#i’ll print 100 versions of these and
crieer · 9 months
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I RECIEVED THIS INCREDIBLE ART FROM @asleepyy !!! I’m honestly still stunned that I even won the banner competition- But i’m so happy! Thank you to everyone. ☺️☺️
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2dmax · 7 months
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2dmax commissions info spring 2024
last updated april 12th
to place an order for a commission, you may PM me; if you prefer, you can also fill out this form or commission me through fiverr.
text and additional info below the readmore.
thanks for reblogging, even if you aren't interest right now!
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These are excellent starting off points for most common commission types. Additional specificity and complexity can be purchased. All basic packages are artist's medium of choice, include simple backgrounds, minimal/no props. All include full color, fully finished works.
Standard Illustration - $80
Artistic and expressive "full body" illustration (roughly 75-100% of figure).
Mini Illustration - $50
Chibi, portrait, half body, icons, and the like.
Couple's Illustration - $100
A duo version of the above styles. Doesn't have to be romantic couples - friends, enemies, family, pet & owner, or other pairs and duos OK.
Multipose, Reference, and Group Lineups - $120+
For commissions that require either multiple poses of the same character, groups, more than two characters generally. Reference pages can include close-ups and detailed shots.
Experimental Commissions
18"x24" Handmade Poster - $200
artist’s choice of medium only. typically acrylic/mixed media. always on extra large poster sized paper. great way to celebrate your favorite OCs or canon characters!
paper clay figurine - $100
chibi humanoids/animals/ferals/anthros only. between 2"-3" cubed, give or take. armature wire, paper clay, paint, and varnish. these are delicate art items, not toys; not suitable for children. includes a photoset at no additional cost.
standalone comics page - $200
2-5 panels, 1-2 characters, 1 location. artist’s choice of medium only. can be OCs or canon characters.
wildcard commission - $???
submit your request and your budget; results are up to the artist.
pay what you want means get what you get!
here’s what to expect when you order:
Send me a PM with basic info; what you would like me to draw, your budget, and if you have a deadline.
I will ask a few questions to be able to build up the concept. I will also give you my e-mail, where you can send me further info and any references you’d like to share!
Your sketch is typically ready within a week; I’ll always update you on my progress. After we agree on the sketch, payment will be due. After it’s paid, I will give you an estimate for when I will be finished with your piece.
Your finished artwork will be e-mailed to you. I am also happy to mail physical art at cost!
terms and conditions:
Your commission is for personal use; icons, roleplaying, in your blog theme, as a wallpaper, or to print out and tape to your fridge. Commercial use can be negotiated.
You must credit me on the platform used if reposted. Always OK to post to ToyHouse; my username is 2dmax there. On instagram and all other platforms where I don’t have an account, please credit my instagram @/maximumgroove.
You may not use my art to promote anything hateful or illegal. You may not claim it as anyone else’s creation. You may not use it for commercial uses, or to edit, adapt, trace, or directly reference, without getting permission. I may use my art in my own promotional material.
➽ navigation desktop view ★ F.A.Q. browse my finished art ★ sketches ★ other media look at buyables & adoptables fan art ★ ttrpg art ★ flight rising art ask me a question ★ browse my archive visit my toyhou.se ★ follow me on instagram
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tryslora · 3 months
learning sentence level editing
It’s no secret that I hate editing.
I’ve told this story before: When I was in high school, I had an English teacher who told us on our first day of sophomore honors English that she would not give an A for a first draft. She had a rigorous outlining/drafting process that she was determined to teach us. Me, I had undiagnosed ADHD and was a dyed-in-the-wool pantser. So I resolved on that first day that by the end of my time with her, I would get an A on a first draft.
My final essay of junior year AP English (yes, same teacher two years in a row), I wrote about Victorian morals and literature. I read it aloud. I got an A. I only ever wrote one draft.
What that taught me was how to write very technically clean drafts, something that has stayed with me for almost four decades now. Which is great!
What it did not teach me was how to be patient enough to properly edit. And I have never really learned. In fact, that is one of my ADHD sticking points (yes, I know, that’s obvious from my reaction to her statement in the story above). I often feel that a large part of the reason I have never made it as a writer—have never broken into tradpub—is because I do not have the patience to not only write, but then create an outline from the draft, then rewrite, then do it all over again and fiddle with each sentence until it’s perfect.
I’m learning, but I’ll admit, I’m still not there, and I’m not sure I ever will be where novels are concerned. 
But right this moment, I’m feeling very accomplished and proud of myself. I had a short story that every time I worked on it, it grew. Every time I cut it, it felt like it lost its heart and like the taste of the words stopped feeling like mine. My voice disappeared.
I had finally worked out a version of it that was just under 7500 words long, and I thought it was decent. It got no traction, and I was frustrated. I put it up for critique on SFFOWW (a critique group site) while I was active there a year and a half ago. It was chosen for an Editor’s Choice review, and the first half of it got some great comments. Which I promptly had to ignore because I was dealing with other editing problems.
I returned to it recently, because I saw a call I wanted to send it to. The problem was, the call was for stories under 6k, and I wasn’t sure I could cut this story again and still retain its punch. But hey. The biggest feedback I got was about how I handled my descriptions and dialog, and the amount of repetition that slipped into my words. So I absorbed that, and I dug into the story, and I started ripping it apart.
I didn’t edit it, exactly, nor did I completely rewrite it. I printed it. I read it twice. Then I placed it on the desk and went a few paragraphs at a time and started with a blank file and filled it in. Some pieces went in verbatim. Most of it changed. Huge chunks disappeared, and a few new things appeared. Some of it got rearranged. The wordiness disappeared.
Here’s an example…
"You get one hour," Lana says softly. "One hour with him, and then you're leaving him behind. You're taking your fate and you're setting him free."
"One hour," Lana says. "Then take your fate with you and set him free."
The new version of the story came in under 6k. I did it, and the best part is, I don’t hate it. In fact, this was sentence level revision of a style I had never done before. The closest I’ve come to it is editing flash fiction to be under very tiny wordcounts (or drabbles of exactly 100 words, which gods, those take me longer than writing a short fic!).
I’m not sure I could’ve done this without the editing I did for Into the Split over the last many months. I had to dig into that in ways I have never edited a novel before, and it prepared me to dig even more deeply into this short story.
I’m learning. I guess you can teach old dogs some new tricks.
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indieyuugure · 11 months
Hey Indie!
I'm super sad that ROTP is ending, but I hope I can snag a printed copy of it or smth because I consider it to be literal gold.
Just a question for TMS, before the turtles are turned into humans, do they start as the 2012 boys or your version of the turtles?
also, this might be too early to ask but my annoyingly curious mindset is gonna kill me if I don't, so, is ROTP going to end with pretty much everyone not quite healed yet, or is it going to end with most of the turtles being very close to fully healed/fully healed?
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Yes, I’ll be getting together a sign up sheet in a few weeks so people can pre-order the books. Colored comics are pretty expensive, so having only the number of books I need be pre-paid for will make sure it all works out.
TMS takes place in the 2012 universe. The turtles you can watch on TMNT 2012 are the ones in my story and are the versions that get transformed into humans.
Lol, not a problem, I want everyone to be at the least 60% recovered, like most of them will be somewhere like 90-100% but even some of the more severe injuries aren’t causing them a lot of pain. Basically, they’ve all recovered enough that if they were to go to a store at night, the would be okay, assuming they’re not doing any fancy ninja tricks.
