#i would kill every enemy in hyrule castle just so i can take a walk and try to map out the missing passageways or imagine what it looked li
eerna · 8 months
I found your tags in that one post interesting because, for me, whenever I try to go back to playing BOTW after playing totk, I just don’t find it as engaging as it used to be. It’s not that it devalues BOTW or vice versa, just that I feel that BOTW is empty now. Hope you don’t mind me giving my take.
I don't mind at all, a lot of people feel that way! And I can see why, as TotK has more to do in it than BotW does. Some time after posting that I watched a comparison video that pinpointed the difference so well: BotW had only 3 progression bars (koroks, shrines/containers, equipment upgrades). The rest of the game was entirely vague and left to your choosing, not tracking your progress or instructing you what is worth your time. TotK has a whole bunch of new progression bars (Pony Points, recipes, cave frogs, etc.) that entice you to solve assignments, which actively goes against BotW's "make your own meaning" principle of freedom. Some players will prefer the first option, others the second. I'm in the first - in BotW a lot of the time I wouldn't even be doing quests, or trying to make any significant progress, I would simply boot it up and exist in the world, admiring its nature and architecture and music and worlbuilding, collecting material and roleplaying as an amnesiac wild boy falling in love with his kingdom. No other game has given me that level of immersion or made me want to do nothing but take walks, including TotK, because it's the only game of this kind that I've ever played, and I feel like not many people realized that more to do in a game does not automatically mean an upgrade. And that's the longer version of my tags!
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deadlygronkle · 4 years
Ancestor’s Legacy Part 3.5/4
Author’s note: While this is part 4 it is technically part 3.5, and is about basically what happened during part 3 in Twilight’s perspective.
Twilight was having a bad week, or at least a bad 3 or so days. First it was that Hylia damned helmet that appeared, looking brand new, which Twilight admits looks a bit weird not seeing it covered in vines and degraded beyond repair, and it sitting on the head of his still alive mentor.
Next it was that mask which apparently can turn Time into a stalfos, which sends a lot of questions running through his head. Like how time could very well have been alive when he trained Twilight just older, just like how Twilight was sent through time in his wolf form to aid Wild. Though if that was the case that would raise some questions on how Time met him in Twilight’s hyrule in wolf form, or how Time somehow sent blasts of magic at him through his sword.
Twilight, shaking out of his state of confusion, continued to wander around Warriors’ Zelda’s castle, dubbed Artemis when they first met. Artemis reminded Twilight of his own Zelda, who he hasn’t seen since this whole ordeal began, in the sense of how strict but also kind to everyone no matter where they came from and what problems they carry with them. Both of them are also very intelligent especially in war tactics.
Twilight sighed as he looked to the area he was in. Twilight was staring at a long hallway with paintings of the past kings and queens adorning each side of the hallway.  The carpet was a deep royal blue that every hallway in the castle had along with golden highlights that looked to be of Hyrule's insignia every foot or so. 
Twilight sigh, just his luck he would somehow get lost in the castle after trying to avoid Time and his questions. Twilight is no idiot and knows he has been acting weird ever since the helmet appeared in one of Legend’s countless dungeons. He can’t help it, everytime he looks at Time with the helmet on all he can see is the Hero’s Shade’s skeletal face grinning down at him. 
Twilight was startled out of his thoughts again as he heard a voice that sounded like Warriors shout “There you are!”.
Twilight turned around to find Warriors standing there, looking a bit out of breath, “How did you get all the way over here?”
Twilight shrugged and said “I got lost in thought and didn’t realise where I was going.”.
Warriors gave him a suspicious glance and replied “You seem to be doing a lot of thinking recently, wanna tell me about what's been bothering you so much to cause you to zone out in a moment’s notice, farm boy?”
Twilight, once again shrugged and replied “Just thinking about my quest through my own Hyrule, specifically the people I met during the journey.” 
Warriors hummed “It has something to do with the old man doesn’t it” Twilight couldn’t stop the surprised look that came on his face. “I mean every time you have zoned out these past few days you always end up staring at Time like he is on his deathbed.”
Twilight sighed mulling over his words carefully before saying “Lets just say that I have seen his helmet before on someone who helped me on my quest” Warriors face lit up in recognition as he realised the implications of what Twilight said, “but you can’t tell him that I told you this alright?”.
Warriors at a loss for words just nodded. Twilight visibly loosened up and then stated “So what did you need me for?”
“We are leaving the castle here in like 15 minutes and you need to come back so we can make sure your weapons and everything are covered by the cloak” Warriors stated quickly going back into captain mode.
Twilight nodded “lead the way.”
Once they both got back to the group nearly everyone besides Twilight and Warriors were donning their heavy cloaks, but they quickly started putting their own cloaks on. Once everyone had their cloaks on Warriors, having taken the lead since this is his hyrule told the links that they were moving out in 10, much to the relief of Twilight for not being forced to wear the fever inducing cloak for very long.
Wild then walked up to Twilight who had been rearranging his cloak so he didn’t die of heat stroke and said “Hey will you be alright? You have been out of it all week”.
Twilight getting annoyed by how everyone was asking if he was ok stated as blatantly as possible “I’ll be fine, cub” leaving no room for any discussion.
Wild then said, not convinced, “If you say so.”
After the 10 minutes of Twilight avoiding Time they were off, getting the occasional odd look, but hey when is that new?
Once they finally got out to the gates Twilight quickly pulled out his Hawkeye mask to find where the horde of monsters was located only to find them watching the road like vultures do to find scraps of meat.
“Looks like the information is correct, they are watching the road like a bunch of scavengers” Twilight said while handing the mask to Warriors so he can see the horde.
“Okay so we have orange moblins and red bokoblins, that are currently hitting each other with their clubs, three unarmed lizalfos and one completely armoured lizalfos carrying both a sword and shield” Warriors stated, Wild perked up when he heard about the moblins and bokoblins. “We know from experience that these are the easier types of monsters, but don’t let your guard down, these monsters are corrupted.” Wild deflated a bit at this comment.
After the group decided who was going to fight the armoured lizalfos. They headed down to where the monsters were located, quickly being spotted by the lizalfos who then alerted the rest of the monsters.
Twilight getting a bit nervous about the aspect of these monsters surrounding them whispered “now?” only for warriors to wait a few seconds and then shouted “NOW”.
Before any of the other links reacted twilight whipped out his sword and slashed the lizalfos unmarked by the monster forcing the lizalfos to fall on his butt, much to the satisfaction of Twilight, who then ripped off the sweltering cloak. 
Soon after the battle started the links were either fighting on their own or separated from what Twilight could see from the spare glances he allowed himself as he fought at least 7 different enemies including the armoured and an unarmoured lizalfos.
After Twilight realised he wasn’t getting anywhere with brute force he decided to do the Mortal Draw. So he jumped away from the fight and put his sword away all while not unfocusing his gaze from the monsters in front of him. Just as the Lizaflos came within sword distance, pleased that it would get an easy kill, Twilight pulled out his sword and ended the creature's miserable life, not before taking a hit to the stomach from the other lizalfos. 
In a haze Twilight reacting on pure reflex stabbed the lizalfos in the eye ending that one's existence as well. As Twilight stumbled barely able to raise his shield in defense from the moblins attack, much less being able to finish them off, he heard a beastly roar that sent a shiver down his spine. Much to Twilight relief as he collapsed to the ground in pain barely staying conscious. 
As he blinked away the pain above him he saw Hyrule rush over and start forcing him to drink a red potion getting down half of it before starting to refuse the disgusting liquid. As he started to fall asleep his eyes opened to see a stalfos wearing the Hero's Shade’s helmet. 
Twilight wondered if the Shade knocked him down in their spare, as he forced himself to get up and pick up his sword and shield, while wondering why he felt so weak. Maybe he took a hit to the head before he met up with the Golden wolf and he was feeling the concussion that he got? Twilight didn’t know but he would try to focus on the lesson being taught to him.
Twilight then heard a voice sounding far off as he felt something trying to bring him down to the ground again, but he held strong.
The Shade then put down his sword and stated, like he was trying to calm a spooked animal “Calm down pup, it’s me Time, you’re injured just… just lay back down and we can fix you up”. ‘Who was time’ Twilight thought  as he squinted towards the skeleton ‘ I know the name, but why can’t I put a face to it?’ 
The Shade walked forward causing Twilight to panic and jump back knocking something out of his way as he did so. Then he made a point to thrust his sword into the position that usually started the spar. ‘What is he doing?” Twilight wondered. As the force trying to pull him down tripled, but he locked his knees and kept waiting.
More voices, closer this time but words still jumbled, reach his ears. Then the Shade did something unexpected and ripped off his helmet making Twilight lower his sword in wonder, the hero’s shade never took off his helmet. The Shade raised his hand to his face and took off a mask?!  Twilight started in shock as he dropped his sword and shield, barely hearing the man say “Com’on pup just lay back down.”. As twilight consciousness started to slip he connected the name to the face and as he felt himself start to crumble he let out a terrified sounding “T-Time?” Before the world around him faded to black and he felt himself fall.
Author’s note: While this is part 4 it is technically part 3.5, and is about basically what happened during part 3 in Twilight’s perspective.
Twilight was having a bad week, or at least a bad 3 or so days. First it was that Hylia damned helmet that appeared, looking brand new, which Twilight admits looks a bit weird not seeing it covered in vines and degraded beyond repair, and it sitting on the head of his still alive mentor.
Next it was that mask which apparently can turn Time into a stalfos, which sends a lot of questions running through his head. Like how time could very well have been alive when he trained Twilight just older, just like how Twilight was sent through time in his wolf form to aid Wild. Though if that was the case that would raise some questions on how Time met him in Twilight’s hyrule in wolf form, or how Time somehow sent blasts of magic at him through his sword.
Twilight, shaking out of his state of confusion, continued to wander around Warriors’ Zelda’s castle, dubbed Artemis when they first met. Artemis reminded Twilight of his own Zelda, who he hasn’t seen since this whole ordeal began, in the sense of how strict but also kind to everyone no matter where they came from and what problems they carry with them. Both of them are also very intelligent especially in war tactics.
Twilight sighed as he looked to the area he was in. Twilight was staring at a long hallway with paintings of the past kings and queens adorning each side of the hallway.  The carpet was a deep royal blue that every hallway in the castle had along with golden highlights that looked to be of Hyrule's insignia every foot or so. 
Twilight sigh, just his luck he would somehow get lost in the castle after trying to avoid Time and his questions. Twilight is no idiot and knows he has been acting weird ever since the helmet appeared in one of Legend’s countless dungeons. He can’t help it, everytime he looks at Time with the helmet on all he can see is the Hero’s Shade’s skeletal face grinning down at him. 
Twilight was startled out of his thoughts again as he heard a voice that sounded like Warriors shout “There you are!”.
Twilight turned around to find Warriors standing there, looking a bit out of breath, “How did you get all the way over here?”
Twilight shrugged and said “I got lost in thought and didn’t realise where I was going.”.
Warriors gave him a suspicious glance and replied “You seem to be doing a lot of thinking recently, wanna tell me about what's been bothering you so much to cause you to zone out in a moment’s notice, farm boy?”
Twilight, once again shrugged and replied “Just thinking about my quest through my own Hyrule, specifically the people I met during the journey.” 
Warriors hummed “It has something to do with the old man doesn’t it” Twilight couldn’t stop the surprised look that came on his face. “I mean every time you have zoned out these past few days you always end up staring at Time like he is on his deathbed.”
Twilight sighed mulling over his words carefully before saying “Lets just say that I have seen his helmet before on someone who helped me on my quest” Warriors face lit up in recognition as he realised the implications of what Twilight said, “but you can’t tell him that I told you this alright?”.
Warriors at a loss for words just nodded. Twilight visibly loosened up and then stated “So what did you need me for?”
“We are leaving the castle here in like 15 minutes and you need to come back so we can make sure your weapons and everything are covered by the cloak” Warriors stated quickly going back into captain mode.
Twilight nodded “lead the way.”
Once they both got back to the group nearly everyone besides Twilight and Warriors were donning their heavy cloaks, but they quickly started putting their own cloaks on. Once everyone had their cloaks on Warriors, having taken the lead since this is his hyrule told the links that they were moving out in 10, much to the relief of Twilight for not being forced to wear the fever inducing cloak for very long.
Wild then walked up to Twilight who had been rearranging his cloak so he didn’t die of heat stroke and said “Hey will you be alright? You have been out of it all week”.
Twilight getting annoyed by how everyone was asking if he was ok stated as blantinly as possible “I’ll be fine, cub” leaving no room for any discussion.
Wild then said, not convinced, “If you say so.”
After the 10 minutes of Twilight avoiding Time they were off, getting the occasional odd look, but hey when is that new?
Once they finally got out to the gates Twilight quickly pulled out his Hawkeye mask to find where the horde of monsters was located only to find them watching the road like vultures do to find scraps of meat.
