#as a total plant lover i really want to know if alex has any house plants
uhbasicallyjustmilex · 4 months
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spidernerdsblog · 4 years
I forgot that you existed: Chapter Two
A/N: Chapter two is here. Tensed situation arising between our ex lovers. Hope you like it. Feedbacks and suggestions are always welcome.
Pairing : Tom Holland × Singer reader
Summary : It's been more than five years since you and Tom have gone their own ways after a heartbreaking breakup which had left both of you shattered. Both of you thought that you were finally over with each other and were happy in your respective lives until you meet again at a reunion trip planned by your best friend and you realise you are still not done with each other.
Warnings: none
Mini playlist: Endgame by Taylor Swift
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Music playing from car stereo
I don't wanna touch you (I don't wanna be)
Just another ex-love (You don't wanna see)
I don't wanna miss you (I don't wanna miss you)
Like the other girls do
I don't wanna hurt you (I just wanna be)
Drinkin' on a beach with (You all over me)
I know what they all say
But I ain't tryna play
I wanna be your endgame
I wanna be your first string
I wanna be your A Team
I wanna be your endgame, endgame
 You leaned on Tom's shoulder as he drove the car. Your hot breath falling on his neck as you start kissing his sweet spot behind his ears as he lets out a soft moan. Your hand intertwining with his free hand resting on his thigh. "Stop it love" Tom mumbled softly.
"Tom" you said softly "Tom!" This time you called his name loudly and Tom suddenly broke out of his trance and was brought to reality it wasn't you but it was his beloved fiancee Eleanor . She straightened herself to look at him with concerned eyes "is anything wrong Tommy?"
 "No love everything is fine" he reassured her
 His attention went to the song playing. He frowned and said "just this song irks me, not a fan actually of such kind of songs."
 "Seriously Tom, how can you not be a fan of Y/N, her songs are too good." El started gushing over you.
 "Yeah I know you are a huge fan of hers but I prefer old school hip hop." Lies.
He was your biggest fan since childhood though he doesn't admit it now but he is very proud of you. Seeing you grow into such a big star makes him admire you more. After so many years he still adores you and your songs. He was nervous to meet you and be in close proximity to you for so many days. Yes he still had feelings for you and that is why your songs wreaked havoc in his mind making him feel your presence even if you were far away from his life. He sometimes feels guilty that he isn't being true to El as soon she is going to be his wife and you still reside in his heart. He can never love anyone as he did to you. El was a very humble, sweet, understanding and smart person whom he got to know through one of his friends. Soon both of them found they had a lot in common, small chats turned into dates and then to a full fledged relationship for 2 years. Dom and Nikki approved their relationship and wanted their son to settle down and finally see him happy. Tom wasn't much excited about the wedding so all the planning he left on El.
 It was around noon when you three finally arrived at the beach house. You were filled with nostalgia as you had lots of fond memories connected with this place. There were a total of  5 bedrooms in the house. 2 were reserved for the couples, one for Tom and another for Harrison's other two friends Ed and Chloe, the others had to share. You liked the sea facing rooms and there were only two on the first floor. You immediately ran upstairs. You suddenly stopped in front of the first room and glanced at the empty room which once belonged to only you.
 Sounds of laughter "Tom stop.. Please oh I can't breathe" you said giggling as Tom tickled you even more. You both laid on the bed and laughed. You took out your phone to take a selfie to capture this moment. Tom kissed your cheek as you clicked the photo. You threw the phone on the bed and climbed on top of him straddling him around the waist as you planted soft kisses on his forehead, his cheeks and lips. You sat back to admire him " I love you so much Tommy" . He rolled you over to be on top of you
" Love you too princess." As he connected his lips onto yours.
 You brushed aside your thoughts as you went to the adjacent room and placed your luggage on the floor. Zendaya came with her luggage afterwards. It was a nice room with a queen sized bed and thankfully an attached bathroom.
 "You don't snore right?" Zendaya chuckled
 "Don't know about snoring but I do kick in my sleep." You laughed.
 "Okay let's freshen up first then we can start unpacking our things." Z said
 "Yeah you go first I need to make a call to my second mom." you chuckled.
You had three missed calls from Alex which left you wondering what was the matter. You put your airpods on and called him. You came out of the room as you started strolling in the corridor.
 "Seriously you don't trust me do you? I have barely spent a day here and you have already called me three times."
 "It was important the company wants you to do a concert at the beach carnival there."
"What! Dude I'm on a vacation and they expect me to do a concert."
 "Yeah it will be nice for the promotion, kind of a tour actually and I think it's good only for you to keep you distracted from, you know what I mean"
 "I don't know I need time to think"
 "There is nothing to think the concert is on the last day of your stay so you will get to enjoy your vacation as well as do a little interaction with your fans good for your rep."
 "Still I need to think Alex . I have to go for rehearsals then I need to know the whole schedule of the event. It's a lot of work."
 "I'll handle those things and get you in touch with the event manager, don't worry."
