#i’ll file these thoughts away for later 😅
uhbasicallyjustmilex · 4 months
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Being Team Japan’s Manager
Future Mx. Iwaizumi
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Hajime Iwaizumi featuring Team Japan x GN! Manager
Warnings: fluff, swearing, Oiks and Sumu in the same hcs
AN: this is an anon request!
Ughhhhhh *punch’s air repeatedly*
It’s fine, I’m fine, this is fine 😐
What do I have to be jealous of?
I mean, sure you’re engaged Iwaizumi Hajime, 28, Athletic trainer
And sure you’re the manager for the Team Japan Men’s Volleyball Team
😐🙄 anyways, needless to say I’m extremely jealous of you YN
You’ve been dating Iwa for a while now
Actually even since you both met in College 🥰
You somehow managed to bag one of the hottest men in the entire universe and we won’t question it
Because you 👏🏻 deserve 👏🏻 it 👏🏻
Anyways, you are Iwa we’re always pretty low key about your relationship
I mean, Oikawa knew
Oikawa knows everything 🙄
But otherwise, you were pretty on the dl
It’s not that you didn’t love Haji or want to show him off but seriously nobody likes a bragger
Even thought you’d deserve to brag YN
I mean you bagged HAJIME IWAIZUMI so please brag away 😌
I’d be walking around like “this is my partner Iwaizumi Hajime, 28, Athletic Trainer. Isn’t he GORGEOUS!!!”
Fortunately you aren’t me and you are a humble being, who values your privacy with your fiancé
You and Iwa got engaged before you came back to Japan and before you both landed the gigs with Team Japan volleyball
Of course you both knew you were applying for each job and you encouraged each other
They were your dream jobs after all!
Not sure what universe you are living in to dream about managing toddler men Yn but you do you 😅
Anyways, you and Iwa were extremely professional while at practice
Of course, Kuroo and the coaches knew you were engaged
But the team, the team did not
And there were absolutely no problems
😂😂😂 literally couldn’t even type that with a straight face
N E WAYS the guys were literally feral at practice and around you
You and Iwa both agreed that you shouldn’t wear you engagement ROCK at practice
Because like, it can get caught on the net, your finger could get jammed, literally so many problems
You wanted to get a band for practice but you just hadn’t gotten around to it
Not like you aren’t super busy or anything 😐
“YN do you have an extra nail file?”
“YN can you help with blocking practice?”
“YN where’s Bokuto?”
“YN Hinata’s locked in the bathroom again!”
Literally not busy at all 🙄
You literally crashed every single night when you got home and Iwa understood why
While he had a training room to seek refuge in, you had nowhere to run
You literally had a trail of 6ft plus ducklings following you
Every once in and a while you’d manage to escape to visit Iwa
You’d walk through the doors of the training room as Haji would watch
“Hey babe, how’s it going?” He’d ask as you’d put your hand up, collapsing on of the training tables
“Please Haji, just 5 minutes of quiet,” you’d groan out as you tried to recover
5 seconds later
“YN? YN!!! Hey there you are?” Hinata would yell with Kageyama on his heels
Iwa is just rolling his eyes in the corner
You stand up, fixing your hair and staring at the two dummies
“Yes?” You grit out
“Can you measure our jumping height? Kageyama said I’m still not as high as he is!” Hinata says
“You’re still shorter than me you shrimp!” Kageyama growls
“I would but I’d have to bend down,” kageyama smirks 😏
“Alright- Alright!” Iwa says, breaking it up as you sighed
“I’ll be there in 2 minutes guys, please try not to kill each,” you add as they leave
Iwa walks over to you grabs you and gives you a big hug, “love you babe, we will get your favorite tonight for dinner to make up for these idiots.”
