#i’ll also make a new translation masterpost soon because i’m all over the place now
otomehonyaku · 4 months
those Lost Eden short stories are actually really fun to translate! they don’t take very long either, I think I might do the other ones too to switch up with the novelization chapters a bit
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canary3d-obsessed · 3 years
Restless Rewatch: The Untamed, Episode 25, part one
(Masterpost) (Other Canary Stuff)
Warning: Spoilers for All 50 Episodes!
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Holy crap, Episode 25! We’re halfway through! *Cue Bon Jovi*
Hunt Invitation
After taking a nice long break to watch Word of Honor pick lotus pods, Wei Wuxian and Jiang Yanli return to stressing over the shitshow that is the post-Sunshot cultivation world. Jin Zixuan has come to invite them to the Phoenix Mountain Hunt, with a special invitation from his mother to Jiang Yanli. Jiang Cheng reacts to this in a mature and reasonable manner, while Wei Wuxian...doesn't.
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On the surface, Jiang Cheng has matured in recent months; much more than Wei Wuxian, with his secret burdens, has. But it's only on the surface, as we'll see later in the episode, when Jiang Cheng's insecurity will take the reins.
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Jin Zixuan is adorably pleased by Jiang Yanli's acceptance of the invitation. Wei Wuxian is less pleased, but sort of tries to suck it up. 
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Jin Zixuan kind of undercuts the romance of his errand by asking Wei Wuxian for the Yin tiger amulet as soon as Jiang Yanli is out of earshot. 
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As always, Jin Zixuan makes an impression by being the best Jin currently in existence, but the Jins are terrible. JZX is working to advance his dad's ambitions, and as such he is currently Wei Wuxian's enemy.  
(more after the cut)
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Opening Ceremonies
There's a bunch of cultivators arranged for the opening ceremony. Later someone will say that this is more than 5 thousand people. Ok, sure.
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As I've said before, it's best to think of it like a theatre production and assume the other 4,900 people are offstage or, you know, painted on the backdrop.  
The young lead cultivators from the four main clans are standing together. Nie Huaisang is trying out some new body armor.
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The clan leaders are seated up on the stage, along with Jin Furen and Jiang Yanli. Unfortunately Jin Furen doesn't seem to have a personal name that I can discover. Her title Fūrén ( 夫人)  means she's the primary wife of the head of the family, according to this excellent meta. 
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So “Madame Jin” is a decent translation...if you're French?  I feel like instead of English subtitles including borrowed words from French (”Marquis” in NIH), Greek (”Water of Lethe” in WOH), and other European languages, we could try borrowing Chinese words instead. Jin Zixuan's mom is titled, not named, Jin Furen. Since we don’t know her actual name, I'll call her that and abbreviate it JFR.
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Wei Wuxian's childishness continues at the opening of the hunt, as does Jiang Yanli's encouragement of his childishness. I know she's had a rough couple of years, and it's understandable to want to baby her little brother out of a sense of nostalgia. But it's not good for him, and she shouldn't do it; she should encourage him to be more mature, just as she does with Jiang Cheng.
War Crimes Contest
Jin Guangyao says they're going to have an archery competition, and they're going to liven it up by endangering some prisoners. These prisoners are Wens in Wen cultivator uniforms, meaning they're not the noncombatants that were being hunted down earlier. But they’re still helpless people in chains. 
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There are three different reactions when the Wen prisoners are brought out.  All the Jins are pleased, or neutral. All of the Jiangs, including Wei Wuxian, are upset.
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The Nies and the Lans, what we see of them, are a little shocked, but not obviously upset. Based on those reactions, it seems like this is a maneuver that in-world is considered shocking and cruel, but not necessarily unethical or immoral.  Shocking, cruel displays of power are pretty normal in this world; remember when Wen Chao lit a Lan cultivator on fire just to say hello, and nobody complained? 
This whole scenario, of course, has been designed to provoke Wei Wuxian. One major goal of this event, and the whole reason for wanting Wei Wuxian to come,  is to get the Yin Tiger amulet.  Making him lose his shit in front of 100 5000 cultivators is a good step toward compelling him to hand the amulet over.  
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We see Jiang Cheng and Jiang Yanli both signaling Wei Wuxian to keep it together, and he takes a step back and tries to chill.  
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Meanwhile, Jin Zixuan seems annoyed by all this, and goes to take a shot at it, making it clear from his demeanor that this is easy and JGY is making a show of nothing. 
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He hovers in the air and makes a perfect shot, pleasing most of the crowd and impressing Jiang Yanli. 
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Then his cousin Jin Zixun taunts the crowd, challenging anyone to do better.  This presents a bit of a problem for Wei Wuxian. For the sake of the Wen prisoners, Wei Wuxian should just take this taunting and let the contest end, if no-one else is willing to take a shot. But for the sake of the Jiang Clan’s status, and his continued control of the Yin Tiger amulet, he needs to put the Jins in their place.  
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Every Day is Blindfold Day
This moral dilemma is resolved with an abrupt tonal shift, where the humanitarian concerns of all parties seem to vanish. Wei Wuxian flirts embarrassingly with Lan Wangji and then goes as far over the top in besting Jin Zixuan as it's possible to go.
The flirting hits differently, incidentally, when you edit Jiang Cheng's annoyed reaction out of it: 
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Lan Wangji doesn't seem embarrassed by Wei Wuxian's request, despite it happening in front of 100 5000 of their fellow cultivators. He looks Wei Wuxian straight in the eye for longer than necessary before turning away; it’s not exactly stern disapproval. We’ll get very used to this look, in Wei Wuxian’s second life. 
Fortunately, Wei Wuxian carries a blindfold with him wherever he goes, (gifset here), and he is such a good cultivator he can hit 5 parallel targets simultaneously without even holding his bow straight or tightening the string.
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(OP fixed the angle of the bow for this gif, which is why everyone is standing on a hill in the background).
Everyone is pleased by this shot except Jins Guangyao and Zixun; even the Jin cultivators are clapping, and Madame Jin is presumably this happy any time Jin Guangyao’s plans go wrong.
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With that they start the hunt. Jin Zixun challenges Wei Wuxian to do the whole hunt blindfolded. Wei Wuxian agrees, but the censorship committee said no, apparently, so we don’t get to see that.
Flute Hunting
We do get to see Wei Wuxian luring monsters into his nets by being too sexy for his robe, too sexy for his robe, and playing the flute.  
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We also get to see Jiang cultivators looking puzzled while random monster roars happen in the woods around them. We do not get to see any monsters, which is probably just as well.
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Jiang Cheng is annoyed and concerned, muttering "I told you not to overdo it" which means he didn't, you know, tell Wei Wuxian NOT to do this, just not to do it quite so well. Jiang Cheng knows what Wei Wuxian’s abilities are and he is making use of him, as he should, but he doesn’t have the courage of his convictions. 
Tree Confession
Wei Wuxian sees Lan Wangji and starts to say hi, but then he has a desaturated flashback to Lan Xichen telling him to back off, so he stops himself.  But then Lan Wangji comes over to talk to him.
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Lan Wangji starts off talking to him about his latest anti-resentment musical discoveries, and Wei Wuxian pushes back, even calling him Lan Wangji, but gently.  Wei Wuxian asks "who am I to you?" and Lan Wangji turns the question right back at him, then waits a looooooong time, eyes downcast, while Wei Wuxian thinks of a serious answer.
Wei Wuxian says "I used to treat you as my zhījǐ" --which, as we’ve discussed before, is variously translated soulmate, confidant, intimate friend--with a strong meaning of "the person who truly knows me." Lan Wangji says "I still am." Coming from Lan Wangji, who NEVER says how he feels about Wei Wuxian or about anything, really, this sounds a lot like a confession of love. 
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It definitely takes the form, visually, of a love confession, as Lan Wangji speaks, then gazes at Wei Wuxian while he waits for a reply.  Wei Wuxian's reply is this:
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I don't think Wei Wuxian is oblivious (I'm speaking strictly of CQL, not MZDS, as always with these posts; they are different works). I think he loves Lan Wangji back, and knows it. But Chenqing and everything it represents are between them.
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Lan Wangji is quite literally NOT his zhījǐ any more, because he doesn't truly know Wei Wuxian right now. He loves him desperately, but he doesn't know about his core, and hasn't accepted his cultivation method.  So Wei Wuxian answers his confession by showing him Chenqing, effectively declining to accept his still-conditional love.
Snake Measuring
Next we get terrible hetero courtship in the form of Jin Zixuan finding snake discharge on the ground and talking to Jiang Yanli about comparative snake measuring. Seriously: that is the actual conversation that they are having.
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Jin Zixuan boasts for a bit, and then awkwardly tries to ask Jiang Yanli on a date. When she turns him down he gets mad, because he's a typical heterosexual dude even though he's secretly a delightful person...very, very secretly. Jiang Yanli, for her part, can't string a fucking sentence together to save her life whenever he's around, so she's not helping their mutual understanding. 
Lan Wangji attempts to hold Wei Wuxian back from beating Jin Zixuan’s ass yet again, but eventually JYL wants to leave, JZX tells her to wait, and WWX intervenes. Why doesn't Jiang Yanli have a maid or Jiang cultivator with her while she's on a date, incidentally? These kids are confused about whether they're doing feudal patriarchy or whether they're doing modern social life.
Jin vs. Jiang
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Wei Wuxian jumps in between Jiang Yanli and Jin Zixuan, which JZX objects to. Jin Zixuan has no fucking business objecting and Wei Wuxian is 100% right, at this point. As soon as WWX shows up JZX should hand her off to her Shidi, bow, and leave her the fuck alone. Instead, he draws his sword on Wei Wuxian, and kind of on Jiang Yanli since she's right behind Wei Wuxian.  Fortunately, Lan Wangji blocks him. 
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This instantly blows up into a Jiang-Jin Clan conflict, with Jiang Cheng unfortunately absent since he let his unmarried sister go off in the woods alone with the son of the Cultivaton world's most famous lecher. It looks like it’s a personal conflict, but since Jin Zixuan already told Wei Wuxian directly that Jin Guangshan wants his amulet, any arguments between them are part of a larger power struggle. 
Cousin Jin Zixun comes running up to start shit. Wei Wuxian pretends--I am SURE he's pretending--not to know who he is. The dude hassles Wei Wuxian every time he sees him; Wei Wuxian is a troll, and right now CJXZ is butting in to something that doesn't concern him. Rather than argue, Wei Wuxian insults him by telling him he’s not memorable.
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Jin Furen shows up with several maids and cultivator dudes in tow, which is the proper way for a highborn woman to wander around in the woods. She also brings Clan Leader Yao, because if it's Wei Wuxian Blaming Hours, Yao is going to be there.  
I initially found the deep friendship between superhot Yi Zuyuan and dumpy Jin Furen implausible, but then I remembered that my lifelong bestie is a smokin' hot redhead with impeccable fashion sense, while I am a roly-poly nerd.  Friends don’t always match. Also, Jin Furen's actress, Hu Xiaoting, looks like this: 
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...so she is actually hot in real life. Not as hot as Zhang Jingtong (who plays Yu Ziyuan) but literally nobody is as hot as Zhang Jingtong. Don't @ me, you know I'm right.
This is a heck of a long scene, so we’ll pick it up in part two! 
Soundtrack: Livin’ on a Prayer by Bon Jovi
Writing prompt: Newly-divorced, cold-hearted CEO Yu Ziyuan buys an apartment next door to newly-divorced, warm-hearted pastry chef ...uhh let's call her Jin Dàngāo (蛋糕), sure. She can name her business after herself. 
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They discover their daughter & son are in the same college class, and so they meet up over coffee....several times...trying to matchmake their hopeless, hapless kids, while bonding over their own terrible (former) taste in husbands. Who will Cupid strike first, the kids or the moms?
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saladejin · 4 years
Call An Uber? | 19
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BTS x Reader | idolverse au, uber driver!Reader, translator!Reader | Fluff, flirting, super slow burn, angst and hurt/comfort, mature themes and eventual smut
Summary: Your normal life with a normal, yet inconsistent job gets drastically changed when your dreams come true. Sounds boring right?
What happens when all of this occurs, but you’re still doing something you love AND getting a large sum for it? Now there’s something to think about, and it’s definitely not what you’re thinking.
Warnings: Drunken shenanigans, flirting and sexual implications
Word Count: 3.1k
A/N: Pt. 2 of the game! You can tell I had fun with this part, sorry if the decisions don’t match up with what you guys would choose, I know we’d all have a hard time picking though lmao.
< masterpost >
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  Knowing I had a decision, Jimin inched closer until I could basically feel the body heat oozing from his skin. The rest of the room was silent as they waited for what I would do. I could barely register the presence of the others at the moment though, because all I could seem to focus on were the smouldering burnt umber eyes in front of me. Even in all their makeup-free glory, they were magnificent in the way they helplessly drew me in and made me feel restless in every way.
I gave myself one final nod before rising to my knees and leaning further towards him. 
Taehyung and Jungkook were unblinking like owls as they followed the movements with their widened gazes. My hands never left the muscles of Jimin’s upper arm, and I felt them tense suddenly as my face moved downwards to his jaw. I let my eyes trail the clear, albeit with a slight sheen of sweat, beautiful expanse of his collarbone and neckline before finally planting a gentle kiss on the bump I found in the middle. I felt his Adam’s apple move underneath my lips as he gulped against his will, and I wished I could see how he looked during the moment.
I wanted to see his head tilted upwards, his expression. I wanted to see how his eyes darkened and how he fought the urge to bite down on his bottom lip for a few heart-stopping seconds. I could only see the way his fists clenched while they rested beside him against the ground, as if he wanted to mix them into the action so badly, but couldn’t because it was only meant to be a stupid game.