 You were walking backwards through the corridor as you were talking, you suddenly bumped into a solid sturdy figure, you lost your balance letting out a light shriek as you thought you were about to fall, instead you felt two strong arms catch hold of you, one hand on your back and one wrapped around your waist. You fluttered opened your eyes and your eyes were met with those familiar hazel brown eyes and loose brown curls falling over his face. Tom looked at you with concerned eyes; he himself couldn't stop admiring you. This is the closest he has come to you in the past few years. Your familiar lavender scent was intoxicating for him, he also noticed that your hair is longer than before which made you look more beautiful. You two were so lost in the moment that the whole world hazed out for you. Both felt a warm feeling inside.
But you were brought to reality as Alex started talking.
 "Y/N are you there? what happened?"
 You pulled away from Tom's hold as you stood straight and stuttered
"yea…Yeah I'm fine can I…Can I talk to you later? I'll think and tell you okay"
 "Okay honey bye take care love you"
 "Yeah bye love you too Alex"
 As you turned back to Tom you both blurted out "I'm sorry"
 "No no it was totally my fault I wasn't looking where I was going" you said eagerly.
 "It's okay" Tom said
 You purse your lips and smiled as you were about to turn to go to your room he spoke again
 "By the way Hi! meeting you after a long time."
 You sheepishly looked at him "yeah Hi"
"So how have you been?"
 You were a little taken aback by his warm gesture because he had almost stopped talking to you after the whole breakup "I'm fine, how are you?"
 "I'm fine too" . Tom was about to say something but you were interrupted by a loud shriek
 "Oh My God!!! I can't believe this Y/N Y/L/N" excitement in her voice. "I'm such a huge fan of yours." She pulled you in a tight hug you didn't get the time to process what was happening as you looked wide eyed first to Tom and then to the girl.
 "Oh sorry Hi I'm Eleanor you can call me El I'm Tom's fiance nice to meet you." Your eyes immediately went to the big shining rock adorning her ring finger. A tinge of jealousy creeping inside you.
 "Hey! nice to meet to you too"
 She turned towards Tom and asked "you guys know her ? Why didn't you ever tell me?"
Tom fumbled at his words "umm.. Yeah we have been together since childhood." He looked at you as he continued speaking "then she left and we lost touch" the last line was obviously directed to you.
 "Uh ah correction it was you who lost contact because I was always in touch with the boys. By the way where are they? Can't wait to meet them."
 "They will be here in any second I guess" El said
"I can't believe you know each other since childhood, he always says that he doesn't like your songs"
 "Oh does he?" you looked at him quirking your eyebrow
 "No I didn't say that I don't like her songs I just said it's not my type"
 "Yeah yeah I know you're an old grandpa you prefer old school stuff." you said sarcastically
 "You are coming to our wedding right?" El asked
 You looked at Tom "umm I don't think I'm invited besides I may not have time to attend it. When is it by the way?"
 "Next year in March"
 "Great!! Wish you both a happy married life."
 "Uh ah.. I'm not accepting your bland wishes. You are invited to our wedding and you have to sing at our reception."
 "I would love to honey maybe I'll compose something specially for you guys but I don't think your husband will like that as he hates my songs" you looked at Tom
"Oh leave Tom anyways he has given me all the responsibility of planning the wedding so you are coming and that's final."
 "Okay dear as you wish" you placed a hand on her cheek and smiled.
 " Let's take a selfie. I really want to capture this moment," El insisted. You stood in the middle one hand on Tom's shoulder and the other on El's. You all smiled as she clicked the picture.
 Suddenly there was a lot of noise of people laughing and shouting and you immediately ran down the stairs. There stood Harry, Sam, Paddy, Tuwaine in the middle of the living room. As they saw you they ran towards you and circled around you for a giant hug.
 "Hey!! Y/N missed you so much so happy to see you again"
 "Me too guys"
 "We are going to have lots of fun this time gonna do everything we used to do when we were kids." Paddy said beaming with joy.
 You smiled and you all hugged again. Your eyes went up the stairs to find Tom staring at you. You looked away as you started chatting with them. Jacob, Ed and Chloe also came in later.
Zendaya and Harrison were sitting on the couch as you kept pacing the room
 "Seriously Y/N it isn't a big deal. It was just an accident stop stressing out about it."
 "It is serious for me Z . The first day on my trip I fell into my ex's arms and had a moment don't know about him but it was definitely a moment for me. And then there is his fiance who is such a sweet and humble person who doesn't have any clue of what relation I share with her husband.Why did I give into your plan God only knows uggh!!!" You sat between them on the couch holding your head. 
 Harrison wrapped his hands around your shoulders and tried to comfort you.
 "I know it's a bit weird for you to be around El due to your past with him but please for my sake try to tolerate just for 10 days."
 "You have vodka right?" you asked
 "Uh yeah why?" Haz looked at you confused
 "I'm exclusively reserving it for me because I'm gonna need it for the next 10 days if I have to stay here." You smirked
 "Tom, are we there yet can I open my eyes?"