“Looks like the information is correct, they are watching the road like a bunch of scavengers” Twilight said while handing the mask to Warriors so he can see the horde.
“Okay so we have orange moblins and red bokoblins, that are currently hitting each other with their clubs, three unarmed lizalfos and one completely armoured lizalfos carrying both a sword and shield” Warriors stated, Wild perked up when he heard about the moblins and bokoblins. “We know from experience that these are the easier types of monsters, but don’t let your guard down, these monsters are corrupted.” Wild deflated a bit at this comment.
After the group decided who was going to fight the armoured lizalfos. They headed down to where the monsters were located, quickly being spotted by the lizalfos who then alerted the rest of the monsters.
Twilight getting a bit nervous about the aspect of these monsters surrounding them whispered “now?” only for warriors to wait a few seconds and then shouted “NOW”.
Before any of the other links reacted twilight whipped out his sword and slashed the lizalfos unmarked by the monster forcing the lizalfos to fall on his butt, much to the satisfaction of Twilight, who then ripped off the sweltering cloak. 
Soon after the battle started the links were either fighting on their own or separated from what Twilight could see from the spare glances he allowed himself as he fought at least 7 different enemies including the armoured and an unarmoured lizalfos.
After Twilight realised he wasn’t getting anywhere with brute force he decided to do the Mortal Draw. So he jumped away from the fight and put his sword away all while not unfocusing his gaze from the monsters in front of him. Just as the Lizaflos came within sword distance, pleased that it would get an easy kill, Twilight pulled out his sword and ended the creature's miserable life, not before taking a hit to the stomach from the other lizalfos. 
In a haze Twilight reacting on pure reflex stabbed the lizalfos in the eye ending that one's existence as well. As Twilight stumbled barely able to raise his shield in defense from the moblins attack, much less being able to finish them off, he heard a beastly roar that sent a shiver down his spine. Much to Twilight relief as he collapsed to the ground in pain barely staying conscious. 
As he blinked away the pain above him he saw Hyrule rush over and start forcing him to drink a red potion getting down half of it before starting to refuse the disgusting liquid. As he started to fall asleep his eyes opened to see a stalfos wearing the Hero's Shade’s helmet. 
Twilight wondered if the Shade knocked him down in their spare, as he forced himself to get up and pick up his sword and shield, while wondering why he felt so weak. Maybe he took a hit to the head before he met up with the Golden wolf and he was feeling the concussion that he got? Twilight didn’t know but he would try to focus on the lesson being taught to him.
Twilight then heard a voice sounding far off as he felt something trying to bring him down to the ground again, but he held strong.
The Shade then put down his sword and stated, like he was trying to calm a spooked animal “Calm down pup, it’s me Time, you’re injured just… just lay back down and we can fix you up”. ‘Who was time’ Twilight thought  as he squinted towards the skeleton ‘ I know the name, but why can’t I put a face to it?’ 
The Shade walked forward causing Twilight to panic and jump back knocking something out of his way as he did so. Then he made a point to thrust his sword into the position that usually started the spar. ‘What is he doing?” Twilight wondered. As the force trying to pull him down tripled, but he locked his knees and kept waiting.
More voices, closer this time but words still jumbled, reach his ears. Then the Shade did something unexpected and ripped off his helmet making Twilight lower his sword in wonder, the hero’s shade never took off his helmet. The Shade raised his hand to his face and took off a mask?!  Twilight started in shock as he dropped his sword and shield, barely hearing the man say “Com’on pup just lay back down.”. As twilight consciousness started to slip he connected the name to the face and as he felt himself start to crumble he let out a terrified sounding “T-Time?” Before the world around him faded to black and he felt himself fall.
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jadeender · 5 years
Betrayals and Reunions
Curse awoke into life again as everyone did, screaming. When he returned to form in the dark world it was as painful as it had been the first time, his entire form being created out of the energy he’d gathered over the few months he’d been gone. A ripple went through the air around him, it wasn’t as if a dark was born every day, or in this case reborn. 
Every monster, fiend, and other dark would be able to feel it. That put him in immediate danger, he was still weak having used all of his energy to come back so he needed to get moving. As quickly as he could Curse got up cringing at his total exhaustion. 
Moving as silently as possible he crossed the open plain he’d been dumped in heading for the town nearby, there he’d be able to siphon enough energy to make it back to the light world. In the distance the caw of birds mingled with growls of beasts as they pursued him.
Breaking into as close to a sprint as his exhausted body would allow Curse made it into the village, collapsing as he did. The shadowlings of the town were gone, none walked around outside or hid inside the few residences, that he could feel. Before he had time to really remember anything the cawing got louder and louder until he knew he only had one chance to get out of there.
Picking himself up from the ground Curse threw himself in the shadows crudely pulling all his energy together and sliding into them as he passed through the barrier separating dimensions and fell into the light world. 
“Rabbit!” Was the last thing he heard as darkness once again consumed him. 
If there’s one thing that could be said about Sky’s Hyrule, it was beautiful. It was such a role reversal for the links. They explored Sky’s Hyrule leisurely, with Zelda as their guide. Sky’s Zelda was radiant and her love for Sky had been apparent from the beginning. It was nice to tour the world and just get to experience it instead of fight their way through.
Hyrule was infinitely happy for this change, ironically he was happy to take the backseat in this adventure. For months he’d been trapped and watched as Callous had pretended to be him, used his pain for enjoyment, and locked him out of reality. But now he had his body back well and truly. Callous’s snide voice, the anger that grew so strong it overtook his senses, banished with the dark. 
Although just exploring the world was a balm on his soul. He’d always loved the feeling of exploring and finding, even when there was no directive. It was a welcome change from being literally hunted for his blood as he had been before. Thinking of that time was bad enough, it was during that adventure that he had first encountered and fought Callous. And Hyrule really thought he had won, but obviously he hadn't since Callous was still around to cause trouble now. 
That evening they were all sitting around in a sitting room in the new Hyrule Castle Zelda was having constructed, which was mostly finished and quite lavish despite this Zelda's simplistic philosophy. 
Hyrule himself was reading a book, one he'd borrowed from the castle library about the Loftwings, they'd fascinated him since he'd met crimson, they did have any remotely similar in his Hyrule.
"Ravio?" Legend screeched. Hyruls head flung up to see two figures emerging out of a corner, Ravio and Curse. Curse looked awful, his rabbit skin care was gone and he was dressed simply. Dark black cures ringed his eyes and the darks cheeks were sunken slightly like he hadn't eaten in months.
Immidealty the heroes were up to meet them. They ushered the duo to a chair and sat them down Zelda ordering away a servant to get food and water for them.
"What happened?" Time asked.
"Where's Maverick?" Four said.
"Why do you look like shit?" Legend asked. 
"Give them space." Hyrule said, stepping back himself.
Curse shook his head. "I just got back, I spent almost three months in the dark world reforming my body after Maverick killed me."
That left them all in shock, Maverick had killed him? Or dusted, they all knew a dark couldn't be killed unless their mirror was destroyed. But Maverick had attacked Curse? No one was closer to the lights than him, it seemed impossible.
"How did it happen?" Four spoke up, his fallen heart was obvious to see.
Curse told them about the time he and Maverick had traveled the dark world together, about finding Callous’s castle and finally what Maverick had said before killing him.
"Wait wait repeat that." Four demanded. "He said that specifically?"
Curse nodded. "He said he was just joining the winning side."
Fours face went from quickly to surprise. "I know what he's doing, why would he do that it didn't work when we tried it, it's only going to put him in danger."
Four rambled off having a conversation with himself.
"Whatever Maverick did he must have had a reason." Legend insisted. "He wouldn't have done that for no reason. It must have been necessary, sorry Curse."
Curse just nodded. "In the time we spent together he never gave any inkling of turning traitor. But the dark world is a corrupting place, and you can't forget that a darks base nature is to destroy and hurt. We need to be prepared for the eventuality of having to face him in battle. And we have to deal with Callous's army, from what I saw he has enough resources to take over not just one of your hyrules but all of them."
Hyrules mind clicked into action, he didn't know much about armies but he knew Callous.
"Then we need an army of our own. With any luck and help from the few darks on our side we can amass our own army from each of our Hyrules…" Warriors began before pausing. "Except my Hyrule no longer has an army thanks to me."
Time rested a hand on Warriors shoulder. "That's not a good idea, we can't risk Hylian soldiers in this. If we can take out their leader, the minions will stand down."
"That's not always true." Hyrule said shifting his gaze from Curse to Time. "When I killed Ganon.."
"Don't you mean sealed away?" Time asked.
"No I ki…" Hyrule started again.
"Oh you imprisoned him?" Someone else chimed in.
"No." Hyruke said with force cutting off any other comments. "I killed him. An arrow to the heart, and took his piece of the triforce from his ashes." 
The other gave him astounded looks, had none of them really every killed their ganon? 
"I was washing ashes out of my hair for weeks it was terrible. But that's not the point. After I killed ganon his minions were determined to revive him, I was hunted so they could use my blood to resurrect him." Hyrule admitted, he'd never mentioned it before. He hated the way it tied him to that villian.
Curse shook his head. "The shadowlings that make up his army aren't smart enough to plan like that, whatever magic or method he's using to control them should wear off when he's dead."
"Then I know what we need to do." Warriors said, "we need to take the fight to him, draw him out and take him out. Call on our allies, us and darks on our side, Savage and Noble will fight with us, and so will Tempest. What about Acidic?"
Acidic cringed upon hearing his darks name. "If I ask he'll come, but he's unstable."
Nodding warriors continued. "Conqueror and Stygian won't fight with us, Conqueror hates Callous but he won't help us fight. And I'm not sure about Stygian."
"He won't help us or Callous." Sky confirmed. "He quite literally doesn't care." 
Nodding Twilight joined in. "That makes sixteen of us against Callous and his army."
"Seventeen." Four insisted causing them all to turn back. "I'm not giving up on Maverick."
Hyrule looked back and forth at Four and Legend, both of them obviously had more to their statements about their darks but that would have to wait for now.
"What if we aren't enough?" He asked. "What if Callous manages to kill us all? He gets to have all of Hyrule. We need another plan than just facing him head on."
Twilight shook his head. "There is no other way, someone like him won't stop until he's killed. It's him or us. And I doubt even he will be able to take on all seventeen of us."
Wild nodded as well. "Everyone of us can take out armies alone, together we're stronger and with all of our strengths together we can beat him, but only if we take him out before he can launch whatever plan he has."
He knew Callous would never stop, the dark’s motives were as purely evil as they could be, nothing would stop him from simply coming back later. He'd already survived Hyrule killing him once who's to say he couldn't again. But maybe there was something Hyrule could do to give them a better edge, but no that was too risky.
Time began to converse with Curse, they had to decide the logistics of gathering their fighting force together. Hyrule turned away from that and looked back at Legend, his predecessor had seemed off all day and the way he'd talked about Acidic earlier told Hyrule something more had happened.
Hyrule caught Legends eye and nodded, the other hero followed him out of the room as the other absorbed into the planning.
"Are you ok?" Hyrule asked once they had walked into one of the empty nearby parlors. Looking closer he saw Legend had once again acquired the dark circles he'd had while merged with Acidic.
"No Hyrule I'm not. I'm trying to process and I can't." Legend sat down but then got up and started pacing.
"It's something about Acidic, did he come back to talk to you?" Hyrule questioned.
"You could say that." Legend replied his gaze shifted resting on an opposite wall with blank eyes for a minute before he snapped back into reality. "What he said, what he wanted to do, it would have destroyed us, both of us. But that's the problem I can't even tell if I want it as well. It's my own fault this happened, Veran was my enemy. I created this problem when I didn’t defeat her. And now Acidic is suffering for it.”
Hyrule watched worriedly as his friend, the man who was supposed to his mentor wore a spot into the floor pacing back and forth muttering as he went. 
“Legend.” He called getting the other hero to look back up. “What did he want?”
“He wanted to merge again.”
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jinmukangwrites · 6 years
(Not) Broken
"Hey, having read your answer to anons question, can you write a fic where the zora armor breaks and wild freaks out cause he broke miphas gift? And if you want maybe even add an explanation of who she was to the other links(for extra angst)? Love your fics and i cant eait for more!" -Anon
Here it is! Angst with a shot of Wild :3 I’m loving these requests I’m getting. It’s so fun to write them :D
Wild grunted as the Lizalfols lunged it's sharp boomerang at him, just managing to block the blow with his shield. There were a whole group of them, rushing out from nowhere when Wild and the rest of the Chosen Heroes finally made it up to the East Reservoir Lake. Their original plan was to relax by the fresh cool waters before they left the Zora's Domain the next morning. Wild was going to show them the land marks and prepare a subtle lunch (he dressed in his Zora armor and everything), but the moment they finally made up the long staircase to the top of the large dam, they were met with dozens of Lizalfos making themselves at home in the water.
