#i wrote u a whole novel im soooo sorry
erwinsvow · 7 months
Omg you’re the absolute sweetest and made me blush!! I’m super into Ancient Greek plays particularly Sophocles 
I absolutely LOVE this time concept thing you have going?? It’s so creative!! Did you come up with it? The 2:31am one was so sweet I’m a whore for mean rafe who cares🙁 I’m just projecting personal preferences but I vote reader calls rafe dad more
The rafe thinking you spoil him because you love him and your attentive drabble?? My heart hurts he just needs love :( Ward Cameron when I get my hands on you…
Also this is the first time I checked out your page from my laptop and I accidentally clicked a few things caused I’m so unfamiliar Tumblr on a browser and I have to say WOW?!?! Your layout is SO amazing and cool and gorgeous and different and camp and kooky and I love it 
I’m sorry I can’t shut up but I’d like to believe you like reviews and I’m a fan so I’m here to provide bae <3 I’m just proactive like that! 
I absolutely adore the way you write rafe as slightly manipulative but so in love with reader I can so easily overlook it!! And the fact that we got an entire drabble from the movie screening scene?? I jumped from joy it’s my favourite everrr 
Btw I saw you reblogged a cam girl one shot and I’m reading this little series it’s cam girl x rafe (I love it and it’s updated every two days or so) lmk if you’re interested  
Thanks for reading my novel long asks lmk if they’re too much though and it’ll be sure to adjust accordingly!! Hope you had a great day! Love youuu <33
Ps are requests open for the time concept? I have an idea!
omg hi bae!! full stop because i love sophocles!!! antigone is my shittttt i wrote a whole term paper on her once!!! why are we so linked... what plays are your favorites? huge fan of medea too
also thank you so much babe! omg i have seen the concept in writing before but i just started thinking of placing a timestamp on moments almost like bottling it up... i would love to expand it into a series if people love it enough! youre soooooo sweet i could sob. the 230 one was so cute i really love the idea of after hours with rafe he gets soft the later it gets.. esp my rafe who just loves his girlfriend and no one else haha
STOPPPP CALLING RAFE DAD GIRLIES UNITEEEE. i know i got it from princessbrunette but seriously its such a god tier idea. shes so big brained
also stop?! why are you so sweet. i need to update it to match my video game theme on mobile (the desktop version is still in tune with my old scream 1996 theme!!) but ur such an angel.
your reviews and kind words mean soooo much to me. everyone is so nice but i know everyone just kind of likes the posts and keeps their thoughts to themselves but hearing this stuff makes me so beyond ecstatic. <333 ur the best. so proactive jus like dad <3
yesss hes so manipulative. i try to write him mean(er) sometimes but i physically cannnot because i know he is the whipped in love type. literally just looking for someone to pour his love on. <3
omg yes do send! love reading rafe series <3 and stopppppp i love your long asks i love talking to u sm!!!! i had an okay day but now im in bed about to work on your req so !!! <3 all better. love u bae hope you like it!
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yuukei-yikes · 1 year
What are your hcs about Takane’s family if you don’t mind me asking? :0
UM UM UM GHEGEHHEHEHEHEH ok duh of course i dont mind. do YOU mind i'll talk a lot!??!!?
first let me be insane and list everything we know of her family:
1. lives with grandmother, she makes takane's school lunch and apparently wakes up very early. at the crack of dawn as takane puts it. also the one who gifted takane's trademark headphones! has exactly 1 line in the series and it's her telling takane to get the hell up or she'll be late to school (i love takane's intro chapter in the second novel. it's so funny) takane says that if she were to say she's not feeling okay her grandma could go as far as to get her hospitalized so she's also concerned over takane's condition.
2. grandfather passed away, but takane specifies how worried he always was about her illness, more so than her grandma. in second manga route he's still alive and was the one to get takane hospitalized in the first place. in a main route he's the one to push her into enrolling in that highschool. in my opinion, haruka and takane meet each other a little earlier in second manga route than they do in a main route, maybe when they're around 14. they also look a little younger imo but im delusional! i think this because takane's grandpa is still alive then, hence why haruka and takane are slightly younger! THIS IS ALL TO SAY, in a main route takane's grandpa probably dies slightly before or slightly after takane starts hs(in a slightly after situation it'd give place for special needs class bonding times if haruka and kenjirou comfort takane. (holds head))
3. her parents work overseas. that's all we fucking know about them.
im so curious about takane's family NOT ONLY because obviously im crazy and also she's my favorite character but man isn't this something so oddly specific. she lives with her grandparents because her parents work overseas. yeah? for how long? was she raised by them? obviously she's living with them long-term if they're the ones worrying about which highschool she's gonna go to!! ANSWER MY QUESTIONS JIN PLEASE...