Good question! :]
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dilemmaontwolegs · 1 year
Running from the Flames {18}
Pairing: Pierre Gasly x OFC Warnings: 18+ only, fluff - this is a work of fiction and the events are not based on reality. Chapter: One || Two || Three || Four || Five || Six || Seven || Eight || Nine || Ten || Eleven* || Twelve || Thirteen || Fourteen || Fifteen || Sixteen || Seventeen || Eighteen || Nineteen || under construction
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The mess inside the house was the last of my worries when I unlocked my mailbox and saw what had been delivered while I was gone. It was deja vu right down to the brown 100% recycled paper envelope that promised it was sustainable and carbon neutral. I flipped it over and saw the same return address of the London lawyer that Trent had used nearly three years ago and my stomach turned. 
“Addie, can you show Pierre the house? I just need to make an important phone call.”
Addie didn’t give Pierre a chance to ask me what was wrong as she grabbed his hand and marched him inside my renovated bungalow. Granny had been perplexed when I brought the single storey fixer upper and offered to buy me something bigger and newer but I loved the character it held and there was more than enough space for the two of us. Addie and I had made the place our sanctuary and I wished I could take the house with us when we moved. 
“Hey mum,” I choked when she answered the phone. “I think I need your help.”
“What is it, mija?” She asked as I took a seat at the desk in my study and tore through the envelope to see the court summonings. 
“Assault,” I gasped as I skimmed over the details. “I’m being charged with assaulting that bastard Trent Gordon!” 
“Hijo de puta,” mum swore and I heard something sounding suspiciously like a door being slammed shut. “Send me through the documents and I’ll make some calls. I wouldn’t worry too much, mija, I’m sure this can be settled out of court.”
“Alright,” I sighed and looked at the framed photo on my desk from the day Addie was born. I had never been more afraid than in that moment but as soon I looked at her something snapped into place and I knew I would do anything for her. 
A shadow across my wall alerted me to Pierre’s presence and I cleared my throat of the emotion that had tightened it. Pierre walked into my study and picked up a 3D printed, fully functioning A523 replica I had used for my final paper and he looked at the precise details of the miniature version of his race car as he leant against my desk. He mindlessly spun the wheel with his fingers as he waited for me, resting his hip against my desk.
“Let me know what you figure out. Te amo, mama.”
“Yo también te amo.”
I hung up the call and placed my phone on the desk beside my MacBook that I hadn’t opened since I submitted my final paper last month. I didn’t say anything as I traded the documents for the racecar and his eyebrows shot up after the first sentence. 
“Is this serious?” he asked. “You have a restraining order against him. Shouldn’t he be the one in court?”
“Mum’s going to look into it, I don’t really know anything about all that. She took care of everything last time.” I massaged my temples and let out a defeated sigh. “All I want is a few days where I don’t have to deal with any shit. I feel like all I’ve done for the last three years is run from one fire to the next. I’m so fucking tired, Pierre.”
“Oh, mon amour,” Pierre murmured as he swivelled my chair around and he knelt between my knees, his hands running soothing lines up and down my legs. “You were doing that all by yourself, but not anymore. Everything will workout in the end.”
“And if it’s not okay, it’s not the end?” I finished for him.
Pierre chuckled. “Otmar has a lot of useful sayings.”
“That one he stole from John Lennon. But thank you.” I leaned forward and stole a much needed kiss from him before Addie danced into the room wanting to go to brunch. “Okay, I’ll just send this to Abuela then we can go. Did you give Pierre a tour of the house?”
She nodded proudly.
“She showed me where to leave my bag, in the guest room,” Pierre chuckled. “Has your gym ever been used? I think there was still protective wrap on the machines.”
“Not really, I made a passing comment about losing the baby weight to Granny after Addie was born and then the next day my rumpus room was Betty-fied. I only use the treadmill for physio,” I turned to Addie and took her hand. “Sweetie, Pierre’s going to be staying in my room.”
“With you?”
“I should hope so.”
She tilted her head as she looked between us and asked, “why?” 
“Well, um, because he’s my boyfriend.”
“Oh, like when Rienhardt sleeps over.”
“No,” I said with a laugh as Pierre looked at me. “Reinhardt is Addie’s friend from pre-school.”
“He’s a boy.”
“Yes and he’s your friend, I know what you mean. But the relationship Pierre and I have is very different.”
“Okaaaay…” Her confusion pinched her brows together and pursed her lips but she let it drop.
“You’ll understand one day.” 
We left it at that and went to put on our shoes so we could walk through the park to Ivy Cafe. There were quite a few groups of uni students out enjoying the sunshine before the next semester started and a few familiar faces waved to Addie as we walked along. She was always more sociable than me and had made friends with almost all the locals while we were out and about.
One group of young men had used their shoes to set up a makeshift goal and were playing a friendly match of football. The ball went flying and missed the goal by a mile as it hurtled towards us but Pierre stepped in and caught it on his chest. My boobs ached at the thought of even trying that but he didn’t feel anything as he controlled the ball at his feet and kicked it back.
“Thanks, bruv,” one called back before he stopped mid stride and pointed at him. “You ain’t that Formula One driver, right?” I laughed at the question and Pierre shrugged casually. “No way, come have a game, my man.”
“Go on,” I said before he could even think about declining it, because I knew he would be thinking about Addie and not what he wanted to do. We could wait a few more minutes without it being the end of the world. “As your personal trainer for the week, I insist, go do your cardio.”
The guys introduced themselves quickly for the five-aside match of shirts vs skins and I saw the crowd of spectators growing when Pierre was on the skins team and took his shirt off, handing it over to me with a wink before jogging off to his team.
The game had a fast pace and Addie was completely enthralled with it, cheering loudly every time Pierre had the ball. She wasn’t the only one I found when I looked around and saw all the women with their phones out capturing Pierre as he dribbled the ball down the field. His leg drew back as he neared the goal and we all held our breath as he took his aim. 
The park was silent as his foot connected and the ball went flying, the keeper diving just a little too late. A round of girlish cheers nearly deafened me and Addie jumped up and down clapping as Pierre punched the air and accepted the handshakes that every male universally seemed to know.
He said he needed to get going and grinned at the round of groans and disputes before leaving his new friends and jogging his way back to us.
“We might have to change your name to Pierry Henry,” I teased as I reluctantly gave him his shirt back. “Do you play a lot of football?”
“Not as much as I’d like, but I sometimes have a kick around with Charles.” He pulled on his shirt and took back his phone and wallet before Addie asked to be carried and he put her on his shoulders. “Do you want to play when you grow up, princesse?” She nodded her head enthusiastically and he grinned up at her. “We can practise together.”
Our evening was rather quiet, which was a very nice change. Addie and I had left Pierre at home to do his workout while we went grocery shopping and then she helped me make dinner. By the time the meal was ready Pierre had emerged from my room after taking a shower and he inhaled the mouthwatering scent that filled the kitchen.
“Looks delicious,” he said as kissed my temple and plucked an olive from the greek salad. He tossed it in the air and caught it in his mouth, earning an impressed clap from Addie who then tried to copy him only to miss completely. “Oops, so close. Maybe that wasn’t the best idea.”
“Just don’t start juggling knives in front of her.” I picked up the olive that landed at my feet and tossed it in the trash. “Or at all,” I clarified just to be sure, given the cheeky grin he gave me.
“Can you read to me?” Addie asked Pierre after he finished washing the dishes while I dried.
The plate slipped in my hand and I barely caught it before it fell to the benchtop. She had always asked me to read to her, even when her grandparents were around, it was always our thing. A small part of me was almost mourning the loss of the role but a much larger part was happy that she felt comfortable enough to break from the routine and trust Pierre to put her to bed. 