“His…throat?” Taehyung pondered aloud once I pulled away. What had only taken a mere two seconds had felt like a lifetime, and I had to divert my attention when the feeling of my lingering breath caused a shiver to travel the length of Jimin’s spine noticeably.
“Nope. I know it’s not quite right, but I meant his vocal cords.” I shook my head, feeling somewhat embarrassed by the idea.
“Oh! But it’s impossible to be direct so you just went over the top?” Hoseok closed his eyes and breathed in awe, reaching out for a sharp high-five much to my amusement.
“Oh, how thoughtful of our (Y/n),” Seokjin murmured, also shaking his head in admiration before clapping slowly and laughing along with the others.
Jimin sat displaying a small tender smile, bringing one hand up to brush his fingers against the skin of his neck briefly. He then tried to hide his face while chuckling in pure bashfulness, and I again drew blanks on how quickly his whole demeanour could change in less than a second.
“His voice gives me actual life, what more can I say?” I pursed my lips and shrugged. “Actually, there’s a lot more, but I won’t go into it because I think Yoongi over there will skin me alive if I take much longer.”
Amidst the chuckling, I saw Jimin bring his gaze up to look at me meaningfully from across the room. It was noisy again, but I watched him mouth a tiny ‘thank you’ while straightening his posture. He was positively glowing. I couldn’t help but return the warm smile straight away, because I felt so delighted that he was happy and confident with the praise I’d implied through the kiss.
“Jungkook-ah and Yoongi-hyung to go. Rock paper scissors or just shuffle?” Hoseok managed after the sudden chatter had died down.
“Shuffle the damn thing, Kook-ah looks too scared to focus right now,” Yoongi snorted, a gummy smile making an appearance as he picked on the younger member.
“I’m not scared at all,” Jungkook complained, sharply moving to knock the hood off his head and ruffle his night-black bangs until they weren’t as tangled. Taehyung nudged a teasing elbow into the maknae’s arm, boxy smile never failing as he messed around with the other boy. Namjoon had been quiet for a while, but he was still fully absorbed into what would happen next – just like every other being in the room, including a certain grumpy rapper.
 “Hyung it’s you!” Jimin and Hoseok screamed together, amusement reaching a new peak as the name flashed brightly on the screen.
“Well about time, I thought I was going to die here without getting my kiss,” Yoongi grunted, shifting so that he was perched on the very edge of the bed.
“Oi, don’t mess up my bedsheets so much,” Seokjin scolded from beside him, leaning his large body backwards to try and smooth out the covers with his arms.
So it is Jin’s room, looks like I was kind of right anyway.
I eventually got to my feet because Yoongi was too high for me to reach properly from the floor.
“Do you want me on the ground?” He inquired passively, but I narrowed my eyes at him for his questionable choice of words.
“No, I’ll have you on the bed,” I answered just as boldly. The whole room exploded and all we could hear was the soundless chuckling of the two youngest members, the loud cackles of Hoseok, Namjoon and Jimin, and the semi-muffled squeakiness belonging to Seokjin as he tried to hold it in.
“Well there’s a lot to think about with you. I love the brilliant rapping skill, but your tongue is a little too hard to kiss, right?” I decided to take it further with one cocked eyebrow.
“Yes, it’s moving a little too fast for me unfortunately.” He kept a level tone much to my surprise, but the response itself caused me to double over. We already needed to dig graves for the rest of the room as it was.
“Oh my God, I can’t believe you just –”
“I don’t know if I should have regrets right now.” Yoongi laughed quietly and licked his lips once as he glanced at everyone dying around him. I adored the way his sharp eyes were curved into little crescents, and I also felt my heart clench at the sight of the little crinkles appearing at the edges.
“I’m allowing myself two for this one,” I announced loudly before striding forwards and slowly leaning over his smiling face. Given enough time to react, Yoongi took note of my close proximity and straightened his sitting position. His smile faltered only slightly, but I still caught it.
“Is this okay for you?” I asked softly so only he would hear. The words were drowned out for the others anyway because of how they started to reprimand me for changing up the rules.
“Yeah, thanks for checking though.” He smirked and nodded once, casting his gaze downwards because he didn’t really know what else to do. He wasn’t pouting, but he had that stare where he just flattened out his smile and looked like an awkward ball of fluff. It was so cute and loveable, I just wanted to squish his cheeks together.
Who would even know this is one of the fiercest rappers in the world?
I leaned over him slowly again and was grateful that he angled his face upwards so I could figure out where I was going. Since he was sitting, the height made it so that the top of his head only just fell short of mine.
I cupped his face with two hands, telling him to close his eyes before brushing my lips over each of his eyelids ever so slowly. It was a strange place to kiss, so I kept the contact literally as feathery as I could, only grazing over them to indicate I had been there. I felt his eyes flutter when I pulled away, and resisted the urge to giggle when his eyelashes suddenly tickled the underside of my chin and cheek. He had apparently snapped them open as soon as he could, surprised despite saying he wouldn’t be before.
“Wow, Yoongi-hyung’s eyes are pretty unique,” Namjoon noted from down on the floor, earning noises of agreement from a few others. They laughed openly at how the eldest rapper just continued to nod indifferently. He still seemed a tad shy and shaken, but he chose not to let it show all that much.
“Okay Jungkook, I think they all want to go to bed soon. I’ll try and be quick.”
I hopped over to the other side of the circle, kind of stunned to see that he wasn’t looking as wide-eyed as he had before. Maybe he’d just gotten over the shock since he’d watched everyone else go through the same thing?
“Since it’s the last one, make it really surprising,” Jimin suggested, right before continuing to exchange whispers with Hoseok and now Taehyung too. I was suspicious of them and their offhand chuckling, but there was nothing I could do but just suspect that they were all up to no good. Seokjin, Namjoon and Yoongi also eyed them questioningly from the other side. I could only sigh and share in their confusion.
I turned back to Jungkook and saw him shift his eyes suddenly to the side, as if he didn’t want to be caught looking. The trio of misfits chuckled again, and I looked back and forth between the two in an even greater amount of suspicion.
Okay, he’s acting way too weirdly for it to be normal. And those three are definitely up to something… Hold on, what if they made a bet?
I inwardly gasped in realisation, looking back at Jungkook and narrowing my eyes to see if he would reveal anything. He definitely looked way too confident, and it was like his sense of competitiveness was overriding the fact that he was usually uneasy around women. Well, around women trying to kiss him anyway.
I’ll make him crack.
I turned back and smirked at the three others before shuffling forwards, and by the sounds of it someone had caught onto the fact that I’d noticed their little plan. Jungkook seemed only slightly tense now, but I knew he wouldn’t be prepared for what I was about to do.
“Is there anything you’re not comfortable with?” I asked with a teasing lilt to my tone. The boy in front of me cleared his throat and pouted in thought.
“I’m not sure what you really mean by that, but anything is fine I guess,” he answered, and I choked down an evil laugh of foreboding.
“Okay, well Jungkookie you have many physical features I love, but sadly I’ve used a lot of them for the others already.” I sighed, moving closer until we were at a distance that allowed me to finally touch him.
I looked into his slightly widening eyes to make sure he was fine before reaching downwards and tugging on the hem of his hoodie. His breathing hitched severely, but I knew he was way too stubborn and determined to give up on winning whatever he’d agreed too.
“These abs … never a necessity, but I can’t say they’re bad on the eyes.”
With a mischievous chuckle, I witnessed the moment his mouth went dry and his brain clicked with understanding. I left him no time as I tugged the hoodie up some more to reveal the boy’s stomach, abdominal muscles tensing due to his slightly leant back position. I knew everyone was holding their breath behind us as I swooped down to plant my lips against the smooth ridges of his muscles for a tiny second. To my surprise, he let out a massive exhale above me and clenched the muscles even firmer.
I pulled away and looked upwards in curiosity, because that voice was way too broken and breathy for my liking. He was looking down at me almost as if he was pained to do so, lips red and ravaged by his teeth from the looks of it. His brows were furrowed, and he looked away with widened eyes after holding my gaze for too long.
He’s flustered!
I turned around to see every pair of eyes trained ruthlessly onto Jungkook and I, but tried my best to ignore the pure heated amazement hidden within each gaze.
“Did he lose?” I asked the group of three who had let their jaws drop in unadulterated shock.
“W-what?” Seokjin stammered, finally moving to turn to Yoongi beside him and then switching to look at the same group I was looking at.
“You noticed!?” Jungkook suddenly whined, and I turned back with a knowing laugh bubbling to the surface of my lips.
“Yeah, those three were way too obvious and I knew you were acting weird.”
“He lost, we made a bet that he couldn’t make it through without getting shy or without blushing,” Taehyung explained, giggling at the defeated expression of the maknae who was groaning out a dry laugh and rolling around on the floor. I noticed his cheeks and ears turning a marvellous pinkish-red as we spoke.
“Now he owes us our next meals,” Jimin hummed, triumphant for winning but still seeming shocked over my unbidden actions. “How did you know? You could’ve helped him win.”
Jungkook sat up again.
“Yeah, why didn’t you help me? It was three against one!”
I hid my chuckle behind one hand, loving how funny this whole thing was. The other three hyungs who seemed out of the loop were now joining into the shenanigans too, but I figured they’d be used to random pranks being pulled around the dorm or studio every once in a while. Maybe even more often.
“You seemed too cocky and confident. I felt powerful, so I wanted you to lose. Sorry Kook-ah.”
He shook his head, glaring at me playfully before sighing a deep sigh and making sure his hoodie was fixed up properly.
“Well, you definitely won. You guys can’t blame me for that.”
The trio shook their heads fervently, and I burst into laughter at the scene. My mind wasn’t swimming as much as it had been about an hour ago, but I wasn’t completely all there yet. It seemed like a few others also weren’t, but Namjoon would soon have them sorted out.
“Alright guys, you know if we stay here too much longer we won’t be feeling great tomorrow. We have to be in good shape for our fans here in Japan, and for any ‘holidaying’ we want to do,” the leader said with a grunt as he got to his feet, collecting the beer bottles around him to throw away.
“You’re right, we don’t want Sejinnie-hyung to murder us.” Hoseok picked up his own bottle, sticking out his tongue and screwing up his face in disgust.
“I should get back too, I’m not even sure what I’ll be doing here yet,” I muttered, finally realising how my drinking actions tonight could have repercussions later down the track.
“Where’s your room? We should walk you.” Jimin smiled after collecting his own trash, but I shook my head softly.
“It’s just down the hall, thanks anyway. Tonight was great fun, it sucks we can’t let loose and go to clubs and parties together, but I hope we can have drinks again sometime.” I chuckled wickedly, moving to tie up my hair after finding the discarded hairband in a random corner.
“Definitely, I don’t think I’ve laughed so hard in one night for a while. It’s great to have you back,” Hoseok blinked his eyes in bewilderment, and Namjoon agreed wholeheartedly along with most of the others.
“It was funny watching, but I’d like to have something next time too,” Taehyung announced, weariness suddenly noticeable in the way his deep voice became a little croaky. I looked around to see all of them in various stages of sleepiness. Namjoon yawning, Jungkook rubbing at his eyes, Seokjin’s head slowly sinking forwards until he suddenly jerked himself awake.
I waved, earning a few more playful remarks and farewells before heading out to go to my own room. “All of you get some well-earned rest. I’ll see you in the morning chumps.” The air out in the hallway was crisper, and I breathed in heavily before turning on my heel.
I’m so happy spending time with them again. I love them too much. Separation was not a good idea after all. Plus, did I just actually fucking kiss them all!?
“Why were you in Seokjin-ssi’s room at this hour (Y/n)?”
Wait, that voice…
My heart skipped a beat as Soojin stood in front of me, her eyes calculating as she awaited my response. She was dressed more casually than I had ever seen her, but the most surprising thing was just her presence here in the empty hotel hallway. I didn’t think she’d be coming along on the tour too! I literally thought she was an assistant back with the company, not someone who managed on tours as well.
“Unni! I didn’t know you were coming to Japan. Actually, they’re all in there, we were just hanging out,” I spluttered, feeling like I was being judged all of a sudden. I guessed it did look pretty bad to anyone who didn’t know of my closeness to the boys, but I thought she would’ve known. She was Bang PD’s assistant after all.
“Yes, well I manage tours a few times a year depending on if it’s necessary or not. I would advise against ‘hanging out’ with them like this. You’re meant to be an interpreter and nothing more. There’s too much risk here.”
The dread and disappointment welled up inside me, because I did know all of this. I knew about my place, and I knew about the risks. These were things I had accepted and overcome as time had gone on, but here Soojin was planting those seeds of doubt all over again.
“I understand, I’ll head to my room thank you.” I dipped my head, eager to get out of the conversation and away from her piercing gaze.
“See that you do.”
I walked past as she entered her own room silently. It seemed it was terrible timing, because she must have been coming back from the bathroom or something just as I had left Seokjin’s room. It would’ve looked bad to her in every way imaginable, but I thought about how much better it would’ve been if I’d left the room just that little bit later or earlier.
I would have felt so much better not seeing her at all, because now I knew that this tour might turn out to be way more stressful than I had expected.
            Copyright © 2020 by salade. All rights reserved.  
tagged:  @joyful-jimin​​​, @l4life​​​, @gee-nee​​​, @m0chilattae​​​, @rossemayme​​, @doilooklikeinoe​​, @jeon-joker​​, @topthis808​​, @justyouraveragerando​​,@xcastielbabyangelface​​, @booklover240​​, @midnight1199​
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shijiujun · 4 years
[ENG] History3: Trapped Novel - Chapter Ten
~7,000 words 
Translation Masterpost can be found here
Disclaimer: Translations are entirely mine and Wei’s - these are not official translations and some phrases have been changed for better English interpretation so you’ll definitely see better/different translations elsewhere. Also keeping in mind when we translated this we aren’t exactly thinking about the style of writing and this translation is as close to the novel as we can make it XD So yes, some parts may be a little awkward to read. And yes some teeny weeny details and words may not turn up in the translation because the Chi to Eng mind acrobatics didn’t work out. If you see asterisks, scroll all the way to the bottom for notes!