"Patience love patience" Tom said, covering your eyes as he led you towards the beach.
It was your 16th birthday and your families had decided to celebrate on the beach house. Tom had told you that he has a surprise planned for you and you were growing impatient to know what it is. You both finally reached the spot Tom removed his hand from your eyes and you slowly opened your eyes as you saw the sea in front of you, waves thrashing on the shore. You looked around to see that he had decorated candles around you in the shape of a heart.
 "Seriously this is your surprise?" you asked him confused.
 "No love, the best part is yet to come."
He kneeled on his right leg as he took out a box from his pocket. He opened it to reveal a sparkling ring. He took it in his hand. He took your left hand and slid it in your ring finger and said
"Y/N Y/L/N will you be my girlfriend forever?
I liked you since childhood but didn't have the courage to say because I thought you were just a passing crush and you are my best friend and didn't want to ruin our friendship. But now I know that I feel happy when you are around, I like to spend time with you, that I love you. You don't have to say yes but I really wanted to say this to you.
 Your eyes were filled with tears, you bent down and kissed him to stop him from talking anymore .Tom gets a little shocked at your sudden act but then he kisses you back. You pull back after sometime as you cup his face with your hands.
"I liked you too Tommy and yes I will be your girlfriend for lifetime.
You looked at the ring to admire it.
"I know this isn't a real diamond because I can't afford a real one right now" Tom said scratching his head
"Your love is worth more than a thousand diamonds." you said as you kissed him again
 You were standing at the porch leaning on a pillar as you sipped into your cola can. You looked at the ring on your finger that Tom gave you. Out of habit you used to wear it everyday but now it's time to let go of it you thought.
 "So you finally had the courage to come here." Tom said grinning.
 What?! You frowned
 You previously thought maybe he's over it and now you two can be on good terms but you were wrong as here he is in front of you again being all cocky.
 "I mean after all these years you finally came here"
 "Firstly, this is my best friend's 30th birthday so couldn't afford to miss it. Secondly stop prioritizing yourself Tom, not everybody's lives revolve around you, not mine, at least" you scoffed
 "Yeah because your life's current priority is Alex right?"
 Was he jealous after he heard you talking to Alex you thought in your mind.
"What? Seriously Tom" you smiled and shook your head. He is my manager and he's like an elder brother, a mentor to me. Why even am I clarifying to you? You don't owe me anything so just leave if you don't have anything else to say."
 "I just came to say that stay away from El. She is my fiance."
 "Yeah I know she is your fiance you posted it on Instagram dufus. I even congratulated you and I had expected a thank you from your side but never mind. "
 It was three months ago you were at your LA residence enjoying an off day. You were scrolling through your Instagram. When you saw the post with the caption she said yes❤️💍. Even after your breakup you guys followed each other to avoid any kind of gossip by the tabloids. You both were very private person so you never went official with your relationship but there were rumours of you two being together which eventually died down. For the first few minutes you didn't know how to react to the whole thing. The life you once imagined for yourselves he is living it but you are no more in it. Your eyes welled up but you overcame your emotions and felt happy that at least one of you is finally going to be happy in life. You liked the picture and commented congratulations🎊❤️❤️❤️.
  "And I also know that she doesn't know about me. Why didn't you tell her about me? Scared of the feelings you still have for me huh?" You smirked
 "Just shut up Y/N. I hate you and that's never gonna change. And you are not gonna tell her anything okay!"
 "But I love you Tommy." You grinned
 Tom scoffed, rolling his eyes and frustrated he started to walk away.
 You called him back "Oi!! Don't worry I'm not gonna tell her anything but I'll still advise you to go and tell her. It will be better and less awkward if she gets to know it from you rather than from anyone else. Trust is the foundation of a relationship, don't break it."
 "Look who is talking about trust and relationships. It's our matter, we can handle it, don't need your advice."
 "Okay cool" you gave a thumbs up
 You really felt exhausted after the whole conversation putting up a no care attitude was really hard as you were totally bothered by the whole ordeal.
 After you and Zendaya finished unpacking your stuff she was exhausted and so decided to get some rest. You on the other hand decided to go for a stroll near the cliff. It was one of your favorite places to go. That place gave you peace and tranquility. You slid your sling bag around your shoulder and put your lyrics notebook inside it. You used to always carry that everywhere whenever you get an idea you note it down in it. You walked along the seashore feeling the cool sea breeze all over your body. You reached the cliff and took a deep breath standing on the edge. You looked over the sea the sun was setting with a golden and orange hue spread across the horizon. It was enchanting. Suddenly some ideas started coming in your head so you took out your notebook and started scribbling on it.
 "What'cha writing?" You were startled by the question you looked back to see Tom climbing the cliff towards you
 "What came to push me down the cliff?" You asked sarcastically
 He rolled his eyes "no seriously what are you writing?"
 "It's none of your business "
 "Come on you can tell me about your new song"
 "I can but first tell me what happens in Avengers 5?"