“Of course, princesse. Why don’t you go choose a story while I finish up here?”
She started to run down the hall when I called out to her, “And brush your teeth too.”
She made a non-committal sound but I heard the creaky door to the main bathroom open before the taps turned on.
“She’s going to choose the biggest book just so she can stay up longer,” I warned Pierre as he passed me the last dish.
“It’s a solid strategy but my nephews say I’m a boring storyteller so she might just fall asleep as soon as I start talking.”
I laughed as I put the last plate away and wiped away the suds that clung to Pierre’s arm hairs. “I like your stories, plus, kids can be absolutely ruthless and they don’t even know it.”
“Addie’s not, she’s sweet.”
I grinned and stepped into his arms. “You’re sweet.”
His lips curved up into a devilish smile. “I think you're sweet? But I’m suffering from memory loss so I’ll have a taste of you later to check.”
“You better hurry up and tell the world’s most boring story so she goes to sleep quickly then.” I gave him a small nudge towards the hallway and he left, looking back over his shoulder as he reached her bedroom door to send me a wink that held a promise of what was to come.
Click here for chapter nineteen.
Tagging: @my-only-way-tocooperatewithlife
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inkblackorchid · 1 year
Hit me with your favorite 5Ds headcanons 👀
Okay so I’ve used/alluded to some of these in my fics already, but that’s just because I love them that much (also it was really hard deciding which are my favourite headcanons):
Crow swears the most out of the boys, but has an almost supernatural ability to completely shut his swearing off the second children are around (unless he’s really flustered)
Though I’ve kinda hinted at something like it before, Jack isn’t actually the worst cook at the Poppo Time. Bruno is. Because Jack knows what good food is supposed to taste like (having been a star duellist for a while and all) and can reasonably guess how to approximate those flavours—he just doesn’t cook because he doesn’t have the patience to learn any technique whatsoever (or clean up after himself when he’s done). Meanwhile, Bruno just can’t cook. Straight up. It’s not a matter of wanting or not wanting to, if you try tasking this man with anything more difficult than preparing cup ramen he will burn something. Guaranteed.
Bruno and Yusei don’t have the same mechanical skillset. Bruno is almost 100% specialised only to runners, and at that, he’s slightly better than Yusei. But Yusei’s advantage is that he knows how to fix almost everything else (provided it’s mechanical and/or electronic), too.
All three of the Satellite boys actually know how to sew a bit. Martha taught them how to mend their own clothes. The quality of their seams varies (Crow’s are the neatest because he got a lot of practice from mending his kids’ stuff, too), but they all know how to sew tears shut and mend holes.
Aki isn’t as good a gardener as one would believe with her plant theme. She likes gardening a great deal, but doesn’t have a lot of experience outside of house plants. So she could decently keep a garden alive, but would never be able to maintain something like, say, a bonsai collection or a bed of prize roses, despite her love for the activity.
I’ve written a whole post about this already, but I still adore it, so: Satellite natives, post reunion with the city, are the bane of brand phone store workers’ existence. They want everything fixed, not replaced, and trying to explain to them why that would be too complicated (whether contrived or not) usually results in them not paying a single cent and going something like “oh, forget it, I’ll just give it to the neighbour’s boy, he’ll take care of this”. This includes Yusei, who usually just ends up fixing his own stuff, and especially Crow, who has already nearly gotten in a fistfight with some tech company’s store manager upon hearing the supposed price of a repair/replacement on more than one occasion before. (He obviously just ends up handing his stuff over to Yusei, too, in the end.)
Maybe my favourite headcanon: As TCG fans know, the manga versions of the signer dragons were printed as the duel dragons. In-universe, I imagine the duel dragons were also printed—as commercial, publicly available retrains of the signer dragons, who are supposed to be one of a kind in canon. (I also use this headcanon to justify why the signers have support cards tailored specifically to their dragons—they were printed to go with the duel dragons in-universe, but allow usage with the original signer dragons as well.)
Rua/Leo isn’t actually that bad at school. He’s just not very disciplined when it comes to studying because he’d rather keep polishing up his deck.
Ruka/Luna owns several duel monsters plushies. Her favourite is, of course, her Kuribon plushie.
Carly is really good at clocking people’s vibes and figuring out their character quickly. The caveat is that this only works when she meets them face to face.
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dailydoofypokemon · 5 months
Wowee zowee, I’ve been done with Hoenn for a while now and am about 20 into Sinnoh, but oh man, I think more people are finding the lil blog here as Hoenn was going by, I got to 100 followers and am averaging about 10 notes a day. Which I know that’s not much, but it’s so much more activity than I’ve had on my main blog. I’m pretty sure it’s because of the consistency? But that’s still rad.
Special thanks to @everysinglepheel and @drizzileiscool for being such regulars! I know I don’t respond, but y’all’s tags keep me going. I know Drizzile, you’re waiting for the gen after this one, and that’s cool! I appreciate you sticking around like you have, so thank you so much! Same goes for Pheel! Thank you for always checking out my art!
Also a little extra thanks to @somekindabard who I love very very much and is my partner in crime and life and the best and helps me finish off all the Pokémon probs gosh, has it been since the beginning of Hoenn? Either way, love yoooooou
After Hoenn, I also think I’m going to drop off the numbering for the days. I know it’s not a lot, but I keep losing track over where I’m at, and I’m almost positive I’m off by like five or ten at this point, so it’s just a little change to the descriptions, but it’s enough that I gotta do something about it and it would help me queueing everything up ‘cause I keep losing which number i was last on //OTL
I also have posters for each gen I’ve completed so far, along with one that just has the starters! Once I get my shop properly fixed, I’ll put them online if anyone is interested. They’re 11x17, and I’m honestly really happy with how they turned out because they’re just so goofy looking, and it’s great seeing everything I’ve done so far combined into one. I want to make prints of each of the these guys in a fun collectible way eventually (a la trading cards maybe? Or something in the realm of a pack of cards or something) because there’s just some thing really satisfying to the idea of that, and may be a better solution for my table situation when I’m vending, lol. I’ll have a post on that soon so if y’all are interested!
To answer a question that came up early in Hoenn: Yes I do plan on doing every version of every Pokemon eventually! My plan is to finish all the current Pokédex, then get to work on the Mega Evolutions, then regional versions, then potentially spend a month just doing the Unown alphabet to hopefully turn into a silly font. It’ll be a while until I get there, but maybe I’ll do some of the Unown alphabet over the course of a few days and upload those as a set when I get the spoons for that. So I won’t just stop at Paldea! (Or whatever gen Pokemon will be by the time I get to Paldea, lol)
Lastly, I was curious if you guys wanted me to answer more things on here? I read everything that is sent my way, but I don’t respond because I know some people do prefer to have blogs that are themed blogs to remain consistent and not see much else. If I did interact more, I would always tag these regular posts with ‘#not pokemon’ so if you block posts then you shouldn’t see them!
Anyway, thank you so much all those who’ve been following me for a while and all those who found my blog in Hoenn! Tomorrow starts the next region: Starly! …because I also already did the starters! :D
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twistedmaiden · 1 year
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So I got this tiny kids My Little Pony sewing machine a while back and it’s super cute. I felt bad that the box was falling apart so bad cause I wanted to save it. But I don’t think its salvageable at this point... So instead I took some pics and cleaned them up and made some templates for mini versions!
