#i wrote all this on impulse in a Discord server but i thought someone might need to hear this so to the tumblr it goes
People I know were talking about stuff like "why do people like my art, it's garbage, is it all out of pity?" so let me set this straight.
When I look at someone's OC drawn sloppily with the Scratch vector tool, I don't like it out of pity. I like it because that's their OC! That's their funny blorbo they made with their own hands!
When I look at someone's beautifully rendered, dramatic painting of a character they love, I like it for the same reason! It's their funny blorbo, made with their own hands!
It's not about skill level. It's never about skill level, because that's not what art should ever truly be about. It's about the feelings, lovingly laid out with the artist's own hands. They MADE that. They made that funny blorbo. They made that landscape. They made that incoherent mass of abstract shapes. They. Made. That.
Who cares how many lines it has, or how neat those lines are? Who cares if the colors are dull, or vivid, or neon and bright enough to burn? They made that. They got themselves together and they Made A Thing that otherwise could have been only a half-formed emotion lasting maybe all of five seconds. But now? Now it's a thing, and they made that thing.
They got their Scratch vector tool and made their funny blorbo. They picked up a tablet and drew a landscape in an art program. They made a funny clay figure with bent and mashed up legs. They got a paintbrush and made an abstract painting. They got out a goddamn hammer and chisel and sculpted a marble sculpture of a naked dude, and now modern society has it in a museum. But they didn't give a damn thought towards where it'd be put in modern day, because it wasn't about the museum.
It was about the marble statue of a naked dude, and everything else came second.
So go on - no one can stop you.
Draw your blorbo. Sculpt your marble naked dude.
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maddiviner · 3 years
Do you happen to know any digital curses?
I incorporate technology into my magic quite frequently, actually! I rarely curse, though.
That isn’t because I fear a “law of return” or am against cursing. I don’t have many people in my life that deserve any kind of curse. I curse rarely, but am not opposed to it.
As luck would have it, though, I do know a method for casting a digital curse. It’s a spell I wrote and cast back in September of 2016.
The original spell targeted a Discord server. You can adapt it to cursing a single person online, too. It’s possible to use in any online interaction.
As I’m sure folks wonder, the Discord server in question no longer exists. It had exactly nothing to do with witchblr, Tumblr, or anyone on here. I doubt any of my readers would know the people involved, even in passing.
The server’s leader was a vitriolic misogynist mage. He ran the place like a cult. To make matters worse, he kept dragging young people (often underage) into his orbit.
I decided to curse the server. I was curious if it would work, and also wanted to destroy that toxic, harmful community. I did see results from my curse within a few short weeks. I wasn’t in the server at that point, so I didn’t have a front row seat for the drama.
I heard that it started with some massive arguments over trivial aspects of energy work. Soon, the owner deleted the entire server in a drug-fueled fit of pique. Someone else tried to remake it, but the new version died on the vine. So, I’d say this was an effective curse!
To begin, you will create a sigil expressing your intent. It won’t be a normal visual sigil, though - it’ll be a verbal sigil.
I can’t recommend using a regular visual sigil to curse anyone online. This is because the person might recognize the image as a sigil. If they’re a mage or witch themselves, they might take evasive action if they realize what you’re doing. A verbal sigil flies under their radar, though.
Verbal sigils are short phrases formed from a statement of intent. They usually read like complete babble to anyone but the caster, but that’s part of why they work - it’s stealthy.
Start by writing out your goal with as few words as possible. It might be something like “CONFUSION AND CHAOS” to cause strife for the person or persons.
It could be “HOPELESSNESS” or any other adjectives that sum up what you’d like to happen to the target. For this example, we’ll use the phrase “SHUT YOUR MOUTH.” This verbal sigil would be useful if your target keeps spreading rumors or something.
Take the phrase and remove all repeating letters. Some people remove all vowels, but I leave them in because it makes the results easier for me to pronounce. With “SHUT YOUR MOUTH,” you end up with the following letters: SHUTYORM.
Now, scramble it a bit, turning it into a completely different three-word phrase. The phrase should be easy to pronounce and read in your mind. It should not include any actual words in the language you’re using for this.