Full chapter below the cut
*Note: I didn’t translate about 4 pages of the smut scene, it was taking me a little too long and I decided to drop it, so you’ll have to find alternative sources for that, but it doesn’t really impact the story much XD
Chapter Ten
Jiang Jin Tang walks towards Tang Yi who is seated on the bench, and sighs, “You look like you’re in worse shape than the one currently inside.”
“Is… Is he okay?”
“He’s not going to die anytime soon, but I severely suspect that Meng Shao Fei has issues elsewhere.”
Jin Tang, who usually speaks ill of others with ease, says, “His brain!”
Tang Yi glares at the man clad in a white doctor’s robe, and cannot be bothered to respond.
“That guy keeps getting hurt because of you, and he’s the one who actually got shot, but the first thing he does after waking up is to worry about you, if this isn’t brain damage, what else can it be?”
“Tang Yi, just because Meng Shao Fei didn’t die the first two times doesn’t mean he’ll be so fortunate the third time. I don’t want you to regret this for the rest of your life, so as your brother, there are still some things I have to say. Love is just like life itself. Sure it’s beautiful, but it can also disappear at any time, so if you treasure this relationship, you have to let go of that burden in your heart. You can’t keep putting him in a spot and making things difficult for him,” Jin Tang says, somber and patting Tang Yi firmly on the shoulder.
“Okay, hurry in and go see him! If anything else happens, just look for me.”
“Thank you.”
Jin Tang shakes his head and smiles, then picks his vibrating phone out from his pocket.
“Be good, Tang Tang! I’m now in Mali and once everyone in the team and the equipment arrive, we’ll set off. The first treasure I dig up I’ll show to you first, you can’t tell anyone, okay?”
As he watches the message Jiang Zhao Peng sent over, Jin Tang’s lips curve into an indulgent smile.
Inside the ward, Shao Fei, who has already woken up and heard the conversation outside, immediately rips off tubes linked to the machine monitoring his vital signs. He closes his eyes and pretends that he’s in a coma.
Tang Yi barely steps into the ward before the distress signal sounds, and the curved lines on the monitor screen visibly flatlines. Going white immediately, he rushes to the bed and just as he’s about to press the button to ask for help, the person lying in bed hugs him around his waist.
“You’re this worried about me?”
Tang Yi freezes in shock, and the hand reaching out for the button retracts. With a stern, angry look, he glares at Shao Fei, who is grinning and happy, “Aren’t you a little too happy for an injured person?”
“Aren’t you a little too angry for someone who’s my boyfriend?”
Still chuckling, Shao Fei pulls at Tang Yi’s sleeve, gesturing for him to sit at the side of his bed. Afraid that Shao Fei would tear out his stitches, Tang Yi does not dare resist and can only sit down, his bad mood apparent on his face. Shao Fei touches lightly at Tang Yi’s wrists where the metal handcuffs sit.
“Don’t be angry, it's a reflex for me to try and snatch a gun, or put myself in the way of a bullet. I’m a police officer, after all.”
“I’m angry at myself,” Tang Yi frowns, holding onto Shao Fei’s icy hands.
“Then it’s better for you to be angry at me! Even if we had to do this again, I would still do the same thing.”
“I know you’ve been trying to stop me from killing others.”
“That’s right. Li Zhen Jie said it before, revenge can only bring you temporary satisfaction, but the consequences you will face for your actions will haunt you for life, and it’ll cause pain to the people who love you.”
“That includes you?”
“Of course!” Shao Fei shoots Tang Yi a look out of the corner of his eye, and continues, “Let me ask you, why did you think Tang Guo Dong tasked you with reforming the gang?”
After a moment of silence, Tang Yi replies, “Lao Tang said he didn’t want the brothers to continue a life like this, where they wouldn’t know if they were going to live or die tomorrow. He wanted everyone to live normal lives.”
“And if you, as their leader, did something illegal, would your men still try to turn over a new leaf?”
Tang Yi stares at Shao Fei. He did not actually think this far.
“Tang Yi, revealing the truth to everyone, letting the culprit be punished under the law, that’s justice. That’s answering to the victims, but if you handle this on your own, all people will see is a gangster killing a cop, then what Zhou Guan Zhi did will be hidden forever. Is that what you want to see? Is this the Xing Tian Meng that Tang Guo Dong would have wanted to see?”
Tang Yi sighs, and says, “... I’ll hand He Hang over to the police.”
Shao Fei smiles as he looks at the man he’s so deeply in love with, waiting for him to continue.
“And Zhou Guan Zhi too.”
“Thank you, and…” Shao Fei reaches for Tang Yi’s face on his uninjured side, pressing close and kissing his lips.
Tang Yi’s eyes close as he accepts the kiss. It’s a kiss filled with gratitude, love and happiness.
Half a minute later, Shao Fei pulls back and gazes into Tang Yi’s open eyes. 
He says, “I love you!”
Knock knock.
Zhao Zi, who has been waiting for quite some time outside the hospital ward walks in. He looks at the man currently staring at Shao Fei, and reminds him, “Time’s up, Tang Yi, let’s go!”
He then takes out a jacket he prepared for this, covering Tang Yi’s hands to keep anyone from gossiping about his handcuffs if they see it while the both of them are walking out. However, Tang Yi simply shakes his head, standing up straight, and leaves the ward without turning back.
A room in a house
In an old, dilapidated room. Captain Shi sits in a corner looking at photos of his daughter in the wedding dress boutique on his phone. Two police officers in casual dress are guarding him nearby. One of them is scrolling through his phone, and the other one is resting with his eyes closed, seated on a chair with his arms crossed. 
A little while later, the doorbell rings. The man on his phone walks to the door, and lets the person on the other side of the door in after verifying his identity.
“Boss!” Shao Fei calls, wearing the $60,000 NTD suit he bought at Tang Yi’s store, in his hands a traditional wedding cake.
Captain Shi looks at the person who’s just come from a wedding eagerly, and asks, “How did it go?”
“You can see for yourself,” Shao Fei takes out his phone and plays the video he recorded of the wedding.
Slowly opening the banquet hall’s doors, the bride stands there alone without her father, a bouquet of flowers in her hands. Her makeup done up so beautifully, the woman glances down at the red carpet with red-rimmed eyes, pausing for a bit before looking up and smiling widely. She picks up her courage and takes the first step forward.
On both sides of the red carpet, her close friends scatter flower petals and pop party poppers, representing their well-wishes for the new couple. Under the eyes of the marriage officiant, the bridge and groom exchange rings, completing the wedding’s most important ritual.
Captain Shi looks at his daughter’s wedding video, and nods profusely with his eyes wet.
Shao Fei pulls a chair over so he’s sitting opposite Captain Shi, and places the wedding biscuits on the table. “Xiao Ya asked me to bring these to you, there’re biscuits, and also the tea you like to drink, and wedding photos.”
“Ah Fei… thank you…”
However, the man does not accept the gifts, as if afraid of dirtying the beauty and goodness of the moment with his hands that are awash with sin and guilt. Shao Fei looks at his Captain, who’s almost a shell of his usual self. 
The back of his nose burns as he says, “You and Li Zhen Jie have always been my role models and I have always believed in every single thing the both of you taught me. I remember the first day I joined the team, you told me that justice is just like lighting a lamp against the wind and police officers are the protectors of the lamp, so we have to be alert at all times. Because only when the lamp consistently lights up the path in front of us, can we then help others to walk down the correct path too. But you destroyed the person who was supposed to protect the lamp, tried to cover up the truth from four years ago and even allowed everyone to suspect Li Zhen Jie, and to point fingers at her.”
Captain Shi listens to the words he used to say, and lowers his gaze in remorse, “I know I don’t deserve your forgiveness. After all, having to choose between being a father and being a police officer, I selfishly chose to be a father.”
“Boss, do you regret it?”
The man shakes his head and replies bitterly, “When Ah Zhi told me four years ago that he killed Li Zhen and Tang Guo Dong, and destroyed the evidence after, I was relieved. If I didn’t have that sum of money that year, I wouldn’t have been able to see Xiao Ya on her wedding day.”
Captain Shi looks at Shao Fei and with a complicated expression, he says, “Ah Fei, I actually resented you.”
Shao Fei returns the man’s gaze, stunned at the revelation.
“When everyone was no longer interested in the case at all, you were the only one persisting in bothering Tang Yi, insistent on finding out the truth, as if you weren’t afraid of standing on your own against the rest of the world.”
“But you never once truly stopped me.”
“Because I wanted to see just how long you would last. I even hoped that when you had to choose between justice and obstruction to that, you would choose to give up. Then at least I could comfort myself in the knowledge that you and I, we aren’t so different after all,” Captain Shi says in a self-deprecating manner, raising his head to look at the impulsive young man who really has caused him quite a lot of trouble up until now.
“Aren’t I really bad? I’d fallen, and wished that the people around me would be just like me. I’m sorry, the Captain you admired is actually such a despicable man.”
“No! Boss, you’re not,” Shao Fei stares at Captain Shi resolutely, finally saying the words he wanted to, hidden away under the guilt he felt, because he blamed himself too. “You didn’t stop me because you were waiting too, no, even anticipating the moment I would find the truth and expose you and Zhou Guan Zhi. It’s true that between being a father and being a police officer, you chose to be a good father, but you didn’t give up on the other part of you, the part that’s a police officer.”
Faced with Shao Fei’s understanding, Captain Shi, who has been suppressing all his emotions, finally lets his tears run free as he sobs, covering his face.
“If Li Zhen Jie was still alive, I don’t think she would have hated you. Though she might have kicked your ass,” Shao Fei jokes deliberately, trying to lighten the melancholic atmosphere between them and rubbing at his nose, his face full of tears too.
Captain Shi looks at the man sitting in front of him and recalls his colleague, the woman who worked harder than any other man he knew. 
His shoulders shake slightly as he says, “She wouldn’t have just beat me up, but scolded me too. She would have scolded me for living like a coward…”
Outside the room, the rays of the setting sun eventually shine over the both of them, but in the corners where the sunlight could not reach, darkness still remains. 
Before their meeting ends and just as Shao Fei is about to leave, Captain Shi suddenly moves in front of him.
“Shao Fei, I’m leaving Team Three in your hands,” he says knowingly, patting at Shao Fei’s shoulder.
Tang Yi stands before a gravestone and stares at the music box on the ground, before pulling out his lighter and lighting a cigarette at the side. From afar, Chen Wen Hao walks over with a bouquet of flowers, and after seeing Tang Yi, he hesitates. Then he walks over to the grave and places the bouquet on the flat surface.
“Li Zhen, I’m sorry… All these years, I vented my anger and hate on Tang Guo Dong, hating him for causing me to end up in jail, hating him for not stopping you from aborting the baby and even suspecting that he liked you. That day was the first day of my release from prison, but I saw the both of you together. That was the first time in 24 years we were meeting, but I didn’t expect it to be the last…”
“When I was younger, I didn’t have much money and when I gave you flowers I could give you only one stalk. How sad was that? But you always smiled so happily, so I thought, if I could earn more money I would be able to buy more flowers to make you happy. I ended up walking the wrong path, and didn’t dare to let you know, so I lied to you instead.”
“If that year, I chose differently, would you not have left me then? The three of us, a family, would we have been able to live like normal families, having meals at the dining table? Maybe we wouldn’t have had much money, but we would have led a normal, stable life… we would have also been… happy…”
He finishes his sentence and falls silent, his face filled with tears as he cries.
It is said that every person has to face the consequences of the decisions they make. Then, the price he paid in his lifetime was really just too much, too much…
Tang Yi walks over to Chen Wen Hao’s side, and places the lighter before the gravestone. To the photo on the stone, he says, “After you gave me up for adoption, I ran away from home because of my relationship with my adoptive father, and then I was given a home by Tang-ye. He loved and doted on me as if I was his biological son. Don���t worry, I’ll continue reforming Xing Tian Meng. I believe that this is what you would have wanted to see, the you who spent your life fighting drug dealers.”
Chen Wen Hao supports himself on his knees as he gets up, and now that he knows the truth, he feels as if he’s aged in a flash. He is no longer the fearful, big drug lord, and no longer the vicious Chen-ye he was known for. He is merely an old man in his sixties, a man who’s finally seeing his own son - a father.
He takes out the thumb drive saved with the list of Xing Tian Meng members and business deals, handing it over to Tang Yi.
“This is something I bribed Jack to gather for me as I was plotting revenge against Tang Guo Dong. Every step I’ve taken in my life has turned out to be wrong, and even as I stand before my son, I don’t have the right to ask for his forgiveness.”
Tang Yi’s grip on the thumb drive tightens. He nods at the man before him respectfully, and with a complex expression he leaves the cemetery. At the stairs, however, his footsteps pause and Tang Yi covers his face as he sobs.
At Zhao Zi’s house
“What are you doing?” Zhao Zi asks in confusion, looking at Jack in surprise, who’s standing at his door with his small luggage.
“From today onwards, I’m moving in with you.”
Jack beams, picking up his bags and ready to walk in, but the owner of the house stops him with both arms spread wide open.
“Who said you could move in?”
“You did!” the red-haired man cocks his head to the side, and grins, “Didn’t you cry and ask me to stay?”