MY PERSONAL HEADCANON TEEHEE which. is what u asked but i wrote a whole wall of text before answering im sorry look if youve followed me for a while u know that's kinda the drill.
i headcanon that takane's parents have always worked overseas but also travel a lot. like, not to say "overseas" as in they live in a set place outside of japan but to say they're always moving from country to country doing whatever the hell it is they do. move locations every few months inside that set country and every few years move to a new country altogether.
and when takane was little she did use to travel around with them. i also like the hc they're very career-oriented people and the kinda parents who are always working. not that they were MEAN to her but they were just. not there a lot?? and eventually leave her at her grandparents bc that wasn't a compatible lifestyle for a kid and ALSO she was showing signs of her illness and they were like teehee. i dont wanna deal with this. BTW i imagine takane being soooo little when that's going on like maybe 6 or 7 when she moves with her grandparents. so she does grow up with them after a weird start with her parents.
they kept visiting like during holidays and stuff. but they were never very warm loving parents and takane already had a family routine/dynamic with her grandparents so it was mostly just an awkward gift exhange how's school going kinda thing. eventually when takane gets her diagnosis they just start to disappear completely LOL stop visits completely and as time goes by the awkward phone calls are just texts and then the texts is 1 birthday text a year and then not even that
ratio + her parents are her grandparents💖 from the fan content i've consumed over the years it's the consensus that takane's parents are career-driven people and she doesn't have a good relationship with them and that they're honestly just dickheads. BUT I'VE SEEN some odd ones here and there who think takane loves them and is sad they're not around because of work but that's the minority honestly?? i personally prefer abandonment issues takane 👍 but i do love hearing different ideas hehehehe....
also i think after disappearing ene keeps checking up on her grandma to see if she's ok :( ofc never revealing herself. mostly just snoops. takane and her grandma post str reunion (my brain explodes)
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rinhaler · 6 months
ANGEL BABY UR GONNA BE OKAY!!!! but I totally understand I get nervous before appts too :/ but everything’s gonna be alright!!!
UGHHHHH LUXE PLEASEEEEEE U GET ME!!! he’s….hes so fine and so tough i just wanna *car crash noises* i just started watching it recently and haven’t read the manga yet but good lord that’s a whole daddy right there if he doesn’t get me pregnant I’m gonna get HIM pregnant s2g!! 🗣️🗣️🗣️
now I got some questions for u young lady I’m curious!! How tall are u?!? And I remember u said ur picky so what’s ur fav food? Least fav? Ive been a vegetarian since I was 13 so I guess I also qualify as picky heh. And when did you get into writing and art?
I literally think ur so cool pls indulge me ❤️❤️❤️🧋
omg how far into it are you? I gotta watch the newer stuff still but I used to be OBSESSEDDDDD I probably will be again when I get back into it hehehe
I'm 5'6/5'7ish
FAV FOOD I always love a greasy pizza takeaway with some cheesy chips, elite food <333 i hate stinky food so im not a big fan of things like onions or tuna, if it stinky i probably don't like it sadfghgfds
I think I've always been into art since I was super young!! My nana and parents were always buying me little paint sets and my first ever memory is handing a rly ugly drawing to my mam of me and her 😭 but yeah I've always been into art but only recently started taking it seriously and trying to find my style. I studied it in college and then uni and I have a masters in (i cant remember if it's fine art or art and design but i have an art masters degree)
and writing!! i think ive always loved writing too bc i remember rly enjoying writing little stories for my friends based on them and their crushes in high school and i remember when i was in my last year i wrote an entire novel (it's awful). but it was when dystopian stuff was super popular so i used to be SO excited to get home and write it.