It should, if done right, read as if it could be real words, but at base will sound like gibberish. So, keep scrambling until all the real words are gone. Soon you’re left with something that won’t sound particularly meaningful to you (or your target).
Anyways, back to SHUTYORM. If we play with the remaining letters a bit, we can create something like “SOTH MYRU.” That’s two “words” and not too difficult to sound out in your head.
A single “word” version might be “THUMYOS.” Other possibilities include “THYS MOU” or “TY HOS MU.” Any of these suffice, but we’ll pick “THUMYOS” as our example.
So, in this example, “THUMYOS” will be your verbal sigil. You’ve culled it from your initial statement of intent. The time and effort you put into this will imbue the sigil with power.
I recommend this spell for witches who’ve a strong energy-sensing ability. Sense the way your energy fluctuates when you read the sigil out loud.
If the sigil seems weak or you can’t sense a change, you might want to backtrack and redo it, to create one that works better.
Now, the time comes to cast this digital curse in the form of a verbal sigil. You can do this in several ways, depending on how you’ll be interacting with your target.
If you’re cursing an individual person, all you need to do is fire off the sigil into your communications with them.
For example, if you’re talking to them in DMs or another messenger, type the verbal sigil into the chat. If the person asks what the hell “THUMYOS”, means, make up some nonsense about your cat walking on the keyboard.
Never let the target know that this is a spell, particularly if your target is a mage or witch themselves. If the target realizes what you’re trying to do, they might be able to dismantle the curse or deflect it.
If you’re amenable to voice chat on Discord or elsewhere, you’ll find a far less conspicuous way to cast this curse. Turn on your microphone and whisper the verbal sigil a couple times.
Do this when other people are active on voice chat, or when your target is speaking. That will lessen the chances of anyone noticing that you’re spouting gibberish.
If someone asks what the hell you meant by “THUMYOS,” try to steer the conversation away from it. If possible, make up some kind of excuse (like the stereotypical cat on your keyboard).
You could even say, “Sorry, wrong window,” or “Oops, didn’t know my microphone was on.” Then, pass the sigil off as a video game reference of whatever else you can come up with.
It’s imperative that you disconnect from your target after this. If you’re targeting an entire chat server, that means you’d leave said server. If it’s only one target, stop talking to that person.
Don’t make a giant flounce-y exit. Drift away. You may want to stay in touch to see if your curse worked. Resist that temptation and rely on other people to relay information to you.
You can also adapt this form of sigil for other purposes, like blessing or attraction. Follow the same steps (albeit with a more positive statement of intent). You can even bless websites and blogs using this type of sigil.
I’ll be writing another (shorter) article soon about how to do that. In the meantime, stay safe! Make sure that you’ve thought through possible consequences before casting this spell! Don’t do it on impulse. Blessed be, and I hope this article was helpful!
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sdvvillagers · 3 years
George and Evelyn - First Flower Dance
I doubt I’ll ever do anything with this beyond these two pieces, but I recently did some writing prompts for a Discord server I’m in and I was pleased with what I wrote.  Figured I’d post them here since, well... kinda fits the blog pretty well.  The prompts were for “asking someone to the Flower Dance” and “after the Flower Dance” so I just kept the same story going.  Enjoy!
The rumors were hard to ignore, Evelyn had heard them from just about everyone in town; Bronson Meadows was going to ask her to dance at the Flower Dance.  It was a prospect Evelyn really didn't have any strong opinions on, though most of the girls in town were terribly jealous.  Any one of them would have loved the chance to be asked to dance by such a charming and handsome man.  Bronson was fine enough to Evelyn, but she certainly didn't see what the fuss was about.  There wasn't really anything noteworthy about him other than his looks, but that seemed to be enough to cause the other girls in town to swoon.  Evelyn was the only one who seemed to demand more from a man.  However, she supposed dancing with Bronson would be better than dancing alone.  The options were limited in a town where the eligible women outnumbered the eligible men almost two to one.