“Yes I did, but when I asked you to stay then, and this kind of staying… it’s different!”
After realizing all the things that Zhou Guan Zhi did, Zhao Zi was so depressed that he sat in the middle of a square with a bottle of beer and started sobbing. After hearing that Jack too, was going to leave and go somewhere else, he hugged him and began to sob even louder, shouting that he wanted Jack to stay at his side.
Jack sets his bags down and stalks towards Zhao Zi until he cages the man against the wall. Staring into his eyes, he says, “Do you know how much I gave up, just because you said that?”
The ambush in Cambodia, the deal he had with Yan Zheng Qiang*, the status and position he had in Xing Tian Meng, and so many opportunities from where he could have earned a lot of money. All of it, he abandoned without a second thought.
“So I’m now a pitiful bug who has no income and no home to return to, you have to be responsible and feed me well.”
“Huh?” Zhao Zi looks at the man who’s given up on everything, dumbfounded. “Wait, no, where’s your family?”
Jack’s expression goes still, and then speaking a half-truth of sorts, he answers, “How would someone like me, who lives in danger every single day, have any family left? No matter where I go, I’m alone, and it gets pretty lonely…”
Zhao Zi looks at this person, who also longs for someone to be at his side just like himself, and his resolve wavers.
“So just let me stay~ Not only will you have another person to share the bills with, but I can take over things like housework and the most important thing is…”
Jack, an ex-mercenary who has never let an opportunity to get the best deal in any situation go, takes the chance to persuade Zhao Zi, “My cooking is pretty delicious, no? As long as you let me stay, I promise you that I’ll take care of your three meals daily. How about that? Isn’t this a really good deal?”
Zhao Zi, a known glutton, swallows. He has to admit that the last point Jack made is the most tempting one. However, if Jack does everything, then what is he going to do?
“You don’t have to do everything in the house. Since it’s housework, everyone in the house has to contribute, that’s why it’s called housework.
“So…” Jack’s heart warms, and he immediately snatches a kiss from Zhao Zi. “Shorty, can I move in, and become a part of your family?”
“Hnn!” Zhao Zi nods seriously, biting at his bottom lip.
“Then let’s have our meals together, do housework together, you’ll take care of the odd days, and I’ll take the even days including Sunday.”
Just as Jack is preparing to swoop in for a kiss, his hands holding Zhao Zi’s face, they suddenly hear Zhao Zi’s stomach rumbling, and the romantic atmosphere dissipates immediately.
“Pfft, is it 6pm already?”
“Hnn….” Zhao Zi laughs sheepishly, rubbing at his stomach that is even more precise than a clock.
Jack pats him on the head, then moves towards the kitchen, “I’ll make you dinner right away. First, I’ll feed you, and then after… it’s your turn to feed me.”
“Wait! What do you mean, it’s my turn to feed you? Jack you better explain! Jack!”
The Tang manor
“Have you stared enough?” Tang Yi picks up his teacup and glares at a certain doctor, who’s staring at him incessantly.
“Not yet, I specially came over to see what it would look like, for an ice mountain to be melted by the power of love. Pfft, it’s practically like an antique that’s just been unearthed, of course I have to look at it a few times. But Meng Shao Fei is really something, because only he can fall in love with a boring hard shell like you, who doesn’t like to talk?”
However, Jin Tang, who is gleefully ribbing at the Xing Tian Meng leader in an unusual turn of events, is quickly defeated in the next second with Tang Yi’s words.
“I didn’t think you would have the time to talk rubbish here with me.”
“What do you mean?”
“Andy didn’t tell you?”
Jin Tang frowns, sensing some conspiracy in the air, “He didn’t tell me what?”
“Andy got some news today and told me that there’s a British man in the archaeological group who’s clinging onto your Xiao Shu Gong, and he even insists on squeezing in the same tent as him every night to sleep.”
Jin Tang snaps to his feet in shock and the usually gentle and composed man turns to Tang Yi with ferocity in his eyes. He glares at Tang Yi, “Fuck, why did you only just tell me this?!”
“I thought you already knew.”
“Damn it!” the man cursed, taking out his phone and calling his secretary. He says anxiously, “Book a flight for me to Mali right now… Of course I know there’s no direct flight there, why would I have called you otherwise? Settle this in the next hour, I want to get to my destination in the shortest time possible.”
After delegating the task to his secretary, Jin Tang hangs up and glares at Tang Yi again, huffing in anger, “What are you looking at! Have you never seen me angry?”
“I see you angry rather often, but I’ve never seen you jealous. It’s just like an antique that’s just been unearthed and it really does deserve a few more looks from me.”
The words he used to tease Tang Yi earlier are now being used back on him, word for word, and Jin Tang doesn’t know whether to laugh or cry. In the end he puts up his middle finger and says, “Fine, you’re ruthless, teasing me like this.”
“It’s true that you have to wait in relationships, but if you always bury what you are truly thinking deep in your heart, the other person will never know how you feel. I don’t want to see you end up like that.”
Jin Tang looks at Tang Yi, stunned. His lips then curve in a smile, “I really didn’t expect to hear such deep thoughts from you.”
“I didn’t expect to think this way either.”
“But it’s good that you’re like this, you’re finally looking more like a human.”
“If you need any help from me, just let me know, don’t be shy.”
“Don’t worry! I definitely won’t stand on ceremony with you.”
Both men raised their teacups and smiled at each other. In the other’s eyes, they could see the vibrance of happiness shining through.
Outside the police station
Tang Yi has just parked his car in front of the station, and suddenly a huge motorbike zooms past the side of his car, then emergency brakes.
“Ah, what a coincidence, hi ex-boss,” Jack greets with a harmless, innocent smile as he takes off his helmet and reveals a mop of eye-catching red hair.
Tang Yi alights his car and looks at Jack coldly, “You resigned for another reason, didn’t you?”
“I didn’t,” Jack hangs his helmet on the handles and shrugs, “I just happened to find the life I want to live, there’s no other reason for it.”
At the same time, Shao Fei walks out from the station building, and looking at the guy seated on the bike, he says, “What are you doing here?”
“Please, even you guys are lovingly fetching each other from work, isn’t it normal for me to wait for someone to get off work too?”
Looking at Jack’s face, Tang Yi quickly changes the subject and says, “Chen Wen Hao told me that you used me to get access to Xing Tian Meng’s confidential documents, so previously, when you tried to assassinate me and failed, and was subsequently bribed by me, that was fake too?”
Jack’s expression stills, and knowing that he cannot continue to deceive him, the man regains his composure. He admits, “It was planned. Following you at your side was also so I could get information, but you still managed to get the thumb drive back, didn’t you?”
“Did you think I would let it go like that?”
Tang Yi will show no mercy to the people who have used him.
Jack forces a smile and says, “Let bygones be bygones. I had my own difficulties too. And to protect the happiness I managed to get after so much hardship, I’m afraid I would have to do something to you.”
“What do you mean?”
Shao Fei can feel the murderous intent coming off Jack as he speaks, and immediately moves to stand between both men, pushing Tang Yi behind him protectively.
“Nothing, I just want to remind my ex-boss that there is only interest between people and no real feelings or relationships. I have to lie in order to attain my goal, so we shouldn’t concern ourselves with these small things, don’t you think?” Jack shrugs again and bats his eyelids at Tang Yi.
Just as he does that, he hears another voice sounding from behind him, “So between you and me, we’re just using each other as well, there aren’t any real feelings?”
He sees Zhao Zi’s upset expression the second he turns his head around, and immediately shakes his head, denying, “No. I didn’t, shorty, listen to me!”
“Ah Fei, I’m staying at your place today,” Zhao Zi glares at Jack and walks over to Shao Fei to put some distance between him and the red-haired asshole.
“I object!”
“Overruled! Ah Fei I’m going with you.”
“You’re not allowed! We’re going home.”
“I don’t want to!”
Jack knows that it’s inconvenient to have this conversation right outside the police station, and so he decides to simply carry Zhao Zi and put him on the bike instead.
“Wah- Ah Fei, save me!”
“If you don’t want to die, then don’t interfere!” Jack glares at Shao Fei who’s intending to stop him.
With one hand around Zhao Zi’s waist and the other securing a knot around Zhao Zi’s waist with the jacket around Jack’s middle, he ties Zhao Zi to him. Then he slams his foot down on the accelerator and leaves the precinct quickly.
“Ah Fei! Ah Fei save me, Ah Fei!”
And the cries for help fade away as the bike goes further, and further.
Shao Fei stares at his good friend being kidnapped right outside of the station and it takes him a long while to break out of his trance. Pointing in the direction that Jack and Zhao Zi left in, he asks the Xing Tian Meng leader next to him who’s smiling mysteriously, “When did the both of them get together?”
“Who knows?”
“Hey! You were finding trouble with Jack deliberately earlier, right?”
“He’s a talent, but unfortunately there’s no leash that can hold him, so I obviously had to teach him a lesson. Only then can we use him in the future.”
“Don’t tell me you still want him to work for you”?
Tang Yi laughs and lets the silence speak for itself. Shao Fei gapes at Tang Yi, looking at this handsome but incredibly scheming man.
At Zhao Zi’s house
“Let me go!”
Jack takes advantage of his height to secure Zhao Zi over his shoulders in a fireman’s lift, and only after they’ve entered through the gates and the door does he put Zhao Zi back on the ground.
“Don’t be angry, listen to me-”
“I don’t want to! I don’t want to be used by you!” Zhao Zi presses his hands over his ears, even lifting his leg to kick at the other’s calf bone.
Despite being so skilled at fighting, Jack does not move or retaliate, only tolerating the pain and pulling the angry person before him into his embrace. At the same time, he pinches at Zhao Zi’s chin and angles his head up, forcing a kiss on Zhao Zi.
“Mmm…. mmm…. Go away!” Zhao Zi pushes Jack away for forcing the kiss on him, his eyes red as he glares at him.
“Zhao Li An! Listen to me!”
It’s Jack’s first time seeing the shorty this furious, and even though Zhao Zi’s eyes hold no plausible threat to him, Jack is still properly startled and all he can do is carry Zhao Zi to the counter, trapping him against it.
Zhao Zi stares at Jack in shock. This is the first time Jack has been so fierce to him.
“I won’t explain myself for what I did in the past. I admit that in this time, there were both truths and lies in the things I said to you, but I’ve never used you! Never!”
“How do I know what you’re saying are truths, and which are lies? Even the Chief I really trusted, even the senior who was so important to me, these people I can’t even trust. Why should I trust you?”
What happened with Captain Shi and Zhou Guan Zhi dealt Zhao Zi a heavy blow, and he even doubted himself, was it him who was naive and had too much faith in human nature? Does he have the right to be a police officer, even? Why is it that the Captain and colleague he had meals with every day, both had other sides to them that he missed?
Jack looks at his shorty who has lost control over his emotions, and emphasizes, “You don’t have to believe in everything else, but there are two things that you have to believe in.”
“What two things?”
“The first is, I like you.”
“Second, I stayed because of you. These two things, you better remember them clearly in your heart!”
Zhao Zi looks at Jack with wide eyes and listens as Jack continues to confess to him.
“In the beginning, I was just curious about you, wondering how you could be both so naive and lustful.”
“I’m not!”
“You are, and you even touched me.”
“You’re the one who wanted me to touch!”
“Whatever, anyway, I was totally attracted to you. This is the first time I’ve cared so much about someone else, worried that if I’m not around, are you having your meals properly, worrying if you are lonely by yourself at home, worrying if you are crying in a place I don’t know… So I decided to stay, because I didn’t want to leave you!”
Zhao Zi, seated on the counter, blinks and rubs at his nose. Somehow, everything that Jack is saying strikes all his pain points and he feels like crying.
“If you still don’t believe me, and if you still want me to go, I’ll go. But you have to be prepared, because the moment I leave, you’ll never see me again.”
“You’re lying to me again, right?”
“No, I’m serious. So you have to make the decision. Do you want me to go? Or do you want me to stay?”
Jack waits for Zhao Zi’s answer anxiously. This is the first time he is so uncertain about what he’s doing. However, Zhao Zi continues to look downwards, biting at his lips and refusing to speak. Taking Zhao Zi’s silence for rejection, Jack’s shoulders drop in disappointment.
“Forget it, I’ll go…”
The moment he says that, Jack hears the reply he’s been waiting for.
“Really? You want me to stay? Why?”
“Because…” Zhao Zi’s ears go hot, and he says in a small voice, “I like you.”
The ends of Jack’s mouth curve, and then he’s kissing Zhao Zi’s lips hard.
“Mmmff, Jack... “
Zhao Zi, who was teased by Shao Fei for being single all his life, now realizes that kisses aren’t just like bland honey water, but a really, really sweet chocolate pie that is enough to make his legs go weak. Through the hands cupping the sides of his face, Zhao Zi can feel Jack’s body warmth, and also the way Jack’s fingertips are trembling, just that little bit.
It seems that even for Jack, who always seems to have everything under control and doesn’t understand the meaning of fear, there are also times where he feels insecure. It’s not only just Zhao Zi who is afraid of being rejected.
“What is it?”
As Zhao Zi is trying to hold his laughter in, his shoulders shake so much that Jack notices, and so Jack pulls Zhao Zi over to look at the giggling shorty.
“So you were actually so afraid of me rejecting you?” Zhao Zi stares at Jack, exposing the thoughts the other man was trying to conceal.
The red-haired man pretends to be angry and glares at Zhao Zi, but his eyes are full of adoration as he looks at the source of happiness that the heavens has finally put into his grasp. And only before this person, Jack has no need to lie or hide.
“I was very afraid.”
“Because I didn’t know how I could go back to being the person I was before.”