 Tom shook his head and laughed
 "What?! I'm serious I really can't wait for the movie. Are you bringing back Tony Stark or not. I still cry watching endgame."
"Marvel still doesn't trust me so can't say" he laughed as he took a deep breath and said "I really like this place".
 "Yeah me too"
 "I'm really happy that you came Y/N everyone missed you for the past years"
"And what about you?"
 "Yeah I also did a little." You both smiled.
 You are still confused at what Tom is trying to do. A few moments ago he was being all so mean and rude to you that you were almost about to have a breakdown and now he is here telling you that he missed you. What game are you trying to play with my mind Holland you thought.
You were looking away as Tom stole a glance of you. He really felt guilty, he wanted to apologize for his behavior but showing his anger towards you he thought was the only way to stay far from you. He had a lot of things to say to you but didn't know how to say he missed the time when he could say you everything without any hesitation but now things seemed very complicated for both of you.
 "By the way you look beautiful with long hair. It suits you. "
 You felt a warmth rising in your cheeks as you blushed. You tucked in the stray hair strands flying in the sea breeze behind your ear.
"Umm thanks you look handsome too as always." You smiled awkwardly
 Both looked at each other for a moment then you broke the silence "umm okay then I think I should get going see you around"
 "Yeah sure" Tom nodded
 You turned to go as Tom called you "Y/N! I'm really happy for you. I really am."
 You turned and smiled softly "the feeling is mutual Holland".
Taglists: to be added send a message or ask I'll be happy to add you in the following chapters.
@sophs-library​ @sleepybesson​ @spideyparkerstark​ @itstaskeen​ @milli86​
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hellotrickster · 4 years
Some podcast recs. Not by any means an exhaustive list! I’ll probably end up adding more and more.
The Magnus Archives
Horror drama masquerading as a horror anthology. Very incredible plotting and character writing, QUEER PROTAGONIST AND DEUTERAGONIST. It’s my favorite. It’s taught me about having hope again in the darkest of circumstances, and the knowledge that horror and tragedy can be cathartic, when done right. I’m still reeling on the floor from all of it.
The Penumbra Podcast: Juno Steel
Depressed bisexual nb detective Juno Steel solves mysteries and murders with sarcastic one-liners he practices in the mirror in a queer cyberpunk future on Mars as he tangles with a clever thieves, ancient alien telepathy, rogue cybernetics, his own trauma and survivor’s guilt, giant sewer rabbits, politicians and mobsters out to get him, and trying to look cool.
The Penumbra Podcast: Second Citadel
A collection of knights and knights-to-be and the monsters that they hunt in a series of rotating stories that eventually unifies all of them. We’ve got queer characters and characters with disabilities, enemies to lovers, a singing castle, a polycule, and a secret inverted pretending to be married, scalies. It’s a delight, and definitely reminds me of a more ensemble-variant of Xena.
Wolf 359
Found family IN SPACE but also like roommates who want to kill each other. Starts out fairly lighthearted and turns into an epic story that destroys you and remakes you and then grinds you apart again. Survival on a station many light years from earth is tough! Also lots of contemplation of personhood, agency, and spaaaaaace. Badass ladies, banter, suffering, love, a plant monster.
Zero Hours
Gabriel Urbina back at it again in an anthology that visits the end of the world — over and over again, each time a hundred years apart, spanning the 1700s to the far future. Sometimes hopeful, sometimes hurtful, it left me feeling grateful to exist. Featuring beloved voice actors from a bunch of other podcasts on this list, it’s a wonderful work of art (though thematically may be a little difficult right now, so please take care.)
Kane & Feels
Horror-urban-fantasy-noir! Lucifer Kane and Brutus Feels are paranormal investigators who deal with problems in the veil between worlds. Of everything on this list, it feels the most like a graphic novel and is fun as hell. Sometimes it’s a little tricky to tell what’s going on but goddamn does it have so much style and fun.
Archive 81
Each season is remarkably different from the one before. In a lot of ways, it’s almost a Lovecraftian adventure series, with parallel worlds and dark rituals with the grimmest of prices exacted. What’s particularly powerful about it is its quality audio and foley design. The intricacies of the rituals in season three compared with the rituals in The Magnus Archives will make you laugh and laugh and laugh.
Wooden Overcoats
Tim Burton-y or Addams Family British comedy about rival funeral parlors. Feels like it should be animated by Don Bluth. It’s very unfortunate and very hilarious, and you might end up wanting all the characters to be happy somehow. The voice acting quality is so polished and phenomenal.
Steampunk London! Tom Crowley — certified Handsome Voice Eric Chapman in Wooden Overcoats — is here as Inspector Fleet who ends up embroiled in trying to solve a massive conspiracy mystery with the intrepid journalist Clara Entwhistle. Another audio delight, with great comedic beats and fascinating world building. Lots of crime solving hijinks and teamwork, though Inspector Fleet is very reluctant at first to be part of a crime-solving partnership.