I only started getting into fanfic like four years ago? when i started getting into anime i was like oh my god i need to consume as much content as i can i need somewhere to find fan art and memes and blah blah so i made a brand new tumblr dedicated to it. and to be honest i didnt even know fanfics were still a thing??
i remember it being a really cringe and weird thing for people to be into while i was in school so i was soooo shocked when i came across TONS of them when i made my account and i just got hooked and started binge reading so many and i was like omg i have an idea for a story im gonna write it!!
and i was rly infrequent with posting i just did like two or three and focused on my fan art and meme reblogs but then i joined a discord server and i just fell in love with writing and the community and the vibes, it was amazing.
and four years later here we are hehehe
sorry for talking so much i am a rambler <3333
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nolanhollogay · 2 years
fictional BOYBAND 🤯👀👀👀
yesss the moment I've been waiting for!!!
ok so for some background, I created these boysizes when i was thirteen and knee deep in my one direction/little mix/fifth harmony phase and i loved them all soooo much that i wanted to try my hand at writing my own group
(bcuz of this I'm very emotionally attached to them, as to be expected)
but bcuz I started writing them as a literal child, their story was not very well done/fleshed out, so I'm rewriting them now with my Grown Up Skills
time to unlock The Lore™ (under the cut bcuz im incapable of shutting up):
Okay so, to start, the group is formed on a fictional singing competition show called StarCaster yes, it's a rip off of the x factor don't worry about it where they are given the name Chrome Heart yes, its stupid but I got it from a generator and I'm too emotionally attached to change it
there's five members: Alvin Santiago, Edwin "Eddie" Smith, Rosscoe "Ross" Jones, Derek John Juarez and Cam Perez
Alvin is the oldest and the unofficial official leader! He was born n raised in San Antonio, Texas and he's the child of second gen immigrants, and the second child out of two! His father was very strict so Al is very good at following rules and making sure things run smoothly, hence why he's leader! He was the smart kid to his brother's troublemaker and he was always told that he was going to be the one to "make it" in their family! He's very intelligent, observant and an overthinker.
Looks wise he’s what I call classically handsome, like Marlon Brando or James Dean. He’s Honduran. He’s got dark hair, which he keeps short because he doesn’t want to deal with doing his hair lol. Tan skin, brown eyes, a straight nose, dimples, and a very wide smile that takes up his whole face. 
Eddie is the heartthrob of the group. He's from New Jersey. He's an only child and his parents are new money so he was very spolied growing up and basically told hes the greatest person to ever have lived lol. Because of this he's very full of himself and a little selfish and it shows. He's vain, confrontational and take charge, but also can be very thoughtful when he wants to be.
Eddie is our token white, so ofc he gets all the girlies. He’s tall (5′11″) and pale, with black hair and blue eyes. Just imagine a generic white guy and thats him.
Ross is from New York (where exactly is tbd). He has no siblings but he grew up with Derek John, who's his brother in everything except blood. They were both middle class and lived comfortably. His mother is a nurse and his dad is a mailman! Ross is very easygoing and doesn't really take anything seriously lol. i would describe him as laid back, silly, but also surprisingly good at being serious when he needs to be.
Ross is black and smart and sexy, universally appealing, he’s dark skinned, with dark eyes. Beautiful, showstopping, incredible smile. He’s 5′10″ and very angry about it because if he was 5′11″ he could lie and say he’s 6 foot but he can’t.
Derek John is the son of a lawyer and a bank teller. He’s the eldest of three with two younger sisters (they both also have two first names). He had a very troubled childhood because he had bad anger issues and would get into fights a lot :(. He was diagnosed with IED at 11, so like silver linings. Other than that he was chilling. Hes also a jokester with Ross and the two of them are always making trouble together. Hes very loyal and protective of the people he cares about, and also very kind! He’s do no harm but take no shit as a person.
Derek John is Mexican, 6 foot, tan, with brown eyes and dark hair. I’m running out of descriptives.
Cam, who’s first name is actually Mateo, was born in mexico, and he immigrated to the US (California specifically) when he was ten with his mother and grandmother. His father passed away from cancer when he was five. He’s always been a performer, singing and performing since he was very young, like three. His personality is kind of hard to explain bcuz most of the time he’s just acting in a way that makes him desirable to whoever hes with, but when he lets the mask slip, hes very quiet. But also he’s kind of a control freak, and has some obsessive tendencies (this bitch needs a diagnosis so bad). He’s very snarky and sarcastic, and he likes to pick fights with ppl bcuz he knows he’ll win. But underneath all of that hes a little sweet pea, gentle soul who just wants to be liked.
