#god i love that game
askzloyxp · 11 months
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You know I had to MORTIS to 'em or something
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nightowlssleep · 7 months
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whining-ylthin · 1 year
Tonight, on Rubicon Gear: G5 Iguazu leaks confidential Balam documents to win an argument on War Thunder forums, V.IV Rusty and G13 Raven make out sloppy-style without exiting their ACs, and V.II Snail is a little bitch who resorts to piloting a newbie filter rocket Roomba in a desperate attempt to gain the high ground against the Liberation Front.
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eerna · 8 months
I found your tags in that one post interesting because, for me, whenever I try to go back to playing BOTW after playing totk, I just don’t find it as engaging as it used to be. It’s not that it devalues BOTW or vice versa, just that I feel that BOTW is empty now. Hope you don’t mind me giving my take.
I don't mind at all, a lot of people feel that way! And I can see why, as TotK has more to do in it than BotW does. Some time after posting that I watched a comparison video that pinpointed the difference so well: BotW had only 3 progression bars (koroks, shrines/containers, equipment upgrades). The rest of the game was entirely vague and left to your choosing, not tracking your progress or instructing you what is worth your time. TotK has a whole bunch of new progression bars (Pony Points, recipes, cave frogs, etc.) that entice you to solve assignments, which actively goes against BotW's "make your own meaning" principle of freedom. Some players will prefer the first option, others the second. I'm in the first - in BotW a lot of the time I wouldn't even be doing quests, or trying to make any significant progress, I would simply boot it up and exist in the world, admiring its nature and architecture and music and worlbuilding, collecting material and roleplaying as an amnesiac wild boy falling in love with his kingdom. No other game has given me that level of immersion or made me want to do nothing but take walks, including TotK, because it's the only game of this kind that I've ever played, and I feel like not many people realized that more to do in a game does not automatically mean an upgrade. And that's the longer version of my tags!
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aberooski · 9 months
I long for the days where the main villain in my video games could be a sentient tree inside of a suit of armor who's also a wizard and breaks into a secret magic talking turtle's cave by turning himself into a splinter and sticking himself onto one of the main characters to beat up the turtle just to reveal his master plan to use an open interdimensional rift to gain the power to destroy the world. 😔
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caracolcondiarrea · 2 months
Couldn’t fulfill a promise I made my 9y/o me of buying the Link and Marin notebook from the Nintendo store in Japan. There were not there. I think that after 5 years they decided to stop making them or something 💔
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It was this beautiful notebook. But I didn’t see it. If anybody knows where I can buy it online PLEASE TELL
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starlightrose13 · 1 year
I feel like Bloodborne somehow perfectly captures what it’s like being a trans person in America during the 20s, with a level of prescience typically reserved for Apollo.
You're a foreigner come to a land in search of an alchemical concoction that will alter your body and mind in a way that allows you to keep living.
The world is ruled by a church that worships beings they cannot possibly understand despite claiming to perfectly know their will. The church massacres people and spreads plague that disproportionately affects the poor while blaming the very people they harm.
You're trapped in an endless nightmare, fighting xenophobic commoners fighting on the side of their oppressors out of fear, clergy turned to mad frothing beasts, and your fellow hunters who've lost themselves to hopeless blood starved survival
Just when it seems the nightmare might finally take you, when you are completely overwhelmed and you cannot go on, you awaken to start working again as if none of it ever happened.
As you delve deeper you discover all of this is caused by the rich elite reaching for power no human should have. Deep systemic corruption more concerned with grasping at theoretically valuable straws than human life.
You find evidence that you are not the first to live in such times. Mistakes being made by current leadership are a repeated pattern from their predecessors that go back so far it's as if the foundations your society was built on were paved in another world.
You cling to the blood that changes you for some shred of hope and sanity even though it is the very reason you are so hunted and feared.
Eventually you are given a choice. You can be released from the nightmare, fleeing to unknown parts of the world where just maybe things are a little better. Or, you can stay in the nightmare forever, helping others like you escape and survive the hunt. Alternatively, you can just kill the archetypal embodiment of motherhood, turn into a baby squid god and just sort of vibe I guess
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sleepy-seal · 2 years
i need to listen to the superliminal soundtrack maybe that will fix me
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booksrmagical · 1 year
It's been 4 days and I can't get Dion out my head help.
FFXVI what have you done to me.
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thecodeveronica · 9 months
kinda rough being the kind of Resident Evil fan I am on tumblr when 60% of the posts are just lusting after Leon and most of the remaining 40% is RE8-related stuff about Ethan or Dimitrescu
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Uuuugggghhhh I hate you guys so much. I may not care for Disney but SWTCW was huge for me as a kid.
What am I going on about? I want to watch Ahsoka so bad. She's my favourite star wars character and as a kid clone wars was all I knew from the franchise until I stumbled across the OT on TV late one night.
I just haven't watched it yet because I am a tired gremlin who will get around to it eventually.
I also love rebels and still need to finish it.
I do not have an entire star wars collection for nothing after all.
Stop making me want to watch Ahsoka you lunatics(affectionate please keep losing your minds over there)
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6flyingosprey6 · 2 years
Dojo Doki Literature Club is a revolutionary game that brought attention to a style of horror that was widely unappreciated and unknown before the games launch and I’m tired of pretending that it isn’t.
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steelsartcorner · 4 months
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the make-everything-hades fever has spread to lae'zel
all her boons are for sure big huge damage boosters at the expense of your magic meter
others: the dark urge (OC); minthara (bg3), karlach (bg3), shadowheart(bg3), gale (bg3), halsin (bg3), astarion (bg3), wyll (bg3), kotallo (horizon)
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puppypawbz · 2 months
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me when i see my most profitable customer
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oplishin · 10 months
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garnetdawn · 1 year
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hi tumblr i am once again obsessed with a disaster wizard
so i bring an offering
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