Monsters were getting strangely confident, and this was proof of that. Never before had these creatures, or any monsters in general, made their base in these waters. Battle instinct took over and soon, all the heroes were in a tense combat, outnumbered by strangely strong monsters.
Though, it wasn't like the battle was an actual struggle. Every single one of the heroes have defeated unimaginable evil, being outnumbered by Lizalfos was really just a pebble compared to the mountains they had faced. It just wasted energy and diminished good moods. Wild could already hear Time grumbling that they should have just moved on instead of trying to find time to take a break.
He huffed and shoved his enemy back. The Lizalfos stumbled backwards and wasn't allowed any time to recover before Wild was slashing his sword across the monsters chest. The Lizalfos gurgled as black blood began to ooze from the wound, but it wasn't down yet.
"Only four more!" Times voice rang out from behind him. Wild couldn't see anyone or anything from where he was, fighting at the edge of the blue stone dock. "Hyrule, go help Wild-" Time continued, sending out orders like a natural born leader. Although, he didn't do that very often, but Twilight once shared his thoughts on it in secret to Wild, saying the old man was the eldest of the group, it was natural he'd begin to feel like a dad with too many rowdy kids.
Wild dodged another swipe of the boomerang. He could hear footsteps coming his way, so he suspected the battle wouldn't take much longer. Maybe he could take down the Lizalfos before Hyrule came to help?
He grinned and dove forward with his sword outstretched before he stabbed downwards into the monsters leg. It howled in rage and pain, and then did something unexpected. Instead of trying to retreated like most Lizalfos did when an enemy was too close to it, it swung out it's armed hand and slashed at Wild's stomach.
He felt sharp metal tear through his armor and scratch at his stomach, tearing through a thankfully small amount of skin. The most he would need to heal it would be a few bandages maybe, but that wasn't what made his heart leap to his throat.
There was a reason he never wore the Zora armor to battle.
He stumbled backwards with pounding ears and it suddenly hurt too much to breathe. He hardly even noticed his name being called, nor Hyrule striking the Lizalfos down with a killing blow to the gut, yelling. He was too busy clawing at the hole- the hole in the armor. Blood seeped through the small wound and got on his fingers but he was too panicked to care about that. He was hyperventilating, not caring about the cold stone beneath him or the vibrations of multiple running steps getting closer to him.
There was a tear in the hundred year old fabric. His own blood was getting on the edges, staining his most precious garment. He was gasping now, hyperventilating.
You break everything! Get away from the glass!
A glare.
//Respect this blade.
Perhaps we can spend some time together?
False trust.
He breaks everything he touches. Hylia, even Hyrule was broken because of him. Now… now this very precious item was torn, little threads of animal hair and wire stuck out at odd angles. Little threads that had probably taken her so long to hand weave. Little threads that she had meant to give to him as a proposal after they had succeeded.
He's sobbing and someone is shaking him, waving their hands out in front of him. He doesn't listen. Why won't he? He never breaks down like this in front of people. He's able to easily bounce back from the toughest of situations… always.
Why is this breaking him?
Scraps of memories aren't enough to remember someone.
Someone is grabbing his hands and tearing them away from his stomach. A strangled gasp escapes his throat and he's suddenly looking into the eyes of Legend. Behind him was Twilight, looking concerned but he wasn't stepping any closer. Time also stood in his field in vision, in front of the rest of them. Hyrule was off to the side, nervously folding his arms across his chest.
"Wild, look at me," Legend said.
Wild tugged at his hands, his bloodied hands, trying to get free because they were all to close to him. He breaks everything… weapons… master sword…. relationships… trust… precious gifts….
"You need to calm down," Legend said a bit more harshly. His grip on Wild's hands did not relent. "You're hurting yourself."
"B-broken-" Wild gasped, his fingers twitched as he looked down at the tear. "Mipha…"
Goddess, why was it so hard to speak? His hands twitched again and he tugged harder against Legends restraining hold.
Time walked and kneeled next to Legend. "Let go, he needs to sign."
Legend shook his head. "He made a small scratch look like a horror scene, I'm not letting go till he calms down."
"Every-" Wild gasped, gulping in air but feeling like he wasn't taking anything in at all. "Breaks- goes… dissa- disappoint- "
He sobbed and Legend scooted closer, his gentle hold still on Wild's wrists. "You mentioned Mipha?" He said quietly, softly, calmly. Everything Wild was not. "Why did you say Mipha?"
Wild shook his head and looked back down to the hole.
Legend spoke up again. "She gave that to you?"
Wild found himself nodding, his fingers twitching, signing in the best way he could.
"She made it," Time said, watching Wild closely. His voice was sad, like he knew what that meant. To be given such a precious thing from a Zora.
He was hyperventilating again and he couldn't control it. He'd had panic attacks before… but he could usually spot them coming. He could disappear from the people around him and suffer alone. He'd never had one on front of someone, let alone a whole group of someone's.
"Wild, breathe," Legend said gently lowering their hands and placed then against his chest. "Like this: breathe."
Wild desperately clung to the deep movements of Legend, it took a few seconds for Wild to match that. With every breath, the world focused just a bit more and the stinging pain in his stomach became more apparent. Legend continued to coach him on breathing until he decided Wild was calm enough to continue.
"Tell me about Mipha," he said kindly, something so unlike him.
Wild found himself nodding. "Beautiful," he said reverently, "she… she knew me. When I was…" His moved his fingers.
"A kid," Time finished.
Wild nodded. "Fell in love. With me, I- I don't know if I- but she always healed me, even when… I was an idiot. Even now… she still does…"
He lowered his head and wiped at his tears with his shoulder.
"Shouldn't," he choked, "I break everything, she shouldn't- even her precious gift…"
"You're upset because of the armor," Legend concluded, "she made this for you, a testimony of her love, and now it has a hole."
Wild let out a sob and bent forward so his head was leaning against their hands still against Legends chest. "I break everything- always- messing up-"
"No, let's focus on the armor," Legend said, suddenly letting go of Wild's hands. He brought his own up to Wild's armor, and Wild almost flinched. He brushed his fingers around the damage and tutted. "This is what's wrong now," he said as Wild slowly drew his arms to his chest, wrapping them around himself. "If you focused on this, you can see there's a way to fix this," he said.
Wild looked up in surprise and Legend shrugged. "All I would need is a little needle and thread, then it will look good as new."
"You sew?!"
Legend ignored Fours surprised comment and looked into Wild's eyes. "There, problem solved. I can fix this easily. I grew up with a blacksmith and his family. They taught me how to make things sometimes," he continued even as Four's surprised squawking got even more loud with Wind joining in. "As for the rest of your problems, you don't break everything. Sure, a sword or two will randomly explode on you, but it's not like it's your fault. You don't break everything because Hyrule is safe now, and Zelda is back in her castle, and we're here with you. You're not broken, Link."
Wild burst into more sobs, but this time out of sheer… happiness. He never knew how much he had needed to hear those words, and while it was surprising that Legend was the one to tell him them, he was still relieved beyond belief.
His armor can be mended, and it won't be the same, but it wasn't broken. He's not broken.
Suddenly, he was in the embrace of Twilight, his mentor and best friend after Zelda herself. He let out a wet laugh and returned it. Suddenly, Wind was jumping in and Hyrule following not too long after. Four strolled over and patted Wild on the head and Time stood off to the side, smiling. Legend pushed himself to his feet and was probably about to call it a job well done, but suddenly Sky was grabbing him, Time, and Warrior and dragging them into the awkward group hug.
Wild laughed so hard he forgot the pain from the cut in his stomach, as it was replaced with aching abs.
"Someone's on my foot!" Wind suddenly gasped, triggering a sudden laugh fest from every person in the hug.
Wild loved these guys, but he was sure that if anybody came you to check on them, they would all be looking a whole lot of idiots.
"Seriously, get off my foot..."
@linkeduniverse / @jojo56830
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50 Extremely Helpful Tips and Tricks for Breath of the Wild
These are 50 things I learned from playing Breath of the Wild for hours on end. These are all personal discoveries, nothing was Googled (because I dislike rumors and hearsay, I would rather see for myself).
1. Horses will naturally follow along paths, making it easy for you to look around at scenery while on the horse. Be careful, because they aren’t perfect. You can’t turn and charge your horse at once, as they will get mad and throw you off.
2. You can use both remote bombs at once.
3. You can shield deflect Calamity Ganon’s fireball.
4. You can turn on and off your Champion’s Blessings (Mipha’s Grace, Revali’s Gale, Daruk’s Protection, and Urbosa’s Fury).
5. The Hebra Great Skeleton is behind a big door that you have to open by rolling a big snowball.
6. Thunderblight Ganon can be defeated by holding a metal rod up to him (by using Magnesis), Windblight Ganon can be defeated by perfectly timed arrow shots, Waterblight Ganon can be defeated by similar attacks, and Fireblight Ganon can be defeated by having Remote Bombs get sucked up and detonated in his fire ball.
7. You can use Cryonis to break Vah Ruta’s ice blocks instead of wasting arrows, and using Magnesis with metal objects against Vah Rudania’s Sentries is quite useful.
8. Giving 10 Luminous Stones to the Zora Ledo will get you 1 Diamond worth 500 Rupees, but just selling 10 Luminous Stones will get you 700 Rupees.
9. It’s technically possible to defeat Calamity Ganon using only Tree Branches.
10. Blood Moons will sometimes occur in the middle of the day without warning. This is because there was a malfunction and the Blood Moon fixes the problem.
11. Cooking during a Blood Moon (during 11:30 to 12:00) will cause the food to be of highest quality.
12. Royal Guard’s weapons deal a lot of damage, but they have very low durability. Royal weapons are more balanced and look impressive.
13. The Hylian Shield (earned in Hyrule Castle’s Lockup by defeating a Stalnox) can break, but you can buy a new one from Grante at Tarry Town, along with a bunch of other awesome gear!
14. Ancient Arrows instantly kill anything they hit (Guardians too if you hit them in the eye). Guardians will drop ancient tech, but anything else will just die without dropping anything, so only use Ancient Arrows when necessary!
15. It takes practice to do a Perfect Dodge and Shield Parry, so if you’re not the best, don’t worry!
16. The three Dragons (Farosh, Dinraal, and Naydra) drop scales and fragments when you hit them with regular arrows, depending on where on their bodies you hit them. Don’t get too close though, because touching them will hurt you. Offering scales at each of the Springs shows you the way to Shrines (except with the Spring of Wisdom, at which you need to defeat the parasite infecting Naydra to get in).
17. The Sheikah text found almost everywhere in the game directly translate to English (except for Impa’s parchment, which translates into Japanese). For example, the Pins you can place on the map have Sheikah text that translates into “It’s dangerous to go alone” (a reference to the first Zelda game).
18. The best weapon (damage) is the Savage Lynel Crusher, which deals 78 points of damage. However, there is a special Royal Guard’s Claymore that deals 114 points of damage.
19. Lynels are the hardest things to beat in Breath of the Wild. You can defeat them by stunning them with arrows and mounting them, attacking while mounted, OR you can defeat them by doing a bunch of Perfect Dodges with flurry attacks (make sure you have multiple strong weapons, as Lynels have crazy health).
20. Having full outfits enhanced by Great Fairies will allow you to have set bonuses, giving you special abilities when you wear an enhanced set.
21. Horses can die. Fortunately, the Horse God Malanya located past the Nette Plateau will bring them back to life!
22. The best places to find the three dragons (again, Farosh, Dinraal, and Naydra) are (in order) Floria Bridge and the Bridge of Hylia, Tabantha Great Bridge and the Eldin Great Skeleton, and Lanayru Promenade and Mount Lanayru.
23. Locations of Lynels include Lanayru Road East Gate, Oseira Plains, Gerudo Summit, Laparoh Mesa, East Deplain Badlands, North Akkala Valley, Ploymus Mountain, Coliseum Ruins, and the First and Second Gatehouses of Hyrule Castle. Depending on where in the game you are, the Lynels are of varying strengths (except Ploymus Mountian, which always has a normal Lynel). Lynels drop a whole bunch of loot!
24. The DLC has so much extra stuff including extra quests, gear, and Master Mode with GOLDEN LYNELS that have 7,500 points of health!
25. Silver enemies have insane health, but they drop awesome loot (such as gems that you can sell for Rupees).
26. There are three Labyrinths (Lomei Labyrinth Island, North Lomei Labyrinth, and South Lomei Labyrinth). These Labyrinths are easier than you think, and you obtain the Barbarian Armor just for navigating them.
27. The Labyrinths hold more than just Shrines (for example, the Lomei Labyrinth Island has a secret underground area with a ton of active Guardians and a chest with a Diamond Circlet in it).
28. Although difficult, it’s possible to cut down a tree, use Stasis on the tree before it falls, hit it with a blunt object a bunch of times, then climb it to travel short distances VERY fast. However, if you don’t do it right, you could take damage.