He’s the baby of the group and it shows very hard in his looks. He’s the tiniest at 5′6″, with a baby face, and big doe eyes and a poutty mouth. He’s half black so he’s darker skinned than Alvin and Derek John but lighter than Ross. He’s also my specialist most favorite boy.
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jungsungchans · 4 years
they are so strangely charming sddsdsdd the things they do on insta..... 😳 admittedly idk what a marb is i'm sorry 😔😔 he's so weird tho and yet somehow everything he does is endearing??😭 yes a revecarablinkzen!! great name💖 ahh i love mingyu he's so funny n cute!! and minghao's style... absolutely insane💗💗💗 omg itaewon gate was truly smth else💀 -❄ (1/3)
YES that was the candymakers!!! tbh i barely remember the book i had to google it lol but yes that's the one! oh i haven't read any of jorge luis borge's work but i'll check it out thank u for recommending it to me!! and tbh i get it haha i don't have much motivation to read books nowadays :// i did like all the light we cannot see.... but i read that back in 8th grade whoops i also think the great gatsby is so well-written but f. scott fitzgerald was NOT a great person 😕 -❄ (2/3)
i was into poetry recently tho.... i really love le lac by alphonse de lamartine!! do u like poetry? or what else do u like to do in ur free time? (besides making amazing gifs ofc!! i can't believe i haven't mentioned this before but your gifs are stunning!!!💖💖) btw i'm so sorry for the late reply, i hope you're doing well!! -❄(3/3)
god their insta shenanigans 😭 ive seen their old lysn screenshots they r so funny it physically pains me. by Mark Barb i mean like a barb but for mark—idk if uve ever come across them but the barbz are nicki minaj’s fanbase. im not a proper barb bc im critical of her for obvious reasons but the barbz are maybe the funniest fanbase of all time the barbzstruggle twitter brings me joy sometimes....but the point is that i love mark a lot i think hes fucking fantastic <3 mingyu is soooo great i like him a lot i can really see why he n jaehyun were in a gc together 😭 they both r massive dorks...and back when i was into kpop and minghao was my bias he still had that poodle hair (mansae era ish) so seeing him when i got back into the grind was 🥴🥴🥴 to say the least! i love him and his closet id raid it if i were tall enough lol and im gonna r0b his shoe collection anyways. itwgate changed my brain chemistry btw ☝🏽
😭 i only remember it cause i used to read every book i remotely liked about six or seven times...not like consecutively but when i ran out of new things to read id cycle between older stuff. did u ever read the candy shop war? that was my favorite candy-adjacent kids novel lol. tbh jlg’s stuff is really easy to get into bc a lot of his work is super super short id highly recommend it if ur trying to get back into reading (he writes poetry too!)! ive been really bad about reading well recently too...i liked the great gatsby but i read this side of paradise and that was super disappointing lol. i didnt know he was like. an awful person but i kind of figured given his time period ig? while theres a real imperative to not just blindly say “separate the art from the artist” because that allows one to ignore, internalize, and platform racism, misogyny, anti-semitism, and other forms of bigotry (cf jk rowling) i try to read just about everything i read critically, because no matter how any author presents themselves i feel like theyre just as likely to be a bad person as any other artist or celebrity—actors, musicians, etc.
i used to be more into poetry but i havent picked up too much in a while </3 we had a poetry unit in ap lit during quarantine that was kind of not fun and so i was like🧍🏽‍♂️lol. i’ll definitely check out that poem though, i enjoy the stuff and itll be good to get back into it! for fun i like sports—i watch hockey, my main blog, @henderyhuangs, used to be a hockey blog lol. seasons starting up soon so im looking forward to that. i like basketball and reading too. thank u for thinking my gifs r ok 🥺 thats very nice of u to say 😭 todays been very all over the place haha but i hope uve been safe and well. and take ur time w sending these, just do em whenever u want im not picky haha. ik i just wrote you a whole essay, its probably not ideal to have 2 go thru this long ass message and try to respond 😭 so i totally understand. hope you’re well too! take care.
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