However, the week before the Flower Dance a new family moved to town; the Mullners.  William, Edith, and their son George.  Word that a young man would be moving to town only a week before the Flower Dance was enough to cause hysteria among Evelyn and her friends.  Suddenly Bronson Meadows didn't matter all that much in the face of a mysterious stranger.  All of the families in town stopped by the Mullner's home offering their welcome and of course some house-warming gifts in the form of home-cooked meals.  New families in town were always very exciting.  After the first few days in town, however, one thing was pretty well understood by the girls in town; George Mullner was undesirable.  He was a bit lanky and awkward, didn't exactly have the best looks, and seemed terribly shy.  No one had even heard two words from him when they met the family and despite a lack of eligible bachelors in town, no one seemed eager to ask George Mullner to dance.  Yet Evelyn found him to be very intriguing.  Yes, he wasn't exactly confident and charming like Bronson, but that hardly mattered to her.  He was actually strangely adorable.  And yes, he was quiet and shy, but it only made him more intriguing.  At the very least he seemed respectful and kind and although none of the other girls in town thought very highly of him, he had piqued Evelyn's curiosity.
When the day of the Flower Dance arrived, Evelyn started the long walk to the clearing in the forest with her family, feeling nervous about the festival.  The more she thought about Bronson asking her to dance, the more nervous she became.  Bronson was handsome, but Evelyn really couldn't find anything else redeeming about him.  As they got closer to the festival, Evelyn overheard her group of friends speculating about who might end up dancing with who.  It made Evelyn a little sick to her stomach to hear her friends all hoping that George wouldn't ask any of them to dance.  It seemed incredibly unfair to someone so new to town.
Once the event had begun and the older residents in town settled in to conversations or loaded up plates of food, there was the same awkward shuffling and meandering of the younger residents.  It was always a dance in itself, watching everyone cross the field and back, trying to figure out who had been asked yet and who hadn't, what would be the right time, what would be the best way to do it.  In the first fifteen minutes, no one had asked anyone to dance yet, it was the boys on one side of the field and the girls on the other, almost sizing each other up to see who would make the first move.  It was then that Evelyn's breath caught in her chest; Bronson puffed out his chest and stepped forward, finally deciding to make his move.  Evelyn knew from the moment he made a move that she didn't want to dance with him.  The fact that her gut reaction was dread was all the proof she needed that she didn't want to dance with him.
As Bronson stepped forward, so did Evelyn.  She wasn't entirely sure what she was doing, it was so impulsive that she even took herself by surprise, but now all eyes were on her.  It appeared as though she were meeting Bronson in the middle of the field, but that wasn't where Evelyn was headed.  Her eyes fell on George, dressed simply in a white dress shirt and blue tie, looking very awkward and alone in a corner of the field.  When Evelyn strode right past Bronson, who had opened his mouth to speak, the crowd surrounding them gasped.  Evelyn ignored Bronson's scoffs and continued her walk toward George Mullner.  When she locked eyes with him, he looked terribly confused and even a little scared.  The crowd started to close in, eager to hear and see what was going on.  It was unheard of that Evelyn ignored Bronson's advance but it was even more unheard of for her to approach someone else.  It was very uncommon, and frowned upon, for a girl to ask a boy to dance.  And yet with all eyes upon her, with Bronson gasping in disbelief behind her, she looked at George and addressed him with a smile.
"Welcome to Pelican Town, George... would you like to dance with me?"
George's face lit up in such a sweet and endearing way, Evelyn knew right away that she made the right choice.  Too intimidated by the crowd around him and by such a forward, unexpected question, George simply nodded.
Evelyn watched Bronson Meadows walk past her, arm in arm with her best friend Judith.  Judith and Bronson were giggling and flirting together as they had through most of the Flower Dance.  After Evelyn had asked George Mullner to dance, Bronson went after Judith instead.  Whether or not this was an attempt of his to get back at Evelyn or make her jealous, she couldn’t care less.  Bronson and Judith could have each other for all she cared.  She was too intrigued by this new stranger to care too much about Bronson Meadows.
