#i wrote this bc i know arthur and technology is haha funny but also i don't see a lot of ppl acknowledging that he has just lost EVERYTHING
nothankyoudear · 2 years
For a man who can't die, Merlin aches like he's been killed a million times.
He aches in the mornings when he glances through the window and sees gold beam onto the floor, and thinks of Arthur's hair in the sunlight. He aches in the afternoons when he hears the laughter of children, and thinks of children of Camelot running past him in frenzied joy. He aches in the nights when he is sitting on his armchair and staring into the distance as he realizes that, just like yesterday, he is once again all alone.
Because fate is a cruel thing, and he is destined to wait out an eternity. He pines for several lifetimes for bright blue eyes, and aches with every night he sleeps.
So when Arthur steps out of Lake Avalon on one December day, with his gold hair sticking to his forehead and his body shivering, Merlin can't help but run and cry and ache even harder because oh dear lord for once in his life fate is benevolent, and it has given Arthur back to him.
It takes Arthur a few years before he truly settles. The fact doesn't surprise Merlin, as although Arthur can learn about technological innovations and strange new things such as the Internet, Arthur can never have back Camelot.
Arthur has lost his destiny, and he weeps. Merlin simply holds Arthur and lets his shoulder gets damp, for he had also once lost his own destiny, and had no one to cry into the shoulder of.
Arthur's hair is always messy and his eyes are sunken, but it doesn't bother Merlin one bit. For the past thousand years, holding a warm body and smoothing back golden hair were things he only had in dreams. He treasures every bath he runs for Arthur, and savours every breath he watches Arthur take.
And soon enough, the light slowly returns to Arthur's eyes. Every insult he throws at Merlin is retorted with a playful smirk, and they're still the same Merlin and Arthur that they were back in Arthur's chambers.
Arthur smiles again for the first time in what seemed like an eternity, and Merlin thinks he is the sun.
Arthur kisses him one December day. His lips are cold and his hands are shaking like he had just stepped out of Lake Avalon, and Merlin can't help but cry as he kisses back.
The kiss burns Merlin, and he cries tears that he thought he lost a thousand years ago. He cries and cries and cries, but as Arthur kisses his tears off his cheeks, he has never been so happy.
Because now Merlin wakes with golden hair tickling his neck and sleeps with a warm body next to his. He hears the laughter of children in the afternoons and looks back at Arthur, wondering if they'll have children of their own some day. He sits on armchairs with Arthur's legs tangled in his, and stares at Arthur's lips as he sleeps.
And for the first time in a long time, the man who can't die stops aching.
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awanderingmuse-ficrec · 9 months
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Untitled by nothankyoudear
Fandom: Merlin BBC
Author: @nothankyoudear
Rating: Not Rated
Word Count:  515
Characters: Merlin, Arthur
Pairings: Merthur
Tags: i wrote this bc i know arthur and technology is haha funny but also i don't see a lot of ppl acknowledging that he has just lost EVERYTHING, ike he died and woke up one day with all his friends and family dead except for merlin, his kingdom is gone and he has no one. like let him be depressed for a little bit, merthurweek2022, oneshot, idk how tumblr works, ficlett, merlin angst, modern merthur, arthur returns
For a man who can't die, Merlin aches like he's been killed a million times. He aches in the mornings when he glances through the window and sees gold beam onto the floor, and thinks of Arthur's hair in the sunlight. He aches in the afternoons when he hears the laughter of children, and thinks of children of Camelot running past him in frenzied joy.
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