29. The White Horse can be found on Sefula Hill. It’s a good quality horse, but make sure you have extra stamina and stealth to mount it. Take it to the Outskirt Stable, register it, and take it to an old man named Toffa to get the Royal Gear.
30. The Giant Horse can be found in Taobob Grassland and can be registered as an actual steed at a stable. It doesn’t have any stamina at all, but it runs faster than any other horse gallops, so... (and be careful of the Lynel that prevents you from leaving).
31. You can ride some wild animals including deer and bears, however, you cannot register them.
32. Although you can’t register him as a horse, the Lord of Satori Mountain can be mounted like a horse (with stealth and lots of stamina, of course).
33. Lynels (again, I know) are unaffected by elemental weapons, and always carry elemental arrows. If you want to attack a Lynel, face them head on instead of attacking from a distance, because they attack by shooting an arrow up into the sky that follows you and lands directly on you every time.
34. Breath of the Wild is full of references to other past Zelda games (wink, wink).
35. The underneath of Hyrule Castle (the arena for your fight with Calamity Ganon) has Sheikah text that reads “LABORATORY” on the floor and a map of Hyrule (including the Divine Beasts) on the walls).
36. To navigate the Lost Woods, pick up a torch and light it on one of the provided fires. Whichever direction the embers and smoke go, that is the direction to go!
37. You can actually buy and own a house in this game. The house is in Hateno Village and it costs 3,000 Rupees and 100 Rupees for each upgrade.
38. Avoid Hyrule Field if you don’t want a run-in with Guardians.
39. There are five types of Guardians (Decayed Guardians, Guardian Stalkers, Guardian Skywatchers, Guardian Turrets, and Guardian Scouts). Guardian Scouts are found in Shrines, Guardian Turrets are found all over Hyrule Castle, and the other types are found throughout Hyrule. Sentries are miniature Guardians dispatched by Vah Rudania, so those weren’t counted.
40. The Silent Princess is found in sacred places such as Great Fairy Fountains and near the Master Sword pedestal.
41. It takes 13 hearts to lift the Master Sword. Yellow added hearts don’t count. The Master Sword can’t break, but it will run out of energy and become unusable until it recharges. The Master Sword normally has 30 points of damage, but when near Guardians or Calamity Ganon (or in Hyrule Castle), it glows and has 60 points of damage.
42. In Hateno Village, there is a statue (similar in appearance to the Goddess Statues) that will exchange hearts, stamina, and Rupees.
43. When you have found all of the Shrines, the Sheikah Monks will gift you the Tunic of the Wild, which is Link’s famous green outfit (recieve this at the Forgotton Temple).
45. At Kilton’s Fang and Bone store, you can buy monster masks that will make you blend in with the monsters they look like. This will make specific monsters act friendly towards you. Be careful though, as Lynels are too smart to be fooled by the Lynel mask for too long.
46. The key to Eventide Island is to be patient and attack enemies from a distance. Reach Eventide Island by gliding from Cape Cales (carry extra stamina).
47. Upon arriving on shore of Eventide Island, a mysterious voice will inform you that you will be stripped of everything in your inventory. Don’t panic! Leave some gear in the water before you walk on shore and then retrieve it after the challenge starts.
48. To completely obtain the Zora gear, get the Zora Armor from the Zora King, the Zora Greaves from the Zora Laflat after showing her a picture of the Lynel on Ploymus Mountain, and the Zora Helm from a chest in Toto Lake.
49. Wearing the Champion’s Tunic allows you to see the number of health points an enemy has.
50. Looking for something? Simply looking on the map helps locate quite a few things, for example, Leviathan Bones, which are huge.
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wolfie-rood · 7 years
The Fight's End - Part One
Alright, let me just clarify that this story is being created due to another story I read a week or so before this. It’s called ‘One Time to Another’ by @karikitdemon . Please go read it, or you will not understand this to it’s fullest extent.
That being said, the characters Kari and Core do not belong to me. Credit goes to K-KitDdemon (Mah beeb ^^)
Thousands of years have passed since Calamity Ganon was defeated. It’s considered a long era of peace. And with it, nothing but industrial upgrades. The small villages in Hyrule became towns and Hyrule’s Castle Town became a vast city. Within this city lives a girl no one would ever suspect as a child picked by the gods.
You see, everybody knows about the Great Calamity; how Ganon was defeated by the four Divine Beasts. Though, no one knows who their creator is. No one understands the struggles she had to go through just to make these massive machines to actually work.
Her name is Kari.
This Sheikah girl was gifted incredible powers by the gods themselves in order to help defend Hyrule. She was also given immortality in case Calamity Ganon were to ever show itself again. Of course, even though she’s immortal, Kari is still prone to dying from unnatural causes. Because of this, she will be reincarnated to continue with the gods’ plans. Unfortunately, Kari’s enemy will do anything in his power to stop her from doing so.
Core is an… interesting person. He finds enjoyment in murdering every iteration of Kari; he also likes finding new and more interesting ways to do so. Core was given immense powers and immortality much like Kari, but for a very different reason.
His “employer” is Calamity Ganon; he spoke to Core the first time he appeared to destroy Hyrule. He put persuasive thoughts into Core’s head; telling him he’d be more helpful - more powerful - than Kari. And so, the everlasting rivalry commenced. Even after thousands and thousands of years they still fight. Core has only been reincarnated once, but that was only because he was sloppy. And without fail, Core finds elaborate ways to make it unfair for Kari to win against him.
But even when she knows all of this - Tens of thousands of years in the future - Kari is still trying to live her life as normal as possible; even with this black shadow of inevitable death looming over her…
“What- oh Crud! I’m gonna be late!”
Alright I won’t lie; this is how most of my mornings begin. Ever since my alarm clock broke at the end of last year, I’ve been nearly late to school every single day without fail. But it’s okay; I have my ways of getting there just in time.
Rushing out of bed, I passed the mirror that was hanging on the wall and took a moment to look at my appearance. I hastily put my poofy white hair into a tall ponytail and shrugged. Then, I lunged for my closet to search for something to wear. I found a pair of dark, denim shorts with a small hole in them and shrugged. Who’s gonna notice?
Now wearing my shorts, I grabbed my favorite blue hoodie with sleeves that came down only to my elbow. “Uh… Okay, shirt.” I grumbled quietly; kneeling down in front of my closet. “C'mon, I need a shirt.” My pale hands searched the floor of my tiny closet for a top. “Oh, whatever.” I said while standing back up. “ I’ll just wear my hoodie over my pajama shirt!”
Once I had my clothes on, I picked up my long scarf that was hanging on the foot of my bed and placed it around my neck. My mom has never told me where she got it, but I don’t care much; it just makes me feel safe.
After that was on, I grabbed my dark blue pair of sneakers while simultaneously looking for a pair of socks. My eyes searched the room while my hands unconsciously wandered to my scarf; pulling on it gently. Apparently, mom hasn’t done the laundry yet.
With a sigh, I sat down and stared at my feet. There were small marks on them and even a blotch of discolored skin that implied a burn. Not sure what happened there, but I can take a guess. Suddenly, I snapped out of my mini trance and put my shoes on. “Sorry, feet. You’ll probably have multiple blisters by the end of today…”
I finished tying my sneakers and stood up. “God, I hate shoes…” I muttered before getting back to work. “Alright, Kari. Time to focus.” My pale blue eyes closed and I slowed my breathing; only focusing on my destination…
Suddenly, the scene of a brunette with hazel eyes waiting by the side entrance of my school flashed before me, and I knew I was ready to use my warping ability. I took a few steps forward and opened my eyes. Walking around the side of the building, that same girl was still standing outside. She spotted me and smiled. “Hey there, Shorty!” She greeted as we ran inside.
“Faith, you know I hate that name. I’m only 4'11”; that’s not short. And what did I tell you about waiting for me? You’re not as a quick as you think, and your classroom is on the other side of the school.“ I mumbled.
Her glimmered with a sort of determination as she said, “I can make it just like you can make it to school everyday before the bell!” She glanced at me before looking forward again. “How do you do that anyway?”
“Do what?”
“Oh, I don’t know. Making it to school just before the bell every day without breaking a sweat?” She exclaimed as we ran down one of the many halls. “ I mean, I know your mom is at work, and there was a bus when you got here. You had to have ran here, but that’s practically impossible since you live on the other side of town!”
I laughed and winked at her. “Oh, c'mon. Have a little ‘Faith’ in me.” She gave me a look but I laughed it off. I looked over at one of the classrooms in the hall, and stopped running. “Alright this is my stop. I’ll see you later.” She nodded and kept running. “And don’t be late to class! That’ll be a detention!” I yelled to her as she turned the corner.
When she was out of sight, I turned and walked into the room filled with other children. My eyes wandered up to the large clock and it seemed like I still had a minute or two before the bell would ring. So, I went over to my desk next to the window and sat down. Just as I did so, the math teacher walked to the front of the room and the bell rang.
She began talking about area, and I already knew today would be a long day…
Somewhere else just on the edge of Hyrule city was a boy who seemed to be about 19 years old. He had mostly purple hair besides his bangs, which were tinted black and swept to the side. His piercing green eyes had pupils the shapes of ‘X’s and they could probably kill you with a single glare. This boy was just waking up from a well-needed nap.
With a yawn, the boy sat up in his lumpy bed and looked around his messy apartment. He didn’t mind; he quite liked the scenery. “That was nice. A few months of resting is just what I needed.” He got up and walked to his long wall of nothing but calendars. Now if I just cross out June, July, and August… It seems as though little miss Sheikah should be old enough to fight back against me. At least, I would hope so…” A smirk began to form on his lips; revealing his fangs. “After all, it wouldn’t be any fun if I just killed her right away.”
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heroes-lullaby · 7 years
This has been done many times, but I have a few ideas for a Legend of Zelda AU where Link and Zelda’s places swap. I don’t know how repetitive these ideas are, but I’m hoping that I have added at least a new point to the AU:
-As I already said, Link and Zelda swap places. Link, rather than being a commoner, is the Prince of Hyrule (the first Hyrule has had in a very long time), while Zelda has the boy’s previous position.
-But their designated triforces do not switch. Zelda still possesses the Triforce of Wisdom, which makes her the bookworm of the kingdom (but just like Belle, she is shunned and humiliated for this). Link still has the Triforce of Courage, which makes him a great war leader, but a terrible person because his triforce gives him a serious ego boost.
-Ganon is still the enemy (but I have an AU where he is NOT so keep an eye out for that too if you’re interested)
-One night Zelda has a a terrible dream/vision of Hyrule burning to the ground, with it’s people dead and a mysterious figure being the cause of it all. At first she shrugs it off because her father tells her that it’s just the books getting to her head. But these signs pop up (idk what they are yet so please bear with me) that convince her that her dreams are somehow prophecy. So she runs over to the castle as fast as she can to warn the prince.
-She gets to the castle, but is refused entry. She’s trying to tell the guards of the importance of her message and of her dreams, but they make fun of her and push her to the ground, calling her crazy and such. She’s still determined despite this, and requests one last time to see the prince.
-And right when she says this, out comes Prince Link on his steed, about to head off to attend to his royal duties. He questions what is going on and for a moment, he seems like a nice guy. But when Zelda tells him of her dreams and what they could potentially mean, he too pardons her as crazy, and only speaks of his many achievements and how they could not possibly add up to Hyrule’s demise. Zelda is a bit discourages, but warns him one last time. In response, Link requests that she leave, and the guards force her back to the streets.
-Zelda goes back home, submitting to the humiliation others casted upon her. Her father tries to comfort her, but doesn’t seem to help when he too thinks that her attempts were slightly foolish. In the end, her father recommends they go to the kingdom’s Festival of Peace (a day that celebrates how many years Hyrule has been safe), and somehow he’s able to convince the saddened Zelda to go.
-This year’s festival marks 100 years of peace in Hyrule. ((NOTE: This does not mean that for 100 years, Hyrule has never engaged in battles or war. It simply means that Hyrule has not once been overthrown by a foe, and that the wars they have been in so far have always ensured the safety of Hyrule))
-Everything is fine and dandy at the festival, and for some time, Zelda forgets about her worries and has fun. She does scowl and whisper rude things when she sees Link at the festival, who gives a speech about how his father’s legacy still carries on despite his tragic death (I like to think that his father died in war when Link was only 15, forcing the boy to take up the crown early and mature fast). ((NOTE: I’d also like to randomly point out that both Link and Zelda are 23 in this AU))
-Near the end of Link’s speech, quiet yells and banging are heard outside of the kingdom’s gates. Everyone in the kingdom quiets as Link’s own voice begins to die out, and after a few moments of waiting, in barges a hooded man, walking slowly and calmly despite the sudden tension in the air. Link can’t tell who it is, but he does catch a glance of dead soldiers who lay limp at the kingdom gates.