The Flower Dance with George had been a fun, if not awkward, event.  Most people in town were staring at them through the entire event and it was hard to escape the whispers and constant attention.  Evelyn felt bad for George during the opening dance when he clearly had not had the chance yet to learn the dance steps.  It wasn’t his fault, of course, and yet Evelyn could hear Bronson scoffing under his breath while Judith giggled.
At the time of the opening dance, Evelyn still didn’t really know much about George, but she was eager to get started.  When the first dance ended, many of the couples remained on the dance floor and even a few of the married couples took to the dance floor; Evelyn’s parents and George’s parents included.  Evelyn reasoned that it would be a great time to step away from the dance floor to get to know George better.  Yet even then, sitting on a bench near the river, he still seemed so closed off.  He kept clocking the people who were still staring and seemed very aware of the attention they were receiving.  The time they spent together was primarily filled with smalltalk, idle chitchat and pleasantries that allowed them to very slowly get to know one another.  George was softspoken and had few words to say, but he was a wonderful listener.  Though as much as Evelyn enjoyed having someone like George to talk to, she was more eager to hear more about him.  But in such a large group of people, it seemed unlikely that George would be comfortable enough to open up to her.
When the dance was over, Bronson and Judith took off alone to take the long way home.  The other girls in town watched them walk by and whispered excitedly to each other, giggling in their giddiness.  Thankfully, the prospect of a blossoming romance between Bronson and Judith was enough to distract attention away from Evelyn and George for once.  As the bulk of the crowd left the forest clearing where the dance was held to head home, Evelyn hung back and motioned for George to do the same.  He seemed confused, but quietly did as she requested.  Once everyone was out of earshot, Evelyn turned to George and smiled.
“Thanks for dancing with me today,” Evelyn said sweetly.
“T-thank you for asking me,” George stammered.
“I didn’t do it for you,” Evelyn replied plainly.  “Well, I suppose I did.  What I mean is that I was intrigued by you.”
“You’re intrigued by me?” George asked in awe.  “I’m nothing special.  You’re the intriguing one.”
“Hardly,” Evelyn laughed.  “You don’t even really know me yet.”
“I know your favorite season is spring because you love the flowers, I know your favorite color is purple, I know you’re trying to learn how to bake but you keep burning everything you try, I know you stare up at the clouds when you’re spaced out,” George ticked off completely from memory.  Evelyn listened in awe and admiration as George rattled off all of the things she had told him while they had talked during the Flower Dance, impressed that George even cared enough not only to listen, but to remember.
“Y-you’re a really good listener,” Evelyn replied, smiling gently at George.
“I’m a better listener than I am a talker,” George admitted.
“But I’d love to listen to you whenever you’re ready,” Evelyn encouraged him.  “I’ll tell you what, why don’t you meet me at the lake up in the mountains tomorrow, we can have a picnic lunch.  Hardly anyone ever goes up there, we can be completely alone.  I’ll bring some… slightly burnt… homemade biscuits and some jam.  You can tell me all about yourself, if you want to, or I can just… tell you more about me until you’re ready.”
“I’d love to hear about you,” George teased.  He cracked a playful smile, the first genuine smile Evelyn had seen from him all day.
“I’ll crack you yet, George Mullner, you just wait and see,” Evelyn said confidently.  “Don’t think I’ll give up on you so easily.”
“I sure hope not,” George replied, his playful smile still lingering.
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orihara-infobroker · 4 years
Ranty rant rant about stuff because this cat just needs to vent.
So I've mentioned this before a few times though I don't really talk about it all that much. One of my on-and-off hobbies is role-playing. Tabletop, live-action, or narrative writing, I pretty much enjoy them all. For similar reasons to why I love writing stories. I like creating characters and worlds. In writing I do all the heavy lifting but role-playing has the unique experience of collaborative storytelling and that adds an element that can be very fun. Also, sometimes it's just fun to play in someone else's sandbox for a change.