I scaled them for 1/3 1/4 1/6 1/12 and 1/24. I haven’t made any yet so I don’t know how they will actually turn out but if anyone wants them I’ll add them under the cut. (Tho I might update the 1/12 and 1/24 scale I don’t know if how I tried to make the sewing machine look in the box will work that small... You’re supposed to cut out the black part for the opening)
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You should just be able to print them at 100% without margins if I did it correctly
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arcaneglitch · 4 months
🙌📕🍎🎵 for the ask game!
🙌What's a line or paragraph of yours that you're proud of?
god there's so many that I still really like but in honor of Technoblade, I'll choose one of the ones involving him
“You better not eavesdrop this time,” Techno warned after him, “Or I’ll eavesdrop you off the pier.” “Techno.” Phil’s voice was full of fond exasperation. Techno sighed, grumbling. “Fine, I might not do that… But keep your ears to yourself unless you wanna find out.”
my favorite lines/paragraphs are always either comedic or they hit hard emotionally and there's no in between
📕How do you feel about people printing your fics?
I'm 100% down with that! If printing my stories makes them more accessible or if people just wanna go full bookbinder, either way have at it ^-^ the only no-no would be selling printed versions or some shit
🍎What's something you learned while researching for a fic?
I learned quite a bit about the effectiveness of chloroform and what Hollywood got wrong regarding its use, namely, that it takes much longer to act than shown in movies/tv
🎵Do you make playlists for your fics?
absolutely! I don't make playlists for all of them, but if I'm settling into a long project (like Requiem or the DSMP Firefly AU) then I'll almost certainly make a playlist for it
ty for the asks! :]
fic writer ask game
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allographica · 2 years
Hi there! My name is Fay Roberts, and I’m the founder of Allographic Press, which has been running since August 2011.
In this post, I’ll be telling you a bit about Allographic, about the new initiative we’re launching this week, and how you can submit work to the next anthology.
And if this is all a bit much to read, we have a simplified checklist here.
About Allographic
Allographic’s founding aim, and continuing mission, is to platform the voices less heard, raising marginalised stories into mainstream view as much as possible. So far we’ve mostly achieved that through open mic guest artists, hosting special performances, supporting the Other Voices show at Edinburgh Fringe (intersectional feminist spoken word cabaret), and focusing mostly on publishing single collections by people of marginalised identities.
New Venture
Now we want to go a step further, bringing back the Small Word anthologies we used to do, and theming them for a variety of experiences less explicitly well-represented on the publishing scene in the UK. The initial plan is for them to come out quarterly, in limited runs of 100 printed copies of A6 pamphlets, plus using ebook technology on a variety of platforms, to make the work more accessible. Please follow this blog and our various social media outlets, for news of the anthologies as they come up.
Submit to the anthology
So, to kick off, we’ll be producing an anthology based around the notion of neurodiversity – whether that’s autism, ADD/ADHD, synaesthesia, dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia, hyperlexia, Tourette’s Syndrome, or any of the other experiences that sit under the banner of neurodivergence – we want to publish your poems, stories, essays, photos, and original artwork (though please note that the latter two will be in black-and-white in the print versions). Please note that, for the purposes of this publication, self-diagnosis is perfectly valid as a basis for writing about the experience of neurodivergence. The working title for the anthology is currently Synaptic Resonance, but we’re definitely open to alternatives if you come up with something better!
Submit via this form.
The deadline for submission is 28-Feb-23; we’ll be closing the form at midnight on 1-Mar-23 (GMT), with an aim to publish at the beginning of April 2023, with an online launch event shortly afterwards. It’s free to enter, and, if your work is selected, you’ll receive a free copy of the printed pamphlet and ebook. As with all these themed anthologies, we’ll be asking about your personal connection to the theme, as we’ll be prioritising selecting the work of folk who are neurodivergent themselves in this instance. The limit on entries is 3 pieces, with no limit on length (though we may reserve the right to publish an excerpt with a link to the full version online, especially for essays/ stories, etc.), and each piece must be submitted in its own separate file (see form for details – MS Word, ODT, and RTF files are fine, ditto PNG and JPG for artwork, but no pdfs). If you submit more than one piece per file, we will ignore anything beyond the first piece. Please note that for poetry and prose we are after pieces that are completely or mostly written in the English language, as we currently do not have the means to proofread other languages beyond Google Translate! You should hear within two weeks of the closing date whether your piece has been selected. Please note that we do not have the capacity to give feedback on individual pieces at this time, and we will not be accepting unsolicited manuscripts, or submissions via any means but the form provided, mostly because we’re a tiny team and there have to be some limits!
Please note that, if you want to ensure that we experience your poems (especially concrete poems) in the format/ layout you intend them, it will be best to download our template and submit your files based on that.
Link to docx template
Link to doc template
Link to odt template
If your images include text, please try to use the Verdana font, as that’s what we’ll be using, for the sake of accessibility and consistency. Likewise, we’ll be asking you to supply image descriptions for any visual work you submit so that we can embed that in the ebook versions to improve accessibility.
So, talk to us about the trials and tribulations of communication and executive dysfunction; the joys and marvels of a brain that sparkles in dark places and sees the usual rules as guidelines at best. We want to hear everything, from across the spectrum (yep, we went there) of experience.
We look forward to seeing what you’ve got for us!
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Image from a blog post from Hult Business School, entitled Thinking differently: Researching neurodiversity in the workplace
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sgokie2024 · 4 months
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“So, there I was, age 44. I was still dunking french fries at Brasserie Les Halles, which I thought was a pretty good gig at the time.
But there was this little free paper they gave out on corners in a little box called The New York Press. I thought, I’m going to write something that will entertain other cooks, maybe I’ll get a hundred bucks, and my fry cook will find this funny. So, I wrote that first piece, that first version of [Kitchen Confidential] with the intention of being published by the New York Press and making 100 bucks, and being a hero to a few fry cooks in New York.
I wrote it and I sent it to The New York Press… So, every week I’d run to the corner. ‘Oh, I’m gonna be in the free paper!’ and I wasn’t in there. And, in a moment of frustration and possible inebriation, I mentioned this to my mom who said, ‘Well, you should send it to The New Yorker. I know somebody there. They’ll read it.’ And I’m thinking, what is the statistical likelihood ever, even if you’re represented? There’s no chance. Ever.
Out of alcohol-fueled hubris and on the insistence of my mom, I stuffed a copy, a print of this thing I’d written into an envelope and sent it off to The New Yorker, and thought that’s the last I will ever hear of this. Then, a month and a half later, the kitchen phone rings, and it’s David Remnick, the publisher from The New Yorker saying we’d like to run this piece.
And when it ran, it transformed my life within two days... Everything changed. Everything. From that point on.”
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eBay Rant
Boy, oh, boy do I have a juicy eBay rant coming your way.
 So, I’ve been buying on eBay since 2016 and never run into major issues with sellers.
 The stupidest seller I ever came across was one such person who thought it smart to ship me a *porcelain* doll in a cardboard box with no outer protection, and of course, she broke into a million pieces and I basically got her for free, lol. I never thought anyone could be more stupid than that.
 But this one takes the cake.   🎂
 So, I’m looking at this from two sides—as a buyer and a seller. I’m also a part-time seller myself. I don’t sell very often because I don’t have too much to sell; but if I want to downgrade and need the money, I’ll part with a few items in my own collection. I usually sell occasional doll items and have never had a major issue with buyers (I’ve had more issues with Facebook Marketplace than eBay), but naturally, if a customer had a complaint, I would not have responded in the way this bloke did.
Well, there’s a first for everything, right?