-Everyone in the kingdom makes way for this man, not because he’s super important, but because they’re very scared of him and do not want to be hurt. All of this makes a clear pathway towards Link, who stands tall and bravely.
-Zelda holds on to her father tightly, and feels as if she recognizes this scene somewhere. He has a bad feeling of what’s about to happen next.
-Link demands to know who the mysterious man is.
-Mysterious man only announces himself as a traveller looking for a new home.
-Link denies the man’s excuse.
-Zelda looks closer at the man and analyzes every detail of him. She notices that he bears the crest of the Gerudo on his cloak, and Zelda immediately recognizes it. It was on a flag in her dream, a flag that stood menacingly over the many bodies of Hyrule.
-Zelda lets go of her father and tries to get to the prince. Now more than ever does she need to tell her dreams to him.
-As the man inches closer to Link, the prince unsheathes his sword and points it towards the taller figure. He requests the he leaves if he wants to live.
-Mysterious man laughs.
-Link tells him to leave once more. This time it is not a request, nor does his voice carry that calm composure it had once before.
-Mysterious man mocks Link’s efforts, and tries to get the prince to lose his cool by saying things like “How terribly sad your father died only to have a fake brat like you rule as a leader” and “But then again, both of you were terrible leaders, so it’s only natural this trait would pass on to you”. ((idk I don’t have dialogue set at this point))
-And eventually, this man’s efforts get to Link, right when Zelda was just so close to him. He charges to the man with a ferocious battle yell–
- only to be immediately grabbed by the neck, and lifted off the ground. Link is shocked, and struggles to be released by the tightening grip, but he’s too vulnerable at this point.
-He casts Link away like a rag doll, and begins destruction.
-People scream and flee. All but Zelda, who only stands in fear as she watches her biggest fear come true.
-Ganon notices her, and attempts to kill her by blasting her with his dark powers, but she is ultimately saved by Link, who manages to tackle her out of the way, but takes most of the force from his attack.
-So Zelda decides that despite what happened earlier in that day, she needs to save him because she genuinely believes that he could help her prevent the rest of her visions from coming true. She steals a horse, and takes him far, far away to tend to his wounds.
-And so basically we now get both Link and Zelda who are not on good terms with each other (Link is outraged that she took him away from battle), but are forced to use each others talents for the greater good.
I will post more about this because I have a ton of ideas for how this could go. If you guys want to add your own ideas, go ahead! Because I know my ideas for this AU aren’t perfect because I literally thought of this today while I was eating breakfast.
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randomname1689 · 7 years
Enchanté, everyone. My name is Slyn Vulpes the story-teller, and this is my second fan fiction. to read this story, i recommend you know pretty much every game of the franchise, because there will have spoiler of every game so far, even BOTW. Also, OC. If you don't like, don't read. Beside, he will be the main protagonist.
At first, everything was black, only darkness could be seen. Then, three coloured orbs slowly emerged from this darkness, and weakly, spoke in unison:
"After all... you returned... but too late... the ancient evil of this land has returned again... but this time not alone... powerful opponents will be on your way... be careful... You, who bear ours last hopes".
Their speech over, the orbs start to fade away with the darkness. And our protagonist, an young-looking man who were wearing a silver and gold helmet, dark pant and boots, and a white tunic with a red cross on it slowly wake up in a dark hallway. Of course, he didn't know where he was, neither how he end up here, all he remember was that he took his portal, but after that… nothing. After some quick look around him, our knight starts to explore his environment. It seemed that he was in the castle of some evil lord. How he could tell? By the bats, the dark purple paint of the walls, and also because after a few minutes of research, he end up in a room where was imprisoned Link. It's not a joke, and there was no doubt about it, Link, the Young hero of time, was right in front of him, unconscious, and after this, our hero knew where he was, when, and more important, that he will need to run.
And that was what he did, he run alone in the darks hallways, while looking for a way to get out of Ganondorf's castle. Or maybe it's Ganon's? He doesn't know and he doesn't care: neither forms are friendly; neither is going to let a danger like the hero of time, being free to put an end to their schemes. That probably the reason our hero has maybe the whole army of the castle who try to hunt him down. But thank god… I mean the goddess, he finally found the exit. With no hesitation, he used his gauntlet on his left arm, and creates a round shield, which he immediately throw at the giant door, before jumping on it and use it like a board. Soon he reach castle town, were some ReDead were waiting. Of course, when they see him they try to freeze him with their screams, and he simply smile at that. After all, there is no way it's going to work against him, and even if it does, he will be still moving because of his shield. The screams didn't affect him just like he thought. How? Well the answer will be waiting, because our skateboarder hero is now blocked by the drawbridge of the town. He didn't have time for this, so he took back his shield, and turn it into a crossbow mounted on his forearm, Still using the power of his gauntlet, he charge it with an arrow, before fires it on his obstacle. Then he looks behind him: the army was nearly there, and the ReDead… has only move of four steps. Our protagonist faces again the drawbridge, and with a snap of his fingers, he blew it up with his arrow, reducing it into ashes. But when the smoke dies down, our hero sees he has no other choices but the fight. Maybe all the monsters of Hyrule, except the Deku scrub and the wall masters, were here, waiting for a fight. Our encircled hero, knowing there was no other choice but the fight, walk to his enemies, and put his right hand on the sword of his back, meaning he was ready. You are maybe thinking that he knows he's not going to make it and he want to die like a warrior. But actually, he wasn't afraid of dying or something. Oh no! He was just annoyed by the fact he will have to fight, knowing he will be vanquisher. And even if they cannot see his eyes, all monsters could sense, if it's not feel, his might in his dreadful, invisible, look. Seeing that, some monsters, thinking they could take him down with ease, decided to attack him, so they will being see as powerful ones by their lord; a very bad idea. A slash too fast to be seen later and they were just bones on the floor. The monsters took a step back of surprise, not sure of what happened, but before others fools could do anything stupid, a very well know voice of this franchise, spoke from the sky:
"Impressive, young swordsman!"
Everyone looked at the proprietary of the voice, as he landed in front of our hero, he was exactly like any of his human incarnation, his only notable difference was his white armor. But it doesn't matter, what's matter is that our protagonist is face to face with Ganondorf himself, and both seem ready to clash theirs swords until one bites the dust.
"I would have killed them anyway, because they didn't respect my orders... But I have to say, I merely see you draw your sword, more than impressive."
"So, now young fool, you're going to tell me, WHERE IS THE HERO OF TIME!"
Our silent hero just tightens his grip on his sword for all answer.
"It seems I will have to get the information I need by force. My minions! Capture him alive!"
Of course, more afraid of their lord than by our knight, all monsters obeyed and rush over our hero, except one shadow behind our antagonist, who stopped it with his hand. A shadow our protagonist recognize pretty fast, it was, without doubt, Zelda. She was different, more like a porcelain doll than the joyfully princess he remembers. But, you can figure it out why easily: she was controlled by the evil king. The monsters where only at two inches of our knight when he understand it, and I think they didn't expect to be send flying away by a powerful wind coming from him, instead of his blade. The princess Zelda stayed still, because of her mindless state, and Ganondorf smiled at first, thinking it would be interesting, but his smile faded and became a puzzled expression when he sees the dark aura emanating from our hero. A dark aura that was actually pure anger, an anger which was so powerful that our hero wasn't able to contain it physically, an anger that could be seen in his now glowing blue-greens eyes. Our angered hero finally speaks solemnly:
The wind became more violent as our hero speak, the grass started to burn, while the temperature drop until ice could be formed on the armor of our antagonist. As the mighty army started to feel fear, Ganondorf seemed amused:
"So you can talk, I started to think you were mute."
He laughed a bit, and continued:
"And you are the protector of Hyrule I been warned about? The mighty Slyn Vulpes? "
"Well, this is promising! I was told you are strong enough to be able to slash a failing moon in two. Let's see if you are really that strong! My minions! Kill him!"
All fearful, the army hesitated. But, knowing they would die if they disobey, and could maybe survive if they obey, they chose the logical choice and attacked. They didn't last long, burned by the fire storm our hero made out of his anger, leaving nothing but burned floor and red heated weapons behind. Now, our really pissed off protagonist, charged once again his crossbow, and targeted his opponent with a new kind of arrow. Zelda, still a puppet in the hand of the evil, put herself between the arrow and the Targeted to take it instead. But, the grin behind the helmet of my friend tells me he expected this cowardly maneuverer. And so, the arrow crossed Zelda without hurting her, before hitting his target, right on the heart. But of course, it's wasn't enough to finish this story on the first chapter, so our sly hero fired dozens of the same arrow as quick as he could, each time, the puppet tried to protect the puppeteer, and each time, the arrow simply crossed by, hitting the still off guard Ganondorf. But the shock didn't last long enough for the last arrows to hit, blocked by their target. Ganondorf fired multiple magical orbs to our hero, who send them back with a strike of his sword, before being blocked by the puppet princess. Her screams fueling the anger already without equal, of our crusader swordsman. Ganondorf repeated the attack, but our hero wasn't named Slyn for nothing, and so he send back the attack again, but before anyone react, he targeted Zelda with his gauntlet, and fire a clawshot to the princess, stopping her before she could block the attack. Our antagonist changes his tactics, and attacked with a sword, distracting our hero who blocked the attack with his gauntlet in shield mode, before going into a sword fight. The two enemies clashed their swords with all their might, and our hero nearly win, but a light arrow cowardly fired on his back by the puppet princess weakened him, and leaved only a quarter of heart before he falls on the ground. Ganondorf laughed at the view of our fallen knight, and then he continued his speech between two laughs:"So it was true. The mighty servant of the light has for weakness his own master!"
He grabbed our hero by the collar, and looked right into his glowing eyes before he continues:
"And you thought you: a foolish, pitiful Hylien could defeat me? Mandrag Ganon, the king of darkness itself?"
Weakly, our knight simply shrugged his shoulders and said:
"I'm the protagonist of this fan fiction after all."
A bit caught off guard by the answer, Ganondorf stared for a while at the fourth wall breaker, once more puzzled, before throwing him on the ground. Then, he prepared his sword for giving the last strike. But before he could say farewell to the hero, he received a light arrow that made him fly away. Still on the floor, our hero with glowing eyes mockingly noticed:
"Those arrows are like my first girlfriend: they cheat on you with another man, before trying to cheat on him with you."
Ganondorf ignored the remark, and concentrated on the shooter: Zelda. She was weakly standing with her bow, facing the evil king, and tried with all her might to shoot another magical arrow, but passed out before she could archive it. Our hero rushed to her, and stopped her from violently failing on the ground, while his adversary could only mutter:
"She should not have being able to free herself, how…"
"Because of my arrows."
The answer came from our knight, now back at full health.
"You see, they're not arrow which you can find anywhere or make by yourself, no, these arrows judge, and cannot harm innocents."
He slowly put Zelda down, while adding:
"That also include spells, curses, and unfortunately, inanimate objects as well. After your spell received all the arrows I fired, the light of her own arrows finished to free her mind."
A silence took place between the two fighters, but it didn't take long before the mad laugh of Ganondorf break it. It was one of those laughs, who make your whole body trembling with horror and terror, thinking you're going to put every ounce and fibre of your being to survive against him, or in the case of myself and of my friend, it's one of those that give us the sentiment that we are going to have a long day.
"HE warned me about you, HE told me about your might, HE told me about your tricks, your regenerative abilities, and even your weakness, and yet, you still manage to surprise me!"
"And… I make you laugh."
"You can sarcasm if you want, it still laughable."
He continued to laugh like it was the most funny thing on earth, while our hero searched the answer to a question which keep tormented him, but still keeps his guard on, in case of some trick. But the curiosity overcame the fear of the answer, and our crusader finally asked:
"So? Who told you about how awesome I am? Maybe the same one who permitted you to conquer Hyrule in this time-line? "
"Oh! Our common friend? "
At the simple combination of words: "common friend", our hero could think of only one foe : an person maybe as ancient than time itself, who have in his entire lifetime, only seek the all mighty power of light, and killed, destroyed, annihilated everything that was in its way, including universes and butterflies. And to stop him many impossible warriors must have paid the highest price. Only the think of this horrible man bring back our poor hero into deep, painful memories: an happy life, disturbed; an eternity of tracking, mixed into a war without alike; a battle between two infinites armies, with great consequences; a multi-verse finally safe from danger, but all his saviors only able to cry on the dead bodies of their beloveds; and an immortality of guilt. But it could not be this man: he's dead and buried ... right?
"The only name he gave me was: "the light". But, I think we had enough talks and laughs for now. After all, we usually say: less talking, MORE KILLING!"