Some time ago, a friend invited me to check out a Harry Potter rp site. The site itself is pretty decently setup and it seemed like it could be interesting. I'm not a huge Potter nerd but I've seen the movies and I'm a sucker for fantasy settings. But this isn't the first time I've dipped my toes in the HP universe so I thought that instead of doing the standard Eurocentric character, I'd try something different.
I admit, I'd been working pretty heavily on Shadow and Light at the time so that was strongly influencing my mood insofar as what I wanted to play with. So I submitted the idea of a Japanese character who had grown up in Japan but recently moved to London (thus why I'd be attending Hogwarts). The character's parents were onmyoji, part of a branch family of the Tsuchimikado clan. This clan is somewhat famous for its relation to Abe no Seimei who is arguably the most famous onmyoji in Japanese folklore. I also requested that the character be a metamorph which is a wizard who can change their features. Basically a kind of shape-shifting. Tonks was a metamorph, for reference. In requesting this, I was asked to explain why my family had a metamorph. So I wrote a piece where the character's mom told him the story of Abe no Seimei's mom being a fox that his Dad saved and that there had been stories told of how Abe no Seimei could change his appearance. (Not into a fox. Just change his appearance.) And how sometimes people in the clan would be born with the same ability.
Note that everything I incorporated into this character's backstory is based off actual Japanese mythology and not Harry Potter universe. Harry Potter universe doesn't actually address anything about how magic is done in the East. (And if Rowling ever comes up with anything it'll probably be hideously racist anyway but I digress.)
All of this is important, I promise.
So I was a Japanese pureblood kid raised to become an onmyoji only to end up at Hogwarts by pure misfortune. I thought this would be fun to play, basically a foreign exchange student completely out of his element, not understanding how Western magic works, struggling with having to learn English on top of magic, etc.
Apparently my idea set all sorts of fires under the admin staff of this site. They were opposed because:
1. They didn't think I knew what I was talking about when I suggested being onmyoji (wherein I proved that I actually know more about onmyoji and Japanese mythology than them.)
2. They didn't have lore on the East therefore they didn't want me making stuff up because it might not mesh with what they might eventually get around to creating somewhere down the road. Even though they had no current plans to develop the Eastern setting. (Yeah. You read that right. I was told... in a role play game... not to make stuff up... which is ironic given that I didn't actually make anything up, just liberally stole from actual Japanese mythology. Further, my character was going to Hogwarts so all of this was just backstory and flavour.)
3. I CANNOT BE RELATED TO ABE NO SEIMEI HE IS LIKE THE JAPANESE MERLIN!!!!!!! (Oh yes. Please. Make more ignorant racist comments at me. From now on I shall refer to Merlin as the English Abe no Seimei. -_- Abe no Seimei, while unlikely to be as mystical as he was made out to be in the stories, was a real person. Merlin was never real. He was always a fictional creation. Further, I never claimed to be related to Abe no Seimei. I claimed to be a branch family of the Tsuchimikado Clan to whom Abe no Seimei was either a member of or the founder of, depending on varying stories. So. Apparently they don't understand how Japanese clans work? Or branch families? No? OK, great. GREAT.)
4. They claimed that my story about the kitsune wasn't appropriate because kitsune were a type of mythical creature and metamorphs are completely human so I can't be "half-fox". Further, one of them claimed I wanted to be "half-demon". (Which is both a grave misinterpretation of what I wrote *and* a completely incorrect assumption on what kitsune are. They are not any kind of demon. And I didn't want to be any kind of half demon or even half fox. It was a story told from a mother to a child, using a classic myth to convey a possible reason why their family sometimes had metamorphs. That's it. Which, if they had understand that whole BRANCH FAMILY thing, they should have definitely realized. But apparently I wasn't clear enough? Ok. Fine, maybe I was too fucking subtle. Still never asked to be half fucking anything. Asked to be a metamorph. That's it.)
And it's so frustrating because I was looking forward to playing with my friend on this site and I genuinely felt like they were targeting me because I didn't choose a basic bitch character and I had the nerve to ask questions when they tried to contest it. Like, it wasn't a genuine conversation where two sides explained their opinions. It was literally me trying to propose something and being treated like a child when I was repeatedly trying to explain where they were misinterpreting the things I had written because they didn't know Japanese history/mythology.