Girl in Space
Scientist found family revolution. It’s basically a bottle episode science fiction film, but it’s so sincere and kind I really adore it. X is a scientist surviving alone in a spaceship whose favorite movie is Jurassic Park, and who could really use a friend. Hopepunk to its toes, with the belief in the dignity of every person.
I Am In Eskew
Lovecraftian horror city setting, described in the dreamily calm voice of David Ward. Relaxing horror, with lovely prose and really creative concepts, backdropped by a steady rain. At times totally grotesque, but at the same time really soothing. Excellent for relaxing, since David does not seem shocked or surprised by anything that goes on, and deals with things as logically as living in a non-Euclidean world allows.
D&D and Tabletop
Rusty Quill Gaming
Yes, you know you need it in your life. Fictional steampunk London in which D&D races exist, Greek gods are real, and the world is ruled by a group of dragons called the Meritocrats. Starring: an ex-pirate dwarf cleric of Poseidon, a halfling Egyptian sorcerer, a slippery bundle of knives of a person, and a pompous idiot from the House of Lords whose worst fear is “the poors.” Eventually also a six-foot orc paladin of Aphrodite in bright glowing pink armor, a goblin paladin that will shoot off your kneecaps, and an alchemist that is a cross between Gambit and Jillian Holtzmann. You’ll learn how evil Alex J Newall is, and it’s wonderful.
Campaign Podcast: Skyjacks
Piracy has taken flight as four idiots try to Weekend At Bernie’s their dead captain and sail their airship to riches and adventure. Worth it especially for Gable, a seven-foot-tall non-binary immortal who can’t flirt for SHIT, but I love everybody in their little family. Lots of great improv and group-built storytelling, lots of goofs.
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multiplefandomfics · 5 years
Grimes sisters chapter 25
this has gotten a bit longer but still enjoy fellows. And you know feedback is always appreciated :D
Pairings: Daryl x Alex; Negan x Fabienne
Warnings: angst, drama, smut, unprotected sex, slight orgasm denial, rough sex, dom/sub undertones, fights
Words: 3246
Alex POV
I took a place on the patio in the sun and let my thoughts reign freely. Daryl still hadn’t come back and I was starting to worry. He was an excellent hunter and fighter but in his rage even he could have made a mistake. No Alex, you need to push these thoughts away. He will come back! I thought.  But where my mind was especially running wild around was the disappointment that had settled in my bones. But what did I expect? That was just Daryl’s nature. When he was overwhelmed with something, he just left without a lot of words and no one knew when or if he was gonna come back. I understood that he needed the time to overthink it all but I just wished he was gonna come to me and let us do this together. I sighed to myself “Congrats to you and Daryl!” I heard Carl behind me who was carrying Judith smiling at me happily. “Thank you.” I smiled back but it didn’t reach my eyes. Too much was going on in my head to let it really sink in that I was carrying a baby inside me. That should have made me much happier than it did. When I looked back behind me Carl had already vanished again.
Rick had taken the news of my pregnancy really good. That wasn’t surprising after all Daryl and Rick were like brothers and I was his sister so I had a bonus. He was really happy and tried to encourage me talking about a future we would build.
Fabienne was a completely different page. Even though she was the older of us two. Rick had told me that he had talked to our sister and that she had tried to flee afterward back to Negan. But I had to admit that I was also on Ricks side. Negan had to make the first move, if he made one at all. Rick just couldn’t live with the thought that Fabienne really loved that guy and was having his baby. I could understand her sadness that came with no one else getting her ways. She had told me how good of a person he was to her. Nice and gentleman-like only out here he was a murdering sociopath. But there had to be an ounce of goodness in him, right? I really wanted to believe that for my sisters sake.
I decided to give the thoughts a rest and went over to help Fabienne with her gardening. Talking was probably gonna help us both. “Hey sweetie.” I greeted her lovingly kissing her cheek. “Hey.” she answered quietly. “Is he back yet?” of course she was talking about Daryl so I shook my head sadly. Together we took care of the plants “You did a good job so far. There seem to be quite a few people who know about planting here.” Fabi said approving. “Well Hershel and Maggie were her in the beginning so they helped us quite a bit and gave up tips on how to make the best out of what we had.” I smiled proudly. After a while of scooting around in the dirt we made a break and sat down on a bench in the midday sun.
“Rick told me that you wanted to bail? Please don’t. It’s Negan’s turn to come to you. I don’t know him as well as you do but don’t you think when he’s calmed down and overcomes his broken pride he will reach out to you?” I asked her and that gave her reason to think about any possible outcome of this situation. Then she just shrugged. Honestly I hated Negan for what he’d done but my sister couldn’t have been mislead that much, could she? She must have found something good in him otherwise she wouldn’t have started all this. Plus she was my sister and as such I could always count on her so I was not blaming her for anything. “I don’t know, Alex. Everyday I’m waiting for him to show but nada, nothing. Not even a letter or a radio call. I don’t know what to do anymore.” she let her head hang low. I needed to reassure her “Hey, together we can make it through this. With or without our guys. We’re strong you know that and we are the best team there is. And look.. our kids are gonna grow up together in this amazing environment we are part of creating.” that finally made her laugh. So our kids were gonna be together and that was a wonderful thought.