Ganondorf attacked once more, this time by firing a laser of pure light, way too fast for our caught off guard knight to dodge; and so he took it, surprised by the fact that this holy weapon are in the hand of this dark man. Taking no risk, our villain dashed to the weakened warrior, ready to finish the battle here and now. Our hero tried to raise his shield, but miserably failed. Only centimeters was between the two opponents, when a miracle happen: an holy golden wall blocked the attack, forming the all mighty triforce with our hero and the princess inside. Well aware of what will happen next, Gannondorf let his rage express itself; while howling somewhat like a dragon, he tried to slice with all his might the holy protection. But even if he managed to cracked it, the golden shield never failed. The two target of the raging monarch vanished under his red eyes. When our dark monarch was able to reach them, they were long gone. The only person left on the desolated world was an enraged Gerudo, screaming out his fury.
What will happen next? An encounter with the golden goddess. And also, the explanation of the story's name. Everyone here speak Hylian, not English, Spanish nor French. As for the arrows of our protagonist, like he said, they cannot hurt innocent, and that implies object as well. For short, if an object is on the way of the arrow, the arrow will not hurt it if the object wasn't used for a evil deed. But if it was used, for example, to kill someone, the arrow will be able to touch it.
If you have read any errors, please notice me.
Critics are welcome.
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allcheatscodes · 8 years
super smash brothers n64
super smash brothers n64
Super Smash Brothers cheats & more for Nintendo64 (N64)
Easter Eggs
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Genre: Fighting, 2D Fighting Developer: Nintendo Publisher: Nintendo ESRB Rating: Everyone Release Date: November 22, 1999
Heart Protection
After you collect a heart, the enemy may attack you. If so do not worry; as your health fills up to 0 damage, it doesn’t matter how much the person hits you. You are unhurt until the process of the filling of the health is over.
Item Switch
To get the item switch Beat 100 vs. matches. Then go to the vs. options and you’ll find the item switch. Have fun!
Get Captian Falcon The Quick Way
Go to 1 player mode and select the character Donkey Kong. Use very easy and full life.Don’t bother actually fighting the other characters just use his throw and walk off the edge of the stage with them. Do that with everyone except the levels with more than three characters.
Mew In Pokeballs
Unlock all four bonus characters to have Mew appear randomly in the Pokeballs.
Play As Captain Falcon
Beat the game with any character on any difficulty setting and number of lives in under twenty minutes. Then, defeat Captain Falcon. For the Japanese version, beat the game with any character on any difficulty setting and number of lives. Then, defeat Captain Falcon.
Fox Danger
When ever you use the deflector shield with Fox, there’s always a danger.1. Make sure you aren’t on the same platform that a moving red turtle shell is on. It can possably break your shield with enough hits. 2. If the shield gets hit too many times,it will breack. The dangers are not limited by these. There are many others. So watch out.
DK Smash
Here is a way to inflict heavy damage to your opponent to KO them esier (yuo must be DK to do this). First select DK in free-for-all mode or team battle ect. Then go to either mushroom kindom or Hyrule Castle (mushroom Kindom works best if you’re in free-for-all). If you choose to be in free-for-all go to the bottom left of mushroom kingdom. Then, when an opponent comes close enough use Dk’s down+B attack and keep hitting B after you’ve started. This will inflict so much damage that if you get the percentage of your oppents damage to around 500% you can kill them with a tap of the A button. Now we move on to Hyrule Castle. The reason why I recommended you go here to do this is because you opponent can escape on the other side of the hut (located at the right side of Hyrule Castle). So, when you’re playing team battle, tell you’re partner to also be DK and tell him to go on the other side of the hut.
Faster Fox Laser
While playing as fox jump into the air and hold down B. You will fire Fox’s laser. While firing in the air it will shoot faster than normal.
Super Smash K.O.
For a very easy k.o. you can use anyone you chose but i’d prefor Ness now to do this you need a baseball bat grab the bat and when you hit your opponet press lest or right depending on which way your going(lets say your going right)press right&B at the same time and your sure to be sending them in the horizon.ps i would practice this move before I use it in battle.
Very Easy K.O. With Yoshi
First you have to take Yoshi, so if you’re not comfortable with him, I suggest that you go train for a while. To do the very easy K.O. You jump foward and press a, but your opponent can’t be over anything or it won’t work. By doing so, your opponent will fall and won’t be able to jump or do his hyper jump.
Play as either Luigi or Mario to do this cool stunt. Go to Hyrule Castle and wait for a whirlwind. When you see one carefully walk into it. You have to be careful or else you’ll go flying off into the horizon. When your character flies backwards, pause it and move the contol stick around to change camera angles. It looks like something from The Matrix!
Kirby Easy Kill
Play KIrby go near an edge, when a opponet comes near you press up B. If done correctly it should be almost impposible for your opponet to get back up. (if you move you to the side while pressing up B you might kill yourself)
Gain Health
In Silph CO When chansey comes out touch it and you will gain some health.
Flying Fly Traps
In Mushroom Kingdom, There are green pipes. Big Venus Fly Traps come out of them. Try to kick/punch one really hard. The one that you kick/punched will go flying. if it didn’t, try a powerful move on it.
Mario’s Pipes
In the level Mushroom Kindom, tere are green pipes that stick up from the ground. If you go on top of one, and press down on the directional pad, then you will go down one pipe and come out the other! But be careful. there is one pipe that is down the cliff in the middle. You might come out that one insted.
Mushroom Kingdom
To get mushroom kingdom, all you really have to do is: on free-for-all, beat the game with all of the origonal characters. Try it on easy but I’m not quite certain. Make sure before you pick a character, put the pointer on that character, and look at the high score. If there is a number there, than move to the naxt.
Big Mouth Kirby
While sucking in (by pressing and holding b) pause the game. Then use the control stick look at Kirby, it will look like she has a very big mouth.
Easy Knock Out
Select Yoshi, the jump into the air. When right above an enemy hit down B. It hurts them or it sends them sailing through the air.
Easy Way Of Killing Opponents With Yoshi
Get Yoshi for any mode. Then get to the edge, wait til’ the opponent gets near you. Then push B to eat him. Then he will go down to the bottom of the arena. (Warning: The opponent may get back on the arena quickly after you eat him.)
Suicide Mission Trick
Get DK for 1 player mode or any other mode. Then get near the edge with the opponent. Then grab him with the R button, go forward and jump off the edge. (this may not work all the time, but give it a whip).
Bonus Practice 2, Board The Platforms
Use the following strategy when playing as Jigglypuff/Purin on the last platform. Since Jigglypuff does have an extra jump (Up + B), run and jump from the edge. Pace your jumps so he can go farther. Practice this on the “walk on water platform”.
Bonus Practice 1, Break The Targets
When playing as Yoshi, to get the target on the far right, use the Mega Headbutt (Left or Right + B) next to the side of the target hill.
Playing As Luigi
Luigi is unique because, he is the only character whose taunt hurts. It may not hurt much, but when he kicks his foot on the ground, if there is an opponent in the way, they will get kicked for various reasons.
Change CPU Color In Free For All Or Training Modes
After selecting a character, highlight the character the CPU player is playing, which is marked with a gray chip with “CP”. Move the hand pointer over the character and press one of the C buttons.
Toggle Free For All And Team Modes
You can toggle free for all and team type play in versus mode. Move the hand pointer to the top left corner and press A on team battle or free for all.
The Bomb And Land Mine Trick.
On any stage, get a land mine. Throw it up so it lands on a plat form above you. With Kirby, grab your opponent and go straight up. This will couse the enemy to get hurt. Kirby will be left unharmed. With the bomb, throw it up in the air and quicly grab the opponent and go staight up. Kirby will be left unharmed. You can do this with almost anybody, just measure it correctly.
Easy Suicide Kill
Be Kirby and get near an edge. Then pick up the person and you should fall down the hole still holding the person. But you do kill yourself too.
Yoshi Trick
On ternament mode with Yoshi stay on the edge whe you are on big Dk stage. Let him come to you. Quick push b button he will get caught inthe egg and lose the match. If that is the only attack you use you will get xtra points. A lot!P.S. This also works with metal mario. (Only harder.)
How To Gain Back Some HP
This code can only be done with Ness. First, have a character use an elemental attack on you. Then use Ness’s Psychic Shield. The shield should absorb the attack and restore the amount of HP that the attack was supposed to do. Note: The elemental attack MUST BE ELEMENTAL, otherwise the attack will hurt Ness! The attack cannot be the laser or the “Fire Fox” move that Fox does. It can be something like Pikachu’s B button move, or the Fire Flower.
Fox Without A Head
In verses mode choose Fox. Then you have to choose Fox to train against. Grab Fox to throw and throw him backwards. Pause the game right as you let go of him and Fox’s should be near his instead of his neck. NOTE: It helps to know how to throw in booth directions.
Item Switch
To get the item switch you have to play in time mode. Not time team just time mode. You have to pick 1 player which is you and the 2nd is your friend or brother. Pick 5 minutes and play as anyone but the computer can’t play. Now beat your friend once, and die at the same time. When times up it will show that you have an item switch in 2 players option.
Ness Reflect
A great move to do with ness is using his baseball bat to counter others B button moves. Like pikachu’s electricity. But be carefull to use it a the good time and not against the Big Energy Ball of Samus, it won’t counter it.
Make Yoshi Look Old
First you must play as Yoshi. Eat your opponent by pushing the B button. Then push start as soon as your opponent is in Yoshi’s mouth. If done correctly it will look like Yoshi has a beard and closed eyes.
Knock Opponets Of Easily
Play as yoshi, stand near the edge. Face away from the edge. Press B when your opponent is close enough. Your opponent should get stuck in the egg falling off the edge.
Extra Prize
Beat break the targets and board the platforms on practice mode with all twelve charactors including the hidden ones and you will get the sound test. Play one hundred rounds of v.s. mode and you will be able to go v.s. options and you will be able to control the items you get and how often you get them.
Beating Master Hand Easily With Yoshi
Versing the master hand with yoshi is easy. all you have to do is jump and press down + A and yoshi will rapidly kick the master hand. It depletes about 1/6 of his life each time you do it.
Fox Fast Shooter
As you can see fox shoots his blaster rather slow but when you jump up on youre way down press b very fast and he will shoot faster! (Works good on Giant Donkey Kong.)
If you are starfox and you are playing on starfox’s level, then there is something you can do about those annoying ar-wings. If it looks like you’re going to get shot by one, press B-down and it will reflect the bullet.
Steel Life
Choose team mode each player must have at least two lives or more. When in battle and your teamate losses all of his lives all that player has to do is press start and hold buttons R, A, B but not Z. Then press start and your bask baby! Hint: once your teamate only has one life left you can’t perform this trick anymore.
Seeing Skeletons
Use any electrical attacks (Raygun,Picachu). The person who gets hit has to pause it right when they get hit. If done correctly you should see any skeleton except Samus who would be naked. Luigi’s is particullarly funny because of his big skull.
Steal Stock
When in versus mode and two or more people are on the same color team when one player loses ALL thier lives if they press START they can “steal” a life from an allie.
Bonus Points
Complete the following tasks to get the indicated number of points:BonusPointsTaskAll Variation+15,000Finish round using all of your character's movesArwing Clear+3,000Mini Arwing on Sector Z defeats opponentBros. Calamity+12,000Defeat Luigi before attacking MarioBumper Clear+10,000Enemy defeated with bumper item [Note 1]Butterfly+10,000Knock opponent out of the ring while they try to climb back on the stageCheap Shot-99Use the same move for 35 percent damageComet Mystic+7,000Clear a level when your character becomes a starDK Perfect+50,000Defeat Giant DK without allies getting hit onceFull Power+5,000Finish battle with 0% damageGame Clear+70,000 x 1-5 (per difficulty)Finish game on certain difficulty level [Note 2]Hawk+18,000Use only aerial movesHeartthrob+8,000Collect three or more heart containers in one levelHeavy Damage+10,000Finish round after inflicting more than 300% damageItem Pitcher+10,000Kill opponent by throwing an itemItem Strike+20,000Defeat opponent using only items in the team games, excluding Mario Brothers; send all 8,18, or 30 opponents into the skyJudo Warrior+4,000Defeat opponent by throwing only themKirby Ranks+12,000Defeat Kirbys in the order of their strengthLast Second+8,000Defeat opponent in the last secondLucky 3+9,990Finish round with 3:33 on timerMew Match+15,000Mew appears out of a Pok�ball during match [Note 3]Mystic+7,000Die immediately after your opponent dies, but before "Game Set" appears.No Damage+15,000Take no damage though out battle (cannot use Maxim Tomato or Heart)No Damage Clear+300,000Have "No Damage" bonus on after each battleNo Item+1,000Finish the match without using an itemNo Miss+5,000Do not lose a life on a levelNo Miss Clear+70,000Have "No Miss" bonus on after each battlePacifist Award+60,000Enemy died without your character hitting them [Note 4]Perfect+30,000Break all targets or board all platformsPokemon Finish+11,000Pokemon attack kills opponentShield Breaker+8,000Break your opponent's shield during the battleShooter+12,000Defeat opponent using projectile weapons (ray gun, star rod)Single Move+8,000Only attack your opponent onceSpecial Move+5,000Use only B button moves to defeat opponents; only works on team levels (Kirby, Polygon, and Yoshi)Speed Demon+80,000Beat the game in under 8 minutesSpeed King+40,000Beat the game in under 12-15 minutesSpeedster+10,000Defeat any opponent in 30 seconds or lessStar Finish+2,000Hit all foes skyward to turn them into starsTrickster+11,000Defeat opponent with 30 seconds left in the matchVegetarian+5,000Eat 3 or more Maxim Tomatoes in one levelYoshi Rainbow+15,000Defeat Yoshis in the order they appearNote 1:The bumper must be on the ground.Note 2:Very Easy earns 70,000 points, Easy earns 140,000 points, Normal earns 210,000 points, Hard earns 280,000 points, and Very Hard earns 350,000 points.Note 3:Does not work if Clefairy imitates.Note 4:Try playing as Pikachu while on the helicopter pad or allowing the acid on Planet Zebes kill your opponent.