I’ve been buying and collecting high quality photos of old Hollywood stars for some time now and I purchased a Don Knotts photo on Sunday, January 1 (Don Knotts is one of my faves and I have quite a collection on him). The photo finally arrived on Monday, January 9 but unfortunately, it was not the high quality I expected. The seller claimed in the item description that the photo was from an original negative from a film print of a Steve Allen show episode (which are hard to find; only a few episodes exist on DVD). But naturally, the old Steve Allen shows (as most old tv shows back in the 50s) were not on film. They typically ‘’filmed’’ live using a process called kinescope, which is not tape or film, and the quality tends to be very low (you’ll notice any Steve Allen show episodes uploaded to YouTube are very poor quality, because that was the low, cheap quality they processed the show to be shown on the very small tv screens; there is no high definition version that exists, even with restoration. The quality looks worse on our big flat screens, something that was not very noticeable back then on small tube television sets in the 50s). But judging by the seller photo, it looked like it might be a higher quality glossy that I’m used to. I’ve also purchased some photos from the Red Skelton Hour that also used the same process of The Steve Allen Plymouth Show, but they were actual stills used to advertise the show in the newspapers at the time, so the quality was better. So, that’s what I was expecting, more or less.
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 But I get a photo that looks like this:
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And to be fair, that is the quality of the videos you will see, but the seller photo just made me think otherwise.  Normally, I don’t buy items from sellers who are too cheap to afford a basic scanner to scan their items, because it’s hard to rely on crappy cell phone pictures that don’t determine what the photo will look like in person, but I decided to take a chance, because you know… I’m a simple man. If I see Don Knotts, I click, lol. And I’m a big fan of The Steve Allen Show.
 The seller, despite only being on eBay since January 2022, also had good reviews from buyers (I always review their profile and reviews before buying, if I haven’t bought from them before just to make sure they’re okay). He was at 100% when I bought the photo but more on that later.
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So, to make a long story longer, I requested a refund on the day of delivery (January 9). I stated why I was returning the item when I opened the refund request. The seller responded on Tuesday, January 10. First red flag was that he did not use pleasantries. ‘’Hi, how are you? May I ask why you are returning the photo?’’ That’s how I would respond.
 No, here was his abrupt response. And terrible grammar to boot (no punctuation at the end of his sentence, but I’m not here to be a Grammar Nazi).
 ‘’What is wrong with the photo?’’
  (And I’ve blocked my name but really this seller does not deserve to be protected for privacy reasons; he is a cautionary tale for anyone on eBay.)
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But another thing that was strange, too, was that I have returned some photos before in the past or requested refunds for photos that were not to my standards, and the sellers were always polite and very rarely ever asked questions about my returns. They always refunded me promptly. There’s really no reason for a seller to ask, ‘’What’s wrong with the photo?’’ Buyers don’t necessarily need a reason for a refund; sometimes they change their mind. Yes, I’m aware of buyer scams, but I’ve cancelled orders before for buyers who just had their own reasons for no longer wanting the item. It isn’t my business to ask. For instance, someone wanted to buy an American Girl Doll from me and changed their mind at the last minute because they had a surgery coming up. Understandable. I moved on to the next interested buyer. The less you ask of your buyers, the better. They don’t need to explain themselves. If they don’t like it or it doesn’t match the item description, they have a right to return it.
 I wanted a refund for an item I thought was going to be higher quality, but I got a very fuzzy, blurry photo. It wasn’t the seller’s fault; it just wasn’t what I expected.
 Well, this guy has only been on eBay since January 2022 (and he’s not just a seller, but also a buyer; in fact, he has more reviews as a buyer than a seller, five pages worth, and he only had seven reviews as a seller at the time I bought the photo), so I should’ve known right off the bat he’s a newbie who isn’t familiar with the standard eBay procedure in how to deal with customers.
 But in my experience, the sellers NEVER directly message me to ask me questions about why I’m returning the item or requesting a refund. I always state why when I make the request.
 I always maintain cordiality no matter how rude the person I’m dealing with (I’ve worked customer service for years, so I’m used to it), so I just responded with an honest answer. I always try to treat sellers the way I would want my buyers to treat me. Most buyers would just yell at the seller for no apparent reason.
 The seller seemed to soften after I kindly explained the issue and only then, did he start to use pleasantries. Because see? Niceness goes a long way. Usually if you’re nice about it, they’ll be nice right back. Usually.
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 Well, he clearly stated that I did not need to return the photo and that he would give me a full refund on Wednesday evening (January 11). Good. I thought the matter was solved and I wouldn’t have to worry about it. I received a notification via email that the seller accepted my return. eBay did send me a shipping label to return the item, but again, the seller told me to keep it, and I did not want to waste more money sending it back anyway (the item was $10, and shipping was $10. With tax, the total came to be $20.84, for a photo that was not very good to begin with), so I hoped the seller would keep his promise and refund me ASAP.
 Come Wednesday evening, there’s no refund. I waited a few days and heard no response from the seller, so I reached out again on Monday, January 16. Most buyers wouldn’t even wait this long.
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 The seller did not respond so I reached out again the following Wednesday, January 18. I never heard a response. Again, the seller promised he would refund me LAST Wednesday. It had been over a week now. I think I gave him more than enough time to issue me that refund. I also saw him listing new items on his store between the time I messaged him three times, so he was clearly more preoccupied with his own business than actually assisting a customer. He was ignoring all my messages. I was not a priority to him.
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 I wasn’t sure if I should wait for his response, but I was starting to think I was never going to see that $20 again. My first mistake was not asking eBay Customer Support to step in, but they gave me a message on the 9th when I opened the case that they would only be available to help until January 13, so it was already past the window for me to contact them, and I couldn’t figure out how to contact them through the website directly anyway (there was a number to call which I should have tried, and their live chat wasn’t very useful either). In all my years buying on eBay, I never had to escalate a return case to eBay Customer Support because the sellers always resolved the issue in a timely manner and never ignored my inquiries. Frankly, I just wasn’t sure what to do next. This seller was purposely giving me a hard time.
 So, I was admittedly losing patience now and reached out to PayPal directly on Wednesday, January 18 (PayPal always refunds me for merchants who refuse to do so). I gave them all my documentation. I explained the issue and provided them with screenshots of my eBay order, the conversation I had with the seller showing that he clearly promised me a refund, and an Account Statement that detailed my credit (showing date of purchase, the order ID, and the card I used to pay for the item).
 On Thursday, January 19, I left a negative review for the seller because he ignored all my messages and I think I waited long enough for him to respond, and if he just issued me a refund in the first place like he said he would, I wouldn’t have to be going through all this. This is also the first negative review I've ever had to write up simply because I never had to before. I prefer not to write them if I can avoid it, but this experience has been very trying. Most buyers would just go straight to the reviews and start lashing out at the seller before contacting the seller first, but I think I followed all the steps. I contacted the seller first, chatted politely with him in private, and agreed to settle the issue, so there was no reason for me to write a negative review, and that’s usually how I go about it. I’ve only written maybe two neutral reviews (which one seller had eBay remove and another asked me to change to positive after he refunded me the difference for overcharged shipping), but otherwise, I try to avoid it. I’m not out to ruin a seller’s perfect 100% rating on purpose. But this seller did not handle the issue properly and I think I gave him a fair chance. I also worded my review as kindly as possible despite my frustration. His rating is now down to 99.1% (not counting the false positives he’s received as a buyer from other sellers but more on that later).