Soon after our conversation I said goodbye and went back to the house. I wanted to lay down a bit, after fainting yesterday I was still a bit weak.
Seemed as if I had fallen asleep because I was awoken by a hesitant knock on the door. Exhausted I opened my eyes and recognize Daryl’s posture. Finally he was back.
“Hey.” I greeted him and he just nodded toward me biting his lip in that very cute manner he always did when he was nervous.
“I was worried about you.” I stated shyly.
“’m sorry. didn’t wanna scare you… was jus’ a bit much, ‘s all.” he mumbled.
“And are you clear now on where you stand?” I carefully asked him afraid of the answer.
“I don’t know. I love you and I never thought t’ be a dad but I wanna try wi’ you.” I can’t describe the relief that flooded me at his words. His soft southern slur was music to my ears and I jumped up as fast as I could hugging him tight.
“I love you too and I wanna give you as much space as you need. I’m gonna help you with everything as best as I can. And I saw you with Judith when she was a baby. You will be a great dad because you are the most amazing and loyal person I know. Don’t let your families history control you Daryl. You are good through and through.” I kissed him full of love and passion.
Then the air shifted into lust and pure instinct. “God, Daryl I missed you. I need you now!” I moaned in his hear kissing down his neck. Maybe it was the pent up frustration, maybe the hormones but I really wanted to jump his bones in that moment. Fortunately he didn’t object and kept kissing me vigorously. The next thing I know we had shed all our clothes and he was laying on top of me on our fluffy mattress still kissing the hell out of me. I loved his plump yet kinda fluffy lips. His erection was pressing against my lower belly and I was imagining him deep inside me. But suddenly he stopped all his ministrations and the look in his eyes was one of pure fear. “Isn’t sex gonna hurt the baby?” he asked worriedly. “No baby. It’s still not bigger than a small tomato and you won’t reach it so please keep going we could both need the relaxing activity.” I encouraged him. Obviously I had convinced him because a second later he was pushing inside me. And hell it felt like heaven. Even though he had been insecure in the beginning he was an amazing lover then. “shit that feels good.” he groaned and hit deeper when I slung my legs around his waist. He knew me so well and always found the right angle to make me scream out in pure pleasure. I just hoped that we weren’t too loud. “Oh, god, yes. Right there. Harder Daryl.” I moaned demanding more. “You love it when I fuck you, huh? Love my thick cock stretching you out. Love to be dominated by me? Tell me who do you belong to?” he was so hot when he got like that.
“You baby. I’m all yours. I’m your slut to do with whatever you please.” I submitted to him.
“SAY MY NAME!” he demanded and every word was punctuated by a hard thrust. “Oh god Daryl I’m yours- fuck- feels so good.” I yelled.
“Who’s the only one who can make you feel that way? Who can fuck you so good?” he kept ramming inside me. I was so close from his dirty talk alone that I started to shake with pure passionate energy.
“You close baby? I can feel you clenching around me.” he assumed right.
“May I come please?” I knew he wanted to be asked when he was in this dominant head space.
“Not yet darling.” he ground out through his teeth. After a few more agonizing thrusts he whispered in my ear “come! Now!” and I came so hard. I had never had an orgasm as powerful as this one. Maybe make up sex was really the best sex next to revenge sex. I felt his seed spill inside me and then he collapsed on top of me before rolling off me hastily a second later. “Was I too rough? Did I hurt you or the baby?” he asked fearful again. “No you idiot. You didn’t. I love you and this was awesome.” as long as he was gonna struggle with himself I was gonna build his self-confidence back up. We fell asleep again in each others arms and it was the most comfortable and relaxing sleep I had had in a while.
Fabienne POV
another two weeks had passed since I had told Negan about our baby and he had left without a word and there had still been nothing from him. Again and again the thought of just going back crossed my mind. I was so afraid of having the baby on my own and being a single mother. That had never been on my future plans. Not even before the world was overrun by the dead. But then my pride was triggered and I thought that he had to come to me, after all he had been the one that had left. My pride was one of the things I had left.
Over the past days I had been alone a lot. I loved my family don’t get me wrong but I playing domesticity was not something I wanted to do then. There was the happy couple Alex and Daryl totally in love and awaiting their child in happy expectancy and then there was me. The pregnant girl who had been left by her boyfriend because he couldn’t deal with a child and obviously had no sense of honor.
I love my sister more than anything but I couldn’t deal with their happiness. I was kinda jealous and at the same time angry at me for not being able to be properly grateful for what I had in those times.
Sitting down in a silent corner under the sky I was softly stroking over my belly wondering if it was gonna be a boy or a girl.