Jack was once obsessed with the thrill that uncertainty could bring, because he was very confident of his own abilities. As long as he worked hard, he could always obtain the things he wanted. However, with love, he could not be sure of how much Zhao Zi liked him, and there was no guarantee that even with his best efforts, that Zhao Zi would return his affections.
Moreover, once he experienced not having to pretend in front of someone else and letting go of all his defenses, much less having to lie to them, he no longer wants to put his armour back on and go back to the battlefield, where he can trust no one else but himself.
Zhao Zi nods, and then angles his head upwards to look at the man who’s much taller than he is. He says, “I understand, because since you came into my life, I feel like being alone at home is so lonely! It’s not as if I didn’t stay alone before, but now even when I eat, it doesn’t taste as good as when I eat with you, it’s not like…”
“It’s not like the food isn’t exactly the same,” Jack continues for him with a smile.
“Hnn! It really, really is like that.”
“Hold on! Shorty, don’t tell me you realized you like me because you found that the food you were eating tasted bad?”
If that really is the case, then he will be jealous of every food item that ranks before him in the shorty’s heart.
“Of course! What about you? When did you start liking me?”
“I’m not going to tell you.”
“Hey! How can you be like this, it’s not fair, I told you my answer!”
“You really want to know?”
“I do.”
Jack suddenly picks Zhao Zi up in his arms and walks over to the dining table next to them, putting the shorty on the surface of the table. Then he begins to unbutton Zhao Zi’s shirt.
“Let me eat first, and then I’ll tell you the answer.”
Zhao Zi’s face turns hot, and he looks down, shy, “If you’re hungry… then… then go have supper…”
His smile oozing charm, Jack turns to the side and steals a kiss from the corner of Zhao Zi’s lips, “My supper is you - Zhao. Li. An!”
“But I’m not tasty.”
“Tasty or not, I’ll let you know what I think after I’ve eaten, so… let me first take off the packaging.”
“Shhh!” Jack smirks, then presses his face against the side of Zhao Zi’s ear and says softly, “Didn’t your grandma teach you, when someone is eating you, you’re not supposed to talk?”
“No,” the honest and innocent Zhao Zi answers after actually considering the question. He shakes his head and clarifies, “Why can’t I talk?”
Fingers unbutton the last of the buttons on the shirt and Jack’s hands guide Zhao Zi’s arms out of the shirt’s sleeves. When Zhao Zi is finally half naked seated on the dining table, Jack continues, “Because when other people are busy ‘eating’ you, all you need to do is to moan nicely.”
Suddenly, Jack crouches down and moves towards the soft bumps on Zhao Zi’s chest, then bites down on one.
Startled, Zhao Zi glares at Jack. No one has ever done this to his nipples. Jack is lightly biting on them. It stings a little, but more than that, whatever he is feeling right now he feels it strongly, but is unable to put into words.
“Hmm?” Jack responds to Zhao Zi who is experiencing this for the first time, in a deep, nasal tone.
“It’s… It’s so weird…” 
Not only is Zhao Zi’s face hot now, both of his ears are scalding hot too.
“It’s tasty,” the person with his head bent low mumbles, and then Jack begins to tease at the hard nipple he was lightly biting at with the tip of his tongue.
It feels really weird. Not only does the area where Jack is attacking feels weird, even a more embarrassing part of him is beginning to rise, and he’s feeling both uncomfortable and good at the same time.
Jack grins and enjoys the way Zhao Zi is reacting to him. He releases the pressure on Zhao Zi’s chest and the moment Zhao Zi relaxes, Jack immediately goes after the other nipple, continuing to use his teeth and tongue to bully the pitiful and soft little thing.
“Ah-hah… Jack!”
Angling his eyes downwards Zhao Zi can now clearly see the bumps shining with spit, and the usually soft area is now both red and hard from Jack’s ministrations. Even the soft tip has swollen into a little ball.**
“So delicious,” Jack finally looks up to appreciate his work.
“Look! It’s so red now!”
Zhao Zi looks down at his chest, and both his left and right sides have been bitten until they’re both red and swollen, and it feels itchy too. He cannot resist but scratch at the bumps, but then he hears Jack swallow and make a ‘sssss’ sound.
“What’s wrong?”
“Shorty, it seems that I’ve underestimated you, after all.”
Jack then grabs onto the bewildered man’s hand, dragging it to the lower half of his body. That’s when Zhao Zi realizes, where the denim is hugging taut around something, Jack’s member is obviously hard.
Zhao Zi is too embarrassed to continue speaking, and the skin from his face all the way to his neck flushes entirely red.
“It’s all your fault, so you better take responsibility.”
“This is the first time I’ve gotten so hard so quickly, and…”Jack smirks and moves to Zhao Zi’s ear, and with a warm exhale, he continues, “And wet.”
[I’m skipping the rest of the smut scene! Sorry guys think you’ll have to find alternative sources for the translation of this part.]
“So tired…” Zhao Zi pants as he lies on the wooden dining table. Looking at Jack who’s pressing down on him, he grins, silly.
“What is it?”
“Am I… tasty?”
“You are. You are very tasty,” Jack grins and gives Zhao Zi his highest compliments.
Jack then carries his lover to the second floor and helps Zhao Zi to wash away the remnants of their lovemaking, before putting him on their bed.
“Hey… Will you still leave next time?”
“Since you’ve asked me to stay with so much passion, I wouldn’t be a man if I left you,” Jack’s hands move over Zhao Zi’s body under the blankets covering the both of them.
“Don’t… I’m so tired…”
Zhao Zi dives into Jack’s embrace, closing his eyes. Staring at Zhao Zi’s face, Jack looks as if he’s about to confess to him again.
“I’ve never thought so much about anything, until I met you. In the past, I always thought that settling down was such a boring thing as that kind of life would be stagnant without change, and only thrill and excitement could fulfill me, could make me feel alive. You made me realize that a normal life is happiness, so… shorty, be prepared! Don’t you ever think of leaving me.”
Jack presses a kiss to Zhao Zi’s forehead, and softly says, “Goodnight.”
He doesn’t realize that Zhao Zi hasn’t fallen asleep. The shorty smiles happily and sinks into his dreams.
Outside the courthouse
Shao Fei holds onto Tang Yi’s hand before the courthouse, and ignoring the looks of everyone around them, gazes at Tang Yi.
“After you go in, don’t refuse to talk to people.”
“Why are you saying this for no reason?”
“If people talk to you, don’t just keep quiet, and don’t ignore them.”
It was a different society in prison with its own laws and rules, and Shao Fei didn’t want Tang Yi to have any accidents inside.
“Hnn,” Tang Yi agrees, nodding.
“You’re no longer the boss when you go in, and I know you will find it hard to get used to, but tolerate it. If you don’t cause any trouble, you’ll be out in no time.”
“I’ll come see you every week, if you’ve got anything you need, let me know.”
“And one last thing…”
Shao Fei chuckles, and says, “Don’t miss me too much.”
“Sorry, this is the only thing I cannot do.”
Hugging the lover he’s about to separate from tightly, Tang Yi suddenly feels anxious.
“Don’t worry, I’ll wait for you on the outside, no matter how long you’re in there for,” Shao Fei promises, tearing through Tang Yi’s facade of calm as he pushes himself away from Tang Yi’s chest, looking into the eyes of the man who’s about to serve his sentence.
“I’m not worried about this.”
“Please, you are obviously so concerned about this.”
“You’re the only person in the world who thinks so.”
“That’s right! Because I’m the only one who understands you, so…” Shao Fei smiles, and using the words he said to Tang Yi in that dilapidated house in the mountains, he continues, “I’ll keep watching you.”
“You’ll keep watching me?” Tang Yi finally smiles, recalling the night they were hiding on the mountains as he stares at Shao Fei.
“Yes! I’ll keep my eyes on you always, both of them!”
Still smiling, Tang Yi kisses Shao Fei one last time, before turning and walking towards the courthouse.
“Tang Yi!”
Tang Yi pauses in his footsteps, but doesn’t dare to turn back.
“I’ll miss you.”
Again, Tang Yi moves forward and walks into the courthouse with determination, prepared to face the sentence that is waiting for him.
Facing a future where he is no longer alone!
*Yan Zheng Qiang is the name of the Interpol chief, you know the one that scolded Shao Fei and then colluded with Jack by the riverside?
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Complexities Unknowable- Chapter Six
Ao3,    1     2     3     4     5    7,  MasterPost
Relationships: Deintruality, background Analogince
This is crazy long. But I like this one. Also, second to last chapter! Also also, i mention spinny hugs three whole times because I miss Hugs. I miss them. 
Warnings: Cursing, food mention, brief angst/arguing, someone digs their nails into their skin but like unintentionally, crying, Remus-typical jokes and comments (he has some pretty violent thoughts directed towards roman), very very brief alcohol mention (wine, cuz Jan’s Like That), uhhh lots and lots of hugging and fluff. And Janus is still called Deceit, for continuity reasons. lmk if I missed something.
Word Count: 3,657
Patton did end up visiting them- albeit several hours later. Deceit wasn’t quite sure how he felt as he watched Morality make himself at home in The Subconscious living room, but he was leaning towards happy. 
Though ‘make himself at home’, was a tad of a stretch, given all his uncomfortable fidgeting. Deceit could taste that there was something he wasn’t saying, but he didn’t have to wait long to see what it was.
“I- um- I brought you guys something-”
Of course he had.
“-as an apology.”
Wait, what?
Remus’ head shot up from where he was sifting through dvds, flashing Deceit a smug grin. Patton didn’t seem to notice as he elaborated.
“You guys have been so nice to me lately, even after I, uh, didn't exactly respect you as much as I should have. I didn’t give you enough credit for what you two contribute, and that was my bad, so here!” He waved his hand and an enormous, neatly folded quilt dropped into his lap. He stood from the couch, struggling to unfurl it.
Deceit’s eyes were saucers. The blanket was a spiral of triangles of lime green, pale yellow, and baby blue fabric. At its edges were small patches of violet, indigo, and red, along with a gray border and a large black circle in the middle of the spiral. Within that circle was the word ‘Family’, embroidered in vibrant rainbow colors.
“It’s okay if you can’t forgive me right away, but I just wanted you to know that you guys are part of my family now, as far as I’m concerned, and I-”
Remus threw himself at Patton with full-force, picking up the much taller side and twirling him around in what looked to be a crushing hug. Deceit remained silent and caught the quilt as it was flung from the two-side tornado. It was soft, smooth, warm. 
“When did you… how did you have the time to make this?”
Morality’s face was flushed and he laughed, bright and airy, as Remus finally let him down. 
“That’s what took me so long to get here! You guys invited me over, and I didn’t want to show up empty-handed. I know I’m not the most artistic, but I think I’m pretty good at sewing.”
He’d spent hours making them a quilt- by hand, when he could just have conjured it- so he could offer them this olive branch. After everything. Deceit was choked up, but he wasn’t sure which emotions in specific were clogging his throat. His voice didn’t sound like his when he spoke.
“I am also sorry!” So it was a little stilted, cut him some slack! It was hard to focus on being well-spoken and not lying at the same time,  “You are- No, you aren’t- solely at fault for our not at all strained relationship.” 
“What?” Patton didn’t seem to comprehend. Remus, who looked disgustingly proud of Deceit, translated for him.
“He’s saying that we’re also sorry for being giant cunts, thanks for the neat blanket, and let’s call it even?” 
The snake nodded in agreement. 
Patton’s eyes grew wide and his smile faded, leaving behind soft surprise. He clearly hadn’t expected any sort of forgiveness, which was both saddening and admirable. He was just a living teddy bear, wasn’t he?
With an exaggerated groan, Deceit placed the quilt to the side and stood, opening his arms. Remus cheered and caught him around the waist with his arm, pulling all three of them together for a tangled group hug. Deceit pretended to hate it, but it was very hard to.
After the two extremely affectionate traits finally got tired of squeezing the life out of him, Deceit extricated himself and determinedly ignored how hot his face had gotten. He curled up on the couch and held the bundled quilt to his chest protectively. Patton and Remus worked together to settle on a movie before joining him. The latter leaned in very close, whispering right against Deceit’s ear. 
“You think we can convince him into a threesome?”
Deceit turned the volume up twenty notches and sat next to Patton for the rest of the movie, out of spite.
It was hardly the last time Patton visited them. Deceit probably should have expected the clinginess from him, popping in daily to tell them about the latest happenings in The Conscious or show them a “““funny””” meme he’d seen on Facebook. Once that door of camaraderie had opened just a crack, the moral trait had enthusiastically torn it off its proverbial hinges. And the oddest thing was how little Deceit minded. 
Patton was, in many ways, like Remus. Energetic, imaginative, affectionate, and containing depths of emotions that you’d never guess he had at first glance. Some days, Morality would run in with bright markers and an even brighter smile to have Remus to teach him new art techniques. Other times, he’d shuffle to Deceit’s door late at night, eyes bloodshot, asking whisper-quiet for a cup of tea and to spend some time together. Those nights in particular stuck with the lying trait, when he would watch Patton’s expression slowly lighten as they chatted together, talking about everything and nothing.
Another bonus of all that had happened Logan, who had now become a friend to the former Dark Sides (Deceit was very thankful to be able to chat with someone else who was Competent). Never had Deceit been so glad that he was wrong about someone!
But, as he’d quietly admitted to both Morality and Logic just a couple nights ago, there was something missing. He hadn’t elaborated, but apparently he hadn’t needed to. Leading them to now.
When Remus and Deceit had been invited for breakfast that morning, they’d of course agreed (you just can’t say no to Patton’s puppy eyes), but they were quickly abandoned with Roman and Virgil by the two bespectacled sides. The blue-hued traits supposedly had a surprise and would be right back, but Deceit could taste the lie. Yet, constrained as he was by the societal expectation to not freak the fuck out when things didn’t go the way he liked, he waited patiently while refusing to make eye-contact with Anxiety.
