#i’ll figure it out at like 3an
Today’s @wolfstarmicrofic prompt is graceful and it’s my apology for disappearing… but sad.
As Remus’ hands were bound, tightly and painfully, behind his back, a wand pressed to his neck, laughs ringing in that gleefully malicious way that only the Deatheaters could really create, Remus couldn’t help but think about Sirius.
The way he walked into the kitchen that morning, kissing Remus absentmindedly, all graceful and perfect even as he almost dropped the full, boiled kettle in his tired haze. His calm words.
“See you later, darling.”
The complete trust that Remus would be back, would keep himself safe, because how couldn’t he? They weren’t meant to be this. They existed outside the war, the pain, the mourning, everything. Remus was meant to go back.
He shut his eyes and willed everything in him for Sirius to hear him.
I’m so sorry, love. I meant to come back, I truly did. I love you, I love you, I love-
(146 words.)
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mxgvmiii · 4 years
Kuroo, Bokuto, Akaashi, Kageyama and Daichi having an Egyptian s/o
So um remember how I said I was thinking of making this? I decided imma do it.
@ non Egyptian Arabs who might see this : If yall don’t get some words, don’t feel dumb it’s the just the difference in dialect. I know I feel dumb sometimes when I don’t get words in other dialects :)
Thank you @iwaixiumi for helping pick out the characters <3
IMPORTANT: the cursive is the translation and (s/n) is sibling’s name :)
this ended up really long um yea
Kuroo Tetsuro:
- He knew you weren’t Japanese but didn’t know where you were from and didn’t want to ask you cuz he didn’t want to hurt your feelings
- ngl he v curious
- anyways
- one time you were hanging out with the vbc cuz you’re the manager
- yall were goofing off and then your phone rang
- it was your mother
- they were planning on making weird noises and comments to annoy you
-bUT THEN they heard the words coming put of your mouth
Y/N : allo? Aywa ya mama? Hello? Yes mom? 7adretik 3ayza laban mn el supermarket w ana rag3a? You want me to get milk from the supermarket on my way back? 7aga tania? Anything else? La2a? No? Ah sa7 mama! 2a2oul le zamayli 3an el 3ozuma beta3t el 2esbou3 elli gay? Oh right mom! Should I tell my schoolmates about the gathering next week? Ok, tab salemili 3ala (s/n) w baba! Ok, greet (s/n) and dad for me! Bye!!
- Floor, meet the nekoma boys volleyball clubs’ jaws 
- Floor 🤝 Nekoma boys volleyball clubs’ jaws
- their initial reaction was
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- ahem
- “WHAT WAS THAT????” that was Lev & Yamamoto voicing everyone’s thoughts
- you’re just like “???? I was just talking to my mom”
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- this is you rn
- This is where Nobuyuki comes in
- “I think they mean what language were you speaking”
- “Oh that was Arabic.” 
- “Why do you speak Arabic with your mom?”  Lev & Yamamoto voicing everyone’s thoughts pt2
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- this is you rn pt2
- “Ummm I’m Egyptian???”
- “Since when????” ngl this was all Lev and his poWERFUL brain
- hold up imma set the scene for yall
- we have a group of relatively scary looking guys (and a girl)
- and I kid you not this is the expression of the whole team is this
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- they’re just trying to put the pieces together
- “Did you guys actually think I was Japanese?”
- “No, we wanted to ask you where you were from but be thought that would be insensitive” - kuroo
- we love a thoughtful king 👑🤧
- now that everyone’s caught up to date, you tell them that you decided to invite them over for Egyptian food next week and how that was one of the things you were discussing with ur mom
- at the mention of food they get exited
- now they can’t wait for next week
- “WAIT!!! don’t Egyptians speak Egyptian????” Lev and his poWERFUL brain pt2
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- this you again
- from then on Kuroo decided to learn about Egypt and the culture cuz he felt like
- you know so much abt his country and culture, the least he could do is know the same about yours, right?
- he tries to say cute things and actually succeeds
Bokuto Kotaro:
- you, Bokuto and Akaashi are at your place watching a movie
- then your mom shows up
Mama (L/N): (Y/N) 2oul/2ouli le as7abak/as7abik en el 2akl gahez w 2is2al/2is2ali lau akl masri msh moshkela lihom. (Y/N) tell your friends the food is ready and ask if Egyptian food isn’t an issue for them.
(Y/N): 7adr ya mama. Teslam 2ideki. Yes mom. Teslam 2ideki is what you say to a person who cookes as appreaciation. A semi direct translation would be bless your hands.