I've been a gamemaster/storyteller for games before. Over the course of my time role-playing, I've run four Larps, a handful of tabletops and hosted a couple online rps. My Discord server is technically a role play server that I moderate ( currently its mostly just chatting, not a lit of rp but it was designed to be rp lol). I know how these things work. And that just makes this more frustrating because my impulse, as a storyteller, has always been to work together with players to create engaging stories. I've always been willing to accept the potential of new ideas because the whole point of fucking role-playing is getting to exercise your imagination and tell stories together. So from my perspective, I'd be more than happy to work with them on this. I'd be more than happy to share what I know and talk about what could work or not work. But they don't seem to want to engage in that way and it makes me sad, frustrated, disappointed. Especially because I had really been looking forward to playing with my friend and now it seems that this whole thing is doomed to failure.
All because I got creative and asked questions. :/
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044-eu · 4 years
Stay away from GTA V FIVEM's WHITELIST servers !!!
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Dear friends, today I will tell you about my experience so that you can evaluate and decide independently and impartially. It is important that this article is read from start to finish so that it is easier to get a complete idea as complete as possible of what we are talking about and how this experience of mine can help you. It all started when I decided to follow someone on his Twitch channel, a place where he streams almost exclusively on games. I had already heard of this game and played there in the past a few hours but unfortunately the pre-packaged story bored me. I don't really like playing singles and so I took the opportunity to involve a longtime friend of mine. The idea was to find a server that with appropriate modifications would allow us an experience as realistic and intense as possible. So, after I figured out how to play on an unofficial GTA V server usin, I realized that there were a lot of unofficial servers available. The reason why there are so many servers is probably due to a set of factors. To create an unofficial server gta 5 with fivem you need to generate a token that will allow you to host up to 32 players and to increase this number up to 128 you need to make a "donation" to the creators of IVM. A server can always earn money through "donations". Each owner of these servers manages it completely autonomously, sometimes using collaborators. Both sides can often give players reason to complain so in the long run those who have the chance get tired and create it on their own.
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I decided to opt for a server where this person was playing that I followed on twitch because it was a server where you could play role and we others could count on a similar experience to say the least ten years. I was convinced that it would not be that difficult but reading a fairly long regulation that included a request, a written examination and an oral examination, we immediately became discouraged and went to a server that did not include the whitelist, even in the latter it was played role. The server was not much at the performance level and in fact, just created the character, I found myself with the basic model and without the possibility to customize it. We met a few players and everything was pretty good, except maybe the fact that the server was pretty bare of players. One of these people we met on the street, advised me to contact the administrators on discord (which were not there) to give me what I needed to change my features. Some time later, I was intercepted by a server administrator who ordered me in a tone of annoyed voice to change my character by going to the various shops. We told him that we had punctured (and it was true) and that therefore we could not go around with the car. We contacted, following the directions of the game, the mechanic who for payment with the virtual currency of the game would fix the wheel. After several tens of minutes waiting for them impaled, we decided to take the car to reach the store in order to follow the administrator's instructions even with the wheel punctured. We almost immediately receive a message with a warning, three alerts are banned. After a short time, the same administrator of before stops us and tells us that "you can not go around with the punctured rubber" because, if we had lost the grip with the car, they would accuse him of running a server in which there was not really a role. The managers of these servers, they are terrified of people who sometimes come in just to shoot "funny" videos with the purpose of discrediting the latter. Usually these players have other servers and therefore perpetrate this kind of "unfair competition" but that's not always the case. In summary, in this server without whitelist, we could not find the administrators and when they found us, instead of remedying the situation caused by their mismanagement of the server and the various bugs, they reproached us. Imagine a little boy berating men in their forties. It was quite recreational. After struggling to comply and with the terror that at every corner an admin would pop up to scold us or ban us, we decided to look for a job. The options of the various public works available were very few. Initially we chose to be truckers, after getting our driver's license, we found with difficulty the site where to take the trucks and then we wondered who could call us in a server so bare of