But then his good-for-nothing despicable traitor of a boyfriend stood up.
“I’ll be right back, I’m going to go stand in the kitchen and wait for things to be less awkward!”
Roman, similarly the worst, jumped to his feet as well.
“And I left the stove on!” 
So now he was just. Staring at his ex-best friend. Which was fine. 
He took a sip of his drink.
“Are you drinking wine at nine in the morning?” Virgil asked suddenly. Deceit looked down at his own drink, then towards the identical wineglass sitting by the other’s plate. 
“Yes? Aren’t you?”
“This is apple juice,” he held the glass up and swirled it, earning a snicker from Deceit. 
“Why are you drinking apple juice from a wine glass?” 
“Why are you drinking wine at nine in the morning?” 
He jerked his thumb in the direction of the kitchen, brow raised in a silent explanation: I’ve got that one, remember? Virgil nodded solemnly, a smile playing at his lips. With that minuscule, vaguely pleasant interaction, they returned to silence.
“Patton sure is taking his sweet time,” Deceit thought it only fair that he be the one to break the quiet this time, just so they were even.
“Something tells me it’s gonna be a lot longer. It’s kinda obvious what he’s doing.”
“Mm. Subtlety is not one of his virtues. It’s a nice gesture, though,” the lack of hostility in the conversation was beginning to irk him. It was almost nice. God, he’d missed it, he hated how he’d missed it.
“Yeah…” Virgil glanced away and shifted in his seat, “Yeah. He’s nice.”
“I agree.”
“Look,” the anxious side set his glass down, “Pat’s my best friend, so I’m doing this for him. I think he’s been kinda lonely lately, and I feel... responsible. Like, he’s not into me or Ro and Lo, and we aren’t either, but it’s- it’s not the same now, the four of us. And it’s pretty obvious that you guys make him happy- he talks about you all the time- so I’m giving you this one chance. Don’t fuck it up, and don’t you dare hurt him.”
Deceit blinked, blindsided. Sincerity got to him, it got under his skin and tore apart his quick wit like it was paper. He had to clear his throat a couple of times before any actual words came to him.
“I won’t repeat my past mistakes. I-” he nearly shuddered, “I promise it.”
Virgil seemed appeased, his expression easing into something more familiar (painfully familiar and new all at once). His lips quirked up in a smug smirk.
“Good. Didn’t wanna have to nudge you down a staircase, anyway.” 
Deceit chuckled. From there, the conversation flowed almost naturally. It wasn’t like old times. Maybe that was a good thing. It wasn’t quite friendly, not yet, but there was an impression. If he played his cards right, if he stayed genuine, then it would be. Soon. And that was enough for now.
Remus scrambled to the top of the fridge and loomed over his brother. He was, for once, not the first to talk. 
“So we wait it out in here until Sherlock and Watson get back from whatever it is that they’re pretending to do-”
“Which is when Snakey and Virgey kiss and make up-”
“Which will be never,” Roman concluded, sitting on the counter. He idly smoothed down his already meticulously styled hair (vain bitch). Remus picked a flea from his own scalp and flicked it at him spitefully, but it went unnoticed. Just like everything he did. 
“I don’t know why they couldn’t have let me in on their little scheme, I shouldn’t have to be between that situation.”
Remus laughed wickedly, a noise with very little mirth and a whole lot of frustration. 
“Mhm, yeah- you’re just a saint, getting along with everybody! You haven’t got a single problem to work out!”
“I didn’t say that,” Roman replied indignantly, “I know that Deceit and I don’t have a great history, but we get along fine now.”
Unbelievable. No- it was completely fucking believable! Remus should just hit him, tear his arms off and beat him with them, pull out the ol’ morning star and smash his brother’s skull in. How stupid he’d been to think that this could be fixed. Roman was impossible. No matter how hard Remus tried, he’d never get anywhere, no matter how supportive Patton was.
“Whoah, you okay?”
The Duke blinked, staring down at the angry, crescent-shaped marks that he’d clawed into his arms unknowingly. He tilted his head to stare at the other Creativity. 
“Not really, no!” 
Roman seemed taken aback. He leaned up and rested his arms on top of the fridge beside Remus.
“Don’t let Patton see you do that, he’ll have a fit,” he joked, reaching up to grab Remus’ hands. The Intrusive trait scrambled away to the other edge of the appliance.
“Don’t tell me what to do, and don’t pretend to care about what I do!” 
“What? What are you-” Roman cut himself off, his face clouding with realization, “Oh.”
“What is it now?” 
“I- I’m supposed to talk to you, aren’t I?” 
Remus stared at him for a long, thoughtful moment. He then erupted into cackles, spitting laughs out like it was the only thing stopping him from breaking down (it was). 
“Oh, whatever. Don’t pretend you don’t hate me just for Patty’s sake.”
Roman hopped off the counter, standing in front of the fridge with arms crossed. He looked angry- but not angry at Remus? That was new. New and weird. 
“You think I hate you?”
“I know you hate me, Roro,” he pulled himself to the edge of his platform, swinging his legs out in front of him. 
“Do you hate me?”
Remus wasn’t quite sure how to answer that one. It was fine, because Roman didn’t wait for a response anyway.
“Get down here.”
“Why should I?” 
“So I can- so we can- Ugh, just get down!”
The Duke got down. Curiosity killed the cat, after all (or the cephalopod, as the case may be). 
Once within his reach, Roman threw his arms open and wrapped Remus up in a fierce hug.
Remus swayed, suddenly very dizzy. Was the world always this blurry? No, no, maybe he was crying? Or maybe he’d gone blind? It didn’t matter either way, all that mattered was that someone was hugging him. Willingly. 
“You’re my brother,” Roman hissed,  “You annoy the hell out of me. And we don’t get along much. And we fight, a lot, but it wasn’t ever anything more than that. I didn’t mean for it to be more than that. You’re my brother-”
“You already mentioned that part-”
He shushed.
“I don’t hate you. How could I?”
Oh. Well. Hm. That changed things.
Remus’ awareness jolted back into him then. He lifted Roman off the ground with ease and spun around in wide circles, smiling with all of his teeth (which said a lot; he had quite the array of teeth). He held on like his brother would disappear if he let go, conjuring more limbs for the express purpose of holding on tighter.
“Yeah, bro?” his voice was giddy, and distinctly wobbly, but that was irrelevant. He spun again.
“I- I’m very glad that we’re having this bonding moment, but I think you broke my ribs.”
“Oh, oops,” Remus let go immediately, dropping Roman to the floor. He offered a shrug in apology.
“Oh yeah, I don’t hate you either, by the way.”
“I assumed so,” Roman wheezed, using the counter to pull himself back to his feet. He gave Remus a lopsided smile.
“It’s good we don’t hate each other. Now I don’t have to knock you out whenever I wanna hang out with Patty.”
“Yeah, that is a relief.”
“Wow, we’re good at this whole reconciliation thing! Let’s go rub it in Vee and Dee’s emotionally constipated faces!” In mere minutes Remus already forgot what being sad felt like. Life was good and he had no problems anymore! 
“We probably should make sure they haven’t killed each other,” Roman held a hand out, which Remus grabbed gleefully.
“Ugh! Why are you always sticky?!”
“Do you really want the answer to that?”
“Abso-fucking-lutely not.”
They returned to the dining room, hand-in-hand, only to find their respective boyfriends having a perfectly civil conversation. 
‘Coincidentally’, as soon as Remus and Roman resumed their places at the table, Patton and Logan rose up with an enormous stack of stunningly fluffy pancakes. They shared a secretive smile- as though they genuinely believed that nobody knew what they’d done. Deceit didn’t correct them, but only because he hardly wanted to admit that they’d been successful (maybe it was just him that was bad at making plans; everybody else seemed to have it down). 
Breakfast was short. Deceit could’ve just finished eating a five course meal and he’d still find it hard not to wolf down Patton’s cooking, especially his breakfast food.
And naturally, Deceit offered to help clean up, which had also been a quick task. He’d just dried his hands and flashed Morality a small smirk, turning to leave. He didn’t get far before Remus grabbed his arm and swung them both back into the kitchen. 
“Before we leave, aren’t we forgetting something, DeeDee?” 
Patton set down the last plate and shot them a confused look.
“I haven’t the slightest clue what you mean, dearest,” Deceit claimed, pointedly not looking at either of them. Patton was growing progressively more bemused.
“Did you lose something again, Re?” 
“I haven’t, but Dee seems to have lost his manners.”
The dishonest trait threw his arms up and groaned. If he was only a tad less in love, he’d have decked that look off of Remus’ face.
“Alright! Patton, from the bottom of my heart, thank you!”
“What are we thanking him for?” Remus needled.
“Everything,” he’d intended it to come out biting and sarcastic, and was disgusted to find his voice laced with sincerity, of all things! 
There was most certainly an adoring, proud look on Patton’s face. He was looking away, he did not see it. 
“Oh, you two,” he still heard him though, rambling on, “It was just the least I could do!” 
Remus made a noise. It was loud and completely unintelligible, but with a general air of happiness. And, for what was very much not the first time, Deceit was crushed in an over-enthusiastic threeway hug with no means of escape. He hissed, the noise dying on his lips as soon as he saw the wide and excited grins on both Patton and Remus’ faces that were very, very close. 
Morality really had done something amazing for them- something that Deceit had hoped for for ages. Now the side just looked so happy with himself, with what he’d done, and with them.
Deceit looked between Remus and Patton. 
The human half of his face was burning. 
He looked again, just to be sure. 
Those were definitely the same feelings, huh? Oh fuck. 
“You guys are just too much,” Patton laughed, clearly unaware of Deceit’s impending emotional crisis. His hold around Deceit’s waist had tightened, and with little warning, both him and Remus were no longer on the ground.
The former Dark Sides caught eyes. The red of Remus’ face contrasted dramatically with the green of his apparel. 
Double fuck. 
Patton had clearly mistaken their stunned silence as uncomfortableness, letting them down gently and stepping back.
“Sorry, I got a little carried away.”
“It’s fine!” Was Deceit’s voice always that shrill?
“Yeah, don’t worry about it! But we have to go, right now- important, mysterious things to do! You know us, pure villainy!”
“Yes, that, what he said!”
They sunk out.
It was quiet as they appeared in The Subconscious. Remus looked at his boyfriend. Deceit was staring back, but his mind was very clearly miles elsewhere.
“So. We should maybe talk about that.”
The trait opened his mouth to speak, still looking rather dazed, but Remus interrupted him.
“I swear to God, babe, if you say ‘talk about what?’, or ‘oh, Dear, I have no idea what you mean,’ I am going to rip your esophagus out with my teeth and swallow it.”
Deceit’s mouth snapped shut, then open, then shut. He shuffled over to the couch and proceeded to drop onto it like a ragdoll.
“I think I have feelings for Patton.”
Remus sighed in relief and flopped down next to him, draping his arms across the shell-shocked snake side. 
“Glad we’re on the same page.”
“You’re happy?”
He thought the question over carefully, and an absolutely terrifying possibility occurred to him.
“Yeah- I- we are on the same page, right? Like, he’s super cute and nice and fuckable, but you and I still…?” he let himself trail off. There were very few things that Remus struggled to say, but the thought that two of his favorite people would move on from him- together, no less- was both wildly horrifying and too familiar to verbalize. 
Deceit snapped out of his stupor long enough to glare angrily at Remus- more specifically, glare at the train of thought that he knew Remus was following.
“I’ll always love you, you idiot. Nobody and nothing will change that.”
Remus smiled- not a grin, but a smile- and exhaled slowly. Good, back on track.
“I love you, too. Right, now what do we do?”
The Duke sat up straight enough to bonk his head against Deceit’s, eliciting a small ‘ow’. 
“Yes, ‘do’; when people have feelings for each other they do something about it- especially when that person is their friend. Unless you were planning on ignoring this, pushing it down, and going back to keeping Patton at arm’s length, which would ruin a perfectly good relationship in an effort to not ruin that relationship. Was that what you wanted to do?” 
“Well when you put it like that... No.”
“Alright, my pretty little liar, what do you want?”
Deceit hid his face in Remus’ neck. His muffled voice said something sounding a lot like ‘I have no fucking clue’.
“I can tell you what I’d like?”
More muffled noises: translation ‘If you say threesome I’m going to end you’.
“No- well, yeah- but I meant that we should woo him!”
Deceit pulled back to squint up at Remus.
“Woo him?”
“This whole conversation, you’re just a broken record- yes, do, yes, woo! We could be a throuple!”
The Duke saw Deceit very nearly say ‘throuple?’, before deciding to actually contribute to the discussion.
“I will admit, that sounds… alright, it sounds lovely. In theory. Do you really think that’s a good idea, though? Why should we risk it- we’ve only just fixed things, why go breaking them again?”
“So if Patton isn’t interested, he’s not going to be friends with us anymore, either? Does that sound like something he’d do?”
“Well- not really- but-”
“Who was right about making friends with him in the first place?”
Deceit glowered, answering begrudgingly.
“You were. But still-”
“Who was right about fixing things with Virgil?”
“... You.”
His gaze remained hesitant, so Remus continued.
“And who’s going to be right about this, when the three of us are all sucking face?”
Deceit dropped his head back against the couch and closed his eyes.
“Why do you keep being helpful? I’m supposed to be the smart one in this relationship.”
“Trust me babe, I hate it too,” Remus sympathized, “D’you want me to go microwave some silverware? You can brag to Logan about single-handedly saving my life from the explosion!”