- ngl all this Egyptian food talk is getting to me imma go grab some myself
- I’m typing on my phone rn while waiting for the microwave to finish
- you had already told them before hand that they would be trying traditional food
- they just didn’t know what country it was from
- or Bokuto at least
- “So that’s what Egyptian Arabic sounds like. Huh 🤔” - brain babie Kaashi
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- literally bokuto
- “yoU’RE EGYPTIAN?????”
- “Ummm yea?????”
- “How do I know but you don’t, Bokuto-san?”
- you tell them about the food being ready and talk about Egypt over the meal
- Now that he knows
- tries to say cute things but fails
- like he tried to say ana ba7ebak/ ba7ebik I love you and ends up saying ana ba7la2ak/ba7la2ik I’m shaving you
- you’re just dying of laughter the whole time
- but it’s the thought that counts 🥰
Akaashi Keiji:
- ngl this by will figure it out on his own
- he’s just that smart
- he hears you talking about it with your classmate and that’s how he finds out
- then one day while out on a date your grandma calls
- “what the ..?” confused Y/N
- “what’s up?” concerned Akaashi
- “my grandma’s video calling me”
- “well pick up then”
- “but we’re on a date rn???”
- “just pick up”
Y/N: allo?? hi Nanna!!!!! Hello?? Hi Grandma!!!!!
Grams: hi 7abib/7abibet Nanna! Hi Grandma’s dear! enti fen delwa2ti ya 7abiby/7abibty? Where are you right now dear?
Y/N: ana 7aleyan ma3 sa7bi benetmasha. I’m currenty walking with my boyfriend 
Grams: Eh da fe3lan? Really??? Tab warili weshou. Show me his face 
Y/N: O.o
- ngl my granda would ask me to do that
- “she wants to see your face” 
- “mine?”
- “yes”
- “o-oh”
- cue Akaashi standing behind you and resting his head on your shoulder
- uwu
- the next thing he did was a shocker
- ngl I’m writing this and I’m schocked
Akaashi: hi ana esmi Keiji hi my name is Keiji
Grams: Eh dah Y/N enta/enti ma2oltelish enno beyetkalem 3arabi Y/N you didn’t tell me he speaks Arabic
Y/N: wallahi makont 3aref/3arfa. Lau kont 3aref 3arfa kont 2olt le 7adretik. I swear I had no clue. If I had known I would have told you.
Grams: tab ana hasibko testamte3o wa2toko ma3 ba3d. I’ll let you enjoy your time together now. Bye! kobulat! Bye !kisses!
Y/N: Bye! kobulat! Bye! kisses!
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- this is you rn
- “oh I heard you talking to a classmate about being Egyptian so I thought it would be good if I could introduce myself in Arabic.”
- bless his heart ISTG
- he knows a lot about the culture from research and stuff
- enjoys it when you make things like koshari for him to try
- also likes foul w ta3meya after trying it in your bento once
Kageyama Tobio:
- ngl this boy doesn’t use his brain that often except for volleyball
- he never thought of the fact that you’re not Japanese
- he finds out about it when Hinata asks what in your bento
- when you answe torli (A tray of baked potatoes, carrots, onions, and tomato sauce. eaten with rice)
- he’s like ????
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- dis him rn
- when hinata asks what that is and you explained it and that you’re Egyptian
- he was hiding the fact that this is new information to him
- then hinata opened his mouth
- “Kageyama did you know that???”
- yea that’s where everything went south
- he was stuttering and in the end the tangerine never got his answer seeing as the bell saved the blueberry in question
- from then on he tries to take note of everything when it’s you
- he’s not gonna try to learn phrases from you he’ll forget them 0.2 seconds later
Sawamura Daichi:
- he probably finds out when Oikawa ( with whom you attended middle school with and maintain a good friendship with) asks you how to compliment girls in Arabic
Daichi: ??? Y/N doesn’t speak Arabic
Oikawa: OHHHH you haven’t told him yet? Anyways Y/N is Egyptian and so is the girl I’m trying to impress so pleassseeee
Y/N: no ........ fine later tho
Oikawa : YAY thank youuuu
- asks you why you didn’t tell him
- is a bit worried
- but calms down when you explain how it never came up
- asks you abt Egypt and the culture
- imo he won’t try to learn phrases
- he LOVES Egyptian food 
- I can see him liking Koshari a lot
- also LOVES Basbusa
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