When I suddenly heard someone call out to me. It’s Aaron jogging toward me. “Fabi you really wanna see this. Come with me please?” he kindly demanded. I rolled my eyes in annoyance. Couldn’t I be left alone only for a minute.
“there is someone here for you.” he elaborated further.
Then I was getting nosy, excited and nervous all at once. And when I was standing in front of the gate it opened and revealed Negan and a few of the saviors but not as many as the last time he had come. He immediately saw me and strode over. “Hey.” he mumbled not making eye contact. He seemed to be ashamed of his behavior and that was normally not his style. He was almost always overconfident and maybe even arrogant but that destroyed I had never seen him before. But still I didn’t know what to say. No one else was daring to move closer to us. The people around us seemed to be holding their breaths tense at what was gonna happen next.
On the one hand I was really happy and grateful for his appearance but on the other hand I was angry and disappointed that he hadn’t come sooner. After all he had left me hanging for over two weeks.
“Look who’s finally….” I heard Rick distantly say but Alex stopped him before all hell was gonna break lose again.
Slowly I made another step toward him without touching him and he didn’t make a move either. He knew that it was my call if I was gonna let him back into my life or if he had gone too far. “Well, look who’s still alive.” I announced looking into his eyes. I nodded toward Aaron to close the gate and he did leaving the other saviors outside but they didn’t riot either.
“Please let me explain Fabi.” he spoke so only I could hear. He made a move for my hand but I blocked it and pulled away. He definitely didn’t deserve body contact of any kind in that moment. “Go on!” I stayed stoic. “can we please talk about this at home.” he was obviously not feeling very comfortable here baring his deepest emotions to me. But I decided to keep him waiting for a while longer even though I wanted to talk to him too in silence.
“You can’t be seriously considering to go with him, are you?” Rick asked me in disbelieve.
“I’ll give him another chance to explain and when I don’t like it I’ll come back to you.” I dryly answered him.
Suddenly I saw a movement out of the corner of my eye. It was Tara storming toward Negan gun raised… and then she pulled the trigger. I was deeply shocked though I understood her somehow. Fortunately she was blinded by rage and didn’t aim right so the bullet just hit the tire of a nearby car before Michonne had tackled her to the ground.
I looked at Negan and was so afraid he was gonna kill someone else but I saw realization flash across his features that he knew when he killed someone of my people, my family, that I was never gonna forgive him and he was never gonna see his child so he just brushed it off. That was the last drop I needed to decide that he could indeed change and that I was gonna go with him.
I packed a bit of the stuff that they had given me and that I desperately needed and walked back to Negan. On the way I gave chaste kiss to Rick and hugged him close before I turned to Alex doing the same. “But you are coming back when we have to go to doctor Carson, right? I don’t wanna do this all on my own. I need my sister by my side.” she almost begged.
“Of course sweetie. I’ll be back.” I ensured her and she let it go.
I walked past Negan and let my pack fall down next to him without sparing him another glance. I decided to play hard to get for a while. He deserved that!
We had taken a car for ourselves to be alone for the ride. The air was so thick with tension you could have cut it with a knife. No conversation held longer than the occasional small talk.
When he parked the car on the premises of the sanctuary all the feeling of being at home that I frequently had had before, were gone then. Still I nodded toward the people around us and also toward the workers as I had always done. I respected them because without them we were nothing there. No task force is of use when you can’t feed and clothe them properly.
I walked in front of Negan toward our small shared apartment. “Well? Talk!” I ordered him the second the door had closed behind us. Nervously he was pacing the room up and down. “I needed time to think. A kid was not what I expected to ever have after my wife died and now..” he swallowed thickly gazing at me. “Yes keep going. What is it that’s so bad about this? I’m sure we can make it. We came this far so why not?” - “me and a child? You saw what I’m able to do. I never thought this far… when I noticed your family there and then the pregnancy bomb?!… I was completely overstrained.” he drove his hands trough his hair in exasperation.
I let myself drop onto the couch looking at him intently. I wasn’t sure if he was trying to apologize or justify himself but I wanted to keep listening.
“And that’s why you just left me hanging? What if, when the baby is here and you get overstrained again, you just leave again? I can’t count on you at the moment. You have lost my trust and have to re-earn it again.” I told him disappointed by his previous answer.
He let himself plop down next to me with a loud sigh resting his hand on my thigh and that time I didn’t push him away.
“Your behavior wasn’t right with what you did in Alexandria. I didn’t recognize you then, Negan. It was just disgusting and if you wanna have a chance at regaining my trust and seeing your child you better change something or I will be gone before you know it.” my intentions in this statement were clear as day. As I thought back to his murders goosebumps were running down my spine.
“But baby, that’s just who I am. Only with you I am the big softy you know. You make me a better man.” he begged me to understand but I couldn’t let that slide.
“then start fighting for me- for us!” I stroked my belly again to underline what was at stake for him here. “Please at least try to change! I don’t want to be a single mom but I’m gonna do it when you don’t work on yourself. Why don´t you start trading with Alexandria and the other communities? You could make profit from each other without robbing them. I am definitely leaving and going back to Alexandria if you don’t start acting like a human being around others too!” I announced matter of factly and without giving him a chance to object.