Keep Your Opponent Off The Platforms
Use the following moves when playing as the indicated character to knock and keep your opponent off the platforms.Mario and LuigiPress B to throw a fireball when they try to come back. NessPress B for the PK Thunder if they come near your character in the air. YoshiIf you are near the end of the platform, wait for your opponent to approach. Then, press B to turn them into an egg. If you are close enough to the edge, the egg will make them fall and they will not be able to get back up. Donkey KongAfter knocking an opponent off, press B to charge up the punch. Use the punch when they are close enough while in the air. KirbyPress Up + B near the edge when your opponent approaches. LinkPress B to throw the boomerang after knocking them off the platform and they try to get close again. FoxPress B to keep firing the blaster. SamusPress B to charge up the gun, then shoot it when a knocked off opponent returns. PikachuJump and press B to shoot a little ball of electricity. If it hits a returning opponent, they will be paralyzed. JigglypuffPress B to use the lunging punch when a returning opponent is close enough.Captain FalconPress B to use the Falcon Punch when your opponent tries to return.
Pokemon In The Pokeballs
The Pokemon in the Pokeballs have the following powers:BeedrillFlies off to get the rest of its hive to attack the opponent. BlastoiseBlasts opponent with water spray. ChanseyPops out and give you an item. CharizardStarts to breath fire in each direction. CharmanderJust blows fire in one direction (only in Silphco stage). ClefableArrives and mimics one of the other available Pokemon's attacks. GoldeenFlops around trying to hurt opponent. HitmonleeComes out and flies at the opponent doing a kick attack. KoffingArrives and starts blasting foul smoke in the air. MeowthPops out and showers out coins that hurt opponent. MewThe special secret 151st Pokemon makes his appearance and flies away. OnixShows up, flies up top, and then boulders drop from the ceiling. PorygonRams you or the opponent (only in Silphco stage).SnorlaxPops out, flies up, and then comes down huge, hurting your opponent. StarmieFinds opponent and blasts them with rays.VenusaurRazor Leaf attack; leaves from this Pokemon fly at opponents (only in Silphco stage).
Lose A Power As Kirby
If you want to intentionally lose a power gained after eating another character as Kirby, press L to execute his taunt.
Borrow A Life
Begin a team game under versus mode. Then if you lose a life, press Start to take a life from your partner.
Samus Without Her Suit
Unlock Ness, then select versus mode and choose Samus as your only opponent. This trick is easier if Samus is set as a human controlled player, so she stands still. Next, go to any place (preferably the ship) and fire the PK Thunder at yourself, so Ness slides into Samus. Then right as Ness hits her, pause the game. If done correctly, Samus will no longer be wearing her suit.
Silphco Stage Secret
Begin a game with Captain Falcon on the Silphco stage. Then when Chansey, Charmander or others pop out the door, use the Falcon Punch to knock them spiraling away.
Extra Points For Each Level
The following trick may be used to get an extra 100 points in each level. Defeat your opponent in one player mode. Press L to taunt just before he dies. If your character is in a taunt when the camera zooms in for the scores, 100 points will be awarded for the fighter’s stance.
Custom Menu (Japanese Version)
Battle 100 times with Yoshi vs. Kirby for multi-player options.
Item Switch Menu
Play the game in versus mode at least fifty times to unlock an item switch option. For the Japanese version, use any character to record one hundred kills to unlock an item switch menu. Options on this menu include toggling certain weapons and the frequency they appear.
Control Credits
Press one of the following buttons during the ending credits. Press Analog-stick to change the angle and move the target. Press Start to scroll faster, or to return to normal speed. Select a name with the target and press A to view details about their work in the game. Press B to pause or resume the scrolling.
Sound Test
Beat Bonus Games 1 and 2 with all characters, including the secret ones. This can be done during Bonus 1 and 2 practice.
Play As Luigi
Beat Bonus Game 1 “Break The Target” with the eight original characters. This can be done during Bonus 1 practice. Then, defeat Luigi. If you lose the match, complete Bonus 1 again with any character for a rematch.
Play As Ness From Earthbound (Mother 2)
Beat the game on the normal difficulty setting and three lives without continuing. Then, defeat Ness.
Play As Purin (Jigglypuff)
Beat the game with any character on any difficulty setting and number of lives. Then, defeat Purin. For the Japanese version, beat the game with any character on any difficulty setting and number of lives in under twenty minutes without continuing. Then, defeat Purin.
Alternate Costumes
Alternate Costumes: Highlight a character, and press any of the four C-buttons to use an alternate outfit.
Currently we have no cheats or codes for Super Smash Brothers yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Beat 1p mode normal without continuing.
Easter eggs
Have Yoshi Throw His Egg Far
Select Yoshi. When you are about to do the egg throw, jump, then press Up+B to do the egg throw. Before he throws the egg, move the control stick left or right, then.. THE EGG GOES FAR!!
Break Free Of Yoshi’s Egg
To break free of yoshi’s egg just simply move the joystick around.
Currently we have no glitches for Super Smash Brothers yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
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mrneighbourlove · 6 years
Kindled Passion: Ch 7. Stolen Flame
A good month had passed. Kahli had worked hard, avoiding the glare of the Gerudo brothers glare. Even harder to learn Lorliedian wedding customs. He wanted to be perfect for Zizi, but caring for his own culture.
It was almost time to bring in the summer harvest. Over the last month, Kahli had learned everything there was to know about running his own section of a plantation. In the future, Kahli had expressed a desire to run the entire plantation to ease Zizi's burden. Grateful for the help, the Lorleidians had learned more of the Waku and were now fond of him. Despite the obvious dislike of the Dragmire family, Kahli was flourishing under the tutelege of the Zemljas. Today, he was helping Zizi manage the intake of plants. Recording the yield of each and every plant was a pain, but it had to be done properly for exports. It was a hot day, the sun bearing down on the workers as carts were loaded to take to the ports. Usually, Zizi was full of energy, but this afternoon, she felt... odd. Huffing, Zizi took the papers and started fanning her face.
“Zizi? Are you alright? You seem tense.”
"Sorry, Kahli..." Zizi set down the papers and ran her hands down her face. She looked a little green and sweating more so than usual. Taking some water from the pail, Zizi splashed it on her face and neck, trying to cool off a bit. "I'm just... just so hot. Maybe yesterday, I got dehydrated..."
“I’ll call a doctor.” Kahli walked around to ask another work to grab some help.
Naira, the Dusa from the children's hospital, arrived at the plantation at the call for help. She was expecting an accidental cut from a scythe or perhaps a sprained ankle, yet the Waku told her it was Zizi. The Zemlja was not feeling well. Taking Zizi aside into one of the tents, Naira was a touch concerned.
"You're burning up." Naira told Zizi as she pressed a cool rag to her head. "Lorleidians do not get sick so easily. Is there anything you've done differently lately?"
"No, not lately."
"Are you sure about that?"
"Well... um..." Zizi then cleared her throat and then admitted with a sheepish smile. "Kahli and I have been more known... intimately."
Kahli looked out over the landscape, avoiding any stares. The marks he left on Zizi still hadn’t healed, mostly because of more then one session.
After a half hour or so, Naira left the tent. Assuring Kahli that Zizi merely needed to rest, and heal from the vigorous love making. The healer, in not so subtle words, expressed to Kahli it was probably a good idea for the two of them to refrain from roughness until Zizi's body had adequate time to recover. Naira figured she would want to deliver the news to her lover.
Inside of the tent, Zizi relaxed on one of the cots. This was an unexcepted surprise, but not an unwelcome one. The Zemlja always thought that Zarazu or Zolori would be first to have children, but... it was going to be her. In a little less than eight months, Zizi was going to have a baby... her baby... Kahli's baby.
Kahli went back to her. “What was it she prescribed about you?”
"Naira told me I needed to stay hydrated and to rest for a few days." Zizi sat up on the cot, knowing she would have to tell Kahli of the news. "Naira also told me that we're going to have company very soon."
Taking Kahli's hand, Zizi felt hesitant. She was not sure how he would react to this news, especially so soon in their relationship. Either way, this was her child and she would make sure the babe was loved. "Soon... it will not be just the two of us."
Placing his clawed hand on her stomach, the Zemlja looked into her eyes, hopeful and a bit nervous.
Kahli’s blackened pupils expanded in utter shock. His mouth hung open, chocking on air. His body actually became cold for a moment. “That’s....”
Fatherhood. He was going to become a father. He was going to acquire a mantle of manhood. For Hasai manhood was achieved through a grand hunt, conquering land, or achieving the status of a parent.
His heat came back as he eased his initial shock, his other hand caressing her face. “That’s the best news...I have ever heard.”
Zizi breathed a sigh of relief at Kahli's words. Why was she worrying about such a thing? Kahli said he loved her, wanted to be with her. He spoke of the future, wanted a family. Sure, this was a little soon, but... sometimes life did not go as planned, it rarely ever did. Maybe a little one was what the two of them needed. It was very well a blessing, and Zizi decided to treat it as such.
"Naira said I'm only a few weeks along at most, maybe a little more." Zizi told Kahli as she held his hand to her face. "After winter, our little one will be here... our son."
“A...a son?”
"Dusas have the ability with magic to tell whether the child is going to be a boy or a girl." Zizi explained with a bright smile. "Naira told me he's doing very well, and has a strong heartbeat. And for some reason, he's giving me hot flashes." She laughed lightly with a shake of her head. "That's why I was sweating so badly."
Kahli hugged her for a moment, before pulling away and kissing her. “We need to tell your sisters.”
"Yes, tell them they're going to be aunts." Zizi agreed, knowing her sisters would be excited to have another addition to the family. "Zarazu will no doubt start sewing a horde of clothing for our boy and Zolori, despite her demeanor, really does love tiny babies. I'm sure she'll want to babysit at some point. Though we can tell them later... for now, I think I'll take Naira's instructions to heart and simply rest a while."
“Alright...I’ll stay with you.”
As Kahli rested beside her, Klinge had heard everything, going about his daily check on her. Heading back to the castle, he merely strolled through the castle. This would be neutral news. Good to Zarazu, horrid for Covarog. Would be interesting to see. Opening the door to their office, he cleared he throat. Seemed Covarog and Zarazu were making out on the desk. Three minutes later and it would have been inappropriate to intervene. “My lordships. I have delicate news to report.”
"EEK!" Zarazu squeaked when Klinge opened the door, almost halfway to indecent. Her face turned a blood red, seeing that Covarog had her dress hiked up to her hips. It was not unusual for the king and queen to be frisky in the middle of the day. She expressed embarrassment while Covarog seemed annoyed.
"After all these years, you haven't learned how to knock?" Covarog grumbled under his breath, not happy about this interuption. "Can these delicate news not wait until I'm done with my queen?"
"Covarog, get off." Zarazu scolded him as she pushed at his chest and then stood, clearing her throat, still blushing. "Klinge... what is this news we must know?"
Klinge decided to simply be blunt. The King and Queen could save baby making for later.
“Zarazu. You’re sister, Zizi, is expecting a baby.”
"... WHAT?!" This time, Zarazu was the one to lose composure, just briefly. "Zizi?! She's not... how..." Her mind instantly turned to the one man who she knew fancied her little sister. Taking a breath, the queen did her best to steady her nerves. In her mind, Zizi was always going to be her baby sister. Yet, Zizi was grown and now a woman. She was able to make her own decisions. There had to be a positive side to this. "... Kahli is the father, isn't he?"
"What in the hell was your sister thinking?!" Covarog asked his wife, not happy at all about the situation. "That bastard is a Hasai!!! An enemy of Hyrule!"
"Kahli has done nothing to give us reason that he is an enemy." Zarazu did her best to keep calm. "He has caused no trouble, despite what happened in the dungeon. Zizi has assured me multiple times that his intentions are sincere."
"Zizi would say a Manticore had good intentions!" Covarog argued. "Pray tell, Zarazu, what are you going to do if he is an enemy? A spy? Someone who was just looking to hurt your sister or our family?"