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 After reviewing the details of my case, on Tuesday, January 24, PayPal denied my case because I accidentally deleted the PayPal receipt, and I wasn’t able to recover the file from my email because it was more than 7 days ago. PayPal did give me from Tuesday, January 24 to Friday, January 27 to provide them the additional documentation of my receipt, but there was no way to recover it. All I had was the Account Statement to show proof of credit. They said ‘’because we never received documentation that proves you are due a credit’’ they unfortunately had to deny me. Because I reached out to PayPal, the Return was automatically closed on eBay on the 18th. Well, I was a little disappointed they didn’t see my side. It was the first time PayPal denied me.
 It’s mostly my fault because it’s the first time I’ve failed to save the PayPal receipt. I usually always archive them in my emails when I place the order and save the receipt until the order arrives in case I need a refund, but I guess I just wasn’t thinking. Oh well. I had 10 days to appeal my case to PayPal, but since I can’t recover the receipt, I decided not to pursue the refund further and let it go. Sure, I’m short $20 now but I know for the future to just save the receipts and ask eBay to step in first. It’s not really a big deal, just a lesson to be learned.
 I thought about disputing the charge directly through my bank or credit card company, but it’s such a hassle to go through all that for $20. If the charge was more, I would consider it, but I also don’t want the bank to think I’m attempting to commit ‘’friendly fraud’’ so again, I just decided to let it go. Life’s too short to worry about stuff like that. It’s not worth the aggravation and I have more important things to worry about.
 On the same day PayPal closed my case, I did manage to reach out to eBay Customer Service via Facebook messenger (which I should have done in the first place) to just to double check if there wasn’t anything more they could do. They were very sympathetic to my case, but they explained because ‘’a dispute was opened with PayPal. Once this happens, it would take precedence over our claims process, and we would no longer have the ability to issue a refund on the order. It definitely isn't that we don't want to help, our hands are just tied. If you haven't already, I would encourage you to reach out to PayPal and see if the case can be appealed, or what other options they may have to help. We hope this is resolved soon.’’
 So, that was that, and I just decided to let it go because there was nothing else to be done, and I didn’t think more of it. That was four days ago.
So, this morning, I see the seller messaged me at 11 AM, practically harassing me over the negative review I left for him. Like I need more stress in my life, lol.
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Sorry, I’m lmfao right now, this is so rich.
  🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
And, oh the awful grammar. Dude, please do yourself a favor and go back to school. I’m losing brain cells trying to make sense of this.
 Something’s wrong with me? Mmkay. No, I think something is wrong with you. I asked you three times for a refund, and you chose to ignore me. You do realize it’s been three weeks, right? Or can’t you tell time?
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  First off, I did not ‘’keep the photo free of charge.’’ lol what? 🤣 I paid appx. $20.84 for the photo that you NEVER REFUNDED, so you basically kept my $20 for yourself. Even if I printed out the return label to ship it back to you, you probably STILL would not have refunded me, and I would have been short even more money than I already am right now. (I’d return it now, but I no longer have the shipping label, and I doubt anyone would want this crummy photo. The 2 bids you see were both placed by the Gixen Mirror service on my behalf. There was no other competition.)
 Also, sorry I wasted YOUR precious time sending you three messages, two of which you ignored, and having to go through PayPal and having them review my case for an additional week. Yes, I clearly wasted YOUR time. 🤣 Dude, really. It’s been 20 days since I opened the return on the 9th, and it’s been 18 days since I last heard from you. I gave you more than enough time to refund me, which you failed to do.
 I’m sorry, I just can’t right now. XD I honestly think this guy is brain damaged. Ngl
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(Also, a funny thing happened when he shipped me the item. He assumed I was married (for some reason???) and addressed me on the envelope as ‘’Mrs. So-and-So.’’ Like… you *never ever* assume a woman’s marital status, or *anyone’s* marital status for that matter, like for real… I didn’t let it bother me, but still, it was hilarious. I don’t think he’s very smart.)
  🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
In all seriousness, I did not think my review was unfair. I only stated I'd been waiting for a refund the seller promised since January 11. I understand, of course, if he was busy filling other orders, but I gave him more than enough time to refund me and sent him two additional follow-up messages, one on January 16 and another on the 18th and he never responded to my inquiries. He's just now responding.
 I just think it’s ridiculous that I’d been waiting for him to refund me since January 11, and, even if he was busy, he could have temporarily set aside his orders for a measly minute. I’m sure it doesn’t take nearly as long to send a refund. It took him six days to ship my order, so he’s clearly in no rush to fill orders. There was no reason for him not to take two minutes out of his day to issue me a refund. Most sellers I’ve dealt with in the past issued me a refund in no more than three days at most. He intended to drag this out longer than necessary. Also, the cordial thing for him to do, if he was so busy, was to reply to my messages explaining he would get back to me as soon as possible, and I would’ve understood. I’m aware sellers have lives outside of eBay, but usually if there’s a delay for whatever reason, a *good* seller will always keep me informed.
 A *good* seller cares about customer satisfaction, as in responding to customer inquiries at your earliest convenience. If it were me filling a refund request, I would not wait weeks and weeks to get them their money. I would do so right away. And if life happens, just reach out. I basically did all the work messaging the seller regarding the issue. He did not have the common courtesy to reach out to me and explain why it was taking him so long.
One time, I messaged a seller to ask when they would ship an item after a week had gone by since placing the order, and they responded by saying their wife had suddenly passed away and there would be a slight delay in shipping, and of course I understood, and wished them sympathy and simply told them to take all the time they needed. Another time, a seller informed me they were out-of-town on vacation and would ship my item as soon as they returned, and I wished them a good trip and there was no rush. I received both items as promised from these sellers who were kind enough to take the time to explain the delay. This seller, however, did not bother telling me he was busy filling other orders, so how was I to know? Also, a few more reviews were left for him from other buyers a few weeks AFTER I opened my return case, so he should have refunded me first before he filled other orders. Why keep me waiting? And he only had until January 31st before eBay closed the Return. Why wait until the last minute? I feel like he was doing so on purpose, lol. There was absolutely no communication with him. Most sellers will ghost you if you agree on a refund. Sometimes, they say they will refund you and never follow through, and just keep your money, so naturally I assumed I’d been ghosted.
 Again, he just didn’t go about this the right way. If you say you will issue me a refund on January 11, but there’s a delay for whatever reason, he should have reached out to me. Again, I waited several days before reaching out to him, trying to give him time to respond. I tried to follow up with two additional messages which went completely ignored, so at that point, there was no more excuse. The fact that he’s just NOW responding to me on Saturday, January 28, 11 days after the Return was closed by eBay and four days after PayPal closed my case, it just says enough about this seller in general. Obviously, a procrastinator. It shouldn’t take you nearly a whole month to give a customer’s money back. JMO
 I always maintained cordiality and never resorted to threats, so I'm not sure why he feels the need to threaten me now. I have since blocked him, but I did reach back out to eBay Customer Support on Messenger and showed them this seller is going out of his way to harass me. I've been buying on eBay since 2016 and never encountered a character quite like this one. No buyer has ever left me a negative review either because I always try to be reasonable and understanding. I don't want to cause any more trouble, I'm just letting them know this eBay seller is prone to harassing his customers and I just hope he doesn't treat other customers in similar fashion in the future.
 So, eBay did respond and said, ‘’Thank you! You're completely entitled to your feedback, and you don't have to delete it. We'll go ahead and report the seller on our end so our Trust team can take appropriate action based on their findings. On your end, I recommend not engaging with this user further. Please keep us in the loop and let us know if you run into any other issues, we're here to help.’’
 So, I hope nothing more comes of this and this guys just quietly goes away.