I wanted to prevent  a bloody war between the communities and I felt as if I was the last thing holding him back from killing them all. I was trapped between my family who was everything to me and the man I loved and who was the father of my child.
“I promise you we are gonna find a solution. I’m gonna sit myself together with Rick and the other leaders and negotiate something that will benefit us all.” he affirmed me. That satisfied me for then and I stared deeply into his eyes but this time in love and adoration for my baby daddy. After what felt like a half eternity our lips finally sealed the deal.
The kiss was soft and his hand had wandered to my belly which made me smile lovingly. This moment felt just perfect even though I hadn’t believed that this was gonna happen anymore.
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badwolfknight1986 · 7 years
I was sorta tagged by @puffin-socks​
Fictional characters you relate most to?
I don’t really know... I love characters and I find myself in most but not in one specific person per say but if I had to narrow it down to the most I would probably Leo Valdez, Anne Kirrin, Alex Bailey, Stiles Stilinski and Constance Bonacieux. I know that's a lot but there are some that cater to when I'm more girly or manly and some when I'm feeling mature and others a bit of both. I relate to them because they are realistic and like me so....
Book you can read over and over without getting tired of it?
Fablehaven, Heroes of Olympus and the famous five series are probably my go to book series along with the Cat Royal series and The land of stories.
Seriously all of these are amazing and you should all go read these!!!
Especially Cat royal and Fablehaven as they are often overlooked as they aren't as popular as the others listed.
What’s your favorite comfort show/movie?
TV shows: Doctor Who, Musketeers
Movies: Me before you, Sound of music, grease
Which fictional character/s are you most defensive over?
Piper McLean!!!!! SHE IS SO POWERFUL AND BADASS and everyone sleeps on her! IFrom the same book Leo Valdez. He is pretty popular in the fandom but people often make him the butt of jokes or overplay his ADHD and make him te weird seventh wheel whilst, in reality, he has two awesome best friends (Piper and Jason) and he is really smart. (For crap's sake He was doing college work when he was in primary school!!!!!!)
And Finally Stiles Stilinski. Everyone makes him goofy and totally stalkerish in his love life. Whilst he is goofy and clumsy pus has bad crushes he definitely is NOT that bad. Everyone writes him as weak and defenseless or as if he isn't really pack orrrrr erases his friendships/love life to put him with sorta friends who were really mean witches to him. Also, he has a spark and is the son of the sheriff. I don't care if its canon that he cants handle weapons. He so can and probably know self-defense as well. PLUS he did amazingly at lacrosse when he actually tried and had a chance but in canon (and even by the fandom) they make him bad at lacrosse and puny.
I'm sorry I know I’m writing too much... I just need to rant (I'm in a mood :( )
Show you fell out of love with?
Downton Abbey, The Flash, Arrow, Supergirl, Legends of tomorrow. I was away for a while with no technology/wifi and that meant I had a lot to catch up on. Also, the episode to catch up on was a three-part crossover and it was just too much for me to deal with and watch all three shows for that ep. Arrow I just sort of stopped watching, no real reason just didn't enjoy it as much I guess.  Downton Abbey, I  had only seen from around season 4 onwards so just stopped after a while during the wait for the new season.
Vampire Diaries. I wanted to watch it but never got round to it until my friend made me watch it and in return would watch my show. Being forced to watch it made it lose its appeal to me near the end of the season.
Once upon a time. Not really a reason. I hope to start it again soon though.
Show you’re most excited for?
ONE DAY AT A TIME and the good place S3!!! Y’all if you haven't seen these shows you have been M i s s i n g out :)))))
What’s your aesthetic?
I don’t really have one?? On Tumblr, I’m probably just known for posting basically everything from tv shows, vines, memes and fic/fanart. I probably make my own post once every 300 😅. I go from not posting anything to reposting 35 in one day so...
I love other aesthetics and hope to maybe have one in the future?  Some kind of artist, world traveler, magic, great sense of humor. bright smiles, surrounded by love, mythology and spiritualism, big city black and white studio apartment, cottage house in the woods with roses and ivy, caramel and chocolate and oversized sweaters, stargazing, cute animals, fairy lights, plants, comforters and fluffy pillows,scented candles in pretty holders that cast reflections on my walls ... Hopefully one day right?
(I do have some of these aesthetics but only in my room..)
Favorite fanfic tropes?
reincarnation au, college au, pirates, fairytale au, royalty au, different ending au, strangers to friends to lovers, enemies to lovers, chat fic, happy ending au, Crossover au, disney au, magic au, withes au, BAMF au, Ghost/Haunted au
gonna tag: @annabathtime , @ivebeendeadfor7years ,  @fandompandabear , @bxdcubes , @veronicabunch , @bloodymarymorstan , @music-thelifeblood​
and any others who want to do this and tag me!! pls do I’d love to get to know more people on this site!
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