"Easy." Zarazu took a steady breath and pulled her long hair back into a tail. She needed to speak with her sister. "I'll kill him myself." She looked to Klinge. "Please escort me to my sister."
Klinge simply nodded. “Of course.”
Back at the camp, Kahli braided Zizi’s hair, forming her dreadlocks into a bun. “I can’t believe I’m already thinking of names for him.”
"Kahli, we have at least eight more months to go." Zizi laughed as her lover fixed the dreads. "We have plenty of time to think of names, but first... I think it would be nice if we could..." Her face flushed a little. "I mean... if you want to... we would need.... to get..." Her words were a little quiet. "M-Married?"
He nodded rather tamely. “I’ve....been asking around about your tribes culture on how to purpose...”
"There are different ways that Lorleidian men express interest to their chosen partner." Zizi told Kahli with a soft smile. "Some build their lover a house as a way to propose, some present a rare gift, others say a declaration in front of others... it really depends on the couple. Though you do not have to do any of those if it doesn't suit your culture." She looked at him. "I want to respect the Waku traditions as well."
Kahli chuckles to himself. “My culture has been heavily lost to destruction. And Hasai traditions are...well it’s safe to say I don’t think you’d like it if I burned a picture in the side of a mountain, or killed a beast in your name.”
"... yeah, let's just keep things simple." Zizi was not overly fond of the ideas, but did not want to insult his culture. "How about this? We'll just do our own ceremony the way we want it. We don't have to follow any of the Lorleidian traditions if you do not wish to do so." The Zemlja told Kahli as she interlocked her fingers with his. "You are my adanata... my other half, the missing piece of my soul. No matter what happens, as long as we are together."
“Then I simply ask you to marry me.”
"Of course I'll marry you." Zizi leaned, kissing him on the lips and then flushed again, but this time, due to another hot flash. "I think our son is already showing signs of using fire. I will certainly have to learn more about Waku physiology." She then asked. "Would you mind getting me some more water?"
“Of course.” He turns to see Zarazu and the bastard Covarog arrive. He does his best to ignore them as he grabs Zizi her desired water.
Zizi saw her sister and brother-in-law arriving, knowing that look on Zarazu's face. Something told Zizi that a particular imp had shared intimate news... or maybe it was one of the guards. She was not sure. The Zemlja decided that she was going to have a long talk with Skull Kid about privacy.
"Zizi?" Zarazu was not quite sure why her sister was in one of the medical tents. "Are you all right?"
"Yes, I'm all right, just got a little dehydrated. You know how it goes when you're out in the sun all day."
"Well, if you have a moment, I'd like to talk to you." Zarazu eyed Kahli walking out of the tent, her husband, then the commander. "Privately."
Kahli took a cauldron of water, adjusting its temperature to a medium degree. Klinge simply stood guard outside the tent, getting the message from his queen.
Covarog wanted to go inside the tent alongside his wife, but understood it was probably best to simply wait. This was between sisters. While the king was concerned for Zizi's sake, he did not want to upset his queen with angry words. So he would patiently wait outside, keeping a watchful eye on the Hasai.
"... you know about Kahli and I, don't you?" Zizi asked her elder sister quietly. "Are you here to tell me that you're disappointed?"
"No. No, I'm not." Zarazu sat down beside of Zizi. "I want you to be happy, Zizi. I really do."
"Then why do you look so upset?"
"... a little bird told me you were pregnant."
"...?! Who told you?"
"It doesn't matter, what matters is that this changes a few things, Zizi." Zarazu tried to chose her words carefully. "I want you and the baby to be healthy and safe. I believe Kahli doesn't intend any harm to you, however, I'm worried."
"About what?"
"I'm worried about the possibility of this being used against our family. I don't want anyone to hurt you or the baby because of Kahli being a Hasai."
"Why would they do that? Everyone on the plantations love him."
"I'm not referring to Lorleidians, Zizi... I'm thinking of the Hylians. What the Dragmire’s went through with Kanisa being kidnapped."
"... then what do you suggest I do?" Zizi asked Zarazu. "I love Kahli. I make no plans of leaving his side and I sincerely believes he cares for me."
"I... I only want you to be careful." Zarazu took her sisters' hands and kissed her knuckles. "You're my baby sister. I love you and want you to be safe."
Kahli walked towards the tent with the water. Klinge raised a hand. “The Queen is not ready for you.”
“This water isn’t for me.”
“And I have my order.”
Kahli was not going to deal with this bullshit anymore.
“Get. Out. Of. My. Way. My pregnant wife needs this water.”
That struck an old cord with Klinge, and how, for a brief moment, he too was an upcoming father. It pained him to think on his curse of undeath. Against the wishes of his Queen and King, he moved to the side.
Kahli walked into the tent, setting the water down. “How’s your fever?”
"Fever?" Zarazu inquired with an arched eyebrow.
"Heh... I think our boy is going to be a flame baby." Zizi said to her sister as she took the water from Kahli. "He's giving me hot flashes, making me feverish."
"I see." Zarazu created a smooth block of ice in her hands and then wrapped it in one of the available cloths. Pressing it against Zizi's forehead, her sister sighed in contentment at the coolness. "Do you need an ice bath?"
"No, no... this is fine." Zizi assured her sister. "It feels nice."
"A boy, huh? I'm going to have a nephew."
"Yes, a little fighter."
“We’ll hopefully be married before he arrives.”
"Married... well, you two will have to have a suitable living quarters." Zarazu told Kahli with a small smile. "I'm sure we can arrange for a house to be built among the plantations."
"One thing at a time." Zizi assured her sister. "For now, I need to rest for a bit. Don't want to tax the little one."
“Thank you Zarazu.”
Klinge motioned for his queen to take their leave. It was obvious the couple wanted to be alone.
"I know that there may be harsher times in the future, a few obstacles to overcomes... but I will do my best to help you." Zarazu promised Kahli. "I just ask... that you have patience." Taking Covarog's arm, Zarazu saw that her husband saw nothing but had a hard stare. It was rather obvious he was not happy with the ordeal. "Come, love... let's leave them to talk."
As they drove back, even Klinge made a lighter comment. “Come Covarog. Even I, after all this time, see little danger. He’s even having a baby...”
"I'm not worried about the child, I'm worried about someone attacking Zizi because of it." Covarog remarked. "I don't want her hurt."
“Covarog, I think-“ A pause. There was a sound. The sound of mechanical footsteps heading toward the plantations. A sound that made Klinge turn the cart around as soon as it’s horror reconnected to his mind.
Back in the tent, Zizi finished the water as Kahli held the makeshift ice pack to her head.
At the tent Kahli was preparing lunch when he heard the sound. It slowly drew closer. He didn’t quite recognize it right away, but it felt faint in the back of his memory. “What...what is that noise?”
"...? I don't know." Zizi heard the clanking, thinking it sounded like one of the mechanical engines from Danjur. "Is someone wearing heavy armor? Or maybe one of Corsaire's mechanical... oh... what did Orana call it? Steam engines?"
Sensing Klinge's sudden apprehension, Zarazu looked at her general.
"What's wrong?"
Klinge looked to Covarog. Perhaps the fear of the Hasai was correct afterall.
After a few moments, the sound stopped.
Kahli stood on guard. “Something feels wrong...”
Suddenly, bursting from the roof, landed the source of the sound. A large seven foot tall android made his appearance. It was white as snow with a slick domed head, the centre holding a single eye. It’s legs held talons that allowed it to walk up any surface, and sharp claws on its hands. Whipping around with surprising speed and grace, it grabbed Zizi, administrating a dose of paralysis from its fingers.
“Observation: Target in reach.”
Kahli raised his palm to strike fire at the mysterious Android, only for it to make a sudden squat. At this level it administrated a devastating punch, almost annihilating a kidney. Kahli fell as pain over took him.
Looming over Zizi, the Android picked her up effortlessly with one arm. “Introduction: I am T0-D. I am here to take you to your new home.”
It walked with her to the roof, seemingly no where to go.
Klinge arrived with Covarog, and they laid eyes once again on one of the deadliest killers the Kikai Empire ever had. The same machine that Covarog failed as a child to stop Kanisa’s kidnaping. The same one Klinge fought in a duel to the death to cover Zelda in the final stage of the old war.
Zizi had no time to react. As soon as the drug was introduced to her system, she was limp and out cold. Her green eyes went wide and then slipped shut, confusion and terror written on her face. As the android left the tent, Zarazu saw Zizi in the machine's clutches. Rushing toward the android, the Lorleidian queen was screaming for her little sister.
"Let her go!!!" Zarazu could not outright obliterate the android, lest she risk hitting Zizi. She formed ice underneath its feet, causing it to slip. Using her magic, she coated the android in a thick layer of ice trying to pin it to the ground. "Covarog! Klinge! Get Zizi!!!"
Covarog brought out a sword and began hacking at the android's arm. It had a whole arm wrapped around Zizi, and he had to get her free. When the blade did not work, he tried to pull her free, straining against the metal.
“Query: Why have I fallen?”
Looking at them his eye glowed from blue to a frightening display of red, and a beam of plasma shot out at his attackers. It was hot enough to melt just enough ice for him to break out using the force of his legs and free arm. His mechanical strength smack Covarog away with a right hook as he stood up. Activating the talons on his feet, T0-D made sure to not fall on the ice again.
As Klinge prepared to attack, a shadow loomed over. A dragon flew overhead, breathing fire at Zarazu and Covarog so they would keep back. It was not like animalistic Hylian or common Lorliedian dragons. It lacked wings, a round body or heavy scales. It was long like a serpent, with only two arms to give it anything to grasp. Two long whiskers sprouted from his face, with a flaming main to give it an intimidating figure. “Away with you.“
T0-D climbed onto its back with Zizi, and with a roar, the Dragon took off into the heavens.
Covarog saw the dragon and tackled Zarazu out of the way. The two rolled across the ground, away from the danger of the flames. This was not a Lorleidian dragon, nor a native species of Hyrule. Scrambling to her feet, Zarazu was not about to let it leave with her sister. As it started to take off, she hurled a spear of ice at the dragon's belly.
The dragon dashed around like a lightning bolt away from her shot, roaring at the other dragons that he had broken through Hyrule under their watch. With that he zoomed back to his home land.
Kahli groaned as he walked out, his body still in incredible pain.
“N-no. Zizi.”
"Klinge!!!" Zarazu ordered her commander. "I want forces ready to follow that dragon! I want it dead and I want that android in pieces beneath my feet!!!" She was enraged, the air feeling cold around her. Tromping over to Kahli, she wanted to throttle him. It was not his fault, but he knew there was a chance of this happening. Someone had to come after him, yet he never said a word about a robot or a feral dragon. Kahli was hurt, but he was still conscious. "And you..." Zarazu grasped him by the shirt. "Are going to give me some answers..."
 "Zarazu, that... that was one of the same machines that kidnapped Kanisa years ago." The king told his wife. "We are going to need Kovinas to warp the metal out of shape so they will not be able to attack us. I will contact the guards."
“Zarazu. I have no idea why they came for Zizi and not me.”
"You must know something, they took my sister!!!" Zarazu nearly shouted, her composure barely holding together by a thread. "Why would they take her? Is this revenge?! You say you haven't had any contact with the Kikai Empire for years, but I need you to think!" She nearly shook him, tears brimming at her eyes. "Why would they take Zizi of all people?! She's never done anything for them, she's just a herbalist for spirit's sake!!! She grows plants, she hates fighting, she's never done anything wrong!"
“I don’t know Zarazu. If it was another attack against me, then they would have just killed me instead of trying to emotionally hurt me. They must have a need for her. Something only she can do for them.”
Zarazu was lost. Her sister had just been taken and she could not release her full potential of magic without the risk of hurting Zizi. She needed answers, she had to go after that abombination that took her. This entire time, Klinge had not moved. He had not said a word. Was the great commander in shock?
"Klinge... your queen gave you an order. Why are you not moving?" Zarazu's words were coolly spoken. "I know you have fought these things before. We will need your help."
"Let's gather our forces to go and get Zizi back." Covarog told his wife, leading her away from Kahli and the commander. "We need to get Ralnor's reports of the area as well."
"... get Kahli some help as well." Zarazu motioned for some of the workers to help Kahli walk properly. "Bring him to the castle for treatment. I won't have Zizi's son without a father."
Klinge slowly turned to Kahli. Losing ones wife like that, so quickly, he froze with post traumatic flashbacks hitting him. “What do you need?”
Kahli brushes the workers off. “I need a skilled Vatra, preferably your Zolori, and a fire dragon of your people.”
"If you think you're going anywhere with that kind of injury, you are wrong." Zarazu told Kahli firmly. "You can die from that wound. I will not have Zizi losing you, nor your unborn child. If you are so stupid to think you'll last like that, then you're solely mistaken. Treatment, then I'll get you what is required. We are going to get my sister back."
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