I did investigate him further and found out, as a buyer, he has several false positives from other sellers. He’s had at least four complaints from four different sellers for failing to pay for items, despite their constant notices and reminders. I wish I looked into him further before buying from him, because obviously, if he has an issue paying sellers, then he surely has an issue refunding his customers. But I probably wouldn’t have taken that into account, since I rarely request refunds and rarely experience issues with my items. I’m not sure if anything was done about it, apart from the orders being cancelled, or if these sellers tried to contact eBay’s Trust team to report him, but I’m just putting it out there. Unfortunately, sellers cannot leave negative feedback for buyers, so if a seller experiences an issue with buyers, and they leave a review, it will just be counted as a false positive. I wish I’d read all the reviews thoroughly. So, despite his generally positive reviews from other buyers, I wouldn’t let this deter you. He clearly has issues when it comes to money, whether it’s paying on time or issuing a refund.
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If you ever deal with him, proceed with caution.
 I will say this whole experience has given me weeks long headaches and an upset stomach, but I also won’t say it wasn’t at least remotely entertaining. Shakespeare would’ve loved this kind of drama.
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yosukezine · 1 year
What is this zine?
This is a safe for work, for charity zine focused on Yosuke Hanamura from Persona 4. Our goal is to release on June 22, 2024, on Yosuke’s birthday!
Who is moderating the zine?
Kino: “Hey I’m Kino, I’ll be the mod leading the zine. This will be my first time as a mod, but I have experience printing books and selling art at conventions.“ Kino will be handling social media posting, graphics, formatting, finance and shipping. You can reach Kino at @moeggoi on Tumblr and Twitter.
Cat: "You may have seen me previously as head mod of the new york times best seller Seasons of Souyo: A Souyo Zine. I also use my day job to spread the Yosuke agenda (works in book publishing)." Cat will be handling admin, schedule, and digital purchases. You can find cat at @catnatch on Tumblr and Twitter.
Ribbons: "This is my first time helping out with a zine. I’m excited to see what everyone makes!!" Ribbons will be handling community moderation. You can find ribbons at @aibyoutachi on Tumblr and @_catgirls on Twitter.
Will there be ships in this zine?
As a sfw zine, implied shipping is ok, but the focus should be on Yosuke. The exception would be shipping characters outside of the Persona universe—sorry no Cars AU haha.
How will the zine be available?
Right now to keep logistics easier, the plan is to only have digital options for non participants. If there are extra physicals after all contributors have received a copy, then there will be either open sales or raffle sales to folks who have bought a digital version. This decision will largely be based on the interest check and how many copies are left.
How many contributors are in the zine?
Our goal is to have 4 writers, and 16 artists. 
Both writers and artists will be given up to 2 pages.
For writers: this means 1000 words ideal, 1500 max (short/drabble)
For artists: can choose between a single page (8.5” x 5.5”) or a spread (8.5" x 11")
What’s the zine going to look like?
The digital will be a preview version of what we anticipate the risograph printing to look like. The physical will be a 8.5" x 5.5" 2-color risograph printed zine, with an estimate of 32 pages (including the cover). For printing nerds, more information:
We’re printing locally!
Domstar Cougar cream, 65lb cover, 70lb text
Saddle stitch stapling
2-colors Sunflower and Florescent Pink
How will contributors be compensated?
Each contributor will receive a copy of the zine. If we sell remaining stock, profits will first go to paying zine production costs and contributor shipping. Any excess will go to the charity of choice.
In the event that we have sales, we will have a public link to a finance sheet.
What charity will be donated to? And how do I purchase a digital copy?
For digital purchases, we will set up instructions where you pay to your charity of choice directly. We want to highly encourage folks to donate to their own community based on a theme (for example LGBTQ+). Folks will then send a receipt (with any identifying and sensitive information redacted) to our email. The donation must be made during the window of time we specify for digital “sales”. 
There will also be a suggested alternative charity that will be decided with all the contributors at a later date. 
Why such a complicated system?
One reason is taxes (a lot of money is lost through sales tax). The other reason is that you can ensure that 100% of your money is going straight to your community, as oppose to larger charities that often times are U.S.A. or Western focused. 
How will you pay for the physical zine for contributors without sales?
Straight out of my pocket, which is why for the next question…
How can I be a contributor?
This zine will be limited to friends, friends of friends, and to Yosuke lovers™ invited to the zine. In the future, after more experience, I’d love to handle a project that has open applications. 
What’s the schedule?
June to July: Interest check
Aug to Nov: Creation 
Dec: Formatting
Jan to March: Printing
April: Shipping for contributors
May: Digital preorders
June 22, 2024: Digital release
Any questions not answered here? Feel free to contact us at [[email protected]]. 
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arrjaysketch · 1 year
Future Plans! (September Update)
COMMISSIONS (UPDATE) I presently have no idea when I’ll open for commissions at this point! I really want to tackle personal projects first. REFERENCE SHEETS Presently, I have seven male characters left to do for this round! The characters are Graphite Doodles my unicorn stallion, Chris the mouse, Evan the rabbit, Kyle my red fox, Gabriel the squirrel, Trevor Dawson my wolf, and Bud Blaze, my MLP earth pony! There will be more coming at some future point; I really want to establish my characters! Having references available has been really helpful! It takes about two weeks to finish these reference sheets. Sometimes I can finish them earlier; I’m hoping to finish these by the end of 2023! TRADES & GIFT ART I’m thinking about doing gift art and trades sometime in 2024! I don’t have a set date in mind; I mostly want to work on some personal projects first and then see how I feel!  EXPRESSION PROJECT Something I’ve been wanting to do for a long time is a better version of the 25 Expression Challenge. I’ve done a few challenges a long time ago, and I know I’ve done one recently-ish with Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. BUT! I haven’t done one when I’ve had this much self-esteem, self-compassion, and self-efficacy! Like, I feel like I could push myself well beyond what I’ve done before! I’m making a 100 Expression Challenge! You all are in for a treat! I might work on this at the same time as Tremmie and Evan series! TREMMIE & EVAN SERIES While I’m working on the 100 Expression Challenge, I want to dive into a passion project I’ve been wanting to start for 15 YEARS. I’m going to have a Tremmie and Evan sex romp series/comic! It’s going to be everything from sweet, silly, to hot and heavy and gooey! I want to give myself a fun challenge, and I think y’all would love it as much as I do! SOFT SHADING I’m also planning on dinking around with soft shading in 2024! I think I could make my art really pop with some quality shading and lighting! POSSIBLY SELLING SOME OLD CHARACTERS AS ADOPTABLES I am thinking of selling some characters as adoptables! There are 13 characters of mine that I'm never going to draw again, and I’m not going to combine them nor redesign them. I was thinking of making a ref sheet for each and selling the characters! The characters are: Callisto the skadger (skunk badger (spoken for), Sheila the Ringtail, Helen the spotted skunk, Heather the hedgevixen, Mindy the otter, Shazzy the felox (feline/fox), Brook the swift fox, Yasmine the red fox, Jessica/Jessie the arctic fox, Ian the whitetail buck, Liam the jackal, Nemo the snow leopard) and Natalia (striped skunk, formerly Natasha, and unrelated to Jim Hardimans’s Natasha),Todd Vickson, the [undecided] fox. I was also thinking I’d probably due ¾ front view and ¼ back view, and 1 fully clothed view, instead of the 5 views I’m doing for my own characters. I’m thinking I’ll do this sometime much later in 2024. FUTURE REFERENCE SHEETS (LATE 2023) I realized that there are also characters I wish to keep! There are 10 characters in addition to the above that I want to do ref sheets for. Some are my wife Mistletoe's characters! She's not involved with the fandom anymore, but we fully support each other's interests! She sees how happy my characters make me and still likes furry and MLP art! (The characters are: Betsy, the arctic wolf (may change her name), Celeste the genet, Holly Graham, the red Scottish vixen, Josh the striped skunk, Marissa the mouse, Miriam the mouse (thinking of a new design!), Mistletoe the snowshoe hare, Rose Bunny the arctic hare, Josh, the striped skunk, and possibly bringing back Tremaine, but as a simple red fox, not a hedgefox). This will probably be late 2024. POSSIBLE ART PACKS: Instead of a printed portfolio (10 images printed on cardstock with a cardstock cover), I was thinking of doing two art packs I’d sell online! Printing, shipping, and storing physical merch is a huge pain, so I figure I’d sell it online! II am thinking of Poking At Vixens 4: Revisiting The Classics and Poking at Vixens 5: Vixens Poke Back! FUTURE CHARACTER SERIES IDEAS! In no particular order with no set date, yet! How Sherri the negaskunk met Kyle the fox Kyle being seduced by Cindy the kitsune Evan and Bridget  Chris and Andrea Bridget and Andrea Chris and Evan A very soft, sweet, and steamy series involving Bud Blaze the stallion being very attentive to Boninie the cow gal! Sherri introducing Kyle to Bridget and Andrea PONIES I still love My Little Pony a whole danged lot! I’m absolutely expecting to draw more ponies from here until the end of time! I’ve been into ponies (1984) way longer than furry fandom (1996); I still love both fandoms a whole lot! I want to do art ranging from general audiences to smutty!  