missions and people. After some time of pure boredom, we returned to the center of employment which is a circle where you choose a certain job on your own. In this case we decided to try a slightly more independent job: the woodcutter. We quickly realized that it was a repetitive job that we couldn't complete and so we decided to opt for a server with a little more people. I fell out then on a server that offers services in whitelist, also for this is planned the submission of an application, after some time the background of the character shows up, you do an oral interview and if you are deemed worthy, you will finally be granted the incredible honor of entering to play on the server. After reading the regulation, I decided to do the interview without the help of any help because in fact on discord, there was no way to check if I had the regulation under hand to peek but I wanted to do things right. I've never liked the groups where you have to take an exam but many are convinced that it is the best way to have high quality players and to ensure fun for everyone. After waiting patiently on the dedicated channel, we hear the voice of one of the examiners who, slightly in advance, gives us a speech very similar to what you do when you enter the Marines. A couple of people, discouraged by that speech, came out of the channel to "better prepare" for the question that would be based on a 41-page manual. It was my turn, initially there were two examiners but at some point one went away because he had to have lunch. They asked me why I had chosen that server and I explained that I was following this streamer. They uttered a strange verse in chorus, but surely it will have been a rustle on discord. They asked me a lot of questions but in the end the examiner decided to postpone me to three days later because I was insecure about the number of people who can be involved in a given action. I didn't remember if it was 8 or 15, it was 8. They didn't even know what a GAME MASTER was, which I had to explain to them. Because I was "insecure" they decided to postpone me to three days later. If I had decided to try again and failed again, the time would have been extended to 5 days and then I could no longer participate. Personally, I have decided not to try again, I was not convinced, but this decision comes from a set of reflections. The first reason is definitely the fact that at almost forty I can't be judged by kids to have the honor of playing gta, it's a stupid reason I know but anyway it's my time. The second reason is that the same streamer I was following, following my application, admitted that she did not do any interviews to get on the server. As I have also been confirmed by other players at certain times, the server administrators, as it is their right to do, invite who they want them. This is perfectly understandable and legitimate, the server is theirs and of course they let in whoever wants it. So why do I potentially have to lose 10 days in the hope of having the immense privilege of entering? If players are so well selected, why are there twitch recordings where you clearly see impossible actions, characters doing metagaming, and other unlikely actions? It's not hard to check, take a look at the various streaming platforms. At this point my dear friends, you probably might think that I wrote this article just because I was discarded. And in fact, I have to say that I had the impulse to write it right with the intention of venting. Knowing myself so I decided not to name names (although I have evidence of what I say of course) and also I decided to wait more than a day before starting this article to make me boil a little feeling. I therefore think that I wrote an article that perhaps at the beginning was born as a form of revenge but that in the end will give you that point of reflection such that you better consider your choices to give value to yourself and your time. In fact, I thought that on a server managed in such a "careful" way. It doesn't take anything for someone to put me in a position to make a mistake. If I had to be careful and focused all the time without having time to relax, surely the quality of my fun would suffer a lot. If I were to be a very careful person, who wants to play at all costs on that server, after a long time that I play with it and after building so much, I could be banned for something minor or because someone could put me in a position to make any mistake. So from my friends' point of view, I think this article has come very close to the goal of saving you time and nervousness. My final opinion, therefore, I had had a little previous experience, is to never lose sight of the fact that we are always dealing with a game and that for this reason, never and under any circumstances, you can lose sight of the line that separates the game from reality. Rather than miss a day studying myself 41 pages to be rejected due to a wrong number, I would certainly have invested better my time in looking for the server suitable for my needs without restrictions and focusing especially on the most important side of the game that is the game. Or to read a good book for example. In fact, with tests and examinations, if one were to follow the directions of these people literally, it could potentially waste 10 days of his life between sheets and regulations. This is not entertainment for me, it's an exaggeration. Ultimately, I also recommend that you consider the fact that (also due to the maximum number of players), you'll hardly find people interesting enough to spend their hours without getting bored. This is my personal opinion of course, feel free to leave yours in the comments. Read the full article
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