Needless to say, Hajime was your savior the whole training season
And when it came to the actual Olympics he was there to support you the entire time
As you prepared for your first game, our favorite Argentinian v.ball player came to visit 🥰
“There’s my precious YN-Chan!” Oikawa gushes as you stare
You 👉🏻😐🙄 hello Toru
Kageyama and Ushijima are fuming in the corner because like why are you talking to HIM 😤
“So when is the big day Yn? Have you and Iwa-Chan decided when you’re going to get hitched?” Toru says
Team Japans heads snap to you 👉🏻👁️👄👁️ excuse me-
“Ha ha good one Oikawa,” Aran says
“Why would you ship YN with Iwa and not me!” Atsumu says offended
“Wait they don’t know?” Oikawa says
“Who doesn’t know what?” Iwa says, standing next to you
“That you and YN are engaged,” Oikawa says as Team Japan just stares at you
“Say sike right now!” Atsumu cries
You and Iwa 👉🏻😐🙄 well it was good while it lasted-
“Shittykawa it’s because they didnt know!” Iwa says
“YN really?!?” Hinata gushes 🥹
Flower MAN material YN write it down ✍️
“Dang! Well I guess congratulations!” Yaku adds
“It’s not a big deal guys, we don’t talk about it much,” you say
“Really Yn? Because I’d totally brag about being engaged to Iwa if I were you!” Hoshiumi laughs
He’s not wrong Yn 😏
“Omg wait Yn can I be a bridesmaids? Or a brides man or a man groom?” Bokuto :D
You 👉🏻😐😳 uhhh
“No Bokuto I’m going to be the best man for YN! Or brides person? Or person of honor?” Hinata questions
You and Iwa 👉🏻🤨 well at least they aren’t nervous anymore
“Now now everyone, I’m going to be the only person standing up for YN and Iwa,” Oikawa 🥰
“Over my dead body!” Atsumu screams
“Shittykawa shut up!” Iwa shouts
You just sigh, absolutely living your life ♥️
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pastelpendant · 2 years
Waking up from a nap to other people trancing themselves is nice. I do wish I had the energy to speak with You more regularly, though I know this is something else You’d reassure me is fine. (I know it is, I just see a lot that’s cute here with the others and interaction is fun when the brain allows ~_~)
(This feels a bit like irony and stepping over a line. If so, please say so and I’ll refrain from saying stuff like this in the future. Don’t wanna be part of the problem) I would like it though if people stopped making my favorite ‘tist uncomfortable. You’ve got perfectly respectable boundaries same as anyone else, and it annoys me that they’re trampled over with any degree of frequency. It can’t be that hard to keep one’s mouth shut and not make others uncomfortable.
On another note, I’d noticed Your deity kink tag before, but didn’t think much of it until now since I’m decidedly not religious in my daily life. For You, though, I think I could make an exception ;D
Not just a Master, but a Deity to fall completely under for. Ruling the Garden and my mind with the same level of gentle, inescapable power. Why leave when I’m so comfortable? I could go at any time, but I also could lie in a sleepy puddle at Your feet awaiting orders. It’s nice to be owned and powerless. Nice to realize I don’t have to think for myself, just float in worshipful bliss as my Deity exerts Their control~
Perfect Pen’s perfect control always seeping into my head. The repetition mantra sticks the best since it rhymes and I’ve lopped it for hours, sometimes rocking to stim brings it up, but other things are fun too.
I’ve edged to Your files before. Tried to set in ‘rub my mind away for fae’ along the lines of the other mantras and though it’s enjoyable to stay like that for a while, I can’t hold back long enough to do much. Might do that later if I work myself up though, Your files have gotten me needy before…
This is getting long again 😅 I would apologize for the giant block of text, but You didn’t seem to mind my last ramble, so maybe this time is the same? Hope You’ve been doing well!
Interaction is definitely fun! But I agree with your assessment that I'd say it's okay that you can't interact often, and that's because the few times we do interact are always a treat! I look forward to when it becomes more drawn out and frequent, but only when the headspace allows <3
Thank you for the kind words. I too wish that people would stop trampling over Me and My boundaries just because I'm a soft person when not explicitly Dominating someone. Admittedly, I never had a specific rule against receiving photos, only giving; part of it could be on Me for not saying I don't want photos w/o consent, but at the same time I feel like that should be common knowledge! Alas, We live in a society of people w/ monkey brain that just want to activate their neurons by being weird in non-fun ways.
I believe you've referred to Me as Deity before, so I find it hard to believe this is the first time you've thought about the Deity side of things~ I take on being an Arch Fae as my primary way of expressing it, as that gives me more power and Dominion over ordinary Fae creatures as well. Plus, only Arch Fae can rule over their own Domains, which My Garden certainly classifies as ;)
Ah yes, repetition. The main reason mantras work the way they do. And We Fae certainly love to rhyme, so it's fun to use rhymes to really get in someone's head. Encouraging a (consensually) endless loop of My words is a thrill, because I like imagining the droning, far away tone their voice would take repeating it out loud.
I've noticed a sudden uptick in thralls that edge to My files! I'm quite flattered by it; it's never something I go out of My way to ask for, since My brain often just...Doesn't think about sexual things below the belt, but those offers and tributes are quite lovely when people ask beforehand if it's okay. I'm glad you're enjoying yourself, and if you do decide to edge later, I hope you'll know that Master melts your mind away, so you can rock and sway and just obey~
(P.S the "rock and sway" part actually comes from how a thrall was humping her pillow while repeating that mantra and edging, but she too always seeks release, so never feel obligated to stay on the edge a long time!)
Never apologize for long asks! I prefer this than having to make multiple short replies, and I'm always glad to hear from you, dearest El <3 Thank you for taking time to share all of these lovely thoughts with Me, I treasure them immensely
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