HUMANS Re-uploading my old art on my Tremaine account back in 2018 made me realize how much I missed drawing humans! There are a bunch of artists whose humans really inspire me, and I absolutely want to practice drawing them! Once I feel I’ve got some decent progress made I’ll share some art! LEARNING NEW STUFF And, of course, I’m hoping to keep learning new things all the time! Goodness knows I’ve already learned so much since I started back on this path in May! Self-esteem, self-compassion, and self-efficacy have helped me a great deal in learning to take constructive criticism better, as well as learning to self-criticize with the aim of improving my art! I feel like as long as I make “having fun” a priority, everything else is so much easier! DISCORD SERVER (MAYBE, EVENTUALLY, BUT NOT RIGHT NOW) Definitely not at this time, but it’s something I’ll consider for the future! I’d like to be more active art-wise and grow my community significantly more before I go that route! STREAMING! I am also planning on streaming eventually. My real concern is being able to split my attention between drawing and a chat! I think I’ll start after I’m done with my initial round of character reference sheets! I do want to watch more streams, too, but I still have the same problem! I pretty much ignore the stream to focus on my own art. I feel like this is a thing I’ll need to jump into and play by ear, so to say!
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mittensmorgul · 2 years
So i said at new year’s that my goal this year was to figure out typesetting and bookbinding, because I really wanted to bind my own books. Well I finished my first typesetting project and I’m in the process now of assembling the rest of the things I need to finish printing and binding it. I want huggable copies of all my words, and not only that but BEAUTIFUL huggable copies.
I started with Project Beyonce (which means I’ve also finally gone back and removed all the annoying extra commas lolol). I intend to do the same for the rest of the Tumblr Anonymous series too, as soon as I’ve gone through finishing this one. I haven’t decided if I’ll also format a version for professional printing, like I did with Write First Then Read, but when I’ve finished the entire series, I’ll at least consider it.
Meanwhile, I was at the fabric store a few weeks ago and saw some adorable bee-themed fabric that I didn’t buy, but now 100% regret that failure and intend to go back over there monday in hopes they still have some in stock because it would be PERFECT for this book...
Meanwhile meanwhile, if you’ve read and enjoyed Project Beyonce in the past, the version on ao3 now is a lot better edited :’D
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my-humble-abode · 2 years
This is for @heir-of-the-chair​, who was curious about my RwD binder!
It’s all digital for the moment, because a) I don’t want to print out new versions of all the character stuff after s3 comes out, and b) I started it right at the end of the school year, and I don’t have a printer, so I’m going to have to wait until school starts again at the end of January to be able to print anything on the school printer anyway.
Let the tour begin, I guess
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This is the whole folder - we’ve got extra little folders for analysis and breakdowns of things, character profiles of NPCs and PCs, folders for my silly little sketches and fics (both of which are so self-indulgent that I probably won’t share them tbh, but honestly? who knows. also maybe i’ll draw/write something that i’m more inclined to share at a later date), then you’ve got theories, which is currently empty, but will probably be filled very quickly the second the first episode of s3 drops, and then the final folder is the in-progress transcripts of all the episodes.
There are also just some documents with my personal favourite moments from the show, the descriptions of their gala outfits (for possible drawing purposes later, especially Dani), an incredibly quick domino effect meme I made (which I’m happy to share if someone wants it) and then my personal modern headcanons for the crew (which I may also share if anyone is interested).
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These are all the NPCs that I currently have profiles for - either because they’re really interesting, I love them, we have a lot of information for them or they’re somewhat important to any of the characters. You can see that some of them (Cressida and Elyse, my beloveds) have had more work done to them than others and that is because a) we have a fair bit of information for those two and b) I love them. There are a couple of important NPCs that aren’t here, mostly from s2, and the reason for that is because we don’t really know a whole lot about them, and definately not enough to fill a profile with. Mystra isn’t there yet, and neither is any of VR-LA’s old crew, because anything on any of those is entirely reliant on whatever happens in s3.
NPC character profiles include the character’s name, their race, their resident wierd little dude (if they have one - this is basically just Cressida and also maybe Hira? undecided on whether to count the frost salamander as a wierd little dude or not. also not 100% on if Lula counts, so), their appearance, personality, any character arc they may have (this one is particularly for Ione and Elyse, both of whom have some fairly major events and changes that we see), any relationships they may have with the rest of the crew or other characters, any noteable magic items/characteristics/quotes and, if known, their plane of origin, max HP, AC, alignment and age.
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The character profiles for PCs are broken down further into one-shot PCs and guests, and the crew of the Per Aspera.
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One-shot PCs and guests includes exactly who you thought it would: the Curse of the Amulet gang and our boy Hans. Yes, the Curse of the Amulet gang have last names, no, none of them are there, yes that is because I both keep forgetting to write them down and also I don’t know how to spell some of them. Also, yeah, most of the Curse of the Amulet crew haven’t been worked on yet, this binder is still a definite work in progress. I will get there though, I swear!
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The crew of the Per Aspera is also very self-explainatory regarding who it includes, it is our main four PCs. Dani’s is the largest so far because her’s was the first one I made, and so, while it is also unfinished, it has had a bit more work put into it than the other three.
PC profiles include the exact same information as NPC profiles, but they also include who plays a character, a character’s class and a lot more detail, especially in the backstory department.
Like I said, the drawing and fic is just for me, and the theories folder is empty, so I’m not going to be putting screenshots of those in.
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The transcripts folder is very organised, with a folder for level-ups, one-shots, Q and As and a folder for each season (although s3 is obviously empty right not). Each transcript includes a description of the episode up top, as well as a list of NPCs that make an appearance. In terms of completion, s1 ep1 is the only one with any real progress made, I’m about half an hour in, and it is taking approximately forever.
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There’s the beginning of ep1, if anyone is curious as to how I’m formatting those.
But yeah, that’s basically the whole will-be binder! (I do have a physical binder to put them in, it’s just not with me right now, so no photo of that, I’m afraid). Happy to share specific things or give more detail or any of that jazz if people are interested, but. Yeah!
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