The dishonest side smirked, leaning forwards once more to peck Remus’ cheek. 
“That’s an awful idea, my love.”
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furinjuru · 7 years
Our Sea Of Today - Chaper 8 - The Beginning
I really need some kind of masterpost to make it easier for you guys to read...I’ll get on that!
You wakes up on Wednesday morning, completely drained of energy. Not due to physical fatigue, of course, but rather mental exhaustion. Her mind’s filled not with theories and definitions, but the complicated relationship and possible love-triangle consisting of the second-year trio of Uranohoshi. On top of that, she’s being roped into making costumes for them, which are supposed to be done by tomorrow.
 It has only been two days since school started.
Although that does remind her of something. She checks her phone for any messages from Yoshiko, and finds one in the midst of other texts. Opening it, she sees the early designs of the costumes for their first live performance. On a single sheet of paper divided into three parts, each shows a single person wearing a different costume, along with a few extra drawings around it detailing certain, more complicated parts of the outfit. It’s ambitious for something she’s planning to get done tonight, but they might be able to pull it off if they’re quick enough.
 ‘you owe me one yoshiko’, she replies in jest, putting down her phone to get ready for today’s activities. After they come home from school, she’ll come with Yoshiko to look for costume materials.
 Her phone buzzes when You’s putting on her uniform, her bag slung over her right shoulder. She picks the phone up to check the new message while walking towards the kitchen. It’s Yoshiko again.
 ‘it’s yohane’, then another after that, ‘i know. thanks’
 ‘it’s cool’
 The message is soon marked as read, but Yoshiko doesn’t look like she’s going to respond, so You shuts her phone and focuses on breakfast. What’ll I have today? she asks as she scours the fridge for leftovers. There’s some steak left from dinner that she can use to make a sandwich, but she was thinking of something lighter. She could just fry an egg and use that for the sandwich, so that’s what she decides on.
 While cracking a few eggs into the pan, You glances at the clock hanging on the wall. She still has a lot of time until the bus arrives, even considering the walk from her house to the bus stop. Maybe she can make two sandwiches and give the other to someone else?
 That’s a dumb idea. Who would she even give it to? Yoshiko should’ve already had breakfast, as well as Kanan, Dia, and Chika. And as embarrassing as it is to admit, she’s not close enough to anyone else to consider sharing food with them. She’s still trying to fix that last one. After a few minutes and You deems the eggs ‘good enough’, she grabs two slices of bread and puts the egg between them.
 She waits for it to cool before taking a bite. As good a cook as You normally is, it’s relatively bland. Still, she can’t just choose to not eat breakfast, and the food isn’t bad, so You finishes the quick breakfast after a few more bites. Luckily, You won’t have to cook her own lunch; it’s already neatly wrapped and placed on the dining table. Considering her own cooking skills came from both her parents, she’s sure that whatever is in it today will taste delicious.
 With everything she needs for the day packed inside her bag, You finally goes out of the house, making sure the door is locked behind her. The walk to the bus stop is boring, but You is greeted by what’s becoming a common sight at her destination.
 “Yo.” Yoshiko nods in acknowledgment, tapping mindlessly on her phone; You thinks Yoshiko’s always playing with her phone whenever they meet. “You okay? You look a bit tired.”
 “Really? I don’t feel tired.” At least physically.
 “Just a tiny bit.” A look of concern crosses the second-year’s expression. “Are you sure you don’t mind shopping later?”
 “Yeah, I’ll be fine.” You brushes off the girl’s concern. “We’re just going around Numazu, right? I know all the good places for fabric and accessories!”
 “Right. And then we’ll go to your house to actually make them.” Yoshiko stares at her lap, still tapping on her phone nervously. It comes to You’s attention that her phone isn’t actually on.
 “You okay? You look off.” You repeats the question Yoshiko asked her, getting closer when Yoshiko shakes her head in denial. “Really? Do you remember that you can tell me anything?”
 Yoshiko’s resolve crumbles after the question, and she finds herself once again spilling the truth to You. “It’s nothing. I’m just a bit...stressed.” When You doesn’t respond, she continues. “Chika’s already done with the lyrics. And Dia is Dia, so she’s been bugging me nonstop about the outfits. It’s kinda scaring me, like what if I can’t finish them even with your help?”
 “Oh.” That’s understandable. Even You, someone who has some amateur experience making outfits, is intimidated. Still, she can’t help but play with her, just a bit. “I thought fallen angels weren’t afraid of anything?”
 “I’m not scared!” Yoshiko shouts, glaring at You. “My little demons are making too many demands for me to fill at this time. I have no fear.”
 “You just said you were scared. Also, she only made one demand.” You sighs, watching as their bus rolls to a stop in front of them.
 “It’s a big demand! I’m not built for this kind of delicate work. Yohane was trained to defend herself in the pits of Hell.”
 “That’s fine. I’ll train Yoshiko to sew.” You grins at the pouting girl, before walking into the bus. She sits down at the back, which is now their official go-to seats. “But seriously. It can’t be that bad learning something new. Plus, you’ll be making more outfits when you do more lives.” When Yoshiko seems like she’s about to object, You cuts her off. “You can’t just wear the same outfit for all of your lives. People are going to get bored.”
 “I thought you can’t have too much of a good thing?” The dark-haired girl grumbles, although she doesn’t stay in a bad mood for long, eventually switching the subject. “So, have you mulled it over?”
 “Mulled what over?”
 “Dia’s offer. Joining the school idol club. It’d be nice to have another member around.” Yoshiko remarks.
 “You mean it’d be nice for you to have someone else as a costume maker.”
 “That’s not what I meant....”
 You pretends to think about the offer while staring at Yoshiko, watching the other girl get flustered. “...I think I’d rather do the choreography and help take some burden off Dia.”
 “But you’re great at making costumes!” Yoshiko argues.
 “I’m also great at dancing.”
 “Ugh, fine!” Yoshiko goes back to pouting mode, staring out the window. Only after a few minutes of silence did she realize what You said. “So is that a yes? To joining the club?”
 “...I guess I’ll join. But,” You adds when she sees Yoshiko moving to hug her, “I’ll decide after the live. So try to impress.”
 “You don’t have to worry about that.” Just like that, Yoshiko’s confidence returns twice-fold. “Just you wait! It’ll be the best performance you’ll ever see, with the most sparkling outfits ever created!”
 “You’re starting to sound like Chika with all that ‘sparkling.’” You points out, before bursting into laughter at Yoshiko’s offended look. “What? It’s true!”
 “W-well...Chika is kinda....inspiring.” Yoshiko huffs, turning her away from You. “Since she first encountered the fallen angel, she’s been kind to me. A magnificent person such as that deserves recognition for her efforts.”
 “’Chika is really nice, and she has a positive influence in my life, which is why I’m in love with her.’ Did I get that right?” You ‘translates’ Yoshiko’s fallen angel speech, eliciting a whine from the now-blushing girl.
 “Ugh, maybe I shouldn’t have told you about my crush if all you’re going to do is tease me....” She pouts, hardly startled when You hugs her.
 “Don’t be like that! Aren’t we friends?” You holds back a laugh at the sight of Yoshiko’s cheeks getting progressively redder. “Besides, I’d tell you about my crush if I get one.”
 “...I guess so,” Yoshiko sighs, “do you have one?”
 “A crush?” Seeing Yoshiko nod, You shrugs. “Not really.”
 “Seriously?” The older girl seems surprised, before speaking in a lower tone. “...are you straight?”
 “What?! Of course not.” “But everyone in Uranohoshi is cute,” Yoshiko says, “how can you not have a crush on any of them?”
 “I-I just don’t. You like Dia and Chika for more reasons than them being cute. It’s like that for me.”
 Yoshiko seems understanding, resting her head against the window as they begin to move towards their destination. Then, she chuckles.
 “You’ll have to find a crush this year or the next one.” When You looks at her, confusion evident in her expression, Yoshiko’s smirk grows wider.
 “Because, you know. When you’re a third-year, your complex is going to make it hard for you to find a younger girl.”
 “...I don’t have a complex.” You pouts.
 “Of course you don’t.” Yoshiko seems to be enjoying the payback; she’s had enough of You’s teasing. But she seemingly decides to change the subject. “Did you know that my fallen angel powers allow me to predict the future?”
 “Oh?” You doesn’t buy it, but she plays along. It’s better than relentless teasing.
 “Exactly.” She closes her eyes and You admits that if she didn’t know better, she would think that Yoshiko was actually thinking. “...I see a vision.” She eventually says.
 “What do you see?” Yoshiko grins and points a finger at You, which tells her that she made a mistake by trusting Yoshiko,
 “You’re going to end up dating an upperclassman!”
 “Mou, Yoshiko-chan! Stop talking about my complex!”
 “So you admit that you do have one?” Yoshiko is practically cackling now, attracting the eyes of curious passengers and making You want to sink into her seat.
 The rest of the journey to school was spent with the two teasing each other. When they finally get off in front of Uranohoshi, mercifully dodging the gazes of passengers who had definitely been listening to them, they both sigh in relief. On one hand, that was the most embarrassing bus ride either of them has experienced, but on the other, it’s refreshing to be able to joke around like that. It reminds her of middle school when she’d do the same with Chika.
 At the realization, You stops in her tracks. Did she just replace Chika with Yoshiko? Chika, her childhood friend since birth, the reason she began swimming, the reason she’s somewhat interested in idols, the person who helped her realize that she’s gay, the reason she is the way she is today. She knows that they’re not as close as they were before, but she didn’t realize it was so bad to the point that she hasn’t even had the chance to talk with Chika alone.
 You wants to have more friends, but not at the cost of her old ones.
 Yoshiko, upon realizing that You is no longer walking with her, stops and looks back. “You?” She asks, mild concern lacing her tone, “are you okay?”
 Having been shaken out of her thoughts, You laughs and smiles. “Yeah. I was just hoping that you can make up with Chika-chan and Dia-chan soon.”
 Yoshiko laughs a bit as well, saying in a small voice, “Yeah, I hope so too.” The two walk together again until they go inside the school building, where Yoshiko asks, Where should we meet up after school?”
 “What about the cafeteria?”
 “That’ll work.” Satisfied, she waves as they walk in opposite directions, Yoshiko to the second-year classrooms and You to the first-year one. It’s still mostly empty other than a few students, one of which is Ruby. She’s tired, trying to rub the sleep out of her eyes while focusing on her phone. You can imagine Dia having to drag her to school early in the morning. Not even Hanamaru’s here, making this one of the rare times she can talk to the redhead without distractions.
 “Ruby-chan, good morning!” She salutes. Ruby, who’d normally be startled by and loud noises, seems too tired even for that. She just looks up and returns the greeting.
 “You-chan...good morning.” She mumbles tiredly.
 “Are you okay? You look out of it today, no offense.” She places her bag on her own desk before going back to Ruby, sitting down in the chair that would normally be Hanamaru’s.
 “Uhm, really?” The smaller girl looks a bit embarrassed at the statement. “I hope the teachers don’t realize...I’m trying to hide it.”
 “Well, it’s not a bad job.” The makeup Ruby is using hides any signs of fatigue, and otherwise, she looks normal. But You, who has become victim to extreme exhaustion multiple times in the past, can sense Ruby’s unfocused gaze, too-calm breathing, and lack of energy. “So, why are you tired?”
 “My sister wanted to watch μ's lives...something about choreography.” Ruby yawns. “I decided to watch it with her...we ended up watching all of their concerts.”
 “All of them? That’s hardcore....” You is amazed at how far they’re going just to get ready for the performance. Only Chika didn’t spend much time doing research, but if Dia likes the lyrics Chika spent only a few hours making then they must be really good. “So you like idols too?”
 “I love them!” Ruby suddenly exclaims, before blushing and covering her mouth with her hands when she realizes that she had just shouted. “I-I love them a lot. Maybe not as much as my sister, but I know about all kinds of school idols.” Then, as if she became a different person, Ruby smirks at You. “...do you want to test my knowledge?”
 You shakes her head, feeling a bit disappointed as Ruby pouts and goes back to her shy self. It seems that the girl who normally lacks confidence has an abundance of it when it comes to school idols. “To be honest, I don’t really know a lot about idols. I only know about μ's.”
 “Oh?” Ruby’s confident attitude seems to be returning. “There’s a lot of interesting stuff about μ's.”
 “Yeah!” You smiles, glad that she can at least talk about the subject for a bit. “Oh, yesterday I was hanging out with Yoshiko-chan and we were messing around, and we found out about their first performance. I think it’s amazing that they were able to go from that to Love Live champions!”
 “Oh, do you hang out with Yoshiko-san a lot?” Ruby asks curiously. The sudden subject change is slightly jarring, but You answers anyway.
 “Kinda. We’ve hung out more than most people do, and we’ve only known each other for a few days.”
 “Oh.” Ruby nods. “That’s nice. She’s my sister’s close friend, so I kinda know her.”
 “So you also know Chika-chan?”
 “Yes. And Kanan-san. My sister and I don’t really have many close friends, so not a lot of people visit our home. It’s why I know all of her friends, and she also knows Hanamaru-chan.”
 “Are you two talking about me?” You jumps in her seat as she hears the voice beside her. Facing the source, she sees Hanamaru smiling smugly after surprising her.
 “No, we weren’t.” You says, standing up to let Hanamaru sit down. “We were just talking about idols. Nothing big, you know.” Hanamaru then rummages into her bag and pulls out a magazine. When she places it face up on her desk, You can see that it’s a magazine featuring an idol group that she’s unfamiliar with. Ruby immediately perks up, recognizing the students on the cover.
 “A-RISE!” She exclaims, opening the magazine without a moment’s hesitation. “Hanamaru-chan, where did you find this?”
