low-key so sad. Y'know that image where he tries to see but became blind? Y'know where he is on his knees and looks in front of him- THAT SHIT HURT LIKE A BITCHHHHH
Then I play the other stuff where he is still there and man, playing his route made me kinda sad, especially this image here
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While I'm extremely satisfied with the Secret Ending, I do wish V was still there :< but at least it also had a happy ending. Saeran is trying to heal and the RFA continues forward!
I'm fighting the urge to throw scenarios I have-
Can you imagine the whole RFA going to the beach together?? Like that one image:
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But Saeran and pretty much Vanderwood joins as well? :O
I feel like Saeran with Vanderwood might just watch from the side as everyone else plays in the water and even volleyball haha
Also the Summer Seasonal Chats are so fucking funny, I was in tears from laughing so hard 😭✋
N O-
I hc yoosung is good at video games, but terrible at some board games JSHDND
vanderwood have to be ' forced ' into playing,, i hc him as having the kind of relationship of begrudging older brother to saeyoung, he definitely visits sometimes!! hes closed off, but slowly speaks more
Vs story is so sad :( sometimes when i think about the reset theory i had anothet theory of rika being the original mc but perhaps just in a platonic sense for some and then romantic for jumin and v (jumin just because there was a potential implication of feelings),, and therefore rika is the one who is kind of altering the game?? a bit like monika,, it reminded me of when someone said the game almost wants you to think v is the villian, when hes the victim,, a this probably makes no sense lol
anyways! i do think v is such an interesting tragic hero,, i like to think you, saeran and saeyoung just take a year, maybe two, just travelling and doing whatever, then come back to the RFA,, and then maybe a year or two after that a very healed V returns. it would be awkward, and im not sure if the twins or jumin, or even yoosung, would accept him back. maybe they would, it might take a strained relationship for a few years,, hes also v pretty ur right
the twins are only 20, they have hopefully years ahead of them both <3
WHAT ALSO MAKES ME SAD IS THAT SAEYOUNG AND V NEVER GOT TO TALK IN HIS ROUTE??? v died before saeyoung got to know everything, and he was passed out anyway,,, pain
YES I LOVE TJE IDEA OF THEM AT THE BEACH saeyoung and mc / you are going to have to teach saeran how to swim, he's never done it before
saeyoung pushes yoosung into the pool, he probably tries it to Vanderwood LMAODJFJ
when saeran learns how to swim i can see him enjoying splashing people sometimes, he splashes saeyoung
but yes vanderwood is just observing, it would take convincing to get him to join,, but jumin oftens seems to like to sit back, so he keeps him company
maybe vanderwood would go if jumin gave him ideas of cat projects </3 poor jumin no one (but saeyoung) wants to listen to his cat projects
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