 Hanamaru looks even more smug now as she watches her best friend going through the magazine. “I found it when I was shopping for more books yesterday, zura. I thought you’d like it, so I bought it for you.” She answers, before letting out a yelp as the redhead suddenly lunges at her, hugging her tightly.
 “Thanks a lot, Hanamaru-chan!” Ruby exclaims, maintaining the embrace for a good few seconds. In that short period of time, You sees Hanamaru’s cheeks coloring, but You’s snicker is quickly silenced by a glare aimed at her. When Ruby finally pulls away and goes back to the magazine, she begins talking about it in great detail.
 “This is a special issue celebrating Love Live’s recent anniversary.” Ruby explains, “The organizers collaborate with a lot of different magazines, and each releases a special issue featuring a winner from one of the competitions. For example, this one features the first winners, A-RISE. A different one features μ's.”
 Hanamaru seems crestfallen. “Your favorite is μ's, right? Ahhh, Maru messed up, zura....”
 “N-no, it’s fine!” Ruby attempts to salvage her friend’s mood. “I also like A-RISE! A-and my sister is probably going to buy the μ's edition anyway, so this’ll complete our collection! You didn’t mess up at all.”
 “Really?” The brown-haired girl seems a little happier, although she seems aware that Ruby is saying that just to cheer her up. “Thanks, Ruby-chan. Maru’ll take you to the bookstore and let you pick out another magazine next time.”
 Ruby shakes her head frantically. “You don’t have to do that! If anything, I should be the one buying you something, since I haven’t even gotten you anything.”
 As the pair continue arguing about who should be treating who, You is painfully aware that she’s not really involved in this conversation. After giving them an excuse about needing to finish her homework, she steps away from the pair and goes back to her own seat. But before she can actually get some work done, the intercom suddenly bursts to life.
 “Hello?” Kanan’s voice, although a bit distorted, distracts the students in the class from whatever they were doing. “Good morning, students of Uranohoshi. This is your student council president, Matsuura Kanan speaking. Before any formal activities begin, I would like to make a formal announcement.”
 The sound of papers being shuffled in the background is heard before Kanan continues. “As of today, the student council is proud to announce that the president of the next generation has been decided. I personally would like to congratulate Kurosawa Dia of Class 2-B for showing determination, a strong will, and an excellent work ethic. Unfortunately, the vice-president has not yet been selected, but will have been decided by the time they officially take over their responsibilities.”
 Ruby seems excited at the announcement, clapping when Kanan stops for a breather. You does as well, albeit quieter; if she had to pick someone to fill that role, there’s no doubt in her mind that she would pick Dia.
 “To help new students who might not be familiar with Kurosawa-san, we will be holding a program every few days. Through the intercom, we will occasionally ask her questions about her goals, as well as more general information about herself. Anyone with a question is allowed to submit it by putting it into the box now located outside of the student council room. And now, a word from Kurosawa Dia herself. Go ahead.” A few seconds of silence follow, with the other students in the classroom chattering excitedly. Some are disappointed that they won’t be seeing much of the ‘hot student council president’ anymore, but change is always interesting in a place like Uchiura. In You’s opinion, Kanan and Dia couldn’t be more different.
 “Good morning, everyone.” Kanan’s voice is replaced by Dia’s, drawing everyone’s focus back to the sound. “I’m Kurosawa Dia. It’s a pleasure to-” Dia stops, and You can faintly hear her and Kanan conversing. From what little she can hear clearly, it sounds like Kanan is sick.
 “Apologies for the interruption.” Dia continues speaking after a few moments of silence. “I’m Kurosawa Dia. It’s a pleasure to have the chance to speak to all of you. I’ll be in your care from now on.” Just as abruptly as it began, the intercom buzzes before going silent.
 The moment immediately after is probably the most active she’s seen Ruby for anything other than idols.
 “Sis!” The younger girl exclaims, standing up and walking in circles while almost everyone else talks among themselves, whether it be about the announcement or how weird it is that everyone is talking about the announcement. You and Hanamaru are watching Ruby as she paces around, her expression showing anxiety, panic, and happiness all at the same time. She seems distressed, even though she’s probably the first person Dia talked to about wanting to be the student council president.
 “I have to help her!” She says before dashing out of the room, with Hanamaru giving chase.
 “Ruby-chan, wait!”
 “H-hold on, class is...” You begins, only to realize they’re too far away to hear her “...about to start.”
 Well, maybe Dia’s new status will help them get out of trouble this time.
 “Dia,” Yoshiko greets when she sees the dark-haired girl walking into class, “I didn’t expect you to be back so soon.”
 “I’m not supposed to,” Dia opens her bag and searches for something, “Kanan isn’t feeling well, so we’ve decided to cut it short today. I’m taking her to the infirmary.” At her answer, Yoshiko tries to mask her feelings of jealousy. Why does she care about how Kanan’s feeling but she never asks me about how I’m feeling? “Oh, there it is.” She pulls out a small container and takes something out of it; an influenza mask. “It’s for Kanan.” She answers when she notices Yoshiko’s curious look.
 “So,” Chika interrupts, “you’re going to be skipping class today?”
 “I’m not skipping, per say.” Dia corrects, “I’ll be accompanying Kanan while learning more about the student council. It’s important. I’ve been given official permission, so the teachers know where I’ll be.”
 “It must be nice being able to skip class.” Chika sighs while ignoring Dia’s fierce glare. “If only I was picked to be the student council president...”
 “The student council would collapse in a matter of days,” Dia states matter-of-factly, “You didn’t even apply for that role. I was the only one who signed up.”
 “Really?” Yoshiko knows that she shouldn’t say anything, that she should just stay quiet. Of course, her big mouth doesn’t agree. “So...you just got the job handed to you without doing anything? I thought you didn’t like getting freebies.”
 If looks could kill, Dia would be charged with manslaughter. “This is different. They already know that I’m the best person for the job.”
 “How humble,” Yoshiko replies sarcastically, “but it doesn’t change the fact that you got the role without any competition.”
 “Oh, I’m sorry. I guess you wouldn’t understand. I don’t think anyone would ever trust you with a something like that.” Dia’s insult strikes a nerve. Noticing the rising tension, Chika awkwardly laughs while stepping in between them.
 “Dia, didn’t you say that you’re going to take Kanan to the infirmary? You should do that.” They watch as Dia frowns, then turns around and walks out of the classroom. Chika looks at Yoshiko, as if asking her ‘what was that?’.
 “I was just joking,” Yoshiko mutters, “stupid Dia taking everything seriously....”
 "Well, it's Dia. She takes everything seriously." Chika sighs, going back to her seat. "But it's kinda lonely without her."
 "I guess so...." Yoshiko might not want to admit it, but she does enjoy the other girl's presence even without considering her stupid crush. "But she'll be busy with student council duties for a while, so we'll just have to live without her."
 "That's no good! We need to find someone else to hang out with."
 "Like who?" Yoshiko asks, wondering who else would willingly subject themselves to their insanity.
 "What about Riko-chan?" From her peripheral vision, Yoshiko sees said girl tensing up at the sound of her name, before continuing to distract herself with her book that had been on the same page for the past few minutes.
 "Sakurauchi-san? Isn't she a bit too formal?" One thing Yoshiko knows after frequent visits to Tokyo is that it's far too big. Unlike Uchiura or even Numazu, where everyone knows each other, people there are polite and formal, almost artificially so.
 "Yeah, just like Dia-chan!" Chika answers excitedly.
 "Chika...." Yoshiko stops to consider this new information "...you're right. She'll be perfect." With oddly wide grins on their faces, they stand up and approach their target, who's sweating bullets at the sight of the two getting closer and closer. When they're close enough, Riko closes her book and directs her attention to her two classmates, trying not to show her nervousness.
 "T-Takami-san. Tsushima-san. How are you two?" She greets politely, proving Yoshiko's theory correct.
 "Just Chika and Yoshiko's fine," Chika says, the grin never leaving her face. While she distracts Riko with small talk, Yoshiko's gaze wanders to the book on her desk. It's plain with an orange cover similar to the notebooks Chika has. However, there's a small gap in between the pages, and she can see something sticking out. Is she hiding something?
 Slowly reaching towards the book, Yoshiko opens it to the last page read by Riko. She’s able to get a glimpse of something like a book before Riko notices and slams the book shut, barely missing Yoshiko’s fingers. “Y-you can’t look at that!” She takes the notebook and clutches it to her chest. “I have to go!”
 Chika can only look on as Riko runs out of class with the book in hand. “...I think you scared her.”
 “Yeah, I think I did.”
 The rest of the school day was uneventful, to say the least. You rejected Chika and Yoshiko’s offer to have lunch together in favor of having it with Ruby and Hanamaru, the pair accepting You’s request although Hanamaru with more reluctance. She’d like to believe that they all became closer by the end of it, and they invited her to have lunch again sometime. And even better, it wasn’t Ruby who asked her, but Hanamaru!
 You can’t hide her happiness as she packs her belongings into her bag. Ruby and Hanamaru have left already, saying something about how no one is at Ruby’s house and that she’d get scared if she’s alone for too long. She’s curious about Ruby’s house. Is it modern or traditional? How big is it? Does she have a garden, or maybe a swimming pool? She’ll have to check when she comes over to play. Or study. She reminds herself that she asked Dia to tutor her, and Dia isn’t someone who forgets something like that.
 Once out of class, it takes her a few minutes to get to the cafeteria. There, she sees Yoshiko at one of the tables, drinking something that seems to be chocolate. The girl looks up and waves when she sees You, offering the seat next to her that You accepts.
 “So, are we heading out now?”
 “Not yet, we have to think about where we’re going,” Yoshiko says, playing with the straw of her drink. “Since you’ve done this before, you know where to buy the stuff we need, right?”
 “Of course!” You answers proudly. “There’s a shop in the middle of Numazu that sells all kinds of fabric and accessories like hairpins or ribbons. We can get everything we need from there.”
 “Excellent. As expected from one of my little demons.” Yoshiko chuckles, but it’s hard to take her seriously when she’s loudly sipping on her drink. “Just let me finish and we’ll be on our way.”
 “I kinda want one too...hold on.” Standing up, she goes to buy a drink for herself. From all of the choices, strawberry juice seems the most appealing to her. After a brief wait, money exchanges hands and she takes the glass of freshly made juice before returning to the table. Yoshiko’s looking up something on her phone, showing it when You sits down. “Is this the place you were talking about?” You checks the name of the store.
 “Yeah, that’s the one.” Yoshiko then tries to find directions. To their relief, it’s not too far from the bus stop, which is on the same route as their usual one. It seems like the shopping trip isn’t going to take very long after all.
 However, when they finish their respective drinks and walk towards the entrance of the building, they see that the weather has changed. In direct contrast to the clear skies and the warm sun shining just a few hours ago...
 “It’s raining.” Yoshiko frowns, watching the heavy downpour with a sad expression.
 “They said that it would be sunny all day.” You opens her bag, sighing as she confirms her worst fear. She didn’t bring an umbrella with her.
 “No umbrella?” Yoshiko asks, looking even more guilty. “Sorry. I...I have really bad luck. It always rains when I’m trying to plan something. I should’ve warned you.”
��“It’s not your fault.” You closes her bag again. “...then I guess we can’t do anything about the outfits, can we?”
 “Guess not. Looks like we’ll have to use something from your collection.” The two make it to the bus stop, waiting longer than usual before the bus shows up. Yoshiko still looks dejected, so You tries to cheer her up.
 “I’m sure Dia-chan and Chika-chan will understand.”
 “It’s just...frustrating.” Yoshiko answers softly, staring blankly at her lap while the bus continues moving. “I really wanted to do this. Not just for me, but for Chika and Dia and you.”
 You has no answer for such a statement. She understands Yoshiko’s disappointment at failed plans, and it’s worse when it affects other people.
 “I might have some fabric left over.” You offers. “It might be enough for one outfit. If you show them a proof of concept tomorrow, I’m sure that’ll be enough to satisfy them.”
 “Maybe Chika. Not Dia.” With nothing else to talk about, Yoshiko pulls out her phone to play a game, which You decides not to interrupt.
 After a long wait, they arrive at the bus stop near their houses. You stands up and begins heading out, only to realize that her companion is still seated.
 “Yoshiko-chan?” No response, although she’s obviously awake. “Come on, this is our stop.”
 Slowly, Yoshiko shakes her head, and You knows that whatever happens next won’t be good. “I’ve...been thinking. I’m going to buy the fabric. I have to.”
 “You’ll get sick.”
 “I’ll be fine by the time of the performance. I’m already used to getting colds.”
 “You’re...not joking.” Another shake of her head, and You walks back to their seat. “I’m coming with you.”
 “No.” She stares directly at You, her expression serious. “You’ll get sick.”
 “I don’t care.”
 “You....” Her expression softens, “Please just let me do this. I don’t want to drag you into this. I’m already enough of a burden by making you help me sew these things, I can’t let you get sick too.”
 “What if I want to help you?”
 Yoshiko’s expression hardens once again. “I don’t want to push you out of the bus, since you could slip and that’s dangerous. But if it means that you won’t risk yourself for my sake, I’ll do it.” Yoshiko sighs. “Please. I care for you. I don’t want you to get sick because of my stupid decision. I’ll be at your house before you know it, I’ll be fine.”
 The other passengers are staring at them. Even the driver, who’s waiting for You to make up her mind before moving again. She looks back at Yoshiko’s determined look before making up her mind.
 “Fine.” She says, “Don’t make me wait for too long.”
 “I won’t.” With that, You walks out of the bus. The door closes with Yoshiko inside, and You can only watch as she leaves her friend to the consequences of her choice.
 In hindsight, You thinks that this is the moment everything went south.
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